Jim Hove r y never tqkes t eclsy on o skofebo 197I

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1 197I Y A q E Jim Hove r y never tqkes t eclsy on o skofebo Photo by Jotl Kråus by Lur Lng "The upside down feelings you get from sktebording is like rush," explined Jim Hverty, one of Fresno's top sktebord riders, who is full time student t Fresno City College. "lt's comprble to diving off high tower for the first time, or riding on good fst roller coster." he nd usly on given bck in the sixties when sktebo",o,ìfiål first showing populrity s hobby. The bords we rode over the crcked sidewlks hd cly wheels nd were very unsfe. Bords hve improved since then. They re wider nd the wheels re now constructed of polyurthne." "Sktebording is gret hobby, but s cteet it is ded end. The cost of competition is too high, nd the trophy received if you win is not worth the trouble. Most of the meets re held in Sn Jose or Los Angeles, nd in ddition to the trveling expenses one hs to py to sty for bout week so tht he cn get in enough prctice before the event. I my enter competition for the fun of it or to give me something to do, but my trouble is tht I m not cut throt Çpe of competitive person," Jim stressed. "Mogl Bowl, where I skte, does hve regulr tem tht nyone cn try out for. To belong you must chllenge one of the present members nd out skte h m. The benefit of belonging to the tem is free skting t the Prk. Mogl Bowl isn't s populr s it used to be though. minly becuse of their snittion policies." "lt ws gret 10 hve sktebording prk built in Fresno. h gives young skters sfe plce to go, nd the deeper pools present welcome chllenge for the more dvnced skters. Mogl Bowl requires tht ll skters wer the mndtory sfety equipment t ll times regrdless of bility, which I think is good ide. A border could fll ten feet or more without ny injury wering the sfety equipment," sid Jim. "l hve pulled ligments n my nkle nd strined both wrists from flls, but I hve lwys been nxious to get bck on my bord s soon s possible. When rider dels with higher slôk.s he pys hevier price." "Pool riding is wht I enjoy the most. Once rider hs reched certin point only the pools nd the pipe re still worth his while. This is not deth sport," Jim emphsized, "if rider is good enough to ttempt the pools he hs mstered control of his bord. He would hve to be insne or very creless to get hurt." "A good skteborder never flls off his þord, he bles. A fll is when you lose control. A ble is jumping off w th fixed lnding position in mind. I rrely fll, lthough I do ble lot," he smiled. "lf skter does fll it's ll over for him for weeks nd mybe even months." "Eric Tsud ws the top rider in Fresno until his ccident. He ws wy hed of. everyone else but he pid high price for it. He ws riding pool when one fool slipped off of the bord while the other remined on. He ripped pn both of his knees. Tht ws before school strted nd he is just strtíng to wlk gin. Eric ws pro gulity, he just never got brek," cknowledged Jim. "ln Fresno it s next to impossible to get brek since no one is willing 10 sponsor skteborders. Another problem is Mogl Bowls reduction of hours to be ng only open three dys week. How cn nyone remin competent n sport when he cn only prctice three dys week. I cn lredy feel decline in my own skills. ln sktebording nd most sports n thlete must prctice dily if he hopes to improve. Sktebording is n intricte sport nd you hve to sty wired to sty t the top," he emphsized. Jim is ttending FCC to cover his generl eduction while he contempltes creer in engineering. He hopes to cont nue with his sktebording on the side, possibly witing tht one in million brek into the big time. "lt's hrd to sty hopeful when everydy I see richer younger kids being driven to the prk in Cdillcs by their rich nd nterested prents. They wer the newest equipment, hve the time nd the money 1o mke t to the top, but I like wht l'm doing nd l'll never give up," Jim sid goodnturedly.

2 Rártrftágé Z Fridy,Novernber.9, 1979 I ì.g È ì '= ö Guest ed itoriol. the mjority of sentors were not'elected but. ppointed. b. the Elections Commissioner ws ignored for elections. c. key positions re the exclusive domin of select group of PeoPle; these sme PeoPle re re on the RmPge stff,.. lnterclub council, nd the sente d. Chicn student ws discourged from running for office (KthY River). 2. Student govêrnment infornition.is not ccessible to ll students.. copies of the constitution hv'e not been vilble upon request' b. current list of cmpus clubs re not vilble upon request. c. The gends for th.e student sente nd lnterclub Council hs not been vilble upon request ll semester. d. copies of the student sente gend is not il.e.c.h.a. speoks out distributed out to the students ttending the meetings (only to the sentors). 3. The student sente does not represent the interests of the cmpus PoPultion bsed on its Performnce in the Pst to generte cmpus prticiption.. the sente cts in n exclusive mnner. 1. sente cômplins of student PthY, but sente members do not even ttend the r own designed functions. 2. the music group "Nightwings," brought.on cmpus for free by the ASB elicited very smll 3.. b. c. turn out. lnterclub Council informed cmpus clubs of the Homecoming contest to be voted on by the studenttlrge. the sente chnged the rules; the reson given ws tht Fresno City College might be embrrssed by using the populr vote method. the president of the ASB nnounced rujes for the Homecoming selections t spec l' meetingweeks fter the initil nnouncement of the event ws mde. the sente hs committee tht governs the events of Homecoming, but the members were not identified nor did they meet prior to the selection process tht ws nnounced. d. sente dvisor, Mr. A.H. Dickie, stted tht Homecoming election were monopolized by Technicl nd lndustril cndidtes, nd Mr. Dickie implied tht the T. & l. instructors were tk ng entire clsses to the polling plces to vote for T. & l. cndidtes; therefore, new procedure ws necessry to select queen becuse the old method ws nothing more thn populr ty contest. e. complimentry tickets tht were issued for n ASB dnce did not hve the senters pprovl Rmpge rticle, , Vol. 34, No. 1 1). f. sente nd clss of Mr.. Dickie were meet ng simultn * eously.,.. We invite ny interested student or fculty member to ttend the sente meeting nd judge for themselves the "dult mnner" by which the sente conducts itself. As students of Fresno C ty College, we object to the unilterl decisions tht re mde by the sente. We lso protest the fct tht when interested students do ttend sente meet ngs, they re lrgely ignored by the senêtors, nd the visitors cnnot Plticipte unless sentor will Yield the floor. L brq ry by Mohmmd ShritmdrY Now t the beginning of November, houses, buildings, of f ices, nd schools re lredy gett ng heted by centrl heting, furnces, or heters. Fresno City College cn cll itself n exception to this rule nd pprently does not wnt to bother to het its buildings. Mny students re complining bout this negligence. TheY hve to chãllenge the cold in the clsses, librry, nd other buildings on cmpus. The librry hs very importnt f unction s á reding nd reserch center. o ls reqlly cool Every d.y, hundreds or mybe thousnds of students rush to the librry to study. Students hve to sty long hours in the librry hlls. Nturlly, they expect this plce to be plesnt nd idel plce for studying. But, unfortuntely, these dys students hve to leve bef ore they strt shivering. Even when they f orce themselves to sty longer they hve to shrivel themselves into shell nd ccomplish nothing. Ech time you sk the people who re working in the librry bout the heting, wht you her re phrses such s yes, you re right, " "Pretty soon" or "in the mtter of 'dy or so." But so fr there hs been no sign'of chnge. When one of the librrins in the periodicl section ws questioned in this respect she sid, "The college's policy is now following President Crter's words concerning sving energy. For this reson the college is reluctnt'to strt the heting system. " Whtever the PolicY is, if this sitution continues, PrettY soon hundreds of students will be voting ginst Crter in the coming election.

3 ßmpge 3 Fridy, November 9, UA øi ". I/IJEK NROIDLE,TI{ERE W5 TEW l llté A I'lflÊFRoM M4E! u '! Condidtes for office use the medio by Tni Myed Cndidtes for public offices hve lerned how to use the medi in their cmpigning. Most cndidtes who hve won used the medi more efficiently thn their opponents. The techniques of meçi crnpigning cn help cndidte if used.correctly. Lt. Governor Mike Curb is good exmple of cndidte using the medi to his gin. He is young, well spoken 1d knows the ins nd outs of using the medi. After ll, he. ws on television show in the Mike Curb Congregtion. Another more recent medi mstèrmind is Sentor Edwrd Kennedy. During his considertion of the Presidentil nomintion for the Democrtic Prty, Kennedy used the medi well. He gve the people hint tht he might be willing to run without relly committing himself. Such ctions mde the public w t him more thn they lredy did. Give the people little tste so they wnt more seems to be the thought behind Kennedy's cmpign, so fr. lt hs been working nd people ll over hve strted elect Kennedy orgniztions. It will be interesting to see if other cndidtes possess the medi inf luence tht Kennedy hs. Keep n eye on the different medi for the chrism of Ted Kennedy. Demqnd shoh's exlrqdition The Rmpge welcomes comments from its reders. Letters should be typewritten nd double spced. Letters must be signed by the uthor lthough pen nmes my be used t the editor's discretion. All letters will be corrected to Rmpge style. Submit mteril to SC21 1 no lter thn the Mondy before intended publiction. THE RAMPAGE STAFF Editor in Chief News Editor Opinion Editor Photo Editor Ad Mnger :Sports Editor, Henry Gutierrez Lur Lng Tim Sheehn Tni Myed Ken Enloe Lur Btti STAFF Joe Chbl; Christy Dennis, Kren Gul, Mrk Georgeson, Roger Jerkovich, Jeff Kruse, Pul Logn, Steve Mercdo, Drrel McCully, Peggy O'Rourke, Mohmmd Shritmdry, Myr Suggs, Dennis Holseybrook nd Debbie Hrris PHOTOGRAPHERS Kren Gul, Henry Gutierrez, Roger. Jerkovich, Jeff Kruse. AD STAFF Lur Lng nd Pul Logn. Assistnt Advisor Advisor Lur Btti DeWYne Ril.The Rmpge is published every Fridy by Fresno City College Journlism 5 clss. The Rmpge office is in SC21 1' Phone , ext Ol E. Universily Ave. Fresno, CA by Mohmmd Shritmdry This week ws troublesome week for lrn nd United Sttes. The U.S. embssy compound in Tehrn nd the Sttue of Liberty in New York were the scenes of storm nd rmpge which once gin demonstrted the existing domintion of Americn imperilism over wek countries seeking selfstnding policy. The students' demonstrtion in Tehrn ended in the tkeover of the Americn embssy. They cptured some documents showing CIA spying in lrn, lthough stff members of the embssy hd been trying to burn them up. While these ct vit es were going on in lrn, group of lrnin. students crrying plcrds with different mottos demonstrted round the Sttue of Liberty in New York. Another group of 150 or more students lso ngrily demonstrted in front of the Cornell Medicl Center, whe[e the hted Shh is being treted, to protest his preôence in the United Sttes. These students strongly critic zed the U.S. government for dmitting this corrupt mn to this country. The United Sttes hs ignored the hurt feelings of the linin people by dmitting nd entertin ng their enemy in this country under the pretext of illness just becuse he ws longtime U.S. gent in lrn; consequently, this move by. group of lrnin comptriots seems its nturl rection to the U.S. government. The lrnin government lso sympthized with the students nd justified their move nd their motivtion by issuing sttement through the Foreign Ministry which sid, "lí the Americn uthorities hd respected the feelings of the lrnin people nd relized the depth of the lrnin revolution, they would hve t lest refused to let the exshh enter their country nd would h've reti. rned his propértieé to lrn." There re lso some êontrdictory reports bout the Shh's cncer. One report sáid tht this illness is, in fct, "'politicl ilfnéss.". The Shh's se.cretive rrivl in New York, with the help of U.S. Secretry' of Stte Cyrus Vnce, indictes direct U.S. collbortion with the elements ffilited wlth the Shh trying to overthrow the present regime. Crter's dministrtion must be wre of this f ct tht when Khomeini struggfeè Crter trembles. * r s ì N. h

4 Rmpge 4 Fridy, November 9, 1979 filicro l"\erus THE HOME COMING Nov. 59 is the college's homecoming week. Elections were Tuès. nd Wed., Nov. 6 nd 7, in the foyer of the cfeteri. The crowning will be t hlftime of the FCC vs. Sn Joquin Delt gme in Rtcliffe Stdium tonight. Gme strts t 7:30 pm. WE WANT YOUR BLOOD The Centrl Cl. Blood Bnk needs your generosity nd your blood. They will be on cmpus Nov. 14 nd 15 from 11 to 2 pm in the Student Union Lounge. Free book tote to every dontor. For more informtion cll Ñlrgret McBride, RN t THE REEL BELLA LUGOSI On Nov. 16 t 7:30 Pm, FCC's "Reel World" film series will present Counf Drcul. This 1931 ôlssic will be screened in forum hll A nd dmission is one dollr. For detils boul Drcul or other films in the series, contct the college t 4282û..,ROD STEWART" GIVES FCC A PEEKA8OO FCC long with other colleges will be treted to specil preview of the movie, Rod Stewrt. This film hs never been shown before nd will only be previewed for one dy by the ASB. There will be 3 showings on St., Dec. 1, 1979, t 7 pm,8:30 pm nd 10 pm. Admission is one dollr nd fifty cents for ASB crdholders nd twodollrs for noncrdholders. COME SHAKE AND BAKE The Disbled Students Colition is hving picnic nd brbecue to promote membership nd friendship. This will be potluck so look out for the signup sheets being pssed round by club officers for wht to bring, or just bring whtwer you like. Most importntly, bring yourself! The picnic will be held Sturdy, Nov. 10, from 12 pm to6 pm twoodwrd Prk. Look for the Lke View Picnic Are. Picketing continues bv Tim Sheehn FCC techers rejected the ltest offer from the SCCCD Bord of Trustees, Wednesdy, October 30. Tht disgust spilled over to lst Fridy nd this pst Mondy, the 2nd nd Sth of November, in the form of informtionl protests by techers t the FCC Fountin re. According to Hl Sdler, negot tor for the FCC fculty, the District's offer ws uncceptble on the following points: Yo increse in py for the school yer to November o/o increse from November 1979 to August o/o increse from August 1980 to August 1981 Pholo by Ken Eñl@ The Stte Center Federtion of Techers turned down tht proposl nd offered counterproposl tht included'the following chnges: o/o increse only to August of o/o increse for August 1979 to August % increse for August 1980 to August 1981 The Contrct controversy centers round the negot tions. Truslees News relurned The voters of the Stte Center Community Gollege District hve returned three incumbents, Edwrd Mosley, Hrry Hirok, nd Dvid Creighton, to sets on the District Bord of Trustees' ln wht promised to be nother routine election for the three incumbents, there were some mild surprises. Hirok. running for reelection to the Bord for the Fowler re, met surprisingly well orgnized cmpign from former police officer Alex Rendon, but s of this writing enjoys more thn comfortble led in the finl tlly orgniztions. t0p&s celebrctes stotewide s lver iubilee by Joe Chbl Robert Arroyo nd the dministrtion' "EOP nd S hs hd n impct on the college," sid Gon. He lso explined tht the Progrm oiloted the f rst tutoril center, creer center. Guidnce Studies 50 clss, ncl services provided. ln order to ssist lowincome students success, EOP nd S o in severl res, in luloring nd finncil id. "Wi demnd lot from them (the students).i'sid Sl Men, Pinto Component dvisor. "We don't wnt them to come to school just for the money becuse t EOP nd S we don't relly give them lot of monev." When student enters the progrm he must meet certin requirements s well s bide by rules set by EOP nd S. Some of the requirements re.: 1) Student must be enrolled fulltime, wilh t lest 12 un ts, t FCC. 2l Must ttend ll EOP nd S orienttion clsses. 3) Must nend the tuloril center ccording to the GPA. 4) Must mke two counseling sessions per semester. 5l Must ttend ll regulr clsses. 6l Must show effort to improve grde point verge. According to Puline Fuller Johnson, cdemic dvisor t EOP nd S. they keep close look on the EOP nd S students who re funded nd "push them long." Wht mkes EOP nd S so unique is the ntensive supplement of supportive services offered to the student, heded by Al Arredondo. "The reson the supportive services prt of EOP nd S cme bout is tht we del with lowincome students. And lowincome students hve multitude of problems," sid Arredondo. Some of the services offered by EOP nd S re: creer counseling, iob plcement, Community Resources lnformtion, finncil id counseling, book lons, Trnsfer lnformtion nd informtion on welfre, food stmps, medicre, nd child cre. "supportive services re very importnt to the'siudents becuse there re lot of resources to del with cdemic problems, 't know bout the d Arredondo. services, EOP nd of components to help them get through college. ^The coponents ãre: Ntive Americn Comoonént. whose min gol is to link the Ñtive Americn to the services t EOP nd S; Recruitment Component, which is used minly s n outrech tool in high schools, community centers, service orgniztions Summer progrm, rm to give entering nd Pinto ComPonol s to get the exoffender in college. Sl Men, Pinto dvisor, sid, "We try to help the exoffender get nto school. We feel the exoffender is Prt of disdvntged group." He lso sid tht s Pinto Component dvisor. he tries to ssist the exoffender in school nd help them djust. "lf we cn help n exoffender get some kind of skills, it will improve tht individul's chnces of getting job, nd becoming uxpying citizen." sid Men. According to Toni Miller. EOP nd S's retention rte is looking much better. "This summer 96 students entered ourl Summer Rediness Progrm nd 81'.students, &4 per cent, completed the progrm or complied with theii contrct." sid Miller. She ttributes this success to computer printout they begn using this summer nd predicted n even better retention rte this semester. Gon hs seen chnges in EOP nd S during its ten yer existence nd looks hed t its future. "There is need to expnd the services to the ethnic studies deprtment heds. They need extended relese time so they cn do better job. We need n lntroductory science course so the students cn be more successful in tking biology. I would lso like to hve n internship of students in Stte nd Federl offices here in town during the summer"' EOP nd S hs grown from Progrm of 46 colleges. suing three nd one hlf million dollrs to 104 colleges, using twenty nd one hlf million dollrs. FCC's EOP nd S is currently funding 225 students. According to Gon, this is one of the few progrms tht Governor Brown suppons. "EOP nd S is model Progrm tht is imitted in other sttes. lt is the best pilot progrm tht serves minority of disdvntged students in the United Sttes," climed Gon. All in ll, Gon, like the rest of the EOP nd S stff, is plesed with the progrm. "l would sy EOP nd S is n excellent progrm becuse it provides intensive services over, bove nd in ddition to wht the college does," sid Gon. Teddy 0nn0unce,s pres dentiol lol Dro Wht hs been referred to in Wshington's politicl circles s "the dy the erth 'moved" hs finlly occurred. Sentor Edwrd M' Kennedy (DMsschusetts) formlly nnounced his long wited cndidcy for Jimmy Crter's job of President of the United Sttes. ln the nnouncement tht cme dy ended months of h both the medi (see nd Crter, in wr of r tht hs seen outright chrges of incpbility to hndle the Presidency nd other threts. Both Kennedy nd Crter hve been chllenged to debte by nother Democrãtic Presidentil hopeful, Cliforni governor Jerry Brown. KennedY hs èxpressed cceptnce of the chllenge, while the Crter cmp hs issued no word either wy. Kennedy is the only one of the trio tht hs formlly nnounced his cndidcy.

5 Rmpge 5 Fúdy, November g, lgtg Senofe meetíng hos sfqlem<rfe b,v fuggv O'Rourke There ws mixture of pthy nd ngry emotions t the Sente meeting lst Wednesdy, October 31, continued on through to Thursdy, November 1st. The Sente meetings were unusul in tht the doorc were opened up to nonasb members. The min topic of discussion delt with homecoming events nd cndidtes. The detils of hndling the homecoming contest switched hnds from Crl Wlker to Jim Sowers. The discussiòn centered on bord votes vs. student.voting. The room ws filled with the two strongest clubs on cmpus, MECHA nd Pn Africn Sn dent Union (PASU). They demnded to hve the winners determined solely by student vote. They lso ccused the ASB Sente of switching the rules in the midstrem of the contest. But Mr. Dicki, the sponsor for the ASB, pointed out tht the rules hd not been chnged. He noted tht the rules for the homecoming contest hd been estblished since 1964, nd he lso mentíoned tht it ws kindly gesture on the behlf of the ASB Sente in llowing the student body to vote for the top four cndidtes. From there the bord mkes thé finl decision. The Sente justified the voting 'of the bord members s wy of protecting other groups, who might not be s strong s the others. This ws done with the intentions of preventing "populr contest" mong the groups. Jim Sowers pointed out tht during the entire discussion of the populr vote only two groups were mentioned out of the eight groups prticipting. MECHA nd PASU info med the Sente tht if their demnds were not met, they would withdrw f rom the contest ltogether. The Sente sid they hd lredy met their demnds hlfwy. This creted stlemte, which brought the homecoming to complete hlt. Tim Sheehn clled for specil meeting for ll members to vote the following dy on whether to keep the cpntest livè. The second meeting..took plce Thursdy, November 2nd, in the ASB íoomj i The Sente decided to continue with homecoming, with the originl plns of combining st_udent vote wilh bord votes. However, new topic ws brought to the floor concerning the resumes tht ech cndidte must submit. One student commented tht the cndidtes: "should not hve to write in n oxford style." Jim Sowers stted tht the resumgs: "...Should be used s tool, nd s n introduction to the cndidte's personl tv." The Sente voted on keeping the resume. The officil rules for the homecoming contest were finlly typed by Mr. Dicki's secretry nd delivered to the ASB meeting t 1;fi) ori Fridy, Noveqb5 r 2nd. ASB cqrds moy be worth something next semester by Pul Logn Presently, in dys when things re worth less nd less, the ASB Sente is working on mking'asb Membership worth even more. Still in the plnning stge re discounts to crd holders t severl merchnts round town, lso $2.N off on FCC prking, nd percentge off t our Bookstore. This "Discount Booklet" will hve deeper dimension for you Bluto types, with $.ffi off the food in the NEEO A ROOMATE? DO YOU I.IAVE AN ITEM YOU'D LIKE to sell? Hve vou lost somethlng you'd gldly ofter rewrd for? ll so, dvertise in our clss f ed section ol th Rðmpge Our rtes re S 1.OO tor 25 words or less nd I I 50 for 25 1o 50 words You cn plce your d in the Rmpge olfice, bove the bookstore tn the Sruderlt Center OO YOU HAVE TROUBLE IYPINGT TYPE ANYTHING resonble rles, chrge by lhc pge Cll Q, sk lo DceArìe MENr WOMENT JOBS ON SH PSr AMERICAN FOREIGN No expeilerìcc requlre(l Excellent py Worldwrde trvel Sumrner tob or creer Serìd S3 OO lor ilrformíon SEAFAX, Dept A 1 6 Box Port Angeles, Wslrrngton INCOME OPPOFTUNITIES FOR ADVENTURÊRS BE PAID lor trvel rìd dventure Send n SASE lo workshop,, POB 1 I 60d. Pcrlrc. CA Clossfiied Cfeteri. Do the Bluto, do the Bluto! Bck to relity. the Booklet is plnned for Spring'80 relese, nd fter next semester strts s when students re to strt reping the benefits. With the extr proceeds, there will be substntil increse not only in the number of events. but lso the qulity of events put on by ASB. ASB dvisor Dve Dickie sys tht, "Now there is possibility of going with big nme entertiners, something tht will compete with CSUF." WOULD YOU LIKÊ TO WISH A FRIENO A HAPPY BIRTHDAY? Oo you hve tr@ble expressing your leelings in person? Well your lroubles re over. The Rmpge rs slrtlng up Þgnso l ts sect on. Our rtes re S1 O0 lor 25 wôrds or less nd $ 1 50 for 25 lo 50 words You cn plæe your cl rn the Rmpge olllce, bove l',e bookslole rn the Student Center fhe VALLEY IMUSIC NEWS IS NOW AVAILABLE FREÊ N lrorìt ol tlìr) lx)()kslorc Musr.'llìedtre D rrcc Clttrlrlr ol Everts JOSEPH M PUJOLS, ATTORN Y AI LAW. U C BERKELÉY grdute. Drunk dnvrng drug cöses. other. VerV resonble rtes. ln Fresno cll Sve this numberl MAPLE LEAF BARBER INTROOUCTS "BARBÊR SIYLING'' Reoulr hjrrculs Scrìror (,rltzljrls ðrìd ulìrl('rcn urìd(jt l2 siio. Bto* dtv. lvrr rì(l fedthe.rrrq cuts rr: S8 50 Onlv S6.50 wtlh ü FCC slullerlt bo(ly crd Locðte(l 'rl Slrrelds rìrl Mdt)le Phoirj We cul bolh l(llesll(l gelìts UUor Surplus Depol 602 Brodwy t. Ventur Hedgurters for Army nd Nvy clothing Hlf Overlls $ Phone Preregísfrofion co nlinues Mny students who re qulified to preregister for spring clsses t Fresno City College re not tking dvntge of the erly signup schedule nd, s result, my hve to register for clsses lter thn is necessry. This is the wrning from Allyn Gerrd, FCC registrtion officer, who sys thl preregistrtion figures re down bout 10 percent over the sme period lst yer. Gerrd explined tht t]íe erlier student preregisters, the sooner he or she is scheduled for registrtion ppoinlment. There is n dvntge to register ng erly since student's chnces of getting the clsses he or she wnts re much bettèr ner the beginníng of the registrtion period. Preregistrtion nd dvising f,or ll currently enrolled students will continue through November 2. Ner v, form'er nd trnsfer students cn receive counseling nd preregistrtion November 5 througrh Jnury 4. Registrtion begins on December 4, nd spring semeste clsses strt Jnury g. Preregistrtion is tking plce in the dmissions office, lower level of the Student Services Building. The dmissions office will be open from l0.m. to 7 p.m. Mondy through Thursdy nd f om 8.m. ro 5 p.m. on Fridy. There re no tuition fees for district residents who re high school grdutes or t lest 18 yers of ge. For derils, cll the college t e292â. Elections to be held to f ll vocont senote seols by Joe Chbl Do you th nk tht the ASB is'being run efficiently? Do you feel the Fresno City College student hs ny voice in wht goes on round cmpus? lf not, now is yr chnce to chnge tht. ASB will be holding nother election to fill seven sentoril positions, November 28 nd 29, with petitions vilble November 19. To be ble to run, wouldbe cndidte will be sked to meet few requirements: 1) Student must hve no less thn 8 units this semester. 2) Must hve t lest 2.0 grde point verge. 3) Must be n ASB crd holder. 4) Must fillout resume, vilble in the ASB office. 5) Must complete petition with signtures of 10 ASB crd holders. Petitions for ASB offices re vilble in the Student Services building, downstirs t counter'"c." After the student hs completed the pet t on nd ll other requirements, he or she is free to cmpign for the office. lf you hve ny questions or for more informtion contct Mr. Dickie, ASB supervisor, or nv other ASB member in the ASB office, bove the Bookstore. Fresno City ond County lqunch wor on hunger A Citywide, Countywide project to help overcome the hunger problem in Fresno is being lunched s the City Council nd County Bord of Supervisors prepre to proclim Nov. 1218th s "Stmp Out Hunger Week." This will coincide with the 12th nnul Thnksgiving Food Appel beihg sponsored by Vlley Socil Service, United Wy gency. The officil dte for the Appel is Sundy. November 18th, nd the weeks immeditely prior to nd fter tht dte, However, since Vlley Socil service distributes emergency food supplies to the needy throughout the entire yer nd not just during the holidys, food nd monetry dontions re lwys welcome. One hundred churches nd syngogues s well é mny public nd prochil schools nd service orgniztions will be prticipting in the Appel. Students t FSU will hve the opportunity of ttending workshops nd symposium of community people involved with the hunger problem. They will shre subsistence rnel on Mondy, Nov. 19th, nd will be encourged to donte food.nd/or money t hunggr wreness booth in the Free Speech Are. Vlley Socil Service works closely with the County Welfre Deprtment nd other socil service gencies in helping the indigent, nd feeds pproximtely 800 persons ech month. lts stff mkes every effort to give selfhelp guidnce to ech fmily coming for ssistnce, ccording to Phil Trynor, President of the Bord. Flyers re being distríbuted throughout the commúnity encourging donors to contribute nonperishble food commodities such s cnned goods, rice, pst, flour, sugr, dry milk nd cerel, bby food nd infnt formul. ltems cn be brought to locl churches nd firesttions. or directly to Vlley Socil Service Hedqurters t $30 N. Teilmn, cross from Roeding Prk. For help in orgnizing prticipnts in the Food Appel or for more informtion, contct Dick Bevenour, Director, 4/' On cmpus, contct Don Lrson, History lnstructor, M246üJ, ext fc['5 Dininq Koorn /Vlenu TUESDAY Vel Prmesn Sclloped Pottoes Buttered Pes Smll Sld Rolls nd Butter OR Bked Spiced Hm Sweet Pottoes. Grvy Whole Kernel Corn Smll Sld Rolls nd Butter THURSDAY Lsgne Smll Sld Grlic Bred Slemed Broccoli OR Chicken Fried Stek Mshed Pottoes Grvy Mixed Vegerbles Smll Sld Rolls nd Butter WEDNESDAY Rost Top Round r. l Beef Whipped Pottocs Grvy Cut Green Bens Smll Std Rolls nd Butter OR Ch cken Pot Pie Brussels Sprouts Smll Sld Rolls nd Buüer MONOAY ls A HOLIDAY A LA CARTE AVAILABIE V(]getl)les 25C FRIDAY Srnll S rl rrts 2O<. Sefood Pltter Roils OSri French Fries Buililr O 5 Ç Sclloped Tomtoes Smll Sld Rolls nd Butter OR Met Blls nd Grvy Fr r l lster Mshed Pottoes Buttered Lim Bens Smll sld Rolls nd' Butter ' servr<;e on sr,jr:k br rtenìs trv the d[lrn<j rorirn cf,:tör Try our Hof Bru Br, with vriely of hot sndwrches, the Vegetrrn Slcj Br rrrl our Express Line Soup Br. We lso serve pizzà nd snzzy rcos.

6 Rmpge 6 Fridy, November 9, 1979 Fridy November 9, 1979 Volleybll, Cosumnes River, FCC Gym, 6:30 om Wter Polo, Vlley Conference Plyoffs Footbll, Delt, Rtcliffe, 7:30 pm Fresno Art Center Presents, Lrry Hill's...from Wrner Bros. to the Pike nd Neil Folberg's lsreli Lndscpes Fresno Philhrmonic Orchestr, conducted by Guy Tylor, with fetured soloist Cludio Arru, t the Convention Center Thetre, 8 pm Fresno Flcons lce Hockey, vs. Cliforni Egles, Sellnd Are, 8:30 pm Thetre 3, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's y'vest Roger Rock's, The Sunshine Bovs Sturdy November 10, 1979 Cross Country, NorCl Chmpions.hips, t Crystl Springs, 11 pm Volleybll, Scrmento City, FCC Gym, 10 m Fresno Art Center Presents, Lrry Hill's...from Wrner Bros to the Pike nd Neil Folberg's lsreli Lndscpes World Geogrphic Society, hlm Mgic of Venice, Convention Center Thetre, 8:20 pm Fresno Flcons lce Hockey, vs. Cliforni Egles, Setlnd Aren, 8:30 pm Thetre 3, One Flew Over the Cuekoo's ly'esf Roger Rock's, The Sunshine Bovs Sundy Ufhol's going on? November 11, lgtg Church of Jesus Christ of Ltterdy Sints, Services, Convention Center Thet e nd Meeting Rooms. 9 m Fresno Art Center Presents. Lrry Hill's...from Wrner Bros. to the pike nd. Neil Folberg's lsreli Lndscpes Thetre 3, One Flew Over the Cuckoo,s rvesl Roger Rock's, The Sunshine Boys PickAWish, sponsored by the ymca, Sellnd Aren nd Convention Center Thetre Mondy November 12, 1979 Fresno Art Center Presents, Lrry Hill's...from Wrner Bros. to the Pike nd Neil Folberg's lsreli Lndscpes NOV. Tuesdy November 13, 1979 Soccer, Modesto, Euless Prk 3 Pm lce Cpdes, Sellnd Aren, 8 Pm Philhrmonic Orchestr Youth Concert, Morning, Convention Center Thetre Fresno Art Center Presents, Lrry Hill's...from Wrner Bros. to the Pike nd Neil Folberg's lsreli Lndscpes Wednesdy Ñovember 14, 1g7g Volleybll, Reedley, there, 6:30 pm lce Cpdes, Sellnd Aren, 8 pm Pentecostl Assemblies of the World Convention, Convention Center Ex,,, bit Hll A nd Meeting rooms, 9 m Fresno Art Center Presents, Lrry Hill,s...from Wrner Bros. to the pike nd Neil Folberg's lsreli Lndscpes Thursdy November 15, 1979 Soccer, Vlley Conference Plyoff. if needed, Siteto be nnounced lce Cpdes, Sellnd Aren, 8 pm Pentecostl Assemblies of the World Convention, Convention Center Exhibit Hll A nd Meeting rooms. 9 m Fresno Art Center Presents, Lrry Hill's...from Wrner Bros. to the Pike nd Neil Folberg's lsreli Lndscpes Reception of Artists: Jen Ry Lury, fbric pplique rt st nd Lrry Dewitt, J., cermic sculpture rtist. First Svings I Lon, Shw I Millbrook, 7:30 9:30 pm Fridy TOI{IGHT November 16, 1979 Volleybll. Vlley Conference Plyoffs, Site to be nnounced Wter Polo, Nor Cl Chmpionships, t Stn slus Stte, Turlock, All Dy lce Cpdes, Sellnd Aren, 8 pm Pentecostl Assemblies of the World Convention, Convention Center Thetre nd meeting rooms, 9 m Fresno Art Center Presents, Lrry Hill's...from Wrner Bros. to the Pike nd Neil Folberg's lsreli Lndscpes Thetre 3, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's rvest Roger Rock's, The Sunshine Eoys FCC Reel World Clssic Films Presents, Drcul, Forum Hll A, Generl Admission $1 nd FCC ASB Crd Holders Free, 7:30 pm 9rh l4 c R o s s W o R D s ACROSS 1. Sont movement Musicl theme Alsk's cpitl 12. Orientl "dding mchine" 14. Owing: 2 wds. 15. Cylindricl 16. Noisy 1?. Sturdy crt 19. Roll 20. Kins, sholt for fmous mummy 21. Spur 22. Smll ãrrow 23. Fshion 25. Senility 21. First id for hedches 29. Feverish 31. Furlough 35. Went down 36. Engrossed 38. " Dogs nd Englishmen" 39. Conceled 40. Public promende 41. Indonesin islnd 42. Evoke 44. Chrm ginst. injury or evil 46. Dedicte 4?. Apex 48. Fendèr scrs 49. Mountins of Peru t I 5 ô 7 I 9 lo l6 I7 IU Y 70 zl?2 23 z4 25 z6?9 50 5l 5Z 55 J{ E 39 o LZ I5 J2 t5 t4 lþ A (9 IJ DOWN l. Become depletæd: 2 wds. 2. Atwork: 2 wds. 3. Indigency 4. Smll quntity 5. Surpss 6. Bullfighter 7. F'ollow orders 8. Viscous substnee 9. Cold compress: ' 2 wds. 10. Verb tense 11. Rejeets, s 'sweethert 13. Miled 18. Very leftist 21. Tle of dventure 22. Copenhgen citizen 24. Wnt 26. Slnt 28. Cpt. Hook nd creu 29. Greeted Sld green Chrlotte, city on St. Thoms Menservnts Designer Hed Lose h ir or fethers Town squre Ctcher's glove 1930's pro Nzi group Swindle: slng Cert in grownups CondyO gíves you ple nty of muslc for yol,r dough by Pul Logn At the first guitr chord, feeling of nt ciption blsts out. CndyO, the Crs' second relese, will give good return in vinyl for the lying out in pper. "Let's Go," the first single from the lbum, gives nyone plenty to l sten to. This song is surpssed two tróks lter by "All I Cn Do." Although it souñds very fmilir during the chorus, I cn't plce it, so we'll sy only tht they surpss the wimpishness of punk rock nd use it to the r dvntge. Even when there re troubled prts, s the simplistic, redundnt lyrics of "Double Life," or montony of "spcy"fctory line, s in "Shoo Be Doo," there re times when they re only icing on the cke. The highest point of this song is the wy it intros for "CndyO." The spcy synthesizer work on the title trck is wht puts the cutting edge on the fntstic guitr nd vocl lines. Although the Crs' musicl sound is not intricte, this music hs sophistict on. Their lyrics re rw edged, but this seerns to fit their musicl simplicity. The Crs'first lbum ws live enough to jump out nd tke foim, even when plyed from $6.99 specil AM rdio, but 'CndyO'will sound better if run through lood stereo. Without the highpowered intricte differences lhl cn be brought out, the music sounds, wellblnd. "Night Spots" is good exmple of this, but the next song, "Cn't Hold On Too Long," proves the exception, nd punches out of nywhere. Even though the sound of fingers (ie. "Stirwy to Heven") becomes exceedingly nnoying in "All I Cn Do" this is relly the worst technicäl error. 'CndyO' is good wy to brek gut of the Disco blues. HOT FRESH DONUTS ALL NIGHT AFTER OPEI{ 24 HOURS Locoted 4715 N. B lo ckstone ( BErI'IEEN tffilt åiåt, olso Cedor ond Herndon ( s A.M. ro e P.M. ) NHru3 ONE FLEWOVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST 1544 FULTONI STREET,. FP.:!^i'' q17''] ple senè s By DALE \,JASSER}IAN dlrtr:d from the novel by Ken Kesey GROUP T 5UÍ)I:I{T RATES ON THURSDAYS T FR.IDAYS û{ly FOR RESERVATION:,, CALL 4861J91 NOV. 9.10,

7 Rmpge 7 Fridy, November 9, 1979 Anthropology instructor Donld l/ren Photo by Roger Je.kov clì Anthro collection contoins Yolley lndion relics by Drretl Arth u r M c C ulley' Ouestion: Wht do you get when you cross lrge collection of lndin rtifcts with n exrnger philnthropist? Answer: One of the most vlùble ccumultions.of rtifcts tht hs been donted to the FCC Anthropólogy deprtment. According to Mr. Donld Wren, the collection ws donted by Oscr Norton of Kingsburg becuse there ws not enough room in the home tht he will soon be occupying. Mi. Noren hs collected the ítems over the yers when he worked s Forest Rnger in the Fort Tejon re nd surrounding environs. Although Mr. Noren never desecrted the sites himself, he ws ble to obtin mny of the rtifcts from people tht hd. He kept record of their originl loctions in dy when people didn't relly concern themselves with study of the lndins, so the mpping nd drwing work tht he did in the field is very vluble indeed. The collection consists of mny mortrndpestle sets, some red hemtile. which ws used to pint fces, the usul ssortment of rrowheds, nd, nterestingly enough, set of trde beds which hd been exchnged with some lndin for. items the settlers wnted. The bedsre dted round the decde of the 1820's. One of the more unusul ítems in the collection is wooden mortr, nd ccording to Mr. Wren; who is in chrge of "An nthropologist's work is l5olo field nd 85o/o pper." the collection, t s very rre indeed. The erliest photogrph of this prticulr mortr is believed to be one tken bout Mr. Wren plced the dtes of the pestlendmortr sets l "somewhere between 1500 nd 1850," dding rhr it ws very difficult to tell. The mjority of the rtifcts come from the tribe clled the Yokuts, who dwelt in the foothill res. Helping to mp the loctions nd ctlogue the yokut's property re members of the Fresno County Historicl Society, who come in on Tuesdy nd Thursdy mornings nd id in the lsk which is expected to tke until Christms. Mr. Wren offered the hope thr the rtifcts would be ble to tell scientists more bout the dily lives of the lndins thn is known now. By deciding which tribe the mortr cme from, it is possible to tell wht ctivities the owner hd to go through to use t. For exmple, Mr. Wren explined tht Tringulr pestle ws chrcteristic of the foothill tribes, while more cylindricl shpe would indicte tht the object hd come from the vllev floor. lt is lso possible to tell if the site it cme from ws primrily foodgthering site, living site, or something else. A lot of the work tht needs to be done is trnsferring ll of Mr Noren's site numbers to other mps. This job will tke up lot of effort. As Mr. Wren so succinctly put it, Agorophobio : scory for qnyone by Joe Chbl "My life ws totl hell for five yers," sid former City College student, Jn Hollowy. "l didn't wnt to go out of the house, even the thought of going out for milk would cuse pnic ttck. lt got to the point where I couldn't even get out of bed." Jn Hollowy ws suffering from gorphobi. fer of public plces. especilly plces which re too crowded or too empty. She is just one of the severl million men nd women who hve lost some vitl spect of their lives. "lf I were forced to go somewhere I would hng on to my soul for der life. I lwys seemed to mke it though," sid Jn. Being out of the house is torture for n gorphobic. Sitting in cr. they feel locked in; driving down one wy streets, they feel cut off from exits. Bridges nd tunnels seem to trp them, nd once outside the cr. their fers remäin. They're unble to try on dresses in clothing shops or hve their hir shmpooed in beuty prlors, becuse being undressed, or wet, prevents them from running wy. Theters seem to keep them imprisoned in rows of sets. They don't even feel free to use chrge crds: redy csh is speedier nd llows them to escpe bck to their homes fster. Most gorphcibics first experience their problem when they hve pnic ttck in prt culr plce, feeling tht they my die, go crzy, or hve hert ttck or strt screming. "After you experience pnic ttck you wnt to void the sitution in which you hd the ttck," explined Jn. "Grdully your territory is limited becuse you hve more rections in more plces. My sfe territory ws my house becuse it ws the only plce I didn't hve pnic ttck." The physicl senstions tht occur during these pnic ttcks re: feeling of wrmth, swety plms, being swety ll over, butterflies in the stomch,. tremor, rpid hert bet, dry mouth, wek legs, tightness in chest, hyperventiltion, bck nd neck pins, hedche, dizziness, disorienttion, dirrhe, inner feeling of doom of going to pieces, n urge to run, screm nd get wy from the sitution nd return to n re of security nd to get the rection stopped. Although Agorphobi cn occur in men nd women, it is more prevlent in women. According to the book, Fers nd Phobis by l.m. Mrks, 84 per cent of the victims of gorphobi re women nd 89 per cent of ll victims re mrried. Jn feels the reson more men re not represented in this percentge is tht. "men don't wnt to tell nyone bout their problem so they drown it in lcohol. Which covers up the symptoms pretty well." She muses tht more men gorphobics re hnging round brs rther thn seeking help. Agorphobi usully ppers t two distinct po nts in womn's life: in dolescence, when she is struggling to seprte from her fmily nd determine her own identity; nd in the erly yers of mrrige, prticulrly when she hs young children. Before Jn experienced her first ttck, then 16, she described her life s "fntst c." She ws newly mrried nd pregnnt. "One dy I ws kicking bck in chir nd my hert strted pounding...lt relly scred me becuse I thought I ws hving hert ttck or tht the bby ws putting some strin on myherî," sid Jn of her first pnic ttck. Jn's husbnd immeditely took her to Vlley Medicl Center nd fter running series of tests, the doctor dignosed Mrs. Hollowy's problems s nerves nd suggested tht she see fmily counselor. "l didn't feel nervous," explined Jn, "l felt physiclly ill. I thought this guy (the doctor) ws crzy nd I ws insulted tht he suggest tht I go to counselor. so I just forgot bout it." Jn's condition, grdully, got worse nd worse. "l ws fighting nxiety ll of the time," she sid. After visit with the Hed of Community Hospitl, Jn ws dmitted nto psychitric hospitl for week, where she underwent drug tretments. During Jn's five yer bout with gorphobi she visited three psychitric hospitls. "After my son ws born everything got better," sid Jn. "l went long normlly for while, but. I lwys felt pretty nervous." During tht oneyer remission Jn could once gin tke prt in the joys'of dily living. She ws free to go nd do s she olesed. "Then it popped bck up gin nd it Contrd. on p.!. Horoscope For the week of Nov. ll17 ARIES (Mrch 2l to Aprll l9): You cn bring current projects to conclusion nd meet. dedlines esily. Concentrte on personl ffirs ncl keep your own confidences. Seek to become wre of others' motives. Your mind is quick nd shrp. TAURUS (April?I) to My 20): With high energy you cn complete projects tht hve been hnging fire. Act on your enthusims nd get involved with others. Don't just. view the ction from the sidelines. Seek professionl dvice bout n environmentl chnge. GEMINI (My 2l to June p0): Your mind is shrp nd something tht hs been confusing could suddenly become very cler to you. Do your shre in ll p,rtnership rrngements nd success is ssured. fitilize your orginl ides rnd tlents. CAI\CER (,Iune l to July 22): Del with fcts, not fntsy, nd you cn succeed. Gurd ginst. selfdelusion nd move with cution regrding money mt.ters. A short trip chnge of pce is fvored to help you get new outlook on life. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): Concentrte on the mtters t hnd nd void scttering your energies. Finncil mtters require ptience d ttention to detil. Be fir, in hndling domestic issues tht involve child en. Zero in on distnt mtters nd come up wit.h solution. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Setp. 22)z An unusul ssignment my be offered to you. Accept it only if it won't prove hrdship or strin. Orgnize 'our work efforts nd operte ccording to pln. Concentrte on mtters you've been postponlng. IfBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): tots of ctivity d fst. pce my require tht you step. up your own rhythm to keep up. Avoid spreding yourself too thin, however, nrl concentrte on one thing l time. AlÎ.en<l l.o priority nrl.ters nrl sel hobbies sirle for now SC'ORPIO (Oct.?.3 k lir r. 2l): Rouline mtters cor ld tke bck set s new people nd ides require your ttention. Romnce is possible nd expnde<l socil life c.n bring you plesure Some my lke trip orbe on vction ll of vou shoulrl relx rncl enjol'., SA(iITTARII:S ( \or'. 22 t IÞt'. 2l): You should feel hppy botrl your ccomplishments nou'. T\ rn your ttention to the home enviro nme nt n cl enhnc e t.he domestic scene by remodeling or redecorting. Not the time to lon money or be extrvgnt. CAPRICORI (I)e<..?2 to.in. lg): If considering move, ly your plns crefully nrl gurd ginst overoptimifm by being prepred for possible delys. In your delings with others you must tlk their lnguge t.o communicte properly. AQUARIfIS'(Jn. 2I) to Feb. l8): You en bring hrmony to n re of your life tht hs been uncertin by tking detched nd ob jecl.ive view of t.he mtter. Resist impulsive moves or rlecisions bseci on your subjective feelings. PISCES (Feb. rg to llrch 20): Old routines my seem dull or boring nd you re redy for exciting new ehnges. A new interest or hobby could relly turn you on nd your communictive skills increse. Gurd ginst overextending yourself, either mentlly or finncilly.

8 Rmpge I Ffidv, Novämber 9, 1979 Poeky Mr. Ngiol He ignored me until I rerrnged his tomto stkes, pretend ng scripts of hertless witch, Rpunzel. And even tht lime when I wkened his winter storge he llked to Mm, not 10 me. )" lov 7nrruK wt're RrcH? 11È ll Do You '/fior^' uho't o' Brlllov ÞLLcrs ' S Airmil colored overlls, mustche covered hlf his sun drk fcq ln the field next 1o our house ll dy he followed his mule who followed the sun, n endless crvn. Wht tresures he could hve shred Severl legue boots from ltly mrking off the ocen in gry tossing breths. Liberty's high held torch beside the bedlm of Ellis lslnd. Roming dolescenl Americ I finlly deflowering his own lnd. But the chest ws under hevy key' lnsensed cedr enclosed the cche ginst hert thieves & moths I sirr in pisti., 'l".irirï1iìi; Opens tody t 6:30 StSun É Mon 12:30 EXCLUSIVE TOWER.:fl A WOIIIIDROUS AI\TIIIIdITION SPECTACLE ABLAZß WITII AID\YENTIIRE oispntch Rs NEEDED, musr be studenrs crrying 1 2 units, S 3.07 per hour, shif t work required, typ ng opt onl, contct Lou t or go 1o the College Police Dep'rtment t Clvers nd Weldon for ppliction,solution to Puzzle Pge 6 B8E EEtrtr tlotl I W th this coupon t I one FREE PEPSI with purchse of ny medium cold Subrnqrine sndwich I I T I! TECHNrf, Aì[lo TrcrlItcor,ono Ole79 1Àrh tliw Prdulirm. ReRde$cd b 8l tila I lsta DISTR BI TION co. NEED GREDITf serudfor THE CREDIT GA, Too young to borrow? New in town/no references? Erse bd debt records Skip bills without ruining credit Receive lons within weeks of beginning this progrm lnformtion on updted credit lws nd legisltion Your rights under the Federl Credit Acts SOLVE ALL THESE CREDIT PROBLEMS ilffi,ä:l. rvall STREET publrshrng c0 irjfii*äï",,,,,,1 with THE CREDIT GAME I "Tired of being without credit, or up to 'minimum pyments'? With this book you to mke the $300 billion credit industry commnd." onty.$5.95 (N.Y. residents dd 8% Sles Tx) your neck n will lern how jump t your Enclosed is $ for Books Nme Address City Stte Allow 3 weeks for delivery. Zip

9 Rmpge 9 Fridy, Novembe 9, :'.l ll/l'r:il Trombone ortisl lo perform t tcc Up, up, ond owoy! Bill Wtrous, one of the leding jzz trombonists, will perform specil concert t Fresno City College on Thursdy, November 15. Richrd Helzer nd Rewkening nd the college's jzz bnd will lso pper in concert. The performnce begins t 8 p.m. in the college's thetre. A free trombone clinic is scheduled t 3:30 p.m. on the sme dy. Wtrous ws one of the leding studio trombonists in New York City nd plyed on most of the top New York Cily izz lbums tht were produced during tht time. Severl yers go he moved to Los Angeles where he is free lnce studio musicin nd spends much time doing clinics, rehersls nd concerts. ln ddition, he hs produced severl lbums with his own bnd, the Mnhttn Wildlife Refuge. He hs ppered s guest soloist t the top jzz festivls nd is in constnt demnd throughout the country s soloist nd clinicin. Some of his big bnd work hs included gigs with Ouincy Jones, Johnny Richrds nd Woody Hermn. He lso hs performed with the Merv Griffin nd Dick Cvett show bnds. On one of Wtrous' lbum covers Dn Morgenstern writes: "Wtrous is n stonishing plyer. The trombone, mong the most demnding of instruments, does his bidding. His speed, control nd execution pproch perfection. His rnge, top nd bottom, sometimes strins credulity. Unlike some virtuosos, he mkes it ll look esy. And unlike mny virtuosos, he hs tste nd swing, jzz conception." "The importnt thing," Wtrous sys, " s to feel comfortble nd not be struggling nd fighting your instrument, but concentrte on the music... when you get up to ply, forget the instrument. lt's not there. Sing; sing song." Wtrous begn to ply t the ge of six. His fther ws professionl trombonist who hd worked with such wellknown dnce bnds of the dy s Henry Thiess, lrving Aronson's Commnders, nd Pul Whitemn. Admission is $3, generl; $2. students with student body crds, nd free fro FCC students with S B crds. For more informtion, cll Fresno City College t 4þ.24600, extens on 84Â3. 'Womon overcomes feor Conttd from P. 7. ws twice s bd s the first time...from tht time on it wrecked hvoc in my life." Jn sid, "People were constntly putting me down nd I becme withdrwn. Jn continued to sy tht she felt s if she couldn't do n hing nd her fmily thought she ws crzy. "Everyone thought I ws mentlly or emotionlly ill. They just couldn't understnd wht I ws going through." she dded, "My husbnd thought I ws crzy too." As result of this reoccurence, Jn's mrrige broke up, levíng her to fce her problem lone. Jn described phobics s very sensitive nd emotionl people. "They hve lot of other problems in their lives: communiction problems, letting people wlk ll over ' them nd being ferful of wht other people think of them nd their feelings get hurt esily." She continued to sy tht nyone cn develop phobi if they're inhibited or put down enough. A complicting f ctor in reching gorphobics is tht ech one is convinced tht she or he is the only person in the world who is so crzy. They hide their problems rther thn seek help. Jn sid she hd herd of progrm tht helps phobics overcome their problems clled TERRAP (Territoril Apprehensiveness) but never pid much ttention to it. TERRAP is selfhelp progrm developed to help mny people who suffer from fers, nxieties, phobis nd especilly gorphobi. ln the summer of while Jn ws in bed. she cught glimpse of Dr. Hrdy, who developed the self help progrm for gorphobics. on the A.M. Fresno show. "l couldn't believe he ws tlking bout me," sid Jn, 'lbut I hesitted clling becuse I thought I ws crzy on top of phobic." Lter, Jn red n rticle bout the TERRAP progrm. The rticle mentioned seminr to be held in the bckyrd of TERRAP dministrtor. "There ws no wy in hell I could get to seminr when I couldn't even get out of bed." explined Jn. "l thought, l'll be dmned if I'm going to someone's bckyrd nd listen to them tlk bout gorphobi. So I just overlooked it." Agin Jn sw progrm on televison deling with gorphobi. This one finlly stirred her into mking the first move towrds getting better. She copied the telephone number tht ws flshed on the television screren, but didn't cll immedi tely. "l ws t the point of suicide when I did cll...lt ws hrd to mke the cll," sid Jn. "l ws frid l.ws going to be disppointed gin becuse I hd been to severl doctors nd been in three psychitric hospitls since the onset. I thought TERRAP wouldn't help." Jn tlked to TERRAP's dm nistrtor for three months before ttending the first clss. "lt took ll of the courge I could get, but I did mke it to the first clss...l felt better knowing tht I didn't hve to live like tht for the rest of my life." Jn sid she went through the TERRAP progrm in November of 1977 nd hs been completely recovered since Jnury. She describes TERRAP's selfhelp progrm s tretment progrm designed to educte you more bout your phobi. She dded tht mny gorphobics don't relize they're not going to die or go crzy. "The progrm tught me how to del with my phobi," sid Jn. "l didn't know wht I ws deling with or how to get over it. I didn't even know I ws gorphobic before I cme to TERRAP." ln the beginning weeks of session the min topic or gol is ressurnce nd eduction to the phobic. At bout the fourth week they get into step by step desensitiztion of fhe gorphobic, where the person is grdully exposed to the res tht re problem to them. lf the person cn't get out of bed. tht's the plce they strt. TERRAP uses the four R's method of helping gorphobics overcome their problem. Rect, Retret, Recover, Repet. "You strt by getting out of bed for few minutes. lf your nxiety level gets up, you go bck to bed, recover, then try it gin." explined Jn. "lt took me yer nd hlf to get well fter the course, but it got me well on my wy," sid Jn. Jn lso sid, "l would encourge nyone who hs experienced the rect on to get help immeditely nd not live like tht." She dded, "Agorphobi is terrible, but it cn be delt w th." When Jn ws submersed deep into the problems of Agorphobi, she told herself, "God, if I everget over this, I'm gonn help someone else get over it. And tht's exctly wht I'm doing." Jn is currentlf secretry nd field trining ide for TERRAP. "l feel terrific now nd it feels fntstic to help others del with gorphobi," summed up Jn.. The Newmn Centerrs l.lth iintrlconclucles tonight with dinner sponsors rtisns nd crftsmen their lilres. This blloon ws lofty view nd for those who Photo bv Lðurä Btt r'estivl The Festivl them to seii Renissnce nrl clànce. nd l1ows there fìor those seekinrt felt bove it II. l8al ge g oup continues to g orü By OmPue Dlgost News Sbrvlce The Ntlonl Center for Eductlon Sttlstlcs projected the 1 per cent lncrese in enrollment from sttlstics tht show contlnuing grcwtl of the 18to24 ge group. Thls fll the expected enrollment is 1.4 mllllon student3, n increse of bout 1ü),0ü) students com rred *i'"1. l;'. fll. By U.S. Census Bureu estlmtes, this my be tìe pek yer for the number of 18yerolds in the popultlon but this flgure wlll decline through the yers nd ln 1Ð86 there wtll be only 3.õ mllllon 18yerolds, decrese of 18 per cent ln seven yers. The collegege group will pek in 1981 witì flgure of 29.6 milllon but tn 1996 tltls will drop to low of 22.9 milllon, decllne of 22.6 per cent. Two fctors tht hold down current enrollment re the drcp ln the number of veterns ellglble for G.I. BUI beneftts nd the rejectlon of lrge number of ppltctlons for Bslc Eductlonl Oportunlty Grnts. The shrp decrese tn ellglble veter rs lst yer ls e:çected to be even greter thls yer. The Veterns Admlnlsbtlon reported tht lest yeer 8(f,,ü)0 lprsont loct thelr rlgìtts to G.L beneflt. Thle YeÊr tlre Brotected loes lg 4?E,q)0 nd lor tlre following yer tjrere ls expected tc be pek loss of 5õ6,ü)0 Potenti. student veterns. The Amerlc r Assocltlon of Stte Colleges rd Llniversitles reportec tht lst yer's enrollment decllne ws bsed minty on incresed rejections of pplictions for grnts from the El.8.3.G. Tl'.c;e rejections it ppereo were cused by clericl error l r flllfng out the ppliction forrns which were, nd still re, being screened by computers. The U.S. Office of Eduction instlled the computers in n ttempt to reduce frud in the studentid þnogrm. Compred with rejection rte of 20 per cent in 197?, the rte tncresed lst yer d is presently t 30 per cent level. This rejectlon hs prticulrly ffecte d the enrollment t trdttionily blck colleges d t publlc urbn instltutlons tht dmlt students minly from lowincome fmilles. However, some colleges reported tncreses ln ppllctions thls yer. At Stnford Unlverslty, ptrdergrdute ppllcüons were up by nerly I per cent. Lehlgh Uûlverslty hd n overll lncrese of 1 per cent rd Oolumbe Unlverelty's buslness school recelved 2õ per cent lncree ln ppllcetlons.

10 Rmpge 1O Fridy, November 9, 1979 know? by DrrellArthur McCulley DID YOU KNOW tht theie is only one olce in the world where freshwter shrks cn be found? Tht's in Lke Nicrgu, in the country of Nicrgu. lt seems tht these shrks re generlly more ferocious thn their segoing counterprts, too. At lest we now know where not to go swrmmrng. Speking ôf shrks, people who certinly ought to know tell us tht, contrry 1o populr belief, there. is no common denomintor in shrk ttck cses. They ' cn be with or wilhout'suits, in ll kinds of wether, rough ses or clm, deepse or five feet from shore, ll colors of suits, etc. The only surefire wy to prevent shrk bites is to sty out of wter where the cntters vctron. Reserch hs shown for quite some time tht 7o/o of the humn popultion of the world is lefthnded. The trend is reversed. however, in the Ktydid. But crickets side with us people, being lmost exclusively righthnded. Anybody who is fmilir with the ncient forms of life on the plnet Erth cn tell you tht Drgonflies used to hve wingspns up to two feet. We could've used them in Vietnm for bombing rids. Does nybody remember the nme of the VicePresident of the United Sttes under Hrry S. Trumn? Did you know tht Louisin ws nmed for King Louis of Frnce? Conversely, Georgi ws nmed for George lll of Englnd. Annpolis, Mrylnd, ws nmed for Queen Anne. The smllest member of the Ape fmily is not the chimpnzee, s mosl people'think. It s the gibbon. A lot of people confuse the pes with the monkeys. Relted, but not the sme. Does nybody know who the first people to util ze n lphbet were? People in Gret Britin drink n verge of eight cups of,le dy per person! Here's the nswer to lst week's brinstumper: The lst blck person to run for the Presidency of the United Sttes nd the lst womn to run for the sme office on the Democrtic ticket ws the sme person: Shirley Chisolm, who.rn for the nomintion to the Presidency in She ws defeted in the convention by Hubert H. Humphrey. Here's this week's Ouestion: Who ws the first doctor (successfully) to trnsplnt humn hert, nd in wht yer? And wht do YOU know tht's nterest ng? Edito/s Notø Pioneer F /MlF Slereo. Recelvór Model SX450 delivers l5 wotts per chonnel, min. RMS ot 8 ohms lrom2û20,000 Hz wilh no more lhon 0.5% THD. Feotures FM muling, PIL multiplex c rcu lry, tuning meler,lope mon lor, loudness control, heodphone iock, ond 2sloge equol zer. 9328tErJrl3I3 tt9r Plonoor Fully Aulo. mot c Dlrrcf Drlvc Turnloblc llodcl Pt5ó0 hos quorrz Ptt DC molor. Single ploy. Wow/Ilullen 0.025% (WRMS), S/N rqtio: 73 db (D n B). Comes wift dust cover. 9588ó7EUX2Art 6.t $ NER' ßÐrÐTONCËÍ{ Ploneer 45Wotl rm/anæmt Slcrco Rccelyermodol SX780 hos DC power ol 4,sw/ chonnel, min. RMS ot I ohms from 20 20,0(X) Hz, no more thon 0.057o THD. FM s/n roiio: 80 db (mono),72 db (srereo). r5t022euxz!2i.22t s GDPrOñ eeft Ploneer Fro t lood Dolbyrn \ Cor otlò Dcck liodol CIFó50 feolures Fluroscon melering, DC servo molor, metollope copobilily, ond oulomolic music seorch. S/N rolio: ó9 db (Dolbyrt), wow/fluller: 0.05% (WRMS). t2030eux2274i2.t988ó...s by Henry Gutierrez HOMECOMING, HOMECOMING WHO'S got the homecoming? I th nk it's this week, no next week, oh, c'mon isn't it week from next Thursdy. Well, nywy, to set it stright, I think, it's tonight. lf it isn't, just sy you didn't red it here. WITH THE DECISION of the lrnin studenis to tke over the 'US embssy,. it Lãcome.'more nd more impertive tht we try to help our own people tht re so fr from home. When they cn grb our own Americn citizens nd put them in sitution where their lives re thretened, it irks me to no end. Let us do something, not iust wil nd see wht's going to hppen' ANOTHER THING ln the news is the killing of AntiKKK demonstrtors by members of the KKK. lt seems sd tht the ON THE ISSUE OF THE KKK mrching through Fresno, cn keep themse other thn try n group hs totl white mn rules. hopefully will see the me$sge. ir rhene nne A FEW FCC footbll fns, I only wish to remind tht the HOMECOMING GAME this night hppens only once yer. So mke thôt l ttle extr effort to ttend. Pioneer 3Woy Speoker Syrtem lllodel PROJECT l00a hos l0" woofer,2" sóll dome midronge,2" cone lweeler, ond up to ó0 WRMS/chonnel copob l ty. Yinyl/ wood cob nel EUXõ}6:11997 Eoch$124.95t Best spec ols expire: Nov. 21,1979 HOW TO FIND YOUR CODED COST EX,AMPLE 'Roforofto retoils ore o guide to the rongê ol full retoil selling Þiics ot d porlm.nl slores ond other nond scount sclle s ihroohæt lh m.kots w sen. Furlhor nlorml on on relerencc ieto ls ond comporol v Prlc ng con be found ol ny Eost Products show æm or n our cololog. IN ORDER TO ASSURE THE FAIR DISTRIBUTION OF MERCHAN. D SE, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IIMIÎ QUANTITY PURCHASES PER CUSTOMER N. Blckstone Fresno, CA Ph. líl$2æ0 Be t Producl Co., lnc. Hours Open MF 10 m9 St. 106 Sun. 125 pm BEST" speciol Sound Guordt Deluxe trotol Record Core Syrlem Kll Model 83ó00 includes record preservolive ond cleoner, pods, sponges ÊGDïìSZ $16.99 fhis symbol rndrcctes Prrces oerow our reguror row buy er s code Be sure to see lhese ond mony other exc t ng volues in the Best November Soles Cololog, o sompling of the hundreds of big brond nome ilems feolured in the 1980 Big Besl Book.

11 Rmpge 11 Fridy, November 9, 1979 Studenls foiled ogoin! by Lur Lng "En gurde" rings out. Quickly the students brndish their swords nd ssume the redy stnce. Bck nd forth they dodge nd strike in unison, wrming up their minds s well s their muscles, beginning nother session of Coch Hns Wiedenhoefer's foil fencing clss, "Fencing is' thinking sport..tn' order to get touch the fencer hs to be in constnt motion nd thinking logiclly," sid Lucind FernndezLopez, who is currently enjoying her second semester of the clss. "Fencing teches you to think, no mtter wht ge you re." she continued. "Fencing is coed sport good for ny ge. Women cn fence just s well s men. nd the old cn spr eqully ginst the young. I hve never known nyone who signed up for the clss who didn't relly like t. " "The reson for the success behind the clss is the opportunity it gives for djustment in to college. lts formt helps to prepre you for other clsses offered t Fresno C ty Cllege. Coch Wiedenhoefer is the firest techer I hve ever hd. He relly wnts us to lern, nd he knows tht we will enjoy lerning wht he hs. to offer," Lucind pointed out. "Coch s understnding nd he lwys strts the clss on time. First he gives us time to stretch out. Then we don our sfety equipment, which consists of fce msk nd gurd vest. We go through our wrmup drills with swet dr pping down our fces nd crmps setting in our legs. Those drills re murder, but the skills we gin re well worth the effoñ. Next we usully pir off nd prctice some of the bsic mnuvers. This is where we rck up few minor injuries, just little cuts nd bruises. This is not blood nd guts sport," she declred. "When person thinks of fencing, he sees the Hollywood bsed sword duel to the deth sort of imge. where the opponents blindly stb t nd run wy from ech other. Rél fencing is loi léssõf " the show nd lot more of the skill. lt is truly n greeble sport for ll who prtke in it." "l like the clss sitution becuse it gives us the opportunity to constntly chnge prtners, which I hve found to be the best wy to improve on my own skills. Often the instructor divides the clss in to tems nd ppoints two students to serve s judges of the bout. When duel is finished we rotte everyone's plce so tht we ll hve, chnce to fight nd chnce to medite. The drill exposes us to the feeling of compet tion nd helps us to understnd the rules t the sme time," Lucind explined. "l think understnding the rules of gme is n importnt spect to the enjoyment of wtching ny sport," she sid. Footbll is sport tht I don't pprecite minly becuse I don't understnd it. l'm sure tht if the gme ws explined to me I codld lern to like it," speculted Lucind. "Rcket bll is the type of sport where one cn cquire immedite success. With 15 minutes of instruction nyone cn be redy lo ply their first gme. Fencing requires more time nd effort, one relly hs to stick with the sport to become proficient. Swimming, bdmínton, nd volleybl re just s esy, but I love to ply them ll becuse someone else in the crowó will lwys know how to ply or be willing to lern.l lso like to tp dnce. Enrolling in Coch Dougherty's tp dncing clss ws like fulfilling ll of my childhood 'f ntsies. " "l joined the diving tem here t FCC fter being introduced to the sport three months prior to tht. Diving ws totlly new experience for me since Centrl High School, where I grduted from, didn't even hve pool," smiled Lucind. "As nyone could see I love ll sports nd I love to try the out of the ordinry thletic ctivities." "For work experience this semester my friends nd I hve become dily runners with the Fresno High Cross Country Tem. With ll the running nd the weightlifting I do I mnge to sty in shpe," she sid. "Lifting weights is n importnt prt of ll thletic trining. Coch Brtels hs often told me tht 'in order to mintin cler mind you hve to hve helthy body.' My friends nd I hve become his old fithfuls in the weight room, nd we relly enjoy our encounters with him." Lucind is mjoring in court reporting nd hopes to put her skills to work s n nterpreter of sign lhguge for the def. Although FCC does not offer clsses directly in her field, Lucind is quite content with wht college life does hve to offer her. "College lets you become the person you wnt to be, nd with the populrity of sports on the r se s demonstrted by the increse of money, time, nd coverge it is given, I find myself enjoying the vriety of Physicl Eduction clsses which hve evolved in the shdow of this upsurge." "l hope to keep up my interest in fencing fter college becuse it is gret lerning experience. Once you've mstered this sport you relly f eel s if You've ccomplished something. There used to be fencing tem here on cmpus few yers bck tht I wish I could hve jousted on," she sighed wistfully. Coch Hns Wiedenhoefer hs instructed foil fencing for bout ten yers nd ws quick to point out tht his clss is not ll fun nd gmes. "ln order to improve individul skills in ny P.E. clss student must hve good ttendnce. This is lb clss where student works with his hnds nd h s eyes. The skills simply cännot be prct ced if he stys t home." Coch Wiedenhoefer oversees three to four fencing clsses per semester. which re offered both in dy nd evening sessions, putt ng through bout 120 students. "The pces of fencing combine physicl movement with mentl wreness. Nturlly some students with greter lerning cpc ties pick up the moves fster, but nyone cn lern them with time," Wiedenhoefer observed. "Fencing requires continul prctice. lt is not the cse of rcketbll where one cn just pick up the rcker nd srrt ply ng. Lerning the proper footwork nd the rules tkes time," he cknowledged. "There re three bs c types of fencing, ech with its own crrvover vlue. Our clss indulges in foil fencing, which is the type prefered by women," sid the coch who often wields his own sbre ginst his more dvnced students, exposing them to different fighting technique. "So mny of his students come bck," Lucind stressed, "his clss hs so much to offer nd is worth tking over.". "l'm fscinted by fencing becuse you hve to think for your opponent in order to nticipte his moves nd counter them correctly. lt tkes strong body nd logicl mind, but bove ll ech opponent presents new nd different chllenge. He is new frontier," concluded Lucind. Soccer fem finlly breks slrek of bum luck, fce opponenf Tuesdy by Mrk Georgeson A seson tht hs filed to mtch the expecttions tht preceded ít nered its conclusion lst week. FCC's soccer tem plyed three gmes in four dys ginst Delt, Ohlone nd UCLA's reserves, nd cme out of t w th two wins nd tie. The Rms, expected to be t or ner the top before the seson strted, entered lst Thursdy's conference gme ginst Delt with 131 record in conference nd 462 overll. "Sometimes the breks re there, nd sometimes they ren't," sid coch Willim Nel. "We've hd our fir shre of the good over the yers, nd now I guess it's gone the other wy. Still, it's n excellent tem, nd on ny given dy we cn bet nyone.i' Thursdy proved to be one of those given dys. Led by Rz Chmnzed's three gols nd John Beghrd's one, FCC won 42. "Delt is very physicl tem." sid Nel. "But we cme out of it ll right." The Rms led ll the wy in tht gme, s they did on Sturdy g nst Ohlone in nonconference gme. But with two minutes left, Ohlone scored nd the gme ended in 11 tie, with Chmnzed hving scored FCC's gol. The Rms fced UCLA's reserves the next dy nd triled 10 t hlftime. But in the first seven minutes of the second hlf. FCC scored three times nd held on the rest of the wy for 42 victory. Chàmnzed nd Joe Grci ech hd one gol nd Aln Nel hd two. "We hd rel good defense, nd our hlfbck performnce ws outstnding," sid Nel. "Aln plyed extremely well t forwrd nd Grci did too." Hlfbck Brdley Silv ws responsible for three ssists in the win, which evened FCC's record t 663. "We've relly come up {rom where we were erlier," Nel sid. "We were down round.200, but most of our losses hve been by one score. We should hve beten Merced the f rst time we plyed them (FCC lost 10), nd we certinly should hve beten Delt the second time, when we lost 54. Just s we cn bet fìy tem t ny time, of course, they cn bet us lso." Nel lîked the schedule which hd the Rms getting little chnce to rest. "We needed the gmes, relly. The only time the tem progresses is when we're plying. lt's betterto be plying thn not, nd the more gmes you're llowed to ply, the better.,' Although FCC is out of the plyoff picture, win in yesterdy's gme with Merced would put them in secondplce tie. Next Tuesdy, the Rms ply Modesto here t 3:00 in their finl gme of the seson.

12 Rmpge 12 Fridy, November 9, 1979 Cross country teom looks forrvord to Nor'Col meet by Mrk Georgeson "Mybe I hd the kids go out littletoo fst," sid FCC's crosscountry coch Bob Fries. Although they strted out fst, they finished slower thn they would hve liked in lst week's Vlley Conference Chmpionships, with the men's tem finishing iourth nd the women's tem finishing second, lthough the women still ended up in tie for the conference chmpionship wiih Delt. FCC's Pln ws to strt out fst. in contrst to their previous rce with COS nd cour ske strt work the week before." Ufortuntely, strting out fst didn't work too well either. "11 ws probbly poor iudqement on my prt, nd it cost us some ierf precious seconds nd the third épot." The men's tem ended up in third plce tie with Delt in the conference. Scott Thornton hd the best time t 20:38 nd sixth plce finish, lthough the windy conditions worked ginst him. "Scott's llergies relly flre up when there's distinct wether chnge," Fries sid, Steve Moreno strted out slower thn the rest nd finished 16th, running his best rce of the,seson. Rmon Grci finished 20th, John Hendry 27th, nd Scott ' Swenson 38th. The Rmq still hve chnce 10 go to the stte meet on Nov. 18th if they cn finish in the top five t the No Cl Chmpionships tomorrow. "We still hve chnce," sid Fries. "We're just in very tough conference. ln fct, it's so tough Americn River nd COS will pfobbly finish 12 in the NorCl'meet." ' Four of the women's top five finishers, Seren Domingues (2nd, 18:03), Ann Olson (7th), Din Mcis (12th), nd Tmie Glspie (20th), improved their times from lst week. Olson improved by 18 seconds, Mcis by 59, nd Glspie by 22. Sue Bibeu finished 19th, six seconds hed of Glspie. "We should finish t lest third t the NorCl," sid Fries. "lf Delt doesn't run well, we might even end up higher. West Vlley is fvored nd Sn Jose nd Diblo Vlley re tough. We know the course since we've run it once nd everyone will be trying 10 run their best rce of the yer." The meet will be t Sn Mteo, which will lso be the site of the stte meet. Rn hriers Scott right, trt hrcl in Plìoro bv Bogrr.HrovÈh Thornton, leftr d Steve Morenot the Vl1ey Conference Ç pionship. Vqlley Conference boftle 'Pñoto bv Jott K.uBô IECtilbckScottMcCltcheyduringScCÍtyg'ne. Roms tofoce Del q fonight in qwctífed homecomíng by Henry Gutierez With win behind them, the FCG"R ns improved to 21 in legue ply nd re still in the het of the Vlley Confsenee bttle for the chmpienship. The Rmsdefeted Scrmento'City College lst Fridy 3318 before 1ü)0 rdent FCC fns. Field gol kicker Mrk Simons hit two PAT's nd hd school recordtying field gol of 49 yrds. Robin Vn Glder wes gin èmooth in his direction of the offense. Vn Glder lternted with DwYne Dellntey, but ws sprkling with nine out of ten night for 82 yrds nd two TD strikes. Scott McCltchey rn for 88 yrds to led the FCC offense. Fullbck Lrry Scicqu rn for 42 yrds on just three crries, with drw plys tht èovø ed 2' nd 19 yrds. Although the Rms won the gme, the Pnthers lmost upset the Rms' chnces for ny post seson ply. Sc out offensed FCC nd lso hd more first downs ( The Pnthers hve the second longest losing strek in the ntion, 20 gmes in the pst three yers, but províded FCC with ll lt, hd to give. The Rms hd totl. of 15 penlties for 132 yrds, wek point in the Rms' gme ll yer. FCC tkes on Sn Joquin Delt tonight in the "true" homecoming gme' Gme time is t 7:30 t Rtcl ffe Stdium' Volleyboll ployer Tino Yink silesses the importonte of compe by ChristY Dennis As Tin Vink is relieved from the ction filled volleybll court, she.sprits her mouth full of refreshing wter, wipes the swet f om her fce nd sits down for brether' Tin then pours out tht fmous rm spirit. "Sure I yell loud but I wnt to let my temmtes know there's someone here to cheer them on," begn Tin. "lt doesn't distrct them 'cuse I wouldir'r do'it if it did." So long with Tin, the girls on the court our setler nd hd no one to set for this seson. Tin, being hiüer rther thn seïer, gve it try." "l didn't think I could set but I gve it try nd l've relly done better thn I expected," sid Tin. Volleybll is competitive sport. Tin nd volleybll go together becuse she is one competitive girl. It's hrd to picture girl who is so cornpetitive, though she never expected to ply volleybll. "My hþh school coch jusl cme up to me one dy nd told me I should try out for the tem, so I did," begn Tin, "but I never thought l'd be good enough." "And besides I ws scred t'o ply becuse one time in high school, my friend who plyed right next to me sved one of. my blls nd broke her teeth," confided 'Tin.. As the girls were doing their outine workoutstin sighed. lt ws sigh of relief becuse she could rest minute wh le being interviewed. "Jvier relly works us hrd. He's professionl plyer from Pnm," sid Tin. Tin loves the sport.nd finds he self dwoting mofê time to volleybll then her school wo*, but it's ok becuse Tin my wnt to be coch of the sport somedy. "And besides l'm getting lot of experience." Tin lso finds she cn lern much from the well known volleybll plyer on the Fresno Stte lem, Mickie Horn. Tin sys, "She's so cool on the court, nd I look up to her for tht becuse I sometimes fll shky." Tin hs been ctive in sports other thn vollrybll. She hs plyed softbll nd bsketbll, but finds herself sticking with volleybll. Coch Dougherty, when sked how they re doing this.yer, replied "terrible", but i,,..oi seems to be credit to the tem. They will ply COS this evening t 6:30 in the gym. AulO Homeownef s RentefS Llle Motorcycles 'Auto nsurnce cncelled loo ñny crttrons roo mnv cc dents m or viollrons Ask bour our good studenl d scounts" Ask for Mike or Steve

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