A Bird in Nellie's Hat

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1 A Bird Nellie's Ht 1 Ev - Aut- umn 'ry St - cme ur - - long dy love's Wil - drem lie got went his ll py, wrong. n Will he'd went cll down for 4 Nell. cll, Trou - But ss net - s - ly vnt pressed with nd gr sid, nice "Nell's white not vest,. A 7 but - Nel - lies n gone hole bou- quet wy s tht's well. ll." On Poor Nel - Wil - lie's lie's lit - ht tle ws ht broke. re His 10 ws life seemed ll lit - tle bird. v The Un - lit - til tle he bird sw knew Nel - lie lot pss - g thgs. by. And Sid

2 13 he, it's "We qui - meet et once wy more." it Sid hd she, "Love's lot drem is sy o', s but we cn lov - be strolled rel, - true 16 long. friends, " And will 'll be keep r r lit - pres- ents, tle hon - Hon - ey. ey, just will for prom - ise old time's ske." tht," Sid Sid 19 Nel- Nel- lie lie s s she she rolled rolled h h drem drem - - y y eyes. eyes, Then "But Nel - wht lie, - bout Wil - lie whisdi ped s mond y en - 22 fond - gge - ly ment kissed, rg?" "'ll "Of bet course," sid tht Wil - we lie, nev - "You'll re - kissed turn like me tht." tht." "Oh, "Oh 25 don't don't know know Nel Nel - - lie lie like like do," do," sid sid sucsuc- y y litlit- tle tle bird bird on on Nel- Nel- lie's lie's ht. ht. -2-

3 A Little Boy Went Wlkg 1 A lit - tle boy went wlk - g one love - ly sum - m dy. He sw lit - tle rb - bit 5 quick - ly run - wy. He sw sh - g riv - go wd - g nd out, And 8 lit - tle fish - es it we swim - mg ll - bout, nd slow - ly, slow - ly turn - g 11 gret wheel mill. He sw tll church steep - le, lit - tle church so still, The

4 14 bridge - bove wt - nd when he spped rest, He sw - mid bush - es 17 wee brown spr - row's nest. And s he wtched bird - ies - bove tree - ps fly, He 20 sw clouds go sil - g - cross sun - ny sky. He sw - sects ply - g, 23 flow'rs tht sum - m brgs. He sid, "'ll go tell M - m. 've seen so mn - y thgs." -2-

5 Bttleship Me 1 He ws Once An - chored bur - ied hd H - sweet - v - for - eign ht, n lnd, 5 no - on n ble, n brve nd Cu - bn un - known true, shore, grve, F - Thk - Whe less g s bells no night - dn - lib - - time, g ty 9 gen - drem - soon tle g shll s love rg times dew. o', sve. We Pece - Pece - hd wtched ful - ly ful - ly nd he he wit - slum - slum - ed. bed bs 13 He n 'Neth hd his nmed hm - r - mock rid dy, bed. sun, And But we While thru hd ll pledged strs time 'twill wed glow - bet ech g for oth - beu - ty him this

6 2 17 ben - ht, e - this month dic - ht, tion be My. red. won. Out Then Out on cme on o- deth o- cen crsh - cen he g he siled, down, siled, 21 Un - d Wreck - g Un - d red, ves - red, white sel white nd nd blue, tw, blue, Fith - ful Down went Fith - ful coun - try my sweetcoun - ht try nd nd 24 home, deth, home, Fith - Down Fith - ful went ful cp - Bt - cp - t tle - t nd ship nd crew. Me. crew. -2-

7 D Ht Becuse We're Growg Old 1 D Full Ht, for - ty ys fd we're hve pssed grow - nd g old. gone. The Ys ys filled so with quickon - ly ly pss - full - est 5 wy. joy. Sce No first cloud we hs met ev - hve left crossed ir our trce pth. Up - Our 8 on bliss us hs both been with ṯhreds out l - gry. loy. The And rose when hs we f - rech ded from shi - r ng 11 cheeks shore But And nev - pl - y hs gtes r for ht us grown un - cold. fold, Nor God 14 do grnt we tht love both ech my oth en - - t less,, D D Ht, Ht, be - nd cuse nev - we're grow - g more grow

8 17 old. old. To me 're fir - thn we dy won for my 21 bride And held fond- ly my rms Un - con - scious ll else be - 25 sides. The f - ded cheeks, whi - tened hir Hve 28 yet chrm for me un - ld Tht on - ly strength - ened by 31 y, D Ht, be - cuse we're grow - g old. -2-

9 Fllen Lef 1 Fr From One be - bright neth depths dy this tn rol - - hun - lg gled t prir - wild - wn - ie wood ded whe ll no - - lone woods ble one he for - sum - stryed est m - 4 lies, dy lone. Dwelt Cme All dy fir - hun - long est t she n - worn wtched d nd nd mid - w - wit - en y ed ev - who but hd his seen lost fte by his ws mor - lone - nev - tl ly 8 eyes. wy. known. She Weeks With whose pssed cheeks by sum - we but m like still flow'rs he she sun - lg - f - set, ed ded; 11 dugh - "Gen - with t tle Fl - ut - n len umn n - Lef," leve d he she chief, cried. died. Cme And And with y grce smile closed ir h home love eyes she for -

10 14 u - prom - ev - tumn, ised nd soon by y clled be Blck h his Root Fl - len wood- lnd Riv - - Lef. bride. side. Fl - len Lef bree - zes 18 whis - p spir- it's - ly flight, And with- lone- ly 22 wig - wm, re's wil woe - night. -2-

11 Frm's Boy 1 The My f sun f - r hd is cn - sunk ded. not be - My give hd mo - me r is em - hills left ploy - with one 6 cross us f - four vor dr - child - y ren would moor smll sk. When nd Will hun - worst gry nd plese 11 cold ll shel - for t poor Moth - me boy this cme d, night 'm from up old - cold est nd fr - w - m's m try 16 door. ll. blst? "Sy, Al - At cn though brek 'm tell ng, dy me if 'll n - f trudge y r'd no -

12 21 27 be work, wy who'd so else - give give whe me me seek em em - - em - ploy ploy, ploy, To plow, sow, rep nd mow nd be fr - m's boy." -2-

13 Gypsie's Wrng 1 5 Trust L - L - him dy, dy, not, once turn oh re not gen - lived cold - tle ly l - dy, mid - en, from me. tho' ng his nd hve 8 voice pure spo - be nd ken low like on - nd e ly sweet. fir. truth. Heed But From not he tho' wooed, stn he he nd kneels wooed with - be - nd ed 11 fore e, won h, sor - row. gent - filled L - ly h dy, pled gen g tle would t life shield thy with thy feet. cre. th. Now Then thy he would

14 14 life heed - shield is ed e not from its h ll morn- g. pled- dn - g. g, Cloud He Shield cred e not not from thy h hp - life tempt - py 's lot. sve. snre. Lis- ten Soon she L - dy, 18 p - shun ished, tht gyp - now drk - sie's she's eyed wrn - ly - suit - g. g or. Gen - tle hve l cold wrned dy nd e, trust him si - lent now be - not. grve. wre. -2-

15 Highwys Are Hppy Wys 1 Af - Rods t my dys led ll romo - g, v. 5 life f pi - re geon homro - g, v, 'll m fd com - rod g home ev - 'ry sty. kd. 8 Rods When tht r wore ht nd is re me we - ry seem nd smile world be - seems fore me. dre - ry, Do B this blme lit - me tle when thought 11 sy? md. High- wys re hp - py wys when y led wy

16 15 home. High- wys brg hp- py dys lone- some hts tht 19 rom. And s trv - el - long those rib - bons gry, y ll un - 22 rv - el nd brg home- wrd sty, for High- wys re 25 hp - py wys when y led wy home. -2-

17 Home nd Mor ev - fond nev - shll mem - reo- ry ve e- rse ll Tht skies bright - pry'r. home. n. dull ev - en nd my 'll be blue knew, wy true un - sweet - d - est s - prise F- r kd for those sem - lg - joys me, flow'rs grow home nd The's The's Sweet - est bled s she ev - ev - is 'ry moth-, with pur - i - whe - ev - my life's yes - true. grew dy My All thru' hon-or hl - lowed ties tht bd m plce plce nme, d sweet - hold est d, me, plce Plce plce time ty t - mo - r's cen - ted Moth - rre. rom, ys, cn Be Sweet - est Still y whole - nd - bove ll Moth- nd life round home is my hev'n old is oth -. will home.

18 Don't Work for Livg 1 They Then sy give we're me ll born nil for nd pur - pose. hm- m, They And sy we're pic - ture ll born hng with on 5 gift. wll. And guess give some me hve right strong be step f - ld - mous. d, For sup - 8 pose know it's thru tht hrd work nd might thrift. fll. The's And lots give - me bout thrivcou - g ple nd strivwit - g, s For nd 12 set br - rel White good House, ol' bss see. le. But And if bet hve 'll set hng up my tht

19 15 trou - pic - ss ture, nd if miss - some - one us will work drive for me, nil, Then 'Cuse don't 19 work for liv - g. get - long ll right with - out. don't 23 il ll dy. guess it's be- cuse 'm not built tht wy. Some peo- ple work for 27 love, nd sy it's ll sun- she nd gy. But if cn't get sun-she with - 31 out n - y work, guess 'll sty out r. -2-

20 H Those Old Fmilir Voices 1 The Not h strs ev'n - old bove fith - f - mil - ir re bright - ly ful wtch - dog voi - shi - knows ces. ng me. They Up - Tho' 4 sound on t s - si - geth - lent long world we - be - hve go. low. plyed. And, The The's 6 oh, night - none re wd's comes mon - give pss - g through word g shd - ow brnch - es wel - come, is Or 8 one echo - heed sweet ed form by fool - ish used brook - one let's tht know. flow. stryed. 'm The The w - once vil - y nd be - side lge clock my ht lov - hour is g is

21 11 yn mo ll g r, g. for Ech rest spent ne with - my would dys bid my me childchild - ish hood long - home. glee. sty. But But But 14 yet, now yet 'd f give f mornnworld mournful if ful sd - ness, on - ly sd - ness A One Tht friend - ten -, less wnd - 'r d thought we - ls, must spred turn must for - 17 rom. me. wy. 'm w - y nd my ht is yn g. Oh, 20 must ev -, ev - rom? s re no joy t my re - 23 turn- g? Will no - one bid me wel- come home? -2-

22 Love You for 've Grown So Used You 1 n Do And n old, still see old re - r fshcll chir ioned those t home - hp - eve - sted py ng st dys pry when with we coup - went le, no old nd vil - lge long - 5 gry. school, n, They Boys t we nd would on girls brg ir - wy geth - mem- 'ries three ply mn- y score g ys on by - nd gone ten. wy. dy. And Then And - be - 9 type g cuse, s d life th wife, still nd through burn - mid - ll g en, se we ys tht strolled r sme by love old re - lov - vil - ms 's lge so 12 wy. green. true, We lis - loved love tened nd n. for 've h love grown we so hd more used him - sy. dy,. "When r

23 16 eyes so bright hve lost ir light, r fce so d no long - n; When 20 're clled home nd 'm left - lone, won't know wht do. f 24 Ms - t knew how 'd miss, won - d if He'd cll me, o. 'Twould 28 brek my ht if we should prt, For 've grown so used." -2-

24 n Shdow Pes 1 We hd wnd - ed shd - ows pes, my love nd 5, s wd ws blow- g free - ly from se. But 10 sud - den fit - ful drk - ness sle - cross sum - m sky, nd 14 shd- ow cme be - tween my love nd. Some hst - y words we 19 spok - en nd n l - most un - - wre, Hst- y ns - ws un -

25 thk- g ng - weep - g nd our sid. Come led. pry'rs ne' cn bck me All our ht - sick bit - t mke those hst - y sweet - ht nd long- gs nd our cru - el words un - love me s be - fore. Bck, bck me, sweet - ht nd leve me nev - more. 41 n life's drk pth - wy, love's sun no long - shes. 45 Come, love nd meet me shd - ow pes. -2-

26 Nigr Flls 1 One The A u - tumn Chief - tn c - f, s hd cn - eve - ng on - ly oe nd ws one spred - dugh - pd - g t. dle it's He Ly 6 p - loved wit - ions h g s for drk - loved h ness - he his step round, life.. n Pos - Fre - num - ses - well bs sg h 11 n - ds br - v'ry po - ny cme he nd trv'l - tught sd - g h, dle. p - She Long proch - fed fre - g not well though Ni - - cst - g for - est g'r h nd 16 Flls. life. k. Their The The lw peo - clouds ple tr - thought gve di - tion sure - ly 'wy hd tught Chief - moon - m t bems tht Would To

27 22 27 one hve guide m h ir cst brk cho - sen just would moon- bems nd he we tribe lots down ev - o' 'ry once swift brought tech bright - y more. strem, re m. 'ng He She by But And cst down left m f - less - nd ly lot noth - just Flls wlked en - should g s with - up ted be un - out 32 f. shore. strem. See Down, how down he still lov - n - eth his dugh - thun - 38 t d For Tht he t - def- ened keth both set Chief- t by h nd side. child. See See how, now, 45 down how y've gone drk wt - un - s d More Be - r - neth pid whe nd fice - rp - ly ids y rge -2-

28 50 glide. wild. Then s shout love from shore fth - more riv - ten - d Burst n 56 forth rce pit - white i- mn ful - cry dy? From Or mothfith tht mde dugh- t ll hts more 62 quiv - strong - For Thn h chief - Bright Sky t nd pro - dughv - t, do Bright o - Sky. bey? The song, "Nigr Flls" is cluded this volume becuse pow it hd crry specil messge love children Hns nd Myno Andsen. The sry is so sd tht it brgs ts eyes listens. Viewed through modn eyes, it would be consided be result ignornce nd supstition. But messge it sends hts its listens is beyond question. The fr chooses show his concn nd love for his dught even though it costs him his life. As Hns nd Myno Andsen revently sng this song, guitr's gentle strummg dded beuty music. The sry ws one nev be forgotten. Although it ws rrely sked for, it ws most ten sung t close dy. So mny precious truths like this we "cught, rr thn tught." Exmple is best wy tech. -3-

29 Two Little Boys 1 Two Long lit - ys tle hd boys pssed. hd 5 two Wr lit - cme tle t ys. lst, Ech hd Brve - ly y wood - mrched en - horse. wy. Gi - Cn - ly nons y rored plyed, loud, 9 ech midst sum - m gret dy, crowd, wr wound- ed riors nd both, dy - g Jck course. ly. One Loud lit - rng tle chp cry. A 13 hd ri - d mis - dshed hp, by, broke Out f from his hors - rnks es hed. blue. Wept for Gl - loped his - y, wy

30 17 n cried whe with Jck joy ly. t wht Then his cme ng tht broth voice strong nd sid, true. "Do Do 20 thk thk could would leve leve cry - dy - g ' When When re's re's room room on on my my horse horse for for two? two. 24 Climb Climb up up he, he Joe, Jck, we'll we'll soon soon be be flyfly- g. g We To cn go rnks just s boys fst with two. blue. When Cn't we 28 grow see up Jck we'll tht both 'm ll be - sol - trem - dis, ble? nd And our it horsmy be es will not bt - be tle's ys noise. 32 Then Or it hope my Joe be tht tht we'll remembemem- b When When we we we we two two lit - lit - tle tle boys." boys. -2-

31 Whe Ws Moses When Lights Went Out? 1 When Now Up - but Mo - on ses ld beg nurse my used Chris - ld t nd hte nme she ws go used kd - ly bed be sked ech - night. frid. leve. The And But 4 nurse dred - Mo - girl g ses used some - Mug - thg gs fright - w - mr - en ful ried me h when for for she'd hours which blow - we out wke did hve not light. lid. grieve. She'd Some - 6 tlk times met 'd h ghosts cry on nd gob - my - self street ls one sleep dy but just v - hor - f - y w - rid thgs t y'd ful 'd been wy. drem, wed. She'd As And 8 n nugh - didn't blow ty she out ghosts wrd t my cn - my jck - dle nd bed - side et when stred me t - she used me s no - cent - y ly sy, scremed, sid,

32 10 "Whe ws Mo- ses when light went out? Whe ws he nd wht ws he - bout? 14 Now, my lit - tle mn come tell me if cn, Whe ws Mo - ses when light went out?" -2-

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