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1 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR 2012 Law ley Pub li ca tions. All Rights Re served. VOL 26, NO 1 FEB RU ARY 22, 2012 I-15 Ex press Lanes Open in San Diego Mov able Bar ri ers and Tolls Respond to Traf fic Flow California transportation officials say the pub lic reac tion has been pos i tive to the open ing of the I-15 Express Lanes (HOT lanes) in San Diego. The I-15 Express Lanes Pro ject, which opened last month, runs 20 miles from State Route 163 (SR-163) in San Diego to State Route 78 (SR-78) in Escondido. The $1 bil lion pro ject has been described as a free way within a free way and fea tures four express lanes which can be recon fig ured to accom mo date peak period traf fic demand with the use of mov - able bar ri ers. Con struc tion on the express lanes began in Novem ber 2003 and was con ducted in three phases. I-15 Cor ri dor Direc tor Gustavo Dallarda says using the mov able bar rier sys tem min i mized the num ber of new lanes needed for the pro ject and allows the express lane sys tem to respond to chang ing traf fic con di tions. With the mov able bar - rier, up to three express lanes can be opened to trav el ers in the peak direc tion and can also be used to keep traf fic mov ing dur ing inci dents and spe cial events. A Bar - rier Trans fer Machine uses an elec tronic guid ance sys tem cut into the pave ment for accu rate and auto matic place ment of the bar rier. The express lanes are free for cars with two or more occu pants, vanpools, motor - cy cles and per mit ted clean air vehi cles. Sin gle-occu pant vehi cles (SOVs) can travel in the lanes using the FasTrak elec - tronic toll ing sys tem. Tolls for SOVs are dynamic. The min i mum toll is 50 cents and the max i mum is $8. To help the flow of traf fic, the express lanes include inter me di ate access points (IAPs) to allow vehi cles to move between the express lanes and the main lanes at two- to three-mile inter vals. Dallarda says the express lanes also include four direct access ramps (DARs) that con nect the express lanes directly with tran sit cen ters Boul der Passes Ordi nance to Limit Bicy clists to 8 Miles per Hour at Cross walks Also Requires Pedes tri ans and Bicy clists to Acti vate Flash ing Lights Boul der s City Coun cil recently passed two unique ordi nances con cern ing bike speeds and pedes trian-acti vated flash ing sig nals in cross walks. They are amend - ments to the Boul der Revised Code (BRC), passed orig i nally in 1981, which reg u lates vehi cles and traf fic/park ing infrac tions. The two revi sions were for mally approved in Jan u ary and will go into effect Feb ru ary 16, A July 2010 study con ducted by City of and local com mu ni ties. He does not antic i - pate any extra con ges tion at access routes to inter changes along I-15 due to addi - tional vehi cles accom mo dated on I-15. Please turn to Page 10 Boul der staff pre sented acci dent data which show cyclists expe ri ence a col li sion rate with cars that is four times higher than the equiv a lent rate for pedes tri ans. This was alarm ing con sid er ing roughly equal num bers of bikes and pedes tri ans (9.9 per - cent and 8.3 per cent, respec tively) make up the mode share on Boul der streets. Addi tion ally, of the col li sions that occurred at flash ing cross walks, 70 Please turn to Page 12 Inside Sur 13 Requests for Pro pos 21 Confer 22 A pedestrian crosswalk at 11th. Street in Boulder, CO, where cyclists' speeds will be limited to 8 m.p.h. and where pedestrians are required to activate flashing lights. (Photo: Courtesy of the City of Boulder)

2 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26, NO. 1 Page 2 Af ter 40 Years, San Fran cisco s BART Looks to Re in vest and Re in vent Plan ning for Fu ture Growth in Bay Area San Fran cisco s Bay Area Rapid Tran sit (BART) sys tem is look ing to the fu ture and study ing how it should change and grow in com ing years. Plan ning De part ment Man - ager Val Menotti says there are two ma jor rea sons for this plan ning ef fort, known as the metro con cept. First, BART cel e brates a sig nif i cant birth day this year as the sys tem turns 40 years old. Af ter four de cades, re in vest ment and up grades are vi tal. The sys tem has iden ti fied needs such as re plac ing and add - ing rail cars, mod ern iz ing sta tions, im - prov ing tracks and com mu ni ca tion sys - tems and enhancing capacity. Sec ondly, BART is re spond ing to the state s fo cus on re duc ing green house gas emis sions. A Cal i for nia law (SB 375) sets tar gets for re duc tions in green house gas in the com ing years. The 2008 leg is la tion sets a goal of cut ting emis sions from driv ing in the Bay Area by 7 per cent by 2020 and 15 per cent by 2035, and the state s 18 Met ro - pol i tan Plan ning Or ga ni za tions are work - ing to cre ate Sus tain able Com mu nity Strat e gies through in te grated land use and trans por ta tion plan ning. Menotti says that as the Bay Area starts to look at land use and trans por ta tion in vest ments, BART is eval u at ing what it can do since trans por ta - tion is a very significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. While much of this plan ning vi sion is ex pected to be com pleted by the fall, Menotti says it could ex tend to a year or 18 months. BART will work with groups such as the Met ro pol i tan Trans por ta tion Com - mis sion and Caltrain, as well as gather in - put from the pub lic. Menotti notes, We ll use mul ti ple chan nels to communicate. Plans call for the use of fo cus groups and ex pert pan els. A se ries of up to nine town hall meet ings are in the works. BART is also look ing at the use of so cial me dia tools and Webinars to gather in put. A key to the plan ning ef fort will be new land use pro jec tions that will soon be avail able to pro vide in sight into where and how the Bay Area is ex pected to grow. Menotti says there are three key con - cepts in the plan ning vi sion: ca pac ity, ser - vice, and cov er age. BART will look at the need to ex pand line-haul and sta tion ca - pac ity to ac com mo date growth. In the ser - vice area, plan ners will con sider the need for more show up and go ser vice so rid - ers don t have to worry about check ing sched ules. BART will also look into ways to speed com mute times and what trackway modifications may be needed for flex i bil ity and re cov ery. Cov er age considerations will include infill stations, in ward ex pan sion to re gional des ti na - tions, out ward ex pan sion of BART-technology limited to connecting re gional/high speed rail nodes and multi-modal service in key corridors. The metro con cept puts its em pha sis on in ward changes, such as add ing a sta tion along an ex ist ing line, more than ex pan - sion of the sys tem. Tran sit ori ented de vel - op ment be ing done on a re gional scale will be a con sid er ation in future plans. For more in for ma tion, visit: or con tact Jim Allison at (510) or BART trains at Cas tro Val ley in the San Fran cisco met ro pol i tan area. (Photo: Cour tesy of BART) The Urban Trans por ta tion Mon i tor, ISSN , is pub lished monthly, except dur ing Jan u ary and August (10 issues per year), by Law - ley Pub li ca tions, 6813 Jer e miah Ct., Fairfax Sta - tion, VA 22039, Tel: (703) , Fax: (703) , edi tors@lawleypub Sub scrip tions $295 per year. Peri - od i cals post age paid at Fairfax, VA. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to The Urban Trans por ta tion Mon i tor, P.O. Box 12300, Burke, VA The Urban Trans por ta tion Mon i tor pub lishes cur rent news on all modes and aspects related to urban trans por ta tion. Law ley Pub li ca tions is an inde pend ent and pri vately owned orga ni za tion. Copy right 2012, Law ley Pub li ca tions. All Rights Reserved. Repro duc tion, includ ing pho - to copy ing and fac sim ile or elec tronic trans mis - sion, in whole or in part with out writ ten per mis sion from the Edi tor is expressly pro hib ited. Law ley Pub li ca tions assumes no respon si bil ity or lia bil ity of any kind for the accu racy or com - plete ness of the infor ma tion herein, or for addi - tional or changed infor ma tion sub se quent to the date the mate rial was received and/or pub lished. Publisher/Editor: Dan iel B. Rathbone, Ph.D., P.E. Man ag ing Edi tor: Clarissa Reeves, M.Ed. Senior Edi tor/writer: Carol Ochs

3 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 3 HOT Lanes on Hold in Marin County Eco nom i c Fea si bil ity De pend ant on Con ver sion of Ex ist ing HOV-2 Lanes to HOT-3 Lanes For Which Pub lic Sup port is Lim ited The Trans por ta tion Au thor ity of Marin (TAM) has wrapped up a study into the vi - a bil ity of us ing high oc cu pancy toll (HOT) lanes to ease con ges tion along U.S. 101 and de cided against the lanes for now. In 2009 the TAM Board ap proved a Traf fic and Rev e nue Study and awarded $245,000 to Par sons Brinckerhoff to con - duct a lim ited scope study that in cluded a study of green house gases along with a ro - bust pub lic out reach pro cess. The study con sid ered 12 sce nar ios, rang ing from no HOT lanes to con vert ing ex ist ing HOV lanes to build ing new HOT lanes. Re - search ers de ter mined what the re turn would be at 4 per cent and 7 per cent fi nanc - ing costs in each of the sce nar ios. In the end, only three of the HOT sce nar ios were found to be economically viable. All three sce nar ios in volved con vert ing cur rent HOV lanes into HOT lanes. How - ever, TAM Ex ec u tive Di rec tor Dianne Steinhauser says the study found that HOT lanes would not be eco nom i cally fea si ble un less the oc cu pancy re quire ment for those not pay ing a toll in HOT lanes be in - creased from the ex ist ing HOV-2 to HOV-3. She adds that sim i lar con ver sions in other lo ca tions have proven un pop u lar with the pub lic, and thus, politically unpopular, too. Steinhauser cites I-10 in South ern Cal i - for nia as an ex am ple. She says that when two-per son carpool lanes were con verted to three-per son lanes, con ges tion in - creased im me di ately on the high way and some peo ple com pletely aban doned the idea of carpooling. When pub lic of fi cials got blasted by the pub lic for the de ci sion, the lanes were con verted back to HOV-2. Go ing into the study, Steinhauser says plan ners learned from their pub lic out - reach that there is a de sire to do more im - prove ments on U.S. 101 through Marin and into Sonoma. How ever, she notes, pub lic sur veys and fo cus groups prove peo ple are di vided on how to im prove. There was no over whelm ing sup port for the HOT lane idea. In fact, she says the pub lic was di vided roughly in thirds when it came to mak ing changes. One third said they may sup port HOT lanes. An other third wanted im prove ments, but didn t know how to go about it. The fi nal third fa vored more tra di tional sources of fund ing, such as property and income taxes. Ac cord ing to Steinhauser, this lack of pub lic clar ity and ner vous ness about throw ing out two-per son carpools is hold - ing back pub lic of fi cials. In terms of green - house gases, the study con cluded that HOT lanes would not make a sig nif i cant change in emis sions. The study was lim ited to qual - i ta tive level anal y sis. The im pact of HOT lanes on emis sions will be more fully de vel - oped if the pro ject pro ceeds to the development phase. That won t be hap pen ing any time soon. TAM Principal Project Delivery Manager Dan Cherrier says plan ners have not to - tally shelved the idea of HOT lanes, but they re tak ing a more wait-and-see ap - proach. He says more ar eas will be in tro - duc ing HOV-3 over the next sev eral years, and TAM may ven ture down that path our - selves af ter see ing how it works in other re gions and once HOV-3 be comes more the norm. Steinhauser says HOT lanes are re - garded partly as a traf fic man age ment tool and also as a rev e nue gen er a tor. If the HOT lane idea is re vis ited, she says it will be weighed against other types of user pay op tions such as in creases in the lo cal gas tax, re gional tolls, reg is tra tion fees or other new ideas. The lev els of fund ing from the state and fed eral gov ern ments will also fac tor into any de ci sions. The TAM ex ec u tive di rec tor says TAM is care fully watch ing what Con - gress is do ing with the fed eral trans por ta - tion bill and what Cal i for nia is do ing with state rev e nues. TAM also will be watch - ing how things are de vel op ing else where in the Bay Area and other re gions of the state and mon i tor their suc cess. For now, she says, the jury is out in the mind of elected officials as to whether HOT lanes will work in Marin. For more in for ma tion, visit: U.S. 101 in the a.m. peak pe riod in Lucas Val ley in the San Fran cisco met ro pol i tan area. (Photo: Cour tesy of the Trans por ta tion Au thor ity of Marin)

4 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 4 World s First Ur ban PRT to Carry 100,000 Pas sen gers a Day Pas sen ger Rapid Trans port Sys tem Com ing To In dia Work is get ting un der way on the world s first ur ban Pas sen ger Rapid Trans port (PRT) sys tem. The foun da tion stone for the 3.3 ki lo me ter el e vated guideway was laid in Amritsar, In dia re cently with pas - sen ger ser vice ex pected to be gin in late At peak ca pac ity, the Amritsar sys tem prom ises to carry up to 100,000 pas sen gers a day in more than 200 pods (PRT ve hi - cles) be tween seven sta tions. The Punjab gov ern ment awarded the PRT con tract to Ul tra Fairwood, which is a col lab o ra tion be tween Ul tra and Fairwood cre ated in 2010 to bring Ul tra technology to Asia. Amritsar is a his toric, walled city that dates back to It is home to the Golden Tem ple, which is the Sikhs ho li est shrine and can draw up to 500,000 peo ple on im por tant re li gious fes ti val days. Fra ser Brown, MD of Ul tra Global PRT says the new sys tem will fo cus on tak ing trav el ers from the rail way and bus sta tions to the Golden Temple. Due to pol lu tion con cerns, gas-pow - ered ve hi cles are not al lowed for the last mile around the Golden Tem ple. Most trav el ers cur rently get there by rick shaw or by mak ing the jour ney on foot in some - times scorch ing sum mer tem per a tures. The new PRT sys tem is de signed to help ease con ges tion in the area, save up to 30 min utes on the cur rent travel time to the tem ple and pro vide an air-conditioned ride. Please turn to Page 5 Heathrow Pod PRT Sys tem Win ning Praise Pas sen ger Re ac tion Very Pos i tive As Ul tra s Per sonal Rapid Tran sit (PRT) sys tem at Heathrow Air port nears its first an ni ver sary, the com pany says pas sen gers have been giv ing it rave re views. The air port sys tem, named the Heathrow Pod, went into op er a tion last April. It car ries pas sen gers along 2.4 miles of track from the Ter mi nal 5 Busi ness Car Park to the main ter mi nal. It in cludes three sta tions and car ries 21 vehicle pods. Ul tra says the PRT sys tem saves pas - sen gers 10 min utes com pared to the pre vi - Pods carry 1,300 pas sen gers per day 100 ous shut tle bus ser vice at the air port. Fra ser per cent of trav el ers in the area served. Brown, Ul tra Global PRT s man ag ing di - Ac cord ing to Ul tra, sur veys of air port rec tor, says the sys tem re moves 50,000 trav el ers have found a sig nif i cant in - shut tle bus jour neys per year and op er ates crease in cus tomer sat is fac tion for trans - us ing 70 per cent less energy than a car. por ta tion and for the over all air port ex pe ri - Ul tra re ports the av er age pas sen ger ence. Ul tra says pas sen gers have praised wait ing time for a pod is 10 sec onds and the awe some sci-fi nature of the system. 85 per cent of pas sen gers ex pe ri ence no BBA, for merly the Brit ish Air ports Au - wait at all. The com pany re ported a re li - abil ity rate of 99.9 per cent in Oc to ber. Please turn to Page 5 The PRT guideway at Heathrow. (Photo: Cour tesy of ULTra PRT - The PRT guideway cross ing a road at Heathrow. (Photo: Cour tesy of ULTra PRT -

5 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO.1 Page 5 Con tin ued from Page 4 World s First Ur ban PRT to Carry 100,000 Pas sen gers a Day Each of the pods in the sys tem will carry four to six peo ple and use one-third the en - ergy of a car. The driverless, elec tric-bat - tery pow ered pods are com puter driven and are zero emis sion ve hi cles. They are vir tu ally si lent and travel on a seg re gated guideway that can run over or along side roads, rail tracks and build ings. When com pleted, Brown es ti mates the sys tem will carry about 35 per cent of the daily vis i tors to the Golden Tem ple. He notes the sys tem will be fi nanced on a Build, Own, Op er ate, Trans fer (BOOT) ba sis. The pri vate sec tor is cov er ing the costs of the pro ject with the gov ern ment pro vid ing a con ces sion agree ment that al - lows it to be built and op er ated. Brown says, As is typ i cal un der such BOOT ar - range ments, the sys tem will be fi nanced with a com bi na tion of eq uity and debt. Ac cord ing to Brown, fares will be competitive with alternative modes, such as taxis and auto-rick shaws. He says the PRT ex pects to at tract pas sen gers from a wide geo graphic and de mo graphic pro file, from reg u lar com mu ters to one off-day trip us ers. The sys tem will op er ate seven days a week from 4 a.m. through midnight. The Punjab gov ern ment sees the sys tem as a means of trans port ing pil grims and work ers eas ily and quickly. It also an tic i - pates the PRT will be an ad di tional tour ist at trac tion be cause of its size and urban location. Be cause the pas sen ger pods move along a raised guideway, Brown says the sys tem can be built with out tak ing out or dam ag ing any of the ex ist ing and his toric road sys tem or build ings. He ex plains that the cen tral col umn sys tem en sures that the PRT can be in stalled with out any hold-ups or clo sures of the roads in volved, as was demonstrated with the installation of the sys tem at Heathrow Air port. It is ex pected to have a min i mal im pact on busi nesses and homes in the area. The PRT ve hi cles weigh 850 kg each. They re 3.7 me ters long and 1.47 me ters wide. The pod guideways are 1.6 me ters wide with 0.25 me ter kerbs that are used for op ti cal nav i ga tion. The guideways have no mechanical elements or power systems, ex - cept for em bed ded tran spond ers. Ca bling is en cased in a cov ered tray that runs down the cen ter of the guideway. Brown says the pods are very light in terms of trans port en gi neer ing, re quir ing col umns ev ery 18 me ters apart that can carry a load of 10 tons. Brown calls the pod PRT sys tem an idea whose time has well and truly come. He says re search in di cates that by 2020, there could be 50 to 600 or more PRT sys - tem in stal la tions around the world. Ul tra Fairwood re ports it is in dis cus - sions with au thor i ties in other ma jor Asian cities that are facing transportation infra - struc ture is sues such as con ges tion, space con straints, pol lu tion prob lems, ca pac ity restrictions and passenger service issues. An il lus tra tion of the PRT sys tem guideway to be con structed in Amritsar, In dia. (Photo: Cour tesy of UL Tra PRT - The com pany is work ing on PRT pro jects for cit ies, cam pus en vi ron ments and air - ports. It con ceives, de signs, fi nances, con - structs and op er ates com plete PRT systems, usually on a BOOT basis. For more in for ma tion, visit: or con - tact Alicia Griffiths at Con tin ued from Page 4 Heathrow Pod PRT Sys tem Win ning Praise thority, owns and op er ates Heathrow Air - port and is Ul tra s ma jor ity share holder. BAA Com mer cial Di rec tor John Hol - land-kaye says the driverless pods re duce emis sions, car bon and traf fic con ges - tion. He calls the sys tem a fan tas tic ex pe - ri ence for all in volved. For more in for ma tion, see video at: htsqcvy or con tact Steve Raney at The photo to the right shows the main stop of the Heathrow PRT sys tem at Ter mi nal 5. (Photo: Cour tesy of UL Tra PRT -

6 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 6 Product and Industry News sites this fall. The Garden State Parkway Interchange 105 used origin-destination data to aid with interchange redesign. In Atlanta, queue length measurements at intersections in downtown were used to support the calibration/validation of a traffic Skycomp has started applying a new imagsimulation model as part of the planning ing ser vice called Skycomp WAV. for a multimodal passenger terminal. In Skycomp says WAV allows a single heliherndon, Virginia, origin-destination data copter to capture images of areas up to 4.5 was collected to quantify how many vehisquare miles at intervals as fast as one cles were cutting through a community to frame per second for up to 90 continuous bypass congestion on state routes. And in minutes. Ryan Bowers, Vice President New Jersey, origin-destination data was B u s i n e s s D e v e l o p me n t, n o t e s t h e collected to anticipate the route choices of multi-camera array covers three times the disaffected drivers. area we could image from a fixed-wing airwhile there is a wealth of transportation craft. data available today, it can often be diffibowers says, unlike Skycomp s other cult to make that information understanddata collection technologies, WAV is colable to the public, non-technical stakeholders or those not familiar with local situations. Skycomp is fusing WAV with Google Earth 3D to provide a better visual representation of traffic issues. The company says it can take any site from its WAV video and crop and align it to be projected in a browser window linked to Google Earth image servers. Viewers get a fly-around video that looks like the 3D visualizat io n p r o v i d e d b y a microsimulation model but is, in fact, a real-world video. Skycomp is also highlighting its photo matrix format that allows for quick viewing or web retrieval of huge photo archives. Users can comb through thous a n d s o f S k y co mp time-lapse ae rial pho tos through a GIS or Google Earth interface. By clicking on a dot on a map, a stack of A Skycomp WAV image of downtown Atlanta. Images at one frame per second make it possible to photos of that spot are remeasure queue length and other metrics at intersections to support the calibration/validation of a Please turn to Page 7 Vissim simulation. (Photo: Courtesy of Skycomp) New Wide-Area Video Service for Vehicle Monitoring Available; Tracks Vehicles Through City Streets lected from a helicopter, which allows for superior edge-to-edge quality on the imagery. This means that we can tightly align the imagery to create videos of study areas. The images can be used to count or trace vehicles or be played back to show conditions across areas much larger than those captured on ordinary high-definition video. The technology can be used to determine queue lengths, turning movement counts, spot flow rates, classifications, LOS and actual origin-destination data. Because the data is recorded, it can be easily rechecked for additional data or used to answer people who are skeptical of the findings. Bowers says WAV was used in four

7 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY2 2, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 7 Product and Industry News (continued) vealed. Us ers can com pare pho tos to see how con di tions changed from one fly over to the next or switch modes and walk down the high way to eval u ate up stream and down stream con di tions. Fi nally, Skycomp Pres i dent Greg Jor - dan re vealed at TRB that his com pany is work ing with pro vid ers of ve hi cle probe data to com bine probe speed data with time-lapse ae rial pho tog ra phy to quan tify and pin point bot tle necks on very large ar - te rial sys tems. In its ini tial tests, Skycomp fo cused on in ter rupted-flow ar te rial high - ways for which it al ready had ex ten sive photo ar chives. Jor dan says the com pany found a better-than-expected correlation be tween bot tle necks re vealed on ae rial pho tog ra phy and those indicated by delay totals in INRIX data. For more in for ma tion, visit: or con tact Ryan Bow ers at AirSage CEO Sees Ex panded Trans por ta tion-re lated Use for Wire less Sig nal ing Data The CEO of AirSage, a com pany which pro vides anal y sis of wire less sig nal ing data for gov ern ment and busi ness, sees the year ahead as a time to broaden the scope of the com pany s data ap pli ca tions. Cy Smith says his com pany s fo cus since its found ing in 2000 has been in the gov ern - ment trans por ta tion plan ning arena, but there are many ways in which the sig nal ing data can be used in the pri vate sec tor, too. Through part ner ships with ma jor wire - less car ri ers, AirSage gath ers data about the lo ca tion of cell phones on those net - works any time the phone is turned on. The in for ma tion is gath ered anon y mously around the clock and ev ery day of the year through out most of the United States. Pub lic sec tor trans por ta tion plan ners have tra di tion ally de pended on costly house hold sur veys to cal i brate their travel de mand es ti mates. Al though the data Airsage pro vides does not con tain the socio-eco nomic in for ma tion used to iden - tify dif fer ences in trip mak ing among var i - ous sec tors of the pop u la tion, it nev er the - less pro vides a much more ac cu rate Two sec onds per frame im ages from Skycomp. (Photo: Cour tesy of Skycomp) database of existing travel. Smith claims that by add ing AirSage data to their stud ies, pub lic sec tor trans por - ta tion plan ners can get a better pic ture of travel con di tions at a lower price. Be yond sim ple num bers, the data can pro vide in - sight into travel patterns. We are an a lyz ing data on a con tin u ous busi ness. If a trans por ta tion agency were to gather that same data through tra di tional meth od ol o gies, it could cost 10 to 100 times more, says Smith. He calls the use of AirSage data ab so lutely cost effective. As AirSage has per fected its ana lyt ics over the years, Smith says 2012 is the year we re cre at ing the aware ness in gov ern - ment and busi ness as to the many ap pli ca - tions of this type of data. He ex plains the data points can be used in com mer cial real es tate to help find lo ca tions for new busi - nesses. Tra di tional rub ber-tube traf fic counts let a busi ness know how many peo - ple are pass ing by a lo ca tion, but the AirSage data also let them know where peo - ple are trav el ing to and from. For ex am ple, if a busi ness finds that many of its cus tom - ers are trav el ing from a lo ca tion 30 miles away, it may ben e fit from open ing an other store in that lo ca tion. The same AirSage data may also pro vide in sight into the de - mo graphic makeup of the peo ple traveling by and help with marketing strategies. Smith says the tech nol ogy also has ma jor im pli ca tions for the grow ing field of mo bile ad ver tis ing, when peo ple grant per mis sion to re ceive ads di rectly to their mo bile de vices. If a fast food chain learns that a cer tain com mu ter passes by their store ev ery morn ing, the res tau rant could send a dis count break fast cou pon to that cus tomer first thing in the morn ing to en - tice them to stop in on their way to work. Smith does stress this can only work when mo bile cus tom ers agree to re ceive such advertising. The data points even have ap pli ca tions in the fight against global warm ing. Smith says, we re able to pro vide traf fic counts along roads by day and time of day. If an agency com pares traf fic move ment for dif fer ent pe ri ods, it can implement strategies to create less traffic on road ways and help re duce emis sions from cars that are idling and stuck in congestion. For more in for ma tion, visit: or con tact Rob Kremer at (404)

8 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 8 Transportation Tort Liability: Case in Review Su preme Court Re af firms Ex tent of Pub lic En tity s Du ties To wards Bicyclists In a re cently de cided case, the Su preme Court of New Jer sey re stated ba sic law re - gard ing road ways, the rights and du ties of bicyclists, and the limits of responsibility of pub lic en ti ties with re gard to road ways used by bi cy clists. The case arose out of the death of an ex - pe ri enced bi cy clist, rid ing on the road way shoul der, who lost con trol of her cy cle while cross ing a de pres sion, fell onto the pave ment and sus tained head in ju ries from which she later died. The cir cu lar de pres - sion was two feet in di am e ter and ap prox i - mately one-and-one-half inches in depth. The Court stated that pub lic en ti ties do not have the abil ity or re sources to re move all dan gers pe cu liar to bi cy cles, and that road ways can not be made or main tained com pletely risk-free for bicyclists. It noted that many bi cy clists choose to ride on a road way s shoul der out of con - cern for their safety and to avoid traf fic, since many road con di tions that do not pose haz ards to ve hi cles may rep re sent spe cial dan gers to bi cy cles. It also re ferred to a hold ing by the Il li nois Su preme Court that bi cy clists should not be con sid ered in - tended us ers of road ways but per mis sive users. Var i ous is sues con fronted the Court: whether the pot hole or de pres sion con sti - tuted a dan ger ous con di tion; did the pub lic en tity (Essex County, New Jer sey) ei ther cause the con di tion or had it ac tual or con - struc tive no tice of it; and, if so, was the County s fail ure to pro tect against the road way de fect palpably unreasonable? First, the Court ac cepted the def i ni tions of pot holes and de pres sions pro vided by the As sis tant Essex County Su per vi sor of Roads viz. that a pot hole is any thing an inch-and-a-half or deeper where the pave - ment is ac tu ally bro ken out and a de pres - sion is a dip in the road with out any break in the road way sur face. The Su per vi - sor also tes ti fied that small de pres sions and road way holes less than an inch-and-a-half could not be re paired be cause as phalt would not ad here. By con trast, the Court was pro vided with an ex am ple of what could and had been re paired, a de pres sion mea sur ing three feet long by two feet wide, and four inches in depth. An ae rial image of a typical section of Parsonage Hill Road in the Township of Millburn, NJ - the road on which the fatal bicycle accident took place. (Image, Google, Inc.) The Court con cluded that in suf fi cient ev i dence had been pre sented at the trial and Ap pel late Court lev els to de ter mine whether the de pres sion con sti tuted a dan - ger ous con di tion, which had ex isted long enough be fore the ac ci dent such that the pub lic en tity should have discovered it. It ac cepted County s ex pert s tes ti mony which al leged, af ter con duct ing tests, that the de pres sion was a rel a tively be nign road fea ture which pre sented no se ri ous haz ard to a cy clist trav el ing at a rea son able speed, in clud ing the speed the de ceased woman was travelling. Fur ther, it re jected the Ap pel late Di vi - sion s con clu sion that the County cre ated the dan ger ous con di tion by fail ing to have a rou tine road in spec tion pro gram in place. It stated that even as sum ing an in ad e quate in - spec tion pro gram, nat u ral con di tions not a flawed in spec tion pro gram cre ated the de pres sion on the roadway s shoulder. It called the County s pro gram proactive even if less than ideal, in that the County re sponded to pot hole com - plaints re ceived by tele phone and in spected roads based both on the date of the last over lay and a known his tory of pave ment prob lems. In the case of the ac ci dent at is - sue, the en tire length of the road had been in spected just five weeks be fore the ac ci - dent, and var i ous re pairs made to the road - way. It was not clear how ever if the shoul - ders had been inspected. The Court noted that plain tiff s ex pert had sub mit ted the in spec tion pro gram was in ad e quate, based on the Sug gested Pot - hole Re pair Pro gram out lined in The Pot - hole Primer pub lished by United States Army Corps of En gi neers. How ever, the ex pert had not of fered any ev i dence to in - di cate that this sug gested pro gram is an ob jec tive stan dard of prac tice or had been adopted by other pub lic en ti ties. It also noted that The Pot hole Primer did not set stan dards for iden ti fy ing when a roadway defect is dangerous. In ad di tion, the Court had ob tained in - de pend ent re view of two fur ther works, An In for ma tional Guide for Phys i cal Main te nance of Pave ments 4 (AASHTO, 1963) and Guide lines of Pave ment Man - age ment 4 (AASHTO, 1985), which found that these did not in di cate ap pro pri - ate stan dards for de ter min ing when a Please turn to Page 9

9 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 9 Brit ish Gov ern ment Fund ing Po lice Use of 3D Scan ning Tech nol ogy to Shorten the Clo sure of High ways Af ter Accidents The Equip ment Can Cap ture An Ac ci dent Scene in Min utes In an ef fort to get traf fic mov ing again more quickly fol low ing ve hi cle crashes, the Brit ish De part ment for Trans port (DfT) is award ing 2.7 mil lion to po lice de part ments across the coun try to en able them to be gin us ing 3D la ser scan ning tech nol ogy. A DfT spokes man says the equip ment can cap ture an ac ci dent scene in min utes and pro duce ac cu rate, high-qual ity 3D po - si tional in for ma tion. In ves ti ga tors usu ally have to pains tak ingly sur vey mul ti ple sec - tions of a crash scene, of ten caus ing ex - tended road clo sures. With the new tech - nol ogy, a 3D im age of the en tire crash site can be cap tured in a fraction of the time. The scan ners work by emit ting an av er - age of 50,000 pulses of light ev ery sec ond with the time of the re turn sig nal mea sured. By mea sur ing the in ten sity of the re flec - tions and the time it takes for a sig nal to bounce back to the de vice, and by us ing an integral camera, the scanner can calculate the size, lo ca tion and color of ob jects in a com plete 360-degree view. Investigators can view the digital image re motely on a com puter screen, al low ing them to take mea sure ments of where ve hi - cles are in re la tion to each other. It also al - lows them to ex am ine other im por tant ev i - dence from the crash scene. The DfT says the tech nol ogy is not new but con tin ues to be im proved upon. It is al ready be ing used for po lice in ves ti ga tions of col li sions in Transportation Tort Liability: Case in Review (Continued from Page 8) Su preme Court Re af firms Ex tent of Pub lic Entity s Duties Towards Bicyclists road way de fect is dan ger ous for pur poses of the Tort Claims Act. Next the Court ad dressed the ques tion of whether the County had ac tual or con - struc tive no tice of the al leged con di tion. It stated the ques tion it had to an swer was whether the County s in spec tion of the road way five weeks be fore the ac ci dent should have dis cov ered the de pres sion and de ter mined that it was a dan ger ous con di - tion that cre ated a rea son ably fore see able risk of causing death. To de cide this, first it noted that road - way is the por tion of a high way or di narily used for ve hic u lar travel, whereas the shoul der is de signed for emer gency use and not or di narily in tended for ve hic u lar travel. Fur ther, it noted that the Mo tor Ve - hi cle Code does not des ig nate the road - way s shoul der as a bi cy cle lane, nor do bi - cy clists have spe cial priv i leges on a road - way s shoul der, and they are di rected to ride on the fur thest right hand side of the road way, not on the roadway s shoulder. Next it ac cepted the trial court s rul ing that the de pres sion was not of such an ob vi - ous na ture that it should have been dis cov - ered through the ex er cise of rea son able dil i - gence. Fur ther, it found that plain tiff had not of fered ev i dence that the shoul der was des ig nated as a bi cy cle lane or rou tinely used as one; and there was no ev i dence that any bi cy cle rider, mo tor ist, or pe des trian com plained or was in jured as a result of the depression. Fi nally, the Court con cluded that the Ap peal Di vi sion erred in call ing County s fail ure to cor rect the de pres sion be fore the accident palpably unreasonable. It found that in view of the County s ex - ten sive re spon si bil ity for road main te nance with lim ited pub lic re sources, the de pres - sion at is sue, on the road way s shoul der and barely one-and-one-half inches in depth, might not have been deemed a high pri or ity, even if the County were on no tice of its presence. The Su preme Court there fore re versed the Ap pel late Di vi sion judg ment and re in - stated the trial court or der grant ing sum - mary judg ment in fa vor of the County, and dis missed the complaint. A 3D la ser scan ning de vice to be de ployed in Brit ain to cap ture ac ci dent scenes in min utes. (Photo: Cour tesy of Riegl) Germany, and most recently, Estonia. In tri als con ducted by the Met ro pol i tan Po lice and Humberside Po lice, the 3D la - ser scan ning tech nol ogy saved, on av er - age, a to tal of 39 min utes per in ci dent when com pared to the per for mance of the po lice s pre vi ous sur vey ing equip ment. Po lice who will use the new equip ment will un dergo com pre hen sive op er a tor train ing in ar eas such as set-up, in ci dent sur vey ing, back-of fice data input/retrieval and routine maintenance. The DfT re ports that motor way clo - sures in Eng land cost the econ omy an es ti - mated 1 bil lion a year. Roads Min is ter Mike Pen ning calls that a "shock ing cost" in terms of lost hours for the econ omy. In 2010, the DfT re ports there were more than 18,000 full or par tial motor way clo sures that lasted more than 20,000 hours. The new equip ment will be used to tar get ma jor in ci dents along Eng land s stra te gic road net work. For more in for ma tion, visit: es/dft-press / or ning/produktdetail/product/sanncer/5/.

10 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 10 Sen sor Tech nol ogy Be ing Tested to Ease Park ing Prob lems in the Bronx Em bed ded Sen sors on Street to Pro vide Real-Time Park ing Avail abil ity Info The New York City De part ment of Trans - por ta tion is test ing a new sys tem to help mo - tor ists find street park ing in the city. It has em barked on a pi lot pro ject with Streetline, ACS and IPsens to pro vide real-time in for - mation on parking availability. Find ing street park ing has long been a prob lem for res i dents and vis i tors to New York City. By us ing sen sors em bed ded in pave ment that de tect when a park ing space opens up, the city hopes to help mo tor ists spend less time cir cling the block and more time en joy ing all the city has to offer. The city s De part ment of Trans por ta - tion is em bed ding sen sors in 177 park ing spots along Ar thur Av e nue and East 187 th Street in the Bronx for the Park ing Avail - abil ity Tech nol ogy pi lot pro gram. The sen sors are be ing pro vided by the three com pa nies at no cost to the city and wirelessly trans mit real-time park ing information to users. Streetline says mo tor ists us ing their mo bile app, Parker, will be able to find out where the open spaces are within the pi lot area. Parker uses the Streetline sen - sors to gather in for ma tion about the lo ca - tion and gen eral avail abil ity of park ing spaces and re lays that in for ma tion through the use of web-en abled de vices, such as a smartphone, PC or tab let. But the ser vice doesn t end there. Once mo tor ists lo cate a park ing spot through Parker, the app s built-in timer can help them track how much time is left on their me ter. They can also use the app to get walk ing di rec tions to help find their park - ing space once again when it s time to re - turn to their vehicle. Streetline CEO Zia Yusuf ap plauds New York City for giv ing the Smart Park - ing sys tem a try out. Yusuf says it can not only trans form how peo ple park, but also ad dresses the crit i cal need to re duce traf fic and pol lu tion. The pi lot pro ject is ex - pected to last several months. Streetline says its mis sion is to make smart cit ies a re al ity through the use of sen sor-en abled mo bile and web ap pli ca - tions. The com pany is pri vately held and headquartered in Foster City, California. It has Smart-Park ing de ploy ments in Cal i - for nia, Mary land, New Jer sey, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Utah and Washington, D.C. For more in for ma tion, visit: or con tact Shan non Wilsey at (415) ext. 212 or shan Con tin ued from Page 1 I-15 Ex press Lanes Open in San Diego The pro ject re ceived $268 mil lion in fund ing from Cal i for nia Prop o si tion 1B. The 2006 voter-ap proved trans por ta tion bond is in vest ing nearly $20 bil lion in roads, bridges, ports and tran sit. At the Jan u ary open ing of the lanes, Acting California Department of Trans - por ta tion (Caltrans) Di rec tor Malcolm Dougherty noted that av er age traf fic de - lays along the cor ri dor had added up - wards of 45 min utes to com mute times. He said the open ing of the ex press lanes marked an im prove ment for San Diego-area trav el ers in this vital corridor. The San Diego As so ci a tion of Gov ern - ments (SANDAG) says its goal is to build sim i lar lanes on the free way sys tem through out the re gion. SANDAG Chair and Encinitas Mayor Jerome Stocks says SANDAG would like to cre ate a net work of ex press lanes within the al ready ex ist ing free way cor ri dors, thereby giv ing the trav - el ing pub lic ad di tional choices. SANDAG es ti mates tolls from the I-15 pro ject will yield rev e nues of ap prox i - mately $4 million annually. For more in for ma tion, visit: or ressrel/12pr001.htm or con tact Hayden Man ning (619) or - One of Streetline's embedded sensors. (Photo: Cour tesy of Streetline) A Move able Bar rier Trans fer Ma chine cre ates an ad di tional ex press lane in either peak di rec tion. (Photo: Cour tesy of BSI, Inc.)

11 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 11 Tran sit Tax Ben e fit Lapses; Park ing Tax Ben e fit In creased Could Re sult in Drop in Tran sit Ridership A tran sit tax ben e fit com mu ters have en - joyed since 2009 to the tune of up to $230 a month has not been ex tended for Con gress failed to pass an ex ten sion be fore the end of 2011 to keep ben e fits equal for tran sit us ers and driv ing/park ing com mu - ters. As a re sult, the park ing tax ben e fit was boosted by a cost of liv ing in crease of $10 a month, bring ing it to $240, while the tran - sit tax ben e fit dropped back to $125 a month. The in creased tran sit ben e fit was first passed in 2009 as part of the eco nomic stim u lus pack age. It was main tained through 2011 in the bi par ti san tax com pro - mise passed in De cem ber A tax ex - tend ers bill for 2012 got bogged down with other legislation until the existing benefit ex pired at the end of the year and the tax code re verted to pre-stimulus levels. Ac cord ing to Vir ginia Miller, spokes - per son for the Amer i can Pub lic Trans por - ta tion As so ci a tion (APTA), a con ser va tive es ti mate of the num ber of peo ple who have used the tran sit tax ben e fit is 2.7 mil lion. The num ber of em ploy ers na tion wide that of fer the ben e fit is harder to pin down, says Paul Dean of the TransitCenter. An es ti - mate for the New York met ro pol i tan area is around 15,000 employers. How ex actly does the tax ben e fit work and who, in ad di tion to com mu ters, does it help? The ben e fit can be ac cessed three dif fer ent ways. Em ploy ers can opt to pick up the tab for tran sit or park ing for their em ploy ees up to the $125/$240 max i mum, em ploy ees can opt to pay their own way, or em ploy ers and em ploy ees can share the cost. The tax sav ings go to who ever pays the cost of park ing or us ing tran sit is paid for with tax-free dol lars. For em - ploy ees, that can amount to a sav ings of more than $550 a year in com mut ing costs (about one third of the to tal cost of com - mut ing by tran sit) and em ploy ers get tax de duc tions or pay fewer pay roll taxes. In 2010, for ex am ple, em ploy ers na tion wide saved about $300 mil lion in pay roll taxes, ac cord ing to the of fice of Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), one of the authors of the measure passed in Dean is con cerned the re duc tion in the tax ben e fit will lead to a drop in tran sit ridership. It s too early to tell how many peo ple will make the de ci sion to change their method of com mute, Dean said. Washington Metro (WMATA) estimates they could see as much as a 3 per cent ridership de crease. Of course, this would lead to in creased traf fic con ges tion, fuel con sump tion and green house gas emis - sions. APTA president, Michael Melaniphy, sees the rel a tive gain in the com mu ter park - ing ben e fit in com par i son with the de - creased tran sit ben e fit as es sen tially incentivizing driv ing. Fed eral tax law should not have a bias in fa vor of one method of com mut ing over an other, Melaniphy said. Sen a tor Schumer and Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA) are cur rently lead ing an ef fort to re in state the tran sit ben e fit and make it ret ro ac tive to January 1, Dean is cautiously optimistic: Hope - fully we will be able to at tach it to the next pay roll tax bill or some other leg is la tion to re store the ben e fit soon. For more in for ma tion, visit the Na - tional Cen ter for Trans por ta tion Re - search at nghouse/commutebenefits/ Mis souri Town Finds De coy Ef fec tive in Re duc ing Speeds and Ac ci dents Seen As Cost-Ef fi cient Ap proach There s a new traf fic of fi cer on the beat in Lee s Sum mit, MO, who is sin gle hand edly af fect ing a change in speed ing be hav ior with out a ra dar gun or stop ping one mo tor - ist for a speed vi o la tion. This of fi cer doesn t even re ceive a pay check. Lee s Summit Police Department recently com - mis sioned an old man ne quin used for CPR train ing, dressed her in some old po lice cov er alls and a ball cap, and plopped her in a de com mis sioned pa trol car. Placed in lo - ca tions where ac ci dents have been a prob - lem or neigh bors have com plained about speed ers, Huff, as the de coy is known, is get ting at ten tion and a re sponse from mo - torists. Usu ally de ployed for four to six hours at a time over sev eral days at a spe cific lo ca - tion, Huff s ap pear ance is fol lowed by a real uni formed of fi cer mon i tor ing the area and is su ing citations. How ef fec tive has the de coy been in caus ing mo tor ists to slow down? Traf fic Sgt. Cary Colyne says that al though the de - part ment can not yet quan tify the ef fec tive - ness of the pro gram with ci ta tions is sued or a re duc tion in crash num bers, the pres ence of Huff is re duc ing speed and ag gres sive driv ing. The de coy has the same im pact as a real pa trol car sit ting on the side of the road: no one wants to get a ticket, so they ad just their speed and/or behavior. Not bad for an ini tial in vest ment of next to noth ing, says Sgt. Chris Depue. A live traf fic of fi cer in a fully op er a tional pa trol car would cost $200 to $300 for a four-hour shift. Some Lee s Sum mit res i dents don t like be ing tricked into slow ing down, but gen er ally the re ac tion has been pos i - tive. One con cerned home owner has even of fered his drive way as a duty lo ca tion for Huff s pa trol ve hi cle. Some thing no one can com plain about: you can t get a speed ing ticket from a mannequin. For more in for ma tion, go to or con tact Sgt. Depue at chris to - Huff do ing duty in Lee's Sum mit, MO. (Photo: Cour tesy of Lee's Sum mit)

12 THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION MONITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 2012, VOL. 26 NO. 1 Page 12 Con tin ued from Page 1 Boul der Passes Or di nance to Limit Bi cy clists to 8 Miles Per Hour At Cross walk per cent in volved bi cy cles, even though bikes ac counted for less than half of the crossing activity at the crosswalks. Af ter con sid er ing pos si ble rea sons why bikes were over-rep re sented in ac ci dent num bers, city staff, work ing with the Boul - der Po lice De part ment, ob served that the speed at which bikes were tra vers ing cross walks was the big dif fer ence be tween bike and pe des trian cross ing ac tiv ity. Mo - torists simply didn t see the bi cy clists or didn t have enough reaction time, they concluded. Fur ther, the study found that at least 20 per cent, but pos si bly as many as 30 per cent of col li sions be tween cross walk us ers and ve hi cles in cross walks equipped with rect - an gu lar rapid flash bea cons, oc curred when the bea cons were not flash ing. Elim i - nat ing this as a fac tor in cross walk ac ci - dents be came an area of fo cus for city staff, since any ben e fit from the flash ing sys tem is ne gated if us ers fail to activate the beacons. As a re sult of the study, new or di nances were added in two sec tions of the BRC in or der to im prove the safety and ef fi ciency of cross ing treat ments as part of [the] Trans por ta tion Mas ter Plan pol icy sup - port ing a ro bust multimodal sys tem with the pe des trian iden ti fied as the high est pri - or ity mode of travel, Tran sit Ad vi sory Board meeting minutes reflect. Sec tion 7-5-5(a) now reads, No per son shall immediately approach, enter or tra - verse a cross walk which spans a road way at a speed greater than eight miles per hour. In ad di tion, Sec tion (f) was added, stat ing A pe des trian shall en ter a road way when a warn ing traf fic con trol de vice to alert traf fic is ac ti vated if such de vice is pres ent. How ever, a pe des trian pos sess ing the right-of-way who fails to ac ti vate a warn ing de vice or who is within the cross walk upon the ex pi ra tion of such warn ing con tin ues to pos sess the right-of-way. No plans ex ist to change vehicle speed limits at or near crosswalks. These mea sures ap pear to be unique to Boul der, ac cord ing to Bill Cowern, Trans - por ta tion Op er a tions En gi neer for the City. He ex plained that other com mu ni ties are hav ing to cre ate new laws around cross - walk use, but that the new mea sures in Boul der have no par tic u lar pre ce dent. Cowern touted Boul der s suc cess in mak - ing al ter na tive trans por ta tion a fun da men - tal part of life in the city, such that one in ten trips are made by bi cy cle. As a re sult, Cowern feels unique laws are war ranted. Our laws re flect and re spect a unique set of mode share con di tions in Boul der, Cowern said. City staff, in con junc tion with the Boul - der po lice, will con tinue to mon i tor ac ci - dent data to see if the de sired ef fect that of im prov ing safety on city streets has been achieved. The po lice de part ment will en gage in tar geted en force ment where ac - ci dents have been a prob lem. This may in - volve just the pres ence of a po lice of fi cer to en cour age com pli ance, but in some cases will in clude us ing a LIDAR to mea - sure bike speed and is su ing tick ets when cross walk us ers don t ac ti vate the flash ing beacons where they are available. Of fi cer Kurt Weiler of the Boul der Po - lice De part ment noted in City Coun cil dis - cus sions about the new or di nances that this is a ma jor im prove ment over the cur - rent law [be cause] en force ment can be done with out an ac ci dent oc cur ring first. Cur rently, there is no speed limit for bikes, and for cy clists to en joy the same rights (right of way) as pe des tri ans they need only slow to about 3 mph (walk ing speed) upon en ter ing a cross walk, but can and do speed up af ter that. In fea si bil ity stud ies, City staff ar rived at the 8 mph limit as a com pro mise be tween no speed limit and walking speed. To as sist with com pli ance, the city will mount 8-mph speed limit signs at cross - walks, in ad di tion to signs in di cat ing that cross walk us ers must ac ti vate the bea con before crossing. The Police Department plans to take some time to ed u cate the com - mu nity at some lo ca tions in the city, ex - plain ing the or di nance changes, in stead of simply issuing citations. The city plans its own ed u ca tional out - reach and will tar get all us ers, in clud ing mo tor ists who fail to yield to pe des tri ans in a cross walk, pass other driv ers who have stopped at a cross walk, or oth er wise en - gage in reck less driv ing be hav ior when tra - vers ing crosswalks. To view the en tire BRC, visit: er7-5.htm. To learn more about the City of Boul der visit: An other lo ca tion (Araphaho and 13th Street) in Boul der, CO where a new or di nance will re quire re duced speed by cy clists and the ac ti va tion of flash ing lights by pe des tri ans. (Photo: Cour tesy of City of Boulder)

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