A Child of the King. Refrain. John B. Sumner, Harriet E. Buell, the. 1. My 2. My 3. I. and. ther ther's was. is own.

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1 Hrriet. uell, My 2. My 3. welth th choice, s ce n r r's ws hild Kg John. Sumn, 1877 own n world poor - l - est ien rich S, out - H by cst hs! m; birth hous - Sv - strn - f ut ut es ior g ru - now 've ls, n, th, bies en nce hold - wn - s - eth ded n di mds, pled - g dopt - ed, by sil - pr - n's Refr v d writ- ten gold, high, down, H Tht n c - we heir fs re my full, H mn - hs when si, rich - es cos by ro, un - ld. by. crown. 'm child Kg, child Kg: With Sv - ior, 'm child Kg Refr

2 Tr. by redick H. dge, Mighty ortress s ur od m m m m Mrt Lur, 1529 m m 7 2. id 3. nd 4. Tht might - we though Word y th - world, bove m tress own ll m strength d th - od, c - fide, ils filled, pows, m ur Should No m bul - wrk striv - g thret - en thnks m n would un - m, m fil - los - do bid - 7 g; g; us, eth; ur We We help-enot will not Spir - it, right f, mn mid od gifts hth re flood side, willed s f H Through mor - Mn truth Him tl who ills od's tri - pre - own umph us vil - choos - through sid - g: g: us: eth: m m 7 or ost Let still sk Prce goods who n - tht rk - k - cient my ness dred m foe? grim, go, oth hrt We Th m seek work, it trem - ble not mor - tl life m us l - woe; ; him; so; m H Lord H m crft S rge bod - 7 b we y pow oth cn y re H en - my gret, n, dure, kill: nd rom or od's rd ge lo, truth h cru - el ge doom bid - eth hte, s, sure, still, n nd ne H th lit - kg - must tle dom not w Word h shll - e - bt - fell qul. tle. him.. - MN. N' ST UR

3 Shelt Ti Srm Vn J. hrlesworth; dpt. by r. Snkey, r. Snkey, Lord's shde rg - Rock by g di - Rock, dy, srms ve, de - my Him fense round ref - we by us uge hide, night, t, d, shel- t shel-t shel-t shel-t ti ti ti ti srm; srm; srm; srm; Se - No We'll e cure wht - fs n lrm, leve help - no ill foes sfe - f - re - tide, fright, tret, n, shel - shel - shel - shel - t t t t 7 ti ti ti ti srm. srm. srm. srm. 7, Rock we ry l, we ry l, we ry l;, Rock we ry l, 7 shel- t ti srm. SHLTR L.M. Refr

4 nry. Lyte, 1847 bide Me Willim H. Mk, Swift Hold bide need f its no! close pres - foe, cross st ebbs ence - flls out e e m life's 'ry t e - lit - pss - h clos - ven - tle g g 7 tide. dy. h. bless; eyes; 7 rth's Wht lls She drk - joys but hve thro' ness grow no deep - dim; grce weight, gloom, ens; its cn Lord, glo - foil ts pot ries no pss tempt - bit - 's t - 7 bide! wy. pow'r? ness. skies. m When hnge Who, Whe v'n's 7 oth - like morn - de - - deth's g help - cy self, stg? breks, s Whe, fil ll guide grve, th's thy v com - round sty vic - shd - ts cn - ows flee, see;? ry? flee! lp Thro' clouds n tri life, - who umph help - chng - sun - still deth, less, est she, if oh, not, oh, Lord, bide bide bide bide bide!!!!! - n. VNT

5 dwrd Pret, 1779 dpted by John Ripp, 1787 ll Hil Pow Je' N m 7 m 7 liv Holden, ll 2.Ye 3.Let 4. hil cho - tht sen 'ry pow'r seed k - y - dred, d s - s ' rel's 'ry cred n! rce, tri, thrg Let Ye n We n - rn - th t gels sod t - H pros - from res - feet trte tril my fll; fll, bll, fll! rg Hil To We'll th Him Him jo who ll roy - l sves you mj - es - - di - by ty lst H s- - g dem, grce, cri, sg, nd nd nd nd crown crown crown crown Him Him Him Him m Lord Lord Lord Lord ll; ll; ll; ll; rg Hil To We'll th Him Him jo roy - l who sves you ll mj - es - - di - by ty lst- - H s- - g dem, grce, cri, sg, m nd nd nd nd crown crown crown crown Him Him Him Him Lord Lord Lord Lord 7 ll! ll! ll! ll! RNTN.M. Repets

6 ssc Wtts, c m 2. Must 3. re 4. Sure m Soldi ross? Thoms. rne, 1762 re no must sol - cr - foes fight 7 di ried if m would cross? skies fce? reign - 7 n Must n - fol - flow - crese l'w 'ry not ds stem c - ge, Lmb? ese, flood? Lord! 7 nd While s 'll shll oth - th b s vile f fought world il, en - own w friend dure H cuse prize grce, p, m 7 r nd To Sup - blush siled help port - thru ed spek blood - by H y n? ses? od? Word. - n. RLNTN.M.

7 John Newt, 1779 mzg rce 7 m Trditil micn, 1831; rr. dw. xcell, 'Tws 3. Thru 4. When mz - grce mn - we've g tht y en grce! tught dn - re how gs, ten sweet ht ils thou - s sound, - f, snres, ys, Tht nd right sved grce hve sh - l - g wretch fs red - s like re - y! lieved; co; sun, How 'T We've ce pre - grce no ws cious hth less lost did brought dys but tht now grce sfe sg m p - thus od's m 7 found, p fr, pre Ws nd Thn bld h grce when but will we'd now first led first - - see. lieved! ho. gun. MZN R.M.

8 hrles Wesley, 1738 nd n t e? Thoms mpll, nd Lg 4. No cn left c - it H im - dem - f pr - n tht r's ed ti thre spir - now should it g bove, dred: n So st - free, bound, t'rest so - s ll 7 fi - Sv - nite n Him, ior's H ture's blood? grce! night.! ied mp - - tied eye live Him - dif -, self fused Him, who cused ll quick - liv - H but 'ng g p? love, ry: d, 7 or nd nd, bled woke clod who Him d - dun - right - m's ge eous - deth help - fld ness pur - less di - sued? rce! light! ve, - 'T My old mz - m - chs g cy fell p- love! ll, f, proch SN Refr

9 7 how im - th'e - cn nse ht t - it ws nl free, free, thre, Tht or, nd, rose, clim went Refr od od, th, crown, shouldst it thru die found fol - hrt out owed?. e. own. - mz - g love! how - mz-g 7 7 cn it Tht, od, shouldst die! love! how cn it

10 Js Mtgomy, 1816 ngels, from Relms lory 1.n - gels, from 2.Shep - hds, 3. Sg - es, leve y 4. Sts - e relms fields c - l - tem - t glo - bid - pl nd - ry, g, tis, g, Wg Wtch - right - Wtch - y g g flight o' vi - lg o' y sis nry T. Smrt, ll flocks m hope by th; night, fr; f, who 7 m m m 7 Ye od Seek Sud - den - sng mn gret cre - e - now sire Lord, ti's re - de - s - sid - n scend - ry, g, tis, g, Now Y - Ye n pro - d hve H clim shes seen tem - Mes - H ple si - - n shll h's fnt tl p - birth: Light: str: p: 7 o wor - ship, co wor - ship, m 7 Wor - ship m hrt, dim m 7 new - born Kg. RNT SQUR

11 Trditil rench crol 1.n - 2.Shep - 3.o 4.See gels hds, - we why eth - hve th le - m nd Sy o, M wht ry, moun - my dore Jo - ts seph, m 7 lo - m ngels We Hve rd High m7 m7 7 hd ju - hem, mn - bi - g high, lee? see lid ti - re - dgs p, nd - lend ed y knee id, Sweet - Why Him y whose, sg - joy - birth Lord g ous ch - Which hrt With o - us bck spire Lord, sg ir y 7 ri - 7 o' strs n - hev'n pro - gels pls, lg? sg; th! joy - hev'n - new - Sv - ex- cel- s Trditil rench lody ous born ior's strs. sg? Kg. birth. 7 7 e - o, lo - ri - ex-cel-s e - o. LR Ref.

12 Willim. ix, 1858 s ldness Men ld 7 rd Koch, s 2. s 3. s 4. Ho - y gld - joy - - ness ous fed n steps gifts y most y old sped rre dy id To t Keep tht tht us guid - low - mn - 7 g g str mn - rude nr - - g row hold; d, bre, wy; s re So nd my when joy nd we th - y hiled knee ho - thgs its - re light, e joy, pst, Led - g Him whom Pure rg - heven free rn - wrd, from sod m - th s's souls g l - t bright; dore; loy, lst So, So ll Whe most my y gr we cost - need cious liest no 7 Lord, will - tres - str my g ures we feet brg, guide, v - v - hrt, Whe - no more seek e, clouds led m - heven - glo - cy ry e. set. Kg. hide. X

13 ncient rh, Tr. by Mry. yrne, 1927, Vsified by lenor H. Hull, 1927 Un e My Vi Trditil rh Melody, Hrmized by vid vns, e 2. e 3. Rich - es 4. High Nught My ll - rech m7 rt m st gret Vi - si, W - dom, heed not, h en, nor m7 else e h - i - h ens, tnce, joys, thought, - own ht, Lord true mn's emp - ty vic - - ry sve now tht bright, l - hev'ns by r,, wht - dy or first by true - ht; Word; pre, w, rt Lord; wys; Sun! night, s; ht, fll, Wk - g or High Kg Still sleep - g dwell - g, h en, Vi - si, pres-ence e Tres- ure Rul - light. e. rt. ll. - n. SLN

14 uthor unknown, 1677 Tr., Joseph. Ses, 1873 m eutiful Svior m "Schlesche Volkslied," Leipzig, eu - 2. ir 3. ir 4. eu - ti - re ti - ful ful Sv - d - sun - Sv - ior, ows, she, ior, Kg ir ir Lord re re - wood - mo - n ti, ls, light, tis, S Rod right S m m m m 7 m 7 m od flow'rs spr - od klg S bloom - strs S g Mn! sprg; high; Mn! Tru - lo - ry 'd shes love fir - bright - h - e,,, or, Tru - Pre, d - 'd shes o - 7 m sve pur - pur - r e, ;, ti, Light Thn Now mkes ll - soul, sor - n - r'wg gels - Joy, spir - more it rown. sg. sky.! - n. RUSR'S HYMN

15 lizth. lephne, 1872 eneth ross Je redick. Mk, e - 2. Up - 3. nd - m neth tke, shd - v - sk m ho from tent 7 ow y no tht dy - oth - - cross cross ross, g smit - let ten thy might - m sun - wil - ht world shd - y she d - go ow m rock ne thn ness, ts by, Me or m With - Who Two To f eye suf - sun - rest w - know would t fed she up - ds no tke tis bid - w - re g cn g 7 y H c - or st, see plce; l; ; fce; m wy, fess, loss, rom My burn - w - s - g ds ful self H no - tide glo - rious het love nd nd - sh, My bur - glo - den un - ry wor - ll thi - dy. ness. cross. ST. HRSTPHR

16 nny J. rosby, less-ed s - sur-nce, 2. P - fect sub - m-si, p-fecll 3. P - fect sub - m-si, ve! sight; blest; ir sl - n - gels Wtch - g de - / 7 Spir - it, m - cy, good - ness, sg, wshed wh - lost ps H H Pr- g s - ry th lessed ssurnce sg, de - t v scend - wit - blood. love. love.! light, rest, ti, g, g / pur - brg look - Vi- chse from g wht sis / e-tste rp-ture Sv - ior od, bove bove, Th / / Sv - ior ll dy Pr g m/ Refr Sv - ior now m glo - ry burst hp- py orn ch - illed oes di - H H s - ry, th lg; Th 7 ll dy Phoe P. Knpp, 1873 lg. SSURN Ref. 16

17 dw Htch, 1878 re Me, reth od Robt Jcks, 1888 m 1. re 2. re 3. re 4. re,,,, reth reth reth reth od, od, od, od, ill Un - til Till So shll m life ht whol - n m new, pure,, die, Tht Un - Till ut til ll live my th love e th - e wht will prt p - dost fect love, will, life nd To lows f do do wht e - fire t - wouldst en - di - ni - do. dure. ve. ty. - MN. TRNTHM S.M.

18 hrles Wesley, 1739 hrt Lord s Ren Tody rr. from Lyr vidic, Ld, hrt 2. Lives 3. Love's 4. Sor Lord g re - deem - g we now whe ren glo - work hrt - rious hs dy, Kg; de, led, l - l - l - l - le - le - le - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - i! i! i! i! m7 Ss Whe, ought ol - lowg n deth, fight, ex - n - now bt - lt - gels thy tle ed sy: stg? w; d; l - l - l - l - le - le - le - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - i! i! i! i! Re y - eth Mde y g like joys ce, v Him, - like m7 tri - ll bids Him umphs doth Him we high, sve: re; re; l - l - l - l - le - le - le - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - i! i! i! i! Sg, Whe hrt urs ye thy hs hev'ns, vic - o - cross, - pened th re - p, ry, grve? Pr - de. grve, skies. l - l - l - l - le - le - le - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - i! i! i! i! - n. STR HYMN lleluis

19 o, lmighty Kg nymous, c elice de irdi, 1769 m 1. o, 2. o, 3. o, 4. To Ho - l - n - e, gret might - cr- om - ne y nte t - Kg, Word,, Three, lp ird - us s cred - t - nl n might - wit - pr y ness es sg, sword, b,, 7 lp us Sct - t n nce th gld - pre: foes. h! more; Let, r! who sov - ll - l - l - 'reign glo - might - might - mj - ri - y y es - ous, id rt, ty ' ur Rule My ll sure now we vic - de - - fense glo - ri - 'ry ry ous, mde, ht, see, 7 o, ur nd nd souls ne' reign from e - o - e us t - v de - us, styed; prt, ni - ty n - cient w - ds Spir - it Love ys. show. pow'r. dore. - MN. TLN HYMN (Trity)

20 Mtw ridges, 1851, odfrey Thrg, 1874 rown Him Mny rowns eorge J. lvey, rown 2. rown 3. rown 4. rown Him Him Him Him mn - Lord Lord Lord y crowns, life, pece, love; Who Whose e - Lmb tri - pow hold up - umphed H o' scep - hs 7 H t thre; grve, swys side, Hrk! nd rom Those how rose pole wounds, heven - vic - - rious yet pole, v - tht i - n - wrs ble m my drowns ll strife or cese, nd bove, n mu - those ll u - sic ty but c pry glo - its ri - own: sve; pre: fied: - H H ll wke, glo - reign hil, ries shll Re - soul, now know deem - we no, m7 sg sg end, hil! f Who nd or Him died, round who H hst died rose pic - ed died 7 e, high, feet : nd Who ir hil died flows pre Him e - s thy t-npr-glo-ry mtch-leslife brg, Kg de ex - tend shll not fil Through nd ir Through - ll lives fr out e - tht grnce e - t - deth t - ni - my ni - ty. die. sweet. ty. - MN. MT S. M..

21 John H. Ytes, n - 2. H 3. n 4. To nd We Let e - press tred tents e cmped bn - him n y tht bt - rod ese n - ith s Vicry lg o - h o - tle gels v v - hills us foe cos e're sts left he 7 - shll 7 we light, love, fd foe, night bove hd, know Shll With nd H Ye ur rwn White veil shouts - n hr - sword up ri - tin nt wrd c - sol - Word dred shll glow - tri - fessed dis, r - g umph r. Snkey, 1891 re, od; ry; giv'n; skies. trod. fry; hev'n. - y Sl - n gst fith v - y, ti's wrd foe like hel - from t vles - low whirl-wd' breth, hills ech hed, light, Let Swept With ur ll truth hts o' ll strength girt love 'ry hurled; field; bout, fl, 7 7 ith We'll fith th vn - by shll quh vic - which trem - ll - y ble ry, c - 'neth hosts we qued know, deth tred, night, Tht s nd n o - still ech - v - cos sh - o ' c - g qug world. shield. shout. n. SNKY.M.. Refr

22 Refr 7 ith vic - - ry! ith vic - - ry! 7, glo - ri - ous vic - - ry, Tht o - v - cos world.

23 redick W. b, 1849 ith ur rs nry., 1864; rr. Js. Wlt, 1874 m 7 1. ith 2. ur 3. ith f rs, f ched f rs! rs! liv - pr - we g s will still drk, love n We oth spite still friend dun - ht foe ge, 7 m 7 fire c - ll science sword: free: strife: How nd how sure prech will e hts o t ir s high chil - love dren's knows joy pece how, m7 7 7 When-e' we f y like y kd - h m words tht c - glo - tend - vir - rious tuous word! e! life: ith ith ith f f f rs, rs, rs, m ho - ho - ho - fith! fith! fith! We We We will will will true true true e e e till till till deth! deth! deth! ST. THRN

24 John Newt, 1779 lorious Thgs e re Spoken rnc J. Hydn, 1797 m m m m m 1. lo - 2. See, 3. Round 4. Sv - rious ech ior, thgs strems hb - if i - m e re spo - liv - g t ti w hov -- Zi - 's cit - ken, ts, g, y Zi - Sprg - g See, through m m cit - from cloud grce, m y e - m t - nl fire p - m - b od; Love, p m,, Well or Let whose sup - word p glo - world cn - thy ry de - not ss ride or bro - ken, dugh - cov - ts, g, pit - y, ord nd Show - e ll g will m f tht glo - H ry own wnt Lord re - bode: move: n! N. n Who cn lo - rious d - g Rock ft, thgs while - such e world - ges re lg's found - riv - spo - ples - ed, ken, ure, Wht v - Zi - ll cn, H shke flows cit - bost - thy ir y ed sure thirst pomp re - pose? t's - suge? od; show; m ed,, ken, ure N ord Ne m my'st e but smile fils Zi - t from H 's With sl - v ti's wlls sur - rce, which, whose like word cn - Lord, not Sol - id joys lst-g round- iv - bro - tres - ll thy ge own chil-dren foes. ge. bode. know. - MN. USTRN HYMN

25 Jemih. Rnk, 1880 od e You Till We Meet g Willim. Tom, od 2.od 3.od 4.od you you you you till till till till we we we we et et et et With H sheep se - cure - i - mn - n still pro - Put H rms un - fil - g Smitedeth'sthret' ng wve - et - till we Till we et, till we et, till we Till we et, till we -g; - g, -g; -g; fold vide round e you; you; you; you; y 'Neth When Keep H H life's love's od od od od counwgs p - sels guide,-up - pro - tect - g ils thick c - bn - n flot - g you you you you till till till till we we we we et, - Till we et, till we et, et, et, et t ' od till we et, 7 et et et et hold hide found o' -g. -g. -g. -g. you, you, you, you, Till we feet; Till we till we et, 7 you till we et g. Refr WTH YU rreg.

26 Pslm Hl - le - 2. Let m 3. ll N; m; high, clim. st. f, ll rom Kgs high; ll, ll; Pre ire Pre lu - jh, pr es fruit - ful ho - - g thgs H Him, H Hllelujh, Pre Jehovh Willim J. Kirkptrick, 1899 m pre give trees vh sts es - hosts, th, th, - geth - pre ll ye hil N, young ye hevens snow n ho - ho - ce - high - tb - ct - pre ho - peo - vh, vh, drs, rom y ll we ye est, lhed, tle, Him, vh, ple, ll H irds Sun ll ye Pr - ces m h v mid - H de - tht h ens mde t hills 7 n - cree H com - ts gels, shll m pre H moun- Pre m reep- pre pro h ens mo ses, gret, strs ye mjudg th's - 7 ens, nd ye floods bove pors, Srm- y wdsthr H ens, - ged n, chil-dren sts es sky. cll. smll. KRKPTRK Refr

27 Let m pr es give Let m pr es ho - vh, or H N le high, nd H glo - ry ex - nd H glo - ry lt - ed nd H glo - ry ex - nd H glo - ry lt - ed, nd H glo - ry ex - nd H glo - ry lt - ed, r 7 bove th sky. Refr

28 TXT: hrles Wesley, 1739 Hrk, rld ngels Sg elix Mendelssohn-rtholdy, 1840 rr. by Willim H. ummgs, Hrk, 2. hrt, 3. Hil by h - high - hev'n - ld est born n - hev'n Prce gels sg, dored, Pece! "lo - ry hrt, Hil Sun - new - born Kg, lst - g Lord: right-eous - ness! m 7 7 Pece Lte Light th, ti life - m - hold ll cy Him mild; co, brgs, od ff - R'n sprg s - hel - ns g rec - Vir - - g's H ciled!" womb. wgs: Joy - Veiled Mild ful, ll flesh s ye H n tis, od - hed glo - ry re, see, by, Jo Hil orn tht tri - umph - mn cr no - m 7 m7 clim, nte more e - my skies; i - die; ty! With Plesed orn n - gel - s mn re ic hosts n ss pro - dwell, th; m 7 m7 "hrt orn, born give m - m eth - le - hem." mn - u - el. sec - d birth. Hrk, Hrk, Hrk, h - h - h - ld ld ld n - n - n - gels gels gels sg, sg, sg, "lo - "lo - "lo - ry ry ry new - new - new - born born born Kg!" Kg!" Kg!" MNLSSHN Refr

29 delide. Pollrd, 1906 Hve wn Wy, Lord! 7 eorge. Stebbs, Hve 2. Hve 3. Hve 4. Hve own own own own wy, wy, wy, wy, Lord! Lord! Lord! Lord! Hve Hve Hve Hve own own own own wy! wy! wy! wy! rt Sch Wound - ed Hold o' Pot - try we - t;, ry, g Ms - lp b - m t,, so - - lute c dy! pry! swy! Mould - Pow - ill pen ll mke eyes, pow - Spir - it ft - s show Sure - Till ll shll 7 will, now,! see While s Touch hrt - m, wit - pres - hel l - g, ence, wys, Yield - ed Hum- b Sv - ior Liv - g di - still. bow. ve!! L

30 Joseph H. ilmore, 1862 Ledeth Me! lessed ght! Willim. rdbury, 1864 m 1. led - eth 2. So - tis 'mid 3. Lord, would 4. nd when t Wht - y - 'en e' w tent, deth's! scenes clsp lst bless-edeep-esh rce do, wh - e' ts still, o' trou-blelot wht - cold wve will not thought! gloom,, run,, se, see, flee, So - Nor Still Still Sce Sce words tis Sv - 't 't 't od hev'n - whe - den's mur - mur ior's work od's od's thro' m h h od Jor - tht tht tht dn com-bow - nor s re - led - led - led - led - frught! bloom, pe, de, eth eth eth eth.!!. Refr m led - eth, led - eth, y H own h led - eth : m H fith - ful fol - low would, or by H h led - eth. H LTH M L. M. refr

31 Regld b, 1826 Ho, Ho, Ho! Lord od lmighty m John. ykes, Ho - 2. Ho - 3. Ho - 4. Ho -,,,, ho - ho - ho - ho -,,,, ho - ho - ho - ho - m!!!! Lord ll gh Lord od sts l - - drk - ness od l - 7 might - dore hide might - y! e, e, y! r - cst - though ll g down eye works m ir shll morn - gold - s - pre en ful g crowns mn n, thy sg shll round glo - ry th re glss - my sky y not e. se; see, se. Ho - ch - - Ho - m, u -, ho - bim ho -, rt, ho - s - ho - ho -! phim ;! M - fll - re M - ci - ful g down ne ci - ful might - e side might - y, e, e, y, od Who p - od wt, fect Three Three P - rt, pow, P - ss, ss, bless - love bless - ed - ed Tr - more pur - Tr - i - shlt i - i - ty!. ty. ty. N

32 "K" Ripp's Selecti, 1787 How irm oundti r micn Melody 1. How 2. " 3. "When 4. " firm not, through soul foun m - fi - tht y d tri - ti, e; ls ye thy hth sts pth - lened m not wy d - shll re - Lord, myed, lie, pose m s or My lid grce, will m ll - not, y thy suf - fith od, fi - will cient, not H will shll de - ex - still st cel - give thy lent e sup - h Word! id; p: foes; Wht 'll Tht more strength - fl soul, cn en shll though e, not ll m sy help hurt hell thn e, e; should en - you cuse - d e or m hth de - sid, st, sign shke, m To Up - 'll you held dross n who by, c - no, ref - right - su, n uge eous,, om - thy no, nip - gold n o - hve tent re - - fled? h. fe. ske!" - MN. UNTN

33 Know Not Why od's Wdrous rce niel W. Whittle, known, prt, s,, own. ht. Him. see. know know know know Nor Nor Re - f not not not not why how how wht od's th ut " why, un - how - velwe - g ry wor - li wys thy, g or w - drous sv - g Spir - it good or grce fith moves, ill To To - My hrt through gold - H en love Word Word, dys, Re - Wrought re - e - know whom hve - vc - li ed, m p - 7 g re - deed pece t - e hth did n sved mde im - - g H 7 Js Mcrnhn, 1883 fith fce H 7 sud - ed tht ble To keep tht which 've com - mit - ted Un - Him gst tht dy." L NTHN.M., Ref.

34 . re Hnkey, ti g H ry ry, ry love love love glo - tell thirst - Love Tell Sry tell tell tell ry, it, g more s - s - s - ry ry; ry, 'T un - seen ples - nt those who w - h m d - it fullike H thgs know 7 love; sweet; rest; re - it bove, pet st nd Willim. ch, 1869 f Wht Seem love love when 7 seems, ech hun - g - tell tell scenes s - s - glo - s from tht 7 - noth - g od's own hve glo - ry cuse so sg else ho - loved hve To cn so know 't n new, new do. Word. lg. tell old, true, hd sg, Refr old 7 love t 'Twill s - ry tell f st - s - - sge fies old, s - ry! sl - old 'Twill 7 H lg - v s - gs ti ry love. HNKY Refr

35 nnie S. Hwks, 1872; Robt Lowry, Refr Need e vy H Robt Lowry, need need need need need e e e e e 'ry 'ry 'ry 'ry 'ry h, h, h, h, h, Most Sty n Tech Most gr joy Ho - cious n - or Lord; by; p; will, ne; No Temp - o nd ten - t quick - mke d tis, rich voice lose prom - like ir - - pow'r bide, es deed, n When r n pece life bless - f - rt ful - ed d. nigh. v. fill. S! Refr 7 need e, need e; v - 'ry h need e! 7 bless now, Sv - ior, co e. N Refr

36 PSLM When 3. My 4. When 5. Up - n; prey, re, - thrg, round, 7 f? my; dys, strg; sound; sts, side, mire, tent brg, Who y Tht Se - - ho - e - e trou - lift - vh vil - re - bles ed do - quest round s hs While gh With - n Se - Still nd shll stum - bled my cure - mid Jehovh s My Light nglh, 1826 soul dwell bt - f - ir od hosts ho - joy - mke vh's ful cure f - hides ho - m from less H vh's - will tle f tem - till pre light, c en, swell, rock fright, sh dwell shock strength, wr u - co - - ple nd To nd When - r nd od's n My ty vt fgs mke still fs bove sl - th v life pry dn - foes ti ir gs cuse fell house H sg through p shll ht sore ll vil - still d - i re - soul od srm ht 7 7 life re - c - - shll - y d - H will ms. fide. quire. spent. sg. MLLNNUM

37 nn. Wrn, 1860 Je Loves Me Willim. rdbury, loves loves loves loves!!!! Th still know, who died will sty - dy, v - en's lose - wlk - g i - gte side ble tells o - ll 7 pen so. wide; wy; wy. Lit - tle will hst Wnt - g es wsh bled s him wy died friend - lg; s,, give y Let light re H will wek, lit - hence - love but tle th he child live ll co who strg.. e. live. 7 Yes, loves! Yes, loves! 7 Yes, loves! i - ble tells so. mn Je liebt mich gnz gews, enn die ible sgt mir dies, ll Kd schwch und kle, Ld't r hzlich zu sich e. J, Je liebt mich, J, Je liebt mich, J, Je liebt mich, ie il sgt mir dies. JSUS LVS M Refr

38 sc Wtts, 1719 sed Pslm 72 Je Shll Reign Whe' Sun John Hmilt, To 3. Peo - 4. less - 5. Let Him ple gs shll shll y reign end - relms bound cre wh - less wh - ture e' pry e' re m y m sun mde, tgue reigns; brg oes nd well Pe - H H nd n - till With ir nd nd h pr pr - cul - kg- N, - we gels suc - es H ir dom like fnt mos - ll th ry de - shll y re - ces - thrg love leps h - stretch sweet voic - fd scend sive ors wx morn - bless - ss pet from p - es e - g gs j - crown sweet - lose neys H est h m shore fu, shll t - sgs shll pro - nl wne sc - wnt loud no ri - H re - run; hed; sg, chs, Kg, shore, re clim rest, g more. fice. N. blest. n. UK STRT L.M.

39 hrles Wesley, 1740 Je, Lov My Soul Si. Mrsh, 1834 m th - 3., 4. Plen -, teous Lov - ref - hrt, grce uge rt hve ll e m soul, ne; wnt; found, Let Hngs More rce thn help - ll cov - less bos - soul e ll 7 om f, e; fd: s; While Leve, Re Let n - leve fll - hel - en, g w not che strems ts roll, le, ft, bound; While Still l Mke tem - pest sup-por sick, keep still com - led pure t - high: : bld.. m Hide ll Just, trust ho - life Sv - i, e oun - t hide, styed, N, rt, Till ll m ree - srm help ll let from un - life e right - eous - tke pst; brg; ness; e: Sfe ov - lse Sprg - full up de - - h ven fense-less guide; hed m, ht, re-ceiv shd-ow rt full With Re ll e - soul truth t - t ni - lst! wg. grce. ty. - n. MRTYN (irst Tune)

40 sc Wtts, Joy 2. Joy 3. ceive sgs n rules h em - tis Kg; ploy, prove Joy World! Lowell Ms, 1830 world! th! world Let While fields glo - y ries 7 Lord Sv - truth ior ht floods, co. reigns. grce, pre - rocks, H Let Let nd pre Him hills, right - eous - th n mkes re - ir room, pls ness nd Re - nd hev'n pet w - ds n sound - ture g H sg, joy, love, nd Re - nd hev'n pet w - ds n sound - ture g H 7 sg, joy, love nd Re - nd 1.nd he-vepet, w - heven re - ds, n ture h pet en w - ds sg, n sound - 7 ture g H sg. joy. love. nd heven n ture sg, NTH.M.,6 les

41 nry Vn yke, 1907 Joyful, Joyful, We dore e Ludwig Vn eethoven, 1824 ful, rt tls joy - works giv - jo ful, g we dore e, joy sur - round e, - giv - g, might - y cho - rus, od rth v - Which glo - hev'n bless - morn - ry, re - g, g Lord flect strs - love; rys, blest, gn; rts Strs Well - Melt ield v - iv - hnt - Tech Joy - un - sprg r g us ful fold n - love clouds - sg - bird how mu - like gels est, r, g, im - sic flow'rs sg joy reign - s vle hrt mrch mor - tl flow - g love ech leds us we - e e, round e, g liv - o' g, us, 1. Joy - 2. ll Mor- gld-nessfoun-th -, sun-wrd sd - ness; moun - t, roth - - wrd, ill ll Lift n us us us pen - g en - t - cen roth - rive low - y ll who Vic - rs tri - re - umph depth love 7 un - bds drk d - ow, live light joice Joy sg i - dy! e. ve. life. sun bro - hp - mn m doubt flsh - love midst - ken py m g re bove. pre; rest! mn. wy; se, ; strife; n. HYMN T JY

42 hrlotte lliott, 1834 Just s m Willim. rdbury, Just 2. Just 3. Just 4. Just 5. Just s s s s s m, m, m, m, m, - though poor, out wit - ssed wretch - wilt e g ed, re - ple, not bout bld; ceive, ut To With Sight, Wilt tht rid mny rich - wel - es, co, blood soul c - hel - pr - ws flict, g d, shed e mny clense, drk re -, blot, doubt, md lieve; nd To ight - Ye, e - tht e gs ll cuse bidd'st whose blood fs need, prom - cn - e co clense, e ech e, spot, out, fd, lieve, Lmb Lmb Lmb Lmb Lmb od, od, od, od, od, co, co, co, co, co, co! co! co! co! co! - n. WWRTH L.M.

43 rnest W. Shurtleff, 1888 Led n, Kg tnl nry Smrt, Led 2. Led 3. Led, Kg - t-nl,, Kg, - t-nl,, Kg, - t-nl, Till We dy s's fol - fice low, mrch wr not hs shll co; cese, fs; nce - nd or fields ness breks shll like 7 c - quest wh - p morn - g Wh - tents sweet e' shll - n fce p - ho. pece; ps; Thro' or dys not cross prep - swords lift - loud ed r clsh - o' ti g, us; Nor We us 7 strg, drums; light: nd With th ho - li - gld-ness grce hs mde roll stir-r j-ney its now, Kg - t - nl, We deeds love m - cy, crown -wits c-quest; Led lift bt - tle hev'n-l, od kg- dom sg. cos. might. - MN. LNSHR

44 eorge Willim Ketch Michel Robt Newbolt, 1916, lt. Refr (Un) Lift High ross Sydney Hugo Nichols, 1916 m Lift high cross, love hrt pro - clim ll m 7 e till world dore h s cred n. m Hr m m m o, ch So hr - new - Lord, shll tins, born ce fol - s - lift - sg low vnt ed th tri - tri - umph um - phnt ru - ci - glo - rious sign. fied tree, : bs s Pre m m.. hosts thou hst od brow prom - ru - ed, ci - u - sel drw fied ni - ty him world vic - com - who -. died. e. ry! RUR Refr

45 rnces R. Hvgl, 1878 Like Riv lorious Js Mount, Like 2. Hid - den 3. v - 'ry riv - joy or glo - hol - tri - rious low l s od's f H ll - eth p - fect bless - from ed pece, h, bove, - N Trc'd v up - 7 ll foe vic - cn - fol - di - rious low, l n its N y bright tri - sun - r crese; st; Love; P - Not We fect, my yet surge trust it Him flow - wor - ful - eth ry, m7 m 7 ul - Not ll l shde us 'ry dy; cre, do; P-fect, Not y who yet it blst trust Him grow - hur - whol - eth ry eep - ll Touch spir - it d Him whol- wy. re. true. m7 Styed up - ho - vh, rts re ful - blest; m 7 d - g, s prom - ed, P - fect pece rest. WY VLLY Refr

46 Js Nichols, 1872 Lord Je, Lg e Pfect Whole 1. Lord 2. Lord 3. Lord 4. Lord,,,, look lg down th see - from est most p - thre hum - fect - b en - tient - p whole; skies, tret, wit, nd o wnt help wit, now, e bless - Willim. ch, mke ed Lord, t - com- 7 live plete cru - new sc - ci - ht ri - fied cre - soul; fice; feet; te; rek y To down give fith, those up who 'ry - hve i - self, clens - sought dol, g, e, cst wht - out see ne - v 'ry blood sidst foe; know, flow, "No," Refr m Now wsh, shll whit - thn snow. Whit - thn snow, yes, whit - thn snow; Now wsh, shll whit - thn snow. SHR Refr

47 Robt Lowry, 1874 Low rve Ly 7 Robt Lowry, Low 2. V 3. eth com - g sel brs y cn - not dy - ded - wy - grve wtch keep m 7,, H h - d - prey - Lord. Lord. Lord. might - y tri - umph o' H m drk do - m, nd,,, Sv - Sv - Sv - ior; ior; ior; Up from grve 7 rose, Wit - V g re y With -rose! foes. rose Vic - r from -rose! lives - H rose! rose! Hl - le - lu - jh! hrt rose! -rose! sts reign. rose! HRST RS Refr

48 Philip P. ls, 1875 "Mn Sorrows," Wht N Philip P. ls, Mn 2. - g 3. uilt - y, 4. Lift - 5. When ed Sor - sh vile, up cos, rows! ws m wht n scf - g help - less rude, we; die; glo - rious Kg, spot - "t ll less H S plce Lmb f - rn - c - hed!" sod od, demned od ws ho 7 who ws H c sod; ; cry; brg, ru - seled full now n ed s - pr - te - heven new ns d nt ex - th cn lt - sg re - H it ed we'll clim, blood,? high, sg: Hl - Hl - Hl - Hl - Hl - le - le - le - le - le - lu - lu - lu - lu - lu - 7 jh! jh! jh! jh! jh! m Wht Wht Wht Wht Wht Sv - Sv - Sv - Sv - Sv - ior. ior! ior! ior! ior! HLLLUJH! WHT SVR

49 Lidie H. dmds, 1891 My ith Hs ound Restg Plce rr. by Willim J. Kirkptrick, m 1. My My 4. My fith nough ht gret hs Phy - found len - si - tht g cin rest- hels g plce, sves, Word, sick, Not th de - vice ends f writ-telost Word c nor deed; doubt; od, sve; m 7 Sl - trust s - v ful ti H v - soul by pre - - cious liv - co Sv - blood g i's ne, Him, n, shed, H 'll Sl - or wounds n v ti H cst thro' life shll H pled. out. blood. gve. HRUS 7 7 need no oth - r - gu-nt, need no oth - ple, m 7 t e-nough tht died, nd tht died. LNS.M. Refr

50 Willim R. ste, My 'll 4. n or nd nd 'll love love mn - e pur - pre, e e sis ll chsed e My Je, Love e - s love cuse life, glo - fol - pr - lg dore e, ry lies d s e hst will know first love end - s l - lend - h lov - e less v est en dirm J. ord, 1876 rt ed de - re - ry's so,, deth, light sign; tree; breth; bright; m My nd 'll gr love sy sg cious e when Re - deem - w - deth glit - g dew t - lies g Sv - thorns cold crown i rt ; brow; brow, brow, f f f f loved loved loved loved m e, e, e, e, m,,,, 't 't 't 't now. now. now. now. - MN. RN

51 Mrs..H. Morr, 1898 N, Still N m Mrs..H. Morr, N - 2. N - 3. N - 4. N -,,,, still still still still n - n - n - n -,,,, m close noth - Lord, while 7 g life shll ht, brg,, lst, rw Nught S Till, s sfe n its Sv - - fol - glo - ior, f'rg lies ry so pre - gld - n - cious chor re - 7 rt; Kg; sign; cst; 7 old n - ll Thro', its end - less fold s - ples - 7 ful, ures, ges, close now pomp, c trite its brest, ht; pride;, Shel - rnt ive N - t but, sfe clens - Sv - g, ior, tht still h blood Lord n - ven doth cru - im - ci - rest, prt, fied, e, m 7 Shel - rnt ive N - t, but sfe clens - Sv - g, i, tht still h blood Lord n - ven doth cru - im - ci - rest. prt. fied. e. - MN. MRRS

52 nymous. Lt, ighteenth entury Tr. by redick keley, 1841, ors o, ll Ye ithful 7 rom John. Wde's ntus ivsi, 1751 m co, Sg, Ye, ll ye choirs Lord, we fith - ful, n - gels, greet e, joy - ful tri - um - phnt, sg ex - ul - t ti, born th hp-py morn - g, co sg, ye, ll, ye m m co bright e ye hosts ll eth - hev'n glor - le - ry hem! bove! giv'n; o lo - ry Word - hold od, Him, ll r, born glo - ry now Kg flesh p - Refr 7 7 n - high - p - 7 gels! est! g! 7 co, let us dore Him, 7 co, let us dore Him, co, let us dore Him, hrt Lord! - MN. ST LS. RRULR WTH RRN

53 hrles Wesley, 1739 s Tgues Sg rl. ls, 1828 rr. by Lowell Ms, 1859 m My r 7 To 'T H Ye glo - spred mu - blood bld gr, breks Him, cious ye ries thro' ll sic cn mke - hold thou - Ms - n pow'r def; y s t tht H od th s - foul - Sv - tgues clms cn - pre, n's est ior celed ye Kg, brod s; 'T clen, H co; nd sg od, fs, s, dumb, My s - Tht Y tri - umphs h - ors life blood lep, ye gret st bids sets loos- helth viled l, Re - ened H deem - sor - pr - tgues grce! n. pece.. joy. 's pro - rows 'n em - - pre, clim, cese; free; ploy; MN. ZMN.M.

54 Robt rnt, 1833 Worship Kg, ll lorious bove J. Michel Hydn, ril wor - ship tell H boun - ti - ful chil - dren Kg, ll - might, cre wht dust, glo - rious sg H tgue cn re - fee - ble s bove, grce, cite? fril, Whose t n grte - ful - ro bres e do we sg light, ir, trust, H whose it nor pow H cn - o - py shes fd e love; spce. light; fil; 7 ur H t Shield e - chr - iots strems from m - cies how fend -, wrth hills, it ten - d, deep de - how m7 n - cient d thun - scends firm clouds 7 ys, m, pl, end! P nd nd ur vil - ied drk sweet - Mk -, splend- dor, H pth d - tills e - fend -, Re - gird - ed wgs dew deem - pre. srm. r. riend. LYNS

55 S rg-ould, n - wrd, hrt-imight - y 2. Like 3. rowns thresmy 4. n - wrd, n, ye 7 go - whe c - g stnt sts will tri - nwrd, hrtin Soldis - hve re - umph m sol - r - p - peo -- e! trod; m; sg; 7 dis, h ple, hrt, We tes re lo - ry, roy - not hell l di - cn lud, Ms - vid - n- h -- wr, od; wne; thrg, t, ed; or Mrch-g s Moves church kg-domjo hp - re py With cross roth-s, we re ut hurch lend s y Leds ll 'gst un - rthur S. Sullivn, 1871 Refr e tht gst bod - hurch hrt tred - g voi - ces y pre - m foe; we, vil; Kg; 7 own less bt - doc - prom - tle, tre, e, ges or-wrd - ne hope We hve hrt's Th thro' count - See ne H bn-nechr - i - tht cn-non n - gels go! ty. fil. sg. n-wrd, hrt - in sold - dis, 7 Mrch - g s wr, m 7 With cross o - g 7 - e! ST. RTRU Refr

56 Pre od, from Whom ll lessgs low TXT: Thoms Ken, 1674 m m (oxology) m rom enevn Pslt, 1551 m Pre od from whom ll bless-gs flow; Pre Him, ll cre tures he - low; m 7 m m Pre Him bove, ye hev' - n host; Pre r, S, Ho - host. - MN. L 100TH L.. M.

57 Jochim Ne, 1680 Trns. by re Wkworth, 1863 m 1. Pre 2. Pre 3. Pre 4. Pre ti! eth, e; Him! v t tend e n; en do, g: Pre Lord, lmighty m Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord! who who Shel - Sure - ll ti! eth! e. Him! m ts tht l - o' doth let soul, e H hth m Jo rnt - ed f ld - H might - y, ll thgs pros - p ll tht so thy m pre un - good - life ll Hst P - Let ye who thou not d - m gld wht love ye d - o - or - - we Him, d ness H breth, h, seen new n r d friend dore m m Kg w - work drous - wgs, m - co ye, cy now cre - de - reign fend - dore thy so he m Now How Wht Sound thy from H de - l - H ti! eth? e. Him. Strlsund esngbuch, 1665 helth gen - di - pr m m t es sl - - t - - m tem - ple sires e' might - y peo - ple - drw hve cn n. L N HRRN

58 ugustus M. Topldy, Rock 2. Not 3. Noth - g 4. While - l drw Rock ges, left Me ges, bors th cleft h fleet - g, hs brg, breth, Let n Sim - When ful - p hide fill eye self lw's cross lids close Thoms Hstgs, 1830 de - e; ms; clg; deth, Let ould N When ked, w zel co sor t no ln - e worlds guor un - blood, know, dress; known, rom ould lp - See less, e wound - ts look ed - side which ev - e judg - nt flowed, flow, grce; thre, e ll oul, Rock s s - could ges, dou - not - foun - cleft ble t cure, te; f;, Sve Wsh Let from must, guilt sve Sv - hide ior, - mke or self pure. le. die. e. TPLY

59 Joseph Mohr, c.1816 Silent Night, Ho Night rnz rub, c Si - 2. Si - 3. Si - 4. Si - lent lent lent lent night, night, night, night, ho - ho - ho - ho - night, night, night, night, ll Shep - S W - hds drous clm, quke od, Str, ll t love's lend bright sight! pure light thy light; Round lo - R With y ries dint Vir - strem ms from n - g from gels Moth - heven ho - let us child! fr, fce, sg, 7 Ho - n - fnt ven - hosts With dwn l - le - lu - so sg re - i ten - "l - deem - d le - lu - g mild, i! grce, Kg; Sleep hrt hrt. h Sv - Lord, Sv - en - ior t ior m 7 pece, born, birth, born, Sleep hrt hrt, h Sv - Lord, Sv - en - ior t ior pece. born." birth. born. STLL NHT rregulr

60 eorge uffield, Jr., 1858 St Up, St Up Je eorge J. Webb, St 2. St 3. St up, up, up, st up st up st up,,, Ye St sol - strife dis H will strength not cross; le; lg; 7 Lift Th high rm dy H roy - flesh noe l will bn - fil bt - n, you, tle, t Ye must dre next not not suf - trust vic - f y r's loss: own: sg: rom Put To vic - him t'ry tht un - gos - o - pel v - vic - r - com - t'ry mor, eth H ch r - piece crown put shll life shll led, pry, ; 7 Till Whe, du - 'ry ty foe clls Kg or vn - dn - glo - quhed, g, ry, nd e Shll hrt n reign e - Lord wnt - t - - g nl - deed. re.. W

61 rnces R. Hvgl, 1874 Tke My Life, Let t e nri. esr Mln, 1827 m m 1. Tke 2. Tke 3. Tke 4. Tke 5. Tke 6. Tke life hs voice sil - will love; v let let let mke Lord, it m it move sg gold; ; p - se - t l - Not t t wys, shll crtim - mite feet ed, pulse -, would no its Lord, l - thy g tre sure e; love. Kg. hold.. sre. Tke Tke Tke Tke Tke Tke - mo - nts feet, lips, - tell - ht, it self, let let ect, m m will dys; use own; Let Swift illed v - t v - m 'ry shll, flow u - s - pow - ti - sg - s, m m end - ful es roy - ll less from shlt l pre, e, e, choose, thre, e, Let Swift illed v - t v - m 'ry shll, flow u - ti - s - s pow - s, end - less ful ges roy - from shlt l ll pre. e. e. choose. thre. e. HNN

62 Smuel J. Ste, Yet m She r y She nd - gh 'Mid rom ne Yet Till chr - schi - wits s - hurch's ne oundti church - 's e foun - d lect from y n scorn-ful w - il trib - u - l she th hth un - H t sms tic heven ho - sts hp - m new rent c - sweet m ir py c n wtch v - es cre - sl - sum - com - she re i v sun - m mun - sought bless - keep - glor - ho - ti, ti, d, ti i h es, g, ious! ti ti, d ti i y ne y f With s Yet Men nd With m To Pr - ir r Lord, e see tu - od, o' h mult hrt ll sore Three w t Lord, e fith, h - e - sies pece - those whose rest m tkes cry lg - give H e goes g us ho - ho - up, eyes grce Smuel S. Wesley, 1864 h op - h 7 e d - - "How re tht Lord; th, pressed, wr, ne, Word: birth; tressed, more, w, m bride, food, lg?" blest, we, With nd nd nd Like H so m, own e gret blood hope night hurch ek she vic - bought press - weep - - low - h, es, g rious, nd With Shll Shll n m7 high h y my life grce morn hurch dwell en - t died. dued. sg. rest. e. - MN. URL

63 PSLM or 3. oth 4. Lord by nd - shll ends ll H kg - rich poor, Lord's un - fil - 7 f; H might; ed knee, c - fess, ll ll nd rom dom, both g k - dreds th child - ren's ge nd Wht wor - ship Lord glor - ious wd - rous Him lords, h - works s or h nds ll rth Shll r hom - ge brgs, th H shll h right, bd free right - eous - ness Him child - ge h ren shll od Kg Lord H hs le. kgs. N. wrought. nd Shll ll Lord lords un- turn rules n wor - ship Him gen - - th shll hom - ge shll n pro - own brgs, clim tught tis tis ll th Him Willim H. one, 1873 Refr 7 Kg kgs. VSN

64 dwrd Mote, c.1834 Solid Rock m Willim. rdbury, My 2. When 3. H 4. When hope drkoth, ness H shll built seems cov - co e - noth - hide nnt, trum - g H H pet less fce, blood sound, Thn Sup - h, rest port my ' blood H n un - right - eous - ness; chng - g whelm - g grce; flood; Him found; m n When ressed dre ll not y H trust high round right - eous - sweet - srm - soul ness est y gives fr, gle, wy, le, ut My ult - whol - n - chor n less len hold ll st - - hope e ' n. vil. sty. thre. Refr n hrt, sol - id Rock, st; ll oth - ground 7 sk - g s, ll oth - ground sk - g s. SL RK. L. M. Refr

65 Mltbie. bcock, 1901, lt. Th s My r's World 7 rnkl L. Shepprd, Th 2. Th 3. Th r's r's r's world, world, world, nd birds let ir l - cr - ne' t'ng ols - s, re; get ll Tht 7 7 n morn - though ture g sgs, light, wrg seems round lil - t y so rgs white strg, e - od mus - clre ic ir M k's Rul - sphes. pre. yet. 7 Th Th Th r's r's r's world, world, world, Why rest shes should ll tht's ht thought fir; sd? f n rocks rust - Lord lg trees, grss Kg, let skies h Him h ens ses pss, rg! H od h speks reigns; let w - ds th 'ry - wrought. whe. gld. TRR PTRS. S. M..

66 Nls folk hymn Trns. by odore k, We gth - 2. e - 3. We ll r - nd So Let Sg, chst - d pry 7 wick - from We r Tog us do - ex - ens g, tht ed c - 7 geth - guide l m op - - gre - us, e, pr es H Lord, wst t N hst - t still ens g H H e - ress - g g - ng g ti now es - N; side; pred! ll m sk od Led - m cese fight cpe Nedltsch edenckelnck, 1626 rr. by dwrd Krems, 1877 Lord's us tri - 7 will kg - fend - m dom mke di - wilt from we trib - d - we u - - gets not H glo - ry Lord, mke us bless - jo - um - known; ve;. g; g, phnt, tress - w - l own.! free! g; ng; - ti; KRMSR

67 Prcill J. wens, 1882 We Hve rd Joyful Sound Willim J. Kirkptrick, We 2. Wft 3. Sg 4. ive hve it hd bove wds joy - 7 roll - bt - might - ful g tle y sound: tide: strife: voice: sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! 7 Spred Tell y Let H ti - s - deth n dgs ns tis ll fr end - less now re - round: wide: life, joice, sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! Sg, Sg Shout ye it sl - news - st - v ls ti through full y l, se; gloom, free; climb ch - o when High - est steeps bck, ht hills 7 ye cross o - m - deep - cen cy est wves; cves; crves; cves; n - wrd! rth shll Sg Th 't keep tri - sg h umph Lord's ju - o' vic - com - bi - - m; lee: mb, ry: sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! sves! JSUS SVS

68 lh. Hfmn, 1887 Wht ellowship, Wht Joy ive nthy J. Showlt, Wht 2. h, 3. Wht how hve fel - sweet low - ship, wlk dred, wht wht joy th pil - hve di - grim ve, wy, f, Len - g Len - g Len - g lst-lst-lst-g rms; rms; rms? 7 Wht h, how hve bless - bright bless - ed - ness, pth ed pece wht grows from pece dy Lord so, dy, n, Len - g Len - g Len - g lst - lst - lst - g g g rms. rms. rms. Len - g, len - g, Sfe se-cure from ll lrms; Len - g, len - g, 7 Len - g, len - g, Len - g - lst - g rms. Len - g, len - g, SHWLTR Refr

69 Joseph Scriven, Wht 2. Hve 3. re friend we tri - we wek Wht riend We Hve Je we ls hve temp - t h y ld -, tis? en, ll s um - re d ss trou-bl griefs n - lod y - hrles. vse, b! whe? cre? Wht We should Pre - cious priv - i - n Sv-i, lege still cr - d - c - ref - ry ged, uge; v - Tke Tke 'ry - it it thg 7 od Lord Lord pry! pry: pry: 7 h, n o wht we thy pece fd friends ten so - - fith - ske feit, ful e? h, Who Tke wht will it need - ll less we - friend de-spe, p we sor-rows Lord b, shre? pry; ll - cuse knows H rms we 'll do not 'ry tke cr - wek - shield ry ness, e; v - Tke 'ry - it wilt thg fd 7 od Lord sol - ce pry! pry. re. NVRS

70 sc Wtts, 1707 When Survey Wdrous ross rom regorin hnt rr. by Lowell Ms, m m 1. When 2. or - bid 3. See, from 4. We sur - it, H whole vey Lord, hed, relm tht H w - hs, n drous should H ture cross, bost, feet,, n Sve Sor - Tht which row we Prce deth love pres - flow ent glo - hrt m - fr ry gled o died, od; down; smll; m m m7 My ll id Love rich - est e' v such so g thgs love mz - tht g, count chrm sor - so but row di - loss, most, et, ve, nd p sc - r thorns e - ms c - ri - com - tempt fice pose soul, m so ll rich life, H pride. blood. crown. ll. - MN. HMUR L. M.

71 rom mn, c Tr. by dwrd swll, When m When Morng ilds Skies m7 7 m m7 Joseph rnby, oes 3. Ye 4. e morn - g sd - ness n tis th, while gilds fill life mn - skies, md? kd?, My n My ht sol - ce th y cn - ti - wk - he c - cle g cord di - cries, fd, fd, ve, My My My My hrt hrt hrt hrt pred! pred! pred! pred! - r Let e like fdes ll th t work th - th th'e - t - nl pry, bls? round sg, To My Rg Through com-joy - ous ll re - still ges pir; th, sound, lg, My My My My hrt hrt hrt hrt pred! pred! pred! pred! - MN. LUS MN

72 When Pece, Like Riv Hortio. Spfd, 1873 Philip P. ls, 1876 m m 1. When 2. gh 3. My 4. m pece S s - Lord, like tn oh, hste should riv - buf - bls dy fet, when t - though th tend - tri - glo - fith eth ls ri - shll should ous wy, co, thought! sight, m When Let My sor - th s, clouds rows blest not like s - rolled se sur - prt bck bil - nce but s lows c - roll, trol, whole, scroll, Wht - Tht s hrt niled trump hs shll re - re - lot, grd - cross sound, ed hst tught help - b Lord less it shll t well es - no de - sy, tte, more! scend! "t nd Pre - hs ven soul; well, shed Lord, so 7 it H pre it it own well, well blood Lord, well it well soul." soul. soul! soul! soul! t well soul; VLL U HVR Refr

73 Whole-hted Thnksgivg e Will rg PSLM 9 7 Willim H. one, Whole - 2., 3. ive 4. e ht Lord, pre - - ed rt thnks - f - giv - ref - ho - flic - g uge vh, ti, e ll might - y m - cy will op - deeds c - 7 brg, pressed; tell cord, n ll f nd pre trust Him bck e who from who hs deth's 7 mr - vel - know e, chos - por - en tls ous re - deeds trust - Zi - sre g, will re sg; blest; dwell, Lord, n or f Tht e n Him, will whom m7 joy Lord, jus - gtes did tice ex - ult - g - m - cy - ven - gence - Zi - my 7 cry, ske lg, re Who My N soul v - sg tht its will hs sl - pre, sought low - v ti ho - grce o - show vh v - th Most pr - throws High. tke. wrg. pre. T TH LRY Ref.

74 Refr Pre Lord, pre Lord, let 7 th h H voice! 7 Pre Lord, pre Lord, let peo - ple re - joice! co 7 ho - vh, de - clre ye H f, nd give Him ll h - or, just H N. ltnte rics by nny J. rosby, To od glory, gret thgs hth de, So loved world tht gve us H S, Who yielded H life n tent s, nd opened Lifegte tht ll my go. Refr: Pre Lord, pre Lord, Let th h H voice! Pre Lord, pre Lord, Let people rejoice! co r thro' Je S, nd give Him glory, gret thgs hth de. 2. Pfect redempti, purchse blood, To evy liev pro od; vilest fend who tru lieves, Tht mont from Je prd receives. 3. ret thgs hth tught us, gret thgs hth de, nd gret rejoicg thro' Je S; ut pur, high, gret will ur wd, trnsport, when Je we see.

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