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1 I l,, #»flt THE COAST ADVERTISER SH AI, i l )l K > South IdnirWISi "Trucker" OB Charge of Opertttag " T t r a W Roger Williams to Lead Belmardigras Celebration RecorAng Star To Lead Parade Through Bebnar anyeibife AreFeihfH In Tent Area At tilt (»i** *»* to. «*» UWt m a I H * «k. tan 4m Tkl.ii k u l W i l Ha W> r. h Freeholders Ready to Appropriate Bible Church County Share for Brookdale College'Sponsors Sing lfc>gr s. fm,*»d Out ' ClftcihII WiHuini Hu{* p had «u((h*d th* ate plan, I Uwrt the cum-nt < VHIWII was continuing thr 4. K A Um H tausmg jjujwlnr. ayor m k h wid he ttk turn,ll'<1*' " i a l ^ TV j <A«tw«**«hr i(* study W apptu-;itiin nf Arrher'i W i ^ n *» Company to n r h>u!ii Beirnar area unicipal Band Kennedy UCQCS Concert Youth Action wrh. U a r i V i Hymn will s u n off the band conn-rt at the 5th Avenue Pavilion on Tupiay, according to John W. Lurtaibi.t, conductor Included in the program will be the overture. "ignon," a Xylophone solo. "Petite Xyto " and "A Littj*- Bit of This, and That" Selections fiom ;iry Poppins ;ire also scheduled, as is the latin rhythm, '-(.'ha Cha." The Con> nation arch followed, with the overture. "Youth Triumphant" T V H U music from Prince Lear, and a novelty, "U'fl;' Biwn Jug," follow. Th*' program concluded with the Waimgm Prt man'h. WEST LONG BRA.VOI - Brtwi t Kennedy, Belmar attorney, and rt.»wi*uib Coynfry dwtitnu pr iflson Cfioss, tht- Repitblican canid ate for the US. Semite, has irged thai Ihe Teen Agr Hepuhlicans work for r ftfqit' ek'l'tial >;>eak'.i.ij at th«third annual convention of tlw* Teen Age Republicans 'TARS', r. Kennedy said that "Nelson Gross rec-ogni/es BNd i"1 involve younij pnjrib i^ Wi p r i t t U camtaign." He urged the teen-age Republicans to "begin n*rw to work m ia t of the IU'[>u!jSic;in team." eacfc dmotk I I W in u l n Wall T.-aifciir Kiwwa, admintttatioa Hi -.i..i,i. '.. the d. metinti that the first nmurut- nu further 4ate funds are nnw lion wou he buildings fw *[ (orwen fur Phawi 3..mij * He,.iii«J humaniu's. human.iii.i, expressed the hopr. honwef, of a >.-tuif hat) and insirufuttnaj i n ' " ^ statt- v«twl iisiiea The ti'j =.U renter, with a I ir;n college matter plan Is for <*( -}»t ifff! fventual t l total of of t». 6,006 fuu-tirnc y \ ^ndfni cvmrmms, a gymna*- studmu But) p ium and a Un*k*t«r«* arc ex-' Fulure plans include lite on of uzart's pifcied lv I* completed by Apjf).!«the main campus at r, StemkoiJu has been singing JSK7 sthe program also includes! renovation <4 tbf an imtderground utilttvs plant in- c.?tn u-, conibting of 14 acres with the Titnty Vilb^e P r e» tended \\> serve all futu e e\pan- and i«w used for engineering K travelled the Wort i won, parking and outdoor light-1 related U'chnoiosw" and dii'5 The Cuntinental Singers are ing, and H r.iad IcHBf NVw-1po'essing; some revision of tv orkl Inuring group of «cflllegem;ui Spring mid F' ialjnx kdi j Allied H e a l t h Center, age musicians,.seleci^d by audir. Aurh "a'd t^wt start* for i B-awh, leased from onmotrth from ihroughout the otmntry Ria»* 2 h : w t f l.." J e i '»V I ed'ral center and used for There are 20 in the choral group pes>i4*red nursing. the Siaie Board of ieber Bl and 20 instilment alls**.! ] cation, makir i Bnickd-> e el 'i, radiological and In rfcrive 5tat? matching feprf ned'fal twhnoloay of fit* per cent under the H I St te Bond ls«'.ie. Thendo 1 J \aruz.ini k. assis Service Plans.awn Clinic Hrw Una R t «* «. and «]r* atax wit b> nateuu; i lk En 1IOWE1.L TO1VN9H1P - Tl js J f'rfi - J." "^*' jj AT SEINAR-Pierre J. Salmon. Wall Township, atai«extension"ssvice O n», cl S, imfxirunce o[ volunlw-r fre coir (ant (iruli'svir of ai*counting in ; 10 5 was i'iiic wffi be held on TiKsday. I ' strcs'etl by Ttaortir. the Department of H.ISI.KSS AuKibt 18 al the Adelphia Re-! J NarmaniHi assistant rounty Administration at onmouth i Form. Halls ill Road. I r e ' s " " ", at the annual College, atlended a one-day SikVra X J dinner of the Erighshtown Fire seminar sponsored by GtnIn p. st years this clinic has ^ P *. erel Klf ti n at the company's ved to lie of tremendous value r tft<h«<lll former Engli hcomputer {-enter In Teanerk. in anminith County home o» n -! t m w l m a y n r,k,,til«hl the Courty :rs. in demonstrating to them the n r c Academy now under ton I lie seminar was ovvntnl lo l»ojer tcrruilqiies of eonarortins s t r I K., ; m m r t o l l t e : B, K O T ihe study of timesharing :mi) raring for lawns m this area. T,, w n s t,ip a s a facility to prorquipment and accounting Dr, Honry Indyk, S iedali*t in v ( f c p,. ai. ca i i a inins of firemen fnm-ll(ms. r..salmon, a certitu-f anarcmint [tuigers Um- [m ^ f^^fj, of ihc-ii- cominunfied public arrountitnl {HfeH \ersity, and l)olh onmouth Coun- i t j motet in....mntin and cost (y Agriculiiiral Agents. Donald. I anal>sis a* onmouth. ohr, and Robert SchaumloctfpT, I Bruce Smith, owner and IH*.Twill be present to assist on- ator of the onmouth Gasoline mmith County home owners in anil Oil Co. Englishtown. re'esol'.-ing their lawn problems. Iceived a civic award for his se'tbe nwf'ing will be2in at fi vices anil contributions to the p.m. and last until dark. ThA company aking the nresent-chedu'e for the evening is as I ation was Jahn Kirkland, follows: 6 to 7 p.m. Diagnose ident. Lawn Problems and Identify'? Wutot 7!o 7.30 p.m. aking a J> ' v.' i r s 'nc.'uitwt QW New Lawn Demonstration; 7:3". Iwvid~'>n Inosidcnt» (fit to s p m tan Renovation Pro- UBWW11 Borough Council;. rodiires- S to gill p.m. Demon- I" d y k - ma Vor of onroe slration of Tliatfhinc achine and «'"!>.» n ;"1'1 B u r k. F ' n S' Fertilizer Applications, and 8; 15 t»wn fire chief, p.m to dark, Answering of QuesAmong the guests were Leonard t'ons, ' A. ack, county fire marshall: Home owners are encouraged to bring samples of sod from troubled IflWJl areas a n d weeds and insects for identification. For those unable io attend the local clinic. Q similar OTIC will be held fit) -August 28 at 8:80 p.m. ind again on AUKUSt 2!>, bcrinnlng at 10 a.m. at ihe Agricultural Campus, College of Agriculture, RutaE&Fa 'UnLvurfiity, New Brunswick, N.J. (livvy $m cu t f f U h i tf» RW4 A* W Aiwriea TV* m llw r<au> I". lai(s Uv j h. Ttn il". Raaxr Wttreaux Hit.' Barn trt awiqur RU. f mtuiiih. KK«cr» Cbwa Wail Tuwwhii* 1 is currently playing nl ***** «!«frienda ol the Library; and baked good* tale. the (;«iifn s m «Art«Center with ite Gaymtr Hr'U U&e Good Will H I On atord^rv afternoon off for a day if enjoyment at Belma.'«jfrand -*!..:. In the Hut,. l i. mar C1 vie AtawiatkiB i table. Presl)j4«rian ljk8e«aw, greeting cards, Belmar Juneau Post 3i70, apittns, r i i CnurLh W.SCS, jewelry. Rain bmv Girls Iris Assembly; baked eoudg. LKini> Auxiliary. fvea marfcef. Belmar Women's Club; I games for rhildren, Bdm;ir.haiior Women's flub; fancy table. H U - One of the fine American U>giun Poit 151; and food. B<-lmiir Hook k Ladder nwsical groups entertaining the I H A of Belmtrr vi^hors m Auxiliary Soturday will be a b;:nd made up Also baktni tfood, Beimar SCIJOI <»f professional muskians from P.T.O., handbag P, g and jewelry, j y local 309 uf the American Federb h d l l h Belmar Chapter of Deborah: dolls ation ol usicians fishes, Ojhsry Baptist Women's The group will t'ike part in the Society: plants and place mats, Belmar Women's Club, naked parade and entertain at the a Dtdii Preshyltit ian W(JffiW*l rino Basin later In the day. Guild; and games for children, The b;.nd is underwritten by a Belmar Ed CarJeton League. H^ant from the usic Performance Trust Fund, Kenneth E. ftaine, TnLstw, a public service Captain White Fair orgmiizauon crented and financed by the recording industry under SOUTH BELAfl - Police lul'wwfni with the AF. Capt. Allen White is a surgical Jack Schwartz is director «f patient at Jersey Shore edical tli.> local *399. Center, Neptune. Councilman James Lawrence, reporting or Bi}T ining Operations ure 1'ii.n 100,000 wet short funs Captain White,. aid t > pjuc? of1 ficer was operated on Tuesday. of nickel (ire per day arc hoisted f]')m the 12 producing mines of He was reported ill [ail ondi Itw lutenuilioiutl Nickel Company tion. today. il Canada, Lhnitwt in Ontario and anitoba Union's Band Plays Saturday Firemen Given High Praise ABS siw. aw bwatkra. u of tlie First Aid Squid, past chiefs of tile Eiislisb town Fire Dcpt., and the fire chiefs of Freehold borough, analapan Township and.lame ' Vernon. l). ini c a p l a i n K n«lishli,«ii. ilapan BOROUGH OF KKLAK Sale of Land Property (53 ft. front. IDS ft. deep! at $13 ifjlli Ave,, Bclmur, U) be Bold at Public Sale at B P.. Buy your fresh fruits and veget- on August 11, ables direct. For dc-lails apply fo unicipal Farmer's arket Clerk. River Road at Btli Ave., ;»tli and R.ft. Avs., SfoptfflW P.O. liox A, Belmar, N. J. 077J9. 6 p.m. lo 10 p.m. daily except Sal (16, 17, 1(1, l'j» DBl'G ABUSE EXHIBIT A portion of (he New Jersey Narcotics Enforcement Officers' Association drug abuse txhiblt Is shown above. The display w II V one of -vrral ronccrning the problem In the Assoriution's booth at the Belmardigras "font area" Saturday ;il the Belmar arina. OoBttcaom movies on the subject will also be shown, FIELDER h WAKNEB StREEN & GLASS REPLACED Koys ade "Appliancea with Service" Established Phone DAVENPORT Paint & Hardware 703 F fat Belmar 1717 F Street South Belmar Belmar Playland Now Open Daily I ' d & Ocean \vi. Tmtiorrow's Papers Tonight JAN'S South Belmar INVEST WITH US Current dividend 5% per annum on passbook accounts payable quarterly. BELAR SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN th Ave Belmar (un> SUNDAY BREAKFAST In Leisure SANDPIPER RESTAURANT Atlantic Ave., Spring Lake GIANT FISH FRY Every Friday, 4 to 10 P. 'All you pan cal $1.25 JAN'S - South Belmar FIN/U. PLANS ansignor Peter J. Testoti goes over final plans for Friday night's card party and fashion show to be presented by the St. Rose P.T.A. at the High School Autlilorium. Check in/' out final arrangements with him are ro-chairnien rs. James arino of South Belmur and r. John Sonntag at Wall Township. TOP QUALITY Beach Umbrellas and chairs Now on Sale IUVF.NPORT Paint & Hardwarp TOO F St Belmar DRUG ADDICTION PROBLE? Call 988J1333 FOR HELP Day or Night to Bolmarditfras Zeifce W Irome lo Belmardigrflfi 7.cfte WcScorne to H"lma-d'jrraf - Zelbe! Welcome to BelmardigriiE - Zolbe Welcome (o BflImflT*ffl«B - Zelbo Welcome to Bflmardicras Zelhe Wtikome to Relmnrdigrns Zelbe' THOAS A. EDISON Air Conditioners nn snle from $15.9.f«TAYLOR'S HARDWARE lotb & F St., Belmar t- fo Reimsr.

2 if I «tu.»- Cmi ft k J tafept hi Oney lane BtCOtl BnOf Of r. Hough Wflf JOISOA Harry h km CSV?J * *«<& *.4%-!»-*! %«, *; ** '*" "** * PINCO AINTfNANCE SUVICl House Cleniig. w... Hoop WAU 1 CtlUN* Tom* Hiwr, N J. W*,h.ood, N i. 1 futniiuit WINDOW WAtHtNii 2S511I1 (64 617* ADVKHTISINI; ITBI.It'lTY indinrmial IHUCATIOVS C()t:Kt'IAI. I'ilOTfJHAI'HV l OO. Ill 1104 RED COACH PARTY SHOPPE I'ersunalueil Kavora Party Supiilim Centerpieces Wedding Invitations Decoration* Oifts aterials * Ideas Cards Wrapping Paper Everything for... Showers.' Weddings! Anniversaries! The RED COACH Party Shoppe For Parties of Distinction 700 Ith AVE. - BELAR TV tf<*!.»«4«l»«l H» ; iwa fa, t\<rto> «««THU III 8Nlip<rt» Hi I* fl^l*s*b! n*. l ^^ tia ft* Ftchtt ollut in ul thri, IJiula *»», to Willuffl u jj»r «H* III, ol l r aril Wi!J»lk» II. B it» Kn-brr awl h»r Umm * «I Sr**u*t»«ul Wall lluih Srh.»: ; Sl«alK Kanui Watfj j I nmi ill v al Salu Sl» u «m i.l li) SI itatkul H.. k Neptune - allur ii a im'mlh'i >' Home From Virginia SKI Til BKLVHR - r ami In William i 4.,.,,, r and rs David Sharpies, and chtl Iren, Daif, Denta. and ab. w rc-tui nkl Irom a trip til Wilm-gurg and Vorklnwn, Va They were gut'sta of U Col and rs.janws f^per. nrho is station a th Naval Base at Yorktown rs Sharpies is the daughter of U a»d ra. Pyp«r. We Buy and Pay Cosh for SdtAT IRON STEEL AnEHIES - JUNK CAHS and Al Kindt of»l>l. Woll Auto Wrecker. Incorporated 1122 H St. W.,t fchwr Phon. I-4200 I Ettabli$hed 1891 BELAR SAVINGS and Loan Association 712 TENTH AVE. BELAR Phone ORTAGAGES ** IPROVEENT LOANS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS '% SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Wm CHRISTAS CLUB fft-. ONEY ORDERS \ 1 WALK-UP and, DRIVE-IN WINDOWS (Open'Til 4 P Daily) W^ 78 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS '<*» SERVICE TO OUR COUNITY Af ( la a (f aavuti al UOAL NOflTB '!,... \. nn 4,i fii^vufr «I «r1 "f O H H fetrtft and I East, alimg uiit S<>utt>erly line of Fif- Irnith Av«nue (*-H Ihsnce: >2i The bridegroom was gradu^u'ci IW IS fwt III!h» Nirt-thsrly line of SixeCTilh Avenue, thence: I3J N'Tlh 63 dpira 30 minute. W«H,.(ing Hid tfonnwuth College, where he was :iom Red Bank High School and VurthfTly lln.i nf SUtPPilh Avwuie. )reskient of Lambda Sigma Tau' S ft*t. thenw: l# Nwth 26 deir^e* *) mlnut Emt. 1'ft IS fw» '' he [Wlnt W Itlaee»< BEdlNNINO. B Nurthwl)- Half of L-rt T. Block 83 Belmar TW ap 1 BECINNINfl at. point in the Southerly line of Fifteenth,( South S3 dejrees 30 mlnulcs Eait njm thp point of intmectinn nf i»ld kwtherly line of Fiftrnitii Avenue wltft ^aterly line nf D Str*#t snrl extending n«n laid Iwjjinnlug IH-lnt. theiire; (li South 83 degrees 30 minute East, along said Southerly line of Fifteenth Avcnur. «21 feet, thence: '2> SkHitri 28 degree! lutes Wwt, feet, thenre; (3i fi.1 d«weeb m mmutfs West, f*et. thence; '4t North 36 degrew IW mlnntn East fe*t U> the plare nf BEGINNING. C - Southerly Half ot Lot T. Bloc 153. Belmar Tax ap: BEGINNENO " point In the Northerly line of S.. nth Avenue, distant lest a murae of South 63 degrees 30 minutes i;»st from the point of Intersection ' mid Northerly line nt Sixteenth A \ue with the Easterly line of D Stt ind extending from said Brginn mint, thence; 11) North 26 degrees ninules Enst. 99. fi*t. thence; (2 ^juth S3 dfrrees 30 minutes East e.4. thence; I3t louth 26 dwera nlnute* West feet to the s- Jorthcrly line of Sixteenth Avni hence: (4) North fit degrees 30 mlnu Ve.1. along the said Northerly line Sixteenth Avenue.21 feet to the pnin ir place of BEGINNING. The parcels to be sold will be offernt is a single parcel and as two separat larcpls northerly half nnd suuf ' lalf. The Board of Comm I winners acc-ept nr reject the highest bid or made for the single parcel ami/or the separate parcels northerly half and sijulherly half. The safe will be eon duru-d ai follows: the northerly hal will he offered first. The minimum price (or said northerly half la fixed at SI Thousand Two Hundred Fifty (J6.2S0. («) Dollars. The southerly halt will b offered second. The minimum price for the said southerly half Is fixed at SI; Thousand Two Hundred Fifty (S mi Hollars. The entire parcel will he»er«i third. The minimum price foi the entire parrel Is fixed at Twelvt Thousand Five Hundred ( ) Dol lure. The southerly half contains t dwelling in poor repair. The succeasfu tilddi-r who acquires either the entlrt parci'l or the southerly hair, as a condition of the sale, must either demolish the dwelling building within one montr utter securing title to the premises, oi in thu alternative, repair sajd dwelling in conformity with the provisions of the Revised General Ordinances of the Burouch of Bflmur within three months nfter securing title to thn premises, bidding on each parcel must mence with the minimum fixed price aforestatfd in each Instance. Any building to ho erected on any ol Die parrr'ls sold hereunder shall he sul lent to the zoning code provisions of tl Revised General Ordinances of the Bornugh of Belmar. or such variance t ;rom made by the Zoning Board of Artluslment of the Borough of Belrruir. At th" conclusion of the bidding and iwhrd or uwnrds and Acceptance or -eptanrres by the Board nf Commlssili... crs. the successful bidder or hidden I pay ' nt of the prlre bid,fcycertified rheclc ash. immediately to the Borough CTlerlt, ind the balance of seventy-five (75%) icr rent of the price bid, by certified hffk or cash, to the Borough Clerk within thirty (301 days of the acceptwe flnd award of thn bid, Thereupon he ayor and Borough Clerk arc anhorlzed to deliver to the purchaser, or ill attorney, through the Borough Aliirni'y. who shall preparo the same, n Jecd without eenernl warrant iei. In lefaujt thereof, by the successful bidder nr bidders, as the case may he, the reswctlve award or awards ihnil be.ill and void and the Borough will rviln the fwenty-flve (23%) per cent 'jhislt as damagm for Its costs. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COISSIONERS OP THE BOROUGH OF BBLAn DONALD F. ATTHEW3 Borough Cii'fl: ts 2 IS. 19 (I52.93i Pidi Nurity, Richard Clarke EichangeVows I ii'h i uii:lu- *(fr *ed IV m Krt «KI Win E Hurlry ««w) r. V*ii *** S «* wrtur ljun Poftfile Pcnns* h ant3 **<** best man Aftcv a rw*»{jtwfi ih Brati Rivajjt Ljhr Heights itw lie 'i-lr nn a w^irtir>k trip thiou^h itw New Enplaud stau-i wj urn rvudirtij rump IA?- jeunt.,v (', wfwre the bridfgrw»n is -i.jsif uiv.i '.iiit- I lie vir* i'tfrp*. The hriije. guduate oi St ote High School, Belmar, an<j Dunbart<.u OJkm of Holy Crow, kimfton, rweived her mastw,s degree (iom onmoulh College Sh* attended the Department of culture fipartuat* School. Washington fonor Society and a member of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity. He, was elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Univerities.! CDI WCSCn, Captain Keith Wed in Astey 4. r*,l.*ii W t*i* ul lap Wilkaa Ui Uua J»I> 6 «i TtWr ty*r^ jitiunh Hi Km I. Uwlti'f i «««il Ulbta * far IV btf> ( IK Nl(«Ik-kwl and iami I h l i (Urn.»»»r«ata> a al % > Kania n Tl» krbfmin O paa)a«in t«r T»a. * and V I.., nt bta*mm I. ih,..ti..i dbv U w Tan H. I, in IS.- Arm» wiul (i»p.. <"«l and i. Kfe S Um,. Tt>. i. i 1.i»liir iulomobhv iriident t tnn(h n I I nut Health Fire /> ln, Va INSURANCE Check With Us! Sfecfel Ymr Sftfcfy h Our ftuaitul PETE LaVANCE 404 Hiqfc..y II Did Hupitalhation liability ^ ^ OTOR CYCLE INSURANCE SURF INSURANCE AGENCY 1601 HIGHWAY No 71 KUAR, NEW JERSEY Hilluimll. ttroun tgtnl & Broker Phone: We'll bve you as much at 99,999 as we did at 00,000 ost dealers love you in the showroom. But how about when your car's down the road, say 25,000 miles? At your Ford Dealer's the love never quits. Pick your model and color. Name your options. If it's not on ths floor, our computer will find it pronto. Talk price? Talk deal? We love to make you happy. But we don't love you and leave you. We're still with you when you drive away. With service people who are pros, who love to get your car 1 back to you as promised. On time. Even if you keep your new Ford forever, we'll welcome you with open arms forever. 4. And that's love. The kind that doesn't leave you.' We don't love you and leave you. GIGER FORD HIGHWAY 35 at 38 i j ^ BELAR, N. J.! ' FORD

3 Artists Plan L*f*> Group Puerto Rk StHHtlp Program Aft An^ Sh<)W NesOfflcer? 40 High School Seniors Into Colege SIDfWAU &AU Tablet I t, Story Hour CHILDNNi WCIALTY SHOf RT«> l ttmm *» «*>»,lw far > l«skew UN w< d'i»i H it IKi* * IKAWUfH II It OLSENS DRESS SHOP 704-8th Avenue Belmor, N. J. GIGER FORD OF BELAR YEAR-END SALE NOW GOING ON! HUGE DISCOUNTS Inspect our Completely New Air-conditioned Showroom & Service Center HWY. 35 at ROUTE 38, BELAR GIGER FORD EBER FORD BENT A CAR SYSTE Your Local Belmar Sales 4 Service Center" acvtpterf by U\mj»l<* Co) Brarv' leg*. A*ed if tk a«pifttt«* prr i-*' Wark, is i*art of a f«-r ll network wiht afftlnrtei in [ whet? 25 per cent of tbr js,>[r.ui(f, sludktf Puerto Bii h'slory and culture to, as iss! only Hidalgo said, ' mak? htm aware of what it mtuns to be a art- Hk'arf N Vurb lit San Juan, Hidalgo said. y epinion The ba*u> of Xfyirit is the toe..! hp biased, bid h»t ht I fwt ft that thr!tt i fi-uiid at at*! who.ifiph^l.. i*-akt for jenti-r Hert the club member, or j itself." iricidk hnrriffs aren't the ones Puerto Rican students in their attempt to obtain a g at thr Snti \a htaium F.I ItI (l-u. f.hw!ul» Ft* artivt* tn Ihe jimmf high and has plan-, to form ri Siw* m j*f rent of Puerto likan ntudtsiu drop out of»rhool before reaching wnior high, Uw ne<*d for early i'(hin)ietin(t is frit 5 We art tiyng UJ develop education. Kican." pio*es«iun;tl aaff The addtional rx wrif«of st-nt) nw«ife«rt at ii^> a son or daughter to college \s rfn mw.1 with the upptfi plus!h* postponement of the Ato include.-ludentsr in clemeni ur>, juni'i high and senior high other four years often makes <i hlrt^, iss Hkktlt!.. >,.i.student's earning power (or an- stientious yoiui^ Piterto RK; schools-in inditkluj! educational parent reluctant tn approve his "We're not hptli «i one mi. -elinti l child's plans. us making H Were interested ftnt thousand >! these sessions "Aspria tries to break the f>a lifting Puertu m as a group. gp #ere held in New Jersey thi«betwi-on the chiw who we r otivntf E\pliimmg that Asplrtt staff l. and Ihe Barents who QfP him." membrrj GHflfl ""' B skills, " Tk 1 nitctins gftm the itu a IB Hidalgo explained hut ouo WtdnnllAH tn tlieir Lhartce in iwcu his personnal "Thf schools just aren't fefflfl tt, iss HkUlgo said. They sjoa's with the It r who, in this." the same cummitment Wf*n (urn. can assist th*> student in prepjriiig to meet college entrance of the system, iss Htdal^t) emp tn jumi Bit tant Rleu Calling hersftf an active critic asking of the ^JTtll B OH r^ U ;!CIIl i.lts, ha-iwd that Aspiru "is sel up communily 1 We actually H into tl» high to do the things the schools claim "We don't waul them to get.! schmu and seek mit students." j they can't." lost in the nuillt-tttiim iiflei iss Hiltorgn sairi only ;i few months old, iht-y'vt graduated from college." AHlimislh if tiw IHterto' \spira of Ne wy is already j BELAR-WALL NATIONAL Salutes the 3rd ANNUAL Celebration of ember Federal Depof Insorance Corporatloa Savings (ii'rtificatcs * C«imnirr< iiil Loans Personal Loans ' Checking Accounts Savings Account! Installment Loan* * Auto Loans* ortgage Loans Christmas Clubs Saf0 Deposit Boxes F Street at 9th Avenue Belmar Four Convenient Locations to Serve You! 1 "«Route 35 at 18th Avenue Wall Highway 33 and 34 Collingwood Grcle Route 35 at cmasquart Circle Plaza BELAR-WALL NATIONAL BANK "We Weft Dhaiiiing Imurome and the Name... CONNELLY BERGEN, INC. Came Up" Wwiw (NWk A«.j 1970 BELARDIGRAS 1970 Tenrotivc Schedule Auim-t 1 Ihrmiifh Aujr.» - Ki«hin» Contot. B«lnwr arin*. l'rii»» in t9 c«teir«rie». Fouv diviion!*. ContfHt rtuls n<xm Autrunt H at arina. AuKUit 6 d 7 Surfing contest. 12th Avenue Beach, Belnur Efuiteni Surfing Aoci- «tk>n N<>. 8 r«nte»t. August f» and 7 Junior Fishing (Contest. Lake ('(inw. Twi. fi pwft Trophiw Thursday, Aug. 6 K A.. -- Junior ISK and r. Belmardigras ('onu'rt (l>ahy contest). Fifth Avpnue Pavilion. o ii" P.. hwptiim. b Banlay, 112 Fifth Avenup. Htwuty Contest. Crowning nf iss lu'lmnrdikrah. Knti'rtainnu'iit ami ilancinif. Home Beautiftcation award*, lii'nry U-onard,. C. (irfrt'shmenu. 7:00 A.. -- Surftntr conlfst (i ibo) 10:00 A.. Junior KimiK CHIIUKI (K aljvi.-j Friday, Aug. 7 7:00 A.. Surfing contest continues. 10:00 A.. Junior Fishing Contest continues. 10:00 A.. to 11:00 A.. utt Show. emorial Field. F Strc't-t between 12th and 13th Avenue. Sponsored liy Ilelmiir Rccretntion Committee. Lou f ioldberg in charge. 11:80 A.. -- Otiatacle Course for rounoton, r. lielmardigras. emorial Field, F Street hrtween 12th and ISth Avenues, Saturdny, Aug. 8 10:00 A.. Art Show. arine Uasin, Local artists showing:. Tent area. 22 booths of attractive and interesting goods for sale... sponsored by charitable organizations of Belmar. 11:.'!() A.. Grand Parade. Begins Ocean Avenue and 20th St. Alonji 1 Ocean Avenue to Fifth Avenue. Then Wfifi on Filth Avenue to F Street. Then South on P Street to lothavenue. Then West on 10th Avenue, across Highway 8B to arina where it passes the reviewing stand. 1:15 P.. Live radio broadcast. (WJLK) 2:00 P.. Belmarditfras celebration. Fort onmouth Rand Concert, Hob callon,.c. WADB. GKEETINGS E. Donald Sterner, Parade Grand arshal INTRODUCTION OF DIGNITARIES. ROGEH WILLIAS. COUNITY FASHION SHOW. R, BELARDICRAS, presentation and awards. ISS BELASDIGRA8, presentation <uid awards. UTT SHOVV, j ]J presentation and awards. JUNIOR FISHING CONTEST, presentation and awards. PARADE AWARDS. FISHING CONTEST AWARDS. DRAWINGS FOR PRIZES Drawing will be held throughout the afternoon. Prizes donated by participating merchants. Grand Prizes: Junior Chevy donated by Belmar otflrs. 5:80 P.. Water Ski Show "Aqunholics" 8:30 P.. Fireworks.

4 » if * I**** *»ta wabwai amar tt>. tan»r<an*»> fc» atal Hal W«w>d eftf* fttt kn* tf* IC «*4i> No taatsaoif Writ, ftaa Ik I! kaw Stretch ** t. I 1 i'tlultl bttfc* It! Uw wit.a f%» t**«lk*>4 <4 t# 1I 4 " t«w# *»** fa* iw# I* «*).1 I*. «*«*- fe* (rent or _ runt jftrd ts't i,*fc, property i tiikfk an. L>l 1. mlij-t tj lowing cuftditujii That the pun ' eolructed cm the side or t id of thp (mm of the poic ivlng an 8 toot let back. NOTICE n'htheb OWEN that.:ie det*rmirmh»r> el laid Zoning Bonn at Adjust mont hai been filed In thi -rfn. of i -1 Board at the umoipa Building, 2500 jnidpal t'uurt. Wall -rv. Jersey. " * is available for in- Wciinn. rkbi T far «Ul B - * >». Ihr Ir r«tl) rluwn from T p m ei.. I h i* m% lur prti TirWn from my 4>HIU«V a a l or call W H* Kiln daie-ttluruta) k All pracmk la U» ri Aidlkl iw bri>» Circt will v»p,» i.r l T*mRship on Friday Au^ ii ui\'ii->. '!i!- spihiiior^htp u( rrif Beiniar ami *«il (vtwanut It* hn^e tents will In* mi up!<>r une day at Route and lwh A^t-unenest to SNsp-Hiie And performanet's»i!! he given al 2p m. and 8 p m «nbets nl ttk Belmai and Wall hwann Clubs are aell ing specut $! <«and li so advance tk-keti for children and adults. Ttiere are no reserve seat* but ticfceti purchased at the ctrcus on cirrus day are slightly higher. Tickets are also on sale at Sterner's Hadware and other focal stores y ttom braa Vtru't a aaate Bat Ibalt \tmltmrnjt a t* mot., L;IKBS +mt* (r fah ilv ada af^awi. Can- mrtart Ibul Or a»» laa> s Om bia r a mar tta WIsloV HaWt.»» IVnnlt Katl «*»i a s farthf 1«li v kaa l.yai-a". and In. luw II iktart lllw a fla aal-ta «ch «aw O0»r galnas Tllasriay saw Ltr- Sttvt Gtpp's PUI 701 F STREET IELAR nth an Ad in The Coast Advertiser's Phone I-WOO now featuring SIZZLING STEAKS CNTEHTAINENT WITH Bobullon and the Shore's finest SANDWICHES! OPEN ALL YEAR FR S A T t 5 U N NIGHTS Evelyn's Sea Food fcw T tntut - Tht Finest h SIA FOODS 4 Unique COCKTAIL LOUNGt Hat to* for Your P/toiuf. ary's Catering Service DELI & SANDWICH SHOP Try Our ini ary Combination Sandwich TurUy, Cornad Sea', Swiu Oa«ia, Rtm-an Coin SU«, uesa, Lattuca a Tomato. $1.35 O»EN 7 DAYS A W EK 10 A.. to 8 P Belmar Plaza SANDPIPER RESTAURANT AILANTIC AVENUE Between 1st & 3rd Your Advertising DOLLARS with The Coast Advertiser. Cover Belmar, Wall, Avon, Spring Lake, Spring Lake Heights and nearby areas. YOUR ESSAGE THIS SIZE AS LITTLE AS $ 9.24 * COAST ADVERTISER V FUEL OIL or i STOP FOR ALL four HOE HEATING NEEDS! Budget Payment V Service P/ons V Automofic Fi// V Replacements & Installations STERNERS 12th 1 R.R. AVES. BELAR, N. J "Can't you watch whtre Vdure goin' That'S sland for -H LEG.U. NOTICE SHI;KII'F-«HALF, linn: (iii lit oi -:. ii.ii \ \,\\\ IHVIHH.S ovol'tii COPSTT Dwkit No. I. 7tt (ifl J tus* artclll, Plaintiff vs: Julio Caprtnd Vlrlor Sfudlcry. Defendant*. virtue f.f a writ of rmfutlon In hove slated action to me directed, I liil! expose [ r tale at public vendue, l Court House in the Borough of old, Comr of onmoulh, New VHy. on onday, the 17th day of n»t 1970, at J o'clock, P.. Prying Time.!! the rjcfenriant's right, title and Iner.'.,t, II any. In»n<i n the fulluwiu: ' n-rtbtifirt of property, atawan ship, unmuuth County, N.J. mterset'tlon of the Southerly It.O W. le of New.Ifrsey State Highway, >ute 33, and (he i5aaterly line of Rlveri\u Drive as Jmv.ii on n map Entitled Section Cine, River Gardens. titawan nvnship, unmituth County, N.J. and id in lie onmouth County CU-rks flee In case 63. sheet 10. Thence nning (11 in a itriuthwesterly direction long a curve. V thi- Ji-ft with a raitlus >f 137.V!etl, 108-V left to a point. :e I2i Sriulh 19 ijeijreps117 minutes i«s, 97 feet to a point, riuht with idiui nr 270' feet _.. ulnt. Thence 14) South 40 drgrefi 07 ilnutc* West,. 9' feet to a point T th«nwlhpa«ttrly ciimet rf Int 9 in lock fi as shown (in the ahwe mentoned fijct! mail. Thence (93 South- lerlo along ihe northerly line of lot, 1SH' feet more or less to lh.< Westerly ne of iuau-tin CneSt ThPticn (6) lima the same In a N'm theaslcrly dlrec- [on I'j o, p')tnt in the af'ircsa Route fo,11 Thi-iu-e 171 Aliini; the aame lorth 31 dagraa 83 minutes cast LW et't, mnre or less tn the polih»nd lar-f of In-Binning. Ilf-ms ou 1 thru 8 In ock 6 its hewn on the R/orBsiU f.lril map. The HJJOVH description,irop:ipf(l from survey mmlt' Uy Karl Hc-usrr, PE. & is. tltititi April 18, Ji*iJ, and continued Inrt'h 20, 1!HS4, Being rnmmirnly known nnij dcslbnteii nil Nn ;t rtlvcnlrtle DrlVi.-. corner f Route No. 99, atiiwan Township, itppr»x!miitr amount nf the Judgnent to lit.- satisfied by snld anie Is the jm nf (12,983 together with the costs ' Ihla nnle. The Sheriff hi-r.-tiy reserves tiie rent. adjourn this le without further ilw by publication. ' F Bted June Henry A. Kaplan PAUL KlXtlHAH, Sheriff. W * IT, lb^lff. 20 ($52.36) THE ENTIRE FAILY will thrill to GIANT PARADE... Floats, marching bands, drum and bugle corps... Real Old Fashioned FUN... SEE famed pianist ROGER WILLIAS in person! Bring the kiddies for a fun-filled day. Parade starts Saturday 11 a.m. * FISHING CONTESTS... SOETHING FOR EVERYONE Fishing contests for young and old alike. The kiddies can try their luck at Como Lake, 20th Avenue and North Lake Boulevard. Thursday and Friday. Daddy can try for the big ones in the Belmardigras Salt Water Contest all week! SURFING CONTEST... WATCH THE SURFERS IN ACTION Thursday and Friday mornings at the 12th Avenue Beach. See the Eastern Surfing Association's thrilling tournament. It's all FREE. * BABY PARADE SEE r. and iss Belmardigras, Thursday, 10:30 A.. 7th to 5th Ave., Boardwalk. * EXHIBITS * ART SHOW 3 Thrilling Days of Fun in Belmar SPRING LAKE Luncheon Daily. 11:30 A.. to 3 P.. Dinner 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday Breakfast in Leisure 8:00 A.. to 11:30 A.. JAN'S HOUSE of ICE CREA Try Our GIANT FISH FRY Fridays t in 10 p.m. 1Z Open 14 Hours Fri. «Sot Tomorrow's Papers TONIGHT! F Street S 18th Avenue South Belmar VESUVIO RESTAURANT.R. N. 1. / T \ y TESfUNf-CeCKTJ.IL LOUNGEi V^JX SEAFOOD-STEAKS *«erval»ns , 111 STREET IDlfTIFJUi

5 TV Cwerig* Of Asbury Part OKITHAKIES i tasui» I.».. I (It, tbktfhi «< H «l *«il Han lag hjntjkaf, ^J (ad I,W >,, I*» V»-. fw».. * ft... EiT wan i Nlll.ll llhullht IW H ink ft I West HrUnar BO» r u A chunk SAwl III AW iuru van* Gma» T» P.. Kvaiing IH ill K< «-. VillUa F. LtCompta *; a.m. Sunday Scl..1:J0aud 11:00 a.m.-imlajr B?;30 p m. Evening Servitf. ctniar CHVUCB UNITT CWIV run An. a rm«j n Altar; Part. N. I. In. Ckariea *. brf>a < Visitors Welcome! SEVENTH DAY ADVENT1OT ; CBVRCU I Skait BIVIT Rl>a< WH SI "nburr..1. w * *,n «k «.» ; nub» «Ap law Hi a. ** i I» I«V i»» -. il «v>»- II id rnwt»h-i. in mn «.. 1. Item PUSH a> *».. ft., mi urn»r»t nun. III! ll'i'll IfWWU,»» Urt * t m am -Kali illtrr Renter, will I I I I Hnl; Eudur nu. Utrri. linn miaf P»nr Suni forhiri* will lnstnso l( a <*. **!» Brlmar tic* and church srimel II 00 am, Sunday Hoi) dayi 7 tad n an All». :. nw 7 36 p.m - Thursday, Bible Study. n AS K c. mi urn» aa! fitunl 1 mh.1 rtsl ( hurk til l.lrt l.jrfi.l.l tiinu.. In. J. m*riet IWU \iiin. N..1. (f.-71t 9md<7 HI - I. It. and u II. i I liho. J I. Sinnlrksi* esdaj Haaaai - 7» A lilim I'l A. uniliw Worship U-.00 a.m.-church Sej'v' LauKDce F. yers, ' AVENUE CBAPD. T«II t B Street Wt. ANDREWS ETBODIST CHURCH Fourth and W«tt Lake Aremea Spring Lake Rer. Lawrepce E. oore SUNDAY SERVICES 1:30 a.m. orning worship and fierroon. 11:00 a.m. orning worship and sermon. FIRST UNITED ETHODIST CHURCH Sennit Are. * D 91 orning Worship. ALLENWOOD PROTESTANT Allalre-AHeawood Rani Re?. 1. C cfarland, Paatat C:SO Ait. - Bible School. 10:45 A.. - orning Worship. 1:00 P.H. - Young People's '1:00. P.. - Evening Evangel!* dc Service. Wefa-sda; 0:10 P.. - ITajw and Bible Stad;. BIBLE BAPTIST CIH'RCB 1004 Woodllcld Ate. Glendola. N. J.. Brlndley, Pastm fuot BAPTIST CRlii OF ''SIX TOWNHlirf 1:10 P.. - Evening Worablp. IColltjwood P«t) In. Peter aimenbt, P«*» Llla It Jfarren, Orsanist :IS A.a.. Sunda; "fchonl ud Adult Bihk Sa. U A.. ornlag I. OLIVE BAPTIST CIIIRIH I7tt I n w ft r»u Rev. C. P.fiark, Pastor Church Services 11:00 A. Ground Breaking Ceremonies, Sunday, ay 17 at 1 P.. BAPTIST TABERNACLE r si, south Belnw orris G. E. orgaa, Pastor SUNDAY 9:45 am Sunday St-h(x>i. We have a class for YOU In our Sunday School. BRING children to our Sunday Sc. and study the Word of God with us. 11:00 am. orning Worship. essage by r. Paul Karleen of the Philadelphia College of Bible. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service. essage hy r. Paul Karleen. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Prayereeting & Bible Study. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL at 9:15 a.m. August 12, 13, H and August 17 18, 19 for ages 4 through 13. VISITORS WELCOE! Auditorium AipConditione<l ', CATHERINE'S CHURCH spring Lak. SUNDAY ASSES: St Catharine's Church 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 it, Catharine's CafelerUl 9:15. 10:15, 11:15 DAILY ASSES St. Catharine's Church 8 A.. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH ]» An. and E St., N. J. B«. Theodore f.. Davis, Pastor ST. ROSE R. C. CHURCH Seventh Ave. * E St.. Betaar onslgnor Peter J. Teston, Pastor Sunday asses In 4e Chore* 7. 8:30, 9, 10, 11, P.. Week Day asses 6-45 & 7:43 - confessions before the 7:45 ass. ST. JAES EPISCOPAL Fourth mi Hammmd Bex* Her. D. Stewart Ataxy, Better Sunday services: 8 and 10 A.. Weekdays, ' 'ednesdays d Holy Days Hi A.. IS *f'«l*th»^ - ******* tt im ^*to *#*»«* Idi «- **** b to out a lh>»l.ima I mm, t, hut rffc. «.. -uhaxa. Pt**a kaaaafeat Ch i i «< < Urrl H.^ p.m,*kl.. put Oil II1I «t*rj wh han te Sfcni *«* ulm.*. W*>«>»(,» aav u till tin* Wkjl arlal Tttr an nuaklf» the (Vkh 1. I, t ajj S. l»a In lk» (toeral lie Ham 1* tiw J.KKVf»ON TRBWURT WAT" a summer Keating Profwn to cei Iran «* usurp spot to another on a may..nrf.irh County by rw&fi t.-f ] uniiii tkiiik Rpkl be ffl«*k**a n l.tntiry lunik- he rtuds T*frtvchildren have rutn )leied (he rt^iiired reading (or the Tieato be awarded after the pro- Set On Rail Fares ASSun U *t*ue* of tf* lib. u \ ni (IKIH IV.*i*r» tu*»*w * l ii ceinnumilies nffccttd. w a-w»»>r Wharf hajaan t«nil ««a> at «a< t a hraart «t '«r tit t H»» Itaa-rh lam wid a l A K< IW«Kaa*»*>> s I. aarui In kk lift laa t lam»>»«.«> SI hiateanar NataU hawlaau kta hf. ala k w llia>«mt t. DI*»* rtus. «f r I 1 **. ahat Part K WT t *" torn i. I.NN.IU > n) ratal» > w <*>art r aa In aaka* aiveol tt»r k>» «> inler«4 III ahal ' « In, aure abal «v»r>«««te» l til; l Ikramtimjl * «a>jte» teal rill I iiw rirthl." r»,... : j Pollution Hit i t'nwwti>. K 4 r*rk>>) ai h «ia w N> Yart 1'Hj n**w lwi«tm p*t* ago H* R* In In-twaw an <t I IUJ nutv-ihu' ai dad iawr-4*''. 41 j-kafc - Caalw *«. V, aai ««aaj hi awa Utead U Hi m, t> Navy Wraa at Warkt War II. and aal.miaa' to U Ita^aaiK *mm *mm H. I. iwdi b, i wain I I «- < > rs. R» Pat* ftfnra. a mm. ajj. Inw FUd. raraeratth af an A at k Aatra W, HaRlaat, Hi Had but. at kas.od is Hoar k«aaaatwaal laat aa) «mar; anabl. Halm r it W* Iw tl y«rs hrmhn. AattWKjr, Ka Liand Hr rinmfly ws» a pecans* niirata. a Naa K.W Naw I'jtboHf IIthtf, r* Jnaraw famu-a. Br He mm an Arm? tar vrfiru J WarH I IW aun r'umi - i, ajha J Anna *lln»illli8 0 itsiuhtrr Hi< Pn«. V s st*f Branch, ind the FUT, Plan Awards 'For Homeowners Tht general pu*c b also THhVim TrdiisjuirtiU. invitid Ii mmi 'I* Lrta Otaf Jwii" C Kohl anmmmi that a puif- ht-sring will,v»«d i.on the two railroads in wjhkli t;me evidence wilt be re-in Howard Bill gram doses on August XiEh b»' held fejmonow m Nt**ark on mssw wilh twir [Pttilurns Btrtte) Botd. fv» Uw», One mj»nr &cbuol*w Story fiirt HK'reaies for the fvnn Cen- Railroad and tht- CVnttiil August J7, 7:*) m tht Tm Harry H Schlojwhach, ihairm.i!,\ddit»na! hrannft* *ill be kid bin I i BaWnd tmby liy fours is Bt-heduled for the «*-tral Tijindtr o( the Summer It is Railroad of New Jersey Ikildera eelln)! Rm iddle BI tl»- [JmntHirittflii rwrnnrthtii el Judicial > 1030 a.m. on Tuesday, August The bearing will ft* hftd in sex Cwunty \dminii*rauon Building New Biwbwlck: August». Art ot r Sfhlos-vhiich said "the rrrti the En-,6. Flown 212 of the State Office The library's summer hoirrs BiJil.hi^ naymdnd B(>u!evard, starting ot 1000 am 1970, 7 30 p.m-, in the Red Bank ficates art' awarded for HfBgBiUQH arc tntclpal,., onday rind Tiiur&day 1 LOO» 06; The two railroidi operate rail r Howard,a H 1 of liii'ii- nniividu,il flt.jrt-, If. ini of the 7 IB p.m.. Council Chamner of the Tuesday and Wednesday 9 00 BHHIf service under con- isiahition, told tin- BubeommiU Hn tnt* appearance and value WBl unici{>al Building of HHaff >ni[»cr(y, and thorehy t«00; Frida> a«i SsiSurdny HOft-! tat-ls with the state. Under H itrt "*itti mine thaa UW millkin totalled information W enfouragf- community piide and 1:00 terms of tho«those aijrcenifnls, agreements, the tne I UVHN HPWUHIW «-.«.*.,...- TOL lllthl H u.luniwr eniminifitlai OHB, it wtl no progress in lii-hnm " They remain in effect until Jersey Central has petitioned for these proposals will he made ;r..i Labor Day. authorization to increases incea all fares agle to the public p in advance! flomthm-ner.^ to he ciftil latter three k-hai-i nttbm, «W l«h Ave- from Nations in New Jersey an the of 15 percent, and the I JOB PRINTING Sooner or later almost everyone needs printed matter. When you do, see... THE COAST ADVERTISER JOB PRINTING DEPARTENT Letterheads Announcements * Imitation} Weddings * Envelopes * Invoices * Forms Ad Books Business Cards, etc. THE COAST ADVERTISER 701-7th Avenue Belmor, N. J. Phone m fag pr«fitahlf!i> >ol!itte." r Howard ttrgt-d (he Subcommittw Is Id favsrahly on the bill whidi wvuld nne «VTI> AOHflHB the right!o a clean enuronment,nd the bgtl nu>ans w«h whioh to force that rtti n 'Obviously this hgtiwlnn Ii und U» he contmversial localise mom (Iramatic^lly in a way wntrary to 'he tinancial intert-st.> Avenue; James Esters. 504 l->th of big ixihuttrs," r Howard Avenue and Edward Kohl,»» ttt wuk! Avenue. in taking the profit out of pol-ution, I lespitlly mbm!l that Certificates will also be aw.'iidt'd boh BfcO >w i Steve Gepp's Pub, Belmar Vkjte$> pollute for profit ill rt'luflantly join the rrusade clt'-n tip unr enionmen!..' r. Ken's & Ken's Luncheonette. reward (ttfod Certificates will be awarded at This bill would equip every the Bofmardigms 1 Crand Onenitia citzen wtti tl» legal tools necessary to pidtect himself and histhe crowning of Bitu Belmaf- Ret-eption which wil! also Feature environment, through Hit- iutiieial diyros The beauty OOftt^, entertainment and diinciny wit! i»o on process, from the destruction and pestilence of pollution," r. Howrd said 'The of this hill is to remove all legal barrier.s which a cit'wsi now ih when he endeavors to halt action detrimental to the environment," r. Howard itinued in his testimony "This Illation would place Ihe people in the jwsition of oversver of governmentiil regulatory processes and i can think of no better or more efficient repository of 'this function than the American citizenry," r. Howard said. The Shore area terimstor cited the example of the polluted "Dead Sea" area ten miles off Sandy Hook as an instance that could have been prevented or the ecological damage held to B minimum inder the hill. Sft nue; iiis arion CVwpcr. K9 12th Kv9Sm; Andrew Hui^rniin, 200 Fourth ASB; QW*W Botand, UK Kifjhth Avenue; Robert K (itinth.'! Third Avenue, C Karl leowtt, Uik-t Terrace, Daniel J. oore Surf Avcmw; Benjamin Pitts, tm Snyder Avenue: Yet their voice ROCS through all tha earth. _(Psulms Hh I) Communication la at the heart of prayer; for prnyei is tlw way hy which we reach God, and it la the w«.v»>' which fiod reuehefl us. Com* munication us at the heart ot civilization; for civiiuntion u the result oi people understanding and learning from t one another. Let us keep the \ linea of communication open always. ichel aitin, 411 Sixth the program, beginning at 8 p.m. «3W \ uf»tle O i* I Ui ' ' it, J*'...> S i>. HU mai.t m* haw. ' I ' ' I -i Fma i miyltui^ t tl ;- r* Lttd harioiiy ftf i.»o> rifll i>l H uii i-»* i with yriuc il u ' Him EEHAN Funeral Home 555 Warren Ave. Spring Ijike Height* Hueh B. wlian Director JOHNSON FuneralHome Fully Air Coiulilimri Route 38 - Wall Township odern Funeral Home odernly Equipped Walter J. Johnson Director ESTABLISHED 1944 TELEPHONE DANGLER FUNERAL HOE J. Robert Gray - Owner & gr. "We endeavor to serve each family as if they were our own, offering a warm and friendly at»wsj)here, quality and dignified service to meet every financial need' 1. EIGHTH AVE. & SOUTH LAKE DRIVE BELAR, N. J. " ' '. ''- -\ r -' [ ': ' '.' '.' '. ' DANIEL A. REILLY FUNERAL HOE Situated on beautiful Silver Lake convenierrri/ located to serve the entire Shore Area Street Belmar, N. J.

6 mum I i t»*» Tmemm Shapely Superlative j THE COAST ADVERTISER i- 7S ftt 4»t> an* «..««. - Isffe al It *m S a * 2 " I \ i ll l i. 0m an mk«a t. w t Socld illtl i * in t'\u> *mm. 4 Security Ja> J < kid «." ' * trfib* in U i ) aakt U» «W II ikau«i tart. mi i I t l>«* «ajk a b>). l a *,» H» tm * *»»» a U W * a t U aalar> al UK «WB I Ifek * 1 «s Ifcal a«a tnaj awd IW aa- '» >> Ft a * * fc pll Hlt al Ham* l a w a i run > I bnailt> r i 1. m*t, Ik. Crntt) '' «w milassrf ikat «th « al taw«. -.jatta'w». «*JS/»!mar tal butw J «aw TV t n i ) Ha r mn k. anna»i»»n mm mm!..-.i and all ul kk Waafo an'rf a i * Prfcr Hariura i,.- ia> a w d i b l u K I *** iwtalty f *«* ( m i l *, lor Ik ( * a».ailnlk< u U l»»» ««i! t«a> H. raalva IwW.'eatfw»alar <tmm Dm Ian Ik. W4 4 r te i t n H I ; I H *» apd itai Had iw a n and ««I * < * I» al ir aar, ' rial a m r * } kmrfni. Swnr» u d 111 W.i. k *>tiati may nan». mm*» Ha hawx _ ym mm p h g to I m «r low ihoii^ki inn I rwntflun raaarm m *»!» > «) month, tas l w w ««* i * navla man aaad Wilfciaitn." IWt. JHW'4 P» V >A* il l^ihrr WtlkjH ta H few hurt" axmttili tonriii siill.ia.aid,»>ll « us <» rwani racah* f w i al Ir wial a> K^arb iraai ap saftbaa I rwiy analtli Nr lat y w >ia l*at«l thai the Irbnar l u o u aaj Dantky,ii.m» m r ralva further explaimi w u t had dually n a a a ) H H I f t " at (» rhat u m*«t*la! ran earn as, *la anr tit tatiaa A m ; Ike n a r hwkfra much a> hr oanta lor Iht >>«, Vacatba CaiWr Xnm art and atili r^tlv* a ajajaj inoiiiv bdlrr. xkl Ihr rtgoh. IB Or bcnlll l..i i n ; immlh m ahkh» n i lou uf a I S a a. and ll» h«htt( Ittlle or rut parnm^s. tir It 14 n I,.., the «?ek twists to is **«mpktyitj. il *. lilflt1 j runkreman James C \.j II,K *n: k in bia rjusiiws* r Caivafli),!(«* rewi'lvd that circling of irw rft«-d the fxum^e i -ti-"! ^tark Ki\er Inbt wouu h^tn r^.i<fkts who usually work tm about August 3D Hie Army r'numnntki i)l thf year II a teacher ^ineeri said they wttu dretlhi' -jitsrtly tieautilul *(tman Vi^ files an aft»!i<atl'ifi hrtw^h can f,,,(, the Ocvan Avenu* hinl:i:i in ^fi (lie,-.ii answer.1 be paid l u f the months he ikiei C H a twar<!. rrcatln a Hc Xh.'i 12 H H ( W N S P O 1 I N «N ' j ) W ' " ^ < * Vou stand nul WOTR. regardless of his tnul f ^ bel»w m r a n low water, (!!# 1 nul coiijidhil Aren't you earnings fur the other ten months, Brown»n your U*n may gidd you learned to knit and For more intormatkm, gvi knj I the work of chiaeh hugi, tayt rrmhth- Tnws*' firal two itiuha li«k+ with the «Klal»ecur«y Donald ohr, Senior County you learned can arrompfah al any people have promoted positive thinking. Dale oflw l«rated at «" Herk Sreet. 'iient [this Thr softly shaped body of Carnegie made a lifetime profeuion out of it. Rev.Ashiiry Park <"mikh bupi feed an grass stockinette knit and the *ubtk blades With their pjercms and charm of long, crochet d r n w Norman Vincent I'eale topped the be«t»eller Hit with sucking mouth parts, they re- m S y chain mesh - all aecom books of sermons on it, and songs have b«en written move ail the iiqu.d from the blade, phshed» h 4-ply yarn A few _ it to first turn yellow, touches of double crochet shells about it. then brown and finally die Hirne,tr^r11< ''* complete picture of owners are advised to look (or loveliness that ii the Loie Holmes Closely intertwined with this philosophy are the :hinrji bugi where brown «(»» Look for Today. Iw't it great to attributes of integrity, respect for fellow man, and prooaaae-lnttf eaaarlal appear in their ia-wni. b e a winner the easy way? Your County Accentuate The Positive rtucivt living. Then, along comes something "new" as old as civilization the era of the iconoclast. Down with EDITOR, ADVERTISER everything. The moral fibre of the theatre, the arts Again I want to thank you for vour kindness in sending me the and music are seriously affected. desired copies of June ISth issue Advertiser containing arijuana is in. When this crutch fails too many ofmy Coast "Thank you article for so turn to stronger drugs as an aid to accentuate the many kindnesses in our sorrow negative. Get a subject: Cambodia, free love, pollution, and loss of my heloved husband Robert Sterling" You were student power, people power. Destroy the institutions. truly over generous as I had only In a recent letter to the editor of the Asbury Park expected 2 or 3 copies to put away Press, James P. Furey, a GI in Korea, hit the nail on with my many treasured memthe head. Commenting on the Asbury Park distur- ories. I don't know of another newsbances, he writes that he wonders what he is doing paper whkh extends such kind"thousands of miles away protecting people when our ness and courtesy to s readers I truly appreciate it and own people are in danger. Slowly, but surely, I get the and wish you every success in the feeling our society is dying." future of your valued paper. Very Sincerely abel L. Sterling Writing further, he says, "the Negro must learn in order to be given respect he must give respect himself and learn to respect himself as well." "No one gains by violence," writes Private Furey. "Violence is a degrading act and you will gain nothing by it..." "I have faith that peace will return to the seaside city of Asbury Park and maybe with it will come a new awarness by the populace. "So in ending I say, give peace a chance." The time, though, is late. Let's return to positive thinking even as we urge positive action to solve our community problems. Let's stop making excuses for the purveyors of death and destruction, the drug pushers, and the firebombers, by bringing them to justice. Let's return to respect family, flag, divinity, and our nation. rikim-v ordc" to Loin Holmes of i r ^ r n ^ K t *I a tittlv (Him* fincalifornia. Coast Adtertuer P<> mitdt di-ih VIHii -' l. l j x tstffi,.ngwwood, Calif auioi *h»rt hiu'' }i'kr>, and»kirt* < U k Iv betum* ruwtwy pants' or leatw print your name mi- cimgtrl Ami that ill delight fin ZIP cede and pattern plain.. child.iii.l help the ktdeet K \\ Send 15 cent* fur K\('H pat ftoik* for ui'.tr-i IK*., and girl* tera (or first -class mail and ipe i lathing too when -it, >, pant eial handling, or 25 cents EACH tegs and xkirts need tengtherung tor an mail. You can call them 'hobo' or mod Dear adam In the April 12 and get away with K article you mentioned the ' LoopFor anyone interested, anothei IT ' Would like to know if some- htlp/ul reader said Ioof)er«" are one haa used if and then re- avmktlne from Frederick Herr ported hnvr Co., 71 E. Randnlph Si Scraps of yarn ran also be uied UI-;,(.HP III twii fix U S til for fringe on most fmythfev;. I eluding postage!fte even aent The iiwert can be easily idrniisizes 8-16 '3442' are ALL in- uwd quite a little on washcloth a gwatrh for which I am \**y Dyracne. N.Y. pillows foam filled ake com- grateful It is not a substitute, fied. Adults are black with white, lu^k-tf in each pattern Air Force SRI and rs ich- wings, abut one-fifth of an inch! To order Hand Knit or a rortable, colorful tote pillow*. for knitting but is a very inter ael Corbett. a n Paik Avenue, lonft, The young are smaller, red- c hinc Knit 616 DLNNER DRE9S, One lady likes them under her eating gadget. Syracuse, are parents of a boy dish, with a whit* stripe across ^ currency, check or head in her car when on a long n m Dear Lots: I recently bought ;. trip. Youngsters enjoy them, too, kit which shows how to knit., rs Cortiett is the former Laura their backs. and are easily laundered by toss- shawl. In the instructions it calk cdonald of Neptune City, and T h w t i r e two ways to survey Sgt. Corbett is formerly from Wall a m i s for chinch bugs. One is mined that chinch bugs are pre- ing into washer and then d r y e r - for a reverse stockinette rtttch. I TownAlp. called the hands and knees sent, you can effectively control Ida Bousfield. have been unable to find this in Dear rs. SousfieW: Yes, I'veany of my books and wondered il method, you should look in the them by using an insecticide Jersey Shorr eafeal Ceatsr had good reports on the Looper. you could help me. Barbara Rutborder areas of the brown spots, I checking the base of grass Wades) Suggested materials are Sevin, It is a little gadget that produces ten. and any thatch that may be pre- diainon, Trkhion, Ethion, or As- quite an attractive knitlike stitch Dear Barbara: There are man> r. and rs. Louis Johnson, sent It is best to work on your P n Where liquid formulations are One reader wrote saying she orpatterns in which the purl side ol 603 Fifth Avenue. Bradley Beach, hands and knees, separating the "$«*> apply 25 to 30 gallons of dered it because she was ton the stockinette stitch portion nf waler lo are parents of a girl. blades as you work. l. square feet. If you stupid to knit and had no time the pattern is the right side of The second way makes use of a as* **, water the control agent to go to a knitting cfass. the work. Therefore, if a garter r and rs Timothy C. Bren2-pound coffee can with the ends m a y not be able to penetrate grass 1 agree, fringe on the wash- stitch border is desired on the nan Jr., 107'4 I4th Avenue, Belremoved. Just insert the can about and thatcr and come into contact cloth pillows is very pretty and lower edge and cuff.-, you can mar, are parents of a boy, 1 inch into the ground at the bor-j w t» the bisect. When using any practical, too Fringe used to bt, purl every row and achieve the r. and rs. Robert Day, Roch- der of a brown spot. Fill the can of these insecticides, follow the almost like a trademark of mine same result as knitting every row when I did custom knitting. Have to garter stitch. When the pur! ester, N.Y, a boy. rs. Day is thewith water. Knead the submerged directions on the label you ever tried making little vests side of the stockinette stitch is former Alice Carver of Neptune grass with your hands. Soon, any will float to the or boleros from bold terry-cloth" to be the right side of the gar City. r. Day formerly lived In Insects present p towels and fringing them as you ment, it is referred to as "reverse Ocean Grove, LEAF DW>P ON TREES surface. did the pillows1' Beach robes, stockinette." After you have surveyed several This Spring, because of the high bath robes, lampshades, serapes, Copyight Los Angeles Times ireas of your lawn and have dete humidity, many trees like apk-s, blue jean^ and many other items Apples and other deciduous trees can be quickly finished off or even produced more leaves than the plant could support. When these trees go into the first stress like an attack by aphids, heat, dry CROSSWORD Bv A. C. Cordon weather, etc. they lose their leaves. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Fill in and send subscription blank to... THE COAST ADVERTISER 701-7th Av*. - Belmor, N. J Sona: ai-tooc If you notice a sticky material on maple leaves, you probably have aphids too. Spray with alathion. If only one branch on your maple is losing leaves or when the bark is removed and the white wood is stained, then it probably is verticillium wilt. Prompt removal of the branch might save the tree. In either case an arborist might be emoloyed. They are listed under tree services in the telephone directory. Plaos. Deliver THE COAST ADVERTISER Tips from a Pro K THE YEAR OURTESY Q O N E YEAR SUBSCRIPTION %* Singkt Copy a i W College Student (9 moottrt). I S p«r OOpy r. ohr reports that should not be concerned with. _ of leaves this month if the tree has a good supply of leaves still intact. Don't look at the amount of leaves you have to rake up. Instead look up at the total tree. If it still has many leaves evenly distributed on all branches, do not be concerned. Some trees lose more leaves than others. If one of your trees is losing leaves but still has a good supply evenly distributed throuphout (he tree, don't worry about it. ^.. $3J00 SHORE POETRY Nam* FT" tr tr " ^ <^ Fft HT n FT EL f 1" p it "i#n i*> - CrBgit * o ' 1 - It.ilini IllltU'l., 1 - Sortlot 10 - look witll )S» I'Dlil.lSI 101 ) - Km Kit - HI nij "1 n W\. h J: 13 1 (J. VACATION TIE lu.r. l i Everyone should go away At least a week or two Just for relaxation Or a hobby to pursue. Organization most interested in: Q Enclosed ii my check. Sand me a bix., Chni-Joft*. Optic lnfuction some like the shore to frolic In the surf and sand, others like the mountains Where ski-ing is at hand.. 1'ioliibit RS. ILLIE REIFF 30 - I 33 - I 33 - I UK rjuoan lau 35 BHU.1 PPIH HifJtl 36 - Slirr r l o ofinhf.i H lasiuisifj 37 - Snj.ill ^0 - ini.r,-.l q iprinfl 3IVW-I 41. Time I-J South Belmar 38 - UijH Some take more (ime and travel To lands across the sea And so we plan and save all year For this taste of luxury. '

7 " " - * i Dli -ad ** '* *mu&hm$u»d -.ttakt i a #» i el % «* l la, W1W RW BUSINESS ww ooair.wra-rum, wum. mm mmn I. ** r. DIRECTORY Jatl - «#f feat* «> «ia4 >» '" W - «*< ««aaa» «t IWahn 2JV3J* 512" 1 *" kt»i - - '» -**. **» to CHIY1OUT OlDSOilll j ttwtl *L«4 I Ik jrfalk. U>d *>»«w ywftrwais a* _i n j iianatiail atawaf «t>taltii» i W. la tlt Kaa. *» m **«* <», n. *»*;***, * * > AiilOOlU t' l*»mor Am#rkoa Sorvkt H -*. iii Tit*. GILAN'S lllltltm UJh twatw' «> **.«t.ufl(lt AUlu **> IA I <*»> Ua«> Inr *m$ in*'"m'»a» tnalo ] UaWW., «l^>l uuiat»»#-,» «J *a»«>*< AUSTATI INSURANCE CO. AUIu i H> ) SURF INSUHANCI AGINCY *., *W «A*. la*l lijih, ll». a>w mi aw ludturf ajj^ "* ^ l»» * t U.W Can Pclmjf IWAVI IAt N^jt. tfaiiii lia Ik, a»aw» e*«a»»la> ampaai» «.» > al«u. akal.,, m»«a»«i t. t ma»ii i «t It. t ft. t»«, «atl W. m Ibawni a. Todays Oldsmobile: The year-end buy that pays off three ways. on tv«ry n«* Oldt in hit tlock! 3> Vti ia*««v«n OT* menay you drive it. Old. it famoui for ( aturei fhar h«lp h*«p roiri down. Like Fotitivt Volv* fioioion m »ry V- (or p«ak pvrformanc* itiomondi of mif«i iongar,.. ruitproof inner f«rtd«... aluminid «^auit tyitom... biatbvtttd lirii.,. mdny mortt 3* You q*t nl<«bonui «t tradt-in tiin*. An Oldi ii a good inv*it- -merit traditionally you get more of your dollar, bock when you're ready to trade the I.1 time around. If you think you cent afford an's time to think again. mm Look what's coming to town. COUNICADE It's free. Learn what's happening in communications. Disco\er: How the telephone network enables speech to vanquish distance. How electronic switching overcomes 'time. Why your telephone If reliable. There are fascinating exhibits dealing with miniature circuits. Telephone transmission. The many and varied items that plior.e lines carry besides speech. You'll even see yourself on the exciting t'icturephone'. And you'll also learn why telephone service today is a bigger bargain than ever. Come see Communk / /.'. OPEH- Aug. 7 S Aug. I 9 A... 9 P.. vr~i t BELARDISRAS Belmar arine Basin New Jersey Bell r*ui* «**». «l^** (» I#«I wenrv >r* 1W ra»w» *»» «> "aad n't a «*» r» Kl >r*.mul aaabm At aaat» taw raatvi wrvtji. (. xah^ i> <kt«na* «H> prafran pefcrak r Kotnakf WJUi h a*a*. a) H» * A4W T ^ T4 ml ] ru (ram > m It mi* I. >««* a»«* WH 1 W,,t. _ Na» 1 U»d _ AI.L«1 Er<>di Hat t. ompwa ' '(. <»4 Ka^ain»l AI at Education Bill Urged by Dowd.4H JOHN'S FARGO AI ttcot a»>*m»i U Ca..1 CWU I*. WALL AUTO SUPPLY ACHtNt SHO» V 9>»wH WaUa!>«<» fh~«l» 14 fi, J.i,.., BICYCLfS Clay's Bicycles & Lawnmowtrs lilt. A.a. I Hi. II. W,,l Lima, l 2*00 Hat SHORI OFFICI ACHINIS CO. *oai (*no ik»! OviNti TAIS C1IXAIS AHtCi CUANtO A H HAULINO ooo jots Hit ISIAIU «*t S4I ISIS PACKAGE GOODS LOUS IAR & PACKAGE STORE l W( COCO K - UQUOHS Of QUALITY tan Ii =,»»-'"f j.uaf^a-" ^rop< NIW locarion AT - «04 f Slwt _ U w H. I U BiUU - William F Ifci*i1 yt^tcrdajr ui^-i i*rt i *t xoa to»}^ri)»e itw H tin UNOUU CARPET FORICA VENETIAN HINDS «dtic«ti'«bill aithaugh ttw apprt»(irij Hi i» nearly a hatf-biiikm John T. Hubar, P, - few dollitri more than the KNIH riwkcti in his budgft But the I{* mtilk-.iti cufgreu 2 Union A.. [K, 71) 27) )I54 i. N. J. tohl blasted CongrcH Phone l 7H2 GTC Hekart for failing to heed warning digl^l HANSEN FLOOR COPANY tin inilauim by passing the me* CARfET LINOLEU PANELING WOOD FLOORS TRANSISTOR REPAIR CENTER sure. WEEKLY SPECIAL on Roll ol Carpet m Stock Wl REPAIR TU t TRANSISTORIZED Allhtmgli Congrest ed tula! it responsibility in Oannii Hantan, Prop RADIO and TELEVISION the laxpayers' prickets for Qualify A Guaranteed Service I eoo Highway No. 71 ttlmar, N. J..314 f Stee» lalmar, N. J. iwd said, "a veto now would tleliiy vilal education projects' r \k>v>d said. Politifians ii t'uiigresi are plaint} j;ames wit CLEANERS & TAILORS RENTAL SERVICE the DOthn* economy It is always tough to be against helpful education funds. I regret, however, DRIVE IN DRIVE IN A to Z RENTAL CENTER that Congiess lacked the cuurage RENTS OST ANifTHINS ID cut these funds and hold down Rollaway BeJi Ladder) Commercial Floor Politfan excessive spending." The Senate approved the W Contractor Tools Pumps Chain Tables Tuesday and sent it to thtr Pres- 911 Hwy. 35 (/, mila N. Asbury Circle) Winamassa -?-O339 ident for his signature. It ported from the White House that r. Nixon may veto the hill be- U was $453 million mor than he has asked for. r. \ixon wa,s reported a saying at a press conference 10 days ago that tre education bill, a compromise with the House, was an unacceptable amount that would have to be made up elsewhere if he did not veto the measure. The bill will provide federal funds for both public school programs and grants and lam to college students. "Ifs a worthy bill," r. Dowd said, "but I feel Congress could have cut some corners somewhere to keep the expendture withiji a reasonable limit. I don't think they tried very hard to be reasonable. 'If prices are to come down," he said, "thpn the edifice of waste built wlh the taxpayers' money by this Congress also must come down," r, Dowd, former staff assistant to President Nixon, repeatedly has called the Democrats in Congress "big spenders" and has urged voters to elect a Republican Congress (o combat inflationary spending. Belmar Plays At Toms River BELAR - The Belmar Ed Carleton baseball team will face Toms River today for the divisonal playoff championship in the Carleton National South League. Belmar gained the finals of the..layoffs by turning hack Wall, 3-0, behind the no-hit pitching of ike Lee. Lee struck out nin<j and only walked two in the name. Dave Kachdreiss. who was reieved by Don Slocum in the third Inning, was the losing pitcher. Jerry Lattmorc singled :ind scored on two successive errors n the first. The bam were loaded when Rusty Uizzitello was struck by a niched ball. Dave Segal was forced homo when Stove Byrne jrew a pass. Belmar added an Insurance run in the seventh inning. Fred Boenig walked, advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt,and scored on a single by Randy iller. ARNOLD'S FLOOR COVERINGS A & B CLEANERS ONE HOUR itrviijt SPECIALISTS IN DKY CLEANING PROFESSION Wadding Gowns Knitwear Fancy Dresse* Belrnar's First Dry Cleaner Since 1928 «00 F St. Cor. 6th Ava. Phone FOOD ARKET KINGS ARKET FUEL OIL SEABOARD SERVICE FUEL OILS SERVICE CONTRACTS Complete Heating Systems "Ask Your Neighbor" Dial HARDWARE l 0172 WEINSTEINS LIQUORS IIVIRAGtS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Prompt fr*«d*livtry I f StraH So^rh, RESTAURANTS The COUNTRY SQUIRE DINER and RESTAURANT Dining Room Available for Banquets and Partiei Ail Baking Done on Premii«i ALL EAT CUT TO YOUR PERSONAL ORDER 'hone Free Delivery Open 24 hours daily. Route 35 Wall Township Beef Patties ade in the Stora 127 H Street Cor. Curtis Avenue Belmar, N. J. SPORTING GOODS DAVENPORT Paint & Hardware PLUBING and ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 703 F Strut Belmar, N. J II HOE IPROVEENTS Free Estimates Phone BOB FURLONG CUSTO REODELING Carpentry ason Work Roofing, Siding & Paneling 208 Durand Road Neptune, N. J. JUVENILE FURNITURE FRANK & BETTY'S JUVENILE FURNITURE t TOYS A complete line of carriages, cribs, strollers, car seats, lamps, games, and toys, by such famous manufacturers as Simmons, Thayer, Hedstrom, Bassett, Bilt-Rite and Creative Playthings. Rt. 35 & 7th Ave. Phone Neptune Subscribe Now To The Coast Advertiser Phone Open 7 Days CREST 'N' CURL SURF SHOP REPAIRS RENTALS ACCESSORIES Infldtables by Recreonics Surfboards Hawaii Hansen Surboards 1506 "F" Street Between 15th * 16th Aves. Belmar, N. J. Shark River Dive & Sport Shop DIVING INSTRUCTIONS SCUBA CENTER FISHING TACKLE DIVE AIR SPORTING GOODS 1006 "F" Street Phone Belmar TV SALES & SERViCE T.V. RENTALS CERTIFIED TELEVISION SERVICE Service Until 9 P.. Telephone SALES and SERVICE TIRES VAN BERGEN TIRE CO. l62ofsfr» Belmar, N. J. DUNLOP TIRE WE SELL QUALITY t SERVICE Used and Recapped Tires Highway 35 & Heck Ave. tt wowa Neptuna UNDERWATER REPAIR Shark River Dive & Sport Shop UNDERWATER REPAIR - RECOVERY - CONSTRUCTION Exclusive Del-onox Purification System Diving Instruction 1006 "F" Street Phone Belmar

8 it* mt ummmrn, WIA* m» mm Ui*s Stfftig TWe jtfcrteqiirttr SI. Rut Nil BitHe Befim geh tody.... l *> «a«a n w H wal * «Any ««*JI tkt Aril ia. *««ia» awm* 0. *> aw, fc rv> an *f i)ft«w "aw Nwa tin SALUTES the 3rd ANNUAL 1 with Festive Specials! IWFH THIIB1 FBI 1 * (WED., THURS., FBI.) INSULATED JUG 2.41 Sptdil HOKIlf 10UH! INTERIOR SHUTTERS 10 OFF 4-FANEL SHUTTERETTE HARDWARE 7 5 SET 20" Cl' ROTARY OWIR Reg. 6S.9S SPECIAL _ $ 55" ^ *} 22" CUT ROTARY 10WER Reg SPECIAL On Bumper Ptay iassaivis Juli. «IIK Inn wtmi ita* la. aat.ilw m na> artat, r t IV).», t.. U-.>(. iaa<a a a( a prvwu- yaaft l»r laurwy,». raadar» " nw* mmmma. "._ Tin» ud ZulU tt and a (*"",» (»m, au d Ka't.»kr. Uar Twd lur liwrtk w>»«rui»r, both lour gmrr In the ZuJia»w, (UI lit IK? and ITS..tiyr t'urtfiinj; ftam had & 171. and Lil (iartw iwrt*hj a 17J The squail hit tut high (i«n». ami HOI I high Fresh j Tourney Starts BfXUAK «ltll» ll»'lr Doris Tiutter hit ift fur tv Horrfers ' has betn named chairman of tne Pats Din^r wen a pair from:*""! -* tht ' ^'niardigras Com Hikk*brftnd CabUwts Juiie John- \ mitiec wn had i i,'» tn the Cabinets. iiifnza Nursery came out in the bumper night j The Staidings; l Sfecl Inc. _. Klein's Fish arket DuBoitnet Bar Oarm»T\5 (Jara^t j Coast Advertiser _ j Pazienza Nursery Gcnerail Rouiitm I'aCs Diner Cow Barn.. ildt-hrant Cabiwts Youngsters are to regisur at i a.m. Thursday and Friday it I B Street and North Lake Drivt I on the Belmar side- yf the lakf They compete in boys' and girls ' dm^on* i'l two categories sin h to 11 years and 12 to Ifi y^ars j Trophes wi" h awartted for I largest and smallest fish, will ribbotis (joint' for second, thin j and fmnth places. Lou Goldberg of the Belmai [ Recreation ft.mmis.yon is aiding r. Kelly in the tourney ar RALLY! for Jim Howard win #w Bw^ff*jpp oi l t to tte» HwTib f to tei.»'*m -r- fh«all trw «t*,».y itlt- hr tr drr sf A* F-rt wlr fttwi* r w the IDT -it tb# tf ht> at this writing h.t» h-w teaure wtn* «( Wall Sta4 wit undrr (0. hrlt d «* r* Itol ftiwi of KaK Wto* r, P*rk«- :!**»! fit* (rf fctiw «/ Nut (-f.frf'.'- Pa, dti-ndi";: *.dhy* iwd «IK for j t^ Imaidigias SaK I* att-i champion Charlie kn*m 513 afrte* to Wad Kfeiot. ' ^ T««maiiwnl. the yount r Jr of l*as*+uw. Dave HuW UuBomrt Bar tw»k a pair frwi j ^,.\ ihpir fta i" a fr«*h I OHfl Adv*rtu«r. t«wt the rout! vwnien a* the popular.- i fidnt ('WKI, Bit! AKwwn erf lln. k Tmnfchip Jim H^hnan of htfk titui a tie fnr fourth vj,,r( a( Coma ;.- : *«* i ^^WioW Rirnie a**fnit o/ ina Sthmitt had a 535 teriei on j anfi tnmunwr ^organvillr, Dun flautfhliti uf I of and I lor acksofi and Bill BrW nf Olen and Alice Ckrpial hit Thr Junktr Fi-hing " dola, 5l«on her 177 and 177 hi^i gitmes ii open to voung8t«r^ from.i C&rmtt'x Haragp won a pair ]S yewrs H will tw 'ndik verage will b* I«okb^ to pro from 'rt-is*f,ii Hoofing and 'Edna from Ifl a m. to t 2 p.m. each dity t*!'.-! his lead in th* spfirtsman dtover Torchia had a \79 for the winwrs under the direction of William the hard charging >iek l**is of Cream Kid^, ohn Garner of Staten Uland, crry tk-hief of Btwcbwood. Ed pip of Trenton. Sandy Ritldle of a^ Branch. Dirk Rohbins of irnis Hiver, Jack Ely of anasquan. and Johnny Luhrs of Neptune. There will also be plenty otf competition f o r Janwich and I Si-hulU in the person of Gary Shelly of Wrightstwn, Ed Geibkof Brick Township, Pat Palter- -son of Skillmao, Herm Versnell of Torn* Ftiver, Rob Campbell of West Belmar. Ralph Carlson of Port onmouth. el Cain of Toms River and Bob Patterson : f C:eam Rid^e. ( opvn at 6 p.m. for the arly bird with the first race i Hiy underway at fi p.m. JOIN US... FOR A FUN-FILLED WEEKEND AUGUST 6,7 & 8 ar the CALL US TODAY! Flowers by Wire to &8y, so thoughtful, so beautifully received. GIG ORRIS - Flower Shop GEORGE A. ORRIS th Avenue Belmar, N. J. Special for (WED. THURS. FRI.) ONLY $179 ASTER Combination PADLOCK ISSPECIHL 1! 1 DAP RELY ON CAULK CARTRIDGE 151 * (while) Sli'l R.g.39'e«.,100 CRAFTSAN INTERIOR^! LATEX WALL PAINT $> 99 GAL. PLASTIC TOOL BOX 9 9 BARCLITE FIBERGLASS ^PANELS = #500 WEIGHT 26x S T E R N E R Coal & Lumber Co. 12th & RR AVES.-Phone &-B ELAR Wednesday, Aug 19th - 7:00 P. FREE Hot Dogs and Beer FREE ike Doolan's otor Lodge Highway 71 - Spring Lake Heights, N. J. FOR INFORATION PHONE Paid for by Independent* lor Howard, 717-8th Avo, Bfclmar. N. J. \n All Famous Brand POWER OWERS 15 % 0FF OUR ALREADY LOW, LOW PRICES «SIDEWALK SALE We are filled with All Types of "GOODIE^ TAYLOR'S HARDWARE 914 "F" STREET ' Phone BELAR

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