The Haseley Herald 2008 Edi tion Pub lished an nu ally for Friends and Rel a tives Season s Greetings

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1 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edi tion Pub lished an nu ally for Friends and Rel a tives Season s Greetings Third Set of Twins; Landmark Events The Haseley Clan news this year in - cludes wel com ing a third set of girl twins and cel e brat ing nine land mark birth days and an ni ver sa ries. The first twins were Sue and Lynne Haseley, now Sue Miller (page 3) and Lynne Dav en port (page 7), the sec ond ones were Kristin and Kaitlin Dan (page 13), and the new ones are Samantha and Macey Malik (page 1). The land mark an ni ver sary was the 25 th for Sue and Stu art Miller and the land mark birth days were Stu art Miller 50 (page 3), Niles Miller 21 (page 5), An drew Miller 18 (page 5), Em ily Miller 16 (page 6), Jeffrey Dulberg 60 (page 18), Erin Haseley 13 (page 12), Blair Dav en port 13 (page 8), and Anna Jack - son 16 (page 8). Af ter much friendly feud ing as to which Malik fam ily mem ber would write the an nual news, we twins ac cepted this im por tant re - spon si bil ity. The fact that we can t talk yet and so couldn t ob ject had some thing to do with why we were given the job. We rel ish hav ing this task any way. (Macey) I was born the day af - ter Christ mas at 7:59 p.m. Mama was in la bor 16 hours and she says it was by far the hard est thing she s ever had to do in her life. Child birth with us might not be the hard est chal lenge we will give to her over the next 20 years how ever! (Samantha) I was born 14 min - utes later so I guess that makes me the baby of the fam ily. (Macey) We turned 10 months old a few days ago and I m al most ready to walk! They call me The Explorer be cause I love get ting into ev ery thing with gusto. Also I ve de vel - oped a fe tish for pull ing hair and glee fully ter ror iz ing the other ba bies in the class room. I get so ex cited around our dog gie Guinness, and can t wait till I m big enough to play with him. Sammey is scared of him be cause he s so big and crazy, but I m pretty fear less and ag - gres sive when it co mes to do ing any thing. Very sadly, our dog gie Astro sud denly went to dog heaven this year. Skylar is com forted in know - ing that Astro had learned ev ery thing she Lots of Estrogen in the Malik Household! needed to know in this world and was ready to graduate to something better. (Samantha) Macey s got the moves and the superhuman strength, but I ve got the gift of gab. My mo tor mouth never stops. Macey-Mace and I are to tal op po sites and have been so ever since we came out of the womb. She s more stoic, and doesn t get both ered as eas ily as I do by things. I m the emo tional roller coaster. I m packed with per son al ity and usu ally have a huge grin on my face and gig gle at a pin drop. Peo ple say I m Daddy s clone. My baby pics look just like Skylar s. And I act just like her too! Skylar loves show ing us the ropes and boss ing us around. We tol er ate it be - cause she s so much fun. Mama says we re like her lit tle so ror ity. She feels so lucky to have 3 girls who will al ways be her best friends and will al ways be around for her to do girl-stuff with. ( Macey) This sum mer Mama took us to Horse shoe Bend, Ar kan - sas, for the Kitts Fam ily Re union. We were in the car a to tal of 19 hours each way! Quite an ac com plish ment with 6-month-old twins and an al most-4-year-old. Grandmama and Papa joined us for most of the way there and back which was the only way Mama could have sur - vived the road trip. We had lots of fun with all our cous ins, aunts, and un cles in the Ozark Mountains. Daddy and Jo-Jo (Jor dan) went to Boston that week to do some whale-watch ing, bat tle ground tour ing, and other sight-see ing. (Samantha) Mama s barely hang ing in there with work ing and tak ing care of all of us. That s about all there is to say about her be - cause that s all she has time for these days. She misses her friends, but she s happy and grate - ful for ev ery min ute that she has with us! Since our big sis never goes to bed till about 10 p.m., and we get up at 5:30 a.m. ev ery morn ing af ter usu ally both wak ing up once or twice dur ing the night, Mama s still a zombie. It s a lot better for her now than it was a few months ago though. Other par ents of twins as sure her that once we get to be about 3 years old, life gets easy! Now that we re crawl ing in opposite directions and get ting into all sorts of trou ble, it s ac tu ally harder in some ways than it was be fore. But Con tin ued on next page

2 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 2 Maliks...continued from previous page at least now she gets more than a few hours sleep each night which makes ev ery thing more tol er a ble. (Macey) Skylar s the big kid now in pre - school, and loves tak ing charge and lead ing all the other kids. Some might call it bossy but she pre - fers to think of it as early ex pe ri ence run - ning for some po lit i cal of fice or head ing up a cor po ra - tion. Even in a new en vi ron ment where she doesn t know any one, she never hes i tates to take the lead and tries to have things go her way. Mama and Daddy are try ing their hard est to chan nel this into a pos i tive di rec tion for her in stead of hav ing it be come a neg a tive trait. She s now had 2 years of Span ish and Com puter Classes and in many ways is ahead of most kids who will en ter kindergarten next year. She con tin - ues to amaze us with her in fi nite tor nado of en ergy which is con stantly a chal lenge for our par ents! (Samantha) Daddy coached soc cer for Jo-Jo s team again this past spring and they did re ally well again in the State cham pi on ships. As usual, he s got a whole lot cook ing at work. He s got over 70 em ploy ees now at Medfusion and they re go ing to have to move to a big ger build ing in a few months. His brain goes a mile a min ute. Mama loves lis ten ing to his cre ative ideas and see ing him get all fired up about work stuff. (Macey) Jor dan started high school at Broughton this fall. He loves it and has adapted very well from be ing the big fish in a lit tle pond to now be ing in a school of al most 3000 kids. He has be come an im pres sive cross-coun try run ner and does a great job of hang ing with the big dogs at the meets. Quite a feat, since Broughton has one of the best cross-coun try teams in the state. (Samantha) For Hal low een, Mama is the Cat in the Hat and we twins are Thing 1 and Thing 2! Skylar is Belle from Beauty and the Beast. We love this time of year. Mama will see to it that we get into the Hal low een spirit ev ery year she can t wait to outdo our selves with what we dress up as each year! And next is Thanksgiving, and we ll have about 25 peo ple over at our house to give thanks for all we have been blessed with this year. Un cle Bro (Da vid) and Aunt Sa rah and our 4 cous ins will stay with us, YAY! And then Christ mas co mes, and then the next day is our 1-year birth day!!!! We re hav ing our Baby Bless ing cer e mony the Sunday af ter Christ mas and then our big birth - day party. WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN! From our fam ily to yours, have a safe and blessed hol i day sea son and 2009! Macey and Samantha Malik for Steve, Kathleen and Skylar Jordan Runs Everywhere I have had a very ex cit ing year this year. This year started off with a huge event. My twin sis ters, Macey and Samantha, were born. Both are ex tremely cute. Hav ing three sis ters is quite a dif fer - ence from when I was an only child. Dur ing the win ter I was play ing in door soc cer as well as hav ing a new set of twins to look af ter. My in door team played a year up which meant we played high school teams. Even against older kids my team did well. Play ing in door soc cer helped pre pare me for the spring soc cer sea son. In the spring I had a very ex cit ing soc cer sea son. My team played a hard-fought state cup tour na ment that was plagued by aw ful weather. We crushed all the teams from other leagues be sides CASL. Gran, Hans, Tania, and Connor all came to two of my games. Not even 15 min utes af ter we left the soc cer fields a tor nado came through and ru ined them. My team made it all the way to the fi nal four. In the spring I also went to see the Mill ers at the beach over spring break. Be fore I went though, I was able to watch Niles play a la crosse game. The 2008 sum mer was very ex cit - ing for me. First I went to Avi a tion Chal lenge in Huntsville, Al a bama. It was quite a bit more ex cit ing than in years be - fore. Af ter that my dad took me to Boston. While we were there we stayed a night in Sa lem (very spooky). We saw all the pa tri otic places in Boston and even saw many whales. Af ter that trip I went on an amaz ing cruise around the Med i - ter ra nean with my mom. We set foot on three dif fer ent con ti nents. The high light of the trip how ever was def i nitely see ing Rome and Ath ens. In the fall I had to re - turn from the beau ti ful Med i ter ra nean. I started prac tic ing and train ing for cross-coun try as soon as I got back. In cross-coun try I had to run on av er age six miles a day. I ran for Broughton High School. Broughton is a big change from mid dle school. At St. Tim o thy s there were only 56 kids in my grade and now at Broughton there are 725 fresh men. Even though Broughton is a big school I greatly en joy it. Jor dan Malik

3 Page 3 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Who s Who In re sponse to pleas of I can t sort out who is who in your fam ily, here s who they are: Ed and Janet Haseley (p ) mar ried in Allan Haseley and his wife Kelly (p. 11) 1953 and Ed s 7-year-old sis ter Ruthanne (p. have two daugh ters, Erin (p ) and 16) came to live with them ten months later. Emma (p. 11). Her hus band is Ed Rhem and their chil dren are The Haseleys adopted the Maliks 40 Shelly (p. 16) and Mi chael (p. 16). Janet s years ago when they ar rived in the USA and brother is Jack Long (p. 10). Steve and Allan have been best friends ever Twin Sue Haseley and her hus band Stu art since. 25 of the 47 Haseley Clan mem bers at tended the 2008 Grifton Shad Fes ti val and are pic tured above Miller (p. 3-4) have four chil dren, Niles (p. 5), An drew (p. 5), Em ily (p. 6) and Cameron (p. 4). Twin Lynne Haseley and her hus band Scott Dav en port (p. 7) have a daugh ter, Blair (p. 8), and Scott s niece, Anna Jack son (p. 7-8). Scotty and Jennifer are Scott s chil dren by a for mer mar riage. Scotty and his wife Kim have two daugh ters, Reese and Col leen (p. 9-10). Jennifer s hus band is John Phillips and their chil dren are Ellena and Wil liam (p. 9). Ka ren Haseley (p. 19) is un mar ried but her friend Jeffrey Dulberg (p ) has been an in te gral part of the Haseley Clan for nine years. The Malik Clan con sists of Mom Gaynor and Hans Frank fort (p. 18); Steve, Kathleen and daugh ters Skylar, Macey and Samantha Malik (p. 1-2), and Steve s son Jor dan (p. 2); Tania Malik and her hus band Jeff Schenk, their son Connor (p. 17) and Jeff s daugh ter Kristi; and Andrea Malik and her hus band Steve Roe (p. 17). Hans Frank fort s chil dren are Mary (6 chil dren), Ed ward (2 chil dren), Su san (2 chil - dren) and Pat rick. Harry and El len Dan (p. 13) are Ka ren s best friends. They have twins, Kaitlin and Kristin. Milestones Mark Millers Year Our big news flash is there were lots of mile stones reached in the Miller house hold this year. Stu art turned 50!!!! on De cem ber 27 th, Who would have be lieved we could find 100 peo ple to cel e brate Stu art s birth day the day af ter Christ mas? And who would ex pect a party the day be fore your 50 th!! Not Stu art at least he acted sur prised. He thought he was go ing to a lo cal wine tast ing fre quented by Sue and the la - dies and was sur prised by friends at the res tau rant. It seemed like a great night for lots of our friends and he ap pre ci ated the ones who trav eled far to help him cel e brate a half a cen tury. Our friends have a lo cal band and en ter - tained with great gui tar and vo cals. The band in vited Stu art to join them and he played the gui tar and sang two songs, mak ing his sing - ing de but! We are sorry more fam ily could not make it but un der stand there s no place like home for the hol i days. Un cle Jack was still here af ter the Christ mas din ner so was able to rep re sent the fam ily. Thanks, Un cle Jack! The holidays were overshadowed with the sud den pass ing of Stu art s busi ness part ner in De cem ber; a very sad and un ex - pected event. Need less to say, we did not attend many holiday festivities before Stu - art s party. The next mile stone was Cameron turn - ing 14 on Feb ru ary 17 th and start ing high school in the fall. Cam is now taller than Stu art and Sue and has a build sim i lar to Niles. We were in Cal i for nia for Cameron s birth - day as we used a timeshare in Carlsbad. The weather is al ways sunny in CA ex cept the few days that we were there! An drew and Niles left the va ca tion a few days early to spend some time in Cha pel Hill. We en joyed see - ing Aunt Helen Ma rie Long and visiting the San Diego Zoo, Sea World and re lax ing at the re sort. A fam ily va ca tion to Cal i - for nia in Feb ru ary, all six of us, was a mile stone. Even though the weather was not great, we still had fun surf ing, vis it ing Ven ice Beach, Starbucks on Sun set Blvd., Hol ly wood, and try ing to get into the Jay Leno show. No ski ing or snowboarding all win ter was a first for the fam ily. The next mile stone was on April 13th when we cel e brated Em ily s 16 th birth day with a sur prise luau at a lo cal res tau rant. Em ily thought she was at tend ing a la crosse team din - Stu art and his sing ing de but Con tin ued on next page

4 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 4 Mill ers...con tin ued from pre vi ous page Stu art, Em ily, An drew, Sue, Cameron and Niles Miller af ter An drew s grad u a tion. ner and seemed to re ally be sur prised! Maybe she will share the de tails in her news. The other mile stone was Em ily started driv ing!!!!! She got her li cense in Oc to ber. Sue, Em ily, Cameron and sev eral other fam i lies rented a huge house at Em er ald Isle, NC, for Spring Break. It was a lot of fun with great weather. In May, Stu art vis ited his brother Rob ert and sis ter-in-law, Jewell. The trip in cluded some salmon fish ing and won der fully fresh sea food meals. We en joyed the year watch ing the kids sports (la crosse, la crosse, la crosse, vol ley ball, soc cer, and swim ming) and so cial iz ing with other par ents who we have be friended from years of watch ing the kids sports. In June, An drew grad u ated from high school, an other mile stone. He de cided to go to RPI, Rensselaer Poly tech nic In sti tute, in Troy, NY, af ter be ing re cruited by the RPI la crosse coach. He played a lot of high school la crosse in the spring and earned rec og ni tion (top 10 ca - reer in scor ing and as sists) for the New Hart ford team. In June, Stu art and friends Mike, Sam and Dick went fish ing for blues and strip ers in Long Is land Sound near the Norwalk Is lands and his fa vor ite salt wa ter spot, Pen field Reef. Also in June, Sue and Stu art spent a relaxing weekend in the Poconos with friends Shafers, Wooleys, and Galbraiths. The trip in cluded some golf, good con ver sa tion and of course f--h--g. On July 16th, Stu art and Sue cel e - brated 25 years of mar riage, an other mile stone, but have re ally not had time to cel e brate yet; they have been too busy cel e brat ing the other mile - stones!!!!! Sue went to Mary land to spend time with Lynne and Ka ren dur ing Scott s sur gery and brought Blair back to visit in NY. Niles came home for An drew s grad u a tion and stayed un til early Au - gust. It was nice hav ing him home. We don t get to see him much dur ing the school year. Sue went to the Bas ket Bee in early Au gust. She con tin ues to sell Longaberger bas kets and is a branch leader with 7 peo ple in her group. On Au gust 3rd, Niles turned 21, another mile stone, and was home to cel e brate (too much) with friends and fam ily lo cally. On Au gust 5th, An drew turned 18, an other mile stone, and we de cided to com bine the birth days with a grad u a tion party on Au gust 9 th. It was so nice to cel e brate the grad u a tion with all his friends and class mates! In Sep tem ber, Stu art spent a few days dur - ing a trip west with his sis ter, Eliz a beth, and brother-in-law, Brett, in Idaho. The trip in - cluded cut throat trout fish ing on the Snake and a small can yon stream. Sue started off the school year teach ing pre- K again but de cided to ap ply for a Fam ily Lit - er acy teach ing job. She was of fered the job and had to leave the pre school in Oc to ber but could not pass up the op por tu nity for her ca reer. She goes into fam i lies homes and reads with them and works with the chil dren to help them be - come more lit er ate. With an of fice, lap top, cell phone and sec re tary, it is a much dif fer ent job from teach ing but ties in a lot of her past ex pe - ri ences. It is chal leng ing but re ward ing at the same time. She is miss ing the pre school ers but lov ing the change. This fall we are also mak ing the dif fi cult ad - just ment to hav ing only two teen ag ers at home. Niles went back to UNC for his se nior year and An drew started his first year at RPI. It s a much quieter lifestyle than we are used to. Andrew started for the RPI la - crosse team when they played Fall Ball scrim mages. We had a nice visit from An drew and his col lege friends one week end and en joyed at tend ing Par ents week end at RPI and meet ing the other la crosse par ents dur ing the Fall Ball tour na ment. In No vem ber, Sue had her an nual craft open house where 20 or more pre sent ers come into our home and sell their wares for 3 days. And the last mile stone, is that we got our news in be fore Thanksgiving! And hope fully we were n t the last! Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year and Happy Thanksgiving since we have to write our news so early! Sue and Stu art Miller Sporty Cameron This year for Feb ru ary break my fam ily and I went to California. We enjoyed it there, we got to learn how to surf and we saw all sorts of an i mals at the San Fran cisco Zoo. We also went to Sea World which was a lot of fun. Be fore my first la crosse sea son started we went to North Carolina for spring break. It was only my mom, my sis ter, and me from our fam - ily. Our friends and some fam i lies from New York also came to the beach house this year. My la crosse sea son was pretty good. I had a lot of fun. Over the sum mer I did a la crosse clinic and went to a soc cer camp with one of my friends. I had a lot of fun at those as well. My soc cer sea son in the fall went very well. We were un de feated on our home field and our re cord was 11 wins and 4 losses. Cameron Miller

5 Page 5 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Andrew Plays Lacrosse at RPI Over the win ter, I played la crosse in an in - door league and went to a few tour na ments. I did n t get to go snowboarding once over the win ter and I m hop ing I will be able to go a lot this win ter. I played a lot of pond hockey at one of my friend s house. We tried to build an ice rink in my front yard but it did n t work too well. Spring was mostly about our la crosse sea son. We did pretty well but lost in the semi fi nals for our sec tion. Our sea son was fun and I had a great time with my team mates. I started dat ing my girl - friend, Jaclyn, in the spring and we hung out a lot over the sum - mer. She s awe some and we ve had so many great times to - gether. I was done with col lege ap - pli ca tions and la crosse. I de cided to go to RPI to play la - crosse and study en gi neer ing. I m lean ing to wards me chan i cal or aero nau ti cal en gi neer ing. I spent most of my summer work ing. I worked Mon day through Fri day, 9 to 4 at a rec - re ational cen ter for kids ages kin der gar ten to 6th grade. My job was fairly easy. We took the kids on field trips ev ery Thurs day. We went to 3 dif fer ent zoos, a wa ter park, an amuse ment park and a cou ple other places. The rest of the week, we would have arts and crafts for the kids, a con ces sion stand, and var i ous sports and ac tiv i ties. Some of the sports in cluded bas - An drew and girl friend Jaclyn ket ball, kickball, dodgeball and base ball. Some of the ac tiv i ties we set up were a slip-n-slide, a tye-dye sta tion, a tal ent show, and tag games. In ad di tion, the kids had a play - ground out side that they were al lowed to go play on. I had a fun time work ing there and I m plan ning on work ing there again this sum mer. I started work ing with Niles to ward the end of the sum mer, paint ing a bike shop, as well as work ing at the rec cen ter. It was go ing well un - til we both got se vere cases of poi son ivy from paint ing in the bushes out front. Some time in the mid dle of the sum mer we had a tour na ment at my col lege for the la crosse kids that were re cruited. I met most of the fresh man guys on the team. Soon enough, I had to start get ting ready to go off to col lege. I was ex cited to be go ing away and I knew I would have an easy time meet ing peo ple be cause I had al ready met some kids from the tour na ment over the sum mer. When I was n t work ing, I spent my time with my friends or with Jaclyn. Col lege has been fun so far, but I miss ev ery one from home too. La crosse is go ing well. We had fall prac tices for a few weeks but now we just have lift ing prac tices dur ing the week. Jaclyn and I are still to gether and she s been up to visit a cou ple times and I ve been back home to visit her. I came home with a cou ple of my friends from col lege and we hung out with my friends from home for a week end. An drew Miller This past win ter, I took a trip out to Lake Tahoe on the bor der of Ne vada and Cal i for nia. I went with the ski/snow board club from school and two of my room mates came with me. The moun tain was amaz ing and we had plenty of snow the first night that we ar - rived. One day we got to ride through fresh pow der all morn ing when they opened up an un touched side of the moun tain. Dur ing the win ter, I took a break from college to travel to San Diego, CA with my fam ily. The high light of the trip was get ting to take surf ing les sons to gether. Ev ery one but mom donned a wet suit and swam into the cold ocean. She stayed on the beach and pho - to graphed the or deal. We all did very well and man aged to get up for a few rides. We also vis ited the San Diego Zoo where I wit - nessed an ea gle catch and eat a mouse about 5 feet from where I was stand ing. I have been dat ing a girl named Megan Boyce for just over one year now. For spring break, my housemates, Megan, and I went down to Clearwater Beach in Florida for sev - eral days. We had very nice weather and just hung out on the beach all day play ing vol ley - ball and swim ming. Senior Surfs, Swims, Skis and Studies This year was full of big birth days and an ni - ver sa ries for us. I turned 21 and spent the day hang ing out with my friends do ing the usual ac tiv i ties. I fin ished my ju nior year at UNC and am three weeks away from fin ish ing the first half of my se nior year. School has been go ing well and I will be done with my ma jor in eco - nom ics and mi nor in chem is try af ter this se mes ter. Next se mes ter I will be fin ish ing up with the rest of my gen eral re quire ments to grad u ate on time in May. I am liv ing in the same house as last year with the same room mates, and things have been go ing very well among us. I m still not sure what I will be do ing af ter the end of this school year, but I am con - sid er ing a few options. I m sure there are a bunch of things that I for got to men tion but I ve listed the big gest Megan Boyce and Niles events in my year. Niles Miller

6 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 6 I started vol ley ball this past year. I had never played be fore and it was wicked fun. I was on JV (ju nior var sity) and I started! My coach was An drew and Niles s old la crosse coach so he knew me and I was n t as scared to go out for the team. Vol ley ball was so much fun. I loved it and I m go ing to play again this year. One of my friends had a sweet six teen at this new club at the Turn ing Stone Ca sino. It was the first time open ing and we were the first ones in!! It was such a fun party. It was for mal black and white and there were lights and danc ing and ev ery thing! It was great! I had a good Christ mas and win ter. For Feb - ru ary break we went to Cal i for nia. It was so much fun. In Cal i for nia we had surf ing les - sons. All of us ex cept for my mama had them. The wa ter was freez ing and we wore body suits. Surf ing was so much fun. I did n t get up a lot but it was still wicked fun. It was kind of cold out so we did n t swim in the ocean a lot. Our ho tel had a pool so we were there some - times. We also went to Sea World, but I only went with my par ents and Cameron be cause An drew went back to UNC with Niles. We watched a dol phin show and we saw Shamu. We went to Ven ice Beach when we were there too! It was wicked weird like there were a lot of weird peo ple around there. We saw this one guy jump on glass! It was crazy. We saw our great, great Aunt Helen in Cal i for nia too. She had this lit tle house with an or ange tree in the back. We had break fast in Santa Monica and saw all the big houses on the hill that be longed to the stars. And we saw the Hol ly wood sign when we went to Hol ly wood. We did a lot of Sweet Sixteen Socializes, Plays Sports and Cuts Seconds From Swim Times other fun stuff there too and it was a solid trip. I want to go back some day. When I got back home I started la crosse. We had a pretty good sea son in la crosse. We aren t a very good team but it s al ways fun. My mama threw me a sur prise sweet six teen. It was soooo much fun! All my friends were there and it was like a Ha wai ian theme. We played limbo and ate food and it was so good! Then for spring break we went to the beach. I took one of my best friends, Jaclyn. It was kinda chilly at the beach but it was still wicked fun. We stayed in a house like 3 houses away from Mr. Bosley s. This house Sur prise! was huge! There were 3 floors, a movie room, a pool, a Ja cuzzi, and an el e va tor. We had six fam i lies altogether in the house. We had a lot of fun and I can t wait for next year. I hope we get Mr. Bosley s house. The week end af ter spring break I had prom. It was n t my prom but I was go ing with my friend Paul. Jaclyn was also go ing with one of Paulie s friends so we were in the same group which made it more fun. Prom was so much fun and I can t wait till mine this year. It s go ing to be so good! I was also in vited to se nior ball by one of An drew s good friends, Will. Jaclyn was also go ing to this with An drew so we were in the same group again and I had her there with me. Ball was wicked fun! I loved it be - cause it was with all the se niors and all An drew s friends who are ba si cally my other broth ers so it was fun to be with them at the last dance kind of. But it was n t the last event with them, we had all sum mer. So school ended and sum mer be gan and the first thing to re ally hit off sum mer was Dave Matthews Band. He came to SPAC [Ed. Note: Saratoga Per form ing Arts Cen ter in Saratoga Springs, NY] like one of the first few weeks of sum mer and we all got into cars and went. SPAC is about 2 hours away and we stayed over night at a camp site. An drew drove up along with Mike, Dries, and Tebby. They re all An drew s friends. When we got there, there were al ready some other peo ple set up from the first night. DMB was there for 3 nights and we went the sec ond. It was so much fun! Like all of New Hart ford went. Not ev ery one camped out but we did. I can t wait for next year, he co mes back ev ery year. Then we went to Rensselaerville for the Fourth of July. Cait went with us this year. We stayed 2 nights. It was pretty fun and the fire works were amaz ing. We did n t go to Rensselaerville a lot this sum mer. I think I only went two other times. One time we went to the horse races and the Haseleys came up. The other time I took one of my best friends, Kasia. She had a lot of fun. Through out the sum mer there were a lot of graduation par - ties to go to. They were all fun but the end of sum mer was the hard est. Say ing good bye to all my big broth ers was wicked hard and say ing good bye to An drew was the hard est. At first it was n t as bad Niles, An drew, Cameron and Em ily in An drew s room at RPI as I ex pected but then af ter al most a week it sunk in that he was gone. The house was so dif - fer ent with just Cambo and me. It was quiet. When An drew was home he al ways had some - thing go ing or peo ple over but not any more. It was weird. Good thing he is n t that far cause we see him a lot so it s not bad any more. I had started swim ming now and was into pre sea son. It was my 3 rd year on var sity. It was hard at first and I was sore but then it got better. Through out the sea son I had been get ting good times and keep ing it in good range. I had qual i - fied for sectionals in the be gin ning of sea son so now I just had to set my own time re cords. Sectionals fi nally came af ter a long, hard sea - son. The first day of sectionals, Thurs day, was so good! I took 2 sec onds off my time which is crazy for swim ming so I was wicked happy. And on Fri day my coach told me I had made the top 24 of all the classes and I could com pete again on Saturday. On Saturday everyone was pumped up. Not the whole team was swim - ming but they were still there. I was so ner vous but then I took an other sec ond off my time! It was so fun! I was ex tremely happy! The Mon day af ter sectionals vol ley ball started. I had like no rest in be tween, but that s okay. I m re ally look ing for ward to this sea son in vol ley ball. It should be good. Em ily Miller

7 Page 7 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Un for tu nately this year has been sort of a blur since we found out in Feb - ru ary that Scott has can cer. He was sick at Christ mas last year and af ter many tests and not feel ing well all of Jan u ary and Feb ru - ary, he was di ag nosed with carcinomatosis. They think it started in the ap - pen dix but no one knows for sure. So it has been a year of learn ing new words like che mo ther apy, avastin, fol fox, care giver, oncologist, omentum. We have learned to say it is what it is and have been deal ing with our new life as best we can. We have been blessed with huge sup port from fam ily and friends and could not have made it with out them. The can cer spread to the omentum, (the lin - ing cov er ing the in side of the ab dom i nal wall) and also to the small bowel. There is some cak ing on the large in tes tines. We made sev - eral trips up to Bal ti more to see a spe cial ist and Scott had sur gery in July af ter 6 rounds of One Day At A Time chemo. Un for tu nately they were not able to re - move the tu mors so the doc tor wanted him to have 6 more rounds of chemo and scans done again. The kind of can - cer he has does not show up well on scans and so it is hard to mea sure. He is still not el i gi ble for sur gery at this time so we started a dif fer ent kind of chemo in No vem ber. A good way to keep up with his prog ress is on the Car - ingbridge site that Jennifer set up for him: The pass word is 4grandchildren. Be tween doc tors ap point ments and run - ning Blair and Anna to their var i ous ac tiv i ties, there has been lit tle time for any thing else. Lynne has had a few real es tate closings even though the mar ket is slow. She has started back to tu tor ing some af ter school. Scott is for tu nate to have good help at work. Even though he has not worked since Feb. 20, his busi ness is still run ning smoothly. Like all the other con trac tors, DAVCO has seen a drop in busi ness. On his good days, he goes by to see ev ery one and help mo ti vate them. We have been to a cou - ple of UNC games and also out on the boat a few times at night to en joy the full moons. Life goes on and we do not know what the fu ture holds but we feel blessed to have had this time to gether. When a doc tor tells you that you have can cer, it is Stage 4, there is no cure and it is not the pri - mary source, it is time to re eval u ate your pri or i ties. We pray that God is not fin ished with Scott s work here on earth and that we can have him a lit tle lon ger. May you be sur rounded by friends and fam - ily this hol i day sea son! Lynne and Scott Dav en port ANNA DRIVES Okie Dokie, here is a re cap of my lovely year! In Feb ru ary I got my per mit! It was quite ex cit ing, and I was ter ri fied that I was go ing to fail, but it was en tirely too easy. I ve been get - ting a lot of prac tice, so I m not too ter ri bly bad. The rest of the year was pretty dull, un til I reached the sum mer. It was re lax ing, no trav el - ing, noth ing. I re ally loved hav ing a re lax ing sum mer of do ing noth ing but hang ing out with my friends. I spent a lot of time over at my friend Courtney s house, so much time in fact that they have be come my sec ond fam ily. A lit - tle be fore I went to Wilmington I got to go to Busch Gar dens for the first time ever with Courtney and her fam ily. Yes, you will see her name a lot; I spent too much time with her, I tell you! Busch Gar dens was so much fun! I got to ride the Gry phon at least five times. Af - ter I got back we all went down to Wilmington and I got to stay with my cousin Trey. He has his li cense now so of course that was fun. We went to the beach quite a bit, and I got a tan! Well, a tan for me doesn t amount to much. Af ter I re turned to New Bern Jor dan came to visit from Ja pan. I was so ex cited! There were many times that we stayed up un til sun - rise, laughing uncontrollably at almost every other word that came out of our mouths. I went to the Wa ter melon Fes ti val with Courtney, Nick, and Jor dan. I didn t be lieve there was a wa ter melon fes ti val ei ther. Sur pris ingly it was Lynne, Anna, Blair and Scott The Dav en port Clan Con tin ued on next page

8 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 8 Anna...continued from previous page fun, and since Courtney s dad ran a booth we re ceived free food! The night we came back, Jor dan, Nick, and I didn t go to sleep, we stayed up un til 5:30 a.m. and went on a run, and stood on the golf course to watch the sun rise. It was the best end of sum mer ever. In Au gust Courtney con - vinced Rae and me to take Tae Kwon Do with her. I was a lit - tle wary at first, I mean, me and phys i cal ac tiv ity? C mon! It was re ally fun, and I have a blast punch ing things. I joined up and in Sep tem ber I ad vanced to my Or ange Belt! This No vem ber I should be up to my Yel - low Belt. De fense tac tics, and as sault moves could be dan ger ous in my hands though ;). My best friend Alexis moved away to Wake For est at the end of July, so in Au gust I got to go and visit her. I was so ex cited! I ve missed Anna and Alexis Jor dan and Anna her so much. But of course all good things must end; on Au gust 25 (Alexis birth day) I had to start school. I m now a soph o more at New Bern High. It s not that fun. The school year has been one dis ap point ment af ter an other, un - til Oc to ber. On the 18 th I turned 16 but the day be fore Blair threw me a sur prise party. It was so much fun; Alexis even got to come down for it! I got Night mare Be fore Christ mas on DVD, and sev eral books. I would have been con tent with that but there was more. When I went out - Blair, Anna and Nessie (car) side, there was my car!!! I have named her Nessie, and she is the best car ever ^.^ She s white, and not as big as Aunt Lynne s car, which is a bless ing. (I m not say ing I don t like her car, it s just eas ier to drive this one.) It was by far my best birth day ever; I also dis cov ered that birth day par ties can be fun, de spite my previous mindset. Af ter that there isn t much more. I m go ing to Courtney s house again for Hal low een, and then the next day we are go ing to Myr tle Beach to see Larry The Ca ble Guy. Anna Jack son Busy Blair Happy Hal low - een!!! Ha ha, yes I am writ ing this on the due date!!! Sorry, Aunt Ka - ren. Well let s see 2008! WOW! There s a lot to talk about! OK so last time I wrote I had just en - tered my 1 st year at Grover C. Fields. So let s start off with No vem ber! Wil liam Dav en port Phillips is born! I can t re mem ber if I in cluded that last year but oh well OK so noth ing else re ally. OK, then Jan u ary! The start of a new se mes ter! Noth ing re ally throughout January and February except that I was cast in our school play, Raggedy Ann and Andy, where I played Greedy Bag, a fat per son who lived in a taffy mine. That was near the end of Feb ru ary when that started, though. A big shock came to our fam - ily around Feb ru ary; we found out that my dad was di ag nosed with peritoneal carcinomatosis. March was when Ellena Sophia Phillips turned 2! Also in March we took a field trip to Myr tle Beach with the AIG (Ac a dem i cally In tel lec tu - ally Gifted). In April I took an other school field trip to Ra leigh, NC with the other 6 th grade stu dents. There we went to a mu seum and aquar ium. Shad Fes ti val was in April also where Emma and I were the only orig i nal youn ger Haseley kids there! Jennifer and John brought their kids, Ellena and Wil liam, and Scotty and Kim s daugh ter, Reese, too. Ellena and Reese at tempted to do skits at Grandma s house with Emma and me but the skits were a lit tle too complicated for them. Over the sum mer Col leen turned one, which was a fun party with a lot of good pic tures! For the 4 th in stead of be ing in Greedy Bag NY like usual, I went to a 4 th of July party with my friend Kate and my friend Sam was there. Then I went to NY for 2 weeks. It was fun. Af ter I got back to NC I went to Camp Cheerio for my 3 rd and fa vor ite year. Near the end of the sum mer I got my ears pierced! I went with my mom and Kathryn. Next thing I knew school was start ing. I en - tered my sec ond year at Grover C. Fields, 7 th grade! My class is AWE SOME!!! Two of my best friends are in there, Kathryn and Olivia, and some of my other friends from last year, Em ily, Hud son, Brittany, Taryn, and Ja son. Un for tu nately, my best friend, Me - lissa, is n t in it. I met Me lissa last year and we have be come very close. She is luck ily in my drama class. The next thing that hap pened was LA BOR DAY CAMP ING TRIP!!!!! We went to a new place but it was still fun. Reese also turned 5!!! Be fore that my cam era broke!!! It was hor ri - Melissa ble! I got a new one for my birth day though! But that s skip ping ahead. I made the school soc cer team! We un for - tu nately did n t win any games ex cept 2 be cause of for feit. I also do dance for my 11 th year. On October 20 th I got BRACES!!!!! Four days later we took a field trip to Busch Gar dens with the AIG. It was VERY fun. I rode ev ery sin gle roller coaster in clud ing the Gryphon which has a straight down, 90 de gree drop! Af ter that I turned 13!!!! I had my friends, Me lissa, Kathryn, Em ily, Olivia, and Carolina (pro nounced car-o-lee-na). It was very fun. Well, that s about it. Wil liam is go ing to be one in the be gin ning of No vem ber! OK, we will talk to you at Thanksgiving. Buh-bye. Blair Davenport

9 Page 9 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Pharmacist Jennifer Gives Much Support I have had a very hard time writ ing our news this year. In fact I al most did not write any thing at all. To me, the Haseley Her ald has al ways been a place where peo ple share their good news and talk about the ex cit ing trips and places they have been to through out the year. I do not have that kind of news to share. My fa ther, Scott Dav en port, was di ag nosed with peritoneal carcinamotosis in Feb ru ary of this year. And while I know that God does not pick and choose peo ple based on their wor thi ness, I can not think of a less de serv ing man for this dis ease. This can cer is very rare and not like your typ i - cal can cer where you have a large tu mor or mass in or on an or gan. This can cer oc curs when an ini tial tu mor rup tures and spreads small tu mors or seed lings through out your ab dom i nal cav ity. Dad s tu mor cells are very ag gres sive and rap idly grow ing, which is good in a sense be - cause that is nec es sary for chemo to work ef fec tively. How ever, it is bad be cause it makes it hard to keep the cells small enough long enough for him to be able to have the nec - es sary sur gery to re move the tu mors. He is on his 3 rd cy cle of chemo and we are hop ing that this time the chemo will shrink the tu mors so they are small enough for the sur gery. Over all he is do ing re mark ably well. He has had some rough patches, but with his un end ing pos i tive at ti tude he has made it through and is ready to do what ever it takes to get er done. On a lit tle bit of a lighter note, my daugh ter Ellena turned 2 in March and my son Wil liam just turned 1 in No vem ber. They are beau ti ful and both con tinue to amaze me ev ery day. John is still work ing on his con tract au dit ing busi - ness and he and his part ners are do ing well with that. Af ter tak ing sev eral months off to be with Dad, I have gone back to work with a con - sult ing com pany where I work from home and help phy si cian prac tices im ple ment elec - tronic pre scrib ing. We try to take ev ery thing a day at a time and pray a lot ev ery day. I hope that ev ery one has a won der ful hol i - day sea son. Jennifer, John, Ellena and Wil liam Phillips William Phillips Ellena Phillips Many News in Clayton Well, it has been a year of ups and downs. Our year started off on an ex cit ing note. We were in the early stages of build ing our house in Clay - ton, NC. Our builder was fan tas tic. From day one we had asked to use Davco as a sub con trac tor for in su la tion and fire places. Dad came out to the house sev eral times through out the pro cess and ul ti mately com pleted it for us. I think it is prob a bly the first true house warm ing gift ever given. Then we all got a big jolt of re al ity. I won t go into all the de tails here as I m sure you all have been kept up to date with CaringBridge. We found out that Dad had a very rare form of can cer that was go ing to be an up hill bat tle or, as it has be come known in our fam ily, the rollercoaster. This may sound odd, but while it has been one of the tough est years of our lives it has also been one of the most blessed. Af ter that day of find ing out, the out - comes truly be ing un known, you be gin to ap pre ci ate ev ery thing around you a lit tle bit more. I ve told Dad many times over the last months that God could have taken him away quickly for any num ber of rea sons but He did n t. He has given us this op por tu nity to truly un der - stand what liv ing life to the full est means. You ap pre ci ate ev ery mo ment, even the ones you used to take for granted like Carolina foot ball tail gates or kids birth day par ties. I en cour age ev ery one to ap pre ci ate all the lit tle things around you be cause soon enough they can be come the most im por tant. Let s get to some ups: We moved into our new house freshly in su lated and warmed thanks to Davco En ergy Sys tems. It was so much fun build ing this time though there were a ton of things to pick out. I m glad I had Kim for all of the de tail ori ented things. I can pick where a wall goes but that is the ex tent of my skill set. We love the house. In June we cel e brated Col leen s first birth - day. We had the whole fam ily up to the new house for a small party. Sev eral of the grand - par ents sat won der ing when lit tle Col leen was go ing to walk as Kim and I stood in hor ror on the side lines say ing don t en cour age her! Af ter the first child you re al ize all of the things you wished for - walk ing, talk ing and in de - pend ence - all come way too fast. She did start walk ing a cou ple of months af ter and just as we knew would hap pen, now she is walk ing, talk ing and full of personality. She ab so lutely loves to dance which tick les Kim to death. She al - most never watches Con tin ued on next page

10 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 10 Davenports...continued from previous page TV but if she is awake she is stand ing at the com puter say ing dance, dance al ready ad - dicted to a Mac with itunes at age one! In Sep tem ber Miss Reese had her fifth birth day and this year we had a party at the new neigh bor hood pool. Reese had spent ev ery day there from the time it opened on Au gust 1 st so this was re ally a cul mi na tion of the sum mer. She has yet to brave the wa ter slide at the pool there but I know it is only a mat ter of time, just like walk ing and talk ing. Along with turn ing five came full-time kin der gar ten. This was one of the main rea sons we moved to Clay ton. Reese goes to school about a half a mile from the house in a great dis trict. She loves ev - ery min ute of it. The first week they let the par ents take the chil - dren in to the class room. On the sec ond day Reese said Mommy, I want to walk in by my self. Need less to say, Kim was a pud dle when she walked back in the house ahhh in - de pend ence! The amount of growth we have seen just in the first two months of school has been hard to be lieve. I know it is all down hill from here. She ll be in col lege be fore we know it. So that about wraps it up for us. We are tak - ing things one day at a time with Dad and do ing a lot of pray ing. We will get him back up to Bal ti more af ter the first of the year and get 2009 off to a great start! Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year to all. The Dav en ports (Scotty, Kim, Reese and Col leen) The Haseley Her ald dead line is said to be to - mor row, i.e., Hal low een 2008, so I ll start there rather than in the usual chro no log i - cal or der. Per haps it is time to rec og nize that at my age I don t re ally have to come up with a clever cos tume for Hal low een to scare any one, but I prob a bly will any way. Maybe just a vam pire cape again, not the dirty old man flasher rain coat of a few years ago! I m about to com plete the tri-an nual train ing course to re-cer tify as an Emer - gency Med i cal Tech ni cian (in mid-de cem ber), mark ing 25 years of cer tif i ca tion and 26 years as a vol un teer first aider in this ru ral com mu nity. I par tic i pated in a num ber of con tra dance or folk-re lated events dur ing the year, in clud ing Ashokan New Years week end, Dance Flurry week end, Old Songs Fes ti val, Adirondack Dance Week end, New Eng land Folk Fes ti val, Gotta-Get-Gone, Last Gasp, Peterborough, New Hamp shire Fall Ball and oth ers. Also sang, with oth ers, on the deck of an Erie Ca nal boat again at the Waterford (NY) an nual Tug boat Roundup. I plan on at - tend ing Ashokan New Years mini-week end I went with Janet to Fal con Ridge Folk Fes ti val where we were soaked in a se vere rain storm and where three of the large tents blew down on Sunday! A week Jack Volunteers at Folk Events, R ville Community later, at Cham plain Val ley Folk Fes ti val, but with out Janet, we had a re peat of Fal con Ridge weather where we all had to evac u ate the large per for mance cir cus type tent for safety rea - sons, dur ing a sud den light ning storm. I am still on the Board of Di rec tors of Old Songs in Voorheesville, NY, and run the monthly Old Songs Con tra Dance Se ries (with pot luck sup per) from fall through late spring. I am still serv ing on the Wa ter/sewer Ad vi sory Com mit tee of the Town of Rensselaerville and we are still try - ing to get re pairs done to some se - ri ous dam age to our pub lic wa ter works im pound - ment dam. Other events of in ter est this year: an other auto ac ci dent Con tra dancing at Old Songs Building (on De cem ber 1, 2007) and a close call in July. In De cem ber, al though I was trav el ing at a sup - pos edly safe speed, my jeep hit black ice at 1 a.m. near Rensselaerville and did a 360 spin fol lowed by a 180 spin. No in ju ries (to me) and no air bag de ploy ment, but sig nif i cant dam age to the car (which has been re paired). In July I closely es caped a near se vere ac ci dent on the Northway re turn ing from Cham plain Val - ley Folk Fes ti val when the car to my right sud denly swerved di rectly in front of me (go - ing 65 mph) and missed me by about six inches. Janet will re port on the string of vis i tors we have had in Rensselaerville this year and the ma jor re pair we had to make to the sewer sys tem at our house. It s still Oc to ber and I ve squeaked un der the dead line for sub mit ting Haseley Her ald news, but the view out the win dow looks like De cem ber we had eight inches of snow two days ago and it is still on the ground. Fif teen miles away (and at lower al ti - tudes) they are en joy ing fall col ors and not a flake of snow fell. Nearby, at higher el e va tions, they mea sured 20 inches! News flash: Two days af ter I wrote my HH news above, on No vem ber 2, a young woman trav el ing at a high rate of speed crashed into my poor car. It spun around and smashed back - wards into a stone wall, break ing a strut and dis plac ing the rear axle. The car is to taled but no body was in jured, for tu nately. To be de ter - mined is what I will do for trans por ta tion. For tu nately, neigh bors Cindy and Greg have an ex tra car they are let ting me drive tem po - rarily. Jack Long

11 Page 11 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Twas the night be fore the HH was due, when all through my brain, Not a cre ative thought was stir ring, not even some thing lame. My notes were all or ga nized, neatly all over the bed, In hopes that an idea soon would come into my head. My kids all said it was my job to do, So they did not help and said quit cry ing boo-hoo. And Kelly was laugh ing as I broke into a sweat, And then she headed out the door to walk Cosmo, the new pet. Then I re mem bered about our new En ter tain - ment Cen ter, I ran to my com puter and words I be gan to en ter. The In door Fun Cen ter is packed when it is not sunny, With bowl ing, games and food it is ac tu ally mak ing some money. The La bor Day Camp ing Trip was some where new, We rode the Vir ginia Creeper with some of the same old crew. Blair joined us for the camp ing trip, she was such a dear, But we re ally missed Lynne, Scott, and Anna, maybe next year. No year would be com plete, with out a visit to old Shad, What a great time Emma and I both had. Erin was at a con cert with some of her teen age friends, Twas The Night Before The Haseley Herald Was Due So Grandma was un able to fol low her with her cam era lens. Now, Erin!, now, Emma!, now, Dad and Mother! On to Aruba!, On to Bonaire!, on to Gre nada and Oth ers! Our Spring Break Cruise with friends was lots of fun, Com plete with kayaking and snor kel ing in the hot sun. Emma is in the 5 th grade and loves her arts and crafts, She is 10 years old and is a bar rel of laughs. Erin is a teen ager, at the age of thir teen, She loves vol ley ball and is still tall and lean. In March we vis ited the Dav en ports, to check on Scott, And unfortunately watch the Tarheels lose by a lot. We still en joy our lake house very much, And also went to the beach, moun tains and such. Od ys sey Of The Mind is a team of which Emma was a mem ber, They made it to States and good times she will re mem ber. She is al ready very ex cited about this year s team, Visit for Prob - lem 3 Theme. Af ter turkey in Grifton, we all headed to Cha - pel Hill, To watch foot ball with Dav en ports, J&K and Mill...ers. The weather was cold, but the game was good, I can not re mem ber if we won, I guess I should. In Au gust we made our trip to Rensselaerville, And hiked up the falls and Grandma s hill. We went to the horse races as we usu ally do, And then Blair came to Char lotte for a day or two. Our New Year s res o lu tions are to lose some weight, Of course that is no dif fer ent from ours in Kelly still plays ten nis and golf a lit tle bit, I have de cided it is def i nitely time to quit. It is time now to go drink a cold beer, Please tell Mom and Ka ren I will do better next year. Sorry there is no cre ative news this year that is mine, Happy Haseley Her ald to all, and to all a good Allan Haseley Allan, Erin, Emma and Kelly Haseley at UNC/Duke foot ball game Emma s Haseley Har old On Christ mas last year we got a dog named Cosmo. He is a losapu (a losaopsa and a poo dle). Now I am in 5 th grade and my teacher is named Mr. Buxton. We are hav ing a 5 th grade elec - tion, and I am vice pres i dent. Smokey is still as fat as ever, and Chelsea is still franticey. In Au gust we went to a Jonas Brother con - cert, and it was amaz ing! On La bor Day camp ing trip we went to a dif fer ent camp site called Grayson High lands Park. (Bear Den is still better). Over spring break we went on a cruise with our friends the Gaineses and the Jonsons. Me and my mom went to bingo on the last day and I won the jakpot! (1000$) Our neigh bors the Quigelys and us bought a tram po line. My dad and I were the only ones from our fam ily that went to the shad festavel this year. It was tons-o-fun. The horse races in n.y. were fun be cause my horses won a lot. Last o.m. (odessy of the mind) sea son our team made it all the way to states, but then we lost. This sea - son just started and we hope to make it all the way to worlds! Emma Haseley

12 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 12 Erin is a Teenager! Well.this year has been pretty good, I guess. I can t re ally re mem ber so I m go ing to have to think..okay, well now I re mem ber that in No vem ber I went camp ing with a few of my friends and our dads. I spe - cif i cally re mem ber that it was ri dic u - lously cold and I was wear ing like 8 lay ers when I went to sleep. It was hor - ri bly fun. Then Thanksgiving came along like it usu ally does ev ery year. We ate at my Grandma Pat s in Char lotte, then we drove up to Grifton and caught up with ev ery one there. Then we went to the Tarheel vs. Duke foot ball game with the whole crowd. It was fun es pe cially since we dom i - nated! (well, of course!) At the end of No vem ber, my momma, Emma, and my two friends and I went to the Jonas Broth - ers/hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus con cert! It was pretty amaz ing!!!! Christ mas was re ally fun this year. Grandma Janet came down on Christ mas Eve (and she left on Christ mas morn ing) and my other Grandma came over to our house as well. We all played Christ mas Cha rades. It was hi - lar i ous! For Christ mas I got a MacBook, which I m now ad dicted to, and oh yeah, a dog! His name is Cosmo and he is a llaso-apso poo dle mix. He is white and fluffy and re ally cute and spas tic!! He is a great dancer and smart, too. So fi nally we move in to 2008! To start off the year, I turned 13. Yay. For my birth day, six of my friends and I went to the new Sport Con - nec tion that re cently opened. We mini-bowled, played la ser tag, and jumped around on the bounc ers. It was uber fun! In the month that fol lows Jan u ary, I also had a lot of good times. For in stance, over Pres i - dents Week end, I went ski ing with Caro line and her dad and brother along with their In dian Guide group. We all stayed in the same house and I had so much fun I can t even ex plain! The first day we went ski ing we ac tu ally got lost and couldn t find Mr. Hensley for about 3 hours! It was re ally scary. And we did a bunch of other fun stuff like baby-sit six 10-year-old boys and go star-gaz ing. Spring break this year was the spring break of all spring breaks! We went on a Ce leb rity Cruise, the Sum mit, through the Ca rib bean with our friends the Gaineses and the Johnsons. So that means it was me and two of my best friends pretty much hav - ing a 7-day sleepover. It was awe some! We went to many dif - fer ent is lands, such as Dom i nica, where we got to river-tube down a rapid-filled is land river. We also got to go snor kel ing, kayaking, and learned a new dance! Natalie, Em ily, and I met a girl named Jor dan on the cruise who quickly be came our new best friend! We hung out with her while eat ing loads of French fries and hang ing out on the bas ket ball court at night. We also met a bunch of re ally cool Span ish peo ple who made fun of us in Span ish. So over all the cruise was awe somely awe some for everyone! In early April, Emma s Od ys sey of the Mind team made it to the State com pe ti tion at East Carolina University. I was forced to go, which I wasn t par tic u larly happy about, con - sid er ing I was go ing to be spend ing my week end with four 6 th grad ers and a bunch of 4 th grad ers. Sur pris ingly enough, I ac tu ally had a re ally good time, even through the non-stop rain ing and the end less OM skits. We then drove to the Dav en ports house to watch the Carolina bas ket ball game. We lost shame fully, which was de press ing. But I had a good time see ing ev ery one again, so that s good. I also went to a Keith Ur ban con cert with a few of my friends. I had never liked him be fore but now I love him! It was life-chang ing. Our an nual Me mo rial Day get-to gether at the lake was pretty ex cit ing this year. We tubed and did all the lake stuff, like usual. In June I grad - u ated from the 7 th grade, which was over all a great year! For our end of the year party, we got to sit in card board boxes and sail in our school s disgusting lake. What fun? My part ner and I made our box way Erin too tall so it ripped and we sank. We then went to our lake house a lot. We had bucket loads of fun up there! I learned how to knee-board and now can do like three 360s so that s pretty ex cit ing. We also rode the tube a lot, kayaked, I drove the jet-ski, and we just kinda went up there to re lax. This sum mer, I also taught my self to play the gui tar and I m ac tu ally not half bad! In July the Bil - lows came up to the lake and that was fun. Then we drove to Busch Gar dens and stayed at a re - ally cool re sort. We spent the whole first day at Busch Gar dens and it was re ally fun!!! We all rode the rides and did all the amuse ment park stuff. Then the next day we went to Wa ter County, USA. That was also fun, ex cept we stood in line for an hour for this ride that was to tally not worth it at all! But over all we had a great trip. Then af ter that we flew up to R ville and went to the horse races. We didn t go to the lake this year, but we hiked the falls; don t worry. Then we brought Blair home with us and we got stuck in the air port. Back at home I did my sec ond vol ley ball camp of the sum mer. It was in tensely long and hard but I guess it was worth it. Then one day I left camp early to go to the Jonas Broth ers con - cert!!!!!!! My friends and I all tail gated in the park ing lot be fore and it was dis gust ingly hot! Caro line and I were 7 th row from the front so we could see them per fectly. It was the most amaz ing thing ever. They were so awe some, even my par ents liked them! In Au gust we went to the Bil lows beach house. We also parasailed for the first time. It was pretty awe some, even though I had to go with Emma and Ty ler. We still had a lot of fun try ing to flip in our seats and spit into the wa ter from so far up. When we got back from the beach, school started. I m in 8 th grade this year and so far it s a lit tle bit harder than 7 th but I love all of my teach ers. And with the start of school co mes Con tin ued on next page

13 Page 13 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Erin...continued from previous page the start of vol ley ball sea son!!!!!! Our team is so good this year (thanks to the help of my mom as sis tant coach ing us). We were all re ally scared of our coach, but she turned out to be nice. Our fi nal re cord was 9-3 and we came in 3 rd in our tour na ment. Whoo-hoo! In Sep tem ber, we went on our an nual camp - ing trip with ev ery one. Blair stayed with us this year. I think all of the kids had fun this year; do - ing skits, danc ing, hik ing (ex cept for me and Blair), and of course bik ing on the Vir ginia Creeper. So that s pretty much all that has hap pened this year. Good bye. Erin, Cosmo and Emma Erin Haseley El len and the girls happy note on the 21 st Daddy was hav ing fun with the girls in a shop ping cart, and the load shifted and ev ery one went down. When the girls got home both were cry ing and would not set tle down which is very un usual for them. Kaitlin in par tic u lar was up set. Her knee hurt and she could not walk and we were cer tain she was not faking. We took her to the pe di at ric emer gency room and she had a bro ken fe mur. They could not set the leg that night as there was too much swell ing. She was put in a soft cast and sent home this was now late Fri day night on a hol i day week end. On Christ mas Eve we found an or tho pe dic that would see us and put her in a full length hot pink hard cast. The good news if there was any out of this the break was above her growth plate and there will be no long-term effects from the ac - ci dent. The hard part was hav ing mom carry her to the b-room and the kitchen ta ble and to bed you get the pic ture El len has NEVER had such tough mus cles. Kaitlin was not able to walk for about 6 weeks as she could not be weight bear ing at all. We had some lo gis tics night mares get ting Kristin to pre school with - HI HO, HI HO, IT S OFF TO DIS NEY WE GO! Ex cite ment is not nec es sar ily good news! We ve had a very in ter est ing 2008 and it is only 3/4ths fin ished we are hop ing for no more ex cite - ment. Last year ended on a very un - Kaitlin and Kristin out Kaitlin and fi nally get ting Kaitlin to school in her stroller with mom push ing her to all the work and play sta tions. It is a re ally good thing Kaitlin is very pa tient and dealt with the whole sit u a tion very well. An other event in our lives hap pened in a split sec ond.we had been to the nurs ing home to visit Harry s mom and on the way home a teen on the phone made an il le gal left turn into our car be hind Kaitlin s car seat and in front of the gas tank. Our car flipped around, jumped the me dian, and ended up fac ing the stop sign on the op po site side, sort of up on the curb. The pas sen ger com part ment was not touched at all, al most as if we were in bub ble wrap. Not such good news for the car which was in the auto body shop for six or seven weeks. Un for tu nately that was the last time we as a fam ily saw Harry s mom alive as she passed away the next day af ter be ing in the nurs ing home for 3 years. While that was a sad hap - pening we are so happy she is in a better place and is no lon ger suf fer ing. She was in her late 80s, lived a very in ter est ing life and was an amaz ing woman. In spite of sev eral mis for - tunes in our lives we have drawn closer as a fam ily and the girls are do ing phe nom e nally. They fin ished pre school and were happy about that as they de cided it was for ba bies and not them. The girls at tended a lit tle dance camp this sum mer and are now tak - Kristin, Kaitlin: Nor we gians at Epcot ing a dance class ev ery week (bal let and tap). Both girls started pi ano les sons this sum mer and LOVE it and are do ing very well. We also started Chi nese Lan - guage school this fall the girls seem to have an ear for the nu ances in the lan guage. Harry is do ing OK even though it is a Harry and the girls dif fer ent Chi nese from the one he grew up with. El len on the other hand is strug gling and this is only kindergarten. Kaitlin and Kristin are not old enough to be in of fi cial kindergarten yet this year so we do mommy school at home and for get print ing let ters, both girls write cur sive and are quite proud of this fact. We study top ics such as vol ca noes, bees, and various geography topics. Harry still plays volleyball some things just never change. Our fam ily went to visit El len s par ents in Texas (win ter snow birds) in March for two weeks and the girls were the hit of the re tire - ment park! We also just re turned from a won der ful trip to Dis ney World in November. We wish ev ery one a won der ful new year and give your fam ily a big hug and ap pre ci ate and love them!!! El len, Harry, Kaitlin and Kristin Dan Kaitlin, Kristin: mice at Dis ney

14 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 14 Many mini-trips to fes - ti vals and out-of-area con tra dances, vis its to friends from long ago, two wed ding cel e bra - tions, re con nect ing with friends and fam ily not seen for a year, meet ing new friends, host ing vis i tors, ten weeks of daily caregiving vis its to help an el derly cou - ple, com plet ing a new his tor i cal pro ject and start ing an other were high lights of Janet s Oh yes, and un der writ ing the con sid er - able cost of re pair ing failed sewer and wa ter sys tems at the Rensselaerville houses and 17 win dows chewed up by a squir rel at one of them. Wed dings: Willy Eldridge and Abbie Munce in New Hamp shire in May and Alison Miller and Da vid Snedden in Rensselaerville in Oc to ber had des ti na tion wed dings where the guests stayed for sev eral days and par tic i - pated in other planned ac tiv i ties be sides the wed ding it self. Both Willy and Alison are third cous ins once re moved from Janet and Jack and they have vis ited Rensselaerville dur ing sum - mers since their child hoods. Alison s grand mother, great grand mother and great, great grand mother were all mar ried in the Rensselaerville Pres by te rian Church and al - though she never lived in R ville she wanted to be mar ried there. Janet (mar ried 55 years ago) and daugh ter Sue (mar ried 25 years ago) un - der stood that de sire, as they also were mar ried in this church, al though they lived else where. Vis its with friends from long ago: In May Janet vis ited two child hood friends she had not seen in 59 years, Do ris Jung Jacobs and Don Otto. Do ris has a sum mer home on a lake in Janet Travels,Dances,Visits and Researches Maine and Don and his wife live near her. It was fun to see pho tos Do ris and Don had of their el e men tary school class mates in Do ris ca noe ing in R ville, 1945 Janet ca noe ing in R ville, 1945 Douglaston, Long Is land. Do ris also had Baby Brownie black and white pho tos of her visit to Rensselaerville at age 14. These pho tos were scanned and cop ied to one of Janet s flash drives. One of the pho tos is of Janet s grand - mother and oth ers are of the house and barn in 1945 and of Do ris and Janet ca noe ing, play ing ten nis and cro quet. En route north to at tend the Dance Flurry fes ti val in Saratoga, NY, in mid-feb ru ary, Janet vis ited an other old friend, JoAnn King, in Penn syl va nia. She was Janet s Girl Scout co-leader 35 years ago in Grifton and they had not seen each other in 30 years al though they have kept in touch via and an nual Christ mas news let ters. In March Janet went to Southport, NC, to visit Deb bie and Dave Fosbury. Peggy and Jim Weiss, who now live in SC, were vis i tors too. All were in sep a ra ble neigh bors in Grifton when their kids were small. Jim gave Janet and the Fosburys a CD of old mov ies he took of the gang then at neigh bor hood par ties, and of their toddlers playing. In Sep tem ber Janet and Jack vis ited sec ond cousin Blair Coo per and her hus band Bill from Santa Fe who were vis it ing their son Chris in Ver mont. They toured Chris nanotechnology busi ness and labs and met his lady friend Kelly and her 8-year-old son Pat rick who is a re ally smart young man. He put on a magic show which re minded Janet of grand son Niles Miller s magic shows at about his age. Vis its with fam ily: Ka ren and Jeffrey, Allan and fam ily, Sue and fam ily, and Blair all came to R ville at var i ous times, Ka ren and Sue sev eral times. Sue brought some friends a cou ple of times, in clud ing over Fourth of July when An nie and Dustin Mailloux came for their an nual visit, and Sue brought other friends for the an nual La bor Day li brary ben e - fit cock tail party and Edmund Niles Huyck Pre serve ben e fit dance at Conkling Hall. Janet at tended grand son An drew Miller s high school grad u a tion in June and she and Jack went to the big grad u a tion party for An drew in Au gust. There were two large tents and it was like a wed ding re cep tion with all the peo - ple and food. In Oc to ber Janet and Jack watched An - drew play la crosse on the RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic In sti tute) team. He was a starter even though he is only a fresh man. Jennifer Eldridge (third cousin once re - moved) came for Alison Miller s wed ding on Co lum bus Day week end and left Nov. 3 to go back home (Long Is land) in time to vote. Alison and her fam ily came sev - eral times to make ar range - ments for her wedding. Jesse Huyck Searls, a rel a tive they had never met, came from Aus tra lia on Oc - to ber 26. Jennifer and Janet gave Janet and Do ris in Maine, 2008 Jesse Huyck Searls him a whirl wind tour of Rensselaerville where his grand par ents, the Fred Searls, Jr., fam ily, sum mered in the 1940s and 1950s. Jesse is three years older than Sue and Lynne (his fourth cous ins) and his par ents were also mar - ried at the R ville Pres by te rian Church. The fam ily em i grated to Aus tra lia over 40 years ago but Jesse was in the States on busi ness so he came to R ville. Janet took pho tos of him at the Niles mon u ment in the cem e tery and pos ing next to the grave stone of Mrs. Edmund Niles Huyck (Jessie Van Ant werp Huyck) for whom he was named. Other vis i tors: On No vem - ber 17 a con tra dancer from Cha pel Hill vis ited when he was in Al bany for a busi ness meet ing. Janet loves to show Rensselaerville off to vis i tors! In mid-au gust Janet and Jack dis cov ered an in ter est ing trav eler at the Hilltown Café (at the post of fice build ing) and Janet in vited him stay Con tin ued on next page

15 Page 15 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Janet...continued from previous page at Candy La dies House. He stayed two and a half weeks. He is trav el ing around the coun try, some times sleep ing in his car. He lived in R ville as a child but had not been back for 50 years. He has many tal ents, one of which is fram ing and build ing houses (he had his own con struc tion com pany in Texas and is knowl - edge able about his toric struc tures) so Janet en listed him to ad vise what can be done to repair some struc tural prob lems at the Grist Mill which is owned by the R ville Historical Society. The ex pen sive joys of home own er ship: The sep tic tank and drain age field at the FGL house failed and Jack and Janet had to use the bath room across the road for three weeks un til a new drain age field was con structed in a dif - fer ent area of the yard. The pump for the well at Candy La dies House failed and they had to hook up a hose from a neigh bor s house for a month so vis i tors could have wa - ter. Even tu ally the deeply bur ied pump was lo cated and dug up and the well man was able to put in a new pump. For tu nately, the two ma jor wa ter/sewer fail ures did not oc cur at the same time! When Jack opened up Candy La dies House for Janet s ar rival in May he found a dead squir rel and 17 chewed-up win dows where the squir rel had tried to es cape. Af ter months of try ing un suc cess fully to find some one to fix the win dows, they were fi nally re paired in place on Oc to ber 30 and 31 by ex cel lent wood - work ers from the Twelve Tribes com mune 20 min utes away in Oak Hill. They do work rem i - nis cent of Shaker work and had been highly FGL house, 1945 rec om mended by the win dow spe - cial ist at the lum ber yard in Greenville. They cut away the dam - aged ar eas and glued in new mold ing they fab ri cated to match the old muntins that have a dif fer ent con fig u ra tion from mod ern ones, then used Bondo with hard ener to fill in the crev ices and sanded and shaped to match the old muntins. Con tra dances: In ad di tion to lo cal (aka Al bany area) dances nearly ev ery week, Jack and Janet at tended dances at Lenox and Green field, MA; Ashokan, Lake George, Altamont, Saratoga, and Hillsdale, NY; Brattleboro, VT; and Peterborough, NH. Three of these were 12-hour-long dances and four were week - end-long con tra dances. Janet also at tended con tra dance week ends in SC in March, north of Winston-Sa lem, NC, in April, and at the NC beach over New Years. She also went to dances in Carrboro, Wilmington, and Cas - tle Hayne, NC, as well as Glen Echo, MD. On No vem ber 8 she and Jack went to a con tra dance in Green wich Vil lage, New York City, and stayed with Rensselaerville friend Nancy Chase who has an apart ment only two blocks from where the dance was held. Janet s fa vor ite caller, Nils Fredland, was the caller and the band she has been fol low ing for five years, the Great Bear Trio, was the band. The Great Bear Trio are two young men (now ages 18 and 20) and their mother who was a clas si cal pi a nist. Janet has danced to them or heard them in con - cert ten times in four states in the last five years. His tor i cal pro - jects: In the sum mer of 2007 when the fam ily of Phoebe Searls True came from Cal i for nia to bury her ashes in the Rensselaerville FGL House 2008 cem e tery, Janet read them ex cerpts from their an ces tor Niles Searls Di ary of a Pi o neer which he wrote while trav el ing across the coun try in the Gold Rush in It was de - cided to have it re printed since it is ex tremely in ter est ing and well-writ ten and so few cop ies are in ex is tence from the pri vate print ing by four of his grand chil dren in Janet scanned the orig i nal book and wrote a new 30-page ap pen dix which in cludes all of Niles Searls de scen dants as well as sev eral draw - ings and pho to graphs and ad di tional in for ma tion such as how to fig ure re la tion - ships. Per mis sion was ob tained from the only sur viv ing child of the 1940 copy right holder and the 150 cop ies printed are all spo - ken for. An ar ti cle in the Al bany news pa - per No vem ber 1 about the book re - sulted in a flood of re quests for cop ies and on No vem ber 4 Barn and flower gar den at FGL house, 1945 Janet or dered more to be printed. In col - lect ing the facts for the list of de scen - dants, Janet had fun talk ing to peo ple all over the coun try she had never known be fore, and cor re spond ing by with oth ers (in clud - ing Jesse Huyck Searls and his sib lings and mother in Aus tra lia). In Au gust Jennifer Eldridge discovered on ebay a large por trait dat ing from the 1800s of Ad di son Niles who was born in Rensselaerville, was a first cousin and brother-in-law of Niles Searls, and who also served on the Cal i for nia Su - preme Court with Niles Searls. The town of Niles, Cal i - for nia (now a part of the city of Fremont) was named for Ad di son. Ad di son was a sib - Ad di son Niles portrait ling of Janet and Jack s great grand fa ther Charles Niles. To make a long story short, the por trait now be longs to the Rensselaerville His tor i cal So ci ety, thanks to the gen er os ity of a bene fac tor who wishes to re main anon y mous. How ever, the por trait has a large tri an gu lar tear and is pres ently await ing res to ra tion by a highly-recommended conservator. (Contribu - tions to the R ville His tor i cal So ci ety are tax de duct ible in case any one wants to help to ward the $1500 needed to re store the por trait.) The wel come mat is al ways out in both Rensselaerville (May through Oc to ber) and Grifton (No vem ber through April). Please visit! There s lots of room at both places, for as long as you can stay and for as many peo ple as you want to bring. con tact: Janet Haseley

16 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 16 Rhems Reflect Af ter read ing this poem, we think this a per fect re flec tion of 2008 for the Rhems. An other year has passed And we re all a lit tle older. Last sum mer felt hot ter And win ter seems much colder. I rack my brain for happy thoughts, To put down on my pad, But lots of things that come to mind Just make me kind of sad. There was a time not long ago When life was quite a blast. Now I fully un der stand About Liv ing in the Past. We used to go to friends homes, Base ball games and lunches. Now we go to ther apy, to hos pi tals, And af ter-fu neral brunches. We used to have hang overs, From par ties that were gay. Now we suf fer body aches And sleep the night away. We used to go out din ing, And couldn t get our fill. Now we ask for dog gie bags, Come home and take a pill. We used to travel of ten To places near and far. Now we get back aches From rid ing in the car. We used to go out shop ping For new cloth ing at the Mall HOW TRUE IT IS (author unknown) But, now we never bother... All the sizes are too small. That, my friend is how life is, And now my tale is told. So, en joy each day and live it up... Before you re too damn old!! Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year! Ed & Ruthanne P.S. Ed has just re joined the 40 or more hours a week work force. Due to shrink ing IRA ac - count, credit card bills and hos pi tal bills, he started work at Met rics, Inc, a con tract phar - ma ceu ti cal lab, in Greenville. It s only a tem po rary full-time job un til Jan. 31st, but he hopes a per ma nent po si tion will de velop. He is not in the lab, but helps to co or di nate a cli ent s re quest with Met rics test ing ca pa bil i ties. If Met rics does n t work out af ter Jan. 31st, he ll be looking for other employment. SHELLY S NEW JOB 2008 has been a whirl wind ad ven ture for me, which leaves me won der ing, where has the year gone? In the span of twelve (12) months, I have man aged to start a new job, move to a new apart ment, take a few trips, at tend a lot of sport ing events, play soft ball, get an other year older and some how I ve still man aged to find time to have a lit tle fun. I am THANK FULLY no lon ger in ho tels, and have fi nally moved on to big ger and better things this time in the form of The Car di nal Club where I am the Pri vate Events Di rec tor and have a killer view of the city from my 28 th floor of fice win dow! I have also re lo cated to an - other apart ment in North Ra leigh, and am try ing to de cide if it s time to be - come a home owner or not - do I re ally want to be come a true grown-up? Shelly and Keith In be tween work ing and work ing, I have man aged to take in nu mer ous Dur ham Bulls games, ECU foot ball games, Carolina Hur ri - canes hockey games, a NASCAR race or two, and sev eral soft ball games old hab its die hard I guess. Keith and I have also found time to take a trip to Char lottes ville, VA, to Busch Gar dens in Williamsburg, VA and to Wilmington; noth ing too ex cit ing, but any time away is better than no time away! Other than the above and spo rad i cally sched uled girls nights, there s noth ing too much left to men tion, so Happy Hol i days to ev ery one, and I hope you all have a won der ful and blessed New Year! Shelly Rhem Mike Golfs Is it Haseley Her ald time al ready?? To say the least, this year has ab so lutely flown by. I have been stay ing busy with work, where I am cur rently still as sist ing in the de sign of ed u ca - tional and com mer cial fa cil i ties at Hite As so ci ates in Greenville. It seems as if the golf course this year has taken up most of my free time. I have been play ing as much as my girl - friend will let me, at least 3-4 times a week. I also got to - gether with a few bud dies on sev eral oc ca sions to play in Mike and girl friend Bre a few dif fer ent golf tour na ments. Now that the weather has started to get colder, I see my self search ing for a new win ter hobby. Right now, though, ECU foot ball and Duke bas ket ball seem to fill in the free space. I hope this year finds ev ery one one well and I hope you all have a very MERRY CHRIST - MAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR. Mike Rhem

17 Page 17 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Tania and Jeff Bal ance Busi ness, Parenting Our year was pretty full just work ing and be ing Connor s par ents. Jeff and I went to Aruba for our five-year an ni ver sary. I have now lapped my self sev - eral times in this mar riage com pared to the first! We hosted all of my old ADPi friends for a gor geous week end (even though it was rain - ing) for the UNC/Boston Col lege game and then had our an nual Hal low - een party where Connor was the host and re fused to wear a cos tume. In No vem ber, Jeff had to do a pre sen ta tion for KFC in Cancun, Mex ico so we took a long week end to visit there. Connor started pre school this year and is go ing five days a week for a half day. That was a huge tran si tion for us and one that we love. We found an ex cel lent nanny who ac com mo - dates our crazy sched ule so all is good there. Ev ery one asks what the most sur pris ing thing about hav ing a child is and it has to be how in - ter ested you are in some one else s bowel move ments when and where they are. I was in At lanta the other night at din ner (with Andrea and a friend) and Jeff called to tell me that Connor had done #2 in the potty. Big cause for cel e bra tion. Hope fully, our news next year will be that Connor is out of di a pers but no pres - sure! Jeff picked up more busi ness this year work ing with Sun Cap i tal (a pri vate eq uity firm with lots of res tau rants) and is con sid er ing in vest ing more in the res tau rants he al ready owns. I am still work ing with Med i cal Web and am ac cu mu - lat ing pi lots for COPE. COPE is an on line and tele phonic ser vice that pro vides men tal health treat ment, es - pe cially for re turn ing sol diers from Iraq and Afghanistan. Galt is thank fully still with us and still chas ing a ball like it is his first time. He is 8 years old now! Connor and he are the best of friends, ex cept when Connor is sit ting on his back legs or try ing to knock Galt s legs out from him with the Mickey Mouse lawn mower toy. We are hop ing for a great elec tion day and will be work ing the polls. Hope ev ery one has a great 2009 and enjoys reading Janet s R ville re port as much as I do. Tania, Jeff, Connor, and Galt Andrea and Steve Di rect Fi nan cial and Mar ket ing Pro jects Happy Holidays Everyone! Steve, Dea con, and I have taken the past year to set tle back into life in At lanta af ter MBA school. Steve is the Di rec tor of Busi ness Development at BrightWave Mar ket ing, an in - ter ac tive mar ket ing firm fo cused on . He gets to work with cli ents such as Sports Il lus trated, Chick Fil-A, and Ted s Montana Grill. One of his high lights was meet ing Truett Ca thy, the founder of Chick Fil-A, dur ing one of his meet ings. I ve been hav ing fun try - ing to find fund ing for new acquisitions when the financial world is melt ing down. Thank fully, my firm is strong and the sec tors I cover (pri mar ily healthcare) are safe ha vens. Be fore all this mad ness, I was able to get two trans ac tions com pleted. We pur chased PODS, the por ta ble mov ing and stor age com pany, where I serve on the Board, and sold TLC, the home healthcare com pany that I worked with for over three years. Out side of work, we re stay ing busy. Steve is a board mem ber of AiMa (At lanta In ter ac - tive Mar ket ing As so ci a tion), and I am ac tive on a lo cal ALTA (At lanta Lawn Ten nis As so ci - a tion) team. Last spring, my part ner and I went un de feated as the #1 dou bles play ers, all the way to the City Fi nals in our sec tion. I m also part of the At lanta Women s Foun da tion Des - tiny Fund class of 2009, which is a year-long phil an - thropic ed u ca tion pro gram. Af ter grad u a tion, I hope to be come a board mem ber of a lo cal char ity. When we re at home, we re re lax ing with our dog, Dea con, and en joy - ing Janet s R ville up dates. We d love to see you if you re down this way (we prom ise we have n t taught Dea con how to at tack Tarheels only Dookies). Andrea, Steve & Dea con

18 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 18 High lights of this year are the ar rival of three more grand chil - dren, the Malik twin girls Macey and Samantha, born to Steve and Kathleen on 26 De cem ber 2007, and Da vid Winningham III, born to Su san and Dave on May 14, All three are do ing very well, and we love them all. In 2007, Gaynor and I cel e brated our Thanksgiving and Christ mas in Ra leigh, at Tania s home and Steve s home, re spec tively. It is much more con ve nient for all in volved since Steve, Tania, and Su san all live in Ra - leigh. Also, it s a bit eas ier on us old folks. Mary and her fam ily joined us for the af- ter-christ mas cel e bra tion at Steve s home, and they came to Kinston af ter wards to stay with us and visit other fam ily mem bers. This ar range ment worked out very well, and will be re peated this year. Travel, va ca tions, Christ the Re deemer Rio de Ja neiro, Brazil World Travelers Gaynor and Hans Acquire More Grandchildren yes! We started 2008 with a 25-day trip to South Amer ica with a num ber of international friends from Ra leigh and Vir - ginia, 10 in all. We stayed 3 days in Valparaiso, Chile (near San ti ago), where we boarded the Hol land-amer ica cruise ship Rot ter dam for a 16-day cruise around the south ern tip of South Amer ica (Cape Horn) to Rio de Ja neiro, Brazil. We made sev eral stops for day trips in Chile (2, amaz ing gla ciers on the way in Dar win Chan - nel and Strait of Ma gel - lan), Ar gen tina (2, including Buenos Aires tango show!), Falkland Is - lands, Mon te vi deo (Uru guay), and fi nally Rio de Ja neiro, where we stayed 3 days to visit the fa mous places the city is known for. It was a great and mem o ra ble va ca - tion in deed. Af ter we re cov ered from our cruise we vis - ited Pat rick in New York City in April, to at tend a per for mance of songs writ ten by as pir - ing song-writ ers. Pat rick had about 6 of his songs sung by pro fes sional sing ers (some were in Broad way pro duc tions). It went very well. We did some shop ping, and en joyed good food. Also saw the Broad way production of Mama Mia. We got the CD, and Gaynor can t stop singing the songs, and danc ing to it! Gla cier - Strait of Ma gel lan, Chile On La bor Day week end we had a fam ily gath er ing in Em er ald Isle with Steve s, Mary s, and Tania s fam i lies, as well as Andrea and Steve Roe. It was a nice way to un - wind for all of us, and es pe cially for the kids, a great way to end the sum mer. Gaynor con tin ues to take com - puter/scrapbooking classes at the com mu nity col lege. She has done some amaz ing things with fam ily pho tos, es pe cially those of the grandkids. Maybe she ll show them to you some day. Gaynor and I wish you all the very best for the up com ing Thanksgiving and Christ mas Sea sons, es pe cially God s Bless ings of Good Health. Hans and Gaynor Frank fort READ HASELEY HER ALD ON LINE AT PHO TOS ARE IN COLOR THERE! If you don t need a hard copy in black and white in fu ture, send us your ad dress and we will no tify you next year when the 2009 edi tion goes online. Also, if your ad dress has changed in the past year, please let us know! Send to or snail mail to POB 147, Grifton, NC If you don t want any fu ture Haseley Her alds, tell us to de lete your name from our Christ mas news let ter list. (Our feel ings won t be hurt!) When Patience Patience... Patience Is Not Enough About 365 days ago at Thanksgiving, my year got off to a hor ri ble start. My step mother died. And with her death plus the ear - lier deaths of my mother and fa ther, I be came an or phan at 59 years of age. A cou ple of months later, I learned that Scott had can cer. I don t like describing per - sons in terms of their af flic tions. Such de scrip tions un fairly di min ish what peo ple are. And, I do not need to de scribe Scott to any one who knows Scott or reads this Haseley Her ald. So, to con tinue... Then, very slowly, and with lots of jag ged edges (some good, some not-so-good, some ex cel lent, some hor ri ble), my year be gan to gradually improve. I started to en joy the Xmas pres ent the Haseley Clan bought for me. (The com puter sys tem on which I am writ ing this ar ti cle.) Of course, Jeffrey be ing Jeffrey but not an overclocker I mod i fied my Xmas pres ent with a new CD/DVD drive, an ex ter nal hard drive, a sur round sound sys tem, ad di tional RAM, and other lit tle touches. I ve been fly fish ing for trout and other game fish in icy wa ters since March, and I don t in tend to stop for this year un til the fly Con tin ued on next page

19 Page 19 The Haseley Herald 2008 Edition Jeffrey...con tin ued from pre vi ous page goes plink on a frozen stream in Wash ing ton County, Mary land. I don t catch much, ex cept for a whole lot of fun and a few snif fles now and then. Since join ing the U.S. Gov ern ment Print ing Of fice in May 2006, my job as a Fed eral ex ec u - tive and man ager (civil ser vice em ployee, please not a bureaucrap*, pol i ti cian, ap - pointee, or other in scru ta ble hire) has pro gressed from al ways hor ri ble to very crappy ev ery day. So, I am giv ing se ri ous con sid er ation to re tir ing at the end of July 2010 at the age of 62 and 25 years Gov ern ment ser - vice. (This is a not-so-sub tle way of say - ing I turned 60 last July 20 th.) *[Jeffrey Note The spell ing is cor rect.] I m liv ing in a new house and home, now. No, I did not move. It s just that the so many ob sta - cles to re pair ing and ren o vat ing my tiny es tate have been me tic u lously elim i nated, and the work of a new and (as of this writ ing) ap par - ently ex pert con trac tor has been pro ceed ing nicely to ward com ple tion, I am cau tiously op - ti mis tic. But, knock ing on any new piece of wood in stalled this year, all con struc tion will be fin ished be tween Thanksgiving and Christ - mas, (Please note my new con fi dence... I fi nally gave a date for fin ish ing con struc tion, and it s less than two months away! Please, Santa, a new HVAC sys tem would be nice. These lumps of coal for the past few years are re ally de press ing and don t do much for heat ing or air con di tion ing my house. But, then again, I could re - ally use a home the ater for my big screen HDTV or a new sound sys tem for my mu sic CDs or a good plas - tic sur geon or a few Lin coln cents or a lot of Benjamin Frank lins or a wal let with some geld in it or some hand-tied-by-stu - art-miller flies or four pairs of gen u ine Le vis blue jeans or a new car to put un der my new car port in front of my new front porch, which should not be con fused with my new back porch, which should not be con fused with etc., etc., etc.) Now, it s about time to talk about Ka ren, my (please fill in the blank at your dis cre tion); the Enroths, one of my other fam i lies; Mark, my best friend; the Haseley fam ily, an other one of my other fam i lies; and, the Haseley friends. I didn t see any of them as much as I would have liked to. And, I do miss them. I ll try to do better next year. But, still, as al ways, Love and Friend ship. One amus ing (to me, at least) an ec dote. I was at my fa vor ite fish ing store, when one of the long-time em ploy ees who knew me very well looked at me and said to Ka ren, He s just a big puppy. Now, isn t that rem i nis cent of what Ed used to call me: The Big Kid. I miss you, too, Ed. So, what brought me to this time and place? Pa tience... Pa tience... Pa tience. Per se ver - ance... Per se ver ance... Per se ver ance. It s not over un til it s over. It is what it is. Ain t life grand?! plus a lot of (fill in the blank at your discretion). Jeffrey, The Big Kid, The Big Puppy CRAFT PRO JECTS HIGH LIGHT KA REN S YEAR No vem ber 2007 high lights were fin ish ing the Haseley Her ald BE - FORE Thanksgiving and there fore be ing able to at tend the Duke-UNC foot ball game with the fam ily. It was cold, but lots of fun and Thanksgiving was a joy to be able to spend with out worrying about finishing the Her ald. See to view What It Was Was Football that I put to gether for Scott. December 2007 highlight was visiting the Dav en ports in New Bern on Christ mas Eve and Christ mas Day and then spend ing time with Mom and Ruthanne and Ed on Christ mas evening. Jan u ary-march 2008 brought lots of sad news with a num ber of friends and fam ily be - ing di ag nosed with dif fer ent kinds of can cers. I con tin ued to play vol ley ball, though my si - nuses are still giv ing me trou ble. I ve been di ag nosed with Chronic Si nus itis and seem to get non-stop in fec tions. This is an on go ing is - sue and I m hop ing to see a spe cial ist from Johns Hopkins. April high light was the Shad Fes ti val and be ing able to spend time with the fam ily. I also con - trib uted a square for a vol ley ball team mate s mem ory quilt. May-June high light was de - sign ing and com plet ing a memory quilt for Scott for which a num ber of fam ily and friends con trib uted squares. July high lights were go ing to R ville over the Fourth and vis it ing with the Dav en ports when they were here for a week while Scott was in the Bal ti more hos pi tal. Au gust high light was go ing to An drew s graduation party. Sep tem ber/oc to ber high lights were vis it - ing the Dav en ports to have Anna and Blair help make the an nual Christ mas or na ments for ev ery one. They were so-o-o-o good and quick that most of the or na ments were com pleted on Fri day night, leav ing Sat ur day and Sunday to visit with fam ily and watch the UNC game! An other high light was at tend ing the Sew ing and Quilt ing Expo in Vir ginia and stay ing with Katie and Owen Clark for an ex tended week - end. We had a great time catch ing up and craft ing and hope fully more craft week ends will be planned be fore Oc to ber At the sew ing Expo I found some Kumihimo (Jap a - nese Braid ing) equip ment and now am learn ing a new craft. I will be sell ing some of this equip ment at Sue s Open House in No - vember. I m still work ing for the Greenbelt Rec re - ation De part ment and en joy ing my job as Ther a peu tic Rec re ation Su per vi sor. I plan trips and pro grams for se nior cit i zens, pro vide ac - com mo da tions for any in di vid ual with a dis abil ity who would like to par - tic i pate in our pro grams, edit the quar terly bro chure (our winter one just went to the printer, YEAH!!!), and am our de part - ment s da ta base guru for our class reg is tra tions. Work def i nitely keeps me busy! Now I have to be gin work on the 2008 Haseley Her ald and also de cide what to make for Christ - mas pres ents. Jeffrey does not Scott s quilt expect to see much of me un til I finish the holiday projects during this very busy sea son. Happy Hol i days to all and if you re ever in the Bal ti more/dc area, please let me know! Ka ren Haseley

20 2008 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 20 I m So Pretty...I m So Sexy... Look at me! Look at me! I m so beau ti ful! And af ter only one face lift. ( it did take many months of very hard work from my very lov ing new owner, who adopted me from my first fam ily the Haseleys, who loved me so much and took me places I never dreamed of see ing and who al lowed me to grace fully de - cay and de com pose with old age in the wild sa van nah some peo ple called the back yard of the Candy La dies House. ) Now look at me! Look at me! I m so beau ti ful! I look better than Pe ter O Toole af ter all his face jobs. (Who s Pe ter O Toole?) I look better than Phyl lis Diller af ter all her face jobs. (Who s Phyl lis Diller?) I look better than Mi chael Jack son af - ter all his face jobs. (Who s Mi chael Jack son?) I look better than Britney Spears af ter all her face jobs and body en hance ments. (Aha! At least now, all the HH read ers un der 16 years old rec og nize a real star! Okay, who s the wise acre I heard snick er ing out there?!?!) Bye-bye, Shasta Haseley Bailey Cats drawn by Kristin Dan

The Haseley Herald 2007 Edi tion Pub lished an nu ally for Friends and Rel a tives Season s Greetings

The Haseley Herald 2007 Edi tion Pub lished an nu ally for Friends and Rel a tives Season s Greetings The Haseley Herald 2007 Edi tion Pub lished an nu ally for Friends and Rel a tives Season s Greetings Col leen Scott Dav en port, born June 24, 2007 TWO MORE TWIGS! In re sponse to pleas of I can t sort

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