The Haseley Herald 2007 Edi tion Pub lished an nu ally for Friends and Rel a tives Season s Greetings

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1 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edi tion Pub lished an nu ally for Friends and Rel a tives Season s Greetings Col leen Scott Dav en port, born June 24, 2007 TWO MORE TWIGS! In re sponse to pleas of I can t sort out who is who in your fam ily here is a cap sule fam ily tree of the Haseley Her ald mem bers: Ed and Janet Haseley (p. 3) mar ried in 1953 and Ed s 7-year-old sis ter Ruthanne (p. 7) came to live with them ten months later. Her hus band is Ed Rhem and their chil dren are Shelly (p. 7) and Mi chael (p. 7). Janet s brother is Jack Long (p. 20). Twin Sue Haseley and her hus band Stu art Miller (p. 16) have four chil - dren, Niles (p. 17), An drew (p. 17), Em ily (p. 18) and Cameron (p. 16). Twin Lynne Haseley and her hus - band Scott Dav en port (p. 2) have a daugh ter, Blair (p. 8), and Scott's niece, Anna Jack son (p. 8). Scotty and Jennifer are Scott s chil dren by a for - mer mar riage. Scotty and his wife Kim have two daugh ters, Reese and Col leen (p. 9). Jennifer s hus band is John Phillips and their chil dren are Ellena and Wil liam, Will (p. 10). Ka ren Haseley (p. 5) is un mar ried but her friend Jeffrey Dulberg (p. 6) has been an in te gral part of the Haseley Clan for eight years. Who Are We? Where Are We? The Fam ily Trees Allan Haseley and his wife Kelly (p. 14) have two daugh ters, Erin (p. 13) and Emma (p. 15). The Haseleys adopted the Maliks 39 years ago when they ar rived in the USA and Steve and Allan have been best friends ever since. The Malik Clan con sists of Mom Gaynor and Hans Frank fort (p. 12); Steve, Kathleen and daugh ter Skylar Malik (p. 10), and Steve s son Jor dan (p. 11); Tania Malik and her hus band Jeff Schenk, their son Connor (p. 12) and Jeff s daugh ter Kristi; and Andrea Malik and her hus band Steve Roe (p. 11). Hans Frank fort s chil dren are Mary (6 chil dren), Ed ward (2 chil dren), Su san (1 daughter) and Pat rick. Harry and El len Dan (p. 6) are Ka ren s best friends. They have twins, Kaitlin and Kristin. Visit to see Haseley Her ald pho tos in color. If you pre fer to re ceive fu ture HHs elec tron i - cally, please let co-ed i tors Janet Haseley ( or Ka ren Haseley ( know. Wil liam Dav en port Phillips, born No vem ber 1, 2007

2 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 2 Blair, Lynne and Scott Dav en port, Anna Jack son in Adirondacks It seems that not much changes from year to year with the Dav en ports. They have added a new grand daugh ter (Col leen Scott Dav en port: see Scotty & Kim) and their first grand son arrived on No vem ber 1 (Wil liam Dav en port Phillips: see Jennifer & John). It has been fun watch ing the ba bies grow into tod dlers. Reese and Ellena vis ited in Feb ru ary and again in July. Paw Paw and Grandma Lynne for got what is like to have lit tle ones around!! But what fun!! Blair turned 12 and Anna turned 15 in Oc to - ber. It is so hard to be lieve that they are in mid dle and high school. The time is pass ing too quickly so Scott and Lynne are try ing to en - joy ev ery day with them. March found Lynne in Ra leigh help ing with a bridal shower for Sa rah Gupton, daugh ter of friends Tim & Sue Gupton, and Scott trav el ing to Las Ve gas for the first round of the NCAA bas ket ball (TV) with his bas ket ball junkie bud - dies. They watched bas ket ball from 9:00am un til 7:00pm with plenty of pub grub, beer and bets to make it a trip to re mem ber. The Davenports Drive...and Drive...and Drive... In April Lynne and Scott were in Ft. Laud - er dale, FL for Sa rah Gupton s des ti na tion wedding. May found Lynne in the NC Moun tains for a spa week end with the bridge girls. The trip in cluded a day at the spa and some shop ping in the Blow ing Rock area. June brought the Allan Haseleys to New Bern for the mem ber-guest golf week end. Allan and Scott won their flight this year. That was some thing new and dif fer ent. Un for tu - nately Lynne was un able to go to Char lotte in Oc to ber for Allan s mem ber-guest too many ob li ga tions for Anna and Blair to find a sub sti tute Mom/Aunt/Taxi driver. In July Lynne, Blair and Anna were on the road again. Sur prise! Sur prise!! Up state NY in R ville for the 4 th of July, then New Hart - ford for the Boilermaker run; then to the Adirondacks for a week on the lake with the Miller fam - ily. Scott flew up and back to join in at the lake house. The kids tubed and went in the paddle boat and on the rope swing; and we re laxed in the Adirondack chairs and looked at the deer, which came right up in the yard. Lynne and Scott took the op por tu nity to go to the Biltmore Es tate in Asheville, NC in Au - gust on the way to pick up the girls from Camp Cheerio in the NC mountains. This was their first trip and they were able to stay right on the es tate at the Biltmore Inn. Chris Isaak was play ing on the lawn and it was an ex cel lent con cert. The an nual trip to Em er ald Isle was in Au - gust just be fore the kids started back to school. (Blair started mid dle school on the 6 th and Anna started high school on the 9 th.) Scotty and Jennifer and fam i lies joined us for some of the time. Blair and Anna were able to bring some friends also. We miss Dave Bosley s place but were right on the ocean again. The La bor Day camp ing trip was rainy the first night (of course). Af ter a drought most of the sum mer, some peo ple wel - comed the rain. It is just not fun when you are tent camp ing, how ever. Luck ily that was just the Back row: An drew and Niles Miller. Mid dle row: Sue and Cameron Miller, Lynne Dav en port. Front row: Aaron Tompkins (friend), Blair Dav en port hold ing Pablo, Em ily Miller, Anna Jack son, Stu art Miller, and Scott Dav en port at Adirondack camp first night and the rest of the week end was beau ti ful! Kids ran around and Dav en port grandchildren: Col leen Dav en port, Ellena Phillips, Reese Dav en port hold ing Will Phillips Scott Dav en port hold ing new born Col leen per formed skits and ev ery one ate great. Un for - tu nately, be cause of the drought, no camp fires were al lowed so cre ative Emma and Cailyn drew a pic ture of a fire, which was put in the fire pit. The kids still had S mores - just on a char coal fire, not wood. On the way home the trailer came away from the truck. Yes, rid ing down In ter state 40 on La bor Day Mon day with trucks whiz zing by, the hitch came off the truck. The util ity trailer with all the stuff in it was trav el ing down the high way by it self. Con tin ued on next page

3 Page 3 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Dav en ports...continued from previous page Luck ily it came to a stop, did not turn over and no one was hurt, still a mir a cle!! We just had to pick up the items that were thrown out of the trailer onto I-40. Big Pink Bus Tour with New Bern birth day girls In Sep tem ber, Lynne made a trip to Nash - ville to cel e brate four of her friends 50 th birth days! They did the Big Pink Bus tour - a must - and vis ited the honky tonks - all wear ing their pink cow girl hats! Also in Sep tem ber Scott at tended an Elite Dealer Con fer ence in Destin, FL with the com - pany that pro vides his mar ble and gran ite for the fire places that DAVCO sells. Af ter meet - ings there was great deep-sea fish ing and golf along with some fab u lous meals and a lot of net work ing. The very next week end Scott re - turned to Florida to meet his base ball pals who are on a mis sion to visit ev ery ma jor league base ball park. This year they were in Tampa, FL to see the Boston Red Sox play the Tampa Bay Devil Rays at Tropicana Sta dium. This site was cho sen be cause the North Carolina Tar Heel foot ball team was play ing South Florida on Sat ur day so they were able to add foot ball to their base ball trip this year. They have vis ited seven ballparks so far but since they are all 57 years old they will need to pick up the pace in or der to get all the ball parks in be fore they are in their eight ies. When Lynne is not driv ing kids to ac tiv i ties, she still does tu tor ing with the schools as well as pri vately af ter school. She still sells real es - tate with Cen tury 21 Ac tion As so ci ates and Scott still loves DAVCO En ergy Sys tems. DAVCO has added out door kitch ens and fire - places to their ser vices of in su la tion and fire places, mar ble/gran ite and man tels. He says it is his hobby - go ing to work ev ery day. We hope this finds ev ery one happy and healthy! We feel blessed ev ery day! Have a great hol i day and Happy New Year! Lynne and Scott Dav en port Rensselaerville vis i tors Bob and Patty Olson, with Jack Long Janet Dances Around Visitors Some peo ple have ques - tioned why pre vi ous Haseley Her ald ar ti cles are al ways up beat with no di sas ters or crim i nal ac tiv ity. Well, this year the big news from Rensselaerville is that four non-prof its, in clud ing the His tor i cal So ci ety, have had their trea sur ies wiped out by em bez zle ment and the thief has con fessed. He will be sen tenced De cem ber 4 and faces be - tween two and a third and seven years in jail. He also is sup posed to re pay the full amounts, but as it is over $300,000 no body in town be - lieves we will see more than to ken pay ment. It has been dev as tat ing for the com mu nity. The His tor i cal So ci ety's en tire en dow ment of around $70,000 is gone.three of the groups are run by vol un teers but the li - brary is on the verge of bank ruptcy as they have sal a ries to pay. Many peo ple have been very gen - er ous and spe cial fund-rais ers have been go ing on since this was dis cov ered in April. I am still ed it ing the His tor i cal So ci - ety s quar terly news let ter and the town su per vi sor (aka mayor) asked me to also write his tor i cal ar ti cles for the town s monthly news let ter, which I have been do ing. We have been very busy at the Grist Mill con duct ing mill tours and pro vid ing re search help to vis i tors. Other per sonal ac tiv i ties have been pull ing lots of weeds at both the Candy La dies House and the Fran ces G. Long house, tak ing care of Jim Tigner s rasp berry patch (he is 95), and host ing out-of-town vis i tors at both houses (41 signed my guest book). Many of the Mill ers neigh bors and/or their kids have come, some for a day and some for overnights. Fam ily, of course, for our an nual Fourth of July week, al - though Niles and An drew could n t stay more than a day be cause of work and ball sched ules. Annie Mailloux who now lives in Texas came twice (she for - merly lived in New Hart ford, NY, where Sue s fam ily lives). Patty and Bob Fourth of July vis i tors. Back row: Elias Clark, Niles Miller, John Marsh, Zach Marsh, Jeffrey Dulberg. Mid dle Row: Janet Haseley, An drew Miller, Stu art Miller, Eric Winton, Cindy Marsh, Lynne Dav en port, Jack Long, Sue Miller. Sit ting: Ka ren Haseley, Michelle Behr, Blair Dav en port, Anna Jack son, Em ily Miller, Jessi Marsh, Cameron Miller Olson from Sutter Creek, CA, have been here four times since May and we usu ally join forces to fix din - ner to gether at the FGL house when they are in town. They come and go a lot, with R ville as their base when they travel to car Con tin ued on next page

4 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 4 Janet...continued from previous page shows, clas sic car tours, and var i ous re unions. Owen and Katie Searls Clark were Co lum bus Day week end vis i tors and we went to Coeymans (about half an hour south east) to visit graves of Katie s an ces tors Abra ham Sarles and Joanna Tompkins. These were the grand par ents of Niles Searls and great, great grand par ents of Katie. Other vis i tors de - scended from Niles Searls were Helen Searls De Groot from Mas sa chu setts and ten of her rel a tives who Helen Searls De Groot came from Cal i for nia to bury the ashes of Hel en s sis ter, Phoebe Searls True. We all de cided to have Niles Searls Di - ary of a Pi o neer re printed. This was writ ten on his trip across the plains in the Gold Rush of 1849 and is ex - tremely interesting. Sue s friends came for their an - nual Get away Gals Week end in June with out spouses or kids and filled up both houses. They come the first week end in June to at tend the Com mu nity Dance I or ga nize twice a year at Conkling Hall down the hill from our houses. Speak ing of dances, I met sev eral new peo - ple at con tra dance week ends this sum mer and some out-of-towners took me up on the in vi ta - tion to spend the night here. Of course, tours of the vil lage and of the Falls and other points of in ter est are re quired of vis i tors and I have thor - oughly en joyed show ing off R ville. Jack and I at tended the Adirondack Dance Week end at Lake George at the end of Sep tem - ber (glo ri ous weather, cool, breezy, sunny, and of course, great danc ing). We also at - tended both Dawn Dances in Brattleboro, VT (Me mo rial Day and La bor Day Sun - days with danc ing all night, last ing un til the sun co mes up Mon day), and the Fal con Ridge Folk Fes ti val at the end of July which has won - der ful danc ing but the ac com mo da tions are sparse no cab ins on the site. Jack s tent was less than in vit ing one of the nights when it was very dark and rain ing and my flash light conked out as I tried to find his tent at 2am up a steep hill in the most-dis tant third field away. But I will go again next year! Jack gave me an all-fes ti val ticket to the Old Songs Fes ti val at the end of June and since that is only a 20-min ute drive away I had better over - night ac com mo da tions at home. Al though I usu ally don t drive at night I did n t mind driv ing in the dark since I know the way from there quite well. The regular con tra dances in the Al bany- Saratoga area are very ad - Contra danc ing in Albany dict ing and I re ally en joy the in ter est ing peo ple. Usu ally there is at least one dance some where nearby each week end. I have de cided that Nils Fredland is my fa vor ite caller. I have al most be come a groupie for him, danc ing to his call ing so far in NC, NY and VT. We danced to him again in Peterborough, NH, at a noon to mid night Fall Fest. We danced with many peo ple we had met pre vi ously at other lo - ca tions. We spent the night in MA as guests of an other con tra dancer and the fol low ing day went to a dance in Green field, MA. Two days ear lier we took a day trip to Lake George and spent a de light ful day vis it - ing and sight see ing with Bill and Blair Coo per from Santa Fe. They were vis it ing their son Chris in Ver mont un til the end of Oc to ber but rode to Lake George with him where he was giv ing a talk about the nanotechnology com - pany he started. Blair is our sec ond cousin on our mother s fa ther s side and in ter est ingly enough, Bill is also a dis tant rel a tive: our sixth cousin once re moved on our mother s mother s side. I at tended three dance week ends again in North Carolina, one over New Years at the beach, one south of Char lotte in March, and one north of Winston-Sa lem in April. I re con - nected with old friends met at pre vi ous week ends both there and in other lo ca tions. Be fore and af ter the dance near Char lotte I stayed with Allan s fam ily and also went there for Christ mas Eve and Christ mas morn ing and again for Grand par ents Day in April at Emma and Erin s school. Mama Shad and some of her grand chil dren. Back row: Janet Haseley, Mike Rhem with Blair Dav en port on back. Front row: Erin Haseley, Em ily Miller, Emma Haseley, Anna Jack son Other gath er ings in NC were in Grifton at Shad Fes ti val in April (I have been pub lic ity co or di na tor for our whole 37 years). Sue and Em ily and a friend sur prised us by show ing up for the week end when, since the kids were not out of school, we did not ex pect them to come Haseley chil dren and mom: Ruthanne Rhem, Sue Miller, Janet Haseley, Allan Haseley, Lynne Dav en - port, Ka ren Haseley at Shad Fes ti val 2007 all the way from up state New York. The boys and Stu art did not come. An other sur prise was that Allan had re-reg is tered my car with a new li cense plate that says Mo Shad. This is fun to have and it also helps to iden tify my car in park ing lots that al ways seem to be full of many other sil ver mid-sized SUVs. (For those who do not know what the Mo Shad stands for, Mo is the mas cot of the Grifton Shad Fes ti - val; his bony fish skel e ton and Eat Mo Shad slo gan is on our sou ve nir T-shirts.) Ka ren and Jeffrey spent Christ mas Eve and Christ mas day with Lynne s fam ily while I was in Char lotte and I drove back to Grifton in time to have Christ mas din ner with Ruthanne s fam ily at their house, a first for us all. In April I made a short visit to Dave and Deb bie Fos bury at Southport (near Wilmington, NC) and went to a con tra dance at the col lege there be cause I wanted to hear the Con tin ued on next page

5 Page 5 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Janet...continued from previous page band again The Great Bear Trio which is two teen age boys and their mother from near Syr a cuse, NY. I had heard them sev eral other places dur ing the last three years. I went back to Al bany for most of Feb ru ary and was again a vol un teer and danced all week end at the big Dance Flurry Fes ti val in Saratoga. The Flurry takes over the whole city cen ter and has over 250 dance and per for - mance and work shop events, 16 si mul ta neously in dif fer ent rooms at the City Cen ter/ho tel and in nearby ven ues. In stead of fly ing di rectly to Al bany for the Flurry, I drove to Mary - land and spent sev eral days with Ka ren who was fit ting me for one of the sev eral out fits she has made for me to wear danc ing. She and I at - Katie Searls Clark tended a con tra dance at Glen Echo, MD, and I was sur prised to see five peo ple I had pre vi ously met at North Carolina week ends. I flew to Al - bany from Wash ing ton Na tional air port, spend ing the night be fore and upon re turn there with Katie and Owen Clark who live just min utes away. Then on the drive back to NC I vis ited old friends in Vir ginia, Julia Wil lis in Williamsburg who I had not seen since high school days, and Lou ise and Jim Hodge who used to be Grifton neigh bors. Jennifer Eldridge (third cousin once re - moved) visited from Long Is land and was help ful in con fig ur ing my new com puter which I had to pur chase when the moth er board died. For tu nately the old hard drive was healthy enough to have data trans ferred to the new com puter. Un for tu nately, the Corel Ventura desk top pub lish ing pro gram Ka ren and I use for Haseley Her ald and I use for the His tor i cal So ci ety news let ter is one of sev eral of my programs which are not com pat i ble with the new Vista op er at ing sys tem. I was def i - nitely not in ter ested in mov ing up to Vista just yet! Since my pro grams are also on my lap top (which I am us ing right now to write this ar ti - cle), in the in terim I have been able to func tion and was able to pro duce the most re cent His - tor i cal So ci ety news let ter on the lap top in stead of on the desk top. Now I have to start gath er ing up six months ac cu mu la tion to get ready to mi grate back to NC to ar rive be fore Ka ren does so we can work on Haseley Her ald be fore the whole clan de - scends for Thanksgiving. We usu ally have around 25 peo ple for din ner. I pro vide the house and buy the in gre di ents, but the kids do the cook ing the torch has passed!. This year Jack will be with us for the first time in many years. He will hitch up my lit tle U-Haul-type trailer, help pack it and the car, and drive me south. Allan has been com ing to do this for the five years since Ed died, but since he is very busy get ting ready to open a new in door sports fa cil - ity Jack vol un teered to help me mi grate. (I now know how to un - plug and plug var i ous ca bles that at tach to my com puter and can do that my self af ter all these years, the other job Allan has done for me for five years.) When Allan s fam ily heads to the UNC-Duke foot ball game Nov. 24 they will drop Jack off at the Ra leigh air port for a flight back to Al bany. Happy hol i days to all! And I d love to have YOU be among my vis i tors in Owen Clark Janet Haseley Karen s Medical Maladies 2007 has been a year of med i cal mis haps. Here s hop ing 2008 will be much im proved, at least med i cally speak ing! Be gin ning in Oc to ber 2006, I had a runny nose that just lin gered on. In De cem ber it turned into bron chi tis, then into pneu mo nia, and even af ter the pneu mo nia was gone, the runny nose still lin gered on. So it was off to an al ler gist, then to an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) spe cial ist. Fi - nally, in Au gust, it was de cided I needed si nus sur gery and sur gery took place in mid-sep - tem ber. As I m writ ing this, I still have a runny nose and con ges tion due to the si nuses still on the mend. I m keep - ing my fin gers crossed that be fore Oc to ber is over, I will be able to taste and smell as well as to breathe com fort - ably! In Feb ru ary, my left shin started hurt ing. I thought it might be a shin splint but since vol - ley ball sea son was end ing at the end of March, it would have plenty of time to heal. Un for tu - nately, it did n t go away. Any time I was on my feet for any length of time, it would start to hurt. So, af ter get ting an x-ray, then a bone scan, (both turned out neg a tive) I was sent to a phys i cal ther a pist to help with the sus pected shin splint. The PT felt that rather than a shin splint it was a disk is sue pinch ing a nerve so I started back ex er cises. Af ter my si nus sur gery, since the leg pain never to tally dis ap peared, I had an MRI on my back and it was de ter mined that I have spi nal stenosis. So I had three Ka ren shows chair can ing pro ject un der way. Lynne on right. epidural ste roid in jec tions in my spine and am wait ing to see if the pain goes away. I hope that this will re solve the prob lem since I am not will ing to give up my vol ley ball yet! Yes, I m still play ing and our 2008 sea son is just start ing to get un der way. Here s hop ing I ll be healthy enough to play. Trips this year in cluded go ing to Grifton for Thanksgiving and Shad Fes ti val, New Bern for Christ mas, R ville three times, New Hart ford for Sue s an nual pre-christ mas Open House in No vem ber, and Char lotte so Emma and Erin could help me com plete the Christ mas gift or na ments. The or na ments are an an nual craft pro ject I ve done for many years but I now en list dif fer ent nieces each year to help make them. I also stayed with Katie and Owen Clark in north ern Vir - ginia while I at tended the Sew ing and Quilt ing Expo. I had a great time with Katie and Owen and their two granddaughters, Kaila and Kalea. Katie even got talked into join ing me the last day of the Expo. It did n t take much arm twist ing! We have de cided that when I go to next year s Expo we will also make it a crafter s week end and hope fully, Kaila and Kalea as well as their mom, Leslie, and El len Dan will all be able to join us. Since Jeffrey con vinced me to buy a serger two years ago, I have spent a lot of time in my sew ing room. I have to ad mit, I ve made more clothes for Mom than I have for my self, but I have lots of plans for sew ing for my self, too. I love us ing the serger! An other craft pro ject com pleted was re-can ing one of the din ing room chairs in R ville. Con tin ued on next page

6 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 6 Karen...continued from previous page I still work for the City of Greenbelt, MD as the Ther a peu tic Rec re ation Su per vi sor and still thor oughly en joy my job. I will have been in this po si tion for 20 years in March It s hard to be lieve it s been that long, but ev ery day brings new chal lenges. I hope you all have a won der ful hol i day sea son and that 2008 brings you lots of fun and good chal lenges. Ka ren Haseley Jeffrey loves his R ville park ing me ter, a birth day pres ent from Un cle Jack Just Wanted to Say... As some of you al ready know (and the rest of you will know by read ing this HH ar ti cle), I have had a ter ri ble year. But, there has been one area of real bright ness, and that is the love, friend - ship, and sup port I ve got ten from Ka ren, the Haseley fam ily, the fam ily of my step mother, Glo ria, and my best friend, Mark. So, thank you very much... Ap pre cia tively, Jeffrey Dulberg A picture is worth a thousand words... Our lives are blessed by Kaitlin and Kristin every day in every way. They will be turning four in December and have grown and changed so much in the past year. Our year has been busy with the girls and doing everyday things as a family. No vem ber 15: Un cle Jack and Grandma Janet just left the house on their way down south for Thanksgiving and Grandma Janet in sisted that we write some thing for the HH about Kaitlin and Kristin s de vel op ment to add to what we wrote ear here is more HH news. Harry is still play ing vol ley ball but no more coach ing the past cou ple of years for which El len is grate ful. A friend of Ka ren s from the se nior cen ter passed away un ex pect edly this past year and that woman was an avid Ka ren was able to sal vage some items from her sew - ing Mecca and one of them was a well-loved serger ma chine. Since Ka ren has the Ca dil lac of sergers, this one came to El len. So El len has been busy learn ing how to use a serger - and loves it! She s made clothes for the girls and doll clothes. The next serging ad ven ture is a pair of ca sual sport pants for Harry (as a Christ mas pres ent - so Shhhh...don t ruin the sur prise). And for more news re gard ing Kaitlin and Kristin...they are a ton of fun and VERY smart lit tle girls. We par tic i pated in a study by Kristin and Kaitlin Dan a twin spe cial ist from Cal State in Fullerton, CA. This study fo cused on the idea of na ture vs. nur ture in adopted twins from China raised in the same home vs. those raised in sep a rate homes. The girls were eval u ated us ing the stan dard in tel li gence test for chil dren and adults. As a re sult of this test we have learned that the girls are in the top frac tion of per - cent as it re lates to in tel li gence. We had an in kling the girls were in tel li gent but just didn t know to what de gree. We are now look ing at school op tions for the girls that will best meet their abil i ties. We are suf fer ing sticker shock as a very nice pri vate school in our area has a tu i tion that is many times more ex pen sive than a four year col lege tu i tion! TIMES TWO, per year. Just now as I write this news, the girls are eat ing lunch, and out of the mouth of Kaitlin pops the ques tion Can we fly to the moon?, I m just cu ri ous. Now keep in mind the girls are three years old. They also know the ge og ra phy of Aus tra lia and can name a num ber of mar su pi als. Just this morn ing one of the girls asked if the pocket on the kan ga roo is ripped out of their skin. So you can imag ine they are a tad bored in pre school. They love books and want El len to read to them three Harry, El len, Kristin and Kaitlin hours a day! They are start ing to spell and sound out words and also do sim ple math like ad di tion and sub trac tion, mostly as it re lates to food. A typ i cal con ver sa tion at our house goes some thing like this: Kaitlin says, If I have two pieces of sa lami and Kristin has two pieces of sa lami, how many pieces of sa lami do we have? Then she an swers her own ques tion: FOUR, but if I eat one piece and Kristin eats one piece we have TWO pieces and if we eat those we have ZERO pieces of sa lami. Mom, can I have more sa lami?. We take it all in stride and crack up laugh ing most ev ery day. Like last year when we had some lan guage fun: One day Kristin had some thing stick ing onto her fore head and kept say ing I m a uni - form, and be came more em phatic, I M A UNIFORM! It fi nally dawned on us she was try ing to say unicorn. The girls also have vivid imag i na tions: an up side down play shop ping cart with plas tic bas kets and cof fee cans hang ing on be - comes a drum set. We must know every combination of rhym ing words on this planet as the girls are con - stantly nam ing rhym ing words and word pairs. So again we say, we are blessed ev ery day, in ev ery way hav ing Kaitlin and Kristin in our lives. We wish your fam ily a very Merry Christ - mas and a won der ful New Year. Harry, El len, Kaitlin and Kristin Dan

7 Page 7 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Mike and Shelly Rhem Mike is 25 I can tell it is al - most time for the hol i days, be cause it s Haseley Her ald time. I ha ven t done much more than last year. Work, a few trips and rec re - ational ac tiv i ties make the time fly by. I con tinue to work as an ar chi tec tural de - signer for Hite As so ci ates, as sist ing in the de sign of schools and var i ous other com mer - cial prop er ties. I did have time to take a snow ski ing trip to West Vir ginia and a trip to Las Ve - gas. In Ve gas I got lucky on the slot ma chine win ning $1000 and was suc cess ful at my new fa vor ite game, 3-card poker. I also fin ished sec ond in a win ner-take-all poker tour na ment. I have also made a few beach trips and con - tinue to en joy the tail gat ing at the ECU foot ball games. I have got ten into bowl ing this year and was rec og nized as league Bowler of the Month in Sep tem ber. Shelly and my girl friend Bre threw me a sur prise 25 th birth day party at tended by friends and Dad and Mom. 25 years have cer tainly Mike Rhem and Bre gone by quickly! Merry Christ mas ev ery one! Mike Rhem THE RHEMS...STILL IN LOVE Hello Ev ery one! I looked on the Haseley calendar and no ticed that I turned 60 this year and Ruthanne is 61! I re ally like the cal en dar and the pic tures are great and I can even live with anniversary announcements, but can t the ages be left off the cal en dar for those who are older than 60? In my youn ger days, I thought you were re ally old af ter 60! Ac cord ing to the cal en dar I m 60 and so I am re ally old. I don t want to be re ally old! Well, since Ruthanne and I found out from the cal en dar that we are re ally old, we de cided to do what re ally old peo ple (ex- cept Jan) do and that is: noth ing. Ac tu ally, as I think about it, do - ing noth ing isn t re ally bad. Maybe the an - nounce ment of the ages on the Haseley calendar isn t so bad af ter all. It re minds me to do noth ing! Great! Ruthanne and I have con tin ued pretty much the same rou tine over the last few years. We re both sort of com puter junk ies, so that takes most of our time dur ing the day. Ruthanne not only helps me with the tech ni cal as pects of us - ing the com puter, but she is re ceiv ing nu mer ous calls to help oth ers, which is nice, I think. Also we are get ting pretty good at paint ing rooms. No, we are not look ing to paint as a pro fes sion! After surviving my second hand operation (Dupuytren s Dis ease), I m still vol un teer ing at Ayden-Grifton High School base ball pro - gram. The Pitt-Greenville Hot Stove League gave me a Spe cial Rec og ni tion which was nice. Ruthanne and Ed Rhem Our shel tie dog, Comet, con tin ues to want a lot of our time, es pe cially for Fris bee and soc - cer ball, which are his fa vor ite games. That s also nice. Ruthanne and I are pretty much hang ing around Grifton dur ing the year with a moun - tain trip in the fall and a few coastal trips in the sum mer. Oc ca sional vis its to Shelly (in Ra - leigh) and Mike (20 min utes away in Greenville) com plete our traveling schedule. Since Ruthanne, Shelly and Mike had seen the west but I had never been west of the Mis sis - sippi River, I de cided that I would take a trip west. My col lege room mate has a place in Jack son Hole, Wy o ming, so I de - cided to visit him this summer. Golfing, hiking, raft ing on the Snake River, fly-fish ing and a side trip to Yel low stone Na tional Park made for a very mem o ra ble trip and the tem per a ture was 75 and NO hu mid ity. Great! Ac tu ally, Ruthanne and I are en joy ing be - ing 60 and are cer tainly thank ful for rel a tively good health. We have en joyed the Haseley get-togethers over the years and hope that we can at tend them for many years to come. Hope ev ery one has a happy hol i day and an exciting new year! Ed Rhem (and Ruthanne) and Comet Shelly is 27 Happy Holidays, everyone! In my yearly tra - di tion of keep ing ev ery thing short and sweet, here s what hap pened in Shelly (cen ter) with friends Allie and Tyra my world this year: Left the Marriott for an other job Left the other job for an other job Now cur rently the Ca ter ing Sales Man ager at the Hol i day Inn Crab tree (I plan wed dings and so cial events) Went to Chi cago for work, but vis ited a friend Went to sev eral Dur ham Bulls and ECU base ball games Went to sev eral ECU foot ball games Moved yet again (still in Ra leigh) Went to Charleston for the Coo per River Bridge Run Played soft ball with friends on a rec league in Ra leigh Threw a sur prise birth day party for Mike Took Kally to the dog park a lot Went to a wed ding or two Spent the sum mer by the pool with friends Oh yeah and cel e brated my 27 th birth day with a bang, of course Well, that is pretty much it for my year. Un - for tu nately, this year has not been as ex cit ing as pre vi ous years, but it def i nitely kept me busy! I hope you all have a fan tas tic hol i day and a wonderful new year! Shelly Rhem

8 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 8 Well I ll start off in Jan u ary; noth ing re ally hap pened that month, ex cept the start of a new se mes - ter at Grover C. Fields, which was also the start of uni - forms. They were black or khaki pants with ei ther a white or black polo with out a logo. They had to be tucked in with a belt. They were not fun. In Feb ru ary I was con firmed into the First Pres by te rian Church. It took sev eral months to com plete the classes, and in the end we had a cer e mony at the church. I also bought two rats, Ed ward and Bella. Ed ward is tan and white and Bella is black and white. Bella is a gi ant spaz and my cat Boo likes to watch them at night. In March I started horse back rid ing again. I rode a horse named Zip. He was mean to ev ery - one, but was rel a tively nice to me. I rode at Old South Sta bles. I also signed up at New Bern High School. In April the whole fam ily went to the Shad Fes ti val. It was my first time ever go - ing to one and it was fun. I also went to Wilmington with my best friend Alexis. Noth ing hap pened in May ex cept for EOGs which are al ways loads of fun *rolls eyes*; luck ily I passed mine! In June I fi nally grad u - ated from Grover. I spent the rest of the month hang ing out with my friends. And on the 11 th I got my braces. In July Blair, Aunt Lynne and I went to R ville for a week and then we all went to New Hart ford for the Boilermaker. Af ter the Boilermaker we went to a camp in the Adirondacks that was re ally fun. There was a lot of tub ing which turned out could be rather pain ful es pe cially when Niles drives. Af ter we Anna s Haseley Harold got home I waited in Books-a-Mil lion at mid - night to get the 7 th Harry Pot ter book with my friends Heather, Brogan, and Alexis. A few days later I went on a mis sions trip to At lanta, Geor gia with my friend s youth group. We worked through a com pany called Youth Works!. It was a very fun and re ward ing ex pe - ri ence. At first I didn t want to go but I m re ally glad I did now be cause I met such in ter est ing peo ple and had a chance to do things that I never would have before. In Au gust Blair and I went to Camp Cheerio in the moun - tains. It s re ally beau ti ful up there. Also in Au gust was the first day of school. I fi nally made it to the high school!!!!!! Then came the La bor Day camp ing trip. On the way home we lost the trailer while driv ing down the high way. It was re ally scary but luck ily no one was hurt. Sep tem ber was an other bor - ing month in which noth ing hap pened. Well, that s all un til next year! Anna Jack son From the Haseley Clan Hello, it is me again writ ing about my year. So far it is go ing great. Hold on..sorry I had to put my plate in the kitchen, I was eat ing a ba - gel. Well as I was say ing my year is go ing great. Well to start off, in Jan u ary when I came back from Christ mas break we had uni forms in school (yuck). It stunk. We had to wear a navy blue, white, pur ple, or gold shirt, tucked in with a belt and khaki or navy pants/shorts. It was NOT fun. I also met a girl named Molly. She was in sec - ond grade and we would car pool with her in the morn ings. Her best friend is my half cousin Ash ton. They are both my neigh bors. But that was about all the news for Jan u ary. Now on to Feb ru - ary. Well first off Candy (my ham ster) died. It was very sad. I had him for 4 years. Then came spring soc cer. Our team was very good, my opin ion. Molly got 2 ham sters named Chubs and Snow ball. Then March came. I was still play ing soc cer and our team had made it to the tour na ment in New Bern. Our first 2 games we won. The next 2 games on Sunday we barely made it through. Our first game we went into a 10 min ute over - time and won 3-2. Our game af ter that we were RE ALLY lucky. First the score was 4-4, then we went into a 10 min ute over time and then the score didn t change so we had to go into a shoot-off. We were wicked scared be cause the goalie we had in was just sub bing while our main one was get ting a break. But luck ily we Anna and Blair with ipod grad u a tion gifts Blair s Haseley Harold won 5-4.We were go ing to the state cham pi on - ship!!! Also in March, I got a new ham ster named Moo. Molly s ham ster Snow ball died. Ellena (my niece) turned one. Hold on. Ahhh, Kathryn is call ing. I m talk ing to Kathryn on the phone. Any way, April ummm Easter came and Molly got a new ham ster named Stu art Lit - tle. Ash ton got a new ham ster too named Mag gie. I was still play ing soc cer. We went to Greens boro for the state cham pi on ship. The games were fun. We won our first games on Sat ur day. Then we won our first game on Sunday. We went to the fi nals it was just us and the other team. They won, be cause they said they were reg u lar like us but they were re ally chal lenge. But we at least got to sec ond place. Oh yeah Kathryn says hi. I m still talk ing to her. Molly s ham ster Stu art Lit tle died. Molly still had Chubs though. Then she was hold ing Ashton s ham ster and dropped it, it ran into the hole in the wall. 2 weeks later they found it dead in the cab i net. That was amaz ing April. Kathryn is com ing over. Be right back. Kathryn is here. I ll type more later on to day. Bye for now!! Hello again. Yes it is May now. Yay!!! Well there is noth ing I can re - ally think of for May. Oh well, on to June. Well June was of course the end of school. That also meant say ing good bye to Ben D. Quinn Elementary. I was graduating from 5 th grade. Anna was grad u at ing from 8 th grade. Con tin ued on next page

9 Page 9 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Blair...continued from previous page For our grad u a tion pres ents we got ipod nanos!!!!!!!!! Also in June I got a new niece named Col leen. Now I have Reese, Ellena, and Col leen. Oh and Molly got a new ham ster, it was a girl named Dom ino. A week af ter they got it they found out it was PREG NANT!!! It had 2 ba bies, but Molly ac ci den tally fed the ba bies milk and the mom ate them. That is all of June. Now on to July. Well re ally we all have the same July. Any way, first we drove up to R ville and stayed there. My friend Michelle who lives in Long Is land, NY came up to R ville but she didn t stay but only one night. Then we headed over to New Hart ford with the Mill ers. There we had the Boilermaker. Af ter that we went up to Camp Adirondacks. There we went river tub ing. Now on to Au gust. Ummm, let s see Anna and I went to Camp Cheerio, this was our 2 nd year. Ellena came to the beach with us and so did the Mill ers. Also school started..ugh. SEP TEM BER!!!!!!!!!!!! First Reese s birth day. She turned 4!!!!!! Also in Sep tem ber the La bor Day camp ing trip came around. It was re ally fun!!! There was a new fam ily and also the Maliks joined us with Skylar. We built a cat a pult and a stage for the skits. Soc cer started too. Now on to Oc to ber yay, my birth day!!! Umm well, it ac tu ally hasn t gone on long but any way, it is go ing good so far. That is all of Oc to ber. This week end is a church lock in and then I am danc ing. Any way I guess I have to say bye. This is re ally hard but have a good year and bye!!! Blair Dav en port Scotty, Reese, Col leen and Kim Davenport For the most part our year has been de voted to the preg nancy and birth of our new est daugh ter, Col leen Scott. Of course there was work as usual for Scotty, Reese stopped and re-started pre school, and we also man aged to have some fun along the way. The sec ond part of the year we have been ad just ing to the chal - lenges of hav ing two chil dren. So we have now of fi cially earned the right to be called par - ents. Ear lier in the year we took a few trips, be fore I was too preg nant to travel. In March Scotty and I went to Puerto Rico for a few days. It was mostly busi ness for Scotty but I took ad van tage of the warm weather and hung out by the pool all day. We stayed at the El San Juan Ho tel and Ca sino, so we did a lit tle gam bling at night. It was a great lit tle get away for the two of us. Later that month we went to Em er ald Isle and rented a house on the sound with a group of our friends. Reese had her friend Tori to play with. That was a nice trip for the fam ily. In April we vis ited some dif fer ent churches and found that we feel at home with a church called Hope Cha pel. We liked the pas tor right Reese is a Big Sis ter Now Big sis ter Reese and lit tle sister Col leen away and re ally felt a con nec tion. They have a won der ful youth pro gram and Reese re ally en - joys go ing to Sunday school. The church is lo cated in Apex and we are cur rently go ing through the pro cess of be com ing mem bers. For me, preg nancy was harder this time around. I had no ma jor com pli ca tions, just was un com fort able and mis er a ble. I tried not to com plain much!!! For Reese, the chal lenge was to be easy with Mommy s belly and trying to understand all the changes in her world. For Scotty, well, he was happy to come Reese draws new fam ily on Mom s belly home from work and find that Reese and I had not killed each other. So need less to say, we were all very happy when June came. Col leen Scott de cided to grace us with her pres ence on June 24 th at 9:15am. She weighed 7 lb. 12 oz., the ex act weight her sis ter had been. She was 20-1/2 in. long and looked just like Reese. In Au gust, we took our an nual beach trip with Paw Paw. This was Col leen s first va ca tion. She loved lis ten ing to the sound of the ocean while Mommy rocked her on the back porch. Reese en joyed fol low - ing the big girls around ev ery where. The big girls of course were Blair, Anna, and their friends. Reese also en - joyed her time on the beach and play ing in the waves, and she got a lit tle braver as the days went by. She had a dis agree ment with a wa ter slide that she was prob a bly not ready for. Reesey got turned around on her mat and was com ing down back wards. Need less to say, she was not im pressed. Scotty tried his luck at fish ing again this year. The surf was a bit rough so he did most of his fish ing from the pier. I am not sure how he did but we never got any sto ries about the big one that got away. All in all it was a very re lax ing va ca tion. We are never ready to leave when it s time. Reese re ally likes go ing to pre school. She fin ished up her first year in May. Over the sum mer her fa vor ite thing to do was to go swim ming. In Sep tem ber it was time to start back to pre school. She likes her new teach ers, but she misses Miss Jenny from her other class. Reese also started dance this year. She is tak ing tap and bal let and ab so - lutely loves it. Her first class fell on her fourth birth day. She had a big birth day party with her play group bud dies. As for the rest of the year, we have plans to go to Em er ald Isle one more time in Oc to ber. Scotty and I will be trav el ing to Ja maica in No vem ber for Prin cess Reese is four a wed ding. The girls get to spend that time with Paw Paw and Grandma Lynne. So that should be fun for ev ery one! Then we have to get geared up for the hol i days. It has been a won der ful year for us and we are so ex cited to have two girls now. We look for ward to what the world has to of fer us next year. Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year to you all. Kim, Scotty, Reese and Colleen Davenport

10 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 10 It s a Boy! 2007 has been a very ex cit ing year for the Phillips fam ily. John s job af - forded him the lux ury of spend - ing quite a bit of time in Brazil dur - ing the first half of the year. In Feb ru - ary we took a trip John, Jennifer and Ellena Phillips to At lanta, GA to visit the world s larg est aquar ium. Ellena cel e brated her first birth day at home with friends and fam ily at the end of March. Our first of sev eral beach trips oc curred over Me mo rial Day week end when we vis ited North Myr tle Beach. While we were there we also went to Al li ga tor Ad ven ture and Ripley s Aquar ium. On June 24 th we were very ex cited to wel - come the new est mem ber of our fam ily, cousin Col leen Scott Dav en port. Ellena has been very fas ci nated by the new bab and loves giv ing her hugs and kisses. In Au gust John and I took a won der ful week end get away to New York to visit the city and watch a play. We also spent some time at the beach with Paw Paw and Grandmama Lynne. A huge event that also hap pened in our lives in Au gust is Ellena meets baby Will that John started his own con tract au - dit ing busi ness. This is some thing he has wanted to do for years and it is be - com ing a re al ity for him. Ellena and I are very proud of him! Most re cently we re turned from yet an other beach trip with Un cle Scotty, Aunt Kim, Cousin Reese, Cousin Col - leen and Sithy (Ed i tor s note: Sithy is Leb a nese for Grandma, Jennifer and Scotty s mother.) Jennifer gave birth Thurs day, No - vem ber 1st to a baby boy named Wil liam Will Dav en port Phillips. He was born at 9:25am and weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. Ellena met Will and loves him. Al - though we were not sure she had fig ured out that he was com ing home to live with us!! We hope you all have a won - der ful hol i day sea son and next William Will Dav en port Phillips year we hope to have more won der ful pic tures to share. Jennifer, John, Ellena and Wil liam Phillips Great Expectations at Maliks What a year! This is Skylar. I m 3 now and un der stand ev ery thing whether you want me to or not! Our big news is Mama s hav ing twins!!! I re peat edly tell ev ery one I see that I m hav ing twins. They re both girls! They re go ing to be my ba bies more than any one else s be cause I m go ing to teach them ev ery thing I know. I m so ex cited and talk to them and kiss them on Mama s belly ev ery day. They re sup - posed to ar rive any time the lat ter half of De cem ber. Daddy calls them his tax de duc - tions. I think I m go ing to be see ing a lot of my grandparents! We moved into a new house be cause the other one had no bed room for our twins. Our new house is closer to both Mommy and Daddy s work so now my sis ters and I won t have to ride as long to school. Mama also had to get a minivan be cause her other car could n t fit three car seats in the back. Mama s minivan can play mov ies from the ceil ing! I love my new room. The twins will share a room. Jor dan has a room. Astro and Guinness have the base ment. Now that I m a big girl, I boss them around their 70 lbs. of crazy hy per ac tiv ity does n t faze me one bit! (Ed i tor s note: Astro and Guinness are dogs.) I started pre - school last month. I ve been tak ing Span ish class and Skylar Tum bling for over a year now, and a few months ago I started Pooter ( com puter ) classes. Mommy takes me to and from school most days. Once the ba - bies come and she stays Steve, Skylar and Kathleen Malik at Skylar s third birth day party home with them for a few months, Daddy is go ing to be tak ing me more of ten. Mommy s hang ing in there and get ting big as a cow. As of mid-oc to ber she has gained 37 lbs. which her doc tors say is per fect for twins. They want her to gain 50 to tal! She gets ultrasounds ev ery 4 weeks, and so far our twins are big ger than sin gle ba bies would be at this point, so ev ery thing s look ing good. In the last ul tra sound, one baby was hug ging and kiss ing her sis ter s head! Two months ago Mama s co-worker left for ma ter nity leave, so Mama has been on her feet a lot more try - ing to get twice as much done at work, on top of un pack ing and set tling us into our new house. She s tired all the time and has lots of those ugly Very-Close Veins pop ping out on her legs but other than that she is do ing great, better than most twin preg nan cies, ap par - ently. Jor dan plays soc cer and he and Daddy go off and do that on a lot of week ends. Some - times he brings home tro phies or med als. Jor dan won two cham pi on ships in three days Con tin ued on next page

11 Page 11 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Maliks...continued from previous page re cently. He is in mid dle school and on the travel team that Daddy coaches. I love Jo-Jo so much and don t get to see him as much as I wish. We did spend a week at Tur tle Lake ( Myr tle Beach ) to gether. My cous ins and aunts and un cles were there too. Sa rah and Ste - phen are close in age to me and we had fun be ing the Three Mus ke teers the whole week. We also made the Bear Den camp ing week end for the first time in my life. I liked sleep ing in a tent, run ning around the camp ground, ty ing knots, play ing with my friends and hav ing my daddy and his friends carry me on hikes. Mommy and Daddy say to tell ev ery one that they are very happy, of course. How can they not be with me around? When they re tired or stressed out, I al ways come through with lots of kisses and I make them laugh a lot to make ev ery thing OK. They are busy work - ing a list of must haves and must-do s be fore my sis ters come. Skylar Malik (for Steve and Kathleen) JORDAN STARS AT SOCCER I had a very ex cit - ing year this year. Jan u ary - I played in door soc cer with my friends. Feb ru ary - I got to go on a Dis ney cruise with my mom. April - Dur ing spring break I got to go up to NY and see the Mill ers. May - In May my soc cer team won a tour na ment in Rich - mond. June - Dur ing the sum mer I went to Avi a - tion Chal lenge in Huntsville, Al a bama. July - Camp Timberlake was an other camp I got to go to over the sum mer and I was there for two weeks. Au gust - In Au gust I went to the beach with my dad and Mary s fam ily. Sep tem ber - I made the school soc cer team. Oc to ber - My school soc cer team won our con fer ence reg u lar sea son and also won the tour na ment. We killed the other team in the fi - nals. Jor dan Malik Andrea & Steve, World Travelers This has been an ex cit ing year with heal ing, trav el ing the world, add ing a few let ters be hind my name, mov ing, and add ing a new fam ily member! On the heal ing front, Steve s shoul der has re cov ered re mark ably well from the ac ci dent last year. The last sur geon re port has him way ahead of ex pec ta tions, and he s re gained al - most all nor mal, daily func tion al ity. By all ac counts, peo ple who have n t seen him in a while don t even know any thing hap pened. That s a huge ac com plish ment from where we were a year ago. In the spring, we had a chance to visit China (Beijing, Shang hai, Suzhou) and South Ko rea (Se oul, DMZ). We found China to be full of con tra dic tions the gran deur of Shang hai jux ta posed to the sim ple bikes in the streets and rice paddy shacks in the sub urbs. We were able to visit the clas sic sites (Great Wall, For - Andrea and Steve at Dubai bid den City, Tiananmen Square) as well as the site of the 2008 Olym pics. This fall, we trav eled to Dubai and Bah rain for work, but were able to get in some sight see - ing. Where else in the world can you go on a desert sa fari, ride a camel and ski in doors on the same day? In June, the fam ily made the trek to Chi cago for my MBA grad u a tion from Kellogg (North - west ern University). It was a great week end, al beit very hot. I greatly en joyed the ex pe ri - Steve and Andrea at the Great Wall ence to step out of the hec tic work ing world, to gain some per spec tive on what I want to be when I grow up, to meet highly tal ented peo ple, and to live on Lake Mich i gan for a year. I also found time to study and was able to grad u ate with dis - tinc tion in the top 1% of my class. Af ter grad u a tion, we moved back to Atlanta and bought a house in the Buckhead/ Brookhaven area near MBA Andrea the Lenox/Phipps malls. We have room for vis - i tors so please stop by when you re in the area. We also added a new fam ily mem ber, Dea con, our two-year-old lab mix res cue. We adopted him in early Oc to ber and have en joyed ev ery min ute of it. We hope this year has been as good to ev - ery one as it has been to us. May next year be even better. Happy Hol i days!! Andrea Malik Roe and Steve Roe

12 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 12 Tania and Connor Connor Witnesses Hole in One 2007??? Is it 4:30am again, time to feed? Wait, I ran down stairs for just a sec ond and you were on your back when I left so how did you get on your stom ach? What? You are crawl ing al ready and pull ing up. Whoa, you are walk ing and you are just 10 months! Close the baby gate. No, don t pull up on Galt. Please stop hit - ting Galt. (Ed i tor s note: Galt is their dog.) Wow! Do you smell that?? You pooped af ter 2 days!! Let s cel e brate!! That was ba si cally 2007 summed up. In be tween then, I turned 40 and Jeff whisked me away on a sur prise trip to the US Vir gin Is lands. It was fabulous and highly rec om mended. No TV and lots of great snor kel ing. We also had a get away to the wine coun try. We did a lot of trav el ing for par ents with a lit tle baby, thanks to Gaynor and Hans and Andrea. We also worked. I launched a few busi nesses. One fo cuses on the men tal health of re turn ing vet er ans, and Jeff worked with a group to bring a high end steak house to Pinehurst. The steak house ven ture in cluded much drama as the land had a beau ti ful tree on it, and the com - mu nity was not pleased that Jeff and his crew wanted to cut it down. Amid a lot of small town politics, progress prevailed and the beautiful tree will be mulch as of this print ing. As usual, we got a lot of golf in and Connor loves be ing out on the course. Jeff had a hole in one but the only wit ness was Connor! It still counts. We dragged Connor to ev ery UNC game, to Chi cago to visit fam ily, to Pinehurst numerous times, and to At lanta. He has learned to nap in his car seat pretty well! All in all, it was a great year full of chal lenges and laughs. Connor or Jeff who s the bas ket ball star? Tania Malik, Jeff and Connor Schenk and Galt Travel High lights Frank fort Year Gaynor and Hans on cruise As in pre - vi ous years, 2007 again was a year of ex ten sive travel for us, with vis its to fam ily and friends in Amer ica and in Eu rope. We also at tended two mem o ra ble grad u a tion events: Andrea s (MBA - Kellogg), and Nabil Salameh s (MD Wake For est). Nabil is a mem ber of our ex tended fam ily. In March we spent a week in Sarasota, Florida to see Pat rick per form in a cab a ret with a com edy troupe, and to visit Hans rel a tives. At the end of April we left for Hol land for a two-week visit with Hans fam ily, and to see the Dutch tu lip fields and flower ex hib its (Keukenhof), as well as tra di tional tour ist sites. It was a great ex pe ri ence, mainly be cause we took our GPS that guided us to all those typ - i cal Dutch, out of the way places of cul tural sig nif i cance. We re turned to Kinston the sec - ond week in May, and headed for Winston Sa lem on May 17 to at tend Nabil s graduation from Bow man Gray Med i cal School. In June Gaynor and Hans joined the Malik clan to attend Andrea s grad u a tion from Kellogg Busi ness School in Chi cago. We took Jor dan un der our wings. We are very proud of Andrea s and Nabil s ac com plish ments! While in Chi cago we vis ited mu se ums, did the boat ride, and had some good meals. Gaynor and Andrea even man aged to see a play ( Wicked ) in which Pat rick s friend had a lead role. Af ter Andrea s graduation we flew back to RDU air port where Pat rick met us. The three of us then drove to Asheville to visit Mary and her fam ily. What a roller coaster month it was! The fol low ing month (Au gust) the Frank fort and Malik clans spent a week in Myr tle Beach. Ev ery one was there ex cept Pat rick and Ed Frankfort s fam ily. Ev ery one had a great time, a rare op por tu nity for all to be to gether. Gaynor has been tak ing com puter and scrap book courses at the Com mu nity Col lege. She works with Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Pub lisher, and some other soft ware pro grams. She is get ting very good at it. Cur rently she is work ing on a photo al bum of our Hol land va ca - tion, and will do a family calendar next. She takes this course with some of her friends, and en joys it a lot. When we re turned from Chi cago we started our kitchen ren o - vation project. It is a big task that started with the kitchen re de sign/re - modeling, and Gaynor and Hans and Dutch windmills has now grown to in clude the den. It has been two months since this work started and we ex - pect to have it com pleted in an other three or four weeks. De liv ery of tiles and mo saic dec o - ra tion for the kitchen walls (from Eu rope 8 weeks) is the main rea son for the slow prog - ress. We are pa tient and are look ing for ward to hav ing this all be hind us, so we can en joy our new kitchen and den! We wish all our friends a very happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christ mas, and a blessed Hans and Gaynor Frank fort

13 Page 13 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Wow, we are send - ing our Haseley Her ald in ear lier and ear lier each year. I can t re ally re mem ber ev ery thing that hap - pened this past year, be cause there were so many cool things go - ing on. I ll try to re call as many as I can. I know in Jan u ary we went to the Bil lows house to cel e brate the New Year. We made hats and dec o ra tions and ev ery thing! While we were there we also went to the Carolina Hur ri - canes game which was a lot of fun. Later in Jan u ary I turned 12. For my party 7 of my friends and I went out for pizza and then came home and played nu mer ous games of flash - light tag out side in the dark. We then ate tons of candy and stayed up all night. I also know we ac tu ally had some snow in Feb ru ary. It was n t very much, but it was still enough for the Quigleys and us to sled down the hill in our back yard. Dur ing our Pres i - dent s Week break we flew out to Col o rado to go ski ing with our friends the Potts. It was snow ing so much out there I could n t be lieve it! This year we bought skis and boots so we did n t have to waste our ski ing time rent - ing them. We also went dog sled ding again. Now that was ex cit ing. My dad drove me and Emma in the sled, and there was one part where Emma got out and helped drive. I ac tu ally fell asleep in the sled un til I woke up to the Erin and sled dog Volleyball, Skiing, Beach and Lake Keep Erin Busy beau ti ful smell of the dog s drop pings. As ev ery one prob a bly knows, I love play - ing vol ley ball. I played in my dad s pro gram, Carolina Ju niors, this year. My team name was the South Char lotte Gangstas. For spring break in March, we went to Key West. We did lots of cool and ex cit ing things down there like go ing on a boat tour to see dol phins, go - ing to Ripley s Be lieve It or Not mu seum, and drink ing lots of (vir gin) straw berry dai - qui ris and swim ming in the ho tel pool. We also went to the But ter fly con ser va tory, watched the gor geous sun set ev ery night, and we ate at a re ally cool res tau - rant called Blue Heaven. They had chick ens and roost ers run ning around ev ery where! In April, Grandma Janet came down to watch Emma s last Grand par ent s Day. Shortly af ter that, my other Grandma went with us to our lake house for Easter break. As ev ery one al ready knows, we also went to the Shad Fes ti - val this year, which was loads of fun, as usual. At the end of the month, my cho rus group at school per formed at Carowinds, so we got to spend the whole day rid ing rollercoasters. My group got stuck on a ride, so we were re ally late get ting back home. In May, we had our an nual Me mo rial Day party at our lake house. This is our third year hav - ing it, and ev ery time one of the fam i lies we in vite ends up buy - ing a lake house at Lake Tillery! This year s party was a lot of fun. Back row: Anna Jack son, Erin Haseley. Front row: Em ily Miller, Blair Dav en port, and Emma Haseley at Shad Fes ti val I was on the tube with my friends most of the time. June was a very ex cit ing month for me. To start it off, my mom, Emma, and I went up to our friend s house on Lake Tillery. Our old neigh bors from Winston-Sa lem came as well, so it was this big girls week end. We tubed a lot and ate this amaz ing corn dip! Sec ond, my mom, Emma, and I went to the zoo where we saw many an i - mals like po lar bears, tur tles, el e phants, and the ever-popular giraffe. I also went to two vol ley ball camps at Sports Con nec - tion. Later in the month we had a slip-n-slide party which is where we put a big piece of plas - tic down our hill with a lot of soap and wa ter on it. My friends and I were so sore the next day! An other ex cit ing thing that hap pened in June was that we went over to New Bern so my dad and Un cle Scott could play golf. When we were leav ing we in vited Blair to come back to Char lotte with us and she agreed. The three of us girls did lots of fun stuff like go ing swim - ming, do ing an all-sports camp, and even going to Carowinds! At the end of the week we drove up to our lake house where Aunt Lynne was go ing to meet us. We spent the night and then Aunt Lynne and Blair drove home in the morn ing. In early July, my fam ily and my Grandma Pat went to my Grandma s beach house. We were there with our friends the Potts. On July 4 th, we had the big golf cart pa rade where ev - ery one dec o rates their cart and squirts peo ple with wa ter guns. Our cart was by far the best there be cause we pulled our ba nana boat be - hind the cart on a con trap tion my dad and Emma made. We got re ally wet, es pe cially when the con trap tion lost a wheel right in the shoot ing area. At the end of July, Emma and I went to Camp Har ri son for the third time. I went with my friends Caro line, Tess, and Natalie. There was a girl in my cabin named Katie who was re ally nice, and when I got home I re al ized she was my new next-door neigh bor. What a small world. We went to the beach again, in Au gust, with the Bil lows down at Ocean Isle. It was so hot you could see how heavy the air was. It was mis er a ble but still fun. Later in Au gust, the Mill ers came down to our lake house and we had a lot of fun. Em ily and I kind of died on the tube, but it was so much fun! My dad and I tried sail ing on our new sun fish and we flipped over com pletely side ways, but we did n t fall in. That was re ally scary. But some thing even more scary hap pened near the end of Au gust. School started. This year I am in the 7 th grade and pretty much all of my teach ers are nice. In September, volleyball season started up. I am on the 7 th grade team and my mom is my coach. Ev - ery one calls her Coach E r i n s Mom. We have had a re ally great La bor Day camp ing kids build cat a pult with Allan s help sea son, in fact we are Con tin ued on next page

14 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 14 Erin...continued from previous page better than any other 7 th grade teams so far. We even beat the 8 th grad ers when we scrim maged them dur ing prac tice. Our re cord is 4 and 6. A few weeks af ter school started we went on our an nual La bor Day Fam ily Campout at Bear Den. This year was loads of fun. We put on funny skits as usual like High School Mu si cal 2 and the Dating Game. All of the older kids went into the RV and lis tened to high school mu si cal songs for like an hour! We also painted and sold rocks, and Jor dan, Grant, Ty ler, and I spent an hour watch ing 3-year-old Skylar tie very in tri cate and strong knots! We all went on a hike the last day. That was re ally hard! Also in Sep tem ber I went to my friend Natalie s birth day party up at her lake house on Lake Tillery. She in vited 9 girls so it was re ally hec tic and dra matic but it was still a fun ad ven ture. Okay, since Oc to ber is not over yet, I ll tell you what hap pened at the be - gin ning of this month. I went on the 7 th grade 3-day class trip to Bar rier Is land in Charleston. My dad also Erin on Fourth of July went all three days. The trip was re ally fun even though it rained the whole time! There was this mud pit called pluff mud. We got to jump in it and all of my clothes are brown and they smell like poop. We also did other fun stuff, like team build ing ob sta cles, and a square dance, and we got to pick up live fish and an cho vies and crabs. My friend ac tu ally ate a liv ing an chovy! Well that is pretty much what my 2007 year has been like; with all of its ups and downs, it has been a great year. Erin Haseley Clock wise: Kelly, Allan, Erin and Emma Haseley Fill in the Blanks...Or Not! I have been writ ing my Haseley Her ald news for over 40 years. Af ter go ing back and read ing many of the past ar ti - cles, I have come to the con clu sion that each year s news is very sim i lar and there fore there should be a way to stream line the pro cess to make it eas ier to write each year. Be low is the so lu tion I have come up with. Please keep the top por tion of the news to be used and read each year. The bot tom por tion will be changed and pub lished in the Haseley Her ald with the cur rent year s in for ma tion. In struc tions: In sert the cor rect word or phrase in the ap pro pri ate blank by us ing the an swer sheet be low. The Haseley Her ald News For 1. This year was an other very 2 for our fam ily. Last year s news left off with us vis it ing 3 for Fall Break. Af ter Fall Break we went on our an nual Fall Cou ples Trip to 4. The kids en joyed dress ing as 5 for Hal low een. Af ter Hal low - een, we made our pil grim age for Thanksgiving to 6. Af ter Thanksgiving came Christ mas and we en joyed 7. In Jan u ary, Erin turned 8 and 9 for her party this year. Emma turned 10 and 11 for her party this year. Next year they will be 12 for their par ties. In Feb ru ary we en joyed our 13. Kelly has been play ing more 14 and 15 and continues to 16, but not 17. Allan has been busy 18 and 19. This year has been 20. For Spring Break we de cided to 21 and had a 22 time. Once again, Allan at tended his 23 Shad Fes ti val in a row. 24 also at tended this year and en joyed Grandparent s Day. Emma has en joyed play ing 27 in the 28. Erin has en joyed 29. We con tinue to re ally en joy our Lake House at Lake Tillery and once again kicked off the sea son with our an nual Me mo rial Day Lake week end. This year we 30. Since buy ing our house 31 years ago, we have had 32 friends also dis cover the Lake and buy a house there. This year, our friends the 33 bought a house and 34 looks for ward to them be ing there a lot next sum mer. Mom made her an nual pil grim age from Grifton to New York in 35 and 36 drove her and her trailer. 14 hours of bond ing is al ways turned 39 in June and Allan and 40 cel e brated their 41 anniversary. In June, 42 went to New Bern to visit with the Dav en ports and 43 played in Scott s mem ber-guest golf tour na ment. They 44 this year. We had a great time while in New Bern 45. In July was our an nual trip to the 46 for the Fourth of July. We had fun with 47. This year we 48. The Boilermaker in Utica, New York, was also in July again this year and 49 ran. Of course, 50. The girls en joyed go ing to 51 over the sum mer and the fam ily also en joyed some week ends at 52 and 53 and 54. Our friends the 55 in vited us to 56 and we all had a good time. The end of sum mer Slippy Slide Party that we host be tween our back yard and the 57 was fun for all the kids and a great way to bring an end to the sum mer be fore ev ery one headed back to school. Erin started the 58 grade and Emma started the 59 grade. We can not be lieve how fast they are grow ing up. Of course, the same way our Haseley Her ald ends each year is talk ing about the an nual Multi-Fam ily La bor Day Camp - ing Trip. This year we had 60 fam i lies and 61 peo ple. Some of the things we did this year were 62 and 63. Happy Hol i days from the Allan Haseley fam ily un til next year. Note: Please keep tem plate to use for next year. If other fam ily mem bers would cre ate their own tem plate, all Ka ren and Mom would have to do each year would be to pub lish the fill-in-the-blank an swer sheet. Con tin ued on next page

15 Page 15 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Haseleys...continued from previous page An swer Sheet busy and fun one 3. Florida and Dis ney World 4. Chi cago with the Quigleys, Maliks and Bil lows and hooked up with the Dav en ports and their friends to at tend the UNC-No tre Dame foot ball game. 5. a witch and a nerd Kelly and Emma 6. Grifton, but were de layed by a day be cause Allan had an al ler gic re ac tion to what we later found out was from sweet po ta toes eaten at Kelly s mother s house for lunch ear lier in the day. 7. hav ing Grandma Janet (mom) visit with us again in Char lotte this year for Christ mas had a sleepover and played La ser Tag had a sleepover and did a va ri ety of games and ac tiv i ties at the Sports Con nec tion 12. hav ing their par ties at the New Sports Con nec tion Fam ily En ter tain - ment Cen ter and en joy Bowl ing, La ser Tag, Ar cade Games, and Inflatables 13. an nual trip to Steam boat, Col o rado, over Pres i dents Week end to ski and visit with our friends the Potts from Den ver. 14. golf than she has been be fore 15. play ing ten nis 16. coach 7 th grade vol ley ball 17. sure if she will coach next year since she will want to watch Erin play 18. de sign ing 19. build ing the new Sports Con nec tion 20. very busy and stress ful, but hope fully af ter the Erin new fa cil ity opens in De cem ber, things will get back to nor mal 21. go to Key West, where Kelly and Allan got en gaged 18 years ago 22. great th 24. Erin and Emma 25. play ing games, rid ing rides and hang ing out with aunts, un cles and cous ins 26. Grandma Janet vis ited us in April for Erin and Emma s an nual 27. soft ball 28. spring and fall 29. play ing vol ley ball for her 7 th grade school team and vol ley ball at the Sports Con nec tion 30. had the Bil lows and many other friends Johnsons 34. since the Johnsons daugh ter Em ily is one of Erin s best friends, she 35. May 36. Allan 37. a good way to catch up 38. Kelly and got a Sun fish sail boat for her birth day 40. Kelly th 42. the whole fam ily 43. Allan Emma 44. ac tu ally won 45. and had a chance to ride on Scott s boat to din ner and back 46. beach 47. Pottses and Grandma Pat 48. built a large float to pull be hind the golf cart dur ing the pa rade and the kids got to ride on the float and shoot wa ter guns 49. Sue, Lynne and Allan 50. Allan ran by proxy again this year (mean ing he sent his reg is tra tion in for the Boilermaker in Utica but ran in Char lotte in stead at the same time oth ers were run ning in Utica.) 51. many sum mer camps 52. the moun tains with our friends the Barrys 53. at the lake with var i ous friends and the Mill ers and Dav en ports 54. hang ing around Char lotte 55. Bil lows 56. their beach house at Ocean Isle 57. Quigleys th th go on many hikes 63. were sup posed to go on a tube ride, but be cause of the drought the rivers were too low and there also was a Emma, Kelly, Erin and Allan ban on open flame fires, so we were un able to have a camp fire, but we still had a great time Allan (and Kelly) Haseley EMMA JAN U ARY: well first I had my birth day party. And as you can see in the pic ture my cake sort of caught on FIRE so I was quite scared. Then it fi nally Snowed! FEBUARY: Ski ing in Col o - rado. MARCH: Spring break fun!! Emma s flam ing birth day cake In March we went to kewest (Editor s note: Key West). In April we went to the Shad Festival. And to see the movie HAPPY FEET. In May Me mo rial Day at the lake. In June we had fun at Blair s house. We went camp ing. It was fun!! I want a wea sel on a ball, webkinz rac - coon, and a wig for Christ mas. Emma Haseley Kelly and Erin con tinue Haseley tra di tion of bak ing kuchen

16 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 16 It has been a busy year but we can t re mem - ber ex actly what we did guess the usual rou tine of work, sports, house chores, kids, and short va ca tions keep us mov ing for ward and one day blends into an other. Stu art is con tin u ing with his busi nesses. He still doesn t have enough time for as much fish ing as he d like. He did man age to fish in a few new places this year. His work took him to the Paris Air Show, Florida and Cal i for nia. Sue is teach ing a pi lot pre-k pro gram and en joy ing be ing back in the class room with 4- year-olds. She spent most of last year sub sti - tute teach ing in sev eral dif fer ent dis tricts in all grades and sub jects. Stu art par tic i pated in the Ride for Miss ing Chil dren again this year. It is a 100-mile bike ride to raise aware ness and funds for ab duc ted and miss ing chil dren. Sue again ran the Boilermaker 15K road race. It was her second time run ning and she Lynne and Sue run ning the Boilermaker Six Millers Compete in Nine Sports Back row: An drew, Niles. Front row: Stu art, Cameron, Em ily, Sue was met by Lynne and Niles at the fin ish line. As al ways it is a chal lenge and a feel ing of ac - complishment to finish. Be cause of Em ily and An drew s var sity la - crosse sched ule, we were not able to take a spring break and mi - grate south for our April break. We did, how ever, rent a camp in the Adirondacks for a week in the sum mer. The Davenport fam - ily joined us and we had fun boat ing, swim ming, and re - lax ing by the camp fire at night. An other get away was when we took Niles back to col lege in NC. We were able to spend a week in NC. We had an eve ning in New Bern, a night at the beach, and sev eral nights at Un cle Allan and Aunt Kelly s lake Mill ers, Dav en ports and guests at Adirondack camp house at Lake Tillery. (Thanks, Haseley fam ily!) Much of the year was spent watch ing and en joy ing the kids sport ing events. An drew plays la crosse and had a great sea son. He played in many tour na ments and on sev eral dif fer ent teams. He hopes to play in col lege. As a se nior, he has been busy with the col lege search and vis its. Em ily is a var sity la crosse and var sity swim mer (breast stroke). She went to the sectionals this year and was named MIP on the swim team. Cameron is our soc cer and bas ket ball player. He was the cap tain of the mod i fied soc - cer team. We have been en joy ing the mild fall weather. With temps in the 70s and 80s it is quite un sea son able and makes it dif fi cult to think of wish ing you a Merry Christ mas and writ ing our Haseley Her ald news. We know the snow will fly soon. Warm wishes for a won der ful hol i day. Happy New Year!!!!!!! Sue and Stu art Miller Cameron En joys Soc cer, Snowboarding This year I went to New York City for my birth day. I got a Wii for my 13 th birth day at Nintendo World and saw the play Beauty and the Beast at New York City. I went snowboarding during the win ter. Dur ing the spring Em ily and Cameron Miller and friends in R ville at La bor Day Cameron and Pablo I vis ited my brother in UNC. We met some of his friends. Af ter that we came back up and then came sum mer. Niles and his friend Elias came to stay with us for about a week. I also had my friends come to Rensselaerville. We had a fun time and met the Kesslers next door. We also rented a camp in the Adirondacks and had fun on the lake. I had sev eral friends come with me to the camp. The Dav en ports came up and we went to Wa ter Sa fari. We took Niles and Elias back down to UNC and stayed in a beach house for one night. We met more of Niles s friends. I had a fun time on the beach and in the wa ter. Also I in vited my other friends over to Rensselaerville. We had a good time at the party and on the rope swing. Then came school and soc cer sea son. My team this year went We had a good sea son and a fun time. Cameron Miller

17 Page 17 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Lacrosse Star Scouts Colleges In the win ter I went snowboarding as of ten as I could and played in a cou ple of la crosse tour na ments. Reg u lar la crosse sea son started in the spring. I am one of the start ing at - tack-men for my team. We had a good team last year, but I think we have the po - ten tial to be a better team this year. I did a lot over the sum mer. I went to Wa ter Sa fari a cou ple times with my friends. My fa - vor ite cousin, Catherine, came to visit in June. They stayed at our house for the week end. It was nice to hang out with her chil dren, Mac and Suzie, and Catherine (that s 20 more dol - lars, Catherine). I played in a num ber of la crosse tour na - ments, one of which we hosted at our school. It was called the Spar tan Clash. An other tour na - ment we played in was called the This tour na ment was lo cated in Sackets Har bor. My team placed first in both tour na ments. I played in two other tour na ments over the sum mer. One was the Syr a cuse Show case. The other was Champ Camp. I played this tour na ment with a travel team called the Road Hawks. We played down in Mary land and I got to play in the Johns Hopkins sta dium. Aunt Ka ren and Jeffrey came to watch. We went down to North Carolina to take Niles back to UNC. While we were down there we stayed at my Un cle Allan and Aunt Kelly s lake house. This was one of the high lights of my sum mer. I had a great time down there. I love be ing out on the wa ter, whether it s tub - ing, knee-board ing, wakeboarding, jet-ski ing, or just be ing on the boat. I stayed at Niles apart ment for a cou ple of nights with him and his room mates. It was awe some. We went out and par tied all night. I am hop ing to drive down this win ter with a few friends and stay with him again. School started to ward the end of sum mer. I did not try out for the soc cer team this year. They are go ing to the semi-fi nals for sec tion 3. Also, our foot ball team just had a big lo cal ri - valry win this week end. They are play ing in the sec tion fi nals this week. I am tak ing a fo ren sics and web de sign course. I am find ing them both en ter tain ing. I be gan my col lege search a lit tle be fore Fourth of July in Rensselaerville: An drew Miller, Elias Clark, Cameron Miller, Niles Miller school started. I vis ited the la crosse coach up at RIT (Ed i tor s note: Roch es ter In sti tute of Technology). It is a good school and I can see my self there. I went over to RPI (Ed i tor s note: Rensselaer Poly tech nic In sti tute) and stayed with a for mer la crosse player from New Hart - ford. I had a good time. I like RPI a lot and it is one of my top choices so far. Other schools I have vis ited so far in clude St. John Fisher and Oswego. An drew Miller Boilermaker finishers Elias Clark and Niles Miller Niles Is Going Places This year I en - tered my ju nior year at UNC- Cha pel Hill where I am ma jor ing in eco nom ics. This year flew by but it was high lighted by sev eral amaz ing va - ca tions. First of all was my trip over win ter break. My room mate Ron, my friend Zach from Carolina, and I drove across the coun try from Pittsburgh to Breckenridge, Col o rado. We met up with the UNC ski and snowboard club at Breckenridge Ski Re sort where we stayed in a lodge right on the moun tain side. We could ski from the slopes to our rooms. We were at such a high al ti tude and the slopes were so long that we had to stop at least three times on the way down. This was my first time ski ing in the west and it was the best con di tions that I have ever ex pe ri enced. The sec ond day there we got eight inches of fresh pow der which made for four beau ti ful days of ski ing at Breckenridge and on the last day we trav eled over to Vail for an other amaz ing day of ski ing. Af ter the trip out west it was back to un - event ful times at school un til spring break. Again I had an amaz ing spring break. I trav eled with about 30 mem bers of my rugby team to Eng land. We spent time in Man ches ter, New - cas tle, Lon don, and Barnsley, the home of our club pres i dent. We played matches against the uni ver si ties of Man ches ter, New cas tle, and Cam bridge, as well as a team from Syr a cuse, New York who was also in Eng land. We beat Syr a cuse and lost three close matches against our Eng lish op po nents. We stayed with the rugby teams that we were play ing against and met a va ri ety of peo ple. At the end of the school year I hitched a ride with my room - mate and stayed at his place for a few days be fore head ing home to work for the sum mer at a con struc tion plant. My other room mate, Elias, came to visit for a week in New Hart ford and went with my fam ily to Rensselaerville for the Fourth of July. Back in New Hart ford he de cided to run in the Boilermaker with out any train ing and man aged to fin ish it. I also ran the Boilermaker for the sec ond time and fin ished in just un der 74 min utes. Aunt Lynne co mes ev ery year to run in the Boilermaker and Un cle Scott, Blair and Anna came to watch. Af ter the Boilermaker my fam ily and the Dav en ports rented a camp on a lake in the Adirondacks and we also rented a mo tor boat. We spent the next week hang ing out on the lake, tub ing, and knee-board ing with the Dav en ports and friends. It was a very relaxing week. Af ter that week it was back to work un til Niles play ing rugby I went back to school at the be gin ning of Au - gust. This year I am liv ing in a du plex with five other friends and so far we have been hav ing an amaz ing time. Once we got set tled in, we went down to visit the Allan Haseleys at their lake house. I brought along a few of my friends and we had an amaz ing time on the lake. We got to go wakeboarding and tub ing and they had a wa ter tram po line that we got to play on. On the flat tube we were able to fit four of my big friends at the same time. Since then, noth ing too ex cit ing has hap pened, so un til next year Niles Miller

18 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 18 Emily Likes... This past year was amaz ing. For Christ mas I got a lot of stuff. I got a dig i tal cam era and I love it! I also got a bunch of clothes. My fa vor ite cloth ing item was my Un der Ar mor pants. They are so comfy. Niles and I got a choc o late foun tain also. For Christ mas Eve we went over to Kasia s house. Her mom cooked an amaz ing Pol ish din ner. The food was so good. For Christ mas din ner we had our party like we usu - ally do and the Cessnas (Kasia s fam ily) came to our house. The Marshes also came. That s my friend Jessi s fam ily. She s wicked funny and nice. I had so much fun. We had a green Christ mas. I did n t re ally like it that much. But we got a lot of snow in Jan u ary and Feb ru ary. For Feb ru ary break we stayed home. The Wednes day, Thurs day, and Fri day right be fore the break we had 3 snow days. It was wicked sweet be cause we had those days off and then had the whole next week off. I had so much fun! We went to New York City for the last week end of the break. We stayed in a ho tel right across from Cen tral Park. We saw Beauty and the Beast off Broad way. It was so good. We also went to the Nintendo store. Cameron got a Wii for his birth day. It s so fun! We have a lot of games for it. My mom and I went to the Dis ney Store. It was like ab so lutely amaz ing! I made a crown sorta thing and a wand there. I put charms and stuff on them. I chose to put Jas mine from Alad din on my crown and wand. My birth day was on Fri day the 13 th this year, but noth ing bad hap pened. Since we had so many snow days we were sup posed to have school that day but we did n t which was good. This past Spring Break was the first year in my whole life that I did n t go to North Carolina and the beach. I could n t go be - cause I was on var sity la crosse and we could n t miss the games. We had 3 games and prac tice like ev ery day over break. And the worst part of it was that it snowed al most ev ery day! But we still played in the snow. Jor dan came to our house over the break. It was wicked fun to have him there. He and Cameron played video games a lot but I think he had fun in the snow too. The good thing was that the week end af ter that my mom and I went down for the Shad Fes ti val. Var sity la crosse was wicked fun. We had a new coach. His name is Mr. Knapp. I had him on Mod i fied one year but this was his first year on var sity. We had an as sis tant coach too. His name was Steve. He was like a wicked good coach. He knew a lot about in ju ries and stretch ing and stuff. Knapp was a wicked good coach. We won the first game in 3 years this year! It was so amaz ing. I got my pic ture in the news pa per for la crosse. It was at one of our games in the snow. This May I went to the 9 th grade din ner dance. It was so much fun! I got a dark tur - quoise dress. I loved it! The day of the din ner dance I got my hair cut like wicked short. I did not like it that much but then I started lik ing it. I also had a la crosse game like right be fore the dance but I left at half time from the game. Af - ter the dance I had a lot of peo ple come over to my house. We hung out and played the Wii. It was wicked fun. My cousin Catherine came to visit that week end. Mac and Suzie came too. It was re ally fun but I did n t get to spend a lot of time with them be cause there was like a lot go ing on. The school ended. I did like wicked good on my fi nal tests. On my math Re gents I got a 98! I like math a lot. I was wicked happy that school was over and sooo ex cited to be go ing to high school! The only bad thing was that I would miss Mrs. B. Her real name was Mrs. Borowicki but that was too long. She was my fa vor ite teacher. Like the day af ter my last test Eric Hartshorne came to visit. He moved away to Florida when we were in 7 th grade. He was like one of my best friends. I was so sad when he moved and this was his first time back since then. He had al ready been in NY for a week or some thing be fore he came to our house. He stayed at our house for like 10 days! It was sooo fun! I miss him so much! We had like so many bon - fires when he was here. Eric and I were with Abby, Lauren, Marykatie, Cait, Eric Fitz ger ald, Max and Billy like the whole time. They are some of my friends. We did some thing ev ery night to gether. And we walked down to Day light Dough nuts a lot too. Day light is a lit tle dough nut shop in the vil lage. Eric was sup posed to leave Fri day but some - thing hap pened with his plane so he could n t leave and he got to stay at our house for an other night!!! I was so happy! When he left though I was like wicked sad. It felt so dif fer ent. That week we left for R ville for the 4 th of July. Anna and Blair were al - ready there. The Vs came too. When we got back from the fire works Cameron and Jack and Alex de cided to call Willy Kessler. The Kesslers live right next to Grandma. We went over to swim in their heated pool. Ste phen is my age and he had a friend named Anik. They live in NYC. Af ter the 4 th of July Blair and Anna came back to our house. We did n t stay long, just till af ter the Boilermaker race. Aunt Lynne and my mom ran. Af ter the Boilermaker we all went to Old Forge for a week. We rented a camp up there. It was a lot of fun. We went tub ing and swung on the rope swing. They had a paddle - boat too. The last day we had the camp we went to Wa ter Sa fari. It was a cold day but we still had fun. We all went back to our house for a cou ple of days and then they left. The last week of July we went down to Mary land for three days for An drew s la crosse tour na ment. Aunt Ka ren and Jeffrey came to watch. His team did re ally well. My friend Chloe s brother was play ing too so we were stay ing in the same ho - tel. We had so much fun to gether. But she left early be cause she was go ing to North Carolina. In Au gust we took Ni-Ni to col lege. We stayed at Aunt Ka ren s on the way down. We ate at a crab place in Bal ti - more. Af ter we dropped him off we went to the beach with the Dav en ports. An drew stayed with Ni-Ni at col lege. The beach was so hot and nice. I loved it. Then we picked An drew up and went to the Allan Haseleys lake house. It Em ily played var sity lacrosse Con tin ued on next page

19 Page 19 The Haseley Herald 2007 Edition Emily...continued from previous page was so nice! They had a slide com ing off of the wa ter tram po line and they also had this tube thing that you had to run across. It was so chill! Niles came with his col lege friends. They had a lot of fun. We went tub ing a lot. Cameron, An - drew, Ni-Ni and I all went on the tube at once. It was amaz ing! Then they went back and we went home. The day af ter we got home the var sity swim ming sea son started, Au gust 20. We had 3-hour prac tices Mon day-sat ur day un til school started. It was so tir ing. We were all so sore. The team is much big ger than last year. We have 12 re turn ing and 10 new peo ple. There are four 7 th grad ers on our team. They are amaz ing swim mers. We went to R ville for La bor Day week end. There was a dance Sat ur day night. Jessi Marsh and her mom came for the day and night. We had a lot of fun. The Kesslers were there too. This time Lauren Kessler came too. She was n t there last time. She is 14. She s so funny and nice. I hung out with Lauren and Ste phen and we went swim ming in their pool again. It was wicked fun. We left on Mon day. We had to get home be cause I was plan ning a sur prise party for my friend Marykatie at our house. We had like a lot to do. I was so ner vous. The party was good and I think we sur prised her a lit tle bit. We had fun and there were a lot of peo ple. We had to go back to school that week. I don t re ally like my teach ers that much but it s okay. The var sity sea son is go ing re ally well. I am still try ing to make sectionals in 100-me ter breast stroke. I m like 3 sec onds away. I hope I can make it. Also, all through out the year when ever a friend co mes over they sign my wall with paint. My walls are lime green and they sign in pink and blue. They look so sweet. It looks kinda like graf fiti. I love it! Em ily Miller Candy La dies House Rensselaerville Falls FGL house, Oc to ber 2007 Ode to Rensselaerville We came from far and wide down to the coun try side. To a place called Rensselaerville, to a sum mer house on a hill. (what a hill!) We were greeted with open arms by a host ess loaded with charms. (dear Janet) She gave us a grand old tour with a re minder to close the door. And let s not for get Un cle Jack, the only con firmed bach e lor in our pack. And the lo cals seemed to ex pect us gals for they treated us all like long last pals. From the Palmer House to the Shell Inn, one served gour met food and the other served gin. (and sin?) And what about crazy Johnny s house, where posed on the dresser lays a dead mouse. And if you think that Johnny might be slightly loony, go in stead and visit the con ser va tive Andy Rooney. And a trek through the woods we girls did take as we hiked past a wa ter fall and out to a lake. There was also ten nis for those who like sports, so bring along your racket and head to the courts. And into an art gal lery some of us wan dered, where pho to graphs of Cuba were stud ied and pondered. Then we kicked up our heels at the con tra dance where you should prom e nade with Bill and Bob if you get the chance, be cause Bill will be swing ing you to the moon, and (sweaty) Bob won t be blink ing any time soon. At night there was sing ing as the gui tar was strum ming (thanks Deb bie) when we did n t know the words we all be gan humming. And the side porch was wait ing, rock ers all in line, for talk ing and rock ing and glasses of wine. There was cer tainly no short age of things to do in this quaint lit tle ham let where noth ing is new. We were told that this place has quite a long his tory, just don t ask me how to spell it cause I ll say it s a mys tery. I ve heard it called some kind of Brigadoon and if the good Lord is will ing I ll be com ing back soon. Susan F. Collea 6/6/07 (Ed i tor s note: Su san Collea is one of Sue Miller s friends who par tic i pated in Sue s an nual Get away Gals Week end in Rensselaerville. They leave their spouses and kids at home.) Get away Gals Week end par tic i pants at Candy La dies House, Rensselaerville

20 2007 Edition The Haseley Herald Page 20 Jack Dances All Over Northeast Jan u ary: The year be gan again with my par tic i pat ing in Ashokan New Years mini-week end (near Woodstock, NY, in Cats kill Moun tains). I had an un for tu nate col li sion with a deer who ran into the pas sen - ger side of my Olds mo bile, break ing the win dow, the rear view mir ror and some other mi nor dam ages. (In ju ries to the deer are un - known.) I par tic i pated in and was a do nor at a blood drive spon sored by the am bu lance squad. Feb ru ary: I at tended the Edmund Niles Huyck Pre serve cel e bra tion of Groundhog Day at Lin coln Pond. The ice was said to be 18 inches thick in the lake! We were sad dened by the death of one of our long-time friends and car pen ter, Web Jennings, who worked on both of our houses in the past and who helped ren o - vate the Pres by te rian Church sev eral years ago. Janet flew up to visit for nearly a month and we at tended the Dance Flurry Fes ti val in Saratoga Springs, NY. I worked as a vol un teer again, as sist ing in set ting up sound equip ment and mov ing pi anos. All went well this year as con trasted to last year s di sas ter when a wide - spread storm knocked out power all over the city for sev eral days, just as the Flurry was about to be gin. April brought an other auto ac ci dent as I smashed into a parked truck dur ing the last snow storm of the sea son, re sult ing in ex - ten sive dam age to the Olds sta tion wagon, but no per sonal in ju ries. I am now driv - ing a 1995 Jeep Grand Cher o kee Laredo which Stu art Miller (nephew-in-law) gave me. (He bought a new car.) I vol un teered again at the New Eng land Folk Fes ti val in Mansfield, MA, where I help set up the stage light ing. Also, I went to the Boston area a day ear lier and at tended a con tra dance at Con cord, MA, in the his toric Scout House. In May, I again went to the Gotta-Get-Gone, a three-day week end of folk mu sic in Saratoga County, and then went to Brattleboro, VT, for the Sunday af ter noon Me mo rial Day Eng lish Coun try dance and all-night Sunday night con tra dance. Janet drove her self to Brattleboro and we met for the con tra dance where she says she was the old est dancer on the floor when the sun came up. (I did n t dance all night, but crashed in our mo tel room at 2am be cause I had not slept much at the Gotta-Get-Gone for two nights pre vi - ously.) In June I was again the vol un teer staff leader in set ting up and tak ing down the food ser vice for per form - ers and vol un teers ( Crea ture Com forts ) at the Old Songs Fes ti val in Altamont, NY. In July we went to the kick-off con tra dance and din ner at Jay Ungar and Molly Ma son s Ashokan North ern Week. We also watched the PBS screen ing of John James Au du - bon: Drawn from Na ture which was funded by the Na tional En dow ment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, the W. P. Carey Janet and Jack at Sil ver Bay Foun da tion and our third cousin Roswell Eldridge, MD. Roswell, as you may re mem ber from the 2006 Haseley Her ald, con ceived the idea of a con fer - ence on Aububon s life and works which was held in Oc to - ber, 2006, at the Rensselaerville In sti tute. My sis ter Janet did the doc u men ta tion for the con fer - ence, and the PBS doc u men tary had its world pre miere there dur - ing the con fer ence. Also in July, Janet and I and sev eral friends at tended the Fal - con Ridge Folk Fes ti val about an hour and a half away in Co lum - bia County, NY. In Au gust, I again vol un teered on the first aid staff at the Cham plain Val ley Folk Fes ti val on Lake Cham plain near Burlington, VT. Last year I was fi nally suc cess ful in turn ing over the first aid crew chief job there to lo cal peo ple, so I had more time to en joy this small fes - ti val of tra di tional mu sic and dance. We went to the Ashokan kick-off dance for South ern Week with zy deco and Ca jun danc ing as well as contras and squares. A Mich i gan friend who Janet met at the Old Songs Fes ti val and an Al - bany area con tra dance friend went with us and spent the night with us af ter wards in R ville. Sep tem ber was quite busy as I went again to a small sing-a-long and mu sic jam type fes ti val (the Last Gaspe ) at a rus tic camp site near Galway in north west ern Saratoga County, NY. I met Janet again at the La bor Day Dawn Dance in Brattleboro, VT. At the end of the month we went to the Adirondack Dance Week end at Sil ver Bay on Lake George where we both had vol un teer par tial schol ar ships sweep ing the dance floors at breaks and be - tween bands and call ers. (I was the Floor Sweeper Chief.) In Oc to ber I par tic i - pated with a group of oth ers from the Pickin, Singin and Gath er ing or ga ni za tion in sing ing sev eral sea-shan ties on the deck of a tour boat at the Waterford, NY, Tug boat Roundup on the Erie Ca nal. Lots of fun! We went to a spe cial af ter noon and eve ning con tra dance Fall Ball at Peterborough, NH, on the 20 th of Oc to ber and to the Green field, MA, af ter noon con tra dance the next day. I drove Janet s car and trailer to Grifton, NC, to help with her semi-an nual mi gra tion and stayed there through Thanksgiving with the rest of the Haseley Clan. Then I will spend Christ mas with the Sue and Stu art Miller fam - ily in New Hart ford (two hours west of Rensselaerville) and will at tend Jay and Molly s Ashokan New Years dance again this year. I am still on the board of Old Songs, Inc., a not-for-profit pre senter of tra di tional mu sic and dance. I am also on the Town of Rensselaerville Sewer and Wa ter Ad vi sory Com mit tee where our lat est chal lenge is to re - pair sig nif i cant dam age to some of our wa ter system infrastructure caused by flooding. Jack at con tra dance at Old Songs building Jack Long

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