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3 Rules of Indoor Hokey inluding explntions Effetive from 1 Jnury 2007 for the yers 2007 nd 2008 Copyright FIH 2006 The Interntionl Hokey Federtion Rue du Vlentin 61 CH 1004 Lusnne Switzerlnd Tel. : Fx : E-mil : Internet :

4 Responsiility nd Liility Prtiipnts in indoor hokey must e wre of the Rules of Indoor Hokey nd of other informtion in this pulition. They re expeted to perform ording to the Rules. Emphsis is pled on sfety. Everyone involved in the gme must t with onsidertion for the sfety of others. Relevnt ntionl legisltion must e oserved. Plyers must ensure tht their equipment does not onstitute dnger to themselves or to others y virtue of its qulity, mterils or design. The Interntionl Hokey Federtion (FIH) does not ept responsiility for ny defets or non-ompline of filities nd is not lile for ny onsequenes resulting from their use. Any verifition of filities or equipment onduted efore mth is limited to ensuring n overll pperne of ompline nd sporting requirements. Umpires exerise n importnt role ontrolling the gme nd ensuring fir ply. Implementtion nd Authority The Rules of Indoor Hokey pply to ll indoor hokey plyers nd offiils. Ntionl Assoitions hve disretion to deide the dte of implementtion t ntionl level. The dte of implementtion for interntionl ompetition is 1 Jnury The Rules of Indoor Hokey re issued y the Hokey Rules Bord under the uthority of the Interntionl Hokey Federtion. Copyright is held y the Interntionl Hokey Federtion. Avilility of the Rules Informtion out the vilility of the Rules of Indoor Hokey on the FIH wesite nd out the purhse of Rules ooks is inluded t the end of this pulition. 2

5 CONTENTS Introdution... 4 Terminology... 8 PLAYING THE GAME 1 Pith Composition of tems Cptins Plyers lothing nd equipment Mth nd result Strt nd re-strt the mth Bll outside the pith Method of soring Condut of ply : plyers Condut of ply : golkeepers Condut of ply : umpires Penlties Proedures for tking penlties Personl penlties UMPIRING 1 Ojetives Applying the rules Umpiring skills Signls FIELD AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS 1 Pith nd pith equipment Stik Bll Golkeeper s equipment Additionl Informtion Aville... 59

6 Introdution TWO YEAR RULES CYCLE This edition of the Rules of Indoor Hokey represents move to two-yer yle for the prodution nd pulition of the rules of the gme. In some wys, two-yer yle ws lredy in ple for the outdoor rules euse signifint hnges were not introdued in the periods leding to eh Olympi Gmes nd Hokey World Cups. A similr yle lso operted in reltion to the Indoor World Cups. By formlising this yle, the Hokey Rules Bord (HRB) is lso knowledging tht it is etter to llow slightly longer period etween rules hnges for ny suh hnges to e evluted nd reviewed. This set of rules therefore pplies for the period 1 Jnury 2007 to 31 Deemer 2008 t interntionl level. As efore, Ntionl Assoitions hve disretion to deide the dte of implementtion t ntionl level. The HRB will void pulishing hnges during the two yer period ut in exeptionl irumstnes retins this right. Any suh hnges will e notified to Ntionl Assoitions nd pulished on the Interntionl Hokey Federtion s (FIH s) wesite : www. 2007/8 RULES In the now ustomry wy, if rule hs een lrified or hnged, line ppers in the mrgin of the text. The min hnges for 2007/8 re desried elow. The requirement to hve golkeeper on the pith t ll times during ply hs een modified. The hnge permits tems more flexiility out wht sort of golkeeping option to dopt. It lso tkes ount of the possiility tht tem does not hve fully-equipped golkeeper 4

7 ville or simply wishes to ply only with field plyers. The hnge minly ffets rules 2.2, 4.4 nd 10.1 ut there re lso other hnges espeilly if tem hooses to ply only with field plyers. In reltion to these hnges, it is importnt to understnd tht tem either hs golkeeper on the pith (with full protetive equipment or only with protetive hedger) or is plying entirely with field plyers in whih se no plyer hs golkeeping privileges. The HRB hs oserved tht field plyers re inresingly wering fe protetion espeilly when defending penlty orner. The note to rule 4.2 hs therefore een modified. The note to rule 9.7 should lso e studied refully euse it explins tht defender must not e penlised if they re genuinely trying to ply the ll in legitimte wy when sving shot t gol. Similrly, the note to rule 9.11 is intended to mke the onsequenes of ll striking the foot, hnd or ody lerer. Assoited with its review of golkeeping options, the HRB lso onsidered the wys in whih golkeeper is permitted to ply the ll. The hnges refleted in rule 10.2 permit golkeeper more flexiility when defending their gol. Other minor points of lrifition re shown with lines mrked in the mrgin. For ompleteness, vrious smll drfting hnges re mrked in the sme wy. RULES DEVELOPMENTS The Hokey Rules Bord reently reviewed its ojetives. It did so in the ontext of the overll FIH ojetives nd the rod ims for the sport world-wide. As result, its urrent fous is on : mking the gme esier to understnd ; reviewing nd responding to sfety requirements ; ensuring tht the gme s represented y the rules of hokey is ttrtive for young plyers ; 5

8 inresing the length of time the ll is in ply nd is in ttk. Some of these ojetives re generl nd men tht the HRB regulrly tkes rod look t ll the rules. The referene to sfety mens tht, s desried in previous editions of the rules, the HRB will ontinue to review speifi tions suh s the penlty orner ut will lso tke wide view of sfety throughout the gme. The HRB lso intends to fous one of its meetings in the ner future on indoor hokey. Brodly, the HRB elieves tht the rules of indoor nd outdoor hokey should e the sme unless the plying requirements re expliitly different. The HRB will therefore e exmining the urrent nd ny desirle future differenes. In this ontext, the HRB is keen to reeive suggestions for improvements in the rules either y wy of hnges or lrifition of existing rules. To provide fous for this tivity within the FIH, Roger We who hs for some time een the Seretry to the HRB now holds the post of Tehnil Mnger in the FIH Offie in Lusnne. He is hppy to provide explntions of urrent rules or to reeive nd ollte suggestions for hnges. It is est to ontt him y emil through or the FIH postl ddress n e used. THE FUTURE The HRB is mindful tht the rules pply t ll levels nd tht indoor hokey hs signifint prt to ply in the overll development of the gme. The Hokey Rules Bord therefore ims to mintin the enjoyment of plying the gme for women nd men, for dults nd hildren, nd for soil nd elite plyers. This pproh reognises the role of hokey s sport for reretion nd helthy exerise longside the development of skills nd tht ll of these things tke ple in the ontext of friendship through sport. Wolfgng Rommel Chirmn, Hokey Rules Bord 6

9 MEMBERSHIP OF THE HOCKEY RULES BOARD AS AT 1 JANUARY 2006 : Chirmn : Seretry : Rules Development Seretry : Wolfgng Rommel Roger We Peter von Reth Memers : Rihrd Aggiss Gill Clrke M P Gnesh Msko Kmisuki Evlyn Ristrik Yung Hee Shin Jorge Alover Eri Donegni Edurdo Guelfnd Mihel Kruse Alin Renud Islh-Ud-Din Siddiqui 7

10 TERMINOLOGY Plyer One of the prtiipnts in tem. Tem A tem onsists of mximum of twelve persons omposed of mximum of six plyers on the pith nd up to six sustitutes. Field Plyer One of the prtiipnts on the pith other thn the golkeeper. Golkeeper One of the prtiipnts of eh tem on the pith who wers protetive equipment omprised of t lest hedger nd who therey hs the privileges of golkeeper. Attk (Attker) The tem (plyer) whih is trying to sore gol. Defene (Defender) The tem (plyer) whih is trying to prevent gol eing sored. Bk-line The shorter (18 to 22 metres) perimeter line. Gol-line The k-line etween the gol-posts. Side-line The ords omprising the longer (36 to 44 metres) perimeter of the pith. Cirle The re enlosed y nd inluding the two qurter irles nd the lines joining them t eh end of the pith opposite the entre of the k-lines. Plying the ll : field plyer Stopping, defleting or moving the ll with the stik. 8

11 Push Flik Soop Moving the ll long the ground using pushing movement of the stik fter the stik hs een pled lose to the ll. When push is mde, oth the ll nd the hed of the stik re in ontt with the ground. Pushing the ll so tht it is rised off the ground. Rising the ll off the ground y pling the hed of the stik under the ll nd using lifting movement. Hit (whih is not permitted in indoor hokey) Striking the ll using swinging movement of the stik towrds the ll. Shot t gol The tion of n ttker ttempting to sore y plying the ll towrds the gol from within the irle. Plying distne The distne within whih plyer is ple of rehing the ll to ply it. Tkle An tion to stop n opponent retining possession of the ll. Offene An tion ontrry to the Rules penlised y n umpire. 9

12 PLAYING THE GAME 1 Pith The informtion elow provides simplified desription of the pith. Detiled speifitions of the pith nd equipment re provided in seprte setion t the end of these Rules. 1.1 The pith is retngulr, not less thn 36 metres nd not more thn 44 metres long nd not less thn 18 metres nd not more thn 22 metres wide. 1.2 Side-ords mrk the longer perimeters of the pith ; klines mrk the shorter perimeters of the pith. 1.3 The gol-lines re the prts of the k-lines etween the gol-posts. 1.4 A entre-line is mrked ross the middle of the pith. 1.5 Ares referred to s the irles re mrked inside the pith round the gols nd opposite the entres of the klines. 1.6 Penlty spots 100 mm in dimeter re mrked in front of the entre of eh gol with the entre of eh spot 7 metres from the inner edge of the gol-line. 1.7 All lines re 50 mm wide nd re prt of the pith. 1.8 Gols re positioned outside the pith t the entre of nd touhing eh k-line. A enh for eh tem is pled outside nd long one side of the pith. For eh hlf of the mth tems oupies the enh nerest the gol they re defending. Sustitutes must sit on their tem s enh when not on the pith. 10

13 2 Composition of Tems 2.1 A mximum of six plyers from eh tem tke prt in ply t ny prtiulr time during the mth. 2.2 Eh tem hs golkeeper on the pith or plys only with field plyers. Eh tem my ply with : golkeeper with golkeeping privileges wering full protetive equipment omprised of t lest hedger, leg gurds nd kikers nd different olour shirt ; or golkeeper with golkeeping privileges wering only protetive hedger nd different olour shirt ; or only field plyers nd no plyer with golkeeping privileges nd therefore no plyer wering protetive hedger or different olour shirt. A tem my hnge etween these options y mking sustitution. 2.3 Eh tem is permitted to sustitute from its plyers not on the pith : sustitution is permitted t ny time exept within the period from the wrd of penlty orner until fter it hs een ompleted ; during this period sustitution is only permitted for injury to or suspension of the defending golkeeper there is no limit to the numer of plyers who re permitted to e sustituted t the sme time or to the numer of times ny plyer is permitted to sustitute or e sustituted 11

14 d sustitution of plyer is permitted only fter tht plyer hs left the pith sustitutions re not permitted for suspended plyers during their suspension For the durtion of temporry suspension, the offending tem plys with one less plyer. For eh permnent suspension, the offending tem plys for the reminder of the mth with one less plyer. e f g h fter ompleting suspension, plyer is permitted to e sustituted without first returning to the pith field plyers must leve or enter the pith for sustitution purposes within 3 metres of the entre-line on side of the pith greed with the umpires golkeepers re permitted to leve or enter the pith for sustitution ner the gol they re defending time is stopped for sustitutions of golkeepers wering full protetive equipment ut not for other sustitutions. 2.4 For sustitution purposes, penlty orner is ompleted when : d e gol is sored n ttker ommits n offene the ll trvels more thn 3 metres outside the irle the ll trvels outside the irle for the seond time the ll is plyed over the k-line nd nother penlty orner is not wrded 12

15 f g h i the ll trvels over side-ord nd penlty orner is not wrded defender ommits n offene nd nother penlty orner is not wrded penlty stroke is wrded ully is wrded. If nother penlty orner is wrded, sustitution must not tke ple until tht penlty orner hs een ompleted. 2.5 Field plyers who leve the pith for injury tretment, refreshment, to hnge equipment or for some reson other thn sustitution re permitted to re-enter only within 3 metres of the entre-line on the side of the pith used for sustitution. 2.6 No persons other thn field plyers, golkeepers nd umpires re permitted on the pith during the mth without the permission of n umpire. 2.7 Plyers on or off the pith re under the jurisdition of the umpires throughout the mth inluding the hlf-time intervl. 2.8 A plyer who is injured or leeding must leve the pith unless medil resons prevent this nd must not return until wounds hve een overed ; plyers must not wer lood stined lothing. 3 Cptins 3.1 One plyer of eh tem must e ppointed s ptin. 3.2 A replement ptin must e ppointed when ptin is suspended. 13

16 3.3 Cptins must wer distintive rm-nd or similr distinguishing rtile on n upper rm or shoulder. 3.4 Cptins re responsile for the ehviour of ll plyers on their tem nd for ensuring tht sustitutions of plyers on their tem re rried out orretly. A penlty orner is wrded if sustitution does not tke ple orretly. A personl penlty is wrded if ptin does not exerise ny other responsiility. 4 Plyers Clothing nd Equipment Tournment Regultions ville from the FIH Offie provide dditionl informtion nd requirements out plyers lothing, personl equipment nd dvertising. Refer lso to regultions estlished y Continentl Federtions nd Ntionl Assoitions. 4.1 Field plyers of the sme tem must wer uniform lothing. 4.2 Plyers must not wer nything whih is dngerous to other plyers. Field plyers : re permitted to wer gloves for protetion whih do not inrese the nturl size of the hnds signifintly ; re reommended to wer shin, nkle nd mouth protetion ; re permitted to wer throughout mth for medil resons only smooth preferly trnsprent or white ut otherwise drk plin 14

17 oloured fe msk whih fits flush with the fe, soft protetive hed-overing or eye protetion in the form of plsti goggles (ie goggles with soft-overed frme nd plsti lenses) ; the medil resons must e ssessed y n pproprite uthority nd the plyer onerned must understnd the possile implitions of plying with the medil ondition ; re permitted to wer smooth preferly trnsprent or white ut otherwise drk plin oloured fe msk whih fits flush with the fe when defending penlty orner or penlty stroke for the durtion of tht penlty orner or penlty stroke ; re not e permitted to wer protetive hedger (fe msk or other protetive hed overing) in ny other irumstnes. 4.3 Golkeepers must wer over ny upper ody protetion shirt or grment whih is different in olour from tht of oth tems. 4.4 Golkeepers must wer : protetive equipment omprised of t lest hedger, leg gurds nd kikers exept tht the hedger nd ny hnd protetors my e removed when tking penlty stroke or, if the tem hs hosen this option only protetive hedger. Protetive hedger inorporting helmet with fixed full-fe protetion nd over for the entire hed nd throt is reommended for golkeepers. 15

18 The following re permitted for use only y fully equipped golkeepers : ody, upper rm, elow, forerm, hnd nd thigh protetors, leg gurds nd kikers. 4.5 Clothing or protetive equipment whih signifintly inreses the nturl size of golkeeper s ody or re of protetion is not permitted. 4.6 The stik hs trditionl shpe with hndle nd urved hed whih is flt on its left side : d the stik must e smooth nd must not hve ny rough or shrp prts inlusive of ny dditionl overings used, the stik must e le to pss through ring with n interior dimeter of 51 mm ny urvture long the length of the stik (the rke or ow) must hve ontinuous smooth profile long the whole length, must our long the fe side or the k of the stik ut not oth nd is limited to depth of 25 mm the stik must onform with the speifition greed y the Hokey Rules Bord. 4.7 The ll is spheril, hrd nd white (or n greed olour whih ontrsts with the plying surfe). Detiled speifitions of the stik, ll nd golkeeper s equipment re provided in seprte setion t the end of these Rules. 16

19 5 Mth nd Result 5.1 A mth onsists of two periods of 20 minutes nd hlftime intervl of 5 minutes. Other periods nd intervl my e greed y oth tems exept s speified in regultions for prtiulr ompetitions. 5.2 The tem soring the most gols is the winner ; if no gols re sored, or if the tems sore n equl numer of gols, the mth is drwn. Informtion out extr time nd penlty stroke ompetition s wys of rehing result in drwn mth is inluded in Tournment Regultions ville from the FIH Offie. 6 Strt nd Re-strt the Mth 6.1 A oin is tossed : the tem whih wins the toss hs the hoie of whih gol to ttk in the first hlf of the mth or to strt the mth with entre pss if the tem winning the toss hooses whih gol to ttk in the first hlf of the mth, the opposing tem strts the mth if the tem winning the toss hooses to strt the mth, the opposing tem hs the hoie of whih gol to ttk in the first hlf of the mth. 6.2 Diretion of ply is reversed in the seond hlf of the mth. 17

20 6.3 A entre pss is tken : to strt the mth y plyer from the tem winning the toss if they hose this option ; otherwise y plyer from the opposing tem fter hlf-time y plyer of the tem whih did not tke the entre pss to strt the mth fter gol y plyer of the tem ginst whih the gol ws sored or wrded. 6.4 Tking entre pss : d tken t the entre of the pith it is permitted to ply the ll in ny diretion ll plyers other thn the plyer tking the entre pss must e in the hlf of the pith whih inludes the gol they re defending the proedures for tking free push pply. 6.5 A ully tkes ple to re-strt mth when time or ply hs een stopped for n injury or for ny other reson nd no penlty hs een wrded : ully is tken lose to the lotion of the ll when ply ws stopped ut not within 9 metres of the kline the ll is pled etween one plyer from eh tem who fe eh other with the gol they re defending to their right the two plyers strt with their stiks on the ground to the right of the ll nd then tp the flt fes of their stiks together one just over the ll fter whih either plyer is permitted to ply the ll 18

21 d ll other plyers must e t lest 3 metres from the ll. 6.6 A free push is tken y defender 9.10 metres in front of the entre of the gol-line to re-strt mth when penlty stroke hs een ompleted nd no gol hs een sored or wrded. 7 Bll Outside the Pith 7.1 The ll is out of ply when it psses ompletely over the side-ord or k-line. 7.2 When the ll trvels over the side-ord : ply is re-strted within one metre of where the ll rossed the ord If this would result in re-strt inside the irle, ply is insted re-strted with the ll one metre outside the irle nd one metre from the sideord. ply is re-strted y plyer of the tem whih did not touh or ply the ll immeditely efore it went out of ply the proedures for tking free push pply. 7.3 When the ll is plyed over the k-line y n ttker, unintentionlly y defender or defleted y golkeeper nd no gol is sored : ply is re-strted with the ll up to 9.10 metres from nd in line with where it rossed the k-line ply is re-strted y plyer of the defending tem the proedures for tking free push pply. 19

22 7.4 When the ll is plyed over the k-line intentionlly y defender, unless defleted y golkeeper, ply is restrted with penlty orner. 8 Method of Soring 8.1 A gol is sored when the ll is plyed within the irle y n ttker nd does not trvel outside the irle efore pssing ompletely over the gol-line nd under the rossr. The ll my e plyed y defender or touh their ody efore or fter eing plyed in the irle y n ttker. 8.2 A gol is sored if wrded s result of penlty stroke. 9 Condut of Ply : Plyers Plyers re expeted to t responsily t ll times. 9.1 A mth is plyed etween two tems with not more thn six plyers of eh tem on the pith t the sme time. 9.2 Plyers on the pith must hold their stik nd not use it in dngerous wy. Plyers must not lift their stik over the heds of other plyers. 9.3 Plyers must not touh, hndle or interfere with other plyers or their stiks or lothing. 9.4 Plyers must not intimidte or impede nother plyer. 20

23 9.5 Plyers must not hit the ll. Slp hitting the ll, whih involves long pushing or sweeping movement with the stik efore mking ontt with the ll, is regrded s hit nd is therefore not permitted. 9.6 Plyers must not ply the ll with the k of the stik. 9.7 Plyers must not ply the ll with ny prt of the stik when the ll is ove shoulder height exept tht defenders re permitted to use the stik to stop or deflet shot t gol t ny height. When sving shot t gol, defender must not e penlised if their stik is not motionless or is trvelling towrds the ll while ttempting to stop or deflet the shot. Only if the ll is genuinely hit nd gol is prevented should penlty stroke e wrded. If defender ttempts to stop or deflet ll trvelling towrds the gol whih will tully miss the gol, ny use of the stik ove the shoulder must e penlised y penlty orner nd not penlty stroke. If dngerous ply results fter legitimte stop or defletion, penlty orner must e wrded. 9.8 Plyers must not ply the ll dngerously or in wy whih leds to dngerous ply. A ll is onsidered dngerous when it uses legitimte evsive tion y plyers. The penlty is wrded where the tion using the dnger took ple. 21

24 9.9 Plyers must not rise the ll off the pith exept for shot t gol. It is not n offene if the ll rises unintentionlly off the pith y less thn 100 mm unless n opponent is within plying distne of the ll Plyers must not ply the ll when it is in the ir exept tht plyer from the tem whih did not put the ll in the ir my stop it. If the ll is in the ir s result of legitimte shot t gol whih hs reounded from the golkeeper, defender or from the gol-post or ross-r, the ll my e stopped y plyer of either tem Field plyers must not stop, kik, propel, pik up, throw or rry the ll with ny prt of their ody. It is not lwys n offene if the ll hits the foot, hnd or ody of field plyer. The plyer only ommits n offene if they voluntrily use their hnd, foot or ody to ply the ll or if they position themselves with the intention of stopping the ll in this wy. It is not n offene if the ll touhes the hnd holding the stik ut would otherwise hve touhed the stik Plyers must not ply the ll while lying on the pith or with hnd, rm or knee on the pith other thn the hnd holding the stik Plyers must not ostrut n opponent who is ttempting to ply the ll. Plyers ostrut if they : k into n opponent 22

25 physilly interfere with the stik or ody of n opponent shield the ll from legitimte tkle with their stik or ny prt of their ody. A sttionry plyer reeiving the ll is permitted to fe in ny diretion. A plyer with the ll is permitted to move off with it in ny diretion exept odily into n opponent. A plyer who runs in front of or loks n opponent to stop them legitimtely plying or ttempting to ply the ll is ostruting (this is third prty or shdow ostrution). This lso pplies if n ttker runs ross or loks defenders (inluding the golkeeper) when penlty orner is eing tken Plyers must not tkle unless in position to ply the ll without ody ontt Plyers must not intentionlly enter the gol their opponents re defending or run ehind either gol Plyers must not fore n opponent into offending unintentionlly. Plying the ll lerly nd intentionlly into ny prt of n opponent s ody my e penlised s n ttempt to mnufture n offene. Foring n opponent to ostrut (often emphsised y running into n opponent or y wving the stik) must lso e penlised Plyers must not hnge their stik etween the wrd nd ompletion of penlty orner or penlty stroke unless it no longer meets the stik speifition. 23

26 9.18 Plyers must not throw ny ojet or piee of equipment onto the pith, t the ll, or t nother plyer, umpire or person Plyers must not dely ply to gin enefit y timewsting. 10 Condut of Ply : Golkeepers 10.1 A golkeeper who : wers protetive equipment omprised of t lest hedger, leg gurds nd kikers must not tke prt in the mth outside the hlf of the pith they re defending, exept when tking penlty stroke wers only protetive hedger must not tke prt in the mth outside the hlf of the pith they re defending when wering the hedger ut my remove the hedger nd tke prt in the mth nywhere on the pith. The protetive hedger must e worn when defending penlty orner or penlty stroke When the ll is inside the irle they re defending nd they hve their stik in their hnd, golkeepers re permitted to : use their stik, protetive equipment or ny prt of their ody to push the ll wy, deflet the ll (in ny diretion inluding over the k-line) or stop the ll This permits golkeeper to use their hnds, rms or ny other prt of their ody to move the ll wy ut only s prt of gol sving tion nd not to propel the ll forefully so tht it trvels long distne. 24

27 use their stik, feet, kikers, legs or leg gurds to ply the ll Golkeepers must not lie on the ll When the ll is outside the irle they re defending, golkeepers re only permitted to ply the ll with their stik Golkeepers re permitted to ply the ll inside the irle while lying on the pith inside the irle. 11 Condut of Ply : Umpires 11.1 Two umpires ontrol the mth, pply the Rules nd re the judges of fir ply Eh umpire hs primry responsiility for deisions in one hlf of the pith for the durtion of the mth Eh umpire is responsile for deisions on free pushes in the irle, penlty orners, penlty strokes nd gols in one hlf of the pith Umpires re responsile for keeping written reord of gols sored or wrded nd of wrning or suspension rds used Umpires re responsile for ensuring tht the full time is plyed nd for inditing the end of time for eh hlf nd for the ompletion of penlty orner if hlf is prolonged Umpires low the whistle to : strt nd end eh hlf of the mth strt ully 25

28 d e f g h enfore penlty strt nd end penlty stroke indite gol re-strt the mth fter gol hs een sored or wrded re-strt the mth fter penlty stroke when gol ws not sored or wrded stop the mth for the sustitution of golkeeper nd to restrt the mth on ompletion of the sustitution i stop the mth for ny other reson nd to re-strt it j indite, when neessry, tht the ll hs pssed wholly outside the pith Umpires must not oh during mth If the ll strikes n umpire, unuthorised person or ny loose ojet on the pith, ply ontinues. 12 Penlties 12.1 Advntge : penlty is wrded only when plyer or tem hs een disdvntged y n opponent reking the Rules. If wrding penlty is not n dvntge to the tem whih did not rek the Rules, ply must ontinue A free push is wrded to the opposing tem : for n offene y n ttker in the hlf of the pith they re ttking 26

29 for n unintentionl offene y defender outside the irle ut within the hlf of the pith they re defending A penlty orner is wrded : d for n offene y defender in the irle whih does not prevent the prole soring of gol for n intentionl offene in the irle y defender ginst n opponent who does not hve possession of the ll or n opportunity to ply the ll for n intentionl offene y defender outside the irle ut within the hlf of the pith they re defending for intentionlly plying the ll over the k-line y defender Golkeepers re permitted to deflet the ll with their stik, protetive equipment or ny prt of their ody in ny diretion inluding over the k-line. e f ginst the tem whih rried out sustitution inorretly when the ll eomes lodged in plyer s lothing or equipment while in the irle they re defending A penlty stroke is wrded : for n offene y defender in the irle whih prevents the prole soring of gol for n intentionl offene in the irle y defender ginst n opponent who hs possession of the ll or n opportunity to ply the ll 27

30 for defenders persistently rossing over the k-line efore permitted during the tking of penlty orners If there is nother offene or misondut efore the wrded penlty hs een tken : free push my e progressed up to 5 metres A free push to the ttk nnot e progressed to inside the irle. d more severe penlty my e wrded personl penlty my e wrded the penlty my e reversed if the susequent offene ws ommitted y the tem first wrded the penlty. 13 Proedures for Tking Free Pushes nd Penlties 13.1 Lotion of free push : free push is tken lose to where the offene ourred Close to mens within plying distne of where the offene ourred nd with no signifint dvntge gined. The lotion from whih free push is tken must e more preise when the offene ours lose to the irle. A free push to the ttking tem smll distne outside the irle must not e drgged inside the irle ; the ll must leve the stik efore entering the irle. 28

31 free push wrded outside the irle to the defene within 9 metres of the k-line is tken up to 9.10 metres from the k-line in line with the lotion of the offene, prllel to the side-ord free push wrded inside the irle to the defene is tken nywhere inside the irle or up to 9.10 metres from the k-line in line with the lotion of the offene, prllel to the side-ord Proedures for tking free push, entre pss nd putting the ll k into ply fter it hs een outside the pith : the ll must e sttionry the ll is pushed nd must move t lest 100 mm efore nother plyer of the tem whih took the free push is llowed to ply it A drgging tion used to ply the ll t free push must not result in plying the ll twie. d fter plying the ll, the plyer tking the free push must not ply the ll gin or pproh within plying distne of it until it hs een plyed y nother plyer opponents must e t lest 3 metres from the ll If plyer is stnding within 3 metres of the ll ut not influening ply, the free push need not e delyed. e when free push is wrded to the ttk within 3 metres of the irle, ll plyers other thn the plyer tking the free push must e t lest 3 metres from the ll. 29

32 13.3 Tking penlty orner : d e f g h i the ll is pled on the k-line inside the irle t lest 6 metres from the gol-post on whihever side of the gol the ttking tem prefers n ttker pushes the ll without intentionlly rising it the ttker tking the push from the k-line must hve t lest one foot outside the pith the other ttkers must e on the pith, outside the irle with stiks, hnds nd feet not touhing the ground inside the irle no ttker other thn the ttker tking the push from the k-line is permitted to e within 3 metres of the ll when the push is tken the defending golkeeper, if there is one, must e in the gol ; ll other memers of the defending tem must e positioned ehind the k-line on the side of the gol furthest from where the penlty orner is eing tken with their stiks, hnds nd feet not touhing the ground inside the pith until the ll hs een plyed, no ttker other thn the one tking the push from the k-line is permitted to enter the irle nd no defender is permitted to ross the k-line fter plying the ll, the ttker tking the push from the k-line must not ply the ll gin or pproh within plying distne of it until it hs een plyed y nother plyer gol nnot e sored until the ll hs trvelled outside the irle 30

33 Slp hitting the ll, whih involves long pushing or sweeping movement with the stik efore mking ontt with the ll, is regrded s hit nd is therefore not permitted. A defender who is lerly running into the shot or into the tker without ttempting to ply the ll with their stik must e penlised for dngerous ply. Otherwise, if defender is within three metres of the first shot t gol during the tking of penlty orner nd is struk y the ll elow the knee, nother penlty orner must e wrded or is struk ove the knee in norml stne, the shot is judged to e dngerous nd free hit must e wrded to the defending tem. j the penlty orner Rules no longer pply if the ll trvels more thn 3 metres from the irle The mth is prolonged t hlf-time nd full-time to llow ompletion of penlty orner or ny susequent penlty orner or penlty stroke ; for this purpose, the penlty orner is ompleted when : d e f gol is sored n ttker ommits n offene the ll trvels more thn 3 metres outside the irle the ll trvels outside the irle for the seond time the ll is plyed over the k-line nd penlty orner is not wrded the ll trvels over side-ord nd penlty orner is not wrded 31

34 g h defender ommits n offene whih does not result in nother penlty orner penlty stroke is wrded Tking penlty stroke : If ply is stopped during the tking of penlty orner euse of n injury or for ny other reson nd no penlty hs een wrded, the penlty orner must e tken gin. d e f time nd ply is stopped when penlty stroke is wrded ll plyers on the pith other thn the plyer tking the stroke nd the plyer defending it must stnd outside the hlf of the pith in whih the penlty stroke is eing tken nd must not influene the tking of the stroke the ll is pled on the penlty spot the plyer tking the stroke must stnd ehind nd within plying distne of the ll efore eginning the stroke the plyer defending the stroke must stnd with oth feet on the gol-line nd must not leve the gol-line or move either foot until the ll hs een plyed if the plyer defending the stroke is golkeeper, they must wer protetive hedger ; if the plyer defending the stroke is otherwise tking prt in the gme s field plyer, they my wer only fe msk s protetive equipment If the tem defending penlty stroke hs hosen to ply only with field plyers nd not to use sustitute golkeeper to defend the penlty stroke, the defender my only use their stik to mke sve. 32

35 g h the whistle is lown when the plyer tking the stroke nd the plyer defending it re in position the plyer tking the stroke must not tke it until the whistle hs een lown The plyer tking the stroke or the plyer defending it must not dely the tking of the stroke. i j the plyer tking the stroke must not feint t plying the ll the plyer tking the stroke must push, flik or soop the ll nd is permitted to rise it to ny height Using drgging tion to ply the ll t penlty stroke is not permitted. k the plyer tking the stroke must ply the ll only one nd must not susequently pproh either the ll or the plyer defending the stroke The penlty stroke is ompleted when : gol is sored or wrded the ll omes to rest inside the irle, lodges in the golkeeper s equipment, is ught y the golkeeper, or goes outside the irle For n offene during the tking of penlty stroke : y the plyer tking the stroke : free hit is wrded to the defene when the plyer defending the stroke prevents gol eing sored ut leves the gol-line or moves either foot efore the ll hs een plyed : the penlty stroke is tken gin 33

36 For the first offene of this type, the plyer must e wrned (green rd) nd for ny susequent offene must e suspended (yellow rd). d e f for ny other offene y the plyer defending the stroke whih prevents gol eing sored : gol is wrded for n offene y the plyer defending the stroke whih does not prevent gol eing sored : the penlty stroke is tken gin for n offene y plyer of the defending tem nd gol is not sored : the penlty stroke is tken gin for n offene y plyer of the ttking tem nd gol is sored : the penlty stroke is tken gin. 14 Personl Penlties 14.1 For ny offene, the offending plyer my e : utioned (indited y spoken words) wrned (indited y green rd) temporrily suspended for minimum of 2 minutes of plying time (indited y yellow rd) For the durtion of eh temporry suspension of plyer on or off the pith, the offending tem plys with one less plyer. d permnently suspended from the urrent mth (indited y red rd). For eh permnent suspension, the offending tem plys for the reminder of the mth with one less plyer. 34

37 A personl penlty my e wrded in ddition to the pproprite penlty Temporrily suspended plyers must remin in designted ple until permitted y the umpire who suspended them to resume ply Temporrily suspended plyers re permitted to rejoin their tem t hlf-time fter whih they must return to designted ple to omplete their suspension The intended durtion of temporry suspension my e extended for misondut y plyer while suspended Permnently suspended plyers must leve the pith nd its surrounding re. 35

38 UMPIRING 1 Ojetives 1.1 Umpiring hokey is hllenging ut rewrding wy to prtiipte in the gme. 1.2 Umpires ontriute to the gme y : helping to rise the stndrd of the gme t ll levels y ensuring tht plyers oserve the Rules ensuring tht every gme is plyed in the right spirit helping to inrese the enjoyment of the gme for plyers, spettors, nd others. 1.3 These ojetives n e hieved y umpires eing : d e f g onsistent : umpires mintin the respet of plyers y eing onsistent fir : deisions must e mde with sense of justie nd integrity prepred : no mtter how long n umpire hs een offiiting, it is importnt to prepre thoroughly for every mth foused : onentrtion must e mintined t ll times ; nothing must e llowed to distrt n umpire pprohle : good understnding of the Rules must e omined with good rpport with the plyers etter : umpires must im to eome even etter with eh nd every mth nturl : n umpire must e themselves, nd not imitte nother person, t ll times. 36

39 1.4 Umpires must : d e hve thorough knowledge of the Rules of Indoor Hokey ut rememer tht the spirit of the Rule nd ommon sense must govern interprettion support nd enourge skilful ply, del promptly nd firmly with offenes nd pply the pproprite penlties estlish ontrol nd mintin it throughout the mth use ll the ville tools for ontrol pply the dvntge Rule s muh s possile to ssist flowing nd open mth ut without losing ontrol. 2 Applying the Rules 2.1 Proteting skilful ply nd penlising offenes : the reltive seriousness of n offene must e identified nd serious offenes suh s dngerous or rough ply delt with erly nd firmly in mth intentionl offenes must e penlised firmly umpires must demonstrte tht if plyers o-operte, skilful ply will e proteted nd the mth will e interrupted only when essentil for its proper ondut. 2.2 Advntge : it is not neessry for every offene to e penlised when no enefit is gined y the offender ; unneessry interruptions to the flow of the mth use undue dely nd irrittion 37

40 d e when the Rules hve een roken, n umpire must pply dvntge if this is the most severe penlty possession of the ll does not utomtilly men there is n dvntge ; for dvntge to pply, the plyer/tem with the ll must e le to develop their ply hving deided to ply dvntge, seond opportunity must not e given y reverting to the originl penlty it is importnt to ntiipte the flow of the mth, to look eyond the tion of the moment nd to e wre of potentil developments in the mth. 2.3 Control : d e deisions must e mde promptly, positively, lerly nd onsistently strit tion erly in mth will usully disourge repetition of n offene it is not eptle for plyers to use opponents, umpires or other tehnil offiils verlly or through ody lnguge nd ttitude. Umpires must del firmly with use of this sort nd in pproprite irumstnes issue ution, wrning (green rd), or temporry (yellow rd) or permnent (red rd) suspension. Cutions, wrnings nd suspensions n e given in isoltion or in omintion with nother penlty utions n e given to plyers in lose proximity without stopping the mth it is possile for plyer to reeive two green or two yellow rds for different offenes during the sme mth ut when n offene for whih rd hs een wrded is repeted, the sme rd must not e used gin nd more severe penlty must e wrded 38

41 f g h when seond yellow rd is wrded, the period of suspension must e signifintly longer thn the first suspension there must e ler differene etween the durtion of yellow rd suspension for minor offene nd the durtion for more serious nd/or physil offene when plyer intentionlly misehves in serious mnner towrds nother plyer, umpire or other mth offiil the red rd must e shown immeditely. 2.4 Penlties : wide rnge of penlties is ville two penlties n e used together to del with d or persistent offenes. 3 Umpiring skills 3.1 The min umpiring skill res re : d e mth preprtion o-opertion moility nd positioning whistling signlling. 3.2 Mth preprtion : umpires must prepre thoroughly for eh mth y rriving t the pith in good time 39

42 d e f efore the mth ommenes, oth umpires must hek the pith mrkings, the gols nd the nets nd hek for ny dngerous plying equipment or pith equipment the two umpires must wer similr olours to one nother, ut different from those of oth tems lothing pproprite to the onditions must e worn footwer must suit pith onditions nd ssist moility umpiring equipment inludes opy of the urrent Rules ook, loud nd distintive whistle, stop wth, oloured rds to indite personl penlties nd mterils to reord mth detils. 3.3 Co-opertion d good tem-work nd o-opertion etween umpires is essentil prior to mth, umpires must disuss nd gree how they re going to work together to ssist eh other. Eye ontt etween umpires must e prtised nd mintined umpires must tke responsiility nd e prepred to ssist when their ollegue is unsighted or hs diffiulty seeing ertin prts of the pith. If neessry nd if moility is good, umpires must e prepred to ross the entre-line nd go s fr s pproprite into ollegue s hlf of the pith to ssist. This helps to ressure plyers tht deisions re orret written reord of gols sored nd rds issued must e kept y oth umpires nd onfirmed t the end of the mth. 40

43 3.4 Moility nd positioning d e f g h i j k umpires must e moile so they n move to pproprite positions throughout the mth. stti umpires nnot view ply lerly enough to mke orret deisions t ll times fit, moile nd well positioned umpires re etter le to onentrte on the flow of the mth nd on the deisions whih need to e mde eh umpire opertes minly in hlf of the pith with the entre line to their left in generl, the most suitle position for umpires is hed of nd on the right of the ttking tem for ply etween the entre-line nd irle, umpires must e positioned ner their side-ord when ply is in the irle, umpires must move further into the pith wy from the side-ords nd, when neessry, into the irle itself to see importnt offenes nd to judge whether shots t gol re legitimte for penlty orners nd fter the ll hs gone outside the pith, umpires must tke up position whih gives ler view of ll potentil tion for penlty strokes, umpires must tke up position ehind nd to the right of the plyer tking the stroke umpires must not llow their positioning to interfere with the flow of ply umpires must fe the plyers ll the time. 41

44 3.5 Whistling : the whistle is the min wy in whih umpires ommunite with plyers, eh other nd other persons involved in the mth the whistle must e lown deisively nd loudly enough for ll involved in the mth to e le to her it. This does not men long loud whistling t ll times the tone nd durtion of the whistle must e vried to ommunite the seriousness of offenes to plyers. 3.6 Signlling d e signls must e ler nd held up long enough to ensure tht ll plyers nd the other umpire re wre of deisions only the offiil signls must e used it is preferle to e sttionry when giving signl diretionl signls must not e mde ross the ody it is d prtie to look wy from the plyers when signl or deision is mde ; further offenes might e missed, onentrtion n e lost, or this n indite lk of onfidene. 4 Umpiring Signls 4.1 Timing strt time : turn towrds the other umpire with one rm stright up in the ir stop time : turn towrds the other umpire nd ross fully-extended rms t the wrists ove the hed 42

45 d two minutes of ply remining : rise oth hnds stright up in the ir with pointing index fingers one minute of ply remining : rise one hnd stright up in the ir with pointing index finger. One timing signl hs een knowledged no further time signl is needed. 4.2 Bully : move hnds lterntely up nd down in front of the ody with plms fing eh other. 4.3 Bll out of ply ll out of ply over the side-ord : indite the diretion with one rm rised horizontlly ll out of ply over the k-line y n ttker nd unintentionlly y defender : fe the entre of the pith nd extend oth rms horizontlly sidewys. 4.4 Gol sored : point oth rms horizontlly towrds the entre of the pith. 4.5 Condut of ply Signls for ondut of ply offenes must e shown if there is dout out the reson for the deision. dngerous ply : ple one forerm digonlly ross the hest misondut nd/or d temper : stop ply nd mke lming movement y moving oth hnds slowly up nd down, plms downwrd, in front of the ody kik : slightly rise leg nd touh it ner the foot or nkle with the hnd 43

46 d e f g h rised ll : hold plms fing eh other horizontlly in front of the ody, with one plm pproximtely 150 mm ove the other ostrution : hold rossed forerms in front of the hest third prty or shdow ostrution : lterntely open nd lose rossed forerms in front of the hest stik ostrution : hold one rm out nd downwrds in front of the ody hlf-wy etween vertil nd horizontl ; touh the forerm with the other hnd 3 metres distne : extend one rm stright up in the ir showing n open hnd with ll fingers extended. 4.6 Penlties d e dvntge : extend one rm high from the shoulder in the diretion in whih the enefiting tem is plying free push : indite the diretion with one rm rised horizontlly free push progressed up to 5 metres : rise one rm vertilly with fist lenhed penlty orner : point oth rms horizontlly towrds the gol penlty stroke : point one rm t the penlty stroke mrk nd the other stright up in the ir ; this signl lso indites time stopped. 44

47 FIELD AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS Digrms re provided to ssist interprettion of these speifitions ut they re not neessrily drwn to sle. The text is the definitive speifition. 1 Pith nd Pith Equipment 1.1 The pith is retngulr, to metres long ounded y side-ords nd to metres wide ounded y k-lines. 1.2 Mrkings : Wherever possile the size of pith should e the mximum permitted. Where the mximum is not possile, width of 21 metres is reommended so tht the irle lines meet the k-lines efore they reh the side-ords. Minimum run-off res re reommended outside the k-lines (3 metres) nd side-lines (1 metre). no mrks other thn those desried in this Rule re to e mde on the plying surfe If indoor hokey is plyed on surfe mrked with lines for other sports whih nnot esily e removed, they must e distintive olour. lines re 50 mm wide nd must e lerly mrked long their entire length the k-lines nd ll mrkings enlosed etween them nd the side-ords re prt of the pith 45

48 d ll mrks must e mde in olour whih ontrsts with the plying surfe Pith side-ords : mrk the to metres long perimeter of the pith re sed on squre 100 mm ross-setion the upright surfe fing the pith is inlined y 10 mm towrds the pith. 1.4 Lines nd other mrks : Side-ords must e mde of wood or mterils with similr physil properties. They must not hving fittings or supports whih re dngerous to plyers or umpires. d e f k-lines : to metres long perimeter lines gol-lines : the prts of the k-lines etween the gol-posts entre-line : ross the middle of the pith lines 300 mm long mrked inside the pith on eh k-line on oth sides of the gol t 6 metres from the outer edge of the nerer gol-post, s mesured etween the furthest edges of eh line lines 150 mm long mrked outside the pith on eh k-line 1.50 metres from the entre of the k-line, s mesured etween the nerest edges of these lines penlty spots 100 mm in dimeter mrked in front of the entre of eh gol with the entre of eh spot 7 46

49 1.5 Cirles : metres from the inner edge of the gol-line. lines 3.00 metres long nd prllel to the k-lines re mrked inside the pith with their entres in line with the entres of the k-lines ; the distne from the outside edges of these 3.00 metres lines to the outside edges of the k-lines is 9.00 metres these lines re ontinued in uninterrupted rs in oth diretions to meet the k-lines in the form of qurterirles with entres t the inside front orner of the nerer gol-posts the 3.00 metres line nd the rs re lled the irlelines ; the spes enlosed y these lines, inluding the lines themselves, re lled the irles 47

50 Figure 1 : Indoor Pith 48

51 Field Dimensions Code Metres Code Metres A B minimum mximum minimum mximum G 0.30 H Gols : C 9.00 I 7.00 D 3.00 E minimum 3.00 F minimum 1.00 * Dimension E is mesured from the gol-post line nd not from the gol-post itself ; the dimension from the gol-post is 6.00 metres. d e two vertil gol-posts joined y horizontl rossr re pled t the entre of eh k-line on the externl mrks the gol-posts nd ross-r re white, retngulr in ross setion, 80 mm wide nd 80 mm deep the gol-posts must not extend vertilly eyond the ross-r nd the ross-r must not extend horizontlly eyond the gol-posts the distne etween the inner edges of the gol-posts is 3.00 metres nd the distne from the lower edge of the ross-r to the ground is 2.00 metres the spe outside the pith, ehind the gol-posts nd ross-r nd enlosed y the net is minimum of 49

52 800 mm deep t the ross-r nd minimum of 1.00 metres deep t ground-level. Gol side-ords nd k-ords re not mndtory ut if fitted should onform to the following speifition : side-ords re 1.00 metres long nd 460 mm high k-ords re 3.00 metres long nd 460 mm high d e side-ords re positioned on the ground t right ngles to the k-line nd re fixed to the k of the gol-posts without inresing their width k-ords re positioned on the ground t right ngles to the gol side-ords nd prllel to the k-line, nd re fixed to the end of the gol side-ords side-ords nd k-ords re of drk olour on the inside. 1.7 Nets : d the mximum mesh size is 45 mm tthment to the k of the gol-posts nd ross-r is t intervls of not more thn 150 mm the nets hng outside the gol side-ords nd kord if fitted the nets re seured so s to prevent the ll pssing etween the net nd the gol-posts nd ross-r nd etween the net nd the side-ords nd k-ords if fitted 50

53 e the nets re fitted loosely to prevent the ll reounding. Figure 2 : Gol Gol Dimensions Code Metres Code Metres A 3.00 E minimum 0.80 B 2.00 F C 0.46 G D minimum Benhes nd tle : enh for eh tem is pled outside nd long one side of the pith tle for timekeeping is pled outside nd t the entre of the pith on the sme side s nd etween the tem enhes. The position of the enhes nd tle must not e dngerous to plyers or umpires. 51

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