Membership List West 39th Street~ New York ...;, '. ~. ~ :. Published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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1 \ Membership List 1928 CORREefED TO JANUARY 3, 192N..... I.;/ I ENGINEERING SOCIETIES BUILDING Headquarters of the Society Published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 29 West 39th Street~ New York ~ ".....;,. ~. ~ :..: ~ J,,.. ~ "...; w;;,,....:> ~l.;

2 /.J I...A17tg---.. : : ~ lq i Officers and Members of the Council of the A. S. M. E. /1 ".. ~: t...)... ~ I i I l. l ~ I 0j. ~.,i.,. -JY! <1... ALEX DOW President, The -<\,li1erican Society of Mec:hanlcal Engineers : ~ 0:;,. ".,.,.;;:...: :,,: ~.. 0:... ~.. c :.,... ~- -~ :,;~ r" J t i.;.;.

3 .~.. fr..."..;,:.:. t.. y (6.. (.~... JOHN L. HARRINGTON I. past-.president. FRED a.. LOW Past-President... / to I ~

4 CHARLES I\IL SCHWAB Past-President E. R. FISH" <,0 JOHN H. LAWRENCE Vice-President EDWARD A, MULLER I Vice-President. 1. E O E_A_S_T_W_O_O_D -, Vice-President CHARLES L. NEWCOMB Vice-President I I I PAUL WRIGHT NEWELL SANDERS Vice-President Vice-President ,--- --,-----J


6 CONlENTS Page Alphabetical List of Conuuittees... 2 Officer.s: and Council 5 Comnlittee Personnel. Standing Committees 6 _... L. B. MCMILLAN--I I Manager / ERIK OBERG Treasurer Boiler Code, Special Technical Committee... 9 Special Administrative Committees : Special Publications Committee, Biography Professional Divisions Executive Committees " 12 Local Sections Executive Committees Student Bmncbes Standardization Special Committees... U Research Special Conlmittees Powet Test Codes Special Committees Safety Special Committees Joint Activ\ties and SocletJ Representation....., Honorary Memb~s Alpbabetical List of Memb., s 6" Directions for Using List, G6. G(oglnphir.ul I.fst of llemuelr.i ami Poge Imlex to Countries 203 D;"ecUollS for Using List, 204; SWllmal) of Membership, 718. CALVIN W. RICE Secretary (Priuted ill Uw U. S..d.) 2

7 SUliety for Promotion of Ell",lut:!ering Edncati"n 63 Societ~ Representation Spark Arresters (ReseaLch Sl1el ial Com- St~~i~~~dl?":ti~~. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::~ Standardization Special Committees..41 Stationary ~team Boilers (Power Test Corles> " " 6d Steam Boilers and Other P,e55ure Vessels ill Service, Care of (Boller Coele) 9 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COMMITTEES ~team Engines, Recip.ocatlng (Power Test Codes) G Steam Locomotives Codes) (Power Test 67 ~team Power Plants, Complete (Power Test Codes).. ".".. ""." 57 Steam Turbines (Power Test Codes). 66 Stcel Railway Bridges and ~rovable Rallwav Bridges, SPecifications 48 Student Branches 85 Iell.,s of Election Textile Division 18 fextile SafetJ Code Steel, Specifications for Irark,vork. Rpecial, Spec:fi""tion. for :Huteolial!1 for U~e in :MnmlfactulP of Trallsmission Chains and Sprockets.. 4U Unfired Pressure Vessels (Boiler Code) 10 "(;nlted Eaglnecring Society, A. S. ~r. E, Representatives U:l Ventilation Safet) C,de " [n Wnlkwa}" Surfnoes. Safety Corle 61 Washers, StlIndnrdization of Pillin nlld!..,ok 45 W..,llingtoll Award, Western Sooiety 01 Engineers 6:~ Wnter Powe,, Units and Basis 10" Uath,!: of Ri vels for l)roducing. ~ 48 Weldlnll (Boiler Cude)...., 10 Welding of Pressure Vessels (!IIesear~~ Joint Committee) Wire sud Sheet Metal Gages, Standarrli zation 4.0 Wire Hope for Mines, StandRrdization.47 Wood II1l111StI!CS Diyl.ion 18 Wood, Htnnda"dization of Methods for Testing 4n Worm Gea (Research Speoinl Commit teo) _ 3 Wrought and Wrought Steel Pipe,ml Tubing, Stnndnrdization.. ".. ~6 Terma e",pire December CHARLES L. NEWCOMB E. O. EASTWOOD ED\VARD& R. FISH FUEDlmlCI\ H. DOkNtlL OFFICERS AND COUNCIL President ALEX Dow * Past-Presidents JOHN LYLE IIAJmrnGTON (1928) W. F. DURAND (1930) }nr.d R. Lo. (1929) W. L. ABBOTT (1981) ClunT.os M. SCHWAB (1932)* Vice-Presidents Managers Tsrm. ezpire December 1989 JOHN H. LAWRENCE * E. A. MULLER NEWELL SANDERS PAUL WRIGHT Term..zpirs December 1988 RonEllT L, DAUGHERTY Xe71lL$ e",pire December 1989 PAUL Don WILLlA>! ELMElI Cn.RLES E. GORTOII RALPH E. FLANDEIlS CONRAD N. LAUER * Ter... e"pit. December 1980 WILLTAId A, HANL"Y L. B. MolllLLAN I C. E. lja,n;s Treasurer ERIK OBERG Assistant Secretaries Secretary CALVIN W. RIC"!: E. HARTFOIID O. B. LEPAGY. "" Chairmen of Standing Committees ll~pj(t8enta.f1. l es 011 llj ItUIlCe, H. V. COEB E. H. WEST, Vice-O"..irman lii...ethlgs alul PIogrnm, H. M. GATES PnbltcntioJlS, K. IL CO"",,, llienlbel. sbip, HOSF.A WEnSTim Plofesslonal Dirl"ioJlS, R. T. KEN" I,O",~1 Section", J. D. C,XOHAM Constitution anll B~!o, E. E. HOWARD W. n. ENNIS, Yice-Chai,wLa/l COlllloi! bue.triehoue vote Awards, llu N. HOLLIS L. P. ALFORD, Vice-Ohairman Relations with Colleges, E. F. CHURCH, JR. Ellncntion anll Training for hulnstrle", J. T. FAIO [,lbrnry, PSRCY H. Tflol4.As Standn.l dizatioll, COLLINS P. BLIS. Research, R. J. S. PIGOTT Power Te!Ot COlles, FIlE!> R. Lo,v Snfety, JOHN PRICE JACKSON PJofessional Condnct, ClI.\RLES R. MAIN flo J<::xtclItive Committee of Council. _~lex Dow, Ollafrman, Edwards R. Fish, Jice. (..llc1i,.mall~ Calvin \\~. Rice, Secrtttary.

8 STANDING COMMITTEES Constitution and By-Laws STANDING COMMITTEES NOTE.-D"tes i71 par."thesis dellote ","piration oj term. Finance H. V. CO~B, Ohair",an <>nd: B.yre/mtaU". on Conncil (1929) E. H WEBT Vic.-Ohairm... (1928) J..wES L. WALSH (1931) F. A: SCHAPF (1980) DAVID LOFTS (1932) Council ntdu"es: EDWA1U>S R. FISH (1928) JOM1I" H. LAWRENCD (1929) E. E. HOWAED, Ohai!71Oan "nd R.present"ti". on C,,,,ncil (1928) W. D. ENNIS (1929) A. D. Bun (1931) GEO. E. PFISTilRER (1930) THOS. O. McBams (1982) Awards IRA N. HOLLIS. OIULir",..,.nd"t"ti". OIl Council (1930) L. P. ALFORD, Vice Ohail7llOn (1928) H. L. SEWARD (1931) A. 11. GREENE, Ja. (1929) Roy V. WRIGHT (1982) Meetings and Program R. M. GATES. Ohain"." and B.prBIJ""tati". 0" Oou"ci! (1928) S. W. DUnEY (1929) G. M. EATON (1981) W. L. BATT (1980) F. M. FElKER (1982) Publications K. H. CONDIT. Ohair",." lind B.pres""tati"... Council (1928) E D DlUltFUS (1929) F. V. LARKIN (1931) W. i. BHOUDY (1980) W. H. WINl.ERROWD (198~~ (Personn.l of Special Committ, p. 11),.- / Membership HOBEA WEBSTER. Chaiim4cn.nd B"!>r ntati,,... Council (1928) S. D. OOLLET!! (1929) F. A. WALDRON (1.931) L. M. OOMB!lOOK (1980) H. W. BUTLER (1982) Professional Divisions R. T. KENT, Chailf"an andl?epr..""t.ti"8 on Oouncil (1928) AROHIBALD BUCK (1929) a W. BROOKB (1981) J. W. ROE (1930) W. F. DIXON (1982) (Per"onnel 01 Pto/easional Divuio/l" Ezecuti1."6 Com.mitteesl p. 12) Local Sections J AMEB D. OUNNINGHAM. Ohairmacn and"tati" n OaunciL (1928) PAUL DOTY (1929) HARRY R. WESTOOTT (1981) FRANK H. OROCKARD (1930) CIURLIla W. BEIlNETT (1932) (Pers.nn.l of Local S.Ctioll" ~",e.cuti"e Co"mitt... p. 19) (I Relations with Colleges E. F. CHUROH, JR., Ohai!7ll4n.nd Representativ. oa Council (1928) A. A. POTTEll. (1929). M. 0, MAXWELL (1981) S. H. LIDDY (1930) D. B. PB.E1ITIOE (1932) (SNlde"t Br"/Icl~., ami om c... p. 35) Education and Training ~or the Industries JOHN T. FAIG. Chai!71O"n "n<ll Repruent"ti on Oo"nca (1932) R. L. SACKETT (1928) W. S. CONAN! (1930) S. S. EDMANDS (1929) D. C. J.ACKSON (l981) Library P>lItOY H. THOM.AS, Chai"l and Beyre.ontali". 0" Oo""cil (1928) O. E. HoVBJ (1929) ALTIllIl S. MILLER (1931) H. A. LA1U>NER (1930) THD SEORE!.!JlY, CALVIN W. n,ce Standardization Qrg".ked.April, to supervise all stando.rdizatio" acti.itic. of the 80cl6ll1.. Ooopcra.t.. dth.amarican Engine.ring Stando.rds Oommitlee O. P. BI,ISS, Ohai!71O"" and R.prcsentat". 0" Oouncil (1929).!. M. HOUSER (1928) H. B. TAYLOR (1981) E. J. KEARNEY (1980) L. K. SILLOOX (1982) (P.r.on".1 of SpeciAl Oommill..., p. ~1) 7 \

9 STANDING COIIU.fITTEES O, oaniz.d. Vec.",bo,, 1918, to rc1lis. alld <"tella tlte Powe" Te.t OoeL.. 01 the, Society. Tit. OocLes hael been f0111",iated by "0.";0" c01i"nitt o.ppcinted from 1886 to that date Term.",pi,:e. Nov.,nber F. R. Low L. P. BRECKENRIDGE: n. H. FE:IlNALD C. F. HIRSHPELD R. J. S. PIGOTT H. Coon E. R. FISlI O. P. HOOD FJt.~D R. Low, Cl1a-W"ma n. ""cl RelJc8ell.tative OIL COlmail (1930) Tcwrfl, 6xpi1e8 Noc611l.ber SO.. 199B ~. A. OARLE G. A. GOODE!IOUGli L. S. MARKS E. N. TRUMP A. O. WOOD Research Organized, 1909 to 81tpervue all researoh. a.ctivitiss.. collaborating 1.lJith oonr..mittee.j of kindled societies.. and obtaining results of researches conductecl "in tile ri. S. ana: otller countries R. J. S. pwotr, Oltairman and Bopre.entatw. 071 Oouncil (1928) A. E. WHITE (1929) W. REUBEN WDBSTER (1931) ROBT. L..STR>:ETF.ll (1980) W. H. FUr.\VElLEIl. (1932) (p.,..on"el of :1jJe.iar Oo,,,,,,illee., p. 50) Power, Test Codes j"elm fjj:pl,es C. H. RERlIY ~lolen&.b8r SO, 19!9 L. HODGKINSO" D. S. JACOBUS L. F. MOODY E. Do RICKETTS jcrm. f.j, lyovem,bfw SO J 1931 A. G. CHRISTIF. P. DISE"",,".. O. E. LUCKE f:. "-\.. (1hlllll\ W. M. WHITE H. B. OA.TLEY W. J. WOHLENB.ERG (Pelsollnel of Special Oommittee., lj. 56) Safety Appoi7lteil Octob...,10U, to.."tena /mowledge of Safety, to promote coop.ration in tllis fi.ld, ""a: au safety c04b acti1jities of Society witl>. e;r;ceplion of IIto.o oz ~oiler Oode group,of commutee. J. P. JACKSON, Ollairman IUld Repr entati". 0" Ol)wlCil (1930) H. L. WHITTEMORE (1928) L. R. PALMER,(1931) G.E. SANFORD (1929) A. M. TODE (1982) (P.rsonn.1 I)f Sp.cial Oo",...ittee., p. 58) Professional Conduct OH... R. MAIN, Ohairma" l>nel R&pfeso"tat/w 011 Oouncll (1928) 1. E. MOULTBOP (1929) DWIGHT P. ROBINSON (1981) JAS. E. SAGUE (1980) WILLIAM B. POWELL (1982) 8 SPECIAL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FRBD U. Low. Oll4inJl,an. JOHN A. STEVENS, Hon. Ohair1llan D. S. JACOBUS, Vic. Ohairmall C. v. OHBRT. HOll. Seoretary ~[. JUl;IST. Actmg H. E. ALDRICH W,r. H. BOEHM FRANK S. OLAIlK Flt.CIS W. D>Wl W. F. DURAND TKO"AS E. DURBA" Eow.AIllls R. FISH V1l(CENT M. FIlOST OIiAltL}:S E. GattroN ARTHUR M. GRE:ENF., In. FRANK B. HOWELL OHAS. L. HUSTON S. F. JETER. J. O. LnCH EDWAIUJ F. Mn.LER M. F. MOORFl r. E. MOULTROP C. O. MYEnS JAMES P.o\RTINGTON C. L. W..utWICK H. LERoy WHITNEY Conference COJllInlttee to tile Boiler Code Com.mittee TllOS. R. An,cRER, Delaware f.. M. DA,RllINGER, Seattle, Wash. ROARD all MECH. ENGINEERS, Los Angeles, Oallf. E. S. OoNS&R, Memphl.. Tenn. A. L. DANIELS, Parkersbm;g, W. Va. :l!..~. EDG 1l, Wi.consin T. O. EIFPER 1N "k WM. H. FURIdAN ( ew.or E. W. FAR1IER, Rhode E. W. FITT, Omaha. Ncb, J.f.!nTI:i J. Fl/rztK, Washington GERALD GEARON, Ohlcago, Ill. Wid. J. H,oYNE:S. Kan... Oit). Mo. HENRY HELMRICH. ~r..ryland T. A. HERING"", Utah.TOR:< M. LOKENS. Philadelphia. Pa..TOR" C. McOABE, Michigan Executive COlllmittee D. S. JACOBUS, Ollairman WM. H. BOEHM E. R. FISH CH.\S. E. GORTON. Boiler Code H. H. MILLS, Detroit, Mich. A. O. MITCHELL, Scranton, Pa. O. O. MYERS. Ohio J. D. NEWCOMB, JR., ArkllI1sas W. L. N&WTON, Oklahoma L. O. PEAL, Nashville, Tenn. R. PEYINGHAUS. Tampa. Fla. DEE POWEr,I" Tul.a. Okla. GlJOROE RENO, St. Louis, Mo. Jos. F. SCOTT, New Jersey E. G. SI[I~lnLt::). (alifarnia W. E. SM[TH. Hawaiian Islande JAMES E. SPEED. Erie. ):la. O. D. THOMAS. Oregon OHAS. A. W.\TERS, Penn.) lnnia OHAB. H. WEBER, St. Joeeph, Mo. GEORGE WILCO:l:. MinnesotR J. M. WOOI>, Indiana , Miseouri of Boile1 Code Committe" S. F. JETER FRED R. Low O. W. OBERT J.oUIES PARTINGTON Boilers of LoeOluotives (Boiler Code) JA"YoB PARTINGTON. Ollairman A. G. PAOK, Conjor61UJ. M.",b.r H. n. OATLEY Care of Stealn Boilel."s D..lid Other PreHHIU"e Vesse18 in Service (Boiler Code) F. :U. GIBSON, Ohairman S. F. JETEn E. G. B.1LEY W. II. J,AllJ<nl. dll. W. G. DUUN Cmus W. RICE V. M FROST J. S. SCHUIdAKP.ll J. R. GILL H. F. SCOTT.T. W. HAYS N. STAHL 9


11 PllOliESS~ONALDIVISIONS Sub-OonllllitteL Oil Progress in Fuel EnJ;;ineering A. G. CHIlIBT. Chai""an PROFESSIONAL DIVISIONS (Per.onMI of Slanding Committee, 1" 6) Sub-Collunittee on Cooper...tion witla Loc...l (To be appointed) Sections VICTOR J. AZIJE. Oh(li."nRl~ E. C. SCIUIlDl J Of[l; V.\N B)l.ul<T P. H. W.\nI:.ElOH. \I. J.. RODINSON W. TRINKS WALTER RUNGE J. H. Mc):;.\LLY A. C. FIELDNER. ClIail"1Jlan ":ltle ORUSB\. Chairman sub-committe!! Oil Smoke Abatenlent Snb-CoJulUlttee 011 Pape.s, IIleetings Ullll AimH M. B. SMITH. Ch"irma" JOHN VAN BnUNT V. J. AZUE Executive Commi~tees and Sub-Committees EDWl~ E. :\I.DHI~. 01l{lirm~r. AILCHIBAl.D BLACK F.r.~Ir.n. A. S~~lRl" G. 1;1. E.o\TON. K. P. TJMOSH~NliO Aeronautic Division Applied Mechanics Fuels Division Sur...ey Committee WILLIA" F. DU"AND CHA~. H. U(",VL.f ALEXANDER Kr,RMIN, 8sCretut1l S. B. ELY F. M. VAN D""ENTEIl H. \V, BnoCJI\s. J. 1. \V."D U H. A. S. HOWARTH ~\.. L. KIMBA,LL. Secretary R. T. H.\SL.\M (ala. A. OnnOI;; \IM. G. CHRISTY. Secl. ta71 E. M. CHANCE V. J. \VOJILE..nnmO F. H. KNEE"""D \"..G. SHINKLr. V, H. HL.\U""~LT S. B. FLAO" ELLIOTT H. WlIlTI.O( K O. P. HOOD Smoke Abatement-Sub-CoJullllttee 011 IIlensnrement or Smoke Density, Soot ana Dirt A. H. L.O\XGSDORF, 01mif1JlQ T. MOORE r. Nlo,:rOLLS IT..K. KUO"J:L L. R.,A~DllEWI Secretary J Sub-Committee 011 Coope....tioll with Relatea Org...nlzatloJUI Jh1I0X E. WHITE, Ohairman C..!II. ALLEN W. R. BARKLEY HOUT. R. ROBERTSON WM. F. GRA:!T C, :\. ALf,EN, C/mi-JmQl& I.. A. W1NT>.R I. 1. H.\"" n. E. R. S,URP (10 be "l,pointed) Hydraulic Division ELY C. HUTCHINSON. Chairman W, Y. WHIT~ R. L. THOMAS L. F. MOODY H. L. DOOLITTL~. SBcreta,y Sub-COlUnlittee on IUeetlngs alla Papers (To be appointed) Sub-Comndttee on Membership Sllb",COlllDlittee 011 L. F. HAil".. S. LOGAN KERR GEO, A. OllllO" C. F. MERRIAM N. F. VEATOH, Sn1""E"~ Cnnnnittee ContnctM Gl-:U.A. OnnOl(~ Chairman W. F. UIll. Il. V. TF.Jlm FnHnE8T N,\Gl.EH. X. R. GWSON n. )1. "P"... nnpy JR. Sub-CoJllmlttee 0.. Codes alla Stanaards I,EWlS F. MOOI>Y. O/,airma" Conference lltble R. L. DAUGJIF.RTY; Ohairma" 13

12 G. T. SNYDER F. C. BIGGERT. JB. PROFESSIONAL DIVISIONS Iron and Steel Division O. SNELLING ROBJNSON W. W. MACON PROFESSIONAL DIVISIONS Sub-Conunittee on NatiOnal Meetings and Production Control WILLUl4,L. CONIWl. Olw.iT7ll4" L. C. MORROW, Olw.iffll4" J. H. CONNOLLY J. W. Hoox Machine-Shop Practi~e Division W. W. TANGlO14AN W. J. PlOETS CARLOS DE ZAFBJ.. Secretarv Sub-Committee on Paper" for Bostou Meeting J. H. CONNOLLY, Ollairma",Sub-Collllllittee on Papers for National Meeting \V. W. TANGEMAN, Ohairma" Sub.ColllJuutee on Po.pers for Spring Meeting C.UlLOS DE ZAFlU.",a" Sub-Collln,ittee on Po.pers for Anl,ual Meeting W. J. PEETS, Ohairman Sub-Committee on progres~ Report L. a. MORRow, Ohair11Um (Assisted by Executive Committee) \ SUb-OrmUllttee on Forging, StulIlping..nd Pressing W. L. CONRAD, Oluiirm." P.o\RK T. SO\\DEN. Yice Ollo,irnaan ROBT. E. NEWCO.IB E. O. CLARKE, Ohairman Management Div,ision W. R. CLARK W>l. B. F""ausoN G10. E. H.\(it:M.O\K:i, Secretary Sub-Commltt"" on Locul Section.., ltianagement Week and Rea-Ional llieetingl! PARK T. SOlDl-::s, Chalrmau 14 I Sub-Comxnittee on Po.pers for 1928 Spring MeeUna ROBERT E. NawOOHB, OIw.irm4n Sub-Committee on Po.pers for 1928 Annual Meeting GEO. E.IUGE,MANN, OIIllirm4n Advi~er on International Meetings H. &. DENNISON, Ohairman Adviser On Industrio.l PsychololrT L. M. GILBRETH, Ohair11l4n Adviser on Measurement of Management J. W. ROE, Olw.irma,. Survey ComlUlttee L. P. ALP01tD, Ohairman Sub-Committee on Progress in llianagem,ent ED, R. H. MoLAIN, Olw.irman J. A. SHEPARD G. E.. HAGEMANN C. W. LYTLE, 01w.l:nrltln. (Assisted by Executive Committee) Materials Sub-Committee on Me", G. E. HAGl!lMANN, Ohairman F. L. ST. JOHN E. D. SMITH F. L. EID!ll.ANN W. T. SPIVEY Handling Di, F. D. C.Ir M.

13 " NIXOX W. EL~En, Ollairman JAM>:~ L. WALSH, Oha i rma" E. F. DuBRUL H. ~. J OHNSOli 1.,I. KAns, Chairman L. ll. GOLDSMITH II. A. PRATT F. El,."" Chadrman W."I,TER S_"MA~S, Ch<1. I1lum. T. H. EEBR C. F. BRAlI!l Y. E. ALDEN. Clulirm"n.hlll:\ A. HUXTEn F. M. GIDSON PROFESSIONAL DIVISIONS Sur...;r Committee l"ilank RASMUSSEN F. L. EIDMANN Sub-Committee on Progress R..pOl t H. J. PAYNE, Chairman SUb...CODllllittee on F01 nluln. S, H. LIDS., Ohairman National Defense Division B. A. FRA""LIN E. D: CAMPBELL P. R. FAYfl(O~lLr,g. Secreea1!1 Oil and Gas Power Division HAUr" COOKE L. H. Moronso~. Secretar!/ Sui,.Committee on Oil Enginp Power Co~t Sllr,"e-,- COlJlIliittet" H.\IITt-: COOKE, OliaiJ"fllan. Petroleum Division If. R. ]IF.H,el::l \Y. G.HE~TEL P. L. GUARIN, Beeleta-/71 Power Division v. M. FROST W. F. RYAN. S.cretarv PROFESSIONAL DIVISIONS Sub-CoDlmittee 011 Industrial Power Papers EDW.\ltD PIE.R.C1. HULSE, Ohairman I. F. "1I.1:~ W. F.. WllES Railroad Division W. F. RYAN, Secretary Printing Industries Division ClIAS. F. HART J. S. PECKER H. E. VEHSJ,AGE, Ser.retcnll Sub-Conuuittee 011 Technical Papers Su.b.. COJllluittt!~ J. S. P CKHIl, Chairm.a.n Sub-(oIUJnittee On Cooperation Witll llietrollolit..u \rm. l~rjlln;h, Ch4irnum ELIOT SU~INER A. F. ;;TUF.SlXG W. O. GLASS, Ohairman..~. F. STUEnL~(j, Ohairman R. S. MCCONNELL A. G. TRlIllDlILL MARIOS B. RICH.uWSON, Secrf.lar/J Sub-Collu.!ittce ou Relations witl. Metrol,olitnn Section Er.tOT SUMNF:n., ChdinJ1fl.71 on 1l.elutioJIr!4,,-ith LocaLI Sectiolu!5 SUb-COWlllittee on Profeludollal Ser,-ice. MARION B. RIOIU.RDSON, Chairman Snb-COll:llntttee on lueetiugl Alltl pn,»ers.-\. G. 1nu:U:DuLL I Cha.irman Section SlIh-(c""mitt,,e on Relations...ith Mecbullicn.l Divi~loll, A. R. A. V~\C. Et.ltmR, Oha:irman \. ~l. FuosI. Chai-r man. Sub-Committee on Central Stntlon PUllel" 16 Surve)" (!ouuuitt".. R. S. MCCON!lELL, Ollainna" 17

14 , 1 PIIOFESSIONAL DIVISIONS Snb-CoDlDlittee on Progress In Railroad Mechanical. Engineerina-, 19~8 WM. ELMER, OhaiNll471 (Assisted b) Executive Committ..) LOCAL SECTIONS (PeT.Otw,el 0 SlaniJinil Oommitt.e. p. 6) JAME8 W. Oox. J... Ohairm4t1 EDWIN H. MARBLE EARLE R. STALL WM. BIUID WHITE, Chairman JAMES S. MATHEWSON TR08. D. PEllay SUb_CODlDlittee on sa... and ~nife Researoh C, M. BIGELOW. Chairmtm P. H. BILHUBER G. P. A1IEBN, Chairm4n S. J. RECORD Textile Division McRI!lA PAllI[ER. HENRY M. BURU Wil. L. CONIUD. Secrelar1/ Wood Industries Division OHE8Tt:R L. BA.lJCOCK, Sect"etarJl PAUL H. BILBl18ER, Asst. Searelart/ 8ERN MAD8EN 1>IONTE GATHMAN. Secretar SUb_CODlJllitte; on Spark Arrester Researoh J. S: MATHEW80N, Chairman Snb-ConlDllttee on Wood Working Edu!aUoll T. D. P.:RRY. OhaiNll4n BERN MADSEN,\.~[. BRAin \VHITE, ljecretaru Snb_CowDlittee on Tropical Woods H. H. OullIUll DONALD MATHEW8 T.D. PERRY, Secretary IS Executive Conunittees Akron ORGA"IZY.D, TERltlToRr. Radius of thirty miles from Akron, Ohio. LOCAL OnoANIUTION8, Engineering Society of Akron. NCll8F.R 01 MEMBERS EXECUTIV1!l COMMITTEE: HAL JENNING8, Chairman O. B. ALLEN C. M. WILItIN80N, Vice Ohairman R. R. JONES \\. MACMIOHAEL. Secretary-TreaB1lrer Atlanta OSGA"I1,ED Tr.SRITORr, Radius 01 sixty miles from Atlanta. Ga. PLACE OP MEETING, Chamber 01 Commerce Building. Hall 2. LOCAL OROANI>ATION. Affiliated Technical Societies of Atl8nta, NUM8ER OP MEMBERS, 113. E:S:SOUTIVE COMMITTEE: E. F. MCLAUGHLIN, Ohairman GEORGE BRAUNGART E. W. OBRIEN, Vioe-Ohaimlan (f. T. BAKER O. E. DOUGHTIE. JR Secretary Treas. Baltimore OROANI..,D, 191G. TEItRITORY, Radius of thirty miles from Baltimore, PUCE 01 M""TINO. Engineers Club 01 :Baltimore. LOCAL OIlOANIZATION. Engineers Club of Baltimore. ";UIIDER 01 MEMBERS \ EXEOUTIVIO COMMITTEE: F. A. ALLNER. Ohairman F. W. KOUWENHOVElN, Secretary TrelJ8. W. ~f. CHATARD O. O. CROMWELL S. R. CUMMINGS O. J. HORGEIt M<1. J. M. LEDKU" F. T. LEILICH J. P08EY W. B. TARDY Birmingham ORGANIZED, 191G.. TI!lIlllITOIl.Y, Radiu. of sixty miles from Bfrmingham \Ia. PLACE 01 MEETING. AuditD1:ium Alabama Power Co. LOCAL ORGANIZATION, Alabama Technical Associ&t1on. NntBrn OF MEMBER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: G. L. BaRTLEY, Ohairman H. L. FREEMAN O. B. DAVIS, Vice Ohaimla" LLOYD.JOHNSON H. G. YOUAT, Searetart/ T-TeIJ8Urer

15 I " LOCAL SECTIONS Boston. OItGASIZED, feit.ritory, Radius of thilt.\ mile:; hum BostOIl, :\la.::;:s. PLAOE OP MEErING, Boston. I;OCAL ORGANIZATION,.!lDllated Technical Societies of Boston. N liuder OF MEMUEIlS, 788. E)ECUTJVE COMMITTP.E: P. C. IDELL, Ohairman JOHN R. CARLSON ARCHER DAVIDSON. Vice-Ohairman F. S. FREEMAN E. F. B11Rl<H.HI. s.c/ctary-trea81jrer O. H. CH.,srn Bridgeport OnOJ.XIZJ::D, lui;. as a branch of Connect:lcut Section; reorgunized as a Sectioll TERRITORY, Fuirfleld Count,), Conn. PLACE OP MEETINCi, Stl.ttleld Hotel. ~uunen. OF MEMD1!:JtS, 1;4. EXECUT"" COMMITTe,;: H. E. SPAllFELD. Ohairma" C. G. RISIN(; H. N. DOWNS. Vice-Ohairman O. J. RIC~liIlO~D P. L. HAYNES. Secrela", F. G. BllF.11L \VILLJ.AH FRAX, Trea8UTe1 C. F. VesTJ-~RBERG P. H. LANGE W. R. W~STER Buffalo OllG,,l,",ZED, TBRkITOny, Radius of thirt:, miles from Buffalo, N. Y. lr..\c~ OF M..~E.I I:sCi. Hotel Sta-tler. OHGA2o"IZ.\TIOX, Engineering SocJct,:. of BuffnJo, S11MBER OF MEldnRS, 209. EXEC11TIVE COMMITTEE: G. L. WtLLU,MS. Ohairman V. ~I. DOJ,r"ui, Trea~lUrer S. C. SMITH, Vice-Ohairman..\. II. f.ane lio.,an C. KEr.AE, Secreta", LOOAL SECTIONS Charlotte Olt<l.I.NIZED as a Branch 19Z9, as a Section TERRITORY, Radius sixty miles hom Chatlotte, K. C. NUMBER OF MEMliERS, 42. EXf,CUrIVE COMMITTEE: E. E. WILLIAMS, Ohairman J. S. COTHIlAN r. D. KIMBALL, Vice-Ohairman ASA BOSMJ<Il W. C. A11STlN. Secrelary-Trea8urer Chattanooga OntiA~Jz.u:D, Tl:mRITOIU, Radius of sixty miles from Chattanooga, Tenll. Xl,; MilER OP MRMBERS, 26. l~x}oxvrl\b COMMITTEE:,,",WELl. S."iDERS, OhaiNll4n A. O. BElIRY J. H. STIUmT, J:iae-Ohairman D. C. SUERM."2\ I.. U. HALr~P.Rt Sccletary Trea,surer Chicago ORGAllIZ,ED, TERRITORY, Radlu. of filty miles from Chicago, Ill. PLA.CE OP MEETING, \Vestern Society of Engineert. LOCAL ORGANIZATION, Western Society of Engi"e.r. NUJ.l1Itffi OF M~lImERS, E:a:Cl:TIVE COMMITTEE: lhomas WILSQN. Ohairman H. V. COEB, Vice Chairman. F. B. ORR, SeCTetary Treasurer R. H. BACON Cincinnati J. I. B.,NASH C. B. COLE B. S. DJCKEJlS"~ H110a DrF:MEl!. OROANlZEJ>, r:rnitory, Radius of thirty miles from the City, of Cincinnati. PL.CE OF MEETINO, Liberty Club Rooms. LOCAL OnoANIZATIO,!, Engineers Club 01 Cincinnati. N11MBER OP ~IE~IDBRB, 291. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: C. B. Fall, Ohairma1l-.-\.. IJ. JENKINS, SecretaT1/-Treasv..rer, CHARLES E. O. E. HILMER E. W. VINNEDO WAIlJiAK Cent,ral Pennsylvania O",U.\:\I:(\O"D, fsurjtony, Rarliu/; of sixty miles fror;n State College, Pa, ~HC" OP MeETI>iO, Uni\ elsjt~ Club, State College, PD. "tr~rner of M~IdB:llS, 89. EX":CUTJY& COMMITTF.F.: A. G. COLE, Chairman I.. W.,Hp_TH C. L. ALLEN, Secretary e. W. BEESF. F. E. BURPEE C: E, BULLI:Ot:~ GHUISH.H" 20 Cleveland OUOANlZl!D, TERRITORY, Radius of thirty miles Ircm the City of Cleveland. PLACE OF MEETINO, Carnegie Ha-II. LOCAL OnoANIZATION, Cleveland Engineering SocietJ. )l11mbell OF MJiMBERS, 593. EXECl;TIVE COMMITTEE: R. C. BRETT, Ohairman T. F. GITHENS H. S. KARTSHER. Vice Ohairman JA~n:S C. HOllns P. Y. FUASER. SeCTelary,.r. R. HROIN F. V. THOMAS,.X, easutst WAllNER 8ErnLY C. H. D.\Y 21

16 Colorado OUO.L...u:ED, 1~19. TERRITO..Y, Entire State of Colorado. PUOE 011 MEETING,!Ietropole, Denver. LOCAL ORGA.NJ%ATION, Colorado Society of Engineers. NUMBE" 011 MEMBERa, 95. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: B. E. SIBLEYt Ohairmcua. F. H. PROUTY, Secretary LOCAL SEC!IONS J. A. HUNTER L. D. ORAIN "rillia.h LESTER LOCAL SECTIONS Florida ORGANIZED, TERRITORY, State of Florida. PLACE op MEETING. JacksonvlJle. LOCAL ORGANlliATION, Florida Engineering Society. NUMBER OP YEMBEIUl, 89. ERCUTIVE OOM...TTEE: H. F. GBEEIm, Oha.irman EaNEST KREHER, Vke Oha.inna" ROBERT PET1NGHAUB, 8eoretary~Treo8Urer ORGA1iIllED, TEIUlITORY, Radius of thirty mile. from Dayton. PLACE OF MEETI:lG, Engineers Olub of Dayton. NUMBER OF MEMBERS, 88. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: E. S. PATCH. Oha.iM1l<ln W. J. FOGARTr, Secretary Columbus ORG.LlIZED, TEBIUTORY, Radiu. of thirty mile. from City of Columbus PUCE OF MEETING, Engineero Club of Columbus.. Loo..u... OnGANUATION, Engineers Club. NUMBER OF MEMBERB, 81. EXECUTIVE CcMMITTBE: fl. M. BUSH, Oha.irman J.. E. BcYD H. M. BLANK, Vke-Oha.irrnan W. A. KNIGHT E. M. SAMPOON, Secretary.Treasurer Dayton E. E. ADAMS. Trecuure1 S. J. HOFPER T. F. RATAIOZAK I Detroit OaoAlIlZ&D, TERRITORY, Radius of tllir!,! mlles from the City of Detroit. PUCE 011 MEETING, DetrOIt Engineering Club. ~OOAL ORGANIZATIOS, Detroit Engineering Societv. 1\t"MBF:R. OF MEMBER8, 475. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: F. H. Low, Ohairman O. S. GLADDEN. C. J. OXFORD. Vice Ohairman J. W. MACKENZIE r,. K. FRRlUS, Secrelary.Tr8awrer E. W. NICltLIN W. A. CARTER C. H. FESS=EN Green Mountain OaeANIZED, TERIlITORY, The entire state of Vermont and the neighboring and communities of Claremont and Hanover, N. H. LOCAL ORGANIZATION, Vermont Engineering Society. NUMBER OF ME>IIlEIUl, 38. EXECUTIVE OOMMITTEE: H. A. LINCOLN, Ohairman EDWARD ROBINSON J. R. PAnKEE. Vice Oha.iM1l<ln O. J. DEWELL F. D. HOLDSWORTH, Seeretary-Tt"tI.8lJ.rer J. R. JOHNSON. Greenville ORGANIZ"D as a Branch 1923, a. a SectloD TERRITORY, Radius sixty mlle. from Greenville, S. C. NU>lBER 011 MEMDERS, 30. EXECUTIVl} OOMMITTEE: O. E. WAIlDELL, Oha.irman D. J. KEaa W. R. CRUTE. Vice-Ohairman A. H. VANDEIllIOOF J. B. MAYO, Seeretary.Treasurer E. L, CARPENTER R. H. CHAPMAN J. K. MARQlIIB E. R. STAr. I. olosely related Erie OHGJ.NlZED, TERRITO..Y, Radius of thirty miles from the Oity of Erie. Puo" 0.. MBETI"., Board of Commerce BulJding. r~ocal ORGANIZATION, Engineer. Soclety of Northwestorn PennsylYRnfa. N tfl(ber OP MEMBERS, 91. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: McDolULD S. ReED, Ohairman G. W. NIOH, Viae Oha.i""a" w. J. BRENNFJl, Secretary F. H. DARBY, TT8Q,8"Lrer G. W. BACH WM. O. HECKPJlOTH J. F. WADSWORTH 22 OaGANIZ D, 1917, as a branch of Oonnecticut Section; reorganized a. a Section TERIlITORY, North and East of Hartford, Winsted, New Hartford, Simsbury, Bloomfteld, M..nchester, Windsor, WlJIimantlc, No;wich. PLACE 011 MEETING, Hartford Engineers Club. LOCAL ORGANIZATION. Hartford Engineera Club. NUMBER OF ME>lBERS, 153. EXECUTIVE OOMMITTEE: Eo D. P. GROSS, Oh<rirman R. F. Dow, Vioe Ohainnan. B. H. WOOD, Secretary.Prea.",r.,. Hartford 23 F. S. CARPENTEII w. S. JACOBS F. O. HOAGLAND

17 LOCAL SECTIONS Houston OR",\~LZ.D TERltlTOnl \11 of Texas south of the northern bouudaries of the follo\ving counties Andrews. Martin, Howa,d, Mitchell. Nolan, Taylor and Callalmn andtllat part of the State not included in tbe North Texas territory. l~l.\r.e OF MI:ETHW, UnJveraity Club, Lunche"n meeting, WednesdaJ! 12 :15. :""MBEn OF MEMDERS En:cuTIVE COI\UtITTEJ~: W.!rC F. EBLEN, OJuz, if"lnall. O. N. EDG.O\R,.fp,cretar//-TIt!flJu,rcr.J. H. POUND HAL C. W EJ.VER JOHN F. USENER W. A. McDoNALD n. E. HILL LOCAL SECTIONS Knoxville OU.C.i..\XJZED, U Tt:nuITonr. All the counties east of the west boullcl:u:ies of the follo~vl11g: ~OlS3n, Ronne Loudon, M.cMinn, Scott, Polk. Tenn., umt Bell County. Kentuck;y. PLACE OF ~1f:ETING. CIvics Building. Knoxville. LOCAL OHUANIZ.\TION, Knoxvllle Technical Club, ~lluden OF liei\i1iers, 46. EXECUTIVl< COMMITTllf:: J. A. SVITZER, Chairman \V. R. WOOLU1CH, Secretary-Treasurer W. J. SAVAGE WI.lJLUM WHALey T. 1. STETHRNSON W. J. DEMPSTER ORG-NI2iED, IEIlRITon... Radlns of eight\ miles from the Citv PJJACE OF MJo:ETING, Chamber of Commerce.. ~CAL ORGANIZATION. Scientech Olub. :"VIDER OF 1{eMRERS, 149. E,RCUTIYE ComflTTE>:: F. C. WAGNER. OhaiN11an, A. V. COLi::., Vice-Oha rma". HOMP.R Rtp.i.nD. S{,r.I (:tm!i.. Tr{(~,~ U1 et" Indianapolis of Indianapolis within Indiana. J. T. WILU; O. M. PRlllTT Lehigh Valley OIlOAX=, J.020. TERRITORY, Radius of thirty miles from Bethlehem, PR. PL.1CE OF lb:~mno. Uni"J1slty Club, Bethlehem. I.OCAL ORGA1<IZATION, Lehigh Valley Engineers Club. NUMbER OF MEMBERS, 196. EXECliTIVE COM)IITTRE: V...RD ll, B. PIUlNTICE. Ohairman R.\HIO:SO HARRY FERGUSON, 8ecrcta1I Treasurer H. N.!tAHN C. H. FluCK S. B. REDFIELD OHARLES P. TUIl..7.R Inland Empire OROANIZED, TERHITOnY, East of Oolumbia River in State of Washington t)gan and Benton, and portion of Northern Idaho. I Pr,Am: OF MEETINo, Davenport Hotel, Spokane. LOCAL OnGANlZATIONJ.o\ssociated Engineers of Rpokam. ;;UMDER OF l1emrlillb. 16. EXr~Cf:TIVE CO}IMIT1EF.: H. J. l[accam Cllairman ALF-X. I/INDs.\Y, SBcretary-TTe<Uurer J. J. POSPISIL C. I. C.\RPEXT"R a. 0. FERn IS V, H. GnEIRlirm Good Coulltil;~ of Ok~n Los Angeles ~~~~~r~~~: 1~~~j, of southern boundaries of following counties: Monterey, Kings. Tul..res and Inyo, Calif. PLACE OF MEETrnG, II Mary Louise. U LOCAL ORG.\!lIZATION. Joint Committee of the Teclu>ical Societies of Los Angel.s. ~UDIBr.:R OF ltif.mners, EXECUTlv" COMMITTEE:. W. A. S. HARMON, Ollail"ll14" BRUCE BROWN H. H. ANDERSON, 8ecretaf1/-Treasurer H. E, BRETT, O\Y L. WARD,:N Kansas City OkG.\NlZl:m J TERRITORY, Radius of sixty miles from Kansas Cit.>" in Pr..!CE OF MEETING, :KansRs City, Mo. : LOCAL ORGANIZATION. Engine",.. Club of Kansas City. ;;UMBER OF MmiDERS, 117. EXPoCUTrvE COM?uTTll:e: n. S. Nt:AL, Ohairmall W. E. NEW. Vice OMirma" g. L. HUGHES. Secretaf1/ C. F. L.o\ld.BER~1 Trp.a8UTfW 1. HAnn... both Kan9B~ F. S. DEWR... E. JOWETT A. L. MAILLARD F. J. HOLZR,\U~1l DARRY and :tiissouri. Louisville Onli.AXIZ D, 192~t. -r"riniton\, Radius of thirt) miles from Loulsvl!le, Ky. PUCE OF MEETI:<G. Louisville. LOC_\L ORGANIZATION, Engineers and Architects Club. :IIMRER OF l1e"bers, 48. E~,:CUTIVEl COMMITT~": B. M. BRIGMAN. OIULirma" H. G. BROWNELL J. F. HORST. Vice-OhailWla", ALIlX, I., HUPR Rt SSF.LL O. MAYH,\Lr/ Secretat/J-T"f.a.tIl.r er 25

18 LOCAL SECTIONS OaG.&NIZED, TaaaITORY, Radius of sixty miles Itom Memphis, Tenn. LOOAL OROANIZATION, Engineers Club of Memphis. NUMBER Of MEMBER8, 22. EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE: T. H. ALLEN, OOOirrnan- C. B. IUCIURD80N. Yice Ooowr7l471 F. W. OABLE. Becretary-Treruurer Memphis F. G. PROUTT JAME8 SHEAHAN W. D. E.OWARDS LOCAl. SEI.:T10l{S Milwaukee ORGANIZED, TERRITORY, Radius of fift3" miles from Milwaukee, Wis. PLACE 01 MEETING, Milwaukee Athletic Club.!.OCAL ORGANIZATION, Engineers Society of Milwaukee.,,"UlIDER 01 llellberb, 267. EXEOUTIVE OOMMITOBE: F. H. DORNER, OOOi,-mal1. ROBERT CRAMER, Sec,Slcry W. O. LINDlilMANN A. SIMON A; C. FLORT O. A. OAlIILL J. D. MAURl:R W. J. SANDO E. F. JOHNS Meriden ORU.6..N1Z&D , as a blanch of Connecticut Section; reorganized as a Section TERRITORY, Meriden, Middletown, SO)lthington, Portlalld, Plantsville and W.alllng ford, Conn.. PLACE OF MEETINC, New Departure Manufacturillg Co. Auditorium. NUMBER 01 ME.MBER8, 41. EXECUTIV" COMMITTEE: R. L. MORROW, OhaiMn471 O. F. SCHNEPP, Se..etuT1/-Trerururer C. W. WRIGHT C. K. DECHERD H. C. CASHEN E. A. ROBINBON F. R. LANE\" Minneapolis OnoANIZED; 1913 (Originally Minnesota Section). TERRITORY, That part 01 Minnesota bonnded on Bouth and west by State b~undary lines, on north by north boundaries of Olt>y. B.ecker and Wadena count,es; on eset by Mls.lsslppi River and the east bounda"leb 01 Hennepin, Oarver, Sibley, Nicollet, Brown, Watonwau and Martin counties. PI...CE 01 MEGTING, Oentral Y. M. C. A. LOCAL ORGANIZATION, Minneapolis Engineers Club. NUlIBBR 01 MEMBERS, 62. EXECUTIVE COllMlTTEE: J. A. COLVIN, OOOiMn471 B. J. ROB.:RTSON C. A. HERB.ICB:, Vice-OOOi""",,, E. H. SOOFIELD I..A.WRRNOE WASHINGTON. Secretaru Treaaurer Metropolitan ORGAN=, TERRITORY, ldetropolitlll District, New York and New Jersey. J PUOE 01 MEETING, Engineering Societies Building, New York City, NUMBER OF MEMBERS, EXECUTIVD COMMITTEE: J. O. G. GIBBONS. OOOirma71 W. W. MACON C. H. BHIlllY, Se..otaT1/-Tr.ea.urer A. A. ADLER R. J. S. PIOOT.. L. F. LYNE \ Y. M. FIIOST, 6:lJ ofllmo Nebraska (}.ttoa:nlzhd. 192,2. ferrltory, State 01 Nebraska and Council Bluffs, low... PUCE OF MEETING, Univ. of Nebraska at Lincoln, and Omaha. NUloIBER 01 MBMBEB,B, 28. EXEOUTIVE COMMITTEE: A. A. LUBBS, OOOil"lll<m B. J. LATIMER T... LElaEN, Vice-OOOirman :M. O. HAllER A. E. BU;N1INC, Se..et4fl{.Trea.urer O. F. MOULTON ORG"~=D, TERRITORY. the elltile State. of Oldahoma and Arksnsas, and a part of 1.01lisiano. In Texas north of. the southern boundaries of the following counties: Gaines. Dawson, Bordon, Scurry, Fisher, Jones and Shackelford-ond the w~stem boundi>ry of the North Texas SectIon. PLAOE 01 MEETING, Mayo Hotel, Tulsa, Okla. NUMBER OF MEMBERS, 170. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: C. R. BARTON, OOOinllall W. G. HELTZEL. Yice OOOirma71 E. E. DORRESTEN, Secretary A. J. KERR. TrO<Utlrer Mid-Continent 26 W. T. FEILD R. L. RHOADS R. A. SEATON F. RAY MCGREW New Britain ORGANIZED, 1921, as a branch cf Connecticut Section, reorganized as a Section 19~8. ferritor\", New Britain, Plainville, Foreatvllle. Brietol, Kensington, IWld Berl!n, Conn. PLACE 01 MEETING, State Trade School. NUMBlilR OF MEMBERS, 44. EXECUTIVE OOMMITTEE: H. C. BARNES, OOOirma71 AWlERT VUILLEUMIER, Yiae-OOOirman H. S. HALL. lle..efall/ Trerururar R, S. BROWN 27 S. E. SKINNER M. G. SrEELE ClUlISTlAN BODMER R. A. GRISE

19 OllCU.NlZED, 1912, reorganized, lerri.lolll, Portions of New Haven and Middlesex Counties and New London County,. Conn.. PLACE OF MEETING, Mason LaboratorJ. I~OCAL ORGANIZATION, Winchester Engineering Society. ~u3.ihen OF ME},IDERS, 101. EXf;CUTIVEJ COU!l!ITTEE:, GUSTAVE WELTER, Chairman F:. n. V...TEUS r 8ecretary-Trea3Uref" W.. W. GAYLOall G. P. SmpsoN LOCAL SECfiONS New Haven G. R. HOl,m:s R. L. PARSELL D. L. BACON LOCAL SECTIONS Oregon OnIjAxI?rm, l"nnl1on" The State of O\e!lon and that territory in Washin!lton within a radius 01 thirty miles from Portland, Ore. PLACE OF MEETING, UDiversity Club. I.OCAL OROANIZ.~TION, Oregon Society of Engioeers. XC~lD"ll OF MEMBERS, 65. EXE(UrIVE OOMWTTEE: S. H. GRU, GJw.irman W. T. DAVIS, Secretary Tren.urer TOM Pl!lItRY, Vi.e Gh4irman O. V. BJORNVALL H. S. BA8TIAX New Orleans OnG.NIZED, T>:RR~~~~I~~.All of Louisiana except the northern part allotted to PU.E OF MEETING, Louisiana ED!lineers Society and Tul&lle University. LOCAL ORGAN1ZAT10N, Louisiana Engineers Society. XUUDRR OF MF.li1DF.R8, 96..EXI~CUTIVE COMMITTEE: J. M. TODD, Gh4irmon G. R. HAlIMETT, Ser>retary It. T. BURVELL, Vice GJw.irman C. SCHNEIDER C. F. RANT? Mid.Continent Peninsula On,>.,,,,zI;D, TI;aRITORY, West of the east boundaries of the follo\\;ug count.ies: Emmet, Oharle Yofx, Antrim, Ralkatlka, Missaukee, Clare r bnbclih. GrRtiot r Clinton,_ EatoR r CalhouD and BlOnch. })L...CB OF MEETI.NG, Grand Rapid,q, l\iich. l.oc.\l OUOA.NJ.ZATIONr EngineerS" Club of (lralld Rapjd!ol.,)IulIDEn OF MEMBERS, 78. EnCUTIVE OOMMITTEE: n. K. MGIllllLL, Glw.irrnan WALT<l! T. RITlER B. A.. P ARXS, Vice GJw.irman J. W. BISHOP G. H. nettling. SeCretary.Treasure-r C. B. NORRIS.bGLE B. WHIt;F.Rr ORGAllIZED, TERRlTORY, Radius of one hulldred and miles from Dallas, in Texas. Puca OF MEETING, MagnoUa Bld!l., Dallas. LOCAL ORGAlllZATIOll, Techuical Club of Dallas. KUlInER OF MEMDERS, 68. EXECUTIVE OOll>IITTEE: So }i~. GILLESPIE, 01ur.irman. E. W. BURBAllK, Secretary North Texas W. REID R. A. WILSOll W. MeEf,LER Philadelphia OUOAz.;IZElV, T"uRITon" Radius of thirty mile. from Philadelphia. PLACE OP ~IEETING, Philadelphia Engineers Olub. I,OCAI, ORGAllIZATION, Philadelphia En!lineers Olub. XnlBIIR OF MEMBERS, EXt:ClITIVF. COllMITTEE: J. G. HATIolAll, Gh4irman J. H. BILLINGS, Vice Oll<Lirman II. A, HOFFER, Secretary Tr,,,,,,r., H. S. HAnKlS W. W, BElER H. S. P.~RXS Ontario OnGAllIZED, lb,rritor1-. Ra<lius of sixty miles from Toronto, Canada. PtACB OF MEETJ1iG, Uni...el sity of Toronto. ~UMDER OF ME)IDERS, 129. EncuTIVE OO~IM1TTEE: E. A. ALL CUT, Ghairman O. O. OARIBS S. L. Fe.R, S~C1 etary.trea3urer P. P. WESTBn It. A. BURGESS J. H. PARIUll G. H. TATE M. B. WATSON 28 Pittsburgh ~~~~;;:~: ~~2Jl~s of thirty miles from Pittsburgh and the following cities: Butler, \Voobingtonr Johnstown, Franklin, UniOl1tmvll r Connellsville, IJn. Steubenville, Ohio, and Wheellng, W. VR. PLACE OF MEETING, Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania, WlIlialll Penn Hotel. LOC.4.L ORG.4.NUATION, Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania. 1\l!lDER OF MEMnERs, 658. E:otEGUTITF. COl\nUTTEF.: H.,y. ANDREWS, OhaiJman W. N. FLJ...AO.\N K. F. TRESCHOW, Secretarv TTea$l~rer R. E. BUTLER J. I. THOMPSON LOUIS ELLU" 29

20 ORGANIZED, TERRITORY. Radius of thirty miles from Providence. PUCE 01 MEETING, PIovidence Engineering Soclet). ~OCAL ORGANIZATION. Providence Engineering Society. NU)IBER OF MEMB&RS, 191. E~ECUTIV» COMMITTEE: H. B. LEWIS, Ohairman LOCAL SECl10N8.J. W. MCCONNELL, Viee Ohairman En S. SMITH, JR. t Secre.tary-1rea.rure1 Plainfield OH,G.\XlZED, TERRITORY, Plainfield and tel"ritorj~ included between Elixabeth, Buund BlOOk, Metuchen and Watchung. PLACE OF ME&TING, Y. M. C. A. LOCAL ORG.6.NUATION, PlainflEld El1gjne~l::i Club. ~U)lDER OF MEMBERS, 256. E:rr.CUTIVE Co"""ITTEE: C. A. DAWLEY, CMir",.a" C, H. BIGELOW, T,ea..,re, A. A. ACKEIUUN. Vies-CMirma" WM. B. UPDEGRAFF W. E..WHEATO:;, SecretaT1/ Providence Raleigh A. H. ANNAN H. M. BURllE F. G. R.WLINGS ORG..1NIZr.:D a6 B. Branch 1923, ali a Section TERIUTORY, Radius sixty mile. from Raleigll. ~. (, NUMBER OF?tIEnIHERB, 22. EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE: J. M. FOSTEll, Chairma,. W. J. DANA WlI: T. HARDING, Vice Chai,,,,,,,,. E. G. HOEFER H. S. BRlOGB, SecrstaT1/ Tre <urer Rochester OKUANlZED, fenritory, Radiu. of thirtr miles from Roche.ter, LOCAL ORGANIZATION, Rochester Engineering Socjet~. NUltBER OF MEMBERS, 109. EXY.cUTIn: COMMITTEE: It. C. HANDS, Chairman J. W. GAVETT r. H. EVANS. Vlos Ohairma" W. J. CONLEY T, 11", ATTF:IlBURT. Secretary-Treasurer G. C. VAN VECHTEli Rock River Valley ORGA:til%ED, TEllRITORT, Ra-dius of thirty mnes from Rockford, Ill. LOCAL ORGANl2ATION, Rockford Engiueerlng Societ).!lUMDER OF MEMBERS, 64. EXECUTI\.., COMMITTEE: Hx!tIAN HUGLE, Ohairm"", W. H. VOLKMAR E. K. MORGAN. Vice Ohairma" DAVID TuncoTT A. M. JOHNSON, Secr.taT1/-Trca.w,r.r 30. i ORG.1NlZED, TlmRITOILYr Radius of thirty miles frold St. Louis. LOCAL ORGANIZATION, Engineers Club of St. Louis. XUMSER OF MEMBERS, 275. EXY.CUTIVE COMMITTEB: V. J. AzBE, C1w.lrmo.n, B. G. PROETS, Vice Ohairman 11. C. BLISS, Secr.taT1/-TrOOJJllrer LOCAL SECTIONS St. Louis St. Paul E. H. TENNEY F. 0, PAXHEYEB W. G. CHRISTY ORGANlZED, 1913 (orlglnall~ luimesota Section). TERRITORY, That part of Minnesota bounded by the east and south State boundary lines, and on the west by western boundaries of Faribault, Blue Earth, Lesueur, Scott, Dakolao, and Ramsey counties; the Mississippi River to the southern boundary of Orow Wing County; and on the north by northern boundaries of Morrison, Mille Lacs. Kanabec and Pine counties.. XU:>lDER OF MEMDERS, 46. EXECt:TIYE CoMMITTE"E:.r. J. SUMMERSD<, Chairma" YA:J: TOLTS W. A. THOMAS, Vi.e Ohairma,,, R. K. CULBERTSON P. J. FRAWLEY, SsoretQ.T1/ Tre.81lrer PAUL DOTY San Francisco OBGANl2ED, TERIUTOltY, All territory north of the northern bounduies of the countie., San Luis Obispo, Kern and San Bernardino. PLACE OF MEETING, Engineers Club, 206 Sansome St. I,OCAL ORGANl2IATION, San Francisco Engineers Club. XUMnTm Or MEMBERS, 301. J~X"~Ct;Tl"K CoMMITTEE: Il11NNISTOUN WOOD, Ohairm... A.. J. DICKIE ELGIN STODDARD. Vwe-ChairmaiL H.A.. (JA.\M.lX R. L. MAHON, Secrstarv Trca...rer Savannah ORG.U~:W";D, TBRRITORY, Radius of one hundled twenty-five miles lrclill S..vannah In the State of Georgia. :SUMBER OF MEMBERS, 26. E~ECUTJVE COMMITTEE: D. H. LEvAN, Chairma" L. O. RO~JS~;I. ll. J. SAMS, Vice-Ohairman G. A, MERCr:R, J ll. C. R. DAVIS, SecrctaT1/-Treasurer HEIUlERT HUTTON n. E. KEHOE B. O. l>pn.g1:~,\, M. ORMOND Schenectady OROANV.>:D as a Brauch 1919, as.. Section TERRITOR", Radius thirty miles from Schenectady, N. Y. PLACE Op MEETING, Edison Olub HalL LOCAL ORGANIZATION, Society of Engineers of Eastern New York. NUMDER 01 MEMBEllB, 196. E~ECl!TlVD COMMITTEE: G. B. WAlUlm{, Ohairman F. S. BENNETT, Vics-Ohailm"", J. G. BLUNT, llti Vice Chairmnn 81 M. F. SAYRE, 3t/, Vice Ohai,rna" T. W. HOWARD, SecretaT1/ S. S. FORST:ll. 1rc461r...

21 LOCAL SECTIONS Susquehanna ORGANIZED, 192;. TERRITOR., Radius 01 thirty miles from the cit) of York, Pa. I;OCAL ORGA"IZATION, Eng-illeering Society 01 York. NUMBER OF UIE}IHEIlS, 60. EXECUTIVE COMldITTI-:t:: GORno~ CAIdPB.:LL, OIUIi.1tlan W. J. FISH.;n, Seoretary r I ~, LOCAL SECTIONS Utica ORGANIZED, TERRITORY, RadiuB of thirty miles from Utica, N. Y. LOOAL ORGANIZATION, Mohawk Valley Engineers Club, NUMBER OP MEMBERS, 37. EDlCtrTrvn CoMMITTEE: B. E. WHITE, Secretary W. T, CONLON W, J. CLBKENT, Vice Oha""""" Syracuse. 01lGA:NIJ6ED, leiliutoity, Radius of thirty miles from S>1acuse, N. Y. Pwm: OF MEETING, Onondag-a Hotel. LOCAL ORGANIZATION, Technology Club. NUlfBER OF MElfBERS, 144. EXECt:Tn"E OoMMITTEE: W. H. G. Ml!"IlIUY, Pruido"t A. E. BALLIN, lico Pr08idenl S. T. HART. ClUIi,,"an F. W. McKIBnfI<, SOOletary Toledo ORGANIZED, TERRITORY, Thirtl miles IlOUl Tolcdo, Ohio, PI,A.CE: OP MEETIYG, Toledo Ciliunbel of Commerce. NUMnER OF MEMSEIt8, 73. EXF.ClTTl\Ei COMMITTEE: H. O. HEM, Ohai""",, C. V. MARTIN, 86eret(lru 1lr(!a~mrer H. L..ALLEN R. P. LAi f Tiea81JreT J. G. CRAIG W. F. RYAN EXECUTIVE COMKITTEFl: J. P. STIMSON J. S. A. JOHNSON, Olw-i711lan J. A, JOHNSTON W. N. Nt:1D1G C. E. FOSLER I. 1\. HAUGHTON Eo.~. 1.l1l01N Tri-Cities ORGAl<1ZED, TBRRITORY, Radius 01 thirty miles hom Moline, Ill.. PUOES OF MEETING, Rock Island, Ill., :Uoline, Ill., and NUMBER OF MEMBERS, -:17. EXEouTr;E COllflfITTE.:: G. F. JENKS, OhaiInan E, D. QUIRKE, Vice OOOimo.n CHAB. A. CARr,sox, 8er.-reta",v T,ea81W81 Da\enpurl, T, J. \ IMilXSOK A. E. LINDDERG I..OUI8 RUTllEXBF.JHJ I.,\\u. ORGANIZED, TEltltfTDRY, State of Virginia. PLAOES OF MEETING, Richmond, Norfolk, NUMBER OF MEMBERS, 124. C, V. BERBELL, Vioe-Ohairman H. B. HA.WltlNS, Secretary W. F. LEE, Trlla8UrBl G. W. ROBERTSON C. F. BAILEY :U. G. MUNOE Virginia Washington, D. C. Chariottes"ilIe. Roanoke..A. J. SAVILLE H. H. GARY E. O. WILEY J. E. RoWE G. L. STREET JAKES BREARRLL URGANIZED, TERIlITORY, DiBtrict of Columbia, PUOE OF MEETING, Auditorium, New National MUBeum., LOCAL ORGANIZATION, WaBhington Society of Engineers. NUMBER OF MEMBERS, EXEcuTrvg COMMITrEIlI: E. C. MAGDEBURGM, Ohai1IIan A. E. HANSON, Vice Ohai""",, L. J. ROSIlI, Seoretary Treasurer, I. H, A, F. JOHNSON A. M. HOLCOKBE H. M, ROESER FULLoIrSER Utah ORGANIZED, 1923, TERRITORY, State of Utah. PLACE OF li)o;}o~t]ng, UlIiVClsitr Cl\lb J Salt Lake Cit,r. NUlfBER OF MEIdBERS, 28. }o~xr-;ci;tivfo~ CO~ntJITTEE: N, L. STEWARi, OOOirman ARTHUR ERICKSON n. L. HUTCHINS, Vice-Chairman WOODWORTH ANDERBON W. H. TR.SR, JR" Secretary-Trea.urer 311 Waterbury OItG...NIZED, 1917, ab a branch of Connecticut Seotion; reorganized 116 a Sectloll ferritory, Cities and townb In the vioinlty of Waterbury. PUOB OP MEETING, University Club. NlIIofBEIL OF MEKBEItS, 85. EXECUTIVJ!) COMMITTEE: M. L. MARTUS, Ohai""",,, H. H. BRIBTOL F, G. PqRINTON, Secreto.l1I 2rea.sur81 J. R. PUlNAIoI W. H. BASSIl1rT H. G. ELLIS 3 ~

22 ~Z"dt-jo ~> ~o~~~~s.. ~.. ~~tlj:i~ 1ot:I:-o~oo-:coo~ ~e~~~t.1~~9~ ~~S;;~~i:(~~~ :li:lo~t::::itje:~:o;~... ~~~::j~~t::!9:~i ~ ~~~~;11; = ~;.o. ~ ~ 1:" 0 ~~~~...~::... ~ ft. ~::l2: 13 i.!~ cs :~ ;-. ;;. ;:;1 ~ ~~ :E " 0 a: ;:l g?",~?,,~~ ~ ~~?>;o9=!= ~ "p:l~i<l" >... I<: ~~C1 fl =~E~~ ~.. " ~ " Il: ~ ọ., n tt rn... tt.., trj~t"1"t1 t-30 ~c::or- :":!p::i ~~}(()lie~c+=e ~~ t" [l;t="~~ ::I1~t?::I.. $::IOolO~~ ~O:Z:"lIg-...(~ tr:j~~ t:;l ee:::~.. l:o=o~~li:i-.rn"" ~g~~~~~ "S"~ ~d3~!5;::nzi~~ ~~.. ~gj~!:;s. ~~r~jd~f E-< ~ ~~"~m~!i~ ~ _. _lcl-_:o" Cttl - ~ jr.. n;;-,iii ~.. ~ ~g = ~..:.:;;.. ::!i """ ::r~ ~;-.~!ti~p ll<l~i; ~~~ " 0 ~ " "" q"o.~ tt rn....., tt ::l ~ ll.; ~ c:r ml1l p). ii!~ ~ 0..- _.CO... tj ;;~ ~ e.!i)" o "~ ~... < ;:~,,~.?-:; 0""!it;: " "~ ~ O " So g ~~gt ~~ ~~;ng~~gtd~~ <;:l»:!"ooa~~ ~. ;jo~"jc.-llj og;~ It;Iel(SO... e; ~ ~ga:~ ~ =i;{~ l;a::~t:::t03n~!l~t.:l li~~t:t:::-... _K1- ~.:z:6::3tzf8~ [".. ~...;a E~" ~ Co~o~ ~. ~~r ~:l ;.. c::.~~...o:;i::j td ~r :-,:::.~- ~tt... ~!!. ~ ~~~ ~.p.. ~ ~;s ia I::: S" " rn= oq ~ g~ :<l;-~?!-::;; :::l5~ """ ~~;;;.., So ;= ~ ~ : ;:l i::: ~ ~ [ ~ " o c: ~ if l; J. ~><tis \l Il: ;. s p:l ::I ~ p S d go " m "c. ~ tt rn... tt S IS: III rn rn III [ rn tt... rn t:=j!2!:"d~o ~S!t:n ~~gtrlg~~ :It:d~rJo~~ ~otl\jlooit:l ~~O"~:;":" ~;~;:~E~... " l(i::; I: il:;: ". t:ii Q ~z~~w g,... " "C> ~c.-)~:;~ Siig" ~~~!ti ~!~. ~..=O~ ",.. "!tiro S-~,.... D ".. ~ - I.~i.>... _. >,..., ~_.:..._- ":, " \1:1" oll: td t:~ ~.~. ~ tt ~ <: ~. : III b ~ i0> Califolnia, Univ. of. Berkeley, Calif OarJlegie Inst. of Technology, PittBburgh r Pa Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, O. 191"4 Catholic Univ., Washington, D.O (1incimulti, Univ. ot. Cincinnati.. O OJemuon College, Clemson College, S. C Colorlldo Agricultural College, Fort COlllllS, Colo Univ. of, Boulder, Colo STUDENT BRANCHES (Person"el of Sl<tIlding Oommilleo on Releti<>n. ",itl. Ooll.g, p. 1) (J.VUflt68 of ChaiT1nen appear fir8t~ Secretaries 36cona. Addr88& Secretaries til care Of tll.8 M. E. Depart1UB1lt of instit-utwii. flnle treet eddr... is given. Oi" ere ""med a..111 when locetcd elsewlter. than the in.titfltion.) NAlI1E, LOCATION, YEAR AUTHORIZED OHAIRMEN AND SECRETARIES HONORARY CHAIRMEN Akron, Municipal Univ. ot, Akron, o.hio 1924 R. R. JON". Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala C. R., Univ. of, FayettevfiIe, Ark Armour Inot. of Technology, Chicago, Ill. " 1910 Brown Univ., Providence, R. I eo lluc!men Univ., Lewisburg, Pa. " 1916 California Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, Calif A. P. FRANCIS, P. O. Box 844 H. M. HANBURY, P. O. Box.872 A. B. HUBBARD. 686 W. Maple St. J. T. MOOIlE, Route 6, Box 104 ELMER B. KAPKE, 4429 N. Drake Ave. OGDEK W. SANDBORG, 8082 Osgood St. BERKHABD PRIEMm, Kappa. Delta Rho D. J. HAVILAND, Delta Sigma House L. J. GRUNDER Budlong Ave. D. G. KlNGMAK, 900 Bushnen Ave., Alhambra M. E. RIEB, 2416 Durant Ave. B. G. CLARK, 2208 Piedmont Ave. S. W. HOFFMAN, 4921 Forbe. St. LELAND M. WEED, 5081 Bayard St. ~. J. LaONHARD J. B. PARR EDWAJlD SULLIVAN MAURICE D. WOODRU"F ROBERT E. PHI10IEY. 186 W. McMillan St. C. P. PHILPOT, Box 265 J. A. JOKES, Dox 494 PUL W. FOIlSYTHE, 1205 W. Mouutain A,"e. A. T. WILLI.\MS. 219 W. Mulbe".y St. H. F. MILLER, 880 Grant St. J. f,lovd HARny th St. E. L. THEARLE J. C. PRElSLES W. H. KENERSON B. J. WILSON R. L. DUGIlERTr H. D. LAKGILLl< T. G. EsTEP ~. H. VOSE GEORGE A. WElICHLER C. A. JOERG>:Il E. L. CARPEKTRK L. D. Cum S. L. SIMMRRlliG.., en Ito.. ~ &l "

23 NAME, LOCATION, YEAR AUTHORIZED Oolumbia Univ., New York, N. Y Cooper Union, New York, N. Y Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y Drexel Inst., Philadelphia, Pa Florida, Univ. of, Gainesville. Fin George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Ca Idaho, Univ. 01, Moscow. Idaho " 1926 go Illinois, Univ. of, Urbana. Ill Iowa State College, Ames, Ia Iowa, State Univ. 01, Iowa Oity. la. 191J4,.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Iran Ks.ns$s. Univ. at. La.wrence. Kan Kentucky, Univ. ai, Lexington, Ky Lafayette Oollege. Easton, Pa I.ehigh Unlv., Bethlehem, Pa STUDENT BRANCHES-CoNTn OHAIRMEN AND SEORETARIES HONORARY OHAIRMEN MILTON WILSON, 612 W. l14th St. R. T. LlVllIGSTnN EDWAltD BEEltS, M. E. Dept. G. W. MORGENaoTH, HarriscD, N. J. G. F. BATEMAN E. TIUPANI, 236 Howe Ave., Passaic, N. J. J. W. FITZGERALD. 410 Stewart Ave. S. S. GARRETT OARL W. KNOBLOCH, 230 Willard Way F. NELSON MAlIN, 609 Miller St. J. H. BILLINGS W. J. MONGnN, 62 S. Olden Ave., Trenton, N. J. OORWIN ROBERTSON. M. E. Dept. MELVIN PRIOE GEORGE H. SMITH, 332 E. Mechanic St. SHEROD L. EARLE, 1669 Columbia Rd., N. W. A. P. JOHNSON FORREST A. BLEW, 326 D St., N. E. J. WAYNS MoORE, 607 Main St., College Park W. B. DONKIN PHIL D. OOATES, 158 N. W. 4th St. &. D. HAMILTON, 720 S. Washington St. H. F. GAUsa PAUL R. GOWEN, 727 Elm St. J. W. SAVAGE, 613 W. Nevada St. A. O. WILLARD E. F. SCHROEDER, 408 W. Healey St. O. H. JENNiNGS, 115 S. Hazel St. &. A. NORMAN W. FRASOHE, 803 Hodge Ave. W. A. ELLIOTT, 1023 Morcby St. MSRRIT L. Fox FLOYD O. SHINN, 57A Quadrangle THOS. L. GIDSoN, 3004 Olilton Ave. A. G. CURISTIE OHAS. E. MOOAFFRAY, Soutb Ave., Mt. Wash ington WILLUU SA..BTORIU8, 928 Leavenworth Ave. J. P. OALDERWOOD GLENN BARNHART. 920 Laramie Ave. P. A. JOHNSON, 911 Alabama St. Roy 0 LINDELL, 801l Maine St. A. H. SLUSS J. EDWIN WII,SON, 342 Olifton Ave. OARTER O. JETT Roy A. STIPP, 722 Sunset Drive JOHN. O. DOWNING, 106 McKeen Hall. D. B. PRENolIOE WARREN S. BLUNIlIN, 502 Frederick St. GEOMB B. THOM, Price Hall O. U. MF.SSINGER, Taylor Hall. Section B MILTON C. STUART I.~ " ll ~ " ~ ~--~.. NAME, LO.CATION, YEAR AUTHORIZED Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, La Lowell Textile Sch., Lowell, Ma Maine. Univ. at. OroDo, Me Marquette Uoiv., MilwaUkee. Wis Masllllcbusetts IDst. of Technology, Oambridge, Mas Michigan State Oollege, East Lansing, Mich Michigan, Univ. of. Ann Arbor, Mich Minnesota, Univ. or, Minneapolis, Minn Mississippi 104;; M. Oollege,.A. & M. College, Miss. Missomi, Univ. of, Columbia, Mo Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont Nebraska, Univ, of, LincolD, Neb Nevada, Univ. 01. Reno. Ne\ Newark Oollege of Engineering, Newark, N. J New Hampshire, Univ. of, Durham, N. H Nmv York, College of City of, New York, N. Y STUDENT BRANCHES-CoNTn OHAIRMEN.AND SEORETARIES H. W. PAGE. University Station, L. S. U. LOREN A. BAILEY. Box 892, L. S. U. ALvIN B. STOllEY liarry ANDEllSON WILLIAM BALCH, 802 Oak Hall LmWOOD F. SNIDER, 82 Pierce St. GILBERT O. BIlA.ATZ, 889 4tb St. HONORARY OHAIRMEN L. J. LASALLE JOHN A. STI!lVENS W. J. SWEETSER JOHN E. SoHOEN W. ROBERT WILLIAMS, 1719 Wisconsin A e. T. O. R:.u1E, 526 Beacon St. O. E. FUL~ER JOHN A. KELLY, M. I. T. Dormitories RUSSELL R. LORD, Eunomian Honse H. B. DIRKS GEORGE A. ABBOTT, 616 N. Olemens St., Lansing PERRY M. SHOEM.All:ER, US E. Wasbington St. R. S. HAWLEY FJUNCIS A. NORQUIST, 607 S. State St. IRVlNE G. SINNETT, th Ave., S. E. WILBOR E. PETTERSEN, tb St., S. E. R. O. S])nSON E. M. YOUNG NEWBY MILLER,.1305 Wilson Ave. LELAND R. MUELLER, 607.Sanford Pl. M. L. How.AB.I> R. O. HODGE HAROLD ZIlP, 744 West A St. MARVIN HAITH, 3226 One St. WAYNE BUERER, Lincoln Hall. RANDOLPH STEGEN, Lincoln Hall JOHN ROCHE, 379 Badger Ave.. ROBT. SPHWABZWALDER, Garden St. EDW. A. NECKER, Lambda c.hi Alpba HOllse J. V. MARTENIS R. C. OARPENTER R. W. SELVlDGE R. T. ~LLENDER F.W. HANEy O. H. KENT J. ANSEL BIIOOKB E. L..GETOHELL PAUL M. HUlfT, Lambda Obi Alpha House LESLIE TOOKER, 637 E. 176tb St. OHARLES J. WURMFELD, 610 W. ls0th St. ARTHUR BRUOKNE.... ~ lil 121 >i to " ~ 121 ll (Jl

24 NA~{E, LOCATION, YEAR AUTHORIZED New York Univ., Ne\v York, N. Y KorU, (:a,"olilla State College, Raleigh, N. O North Dakota, Unlv. of, Grand Forks, N. D btul"theastcrn Univ. r Boston. Mass. 19Z2 OhiO Northelll Unh., Ada, O " Ohio State Unlv Columbus, O. " 1912 Oklahoma A. &: M. College, Stillwater, Okl Oklahoma, Unlv. of, Norman, Okla Oregon State Agrlcnltural College, Conallls, Ore Pennsylvania State College, St.te College, P Pennsylvania, Unlv. of, Philadelphia; Pa Pittsburgh, Unlv. of, Pittsburgh, Pa polytechnic lust. of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N. Y POlto Rico. Uni,". of, Ma~a.guez, P. R Pmlt In.,t., Brooklyn. N. Y STUDENT BRANCHE8-CoNTD CHAIRMEN AND SEORETARIE!:i WILLIAM H. BLEST, Z26 E. istb st. R. B. DAI,F. HANS O. NIBSIN, 291 Ryerson St. HONORARY CHAIRMEN BURTON E. SHAW, 66 W. Gunhill Rd. G. A. STETsoN J. J. ROTHWELL, 36 S. Parsons Ave., Flushing, L. I. R. M. ROTHuM, 16 Enterprise St. W. J. DANA B. A. PnESLAR, Box 3Z1, State College Sta. WILLIAM C. WRlUHT, Phi Alpha Epsilon N. T. BOURX& J;.A. STEWART, 30Z Walnut St. H. V. JACOBSON, 99 Thoreau st., Concord R. STEARNS O. J. FBEIBUna, 18 Hall St., Plymouth. R. M. S-WAIN, 6 Broadway Terrn.ce, Newtonville J. A. ANDERSON, 16 Central St., Concord Juncuon. JOHN WESTFALL, 118 S. Johnson St. JOH~ A. NEEDY CIIARLE. K. POSPISIL, 709 S. Johnson St. PAUL L. ALSPAUGH, 119 W. Tenth Ave. W. T. MAGRUDEn FRED H. BROWN, 1960 Summit St. JAMES ROYSE K. L. RliODES MILO SIMILUIDS, 524 Duck St. KARL RITTER, M. E. Scbool S. B. HELIIlOICIl ROBERT ROGERS, JB., 641 Blvd. JOliN JAIES, 27 Park Terraco WM. H. PAUl. URIAH M, HEIPLE, Sigma EpsUon Hou.c C. W. BEESF. W. VANCE BruCELAND, Watts Hall FRANK H. PENNELL G. E. CROFOOT FRANCIS J. TUOKER, Ellgineerlng Bldg.. ALBEnT G. PIEMME, 1613 Lelsblman Ave., W. F. WEILANn. Arnold RICHARD L. DAUlIEn, 1026 Blackadore Ave. ALEN G. BINNrE, 206S E. 21st St. F. D. (.ARVIN MITOHELL HAIFTER If!OUEL F. Gil, ~ c: " "Ẓ.;.. "~ " ID.. NA~m, LOO,\11Ol>, YEAR,\UTHOltIZIW PlinlCton Univ., Princeton, N. J Purdue Uni., W. Lafayette, Iud Rens.elaer Polytechnic In.l;., Troy, N. 1" lrice, Inst. Houston. Tex Unse Pob technic 11lsL, Terre Haute. Iud Itutge-rs Uuiv" N~w Brupswick. K. J Santa C1.ra, Unh. of, Santa Clara, Calif StanfOld Unlv., Stanford Unlver.lty, Calif <: :-:ite\"cils IURt. of Techno]ogJ, Hoboken, N. J Swartbmore College. Swarthulore l Po Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y TCl1l1(":$see, Unh. of, Kl1ox\ jile. Tenn Texa.. A. &: M. Cell.gc of, College Station, fex Texas, Univ. of, Austin. Tex Tufts College, fufts College, M U.!l. Naval Academy, P. G. Scb., Annapolis, H~. STUDENT BRANCHES-CoNTD CHAIRMEN AND SECllETAlUE!:i 1I0NOIUIIf CIlAlRllEN IticIU.RD E. KLEINHANS, 44 Blair Hall A. M. GBE~NE, JR. THOMAS W. CHILDS, 9A Holder H.II n. J. BURGH, 602 Sheetz St. H. C. HOCKEIIlA H. A. BERDELIIlAN, Kappa Delta Rho HOlls. W. J. OARSON, th St. G. K. PALSOROV.. P. F. GAYNOR, JR., 2166 lath St. W. E. WORLEY, 1628 Harvard SI;. G. E. NBVILL, 2617 Caroline St. J. H. POUND A. O. KmsEn, 2227 Poplar St. J. B. feodr.>; K. H. GLUNER, 2121 N. IS! St. HODNEY P. GIBSON, 164 College AYe. ~. E. MEHRHOP ROnF.RT W. JunKINS, 602 Genrlle St. filom!s 1. KINO c..;.. L. SULLl\,AX B. A. BANNAN CURLES R. RA\, Gelli. DelhelY C:UIDO H. MARX ROBERT O. DAVIES, 707 Bryant St., Palo Alto WILFRED GoOBRIDG~, 16 Hamnton St., It. M. ANDY.RSON E. Orange GEonoK FETERSON, 141 Gelston Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. EVERETT U. IRISH C. a. TIUTCHY.1l C1nUSTI.A.ll B. ADELMAN HAROLD G. MERRY, 809 Walnut Ave. A. R. ACHESO" MORRELL H. BLEaH, 731 Livingston Ave. J. E. RIGBY.r. A. S\\IT~":R R. E. BURGESS J. NEFP, P. O. Box 528, S. E. JAM:S A. TRAIL, P. O. Box 929, S, E.. FR.\...K C. RusHn<G, 2309 San Antonio St. cr.., J. ECKHART P. L. M1KEIl1U, 2208 Tom Green St. J. W. MAYNE, 171 Conege Ave., W. Somerville EOOAa MAON:A.uallTO~ FRED J. FLYNN, Ja., 161 College Ave., Somerville P. J. KIEFER ~ d " "Ẓ.; = ~ z!.1 "

25 NAME, LOCATION, YEAU AUTHORIZED Utah, Univ. of, Salt Lake City, utah Vermont, Uqiv. ot, Burlington, Vt Villanova College, Villanova. Pa Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Blacksburg. Va Virginia. Univ. of, Oharlottesville, Va Washington Univ., St. Louis. Mo Washington. State College of, Pullman. Wasil Wa,lIington, Univ. of, Sesttle, Wash.... o WeBt 1918 Virginia Univ Morgantown, W. Va Wisronsi~, 9nl~ of, Madison, Wis. Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Worcester, Mass Wyoming, Univ. Of, Laramie, Wyo Ynlc Univ., New Haven, Conn STUDENT BRANCHES-CoNrD OHAIRMEN AND SECRETAlllES SMITH EVANS; 70 W. Zane Ave. SIDNEY TKINNAllAN, 1M4 E. S. Temple St. 1. C. GREENE. Delta Psi House. R. K. HAsTINGS, 120 Buell St. ERWIN J. McGllIBE RIClURD SOl:ILEICHER, 6118.Jackson A\"c., X. Merchantville, N. J. S. O. PETRESCU, OakhUrst OIrc!. lit:. A. B.Aua...ltMAN. 45 West Lawn, Unh". JOHN C. Cox, 5130 Enrigbt Ave. CARL O. HOYER N. 21st St. ELMER HALT. E~l!ER DYKSTR..< BEN3AMIN R. AsHEK E. 46th St. RALPH E. WALTER, tb Ave., N. E. H. P. :MA6El!l, 228 Wilson Ave. E. T. HANSEN, 205 Princeton Ave. D. W. THOMPSON, 742 Conklin St. GEORGE FINLAY ARNO~D COOK. 85 Salisbury St. S. E. LONG1UID. 96 Wall St. H. F. DOO~lT~~E, 119 College St. HONORARY OHAIRMEN E. H. BECHSTRAND E. A. RODINSON J. S. MOREHOUSE W. T. E~~IS W. M. THORNTON ERNEST OHLE A. O. ADE~L l}eorgei S. WII.SOII H. M. C.THEK G. L. LARSON FRANCIS Roys E.<RL D. HAY S. W. DUD~EY ~ d ~ :>.:..., \:l ~ " OJ 1;..;,;0."....OJ...., "0.. <V..., "~-.~--.; ~ -" i8 >g!<: l;f";- 0" i*g...,... II> pg:= o;s, g:;r...= =~ ;:g. "0 =a (ga ~~ gil Sl)8" :;:... ot oa~ Gg. [~ "g> g,;..:; ~.... CD", n<do "...,,... CDo s.... S 9::J Cl =lliillj <1 "Ii!: ~ t>ldl$ g- ~h; ~ gm C::! w. - - =. c:..e~ t; ;: 1"".. l S,,~ =- ~~ ~ ~!l" ".. 0 a ~~i.s ~ ;l;l. " p ~~ g ~... " -eo tll ~ 0 ~ ~!l 0 a ~a ~ a:?~~h ii ~ ~l:i:j~ So; ~ ~... lj,g ~~!2:~e tl"jao!:.. :: iff... -."... 1:..!l ~ ~. ~. [- 1 "1, =rl ~ C II COOtil;S g: 00>.... ~ rna-...:i" Il::~l( "~;;Eg!""1l ~tit ~.g:!.~!l:j;t~ bjt" t2 Cl t:s~ c+" m ln llolii ~e_>lollag l3q" 1 0 B Cl.. ~ao~~ a...if ~il =.oa "::.::;:!.;- ~e.a.g ;;lili <l~ ~:;dcd.. ~ g." go:!: ~lr;-g ~~~~.; ". - g QO~!" ~ > >Oilg:~to:f~ ;.:: ;\. i!~ g:... ~ l:l S VJ ;0;- =-:::;"., " <:: b" :II :l"" P g. =5"3~ ;= lj:i... t::: m(lqe"gi l:i ~ >~m.!:i~ ~g:e tllt>l:i oel.. ela"l ~!. ~g ~5i~;: ~ ~a E~ g;~ ;I... go 100":::; " ~!1 p..c,-,.o... -=~5a. ~.,.... ~ ~E"~~ ~ :.. ~~g~ t= o CIIo"S:: ~ IJ.""~~5t ~ t;:g.e:a; CD ~1Etl ~. ~;~ g ~";;. =>rp.. fd SI:1 ~ ;:... ;. ",8::1.& (l l!lil.~", i1: s:l-~.l:~ S".::&I"""Q& c:!f=s. ; r :.: ~.1!, f. ~o ~ ~.0" ~~ ~ i; ll::;l [I.l lc: ;;g "1:1 lj f~ ",":I l!l1>1 I to:fill. ~ Pg...,~ OJ.. a" " [~ 0> "z Sot::: ",1>1 ;-to:f _0< ;=10 OIl> 0< " So [ g l:!. r?"?-"p P!"l~!<:.!:lIt>l~a QWt"::t U~~ :il ~ c:i ir CO ~. ~ ~ ;0 CO III >- 1l g,. il III rn ~ a. ~ ~ =- to:f 0 P <::> ;:t l<l... 0 ol1l ~ II!"p~~i [ 2. ;!It<:~lJ <:> ~ ~~tw~ ~ t ~d;:"!f l: I:!ii " _ II &:!;!:;l... III.. 11:=..~ t" ~... o co en ~ > ~ Z ~ t:l ~n> lto~ ~ t:l ~a::n i.~>.g ~ ~ Cl~- $t-rjo ~t-rjz ~ en en! ~,::J t-rj ṉ > t""

26 SfANll,\RlJlZNfroX SPECIAL.COMMITTEES STANDAIIDIZATION SPECIAL COMMITTEES Plain Limit Gage.. for Gene"al Euglneeriug Work Sol. 8pons...ship. Organiz.d Jun., 1920 A. S. M. E. Represent",t!ves E. C. Pr.c". Ohai""an EARL" BUCRINGHAlI L. D. BURLINGAME, Vice Chairman F. H. OOLVIN Stnndardizatlon of Bolt, Nut and Rivet Proportion".faint Sponsorship with the Sacisty of.dutomotive Engin rs, Org...i:I.d March, 1925 A. E. NORTON. Cha.irman J. H. BUOKLEr.~. S. M. E. Repres.ntl>tivea F. O. WELLS standardization of Ball Bearings Joint Sponsor.hip with this Soaiety of Automotiv. Eng;.,... D.o.mber, \. S. M. E. Represent",th. G. R. BOTT W. P. KENJ:EDY C. L. VAWElS E. H. J.OCI<\\"ooo G. E. GREENLllAP O. R. WIKANDER G. E. HULSE Ogan~od Schem.e for Identlftc...tiou 01 Pilling Systems JO!nt SpOflllorshi.p t,jitl. the National Cot/nait. A. S. M. E. Represent..t!ves W. S. MO""ISON R. S. PEOK T. M. GEVBENZS (Alternate) Organu.d June, 1911S Standardization of Pipe Flange" 11.0,1 Fittings Joint Sponsor.hip with the Bea.ti~g a.nd Piping Oontra.ctors National A ooietlo-n. ana th. Manufa.cturers Sta.ndardiaatilm Soaiety of the Valve and.fittings IndlUstry. Organized October, C. P. BLISS, OhlIlirman A. R. BAYLIS N. S. HILL, JR. H. A. HO...ER E. L. 1>IORELAND Standardization of Elevators Jomt Spon.orship with th. Amerio... Institut. of El.ctrioa! Engineers ana the Amerioan Institut. of AreMt.cts. Orga.nized Februa.ry, 1921 A. S. M. E. Represent..tives W. W. CHAPIli SELBY HAAll Standardization of Gear.. Joint 8ponsorsMp with the """, M...ufa.clurers A ocia.tion. Organu.ea. June, 1921 A. S. M. E. Represent..t!ve. EAJlLIl BUOItlNGHAH. Vic. Chairman A110UST Ho...MAN J. J. BOll J. P. KOTTCAHP Standardization and Unification of Screw Threacl" Joint Spon.or.hip with the Society of Automotiv. Engin.ers. Grga.niud June, 1921 A. S. M. E. Representatives L. D. BI1R.LINGAHE, Clurirma.n S. G. FLAGG. Ja. R. E. FLAl<l)~llS, Yi, e Oh"irmall A. M HOUSER A. R. BAYLIS W. R. PORTER ELLWOOD BI1\Ul&LL F. O. WELLS A. S. M. E. Represellt",tives W. S. MORRISQN C. W. STEPHEN. T. R. TANNElI. W. S. TIHIDS 42 Stnn,lnrcllzo.tloll of Small Sub-Oommittee No. 2 on TOOL HOLDERS AND TOOL POST OPENINGS of Sectional Oommittee on the Standardization of Small Tools,/lnd Machine Tool Elements P. M. MlJELLJm. Ohaf.rma.n F. R. SlEYlCNS J. D. KARLIl Sub Committee No. S on MACHINE TAPERS of Sectional COJlUuittee on Standard! _. zation of Small Tool. lu!d Maehlpe Tool Elemel)ta. E. J. BRYANT EARLH BUCKINGHAH A. S. 1>1. E. Represent",t1ves F. O. HOA.GLAND.4S alld luo.cbine 1001 Eleu.ent.. Joillt S!Jonsorship v;ith the Nationa! MacM.. Too! Builders Assoaiel"n and the Soaiety of Automotive Eligineers. Orgawissea September, 19S2. A. S. M. E. Representatives on Central Committee H, E. HARms, Cha.irman H. M. HILL "ILLIAIol BlJ:<BAI1U T. H. :MILLER F. H. COLVIN E. R. NORRIS Sub Commlttee No. I 011 T-SLOTS of Sectional Committee (In the Standardization of Small Tools and Machine Tool Element. A. S. M. E. Represent..tiv es E. OBERG, 01la.irman L. D. Bl1RLINGA.loIE. F. O. HOA.GLAND E. R. NORl1IS HARRY G.4.DWA,LtLADER, JR.

27 STANDARDIZATION SPECIAL COMMITTEES * Sub.Committee No. 4 on SPINDLE NOSES of Section Committee on Standardiza tion of Small Tools and Machine Tool Elements (This Committee in proce... of organization) Sub Committee No. 5 on MILLING CUTTERS of Sectional Committee on Stand ardization of SmaU Tools and Machine Tool Elements A. S. 10. E. Rep~esenta.t1ves A. "N. GODDAaD F. R. ST&VENS E. OBERG Fire Hose" Coupllng Screw Thre!"d Jeinl SpoMerahip will> Ihs Nalional Board of Fire Underwritera o.nd lhe American lyater Work3 AS30cia/ion, acoepted Saptembsr, TI>e atandard was publilll>ed in May, Standardization of Scient1l1c and Englnee1lng SYJUbols and A.bbrevlatlons * Joinl SpfY1laoraMp with tluj American Sooiety of Civil Engineers, the Amsrioan Instit"le of Electrical Enginesrs, the An,wan.JJ.ssociation for the Advancement of Scienoe ana IIUJ Societll for PromoU&i> of.. " Enginesriny Eduoation. Organized January, 1956 A. S. M. E. Repre,ent..tives H. N. DAVIS R. J. S. PlaoTT (Alternate) Executive Committee of th~ Sectional Committee on the Standardization of Scientific and Engineeting Symbols and Abbreviations A. S. M. E. Repre,entative H. N. DAVIS So A. Moss. Chairman H. N. DAYls, Secretary C. M. ALLEN F. O. ELLENWOOD STANDARDIZATION SPECIAL COMMITTEES Sub Committee No. S on REAT AloD THERMODYNAMIC!! of the Sectional Committee on the Standardization of Scientific and Engineering Symbols and Abbreviations A. S. M. E. Representa.tlves G.A. GOODENOUGH L. S. MARRS R. J. S. PiaOTT H. B. REYNOLDS Sub-Committee No. 6 on AERONAUTICS 01 the Sectional Committee on the Standardization of Scientific and Engineering Symbols and Abbreviations A. S. M. E. Represenl&tives H. N.DAVlS E. P. WMW&a Sub Committee 1>0. G 011 ~rathematical SYMBOLS of the Sectional Oommittee 011 the Standardization of Scientific and Engineering" Symbols and Abbreviations A. S. M. E. Representa.tlve H. B. REYNOLDS ~ Joint aponsoramp witl> the Sooiaty of.jj."tomoti"e Engineers. Morell E. J. BaUNT E. H. EHRMAN Standar~lzationof Plo.ln o.nd Lock Washers ~ Joint Sp01l..orsllip with the Society of A"tomoti"e Enyin.ers. Oryaniced JVarclr.~ 1928 A. S. M. Eo Representa.tives n. H. IaONs Standardization of Mo.chine Pins A. S. ~!. E. Representatives M. E. STECZYNSIU Sub Cominittee No. 1 on MEOHANICS, STRUOTURAL ENGINEERING AND TE!!TINGMATERIALS of the Sectional Committee on the Standardization " of Scientific and Engineering Symbols and Abbreviations A. S. M. E. Repre,ent..t;ves C. A. NonHAN G. B. UP.TON R. H. BOOTH A. lif. RousEll Code for Pressure Piping Sols SpO1laorah.ip. Oryanized Maroh, 1926 A. S. ~l. E. Represelltatives C. S. RODINSON " Sub Oommittee No~ 2 on HYDRAULICS of the Sectional Committee on the Standardization of Scientific and Engineering Symbols and Abbreviations A. S. M. E. Represent..tives C. M. ALLEN J.. F. MOODY H Standards for Drawings and Dro.fting Room Practice Joint Sponsorship with the Society for Premotiol. of Engilleering Eduoation. OrgOilized J"III, 1926 Ji.. S. M. E. Repre,eutative. G. H. KENDALL J. R. OLSEII" S. KETCHUM E. S. SMITH 45

28 G. E. HAGE!/lARN STANDARDIZATION SPECIAL COMMITTEES Sta.ndards for Graphic Prescntation Sale SpoII&orship. OTgani.ea N01Jember, 1926 A. So ~l. E. Representative. D. B. POltTER STANDARDIZATION SPECIAL COMMITTEES StandarilLzo.tion of of Coal MineR Sectional Committee organized under the Focedure of the 4. B. 8. O. A. S. M. E. Repre,enta.tlve M. A. WAUKER Tl. Rll1nuisslon Chains lu.el Sprockets Joint Sponsoraklp wit1l the Society of Automotille Ellgineers ana the Americall Gear Manu!""t""rs Asaociatioll. Authomed Dec.ember, 19S. Reorganized Deoember, 1926 A. S. M. E. Repre.ent&tive. F. V. HElTZEL, Temp. OhaiTma" L. V. LUDY G. M. BARTLETr, Temp. SecretaTY E. B. NICHOLS E. M. KJ.RR Stnn<lnrdbatioll of Whe ILlld Sheoct 1Iletai Gages J"int SponsOT.,hip with the Society a! A"to"",UlIe Enoineers (Thi. Sectional Committee is at present bein:: organized) Stnndnrdhlntioll of WrOngIlt Iron 811<1 Wrong-lIt Steoel Pipe and Tnblng Joint Spollaorsllil 10ith the Americall Society for TestIng Mateiala (This Sectional Conunittee Is at p"esent being organizeli) Standardizntion of Electric JUotor Fraule DiJ;llen"ion" Joint SpolI&orsllip ",itl. the National Elecllical Manu/actureTs Association (This Sectional Committee is at p"esent behlg organized) Stnlldar(lizatioll of PIU1Ubiug ElluiltU1ent Joint }Sponsor.sllip u;ith the.a.1jl.erica"n. Society of Sanitary EnfJineers (This Seetiona! Committee is at pr..ent being olganized) Sta.Dtlnrdizutioll or l\lu.d~ole Fru.JlU~8 luul Co, el.-s Sectional ComlllUtee otglu,izecl ullder the ptoceclure of tit. 4. E. S. C. A. S. M. E. Representl>tJve (To be appointed) Standardization of NU]llbering of Steels Sectional Committee O1ganizea under the FoceduTe of the A. E. S. O. A. S. M. E. Repre,enta.tive A. H. BEYER Standardization of Outside Coal-Handling EQ.~plnent J. W. GlUr Sectional O<rmmiuee organizea under the jjlocedure of the 4. E. S. C. A. S. M. E. Repr...nt&ti.e J. B. STRATTON Standardization of Ship OonRtr>;>ctlon and Ol,eratlon General C<rmmittee of 4inerioa" Marine 8ta7ldurcl< A. S. M. E. Repre,entatlve. B. B. BROWN (Alternate) StRlldardlz8.tion of Wire Rope for Mines Sectional C<rmmittee orga",izecl under the Fooelll of the 4. E. S. C. A. S. M. E. Representa.tlve J. L. BA!uuNGTON Building Code COJ;llUllttee Aclllia011/ Oommittee "f Departm...t of Oomn,erce A. S. M. E. Repre.entative THORNTON LEWIS PetroleuJ;ll Speci:D.eation.. AdvisoTl/ BoaTa of Bureau of Mines A. S. M. E. Repre.entativ.e H. A. S. HOWARTH Standardization of JUetIlod" for Testing Woo<l Sectional Conmittee e>rganized untier the procedure a the A. E. S. O. A. S. }I. E. Represent",Uve C. 11. B,GELOIV 46 Inter-AUleorlcan High 00J;lln1l...ioll.Ad~ia011/ Committe. of the U; 8. Section A. S. M. E. Repre.entatl.e R. E. FLAliDRRS 47

29 STANDARDIZATION SPECIAL COMMITTEES Specifications for Tool Steel Sub Oommittee No. Xly, of A. S. T. M. Committee A l on Steel A. S. M. E. Representatives O. W. BOB TON O. M. INMJ.N Specifications for Oast Iron Pipe 8eqtiMlai Oommtt.. O1ganizerL undar the procerlure of ths A. E. 8. C. A. S. M. E. Representatives J. E. GIBBON, G. w. BIGaS (Alternate) W. B. FJNI>AY. JR. Specificati"ns for Materialll forvlle in Manufacture of Special Trackwork Sectional Oommittee O1flanizerL under the proced"re 0 the.4.. E. 8. O. A. S. M. E. Representative W. R. HUBERT General Specifications tor Steel Railway Bridgell and, Specifications for Movable Railway Bridges Secti<lnal Committee ol{janized undar the procedure of the A. E. S. C. A. S. M. E. Representatives J. L, HARRINGTON H. C. TAMMRN (Alternate).Y ~.. ~ STANDARDIZATlON SPECIAL COMMITTEES Ventilation in Coal Mines SectWnal Committee O1ganizerL ""dar the procedure 01 tm A. E. S. C. A. 8. M. E. Representative F. O. HOUOHTEN Standards for Dlrect-Onrrent Generators and Motors and Direct-Current Generator nlachines in General SectiMlal Oommittee of the American [Mtitute of Eleotrical Engine", A. S. M. E. Representative E. X. MORGAN Standards for A.lternators, Synchronous Motorll,and Synchronous Machines in General SectwntU Committee of the Ameriean [MUtute 01 Electrical Engllleer, A. S. M. E. Representative A. J. BROWN National Fire Waste,Ooonell A. S. M. E. Representative H. O. LACOONT Fire Test Specifications of Materials and Construction Methods of Testing Petroleum Products and Lubricant.. A. E. FI>OWElls N. E. F.lPIlt Sect~ Oommittee O1ganiz~d under the procerlure 0 the A. E. 8. O. A. S. M. E. Representative E. O. RAcIt Sectwnal Oommittee orflanizerl under the procedure of the A. E. S. C. A. S. M. E. Representatives E. RINBH.&J<T Units and Basis for Rating of Rivers for Producing Water Power Seclianal Oommittee organized under the procerl"~e of the A. E. 8. O. A. S. M. E. Representative D. W. MEAD 4B Standard. for Induction Motors and Induction Machinell in General 8eotiantU Oommittee 01 the Amerlcan l""tit"te of Electrical ER(Ji7>6er, A. B. M. E. Representative O. A. BOOTH Standards for Direct-Ourrent and Alternatlnl/;-Current Fractional Horse-Power Motors Sectional Oommille. of the American [Mtlut. of E.1e~trical ER(Jineers A. S. M. E. Representative H. R. SEWEUI> Olassiilcation of Ooal Sect,wllol Oommitte. of the.<imeriean Society for Testing )[at"ials A. S. M. E. Repre.entative F. R. WADUIGH 49

30 RESEARCH SPECIAL COMMITTEES (!>"n.1 01 MfEin Res.aroh Committe 1. 8) Lubrication Form.d Ootober, to i"vestipate the lundame"tal problems 01 IILbrieati071 IM. no",",ia. to 10~1IILlate r"";illts 9f in1j6stigations pr.viowly 1IUId., and to k.ep ".to"ch "> cont.mpl>t"-i/ researeh i.. this fi.ld M. D. BERSllY, Ohairma.. A. W. DUFF A. E. FLOWERS. 8eeretaT1/ B. A. S. BowAllTH L. J. BRADFORD ALBERT KINGSBURY H. O. DICltWSON J. M. LESSELLS Fluid IIleters IIppoint.d 1916, to aeuelop the theory of flilid m.ters 0 all kintts and to r.p.,.1... Ih. best ",.thod.. of their atpplieation R. J. S. PIGOTT, Ohair11l4n, B. JUDD J. M. SPITZGLASS. Seer.lCT/I J. M. LANDIS E. G. BAILEY A. A. LANE R. K. BUNCHAJlJ> W. S. PARDOE J. R. OARLTON E. S. SMlTH. JR. E. S. CoLE T. R. WEYMOUTH G. D. CoNLEE Properties of Stea... au.d the Extellsiou. of "the Stea... Iable APPl>int.d i" D.e.n,b.r. 1921, to r.seareh... the accurat. det.rminati o...ta"t. 1l>T the ILlIer limits of tabl.. and to oheek lhe.",istinv la~!e.... the r.v;""" of low.r pressures Goo. A. OJlJtOlt. OhaiT1ll.4n. D. S. JACOBUS A. M. GREENE. JR. strenlrih of Gear Teeth IIpp<>i"ted... Dec.,nber, 1921, to conduct tests for tho d.termination of the egect of varying degrees of tooth aocuracy and vct/ling v.locities on the.trength of gear teeth WILFRED LEWIS. OhaiT11l4fl A. M. GREENE, JB. C. B. LCGUE. Secr.t<Jry O. W. HAM O. G. BAI\.TH F. E. McMULLEN EARLE BUCltlNOHAlI E. W. MILLE!, R. E. FLANDBIlll E. WILDIUJIBR 50 I.. RESEARCH SPEOIAL COMMITTEES (uttiug of /1,)-poil_ted in 8epte-rnber, to i7njbstigats end re.port on the needs 01- tht machine tool indu.8try in tile ~na.tt6r oj impr011ed de8ign and eo correlate the actit>il;"" of Iho variow organiaat..., firms al/d individuals. Iuhieh are li<lw at Iuorlc in t11i8 fi.ld IV. W. NICHCLS, Ohairma" F. C. SPENCER, Vice Chai11nan O. W. BosrON. 8eer.1a.r/I G. H. ASHMAN C. G. BARrH R. H. BLOOD F. E. OARDULJ,O K. H. CoNDIT A. L. DELEE11" E. F. DuBRUL n. J. FRENOH J. A. HALL M. D. HERBI" A. L. JENKINS J. O. KELLER J. H.!iRNNl" C. J. OXPORD W. TRINKS IIlechauical Sl.riug8 IItJpoillted Dec.l/b... 10Sl3. to d.term... the present status of the m.ohanical spnng art to prom.ote and condllot n.e06b8o.rji and adequate research and to, d6velop the art to the point of s~a"dordization J. K. WOOD. Chairman T. M. JASPER J. W. ROCItEFELLBR, JR., SecretarY A. N. LUltENS IV. G. BROMIlACHEB M. E. MoDoNNELL F. H. BROWN W. M. NBWlWlX W. T. DaNKIN O. OHLSON R. E.J<SEROIAN n. W. Sr. CLAIR J. O. HANOI O.!J. ZIMMERMAN Elevn,"tors IIplJoinl.d J"" as Sub Commitlee oj Beetianal Oommittee on Safety Code 101 Elwato,,; 10 st;dv the fund;"" and operation!>f elevator.afeties and bllffe," and Iheir as.acutted meohanisms and to d...lop m.thotts of. test for Ihe of elevalor oafety M. H. OHRISTOPHERSON. Chairman M. G. LLOYD.J. A. DICKINSON. SeeretCT/l J. J. MA.TSON E. E. ASHLEY, JR. M. B. McLAUTlJI,lN O. P. OUMMINGS W. S. PAlNE B JOJ;ES S. F. VOORHEES D: L. LINDQUIST S. W. JoNES, e", offlclo Eftect of Temperature on Properties of Metals IIppoint.d December, 192~, as a Jo"t Researeh Oommittee with the.4meriean Soeiety for Testing Mate~ 10.n.l>1JTCg. inv.stigation and accumulate dota on the properties of meta18 _used i" the m.chonic lirls at extr.melv hioh and 1l>W temperalilrllr G. W. SurHoFP. Ohairman, P. D. MERICA H. J. FItENCH N. J" MOCH~L.J. B. JOHNSON N. B. OnNlTZ Y. T. MALCOLM L. W. SPRING.T. A. MATHEWS C. UPTHEGRCVE C. E. ~ICQUIOO 51

31 A. J. AUTHEI<REITH J. H. BUELL A. G. OHllZSTIS O. F. HmsHPBLD JOHN HUllIII:R RESEAROH SPEOIAL COMMITTEES BoUer Feedwater Studies.J.ppointed March. 1925, to BtlU!Jy method< of analym and treatment of boil.r f.edwater for.alilmary and railroad practice and 10 undbrtake n.eded r..earch A. S. M. E. Representatives Condenser Tubes D. N. RANDOLPH ()YRUS W. luus P. W.. Sw..", A. E. WHITS.J.woi"t.d May, 1925, to ;nv.81igate and report <>n th. ca... of fauure of copper alloy t"b.. ill heal int.r.hongo apparal... " whicl.ioam and wal.r are handled A. E. WHITE. Ohairm4n O. F. HARWOOD P. BANem. H. B. HIRD R. H. BAJlJlER O. )i. HmsHFELD W. H. B"SSETT B. HOpGHTON G. G. BELL H. W. LEITCH D. K. OR.ll(PTON D. W. R. MORGAN ~: f:. E~~~H1NG ff. J: is"::cxer v. M. FROST H. A. STAPLES O. S. GILLETTlil W. L. GREaN, In. W. R. WEBSTER.1. RESEARCH SPEOIAL COMMITTEES Worm S.plember, 1926, 10 inv..ligat. certain.probloms in c~n"".t~on with the action. of worm. driv68 and recommena 1JJ1.p1"Ol1ena,8?1-ts tflo tml\-r design, manufacture, and we EARLE BUCKINOHAM, Ohairnlan W. H. HIMES n. R. ACKER D. L. LINDQUIST J. J. BROSHEK A. A. Ross L R. BUOKEND"L" B. F. WJ.TERlUN Spark Arresters Aulho,-iz.a S.plsmb.r, 1926, 10,tudy Ihe n.ea ~f further dev.!opm.nt of varia... fir. wof.chve elevic,...el on 81ea... generahng apparalu8 "~ /or..t arbaa (Committee in process 01 olilanization) Saws and Knives A,,horiz.d S.ptember, 1926, 10 ",ak. a,uay of th. UBa alld,.g,~nding of b""a and circular saw, and the oorio... IWes of kniv U8.d in the tumb.r induatry with the purpose of recolwrne",dillu im,pjovement." in their, fflg/nu!actur6, ana 1 86 C. M. BIGELOW, o.hairman I. W. DYE H. C. ATKINS M. B. GATHM"N O. E. C...PBELL L. B. HANCHETT F. P. OARTWRIGHT S. 1tUDSEN S. R. DIS~TON D. J. McL..UGHLIll R. L. D. UGHERTY W. F. DURAND E. R. FISH Boilel Furnace Refractories Appainted June, 1925, to dolo...i". lhe pri"cipal faalor. go.1iling Iha failv.ra of refraclo... in varia of in.tallaho..., 10.ubiocl Ih..e factor. to d.taued ezperimenlal ana/y;., to "nderlake the formulation of 8l,itabuity t..,. <:> and, i/,,"c arv, 10 attempl to develop a ",itabte re"actoru 10 meet the need8 of.v.r. service C. F. HmSHl"ElLD. Oll4irman J. S. MoDoWELL W. A. CARTER. Secr.tary S. J. 1t[CDOWELL S. H. BAllllUK C. W. PARMELB G. A. BOLE S. M. PHELPS M. C. BOOZE E. B. POWF.LI, W. H. FULWEILBR E. B. RICKr.TTS R. F. GELLER R. B. SOSMAN O. P. HOOD G. B. WILKSS N. E. Lems Welding of Pressure Vessels Appoinl.d June, 1926, all a Joinl Ocmmilte. with Ihe American Bureau of W.ldino, to outline a [ftogram of illlj..tigalio-ns on W.lded Pr...ur. V.,!.!, 10 carry on research WfJrk:l and to cmaly~e the results A. S. ll. E. Representatives D. S. J Aconus S. F. JETER Existing SUI.pUes of H.u"dwoods Alllhorlz.d 1926, 10.tudy Ihe...d< of tho,ooodworking indll.,... for ho.rduood. and to del.rmin. the lj.vauabilily and pos8ibl. application of ",b.titul. to the r.quir.ments of Ih... ina...t";.s G, P. AHERN J. R. PLUNKETT 1>. H. ALLEN H. VOl< SHltF.NK T. C..esEBEER B. S. WAlIRE" J. MoBRIDR G. V. B. WILXES r. D. PERRY Cutting Edges (Thin ltletal Plates) Authoriz.d Decemb.r, 1926, to make a sludy 0/ Ih.U8e.of lhi" m"at pial.. for. culling.dges with. Ih. purpcs. Of r.commend:mg om[ftov"",.n/a in dengn ""d ",,,,,ufaclur. (Committee in process of organlza-tion). A~sorvtion ot Radiant Heat in Boiler Furnaces A..thorized January,.1.927, 10 make" Bludy of Ih. absorption of. radianl heal in. boa.r furnac., wilh Ihe purpo,. 0/ making recomm.nd<iholl for improv.d {-umace design (Committee In prollesb of organlzstlon) 53

32 RESEARCH SPECIAL COMMITTEES Airvlane Dynamics AlJthoriz.d January, 19!7, to r8vie", o.nd o.nalva liji8ting tkta 011 airplane dynamic, and d.v.lop practical m.thods of calculaticn. and rational lormulo. to " replace pre.ent empiricat m.thods A. Kr,EMIN, Ohairman O. J. l{<loarihf W. KNIOHl, S.cretary L. MACDILL L. HAJtRIBON T. P. WRIOHl B. KORVIN.. KROt1KOVBKY RESEAROH SPECIAL COMMITTEES "Corrollion COlluulttee Am..."" Societll of Refrig.ratng EngineeJ"8 A. S. M." E. Representative A. D. LITTLE Velocity Measurement of Flnld Flow Authoria.d Septemb.r, 1.9!7, to" dev.lop an absolute method lor det.rmining th. v.locily of the flo. "of fluids by m.ans of the location oj in Wat16 ~ystem8 W. F DC""NB. Ohoirmon G. S. WILLUMB T. R. WE\"IdOCTH Highway Research.Advisory Board. of National Research Oouncil A. S. M. E. Representative H. nelb. P.ulSONB Fuel.. Au/horiz.d in Octob.r, 1.9f7, to coll.ct ezi.!ting data on Fuel8 Research, coordlnat. presea rebearoh, efjorts u:he1e p08sible and advisable" and carrg on all.pecijlc proble",s in t(.is field F. R. WADLEIGH. Ohairman R T. HASLAM A: G. FIELDNER. Vic. Ohairman J. H. MONALLY V. G. SHINKLE. Secr.tary W. L. ROBINSON W. H. BLAt1VELT W. RUNGA S. B. FUGG W. TRINK W. H. FULWEILER W. J. WOHLENBERG Non-Ferrous ltletals and Alloys 4dvi8ory to the Bureau oj Standards Gommlttee A. S. M. E. Representative O. H. BIERBAUM Properties of RefractoryMaterlals 4d.1Jisory to the Bureau of Standards Oommittee A. S. M. E. Representative E. B. POWELL PlI}dcal COlIstRllts of Refrigerants AlJthori d October, 1.987, U8 a joint committ with the American Society 01 Refrigerating Engineers to carry 01&. studies leading to the determination cf c.rtain physical constants of refrigerant. (Committee in process of organization) Non-Destructive Testing of Wire Ropes AtWisory to the Bureau oj Standards Gommillee A. S. Y. E. Representl>tlve R. M. CATLIN Strength of CYlindrical Vessels under Pressure Authorized October, 1.9f7, to develop reliable design data... the strength oj r:ylindrical and spherioal rurfaces under p es,ur. particularly u;ith " r.f.ronc. to jack.ted " (Committee in proeesa of organization) 5~ Beat Treatment of Rock Drill Steels" AdvilJory Board of,the Bureau of Standards and: Bureau ol.m""., A. S. M. E. Representllotive G. T. COUSINS 55

33 POWER TEST CODES SPECIAL COMMITTEES POWER TEST CODES SPECIAL COMMITTEES (Personnel of Main Power T..e Oode. OommUte., p. 8) Personnel of Individual Committees 1 General Instructions W. H. KAVANAUGH, Oooi... A. M. GREENE, JIl. C. F. HIRSHlIlLD M. C. SIUART 2 Definitions and Values R. J. S. PIOGII, Ohail"lllan F. R. Low L. S. MARKS O. H. SMOOT A. O. WOOD 3 Fuels W. J. WOHl,ENBERO, OhaiJrmGn F. G. BAILin" B. L. BOYE L. P. BREOKEIIlUIlGB H. W. BROOKS S. B. FLAGG D. H. HYERe S. W. PARR G. S. POPE C. R. RICH.AIlDB E. B. RICKEI F. 1.. ROGEIlll N. SIAHl, E. N. TaUHP. 4 Stationary Steam Boilers E. R. FISH, Ohairma.. A. D. PRATI. 8=etaf!J A. D. BAlLET A. IDDLES E. B. POWELL E. B. RIOKEITS Ii Reciprocatin~Steam Engines W. C. BROWN. Ohairman A. O. CHRISIlE. Becrela7/ H. CoOKE. H. DIEDERICHS J. F. H. PAIITZ F. H. VOSE 66 6 Steam Turbines 0. H. BERRY. Ohairman I. E. MOULTROP. SeorelaTY E. H. BROWN H. D. OHunCH H. DARuSlRAND F. HODGKINSON W. J. A. LONDON S. A. Moss O. C. TuoJIIAs 1 Reciprocn.tlDg Steam. Driven Displacement Pumps R. D. HAul" OOOiJrmGn O. H. ANDERSON E. H. BROWN J. N. CHESTER J. E. GIBSON G. L. KOuuBERG M. B. MACNEU.I.>; D. W. MEAD L. A. QUAYLE 8 Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps W. B. GREGORY. Ohairmon M; SPluuJIIAN. Secreto.ry W. C. BROWN M. B. HACNEILLE L. F. MOODY F. H. ROGERS W. M. WUIIB D Displacement CODlpreHsors and Blowers P. DISEllENS, Ohairman J. F. HUVANE ~:~: ~~:~. O. G. SPRAnO O. P. TORNER J. T. WILKIN :10 Oentrifugal and Turbo Compressors and Blowers C. H. SMOOT. OlllZirman ~. A. Moss, S.cret<l7/ J. E. EHSWIuER H. F. HAGEN S. B. REDPIEuD F. R. &rill :11 Complete Power Plants N. A.OARLE, OhaiJrmG.. B. R. T. COLuINS G. L. KNIGHI O. F. B1R8HI!ELD A. A. LANE R. J. S. PIOGII A. A. POlIER R. W. STOVJ:I, :12 Condensers, Water Heating and Oool1ng Equipment G. A. ORROK. ChaiMnooo P. E. REYNOLDS, Secretarv C. H. BAKER R. N. EHSUABI J J.?,luLLAN H. B. REYNOLDS M. O. SlUABI! :18 Refrigerating Systems R. H. ANDERSON, OhaiKm4n N. H. HIuLER G. A. HORND F. E. MA.I!IHI!IWS E. F. MILLER P. Nul! T. SHIPl,gy G. T. VOORHEES 14 E,,-aporating Al,paratus E. N. TRullIP B. N. BUHP E. A. NowHAul, H. L. PARR L. O. RooEllis 1G SteaD> Locomotives E. O. SOHJIIIDI. Ohai.rman W. F. KIESEL, JR. H. B. OAI!uEY G. E. RHOADS L. K. SlLuCOX M. E. It. ToulZ W. E. WOODJJlD 10 Gas Produeers 11 Internal-Coll1bustion Engines :18 Hydraulic power Plant.. and Their EqulplUent 20 Sl,eed-Resllonsive GoVe1"nOrs 67 W. T. MAGRUDER, Ollai.rmarlo W. B. CHAPHAN R. H. FEilNA.LD O. D. SMIIH H. F. SMII!H M. ROl!TER. OMi.rman E. T. ADAMS H. COQKD A. WESI H B. TAYUOS, OMiIm... O. M. ALLEN R. L. DA.UGHBSIY ~. g: ~~~i:nbon R. D. JOHNSON O. W. LARNES D. J. HCOORJIIACK L. F. MOODY G. R. SHEPARD R L. THOMAS W. F. UHu W. M. WHIIE 19 Instruments and Appalo.tllM C. F. 1IIRSHFEUD. Ohainoorr. W. A. CARIER, / C. H. ALLEN E. G. BAILEY L. J. BIUGGS J. D. DA.VlS R. 1::. Dluuo,," F. M. larmeil. J. B. (lruhbeli< W. H. KENERSON E. S. L"" O. MONNEn S. A. Hoss R. J. S. PIGOTT E. B. RICKETI8 S. W. SPARROW F. HODGIl.INSON, Ohairmo.n H. 090Klll J. F. H. PAIIIZ F. H. ROGERS

34 SAFETY 61EClAI. COMMITTEES SAFETY SPECIAL COMMITTEES C. B..AUBL, Chairman.\. C. JEWElT F. L. MORBE G. 1lI. NAUllR (Person"d of Standing Committee, p. 8) Safety Code for Mecbanical Power-Transmission ApparntnK Joint SpIYMorship 1mth tho International Association of IndustrllJ! Accident BoardJJ and Commi8.sions, and the Bureau of CasuaUIi and Surety Undorwriters. Sectional Committee organked February, 19S1 k S. M. E. Representatives R W. SELLEW D. C. WRIGHT G. N. VAN DEItHOEF (Alternate) Sufet, C.ode foo EI",, ator.. Joint Sponsorship with tm American Institute of Arohitects ana the Bureau of Bto.."lo4rd.. Bectional Oon.mittee organized NOVember, 19se A. H. M. E. Representatives S. D. COLI,ETT J. E. MOLONY D. L. HOLBROOK Sn.fety COIle on "(ucllin..r, (or Air * Joint Spot/&oTship ZL.~ith the A.S.B.E.-E ngineeojf,ng Secti01l~ Na~ional R68earch. Coull.cit.,~ecUonal Committee organized :Vay~ 1923 A. S. Y. E. Representatives W. C. STRAUB, Secreto.T1J J. H. BaoWN," Safety Code fol Cou.,.-eyor" und Conveying Mo.cbinery Jail>! Sponsorship with the Natio1l<l! Bureall of Ca<ua!t1J alld Slirety Underwriters. Sectiollal Oommittee O1oauized November A. S.![. E. Representatives )[,.\. KENDALL WILLIAM ST.una Safety Oode fol." C1 ILUE>S, Derrickf!ll and Holl!Jts,* Sole Spon~orsMp a~"lted bv A. S. M. E~ Organized March, A. S. Y. E. Representatives (.EWJli }JIIICH. R. H. \VHIlE Safety Code too "I" Poner Control Joi1l1 Spon~or.hip. li>!th the Xatiol/al Hureau of O=lty and Surely Underr.cril"". (Sponsors to organize Sectional Committee) Note:. All of th~ safety corle committees lor which the Society holds joint sponbo1"8hlp or on winch it has representation are organized under the procedure of the.a. E. S. 9. li8 J. P. JACKSON Safety Code CorrellLtiug Committee A. S. M. E. Representatives H. L. WHITTEMORB (Alternate) Sufet, Cod" f01 Abr...i...e Wheels A, S. M. E. Representative W. B. GAllnn<F.ll Safety Code foo Aero..autics Sectiona! Com,nitle. organized: under I"e procedure of Ihe A. E. S. C..A. S. M. E. Representative E. P. WARN>:1l Safety Code on Iletal Mine Ventilation Sectwllat Commitlee organized under the procedure 0 the A. E. a. C. A. S. M. E. Representative 1. O. HOUGHTON Safety Code for Floor Openl1l"", Railing.. and Toe Boar,l". Beclwllal Com",ittee o"ganked under the procedure of the A. E. S. O. A. S. M. E. Representative WILLIA)I COLLINS Safety Code for Forging o...d Hot ])letal Stumping Section4l Commiltee organized: under the procedu,"" of 11>0 A. E, S. C. A. S. M. E. Representative O. F. LUCKBNDACH Safety Code for l..du"trhlj. Sanitation SccUOl/al Oommiltce organi.ed: under Ihe procedu,. of Ihe A, E. S. O. A. S. M. E. Representative. R. :M. BENNETT Code of Ligbting Factories, IUn" und Other Work Placell Bectional Commiltee organized under the procedure of Ihe A. E. S. O. A. S. M. E. Representative A. S. MoALLISTF.R 59

35 SAFETY SPECIAL COMM=EES Safety Code for Ladders Scctiona! Com,nitt organized under tho proc.dure a tho.d. E. S. C. A. B. Y. E. Representative W. T. HATCH Safety Code for Laundries Sectional Oom",itte. organized u"der tm p1ocedure a the A. E. 8. C. A. B. H. E. Representative E. J. OARROLL Safety Code for Logging and SawJDill Machinery Seoti...aL Oommittee organized under the procedure a the.d. E. S. O. A. B. Y. E. Representative J. H. DICIUNSON Safety Code for Machine Tools Sectional Oammittoe orga"ized urnler the procedure a the A. E. S. O. A. S. Y. E. Representative O. R. GADRlEL Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration Bortio"a! Oommittee organized u"der the p1l)cedur. I) tm.d. E. ~. C. ~. S. M. E. Representatives B. H. OOFFEY J. E. STARR L. K. DOELLINa (Alternates) WH. F. JONES L. H. ROLLER 0. R. NEESON W. B. RORI80N R. F. :MASSA A. U. ZIMMERMAN C. O. SPREEN Suiety Cod., for Pap,.,r and Pulp l\lills Sed1,,,,al Oammittee organized under the p1ocedn.e 0 the A. E. S. C. A. S. Y. E. Representative P. PIfELPS Safety Code for power Presses SCdimal Oommittee Mganized u"der the yrl)cedure a, tim A. E. S, O. A. S. Y. E. Representathe F. E. BARNEY Safety Code for Rubber Machinery Secligna! Oommittee organized "nder tm procedure I) the.1. E. S. C. A. S. Y. E. Repr611antative, E. D. DAVIDSON 60 SAFETY SPji:OIAL COMMITTEES Textile Safety Code Se, t10".! Oon,mitte. organized under the procellur. 0 tho A. E. 8. O. A. S. Y. E. Representative H. W. DONALD Ventilation Safety Code Sectional Oommitt organized under tho oprl)cellur. 0 tm A. E. S. O.. A. S. M. E. Representative L. E. RanER Safety Code for Walkway Surfaces Sectwna! Committee org",";z.1l u,,<ler the p1ooedu I)f tho.d. E. 8. O. A. S. Y. E. Representative Y. NICHOLLS Low Voltl1-ge Electrical Hazard Sp.ci41 Oommitte. 0 the A. S. S. E.-E"gine.ri"" 8ection, N",t.:o.l<Ji Safety Oouncil A. S. M. E; Representative J. P. JACK80N Safety Code for Amusement Parks Sectional Oo",mitte. org",niz.1l unller the Prooedur6 of tho A. E. 8. O A. S. Y. E. ReDresentatlve G. P. SMITH Safety Code for Window Washing Sectima! Oomn,itte. organized under tho pro ",uro of the A. E. S. O. A. S. M. E. Representative W.A. BOYLB Safety Code on Oolors for the Identiflca1ion of, Gas Mask Canister Sectional Oommittee or"",niz.1l unller the yrocedur. I)f tm A. E. S. O. A. S. Y. E. Representattve L. O. LITom 61

36 JOINT ACTIVITIES AND SOCIETY H.EPRESENTATION C. 1. BLISS (1928) 1 S. G. FI,AGG, In. (1929) u. S. American Engineering Council A. S. M. E. Deleg",t Tf!nlt8 nplre Janv.ary 1~ 1929 cxpira Ja:r,/u4f"J/ OHARLES M. SCI{WAB, Nw York, N. Y. ALEX Dow, Charman. Detroit.. Mich. O. P. Hoop, Washingtoll L D. a. L. P. ALPORD, Vice al",,,, New York, DnAN E. FOSTER, Tulsa, ukla. N. l. W.P. H~T, Molins m. HAROLD V 0 0" II CHARLES PlONROSE, phiuulelphia, Pa... OES, ",,,apo, t E. N. TRll"MP, 8yra_e. N. Y. AR1N~. M. GREENE, JR., PriMeto", T. L. WIL~NSON. Dav.nport Iowa JOHN LYL HAll ING1 IC C D. BOBERT YARNALL, pm/ad.lphia. Pa.. Mo. E RON, allsm,tv. WALTER S. FINLAY. JR. Pittsburgh. Pa. D""TEI\ S. KIMBALL. Ithaca., N. Y. lila W. DYE, S.attlu. Wll8h. WILLLUol 13. LEE, aharlott., N. a. R. C. MARSHALL, JR., 1l000h;"gton. D. a. American Association for the Advancement of Science (Section ItI, Engineering) CHAs. Russ RICHARDS JOHN T. FMO Altornates may be appointed each year according to geograpbical location of meetinl\s American Engineering Standards Committee \. S. M. E. Representatives OLOYD M. CHAPMAN (1930) K. H. CONDIT (alternate) C. B. LE PAGE (alternate) Engineering Foundation Board A. s. M. E, Representativ.s H. HODAJlT PORTER (1929)3 D. ROBERT YAJlN.<LL (1981) G>:o. A. ORa OK (1930) w. F. DUR,AKD National Committee, International Electro Technical Commission.-\. s. 1>( E. Repreeentathes C. H. BERRY FRED R. Low 1 Repre.ents the.-\. S. )I. E. on the Executive Committe. of the A ESC 2 A. ~. ],1. E. representative from Board of Tru.tee. of U. E. S.. ". 02. ~ I.JOINr AClIvrflES John Fritz Medal Board of Award A. S. M. E. R.pres.ntatlves FBED R. LoW (1929) D. S. KIMBALL (1931) D. S. JAOOBUS (1980) OHARLES M. SOHWAlI (1982) The tbrms oj otric. e"pir. in Octob.r of.ach Joseph A. Holmes Memorial Board BlUOADYE"R GElNE:D.AL WM. A. BIXBY (or alternate) National Research Council OI..-I"lon of Engineering EARLE BUCKINGHAM (June, 1928) A. G. OHRISTYE (Jun 1929) B. H. Hr,OOD (Jun., 1939) Society fot the Promotion of Engineering Education Board of In...estir;;ation and Coordination JOHN Ll:LE HAR.RINGTON FlUNK A. SCOT! W. L. DURAND (alternate) United Engineering Society A. S. M. E. Repr entativ.e H. HOU:"T PORTER (1929) Roy V. WB1GHT (1980) Em.<nn. R. FISH (1981) Western Society of Engineers VashingtoD A...ard H. V. COES (Jun., 1928) HOaACE OARPBNTY.B (June, 1929) General Assignments By special invitation the Socl.ty.has representativ.s on: National Committe. on Metal. Utilization, Department of Commerce, SUNLEY G FLAGG, JR.. and OHARLES M. MANLY as alt.mate. Natlonsl Center.nce. on Stre.t and Hlgbway Safety. D.partm.nt of Commerce, E. J. POSSI!lL1. National Res.arch Council, Highway Research Committee, H. DE B. PAnSONS National Screw Thread Commission, LU1HER D. BURLINGAm:. International High Commission, Advi.ory.Commlttes to the U. S. Section, with a preliminary.tudy and compll",tlon of.. report on the u ot. Uniform W.ight. and Mea.ur.s, R. E. FLANDERS.. U. S. Sbipping Board, Fuel Coneervation Board, H. L. SEWARD. National Safety Council, American Society of Safety Engine.r., Engineering S.ction, Study of Low Voltage Electrical Hazard, JOIlN ParCE JACKSON.. R.presentation. on the special committee. of tbe Am.rlcan Welding Soci.ty and the American Bureau of Welding: Fusion W.ldlng for Pre.sure V ls. W. F. DURAND, R. L. DAUGHERTY, E, R. FISH, SHERWOOD F. JETER, and D. S. JACOBUS. Gas W.ldlng Committee of the American Bnreau and O. W. OBER1. American Bureau of Welding Advi.ory Board to JAMES PARTINGTON. 6S of Welding, JAMES PARTINGTON the National Re.earch Counoil. Structura.l Steel Welding, Advisory Commltt.e to the American of Welding, GEO. A. ORnOK. Oommltte. on Standardlo:atlon Survey. OHARLES M. SCHWAB, H. BIRCHARD TAYLOR (alternate).


38 y Younger, J Columbus, O. Younglove. C. M..Philadelphia, Pa. Younglove, E. R..Cbicago, 111 Youngman, E. M Brooklyn, N. Y. Youngson. A. C. New York, N. Y. Youtsey, F. S Ystrom, J. B Z Zabri.kie. C Paterson, N. J. Zachert. A. R. Fairbaven. Maee. Zack. E. S.. Melbourne, Australia Z&demach, E. R. Elizaneth. N. J. Zablen, J. V Medford, Ore. Zamooni, L......Pasadena, cali!. Zanft, A. B...,... l;ew York, N. Y. Zanke, G. J..... Chicago, m. Zantow, R. C......Madison, Wi Zarll, G. Y......P..ri., France Zarobsky. I. F......Toledo, O. Zautner. N. G... Philsdelphia, Pa. Zav..rlne, I. 11 Cambridge, Maee. Zeder, F. M.....Detroit, Mich. Zeh, E. W, Newark, N. J. Zehnder. C. R... New York, N. Y. Zehr. V. A o o star.. Boleslav, Czechoslovakia ALP:HABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS St. Louis, Mo. Seattle, Wasb. Zeigler, F. M San Antonio, Tex. Zeiner, E. F New York, N. Y. Zemke,A. W Ohicago, m. Zepernlck. W....chicago, Ill. Zepfler, L. R....Jersey Oity, N. J. Zepht. E. E Grasselli, N. J. Zerban, A. R...Brooklyn, N. Y. Zerbey, A. L.... New York. N. Y. Zetterman, R. L....Tooele, Utah Ziebell, A. O Oshkosh,_Wis. Ziegler, G. L......Buffalo 1)(. Y. Ziegler, L Indianapo i is, Ind. Ziegler, T. F.... New York, N. Y. Ziegler. W. G....New York, N. Y. Zierick. A. E New York, N. Y. Zlka. W. B MUwaukee, Wis. Zilboorg, J. M. Monterey, N. L. :Mex. Zilen, V. W... BUffalo, N. Y. Zimmerll. F. P....Detroit, :Mich. Zimmerman, A. W..Fort Wayne, Ind. Zimmerman, C......Chicsgo, Ill. Zimmerman, C. D..New York, N. Y. Zimmerman, Esrl W Syracuse, 11 Y. Zimmerman, Edwin W..Kearny, N. J. ZIPlDlermsn, Frank R.. Superior, Wis. r ZIPlDlerman, Fred R Amsterdam, N. Y. Zimmerman, O. B.... Cblcsgo, Ill. ZiPlDlerman, R. D. Phillipsburg, N. J. ZiPlDlerman, R. E..Baltimore, Md. Zimmermann, C. F... Chicago, Ill. ZimmermnllD, H. C..Brooklyn, N. Y. Zimmermann, J. E..Philadelphia, Pa. Zink, R. E.... Wilmington, Del.. Zisch, G. J Newark, N. J. Ziver. E. Y. Astoria, L. I., N. Y. Zohe, L. A.... Syracuse, N. Y. Zoll, J. C......Roselle Park, N. J. Zoll, S. W..... Ros.eUe, N. J. Zolot, P.... New. York, N. Y. Zortman, J. E....Phil&delpbia, Pa. Zott!, F., Jr ~"ew York, N. Y. Zouck, G. H...New York, N. Y. Zouraeff, A.... " New York, N. Y. Zowski-Zwierocbowskl, S. J..... Warsaw. Polsnd Zschokke, A. J. Palo Alto, Calli. Zsiba, A., Jr... New York, N. Y. Zugelter, G. E....Cincinnati, O. Zuidema, A.... Detrolt, Miell. Zullo, S......Jersey City, N. J. Zumberg, J. J Cincinnati, O. Zurlo, J. V Lynn, Mas. Zwald. A Torrance. Cali!. Zwlqkl, J. R Chicsgo, Dl. ZwickY, W. 0 New Brunswick, N. J. Zwimpler, E. A. Beuthe!!.! Germany Zwingli, C. T.....New ~ork, N. Y. Zwoyer, E. B. A.. New York, N. Y. Zwoyer, W. R... Jersey CIty, N. J. Zychlinski, L. W. S.. Prague. Ozechoslovakla " ".:.t Geographical List of Members All Grades PAGE INDEX TO COUNTRIES Page Alaska 208 American samoa 701 Argentina " 694 Australia Austria Belgium 70S Bolivia 696 Brazil 696 Canada 682 Oanal Zone 280 ceylon 698 Chile 695 China 698 Colombia 696 Costa Rica 691 Cuba 692 Ozechoslovakla.. 70S Denmark 70S Dominican Republlc Dutch East Indies Ecuador 696 Egypt 697 England Finland 70S France 708 Germany 704 Greece 710 Hawaiian Islands 263 Holland, 710 Honduras Page India 698 Isle of Man, Italy 710 Jamaica 694 Japan, Manchuria : Mexico 690 Newfoundland New Zealand Norway 710 Persia,. 701 Peru 696 Philippine Islands... ;. 648 Poland 711 Porto Rico 644 Roumania. 711 Russia Salvador......, 692 Scotland Spain Straits Settlements Sweden 711 Swij:zerland Turkey 712 Union of S. Africa 697 United States Uruguay 697 Venezuela 697 Wales 710

39 DIRECTIONS FOR USING GEOGRAPIDCAL LIST The Geographical" List contains the names, dates of election, busilless addresses, and mailing addresses of members of all grades, includiug Honorary Members, Members, Associates, Associate-Members, and Juniors. In this list the United States is listed first, Cano.da follows, and the other countries are grouped according to continents. In the United States list, the states and possessions are arra,nged alphabetically, and the cities alphabetically under the states. The members are arranged alphabetically under each city. Where two addresses are given, the first is the business address. The words,i and JOT mail" are used when the preferred address for mail is not the first one. The date after each name is the date of election to membership. The grade is indicated by the symbol after the name: i. e., H-Honorary; A-Associate; A-M-Associate-Member; J-Junior. Where no s;ymbol accompanies the date, full membelship is understood. Where two dates are given, the first indicates election and the second indicates promotion; if the second date is not accompanied by grade, promotion to full membership is understood. The membership allocated to Sections is indicated by the name of Section appearing after the name of the city. Members residing in cities where no Section is mentioned have the privilege of affiliating with any Section, without additional dues, by making request to the Secretary of the Society. Consult t,he Alphabetical List, page 67, for index to Geographical List. "",.:i..c ":! i:! ~, ".~. ", i.,( GEOGRAPIDCAL list OF,MEMBERS NORTH A.M.ERICA. UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS ALABAMA. anniston BlrntingllD.ln Section ~ (J 2) Box 560. NOWELL, JGobHn plo J (J "26) 1730 Quintanl,\"0. SOARBROU, ope., ATTALLA, Birwngl l D.1U s6e)c~o~ Gelll Mgr. Walworth Ala. 00. HENDERSON, Robt. M. (21; 2,.,., AUBURN (21) Pro! M E., Ala. Poly. Inst. t. d for mail HIXON, SOa:UBERT, Ohaa. Walter. R. 0 (A~... ;26), InBtr. M E., Ala. Poly. Ins, an WILUJR~, ~~~n ~. (98). Dean Engrg., Ala. 1oly. Inat. BESSElIIER, Birn),i]l~~llllll Si;, Tenn. Coal Iron & R. llo. 00., GROVER, Marcu"d A /. (03!! 019) oe BoX 590 Birmingham. Besaemer. an or mo:!.,.,, BIRlIIINGHAlIl, Birming1LD.D~ Dse~ti.~~ Adam.on Bros., 215 Brol,er. Bldg., ADA:MSON, Walter,L. (2~), Oen.. e.gll l, and for mail, 606 1rmceton Ave StJockh m Pipe & Fitting Co., and for mad, ARD, Chos. E. (J 27),, a nrown A.TH11JioW~H~\{. (A.Y 24), Draftsman, Tenn. Can! Iron & R. R. Co., Malx Bldg... 16) V l Am Ca.t 11On Pipe Co., P. O. Box 151- BARR, Olarence D. (A...,..,. 00 Brown.Marx Bldg.. BARRY, Jaa. M: (28), V. 1".~lao1o~~rCo" \Ia POWOI Co. llldg., SInd /"1 ",od., BENJAMIN, Ray N. (25), D,x,e on. ".,.. Apt S. 28th St dave S NTLEY Geo. L. (A 21), Ingersoll.Rand Co., 1 r 026 Woodward Bld~. :fair, Abbott H. (27), Ge!!. Mgr., Ru.t Engrg. ~;".~i!, 6 Water St., Inglenook. BROWN Oecll (J 26), Hardle Tynes Mig FlOe., a~demrich 410 Brown.Marx 111,11:. URGOYNE C B (J 27), Sales Engr., lynn 5th St. N gush Wm J d 26), B. F. Sturtevant 00., 140~;ent Co Comer. BId,\:. OABANISS, W~lter M. (24(~ ~ur2~) Ai.~bP~~~~dSlnclair Rel. Oo., P. O.~~ox ~285. CAULDWELL, EdmondP.. h En~ McWnne Cast Iron ~ pe o. CLAUSSEN., Arthur W. (A M,21), Re~eabi. Engr: Stockham Pipe & Fittmgs Co., OLINGMAN Olaude R. (A :M 27), As..., and /ormail N. 24~h S~ Birmingham Wntar Wks. 00., st COBE, Frank S. (J 27), E c. ngr., 440 Brown. Ave. N. d N (26) Cens Power Engr., By Products Oorp., OUNNINGHAM, E w..,. Marx Bldg. R bt H (J 07) Branch :Mgr., Ingersoll.Rnnd Co., Rn. 1802, OUNNINGHAM, 0.,, rd BAvk e. (16) 0 B Davis Engrg. 00., 410 Brown Marx Bldg. DAVIS,Obas. a er :M i,) 7320 lot Ave. N. C DEARING, E. Richard A(A M 18) OIL En... Joubert &: Goslin Meb, & Fdy. a., EPHGRAVE, Herbert (., p" P. O. Drawer WI. (A 26) Part Owner Southeostem Products Ce" Inc.,,,ESHELMAN. Jos. Ill. " and 807 S.. 20th d St(OU,.. E Tenn Coal Iron & R. R.. Oe., Birmingham, FAULL Rlchar,..., B for I, 1501 innesota Ave., essemer. 205

40 ALABAMA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES BIRMINGHAM (continued) FRANOIS, T. M. (25), Cons. Engr., P. O. Box 507:- FREEMAN, Henry L. (17), Cost Elogr., Dixie Ooostr. 00., Ala. Power Bldg.; and for mail, 2109 S. 14th Ave. FRIES, J. Elias (21), Oh. Engr.. Tenn. Ooal IroD &: R. R. Co., Brown-Marx Bldg. GASSMAN, Howard M. (111), sales Eogr., 518 N. 21st st. GETZEN, John E. (J 26). Ob. Engr., Stockham Pipe &: Fittings 00., 2608 Highland Ave., an.d for mail, 8227 Glen Ave. GLASS, John B. (21). M. E., Tenn. Coal, Iron & R. R. Co., Brown Marx Bldg. and tor mail, E 6, Terrace Court. GREAGAN, John J. (11; 21), Sales Engr., Allis Ohalmers Mfg. 00., 701 Brown Marx Bldg. HAMILTON, Wm. Bulger (12), Sales &: Oons. Engr., Hardie Tynes Mfg. Co., and to" mait N.. 28th St.. HAUGHT. Harold R. (J 25), Sales Engr., Lfok Belt Co., Brown Marx Bldg., and tor mait Apt. 8A S. 11th Ave. HAWN, R. J. (18), Oh. Engr.. Phoenix Portland Cement Co., Jefferson Oounty Bank Bldg.. and tor mail N. 29th St. HEOKEROTH, Wm. O. (21). sales Mgr., Fuel Eille. Corp., 519 Am. Trust Bldg. HUTCHINS, A. T. (20), Supt. Steam Plants, Ala. Power 00., and /01 mail, 1109 Glen Iris Ave. JEFFERIES, Robt. X. (A.M 22), Mgr., Warehouse & Shops, Dixie Oonstr. 00., Old Ledger Bldg. JOHNSON, Lloyd (A M 19), V. P., Anderson Brass Wks., Inc., th St. W., and Jor mail, 101 Poncanna Drive. KEISER, Franklin B. (17), Pres., Kelser Geismer Engrg., Co., 1808 Am. Trade.. Bldg. KENT Herbert S. (15; 18; 21), Joubert & Goslin Mch. &: Fdy. Co. LANCE, c. O. (A M 18), Sales Engr., Ingersoll Rand Co., rd Ave. S. McCAGHREN, John R. (A M 19), Wka. Oillce Mgr., Orane Co., 2 S. 20th St. McCUTOHEN, Wm. A. (J 26), Pur. Agt., Head Dept., Engrg., Am. Belt Co., 89th St. &: 10th Ave. N., and for mail, st Ave.. MERKEL, AI-thur W. (21), Plant Supt., Continental Gin Co.; 4600 Ave. D. MERRITT. M. Stephens (J 26), Switchboard &: Control Engr., Ala. Power Co. MIDDLEMISS, G. H. (A M 18), Snpt. Distribution, Ala.. Power Co., Brown-Marx Bldg. MOFFETT, QhaB. A. (17). Pres Gult States Steel Co., 1029 Brown-Marx Bldg. MONAHAN, Wm. a, Jr. (17), Oons. Engr..l S. 20tn st. MONGER, Abb M. (27t Ch. Draftsman, lsirmingham Mob. &: Fdy. Co., and tor mail, 1114 N. 28th :st. MOORE; JaB. W. (17: 22), Ch, Engr., Am. Cast Iron Pipe Co.. MOORE. W. D. (21)t V. P., Wks. Mgr., Am. Oast Iron Pipe Co., P. O. Box 151. MOlUtOW. S. J,. (20J, Sales Enll1., Link-Belt Co., 720 Brown Marx Bldg. MOUAT, Harry G. (A M, 28), Dist. Mgr. Whiting Corp., 841 Martin Bldg. MOXLEY, Steph~ll D. (24; A-M 26). Oh,. Engr., Am. Oast Iron Pipe Co., and tor mail, nd St. ~ OCALLAGHA;N, John (J 25), M. E., Ala. Portland Cement Co., 2801 Comer. Bldg. PADEN, Carter N. (J 25), Asst. Prod. Mgr., Birmingham Stove &: Range Co. PAYNE, Basil (J 24), Draftsman En!:!,., Eng. Dept., Ala. Power 00., Ala. Power Bldg. PET~~~NE. V{, W. (27), V. P., Oh. Engl., Fuel Eillc. Oorp., 519 Am. Trust PEYTOiif, Arnold (J 271. M. E., Thomas Grate Bar Co" Box and /01 mail, 1402 N. 18th Ave. RAMSAY, Erskine (26), Ohmn. Bd., Ala. By-Products Corp., Am. Traders Bldg.. RIOHARDSON, Wm., Jr. (18), Asst. Supt. (oal Waoher.,. renn. Coal Iron &: R. n. 00., Brown Marx Bldg., Birmingham, and for mail, 1787 Jefferson Ave., Ensley. RITOHIE, Albert P. (A-M 24), Dr..ftsman, Hardie Tynea MIg. Co., aud tor mail, th Ave. ROBERTS, John A. (26). Engr., Phoenix Portland Cement 00., and for mail, 1607 Tuscaloosa Ave., ROUEOHE, W. Lee (A-M 16), Wks. Mgr., MeWana Cast Iron Pipe Co. ItYDING, Herbert O. (00), V. P. Tenn. Coal llon & R. R. Co., 15M Brown Marx Bldg. BAL:MON. Fred. W. (00; 04). C. &: M. E. P. O. Box 1l04. SCHUBERT. Edw. R. (21: 4 M 25), Plant Ellgr. Birmingham Plant, Weir.Kilby Oorp., N. Birminll:ham.,. 206 ~ i,.,.. ;f ;;," " BIRIUINGHAlU (continued) SHANNON, Luter N. (A-M 27), V. P., Factory Mgr., Stockham Pipe ill FlttlDgs Co., P. O. Box Co ". P IDdg- SIRNIT, John A. (19) DesOOrlng: Engr., AI", ~Qwer.,... ower " STEELE, John O. (A-:!.l 24). Asst. Engr., Dudley Bar 00., 616 Brown-1larx Bldg., and Jor fli4i!, d Ave., W. d Tire.. R bb STEVENS, Paul (J 27) Mech. Rubber Goods Salesman, Goo year co u er 00. Ino st Ave. S.. Bt el 0 d I STEWART, :lam!. (16), M. M. &: Oh. Engr., Repubbo Iron &; e D., an or mail. 117 Front St.. Thomas Sta... TAURMAN, Alphonso (16), Supt. 1\1[uip. &; Struo., BlrlllUlgham Elec. Co., 210D 1st Ave., and for mail. 848 S. 41at st. THURLOW. Oscar G. (W). Ob. Engr., Ala. Power Co. TOWER, Laurence W. (A 27), Terrace N. WARD Fred B. (17), 1401 St. Charles St. S. WILLIAMS. Saml. S. (A M 11), Secy., Treas., Fuel Eillo., Engrg. Corp., 518.Am Traders NntL Bank Bldg. woon; Thos. D. (J 25), Drilfteman, Hardie T~es Wg. Co., P. 0. BoJI; WRIGI;lT, Anton P., J (J 24) th AVIl- S. ". h WRIGHT, Paul (15; 16), Manager, 24 27; Vice-President, 27-29; Paul Wng t & 00., 248 Brown-Marx :Bldg. BUCIi:S KIRK, Donald <17; 19; 28), Supt., Seey. & Treaa., Kirk Brick &: Lumber 00., and tor maol, Bucks. ENSLEY, Birmingham Section OAINE, Wm. P. (99; 04; 18), Steam Engr., Tenn. Coal Iron &: R. R. Co., and tor mail, Box 27, 0 S at S I Co CARPENTER, Thoa. J. (19; A M 22), Supt." Power Plant per., em 0 vay OUTLER, Frank G. (14), Oh. Bureau Steam Engrg., Tenn Iron & R. R. Co., and [or mail, 2651 Pike Ave. d / DUGGER, Neal (A 18), Ch. Scale Inspr., Tenn. Coal Iron &; R. R. Co., an or mail, P. O. Box R R Co E 1 d EWART, Hubert E. (26), Cil. Draftsman, Tenn. Coal Iron...., ns ey, an tor mail 2481 :Bessemer Blvd., Birmingham. GILFILLAN: Jelui ld. (A-Y 28), Plant Engr., Draftsman, Samet-Solvay Co., ~ P. O. Box Teal I &: R It Co GULDBERG, Dan R. (A M 21)iDeSlgner ~ 9hecker, enll- 0 ron., Ensley and tor mail, 2821 arch Ave., Bllmlngham. JARRARU; Buman H. (J 24), Bureau Steam Engrg., Tenn. Coal Iron & R. R. 00., and for d St. LANDGREBE. K. L. (17), Gen!. SUIt. Enslsy Wka., Tenn. Coal Iron & R. R. Co. MANDY, WID,. Henry (J 24). Steam Eng. Dept., Tenn. Coal Iron &l R. R.,00., and for mail, 2012 Ave. H. PALM, Robt. (18), Checker Engrg. Dept., Tenn. Coal Iron &: R. R. 00., Eosley, and for mail, 4988 Farrell Ave., Falrtleld. FAIRFIELD, Bhmingh;Ul Section BRADY Cassius (23} Supt. Steel Car Shop, Falrlleld Oar Wks., Tenn. Coul Iron & :3.. R. Co., and or mail, 616 4Srd St. COSPER, J. M. (19); th St. FAJ:RHOPE ROBERTS, W. H. (J 19). FLORENCE AMBLER, N. B. (16). Wilson Dam. ". VAUGH,A.N, Cbas. 0., Jr. (A ~ 22), 448 N. Pme St. HOLT, Birlldnghalll Section SMITH Reginald C. (A M 26), Cb,. Engr., Oentral Iron &: Coal 00., Holt, and /0; mail; 20 Oountry Olub lieighta, Tuscaloosa. i.,.,, lfa~~l~htjl Oha. (17; 22), Ala.. State Dock. Comm. GEEKiE, R. O. (J 28), M. E., Gulf :Mobile & No. R. R., and tor mail, 1416 Monroe Goo~tING, H. P. (A 15), ~etlred, 168 Macy St. 207

41 AL_~JJAMA )(~MBKRS IN UNITEU SlATES ME~BERSIll UNITED STATES ARIi:ANSAS NITRATE PLAN] GORDON, J. F. (A 20). OPELIKA. ROGERS. T. B, (16; A ;\l 20). PRATT CITY, Birmill/,;JuLlll Section COLE. Harry (J 27), M. E., Tenn. Co.1 Iron & R: R" P. 0, D,.wer C. luscaloosa, BirlllinglllLJll Section ROTH, Orval O. (J 23), Tuscaloo Ice & Cold Storage. UNIVERSITY, BirJllingluun Sectioll fiallalee, John lc. (20), Prof, M, E., Univ, of Ala, KENNEDY, A. M. (16). Re.earch Engr., Ala. Po,ver Co,. c/o Dr. S. J. I.liJytl. VERBENA, Birlllinghnnl Section BENZIGER, Jake U. (A ju 21), Gen!. Supt., Coosa Rher H)dro Plnnt., Ala. Power Co WOODWARD, BirminghlLlIl Sectioll BELL, Richard J. (27), Designer, Woodw..rd Iron Co" Woodwa"d, and fo, moil th St. W" Birmingham. BRAKEMAN. R. E. (11). Ch. Engr.. Woodward Iron Co. OROCKARD, FTank H. (09), Pre Woodw.rd Iron Co. IlUNC.oIN, Edwin W.tkins ( ), M. M. Woodw.rd Co. ALASli:A FAIRBANI;;:S UATHJENS. G. W. (10), Ch, Eng"., Fairbanks Exploration Co. ARIZONA AJO BERGLUKD, Nlel. Wm. (J 25), Mech. Draftsman, New Cornell. Copper Co. DnMOliL11i, W..lter L. Cll; 13; 17), GEm!. Supt., New Cornelia Copper Co. CLARKDALE KUZELL, Ch.s, R. (A )I 22), Smelter Supt,, United Verde Copper 00, DOUGLAS I,EGRAND. Ch.s. (17), Cons. Engr.. Phelps Dodge Corp. PRAITtb ~~~old H, (10). Ch. Engr., Phelps Dodge Corp., and tot mail, 1370 RED~\~Ei 2rtii:. S. (18). lileeh. Dr.ftsm.n. Phelps Dodge Corp...nd fo, mail, ROR~~if.hTIi2r9t~;Z~~: Ob. Draftsm.n, Eng. Dept. Pllelps Dodge Corp., and or INSPIRATION EADES, Ch.s, B (20), rh. C. E., Inspiration Oonsltd. Copper Co.,.nd for moil. Bo:,; 9. MIAMI FAUST, Per Alex, (21), ~1. )1., lnternat!. Smelting Co., P. O. 1I0x 1057, PHOENIX UENOVAR, H. F. (A 21), Mgt., el,a. C. 1100re & Co., Henrd Bldg., alld /0" liioil, P. O. Box 179", GROTE, Henry C. (19; Arch., Cons, Eng~., 203 Luhrs Bldg., and for moil, P. O. Box 1HZ. S~IITH, Jule C. (23), )[, E., Stand. Oil Co., Luhrs Bldg. PRESCOTT ALLEK, J. S. (10), Pre., ( Mgl., Ariz. West. Min, &. Mllllug Co. WINSLOW fhrelfall. J. Jo. (J 2;), Winslow Ice Plallt,.nd JOT mail, 1l0~ 1st Sl, ZOS,". ;. j :!. ",-RI;::~NSAS (!lid-colltlnent Sectioll) DATESVILLE B 103 WORTIDNGTON, Biddle W. (A ~I 26), P. O. ox ~:t~:~ohll H. (21), So, Intemat!. Paper 00., a~d, for mail, 103 S. Agee St. RIIS, Erling (27), Oh. Engr., So. Internat!. Pape, Co. DE QUEEN &. Ole ROGERS. All.n B. (J 25), M. E., Dierk. Lumber.oa o. ~l~~?:-e1tl?~dw. (A-M 26), Asst. Supt. Goooline Dept., Nat!. Gas & Fuel Corp. nnd fot mail, Box 026. t R fi I. Inc RINGGENBERG, Herm.n I. (A M 27), Mech. Supt., Roo e ner e. ~~JL~~~~yVJ~~X;;27), Instr. ~I. E. Unlv. of A, k., and for mau, 223 E. Dickson PRIJ~. Leonard O. (A.M 27), Rese.rch Assoc. Prof. of M. E. Engrg. Expel. Sla., Unlv. at Ar~. (J 95) lnstr M. E., Ulliv. 01 Ark.. ~rrla.i&le;~l.:rl. (A~lII "26), Prot. M. E., Head Dept., Umv. of Ark. WJlRi>:~~~h~SR. (99), Cons. &. Designing Engr 609 Citizens Bank Bldg., and for mail, P. O. Box 346. ~~rl~~~v::o~:~y (18). Cons. Engr., Fordyce &. Feild. Eng,s., Onzette Bl<ll:. N (J 24) Mechanic Otl. Elev. Co., 007 Center St.. HALT., Ro~t. J!: (H). V. P., Ark: Cold Stotlllle Co., also lre. Unioll lackm{l ROSE, Cla,enee.. d" f il 111 Fount.ln Ave. Corp., Rock St., an or ma, P INE BLUFF h.- P C.ln St., "nd LONGINO, J. L. ( ). V. P., Ark. Lig t " ower., S for mail, 1119 W. 19th St. I S U t Ry Co NUNNALLY, Major P. (J 23). Cb. Draftsman, St. Lou. ou twe.... STUTTGART lung. Ralph M. (J 27), Engr. L.Ylle Alk. Co. ~~~~:"~er J. (18), Supt. Elec. Dept" Southwest Gas &. Elec. Co. ALA!IEDA CALIFORNIA SlLn Francisco S..ction R H "b t R (13 19) 1634 San Antonio Ave. 1 S b~~~~, Om:~ (:14): Cons. Engl.: White Pine Produets Co., Ea) 1< Eng e." ts. ~5J~~~:~~j,Lc:r.~),gs~~;~ g:n tm;~., Alberhill Co.1 &1 Cl.y Co. ALHAlIIBRA, Los Angeles Sectioll B auu & Co BLENNERHASSETT Lawrence I. (J 26), Jr. Engr" C.. F. I BRAUN, Oarl F. (Ih,; \0), Pres., C. F. Bla~ni & Co. llaa~cs. L, D. (Ayoll (I9)"27 M ). and J EE g;~ nebpfx (:4 F Braun & Co., Alll.mbra, 0...-\1\.11\, Richard ". for mail 025 M.gnolla Ave., asaden.. & C ECKART, W:n. R, (OH4)(JTe,c2h~)Ad\VSSIStOI"suCptFoBr~unB;aul~& Co., Alh.mb, a, and F.GGLESTON fhos.. 0 "..,, "or mail; 1906 Euclid Ave., S.n 1Iallno. 20~

42 CALIFORNIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA ALHAMBRA (continued) FARNSWORTH, Henry S. (J 22), Engr., O. F. Braun & Co. FLOYD, N. M. (J 27), Sales Engr., O. F. Braun & Co. FRANKLIN, Lloyd J. (J 24), Engrg. Dept., C. F. Braun & Co., aud JOT 1"ail, 842 N. Garfield Ave. HOUGHTON, Harry S. (18; 25). V. P., C. F. Braun " Co. JAOKSON, Gordon, M. (J 23), SlUes Engr., O. F. Braun & Co., Alhambra, and Jar _ii, 2069 Milan Ave.. S. :pasadena. SOHNEIDER, Hubert G. (J 26), Pac. Sales Mgr., C. F. Braun & 00. SHATTUOK, O. H. (14; A M 20), Secy., O. F. Braun " Co., Albambra, and lot mail, 1585 Lombardy Rd., Pasadena. SMITH, Obas. Herbert (J 24), Rating Engr., O. F. Braun & 00. STEED, Roy M. (A M 22), Pres., Steed Bros., 306 N. GlOrfield Ave., and Jar mail, 409 N. Oampbell Ave. ALTADENA, Los Angeles Section BENJAMIN, Ohas. H. (92), Vice President, 16 18; Retired Dean Engrg" Purdue Unlv. 01 Lalayette, IneL, and for _ii, 2215 Lewis Ave. HERBERT, O. G. (00), M. E., 2855 Tanoble Drive. JOHNSON, Paul F. (05), Treas., Jobnson Servo 00. of Milwaukee, Wis., and for _ii, P. O. Box 188. NELSON, Jas. W. (04: 13), 1779 Brae Burn Rd. SMITH, Edw. F.(A 17), M. E., 3125,N. Marengo Ave. ALVARADO, San Francisco Section BUOHEN" Jos. C. (18; 21), GenI. Supt., Oallf. Salt Co., Alvarado, and Jar mail, -340 Breed Ave., San Leandro. BAICERSFIELD, Los Angeles Section OAMPBELL, Ian J. (J 27), Field Engr., FrlOnk Rieber Inc., Box 700, Bakersfield, and lot,nail, 660 EI Oamino Real, San Mateo. GATE&, Leroy G. (20), Research Engr., Stand. Oil Co. of t;lallf., and for _ii, 2008 Brundate Lane. SCHARPENBEl!.G r. Cbas. C. (A M 17), Asst. 1r!gr., Oper. Dlv., ProeL Dept. Stand. Oil Co. of uauf. and for mail, th St. SOHOLEFIELD, Crlghton W. (13; A M 20), Dis!. Engr., Prod. Dept. Stand. Oil, Co. of Oalif., and for _ii, st St. BARTLETT, San Francisco Section MILLER, Jas. G. (24), Clark Ohem. Co., Inc. BERICELEY, SBD Francisco Section AISE~iSTEIN, Michael D. (J 26), Hyd. Engr., Byron Jackson Pump Mfg. Co., and fat _il, 2218 Dans. St. ATHElllTON, Donald H. (A M 18), Asst. Prot. M. E., Univ. of Oalif., Berkeley, and, for m"it, 2339 a8th Ave., Oakland. BROOKS, Fredk A. (18; A M 25), Cb. Engl., Johnson Gear Co., snd for mail, 10 Poplar St., CZAJKOWSKI, Alex. (15), Byron Jackson Pump M;fg. Co., Oarlton St., Berkeley, IOnd Jor mail, 717 Victoria St., San Leandro. DRAKE, Frank B. (A M 19), Pres. " Mgr., Johnsou Gear 00., 8th " Parker sts., Berkeley, and tot, mail, M Santa Olars. Ave., Ss.n Franolsco. DUNN, Kingsley G. (A 07), 2425 Prince St. DYER, Wm. J. (12), Cons. Engr Olaremont Ave. FRITZ, Ems.nuel (27), Assoc. Prof., Forestry. Univ. of Oal!!~L 305 Hllgard Hall. HOLLANDER, Alads.r (19), Ob. Engr., Byron "ackson Pump DUg. Co., W. Berkeley, and for mail, 23Q5 Howe St., Berkeley. HOWE, Everett D. (J 25),, College of Mechanics, Uulv. of Calif., Berkeley, and for m"il, d Ave., Oskland. HUBERT, (,larence A. (J 27), Draftsman, Hall Scott Motor Oar 00., Berkeley, and for mail, 5309 Broadwsy, Oakland. LAN~lra~f. Herbert B. (15), Assoc. Prof. Mch. Design &I Yech. Drawing, Unlv. LE OONTE, Jos. N. (06), Prof. Engrg. Mechanics, Unlv. of Calif. LOGAN. Orwell (A M 17), Sales Engr., 842 The AlamedlO. MARTENS, Ferdinand (85).,1809 Euclid Ave. MolNTYRE, Otis L. (19), M. E. c/o W. F. Gabriel, 2928 Florence St.,210 ~:...~..;,. r "..,1,,, "If. BERI{ELEY (oontbmed) POTBURY, Alfred H. (11), 1930 EI, Ave. RABER, Benedict F. (14,), Prof. M. E., Unlv. of Calif., 28 Mecbanlcs Bldg. RAITT, Geo. H. (A M 21), Asst. Genl. Mgr., Steel Tank & Pipe Co., th St. REDDERT, ElIorl J. (22; A M 25), Plant Engr., Palmolive Peet Co. SmLEY, Robt. (12), Vlce President, 21 23: Exec. Mgr., OlOlif. Alumni Assn., also Tech. Writer &I Cons. Engr., Unlv. of Oalif., 301 Stephens Union, and for mail, 2735 Durant Ave. STROCK, Earl J. (A M 20), 2122 Derby St. VANLEER, Blake R. (20; 25), As.t. Prof. M. E., Unlv. of Oalif., and lor mail, Hotel Berkeley. WARD, Nairne F. (J 21). Asst. Prof., College of Engrg., Unlv. of Oalif., and for mait, 2259 Cedar St. WOODS, Baldwin M. (27), Prof. Aerodynamics; Assoc. Dean, Univ. OfCIOIif., and lor 1nait, 2811 Forest Ave. WYMAN, Laurence W. (A M 16), Ch. Engr., Calif. Oorrol\ated Culvert Co., Gth II: Parker Sts., Berkeley, and lor _il, 517 Spruce St., Oakland. BETTERAVIA, Los Angeles Section MONTGOMERY. Wallace (23: 24), Chem. Engr., Union Sugar Co., P. O. Box 147. BEVERLY HILLS, Los AnJ>;eles Section OALDWELL, Wiley N, (J 24), Bldr. & (ontr., 423 ClNIIden Drive, and for mail, 301 S. Maple Drive. HENLEY, R. A. (17), 501 N. Rexford Drive. NEELAND, M. A. (15), 815 N. Roxbury Drive. BRENTWOOD HEIGHTS, San Francisco Section, BURNAP, ArkeU (A M 21), V. P., Badgerow Burnap" castor, and lor mail, 223, N. Cs.rmellnlO St. CHULAVISTA, LOB Angeles Section.. DREW, Wm. N. (J 14), 247 3rd Ave. COLTON, LOB Angeles Section STRUCKMANN, Carl R. (J 26), M. E., Calif. Portls.nd Cement 00. CORONADO, Los Angeles Section LONGSTRETH, Chas. (99), 611 A Ave. OR,\NNELL, San Francisco Section MARSTON, Curtis A. (19), E!D.c. Engl., Little River Redwood 00. CROCKETT, San Francisco Section BRADLEY, Ohas. J. (A M 23), Genl. Delivery. BUZZO, Jos, T. (20; 26), M. E., Calif. &: Hawaiian Sugar Ref. Oorp., Crockett, snd for mail, 862 G9th St., Oskland. DUPERU, Alphonse M. (21), Plant Mgr., Oalif. &I Hs.wlloiian Sugar Ref. Corp. EDMUNDS, Louis L. (A M 14), Ch. Engr., Oalif. & Ha,vaiian Sugar Ref. Corp. HACK, G. D. (20; 26), M. E., Calif. &: Hawaiian Sugs.r Ref. Corp. HERNDON, Arthur H. (24: A M 25), Asst. M. E., Calif. " Hawaiian Sugar Ret. Corp., and for _il, P. O. Box 675. DEVORE, San Francisco Section MARSAC, Gerald (25), EL SEGUNDO, Los Angeles Section BEATTIE~ Jos. A. (18; 25), Foreman, Power Dept., Stand. Oil Co. of Gallf., EI Segundo, IOnd for mail, 2003 W. 41st PI., Los Angeles. HOOPER, Ja. J. (J 24), Mech. Drl!tsmsn, Stand. on Co. of Oalif, El. Segundo, and foi mail, 341 W. Sunset Ave., Hawthorne. KING, Orville D. (J 27), Designs O!:leckel, Stand. on 00. of CIOUf., and for mail, Box 582. LIDDELL, Oual E. (J 25), As.t. Engr., Sland. on Co. of Oalif., EI Segundo, and for _ii, 1060 W. 42nd St., La. Angeles. 211

43 ( " CALIFORNIA )le~{bebsin UNITED STATES ;r. MEMBl!:IlS IN UNIiED ST,\TES CALIFORNIA Ill. SEGtNDO «,ontinue,l) KELSON. Leslic S. (22: A M 25), M. E., Stand. Oil Co. of Calif., and for ",oil, Box 30S. PERSELL, EdAar Olinton (21; A M 26). Engr., Stand. Oil Co. of Calif., and for mail. P. O. Box 310. \AIL, Haloln P. (21; 27). Desllln Engr., Stand. Oil Co. of Calif., El Segundo, and.. for mail, 1857 W. 38th St., Los Angeles. EMERYVILI,E. San FlRneisco Sectiou ~!cdonougb. P. W. CA M 21). Mgr., Boller Tank &l Pipe Co., 4061 Bollis St. PIKE, Robt. D. (17; 21), Cons. Chenl. Engl. Sr. Partner, Pike &: West, logs Holden St. W.~LLACE. Artbur F. (,I 2.~), SeT". EnAr., WestinAbouse Elec. &: Mfg. Co., HOR Powell St., Emer.", liie, ami for mail, 1066 Aileen St., Oakland. FRESNO, San Frn.uci!lco Section B.-\I.T.. Ja.<. F. (27). ne,orrcb &: DeRignlng Engr., Sun Maid Raisin Growers Ma"., anel for mail, 1632 San Pablo Ave. WITT, C. O. (26), M. M.. }linorets &; West. R~. Co., and fo,. 1nail, 1670 wnw" A, e. FULI.ERTON, Los Augeles Section JO~ES, Herbert J. (J 26), 521 N. Pomona Aye. GLENDAI.E, Lo"."-III(..le" Section DOUGHERTY, Patrlek.T. (20), 20B E. Lomita Ave. GANNON, Je..e (A M 20), Tool Dcslgner, Glendale Enl:rg. Co., 626 W. Clllomdo St., Glendale, and for moil. 094 Jackson AIe., Culvel City. JOHNSON, Jos, Benj. (20), }l. E., P. O. Box 80. HOLTVILLE, Los Aug..leN Section von KORIES, Otto (28), Ch. Engl., Boltville lee &: Cold Storage CD. HUNTINGTON BEACH, Los Angeles Section ALEXANDER, Wm. W. (J 24), Gas Dept.. Union Oil Co" Huntington Boneh, ane! for moil, 1766 Los PalmB<l.~ve., Hollywood Los Angeles. IYAT.r.S!ON, Alber! J. (J 24). Draftsman, Prod. Dept., Stand. Oil 00. of Caltl.. allll for mail, P. O. Box 615. KENrFIELD, San Francisco Section HOFFMAN, John H. (A-M 25), Pac. Coast Mgl.. Insulating Product. Cn. LANdASTER, Los AJlgeleM Section WELD, Lrdia G. (A M 15), R. R. 2. T,ARKSPUR, San Francisco Section KffiSQlI, Geo. II. (18), Cous. M. E. {;INCOLN, San Francisco Section BURNET, Edgar E. (18), Rancher. LOMPOC, Los Allgeles Section AMNEUS, NUs A. (14), De.ignlng Ellgr., Cellte Cu, REED, Jas. (13), Wk. Mgl., Celite 00. WALTERS, Lewis J. (20), ~I. E., Celite Co., aud fo,. mail., Box LONE PINE, San F...ncisco Section ROBERTS, Wm. Edw. (A-)( 18), Constr. Engr., OJark Chern. Co., Jill.,!. O. Bolt 17. LONG BEACH, Los Angel"s Section BAKER, Linnaeus E. (20), ~(. E., Shell CD. of C"lif., and for.",oi!, 7H Chestnllt Ave. BROWN, Clell G. (J 24), Engrg. OJerlt, Dominguez ReI. Shell Co. of CRIlf., li1d for,onil, 2315 Elm A e.. CREIGH1 0;.1. Jobn T. (22). Foreman, Bartlett Hayw"rd CD., 2627 Lim".\re. CROWLK\, ( h (2();,\.)! 2:J), StOlle.~ rebater Inc., p, O. Box W. 212 LONG BE.-\.CH (conthmed) FREE, Louis W. (J 26), Maintenance Engr., So. Calil. Edison Co., P: O. Box 549. GORDON, Geo. K. (27). Sta. Ch., So. Calif. Edison Co., Long Beach, "nd f. r. moil., 864 W. ~8rd Pl., L08 Angeles. HA;.1COCK, W. Tee (23; A M 24), Engr., Hancock Ref. Co., P. O. Box 5711, and for mail, P. O. Box HATH,IWAY, Chas. L. (J 26), Effie. Dept., Steam Plant, So. Calit. Edison Co., onrl for mail, Y. M. C. A. HEATH, Ronald W. (24; A ~I 26), Genl. Supt., Signal Gasoline Corp., R. 1, Box 647. JE!lIEN, Scott (20; 27), E.qler. Engr., So, Calif. Edison Co., and tor mail, Box 640. KnAPS, Leo J. (A M 26), Effic. Engr., So. Calll. Edison 00., and for mllil, 1622 Obispo Ave. PETERS, Herbert E. (A M 25), Stone & Webster IlIC., Long Beach, and tor ".oil. Box 924, 4208 Lugo A, e., Lynwood. PLEUKH,\RP, C. W. (A M 22), Supt., Long Beach Glass Co., 15th & Daisy Sts., a"d jor mail, 10 Esperanza Ave. SE~lI:XO, Angelo F. (A M 26), Gas Engr., Shell Co. of Ca.lif. STREETER, Lafayette P. (02; A 08), Blackstone Hotel, W. Ocean Blvd. WALKER, Jas. B. (A-M 25), M. E., Liberty 011 Syndicate, R. 3, Box 1160.~, nnn fo, mau, 1369 Gardena Ave. WATSON, Richard Duff (22), 1369 Gardena Ave. I.OS ANGELES, Los Angeles Section AD,\?>JS, C. Donald (J 28), Engr., Emsco Delrick &: Equip. Co., 6911 S. Alameda St.. LOB Anlleles, and for mail, 2749 Orchard PL, S. Gate.,ID.HIS, Ed". Tho,. (90), 1400 Crenshaw Blvd. ADAYS, Roht. B. (16), Charge Mfg., Poo. Pump Wks., and far?liail. 11r,0,,", 20th St..,\ I),UIS, Walter B. (08; 12). Designing Enltr., Count) 8111\".\01< Office, Hall of. Records, J.os Angeles, and tor m4il, 82S Harvard Ave., 13Ulbank. AIlAMSON, Arthur R. (A-M 17), V. P. & Gen!.?{gr., HOlcules Fdys., Inc., Ilox A.,IJ)MIRE, Amzi O. (J 21), 5128 Ballman Ave., N. HolI) wood. AMMEN. Francis DuP. (IS), Pat. La,vyer, Lyou & Lyon, 708 Nat!. City Bank A!\D~~~ON, Hallam H. (A M 24), Engr., Prod. Dept., Shell Co. of Ca1lf.,.S2 HigginB Bldg. ANDERSON, Kenneth B. (J 24), Indus. Engr., So. Oallf. Gas 00,,1700 S. Sanlll Fe Ave., and for mail CheBapeake Ave...INSTEY Stephen G. (A M 24), 5149 Eagle Rock Blvd. ASBURY, Frank H. (23), )!gr.. Asbun Truck Co.. Inc., 4908 S. Alameda St ISHMEAD, Chas. B. (16; 20; 28), 5406 Lemon Grove.o\ve. 1I.mESEF, Sam!. (2S), Can. Engr., 4461 Crocker St. I BALLOU, John McK. (16; 21; 26), Cons. Engr., Partner, Gar~, Balzer & 1Iallou, 1071 Meadowbrook Ave. BAUKSTROlll, Edw. C. (A )( 28), Cb. Engr., stephenr Adnmson MIg. Co.,.1.1" cade Box BARRE, Herbert A. (12), Exec. En""r" So. Calif. Ellison ( n.. I. O. Box lar,. BARUCH, Milton (14; A M 21), Ch. Engr., Llewellyn Iron Wks., P. o. Box 3~. mssell, Robt. VI. (20), The Windsor 8198 W. 7tb St. BLABON, OrIn F. (J 21), Engr.., Peerless Pump Co., 1902 Eo 67th St. BI,AOK, Geo. (A M 14), M. E., Kay Brunner Steel Castings Co., Los Allgcles, and for,nait, 686 Fischer St.. Glendale. JH,A~"KENHORN, Geo. S. (06; 13), Mgr. Doiler Dept., T.1<wlllyn Iron Wks., 1200 N. Main St. BOXHAlIl, Harry J. (24), SlIpt., Jackson Iron WkR.. P. 0, 1I0x N., Huntington Park. BORCHERS. Frenk W. (J 23}, Salea Engr" B, i.tol Co., 747 Warehouse St., ane for 1nllil, 4008 Flnlev Ave. BOYD, Frank F. (17), Cons. Engr., 1602! S. Hobalt Blvd. BOYLE, Willi. J.. ST. (22), Pres., Boyle Mfll. Co.. P. O. Box BRADY, Harold M. <J 22), Asst. Eogr., Gen!. Petroleum Corp., 2525 E. 87th st., and for mllil, 124 E. A, e BRETT. Heury E. (02). Cons. ~f. E., 220 Wilcox Bldg. 218

44 .r: CA.LIFORNIA. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES LOS ANGELES (continued) BRITTAI1i, John R. (22), M. E., LOB AngeleB Ry 00 ~01 E 6~th St BROOK, ArtI,ur, Jr. (20)" 3020 Beachwood Drlv;, H~hywoOd:. BRODERSEN, Max M. (J 27), ASBt. Oh, Engr., Klllefer Mfg. Corp., Huntington.. Park, LOB Angel:"" and for mail, 1117 Newlee St., Monterey Park. ::t BROWN, Bruce F. (21?, ReB; Mgr. &< Supt., Paraffine Cos., Inc., 4444 Pacific Blvd. BR0W:N, Olaude C. (16; 25), Gaa Administrator, State of Calif., 811 Sun..\ Finance Bldg., and for mail Keniston Ave.. BULTMANN, Roht. A. W. r16; A M 25), Gas. Div., Union Oil Calif., Union 011 Bldg., and flw mad, 1011 N. Sierra Bonita Ave BUMPUS, Foster O. ~A-M 23), c/o E. R. Young, 1222 Stock Exch. Bldg... BUNfl~R,!m. AL el( 23), v. li., Mll!" Callf. Petroleum Steamship COI p. Security g., os ng e;" and for mail, 19~7 Taft Ave., Hollywood. BURCH, H. Kenyon S10), Engr., 576 Ohamber 01 Commerce Bldg. llushnell, B. O. (18; A M 26), Draftoman, Union Oil 00 oi Calil 7th & Hope StB.,,Los Angeles,..nd for mail, 851 N. Curzon Ave., Hollywood., OAR~. J. D. (10), M. E., Bureau 01 Power & Light, and for mail, 1132 S. Lake CARSE, Herbert E. (18)" Oons. Engr., 3714 S. Hope St. OATLLANAD, Allned Cd (J 23), Engr., Marine ReI. Corp., 2436 E Vernon A os nge es, an for mail, 166 S. Oalifornia St Bell. ve., OATLA:!<"D, Raymond O. (J 14), Engr., Hughes Tool Co Enterprise St. OHAMBERLAIN, Leon H. (A M 26), Mgr., Water Wks. Supply Co 704 Wright ell Callender Bldg.., CHAAPrANd ASlbert (J 26), Field Engr., Emsco Derrick & Equip. Co arne a t., LOB Angeles, and for mail, 1166 W. Palm Ave Gard~a CLE1EL1ND, LdeBflie J. (J 27), Jr. Engr., Pac. Pump Wks., 360Blckett St. nge eb, an or mai!, 219 E. Clarendon Ave., Huntington Park gg~~~x~?,a;ent:. J..,it) ~), Engr., Kobe Inc., 1917 E. 61Bt St. Los ~ ~e" and for ";aitga- ~e~;t ~. CaIVlf. )dlson 00., 1201 W. 2nd St., OOLLINS, (JI envi "11 A (2 ), n ve., emce. ~. 5, Pres., Collins-West. Oorp., 704 Hollingsworth Bid C00It,welm. Dd(fJ 21), Engr.. Baltimore Gas Engrg. Corp., 936 Bartlett Bldg L:;; g es an or mal!, P. O. Box 321, Long Beach., g~i:. E~wln R. (26), r-ngr., Calif. Gasoline Co: 886 Security Bldg. f~r "::il,t41~d~to~11~e~les Engr., V&1voline Oil Co., Center St., and i~~~~r:~y~0(~1~2~)18;;:r), Asst. Supt. Factories, Union Ice Co., 1315 E. 7th St. Central Av;. " es Engr., Smitb Booth Usher Co., and for mai!, 228 Eicit~~ J~y J. (J ~2), Engr., Bd. Fire Underwriters of the Pac., Bo,", 1360, Sta. C. DOOLITTL~mI:B: Ji, «~6),.Cfns. Engr., G.enl. Petloleum Corp\1008 Higgins Bldg. BId L A el 10, 16), Ob. Deslgnlng Engr., So. Ca if. Edison 00 Edison g., os ng es, and for m"ii, 1520 Rose VllIa St Pasadena., R~~g~bA~R,UrtL J25)/ E Up., Mech. Goods Sales, Goodyear. Tire & Rubber Co. Hosfield Bld~., a~dw;or ~a~\3irw?v~no~nx~~: Dept., CIty of Los Angeles, DU~itt~~eE.:r:e~ ~~, Asst. Cb. M. E., Bureau Water Wks. & Supply, and jor ELLINGWOOD, Elliott L. (18) Cons. M. E. 333 H. W. Hellman Bldg ELLISOtTT, Ed.fG. ( 07), M. E., too Angeles illee. & Engrg. Wk.., 1128 S. Loa Angeles., an or m,, 1, th Ave i~fclltonl1iir~21i C(Jb"25Dr)afEst~~"twestD Mohy. Co., and for """ii, 3<126 5th Ave.,, WoWa or, raftsman, J. T. Thorpe & Son lnc 529 :;,e:~~n~~tual Life Bldg., Los Angeles, and for mail, 3SS N. Providencia Ave., ESSICK, Bryant (J,22), Engr Santa Fe Ave. EYRE, Thos. T. (15), Prol. M. E., Univ. of So. Calif. FARNSWORTH, Arthur J.(23), Pat. Atty., 1123 Story Bldg ~~~tr~nkjg. (w A.M(:1178?"Gen)I. Mgr., Safety Elec. Products 00., 1717 Marvin Ave., as..,,20, V. P., Warren & Bailey Co 214 E 3d St FINKLE, Fredk C. (14), Con.. Engr., Hydro-Elec. Davel. & iiydromechs Suite 717 Am. Bank Bldg..,, FINSTERBUSOH, Karl (J 27), Jackson Engrg. & Equip. Co. 909 E 59th St Loa _~ngeles, and for m"ii, 329 N. 4th St., Albambra.., 214 Los MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES (continued) i: FISOHER, Fred J. (15), Ch. M. E., Bureau of Water Wks. & Supply, 207 S. Broadway, and for mail, 138 S. Hobart St. FISH, Chaa. H. (91), Pres., Pac. Textile Oorp., 236 South Ave. 17, and for mail, Oalifornia Club.. FISHER, Harmon F. (22), Research Engt., Petroleum Rectifying Co. of Calli., 714 Security Title Ins. Bldg... FOURNIER, Thos. F. (A M 16), Cons. Engr., Treas., Big Tejunga Rock & Gravel Co., Inc., 1316 N. Chanenga Ave., and for m"i!, 2916 Sunset Pl. FULLER, Geo. B. (26), GenI. Delivery. GARRETT, John A. (18), M. E., Fairbanks, Morse & 00., 423 E. 3d St., Los Angeles, and for mail, 1422 Wayne Ave., S. Pasadena. GATE, Paul A. (A-M 25), 441 S. Rampart St. GIGNOUX, Frank C (A M 17), 726 Orizaba Ave.,. GILBERT, L. E. (A M 22), Hotel Ritz, 813 S. Flower St. GILMORE, Forrest E. (19; 26), V. P., Genl. Mgr., F. E. Gilmore & Co., 625 Detwiler Bldg. GLASS, Harry H. (J 27), Engr., Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., 1900 S. Grand Ave., and for mgii, 1622 W. 39th St. GLASS, Thos. A. (J 25), 1622 W. 39th St. GOESER, Edwin W. (17), V. P., Prod. Mgr., Emsco Tool Co., 6811 S. Alameda St., and for mail, 1668 Wellington Rd. GRADY, Jus. J. (A M 18), Baker Iron Wks. GREEN, Russell H. (J 21), Field Mgr., Signal Gasoline Co., Inc., 506 Roosevelt Bldg. GRIFFITH, Earl G. (A M 19), Conve;yor 00., P. O. Box 356. GRIFFITH, Leigh M. (A M 16), Devel. Engr., Lab., Paramount Famous Lasky Corp., 1646 Argyle Ava., Hollywood...~...>,. : :, =.L GROU!<DWATER, Wm. (23), Mgr. Transport&tion, Union Oil Co. 01 Oalif., Union Oil Bldg GUNZEL, Rudolph M.. (J 24), Dist. Mgr., Warren Web.ster , 306 Crocker S!. HAOKSTAFF, John D. (01; 17), Cons. Engr., 620 Chapman Bldg., and for mail, 1661 S. Oxford Ave. HAGLUND, A. G. (A-M 29), Wks. Mgr., A.,,<elson Mch. Co., P. O. Box SS7. HANSE.1, Clarence F. (J 21), Engr., Stand. Oil Calif., and fm mail, 3126 W. liaj:b~;lwayne A. S. (25), M. E., Dept. Water & Power, City 01 Los Angeles, 207 S. Broadway. HARRIS, Ford W. (18), Owner, Forci W. Harris. 471 Chamber Commerce. HAUSFELDER, Jos. A. (A-M 22), Mech. Supt., Globe Ice Oream Co., 230 W. HAJ~~SOD::glas F. (J 23), Tool 1.1 Equip. Designer, Em,co Derrick Equip. Co., 7411 S. Alameda Ave., Los Angeles, and for mail, 8977 Garden View, South HAJV"lRD, Landes H. (J 25), Prod. Dept., Pan Am. Petroleum Corp., 19th & Orange Sts., Huntington Beach, and for mail, 534 North Ave. 53 Los Angeles. HEDDELL, Douglas (J 23), Dept. Water & Power, City of Los, 2d & Broadway, and for mail, 614 W. 60th St. HEDRICK, Earle R. (18), Prol. Math., Univ. of Oallf. at Los Angeles, 856 N. Vermont Ave. HENDERSON, Henry P. (J 27), Sales Engr., \Vorthlngton Pump & Mch). Corp., 2424 Enterprise St. HILTON, H..,..ld R. (20), Mgr., Calif.-Columbla Supply Co., 700 Central Bldg. HlTCRCOCK~ Harry S. (16), v. P. & Treas., Baker Iron Wks., 960 N. Broadway. HOFFMAN, J. Roy (16; 26), V. P., Engr., Smith-Booth-Usher Co., 228 Oentral HOL~S, Jas. T. (26), Mom. Firm, Holmes & Sanborn, 910 Black Bldg., and /lw mmi, La Solano Apts. HOOD, Richard H. (16), Contrg. Engr., Retired, 146 N. Rossmore Ave. HOOPER. Martin T. (19; 21), Oons. Engr., 2714 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, and for m"il, 2526 Las Flores, Alhambra.. HOXIE, Geo. L. (03; 04), Oons. Enlll., Edison Bldg. HUME, Benj. G. (J 28), Jr. M. E., Bureau Power &; Light, Pub. Servo Bldg., and for mail, 746 E. Kensington Rd. HUNTER, John O. (A-M 27), Owner, Indus. Eng. Serv., 646 S. San Pedro St. HUNTINGTON, W. f? (A-M 17), Address on file. 216

45 CALIFORNIA : ned STAn:s LOS ANGELES (continued) JARDH, fol" mail, Wilhelm 107 (A-M W. 64th 20) at Ch Engr., Axel.on Mch. 00., P. O. Box 337, and :! JOHNSON, Olark 0 (A M 21) D. I En JOHWs~N~tj: %~:U~~(i~~~~)!~~~~I;l\~l~~~W~:!:llv~::o~~~d~~~P.,2525 E. KALLAM, F. L. (J 21), Research Engr S th t E wolth Bldg., Los Angeles and fo~ m;"1 ~~8 Sea t A ngrg. Corp" 1221 Hollings KASPAR, Jos. J. (A.M 18) Cons.En- 9,. ""1 "hni a Bnlad St., South Gate. KEESE R B (]9) S ", "",, s re v. for m~ii, 1009 N. Bureau Power &: Light, Pub. Servo Bldg.,..,d j{eet~~a~e~l:i ~n (A-~ 21~, Pres., Keesee Mfg. 00., Inc., 723 W Belgrave Ave., KELLEY, lllred G. d (.~3 ;"~;6) :6~28B?ih 8:~~ Huntington Park.. ~1L<t r."92),,cons. M. E m.ysse. St. and f~~ r,;:~~,pil~l~~~b~i"s~ E., Mech. Dept,. Baker Iron Wks, 950 N. Broadway, KIMBELL, 858 Lorraine Jas. F. Blvd. (J 25),ngr., E Gallagher Co., 6818 Avalon Blvd., and fo~ mail, ~g: ~~~~rsi.p~:mr~~~ed, 5719 Carlton Way, Hollywood. 37th St.. ( ), Asst. Engr., Genl. Petroleum Corp. of Calif., 2525 E. IHRSOH, Claus F. (J 25) 715 S Ho e St. KNAUER, Henry S. (18" 22) ~sstpen. So. Pac. Sl,0PS, and JOT m~il 750 B~C~! ~tst8, Cb. Draftsman, So. Pac. R. R., KNIGHT, Arthur W (A ):! 21) j) Ad S. Hope St. Jr. v. &: Sales Promotion, Cellte Product. Co., KOERNER, Theo. H. (..1..1>1 17) Supt Se t Mf C, and fo~ mait, 5312 Sumner Ave.:Eag~~nlocJ g. 0., W. 16th St., Los _~ngeles, KRA~~ad~ntAv~~:~n~2}~; ~~~i flj~e::na;;,i~ g;~::s Sash Door &: Mill Co., 2000 LABARRE, Robt v (23) C E 9 1 LAMPMAN, Jay B. (17; \2l-)n:i.SSt"g~, r 91 si\ew ~amber of.oommerce Bldg. Corp., 2424 Enterprise St. en. es Noe r., Worthmgton Pump &: Mchy. LARMER, Jas. G. (14), Lee Hotel I,ARSON, Glen M. (J fo~ maa, 5412 VirgliiiB. 94) Ave. DI B.fiS m a n, A ssoc C 0., 784 Pac. Elec.. nidg., and LAlGHLIN, Homer (A 21) 602 Laughlin Bldg LAWTON, SubwayRalph Terminai W Bldg. (14) Sales ME gr., ugr., Nye Odorless Orematory Co., 60B ~r~: ~~~o~ H,Jl~ ~~). ~ales 1oIgr., Robt. N. Ha~twell, 353 E. 2nd St., 207 S BrO~d~ray:. M 26), Mech. &: Elec. DeSIgner, Bureau of Power & Light, LI>INGSTON, St., and for Howard mau. T 3i7 (A M S. Union 26) A~e D afts man, So. Cahf.. Edison 00., 1201 W. 2nd LUNA, Marcos H. (J 27) Mch Shop Supt E. k &: C I,UNDGREN, Fredk G. (16; "28) Mech "&: ~slc EO., 1928 Santa Fe Ave. ~olllngs~vorth Bldg.,. a es ngr., S..W. Engrg. Corp., 1221 IJYO~fS, Da~l,e5193A. (J 20), )Iech. Designer, Llewellyn Iron Wk. OT ma., 4 Lockhaven Ave., Eagle Rock., Los Angeles,. and 1>IACKAY, Victor S. (J 25) 2640 Handale Ave MAEfaIJ.T~~~,;:Jft,;.n:A~ 1~~~1 ii~grl~edept., Diamond Elec. Mfg. Co., 1320 E. MAI~~ ~~1t ~~ff. i~~ J~e~ta MiCh. Pattern & Fdy. Co., 4545 Pacific Blvd., and MALEEV, V L., (21) Cons M E We t lo! h C MAR~we~sland fo~ :mail, 1232 ii. Or~;l\e "o:i:e, Hoi~~o~J~ambra Ave., Los malt, 1\f8~ ~. (t4tl~5~t. Owner, Marsh Engrg. Co., 911 Quinby Bldg., &nd for M.~RSH, Hallan:N (J 96) Prod E G I 37th St.. alldiot ""; S: B~~~~;va ~". P etroleum Corp. of Calif., 2525 E. lourshall, Harrv C. (21) Gas Dept E Y U i,[. Bldg., Lo".. Angeles, and lor mail, i608 n K r Sanra 111?t~ ~o., o~~allf., Union 011 "ARSHALL 9th St. Kenneth I., (16 06), F,eld Engr., West. Precipitation ve., lcadla. Co., 1016 W. MARTENS, Car>on (,I }! 26), Supt., Calif. Corrugated Gulvert Co. 2Hl, i" )le~[bersin UNITED SrATES 217 CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES (continued) MARTIN, Jesse 0., Jr. (19), Cons. Engr., 830 Roosevelt Bldg. MASAn, Wm. J. (A 22), M. E., Los Angeles County M. I. Office, 1006 Ball of Records, Los Angeles, and fot,nail, 821 Burchett St., Glcmlal. )JASON, Wendell E. (J 21), Instr. Applied Math., Univ. of Calli., 8.5 N. Vermollt. Ave., and for,,,,,,i!, P. O. Box 121, Cahllengo 1k. Rt. MASSER, Harry L. (17; 26), D1r., Gao Engr., Los Angeles Ga. & Elcctric Corp., P. O. Box 1100, Sta. O. lo!ayberry Ed,v. L. (28), Arch., Engr., 905 Transportation Bldg. McCLUNG, Wm. V. (A-M 20), V. P., OI1arge Prod., Union Iron Wks., 5125 Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles, llnd fot "",ii, 615 S. Mllan A, e., S. Pasadena. )!ogeorge, John (91), Cons. Engr., 106 Sylvia Apts., 670 Shatto PI. MENZIES, John W. (J 25), 1011 W. 6Sd St. METCALF, Lester G. (A.M 20), Asst. Mgr. Ref., Union Oil Co. of Galif., 1013 Union 011 Bldg., Los Angeles, and for mail, 392 S. Greenwood Ave., Pasadena. METTLER, Lee B. (A 23), Rill.!l80, 400 S. Mlloln St. MEnU, Chas. A. (22), V. P.. Treas., Los Angeles Soap Co., 083 E. 1st St. ~IEYLER. R. G. (17; 27), Pres. Gent Mgr., R. G. Me)lcr Co, p.. 9!0 Maple.1."0. )!ILLllWER, Wm. A. F (IB; A-M 19),!II E., Shell Co of Calif., 211 Higlrlns Bldjt. MOELLER, Wm., Jr. (IS; 21), AS!!t. Genl. Mgr., Midway Gas Co., 950 S. Broadway. ldoroan, Jas. L. (A.M 18), Wickwire,Spencer Steel Co. 3]6 E. Market St., Los Angeles, ~nd fo~ mail, 164 N. Stanley Drive, Bevel1y Hills. llonitz, H"rold K. (J 21). )1. E., Stone &: Webst"r. 119, Bylne Bldg., I,os. AnSleles, and fo, nail, 1034 Bennett Ave., Lone: Beach. UOltRlLL, Guy L. (23), Mgr., Pac. Div., Midwest Pipillg & Supply Co., Box 147. A"clIde Sta., and fot mail, 381 N. Gower St. )IOFLTON, }!o"gal1 V. (24), Mgr.. So. Calif. Pipe Co.: ~lgr. Pipe Lino 1)0\>1.. Julian Petroleum Core., Pershing Sq. Bldg., Los.4.ugelell, and fot mail., 1~7 O1h. St, Huntington Park. - NIELSEN, Elmer (J 25), Gas Distribution Dept., Los Angeles Ga. &: Elec. Corp Channing St., Los Angeles, and fat ","il, 1231 Elizabelh St., Bell. NOBLE, Wm, A. E. (13), GenI. Mgr., Ch. Engr., United Casting 00., Wilson & Violet Sts.. and fo, mail Russell Ave. KOURSE, Ralph C. (27), Union Iron Wks., Los Angeles, and fol" mail, 8468 Chest. nut Ave. Southj:ate. OTT, Olau W. (21), Cons. M. E Washington Bldg. PARK~~R, BIanllln O. (A-)! 21), Mech. Supt., Ambassador Hotel Corp., 210 W. 5th St.. and for mail, 619 E. 22nd St. PAXTON, Chas. H. (24l, Instr., Univ. of Callf., Los Augeles, and fot mail, UO S. Eucalyptus Ave., Inglewood.. PEARS.~LL, Q. H. (A 08), 854 S. Ardmore Ave. PEGG, Albert O. (26), Snpte:. Enp;r.. Ilnion Oil Co. of CaUf., 617 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, and for mail, 1947 Taft Ave. Hollj",vood. PERRY, Halry M. (A.M 20), MgJ.. OWIlJ Company, 638 N. Main St. PHILLIPS, Ralph E. (25), Cons. Engr.. 620% W. 6tll Rt. PHILO, Frallk G. (22>, Supt. Steam Generation, So. Calif. Edison Co., 31<1 Rt. & Broad,vay, Los Angeles, and for maa, 262 Ximeno Ave.. r,ong Beach. PIERCE, Ira S. (J 23), Designer, 011 Well Drilling &: Pumping Equip., 2(j2ij E. 37th St., Los Angeles, and fot mail, 78.1 S. Stoneman."ve., Albambln. PORTEOUS, Edw. J. (21), 1230 N. June St., Hollywood. PORTER, Robt. (16: A.M 20). Business Consultant. on Cballlber of C0111merce Bldg., and fo~ mail, 718 S. O\ange Drhe. PUloS, J. Harold (J 25), Desi,,;uer, Gcnl. Petrolewn (."1)., Los.\ngeles, and fo/ mail, 124 E. Eagle St., Lon,g Beach. RAMEY, Roy H. (A.M 28), Dist. Servo EngT.. Worthington lump & Mchy. Corp., 2424 Enterprise St., and fot mail. 840 S. Flower St. RAY, Dr. David R. (04: 11), Life-Member: Engl., Dcpt. Bldgs., City of 1,0s Angeles, City Hall, Los Angeles. and fot mail, Arcadia. REED, Ralph J. (25). Ch. Engr., Union Oil Co. of Callf., 617 W. 7th St. REEVES, Hubert A. (J 24), Asst. EngT., Ref. Dept., Genl.-Petroleum Corp., 2525 E. 37th St., and for mail S. Hoover St. REIOHARD, Goo. A. (16), Sale. Enl!J:" Worthington 00.. Iuc., 242! Enterpl"<. St. REMNITZ,.\lbert W. (A 21), 1518 Ale".nd, la Ave. REPATH. Cha. H. (91), Ret., nopath Mfg. Co., 649 E. GIst St., and fof mail, 2750 Raymond Ave.

46 CALIFORNIA. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES LOS A.NGELES (continued).,;., REYNOLDS. Goo. A. (J 27) Jr M E B ".;;, Amalla st...., ureau Power lj. Light, and for mail, Ho:. RHODES. Geo H (18 25) IdE "i " RIOH, Louis CJ 28), O~nstr S~p:; S~grO..rtb~PIlJ.CoCo., 7th &I Terminal Sta :;) mail, 5843 Virginia Ave:.,. I. e.., 433 S. Olive St., and for,i. ROBERTSON Robt. R (10) AtE Dept. Pub. Se",., 207 S. Bro":d~a ngr., Los Ang;!es Bureau of Power &I Light, ROBINSON, Robt. ~. (d 23) Desi.y, ~nd for ma.~, ~34 N. Ardmore Ave. :.:,:.; ROGERS. Edwin A. (11 20) -EkngOl ngr., 421 Umon League Bldg. ROLLOW. J. Grady (15" 22), sub. Sta. C, ~, E. E., Los Angelss Gas & Elec. Oorl-, Box 1100,:;, ROSS, Thurston H (26) E.., S.t.., ons. ngr., Eberle &I Riggleman, Inc-, 810 S. Spring ", ROWSE, W~. 0. (12; 16) Jr 10 E B ).".. RO~ Angeles, ~nd for mait, i006 Mi~Sio~r~~u ~o,;er ~ Light, 207 S. Broadway,...:;;., Thos. J. (14), 328 North Avs 58.,. asa ena.....,<- RUTLEDGE Eric A (J 26) Sal ; "NoalIenW:r Bldg..,, es Engr., Water Wks. Supply 00., Wrigbt " t..i.,:,," S""" GER, Louis P (18) C E SALBADO~ Hugb W (21> f\ ngr., 269 S. Norton Ave SOH~~Trl,s Angeles~ and ior :n~ifn~ii8pblatdjetrohle~m Co. Flower &I loth : Albert Gottfried (2L) Ch E r ve, ollywood. ~ ;, Calif., 5125 Snnta Fe Ave.. ngr., Crane Div., Union Iron Wks. of SOHMIDT, Arthur A,. (14 21) C SCH~~i~: ~~U[ (.l~)~~~1 thju ri~i~e.e~~~ ~k.1204, 318 W. 9tb St., Lo..1 SOHl1LHOF, Fred (J 25) BtJl~ M& ~, ~ Pac. Co., Alameda & Le Mar Sts 854 Commonwealth AV~. r an Dept., Baker Iron Wks., and fo~ mail ", SCOTT, Edwin M. (17 A M 24) Fi Id, SE.Jk ~~;.,tfr( lh~!u,,:iu, i95 ~jlnt; l~it?g~iu-~~i~~~rr~om;:;.w 2nd ~i, SED~~kb"L?fa~, ~45 ~. Bonnie ~ra~st~" LleweUyn IrOIl Wks., I~OO N. Malll St., SELSER, T. W: (il( 8~{,i.R~f6/~dberg Mfg. 00., 5,700 7th Ave. Alameda St.,.,ngr., Emsco DerrIck & Equip. Co., 6811 S. SENSEMAN, Wm. B. (27) Dist M S~ombust!on Engrg. oorp., Hi s. ghill~lmond Bros. Impact Pulverizer 00.; :j.: E, NevlD R. (19 A M 24) A t. E. SHA:.i-"EginaS Bldg., andfor mail is8a s E ~fti; S~enl. Petroleum Corp. of Calif.. H. (17) Real Est.:te T" SHETTEL, W, llw (25) Consti Enranaf~s, ~20 Gower St., Hollywood. Box 1100.,. gr., as ngeles Gas & Elec. Corp. Sta C SILENT, Roy A. (A M 22) P,., swljgg. an Am. West. Petr<>l~um Co., Petroleum Securities N, Thos. F. (A.M 23) M ch S SINcfAd \lnd for mail, 5420 rlela;ar~ srpt., Ambassador Hotel, 8400 Wilshire, SIdney O. ( ) 10 S Gas 00., 950 S. Broadway Los A. fj an [ernando. Valley Div. So. CaUt SMI.m~n~~~~, ng es, an for mad, 630 N. Central Ave.; SOBEN, Adol~~nl (i:j\~\2g. Edffmont St.. SPEAR. Emerson!A-M 26) V ~ns. P. ~~. Eit:, 1207 Citizens Nat!. Bank Bldg. SpP~~yDOORlaIPDh (OO) Oons. Eng... s r~~o E~greg Cope Co72"21A840 BE. 16th St. Ano, r a (A... 21) Sal l!!.., m. auk Bldg for mai~, 4017 BereniceSt. es ngr., Warren & Bailey, 214 E. Srd St., and STAPLES, Judson W (d 26) R Higgins Bldg., eaearch Engr., Geol. Petroleum Corp. of Calif STONE, Harold A (J 28) R h., mlnal Bldg., - esearc Engl., Calif. Taxpayers Assn., Subway Ter. STRATMAN. A. J.(A M 2-2) Stu 424 E. 8rd St, UP",... E., Pribnow Saw Sbarpsning Mcb STROMGREN. Oh~s. D (A.M 18) S.. y. Co., SUT~l~~hjo~~bH 78~ S. IIope St., and f~p~itr9~7p~:{;i:hmsb. O.d. automobile & ( H), Pres., Thomas Mchy. Co., 912 E. 8rd St. 218,.. ~,.. i ~., if " MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CA.LIFORNIA LOS A.NGELES (contlnlled) SWANTON, Harold R. (J 27), Sales Mgr., MastelSon Ball It Roller Bearing Co., Los Angelea, and for tnai~, 919 W. Mission R4., Alh..mbra.. SWEENEY... Morgan L. (A 17), Treas., Mgr., Union Tank &I PIPC 00., 2801 Santa ~e Ave. TAYLOR, Reese H. (J 26), Supt.. Llewellyn Iron Wk.., 1200 N. Main St.. Los Angeles, and for mail, 1400 H:iIIcreat Ave., Pasadena. TEVIS, N. R. (J 22), Draftsman, Los Angeles Gas & Blec. Corp., and tor mail, 2126 Echo Pk. Ave. THOMAS. CarlO. (08), Manager, 20 28; Cons. M. E., Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, and for mail, 165 pusl!~e Drive, Pasadena. THOMPSON. W. G. (J 26), Mech. Draftsman, Hugbea Tool 00., 100 W. Orange Drive, l1i!d tor mail, 1221h N. Detroit St. THORNE, Harold W. (26). V. P., Union Ira" Wks. of Oalif., 6125 Santa Fe Ave. TRUM, Wm. 0. (d 23)...Engr., Ensign Oarburetor Co., Los Angeles, and far mail, 105 Columbia St.. rasadooa. TRIGGS, Ira E.,(,26), Draftsman, Am. Encaustin.Tiling Co., 2080 E. 52nd Sb., Los Angeles, and for mail, Riveria. TYSON, Howell N. (J 25), Owner, Indus. Engrg. & Equip. 00., 129 W. 2nd St. VAlL,"David P. (20; 27>. Mr;r., Chas. 0 Moore & 00., Engrs., Inc., 804. Central van~\11~i30rgh, John d. (A Y 24), Field Engr., LOB Angele. Dis; Mgr., Foster Wheeler Corp., 404. West. Mutual Life Bldg. VAN HOOTEN, John G.. (21), Asat. to Mgr., PIIC. Elec. Ry., 610 S. Main St., and for maib 1836 S. Hoover St. VAN KENNEN, Harold H. (16; 26),1086 La Jolla St., Hollywood. VAlli SAUN, P. Edwin (10), Calif. Rep., Kenned,y Van Saun Mfg. &; Engrg. Oorp., and for mail, 416 S. Spring st. VIOKLUND, Olaud A. tj 20), Salesman, Jobn A. Roebllnga Sons Co. of Calif., 216 S. Alameda SI;.. VIOKLUND, Enocll R. (20; A M 20), M. E., Meyer <: Holler, Inc., 608 Wright &; Oallender Bldg., and for mail, 8835 W. 60th PI. VON SOHLEGELL, Fredk (15,), Mgr., Oalif. Finance Oorp., Garland Bldg., Los Angele., and for mail, 888 ArroYo Drive. Pasadena. VOOltHEEjl, Laurence W. (27), Office Engr., Union Oil 00. of Calif., 617 Union WADE, Oil Franklin Bldg. S. (18), V. P., Mgr., So. Oounties Gas Co., Rm. 609, 810 S. W~~;~~ ~~ward W. (J 24). Sales Engr. Ingersoll.Rand 00. of Callf., 108 W. 2nd St,. T WAltDEN, Guy L. (I6 A M 23), Sales & Cons. Engr., 121 W. PICO st., """ Ange d for mai l, 1244 Olive Drive, Hollywood. WARRIN, Jas. N. (84; 85), Lite Member: Retired, 1820 Taft Ave. WARTENV LER, Otto (13), Pbysical Teatinll & M. E., Smith Emery Co., 245 S. Los Angeles St. and for mail, 955 Westcbester PI. WASHBURN; Morgan,,ir. (A.-M 28), Rep., C. Lee Oook Mfg. Co. & Power Plant Equip. Co., 1855 Industllal St. WATKIN/>, Robie T. (J 25), Sales Engr., Associated Supply 00., 724 Pac. Elec. WATSON, Bldg. Thos. A. (A.M 26), Design Engr., Univ. of Oalif. at Los Angeles, 865 N. Vermont Ave. and for /Moil, 8419 Marathon St. WEIS. Arthur R. (A.M 27). Treas., Ch. Engr., Pac. Pump Wks., Los Angeles, and for mail, 480 S. Passaic St., Huntington Park. WEISGERBER, Dr. Edwin O. R. (26), Suite 214, Wright Callender Bldg. WEISKOPF, Obas. H. (23), Cb: Draftsman, West. Prescipitation Co., 1016 W. Oth. St., Los Angeles, and for mail, 135 Karlton Ave., Hawtborne. WELLS. Albert W. (J18)/ Elec. Testing, Los Angelea Ry. Corp., 1060 S. Broad way, Los Angsl.s, and or ma!, 1098 Avoca Ave., Pasadena. WENTWORTH, OIarence S.. (J 28), Servo Engr., Worthington Pump & Mcby. Oorp., 210 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeres, and for /Moil, 222~ Overland Ave., Palms Sta. WHATLEY, Artbur 0. (A-M 18)1 Field Engr., Emaco Steel Products Co., 60I.l. S. Alameda St.. and for mai 628 N. Gower St. WlLCOX. Raymond (26), Steam Power Engr., So. Oallf. Edison 00., Los Angeles; and for mai~, 206 E. Penn St., Whittier. WILSON, Wm. Webster (18), V. P., Gool. Mgr., Wilson & Willard Mfg. Co., 2301 E. Vernon Ave. 219

47 CALIFORNIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN U;,\"ITED ST,\Tt:S OALIFORNU. LOS ANGELES (continued) WINTROATH,.J. A. (16: 26), SUo PllSadena A e. YOUNG, Garth L. (23: A-!4 2,;), 50s Rooseyelt Bldg. MARTINEZ, San FrILnci"co Section BEALL, Thornton (J 24), M. E., Shell Co. of Calif., and for mai, P. O. Box 127. BE,JARANO, Julio G. (J 26), Shell Co. of Cali!., and far mail, 1114 Court st. BRA KAMP. Paul J. (J 26), M. E.. Shell Co. of Calif., and lor ma,l, 420 Henri etta st. HEYLMAN. Fredk C. (!19), SUllt. M. E. Dept., Shell Co. of Calif., and for mail, P. O. Box 702. LINDEIl:E, Hans (A M 27), Charge Edelcanu Plant, Shell Co. of Calif., and tor mail, P. O. Box 481. ;liontebello, Los Angeles Section HASKELL, L. G. (J 22). mst. Engr., pipe Line Dept., Stand. Oil of Calif., P. O. Box 689. ~IONTEREY, San Francisco Section BANE, Maj. Thurman H. (A-M 18), Secy., Treas., Monterey Mission Tile Co., and for mail, p. O. Box 616. ltlonterey PARK, Los Angeles Section STEEL, Thos. J. (28), 610 N. Ynez Ave. OAI[LAND, San Francisco Section ADAM~, O. S. (16; 25), Engrg. Dept., Natl Lead 00., 47th Ave..I: E. 10th St., and tor mail, 2417 Foothill Blvd. CARLYLE, Arthur R. (18), Ch. Engr. Designing Wk., Moore Dry Doclt Co., Ft. Adeline St., O..kland, and for mail, 2848 Cabrillo St., San Francisco. CHURCHMAN, Wm. H. (A-M 18). Engr., 2841 Forthill Blvd. COX C. Gordon (17), 408 Euclid Ave. DANiELS, Richard F. (A M 21), Pres., Gent Mgr., R. F. Daniela 00., 901 E. 14th St., Oakland, and {or mail, 1717 Versailles Ave., Alameda.. " EICHLER, Edw. (18: 25), Engr., Propr., &ockrldge Garage; 5488 College Ave., and tor mail, 8419 Annover St., FRIDEN...Carl M. (A-M 22), Ch. Engr.,Marchan~ Calculating Mob. Co. HOWARv, Allred H. (24), 6606 Sbaofter Ave. LONGLEY, Fr..ncis B. (16), Cons. Engr., 3628 Grand Ave. MILES, Leonard E. (J 27), Draftsman, Fageol Motors Co., Hollywood &: 107th Aves., snd for mail, 2687 Seminary Ave. MILLS, Eugene O. (21), Div. Engr., E. Bay Municipal Utility Di.t., Oakland, and or mail, 639 San Fernando Ave., Berkeley. MULLEllc", Bobt. L. (,T 2<), Atl... Imperial Eng. Co., 19th Ave. &: Livingston St., and tor mail, 3008 West St. ODONNELL, Lawrence (J 27), Engr., Mazde Lamp Wks., Genl. Elec. Co., Oak ~ ~. land, and for maa, 2886 College Ave., Berkeley..!.,. PALMITER, Danfel A. (.J 27), 1448 Jackson St. PERKINS, Geo. Simeon (26), th St. I. ; QUACKEllc"BUSH 0, P. (21;,& M 25), Charge ~r. E., Dept., PolY. CoUege of Engrg., Oak j and, and for mail 2425 Fulton St., Berkeley. ROSS, Frank E. (18), Partner, Gl1ro Mch. Co., 2916 Ford,St. RUSCH, O. C. E. (J 19), Asst. Seles Mgr., Pac. Coast Engrg. Co., Ft. Hth ~t..!., SCOTT, John T. (21), 558 Oakland Ave. "I ; SOMERVILLE, Geo. N. (A ~I 17), Ch. Engr., Stand. G... Eng. Co., Oaklan<1, and or mail, 1240 Carlotta Ave., Berkeley. STODDARD, Chas. H. (17), Retired, R. F. D. Route I, Box TREMBLE, Howard H. (A ~f 28), Engr., Newport News Shipbldg. &: Dry Dock Co., and tor mail, 486 Jean St.. WEBER, Ralf E. (J 20), Webster Mfg. Co., 868 1st St., and for mail, 826 War field Ave. OILFIELDS, San Francisco Section PURDY, Donald F. (22; A-M 26), Field Engr., Shell Co. of Calif., and OT,nail, BoJC ONTARIO, Los Angeles Section KINGSBURY, W. P. (16), 133 Harvard PI. OROVILLE, San Francisco Section HANSON, Fred P. (17), Operating Mgt., Am. Gol<1 Dre~ging Go., P. Oroville, and tor mail, 248 CllIbrillo St., San Franclsco. O. Box K., PALO ALTO, Sall Francisco Section COPE, Wm. T. (J 27), 1227 Byron St. DUVENECK, Frank B. (J 18), HamUton Ave. Ext. EVANS, Geo. A. (17; 20), Supt, Bldgs. &: Grounds, U. S. Veterane Bnreau, U. S. Veterans Ho,tital, and tor mail, 420 Tennyson Ave.. ZSCHOKIl:E, Arthur J. (18), Ch. Druftsman, Federal Telegraph Co., and to,,na,l, 526 Fotest Ave.. PA.SADENA, Los Angeles Section _ BARNHART, G. Edw. (19; 26), Pres., Barnhart Seamless Golf Shaft Co., 92 :li. Delacy St., and for "",il, 1547 E. Waolnut St. "". BODKIN. Morris A. (A 21). Enltr.. Charge Olvlc Center Devel., City of Pasaden.. and tor mail, 149 S. Madison Ave. CLAPP, W. Howard (14), Prof. Mch. Design, Calif. Inst. of Tech. PAUGHERTY. Robt. L. (19), Manalter, 26 28; Prof. Mech. & Hyd. Engrlt. Oalif., 1 lied~i&hof 01~~hiI., Jr. (J 27), Y. E., Paao.dena: Munlcll>al Lill:ht & Power Dept., Posad~na, and for mail, 944 Poppy St. Altadena. KNAPP, Robt. T. (J 21), Instr. M. E. Calif. Inst. of Tech., and for rna!, 16S S. Greenwood st. LAWSON, Wm. S., Jr. (A M 17), 808 Markham Pl. MACDONALD, Geo. M. (12), 880 Galena Ave. PEASE, Francis G. (15), Astronomer, Chnrge Design, :.It. Wilson Obsel"Vatory. RATTLE, Paul S. (08; 18), 877 Oakland Ave. SLOCUM, Myles S. (17; 26), 866 S. Grand Ave. SNYDER, L. L. (..1.-)1 23), 31S7 Stanton St. SOUNITZA Vladimr (A 24), M. E., 456 S. Hudson Ave.. STEPHENSON, Hermann (09; A M 19), 266 S. Madison Ave.. TAYL0lt, R..lph T. (J 19), Supt., Ch. Engr., Partner W. A. Ta)lor &: Sons, 82 ". [JOlon St. WILLIAMS, Tracy B. (14), 960 Denver St. VRIGHT, Ernest N. (90), Pasadena Pub. Library. ZAMBONI, Lawrence (18), 189 N. Marengo Ave. PATTERSON, San Francisco Section KILLGORE, Edwin R. (17), Div. Supt. Pipe Line Dept., Stand. Oil Co. of Culll. PIEDlIIONT, Sun Francisco Section HEPBURN, H. M. (13), 287 Bonita Ave. PINEDALE, San Francisco Section HANeEN, Nelse M. (A-Y 26). Ch. Engr., Sugar Pine Lumber Co., and for ",ail, Bolt 666. PIETSBURG, San Francisco Section KINNISON, Court J. (J 26), Asst. Plant Engr., Great West. Elec. Chem. Co., a"l! for mail, 22S W. 10th St. POINT LOIUA., Los Angeles Sectio;u. TYBERG, Oluf (98). POMONA. Los Angeles Section WATXUlS, Frank E, (11), 306 E. REDONDO BEA.CH, LOll Angeles Section BRIGGS, Arthur ~f. (A-M 24), Prod. Mgr., Utah qhem. po., 20~ S. Camino R~a\. KOINER, C. Wellington (15), Dist. Mgr., So. Oald. EdIson Co., 310 S. Oatailna Ave. 221

48 CALIFORNIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES REDWOOD OITY, San Francisco Section DUNGAN, Donald K. (J 21), 21 Elwood St. J.OHNSSO:tl, M. J. (20), M..rine Supt., Pac. Portland Oement 00., and for liiail, 17. Hudson St. JONES, Edw. O. (01), Vice President ; Con G Engr., R. D. 1. :.. :1.~. ~...- MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES OALIFORNIA SAN FRANOISOO, San Francisco Section AARON H Rich..rd (22; A M 26). M. E., 1849 Olay St. ALDWORTH, Edw. II. (A M 14), MaDaging Engr., Per!utit 00., 1012 Balboa ALT:it8i.ER. Joe A. <J 25), Engr. Dept. Tech., Assoc. on 00., 79 New Mont Romery St., S RIOHMOND, San Francisco Section " _: ARMES. Geo. A. (12), Pres., Genl. Engrg. &; Dry Dock 00., 1100 Sansome t., BRITTAIN, Frank W. (J 28), Draftsman, Stand. Oil 00. of Calit, Richmond, and for mail. 876 Francisco St. and for mail, 80 Cerritos Ave., San Francisco.... ARNOLD. Wm. ll (J 27), Power Plant Design, Ch Moore &; 00., 728 BROWN, Allen B. (21; 25), As.t. Foreman, Maintenance Dept., Richmond ReI., " Sheldon Bldg. St.nd. Oil Co. of Calif. AUSTIN Paul P., Jr. (J 17). Asst. Engr., -Valuation Dept., So. Pac. Co., 66 FORSBURG, Henry A.-(ll), Genl. Supt. Pipe Lines, Stand. Oll Co., of Oalif., Market St.,..nd for mail, 8669 Jackson St. Bin 12, Richmond, and for ma:u, 1794 Sonoma Ave., Berkeley. BAIRD. Dudley (21). Metal. &; M. E., Pac. Fdy. Co., Harrison &; 18th Sts. HALLORAN, Ralph A. (A M 18), Devel. Mgr., Stand. OU Ca. of Calif. BARKER, Guy A. (A M 21), Mgr., Pac. Diy. Elec. Dept., Johns ManvUle Inc. of KITOHEN, J. Harold (J 22), Test Oper., Stand. Oil Ca. of Calif., Richmond, Calil., 169 New Montgomery St. and for mail, th St., Oakland...:; (: BARNABY, Glenn O. (J 29), 661 Folsom St. PERKINS, Myles S. (21; A M 25), Test Engr., Stand. 011 Co. of Oalif., Richmond, ". BATES, E. N. (17). Charge Pac. Coast Grain.Inyestilllltlons, Bureau Agr!. Eco and fd mail, 908 Ramona Ave., Berkeley. :.! t. nomics, U. S. Dept. Agrl., 86 U. S. AppraIsers Bldg. RIVERSIDE, Los Anllfeles Section. BAUM. Frank G. (06), Cans. Hydroelec. Engr.,.1902 Hobart Bldg. t,. BAYER, Lloyd F. (15; A M 22), Associated 011 Co., 79 Ne... Montgomery St. BERR, Lieut. Cal. F. J. (14), Inspr. G.enl. Dept., 9th Carps Area, and for mail, 262 E. Terrace Presldo.. BELL, W. Lewis (114), 806 1st St., San Francisco, and for mati, 8246 Liberty. Ave.. Al..meda. h St BERG, Henning J. (17; A-M 21), M. E., Stand. Oil Co. of Oallf., 226 Bus.,. and for mail, 1840 Van Ness Ave.. BERRY, Jas. F., Jr. (21), M. E., Main Iron Wks., th St., and for mail, 878 Frederick St. - BILLS, Harold O. (J 28), Asst. Engr., Transportation Dlv., R. R. Oomm. State at Calif., State Bldg., San Francisco, and for mail, 3287 Kempton Ave., HANSEN Waldemar G. (27), Prop., Hansen Mch. Wks., th St..}. HOLMAN, Earl L. (J 21), Asst. M. E., Draftsmaa, Dlv. Arch., State Dept. Pub. j BIRDOa~~~ (A.M 26) Oallf. Saw Wks., and {or mail. 721 Brannan St. Wke., 616 Forum Bldg., and for mail, P. O. Box 87.. BIRDSALL. Fredk (22), Engrl!. Dept., Beth ebem Shipbldg. Corp., Ltd., 20th & McPARTLAND, Michael B. (16), Supt., M. P., West. Pac. By. rninois Sta., and for mail, Fleldinl\" Hotel, 386 Geary. St. POTTS, Wm. K. (20; A M 21), Contr. John Phillips, Hotel Sacramento. BIRKLAND Stellan (J 27), A,st. Ch. Draftsman, Am. Oan Co., 499 Alabama St.. THUNEN, Geo. W. (A M 20), Sales Rep., Elec. Products Oorp., th St. and for mail, 66 Buena Vista Ave.. BITGOOD, Fredlr S. (26; 27), V. P., J. T. Thorpe &; Sans, Inc., Rm. 846, 417 SANANSELMO, San Francisco Section Market St. MALONEY, Geo. B. (A M 17), 235 SC<!nic Ave. BLISS. Duane L., Jr. (24), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Dunham, Oarrigan &; Hayden Co., 2 St. SAN BERNARDINO, Los Angeles Section BORDEN, Wm. H. (06; A M 19), Mtrs. Sales Agt., Indus. Safety Devices, 700 OOOK, Willis D. (21), Supt. of Equip., Shop 8, Dept. Pub. Wks. Div. of High. 2nd St. way. State of Calif., 272 ~nd St. BOUICK, Jas. B. (27). Chancellor Hotel. 435 Powell St. BOVARD. Paul F. (24). Asst. Mgr., Oalif. Filter 00., Inc., 1218 Mercbante Excb. SAN DIEGO, Los Angeles Section. - BREED, Everett M. (20), Sales Mgr., Pelton Water Wheel Ca., 19th &: Harrison Sts., BACOIi, John L. (99; 09), Mayor, San Diego, and for mail, 2883 Nutmeg St. San Francisco, and for mei!. 636 Santa Ray Aye., Oakland.. BARKER, Tom (A M 22), Mgr., United Parcel Serv., nd St. BRUBAKER, W..lter S. (20), :Mgr. Meter Dept.. A.soclated Oll Ca. 79 New Mont : BARNES, Hartwick M. (J 27), Test Engr., San Diego Consltd. GOB &; Elec. Ca., gomery St.. San Francisco. and for mail, 142li Harrison St., Oakland. and for mail, 1016 Oypress Way. 67D :. BRUFF Obas. E. (08), Mem. Firm, Bradley, Bruff &; Labarthe, 86 2nd St. CRUIKSHANK, Major Barton (8~), Gelll. Mgr., Cruiksha.nk Engrg. 00.,, BUMSTEAD, Dale, Jr. (J 24), Sales Dept., Chas. O. Moore &: 00., 461 Market St. Spreckels Bldg., and for mail, 201 G St.!. BUMSTED, E. Bradford (19), Oons. Hngr., Asst. to V. P., Hunter, Dulln &: Co., DONl!i ELLY. Lieut. Jas. B. (J 27), Diy. Engr., Destroyer Squadron 2, and 111 Sutter St. OHAWNER, W. Rupert (26), Commercial Engr., So. Sierras Power Ca. HOLMES, Wm. M. (19; A M 21), Engr., So. Sierr... Power Co., and for mail, KErk, ~~:"o~.8tl28), County Asseasor, Court House, and for mail, 684 E. 7th St. :.;:. SAORAMENTO, San Francisco Section \.. OAMP, Wilmer E. (22), Contr. Engr., 907 8th St., and for mail, P. O. Box 984. :; r GILLETT, Frank B (22), Cb. Draftsman, Sacramenta Genl. Shops, So. Pac. Ca., ". and for mail, 1431 Que St. :, GIVAN, Albert (13), Genl. Mgr., Ch. Engr., Sacraomento Munfclpal Utility Dist., J 801 Oity Hall, and fa. mail, th St..., for mail, 3606 Wilshire Terrace. DOOLITTLE, Herbert E. (J 25), 3280 Park Ave. DU:tI"BAR, Jos. B. (A M 21), Geol. Mgr. San Diego Ice &; Cold Storage Co., 826 Imperial St. ER1OSS0N, Oarl G. (J 27~, Asst. to Cb. Engr., Union Ice Co., 110 W. Island St.,..nd fo, mail, tn St. GRIFFIN, Chas. L. (93), 686 Maple St. HAMMOND, Geo. F. (J 27?, Engr., Designing Aeroplanes, B. F. Mahoney Air. craft Corp., and for mati, P. O. Box HERRESHOFF, J. B. F. (94) th St. KLAUBER, Laurence M. (19), V. P., Genl. Supt., San Diego Oonsltd. GaB &; Elet, Co., Electric Bldg., and for mail, 299 W. Juniner st. MAO NUTT, Hamer (21), Genl. Supt., J. D. &; A. B. Spreckels Securities Co., San Diego, and for mail, P. O. Box 136, Coronado. 222 OHR1STENSE~, Wm. P. (21; 26). Sales Engr., Orane 00., SOl Brannan St., San Francisco, and for I1UIil 2500 Santa Olara Ave., Alameda. CLARK, Addison L. (15), ;;: P., Gelll. Mgr., Am. Brake Shoe &: Fdy. Ca., 74 New Montgomery St.. CLARK. Geo. Stuart (J 28), Asst. Engr. Ralph A. Bieber & Albert A. Peters, Assoc. En~rs., lj20 Kohl Bldg., San Francisco, and for mail, 1. O. Box 877, Stanford Unfverslty. CLARK, Harald Haines (ld; 19), V. P., Asst. Secy., Link Belt Meese & Gottfried Co th St.. CLAUSEN. Arthur W. (22), Oh. Engr., Pac. Ooa&1; Steel 00., Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, and for mait, 167 Barriolhet Ave., San Mateo. CLEAVELAND, Nonnan (J 26), Sales Engr., Yuba Mfr;. 00., 361 Oalifornia St., San Francisco, and fof mail. 2~2 Cedar St. Berkeley. 228

49 CALIFORNIA. ~IE!>!BF.RSIN UNITED STATES SA.N FRANOISOO (continue,l) COLLINS Frank Wyatt (21.), 111. E. Sal.s Dept.. JO.hUll Hendy Iron Wks., 200 Pine 5t San Franclsco and for "il, 1425 Cilbrillo An., BurlingllJlle. OOMFORT Newman (J 16), MgT. EngTg..I: Sen. Depts., lid. Casualty Co" 22 Leidesdorlf St. San Francisco, and for mail th St., Oakland. COOPER, Fredk F, (14), Gen!. MgT., "Olympian Dredging Co., 249 1st St., and fix CORRi"ci~"::6J.a~~etJS,i9), Dist. Sales ~lgr., Am. LorD. Co., 017 Rialto Bldg. CROZIER, H. W. (14), Cons. Engr., 58 Sutter St., and for ",,"il, 1990 Gleat Highway. OUMWNGS, Frank S. (19; A-M 24), M. E., Cbas. C. Moore &> Co., Sbeldon Bldg., San Francisco, and for?»ail Grove St., Belkele~. DAILEY, Edmund B. (27), Eng... Car Constr., So. Pac. Co., 65 MOlket St.. DBLANY Chas. H. (07), Asst, Oper. Engr., Pac. Gas &: Blec. Co., 2~5 1IIark<;t It. DENTON Louis I. (15), M. E., Pac. Fruit Express Co., So. Pac. Bldg., Go }r.l"1,ot St., San Francisco, and for mail. R. F. D. I, Box 1497, Oalcland., DESSLER, Abraham A. (J 2.), Designer, Checl,er, Otis Elev. Co., 1 Beach St., San Francisco, and for mail" 1919 Home St. Berkeley. DIOKIE, Alex. J. (20; 20), Editor, Pac. Marine Re"iew & West. Mcb). \I odd, 76 Saeramento St. DOBLE, Wm. A. (91), 221 Crocker Bldg. DORWARD, David, Jr. (10), Cons. En~r., 811 California St, DORWARD, Geo. D. (20), Dorward Engrg. Co., 503 Market St., Sou Flancisco, and for mail, 1242 Bay St,. Alameda. DOUGAN, W. A. (A-M 24). Oh. Engr., S, S. P"osident Taft, Pac. Mail Stoamshlp Co., San Francisco. and tor mail.. Larkspur. DOWS, Saml. R. (24; A-M 26), Refractories Engr., Pac. Abrasives Suppl) Co" 338 6th St., San Francisco, and for mall. 622 Curtis St., Albany. Geo. W. (A-M 26), Pres., Assoc. Engrg. Serv., Inc., 361 Hales St., and DU~CAN, EASTLING, tor mail, Harvey tll Ave. V. (J 22), Llnll-~elt Co., th St., Sun FranciSt o, and for -mail, 1718 Easton Drive, Burhngame. ELlEr Palll (A 2.), 1406 Alexander Bldg. FAWELL, Thos. A. (23), Mfrs. Agent, 40 Sansome St., and for mau, 2,\15 Y1I1 ~c.. ~OLKER, Ave. Howard S. (20),Oh. Enllr., Natl. Safot) AJlI?lial~ce Co., 82 Mar,S\., San Francisco and foi ~",il 1006 Blythedale Ave., alley. FONG, Wah B. (/23), Elec. DraftamBn, Pac. Ous & Elec. Co., 245 Market St" and for ~,ail. ~OULDS. Ohas V. Clay (J 19), St. En::rrg. Asst., Pelton Water. Whe..l (0., th St. FRENCH Carleton (19; A 22). Sales Engl., Wortbington Co., Inc., 80S Shar~n Bldg., and for mnil. 76; ~ll\son St. GAYMAN, Dert A. (H), Prcs., Linl, Selt "Ie o " Co!tflhd Co., th St, GAYNER, Jas. (A.M 27), M. E., Hobl. L. St. John, 1;14 )larket. St... GEORGE, Alfred H. (J 24), Draftomall, Main Iton Wks.,. and fa" ",a,l, 624 Felton St. GEYER, Henry E. (J 25), ~i. E., Stand. on Co. of Callf., Um. 1218,220 Blish St. GmSON. Arthur (92), Cons. Min. Engr., 800 Haight St.. (lot,oman, O. G. (A.M J9), Asst. Supt.. Spling "alle) Water Co., 420 Mason St. GUNN. (has. M. (11), Pres., Gunn, Carle & 00., 444 }[ll1kot St. flanscom, Wm. W. (13), Cnns. Icnp;,., ll48 Clayton St, - HARDEN. F. Walter (14: 19), M.!:" San llanclsco llddp;e,.co., H ~10ntgoIllCr) ~t., :;;a11 Francisco. ulld /01 111C1it. 152 Birch St.. Redwood Cit,}, HATHAWAY, R. K. (08, 111), (:el1l. Ml\r.. Sdl1a!e Lock C~; 10 B"ysho~e.\\"e. In~ARTY, Frank.1. (A.:M 211), PIOPL., F, J. (-I("nrtj &. Co",a F:t"ffiont St.. HEBERT,.~. J. (A.i\I 22), )1. g., Sprecl,els Sugar Co., 2 Plne St., and for ","". n40 HEERIl\G, Day St. Erost K. (17). Pelton Water Wbo.l - Co h St."_.. HENES, Louis G. (03;,A 10), OWI1I":1, Louis G, 1l1l1cs, Mr]l. fools. :1 I,nfllllllt St, HERRMANN, Gro,e E. (21), Ch, Engl., Assoc. Pipe Line CO",0 1\~\\ MontgomclY ~. St HILLS, Leslle W. (J 21), ICllgT., mlls Bros., 2 Hanlson. HIRSCHLER, Horace L. (27), Oh. Engr. Homce Remote COllt".,1 Co., 12 St.euart St. HOPPS Jolin H. (00), Cons. Eng"., 50s Market St. HOXIE V W (15) Marine Dept" Bnboock &. Wlloo" ( S\loldon Dldg; HUDSON. Roht. A. (J 09), Portner, Hunte, " Hmlso l!, 50:; Rialto Bldg., HuGO, Merrill S. (J 20),,\sst. Supt., Groy &0 Dameloon.}1l1g. Co., z"o 1st St., ~nn Francisco, And fot 7lIC1it~ P. O. Box: 6l3, MOl1ntah~ "lew. 2U MEMBERS IN UNITED STA.TE~ SAN FRANOISOO (continued) HULSTEDE, Oeo. E. (J 26), 220 Golden Oate Ave. HURST,Oeo. L. (12), Cons. M. E., 780 Ma"ket St HUTCHlI!"SON, Chas. T. (10), Pres., McGraw-Hili Co., ssa :MIssion St. IIUTCHIlii SON, Ely O. f12), Pres., Pelton Water Wheel Co., th St. HUTTO~, Gerald H. (,19), ~[gr., Yuba River Power Co., 720 Stand. Oil Bldg. lrelsahnd, Thos. W. (18; 2~), Ch. Engr., St. Fraocla Hotel, Crocker Hotel Co. reve Bldg., and far mad, 8711 FUlmore St. JAOOBS, Saml. S. (28), Cb. Draft.main, Am. Can. Co., 499.~Iabama St. JACOBSON, Eugene (J 26), Pat. Eogr., DeYoung Bldg. JAFFRAY, I{enneth B. (J 21), Mgr. West State. N Y Reciprocal Underwriters 711 Am. Bank Bldg.., JEFFERY...! E. I. (23), Ioap. Engr., Simonson & St. Jobn 1mB Flat Iron Bldg San l-rancisco, and jor ma-il, 564 Mha. Vista Ave., Oakiand..., JESSUP, Frank A. (J 23), Sa~ety Engr., Oceau Accident &; Guarantee Corp M~ntgom~ry St., San FranclSco, and for mai!, 441 Bounton Ave Berkeley. JOHAliiSON, Nela P. (A-M 27), Draftsman, 737 Dush St. JOHN, Harold T. (J 24), Iogersoll-Rand Co., Hlalto Bldg. JON~~er~e"s1. B. (4\; 26), Cons. Gas Engr., 08 Sutter St., and for mait, 2721 JONES, Walter B. (J 2.), J. T. Thorpe &; Son 417 Market St. KARNASOH, L. M. (23), Hyd. Engr., Pelton Vater Wheel th St KE~P, Wm. ":~n A., (2.), Mlrs. Agt., Rm. 789, Rialto Dldg:. KENNEY, Jas. l. (J 27), Mech. Draftsman, So. Pac. 00., San Franclaco, and for ""1l 281ll Benevenue Ave., Berkeley. KING, Lyman S. (,25),Partner, King Knight Co., 601 Dalboa Bldg. KINKEAD, J. A. (03; 15), Sale. Rep., Rm New hlontgomery St KREMSER, Alois (.26), Research & Devel. Dept., Stand. 011 Co. of Calif., 220 Bush St. San FranCISco, and /01 mail, 733 The Alum.da, Berkelay. KRISHTAL,!d. S. (J 27), Teoh-Wrlter, Ferry Stu., P. O. Box KRUEGER, Jas. I. (21; 20), M. E., 417 Market St. KRUr.~Rm;3,Uils~.~~;;tc~2~t.M. M., E. E., Natl. carboll Co., Inc.,.99 8th St.. and KYLE, Saml. Clyde (A-M 17), Salea Engr., 427 Rialto Bldg. LAWE, Arlcigh J. (24), Supt. Engrg. Dept., Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corp., 315 Montgomery St. LANG, Altled Q. (26), Cb. EngT., Pac. Portland Cement Co. San Francisco and for mail Bryant St., Palo Alto.. LELAND, Wm. E. (04), Cons. Engr., Partner, Leland &; Haley 58 Sutter Bt LETCHFIELD, Francis T. (22), Cons. Engr. Well. Fargo 13.nk &; Union ofrust Co.,. 14 MOil tgomery St. LIETZ, Adoh>h (2<1), Pres., Gen!. Mgr., A. Lietz Co., 61 Post St. LIGHT, Arthur H. (18), Engr., Draftsman, Dorward Engrg. Co., 417 Market 8t. San Francisco, and for mau, 64:32 Benevenue Ave" Oakland. LINDQUIST, Edw. W. (02; 06), Dist. Mgr., AUis-Chalmer. Mfg. Co., 116 New Montgomery St. LLOYD, Bruce (18), Oons. Engr 214 Front St. LOS~:r::t"s~e A. (A-M 20), power. Plant, Inspr., So. Pac. Co., Rm. 1028, 6li MacLEAN, W. Wallace (J 25), Engr., fltg. &; Vent, Equip. Co. 746 Sansome St MAHL, F. W. (92; 10), Genl. Pur. Agt., So. Pac. Co., 65 Market St. MAHON, Ross L. (23)\ ABBt. Salea Mgr., Pelton Water Wheel Off: th St. MARDEL, Chas. M. (18), Ch. Engr., Great West. power Co" 530 Bush St MARKEY, H. S. (12), ~upt. Steam Dept., Great West. Power Co., 431 Sutter St.. MAR~flMt~ro~ ~t. (J 26). Salea & Engrg. Am. Well \Vka., Kewanee Boller 00., IdATHESOl\, Edmund E..(J 24), M. E., Chaa. S. James, 52. Market St.. Snu Franc;co, and lor mad, 772 DoWling Blvd., San Leandro. MAUER, MUton G. (J 27) rd Ave. MAYNARD; ~Imy Cofran (019; A M 20), Aast. to ABBt. Sales Mgr., Associated 011 Co., 79 :\ew ~Ion!gomery St., San Francisco, and fof mait, 64 Lower OreBCBnt Ave., Saussllto. MAYNARD, Blanshard B. (J 25), Asat. to Pur. Agt., Shell Co, of Calif., 200 Bush St., San Francisco, and for mail,.26 Santa Rey Ave. N., Oakland. McBRYDE, Warren H. (21), Cons. Engr lul Financial Center Bldg CALIFORNIA

50 CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO (continned). McGREGOR, Alex. (26), Oons. Engr., McGregor Eng~s. Co., 4W HarrIson St., San Francisco, and for _it. 749 Fanlngdon Lane, Burhngame. McLAREN A R. (12) Oons. Engr., Rm. 62L, Hearst Bldg. MEAKIN, Edgar N. d 27), Design, Erection Wk., Oalif. Press Mfg. 00., 1800 Folsom St., San Francisco, and for mait Eunice St., Berkeley. MEESE Constant (18), Retired, Rm. 701, 240 Stockton St.. MEHL, Bernhard M. (A M 27), Mecb. Draftsman, Assoc , San FranCISCO, and for mail 1825 Carmel Ave., Stockton. MEREDITH, wynn (18), Mem. Firm. Sanderson &; Porter, 14 Montgomery St.. MILLER, L. Dee (22), Safety Engr., State of Calif., Rm. 187 State Bldg., Olvlc. MILL~~~;i-nard (21), Supt. Engr., Am. Hawaiian Steamship 00., 216 Market St., San Francisco, and for mail Piedmont Ave., Berkeley. d f mail 575 MIXTER, Willard H. (J 24), Htg. Engr., Pao. Gas & Elec. Co., an or., MON~~;Li: Robt. C. (04) 3224 Washington St. MOODY, Wm. M. (1~; 21; 25), V. p.. Pelton ~ater Wheel 00., 29~ 19th St. MOORE, Calvin W. (J 22), Pac. Ooast Engr., Elhott Co., and for mal. 500 Leaven. ArooiE:t~obt. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES S. (92), Manager, 01 04; Life Member; Retired Pres. Pac. Securities Co., 808 Balfour Bldg... 8" MOORES, Robt. D. (J 25), Engr., Am. Hawaiian SteamshIp Co., P,er 2, ~. S. Missourian. MORRIN Thos (91), Cons. Engr., Phelan Bldg. MOSES, Eliot B. (A-M 28), M. E.. Pelton Water Wheel Co., th St. MURRAY, Warren E. (10), Cons. Indus. & M. E., 823 Merchants Exch. Bldg: NEWBY, Gerald B., Jr. (J 25), Estimator, J. T. Thorpe &; Son, San FranClsco, and for mail 2026-A Lincoln St., Berkeler. NOLAND, ROscoe O. (20; 25), Oh. MachInist, U. S. N., Boat Repair &; Effie. Engrs. Officer U S S New Mexico, c/o Postmaster. OKEEFE, Ohas. J. (J 28), Engr., Brode Iron Wks., and for _il Golden Gate 0NE1I:t, Paul A. (A-M 19), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Union Mcb. 00., 984 Brannan St., and for ",ail rd Ave. ORR, Olaud H. 69; 26), Asst. Supt., Natl. Carbon Co., Inc., 699 8th St. S d OTrERSON, Nelson E. (19), Dist. Mgr., Coast Mchy. Corp., 8&1. Folsom t., an for _il Hyde St. Ins 0 11 PADDOOK, Chas; B. (21), Supt., Hartford Steam Boller Inspc. &; 0., PAGrn~~ekS1. (22), Inspr., Rm. 137 State Bldg., OIvlc Center. PAULSON, Thorleif B. (25), Designing Engr., Ohas. O. Moore &; Co., 727 Sheldon PEd~JF, Gen. (J 26), Internatl. Harvester Co., San Francisco, and for mail Van-Ne.. Ave., Fresno th St. PHILLIPS. Horace P. (21), Supt. Link Be!t Meese & Gottfrled 00., 3 6 f PIERCE, Harold L. (A M 25), Dir. Tlalnlng, Research Dept., Ipdus. Assn. a San Francisco, 1209 Santa Fe Bldg., San Francisco, and for mail, Easton Drive, Burlingame. F PIERSON, Wm.!I. (J 26), Effic. Engr., Am. Oan 00., 22nd & 3rd Sta., San ran clsco and for mait, 1801 Drake Ave., Burlingame. "- PLASS, Raymond B. (J 26~, Engr., Westinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. Co., 1st N..tL Bank PYE~I~~~hibald Chas. (A-M 26), Asst. to Mgr. West: Pipe & Steel Co. of Oalll., 444 Market St., San Francisco,..nd lor ma,l, 15~4 VersaUles Ave., Alameda. QUICK, Ray S. (A-M 22), Engrg. Dept., Pel~on Water Wheel Co., th St., San Francisco, and for mait. 116 Costa RIca Ave., Burhngame.. QUINN, Chas. H. (12), Cons. Engr. Rm. 420,.660 Market St... REAR, Jas. C. (J 26), M. E., Plant Design, Umon Ice Co. of Oalx!., 354 PlUe St., San Francisco, and for mail, 428 Pope St., Palo Alto.. RICHARDS, Floyd S. (26), Constr. Supt., Pur. Agt., Old Mlssion Portland Cement Co., 716 Stand. Oil Bldg. RIX, Austin J. (26), V. P., Rix Co., Inc., 400 4th St. RIX, Edw. A. (96), Owner, Rix Co., Inc., th St. 226 ;,",:. j..!l. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO (continned). ROBERTS, Fred G. (22; A M 26), Wk Engr., h...t!. C..rbon 00., Inc., San Fran cisco, and fm mail. P. O. Box 764, Sunnyvale. ROBINSON, Parksr M. (14; 16; 21), V. P., Hunt, Mirk 1& Co., Inc., 141 2nd St. ROLPH, Geo. M. (17), Genl. Mgr., Oalif. 1& Hawaiian Sugar Ref. Corp., 215 Market St. ROSEN, O. G. A. (16; A-M 21), Oons. & Research Engr., 922 Rialto Bldg. ROSENER, Leland S. (27), Cons. Enr;r., Rm. 90S, 238 Sansome St. ROWLEY, Ridgway Lloyd (10; 16; 22), Engr., Johnso1l &; Higgins, 311 Cali. iornia St., San Francisco; Bond for mail. 645 Valle Vista Ave., Oakland. RUCK, Edw. H. (18), Ch. Engr., O. A. Hawkins Co., San Francisco, Calif., and f01 mail Mentor Ave., Mentor, O. RUSSELL, Frank E. (24), M. E., So. Pac. Co., Rm. 942, 65 Market St. RYAN, Irwin J. (A M 28), Boiler, InS].lr., Hartford Steam Boiler &; Inspc. Co., 1U Sansome St., San Francisco, and for mllli!. 8S54. Madison Ave. Fresno. S."UNDERS, A. B. (A 21), Ch. Engr., Sanford Hospitals, 2198 Webster St., and for mail th Ave.. SCHAAL, Norbert J. (A-M 25), Diet Engr., Continental Can Co., 155 Montgomery St. SOHELKUNOFF, Vadim P. (J 26), Assto Prod. Engr., Link-Belt Meese & Gottfried 00., th St. SEAGRAVE, D. C. (19), Pres., Pac. Ooast Shipbldll. Co., 605 Market St. SEARLES. Jasper E. (27), Engr., United Commercial Co., 284 Steuart St., San Francisco, and for _it, 4111 Terrace St. OsklBolld. SHAW, Wm. Oowie (20), Engr.. Bethlehem Shipbldll. Corp., 20th &; Illinois Sts. SHEIBLEY, Edw. G. (25) Ch. Engr., Supt. Dept. Safety Indus. Accident Comm.,. State of Calif., State Bldg., OiYlc Oenter, and for mail. Apt. 201, 2136 Fell St. SHEPARD, Lawrence E. (J 26), Personnel Wk., Shell 00. of Calif., 200 Bush St., and f01 mail. 201 Mallorea Wa). SIGNAROWITZ, Ferdinand J. (16), Hyd. Engl., Pelton Water Wheel Co., th St., San Francisco, and for mail. 7lp San Mateo Drive, S::m Mateo. SIMONSON, G. Metcalfe (14 i A-M 21)..! Oons. Engr., 74 New Montgomery St. SKAIFE, Arthur F. (AM 21J, V. P., :lngr., Spencer Elev. Co; 166 7th St. SMITH, Harry J. (21), Constr. Engr. Dept. Gas Constr. 1& Oper., Pac. Gas & Elee. Co., 245 Market St., and for mllli!, 160 Lenox Way. STAPLES, Earle I. (28), Ch. Engr., staples &; Pfeiffer, D28 BryBont St. STEENSTRUP, P. S. (06), Rm. 1701, III Sutter St. STEINBECK, Ch... E. (27), Asst. Enllr., Pac. G18 &; Elec. 00" 245 Market St. STEINER, Waltel A. (J 21), Engrg. Dept., Natl. Carbon Co, Inc. STEPANOFF, A. J. (A-M 27), Draftsman, Byron Jackson Pump Mfg. 00., and for mail, 10 Rincon PI. STERN, Bernard B. (J 261, 2170 Jackson St. STEVENSON, Wilfred C. (21), Pres., Stevenson Engrg. Corp., 402 Hobart Bldg., and for mail. 16 Cerritos Ave. STODDARD. Elgin (11), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Ches. O. Moore &; Co., Sheldon Bldg., 461 Market St.....STOUT, V. A. (24), Oil &5 Gas Eng. Sales Engr., Worthington Pump &; Mehy. Corp., 307 Sharon Bldg. STROTT, J, Fred (J 22), Engrg. Dept., Link Belt, Meese &; Gottfried 00., th St. TACOHELLA, Adolph A. (14; 19), Sales Engr., Busch Sulzer Bros. Diesel Eng- Co., 90 ~ Rialto Bldg. TAYLOR, Geo. E. (19; A~f 21), Distr. Mgr., Ohain Belt Co., 82 Natoma St. TAYLOR, Lawrence A. (27), Genl. Mgr} Charge Sales &; Engrg., Sharples Spec of Calil., 686 How..rd St., and Tor mail. 115 Msrced Ave. TAYLOR, Morris P. (J 27), Draftsman, So. Pac. Co., Rm. 942, 05 Market St. TERWILLIGER, Harry L. (A 01), Mgr., Ing-ersoll-Rand Co. of Calif., 710 Rialto Bldg. THOMPSON, Nelson W. (17), Oil Ref. Engrg., Shell 00. of Calif., 200 Bush St., San Francisco,!bnd for mail Lawton Ave:, Oakland. TOF{~~r;~. Daniel D. (J 25), Con~tr. Dept., Otis Elev. 00., and for, 282 TURNER, Alfred J. (18), A..t. Mgr. Lub. Oil Div., Stand. Oil Co. of Calif., 225 Bush St., and for mail. 31 Parker Ave. TYNAN, J09. J. (22). Bethlehem Shipbldg. Corp., Ltd., V. P., Bethlehem Steel Co., 215 Market St. 227

51 " CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO ("ontinu;dl E ;\fi):mbers IN UNrrED STATES :Malson Xavigation Co., San Francisco, WALKER, Johnl2i~9 ~6a~c~ft Viay,nfetkeley, 01 C f Calif 25 Blish St., l>nd for m", h (J 24) M E Sland. 1 o. 0.," WATERMAN, Ed~. CaB LYttnn Ave., Palo Alto. San Francisco, an~? ro"!;) "Manager, r16~19; Fairmont Hotel. WEYMOUTH, O. R..( ) 938 Post St. WHARTON, S. Harne ). 2, ns En r 206 Sansome St. ket 5t m~u~ej~rie~ts~ij~~~. ~Rl~~01?~l!~.~ni:in~~g~irS~~~d.i~~2~.~3B~~~ur Bldg., wil~~gira;~~.::,ta~d for ;"a, Redwog~af~%an West. Sugar Ret C?, 23rd & WIIHERSPOoN, Wnl. O. (~7), ~~d for m"a 953 Paloma Ave., Bllrl,i"lJme _ 10 Louisiana Sts. r sanjq~~aud:~t Engl" Oriental Dept., Ingersoll-Ra.n 0., I WOMACK Robt. R. (~.,. P Bldg Rialt~ Bldg., r TeBta So. Pac. R. R. Co., Rm. 940, SO. RC.., WOOD, Dennis~oun ~~~) fo~n;~a. 809 Lincoln AVfb P:~ st~\~ Co San Francisco WRI~HT,FJ:~.CC~o(A.M 20), Reservoir Engr., Roya u c...,. and for mail,. R. 1, Arlington Land Reclamation, 486 Cabfornla St. WRIGHT, W. Q. (08), Cons. Engr.,, S \.N JOSE, San FrancisC~S~c~:oV P BEnRY, Wm. C. (A-M 37), eslg n,., Berrv Mchy. & Supply " Co" 312 Stockton Ave. SAN LEA:NDR~,sa; fha~~:~:rcoc~t~~~t<;.;tractor Co., and for mail,. Oenl. BO&A, LoUIS (J 27), 00 e, dro and Delivery. J 24) Exper. Engr., Caterpm..r Tractor Co., San Lean, DAV};;S~~~~; ~3{ :,,0018ey ~tmd~rk~~dson Lumber Co" DAVIS, Edw. (A M 19), Gen. g., and for mail, 78 Droad moor Blvd. J 25) 387 Haas Ave. GIBBO~"S Chas. A. ( 1>1 C L Best Tractor Co. I d JONES, I: E. (14)Ilenlj ~~1)s D~i n~r C..terpillar Tractor Co., San,ean roo JOSFf.;:~~rH~:rit:~104 ~rask-tfe D~ i:1rd. c..terpmar Tractnr Co., San Leandro. LEWIS, Geo. Wf?,. 1(5J6~2Y;ckB;~ St., Oakland. and for ma", F ncimco Section S.l.N liialeo, san 1fr /:3 (93) 56 W. Santa Inez Ave. FRY Commodore... e,,, A geles Section E Co., Box 10&8, SAN PEDRO, Los n t Oh Engr. Regan Forge & ngrg. CANT, David A. (J 27), A~T Buchanan St., Los Angel.,;. San Pedro, and for 7ll4\, A "os An"eles Section t 119 Churoh ~t, SANTA AN w" It (21) BIIBin... Mgr., Bd. Educa lon, DUNCAN, Geo. a er, BARBARA, Los A,ngel es Sec.t1~t SANTA H (91) Retired, 707 E. Valerlo COBB, Geo., ctlon SANTA CLARA, ~,,:,~ F;~;~:lre~eSo~ Engrg., Univ. of Santa Clara. SULLIVAN, Geo. L....,, ectiojl ",,"UZ. SANTA CRUZ, S::l Fsj:~~:r~, ~oast Countie. GSB & Elec. Co., Santa C MEMBEIIS IN UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA S.\.WTELLE, LOM Angeles Section GILLEITE, EdnlOnd S. (A M 19), V. P., Genl. ~Igr., Albatro.. Steel Equip. Co., P. O. Drawer A. SELBY, San Francisco Section GREYSON, F. Raymond (19; 25), Engrg. Dept., Selhy Plant, Am. Smelting ~ Re1. Co., Selby, and for mail, 1243 Henry St., Berkeley. SIERRA IIIA.DRE, Los Angeles Section KEY, JaB. Francia (A M 17), Cons. Engr., P. O. Box 244. SOUTH GATE, Los Angeles Section HANSEN, PETER M. (26), 8186 Victorin Ave. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, San Francisco Section BOWIE, Laurence O. (A1>1 26), Prod. & Shop Engr., West. Pipe k Steel Co. IIf Oalif., 8. San Francisco, and lot mail, 842 Central Ave. San Francisco. BROOKS, Claude J. (24; A M 25), M. E., E. H. Edwards Co., S. San FrnnciscQ. and for "",ii, 435 Arch St., Redwood City. FAKKEMA, R. (A ~[ 18), Dr..ftaman, Pac. Coast Steel Co., S. Snn Francisco, and for,nail, Bo>; 124, Route I, Colma. SHO~:NDERGER, P. D. (23; 26), Genl. Supt., West. Pipe & Steel Calif. SPANGLER, M..rtin L. (22), c,h. Engr., Spec. Wire Co., Bo% 338, alld for mail, 21U Eucalyptus Ave. STANFORD UNIVERSIlY, San Francisco Section (,L_~RK, Philip C. (J 21), E. E., P. O. Box 877. CROFT, Hubel O. (J 20), Assoc. Prof. M. E., etanford Univ., P. O. Box CROSS, Chas. N. (II), A..oc. Pr01. M. E., Stanford Uni"., Box CUTTER, Lawrence E. (14)[ Asst. Prof. M. E., Stanford Unlv., and for m<>il, 627 Webster st., Palo A tn. DOliONOSKE, Arthur B. (12; A M 14), Exec. Head. M. E. Dept., Stanford Univ., Box DURAND, Dr. Wm. F. (83), Vlce Presldent, 11 13; President, 25; Prof, Emeri tus, M. E., Stanford Un!v. GREEN, Boynton M. (A-M 21), Asst. Prof. M. E., Stanford Un!v., and for,,,,,,ii, P. O. Box HOLDEN, Paul E. (26), Pr01. Indus. M&nsgement Graduate Sch. of Business, Stanford Univ., and for "",a, 640 Seneca St., alo Alto. LJ>ST,EY, Everett P. (12), Prof. M. E., Slanford Univ. MARX, Guido H. (01), Prof. Meb. Desigll, Stanford Unlv., and fo,- mail, 3u6 Lincoln Ave., Palo Altn. RYAN, Harri. J. (23), Prof. E. E., Stanford Un!". STEBBINS, Horatio W. (20), Assoc. Prot. M. E., I?tanford Univ., and for mail, 327 Addison Ave., Pl>lo Altn. \\n\terburn, John C. (J 26), Asst. Dir., Stanford Unl"., and for "",a, Box 991. STOCKTON, San Francisco Section HOLT, Pliny E. (15), V. P., Dlr. Engrg., Holt Mfg. Co., Aurora St. SPRINGER, Russell S. (13), Yosemite Club. lorranoe, Los Angeles Section DRIVER,Arthur (13; A M 24), OUA Arlington Ave. FAULKNER, David S. (12; A M 13), Pres., Union Tool Uo. BYERS, otto H }J76l)Ma~dana Blvd., Oakb.nd. GRAU, Wm. S. (A M 22), flnnt Supt., Dohene, Stnna Drill 00., Torrance, alld and for me>, I for 71I<lil, 2202 WI 78th Pl., Inglewood. TIMBS, Edw. (A M 19), Dist. Engr., Union Tool 00., Torrance, and for maa, ~:Et If,~~;~I~JG~6t~~. :If:~!i,S5~i~i.~~h?~~~f~~~fF~11~\~~;: Ga, 5131 S. loth Ave., Loa Angeles. 1iWALD, Adolph (J 24), Tj!lll Designer, l1nion Tool Co., mnd lor f1l4il, Brighton omc~, Santa Fe Springs, an a, Hotel. A.11lleles Section SANTA ltionic,\., Los C Engr IRONA, Los Angeles Section ELROD, Henry SEt (~ll()j 26j 833 Ocean. ~ve: C 719 Santa Monicn Blvd., E,ISON, J. J, (16), Maintenance EnllT. -Im.. Pota.h So Chern. Co., & Supt. Trona.TOHNSON, W. uar,) Balesman, Frlgldaue orp., R~. Co. llalan, Gordo,! T. (A M 23, r 270 El Molino Ave.. Pnsndena. ~nta MOn1(R, a.nd for nun ~

52 l,i " CALIFORNIA MEMBI!:t\S IN UNITED STATES VALLEJO San Francisco Section 8 B St BLAKESLEE, F. A. (10), Macbinist, Mareft land N~VYla~~~;2Yd: ~re MALIVANAG, Primo G. D. (J ~7), Dra man,, and f01 mail, Box 618. VallOJo, VAN NUYS Los Angeles Section WEBER, EI1~ene R. (A-M 22), Ventura Blvd. 230 Island, VENTURA Los Angeles Section f Calif HELMIOK, Walter E. (20; A-1f 24), Ga~EngrpSh3ll8:Pt~ Shell Co. of Calil., SCHMIEDER Fremont R. (J 26), Jr. ngr., ro., and f01 mail, 1816 Meta St. WATSONVILLE, San Francisco Section GARRY, Chae. F. (26), Route I, Box 171. WOOD Sall Francisco Section h C ~~:~UICK, Albert E. (A.M 27), Supt. l>lch. Shope, Red River Lum er 0, WHITTIER, Los Angeles Section Desl Stand Gasoline Co. ARNOLD, ATthur T. (A(J-l>~;:)2)TAtS\;:~:.r s~nd. cfa;oline Co., Drawer V, Whittier, CHILDS, Raymond F., ee. la An eles and for mail, 1828 W.. 22nd Stft" e F~d Dept. Stand. Oil Co. of Calif., FORB-ES, C. LeonaTd (J 24), Dra sman,,, and for mail, BO(XJ1~24 Oper Stand. Gasoline Co., WhittieT, and for ma,l, KOUNTZ, Carl M. X., Makee Ave., ~ea ;;.g~21~s). Div Supvr. Stand. Gasoline Co., Drawer V. McLAREN, Geo. C. ( h " ", WILMINGTO~l L(JO~26A)n~:gl,;.S Jeep~tishill Oil Co., Wilmington, and for mad.!, OURT1S, Foster \y.,~." Pine Ave., LO~ ~~a)c\, as Gent MfIT. Federal Bldg. & Finance Co., IlASBERG, Wm. M. (A-. re., d f mail Am1)aseador Hotel, Loe Angeles. 611 W. Anaheim S13 ~~n;iwo~;~~r t~gr., aalif. Petroleum Corp., Box 782, McALLISTER, Chester.. R Ave Long Beach. Wilmington, and for m~;ie726sh~~e Co ~f Calif. Wilmington, and for mail, FERMANN Carl (J Z6),...., e., 8618 Pacific Ave. J, sa(~.~e?~~) Power Engr., CalIf. Petroleum Corp., Box 782, SHR!MPTON Dudley.. E lid A Long Beach. Wilminl(ton, and for ma.i, 20 E 7 uc ShelleCo 01 Calif. Box A, Wilmington, and TENNY H. L. (J 24), Constr. ngr., h, formail, 1608 E. 8th St" Long Beoo OANAL ZONE BALBOA Ib E (18 24J Cb Draftsman Mecb. Div., CbaTge Physical Testing HEDGES, Se y.,, 1 I 0 Box I Lab. panama H CTana(IJ ";~4)fOpl::n~ Supt. Panama: Colon Gae Co., and for mail" KIRKPATRICK,.,, 1IaC~A~T,BMe~~1(23), Surveyor, Woyde Reglater 01 Shipping, F. O. Box 804. PEDRO MIGUEL t Dr d. g Dlv Panama Carial. FOOTE. Leonard (~.M(~~"t:)t.~ Ma.~rgI~anamaCanal, and for mail, p. O. NEE~:: 8. Wm.. -, COLORADO (ColOrado Section) BOULDER f "E U of Colo., and fat mail, 944 BAUER, Frank S. (A M 20), Pro...., mv. Lincoln Pl. t PI ~~~R?afo~lf: (Sf~)Z,2~~:rM~rE~, U;IV p Off O~1 "lntu~vbl~f and fot MALLORY, Walter F. (A-M 18), A.soc. ro...", Sly~~iN9J~6 S~6~ ~l-m 18), Prof. 11. E., Unlv. of 0010., and fat mail, th St..,., ".," ; ; ~ :, i..~,: MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES cor.orado SPRINGS BROOKS, Paul E. (19; Z3), M. E., Midland Terminal Ry.,. and for,,,1820 W. Pikes Foak Ave. HOWARD, Wayne A. (J 26), Mgt., Hertz Drivureelf Sta., 121 E. Bljou. pag~t. Chas. B. (J 26). Engtg. rnatr., Colo. College, and for mail,,1816 N. Weber SINSHEIMER, Sidney W. (1.4), V. 1., Holly Sugar Corp. DENVER ALLEN, Olifton H. (J 16), Sales Engr., Walker Mfg. 00., th St:., and for mail S. Corona St., BAILEY, Keith E. (J 26), Engr. Wm. J. Foley Co., th St. BALLOU, F. H. (16; 19), Genl. Engr,. Am. Beet Suger 00., Ste.l Bldg. BARN])S, Harold Butler (20), Cons. Engr Flatiron Bldg. BIER, Peter (A M 27), Eogr., U. S. Burea.u of Reclamation, 1441 Welton St. BIRD. Edw. F. (J 26), Asst. Fundamental Pl..n Engr., Mt. States l:ei. &: Tel. Co.. and for mail, 776!<afayette St. " BREgjlE3idg.W (16; 26), Engr., Oontintental Oil Co., 616 ContintenW BURKHARDT, Ralpb W. (J 23), Mecb. Draftsman, Denver Tramway Co., 14tb &I Arapahoe Ste., and for mail, 4822 Batavia PI. BYERS, HartY R. (19; Z6), 631 Franklin St. OARrf6~TJlfpl~sf (Z3), Cons. Engr., 702 1st Natl. Bank Bldg., and for mail, EK, Gustaf O. (A M 2Z), Desil:Jler, Great We~t. Sup;ar Co., 60 Sugar Bldg., and for mail Magnolia St. FOX. Rudolph H. (18; A-M 19). V. F., Vulcan Iron Wk Co.,1428 Stout St. FRE~~Ji~s1~m Tbompson (J 23), Landman, Tex. Prod. 00., and fat mail, 1420 HARTBURG. Herman LouiB (A-M 28), Dlst. Engr., Great West, Sugar 00., 600 Bup;ar Bldg., HEMPEL, Jobn T. (Zl; A M 27), Steam Service Engr" Westinghouee Elec. &I Mfg. Co., 1909 Blake St., and for mail, Apt, 203, 187~ Peatl St. HENDERSON, Jas. R: (10), Trea., Denver Indus. Corp., 620 Symes Bldg. HERLE, Frank L. (A M 23), Ref. Supt., Continental Oil 00., Oontinental Oll Bldg. HONIGMAN, Elkono (J 25) E. Colfax Ave. JOHNSON, A. T. (J 16), 3822 Walnut St. JOHNSON. Geo. Tbeo. (J 26), 8822 Downing St. KAUFFMAN, H. L. (A M 26), Oons. Petroleum Chem. &: Lab. Engr., 610 Midland Savings Bldp;.. ~UF1IAN, Lucile B. (J 27), Student Course, Genl. Iron Wks., and for mail, 1206 Cherokee St. KERR, Henry H. (26), Supt. Elec. Dept., Pub. Servo Co, of Colo., tb St., and for mail, 84 Emerson St. KIRKWOOD, Arthur O. (J,28), Draftsman, Wood &I Weber, Inc., 1019 Midland Savings Bldg., and for mail, 869 S. High St., LESTER, Wm. (18), Cb. Engr., Vulcan Iron Wk. Co., and for mail, 266 Bellaire St. LOCKWOOD, Frank A. (21), Oh. Engr., Stearns Roger Mfg. Co., 1710 Cali, lornia St., and for mail, 1060 Monroe St. LYSTER, Arthur F. (Ill; A M 23), Asst. to Genl. Engr., Am. Beet Sugar Co., 444 Steel Bldg., and for mail, 1463 S. Lafayette St. MASON. Harold L. (A M Z6),.4J;st. to Div. Mgr., Continental Oil Co. McCULLOCH, Jobn A. (12), M. E., Nat!. Tube 00., st Nat!. Bank Bldg. McQUAID, Dan J. (26), 1666 Milwaukee St. MITCHELL, Wm. A. (18), Asst. Diat. Engr., Great West. Sugar 00., 600 Sugar, Bldg., and for m"il, 1266 Penneylvania St. MOTT, Chester (A M 19), Mgr., Compressed Ga. Corp., Z101 Blake St. NELSON, Manley R. (J 26), Asst. Prod. Engr., Genl. IIon Wks. Co., and for mail, 8356 E. 6tb Ave. NEVILL, David J. (00), Ch. Engr., Charge Design II; Prod., Stearns-Roger Mfg. 00., 1716 California St. PAROE. J. Y. (A-M 16), Dir. Manual Training, Denver Pub. Scbs., tb St., and for mail Fairfax St. PERRY, Elmer Francie (J 26), M. E., Denver Rock Drill Co., and fat mail, 8914 Umatilla St. Z31

53 d COLORADO ~IE~IUF.RSIX U=,ITED STATES DENVER (continued) PROUTY, Frank H. (25), Mem. Firm, Prouty Bros. Engrg. 00., 10th Floor Ex change Bidg.. and for mail, 2801 Ash St. RAMSEY, Egbert (J 26), Draftsman, W. A. Box Iron Wks. Co., 8309 Blake Ave., Denver, and foi mai/, 16~ N. Grant Ave.. LI.t1eton. REILLY, Wm. J. (01), Retired, 1219 Milwaukee St. RICHTER, Geo. A. (A.M 24), Sales Engr., Denver ~ire Clay Co., P. O. Box IUENKS, Geo. W. (18), Dist. Engr., Ch J Engr., Colo.Factories, Great West. SugBI RISTJf:IE: Co., Sugar Geo. Bldg. W.,,Jr. (23), Secy., Treas., Shankland, Ristine & Co., 406 Boston, RUDDI~K, Harold M. (J 23),.~sst. to V. 1., Yarg Producing" Ref. Oorp., 820 SHEPARD, Patterson Frank BLdg. E. (89; 02), Supt., U. S. Mint, W. Oolfax Ave. & Cherokee St" and for mail, 850 Humboldt St. SIBLEY, B. E. (A 22), Lub. I< Fuel Engr., Continental Oll Co. STAl"TON, Robt. E. (J 27), Engr., Combustion Dept., Continental Oil Co., and for mail, 227 Broadway. STEARNS. Thos, B. (88), Engr., Steams-Roger Mfg. Co., 1716 Caltforni" St. STROTHMAN, E. 1. (J 24), lilales Engrg., Allis.Chalmera :Mfg. Co., 526 Synle8 lup~:fudl: Carleton W. (22), 2242 Fair~ax St. ",IN I,AW. ljurbin (19; 26), Cons. Engr., 738 U. R. Natl. Bank Bldg. WEBER, Eugene (23), Cons. Engr., Partner, Wood & Weber, 1019 Midland Sa.. WHITE, inlls Britton Bldll. (J 26), 402 Tel. Bldg., and for liu1i!, Perrenoud Apts. FORT BURNHAM. OOLLINS O. H. M. (27) Natural Gas. Engr., Henry Doherty " Co., and fm mail, 207 Walnut St. CRAIN. L. D. (14), Prof. M. E., state Allll. Conege, Box 613. [,ARSEN, Jas. M. (J 27), 61:0 College Ave. LAWRENCE, J, W. (92), Prof. Emerit\lll, State Agri. Oollege, and for mail, 206 W. Myrtle St. GOLDEN 1l0RSE, Ja. L. (21), Irof. M. E., Colo. Sch. of Mine., and for mail, 1114 IIII MORTON, no[s St. Roscoe W. (J 2~), Asst. Irof. H. E. Dept" Colo. Scb. of Mines, and for mail, p. O. Box 814. LANGl\lONT HIRSCH, Chas. E, (J 23), Student Engr., Grel>t West. Sugar Co. LA HILL, PORTE Arthur L. (J 24), Asat. Supt. Constr., Ideal Cemellt Co.. p. O. Box S3. VAN ZANDT, Paul C. (00; 07; 09), Cb. Engr., Colo. Portland Cement Co., p. O. Box 88. DITSON, LITTLETON Jesse (21), Con. Engr., IngerBoll-Rand Co., anil flir mail, 118 Oedar Are. HART, Dudley W. (,T 25), Ingeraoll-Rand Co. HART, Fred W. (19), BrookriQlle Farm. REYNOLDS, Peter (h.m 2n, Supt., Ingersoll Rand (0., and flir mail, 17[, 11. Nevada st. PUEBLO BROWN, Carl L. (J 27), Mech. Draftsnlan, Colo. Fuel & Iron Co., and for mail, GEMMELL, 11lS Lake John Ave. R. (J 26). Irod. Dept., Minnequa Wks., Fuel I< Iron Co" and for liu1il, 1284 Claremont St. GULMYER, Geo. J. (J 2T), Irod. Engr., Colo. Fuel &: Iron Co., and for mail, VAIL, Y. Allan 101. C. p. A. (J 27). Time Study &; Reduction Engr., Prod Dept., Colo. ~u.l &; Iron Co. and for mail, Steel Wks. Y. ROOKY FORD PARK. Wm. A. (25), M. Eoo Am. Beet Sugar Co. 282 "IEMBF.RS IN l.nltf.d STAJt:S lrinidad NIOHOI,S, Fred 0 (A M 18) G I M T PERSON, Howard A. (19: 1-Me~i) I[";;t r~djd ~1C! &; Tile Co" 1. O. Box 829. &; Gas Co.. 0, r nldad Elec. Transmiasion Ry. WIGGINS JAMES, Leland F. (2~), Rethed Commdl., 1:. S. X. CONNECTICUT A.NBOWSEONNIA, New Haven Section., David R. (99) Ch E F 1 Clover St.,. ngr., arre Fdr &; Mcb. Co., and for mail 5 DAVIDSON, Ezra D (A 31 21) 5 I E HOLMQUIST, Geo. F. -(A-M 1 20 ) eae n~"lar~1 Fdy. &; Moh. 00. OOf or mail, 8;1.7 Burlington Ave.: B~I~cl. arr Fdy. &; Mch. Co., Ansonis, and H K, Ira T. (20), Metallurgical T tea B 4lJ4 Norton St.~ New Haven es mn., m. rass Co., Ansonia, and for mail fg~?:, RWlnfleld ". (87; 91); sa Beaver 5t 64Ja~~~~dsf (J 21), Moh. Designer, Farrel Fdy. & Mch. Co., and for mail, NAL80NHoITblrOooskMst: (16), Sugar :Mill Engr., Farrel Fdy. &: Mch. Co., and for,J ~~.rl.0t~os:"ll. ~~.~)i6f~~ ~~"~hs tengr., Farrel Fdy. &: Mch. Co. STEEL Joh (J 27) D. ~. 98N Sfate St. esignmg Draftsman, Farrel Fdy. &; Mch. Co., and for mail TIFFT, Wm. a. (J 25) En r F I Fd 58 Swan Ave Saymour g., arre y. &: Mch. Co., Anson!.., and for ma,l WHITNEY". lin St: Wm. F. (13), Mech. Supvr., Am. Br... Co., and for mail, 47 Frank- BANlAIII, Waterbury Section EDWARDS, Bantam, Henry and forh mail (16 Maine 26) Park V l. \ IIlcs. Mgr., Bantam Ball Bearing Co ROGERS, Nellle Scott (A 128) 1 F.., ROGERS, W. S. (88) OhmnBJ.e"Oj manclol Dir., Bantam Ball Bearinll Co. rectors, Bantam Ball Bearing Co.. BERLIN, New Britain Section MONHTGUds0MEoILRSYt. Donald H. (A M 24), NO\v EIl~. o ~ II t., ~atl. Acme 00., and or mail, BLAOK HALL"New Haven Section MARSH, Edw. Lea (A 18). ~~~O~, New Haven Section Kirkham ~:.d E. (84), Pres., Trena. & Geni. Mgr., Malleable Iron Fittings Co PICKOp, Geo. B. (OS), ASBt Genl S tmil" Branford, and for mail ~ 171 Tow~~en"d A a ve., eabnleewiron Ha.ven. Fittings Co., Kirkham St., ~~~~UNGEPORT, Bri.lgeport Section...,B. I. (A 18) Pres Home BId & L for mail, 717 Clinton Ave. " g. oan Assn., 886 Main St., and BAILEY J Chas. J. (21 A-M 28) Sal E B. 55 Laurel Ave.,e. ngr., fldgeport Brass Co., and for mail, ~~~~W Joh~ F. (A-M ~). 87 Richardson St. BEARD, T~~~~lIk~ (.f~; (~5 24):i.t: ~les E!ngr., Bridgeport Br<lSS Co. ENORlailroad Ave., and for ~ail fj~i~~~1~e~\,plant, Am.-Can. Properties Oorp., BB Myrtle 1, Lester Se. Wm. (J 25) "gner, Des Jenk: Ins Valve Co., and for mail, 803 B~~~~AJ~t~a~ ~i.~4)"28~es~r~h ~t., Am. Chain Co. IHl Vine St.,s. r., Federal Burner Corp., and for mail. 283 OOLORADO

54 OONNEOTIOUT BRIDGEPORT (continue,}) BILLINGS, David Lane (A 16), Comptroller, Am. Chain Co., Inc., 929 Connecticut Ave., and fot mail, P. O. Box 435. BRENzmGER, Juliu. (15), Factory MI:l., Max Ama Mch. Co. BREUL, Fred G. (A 17), Owner, 1dI:l., Fred Breul. Tool Wk., 282 Kossuth St.. BREWER, Arthur (.06), Mgr. Mill Prod. Div., Bnl!geport Brass Co., and for mail, 100 Unquowa Hill.. BULLARD Dudley B. (99), M. E., Supervision Design, Bullard Mch. Tool Co., Brewster St., Bridgeport, and fat mail, P. O. Box 89, Southport. BULLARD, Edw. P., Jr. (13), Pres., Bullard Mch. Tool Co.. BULLARD, JOB. W. C. (24), Ch. Standards Dept., Bullard Mch. Tool Co., Bridge. port, and fat mail, Soutnport.. BULLARD Stanley H. (20),. P., Wks. MI:l., Bullard Mch. Tool Co. BYROM, JB.s. L. (A-Y 28), Ch. Engr., Underwood Typewriter Co" and fot mai!, 224 OAMP~tL A;:~d MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES G. (J 25), Asst. Engr., Underwriters Labs., Inc., 8S8 Main St. OARD, Frederic M. (06), 116 Edna Ave. OLARK, Walter R. (08; 14), Genl. Wks. Mgr., Bridgeport Brass Co., and fat mail, Apt. 0 1, Golden Hill Apts., Golden Hill.St. COLBREE, Obester R. (J 26), Salesman, Super-Maid Cookware Oorp., &.12 Brooklawn Ave., and for mail, 629 Boeton Ave. OROCKER, Erneet B. (17), M. E., Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc., Eliae St. CURTIS, L. B. (21), Pree., Treas., Curti. & Curtie ~o., 188 Garden St. DARLING, Philip G. (06; 121,. Devel, Engr., MannIng, Muwell & Moore, Inc. DEE Wm. V. (A 18), Pres., WIn. V. Dee Co., 729 Union Ave. DIETZ, Carl F. C08; 10), Pres., Bridgeport Brass Co. DOWNS, Harry N. (A Y 21), Plant Engr., Underwood Typewriter Co., Plant 2, and fot mail, 686 Colorado Ave. FERGUSON, Jae. P. (A M 28), Sales Engr. Reading Steel Casting Co., 929 Con necticut Ave., and fat mail, 111 Aetoria ;;t....feyrer, Wm. F. (J 27), Pat. Specification Writer, DraWinge, Dictaphone Corp., and for mail, 8 Carson St. FLETCHER, Edwin L. (09), Conetr. Supt., Am. Tube & Stamping Co., Hancock.Ave., and fot mail, 850 Lafayette St.. FOSTER, Walter E. (19), Salee Engr., Readillg Steel Casting Co., 929 Connecticut Ave., Bridgeport, and for mail, R. F. D. 88, N. Main St.. Stratford. FRAY Wm. (20), 1086 Laurel Ave. GRIPFIN, Wm. J. (A 19), Chmn. Bd., Bilton Mch. Tool Co., and fat mail, 85 HAJfN k :.i:nard s. (A 20), Supt. Rod & Wire Mills, Bridgeport Brase Co., E. Mai; St., and for mail, 60 Savoy St. HARlUS, H. Patterson (A 18), Sale. Serv. Mgr., Bryant Elec. Co., Bridgeport, and fot m4il, Ivy Hill, Southport. HARRIS, Harry E. Cll), Life Member; Cons. Engr. & Mfr., Harris Engrg. 00., 1047 Broad St., and for m4il 229 Thorme St.. HAYNES, Perry L. (21; 24), Method Ellgr., Bullard Mch. Tool Co., and for mail, 49 Fayerweather Terrace. HOFFMAN, Leelie A. (19; A-M 26), Asst. Mech. Supt., Am. Tube & Stamping Co" and for mai, 566 Hawley Ave. HOGAN, Wm. E. (18), Mgr., Hogane Adv. Serv., 215 Salem St. HOOK, Henry C. (A M 18), Genl. Mgr., Internatl. Fuel Servo Corp., 1225 Seaview Ave., and fot m4il, 134 Chalmers Ave., KEATING, Arthur E. (19; A M 28), Wke, Mgr., Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Co., 461 Iranistan Ave., and fot mail, 80S Maplewood Ave. KEATING, Daniel A. (13), Oh. Engr., Mech. Supt:, Am. Tuhe & Stamping Co., and for maa, 893 Seaview Ave. KELLOGG, H. Morgan (28; A-M 25), Ch. Draftsman, Bassick Co., Bridgeport, and for mail, 203 High St., MUford.. KENT, Robt. T. (06; 19), 69 Park Ave... KIMBALL Donald G. (J 26), Deeigner, Salts Textile Mfg. Co., 217 Kossuth St., and f;"" mail, 2773 Fairfield Ave. KINGSBURY, J. Grant (06t Pree" Cone. En~.t.. Grant :Mfg. ~ Mch. Co., 90 Silliman Ave., Bridgeport, vonn., and for ma\l.. ji-allbrook, CalIf. KRUOKLIN. Walter (A-M 18), E.tilllator, A. W. Burritt Co., Knowlton St., and f01 mad, 826 Oapitol Ave. LANGE, Paul H. (14), Ch. Engr., Max Ams Co. 28~ MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES./ BRIDGEPORT (continued). LANKTON, L. Stuart (J 25), Sales Dept., Page Steel & Wire Co.. and for mail, 590 Brewster St..LJMONT, Alex. W. (21), 210 Seely St.. LINCOLN, Frank S. (18; 28), Engr., Rep., Bullard Mch. Tool Co., and for mail, 649 Clinton Ave.. LOCKWOOD, Geo. W, (24), Supt., Columbia Graphopbone Co., Inc., and for mail, 89 Fremont St.. McCUNE, Chas. A. (A-M 21), Sales Engr., Page Steel & Wire Co., 929 Connecticut McKtN~EY, B. P. (A 22), Pres., Hemco Elec. Mfg. Co., Inc." 1105 Railroad Ave" and for mail, 2180 North Ave.. NOEL, Philip X. (A-M 28), Deeigner, Dictaphone Corp., Howard Ave., and for maa, 865 Remington St. PINKHAM, Alex. B. (20), Contrg. Htg. Engr., P. O. Box 785. RlOE, Geo. B. (16), Salts Textile Mfg. Co. RICHMOND, Oscar J. (19), Oll. Engr., United mum. Co., 1115 Broad St.. RIKER, Andrew L. (97; 99), Manager, 06-09; Cons. Engr., 886 Main St., Bridgeport, and fot mail, Fairfield. RISING, Carl G. (A M 22), Prod. Engr., Dictaphone Corp., and fat mail, 424 Sum mit St.. SKINNER, Ohas. K. (J 28), Research Engr., Bridgeport Brass Co., and fat mad, 195 Brookview Ave.. SKINNER, Jas. D. (16), Oone. Engr., 1024 Main St. SPARFELD, Emil H. (23), Prod. Mgr., Page Steel & Wire 00., and fat maa, Univ. Club. STANSFIELD, Frank :ii. (A-M 16), Indue. Engr., Serv, Mgr., Bridgeport Brase Co., E. Main St., and fat mail, 81 Pacific St. STEPHEN, Oha. W. (16; 19), Reading Steel,Oasting 00. TYLER, Chas. O. (97), 2140 Park Ave. V,ur YORX, John R., Jr. (17), Tech. Sale. Promotion, Bullard Mch. Tool Co., Bridgeport, and fot mail, let Ave., Lordehip Manor, Stratford. WEBSTER, Wm. Reuben (93; 07), V. P., Bridgeport Braea Co., and fot tlwil, 208 ~~o~~~rtv~: (A-:M 17), Tool Supvr., Genl.. Elec. Co., and jar mail, 24~ Huntington Rd.. WESTERBERG, C. Fredk (22)1 Foreman Drafting Office, Am. Tube & Stamping Co., 4n Hancock Ave., am JOT m4i1, 360 Gurdon St. WILMOT, Russell O. (A M 1.7), Servo Mgr. Merchandise Dept.. Genl. Elec. Co., and fat mail, 165 BrookvlOw Ave. WOLD, Ernst l~. (A-M 21), M. E., Bridgeport Metal Goode Mfg. Co., Cherry St., and fot mail, P. O. Box 854. YOUNG Wm. R. (20; A M 27), Exper. Wk., Genl. Elec. Co., Bridgeport, and fot mall, 82 Grasmere Ave., Fairfield. BRISTOL, Ne... Britain Section BALDWIN, Harry G. (16), Engr., New Departure Mfg. Co., Brietol, and for mail, S W. Rock Ave., New Baven. BARNES, Fuller F. (A 19), Genl. 1dI:l. & Trens., Wallace Barnes Co., 18 Maine St. BROWNE,. Donald H. (J 24), Engr., Salee Dept., New Departure Mfg. Co., and for mail, Endee Inn. CHAPLIN, John H. (20: 27h V. P., Root 00. COOK, Raymond W. (27), ~actory Mgr., Wallace Barne. Co., 18 Maine St. HUGHES, Fredk G. (13), V. P., Asst. Genl. Mgr., New Departure Mfg. Co., N. Main St., and for mail, 87 Maple St. RICHARDSON, ~"rank S. (AM 26), Designer, New Departure Mfg. Co., Bristol, and fat mail, 42 Rockwell Ave., New Britain. SPAUNBURG, Harvey L. (21; 26), Supt., Root Co. STEIN, Ol1as. P. (J 26), Engr., New Departure Mfg. Co., and fat mail, 10 Walnut STE~iNS, Olarence O. (A-M 21), Me~h. Supt., New D~parttire Mfg. Co. VUILLEUMIER, Albert (A1d 16), Supt. Ball Plant, New Departure Mfl\. Co., P. O. Box 2~6.... WARl!<ER, Do,!glas X. (17; A M 26), Mgr., Bristol Pur~ I.~e GQ. 286 OONNECTICUT

55 CONNECTICUT MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UIDTED STATES OONNEOTIOUT BUCKLAND, Hartford Section PICKLES, John F. (A M 17), Engr., W. F. Pickles. CENT,ERDROOK, New Haven Section WRIGHT, Alfred R. (28), Supt., Oonn. Valley Mfg. 00. CORNWALL BRIDGE, Waterbury Section KYRIAKIDES, Harry B. (J 26), Joy Farm. COS COB, Bridgeport Section LILLA, Herbert L. (19; 21; 26), Prod. Asst., Power Plant, N. Y., New Haven, & Hartford R. R. 00., Oos Cob, Oonn., and for mail, 11 Ohester St., Mt. Vemon, N. Y. OROltIWELL, ltlerlden Section OOE, Raymond S. (A M 20), P. O. Box 158. DANBURY, Waterbury Section. ORIS, Jos. L. (J 27), Oh. Inspr., Am. Insulator Oorp., and lor mail, ~2 Higbland PEz&l~S Hazel H"milton (J 26), Head Drafting Rm., Boesch Mfg. Co., 5 RlverSt., aod for mai!, P. O. Box 62a.. WELLS, Burling D. (19; A M 21), Engr., Am. In.ulatm Corp., "nd lor m"d, 19 Grandview Ave. DERBY, New Haven section BOOTH, Nelson D. (J 22), Prod. Foreman, Bassett Metal (;oods 00., and 10" ",au, GATi~~ :~::doo:; t,v(h; ia), Mgr., Creamery Package Mig. Co., and lor lulu, GORt~:~yw~~r:,vhn, Oontr. Engr., Birmingham Iron Fdy., Main St., Derby, and lor mail, a2 Myrtle St., Shelton. HOOKER, Oliver W. (A ~l 16), Ch. Draftsman, Birmlngbam Iron Fdy., Main St., and lor mall, 72 Oak Ave. KEELER, E. Harold (16; 2), Mgr" Housatonlo Water Power 00., 298 Main St. POLKOSNIK, D. Leonard (J 21), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Pressteel Engrg. Oorp., Derby, and Jar mail, 672 Campbell Ave., W. Haven. RUSS, John D. (A M 16), Secy., Bassett Metal Goods 00.,.Inc: THO~IAS Raymond H. (14; A M 20), Engrg. Dept., Blrmmghom Iron Fdy" Yai; St., Derby, and for mail, 89 Ohureh St., Ansonia. DEVON, New Haven Section. HUGINS, Hollls N. (J 27), Cadet Engr., Oonn. Light &: Power Co., Dev,,", ar,d for mail, 8 Averill PI., Brantford. ELMWOOD, Hartford Section BRANCH, Norman O. (J 24), Prod. Clerk, New Depa.rture Mfg. Co., and Jor mail, 17 Forest St. FORESTVILLE, New Britain Section MALLOY, John D (A-M 21), Secy., Day Oope 00., Forestv,ille, and for mail, 159 Ashley St., Hartfl)rd, GLENBROOIC, Bridgeport Section PERRY, Harold S. (J 2), Oonstr. Wk., 7 Maple Ave. WODTKE, Frank R. (A M 28). GREENWICH, Bridgeport Section MINTON, Ollden (26), Owner, Vacuum Paper Mch. Dryers, P. O. Box 888. STREET, Olement F. (9S), Mfr., Loco. Starter, Putnam & Greenwich...vea. GROTON, Ne.". Haven Section SPEAR, Lawrence Y. (15), V. P., Elec. Boat CO. HAMPTON. New Haven Section WILSON. Jonathan A. (15), Oons. Engr., Ship &: HARTFORD, Hartford Section ANDERSON, Fredk E. (J 21), Salesman, St&nd of N. Y., Wilwarme AVe.,. Hartford, and for mail, 5 Wilton Ave. Windsor. ANTHONY, Graham H. (16; 25), V. P., s..;y., Allen Mfg. 00., P. O. Drawer 61. BARNARD, W. Grover (A 22), Supvr., Turbine Maintenance & Operation, Hartford Elec. Light Co. BASSETT, Elmer L. (22; 27), Asst. M. M., U. S. Rubber 00. BEEKLEY, Waldron C. (A M 16), Asst. Secy., Whitlock 0011 Pipe Co., Hartford, and for mail, 71 Ra-ymond Rd., W. Hartford. BELCHER, Warren J. (14), Engrg. Mgr., Whitney Mfg. 00., Bartholomew Aye., and for mail, 78-4 Farmington Ave, BILLINGS, Frederic O. (91), Pres., Treas., Billings &: Spencer Co. BISBEE, D. A. (16), Mch. Shop Foreman, Taylor &: Fenn 00., 54 Arch St., and for mail, 141 Oheshire St. BLAKE, Chas. S. (12), Chmn. Bd. Dir., Hartford Steam BaUer In.pee. &: Ins. 00., 56 Prospect St.. and for mail, 180 Westerly Terrace. BLOOD, Bryant H. (17), 80 Sherman St... BOND. Geo. M. (a1), Manager, 8a 91; Vice-President, 08 10; M. E., 18 N. ~Iarshall St. BRIGGS, Robt. A., Jr. (J 22), Seey., Sterling Blower Co., a8 Huyshope Ave. BUCK, Henry Robinson (20), Sanitary &: C. E., Buck &; Sheldon, Inc., 60 Prospect St.. BURNS, Ohas. (A-M 24), Underwood Computing Meh. 00., and for mail, 6a Tremont Et. BURT, C. R. (09), V. P., GenL Mgr., Pratt &: Whitne) Co., 86 Oapltol Av. BUTCHER. Ira A. (18; 2), Pres., Buteher &: Canning Inc., 827 Trumbull St., and for mail, 688 Asylum Ave. OARPENTER, Fredk S. (16; 20), Plant Engr., Hartford Rubber Wks. Co., 1477 Park St. CASTONGUAY, Lawrence (A-M 28), Engrg. Dept., Pratt &; Wllitney Aircraft Co., Hartford, and Jor mail, 22 Franklin St., Thompsonville. CAVE, Henry (17), Dlr. of Devel., Fuller Brush Co., 10aO Windsor Ave. OHA~IBERLAIN, Wm. Gilford (A )! 25), Tester, Pratt /I; Whitney Aircraft Co., Hartford, Conn., and for mail, 182 Amherst St., Springfield, Mass. OOLES, Cila... H. (A 19), Supt., Oolts Pat. Flre Arms Mfg. 00., and for 7lt4il, 00 W. Preston St. OOOK, Chas. B. (A IS), V. P., Factory Mgr., Royal Typewriter 00., 150 New Park Ave.. COOK, Glenn W. (A-M 17), Supvg. Engr.. Travelers Ins. Co. COOPER, Gee. II. (A M 16), Engrg. Seientlftc DeveI., 209 Fairfield Ave. COYLE, John H. (J 21), eh. Engr., Billings &; Spencer Co., 1 Laurel St., all.<\ for mail, 55 Evergreen Ave. CROSBY, Ed... H. (18), Genl. Supt., Veeder Mfg. 00. DART, Harry E. (17), Asst, Secy., Hartford Steam Boiler ltulpc. &; Ins. Co., 56 Prospect St. DAVIS, Leon X. (11), 25 Gillett St. DOW. Richard F. (21~, Enfir.\ Whitney Mfg. 00., and for mail, 162 Edgewood SI. DOWD, Bernard J. (ls; 16), Factory Supt., Royal Typewriter 00., Inc., 150 New Park, Ave. E...L~~b ~~ ~t. (A 17), Asst. Supt., Engrg. " Inspc. Div., Travelers IllS. Co., EBERLE, Earl F. (J 22)1 Draftsman, Hartford Emplre 00., Hartford, and lor mail,,ao Wolcott SUI Ru., Wetherllfield. ERB, Edmund M. (A-M 18), Oons. Engr., 106 Ann St. FERRY, Oliver N. (16), Engrg. Dept., Colts Pat. Fir. Arrus ~lfg. 00., HartlOld, and for mail, 17 Auburn Rd., W. Hartford. FOX, Arthur W, (A 24), V. P., Genl. Mgr., BUlings &: Spencer Co., and for mail, SO Farmington Ave. G.illDINER, Walter B. (IS), Cons. Engr., 8 Tremont St. GARRETI. John D. (J 22). Agt., Hartford Elec. Light Co., 1205 Main St., E. Hartford, and for mail, 6~ Farmington Ave., Hartford. GOODWIN, Jas. L. (22), Genl. Mgr., V. 1., Whitlock Ooil Pipe 00., and for lnal, 8aO Asylum Ave., GRIFFITHS. Wm. H. (1a). Oons. Engr., 210 Fa"mington Ave., and tor mail, P. O. Eng. Surveyors. nnx

56 CONN:ECTICtlT HA.RTFORD (continued). GRIZEY, Geo. J. (A-},I 27), Asst. Engr., Sessmee Co., 476 Capitol Ave., and f01, 911 Asylum Ave.. GROSS, Edw. D. P. (A-M 21). Power Engr., Hartford Elec. Light Co., 266 Pearl St. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES GYD~eEN, Knud P. (23), Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co., and for mail, 208 Farm HALSEY, ingtonave. Wm. D. (16; 18; 23), Asst. to Ch. Engr., Hartford St.eam BoUer Inspc. & Ins. Co., 56 Prospect St. HERRICK, Edson P. (18; A-M 20). Prod. Mgr., Colts Pat. Fire Arma Mfg. Co., and for mo.ii, 27 Allendale Rd. HOAGLAND. Fr..nk O. (12), M. M., Pratt & Whitney Co. HOLMES, T. B. (J 17), Holmes-Talcott Co. 9&3 Main St. RONISS, Wm. H. (99), Pat. Atty., Hartford-Empire Co., P. O. Dra,ver HOOPES, Penro,e R. (20: 26), Oons. M. E. 84 Pearl St. HOWARD, Chas. P. (&0), Pres., Jas. L. Howard ill Co., 438 Asylum St. lioward, Frank E. (14), Secy., Jas. L. Howard & 00., 438 Asylum St., and ~. INGI,E, for mail, Henry 150 W. Collins (A-M 20), St. Asst. M. E., Hartford Emplre Co., Drawer IRONSIDE, Geo. (19), Engr., Traveling Rep., Colts pe.t. Fire Arms Mfg. 9 0 JACOBS, Ward S. (97: 04), Tre... Walton Co., 308 Pearl st. and for ma.l, 530.,. JET:R~~~~.~o~vJi.. (09), Manager ": Vice-President, 24 26; V. P. Hartford Steam Boiler Inspc. ill Ina. Co., 56 Prospect St., Hartford, and for, 179 Steele Rd., W. Hartford. KNOX, Clarence M. (J 11), 561 Wethersfield Ave. LAKE, E.erett J. (21), Pres" Hartford Lumber Co. 17 Albany Ave. LANGWORTHY, Wm. P. (23), Pres., Lamenatlon Stamping Co. and for mail,,.. 54 S. Ql1..ker Lane. LITTLE, Mitchell S. (A 18), M. S. Little Mfg. Co., 151 Ne,. Park A.e. LONDON, Wm. J. A. (10), 364 Laurel St. LONG Geo AlelC (H), Secv., Genl. Mgr. Gray Tel. Pay Sta. Co., 16 Arbor st. MacMORRIS, Joh~ W. (21), Factory Mgr., Ska.vel Ball Bearing Co., S30 New Park Ave Hartford, and f01 mo.u, S6 Lexington Rd., W. Hartford. MARSHALL, Henry H. (21). Asst. Genl. Mgr., Automatic Refrig. Co., 618 Capitol Ave., Hartford, I>nd f01 Westland Ave., W. Hartford. }IAXJ:r.I. Hiram P. (16), P. O. l:lox MAYOTT, Clarenca W. (21), Mgr., Conn. Valley power Exchange. 266 Pearl st., Hartford, and f01, 5 Orchard Terrace, E. Hartford. McDANN, Wm. J. (A-}t 19), Cll. Engr.. T,ondon II J,ancashire Indemnity Co. Trinity St., Ha~tford, Conn.. and f01 mail. ~52 Oak. st., Indi..n Orchard, Mass. MEAn, Geo. J. (A-~{ 21), V. P., Pratt & \Vlntney Alfcraft Co. MENY, JOB. W. (23), Designer, Whitney "Mfg. Co., Bartholomew Ave., and for. MERRITT,, 157 Jos. Sisson (07), Ave. Secy., Treas.. Hartford Spec. Mcny. Co., 287 Homestead ~ HUd 1-~.. MOORE. Fredk T. (18), Geul. Wks., Colts.Pat. Fire Arms Mfg. Co., ar or, MORHA~DT, and for mail, Frank Silver W. Lane. (18). Mech. Supt., Royal T)Pewriter ce., Inc., 151l New MOt&.~~ ~,;;. O. (20; A-M 26), P;od. Clerk, Hartford Empire CO., 8SS Homestead Ave., Hartford. and for, 95 Sylvan Av.e., W. HarUol d. MUELLER Paul M (23 A-M 24), Mgr. Lock D1V., Hartford Screw Mch. Co., 476 Dapitol AV~., Hartford. and fot ~au, 180 Dover Rd:, W. Hartford.. MULLER. Richard O. (IS), Ch. Engr., Terry Steam Turblne Co., and for ma.l,!,. NEI~gO~d~:~g,k~ (A 08), M. E., Prod. Whitlock Coil Pipe Co., Hartford, and f01 19 Westland Ave. W. Hartford. i.; NELSON, Arthur S. (J 2Sl, Deslgnin" Dr~, Royal Typewriter Co., Inc., ;, I:: 150 New Park A, e.. and fot mail, 87 RAve. NOBLE, Kenneth B. (25). Pres. K. B. Noble 0.. and for mo.~l. 71 Scarborough S,t. PAINE, Walter S. (18 ;-21), Engr.. R.essarch Dept. Aetna Llfe Ins. Co., 650 Mam St and for, 68 Monroe st.. PARENT, Emile J. (J 2S), Engr., Whitlock CoU Pipe Co., and for mo.", 10 Goshen 288 \. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CONNEOTIOUT HARTFORD (continued) PARKER, Daniel ll (A-M 16), Trea,., Gridley Mcb. 00., 64 Arch St. Hartford, and tor mail, 7 Fenn Way. W. Hartford. PATZOLD, Walter C. (J 26), Diet. Engr., Federal Ser. Corp., 8 Ford St. PElLER, Karl E. (27). Ch, Engr., Hartford-Empire Co., Hartford, and for mau, 167 Steele Rd., W. Hartford. PETERSON, Johann G. (A-M 18), Pres., Geul. Mgr., Elec. Co., 94 Allyn St. REESE, Dale F. (07; 19). V. P., Hartford Steam Boiler Inspc. & In. ce. Inc., 66 Prospect St. RICE, Ohas. D. (07). Mgr. Factory, Underwood Typewriter Qo., Inc Capitol. Ave. RISTEEN, A. D. (12), Dir., Tech. Researcb, Travelers Ins. Co., 700 Main st. ROOKWELL, Stanley P. (19), Pres. Stanl~ P. Rockwell Co., 11Z mgh St. ROWELL, Ralpll K. (A.Y 21), M. E., Skayef Ball Bearing Co., 330 New Park Ave., Hartford. and for mail, 866 S. Quaker Lane, W. Hartford.. RUSSELL, Alan W. (A M 25), Field Engr., H&rtford-Empire Co., Hartford, Conn., and for mail, Z7 Windsor St., Worcester, Ma... RUSSELl" Winslow H. (J 26), Student Engr. Whitlock Coil Pipe Co., and for mail. 771 Asylum St.. SACHS, Jos. (11), Ch. Engr., Colts Pat. Fire Arms Mfg. Do. SEELYE, Douglas S. (J 28), Engrg. Dept., Terry Steam Turbine Co., Hartford, and f01, Glastonbury.. SHAFFER, Thos. G. (19; 23), Pres., Thos. G. Shalfer, Inc., 49 Pearl St. SPENCER, Ira H. (~3), Life Member; Pres. & Engr. Spencer Turbine Co SPO~~RY; J. J. (J 28), M. E., Terry Steam Turbine Co., and for, 44.Garden ST~~S:~m~~;alAv~:21), Ch. Engr., Hartford Spec. Mchy. 00" and for mail, STEVENS, Louis W. (27), Supt., Veeder Mfg. Co. STRCTHER. Alfred C. (23; A-M 24), Engr., Terry Steam Turbine 00., Hartford. and f01 mail. P. O. Box 277, WUson.. SULLIVAN, Patr.ick J. (J 26), Hart & Hegeman Mfg. 00., Hartford, and for mail, 280 Ollvia St., Derby. TANNER, Hubert D. (23), Sales Engr., Pratt & Whitney Capitol Ave.. Rarl;ford, and for mail. 37 Brunswicl< Ave., W. Hartford. TELLER, S. Jay (21), Head Pat. Dept., Colts Pat. Fire Arms Mfg. 00., Hartford, and f01, 148 Bretton Rd., W. Hartford... TER~:.BERRY, G.,G. (17; 22), X,ife Ins. Salea Research Bureau, 125 TrumbUll THIEME, Otto (A-M 22), Factory Mgr., Underwood computing Mch. Co., 66 Arbor St..Hartford. and for mail, 25 Walbridge Rd., W, Hartford., THOMPSON, dob" L. (16), Supt. Engrg. & Inspc. Div.. Travelers Ins. Co. THOMSEN, R. L, (18; 26), Secy. & Sales Mgr Terry Steam Turbine Co., and f01 mail, 56 Concord St. THORPE, Geo. H. (A-M. 15), Pres., G. H. Thorpe. Inc., 998 Wethersfield A, e. TOW~SEND, Harry P. (04; 26), Pr... H. P. Townsend Mfg. Co. 5 Chestnut St. TREAT, Merritt W. (17;. A-M 24), Salesman, Clapp & Treat, Inc., 68 State st., Hartford, and for mo..i, 14 Westfield Rd., W. Hartford. TRlNDER, Fredk :I. (13), State Dir. Vocational & Trade Education, Conn. State Bd. of Education. Rm. 60; State Capitol. TROWBRIDGE. Am... (92; 08), 476 Capitol Ave. VAN SCHAACK, David (A 18), Dlr. Bureau Inspc. & Accident Prevention Aetna Life Ins. Co., 650 MainSt. VEEDER, Curtis H. (88; 97), Pres., Veeder Mfl\. Co., 28 Sargeant St. :.. - WADMAN, Harold A. (A-M 26), Engr., Hartford-Empire Co Box 2121, and lor mail, 61 Evergreen Ave. WARD, J. Oarlton, Jr. (17: 25), V. P., (Jenl. Mgr., HarUord Mch. Seraw Co 476 Capitol Ave. WAS~~t. J. M. (J 21), EnJP. Obarge Prod. Deval, Merrow Mch. Co., 28 WAUGH, Thos.. Jr. CJ 21), Mch. Desig11er, Hartford-Empire Co., Homestead Av. WHITNEY, Clarence E. (11), Pres., Gen!. Mg.., Whitney Mfg. ce. 287 Hamilton St.. W1LmM~n;a:i.(A-M 19), Shop Supt., Terry Steam Turbine Co., and for, 239

57 CONNECIIC1:TT MI,MDEBS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CONNECTICUT HARTFORD (continued) WlLMOT, Edwin G. (J 27), Pratt I< Cady Co., 656 Calitol Ave. WlLSON, John Ale". (J 26), Designer, Terry Stesm Turbine Co., and for mail, 20 Cleveland Ave. WOOD, Benj. H. (J 23), Publicity Mgr., Terry Steam Turbine Co. IVORYTON, New H...en Section WEBBER, Lorenzo D. (24; A.M 26), Supt., Key Dept., Comstock Che:t"ney I< Co. ;)IERIDEN, ])[eriden Section ALLEN, David P. (27), Gas Engr., Meriden Dist., Conn. Light I< power Co., 39 W. Main st. BENOIT, Lawrence A. (J 27), Prod. Engr., Internat!. Silver Co., 48 State St. and for mail, 63 Liberty St. CASHEN, Henry C. (17: 18), M. M., Bradley I< Hubbard Mfg. Co. DECHERD, Constant K. (14)", M. M., Factor~ E., Internatl: Silver Co., 48 State St., and for mail, P. O. Box 464. DECHERD, Kirtland W. (21; A-Y 27), Prod. I< Engrg. Depts., Parker Bros., P. O. Box 464. ERIOSON, Walter T, (A-M 24), M. E., IntereatI. Silver Co., 48 state St., and for mau. 22 Akron St. FLAGG, Cbas. N., Jr. (16), Pres., O. N. Flagg I< Co. Inc., 79 Griswold St. GAINES, Wilbur H. (19), Supt. JLactory H, Internatl. Silver Co., 48 State St., and for mail, 877 B.oad St. GALLAGHER, Wm. Francis. (J 26), Asst. to Prod. Planning Engr., Internatl. Silver Co., 48 State St., Meriden, and for mail, H Orange St., Hartlord. GEARING, Ch.s. Y. (21), Dlv. Ygt., New Departure MIg. Co., Pratt Street. ULIKE, Fredk C. (A-M 21), Meb. Designer, Internatl. Silver Co., 48 State St., and for mail, 367 Hanover St. HARTWIG, A1be.t (A.M 19), Oonn. Tel. I< Eleo. Co., and for mail, 16 Cook Ave. HOMAN, Wm. C. (21), M. M. Edw. Miller I< Co., and for mail 168 Curtis St. IlUTCHINSON, John A. (16; 121), Ch. Engr., Internatl. Silver Co., 48 State St. JOHNSON, J. Ed,. (16), Conn. Molded Products Corp., Cambridge St., and for mail, 934 Broad St. JOHNSON, Nelson C. (A 16), 64 Lincoln St. KAMMERER, Emil H. (27), Asst. Cb. Eng.., Interentl. Silver Co., 48 State St., and for mail, 43 Olinton St. )!ORROW, Robt. L. (A 22), Mgr., Prod. Planning Dept., Internatl. Silver Co., 48 St..te St. ROBINSON, Edwin A. (A-M 16), M. E., Internatl. Silver Co., 48 State St., and f<>r mail, Lincoln Court., aoby, Sheldon S. (J 21), Ch. Engr., Edw. Mlller I< Co., and for mail, 73 Carpenter Ave. SCHNEPP, Ohas. F. (A-101 2t), Prod. Mgr., Intern..t!. Silver Co., Factory E., 48 State St. TIERNEY, Jolm D. (A 27), Storts Welding Co., and for ~18 Camp St. TOLLEY, Clinton G. (A ), Asst. Oh. Engr., InternatlWfiver Co., 48 State St., and for mail, 75 Winthrop Terrace. WRIGHT, Claude W. (19; 25), M. E., Intern..U. Silver Co., 48 State St" and for mail, 618 Hanover St. ~IIDDLETOWN, l\leridell Section BURGES, C. W. (14), Noiseless TIPewriter Oorp., and for mail, 142 High st. HANSON, Henry (A.M 18), Mech. Supt., Wilcox Crittenden Co., Inc., 2 S. Main St., and for Ill"iI, 134 Mt. Vernon St. LANEY, Frank R. (A-M 18), Dir., Middletown State Trade Sch., Conn. State Ed. Education. NEJAKO, Adam A. (J 24), 24 Burr Ave. NILSON, Oscar W. (23), Remington-Noiseless Typewriter Corp.. SELLEW, Roland W. (19; A-M 25), Partner, Sellew I< Towner, Oentral Natl. Bank Bldg., P. O. Box 467. SUP~.i;fiia~St~nce (J 27), Remington-Noiseless Typewriter Co., and for mail, luilford, New Haven Section LAKE, Simon (07), Pres., Lake Submarine Co. NA.UGATUCK, Waterbury Section BAK~~, J~~~ill~ l~e. (04), Plant Engr., Rubber Regenerating Co., and for mail, PAY3N2E,sSheldonS F. (07), Oons. 111:. E., G. I, R. Glove Mfg. 00., and for mail pencer t. TUDOR, Albert (A M 22), 34 Ward St. NEW BRITAIN, New Britain Section BALDfWIN, IJas. P. (J. 28), Asst. Genl. Supt., Corbin Screw Corp. High St and or mat. 87 Hardmg St. a, BARfLOW, ;Robt. H. (A Y 27), Supt. Plant 8e1"1l., Landera Frary & Clark and or ma.!, Box 266. BARNES, Herbert C. (21), Cons. Engr., P.1< F. Corbin Div. Am. Hardware Corp., and for mail, 18 Cedar St. BAUER, ~eter W. (21; A-~l 27), Charge Draltlng Dept., State Trade Sch., 1621 S. MaID St., and for mail, 26 Sherman Court. BIG~~.OW, Lytord O. (~ 21), Plant _Engr., P. If F, Oorbln, and for mail, 722 Areb BODMER, Ch.rlstlan (23), Mfg. Engr., Stanley Wks., and f<>r mail, 17 John St. BROWN, R?bt. Stanley (91>; 04), Lile Member Seey. New Britain Meh. 00 and for n.a>!, 29 Russell St. "., BRUECMMER, Oh... H.. (20), M~g. Engr., P. & F. Oorbln Div. Am. Hardware orp., and for mad, 10 Madlson St. COOPER, Elisha H. (A 16), Pres., Falnir Bearing Co Box 1013 COPELAND, Leslle W. ~A 27), Asst. Supt., North &, Judd MIg E. Main St., and for mad, 31 Franklin Sq. DYER. Herbert Arthur (A-M 25), Mch. Designer Stanley Wks. New Britain and for mad. Cooke St... Plainville.,, FREYSIII"GER, Jolm B. (10), Dovel. Engr., North I< Judd MIg. C<l., l>dd formai!, P. O. Box GOSS, Stanley T. (14), Pres., Treas, Goss I< De Leeuw Mch. Co GRISE, Romeo A. (24), Plant Enir., Russell I< Erwin Mfg..Co. and for mail ~w~~a " HAIti :~ma~resra~-}( 21), Dlr., State Trade Sch., S. Main St., and for mail, HART, Howard S. (03), Chairman of Bd., Hart & Cooley 00 HAU~~l.~~~r1.i~;Oc;d~:), Designing Engr., Goss & DeLeeuw Meb. Co., and fm LAMB, Jos, Flcdk (A 27), V. P., Gen!. Supt., Landers Frary & Clark and for mad, 29 Park P!. r,eisj~~;n ~~~::te (J 19), Sales Engr., Fafnir Bearing Co., and for mail, 765 L.EWIS, Brayton S. ~I9), Sl1pt., Tool Dept., Stanley Wks. NORRIS, Oh"". H. (13), M. E., Am. Hardware Corp ~ELTON, Ern,;st W. (13,), Genl. Supt., Stanley Wks., iidd for mail, 77 Forest St. ~OHOOLER, ];athan (J 24), M. E., Ch. Draft,man Hart & Hutchinson Co and for mail, 4 Lyon St.., SOHUBERT, Arno r13; 22), Asst. M~hY: Sale. Mgr., New Britain Mch. Co. SCOTT, Alex. H. (20), Supt., New Bntam Ga. Light Co. 25 W Main St and for mail, 339 Hart St.., SHEA,.Jo~n J. (A M 21~, St..ndardization Engr. Russel! & Erwin Mfg. Co. New Bntam, and for mail, 9llver Beach, 1li1fo;.!.. SKIN:"~fsfherrod E. (J 21), Supt., Landers, Frary I< Clark, and fa" mail, 848 STA}/[,EY, A.!", (93,; 03), Pres., Stanley Securities Co., P. O. Box 506. STEELE, Maunee G. (26), ~evel. Engr., Hart I< Hutchinson. TALCOTT, ~lorton C. (A-M 26), Mch.,Designer StaHley Rule I< Level Co and /01" ma1l"ll 67 Monroe St. t Of WALL, WID. C,. (A-M 20), Foreman, Plumbing I< Steam Fittings Stanley Wks and for m t, 62 S. Bunett St.,., WEEc~lnCM[~on M. (J 27), Box Str..p Div., Stenley Wks., and f<>r mail, 251 Lin 241

58 \ CONNECTICUT MEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES NEW CANAAN, Bridgellort Seetion. RADFORD, G. S. (15), Cons. EngT., P. O. Box SUTER G. A. (88; 98). Y St and TOWllliEND, WlIIlker (A.Y25), Eatlmator, Greene Conatr. Co., 112 a1l1., for, Lambert )itd. WILT, A. D., Jr. (13), NEW HARTFORD, Hartford Section WATSON, Frank (J 93). NEW HAVEN Ne-w Ho.,-en Section St ANDERSON, He!{ry Gustave (J 26), Rig. &I Vent. Draftsman, 20 ABhmUl.,. T~8~r R~.%~~lr B-W!f~i ~;b. Aast., Yale Unl"., and for, 28 Filbert St. ~NOLD, Arthur A. (17), D~vel. Engr., Yfg. Engr g d Sftaff~ln~~is~r :~f:-~y ing Arms Co., 276 Winchester Ave., NeW Haven, an or,. BAC~W, ~:~~~oe (J 17), Supvr. Automotive Equip., N. Y., New Haven &I Rartlord BAR~oRJe~i F (15 22) Supt. Elec. Transmission] N. Y., New Elaven &I. Hartford R. it. Co.;New Haven, and for mo,ii, 666 8r<1 Ave., W. Raven. BARNUM, Geo. S. (&7), Pres.; Treas., Bigelow Co: 1 60 LCIOYdpStȯ D wer 706. BARNUM Starr H. (12; A.Y 16), V. P., Secy., B,ge a! a.,.. ra ~~~~~w~r1.a(,f~~~)m.l~~~~~e;~~~:ii~;~~2~..~fc::3e~.teeo., New Haven, and for mo.i! 878 Union Ave., W. Raven BERNSTEIN Phhip (A.Y 26), Time StudY, Winchester Repeating Arma a., Winchester Ave., and for mail, 48 Starr St. d f mail 66 BITTERLICH, Walter J. (06; :18), Engr., U. 8. Rubber Co., an or,,bon~eo~,s~.. Calvin (A.Y 21), Supt., Eaat. Mchy. Co., New Elaven, and for ma.u, BRE8i{"iliR1~i:m Andrew L. (18; A M 24), Asat. Supt. Conatr., Yale Unlv., 104 Hgh St..nd for 407 Dixwell Ave.. d f BREIiENSTEIN, Albert F: (19; 21), Ch. Engr., Geometrio Tool Co., an or 77 Fountain St. al C 18 Ohurch!?t BRESLAV, Jack (16; A.M 25), Sales Mgr., J-B Engrg. S es a., 0 "., and for mail 826 Edgewood Ave. 5 Wi h t A e BROWN Harold A (J 16) Wincheste, Repeating Arms Co., 27 nc es er C V BUXBAUM. Wm. (17; 20), Plannin.g Supt., ~inchester Repeating Arma a., 275 Winchester Ave and Lor , 412 Wh,tney Ave.! 1.86 OARMiCHAEL. Andrew.t. (26), Ch. M. E., Griest Mfg. Co., and for ma., OAR~Wm~~-lt.Kenneth (A-M 21), Asst. M: E., N. Y., New Elaven &; Rartford R R Co and for mail 56 Brookaide DIlve. CLARK, Joh~ W. (A.M 24), Asst. Engr., United IIlum. Co., Grand Ave. Power House, and for mail, 123 GraftonbSt.CPO B 606 ggg~~?~~g~~~nl~(,~~2;1~":i)~t~e:~, d~;,j. :Mgt., a~oke BaUer Wka., Inc.; 265 ORo~t~~lF~;nk H. (J 26), Rtg. Engr., W. A. T. Smith Rig. Co., 9 Pitkin St. DAVIS, Elwood R. (J 26), Draftsman, Decorative Stone Co., New Haven, and for mail 9S White St., W. Haven. ti A 00 DELSOLE jos H (A-M 19) Genl. Foreman, Winchester Repea ng IS d., 275 Winchestet Ave., NewHarven, and for _ii, 2721 l!hit!ey Ave., am en. DOOLITTLE, Warren P. (12; 14; 21)., Supt., Engr., FaJIch,ld Lock Corp., WlIIow St and for mail, 88 Woodmg St. U 400 DUDLEY, Sami. Wm. (04; 16), frof., Chmn. Dept., M. E., Yale mv., DUN=~eG~~: Wima (OS). V. P., W!rlrldry Corp.. EDEL, Walter L. (21; A-M 26), Wmcheater Repeatmg Arms Co., 275 Win- chester Ave arnd for mail 55 Marvel Rd. d Co 266 FISHER, RenryD. (07; 145, Plant Engr., New Haven Pulp &I Boar., FITJ: \fa~old W. (J 20), Mech. Ispr., N. Y., New Haven &I Hartford R. R. Co., New Haven, and for mail, 485 Washington Ave., W. Harven ~ :.:i... : i.. :., t. ~.,,",".( "..: ~. MEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES CONNECTICUi NEW HAVEN (continued) FITTON, Wm. H. B. (A 22), Ch. Engr., Yale Univ., liind jar, 8 Ralaton Av. FLEMING, Paul ~[. (J 24), Salea Engr., Bigelow Co., New Haven, and lor _il,. 16 Lako St., Whitneyville. FLYNN, J. Harold (J 28), M. E. 877 Ferry St. FOISY, Geo. A. (A-M 18), Winchester Repeating Arms 00., 275 Winchester Ave. FRANZ, Fredk (A-M 19), M. E., New Haven Clock Co., and for...ail, 37 Thornton St.. GARMAN Warren D. (A M 20), 91 Howe St. GAYLORD, Wm. W. (14; 19; 26), M. E., Weatcott &I Mapes, Inc., 189 Orange St., and for mail; 24 Harmon St... GREIST, Hubert M. (16), 8ecy., Supt., Asst. GenJ. Mgr., Greist Mfg. Co. HAMMER, C. ShelleY (J 27), Asst. M. E., She1lleld Scientific Sch., Yale Univ., 400 Temple St. HEYMANN, F. Adoll (19), ~I. E., Sargent Co., Water St., New Haven, and for, 342 High St., E. Haven. HOLMES, Geo. R. (22; A-~{ 25), Supt., McLagon Fdy. Co., 100 Audubon St., and for mail, 625 Orange St. HOOK, J... W. (12; A-M 14), Pres., Treas., Geometric Tool Co., Blake &I Valley Sts.. HULSE, Geo. E. (20), Oh. Engr., Safety Oar HIg. &I Ltg Co., and for mail, P. O. no~ 904. JAOK, Richard D. (A M 15), Comptroller, Winchester RepeaUn!: Arms Co., 276 Winchester Ave., and for, 27 Elmwood Rd.. KEATOR, Frederic W., Jr. (22; A-M 26), Instr. M. E., ehef6eld Scientlfio Sch., Yale Univ., P. O. Box 147S, Yale Sta. KELLEY, Geo. R. (19; A M 26), Engr., Winchester Repeating Arms ro., 276 Wincheater Ave., and for mail, 97. Pendleton St. KI~tJ9LFo~:~t~d. (22; A M 24)., Cons. Engr., ~07 Orange st., and fer, KUVIN, Leonard M. (J 23), 096 Orarnge St. LARKIN. Wm. Harrison, Jr. (04), Div. Power Engr., Genl. Div., U. S. Rubber Co., P.O. nox 606. r,aweon, Reymond O. (J 27), Div. of Safety Car Htg. &I LIg Co., Products Protect~onorp., P. O. Box 904. LICHTY, er C. (A-M 21), Asst. Prof. M. E., She1lleld Scientific Sch., Yale Uni. 00 Temple Bt. [,OCKWOOD, Edwin R. (90: 08), Assoc. Pro!. M. E., Sheffield Scieltific Sch., Yale Univ., 400 Temple St., and for mail, 51 Sheldon Terrace. LUNN, John A. (17; A-M 25), Sales Engr., Natl. Refrig. Co., and for mail, 56 Greenway St. LYNCH, Albert S. (A M 16), Cost Reduction Engl., Winchester Repeating Arms Co., 275 Winchester Ave., and for mail" 75 Santa Fe Ave., R MacARTHUR, lljobt. (A 04), Sales Rep., Ruud Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 828. MACIUNTOSH, Fredk L. (12), EqUip. Engr., Winchester Repeating Arms Co., 275 Winchester Ave., and for mail, 81 Ruhinger St. ~(ARSH~ John D. (A ~( 24), Supt., Mason Lab., Shef6eld Scientiftc Sch., Yale Univ., 400 Temple St., and for mail. 756 Woodward Ave.. MENZIES, John O. (19; A-1lJ 26), Secy., T.reas., Chss. A. Menzies, Inc., 67 Whitney Ave.. MERTZ, Edw. W. (A 26), Sales Engr., Geometric Tool 00., New Harven, Conn., and for mail, 8409 S. ~ina St" Syracuse, N. Y. MEYER, Fredk H. J. (J 24), Warren Webster &I Co., 902 Chapel St., and for mail, 1664 Chapel St. MORMILE, Anthony R. (J 27), G. &I O. Mfg. Co., and for mo,il, 514 Lombard St. NAPIER, Jas. D. (A M 25), Products Protection Corp., P.O. nox 904, New Raven, and for mo.i!, 144 Circular Ave., Hillhwood, llew Haven. NEWTON, Wm. G. (27), Supt., Peck Bros. &I Co., 127 Chestnut St., and for mail, 809 Townsend Ave. NORCROSS, J. Arnold (00), Lifo Member; V. P., Gen\. Mgt., New Raven Gas Light Co., V. P., Derby Gao Co., 80 Crown, St. NORTH, Richard Alden (J 21), Instr, M. E., Sheffield Scientiftc Sch., Yale Univ., 400 Temple st., New Haven, and for, Washington Ave., N. Haven. PARSELL, Roy L. (27), Winchester Repeating Arms Co., 275 Winchester Ave.,. and for mail, 235 Park St.. 248

59 CONNECTICUT MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW HAVEN (c9dtinued) PUGST.EY, Edwin (11; 28), Factory Supt., Winchester Repeating Arms Ce., 2ijj Winchester Ave., and 10< mait, 77 Everlt St. REEVES, Edw. H. (19; A.M 20). Instr., Dept. Administrative Engrg., Yale Un!l., and for maie, 120 Edwards St. RIDLON, John R. (A.M 21), Indue. Engr., Edw. N. Gosselin &; Staff, 2nd Natl Bank Bldg., New Haven, Conn., and lor mail, P. O. Box 978, Indian.. Harber, RIPPLE, Ind. Paul. W. (A.M 14), Ob. Engr., Power &: Equip., Oonn. 00., 129 Oburch St.. and for mau, 132 McKinley Ave. ROBERTSON, Thos. (27), Asst. power Engr., Engrg. Dept., U. S. Rubber Co., and for mail, 610 Oranlle St.. SCOTT, 011ae.. F, (Ill, Prof. M. E., Sbeffield ScientlJln Scb., Yale Univ., 400 Temple St., and for mo.ii, 19 Trumbull St. SEELEY, Lauren E. (J 25), Instr. M. E., Yale Univ Temple St. SEWARD, Berbert T,. (12; 14; 18), Assoc. Prof., M. E., Sheffield Scientific Bcb., Yale Un;v., 400 Temple St., and for mail, 978 Townsend Ave. SIMPSON, Geo. P. (17), V. P., Oven Equip. II Mfg. 00., 308 W. Water St.,..nd for ",..U, SMIBERT, Robt. 409 M. Whitner. (J 24), Ave. O. W. Blakeslee [,: Sons, 58 Wavedy St.,..nd for SMITH. m..ii, Warren 64 Hillside P. (20; PI. A.}[ 25), Asst. Menh. Supt., Seamless Rubber 00., 253 Hallock Ave., New Haven, and lor m..ii, 30 Oenter St., W. Haven. SMITH, Woodruff R. (J 23), Engr., J. S. II J. F. String, Ino., 169 Ea.t St., :New Haven, and lor mail 454 Washington Ave., West Haven. STEENEOK, Henry J. (J 22). Adjuster, Home Ins. 00. of N, Y., 195 Cburch St., and for mail, 1940 Chapel St. STETSON, Ralph W. (J Ill), Draftsms,n, N. Y., New Haven &; Bartford R. R. Co., New Haven. and 101 mai~j 26 Converse Ave., Meriden.. STEVENSON, Geo. K. (A.M 21), Supt., H. G. Thomp.son &; Son, 217 Cllapel St., New Haven, and fo, m..u, Sea Vie\v Ave., Oolonial Pk. W. Haven. TAYLOR, Carl W. (27), Secy., Asst. Cb. Engr., Westcott I< Mape., Inc., 139 Orange St., and for mail, 140 Ardmore St.. THO~S, Elmer E. (A 26), Ob. ;EJlgr., I. Ne:!"man & Son, and f.,. mo.ii, 1321 Whalley Ave. THOMPSON, Willis F. (19; A.M 24), Head M. E. Div., Westcott &I Mapes, Inc" 189 Orange St., and fot mo.ii, 24 Pardee PI. TREMPER, Ch... W. (26), Pres., Tremper Shields 00., 141 Brewery St. TURNBULL, Ira J. (27), Central En~rg. Staff, U. S. Rubber 00., and for "a41, ULLMAN, 1027 Whalley Maurice Ave. B. (J 21), Supt. Paper Box Dept., Strouse Adler & Co., 84 Olive St., and for "aie, 848 Orange St. VAN BODEGOM, J. (27), Asst. to Supvg. Engr., U. S. Rubber Co., l\ew Haven, Conn., and for ",, 981 E. 2Srd St., Paterson, N. J. VANDER VEER, Martin (24), Ch. Engr., Hygienic Ice Co., 881 State St., and for ma.ii, 14 Eldiidge St. VINTEN, ETnest S. (19), Mem. Shop Cem., Sargeant & Co., and lor m..ii, 314 VONWinthrop OHLSEN. Ave. Louis H. (21; A M 25), Supvr., Tests &; Inspc., Safety Car Htg. I< Ltg. 00., DixWell I< putnam Aves., and for, 42 Vista Terrace. WALTON, C. W.. Jr, (J 20), Safety Car lltg. &; Ltg. Co., New Haven, and fo<, 47 Homestead Ave., Hamden. WATERS, Everett O. (14; A.M 25), Asst. Prof. M. E., Yale Unlv., lll Wincheoter WEBB, Hall, Daniel prospect J. H. St. (A.M 19). V. P., Genl. Mgr., Conn. Natl. Pavements, Inc., WEBBER, 69 Mlddleto\Vn Wooster W. Ave. (J~22), Sales Engr., Oven Equip. &; Mfg. 00.,808 W. Wat.. WELTER, St. Gustave (A.Y 112). Ob. Engl., Bi&,elow Co., and lor ""ii, 670 Winthrop WESTCOTT, Ave. Harry R. (16), Pres., Westcott &; Mapes, Inc., 139 Oranlle St. WHITNEY, Oscar C. (18), Engr. Pintsnb Oompressing Ce., Putnam &: DI1weli Ave., and f.,. mau, 69 W. Rock Ave. WIDE:&BERG, Oscar A. (18: 20). M. }I., Constr. Engr., Am. Steel &; Wire Co. Faitmont.<, and for mail, 238 Fairmont Ave. 244 MEhiBEllS 1N UNITED STATY.S CONNECTICUT NEW HAVEN (continued). WOHLE~"l3ERG Yale UIiv.Yason Walter Lab J (17 too T26) i Asf t Prof. M. E., Sbemcld ScientifiC) Sch., WORLEY. 112 Clifford F. E. St. (A.Y 211,ngr., E edlllu. e S.. Rubber Ce., Bolt 608. and lor mail, WYANT, Robt. E. (18), Engr., Wb. Mgr., New Haven Ga. Lillht Co., 80 Orown St. :E\V LONDON, Ne,, H...en Section. of21li ~r~1 W. (~M 15), Cb. Engr., Conn. Power Ce., S3 Union St. DAVISON Gr~r~J02Pi8~raJtln& DBesign, Babcock Printing P, e.s. Mfg. Ce. ENGLISH Fr!d S (;,res., ed Rock Petroleum Co., 56 State st. for ";n\l, \86 wifi~~t.s1~ Cb. Engr. BabcoCk Printing Press Mfg. Co., and LAB~~~~~~ ~~s. (J 22), Snles Engr., J. N. Lapointe Co., and f" mail, 39 QUAINTAliCE RYaN WE J Richard (; E (J 22) Sup. t 0t Serv., Conn. Power Co. 33 Union St. fdt ";ail; 3tLi~~ it:), Prod. Mgr., Babcock Prlntinl: Press Mfg. 00., and SLEEPER, Harold R. (J 21) Ch Draftsma J N L. and for ""ii, 95 Monument St.; Groton. n,.. apoult. Cu., New London, WRITON, Lucius E. (05) M E Pres T. D E Howard St., and for mail, 7] Wiiliam Bt. rellli.... Whiton Mell. Co NEW iun,ford, Wn.terbu. y Section AGER, C. Leonard J., Jr. (J 23,), United Gas ImprO\eluellt & Oontrl(. Co. NOROTON HEIGIITS ~ MALLOZZI, Philip (J 25), P. GlIlI!6x 87. NOR\VALIC. B.-idgepo. t Section ~tltjew:rri~~;~d~j(:m g~nl. Mgr., Trea. Olom }[fg. Ce. Palisade Ave., Union C1i, ~~"J. Mfg. Co., Norwalk, Coon.,..nd JOT mail, 18/; y NORWICH, New H...en Section ARMSTRONG, (leo. W. (A M Zl) 18 Prospect St PEN~~~~it\~f,tjia~fo~2-9), Davis.warner Arms Corp., Norwich, and for mail, PLAINVIT,LE. New Britain Sectlnn NORTO~, Cha. H. (18), Oons. Engl., Norton Co. of Worcester, "ass., and 10- mati, P. O. BOlt G. m, PLANTSVlT,LE, IIleriden Section SAYRER, L. O. (18). PERSIANI, Cbaa. O. (A 18), Retired. PORTLAND, IIlerhlen Section HALL, 841Stephen Main St. S (12),.., V P Treaa., PIck etulll:. Governor Ce., and for mail, PAS~~~L:r.iai~iC;t~rd B. (94), Pres.. Pickering Governor Co., and for mafl, SEYlIIOUR. W...terbury Seetion lmmo\ti~m;~hnnh.(~g; 2J). Pre. New Haven Oopper Co. for.:..ail. 26 Pershin~ ".Ave. an ngr., Seymour Mfg. Co., Franklin St., and gltpp. Laurence R. (111), V. P. New Haven Copper Co F~E~~~NbI~:rr1H(H?,i>s)ChI~ Et.nllT d, Mullite Refracicries Co. HALPIN J F ".,e ne 111 North St a d, as. 1 (A IS), Gen!. Supt., ~e"mol1r Mfg. Co., Franklin St., Seymour. n or mat ~ 4O Franklin St., AnR01\UI.. SHELTON, Britlgeport Sectton CLEMONS, San.l. W. (18), 214 Prospect St FIEGE 93 North Edw. A~e. E (J ~lerid~o. 24) Snles Engr.,.. 0 K Tool Ce., Sbelton, and lor mall, FITZ; HArthur E. (27). Wks. Engr.. Sidney B!umentbal.. Co In ft ij arvard Ave. a..,..., and lor mail, 246

60 CONNECTICUT MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES SHELTON (coutinuell) MacNISH, T. W. (A-M 23), M. M" Adams Mfg. Co., Shelton, and for mail, 244 McM~~~il~~ i~;:n~~s1.tia (20; 23), Mgr., Sidney Blumenthal II Co., Inc., and for mail. 60 Kneen St. ROGOWSKI, A. Rudolph (J 27), Drawer G. SWAN, John J. (99~ 09), Asst. Genl. Mgr., Sidney Blumenthal &; Co. Inc., Shslton, Conn., and for mail, 296 Clnremol1t Ave., Montclair, N. J. WEDDELL, Ualph R. (20; A-M 26), Ch. Engr., O. K. Tool Co. SIIUSBURY, Hllrtfor,l Section HAMILTON, Wnl. Floyd (J 27), M. E., Ensign Bickford Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 232. SOUND BEACH, Brhl;;-evort Section ~[AYNARD, Benj. M. (21), Cons. Engr. OLIND, John H. (J 21), Foreman, Press Shop, Magazine Repeating Bazar Co., Sound Beach, and for mail, Glenbrook. SOUTH luanchester, Hn.rtford Section CHEXEY, Frank, Jr. (1~), Chmn. Bd. Dir:, Cheney Bros. HALE, Stephen C. (A-M 22), 227 S. MaID St. NlOli:ERSON, J. W. (11; 20), Indus Engr., Oheney Bros., and f01 mail, 209 Pine St. SOUTH NOR"\VALK, B,ldge!,ort Section AMUNDSEN, Axel Geo. (A.M 23), Asst. Supt. Prod., Nash Engrg. Co., Wilson Rd., s. Norwalk, and for mail, 67 Osborn Ave., E. Norwoll,. FOSTER Chas. B. (A.M 21), Ch. Engr., Higley Mch. Co., 65 Ohestnut St., S. Nor~alk, and for mail, 141 Garden St., Stratford. HERMANSON Theo. H. (16), Wks. Mgr., Norwalk Co.. P. O. Box 603. JAJ.fli:URA MichaOl, Jr. (21; AM 28), Drafting Dept., Nash Engrg. Co., S. Norwaik, and for mail, 120 Bell St., Bridgeport. JENNIKGS, Irvin~ q. (08; 16; 18), V. P., Mgr., Nash Engrg. Co., Wilson Ave., and for mai!, 138 Flax Hill Rd.. MATHEWS, Wm. E. (96), Cons. Engr., 158 FlllX Hill Rd.. NASH, Douglas E. (A M 17), Treas., Nash Engrg. Co., Wilson Ave. SNIFFEN, Wm. H. (A-M 20); Prod. Engr., Lockwood Mfg. Co., S. Norwalk, and for mail 16 Pershing St., NorlValk. STOLL, Join; Jr. (16: A.~[ 26). Draft,man, Nash En~l g. Co., Wilson Ave., S Norwalk, and for mail, 4U Thompson Rd., Stratford. WILSON, David O. (J 26), Draftsman, 1>iash Engrg. Co., S. Norwalk, and for mail, 48 Stevens St., Norwalk. WYLIE, Howard M. (J 12), V. P., Charge Design & Sales, Nash Engrg. Co., Wilson Ave. SOUIH VINDHAlll, Hartfor,l Section ENGSTROM, E. (A-M 21), M. E., Smith II Winchester Mfg. Co., and for mail, Box P. SOlTHINGTON, lllel"i,lcn a.-ction BARKER, Edw. L. (A A! 27), Prod. Mgr.. Southington Hardware Co., and for mail, 86 Berlin Ave. SPRINGDALE, Brl,lgel,ort Section McOUE, Jas. O. (26), Genl. Mgr., Stamford Rolling Mills Co. STAIUFORD, Bri<lgel,ort Section ALLEN Walter C. (05; 26), Pres., Yale & Towne Mfg. Co Henry S~. AROHER, Sylvanus M. (A.M 1~), Supt., ~ank Lock Dept., Yale & trowne lilfg. Co., 200 Henry St.. and for nad, 17 Renwlck St. BADEN, Carl A. (24). Norma Hoffmann Bearings Cor!!.. BARBER, Jos. O. (A-M 23). Asat. Wks. Ml!T., PetrOleum Heat II Power Co., and for mail, 236 Summer St. BATESOLE, Dwight E. (A M 20), Asst. Engr. Norma Hoffmann Bel>rlnga Corp. BEAVER, Ohas. W, (Ill, Retired, 62 Hobson St., Shippan POlOt. 246 ~[EMBERSIN UNITED STATES OONNECTIcur STAMFORD (conthllle,l) BER~rik -:1~~:; ~i. (24), Pat. Examiner Research Engr., Yale &; Towne Mfg. Co., BOT~3~~"sRAV~~3), Engrg. Mgr., Norma-Halfmann Bearings Corp., and for mail, BRAND, Geo. B. (1~), Mgr., L. R. Roberts Typewriter Co., and fo~ mail, Lanark Rd., Shippan Point.. BRYANT, Raymond F. (A 17), Supt. Prod., Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., 200 Henry St., and for mail. 6 St. George Ave., Hubbard Heights. OHAL~IERS, John B. (11; 18), Dlr. Training Soh., Yale II Towne Mfg Henry St., and for mait, Millers Bridge OURTIN, Thos. Wm. (J 24), Indus. Engr., tale II Towne Mfg. ~200 Henry St., and for mail, 60 W. Broad St. ~ EMERY, A. H., Jr. (21), Cons. Engr., 682 Main St. ERBELE, Geo. (A.M 24), Oh. Ins\l1:.. Liberty Elec. Co., Fairfteld Ave., Stamford, and f01 mail, 455 Fairview St., De,on, M!l!ord. HORNE, Jos. A. (18), V. P., Oharge Production, Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., 200 Henry St. LEWIS, Rollin O. (90), Supt. Bank Lock Dept., Yale &; Towne Mfg. Co., 200 Henry St.. ~[ackendrick, John N., Jr. (J 26), Mlanus Djesel Eng. Co., and for mail, 7Q Grove St. MAXWELL, Maxwell 0, (081, Genl. Supt., Yale &; Towne Mfg. Co., 200 Henry St. MERSHON... John W. (16:.A-M 24), Asst. Supt. Power Plant, Yale &; Towne Mfg. va., 200 Henry St. YESINGER, Fredk W. (A M 24), Sales Engr., Norma-Hoffmann Bearings Corp., Stamford, and for mai!, Glenbrook. PANISH, Erwin J. (A-M 21), Ch. Engr., Liberty Elec. Corp., Fairfield Ave.. PURDY, Everett M. (25), Cbo Engr., :manus Diesel Eng. Co., Stamford, and f01 mail, 302 Glenbrook Rd., Glsnbrook.. RHEAUME, Herman O. (A-M 18), Supvr. Bldgs. & Grounds, Stamford Pub. Scbs., and for mail, 181 Grove St. RlCHTE~, Paul O. (A M 19), Supt. Hoist & Door Closer Depts., Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. 200 Henry St., and for mail, 308 Summer St. SEMSEL, Jo~n S. (J 24), Designer, Norma Hoffmann Bearings Corp., Hamilton AVe., ani! f01 mai!, 34 West Ave...TRUAX, Wm. H. (A;M 18),.EmploYlnent Mgr., Yale &; Towne Mfg. Co., 200 Henry St.. and for mall, 82 Arlington Rd. VAUGHN. Wm. M. (28), Oh. Engr., Stamford Gas &; Elec. Co., 11 Bank St., and for mail, 447 Shlppan.Aye. VERO, Donald H. (J 26),.Tool Designer, Liberty Eleo, Oprp., Stamford, and for mail, 63 Post Rd., Fairfteld. STORRS, Hn..tford Section WHEELER, Qhas. A (17), Prof. Math., College Engrg., Oonn. Agrl. College. STRATFORD, Bridgeport Section LOHSE, Wm. C. (A-M 23), Stratford Mfg. Co., Box 66, and for mail, N. Main St. THOlllASION, Waterbnry Section FARRELL, Jos. V. (28; A-M 25). Designer &; ~ech. Draftsman, Seth Thomas Clock Co., and for mail, Park Hotel. THOlUPSONVILLE, Hn.rtfol"d Section SONTAG! Herbert P. (J 26), Ch. Inspr., Bigelow Hartford Oarpet Co., Thomp SOllVlUe, Conn.,.lind for mail, 68 High St., Springfteld, Mass. STONE, E. Wadsworth (16; 18; Z7), Plant EnllT., Blgelow.Hartlord Carpet 00., Thompsonville, Conn., and for mail, 20 Edgewood Av.e., Lon,gmeadow, Ma... T.ORRINGTON, Wn.terbury Section BALL, Ohos. P., Jr. (17; 26), M. E" Torrington Co. BENNETT, Clark G: (23), V. P.. Gen!. MIlT.. Hendey Mel+ Co., P. O. Box 476 Torrington, and for mail, Lock Box 240, Thomaston. BLAKESLEE, Howard R. (A.M 18), M. E., Hendey Meh. Co., Torrington, and for mail., P. O. Box 161, Thomaston. BROWN, Edmund K. (J 16), Asst. Supt. Excelsior Plant, Torrington Co., and fo "wil, R. F. D. 2, 247

61 CONNECTICUT MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES TORRINGTON (continued), CLEV KLAND, Raymond A. (A.M 23), Torrington Co" and jar mail, 380 e. Mam ELLfJ: Henry G, (13; 25), V. 1., Torrington Co.,..nd fat mail,. 199 Pro.pect St. PERRY, Ralph H. (15; A-M 21), Supt.-,. Progressive Co., 62 Norwood St. SCHNEIDER, Geo. II. (J 27), 40 Wh,tmg Ave. STORRS, Robert S. (23), Engr., Spec. Mchy., Tonillgton Co., 70 Franklin St.. rnoasvn,le, New Bavcn Section CASEY, John Edw. (A-M 24), Oper. Engr., E""t. Conn. Power Go. \VALLINGFORD, Mericlen Section WILLIAMS, Hllorvey D. (12).,\VASBINGTON, Watcrbur;v Section FAULKNER, Louis M. (J 24). WATERBURY, Waterbnry Section <\.BRAMSON, Elton F. (J 27), Chase Cos. Inc" Wat_rbur), and for mail, 18 Kew.-\.USTEN. St., Naugatuck. Percy S. (J 23), Servo Engr., Bristol 00., Waterbury, Conn., an d for mail. 56 Clark St., Glen Ridge, N. J. BASSETT, Wm. H. (24), Tecll. Supt. Am. Bra,s Co., 414 Meadow St. BLAKESLEE, Russell C. (17), AI. M., Chsse Co. Inc., and JOT mail, 124 Euclid Ave. BRISTOL, Howard H. (13; 25), v. P.! Bristol Co. BRISTOL, Wm. H. (90), Pres., Bristo Co. CAMPBELL, L. Barrett (21), M. E., Andrew C. Campbell, Inc., and jor mail, 72 Hewlett St. CARTER, Frederia W. (20), Y. M. C. A. OHASE. Fredk 8. (14), Fres., ObnBe O~mpanies, Inc., 23~ Grand st. CHILDS, C. Walter (22), M. E., Hugh L. Thompson, 67 ]S. Main St., and jar mail, 25 Steuben St. CLERGUE, B. J. (A 07), Pres., Waterbury Tool Co., E. Aurora St.. COE, John A. (24), Pres., Am. Brass Co., 414 Meadow St., snd JOT mail, 493 ccn:6!}~wr~el D. (,I 27), Estimator, Waterb.ury Button Co., and jat mail, 16 Albion St. CRAIN, J. J. (96; 08), Genl. Mgr., Waterbury ~ool Co., E. Aurora St. CRAMPTON, Donald K. (20; A-M 26), Aletallurglst, Obase MeW Wks. DALY Edmund J. (26), Pre., M. J. Daly &; Sons, Inc., 555 Bank St. DAVIS Alvan L. (26), Research Engl., Scovill Mfg. Co., P. O. Box DAY, irvin W. (08; 21), V. 1., Conn. Light &; Power Co., and lot mail, III W. DE~~!EyS\ncbael J. (16; 26), Plant Engr., Chase Metal Wks. DiY., Cbase Co. Inc., ~nd fo1 ma:i{, 26 Chestnut Ave. DERR, Thos. S. (J 19), Exper. Dept., Bristol Co., Wate,bury, Conn., and fa" ",oil, 83 Center St.. Brookline, Mass. DERWIN, Wm. J: (J 22), Draftsman, Am. Br""s Co" 414 leado,v St., and jar mail, log S. View St.. DIXON, Herbert (J 25~, Waterbury Clock Co., 30 Chase Park.~ve. DOWLING, Ja. M. (J 22), 90 Woodtlck Rd. FIEGE, Henry J. (20 w27)" Gen!. Foreman, Waterbury Farrell Fdy. &; Mch. Co., and lot mail, 245 alnut st. GERMAN, A. J. (21,)" Cb. Engr., Scov~lI Mfg. Co., and JOT mal!, 23 Evans St. GOSS, Edw. O. (89: 06), Pres.. ScovIll Mfg 00.. HALL, Willis M. (27), Plant Engr., Plume &; Atwood Mfg. Co., and for mail, HART, 1DO Howard Prospect P. St. (15: 25), Asst. to Mgr,, Platt Bros. &; Co" P. O. Box 1030, and fat mail, 36 Bucklngnam St. HOLCOMB, Howllld L. (A-M 21), Tool & Mcb. Designer, Scovill Mfg. Co., and for mail, P. O. Box JOHNSON, Edw. W. (92), 70 Chpstnut Ave. KANE, Franci. J. (A.M H), Ch. Draftsm",n Mchy. Div., Blake"" Johnson, N, Elm St., and fat mail, 101 Idylwood Ave. KENWORTHY, Chas. F. (21), Pres., Treas., Genl. Mgr" Chas. F. Kemvorth~, Inc., 105 Piedmont St., Waterbury, and tot mail, Kenwick, Woodbury. 248 MEMBERS IN UNrrED l>taleli OONNECTICUl,\VATERBURY (continue,l) KIRSCH, O. Russell (J 22), Mch. & Tool Estimato,, Designer, Waterbury Mfg. Co.. and JOT mail, 49 E. Farm St. KOESTER, Herman (11; 13), Genl, Supt., Bristol Co., aud for mail, 41 Columbia Blv!. LEGGETT, Geo. R. (12), Mech. Supt., Scovlll Mfg. Co., and for mail, 81 Fiske St. MABEY, Arthur R. (16), Foreman Thermometer Dept., Bristol Co., and for mail, 22 Farnham Ave. MARTUS, M. L. (12), Pl es. Mgr" Waterbury Battery Co., Trea.., Cho. B. Scboen mehl, Inc., 1086 S. M..ln St., PALATINE. Renard I,. (18; 25), In.b., Waterbury Continuation Sch., Crosbv Hi!l"h Sch.. and JOT mall 115 Obestnnt Ave. PERRY, Rupert O. (A M 21:5. Asst. Cb. Draftsman, Scovill Mfg. Co., and jor mail 196 Woodlawn Terrace. PHEtt:\v~0~f:;v:-T~~t~e:22), Asst. Supt., Watervlllc Mch. Wks., and lor mail, POIRIER, Austin E. (17; A M 21), Draftam..n, Mch. Design, Hug:h L. Thompsoo, and jor ".ail, 57 Cedar Ave. PURM:.~a~ Srorrcst G. (24), Research Wk., Pat. Button Co.. and for mail, 10 PUTNAM, J. Russell (18), Mech. supt., Waterbury Clock Co" Cherry St., and lot ",ail., 64 Woodside Ave. ROB:AT~va~~o~n ~;;e.(22; 27), Cons. Engr" 27 W. Maiu St., and for mail, ROClrWEI,I" S. B. (25), Obase Cos. Inc. ROWBOTTOM, Geo. (09), Pres., lreas., Rowbottorll Mch. Co., Inc. RUN~:,;~~~i g~n)~t~ l;~: M. ~., John Draher Mch. Co: 70 N. Elm St., and jar RUPPEL. Richard L. (12; 17), Car,t. Q. M. C., c/o E. R. Munson,.lerlden Rd. RUTHERFORU, Euge"s W. (04; 11), lres., Genl. Mgr., Shoe Hardware Co, 72 Bro\V1l St., \Vaterburl, and for mail" 225 Lawrence St., New Havl.!n.. r SANDERSON, E. S. (06; 08), (lenl. Sales Mgr., Scovill Mfg. 00., and for mail. 15r. Buckiugham St. SIMPSON, Wm. K. (~9; 25), Secy., Hoffman Spec. Co" Waterbury Natl. Bank Bldg.,,,",1 JOT ma>i, 9 Sallds St. SUMMEY, Uavld L. (07), M. E., Scovill AUg. Co., and for,nail, 168 Bucking. ham St. THOMPSON, Hugh L. (94), Con. Engr., P. 0. Box VIALL, Wendell P. (J 20), D.signer, Am. Brass Co., 4H Meadow St. WAR:E~~I~lsat M. (26), Supt. Wire Mill, l:icovul Mfg, Co., and JOT mail, 317 WILSON, Fredk G. (24; A M 26), EsUmator, Waterbury Button Co., S. Main St., aud joi moil, Boya Clu~, Cottage Pl. VAlERlOWN, W..terbnl y Section BLEHER, Wm. C. (A-M 27), Hood Rubber Co., Watertown, and for mail 9 Hr.lford Rd., \V. Roxbul)o. RAHN, Paul F. (26), M. E., Belding, Heminway Co., and for f!l4i1, Hiddlebury Rei. WEST HARTFORD, Hartford Section BENGAL, Morris \ J 27), 17 Bretton Rd, ELSBY, A. G. (19; A M 22). Distributor, E. F. Houghton &; Co., P. O. Box 88. GROBMANN, Carl L.. (98), Cons. M. E., 21 Beverly Rd. LOREN;:, Wm. A. (99), M. E., 25 Aruoldale Rd. WOLCOTT, Henry A. (97), OQns. Engr., New Britain Aye. VILLIMANTIO, Bartfold Section GREEKE, Augustine E. (09), Genl. Mgr., Goyer Co., Bank & Valley Sm. and for mai~" 268 [~ewiston Ave. WELCH, Albert E. (20; 25), M. E., Am. Thread Co., and for mail, 70 Pleaaant St. WINDSOR I,OOKS, &..rt ord Section MATHER, Robt. H. (22), E. &> bl. E., 51 Elm St. REGAN, Jos. C. (11), Pres., E. Horton & Son Co., Windsor Locks, and for mail, 294 Fern St., W. Hartfo,d. 249

62 CONNECTICUT MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES VINSTED, Hartford Section \ BRILL, Elliot M. (18; 26), Treas., Empire Knife 00., 981 Main St., and tor "",il 89 Munro Pl. REIOHOW, Ludwig (28), Designing E. E., Fitzgerald Mfg. Co., and for mail, 6~ Hilisdals Ave. DELAWARE Plliladelphia section BRADFORD, EDGE ItIOOR Wm. (21), Engl., Edge Moor Iron Co., Edge Moor, and tor mail, 1211 Gilpin Ave., Wilmington. COX, Frank G. (05; A 08), y. P., Edge Moor Iron Co., Edge Moor, and for mail, 2416 W. 17th St... Wilmington.. FLOWER, Arthur D. (24) bing~., Edge Moore Iron Co., Edge Moor, alld fo, mat!, 811 N. Hsrrison St., \Vl1mmgton. GREACEN, Walter, 8rd (J 26), EngT., Edge 1Ioor Co. LAR9SCH John P. (A-M 20), Ch, Draftsman, Edge Moor Iron Co., Edge Moor, and f~r mail, 2519 Jelleraon St., Wilmington. SELLERS, Wm. F. (17), Pres" Tress.. Edge Jlloor Iron Co. GREENVlJ.LE BERGLAND, Erlo L. (17). NEW CASTLE SWAYZE W,m. W. (18), M. E" Supvr. Engl g. Dept., Am; Manganese Steel Co" NewCastle, and for mail, 2412 Jlladlson St., Wilmington. NEWARK BLUMBERG, Leo (21; 27), Assoe, Prof. M. E., Unlv. of Del., Newark, and for mail, 4 E. 14th St., Wilmington. NEWPORT EVANS, Frederic C. (J 26), Krebs Pigment &; Chern. Co" MILLER, ~ereno G. (15; 26), Engr., Krebs Pigment &; Ohern. Co. Newport, and tor mail, 419 W. 28th St., Wilmington, STONE, R. A. (J 27),.M, E., Krebs Pigment &; Ohern. 00., Newport, and for lilail. 25 Prospect Ave., Newark. SUTTON E. Clifton (26), Draft"",an Designer, Krebs Pigment &; Chern. Co., Newport, and for mail, 1205 W. 7th St., Wilmington,,VlL1UINGTON ACKART, E. G. (17), Asst. Oh. Engr., E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., Rm. 80~2, du Pont Bldg. AlUISTRONG, E. R. (16), Exper. Engr., E. L du Pont de Nemours &; Co., Rm. 8066, du Pont Bldg. AYER, Wm. T. (16), Design Engr., Hercules Powder Co., Del. Trust Bldg. BANOROFT, Joa. (14), V. P., Jos. Bancroft!" Sons 00.. BERGLAND, Wm. S. (A-M 18), Engr. Operative Engrg. DIV., E. L du Pont de BIRlf..~ic:::f.":. ~t28), Eme. Engr., Jos. Bancroft &; Sons Co., Rockford Park Drive. BRENTLINGER, John M, (17; 28), M. E" E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., du BRU~~~\fc,~d[G. (19), 2215 Baynard Blvd.. CASKEY, Sam!. S. (21), M. E. E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., 8135 du Pont COL:~~gFrank J. (26), Engr., Pyrite. Co., Ltd. du PONT, Coleman (06). FOSTER. Wm. Blyam (17), Dir. Servo pept., E. 1. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., Rm. 848 du Pont Bldg., and for mail, 1110 Rodney St... GARANT Francis J. (A M 27), Asst. Plant Engr., Pusey &; Jones Co., Wl1mlllg ton and fa. mail, 10 S. Woodward Ave., Elsmere. GERSEN Rowland C. (J 24), Designer, E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., Wllming. ton Del., and for mail, 209 P",rk St" Ridley Park, Pbiladelphia, Ia. GIRVIN, Chas. J. (94; 05), 912 Franklin St. 250 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES DEI.A.W A.RE WlJ.1IIINGTON (continued) HARDING, Pbilip O. (21), Ob. Draftsman, Pyrites Co., Ltd., and for mail, 1104 Jackson St. HATOH, Jos. R. (A M 18), Merel1Blldlse Mgr., Lippincott &; 00., Inc., 806 Market St.,.nd fa. mail, 621 Delaware Ave. HAZARD, Vincent G. (82), Life Member; Field Engr., Pusey & Jones 00" and [or mail, 1001 Park PI. HE~~,i ~~:ard R. (J 20), Prod. Mgr., Stand. Trump Bros. Mch. Co" P. O. HOLT, J. Hunt (19; 21), Indus. Engr.,,\tlas Powder 00., Del. Trnst Bldg. HOMEWOOD, Geo. M. (J 18), 419 Gedde. St. HOMEWOOD, Wm. T. (17; 21), Designing Engr., E. I. dn Pont de Nemours &; Co du Pont Bldg., ana fa mail, 703 W, 28rd 5t. HOOPES, Edgar M., Jr. (A-M 17), 2214 Gilpin Ave. HOPE, Walter R. (15; 22), Project Engr., E. I. du Pont de Nemour. & Co., du Pont Bldg., and for,nail, 700 W. 20th St. HORN, Karl F. (J 27), Designer, E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., du Pont Bldg., and for mail. 828 Van Bureu St. JAMES. Bernard (A-M 27), c/o Mrs. Clements. 605 W. 28rd St. KAIGHN, Herbert E. (18), Oon.. Engr., 2;1.5 W. 4th St. KITTREDGE, John W. (A-M 16), P. 0, Box 192. KLUTEY, Fred E. (J 25), Engrg. Dept., E. 1. du Pont de liewours &; Co., du POllt Bldg., aud for mail, 907 Delaware Ave. MAGUIRE, Chas. F. (A M 18), Head Design Div., F,. I. du Pont de Nemour. &; Co" du Pont Bldg., and for mail, 816 W. 14th St. MAXFIELD, H. H. (04). Supt. M. P., Pa. a. R. System, 402 Pa. Bldg. MINER, Harold L. (A-M 17), Mgr. Fire Protection Div., E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; 00. du Pont Bldg., Wilmington, Del., and tor mail Osage Ave., W., Philadelphia, Pa. MOLLER, Kenneth (21), V. P.. Jos. Bancroft & Sons CD. MORETON, Geo. W. (09), Wk. Mgr., Hilies & Jone. Plant, Consltd. Meh. Tool Oorp., and for mail, 1325 Gilpin Ave. OBR~~~: Isaac K. (A M 21). A~.t. Ch. Engr., Atl... Powder Co., Del. Trust PIERCE, H. M. (17), Ch. Engr., E. I. du POllt de Nemours & Co., du Pont Bldg., and tor mail, 2006 Boulevard. RAMER, Geo. E. (22), M. Jil., Hercules Powder Co., Del. Trust Bid,::. RHOADS, J. Edgar (16), Factory Mgr., Mem. Firm, J. Eo Rhoad. & SOilS, 11tb St. &; B. & O. R. R. SOHOENIJAlIN, Robt. P. (10; 16). Cons. Engr., 408 Indus. Trust. Bldg. SOHULZ, L. E. (10. Project Engr., Eo. I. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., du Pont Bldl:. SEA~~a ~~:.ard L. (A-M 19), Beoy., Tre~s. Lobdell Car Wheel 00., Ft. Chris- SEGEL. Jo. (A-M 21), Power Test Engr., Eng. Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., du Pont Bldg. SEGL, Walter E. (J 28), JI. Engr., Hercules Powder Co. Del. Trust Bldg. Wilniington, Del., and for mail. 104 Marshall St., Peter,burg, Va. SHAW. Jos. H. (J 14). Cons. Engr., 409 Indus. Trust Bldg., and for mail, 1415 WllOdlawn Ave. SHAW. W. Miller (15), V. P., Benj. F. Shaw Co., P. O. Box 958, and for mail. P. O. Box 854. SHIMER, A. A. (17). Advisory, Naval Stores Div" Eng, Hercules Powder 00., Del. Trust Bid",.. and for mail, 709 W. 26tb. SIMEONE, Niebola. J. (J 27), Plumber, Steam Fitter, Pa. R. R. 00., and for mail, 1810 W. 6~h St. SPRUANOE, Wm,. Oorbit (06). V. P., E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; 00., Rm du Pont Bldg. STANIAR, Wm. (14; 16), Belting &; Transmission Engr., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & 00., 8083 du Pont Bldll. TALLMAN, Frank G, (81), V. P., Dlr., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., du Pont Bld~.. THON:XSg6~~urence N. (J 25), Sales ;Engr., Stand. Trump Bros. Meil. 00., P. O. VAN NESS, Russell T. (J 24). Operative Enp;r., Power Div., E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., du Pont Bldg., and for mail, loth & Orange Sts. 251

63 DElLA.WARE ~l ;;~lm:rs IN l.1:ijteii STA1:ES WILMINGTON (continned) YAN TRUMP, Ohas. R. (93 98). Life Member; 305 W. 8th St, VARNES, Saml. K. (J 10). cit. EngT" Lazote, Inc.. and fo" mail. 22f)~ lloulevulll. VIOHL Herbert K. W. (J 23), Engr., Benj. F. Sbaw Co., 2nd &; Lombard Sts., ana t for mail, 100 Fulton St.. WARDENBURG. Frederic A. (H), Pres., Lazote. Inc., 5118 du Pont mdg. WARNER, Irving (12; 22). V. P., Charge Research. &; Engrg., Ch... WaTner Co., 10th &: Kinl: Sts. WARNER, Jacob L. (17), Deslgnln!: Engr., E. L du Pont de Nemours & Co.. du Pont.Bldg., and for mail, W. 11th St... WELLS, Wm. H. (14), J. Frank Darllnp: Qo. Ine., Ohristiana A, e. WHALEY, Jas. Leon (J 26), Draftsman, Pusey &: Jones Co.; and for ma-il. 2 Buena Vista St. WHERRETT, W. N. (22; A M 2 1). Design Div., E. I. du Pont do Xemours,~ Co., du Pont Bldg.. and for mail, 2920 N. Ha-rrison St.. WOOD, Wint)lrop B. (14), Oh.. Engr., Joa. Bancroft &: Son. Co., and for mail, 1505 PennsYlvania Ave. WORTH, Harold H. (J 21). Horcule. Powder Co.. Del. Trust Blnl\". ZINB:, Robt. E. (16: 2:)), Power Ellgr., BerclIlef; Powder Co., nt1. fru;ot( Blrlg. YORKLYN CRONIN, F. How.rd (17), ~I. E., supt. Power to Maintenance. Natl. VlIlcnn;7.ed Fibre Co. DISTRICT OF COLUIUBIA Wusbin~ton, D, C. Sectioll ANACOSTIA OBERLIN, Capt. E. G. (16). U. S. N., Naval Research Lab. TAKOMA. PARK _UTOHISON, Olyde S. (J 20), 7 Carroll Manor. JAKOBSSON, Herman (07), Cons. Engr., Pat. Att~. 228 Spruce Ave. WASHINGTON ABADIE, Col. Eugene n. (21), Cons. Engr., Mgt., Cbas. Hansel, Cons. Specialists, Suite 404. Transportation Bldl/;.. ADAIR, John G. (A 22). M. E., Interstate Oommerce Comm., 618 Jnter.tat.e Com meree Comm. Bldg., 18th &; Pann.ylvania Aves. N. W. ADAMS, Porter H. (16,;,\ M 26), Prea., Natl. Aeronautic Assoc. of U. S. A" IlIc th lit. N. W.. ADEI,Ml~N. Arthur (16), Engr., Ord, Dept., U. So A., RIll. 3828, Munitions Bldg., and for mail Military Rd. ALBURGER, Harry A. (J 27), Jr. EJlgt. Design Section, Bureau Ord. ;)i"\,,. Dept., Rm..3117, Navy Bldg., and for m",ii, th St. N. W.. ANDERSON, Col. P. 11. (21), Oons. Engr., 10~0 Investment Bldg. ARTRAUD, T. P. (A 07), Supvr. Land Apprai.als. Exee. Asst., Bureau of "alua tion, Interstate QmJmerce Oomm., 18th &I Pennsylvania Ave. N. W.,\THERHOLT, Gordon l>l:. (21; 25), 724 9th. St., N. W. AfTENDU, Andre C. (27), 724 9th st., N. W.. IlARKLEY. John F. (I~; 20), Fuel Engr., U. S. Bureau of Mine. BARNABY, Lieut. Ralph S. (15; A-~I 22), Constr. Corps, Bureau 01 Aeronautic, Nlj.vy Dept. BASS, I. E. (19). Capt. U. S. N., Mem. Bd. of In,pc. & Survey. Navy Dept. BEAN, Howard S. (19; 26), Assoc. Pbysicist, U. i;l. Bllreau 01 Stands. Oonneetleut Ave. &I Pierce Mill Rd N. W. UEEBE, Lawrence L (15), M. E. Bnreau Pub. Rds. Washington, D.O., and for mail, 7 Rosemary St., Cbevy Chase, Md. BENNS, Chu. P. (98). Con6. Engr., 1050 Natl. Press Bldg. BEST, Robt. D (J 27), Testinl: Fuels, Lublicants & 01\ Engines, Bureau Standarn. BIBBINS, J. Rowland (04; 09), Engr., 2801 Oonnecticut Ave. BILLINGTON, ll>onald V. (17; A M 26), Spec. Agt.. Civilian Rahabllitation, Federal.Bd. for Vocatlon..1 Education, 200 New Jersey Ave., N. W. BIXBY, Wm. H. (88), Life Member; Brig. Gen!. U. S., Retired, 1709 Lanier Pl., K~. BLAKEMAN, S. P. (1j5; 26), Mgr Haugh.ton Ele,. &; Mch. Co 1103 Vermont Ave. Bl-EE) Barry H. (13; 19). Aeronautical Devel. Specialist. Aeronautlcs BnTe.n IJ. S. Dept. Commeroo. MEMBERS IN UXITJ::U >:1T.~TI:S DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON (continned) BOLTWOOD, Harvey (A M 21), Asst. Dir. Burean of :;el., Interstatc Comm..rce Com:". Rm. 1018, Jnterstate Cqmmarce Comm. Bldl:. BONFO~rE. John (J 26). Airways Div., Dept. Commerce. BROWN, CJemel!t R. (J 27), Jr. Eng-r., Fire Reslstanco Section, Bureau Standald~. and for O1\a>l, 1510 Newton St. N. E. BROWN, Harold Arthur (24)., R. N., Asst. Naval Attache llritish llrunet~, Adrian L. (19; 25), A oc. M. E., U. io. Vctcl~..n. DurMn, GUllstT. IIi>.. Washll1~on, D. G.; and for mail, P. O. Box 16, Rockville, Md BUCHLER, Milton (J 26), 1116 E. Cnpltol St... BURHEN, Lieut. Con:dr. Raymond (A M 20), U. S. N., Bureau Engrg., l!la,-y Dept, BURK, Pl>ul W: (J 26), {>-ssoc. Engr" Bureau of Ord., l!lav~ J)"lt.. ~l". Bldll.. and for ma,l, 7117 Blair Rd., N. W. BYRNE, Henry H. (A 18). Pat. & Trade Mark LawYer, Washington Loan I.: Trust Bldg. CARLSSON, Carl A. Y. (05), Ord. Engr., NaVY Dept., Washington, n. C. and for mail. Whitfield Rd., Lanham. Md., OARTWRIGHT,. Frank P. (A-Y 26), Tech. Rep., Natl. Lumber lurs. Assn. 702 T,ansportat,on Bldg.. CHADWICK, Geo. A. (16), Sr. Engr., Bureau of Ord., Navy Dept., Wa.bingtoll. D. C., and for mail. Waohinilton Grove, Md. OHASE, Arth\lr H. (18). Asst. Oh. Draftsman. U. S. Naval Gun Factory and for?n(ii!, 1208 Decatur St., N. W. CHEYNEY, A. R. (12), Exec. Asst. Engrg. Div., U. S. P. O. Dept. Box 823. Pennsylyama Ave. Sta. CONANT. Wm. S. (95; 04), Gons. EngT., Ist St., N. W. OONWAY, John S. (21), Deputy Coromr. Lighthouses. U. S. LighthulI.e Sen 523 Hurley-Wrigbt Bldg.., OOVE.I1DALE. Edw. J. (A 17), Sales Engr.. Fairbanks Morse &I 00., and Jor mail OlIastleton Hotel. CROOK, Louis H. (21). Pl"Ol. Mechanics, Catholic Univ. 01 Am., alld fur mail Jellerson Ave., N. W.. DAINTON. "r~ncis 11. (A-M 2~). Ch. Engr., Otllce Ch. of Ens... Wal!Jepl Mumtlons Bldg., Washmgton, Do. 0., and for mail. 161 Beldsn St. City Is!and, ];i. Y... DARMODY, Wm. J. (J 2~), Jr. M. E., Bureau Stands., and fo mail, 1122 Fair mollt st., N. W. DICK1N::;ON, H. O. (19), Physicist, Bureau of Stands. DILLEY, Jesse R. (17; A-M 24>, Aswc. M. E. U. 8.. Dept. of Agri. Fixed Nibogell Uesearch Lab., and for "",l! Chesapeake St.. N. W. DODGE, parke~ (A 15), Pat. Atty. Dodge & Sous" 724 9th. St.. N. W. DR,\,COPOU,LOS. P. ~. (J 27), Jr. Pat. Examiner, U. S. Pat. Ollice Div. 13 and jor,"a>! Kellyon St., N. W.., DUGAN, John A. (A M 21), Instr. M, E. Catholic Univ. of Am., and for mail, th St., N. w. DUNC<\:~, Wnl.. Y., Jr.,(21; 26), Cons. Engr., 1910 K. st.. N. W. DUPONI, Alld,ew T. (18; A M 24), Pat. Lawyer, Su,te 507 McLachlen Bldg alld for "l<lil, 2158 Florida Aye., N. W.., DYRE, Wm. E. (22), Pat. Atty., McLachlen Bldg. EJ.Y, Edwin W. (A M 22), Actillg Ob., Dlv. Simplified Practlee, U. S. Dept. of Comm.erce, OOJlUllerce BldJt.. ERWIN, Henry P. (24), th. St.. N.. W. ETT~~.?ER, ~obt. L. (18), Asat. to V. P" So. Ry. System, 1300 Pelll,"."lvan;a FAIltOHILD. ner J. (23). M. E., Specifications, Standardization. U. S. Bureau of Stand~.. and for mad th St. N. W. FIKLEY, J,ohn T. (.T 22), Supt., Geo. A. Fu\)er Co., 1138 MUllS.. Bldg. and for mal!, 1928 Eye St., N. W. - FORNEY, J. aaymolld (A.-M 15). Ry. Supply Business, 305 MoLachlen Bldl:. FORSBERG, Gustave W. (A M 21). 8th &; Water Sta S. W. FRYER. Ross~. (18). Naval Arcb. &I Marille Engl., 480 Transportation Bld.ll. FUL~:&.J;,v1D H. (19; A-M 26). Asst. Ob. Gage Sec., Rm. 202 N. W., BUTeau GAILLARD, David St. P. (17: A M 19) th St. N. w, GARDNER. S. Franklin (21), 11em. Firm, Stand. Engrg. 00., ZI29 Eye St.., N. W. 253

64 DISlRICT OF COLUIUBIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES. WASHINGrON (continued) GlCHNER, Jacob H. (J 25), M. E., Designer, Fred S. Glcbner Iron WkB., 1214 D St N W.. and fo1 mail, 5620 Western Ave. GILLIS iiar~y A (88) Manager, 01-04; M. E., Suite 602, Barr Bldg. GILLIS Irvin V (17) c/o H A. Gillis, Suite 602, Barr Bldg. il GOLDBERG, A. jos. (J "24)., ASBt. Pat. Examiner, U. S. Pat. Office, and for nla, Apt Center st. N. W. K I Rd GRIFFIN, Robt. S. (H 20), Real Admiral, U. S. N., Retired, 2003 a ora,na. GURNEY, Dayton A. (14), Ord. E/lgr., Ord. Office, U. S, A., and for ma\!, 1217 HAD~fy",t~~;~nNB.W(ol4). E. E., Govt. DiBt. of Columbia, District Bldg., and for mail st St., N. W. Q b St. N IV HALT" Capt. Dalo C. (A-M 21), Ofllce of Ch. of Ord., 3421 \Ie ec,". HAMILTON. JaB. (98), Pat. Lawyer, Investment Bldg. HAMMOND John :aays (10» 2221 Xalorama Rd. HANKINS Cyrua (A-~{ 21), Mgt. East Sales. Wine Ry. Applia.nce C?, MUld1. BId Wasbln~o/l, D. C., and Jor mail, 3701 Edgewood Rd., Ba)tll~ore,. HANSO~" Alfred E. (19; 26), Supt. Constr. &I Maintenance.. Govt. Pr~nhng Offiee. HARRIMAN, N. F. (04), Vice-Chmn., Federal SpeeificatlOn Bd., l\au. Bu<eau of Stands. d S Ry ~=tem 1300 HARRISON J Houston (23) Asst. to Supt. Car Recor s, 0... ~J" 11 to pennsyiva;,la Ave., N. W:, >yashington, D. C., and for ma.l, 32 W"" I ng n Ave Ie Rosemont, IJ Alexandna, Va. t u S HARRISON Robt. L. (23), Cbo Engr., Operat!ng Capitol Power Plan.. k Government, Washington, D. C., and fo1 mail, 19 Keswick St., Garrett Par, EA-Jiii, Lieut. Comdr. Clinton H. (A-M 23), Navy Pellt., Bureau of Aero,au,tlcsi HAYES, Wm. T. (23), Asst. D1r. Oper., U. S. Shipping Bd., Emergeucy F ee HE.J: f~ ROY E. (19; A.M 21), Assoc. Physicist, Bureau of Stands.,..nd for,nail 5823 Colorado Ave., N. W. N W HENNESSY Wm J (A M 18) Cons. Engr., 200 Massachusetts Ave.,.. I HERSEY, Mayo D. (12; 14; "19), Ch. Friction &5 Lub. Sec., U. s. nureau a Stands. R (J 27) 1116 Monroo St., N. W.. m~~ela~~., jr. (98: A 04), M. E., So. Ry. system, 1300 Pennsylvalll~ At HINES, denl. Frank T. (21), Dlr., U. S. Veterans nureau, Rm Arlmg on HOF~l ~ADT, Herman E. (23; 27), M. E., ~be Mayfiower. HOGLUND. Gustav O. (J 26), Jr. Aeronautical Engr., Bureau 01 Aeron:>utics, Navy Dept and fry/ mail, St., N. W. E HOLCOMBE, Amasa M. (A 16), Pat. I,a\vyer, Charge Washington Olllce, me!, Booth, Janney" Vawey, 1016 Washington Loan &; Trust Bldg.. and for mad, th St., N. W. HOLLERITH, Herman (80; 83), st St.. HOOD, O. P. (04). Cb. M. E., U. S. Bureau of Mines, Interior Bldg., and for mail, 1831 Irving St., N. W. HOOVER Herbelot C (H 25), Secy. Commerce. HOPKINS, Geo. W., Jr. (J 24). Div. 23, U. S. Pat. Office. HUNT, Edw. Eyre (22), Secy., Presidents Conference on Unemployment, Dept. of Commerce, 2700 Wisconsin Ave. f L HURREY, Roes C. (J 27), Jr. Pat. Enrolner, U. S. Pat. Olllce, ann or ma>, 2901 N. Capitol St.. HYDE, Lawrence K. (J 26), McCollum Geological Exploration, Inc., 5522 Con nectlcut Ave, and fat mail, 46 Bryant St., N. W. JOHNSON Arthur E. (90; 92), Life Member, 2155 New Yor~ Ave.. JOHNSON: Arthnr F. (24), Asst. Prof. Mech. Drawing, Wasillngton Umv., ",nd for mail, 2009 Belmont Rd., N. W... JOHNSON, Elmer (17), Asst. M. E., U. S. Bureau of Pub. Rds., Washmgton, D ( and for mail, Box 194, Tallulah, La. KARSUNKY, Wm. Karl (J 22), Inm. M. E., Catbolic Unlv. 01 Am., and fol mail, th St., N. E. U d KEAT, Wm. G. (J 20), Ord. Computer, Ord. Dra-lting Rm., U. S. Navy u. KEIL, Lewis E. (A-M 19), Asst. M. E., U. S. N., Bureau Ydo. &5 Docks, and for mail, 2408 ~...ylor Rd. S. E., KING, Frank B. (92), Retired, 1442 Rhode blood Ave., N. W. 254 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES WA!!HINGTON (continued) KRATZ, Wilbur (J 24), Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., Washington, D. C.. and lor mail, 3415 Copley Rd., Baltimore, Md. KRAUS, Comdr. Sydney M. (A-M 16), Head Maintenance Div., Bureau Aeronautics, U. S. N. LANIGAN, Thos. M., Jr. (22; A M 27), 1368 Harvard St., N. W. LAUX, Gee. A. (J 24), Engrg. Asst., Chesapeake &5 Potomac Tel. Co., th St., N. W., Washington, D. C., and for mail, 2511 W. Lal",yette Ave., Baltimore, Md. LAWRENCE, Walter B. (J 27), Assoc. M. E., Constr. Div., U. S. Veterans Bureau, and for mail, 711 Mt. Vernon PI., N. W. LEWIS, Geo. W. (15), Dlr. Aeronautical Researcb, Natl. Advisor) Committee for Aeronautlcs, 3341 NlhVY Bldg., Wasblngton, D.O., and fat mail, 6506 Ridge wood Ave., Chevy Chase, Md. MAGDEBURGER, E. C. (17; 20), Aide on Diesel Engo., Navy Dept., and for mail, 4419 N. Hampshire Ave., N. W. MAGINNIS, Wm. S. (A-M 27), epec. Expt. Engrg., U. S. Shipping Bd., 2803, NeVI Navy Bldg. )[AR&HALL, Ricbard C., Jr. (19), Genl. Mgr., Associated Genl. Contrs. 01 Am. Jnc., 1150 Munsey Bldg. MARTE~"S, Ohas. H. (J 26), Jr. M. E., Navy Yd., and for mail, 1420 M St., N. W. )[ARZOLF, Jos. M. (19), M. E., Power Plant Dlv., Bureau 01 YardB &5 Docks, Navy Dept., and for mail, 1023 Otis PI., N. W.. )L\URY, Dabney H. (00), th St., N. W. McALLJSTER, Addams S. (13), Cb. Dlv. of Specifications, Burellu of Standards. McBURNEY, John W. (26), Research Assoc., Common Brick Mfrs. Assoc. U. S. Bureau Standards, 241 Indus. Bldg. )[ccrary, John A (12), M. E., Constr. & Repair Dept., Nllvy Y..rd. McGARVEY, Jos. T. (18; A M 25), Aost. Inspr. Engrg. Moterial, U. S. N. Bureau of Aeronautic!> Nllvy Dept., Wasbington, D. C., and for mail, Prlltt & Whitney Aircraft uo., Hllrtlord, Conn. McMANAMY, Frank (20), Commr., Intsrstate Commerce Comm., 609 I. C. C. Bldg. MERRILL, O. O. (24), Exec. Seey., Federal Power Comm., Ne\v Interinr Bldg. METZ, Walter R. (02\ 11), Ch. M. E., Constr. Dlv., U. S. Veterans Bureau, and for mail, 1727 Tay or St., N. W. MONTSlREAM. John M. (J 23), Jr. Pat. Examiner, U. S. Pat. Office, and for mail, 1727 Columbia Rd. )[QRSE. Robt. W. (A M 15), Mem. Firm, Watson, Colt, Morse &; Grindle, 916 G St., N. W. )[QRlo~NT~eoO;b..r\~O) Prln. Examiner, Rm. 204, U. S. Pat. Office, and for mail, NEILL, Chas. W. (J 24), Student, Georgetown Univ. Law Sch., 506 E. St., ond /01 mail, 3556 Macomb St.. KE~r~c~~~s,S{: (J 26), J,. Engr., U. S. Bureau of Stand...ds, and for mail, 3556 NEWBURN, Thea. Walter (14), Dist. Engr., Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 607 Munsey Bldg.., OKEEFE, John M. (J 24), M. E., Navy Dept., Navy Yd., lind for mail, th St.. N. W. OLIPHAJ!lT, A. O. (19: A-M 20), Asst. Secy., A. E. C., 26 Jackson PI. PARKHURST, Douglas L. (18; 22; 26), Ch. Instr. Div., O. S. Canst & Geodetic Survey, 205 New Jersey Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C., and fur mail, 4602 NoTwood Drive, Chevy Chase, Md. PHILLIPS, Hugh J., Jr. (J 23), Office Mgr., Howard W. Phillipa &5 Co., 111 Ed, monds Bldg., and for mail, Apt. 23, 1769 Columbia Rd. PLATT, Prof. Jas. H. (27), Assoc. Prof. M. E., Geo. Washington Univ., th St., N. W., and for mail, 1342 Jefferson St., N. W. PORTER, Clarenco H. (J 26), Examiner, East. R. R. Assn., and for mail, Apt. 82, 2714 Quarry Rd., PORTER, Mlnnott E. (18), Pat. Examiner, Steam Eng. &5 Powsr Plants, Rm. 229, U. S. Pat. Offi~e.. PRICE, Henr:! M. (12)... Sales Engr., 703 Colorado Bldg. PRICE, Towson (25), Yat. Lawyer, McGlll Bldg-. PRIEBE, Cedrio J. (J 19), Sales Engr.. 9. K. F. Industries, Inc.,..nd for mail, Tho Chastleton, 16th III R Sts., N. W. 255 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

65 DISTRICT OF OOLUltiBIA :MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMllERS IN l:~ll t:n STATES Fl,ORIDA WASHINGTON RRODES, Lewis U. (continued) (A.M 21), l:lales Engr., Mech. Expt., Vapor Car Rtg. Co., Brad RIBLET, ford (orp., Wm. R. 318(A.~{ Munsey 21), Bldg. Dlr., C. A. Dunham Co., Munsey Bldg. ROESER, Har,y M. (A.M 12), M. E., U. S. Bureau of Stands. ROOP, Lieut. Wendell P. (24), U. S. Exper. Model Basin, Nl>vy Yd. RO&E, T.eooard J. (A.M 2~), Asst. Engr., M. E. Div., Bureau Yards & Docks, Na\" Dept., and for mail, 1841 Park Rd. ROSS, RUGGLES, Sir Chas. llng. (10), Genl C. LR. H St., (21), N. W. Asst. Ch. of Ord. U. S. A., Ord. Dept., SANFORD. Rm. 3072, L. R. Munitiona (21), Bldg. Tech. Advisor, Legl>l Dept., U. S. Shipping Bd., 2925 Na\Y melg. SCHMlI>T, Louin H. (26; 27), Pat. Atty., th St. SCROEKBOllN, W. E. (91; 13), Solicitor of Pate"ts, Rm. 711, McGm Bldg. SCHREIBER, Hermann V. (17), Engr., Capital Traction Co., and fa, mail, 3907 Huntin!:ton St., N. W. SCHWARTZ, Andrew J. (19), SUpvg. Drartoman, Ord. Office, U. S. Naval GUO Faclory. Navy Yl>rd, aod for mail, 32 Rhode Island Ave. SEYMOUR, Benj. F. (A 28), GenJ. Mgr. Stopsbilk Wheel Co., 201 Colorado Bldg., Washi"gton, D. C., alld for mail, Suite C 35, 900 Sherman St., Denver, Colo. SIGGERS. Philip E. (23; A 24),.Mcm. FirDl, Siggera & Adams, 918 F St., SIMPSOK, N. IV. Geo. R. (89; 97), th St" N. W. SNELLING, Henry H. (18; 19), Pot. LB\vyer, McGiJI Bldg., 908 G St., N. W. SPENCER, l\~nneth W. (J 2~), Asst. Elll\"r., So Group, Presidents COllferenee Comm., 1118 Munsey Bldg., Washington, and for mau, th St. Takoma Pk. STAPLES, Chas. W. (J 2 1), AssOC. Engr., Bureau Stands., Washington, and for mail, 40 Columhia Ave., Takoma POI 1t. SUPER, Ralph K. (J 26), 1130 Abbey PI., N. E. TAIT. (lodlrey M. S. (06; 07), Cons. Engr., th st. N. W., and fo.r "",it, Uh St., N. W. TROMAl:l. Glegge (J 10), }lfgr. Branch Sl>les Olllce, B. F. Sturtevant 00., 1006 Lonn &I Trust Bldg., Washiugton, D. C., an~ for m",u, Box 71, Route I, Itosslyn, TROMISON, Va. John R. (15). M. E., Interstate Commerce Oomm., Bureau of Valua frompsok, tiou, 1901 Lieut. D St.~ VOlnmdr. N. W. Webster ~r. (A M 2~), U. S. ~. Bureau of Engrg., TICER. Ka\ t W. D~pt. L. (21; 25), Cons. Engr., Rm. 228, Bond Bldg., and for "",il, 5614 TRAEGER, 8th St., Maj. N. W. Chas. H. (A.1o[ 19), Commanding Officer, Ord. Dept., U. S. A.. Washington, D. C., and f01 mail, Curtis nl>y Ord. Reserve Depot, Ourtls Bar, TRANSOM. Md. Fredk (21), Pat. Lawyer & Engr., 608 Barrister Bldg. TRIPP. Louis H. (21), Ch. Constr. Dlv. U. S. VAterana Bureau, Arlington Bldg., and for mail, 3721 Fulton St., N. W. VAN AitEN, Col. L. D. (18), Chapln Sacks Corp., 60 M St., N. E. WALLACE, L. W. (12), "Exec. Sec]., Am. Engrg. Council, 26 Ja,ekSOll PI. WALLACE, Robt. A. (J 25), Sales Engr., Elee. Storage Battery Co., L St., N. IV aud for mail, 8222 Wisconsin Ave. WARNElt, Edw. P. (17; A ~I 26), """t. SecY. of Navy for Aeronautics. WATSON, Rout. O. (A.M 21), Pat. Ll>wyer, Watsou, Coit, Morse &. Grindel, 916 WElT" o l:lt., lsaao N. (26), W. Pres., D. C. Valand Co Vermont Ave. WESCHLER, Geo. A. (16), Pro!. M. E., Catholic Unlv. of Am., also Cons. Eugr., WESCHI_EH, 707, lul0 Maurics Verruont E. AVe.. (J 21), N. Instr. W. M. E., Catholic Univ. of Am., also M. E., D. u. Condon Co., th st., N. W., and for mail, 1335 Newton St., N. E. WHITTEMORE, Herbert L. (03; 10), M. E., Ch, Engrg. Mechanics See., Bureau of l:itands.. and fa mail, 1706 SSt.. N. W. WILLIAMS, Geo. F. (19), Mgr., Pur. Iliv., U. S. Shippiog Bd. Merehl>nt Fleet Carr., Navy Bldg., and for mai!, l219 Hamilton St. N. W. WILSON. Lester O. (03; 07; 13), V. P., Kinnear Mfg. Co., 1136 Inveetment Bldg. WOnENSMIT:El, Zacbary T., 2nd (J 27), Asst. Examiner, Div. 18, U. S. Pat. Office, and for "",ii, 2HO 20th St., N. W. 256 CLEAU",,ATER FLORIDA Flori,1... Sectioll JONES, Edw. H. (89) RIDDLE, Howard S. (05). (,OCO~UI GROVE HERRE.SHOFF. Kathan!e! G. (Ii 2J).. OOURTENAY. :.:~~~~.., ehas. (A M 22), Cons. Engl., Beeuneu Engrg. Co. P. O. Box 4. COUCHMAN Velne 0 (A M 24) Fl. H.EUIS, JOg: A. (A-h!"28) Fla Pow a.. Po~ver & Ligbt Co. WARREN.. Jas. P. (22 24) PI t e~ & Lll\"ht Co. DE L,\.ND " an upt Fin. Power & Light 00. STETSON. John B., Jr. (A 17), John B, Stetson Univ. EUSTIS. RYDE, Pub. Glenn ServoC Co. (A M 16) Pree., Eustis Ice 00., also Genl. Mgr.. Ice Dept., Fla. EVERGLADES BRISTOL, Harold W (A-M 26), In d)is. Engr., Fla. R. R. & NaVigation Corp FORT IUEYERS. BENNEY, Wm A (21 28) S t. E P. O. Box1642,up, dlson Botanic Research Lah. and for ""01 rvg~lr-ql{h~.;"ml (,9g Cons. Engr., 2206 Park Ave.,, ernon (A :M 23), Genl. Mgr., s"eminole Lumbsr & 1o i C GAINESVILLE 1\".... ESHLEMAN, S. Kendrick Jr (22) A. E. Lassite.r St.,.,sst. Prof., Univ. of Fla.., and for ma,l, 733 STRONG, PRICE. :MeMn Albert (06 J. {271 19) P P rfd f :M. ~., Unlv. of Fla. y 824 W. Court St.,ro. rawllig & Meeh. Arts, Univ. of Fla., and foi m,,11 EATON, Prof. Philip O. (20 28) Asst p. f M GULL POINT ". 0.. E., Umv. of FIn. WERNICKE, O. H. L. (A III 18), PI es., Pille Inst. of Am. In HIALEAH c. S:rOREY, Norman C. (A-M 18), PI;. liugar Co. JACKSONVILLE BETTES. AHERN, J. Cha.. F. (A-1o O. (A 18) """,., u_ Fairbank. Morse &, Co W St BOYD, Walter It. cj19 ;2~.MP~~jerb~Jidale Ice 00., 1010 E. Ba:aAt.. Clark Bldg. ngr., Seey., Trens., So. Dredgin" Co 401 lluznbldg.,r ons. ngr., DeSanssure & Buzby loc Flo Th t Y. Arthur D. (19 24) 0 E 0 I., DREW, \VaIter E (J 24) Ch..,. en re in for mail, 164i MarketSt emlst, Municipal Power Plant, Talleyrand Ave alld =MMATT, O. S (22) p 0 " n.ielj~ State Bd. of Ej,~~Exan~r~~~~ Engrg. Co., 200 E. Forsyth St. i 0180 JENNINOSCbaFs. Vo (17 : 25), 1934 WaI:"ut St LOC:ld~.,, ornwe 1 (J 26) 0 en. I Mgr.,. Ophir Gro\es, 202 Profe""ional ROBECorp. WOOD, 412 Wm. Bisbee Galllllrd Bldg. (A Y 22) Dlst. ],{gr., Salea Engr., McIntosh & Seylliour RTSON, Gay A. (27) DI t. E. WALSH, Frallk 0., Jr. (J "25) S ygr EAtlantlC lee & Coal Co. B1d~. a es ngr., McIntosh &. Seymour Corp B bee WILSON, 10 R.obt. P. (J 23), H. W. De Saus8ure Co., 202 Dyal Upchureh Bldg.., ls 257.

66 !,l! Il!i 1 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES :1 FLORIDA ~1. LAKE IUONRt?E) Fl power &: Lllilht 00., Box 7. ~l. ILIFF:, D. G. (J 24, a. If LAKELAND, O. A.M 26), Sales Engr., Allis Ohalmers Mfg. 00., P. o. 1,\, FLANAGAN, H. C. (2, C d for II\ 1\ BoX G (18 21).M. M., Atlantic Coast Line R. R. 0., an 1I KENNEDY, ~ianey., mail, 402 _S. Kentucky Ave. Il!\ ~~~~~~~~~(J 16), Genl. Mgt., Canal Constr. 00.,. LI bt Co and for I. 1111! UIA1UI d P (A M 22) Diat Plant Supt. Fla. power.. Ii., I " I ADAMS, Orlan o. - t lumot I~!, 1601 S. W. 16~h S C t. Engr. P. J. Davis Constr. Co.. a lj! BROWN Wm. Alfred (J 27), ons t. St. 1 " \ i Bldg. and for moil, 419, N li, 28i~rv.. City Hall Annex. aod for mati, 161 ~I I COT1.OI<, Jas. E. (21), Dlt., U.,. t Co Waml Ii" i N. W. 3rd St. W (26) Supvg. Refrig. Engr., Fla. power &, Ltllh. litj II! CUL~:J\o~e~~:II~ 312 Jejfe~son. ~h :W;26)alOo~:~.h Engr. T. H. Farrington, Inc., lll. : F.-I.RlUI<GjON, l.hos.,h. (12,, ~ i\ i 2112 S. ~. t~h ~t"26), P. O. Box i,i I.: GORHAM, Ed,. 0.(J 99) Owner, Coral Gables 11~ ~o. &, Hllrlburt Inc., 713 1st i\. HASKELL, Ueo.. II B (28) Secy., Trea. Se ets hr,! i HUR~~yRlan:~idg., a~d for ~,ai!, 1. 0pro~ J~~; Fla. power" Light Co., and ~ \; I, Id F (J 20) Engrg. Dept., an G bl t.i.:.. JONEfS. DO~t" 8660 s. W. 24th fenace. via C01"l CIa ke"inc. 411 City Natl. Bank ni i.. or. nj,a1 ~ d S (16. 25), Ples., John al,. ~\\., LESLIE, Beroar,,.. 0 ertie. Inc" and for mad, l\i. BldEi (J "7) Foreman, BlIss Pr p, flh: M.t\I<?f5 N.~jt lsth S<lO Secy. Treas., la, Realty Corp. 12 Bisca~ne Blvd., iiil i. RICJttR~iSOa~d ~:~c;,.a\i, l:ho A,e..gaatUec~lfu~:abJ:~dqUist &, Snow, Inc., 328 nl!:. SNow,"weiton A. (19; 26). ::lecy., e....,. 11:.1 Calumet Bld g 19 ) Fill Power & Light Co., 1004 Ingraham Bldg.. i:l: WHIfE, J. H. (J,. 11. :;.1 :t luount DORdk S (13) Retired Box 788, 885 Highland. Court. H.;I. THOMFSON, Fre... d,ll 1I1ULBERRYff do (14 ~.M 21) O. E., Internatl. Agri. Corp. Jli. MANSFIELD, ClI or P.,, ~;.l. OJUS. E (07) Quarry Mgr., Maille Oju. Rock Co., Ojll" and for ",ail, 1,4. BURGOON, Cobh!!"...,; St Hollywood. ;; Wa lo,.,_n.. 1,,1;.!.! ORLANDO " M. E., 1014 State Bank Bldll. :;tllll!i 1 (;ORNELL, 1l0b(t A ~l /21 2 )11 C~~:tJf,;~., 446 Conway Ed. Ull.,. KEI<T, Roscoe" ". ; l:;\ PALlIl BEACH[ H C (21) Ch. Engr" Fla. East Coast Hotel Co., I ~l- BROMBACHER, :Ii ax. B 2318 Stu. 1. d P 1m. i h: McKENZIE, Fo.~or (23?, P. Oes o~olomon.norcro $,; K~i., 10 plaza BI g., a. ;;: ::. SOL0140N. Gabtlel R. ~116p) OPr B~X IV17 "lilt I.all~.r<h.le. i" ; Beaoh. and for mat,.. 1\!lr~ PENSACOLA B 1-03 l";f PIERCE, Paul L. (18). P. O. ox "., lilt! r~~-:r~,eburdett, Jr. (04), Mgr., Anl. Agri. Ohem. Co. I IIi Ili.~ PLANT CITY (Olonet PhoS]hate C".!: GREEI<E, Helll). (18).,11\""" 2;;8 l \ll;\.~. 1 \ ST. AUGUSIINE KUEHNER, Arthur T. (A Y 20), ell. Draft.,uau, ~[cch. JJcpt., Fla. E. Coa.t By., 40 Sanford St. ROBBINS, F, S. (27), Sup!. M. P. & ~fchj" Fla. E. aoast Ry" and for mail, 39 Water St. RODENBAUGH, H. N. (22), V. P., Opel. " T...lflc. Fla. E. Coast Ry. ST. PETERSBURG COLLINS, Edgar F. (18) st AYe. N. SORENSON. Henry (A-],! 2J). Mgr., th. Eugr., Fla. W. Coast Ice Co. FOlver & Light Bldg., and for mail, E th Ave. N.. WELLS. Eliot O. (J 18), Prod. Supt,. Fla. Po"or Corp. YARYAN, Homer T, (92), Am. Bank & Trust Co. SANFORD HUTTON. Munroe B. (A M 23), Genl. Mgr., Hutton Constr, Co., P. O. Box 10,1.7. SARASOTA BRUMBY, Jas. R., Jr. (A M 25), City Engl., Commissio11ll Pub. Wks., anu lor mail, P. O. Box 816. SOUTH CLERlIIONT SNODGRASS, Wm. (18). Contr., Box 2. STEWART REILLY, Ch~. J. (A 12),, ~f., Alundel Corp., Stewnrt.. au~ ;0) mail. ltoute 7. Box 80, S, Jack.onyille. TAJUPA COOPER, Frank P. (J 21), TI ea. & Plant >Igl., Triple Lock Screen Co., and for mai!, 708 S. EdisoD Ave. FOLSOM, Edwin W.(J 25). M. E.. Indu. piv., 917 1st Nat!. Bank Bldg. GOODWIN, Harold L. (J 21), 1507 De Soto Ave. GUNN, Dudley (26), Constr. Supt" ~tone I: r"o.. 1, n, 1I0x HALE, Arthur B. (22; 27). Refrig. Engr Ice & Cold Storalle Pla!)ts, P. 0, Box 716, and for 1!lail Neblaska Ave. KREHER, Ernest (15), Pre." Gen!. Ml(1., Tampa Shlpb1d/:. & Engl!\. 00. KURTZ, Chester A. R. (21; A-M 2&), Statistician, Tampa Elec. C"., and fol ma il, 1. O. Box PEYINGRAUS, Robt. (A-M 19), City E. E., 6th Fl., City Hall. TROTTA. Ja. P. (A-M 24). Cons,.~ Sup,g. Engr., 3012 MOll:Bon St. VENICE RICHARDSON, Tho. B. (18; 26), Mgl., Yenice Water Power &: Ice Co., Venice, and fof mail, P, O. Box 7, Nokomis. WEST PALM BEACH LIFPS. Henry, Jr. (88; 91), P. O. Box WINTER PARI\:: DICKINSON, Jos. H. (18). MEMBERS Il< UNl1.ED SrATES FLORIDA GEORGIA ATLANTA, Atlanta Section ADSIT. Ch... G. (27), V. P" Ga. Power Co., 516 Glaut Bldg. ALDINGER, H. K. (24), Snpvg. Engr., Fulton Bag & Cotton Mlll., and jar fila!i. 703 Confederate Ave.. ~LEN, G. Leonard (23), Investment Counsellor, Blyth. Witter & Co., Grant Bldg. BAKER, O. T. (A M 17), Cons. EngT., 1729 Candler Bldg. BARKER, Beoj, S., Jr. (J 21), Di.trlbutor, E. F. Houghton & Co., 1826 Candler Bldg. BARR, Saml. D. (21; 27), Yarnall Waring Co" 1019 Atlanta Trust Bldg. BERRY, Bernard C. (A :M 27). DI.t. Supt., Servo &, Erec., So. Dist. Combustion Engrg. Corp Caudler Bldg.. BERRY. Clayton S. (A 22). PI e., Beny A.bestos Co., P. O. Box

67 " GEORGIA. ~[E~lBEIlSUl UISllEO STATES ATI,ANTA (COll~IJ1Ue~)Dr..ltsman, Designer, Murray Co., and fo; mail, P. O. BIGGS, Wm. F. (J 24), 0 h d for mail 660 Lexington Box M 26) Instr., Ga. Sch. of Tee., an, BOGLE, Frank (A,.t Co 1108 Atlanta Nat!. Ave. (J 22) Engr., N. Y. Indemm Y., BOSWORTNid Ha~~lfor maa, 1149 BoulevEard, N S! Constr. &,Supply Co., 29~ Bank g., J (22) Pres., Ch. ngr". BRAUNGART, Geo.. r. il POBox Box 1955 and for Houston St., and Jor(j~2:l) }I~ore.Broach Engrg. Co., P.., BROACH, Raymond.. 03 C dler Bldg. ",au, 132 Terr: e (~~i~e;26), Co.Partner, Brookel,sherc~O"a~d fora~a, 1042 BROOKS, EugIine(A:M 25), Indus. Engr., Atlanta aper., BUCK, Wm., C d for mail Box (}lore Brive. E (18) Dlst, Engr" Genl. ~iecc 0p ;nassoclates, MOleland I< BUSSEY, V ns ( l.m I1), Pres., Dir. Engr., E. am. OAMP, E., f th St., N. W. DeKalb Aves ) M E. llurray Co, and or mtiech CARR, ChaBATh ~A A (18) Ass~c. In M. E., G~. Seh 0grg Corp. and for mail. E OASE, MDj. I cp (oa.m 22) pur. Agt., J. B. Yc rdry n, CATTS, Erw n.,. E 181 Spring at N. W North Ave., /.. st. M., Foamlte Ohl~ds Corp., Box COLE, Kenneth W. <J.~~iB ~lam fi5), Ellg., G"Onne11 ~o., i~~8 Oititens,;, So COLEMAN, Harry V p Gen! Mgr., J. B. Me rary 0., aook, Jae:B!~ (;~~ fo;,,;~il, 9G Semh~ole te S h of Tec!I., and for mail Bank lb (17) Pro!. Mcll. l)es,gn, D. C. COOLIDGE,.,, S I f Tech Atlanta, Ga., Ilnd Page A s ve(80) prol Emeritus,I. E., Ga. c I. 0., COON, J.. tt Ny K d 00 POBox 13H. for m;;illur~;2i) Oh. Ensr., V. P., ~...ldsohi:~:: B~g &I"Coito~,Iills, and DAVIDSO", osx t (/ 19, 22 26), eh. ngr., DAV}~; ;;~ii~nwlcllfi R;d.:)R{ruti> 6. McBurlle, Stolcer &I Equip. Co., 619 Trll.t 00, DODll Jobn A. (A M 24,., 706 B lia Allen oi Ga. Bldg. A.)j 27), M. E., Robert & Co., Inc., 0 DOUGHTIE, Chc... E.,.trA~t North Ave., N. E h,bldg., a{df~ (~9j, Prol. ir. E.,?a. Sch. 8!2TA~l~nta Trust Bldg.. ~E:~,I~~.~rfte"t (1~~, Co;::: ~ej~it:niia:& Cotton Mills, and for mad.. H9R ELS~9, Norman E. ~J 1), Y 706 Bona Allell Fairview Rd., 7~ V P Cll Engl. Robert &I Co., Inc., EMERSON, C. L. (2,..,., f Tech and for mail. Bldl:. J 25) Asst. Prof., Ga. Sch. 0.,. FOUNT UN Jobn W., Jr. (, 1 I s c 1< 724 Ch~rry Sli N"2ij Mgr. Atlanta Dept., Hlllt.foru Ste""" 1301 e~ n P. FRANCIS,O Wm110~3 Atlanta Trust Co. Bldg\.. Ga Sch oi T c1 IDe. 0.. ) A 0 Prof Mec Inmes,.. 1,V. \t. C. Smith GENZ, Heury ~. (J ) s Gen!. Mgr., So. Power Jouma, GORDON, LeWIS F. (A, BId publl.h~tg (~~6 1~~~ Gp:~s~, Atl~;t10 Steel ~;o" ~ ~ ~~~d~ic\:rubber Co.. GREGG, Ro. I F C JJ 26) Moch. Sale. v.... HABERXOS1" Noe... S ting St and" 501 Stewart Ave., S, \. F m Burford Hall &I SmIth, 187 P., I Roland B (15), Mem. It, 70\ HAL I/n. mait, 705 Myrtl. St., N(A.J. 22) Sal.. Engl., Boiler Equip. Berv. Go.,. ~LL1DAY Nicholas W.,Jr., 0 Box H. Candler ~~dg. I I 0 (18), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Atlantic Steel 00., 1.. llarrison, lathan e S rill St and far mad ) Salesman, Genl. Elec. Co., 123 P.~., HILLlO~;tlJi[ft~~ ~Jd. h 0 En~ Fulton Bag & Ootton Mills, \1]<" (A-1rI 26), C. per. b O " E " HILL, J;s ste. alld tor mait, 352 Park Ave B, S. & Cotton Mms, and fo,,nail,,7" var,. B (J 21) Pur. Agt., Fulton ag HINKLE, Jas.. E. C 232 Peachtree Yorkshire Rd., N.. 27) Saleslilan, Am. RadIator 0., HOLLINGSWORTll, Louis C. (J 1 i524 W. Capital St., Jackson, ~Iss. 8t. Atlanta" Ga., and tor mat ~ ", 260 MEMBERS IN UNITI!:D STAn:~,lTLANTA (continue.!) HOWELL, Roger S. (A-M 21), Assoc. Prol. Expel. Eugrg., GD. Scb. of Tech. HUGER, Wm. E. (J 23), Dlst. Mgr., Craftex Co., 726 Murphy Ave., aud for "",ii, 550 Cresthill Ave., N. E. JEX!(TNS, D<.vid J. (A M 19), Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., 423 Muietta St..JF.l\SEN, Chas. (J 27), Estimator, J. B. McGrary Engl. g. Corp., 14e8 Citizens & So. Bank Bldg...JOHNSTON, Jas. H. (J 28), Supt. Bag Factory, Fulton Bag &I Cotton ~Iills, and tor ",oil, 49 Peachtre. Pl., N. W. KENNEDY, J. P., J. (.J 26), Snpvr., WIring &I Installation, Ga. Power 00., 402 Ulenn Bldg., and for mail 968 W. Peaehtre. St., N. W.. KENT, Laurence F. (J 21), Pres., Gen!. Mgr., Moncrief Furnace Co., P. O. Box KINH. Roy Stevenson (04; 10), Head M. E. Dept., G... Sob. 01 Tech., and for maa OXford Rd. KI,EIN, Ed\\. W. (18; 24), S. E. Dist. Mgr., Warren Webster & Co., 618 Atlanta. Trust Co. Bldg. KROGG, Alfred John (J 27), Sales Engr., Gen!. Elec. Co., 123 Spring St., L.\~fAR, Philip R. (11), V. P., Bucke,e Cotton 011 Co" 620 Healy Bldg., a",1 {vr,nail, 41 :MuBcogee Ave. LAWTON, Mortimer P. (26). Proel. Engr., Atlantic Steel Co., and lor mail, P. O. BOll ll..\.con, Horace L. (J 25),.~!l9t, Pur. Agt., Ga. Ry. &I Power Co., and for mail..64 Cop.nhill Ave. ~IASON, Howard W. (25), Prof. Head Esper. Engrg., Ga. Scb. of Tech., and for m"a, 1414 North Ave., N. E. }fay, Stephen C. (J 26), S. E. Dist. Mgr., McOlave B"ooks Co., 1328 Candler nidi!. McCUllEY, Calvert R. (16), Aragon Hotel. llcljaughljn, E. F. (19), Dist. Mgr., Central Sta. Ry. Dept., Gen!. Elec. Co." P. O. Box lic,furry, Jes. A. (J 21). Engr., Cran. Co., 1 Collins St. ~(cwhorter, Marshall J. (2:l; A M 26), So. Rep., Bailey Meter Co., and for mail, 39 Ftoirhaven CIrcle. MILLER, JaB. Homer (J 27), Oper., Ga. Po\Ver Co., and for mait, 591 Fowler St., N. W. lfiller, Nils (A-}! 22), S IC F IndustrIes Inc., 526 Peachtree St. ~ntcheli., Wm. E. (21), V. P., Gen!. Mgr., Ga. Power Co.. Elec. II Gae fllelg. ~foodie, Thes. E. (J 27),,Is.t. Prof., Ga. Scb. 01 Tech., and for mail, 679 W. 1e~oChtree St" N. E. IIOORE, H. Clay (A 21). Moore-Broach Englg. Co., P. O. Box \[OORE, H. Cloy, Jr. (J ~5), Asst. to H. Clay Moore, Scles Engl., P. O. Bo>: 20. NEEL, Robt. W. (A M 18), S. E, Sales Mgr., Am. Schaefier & Budenberg Corp. 1. O. Box 996, Dnd fn, ",au, 16 W. Andre\V~ Drive. lieely, Frank FI. (08: H), Genl. Mgr., M. Rich II Bros. Co. 1iEVlli~:. Wm. J. (A 16), Sales Rep., Ohapman Valve MIg. 00., 1524 Oandler NEWCOMB, Robt. Scott (09; 25), Oons. Engr., 806 Walton Bldg. NOLAND, SoUi. O. (21; 26), So. S..les Aigr., Automatic Sprinkler Co. 01.~m., 438 Calldler Bldg. OBRmN, E.ugene W. (21; A M 21), Editor, So. Power,Jonrnal, W. It. C. Smith 1llbll5111ng Co., 102U Grant Bldg. PEE~~~Si7fJ~hard G. (23), ]\lunicipal Engr., S. East. Underwriters Assn., P. O. RI TE/.MEYER, John M. (A-ll 28), Mgr., Rittelmeyer & Co., 608 Bona.llIen Bldj(. ROBERT, L. W., Jr. (14; 23), Pres., Robert & Coo, Inc., and for mail, 1[, R. 15th St,. ROBERTSON, Jas. L. (J 26), Engl., Ga. Power Co., Elee. k Gas Bldg. ",,,1 tnr mail, Apt. G, 816 Peachtree St., N. E. SC01"1, Ead F. (04; 06), lianager, 19 22; Vice-President" 22 24; Pres" :IIg., Earl F. Scott & Co., 1020 Candler Bldg.. SHUFF, Evsns L. (21; 27), Sales Eng., 1527 Candler Bldg. SMITH, Talbert E. (J 24), Burford Hall & Smith, Red Rock Bldg. SMITH, W, R. O. (A 22), Pres., W. R. C. Smith Publishing Co GIant Bldg. SNYUER, Milton A. (A M 24), Geul. llgr., Palmer Inc, 3011 Paimer Bldg alld fo,. mail, 4 E. 17th St. :., 261 GEORGI,\

68 GEORGIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ATLANTA.(continned),. Prof Expel. lngrg., Ga. Sch. 01 Tech. W ~RT Fredk C (J 25), _~.s... d STE - L S 0 Jr (J 23), PeachtTee R. B 1043 Madetta St., and STOVAL,. il (J 22), Constr. Devel., Turner los., TURNER, ~uy 4 5t dish Ave. C 1.32 Candler Bldg. VER{~Eiyi!R:y D. a& 26), F~eld E~~rB_NM~6r;"~,b~0.:)~lIdfor mail, 965 DrewI WAGNER, Chsa. F. ( 16), Ch. ngr., Candler St. C (J 27) Sal~a Engr., Boiler Equitl. Servo 00., 703 WALTHALL, Edgar.. C 426 Bldg. 21, ~Igr., Steam Service, W..tlnghouse E Elec. It Mfg. 0., WARfr~"i~~t~ sl and for ",ail, 587 sem~~olbe~j~~ ~. Sch. of Tech. _. WEBER Bomer S. (J 24), Asst. PEro!. M G~n1 Ele~ Co. 187 Spring St., N. W., Harold W. (J 24), Sale. ngr.,., \I1Kli;~d for mail 46 ~f>;2,,:)d ~~ t. ftgr~ Engrg. Dept., Am. Mutual Liabililr In. WROJd ~~ :tf~::kobl~., and}or S~il, :grsu~a\i~~~ft ~1y~ico" Co., 1132 Coudler ropp, Paul R. (20; 25), D,st. a es., Bldg. IJAINBRIDGE M E :Miller ~Ifg. Co. :;-USSBAUM, Herbert H. (J 20),.., ~~~1BERY, Walter B., Jr. (J 24). COLUIUBUS " Columbus Elec. " power Co. C ~DAM8, Chas. (A-~[ 24 J C(1gl}E)n~rgr Ice Mch. Dept., Columbus Iron Wks. 0., HUTCIDNSON, Arthur n.,-" and for mt>u, rd,\ve. DUBLIN (J 26) Gn. So. Power Co. STURGIS, Bradford K., DIENT Atlanta Section I.. South, Expeli1nent, EXPERI,. 22) Supt. Bleaching, Lowell Ble.c,e,) I}RANDT, C",rl?I p(j 0 B~x 426 Griffin. and fol mat,., LINDALE, Atl"J"!2~)S~~t~~1:r En""., 01,... Cotton WlIs. TURI. EY, Oomer ( ". ~ liiacon, Atlant.. Section," ) " E Ta"!or Iron Wks. " Sllpply Co., llro.d- - W P (18 22; ",,,,,..,, ::~~~r;:;~ldr:n:;l:,zj~2v:i~~~~~~#.utgl.~e~~~;~~a~ag:,0;~~~oco~~02:;:~d g~: MAGRAW, I.ester A. (20): ) Ch Engr. Nye Odorless Crematory Co., McEVER, Wm. L,. (A-~l 20,., Casua1tY Bld~ ~. S (22) Pres. J. S. Schofielcl Sons Co" P. O. Box 288. SCHOFLEI,O, John., MONROE, Atl..ntnJs,:~)ti~nM willil.m., Rm. 1-2 Williams Bldg. WlLLIAMS, J. Booth (,. NEWNAN, Atlanta Section En I R D Cole Mfg. Co. BLAOKBURN, Bryan M. (A.;~8)I4,(;tCbEngr.~ R. D. Cole Mfg. Co., and jl>r mail, TRAPNELL. Joh~ ~[. (A-M:,. 82 W. Wasbmgton St. NORCROSS Ii. (28), P. O. Box 106. ROWBOTHAM, Geo., PERRY, ) E. Pa -Dixie Cement Corp. HOLM, Alex. A. (A-~ J 6 26) n ~iit. Pn.-Dixie- Cement Corp. MILLER, Comad C. ( -,,. 262 MEloIBEBS IN UNITED STATES 268 GEORGI,\. SA.VANNAH, Sav..nnah Section COLLINS, John J., Jr. (J 26), Draftsman, Savanuah Wk., Liberty & Hl>uston Sts., and for mail, 217 E. Gordon St. DAVIS, Chas. R. (J 26). Savannah Gas Co. HOGG, John O. (J 26,). Supt., Savannah Terminal, PU1e 011 Co., P. O. Box HUNT, Robt. (28), M-E, Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co., Realty Bldg. HUTTON, Herbert (J 26), Cost Acetg. M::r., Braid & Hutton Inc., and for mau, 17 E. 86th St. KEHOE, Daniel E. (A-M: 16). V. P., Kehoes Iron Wk... LASSETER, Kenneth O. (J 27), Seey. to Pres., Savannah Elec. It Power Co., Ilox LEVA.Lf. Daniel H. (28), Supt., Sayannah Gas Co.. P. O. Box McCAFFREY, Jos. E. (A-M 27), Saw Mill Supt., Savannah River Lumber Co., and for mau, P. O. Box MEROER, Geo. A., Jr. (A-M 28), V. P., Savannah Blow Pipe Co., P. O. Box 1007, and for mail 838 E. 44th St. OBRIEN, John E. (16), Oh. M. P. It Equip., Seaboard AIr Line By. Co., 616 Realty Dldg. ORMOND, Alex. M. (28), Oh. Engr., Savannah Sugar ReI. Corp. ROESEL, L. C. (22; A-M 26), Snpvg. Engr., Gn. Ice Co., 431 Ha.nnnn St. SAMS, Bruce J. (A-M 26), Dist. En,gr., So. Cotton on Co., and fa" mai!, 809 E. 87th St. SPRAGUE, Benj. O. (18), V. P., Savann",h Sugar Ref. Corp. WALTERS. Horace E. (A 25), Mgr., Crane Co., 14 W. Broad St. WHITEHURST, Stuart A., Jr. (J 24), Sales Engr., Savannah Blow Pipe Co., alld for malil, 1102 Victory Drive. lju,nosta, S... IlUn..ll Section _ luger, Wm. G. (13; 14; 18), Con. Engr., StOlle &: Webster, IIIC., Dalton Bldg. P~TON, Hanison D. (28; 24), c/o Francis R. Weller,,24 Dalton Bldg.,\V..:\.YCROSS, SU"l"nuJluh SectIon BUTLER, C. O. (J 22). Sbop. Inspr., Effie. Man, Waycross Shops, Athmtic Coa.t Line R. R., and for mail, 802 A"a St. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS J;:,VA RENTON, J. Lewis (1.; A-M 20), Factory Supt., Ewa Plantation Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 108. TO~lPliINS, Robt. H. (A-M 21), Capt. COlpS of Engrs., Schofield Barr.cks. HONOJ;ULll DEVOY, Edmund B. (A-M 22). Cb. Engl., TerrltO"ial Hotel Co.,, Royal Hawaiian Hotel. ELl. John A. (25), Asst. Pro/. Ejgr., Univ. of Hawaii, and fo,- mail, 1Ieasanton Hotel. EW_~RT. A, thur F. (A-M 17), Wks. Mgr., Honolulu Iron Wks. Co., and for mail, 2870 Nuuanu St. GRAINGER, Jos. H. (24), Mgr. llchy. Dept., Honolnlu Iron Wks. Co. HADLEY, F. L_ (19), P. O. Box HOYT, Simes T. (A-~I 28), Cb. Engl., Hawaiian Pineapple Co., Ltd. JOHNSON, Horace (23). V. P., Tecb. Advfsor, C. Brewe, &: Co., P_ O. Box JONES, Edw. S. (19), Engr., Genl. Supt., Honolulu Gaa Co. Ltd. MALMQUIST, Emil li. (J 27), Foremall SY"up Dept., Hawaiian Pluenpple Co., anel for mail,j E:alakClua ~~vc. McKAY. Wm. M. (18). Marine It Cons. Engr., 1024 Green St. RAMSAY, Wm. A. (17), Pres. W. A, Ramsay, Ltd.. Box SOHOENING, Fredk C. (20: A-M 28), Designer, Hawallan Pineapple Co., Ltd. SEARBY, Wm. (14), Asst. Genl. Mgr., Cons. Engl., Am. Factors, Ltd., Fort & Queen Ste. SMITH, Wm. Earbart (08; 18), Oh. Boiler Inspr., Hawaiian Sngar Planters Assn., P. O. Box 411. TERRY. Seymour (20), M. E. Estimating &: Desilln, Honolulu Iron Wks. 00. WALKER. Sidney G. (07), Walker It Howland, Hm. 4H. 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. YOUNG, John Masoll (02: 10), Prof. Engrg., Uni". of Bawall, also Cons. Eng"., P. O. Box 638.

69 MEMBERS 1; UNITED STATllS PEAR, H_"-RBOR S b arine Base PETERSON, Adolph (20), Oh. Machinist, u III SCOFIE1,D BARRACIA~MS25) 1.t Lieut. U. S. A., 13th Field Artillery. CALDWELL, D. D. (20;" VAIPAHU, 0t~~,ou(12 ~.M 13) Mgr., Oallu SUl(l1r Co. GREENE. Erne. "., ~~~;rj.. Goo. F. (A 98). M. r<fj~~on. Geo. X. IDAHO E. P. O. Box lll. (A M 27), 1014 Eastman St. I<:EL1,OGG (2") " M Bunker Hili & Sullivan Co. PORTER. Frodk P. I,... 1I10SCOW Inland EtnlOire S..ction f Idaho BAILEY, N~il P. W(J (2A4),.. 12s~t). P,{~:i }~r~" 3.n~:. bniv. oi Idah<>, and for,114i1, CANDEE. Frank East G St. H ddt. M E. Unh. 01 Idaho, and for mail, 226 S. GAUSS. liellrv F. (26), ea ep Lincoln St. pocarel,i,o, Inlau,1 Empire se.;rhyi01i> t Salt Lake Hardware Co., and AUSTIN, Geo. C. (J 25), Sales Engr., c ep., for mail. Box 668. A B h Univ of Idaho. P. O. Box 995. GOUGH. A. C. (18), ~,e~n27e)ni!lcf," QpO~r r~~~e~ Pla~t, Ore. Short Line R. R., and WARE Chna. 11. (A..... fo~ "",ii. Ilox 312. ILLINOIS ALTON, st. Louis Section S C 10 W 7th St. DUNCAN Wm. M. (11). Pres., Ill. : tok~r t o"e ; IiI Glass Co., and tor "ail, GERMAI~.,Ino N. (11), 1\ound Desllll1 ep., xe Bluff St. ) L b E!1".Ill. Glass Co. 714 Wa.hillgton Ave. GRUnE. lj",,"111 E. (,T 27.?) ~h E III Glass Co. J,U~KIN, ODdnnd (2(8 ;,t7)m n6 E J Gloss Co~~;id f~r mail, 528 E. 8th MASON. Clao ence. " Ii Rm 808 Alton NatI. Bank St n Id I{. ~IAXFIELD. Leroy H. (pig), clf~~lt~;re"powder MIg. Co., West. CartridKe Co.. OLIN F W (A 95), res.. t St All n E. A;to~;. *dr1 ~26~~i~Vl~S:2~:~\trest: Cart~idge Co. W. Alton. giiwaj,p,v~ J. (J 25), 3207 Collef(e Ave. A.RGO (llicn/to Section _ C Products Hef ArllO, and for filail, JEFFERIES Fredk L. (00; 00). orn 330 Blackstone Ave., La O..ange. ARLL1VGTO~ HEIGHTS 122 S. Highland Ave.. KERN, Ferdinand F. (A l! 27), AURORA, CI,icngo )sevcti~ll Cb Engr Aurora Pump & Mfg. Co., and lor BODINSON. L. W. (10,..,. HORW,ilCh~;~ fra(l.i? 17), Ch. Draftsman. Stephens-Adamson Mfg. Co., and lor ",a il S. 4th St. L M t Ilic 1lfg Co JONES. Donald G. (J\ 2(~1)6.)sabi~ EE"~~ J~c~he~s~Ad"mso~ Mig. Co., and for ""lu, KENDALL, ~Iyron,. " g" 716 Garfield Ave H (18) V P Stephens.Adamson Mfg. Co.. and for rna.!, McWE~fHY. Frank Downer Pl. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES _lurora (continued) llersen, David B. (A 13), Pr... Stephens-Adamson ~lfg. Co. IB.TIDIELL, John 11. (A M 21), Exper. Engl., West. Wheeler Draper 00., and for mail, 6-11 :Kenslnl{ton PI. RHERWOOD. M. W. (09), 421 Downer PI. WRIGHT, John P. (J 26), Prod. Engrg. Dept., Barer Greene Co, nelleville, St, Lonioi Section ~meller, Jacob W. (A 19), Mgr., Estate of Solomon Mueller, and f(" mail. 605 E. 0 St. YINGLllIiG, John C. (18; 21), Scott Field. BLOOlUINGTON liagirl. W. J. (J 27), Asst. Engr., P. H. MaGid Fdy. & Furnace Wks., 401 Fl. Oakland Ave. loioble, Herman E. (J 25), Sale. Engr., Am. Fd~" & Furnace Co., and for mail, 604 E. J elferson St. BLUE ISLAND, Chicago Section DILLMAN, Robt.. (21; 25), Mgr., Libby, McNeil & Libby. B~DLEY, Chicago Section VOGES, Herman, Jr. (A 21), V. P., Mgr., Manco Mfg. Co. ILLINOIS CANTON CONN, Jobn B. (J 25), P. & O. Plow WIs., Internatl. Huvester Co., Canton, Ill., and for mail, Bunker Hill, Ind. HAGBERG, Eric E. (20), Supt. P. & O. Plow Wks., JnternatJ. Harvester Co. CH.llUPAIGN JOHNSON, Cha., S. (li), Ch. Engr., Burr Co., and fo1" mail, 1204 W. Church St. CHICAGO, Chicago Section AAGAARD, Artbur ~. (16; A-M 23). A.gaard Laundry 00., 600 Root St..-lBBO ft, Wm. L. (91), Manager, 07,10; President, 26; Ch. Operating Engr., Commonwealth Edison Co., 72 W. Adams St. J.IlERNETH~, W, K. (A M 17), Dis~ Mgr., Central Sta. Steam Co., 811, 1st Natl. Bank Bld/1,. ACKEltMAN, Gear E. (13), Mem. Firm, Holland, Ackerman & Holland, Con. Engl. Chicago" Ill., and.alin Arbor, MIch and for mail, 1017 Wenonah AYe., S. Oak Park, ill.. ADAMI:>, Campbell V. (A:M 10), M. E., Asst. to Genl. Mgr., Vulcan Iron Wks., 327 N. Ilving Av..e., and for mail, 2934 Wilson AYe. ADAMS. H. H. (12). Supt. Shops &; EqUip., Chicago Surlace Linea, 3901 West End Ave. AKEl\Ll]:o,lJ. G. A. (09), Mchy. Inspr., Testing Div., Dept. Pub. Wks., 3100 S. Sacra. mento Ave. ALDEN. Joh\) L. (14: 21; 24), Contract Engr. EJoe. Re.earch Produots Inc., Hawthorne St&., and. or mail, 1804 W. Oon~"sa St. ALGE.R. Harley O. (J 08),,9:upt. Calumet Ave. Plant, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 731 Plyro,outh Court, and for maa, 5638 Kenwood Ave. ALLAN, Chas. D. (].7), Con. Engr 228 N. La llane St. ALLEN Col. Henry A, (00), Cons. Engr., 208 N. Wells St. ALLEN. Jean M; (13>, Rm. 2047, 832 S. Michigan Ave. ALLPORT, Hamilton (23), Exoc., A. B. Leach & Co. Inc 105 S. La Salle St., Chlca/1,o, and for mail, South & 4th Sis., Genevs,. ALTERMATT, Harold A. (:J 27), Engl., Link Belt Co., 800 W. Pershing Rd., and /01 j1lail, 9719 Vanderpoel Ave. ANDERSEN, Oscar E. (16), Footer Wheeler COlp., 111 W. Monroe St. ANDERSON. Emil C. (14). M. E., Chicago, Burlington &; QUincy R. R. Co., Urn W. Jack~n Blvd.. ANDERSON, han G. (J 23), Cadet ErillT., Peoples Ga. Light &; Coke Co., 122 S. Mlchil(l1n Ave.. and for mail, 1001 N. Kedvale Ave. ANDREW, J as. IJ. (04), Armour & Co., Union Stock Yd ANDRUS, Leslie L. (J 24), 11ech. Draftsman, Sargent & Lundy, 1412 Edison Bldg., :>n,1 for fiiail Woodlawn Ave. 265

70 ILLINOIS )lembers IN UNITED STATES CHICAGO (colltil11letl).!>.l ~ S. Wabash Ase., Chicago, S R ssell K (J 23), Fairbanks. ors., t ANNI cl f~ ",ail 185 Franklill Ave., Rl\el Fo~eB~O I0U Sedgwick St., and fa ARFF n John G. :8:. (16), M. E., Oscar Mayer.," Sup,g. ";ail 2741 Ainslee St. Pres Arnold En~, g. Co., Chmn. Bd. AlWg~~s.~i3\~i~~g~2~~a( ;~8i~);,~s~~i~~E"~;~ 7 :t;~b:~k~a~i~:;~c &S~o., 000 S. Wabash NOLD D uglass L 1, a-,cs "., A Oak Park AR A Chlcago";d for mail, 843 N. E~t Ide Co Sec". Arnold Engrg. Co., NoLb, Robt. ~i. (J 25), Secr. Engr., A,no.,., All, 565 W. Wasblngton Bl~d. Li k.belt Co., 300 ". Pcrslnng Rd., and KINSON PhillIp S. (J 27), Engr., n AT fa ma.iz, 8207 S. Mi~~JII)anctv~ombustion Engr., Pure 011 Co., 35 E. Wacker AUGUSTUS, Jas. M. (J,1.. 0 S c:8unobt. H. (A,!>.l 23), Sales Devel. Div., Fairbanks, )lorse &. co.: 90 BA Wabash Ave. (10 16) Supt Generating Stas., comnlouwealth E,hson 00., BAILEY, Alex D.,, 22ud & Fisk Sts. J B Lund 5 N La Sa-lIe St. 22 S B " IRI),... " ~lan (J (A 26), M Engr"SIE 0.1) a es De Laval. Steam Turbine Co., 1. n~r., BAK~J-dhi~~~l~,?:, aud to;) m~il, 2~lt I:J~~t~~a~e;~.~ Johns ~i.anule Inc., 1737 B~L~A:\,fga~ B1~d~,AJ~iC;:0: an7!fo, m~i!.. ~,~ill~~~~nn~v5o.:v4~o~t~eive1scyave. BALim~lA. Elmer H. (J 2U,f:).;rAS~l{Vks. Mgr., Internat!. HlOrvester 00., G06 B,u,LE~TINE, Jas. M. (A, C S. Michigau Avc. (J 26) Graduate Student Course, Iutenutl. Hanester 0., BAL~~W~W: ~los~s Blvd., and for fflrlil, 2244 J\~:~n fn~d. 168 N. 1!iohigan Ave. B ~NASH Jas. I. (17), C-ons. Engr nf~nd~jg Se~ Co: of Chicago, Rm. 1300, BARD ora W (J 26). Street Ltg. ep.,.. Edison Bldg., 72 W. Adams Sti:> I Engr. West. Elec. Co., Iuc., Hawtborne BARKER "irgil D. (J 24), La-mp eve.,, Sta., Dept. 6468;. OS Asst. Supt., West. Elec, Co., Inc" Hawthorne St.., BARrl;;~~g~~:;,fio~ ~~~il, 619 N Ridg~la~~it.~~,&,oc~.,P:i;t st. & Asblaud AV~. BARNETT, tal! P. (1,3), S\,;U~;, &1 ~~pr~"c-ommon\\ealth Edison Co., aud for,na. L, B!>.RNETl, Hart) l>.. (25), c. n,... lins Dorchester,AV~. obi 2S) Dist. ~gr., Dayton Dowd Co., 30 N. ~1tchtgan BARRON, Alex. F. (16, A 0 d St. Ave and for mail, 2458 E. 7.n B tt &I Kipp Inc. Suite 2086, 281 s. BATTEY Paul L. (22), Pres.,.L"1,eas., a ey " La Salle St. "21) E Contr 9 S. Clinton St. C BAUEREISEN, R. J W «l8m27) ~tf!;:f Deslg;ing &I Supvg., Artbur Barris &> 0" BAU~IANN AlDold.,.., 212 N. Curtis St. 23) Sales Engr. Celite PIoducts Co., 225 E. Superior XTER Nelson E. (A-M, d A BA Blvd and for mrlil, 5633 K~nwoo M v;;. Equip V D Simons, Cons. Engr., AoYER Geo. L. (A M 25), DeSIgner, ec..,.. B. 20,l1 Tribune Tower. &I Porter 231 S L.. Salle St. BAYLEY. Guy L. (1;). ~~., ~2ande~~~. Mgr., B:istol C~., 1432?>Ionadnock Bldg., BEAN Lawrence G. (20, A M 6), St Evanstou dicago, and f? ~~:ir ~~~)~~~~t. E~gr. AU!om~tive Div., Underwriters Labs., BEC~~fE~e3j,~ S\.~Sand,~O;) mvil,p 48~~l ~f:;.:fo;~~~rsa~f~hl" Co., 4700 Ravens BECKER, H. Klrke )A.M ail 54ill Lakewood Ave. S. Clark St., wood.~vee ald (c:..~f 20), Salesman, Detroit Stoker Co., 2S0 BE~~~;r}or m~il U,niv~r?~w) A:t E. Battey & Kipp, Inc., 123 W. Madison BEERBAUM, Arthur J. (14,,. Av~ St and fa mail, 4010 N. Keeler. Co 332 S Michigan Ave. BE~CIS: Walter S. (A M :21», Plds., ~ed"hredges & sand & Gravel Planta, W. H. K. BENNETT, Wm. H. K. ( 20, B r.. y. Bennett Co., 20 E. C (iai~s?rs~ltcins. Ellgr., 111 W. Jacksou Blvd. BE~NETT. Wilmer. -, 206 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CHICAGO (continued) IlEXSLRY. John R. (22), V. P", Genl. Sales Mgr., Mercury Mfg. Co., and for mail, S038 Elli. Ave. BEXSON, Chenery F. (19; 22), Constr. Engr., M. P, Dept., Armour & Co., and fnt ",ail E. 67th St. BE)/TLEY, Harry T. (13), Genl. Sup,t. M. P. & Mehy., Ohicago &I N. W. Ry. 00., Kep!er Ave. &I Kinzie St. BEXlLY, Julius G. (24; A M 25), Fuel &I Servo Engr., OGar~ Ooal Co., Rm g32 S. Michigau Ave. RERG, Christian P. (18), Oons. En!lr., 10 S. La Salle St. BERGER, Albert E. (J 21), Supt., Univsrsal. Stamping & Mfg. 00., and for mail, 1020 Dayton St. BERGMAN, Donald J. (A M 24), Designing & Devel. Engr., Universal 011 Products Co., 312 S. Michigan Ave. BERGMANN, Adolph A., Jr. (A M 28), Aset. M. E., Byllesby Eugrg. & Manage. ment Corp., 231 S. La Salls St. BERRY, Edw. L. (21;, ), Wks. Engr., Link Belt 00., 800 W. Pershing Rd., and fa mail, 5553 IngleSide Ave. BESSERDIOH, Arnold O. (J 25), Mech. Designer, Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, 910 S. ~fichiga-n A, e., and for mail, 6323 S. Talman Ave. BIBBY, Wm. E. (A M 26), Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., 122 S. Michigan Ave. BIDWELL, Edgar M. (A?>l 23), Mch. Designer, West. Elec. Co., Inc.. Haw. thorne Sta., Cbicago, and for mail, Gables,Apt. 108, DespJalnes & 31st St., Riverside., BILLINGSLEY, A. S. (A~[ 23), Engr., F. J. Lewis Mfg. Co., 2500 S. Robey St., and for mrlil, 7031 Oglesby Ave. BILLOW, Olayton O. (14), Cous. Engr., 80cy., Treas., Natl. Supply 00., 412 Orleans St. BmCH, Herbert E. (A M 21), V. P., R. H. Be..umont 00., Rnl. 1544, 310 S. Michigan Avp. BIRD, Harlan W. (J 21), Merchant Engr., Nat!. Stoker.I; Arch Agenc~, 1926 Conwa, nldg. BIRDSEY, Ohas. R. (07; 16), Research Dir., U. S. Gypsum Co., 300 W. Adams ft. BISSELL, Albert W. (14; A M 18), :Mch. Tool Sales Engr., :t.~elf Kohlbusch & Bissell. 800 W. Washington Blvd. BLAINE, J. It. (17), M. E., Miehls Printing Press & Mfg. 00., 14tb & Robey st. BLAIR, Ro.v M. (J. 26), Constr. Dept., Pub. Servo Co. of No. Ill., 79 W. Monroe St. BLANNING. Harry K. (,01..)[ 27), Asst. to GenL ~L M., Armour &: Co., Union Stocl, Yds., and for ",ail. G701 Cregier Ave. BLATCHFORD, John (A ~[ 20), Designing Engr., Am. Spirs! Pipe Wks., Chicago, nnd for mail, 711 SUllerior St., Oak Park. BLOOD, Harold L. (26), eh. Mch. Design Dept., West. Elec. Co., H..wthorne Ste., Chicago, aud fat moil, 711 W..,hington Ave., Oak Park. BOA. R. Geo. C. (22), Indus. Engr., L. V. Estes Inc., 4763 Broadway, and for ",ail, 2416 B"Jn Mawr Ave. 1l0I~~tJ;a~r~ B. (J 18), M. E., InteruatI. Harvester Co., and fo, m4i/, 3259 W. BORG, Belti! (J 27), Draftsman, Ill. Tool Wks., Chicago, and for mail, Ridge view Hotel, Main St. " Maple A,e., Evanston. BORN, Wm. G. (10), Ch. Engr., John Mohr & Sons, and lor mail, 7811 Burnham Ave. BOWEN. Hsrrison 8. (95; 08), ~l. E., Robt. W. Hunt Co., 2200 Ins. Exch. Bldg., Chicago, and, for "U1.iL, 809 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. BOYNTON, Arthur J. (22), Cons. Engr., H. A. Brassert & Co., Rm. j622,. 310 S. Michigan Ave.. BOYNTON, John E. (15; 21), Devel. Engr., West. Elec. Co. Inc., Hawthorne Sta., and fa, ",ai/, 557 N. Central Ave. BRAY, Cbos. C. (J 27), DeLl>vaI Steam Turbine Co., Peoples Gas Bldg. BRENNE, Mild M. (J 21). Indus. Engr., Ohas. E. Bedaux Co., 435 N. Michigsn Ave., Chicago, m., ana fo, mail, 6075 Drexel Rd., Overbrook, Phllt>delphia, Pa. BRIGGS, Chauncey M. (27), Cons. Engr., 800 N. Michigan Blvd. BRIGHTLY, }red. C., Jr. (,T 27), V. P., Stand. Galvanizing 00., 2019 W. Von Buren St. BRILLHAR1, Sam!. Edw. (,f 23). ]level. Engr., West. Elec. Co.. Inc., Hawthorne Sta.. Chicago. I1n(1,1m "",ii. lfj8 \Voodside Rd., Rh C:l6idc. 26; II,LINOIS

71 ILLINOIS CHICAGO BRIZZOLARA, (continued) R. D. ME:/.iDERS IN UNITI>D RTAn:S (A.!! 27). Engr., Am..Steel ~dy.,.no N. Allchigall Ave., and for mail, 952 N. Mayfield Ave. BRONI<ER, Rn)mond M. (26). Dept. Head, West. Elec. Co., Ohicago, and for mail., 814 e. Wesley Ave. Oak park. BROOKE. Irvin\; E. (21), Oons. Engr;, Rm. 1211, 189 W. Madison st. Chicago,..nel for ",a.l, 409 I{eystone Ave.. River Forest. RROOKS. Cllas. O. (B). v. P. West. Mgr. Mead Morrlson Mfg W. BROWN, Jackson nanett Blvd. P. (A.M 25)", As,t. Supt. Templetoa Kenly Co., 1020 S. C"lItrnl Avp. and for mau, 617 N. Pine Ave, BROWN, Harmon A. (J 2;;). Oommonwealth Edl,~n Go. 72 W. Adams Rt.. and for mau, 1615 W. Monroe St. HROWN,.T~. Henry (A.:/.( 21), m,t. Sales Mgr., Sullivan Mch). Co poople. BROWN, OM Bldl{. Ralph Edwin (J 26). V. P.. Brown Mch. C".. 14 N. May st,. Chicago, and for moil, 704 S. East Ave., 0..1< Park. BROWN, Roge, Stuart (A.M 22). Sales ligr., Calori"inll (10., Chicago. and for ",ail, Pro.pect Ave.. Beverly Hills. BRUCE, Albert W. (J Z7), Draft.,man. llanagement Ii: Engrg. Corp., 327 S, r.a ::nlle f;t. Chicago,..nd for ",ail, 2U e. Scoville.\ve., Oak Park. BltUSH, Tho. V. (A.1>1 21). Supt. & Ch. Engr.. Palmer HOIIo. HRYANT, Franli L. (A.M 22). Devel. Engr.. Engrg.I; Mfg. Co., 5"~ W. Yall Buren St., and for lilail, 4868 Drexel Blvd. BRYDON. nerhert B. (25). M. E. Byllesby Engrg. & Management Corp. 281 S. IllJOHANA~, La Salle St. ])nvld M. (A.~( 27), Sale, Engr., Bakelite Corp., 636 W. 2211d Sl. RULL, E)vind It. (17), MIra. Agt., 2fi E.,Taockson 131vd. BUNGE. Ralph W. (16; 26), A,st. Supvg. Engr., lleischnlann Co., 19th,~ Rook BURKE, well Albert Sts. G. Jr. (13), Sales En~t., Power Plallt Equip., Albert G. Burke, Jr., 34:3 S. Dealborn St.. ami for mail Oglesb)" A"e. llultke. Rmith (A 21), 2368 E. 70th St. BURNETT, Richard W. (14). Chmn. Bd., Ajax Hand Bul.. 00., Ry. Exch. Bldg. and for mail, Ohlcago Beach Hotel. BURROUGHS. Julian de F. (J 27). Test Set Designing, West. Elec. Co., Dept , Hawthonle Sta.. BURTON. W. Dean (H). Ch. Engr., Ste..moter Co., 431 S. Dearborn St., 01.leago, ilnn jnr mail, 704 Hinman Ave. Evan~ton. - BUSWELJ" Ronry L. (A.M ZI), V. P., Treas., Lunde & Buswell, Ine., 166 W. BYFIELD..~lex.,Tackson 5lvd. L. (A."II( 26), Power Engr.. Cowham EIIIrg. Co W. ~Ionroe St. Chleagn. nod for mai!, 541 Oalnvood Ave.. Hi;>;hland Park. CADY. Ceylon n. (1~), Engr. Frank n. Chase, Inc N. Michigan Ave., Chi ctzo. and for n.a.d, 1005 Greenwood Ave. Hnbbnrd Wood. CM,DWELL, Frnnk B. (21; 22), Sales M1(t.. r,lnl, nelt Co., 300 W. Pelshlng Rd. CAMF.JWN, Wm. R. (J 26). Sale,man, Frost Mfg. Co., Rm. 702, 112 W. Adam, St. CAREY, Jas. r,. (18), Paper Mtll Arch.. Engr., 205 N. J.aramie,Ire.. OARJ,SON. Adolph G. (17), Ch. Engr., Un!"ersal Portland Coment Co., 210 r", SnU. St., and for,nail Pnxton Ave.. CARLSON, Bengt A. (J 24). Sandvik Steel.I; Impolt N. ~(jel.igall Ave. OARLSON. Ralph G. (J 27), Dcvel. Engr., Crane Co., 4100 S. Kedzle AVe., and for mai!o 6323 N. St. Louis Ave.. CARPENTER. liorace (12), Can,. En!;r. Arnold Engrg. Co., 566 W. W...hington. Blvd., and for mail Woodlnwn Ave. OARROLL, Harry O. (27), Dlr. Mech..I; Combustioll Engrg. Dept., Commercial Testing.I: Engrg. Co., 1785 Old ("ol(i\iy Bldg. CARTER. Will. C. (17), Prod. "Illgr. J.lnk Belt Co., 910 S. llichig-an Av. OASRERO, Oarl H. (J 21), Engr., De e1. Btanch, West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne eta,. and for mail. [>029 W. Washinlrton Blvd. OASE. ~mo M. (09; 16). Can,. U, E. 87 W, Van Buren St.. Chicago, and for mail, 210 S. Highland Ave., Aurora. OHANBERR, D. M. (J 25), Deve1. Engr. West. Elec. Co. Inc., Chlcsgo, and! W. 2ltit St. Berwj n.. CHAMBERS, Wm. R. (21). As,t. Ch. Engr.,.~m. Rt",,] Idvs. no N. 1>1I.lIi"al1 "ve., am] for ",nit W. 1(14th St.. 26S MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ILLINOIS CHICAGO (continued) I1HARTER, J.. A. (99), Pres., OharteL Sin J SI, Bl~II,. and for mail, 1125 Farwell Age ee. e Motor Co. 650 UcCnrllll"k CHEYNE\:. ~has. C (A.M 17) E B ve Washington Blvd IIgr.. ranch ],{gr., Buffalo Forge 00 51:" W C:HUCAN. John (A.1>l 17) Ch E,.... and for mail, P. 0 Box 112 ngr., Mercury Mfg. Co S. Halsted ~t Of.ARK, Alb., t B (16) E S.., (J.ARK, Wn;. F.. (14; A.J:l~2I)ar~~tr& ~ndy, Edison Bldg.,~tnte 8t.,..nd for mail, 7654 Gr:el;~e Pi & Rapp, Arcb,. State Lake Illd:{,"KE, Lenn L. (12) Sec.v Tr l w ve. (J,.\RKE, Wnnen H. (J ;21) Office e:f~ SobWhY Engrg S. Dearoolll St. ([.EOG, Robt. 1. (02) V P Edl~"i CII am 00., 10 S. Wabash Ave Michigan Ave.,.., r n lief, Masonic Histor) N. CLEMENTS, Arthnr L. (A M 26) Su t D (LEVElJAND, Wm. Porter (J 25) PsiiJes:;i zero Oorp., 930 N. Halsted St. (,JIF~hO,cRaDgoEand for ",ail, Greenwood Jnn a~va~:enj. Elec. 00., 230 S. Clark!!t.,.,,.tnest L (14) Sales B b on. OLOW. I{ent S. (A.M19) it P jan B Or COCI &; Wilcox Co., Marquette Bldg CLUOAS, Geo. W. (A.M Iii) s a,.. ow &; Sons. 2()1 N. Talman Ave., Jackson Blvd. ecy., Engl. Stannard Power Equip. O~ 6.1 W. (.OES, Halold V. (07; 13). Vlce President. Co S. Western Ave. 27, V. P., Genl. Mgr Belden Mfg. COLE, Austill (IS), Pres We t V 1 B COLE, O. B. (19; 26) P~es s. a ve ag Irving Pk. Blvd OOL lor,~ni! Wesley A;;e~o~~r~~::~ Sales S. Ollnt"" St., Ohicago, and EMAN, Wm. F. (A M 17) Genl S colirk8soof~:~~ ~d.j3nd for ~ail. i;33~pir: Jhi/St. Jone, Fd). &; Mch, Co., HOl OONJ.EE, Gen. D. (,Js. li4f &,El" Sarp;ent & Lundy Edlsoll Hldg Parkway.. ngr., Republic Flow ~Ietcrs Co., 2240 Dive... CONVERSE, W,n. ~ (A 14) S. anedlflor ",na., 7028 Oonsta~ce e~~ Dearborn Chem. Co., 3.32 S. ~!iehigan Ave. CONW., Rolf w: (J 26) COOIfJlI~~,:eOh~ ({24), o~s?-le;c:.~riil~~~;~o;na~~~m::n~c~.,<filz Tribune Tower. OOOKE, B~nllel~a~, (A~.J4lr Ch~l. 712 Seward St., Evan,tonee Lake Shore GOOPER. R. Dunh~m (A.M 24j ca I!M ~to~?~ainlng Oorp., i916 Sunnyside Ave, mai!, 7211& Merrill Ave.,.., Ulan Stock Yd. & Transit 00. and f COOPER, llolulld S (A M 24) S I or Bldg. ". a es & Engrg.. Superheater bo. 801 Peoples Gu COPELAND Fredk K (14) P S CORLETT nobt C (21), res., ullivan Mchy. Co. 122 S Michl n A: COTTON, Geo. G. (;02) do~~ ~;;:OSC;;~lnti&gl;ess 00., 1535 S. Paf:hna S~ (~ mail. 66 Oedar St.. on oclates, 820 Tower Court. :nd jor ;OULTER, J... A. (23), As,t. Gelll S t P 1 I CR~th p.\!) thur. M. (13; 16), Mgr:, i:fu~icl~al1>~vp~., peinettco tj360fn. erna. \lter Michigan Co 333A,... W I"RANE, Oha, A J, (25) Wk M.,. Central A;e..,., B. gr., Templeton Kenly & 00 Ltd 1020 S CRANE, Edw.,J. (25~. Dept Oh Mch D".,.,. for mail, SG23 Wesley A~e Berwyn. e81gn D1V., West. Elec. Co., Chicago, and ORANE. Herbert C. (J 24) Asst OIB ~,~ Jackson Blvd. and for..:ail 5419 lie dj... r Stannard Power Equip. CIl,~ W ORANE R T Jr (]6) P I 00 awn Ave....,. OROSS,Harold W: (ZO), D~:::.g~~~~ Co 836 S. Michigan Ave. CROSSETT. Russell J. (j 2ij) 1345~ io~gyeca Oeni. Elec. Co. 230 S. Clark St. OROWDER, Bert A. (J 26) b I E ve. CRYTSER, Cha,. A. (A.},! zb Me.?gr., Dept West. Elee CULVBR, Henry F. (J 26). Am. eme:r~~;.: W)fsl & CrYBldt,er, 436 N. Michigan Ave. CUMMING!!, Edsrar 0 (C6) Pro E 0" r g ey g. for mail MI~erva Ave. pr.,.. Cummingll Co., 545 W. Lake St., and OUNNINGHAM, Arthur B (27) E R. PkwlI.v. and for mail: Z730 Gld:i~~; StepUbhc Flow Mete.S Co., 224~ Dlversey OUNNIliOHAM, Parkway. Jas. D.., (IS 21) P res.. Republfc. Flow },(eters Co., 2240 Diversey 269

72 ILLINOIS blembers IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES I1,LIXOIS CHIOAGO (continued). CURRIER, Chao. H. (A-U lb), V. 1., Genl. Mgr., Drymg Systems, Inc., 1807 aur~s~~r H~~:~rd O. (J 22), Coe Mfg. Co., Rm. 180~, 20B W. Washington st. DA.OANAY Line P. (J 27), 573B M"ryland Ave.. DALLEY,.t H. Chas. (14; 21), Superheater Co., Rm. 801, 12Z S. Michigan Blvd. DARLINGTON, Jos, ~. (26), Ch. Engr., Winston &; Co., 88 S. Dearborn St., and for, 8106 pll.xton Ave (\B W DARRAH, Wm. A. (19), Pres., Continental Indus. Engrs., Inc., 8mte 18,. Washington St. DAS, Peter (26), E. &; M. E., 1508 S. Harvey Ave., Oak Park.. DAVIDSON, David E. (J 26), Draftstnl1D, Nat!. Lead Co., and fa" ma.,i, 8837 S. Laflin St. DAVIS, Ernest W. (23), De...el. Engr., Bassick Mfg. Co., 2650 N. Crawford Ave.,. Chicago, and fot 7uail. 746,Vesley Ave" Oak ParI\:.. DAVIS, Geo. C. (14), Pres., G. M. Davis Regulator Co., 422 Milwaukee Ave. DAVIS, Homer S. (J 25), Devel. Eng.::, west. Elec. Co., Dept , Hawthorne Sta. DAVIS, John R. (16; 26), Asst. to v. P. in Cherge Oper., U. ~. Gypsum Co., 800 W. Adams St. BId 0 DAY, W. A. ( 16 a, Dist. Sales Mgr., Casey Heoge. Co., Marquette g., 1. DEA~, ~~a.;~~nd ~: (A 18), Mgr., Mchy. Dept., Manning, ~Ia."<well &; Moore, 27 N. Jeller.on St.. DEARBORS, Arthur S. (A.M 19), M. E., Orche.traphone Co., 1134 W. Austm Ave" nnd for 6630 Kenwood Ave. DENMAN, Burt J. (18), V. 1., Gelll. Mgr., United Light & Power Co.,,738 m. Merchants Bank Bldg. DENNIS, Harsh O. (22), llech. Drnftl,an,. UnIversal Oil Products, Chicago, and for "",ii, 601 S. Delphia Ave., Park R,dge. DENNISON, Lawrence I. (A.M 28), }l. E.kWest. Elec. Co., Hawthorne st., chicago, and for mllil, 27 Sherman Ave., Broo field.. de PUY, Jao. R. (J 27), Engr., Chicago Scre\v Co., 1026 S. Homen Ave., Qh.cago, and for mail, 411 N. Elmwood Ave., Oak Pa,k. De VOUT, Anson W. (J 22), Supvg. Engrg. Dept., Union Stock Yds., S\vlft &; Co" and for mail, 8104 W. 64th St.. DeWOLFE, Edw. C. (99; A 06), P.rop., DeWolfe catalog Serv., 608 S. Dearborn St. DICKERSON, H. S. (12), Tech. Mgr., Vacuum OU Co., 843 S. Dearborn st., Chicago, and for n,a.u, 1621 Ridge Ave j Evanston. DIE}IER Hugo (o~), Dir. Personne, Dir. ill Bu.ine.s Management Courses, La Salle E"t~nsion UniY., 4101 S. biichigan Ave. DIERKS Louis E. (A.M 19), Designing Engr., Sauerman BIOS., 1137 Monadnock Bldg.., Chicago, and for mo.i!, 1016 S. Olinton Ave., 00.1< Park. DITIMAN, Gerald (J 26), Mech. Draftsman, Neiler Rich &; Co., ~81 S. Dearborn St., and for mail, 6158 N. Olaremont Ave.. DOBSON, Arthur A. (19), Ch. Engr., Cbas. E, Bedaux Co., 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill., and for "",ii, 2642 N. Moreland Blvd., Cle"eland, O. DOKE, G. E. (19; 21), Pres., Assoc. of Mfrs. of Chilled Car Wheels, 1847 McCormick Bldg.. DOVE, Ohas. V. E. (21), Oh. Engr., Elec. Coalburner Co., no N. Desplaine. St., and for "4U, 1151 G,...ce St. llrake Ernest Allen (21), Asst. Secy., Wks. Mgr., Benjamin Elee. Mfg. Co., 120 S. Sangamon St., Chicago, and for "",i!, 417 N. Oak PaTI, Ave., Oak Pa,k. DRAKE, Roht. W. (A-M 17), Steam &. E. "!!-., Inte1!at!. ~ar.vester 00., McCormIck Wks" 26th &; Western Ave., and for 1llU!, 25~8 Wilcox St. DRATZ, Paul A. (18), Investment Securitie., H. M. &; Co., 231 S. La Salle St Chicago and fa" macic, 716 ls". Wheaton Ave., Wheaton. DltEFFEaN, Hen:y A. (13), pres., Flinn &. Drellein qo., 481 S. Dearborn St.. I)RESEN, Wm. D. (J. 26), EngT. of Mfr., We.t. Elec. Co., ch,cago, and for "",it 112 Gale Ave., R,ve. Fore.t... DRUOKER, Albert (J 22), M. E., Jos. E. Nelson &. Son., 8240 S. MichIgan Ave., and for "",it DUDLEY, Edw. F. (A.l[ 18), M. E., Miehle Printing Pre.s &; Mfg. Co., 1354 e. Robey St., Chicago, and for 1I14i!, S26 wesley Ave., Oak Park. DULL, Ra~mond W. (08), Rescarch Engr" Link Belt Co., 910 S. }[lchignn Ave., ChiCaKo, and fot mau, 201 S. 5th Ave., La Grange. 27 n OHICAGO (continued) DUNDAS, Wm. A. (18; 25), Ch, M. E., Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, 910 S Michigan Ave., and for mai!, 1617 Olive Ave.. D~~:r:ie -:ali.erk~elept~. Supt. Oar Dept., Ohicago, &; Northwest. Ry. Co., W. DUNLAP, <;,eo. W. (11), Engr., Chicago Surface Lines, 280 S. Clark St. and for ""11, 70U Sheridan Rd.. DUNLAP, John R. (A 18), McGraw Shaw Co., 7 S. Dearborn St. DUl1-~~~, ~~~C~t~ M. (16), V. P., Sefton Mfg. COl p., 69 E. Madison St., and DURDIN, Augustus C., Jr. (21), V. P." Wks. MgT., chicago Pump Co 2836 Wolfram St., and for ""i!, 4506 N. Sacramento Ave., DURNt Herbert A. (16), Cons. Engr., Pres., H. A. Dur~ &; 00., 128 W. Madison DUTCHER.Tohn E; (22). M. E., Schnlidt, Garden &; Martin, 104 S. Michigan Ave. EAST, W. E. (A-}i, 19), :Mg,. Ohicago Ofllce, Fuller Lehigh Co., 100 W. Adam. St. EASTHOPE, Jos. (06), M. M., Ill. Steel Co., and for mai! Longwood Drive. EAT~~b ~~~~m ~~. V. 1., Freyn Engrg. Co., 310 S. Michigan Ave., and for, EBNER, Alfred J. (26), Asst. Y. 1., F"eyn Engrg. Co., Ohicago, and fa" "4U 864 S. Washington St., Elmhurst. EDMJ,,~~.ON, Maurice O. (A M 25), Lub. Engr., Sinclair Ref. Co., 332 S. Michigan EDWt:.:- i~" Blackburn (17), Pre., Kellogg Switchboard &. Supply Co., 1066 W. EHRMAN, Edwin H. (14), Ch. Engr., Stand. Sc.ew Co S. Homan Ave. EIC~~MAN, Wm. H. (21; 27), Dist. Mgr., Biggs BoUer Wk.. Co., 35 S. Dearhorn EILERSGAA.RD, A. (18), Oh. Engr., Orane &. Shovel Dept. Link Belt Co. 300 W Per.hing Rd.. ". ~~LLtIONTTD, cjarl BE. (f9», Sale. Engl., Camel Co., Rm. 610, 382 S. Michigan Ave.,, as.. j 26, Salesman, Link Belt Co., 300 W. Pershing Rd. ELLIS, Walter O. (23), Cons. Engr., 64 W. Randolph St H:LT,TS~N, Lewis}4. (11\ 18), Engr. & Mfr., 214 W. Klrn:ie St. ELMENDgRF, Duryea. E. (J 26), Test Eng". Swift &. Co. and fo, ".ail S Mlchlf;an Ave.,J ELMER, 1<i.xon W. (15), Engr., Armour &; Co., Union Stock Yds., chicago and for "unl, 201 S. TaYlor St., Oak Pari,. ELMES, Chas. W. (04}, Pres., Obas. F. Elmes Engrg. Wks., 215 N. Morgan St ENGEL, Phillp N. (A 13), Pres., Iuternatl. Filter Co., 338 W. 25th PI.. ERICKSOlq, Wm. N. (J 21), Sa.les Engr.:! Perlllutit Co., S La Salle St Ohicago, and,,,to mait, 719 Reba Pl., J:!i.vanston.,. or ERMELING. Lewis B. (19; 26), Exec, S.ey...Natl. Assn. of Bldg. Owners &; Mg., 18~ S. La Salle St., and for "",ii, 4516 N. Hobey St. ESKIN, Saml. G. (J.26), Testing Engr., Edison Appliance Co., Inc., 5600 W. Taylor St., and for mad, 348 S. Lockwood Ave.. EUSTIS, Harry M. (J 28), Sales Engr., Babcock &i Wilcox Co., 140 S. Dearborn St. EVANS, Raymond S. (J 20), Supt., Htg. &; Vent. Natl. Mch. SerY. Co Conway Bldg., Chicago, and for mail, 1521 N. 16th Ave., Mellose Park. EWEN, Quirin q. (J 23),.Sales Engl., Nat!. Air Filte.. 00., 5130 llaven.wood Ave. and for modl, 56~6 ll. Artesian Ave. EWERT, Wm. A. (J 21), MIg. Analyst, West. E1ec. Co., Inc., Hnwthorne Sta. Chicago, and for, 4910 W. 24th St., Cicero. FANNON. Ralph W. (19; A M 2), Engl. V. D. Simon., 2021 Tribune Tower. FERGUS, Wm. L: (03; 06), Can., Engr., W. L. Fergus & Co., 1509 Fisher Bldg. rergu!on, LoUl. A., Jr. (A M 21), Constr. Engr., Strue. Div., Commonwealth Ed190n Co., 72 W. Adams St. FIELD, Herbert A. (J 26), Asst. Engr., West. Elee. Co. Hawtho"ne Sta Chicago and for mai!, 105 N. Wsiola st., La Grange.." ~i4 t:ke~o~a f..e.26), Oh. Metal. Engr., A, Fink! &; Sons Co., and for "",ii, FINNEGAN, Jos. B. (20), Pro!. Fire Protection Engrg. Annou.. lust of Tech FISCHER, Franz W. (A.M.19), Genl. Mgr., Elec. Sign Oo~p., 39 e: L.. Salle St., and for, 480 Barry Ave. FISH,ER, Fredie (A-M 18), Pres., GeDI. Mgr., R. E. Elli. Engrg. Co. 621 Wash mgton St. 271

73 MEMBERS IN V,NITED STATES ILLINOIS ILLINOIS CHICAGO (continue.\), FISKE, Rogers A. (19; U), Assoc. Editol, l1ou.\ge, feeh. lubllshlng Co., Hnl. 1597, FLEMIlSG, 10 S. La Laurence Salle St. T. (A.)! 20), Cons. Engr., 1826 Conway Bldg., " Chicago, m., and fo~ mail Route I, Box 62, Santa Cruz. CallI. FLINN, Melville S. (13). Secr., Tleas., Flinn &; DleiIeiu Co., 431 S. Dearborn St. FLYNN, Roland W. (J 27), Saies Engl., Worthington Pump &0 Mchy. COI p., S( W., Van Buren St., and lor mail Lake Shore D, lve. ~OWLER, Gordon C. ( 24.), Dist., Tlauspol tatiou Foreman, Pub. Se,. Co. of No. Ill., 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, and for mail, 1130 Hickory St.. Waultegan. FRALICH, John S. Y. (16; 23), Dist. Engr., Westinghouse Air Brake Co.. 80 E. FRA~lI~~~Jlf;~ Cbas. A. (J 19),!.rgr. Centrjl1 Dlv. Celite ProdUCts Coo,. 225 E. Supellor St. Cblcago, and for mail Ashland Aye., Evan.ton. FRASER, D. Ross (Q7; 16,). Jay Mfg. Co 17 E. 24th St. FRASER, Norman D. (86). Retired. 69 W. Washington St. FREAR. J. :a. (A.Y H). Don L. Quinn Co., 609 N. La Salle St. FREY, Alfred T. (J 27). Xlme Stu9Y Engr., McDonald Mcb. Co. alld for ma,i, 867 Oak\vood Blvd. FREYN, Henry J. (06). Ples., F"el:n Engrg. Co., Rm. 1038, 310 S. Michigan A\ e. FULLER, Chas. Edw. (15). Bond Dept., No. Trust Co. GAETJE, John H. (16), Gelli. FOleman, Plant Mainteuance Div., We.t. Elec. Co-, Inc.. HawthOllle Sta. Chicago, and for,nail, Glen\ iew. GAFFERT, Gustat A. (J 23). Sargent & Lundy, 1412 Edi.on BldK GAINES. E. O. (17; 18). Engr., Mead Morri.on MIg. Co., 1348 Monadnock Bldg. GALLENKAMl", Edw. W.. Jr. (21), Sale. Engl.. York Products Corp Comella Ave. GALLERY, GALLOWAY, Daniel Geo. J. A. (J (A.M 19).70 26), E. Branch Elm St. Mgr., J. P. Devine Co., 1043 Peoples Ga. GALE{f:P; Rockwell L. (18), Designer, Cameron Can Mehy. Co., 240 N. Ashland Ave., and for mait, 2939 Leland Ave. GARDNER, Henry (04: 18). Cons. Engr.. Steamoter Co., 431 S. D.arborn st. GARDNER, Horace Q. (04). Sr. Partner. Gardner & Lindberg. 140 S. D.arborn St. GARDNER, Robt. H. (J 25). Pres., Gardner Petroleum Co., 247 E. Illinois st., Cblcago, and jor mail. 04 Indian lilll Rd., Winnetka. GARLAND. Claud 11. (06; 12), Con. Engl. 1st Nat!. Bank Bldg. GATES. Phlletus W. (02); Vice.President, 00-08; Dir., Halma Englg. Wk., 1705 GA.UDY. Elston R. Ave. J. (A.M 21), Mem., Sessions Englg. Co., La Solle st., Cbicago. and for mail. 322 Sheridan Rd. Winnetka. GAY, Harl~ (07; 11). Engr., V. n. Simons, 2021 Tribune Tower, Chicago. and for mai!o 411 S. Madison.\ve., LaGran!{e. GAYTON, LOran D. (24), Engr. Watel Wk Design, City o! ChicaRD. 402 City GEARON, Hall. De.mond C. (J 27). Owner. Gearon Bolle, Brickwork Tribune, Tower, and jar mai!. 625 Wrllthtwood Ave. GEARON, Gerold (27). SUp\ r;. M. E~, Dept. for Inspc. Steam Bollen " Cooling GEBHARDT. Plant.-, Rm. Geo. 601, F. (04). City Hall. Prol. M. E. A"mour Inst. of Tech., 3300 Federal St. GELZER, Eric (A-M 22). Erection Engr., Fleischmann Co., 19th &; Washtenaw St., GEOGHEGAN, aud for mail, J. T. 711 (17), Belmont Sales Ave. Eugr., Am. (ar I< FdJ. Co. 414 Ry. Exch. Bldg. GETCH. Jullu. (14). Genl. Supt., Graham. And.,.ou, Probst & White, 1417 Ry. E"ch. Bldlil. ChicaRo. and for mail N. Grov. Ave., Oak Park. GIBBS. Webb 1.. (A M 10), 7318 S. Shor. :Orive. GIFFORD. l~obt. L. (02). ~les.. Ill. EnKtA 90.. Cor. 21st St. & ~acine Av., Chicago, Ill. and for ma.i, 1231 S. El Mohno Ave.. CallI. GILBERT. Huntly H. (A.M 14), Gen!. Sales Mgr., Pressed Steel Car Co., 134 S. La GIL~is~: Wm. A. (22). Pres. Gilchrist II: Co., 122 Michigau A\e. S. GILMORE, R. E. (24), Eugt., Garden & Martin, Arch. Rm Monroe Blelg. GOELZ. and Arnold for mail. H (A.M Sheridan H), V. Rd. P. Kroe.cheU Plant. Brunswlcl, Kro.schell Co., GOL~~1lI.p~~.r~~~r:n~~ (11). Asst. Engr. Nat!. Bel. of Fire Unde""riters, 222 W. Ad.m. St. 272 C~IICAGO (contlnnetl) GOO~~~~i.aGS~Il:.Sf21), Cons, EnKT.. Geo. F. Goodnow & Co., Inc., Rin. 1026, GOlU?ON. Byron B. (A 17). As.t. Gen!. Scale Inspr., Po., R. R., Rm. 575, Union. Sm., Chicago. Ill., aud jor mail Broadway. Logansport, Ind. GRAHAM, WaHen W. (A M 18). M. E., Walter C. Ellis. 64 W, Randolph St and for mai!,,\llerton Club.. GRAUER, L. O. (22;. A M 26), Htg. Engr., Foley Greenhouse Mllr. Co Forest Park. and for ma <!. 431 Garfleld St. 0"", Park. (irauten. S. H. (A-M 13). Eng;.. Pub. Servo Co. of No. Ill., 72 W. Adams St. (,REEN. Walter H. (16). V. P., Intelnat!. Filter 00., 8S3 W. 25th PI. GRE~r. Wm. O. (91). Partner. Ogdeu, Sheldon & Co., Rm. 1032, 80 N. La Salle GREENLEE. Wm. Il. (A 20). Cbairman 01 Bd., Gre.nlee Fely. Co. 602 W. Roo Rd., anri jor Mi!. 70 Scott St. " GREFlNMAN. Edwin G. (07; 13), Pur. Engr. R. R. Donnelley &; Soil. Co 78 Plymout!, PI.. and for mai!o 4551 Oakenwuld Ave. - (;neenma~, P. R. (J 10). Res Snl.Sllllln, Fost.","heel.r Corp. l701 Harri. Twst..,Idl>:. (;REGER. Alllolri F. (J 27) B~ron St GRIEST. E. E. (10), Genl. Supt., Cbleago RY. EqUip. Co., 1928 W 46th Sl qrindle; AU,bley J. (23). PulYe"lzed Fu.l Equip. Co. 228 N. La Sal1e St. GRISWOLD, (,eo: D. (A-l1 ~1). Sale.!Uan, Stanley & Biasel1. Ina., 29 S. La Salle St. and jor mat! Har!.r Ave. GROSS, Il\vin C. (A M 28), I,:,str., Mch. Shop Practic., Lane Tecb. High Sch Sedp;wlek St., and fo, m,,,! Humpoldt Blvd. GRU~~Is~~thur E. (15; A M 21). Effie. Engr., Commollwealth Edison Co., FI.k HAGUE, H!,rold O. (A }! 21). M. E. Allbright Kell Co., 5823 S. We.t Blvd. and jorm,i, 1117 Lowe Av.. lull, R. Bcnsoll (A M 101. M. E.. Han Ellgrg. Serv. 632 W. 62nd St. HAM~tTO~, Al.x. K. (00; 12), Pre. M. H. Treadwell Co. of m S. La Salle HAMILTON, Gordon W. (A M 23). We.tin!"hollse Elec. &. Mfg. Co. Conway Bldg. HAMMERS. Mor/:an J. (14). Pr. Am. NoKol Co., 4200 Schub.rt Av. HAMfa0l..l?J.e ~fw. K. (19). West. Mgt., Mchy., :\)Idus. Pres., Suite 701, 29 S. HAMPSON. Edw. A. (A-~i 22). Pat. Atty., Hoo"er Co., 1407 Ry. Excb Dldg lian~t.lof,0trve? (A-}! 20), Cb. Engl., Hanna EnKtg Wke. and jor mail, 1765 HANSSEN, S,tan L. (A-M:21,l, ~ccy. Treas.. Himson B1olo Scal N. Ada St. HARMAN. Waldo T. (J 271. S~les EnKr.. Daytoll Dowd Co. 80 N. Mlcbil:an Aye. HARNSBERGER., Audley E. (J 22), 1>!. E., Pure Oil E. Wacker Drive HARPER, Jobn (07). Supn. P.rsonnel, West. Elec. Co. Inc. Hawthorne Sta HARPER. Jobn!i. (J 25). Eugr.~ West. Eleo. Co., Hawthorn. Sta. Chl~ago and for,na,t, 188 S. Gro\e Aye.. uak Park. " HARPER. Philip s. tj 17). Mgr., Harper Wyman Mfg. Co., 1364 E. 70th St. and for mail E. 70th St. ILI.RRIE:S. G.o. H. (13), V. P., H. M. ByUesby &; Co. 231 S. La Sall. St HARRIS. A. J. B. (10). Wintblop Bench Hotel, 6241 Winthrop Ave.. llar:li~~l>i{~h~~~l"i.v~.j 26), Op.r., Chicago Wilmington & Franklin Coal Co. HAR~;"E~r;~. L. (A M 27). Cblcago Mgr., Yates A.m. Mch. Co., 912 W. Wasblnll HART, Tbos. G. (20; A-M 21». Sales Ellgr., Power Spec. Co., III W. Monroe St. HARZA-.,y F. (10). Hyqro Elec. EnKt. Jackson Blvd. HASLAM. Edwin H. (25) Conway Bldl>:. HASSE. Franklin C. (27), Genl. MKt., Oxweld R. R. S.rv. Co., 350 Ry. Eltchange. HASSEL~ORN, Walter C. (A-M 27}. Indus. Engr., 2804 Logan Blvd. IiAWJt~i, Wm. P. (08; A 10), Prof. Eng. Drawinl\, Lewi. In.t., :Madison & Rob.y HAY:o~~.:~sbrouckH. (12; A-M 19), Pr.s., Haynes Corp. Rm S, Dear HAY:ft:t~Dst~hner L. (02; 06), Pr... Secy.. N. Am. Timb.r Holdinlr Co., 209 S. HAYWARD, Laurence W. (A M 27). Combustion Engr!!. Corp., 105 W. Adam. St. 213

74 IL1,INOI5 )re~ibersin UNITED STATES CHICAGO (continuetl) HEALD, Goo. W. (19). Rep., Stroni Scott Mfg. Co. 68 W. Jackson Blvd, aud for moil, 2004 W. 102nd st. HEATH. D. P. (28), Pre.., D. P. Heath & Co" 1862 Monadllock Bldg. HEATON, Herman C. (04; H), Cons. M. E. Central Power Stas., Sargent & Lundy" Rm. 1412, 72 W. Adams St. HEBBEllD, LO"en L. (12; 16: 24). Ch. Enllr., Bert B. Wllliams, Contr., 549 W.shinllton Blvd. HEBLEY. Hellly F. (A M 24J, M. E.. Allen & Garcia C()., n E. Van Buren st., Chicall(), Ill., and for moil, Fafrm()unt St., Pittsburgh, Pa. HECHT. Julius L. (07). V. P.. Pub. Servo C(). ()f No. III. 72 W. Adams St. HEIDINGER, Fritz (J 26). M. E., West. Blec. 0<>., Inc.. Chicago, and for moil, 6012 W. 22nd PI., Cicero. HEIGN. H. B. (A-M 17). Asst. Secy., Treas., Hill J()iner & O()., Ina., 137 S. Ls Sane St., and for moil, 1849 Lunt Ave. HEINEN. Fredk C. (J Mgr., Camel 00., 332 S. Michigan A, e. HENKLE, Curr:m W. (J 26), Asst. Treas., Mercury Mfg. C()., 4114 S. Halsted St., and for mau E. 56th St. HENNESS, Chas. F. (J 261. Engr. Indus. Gas. Dept., Pub. Servo C(). of N(). Ill., Rm W. Adams St. HENNING, Chas. F. C17), V. P., Cha"ge Sales. United Gypsum Co., 800 W. Adams St. HESS. Winter D. (21), West. Sales Mgr., Builders Iron Fdy., 466 Peoples Gas BId/!;. HICKS. P. R. (25), Secy., ligr., Servo Bureau, Am. Wood PreseTV.ers Assn., 10 S. La Sollo St. HILL. Ernest K. (18; A M 24), M. E., Pat. Atty.. Chas. W. Hills, 1524 M()nadnock Bid!!:. HILL. R. J. (A 04) Dorchester Ave. HIMELBLAU, Bany (17: 20; 25), M. E., Himelblau, Allazim & C()., 80 N. Dealborn St., and for mail Columbia Ave. HIRTENSTEU, Robt. E. (J 20). 4~01 Drexel Bh d. RITE. Jos. J, (J 27>. Enllrg. Dept., Link Belt Co., 300 W. Pershlnll Rd., and fo moil Wallace St. HOBBS, WhitneY B. (J 24), Mfg. Methods M. E., West. Elec. C()., Inc., Hawthorne Sta., Chlcag(), and for 7/l!lU, 107 Gale Ave., River Fm est. HOESEL, Anth()ny F. (23), M. E., Peerless Ice Mch. Co., 503 S. Je.lferson St., and for moil, 1614 Addfilon St. HOFF, John A. (18), Cons. Engr., 290g Prairie Ave. HOGE. Fredk H. (21), Mgr., Speed Reducer Dept., W. A. Jones Fdy. & Mch. C()., 4401 W. Rooseveit Rd. HOLLENBERGER, Theo. J. (12; 26), Htg. & Vent. Engr., Bd. of Educ~tion, 650 S. Clark St. HOLLIS, H. L. (16), Cons. Min. & E. M.. 80 E. Jackson Blvd. HOLTKAMP, John P. (J 26), Ass.t. Devel. Engr., West Elec. Co., Hawthgrne Sta., and for moil. 501 N. Oe~tral Ave. HOLYOKE, Edw. C. (J 26),. Desilllling Engr., Chicago Screw O() S. H()man Ava., and for mai!. 221 N. Lamon Ave. HOOVER, H. Earl (20; 23), Ch. Engr., Ho()ver Suction Sweeper 0<>., 1411 Ry. Exch. Bld.II. HOSBEIN, Louis H. (17; 2~), M. H. Detrick S. Dearborn St. ROUSER; AltJ;l.Ur M. (12). Product Engr., Crane Co S. Kedzle Ave. HOWARTH, Jacob M. (13; A-M 21), Asst Eiigr., Marshall Field & Co., 121 N. State St., and for ma,l Glenlake Ave. HOWELL Horace L. (A.Y 13), Cons. Engr., Meyer & Wenthe, 20 S. Jeflerson St. ;"d for mai~, 1730 Greg()!y St. HOWELL, S. S. (111, Cons. Engr., 26th.I< Lowe Ave. MF.~~lBF:RSIN UNITED STATES HOWES, Ray L. (18: A M 20), Sales Engr., Diesel Eng. Div., Fairbanks MO"se & Co., 900 S. Wabash Ave. HOWIE, John L., Jr, (J 26), Research Engr., Kellogg Switchboard & Supply 0<>., 1066 W. Adams St.. and for moil N. Sayre Ave. HOWLETT, J,.ewis G. (08; 26), Fact()ry Mgr., Engr., Clqb Aluminum C()., 1238 Fullert()n Ave. HRlCOVSKY, Geo, Jr. (J 21), Mech. Rep., Tuco Pr()ducts Corp., Rm. 885, 122 S. llichigan Ave. HRUBY, Loui~ J. (J 27). Devel. Engr., West. EleQ. C()., Chicag(), and for mai!, 6821 W. 23rd St., Cicero. :?i5 274 ILI,INOIS CHICAGO (continued) HUBBARD, Ge(). W. (13), M. E., Graham,.Anderson, Plobst & Whits, 1417 Ry. Excb. Bldg. HUFF, Lyman O. (A-M 17), Ch. Engr., Universal Oil Products Ce>., S12 S. l!ichi- ~n~~. HUGHES, Walter J. (A-M 16), Deve!. & Sales Engr., Internatl. Filter Co., 885 W. 26th PI.. HUNGERFORD, Warren n. (19; 25), Cons. En!ll" 1920 City nau Sq. Bldg. HUNT, Franklin B. (I 24), Refrig. Engr., Liquid Carbonio 0<>., 3100 S. Ked.le Ave. HUNT, Wm. G. (A M 21), Engr Tupman Thurlow Co. Inc., 110 S. Dearb()"n St., and for mai!, 6850 S. Crandon Ave. IGNACIO, I. B. (J 27), Hi33 N. La Salle St. INGELS, Giltner R. (A M 27), Field Engr., Chas. E. Bedaux C()., 435 N. llichlgan _ Av!., Ch,cal!,O, Ill., and f.or maj(, 8 llla)<e HlIl, Sp"lnglleld, Msss. I~SJ,EY, Earl F. (27). Asst. Master Cnr Bldr.. Union Rtocl, a, d. "\\lft.: 0<>. ISAKi;lEN, R()bt. C. (A M 21,), Pr()d. Supt., Addressograph C()., 901 W. Van UureD St. JACKSON, Dean B. (24; A M 26). Engr., Westinllhouse Elee. & Mfg. Co., 2211 W. Pershing Rd.,. and for moil, 6103 S. Whipple St. JACKSON, Percy (04; 22). Engr.. Walsh & Weitlner Boller 00., 1361 Monadnock Bldll. JAGG:ER, Huhert I. (J 26), Meh. Designer. McCormick Wks.. Inten,atl. Harvester Co., and for mai!, 3444 Walnut St.. JAMES, Sydney V. (19), M; E., -Underwriters Lab.., 207 E. Ohlo St., and for mail, 521 Barr.v Ave.. JAMESON, Walter G. (A M 24). Dist. Supt., Am. Engrg. Co., 829 Marquette Blill:. JENK,INS, ~as. D. (A-M 23), Indus. Mngr., L. Y. Estes I)1c., 4753 Broadway, and for ma,!, 1233 lioster A,Vl\. JENSEN, Arthur F. (A 27). Pr... Hanna EnllTg. Wks., 1766 Elste>n Ave., and for mai!, 4187 N. Trip Ave. JEWELL. Geo. H. (A H), Sales Ellll!.. Builders IrolJ FdY Pe()ples Gas Bldg. JOBST. Fredk J. c;r 25), Suite 984. Strnuss Bld~. JOHANSON, Adolph T. (25). Secy., Page Water Tube Bollel Co., 816 Larrabee fit and for mail, 7538 N. Seeley Ave.. JOHNSON, Bradley S. (09; 18), Enllr., W. H. Miner, 667 The Rooke.). JOHNSON, Clarence G. (18), Cons. Engr., 89 S. La Salle St., Chicago, ane! fa" mail, 417 Sunset Ave., LaGrang~ JOHNSON, I""ed V. (20), West. Elee. C :.o Dept , Hawthorno Sta. JOHNSON, Ge(). A. (16), V. P., Eugrg., w. H. Miner, 667 The Rookory. JOHNSON, Msrtin M. (J 22), S..le, Engr., Consltd. Steel Strapping C()., 2600 N. We.tern Ave. JOHNSSON, Emil T. (24), Ch. M. E.. Curtis Lt!!. Inc., 1119 W. Jackson Blvd. and for Mil 005 N. Talman Ave. JONES, Da..-i\ J. (A.M 18), Mech. A"t., m. Central R. R. Co., Rm. 700, Dowie Bid!!:. JONES, Norman DeW. (23; A M 24). Sales Engrg., Aluminum Co. of Am., 860 Miehillan Ave.. JONES, W. Clyde (J 92), Law)er, Jane., Addingt()n, Ames & Seiboltl, 77 Washing. ton St. JONES, Warren G. (16; 23), V. P., Treas., W. A. J()ues FdJ. &:; Meh, C()., and fa" mail, 4401 Roosevelt Rd. JONGEDYK, Ralph (A-M 26), M. E., West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne Sta., Chicag(), ami for mail, 186 S. 1>ladi~()u Ht., Hinsdale. JORDAN, Ira C. (24; 26), Sales Rngr., Steel Car Dept., Bethlehem Steel Co., Peoples Gll5 Bldg. JOSEPH, Alan H. (J 26), Engr., Link Belt 00., 3CO \V. Pershing Rd., and for moil, 45U Greenwood Av~ JURGE~S, Emil G. (27), Genl. Supt., Peter!, Moh. Co., and for mail, 4142 N. ITVmg Ave. KANE, Edmund J. (16), Engr., Moore Speedcrane O(). 39 S. La Salle St and fol mai!, 123 N. Waller Ave.., KARNECKER, John J. (A M 27), Engr., Palmer House, and for mail, 6549 Blackstone Ave. KAZMAR, Henry J. (J 27), M. E., West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne Sta. Chicago and. for mail, 3301 Maple A,"e., BelW,,"n. " KEEHN, Max K. (27), IlL E., Wost. Blec. Co., Hawthorne Sta., and for mai!, 6100 Seh()ol St.

75 ILLINOIS ~IEMBERSIN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ILLINOJ! CHICAGO (continued). KEEVER, Herbert K. (J 22), Prod. Mgr., McDonald Meb. Co., 7600 S. Racme Ave., and for,nail, 6740 E. End Ave. KEHM, August (A 18), Pres., Kehm Bros., 61 E. Grand Ave.. KEIG, Marshall E. (A-M 19), V. P., Consumen Co., 111 W. Washmgton St.. KEIGHTLEY, Walter A. (A Y 27), Office Engr., United Gas Improvement Conng. Co. 8e89 E. 9lat St., S. Chicago, and Jar mail., Belleview. ItEITE. Robt. R. (04: 11: 14), Ch. Engr.,.Internetl. H~nester Co., 600 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, and f01 mail, 86 N. Grant St., Hl.!sdale. KELLY, O. G. (14). Dist. Turbine Inspr., Genl. Elec. 00., 230 ls. Clark St. d KELL:Y, Walter Thos. (19), M. E. m. Central R. R. Cc., 135 E. nth Pl., an fo" mail, 6822 E. End Ave.. h C 18 KENDRICK,,Tohn F. (A M 26), Asst. Foreign Sales ~Igr., Sulllvan Mc y. a" 4 Peoples Gas Bldg.., 1 F-",." h ItERMER, Marlin J. (U), Mgr. Chicago Office, Cons. Engr., Buffa 0 ~. "" "c. Co., 1686 Yonadnock Bldg.. C _ KETCHER Randolph E (20: A-M 24), Mech. Supt., Heileman Harns 0., 1~1 Tribu~e Tower, ChiC~~OI nl., and 10r mail, 29 Featherbed Lane, Npw York, ~. \. IOESER Ro.\ H. (J 26). Spec. Apprentice, Nicl,el Plate Rd" Stony Island, Ohlcago. Ill.: and for,nail Parnell Ave., Fort Wa)n~, Ind. KIMBALL, R. W. (18), Commonwealth Edison Co.. 25th & Q:uarry Sb.. KlMMAN, Martin T. (12), Ch. Engr., Supt., Estate of Leander J. McCormlcl<, 3S2 KINa ~t:;~ig\tv(~91) Inspr. Mchy. Oommonwealth Edison Co., 72 W. Adams 51. KIPP. AIIIed rio (;06), V. P., Battey &, KIpI, Inc., Engrs., Snite 2086, 231 S. La Salle KIRS~1I, Jas. L. (14), Genl. Plnnt Engr., Continental Can Co.. Inc., 4633 W. Omn" Ave Chicngo and for,nau 311 W. Lombard Ave., Oal< Park. KLEINFET,O, Leonard S. (J 26):Sales Engr., Al!is ChlllmelB Mfg. 00., 182, Peopl"" Gas Bldg.. and for mail, 1400 E. 58rd St.,. ItLEPINGER, John H. (07), Design &; Drafting, Link-Belt Co., 800 ". PorslllllA Ill!., and for mail, 4346 Lake Pk. Ave. I KNAPP. Chas. S. (18), Valuation Engr., Pullman Car Lines, Rm Pu hu.n Il.NA~~,gLeland G. (17), Mgr., Merchandise Research Dept., Montgomrr1 Wun1 /( Co. and for mail, 6437 N. Bernard St.. KNAPP: Russell V. (J 25), M. E., Bailey Meter Co., 53 W. Jackson Bhl.,,_ KNOWLES, Clarence R. (16), Supt. Water Serv., m. Central R. n. Co., 1.10 F.. KOH1~tl6H, Arthur H. (A :M 18), V. P. Sales, Neff, Kohlbusch &; Bissell, 806 W. Washington Blvd. KOONTZ, Dennis L. (24), M. E., Sargent &; Lundy, Inc., 72 W. Adams St., Chl,ugo, and for mail, 902 Reba Pl., Evanston.... 1l.0VAllTK,.Tos. M. Jr. (J 26), Draftsman, Orane Co., 4100 S. Kedzle Ave., and jar mail, 5716 S. Whipple St.. II KRANZ, Chester R. (A 27), Research Engr., Binks Spray EqUlp. Co., 8114 Curo KRE~BiEL, Fredk A. (A 02), Pres., Krehblcl Co., Suite 1454, 222 W. Adams St. KROPP, Roy A. (J 25), V. P., Kropp Forge Co., 6800 W. Roosevelt Rd. KUEHN, Hugo R. (17), M. E. Plant Equip., West. Elee. Co., Hawthorne Sts.., linp for mail, 6916 W. Superior St. B d Il.ULLANDER, Hans C. (J 25), S.les Engr., Ingersoll Rand Co., 860 N. Mlc!~lg~n Iv. KUNZE Edw. J. (07), Assoc. Editor, Po",er Plant Engrg.,.Tech. Pubhshmg Co., 53 \V. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, and jor mail, 831 N. Wash!ngton St., Wheaton. KUSS, Robt. E. (13), M. E., Victor qhem. Wks.. a!d for ma", 1609 Thorn St. LAGER Eric W (J 21) M. E., SW1ft & Co., Umon Stocl< Yds.. LANDIs C H (A.M 22): SCcy., Engr., J. D. Wallace & Co., 184 S. Cahfornla An. LANE, Fr";ci; H. (23), Mgr. Engrg. &; Constr., Byllesby Engrg. & Management 0011., 231 S. La Salle St.. 0 I LANE Wm. T. (25), West. Sales Mgr., Franklm R). Supply 0., nco. LANG: Leonard F. (A M 25), Asst. Combustlon Engr., Peabody Coal Co., 1620 McCormick Bldg.. S D... LANG, Wm. H. (15), Designing Engr., PhUllps, Lang &; Co" Ino., 481. earyarn I,AJS"~t~ITl J. 10rtel (J 26), Asst. Distill.tion F.lIgl., pure Oil Bldg.," I.A~OFOHD, Geo,. Jl-. r.t 25), Asst. Plant ]o;ngr., BIlI,len )lfg. Co., 2300 S. \\ cst ~t. 276 CHICAGO (continned) I,AN~r.ER, S. (J 27), Indus. Engr., U, S. Fidelity &; 011arant.\ Co., La Sallo f,angs!\er, Adolph (22), Factor) Supt. &; Ch. Engr., Eugene Dletzgen Co., 96i FUllerton Ave., and for mail, 2219 Byron St. ranyi; Louis (A :M 17), Res. Engr" Foster Wheeler 0011., 1702 Harris Trust Bldg. I,AWUlGER, Robt. W. (J 25), Engl., Estimator, S; J. Reynolds Co., Inc., 2223 O!lden Ave., and for mail, 7950 S. Paulina St. r,~;ach, Vernon G. (28), Fuel Expert, Combustion Engr., Peabody Coal Co., Mlcbllflln Ave., lijid for mo,a, 4501 Dover St. I,P.:ARY. Richard Y. (J 27), 820 Old Colon) Bldg. LeMONT, Frenk H. (A 22), Pres., Management Servo Co., 1118 Westminster!lilli!", no So Dcarholn St.., I,ENONE, Jose hi. (16), Desigalng Engr., AmlDur & (;)0" Gelll. Olllce, Union Stock Yds. and for ma.i!, 4808 Dorchester Ave.. r,bonar-d, Arthur Geo. (90), Pres., Union Stock 1:1..1 &. Transit 00. of CllIcagl AdministratIon Bldg.. Union Stock Yd.. LEVIN, Chas. (.T 24). Vent. ),;ngrg., Neil.,,, Rich & Co., Dearborn St and f.or mail, Apt. l B, 4423 N. Lawndale Ave. " I.EWIS, AI-thul S. (14; 16), Dlst. Sal... Mgr., Bal..o ~lfg. Co Winnemac AVO., Oblcngo. m., and /01 mail, 769 St. Mark. Ave., N. Y. LEWIS, Goodrich Q. (A M 15), M. E" W. H. Miner, Rm. 667, "he Rookery. LEwY, Unnlel (A M 15), 7420 Phillips Ave. (,JEBICH. Fran!, A. (J 21), Sales Engl., Halnischf,,"er Co., lq.1o /o!onaclnock Il1d~. LIlLJEOREN, Gunnar O. (17), Prea: L Am. Automatic Fire Protection Co 9 S Ollnton St.. and. for mail, Racine Ave..,. I,TLLIE, GIant W. (01; 21). Snles Enllr., Hubbard Steel F<Q. Co., 1224 McCorlllick Bldg., and f01 mail, 1702 E. 60th St. IlINCOLN, Willis C. (21), West. Sales Mgr., Elec. Supplies Co., 230 S. OIarl< St. Chic-ago, and for, 723 Judson Ave. Evanston. I r,indberg, Fritz A. (OS; 11), Mem. Firm, Gardner,It Lindberg, Engrs. 140 S, Dearborn St. LINDEMAN, R. G. (J 24), Serv. &; Sales, Raymond Bros. Impact Pulverizer Co 1319 N. Branch St., and for ",ai!. 601 N. Central Ave. " LINK, aximihan W. (17), ~fgl. Specialty Dept., Crane 00., s:l6 S. Michigan Ave., ClllcngO, and f01,nai!. 175 N. Lomba"d A, e., Oak Park LINQUIST, Lester L. (J 27), Draftsman, Universal Oil PrOdlll ts Co., 810 S. Michigan Ave., am] for mall, 1006 N. Menard Ave. LOCKETT. Keimeth (04; 07: 18), 542 Roscoe St. T,OFQUIST, N. H. (J 27), lsii8 Humboldt Blvd.. r.of1~i2dt~kde (~12{v 0g~::ngr., Am. Steel Fdys., 410 1\. Mi"hi~all Ave., and JOI mail, LUHR, Otto (07), Cons. Engr., lis N. La Salle St" an,1 fa, mail, 1214 Grand"i11t Ave.. L~HRS, John F. (J 26), Bailey Meter Co.. 63 W. Jacl,son Blvd. I,I,SK, WaltCl F. (18; 22). Engl g. Staff, Union Stocl< Yos.. /lrmour.i< Co r,yman, Jas. (99), V. P., Sargont &. Lund\" 72 W. Adan,s fit.. rnnn, Lrsl1c M. (.T 26), Sales Engr., COI:k Import Corp,. 111 W. Washington 1:11 MACALISTER, Robt. N. (IS), Mgr. Equip. " Mch. Dept., liobt, W. Hunt Co., 2200 Ins. Exch. Bldg. MACKLJND, Wm. R. (14), Oh. Engr., Mgl. Engrg, &. Constr. Dept. 81)er\\in. WilIialDS Co., and fa" mail, 1149 Hyde Park Blvd. M.eNEILLE, Martin B. (21), Mgr. Pump 01"., hirb.llks ~ro\.e &; Co. 900 S. Wabash Ave. MAOOS,.10hn P. (J 26), M. E., Crane 00., 4100 S. Ked"le Ave., and f01 mail 7516 N. Hillelale Ave. MAHER, E. E. (14; 18..). V. P., Fire Pump &; Equip. Co" 30 N. Mlchipn A,c. llalcolm, Geo. H. (181, \.. 1., Otis Ele". Co., LOon 1\ llickhon Il!,d. MANN. CI,.s.,I. (27), Cons. ETlgr.. 32 W. Randolph ~t. ~1ANTONYA, Wm. G. (J 20), As.t. Engr. of Spec. Improvements, City of Ohica~". Hm. 632, 150 N. La Salle St., and for mail, 6221 N. Oal<ley Ave. ~IARK, Walter J. (26), Constr. Bugr., Supt., Halperin &. Braun 19 S. La Salle S, Chioago, 111., and for ",ai!. 76 Wilkin St., St , ~linn..., MARKOFF, Nicholas H. (J 2,7), ~Ich. Designer, Ill. Tool Wks., 2501 N. Ko.l"r Aye., Chicago, and for ma-il, 2106 S. 61st Court Clcero MARKS. Alcx. (A.r 211). Salps F.n;rr.. Otis r.1l",. 00., \loll W. :11I(.I"on Blvd. 277

76 ~..j ILLINOIS MEMBERS IN UNITED ST,ATES ME~(BEIIS IN UNITED STATES ILLINOIS CHICAGO (continued) MARSH, ThO. A. (OS; 12), West. Engr., Combustion Engrg. 00., 902 1st N.t]. B.nk Bldg.,.nd for mait, 6826 Cornell Ave. llartln, Frank V. (Z!; Z6), St.tlstlcian, Sargent & Lundy, 1412 Edison Bldg., Ohic.go, and for mail, Oor. N. Garfield & Mineol. Sts., Hinsdale. MARTIN, Wnl. R. (Z6), Engr., Am. Steel Fdys., 410 N. Michigan Ave. )[ASSEY, Geo, B. (98; 16), Y. P., Randolph Perkins Co., 38 S. Dearborn St. MATCHETT, Jas. O. (12; 21), V. P., Mgr., Ill. Engrg. 00., Racine Ave. & 21st St. )I.IUS. Rol.nd G. (J 21i), Asst. Oh. Engr., Allington & Curtis!Ug. 00., Rm. 508, 56-; Washington Blvd. ~IAWSON, Robt. (13), IndL1S, Eagr., L. V. Estes, Inc., 4753 Broadway, and for mail. 3Z12& Sunnyside Ave.. MAY, Edwin A. (lz), TreQs., Ideal Utilities, 180 N. Wells St., Ohicago, and for mait, 171 N. Kenilworth Ave., Oak P.rk. }I.IYER, J. L. (16; A M 26). Mayer & Oswald, 332 S. La Salle St. ~IcAULEY, Benj. F. (20), M. E. Plant Engrg. Dept., West. Elec. Co., Inc., Haw thorne St., and for 7Imi! Van Buren St. l!cbride, O. R. (20), 4851 N. Lincoln St. l!ccausland. Jobn W. (19; D), Griscom RuaBell Co.. 8U Monadnock B]d~. Chicago, and fa) mail. 233 Hazel Ave., Glencoe. )IcCORMICIL Rich.rd. H. (J 21), 3826 Wilcox St. McELLHINEY, Wm. A. (A M 26), Sales Engl., Gould. Pumps Ine., 12 S. Clinton McEWAN Thos. S. (15; 17; 25), Exec.. Barco Mfg. Co., 1801 Wiuaem.c Ave. ~(cgann: Robt. G. (23). Pres.. McGann Mfg. Co.. Inc., SS2 S. M)ch;"on Ave. McGINNIS Francis D. (J 24), Sales Engr., Chicago PneumatIc Tool 00., 3605 Iron St., and for mait, 832 Lafayette Pkwy.. )(cilwain, Wallace V. (J 26), Enl{r.c\ Internatl. E""ester Co., 608 S. :Mlchl8an Ave., Chicn.go, and for mail, 811 Jll son Ave., Evanston. }lcree, Thos. C. (18), Pr... Ch. Engr., Mid,vest Engrg. & Equip. Co., 617 Fulton St., and for mail, 4707 Beacon St. )lcneill, Thos. W. (22), Supv!:. Engr., Chicago Mill & Lumber Co., 510 N. )leeg~al~ ~d SJ: (J 26), Stoker Engr., Westinghouse Elec. & :Mfg. 00., 2201 W. MEH~~~h~~~s~~. (J 26), Ch. Engr., Premier AddIng Mch. Co., 4401 N. Raven, MEIE:3~dF~:d (22), M. M. Tin Can Plant, Sherwin Williams Co., and for mail, 8035 Black,tolle Ave. :llelcher, Cha. W. (90?, Secr.. Inl<ersoll Ralld Co., 860 N. ~[ichigan Blvd. MENKE, Echv. W. (A-M 19). Ch. En!:r., Bate. V"lve Bag Co., 8200 ~. Ohleago.~ve., and for mail, 41 W. 112th PL MERICK, W. S. (19), Pre,., Cons. Engr., Merlck Oonstl. Co., 1954 E. 71st St. MERRIU" J. J. (11). M. E.. Com Prodllcto Ref. Co., 208 E. Illinois St. )[ERWIN, Han.v H. (A-M 19), Meh. De.ign Div., West. Elec. Co., Inc., Hawthorne Sta.. Chicago,.nd for mail CU~ler Ave., Oak Park... )IICHAEL, Loren P. (21). M. E., Chicago & N. West. Ry., ChIcago, And for ma,l, 112 Marion St.. Elmhur.t. )lif,i,er, Jo. Fredk (J 25), Sprinkler Engr., Rockwood Spriukler Co., 3610 S. Morgan St., and for "<ail, 3338 W. Polk St. )liller, Jo. S. (25), 221i W. GOth St. \lilner, B. B. (11; 21), Con. Engr., 325 W. Ohio St. ~IISCH, Cha. E. (J 22), lilech., Commonwealth Edi.on Co., 72 W. Adamo St., and for mail, 5!5~ Kimbark Ave. MISOSTOW Henry (A-~l 14), M. E., Smoke Dept., City 01 Chicago, Rm. 70~, City Hall, ":,d for mail, 536 Rush St.. )IOHLER, V. J. (16), Mech. Designing Engr., Liquid Carbonic Co.,,Slot St. IT. Ked,le A e., Cbicago. and fryr mail, 2!1Z A.hland Ave., River FMe.t. ~IOHN Finn (19), Research Engr., Epee. Mch. Design Div., We.t. Elec. Co., Inc., \ H~wthorne Sm.. and for mail; 1114 N. M...oit Ave. )IOLER Wm. H. (J 26), Sales Engl., Carrier Engrg. Corp., 1032 B""nham Bldg. )IONK Marvin E. ( ), Sale. Dir., U. S. Ball Bearing Mfg. CO.,.Ohicsgo, and - fo; mail. 929 Bellefonte Ave., Oak Park.. )IONROE, Wm. S. (96; 01), Pre., Salgent & Lund~, Inc., Rm. 1407, Edi""n Bldg. MONTGOMERY, Ralph M. (J 24), Time Stlldy Engl., Swift & Co., Union Stock Yds. t and (ot 11l4 U. 6] 40 Ingleside Ave CHICAGO (continued) )(0001. \Im. O. (07), M. E., Ill. Celltral R. R. Co E. 11th PI. ~IOORE, Cha,. B. (U), V. P.. Oxweld R. R. Servo Co., 350 RS. Exch. Bldg. MOORE, Edw. J. (A M IS), Leading Loco. Draftsman, Ill. Central R. R. Co., Central sta.,.nd fot m<lu, 8028 Champlain Ave. MOORE, John R. (J 22), Pres., John R. Moore.I: Co., Z19 E. Superior St., and fo, mail, 7234 Ridge Blvd. MORAVA, Wensel (86), Cons. Engl. 122 S. Miehig..n Blvd. \ MORGAN. Edw. Jasper (A M H). Sales Engr., DeLaval Steam Iurbine Co., 938 Peoples Gas Bldg. MORRIS, Donald (J 27), Servo Engr., Yellow Truck & Coach Mfg. Co., 6S01 W. Dickens Ave. MORRISON, J. P. (16), Ch. Inspr., Hartford Ste.m Boller Inspe..I: Ins. Co., Rm. 409, 200 W. Jackson Blvd. MORRISON, Montford (19), Acme Internatl. X-Ray Co W. T,ake St. MORRISSEY, J (AM 18), Sel v., Engl., Diamond 10wer Spee. Corp., of Detroit, ldi<h., and for ",au N. Robey St. MORSE, Ch. H. (97; 04), Pres., F.irbank., MOI.e &1 Co., 900 S. Wa-ba.h Ave. MORSE, Robt. H. (A 22), Vice Chmn. 01 Bd., Fairbanks, Morse I;; Co., 900 S. Wabash Ave. loioselel:, Alex. W. (00), M. E.. Sloan Valve Co., 4300 W. Lake St.. Cblcago, and for mltit, 1216 M.ple Ave., Evanston. MULLEN, John J. (26), Engr., Burrell Eng. & Constr. Co., 513 W. Jackson Blvd. }(UN~:;~o~rl~e~ (J Z6), Student, Armour Inst. o! Tech., and fot,nltu MUNN, HalVer T. (A M ZI), Hyd. Engr., Bd. of Fire UnderWriter<, ~ite 953, 2Z2 W. Adams St. MURPHY, Melvin J. (J 21), Mgr., Granad. Theatre, Marks Bros., Chicago, Ill., and for mau, 4503 Washington Blvd., St. LOllis, Mo. MURRAY, Malcolm G. (A M Z5), A"t. Ellgr., We.t. Elee. (0., Hawthorne Sta., Chicago, and fo, "IIiI Lawn Ave., Western Spling. llusselman, Claude E. (26), IndUS. Enll!" BIl.inel$ RSJlearch Corp., 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago, anu for mail l~rnirie Ave., Des Plaines. MUZm, V. Vladimir (J Z4), Designer, Devel. Dept., West. Elee. Co., Hawthorne Sta., and for mail. 5H6 Winthrop Ave. NACHMAN. Henrr L. (21), Assoc. "lro!. Thermodynanlica, AlUlour lost. o! Teeh., 3300 Feder"l St. NAGEL, Robt. E. (J 25), Constr. Engr., Oil Prodllcts Co., Strau Bldg., Ohicago, m., and for mail., 229 W. 6th St., Long Beach. Calif. ~~SH, Howard B. (21), Ch. Engr., Armour Leather Co., and fryr mail, 139 N. Long Ave.. NEALE, John A. (25), Ch. Engr., Chicago Bd. Underwriters, Rm. 2158, 175 W. Jackson Blvd. NEEFUS, Harold V"II H. (15), Mgr., Franeisco & Jacobus, Con. Engrs., 360 N. Miohigan Ave. NEELY, Wro, J. (23), Cons. Engr., W. J. Ne.~v Co., 417 S. Dearborn St. NEILER, Saml. G. (07). Cons. M. I;; E. E., Indus. Engr., Neller Rich & Co., 431 S, Dearborn St. NELLie, Jas. G. (J 25), 734 N. L.r"mie Ave. NELSON, Arthur W. (17; 23), Con. Engr., 39 S. LaSalle St. NELSON, Christi.n B. (27), Owner, O. B. Nel.on & Co., 727 S. Dearborn St., Chieago, and for mail, 6223 Lundy Ave., Edgebrook. NELSON, Noble A. (22; 25), Htg. Engr., Chic.go, Rock Island I;; Paeific Ily. Cn., Rm. 808, L.Salle St. Sta., and for mail, Iowa St. ~"ESDAHL, Ellert (13; 21), Sale. Engl., Carrier EnlP:g. COIP., 1082 Burnha.m Bldg. 11EUBAUER, Geo. A. (A M 18), A t. Engr., Hoepner Automatic Mehy. Corp., 1401 W. Jack.on BlId., Ohicallo, Ill., and for, th St., Blllfalo, N. Y. NEWBY, C. L. (A M 18), Asat. Mgr., West. Div., Hyatt Roller Bearing Co., 111 W. Wa.hlngton St., and for mau, 930 E. 46th St. NEWTON, Leonard V. (A M 18), Genl. ljgr., Motor Tran.port Div., Pure 011 Co., Rm. 2346, 31i E. Wacker Drive, and for "<lit, 1130 N. Shore Ave. NICHOLS, G. B. (15), He.,!,eman Harrl. Co., Ine., 435 N. Mtchlgan Ave., Chioago, Ill., and for m<lil, 25 Alden Ave., Colonial Heights, Tuckahoe, 10. Y. 27Q

77 ILLINOIS CHICAGO (continue.l). XIOHOLS. Orlando (A M 26). Loco. Eugr., Chicago &:: N. West. Ry., and f", mad, ~ncj~tr. #;~~~ i~e(21), Pres., Am. Mangllmese Steel Co., Inc., McColmick Bldg.!\OLTE, Chas. B. (17), V. P., Gen!. Mgr., Robt. W. Hunt Co., Rm. 2200, 175 W, Jackson Bh d... :<ORTH, Fred K. (A ~[ 17), Plant Engr., III. ~[al1eable Iron Co., ISO1 U"ersey Parkwa). KORlHAM, Carleton D. (J 24), Steam Engr., Internatl. Harvester Co.. 106th St. &; Tonence Ave., S. Chleago, and jar mail Evans Ave., Chicago.,. J,ORTHCLIFFE, Lee C. (J 21),)[ch. Designer, Intell1tl. Harvester Co., McCormIck Wk.q t n-nd /(11 1;240.":, }rancisco Ave. NUJ,SEN, Carl.\. (A )[ 23), Engl., Hanley os: Co., 6 N. Clark St., and I" mail, 931 Ainisl!"e St... OBERLY, John L. (J 28). Vent. Engr., Health Dept., City of ChIcago, CIt) Hall, and for mail. 351~} Pine Grove Ave. OBRIEN, Lester E. (J 23). Devel. Dept., West. Elec. Co., Hawtho"ne Sla., an] jo, mail, 4900~ Jackson Blvd. OCONNOR, Jeremiah J. (A M IS), Ch. Engr., Curtis High Sch., 70:H Indinlln Ave., and 10 Mil. ~747 Michigan Ave. OCONNOR John F. (20), Cons. Engr., W. H. Miner, 667 The Rooke,). ODQUIST Ernst H T (J 23). GenJ. Foreman, Am. C..n Co., 600" So Western A\l. OEHMIG:Paul. Jr: (J 23), Shop }[gr., Paul Oehmig os: Co W. Ohio St. OLSEN John K. (21: 25), Ch., Stewart-Warner Spcedometer Corp.. 1s26 Diversey Blvd., and lor ma.i1, 2313 W. Diversey Blvd. OLSON, Cal! G. (18), V. P., Ch. Engr., III. Tool Wk., 2501 N. OLTMAN John W. (J 24). Indus. Engl., Ch"". E. Bedau" Co. 435 N. Mleh,gs" Ave.; Chica~o, llj., an,1 fo, ",ail, 1428 Washington Ave., Port Hmon, Mich. ORR, Fr.d B. (r21). A..t. to Y. P., 111. Maintc"..nce Co., lim. 1136, 72 W. Adam< OST~iMANN ~rf.:mbf.:r5in UNITED STA1ES Rudolph if. (13), V. P., Superheltter (0., 8{)1 Peopl.s Gns moll:. OTIS, Spenoer (00), Nail. Boilet Washing Co., Rm. 5~9, n~. Exch. Bldg. OTTE Karl H P (J 26) Rosedale Ave.. OWEN, Ir~ J: (;21), A."t. v. P Hertz Drivenrsell System, Inc., ~801 Dicki"s Ave and for IlIaU Sheridan Rd. PAllODiE. Robt. J. (H), Dl.t.. Mgr., Grlscom Russell Co. 814 M~nadnnrk Bldg. PAGE, W. llyn] (23). lnspg. Engr., Pullman C.ll Wk, Pullman (,0., Pun,!,"n. PAGENKOPF, Walt.r H. (J 26), Asst. Engr., West. Elec. C<l., aod JO m",.t, 612 PAR~ ~;:,e tl ve (14) Dist. Eugr. Combustion Engrg. Corp., Rankers Bldg. P_-\RKE, Peter(H), CI,. Ellgr., Pullmn.n Co., Pullman Bldg. Michiglln AI e. &: PAR~~F~~;CIS \,.,.11. (13: A 21), Mem. Firm, Parker & Ci,rter, Rm. ISOO, 105 W. Adams St. PARIl:ER, Howarrt I.. (.J 25), Clerk, West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne Sta., aud fa mail, 6412 W. Ferdinand St.. PARMELY, J. CJ~do (14; 21), Asst Engr., Univ.rsal 011 Products Co., 312 B. Michigan Ave... PARSONS Harr" K. (12; 19: 24), Ch. M. E., Btrom DiY., Marlin Rockwell Oorp.; 4535 Palmer St., and jo, mail, 1248 Rosemont St. PATTEN, E. L. Osborno (J 15), Devel. Engr., We.t. Elec. Co. Inc., Hawthorne Sla. Chicngo. and jor ",ail 646 Ontario St., 0:>1<: Park. PATTEN J. Elvertan (J 24), ~Iech. Draftsman, C. W..t. G. L. Rapp, Archs., State Lako Bldll. GlhicaKo, and for mail, 1887 S. ScovllJe Ave., Berwyn. PAUL, CI,... E. (03), Prot. M. E., Armour Inst. of Tech.. P _-\VEY, Wm. B. (21), Pr. Economy Engrg. Co., 2653 W. Van Buren St. PAYNE, F. E. (22), Pres., Crnne Packing Co Cuyler Ave. PEASE, D. W. (J 24), Asst. E. E., Utilities Power.I; Light Corp., Rm. 1225, 327 S. LaS..lle St. PEASLEE, W. D. A. (A-M 21), JIsst. to Pres., Underwriters Labs., 207 E. Ohio St. PEEBI,EB, JIlS. O. (18), As.t. Prof. Armour Inst. 01 fech.. PEF, N. T. (J 26), Servo Engr., Cokal Stoker Corp., 1007 Wrigley Bldg., and jor ma;!, 1515 W. Monroe St. PEIRSON, Martin B. (A M 21), Bales Engr., Power Plant Spec. (0., Rm S. Dearborn SI. 280 ""..i. ; : ~. ; i! :. CHICA.GO (cojltidued) PERRIGO. John W. (22), V. P., John S. Metcnl! Co., 111 W. Jackson Blvd. PERRY, Edwin!Iazard (26), Ch. Engr., Soars Roebuck & Co., 900 B. Homan Ave., anrt lor ntat!, 235 N. Mason Ave. PERRY. R. V. (21), Armour Inst. 01 Tech. PETERSON. H. C. (J 21). Engr., Underwliters Ll>bs., 207 E. Ohlo St., and jr;r ",ail. 72U COll.tance Ave. PETERSON. Will H. (A l.8), ~lp;r., Bafe Fire Oil Burner Co. of Ill., 9 B. Clinton RI.. and 10 mail, 2428 Spaulding Ave., N.. PETERSON, Wm. R. (J 24), )loch. Designer, Phllnbng Engl g. Dept., Crane CO.. 8S6 R. Michigan,\ve., and for mail, HIl5 Vernon Ave. PFEFFER, Jolln E. (14). M. E., Gen!. Mgr., Continental Engrg. Co., Rm. 16M, os W. Jackson Blvd.. PFIHTEllF.R. Geo. E. (13; 21), Midweetern Engrg. Expo_ition, Inc., 53 W. Jack Pl:ui.~p~~V(lvm. H. (24: 27), M. E. Henry Pratt Co S. Halated St.. Chicago, and fo, ma il. 148 N. Lomb:>rd Ave., Oak l...k. PIC1,WELL, Glen V. (J 23), Engr., Metal., Wm. D. Gibson Co., 1800 C1aybenrn PIEriC~. Cl",wa) (22; A M 27), Servo Engr., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 1930 PIEl~ER~er~v:,;dg: ME~1BERSIN UNITED STATES ILLINOIS (22; A.M 25). V. P.. JOintles. Fire lllick Co., 1130 Olay St. PIEZ, Ch~s. (O~), Chnm Bel., Link Belt Co. 910 S. )lichigan Ave. PITT, A. A. (171. Pres., Pitt Enllrg. Co., 120 W. Kinzio St. PITTS, Gu) C. (17: A M 10), Salesman, McKay Ii. Poague, 1172 E. 63d St., and JOT mail, 6815 Harpel Ave. II.ATE. Hurry V. (A M 20). Ch. Enp;r., X. Continont tttillties Corp., 1825 lj1. )Ierc)".nts Bank Bldg., Chicago, III., and jor "",ii, th St., Milwaukee, PLD}~~ ON. John A. (J 27), West. Mgr., Pa. C. u_her Co., 768 Ill. Merchants Pw~~~~f.I~f~u rice J. (17: A-)f 22), Pre., M. J. Plon_ker Cu., 60S W. Raudolph St. POLl.\. ROllor W. (16), West. Rep., United Gas Imp, ol cm.nt Contrll. Co., 421 POp~~~.r~~~I.G~~ rl df i6), Contrg. Engl.. 26 N. Jellclson St. POPPEXIll.rSEX, P. Albert (]2), Acers Poppenhusen, 622 McCormick Bldg. PRAT1, Chn,. A. (27), V. P., Ooodm.." Mfg. 00., 4S34 S. Halsted St. PRATf, J. H. (J 18), Asst. V. P., Mfg. IJ: E,grg. J,iquid Carbonic Co., 8100 S. Kedzle A",. Chicago, and for mail, 937 ~. Fair Oak. Ave., Oak Parle. PRICE, John (J. \,20). J~ngrg. Rep., Jones &: Lam!;on Mell. (0., and lor mail., 6951 ~lnlldan ReI. PIlO~OH. WallOI H. (J 28); Dlv. Mgt., Sharples Spec. Co., 548 Ry. Exchany:e Bldg. PRYCE.llROW:S, U. R. (J 21), Salesman, Pacl",rd Motor Co., 2857 Michigan Ave. Q.UIX:-, ~t.ljl!cn M. (A-M 16), Engr., Becker B,os., Ine., 25 N. Jefferson St ami jo, ",,,ii Klmbark Ave. RABIN, llapha,1 M. (J 24), Ind"s. Engr., 3604 N. Alban) AI e. llaxdali., L. G. (A.M 23), Oh. Engr., Mills Novelll Co W. Fullerton Ave., lhica!!o. and jo,,nail, 1165 S. Scoville Ave., Oal, Park. l.tankin, John D. (28), Ownel, J. D. Rankin Co., 5154 N. Clark St., and jor.nail Gmnvllle Ave. RAKSTEAD, Norman H. (27), Oh. Engr., Je.lIdns PetrolcUlIl Process Co., au Rush St., Chicago, 111., and for mail, 412 Cleveland Ave., Whiting, Ind. RAPP, A. G. J. (20), Engr., Link Belt Co., Chicago, and jar lltail, 1323 Lincoln St., Evanston.. ItAY W1l1. H. (21), Devel. Engr., M. E., West. Elec. Co., Inc., Hawthorne Sta., and ior ",.il, 919 s: Austin Blvd. ItEEDER, Walter J. (J 27), Batley Meter Co., Rm. 914, 53 W. Jackson Blvd. REGffi ~~I~I~rSt~J 11), M. E., BalCO Mfg. Co., 1801 Winnemac Ave., and fo, mail, REGENSBURGER, Richard W. (J 21). Research & Test EIIIlI., SWift &: Co., Union Stock Yds...nd Jor,nail, 8219 S. Justine St. REID, J. G. (119), Yo E., Armour & Co., Union Stock Yds., and for mail, 60ill Drexel Ave. REIGI.E, Earl V. (26), Devel. Engr., West. Elec. (0., ITawlhople Sta., Chicago, and /0 mail, 448 S. Madison A, c.. LaGrange. 281

78 ILLINOIS ~IE~[BERS IN UNITED STATES ME!>JBlms IN UNITED STATES ILJ,INOIS,.. : CHIOAGO (continue,i) RENKEN, Harry J. (J 17), Mg..., Oil Field Div., Fai..banks, Morse &0 Co., ~OO S. Wabash A,e. REY1\lCK, Henry F. (26), V. 1., Ch. Engr., Cyclone Blow Pipe Co., Chicago, and fat mail, County Line Rd., Hinsdale. REYNOLDS, Myron B. (24), Asst. Oity Engr. 402 City Hall. RHODES, O. T. (J 24), Ohicago Mgr., Alvey.Ferguson Co. 25 E. Jackson PI. R.ICE, Arthur L. (05; 02), Vice President, 22; Editor, Powe.. Plant Engrg., Tech. Publishing Co., 58 W.. Jackson Blvd. RICH, Edw. P. (11), V. 1., Secy., Neiler, Rich &: Co., 1409!Ianhottan Bldg. RlDDINGTON, Fred (A j\f 27), Eng..., Edison Elec. Appliance Co., Chicago, and fat mai! 4516 Wolf Rd.. Westerll Springs. RITZ, Fredk J. (J 27), Engr., Universal Oil Products Co., Rm. 2120, 810 S. Michigan Ave. ROBERT John (20; 26). Plant Engr., Barrett Co., 2800 S. Sacramento Ave. ROBERTS. Chapin (14; 21). Factor) Mgmnt., Sen..s Roebucl &: Co., Dept. 265, Chicago. and fat mail 821 N. Euclid Ave., Oak Park. ROBIKSON, J. Albe..t.r. (/12 ; 26), Oons. Ellgr W. looth St. ROBINSON. O. L. (A M 21), Asst. Engr., Hyd. Dept., Underwritel. Labs" 207 E. Ohio St., Ohicago, and fat mail, 2722 Thayer St" Evanston. ROORE. Raymond E. (J 28), Sales Engr., De Laval Steam Turbine Co., Peoples Gas Bldg. ROOHLITZ, O. A. (22), Mgr. Boller Dept., Brunswick K..oeschell Co, Diverse)" Ave. RODMAN, Thos. E. (25), Asst. Ch. Engr., B, adfo..d Corp., 80 E. Jackson Blvd. ROESOR, Daniel (25), Assoc. Prof. Auto. Eng..g., Armour Inst. of Tech., and fat mail, 2186 W. 108th PI. ROESCH, Fronl p. (19), Sales Mgr., Stand. Stoker Co., Iuc., Rm. 1948, 832 S. Michigan Ave. ROGERS, Bertoll E" Jr. (J 26), Neller Rich &; Co., Chicago. and fat,,,ai!, 308 Prospect J\.ve., "al,e Bluff. ROOT, Jos. J., Jr. (14), Asst. to V. 1., Mech. Dept., Union T&k Cor Co., 134 N. La SaUe St. ROSE, Walter E. (J 21), Staii Sup,r" John K. Lol"d &:; Co" Chicago. and for mail, 145 Gage Rd., Riversld ROSS, Albel t (A M 27). Engr., Dodge Mfg. Corp., 37 W. Van Buren St and fat ",ai!, 1418 N. Central Ave. RUCH, Alan J. (J 27). Serv. Wk., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 900 lst Notl. Bank Bldg., ChIcago, and fat mail, 208. Archer St., Peotia. RUDOLPH, Walter J. (19; 27), Wks. Mgr. Jas. P. Malsh &; Co., 2078 SOUthpOlt Ave. and for mail, 7052 Oleande.. Parkway. RULE, Perrin (18), Supt., Youngsto,vu Sheet &:; Tube Co., 94th &:; 1,relter Ave. RUMELY, W1O. N. (95), Pres., Stacker, Rumely Wachs Mchy. Co., 117 N. JelIerson St. SALISBURY, Lauron E. (J 25), Decimo Olub, Inc., Rm. 1025, 222 \Y. AdoniS St. SAMPLE, D. S. (J 26), Sales &:; Servo Engr., Bailey Meter 00., 53 W. Jackson Blvd. SAMSON, C. L. (H), Engr., O. A. Ohapman, Inc., 9 S. Olinton St., and for mail, 7416 Bennett Ave. SAVERY. Thos. J:l., Jr. (17), Sales Rep., Nash Engrg. 00. &:; Bird Mch. Co" Rill. 600, 80 E. Jackson Blvd.. SAXON, Wm. COG), V. 1., Wks. MJlr., Mleble Printing Press &; Mfg. Co" Chicago.. and for mail, 117 S. Maple Ave., Oak Park, S.~YERS. Albert J. (14), Engr., Link-Belt Co., 300 W. Pershing Rd., aud for mail, 7121 Eggleston Ave. SAYERS, Wm. W. (01; 06), Oh, Engr., Link Belt Co., 910 MIchigan A,-e, SOHAKEL. Jncob D. (07; 20), Ch. Engr., Elev. Co. of Amer., 17U Dlcl»on St, SCHALLER, W,ll. F. (21), Sales, Engr., Marquett. Elec. SwitChboard Co., 218 W. Austin Ave. SQHMIDBAUER, Wm. (J 27), Draftsman, Universal Oil Products Co., and for mail, 415 W. 116th St. SOH~\.D:o:,~ISE (27). M. E., Armour &:; Co., Union Stock Yds., and fa" mail, SOHOENFELD, Frank G. (28), Engr., Union Stock Yds., Swift &; 00. and for mail, 79sa Champlain Ave. SOROLES, Daniel R. (18),. Y. 1., Aermotor Co., 2500 RoosP,"elt Rd. OmOAGO (continued) SCHOWALTER, Clarence H. (J 2ij), Asst. Engr., tindel"wltcls Labs., 207 E. Ohio St., Chicago, and fat mai!, 920 EIIll St., W. Bend, Wis. SCHROEDER, Wm. E. (J 21), Draftsman, Haskellte Mfg. Co, p. 188 W. Washington St. ~ SOHROEDER, Wm. F. (J ~7), Victor Products Col p., and for mail, \. Talman Ave. SCHUELER. Fred" O. (213), 011. Engr., Union Stock Yds. &:; Transit Co., and fat mail, 651l S. Maple,vood Ave. SORUMANN, Alex. P. (.~-M 21), Asst. Sales Mgr.!Ichy. Dept., Jos. T. Ryerson [,:, Sens, Inc.. 16th &:; Rockwell Sts., Ch icago, aud for mail, 1212 Oentral St., Evanston. SCIIWEISTHAL, Fred G. (A M 21), Enlfr., Charse Researcll Labs., Stewalt Wan",r Speedometer Corp., 18"26 Diversey B,vd. and for ",oil, 4004 Greenview Ave. SEABLOOM, Eric R. (J 27), Exper. Eng,., Crane Co., 4100 S. Kedzle Ave., and for mail, 5445 Bernard. St. SEEtIO. Lester (19; A-M 25), M. E., Drying Systems, Inc., 1800 Foster Ave., und fot mail, 2680 N. Spal1ldlnw Ave. SENCEBAUGH, Clarence K. (A M 22). Draneb Mgt., S~perior Gas Eng. Co. 15 S. Clinton St., Cbicago. and fat mail 440 S. 8tb Ave. LaGrange. SESSIONS, E. O. Cll), Ples., Seoslons Engrg. Co., 208 S; La Salle St., and fot mail.: 5022 Shelldan Rd. SHANER, Helbert J. (J 25), Sales Rep. Babcock & Wilcox Co., Marquette Bldg., Chicago, and fat mail, 605! Lake St., Maywood. SHEA, J. n. (A-M 17), Supt.,o[fg. Devel., West. Elec. Co., Inc., Hawthorne Slu" Ohicago, and for,nail, 801 N. Park Ave., River Forest. SHERWOOD, Mather W. (09), Hanna Engrg. Wks Elston Ave., Chicago, and fat ma-il, 421 Downer Pl., Aurora... SHIMMIN, Robt. p. (14), Asst. to Chnm. & Pres., Link-Belt Co., 910 S. Michigal1 Ave., and for mail, 2254 W. I07th Pl. SIGLER, Byron E., Jr, (J 26), Elec, Draftsman, Hawthorne Stu., West. Elec. Co., Ohicago, and JOT mait J Apt. 10, 2238 S. 53rd Ave., Cicero. SIMONS, Louis A. (A M 27), Supt. Qel1tml Tag 00., 271G Harrison St. SKABO, Hans H. (A M 27), Sules Engr,. Republic ~Iow Meter. Co Pkwy., ChIcago, Ill., and fo! i/, 416 W. 6tb Ave., Garyklnd.. SKEEN, Dawson H. (27), Pres., D. H. Skeen & Co. 53 W. Jac son Blvd. SIUDMORE, Benj. (24), Designer, Skidmo..e Mfg. Corp. ChIcago, and foj,,ail, 175 Lake St.. Glencoe. SKINKLE, Jay W. (13). Supt., Spec. P"oducts Shop, Hawthorne Sta., West. Elec.. Co.. SLADE. Fl.ank L. (28; A-M 2!), Asst. Sales Mgr. Rotb Bros. [,:, Co., 1400 W. Adams St., and foj mail, 1907 Willnemac Ave. S~LETTERS, Saml. T. (15), Asst. B"idge Engl., Sanitary Dist. of Cllfcago, Rm. 700, 910 S. Michigan Ave. and fat mail E. 61st St,. SMITH, Abram E. (16), V. P. Union rank Car Co., 134 N. La Salle St. S~nTH, Albert Howell (15), Factory Mg... Crune Packing Co., 1800 CuYler Ave, SMITH, Edwin K. (A-M 26), Cl,. M. E., Grellt West. Lannalj, 2126 W. Madison St. and fat \Y. Madison St. SMITH, ITank Walton (28), Spec. Agt., Northwest. Mutual Llle Ins. Co., 209 S. La Salle St., and for mai/, Drew St. SMITH. Haldane (A.M 21). Indus. Engl., 2107 W. Adams SI. SMITH, Jas. H. (J 27). Instr., City of Chicago, and for mail. So-21 Crandon Ave, SMITH, Niles B. (J 25). Machinist Apprentice. Ill, Centrlll Ry. Co., and for mail, 8114 Woodlawn Ave.. SMIrH l Wm. J. (A M 24), Supvg. Engr., Indemnity Ins. Co. of N. Am. of Phlln de phin, and for mail, 6187 Bishop St. SMYTH, Clarence R. (A M 22), Dist. Mgr. Peerless Pump Co., 58 W. Jackson Blvd. SNAITH, Wm. (22), Researcb Engl., Tanners Products Co., 930 N. Halsted St. SJo,lDER, Lewi. A. (18), Cons. Engl" Pres., L. A. Snider Rngrg. Sew. Inc., 612 1:\. Michigan Ave. SNOW. Frauk W. (24), Sales Rep" Otis Elev. Co., 600 W. Jacl,son Blvd. SNYDER, L. H. (07; 22), Superior Flal,. Graphite 00., as S. Clark St. SONEN. Clayton L. (21; 24), Indus. Engr., St"omb"g Motor Devices Co., 64 E. 25th St., and for mail, 1847 Lorel Ave. SORENSEN, R. W. (J 24), Mch. Specialist, We.t. Elec. Co., Inc., Hawthorne Sta., and fat mail, 8512 Flournoy St

79 lj,linols ~11l.\lIlERSIN UNITED "TATE" MEMn~RSIN UNITID,;lAn:S lli.inols CHICAGO (continue,l) SPENCER, Frnk C. (08; 12), Asst. suf.t. Mfg.!Jc.vel., West. Elec. Go" Inc" Hawthorne Sta., Chicago. and /01 1J14i" IS! Home Ave. Oal, Parlt. flperry, Clarence E. (J 27). Servo Eng-r., Detroit Lub. Co., 820 S. Michigan Blvd, ~PITZGLA8S, Albert F. (~ 26), Rw,ubllc Flow Me~er. Co., 2240 Diversey Pkway. ~PIT:I~~:\SS, Jacob M. ( H), M.., V. P., Repubhe Flo,... Meters Co., 2240 Diverse)" SPITZIG, Wm. r,. (A-M 21), Sales Engl., Smith-Totman 00., Rnl. 1209, 122 f.. Michigan Ave" and for -mai!, 6887 Kimb.rk Ave. STADLER, Richard (.T 22), Indus. Engr., Wilson West. Sporting Good. Co. 20:17 Powell Ave., and fat "l!, 235 N. Parkside A, e. "-I ~TAJ.!I., Nicholas (18), Opel. V. P., United Pub. Servo Ce., 100 W. Monroe St. :st,\nley,.tos. R. (A 24),.sst. Impc. Engr., Pullman Co., Pullman, and fat?li"il Watt Ave., Chicago. STANNARD, Jas. M. (A 15), Pres., Stannard Power Eqnip. Ce., Mgr., Am. Steom Pump Co., 925 ~ronadnock Bldg. STANTIAL" Geo. D. (J 26), Ch. Chemist & Metal., Ill. Malleable Irun On.. 1l1l.1 jor mati, 550 ~urf St, STANTON, Howard R. (.J 26), Mgr.\ Indus. Sales, Mitchell (;. Dillou Coal <,,,, Chicago, and jar,,,,,a. 303 N. Oald Park Ave. Oak Park.., SfARKEY, DaYid W. (J~), Ch. Draftsman, Griitin Wheel Co" U5 :1. S.cmm.nto mvd., and for m<li! Race Ave. STASTNY, Ladlsl.v (A :M 22), Mech. Designer, Wcst. Elec. Co., IIll. Hawtholnc Sta., and for Illail, 2105 S. 61st Ave.. f\leadman. Jas. E. (12). Comput.r. ny. Valn"ti",,., (;<;6 MelT"". ~t. STEEI.E, Walter D. (92; 01), V. P., Benjamin mec. Mfg. Co., 128 i". Sangnmnn St. STEFFA, Homer I. (21), Ch, M. E., Sanitary Dist. 01 Chicago, 910:1. ~lichilnln A\c. and for mail, 425 N. Central Ave. STEFFENSEN, Sigurd H. (19), Engr., Draftsman, Il1. Steel Co., and lor mai/., 6;l26 Kenwood Ave. STEINER. Albert J. (A M 26), Asst. Engr., Underwriters Lahs., 207 I". Ohio 5t and JOT mail, 4927 YODticello Ave. " STERRY H. Lee (J 24), WarDer & Swasey Co., 618 W. Washington BlYd. iite~f.nson, Walter N. (21), Partner, Cb. Eng,., S. & S. Mch. Wks., 4541 W. Lake STEj;~:nS~~, Wm. II. (15), Pres., Power Plant Spec. Co., RUI. 1390, 440 S. DeaT STEWART, Bnrns A. (AM 21), V. P., Charge Mfg., Senieiseel Prodncts Cc.,p W. 65th St. ST01:f:,f.BERG, R. (J 19), Sales Engr., Jobnson Sm. Co., 1355 W. W"shingt,;n ~TRASSER, Rolland J. (26), Sargent & Lundy, IDC., Rm. 1412, 72 W. Adams St. ~TRAWN, Mallon L. (J 22), Method Engr., West. Elee. Ce. Inc., Hawtborne Sta. and fat,nail W. WaRbington Rhd. STUEJ!.M~R, Paul J. (25), Lub. Engr., Roxana Petroleum Corp. of Dcl. 624 R. lhcblli{an. Ave. SULLIVAN, Jobn F., Jr. (J 20), Mech. Inspr., Commonwealth Edlsou Co 72 W Adams.St., and lor moil. Apt. 2, 7511 Yates AYe..,. SWAf~~,j s1~thur D. (J 24), Meter Engr., Pub. Servo 00., of No. Ill., 72 W. SWETTING. J. Rodrey (16; A M 26), I.ndus. Engr., Haynes Corp &t 1lltl, ~~~:. Bldg., Chlcag:o, m" and lor mati, Mill Rd., RORedale Pa"k, Detroit. SWIFT, Henry (A-M 16.). Devel. Eni>;r., West. Elee. Co., Inc., H",.thorne Stn" Chl~ago, and jor mati Main St. S\yINDEL~S, Joel WUI. (J 26), En!:r., Drying SystemR, Ino., 1800 Foster.\ve. Si.IES, Wilfred (22), Cons. Engr., 6S29 Merrill Ave. SiMONDS, Nathaniel G. (06; 15), DiRt. Mgr., WeRtinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. (Jo. 111 W. Washington St. IANNER, Fredk, Jr. (J 26), Asst. Engl" West. Eleo. Co., Obicago, and jar mail. Y. M. C. A., 601 N. Central Ave., Austin. TANNER, Inos B. (21),. Gen!. Supt., JOB. E, Nelson &; Sons, 3240 S. ~iichigan A TARRANT. Wm.. J..rJ 24), Engr., Gonl. Engrg. Wks., 340 W. Huron St., Chical:o. and fot mati 109 SewnId St,. EV8Jlston. 284 CHICAGO (continued) TATE, Jas. (J 20\. Editor, Populor Mechanics Magazine. 200 E. Olltario St. TAYLOR, Forrest Ch... (J 14), Oh. Draltsm8Jl, Pyle-Natl. Co., 1384 N. Kostnet Ave., and fat mail. sou N. Lamon Ave. TAYLOR, J. Hall (12), Pres" Am. Spiral Pipe Wka" P. O. Box 485. TAYLOR. John O. (21). Cons. Engr" Taylor &. Jordan, 343 S. Dearborn St. TAYLOR, Lyndon B. (12), Sarllent &. Lundy Edison Bldll, TEACH, Jacob A. (12), McClintoc-M.rsh~h Constr. Co., Morava Plant Stewart Ave.. 1EMPLElON, Walter B. (24), Pres., Templeton, Kenly &; 00., Ltd S. Central Ave..~ERRY, Carlyle M. (18; A M 26), WeRt. Rep., Anthracite Ooal Serv., Suite 1005, SO N. La Salle St.. TEST, Ellis W. (19), GenL M. E., Pullm8Jl Ce., and fat mail, 6016 BlacJ<,stone Ave. THOMAS Anthony G., Jr. (J 27). Mech. Draftsman, Ill. Tcol Wks" 2501 N. Keeler Ave., and for mail, 2737 N. Spaulding Ave. THOMAS, John M. (15; A M 21), Pres., Thomas Pump Co., S7 W. Van Buren St. THOMAS, L. G. L. (21; A M 25), V. 1., Economy Pumping Mcby. 00., 34S1 W, 48th PI. THOMAS, Leon I. (A M 16), Editor, Indus. Power, 60S S. Dearborn St., Chicago, and jor mail, 700 N. Grove St., Oak Park. THOMPSON. Clilford F. (J 21), Engr., Andrews-Hammond Corp.,.846 Webster Ave., Chicago. and for mail, 626 Lake St., Oak Park. lhorp, Geo. G. (92; 04), Y. P., Ill. liteel Co., 208 S. La Salle S,. TODD. Mitchell (J 21), Erngrs. Asst., Commonwealth Edison 00., 22nd &; Fisk Sts. TOLSTED, EIUler D. (18; 25), 168 N. Michigan Ave. TOMASEK, Jos. A" (J 26), Mecb. Draftsman, U. S. Gypsum Co., and for Illail, 1650 S. Karlov Ave. TOPPAN, Wm. R. (A 20), Mgr., R. R. Dept., CoDveyors Corp. of Am., Rm. 825, 826 W. Madison St. TRAUTMAN, F,ed L. (J 27), Draftsm8Jl, Coollng &; Air Conditioning Corp., Ibn. 1105, SO N. La Salle St. TRAVIS, Leonard J, (A M 24), Maintenance Engr., Natl. Lead Co., 900 W. 18th St., and for moil, 5636 Kenwood Ave.. TROTT, Frank (221, Sales En!!r., Green Fuel Economizer Co., 1440 Old Celony Bldg., Chicago, and for mati, Vine Ave., Harvey. TROUTMAN, Howard E. (A 06), Chicago Salea Mgr" Worthington Pump (;. Melly. Ce., 820 Old Colony Bld!r. TURNER, Chas. Philip (A 07), Constr. Foreman, Gen!. Elec. Co., 280 S, Clark St., Ohicago, Ill., and for, 324 Indiana Ave., Mishawaka, Ind. 1TRNER Ralph E. (15; 24), ManaginlL Editor, Power Plant Engrg.~ Tech. Pub lishii,g Co., 5S W. Jackson Dlvd., Obieago, and jar mail, 4313 Central Ave., Western SprinllS. TUH~ER, Rob!. K, (A ~I 2,;), West. Sales Mgr., Green ~"lcl Economizcl Co Old Colony Bldlil". TURZIOKY, Froncls C. (27), Designer. Ill. Malleable Iron 00., 1801 Dlversey Pkway~, and for mail, 621 Melrose St. TUXHORN, D. Bruce (J 26). Asst. Mech.. Inspr., Power Plant Eng:rg. Wks., Cllieago, Burlinl:ton &; Quincy R. R., Rm. 1301, 647 W. Jackson Dlvd. UEBE. Ernst K. (A-M 22), Dist. Mgr., Diamond Power Spec. Corp., 1134 Morquette Bldg S. Dearborn St.. UNGER, John S. (86), Oontrg. Engr., 640 Grace St. VECR, Milton F. (J 27). Draftsman, Hann.. Engrg. Wks., 1765 El.ton Ave., and!or mail Eddy St. VELANDER, Verner R. (A-M 21), Owner, Verner Steel Products Co., 1928 Mon terey Ave., and for mail, CIlUlcll St. YIALL, Ethan (13), Editor, Motor Serv., 549 W. Washington Dlvd., Chicago, and JOT moil, 80 N. Brainard Ave., La Gr8Jlge.,On MALMBORG, Carl Adolf (23), Ch. Engr., Drigold Cerp., 70 E. Jackscn Blyd. VON ROIZ, Robt. (J 20), M. E Orton Or8Jle & Shovel Co., 608 S. Dearborn St.. and for moil, 601 N, Centra i Ave... WACHS, Chas. L. (18), Pres., Supt., Wachs Co., 1526 Dayton St.. WAClIS. Tbeodore (11; 18; 19), Secy., E. H. WachR Co., 1535 Dayton St. WA.GNER, Antbony 11., Jr. (J 25), DraftBman, Pullman Car & Mfg. Corp" Pullman, and fat mail, S. St..te St., Chicago. 285

80 ILLINOIS MEMBERS IN UNITED S~ATES CHIOAGO (continue,l) WAGNER, Geo. E., Jr. (J 20), Maintenance Eugl.: Shenvin Williams Co., 116tb St. & Stephenson Ave., and for mail, 406 E. 112th St. WAHL, H. R. (15), Engr.. Commonwealth Edison Co., 72 W. Adams St.. WAINRIGHT, Arthur V. (14), Rm. 507,79 W. )(ouloe St. W.AL:i~:" Donald S. (A M 27), Sales Engr., Mercon Regulator Co" 53 W.,rack.on WALKER, Edwin C. (16), Deslgnin!,: Engr., Liquid Carbonic Co. 31st & B.ellzie Aves., Cblcngo, and for mail. 175 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park. WALKER. Robt. G, (J 24). M. E., DeLavsl Separator Co., 600 W. Jackson Bh d. WALLACE, Geo. W. (23). Cons. En!:r., 5851 S. Western Ave. WALLAOE, J. D. (16). Pres., J. B. Wallace & Co., 184 S. Californis Ave. WALs~~,s~.~a~~lio~\~g~\~~~YF:x~cAv~.oUglae Wray Paper Co., 340 W. Hard- WALSH, Wm. E. (22 ;" A M 25), ~..ealch Engl., Ill. rool Wks., and fr>! ",ail, P. O. Box WALTERS, W. T. (15; A M 17), Htg. & Vent. Engr., III. Engrg. Co., 21st St. & Racine Ave., and JOT mail, 6749 Dorchester Ave.. WARD, Wm. H. (20), Cons. Engr., 307 N. Michigan A,e. WARNER, Raymond C. (24), Dist. Sales Mgr., M. H. Detrick Co., 140 S. DearbolD St., and for mail, 1337 N. Dearborn St. WATERS, D. Vaughn (17; 21; 27), Dept. Ch. Mcb,. Design Div., Dept. 646! 8, West. Elec. Co. Inc., Hawthorne Sta., Chicago, and for mail, 216 S. Lombard Ave., Oak Park. WATT, Roland M. (19; A M 25), Dist. Engr., Lamson Co., 216 W. Monroe St. WEBB, Edwin W. (24), Ch. Engr., Stand. Car Truck Co., 1322 McCormick Bldg. WEBER, Willett F. (J 24), Engl., A. O. Nielson Co., 4450 Ravenawood Ave., Chicago, III., and for mail, 422 Wayne St., St, Joseph, Mich.. WEBSTER, Fred L. (12), Dlst. Mgr., Allis Chalmers ~ffg. Co., 122 S. Michigan Ave. WEINSHANK, Thea. (06), Cons. Engr., 2328 B.ellzie Blvd. WEISS, Harry H. (J 27), Pres., Brady Conveyors Corp., 20 W. Jackson Blvd. WELCH, Leon C. (13), Mgr., Lub. Dept., Stond. Oil Co. of Ind., 010 S. Miehi",an Ave, WELLS Fredk L. (92), Rill. 602, 88 S. Dea"bom St. WELTY, Albert B. (21), Mch. Designer, Internat!. Har,-ester Co., and jol mail, S. Hamilton Ave. WETHERBEE, Ashur U. (20), Ch. Engr.. Gilcbrist & Co., 122 S. Michigan Ave., and for m",il, 418 Dempster St., Evanston.. WHEELER, Frank :R. (09), Dist. MI:1., C. H. Wheeler M!g. Co., 1122 Marquette Bld~. WHEEl.ER, Harold E. (A 24), Sales Engr., E. B. Badger & Sons, CG., 2881 S. Parkway. WHEELER, John K. (J 27), Draftsman, Mech. Mfg. C.G., ~9th St. & Loomis Bhd., and for m",il, 808 W. 66th St.. WHITAKER, Jobn A. (19; A M 24), Mch. Design Checker, West. Elec. Co., Inc., Hawthorne Sta., Chica~o, and for mail, 1124 Randolph St., Oak Park. WHITE, Raymond E. (20I, Rm. 1013, 431 S. Dearborn St. WWTE, Wrn. Braid (A 23), Cona. Acouatic Engr., Am. Steel & Wire Co., Acoustic Lab., 5149 Aptite Ave. WHITESIDE, Saml. P. (16), Teat Engr., Swift &; Co., Union Stock Yards, Cbicago, and f9t mail, 838 Hinman Ave., Evanston. WHITING, Richard A. G09; 18), Power Salesman, Pub. Sel\. Co. of No. Ill" Hm. 1300, 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, and for m",i1, 292 Shenstone Rd., Rh e,.ide. WHlii\.Ns. :! ~~;.}~esst."15), Asst. M. E., Byllesby Engrg. & Management Oorp., WIDDICOMBE, Maj. R..A. (98; 06), Il120 Lake Shore Drive. WILCOX, Clyde E. (J 24), Engrg. Inspo., Automatic Elec. Co., 1083 W. Va" Buren St., Chicago. and for m",il, 817 Hardeon St., Oak Park. WILLIAMS, Geo. W. (04; 07), ~iv. Factory Mgr.,. Creamery Package Mfg. Co., ~:::. w. Waehlngtap. Blvd., Cb.cago; and fot mal S. Humphrey Ave., Oak W1IJLIAMS, Harry B. (J 22), Staff Eng., Oeo. S. May, 2620 N. Shore Ave. WILLIAMS. Kenneth (J 26), Asst. Chicago Sales Mgr., Edge Moore Iron Co., 1549 Otis BId!:.. WILLLUf;S0b!, John L. (21), West. Mgr., J. O. Ross EIl!: g. COl p., Rm. 1806, 208 W. ", a.hmgton St. 286 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES n.linois CHICAGO (conthmedl ~~tt~~~~t.wm.r. (21;.26), Cons. Mgr., W. F. Williamson Adv. Serv., 3501 WILSON, Alex. H. (A-M 18), Ch. Engr., Thomas Elev. Co., 20 S. Hoyne Ave., ChiCago, and for,nail, 1118 S. Home Ave., Oak Park. WILSON, Chas. H. (A Y 20), R. R. Dlv., Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 900 S. Wabash Ave. WILSON, F"ancis P. (23), Ch. (per. Engr., nr., Maintenance Co., Chicago, and for mail, 417 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. \VIL~ON, John E. (20), Indus. Engr., Swift &; Co., and for mail, 6121 Langley Ave.. WILSON, John W. (J 20), Engr., Inspr. of Boilers & Engines! Ocean Accident & rclt~t.ntee Corp., 175 W. Jackson St., Chicago, and for mal, 1006 Eo Cass St., WILSON, Jos. Bancroft (17; 18), Power Engl., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., 111 W. Washington St., and for mail, 9737 Vande.-poel Ave. WILSON, Thos. (17), West. Editor, Power, McGraw HIIl Co., Ina., 7 S. Dearbon, St. WINTE:RCORN, John B. (J 16), 1135i IndIan. Ave. WISE. I1win L. (23), Canst,. Engr., Mech. Div., Commonwealth Edison Co., Rm. 800, 72 W. Adams St. WISNlR, G. M. (07), ;;tetired, 4715 Greenwood A"e. WITT, J. C. (22), Chern. Engr., 5884 Stoney lsland Ave. ":OLF, Julius (20; A M 25), Pur. Agt., V. D. Simons, 2021 Tribune ~ower. WOLFE, Thos. F. (26), Research Engr., east Iron Research Assn., 122 S. Michigan.. Ave. WOLFF, S. (14), Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., 1325 Peoples Gas Bldg. WOOl~5lha;in~na(i;~. 16), U. &. 1nspr., Pur. Dept., Canal, and for ",a-il, WOODWARD. Arthur H. (18), Pres., Internatl. Register Co., 15 S. Throop St. WOODWARD, E. L. (A 20), West. Mech. Editor, Ry. Age, Simmons-Boardman Publishing Co., 105 W. Adams St. WOODWORTH, Carl B. (A M 17), Mgl., West. Div., Vanadium Corp. of Am., 1U2 Straus BId!:. W00Jt~OLK, Wm. G. (16), Pres." Wm. G. Woolfolk & Co., Inc., 231 S. La Salle WRIGHT, Abbott L. (21), Pres., Abbott L. Wright Co., 19 W. Jackaon Blvd. WRIGHT, Donald O. (17.i.. ~), Cons. Indus. Eng1."wWest. Shade Cloth Co., Jefferson & 22nd Sts., unicago, and for mait, 3425 enonah Ave., Berwyn. YARDLEY, Relph W. E. (A M 15), Ch. Arch;. Designer, Bd. Education, and for ",,,,it 817 N. Dearborn St. YEOMANS. Chas. (A 24), Pres.. Treas., Yeomans Broa. Co., 1433 Dayton St. YOST, Lloyd (26), Mgr. Research Div., Fairhanks Morse & Co., 900 S. Wabaeh Ave., Chicago, and for m",il, 1016 Greenwood Ave., Wilmette. YOUNG, Almon G. (A-M 23), Mech. Designing Engr., Sanitary Dlst. of Ohicago, 910 S. Michigan Ave., ana for mail, 2619 Windsor Ave. YOUNG, Wm. V. (A 17), V. P., Am. Ap.praissl Cl>" Rm. 606, 38 S. Dearborn St. YOUNGLOVE. E. H. (A 27),.Gen!. Mgr., Steel lndustry Dept., Johns Manville Corp S. Michil:lln Ave. ZANKE, Geo. J. (A M 15), Dist. MI:1., A)1. Engrg. 00<, 1402 :Marquette Bldg. ZEMKE, Arthur W. (J 22), Exper. Engrg. Dept., Internatl. Harvester Co., and for mail, 8939 Federal St. ZEPERNI0K. Wm. (A-Y 25), Otis Elev. Co., and for mail, B148 Ellis A e. ZIMMERMAN, Cbas. (A-M 26), Asst. Eng1., West. Elec. Co., and for mail, 501 N. Central Ave. ZIMMERMAN, Oliver B. (05), Asst. to Mgr., Exper. & Engrg. Dept., Intelllatl. Harvester Co., 606 S. Michigan Ave. ZlMMERUANN, Carl F. (28). Ch. Engl., Oonveyor5 Corp. of Am., 326 W. Madison St.. and for mail, 5753 Winthrop Ave.. ZWICKL, Dr. J. It. (k.-}f 26), Ch. Engr., Oxygen Co.. 29 S. La Sane St. CIDCAGO BEIGHT~, Cllicnso Section EXTON, Alfred H. (26), Ch. Engr.; Am. Manganese Steel Co. RORABECK. Cl..ude (A 17). Mgr., 8ho"e1,~ Excavator Sales Dept., Am. Yanga nese Steel Co., and for mail, 1436 Schllling Ave. VANCE, Walter N. (H), V. P., Durand Steel Locker Co., 1507 All1old St. 287

81 i i. j 11.J.1NOIS ~IEMBElIS I~ \~ln:lj SlATF.S CICERO, Chicago S...tlOli CORFF. ElIw, V, (A M 21). Ch. Draftsman, Edi.on Eloc. Appliance Oo., luo., 1916 S. 521ld AIe. MOORE, Vol. H. (J H). Dept , west. Elec. Co., Oicero; and for mail, 626 S. Cuvler A,e., Oak Park. NIBECli:ER, Karl (08: A M H), V. P., Imperial Type Metal 00., 1800 S. 54th St. PTAOEK, Frank W. (.J 23). Pres., West. Servo Co., 4810 W. 28rd Pl. COBDEN BDE. Albert B. (J 17), ~l. K, Cobden Mch. Wks. DAlOTILLE OONNELLY, John R. (J 27), ~I. E., Ill. Power.~ I.ight Corp., and for mail, 804 Grant fit. SOHICKE!(,D_~NZ, L. H. (J 16), U. S. Fuel Co., lo7! N. Vermilion St., and for mail.> 1214: N. Vermilion St. WILLARD, Donald E. (18), P, es., Allith,P, out) Co., 819 N. Bowman,\, e. DECATUR OANAVA::i, Wm. ]0. (20), Y. P., Supt., Lender Iron Wk.. CASH, ArthUr W. (99), Pres., Engr., A. W. O...h Valve Mfg. Corp., 610 ~. Water St. OHEETHAM, Jos. H. (13; A-M 17), Engl. Charge ]ou)., ;\lneller Co., and for W. North St.. COOPER, Earl (25). M. E., Chambera Bering Quinla" Co., 700 N. Jasper St.. and fot mail, 1247 W. Decatur St. JACKA, Paul G. (J 27), CanstI. Maintenance k Material Handling Engr., Mueller ;\lue~ter, Robt. H. (A M 21), Ch. Engl., Mneller Co. STEVEKS,.John V. (23). Asst. to M. E., Mis. Yalley Struc. Steel Cu., and for ma;l, 1302 W. Main St. TERRY, Chas. M. (A-M 25), Ch. Engr., A. W. Gn.h <.0., and for mail, I.~ W. Prairie Ave. DIXON, Rock Riv...r Valley Section ORAIG, W. D. (18), Local Business Mgr., Corset Sted Plllnt, H. W. Gos.ald Co. DOWNERS GROVE, Obicago SecUo}, COLBECK, Fred W. ~A-U 21), 1330 Gilbert Me. HALL, Leo. G. (21; 24), Cons.. Expel. Engl. EAST 1I10LINE, Tri-Cities Section ROOT, Orlando J. (98), Mgr., Atty., Stand. Calorimeter Co., E. Molill", and for,nail, th St., Moline. EAST ST. LOUIS, st. Louis Section BAOON, Lewis F. (21), Chem. Engr., Mons.,.nto Cllem. Wks., E. St. Louis, m., and for mail, 4910 W. Plue St., St. Loui., Mo. DODSON. Rowland W. (J 20), PJ~nt Engr., Geo. S. ~!cpham &I Co., 20th Rt. I< LJllCh Ave. FARQUHAR, L. C. (A A! 19), Asst. Wks. Mgr" Am. ~I,eel Fdys. HORNER. Chas. M. (24,), V. P., Genl. Mgr., E. St. Loms &I Internat!. Motor (;0., and fot mail, 1705 Stat. St. KEY, Elmer A, (J 21), Pres., Key Baile\ Equip. 06., P. O. Box 72. KEY, Fred E. (18), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Key Boiler Equip. Co., P. O. Box 72. METZGER, Earl C, (24), 1>!. E., Iuternatl. Shoe Co., 1820 Cherokee ~t., nnd for ma!i, 2401 Stat. St.. MORSE, HemY S. (18). Planning Engr., Monsanto Chern. Wks., E. St. Louis, Ill., and for mal! 4500A Red Bod Ave., St. Louis, Mo. SLOCOMB, Geo. H. (A M 19), Ch. M. E., Aluminum Ore. Co., 3300 Missouri Avc. SLOCUM, Fielder (26), Night Supt., Monsanto Chem. Wka., E. St. Louis, Ill., and fot mail, 3217 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, Ala. SMITH, Gerald C. (J 22), Salea 1Ylgr., Mech. Dept., Key Boiler Equip. Co., P. O. Box MEMBERS IN UNnED STATES 2B!t ILLINOIS EDWARDSVILLE, St. Louis Section I,AW1."IN, Nelson (J 21), Asst. Mgr., N. O. Nelson Mfg. C<l. MOORMA1\, Geo. L. (23; 26). Mgr. Blgn.ll &I Keeler Mch. Wks., N. O. Kelson Mfg. Co., and for """ii, 303 Holroke Rd. ELGIN, CI,lcago Section CALAME, Arm..nd (18),,\sst. Foreman, Mch. Dept., Elgin Natl. Watch Co., and lloj1i0~~~0~2{t..g~~s(~~~)~\teltelco., Elgin, and for mail, 1048 N. LombaI<I A\e. I On1e Park.. GABRIEL, Wm. A. (91), Ch. Draftsman, Designer, Elgin Nat!. Watch Co., anll /0" mau, 570 Chicngo St Htn."lER, Geo. E. (90), Genl. Supt., Elgin N..t!. Watch Co., and lot mail, 325 Watch St. MALVERN. Lewis K. (94; 03), Dir. Mchy., Elgin Nat!. Watcll Co., and for nail, 12 Warwick PI. PRICE, Albert M. (99; 04), Cons. Engr., 825 Douglas Ave. EVANSTON, Chicago Seotion ARISON. Edgar E. (16), 2742 Ridge Ave. B,WBY, Ralph B. (A-M 21), Apt. 3, 118 Ueeny St.. KOCH, Adolph H. (J 24), fhe Cla11dge, 319 Dempster St. )[cij.vaine, John H. (A 27), Pres., Treas., Mcnvalne Bumer Corp., 747 Custe.. Ave. MOXTGOMERY, H. ll. (89), 1408 Dempster St. MORRISSJ~Y, J. E. (J 19), Heat Engr., ~o. Ill. Pul>. S01\. Co., 911 Church St. MOTEl!, Allen V, (09; 16), Orrington Hotel. PHlLBRICl<, Herbert S. (07; 13), Prol. M. E., No,1:1l\vestem Univ., and fot mail, 2130 Sherman Ave. 8TEVENS, Burt D. (12), 1&18 Hinman Ave. FLOSSIIIOOR, CJ.icn.go Section BRANDON, Geo. R. (97; 01), COliS. M. E, GALESBURG, T, i Oities Section SlUTH, Wnl. Parker (A M lb.), Supt., Frost Mfg. Co., alld for mail, Galesburg Club. GALVA, Tri-Cities Section HAYES, Ralph W. E. (16), V. P., 11. E., Designer, Halea Pump &; Planter Co. GLEN ELLYN. Chicago Section DEDMAN, Bryant (A M 18). 248 C"est Rd. GRANITE CITY, St. Louis Section FREDE, ChM. F. (18), Mgr. Prod., Commonwealth Steel Co., Granite City, Ill., and for mail, 6804 Cates Ave., St. Louis, Mo. HEINE, Leopold F, G. (26), 2~22a Delmar Ave.. HINCHMAN, Geo. N. (19), Constr. Engr., Commonwealth Steel Co., Granite City, Ill., and for ",oil, 422 Bompart A, e., Webster G"ove, Mo. ROWARD. K.I! S. (19), Mech. Supt., Commonwealth Steel Co. Granite City. m., and fo.,. l1tail, 5532 Chamberlain Ave., St. I~ouisJ Mo. KRAUTHEUf, Wm. C. (J 21), M. E., Commonwealth Steel Co. LOWE, Darvin (J 27), Draftsman, Oommonwealth Steel Co., Granite City m., aud for 1nail J 6310 Devonshire Ave., St. Louis, Mo. ROGERS, HallY E. (A M 22), Snpt., Commonwealth Steel Co., Granite City, Ill. and for ",oil, 7100 Waterman Ave., St. Louis, Mo. SAYWAllD, Malcolm J. (A. M 27), Mech. Designer. Commonwealth Steel Co., Olallite City, Ill., and for ",ail, 1024A Claytonla Terraee, St. Louis, Mo.!lHEEHAN, Will. M. (20), Sales Engr., Commonwealth Steel Co. STRElli>lEL. Philip J. (25), Supt., Nat!. Enameling &I Stamping Co., Granite Cit). m., and for mail, 6328 Emma Ave., St. Louis, Mo. VEIHr., Ernest E., Jr. (J 27), Design Analysis, Eng. Dept., Commonwealth Steel Co.. 01G1. L. S. (15; A ~l 25),,\sst. M. M., St. I.ouis Coke &I Iron Corp., and /0; wl.ail, 2216 E. 25th St.

82 ...~.. IJ,LINOIS HARVEY, CJrlcago Section BOURNE, R. H. (A-M 14), V. P.. Sale. Mgr., Whiting Corp. BROWN, Hugh e. (J 21), Engr., Buda Co.. EVANS, Melvin J. (17; 23; 26), Sale. Mf!!., Whitmg cliolorl~v e." alld fot mail, HARRINGTON, J08. (18), Pres., Jos. Harnngton 00., J MoD~-&"G~tIL; Andrew H. (08). V. P. Dlr. Sales, Wbiting Corp., and for,nail, th Blvd. PRUSSING, Rudolph E. (15), En/:r., Whiting Corp.. SCHILLER, Wm. A. (A M 20), Factory Mgr. Whiting Corp., and for mail, Marshfield, P. O. Box 827. : TOWNSEND, John S. (27), V. P., Wk. Mgr., Wh,tlng COI p. HIGHLAND PA.RI;:, Cl.lcago S"ction SMITH, Albert N. (18), 8..1es Engr., Contr. JACliO:SONVILLE PHILLIPS, Ja. A, (J 27). 827 E. Wolcott St. JOLIET. Chicago Section. BIPPUS, Dallas C. (A M 24), De.igner, Drllftsman. M. E., Rub.rold Co., and for mail, 104 Julian St... I (laine, Fred J. (J 24), M. E. Research Engr., Am. Inst. of Laundermg. nc., 115 Van Buren St.. CASTLE, Drew W. (A M 28), Vocl>tional Dir. Joli.t Township Hlgh Sch. & Jr. GOS~~~i~~ Edw. N. (18; A-M 23), Phoenix liorse Shoe Co., and for mail, HAO~.fU~~~a{J:ld~t. W. (J 27), Asat. Fuel Engr,. Pub. Servo 00. of No. m., 108 Pleasant St.. HAYNES Hugb W. (A M 17), Oli. Draftsman, Scott St. Wk.,.~m. Steel,& Wue Co., and for mail, 901 Prairie Ave. LANGFORD, Geo. (16), Genl. Supt. III Dir., McKenna Proce.s Co. ~CcLAREN Lewls L. (15; A-M 241, M. E., Will County Delltal Lab., 234 WU! County Bank Bldg., and fo. mail., 600 Herkimer St.. licowat, J. Fred (16), Asst, Ch. Engr.. lil. Steel {o., Collins St., and for mail, ~~~. IW PATTERSON, Henry.R. (lu), Supt., Wire Mill, Rockdal. Wks., Am. Stee &: Ire Co.. and fo. mad, 106 Bu.ll Av ROBINSON, Kinsey (J 17), V. P., Wks. Mgr., Joliet Mfg. Co., Young.Av. & Cass ~,. RUSSELL, Wm. B. (J 24), Wks. Mgr., Heggi. Simplex BoUer Co and fo. mail, SHA~~~iIi., ~~::,w;~(i6; A M 28), Asst. Steam Engr., Ill. Steel Co., N. Collins St., and fo. mail, 204 Hunter Ave. KEWANEE, Tri-Cities Section. BRONSON. Carlos E. (16; 22), Ch. M. E., Kewanee Boiler Co. DICKSON, J08. F. (27), Engr., Kewanee Boller Co. ELDRIDGE, Trew W. (.\.M 25), De.lgner, Kewanee Wk. Walworth Co., and fo. mail, 102 W. 2nd St. H.\RTMAN, John M. (A M 20), En!"r., Kewan BoU.r Co. ~CATHER, A. J. (21), Wks. Mgr., Walwortj1 Co. ~[coarthy, HlOrry (09), Ch. Engr., Wa!worth Co. ~COORE, Michael F. (A 15), Mgr., KO\vanee BOiler QillRKE, Ed,. D. (11). Adv. Mgr., Kewanee BoUer Co., and fot mad, 730 S. n.ou~~~~ctl~~ Roy W. (23), Genl. Supt., Walwortb Co.,. P. O. Box SZABO, Franz (A ~f 25), Designer, Engrg. Dept., Kewanee BoUer Co. aud for matt, TERlN, ~1~~~~nD~(~02; 08), V. P., Boss Mfg. Co. 1st & Chestnut St., aad for mail, 522 S. Tremont St. i!liel\ibers IN UNITED STATES ~:-~~~:--~R, AndrO\v H. (J 99), M. E., West. Clock Co., La Salle, and for mail, th St., Peru. PECK, Lloyd A. (J 25), Dir., Dept. Engrg., Laundl)ownels Nat!. Assoc., Drawer, i: LAWRENCEVILLE COOK, Lester E. (A M 28), Cost Accountant. Indiall lief. Co., Inc., and fo, mail, Lexington St. LOCliO:PORT, Chicago Section SHACKLETON, Roy (20). Green.!I Sons Co. IIIACOllm HARVEY, Wm. D. (20; 27), Pres., Am. Steel P,oduels C<>. UADISON, St. Louis Section GRONEMEYER. Fred G. (J 26), Engl., Barber Asphalt Co., Madison, Ill., and for mail, 5165 uexington Ave. St. Louis, Mo.. KURTZ, Walter H. (A M 19), Ch. Engr., Madison Plant, Lacled. Steel Co Madi. son, Ill., and fo. mail, 8500 Belt Ave., St. Louls, Mo. LETTERMAN. Dale M. (J 26), Barber Asphalt 00., Madi.on, and for mail, 2627 G St., Granite City. UARSEILLES BAUGHMAN. Isaac N. (J 16), Agr!. & M. E. 413 Olark St. MARSHALL. Arnold R. (J 26). Celtainteed Products Corp. ~1A.YWOOD, ChiclL/I,o Section PECK, Theo. A. (21), P. O. Box 117, MEMBERS IN UNITED STATI!:S ~IELROSE PARIC, Cllfcago Section FELCH, D. H. W. (26), M. E., Richardson 00., Melrose Park. and for mail, 819 N. 7th Ave., Maywood. WOODMANSEE, Fay (11), Pre.., Elec. Engr.. Equip. Co" Melrose Park. and. for mail, 430 S. 18~h Ave., Maywood. ~IENDOTA SCHALLER, Juliu. L. (J 24), Secy., Trea., Mendota Mfg. & Transfer Co. MOLINE, Tri-CitieB Section AINSWORTH, Harry (A 20), Pres., Williams, White & 00., 3rd Av & 8th St CARLSON, Oha A. (A M 14). M. E., Jobn Deere Plow Wks., and fo; mail 1414 Htb St. CROSS, R. A. (A Y 21), Prod. Engr., Deere & Co., and or ""lil, rd Ave. F1N~;"N.";.Zl1 ({0~~7~t. Meeh. Draftsman, MoUne 1001 Co., th St.. and for, FISK~tb~~ence.\Y. (18), Cli. Engr. Williams, Whit. & Co., and for mau, 2021 HlrnT, Wilson P. (18; 21), Pr. Mgr., MOUM Tool Co., th St. LINDB~RO, A. E. (A M 20). Cb. Engr. Moline Tool Co., th St., and fo. mail, t!1 Ave. REL~:a~ l~i~o AR,; (A M 26). M. E., Moline Tool Co., th St. and for mail, ROGERS, Howard H. (A-M 20), Treas., Williams, Wliite & Co. 8th St. & 3rd Ave. ROSBOROU~H, Cold,vell R. (13; 21), Secy., Moline Tool Co., th St. and for mad, tb Ave. ROYS, Lawlence (07; 21), Pres., We.t. Strue. Co., and for mail, 82.., 27th St. SKLOVSKY. Max (22), Ch. Engr., D.ere & Co. WEIGEL, Albert R. (27), Factory Mgr., Cb. Engl., "clie 1I0tors Corp., ~IT, VERNON COLLISON, Tho A. (15), Ch. Engr., Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Co. OAK PARI;;:, Chicago Section MATLACK, E. V. (04), Life Member. 163 N. Scoville Ave. SEGUR, A. B. (A Y 19)1 Indu Engr., A. B. Segul & Co., 1181 S. Ridgeland Blvd. SWANSOK. Verner J. ( 24), 804 Horne Ave.. oa.kland PEMBERTON, Carl)sl. (]2; A ;Y 25), Postmaster. 291 ILLINOIS

83 1l,l,INOIS ~IE~IllERS IN UNlrED STATES PARIC RIDGE, Chicago Section PA)10RATZ, F. J. (A Y 22), 92~ S. Washington St. PEIUN ~~PSTEIN, Edwin S. Jr. (J 27). Asst. Field Engr., Foundation Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 32.. PEORIA ADAMS, Floyd W. (26), ~upt., Bnrre!t Co., Ft. Clar! St. BROWN, G. Bentley (.1 24), Steam J::nA"r., CommercIal Solvents Corp.. DUFF, Jas. C. (J 25). Effic. Engr.. III. Elec. power Co., 1126 W. Washlllg t on St. EDWARDS, Earl D. CA.}! 20), Gil. Engr., 1Il. Elec. power Co., 1126 W. Washington KI~"l:~F.:, Harold G. (17;,\ M 21), Oonstr. Engr., central 1Il. Light Co., 316 S. Jeffcrson Aye. l-"ewell, John C. (A M I;), Cb. Engr. Kerstone Steel & Wire Co. SHAIUdAN, Jns. G. (A.)1 21), Asst. Geni. Mgl., Pemier liialt Products Co. WALLACE, Ross S. (04), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Central Ill. Ltg. 00., 316 S. Jelierson WEEt{S~ Palll (05; 11), Gent Serv. Mgr., C.terpillat Traetor Co., and fot mail, 1716 Columbia Terr.ce. WOLFNER Irn W. (15; A-}.I 22)1 V. P., Scey.,!\atl. Cooperage itt Voodcnware. Co., 2~09 S. Washington St., and for mo.,!. H3 Higb St. PERU LUETSCHER, Oliver P. (16; 21), Cons. Engr., nd St. RIVERSIDE, Clllcago section JACOB. Jobn D. (J 26), Asst. to Expet. Engr., Universal Oil Products Co., Hiver side, and for mail, 1037 S. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park. ROCHELLE, Rocl~ Rivcr Valley Section TURNBULL, M. J. (A-Y 16), Box 132- ROCICFORD, Rock River Valley Section ALDEEN, Gedor W. (26), Ch. Engr., Genl. Supt., Na~l. Loek Co..l.RNDT, Raymond H. (J 24), M. E., Roekland Gas LIght &; Ooke Co., S. ~von St. BARNES, John S. (13), Oeltl. Mgr., W. h. & John Ballles Co., 301 S. "ator St. BARNF.S, W. F. (86), 813 N. )laln St. BATES, Albert Henry (07; 13), Con. Engr., 1401 N. Court St... BRAND, Arthur B. (J 27), Student Engr., Barber Colman Co., and for ma,i, 720 N. ~rt~. BROLIN, Willard A., Jr. (J 25), Y. E., Sundstrand Mch. Tool Co., and for ",o.i1, BROtJt,HF~~~;is A. J. (J 26), Student Course, Emerson-Brantingham Corp., and for mai!, 130 Oak,vood A, e. COL~{o\N Howard D. (12). lres., Barber Colman Co. GIBSON, Chas. D. (13). Snles Engrb liiattison Greenlee Co., Roekford, 111., and for mo.i Bryden Rd., Colum us, O.. GUNNERSON, Walter E. (J 22), Draftsman, Anderson Bros. Mfg. 00., and for ma,i, R. 7, Ogilby Rd. 1 HANITZ, H. T. (27),?leb. Desi:;ner, Ingersoll Milling [ch. Co., and for mo.,, 5236 East DI!ve. K" 00 d HINOHLUF, Edw. C. (.J 27), Asst. to Genl. IIlgr., Burson nlttmg., an for mail, 436 N Main St. n"i;ersoll Winthrop (A lrd) Pres., Ingersoll Milling Mch. Co.. JOHNSON. 11bert M. (22), SuPt., Barne. Drill Co., 814 Chestnut st., and fo, mail, 1922 Clinton St.,JOHNSON, B. E. (.J 19), Family Theab e.,johnson, John H. (24), Supt., Ingersoll ],[illing Mch. Co. KASOH, C. H. (A.M 27), Engl., }lch. Tools & fextile Melly., Barber Colman Co., and for mail, 1618 Grant Ave. MI\N8FIELD Judson H. (27) Cb. Engr., Charge Design, Greenlee Bros. &; 00. MONOSMITH, Leroy B. (J 27), Ingersoll Milling Mcb. 00., and for mail, 501 S. 2nd St, 292 ME:\IBEItS IN tlnited SlA~ES 1I.LINOIS 1l0CIi:FORD (contlnne,l) )lorgan, J!:verette Ii. (18; 2:1), Mch. Dc.lgJle,. Ingersoll )Illling Mel C d for mall Oxford St , an l[ot1, Ricl.nrd M. (J 241. Y. P., Am. Rtg. &; Supply Co. 620 Roc St d Jor mm.l, 2125 Melrose St. e., an Plml~1~SB~:~~~a~lo: (21), Engr., Natl. Automotive Accessories Corp., c/o W. F. & Rlml\BERG, Axel (23), M. E., Thayer Action 00 18th Ave & 10th St ~CHRADER, Wm. A. (A M 21), SaleBman Leade;. Iron Wk; 721 Joi,. St SHED,D11 Ward R. (21), Plant J;;"gr., Barber Cohnan C~. and nfo,: mciu "19 J S 1 and A,"e.,II I STICKliEY,. CI,ns. A. (18), Dir., Rockford Research Lab. 846 HaBkell fot ma,l, 848 Haskell A"e.,Ave., and "OLKMAR, Walter H. (16; 21), Supt., Emerson Brantlngham Co., S. Independence Ave., and [or mail, 2:103 Btonderwirt A"e WE:MP~E, Merritt C. (J.23), Servo EngT., PumpDiv. Geo. D Roper Corp., """ Mam St" and fot mall, 1421 Blaisdell St,. N WRIGHT, Ienton R. (J 24), M. E., 2122 Oxford St. ROCn: ISLAND, Iri-Cities Section ECKLER, E. E. (A M 20), IIIgr., Rock Island Mfg. Co st St HOISINGTON, Hllorry (21), Ord Engr Ord. Dept. R kl la d Island, III., and fot 1O~6 Oneid~ Ave Davenpol.tO~a s n Arsenal, Rock HOR~rci/nton E. (A-M 14); Seey., Trens., GellL Mgr., Henry w. Horst Co., Horst JENli:S, Lieut. Col. Glen F. (09; H), Ord. Dept., U. S. Army, Roek Jsland Arsenal. ST. CHARLES, Cllicago Section COOK, Maj. John W. D. (24), 901 3rd Ave. SENECA BAROLAY, Kenneth B. (J 27), Engr., GraBselli Powder Co. SPRING VALLEY MILLER, J. Edw. (J 27), Instr., Vocational Hl~h Sch and fa" ma," 501 E lnnd St. C".". Cieleo SPRINGFIELD BANgr:~1 ~~~:t.j E. (21), Cil. ~~ligr., Springfield Boiler Co., and fat,nau, 1629 ~~~~~G~O~~YH~~;~ ~~4{:Se~i7)SpC\ng~eld BOBilek~ CO!f 1OO1 E. Oapltol Ave. Dial Comt. " 1. ngr., a er 1 g. Co., and fat,nail, 1469 CLAYTON, J. Paul (11; 26) V P Cent 01 ill l b S. and fot mail, 1323 Dial C~urt:" r. u. erv. Co., Pub. Se,,. Bldg., CLE~~~n~N~~/"ank W. (18; 21), Equip. Engr., 1lI. Watch Co., Dth St. & N. LACY, Robt. (A }! ~1), Sale. Engr., Springfield Boiler Co OPP~:il~~MJ:srhJ1IP H. (A-Y 27). M. E., SpringlleldBaUer Co., and fat mo.!, TAFT, Paul F. (19), M. Y., m. Watoh Co 9th St &: N Grand Ave WHIfo~ m~~l~ l~i;)i..e?ac;::l A~~~t., Sangam~ Blec. Co., 11th << Co~versc StB., and STREATOR.\N~~~Pa~~:" C. (22; 21:1), 11 es., Anthony 00., Streator, and lot mneil, Hlgh- BF,iNEDlCT, Cltas. H. (21).610 E. Broadw8J. LEDERER, Jerome (J 24), Aerotecb., Inc., )[urray Bldg. URBANA BARNES, Ralph M. (J 25) Teacbln~ of Ill., 116 Oommerce Bldg.. J d M C e, n us. gmt., ollegc of COUlmerce, Un;". BRO~I~lo~~{f"Av~85). Life Member; Prof. E. E., Univ. 01 Ill., and lor m"u, 1105 W. DAY~f ilrcent s. (,\ M 21), Research Asst. Prof., Rm. 1W, Y. Eo Lab., Univ. 293

84 ILLINOIS URBANA (continued) DEGLER, Howard E. (27), ABSOO. in M. E., Unlv. 01 m., and for ma.u, 212 W. Oregon St. ESPY, Wm. N. (A.M 21), Instr. M. E., Unlv. of Ill., and for mail, 608 W. Nevada St. FAHNESTOCK, Maurice K. (J 25), Spec. Research Asst., Unlv. of m., 1M lil. E. GOODENOUGH, Lab. Geo. A. (19), Prof. Thermodynamics, Unlv. of Ill., and fo" mail,. 809 S. Lincoln Ave. HALL, Stanley G. (J 24), Instr., Univ. of Ill., and fo,?iiai!, UniversIty Olub. HAM, O. W. (16), Assoc. Prof. Mch. Design, Univ. 01 m., 115 Trsnsportatlon Bldg. KENNEDY, Robt. E. (21), Tech. Secy., Am. Fdymens. _~ssn. 909 W. california St. KONZO, Seichi (J 27), Graduate Research Asst. in :hf. E., Univ. of m., Engrg Exper. St.., M. E. Lab., Rm KRATZ. A. P. (18; 21), Research Prof., M. E..Dept., Uuiv. of m. LEUTWILER, O. A. (04; 11), Prof. M. E. Design, UnIv. of m., Rm. 118, TIansportntlon Bldg., and for _il, 710 Pennsylvania Ave. MAClNTlRE, Horace J. (07; 18), M, E. Dept. Unlv. of m. MICHEL, Rudolph (17: A-M 25), ABBt. Prof. Engrg. Dra,ving, Unlv. of m., 813 Transportation Bldg., and for mait, 1208 W. Callfornla Ave. MOORE, Herbert F. (IS), Research Prol. Engrg. Materials, Univ. of Ill. NINGARD, Milton O. (J 26), Instr. power Plants &; Mch. Design., Unl v. 01 Ill., 116 Transportation Bldg. pouson, Joe. A. (06 12), Prof. Steam Engrg., Univ. of IlL,UEREAU, John F. (J 27), Graduate Research Asst., Unlv. of Ill. 102 M. E. Lab. SOHMIDT, Edw. O. (08), Prol. & Head Dept., Ry. Engrg. Dept., Unlv. 01 m., 107 Transportation Bldg. SOHRADER, H. J. (J 24), Instr., Ry. Engrg., Unlv. of Ill., 107 Transportation Bid!:. SEELY, Prof. Fred B. (27), Prol. Theoretical & Applied Mechimics, Unlv. of m., 206 Engrg. Hn1J. SEVERNS, Wm. H. (16; 21), Assoc. Prof., M. E. Lab., Univ. of m., and for, 609 W. Indlnna Ave. STARR, Ohas. J. (A-M 19), Asst. Supt. Mch. I.ab., Un iv. 01 m., and for mail, 1108 W. Main St. TALBOT, ArtAur N. (14), Prof., Unlv, of Ill., and for "U1i!, 1113 W. California A, e. WILLARD. Arthur C. (19), Prol. Htg. & Vent.. Head Dept. M. E., Univ. 01 Ill., 20B M. E. Lab.. YOUNG, Eo. G. (19; 24). Research Prot., Ry. M. E., Univ , 102 TrallSportation Bldg. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES W AlJIi:EGAN, Cllicltgo S"ctiOJ< BANTA John S. (12), Asst. Dist. Ellgr., Am. Steel" Wire CO. CONZELMAN, J. W. (J 18). Asst. to DiBt. Engr.. Am. Steel & Wire Co. EKSTRAND. L. M. (07). DIBt. Engr., Am. Steel & Wire Co., and for mail, 730 Lenox Ave. HEADSON, F. A. (20). Mgr., Jobns Manville, Inc., P. O. Box 503. HULETT, Victor E. (J 26), Fuel Engr., Pub. Servo 00. of No. Ill., and for mai!, 401 Glen Flora Ave. KOTTOAMP, Jobn P. (10 ; IS), Mgr.! Waukegan Factory Johns Manville Inc. NELSON, O. T. (21), Pres., Pao. Stee Boilers Corp. TURNER, Jobn W. (26), Cb. Engr., GenL Boilers Co., and for man, 268 Stewart umbi1iocker, Frank (J 21), Asst. Sta. &upt., Pub. Servo Co. of No. Ill.. Sta. 6, and for mail, 1609 Alexander Court. WILl\lETTE, Chicltgo, Section FITOH, Claude E. (02), Cons. Engr Elmwood A,e. HEMB, Harold B. (21; A-M 25), 515 Linden Ave. WINNETli:A, Chicago Section CHRISTENSON, Henry (26).. Cb. Engr., Power Plant Supt., Winnetka Municipal Water & Light 00.. and fo, mail, 663 provldellt Ave. VOORHEES, Gardner T. (00). RefTIg. Engr., 870 Foxdale Ave. WOOD RIVER, St. "LouIN Section EDWARDS, Jos. B. (21). White Star Ref. Co. GAINES, Gee. (J 26), Roxana Petroleum Corp., and for moil, 536 Fergnsoll Ave. 294 : :.i: MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ~VOOD RIVER (continue,i) KELLOGG, MITCHELL, Ohever HarryMcM. Mann (23; (J A-M 23) 2"6 A t M. E., Roxalla Petroleum Corp. PYZi~8,:0(1 ~w)erind for _ii, 103JwNkiJ:on ~~:oll~~troleurn Corp., Box SEYMoUR W M ngr., Roxana retroleum Corp.. ma,l, 652 Lor";a f...:~ 24), Cb. :Oraltsman, Roxano Petroleum Corp., and for TYDEMAN, Dr. F. W. L. (21: 20), Supt., Roxana Petroleum Corp. \VOODSTOCIi:, Cllicogo S"ction HOUGHTON. Seymour P (J 19) W 226 Oalhoun St.,oodstock Metal Products Co., il.lld for mail, INDIANA AURORA PFEIFFER, maol, 413Isadore 2nd St. F. (26), Ch. Engl., Steadmans Fdy..&. Mch. Wks., and for nedl~ord W. (J 2.7), Steam E. E., llld. Linlestolle Co., aud for mail, 1301 BRA..ZI"L, In~1iltnaI>olis Section HUESTIS, Tbo. B. (J 21) Cb Engr C -f d&. wodf:it:6a~i:;stl(sa~r1az7)il:pand for -,~ail~ a~~;rno;tl~~;~j"b1~d~ ~~~::~t~, Lnco,.,reB. I Wcod lulr~t Mch. Co.. CARTHAGE, IndialuLI,o!is Section ~tfo~fo~sl~s ;T, (A-M 28), Cono: Engr., 0l\J. M. (A-M,25), V. P., Prod. Dixon Bd. Mills. CHESTERTON, CldcLgo Section WAIT, Henry H. (05)-E. it. M. E.; R. F. D. Route 1. Hox 1;;. 293 ILLINOIS ANDERSON, Indianapolis Section. ELLI~ Ray O. (J 23),.Sole~ En!\"l., Dean Hill Pump Co., alld jor mail, 1521 Noble GRO~S, Olaude M. (27) Plant En Del. Delaware Ave. gr., co--remy Corp., and lor mail, 104 :gtl1~~ ~~:: ~ (~22.1), En~r.. Process Dept., :aemy Elec. Co., 1419 NiJ.OIOAV~:M 25), Ch. Draftsman, Am. Steel & Wi"e Co., and for SOHLEYER Victor (16) CI D.. E Walnut St,I. eslgmng ngr., Hill Pump Co., and for mail ~[~l.yw~~a.e(l~;~~hral"y E El~f~~o.. and for I\ail, 2715 Maln St. SMI~H, Everett. E. (J 26), A",;;"blv ~o~,!:;nuc"d f~o~j.m: ~aeill, 817 W: 8tb St. and for ma..i Jacksoll St.,e em~ ee. Co., Plant 3, STIEGLER. August (J 26), l{emy Elec. Co., and for mail, Y. M. C. A. ANGOLA. I~M. ~~~~~o~i. J ~~6~28~UgHg dljll t., ]1;0. Ind. Pu!. Sm. Co. 121 Joe Wheeler St. ea. E. Dept., Trl State Col1ege, and for mail, ARGOS HOFFMAN, Roscoe C. (14; A-M 16), 408 N. Micblgau St. AUBURN TRA~J; If.ln1ey D. (J 27), Student, Aubum.Auto Co., alld for mail, 340 W.

85 INDIANA CONNERSVILLE, IndlaJlapoU.. Section CUMMINGS, Lawrence T. (A-M 16), McQuay Norris MI!!:. Co. HOUGHTON, Carl R. (20), Expel. Enl1o"l., ConnelsvUle Blower Co., and Jor,nail,, ]SO.~ Grand Ave. TATMAN, Jas. S. (27), V. P., Connersville Blower Co., and fot 1 mo., 100, WIL~~ii,ol~o~;eT. (9S), Pres.. M. E., Connersville Blower Co., and fot mau, 90& Grand Ave. EAS! CHICAGO, Chicago Section BORKERT, John J. (A-M 25), Des!!!:ner, Hubbal"<1 Steel Fdy. Co., E. Chlca!!:o, and fo, mail Davis Ave., Whltlnl1o". CAUROLL. Frank V. (21). Asst. Ch. Enlr\o, Inland Steel Co. CHENOWETH, Paul S. (J 26), Asst. to Steam Enlr\., Youngstown Sheet &: Tube Co. CLEAVENGER, W. D. (21), Mech, Supt., Youngstown Sheet &: Tube Co., E. Cbicago, and fot mail, 1195 Forest Ave., Hammond. ORAWF011D. Wm. W. (A 24), Pres. Edw. Valve &: MIg. Co" E. Cbicago, Ind., and for mail, 6926 Constance Ave., Ohicngo. III. ENES. J. T. (A-M IS). Desi!!:nel, Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., E. Chicago, Ind., and fot mail, 642 E. 76th St., Chicago. m. GRAY. Clyde W. (J 25). EnlP"., Superbeatel Co., E. Chicago, and fm mail, 542. Hi~hland St" Hammond. " HIOKEL, Albert E. (27), Research Lub. Engr., Sinclair Ref, Co., and fot.nall, Apt. 12 B Forsythe Ave. JACOBSON, Carl C. (J 24), Draftsman, Inlnlld Steel Co., E. Ohlcago, Illd., and fot mail, 6026 S. CalPenter St., Ohlca!!:o, III.. KLEIN, Louis W. (A M 2];). V. Po, Genl. Mgr., Green Engrg. Co., E. Ch,cago, Ind., nnr! fat mail, 1508 E, 6Sth St., Chicago, lll. KOPLE, :Monte (21; A-M 24), Steam ~xpt., Inland Steel Co., E. Chlcngo, Ind., and fot mail, 7618 Colfax Ave.. Clncago. Ill. LAW. Clifford J. (J 25), Spec. Apprentice, Hubbard Steel Fdy. Co., and fot mail, McD6~lLg~ry~~. te.(20; 24}. Sales Mp.. Ed,v. Valve &: Mf~. Co. MINKEMA, Wm. H. (18; A M 25). Smclai.. Ref. Co., E. Chicago, Ind., and fo, mail S. State St., Chlcago PEARSON, Homer A. (26; 27), Wks. Mgr., EI1\1. Vahe & Mfg. Co., E, Chicago. Ind.. and fat mail, 2616.E. 74th St., Chlcal(o. Ill. REED Hugh D. (J 21), Prod. M!:f., Green Enp;, g. Co. TELLIs. V. G. (26). M. E.. Charge Spreader Devel.. O. F. Jordan 00.. THOMSON. Jas. (2I:), Ob. Engr., Hubbard Steel Fdy, Co., and fot ma,l, 4130 TRU:.a~l,;,,~.1i" (13), V. P., Superheater Co. EATON, Ill.UanapoU" Section BUTTERFIELD, Ralph M. (J 24), Partner, Enton Canning 00. ED"\VARDSPORT IlALL. J. Robt. (A M 23), Bol1e~ Rrn. Foreman, Power Sta., Interstate Pub. Sell.. Co., and fot mail, P. O. Box 252. ELKHARI HERBER Robt. M., Jr. (J 24), Spec. Apprentice, N. Y. R. R. Co., Elk hart Ind., and fot mail, 862 Mldwood St. B,oaklyn, N. Y. LOOMIS: Allen (20), Spec. Engr., C. G. Conn Ltd., alld for mail,.223 E: Crawford St. EVANSVILLE h"ehrdas, Fredk P. (12). Genl. )I!:f., Servel Mfg, Co., 19 Morton St. RUSSELL, Wm. F. (A-M 21), I1S Howard St. FORT WAYNE ANDERSEN, Hellry G. (J 25>z Ellgrg., Dept., Illd. Selv. Oorp., 122 E. Wayoe St., Rnd fat mail, P. O. Box 609. ARNOLD, F. A. (J 26), Eogr., Genl. Elec. Co., and for mail, 2819 S. Harrison St. ASTROM. John Y. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES (00; 08), Oons. Engr., 1006 Wildwood Ave. 296!..~" FORT WAYNE (coljtinucdl EVANS, Bernard C. (A Y 17), Designer, Genl. Elec. Co., and for "I.<IiI, 586 Home Ave. GRIFFITH, C. P. (21), Oh. Engr., S. F. Bowser & 00.. Inc. GULDLIN, Olaf N. (05). Retired, P,es., Genl. Mgr., West. Gas CanstI. Co., and, fat mail, 2800 Fairfielc\ Ave. KUCltUCK, Harold W. (J 27), Student Engr., InternatI. H..rvester Co., and for mail, 1010 PhlUips st. MATSON, Cliliord H. (A l! 20), Asst. to Genl. Supt., Genl. Elec. Co., 1685 Broad RENNXbK, Edwin W. H. (22), Lub. Filtration Engr., S. F. Bowser & 00., Inc., and fot mail, 1914 S. Clinton St.. RICHHART, Wm. S. (19), E. E Ind. Servo Corp., 122 E. Wayne St., and for mail, 3132 S. Calboun St. RUOFF, Frederic L. (A M 24), mst. M!!:I., Pllbrlco Jointle.. Firebrick Co., 414 E. Oolumbia St., and fot mal~. 860 S. Cornell Circle. SEYFER, Lawrence (J 27), Spec. Apprentice, Internatl. Harvester Co., and fot SINNEa4~, GJ~f;" ~~1I(~rJ;26), Draftsman, Engr., Spee. Mcby., Genl. Elee. Co., and fot ".ail, 1920 S. Webster St. SMITH Harold Baker (21; A M 22), R., R. Sales Engr., S. F. Bowser & Co., Inc., Fo~t Wayne Illd., and fm mail, 316 S. 5th St., Wilmington, N. C. STONE Thos. W. (08; 16), Ob. Engr., West. Gas Constr. Co., 1429 Bucbanan St. SVEC, wm. F. (A-M 28), S. F. Bowser & 00., Inc. ZIMMERMAN, Alfred W. (18), Owner, Mgr., Zimmerman Xray Supply Co., Broadway Bank Bldg GARY, Chlcngo Section ADA-illS, Louis W. (17), Ill. Steel Co., ALDRICH, Wm. S. (92), Life :Member; M. )1. Dept., Am. Bridge Co., Rlld for mail, 268 Chase St. BURRESS, Lloyd F. (J 17), Supt. Cok. Ovens, Ill. Steel Co., and fot mail, 744 DEKiti~s bi~~ (A-}! 26), WS Grant St., R. R. B, FORD 101EMllEllS IN UNITED -STATES HawnId (A-M 25), 548 Os"ollna St. INDIANA GRAHAl>I, Geo. W. (J 25), Sales Ellgr., Mgr., Am. Blower 00., 740 Broal1wl1.\" HENRY Frank E. (17), Charge, Furnac. ~ralnten_anc~ & Constr., Am. Sheet Eo Tin Pl",te Co., and fot mail, 620 ){cltlnley St. HERVIG Richa,rd (22), Anderson Co., 1)57 Garfield St.. KOLB. Merle A. (J 21), A.sSt. Chem., Universll1 Portland Cement Co" Bullillgton, Gary, and for mail, 408 Adams St., Gary. McARTHUR Artbur R. (06), Res. Engr., Gary Tin Mill, Am. Sheet &; Tin Plate Co., and fot mail, 6U garrison St. McELLHHiEY, M. M. (27), Instr. Mch. Design & Applied Mechanics, Bd. of. Edu cation, Garv Pub. Schs., and for mai!, 8656 Penn St. MEROER. David L. (A M 26), AB8I:. Supt. Bar Mills, Ill. Steel Co., and fm mail, PAT4Mt;o~~tT~~S. (10), Supt., Skelp &: Pipe Mills, ~"atl. Tube Co.,..nd fat mail,, 571 Lillcoln St... PIERCY, Edgar (91). Asst. Oh. M. E., Gary Tube Co., and for mail, 671 Lmeoln gpjl~ng, Geo. E. (27), Ch. M. E., Gary Tube Co., and lor mail, 725 Johnson St.. STROMQUIST, Carl E. (24), Ch, Opel. Engr.bUniversal Portland Cement Co., Bullington, Gary, Ind., and fot mail, 7347 rexel Ave., Chicago, m. THIEL,. Wm. A. (A-M 26), omc. Mgr., M. M. Dept., Am. Bridge Co., and fot ma,l, 225 Cha.. St. VAN BUEREN, P. C. Lammerts (A M 27), Testing &; Effic. Engr., Ill. Steel Co., and for mail, 807 Marshall St. VOLL, Walter C. (22; A M 27), Instr., Forging & Heat Tr...tment, Gary Pub. Schools. 401 Broadway, and for mail, 1700 W. 6th Ave., Gary. WATERMAN, Fred W. (12), Mgt., Gary Tube Co., and lot mail, 660 Lincoln St. GREENCASTLE, IndianapoU" Section. NEWCOMER, Vincent K. (25), Supt." Ind. Portland Cement Co., 1st Natl. Bank Bldg., and for mail, 104 Northwood Blvd. 297

86 INDIANA :ti,\.gerstown, Indianapolis Section TEETOR. Ralph R. (13; A-M 21), Ch. Engr., Perfect Circle Co., 553 S. Wash ingten St.,..nd for mau, 252 S. Waahington St. HAM1UOND, Clllcllogo Section CHRISTIANSON, Arnold (2~j A.M 26), Pres., Viklug Engrg. Co., 158 Conkey Ave. DELLPLAIN, Morse (16), v. P., No. Ind. Gao & Elec. Co., 649 Hobman st. ICAUN Robt. F. (23), M. E., Stand. Steel Car CO. KREJCI, Emil L, (J 26), Dealgner, Am. Steel Fdn., Hammond, and for ma,l, LUNDY, 2664 Wm. W. 9tb L. (20; Ave., Gary. A.M 20), Effie. Engr., ~"o. Ind. Pub. Sen.. Co., H ammon, d and fo~ mai!, 907 Chicago Ave., E. Chicago. I\IATOSEO, Stephen J. (A.M 27), Asst. Wks. Engr., Stan,!. Steel Cau Co., aud for mail, 7 Midway Court. WILKE, Erwin L. (A-M 17), Genl. Mgr., Metal. Ref. Co., P. O. Box 138. HARTFORD CITY, Indillonllopolis Section STEVENS, Geo. D. (19), Pl..nt Engr., Fort Wayne Corrugated Paper Co. HUNTINGTON. GREENIDGE, E., T. P. (21), Supt., Ind. Pipe Line Co. INDIANA HARBOR, Chic..go Section BINCKES, Fredk J. (A.M 10), Cb. Draftsman, Inland Steel Co., Indiana Harbor, and 10~ mail, P. O. Box 7J9, Wbiting.. OORNELL, Dana R. (18;.~ M 21), Plant Engr., Stood. Forgmgs Co: DAVIES, Stepben H. (J 2.1), Mecb. Draftsman, Inland Steel Co., IndlOna Harbor, ahd fof "tai! W. Park Ave" Wbltlng. DRATZ, Herms.n O. (21), Maintenance Engr., Am. Steel Fdys., IndIana Harbor, Ind, and for mail, 7037 Eberbart Ave" Obicago, Ill. HAGEMAN, n. C. (J 27), Teat Engr., Power Dept., Inland Steel Co., Indiana. Harbor, and for mail, 1221 Beacon St., E. Chicago. SINGLErON. P. C. (20; 26), Asst. Steam Engr., Inland Steel Co. INDIANAPOLIS, In.llanapoUs Section ANDRUS, Luciua B. (10), p,ea., Ind. Ete. COJP, 020 Gua,anty Bldg.. ATKINSON, Fredk C. (22), Cons. Cbem. Engr., Rm. 404, 213 E. South St.. BAKER Hugh J. (19), Pres. Genl. Mgr., Hugh J; Baker & Co., P. O. Box 892. BENTLEY, ClIfiord K. (A-hI 25), Checker, Hethenngten & Berner,,01 KentUCkY BOE~M; C. A. (J 24), Head Engrg. Dept., Interuat1. Mch. Tool Co., and for m"ii, 3179 N. Capitol Av.e. BROSSMAN, Chas. (18), Cons. Engr., Chamber of Commerce.Bldg... CLEVELAND, Warren E. (J 21), Illatr., Arsenal Teeh. Schs., 1.00 E. Mlelllgan St., llnd for m.ii, 6325 N. Delaware St.. 8 COUGHLEN, Rarry G., Jr. (J 26), Asst. En~r., Indla"apoh~ Water Co., 11 Monumo"t OIrcle, and for mail, 4818 E. hi,chigan St. ORAWFORD, Chas. S. (18), Ch., Engl. Prod. M~.. Stutz Motor Car Co. 01 Am. Inc, and for m"il, 8446 BirChwood Ave.. d CROSIER, Paul E. (19; 25), Genl. Supt., Citizen. Ga. Co., Majestle Bldg., al1 for mail, 421 popl..r Rd. t D_"-VIS, John f. (26), Aast. Supt., Indianapolis Light & Heat Co., 48 Monumen DE Jl:VEN, Irvin C. (24), Mgr., I. C. De Haven Engrg. Co., 708 State Life Bldg., and tor nail. 48 W. Sard St. ENGELKII;G, Widto, W. (20; A.f 21)h Insley Mfg. 00. F~GLES, Ralph L. (12), ~enl. ~gr., C alfant Can Co., 1960 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis, and for mad, Covmgton Rd., Ft. W..yne, FENSTERMAKER, Sidney E. (14), Pree., S, E. Fenstermaker, 821 Hume-Manaur GAR~1t, Harry O. (22), Cons. Engr., 8S6 Indi~lIa pythian Bldg.. GRAY, Henry C. ~J 17), Draftsman, Internatl. Mch. Tool Co., and for mat!, 3063 GRIlBft~:i:eonardD. (17; A ~l 2S), Genl. Mgr., ~y. Servo &: Supply Corp., 611 Continent",1 Bank Bldg..!E~fBERSIN UNrrED STATES 2D8 :,,r ;,:... f,.. i" MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS (continued). HANLEY, Wm. A.. (18; 20), Manager, 27-80; Ch. Engr., Ell Lilly & Co., Ala bama & McCarty Sts., and for mail, 4224 Central Ave. HARTLEY, Barry I). (10; A M 21l, 1007 Merchants Bank Bldg. RAYS, Tbos. H. (24), Mgr., Ocnl. Engrg. EIUip. Co., 706 Traction Bldg. HEOKEL, John T. (22; A-M 26), Supt., M. E., 2 In 1 Sl.inola Bixby Oorp., P. O. HEI:~~J~~ Carleton J. F. (J 26), Am. Can Co., and for,nail, 119 E. 98rd St. HOFFl, 1f. A. (A 20), Pree. M. A. Hofit Co., and for m"il, 814 Waahlngton Ave. I~"SLEY, Wm. H. (18), Pres., Insley Mfg. Co., Ol"ey &: E. St. O1alr Sta., P. O. Box 167. KO!?KI, Elmer J. (J 22), 88 N. Bolton Ave. KOTTI,OWSKI, O. P. (A-M 24), W)ts. Mgr., Diamond Ch..ln!;; Mfg. Co., 502 Kentucky Ave., and for mai!, 3309 College Ave. KRANNERT, Herman C. (A-M 17), Pres., Inlaud Box Corp., 700 W. Morrl. St. LA FOLLETTE, Byron E. (27), V. P., Treas., Tarpenning.LaFolette Co., 1030 C..nnl St., and for m"il, 8416 OUliford Ave, LANGFITf, JOB. K. (20), Wk. Engr., Llnk Belt Co., Box 346, and fot,,,ail, 4626 Park Ave. LUTEN, Daniel B. (1&), Pres., Luten Engrg. Co., 106U Conolld. Bldg. Li"KE, Herschel (A-M 24), Ch. Engr., Citizens Gns Co., and tor mail, 1037 W. 18th St. MARSH, H. B. (18), Indus. :engr., 781 W. Henr) St. MeMEANS, O. E. (04; 18), Pres., Mgr., McMeans &I Tripp, 591 )liddle Drive, McMULLEN, Woodrufi V. PI. E. (07; 11), Wk.. Mgr., Fairbanks Motse & Co., "!ld fol mau, Apt. 302, 3015 N. Meridian st. MESINGER, Wm. F. (J 221, M. E., Acetylene Research O1v., Prest O-Lite Co., P. O. Bo>: 426. MINGLE, John G. (25), Sales Engr., H. R. Helnlele Inc., 221 S. New Jersey St., and fo~ mail, 320 Blue Ridge Rd. MORSE, Robt. H., Jr. (A 24), Pur. Agt., Fairbanks Morse &: Co., 2060 Kotth western Ave. PEARCE, Edwin S. (16; 25), Pres., Ry. Servo & Supply Corp., 511 Contiuentnl Bldg. PHILLIPS, Hany A.. (J 23), Sale. En(rr., Westerllu III CllJ\l,pbell Co., 888 Massaehtlsetta Ave. PRUITT, Oran 11. (19), Pres., Treaa., Ind. Air Pump Co., 810 Indiana Pythia-n,Bldg. PRUITT, Rexford M. (26), Seey., Ind. Air Pnmp Co., 816 Indiana pythiau Bldg., and fat.nail, 1436 N. New Jersey St. :RALSTON, Emmet G. (24), V. P. Indian!Polia Power & Light Co., 48 Monument Pl., and fo mait, It. R. A. Box 601. RIGGS, Jobn D. (J 92), D.sIll"ner, 741 N. Sheffield Ave. ROCKWOOD, Geo. O. (11), Prea., Rockwood Mfg. Co., P. O.!lux 63U. RUPAnD, Homer (J 22), M. E., Indianapolis Water Co., 1,18 Monument Cirde. SAUNDERS, Fred S. (18; 2li), Ch, Tool I)eaigner, Insley lilfg. In., and for mail, 811 N. Dequincy St. SCHEURING, C. E. (A-M 28), V. P., Gen!. Mgr., Emeraon ScbeUl!l)1( Tank Co., Box SIEGES1IUND, John C. (A 1! 14), Asst. Ch. Engr., Eli Lilly &I Co., and fot mau, 01 N. Campbell St. SKINNER, O,ame! H. (18), Treas., Secy., Thomas Sklnner Steel Product. Co., 1120 E. 23rd St. SMEDLEY, Elmore H. (J, 26), Salesman, Link-Belt Co., Box 85. STARKEY, W. Carleton (26), V. P., Genl. Mgt., L. G. S. Mfg. Co., 20th & Gornell St. SWIGERT, Wm. K. (20), Prod. Mgr., Stutz Motor Cnr Co. of Am. Inc. TAYLOR, Wm. 1l. (88; 04), 1449 N. Delaware St. TIEMANN, Chao. S. (22), Engr., Charge Oylinder Filling Dept., Prest O I,lte. Ca., Inc. TODD, Robt. I. (07), Prea., Genl. Mgr., Indianapolls St. Ry. Co., & T. H. I. & E. Traction Co., 901 Terminal Blag. WAINWRIGHT, Luciua :14. (07), Pres., Diamond & Mfg. Co., 602 KentuckY Ave. WAJ,L, Wm. G. (07), Con,. Engr., 618 Mercbants Bonk Bldg. 299

87 INDIANA. MEMDERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES INDIANA INDIANA.POLIS (continued) WATSON, Jas. S. (21), \Vies. ~rgr., Genl. Sales Mgr., Dodge Wke., Llnk Belt Co., P. O. Box 85, and J01, 8942 N. Delaware St. WILLIAMS. Geo. M. (.A.M Sl), Pree., Marmon Motor Oar 00., 1101 W. Morris St. WYNNE, Thes. N. (19; 23), M. E., 826 Chamber of Commerce. ZIEGLER, Leslie 1. (H), Engr., Columbia Club. JEFFERSONVILLE, Louisville Section BADER, Cll\.t. Chae. A. (A 26), Q. M. C., Corps, Quartermaater Intermediate Depot, and J01 "tail, Marblehead Apta. Cr,ARKE, Allen W. (19), Local M. E., Am. Car &: Fdy. Co. JACOBS, Ja~ A. (A M 27), Engr., Colgate &: Co. ICENDALLVILI,E HOPKI~"il, Geo. J. (27). Wk. )[ltr.. HRr~"r R.frllT. (orp.. an~ Jar ",..ii, State oil Willia,n. St. KOIi:OllIO, IlldinnupoU.. Section ARNETT, Robt. R. (J 27), Aeat. Prod. Mgr., Drigold Oorp., S. Homa Ave., and for mail 115 N. Indiana St. HAI,LIWELL, Arthur (A ~f 24), cia Mr. R. Harris, R. R. 7, Box 185. MAGUIRE, Jaa. H. (22), M. E., Haynes Stellite CO. LAFAYETTE, Indianapolis Section ANDERSON, Helbert J. (J 26), Dept. M. E., Purdue Unl\".. W. Lafayette. BARTLETT, Geo. M. (11), ABsoc. Prof. Mch. Design, Purdue Unlv. ARNETT, Robt. R. (J 27), ABet. Prod. Mgr., Drlgold Corp., S. Borne Ave.,...d Jar ",ail, 703 Owen St. COLE, Arthur W. (04; 11), Prof. Steam Englg., PUlduc Univ. CRAIG, Dudley P. (25), Instr. M. E., Purdue Uni"" Lafayette, and for mail. 613 Harvey Ave., W. Lafayette. GEIGER John W. (J 27), Instr. M. E., M. E. Bl<lg., Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette. GIRVIN, Harvey F. (27), Asst. Prof. Mechanics, Pnldue Uuiv., and Jar mail, 487 Littleton Ave., W. Lafayette. BOCKEMA, Frank O. (22; 27), Asst. Prof., Indus. Engl., Purdue Umv., Lafayette, o,nd Jo, mail, 832 }lain St., W. Lafayette. HOFFMAN, Jas. D. (94; OS), Head. Dept. Prao.tical }lechanics, DiT. p"actlcal Mech. Labs., Purdue Univ.. HOTCHKISS, CRa.. H. B. (23; A-M S6), Prof. Rig..& Vent. & M. E., Purdue Univ., W. Lo,:ayette. HUBLER, David V. (20; 24), M. E. Work, Duncan Elec. Mfg. 00., Meehanlc &, 8rd Ste., Lafayette, and Jar mail, 235 Wood St., W. Lafa.vette. JACKLIN, Hareld M. (17; 25), Assoc. Prof. Auto ~;ngrg., Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, and Jar ",..ii, 447 li. Vine St. LINDLEY, Roy W. (22; A-M 25), 114 De Hart St" W. I.afayctte. LUDY, Llewellyn V. (05), Prof. Exper. Engrg., Purdue Uni... McALLISTER, Alfred J. (J 26), Sale. Engl., Fairfield }I!g. Co. MENKE, Arthur W. (J 26), Engrg. Exp. StR., Purdue Sta., 427 State St., W. Lafayette.. MORRIS, R. B. (J 26), Oous. Engr., 823 Lutz Ave., W. Lafayette. MUNRO, Geo. W. (12), Prof. Thermodynamics, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, and Jor mail, 202 Waldron St., W. Lafayette. POTTER, Audrey A. (12), Dean, Schs. Engrg., Purdue Univ. RUBENKOENIG, Harry (A-}! 17), Prof. Ry. ~I. E., Purdue Univ., nnd Jor mail, R. A. SAUERS, John A. (A-M 17), Asst. Prof. M. E" ruldue Univ., Lafayette, and for mail, 416 Dodge St., W. Lafayette. SHEPARD, Geo. H. (OS), Prof. Indus. Engrg. & Management, Mech. Lab., Purdue Unlv. SOLBERG, Harry L: (J 21), Instr. M. E., Purdue Univ. TURNER, Wm. P. (00; OS), Prof. practical M. E., Purdue Univ. WILSON, Rosser L. (J 27), Reeearch Engr., A. R. A.. Power Brake Investigation, Purdue Unlv., and Jor mail, 180 Chaunce~ Ave., W. Lafayette. YOUNG, G. A. (06), Head M. E. Seh., Purdue Un;-., and for mail, 789 Owen St. 300 i :" : ~ i.;..., ; ~..,;: LA. PORTE BALL, O. Winthrop (19: 25), Designer, Advance Rumel) 00., and for mail, 706 Woodward St. BALLEll:TINE, Wm. I. (12), V. P., Charge Engrg. & Mfg., Advance-RulUe!y Co., and for mai!, 1402 Indiana Ave. noyd, Landon B. (17: A-M 22), Genl. Mgr., De. Luxe Products Co. r,onn, E. J. (17), Pres., Great West. Mfg. Co. LONN, Juliu. M. (17; 26), Ch. Engr.,. Supt., Great West. Mfg. Co. MOORE, Edwin Adee (16: 16), Genl. Supt. on Pull Wk., Advance-Rumely 00., and Jar mail, 1105 Michigan Ave. SECOR. John A. (21), Oons. Engr., Advance Rumel;v Co., and for mail, 1108 rndlana Ave. IIIARION, IndianaloU" Section CHARLES, philip S. (19), Managing Dir., Hooeier Stove 00. IIIICHIGAN CITY NELSON, S. T. (17), Genl. Supt., Mfchigan Oity Plant, Sullivan Mchy. 00., Woodland Ave. PAUL, John S. (A-M 18), Mgr., Michiglin Oity Fey. &; Mob. 00. SOLLER, Arnold (J 24), Hays Oorp., P. O. Box 299. SpRAGUE, Philip T. (26). Pree., Hays Corp., P. O. Box 299. llusha.waka. AHARA. Edwin B. (06), 716 Lincolu Way, E. OARVER, Edgar M. (IS; 23), Genl. Supt., DodlTe Mff;. Corp. COGHILL, Jas. T. (J 24), Devel. Engr., Dodge Mfg. Oorp. CURRIER. Donald O. (J 27), Design Engr., Dodge Mfg. Oorp., and for "BiI, 131 E. MishawRka Ave. HENRY, ~-rrd B. (J 23), M. E., Dodge Mfg. Oorp., and for m..a, 1185 E. 3rd St. HETHERINGTON, Oarl F. (21; 27), Engrg. Deelgn, Dodge Mfg. Corp., and for m..u, 1129 Lincoln Way, E.. HINCH, RicI,ard L., Jr. (J 24), Mch. Designer, Doelge Mfg. Corp., and for mail, 120 N. Race St. JANSO, Erneet J. (A-M 21), Factory Mfg., Premier Metal Product. 00. KEMLER J Emory (J 27), Student Training Oourse, Dodge Mfg. Corp., and Jar "",a, 418 J.>incoln Way, E. KNORR. I{arl \Y. (10), Aset. Mgr. Sales, Dodge Mfg. Oorp., and Jor "",ii, 430 Oalhoun St. VAN DERHOEF, Geo. N. (98; 98), Cons. Engr. Dodge Mfg. Oorp. YARDLEY, Vinton B. (J 26), Devel. Engr., Dodge Mfg. Corp., and for, 120 N. Race St. liiitchell...burton, J. Kent (J 2.), Mgr., Burton )ruit Co., Mitchell, and for m...t, Orleane. liluncie, Indianapolis Section BAKER Artbur F. (J 27), Muncie Products 00., and for mail, 1211 W. 8th St. BROWN W. Ray (J 24) Engr., Muncie Oll Eng. CO.,.and for...ail. 309 N.TaUy Ave. WOLF, Howard M. (J 24), Engr., Broderick Boiler Co., 711 E. Charles St. NEW ALBANY, Louisville section BLACKMAN, V. O. (27), Oh. EngT., New Albany Mch. Mfg. Co., and for 1Mil, 705 E. Market St. NEW CASTLE, IndianlLIJOUS Section. PHILLIPS, philip H. (J 25), M. E., Chrysler 001>., and /0" ",..ii, 513 S. Main S.t. SIMPSON, Arthur M. (A M 18), Sales Mgr., Circle A Products Corp., and Jo RBi/, 719 Hawthorne Rd.. PERU, IndianlLpolis Section GARRET~ON, nay G. (22), Ch. Engr., Br)an Steam Oorp. RIOHl\IOND, IndilLna1.o1b Section SCHAFER, nobt. A. (A M 26), Designing Eng..., Natl. Automatic Tool 00., Rnd Jar mail, 738 S. 6th St. SOmVEI.V, Y. R. (o\-m 24), Ch. Engr., Jenkius Vulcan Spring Co. 301

88 ". INDIANA SOUTH BEND ABBOTT, Paul W..rEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES (A-M 20), Ch. Inspr. Plant 2, Studebaker Corp., and for mail,. ADAi~g~ ~~~~~"Q~~te(f~M H), Pres., Genl. Mgr.; Adams E. D. T., Inc., 211 W. Monroe St. CAUTLNY, John R. (17), Engr.. ~endi.~ Brake Co., 401 Bendix Drive. FRANCE. Ed".r G. (19), Gcnl. Supt., Singer Mfg. Co. NEWCOMB, Edw. C. (13). Tech. Asst. to Pres., Studebaker Corp. SOHHIDT, Geo. W. (22), Ind. & Mich. Elec. Co., 221 W. Colfax Ave. SPARROW, Stanwood W. (18; 19; 23), Research Engr., Studebaker Corp., and for ",.ai~, Morlngsida Club. TOYNE, John W. (28), Engr. WERNER, Oscar (23), Section Engr., Westinghouse E1ec. & Mig. Co., nm] for mail; P. O. Box 218. WIL.QOX, C. C. (05; 15), Supt. Power Div., Studebaker Corp.!ERRE HAUTE, IIlIUnnnl,olis S.-cHon FREEMAN. Julian B. (16), Pres., Freeman-Riff Co., P. O. Box 223. HEIDENGER, Henry W. (21), Terre Haute Trust Bldg. PEDDLE. John B. (09), Prof. Mch. Design, Rose Poly. Inst., and for mail, 2117 PE~R,10:~n~~ F. (A.1>1 27), M. E., Chern. Research Dept., Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, and fo1 mail. R. R..A., W. Terre Haute. STUART. Ralph A. (A M 21), Cons. M. E., 16~3 S. 4th St. WAGNER. Frank C. (95), Pres.<..Rose Poly. Inst., aad for mail, 1111 S. 6th St. WISCHMEYER, Carl (13; 22),..rof. M. E., Rose Poly. Inst. VALPARAISO BECK, Milton (21), 552 Greenwich St. SCHUBERT, Frank R. (16; 26), V. 1., McGill Metal Co., 915 Lalayette St. VINCENNES HALTERMAN, Henry J. (A-M 20), 709 N. 3rd St. WABASH, InllbLllILpolis Section DAVIDSON, Wm. Alex. (A-M 21), Ch. Engr., United Paperboard Co., Inc., and for mail, 326 E. Hill St.. POND, Bertram P. (J 25), Jr. Engr., Honeywell Htg. Spec. Co., Wabash, and for mail, 69 E. Main St., Pen.,\VHITING, CIdcngo Section BONNEAU. Henri (J 27), Sinclair Oil Co., and for mail th St. MEYER, ROlal L. (A-M 25), Designing Engr., Stand. Oil Co., and for mail, 225 OIeveland Ave. liilbrook, Alfred T. (J 27), M. E., Stand. Oil Co., \Yblting, Ind., and for mail, 7508 Essex Ave., Chicago, Ill. MONRO, Donald A. (J 24), M. E., Stand. Oil Co. of Ind., and for ""il, 1124 W. Park Ave. PFEIFFER, Arthur E. (J 24), Equip. Testing, Stand. Oil Co. of Ind., and for mail, 1095 Superior Ave. WAlTS, Geo. Wm. (A ~I 24), Ch. Engr., Stand. Oil Co. of Ind., and for,mail, 406 Central Ave. IOWA AMES CLEGHORN, Mark P. (U), Prof. M. E., Ia. Stnte College, and for mail, 513 DANi~ F~;:~t C. (A.M 22), Assoc. Prof. Engrg. Problemo, Div. of Engrg., Ia. State College, Sta. A.. HUMMEL, Jesse G. (21), Assoc. Prof. M. E., la, State College, and for """I, 81G J4.AJbW, S&. C. (02; 12), Assoc. Prof. 11. E., Ia. State College, and for mail, 802 J4.EEU~:\varren H. (19), Prof., Head M. E. Dept., Ia. State College, Sta. A. NORMAN: Roy A. (21), Prof. M, E., Ia. State College, and for mail, 715 Ridgewood Ave :~..... t.-... MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES IOWA BURLINGTON, Tri-Cit1es Section McELROY, Jos. W. (17; 26), Dlst. Mgr., Ia. So. Utilities Co., 209 N. 3rd St., and for mail, 1700 River St. CEDAR RAPIDS, Tll-Cities Section BO~~~Pi.i~~t~l~l (20; A-M 25), Ch. Engr., J. G. Cherry Co., and for mail, DRABELLE Jobn M. (19), M. & E. E. In. Ry. & Light Co. KREBESER, Herman (J 20), Asat. Ch. &;gr., J. G. Cberry Co., and for mail, 15ilO. Srd Ave. SCOTT, Wm. H. (J 25), low.. Elec. Co., and for mail, 402 S. 21st St. E. VOGGENTHALER, Albert L. (J 25), th Ave. E. CLINTON, Tli-(Jlties Section GAGG, R. FarlV~1I (J 23), Asst. Eagr., Diesel Engr., OIlma>: Engrg. Co., S. 4th St., and for mad, 624 5th Ave. S. ~IADSEN, Sern (19), M. E., Curtls Cos., Inc. DAVENPORT, Tri-Cities Seetlon COYNE, Ira H. (24), Genl. Mgr., Oh, Engr., Federal Engrg. Co., Rm, 309 Central Office Bldg. SHOEMAKE.R, Guy T. (A-M 26), United Light & Power Engrg. & Con~tr. Co. and for mad, 2537 Fulton Ave. ~:~d.thos. L. (94; 05), Vice-President, 24 26; Cons. Engr., 2644 Tele DES llioines BORG, Elmer H. (21; 26), Ch. Engr., Proudfoot, Bird & Rawson, 810 Hubbell BI~. COLTEfq~;ta~~S~~d:." (J 26), Engr., U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co., 13th Fl., COWAN, F"ank (a1), M. E., Natl. Sales Co., Des Moines, and for mail, 19,16 4th St.. Perry.. FEARNSIDE, Robt. L. (J 25), Cadet Engr., Des Moines Gas Co., 7th & High Sh. and fo, mail, th St.. LANDES, Bates E. (J 21). Secy., Tl eas., Bngrg. Servo Co, 620 Securities Bldg., and for mail, th St.. ELl\IA BIWER, Anthony F. (J 27). FAffiFIELD, HASSLER, Paul M. (!23), Enll1., Louden Mchy. Co., and jor mail, 705 S. 4th St. FORT DODGE NEAL, Geo. A. (A M 21), V. P., Ia. Pub. Servo Co. FORT ltladison BOTTERON, L.. K.. (J 25), Spe~ Apprentice, Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe R. R., and for ma,l. P. O. Box 42. DAV~~ g. kr~:dw~;,l int-%:2:.1il~uj~ci ~~g ~tpt., W. A. Shealfer Pen Co., Front. RAYN, Harry S. (J 26), 222 Ave. F. HALE KRUSE, Gerald D. (J 26). IOWA CITY, Tl I.Cities Section WOODWARD, Sherman M. (07), Prof. Mechanics & Hydraulics, UnlV. of Iowa.. nlarshalltown KELLER, Edwin G. (J 27), Research Dept., C. A. Dunham Co. LANEY, T. G. (17; A M 25), Research Dept., Fiober Governor Co. PETERSON, Chao. D. (J 24), Servo Engr., Fisher Governor Co., and for mail, P. 0, Box

89 IOWA ~JE~IBERSIN UNITED STATl;S MEMBERS IN U:t."ITED STATE/; )i:ans.\l!i!l1ason CITY FIALA, Joe (J 27), Loco. Inspr., Machinist, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., and for mai, 318 2nd St., N. E. MAYTHAM, Walter J. (06), Oons. Engr., N. W. States Portland Oement Co. NEWTON THAYER, Paul W. (18; 24), Ch. Engrj Am. Gas Oonstr. Co., Newton, Ia., and for mail, th Ave. s., Minneapo is, Minn. OTTUMWA }IEAD, E. B. (19), Ch. Engr:, Ottumwa.Iron Wks., and for ma;1, 219 W. Woodland Ave. SIOUX CITY HOOKj;;R, Thos. (J 25), Ellgr., Sioux City Servo Co., Nebrask& St., and for mail, A-I, Bellevue Apts. RANKIN, Andrew J. (J 27), Engrg.,Cadet, Sioux Oity Gas & Elec. Co". and for ""11, th St. WATERLOO GARRISON, Relph H. (24), la. Pub. Servo Co. LONNECKER. Geo. V. (A-M 25), Div. Bupt. of Elec. Prod., Ia. Pub. Servo Co., and for mail. 908 W. Mullan Ave. MENGES, Theo. O. (12), Cb. Engr., Genl Supt. Gas Enltines, Asoclated Mira. 00., Mllllan Ave. ell: Jefferson St., and for "",il. 246 Western Ave. MEYER, David C. (J 26), Engrg. Asst., United Gas Improvement Co., Ia. Pub. Servo Co. U:A.NSAS.\.RI\:ANSAS CIlY HIGH, Ralph B. (19). Roxana Petroleum Coru. CANEY,!tlid-Contlnent Section TAYMAN" Geo. S. (J 18), Gas Measurement Dept. Union Gas Corp. COFFEYVILLE,!tlitt-Continent Section ROSEBUSH, E. A. (22), Sales Engl., Acme Fdy... Mch. Co., and for mail, 703 Lincoln St. EL DORADO, Mid-Continent Section SMITH, J. Litsey (A 24), Mgr. Lub. Dept., Skelly Oil Co., 300 S. Main St. l-or.t LEA.VENWORTH, U:nnsas City Section IRELAND, Lieut. Col. Mark L. (02; 13), Q. M. C., U. S. A., Command & Genl. Stoff Sch., 317A Pope Ave. STONE, J. n.. (19), 101. E., Q C., U. S. A., c/o Constr. Q. M., U. S. Disciplinary Barracks. WEEKS, Lieut W. O. (18). HIAWATHA, Ii:nns..s City Section McCREREY, Alex. (A-M 27), R. R. 4. HUTCHINSON, Ii:...nsas City Sectiol1 PHILBRICK, Fted O. (20), Asst. Mgr., Morton Salt Co.,. and for ma,!, 10 18tb St., W. lola, Ii:ans...s City Section CHEVALIER, LaRue B. (14), SuP;.. United Iron Wks., Inc. KANSAS CITY, Ii:...ns..s City Section ACKERMAN, Henry C. (16; A M 23), M. E., Water &: Li!:ht Dept., City Hall, and for mail, 4704 Adams St. BR00KS, Leo S. (A-M 19). M. M., Sinclair Ret. Co., BQx 7, Packers Sta., and for ma;i1, 1426 S. 38rd St. DARBY, I. Harry, Jr. (21; A M 22), Pre,., Genl. Mgr., Mo. Boiler Wks. Co. 30~..:.i :., ; ;, LA.WRENCE, ICllnslls City Section ALLISON, Laurence M. (15: A-M 18), Gent Mgr., Allison Airplane Co., 4tb ell: Perry Ste., and for mail, 928 Louleiaua St. DENT, John A. (11; 16; 26), Asst. Prof. M. E., Vniv. of Xan., and for ma;1, 1135 Ohio St.. SHAAD. Geo. C. (14), Dean Reh. ElIl!lg., Engrg, Bldg., Univ. of 1\an. SLUSS, Alfred H, (13), Prof. M. E., Unlv. of Kan., and for "",,;1, 827 Mississippi Ave. TAIT, Ralph S. (21; A M 26), Ast. Prof. M, E., Univ. of Xan.. and for mau, 786 Missouri St. n.\.nhattan, lui,i.c,,,,thh lit Section BRAINA:RD, Boyd B. (J 261,.\sst. Prof. M. E., Kan. State AlITi. College. CALDERWOOD, Jas. P. (13; 19), Prof. M. E., Kan. State Agri. Colle!:e, DURLAND, M. A. (J 22), Asst. Dean, Div. of EnllTI:., Ken. State Altri. College. LEONARD, Carroll M. (J 25), Xan. State Aa;ri. Oollelte. MACK, Albert J. (A M 22). As,oc. Prof. M. E., Kan. State Agri. Colle!:e. NEUBAUER. Laurence J. (J 21), 1015 Moro St. OLSEN, John C. (J 26), Dept. Mch. Design, Kan. State Agrl. Collel;e. PATTISON, Floyd (A M 19), Home StudY Serv., Kan. State Al(1i. Collelte. PEARCE, Clinton E. (16; 25). Prof. Meh. Design, Kan. State AJl;l1. College. ROBERT, Jules H. (J 18), A88oc. Prof. Applied Mechanics, Kan. State Agrl. Colle/:e. SEATON, R. A. (13; 16; 10), Dean En((rg., Kan. State Altli. Colle)\e. SPIETH, Benj. S. (A M 21), Asst. prof. Mecbanics, Kan. State AJl;lI. College. NORTON, IC...n... Cit;> Section ABDUN-NUR, Edw. A. (J 2~), State Sanat,orium. OTTAWA, Ii:..n...s Cit) Section RANSOM, W. G. (17), Mem. Firm, Cook ell: Ran,om, Ottawa, and for ma;i1, Home wood, PARSONS, lui<i-contillent Section KIRJl:BY, T. M. (23), M. E., Mo. Kan. Tex. R. R. Co., and for maa, 409 S. 18th St PARKINSON, Harold N. (19;..1.-1>( 22), Draftsman, Mech. Dept., Mo. Kan. Tex. R. R. Co., and for ma,1, 1401 Cornin!: Ave. TOMLINSON, Chas. S. (17; A-M 26), Neosho Plant Engr., Kan. Ga, II Elec. Co. PERU, Mill-Continent Section WASSON, J9bn W. (J 26), Sales, Wasson Hardware ell:. Supply Co., and jar mail, P. O. Box 74. PITTSBURG, liii,i.oon Unent section CLEVENGER, Alfred (J 27), Dlaftsman, Kans.. CitY So. Ry. Co. sud jar mail, 1503 N. Smelt.e. St. GAZIN, L. M. (18), Hotel Wick. HOLZER. Hiram A. (21), Mllr., United Iron Wks., Inc. SCHUSTER, W. A. (A M 21), Asst. Prof. M, E., )ran. State Trainin)\ Colle!:e. RIVERTON, liiid-continent Section BOLDMAN, Curtis F. (22), V. p.. Geul. Mgr., Delta CQnstr. Co. ropeii:a, Kansas City Section BOGART, Paul C. (J 27), Tex. Co. BOHNSTENGEL, Walter (15: 24), Asst. Testa Engr., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. BROOKS, Henry K. (07), Pres. Capital Iron Wks. Co., 7th & Holliday Sta. BUCK, Chas. P. (19), Indus. II Petroleum Eu!\l Penn Ave. CHAPMAN, Edmtmd E. (A M :17), Engl. Testa, Atchison, topeka & Santa Fe Ry., erane & Branner St. CULBERTSON. Dan (2~;.0. 1>1 26), Lab. Foreman, Test. Dept. Asst., Atchlsou, Topeka ell: Santa Fe Ry., and for mail, 1225 Hil;h St. HAEGERT, Lee V. (19; A M 25), Test Dept. Asst., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., and for mai1, W. 8th Blvd. 306

90 Ii:ANSAS MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES TOPEIi:A (continued) MCKERdNfAN. Ed.w. J. (26), SYotem Supvr. lools, Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry au or mad, 1024 Westeru Ave.., RUCKMAN d j, JOh!1 H. (A-M 21), Mem. Firm, R. A. Finney, 639 New England Bldg an or ma", 1625 Collee;e Ave.. TILB~~;~ ~~:..r R. (21), Fuel Supvr., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry,. Mothe WICHITA, MId-Continent Section HENDERSON, C. L. (23). V. P. Vickers Petroleum Co.. Wheeler Kelly Ha n!!1ly BIdA. JAREMA, Jobn D. (J 26), Cons. Engr. Elko Club. KARR. C. L. (A-M 17), Supt. Po\ver, kan. Gao & Elec. C 20. WOODHULL, John n. (J 26), Uulv. of Wicblta N. Market St. Ii:ENTUCIi:Y A.SHLAND GARDEN, Nelson B. (J 26), Power Engr., Ky. & W. Va. Power Co HUNT~BERGER, RusoeU. C. (A M 20), Supt. Mecb. Maintenance.. Am. Roiling Mlll Co. anf!. JOT mad, P. O. Uo>: 172. RINGWA,LD. Elmer ~. (J 22), Designing Engr., Am. Rolling Mill Co. Ashland Ka:\: a.nd JOT mail, 302 Cheny St., Chillicothe. O.,..V~Ba~S~id~~ter C. (24), GenI. Mllr., Ky., W. Va. Gno Co., 1106 Aobland Natl. CENTRAL CITY VAN ARSDEL. F. K. (J 21), Mgr., Ky. Utilities Co. COVINGTON, CI!1cinnati SectIon FRIE,S Da~,1eI2Gd &( M21d;.A-M 26), Fries & Son Steel Oonstr. &I Engrg Co and or ma""", n a lson 8ts.. " MITCHELL. Jas. A. (J 27), M: E.. Bailey ~Ieter Co., 13 Sterrett Ave STEIN,.Robt. A. (J 24), Draftoman, R. A. Jones Co. Covington Ky -nd jor ma.i, 726 Greenwood Aye.. Cincinnati, O. " GEORGETOWN OFFUTT, M. Webh (10), Cons. Engr. LEXINGTON, Cincinuati Section ANDERSON. F. Paul (08), Dean College of Engrg., Univ. of Ky. HAWKINS, Robt. 1?awso~ (16; 24). Asst. Prot. M. E., Univ. of K~. JETT, Carter C. (02; 26), Prof. Mell Design Univ of Ky OBANNON. Lester S. (A-M 22), Prof, Heat E~grg. Unlv. at Ky. LIVINGSTON RITCHIE, Alfred. Cbas. (A-M 24), Round House Foreman, Louisville & Nashville R. R. Co., L,vine;oton, and jor mail. Shoun. LOUISVILLE, Louisville Scction BARNES, Ja. P. (23)., Preo. LOllioville Ry. Co. P. O. Box 22. BEATTIE, PaUl. M. (J ~4), Ins. Inspr., Ky. Actuarial Bureau 303 Speed B1A~., and jo, mao!, rdSt..... BOWER, F1em~nl1: C. (27), BaUer Inspr., Louisville Inopc. Div. Md Casualty Co., 705 Lmcoln Bldg..BRIGMAN, Bennett M. (23), Dean Speed Sclentitlc Sch U f L j 11 Univ. Campus, 100 Shipp St... mv. a on sv] e, BRmyNElL. H. G. (23), Engrg. Sales Mgr., Belknap HSo..dware &I Mfg, Co. 1st &I Mam Sts., and fot mail, 1846 Harvard Drive. BUTLER, Frank A. (A M 19), Mgt. Mohy. Dept., Fairbanko Morse &I Co 517 W Main St. and jor mail, 633 S. 86th St..,. CALDWELL, Farley M. (A 27), Water Wk. & Power HOllse ContI Story Ave., and OT mail, I88~ N. State St. OARPENTER, Floyd S. (J 19).Economy Engr., Louloville Gas ci: Elec. Co. 311 W. Ch.stnut St., and tot ma Longest Ave COVERT, H. L. (J 20), Pres., Ky. Metal Producto Co. and OT mail 1724 W. Burnett Ave. J 306 :/-"".~.. -;: i., ~-. j ; i:., MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ICENTUCli:Y LOUISVILLE (ContInue,\) COX Millard F. (13), Asst. Supt. Mchy., Loulsvllle &I Nashville R. R. CREbo, Julius (A-M 16), V. P., Loui.ville Drying Mchy. Co., 451 Baxter Ave. CRULL, Harley R. (21), Mech. Inspr. M. E. Omce, Louisville &I l!\ashville R. R. cum~rin~: ~~~~~V. (18), V. P. Bode Cummlns Mfg. Co., 34th &I Jewel Sts., and or mail, 962 Cherokee Rd. DREYER, Elmer J. (16; 24; 24), Sales Engr., Henry Vogt :Mch. Co., 10th &I Ormsby Sts., and for mail, 707 Cecil Ave. FRANK. G"aham M. (A-M 26), Tech. Engr., Hlllerich & Brad.hy Co., Inc., I,ouisville, Ky.. and A. mail., 311 Walnut St., J eflersonville, Ind. GREENEBAU~r. LJo)d (J 23). Engrg. &I Rese~rch Dept. Reed Air Filter Co. 216 Central Ave., and to. mail., nd St. HANCOCK, Ja. R. (J 26), M. E. D. X. Murphy &: Bros. 714 LOUisville Tru.t Bldg. Lcui.ville, Ky. and for mail, 131 W. Che.tnut St,. JeflersonvllIe, Ind. HERB, Arthur (J 06), Trea. AU",nt!c Tank &I Barrel Corp., 1700 Magnolia Ave. HUBLEY, Geo. W. (20), Con. Engr. 403 Norton Bldg. HUPE, Alex. L. (22), Asst. Engr. LOllisville Water Co., 435 S. 3rd St. HURST. Johl1 F. (22), Mech. Oper. Engr., J,ouisvillc Ga. &I Elec. 00., 311 W. Chestnut St" and to. mail, 1288 Everett Ave.. JACKSON, Dugald 0. Jr. (A-M 23), Prof. M. &I E. E., Speed Scientific Sch.. Univ. of Louisville. 100 W. Shipp St LE,\HY, Francio W. (18; 19), Supt. Transportation, Am. Barge Llu. Co., 122 Lm~.. LEWIS. J. Clifford (A M 16), Pres., Lewio &I Warren & Ronald, Inc., 1001 Realty LUE~~G, E: G. (21). Cb. Engr. Ky. O;tygen Hydrogen Co. P. O. Box 2393 )[AYHALL, Rusocll C. (22)J Asst. to Geni. Mgr. Louioville Ry. Co., P. O. Box 22. MILLER, Frank H. (22), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Louisville Ry. Co. Box 22, and JOT.m.ail, th Ave. ~nller. John Amos (J 25). Nachod &I U. S. Signal Co Louisville Ave. anrl. or.mail, 1452 S. 4th Ave.. PARRISH, Newton E. (A-M 25), Supvg. Enl;r., D. H, Ewinl;. Sono. 981 S. 3rd St. and 0. mail, 332 Winton Ave. POPP. Geo, R., Jr. (19; A M 24), M, E., Vogt Bros. Mfg. Co., 1402 W. M",in St. RABUOK, John A. (24), M. E., Louioville &I Nashville R. R., S. Louloville. ROMANN. John H. (16), Ewald Iron Co. ROWLEY. Ernest F. (A 24), En/p"g. Salesman, Tex, Co., add jor mail, 2027 )Iurray Ave.. SPEED, Wm. Shallcroso (00; 04), Pres. Louisville Cement Co. 315 Guthrie St. STRENG. Lewis S. (17), V, :P., Charge Oper. Louisville Gas & Elec. Co., 811 W. Chestnut st. VANCE, Ledcreich S. (J 23). Draftoman, Loulsv:ille Water Co. 4S5 3rd St., and to. ""ait, 1334 Eastern Palkway. VOGT. Clarence W. (15; 23), 1177 Starks Bldg. WILSON, Jos. Buckley (22), OODS. &I Sales Engr., 606 W, Jefl"erson St. LYNCH WOODSON, Everett (A-M 23). NEWPORT, CIncInnati Section HALLER, Karl R. (J 23)., Mech. Supt. Wad.wo.rth.Watchc...Co. 5th &I Clay StB.,. DnYlon and jor mau, 2427 Alexandr,a P,ke. Southgate, Newport. MITCHELL All;ie R. (A l 18), Asst. M. Mo, 4ndrews Steel Co., Newport, and jor mail 30 Highland Ave., Fort Thomas. NIEL,ANDER: Thea. (15), Genl. M. M., Andrews Steel Co., Newport. and jo. mail, 30 Ohio Ave., Fort Thom. PADUCAH FUJ;.LER, Johu T. (18). Pres., Franklin Fluorspar Co., City N"tl. Bank Bldg. PAINTSVILLE LA VIERS. Harry (J 25), M. E., N. E. Coal Co. SUTTON WAI,THER" Arthur C. (A-M 16), Cono. Engr., V. P., Genl. Ml;r., Smith &: %alther Coal Co. 307

91 LOUISIANA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES LOUISIANA LOUISIANA ALGIERS, New Orlea.ns Section.: ~;. NETHERWOOD, JOB. S. (14; A M 21), Asst. Supt. ~r. P. &0 E., So. Pac. Lin... i: " ARABI, New Orleans Section.", WAIT1~2W3 mho B. (J 14). Plant Engr., Am. Sugnr Ref C A bi d ~~. u armony St., New Orleana.. a., ra, an for mail,, :; :{ BASTROP, IUid-Contin<!nt Section ":,:,;, BIDDISON. P. McDonald (15; 17) Cons Engr Nat! G P. O. Box 98, and fa. mail, P. 0. Box 413.". aa Producing Ou, of La. \.. BATON ROUGE, Ne a1l8 Section CLAt~;t1~r~J;.~.G. (27), GenJ. Foreman, St..nd. Oil Co. of La., and fa. mail, 828 JOHNSON. Hamilton (27~ Prof MEL LASSALLE Leo J (2..., a. State Unlv., P. O. Box 134. Mech. College. os. 1, Prof. Engrg. Mechanlca, La. State Unlv. and Agri~ " MATTHES. Goo. F (J 24) Supt BId Ch E i ;. SPIOER. Cha.. wni (A-M ;15) Mgr gstani }tr"cla. I State Unl"..,:..,", c. 0., nc., Box 600. :i:". BOYCE, Ne... Orlen"l0 Section BUCHANAN, Jaa. ~r. (A M 21), P. O. Box 152. CINCLARE, Ne,,. Orleans Section WHIPPLE, Wm. (05; 16), Supt., Clnclare Central Factory. CROWLEY, Ne... Orlen"s Section ELBERSON. P. O. Box Leander 35. P. (16),.,. Supt La I rrigation., Mill Co., and fa moil, FLOWER, Loul. G. (A-M 23). DE QUINCY, New Orleans Section BAUM. Melvill. R. (J 23), P. O. Box 605. DE. RII)DER, New O rlea.ns Section HANSEN, Everett J. (J 23), Acting Supt., Shreveport Oreosotlng Co. DESTREHAN, New Orlea.ns Section SCHAPIRO, S)lvan B. (J 26). ELIZABETH, Ne,,. Orleans Section GLASGOW, O. L. (04; 13). GLENlIIORA. New Orleans Section JOSEPH, Ferdinand P. (26), Cons. Engr. ; t. GRAlIlERCY, New Orleans Section - :" GRO~~x ~~~hael F. (24), Ch. Engr., Colonial Sugars Co., and fa. mail, P. O. HOlliER, 1Ilid-Oontinent Section DALES, Lewi. J. (25), Supt., Phillips Petroleum Co., P. O. Box LAFAYETTE, New Orlenlls Section. W00ft.SON, Ashby (26), Prof. Engrg., S. W. La. IIlSt.,!>"d for mail, 10H John.ton. LAICE CHARLES, Ne... Orleans Section CHHEAN~JIINLEGYJHlenryG., (08). Pres. Sweetlake Land &0 Oil C,. N A L C ",0In L. (13), Con. Engr. 0.". m. and o. LAICE PROVIDENCE, lilid-continent Section HIDER. Gro. T. (II; A M 16), Partner, Bell &: Hider. a08 l t-! ~I ~..:..! t...,;. 1IIARRERO. Ne... Or](II.1IN Section BURT, Geo. H. (J 27), Ob. Engr., Celotex Co. 1II1NDEN, lind-continent Seotion TIERl!iEY, Ja,. E. (A M 22), Mech. Supt., La. &: Ark. Ry. Co., P. O. Box I10NROE, liiid-oontinent Section BOARDMAN. Clark C. (20), Mgr., Thermatomlc CarbOlI Co., Box MILLER, Warren C. (J 22). E. E., Thennatomic Carbon Co., P. O. Box STRUBEN, Stephen J. (A-M 26), Cj:I. Engr., IntmatRte Natl. Gas 00., 405 Ouachita Bank Bldg., I>IId for mail, Box 51. NEW ORLEANS, Ne... Orleans Section ADAYS. Saml. T. (J 21). Supt. B~.o: Factory, Fulton Ba~ &: Cotton Milia. Cor. Gaiennlo & 8. Peters St,. AIKEN, Frank J. (A M 20), 2619 N. Robertson St. ALCUS, FeliX L. (J 26), C&rblne Harang Mch. &; Supply Co., and for mail, 1001 Annunciation Ave. BARELLI, Jobn S. (17),.A,o:t., Heine Boller Co Godcbaux Bldg. BECK, Jas. D. (06), Cons. & M. E., 2331 Conatance St. BELL, Gua F. (A.M 24), Sales Engr., Johna Manville Co." Inc., New Orleans, and fm mail Mable Ave., Shreveport. BE!tSON. Robt. F. A. (J 26), Asst. Snpt., Jabncke Dry Docks Inc., St. Maurice Ave. & River, and for mail, uslc St. BLACK. Alex. L. (16), Cons. Engr. Ford, Bacon &: Davis Inc Gravler St, BURWELL, Robt. T. (01), Mgr., Ch. Inspr., Hartford Steam Boller Inspc.,. Ina. Co., 1128 Hibernia Bank Bldg. COTTON, Harvey M. (24: A Y 25), V. P., L. S. Yallely &0 Co., 1606 Masonic Temple.. CRAWFORD, Cbs. C. (06; 16; 18), Secy., Genl. Sale, Mgr., A. M. Lockett & Co., Ltd. 621 Barollne St. DELERY, Eugene F. (21), Designer. Sewemge.,. Water Bd. of New Orleans, 602 Sewera,o:e & Water Bd. Bldg. QROMGOOL, Peter J. (20; 23), Di,t. Marina Supt., Pan Am. Petroleum & Transport Co., and for mail, 2004 Broadway. EARL, Ralph (16; 24; 26), Asst. Dlr. Water PJ.\riflcation, Sewerage & Water Bd., 626 C"rondelet St., and fa mail, 2125 Leonidas St. ECCLESTON. Chas. W. (A-M 24), Engr., Ocean Acident &0 Guarantee Corp., 1302 Pere Marquette Bldg., and for mail, 8725 Franklin Ave. FORD, Emmett B. (A 26), V. P., Mgr., New Orleans Plant, Mengel Co. FROST, Frank G. (13), GeoJ. Supt. Elec. Dept., New Orleans Pub. Servo Inc., 201 Daronne St. FRY,INT. HArris T. (19; 28). M. E. Dept., Crane Co., 1148 S. Peter. St. GRAHAM, Warren O. (27), Con,. Engr. 208 Godchaux Bldg. GRANT. Arthur A. (19). Cons. Engr" 206 La. Bldg. GREGORY, Wm. Benj. (05: 08), Manager, 16 19: "ice Presldent, 20 21; Prof. Expel" Engrg., Tulane Univ.. HADDEN, Cal. F. (21), Secy., Treas., Stand. Suppl) & liardware Co., ]nc.; 1. O. Drawer 620. HALL. Walter H. (J 27), Draftsman, La. Portland Cement Co., and for mail, S07 Broadway. HAMMETT, Geo. R. (J 20), Sules Engr., A. M. Lockett & Co., Ltd., Queen & Oleacent Bldg. HENRY, Orloff (22), Cons. Engr., 1810 Masonic Temple. HOOPER, Lewi. G. (22), Cons. Engr Masonic Temple. IVENS, Edmund M. (08; 17), Spec. Rep., Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 1017 New Orleans Bank Bldg. IVIcmIEVlCH, F. Marion (J 26), Assl. Supt., Orescent Bed Co., Inc., 600 S. Broad St. and for mail, 2601 Octavia St.,JAHNCKE. Ernest Lee (A 04), Pres., Genl. Ygr., Jalmcke Dry Docks, Inc.. P. O. Box JOHNSON. Warren (A 04), Pre. Johnson Iron WKs., Dry Dock & Sbipbldg. Co., Inc., Box 840, and for mail, 2031 St. Charies.~ve. KALAR, Ulsul C. (A Y 21). Fairbanks, Morse &. Co., 1000 St. Charles Ave. and f01 "luil, 7925 Spruce St. KOFFSKEY, Geo, (23), Retired. 730 Clouett St. ~n9

92 LOUISIANA. MEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES NEW ORLEANS (continued) (,OCliETT, Andrew M. (00), Pres., A. M. Lockett &; Co., Ltd., 621 liaronne St. LUDWIG, Edw. B. (22; A M 27), Pres., Canal Steel Wks., Inc., P. O. Box 347. )IILLER, A. K. (23), Pres., A. K. Miller Engr/:,. Co., 109 Tchoupitoul.. St. " )liller, Richard H. (A M 26), Mgr., A. It. Miller Engrg. Co., 109 Tchoupitoulas, St., and fo, """ii, 4466 Venus St. ; :MILLER, Roht. Notman (20), Gulf Marine Supt., Gulf Pac. Line, 424 Whitney \ ~~~~, j )IOODY, Howard N. (.! M 20), Contrg. Engr., 816 Perdido St. -,_ )loses, Walter B. (17; 20; 25), V. P., Engrg. Sales Co., Jnc., 425 S. PetelS St., " MULLER, Richard F. (J 21), Sales Engr., Allis-Chalmers JlIfg. Co., 1124 Canal Bank Bldg. :SELSON, Bernard Stanley (10; 11; 22), Ch. Engr., A. M. Lockett &; Co., Ltd., 621 Baronne St.,PARSONS. Harry W. (23; 26), West. Rivers &; Gulf Mgr., Foster Wheeler Gorp., 109 TchoupltouloB St... PATERSON, A. B. (20), V. P., New Orleans Pub. Serv., Inc., 201 Baronne St. RANTZ, Chas. F. (16), Pres., Rantz Engrg. &; Mcb. Wb., Inc., 4120 Carrollton Ave. RAYNER, Lester H. (21), Cons. Engr., 2116 Canal St. ROBERT, Jas. M. (20), Prol. Mcb. Design, Tnlan. Univ. ROBERTS. Thos. H. (IS), Cons. Engr., 400 Audubon Bldg., and for mau, 1630 N. Broad St. SCHNEIDER, Carl (19; 25), Aid to Commissioner Pub. Property, City of New. ; Orleans, and for mail Plum St. SCHWARTZ, Simon B. (J 23), Supt., Te"tile Mill, Magiunis Cotton MUls, 1050 " Constance St. SNYPP, Chas. E. (12), Dist. Engr., So. Cotton Oil Co., New Orleans, and for mail,. GI etna. STANCLIFF, Arthur D. (12; A M 19), Supt., La. Portland Cement Co., 1120 Hibernia Bank Bldg. STE~~nc:~e~.I:da~ f~~67~~ft.)79~~~~; stngr., New Orleans Equip. Co., 400 Jack STEWART, Da,-id W. (A M 22), CIt. Engr" New Orleans Ry. &: Light Co., and,. for mail, 2320 General Pershing St. SUT.H.E.RLAND, ltobt. G. (A..M 23). Supt., La. POltlnnd Cement 00., 1120 Hibernia : \ Bank Bldg. THORNE, Thos. W. (Abl 28), Salea Dept., Nat!. Tube Co., 1031 Maison Blancbe Bldg. TODD, JaB. M. (J 22), Office b[gr., Sales, A. M. Lockett & Co.; 501 Q. &: C. Bldg. UPPER, Fredk G. (16), ~. G. Tupper, Genl. Agt., 1201 New Orleans Bank Bldg. Von PHUL, Gilbert D. (12), Engr., Contr., Mh., Sugar & Genl. biclty., 511 St,! ", Patlick St. WERNER. Richard (A-M 25), CIt. Engr., Wm. H. Ennis, 500 Audubon Bldg., and f"r mail, 814 Tallor Ave.. WESTWATER, Anarew (16) 743 St. Charles St. WIER, John B., Jr. (20), wk.. Snpt.. So. Cotton Oil Co., P. O. Box 3GO. WIGGIN, Chas., Jr. (J 21), Secy., Walter CIllitanedo, Inc., 1105 Maritime Bldg. WINSHIP, W. E. (08), Pres., Winship Fuel Oil Serv., Inc., 1404 Whitney Central W Bldg. : ". i~~, Cbas. J. (J 21), Asst. Ch. Engr., A, M. Lockett & Co., Ltd., 521 Baronne _.., OLIVIER, IIUd-Continent Seption PHARR, Henry N. (07), Sugar Planter.. Mfr., J. N. Pbarr & Sons, Ltd. RUSTON. IIUd-Continent Section ; ;,:: MORSE, Fred"k T. (J 25), Asst. Prof. M. E., La. Poly. Inst., and for moil, P. O. Box 313..; "" SHREVEPORT, IIUd-Continent Section CAR~~KeESt~ene L., Jr. (J 27), Power Ellgr., Tex. Co., and for mail, 550 E. ; " DALLY, Cbas. A., Jr. (A 17), Kgr., Reserve Natural Gas Co. ot La., P. O. Box 191. "~i" DeFRANCE, Albert K. (A M 2~), Mgr., Bessemer Gas Eng. Co., and for,nail, 615 " i: Market St., Box 103. HOUGHTON, Jos. D. (A M 31), Ref. Engr., La. Oil Ref. Corp., and for """it, 523 Kings Highway. ",, 310 :MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MAINE A.UBURN 1) 82 GllDIage Ave. MERRILL, r..5tes. Geo. Albert H. (2 S. (03, 1) 831 Minot Ave ~,. 311 I,OUISIANA SHREYEPORT (c.onteninued) pur La 011 Ref. Corp., 1st Nat!. Bank!. JAOKSON, S. D. (J 21), Igr., Ch arge.,.. BId and for mai!, 104 Jordan St. Sh eport La and ".. KELLy,gFranl<; S., Jr. (J 26), Indus., Engr., :Ark. Natl. Gas Co., re,.,, fo, mail IJ:aze: S)t.,,Te"parkaE:ecTe~~nl Mgr. Stand. Pipe Line Co., Inc., iilcgrew, F. Ray (A 23,...,.. " sw/a".j;~~11 R. (J (~71): RAetE,n gr 2 6 ), ~~g. fneg~~" 6t k~i~rcr Gp:g,j. Co., Giddens STAGGS. Horace Y. 2, ", T,nne Bldg. A 28) P "gr Pelican Wen Tool & Supply Co., and for mail, STEWART, M. G. (,res., ""., r. O. Box 276., ) C ty B k Bldg WHELESS, Eakin L.,\A.M(23 2 )5 Sal:s Enagrn Hay;"ood.Willinmson, 4H 415 Merchants "IJ.T,T.~MSON, Geo. "".,., Bldl\. THIBODAUX, Ne... OrIeo.lls Se«:tioll. Celotex Co., and for mail, P. O. COLT.1;:Y, C_ T. (J 26), Asst. Supt., FIeld 01,., Box 163. ~~~~?A, Sh,arl B. (13; 22), V. P., Res. Mgr., East. Mfg. Co., and for.nail: 143 Broadway. BIDDEFORD (09 IS) ;\gt Wks Mgr Saeo Lowell Shops. BANFIELD, FrederiEc E( {13,T)r. R ~ ch Engr" Saco.Loweh Shops, Biddeford, and BLAKE Edmund.," r., far "",ii, 7~ ND0rth(lS0t"lS7~"?io) Mech Supt Pepperell Mfg. Co., Biddeford, and KEABLES, Austm. :,,.., for """ii, 481 Mam St.. Saco. CUiUBERLAND MILLS TERRY, Killey E. (14), Supt. Power, S. D. Warren & Co. DEXTER ("".23), Designe,, Fay & Scott Co., and for mail, 2 Fay BURSLEY, Edmund S.., "" Court. U:ENNEBUNIC COLE, R. T. (20). ~~~~~~?~. A. (25), M. E., Bates Mfg. Co., and for mail, 61 Campus Ave. L1VERIIIORE FALLS BRODERSON, JolIn E. (J 26). DlILLINOOICEl, Bureau Economy, Great No. Paper Co., STAl<WOOD, Cr.eighton B. (J 26), Engr., and for mail, P. O. Box 687. NORTH EDGECOJ)XB OLIFFORD, Stanley B. (J 24). ORONO B (10) Genl Supt Orono Pulp & Paper Co., and f"r PALMER, Perley.,., mail, 82 Myrtle Ave. H (A M 26) Asst Prof M E Univ of Me. PEAGRMAN, lrvlllg(l3) P- of ri E Unlv of :Me" and ior ",ail, 109 Main St. SWEETSER, W. J.,r...,.., PHILLIPS McLAIN, Frank H. (A 12)

93 MAINE :\1 EMBERS IN UNITED STAn:S PORTLAND ELLIOTT,!1ewton n. (A Y 17). Draftsman, City Eng... Office, Portland, and for mail, U Lowell St., S. Portland. GREENE, Lanrenee H. (A 21), P, od. Mgt. 61 Falmouth St. HAMMETT, Philip M. (10), Supt. }[. P., Me. Central U. R., 242 St. John St., and for mail, 41 Thomas St.. HARPER, Fred C. (.J 21), 493 Ocean Ave. HILL, Wm. (83; SO), 535 Stevens Ave..J OHNSON, Manrlce B. (.1 27), Pres., E. G. 10lmBon Co., 81 Free st. KOLBE, Rob!. E. (J 2-0), Prod. En!lT., Kolbe Fish \:)0., P. O. Box MERRILL, Carle J. (16), Treas., Mgr., O. J. Merrill. Inc., 54 St. John St. OSGOOD, Harold R. (19: A Y 26), Asst. Engr., C. J. Merrill, Inc., 54 St. John St., and for mail, 1488 Forest A, e.. SAWYER. Lovell B. (.1 28), Steam Turbine Operator, Oumberland County Power I< Lig-ht Co., Portland, and for ma,il, 51 Everett Ave., S. Portland.. SMITHWICK, N. Austi!) (16) 41 Winter St. TODD, Wm. N. (A M 21), EiDc. &; Elev. Engr., Portland Co., 58 Fore St., and for mail, 126 William St. SACO HALL, Walter B. (A M IS),,\gt., Yorl, )lfg. Co., and j"r "ail. 350 Main St. SANFORD LORD, Wm. M. B. (10; A )j ~8), Genl. )Igr , Utilities Co. SKOWHEGAN MARBLE, Gerald C. (18; A M 26), Owner k Mgt., Stone & 110nllmental WI<, SOUTH WINDHAlIl SHAW, Howard E. (J 25), And, osc.okgin Pulp Co. WATERVILLE MAR~iv~:Ost~ (91: 05), M. E., Hollingsw~rth &, Whitney Co., and fat mail, 94 WOODLAND PRATT. Fredk R. (14), Ch. Engr., St. Croix Paper Co. 1I1ARYLAND ABERDEEN, Baltinlole Section JERVEY. Capt, Tbos. M. (23). U. S. A., Aberdeen Proling Ground. WEST. G. Alvin (17; A 1l;I. 24), Mech. Draftsman, Ord. Dept. U. deeu Proving Ground, Aberdeen, and for mail, Port Veposit. S. A., Abel" A:oiNAPOLIS, Baltimore Section BEST, AI~red Sellman (J 23), Laboratorian, U. S.. Naval Engrg. Expel. Sta., An napohs, and for mail, :aarwood. IlOLGIANO, Olarence P. {20; 27}, Assoc. Prot., Engl. II Aeronautics, U. s, Naval Academy. DINGER, Capt, Henry C. (24) HeaQ U. S. N. Experiment Sta. HOBBS. Elmer E. (A M 20), Foreman, Power Plailt, U. S. Naval Academy. JOHNSON. Tbeodore W. (00; 18). Life Member; Prof. Math. U. S. Naval.Academy, and f9r mail, 55 Franklin St. KIEFER, Paul J. {15; 20}, Prof. M. E., U. s. N:. Post Graduate Sch. TREAT, Burnett F. (J 26), Assoc. M. E., EDgrg. Expel. Sla., U. S. Naval Academy, and for mail. 167 Green St. WALMSLEY, W. N. (07), P. O. Box WILBUR, Ralpb S. (12; A M 16), As,t. Prof. M. E"" Post Graduate Sch., U. S.. Naval Academy, and for mail, 5th St., Spa View,tleights. ASBESTOS, Baltimore Section STUART, J. R. (J 24), Asst. Mg-r. Local Plant, O.ongoleum Nairn Inc. BALTIMORE, Baltimore Section ADAMS, Ernest H. (18), E.ngr., 1263 Calvert Bldg., and for mail, E 5, Gilman -~.! 812 ~: ".; ~.,: : ~-. " ~,,j ; r, MEMBEBS IN UNITED STAr~:s l\la.ryland BALlIlIIORE (continued) ADAMS, Henr.v (99), Cons. Eng-r., 1263 Calvert BldJ:. ALLNER, Fredk A. (22), Genl. Supt., Pa. Water.. Power Co. LexinJ:l;on Bldg. ALMY, Saml. E. (A M 24), FIIel Conservation Engr., Merchant Fleet Oorp., Hearst Tower Bldl\". ALTHEN, Geo, R. (21), Supt. Gas Distribution, Consltd. Gas, Elec. Light &. Power Co., 1068 N. Front St. ANDRAE. Karl H. (J 21), Baltimore Tube Co., Wicomico St., and for Dlail, 712 E. 20th St. ASPROOTH, Axel H. (21), Steimuet. Elec. Motm Car Corp., and for mail; 1206, W. NOIlh Ave. AUSTIN, Wm. S. (02; 06). Cons. Engr., 800 Md. Trust Bldl\". DENNETT, Howard D. (16). Cons. &. Contr. Engr., 2114 AlJendlile St. BERRYMAN, H. O. {A M 21}, Asst. Dist. Mgr., Am. Can Co., 802 Citizens Katl. Bank Bldg. BITTER, I{ennetQ O. (J 19), Gen!. Supt., H. Gamse &, (,lo., Gam,. Bldg., and for,nail, 3116 Walbrook Ave.. BLACK, Winfield S. (A M U). Plant Eng-r:, Am. Sugar Ref. Co., Kev Hil\hwav, E. BOLGIANO, Gilbert F. (A M 24), Valuation Eng-r., Bartlett Hayward Co" Balti. more, and for mail, Oxford Ave.. near Norwood Ave., Howard Park. BOND. Francis M. (00; 15), Asst. Dir., Indus. Bureau, Baltimore Assn. of Com merce, ~funsey Bldg., Baltimore, and fa" mail, Green Spring Ave., Mt. Washinl\ton. BOWEN, Will. V. (J 24). M. E., Pa. Water & Power Co Lexjne;ton Bldll BRIDGES, John S. (A 17), Pres., Coale Mu.IlIer &, Safety Valve Co., 826 E. Oliver St. BRITTAIN. Harry L. (J 24). Insnr., Consltd. Ga., Elee. Light & Power Co., and for mail, 702 Allendale St... JlURNHAM, Chas. (A M 17), Murrill & Keizer Co. 206 N. Guilford Ave. BURRILL, Harold G. {l.s; A M 21}, Power Engr., John D. Hamilton, Lexington Bldg., and fat mail Obelsea Terrace. CARROLL, John T. (18), R. R. llupply, 208 Citizens Nat!. "Bank Bldg., and for mail.!l212 Greenway. CHATARD, Wm. M. (08; 09) Mem. Firm, Chatard & Norris, 206 Water St. CHRISTENSEN, Oscar (A Y 122), Combustion Engr., Locke Insulator Corp., S. Charles.. Cronlwell Sts. CHRISTIE, A. G. (07; 16), Manager, 22 25; Vice President ; Prof. M. E., Johns Hopkin. Univ. OLOTWORTHY, Harris A. (J 20), El1!{I., Bartlett Hayward Co., Scott &. McHemy Sla. and fot mail Montgomery Ave. COLBURN. Edw. B. (J 27), Steam Testman, Consltd. Gas Elec. Lill;ht & Power Co., Gonld St. Sta., Baltimore, and or mail, Govers Hill, Hane de Grace. CONN, Thos. D. (16; A M 19), Supt. Marine Equip., Harbor Bureau, City of Baltimore, Broadway Pier. COOK, Henry R., Jr. (21). GenJ. Supt. Gas Div., Consltd. GaB, Elec. Lil:bt & Power Co., Lexington Bldl\". CORIELL, LOllio D. (22), Ill, W. Mouument St. COTTMAN, Lewis W. (12), Mem. Firm, J. H. Cottman & Co. 812 Bldg. OROMWELL, Oliver C. (14), Asst. to Ch. M. P. & Equip., Baltimore & Obio R., R. Co., Rm. 607, B. &. O. Bldg.. CUMMINGS. Chas. Edw. (J 25), Mfg. Dept., Am. Can Co., Boston & Hudson Sts. DANNETTEL, Raymond C. (J 24), Asst. to E. E. Engrg. Dept., COllsltd. Ga., Elec. Light & Power Co., ~onument St., and fot mail Baker St.. DARRINGTOK, Paul N. (A M 21), Asst. Ch. Examiner, City Servo Comlll. of Baltimore, and fo, mail, 2815 St. Paul St. DAVISON, Clarence M. (J 09), Asst. V. P., Ch. Engl., Poole Engrg. /< Mch. Co. Di DOMENICO, Antbony F. (J 21), Baltimore County Metropolitan Sanitary Dlst., Court House, Towson, and for mail, 727 Aisquith St., Baltimore. DOUGLAS, Edwin R. (12), Accountancy Engr., Baltimore Coppar Smelting II Rolllng Co., Canton, and for llultl, 4817 Bucks Lane, Baltimore. EISERT, Hermann (20), oons. Engr., 881 N. Cbarlea St., and for mail, 4007 Bateman Ave.. ELLICOTT, Obas. E. (19). Pres., Ellicott Mcb. Corp., 1111 Bush St. EMERSON. Col. Gee. II. (17), Ch. M. P. & Equip., Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. FAST, Gustave (A M 15), Cons. Engr., Butlett Hayward Co., 209 Scott St., Baltimore, and for mail., Lindamoor. Annapolis. 81S. ;,: t: :0::.

94 ilu,ryland ~IEMBERS IN U]!ITED SlA1ES BALTUIORE t"..llthu...l) FERRIER, Walter (08), 65U, Cleveland A.e., Dundalk Sta. FOLLMER, Clinton L. (26), Asst. to E. E., Co~lsltd. Gas, Elec. Light & Power Co., and fo! mail, Homewood Apt... FREEMAN, Carroll L. (J 28), In.dus. Power Rep., Consltd. Gas, Elec. Light /I. Power 00., 408 Lexington Bldg. GlER, Frank 0., Jr. (J 21), Supt. Repair Shop, Consltd. Gas, Elec. Light & Power Co., and for mail, 6808 Wesley Ave... GILL, Chas. A. (21), Baltimore & Ohio R.. R. Co., Rm. 51f>, B. & O. Bldg..,: GOODRICH, ThoB. M. (A-M 25), Valuation Eng;., BBrtlett Haywnrd Co., and lor ; mail, 2120 Park Ave.. HALL, Claude H. (A 22), 1416 Bolton Ave.. HARPER, Cbas. A. (A-M 24), Genl. Supt., Fluid Heat Corp., 114 E. Lombard St., and for mall, 8606 Forest Park Ave. HARRISON, Thos. W., Jr. (A-M 25), 2848 St. Paul St. : HAWLEY, Kent A. (A-M 113). Ob. Engr., Locke IIlBulator Corp., P. O. Box A. :; HAWORTH. Richard (A 27), Local M"p;r., Otis Elev. Co., 107 Lip;ht St. " HIGGINS, Nathan B. (26), ABst. Ch. Engr., Pa. Wate, & Power Co., 1611 Le.~lnp; i; ton Bldg.. "..., HINE, Russell O. (J 18), Asst. Ch. Engr., Westport Steam Sta., Consltd. GBi. ;) IDee. Light & Power Co., and for mail, 2740 Guilford Ave. :., HOFSTETTER, Elias T. C. (J 27), Asst. to Snpt., Consltd. Gas Elec. Light &: HOK~~wio~~E: (~~8{:"11~~ot3:6rl~g HOLLS, Jack O. (J 26), Asst. S~op Foreman, Am. and for mail, 18 Whittemore Ave. HOUGHTON. Holden R. (J 27), Jr. Ind"B. Enjpg. Rep. ConBltd. Gas Elec. & Po,ver Co.. Lexinl;ton Bldlt., and tor ",ail N. Oalvert St. HOWARD. John. E. (J 28). ASBt. to GenI. Supt., Terminal Freezing & Htg. 480 S. Eutaw St., and for mail, III W. 29th St... HUBBA~, A. L.,. Jr. (J 20), Branch Mgr., Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., 804 HeBrst" Tower Bldg..._ HUBER. ChaB. J. (A M 18), Ch. Engr., F1Ylln & Emrich 00., 801 Holliday St. :; HUBER, Fredk (A-M 22). CombuBtlon Ellgr Hartford Rd.. \: ~gi~j!~~nw ~~~b~~~)~. ~;;~l ::;;,:~t g~~;blts.t G~~~e~l.c~eL1~~~ ~C~~~~:yc~~: and tor mail 8314 E. QJenmore Ave.... KELLER, Geo. if. c;j. 16). Pres., Gen!. Mgr. Steinmetz Elec. Motor Car Corp., and.~~ for mail, Oambridge Arms, CbadeB &: 84th StS. :~~ li:ouwenhoven, Frank W. (17; A-M 25), Instr. M. E., JohnB HopkinB Unly...~.:~ LAMB, Roland H. (J ;22), DIBt. Mgr., Huber Stokers, Flymi & Emrich Co N: :-\ Holliday St., Baltimore, Md., and for mail, 1639 ThomBs Ave., Charlotte, N. C.:.. ;~ LEDNUM. J. Maynard (1"1; A-M 22), M. E., Davison Chern. Co., and for mail,":~ The GardenB..;., LEILICH, Capt. Frank T. c..a-m 19), 2611 Chelsea Terrace..:,~, LENTZ, Harry B. (J 27), Mech. DrBftsman, ConBltd. Gas Elec. Lip;ht &: POI"l :.-"1 Co., and tor mail Battery Ave..:\<i LEWIS JOB. E. (J 99), Owner & M~., 1218 Warner St..:.i\j LOGi.if. Llo;v.d (16: 25), Research ABsoc., Rm. 29, Mech. & Elec. Engrg. Bldg.,.:.:~ John. HopklnB Univ.....,.,9- LOIZEAUX, Alfred S. (15), E, E.. Consltd. GBS, Elec. Llp;bt &. Power Co,. Lexlng..;~ ton & Liberty Sts. :, LUBBERT. Geo. L. (A-M 16), E. & M. E.. Lubb~t Elec. & Mch. Co., 1Bt A\e.: ;~ & 16th St., Canton, Baltimore, and tor mail, Manhattan & Mervllle Ave., i1iii Baltimore.. "r LUCEY. Edmund A. (A M 15), PreB., Wm. A. Tottle & Co., Inc., 120 HBnover St, :.1 ~lckeown, Wm. C. (24), Supt., Republic Boiler & Raodiator Co., Baltimore, Bnd.,,..lor mail, 6030 Falls Rd., Mt. Washington. ::i McKINSTRY, Frank Y. (20). SaleB Engr., R. H. Bozman & Bros., 1046 Granby St,..,.: and for mail, 1519 N. Eden St... ". ~IEADE. Richard K. (12). Prop., Richard K. 1>leade & Co.. 10 W. ChaBe St. A~ MELVIN, WilliB Q. (J 28), Test. Engl., ConBltd. GaB, Elec. LIllht & Power Cp.,.":" and jor mail. Guilford Manor Apts., Univ. Pkway. &: Bishop Rd... -" MER.RIAM, Carroll F. (16: 21; 24), Pa. Water & Power Co., 1611 Lcxingtoo..:11 ~~ ~ )IILY.ER, Wm. R. (26: A-M 25), Baltimore Oil Eng. Co., P. O. Box 100, High. :. landtown, and for ",,,ii Chilton St., BBltimore _.. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MARYI,AX 0 BALTIMORE (continued). 916 N Fulton Ave MITCHELL, Guy K. (l8.; lli\ Co., 1002 r.;,xingt~n Blcl~.. MORSE, Everett R. (18. A- Md R nart & Crouse Co., and for mad. 69U ( MUNROE, Edw. K. (20),. ep.,,., Bellona Ave. W (10) SaleB Engr. Kemp Mchy. Co President St., NEIDHARDT, J..,, and tor mail, 2(~:2?;~iialie~~irm, Cbatard & NorriB, 206 Water St. " NORRIS, Alex. M., ;25) 8201 Elgin Ave NORRIS, J. Byrd, Jr. (IS \r I il f M & E R R Eijulp. &. Mchy., Baltimorc,~ )lorton, Artlmr W. (28), a it 6~~1 wa.v ne Avo... Ohio R. R. Co., and fo;rm~8) P od Mgr Ottenheimer BroB. Inc.. Fal1swa~ /.: OTTENHEIMER, J. B. CA ",,1. t P k A"e Hillen StB. and for ""p il, 850 W 8 ikfi:::b & a{"rilkin~ Co., Mt. Royal & Guilfold IASSANO, Edw. B. (12), reb.,..;. Aves. U (J 27) Factory Mil Waverly PreBs, Inc., and for mati.. PASSANO, Wm. w..,., 213 W. Lanvale St.,. A M 19) Asst to P, es.. Silioa nel Gorp., 1100 Gnl".,:: PATTERSON, JaB. O. (10",..... rett Bid.".. I 25) S VI Air Brake. Baltimore & R. R. Co. PEcK, Winfteld F. (18); -#.~ Bdtl;:gre Copper SmeitlnA &; Rolling Co., Highla.1ll1.y. PEIRCE, Wm. H. (87,.,..;.. Branch P. O. L J (16 A-M 21), Supt. Steam Sta., Oonsltd. Gas, Elec. PENNIMAN, Abbott., r. t ~ail 8405 Greenway.. LIllht II; Power 00.. an(d J,or 28 ) Exec Mgr PO\ver En~rll. Co., Balt,more, Md., PENNINGTON, Victor P.,.., D and for mail~ Sea Oliff. L E I. N B Yt1ett Hayward Co., and for mail, 8028 PFAFF, Geo. C. (19; 26). ngr., Br., PresstrnanIdStF (A M) ASBoc Prof. ;ReBearch Ophthalmology, WIlmer Oph.,. PIERCE, Haro.. H It l ) thal."lc, JorA.~],r~\~Con~~PE:ir., 412 W. R~wood St..~, POPKIN:r:!ar~g}.EA.M 19). ConB. I:ngr., 201 W. Frankhn St. ", ~g~ll :pa~1 it. (15: 23), PreB., Powc~l Mfg. Co., 8100 Elm Ave., Hampden,,.,! Stonr. Run Lane UniverSIty Parkway. <-: PRoc~i/..a:w":! t~/ 11!il:;j, PT~;r~::r~:gOo~~itr ~;~l~~ Light &; Powe,,~,.. QU.I.~~E~nl/~~ maa, 840 Hayward Ave. t :.,:~~cj: fu*."(;l~t:~~~)il~~t:r,eji~h~~i, Sprinkler Leakage Depts. & Inspc.... Di". Md. easualtya Ql 0 9) Pres Locke 1nBuiator Corp., Md. Trust Bldg., and ". REAGAN, Frank H. (),., for?l,ail, 8SS8 N. CharIes St. 16 N ChalleB St r" REEDER, Chas. L. (07), C( rs l 8,. ~2f)"prant Engr. Locke Insulator Corp., Baltimorc, ROBERTSON, John Cullen.. I. and for m<tit. OBOX(,619), 27 ADn~rg;~~gB. Engl. Fluid Heat Corp., 112 E. Lombard St., RUSSELL, Arthur.,e, Bnd for mail, 619 N., Ch)arl~~ Si Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., Mt. Olare, and SANDMAN August G. (13,"".,. for m~ii, 725 E(AP~e~200n) ~k ~fi~imdi:fting Dept., Consltd. GaB, Elec. Light SAUER, Herbert O. :w.,.,... & Power Co., MadIS?27 n )StABI~gSal BMgr Flynn & Emrich Co., 801 N. Holhday SAYLOR, Willard C,. (J BS.. e.,. St., and for,,,all, 1~12(fyW~~1IlJl0nEStBaltlmOr8 Copper Smelting &: R!lhng SCHLUDEB,BERG, O. C. 0- B Itbnon ~j,d jor mail, 5920 EnBon Ave.. HamIlton. Co., HI g hlandtowll P(17) ;Cy Tr;"s Baltimore Oil Eng. Co., Eastern A,e. SO!IMEISSER, Ernest G...!:ton A" tb &; 8lBt St., and for mail, ~I~ Jay Oil Burner 001P., 8500 E. Biddle St. SCHMIDTp He T n ly(2d 2 ) C~~:t)Sale"BM;~porcelain Enamel &: Mfg. Co., Eastern Me. SE.~LEIs.,,".. _.SlIlLtMI~, S~. H. (J 24), Dist. Mgr., HlII, Hubbell &:.Co., and lor 77l4il, 8805.; ~:i.. AshbnrlJn ABe. (J 24) Sales Engr., Worthington Pump & Mchy. Corp., 6 W...SHRIVER. eo.. 1. d jor mail Joppa > SMAf:t{~goD~tJ;,f~, Assoc. Prof. M: E., OonB. Engrg., Johns Hopkins. Univ. 816

95 (,. 1I1ARYLAND ~[IlMUEKSIN UNll.:D STATES BALTUIORE (continnell) SMITH, Deane K. (J 2~), Publicity Agt., B,ltimore Wks., Gen!. Elec. Co., 706 Perle.Ave. SMITH, Louis G. (28; A.~ 27), Asst. to Genl. Supt., Gas, Elee. Ligllt &; Power Co., and for,na.l, 106 W. 28th St. SOMERS, John C. ( ), Prod. Engr., 1602 Lexington Bldg., and for mail, 635 Plymoutb Rd., Carroll Sta. STRAUS, Wm. R. (13; 28), M. E., Dept. "ub. Wks., City Hall. STROTT, J. Chas. (16; A-M 25), Asst. to E. E. Power Plant Designer, Conslld., Gas Elec. Light & Power Co., and for 71I4il, 3102 Gwynns Falls PltWay. STURMFELSZ, Geo. ~.,.Jr, (15; A M 22), M. E., Genl. Elev. Co., Bush &; Ridgely Sts., and for rna.! E. 82d St. SVEJft.A, J. A. (19), Sales Mgr., Trees., Am. C2echoslovak Sales ~orp., 116 S. Gay TALIAFERRO, John O. (18), Mem. Exec. Com., Dlr., Continental Can Co TARDY, W. B. (22), Mfrs. Agt., 74 I\nickerboe!,er Bldg.. THEODORSEN, Thea. (.I 26), Iustr. M. E., Johns Hopkins Univ. THOMAS, Ralpb L. (26)( Asst. to Genl. Supt., Pa. Water &; Power Co., and f01 71I4il St. Georges Rd., Ro and Pk. P. O. THOM.PSON, Eustis H. (22), Supt. Cranes, &; Charging Maelllnes, Lub. Engr., Balbmore Copper Smelting &; R011ln~ Co. Highlandtown P. O. TILLMAN, Richard H..(A-M 15), Mgr. New Business Dept., Consltd. Gas, Elec. Light &: Power Co., Lexmgton Blug. TURNBULL, Dougla~ C., Jr. (.I 26), Engrg. Dept., Consltd. Gas, Elec. Ligbt & Power Co., BaltImore, and for mail, South ReI., Mt. Wasbington. UNDERHILL, Henry L. (15), Oh. Engr., Bartlett Hayward Co. VAR,NEY, Wm. W. (92), Pat. Solicitor, Atty-at-Iaw, 1029 Calvert Bldg. and for 1/lnil, 6017 Bellona Ave. nessman, War:en (J 23), Indne. Power Engr., Consltd, Gas, Elec. Ligbt &; Power Co., ~08 Lexmgton Bldg. WAGANDT, Geo. T. (A-M 27), Factory Mgr., Natl. Enameling &; Stamping 00., Inc., 1901 Ligbt St. WAGNER, Fred H. (13), Cons. Bngr., Bartlett Hayward Co., and for mail, The Tuscany, Stony Run Lane. WALDEN, A. E. (13; 16), Ch. Engr., Wehr &; Walden Engrs., 1602 Oontinental. Bldg., Baltimore, and for mail, 26 Hamilton Ave., Raspeburg. WALDEN, Fred P. (J 22), 26 W. Hamilton.Avel Raspebnrg. WAL~~orWm~il,b~83irN.(~~fve~~h.East.Mgr., H. W. Roos Co., 681 Calvert Bldg WATERFALL, HarlY W. (21), Assoc. Prof. M. E., Johns Hopkins Univ. WHITE, Howard M. (J 26), Asst. JIlumn. Engr., Consltd. Gas Elec. Ligbt &; Po\ver Co., and for mail, Park Heights Ave. and 7 Mile Lane. J WHITEHOUSE, Frank (21), Asst. Plant Engr., Am. Sugar Ref. Co., I\e) Highway, E. WHITMAN, Ezra B. (24), Wbltmll1l, Requardt &; Smith, IS E. Le.ington St. WHI~~~tT21~mi)lrain~~t81v~ E., Baltlmora & Ohio R. R. Co., Mt. Clair, and f01 WICH, John F. (J 25), Supt. Constr., N. East. Constr. Co., also Pres. Hydrating Mchy. Oorp., and for mai~, 2028 Windsor Ave.., WILCKENS, Eibe A. (J 26), M. E., Crown Cork &; Seal 00., Higblandtown. WIL~~v~~NBJ~., ner A. (~ 18), Dist. Sales Agt., Erie City Iron Wks., 501 Hearat. WILLIAMS, Albert Boerner (J 25), Indus. Gas Rep., Consltd. Oas Elec. Light &; Power Co., 408 Lexington Blag., and for mail Brigbt~n St. WOOD, Fredk W. (13), Oons. Engr., 2429 Keyworth Ave. \V00I!, Walter D. (27), DiS~. Rep., Flynn.. Emrich. Co., 303 N. Holiday St., Ball1more, Md., and for mat!, 84 Oaltley Ave., Summ.t, N. J. WOOR:o~~~t.Cbas. V. (A 24), Mgr., Westinghouse Elec... Mfg. 00., 121 E. Bal WOODWARD, Hiram \V. (16; A-M 23), 1601 Hearst Tower Bldg. \VUSTER, Morgan A. (A-M 23), Sbop Inspr., Eflic. Bureau, Baltimore &; Ohio R. R. Co., and tor 71I4il, 1818 W. Saratoga St. WYGODSKY, Leon (18), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Ch. Engr., Baltimore Oil Eng. Co., Eastern Ave. & 31st St., and for mail, 4112 Wentworth Rd.,. ZIMMERMAN, Richard E. (A-,M 27), Struc. Designer, Consltd. Gas Elec. Light & Power Co., and for mail, 2710 Auchentoroly Terrace. 316 "(..:..,,," ~, {-.,".j \ ;...,.,, J. ~lembers IN UNITED SfAn:s CUIIIBERLAND. Bltlthllore Section llete, Raymond T. (J 27), 110b. Designer, Kelly Springfield Tire Co., and for mail, Apt. E, Wasbington-Lee Apt,. CHASE. Donald Clinton (I 27), Mch. &; Stru. Design, Kelly Springfield Ttre Co., and for 11.ail, Ceatral Y. ll C. A.. COPLEY, I.ello} B. (J 27), M. E., Kelly Sprlngftold Tire Co., and for mail, Central Y. M. C. A., GROSS, Harold J (J 24), Chem. Engl., Celanese Corp. of Am., and for mail, Box ~2I. l!ckaig, W. Wallace ta H), Y. P., Cumberland Steel Co. Mc~~LLIS, Jos. S. (23; ~), Y. Y. C. A. )!UNCASTER, Walter J. (87), Retired, 532 Washington St. SOMERVILLE, W. A. S. (A-M 14), Jenney Bldg. TAYLOR, Gordon W. (J 25), Supvr. Loco. Inspc., Baltimore & Ohio ll. R. Co., Cumberland Back Shop, and for 11.ail, 610 Louisiana Ave. CURTIS BAY. Balthuore Section, COCHRANE, Wm. F. (20), Pres., Curtis Bay Copper & Iron Wks. COLE, Francis G. (J 2~), Jr. Engr., Silica Gel Corp., Cm tis Bay, and for mail, Walnut Ave., Rognel Heights, Baltimore. LALOR, Morgan D. (.I 24), Eng> g. Dept., Refrig. Tesls, Silica Gel OOI p., Ourtis Bay, and for mail, 3 Wyndcrest Rd., Catonsville. WALDEN,.Robt. R. (.I 21), Draftsman, Silica Gel Oorp., Curtis Bay, and f01 _il J!iorthern Pkwy., Hamilton P.O., Baltimore. EASTON EARLE, John G. (J 27), The Ancborage. EDGEWOOD, Baltimore Section HALE, Franle B. (A-M 21), Mch. Designer, Ohern. Wartare Serv., Edgewood Arsenal. LEWIS, Allen D. (17; A-M 26), Asst. M. E. Chern. Warfare Servo War Dept.,. Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md., and for 71I4it, 27 Bryant St., No W., Wasbin",ton, D. C. SHAPIRO, Louie E. (A M Z1), Asst. M. E., Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, and for mail, cia Mrs. Larrabee, 2603 Maryland Ave., Baltimore. FROSTBURG BENSON, Davisson A., Jr. (J ".m, Ceramic Engr., Big Savage Fire Brick Co., and for mail, 10~ Frost Ave. GLENARIII. Baltimore Section YETZ, Ellwood A. (A-M 18), V- P., Genl. Mgr., F. X. Hooper Co., Inc., and for 11I<IiI, P. o. Bq.,< U5. HAGERSTOWN BYER, Panl H. (.I 24), Asst. to SlIpt. Power, Potomac Edison Co., 5G E. Washing-. ton St., and or mail, 1128 Hamilton Blvd. KEEN, Austin J. (J 27), Power Sta. Cadet Engr., Potomac Edison Co., and for. mail, Y. M. O. A. lakgborn, Thos. W. (A 16), Pres., Pangborn Corp. HAVRE DE GRACE TAYLOR, Roger (17; 27), Susquehanna Power Co. HYATTSVILLE. \Vn.shington. D. C. Section JOYCE, Chas. V. (J 20), Div. Engr Wasblngton SubuL1lan Sanitar) DiBt" and for mail, 15 Oakwood Rd. RIVERDALE. Wo...hington. D. C. Section NESBIT, Jca. N. G. (11), Research Engr. SPARROWS POINT. Baltimore Section COFFIN, Louis F. \26), Gen!. M. M., Betblehem Steel 00., and or mail, St. LANE, Harry C. (07), Cb. Engr., Betblebem Steel Co., and for 11I<Iil, St. ROSENFELD, Solomon B. (.I 28), Struc. Detail & Design, Betblehem Steel 00., SpalTows Point, and for mail, 3515 Holmes Ave., Baltimore. THOMAS, David D. (22), Asst. Gelll. Mgr., Bethlehem Sbipbldg. Corp., Sparrows Point, and f01 mail, 510 Woodside Rd., Ten Hilla, Baltimore. 317

96 ;... liaryland UNION BRIDGE.~~ GLASS, Gerald L. (J 25) Asst MEL h h : for mail, Box 182,..., e 19 POl tland Cement Co., MUI T, and ; J. WILLIA.1IISPORT ~. GOR~Nw~~r~e (J 24), Supt. ~team Sta. \Villlamsp~lt Plant, Potomac Edison ;.;: PELLEhER, Dan~~frJ (.~) fore:"e~: ~ W:h~ngton St., Hagerstown. STEPHENSON, Herman P. (:25), Cons. M. :..ns. upt., Sanderson & Porter.. WOODBERRY, Bu.lti~ore Section. PACKHberrAM, Ed fthornt~n (J 27). Tool Designer, Poole Engrg.;.;. y, an or ma,l, li21 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore.. & Mch. 00., Wood. liiassachusetts ACTON, Boston Section Power Plant Engr., P. O. Box 8, S. Acton. ALLERTON, Boston Section RIVETT, Edw. (O~), P. O. Box 259. AlIIESBURY, Boston Section TOR~~en~~;OSt~A-M21), Accounting Mgr., Biddle & Smart Co., and for mail, 18 ANDOVER, Boston Section ~~~&,Q.,"o.~;IJ:l,~~)Piesp &G~~nlMM"gr S 1)"er Rubber Co., Main St. KNOWLTON Winfield B (12) S. gr., mltb & Dove Mfg. Co. and f01 mail, 69 Sal~m St. upvg. Engr., Am. Woolen Co., Shawsheen HlJage, WARE, Cha.. L. (20), Engr., Steam & Water Power and for mail, 7 Kenilworth St., Shawsheen VUlage: Am. Woolen 00., Box 100, _"-RLINGTON, Boston Section EBERHARDT and John D (26) M E Th S h b 0 for mail, 2~ Gray st.., eo. c \vam 0., 1171 Massachusetts Ave.,. FLAVIN, W. King (J 25) Serv Man Sl V I C for mail, 77 Highland Ave.,Olln a ve 0., 646 Tremont St., and SOH~~~~ ~~~1~ ~8.tJcad~~~s St.TheOdore Schwamh Co., llil Massaclmsetts Ave., _"-THOL, ""oreester Section BUT~~:, Harry M. (19), M. E., Union Twist Dlill Co. and for mail, 95 Higlilalld GORTON Libe;ty Johq St. C (97, 99),.., M E U Ulon Twist Drill Co. alld for mail, 115 lior:;:~r.;r~h~:~~: (A-M 21), Supt. Factory, Uulon Twist Drill Co., and Jor mail, )(ACKAY, Simon (17) V P Union Twi t D II C SIMPSON, Robt. J. o. (06) "Supt M Es L r 8 Sta " and for mail, 387 School St Union St.,.,.,. rrett & Co., and or ",.ail, 120 WILCOX, Jos. S., Jr. (18; 16; 21), Pres., Wilcox Novelty Co. ATTLEBORO, Providence Section MOSSBERG, Frank (95), Pres., GenI. Mgr., Mo.sberg Pressed Steel Corp. AUBURNDALE, Boston Section MILLER, Fr..nklin T. (A 17), Retired 80 Grove St PAINE, Sidney B. (08), Retll"ed, 51 Hancock St.. BARNSTABLE GOSS,. Lzfe W. Member. F. M. (86), Alanager " V Ice-President, 09 11; President, 13 i BASS RIVER, Boston Section DAVIS, Chas. H. (DO), Pr. Trustee. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES 818. : ~ ;..;,,,,.,!-. -.;.. MEMBERS IN UNITED STAXES ~IASSAOHUSElTS BEVERLY, BUliton Section CROSS. Garrett P. S. (18). M. E., United Sboe Melly. Corp., and or mail, 6 Olifton Ave. KINNEY, Fay D. (25), Designer, Asst. Engr United Shoe Mcby. COl p., Beverl), anel for mail, Wenham.. BONDSVILLE, Western IUassac]l1lsetts Section SHAW..Benj. C. (16; 19), Supt., Asst. Agt., Otis Co., Bo,ton Duck AlIlIs, Main St. BOSTON, Boston Section.ABBOUD. Alfred (J 28), Pres., Alfred Abboud & Co" 45 Bromfield St. ADAMS, K. E. (08; 17), Supt. Employment Dept., Edison Elec. mum. Co. o[ Boston. 89 Boylston St., Boston, and for mail, 18 Dorset RiL. Waban. AHARA. Leroy D. (J 26), Sales Engr., Fuller Lehigh Co., 80 Federal St. AIKEN. Chas. W. (08), Indus. Engr., 45 Bromfield St. AI,DEN, Fredk Arthur (12; 18), Sales Mgr., Wholesale Div., Domestic Oil H4\". Co., 1899 Boylston st. Bostoll...nd or mail, 125 Windermere Rd., Auburndale. ALDEN. Veru E. (A M 20l~ Mech. Div., Stone 8< Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St., Boston. and for mail. 2", Woodward St., Waban. ALDRICH, Chester S. (09; 21), Pres., Treas., Gray Aldrich Co., Inc., 6 Commercial Wharf. ALLEN. Abbott (17; 2~), New Eng. Mgr., C. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co., 88 Chaunc) &t., Boston, and for mail. 29 Jackson Rd., W. Medford. ALLEN, Harold A. (A AI 20), Salesman, Pratt Paper Co., 159 Devonsbire St. ALLEN, Walter D. (27), Bldg. Servo Engr., Stone & Wehster Ino., 49 Federal St., Boston, and for mail. 70 Warren Rd., Framing-ham. ALSOS, Albert B. (26), Engr. Power Div., stone &I Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St., Boston, lioild for mail, 189 Rawson Rd., Brookline.,ulES, Bradford L. (18). Mem. Firm, Ames &: Camphell, 261 Flanklin St. ANDERSEN, Joban M. (08), Pres., Albert &I J. M. Andersen Mfg. Co., 289 A at. ANDERSON, Arthur (A-M 19), Geul. Algr., Crittenden Mfg. Co., 88 Moreland St., W. Roxbury, and for ma,l, 52 Berkshire Rd., Newtonville. ANDERSON. Sam!. M. (J 28), Asst. Rese..reh Engr., B. F. Sturtevant Co. and for "",ii. 88 Higbland St., Hyde Park. ANGELES, Marciano S. (J 26), P. O. Box 182, Astor Sta. ilpel, Saul C. (18; A M 25), Engr., Merrill Co., 98 Granite St. Boston, and for mail, 76 Ashcroft Rd. Medford. ARONSON, Mark (J 19), E.~er. Engl., 44 Schuyler St.. Roxbury.!RRINGDALE, Leroy O. (J 19), Mech. Rep., Hunt Spiller Alfg. Co., 383 Dar chester Ave., S. Boston. B.ULEY, Geo. B. (J 28), Sales Engl., Braman Dow &I Co., 280 Causcoway St., Baston, and for mail, 181 N. Main St., Sharon. BALTHASAR, Frank L. (J 25), I>ales Eugl., Foster Wheeler Corp. 50 Congress St. B!RNES, ;Walter E. (16), Partner, Barnes & Jones, 128 Brookside Ave., Jamaica Plain. BARRIER, Edw. A. (24), V. P" Engr. Arkwright Mutual Fire Ins. Co. 186 Franklin St.. Boston, and for mail, Glen Rd., Wellesley ~ arms. IlARRUS, Geo. H. (88), Cons. Steam Engr., 12 Pcmberton Sq. BARTLETT, G. R. (21), M. E., ATCh. Div., Bo,ton Elev. Ry., Rm. 701, 81 St. James Ave. BEATTIE, O. Morton (18; A-M 26), Asst. M. E. Geo. E. Keith Co., Station Ave., Campello. s,lld for mail. 151 Elm St. Quincy. BEAVER, Rudolph (23), Mfg. Engr., Gl1lette Safety Razor Co. BEOKWITH. Ward S. (J 26), Managem~nt Engr., MacDonald Bros. IllC., 181 Stata St., Boston, Mass., and for mail, 44 Angel I>t., Providence, R. L BEER, Ralph K. (J 26) Statistics Dept.. Stone,~ Webster Inc., ~9 Fedcral St. BELL, Walter R. (J 26), Sales Engr., Ingersoll-Rand Co., 285 Columbus Ave. BELLAMY, Lcon (14), Pres., BeUamy Co. Inc., 187 Purchase St. BENOIT, A. W. (21), Assoc., Ohas. T. Main, Inc., 201 Devonshire St. BENSON, Raymond H. (J 25), We,tingho\lSe Elec. & Mfg Co., 10 High St., and for mail, 16 Batavia St. BENTLEY, Oliver D. H. (10), Mgr., Engl. Turbine Dept., B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Pll.rk.. BERGEN, Martin J. (J 26), Ch. Engr., U. S. Destroyer Panldillg, Navy Yd., s,nd for moil, c/o }liss A. M. Casteen, 107 Jersey St. 819

97 MASSAOHUSETTS ~IE~lBERS IN UNITED STATKS MElIIBERS IN UNITED 51A1ES IUASSACHUSETTS BOSTON (continued). BERRENBERG, Reinold (13), G.enr. Mgr., Am. Rot..ry Pump Co., 12 Falllham IlER~V, ~~~~~fte. Jr. (A 24). Pres. Treas. F. E. Berry, Jr., " Co., 739 Little Bldg. BERRY, J"awrenee F. (J 19), Mgr. TratHe.11 Equip Howard. Storage WuehouRe Co. 6 How.rd St., Roxbury.. I BEYER. David e. (17), V. P Ch. Engr. Libert) ~lutual Ins. Co. no I.l11eo 0 IlIG:~OW, CSIle M. (17; 18; 21), Pres., Bigelow. l):ent. Willald,~ Co., 1020 IlIXI~:kw~1te~l~f07; 26), Y: E. Pat. Att),., 142 Norwell St. Doreh tel.. BJERRE. Folmar (J 27), Dlst. Engr Mathe\vs Conveyor Co.. Boston, and for """I, 16 Lane.ster St. Cambridge. BJORK, C.r1 G. (A Y H). Designing Engr., Stone & Webster, Inc., 49 F,,,lelal St. BLAIR. Ernest L. (19: A Y 26), M. E., Stone &: Webster. Inc., 49 Federal St.; BostOll, and for m../, 60 Willett St. Wollaston.. BLAKE Arthur Henry (20: A-M 26" Hlg. Boiler Dept.; Jas. Russell Boller,,ks. 00. Inc., 9 Dewlbr St., Dorcnestel., and /0) m.ail Fleemau St, BOR~~~~~~~Jo.. (A M 20). Genl. Mgr., Ch. Engr., ~lercur) Products Corp. 113 Haverbill St. Bostoll. and for m..a, 91 E.mond St., Dorchestel. BRADLEY, Frank L. (20; A ill 27). OlBce Engr., Stone &; Webster, Ioc., 49 ~edciili St., Boston,.od for ma.i!, 94 Glendale St., Everett. BRADY, John J. (A M 18), Heine Boiler Co., 100 MUns-ton St.. BRA~IAN, Sam1. N. (02; 15), Simplex Wire 10: Cnble Co., 201 DewlI;hhe 8t.. Boston, and for lilau J 1&7 Park St., Newton. BREEN,...Ibert 11.. (A!! 22), SlIoles En"r., Unhel"ul Winding Co., 95 Soutb St., Bo,ton, M... and/or m..ii, 1321 ~laplo A, e., Wilmette, Ill. BRESNIHAN, Jaa. J. ( 26), Dr.ftsm.n, Julian deste Co. qbarlestown, alld for mail. 177 Washington St.. Dorchester... BREWER, Artbur R. (J 25), Dr.ftsm.n, Ma.on Ret<ulator Co., 1190 Adams St., Bostoll. 2.1,.nd for mail. 173 St. Botolph St.. BostOIl, 17. BRIDGES. Luther W. (15), M. E., Chas. H. TeOley &; Co. 200 Devonshire St., Boston, and lor mail Union Ave., FT&o1Dingham. BRIDGMAN, Ie. T (J 27). M. E. Bailey Meter Co., 141 Milk St. BRI1\QKERHOFF, Hentv G. (17), Mgl. H. Gordoll BrillckelholI Co., 10 High St. BROWN. Arthur L. (17; 25), Engr. Asaoe. F.ctory, Mutual Fire Ins. Co., IS~ High St., and for mail, 49 Hemenway St. BilOWI. Edw. C. (17), TIeas., Edw. C. Brown,~ Co., 220 Devonshire ~t. BROWI\, Holcombe J. (lg), Cons, Engr. 35 Doalle St., Boston. and for n.nil, 174 "Valentino St.,,Yo Newton.. DROWl!\. Robt. H. (18; 25). Reaearch Y. E., larks Clamer Co Old South Bldg.. BROWNE, Robt. L. (Ab! 17), New Eng. Dlst. Sales Mgr., Metal &; Thermit (Oll" 1425 Statler Olllce Bldg. BRUSSTAR, DenJ. F. (19), Dist. Snle. Mgt. Baltimore Tube Co., 80 Feder.l St. BRY,u" Marcus K. (A-1I1 16), Steam Engr., Chas. T. Main, Inc., 201 De\onshlre St., Boston, IIond for mail. 25 Washington 110., Newtonville. Bl;~IP Archie E. (08; 15), Mgr. Constr. & Mech. Depts. Dist., Swift o!: Co., GO N. M.rket St., Boston nd for mail, U Melville Ave. Dorchestel. BURNHAM, Edwin F. (19; 25), Ch. Engl., Rns.el Co., 50 Stale St. BUSHNELL, Fred N. (91), Man.ger ; Mgr. Di". & Engrg. Stone k Webster, Inc., 4\1 Federlll St.. CALKIKS J.s. Birdsall (20; A 1>I 22), 1>1. E., H. P. Hood &; Sono, 49.1 Rutlllr ford A\e.. Charlestown Sta., Boston. and for mail. 31 Boweloin St., Cambridge. CAMMANN. 0., Jr. (J 22), Engr. Seo, ell Wellington & Co., 110 State St., Bo~tollr and fot mau, 851 Watertown St., V. Newton. CAPUTI Anthony (A M 24), EllgT. Elliott Co., 1 Federal St., Boston lid for ",,,;I \0 St. Salem.. CARGlLl., Walter N. (12), Mgt., Lumsden I< Van Stonc Co., 426 1st St., ll. Bo... ton, INul fol" 7uail, 7 Voodlllnd St., Al lin~ton. GAHLErOl\, Robt. A. (13), Tre..., Carleton Mace Engl!\. Corp., 10 High Sl. C.\RLSON, John R. (19; 24), Sa1eo Engr. J. R. Carlson I< Co", 73 Trcnlont St. (AIlTY. Maurice W. (21), Stone" Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St., Boston. and for mail. Ci J\eul;ington St.. Roxbury. 821 ROSTON (contijrued) CATTERMOLE. Lester G. (17; A-1>I 19). :Manageme)lt Con.ultant, Cooley I< ~Ialvio, 15 Ashburton PI. CAVANAGH, Raymood F. (24). RIll, 811 Marsllallllldg. Boston, and for, 26 Endicott St., Quincy. CHAMBERLAIN, A. B. (11). Asst. Supt. Sta. Engrg. Dept., Constr. Bure"n, Edison Elec. Il1um. Co. of Bo.ton. 39 Boylston St., Boston. and f"r mail, 119 Elm Ave., Wollaston. CHANDLER, HowlIord T. (121 Plant Ens-r., WllIter Baker Co., Ltd., DOlehester, anc1 for, 200 Frank in St., Quincy. CHANDLt;:R, Leonatd D. (18-). Mem. Firm, Rideout Chandler & Joyce, 178 High St. CHAPLIN, 1>1. P. (A-M 18). Ch. Engl., Keyes Fibre Co. Inc., vnlon &; Water St.c;,, Boston, Mass., and fof mail.~ 37 Park St., Bath, j\ie. OIlAPMAN, David A. (08; 12; 18" Marine Fuel & Cha Ulh,g Co., 141 Milk St., Boston. and for ""ii, 130 Beacon St., Chestnut HiJ. CREj,jEY, Nathan (06), M. E., Stone & Web.ter, Inc. 49 FeueIDI St. CHURCHILL, Ch.s. O. (OG), Salesman, Bethlehem Steel Co., 190 Milk St. Boston. and for ",au, 54 Warner St.. Sprlnglleld, CLA~~~c::i!t.L. O. (14). Corp. Flnnnclng, Haven I< Hopkin., Iuc. Rm CLARK, Ezra E. (16). Fire In. Engr. FlIoCtory Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Rm. 510, 81 Milk St., Boston, and for ",..i!. 150 Otis St Newtonville. CLARK. Frank S. (09; 12), Cons. Engl., Stone & Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St. COH~r A, S. (A M 15). M. E. Mgr N. L. C. EngTJ. &; EqUip. Co., 101 Tremont COLBY, Harold L. (26), M. E. Mason Regulator Co Adam. St., Dorohester Center, Boston, and for, 71 Waldeck Rd.. E. Milton. COLE, Fred B. (11), Indus. Engr./ Mem. Firm. Cole & Kimball, 220 Devonshire 8t. COLLI~S, Bertrand ~. T. (91; 01). V. P., Spray.Engrg. Co., 60 High St. COr,LINS. John A. (24}. Secy. Mutnal Boiler In Co., 18. Fr.nklln St. COONLEY, Ho,;"ard (~ 17). Pres., WlIolwortb Mfg. Co., P. O. Box 26. COWDIN. Fred 10 S. <,23), Asst. Yech. Supt. Trimont Mfg. Co., Amory St., Rox. bury, and for mai!, 27 Packard Ave W. Somerville. CROFT. W.lter J. Jr. (J 221. M. E. Boston Envelope Co., 815 Center St., Jamaica PI.lns, Boston. and for mail, 632 La Gnnge St., W. Roxbury. CROGHAN, John T. (09; 14).L. M. E. Stone &; Webster, Inc. 49 Federal St. Bc.ton,.nd for mail, 574 unestnut St.. Wabllon. CmmINGll. Wm. W. (05); Con. Engr., Indu Appliance Co., 126 Blgh St., T~oston. Mass. and for mail, Dartmouth Rd., Hanover, N. H. CUN lhngham. Tho... (99), Hotel Copley Plaza. CUT~~:~ar~~t. A. (96; 04). Pr... Genl. Mgr. Thomsun Elec. Welding Co., 1 DARLINGTON, Philip J: (04), Owner, MAT., Engl., Micrognp;e Co. P. O. Box Boston, and for ""II, 84 Corey Rd.. Brookline.. DARNELL. Jos. R. (A M 21), B. F. Sturtevant Co., and for,,,..ii 37A Green"ood Ave.. Hyde Pk. DAVI~SON. Arcber (A 07), Central StD. Engr. Westinp;house Elee. &; Mfp; Hll!\h St.. Boston, and for mail. 56 Cypress St., Newton Center. DAVIDBON. Kenneth S. M. (J 24). M. E., Cro.b.v Steam Gap;e & Valve Co Roland St., Charle.ton. and for, 1022 Boylston St. Newton Hil:hlaodo Booton DAVIS,.~le.". P. (A M 24),, MacDonald Bros., Boston, and ior mna 25 Harv.rd Rd.. Belmont. DAWES, Herbert N. (02), Pres., Tre. Nightingale & Chl1ds 261 Fr.nklln St DAYS, Stephen ~. (J 27), Tress Wm. J. DllYs & Co., 10 W. 5th St., S. Boston.. nnd or m"\l. 8 Sumner Rd.. Dorchester. DEAN. Francis W. (83), Vice President, 95,97; Cons. EnAT. 261 Franldin IIt. DENLEY, Alfreq N. (20). EnAT. Cb. T. Main. Ino., 201 Devonshlr& St. Boston. and 10 1no.\l. 29 Maxwell Rd., Winchester.. DOV~1~~ie~~,~;. (A-M 17). Ch. Engr., Revere SUKlr Ref., Medford & Richards St., De WOLF, Jobn O. (01), EnAT. & Al ch. 45 Bromfield St. DIAMOND, Sam1. M. (J 25). 37 West St., Hyde Pk. DILL3;:to~0~~ loyl:~~~ ;t~) Supt. Gener~tinp; Dept., Edison Elec. Illum. Co. of DIMMICK. Henry S. (J 23), Sales EnAT. S. K. F. Indl1strie~ Inc., 10 Hio:h st., Bo.ton, and for "Iail. 78 Lincoln Ave., Woll.ston. 12 S21

98 MASS.o\.CHUSEITS ~lemllr;r"1/1" \:XlTF.1l STATF.S BOSIOI\" (continue,\) DOANE. Alfred O. (21). Dh. Ell!;!. )letlupolitan Dist., COllllll. \iate, Dlv.. Boston. and foi mai~.. :n Jenison St.. Newtonville.. DOBBS. Fredk E. (26), Principal. Wentworth Inst., Huntington Ave. &; Ruggles St. DODGE, Newton O. (J 28), Sale, Engr., Oities Servo Ref. 345 Quincy Ave., E. Brnintree, and for,nail. 80 Butler Rd., Quincy.. DOLAN. Fredk J. (J 26). 196 Adams St. Dorchestel. DONALD. Harry W. (24), Dlst. Mgr. EnllTg. Dept. Am. Mutual Liability In,. Co., 142 Berk1ey St.. DONIOK. Frank O. (J 27). Enl{l Heat Treatin9; Equip., Genl. _illoys Co., 405 W. 1st St., S. Boston. and for mail. 34 Amhurst St.. Roslilidale.. DOW. Belli. W. (11; A.M 17). Sr. Engr., Bigelow Kent Willard &: Co 1020 Park Sq. BId/,:.. DOW, Winthrop G. (J Z5). Spec. Sales Engr" Aluminum Co. of Am. ZOO Wash DOWD. inl;ton Jchn St. H. (A-M 14), Sales MI{I. East. Adverti.i~K Co. 209 WasllinKton St., Boston. and for mat!, 20 Crosby Rd" Chestnut Hlll. DOWDING, Leonard E. (A-M 24). M. E. Durable Wire Rope Co., 93 Pearl St. DOWLER. E. A. (J 25). Dl-aftsman. B. F. Sturtevant 00. Inc. an for mail, cia Mrs. R. Harrl,on, 78 Beacon St. Hyde Park. DRYER, W. Poole (25), M. E., Stgne &; Webster, Inc. 4jl Federal St. DUNOAN. Albert G. (09), Dir. V. P., John Pauldi))l\ 1o[eade Co., 60 Kilby St. DUNNELL. Wnl. W., Jr. (J 27). 86 Myrtle St. Du SOSSOIT, O. (A Ill), Mgr. Bo,ton Office, Taylor lnstrune))t 00. of Rochester. :N. Y;, 141 MUk St. EAMES, David D. (21), Dept. Head. Lockwood, Greene II Co" Inc., 24 Federal St., Boston. and for mail, 0 Grand View Rd., Arlington. EA1UiSHAW, Edw. H., Jr. (J ZO), Mgr., Boston Ollice, Am. I.aundry Mchy. Co., 805 Beacon St. EASTMAN. M. W. (h-m 21). Ch. Engr., Lincoln Sta., Boston Elev. R). 00., Commercial &; Battery Sis" Bostoo, and for,nail, 07 Henry. St., Cambridge. EAlON. Geo. C. (J 26); Enl{l Edison Elec. lllum. Co., 39 Boylston St., Bo,ton, and for mail, 8 Gracewood Pk., Cambridl1:e. EDDY. Harrison P., Jr. (27). Par~ner. Metcalf.I: Eddy. Statler Bldg. Boston. and for "",ii, 66 Gray Clill Rd., Newton Centre. EDGAR. Cbas. L. (10). Pres.. Genl. MI;1., Edison I!:lec. lllum. Cc. of Boston, 70 State St. EDW,\R.DS, Arthur (J 23), Draftsman, Stone &;, Inc., ~9 Fedelal St.. and for mail. 416 Marlboro St. EDWARDS, Wm. Wesley (13; A?J 17). Cha"ge Steam Dept., W.nt\Yor~h Inst., HuntinKton Ave., Boston. and for mau, 10 Rtl1:en~ St. W. Newton. EGLESTON, O. J. (16), Genl.?>/gr., Hammon Consltd. Gold Field><, P. O. Box 385, Boston. and for milii, 25 Green St.. Brookline. EICHLER: Walter G. (12; 22), Cons. Engr.. 12 Kil.yth ltd.. Brookline. 47. ELDREDGE, A. H. (94), Cons. Engr. NOI tb Packing.I: Provision lo. P. O. Box ELL. Carl S. (21). V. P., Ncr~heast. Uni\.. Boston 5 cents Saving. BanI, Bldg. ELI.lOTT. Jae. A. (J 19), Pres. Elliott. Davis.I: Co., H Scbool St. ELLIS. Frederic R. (27), Sales Enl:f. Buerkel & Co., 20 Union Pk. St. Bo,ton. and Jor ""ii. 131 Beacon St.. Hyde Park. ENt;LE, Melvin D. (J ZZ). M. & E. E.. Sta. Engl l;. Dept., Edison Elec. llhnn. Co. of Bo,ton. 39 Boyleston St., Boston, and for mail. 77 Terrace Ave., Winthrop. ENGSTROM, Karl E. (A-M 20), Salesman, E. F. Hauserman Co., 10 H1llh St., for mail, 86 Fairfield St.. EVANS. Harrison E. (20). M. E., Malminlt M"-,,,well.I: Moore. Inc., 6 Watson St., Boston. and for ",au. 27 Georlte St., Belmont. EVERITT, l,aac D. (J 13). Pres.. Everitt Co., 261 Franklin St., Boston, and for mail. 84 Browne St.. Brookline.. FAIRBANKS, Frank L. (13). Ch. Enllr.. Quiucy Market Cold Sterll,ll;e & Warebeuse Commercial St.. FARRAR. Ohas. O. (02). Enllrg..I: Inspc. Dept., Empio.yers Liability Assnranee 00l\l.. Ltd. ~O Central St. Boston, and fo, mail. 75 Ssgamore Ave., W. Medford. F...RRELI" Frpdl: r. (18: A , V. P. ~l!jillllakel Santry Co., 100 Arling ton ::It., R08101l. and for mail. 537 C.liIornla St.. Newtonville. 322 BOSTON (continued) FAVORITE. Richard J. (A-M 21), Engr., Stone II Webster Inc 49 Federal St Boston, and for m",u. 11 Newton Rd., Arlinl\ion...,., FEISS, Richard A. (A 13). Rm Federal St. FERRET~I, Alfred J. (17; A M Z4), Asst. P, of. M. E. Northeasteln Unlv 316 HuntinJitton Ave.," FISBER, Edwin E. A. (22), Engr. Risk Classification Dept., J~hn Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co., 197 CISlendon St. FISH:~ela~uS~~ll T. (A-M 28), Tech. Secy., NatI. Assn. of Cotton Mfra., 80 FISKE, Geo. I.. (17), Malnte,!ance Engr., Christian ::leience Publishing Soc. 107 Falmouth St., and for "0<1, 11 Wyoming St. FITCH, Alfred ~. (A 07), Designer. Checker, Walter Baker &:. Co. Ltd. Dorcheste and for ",ail. 116 Mt. Vernon St. W. Roxbun. r, FLAN~ERS, Cha,. Ephraim (20; A-M 26). Servo i!:n~" Antbracite Coal Serv HI MIlk St.. B~.ton. a.nd for?, 130 WaverlY St.. Waverly... FLATfHER,.,Froead ~,A. (92). Treos.. MI:1., Boott Mills, 79 Milk St. Basten and 01" 1114l.w.anSUl S t.. Lowell.,. FLE~f~ER, F. Richmond (A 21). Partner, Scovell. Wellinl;~on &; Co., 110 State FLE!<;,HER. Herbe~t L. (21), En9;r., A. B. See Elec. Elev. Co., 82 l)evonshire St FLlN:tl, Thos. C. (27). Cons. Engr." 329 Old Soutb Bldg. Boston and for ",ai! P. O. Box 80. New Bedford.." ~OGG, Harry H. (A 101 ~1). Deshl;n!n9; Engr.. Boston Ele,. Ry. Co. 439 Albany :>t Boston. and for "0,1. 33 Fairfax St" 1oIedford Hlllside., FOL~~de~o~:.rd H. (12; 21), Enl;l"., :Mech. Djv. sto~e &; Wehster, Inc.. 49 FOLSJlM EUKene L. (1.3). Treas. Genl. Mgl. Beede I1ic. 201 Devonshire St. a". to n, and for :"...1, 101 Wll8hln9;ton Ave.. Waltham. FORBES, D.~na L. (J 25), Engr., Stone &; Wehster, )m,., ~V ~"dprul st Boston and f",. ma". 3 Prescott Rd., Lynn..,. ~O~E1 Robt T. (Zl). N. E: Mgl.. Green ~oel EconODllzel Co Mllk Sc ~OST~s on, an d for Mil. 44,8 Woo,dward St.. Waban.., St.~la:l~n~" Jr..(A M 23).:tl. E. Dlst. Mgr., Powel Spec. Co.. 60 COlll1:ress FOX~htl~~~: MEMBERS IN UNITED ::ITATE! (J 26). Sales EnllT. WOItblngton Pump & Mchy. Corp." 201 Devon FRASER, Thus. r. (271 Mech. Deslltner Stone & W h t I 4, Boston,.."d, 0/0 MI Rathbn~ 7 Linden Av: erma~j~n 9 Federal St.. :,::~,N3/r~~~m~~e(~~.~,~~ll~SI~VnKHfu:10 Devonsbi;e St., Boston, and for FREE~~: {[;:~~ ~ ~}5},;6~uPj ~owe:, ~oston Elev. Rl Co., 536 Harrison Ave. Bos~on, and for ;nail. The F~~wa~" ack,an &: Morel~nd. 31 Bt. James Ave., FRE~~f~~v~~~b:e ~t."m 21), Asst. Salas Mltr. Worthinllton Pump 01< Mcb,y. Oorp., ~~~~~~A~dwAd:ipfOl\~~).,;.r~wSi,ht Mutual Fite IllS Frankliu St. ~AUA~si~~e~tnr-fo~Z;~t-~o~2Z!is~~,~wrl:~~l~~~1~~)~?~~;~a ~~:, :~:"t,~ S~~ GAV;~tl~4~0~~ ~e~ton25jt. A~~~t:~pvr., Edison Lamp Wks., E. Boston, and Jor gfl~ilft~. ~ha;; t (J ~2~). 14 Willou9;hby St.. Somelville. GLEASON Glben Ii (, 2.4). Pl es., Dsmpney Co. of Am., Hyde Park. GLENl:\TlE G ert. (~6, 12), 26 HuntinKton Ave. Corp.: 40e~el~al(~t.,2~~to~S~n:~~,ffo~e~il ~~fl~el" J;abBit y Assuranoe GLOSSA, Aloysiua J (A 19) P;cd Ii: Ed" am.,. Andover.. Boyl,ton St., B~ston. and for ;ai!n~14 W~~~in~~c. ~~umiir Cldo. of Boston, 39 GOLDBMI.TH. Wm. H., JI. (17) Con~ En II., a en. m.ail, 43 Garrison Rd., Brookline. gr., 50 Congress st., Basten, and for ~OO:~I?l~h~~J~n(~~~)Br~k~~e.Pat. Solicitor, 27 School St., Boston, and for GOODBNOtW. JOdbn f M. (~ 23), Pres., Hardware Products C 103 R h as on. an or mat!, Cor. Stetson Rd., Greenbusb. 0., c mond St., 323 1I1ASSACHUSETTS

99 ,11,\.ss,\.cnUSElTS )(b:muers IN UNITED STATES noslon (continue,]) UOVE, Lewis P. (A-M 21), ~1. E., Stone &. Webster, IllC., -19 Fedela! St.!lostOll, and Jor mai!, 43 Emerson St., Wakefield. UUANT, Chas. W. (J 26). 46~ LaGranll:e St.. W. Roxbury. ureene, Obae. E. (20; 23), M. E., Metcalf & Eddy, 1300 Statler Bldll:. ureene. Elliott (21), MI\1., Cochrane Steam Spec. Co., RIll ilk St. GREENWOOD. T. T. (A-M 17). Pat. Atty.. 40 Court St. lluba. Henry A. (J 25), Stoft ElIp;1., Tex, Co Park Sq, Bldg, GUN:~io~.r,::;~ Y~r (;;;6: r2n~tn~~ter C:d~ :Jiln~h:~ie;nc., 201 Devonshire St. HADAWAY. JOhll B. (12), COilS. EnJ1(r. Exper. DePt. United Shoe Mchy. COIp., 20G Lincoln St" Boston, and fot, 120 Elmwood Rd., Swampscott. HAGEN, H. F. (A.M H). MI\1. Research. B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park. HAHN, Clifford A. (A M 20), Geul. Factory Mgr. Heswood Wokefield Co Washln~n St., Boston. and Jor mail, 118 Bellevue Ave.. Melrose. HALE, Roht. S. (94: 97: 99), Supt. Spec. Research Dept. Edison Elec. njum. 00. of Boston. 39 Boylston St., and for mail. 939 Boylston St. HALL, Ualph P. (J 23), V. P.. F. A. -Mazzur Co., Inc., HI Milk St. HALL. Walter A. (11), Engr.. 80 Boylston St. HALLOCK, Fletcher D. (22), Mill. Engrg. Div., Westinghouse Elec. &. Mlp;. Co., 10 HiJ1(h St. HANNABLE, D. Walker (J 26), EnJ1(rl\. Staff, HousiuJ1( 00. of Wa,erly, Boston, and for ",ai!, 44 Charnock St,. Beverly. HARLOW, Archie S. (AM 16), Pub. Accountant. Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Co., 80 Federal St. HARMAN. John J. (06: 09; 12), Research Engr., Walworth Mfl\. Co., P. O. Box HARTFORD. Lioncl 0. (J 17), Devel. Engr" 308 BoylBton St.. BOBton, and for mail. 22 liil"o,e An.. W. Medford. HARTWELL, Hiram B. (J 03), M. E.. ClOsb) Steam Gal\e & Valve Co., Roland St., Charleston. Boston. and for mail. 9 Townsend St.. Waltham. HARyIE. liinl{ A. (20), A..t. to Pres., Dir..Prod. Engrg.. Sherman Corp., 31 Milk st. - HASKEL. Robt. Wm. (J 22), Salea Engr. Sullhon Mchy. Co., 45 Milk St. Boston. MasB.. aud for ",ait, Bolt 2, Rutland. Vt. HATCH, M. C. M. (18), Mch. Tools & R. R. Snpplies, B Irvington St. HA.TFIELD, Harvey C. (A.M 21;), Ch. Engr.. Gillett" Safety Razor Co., 47 W. 1st St.. S. Boston; and for mail. 59 Hen.y St.. Atlantic, HAVEN. Franklin K. (J 24), AsBt. Eugr., H. :U. Haven & A. T. Hopkins, Inc., 11 Beacon St. HAVEN, Harry M. (04), Pres.. H. M. Haven & A. T. Hopkina, Inc., Rm. 1121, 11 Beacon St. HAWES, Jos. E. (13), Jr.?>Lost.,. Boston Schs., Dorcllester High SCh., Dorchester. and for mail 16 Hampstead Rd., Jamaica Plain. HAWKES. John B. (J 27), Editorial Dept., Ginn & Co., 15 Ashburton PI" and for mail, 98 Pinckney St. HAWI,EY. ThoB. (19). Life Member, Pres., Hawley Sch. of Engrg., U6 Huntington Ave. HAYES, Franl, H. (06), Pres., Eayes Pump & Mchy. Co., 9~ Pearl St. HAYES. J. Howard (08: A M 18), V. P., Sales Engr.! Hayes Pump & Mcby. Co., - 94 Pearl St. Boston, and for mai!, 27 Ashland: St., Arlington Heights. HAYES, Lawrence W. (A-M 17), Mem. Firm. Hayes Pump -& Melly. Co., 94 Pearl St., Boston, and for mai!, 13 Willow An., Somerville. HAYS. John C. (13) Engrg. Reports. Stano & Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St. HAZARD, Schuyler, jr. (J 24), Refrlg. Engr. Waltham System, Box 58, Waverley. and for mail, 240 Aspinwall Ave. HERRICK, Daniel A. (15; 19; 24), Factory Mgr., Julian d F...te Co., 26 Canal St., Boston, and for mail, 27 Agassiz St. Cambridge. HETU, John J. (J 24), Spec. Agt., Hartford Steam Boiler lns. & Inspc. Co" 4 Liherty Sq. - mbbard, Thos, (89), Pres., Geo. Lawley & Son Corp. Neponsit, and for mal,, 33 Crawford St., Roxbury. HICKS, Carlton S. (J 27), Draftsman, Stone & WebBter, Inc., 14 Oliver St. Boston, and for mail, 8 ChBrnwood Rd. W. Somerville.. lllrscfiberg, Obas. A. (A 17), Genl. Sales Mgr., Gilman Mfg. Co 125 Prescott St., E. Boston, nonnl:. Franklin W. (1n, Tres., Arlington Mill 78 CllDlIncey St, ~24 nos!on (continued) liog,\n, 38 Chsuncy PatrickSt. H. (04 14), New E " Dearborn Chenl. Cu., Hm, 908, ROGE. Wallace W. (J 26) Student Har d S h B. loch A-31. Soldiers Field Sta. va. c. usm... Administration, McCul HOLDEN, Carl M. (J 24) M E B il 10.[ for moil, H Putnam Sf Q~incy a ey eter Co., 141 Milk St., Boston and HOUmS V. Frank (21) p" & Tr P HOPKINS, Arthur T (i2) retreas e::ri owe[i Equ.p. Co., 181 State St, Beacon St.., 0. ner. aven & Hopkins, Inc., Rm. 1121, 11 HOPKINS. Fronk H ("0) MEA S h ff HORSNEt., BJoston. anei f;; mail; 19"So:::;1se~ ~~ ~v~c~s~~;nbelg Corp. 220 Camde", as. A. (J 26) carl Stoher 1 iidr - ~ortlett St., Malden: nc.. y earl" Boston. and Jar m<til, ~9 HORNER. Wayne M (J 24) S I E HORTON, Wm. G. (018 A-M 2~)esEn~~ gouid\fj!mps,i"c. 177 Hi~h St.- flos~f.0~i~~~~ ~:62)Boto~: a~~itg~ ~lai1~pil~ F~~~rSt.;e~:.~I~:I;ige.o. of Boston, ROUGHTON, Wm. li:. (J 25) Instr Ha ec d ~~m. Co, or Boston, 3D Boylston St Rd., Chestnut Hill. rvar rg. Sch., and for mail, 152 Snffolk HOUSTON. Albert J. R (J 21) Hd D" HOY ol St., and Jor ".~il, 44 TI;. fe,;wa;blgner. Stone.s: Webstcr. Inc. 49 Fed, Reginald H. (A M 26), Prod. Mr W 1. JBoAr mail, 106 Florence St. Roslindole g., ne css Spec. Alp. Co. Boston, ant] HUB RD, Allen (10) Cons EM,: 210 South St.. ngr., em. Firm, Holl.s. French & Allen Hubba"d HUBBARD. Allen Jr. (!l. M 27) E F HUBBY, Paul E. (J 27) As t Engr., rench & Hubbard, 210 South St. tiurg~g#or~~i: (~o,~f)~i~gifi ma~:r~2~s;;rr~~c~[~ Nr~~I~~n~ire Ins. Co., 184 ldei,l, P. C. (01; 09), Dist. S::r.;;J:;to~e~onlbUStlo!,Co., nul. 001,250 StllRrt St llsley. Jobu P. (03; 07) N. E. M r O c~c.&, W.I.cox Co., 80 Fedelol St.. INGfzstSon... and for,, Columbine Rd~, Mil~~~~ Ploceos Co., 77 Summer St.. L, ~. D. B. (09), Etg-. & Sales En C JACl~30~nHnnd for 1nj1il, 1 Hopkins St., Refeiing: A. Dunham Co., 186 Federal St., JACOBS enrj D. (12), COilS, Engr 698 BellC St I. Carlton D. (~i), 1"ltns., D~~id H.,Tn~~bs.~ ~ewton?(!i~~l"e\ Boston, and for mad,. 675 Ch~stnut St, \\r b & Son, Inc.. I. ~lijmul:r f::f., JENKINSON, OhaB. V. (J 20) II 1 a an. JE~~GSSt..EBdoston, and for 7Il~il, e~;6 ~l~~~~yhi. \~~OII~i,~ I Wl l)~tel. 11:(., ~!I Fl;:d, w. M (J 01) Pres Sal M J" ",. IIX "I". JERAULD, Wm. E. (15) Wks M" eb gr,. arvis Eng, g Eller St JEWETr. Francis B. (A-M 25) ~t ~~~In~ ~x\veli & ]rioor", inc., <; W~tso; St JO~SdOfor mail, 88 Oak b. Hyde pal!t, ea arine DBpt., B. F. Sturtevant Co.; N, Jos. Warren (J 18) Thomas J J h for mail, 58 The Fenway.. 0 nson & Co., 896 Washington St. and JONES. Malcolm S. (J 19), Tre.. Perlect Oil r d JUTand for.,,!ail, 53 Brington Rd:: Brookline. 10 ucts Co., 7 Water St., Boston. HE, KrlStlDn A. (14) Pres. Genl. Mgr Am M Boston, and for mail 261 Homer St. N" t c etl. Co,p., 17 Von Iiillcm St KATTELLE, Laurence W: (A-}! 25) D ftew on en rc. " Bo~ton. and Jor?l.ail, 15 Benninitoo::aSts"N n, ~Valworth MIg. Co., 88 Pearl St. KAVEl, Moses B. (91), V. P., Cons. Engl., &~ ~~". KED~t.s~3stonF a~d Jor ",ail, 10 Germain St., ~o.~e~t~~e Mchy. Co., 205 Lincoln, ~B. (16), Indus. Power & Steam p. bl. I,ELtfy";k 1200 Fra~klin St., Melrose Higblan~~. cnl. 12 Pearl St. Boston. ancl OB. U. (J 22) Rd Supvr Paramo t 01 KELfo~nAanlfriifor "!il/ 25 S~IIlDler St., Beac~~ont~ Products Co., 8 Beacon 8t,. ed S. (06), Cons Engr 6 1I th S KENDALL. Henry P. (14) ME1>UIEB8 IN UNITED STATES Ple. Kenci~ll M ir I orne. t., Wave, le). KENERSON, JOB. E. (24). su Pt., Trimoni sm/ c. 80 F~~erol St. Boston, and lor mail, 15 Linwood St ClIfto cf.i.i Co.. 00.~Il101." St., IlOXUU1\ KENNEDY. Wm. J. (16). M. E Edison"EI r e.., KENT. Robt. Willard (17 19" 24) V ~c. ~!u~. Co. of Boston, 30 Boylston St KEOif20 PorT, Sq. Bldg.,,.., 1ge ow, I,"nt, Will"d I.: Co., Inc.; " Gll, Wm. T. (00), Life Member; Cons. Engr. 90 HaBtings St. 32~ IllASS,\.CHllSElU!,S

100 ~IASS_40.CHUSETTS MEMBERS IN UNITED lltat.:~ ~(ASS,\.CHUSE I"I~ BOSTON (eolltinu"d) KERR, Chao. P. (J 16), Office Mgr., Jackson &: MOIellonu, lark Sq. Bldlf. BasIon, and for mail, 28 BalCllnes Rd., W. Newton. IilLBOUaNE, Hubert G. (25), Cons. Engr. 107 Kilsyth nd.. BI ookjine. K1RMES Edwin W.!A M 18), Engr., Vaiwortb EnlfU.h F1ett Co., 100 Pea"l St., Basion, and for,,,,,it, 29 Oakland St. Melrose. KITSON A. Ernest (J 23), Draftsman, Commonwealth of ~Iass" State House, Boston, and for mail. 14 CUrve St., Lexington. l\lotz. Harry J. (13 A.-M ZO). Engr., Sta. Bcttellllent Div., Stone &: Webster. Inc., 49 Federal St.. IOiEELAND, Ralph P. (A M 19), M. M., U. S. Na,,) Yard, Boston, and for "ad, 2() Pilgrim Rd., Melrose. KNIGHr, Fredk D. (17), Asst. Supt., Genelating Dept" J,dison Elec. llludl. Co. of Boston, 59 Boylston St... KNOX, S. L. G. (92; 01), Cons. Engr., 295 Bencon St. KUNHARDT, L. Henry (05), V. P., Engr., Boston Mfr. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 185 Franklhl St., Boston, and for mo,i!, 503 Franklin St. Melrose Highlands.. [,AOOU]lT, Henry 0. (07), COliS. Engl., Inspec. Dept" Assoc. Factory Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 184 High St.. I,A CROSSE. Emmart (21), M. E., Stone &; Webstel, Inc., 49 Federal St., Jleston. and fa" mail, 1840 Beacon St., Waban. LANGEWALD, A. A., Jr. (26), Cons. Engr., 86 Essex St. LANNON, Jas. J. (19). Treas., Mgr., Grant Gear Wks., 1uc" 151 Pearl St. LAST, Ja (27), Cons. Engr., 69 Summit An., BI ookllne. LAWTON. M. A. (93), Treas., A. J. Morse &: Son. Inc., 221 Hlgb St. LEACH Ralph W. E. (15), Dist. Mgr., Am. Engrg. 00., 208 South St., Boston, "nd far,,ai!, 52 Fletcher St., Winchester. LEATHERS, Harrln. (16), 80 Federal St. LeOLEAR, Gilford (21), Partner, Densmore I,eOlenr... ltobuins, 31 St, Jame.11, [,EE, Hung F. (J 26), Dra!tsman, Stone.&: Webstcr, Inc., 49 Federal St.. ll\d for mai!, 42 St, Stephens St. LEONARD, Merton S. (12). Ch. Engr., B. ~. SturteVllllt Co., and fat mail, 20 ~.w Bedford St., Hyde Pk.. LIBBY. Malcolm (02; 05; 00), Power Plaut Engl g., 9 Hill Oircle. LIFNER, Eric J. (21), Sales Engl"., VOI thington Pump &: Mchy. Ocrp., 201 DeVOll shire St., Boston, anu f<>r,nail, 60 D"ew Rd., Belmont. [,INliER, John I. (21; A M 25), Meah. Designer, Checker, Stone & Webster, Inc.. 49 Federal St" Boston, and for mail, 04 Beecllwood Rd., E. Braintree. LONG, Jos, W. (J 21), Lieut. U. S. N., U. S. N."y Yd. [,oomer, Percy H. (J 27), Draftsman, Stone & Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St., Boston, and for mai!, 2 Park Rd., Belmont. I,oWENSTAM, Benj. G. (A-M 21), M. E.~ Edw. O. Browu... Co., 2~0 Devonshire St., Boston, and for mail, 1 Howland "t., Roxbury. LUNDQUIST, Wilhelm E. (16), Ch. Draltsman Steam &. mec. Di"., Edison Rlec; lljum Boston, 39 Boylston St. LUTHER, Benj. S. (A M 21), E. J~., Stone &: Webster, Inc.. 49 Fedoral St. LYNCH, Jobn E., Jr. (A-M 21), :Mecb, Desll\ller, Stone &. Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St. LYNOH, Timothy J. (A 2~), Mgr., Allis-Chalmers Mig. Co., 60 Congress St., Boston, and for mail, S Ashmont St., Porchester. LYNCH, Wm. (A M 26). Mech. Supt., Alden Pk. Mauor, Inc" Brooldine, alld for mai!, 12 Leniston St., Roslindale. LYON Mansfield A. (J 22), Oonsltd. Ashcrolt lianeock Co., Inc., 6 Watson St. MacARTHUR, W. O. (22; A 25), V. P., Dir., Natl. Fire\vork~ Distributing Co., 64 Sudbury St., Boston, and for mail, 16 Claremont St., Bramtree. MACDONALD, J. W. Fl...nklin (16), M. E. ~arks-cramer Co., 294 Washington St., Boston, and for mail, 119 Brool," St., Bnghton. MAGLATHLIN, Sydney A. (A-M 21), Sup"g. Engr., Bostoll Engrg. Dept., Ocean Accident &: Guarantee Corp., Ltd., 40 Broad st. lj:ahar, Jas. J. (23), Sohoolhouse Commr., City 01 Ba.,tou, Rm City Hall Annex, Boston, and for mail, 68 L St., S. Bostoll. MAIN Ohas. R. (18). Treas., Chas. T. Main, IIlC" 201 Devonshire St. MAIN: Ohas. T. (86), Life Member; Mallager 14-17; President 18; PreB., Chus, T. Malll, Inc., 201 Devonshire St. MAIN, Herbert F. (,T 23), Designer, Sto!e &. Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St., Boslon, and for mail, 71 Western ""e., Bralntrec I0SPON (continued). }IALLORY,.Burton O. (J 23), Mech. Diy., Stone"" Webst"I Inc. l~ ~-ed~rnl St. anu for 71U!, 27 Alldllbon Rd. " }f..ln~~~:o:ld, Wm. H. (J 25), Engr., Equip. Di"., Am. Onn Co., Midway &: Binford MARSH, Arthur B. (A M 2~), Pat. Atty., Wright, Brown, QUinby &; May, 53 State St., Boston, and for ma,!, 8 Sherman Rd. Melrose.. MAYER, L~o (A M "16), Pres., Henry 0010 Co., 54 Old Colony Ave. Boston and for ma1.l.., 8 Grant Ave. Newton Oenter. I t UCQULLOCH A. P. (21), Pree., Genl. MgI"., McOulloeh lllg. Co., 200 Old Colony Ave., S. Boston..IICO~~~IF:;n:-:o~t,Ms~~) Steam Engr., Ser". Dept., Westinlfhonse Elec. &: Mlk. :lickeolinle, Alex. B. (A M 18), Salee Mgr., Engl., Menill Procesa Dept. Parks. Crumer 00., 1101 Old South Bldg. }rckinty. Jas. (A-M 24), Indus. Engr., Thompson &: Lichtncr Co 80 ~ederal SI Boston, Mass., and fat,nail, 8968 Grenot St. Pittsburgh Pa.,., }(clauthlln, Martin 11. (09), Pres., Tress., deo. T. MeI,anthiln 00., 120 Fulloll St., Boston, and fat onai!, 65 Rockland A"e., Malden. }fersel, Otto O. F. (12: 26), :r"eas., Engl"., Meisel Pro.. Mfg. Co 944 Dorche. tel Ave., Boston, and for ona,!, Fairfnx &. Hincl,ley Rds llillon :MELNICK, Sam!. (J 26), Mech. Draftsman, DenslllOle Leb1ear &. Robbins 31 St James Ave., Boston, and fo/ mai!, 35 Courtlanu Rd Mnttapan. M:BR~"!fJ;u::agt A. (A 02), Mlfr., Merrlll Co., 98 Graniie"St., Boston, and for ",an:!, }[l])w;;~~~~ Percy H. (94; 01), Engr., V. P., Orandall Enll. 00., 102 Boreler St., E. :MIRIOK, Geo. L. (22),. Mem. ~il~n, Fay, Spofford &: Thorndike, 44 School St. ~oston, and fa" manl, 58 Gramte St., Rockport. :liitchell, Nathaniel MeD. (21), M. Eo, Bani.. Textile Servo 101 }Ink St. Boston, Mass" and far 7lIld, 25 Googin St. Lewiston Me, }IONKS, Archibald.G. (A 08), Partner, Monks &;Johnson, 99 Cbaunc~ St. J,100~, Oarl F. ( 17), V. P., Cons. Enllr., U. S. Smelting, Ret. &: }rin. Co., 1 St.,te MOO~~O~~: ~9~26), Engr., Stone &: Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St., and for l114il, MO~6~ F. HUlfh (A-M 19), Ch. Engr., Walworth Mfg. 00., B8 Pearl St., MOREHOUSE, John A. (A.M 21), Genl. Mllr., Engle Oil &: Supply Co 45 India St ~foorreglaanndw Edw. L. ~21), Partner, ltgr., Jackson &: Moreland. 31 St. James Ave:.u,m. F. (A V6), Tudor, Bencon &; Joy Sts. MORSS, Everett (14)k Pres.. Simplex Wire &: Cable Co 201 De,-onshire St }[ORBS, Henry A. (1~), Treas., Simplex Wire &: Oable Co., ZOl De"onshire St. :lios~,~ Chas. D. (19), B. F. Sturtevant Co., and for mail, 14 Austin St., Hyde )rosman, Chas. T.,(09), Dist. Engr., Genl. Elec. Co., 84 State St. }rourot~~~t~1 SSt.( 20; A M 21),.~ast. Secy., Tre... Nat!. FIle Protection A.s"., }!OULTROP, Irving E.,C02), ~Ianager, 08-11; Vice President, 12 14; Cil. El)gr., Constr. Bureau, Eel.,"on Elec. IlIum. Co. of Boston, 39 Bovlston St, )[OWRY. Chas. Wm. (26).,lost. Mgr., InBpc. Dept.. Factory Mutual l!!1o Ins Co 184 High St., poston,.and Jar mail, 43 Grant Rd., Swampscott..., :MOYER, Jas. A.,( 07), Dlr. State Dept., Univ. Extension, House. }lu~~d~::i It: (20), M. E., Cont~!!.l Sta. Design. Stone & Webster. Inc., 49 ){ULfLER, I!!Ob~9.A. (,I 24), Engl., 9. L. Steyens Co., 1 Fedelal St. Boston aud. or ma.t... FllJ:!ladc Ave" Springfield. " }[{;l<-noe,. Edw. L. (28), Oh. E.ngr., Power Plant, Boston Eveninlf Tr",sclipt 824 Yasillngton St., "and for mail, 38 Bat.a.via. St. ~V,;ON, Ira I. (27)" Genl. Mgr., Stock Hester Co., 250 Stuart at. ~ELSON, J,ohn G. (J ~6), Engrg. Dept., Beacon Oil Co., E"erett. ~EWCOMB, R~ymond ( 20: A M 24~, N. E. ],!gi., Kewanee Boller Co. Illc. 80 Boylston St., Boston, and jor matb 16 Walnut St Newton"llJe :;IOHOLS, Melville T. (15), 851 Lawrence Rd Medford. XORR)TS Co~lfre<! G. (10; 24), Dist. Mgr., Indu~. Dlv., Timkon ~oner Bearine; (0 I O7 mmonwealth Avea. 327

101 ~mmbers IX Ul\l!IW 81A1I:>; BOSTON (contijlned) NORRIS, Almon E. (00), Oh. Engr., Mordson Mfg. Co., Pre.eott I< Orlean. St., E. Boston, and fo, liail, 47 Gibbs St., Brooklin., horris, Edw. W. (12: 21). Engr., Div., Stone I< W.bst.r. Inc., 49 Fed NORTok~t:Kenrick M. (A-M 21). Asst. M. E. Stone &: Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St. Boston. and for mau. 15 ~ufts St., Malden. OAKES. Wm. H. (16). Pres., Bu.rkel &: Co., Inc., 22 Union Park St. Or,SON, Martin I,. (14; 19), Instr. Drawing. Hyde pk. High Sch.,..nd for ma!i. 81 W t St., Hyde Pk. OREGAN, Wm. F. (A.M 22), Ellgr., Bo.ton Insulated Wire & Cable Co., 66 Bay St., and for ma.!, 6 Codman Hill Ave., Dorchester. OSBORNE, Maurice M. (20). Propr. Osborne I< Co., 755 Boylston St. PAINE, Sidney e. (26), Pres. Textile Devel. Co., 80 Federal St., Boston. PARKER, Geo. C. (18; A-M 26), Designing En~r., Crosby Stoem Gage & Valve, Co.. 10 Roland St" Charlestown, and for ma,l, 118 Harvard St., Boston. PARROCK. H. P. (11), Engr., 131 State st., Bo.ton, and for m"i!, 147 Longwood Ave., Brookline. PATSCHEIDER, Welter A. (26), Wk. Engr., Wahrorth Co., S. Boston, and for m"il, 186 Auburn St., Auburndale.,PAUl" Chas. Van S. (A 26), Fdy. Mgr., R. Estabrooka Sona, and for mail, 722 Commonwealth Ave. PEARSON, Alb.rt L. (11), Cons. Engr., 12 Pead St. PERKINS, Cl..rence W. (J 27), Indus. Engr., Morin Cherrington & Assoc., 186 Devoll.hire St., Boston, and for mail, 17 Winthrop St., Everett. PERKINS, Geo. H. (07; 17). Cona. Engr. 200 Devonshire St. PERRY, Stewart S. (J 27). Salea Engr., Worthington Pump II Mchy. C01 p., 201 D.vonshlre St. PERRY, Thos. D. (11; 25), Dir., Woodworking Div., Bigelow Rellt Wll\ald &: Co. Inc., 1020 Park Sq. Bldg. PETTIBONE, C. E. (20), V. P., &: Mgr. Eng. Dept., Am. Mntual Liability Illa. Co., H2 Berk.ley St. PETTINGELL, John M. (J 22), New England Mgr., Midwest Air FlIters IllC., Ste.l & Suppl~ Co., 201 Devonsbire St., Boston, and for mai!, 3~ Chester Rd., Belmont. PICKARD, Greenlea! W. (19), Cons. Engr., Wir.less Sp.e. Apparalus Co., j6 Atherton St., Jamalcll Plalll, Boston. and for mail, 59 Dalton Rd., Newton C.nter. PLATTS, C. Arthur (A M 15)., Kelly Springfield Truck &: Bn, Co., 620 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, and lor mait, 399 Salem St., liedforcl. POOL, Cllifard B. (J 23). T.lephone Engr. N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., 50 Oliver St., Boston, and for,nai!, 47 Sheffield Rd., Roslindale. POPE, Jos. (15; 23), Cons. Engr., Stone & W.bste,. Inc., 40 Fedelnl St. POWELL, E. B. (04; 12), Cons. Engr., Stone & Webster, Inc., 49 Fed.ral St. PRESBY, Lero~ Q. (20), Supt. Meh. Shop., Am. Stay Co., 290 Marginal St., aud for mai!, 50 Trenton st., Melrose. QUICK. Rny L. (11; A M 18). Inspr. Panama Canal, 821 E. Broadway, S. Bo,ton. RALTON, Francis A. (22; 23), Mech. Designer, Stone & Webster Inc., 40 Federal St., Boston, and for m"il, 0 Argyl. St.. Sh..w.h n VllIage, Andov.r. RAYMOND, Fairfield E. (21; A-M 26), Wks. Mgr., Crosby Steam Gage os! Valve Co., 10 Roland St., Charlestown, and for mail, 82 Sh.pard St., Cnmbridge. REDDEN, Clalenee A. (J 27), Engr., Holling,worth Whitney Co., 100 }[i\k St. REED, Alonzo B. (21; 28). Cons. Engr., 88 Broad St. REED, Melbourne O. (18 A M 22), Cons. Engr., Bigelow, K.nt Willard & Co., 1020 Park Sq. Bldg. neid, Jas. H. (J 24), Llraftsroan, B. F. Sturtevamt Co. alld for mai!, 89 Davison St., H~de Park. REUTER, Pete, T. (J 21), Mgr., Bailey M.ter Co., 141 Milk St. REYNOLDS, FIank W. (12), Prea., Lockwood, Gr ne &; Co., Inc., 2 1 Federal St. REYNOLDS, Lewis 1>l. (J 21), Designer, Stone &: Webst.r, Inc., 49 F.d eral St., Boston. and for mail, Eaton Rd., Lexington. RICE, Fredk E. (A 24), 45 Wa.hington St., N. RICHARD, I. T. (J 25), Steam Fitt.r, Felton-Tumer Htg. Contrs., 44 Warren St., and fo/ mail, SUite 10, 37 Kempton St., Roxbury. RICHARDSON, Clifford T. (A-}[ 14), Asst. Mgr., COllatr. & Engrg. Dept., Swift k Co.. 60 N. ~lark.t" St., Boston, and for mai/., 6 Bigelow St.; Somervill ,..,:,.~ BOSTON (continued) RICHARDSON. Edw, B. (10), PlIrtner, Richardson & Gay, 220 Devonshir. St. RIDER, A. L. (19; 26), Dist. Mgr., Elliott Co. Rrn. 602, 1 Federal St.. ROBBINS. DO)lald G. (20), Engr. Eng. Dept., Hornblow.r I< W.ek., 60 ROB~~TS, MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MASSA-CRUSEJTS Deering S. (A-M 20), Partner, Cooley & Marvin Co., 15 A.hburton PI. ROBINSON, O. Stanler. (J 24), Dlv. Stone I< Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St. ROGERS, Chaa. O. (16), V. P., Cll. Engr. ChBs. J. Jager Co Cuatom House St. Boston, and for mail, 31 Clive St. Atlantic. ROLLAND, Geo. A. (A M 21), M. E., Lockwood Gr ne & Co., Inc., 24 F.deral St. ROWE, H..rtl.y (16). V. P., Oh. Engr., United Fruit Co., 1 Federal St. RUSSELL, Edgar S. (J 21). Valuation Engr., J~ckson &: Moreland, 81 St. Jam Ave., Boston,..nd for mail, 1210 Warren Ave., Campello. RUSSELL, Walt.r B. (0.6; 09), Dir. Franklin Union, 41 Berkel.~ St. Boston, and for,, 58 Arborway, Jamaica Plain. SAMPSON, Jaa. (J 26). 110 Humboldt Ave., Roxbury. SARGEliT, Wm. P. (J 23), Ston. & Webster Inc., 49 Federal St. SCANLON. E. J. (1&), Ch, Inapr. lrid. Casualty Co. of Baltimore, Md 40 Broad St. SCHEIBEL, Albert H. (A M 19), D.signing Engr., Stone & Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St., Boston, and for mail, 92 Milton Ave., Hyde Pk. SCHWEIER, Arthur (18; 22). Ellgr., liyd. Div., Stone & Webster, Inc., 49 F.deral St. SEABURY, Geo. E. (16), Supt. StBo. Eng. Dept. Edison Elec. lllum. Co. of BoStol\!. 80 Boylston St., Boston, and for mail., 19 Park Lane, Jamaica Plain. SIlCKENDvRFF, E. W. (A M 22), Engr., Power Div Stone & W.bster Inc.,. 49 F.deral St. SEWELL, Hemy R. (A 1>I 18), Dept. Mgr., B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Parle. SIL\W, M. Mauric. (16; 22), Tech. Mgr., Vacuum Oil Co Stuart St. SHEA, Daniel J. (19; A M 2~). M. E., Cha. T. Main, Inc., 201 Devonshire ~t., Boston, and for mai!, 49 Wo~ceater St. Newton Upper F..lIa. SHEQUINE, Earl R. (J 23), Salea Engr., Hoyt Equip. Co Summ.r St., Boston, and for, 2 Kingsley rerrace. Lynn. SIBLEY, Edw. W. (18; 21), M. E., United Fruit Co., 1 F.deral St., Bostoll, and for mail, 15 Jason Terrae., Arlington.. SILVERMAN, Mortimer (27), Asst. to Pres., Boston & 101 R. R. N. Sta.. Boaton. and for mail, 54 Egmout St., Brookline. SIMPSON. Fredk C. (19; 21), Mgr., New Eng. 01llce, G.o. Allen & &Ons, 131 State St., Boston, and for mail, 26 Warn.r at. w. Som.rville. SlrIITH, Elmer (18), Turbiu. Sal.. Eugr., Genl. Eleo. Co., 8~ State St., and for mail, 70 Pinckney St. SMITH, J. E. Maynard (A M 22), Erecting Engr. Genl. Elee. Co., 84 St~te St., Boston and for mail, 69 Washington St., E. Milton. SMITH, Joim Rowan (J 27), Sal & Servo Engr. Bailey Metar Co., 141 MUk St. SMITH, Theo. Alfred (J 23), Drllftsman, Babcock I< Davis Oorp., 474 Dorchest.r Ave., S. Boston, and for mail, 226A Washington St. Malden. SNOW, Denj. H. (2li), Sal.s Engr., Bernltz Furnnce APpliance Co. 80 F.deral St., Boston, and for mail, 839 Upham St. M.lros.. SNOW. Wm. G. (05), Mgr. Middlesex Products Co., 38 Ohauncey St. SOZIO, Alb.rt (J 27), Engl g. Aast. Pub. Wks. Dept., 408 State Hona., Boston, and for mail, 10~ Falcon St., E. Bo.ton. SPIDLE, Jos. Wm. (J 24), Aeat. Steam Engr., R.vere Sugar Ref., Charlestown, and for mail, 64 Oxford St., Arlington. SPOFFORD, Hany H. R. (16; 22), New England Council, Statl.r Bldg. STARBUCK, Geo. F. (01; 23), Engl., Draltsman, Boaton & M. R. R., Rm. 811, No. Union Sta., Bo.ton, and for mail, 141 W.ston St., Waltham. STARKE, Wm. W. (J 27), Draftsman, Stone I< Webster Inc., 49 Federal St., Boston, and for mail, 1590 Massnelmaetta Ave. Cambridge. STA~~WEATHER, Wm. G. (97), Pr. Starkweather & Bro&dhurst, 79 Milk STEAD, Frank A. (A M 24), Indu. Engr., C. L. Steven. Co., 1 Fed.ral St., Boston, and for mail, 174 Fort Pleasant Ave., Springfield. STEARNS, Fredk A. (20; A-M 24), Asst. Prof. M. E., North.astern Unlv 316 Huntington Aye., Boston. and for mail, 208 Grov. St., Melroae. STEINBACH, Edw. S. (21; 22), 11 W.lnut St., Beacon Hill. 829

102 ~IASSAOHUSETTS ME~lBEBS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATER MASSAOHUSETTS BOSTON (continued) STETSON, Geo. W. (A 18), Prop., Stets Co., 141 Milk St. STEVENS, Sidney (10), 511 Atlantlo Natl. Bank Bldg. STODDARD, Clifford J. (15), Supt. Engrg. & Inspc. Vept., Employers Liability Assn. Corp" Ltd., 110 Milk St. STORROW, Joo. J. Jr. (21; A hi 25), T,ustee, 80 Federal St., alld for ",ail, 5 STR8~K~ei\:~~lt(18; 24), Engr., Steam Power Plants, Stone &: Webster Inc., 49 Federal St. SULLIVAN, Edw. L. (JI..hI 20), Combustion Engr., Chas. H. Tenney & Co., 200 Devonshire St., Boston, and lor mcdt, th St., S. Boston.. SUTTON, H. 11. (19; 22), Pres., Genl. Mgr., H. hi. Sutton Engrs., and tor mail, 81 Westbourne Rd., Newton Center. SZEPESI, Eugene (IS), Soepesi Indus. Organlzstion, Engrs. & Economists, 673 Boylston St. TABER, Geo. A. (22), Cons. Engr., 73 Cornhill. faylor, Edw. C. (J 23), Riley Stoker Corp., Rm. i05, 155 Devonshirc SI. faylor. Paul H. (16; A-M 20), V. 1., Ma""n & Hamlin Co., 560 Harrison Ave. TENNEY, _~lberl B. (96; 04), pub. Utilit) Exec., Chas. H. Tenney & Co., 200 Devonshi1.-e St.. THANISCH, Rudolph J. (14), Asst. Engr., Cit"v of Boston, 602 {Jity Hall Annex. fhee, Walter C. (IS; A.l 24), Capt. Q. M. C., Corps Area Hdqrs" Army Bas.. THOMPSON, Alberl W. (00; 07), Engr., Mgr., Parks-Cramer Co., 1102 Old South Bldg. THOMPSON R..lph E. (A-hI 14), V. P., Gillette Safety Razor Co., 15 West St., Boston and tor mail, 425 Warren St., Brookline. THOJ,IPSON Sanford E. (09), Pres., Thompson &: Lichtner Co., SO Federal St. TILSON H~ward (15; A-hI 23), Engr" O. L. Stevens Co., 1 ~ederal, BOStoll, and for ",ail, 32 Warner St., Springneld. ri:l<kham, A. Stuart (J 24), Engr., Ullit.Steel Oo1?" 260 Tremont St., Boston, and tor 7!Ulil, 27 Wachusett Ave., Arhngton HeIghts. fownsend, Geo. R. (16). Cons. M. E., N. Y. New HlIvell & Hart!ord R. R. Co" Rm. ii7, S. SIll.. Bostoll, and for mail, 88 Everett Ave., Wmchester. UHL. Wm. F. (12), H) d. Engr., Chas. T. Main, Illc. 201 Devonshire St. van DONGEN, D. J. W. (27), M. E., Stone & Webster Inc., 4U Federal 51.,. BoStOIl, and for ",all, 1306 hiassachuoetts Ave., Cambridge.. VAN STONE, Chas. (14). V. 1., Lamsden & Van Stone Co., 426 1st St., Boston, and fe. mail, 46 West St., Reading. VAUGHAN, John F. (17), Mem. Firm, Vaug1,an Engr., H Scbool St. von VITTINGHOFF. Hans (116), Gas Engr. Stone & Webster Inc., 49 Federal SI. WALWORTH. Arthur C., Jr. (21), Pres., Walworth-EnglIsh-Flett Co., 100 Pearl St. WANDEL Carleton (14; A-M 18), M. E. Stolle & Webster Inc., 49 Federal St Bostoll Msss., and tor,nail, 27 Newlett COUlt, Babylon, N. Y. WARD" E Fracl. (A M 2-7), Supt., Gillett. Safety Razor Co., 15 W. 1st St. WARbiBOLn, H. E. (A-M 21), Stone &; Webster Inc., 49 Federal St" Boston, and for mail, 14 Vllarle. St., E. Weymouth. WARREN Ralph L. (17), V. 1.. Genl. Mgr., Warren Bros. Co., P. O. Box WARRINGTON Kennetll R. (J 26), Boiler Setting Designer, Stone &; Webster Inc., 40 FederalSt., Boston. and for 7!Ulil, 11 Tucker St., Malden WATERbL~Nt John H. (20), Engr. Ohas. T. Main, Inc., 201 Devonshire St. WEBER, RUClol! L. (~O), Engr. Div. of Oon,tr &; Engrg., Stone & Webster, Inc" WELi? ~~re:fo~\13), Tre... Gen1. Mgr., Geo. A. Weld & Co., 80 Federal St" B~ston, and for mail, 48 Winthrop St., Winchester. WELLINGTON C. Oliver (A 21), Partner, Scovell, Wellingtoll & Co. 110 State St WHEELOCK Louis N. (25). Pres. Wheelock Dean & Bogue, Inc. 141 Mill< St. WHIPPLE, Geo. F. (A 17), Compiler, Publi,her, Whipples Tech. Libraries, Allston wm~~ Harold Eaton (A-M 25), Engr., Mech. Div., Stone & Webster, Ino., 19 Federal St., Boston, and for mail, 42 Vine St., Reading. WHITEHOUSE Phlllp A. (J 27). Draftsman, Stone & Webster. Inc., 49 Federal St.. Boston, a~d tor moil, 1778 Beacon St., Brookline. WHITING, Chas. W. (85; 95), Cons. Engr., 1060 Park Sq. Bldg. WHITING Llovd A. (J 24), Edson Mfg. Corp., 375 Broadway, Boston, Mass., and, i7 Forest St., Torrington, Oonn. 830 BosrON (continued) WHITNEY, E. H. (A-M IS), Sales Engr. Kelvinator Ino., 749 Boylston St., Boston, and for 7!Ulil 10 Sanborn Ave., Sonlerville. WHITNEY, H. Holland, Jr. (J 23), Oommeroial Engr., O. D. Parker &; 00., 150 Congress St., Boston, and for mail, 21 Bartlett Ave. Arlington. WIDGER, Thurlow S. (A 21), TIe..., Mgt., Widger &; Miller Co. 141 Milk St. WILCOX, Wm. (21), Dist. Engr., Whitlock Coil Pipe Be~con St. WILLARD, John A. (17; 21), Treas., l3igelolv, Kent, Willard & Co. 31 St. James Ave" Bo,ton. and for mail, 5 Byfield Rd., Waban. VrlLLIAMS, Albert Blake (19), Engr" Stone & Webster, Inc., 49 Federlll St. WILLIAMS, F!ancls T. (J 24), Ingersoll Hand 00., 285 OoIumbus Ave, WILLIAMS. hank E. (A-M 21), Turbine Oonstr. Foreman, Genl Elec Co 84 St.te St., Boston, and fo" mail, 1 Hawthorne St. E. Lynn..., WILLIAMS, Ralph L. (J 24), Engr., Stone &: Webster; Inc., 49 Federal St., Boston nnd for mad", 20 Devens Rd., Swaompscott. WILLIAM~ON, Hnlph J. (A M 23), Prod. Engr., Trimont Mfg. Co., Amory St.. Ro~bllly, lind fo" ",,,,.1, 5.{.ntvale St" RORlindale \VILLISTOli,.A,thur L. (96; 99), 986 High St.. WILLISTON, Belvin T. (05), Ch, Engr., Manning, Muxwell & Moore, Inc. Boston Wks., 5 Watson St., Boston, and for mail, 3 Monmouth St. SomervlUe WILLISTO~, Will. H. (25),,\5St. WI". Mgr., Manning, Mal~eJl & Mo~re Inc. Boston, and lor mail, 26 Va.nen AVl!r Somerville., WILSON, Chns. G. (A 21), Salesman, Founder. Securities Trust, 209 Washington St. WILS~N, qhester Worcester (ll; 18; 21), \. I., B. O. & G. C. Wilson, Inc., 196 Ctlmblldge St., Boston, and jm 1naU, 42 Eden Ave., V. Newton. WILSON, Roger J. (A-M 18), cia L. L. HlnkIey. 19 Oheste, St., Allston. WINCHESTER, Marshall H. (21; A M 21). Mech. Designer Stone & Webster Inc 49 federal St., Boston, and for,nail, 10 Windermere P~. Manchester... WITHIN~TON, Ollde W. (J 23), Steam Servo Engr., Westinghou,e Elec. & Mfg. Co. 12 II alnswortll St. WOOD, Herbert B. (A M 21), Asst. Engr., Stone & Webster, Inc., 49 Federal St., Boston, and for mail, Park st., Reading. WOOD, Thos. A. S..(2]; 2(l), Factory Su[>t., Condit Elee. Mfg. Co., 885 Summer St. Boston, lond for mail, 45 Elm St., W. Mansfield. WOODASON, MOIton P. (J 27), M. E., Atlantic Precision Co., SO Federal SI Bostoll. and for mait, AsbUry St., S. Hamilt.on... WORBCESTER, Henry E. (A 03),... P., Revere Sugar Refinery, 15 Broad St aston, and for mail, III Ch\1rch St., Wlnohester.., YAEGER, Harry O. (A-M IS), Langford Snles Audit Mch Atlantic Ave Boston, and for mail 28 Daniel St., Newton Center.., YOUNG, 0, Jas. (22), ii. E. Franl; E. Rosa 00., 201 Devonshire St. Boston and for mail, 36 A,1lfield St.; Roslindale., YOUNG, Ja.cob (A-M 23), Mgr... J. Y?ung & 00., 78 Liverpool St., E. Boston, and for 7!Uld, 157 Babcock St., "rookime. BRIDGEWATER, Boston Section field, Alfred F., Jr. (A 14), Asst. to Mgt., Stanley Wks., 125 HIgh St. fitch, Ohas. R. (17), Mgr, Bridgewater Dept., Stanley Wits., 125 High St. BROCI{:!ON, Boston Section. HAMJ.fIro~NA~~nneth D. (16; 25l, M. E., Geo. E. Keith 00., alld fm mai!, fs llontgo)il?ry, Wm. J. (A-M 17), Head Mch. Dept., Brockton High Sch., and for ma.l. 14 N. Ash St. WASHBUR!:f, Wm. S. (91), Creditmnn. Whitman & Keith Co., 20 Clifton Ave., and for mail, 1363 Main St., Oampello Sta. CAMBRIDGE, Boston Section ABORN, Geo. P. (89; 92), Mgr., Blake & Knowles Wks., Worthington Pump & Mchy. Oorp., 3rd St., E. Cambridge, and for 7!Ulil. 25 Annawan Rd., Waban. ADAMS, Oomfort A. (17), Prof. Engrg., Harvard Engrg. Sch., Harvard Unlv., also Cons. Engr., Pierce Hall. ANDREWS, B. R. (A-M 17), Treas., Andrews & Goodrich, Inc., 171 Sidney 5t. ASH, Horace W: (13), V. P., Warren Bros. 00., 38 Charles River Rd., Oambridge, and for mad, P. O. Box 1869, Boston. 331

103 lu!lssaghusel"ls MEMBERS IN U1lITEll STATES CAIUDRIDGE (cojltijlned) BAKER, Boland D. (]8; A-li 26), Pres., fn-a:!., H. H. Bllkel" Co., Inc., J\:cmdnll Sq. Bldg. BARTLETl, lienry (97). 9S5 Memorial Drive. BJ.JA1{E, Ralph F. (A-M 26), Ch, Engrs. A::e:t., Bll~tlln Yu\"cn Hose & RlIbla\" CII., Oumhridge, and jol 1)l,ail, 2.10 Va1nut St., ~e\\toll\"iii:" JlLAliE~I,\N. Winfield \V. (18). Supt., Blancbard ~lch. ("., ~4 State St., (:alllh";ds", and fal mail. 30 Hammond Rd., Belmont.. BRIGHAM, Edmond F. (13), ]<;ngrl New Eng. C0l1fI1c.:tiom~l"~1 (0., 2~ ) hw=etts Ave. BRUNER. Harold G. (25), Plal1t Engr. Boston WO"en Hose &; RuIJIJer Co., Oambridge. and for mau, 107 Greenwood Ave., Greenwood.. BUOKINGILIM, ~::lile (A-~I 13), Assoc. Prol. Engrg, Stands. &; Mca..uremcl1t, 1Ia... Jns!. of Tecll. llurlm, Walter Safford (13). Inspr. Ground &; Bldgs. Harvard Univ. al1d for mutl, 16 I..nlce View a-\xe. OHW,\NG. Chierl.Ting (J 27>, 363 Harvard St.. OOYE. J. Roble (15; 21). Wks. Mgl., Lever Bros. Co., 190 Broadway. DA \"ls. Halve, K. (20), Prol. M. E. HaIVard Univ. 221 Pieree Hall. llawes, L)m;m M. (A,! 10), Jnstr., liass. Inst. ot Tec],. Cambridge, and foiliiail, 44 Oliver St. Watertown. DAWSON. Glo. n. (15), Pres., Servo Borean, IlIC., 008 Kendall Sq. Bldg. IlEERllia. Howard,I. (,.I 22), Dept. Head. Sta.tistical &. Graphic Charts, J.evlr Bros. Co., ),;4 BI llilllwa)". Cambriuge, and for, 172 Oakley Rd." Belmont, UORlOT. Georges F. (.~-M 23), Assoc. Prof., Asst. Deall. Hal\ard Umv. E.A.MES, Jf:sse J. (]8),.:\~soc. Prof, Exper. Engrg., Mas.,. Inst. of Tech. I.iALES, D(!Rll A. (16; 2.=j). ~\s~ljc. PIof. Automoth"e l;:n~;lp:1 Mnss. Inst. of TeC"l}, FAJ,YEY. Wm, J. (J 25), Engr. Simplex Wire &I Cable Co., lhjld for mail, 1 CrawfOId S!. FLINOHB,IUGH. Donn]o ~. (A-M 21), Ob. Designer, Ncw Eng. Conlectioner)" Co., 254 :Mnssachusetts }n"e. IOGLER, Ben B, (12; 18; 22). M. E. Arthor D. Little. Inc., 80 Charles Rivcr Rel.. Camblid~e, nnd /01 mall. log Olchard St.. Belmont. ~"REELAl\D. Villard B. (A 18), P, ol. 1>(, E.,Ia... Jnst. 01 Teeh.I Rm. 1 ls3. FREEMAN, Stallle) C. (J 26), Engr., J, W. Greer Co., no Winosor St., CamIJliel:::., and /01 mail,. 114 fhe Fpn\",ny. Boston. FULLER. Chas. Edw. (12), Theoretical &; Applied Mech~lIics, llass. Inst. ol Teeh. GLEZEN, Callisle S. (A-M 24). 381a Halvald St. GRADE, Oscal W. (18), liuleulan Draftsman, Blake &, Kno\Vles WJ,;:s" WOltllington Pump & Mchv. Corp., E, C.nlIJridge, ano for...ail. 24 Corser St., Holyoke. GREE:SE. Hardinj; (1. (21; A M 26), Cambrid~e Elee. Light Co. 4G Blackstone St. HAVEN, G~o. B. (12), Prof. Meh. Design, Mn::;~. In::>t. of Tech. HAYWARD, Harrison W. (I5), Prol. Matellals 01 Engl g., Mass. Inst. of T<lh" 222 CI,alles River Rd. HERMAN E, Olney (A M 22), FielU Engr. fech. Control & Management, Arthur D. Little, Inc., 30 Ohal"1e. River Rd., Cambridge. liiass., and for ma i!, lmall) "nameled BrIck Co.. P. O. 130~ 64, Momence, 1Il. HIXES. John P (2-1), Mech. Supt., Bros. Co., IG4-9O Broauway, Call1bddge, and /0,. 1nail" 8 Dunlap St., Salem. HOLl,IS, 01. 1m N. (84). Vice-President, 11 13; President, 17; Retired Teaeher, 98;; Memorial Drive. I10W,\RD, Gilbert C. (A-M 26). Factory Mgr., Gray &; Davis Corp., Camhridge, )Ilt<s., and fo, mai!, 1<144 llulket St., Harrisbnrg. Pa. HUBn_~RD, I1owa,d M. (J 2J), 50 Whittier Hall, 1200 Massachusetts,~\ e... HUNT, P.rci~sl R. (J 27). Sanborn Co., 26 Lansdownc St., and for mati, isulte ~2, 007 1IaasaclHlsetts.~ve, JACKSON. DUI!.ld O. (00), Prol, E. E" )la... Imt, of Tech., Cambli,lgl, also Cons. E: E., Jackson & Moreland, 31 St. Jameg :\,c., Ho"t.on, JAQOBUS. DavId D. (J 24), Resealch Assoc., if""., In>t. 01 Tech. Urn. -4:iU. and to" mo-il, 18 lfurtin St. JOHNSTON. Wm. A. (11). Prof. Theoretical &. Applied )let hanies. :IIa;;,.. Illst. 01 Tech. KEKNEDY, F. Lowell (08: 10), Assoc. Prof. F.n~\!. Drawing, HalVant Seb. of Ellgrg., Harvard Uni\., and Jor mail, 4.3 Appleton St. KENRICI{, A1fIrd F. (17j _-\.)1 23), Cone. lndu!=. 1;:11~1" 11 E:,elett St., S. Gate. ~33.,,. ~LIl:~lIlIl:IIS IN U.tlln:o STafES lua.ssachllsel"ls. CAlIIBRIDGE (continue,l) KLEJNSCHMIDT, Robt. V. (J 21). Research Engr., A"tbu. D. Little, Inc. 30 Oharlea m"er Rd., Cambridge. and for.""il, 211 Pleasant St., Arlington.. KNOWLES. Oeo. A. (J 22), Servel Corp., 101 Erie St. I.ANDlS, Laorence H. (21), Constr. Engl., Level B. os. Co., 164 Broauwa~, Cambriage, and for mail, 882 School St., Watertown. LJTTLE. AI t11ul D. (12), Pres., A. D. LltUe, Inc.. 80 Charles River Rd. MacLAREN, Neil B. (J 26), Instr. M. E., Labs., Mass. Inst. foeh. Rm MARKS, Lionel S. (07; 04), Prof. M. E I Harvard Univ., 215 Pierce null. ~[cadamslwm. H. (2G), Assoc. Prof. Cnem. Engrg.~ Mass. Inst. of TI:eh. ~IcCABE, ~Tancls T. (J 22), Teacber, Rindge Tech.!:ich., Cambridge. alld f"r 1I",il, 100 Woodland St., Worcester. McVEY, John W. (24), Research Engr., Boaton & Me. R. R., E. Cambridge, and for mail. 457 Centre St., Newton.. I.IILLER. Edw. F. (as; 01), Prof. Steam Engrg. Head li. I~. Dept" Mass. Inst. of Tech. ldiller. Harold L. (19; A M 215), Equip. Engl. Senlly 00., Cambliuge, anu for moil, 28 Ooncord St., Holliston. 1WORE, Herbert O. (J 26), Iostr., M. E. Dept., Mass. Inst. of Tech. MORRISON. Howard A. (28), M. E., Lever Bros, Co., Cambridge, aud for mail, 12 Glen Rd., Winchester. NIOHOLL, John S. (00; A M 17), Treas., Rlvelside Boiler Wk., In<., 491 )[ain St. Cambridge. and for moil, I Chestnut St., Wellesley JIill.. NORTON, A. E. (11), Asst. Prof. M. E., Harvald Univ., 809 Pie..ce Hall, Cam bridge, and for mail, 89 Oenter Avc., Belmont. NORTON. Ohas. L. (10), Prof. Indus. Ph)sics, Mm;s. In.t. 01 fech, PARI(. Ohas. F. (15), Prof. Y. E., Dir, Meeh. Labs., MaSs. Inst. of Tech. PEARSON, Chas. I. (12), Ch. Engr. Blal<e & Kno\vles Wks., Worthington Pump & Mehy. Corp., 3rd St., E. Cambridgo, and for mail, 41 Perthshire Rd. Brighton. RICHARDSON. Ello E. (J 25), Engr., Cambridge Gas J.ight Co., 8rd St., and for l1~ail~ 851 Massachusetts Ave.. RILEY, Jos. C. (09). Prof. Heat. Englg., llass. Inst. of Tech.. RUBLEE, Edmund O. (J 27), Asst. Eng... U. H. Bakel Co,. Inc., 238 Main St. SASS, Olilton H. (25), Mech. Sopt., l:ilmple~ Wire &. Cable Co., 66 Sidney St. SAUNDERS. ErIe ~. (J 2S~, Student, Hal1ard G..aduate Sch. 01 Busineas Ad ministration, and for matt Rm. 321, Y. M. C. A. SOHELL, Erwin H. (13; A-M (21). Rm , Mass. Inst. of Te<-h. SMITH, Albert S. (11), Supt. EIdl\S. &. Power, Mas,. l"st. of Tech. Cambridge,. and for mail, 32 Oakland St., Winthrop. STONEQUHIT, Edw. H, (J 27), ~es En,,;... Blanchard Mcb. Co 64 Stllte St.. ClUllbridg-e l and for mail, 82 Gleenwood St.. Worcestel. STRATTON, Dr. Saml. W, (18), Pres., Mass. Inst. of Tech. alld for moil, 111 Charles River Rd.. SVENSON. Carl L. (J 20). Iustr. M. ~:.. Mass. 1l1st. of Teeh.. Challes Rive.. Rd. SWAIN. Geo. F. (88), Prof. C. E. Oons. Enltl.. Harvard Unlv Pierce Hall, Oxford St. SWIFT. Herbert D. (A M 19). Instr. of M. E.. M6O. Inst. of Tecb. TAFT, Theo. H. (08: 10). Assoc. Prof., Heat En::I»;.. liu... Inst. of Tech. TA}[ANHA. Thos. R. (J 25), 885 Ma..achusetts.~ve, VEINOTE, Thos. H. (A 21), Supt. Power, Blake.l:.1(lIulIl.. Wks. Wortlllllgton Pomp & Melly. Corp. and for mail, 6 Elle..v St. WARREN. Walter B. (01: 14), V. P.. Warlen Bros. Co.. 88 Ohadea River lld., Cambrid~c, Rnd for moil. P. O. Box 18GO. Boston. ZAVARJNE, I, N. (21; 26), Instr. Heat Treatment & Metallolllapby, Mass. Inst. of Tecb. CHICOPEE FALLS, W...leTIl"!oi..dioll IJENSON, Arthur E. (J 26). Devel. Itesearch, Tire Constr. Div., Fisk Rubber Co. BROUILLETTE, Albert V. (A M 17), Indus. Engr., Ste,cllo Arms Plant, Savage Arms COlp., Chicopee Falls, and for mail, 33 Arch St. Springft.1<L. DEXTER. Albert J. (20), Oh. Draf.tsman, lieh. Devel. Dept., Fisk Rubber 00., Chicopee Falls, and for,nail. 21 Montclah st., Rprilll:!leld. HORTO~, Frank S. ( 28; 27). Mech. Sllpt., Fisk Rllbber Co. r,lttlefleld, Lloyd M. (J 27). Research &; Devel.. Fisk Rubber ~.Q Ohleope. Falls, and for moil, 183 Iloritin St., Springfield, 338

104 JlIASSAOHUSETTS CI,INTON, Worcester Section SOUTHVDCK. Wm. S. (20), EnlO. Clinton Div.. Wickwire Spencer ~teel C"I P.. and for mail. 253 Cbestnut St. DORCHESTER, BORton S"..I1... ORTLA. Fredk L. (27), 23 Pasadena Rd. TURNER, Channinl( (16: 25). Mssoll Regulator 000 Milton Hill House. Milton. Dorchester. Rlld IOJ,!lltil, EAST BRIDGEWATER. BOlltOll B.-ctton OHANDLER. Clarence A. (00). Oe1\l. Mitt.. Cbandler Const,.. Co. 37 N. Central St.. and for mail. 344 Central St. McLEAN. Robt. W. (07; 13). SUDt.. Caner Colton Gin Co. Whitman ~t.. E. Rridl/;ewater. nne! for lnm:l. 91 Bedford St., Brldl(ewater. NUTTER, Cbas. L. (15), lrens. MI;r. Old Colony Feb. Co. EAST WALPOLE, BONton Section OONRAD. Chll3. W. (21). Plant Enltt.. Uird & 501,1. Inc. GUTTORMSEN, Paul A. (25). Cb. Engl., Bird &; Scn, Inc., ane! for ",au, lr~ Union St. SHEEHAN, Jos. A. (J 22). Asst. to Plant Enl/;r. Bird &; Son, Inc. WRIGHT, Thos. G. (J 26), Asst. to Ch. Engr., Bird & Son, Inc. EASTON, Boston Section SWASEY, C. Bateman (A-?t[ 18), GenL Mgr., Belcher Malleable Iron Co. EVERETT, Boston Section BENGSTON, Nils B. (J 27), M. E., Beacon Oil Co., 80 Beacham St., and fol "",il, aur~~s?ir~~g~~~ (88: 01). New England Fuel & Transportatlon Co., Everett. and for mail. 15 Allenwood St.. W. Roxbury.. DISSEL. Theo. A. (15), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Ca.meron Appliance Co.. 48 Wate..,\\C. HIGGINS. Geo. F. (86: 06). Treas. Gem Stamped Steel Co.. EYerett, Slid lor mail. Melrose. 1 lrann, Oliver F. (A-M 22). Supt., J. W. 1[00re Meh. Co., Everett, and for "at. 83 Follswo.v W., Medford. R[LEY. Ed",. F. (J 21). Power Enl{rg., Merrimac Dbem. Co., E,...ol.t. and for mail. 61 Mountfort St., B?"ton. IoAIRHAVEN THIERINGER, Herman (18; A-M 25). Prod. Mitt.. Atlas Tack C" P.. ;9 Pleslll1nt St.. Fairhaven. and for mllil, 190 Palmer St., New Bedford. ZACHERT. Arthur R. (10; 15). Wk. MI(l..,Hlas Tack Corp., 79 11"..nnt RI.. Fairhaven. and for mail. 146 Cotta"e St., New Bedford. FALL RIVER, P1ovil1ence Section A.SHWORTH Robt. C., Jr. (J 25), Bro. Inc., Globe Mill St., loull River.. Mass.. :nd for mail. Hillhland Rd.. Tiverton. R. I. ORABTRJ;:E. Wm. R. (J 26), Student Engr Firestone Tire &l Rubbe, \.0. and (l1lj~r~ag~0~7:. ~~gr,lepl~~t Engr., Am. Ptg. Co., 56 Water St.. HENRY. Wrn. 1. (87). DesilPlinp;. Enlttl!:. Cotton Ml11s, and for ""\1, 1~. O. Box 110~J: John W. (21), Supt.. Oh. EIlI:"., Fall Rlver Water.Dept.. and /0" mail, l1ulm61,bg~~~r.s~:o\._m 26), Asst. Power Enl(l Fal! River Elee. Lillht Co.. S5 OBlrE~~a~d~: MEMBERS Ill" "V1SlrEIl RTAn;~ W. (2;). )1iI1 Enl!:r. Am. Printinp; Co.. 58 Wllter St.. Fall River. M.sS and fa" "",il. 10 BurnsIde St., ProvIdence. R. I... SAMPSOX, Miles (24), Textile Engr., Am. Printing Co. 56 Water St.. snd )01 mail. 025 New Boston Rd.... WHITNEY. Roy F. (22), Pres., Genl. Mgr., an River Elec. L,~ht Co., 85. N. Main St. FAJ,ItlOUTH, Boston Section MANGE. Wintbrop E. (J 22). Assoc. Gas & Elee. Systen\. 334 FITCHBURG, Worcester Section. ~ttlsj~wfr~j,tn~ t;02(;?5~.ii:~ D~oM~t~Rro~ tt:am Boiler Wka. ERICKSON, Robt. (J 27), Ind. Engrg., Simonds Saw & Steel Co., 55 North St. and for mlli!, 62 Warren St. HEWITT. Wm. B. (20), Pre. Trons.. Blake Pomp Co. JONES. Fiske R. (27). Supt.. Simonds Saw & Steel Co. 55 Nortb St. LOWE. Wm. V. (89: 92), Sales Enltt. New Buainess Dept.. Fitchburp; Gna &; Elec. Lillht Co and for "",il. P. O. Box 587. McKITTR:(JJK. Percy A. (A 17). Asst, Treas., Paries-Cramer Co. 970 Main St, PARKS. Fredk W. (14). Sales M~., Cowdrey Brake Tester Organization. SHELDON. Thos. C. (84), Tr :1., Fitehburll Duck Mills, Duck Mill. Rd., and for mail. g Sebool lilt. WOOD, Augustus (01), Wks. Mgr., Putnam Mch. Wk., Newton Pl., P. O. Box 453, FOXBORO, Boston Section BRISTOL, Bennet B. (18). Treas., Foxboro Co., Inc. FRYMOYER, W, Willard (J 23), Research Engl., Foxboro Co., Inc., and for mllil, o Maple Ave.. HERSOHEL, Alfred (J 25), ReseBlch Engr., Foxboro Co., Inc., and for mail, R, F. D. 181, Cohassett st. FRAlIIINGHAM, Boston Section ANGIER. Edw. H. (A 17), Pres Treos. Angier Corp. OHIPMAN. Fred W. (19). Tr... Geal. Mgr., Iuternatl. Engrg. Wks. Ino., 1. O. Box B. CHRISTENSEN, Edwin V. (A 27), Mcb. Dealgner, Dennison Mfg l111d for. mail. 142 Artbur St. FITCH, Walter S. (14.), Con.ll. Eng,.., Dennison Mfg. Co., Framillgh..m. I1J1ll for flail, 27 Summit Rd., Wellesley. HUTCHINSON. Tho. A. (J 25). Indlls. Research, Dennison Mfg. Co.. FlOminp; ham, and for mail. Fairhaven Hill. Ooncord. LELAND, Sanford D. (00). Pres.. Treas., Mfl!:, Equip. &; Engrl\. 00., F"amlnl! hom. and for mnil. 6 ArlinJ1(ton Rd., Wellesley. OL~;SaN. Olaf E. (14). Pres.. Contintenlal Valve & Equip. Co. 82 Herbert St. SCOTT. Henry F. (07). Plant Engr. Dennison l1fl/;. Co.. and for mail, ~13 Union Ave. FRANI{LIN, Boston Section FRAUENBERGER, CBII F. (A 17), M. E., Prod. Supt.. Thomsol1 Natl. p,." Co. Ino. GI,OUCESTER, Boston Section HAMMOND. John H. o Jr. (16; 20), Inventor. HARVEY. Theron F. (J 20). Partner, S. R. Hsrvey Co Wasllilll\ton St. Lanesville. TRENOR, Albert D. (A M 14), M. E.. Hammond Radio Research J.ab., 190 Western Ave.. and lor mail. Hesperus Ave. GREENFIELD, Western Massachnsetts Section BRYANT, Elmer J. (A-M 21), Mgr. Gage Dept., Greenfteld Tap & Die Corll. Sanderson st. ECHOLS, Fran9is G. (18), V. P., Genl. Mg,.., Greenfteld Top & J.)I~ CUI p., Sanderson St.. HALL. Russell M. (J 28). Draftsman, Threadwell Tool Co., and /or ""ii, 26 Foreat.Ave. JUDGE+ Franklin (17). Gelll. MEMBERS IN UNITED 8r,<l.T.:~ JU.SSACHUSETTS Supt., Greenfield Tap & Dje Corp., Sanderson St.. aiia for mail, 78 Riddell st. ~ELLER, Jos. T. (A 21), V. P., Velco Mfg. Co., Inc. and for mail, 171 High St. SMITH. Herbert J. (18: 26). Supt.. Tbreadwel! Tool Co., and for mllil. 31 WEL};~~tF~;nk O. (03). Manager ; Pr... Con. Engr. Wells Corp., P. O. Box HATFIELD, Western Jtlassachusett!c Section JOHNSON, R.obt. A. (18; A-M 25), Genl. MItl.. Portel-McLeod Wk. Hatfield. and for mail. 139 Wenonah Rd.. Lonllmeadow. 33r.

105 liiassachvsetts H..-\.vERHILL, DO>lton S""UOll POPE. L,vman ll. (J U). OWl1er, Pope Mch. Co. 280 River St. U"erhi1l, and for ~",i!. Il:/. S, Park St. Brodlold. HOI;\OIi:E, Vest"l" lli..ssncllns"tts Sectioll BAKER. Dickerson G. (06), Ch. Engr., Mchy. Devel. Dept., Am. Thread Co.. and for ",ai!. 260 Pleasant St. BEAMAN. P. Alden (A!lI 16). Supt., Geo. W. Prentiss & Co., 43~ Dwi~ht St. lleniion. 1Ia,,y F. (20), M. E., Wurthinllton Pump & Mchy. Corp and tot mail, 24 Willow St, BIDWELL, P~nl W. (106: 23), Genl. Mllr., B. F. Perlrins & Son, Inc., and tot mail, 16 Lexinl(l;on Ave. BOSWORTH, Ralph L. (A!lI 18), Mgr. of Maintenance, Crocker McElwain Co., 1142 Main St.. and fot,"oi!. 26 Amherst St. BURKHARDT, Everett R. (J 23), Asst, Engr., Holyoke Water Power Co.. and for mail. 626 South st. CHASE. Heury 1-1. (061, M. E. Deane Wke., Worthington Pump & Mchy. Corp., and fot mai!, 166 Lincoln St.,,CROSSMAN, Kenneth W. (A-M 27), Asst. Plant Engr. Chem. Paper Co., Ft. Jackson St,. and for mail. 66 Beacon Ave. de REVERE, Athur W. (14; A-M 21), V. 1. Sales Mgr. Marvel1um Co. 144 Race St, FERGUSON. Thos. W. (19). Asst. Supt. Deane Wlrs.. Worthiol(l;on Pump & Mcby. Corp. HOI"oke, and for mau, 94 ColleKe St. S. Hadley. FLEMING. Wills :1>1. (06; 09), Wks. Ellgr., Deane Wks" Worthinlt1on Pump I< Mcby. Corp., 37 Appleton St., and tor mau, 136 Lincoln St. FOELL. Chas. ~. (J 27). Asst. to Sales Mgr., Desne Wks., Worthington Pump I<, Mcby, Corp., and for mal! Northamptou St. GARDNER, Dwilo"ht R. (19: 26), Mch. Designer. Am. Thread CD Holyoke, and for mai!. 399 Oran!!:e st.. Springlleld. HART. Nelson W. (A 201. Ofllce Mgr. Indus. Enl!.. Worthinl(l;on Pump & Mclly. Corp. and fo~ mail. 69 Nonotuck St. ~le1>1bers IN UNITEll STATES KELLY, Herbert Paine (23). M. E., Walshs Holyoke Steam Boiler Wks., Holyoke, MAR~tN~oVi:::~t ~~ M~e;t,~~"). ~:l~~~.~ Walsb. Holyoke Steam Boiler Wks., i:, 110 Appleton St. aud fat mal! Northampton St. METCALF. Frank H. (10). pr. Treas.. Farr Alpaca Co. NEWCOMB, Cha. L. (83), Manager, 18 21; Vice Presideut, 26 2S; Mgr. Deane Wk... Worthin~ton Pump &: Mcby. Corp., 37 Appleton St.. and for mail, 67 Fairfield Ave. NEWCOMB. Robt. E. (07: 16: 18), Supt. Deane Wks.. Wortbin~n Pump I< llchy. Corp.. 37 Appleton St. PEI,I,ISSIER, Gee. E. (09; 19), A..t. Genl. Mgr., Oh. Engr., Holyoke St. Ry. 00. RANGER. Jas. A. (A M 18), Asst. Treas" Casper Ranger Constr, Co., and tot mail, 13! liadison Ave, RENTON, Wm, R. (20). Dept. Head. Am. Thread Co. and fo, mail, 291,Walnut St, 8KIN!oER. Jos. A, (A 16), Treas., Wm. Skinner & Sons. SMETHURST, Jarvi. R. (A I 19), Ch. Engr., Faorr Alpaca Co., Holyoke, and for mail, 16 Walton St., Chicopee. TOWNE, Jos. M. (18), V. P., Natl. ~lsnk Book Co. YAIL, Gu) R. (12), M. E., Dealla Wks. Worthington Pump & Mehy. Ccrp., and for mail. 436 Hillside Ave. WILLT.UISON. Daniel W. (19), llech. Supt., Farr Alpaca Co. WILSON, Paul E. (J 27), c/o H. W. Stoddard, Wo, thington Pump & Mchy. Corp, HOPEDALE, Worcester Section BRO~~~h~rarkt~ (21; 24), Oh, Draftsman, Draper Corp., and for mail, 101 MER:lt~i;e C~~:". F. (17; 24), Engr., Mfg. Dept" Draper Corp., and for mal!, HOUSAlONIC, Westel" liiassncll11setts Section RA)ISDELL, Thos. (18), Plant Engr., Monument Mills. ".I 336.;.: ;: I>IEMIlERS IN UNITED STATES 337 liiassaohuselts HUDSON \Vorcester Section st CLARKE, Chas. A. (23), Pre... Tre!"., Universal Boring Mch. Co., 30 Tower., Hudson, and fo mau, 33 Wssh1l1gtou St., Newton. HYANNIS, Doston Section SHAW, Hubert A. (A-M 17), 186 Main St. INDIAN OROHARD, Western liiassncll1lsetts Section BECKER, C. A,thur (A;M 23), Illd~s. Engr., Flberloid Corp. Iudian Orchard, and to,,,au, 10 AnUre" St., loprmgfleld. 1 BRIGHAM, Fredk W. (J 21), Tool Rm. Foreman, Flherloid Corp., and fo, mo, 966 Berkshire Ave. " I d JOHNSON Harold K. (A li 27), Draftsman, Chapman,alve lug. Co., u,an Olcha;d, aud for mai!, 47 Edgewood St., Springfield.. YARER Thos F (A M 27) Mgr. Sales, Ohapman Valve Mfg. Co. 203 Hampshlle St. PRESTON, Arthur Chas. (A.}l 26), Qonstr. Engr., Fiher10id Corp., Indian Orchard,, and fo mail, WlIbr..hsm. LAWRENOE, Boston Section EMERSON, Henry B. (09), Supt. Mech. Dept., Arliugton Mills, 600 Broadway, Lawrellce, and tot mail, 318 Broadway, Methuen. HALE, Ricbard A. (17) Ch. Engr., Cons, Hyd. Engr. Essex Co., 6 E~.ex St. H..\?>lBLET, Geo. W. (21~, p,cpr., Mgr., Hamblet Mch. Co., aud to, ma,!, ~ox 666. LEAVER, Raymond J. (A M 23), Asst. to Supt. Mech. Dept,. Arlioll"ton Mllls, and for ~lai!, 49 Swan St. MELLOR. Hiram 1.. (08), Mgr., Lawrence Pump &. Eng, Co.., PERKINS, Henly F. (A M 17). M. M. WOlsted Dept., Pac,ftc lillis, Lawrence, and for mail, 46 Walnut Ave., Andover. PRAETZ, Edw. F, (J 21), Instr. Mech, Drawing, Lawrence High Sch., and tor mail, 131 HaverhlllSt.,. SCHWARZ, Franz H. (88: 18), M. E., M. M., Worsted Dept., PaCIfic Mllls, and S~ldg, Cg~~w~~~ r.wr. ~~vel. & Sales Engr., Watts Regulator, Co., 260. Lowell St, SMITH, Wm. Porter (J 27), Emerson Mfl:. Co., and fo, ma\!, 37 Wilmot St. LEOllIINSTER, Worcester Sectloll OARPENTER Don..ld F. (24; A M 27), Gelll. Supt., Viscolold Div., du Pont Viscolold Co., and fot mail, 27 Bo~ven PI.. GREENHALGH, John (A M 21), Designlllg &I COllstr, Engr., du Pont Viscolo,d Co.,.nd fo~ mail, 329 Merriam Ave, MAUFF, Fredk (27), du Pont Co. SMITH. R, Mcen (J 27), du Pont Viscoloid Co., ",nd for mail, 25 Carter PI. LEXINGTON, Bostoll Section KILGOUR, Dwight F. (05; 09), COllS. Engl" 16 1ll00mJieId st. LONGlIIEADOW, Weste11\ liinssacllnsetts Section CUNNINGHAM, Donald S. (J 27), Spec. Tech. Apprentice, Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co" 30 Pleasantview Ave. LOWELL, Bostoll Sectlol> AilDERSON, Harold R. (J 26), Asst. bl. E., Am. Milson Salety Tread CD" 126 Perry St., and jor mllil, ~2 Rose, Ave. BALL, Herbert J. (27), Prof" Head Textilc Eng,g., Lowell Tcxtile Sch.. BURTT, Nelson W. (J 23), M. E., John A. Stevens, 8 Merrimack St., and for ma,l, BuJE1t"j.1~~, M!>uric. A. (27), Sub-Master, Lowell Vocational Sch., and for mail, 12 June St, OOLBURN. Geo. B. (A-~1 23), Prod, Supt., Saco Lowell Shops, Dutton St., and tor mail, 22 Hillside St. DULLIGAN. Chas. E. (A M 20), 167 Agawam St. EIGENBROT, John L. (21), Genl. Mgr., Treas., Lowell GlIoS Light Co. 22 Shat tucle St. GILMAN. Ed",. T. (21), 863 Bridge St., GORDON, Harold B. (J 27), M, E., J. L. GOrdon Shest Metal Wks., 147 Mlddl. St.

106 llassacifitsetls MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES AI ~MBERS IN UNITED STATES MASSA(lRUSETT!!l I,OWELL (continued) HO~~~k~~ ~t~rren (A M 22). Wks. Mgr., Saco Lowell Shops, and lor 11UtiL, US IC,OWLTON, H~rry W. (21), Pres., Knowlton &: Newton Co. Inc., 545 Broadway, and for ma,l, 24 Monadnock Ave. I.U~~~t 1~~es~~\l.:;, ~~.O)~ Ch. Engr., Merrimack Mfg. Co., Dutton St., and lor ~rand.ell, Irving F. (A M 21), M. E., Saco Lowell Shop and for 11Uti! 122 Hlghll>nd Ave. " ODONI!<EI,I" Chas. H. J..(J 22), Indus. Engr., Lowell Gas Light Co., School & Rock Sts., and for ma,l, 60 Varnum St. ROBERTS, Harry J. (A 20), Indus. Engr., 272 Merrimack St., and for mail, P. 0, Box 368. ROBIN~ON, Chas. ~. (17), ~Iech. Supt., Merrimack Mfg. Co., Dutton St. and lor matt, 31 ParkVlew Ave. I STE-t~:C~ sl:ilbur A. (21), ],[ech. Supt., Mass. Cotton Mills, and lor mail, 48 STEi~~~;att~~~k ~t. (02), M..nager, 15 18; Vice President, 18",20; Can. Engr" ", WELCOME, Ha,old Mhley (A M 25), Genl. Mgr., Am. Mason Safety Tread Co., and for mail, 80 Shermsn St. LUDLOW, Western jiill.uncbusetts Se-ction PAC~fRD, Roland A. (18), 1>1. E" Ludlow Mfg. Associate", and lor mail, 7 Park LYNN, Boston Section AMBYE, Anthon LeRo" (A M 22), 316 Washington St. ARNOLD, Lyma! (20i. Instrument Transformer Engr., Genl. Elec. Co., W. Lyna, and lor ma,l, 16 Ba-ker St Lynn. BALDWIN, Henry S. (1~), Engr. Auto Dept. River Wk., Genl. Elec. Co., W. Lynn, BLACK, Stanley B. (J 24), T!Jrblne Engrg. Dept., GeDI. Elec. Co., 920 Western Ave., W. Lynn. and lor mail, 21 Logan Ave., Medford. BLAKE, MOlison (J 25), Genl. Elee. Co., Lynn, Dnd for mail, 79 Main st., Concord. BLGO.[BERG, David J. (A M 25), Steam Turbine Research Engr., Oenl. E1ec. Co., L)lll1, and for, 77 Grove St., Chelsea. BROOKS, r:illman C. c.j 24), Time Study Dept" Gelll. Elee. Co., W. Lynn, and lor ",ad, 116 EmpIre St., E. Lynn. BURRILL, Harold A. (J 27). Foreman, Meh. Shop., Geo. J. Reily, Inc., 505 Washington St., L)nn, and tor mail, 59 Thoma. Rd" Swampscott. COUPAL, E. Arthur (A M 27), T091 Designer, Genl. Elec. Co., L)-nn, lind for mail; 821 E. 4th St., S. Boston. CRO~~t:rYSt;Valter C. (J 27), Student Engr., Oenl. Elec. Co., and for mail, 16 DIOKINSON. Edgar D. (13), Designing Engr., Turbine Engrg. Dept., River Wks, Genl. Elee. Co., W. Lynn. DILLON, F~ank H. (J 24), Mech. Research Dept., GenL Elec. Co., W. Lynn, and /01 ma,l, 28 Gale St., Malden. EISENWINTER, Wilfred W. (J 25)" Expense Control Wk., River Wits" Genl. Elee. Co., W. Lynn, and for ma,i, 57 Millett Rd., Swampscott. ERIOSON, :franklin R. (A-1>I 25), Designer, River Wks., Genl. Elec. Co., L)nn, aud lor mail, 10 blason St., Beverly. -, ~ ERIOSON, Frederic O. (J 26), StUdent Engr., Oen!. Elec. Co., Lynn, and for ",ail 10 Mason St., Beverly.. FLEISHER, Simon (20), Eng. Dept., Ste..m Turbine Dlv., Genl. Elee. Co, Lynn, and lor mail. 4 Woodside Pk., Winthro~ FOR~;,t~~~U~t.~L~n.20), Tester, Genl. lec. Co., W. Lynn, and fot mail, il GAFFEY, Franois J. (J 24), 41 Oneida St. GOD~~~~L~~~~d~ ~1.,(\V:2rYn~~ec. Designer, Genl. Elec. Co., Lynn, and lor GRAi.i ~~I~~r GSt~J 27), Student Engr., River Wks., Genl. Elec. 00., and for mail,,.., GRUBE, L. E. (A ~I 20). Asst. Engr., Stejl,m Turbine Dept" River Wks., Genl. EI.e. Co., W. Lynn, and!tjr maul 62 Colonial Ave" Lynn. 338 LYNN (continued). HASTINOS, Cbes. F. (21), Meeh. Supt. T.urbine Dept., River Wks., Oenl. Elee. Co., W. Lynn, and fot ma,i, 92 Lakeview Ave., Lynn. HATCH, Henry J. (li4), Engr. Constr. Dept., River Wks., Oenl. Elec. Co., W. Lynn, nnd lor mail, 1 Oeean&ide, L)"11n.. HOLT, R. M. (21), Asst. to Designing Engr., Turbine Eng. Dept., H,,,el Wk.., Genl. Elec. Co., W. Lynn.. BIt St. JOHNSON, Werner (03), M. E., Genl. Elee. Co., and JOT mail, 55 II,more RING, Harold M. (A M 14-), Asst. Engr. steam Turbine Dept. River Wks., Genl.. Eiee. Co. W. Lynn, allll lor mail, 90 Walker Rd., Slonnpscott. _ LORD, Zenaa N. t16), Oenl. Foreman, Oenl. Elee, Co., W. Lynn, and lor 11Util, 80 MAR~1h~E~d,tHe~:;;" C. (J 26), Foreman, Soeold Refrig. Corp., lind lor mail. 64 Jelfetson St.. McBRIDE, W. J. (20), M. E., Genl. Elee. Co., W. Lynn, and lor ma,i, 49a Weatem Ave., Lynn. Tu E M[TRA, Dhirendra N. (J 21), Asat. Engr..Steam Design Dept., rbine ngr, Dept., Oenl. Elec. 00., Lynn, and lor mad, P. O. Box 135, ~V. Lynn. MOFFE1T, John T. (J 23), Tu.rbine Engr., Oenl. Elec: 00., Rwer Wks. MOSS, Sanford A. (03), Engr. 1>1eeh, ReseSorch Dept., RIver Wks., Oelll. Eleo. Co.. PFE~Fkft~D,vid C. (J 21), Turbine Engr. River Wk., Oenl. Elee. Co., W.. Lynn. PHILLIlS, Euga, H. (J 27), Student Engr., Genl. Elee, Co., and for ""d, 749 :;llmmci St., W. Lynn.. I El PHILLIPS, Edmund Merrill (A M 17), Designer Steam Turbme Dept., Gen. ec. polexii.riv E~~~:nV. (J 21), Asat. Ellgr., Genl. Elec. 00., W. Lynll, and tor IIUlil, 64 Atlantic St" Lynn. REARDON, J. Albert (25), Pres., Reardon Bros. Co., Mlr. Nat!. Bank Bldg., and /01 Illai!, 341 Union St., ROBINSON, llanuel O. (A M 25), Research Engr., Genl. Elee. Co., Bldg. 64, \i. L,nn. IIOSEN-BERGER, Oilbert G. (J 25), Contract SeIV., Genl, Elee. Co., Lynn. M... and for mad. R. F. D. I, Winchester, Va. flchmiljt. Eugene A. (J 25), E. E., Oenl. Elec. Co., 42 Center St., and lor mai!, l1 A Rockingham St. ~J[ARP, Fredk R. (;24), Forel1lll.ll, Genl. Elee. Co., W. L) nll. and lor mail, 1 WlIli. St., E. SlIllgua. SOUTHWICK Bertram H. (24 A M 25), Asst. to Engr. of Grounds & Bldg.... Rher \Vkso.- Gen..l. Elec. COOl W. Lynn, aml lor ::15 Elvir ~~., E. Lynn. VEALE, Louis E. (J 26), Turbine Engrg. Dept., Genl. i!aee. Co., RIver Wk., and lor ",ail, 16 Bal,er St. VER PLAKCK, Wm. E. (21), Deslgnlllg Engr.. Genl. Elee. Co., W. Lynn, am lor lila-il, 21 Ohestllut St., Salem. WARNER. Donald F, (A M 26), Asst. Engr., Oenl. Elec. Co., and lor mail, 168 WIL~O~~d~n:ine E. (J 27), Oenl. Elec. Co., Rher Wk., W, Lynn, and for mail. zt:ut,t.~a:~~o~. S(tj, ~~)~ A..t, Ellgl., Oeul, Elec. Co., W. Lynn, a1id fot 11Uti!, 73 Ba~er St., Lynn. LYNNFIELD, Boston Section WILIUlSSON, Jas. (17), M, E., P. O. Box 44. )IALDEN, Boston Section VOnr.ISs. Theb. A. (J 25), Indus. Enl(l., Converse Rubber Shoe <J? liute. Edwin L. (11; 26), Mech. Supt. Converse Rubber Slice Co. Malden. nnd tor mail. 12 Wave A"e. Wakefield. ROBINSON. E. P. (91l"Retlred, 117 Maple St. )U.NCHESTER, Bodoll, Section BANOROFT, Ches. F. Cl1), V. ~., Man<:l!ester Elee Maneheater. and to" mail, 169 Bay State Rd., Boaton MANSFIELD, Boston Section BOLTZ. Fred S. (2~: 24). Owner, Fred S. Boltz Co S. )[aln St, :139

107 1IIASSACllUSElTS MEMBERS IN UNITEll STATES MARBLEHEAD, Boston Section BROWN, Hortoll (J 22), 52 Washinp;ton St. KEMBLE, Parker H. (08), 185 Wasbin/tton St. " lixattapan, BostoJl Spctio.. A RANDOLPH, Jas. R. (19: A M 23), Genl. Dellvery. ::1 liiethuen, Boston Section, "\ SMITH, Cb... P. (88: 25), Retired, 78 Pleasant St. :::,..~.,, MITTINEAGUE, Weste1n luassachusett.. SectiOJl FRANKLIN, Benj. A. (13), v. P., Stratbmore Paper Co.,." WHOLEAN, Geo. R. (A-M 19), Strathmore Paper Co., Mittlnea~e, and fo, 49 Beauvlew Terrace, W.Sprlnllfield.!,;,,, WILLIAMSON, Geo. E. (06: 13), As.t. to Pres., Strathmore Paper Co., ~lit. "\.:~ tineague, and 101 mal, 22 Maplewood Terrnce, Sprinl!:fleld. :;,. " MONROE BRIDGE, Western MlLssuchUHt.tts Section :l ;~i.: GREENWOOD, Frank E. (20), Deerfleld Glas.lne Co.,.:\1 \ NATICI~, Boston Spction,:j :,:,>. GALE, Horace B. (86), E. E., Retired, 10 Highland St.,,::1, SOMERSALL, Wm. W. (A-M 25), Salea Mgr New England Pres.ed Steel Co., and,":!. for mail, 1 Grove PI. ~j NEW BEDFORD, Providence Section ALMY, Thos. R. (A 16), Plant Engr., Sharp MIl(. Co., Dartmouth, and fo/ mail,;~ i 118 Brip;bam St.,~,.. GLADDING, Wanton M. (07), Wks. AIl;l., Mor.e Twl.t Drill &. Meb. Co", 163 II i: Pleasant St.,::; "i, MARTIN. Henry H. (J 26), 98 Sycamore St.,<, NEWTON, Geo. H. (12), New Bedford Hotel. ::i.!,; WAlt1~L~J,;ry J~~n (A-M 27), Mech. Supt.. Manomet Mills, and fo/ mail, c!,,: WALTER, Martin, Jr. (J 2.7), Charge Factory Cost Wk., llme Study, New Bed.:.\ ::,; ford Cordage 00., and lor mail, 88 7th St. ",J i: NEWBURYPORT, Boston Section j ":. ABB~~lf:" ~ifw ~~d;::jst t. Supt" Towle Mfg. Co., 280 Mmilllack st.,,!,: RYAN, J... E. (A M 22), Asst. Ob. Engl., Halerhill Elec. Co., 67 Pleasaut St., and i lor maa, 145 Stat. St. o) NEWTON CENTER, Do"toll Se"t!oJl CUTLER, Wallace M. (27), :!I,[ecb. Consultant, 41 C) p, e.. St. s :,,1 ~{EMBEI\SIN UNITED SfA],!!:>:; MASSACHUSE.lTS NORTH \.i"li,eboro, Pro\-i,lp.Ue Secti.on d I I 687 N. Wash. ADAMS, T: G. (J 201), T. G. Adam., Contrs. Equ,p., an or me", ;1,: Klvi. ~~o~~~ed P. (21; Z8), Yaluatlon I< tlp, ai.aj.. 48 Scbool St. t;: NORTH BILLERICA, Boston Section ill and /0"1 mnil".;~ BARBA. Ohas, E. (Zl), M. E., Boston I< Me. R. R., N. B erica, IlAE~~ W~i~a;~;tJ ~~~i):" A_.t, M. E., Boston /.: lle. R. n., N. Bille/ira, and lormail, 61 Lura St., Lowell. NORTH DIGHTON, PIoyhlence Section,.: Co., and for mau,!89, BURKE, Henry Ai. (20), M. E., Mt. Hope F,mshmg School Bt. d F (J 24) A st Plant Engr. Mt. Hop. Finishing Co., N. POWE.RS, RllYm jor ~il 660 6he~ri St., Fall River. f W,\I. >~g~~e~~rett H. do), M. E., Mt. Hope Finisbing 00., N. Dighton, and or mail, 228 Weir St.. Taunton. NORTH OXFORD, Worcestel Section BACON, Wm. (18), Executor, Estate A. W. Stafiord. NORTH PLYJUOUTH, Boston Section EWSTER Ellis W. (A-M 28). Asst. Supt., Plymouth Cordap;e 00. ~~MON John H (08 10) Plnnt Engt,. Plymoutb Oordage 00. d M~. KINNON, Cba. ("21; A,.M 26), Aast. Supt., Plymouth Cor age Co, NORlHAJUPTON, "Testern IIXlLssacllu"ptts se~tlon0 HORN Norman E. (16; 26), Sale. M~., McOallum :HOI.ery a" MORIARTY, Donald L. (J 24), 8 Vi.w Ave. 186 West St. NORTON, Providence Section" Wheaton College, and lor mail, P, O. CUTLER. Artbur E. (10),!lox 49. NORVOOD Dostoll Section H M 11 Co GUlLLO, Ha,;y P. (12), Can.. &,Plant Engr., Geo. St.orr~nd lor ma,/, zoe PIEROE, Almon J. (28), A. J. P,erce Inc.. 8 Oottaae, Vernon St. ORANGE, W A p(~2ste)rlchm~sy~a~~~se~~dn~;~~~tnmcb. Co., and for mail, 18 BIGGS, Geo.. ". a" ~lecbanic St. T Le tt Mch Co 12 E. Ri<8" 8t. &~Ift~:. Ja~ab~ ~;lkl4.~~~t~~:::: R~d~~Y H~~,l Mch. Oo.:and lor mail, 84..: ",, Conlne.s St. 0 E II w Home Sewing Mch. Co. ",,: SMALLBONE, HJK? ~A(J~~b R:Si~i;;gMeR Rodney Hunt Mcb. 00., Mill St.,,. TAY~~J\frOh::ail,30 S: Main St.. " NEWTON UPPER FALLS, Boston Section JONES, Robt. M. (J 20), De.igner, Saco Lowell Sbop., Newton Upper (or mail, 79 Charlea St., Auburndale. Fall., and PENNEY,!Men W. (18), M. E., Saco-Lowell Shops, 15G (lak st. PAI,:lUER, ",Te"tern IU"""llcllusetts Section "" DINGUAN Oba. F. (20), Dir., Tyrean Inst. S st I Corp., and lor mail, KING, Ca~l q4), Supt. Rope Mill, WickwlJte pencet e. NORFOLK DOWNS, Boston Section,,i, 511 N Mam St St I C Palmer and KEENE, Albert R. (J 27), Prod. Dept. Pneumatic Scale Corp.. Norfolk Downs,. d P (28) Wickware Spencer ee orp., and 10" mail, 60 Bucklnorbam Rd. Wolla.ton.,- WER;~Em~N, ii:i chandl.r St.: W~~ce.ter. WEEKS, Wilbnr ~. (J 27), Oharge Engrg. Data, Publicity Deft., Boston Gear Wks.!;. Inc., HllY\vard St., Norfolk Down., and (or mai!o 801 Bi Iinp;s St., Atlantic. ;,;; ~~Lt:~-R~i. ~:;,t~~ (~~i,t~ne., A. C. Law"enc. f,.ntb.r Co., alld for Illlli!, 49 NORrH ADAiUS, Wt"Ntel u ~IluuJInchu Mt tt8 SE"ctioll E e SOli St. cb 0. HUNTER Jas. D. (94), P,. Ju. Hnnte, Meh. Cu. i BROU~HTON Wlnn E. (24), Genl. Supt., Turne, Tanninll: M y. o. PATTERSON, Robt. H. (J 26). Genl. Supt. Gas Dept., Adam. Gas Li/lbt 00.,,:~,.. CONDE, Matthewt (~J~~~)M44EW"i:ae~~h. A. C. La\Vrence Leathe, Co., fi ~~~fc;st. Lip;ht Co. \\illia,,,.towll Ga. Co., 2S Bank St., and for Mi!" i i, GRIFF~Ni Rop;e~l 43 Frankli~ si.,., b d SHIRLEY, Jobn G. (14; 22; 27), Oh. En~l., Arnold Print Wk., 42 Mar.hall St." J" LAMBkRT r r.~~ J. (J 26); D~signer, Tl\fner TanninJl; Mch. Co.. Pea ody, an llnd for, "<Ii!. 17 O"edook Tenace. I "1 9 Dodp;e Court, Danvera..,; l: MCLA~cfIi IN, Geo. E. (J 20), om. ESt Turner Tannlllll: Alchy. Co. NORTH ANDOVEU, DOHtOJl Spctioll ROOKWELL, Saml. F. (12), Treas., Davis & Furbe, Mch. Co. 840 TEEL. ONEIL, Lawrence Jas. T. (AH M. A 22 ;; ~2710)rc,ra:td M 101 A. C Lawrence Leatber 00. Peauody, (m.,s... and lor mai!o 21 Shore A,oe.. Salem. ~41

108 , ~: JIASSACHUSETTS ~JE~IBERS IN UNrn;n STA1F.~ MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES lliassachusetts PITTSFIELD, Wcsl...rll ~IllH...tcb.."eltN Section.\BBOTT, Cbas. C. (05). )!silbl/:inl/: Enlll.. Columblls A, e. Brancb, Gelll. Elec. ell., " and for mail, 240 2nd St.,Ii IlLISIl. Albert L. (20), Asst..Uf/(. Supt., (;0111. K1c". Go. and for mau, 196 Dort.. lett Ave. CHEIlNEY, Malcolm M. (20: 25). FacIo,.\" Plallllill/( EIl!,;t., Genl. Elec. Co., and. for mail, d8 ArllnA"ton St... C01,BY, L. A. (A U 18). ~OIell1an ~Icb.l., Gelli. Ele". (0., and for ",oil. H Edward, Ave. PKELEY, Frank G. (I;), 2r, Depot SI:. HARE. Cbas. R. (13). HUGHES. J. Lee (A }I 18), EllllT., Sup,"., ~[.cb. DeBil\Tl & Dr.ftlnA" Rille., Elec. Co. Genl. JENNINGS. Gerald P. (J 28). Gelll. Elec. Co. Pittsfield WkB.. and for, 198 P0Ill.eroy A, e. JON KS. Edw. A. (14), Pres., Tre... E. D. Jones & Sous Co., P, O.!lox :. LEWTHWA1TE. Alfr"e1 L. (A M 18), ~Iech. DesiA1ler. Busblnl/: EnAT. Dept., Genl. ". Elec. Co., IOU Woodlawn Ave.. and for mail. 116 Edward Ave.. :IIANVEL, F. I. (22), Field Enl;f., lienl. Eloc. Co., and for moil. 801 North 81:.. lt!wlm. Pomeroy W. (03). M, E.. Gent. Elec. Co., and for mail, 300 SOllth 51:. HIC}:. Kenneth A. (18: 26). Asst. to M. E., Genl. Elec. Do., and fo, 7IluU. 48 Bishop Pkw.V. f(.()hth~s. John L. (OS: 15; 19), M. E., Rohbiu::;, Gumwell &: Co., nnd jof muil, 338 S. Appleton Ave... THOMAS. Wm. R. (18). M. E., Supt., E. D. Jones & Sons.Co.. 26 Depot St., and lor mail, 183 Bartlett Ave.., THOMPSON, Irvin P. (A. 19), A.sst. to Ml\r. Genl. Elec. Co. PLY~IOUTH, Boston Section "1 ROWELL, Fred M. (J 22), Asst. MAT., Plymoutb mec. Lll\bt 0"., Muin "I.. alill for mail, 97 Allerton St. QUINCY, Doston SectiOll BINLI~Y, Wm., Jr. (13), Xaval,\reh. Fore River llnnl. Bethlehem Shfphldp. Cll" Ltd. GUSHING. Ralph A, (18), Prod. Enlll., Pneumatic Scale Corp.. Ltd., :!lorfolk Downs. Quincy, and for mail, 145 Pond St. S. We.vmouth. DEWSON, Edw. H. (89: 98), Cons. EnAT., Westlnl:house Air B.ake Co.. and for,nail, 163 FlSnklln St. J)OD~ON. Lieut. Harr.v L. (J 22). U. S. N. c/o Naval Insp. of Mchy. FOX, Ben]. (23). Asst. to Ch. Enll!., Bethlehem Sblpbld!;. Corp.. [,tel.. and lor 1IIail. 71 Avalon GODDEN. Harry McD. (21). Oh. EnllT. Mil!. Comeyor Dh.. NOlfolk Iton Co., Norfolk Downs, Qulnc.v, and for mai!, 26 BeaUfort Rd.. Jamaica Plain. HOWARD, Stauley R. (A M 19), Cb. Engr., Pneumatic Scale Dorp., Ltd., Norfolk Downs. JOHNSON. Geo. Edmnnd (J 27),, Betblehem Shiphldg. Dorp.. For. Riyrr, Quincy, and for mail, 95 French Ave.. Campello. SCHUMB, Martin T. (27). M. E.. Char!:e Mfl\., Boston Gear Wks., Quincy. nnd for 1IIail. 27 Garden St. E. MUton. WOOD. Horatio N. (16), Inspr., Melly.. U. S. Coaat Guard, Bethlehem Rhip~arrl. READVILLE, Boston Section.UiDERSON, Ornr F. (A. 21), Foreman Loco. Shops. N. Y., New Haven.~ HlLIot ford R. R. Co.. Reaelvllle, and for 1IIail, 87 Odell Ave., Be"erly. DANEHY, T. F. Jr. (.T 21), Bonu. Interpreter, N. Y., New Haven & Hartford It. R. Co.. Readville. und for mail, 82 Dhandler St., Arlington. WWHT1IAN, F. A. (24), Inspc. Dept., N. Y., New Ha"en &; Hartford R. R. Co., Roadville. and for ",ail, 520 Centre St., Jama;ca Plain. WIT,LEY. Dean F. (21: A-)l 26), Spec. Asst. Shop Supt., N. Y., New Hayen,~ Hartford R. R. Co., Readville, and fof mail, Wampatuck Rd., Dedham. ROCHDALE, Worcester Section COMINS, Edw. I. (22: A M 26), Asst. Mgr., Comins.. Co., Inc., Roohrlule,.nol for mail, 25 Einhorn ~t., Worcester. 342, ". SALEIII, Boston secti(~n2~) M E Indus. Devel. D01 p., 48 Loring Ave., GREENBLATT E. Louis, St R f Salem, and for ~il, 500 B~Ch R "gle~:~m;;gemann Mfg.. 00., Salem, and or linillall Jas. L. (23), M.., ug 1 mai!, 41 Elliott St., BeverlY!a t En r. Helhurn Thompson Co., and for me.., WALCOTT, Jos. H. (A-M 26), P n g, 18 Goodhue St. RSET Pro...idence Section ~g~~y, Wm: B. (J 201), Engr., Montaup Elec. Co. SO~IERVILLE, Bostos S:C~k. Reclamation Plant, Boston & Ye. R. R., ABBEY, Fran~I1 Han~lJ6J; ::R 20 Thresa Ave., Medford. d f 1 _l 2~ Warner E. Somerv e, R. ( 27) Student Engr., Servel Corp., an 0, OOPELAND, Geo.. St. SOUTHBRIDGE, wor~23e);,~~nlensdaleplant, Am. Optical Co., and FOOTE Laurence K. (A Y,, fo;,nail, 2! TWlneh~rst Pl. E Am. Optical Co., and for mail, 192 Ohapln GRANT, Wm. W. (A M 23), Sales ngr., St. 14) Ge 1 Supt Hyde Mfg. CO. d f 1 LA CROIX,.~rtl\l1r J. (~2~) I dus. E~gr. Shuron Stand. Optical Co., an or rna., PFEIL MeIvm P. (A M,n, ii 117 p. O. Bolt 486. (J 24) Prod. Engr., Am. Optical Do., and for ma, ripton. Alfred L.,. Chapin St. WALPOLE Boston Section. h Co., S. Walpolo, add f01 SOUTH ld G (j 19), Mch. Designer, Bud Me. MERRI~L, Donda A Eo Walpole, mad" Gaul ve. J ~lo~,,%~::i~,yl;ha.::i:)~~5sw~::o:, SPRINGFIELD, Western;cl:i~887 State St., and BAUER, Dllas. A. (J 25~llreS~1. Engr.,. BAuk"R, ~~is 2~9 (~)~,Ires., fudlan Yo~~cJ~J~~fp. ~.,S~J /~t.; mail, 64 Atwater B.\USMAN, A. Lmton (21), Wks. Mgr., BEN~E".fT~ejos. A. (07), 188 v:ashll~toltgr Am. Bosch Magneto Corp., and for BRENNAN, Micllllel J. (A M 18), 00.,.. m"ai, 62 E. Alv?rd(~23e). Maintenance Engr., Wm. Oarter Co., 88 MortlS St., BRIGHAM E. Edwm., Plalnfi ld and f~r mail, 109 RochMell~2~)t. Mch Deslll1ler, Baush Mch. Tool Co., e BROSTEDT Car, W (A. A St and for mail, 28 BelvidereE vo. Baush Ych Tool Co., Springfield, Mass., COPELA.ND, Ge? W. (23), Sales w~grpa... and "[or mad, JR. D(08~ ~~~t~lr;, McClintock 10 Oralg3 48:1:r~~~ S~l1l 51;. CRAIG, Dbas. H., r., 25) Consultant & Sales, Apt., t St d f... OREAGER, Edwin F. (19; It gr United Elec. Light Co., 78 Sta e., an DAMDN Walter H. (09), vons. n., d,noll 82 Bancroft St,t Engr Am Bosch Mall1leto Corp., Springll.el, c F k (2t) Dra, sman,.,. DUPEE.! fo~ ;:i~ 226 E: Main St., Ohicopee F~lS. k Engelhard & Sons, 200 Franklin N a~hard fiedk H. (20; 24), Partner, an E, G~t., and ;or mail, 1[2 PrincetonSS~lngll.eld Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 95 State St., FIELD Yalcolm F. (J 20), Engr., P d and for mail, 16 ~eeler pale.pal Mech. Draftsman, Springiield Armory, an GRAHAM, Wnl. M. (J.22), r ncl. for mail. 17 Hartwlck St. ml M Green Co., 496 Blldge SI. GREEN, Saml. M. (90), {CJ.o~;;)EneFe;;I.S~or~;n. Boston & Me. R. n., and f01 mail, GRUENBERG, Otto D., 58 VITginia St. 343

109 ]IASSAOHUSETJ.S MEMBERS 11:1 UNITED STATES SPRINGFIELD (co~tiuued) HAPGOOD, Thos. L. (J 27), Indus. Engr., Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co., Springfield, and fo, mail, 44 Birnie Rd., Longmeado\v. HILLS. Chas. H. (19), P. O. Box 16OS. KRESSER, Leo (22), Maintenance Engr., Am. Bosch Magneto Corp. and for lll<lil 114 Albemarle St., LINDAHL, Fred lif. (J 25), Tech. Apprentice, GUllelt &; Barker Mfg. Co Spring. field, Dnd for mail, 28 Worthy Ave., Mlttineaglle. ", MAR~:;,t:~t. Jas. Wallnce (24), Editor, G. &; C. Merriam Co., and for mail, 319, McGREGOR, Douglns (J 26), 257 TJnlon St. McGREGOR, Capt. Dun",:u G. (A M 24),. U. S. N., Ord. Dept., SpIinslleld Armory., <, MORRIS, Tllos. E. (A-Mi 20): Pre., Morrl, Mfg. Co., Worthington St. MURRAY, A, thur F. ~ OSi. 15: 19), n. E., Westinghouse Elec. &. Mfg. Co., Psge Blvd., nnd for mail, 9, Thompson St. OLLEY, Maurice (27), Ch. Engr., Chassis Div., Rolls Royce of Am. Inc. and for ma,l, 46 Rockland St., PALMER l Raymond E. (A-~I 19), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Palmer Steel Co" :l3 I,yman 51 PERKIN::;, Geo. Simpson (23), Ob. Engr., Nat!. Equip. Co., 3640 N. Main St., and, fa" mail.. 46 Sunapee St... llte!(dergast. CI)as. J. (J 25), M. E., Bailey illeter Co., 73 Fort Pl"asant Aye. " RIEGE, RUdolph (11), Indus. Engr., Gilbert.I: B..rker Mfg. Co.,; ROBINSON, John O. (22) Main St. SHIRLEY, Robt. (06), Con" Engr., 59 liimberly Ave. SMITH. Hazor J. (23), 26 Weaver Rd. ~, STO~~,~i r~:~~k F. (16), Pres., Storm~ Drop Forging Co., and joj mail Jl 00 Spruce- ~. STO~:t~w~is~~ F. (13), Cons. Engr., Vnn NOLman Mch. Tool Co., and for lll<lil, TABOR, Wm. H. (14: A M 20), rime Study Ch., Gilbert & Barlier Mfg Co V, Springfield, and /0" noil. 146 WestfOLd Circle, Sprii1~field...,. TRIPP, Edwin P. (20), M. E., McClintock & Craig, 458 Bridge St. and for nail 55 Albemarle St.." VAN NORMAN, ~redk D, (19), V. P., Vau Norman Mch. Tool Co., 160 Wilbrallam Ave., and for ",ail, 69 Olarendon St. WALlt?N, Albert, Jr. (J 21), Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co" and for?nail, 91 Federal WELLS, Kenneth K. (J 2~), Tecb. Apprentice, Gilbert & BarIteI Mfg. 00" Sprillg field, and for mail, 71 Wa,hington Ave., Northampton. WILLSON, W. W. (J 24), Sales Engr., Abrasive 00., aud for mail, 3 ~eith St, STILL RIVER, Worcester Section MARSHALL, Norman (10), Cons. E. &; M. E. SWAlUPSCOTT, Boston Section McARTHUR. Roht. D. (J 2), 83 E,sex Ave. J.AUNrON, Providence Section CROCKER, Percival B. (J 21), Asst. Mgr., Sentry Co. ROBERTSON, Ohas. J. (13), M. E., Paragon Gear Wks, P. O. Box 532. ROBERTSON, J, D. (20; A M 26), Treas., Roberton /;. Brabrook Mfg. Co., 16 E. Water St., and for mail, 84 Prospect St. TAVENER, Chas. H. (J 19), Box 898. lutffp~~n~ellly A. (14), Cons. Engr., Paragon Gear Wk., Taunton, and for mail, WARE, Walter O. (20), V. P., Paragon Gear Wks. lufts COLLEGE, Boston Section CHASE, Chas. H. (02), Prof. Steam Engrg., Tuft, Cnllege. ~ARNHA:M, Walter E. (A-M 18)" Prof. Graphics, Engrg. Seh. F1TT~a~haJ~~~,d M~r~~e:21), Asst. Prol., M. E., Tufts Oollege, and for mail, 195 MAO NAUGHTON, Edgar (1.6; 21), Prot. M. E., Tufts College, and for mail 187, College Ave., W. SomervIlle. MAYER, J ~s. (21)I Head Dept., Prof. E!conomies & Sociology, Tufts College and for mati, 36 Co!lege Ave., N. SomerVIlle. 344 ;,:. TURNERS FALLS, Western liin8snchusetts Section HAWES, AllStin W. (27), Plant Engr., John Russell Cutlery 00., Turners Falls, and for 1I\<Iil 86 Sanderson St., Greenfield. MOODY, Herbert A. (01; (l5; 10), Hyd. Engl., Turner Foil. Power.I: Eloc. (0. WALTHAlII, Boston Section DERBYSHIRE, F. V. (A 18), Owner, F. W. Derbyshire, J57 High St. ELA, Everett W. (16), M. E., Waltham Watch.I: Clock Co., and for mail, 8 Fuller 01lL~~N, OJof (11), Tech. Dlr.. Waltham Watch & Cloel Co., Waltham, and fo,?nail, 472 Crafts St., W. N~wton. VARE, Vorce"ter Section GATES, Herbert O. (J 28), Supt., Ware Valley Mfg. Co., Inc. MAXWELL, E. Clayton (22), Inuna. M. E., 15 Castle St. WATERTOWN, Boston Section ADAMS, Paul (27), Hood Rubber Co., Watertown, and for mail, 940 East St., GAL~~~R,"FrllonelsB. (20), Su t. Engeg., Hood Rubber 00. HERSEE Fredk C. (A 19), ~re., F. O. Bersee Co. 21 Bacon St. ROBBINS, Wm. F. (A-M 20), Ch. Enge. & M. M., Hood a.;bber Co., ~S Nichol. A.e. SHEPARD, Fredk J., Jr. (J 17), Ch. Engr., Lewis Shepard 00., 125 W~lnut S~" SODERLUND, Carl (J 19), Hood Rubber 00., Watertown, and fol "at!, 44 Fan- V,\NViKEri\{~ N.Bi}:,~lkL. (A-M 18), O,vner, Vau Kenren Co.. 12 Cnpeland St. WILLIAMSON, Richard (J 23), Engr., Hood Rubber Co. WEBSTER, Worcester Section BIGELOW, Myron J. (04), Cons. M. E" 23 Meolllllli" "t. CLARK D. B. (14), Oons. Engr., P. O. Box 297. CLEVELAND, Clarence E. (16), Pres., Inter.ale Mills, Inc. JlEWTON, O. Arthur (A-Y 27), Plant Engr., S. Slate\ &; Son" Ine., Webster, and /or Inail, M"in St., Box 397, Oxford. VELLESLEY, Boston Section BABCOCIt, Fred R. (17), 8 Arden Rd. BEHREND, B. A. (09), Cons. Engl., no Cliff Rd., Wellesley Hills. FIELD David Poner (J 24), Pine Ridge Rd. KAYSER, Wendell H. (J 20), Bu,ine.. j\fgr., Well.sley College. WEST BOYLSTON, Worcester Section OARROLL, Elbert H. (00), Retired, Prospect 8t. WEST NEWTON, Boston Section FALES, Herbert G. (J 21), 146 Highland St. VEST WARREN, WOlocester Section IVAIlFIELD, Geo. L. (A-M 18), Snpt,. Thorndike 00, VES]FIELD, Western liijlssooc].usetts Section. CAMPBELL, Lester (19), Mecb. Supt., Fo,ter Meb. Co., S. Broad St., and lor fil4il, 74 Franklin St. CLARK, Geo. W. (22), M. M., Westfield Mfg. 00., 1 Cycle St" and for mail, Osk Terrace. RYDER, Malcolm P. (A 01), 139 Uninn St., WESTON, Boston Section WINSOR, Paul (10). MEMBERS IN UNITED S1ATF.S iuassachusetts WHITINSVILLE, W..rc""t"" Section AMES, John H. (16: A-}! 24), Prod. Eugr., Whitin Mch. Wk,., and fo, mail, 18 M"plc St. PERRY, Edw. J. (J 2~)...\sst. FOleman, Whitlll )Ich. Wks., and for "au. 17 Woodland St. 345

110 JIASSACHUSETTS "\VILLIAMSTOWN, Western 1IIn""ncl,"settH Section JONES, Ernest E. (J 24), M. M., Ch. Engr., John S. BO~d Co. Ino.. Williamstow., and for mllil, 86 Beacon St., N. Adams. "\VINCHENDON, "\Vorce"ter Section FAIR, (1,as. (13), Oh. Engr., Baxter D. Whitney.I; SOil, Illc. ~[AY, Elliot D. (J 20). Designer. Baxter D. Whitney 4 Son, Inc., "and for nloil, 90 Spruce St. SMITH. Robt. L, (19; 22), Genl. Mgr. Baxter D. Whitney.~ Son. Inc. "and jar mail, 31 High St. WIDTNEY. Wm. M. (A 86). Pres., Baxter D. Whitney k SOil, Inc. WINCHESTER, Bostoll Section NAUMBURG, Robt. E. (17; 24), Pres,. Rell ~[fg. Co., Lyceum Bldg. "\VINTHROP, Boston Section JENID:t;GS, Theo. W. (20). 26 Belle"ue A,e. "\VOLLASTON, Boston Sectioli STANTON, E..r] F. (A M 19), Supt. Mecb. De"ices, Hood Rubher Co., alld lor mail, 117 M...lboro St. STUDLEY, Gerard L. (J 24), 102 Bromfield St. TAYLOR, DeWitt M. (U; 20). Pres., Wollaston Shoe Corp., 124 Old ColollY Ave. VORCESTER, Worcester Section ACKERMAN, Guy 0., Jr. (J 21). M. E., South Wks., Am. Steel & Wire Co., 767 Millhury St.. and for m<lil, 490 Burncoat St. ALLEN, Chas. Luoius (A 17), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Norton Co., 1 New Bond St. ALLEN, Ch",. M. (01; 08), Prot. H.vd. j;:ugrll. Worcester Poly. Inst. ANDERSON. Carl Eugene, (J 23), Asst. Ellgr., New Eng. Power Vonstr. Co. 36 Hr,rvard St. ARMOUR, Ja. W. (20; A M 25), Engrg. Mgr., RUey Stoker Corp. 9 St. and for mllu, 20 Edgewood St. JULCOME, Saml. E. (20). Cll. Steam Engr., Graton & Knight Mfg. Co 156 Frank lin Se. and fa ",au, 622 Pleasant St. BANFIELD Stanley M. (J 14), 6 Hackfeld Rd. BARKER. Horace c. (17). Res. Ellgr., Liberty Mutual Ins. Co.. 29 Pe..r1 St. BAR:t;ES, Wm. O. (08). Cons. Engr., 630 Pleasant St. I.\ARTON. Goo. S. (A }! 18), Pres. Treaa., Rice, Barton &l Fales Inc., T..lnter St. and for mail, P. O. Box llafh, John (18). Pres., Treas. John Bath & Co. Inc., 8 Grafton St. BELDEN, Alhert G. (21). M, E. Meh. DI\., Norton Co., 1 New Bond St. and for mail, 238 Lincoln St. llengston, Carl A. (A M 18), Ch. Oper. Engr., :!\orton Co., 1 Ne~ Bond St.. and for mail, 18 B:U1croft Ave.. BETH, Hugo W. H. (12), Prod. Engr., Norton Co. 1 New Bond St. " BLACKBURN. Arthur H. (94). Asst. l[gr., Riley Stoker Corp., 9 JI,eponset St., and for mail, 418 Lovell St. BLODGEfT, Albert G. (J 21), Asst. to Pat. Atty Riley Stolcer Corp., 9 Neponset St., and for mail, 8 Ruthvea Ave. BRADLEY. John E. (14). Pres. Osgood Bradley Oar Co. BURBANK, Loui. S. (98), Ch. Engr., Reed &; Prince Mfg. Co., alld for mail, 17 Stoneland Rd. COES. Frank L. (22). Pres., Treas., Coes Wrench Co., LOling Coes &I Co., 1 Coes Sq. COPPUS. Frans H. C. (18), Cons. Engr., Coppus Ellg.g. Corp. also Coppus Loco.. Equip. Co., 344 Part Ave. COX, R..lph E. ~[E~rBERS IN UNITED STA.IF.S (J 26), Meoh. Draftsman. Riley Stoker Corp., 0 Neponset St., Worcester, l[ass., and fof mail, 28 Ridges Court, Portsmonth. N. H. CRAIG, Olllson (21), Cona. Engr., Riley Stoker Corp. 0 Keponset lit,. and for mail, 284 Burncoat St. CURTIS. Philip N. (21), Trea., Baker Box Co.. 84 Foster St., and for ",aa, Iii William St. UANIELS, Clarence W. (16; 21), Plant Engr., Norton Co. 1 New BOlld St.,.111 fa mail, 9 Metcall St. : ~. \ )fembers IN UJIOIfEIll;TATES ;U,\SS.\.CHUSE I"lS WORCESlJ!lR (con(ati,n,-~2e;1) Stand..rdization Engl., Norton Co., 1 New Bond DANIELS. Dw.ght C...., A St., and for mai!, P. O. Box 27. SRtlI Stoker Corp. st., and lor DANIELS. Fred H. (18; 26). Pres., ey,, mail, 2 Regesnt S(,t A ( 21) Asst Supt. MOlogan Constr. Co., Lincoln Sq" DAYTON. Birge. l 6 ;.", and for mail, 6S Dover S~. M E Worcester Poly. Inst. DE LAMATER, R. Griffin (J M2~16)In~~~tr. M~ih. & Trade Science Worcester Boys DENNEN. Walter B. (20; A., Trade Sch., ancd 1(Of A :2~i!), 2G7.,~ tigrrst.geo. G. Blake. Jr. &; Co., and fa. mail, DODGE. Clarence. ~,~.. IDS Mechanic St; 0 AM 26) Instr Worce.ter Po!). Inst. and for mail, 47 DOWS. Harold W. (2;,., Barnard Rd. d W (17) A..t to Gell1 Sales 1o[gr. Norton Co., 1 New Bonel DUNBAR. Howar..., St.. and forrml(l;hil(7286)buuc~atn~tw Pres. Worce.ter Poly. Inst,., E,IRLE, Capt. a P f M b. 15 Delmont Ave. EDWARDS. Victor E. (89;Ch 90 E) L. eosg~~d~;sdley O..r Co., 351 Mouatain st., ELLIOTT, Edw. (21). As.t. ngr., W. H (J 20) Asst Ch. Draftsman, Cromptoll & Knowles Loom Wks.. EWING, Thos... 6 N th dge St 39 Grand St., and ~. r~t) Pr~~ ~cll Constr.. Worcester Poly. In~. 15 FAIRFIELD, HHOW(~iod. 21) Gr~up Foreman; Engrg. Dept. Morgan 0 FAY, Chester St. 4 Belmont St., and for ma A Mil" 8 ) Dealnst "team Engr. Am. Steel II Wire Co., 9 SE Matthew R. (14;. 21,. ~ FI Grove St., and fo(2ml")ilr2e4se~~re:;~w ;~:ton Co., 1 New Bond St.. Worces FRASER. Warren F,. I. III., ter. and for ma,l, wepstboro man Gordon Co. 105 Madison St., and fot W mail, FULLER Geo. F. (20). res., Y, 15 i[assacllusetts AV(~O6) Ch Englg: Dept. Am. Steel II Wire Co" GALLAGHER. Robt. T. ", and for mail, 12 Huntlnlltosn) A,.v,e. E Design Am. Steel & Wire 00. Worces GANNON Geo. H. P. (A-M 2,...,, ter, ~nd fa mail, 106 M(S9 1 9 n ) S~. ~lini4~;.gan Constr. Co., 15 Belmont St., and GEORGE. Jerome Row ey...,, 10. mail, 54 Elm St.. T Managerial Wk.. l,eland Gifford Co., 1026 GIFFORD, Albert J. (J 03). reas., Southbridge St ) Cll Inspr Norton 00., 1 :Kew Bond St. and lor GILLETT, Ch... E. (; "., mni~ 4 Bay State Rd;u 27) 1>1 E Charge Conservation 01 Materials. Jun. GINSBUl<G, Jacob (17; ; I Ii Granite St. Steel II Wire Co., and 10 mcoai, 1 N~W Dond St. and fo" mail, 87 Longfellow GOW, Ralph F. (J 26), Norton. Rd. tn M Elliot " Eall. 64 Harmon St. HALL, Roland ~. (21), rla3~) enrort;,tbo 1 New Bond ~t. Woree.ter. Ma. and HARDING, Harry N. (A S., N H fof mail, S56 IsIin g to(!i,)t., fu pr::m~r~{ning, Nortou Co., 1 New Bond St., HAR1ER, Clarence J.. ~, 0 loton Worcester, an~ ISO) 7!\;: W:i>~tlibutor Haynes Automobiles, 880 MalnSStt. HARVEY, J. C. (1. 1. M Heald Mell Co 10 New Bond. HEALD, Jas. N. (1?,1 TR as., ~e~ Dei,t. Am. SteellI Wire Co., 94 Grove St. IlERR, John A. (J 2~), ope n Norton Co 1 New Bond St. HIGG[NS. Aldus C. (f I 6 ) 11TS)rea~reas Pres ivorcebter Pressed Steel Co., 100 Bar HIGGINS. John W, O2 ;,.., ber Ave. rt A (26) Indus. Engr. Hea.d Methods Dept., Norton Co. HILDEBRANT, Be ram. m~1 H IndIan Em Rd. 1 New B~nd St., a(n,d /)or Asst Supt Rookwood Sprinkler of MaBS., 8S HOWARD, ChIton P. ~,.." Rd Harlow St,. and lor h.mar il, 18EDa;.d~~. Steel &I Wire Co., 94 Grove St., and HOWE Jas. F. (15). Cope ng... 10; Mi!, 12 Burge ~26R)d.A t Supt Am Steel & Wire Co., 767 Millbury St., HOYT Albert J. (16;,s... a~d,or mail, I 64 (JitluOs)SelIO~;;" Devel Bd Crompton &; Knowles Loom Wks., HUTOHINS, Geo.. F,. and for mllil, 20 Ripley St. 847

111 :;:!: ", r,!. ".1... j:.,~ " " if. lllassaohusetts :MEMBEIlS IN UNITED STATES,. MEalllERS IN UNrrED STATES IUIOHIGAN ADRIAN, Detroit section OLIVER, Eo. C. (02: 26), Mgr., Oliver Instrument Co. MASSAonUSJ~TlS WORCESTER (continuecl),~ r INMAN, Albert H (A 19) Fartn p. tt 01: In,.,.~... WORCESTER (continued). 7 Oak St., Worcester. er, rib man, 12 Cherry St., alid fat ",au,,~.; " POMEROY, G. M. (J 19), Sales MgT.. Matthews Mfg. Co., 104 Gold St. i~~~~e~estii.r M(;IJ)16~.25\,:artner, P,att & Inman, 12 Cherry St i~j PUTNAM, Arthur D. (A 17), Genl. Engl" Worcester Elee. Light 00., 11 Foster St, JAMESON Filii, ""gr., "";"rgan Constr.. Co., 16 Belmont St.. -.: ;.. RAMSEY, Webster K. (J 22), EngT., U. S. Envelope 00., 76 Grove St., and JEFFERIES E IPA Bw(J(ii/ ~upi" ~as.. CIties Realty Co., 25 Foster St. :\ J. REJ":~t~to~ l~s~!~st~ ~gi, Pro!. Steam Engrg. Worcestsr Poly. Inst. JEPPSON, Geo: N: (i3) Se ). ",Vb ;:rgannconstr. Co., 15 Belmont St. ;,. ;." REED, Chester T. (06; 16), Seey., Reed & Prince Mfg. Co., and tor "",i!, 354 JOHNSON B F S (20) :M" c gr., orton Co., I New Bond St..r..; SalisburY St. Ruth St. ",Ologan onstr. Co., 16 Belmont St., and tor mail, 10:":, REED, E. Howard (06: 13), Pres., Reed Small Tool Wks., 36 Hermon St., and JOHNSON Paul R (21) MID "i :(. tot "",il, 33 Wildwood Ave. and t~r mllil, 4.1 FlblIha...:~ litd raftsman, Am. Steel 01: Wire Co" 94 Grove st., :0.: REED, E. Winsor (16; A M 19), Supt., Reed & Prince Mfg and tor mlli!, JONES, Emery W. (J 19) Standards Eng C )! Salisbury st. Grand St., and tor"";a 8 Elbridge ~t romptod ell Knowles Loom Wks., 93."!..:, REID ra~~"i,(1686)"mru",.tr"swt.ater Wheel De p. t., Holyoke Mch. 00., 81 Tl)omas St., and fo KELLER, Allred R. (16) ABBt Oh D aft.,,- ~. St., and tot mail 4 Randolph lid r sman, Morgan Constr. Co., 16 Belmont.!; ROOKWOOD, Geo. I. (91), Manaj{er, 03 06: Vice President, 24 26; Life Member; KI!\G, John A (A-Y 25) Sales Eng, C b d C,.-.J.i.~:. Pres., Treas., Rockwood Sprinkler Co.. 88 Harlow St. KING, Vernon C (1& 21) Dist. Sat" ar orun urn a., Box 744. noys. Frallci. W. (21), Prof. M. E., Head of Dept., Worceater Pol). Inst. Halnmond si., ami tor ;nllil 20 -i~ygl~~ogord" AW!Ckwire Spencer Steel COI P, 69 SEARLE, Wilbur O. (09: A-M 21), M, E., Leland Gillord 00., Southbtidp;e LARSON 0 Wm (J 23) I t:: M,e,. i " St and tor mllil, 1199 Pleasant St.. Romola Rd.., na.. E., Worcester Poly. Inst., and fo, mail, H oj.,, SHEPERDSON. John W.- (08: 11), Engr., Morgan Oonatr. 00., 16 Bebnont St. L_-\RSSON Thure L F (05) MEN cc SHERWOOD, Thos. K. (J 17), Lecturer, Worcester Poly. Inst., Worcester, and LATHAM: Harry M (08) Ch E., orton Co" 1 New Bond St., for 88 Lotbrop St., Newtonville. f.oftus, J. J. (A.At 17) 8 Ru;g~;s~romPton 01: Knowles Loom Wk,..,, SMITH. Alton Lincoln (04.). Prof. Drawinp; & Mch. DeslJtll, Worcester Poly, Inst. LOGA.N Jas (A 04) P, U er. I 1 SMITH, Clayton O. (17), Treas., Mgr., O. S. Walker Co. Inc., and tot mllil, 10 WN~g~\lRi si~ar (J,:e;;, ll-; s~ E:elope Co., 75 Grove St., and tot, 222:;; Ij S;\II?~,:"rH~~~d vi;"bbltt (94), Prof. E. E., Cons. Engr.. Worcester Poly Inst. ;\lacoullough, Glenson H. (21 A_!t?.;6)Mf~: 00., 677 Cambridge St. SNOW, Alex.!. (20; 23), Prod. Engr., Graton 01: Knight Mfg. Co., 844 Frank Inst. ~,sst. Prof. M. E., W01cester Poly.. lin St., and tot mlli!, 75 FJnncis St. MARBLE, Edwin H (15) Pre C t... STEARNS, Karl T. (A M 117), New England Power 00., and fot mllil. 36 WUllam Tilrell St.., a., ur IS ell ll-iarble Mch. Co., and tor m.i1, 4~ : st. ll-iason, Jos. P (J "4) ]I{ E Ril St k "i STREETER, Claude O. (15: 20), M. E., Groton & Knil;ht Mfl;. 00., 344. Franklin 8 Plantation St. -,..., ey a er Oorp., 9 Neponset St., and tot 1l1l\il ~l St., Worcester, and fot mllil, Shrewsbury. McQUEENEY, Jas. T (20 AM 26) C " TASSE, Geo. R. (J 26), Riley S.toker Corp., 9 Neponset St., and fot mail, 16 fo, mllil, 7 Berk.iJlre si. -.,ron:pton &. Knowles Loall Wks., and! Wall St. ll-ierkt, Gust..v A (08 18) M. E M TA.YLOR, Irvinp; A. (21), Cb. Engr., Riley Stoker Oorp., 9 Neponset St" and MERRIAM, K. G. (J 23) In;n~ y," E or~n Constr. Co., 9 Belmont St. for mclil, 8 Intervale Rd. MONTAGUE, Wnllace T (/ 13, AM 21)" orcester Pol.J. Inst. TUOKER, Edw. J. (23), Supvg. Ellllr.. Oity Hospital, and tot mllil, 9 Oolonial Rd. and tot mcla, 18 Clearvie: A~e. Salea fdgr" Norton Co., 1 New Bond St., TURNER, Cbas. H. (06; 17). Cb. EnlP., OSl;ood Bradley Oar Co., 351 Mountain MORGAN, Myles (J 25) En r 14 C. St.. and lot mllil. 38 Whitman Rd. 296 Salisbury St. g., organ onatr. Co., 16 Belmont St., and tor maa; "" VEDDER, J. Warren (17), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Rice, Barton & Fales, Inc., 65 Taillter MORRISON, MORGAN, Paul M. B P: (91 (14), 00) Am: Psi~ & T r~~f Morga" Constr. Co., 16 Belmont St. :,. VOGT, St. Wm. H.. Jr, (A M 25). Y. E.. Reed Prentice Corp., 677 Camhridl;e St., NAHIGYAN, Kevork K (J 27) E D re c 0., 94 Grove St. and for ~I"il, 21 June St. 228 Hillhland!!t..,ngrg. ept., Riley Stoker Corp., and Jor WALKER, WDI. L. (A 21). V. 1.. Asst. Qenl. MI:\., Wasbbul11 Co. 28 Union St. NEILSON, W. LaCoste (23) V P N to. WEOHSBERG, Otto (21), Prea" Cb. Engr., Coppua Engrg. Cotp., 344 Park A,e.,,254 Salisbury St.,.., or nco., 1 New Bond St., and tor maa ". and tot mail, 5 Germain St. NELSON, John H. (17) Rea cb E., WHEELER. B. Alfred (18). Desip;ner, Alsatian Mcb. Make Ltd., 26 St. Johns Rd., NELSON, M. Clinton (,lil) G:~ M ngr., Wyma~ ~ordon Co. 1 " Woreeater, nnd for mllil, Elm St.. N. Grafton. and tot mllil, 424 Massasolt Rf. R. B. Philllpa Mfg. 00., 3 Grand St. Oourt """ WICKSTROM, Hnna ( ), S"l Enl"" Grinding Mch. Di"., Norton 00.,.1 New NYE,. mont Tbea. St. H (16), Sup" r. Pat en ~, S tadda. Engr., Morgan Constr. Co., 15 Bel. Bond.:;., WILDER, st. Carl D. (18). Cons. Elll;l., 12 Sylvan St. NIMBERG, Chester N. (J 27) Draftsman Ril St k,.,~ WILLARD, Frank H. (A 17). Pres., Graton & Knight Mill Co., 856 Franl,Hn St. and tot "",ii, 448 W. BoylstOn. ~ ey o-er Corp., 9 St.. "i" WILLIAMSON, Chas. W. (o\ M 20), Draftsman, Morgan Oonatr. Co., 15 Belmont PAINE, Arthur P. (A-M 20) M E Or t & Kn.\ ie, st., Woreeater. and for 1lwil, P. O. BoX 841" N. Grafton. PALMER Albert (J 23) M E., amp on owles Loom Wks 57 Fruit St.,.., Crompton & Knowlea Loom Wks., ~nd tor PARENT, J. Victor (A-M 2lJ) Su t. W tot mail, 29 Hitchcock Rd. p, orceater Eloc. Supply 00., 68 High St., and PARSONS, Arthur C. (J 27) MEO ; mllil, 148 West St.,., rompton & Knowlea Loom Wks., and for >: PAYNE, Oscar V. (A-1If 22) M E C to &; ". and for mllil. 23 Maywood St., romp n Knowlea Loom Wks., Grand St" ;,; PERRY, EdwIn H (19) Supt. Yro ter EI. :~ PESTELL, Wm, (i9), V. P., Riley ~~er C eeg ~,ght Co., 69 Webster St.., PETTERSON, OS<llr G. (A-11 19): 26 Grove St. eponset St. 348 ALBION, Pellinsnln 8ectlon WHITE, Louis E. (A 16), V. P., freas., Gale Mfg. 00., Albion, and tot mail,, Apt. 405, 201 E. Detroit..\LllIA, Peninsuln Sel tion lluroh, Stanley (J 25), EnlP., Consumera Power Co., and tot mail, 312 Prospect St. 349

112 )IICHIGAN!l.LPENA FLETCHER. Hal")" (1~), ~l1lmbers IN UNl1ED S!,\TEi; V. P., Gen!. Mgt., Fletcher Paper Co.,!..oX ~ :liuor, O"hoit Section AIREl, John (15 l~j Life:M b _DEMuynUl:d St" and I~r matl.e~08r W~ r Gepl. j Mgr., King Seeley Corp., 311 A~.. ~v;><. Henry Clay (12) H d M a mere.... also Cons. EIljl". ea. E., Untv, ~f Mich., 221 Engrg, Dldg" : BOSTON, Orlan Wm (20 28), Univ. of Mich.,,Prof. Shop Practice, Dlr. Engrg. Shop, BOWEN, Frank M (.A: 26) 1 F 808 S. State St,em.,rm, Jensen Bowen &. Farrell lind 10l" mau BURSLEY. JIIS. A (06 10) P f ", Hill St..,,10,1. E., Univ. of Mich., and jor mal! OALHOON. Floyd N (A :M 25) A t p COOi~~~.M& :;i8~~~f v:ie~resjd~nt,ro,foi.~t ~~e~~~;;t, ~J9 ;VD:Tl;c~I~ lil~~~viler, Jobn E. (08,17>" Unlv. of MICh.,,Rm. 265, W. Engrg. Bldg. go FESSENDEN. Chas. HoracJ (00; ::7~~ ~O~"Mun~v. of.mich., 2~1 Engrg. llldg., _Bid/:..." Un,.. of MIch., 888 Engrg FINCH. Frank R. (20) ~""t. ProfE, 1619 S. University Ave.. nglg. Collegc, ulli\". of Mich., and 10l" 1/1011 (,OOD. Cbas. W (20 "5) A t.pi BI~l:.,~... ro.:io1. E Unh. 01. Mich., 208~ E. Engrg. IIAWLEI, Rsnsolll S (16) P 1 M,;, HOLL!\ND, HII)" Ie 114), Me~~Fir;"EiI: YI,l\"1 of 1~i"b" 88S W. Eogrg. Bldg,. LIberty St. 0.ID, Ackermlln & Hollaud, JOB E KEELEa, HUj1;h E. ( ~) A.. ", 508 Elm St.,~, sst. Prof.,I. E., Uni". of Mich. and for KESSLEl!, Clalellce Frank (.I 28) Inst" :101 E U. J,E~l~I~)j1;~nk Y.J,... " MIch., 241 New Engrg. ~08 ThoIllPso~~ 8t.7>, Collelle Englg. & Arch.. U"i\". of Mlch.. liud lor mail, MICKLE. Frallk,\ (IS "8) 1\ t P, 1053 Olivia..A~e. I",.. ss, rof. M. E., Vnh". of Mich., and for mail, MILLER. Hem} W (lg 21) P, Mich. ",rol. "Mechanisw,~ EIlKlg. Drswlnj1; Uni,. of PERKINS. Donald L (18 A M 28) A, and lor mail, llio2 Packa~d,St sst. P"of. Shop P\"actlce, Univ, of Mich., ~ELLEW, Will. Hamilton (13) 2i ~2 HII St TnIO~HENKO, Stephen (24). Con; En I,... ~lch. and jor mail Ferdoll Ifd" ProL, l uj1<:gt. U( EII~rg. Uuh", or liarson, HalTY J (18 2S) I t M. WHITE. Albert E (28), Prol M~t,j E E., Unh. 01 )Ikh. of Mich..,.. nlll:g.. Dil. Dept. ~;nl(lg. Hesearch, Unh. WILLIAMS Gardne, S (21) C WILSON, Clyde E. (20) P i M ns. EnJl1.. COlnw~1I Hilii/;.. St., ra.,e., Ulll\,. of MiCh., and jor 522 J...illden \ ATES. Yollie R. (2S) Asst. P f "E - Libert.Y, St. ro..., Unll". of \ L, and fqr mail, 331 E. ~tk1~joen CEREER, Pell!osu1... S"ctl.m, mbry S. (J8; 22) Sale< En R B Barney St., Battle Creek aud Ifrr mail "Ill..,. ;,;herman ~lfg. Co IlANGHAIIT, Le~ Edw. (21. A- 25) Cj, 1-3.w. Euclid,\ve., Detroit.. and for mad, 24 HenrySt.,. J.lftsl1lau, Umoll Stel.lw Pump Co.,!lUm. John C, (10) M E U I ~ Columbia St. t"t non.. tea1l1 Pump CO I and fat mail. 24 E. BROWN. Harry W (09 26) At, mail. 46 Elizabeth si.. ss. Genl. ~upt., Postum Cereal Co., and for DAVIS. Edwin H. (07, 16) M E ~, I~r ",ail. 30 Guest St. " - m. Stealll Pump Co., 60 Maple St. and DEAN, Edmund W 105) Cb D Its DUNLAP. Ralph E: (J 24) Sal,a M lilall, Duplex Il"inting P, e.. Co. OIIDWAY, Earl P, (14 17) MesE ~-" GloSbe Mfl(. Co. Box 765. Emmett St.... mon team!ump 00.. and lor "ail, "; " MEMBERS IN UNITED STA1 t:s llnchigax BA.TTLE CREEI~ (continued) RAYMOND. Norton G. (J 22). Eng<.. Johuson Automatio Sealer Co. Ltd., and for mail, 21S W. Burnbanl St. " SOMMER. Karl G. (2Z). M. E., Am. Steam Pump Co. and for mail, 27 Rose St. SOOy, Walter E. (27), Seey., Plant Mj1;r.. Mich. Carton Co., and jor mail, J280 W. ~lain St. folipe, Reinhard A. (J 25), Mech. Draftsman, Union Steam Pump 00., and lor mail, 22 Talt St. BAY CITY, Detroit Section IIDIE, Jas. A. (A-M 2S), Designer, Indus. Wks., and lor mail. 908 N. Shermau St. CURTISS, Chao. B. (15: 28), Pres., Aotive Mj1;r., Bay City Fdy. I< Mch. Co.. and jor mail. 924 Center Ave, PERRY, Harold H. ( ), Y. P., Indus. BrownhoiBt Corp., IS5 Wasblnj1; ton Ave.. and for 410 Green Ave. PERRY. Walter B. (19), Gen!. Supt., Indus. Wks. 185 WllShington Ave. SEE, Jas. S. (A-M 20), Prod. Engr., Indus. Brownhoist Corp., 135 Washington St.. and for _it. 180S McKinley Ave. DENTON HARBOR, Pcninsul... Sect:ion liewhouse, Walter Fredk (A,M 21), Gen!. Supt.. Suranac Ych. Co., and for mail. 685 Pavone st. SCHULTZ. Oswald (A-M 27). Asst. Supt., Charge Prod. Auto Dept., Benton Harbor Auto Moh. Co.. Benton Harbor. lind jor _ii, 1901 S. State St.. St. Josepl!s, BESSEIlIER HOL:IoIBERG. Abner W.. (18: A M 25), M. E. llt Mines. McKinley Steel Co.. Bessemer, and lor mail. 110 Hibbert St" Ironwood. BIUilUNGHAIlI, Detroit Section COPLAND, Alex. W. (IS), Strawbsrry Hill Farm. FARMER, Thos. (91), 220 Harmon Ave. BOYNE CITY, Peninsnla. Section GERARD, F. Bryant (18), Y. P.. Genl. Mgr., Boyne Oity Portland Cement Co., and for mail, Wolverine Hotel. BUCHANAN, Peninsula. section BURGER, F. W. (A-M 17), Ch. EDgr., otark Tructractor Co., Buchanan, lind jor,nail, 1106 E. Main St.. Niles. BURROWS. Robt. J. (H), Mgr. Axle Dept., Celfor Tool Co. lind for _ii, P. 0, Box 69S. OADILLAC, peninsula, Section PETRIE, G. Rollo (A-M 26), Plant Mgr., st. Johns Table, Co. and lor,nail. IU Spruce St. ~1T~~THoward Edw. (95: 04), Ch. Draftsman, Cnlllmet & Heclll Consltd. Coppe~ Co., add Jor, 1144 Calumet Ave. CHELSEA, Detroit Section LOHREN, :John C. (21), M. E., Mich. State Cenlent Indus., and lor mail, P, O. Box 282. OOLDWATER,,PenInsui... Section M:\JRRAY, Wm. F. (A M 22), Genl. Supt., Wolverine Portlllnd Cement Co. DETROIT, Detroit section ".ADAMS, Lyman D. (17: 24), Gen!. Mgr., BarneB, Gibson I< Raymond, 6400 Miller.llJl~N~ Carroll R. (27), ncsearch Engr., Saleo Mgr., Ex-CeIl O Tool &: Mig. Co E. Grand Blvd. _~LDEN Herbert W. (08). Chmn. Bd. Dir., Timken Detroit Axle Co., Clark Ave. ALL1<:N; Harold F. (18; A M 28), Salea Engr., Link Belt Co., 5988 Llnsdale Ave. S5l

113 lulchlga..,\, ~IEM I\I~RS IN t:;:uteu STATES DETROIT (continued) ALMEN, H. Victor (23), Engr., Genl. Motors Research Lab., Oenl. Motors Bldg:. ANDERSON, El1lest Eo (J 20), Supt. Goddard & Goddard Co., 472. Hastings St. ANDERSON, Geo. P. (26), Transportation Engr., Graham B, os., and for ""i!, 9?8 Lawreace Ave. :;, AND~~:, Fredk W. (21). Cons. Engr. Mitchell Spec. Co. Rm Genl. Motor! ARNOLD. Chas. F. (J 23), 70 Delawarc Ave. ARNOLD. Geo. M. (2.; A M 26), Malatenance, Foreman, Detroit City GM Co" Sta. A. ARNOLD, Merlyn F. (J 23). 160 Dav.nport Ave. AYR, Saml. (17). FactOlY Mgr., Universal Powe, Shovel 00., nd Blvd., and for mail, 1714 Glynn Court. - BAITS, stuart G. (J 18). Designing Engr. Hudson Motor Oar Co., Detroit. and for mail, 1410 York.hire Highway. Grosse Pointe Park. BARBER, Cla,ellce M. (04). C1,. Engr. Mich, Copper & Brass Co W. Jeffer. son Avc. and for mail, 670 Webb Ave. - BARTHEL. Oliver E. (21), Cons. Engr., 2324 Dime Bank Bldg. BEAUMONT, Jay C. (18; 26), Prod. Eng"., Sherman Oorp., st Natl. Bonk Bldg. and for mail" 2205 St. Clair Ave. BEERS, R. L. (A.;I1 14). Ch. Engr,. Detroit Stoker Co., Genl. Motors Bldg. BENNETT, Cbas. Arthnr (27), Engrg. R.p., Fellows Gear Shaper Co., 651 Book Bldg., and for mail, 7460 Cburchill Av. DERGGREEN, :Paul H. (A M 26), M. E Lafayette Bldg. BEYER. BcnJ. W./.. Jr. (J 21), Dist. Sal Mgr., Indus. Wks., 1345 Book Bldg. BIGELOW, Frank tj. (07), Prop., Big.lolv Arch Co. 870 Maccab.. Bldg. BIRD, Chas. T. (21). Dist. Sales Eng,., Pangborn Corp., Genl. Motors Bldg. BOOMHOWER, (14), Ch. Engr., Albert Kahn, 1000 Marqu.tte Bldg..nd for mail, 870 Burlingame Ave. BOU1~NingT~2~0s (~~;ri~o,:~l:;~s Engr. D. P. Brown & Co. IHO Park PI" and BOWER, Raym?nd G. (21; A M 26), Mech. Drartslllan. Burrougbs Adellng Mcb. Co, BOYER, Jo. (13), Obmn., BurrOUs-b. Adding Mcb. Co. and for mail, 8120 Jeffer. son Ave., E. BRADLEY. Jas, H. (A M 21), Engr. Holcroft &: Cb., 6545 EPworth Blvel.,BRE~~;to~ B~~~l~; 25), Exec. Engr., Chrysler Motor Corp. and for mail, 243. BRENNAN, Wm. E. (23; A M 26), Inspr. Overhead Lines Dept. Detroit Edison Co., nd Ave., and for ""ii, 2966 W. Philadelphia Ave.. BREWER. Horace L. (J 26), 1126 Webb Ave. BROCK, C1Slence A. (,]3; 20; 20), V. P. of Engrg., MOl.r-Hurst Corp, Motor. Bldg., lond for mait, 1646 Glynn Court. BROWN. Ca"leton W. (J 26). Res.arch &: Sales Engr., Am. Blow.r Co., 6004 Russell, St., and for mail, 4083 Elmburst Av. BRUMBLE. Fr.d 1t E. (J 20. Serv. Rep., Oenl. Motors Corp., Genl. Motors Bldg" Detroit, Micb., and for mail, 319 E. 30th St., Baltimor., Md. BRUMBLE. W. C. (18; 25),- Ch.vrolet Motor Co. BRUSH, Alanson P. (14). Cons. Engr. BrUSh Engrg. Assn., Bldg. BRYDEN. Colby W. (J 23), Sale. EPS- " De Laval Separator Co., 424 Book Bldg., and for mail, 100 Davenport Ave. BULKLEY. Leavitt J. (21; A-M 26),, Trees., Commonwealtb Brass Co., and fa" mail, 5781 Commonwealth Ave. BURDIOK, Ellsworth J. (13). Real E.tate & Inv.stm.nt Consulting, 601 Transports. tion Bldg. DURGESS, Garrett (27). Ch. Ens-r., U. S. Rubb.r Co., and for mail, 5522 Underllood Ave. BURNSIDE, M. C. (A.M 19), Pr. Midland Engrg. Co., 602 Bnhl Bldg. OARPENTER. C. U. (07). Genl. Necessities Corp Park Ave. CARTER, Wilber A. (A M 20). Engr., Power Plant., D.troit Edisoll Co nd,\ve" and for mail, 8741 Arcadia A, e. CAUGHEY, Andrew F. (19; A-M 26), M. E., Cbas. N. Agr.e. Arch. ]]40 Book Tow.r. and jar mail, Mendota Ave. OHAMBERLIN. Newell K. (A-M 24). Natl. Educational Secy., Nat!. Assll. of St. tionarj Eng,S., 1034 Book Tower Bldg. OHAMPNEY, Ralph P. (A M 16), V. P., Oh. Engl., Mitchell &: Smith. Inc,. Copeland A e. &: Mich. Central R. R. -,, 352.) ~. MEMBERS IN UNITED STAn;S ItfiCHIGAl\ DETROIT (continued) CHAPMAN, Washington H. (18), Owner, Chapman Co., 6194 Bamilton Ave., anl! OIm~ -rn~ai~a~o (~j~n~o~~; Bros" Inc., 7900 Jos. Oampau Ave. COFFIN. Boward E. (07), V; P Hudson Motor Car Co., st Natl. Bank Bldg. COLE, Chas. S. (]2). Partn.r, Cha. S. Cole & Co., Penobscot Bldg. COLLAMORE, Ralph (14), Secy. Smith, Hinchman &: Grylls, 800 Marquette Bldg., and for mail. 679 Pinp;r.e Avc. COMPTON, Fred A. (A M 25), Pur., D.t, oit Edison Co., nd Avc., and for mail, 3010 Hazelwood Avc. COON, Thurlow E. (08; H), Pres., Coon D.Visser Co., 206~ W. Lafayette Blvd. COOPER Jas. H. (20 A-M 251 Pur. Agt., McOnrel RadIator &: Mfg. Co., 2567, E. Grand Blvd. and for ",ai 1453 Virginia Pl,. COPE, Edge Taylo, (A M 25), Detroit Edison Co., 200l 2nd Ave. and for.,..a!i, Laud.r Blvd.. _ COULTER. Rnymond H. (J 19), M. E., D. M. Ferry &: Co., and for ma>!, 5~ Brcntwood Aye., W. OOWLEY. Claude F. (J 25). Power Engr., Semet Solvay Co., W. J.fferson Ave., and Jar.,nail, 1530 Rademacher Ave. CREIGHTON, SOoml. B., J,. (A M 25), Indu. Centrifugal Dept.. De Laval Separator Co., 424 Book Bldg.. OUOCKER, Arthur G. (11; A M 21), Mgr. Indus. Div., W.stmghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. and fa" mail, 6747 Quincy Ave. OROCKER, Sabin (21;.25). Designing Engr. Detroit Edi.on Co., nd Ave" Detroit and for mad, 160 Ca.. Ave., Mt. Clem.ns..,;- CUSTER, Lieut. Garry DeM. (18; A M 24), U. S. N. Res. Inspr. Engrg. Matflal. Paclcard Motor Car Co.. DALE. Dallas W. (J 25), Oity Engr., 414 City Hall alld fa" ma,i, 427 Ashland Avl. DAVENPORT Ransom W. (A M 19), Oon. Eng,., Cbicago Pneumatic Tool Co., nd Blvd:, and for mail, 2460 Field Ave. DAVIDSON, Jos. E. (J 27), Engrg. Dept., Tllnl,"1I Hetroit 00., and for ma-il, 2006 DExJ~.fW,iaJ~:~ A. (A M 23). Struc. 11. E. Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, BOO Mar, CJuett. Bldg., and Jar mail, 1516 Vlnewood Av,. De VISSER. John H. (14 ; 18), V. P., Treas., Coon De Vlss.r Co W. Lafayette Blvd. DIAKOFF. Ale"is J. (J 27), Draftsman, Designer. Detroit Edison Co., nd Av., and for mail, III Marston Ave. DOLL, Wm. E. (A M 17). Dist. Sale. Mgr., Worthington Pump & Mcby. Corp Book Bldg. DONALDSON, Harold R. (J ]3) Charleyol" St., DOUGHERTY Sidney S. (A M 26), D.signer, Meeh. Dept., DetrOit Edison Co., nd Blvd.: and for mail, 1646 Richton Ave. DOW Alex (95), Vice President ; President, 28 ; Pre, Detroit Edison Co nd,Ave. DOWNING. Burton H. (A-M 24). Web.t.r Hall Hotcl. DRUMMOND Robt. S. (A 17), V. P., Grinding Mch. Co., Conant Rd. DRYSDALE.. Walt.r D. (20), A,sst. Engr., Power Plants, Detroit Edison Co., 20()<) 2nd Ave. 1 \ ~. DuCOMB, Wm. C. Jr. (13) Prcs., W. O. DuComb Co., Inc., 6385 Pa mer J VC., T.. DWYER, Emmet (07: 21), Pres., Palm. Sto.pel Co., 2111 Woodward Ave., Detroit, and for mail, 116 Grosse Pointe Blvd., Grosse Pointe Farm EASON, Olarence M. (20), 1652 Edison Ave. EATON, Homer M. (A M 18) W. E. Moss Gas Cos., 1402 Buhl Bldg. EDWARDS Arthur P. (A M 121), Field Engr., McColl, Snyder &: McLean. P.nobscot Bldg.,and for 11lail, 4()93 Larchmont Av. ELEY. Robt. V. (23; j!7). Engr., Ford Motor Co., Higblal"] Pk., and for mail, Euo~~c~t3~.A~~~. (A-M 15), Ady. Mgr. Wright-Austin Cu., 315 W._ Woodbridge St. and for mail, 228 Moss Ave. EMANUELSEN. John (A M 27), D.signing. Engr., Chevrolet Motor Co.,. and fol IIlail Mt. ElIIutt Ave. EMERSON, ~lbe, t (A M 19), Tecb. Mgr. Vacuum 011 Co Woodward Ave., and for...ail, 1164~ 1Iendota Ave. ESSEI,STYN, HOlace H. (09), Partner, Carey & Esse"!)n, 2580 Woodward Ave., and fol mail, loc6 Chicago Blvd

114 ~lichiga.n DETROIT (Continn~d» E ~ Chicago Pneumatic Teal Co., nd Blvd" ESTLER, Harry S. (A M 17., nor., v. andit" mail, 458 S. Man~tiqUeE~; 206 Wesley Bldg. S d Screw i~ii~~d.~i~~~~1~~l2j;;~:~i:~l~:rbrr~;jfp~z!u~1l:~~\~~in~~~i~ate,19. lir Ro B (14" 19 23), Dlr. a., a td I Rd Royal Oak FE BethuJe St. W., Detr~lt, and fo~ m~illi~;t.::~~t:bar Co., and lor ~il, 7009 FEKETE Stephen 1. (J 10), Engrg. ep.,. Waterloo St. H (19) Supt. Genl. Mgt., Dept. Water Supply, 176 E. Jefferson FENlf~~L, Geo.. " Seward Wood,,ard Ave. & Seward. FERRIS D. M. (19; A M 21), Cons. En~, :o~~tora Bldg. Corp., Rm. 2-f58, Genl.. FERRIS Lester It. (J 22), Ch. EngT., e II Mot~rs Bldg., M E Albert Kahn, Inc., Marqnette Bldg., and for 1114, FIGEE J. H. (18; 19),.., S Byron A;ve. 19) Mln. Lybland Ross Bros. & Montgomer.l, -.. FlTZ-GERALD, RlchSld (A, 0. erson Ave., and Book Bld g A (~.O) Pres. Peninsular Mchy, Co" 429 E. Jeff FLYNo~ ~~n~ SO! Burllng;.me A~e,. FORb, Henry (15), pr(ejs"2r)ords:e~t Co~~spondent, Diamond Power Spec. 854 Corp., FORREST, J. Elmer, Box ) 9084 Bevel1y Court. G I Motors FORSYTHE Olayton E. (1 ;lsi :Mgr Wickes Boiler Co., en. FORTUNE, J. Robt. (12), Gen. a e.., nt Ave Bldg. (J.-) Sales Engr., Thompson Products, Inc., 7881 Cona., FOSTER H Torrey.0 kact A and/or mail, 1130 t: ar er p v~. Control Thompson Products Co., onan ve" OSTER Tovnsend (J 26), ro., F and fm mal!, ah 1130 B Parkner (16 A M AV~~7) Ge-,,_ Treas. Automatic Heat Corp".~. _.,, FRE~~~I~; ~~~., an:d fo~2~ailp;;z:.t :~e:.e ~Jge Bros., InC Jos. Campau FREWEN, Thos. F. <J?o~32 Biaine Ave. Ave., and lor m w "l,i9.a-m 26), 4202 Waverly Ave. GALLOWAY, Jas.,\ V P Asst. Mgt., Merehead Mfg. Co., 4895 Grand River GAM1~~~ :n~b~~?m~i~.~)4815, co~onwea~:se~~~il Lab., Genl. Motors Corp., and ARDINER Arthur W. (J 25). ngr., G /0: ;;"il Box 264. N. End Stn. reb Bell Tel Co" 280~ 6th St. GARRISON, Wm. H. (J :26). ir En~I" ~ ~8. Mch. De~ign, Fishel Body Corp., and GATH~1AN Monte B. (27), gr., an, fm ndil, 2662 sturtevant St. v.nelson Co., 8676 Trumbull A..e.. (HUVREAU nctor (21), Owner, GoEro. Lncoln Motor Co., and fa" rna,!, 12S!16 G,\.Y Lindsley E. (A M 20), Plant nlll, 1,.. Northlawn Ave.. 1\1 Gr;r lls 800 Marquette Bldg..,IFFORD, Chns. (26), Smith, 111uehman, 26~2 E. Grand Blvd. ; girl" ChristIan (A 14), :."8e)spftte?kO~;rI~~.c; E:ngrg. Co., 2340 W. Lafa]ette Ave,,; OlVEY BER Snml. H. (J,. Q Ave. Cle..eland, O. b.jetroit, Mich". an? l~r,:;,a)lld~; P~~~~y& Cor:stl. Section, Genl. Motors Corp.. _~: (,L~D1)EN Cbas. S. (01, _.,. 7Sl., Genl. ~[otor. Bldg, G I "-r Goddard & Goddard Co., 4 A hibald N (13), Pres., en. -., GODDHARtP, s ~t and /0; mail, 630. Virg.!nioStl",. ~upply Co. 82~2 Woodward as mg., ( ~I 19) \\ oh ETme.lUC,~. \v..,, GOTTSblAN, Vlctm.\-,. [u ual Lillbility Co., Ave. It J (17) Cons Indus. IJ:JIZT, M1Ch, ~ t.. GRAVES, Wa er.,.. C.000 Oen1. Nece""itl. nl~i!<. ",R" reil Deho, Plant. Detroit Ed,son 0.,", RAY Bliscoe B. {.r 2/.1. 1o.xpel:. C::iel\ " G - 2,;d A"e.. and /0 ",,,il., 824 DIa~oO~r~~;cts Co., 1145 W. Gra~d m\ d. OREEN, Heatley (19),, Aut~fatJc Dodge Bros., and fol ma,l, RobsOl. GREIG, Alex. N. (A-M 19), Dra aman, n.. Ave.,_ (,\.}[ 25) Blanch Mgr" Landis Tool Co., and /0 1 mall, 166 Co. (lrrimer, Fran< -, necticl1t Ave. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES. MEMBERS IN UNITED ST,\lES DElROIl (continue,u GRIESENBEOK, Wm. (J 27), Designel, Am. Brake Mate"lals, l660 lien-itt St., and /Qr m"il, 640 W. Hallcock A, e. GUSHEE, Rd\\. T. (A 26), Pureh. ~gt., Detroit Edison Co., nd Ave. H,\LT.Y, Gordon H. (A M 23), Jool Designe,, Kelvinator Corp., 2051 W. ["ort St., Detroit, and /01 mail, Apt. 22, l25~7 Hamilton Bl"eI., IIlgbland Park. IlAIDIERSLEY, Ralph (A M 24), 2715 Rochester Ave. HANOOCK, Jas. E. (26), S53 Piper Blvd. HANDLOSER, Robt. C. (AM IS), Sales Mgr., ~Ioteh,l:; Merr~\\eather Mc!JJ. Co., 2S42 W. Grand Blvd. HANS. Walter It. (A M 2~), Dist. Mgr" Whitln&, COP., Giitl W. Baltimore Ave. HARRIS; Emery E. (19), I49~ Bewick Ave. HARRISON, Ch... O. (J 24), E. R. Little Co., 1020 Iorll Bldg., and JOT mail, 4510 Cortland Ave. HARRMAN, Cbas. R. (A-M 27), Research Engr., Dodge MotaI Car Co., 7900 JOII Campau Ave., and fot, rd St. HARTSOCK. GUY M. (27). Mgr., Ch. Engr., Diamond Tool & Engrg. Co., 510 Kerr Bldg., and jor mail, 5269 Seeholdt Ave. HAYDEN, Geo. D. (A M 21), Designing Engr., Nat!. 1"wist Drill & Tool Co., and /0" ail, Wisconsin Ave. HEFTLER, Victor R. (14) Pres., Zenith.Detroit Corp., ft. Hart Ave. HELMRICH, G. Bernard (A-M 21), Detroit Edison Co., nd Ave., Detroit, aud lor mail. 86 A..e.. Pleasant Ridge. HENDERSON, John V. ( ), Lub. Sales, Stand. on Co., th St., Dctroit, and JOT mail, 819 Walnut St., Wyandotte. HENDRICKSON. Geo. A. (J 26), Detroit EdiBon Co., nd A"e. HIGGINBOTTOM, Herbert, Jr. (19; A M 26), Asst. l"nctor~ Engr., Pottel & Johnston Mchy. Co., 8962 C... Ave., and jo, mail, 980 ~etly Ave., W. HILL, Maj. Reuben (OS), Hotel Royal Palm. HINCHMAN, Thea. H. (95; 05), Cons. Eugr., Smith, Ulnchmall & Grylls, 800 Marquette Bldg.. IDNDUAN, W. L. (A M 14), M. E., Dodge Bros., Inc., and fot mail, 47 Glendole Ave. WNltLEY, Carl C. (16; 17), Pres., Gen!. Mgr., liii,klej Motors, Inc., P. O. Box 839, alld lor mail, Detroit Athletic Club. IDRSHFELD, Olarence F. (05; 19), Ch. Reseal":! Dcpt., Detroit Edison Co., nd Ave. HOLLIS, Oliver N. (J 20), M. E., Detroit Edison Co., nd Ave. HOLMES, Harold W. (12; 25), Indus. Engrg., H. W. Holllles Corp., 5057 Wood. \vard Ave. HONYWILL, Albert W., JI. (11; 16; 22), TIeas., Diamon,1 Power Spec. COIp., P. O. Box 851. HOPKINS, Ral!,h Z. (21; 21) t Plant Supt., HUdson Motor Car Co., I;. Jefierson Ave" and Jor mail, 2576 Hurlbut Ave. ILLIG, Kurt (A M 24), Erecting & Test Engr., Wostinghouse Elec. & Mfg. (0., 5757 Trumbull Ave., and fat mail, 8322 Central Ave.. JARNAGIN, Jas. F. (J 24), Prod. Control Clerk, Pacliard 310tor Co.,.and JOT ""Ill, 1926i Lamont St. JO~~ON, Wm. II. (A M 20), Indus. Sales Engr., Detroit Cit.] Gas Co., 415.cliflord JONES, Jos. W. (A M 23), Genl. Supt. PIlIJlt IS, Tern.tedt Mfg. 00. JUNE, Robt. (A-M 20). Pres., Robt. Jlme Advertising, 2208 W. Orand Blvd. KALES, Wm. R. (94; 14), V. P., Engr., Whitebead & Itales Co., 14G6 Dime Bank Bldg.. IL\RMAZIN. John (A-M 14), V. P. Fllntlocl< Corp., 4461 W_ Jefferson Ave. KELLER, Emil E. (94), Pres., stand. Screw Products CP., 2559 Bellevue A"e., Detroit, and JOT mail. P. O. Ba." 59, Birmingham.. KELLER K. T. (A 16), V. P., Chrysler Corp., 841 Massachusetts Ave. KENRICK, C. Fay (J 24), Salesman, Ingersoll Ral1d Co., 103 Marquette Bldg. liettering, Chas. F. (15), Genl. Dir., Resealcb, Genl. Motol. Corp., Genl. Motors BltTg. K1lUlY, Ralph L. (J 27), Prod. Engrg. Rep., StUdebaker Corp., Plant 8. and, /0" mail, 1801 W. Grand Bl..d. KLIKOFF, W. Alex. (J 28), Aeronautical Engr., Aircraft De, el. Corp., DelraJ Sta. KT.INE, Clement L. (A-M 26), 2511 Olalrmont Ave. 855 ltlichigan

115 ,"., )11lHIGAN ~1 r: ~IB~;KS IN UNITED STATES DElROIT (continued) KLING, Loui. A. (14), 8ales Mp;l., Harwich Stanlplng Co., P. O. Bo" 0, North End,," St. and for mau, 3770 N. Wcstern A, e. KXAUER, Ebert (19), Research Engr., Burroughs Adding Mch. Co" and for ~1.i1, 4269 Fullerton Avc. KXIGHT, Allred H. (09), Cons. Eugr., Mfg. Diy., Dodge BlOS., and for ",, lisii 1\xo~g~~:01, A;~. (H), A. F. Knoblock &: Associates, 5764 Ca... Alc., and lui i" mail., 661 EtI1tlon Ave. K~OCKE, Louis T. (20; 22), Oharge Exper. Lab., Dodge Bras., Inc., ond lor j "",ii, 1411 Collingwood Ave. KREIDLER, D. W. (17). Ch. Engr., Carburator Div., Detroit Lubricator Co.,.nd for "",i! 4002 Calter Ave.. KURTZ, Walter w. (18; 26), Supt. Oonstr., Mlllel York, Inc., 162S E. Congr", St., and for mail, 857 Monterer.. J.ANE, Henry Marquette (00), Pres., B. M. Laue Co., SSS Statc St.. LANE, Horace H. (18), ~Lelll. Firm, Lane, Dalenpol t, & Petsrsou, 1017 Cha1levo;, Bldg., and for mail, 864 Longfellow Ave. ",. LANGHAMMER, A. J. (24), Supt. Highland Pk. Plant, ehrrsler Motor Corp. i U:E, L. M. (J 26), Cllc"rolet Motor Co., Detroit, and for /lail, 343 S. 6th Ave., Ann Arbol. LEGG, Karl W. (J 19). 1;llgrg. Dept., Goddard & Goddard Co., Hastings &; Forest St." and for mait, Ma1lowe Ave. I.ELAND, Henry ~l. (95), Mallager, 12 15: 2230 Dime Bank Bldg. LELAND Wilfred C. l13), 2230 Dime Bank Bldg. LEWIS, J ohn G. (18), 1494 r.ongfel\o\v Ave. LrnABURY, John E. (18), Fdr. Engr., Oen!. Motors Col p., Detroit, alld lor moil, 164 W. Pike St., POlltiac. ~ LINDFORS, Viking (A M 20), COliS. Engl., Edmullds &; JOlles Oorp., #1.0 Lawton,," Ave. J.I"X, Vincent (18), C<Jns. 1,"g1" ~tudebaker Corp.; 1I11d for,",ai!, 1162 Seward Ave, LITTLE, Edwin R. (16; 21), Ples., R It. Little Co., IlIC" 1920 ~ord Bldg. LOGAN, Frank (J 27), Sheet Metal LlIJout, Walker & Co., 88 Austill Ave., and for "",ii, 29 :Euclid E. LONEY, Nell Mel. (21), Fisher Body Co., Genl. Motors Bldg. LOVELL, ThoB. S. (A M 19), As.t. Supt. Bldgs. & GroundB, Dept. of St. Rys" City of Detroit, lind for 1IIall, 5915 Lakewood Ave. LOVENSTON, Hans J. (A l1 22), 61 Parsons St, LOW, Fredk H. (J I5). Branch EngrK, Ford Motor Co" Highlalld Pk., Detroit,. and for ma il, 807 Yinewood Ave., Blrmingh.m. I.UOHT Fledk W., J,. liii; A )l 20), eb. Engr., Goddard &: Goddard Co., 472! Hastings St., and fui,,".i!, 119 S. Ashland Ave. LlJKER, Fred (J 22). Expor, ElIgl., Hupp Motor Car Colp. LUNDGREN, Philip W. (.J 24), 1278 Hart."vc. LYNAH, Jas. (22), Dil. pur Prod. Englg., Genl. Motor. Corp., Gen!. Motors Bldg. I,YON, Geo, R. (17), l:<,le. j ~ngr., Babcock 01: Wilcox Co., 412 Ford Bldg. LYSTER, ~hob. L. B. (15), Ch. Engr., Nat!. Garages, Inc., 1432 Buhl Bldg., Bnd for mail, 461 BllllIS lh i~c. MABEE, Ernest W. (A M 20), lackard Motor Cnr Co., 1680 E. Grand Blvd., aad for mail, 68 Stimson St, MACHOLL, Edw. A. (A M 21), Designer, ~olll MotOl Co., lilghland Pk., and for mail, LaSalle St., Detroit. MALONE, J. G, (17; A M 26), Albert Kahn, Inc., Marquette Bidg., and for mail, 1726 Seward Ave. ~I.\ROERO, Aloysius (23), Plant Engr., Detroit Edison Co., nd Ave., Detroit, and for mail Bishop Rd., G,osBe Pointe Park. ~IARXS, Jas. H. (14; 23), Dir. Purchase., Packald Motor Car Co., Detroit, and for mai!, 622 Rivard Blvd., Grosse Pointe. )[,.IRSHALL, Richard II. (J 27), IlIspc. Ellgr., Dctloit Edison Co., nd Ave., lurti, Cb. (26), Designel, E~"per. Dept., Burroughs Adding Mch. 00., DetrOIt, and for mail, Rosedale GlI:dena, Plymouth Rd., Plymouth. )lason, Fredk H. (01; 13), Partner, F. H. Mason Co., 726 Ford Bldg. ~I.~S8gy, Wm. J. (A Y J9), Plant 1o:ngr., Forge Plant, Chevrolet Motor Co" IVOI E, Euclid Ave., and for mail, 4102 Virginia Pk. )IATTER, Edw. Guy (13), Dl1trolt Athletic Club. lfattsson, A. Geo. (15), OOllS. Engr., 1404 E. Jefferson A, e. S66 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATt:S IlElROIT (continue.i1, " MAYO, Wm. B. (00), Ch. Engr., Ford Motor Co.. lleoabe. Cha J. (20: 26), Ch. Smoke Inspr.~ BU1...n Smoke Inspc. & Abatement, 555 Olinton St. McOABE, John C. (16), Ch. Boller InBpr., State of Mich., and for mail, 6~50 16th St. llccoll, J. R.. (08); Sr, Mem. Firm, McColl, Snyder & McLean, Cons. Engrs., 2804 Pcnobscot Bldg.. McEI,ROY, PeterS. (A M 21), V. P., Sales Engr., Peninsnlar Mehr. Co., Inc., 429 E. Jefferson Ave. McGREGOR, Howard L. (A:ill 21), Pre, Natl Twist D"1ll & Tool 00., 6522 Brush St. 1[cl~f~~~l;e.F. (22), V. P., Engrg. & Mfg., U. S. Radiator Col p., 133 E. Orand )[cl"es, Robt. (A 27), Prod. ~:ng:i., Edw. G. Budd Mfg. Co., Charlevoix Ave., and for mad Manistique Ave. )IEYERFELD, Wm. S. (J 26), Draftsman, :illillehlurst Corp., Genl. Motors Bldg" and for mail, Webste, Hall. MEYFARTH, Geo. H., Jr. (J 26), Expel. Engr., Harrison Radiator C01p., 461 W, Baltimore Ave., Detroit, and fa. mcil, 206 Moss Ave., Highland Pal l,. ~llgo(;;tt, Wm. L. (Ol), 246 Florence Ave., Highland Pk. }rrr,ler, J. F. G. (10), V. 1., Genl. Mgr., Am. Blower Co., 6004 Rnssell St. luller, Roht. O. (J 24). 100 W, Ale:<andrine Ave. ll1lj~~iln:.:::.~ers/ (J 26), Test Engr., OheVlOlet Motors, and fa flllli!, 194. MILI.S, HalBtead H. (A 22), Cl,. Safety Engr. Oity of Detroit, 665 Olinton St. MITCHELL, NormllD r. (A M 27), Engr" Book Cadillac Hotel, Washington Blvd., :md for mail, 7198 Webb A, e. llonett, Hem) O. (21), SalcB Engr., Pittsburgh Piping &: Eqnip. Co., Dellolt, and for liiail, 218 N. Higby St., Jackson. MOTT, Chas. S. (98; 09), V. P., Genl. Motors Corp., Genl. Motonl Bldg. lillei,ler, C. Rudolph (J 10), Can. M. E., 2847 GrllDd RLver Ave., Delloit, and lor mail, 222 Louise Ave., Highland Pk. NANOARROW, AJbert O. (25). Motch & Merryweather Mclly. Co., 2842 W. Grand Blvd., and for fllau, 2080 lliahton Ave. ~EFF, Earl C. (J 21), Por. Agt., Mlller Hurst Corp., Genl. Motolll Bldg.,, Detroit, and fa" "lilii,. 404 N. Main St., Royal Oak. KELSON, Emil A. (IS), Sales & Co". Engr., Rm. 2S7 Genl. Motors Bldg. XICHOLS, Wm. Westervelt (26), V. P., M. E., D. P. Brown & 00., 1440 Pnrk PI. liioklin, Ernest W. (A 16), J:!ecy., Treas.; Richards Nicklin Co., Rm , Gen!. :illotors Bldg. NITZBERG, Frank (24; A ll 20), Buyer, Mech. Eqaip., Detroit Edlson Co., nd Ave" and for mau, 710 W. Bethune St. XOAJ~ :~~: 2Ji0 ~egt~~~sfraftsman, Hyd. Brake Co., 2848 E. Grand Bl, d., and XOTTINGHAM, A. R. (15), Cllarleston Ave. OFFER, Louis A. (21), M. E., Ford Motor Co., and for nail, SOO Westminster Ave. OI,l,,\RY, Frank J. (11), 3426 Longfellow AYe. Ol.ESEN, Tage (J 27), Drafting, Dodge Bros. Motors Corp., Inc., 7900.Ios Canlpau Ave., and for mai!, 630 Chandler St. OU.IZEN, Andrew N. (A M 2"2), Sta. Supt., Detroit Oity Gas Co., 415 Clifford St. OIVSTON, Chas. W, (19), V. P., McCord Radiator & Mfg. 00., 2687 Grand Blvd. OXFORD, Oarl J. (A M 21), Factory Supt., Ch. Engr., Nat!, ~\\ibt Drill & Tool Co., 0622 Brush St. PAGEL, Richard F. (A M 27), DeBiguer, U. S. Rubher Co., 6600 E. Jefferson Ave., and for ",cil, 4788 Meldlum Ave. PALMER, Wm. O. (A M 22), Supt. StelUD Diy., ScI\. Dept., Westinghonse mec, & Mfg. Co., 6767 Trumbull A"e. PARKER, Jas. W. (IS; 25), CI~ Engl., Asst. to Y : Geli!. 111"" Detroit Ellison 00., 2~00 2nd Ave. PARROCK, Edwin J. (26), Plttelkow Htg. & Engrg. 00., 2340 Lafayette Blvd., and for ~lait, Baylis Ave. PAUGJ!, Chaa, T. (18: 20; 25), Oh. Engr., Detloit Com. or &: Mch. Co" 6821 W. Jenerson Ave. Detroit, and for mail. Wayne.. PITTELKOW, Arthur G. (18)l Pre., Pittelkow Htg. &: ElIgrg. Co" 2840 W. Lafa)ette St., and for "",i, 866 Chalmer. A, e. PL,INCBE, E. (17), Cons. Engr., Oen!. Motor. Bldg MICHIGAN

116 MICHIGA.N MEMBERS IN UNIrED STA1ES /;:, MEMBERS IN UN1flW SlAn;" MICHIGA.N DETRO!l lcojltijllle,ll. POULSEN, Edw. B. (J 24), Draft.n..n, Mich. Copp.r & Bra Co., and for ma.l, PREM~N~~~~~ t;;,: ~J 27), DraftBman. Eng. GTahalll Bros. Truck Co., and JOT ",ail, Rm. 501, Y. M. O. A., & Sts. PREUTHUN, Paul J. (A M 28), EngT., Alb.rt Kahn. Inc Marqu.tte Bldg., DetlOit, Mich., an(1 fat maa, 739 Hall Av., Windsor, Ont., O..n. PlUCE Flovd U (A M 21), Sal.a EngT., Ja. E. D.gan t St. RALL, G.o: O. (J 25). Sal.s Engr., Am. Pump.. Supply Co Genl. Moton RAN~~ L. Dwight T. (04), D. T. Randall & Co., KeTr Bldg., 642 B.aubl.n 51. RECH. H.rbel t F. (27). Cons. Engr., Pow.r &: Malnt.n?nc. S.c.. Wks. ~[gr. Com mittee, Gcn.ra.l Motors CoTP. D.troit. and for liim/, 128 Hill Av., HIghland REIJ,a~cinald R!CJli:Dka~~~~nt. A. (J!1:2), Automotlv. Design". Columbia Motors Co., and for mail, tj";04), Asst. Tests Engr., Solvay Process Co., and for IIlaa, 1254 Meado,vbrook Av. RICHARDSON. Ralph A. (J 27), Genl. Motors Research Lab., D.trolt. and for m"ii. 14 Union St. Ecor... 1 A RIORDAN. John M. (21), Salesman. OadllIac Mch~..~o ton, e. Detroit, Mich. and fat maa 9308 Parm.l.e Av. O. ROBERTS. Edw. F. (18), V. P. Mfg., Packard Motor Car 00., 1580 E. Grand B.lvd. RODEMEYER. H. (119 ; 27), Supt., Barnes, Gibson, Raymond Inc., 0400 Miller Ave., and for ma-a, 2980 GI.ndal. Av. ROGERS, L.wis C. (12), Power Engr., Solva1 Proce.. Co. ROLAN, Andr.w A. (20), 611,un. Av.,... ROSSNER, EmlJ E. (J 24), M, E., Ternlltedt Mfg. Co., and fat lila-il, P, O. Do., ROT~~8~d\VIU A. (J 24), ~al.s Engr., Stl>l1d. Oll Co th St., and for "~il, 740 Hazelwood Ave. RUDD, Wm. C. (23), Asst. Engr., rower Plants, Water Supply, 810U 1\. Rus~t,:,e~Jt:;: S. (87), Manager, 93 96: Vice-Prp.slclent. 97~99; Lif. Mem bel; Ohmn., Russ.l Whe.l &: Fdy. Co., 1849 Fr.e 11" Bldg., RUSSELL, Geo. P. (J 27),, Chicago Pn.umatlc 1001 Co. and for Rall, 2204 LaSalle Gardena. S. RUTHENBURG Louis (22), :. Genl. MgT. Y.ellow Truck & Coach. ~[fg. Co., Motors Bldg., D.troit and for mail 250 Suffield Rd.! B1fmlng~am. SANFORD. Sterling S. (2~; A-M 2.6). Res.arall Engr. DetrOIt Edison Co.,.000 2nd Av, and fot ma.l, 2941 FIeld Ave.. SAULSON, S. (27). M. Eo, Albert Kahn, Inc., 1000 Marquette Blog., and for "0.1, SCH!ti~, ~~r~yu~~\i;i 20), Asst. Engr., McCord Radiator 1>1 Mfg. 00. Riopelle St. & E. Grand Blvd.. and for nl"a, 311 M~rsto!, Av.. _,. SCHNEIDEl!. Alwin W. (J 21). Plant Eng!., MIch. Copp.r &: Brass Co., as"l 11. Jefferson Ave. : "j SCHOEN, AUf.ust (12), ll. E., Schoeu Engrg Stroh Bldg., and 1".ma scoli~. 0~[~\~~d(fV;~5), Layout Draftsman, Dodg. Bros. Inc., and for ",,,if, 66 L.lcest.r Oourt.. SCO11. Frank S. (J 27). Student Engr. Dstroit EdIson Co., nd A. and for ma-il, E. J.ff.rson Ave. SH!NKON, Don :H. (27), Engr., D.tToit Edison Co., nd Ave. SH:4-W, Jas. W. (14), Sales Engr. Allis-Chalm.r. Mfg. Co ~ord!lldg. -SHERWOOD, Harold T. (J 26), ftud.nt Engr., Central Heat, DetrOIt EdIson Co., Linwood Av.. SINGLETON, Arthur B. (12; A 21),!I. E., lligl. Traas. K.rr Mchy. COTP., 010. K.rr Bldg. SINTZ, Claud. (17), 014 1st St. SLOMER, Wm. F. (09), Sale. &: S.rv. Mgr., Fellows Gear Shap.r CD., 651 Book Bldg., and for mail, 1211 Edison Ave. SMART, Richara A. (94; 00; 06), llifr, R.p., 406 McKerch.y Bldg., and for maa, 114 Colorado Ave. S~[!TH, Chas. Adelbert (J 26), Big.low-Llptak Corp.. Rm. 1804, 5057 Wooowsrd A\e. 858 DEfROIT (COJlthllled) SMITH, Morgan B. (21), Engl., Gelll. Motols Corp., Motors Bldg. S)IITH, Paul H. (27). Dist. Mgr., Combustion Engrg. Corp Book Bldg. SMITH, Wilbert C. (22: A-M 26), Sal.s Engr. Vacuum Oil 00., 2681 Woodward Av., Detroit, and fat mail, 616 Kennedy St., Jack.on. SMITH, Wm. H. (11). 129 Burliugame Av. S:\ELL, Lyl. K. (14), Automotiv. Engr" 704 Glad.tone Ave. SXiDER, Clifford L. (18; 25). Sal"s Engr., Evans Auto Loading 00., 1504 Dim. Bank Bl<lg., and for m"ii, 834 D.laware Av..~OnERBERG. Chas. H. (26), Cona. M. E., 008 Donovan Bld~. SPLETSTOSER. F, W. (AM 27), Engr. Ford Motor 00., Highland Park, and fat mail, 495 Br.ntwood Av W., Detroit. &PRAU, Wm. O. (10; 13), Trea, M. E Barn.s Wire F.nce Co Northlawn Ave.. SPREEN, Clla..C. (J 19), CIl. EngT., EI.c. Refril!. Corp. Plymouth Rd., and for mail, 8050 E. Grand Blvd. SPliRGEON, Jos. H. (27), Sal.s Engr., Pow.r Plant Euip., Jos. ll Spurg.on 00., and for mail, &18 Woodm.r. Ave. STAEHLE, Hasw.ll E. (J 24), Exp.r. Engr., U. S. Radiator COTP., 127 N. ClNIlP b.n Av. 8TELLWAGEN, Robt. H. (J 24), Asst. ~I. E., City of D.troit, 414 City Hall. and fat mail Maryland Ave.. STONE, L. L. (14), Cons. Engl., 1886 B.rkshlre Rd,. Gras Point. :pk. S1Rlre~~r:.t~:: s. (03), Engr., City of D.troit, and for ma-i!, 1417 SULLIVAN, Ralmond H. (20), Cons, Engr., T.rn.t.dt Mfg. Co. Fort W. & Artlll.ry.. SlWEET, Chas. E. (07), Tleas., Sup.rior Mcb. &: Engrg. Co., 1980 Ferry Park, and for m_a-a, 691 Taylor Av. SWENSON, C. Q. (J 18), R.p., Hardlte ~1.taJs, Inc. and fat mail, 189 S. N,wpolt Av... SZYMANSKI, K. E. (18), Auto. Body D.signer. Brigga Mfg. Co. and fat ma-il, 2088 Fed.rlck St. TAYLER, Theron C. (21), Pr... Sand Lim. Products Co., ft. St. Jean Ave., and fat ma-il, 586 S. Marlborough Ave. TENKONOHY, Franklin V. (A M 10), 5019 Ridgewood Ave. THOMPSON, Earl A. (26), 15 Kirby Ave. E. THOMPSON, Paul W. (IS; 25), Ch. Asst. Engl. ~ower Plants, D.troit Edison 00., d Av. TOBEY, Tom J. (18: 25). Engr., Plant Mgr., Ev.rhot Hca.t" Co., 5241 Wesson Av., and fat mail 5282 Oregon Ave. TODD. Paul E. (A M l 28), nd Blvd. TRIX, Jolln (18), Prea. AID. InJ.ctor Co., th Ave. TRULSON. Arthur F. <i 20), M. E. Dlv., Smith, Hincbman &: Glylls, 800 Mar. qu.tte Bldg. and for mad, 867 E. Grand Blvd. UGOLA, Geo. C. (27), Cb. Engr., Mich. Ste.1 Corp., Mill St., Detroit, and fat mail, 4262 Pitt St., Ecor. ULB:i\t~f.ust (J 25), Ch. Engr., ~lich. Valve & Fdy. Co., and fat mail, :P. O. VAIta:Tl~hG~d.~:~9), Factory Mgr., Dodg. Bros. Inc., and fat mail, 2281 N. VAN DUSEN, C. T. (J 20), 1438 Glynn Oourt. VAUGHAN, Henry P. (J 24), EJ:Per. D.troit Lubricator Co., I>IId for m"a, 5260 W. Ohlcago Blvd. VER~:a~::. F. (12; 13), M. E., Secy., Treas., Verner. Wilhelm & Molby, 82 VINCENT, Jess. G. (08; 10), V. P. Engrg., Packud Motor Car Co. WALOUTT. CI.veland, Jr. (J 20), No. Branch. Y. M. C. A., Highland P k. WALTERS. V.rnon E. (A-M 18), Dir, Tool & Gaug. ~.ctfon. Genl. Illotors Corp., and fat mail, P. O. Box 61, N. End Sla. WALTON, Hiram L. (20), Ch. Engr., Smith, Hinchman &: Grylls, 800 Marquette Bldg. WEBB, Jervis B. (27), Pres., Jervis B. Co Woodward Ave., D.troit, and fat m"a, 1624 Wooasboro Drl!., Vln tt & Pk. Royal Oak. WEST, Frank R. (21; A M 25)" Ch, Engr. Rice Products Inc., 815 Beaubl.n St. Detroit, Mich., and fot met!, 67 Parkvlew T.rrac., N.wark, N. J. 869

117 llliohigan ~le:mnersin UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES JllICHIGAN DETROIT (continued). WHlLDIN, Wm. G. (12), Pres., Baker WhUdin Coal Co., Hearn Ave. &; DetroIt WHI EN, RFr~k A. (19), Ch. Engr., Design &I Devol. Am. Car &; Fdy. Motors Co., 6718 Russell St., and for mail, 640 Burlingame Ave. WIBEL, A. M. (A 19), M. E., Ford Motor Co. WILBlJR, R. L. (17; A M 25), Asst. Wks. Mgr., Detroit Copper &: Bras. RoJling Mills. P. O. Box WILDE, Jobn R. (15), Ch, Engr. Power Plants, Detroit Edison Co., nd Ave. WILLIAMS, Paul (17; 25), Skinner Automotive Device Co., 2225 Dalzelle Ave., and for mail, 2465 LaMothe. WINSLOW, Fredk B. (J27, Drafting, Engrg. Dept., Detl:oit Edison Co., nd A,"e., Detroit, and for mq.:t~ 83 Tenny Ave., Deaorborn. WITTE, Palll E. (J 28), Partner, Witte &; Burdell. Indus. Advertising, 100 W. Kirby St, WOLCOTT, Wllold S. (A M 17), Asst. Engr., McLar", Screw Products Co., tll St. and for mail, Strathmore Blvd. WOOD, E. E. (00), Lifo Member; Pal-tner, Haberkorn &; Wood, 2208 W. Fort St., and for mail, \tklnson Ave. WOOLFENDEN, Henry L. (18), V. P., Scott Valve ~Ifg. Co., 3963 McKinley Ave. WOOLSON. Hony T. (07). Ch. Engr. Cbrysler Corp" 341 Massachusetts Av... YOD~jf.hii~~ea:drr (20), Engl., Injector Div., Penbertby Injector Co., 1242 Holden Ave., and for "IOU, 689 Gladstone Ave. ZEDER, Fred M. (20), V. P., Chrysler Oorp.. ZIMMERLI, Franz P. (27). Cb. Engr., B"""es Glbsoll Raymond. Inc., 0400 MIller ZUltE~iA.Albert (J 21), Jr. Engr., Genl. MOtOl" Oorp. Genl. Motor6 Bldg., and f;r mail, 190 Dakota W. EAST L,\.NSING, Detroit Section. llissell, Goo. W. (90; 99), Dean Engrg., Mich. Stato Agl i. College. and for "<Ill, BRA!fTI~, ~1~u~9t: (A M 20), Asst. Prol., Drawing.~ Design, Mich: State.>gri. College, and for,nea, 338 Grove St. VIRlti:!, Henr) B. (07;.-\-M 16), Prol. M. E., Mich. State Agrl. College. and for mau, 637 Grove St. FAST, MlIlion L. (J 27), E"par. Sta. FeUow, 11. E. Dept. Mich. Seate Agrl. 001 lege, and f01 mail, 144~ N. Harrison Ave.. FIELD, Lawrence N. (A 11 17), Assoo. Prof. DraWing & Design, Mich. St~o Agn. Colle!:e. and for, 619 Forest St. STEWART. E",,le H. (17; A M 25), Asst. Pro!. Drawinl\" &> Design, Mich. State -\gli. College, and tor mail, 223 Elizabeth St. ELI>:: RAPIDS, Penill~nl... Section BLANCHARD, Ch... M. (17), P. O. Box I. ESCANABA.\RONSON, Arthur V. (J 21), Cit~.Engrg. Wk., Esoanaba Munioipal Utilities, City Hall, and tor "aa, 910 Ludmgton St. l<lint, Detloit Section OHAMPION. Albert (A 14), Pres..\. C. Spark Plug Co. CONKLIN, G. Howard (J 27), Prod. Engr., A. C. spalk Plug Co., and for ",ail, D.n f~~ i;;ipf,"o?t(~\t;veam 26), Charge Indus. ~Innngcment Courses, Genl. JUotors Inst. of Tech. ESHBAUGH, Jesse E. (J 23), 610 Harriet St. FALLON. John H. (19; A-M 26), Tool Design Dept., A. C. Spnrk Plug Co., nnd for maii, 150 Flint Pk. Blvd. E. _ HUSS, Eugeno L. (26). M. E., Buick Motor Co. Factorr 11, and for ",ail, 2221 Barth St.. w JOHNSON, J. Adolph (16), M. M., A. C. Spark Plug Co., and for m.i!, 238. Patterson St. LANDER, Lawrence C. (J 24), Instr., Genl. )lotors Inst. of Tech. 360 \ FI,IXT (continued) )lncdowell, W. Allen (J 25), Instr. Auto Mechanics, Flint Inst. 01 Tech.,. Indus. B",nk Bldl\",, and for ",ail, 463 Williams St. ~r.\i1m, Dwight C. (A M 19). Exper. Engr., A. O. Spark Plug Co. ::iw.:. Everett W. (A M 23), Engr., Wright &. Nice, 4339 S. Sngina\\ St.. OSBORN, M. M. (J 26), ljraftsman, Buick Motor Car Co., and to, mail 680 E, Dellle~ St.. 1l0BINSON, Harold ausiullan (J 21), Draftsman, A. C. Spark Plug Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 242. RUPER1, Judson W. (24), Wks. Engr., A. O. Spark Plul\" Co., llnd for ",ail, 1903 Detroit St, SMITH. Maurice R. (J 27), Die Designer, A. C. Spark Plug Co., alld for,nail, 51z,r Mason St. SOMERS. Graham G. (J 19), Maintenance SupVl., A, C. Spark Plug. Co., and for mail, 1027 Euclid Ave. STERLr:tiG. C. H. (16; 19: 23), Staff Engr., Buick Motor Car Co. WARDENBURG. F. A. C. (J 27), Factory Trafnlng, Buick Motors Co., and for mail, 310 E. 31d St. WEDIN, Ivar T. (J 27), Designer. A. C. Spark Plllg Co., and for mail, 1009 liea,., le~ Pk. Blvd... GLADSTONE FOLEY, Walter J. (10; 23). V. P. West. TIansit Co., and fo, ",,,ii, ~2li :MichiSllD Ave.. GRAND RAPIDS, Penlnsnla Seetlon llllter, B. M. (08; U), Cons. Engr., B. M. Baxter OJ Co., 400 Llndlui.t llldg. BENEDICT. LeRoy L. (22), West. Div. Supt., Oonsumers Power Co., 2 Ellswol th Ave., S. W. CARMAN, G. Gay (J 27). Pres., Ch. Engr., Dykema, Cal~an &; D~ k"ma. Inc., 80a GInd Rapids Tlust Bldg. COLE, Dwi"ht S. (U8), Propr., Clinker Tool Co., 316 Lindqul.t Bldg., and for mail, 2U Lalayctte Ave.. S. E. DETTLING, Geo. H. (.A-M 26), Material Handllllg Ellgr., 636 Mlcb. Trust Bldg. DE VRIES, Walter P. (J 22), Safety Inspr., Aetna Life IllS. Co., Fsdaral Sq.. Bldg., and Jor mai!, 30 Packard Ave., S. E. DIX, Horace P. (A 18), 221 Union Ave. S. E. FLECKENSTEIN. Jackson G. (A-M 26). Sales Mgr., Fleckenstein Visible Gasometer Co. of Mich., and for mail, S2S Bond Ave. GRINNELL, Cal! R. (J 26), Supt. Water Wits. Sta., Oit~ of Grand RapidS, and fo, mail. 248 Dale St. N. E. HAMILTON. Chas, A. (21; 24), M. E. Burd, Giffela & Hamilton, 421 Kelaey Bldg. KETTLE, Edgar U. (18; 26), Grand Rapids Vapor Kiln, Flont St., and Jor mail, 950 Scribner Ave. KURKJIAN. Armon S. (A M 22). Sales Mgr. DIl., Olivor Moby. Co., and for ",ail, 552 Gladstone Ave. LONGCOY. Grant B. (24), M. E., B. M. Ba.."ter & Co Lindgulst Bldg., and for /1ai!, 1323 MUton St. MANLEY. Llqyd ~[. (A M 18). Sales Engr., Yates Am. Mch. Co., 217~ Murray Bldg. McMULLEN, Geo. K. (A 17), Propr., G. K. McMullen Co., 201 MoMullen Bldg. MERRILL, Ralph Ii. (24), Indus. M. E., Am. Seating 00., and fot ",ail, Byron St., S. E. MEYER, ~d H. (A 27). Gen!. Mgr.. Leltelt 110n Wks., ll,\\e. NORRIS, Chas. B. (20), M. E. Haskelite Mfg. Corp. and for mail. 2"5 Pari. Ave. PARKS, Burlitt A, (17; 21), Cons. Engr. Byron 1jJ. Parks &: Son, 835 Mich. Truat Blol{. PEEBLES, Erford J. (A-M 18). Milt., Church Dlv., Am. Seating Co., 9th &: Broadway. POPE. Harold L. (05: 12), Ch. Engr., Leonard Reftlg LA,UGHTER, Chas. H. (A M 25), M. E., Sales Mgr.. Wilmarth &: Norman Co., nnd for mail, 267 Henry Avo.. STEEL. Thos. A. (J 27), Ch. Enllt. Leitelt Iron Wks., S15 Mill Ave., and for "Iail, 609 Lonn St. S. E.. WARING, Geo. H. (2a), Cons. Engr., 480 Powers The",tre Bldg. WEYGANT. Robt. M. (J 26). Enllr.. Am. SeatinA Co. WHINERY. Ingle B. (S3; A M 25), Mgr. Waddell Mfg. Co. Ooldbrook & Taylor Sts., N. W. and for ",ail, 463 Orescont St., N. E. 361

118 luichigan MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES 11E.MBERS IN UNl.mD ~lat~:!< lllichigan HAIIITRAIUCIi:, Detroit Section HAYNES, Fredk J. (22). Pres., Genl. Mgr. Dodge Bros, Jos. Campau Ave. HANCOCIi:: LAWTON, Chas. L. (15). Genl. Ml\T Quincy Min. Co. NUT~ta~LFr;~i~iI ii;~e.m. M.. QuinCY Min. Co. Hancock. al1d for mail, P. O. Bo~ HOLLAND, PeninSUla Sectio1l JANDER. John (J 28). Holland St. Louis Sultar Co, LOHMANN. Conrad G. (J 27), 0. E. Szekely Corp., and jar mail. 162 E. 16tb St RIT~~RE.i~\~rsI. (J 24). Treas., Burke En~r~. Co.. 12 W. 4th St.. and jor mail; SZEKELY, Otto E. (27), Pres., O. E. Szekely Corp. HUBBELL BURGAN. A. L. (97; 99: 08). Mill Supt.. Calumet", HeCla Consltd. COPII.I Co, IRON liiouniain OETINGER, Geo., Jr. (J 26), Hotel Monel. IRONWOOD WIGGIN. Emerson A. (J 27). Sales EI1gr., Sullilon Mchy. Co., U5 W. P.wllh;c St. ISHPEIIIIJliG McCLURE, O. D. (07). Ch. M. E., Cleuveland Cliffs hon Co. JACI;;:SON, Deiloft Sectio,. BEHRENS) HemY F. (22; A-M J25), Cb. Mech. Dln.ftlmlal1 Commonwealth POWll" Corp 1112 Micblgan Ave. W., and for mail, 761 Unio: St. HERRY, Lothrop F. (21; A-M 25), Rep. Allis Cbalmers Mfg. Co., 406 Can. Pow.r Co. Bldlr. BOHN, Robt. G. (16; A M 24), lil E.. Commonwealth Power Corp" 226 Michi. ltan Ave. W., nowfl~~: if:~h~lr~~!, Hyd. &: Supvg. Engr., Fargo EUglg. Co.. and jor mail, BOYCE. Frank G. (21), Asst. Mgr., Power Co.. W. Main St. CORWIN. Howard D. (25), V. P. Genl. Mgl., Yulc"n Engrg. Corp. and 1," mail, 1006 Wildwood Ave. DANIELS. Geo. C. (14; 18). M. E. Commonwealth Power Corp. EDD~64 H:M~~~d; St(.A<M 16), M. E., Conunol1wealtlt Powel Corp" tlnd 101 mauj FR0ST, E. J. (68). Pr. ;;ost Gear & Forge Co., Horton &: Ty"", St,., and for mail. 904 Michigan Ave. W. GRIFFITHS. Leollard L. (05; 08). Supt. ~"st. to I)il,. Mich. State Prison Cen1<II!. Plant. Jackson. and lor mail, 1000 W. Huron St., AIm Arbor. HAT~~d~~~~li~: (24; 20. Cb. Engr., Dept. Watel Supply. and formail, 610 HOLLERITH, Chas. (19; 11..1>1 27). Geill. Mil"" Scc~, AutomothC Fan &: Dealing Co., 1310 WlIdwooc! A"e. HUNT. Horace S. (19), Pres., Fargo ElIllI"g. Co., 147 S. Mechanic St. KRATZ, K. E. (J 28), 407 3rd St.. MacKENZIE, J. We.ley (22; 26). Opel. M. E., COllsumers Pow.r Co. >lills. A. C. (15), Supt., JolIll.on Fellce Co., alld lor liiail Francis at. PADDOCK. Russell G. (21; A M 25). Asst. Opel. M. E" Consumers Power Co and for mail, 207 W. Wesley St..., PALMER, Han,Y A. (27), Cll. Enl:\". Reynolds SprillP; Co., Bridge & Water Sts. PARKER. Lindsay R. (16). Conunonwealth Power Corp.. Consumers Power Co PARKINSON. Russell W. (J 26), InvestlltOtlon Enjp". Commonwealth Power Co~p. VONfo~O~~lt~~~E~ih0St.(2t). Asst. M. E., Commonwealth Power Corp.. and YOST, LeoDaId J. (J 24). Struc. Designer, Comlllollwealth Power Corp. and for mail. 601 W. Franklin St. ~... t l( \LAlIIAZOO, Peninsula Section, D.\VY. Herb.rt S. (J 27). Ch. Chemise, Rex Paper Co. and jar mall, 742 J)o,,!f-~~o~~~:l1Sk (J 23), eh. Engr. CI..rage Fl\n Co,. and for mail, 129 W. Vine KIX~;BURY, Henry J. (21). Cb. Enp;r. Sale. Engr. Hill Curtis Co. and lor mail. 628 W. Cedar St.. KEEGO HARBOR, Detroit S"CtiOll SWEET, Ernest E. (11), P. O. Box 363. ~i~jf.foli.nfo~:r (18), :mll Supt., Calumet & Hecla Consltd. CO\1pel CU. VIGELIUS, F. W. (20; A-M 26), Pres., Genl. Mgr.. Mich. Elee. & MfK Co. LAXSING, Detroit Section. BRADLEY. Geo. A. (27), Ch. Plants. Bd. Water & Elee. Llgbt Commissioners, and for mail. 215 E. Ottawa St. K I OARPENTER. FInnk G. (18), Cons. Engr. F. G. Carpenter Co. 616 a amazoo CQT,~~h;Y~h A, (J 20), Indus. Enlrl., Motor :Vheel 90rp E. Saginaw St. ELWELL, Flauk D. (10: 25). 509 Moores RIver Dflve. IIOT.S,\PlLE, Mlron II. (25). 211 Smith "\ve. amiphries. John (J 26). 419 Dorrance Pl., JARRED. Artbur (A-M 18), Plant Mgr., C. Breisch Co., and for mal. 2_4 W, MlLl~~N~tDon C. (A-1i 28). Effic. En~., State Administration Bd. State of liiich. and for mail. 228 N. Pennsy1lama Ave. PRINS, Anthony W. (A M 27), EXJloIt MIlT." Novo Enlr. Co. SCOTT Richard H (13) Pres.. Genl. Ml\T.. Reo 1[otor Car Co.. 2 SURATO. Leslie C. (.J 26), Tool Designer, Motor Wbeel Corp., and jor lila,il. lio TEE~~~n~;C. (20), Factory Mfl(., Reo Motor Car Co., S. Washintp;on Ave. THOMAS, Horace T, (09). Life Member; Ob. Ene., Reo Motor Car Co., S. Wasb \nl~6~l;.1~:: W. (22). MellinI( Forge Co. ~IANISTEE, Peninsula Section PROSSER, Jos. G. (91: 98), R., D. 1. J I ~39 2nd flay. Tllos. (23), V. P. SlI.lesman,~Mani.tee Iron Wk. Co., and or ma". TOB~~. W. Arthur (.1..1>1 26). Erec. Enlrf. Manistee Iron Wk. Co. Manlatee" and jar mail, th St.. Wyandotte. ~~~J&lj:rJ.EBenj. (19), MIrf. Mech. Dept. B. J. Longyear Ml~. Co. Walnut St and for mail, 8111 E. Crescent St MASElt. Frank D. (A M 27). M. E., Piqua Handle II: Mfg. Co., P, O. Drawer and for mail, 1:25 E. Crescent St.,. 1 PEARCE, Ernest L. (26), V. P. Genl. Mgr.. Lake Shore EIlp;. Wk. and jor 1M1 616 Spruce St. liarysville. WILLS. C. Harold (09). Prea.. Wills SaInte Clalle, 1"", MElNOllllNEE 0 " t d j ail LANGILL. Ross E. (A-M 18). Cb. EnKr., Pr.scott Co. 32 ",OIn is.. all or m, PnE~g~T~~l5~r~;eS. (21). V. P.. 1>11:\". Pump Dept., Prescott Co:. 320 ~"In St. PRESCOTr, Fred M. (01), Manager ; Pres., Prescott Co., 320 MaID St. ~ul,~~ouis H. (17:.<\. M 26). M. E. Do\. Chern. Co. and jar mail. 815 G.orKe St. GRISWOLD. Nelson D. (.T 24), 114 Tha"er 8t. I d GRISWOLD, Tbos.,II. (20). Oons. Do,,: ellem. e".. alld jor moil. 616 Mid an Ave. 363

119 /... -,I, t!>: lj.l: 3; 1~~:<..,:. lllch~gan MEMBERS IN l.1nited STAn;S "J... ::~ Ii- HOUNT CLEMENS, Detroit Section.,. r ROSCOlUlIlON COPONY, Allred (16), M. E., 287 S. Gratiot Ave....~. BALDWIN, Fred Newton (25). WALKER, Louis O. (A 27), Pres., Shaw-Walker Co. :1 SCHUPP, Arthur A. (17; A-}[ 1 23 NEWAYGO, Peninsula. Secttoll BELL, Willard J. (27), Pres., Newaygo Engrg. Co... ;...\,j"..:! r" ::~. MEllBERS IN UNITED STATES 1II1CHIG.":S :--~ {, RO"AL OAK, Detroit Section MUSKEGON, PeninsnlaSection.. BENJAMIN, Geo. W. (J 24), EnllT., Howe Ohaln 00. ;:~;.,, QRANI1ER, L, V. (15), 710 Maple Gro,:e. BISHCP, Jos. W. (10: 26), Oh. EDgt., Brunswick-Balke.Oollender 00. ", ;.:. LUPFER, T. M. U. (A M 20), 417 WUIia Ave. BUANDON Wm. J. (12.) Supt. Fdys., Piston Ring Co.. SAGINAW, Detroit Section... FLANDERS, Fred L. (2.3), P,es., freas., Genl. Mgr., Muskegon Motor Specialties.;! i; A).DRJCH, Henry E. (10; 25), Genl. "Soles Mgr., W,c!<es Botler Co., and for mail, 00" 42 N. Terrace St...," 208 H chett St HASSLER, Frank R. (24;.~ M 27), M. E., Brunawlck Balke-Oollender 00., and"~ ~..,: an. t Wi k BI C d f S 4th for mail, 8.D Larch Oourt Apt..." BIOKEL, Herman (J 27), Engrg. Dep., c ea 01 el 0., an or ma, HUNTER., David E. (16). Oh. EnllT" Ohar,... Design, Shaw-Walker 00.. :i f> GILB~RT Chas T. (21), V: P., ~aglnaw Mfg. Co., 122 King St. MINTY. John E. (J 23), Asst. to Oh. MIlT., Shaw Orane Wks., Manning, Ma...,vell :"j :: HERZOG, John L. (J 27), V. 1., Herzog Furniture Co., also ~cy. & Gen]. Mgl., &: Moore. Inc., and for ".ail, 446 W. Webster Ave...:: John L. Herzog 00., Je1ferson Ave. & Webber St., and for ma,l, 1~ GratIot _~ve. NEVINS, Andrew B. (27), Wks. Mgr., SbaW Walker Co., and for mail, 185 Strong,".:;. LISKOW, Bernard H. (14), M. E., Sagina" Products Co., and for mad, 614 Atwster ORB~~;to~I~:e.M, (J 27), Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., and for mail, 272 :;, i MeK~kNAN, Hugh J. (J 25), Boiler Rm. Engr. Saginllw River Steam PI~nt, SPILLMAN H (J 10) Co I.. ), Consumers Power Co" and for m4il.j R. F. D. 6., arry, ntinents Dlotors Oorp.. (; PLETSCHER, Oarl (27), V. 1, Dir., Baker Perkins 00., Inc., ), Ganl. Mgr., Frederi~ksen Co., 030 S. Vlatel St. NILES, Pcninsula. Seetion OROWLEY, Guy F. (21; 2.1), Sales Engr., Nat!. Stautl. Co., Niles, Mich., alld for mail, 1040 North Ave.. Bridgeport, Coun. ONTONAGON WAERii, A. W. (08), Supt., Ontonagon Fibl. Co. PLYMOUTH, Detroit Section NUTTING, Paul J. (21; A M 24), Treas" Genl. Mil" H. S. Lee Fdy. &: Mehy. 00., 420 Mill St., and fo> mail, 1028 Ohureh at. PONTIAC, Detroit Section BLAOKBURN, Leonard A. (26), 53 Franklin Blvd. LEE, Ohun O. (J 27), 187 Ohandler St. LEFEBVRE, Gordon (A-M 10), V. 1., Oharge.oper., Oaklsnd Motor Car Co.. STEVENS, Carl A. (J 24). M. E., Wks. Engrg. Dept., Oakland Motor Car 00., snd f{h mail. 257 Rask"b St. WILSON, Chas. B. (18), Pres., Wilson Fdy. &; Meh. Co., and for mail, 113 Fronk lin Blvd. PORT HURON, Detroit Section AOHESON, Howard A. (J 24), Sales MIlT., Acheson OlldaJ1, Co. BEST Ohas. H. (J 27), Student Engl.., Detroit Edison Co., Box 427. DURAND, Gee. F. (J 27), Oonstr. Engr., Port Huron Sulphite & Power 00., Ft, Washington Ave., and for mail, 927 Huron Ave. HAYNES, Edw. A. (14: 18), V. P., Seey., Port Huron Sulphite &: Paper 00., Ft. Wa.hinRton Ave. KIEFER, Edll3r W. (18), Pres., Port Buron Sulphite &I Paper 00., Ft. Washington Ave.. and for mail, 2614 Military St. REDFORD, Dctroit Section JOHNSON, Sidney E. (20), Business Mgr., Redford Union Seh RIVER ROUGE, Detroit Section TURNBULL, Geo. B. (14; 23), V. P., G"eat Lakes Engl. g. Wks., River Rouge. VARIAN, Howard M. (16; 25), CI,. Engr., Great Lake. Ellgrg. Wb., River Rouge, and fo, mail, 322 W. Morley Ave., Dearborn. ROGERS CITY MUNSON,.10hn G. (17), Y. 1., Genl. Mgl., Mleh. Limestone &: Ohem. 00. ST_UmROO!" Reginald O. (26) :~,,~ " THOMAS, Wm. Andrew (10; A-M 25), Oh. Engr., Sagmaw Plant, Sollora Phollo,.;. graph 00., Inc., lobo a. Michigan Ave.,,::, :1< VAN RAMMEN, Isaac J. (A M 10), Oontrg. Engr., Wickes Boller Co., Sagln..,,, and for mail, 211 H01llster Ave., S. E.. Grand Rapid.. _.;~ ;:; WARIolINGTON, Thea. J. (20; A-M 27), Ch. Draftsman, Wlel,.. Boller 00., 012 :So.1 i.~:.. wllib~~ ~t~o. B. (95; 08), ~res., Genl. Mgr., Willcox Engrg. Co" 900 S. Warrell.i. \VOOiNORTH, Pan! T. (A I( 23), As.t. Supt., OOllsumers Power Co., H3D S. Wn~h :~1 1.~~ ington St....~. J f~ ~~ynt~r~. S. (A-M 17), Constr. &: Equip. Engr., R. V, Gay, St, Jolins, Mich. and,j,.: for mail, Park St., Pepperell, Mass. " ST. JOSEPH, Penin..nla Section ;~.:,i,.; IlRICI(SON, John (18), I30l Lake Blvd. N S t "t.. :~ KEIL, Gustav B. (l08), Genl. Supt., Upt~n Meil. 00., and fol "ail, 432. ta.,...:j i \: SAULT STE, MARIE.,. RIORDAN, Earl J. (J 27), Servo Engr., No. Elec Ashrnun St., and il jor mail" Box 463. SOUTH LYON, Detroit :Section KATZEKMEYER, John A. (21), Pres., Forged Seamles. Tube 00., S. Lyon, ~nd for mail, 1517 Shadford Rd., Ann Arbor. STURGIS, Peninsula Section OOLGATE, Saml. B. (J 2.;), Supt., Royal Easy Chat, Co., and for mail, 301 S. Clay St..;.. fhree RIVERS, Peninsula Section,,. JOHKSON, Geo. E. (A-1ll 27), Wks. Mgr., Fairbank. Mor oil Co., s.nd for "all, ~;,:.;, MA~~~my~~ ~~. J. (21), Sec. Prod. Wk., Fairbanks Morse & Co.. f: RIX, ~Iilton :fl. (17), Asst. to WI". Mgr., Fairbanks Morse & Co., and for m<lll., 306.;.;,Y North St. UNION CITY, Penhlsnla Section SlMMO"S, Lance L. (J 26), Chern. &: Oombustion Engl., Peerless Portland Cement Co. WYANDOTT,El, Detroit Section MALONEY, Daniel (A-M 23), M. E., Mich. Alkali 00., and for mail, 121 Van Alst)n. :: Blvd., N, il 80 Vin n. I 5:iflTH, Roht. Wm. (H), En","t., ~lieh. Alkol! 00.,. and 0" rna, e..00l..,, e. 365

120 iuichigan MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES t:."?. MEMBEllS IN UNITED STATES 1I1INNESOTA YPSILANTI, Detroit Section KILPATRICK, Wm. J. (18), Pres., W. J. Kilpatrick! Engrg. 00., 306 River St, ZILWA,UKEE, Detroit Section KOCH, A~ert H. (J 26). Jr. Engr., for ",a.l, 622 Hancock St., Saginaw. Oonsumers Power Co., Zllwaukee, and 110~~, Norman L., Srd (J.26), Can. Engr., Conm. Dept., Oonsumers Power Co., ZIIwaukee, and lor mad J 622 Hancock St" Saginaw..( ~..!,. ililnnesota. CHISHOLM TAN~~,7~nton (21), Meeh. SlIpt., Shenango Fumaee Co., and tor,nail, P, O.!! DULUTH OOR~1SH, Wm. R. (18: 26), Steam Engr., Minn. Steel Co Murgan Pk FOSTER, Ch. (17), don. Enllr., 512 Sellwood Bldg.". HIBBARD, Shelden S. (J 25), Strllc. & M. E., Clyde Iron Wk. and fot mail, 1122 J.fferson St. HUBER, Norman (A M 25), Engr., Logging Mchy. Dept., Clyde Iron Wk. l(coijil"ert, John R. (07), V. P., Olyde Iron Wks. ~EI;S~N, Einer (J 25), Sr; ~;ngl., Clyde Iron yks., and for mail, 2"225 W. 4th Sl ~Ol! ~.S, Jonathan A. (16; 2,), Dlst. ligr., Sullivan Mchy. Co., 1607 Atworth Bldg. SAL~~I~f Andrew,,Jr. (J 25), M. E., U. S. Engrs. Ollice, and jor,,,aii., 87S2 W. EAST GRAND FORKS, KOLARS, Paul M. (J 24), 417 ~. 2nd St. LYSTER, Wm. O. (J 25), M. E., Am. Beet Sugar Co., and tot m",u,i. O. Box 51S, 1IIINNEAPOLIS, ilunnenllous Section, ASHENDEN, Ernest W. (21), M. E., Wllliam Bros. Boiler & Mfg. Co., Low Nicollet Island, and for mail., th Ave., S. E.. BARTLETT, Lowell Thomson (J 24), A..t. Supt., Munsingwear Corp., 718 Glenwood Ave. BATTERSON, D. O. (10; A M 26), Sales EDgr., Chain Belt Co., and Stearns Conveyor Co., 454 BldIS. Exchange. BEL~7tr:r-SP. (27), Asst. Genl. Supt., Washburn Crosby Co., and jo, III11il,1416 IV. BOGART, Albert L. (13), Pres., Power EngrS". Co., 621 Metropolitan Life Bldg. BOV~~ic:njd~: (13), Genl. Supt. Dlr., Washburn Crosby Co., Chamber of COlD BROOKE, Wm. E. (17), Prol., Head Dept. Math. &:Meehs., College 01 Engrg. It Arch., Univ. of Minn. BRUUN ANDERSEN, Eri!, (J 27), Gen!. Supt., N. W. Metalware Co., UOI Central. Ave" N. E., and JOT ",ail, th A,-e. S. COLVIN, JIlO. A. (15; 26), SlIJt. Generation No. Stnte Power Co., 15 S. 51h St. COAISTOOK, Elting H. (17), Prof. Mine Pant l & Mcehs., Seb. of MInes, Univ. of Minn. DU PRIEST, R. (11), Prof. M. E., Head Dept., Un!l. of Mllm. ERSKI!oE, Uobt. Ie (J 25), Asst. to Prod. Mgr., Minneapolis Heat Uegulator Co., 1linneapolls, anti fo, 1/.aU, 1760 Goodrich Ave., St. PaUl. FLODIN, John (A-M 18), A..t. Prof. Meh. Design & Instr.!oja"al Arch., Uni. of Minn. FOQUE, Thea. A. (16), Gen!. Mech. Supt., Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Sle. Marie R)., Nat!. 800 Line Bldg., and /0/ mail 1912 S, Irving,he. FORD, Robt. E. (19), Partner, Luther Iold & 00., 100 ~. 7th St., und / ii, 2617 Humboldt Ave. S. FORFAR, Donald M. (J 13), ~L E., Croft &. Boerne,, Inc j Mnrqueltr Ave. GARBETT, Benj. C. (12), Sec)., Twin Cit) Mch. Co., and for mail, 416 Oak St" S. E. HEHRlCR, Carl A. (12), Asst. Prof. Matll. &, Mechs., Oniv. of Minn., and for mail, 4120.Sheridan A, e., S. HlLGE,oWR, l)alph Y. (J 2~), Engr., Minneapolis I-:ngrg. 00., 2938 Pillsbury Ave., Mmneapohs, and fo, ma,l, 78 Langford P""k Pl., St. Pnul. 366 :,> MINNEAPOLIS (continned) lnaram, Lewis C. (25; A-M 26), Sales Engr., I ex. tor mail, 2201 Bryant Ave. S. Co., P. O. Box 2080, and J.\OOBSON, Lawrence H. Bldg. (J 126), Partnel, Jacobson Engrg. Co., 904 Plymouth 1mBI:, L. O. (A-M 21), V. P., Genl. Mgr., No. Pump Co., th Ave. N. E. LEWIS, D. K. (22), Asst. to Y. P.. Twin OIty Rapid Transit Co., 1 South St. MacFARLA1<"E, Warren C. (19), V. P., Gen!. Mgr., MinneapOlis Steel & Mchy. 00. YARTENIS, John V. (J3), Assoc. PTol. Mch. Design, Univ. of Minn., and for 1Il4i1, 416 Harvard Ave., S. E. MAYHEW, R..y (10; 13), Russell Grader MIg. Co., and for th Ave., S. MAYO, Edw. D. (14). M. E., Retired, 2808 S. Fremont Ave. McCOY, Verl E. (J 26). Spec. Apprentice, Chicago Milwaukes & St. PauIR). Co., and fo, liiail, th Ave., S.. MEYER, Adolph F. (21), Oons. Iiyd. Engr., Meyer Goverllor Co., 628 Metropolitan Bank Bldg. R. (A-M 23), Snles Engr., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 418 Stinson ~loore,robt. Blvd.. MOYER, Amos F. (14; 21), Ch. Engr" Taro Mfg. Co., 3Q.l2 SDelllng Ave., alld for,"a,l, 117 Althlll Ave.. S. E. PAGEL, Thea. J, (28), Pres., TI eas., Pagel Rotal) Pump Co., 61S Washington Aye., S. PEARSON, ChDS. M. (J 27), iij. E. Despatch Oven Co., 116 1st Ave. N. PRIEDEMAN, Geo. W. (21), V. P., Secy., Minneapolis Olnamenta! Iron 00., th Ave., S. E. RANK, Horner L. (18; 22), Sales Mgl., Unipu!vo Dept., Strollg Scott Mfg. Co., 415 S. 3rd St. RECORD, Jas. L. (12), Ohmn. Bel. of Dir., Mfnneapolls Steel 01: Mchy. Co., 2854 MiullehalJD. Ave. ROBERTSON, Burton J. (21), Assoc. Prof, Gas. Engs. & Automotives, Ullil. of Minn., nm. 207, Exper. ElIgrg-. Bldg. ROLLIN, Harold (J 27), Mech. & Stl"C. DIaltsman, William Bros. Boilel &: MIg. Co., and fo, liiail., 703 Delawue Ave., S. E. ROSE, Fred W. (13; 17), Partller. Rose &,. Hanls EnJ!1s., 417 N. W. Natl. Life Bldg. ROWLEY, ~rallk B. (11; 13; 18), Pl ol. gr. E., Dir. Expel. EJISl g. Labs., Uui\,. 01 Minn., and fol ",ail, 63 Barton A\e., S. E. RUEMELIN, Riehal<! (20), M. E., Pres., Ruemelin Mfg. Co., 1611 Central.\ve., Minneopolla, lind jor 1Il0il, 686 Pell,am St., St. Palll. SCHERMERHORN, Jas. R. (J 27), StUdent, Unlv. 01 Minn., 408 Oalc St., S. E. SCOFIELD, Edw. H. (15), Engl. Power, Twin City Rapid Transit Co., nnd for lilail, 4623 Hlllllbolt Ave. S_ SHIPLEY, S. C. (13), Prof. Mech. Constr., Univ. of Minn., and for n.aii.. 69 BartOli Ave., S. F.. SHOOP, ehns. F. (14), Prol. Steam Engrg., Ulliv. of Minn. SMITH, Llord Lvrnan (20), 609 Plymouth Bldg. SODERSTROM, 6. A. (A II1 25), M. E., Elee. IIlclly. Mfg. 00., 14th & Tyler Sts., N. l., and for Ub"SSCB St., N. E. STEVENS, Evelett P. (J 26), Draftsmall, William Bros. Boller & Mfg. Co., Nicollet Island, Millneapolis, and fo, liiai!, 761 Selby Ave., St. Paul. TURNER, O. A. P. (20), Oons. Engr., O. A. P. Turner Co., 300 Buildera Exch. UHL, Willard F. (18), Sales Engl., Uhl Co., 132 S. 10th St. VAN WYCK, Philip S, (19; A-M 27), Dept. Heod, Meh. Shop, Dunwoody Inst., alld for mail, 90 Oliver Ave. N. VAULE, Sven A. (J 23), COliS. Indus. Engr., 1120 Marquette Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., and lor liiail, Hotel Stoddald, La Crosse, Wis.. WASHINGTON, Lawrence (J 22), Exper. Engrg. Bldg., Univ. 01 Minn. WATERMAN, Walter G. (27), Instl. Mecb. Drawing, C. E. Dept., Unll, of Minn., nnd fot liiail, 412 Oak St., S. E. WILOOX, Hugh B. (A-M 28), Asst. Pruf. glath. & Meehs., Univ. of Milln., Rm. 207, Maiu Engrg. Bldg. PROCTOR BOHANNON, Geo. W. (J 26), M. E., Duluth Missalle & No. Ry. 00., Proctol, and. fot mail, 2323 E. 6th St., Duluth. 367

121 ~./ ~., MINNESOTA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ST. PAUL, St. Paul Section BARTHELEMy... Paul P. (21). Asst. MllSter Oar Builder, Great No. Ry. Co.,,. BEEK. nilam lj. (J 26). 900 Goodrich Ave.,,;. BEKKEDAHL. Donovan F. (J 27). Y. M. O. A.,,., BERGSTROM. Harry E. (16; A M 27), Mech. InsPI. No. Pac. R). Co., and fol mail, 1287 DaytonAve., BOHN, Gebhard C. ~A 15). Pres.. Bohn Refrlg University Ave.. BORST, W. Lyle (J 25), Supt. Constr Donovan Constr. Co Bldre. Excbang~. and f01 mail, 1511 Grand Ave.! BRINK, Harry LeRoy (12). Ch. Engr. Am. Holst &I Derrick Co. 63 S. Robert Sl:,. CULBERTSON. Roy K. (22), Secy Robinson. Cary &I Sand. Co. 4th & Wacou! j Sts.. CURRY, Ezra B. (A M 24). Roundhouse Foreman. Chicago. Milwaukee & St. faul:.\ R. R., loud f01 mail, 1756 JUliet St.. : DOTY. Paul (91; 04), Manager ; Cl,mn. Bd., MinD. State Bd. Regiatra tion, and fm mail, 427 Portland Ave.. IlRUKEY, Leon A. (A.M 26), Lub. Engr., Tex. Co., 519 Pioneer Bldg., ELSNER, Wm. H. (A )! 20), Asat. M. E. G"eat No. R~. Co., and for ".ail, 1456, Osceola Ave.... ERSKINE, Walter H. (23), Supt., Slems Stemhel Co., 2600 Como Ave., aud for mall, 2371 Chilcomu.\"e. " FELTEN. Leo D. (J 27), 1l llpler. Waldorf Paper Products Co., and for "ai!. 910 ~. Thomas St.. FRANCE, John Ed". (17; A li! 26), Prod. Mgr., Cr"" Oarpet Co., ~ront " McKuIJ. : bin~...j: FRAWLEY, Patrick J. (A M 26). Ch. Engr. \io. Stat.s Power Co. Hi Bridge. Plo-"t, and tor mu ii., 1481 St. Clair St... : GRAYSO~. Emsoll C. (A M 25). Dist. Engr., Weal Fruit Exprcss Co. 1505, Plonoer Bldg.. GREENBERG. Morris (J 19), Mgr. St. Paul Oillce, Balley Meter Co., 15 E. Dth : St., and for mail., GIS Capitol Blvd. GRIMM. Eugene L. (28), Asst. to Gen\. Mech. Supt No. Pac. R). Co. HALL, Qnincy A. (H), Inspc. & Testing Engr., 211 Metropolitan Bank Bldg. KOCH, Wm. C. (27), Gelll. Mgr., Twin Cit) Brick Co Pioneer Bldg. KOPPER, Edw. J,. (A M 18). Edw. Kopper Co. 818 Endicott Bldg. " MORTON, H. S. (14; 22), Engr. Tests. N. West. Fuel Co 1208 Merohants Book: Bldg.. OTTIS. Frank J. (28), Pres., No. MAlleable Iron 00., 867 Forest St. ItOLLINS, L. M. (16; 19), Pres., Rolltns Chem. Co., 181 N. Western Ave.,.ad for mail, 218 N, Milton St.. RONNEBERG, Roy V. (J 26). Spec. Moh. Apprentice, No. Pao. R. R., Como Shops, and for ",au, 1825 Selby Ave. RUFF. DeWitt O. (17), Men. Firm, Healy-Ruff Co. 765 Hampden Ave. SOMMER, W. B. (A-M 20), Mech. Draftsman. Englg. Dept., Am. Holst &: Derrick Co. STAUDE, Edwin G. (08; 17). Pres. Gen\. Mgr., E. G. Staude Mfg. Co W. University Ave. STINSON, L. S. (J 22). Supt. Oonstr., DonovlOn Constr. Co 403 Builders gl ohange Bldg., St. Panl, Minn., and for mail, 7lt Parsons Ave., Colnmbu" 0, SUM)IERSBY, Jobn J., Jr. (19; 26). St. Paul Sales Mgr. Worthington Pump A Mchy. Corp Pioneer Bldg. THO~!AS, Wm. A. (.~ M 25), Engr., Toltz. King &1 Day. Inc.. Bldr.. Exchange Bldg. roltz, Dr. Max (04). Manager, 14 17; Vlce President, 17 19; Pres., Tolz, King & Day, 11,0. Builders Exch. Bldg. \VHITACRE, Robt. B. (A 18), Pres. R. B. Whitacre &I Co. Inc., 206 S. Robert St, and for mo.i! Stlmmit A, e. WILHELM, Edw. A. (12), Ch. Dra!tsman. Am. Hoist &1 Derrick Co. Bond tor,no.ii, 1711 Lincoln Ave. WINTER, Everett P. (A 27), Cons. Engr Summit Ave. WOOD, Wm. R. (13). M. E., Great No. Ry. Co. WUNDERLICH, Milton S. (20; 26), lit E. Flaxillum Insulating Co., Hampden k Wabash Av... and tor li14it, 1698 I,amel 4-ve.!lARTELL, IIUnlleupoll" Section WEBER, O. L. E. (95; 05), V. P., Gent Mgr. Watab Paper Co. 988 MEMB);;RS IN UNITED STATE~ luissouri BONNE TERRE, st. Louis Scction DeCLUE Ben F. (J 22). Engr. St. Joseph Lead Co P. O. Box 927. d SICKA, Loula r. (12), Meoh. Supt. Mllles. St. Joseph Leoo 00., an P. O. BOll: 231. CAPE GIRARDEAU KIMBALL, OIinto" (13). M. E. 32 N. Lorimer St. ltunnesota SlILLV.\.lER, St. Punl Section d f 1 OYESTRUD, Melvin (J 17), Wks. Mgr., Twin City Forge & Fdy. Co., an or moo 1888 S. 3rd St.. ~~~I:Itrover C. (18), Supt. Water II Light Dept.. City 01 Virginia, 516 Chest nut St., lind lor mail, 12th St. S. VIl,DOltI, Minnen],olls Section ROBISON, Arch (25), Constr. Supt.., % Geo. F. Robison. WINONA, St. Paul Section! MILLER, Archibald T. (J 25). Pur. Agt., Union!Libre Co. Inc. al,d foi,,,.j, no W. Broadway. \IllSSISSIPPI AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. & M h O,\RPENTER, Randle C. (12), Prol. M. E. Supt. Powe, Plant. M,s,. Agrl_ ec. VARgol~~~ Osmolld D. M. (A.lIt 24), Assoc. Pro!. 1II. E Miss. ~g, i. &1 Mech.. Col lege. CANTON, 0 B 114 REID, Wm. M. (J 20), Supt., Canton El.c. Light &; Wliter "l,s. P.. ox. CORINTH JONES. Paul T., Jr. (20), V. P., Colinth Meb). CO. GULFPORT HOLLOWAY Walter (J 23). DI,t. Coast, Engr. )!iss. Power Ca., G u If por. t and tor 34 Washington Ave. Ocenn SGPurltpnt;,,:;; Cr.sotlng Co., and for mail, ROLLINS. Henry 1>1. (13). Secy., Supt nd St. HATTIESBURG.. l H I l d C P.ATTERSON. O. B. (A 22). Safety Engr. Hatllesbutg Pant. ercu" owe, o. trtfi~~10~n T., Jr. (10 ; 18). Owner. Mgr. cent~ry Elec. Co. 512 E. Oapltal St. t:s~~~~f. G. (J 27),.\,.t. Engr., Mason Fibre Co.,,,!d lor 1I.o.iI, Box 382. MASON. WUI. Ii.. (01; 19), V. P. Gen\. Mgr., MIlSon FIbre CO. VICICSBURG C B 404 ()DO~NELL, Waldrop L. (J U), J,. Engr., MissIssippi River omm., ox lor mo.;i, COLUllmIA f d 1 it 1907 WiI H!BB.UtD. H. Wade (91; 04). Prol. M. E., Unlv. 0 Mo. an, NEW~~J:vGuy D. (14), Pro!. M. E., Univ. of MO.! 112 Engrg. Bldg. SELVIDGE, Robt. W. (27), Chmn. IJept. M. E., t!n,v. of Mo.. WESTCOTT, Arthur L. (13). Supt. Bldgs., Umv. of :Mo., and for "",,!, 1402 whix 1 of8n: J~~ n. (14). Assoc. Prof. M. E. Univ. of Mo.; 110 Engrg. Bldg. 869

122 luissouri MEMBERS IN UNITf;D STATES CRYSTAL ClrY, St. Louis Section OAKES, Geo. W: (26), Supt., Pittsburgh Plate GI9$< Co. JOPLIN SlIITH"zJaBe. L. 3),. V. P., Sales Mgr., Landreth Mch,. Co., Joplin ma~ taxer t sprmgs, Kan. ~, Mo and /0 0 RANSAS. CITY, Ii:a1l8lUl City Section ATWtt~E~d ~;;r;,a1i, ruo; ;:i~;s~h stnrr., Combustion Equip. Co., 1820 Cber" AYCOC~, B?bt. V. (A-M 17), Prea., R. V. Aycock Co 1500 Grand ~ve BARZE~, Rlch~rd G. (J 24), Supt., English Bros. Moh). Co. 410 V 5th St a.nc1 for mail"!l439 Sunrise Drive. J" lleck Chads. fe. (:~}i; A-M 18), Sales Engr., De LaVergne Mch Co 15 W 10th "i St., nn r 01 " E. 46th St..., BE. g,~~~el"j~~~r L. (16), Pres.,. Ch. Engl"., Benham Engrg. Co., Suite 512, BETI~;: Alex. E. (A-j\l Hi), Y. P., Kansas City Po,vel &< Lillht Co., 1330 Gr~lId BIRD, Jae. Penv (22 ~ ll 20) Inst Bd I Ed tl 1naiL~ 023 Troost A~e~ t. 1.,. 0 uca on, Jr. College. and /or BUTCLERt CleareneSelOAB Jr (J 25), Engr., United Light &: Power En~rg.I; OilS r. 0., y. E xchnnge B]dg~ 0 CALMU~, F. A. (A M ~7), Dist. Mgr., Elliott Co., 435 DWight Bid CIfAPIlS, Ell1est H. (J 21), AlgI. Foster Wheeler Corp 754 Bd /1 I Bid CLABStK, E ds./ (A M :18), Dist. Mgr., WalslI & Weidner Boiler Co: 251~"~~lfers;~... a!. 01 mati. 400 S. Van Brunt Bh d. CLARC~tSl,O~I Jos. J f(a.m ~Z5)... Cons. M. &: E. E., Dierks Lumber Coal Co. Kansa, I., 11 (I.. an d or mat, uequeell Ark COOI\ ~enj. df1 (A )! :22), Cons. Engl., Co~k &> White, 307 Mutual Bldg. Kans." ", C,1:0, an or mad, 1720 Overton Aye., Independence. CRENBISdHAWdB:/anslord.zW (J 2-1), E?gr., Henriei.Lowry Enllrg. Co. 402 Security g., an or mn>, 37H WarWlck Blvd. ORO~~d j~~1l~~~-{61(;~-i bl:;ij~h:wt:, E. B. Badger &: Sons Co., Moriarit) Bldg., DARNOLD, dejdg.r E; (27), Ch. Engr., Power Plant, Kansas City Terminal Ry C 0. an 0 mat! Mercer St. E~~~~Nl;l~n(,\":f\,El"c~e?to~ Engrg. " Oonstl. Co., 512 Southwest Blvd. Co.: li30 Gr..nd A"e,., alge Light &< Power, Kansas City Power &< Light DOWfI~~ Nats W. (11; 17; 25), Eugl., Seh. Dist. of Kansas City, 602 Finance FITZSPtAhICdK J, Chas, -yo (19; 26), Ch. Draftsman, Witte Eng. Co, 17th & Oakland s., an 01 ma~l", 1610 DrurJ" Ave. FLO~~KO~i3~a~~inIst23; 27), M. E., W. S. Dickey Clay MIg. Co., and 10 GRONEMEYER, Helbert W. (J 21), Plant Engl., Kansas City Bolt &: Nut C. Sheffield Sta., and 101 mail, 423 S. Elmwood Ave. 0" HADk~~m~::ni"vne. A. (21), Centrul Dlst. Mgr., Mcintosh &< Seymour Corp., 1016 HALDEN, Herbert O. (J 2-1), Snles Rep., Fuel Economy Engrg Co 347 Mf Exchange Bldg., and for mail, 3416 Palieo.. J rs. HARRINGTON, JolIn Lyle (03), Viee President, 20-22; PIesldent 23 S Partner, HanIngton, HOr0l.d &; A6h, 1012 Baltimore Ave.,r. HARRISON, Hovard Wm. (J 20), Sules Engl. Worthington Pump &< ill h C. 710 Dwight Bldg. e ). Olp., HARTMAN:.Elmer E. (A-M 21). Elec. Draftsman, Kansas City Power &: Light Co. 6~;J. ~~:;:d Ave., Kansa. CIty, Mo., and JOI mail, 738 Garfield Ave., Kan... HOPKINS, L. C. (15), 4307 St. John St. HOW:O~~A:.nest E. (13), Mem. Fhm, Harrlngtou, Howard &: Ash, 1012 Buiti. HUDSON, Finn 9. (J 19), Cons. ElIllr., 2847 E. 6th st HUG~~:: Elmer L. (A-M 20), Mgr., HUlllIea Mch;). C~., 505 MIgrs. Exchalllle HUNT, Leigh A. (06), Pre., Hunt Engrg. Co., 701 ~. Y. Life Bldg. S70 \,.:,.. ME!<IBEKS IN UNrrED STATES KANSAS CITY (continued) HUSSEY, Fred C. (27), 1st Olaes Drl>ftsman, Kansas City Water Dept., City Ball. JORXSOY, Stephen S., Jr. (J 23), Sales Dept., M. W. Kellogg Co Baltimore JOW~;~T, Edwin (21), V. P., Charge Power Plants, Kansas City Power.1& Light KEE~ i: }~3_~. ~rf9~.t~[. 25), Asst. to V. P., Charge Power Plants, Kansa. City 10wer &: Light Co., 1330 Grand Ave. KELL, Waldo R. (J 231, Designer, Draftsman, N. E. Sta., Kansaa City Power.1& Light Co.. and for maiz. 27S1 Campbell St. KEliT, Jas. M. (00), Teacher, Enl:l"., Kansas City Sch. Dist., Manual Training Hi/;h Sch., and for mail, 3241 Wabash Ave. KIERSTED. W)l1koop, Jr. (A-M 281. Enl:l"" 014 Interstate Bldl\. KING, Harold W. (J 241, Sales En~., Worthington PUtllP &: Mchy. Corp. 825 Searritt Bldl\. KRA1IER A. A. (20), Pres., Columbian Steel Tank 00., 1605 W. 12th St. LAMBERT. Carl F, (20), Cons. Enll1., 1lem. Firm, Burns &. McDonnell Engrll. Co., Cons. Engrs., 402 Interstate Bldl:. [,OWRY, W. Malcolm (21), Mem. Firm, Henriehi-Lowry Engrg. Co., 402 Security LUNg:dfiullO (15), Ch. Draftsman, Kansas City Pub. Servo Co., 1500 Grand Ave.. l{,. l(<<t~l,~~~lhi~t Rep., Foster Wheeler O>rp., 358 I3d. of Trade Bldlt. MAILLARD, Albert L. (25), Cons. Engr" 600 Walnut St. }falrr- Loon I. (25, Pres., llgi., Power Plant Equip. Co., 1004 Coca Cola Bldg. MARTiN, Elmer C. (117; A-M 25), Mem. Firm, Ewinlt &: Martin, 214 Fin:<nce Bldg. }(AllTIN. H, Arthur (26), Mem. Firm, J. F. P,itcbard &: Co., 504 DWIght Bldg. licgarty, Richard J. (01), Retired, 3820 Warwick Bhd.. llerkel, Wm. H. (251, Sales Engr., Hadfield-Penlleld Steel Co..,and lor mad, 8725 W)omlnlt St. liorltz Fred G. (,T 261, Elliott Co Dwillht BJdl:. liorris: Glen S. (24), Supvr. Statlsticnl Engrg. Dept., liansas City Power &: Light Co., 1330 Grand Ave. MULLERGREN, Arthur L. (A M 18). Cons. EngI"., 770 Bd. of Trade Bldg. NAIMAN, Julius M. (22: A-M 26), Cons. Gas EJ1Ilr., Arthur L. Mullergren, 770 Bd. of Trade Bldl;.. ~EAL. R. S. (A-M 22), Supt. Equip" Kans.s City Pub. Ssrv. Co. lievitt, Henr.y G. (A M 24), Ch. Engr., White EaKle C1i & Ref. Co., Federal Resene Bauk BJdlt. YEW. Wm. E. (13), 11. M., KaMaB City Terminal Ry" MISSOURI 2530 Southwest Blvd., and lor!, 033 Schaeler A,e. NOFSINGER, Chas, W. (J 22). Deslgninl\ Engl"., M. W. Kellogg Co., 700 Balti more Ave. and for mail, 6412 Baltimore Ave. OTIS. Wm. Fullerton (A M 221, MI,..., York Product., Corp., Southwest Blvd. PORTER. Jos. F. (22), Pres", Kansas City Power &< Lillht Co., 1330 ~rand Ave. PRITCHARD John F. (23), M. E., J. F. Pritchard &: Co DWlght Bldll. REDDICK. Marshall E. (J 26), Sales Serv, Eup;r., Bailey Meter Co., 407 Co,," Col. nolf~: P. Wm. (16: A M 27), Bes. MIll., Baker Vawter Co., 915 Wyandotte St., RUnE~STEIN. Harry J. (J 25), 8838 Denton Blvd. RUMBLE, Virllel A. (J 25), Sales Servo Engr., Balley Meter Co., -107 Coea Cola sau:bct.:ils. Wm. H. (IS; A-M 24), West. Sales Mgr., Nat!. Cast Iron Pipe Co., 60S Land Bank Bldl{. 8PRINGE, Walter (A 2S). Dist. Mill., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 462 Bd. of Trade BJdll:. BQUIRE, Wm. J. (22), Cons. EI111I., Squire Elee. Co., G18 Dwip;ht 1lIdJ!,. SfOLZ, Paul L. (21), V. P Anderson Stolz Supply Co., 10 W. 19th St., and for,nail, 305 S. Lawn Ave. VEATCH, N. I., Jr. (21), Mem. Firm, Black & Veatch, Cons. Engra., 701 Mutual WAL!Mt~: Jos. A. (26), M. E., Kansas City Water Dept., City Ball. and for moil, Montll;ull Ave. WARNER. Walter V. (A M 23). ~ale. Engr., Worthington Pump & Mehy. Corp. 710 Dwll:ht B1dll:. 371

123 MISSOURI ~[EMBERSIN UNITED STATES )[EMBERS IN UNITEO SfAn:s IIl1SS0URI f ").," tl!;:.,.."., l:,;; [~ 1.; ffi!!. i r Jh; ill; jpi. li:ansas CITY (continucd). WASffiNGTON DixOIl E (10) 7. ;;"ST, LOUIS (continued) WILLIAJdSON HarrY W (27) S74 Glbraltar Bldl{. i:branch. Althul M. (25). Cons. EII/p. 400 Security llldg Baltimore i\\-e..,team Turbine Constr. Foreman, Geni. Elee...,-.BRANDT. Frank C. (J 27). Sales Engr. Fuller Lehil:"h Co., 2037 Ry. Exchallll:e ". Bldl:". PARI\:VILLE, KlllumH City Section J.: BRETZFELDER. Ira L. (A 14). Pres., Alvey MIl:". Co a. Broadway. DOUGLAS, Donald Cmil:" (J 23j Supt. E H,,..BROCK. Edw. J. (26). Pres.. Brock Engrg. Corp. 698 Arcade Bldl{, Ooll"ll"e.,ngr. eat, Lil{ht &: Water Dept., x. BRYAN\ Walter E. (14: :20),,supt, Power, United Rys. Co., Park Ave....BUCKI~GHAM, J. E. E. (18; 23), Dist. gr., R. R. Dept., WorthlDl:"ton Pump k Th~ES:NIIIpINdES(A..:~., t Mchy. Corp., 701 Laclede Gas Bldl:". WEATON, Geeo.erF (?2 1 1)10), M.. M.. St. Jo.eph Lead Co. "t,;. BURLINGAME. Chas. R. (20; 25), Dist. Stoker En"I., Westinghouse Elec.It Mfg. p owe, Plallt S t St J 0 c Co., 717 S. 12th St.. P. O. Box UP... o.eph f.ead Co., and for..ail,. ;,:1,; BURNS,. Henry H. (25). Mech. Expt., Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 1932 N... ~."c. Broadway.. ROLLA :~.., BUSSE, F. Ewald (13). V. P., Barry Wehnllller Mch~. Co., 4660 W. Florissant CARLTON, E. W. (J 22), \",to PIof D"aw " S I.:! ". Ave. Univ. 01 Mo., and for,,;nil 106 Rolla Stg,.,,0. c I. of Mines I< Meta1l1llgy,:~~.,., OALHOUN. Leslie D. (20; A M 26), Designinj\ Engr.. Busclt Sulzer Bros. Diesel JAon:SON R C (23) Prol 1! EMS I.. ": Enll nd.I: Utah Sts., and for 114;1, 30U Gre.ver Ave. P. 0. B~x S07...., o. C I. 01 Mines &; ~lctallurgy, Univ. of )do., :.) ~::-OAMPllELL, E. D. (16). Am. Car..It Fdy Olive St.. ~ORl;ll~ ~;I ~~,:Mm~~r\:~:;cnt, Mo. Sch. of Mine.I: Metallurgy, Univ. 01 Mo,,":i,!;OIIAf~t~i.JOS. B. (J 26), Servo Engr., Westinghouse Elec. &; Mfl:". Co., 717 S. ioung, Reagan H. (J :21), Asst. Prol. Mecb Dlnwln<" "0 Sch 01 M ;, OHRISTY, Wm. G. (19), Exec. Secy., Citizens Smokc Abatement Le3Aue, 511.~,."". me,.... Locust St. ~TENClJ,lRLES, St. LouiN S",,,UOll (. CLYNE, Robt. G. (13), PI es.. R. G. ClYne EUIl:. Co Locust St. TSCHKE, Pau~ (A-M 22), Ch. Engl. at M,,. COLLEY. Chao. J. (24), Effie. Engl.. llonsanto Chem. Wk., 1800 S. 2nd St Kinlls Hllbway.. arjoo Oil Enl\. Co., and fo,.. CONKEY, Henry G. (J 27), Sales Engr Ingersoll Rand 00.. and for mail, 6310 \.. Clayton Rd. S!. LOUIS, St, Loul" Section.c, COOL, Balner (J 28), Time Study Engr., Research, Union Elee. Lil:"ht.It Powel AOKElUIAN, Frank (12 21) V P Wk.,;. Co., 12th &; Locust Sts.. and for mai!, 4267 Red Bud Ave. tor tn4il Watel~,an {"e" s. Mgr. Curtis & Co. Mfg. Co., nnd.., COPP, Ralph (26), Cb. Enlll"., Pevely Dairy Co., 1001 S. Grand Blvd., and AMELING, Edw. F. (J 24), Dr.fts man.i: D I".. for mait Arsenal St. way, and fo, ",ail llarl:"aretta A;~ gner, Am. Brakc Co., N. Broad..:" CORBY, J. B. (A 21), Pres.. Corby Supply Co W. Pine Blvd. ANDREW, Lowell R. (.J 25) As.t t V. t. {. COX, Edw. L. (J 23), Research Engr., Monarch Metal Products Co., 5020 Penrose NT Blvd., and tor mail, 750 Westl{ate O St IC or J. Arbe, COliS. Engr., 6625 Delmn~, St.. and tor liiail Cates Ave. ~nuhstornoyngg,arcdnllnertocn ~o.wu. G(.84)"26 Tbe Proinclpia, 557 Page Blvd. I,r: DANIELSEN. John E. (25), M. E., )lonsanto Chem. Wks., 1800 S. 2nd Ave., St. ( ) ~ 1., Louis. and for mail. 407 Lee Ave.. Webster Groves. Per.binl:" Ave.., Dlst. Mgr., Republic Flow Meter Co., 6132 "DATZ. Louis C. (16), Newman Saunders.It Co., Inc Palk Ave. AZllE, Victor J. (15: 17 21) C E.. K DAVIS, Edw. W. (20). V. P. AnL Air Brake, also S. W. Mgl., Westinghou.e Air BAOHELDER, J. E. (05".1. 2i) ~g r 1Faibconknol Bldg., 6625 Delmar Blyd.." Brake, 1932 N. Broadway. lilt. "..,.a r an s, Morse.It 00., Inc., 217 S. 8th DAY, Leonard A. (09). Ch. M. E.. St. Louis Water Dept., 84 E. Grand B!vd. BAILEY, EUllene G. (27) Wk. M r Folto I.i; DEOKMEYER, Fred A. (J 24), ABst. M. E.. Dept. Pub. Utlllties, City 01 St. Loui., BAKER, Norman L. (15), co~b:ti~n Enn "W- Wks. Co., 1259 Delaware AYe. Rm. 416, Cllty Hall. and for mail, 26 S. Taylor Ave.. Bldl;., and tor mail 5600 Catoe Ave gr., Va. Coal Clo., Boatmens Bank (. DI&TRICHSON, Wm. F. (19), Asst. Engr., Am. Cay &; Fdy. Co., 915 Ollve St. BALrea~A~~? (99), Pres., Ball Ice Mch. Co.~ RID. 200, Security Bldl:"., 126 Chou.,DIr,Liu~il:1te~~ce~09), Engrlr Rep.. Fairbanks Morse t< Co., and for ma.l, 4900 BARTELS, Herman (27) M E St. L. S. j DOBYNE. Stevenson A. (A-M 15). Pres., Cbanlpion Sboe MchY. Co., 8727 Forest St. Louis, and for tn4ii Orest t~ l}clflll~.~ 19.f. \\k., Natl. [.ead Co., -1 Park Blvd. BAUSCH: Fredk E. (:04), Mgr., Hooven, O;e~~ls1~,t,t1..,..". EOKERT, Arthur C. (13; 19). Pat. Lawyer Title Guaranty Bldg. BAYE Fred k E. Bau,sch FIre Clu Mine 1105 Chemical Bid Be.hlel Co., also, Propr.,. ::i, :,, ED!lUND, Harvey W. (A!! 19), 6904 Jull!" Ave. R Leo J (25) P e B C Il EDWARDS. Minot R. (J 24). M. E.. BemIS Bros. Balt Co. BEGEM:~N. Myron L: (A--M:,:r:r lj,~06~rarkgtve...;_ ERD. Ohas. J. (J 27), Oentriful:31 Pump Desi/pler, Obas. S. Lewis.It Co., 2207 for nail Amherst AV;.,., ss. a88 Co., LIO Ferry St., and Pine St. BERGER Franz A (09) Asst P I ME;: EUWER Helbert D. (J 24). Asst. Enlll".. Pevely Dairy Co., 1001 Grand Ave. BEST Je... L (i4 21) St ;0.... Wasbing-ton Univ. ". EVANS, Geo. B. (H). V. P., Genl. Mgr., Laclede Gas Lil:"ht Co., 1017 Ollvc St. do., and t~r naii, 3819 Ufah ~~vr. Cahokia Plant, Union Elec. Ligbt k Powel:j EWART, Wm. M. (A. M 19), Factory Mgr.. Cartel Carburetor Corp N. BILLS. Hubert L. (A 27) V p sli c. Sprin.,; Ave BIRNIE. Hans F. (A-M 24): 6il;7 ii:t:::naor~, and for mail. 906 Goodfellow St..~ t FELLMAN Joh;1 (J 26), Sales En~., Worthinll:"t0ll Pump &; Mchy. Corp., 701 BLACKMAN, Gao. Horton (13 A 12) Pr n ve.... Lacled~ Bldg., Bt. Louis. and for mail, 2630 ROlle Ave.. Maplewood N. Broadway. St. Louis and f es.., Hill, McKee Mchy. Co... FISHER, Edw. OumberlaDd (17), Dist. Sales Mgr., Am. LQ.CO. Co., 1414 Syndicate BLISS, Wm. Carter (20 25) Asst ire:ri~ 2~5 ~TlS81 Rd., Webster Grave.. :-1 Trllst BldII:. chester Ave. ",. up, cu en Steel Co., 6700 Man. A.... FITCH, Edw. W. (J 26). Mgr., St. Louis Office, Balley Meter Co Ry. Ex- BOEHMER, E. Julius (A-M 17) CIl E Ri St. chano:e Bldl;... inl:"ton Ave., and for tn4u, 232U ~~A ce- IX Dry Goods Co., 1000 Wa,h.:,.:. FLAD. Edw. (91), OoDS. Engr., Edw. Flad &; Co.. Chemical Bldo:., also Mem. Miss. BCYLES, Robt. M. (J 28) M E veo. River Comm. Bldl:"., and for mail, 5924 Maple Ave.., E. Sm,tb &; Co., 2073 Ry. Exch..:;~ FOSTER, Jas. N. (J 25), Oh. Draftsman, Valuation Dept. St. Louis, Banta Fe Ry. BRADLEY. ElIl:"one P. (IS), p, c.. Rc.t~r.Bradle.l Cll.. ~200 Forest Park Rh-II. " i:: Co., alld for ""ii, Apt. D, 775 Goodlellow St. 872 :.;. FRALEY, Lawrence V.. (22), Sales, Cons. Engrl:". 513 Bnder Bldp;. ~ m

124 :lussouili )IE~IIlEKS IN l"nltf:d ~lams 1 ~. ~:.. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MISSOURI ST. LOUIS (continuelll FREp~RI ;c, LO~I; R. (J. 271, Detail Draftsn,an, Lehmann Mcb. Co Chou. FREDE~rcKS "8 or mad, 3918A McDonald Ave. Vendall Fixt~~ d~2rpl), i;,lf org",enal 1Mg63r8"lSwt. J.ltoUiS PuAm p &: Equip. Co.; Pree" FRIER J HI", a erman ve. W~shi~~on enl~ci. Jr. (2~: A M 25), Pres" Alemite Lubricator Co., 3321 g~~~~~, J,~JP (G2). r.i!~./[e~bcr, 4944 Lindell B1"d,. a tel C. (.1 ), ),ngr., Robt. Ga.YloTd Tnc, 2817 S 11th St d for mad. 4510~-\. Penns,\-lvania Ave. ".." an GREE:!!", Fred W. (13), V. P., St. Louis" S. West R, Co 1107 Buder BId GRE~~~e~~r. Saml. W. (19), Utility Oper., Ne;mn;l, S~\llldel" & Co., t;c., iioo GRU~~~TAV~~mer,1. (J 26), Plant Engr., Procter " Gamble 00., 2nd &. E. GRUENDU:R. Wm. P (A M 27) V P G I II P t Or 928 N 1st St StL df ". rue l( el a. usher &: Pulverizer Co" HAGERM,~:I, Tbo~: P: (,~-M\~) M~TE~~~2~3~cZ:~r~I;~JnKv~ntversity City. n1rh:.g are cl;,;,1(j ~2;l){2~~0~D~;iper,Contur,l mee. Co., Pine St. - Bi!I!l.: a~"j j~t ;ail, 5:118 Nortffl~~dMX~~. Hallett Engrg. Co., 817 Ambassador ILl NPJ,TER, Waldemar J. (27), Engl. Charge Prod F W Ha et F to Co., 11th & Palm Sts..,. np er urnl re "IRi~~~E:,~~;~:. A~eY 27), Indus. Dept., Laclede Gas Light Co., and jor mall, 11,\ W~\Sl~t A,ltshtur Sd(jO ; 09), Ch. Engr., Busch-Sulzer Bros., Diesel Eng. C~ 2nd " " a 1 8., an or mad Mag110Hn Ave. 0 JlIo.GED,NBARTH, Flanci. (23), ~-[. E., Sugar FlletolY Div., Fulton Iron WI,s 12;9 e I aware Ave., "lid jar mo.i, 6116 Gambleton PI., HEINI{, Hermon Chas. (J 23), M: E., Urbauer Atwood Co S 2 d St HEI~~~~o/~~~r3~62(JQ?3j, ~u\ Engr., Pierce letlol~um corp~ 418 Olive St" HENNING H 01". ( ~_.~ "..(~~IIS AshJa~d Ave. aj 20), M. I.., Water Dlv.. City 01 St. LOUiS, and for mail, 6133 IIlC~~I~:%~~ J\: (2 I.1).oh. ~I. Eo, Century 1:lee, Co Pine St., and fat mail, nicks, Geo. C., Jr. ("I.). 41 1;13 Drlmlll Avc. IIILDEDRAND, R: (23), Cil. ~;~l-.t. Diesel ll"pl" Iultoll Iron Wks. Co. Dolaw re Ave., S~. LOUIS, nno for flulll. S39 l>nrk uu., Vl"bstCl Gl"O\eS a I{O().J;[~ 1)lIys G. (211, Ch.,EuAr., ulbauel.-hwuod Co s 2nd St HUTrust BAldlthur K (12: :,21), Pros., Trees",I. Ie Ho~vell Co., 1237 Slndieate g., an d j or rna, 6330 Pelshing A,e, HUNTER,"AIrthbur T., (J 23), Mfrs. Agot., 2083 R). Excllallge BId" and jor "ail 6838.u. ngs ury,q"ve. 0", I HUN,T1ER I, John (00), Mallager, 13 10; Vice.President Cons. Engr 8,06 ~ ClC lants Laclede BId". "".~~~~So~lU~~~lI:IR(Z,ibf. :~),~ist. E~Igr., Bro"lle1J Cu., 72. Boatmens Bank Bldg. JEUDE. ":.,o~ts ngr., Mo, Pac. R. u., Ave. Ut~hASdtsolPh J d t(j ll), Desl/:l1er, Busch-Sulze, lil09., Oi,"", ;nl;. Cu.. 2n,1 It.., an or mail, 3689A Oregon Ave. JOH~~~:dw:.:ank B. (2ii), Mech. Expt., Westinghouse All lirulec Co., IV32 ~. KAEUFLER. curt W: V. (27), Sec)., TrellS., GenI. Engrg..v. ~Ilg Cu r[9 SlOth _ St" anl! JOT ma>l, 1716 Longfellow Blvd...,".. KANSTdEI,NER, ~. H. (J 27), Oadet Opel. Engl., Laclede Gas Li"ht Co St. Louis, an or ma.l, 807 Clark St., St. Charles. "., KOE~I~~Elou~~eI~e~AlI 24), Heine Boiler Co., 5319 Shreve Ave., uud JOT Inail, KOI;~a~~~;~~~: (J 23), Asst. Prof. M. E., Washington univ., and ;01 "ii, 3019 KROHN. Paul L: (J :11): Laclode Gas Light Co., and jor mail, 3800.Iuniata St. ~U~~~.~Na~d~;I,J~i~47;~)A.%i:lA~:~an,,Fress Dlv., CentUry Elce. Co., 817 Pille KU~FERLE, Ed... (99), Retired, 117 Washington A, e. LA XR. Alfred M. (24), Pres., Monarch Metal Pl.od\l( (~ ell l 5U20 P(!IIro~e St..~. ST. LOUIS (contlnuelu LARKIN, David (21), Pres., LarkIn Engrg. Co" Granite Bldg., St. Louis, and fat mail, 580 Garden Ave., Webster Oro"es. LEIMKUEHLER, L. O. (.T 25), Dlaltsman, Russoll Engl g. Co., Ry. Exchange BldG., and fat m<1il, >loris PI. LEUSSLER, A1thur J (J 2~), Sales Engr., 2083 R). Exchange Bldg., and fat mail, 8021 Flora PI. 1,EWlS, Wilbur V. (J 26), Sales E\lgr., Sul1han Mchy. Co" 2000 Ry. Exchange Bldg. LICIITER,,Tohn J. (24), Cons. Engr., Lichter & Jens, 1322 Cllcmicnl Bldg. LOHIlILLER, Hany J. (21), Pres., Am. POWel PipinG COIp., 701 Merchants Laclede Bldg. LOPER. Dwight O. (J 27), 4914A Itaslm Ave, LUTKEWITTE. Louis F. (21), Supt. Mig., Natl.,\mmonia Co., 3000 N. Broadwa), MALLINCKRODT, Edw" Jr. (A 18), V. P., Mnllinckrodt Chern. Wk., \. 2nd St. McCARTHY, John W. (J 21), M. E., 5874 Page Blvd. )lecarty. Ralph (17), Asst, Genl. nlgl., Nat!, Plgmcnts,11; Chem. Co., 1 Sidney St. McCORM/ClI, Geo. W. (A 21), Snpt. Stoam Div., Westinghouse Elec. &: Mfg. Co., 7]7 S. 12th St. :MElER, Olement R. D. (21), Pre,., Treas" Heine Bollel Co" 5310 Marcus Ave. :lmnner, Frederic B. (10), Sr. Monl., Menner & 11:Imhall, Rill, 14H, 915 Olive S~. lierl(le, Richard W. (J 2~), Sec). to Pres" Union Elec. Light & Powel Co., 315 1\. 12th St. UJ(,LER, Jas. B. (27), PIes., lunes Eql1ip. Co., 1940 N. BIoadway. MILTENBERGER, Geo. 1(, (13; 25), As,t, Y. P., Union Elec. Light & Power Co., 315 N. 12th St,,nTSCH, Goo. W. (A M 21), Am. Car I< Fdy. Co., 915 Olive St..IOODY, Edwiu C. (28; 26), Examinln~Engr., Am. Brake Co.,.1932 N. Broadway. MORTlIS, Wm. Chester (A M 20), Conoh, Supt" Baumes ~lcdevltt MellY. Co., 1953 Rr. Exch. Bldg., and lot mail, 5017 Milent. MUET,LER, Emil G. (A-M 26), Deslgncr, Examlnel, AIll. Bral<e Co., 1032 N. Broad ",a). and JOT mail, 2013 Harpor St. MUltPFlY, Anson L. (A 20), Fire PIoteetiOl\ & Proventlon Engr., W. H. Markham & Co., 1001 Ry. EXchange Bldg. meol, John (A M 14), Sales Engr., Anow Boiler Compouu,] Co., 3929, Olive St., ami for mail, 6049 Hamilton Terrace. NORYE1.L, Lorenzo CA 20), Sales Engl" 1212 Chemical Bldg. OBRIEl", Edw. J. (J 21), Chelll. Bid!!" OfILE. E"nost L. (00: 08), Prof. M. E., Wl\!lhillgton Univ. ONEIL, Chaa. B. (20; A 1l! 26), Sales Eng..., Fairbanks, Morse " Co., 217 S. 8th a r OOI",{, Wm. J. (J 22), Po,ver Plant Engr., UnIon Elec. Light &: Power Co., 815 ". 12th St. OREILLY, Andrew J. (21), M. E. Ch. E. E., Dellt. Pub. Serv., Rill. 401, City Hall, and or mail, 2207 So GIand Blvd, ORMSBY, Erie (21), Pres" Gen). Mgl., Dank BI os. ~oal &< Coke Co., 314 N. 4th St. PAHMEYER, Frod O. (23), V. P. &: W!<s. Mgr" Heme Boiler Co., 5319 Shreve Ave. PAlTON, W. Russoll (A 23), Mgr., Atles Mchy. &: Snpply Co., 1407 Pine St. PEASE, Robt. :M. (A M 21), Mgr., Factory, Axelson loich. Co., Walsh St. PEGR,\M Will. A. (20), M. E., Urhaner Atwood Co., 1450 S. 2nd St. PERKmS, Albert T. (22), Life Member; Mgl. for Receiver, United Rys. Co. of St. Loui" 3869 Pa..l, Ave.. PETERSE;S-, Svene (]4), 7241loIar)lond Ave., University Ci1;Y. PRENDERGAST, Jas. F. (J 23), Lub. Engr., Mo. Pac, R. R., 1022 Ry. ExchanGe Bldg., and fa" mail, 6830 Pelshing,Iva, PIIOETZ. B, G. (A M 20), Sacy., Treas., Midwest Mchy. Co., 5~78 Delmar Blvd., RAnE, Frodl< W. (18; A M 24), Asst. Ch. Engr" Anheuser BUSCh, Inc., Oth &; Pestalozzi Sts. RASMUSSEN, Velllon L. (J 26), Engr., Charge Boiler & Eng. Rms., Sta. A.. Laolede Gas Light Co., 148 Rutger St., and foi, mail, Am. Hotel Annex, 6th &. Market Sts. REDFORD, John E. (A-M 24), Engr. Slack Adjuster Dept., Am, Brake Co., 1982 N. Broadway. REEVES, Wm. H. (13), Pres., Reeves & Skinner Mch)-. Co., 2"211 Olive St., and, 01 mail, 4156 Cleveland Ave. 375

125 i:- JIISSOURI l.[embebs IN UNITED STATES S.I. LOUIS (continued) REYNOLDS. Joel W., Jr. (J 23) Salea Engr. Worthington Pump " Mchy. 701 Laclede Gas Bldg. RIEOHMANN. Edw, F; (J 26), 1014 S. 9th St. Rrr~LIET. Jesn LouIs ( 25). Div. Engr. Dept. Pub. Utilities. 308 City Hall lu.n~, X~:.C;:J.\ ~ I. (J 23), Jr. M. E. Water Dept. City of St. Leuis. and for ROB~~?N, Rowland J. (J 28), Sales Engr., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 6819 \~.OJ... ;A ;::.,A.;j corp,;.i. ~f RORRBIEdg Edaw ff. (26}1 Poores.. Ch. Engr., Perfection Equip. Co. Inc 001 Gr. n d Dr mao,4 Market St.., ROSBOROUGH. J... G.. Jr. (A M 21). Asst. Ch. Engr., Anheuser-Busch Inc 9tIi ROS:N~"i~OZZS~,:rb St(.!l.LouJ;, and Jor mail, 7312 Msple Blvd. Maplew;"d. ~. Boatmens Bank Bidg. -M 21). DlSt. Mgr., Franklin Ry. Supply Co. Ina. ~, ROSING. Wm. H. y. (96), Retired. 444 Frisco Bldg...:~ ROSSAv~?hn. C. (J 26), Asst. M. E. Hester Bradley Co., and for mail, 1924 Linlo!! ROTTER. Max (99), V. P., Enl g., Busch Sulzer Bros.. Diesel Eng. Co. Mo., and for mail. 735 MarIetta Ave. Milwaukee Wis : RYDER, ffredk,~. (i6; A M 21), Sales Engr., Elliciott By Excb. Bldg an d or m"", SI6 Laurel St.. :. SAGE302RlAE~~in HI: (A-M 23). lustr. M. E. Dept. Wsshlngton Univ. and fo,"--", magna 1& Ave. t JI~ UW~~R~09EHClftfJ 24), qh. Engrs; Office. Roxana Petroleum Corp. Shell Bldg;,. ord (J 24), Asst. ~L E., Geo. E. Wells Cons En.<!r Securi,.) St. Lou,if Bldg. St. Louis. MO I and for m<>il, 620 N. 10th St., E. St. Loui;. m...,0hadeli, Edw. W. (12), Sales Engr., B.rry-Wehmlller Mchy ~ florissant Ave. and for maa, 4057 Flad Ave...,,, SCHAEFER, O. T. (A-M 19). Automotive Engr Ru.sell Ave SOHAUM. Arthur H. (,17: 20). Secy. Heine B;Uer Co., 5319 Ma;cu. Ave. SO~~~TER, Rudolf (10), Engr., Busch Sulzer Bros., Diesel Eng. 00., 2nd " SOHLEIOHER. Emil J. (21), Owner. Schlelchers Tech. Sch Oalifornia A SOHMID, Wm. A Jr. (J 26), Asst. In Designing Refrig. Plants 126 Choteau St. Louis, Mo., and for mail., 4247 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati 0 SCHREIBER. John H. (J 27), V. P., Charge Designing" Bldg M~hy Genl " Mfg. Co. 10th &. Oarroll Sts.. "". SOHROEER. Roy A. (J 27). Engl g. Sale., Worthington Pump" Mchy" Corp Laclede Gas Bldg. and for mail 2007 Alfred Ave. i. " SCHWARZ, Michael (A,.~{ 15), Prod. Engr. Gunden Martin Mfg S. St. and for,"nil Ends Ave..... SCOTT. L. L. (18), \. P. Electrpl. Inc., 170 Dorcas St. SHANKS. Gordon I.; (25), Asst. Ch. Enl:f., Roxana Petroleum Oorp.. SHAW, Reed A. (J 24). Sales Engr Buffalo Forge Co. 515 Ohemical Bldg SIROKY, Edmond (J 18), Asst. Prof. Applied Math. Washington Univ, SKINNER, :&amsay (13). V. P., Reeves " Skinner l\{chy. Co Oli~e St. for mad, 6263 Delmar Blvd. ": SMILEY. Ohas. B. (~ 26). M. E. Bailey Meter Co. Ry. Exchange Bldg..SMITH. Chas. G. (J 26). Jr. ~ngr., Oahokia Plant. Union Elec. Light" Power and for mail, 1162 N. Kmgshighway. SMI1 Io~~dSt~y WeIl. (16). Designing Engr., E. " M. E., Wm. B. Ittne~. Arch..SM.lTH, Th~.. H. (26). Ch. Engr., Malllnckrodt Chem. Wks., 3600 N, 2nd, St. Low and for mai!, 7548 Teasdale Ave. University Oity.,....OWDEN. H. J. (20), Sales Engr., Baldwin Loco. Wks., 1010 p.ine St...s... l\palding, Ja. E. (A-M 27), Supt. Power & Ice Plant. m. Power &; Light C St. Louis. ~{~. and for maa, 1273 Vandalia St., Collinsville, Ill.,; :STAFFORD, Chna. W. (A )! 27}i Sales Rep., C. J. Tagliabue Mfg. Co 2198 Exchange Bldg., and for m"i, 3728 Humphrey St.,. " STEIGER. Herman R. (J 21), 1955 Ry. Exchange Bldg. ".:" STEINHE1MER. Walter O. (J 25), Engrg. Dept. Heine Boiler Co 5319 Shr.v.., STEW:S. Robt. R. (19; 26). Pres., Elliott " Stephens Mchy. Co. Oh. ;STOOKWELL. R. W. (A-M 21). Lnngenberg Mfg N. Euclid Ave. 876 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MISSOURI t;.st, LOUIS (continued) 7-:STOGSDILL, Jas. E. (J 25), Surveyor, U. S. li:ngrs., 428 Oustomhouse. and for mail, : Cates Ave. STORK. Alfred L. (J 26), Draftsman, Water Div., City of St. Louis. 84 E. Grand ::" l.\ve. i"stowe, Loyd R. (20), B 19 Ry. Excll. Bldg., and for maill Enright Ave. ;:TALEN. Mauritz W. (18), Supvg. Engr., Security Fire 1>oor Co., 8044 Lambdlll,;. \c. and for mail, 3318 Magnolia Ave.,/TEIDlEY. Edw. H. (12). Ch. Engr. power Plant, Union Elec. Light &; Power Co., :, 315 N. 12th St. ~. TENNEY, Ralph E. (J 27), CBoble Tester. Stand. Underground Cable Co :;. N. Grand Blvll...::.~THOMAS. Fred S: (24.). We.tinghouse Traction Brake Co., 1982 N. BroadwaJ. /:!1HOMAS, Stephen (16; 23). Dlst. Engr S. Thomas Engrg. Co., 6626 Delmar.;. Blvd..,THOMPSON, Wro. D. (27), Mgr., Indus. Gu Dept., Laclede Gas Light 00., Olive :.. 11th Sts.,:THUMSER, Robt. C. (J 19), Y. E., Monsanto Chem. Wk S. 2nd St., and.; for mall A loleramao St.. IlliITSCHLER, Woo. E. (J 27), Estimator, John OBrien Boiler Wk 00., and. for maa, 4550 Virginia Ave..TUCKER, Raymcnd B. (J 21). M. E. Louis Nokol Co., 2004 Washington St., and. lor mail Vermont Ave. :UjlBAUER. Hugo F. (A~ 28), Pres., Urbauer Atwood Co., 1450 S. 2nd St., Ilud " for Ma, 23 Wa.hlngton Tel race. VAN LUIK. Fl1lnk W. Jl. (.4--M 22). Mech., Pur.Agt., Designer. Century Eleo. ". Co., 1827 Pine St. St. Louis, and for mail, 415 Lee Ave Webster Gro, es. N BEHREN, J. Norvell (J 26). M. E., St. Loui. Smelting &; Ref. Wks., Natl. Lead Co., 720 Chestnut St., and for mail, 6245 Marma<luke Ave. GNER. Wm. A., Jr. (J 22). Asst. M. E., St. Louis Water Wks., 8~ E. Grand Ave. ERT, II. A. (2). Rep. Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 1932 N. Broodwa!, and for mail, 2918 Harper St. DVOGEL, Albert O. (25), Mgr., We.t. Engrg. Co., 901 Wainwrlght BIIlg LB. Gee. E. (19~. Cons. Engr. 400 Security Bldg. MER. Arthur J. (28), Pres., Widmer Engrg. Co. 612 Laclede Gas Bldg. D, Richard F. (J 24). M. E., Curtis Mfg. Co. Klenlen & St. Louis Ave., and.lor mail, 7 Blakemore PI.. IAM~. R. Arthur (J 26). Sales Engr., AID. Qar &; Fdy. O?. 915 Olive St. LIAMSON. Gerald V. (J 26), Steam Power Plant Engr. UnIon Elec.Light k. Power Co., 315 N. 12th Blvd. juis, Hermann (14; A-M 21). M. E., Midwest Piping " Supply Co., Bond 10/.~. "",a, 5660 Kingsbury PI..,OKURKA. Elmer O. (J 25), Merchandise Sales Mgr.. Heine Boiler Co Marcus Ave. ODWOR-TH, Harry A. (23), Cons. Engr., 1500 Cent1al Nat!. Bank Bldg. RDACK. Hugo (H), Pr... Light & DeveI. Co. 01 St. Louis, 750 Ry. Exch. Bldg. UTSEY, Floyd Stephens (20), Cons. Engr., St. LOllis SmeltlDl: " Ref. Co. ::~. 722 Chestnut St. ~.~. IlcESTON RAHAl!. Clyde B. (J 25). Bridge Oonstr. Engr. Mo. State IIlgh~vay Dept.,?.Sikeston, and fof mail, 728 Lester St., Poplar Bluff RINGFIELD.EKENFELD. J. O. (A-M 18), Shop Supvr., St. l,ouls, San Franolsco By.,. Rm. 302, Frisco Bldg. NN. Victor L. (J 26). Spec. Apprentice, St. Louis San Francisco Ry. and " for maa, Y. M. O. A. TER. Francis G. (21), Ch. M. E., St. Loui. SBo" Flancisco Ry Frisco.Bldg..TERS, R. F. (13), M. E., l;\t. Louis San Fl1lncisco R). Rm. 806, Frisco Bldg. GA.R CHEEIC, KanAIIos City Sectloll LZBAUR, Fredk J. (20; A-~{ 25). Ch. Engr., Stand. Oil 00. of Ind. 877

126 liissouri li!e~[bersin UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNIfED STATES NEBRASl...A ~~~~5:~V~R~VE~b,S~2 Lonis Section HERMAN, Thea. H.; J~. (J 2~) <Jnsi;: Engr. ~88 W. Lockwood Ave. Ave., Webster Groves snd /ol m~il 73 W A w ~dl Barnickel & Co., 937,, run e Pl., St. Louis. ANACONDA MONTANA CAPRON, Wm Oargil (19) M h S t KOCH, Bruno F. (21; 26) M e~.,up., Anaconda C~pper Min. Co. ROSS, Bruce W. (J 27) braitsn;aan~nda Coppsr MID. Co. ror~~na Hotel. n, aconda Copper Min. 00., and lor ",sa, ON, Alfred O. (A M 21), Torgerson Bros., Msln Street Garsge BOZElUAN. OHALLEl!<DER, Rl>lph T (A M 22) f~~~~e~~1*,ber~;5)a_~a~engrg., t::~: lt~~ cfoh~e. Mont. State College..?Rail, 1119 S. 8rd( Ave. 1), Assoc. Prof. M. E., Mont. State College, and [or I... BUlTE SORDBERG, O. Victor (08) 00 E. lind lor mail, 2115 GarrisonD8Ave~gr., Nordberg Rowe Engrg. Co., lualto Dlrlg., CHINOOK. OANNON, Wilford Y. (20; U), Dist. Mgr., Utah-Idaho S ~, DEER LODGE tlgar Co. SEARS, Ed\v. (22), Dlv. M. M Oh lor mail th St.., lcago, Milwaukee & ~t. Paul n. R. Co., and GREAT FA.LLS JONES, Sldney.R. (A-M 26), Dealgner D and lor mail, P. O. Box 800.,raftsman, Anaconda Coppor ~lin. Co., HARDIN CAMPBELL, TI,os. D. (14), 1..., Campbell Farwlng Corp. HELENA ROUSE. Robley D. (J 24) As Bldg. s t. E ngr., Mouutaln States Tel..I: Te!. Co., Colorado RED LODGE JJOll::iON, Wm. J. )0[. (81). lhoiiipson FALLS HARLOW, Mall: B. (J 20). TRIDENT LEH, Olarke F. (17 ; 25),upl., S Three Forks POIt!and Cement Co. WUSrON l:uugswell, Ja. n. (A II "8). C,Gen!. Supt., Mont Idaho ~llnes COIp. GERING TODD, John N. HOLBROOIi: ALDRICH, Benj. ~l. NEBRASli:A. Nebru.sko. Section (21), Mgr., Todd Devel. Co. (J 27). LINCOLN BUNTING Albert (19),\,..t CUSHbIAN, P. Allerton(19; ~1~Or ~~~~tic~! ~EIechD/Hlics, Ui~. of Neb., M. E. Bldg., r.111. ept., UnlY. of Neb. 37S LINCOLN (continued) DOWNS, O. Mervyn (J 25). Aast. Instr., M. E. Dept" Uni". 01 Neb., and [or mail, 1616 B st. HAJ\EY, Jiles W. (14; 21), Prof. M. E., Chmn. Dept., Univ. of Keb. HOSKINS, Joo. A. (J 27), Instr., Tech. Woodwk, Lincoln Bd. Education, Lincoln High Sch., and /01 mail, 2884 Everett St.. LUBBS, A. A. (A Y 19), Asst. Prof., M. E., Univ. of ~eb. PARK, Ralph H. (A-Y 23), Asst. Pur. Agt-, Unh. of Neb., and lor mili!, 8584 Washington St. SJOGREN, Clarence A. (A Y 28), Instr. M. E. Univ. of Neb. WffiTE, Jas. L. (J 25), Asst. Refrlg. Engr. Ia.-Neb. Light &1 10wer Co., Gas & Elee. Bldg. LYMAN LEAOY. EUiene S. (J 26), Moohinlst, Great West. Sugar 00., P. O. Box O. ODIAHA BASON, Fred~t W. (A 22), Text Book Writer, Ry. Educational Bureau, 1809 Cl>pltal Ave., and for mad Underwood Ave, BUELL, D. C. (19), Owner, Dlr. Ry. Educational Bu,eau, 1809 Capitol Ave. GILES, Geo. S. (19; A-Y 25), Fire Protection Engr., Union Pac. S)stem, 214 U. P. Rdqrs. GUSTAFSON, Herbert O. (J 24), Btg. Engr., Drake Realty Constr. Co., and for mili!, 2528 N. GIst St. HABER, Max C. (J 24). Draftsman, Union Pac. System, 501 U. 1. Hdqrs., and [or mail, H 7 N. 49th St. KAMPRATH, Ernest J. (J 28), Engr., Fairmont Cream Co., 12 Jones St., and for mail, 4219 Parker St.. LEISEN, Thea. A. (11), Gen!. Mgr. Secy., Metropolitan Utilities Dtst., 18th & Flatney St.. LINDER, Thos. (J 24), Test Engr., Neb. 10wer Co., 15th &. F..muro Sts., and [or mail, 2020 N. 50th St. LINN, Sao S. (A-M 18), M. E., 611 N. 19th St. MOULTON, Clarence F. (J 26), Neb. 10wer Co., and [or m<li!, Hm. 512, Y. M. O. A. PENDRAY, Edw. E. (23), Mgr., Fairbanks Morse &1 Co., 002 Henry St. RUF, Lee J. (27), Aast. Supt., Neb. Power 00., and [or mail, 3127 Haskell St. SLAYTON, Clarence B. (25), Mech. Asst. Valuation Dept., Union Pac. R. R. Co.. and lor milil, 2870 Vane St. VAUGHT, Jos. C. (23), Y. E., Bakel Ice Mc11. Co., 8601 N. 16th St., and [or mili!, 2554 Redick Ave. SUPERIOR LATIMER, Beltrand J. (21), SlIpt., Neb. Cement Co. NEVADA ELKO OHESTER, Ray G. (A.Y 27), Cb. EnlP"" M. M., Elko Lamoille Power 00., 411 Railroad St., and. for milil, 03 P,ne St. DIeGILL S.~GER, N. W. (J 27), Test Engr., Nev. Consltd. Oopper Co., and [or mail, Dox 998. RENO KENT. Clarence B. (27), Assoc. Prol. M. E., Univ. of Nev. SIDLEY, F. H. (08), Dean, Oollege Engrg., Unlv. of Nev. NEW HAlIIPSlllRE ACWORTH, Green ltlonntain Section SLADER, Walter (16), M. E. BERLIN HALL. Alfred E. B. (J 19), 101. E" Tube ~lil1 2, Brown Co., and for mail, 172 (11\1r01l St. MOORE, Hugh K. (16), Tech. Dlr., Research Dept., Brown Co. 37~

127 XFJ"\\- HA1UPSHUU) ~n:~iilf.rsin UNITED STATeS D BTAT<S "EW HA.iUISftlRI!: ~IE~1BER8IN tilute,,.." CI.ARElIIONT, Gr.-ell :Uo"ntatn Section HOLDSWORTH, Fred D. (O~), fo, moil. 15 Bond St. ~l. E. Compressor Dept., SUllivan Mclly. Co., snd. " I.JXUOLN, Howard A. (10; 28), Wks. Mgr., Sullhan ~lch~. Co. DERRY IDlt;RSON, L. Winslow (J 2»), Trcas., Emeraon Rlloe Co. llover HALL, Walter O. (21), Ch. Eugr., Kidder Pres. 00., and for, 16 B"oadwsy, DURH;\i\1 DONOVAN. Edw. f. (J 21), Un!v. of N. H. (>ETCHELL. Edw. L. (A M 20). Asst. Prof. M. E., Uuh. of N. B,. I.ATON, Tho., J. (08; A l\! 21), Asst. Prof. M. E. Uni". of N. B., Durham, and for mou, MadburJ. lieene ASDERSON. mail. 15 HemJ Bea,,"er Chas, St. (A-M 26), Devel. De.igller, liingsbury Mfg., Co., and for KINGSBURY, Edw. J. (21: A M 28), Mgr. Mch. T.ool Div~ Kingsbury Mfg. CO. I.A~CASTER 3!EGLITZ, Wm. B. (A M 26). As.t. Ch. Engr., Thompson Mfg. Co. LEBANON, Gr.-en luollllt,.in Section G_~RRETT, Elic H. (27), ~1. E., Kendrick &: Davis Co., Water St., and for moil, 26 Shaw St. HEI::;TAD, Erllnl:" (J 23). Dir. Mecb. Arts, Lebanon Hl.o;h Scb. JU:\,CHESTER HUIoiT, Sam!. P. (25). Life Member; Pub. Sm. 00. of N. R Elm St., and /0 mo...!. 263 Ioi. l!ny at. HYLA~D; Wm, L. (J 22), 76 BlodlletSt. READ, John H. (A loj 21), Asst. Supt., Manchester Water Wk., Old Court House m.. THO}!PSON, Herman K (17), Supt. Mech. and lor ",",ii Elm St. &; Power Dept., Amoskeal; Mfg. Co., YOSE. mllck Alfred St. H. (J 19), M. E., Amoskeall Mfg. Co., and f01 mail, 87 W. Merr! X.-lSHllA BARTLETT, Edwin E. (13), 4~ Olown St. FLATHER. Emest J. (17), Cons. Engr., 8 Berk.l.y St. HUSSEY, Oren S. (97). li. E.. Accountant, 40 Orange St. SEVIGNE, Henri.!. (24). l[anaglnll Dir. Natl. Bread W,apping Mch. Co, STEVENS, Everett M. (A M IS). Genl. Mgr., Bundy Steam Trap Co., 39 Elm St" nnd for mo.i!, 254 Main St., PORlS:lIOUTH CASE, 171".uvln Broad L. St. (26), Sup"g. Draftsman, Portsmouth Na,y Yard, and for mai!, DOWNING, Harry F. (A M 19), Designing Draftsman, U. S. Na,y Yard, and for,nail, 508 lucbald. Ave. E3I:MONS, Louts J. (J 20). Designing Draftsman, U. S. Navy Dept., NalY Yd., PClrt,mouth, t\. n.. lind for "o.ii. 452 Oottag. St., S. Portland, Me. ENGLERf. Alfred (15), Deslgne,, Submarine Drawing Dept., U. S. Navy Yard, and for ",",ii. 18 Raleillh Way. KIMBLE, Eml O. (A }[ 21), Deslrninll Drsftsman, U. S. Navy Yard, and fat 357 Broad St. lilail, POTTER. Robt. E. (20), Supvg. Mech. Draftsman, U. S. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, K. H., and /01" mail. 62 Whipple Rd., Kittery. Me. RAYNES, Han-y C. (18). V. P., Genl. Mgr. Atlantlc Gypsum Products Co., and lor Freemans Point., TILTON, Henry B. (17), Supt. Wks. Mgr., Morley Button Mfg. Co., Isliugton St., and for mo.i! South St ;"!!.\ 1l0CHESTER 0 (J 93) Head Mech. Arts Dept., Rochester High Seh., and JOI EDMUNDS. Guy. -,, mail, 28 Silver St. JACKSON, SOllIERSWORTH Henry O. (23; 24), Mech. Supt., Great Fall. Mfg. 00., und fo, Illd!. 39 Page St. "lui0.\droit, N Wm. G., Jr.. (. ~ _" = 19), Cons. Research Engl: NEW JERSEY,\LDENE, Pl~illfte(lA\f,;~::o~lItson_StillmanCo., Aldene, and fat mo.ii, 544 llolinger, EmU W., Linden Ave,V:Ji~~~t~12), Dir.. Watson-StUlman Co., ";Idelle, N. J., and fat STILLM.AN. oa ṗ.0(tt Sq. Bronxville. N. Y. 1J1a:z.l. 1 rea... t \.LLENH, URST, ) Supt Power Eaat. N. J. Uowe" ~ Co., Allenhurst, and )IORSE, W!". AlbiMne (J7 t rmon We,y Oce~n Grove. for, 131., "IPERE, l\letropolitllll odsecetigroll U S Tool Co.. Inc., Ampere, and fot.", F (J 96) Pr n., DES;;~: r;,~. S. t8t~ St(...~f>ew:;:; Benderson Elec. Co., Amp.~e, and for mad, llendeltson, Roht.. d an ~ 181 Greenwood Ave., l)l22) r L~ck Joint Pill. Co. _mpere, and fot. mail, 47 IlOLWAY, Wm. R. «~f> :n-r E Orock...Wheeler Co., ~ WARING, EdW R Fel~.., Wootton R d., Es ex.ul.lington, IUetrOlJolitlLlt P (J 27) Olerk. SectiQJl Mch. Sbop, Du lullt Vlsc:oloid 00. alld lor 1l.\IN-\ULT, Leon. mo.i!. 65 Bennett,~~). Du Pont VIBOOloid 00. Du Pont Vl.ooloid Co., and!i>r ;lierndon. P. 1i?AY 22), Maintenance Supt., LA.WSON,. Wm. B h St )lci~nj~t ~;,. (1~),. ~21)BD~ ~\g., Du Pont Viscoloid Co., 626 SchUJler lenning, Nicholas J. (18, 2,.\ve. ARI;;: lllelrtjllolit"n Section ~::s.~~g~. (2~f;.. ii ~~lf t~:~ws~l~o Engr., EaHt. N. J. 10wer 00 \.bw~ ROG~~~ ;,v~ f~; ",", it. 414 w<>odl.ndet.~e p~~d.n Del)t.,.J.rsey Centrlll lowel 6:, ROOME, Oeo. R. S. (J 2.7)~n~f~;mo.!13& S,outh S~", ~r"ho~d. Je..e" C:mllal Light Co., Asbu~y Part (A.M 23) Supt.. 1.kc. Dep i1 104?loulllouth \~N INWEGE~, L~Cmnn ~, tkn Bldg., Asbury P.rk. nlld for 710., Power & LJ>;ht.0., ~ I I. Ilt., Red Bank. \il.<\.ntic CITY..\(hnllie City &: Shore n. n. Co., lurinton Arthur J. (98), Y. 1., Genl. 1>1g,., tl t Maine &: Oaspian A,ves. S. Treas., 0lher n. Guttridge Co., 2320.~ an 1C RIDGWAY, Lee (A M 24), C)., " S1E-:i~;t Ira K. (J 2~), Cadet ;Engl G:.,\:a~;:~r~~?~3~aG~a~anteeTrust Bldg., and STROUSE, Sidney B. (~9;. A-M 18), fat, 22 S. Ilhnols Ave. JlABBITT, liiet~o~o~~t~;5)s~r.t~~l~cpo.,ts. Mlllour Soap Wk., Bubultl" JOH%~.T,~~;i, F23a73~st st., Woodcliff. 881,\lid

128 NEW JEUSEY :IEMBERS IX CNllEIl IOTATEIl BAYON"N"E, JIetrOl>olHnll Section ViMON, Hnns (J 21;). ~lecb, Duitsman, Babcock &. Wilcox Co., Bayonne, N. J" :; and toi mail, 14 W. 100tb St.. New York, N. Y.. ANDEitSON. Harold T. (J 28). De.lgner, Safet.Y Cable Co., Bayonne, and for,.au, 21 Clnrke.A,e.. Jersey City. ~ ", BAliER, Monis (J 22), Indus. ~ Effic, Enl,r., Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co" Bayonne, and JOT mail~ ]229 Park _.\\ P., Hoboken. BERBERICK, Jobn R. (J 19). lltatisticaj Dept.. Tide Water Oil Co., Bu,onne, and for ""ii, 478 W. Englelvood Aye., W. Englewood..:. BURHORN, Edwin (14). Pres., Edwin BU"horn Co., Ft. W. 5th St. BURN, Gilbert A. (J 22), Asst. AutomotiYe Engr. Tide Water Oil Co, ]l1l,lollne, and for mail. 252 Hazel Ave., Westtleld. " ;.,, BUTOHER, Alfred (24), Steam & M. E., Gull nef. Co. Do:!onne, and fol mail, 20 Roselie Ave. W., Roselle Park.,; ORISPIN, Paul N, (22), Asst. Plant ),;ngl., Stand. Oil tn, of K. J., Ba3onne, and for mail, 25 Hamilton Aye. Cranford.. OUMMINGS, Carl E. (J 24), Ellgr., Oharge Yech. Lub.. Tex, Oorp., nnd jar mail. 35 E, 11th St, 0AIELLO, ~larlano J. (J 21), Enl(ll,., Testing, Bnbcock & Wilcox Co.,!larolln" N. J. and for mq;i!. 202 Richmond Ave., Port Richmond. S. I. N. Y. de CASTRO, Edson (J 27), Test Engr., Babcock & Wilcox Co., nnd fol , 797 Ave. C. ~OOT, Cyril HUAhes (J 24), Asst. to Supt., Babcock.c Wilcox Co., )layolllle, and for mail, 810 South Ave., Westfield. y FROHLIN, Humphrey John Ave. (A Y 27), Supt., Bergen Point I"on Wks., and for mail, 100 GALE, Alf"ed G., J.. (J 24), Test. Enjlr., Babcock &. Wilcox Co. GARSON, T. N. (18), Sales Engl., Bergen Point hall The. : ;. GAST, Geo. F. (10; 21), Mech. Supt., Tide Water Oil Co., Bayonne, and jol,nail, 672 Be,.".en Ave., Jersey City... I.,.., GERKEN, Henry A. (J 26), Engr., J. Edw. Ogden Co., Inc., Bayonne, N. J" and fo, mail. 77 r,inden Blvd., Brooklyn, N. Y, GILG, F.ank X., Jr. (J 24), 111. E., Babcock.I: Wilcox Co., Bayonne, s,"1 jor mai!, 185 Elm St., Elizabeth. GRIGOn, Chas. S. (25), COlIslr. EnlPo, Tide valei Oll Co., E. 22nd St., Balonne,. and for mail, 105 Hlllcrest Ave., CrnnfOld, HEIMBERGER, Geo. J. (22), Asst. Cb. Proposition Depl., BabCOck & Wilco>: Co., and for mail, 46 Ave. B. HENSEL, SieA!,ied R. (J 20), Anal:!zer, Babcock & Wilca." Co., Bayonnc, alld jar mail, 264 PoweIll St., Jersey Oity. HENWOOD. DBlCY W. (J 27). Engr., Gulf Ref. Co., n. 5th St., &) onn., alld jar ".all, 804 Cbestnut St., Roselle Park. HESS, Frank J. (J 21), Combustion Engr., Tide Wate. Oil Co., Ba:!onlle, and for mail. 42 Hillman St., Clifton, HILES. Elmer K. (~O; 06), Constr. Engr., Gulf Ref. Co. HOENIG, Adolphe,Yo (28; A M 27), Cost Anal.)"""r Wilcox Co., and for 1lUlil, 840 Hudson Blvd. o!:; Estimator, Babcock &: HORN, Robt. J. (22: A M 26), 547A Ave. E. HOSEK, Jos. H. (J 26), Draftsman, Babcock & Wilcox Boiler Co., BayonllC, and for mail. 958 Salem Rd., Townley, Eliznbetb. HUBBELL, Geo. W. (J 21), Prod. Engr., B!!.bcock & Wllcox Co., and for mail, 79 W. 52nd St. HUDA. Rudolpl, E. (J 21), Testing Engr., Tide Water Oil Co., and for nail, Indus. Y. M. C. lj... INSLEE, Hebe.. C. (07), Eng..., Plant Wk., Babcock &: Wilcox Co. isles, Fredk W. (21; 25), Supt. Gas. Dept., Bayonne Ref., Stand. Oil Co. of N. J., Bayonne, N. J., and for mail, S46 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. Y. JACOBSEN,.\-rthu1 H. (A-M 26), Engrg. Dept., Tide Waler Oil Co" Bayonne, and for mail, 1000 Julia St.. Elizabetb. JAGIELSKI. Otto F. (A!! 25), Yecb. Designer, Salety Wire & Cable 00., aad for mail, 98 Boule, nrd., JONES, Wm. A. (06), M. E., Babcock & WUcox Co., Bayonne, N. J., and for mail, W. New Brighton. S. I.. N. Y. K.HSER. Geo. P. (J 24), DraftslDan, Tide Water Oil Co., Bayonne, and for "ait, 529 Muri.1 Parkwa;\,. Ellzabeth : B..I:1"ONNE (Colltinned) p., "pt. Slaud Oil Co. of N. J.. and for ma,i1, KliOWLTON, Ed"!. K, (15, o"e,.u ".. LAN~~ :ar;l~t~.s~j 25), Apprentice Engr., Babcock & W,llcox 00., and for mad,.3 E. 41st St. Jr (27) Plant EnAr., So. Cotton 011 Co., 160 E. 22nd St., LEAVITT, Geo. Edw.,, hi b h A CrnnlOId Bayonne, a!,d. or 1l. J ai!22 8 )8 J ZIl e~r :a:bcock & LIENAU, A. WIlhams (,1 y N Y Vilcox Co., Bayonne, N. J., LUlTH, and for Arthur mq;il. G., 141 Jr. E. (J 71s~t 26, St Ȧ. Pj,ren NeWt,ce orek,,gr., Babeock & Wilcox Lo. lju~o\llle, MAOK, and John or mailj J., r. 204 ( JD?2 n 6 al ),u sosn t d en vet :nugrther~u~., Water Oil Co., and for mail,. MAL~:T~O":M:~vaino W. (28), Ch. Designer, Babcock &: Wjlco", Co., and for matl, 106 Broadw~;. t (A Y 24) Desil<ller Babcock & Wilcox Co., BayOlme, and MARTENSSON,.uar en,. for ma,l 59 Garlson Ave., Jersey C,ty. t I on Wks Ft W 5th St. McINTYRE, MaICOlm w (18(A)YV ;2r)" ~S11j;n :~(~~y Cable eo:: lst l:it:, and fol mail, )fcknight, EdA01.,..,. 79 W. 84th St.0 (J 27) Yech Draftsman Babcock & Wilcox Co., and for METZNER, Bruno. ", mail; 82 W. (~i~,s~24) Ych. Designer, Spec. Mch!., Babcock &: Wllcox Co., for mail 63 Lexington Ave., Je"sey City. MILLBS, ~dmundd ayonne, an, 10 Edwards Conrt. MOLYNEUX, Geo. E. (A 17), InEventorBabcock &: Wilcox Co" and for?lulil, 169 MONTEITH, Robt. R. (J 24), ngr., d W. 48th St Ṫ MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW JERSEY (J 27) Testjn~ Engr Babcock & Wilcox Co., Bayonne, an MOORE, Wm.., ~ "Ct for mail, 117 Van WagenendA~~I cjerse~ N Yj Ba)onne N. J., 111)[1 for man, ~[UlTER E"icb (J 27), Stan. d o. a "Y,. 84 Weate,:elt Ave., Ne,;" nrl~~tsms;.n~l.tlmator, Babcock & YiI<fx Co., NEWPORT, Vlet0Jr G d (fj 23)d 812 College Ave., Westedeigh, S. I., N. "l:. d OOHTMAN, Bayonne, Leonard, N.., an J 1., or(1,n6~ A-Y 22),.., Ch Engl. Elco Wks., Bayonne, an for ma,l, 716 Sherman Ave., Plainfl&:eIDd. I Tde Water Oll Co. and for mail, OWEN, Ernest V. (24), Supt. Design eve,,,, 820 Hudson Blvd. b k & WlIcox 00 PRENTICE, John (18 A )Y S :f7t.), :~h co~ebillner Babcodk &: Wilcox Co., and for RAGOT, Adolphe E. (,.,. mail, d RAJU, 563O. Ave. S. N. E. (J 27),en. G 1 Training Babcock & Wilcox Co., Bayonne, an ROGERS, tor mail. Relllllald ~07 HalseYA D. (... ~;"2N3e)waa~;U, Supt., Bayonne Ref., Tide Water Oil Co., 22nd St., and fo?" mail, 74,6 Ave. O. T s. Am. Bolt Corp., Bayonne, N.,I., RUPF, Ernest L. (07; ~.M lei). pres"" ~~~ Bri hton, S, I., N, Y.. and for mail, 125 1,inllsley Ave Ḃ. b k & WU;"x Co., Bayonne, and oj mall. SCRIBNER, Chas. W: (89). M. E., a coc. SHOOLGA, 817 2ndBPl.l IP~,alll(flJ.l~;7) as -, D"afl.mall, Babcock & Wilcox Co., alld jol mot1, SMITH 64 W. Augustus 6th St. (02, ) Pres., Be.uen " Point Iron Wks., Ft. W. 6th St., )layanne, SPECHT, and fo?" Geo. mail, H. R. (J ~22)D.,ra, J ~=~.t~lco Wks., North St. & Ave. A., and for ; STEPHENS, mail, 165 Robt. W. 48thdclSi~ Ra (A" 26) M E Gulf Ref. Co., Bayonne, and for mail, u m.,.". 157 Meadow Ave" -Ift~20V Mcll. Designer, BabCock & Wilcox Co., Ba~om,e, and SUTTON, Rnssell I. (A N w Brunswicl- for mail, 53 Lufbe,,;y laveb" b e k & TRIPP, Wm. A. (A M 19, a cae Wilcox Co., Baronne, nnd or mail, 651 :Morris Ave., EIlza(~2e8t)h. Y E Electro Dynamic Co., and for TRUDEAU, John F.,.., mail, 17 Howard.. Pl. J (J 21) Checker, BabCOCk & Wilcox Co., Bayonne, and fo?" mati, OGEL, Wm.. u Y t lair!i05 N. Fullerton Ave., pper on Cca. & Oan Dept., Stand. Oll Co., of :So J., \\1BOM, Eric G. (J 20), Asst. Sllpt., 50 for mail, 92 W. 3Sd St-. ~3

129 NEW JERSEY B_o\.YONNE (continned) WIGHTMAN,.Jos, M. (22; 25), Inspr., Detalls, Babcock & Wilcox Co., Ba)onn~, N. J., and for 7l""il,. 435 Davis Ave., W. Brighton, S. I., N. Y. WILSON, Oliver W. (17; A M 25), Babcock & Wilcox Co., Bayonne, and for mail, 26 Stockton. Pl., E. Orange. BELLEVIT,LE, IIletrolloIltnn Section ADAMS, Henry R. (.1.-1>1 25), M. E., Eastwood WI"e Mfg. Co. CLIFF, John Wm. ( ), Supt., ElI.Stwood Wire Mfg. for mail, 17 Rutland Ave., Arlington. Co., BelleVille, and OROWLEY, Henr) L. (IS; 25; 27), Pres., Isolantite Co. of Am., Bellevine, and for mail, IDS E. Ha1llson St., E. Ornnge. ECHII{SON, Elchannn (19; A M 23), Wks. Mgr., U, S. Cntlery Co., and /0",nnil, 843 Cortlandt St.,.JENNETTE, Anthony (J 26), 71 Bremond St. MYERS, N. PohIy (A 25), Pres., Genl. Mgr., U. S. Cutlery Co., and for mail, Mill &: Main Sls. NORTHRUP, Francis B. (05; 16), Designer, ThomsOll Mch. for mail, 146 N. Day St., Orange. Co., Belleville, and WEBB. Nelson W. (J 24), Researell Eng"., Eastwood Wire Mfg. Co., and for mail, 582 Vnshington Ave. 8ELIIIAR, IIletlopoJitnn Section IUSDAN, Alfred S. (J 25), 1500 F St. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES BEVERLY, Plliln,lell,bia Section BINNS, Frank (A-M 18). Draftsman, wan Rope Wks., Inc., Beverly, and fa" mail, R. F. D. 8, Hammonton. DLOOIlIFIELD, IIletrop"Ut<i.n Section BAYLIS. Rob!: N. (92), Pres., Engr., Baylis 00., 52 Nelson St., BENl."ETT. Arthor N. (15), Exper. Dept., Westingllouse Lamp Co., Bloomfield, and for mail, 300 Van Nostrand Ave., Jersey City. BENNETT, H. G. (IS), Genl. Mgr., Intematl. Arms & Fuze Co., Bloomfield, N. J., and for mail, Mont Vue, OaBtleton Rd., Hathersage, Near Sheffield, Eng. BENSON. Laverne V. (A M 25), P. O. BO>l 7. BERTHOLD, Geo. H. E. (A M 17), Engr., V. P., Rajah Auto-Supply Co., Bloomfield, and for ",,,a, 241 S. Burnett St., E. Orange. BURLING, Herhert S. (13; 24), Pur. Agt., Am. La France Fire Eng. 00., Bloom. field, and for 7l.ail, 808 Tlllou Rd., S. Orange. EHRKE, Louis F. (J 2~), Research Engr., Westiuglloul*l Lamp Co. EMMONS, Edw. N. (21; A M 26), 16 Brighton Ave. GESELL, Wm. H. (18; A-~l 21), V. P., Lehn & Fink, Inc., 192 Bloomfield.1.\0. HEGARTY, Wm. (A M 21), HoiBt Engr., Genl. Elec. Co., Bloomfield, N. J., 8"d for mail, th St., Brooklyn. N. Y. HIBBARD, Harlan D. (J 27), Transportation Engr., Goodyear Tire & Rubbe. Co" 30 Orange St..JACKSON, John IC (A-M: 25), Engr., W. F. McLaughlin & 00., Inc., Bloomfield, aud for!, 408 Grier Ave., Elizabetil. K"IGHT, Ohas, D. (12), Wks. Mgr., Genl. Elec. Co. LIBBY, Saml. H. (971 00), Cons. Hoist Engr., Genl. Elec. 00., Bloomfleltl, and for mail, 23 Whitt esey Ave., E. Orange. MACKEY Dr. Dudley E. (A 22), 175 Washington St., OGLESBY, Wm. A. (J 25) Westinghouse Lamp Co., and for utail, 78 Linden,~YC. OLLESHElMER, Lawrence j. (25), Pres., Sprucolite Corp., also Oompressed Spruce Products Co., Inc. PALM:, Hugo (J 27), Dra1tsman, Westinghouse Lamp Co., Bloomfield, and fo, ",ail, 80 N. 20th St., E. Orange. PERKINS, Henry E. (26), Genl. Supt., Genl. Elee. Co., Bloomfield, and for mai/., 72 Lafayette Ave., E,,~ Orange. RAMBAUM, Johu F. (A M 26), Engr., Walter Kiddo &: Co., Inc., and for 1IUIiI, St, SHELDON, Oarew (J 24), IlIum. Engr., Commercial Engrg. Dept., Westinghouse Lamp. Co. SIXClER, Maurice A. (A M 24), Research Engr., Mech. Devel., Bakelite C<>II" Bloomfield, and for mail Mt. Prospect A,e.; Newark. 384 ~.. BLOOIUFIELD (continued) ;~~~1~bf.y.i~~8),(;.~~:~~sL~~.~a8~~~i~te Corp. WOOLSON, Clifford G. (16), 10 Parlt Ave. ; BOGOTA, ltletropolitn.n Section,..,\llBOTT, Jae., Jr. (J 21), 142 Larch Ave., BORDENTOWN, Pllilatlcll,ILlu. ~ectlon Steam Turbine Co., and i {, CADEAU, Henry (27) Draftsman, Deelgner, DeLaval for maa, 109 2nd st BOUND BRO?U::, ~~n:d:;ldc~~t~~:m. Co., and for mail, 410 Church St :f~:sij!g,~npj\a:rx ~), Res. Engr., R~searcll Corp.,,), DIDRlliSEN, Herluff (23(J 2 A 6 h ~2a7)lcoAcBshtemOhCEngr. Ruberoid 00., Bound Brook, I\nd FOSTER, B. Norton ;...,.,, (;: for mail, 207 Claremont Ave., Montclair. C JEFFOOTT, Robht. C E «~17) ~2r6").\~~coMgemCa1C~ Ohem. 00., and for mail, 214 W, " McMURRAY, Jo n. ;,..,, Union Ave. (J 21) Indue. 11. E., Oaleo Ohem. 00., Bound Brook, and 4; MOSES, Harold i:: t hila e Ne, Brunawiclt 26 W ROB~:R~~,a~m., ~r~ (J r 27 1, Power Plant, Oalco Ohem. Co., and for mail,.:.: SCH:~s:lHN Emil G. (J 27), Glenbrook. R. F. D.,, TAYLOR Roy!? (A 22) Calco Chern. 00. WILLIAMSON, Fredk v. (J 24), 64 W. F1:anldin St. ~~~:.:~~~ J. (16; A-M 26), Secy., Herman Z. Outler 00" Inc., Manheim Ave., JA~;rH~::~ MEMBERS IN 1>NITED STATES ~~ [.N):ttiJ..Sii., Ferracute Moh. Co., and for maa, 219 E. Com. Mc~iJN Adam C. (22), Supt. Power & Maintenance, Cumbelland Plants,, m. Glass Co., and f,or mail, 262 Fayette St. Ferracute Mch. 00. SMITH, Percival H. (A 22»Su V t P "p& ~:gnj:egrpt"1ll Glaee 00 and for mail, au N. smith, Wilbur R. (A 22, p., ac,.,." Pearl St. BURLINGrON, Pllll l llde]pll(f 2 ;. ~~~t~~)l M. E. Oaet Iron Pipe & Fdy. Co., ABEROROMBm, W. Tay or, 1.. St il rly : Burlington, and for mailt 4,2 Ohurch n" l eyj S Oll.St Iron Pipe &. Fdy. Co. CAPRON, John B D ((2, :~2tf""ri:~;;rc~!n gr. U.S. Cast Iron Pipe & Fdy. 00. CLARK, Stuart. 3;, 0 d & Buzby 821 High St. CONARD, wmyr(j(a,~g)6)jrlc~~riro~n;fpe & Fdy. Co., Burlington, N. J., and GILLEN, Jas..,. Pl) d I ha Pa for mail, 2184 N. 23th St t All t e ~ub Ser:. Elec. &. Gas Co., Burlington, and KARG, Wm. E. (J 24). Tec for mail, 20 Ressell St., Mt. Hal y. BUTLER, 1\letl opol~tu.n s~t~nnl Am Hard Rubber 00. STRAOHAN, Geo. C. (J 2~25),)InS,_ goii Eng r. Pequannock Valley Paper 00. WHITE, DeGray (21; A-M,eey. ".,, OALDWELL, Metropolitan Section Rd CARTER, Douglll.S (16), Mech. Developments, 58 Overlook NEW JERSEY OAIUDEN, PllllRlld(Ae~fI:-2i6U.) sseupcr~~c Dept. Am. Brown Boveri Elec. Oorp., ABEL Clarence...,. H dd field Camden, 8nd for(j 1""27)1, H Jl1lvw~:;:/W~bste~ &0"00., i7th & Federal 8t.., and BEAM, Palmer.,.., for mail, Y. M. O. A., t. Oh- M E Dept Warren Vebeter & 00., BETTERTON, Herbert ~. (A-M 21), A" d d f mdil 212 GUUiord Ave. 001l!n8llwood. 17th &I Federal St.., cam en, an or,

130 ~., ---~...,.."..~~ _ NEWJERSlllY lle],(bers IN UNITED STATES )IE)lUF.RS IN UNITED STATF.S NEW.JERSEY CAIIIDEN (continued) BLAIR, J. Arthur (21; 26), M. E., Campbell Soup Co., 2nd &; Market Sts., Camden, and fat mail, 24 E. Stiles Ave., Colhngswood. BRPNER, Lieut. Roy W. (J 20), U. S. N., U. S. S. Saratoga, Am. Brown Bover! Elee. Corp. OARLSRUD, Reidar (A M 27), Engrg. Dept., Campbell Soup Co., 2nd & Market Sis., ~~~~~~ - DELANElr~ Louis A. (A M 19), M. E.. Victor Talking Mch. CO., Oamden, and tor mai!, ". E. Cor. Wyom(ng Ave. &; Spruce St., A\1dubon. FITtS, Jas. L. (13), Oh. :M. E., Warren Webster &; Co., 17th &; Federal Sta., Camdeu, and fat mai!, 103 W. Oedar Ave., Merchantville, GLEASON, Wm. J., Jr. (J 27), Htg. Engr., Warren Webster &; Co., 17th os< Federal Sta., Camden, N. J., and tot mail, 34 Wyoming Ave., Ardmore, Pa. GRUSS, Geo. A. (J 24), Asst, Tool Engr., Am. Brown Boveri Elec. Corp., and for mau, 2802 Stevena St. HANSQN. Milton E. (19; 27), Sales Engr., B. F. Sturtevant Co., Thorne &; Cope wood StB., Camden, and for mai!, 204 Morgan Ave., Collingswood. -. HARBESON, Jas. P., Jr. (A M 18); Ch. Engr., Camden Forge Co. HOLLERITH, Herman, Jr. (J 19), Supt., Victor Talking Mch. Co. ~.. ROOD, Warren B. (10; 16), En81., Am. Brown Boveri Elee. Corp., Camden, N. J" and -JOT mail, U68 Marlyn Rd., Philadelpbia, Pa. IMBRIE, Wm. M., Jr. (13), ABt. to V. P., Am. Brown Bove,; Elec. Corp;. JORGENSEN, Wm. (J 22), Am. Brown Boveri Elec. Corp.. KIRSCH, Stephen J. (J 24), Prod. En81., Armstrong Cork Co., Ft. Jackson St., Bnd fot mail, 606 Chestnut St. KOENIG, Max E. (J 24), M. E., Am. Brown Boveri Elec. Corp. MAHONEY, Jos. N. (In, M81. Engrg., Am. Brown Bover! Elec. Corp., CamdD, N. J., and fot mail th St., Broo1<1yn, N. Y. :M.<LLINA, Rudolph F. (23; 27), Read APparatus Devel. Dlv., Devel. &; Res.arch Dept., Victor Talking Mch. Co. MARSHALL, Harold F. (17; A M 23). Adv. Mgr., Warren WebBter & Co., 17th t Federal Sis., Camden, and fot mail, 103 Morgan Ave., Palmyra. MAXFIELD, Jos. P. (27), Mgt., Devel. &.- Research, Victor Talking Mch. Co., Camden, and for mai!, 307 Eo Central Ave., Moorestown. ~IIDDLETON, Albert O. (A U), Retired, 606 Wilson Bldg. MILLER, F. Jos. (J 05), Oh. M. E. Dept., Warren Webster &.. Co., and for mail, ~750 MickIe St.. MONTAGUE Jos. F. (A M 21), Sales M81" Independent Penn Oil Co, 4th & Market Sis" and for "",il, 914 Federal St:- MORTON -John W. (13; 19), Oh. Engr. Am. BroWn Boveri Elee. Corp., Camden, N. J., and fat mait, 632 N. 19th St., Philadelphia1- Pa. MURRAY Henry H. (99; 05), Oona. Engr., Victor!alking Meh. Co., Camden, and fot mai!, 204 Lippincott Ave., Riyerton. NICHOLS Edgar B. (19; 22), Devel. Engr., Victor Talking Meh. CO. NORDSTROM, B. A. (A-M 27), Asst. En81., Treiber Diesel Eng. Corp. OTTESEN, Fredrlk (12), M81. Salea, Steel Indus., Am. Brown Boverl Elee. Corp: PATRICK, Wm. (J 26), Draftsman, Campbell Soup 00., Camden, N. J., and fot mail, 21 Central Ave., Cheltenham, Pa.. PORTER, Wallace B. (J 21), :M. M., Pa. R. R. Co., 22 Federal St. ROHLIN, Karl W. (J 22), M. E., Warren, Webster &. Co., 17th &. Federal Sis.; Camden, and fat mair. Browning Rd. &. Terrace Ave., Mercbantvllle. ROTH, Walter (26), M. E:, Am. Brown Boveri Elee. Corp. RUSS, Chas. W. (A 18), Mgr. Oamden Plant, Armstrong Cork 00., and fot m8i/, Fort Jefferson. SCRMIDT, Carl W. (J 21), Sales Engr., B. F. Sturtevant Co., Thorne & Copewood Sts" Oamden, N. J., and for mai!, 3406 Aldine St., Philadelphia, Pa. SCHULER, Walter C. (A.M 26), M. E., Warren Webster &. Co., Camden, and for - ",oil, 244 E. Madison Ave., Colllng~wood. SCOTT, Edgar G. (13), Supt. Equip., Oampbell Soup Co., 2nd & Market SU., Camden, and fat mai!, 18 S. Oolonial Ave., Moorestown. SEPSEY, Jos. Chas. (J 25), Yictor Talking Mch. Co.. and fot mail, 38 Wood St. SIDLER, Edw. H. (26), Head, Blower Dept., Am. Brown Boveri Elee. Corp., Camden, and for mai!, 1 W. Ohestnut Ave., :Merchantvllle. SIEGEL, Alex. (A M 24), Htg. Engr., Warren Webster 00., Camden, N. J., and fot mail, 2112 N. 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 380 CAJIDEN (conunlletl). STEWART, JaB. G. (A-M 23), Asst. )[. E., >Iac,\ndrews &: ~olbcs Co., 3rd & Jefferlion Sta. STEWART, Nelson H., Jr. (J 27), Englg. Dept., Warren Webste, &. Co., Camden, N. J., and fot mail, ~018 Torresdale Ave" Phlladelphia, Po. STROBEL, Harold O. (J 24), M. P. Iusp,., Pa. R. R. Co., -Camden, and fat mail, 325 Haddon Ave., Collingswood. TEAF, John H. (J 26), Exper. Draftaman, Victor Talking Meh. Co., and for mail, 1264 Langham Ave. TRAVIS, Wm. M. (J 27), Dr&ftsman, Exper. Wk., Victor Talking Mch. Co., and fat mail, 666 Federal St. TREIBER, Otis D, (25), 1res., 01,. Engr., Treiber Diesel Eng. Corp. TYRRELL, Hobert S. (22), Supt. Bldg. Conatr. &I Powet, Victor Talking :Ilch. 00. VAN NAME, Jos. M. (26), Supt. ~lajntenance, Am. Brown Bover! Elec. Oorp., Camden, and fat mail, 1204 Eldridge Ave., W. Collingswood.,OSBURY, W. DeWitt (11), Cona. ED81., Remington & Vosbury, 509 Cooper St. WEAVER, Henry (A M 24), Mech. Draftsman, Wa,ren Webster &; 00., 17th &. Federal Sts. WEBSIER, Warren (A 03), Prea., Warren Webster &I Co., 17th &l Fedelnl Sta. CARTERET, Plainfield Section BROCKLEBANK, Arthur P. (12), Ch. Engr., Wheeler Condenser &I Engrg. Co. CHRISTIE, E. W. (90), ConB. Engr., Wheeler Oondenser &. Engrg. Co., Carteret, and fot mai!, P, O. Boll 74, Sewaren. - E)IORY, John B. (19), Genl. Supt., OInome Steel Wks.. EVERETt, Russell W. (J 18), M. E., Wheeler Oondenser &. Engrg. 00., Corteret, and fot ""ait, 139 El. 2nd Ave., Roselle. HASKINS, Harold I, (A M 20), Mgr., Benj. Moore &1 Co. KICKLE/ Hugh D. (J 25), Wheeler Condenser &l Englg. Co., Carteret, and fot mai. 801 Jersey Ave., Elizabeth. PHILLIPS, Chas. -A. (25), Mech. Supt., Warner Chern. CQ" and for mail, 15 LocUllt St. WILLIAMS,. Richard O. (A M 16), Asst. to Pres., Wheeler Condenser &. Engrg. Co., Carteret, and f01 mail, Tenacc, llaplewood. CEDAR GROVE, IIIetrol.oUtnn Section BERG, Henry H. (26), Plant Supt., COUllt~ of COLLINS, Palmer (16), Summit Ave. CHATHAIII, IIIetropolUD.n Section WHITE, Loula R. (28), R. F. D. 2. CHROiUE, Plainfield Section KUEHNLE, Wm. (A M 24), Plant En!>r., Chrome Steel Wks" Chrome, and for mai!, 734 Madison Ave., Elizabeth.. SCHMIDT, C! H. (26~, Suptg. Constr. &; Plant Maintenance, Chrome Steel Wks., Chrome, and fat ma.l, 407 Jersey Ave., Elizabeth. CLIFTON, IIIetropolitan Section FIALA, Sigmund N. (J 26), 62 Harrison PI. }llchelson, John S. (A M 23), Devel. Engr., De Mattia Bros. Inc., Clifton, N. J., and fm maa, 98 Randa.l1 Ave., Blidgeport, Conn. PEARS(\N, Morris A. (A M 18), Secy., DeMattia Br05. Inc., Olifton, and for mail, 51 Howe Ave., Passaic. COLLINGSWOOD, Pbiladel1.llia Section RUFF, Herbert (A M 20), 29 FrankIln -", e. DELAIR, Philadelphia Section BESSEMER, Milton E. (J 26), C. E., Constr., Erwin &1 Leighton, ljelall, N. J., and fot mail, 36 N. Paxon St., W. Philadelphia, Pa. DELAWANNA, IIletropolUD." Section IN~ALLS, O. R. (19), Mech. Supt., Waldrich Bleachery, Worthen &. Aldrich Co. 887

131 NEW JERSEY MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATE8 NEW JERSEY DOVER, luetropolitan Section BRAYTON, Harold M. (17; 19; 2~), Ord., Research Eng., Picatinny Arsenal, and fa mail, 29 Lawrence St. DI COSMO, Pascal V. (J 27), PIincipal Mech. Draftsman, Picatinny Arsenal, U. S. A., FLORCYK, Ed". M. (20; A!t 26), Ch. Mech. Draftsman, Picatinny ArsensJ. HARRIS, Capt. John P. <,A.M 21), Ord. Dept., U. S. A., Picatinny Arsenal. LUKENS, Wm. L. (17; 21), Ord. Engr., U. S. Ord. Dept., Plcatlnny Arsens!, and fa mail, R. F. D. 1, State Highway &; Mt. Prospect St. I MICKMA1I, Victor L. (J 27), Gh. Mech. Tecb. Div., Draftsman, Picatinny Atsena1. MOSCHETTE, Richard L. (A M 20), Deelgning, Draftine, Bldg., Picatinny Arsenal, and f" mail, 40 Falrvie\v Ave. ROGERS, Gilbert E. (A!1 23), Assoc. Ord. Engr., Ord. Dept. U. S. A., Picatiuny Arseua!. ROSSO, Peter M. J. (A M 24), Mech. rn..ftsmall, U. S. Ord. Dept., PicatinllY Arsensl. THOMPSON, O. C. (10; 16). EnJU., Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, and fa, mail, 44 Laks Drhe, Mountllin Lakes. i: WESTIN, Chas. J. (A ~t 26), Ch. Mech. Draftsman, U. S. Ord. Dept., Picstlnny i Arsenal, Dover, and fa mail, P. O. Box 12, Rockaway..-. WILLIAMS, Clarence L. (J 26), Mine Rill. y.. DUNELLEN, P1a.inll.eld Section BLESSING, Wm. W., Jr. (J 22), Prod. Dept., Dunellen Wks., R. Hoe &I Co., Inc., Dunellen, N. J., and fa mail, 631 Hamilton Ave., Bethlehem, Pa. BUSHNELL, Jas. E. (13; 16; 27), Ch. Engr., Ransome Ooncrete Meby. 00., Dunellen, and fa mau, 29 Geraud Ave., N. Plainfield.. CHEEK, Wnl. C. (J 21), ~36 Prospect Ave. FABER, John P. (08: 17), Cons. Engr., Ranoome Concrete Mchy. 00., and lor mail, 205 N. Washington Ave. MONTGO~IERY, Richa.rd B. (21; A M 26), 250 Front St. TURNER, M. O. (A-M 27), Asst. to Cb. Engr., R. Hoe &; Co., Inc., and for mail, 430 Dunellen Ave. EAST ORANGE, luetrollolit&n Section BOLLER, Alfred 1., Jr. (01), 80 Prospect St. BROWN, Geoffrey C. (19; 22), 22 Webster PI. BUSHFIELD, Frank T. (A 22), 60 Linwood Pl. OAMPBELL, Frank D. (24), Indns. Engr., 491 William St. OARTMELJ., N. Madison (18: A M 21), 80 N. Arlington St. OOUCH, A. D. (16; A M 22), 321 Park Ave. EMERSON, Hsrold S. (J 27), Cadet Engr., Gas Dept., Pub. Servo Elec. &I GS8 Co., 284 N. Park St., E. Orange, and fa mail, 4th St., Demarest. GARDNER, Dan D. (23), 488 N. Maple Ave. HICKS, Robt. E. (A M 2~), M. E., 286 N. Maple Ave. JENNINGS, Arthur 13. (18), 5~ Hawthorne Ave. KlDD, Geo. F. (15), Supt. Constr., 61 Hollywood Ave. KRIEG. Wm. E. (A M 21), Secy., Genl. Mgr., Calif. Stucco Products Go., 486 Central Ave., and fa mail, 270 S. Clinton 8t LANSING, Raymond P. (17; 26), Ch. Engr., Eclipse Mch. 00., E. Orange, and fa. Clil. 11 Grove Terrace, Montclair. MacNEIL, Chas. I. (J 26), Exper. Engrg., Eclipse Mch. Co., and fa mail, Marcy Ave. REIMER, Arthur A. (12), Oons. Engr., 46 S. Maple Ave. ROGERS, Robt. W. (08; A M 17), Genl. Indus. Engr., 470 Park Ave. SHAW, Louis E. (13), Cons. Engr., 179 N. Parkwa.y. SMITH, Peter A. (26), Treae., A. P. Smith Mfg. Co., E. Orange, and for mail, 66 Stanley Rd.. S. Orange. STANWICK, Chao. A. (A M 20), 83 Beech St. STEVENS, Merton l (23), 58 S. Maple Ave. TURNO, Walter G. (13; 16; 21), 71 Lafayette Ave. WATERS, Geo. H. (01), Cons. Engr., 69 Morse Ave. 388 " EDGEWATER, liletrovolitnn Section AUGUSTINE, Edw. (J 24), Draftsman, U. S. Aluminum Co., Edgewater, N. J., and fo tna>!, th St., Woodside L. I., N. Y. BITTloER, Cbas. I. (J 25), Aest. M: E. Sheet Mill, U. S. Aluminum Co., Edge water, N. J.,..nd for mail, 1739 Popham Ave., Ne" York, N. Y. BOWES, Wm. (J 27), Draftsm..n, U. S. Aluminum Co., Edgewater, N. J., and fa mclil, 281 Nepperban Ave., YQ.nkers, N. Y. BUEB, John J., Jr. (J 28), Foreman, Aluminum Index Co., Edgewater, N. J., aud fa mail, Old Church Rd., Greenwlch, Conn. FASeEL, E. B. (27), -Ch. Engr.), U. S. Aluminum CO. FERR!. Ralph M. (12; 21), i>upt., U. S. Aluminum 00. QULLJl.SEN, Johu W. (J 26), Factory Mgr.. Aluminum Index 00., Edgewater, and for mail, 81 29th St., Woodcliff. HAIGHT, Jas. P. (23; A M 24), Asst. Sheet Mill Supt., U. S. Aluminum 00., Edgewater and for mail, 421 Conrad Rd., Englewood. HETTENBAOH, Fred W. (J 21). Oh. Draftsman, Mch. Design, U. S. Alnminum 00. MALBY, Seth G. (21), Pres., Aluminum Scre" Mch. Products Co., Edgewater, and /01 mail Tenafly. MAYHEW, Benj. A. (J 20), M. E., Natl. Sugar Ref N. J., EdgOVlater, and fa mail, Ravine Ru., Tenafly. McMANUS, Jas. M. (J 27), M. Eo, Aluminum Screw Mch. Products 00 REICHELT, O. V. (J 26), Barrett 00., Edgewater, N. J., and fa mall, 287 Wsrdwell Ave., W. Ne" Brighton, l!. 1., N. Y. SLEEP, Arthur W. (J 27), U. ~. Aluminum Co., Edgewater, N. J., and fot mail, 885 Stebbins Ave., New York, N. Y. ELIZABETH:, Plnlnftelll Section BAR~~:"37~dwin H. (13; 28), Asst. Oh. Eugr., Staud. Oil Co. of N. J., P. O. BEACH, HOoroid K. (J 04), Oh. Engr., Am. Copper Products Oorp. BLOOMSBURG, Marvin S. (J 27), M. E., Devel. Dept., Stand. Oil Co. 01 N. J., Elizabeth. a"d for mail, 216 Sylvania PI., Westfield.. BOLt~, *~~t Tpl. (J 27), Engr., Barrett Co., 86 Elizabetb Aye., and for mail. 38 BONNETT, L. B. (11), Retired 310 W. Jersey St.. BOWLER, Chas. W. (J 27), Educational Dept., Bayway Ref., Stand. Oil Co. of N. J,. and for mail, H9 Acme St. BOWLER, Wm. L. (J 22), Gen!, Eng. Insps. Dlv., Stand. Oil 00. of N. J., and fa,, 706 Rabway Ave. BURRITT, Leslie D. (J 22), M. E., Genl. Englg. Dept., Stand. Oil 00. of N. J., Elizabeth, and fa mail, 788 Boulevard, Bayonne. BUTTERWORTH, Jobn G. (J 2~), Engrg. Dept., Bayway Ref., Stand. Oil 00. of N. J., Elizabeth, and fa mllil, 221 W. ~th Ave., Roselle. OARPENTER, Saml. J. (J 26), Engrg. Records Clerk, Durant Motors Inc., Eliza.. beth, aud for mllil, 71 St., Carteret. OARROLL, Alex. W. (05), Oons. Engr., 99 John St.. and for mila, 62~ West minster Ave. CHANDLER, David Harry (A M 25), Engr. Genl. Engrg. Dept., Bayway Ref., Stand. Oil Co. ot N. J., P. O. Box 37. OH~~~L, Frank (J 25), Diesel Engrg, Bethlehem Steel 00., and for mlliz, 66 1st COFFEY, B. H. (18), Oons. Engr., 136 Debart PI. OOHEN,!iaroId (J 22), Struc. Engr., 272 N. Broad St. OONRAN, Fred M. (A M H), Designer, BIdr., Spec. Mchy., 1275 Robert St., Hill side. ORA~~~Jr~t L. (12: A M 26), Pres., PUblisber, Elizabeth Daily Journal, 297 N. DAMM, Walter W. (19; A M 26), M. E., Stand. Oil Co. of N. J., P. O. Box 87, Elizabeth, N. J., and f... maii, 2290 Davidsou Ave., New York, N. Y. DEAOON, Ralph W, (A 07), Cons. Engr., 42 De Witt Rd. EBERLE,,red H. (A }I 29), M. E., Bay"ay Ref., Stand. Oil Co. of N. J., Elizabetb. and fa mail, 1~ Maurice Ave., Rahway. ELY, Allen J. (20; 25; 27), Engr., Charge Testing Lab., StIOnd. Oil Co. of N. J:l p. O. Box 87.. EVERETT, Franklin L. (J 26), Cracking Ooil Inspr., Stand. all Co. of N. J., p. O. Box

132 NE"\\ JERSEY ~rembersin UNITED STATES ELIZABETH (colltlllue.l), FENTRESS Robt. W. (J 25) 18 Sarre St. FEUOHTER, Robt. (J 2), Designer, Bethlel1em Steel Corp., gg ls.t St., and /01 mail, 862 E. Jersey St.. "F d FOROE Wm 0 (A 21) OIL Prod. Inspr. KellY Press DlV., Am. Type onn el~ Co. Elm"ora Ave., Elizabeth, and /01 mail, 15~ Sonltrset St., N. 11?lnfl.~d. FORD bhester M (A-M 20) M. M. Am. Copper PlOducts Co,p., S. Flollt ~t. FOSTER, O. Loui. (A-M 1~), Pres., Treas., Foster-Hentoll Co., 883 Magnolia A,e., Elizabeth and /01 ma,t, 884 Turrell Ave., S. Or&llge. GOOD, Robt. H. (23), Gent SUllt., Moore.Bros. 00., 4. Bond St., and lor maa, HES~itB~g~, ~i,as. F, (23: 23), En!:. Dept. Bayway Ref., Stand. on Co. of 11 J., and fa m4it 724 Murray St. I HOFFMAN Ra)mond S. (22), Meah. Supt., BOJwa) Rel, Stand. Oil Co., a N J Elizabetl, and fo, mo.ii, 218 Slnclnlr Pl., Westfield. HORSTMAN Lawre:ce L. (J 28), M. E., Stand. 011 Co. of N. J., P. O. Box 37, Elizabeth and fo, mail, 116 W. 3rd Ave., Roselle. JONEe, Will (A~[ 22), Exper. Engr., StaIlU. 011 Co, of N. J., P. O. Box 16, and! f01 ail, P. O. Box 121., El \ tl d JORLING, LarrY G. (J 27), Draftsman. Bethlehem. Sted Curp., Iza e I, all fo mail, 16 Ella St., Bloom1leld., 11 b \ KAUL, Ricbard J. (J 23), M. E., Stand. Oil Co. 01 N. J., 1.0. Box 37, E za, et 1, Bud /01 -maiz, 87 Grumman Ave., Newark. - i : KELLY, Wm. M. \,16), Mgr. Kelly Press Dlv., Am. Typc Founders Co., Elnlor. Ave. KERR Jos. (A-M 22) M. E., 14 Palisade Rd. LASSEN Carl (M) Plant Mgr.., F. 1. Smidth &; Co. - I LIOHTENSTEIN, ids. (26), Designer, Bethlehem SllIpbldg. Corp., and for ",oil, l LOE:&t~,GU~~~Je"27), Designer, Bethlehem Steel Co., 67 lst St., anel for mail, Mac~tiS~~Re ~~nnld X. (13; 14; 24), 1274 CHntoll PI. MacNIECE, Eugene H. (J 26), Supvr. Time Study, DUlant!lotol Co., and for moa, 1348 Freemont PI. MARTIN, Alex. I. (26), V. P., Marmon Elea. «~Ifg., Co. IIlC., ElIzabetll, and fat mail.. 184: Clinton Ave., Newark. ~. McMILLAN, D. G. (A M I), Supt. Power, Wilb. Cor~., Newark Ave., and for ;_ mail, 529 Westfield Ave.. MEEKINS, Thos. R. (A-M 27), Designing DrD:ftsmnn. Diesel DI\.!. Betblellem j.. Steel Corp., 89 1st St., ElIzBobeth, and fo, mq;li, 9 Liberty Ive. HIllside..,I.. MESSERSMITH, Einar (A M 24), M. E., Stand. Oil Co. of 11. J., and tor ~,".l, 119 W. Grand St., bid MESSINGER, J. P. (J 21), Test. Engr., Stand. 011 Co., of N. J., Eliza et I,..n ; : f01 mail, 182 Jefferson St., Pelt.b Ambo).. NEWCOMn, Franklin L. (14; 21; 21), Supvg. Engr., Stand. 011 Co. of N. J., P. O. Box 81., Cb D... I tl A OESTNAEe Vfctor L. (nl Cb. Engr., argc ElCjler., eslgll " es ng, m. Gas Accumulator Co., E izabeth, and for mail, WoocUand Ave., Westfield. OSTERMAN, Philip O. (12), V. P., Supt, A,m. Gas Furnace Co., and for mail, 19 Stiles et. PffiNIE, Jas. A. (J 21), M. E., Stand. OU Co. 01 N. J.~ P; O. Box 87, Elizabeth" N. J., and fo, mail. 164 E. 12nd St., New Yor~, ll.,.. ROBERTS, David S. (22; A-M 26), lies. Constr. Engr., Stand. 011 Co. 01 N. J., Elizabeth, an& for f1i4i1, 117 MOllroe St., Roselle. ROOT, Warren S. (21; 26), Diesel Engr., Bethlehem Sbipbldg. Corp., Ltd.; 1st St., and for "",ii, 1071A North Ave. RUSINOFF, SamI. E. (24; ~), Charge Die Designing l?ept., HOJ!t Co,:," DIv. of Durant Motors Co., Elizabeth, and for mad, 211 GoldsJUlth A.,e., SOHgiI:~~G, Henry F. (20: 26), M. E., Gen!. Engrg. Dept., ~tsnd. on Co. 01 N J.. Bayway, Elizabeth, and, for ~U1i!, 21 High St., Summit. SOHROEDER, Wnlter R. (J 21), Estimator, Stand. 011 Co. of N. J., Box 26, and for mail. 709 BaIll\V Ave.. SOHWAB, Gustav (~2; 25)t.Engr., Am. Gas Furnace 00., Sprltlg &; Lafayetie Sts.. and for ""d, 1001!d.Bdlson Avs. SMITH, Albert 0., Jr, (11; A-M 27), 889 Chilton St. STRmGEL, Leslie E. (A M 26), 112 Westfield Ave. 890 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW JERSEY ELIZABETH (continued) TAYLOR, Arba S. (J 26 StUdent Engl., Bllyway Ref., Stand. Oil 00. of N. J., EIiz..beth, and fa lmil, 280 North Ave. W.. Cranford. TRESOUTHICB:, S. G. (21; A-M, 25), Eng,.. Testing Lab., Bayway Ref." Stand. Oil Co, of N. J., Elizabeth, and for mail, 528 Sherman Ave., Rosclle Park., TYROFF, Carl E. (A-M 22), Conrn. Engr., Stand. 0,11 Co. of N. J., Eli.abetIl, and for mail, 184 W. 8rd Ave., Roselle. VERNON, Olinton M. (J 26), Eng. Dept., etand. Oil 00. of N. J., Bayway Ref., Elizaoeth, and for mau, 230 Nortli Ave. W., C..anlord. WALSH, Lincoln G. (J 26). Research Engr., Trube &; Walsh, 139 Inslee Pl., and for mail, 84 DeHart Pl. WEBER. Walter F. (J 20) st St. WEYRAUOH, Herman (J 21), Dept. Foreman, A. &; F. B..own Co., and for mail, 129A Marshall St. WILSON, Amyuit L. (A 16), Supt. Power, Stand. 011 Go. of N. J. WILSON, Geo. SamI. (A-M 21), Ob. EDil., Stand. 011 Co. of N. J., and lor mail, 822 Union Ave. WINSTON, Jas. (A-M 26~, Cb. Engr., Supt., Elizabethpol,t Iron & Steel Wk., ElIzabetb, and for m...i, 211 Conclin Ave., HUlside, ;M.DEMAOH, Erich R. (20), V. P., Gen!, Mgr., Metelwesh Mch~" 00., 820 Port Ave. ELIZA.DETHPORl, Pla.ln:fleld Section, ACKERMAN, Albert A. (17), Cb. Draftsman, Singer Mfg. Co., Elizabetbport, ana fo, mail, 2119 Obestnut St., West5eld. BECKER, Rudolph (A-M 21), Exper. Engr" Singer Mfg. 00., EILzabetbpon;, anu for """I, Jennings Lane. N. Plainfield., OAVERLY, Orren G. (21), Asst. eupt., Singer Mfg, Co., EUzabethport, and 10 mail. 2U Edgewood Ave.. Westlield. CHASON, Daniel H. (A-M 21). Methods & Equip. Engr., Singer Mfg. 00.,,Elizabetbport, and for lulil, 848 Park Ave., Elizabeth. DIXON, Walter F. (89; 94), Life Member; Wks. Mgr., Singer Mfg. 00., V. P., Diehl Mfg. 00., Trumbull St. GOOSMAN, Herbert J. (26), Dept. Mgr., Singer Mfg., Co., Ellzabetbport, and (or ~,aa. 180 Elmora Ave Elizabeth. JOHNSON, Fred E. (A-M 21), Designing Engr., Singer Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, and for mail, 246 Dover Ave.. Hillside. KAlER. Rlcbard (J 19), Asst. Mgr., HerdeDillg Dept.. Singer Mfg. Co. K.!.RLE, Jobn D. (22). M. E., Design Automatic Mclly., Singer Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, and fof mail, 820 Ohestnut St., Roselle Park. KOPF, Emil A. (,A-M 18), M. E., Singer Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, alld for ma,i, 214 E. Clay Ave., Roselle Park. MATTERN. J. O. (20), Equip. Engr., Singer lug. Co.. EUzabethport, and for ""ii, 268 2nd Ave E. Roselle. MELZIG, Alfred H. J. (23), Method &; Equip., Sinier Mfg. Co., EUzabetbport, and for 7lI<Iil, 271 E. 2nd Ave., Roselle. NYDEGGER Paul F. (21),: Supt., Singer Mfg. 00., PEETS, Wilbur J. (14; 26), Eugr., Charge Factory Metbods, Singer Mfg. Co. SOHAOHENMAN, Panl A. (A-M 28), M. E., Sillger Mfg. Co., Ellzabethport, and for mail, 66 Persbing Ave., Elizabeth. SCHLITT, J. L. (J 19), ResearchDept., Air Reduction 00., Elizahethport, and,, fo, mail, 846 Pennington St., Elizabeth.. TEIPEL, Wm. D. (J 24), Draftsman, Slngel Mfg. Co., Ellzabethpo"t, and fa, mail, 110 Sherman Ave., Roselle Park., ENGLEWOOD, luetropoiita.u Sect"lm, FRENOH, David W. (16), 159 Lydecker St. ILTIS, John (A-M 18), 44 Concord St. JANSON, Jacob A. (21), Draftsman, Bldr., P. O. Box 26, W. EngleWood. IWEHNE, Oscar (J 24), Rosemont PI. WILSON, John Amerman, Jr. (J 23), OOllstr. Engr.. K. B. C. Smith, 67 Dean St" Enlliewood, and for mail, Hil{hwood Ave.. Tenally. ESSEX FELLS, Metropol1ta.l, Section CAMPBELL, Norman St. G. (I?), Re.lllstrar, Kingsley Sch. 891

133 NEW JERSEY MEMBERS IN UNITE\) STATES \. MEMBERS IN UNl ED STATES NEW JERSEY FAIRVIEW, 1Iletrol,olltn.ll Section. GRAHAM, Clarence T. (A-:M 24), Genl. Supt., Bellman Brook Bleaclle,y 00" FalI view and for mail, 511 llorse A"". Rldp;efleld. LANGENECKER. Geo. K. (J 24), Eng".. Bellman Brook Bleaehery Co., Fairview, and tor,nail, 496 S. 17th St., Newark.. FLORENCE, PI, UII.1elp],I... Section, SHEPPARD, Joo. R. (21), Ch. En/{l., Florence Pipe Fdy. I< Meh. 00., and or "",U. Lock Box 112. FRANIi:LIN, ItIetropolltull Section TILLSON, Benj. F. (15: 16), Asst. Supt.. N. J. Zinc CO. FREEHOLD, Metropolltl1.n Section PAGE, Geo. Allen (A-Y 19), CODS. Engr., Pat. Atty., P: O. Box 786. GARFIELD, 1IIetl olloiltn.n Section.. APPLETON, Henry Wm. (06; 16), v.. P.. Factory Mv;r., Garfield Mfg. 00. COSTANTIN, Henry B. (J 24), Plant Engr., Phelps Tire I< Rubber Co., Garfleld, and tor mail, 87 Sears Pl., Ollfton.. HAMERSLEY, Oarl S. (19), Pres.. HllDlersley Mfll. 00., 100 River Drlv~., JEGGE, Enlll G. (A-M 16), Oon~. Enl\T., Garfield Meh. Wke., 97 Planden"llle A, e., Garlield, N. J., and tor ma,i, 308 Valley Rd., MontclaIr.. GARWOOD, MetrollOlltu.n Section DAVIS, Arthur J. (J 21), Cb. Draftsman, )lotor De.lgll,"Zobell Eloc. Motor Corp., Garwood, and tor mail, 441 ii:anklln St., Elizabeth. GIBLIN, Chao. A. (J 26), M. E., Diamond Expansion Bolt Co., Garwood, and. tor mail, 312 Park St. Westfield. NEWHALL, BenrY B. (16), Preo., Benry B. Newhall Colll. TOBIN Rlobard W. (J 24), Asst. Ch. En/{l.. Aluminulll Die Oastlnl: Corp., GSI" ",dod, and for mail, 1117 Putnam Ave., PI.infieW. GLEN RIDGE, 1IIetrop01ltan Section OE:APMA!, Frank T. (09), % E. Davey Dodd, 187 Forost Ave. CROWELL. Henry W. (12), Oonll. Engl 25 Woodland Ave.. FAUSEL, Chas. A. (J 26), Moh. Designer, 6 Wlld"ood Terrace. GLEN nocli:, Metrol>olitallSectio» BLIXT, Guamf F. (16: ~S), 27 Rodney St. GLOUCESTER, Philadelphia Section DRAIN, John S. (J 27), Exper. Dept., Welsbaob 00., Glo;e..te,, N. J., and fo~ ",oil, 5017 Psntrldp;e St., Philadelphia, Pa. McGUIRE, Jas. W. (A-M 26), A.-t. to Factory Supt., Welobaeb Co... SOmVELY, Donald Roots (J 24), Dlst. Salea MIl1., Welsbaoh Co., Glouoeoter, N. J., and tor mail, Arlinllton Apts.,,43rd & Looust Ste., W. Phillbdelphla, Pa. WEGEl\ER, Francie A. (J 16), Vb, Engr., Welobaoh Co. GRANTWOOD, Metropolitan Section SOHULTZ, Wm. W. (A M 16), Supt., Edgewater Plant, Barrett 00., Gralltwood, and tor m<>il, 180 Vreeland Ave., Leonia. GRASSELLI. OHALMERS, Jas. M. (J 26), Designer, Grassolll D~eotulI Oorp., GlasseHl, and for m<>ii, 48 EUlott PL, E. Orange. DIETRICB, Barry E. (J 27), Asat. M. E., Malntenanoe, Grassolll Chern. Co., GraoselI1, and tor mail, 90 W, Grand St., Elizabeth. ELMSTEDT, John (J 27), Plant Deoigner, Grasselli Dyestuff Corp., Grssaclll, R d,or mail, 76 Parker Rd., Elizabeth... SOHONENBERG, Otto (J 27), Designer, Grasselli Dyestull Oorp., Grassel!l, and for mail. 182 Murray St" Eli2abeth. ZEPHT, Erneot E. (A Y 2~), Aost. to 0)1. En/{l., Graoaelli Ohern. Co., Gra...elll, and to~ mail, 111 E, Blanoke St., Llllden... GREAT NOTCH, 1Iletrollol1tan Seetin» HOBSON, Russell B. (15), Boll.y Gravity Return System: 392 " HAOKENSACl::l ItIetro1,ol1tUJL Section AUGUSTINE, Addison E. (2;;), 61 Clinton PI. BRATT, Ralph T. (20; A-M 26). 826 Main St. GREGG. Loula D. (A M 18), V. P.. Gregg Co. Ltd. KEENE, Jas. A. e.t 27), Puh, Servo Eleo. & GIlB.. Co. of N. J. and tor mail, 269 Park st. SWINBURNE, Ralph E. (A M 27). 89 Poplar Ave, HACKETTSTOWN, 1I1etropolltan Section REESE, Francia I, (21), M. E., Am, Sawmill Moby. 00., and lor mail, 78 Main St. HADDON lieights, PIlUadelpbia Section KITTREDGE, Arthur E. (J 28), 411 9th Ave. HADDOl\TIELD, Pl1iln..1ell,llia Section. HEULINGS, SalOL M. (16), Cons. DairY Engr., United Dalrleo.. Ltd., of Eng., and tor ","ii, 105 Washlnp;ton Ave. HA1IIBURG, 1I1etropolltl1.n Section MAROALUS, Nicholas (20; 27), Automatic Paper Moby. Co. Inc. HARRISON, ltietropolitan Section ALLAN, Wm. T. (A 00), Mom. Firm, A. Allan & SOil, Oth I< Bergen Ste. BEGGS, Alan B. (J 28), Engr., Hyatt Roller Bearing 00. BELLINGHA;M:, Andrew (J 27), Draftsman, Worthington Pump & Mohy, Corp., Harrison, and fo~ mail, 16 Wills PI., Irvlnllton.. BENICA, Obaa. W. CA }I 21), En/{l. Ry. Sales, ll:!lltt Roller Bearing Co.. Harrison, and for mail, 119} Berkeley Ave., Bloomfield. BORCHARDT, Albert H. (12: A M 16), Ass!;. Mgr., Celltrifugo.l Dept., Worthing ton Pump I< Mch;y, Corp., Harrlacn, and tor ", 90 Cooper Ave., Upper Montclair. BRINDLE, Robt., Jr. (A-M 26), E%per. Engr., Edison Lamp Wks., Hordson, and for mail, 10 Bradley Terrace, W, Oran"e. BUTLER, Nathan R. (.! M 14), Prod. ;M:gr., WOlthlngton Pump &0 Mohy. Oorp. OAMPBELL, J. Forrester (J 28), Tl eas., Nat!. Holstlnp; Eng. Co., 800 Manor Ave., Harrison, and for mai!, 344 Montrose Ave., S. Orange. OARTER, Roy (J 24), Centrifugal Pump Engrg., Worthington Pump & Moby. Corp., Harrison, and for mail. Apt. 4, 212 Wllllanls St., 1;:. Orange. OASilELMAN, Theo. E., Jr. (J 27), Student Ellgr., Worthington Pump & Meby. Oorp., Harrison, and for mail, 176 Harrison St., E. Orange. CHAPMAN, Wm. Harold (A :M 20), Asst. Wks. Mgr., Hyatt Roller Bearing 00.,. Harrison, and for mail, 23 Oarollne Rd., Montclair. OHRlSTENSEN, Anker L. (A ;M: 25). Engr., Tool & Material Storage, Worthington Pump I< Melly, Corp. DISE, Lawrence R. (J 24), Test I< Research Engl., Worthington Pump & Moby. Oorp., Harrison, and for m<>il, 19 Lake St.. Irvinl;ton. D.ORER, O. H. (12; A.-M 21), Hyd. Enl:I Wnrtblnllton Pump &0 ;M:ehY. Oorp., Hllrrison, and, 47 Aradale Terrace, E. Orange. DOWE, August H.. Jr, (A-M. 28), Supvr., Hyatt Roller Bearing Co., Harrison, and for mail, 231 Bloomfield Ave., Newarl<.. DOWNS, Leslie B. (A M 18), M. E., Wortbington Pump & Molly. Corp., Barrlson, and tor mail, 205 N. 16th St., E. Orooj;e. ESOHENBECK, Ferdinand L., Jr, (A 27), Draftsman, Worthington FulOp & Mchy. Oorp., Barrlaon, and tor mail, 259 Devon St., Kearny. FABRELL, Thoo. A. (J 21), Standards Engr., Hyatt Roller Bearing Div., Genl. " Metors Corp., Harrison, and lor mail, 185 Weot End Ave., Newark. FLINT, Warren E. (23; A:M 26)" M. E." John J. Cavagnaro. Horrlson, and tor, mail, 504 2nd St.. Pal18ades Park. GERBEREUX, V. de P. (J 24), Engr., Worthington Pump I< Melly. Oorp., Barrison, and for ","ii, 106 Midland Ave., Arlington. GRAOE, John F. (16), Deslgninj( Engr., Henry R. Worthington, Harrison, and for mail, 74 Quincy Ave., ArbnF:ton. HAEBERLEIN. Max (21), Hyil. Engr., Worthington Pump &0 Meby. Corp., Bar rison. and for mail, 18 Park Rd., "Maplewood. HARAn, Berman (23; A M 25), Moh. &0 Tool Deolgner, Hyatt Roller Bearing Co., Harrison, and fof mau, 49 Runyon St., Newark. 898

134 NEW JERSEY MEMBERS IN UNrrED STATES..~ l HARRISON (continued). BAltT, Edw. J. (A 26), Supvr., Planuin/! &: Piece Rate Dept., Worthington Pump :~ &> Meh). Corp., Harrlsoll, and 0 mail, 39 N. 21st St.,~. Orange..\, HENDRIE, Chao. F, (J 21), M. E. Constr. Dept., Worthington Pump &: Melly. 1 Corp HarriSOn, and 0, 36 S. Mnnn Ave E. OrBDge. i~ HOFFMAN, Howard T. (.1..)[ 26), ABBt. Supt., Harrlson Wire WkS., Genl. Elee. Co. " LILLIEVANG, Erhard A. (A-M 2!), M. E., Worthington Pump &: ~ehy. COip., ct Harrison, N. yj., and 01 ma.l, c/o Mi. A. Clauson-Rass, 162 Lmden Blvd., ~.:,[ Brooklyn, N.. C H d I LINTZ, Edgai J. (J 26), Prod. Engr., Hyatt Roller Benr!ng 0., ntribon, an o.:\ mail 105 N. Mountain Ave., Montelali.. :~ LITZELMAN, K. B. (J 23), Salee Engr., Hyatt Rollei Beailng Co., Harrison, and r,.i. 0 mail, 236 }lain St., Chatham... MacMEEKEN John W, (23), Engr., CentrifUgal Pumps, Worthington Pump &; ti ~lchy. COrp., Hanison, and 0 mail. 25 Appleton Rd., Glen Ri~ge., MOOKRIDGE Chester R. (J 22), Centilfu!\,al Pllnlp Engr., Worthmgton Pnmp &: ~:j. Mchy. Corp., Harrison, and M mail, 212 Woodside Ave., Newark. MOODIE, Wm. C. (21; A Y 23), Gen!. Supt., Caleulagnph Co., 306 Susse" St.. MOORE Harold Allan (J 23), WOithington Pump &: Mchy. Corp., Harrison, and 0.mail, 115 Kensington Ave., Jersey City.. MORGENROTH, Geo. W. (J 26), Mech. Designer, Worthington Pump &: Mchy. COip., and 0 mtlil, 510 Sussex St.. PROOSLIN John (23) Supt. Meh. Shops, Worthington Pump &: Mch). Corp., Harri son N: J., and 0; mau, 2012 Vyse AVe., New YOik, N. Y. SAVITCKY Edw. D. (22), Genl. Supt., WOithington Pump &: Mchy. Corp., Har rison, ~nd fot ma";~.. 27 Oonklin Ave~. Newark... SORWANHAUSSER, Edwin J. (16; A M 24), Asst. Wka. Mgr., ~orth1dgton Pump &: Mehy. Corp., Harrison, and 0 mai!, 140 Floyd St., Belleville.. SHRIVER, Harry T. (J 93), Prop., T. ShrIver &; Co., Harrison, and 0. rna.!, P. O. SIZE~ox,l~ K S~2l>~ Field,Engr., Worthington Pump &; Mch). Corp. THOMANN, Arthur W. (!-.M ~), Designer, WorthiIlgton Pump & Mchy. Co,p., Harrison, and M mail, 76 Vassar Ave., Newark. TRAGER Leon (24), Engr., Meter Dept., Worthington Pump.I: licby. Corp., Har rison and,or mail, 133 Osborne Terrace, Newark.. VAN OLE:VE, A. E. (19), Wks. Mgt., Crucible Steel Co. ot.\m., Harrison, and M mail, 66 S. Maple Ave., E. Orange.. VanHENGEL Gemtt H. (J 22) Research &: Designing Engr., Worthington Pump &; Mchy COI p. HarrIson, and for mail, 406 HigWand Terrace, Orange. WIOKHAM, Ja.. S. (A 18), Asst. Supt., Crucible Steel Co., Harrison, and 0. mai!, 28 N. 11th St., Newark. HAWTHORNE, 1I1etrollolitnn Section WIGGLESWORTH, Walter F. (AM 27), Supt. Engrg. Dept., United Pisee Dye Wk,.,. Hawthorne, and for mail, 76 Amsterdam Ave., Passaic. HIGH BRIDGE, 1IletroDolitn.1l Section ALEXANDER, Edw. E. (A 08)6 PlllDt Engr., Taylor.Wharton Iron &I Steel Co. BENCH, Alfred R. (07; 20), h. Engr., Taylor Wharton Ir01l &: Steel eo. HANKS, Geo. R. (24), Asst. to Pres., Taylor.Wharton Iron &: Steel Co. STIRES, Wm. H. (19; 27), Ch. Drartsman, Taylor Wharton Irol1 &; Steel Co.. and or mail, P. O. Box 244. HILLSIDE, Metropolitau Section FRIDEN, John (28; A M 26), Exper. Engr., Sun Tube Corp. KINSEY, Frank H. (AM 22), 130 Clark St. HILTON, Metrol.ol.tan Section BRISICK, Jos. C. (A M 26), Supt., Kroydon Co., BUlDett Ave., Hilten, and f6. mail, 100 Ellery Ave., IrvingtOn. HOBOICEN, Metropolitan Section ANDERSON, Robt. M. j9s)l Prof. M. E. &: Engrg. Practice, stevens Inst. of Tech. BERGER, Edwin B. ( 26), lnstr. M. E. Lab. Stevens lnst. of Tech., Hoboken, and fm mail 890 Edgewater Ave., Ridgefield. BERLA, Gordon 1. (22 AM 24), 501 River St. BRAMBLE, Ernest M. (J 24), lnstr. Dept. M. E., Stevens Inst. of Tech., Hoboken, and M mail, 396 Mountain Rd., Union Ci.ty. 99 :.:. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW JERS E1." HOBOX;:EN (continu!d) OHEN Yung Han (J JlO), P. O. Box 41. CIRILi4, Llbero (J 25), Serelco Inc., 226 Grand St., and A. mail, 513 Garden St. DEh"rO"" J,... E. (51), Manager, 59 92; Life Member; Prol. Emeritus Engrg.. Practice, Stevens lust. of Te,ph.... ;.. DILLON, Howard Wm. (A M 25), Sales Engr., John W. Thompkins &; Co., 46 14th ;. St., Hoboken, and A mail, 812 Main St., S. Amboy.,. DOLPHIN, Richard T. (J 19), lnstr; Mech. Drawing, Stevena Inst. of Teell., Hohoken,. and A mail, 112 N. 4th St. Harrison.. ENGELMAN, Herman O. (A M 21), M. E., E)ev. Supplies Co" Inc., Willow Ave., Hohoken, N. J., and 01 mail, Oakwood Heights, N. Y. FEYBUSCH, Martin (14), Pres., N. J. Meh. Corp.,.i6th St. &I Willow Ave.. FEZANDIE, Eugene (22; A, M 26), As,t. Prof., Stevens Inst. of Tech.. FLETCHER, Andrew, Jr. (J 17), Secy., Gen!. Mgr., W. &; A. Fletcher Co., aoboken. and A mai!, 141 Madison Ave., Morri,town. FRIGIOLA, Nicholas F. (J 25), Stevens Inst. of Tech.. FUlU1AN, FiBnklin De R. (02), Prof. Mch. Design, Head of Dept., Ste"ens lnst. of.i Tech. ". GILLILAND, Leonard R. (J :1.7), Mch. D~signer, Am. Lead Pencil Co., 500 WiI- ;~ ~;. low.ave.,, GOEGL, L. J. (J 24), P. O. Box 204., GUERDAN, Geo. A. (J 25), Instr. Mch. Design Dept., Stevens lnst. of Tech., ); Hoboken and fo, Inai! 62 Hudson PI., Weehawken. )j, llunther Ohas. O. (00, 05; 19), Prof. Math., Dean of Sophomores, Stevens Inst. I.~.:.,.." of Tec I., also Cons. Engr., P. O. Box ;.- U.l.LLIDAY, W:m. R. (1,8), Assoc. Proi. Dept. Mch. Design, Stevens Inst. of Tech..,. :. HENRICKSEN, Bjame (A-lIl 26), Constr. Engr., Elev. Supplies Co., 1516 WUlow l Ave., Hohoken) and 0 mail, nd St., N. Bergen... HENSLEY, Lester lj 24), 629 River St,. ~. ~,. WAOH, EmU (22), WI". Mgr., Elev. Supplies Co., 1516 Willow Ave. 0: JOIINSON, H. II. (J 26), 22 Hudson St.,j JUELSS...Dave (J 24), Mem. Engrg. Dept., Am. Lead Pencil Co.,.500 Willuw Ave. liejjff ;J" Carl W. (13; 26), Supvr. Optical Dept., Keufiel &: Esser Co., 3rd &: ~.:: Adams Sts. j KINSEY Alfred S. (13), Prof. ShOll Practice Stevens lnst. of Tech. :;. KOOH, Henry (J 24), Jr. Eugr. Elev. Supplies Co., 1515 Willow Ave., Hoboken, ; "i and 0. mail, 689 Central, W. Hoboken..,. KUSOLD, CbBS. (J 26), N. J. Meb. Corp., Hoboken, N. J" o,nd 101,nail, c/o Kenda, ~.~ Ave. AL.,Ne,v York, N. Y..., :. LAMlllJ:LET, Carl H. (J 13), 2nu V. P., N. J. Mcli. Corp., 16th & Willow Aves. l., : LOTT, Saml. H. (21), Assoc. Prof., Dept. Mch. Design, Stevens lnst. of Tech. MARTIN, Louis A., Jr. (12), Prof. Mech., Dean;.Stevens Inst. of Tech. XILSON, Lars G. (16); Oons. Engr., 1219 Garden St., and fa, mai!, th St. ". PAULDING, Herbert L. (J 2), M. E., lnstr. E. E., Stevens Inst. of Tech., Hoboken, N. J., and A mail,.10u9 112th St., Richmond Hill, L. I., N. Y.. PERROTT, Wm. (23),.Mllrine Supt., U. S. Ilines, Pier 4, Hoboken, and fo, mail, 961 Po,lisade Ave., Woodcliff.. J...:... PRALL, Horace G. (J 25), Student, Stevens lnst. oi Tech., Hoboken, and 01 mail,.\ 78 Essex Ave.,.Glen Ridge.. 1,. REDMERSKI, Edmund S. (J 27), Mch. Designer, Nilson Mlller Corp., 1300 Hudson St., llobollen, and 0 Mil, 238 IStl, St., Jersey City.. " SCHALSCHA, Walter G. (24;. 20), Seey., Treas., Union Iron W,ks., Inc., 667 {1 I: Newark St.....i SFlONNAUD, Harold W. (19), Cons. Engr., Elev. Supplies Co., 1515 Willow AVe.,. Hobokeu, and fm mail, 12 Burnside st., Montclair...,.. STEARNES, R. C., Jr. (J 24), Salesman, Elev. Supplies Co., 1515 WUlow. Av~., :: ::. Hoboken, N, J., and for mail, 620 W. 122nd St., NO\v Yorlt, N. Y..} ::" STE~~~rkE~~~iU A., Jr. (20), 2nd V. P.,. lloboken Land (;, Improvement Co., ] ;~ : STICHT, Wm. F. (A lil 16), M. E., Am. Lead Pencll Co., 500 Willow Ave. :f,c" TI!IELlU:R, Henry J. (24; A M 26), Cll. Engr. Triplex Saiety Glass Co. Lipton,t., WoILTZ, Anton F. (J 28), V. P" Charge Mfg, Koscherak Bottlers Equip. j Bldg., Hoboken, N. J., and fo, mail, 2909 Roberts Ave., New York, N. Y.. Co., :~ \: 1318 Park Ave., Hoboken, N. J" and or ma.l, 28 Argyle Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y..;:~ ~:" ~~MQUIN, Francis H. (J 2~), ~9~ Kellogg 00., and fo, mail, 1222 Garden

135 "., NEW JERSEY MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES YEYBEIlS IN U!<lTED STATES NEW JERSEY HOHOICUS, MetroI.olitan Seetion OOOK. Jas. (J 25). M. M. Bobokus Bleachery and for mail, Box 268. SAUNDERS, Bertram H. (22), Treas, Bobokus Bleachery. HUDSON HEIGHTS, llietropoluo.u Section CA,STELLANO, Frank S. (J 25), P. O. Box 485. IRVINGTON, liletro).olitaln Section.. BJORKLUND, G. B. (J 24), Gould & Eberbaidt, Irvington, and for mail, 7 Spring St., Clifton. CARLTON, Jos. R. (18), Pub. Servo Elec. & Gu Ce., 938 Clinton Ave. OIECliS, Ohauncey W. (J 28), Master Bldrs. 00., Irvington, QlId for mail, 48 Wheeler St. W. Orange. DUFFEY, John j. (A M 27), Gh. Inspr., Gould &: Eberhardt, Irvington, and for mail, 94 Fillmore St. Newark.. reberharot, Fredk L. (89; 02). Pres. Gen!. Mgr., Gould &; Eberhardt, Irvington, and for mail, 629 Pl.o,pect St., Maple,vood. EBERHARDT. H. Ezra (18; 21), Secy., Gould &; Eberhardt, Irvington,. and far mau, 2 Mountain View Terrace. Maplewood. FEDER, Jos. (J 26), Lab. Helper, Meab. Test Lab., Pub. Servo Elee. & Gas Co., hvington, and fo, mail, Box 846, Stanhope.. FREAS, ROJal B. (J 24), Mgr., Secy. &; Treas., Thermo Elee. Instrument 00., 1208 S. Grove St.. HIXON, Harry (J 25), Tool Designer, Gould &; Eberhardt, Irvington, and for mail, 675 Belmont Ave. Ne".rk. HOTCHKIN, J. Rowland (22; A M 26). Genl, Mgt., Palnut 00., 810 Ceit St., Irvington, and far mail 66 Warren Pl., Montclair. JAOOBSON. Hugo Wm. ( ), Asst. Cb. Engr., Gould &; Eberhardt, Irvington, and far mail, 46 Oakwood Ave., Arlington. KOPF, Wm. F. (J 24), Test Engr. Pub. Servo Elea. &; Gu 00., 988 Clinton Ave., Irvington, and far mau, 626 Park Ave., Elizabeth. LARSON, Oarl B. (22), Managing Engr., JOIl. Ross &; Co., 199 Colt St. Irvington, and for mail, 81 T"sran Rd., MapleWood.. LEONARD, Malcolm W. (23), Asst. Oh., Mech. Div., Test. Lab., :Pub. Servo Elee. k Gas Co., 988 Olinton A, e. I1nd for mail, 42 Glorleux St. LEVIE. Garret M. (J 27). Lab. Hclper,.:Pub. Servo Else. &I Gas Co., 988 Ollntoll Aye.. Il\ington. and for mail, 607 Madison Ave., Paterson. MORGENROTH, Robt. J. (J 25), Prod. Engr., Gould &; Eberhardt, and for mail" 48li StuyveMnt Ave.. RICE, Adelbert L. (A 27), V. P., Nat!. Motors Mfg. 00., <1M Oolt St., Irvington, and for mai! 88 Burnett Tenace Maplewood. THOMAS... Ross ii. (21: A M 25), Lab. Foreman, :Pub. Servo Elec. & Gas Co., 9SS ulinton Ave. and for mai!, 1087 Grove St.... ULLRICH... August (A 22), Supt., Gould &; Eberhardt, IrVington. and for mail, 108l! I:!alem Ave., Hillside.... VASSAR, Hervey S. (14). Lab. Engr., :Pub. Ser". Elec. &I Gas Co., 938 Cllnten Ave. JERSEY CITY, I\letropoJitun Section ABEL. John (A 14). Treas., Genl. Mgl., Abel Engrg. Co 75 Fairview Ave. ABEL, John. Jr. (28). 75 Fairview Ave. ADAMS, Llcyd, ( ), Supt., Ault &I Wiborg Co. of N. Y., th St.,. and for mail. 147 Belmont A,e.. BABCOOK. Juan A., Jr. (J 24), Allot. to Engr., :Pnb. Servo Elec. &: Gas Co., St, :Pauls &; James Ave., and far mail, 848 Stegman :Pkway. BEAN, :Philip H. (A M 22), W. End Gss Wks. BENTON, Morris F. (A 08). ABBt. Mgr. Genl. Mfg. Dept., Am. Type Founders Co., 800 CORlIuunipaw Ave... BERLOWITZ, Ma" E. (21), Oh. Engr., Burrows Magnetic Equip. Oorp., 164 Ogden Ave. Jersey Olty, and for mail 181 Overlook Ave., Belleville. BIRD, J. :PhilIp (14). Pres. Philip ilird 00., Inc., 1 Exchange PI. BREITHAUPT, Gustavc (25). Genl. Mgr., Jas. Oraig. Eng. &I Mch. Wb., Jersey Oity, and for 111<111, 69 Vernon Terrace, E. Orangs. BROWN, Dwight E. (J 24), Engr., :Pub. Servo Elec. 051 Gas Co., 828 :Palisade Avs., and for mail, 654 Bergen Ave,. BRYDEN, John L. (J 28) Hudson Blvd JERSEY CITY (oontbmed) BUESSER. Fred F., Jr. (18; A M 26), Sales plomotion, L. O. Xoven &I Bros., In~., 154 Ogden Ave. Jersey City. ood far mail, 16 JacKoon St., Guttenberg. BuRLEIGB, Wm. F. (06), Chem. Engr., ~lutual Ch~m. Ce. of Am., 201 West Sids A,e. BYRON. Edw. ( ), :pr... Byron & BJTon, Inc. 607 Summit Ave. CARR G. Everett (A.Y 28), Indus. Engr., O. F. Mueller 00., 180 Baldwlll Ava., Jersey City, and for mail, 848 6th St., Ridgefield :Park. OHAMBERS. Chas. E. (18), SUpt. M. p. &EIuip., Centrlll R. R. Co. of N. J., Jersey OIty. and for mail, 260 E. 81d Ave., Roselle. CLEARY, Frank L (28;,\ 11 26), 2 Jones St. CRAMP. Arnold :Po (A M 22), :Plant Engr., Manbattan Else. Supply 00., 46 Hor. ris St. Jersey OIty. N. J., and for mail, 89 Linden Blvd. B"ooklyn, N. Y. ORONX. Geo. W. (A M 27). En&!g. Dept., Nat!. C""bon Co., Ine.. Jersey City, and for mail 448 Nye Ave., Irvington. CURREY, John J. (28), Supt., L. O. Kcven &I Bro.. Inc., 164 Ogden Ave. DAHLSTROM, Bertil :Po (J 26), Indus. Fuel Engr., :Pub. Sery. Elec. &I Gas 00.,. B4 Sip Ave.. DAVEY, Warren (99; 16), Cb. Engr., Col!Ilbte &I Hudson St. DEMANT, H. W. (J 21), Servo Dept., A. B. See Elec. Elev. Co., 198 :Pacific Ave.,. Jersey City, and fa mail, 80 N. 20th St., E. Orange.. DEM:PSEY Harry B. (A M 14), :Propr. Dempsey Furnace Ce., 61 Ccrnellson Ave., " JerseJCity, N. J., and for mail, 805 W. 91st St" New York, N. Y. DEPpELER, John 11. (16; 28). Cb. Engr Wks. Mgl., :Metal & The,mit Corp., 92 Bishop St. DIENER, Wm. W. (A.H 27» :Mgr., Order Dept., M. W. Kellogg Co., Jersey City, allli for mail, 245 :Parmelee :PI. Eli.abeth.. ECKERT, Henry It. (J 21), Hudsol1 Relrig. Mcb. 00., 180 Olelk St. ELY, Robt. G. (J 27), Power Rep. Pub. Servo Elec, &I Gas 00., 84 Sip Ave., Jersey OIty. N. J., and fo, 1I1ail, 16 E. 10th St., New York. N. Y. FAUST, Walter L. (l!2; A.:M 26), Cb. Engr., WbitlOck. Cordage Co., :P, O. Box 5B Berlien Sta. FISHER, O. W. (A M 16). Ch. Engr. L. O. Xoven &I Bros., 164 Ogden Ave. FOX, Frank W. (A Jd 19), Combustion Engr., Eagle Wks. Stand Oil 00. of N. J. and for mait, 623 Ga-rJl.eld Ave. GAMBLE, Walter W. (19), Local ~rgr., Eagle Wb., Stand. Oil 00. of N. J. GERHARD Wm. G. (J 21), Owner, Hudson County Blue :Print,~ Supply Ce., 2867 Hudson Blvd., Jer.ey City, and for mail, 147 Kingsland Rd., Clifton. GOERG, Emil F. (A 22). Supt., Air Reduction 00., 181 Pacific Ave., Jersey Oity, a\1d for mail, -100 Washington Ave., Box 866, DuneUen. GREEN, Harold (22), Designing Ellgr., N. Y. :Portable Revolving Elev. 00., 346 Garfield Ave. Jersey City. N. J., lind for rna!! Linn Ave. Yonkers, N. Y. HAMILTON, Henry A. (A M 16), Mlr., Hamilton box Co., WDsl,ington &; Steuben Sts. and for mail, 6-1 Magnolia Ave. HASBROUCK, David M. (A M 28), Wks. Mgr., Ail Reduction Sales 00., 181 Pa.lfla Ave. HAVILAND. John It. (16; A M 19), 1 Booraeln Ave.. HOPKINS, Robt. K. (J 26), Research Engr., M. W. ReUog/; Co., Jerssy City. N. J., and /0 mau, 6P tv. 10tb St., New York, N. Y. HUTTON, Robt. G. (A 21), Owner, Huttol1 Welding Co 268 1st St.!NGLIS, R. N. (17), Cb. Engr., M. W. Kellogg 00., Ft. Danforth Ave. JACKSON, Wm. G. (J 16). Wks. Engr., Local Pur. Agt, Crucible Steel Co. of. Am., and fo mai!, 61 Wade St. JONES, Harold L. (19; 26), Asst. Supt., W. W. Farrier 00., 44 Montgomery St. JONES, Kenneth K. (J 26), Salesman, Jos. T. Ryerson & Son 111e.. Jersey Olty, N. J., and for ma!l,,:pleasantville, N. Y. JORGENSEN, Harold M. (J 26), Cadet Engr., Seaboard By Products Ooke Ce., Jersey City, and for mail, 432 Beech St Arll1,gton. KEESING, Maurice (A-M l!2), Designing Engr., Durham Duplcx Razcr Baldwin Ave., Jersey Oity, N. J., and for mail, 1549 Lelsnd Ave New xork, N. Y. KELLY. Daniel J. (23)\ Asst. Supt. Whitlock Cordage Co., Ft. Lafayette St., and fot maif., 1991 Bou evard.. KELLY, :Philfp M. (21; A A[ 25). Re.earch Engr., Central R. R. of N. J., Jersey City, and fa, mail, 120 Netherwood Ave., :Plalnlleld.. 897

136 NEW JERSEY MEllBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS J;N UNITED STATES NEW JERSEY,JERSEY CITY (continued) lilos. Clifford H. (A S5). IlUlPr., M. W. X.llogg Co., Jerliey City, N. J., and " for,,,ail. 629 Hallcock St., Brooklyn, N. Y.. ~ IOLBERT. Edw. O. (A-hI 21), Factory Mgr., Edw. V. Hartford, Inc. Jersey C.ty, and fo, ",ail, 23 SherDllloll Pl., Irvington.. ROPP, Frank A. (J 25), Draftsman, Jos. T. Ryerson &; Son, Inc., 203 WestsIde Ave., Jer.ey OIts, and f01 milil, 407 Morse Ave. Rldgefle.ld. IiORTGARD. Fredk H. (A-M 19), Ch. Engr. N. Y. Edl.on Co. Washington &: 1st StB. Jerser. Cit), and fo, "",il, 77 Ohestnut St., Ridgewood. XOVEN. L. O. (J 22), V. P. L. O. Xoven &; Bros., Inc., 164 Ogden Ave... Jerse) Oity. and f01 ",ail, th St., Woodcllfl, N, Bergen. LAMBERT, Wm. P. (A 24), Speo. Asst. to Supt. M. P. " Equip., Oentral R. R. of N. J. LE BOUTILLIER, T. Howell (J 26). Apt. a12a, 82 Danforth Ave. LEMBECK, Otto A. (18), 120 Lembeck Ave.. LINDSTROM, Nilo O. (03), Wko. Mgr., A. B. See Elec. Elev. 00., Inc., 198 Paclfto Ave... Y Ed C J LINTER Chas. H. (A.M 21), Foreman Mech. Rep.."o, N. lbon D., erse~ Cit,: Sta., 1.t &; Washingtoll Sto., and fo, ",ail, Gaufier Ave. LJUlGBERG C...l A. (22), Shop Supt., A. B. See Elec. Ele\. 00., Inc., 198 Pacific Ave. Je;ey City, and fo, mail, 84.7 Elm St., Arlington.. LOGAN, Maurice H. (A 16), Div, Oh. Sub Sta. Oper., Pub. Servo Elec. &; Gas Co. 828 Palloade Ave., and fo,,nail, 11 Ne.bltt St. LONGAORE. Cha. J., Sr. (A-M 2~), Foreman Boilermaker, Me&dow Shopo, Pa. R. R. Co. Jersey Oity. aud for ma,l, 82 Raymond Terrace. Elizabeth. _. LUOAS, Wilford E. G. (J U), Pipe Draftsman, M. W. Xellogg Co. Jeroey OIt~, N. J., and fo, ",ail, 907 Proopect Pl. Brooklyn, N. Y. LYTLE, John E. (J 27), Deolgner, M. W. Kellogg 00., and f01 mail, 301.Prince. ton Ave.. MacARTHUR, Donald (18), V. P., S.aboard By-Products Ooke 00., Jersey Olty,..nd f01 mail, 15 Maroton Pl., Glen Ridge...., MATHEWSON, Frank E. (18), Dir Ind1l8. Dept., Wm. L. Dlckmoon HIgh Seh., Newark & Palloal!e Ave licoarthy, Lawrenc. J. (J 26), Designer, ~!. W. Xellogg 00., Jeroey Olt). and for onail, 84 7th St., New York.. MELLOR, Jobn (221. Prop. Engr ~ellor Mfg. 00., S82 Ocean Ave.. 1I0E. Irving W. (J 24), ligr., DeslgnUlg Dept., M. W. Kellogg 00. and fo, ",nil, 16 Woodlawn Av... MOORE Walt.r E. J, (18; 26), Dir., Oper., A. &I P. Products Corp., Il.~ St., and fo maa, 115 n:enoingtou Ave... NEWLIN Renry S. (A M 21), Cono. Engr.. :lol. W. Kellogg Co., Ft. Pnn fottll Ave.; and fa mail, Apt Glem.ood.Ave. NICKL. Edwin F. (A-~I 2G), De.lgning Engr., Do Foreot Radio. Co., Jer-e) Olty. end /0 mail, 27 Harper Terrace. Cedar Gro, e.. NORSE, Wm. R. E. (J 21), Draftsman, Central R. R. Ce. of N. J., Jerse) Cit), N. J., and for milil, 1H E. 17th St., New York, N. Y. },ORDQUIST, Nelson E. (J 22), 222 Wilkinson Ave. ONEILL, Peter L. (A 23). Propr,. Unisol Mfg. 00., 17 Howard Pl. PRA-G. Lewio D. (J 26), Draftoman. Air Reduction Sales Co., Pacific Av., JeroeS. Cib, and fa ",ail, 17G Spruce St., Newark. lu:lill:, Geo. W. (07), Asst. Supt. M. P. Cenb:al R. R. of N. J., Jeney OIty, and for mail, 106 Cranford Ave., Cranford.. RONAY, Bela (A M 21), Oharge Engrg." Metal 01: C01p:, 92 Bishop St., Jersey Olty, N. J., and for mail, 61 varmine St., New Yerk, N. Y.. ROUSE. Richard (A 17), Wk 1ofgr., Boynton Furnnce 00., 280 Paclfto Av. SOH!>IlTT, Robt. H. (J 26). Mech. Deolgner. A. ll. See El.e, El.,. 00., Inc., 19B Psciftc Ave., Jer.e) Oltr, and for, 14 Roo.evelt Ave., Ridgefi.ld Park. SHANNON, Frank O. (A 24), Preo., M. W. Kellegg 00., Ft. Danfortb Ave.,.Jeroey OIty, N. J., and fo ",ail, 180 G.ace Ohureb St., Rye, N. Y. SHEEHAN, Thoa. O. (A 21). Pres., Durham Duplex Razor 00., Wade &I Butcher Oorp. 190 Baldwin Ave. SIERS, John A. B. (J 26). Jr. M. E. Stand. Gas Equip. Corp., Gates &; Garfield Av. and fo,,nail, 71 Bleecker St.. &MITH, Benj. C. (25), Ob. Engr., Stand. 1I0tor Oonstr. 00., 180 Whiton St. SOLSKI, Oh... X. (A-M 26),, Treas., Peter O, & Co., Ina 100 Sip Ave., aud fo, mail. 219 J.wett Ave.. 39R JERSEY CITY (colltillne.l)... SPEIER, Berthold A. (J 27~, Jr. Engr., Air Reduction 00., 100 Forest St., Jeroey Oity, N. J., and for ",ail, 851 Onderdonk AVe., Brooklyn N. Y. SPINDLER.! Renry (J 24), Supt., Spindler & DeriIlger, 246 Mercer St., and f01 mail, >1451 Boul.vard.... STEELE, Le.lIe M. GJ 28) Pres., L. M. Steele 00., Inc., 246 Ooncour.. Bldg. SVENSON, Robt. H. CA M 22), Wks. Engr., Natl. Carhon Henderson St., I Jersey City, and f01 mail, 1 Adelafde St., Bell.vllle..., ":, TAYLOR, Frank E. (18), Supt. Oonotr., Frank D. Brown, Engrs. & Oontrs., i, Grand St., Jersey Olty. and fa, mail, 58 Naden Ave., Irvington.. TAYLOR.. John E. (14; A-M 21), Eotimator, M. P. Dept Oentral R. B. Co. of i j N. ~. Jersey Oity, and fo, mail, 607 Madison Ave., P alnfield.,1 TOMPKThls. Harold D. (17; 26), Tr... Engr., SmoothOn Mfg. Co., 672 Oommu nipaw Ava : VAN SYOKLE, A. L. (21), Plant Engr., M. W. Xellegg 00 Jersey OIty, and f01 :i., mail, 176 W. 48th St., Bayonne.... WAGER, Robt. H. (AM 19), Pres., Wager Furnace Bridge Wall 00., Inc" 108 I Aeaodems St..-.1 ~. WEIDNER, Wm. O. (J 26). Aeot. to Devel. Engr., Oaloroll Burner Oorp., 28 Mercer St., and for maa, 8226 Boulevard.. ~ WESCOTT, Wm. P. (10), Retired. Fairmount Hotel, 2695 Boulevard. WILSON, Wylie G. (24), Engr., Ev.rlastlng Valve 00., 1 Exchange PI. 1 WOODCOOK, Willard J. (22), Ob. En(r<., B"!er C!8tor Oil Co., Bay III Waohin_II: ) ~: ton Sto. Oity, N. J., and f01 ma,l, 10~ Gate. Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. :.i. WO~NITZER, John (J 23), ASBt. M. M., Armour " 00., th St., Jereey City, and fo, mail 186 Fabyan Pl.. N.wark: WRIGlir, T. Eugene (26), Pr.s., Treas. &I GeDI. :lofgr. Tho. Wrlgllt 00., Inc., ~. 80 Golden St. :;1 }_. ZEP~wrui. H. (20; A-M 24), Combuatlon Engr., Eagle Wks., Stand. ~il 00..). ZULLO, Snml. (A M 23). Owner, Berg.n Jewelry Shop. 757 Bergen Ave., and for "_,: nlail, 1 Astor PI... ZWOYER, Walt.r R. (A.hi 24). Shop Supt. De Fore.t Radio T.l & Tel. Co., Oen. tral Av.. & Franklin St. ;.:.. K KEARNY, Metropolitan Sectloll. ": AVERY., A. O. (16; "19), Eleo. Co., lilo Central Ave. BARTMAN. Edw. P. (A M 26)J M. E., Servo Engrg., Elec. Co 100 Central Av. X.arny, and jo, mai, 548 Pro.pect St., Maplewoed. BRESOKA, Rudolph S. (J 26), Mfg. Engr., W.ot. Elec. Co., Kearny, and fo, "",a, p Lincoln Ave. Roselle Park. CLAUSS. Cha. (J 126), W.ot. Elec. Co. 100 Oentral Ave. Kearny, an<j for maa, 65~ Be!JI:en Ave., Jeroey Olfy.. ;J., CO&WI11<, Willi. E. (J 28), Field Engr., West. Elee. 00., Xearny, and fo, mail, 56 Chapman Pl., Irvington... OUMMINS, John M. (J 25), M. E., West El.c. 00., 100 Oentral Ave X""rny, :;. :. snd for mail, 147 Amherst St" E Orange.... DUCLOS, Aeneas J. N. (27), Factory Planning Engr. Weot. Elee. Co., 100 Central Ave., Xearny, and fo, ",ail, S24 Weotern Drive, S. Orange. DUNCKEL, Ralph L. (J 25), Co.t Reduction Engr., Dept. 859, We.t. Elee. 00., Kearny. and jo, mail, 70 D..nforth Av, Jers.y City. ~. ELLISON, StanIey H. (J 21), M. E., W.ot. Elee. 00., 100 C.ntral Ave., Xearny, and for mail, 160 Glenwood Ave.. Jer.ey City. FARR. Walter G. (A M M), Devel. Engr., Congoleum Nairn Inc., 179 Belgrave -Drive... GALBRAITH, Saml. L. (J 23), Power Engr., Arlington Sta., Weot. El.c. Co., KearnJ. and f01 mail, 165 W.equahlc Ave., Newark. HAUSMAN, Sidney (J 23). Power Ellgr., Oongoleum N..lrn Co., Xearny, ani! fo, mail, 522 Ohestnut St., Arlington. I;IOLE, Denl. W. (J 27), Mfg. Engr., West. Elec. Co 100 Oentral Ave., Xeamy..,. and for mail, 2751 Hudoon Blvd., Jersey City. ;. HOPKINS. Richard (J 24). Boller Rm. Engr., KeSorny Pow.r St., Pub. SarY. i, Elee. &I Ga. 00. Xearny, and f01 mail, 36 ~Iountain View St., W. Orange,... HUTOHISON, Fr.d P. (J 18), Oh. Tool"" Gag. De.lgn Dlv., We.t. Elec. Co., ;. 100 O.ntral Ave., Xearny. and fo, mail, 125 Main St., Orang. 89D

137 NEW JERSEY MEMIlEES IN UNITED S ATES ME-,O{BERS IN" UNITED STATES NEW JERSEY KEARNY (continued) JANOS, Wm. A. (J 23), Sup"r., Boller I; Piping Installation, West. Elec. Co., 100 Central Ave., Keamy, N. J., and fm mea, Phillips PI., Astoria, L. I., N. Y. JOHNSON. Sydney L. (A Y 26), Mgr., Small Tools Dept., Abrasive Mob. & SupplY Co. 22 Prospect St. KOCH, Beni. C. (J 27), Mfg. Engr.. Planning Wk., West. Elec. 00., 100 Central Ave. Kearny. and for mail. 604 Bergen Ave., Jersey City.. LeGRAND, H. Rupert (J 27), Phyaical Research, Oongoleum Nalrn Inc., 179 Bel grove Drive, lieamy, and for mail, 171 Harding Ave., Cllfton. McU,VEEN, Geo. M. (J 26), Mfg. Engr. West. Elec. 00., 100 Central AVe., Kearny, and for mail, 182 Oodlvln Ave., Ridgewood. MON1eMAN, Forest C. (J 25), Power Engr., Arlington Sta., West. Elec. Co., KellIUl, and for ",ail, 132 Roselle Ave. W., Roselle lark.. NELSON, Oarl E. (J 24), Tech. Dept., West. Elec. 00.; 100 Oentral AYe., Kearny, and for meil, 654 Ber(len AVe., Jersey. City.., NICHOLSON, Robt. (J 25), Draftsman, Federal Shipbldg. & Dry Dock Co., Ieearn), and for mail, 146 Clinton Ave., JerseY Oity. PENN, Marlon (A Y 21), Cb. Engr., Kearny Power Sta., Pub. Serv. Elec. & Gas Co., Kearny, and for mail. 100 Belmont Ave., Jersey Oity. PETERSON; Harry I. (J za), Aast. Engr., Planning Dept., West. Elec. 00., 100 Centrul Ave. Kearny, N. J., and for maa, 85 Charles St., New Yor]" N. Y. POLAKOV, Nloboias N. (24), Designer, Federal Shlpbldg. 10 Dry Dock Co., Kealll1, N. J., and for moil, 18 W. 102d St., New York. N. Y. RIPPE, WIn. F. (J 23), Pub. Servo Elec. & Gas Co., Kearny Power Sta. ROBBINS, John F. (A-M 10), M. E., Factory Planning, West. Elec. Co., 100 Centrol Aye.. Kearny, and for 7Il<ul, th St.. Woodcli!f-on-Hndson. SAGE, Darrow (IS), Cb. Engr., Kearny Power Sta., Pub. Servo Elec. &:. Gas Co. SAWN, Otio 8. (J 27), Plsnt EngT., Weat. Elec. 00., 100 Central Ave., Kearny, and SEAM."E~0~~::I~:~.o1~1i; t~ ~7l~~i~piant Dept., West. Eleo. Co., 100 Oentral Ave., Ieeurny, and for,,,eil, 86 N. Arlington Ave., E. Orange. SHERRILL, Sloan S. (18; A M 21), :M. E., West. Elee. Co., 100 Centr..l Ave., Kearny, and for l7l<iil, 10 Summit Aye., E. OJ, ange. TESSITORE, Joel (A-~( 28), Mech. Deolgner, Weat. Elec. Co., 100 Central Ave., Ieearn~. and for ",au. 65 WarrinJ:ton Pl., E. Orange. TREU, Harold L. (J 26). Statlstl9uf Engr., Weat. Elec. Co., 100 Oentral Ave., Kearny, N. J., ond for,,,ail, Ii Euclid St., Forest Hills, L. I., N. Y. ZIMJ4ERMAN, E. W. (J 19), GenI. Foreman, Seaboard By,Ploducto Colee 00., Kearny, and for mail, 280 N. FuUorton Aye., Upper Montclolr. KENVIL, ll(etropollto.n Secti()D :MORROW, Donuld G. (J 21), Res. Engr., Exper. Sta., Hercul.. Power 00. Ii:EYPORT, IUetropolitan Se...tlon VAN BIPER, Francio H. (A M 21), Englg. Dept., Aeromarlne Plane &:. Motor Co., LO,cust St., Keyport, and for mail, th St., Union Olty. LEONIA, liietropolltluj Section EDEN, Fitzroy L. (28), 160 Paulin Blvd. HILL, Herbert M. (18 A :M 19), Cons. Engr., 117 Highwood Ave. MUSTEBMAN, H. G. A. (J 24), 8 Paulin BlVd. LINDEN, Plo.lntleld Sectiou BARSKY, Geo. (J 20), Research lthemist, Am. Cynanlide 00., Linden, N. J., ond for 7I,ei/, 45 \V. 11th St., New York, N. Y. THOMAS, Wm. P. (A-Y 18), Ch. Engr., H. G. Vogel Co., Ellzaheth Ave. LITTLE FERRY, llietropolltnn Section OARLSON...Clarence A. (J 17), Flintkote Co., Little Ferry, and for mail, 6 Creol:, vio", 11., Bogota. LODI, llictropouto.ll Section MURPHY, John, Jr. (18; 20). Genl. Supt., United Piece Dye Wko., Lcd!, and f~r meil, 181 Lafayette Ave., Passaic. PRaOTOR, Geo. N. (J 26), 1d. E., 1dlllbank Bleaobery. 400 (.YNDHURST, llietropolitan Section J~CIe,. Oeo. (A-M 26), Ch, Draftsman, J. M. Lehmann 00., Inc., and for l7l<iil,,55 Rldge Rd. SOHWARZ, Quirin J. (A M 21), OenI. Supt., United Cork Oos., Lyndhurot, and for mei!, 250 S)IYan St., Ruthelford. MAHWAH, llietropolitan Section SNOW, Elmer J. (Ii). 1I1ANVILLE, llietropolitan Section BONNEFOND, O. W. (J 26), Asot. to Supt., JObno-Manvilla, Inc., :Manville, N. J., and for,"eil, Hancock, N. Y. RACK, Edgar C. (20; A M 28), Engr., Lab. Dlr., Johna-MnnyllIe, Inc., Manville, and fo/ mltil, 730 Park Ave., PJainncld. SMITH, Geo. W. (A M 27), Oil. Oper. Engl.,,Tolme,YoMille, Inc., Manville, and for ",eil, Rllute.1, Someryille. WILT,IAMS, Earle R. (A-M 21), E1ec. Research Lau., Johns Manville, Inc., Man ville, and for ",ea, sa FalrYlew AVe., N. Plainfield. liiaplewood, llietropoutltn Section MORGAN, Lieut. Col. John Davia (.:I.-Y 17), Cons. Engr., 64 Park Ave. ROHRER, Albert L. (OIl), Retired, 3U7 Wyoming Aye. THUBE, Carl E. (J 23), Cons. Engr., 70 Woodland Rd. BIATA\VAN, liietropolitan Section ANTISELL, Frank L. (05), R. F, D. 2, Box 29. lllaurer, liietropolltan Section BOSWELL, Wm. L. (J 22), Olliee Engr., Tech. Burean, Barber Aspbalt Co. Maurer, and for matl 42 Hanulton St., Rahway., 01 S~r.T~afa~:~ t (J 26), Am. Smelting &:. Ref. Co., Maure~, and for mail, 1 Main EPPENSTE~ER, Wm. F. (18), Plant Engl l Am. Smelting &:. Ret. Co. Maurer and, for me,/, 640 Ridgedale Ave., Wcodbrloge. " GUTlIRlE. David F. (A Y U), M. E. Drultsman, Burber Asphalt Co." Maurer, N. J., and for onail, m Johnson Ave., ToUenvllle, S. I. N. Y. NEWCOMER, Martin (B; 21), Ygr. Maurer Plant, U. S. Cartridge Co. PIAClTELLI, Joa. A.. (20: A-A! 25), Engr. Barber Asphalt Co SPENCER, Fledk A.. (17; 26), Power Engl., Barber Asphalt Co. blaurer and for mall, 86 Grove Ave., Woodbridge.,. VOOKE, Ch~a. W. (A-M 16), Supt. Power, Am. Smelting &:. Bef. Co., Mallrer, and for ma ~t.ll 214 Frelleau Ave., Ma.tawan. liiercliantville, PhlladelpIlia SectIon 800TT, Geo. H. (98), 45 W. Walnut Ave. 1I1ETUCHEN, PJulntleld Section FITZ.GERALD, Gerald (17; 25), Engr., Salesman, Milxon Premi" Burner Co., and for mea, 67 Oak Ave. RANEY, Ja. B. (05; 22), Capt. Ord. Dept. U. S.:I. j Raritan Arsenal. KENNE;DY, Capt. Graftpn S. (J 27), Baritan A,"eno. UILLBURN, 1I1ehopolitan Sectioll JOURDIN, Willio W. (12). liulltown, Metropolitan Section.GIFFORD, Joa. F. (A-M 26), Aasj;. Supt., RusseU Playing Card Co. Washinlilton, Ave., Mill~IYlI, a~d for mea 49 N. 7th Aye., Highland Palk. HAVEpS, J. Gilbert ( 27). Mcb. Designer, Plant Maintenance Engrg. Dept., Mlohelln Tne Co.,!{lIltOWll; and for 1II1lil, }lew York Avo.. Nel. Brunowick. OLSEN, Jas. (J 24), Sal.. Engl. Michelin Tire 00., Milltown, N. J., and Jar l7l<iu, 6809 Amotel Blvd., Arverne, u. I., N. Y. 1IlILLVILLE, Phlladelpll1a Section RIT~v~ Paul (J 21), Db. Engr., Millville Mfg. 00., and for mail, 672 Columbia 401

138 NEW JERSEY MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW~JERSEY MONTCLAIR, Metropolitan Section. ARNOTT, Robt. F. (09; 13), 26 Glenwood Rd., ftpper Montclair. CAWLEY, Geo. (~-M 21), 382 Highland Ave., Upper Montclair. ~ILBRETH, LillUlIl M. (26), Pres., Gilbreth, Inc., 68 ~agle Rock Way.,,-OLLOWAY, H. F. (91), 228 Upp~ Mountain Ave HUDSON, ~Ibert H. (A 17), Eaat Rep., Automotl;e Car Div. J. C. Brlll Co. and for mad, 67 Beverly Rd. " PENTECOST, Arthur (13), M. E., 132 Gordonhl,lrst Ave. " plass, Robt. H. (24), Cono. Engr., as Marion Rd., Upper Montclair.. SAXBY, Lewis E. (17; 21),663 Park St., Upper Montclair. SCHLAOHTER, Carl H. (06), 12 Orestmont Rd. SOHWEITZER, Victor (J 24), 6 Willowdale Oourt.. WELLS, Edw. H. (21), 100 S. Mountain Ave. WESTON, Dr. Edw. (82), 37 N. Mountain Ave. WILOOX, F. W. (J 23), 193 Inwood Ave., Upper Montclair. 1liORRIS PLAINS, Dletropolltan Section FARNY, Geo. W, (01; 07), COIlS. Min. Engr., Oraftsman Farms. 1lIORRISTOWN, Metropolitan Sectiol1 HOBBINS, Ernest F. (A-M,24), Pres., Inter Oounty Motor Corp., 105 Monls MorrIstown. and for nail. 142 W. End Ave. Somerville SOHM:IDT, John H. (J. 26)! orris Oounty Orush~d Stone 00: 17 South St. MOlT towd, and for mad" MlllJDgton.. r 1liOUNTAIN LAKES, IIIetropolitan Section.. HARTWELL, Harry (08), P. O. Box 147. KRAUSE, Arthur Ernest (87), Retlred 25 Morris Ave THOMSON, J. Stewart (J 01), Texiile Wastes Co~dltlOlled for Indus. Hanover Rd. NEWARIi:, Metropolitan Section AGEE, Howard H. (20), 665 HighSt..... A!LEN, Dudley O. (J 252, Cadet Engr., Pub. Servo Elec. & Gas Co. SO Park Newark, add for ma.l, 214 Franklin St., Bloomfield ANDERSON, Bror 9. (A M 27), Deve!. Engr., Oharge Insertlng &. Mhlllng Oorp., also Mgi-., Motor Starter <I< Air Pump Co. Newark and lor 1Mil Whitman Aveo. E. Orange. I. ANDERSON, Walter O..(18: A-M 26), Research Engr., Brandes products Co Newark, and for mail, sa Van Allen Rd., Glen Rock.. ANNETT, Edw. B. (H), Gas E~IP., Pub. Utllity Comm. 01 N. J., 20 Waohingt Pl., Newark, and for n:ail, S5 Oakvlew Ave., Maplewood. ATKINS, R~lph W. (A-M 27). Plant Engr." E. I. du Pont de Nemours &:: 00 for mad. 735 High st. " BAIL:~m~b~v~ (A JrI 26), )l. E.. Art Metal Wks., Aronson Sq., and for mail, BAKER, E. Do!glas q 22), Supt., Plating Press Wks. 146 Frellnghuysen A and for ma~l 47 M,lford Ave. BAQUET, (Jamllle] Jr. ru), Genl. Supt., Watts Campbell Ogde. Newark. and or mail, Spotawood.,. BARfliELEW, Chao. 8., Jr. (J 25), Pub. Servo Elec. & Gao Park PI a or mau, 44 Walnut St...,., BARRON, Jacoh T. (19), Geol. Mgr: Elec. Dept.; Pub..Serv. EIec. ole Gas a so Park Pl., Newark, and lor mat!, 240 Edgar PI. Elizabeth BATO, ~ndrew A. C2"; 27), Del!ignlng Engr., Pub. Servo Prod.Co., RDl. 78D. Park Pl., Newark, and for mad, 389 N. Grove St. E. Orange.. BAUHAN, Alex. E. (14; A M 17), Interconnection Engr Pub SerT Elec &... Ca., SO Park Pl BEOKER, Chaa. V. (A M 26)J,Jika. Engr. Oxweld Acetylene Co 670 Frelmghu A ve. and lor mau, 739 =gh St.., ~EEINEEBE.l. Robt. O.,(A 19), Dir.~ Esaex Oouoty Vocatiollal Schs., 30 Nelson PI,. ulie, Fred k W. (A M 17), Pres., Auto Salea Ca. Studebaker Saleo 00 Newark, 1015 Broad St. BERGER,L Julius G. (14; 2"), Oons. M. &; E. E. 24 Commerce St. BETTS, Jl<d!-. D. (J 25). Pub. Serv. EJec. & Gas Park PI for mail, 43 High St., Passaic..., 402..~EWA.RIi: (continned). ~.BETTS, 001. Philander (12), Life Member, Oh. Engr., Bd. Pub. Utllily Oomm. of. Ii. J., 1000 Broad St., Newark, and for mail. 100 loth Ave., Belmar. ;:BLOCK, LauIence F. (J 24), Engr.. Tralllo Dept., N. J. Bell Tel. Oo., 1060 Broad St., Newark, and for mail, 36 Arlington Ave., Caldwell. OSTOCK, Jobn H. (J 23), to Arch--Engr., Prudential Ins. Co. 01 Ani., Newark, add for mail, 7 Highlaqd Terrace, Verona. OYD, Willard A. (15), Pres., Bassett Doyd & Loomis, 810 Droad St., Newark, N. J. and for mail. 22 Pendleton Pl., New Brlghto.n, S. I., N. Y. INKMAN, Ohas. F. (J 27), 70 Lindsle;v Ave. ONDUM Paul V. (J 27), Tool & D,e Deafgner, Am. Oan 00., Elizsbeth & Bawth~rne Aveil. and for "lq,a, 30 Nye Ave. RONK. Geo. R. (J 26). Asst. Engr., Maxmoor Corp., 574 Ferry St.. Newark, N. J., and for mal. 291 Olinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ROOKS, J. Anael (07; ill), :rrof. M. E College of Engrg., Newark Tech. Sch., li"ewark, and for mail. 661 Park St., Montclair. WN, Albert Turney (17), M. E. Charge :Design, Pub. Servo Prod. Co., 80 Park PlioK, Harry Lealie (21 A-M 26),Wks. Mgr., Keratol Co., U8 Van Duren, st, Newark, and lor lilail, 13 st. Lawrence A"e., Maplewood. ROBETT, llay L. (J 27), Art Metal Wks. Inc., AroIlSon Sq., Newark, and. for mila, 48 Hillcrest Terraca, E. Orange.. OIlETT. Walter J. (20), M. Pl, Art Metal Wka., Inc., Aroneon Sq., Newark,.. and /01 ma,l, 48 Hillcrest lerrace, E. Orange.,Herbert G, (J 19), Aast. Oper. Engr., Pub. Servo & Gas 00., 80 Park pl., Newark, and lor maa,-360 Little st., Belleville. UGRS, Cbas. F. (16), Pres., Jjurroughs Co., 246 N. 10th St. N Raymond O. (27), Asat. Engr., Pub. Servo Prod. Co., 80 Park PI. ANN, Oarl J. (J 25), dadet Engr. Pub. Servo Elea. & Gaa 00., 80 Park Newark, N. do, and for mail, 124 Sherman Ave., New York. N. Y., Frederic G. (J 22), Adjuster. Am. Fore, Ina. Companlea, 31 Ollnton St. Murray (21; 26), M. E., Guilbert" netelle, Ohamber 01 Commerce Newark, N. J., and for maa, th St., R1clunond Hill, N. Y., O. E:wen, Jr. (J 22), Factory Mgr., Lauter Humana 00., 224 Sus.ex amon (22: 26), V. P., Oh. Engr., Bentz Engrg..Corp., 601 Frelinghuysen Nathaniel A. (07). V. P., Charge Oper., Pub. Servo Prod. 00., 80 P&lk Pl., Willis H. (06; 12). Oarrler Engrg. Oorp., 760 Fre1lnghuysen Ave. Anthony Warren (J 27), Mech- Draftsman, Guilbert & Betelle, 20 d PI:. Newark, and for mail, 64 N. Arlington Ave., Pl Orange. m. P. (21), ;E. & M. E., Genl. Etec. Co., un Bruad St., Newark, and mail, 203 Grant Ave.. Nutley... RUIN, Paul Ill. (90; 99). 193 Millard Ave. N, Walter W. (19 LA M 26), Supt., WIn. H. Chapman, Mulberry and for mail, 441 mt. pleasant A, e. rank W. (J 26), 30 S. 9tb St. Walker L. (J 23), Aaat. Ch. Engr., Mnrlon Power Sla., Pub. Servo Elee. Ca.. 80 Park pi., Philip L. (J 24). Power Rep., Pub. Serv., Elec..& Gail 00., Rm. 306, ark PI. Frederio A. (A.M 23), Oonstr. Supt., Pub. Servo Prod. Ca., 80 P&lk PI., ark, and for ma,i, 79 Ooeyman Ave., Nutley.. RD, Alex. B. (A M 23), Mech. Draftsman, Pub. Servo Prod. Co., Rm. 80 Park PI. ORT, Granger (J 26), ~uld & Eberhardt, Newark, and for mail, P. O. Box.851, Mountain View... S. Verner F. (21), V. P.. Genl. Mgr., Atlas Val"a Co South St. ill, Harry (A-M 28), Salea Engr., Jobna Mau\llle Inc., 1000 Broad St. Frederle E. (A M 25), Sup"r., Weston Elee. Instrument Corp., 4 Weston.:Ave.. Newark. and 21 Park"iew Terrace, Hlllside. TS, WI. (13), 366 High St.., Edw. E. (A M 20), Mgr., Decker Mfg. Co., 261 Elm St.. IS, John C. (J 26), Asst. En!!r" N. J. Water Supply Oomm., Newark, nd. for _il. 115 Bf/oY\le:w A"e., Jersey City. 403

139 NE"W JERSEY ;UE~J.I)KKSIN UNITED S!ATES \; ~: -if..~..~ :~ ~. NEWARIC (oontinued) ;~ DEININGER, W. H. (J 27), To)) Plant E<1gr., N. J. Bell Tel. 00., 809 Washing :; ton St. Newark, and tor "",11, 151 W. Maple Ave., Bound Brook..; DE LAMATER, V. N. (18), Spec. Rep. for R. R. Equip.,. Hyatt Roller BearIng " 00.. P. O. BO% 476..~, DIAMANT, Sidney (17), Prea., Genl. Mgr.. Diamant Tool &; Mfg. 00., 401 Mulherry.J St.. Newark. N. J., and for "",ii, 1 W. 68th St New York, N. Y. t DUB, Peter (23: 26). Plant Eng"., Power Plant, Essex Oounty Hall of Records, Newark. N. J., and for mail, 7l1l3 8th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. mokey, Rolph L. (15; A-1>f 21). Pres., N. Y. Wire &; Spring, P. O. BOll: 628. DONALDSON, S. A. (00: A-M 16). Engrl Pac. Engrg. Equip. Corp., 072 Broad St.. Newark, and for mail, 106 Donal<l8on Ave. Rutherford.. Du MONT, Donald H. (J 25), Enlrlg. Asst., Pub. Servo Prod. Co.; 80 Park Pl., Newark, and for ""ii, H6 Park St., Upper Montclair. DUNKAK, Elmer B. (J 28), Pub. Servo Elec. &; Gas 00., 80 Park Pl. DUNN, Jss. Wnl. (A.M 26), Engr., Pub. Servo Elec. &: Gas Co., 80 Park Pl., Newark, and for mail, 15 Morgan PI., N. Arlington. EBEL, Wm. J. (J 26), ReBearch Engr., Maxmoor Lab., 574 Ferry St. EBERlJAllDT, Frank E. (07; 25), V. P., Wks. Mgr., Newa"k Gear Outting Mcb. 00., 69 Prospect St.. Newark. and for mail, 234 Raymon Ave., S. Ora~ge. EBERHARDT. Henry J. (02; 06; 18), Secy., Engr., Newark Gear Outtlng Mcb. 00., 69 Prospect St. EBERHARDT, U. Seth (25), Supt., Newark Gear Cutting Mcb. 00., 09 Prospeol St., Newark, and for mail, 26 Oberlin St. }laplewood. EISLER. Ohas. (17; 19), M. E., Propr., EISier Engrg. 00., 750 S. 13th St.. EMERSON, Obaa. R. (A 22), V. P., Genl. Mgr. Sales, Foster Engl. g. 00., 100 Mon roe St., Newark. and for mail, 175 Prospect St., E. Orauge. ENGELBERGER, Wm. H. (J 28), Sanitary Engr., F. &; W. V. Engelbeger 00., 169 JeWf Ave., Newark, and for mail, 14 Suffolk ATe., Maplewood. ESHERIOK, Geo., Jr. (Iii; 20), Asst. M. E. Pub. Servo Prod; 00., 80 Park PI. EVANS, Wm. A. (18), Pr~l Wm. A. E"ans 00., 60 Park PI., :liewark, and fof mail, 24 Woodland Rd., Maplewood. EW...LD. Geo. A. (J 24), Engr. Pub. Servo Elec. &I Gas 00., 80 Pork Pl.. Newark, and for mail, 661 E. 6th St., Plainfield. FilS, Harry (J 27), Oelluloid 00., 290 Ferry St., and for ""ii. 87i Napoleon SI, bield. Benj. A. (A M 27), A...t. Supt., Jucobson Mfg. 00., Cemme,ce St., Newark,. and lor mail, 266 Isabella A, e., Irvington. FIFE. G. Donald (J 27), Engr., Eaton lieat Inc., 17 Academy St., Newark, N. J., and fot moil, 74 IrYlng PI., New York, N. Y. FIIGON, Earle H. (J 20), Sales Mgr., Eaton Kent,Inc., 17 Academ) St., Newark, aud for mail,,727 Magie Ave" Elizabeth, N. J.. "FINIGAN, Wm. (A-Y 26), Supt. Engrg. & Oper. Dept., Federal Trust, Olinton &: Ripple, 24 Commerce St. F1N1i:, Ferdinand (27), Supvg. Engr., Mountain Ice SylYan Ave. FINN, Wm. J. (J 27?, ~..t. Engr.,!laxmoor Oorp., 574 Ferry St. FISHER, Elbert O. ( 13), Engr., Design, Pub. Servo Prod. 00., 80 Park PI.. FITZSIMQNS, John Edw. (16; A :M 23), Quality Mgr., Pyrene Mfg. 00., 620 Bel. mont Ave.. FLANAGAN, Peter R. (A M 22), Bldg. Supt., United Hotels 00., Robert Treat., Hotel. Newark. and for mail. 67 Van Relpen St., Jersey City. FOGEL, F. Raymond (J 26), Oonstr. Engr., United Steel Constr. 00., 60 Psrk PI., Newa"k, and for mail, 476 Norwood St E. Orange. FOSTER, Obas. O. (15 i A M 20), Asat. Supt., Rubberset 00., 56 Ferry St., Newark, and for ""Ill. 8 Highland Pl.. Maplewood. FOULKS, John A. (22), vo"s. Engr., 20 Beaver St. FROS~. Vincent M. (14), Asst. to Genl. Supt. of Generation, Pub." Servo Elec. II. Gas 00., 80 Park PI., Newark, and for _il, 51 WUCo.x Ave.. E. Orange. FRUTOHEY, Marcus P., Jr. (J 27), Oh. Engr OU Htg. Equip. 00., 20 WilHam St., Newark, and for mail, 25 Trinlty St. Montcla1r.,. GALLOWITZ, Gusta"e A. (A M 23), Factory Supt., Kny Scbeerer Oorp., 708 Fre. linghuysen Ave., Newarli:, N. J., and for mail, 3505 Wayne Ave., New York, K~, GAREY, Lloyd L. (J 25), Cadet Engr., Pub; Servo Elec. & Gae 00., 80 Park Pl., Newark, and for mall, 20~ W. Prospect Ave" Hackettstown. 404 f MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW JERSEY ~:r~:-~itj"w~~r~u;~l5),pub. Servo Elec. & Gas 00., 80 Park PI., Newark, and for mail. 68 Fu~ton St., E. OrFange. D t. Nat! Lock Wasber Her- GEBHARD, Francis J. (J 22). Mgr., orge ep,..,. GIBBmOoNSS~as. O. G. (14: 19), Cons. Enlf"" 207 :Market St. GILLIA1>1: Howard H. (A :M 24), V. P., T,ffany 00., 58 1st St., Newark, and for mal!, 872 loth Ave;, pat~lon 12th St. GLAUBER, JoHho J. d(j O 25()J ~7) FO"eIl1IUl & Emerllency Engr.. Impedal Lauudry GOELLNER, ows.r.., il 20 Will St. Nutley GOE~~ ~d~~ub~ t:;2 ;Nr~r~2:~dl:~t~toGenl. s~~r.. K:~sge Dept. Store, 721 Brciad St., Newark. and faor maile 63 t FloLrenBcea:;:;ge;r&:n~~nNewa"k, N. J., GOODMAN, Wm. A. (J 25) ons r. ngr.,.y., QOO~~i L. ~~. 7J~ ~e~l7~t.m~~rel;;"~~:" M~g, :, Weston Elec. Instrulllent Oorp., ~ Weston Ave. and fa mail, 308 Aldine St. S Pr d Park GORMAN, Fraucls J. (J 2 d 4)f Asst. ICopnst~ E<1Bori4ru~ J~iPtO~ L. i., N. Y. Pl. Newark. N. J., a" 01" 7l14l I I GRATRix, Obas. E. (J 21), 7A22uB,~r7g)enS~~Dept Nat! Oil.&; Supply Co., 172 GREENHALL, Elmer A. (21: -~L,.,. Frelllll!hUYSen o Ap~1lI (J 24) Student Training Oourse, Celluloid 00., 290 RA.LLENBORG,. P. I Pk Ferry St...and l ; ~lgr.: Poe. Engrg. Equip. Oorp., 972 Brood HAMILTON, J!lrnes.. 5 rl hn Id A,e Cranford St., Newarl<, and for mas>! 1 T urc H &: 0 "Mchy &: Engrg. Co., 280 Passaic lluillton Geo. G. (20), ecy., reas". i d St. Ne\vark, and f 0 )r mcmhi, E 5 1 YaPleoe~i~io~aPO~w0290 Ferry St., Newark, and HANCE Jas. (A M 2 i. ngr.,., HAJ~t;,a~:,t~nOW!~ fl)~g~.~:us~;~~~kessex Fdy., Murray St. &; Ave. D. and nan;~}io1{~,2~te~:r~tc1;.lr(~~)., V. P., Stewart Hartsh~i~~ke~ s,ewark. BATFIEy,D, Robt. L. (,A M ~6), PrNPrj ~~~gle&;xfati;: Omce, 31 Ollnton St. ~~~WJ:ib~;t(1. W"27)~r6ad~t Engr., Pub. Servo Ry. OON 8~ Park PI., It N J d 10 ",au 2426 r...rillard Pl., New York, HEJi~~r idg:~r W. a(28):pre.; Lecourlenay 00., also Prea., Heller &: Merz 00., HELMSTAEDT 5 Mau.e SEtR, Geo.. 0 (28), Genl. :Mgr.,. Artesian Well Engrg. 00., P. O. Box 160, and for IlELMSTAEDTER W m... maeii, (~~6W) aljups~ Oonstr., Celluloid Co., 290 Ferry st., and for mail, ~7 wallwst(j 27) Tool Designer Weston Elec. Instrul11ent Corp., HEWITT, Regmald., 1 Y 1>i 0 A Hal"ey St Frellnghuysen Ave., an~ IE rna. E g,.. A;" Can 00 Hawthorne &; E1izabetb roll, How;rd M k ~ ;27~;d i%rer~looit 4008 Wright Ave.: Bayside, L. I., N. Y. k.~yes., ewag, A. (J 27) Pub. Servo Elec. &; Gas 00., 80 Park Pl., Newar, H~P~:l~;O:;;il,";3ergen Court Apts., Bergen Ave. & Poplar St., R1dgefleld Park. ~~~~~~ildf1e~\~9;(i_~5~25~~7e~gr~?t~s~::,pub. Servo Prod. 00., 80 Park Pl., aud for mail 145 West End Ave. M b Sb Am Oau Co HUNfAR, Felix (A.M 15), k,engr d Nf"TW:~1 4~ BondO~t Hillside.., Hawthorne &: Elizabeth Aves., Newar an, P., St Pub INWRIGHT John A. (U; A-M 26), Asst. 9h. Engr., Kearny Bower a., JAcg~r; ~~e~r~h~(~~ii ~::);r~n;;~.f~e~:!c~~;:; i~~:~c:or~~:7n5eo Fraling JEN~lli~~ ::~i ~~w~i~mal:m~~~.?t:~~~~c~;rrc~~;:.:, ~~~g;)oremus Ave. Newark, and for mail, 822 Blancke St. D W. LindenE OffNOn Ohaln 00. JOHNSTON A. Langstaff Jr. (16), V. P., es,gn ng ngr.. ~-ld. 109 Me~ker Ave., Ne,vark, and for mail, 1017 W. 7th St., Plain~ JONES Iwan E. (25), Ob. Drafteman, Oarrier Engrg. 00., 75 Frehnghuysen Ave., Ne;ark, and for "",ii, 101 W. Hazelwood Ave., Rahway. 05

140 ~EWA.RI~ (continued) ~~~ Rjym0Jd H. (J 21), 78 ~rauchesler PI. < N~wa~k. a~d(t;~m;j\frltid;e ~S;imaiVr, /ederal Shiphldg. C"., Box 618, I,ELLY Andrew (A M 14) PI tee., range. " SO Park Pl.,an ngr., Elec. Dept., Pub. Servo Elec. ill Gas Co., :" ~~~~~R~ ~oward J. (..!. M 26). U6 Brunswick St., KERSHAW: H~~r~ n:»), ~b P E 1ll~IPlJ[ ~"nish Co. 224 Mc"hol tel St., 24 Wilson St,. Irviniton ng., ers aw Corp., NewSlk, and f01 mall, KETTENRING, Harry G (A:M 25) 0 E, Broad St., on.. ngr. Clawall. & Kettenrlng, 1060 limr~r~. Herman A. (A-.M 21), Indus. Engr. 111 Astor St -, Ne:Var~ ~dc;:; ;,,~~t!9g~~ns,*,~; c~~tr. Co 20 WaB~lngton Pl., IfNAPP, Kelllleth H. (J 25), 44 Walnut St. Ion: KOPF. Albert S. (J 26) Charge Ti e St ddt Newalk, and for m"il 151 Hiltomn Av u y,!pl" "ed ṣtoll Elec. InBtrUll1ent Corp., KOPPERL hi 0 " e...ap ewoo Ave.. (J 24). Mem. Firm, Edgecomb Steel 90rp." 850 Frellngbuys.n KOSSIF, N. (J 17), 126 Baldwin St KOWALL, JuliuB (A M 27) Engrg Bart R fi C!I; C Newark nnd for m"il 86 N 1St" St E e 0 or 0., Inc., 375 Verona Ave., KREITLER, Fred W. (A:M 26), N. Y. \VI~e ~an~e~in K Newark, Slld for,nail, 1352 Randolpb Rd., Plalnfl~ld. g Co." 136 Tlcbenor St., UC~~w~:~~w. ra:~ fj.! ;;,,~?, 4~a1e:rt:angrpl" IGngersollHRallnd Co., 286 Hlgb St.\ LA FONTAINE. Sam! H J"., i, S. I. N. Y. Oheste. Ave., and ior ;":il fil3r~i"f:;eengr. P,ttebulgll Plate GlaBs Co., 2 LaMOTTE, Wm. R (26) Ch. En E p Newark, and ior ",da, 116 bienwc;~ J::;~~~tyserv. Elec. & Gas Co." A. E. Abbot A. (17 AM 24) En A t :P b S. L N 2>rEMBERS IN UNITED STATES Newark N J d! i.{ grg. ss" u, er. Prod. Co., 80 Park PI IHJ..ST, Ed\Vi~ (j 23)anOh~r Wll11. I 1? Manhattan Ave. Ne\v Rochelle. N. Y.,II,and for mail, 376 Line~lnNl;~:.~"Wra~~:~. Oelluloid Co., 290 Ferry St., Newark, L.HAN, Francis n. (J 26) House Htg Rep Pub S EI Park PI., Newark, and f~r mail 46 Hopldn~ PI ir.~rgtv. ec. &; Gas Co., SO L~1I~ON Ja. T (15 19) Asstt G nl., Ill On. & Ga~ C~:. SO Park PI.. 0 e. Supt. of Generation, Pub. Servo Elec., r,.n ER. Karl G. (J 25), SGS S. 14tb Rt.. J,EGH.L~I~. B~uno C. (18; "~l), Pre., EurekaTool & M. "e\\n.k, 1\ r., and for III";/.. Gallntin Hall Soldi F1~ Co., 42. Walnut St., LEINROTH, J. P. (IS: 25) Genl. Indus F el R ers p lb e Boston, liass. nul. 312, 80 ParkPL U ep., u. Servo Elec. &I GaB Co., LEllC?N, L. W. (J 28), Engrg. Asst., Pub Serv EI & ~ewark. alld lor ",uii 5~5 Park Ave E 0. ec. Gas Co., 80 Park Pl., LISTER ~1f 1 ( 3 ". lallge. LOClr.wbilD,1e~lm:r ~ ~jel:~:)up~ ;oc~rk ~read Co., 2GO Ogden St. LOFGR.EN Lars J (i7) Cb.-- ose, eave.... Newark, and f~r mnd 73l~~;;~gsfeB~n~, Pub. Sert-. Prod. Co" 80 Park Pl. LOHSE, Henry V. (A M \"S) En :8 Ii Jange. NewlU k. and for 7Ilai~ Ii hilfu.~ Pl~ ~ap~~ E3 uip Co., 124 Branford PI., LOOMIS Evarts G (13) M E P E 00.. LOUTREL, C) l U. H (19" A it," res., v!.rt. G. Loomis Co., S10 Broad St LUCE. Donnld C. (j 26) P~b l:l.: P~i:;, tag. L~ek Washe. Co., 40 Hermon St. for """ii., Y. hi. C. 1.. Jej.~l City. aa 0., 80 Pal 1t PI., Newark, and LUDWIG, Walter W (J 21) E!\ t P b LYLiewark,.Rnd tor mail, 102 ~~ffi;n ~t: U~~;r SM~~~r?d. Co., 80 Park Pl.,, J. Irvme (06), Treas Carrier E C all. LY:l1AS. Thos. (.I.~L "7) Rubne C ~grg~ orp., 750 Freliughu)sen Ave ton Pl., alld fo, li~au 75 Bleeker"s~ r. ISupvr., Genl. Eleo. Co., 20 W~shjng. )[aoxabb, Cliftoll E (17 96) \ t :i Xewark. and fornil. 4r.-n""I;e~BSt., nfr~ I;h;~:~;;I~ rv. Prod. 00., SO Park Pl., 06 " :1,: ; liewarii: (continue,\) llayo, Jolln Boylston (92; 94), Checker, Power Pl.ants, PUb.. Servo Prod. Co., 80 Park Pl., Newark. and /",. liiea, 29 Stu)vesant Ave UOlon. llcfarla~,d, David E., Jr. (J 26),. Cadet Engr., Pub. Se... Corp. of N. J.,,80 Park PI., Newark. and for mati, 109 Mountain Way, Rutherford: McKONE, Frank Edw. MEMllERS IN UNITED SjATES (251, ConB. Engl., 867 High St. NEW JERSEY MEAD, Chan. A. (13), Ch. Engr l Div. 01 Bridges &I Grado CrossingB, Pub. Utility Comlll. of N. J., 1060 Broau St., Newalk, and fo, """ii, 165 Wllwood Ave., Upper Montclair. MEIER, Jos. B. (21; A M 26). Supt.. F. &I H. Fdy. Co. Ino., Tiffany Dlvd. and fot "lai!, 76 Beaumont Pl. MEYER, Edw. BllTnard (18) Engr Pub. Servo Prod. Co. SO Park PI. MEYER. J... A. (23)~ Pres., Genl. Mgr. Meyer Engrg. Co., 427 Peshine Ave. MEYER, Poter (A 2010 Pres.. Boeger.Meyer Meh. 61 Tool Co., and for mila, 21 Voorhees St., MILLER, Adam F. (J 26), Euip. Engr. N. Y., Tel. Co., ljnd for tlla,n, 129 Mt. Pleasant Ave. MILLER, JaB. H. (J 22). Pub. Servo Prod. Co., 80 Park PI., Ne,valk, N. J., and ", fot mai! rd St., BlOOklyn, N. Y., MlJRlHY, Wm. J. (27t, Constr. Supt., Pub. Servo Prod. Co., 80 Park Pl., Ne,vark. a~d lot,nail, 283 ":herman Ave. Glen R.idge. _ MURR"n:. Terellc. M. (J 27), Engr., Sundh Eleo Ave. C. Newark, and for muil, 248 Park Ave" E. Oral1go. NELSON. Fled A. (A M 24), Eng.g. Draftema.n, Steild. Oil Co. 01 N. J. and fof lilai!, 15 MUleI St. NET,;SCRUTZ, Curt J. (26). M. E. Pausin Engrg. 00 Newark, :No J., and f01 liiail, 391 St. Johns Pl. Brookl)n, N. Y. NEVELL, Randall L, (J 26), Local Cable Designer, West. Eleo. Co., 146 New st. OLSON. Chas. A. (IS), Pres., Foster Eugrg. Co., 109 hionroe St., aud for "...U, 9 hiadison Ave.. PARET., Merrill P. (J 27), Engr., Prod. Wk., Wallace I> Tiernan Ina., Newark, and for m,,;!, 10 Roosevelt PI., Montclair. PAUSIN, Hugo R. (16; 17). Pr... Genl. Mgr., Pausin Engrg. Co., 727 Freling huysen Ave" Newark, and for mail, 48 Plymouth Ave., Maplewood. PEARSON. Rohl H. (16; 16), Cons. Engl., Globe Indemnity Co., WaBhlugton Park. Newalk, and for mail, 49 Myrtle, N. Plainfield. PENI"Chas. A. (J 26)/ Field Engr., N, Y. Tel. 00., Ind. Administration Bldg. Newark, and for mad, 181 Myrtle Ave., Irvington. PERKINS, Nathan W. (18), Engr. Designer, Ellis Adding Typewriter Co., 888 Elizabeth Ave., Newark, and for "... 1, 130 S. P"rkway. E. Orange. FERRY. W. Roo Jr. (J 26), Engr., WeBton Eleo. Instrument Corp., 4 Weston Ave., and fot "",i!. 476 Clifton Ave. PETERSEN. Alfred V. (J 27). Tool II Die Designer. Am. Can Co., Elizabeth & Hawthorne Ave.. Newark, and for,nai!, 6S Earl St., Union. PHELPS, Fredk A. (92), Engl. &: Meh., 21 FUlton St. PIOOTl, R; J. S. (12; 18; IS), Cons. 1>1. E. Pub. Servo Prod. Co., 80 Park PI. PLATT, Louis J. (A M 211 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. POLLITT, Wilfred J. (J 27). Cll. Designer, Keratel Co 84S Van Buren st., Newark. and (or mila, 390 Chestnut St Nutley. POND,!lenry O. (04; 07). SaleB Engr Pub. Servo Prod. Co., SO Park PI., Newark, nn,1 Jor mai!, 166 Serpentine Rd., Tenally. PRETOT, Armand V. (J 25). Mech. D..igner, Pub. Servo Prod. Co 80 Park Pl., Newark, and for mai!o 65 Higb St.. W. Orange. PRICE, Jos. P. (J 27), 688 Summer Ave. PROCHAZKA, Geo. A.. Jr. (26). Genl. Mgr Chern. Engr., Central Dyestuff & Chem. Co., Newark, and for mail, 63 Hawt l lorne Ave., E. Orange.. PRYOR. Robt. W., Jr. (07; 13). Mem. Firm, Kolthan &> Pryor, and for mail, 190 Roseville Ave. RANKIN, Wm. J. A. (19). V. P., Dale &I Rankin Inc., 113 FrelinghU)Ben Ave l;"wark, and for,nail, 28 North Terrace, Maplewood. RAT~~IAN. Gl.lbert (26), Mgr., Ch. Engr., Quimby Pump Co., Inc., 340 TbomaB RAUTENSTRAUClI Walter (04; 11), Splitdorl Betblehem Eleo. Co., 392 High St., Newark, N. J.; also, Prof. Indus. Engrg. Columbia Univ., New York, ~~, REIFF, LeBlie E. (J 23). Actuarial Wk. Prudential Ins. 00., Newark, and for mai!, 114 Myrtle Ave.. Irvington. " 407

141 :,. i. NEW JERSEY MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERB IN UNITED BTATES NEW JERSEY NEWA.RIC (contlnned),: REILLY, J. Barry (J 26). M. E., Genl. 1>Iell. Co., 898 Market St., and for maa, :: " 8H Sussex Ave. REITZEL. Jacob H. (18; A M 26), Indus. Engr., East. Stsel Casting Co., : :Newark, and lor m4il, 6-17 Prospect St., Maplewood.., RICHARDSON, Geo. P. (01: 17), Asst. Engr., Isbell Porter 00., 46 Brldgs st. ; ROBERTS, Alex. Perry (21; A M 25)} As.t. Prol M. E., Newark Oollege 01 " Engll\., 367 Hlgb St., Newark, and /0. mail, 132 Tenafly Rd., TenaOy. R,OCKEFELLER, Jos; A. (J 26), Indus. Fuel Rep., Pub. Servo Elec. &I Gas Co., 80 Park PI. ROORAY, John F. (J 26), 18 Pennsylvania Ave. RODNEY, Keith R. (A l! 17>, S..les Metallurgist, Edgecomb Steel Corp., S50.,_ FreHnghuysen Ave., Newark... and for m4il, 583 Westminster Ave., Elizabeth, ROSE, Jas. A. (J 26), Cadet J!ingr., Pub. Servo Elec. &: Gas Co., 80 Park Pl., and for mait, H Walnut St. ROSS, Jas. N. (28), Supt. Steam & Else. Div., WesUn:house Elec. &: Mfg, Co" 17 Academy St.,. ROTH, Henry (A M 24)\ Moh. Designer, Continental Optical Co., Newark, and fo.,nail, 18 LesHe P. Irvington. RUBOVITZ Henry L. (A 25). Fartner, Newark Pattern Wks., 26 Ave. L. RUE, H".ofd E. (28: )27), Cb. Engr., Holfman Beverage Co., 402 Grove St. RUNYON, Fredk O. (09), Cons. Engr., Mem. Firm, Runyon &: Carey, 81 Fulton St., Newarl,. and for mail, 26 Hickory Drive, Maplewood. RUNYOK. Malcolm E. (J 27), Jr. Engr., Runyou &I Carey, 33 Fulton St., Newark, and for mail, 26 Hickory Drive, Maplewood. RUSSELl:., Floyd L. (23), Gent Supt. Constr., Pub, Servo Prod. Co., 80 Park PI. SALMON, Philip A. (J 25), Oadet En!:r., Pub. Se,v. Blec. & Gas 00., SO Park PI., and for mail, 13 Clinton PI. SALTZMAN. AUllUste Loul. (OS), V. P., Oh. Engr., Web.r &, Seber Mfg. Co" 263 Sussex Ave., Newark, and for mba, 731 S. Center St., Orange. SARGENT, Wm. D. (96), 60 Park Pl.., SCH...PHORST, W. F. (13; 21), Cons. Engr., 45 Academy St. SCHER, Geo. ( 25), Owner, Weber &I Soher Mfg. 00., 263 Sussex Ave. SCHERER, Frank J. (21: A M 24), Contr&ct Engr., Ivero Lee Co., 215 Ceutrel Ave., Newark, and for mbil, 468 Norwood St., E. Orange. SOBERER, Herman A. G. (19; 22; 27), Ch. Engr., Iver.-Lee Co., 215 Central Ave., Newark, and or m4il, 468 Norwood St. E. Olange.. SOHMID, Arthur O. (J 26), Oombustlon Engr., Cbas. Engelhard IDC., 90 Cbe.tnut St. Npwark, and for mail, 682 1st St., Carlstadt. SOHNEIDERMAN, Nathan (J 22), Struc. Draftsman, Bay Fdy. &I Iron Wks., and or IIlBil, 225 Meeker Ave. SCHROEDER, Walter W. (J 24), 868 Summer Ave.. SOHWA:RTZ, Jacob (J 28), Water Servo Engr., Pub. utillty Comm. of N, J., 1060 Broad St. SOHWEIZER, Paul E. (J 26), Jr. Mch. Design. College of Engrg., Newark Tech. Sch., Newark, N. t., and for mbi!, 611 Lincoln Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y. SCOLLAN, JolIn J. \10), Newark Lodge 21, Elks Horne. SEAL, Allred T. (J 21), CDrrler Engrg. Corp., 750 Frellnghuy..n Ave., Newark, and for O7I4i1, 119 Front st., Dunellen. SERRELL, John J. (17; 20), Partner &I Engr., Smith &; Serrell, Globe Indem. nlty Bldg., 20 Wasbington PI. SHUll. Earl H. (J 24), Student Engr., Pub. Serv, Else. &I Gas Co., SO Park Pl., and for mail, 351 7th Ave.. SHUMARD, F. W. (A M 18), Prod. Engr., Tlteflex Metal Hos. Co., 600 Frellng. hlljlsen AVe., and tor mail 29S Park Ave.. SONN, John E. (J 25), Field Engr., Pub. Berv. Prod. Co., 80 Park Pl., Newark, and for IIlBiI, 86 Terra.a PI., Arlington.. SPARER!_ J, (21; A-M 28), COliS. Engr., 16 D..slng Ave. STEFFE.LlS, Cha.. D. (J 24), Engl., Splitdorf Bethlehem Elec. Co. 392 High St.. Newark, and for mail, 14 N. Walnut St., E. Orange. STEVENS, Wm. S., Jr. (J 25). Field Engr., Pub. Servo Prod. 00., 80 Park 11. STRAETZ, A. G. (A M 22), Mgr., SIJ>:nal Dept., Wallace!Is Tiernan Inc., Newark, N. J., and for mail, 1040 E. 16tb St., Brooklyn, N. Y. STRANAliAN, Geo. H. (A-A! 24), Grimes SprInkler Co., 66 Baylan St., Newark, and Jor mail, 24 Oondit Terrace, W. Orange. STRING, Jos. S. (07: 19), J. S. &I J. F. String, 717 Broadway. 40S NEWARIC (continued) 7 a F ell h SWINBURNE, Jas. (J 26), Studen~ Engr., Carrier Engrg. Corp., 5. r ng uy sen Ave Newark and for ",ail, 10 Grove PI., E. Orlbnge. 0 87b TAYLOR, Edw. N. (i7: A b! 25), Tech. Asst. to Pre, Bart Relle.~r 0.. Verona Ave., Newark, and for,"ail, 7 Patton PI., Uppe.r MOlltcla... THOMSON. A. MacFarlane (A 11 28), Ch, Engr., PrudentIal In. 00., 0 m., 763 Broad st and far mail, 483 Parker St. t THORNE, Earl. ij: (28 A M 26), Drnftsman, Celluloid 00" 290 E. FeVy S., Newa,k N J aud /;or mail, P. O. Box 323, Central Islip, I,. 1., N.. THQRSEN, Martl~ (J 21), Mgr., Or~er Dept., Wallac. & Tle!nan 00., Inc., Newark 11 J and 10 ",ail, 126 F8Irfield St., Valley Stream,!O. Y. TUTHILL EimerS (J 28) Sales Mgr., Bournonville Brake appliance Co., 235 Elizabeth Ave., Ne,.ark, and for mail, 238 Heywood Ave., 01ange. ULRICa, Tho J. (A M 19). Structural Engr., Eustice Bros., III Academy st., Ne,.ark..nd for m4tl, 76 Sterling St., E. Ounge. 102 RI. VANACORE: Tho. (J "23), Testing. Lab.~_Pub. Servo,Elee. & G;.~ 0yo., ve, 8t. Newarl" N. J., allll for mad, 5 "Jlvan Pl., New York, ".. VASSELLI, Antbon) J. (A-M 20), Supt., Genl, Phonograph Corp., HO Thomas st., and lor mail, 86 Hedden TenRce. I E I C f VAUGHAN, Arthur S., Jr. (J 27), Asat. Ch. Engr.. B.l1a~d 01 qu p. o. 0 N. J., 124 Bradford Pl., Newark, N. J., and for 1M1.1, S8th Ave.,, Jam..lca, L. I., N. Y. S PIC SO Park PI VlSSCHER, Earl H. (A-M ~26), Conatr. Supt., Pub. erv. ro<. 0., " Newark and Jor mail, 57 S. Walnut St,! E. Orange. PI FABRICE R (22) Deeignlng Engl:. Pun. Servo Prod. Co., SO Park.. ~hters vinc~nt L. (A.:&[ 20), Moob: Iuspr., Eveready. q"weld AcetYIH.~la?d 625 Frelingbuysen Ave., Newark, and for mail, 69 Wlbamsocn A~eo P \ pr" WARFIELD, Wm. G. (15), Pll>11t Engr., Pub. Servo Elec. & Gas 0., ar " Newark and lot mail, 224 Roosevelt Ave., Avon. 11 k WATTS, H:rry W. (A-M 24), Ch, Draftsman, Stewart Hartshorn 00., E. ewar, and for "Iail 17 Meadowbrook Rd., Maplewood.. S VELLER, Frauk E. (A M 26), Research Engr., Trana-Lux Daylight Pcture creen Corp, and Jor m"il, 677 Summer ave. INk WELTER, Wm. L. (J 24) Oadet Engr., Pub. Servo Ry. Co., SO Park P., ewar, and for m4il, S Hamilton Rd., Verona. it 311 WIlEELER, Frank I., Jr. (A :&[ 21), Wk. Engr., Tillany &I Co., and for,na, bit. Prospect Ave. I St N k WmTE, Geo. Clifford (A li 19) omco bigr., Burnetts Inc., 217 Pan.., ewar, an~ for mail 8S2 Chapman St., Irvington. WHITE. J. W. Huvler (17; 21), Prod. Engr., Pub. Servo Prod. Co. 8~ Park PI. WILEY, Carl W. (22). Outside Plant Engr., N. Y. Tel, Co., 309 Waslungton St., Ne-Yark,.nd /or mail, 236 Klngslaud Terrace, S. Orange. WILLIAMSON, Wm. S. (A 26), Supt. Bldg., PrUdential In. Co. of AIl\, WOLF. Geo. F. (J 26), Cadet Engr., Pub. Servo Elec:!Is Gas Co., 80 Park PI., Newark and for m4il, 260 Palisade Ave., Jere.y C,ty. WOTTRICH; Herbert (J 23), Asst. Mgr., Pub. Servo Elee. & a... Co., SO Park Pl., Newark an d JOI mail, 15 Malone Ave., Belleville.. WRIGHT Frederic E. (22), Head. Sales Dept., Internatl. Oxygen 00., 795 F~ey, lin~;uysen Ave., Newark, 11. J., an4 for mbil, 93 N. Parsous Blvd., Fluobmg, WYLtlE lcimys. (J 21), M. E., Orweld Acetylene Co., 640 Frellnghuysen Ave., "n<l io, mail, 627 Central Ave. St. ZEH, Edmund W. (15), Pre., Mgr., Zeh &I Hahnemann Co., IS2 Vanderpool ZISCH, Geo. J. (A M 19), Pres., ZIBch Engrg. Corp., 39 Ave. L.. NEW BRUNSWICK, IUe1ropoIitall Section ALLEN StaDIey F. (J 26), 6 Maplewood PI., BERTRAM, John E. (24 i A :&[ 25) Mech. Df,afhman, Johnson &I Johnaon, New Brunswiclt..ud for O7I4i1, P. O. Box 69, NI>:on.. BLAISDELL, Geo. B. f A (J 23), Plant Eu",r., Armstrong Oork Co., OodwBe Ave., and for mai!, 212 Montgomery st... OARPENDER, Sydney B. (16), V. P., Brunswick Kroeschell Co., and /01 mail, GAs~lIro~n AB~ (J 18), Oh. Engr., John Waldron Corp. OLADE, ltobt. (A M 19), Ch. Engr., Nixon Nitration Wks., New BrwlSwlck, and for mba, 149 4th Ave., Newark, 409

142 ~EW JERSEY MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW BRUNSWICK (continued) DU~~l}v~eo.W, (J 26), Asst. Supt., John Waldron Corp., and fa, mail, 23 g. GEHMAN. Lloyd E. (A,M 19). 421 S. 8rd Ave. Highland Pk GOEr~r.w~;~~kSt~A-M 24). pres Goetze, Gasket & Packing Co. and for ",ai4 M~~~I~~~i. :gaw f~8; :19). Engr.. Brunawlck Kroeschel! Co..85 College Ave, ( ). Life Member; Prof. M, E Rutgers College, and for ~lau,, ~~t~~yv~ter {v <t" 2~), Mgr. Mfg., Brunswick-Rroeschell 00. \.r, 1i0E~rG~?~~~: J., a~lff~ ~.r~vh~:ta~~s~~:o~t~;kiy:~~"iuni", l\el< for ;""it, SOO R~~:n ~Je..DH~~~~dJ~~~k.Waldron Corp. New Brun.wiel nd " liason. H. Lea (J 26) Instr. M. E., Rutgers Unlv E BId jfft~rhof, Flo)d E. (119 ; A M 24). Asst. Prof. ~r: E~grl~tgeJCollege A~~LI;:nJj~:~a~ 8<g" ~23kllst.,Plant Engr.. Armslrong Cork 00.. Codwl.. ~, SOHAEFER Ed E Ie. Wick, N. J. wand ",o? ":~ll:j~~~n:i,~r"prrunwlek-kroeschell 00., New Bru",., TlE~~Shr Watson (~ 24). Fiel~ Engl, P;;b~S~~~:{~~h,&nG~ICoN. ~~ter t, WALDRO;,g~~.s~~. (~W, ~~~.~Wj~~ ~~~J~~nmcf:;p 742 Westfield Ave.; Elizllbeth. ~l?se~~/ogn (~20)(2Z]: Olvrhn r Oper. Hadley Airport. ZWICKY W..,...r.. a Waldron OOlP. Mag;.oli:r~~~, ~li~:~~) p~ch. Design. John Waldron Corp. and for mail, 131 NEW JIARKET,.MetroDolit~llSection. / WOEHRLE. Er~eat A. (20; A M 26). Supt. Battelle &; Renwiek, New "utko, and for mao! W. Sth St. Plaln8eld...., l\"e"\v VILLAGE, Lehigh Valley Section AD,~SJ 7.~o~iISWJo?~I>!.s~;l~ro~~~~~tland Oement 00., New Village, S. J" liutley, IIletropolltan Section D.\VIDSON, Isider H. (A-M 26) 662 Passaic \ve IRION, WID: (A M 26). Cb. Eng,.. Geo. La Monte,& Son, 299 Kingsland Rd., and f01 ma.l, 273 Kingsland Rd.. OCEAN OITY STAHL, David V. (A-M 20) Salesman R 1 h L Ch I Ocean Oity. N, J., and ior mail, s!;~ w. JOhnBO;ssi~: ~~iqle\~j!ta C~~tral, ORANGE, IIletropolttan Section. ABRAMS...Lawrence B. (J 18). 152 Elm St.. BERGGR l!i, Karl (AM 27) Engr Spee E De t Orange, and for mail 81 High 51. Je;"e n1ji~ p. Thoa. A, Edi.on Indu,., BROWN Lee R. (A M 21) Ob D" Y y., St. -.. es.gner. Monroe Caleulating Mcll. Co 5ua Mitchell BUOHANAN, Jallrey P. (21) Mgr Th s A Edl In Gregory Ave., W. OraDge. or 0.. son. c. Orange, and 101 mau. ~9G CHA.~~b.Go;. C66~A:Mftc~~~.S~.e.earch Engr Design. Inveutions. Monroe Calculating DODGE. Jos. O. (J 24). 86 Clevsland St DUR:NRu.nNeIAson C, ( OS9). V. P., Thos. A. Edison, Inc., Orange and for mail 9 w n ve.. E. range. r, &. FISHER, Wm. Mitch W. (10,11 8t 21 21), Ch. E ngr.. P ro". Monroe Oalculating Mch. H\UPT W F ~., L.iNG. Her~~t H.«2f?iI ~~~~. ~~~er~flt\3o~tg Co., and for =i!, 39i Alden St. SCHLEICHER Wallace M (j 27) Sale E D 1. Orange. ~nd for maii, 3S Hickory SDr~~rgMapi~wo~dlSOn Storage Batlery Co., SIMPSON mo.i! 12 Roswell Wliliam H St (16 W 27) 0 Ch D eslgner, L a. b Thos. A, Edison, Orange and for : t r 00 J I range. I,IE,Harold B. (16; A-M 21). Y. P., Charge Prod U S Rad Alden St. Orange. and for mail, 96 N. Arlington A:;e., E Oran~~~ Corp., 422 ~10 MEYBERS IN UNIfED STATES NEW JERSEY PALISADES PARIi:, MetropoUtn,ll SectiOll JAPP, Albert L. (A-M 26). Engr (;IUford J. Hellth, Ine., and for mail, 102 Colunl bia. Ave.. Morsemere... PARLIN. liietropolitan Section BELLIS,,Vm. C. (21; A M 26), Sales Correspondent. E. I. du Pont de Nemours &; Co., Parlin, and for,nail, Y. M, C. A., New Brunswick. }I,U,LOOH. Wesley F. (J 21), Cllarge WkB. Supply, E. I. du Pont de Nemoul. & Co. PASSAIO, liietropolltlln Section ANDERSON. Richald T. (19; 20), Dir. Asst. Geul, ligr., Secy PllteTsou Parch, ment Paper Co. 35 8th St. and for,nai!. 237 BoulelartL B.\RCLAY. Wm. (A-}l 16), Obo Engr. Plant ligr., R. &; J. Diel< Co. Iuc., and 101 mail, 455 Passnic Ave. BEKKER, John A: (A-M 21). Qenl. Supt.. Fillstrom Co., Passaic, and for mail, 153 Clinton Ave. Clifton. BONAWIT. David J. (16; A M 23), I>!. E., Maubattan Rubbe" Mfg. Co., Passaic. N. J., and lor ma,l, SO2 Grand Trllveroe St., Flint, Mich. Bu~DY, Royal C. (A-M 23). Engr., Galretseu COIISt,. Co., and for mail, 84 Howe Ave. CARTZDAFNER. R. E. (21). Oh. Engr., :r.lagor Car Corp. and jor m"il, 800 Telbune Ave. CONSTANTINE. Joa. H. (ls), Dir. Indus. Education, Bd. 01 Education. Hobarl Trust Bldg., DAlI1ELS, John H. (20), Engr U. S. Rubber Co., Passaic, N. J., alld for mo.ii, Usquepaug. R. I. DeVRIESJ. Daniel (20), Maintenance Engr., Magar Cllr Corp. PllSSaic. and for mail, 626 St Nutley. DeVRIES, John (21), Cona. Engr., P. O. Box 117. EMERSON. Glibert G. (J 26). Y. M. O. A. HEBDEN. Frank S. (A-Y 23). Designiug Engl., Menick Scale Mfg. Co., 180 Autumn St. and for,nail, 153 ~Iineral Spriug Ave. HEUSER. Ohas. J. (20). Arch Ch. Engr., Julius lorstmaun &. Co., Inc.. aoffli~n.raymond (J 27). :M. E., Weruer &; Co., IIIC-, Passaie, and for mail. 498 E. 25th SI. Pater.on. KELLY. Timothy J. (13), V. P. B,ighton Mms. LYALL, Wm, L. (S1; 93), ChDUl. Bd. Brighton Mills, Pa.saic; and fa" m«;!, 80 FQlrmount Rd. Ridgewood. McEVOY. Ohas. D. (21}, v. P. Genl. MgT Passaic Worsled Spinning Co. 9th St., and for mail. 221 van Houten Ave. ~"EEDHAM. Harry S. (J 27), Asst. Engr. Needham Gas Appliance Co ~1 Brook Ave,. and for,nail, 46 Van Houten Ave. OWEN, Chas. D. (A:M 21). Cons. Engr. 56 Paulison Ave. PERKINS, Wlider E. (J 26). M. E Manbattan Rubber Mfg. Co., and for mail, 842 Brook Ave. PFEIL. Walter G. (A-Y 21). ABst. Cb. Engr., Botllny Worsled Mms. and for ",ail, 105 Meade Ave.. PHILLIPS. Robt. J. (A M 26), Supt. Trowbridge Conve3ing Co IIIC-, 382 Bloom field Ave. Passalc. and for mai!, 12 WlUlrton Ave., Nlltley. POOR, Edw. Eo, Jr. (A-M 21). Trea... Plant Mgr., Pa.saic Print Wks.. South II: 6th St.., and for mail, 140 Pennington Ave. RlCHARDSON. Henry (A 18). Pres. RichardsonScale Co. and for mail. 236 "an Houlen Ave RIEWERTS. :Max (A-M 17). Ch. Engl., Botany WOlsted Mills. Daylon Ave and for mail, 4S Barry PI. STRAITON, Albert C. (J 21). Designing Engr., Rlchard.on Scale Co., Passaic, and for mail, Lincoln Park.. TOMPKINS, Stonewall (87; 90), Plant Engr. U. S:!lubber Co. WARR, Wm. (15). :M. E. MaulUlttan Ruhber MIg. Co. Pa.salc. and Jor mail, 17 Webster Pl. E. Orange. WAITS. Ray (J 24). Departmental Engr. Mauba!tall Rubber Mfg. 00 Paasaic, and for mail, River Edge. HI

143 NEW JERSEY P&.TERSON,!I[etropolitall Section ATKINSON. Benj. It. (J 25). Pur. &; Prot!. Engr., Morrison Mcb. Co 20i Va. Houten St., Paterson, and fot 1lI4il, i79 S. Maple Ave. Glen Rock. BARBOUR. Robt. (16; U), Pres.. Genl. Mgr., Barbour Fla.~ Spinning Co., 118 Grand St.... BEYER, Dertrand E. (A M 20), V. P., Oenl. Mgr., Am. Bevel Glass Co. 189 tyo. St. and for mail, 674 E. 24thSt., BOGDAi,""FFY, Geo. W. (J 2i), Arcb. Designer. Benj. E..twood Co., Paterson and for mail, 208 Clinton Ave., Clilton. BOLTE, Walter E. (J 25). Engr Pas.alc Bergen Ooldak Co. Inc. 13 Smith St. Paterson. aud for 1/oa;l, 60 Midwood Rd. Ridgewood., BONIFACE, John B. (J 26), Cadet Engr. 0.. Dept., Pub. Serv. Elec. &; Gaa CO., E. 6th St., and for mail, 427 Broadway. DROCK, Wm. M. (94), Div. Supt., Pub. Serv. Elec. &; Gaa 00., 200 E. 6tb St. and for mail, 676 E. 26tb St. OHARLES. Hel"y E. (A M 21). Plant Engr., Okonlte CaUender Cable &t Ave. and /.0" nall, 76 E. 86tb St. COOK, Jobn ( 27). Prea., CI" Engr. Cornish Wire Co. Inc., 266 N. 9th St. CUFF. Harold B. (A M 26). 1lL E., Natl. Silk Dyeing Co., 6 Colt St., Pateo~.. and for mail, los Lincoln Ave., Little Falls. ELL\~~, AV;:::" Jr. (A M 16). Secy., Tre... LeSlie &; Elliott Co. E. RsUway & FERGUSONiJ John W. (91), John W. Ferg"ll:!lln Co., 152 Market St. GREYDAN S. Sy!?e E. (A M 19), Arch. & Engr 121 Ellison St. GUBELMAN. Fredk J. (A 95) Pre.., Ne,v Era Mfg. Co. 89i Straight St. HUGHES, Robt G. (OS), Secy., :M. E. Jobn W. Ferguson Co., 152 Market St. LESLIE, David (A M 16). Pres. Leslie & Elliott Co. E. Rahway & Iowa Ave LUPTON, Edgar B. (A-A[ 215, Supt., Mnsonlc Tel!1ple Assoc. of Pateosoi" 397 Broadway. MILSON, Thos. H. ( OS). Hamilton Club. MORSS. Chas. A Jr. (A M 26), Asst. Servo Mgt. WrIght Aeronautical Corp., Paterson, IIltd for mail, 91 Lloyd Rd., Montclair.. NESt~~R, Petel J. (16; 21), M. E., Soc. lor :Establishing Useful Mfra. 15S Ellison PER~1iTIDtl:~~tst MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES (A-M 27), Draftsman, Wright Aeronautical Corp. and for mail, PETERS, F~edk Carl (A-M 21), Supt., New Era Mig. Co., S94 Straight St. snd for ma.l, th Ave. POTmRTON, G. G. (A M 19), Asat. M. M., Wefdmann Silk Dyeing Co. Paterson, and for mail. 831 Lefsyette Ave. Hawtnorne. PRYOR. Fredk L. (00 0(1). Advisor) Engr. Nat!. Slit< DJelng Co 6 Colt St RAMSEY. Clifford H. <20), Pres. M011ls0I1 Mcb. Co. 20i Van Hout~n St.. REI~H;:;n BSt~nard F. (J 20), Indus. Fuel Engr., Pub. Servo Elec. &; Gas Co., 188 RICCOBENE, Peter J. (J 20), 736 E. 23rd St.. ROOT. F. J. (A-M 18). Gelli. Mgr Benj. Eastwood Co., SOO Straight St Paterson and for mail. III Kenilworth PI., U1dgewood.." RO~~, ;e~~~ J~07). Pres., John Royle &. Soos, Essex &; Straight Sts. and formall, ROYLE, Ve~non E. (06; 17), M. E., John noyl~ &. Sons. Essex &; Straight St.. and for mad, tb Ave.. RUNYON, Henry W., Jr. (J 26), Wright Aeronautical Cooop. 28S Lewis St. Pater. san~ and fot mail~ Gooseneck Point. Little Silver. SCOTT, Herbert V, W. (J 2~). Mgr. Van Raalte Getty Ave. STEPHENS. Harr) H. (A-~ 16). Partner. Haring &; Stephens Co 686 McBdde Ave.,. Paterson. and for mad, 22 Carleton Ave. Glen Rock... STEW:rlSi. H. (J 17). Desiguer, Wright Aeronautical Corp., and for mail, U6 TAYLOR..Phllip B. (J 20), Asst. Ch, Engr. Wright Aeronautical Corp. 288 Lewis St. Yaterson, and for "UliL, 81 Clinton Al e., Montclair. UEHLlliO, F. F. (18), Pres.,.&; Combustion Engr. Uehling Instrument Co. 173 ~~~& VAN RIPER. John C. (J :27), Watson-Flagg Engrg. Co Paterson, am for mail, 117 Lafayette).ve. PassalC. WIL~~rE.s28~e~t (07; 14). Secy., Supt., Dolphin Jute Mills. and for mllil, US MEMBERS IN UNITRV HIATES NEW JERSEY ;,l. PATERSON (continued) ~ : WRIGHT. Lysander E. (28), Asat. Engr., City Engr., Paterson, and for mail, S Grove St. E. Oranp;e. II.. 01t Cor YOUNG, Wm. H., Jr. (AM 26), Genl. Mgr., Gool1Year Ruhher Da... Nov y p. lio Market St. and,or mail. 817 E. 32nu St. ZABRISKIE. Claude I. (A M Sl), Cb. En~. Sipp Meb. Co., Keen St., &; Erie It. R., and fat mail, 341 Totova Rd. PAULSnORO, Phlln.lelplli.l1o Section BURlt. Franklin 0. 2nd (J S.~). Automotl.e. Researcll. EIIIlT. Vacuum 011 Co. Paulsboro, N. J and for """I Pulask, 4ve., Pbllad~lphlll, Pa. HESSER, Theo. M. (A-M 22). Designing Engr Vacuum 011 Co. PaUlsboro, and fat mail, Woodbury. b SIBSON. Wm. A. (J 24.), Asst. Combustion E~gr., V~cuum <:Ill Co. Pauls oro. N. J., alld for mail, 88S Gowen Ave., Mt....y. PhiladelphIa. Pa. PENNSGnOVE; Pbilo.delpbia Sectioll..IDOALLEF. Jos. M. (A M 24). Engr., 12~ W. H..,uollY St. PERTH AlUDOY,!I[etropol1tan Sectto... BALZ, Geo.A. (12; 16). Pres., Genl. Mgr Seaboald Refractolles C~., P. O. Box BAIlM 7 Joel Gray (18). Ch. El\ir Roessler & Hasslacher Cbem. Co., Pertb Aniboy. and fat mail, 77 Amboy Ave Metuchen.. BRA,DDON. Geo. D. (J 23), Test Engr.. Anaconda Copper Mlll. Co. OHRISTIE. Morrison (A M 21). Cb. Dl8ltsman. Ca"borundum Co., Perth Amboy. and fat mail. P. O. Box 206, Sewaren.. FREY. Wm. Paul (A M.19) Mgr. Navlcoal Corp. of N. J 806 State St., Perth Amboy and fat,,>all, 1339 Ohetwynd Ave. Plainfield. GUNDERSON. G. Ch... (26). Plaut Engr.., Bakelite Corp. and for mail, 87 }. HAJK~sC~~rence E. (27). Sales Mgr., RefractolY DI;.. Carborundum Co. JOHIiSON, Boyd M. (J 22). EIlIll., Carborundum 00. LANNING, Fulton. (j 25), 102 Kearny Av&.. MORIN, Fernaudo A. (J 24). Designer. Ralltal Copper WOl ks. Perth Amboy, and at "ail, 16 2nd St.. Fords. STEWART, Clarence R. (26), Power Engr., Raritan CO\1~er ks. THOMAS, Cbas. Wesle.r. (J 26). Draftsman, A,;". SmeltlDg & Ref. Co Perth " Amboy and for mal! 106 Oburch St.. Woodblldge. VERNER. k J.(J 26). Raritan Copper Wks. and or.".ai/, 190 liadlsod Ave. PIDLLIPSDURG, Leblgb Valley Section. ABll. David L. (J 26), Condenser Engrg. Dept., Iugersoll Rand 00.. Pbillipsbuog,. N. J. and for mail Leblgb st., Easton. Pa. BARR. John H Jr. (24). Supt. Maintenance. Ingersoll-Rand Co. BLEOHSCHhlIDT. Paul T. (A M 26). Desl!:!er, IngeNOll Ralld Co and for mail, 8S4 Heckman St.... BRAND. Walter N. (12), Asst. Geal. SUpt., Ingerooll-Rnnd Co., Philltpsburg, N. J., and for mall. 704 Paxlnosa Ave. Easton. Pa. BROWN Otbmar M (J 24). Mech. Draftsmall. Ingersoll-Rand Co.. BRUCKNER. Robt. E. (J 26). De~\llJllIg Engl. Oil Engines. Ingersoll Rand Go., Pbillipsburg, N. J., and for mall. 2S1 Bushklll St. Easton. Pa. DUNN, Wm. R. (10), Wks. Mgr Vulcanlte Portland Cement Co. FORREST. Geo. M. (12). DesIgning & Constr. Engr., Ingersoll-Rard Co A. S. Cameroll Steam Pump Wks Phillipsburg, N. J. and for mad, 212 Porter FRA~i ~~~~ld f;- 26). Eng. Dept.. Ingersoll-Rand Co. Phillipsburg, N. J. and. for1li4il, 68 Center Sq Easton. Pa. HOLPER, Armin E. E. A. (A-Y 26", Deslgniug &; Constr. Engr., Came~on Steam Pump Dept. Ingersoll Rand 00.. Phillipsburg, N. J., and for 9l>a,I, IS6 S. Sth St.. EllSton, Pa. P II b N J IHRMARli, Gideon (21), Supt. Drill Dept., Ingerooll-nand 00., hi,ps urg, and for m"il 720 Reeder St., Easton, Pa. I JENNINGS, Lawtellce D. (J 27), PunlP Prod.. Ingorsoll-nanrl Co., and for ma"!. 8i8 Bates St. 418 W.!

144 NEW JERliEY MEMBERS IN "(""NITED STATES PHILLIPSBURG (cont1jmed) EEENLEYSlDE, ReKlnald D, (J 22), Tool Designer, Ingersoll-Rand bur~, N. J., and for 1no,~, Y. M. 0. A., Ea.ton, Pa. KIRGAN, John F. (19; 21; 27), Eogr., IngersolJ-Rand Co...; MAUCHLINE, Joho N. (J 2~), Engrg. Dept., IngersolJ-Rand Co.. and for moil,:! John St..", MCINTYRE, Ja8. K. (H), 011. Eugr., A. S. Cameron Steam Pump Wka., Phillipi bur~, N. J., and lor mtlil, 182~. Washington St., Easton, Pa.. MILLER. Ralpl1 (A-l{ 19); A t. Ch. EDit". Oil Eng. Dept., Ingersoll-Rand CO. ) NEWCOMB, Wallace JI. (J 26), Student Engr., Ingersoll.Rand 00. ; NUSIM, :Melach J. (12), Engr. Engrg. Dept., Ingersoll Rand Co., Center S~>ii PI11111psbulg, N. J., andjor moil. ~16 Cattell St., EllSton, Pa., OSTBORG, John (J 27), O EIIK. Dept., Inl\ersoll Rand Co., Phillipsburg, N. J." and for m.atl, 89 Common\vealth Ave.; Concord Junction, , PRELLWITZ, Will, (00), Ch. Engr., Ingersoll Rand Co., Phillipsburg, N. J., add; lor m"a, 203 Wayne Ave., Easton, Pa...~ RAHN, Wlton N. ("28; A-M 25), M. E., Inllerson-Rand Co. and f01 m"il. 26 Bennett ~...~ RUTTER, J. A. (A M 19). As.t. Mgr., A. S. Cameron Steant Pump Wka. "} SCHOENBORN, Fredk R.. (J 27), Student Ell/tl., Ingersoll-Rand Co., Phtllipsburg"", N. J., and lor "",a, 2~00 NorthamptQll St., Easton, Pa.,. "i SEELER, CUffo,:d G. (J 27), Draftsman, Inl\ersoll Rand Go., Phillipsburg, N. J.,.:~. and for _ii, 122 N. 8rd St., Easton, Pa...: TAYLOR, Albert H. (211), Am. Genl. Supt., Ingersoll-Raud Co., Phillipsburg;;; N. J., and for moil, 824 Paxinosa Ave., ES8ton, Pa..~ WEI~:bo~h~~if:l S2~rLg~l~ki.~~~n:p!ngerSollRandCo., PhUllpsburg, N. J"T ZIMMERliAN, Robt. D. (J 21), Expel. Engr., Inger.oll-Rand Co., aud for "\(Iii. 624 Hmcrest Blvd.,1. PLAINFIELD, PI...inlleld Section 1 AliER, FlOYd J. (A-M 28), 420 Madlsor. Ave. ~ AYER, Luther S. (H) Factory Mgr., Mack Motor Trucks, W. Front St.. \2 BIGELOW, Chas. H. (04), Plant Engr., Spicer Mfg. Corp., S. Plainlleld, and ~ lor m.atl, 981 Kenyon Ave., Plainfield. ;~ BLAXElMAN, John W. (A M 14), Supt., British Am. Metal Co., and for til"a, 400 :j. Obnton Ave. 1) OARPENTER, Ralph Eo (A 18), V. P., Spicer Mfg. ColP., S. Plainfleld.,;, DAWLEY, Clarence A. (04; 12), Oona. Engr., N. J. Meter Co., and for,nau, ~ Watcl1ung Ave..,( DONOHUE, Paul (J 2n, Jr. Engr., Pnewuatlc Tube Supply 00. Plainfield, srid ;; lor _ii, 99 N. 22nd St.. E. OlUlge., :i DRANGE, Carl E. (A M 21), Asst. to Management, Valter & Scott Co., alld lor.: m"il, 652 W. 8thSt... :. GETZOFF, Ed\v. M. (19; A M 25), Asst. Test Engr., Internatl. Motor Co.,,: Plainfield, and for _fl, 1045 North Ave., Elizabeth.. ~ GREENLEAF, Gen. E, (92), Cons. Engr., Nlle. Bement Pond Co., and for IIlail, i 110<1 E. Frona St. GRIEVE, Gen. L. (A-M 26). Mch. Designer, Wood Newspaper Mcll,y. Corp., S. 2nd - St., and for m,,", c/o Rose, 72 Westervelt Ave.. GROFF, Howard M. (A M 17), M. E., 8~ Park Pl. HASLACH, Jos. P. (24), Engr., Wood Newspaper :Mcljy. Corp., S. 2nd St., and: " for mtlii, 669 W, 4thSt., HELMER, N. Arthur (18), 101 Orescent Pkway., Holly Park, S. Plainfield. \ HEMEON, J. Russell (J 2~), Ch. EDgr., Snead Cushion Drive Dlv., Spicer Mig. ; Corp., S. Plainfield, and lor moil, SO Regent St., N. Plainfield.. IDBBARD, Henry D. (88), Life Member; Cons. Metallurgist, 144 E. 7th St. HOLLINGSWORTH, Sam!. (99 07), Oons. Engr., 171 E. Front St. ISBELL, John A. (17>, Wks" Mgr., Wood Newspaper Mchy. Corp., P. O. B,ox 72L KITTREDGE, B. L. (A M 21), 24 Sycamore Ave...i MaoMlJRRAY, Jas. T. (04), Retired. McOLELLAND, John (A- &2), 217 Leland Ave. MUNSON, Arthur J. (J 27), Draftsman, W.ood Ne,,!,spape~ Mcby. Corp., S. 2ad St., and /or mtlii, 924 Shennan Ave.. \ j OSMENA, Mariano (A M 18), Mch. Designer, KlIes BemeJlt P<Jnd Co., and for mail,. 1 P. 0, Box BU..! MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW J lrsey :::PLAINFIELD (continued) i; :PFEFFER, Chas., G. (A M 27), Plant Engr., Wood New.paper :l4chy. Corp., and c. lor ",o!, 766 Woodland Ave S. d r: amscr Uo.well H. (17; 24), Shop Supt., Niles-Bement Pond Co., 0S5. 2n.:. St. and f01 ma!, 044 Kensington Ave... llichaims Fr8nk (91), 154 Sycamore Ave.... SCOTT. Waiter C. (A 1\ 18), MIrI.. Mem. Firm. Walter Scott & Co., and for maa. "., t SPICER 418 E. Olarence FrontSt.. W, (13), V. p.. Oh. S Mf 00 S Plainfield EDgr.~ picei ~. rp.,...~ ~.:.STACY, Henry E. R. (A 26). Asst. Mgr., Nues-Bement Pond Co., and for ma. ", 731 Sherman Ave.. h ;, Horace A. (OS; 16),. V. P., British Am. Tube Co., Inc., Brltis Am.. }ietaja Co, Inc., and for mati, 1000 Myrtle Ave. 1 STAPLES, Jo~ A. (J 20), A~st. Supt., British Am. Metals Co., Inc., and for ma " Myrtle Ave.. ". SUTPHEN. Walter A. (J 2~), 827 Srd Pl.,!rOBIN Vincent N. (J 26), Putnam Ave. a 18 { WHEATON, Wm. E. (A }l 21),. Wk Mgr. Walter Scott & Qo., and for m<>.9 ;. Webster St.,:\,. PRINCETON. l\letropolita1l Section.. H U ;" BR~SHER, Philip (19), Dir. Personnel, Princeton Umv., Rill. ~OO N..sfau.ail :::~ CuLVER, Edw. P. (18: A- 25), A..t. Prof. M. E., Princeton UlIlV., and or mo.", 8 Dickinsonst.... I d P tl EIDMANN, Frank L. (15: 20\.AsRoc. ~rof. Mcb. DesIgn... n us. rac!le,. Princeton Univ. and fo~ m<>>i; 16 Pnnceton Ave.., 8. OJ GUENE Arthur 14:, Jr. (05; 08), MSlUII:er, ~3"16; Vlce-Pr~sldent,. 16-1, ~, Dean Seb. Engrg., Prof. M. E., Princetou Unlv., and fo-r ""d, Far,iew, Fltz,:,;., Randolph Rd. & Western Way. d f 1, R.~HM, Louis F. (J 21), Instr. M. E., Princeton Unlv., Sch. of Ellgrg., all or mtl J SOxJt~:.thA~~tVj: (J 27),!nstr. Enlt"g., Prln~ton Unlv.. and for mail, 78 Jelferson Rd.. h P to Tr I P 0. WILLSON, Fredk N. (93), Prof. Emeritus of Grap ICS, nnce n vn v.,. ;~. Box 28.. ".. " RAHWA.Y, Metropolitan Section JA.OKSON, Walter W. (02), P. 0, Box 22. \ RIDGEFIELD, l\letrol.olitnn Sectioll WEISS, Arthur J. (22; A-M 26), Ch, Engr., Lowe.Paper Co., ond lor ma:ii, B9~ Virgil Ave.., RIDGEWOOD, Metropolit...ll Sectioll DUNCA,N, Harry L. (13), Pat. Atty., Retired, 86 Murray Ave. RIVERSIDE, PJl1l...1elJ..Jl1o. SectioJl HOWE, Jas. A. (27), Wi<&. M/tI., Keystone Watch Caae Corp., Riverside, and for m"n, 426 Thomas Ave.. Riverton. RiVERTOl\, Section. HOLLERITH, Rich.rd (J 25), Mfg. Dept., Victor TalkinI\ Mch. Co., and lor "...a, SOl Bank A,ve. aockaway, Iletropoltt...n Section OAMPBELL J Gordon (J 26), Engr., MOlgan Gage Co..," IGLEHART; Gen. P. (18; A :L\ 22), V. P., Factory lll\r.. -One Box Mch. Makers, R<Jckaway, and for "",ii, 42 Rockaway Ave.. Boonton. REED, Kenneth W. (27), Ch. Engr.. 4-0ne Box Mcb. Makers. ROSELLE, Plo.lnlleld Section. HIGGINS, Oampbell P. (911). 127 E. 5th Ave. JENKINS, Thos. A. (21: A 26). Pres., Treas., Thos, A. Jenklna }ifg. Corp., 886 Linden Rd. r,awrence, Arthur T. (J 27), 186 lat Ave. E. 415

145 :\ } NEW JERSEY MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ~ :1 ~. ROSELLE (con1lnued)..~!4e~7 1~~ B 14). Pres., Genl. Mp;r Mehl Tool & Die Co and for liall,.j, iv MOORE, Albert B. <,08), 116 E. 8rd Ave.. MOORE, ~l!\ler F. (91), 820 Chestnut St. i ROSS, John L. (12), 447 Colonial Rd. Roselle Park. SEYMOUR. Ralpl, C. (14), V. P., Engr., Schwartz, Seymou, & 00 I P 0. Box 80, Rosene, aod for mail, Short Hills.., nc., WOEHL, Frank (19; 26), Indus. & :M. E., 640 E. 8rd St.. ZOLLo Stanley Wm. (J 26). Secy., Tres.., Zoll Fdy. Co., Rosene Park Slid lor 71Io.iL, P. O. Box 611, llewmk. RUTHERFORD, Metropolitan Section BROWN, Ronald Benj. (A-M 28), Partner, Allen &. Brown Engrs Assac Bldg and for, 141 E. Pierrepont Ave.,,., FREY. Louis Leon (J 26), Draltsman, Fuchs & Lang Mfg. Co. and Jar inba 262 Hoboken Rd. E. Rutherlord.. KENT. Henry R. (01), Heury R. Kent & Co" 6 Erie Ave RICHARDSON, Allred S. (A 18), Supt. Constr., Henry R. Kent & 00., 6 Erie A " Rutherford, N. J., and for, 606 WesUord St., Lowell, Mass. THORNTON, Arthur F. (21), Engr., Henry R. Kent &. Co., 6 Erie Ave., WADE. Alfred Dudley (J 17),.Apt. 6D, Tudo, Arms, Sp,lng Del. WHITE, Edw. Francl. (91), Con8. Engr., Sulphur Plants, 50 Maple St. SALEIU, Philadelphi.. Section. COLEMAN, C. G. (J 27), Salem Counties Engrs., Salem, and for mail, Hancocks Bddge. SEWAREN, PIainlleld Section MULLER, Raymond W. (16; A-M 19), Wks, Ehgr., Vulcan Detinning 00. SHORT HILLS, Illetrollolit..n Section O~IPBELL, Grant (27~, Pree., Campbell Engrg, Co. FERGUSON. Smith F. (16). SOMERVILLE, Illetropol1tan Section KELLEHER, John C. (J 22) 26 E. Summit St. LITHGOW, Jas. (28; 26), Fd,.s. Servo Corp., and Jar mail, 237 E. High St. SOUrH AIlIBOY, Met1Opolitan Sectio.. ROF:r.LUm. Werner (J 22), Cb. Engr Crossman Co., P. O. Ball: 88. SOUTH ORANGE, Dlctropolito.n Sectio..,BLOHM, August H. (A-!>l 17), M. E., 226 W. Ward Pl. HOUSEKEEPER, Wm. G. (06; 18), 612 Olark St. MILLER, Spencer. Sr. (S8), Manager, 14 17; VicePresident 17 19; OOIl!. Engr., 217 lunell Ave.., MOORE, W. Harold (J 28). 160 Academy St STRACHAN. Christop,her (J 21), 180 Montag;e pt STRACHAN, John (20), 180 Montague PI. SPRING LAKE, IUetropolitan Section ECKMAN, Alfred R, (J 23), Eng... Water Wks., Borough of Spring Lake 601 Monmouth Ave. Spring Lake, and Jor ",au,- 122 Osborn Ave., Manasquan: STEWARTSVILLE, LeWgb Valley Sectio.. ns REAMER, Jolm (A-M 2Z), Draftsman, Edison Portland Cement Co., Slewsrt< vllle, N. J., and for mail, 1689!lutler St., E..ton, Pa. SUMI\IIT, Dletropollt... SectioD BEmERT,. Stewart H. (J 24), Asst. Mgr., Je C tip & h Summ,t, and Jot mail, 812 Kilsyth Rd" Elj::beth~n ra ower Lig t Co., TENAFLY, Metropolitan Section OARROLL. M. B. (11; 17), 78!>Iagnolia Ave. EVERETT, Chas. J. (16), P. O. Box :,:~ MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW JERSEY TRENrON, Philadelphia. Section ALELU.DER. Albert N. (A-MZl), Comptroller, Muny Rubber Co. BffiMANN, Rudolph (J 28), Designing Engr., De Laval Stellom Turbine 00. BRUNNER, Hans (17; Ill), PrOd. Mgr., Eesex Rubber 00., Ino., and JM mail, P. O. Box 778. BUNN, Frank W. (94), Ch. Engr., John A. Roebllngs Sons Co. ORISSEY; Olarence P. (12), A t. Eogr., De Laval Steam Turbine Co., Trenton, and M mail 14 Monroe Ave., Lawrenceville. CUTTER, Geo. B. (J 26), Engr., John A. Roeblings Sons, Trenton, and Jor mail,,, Walker Ave., Trenton Junctlon. \ -,;.:- DIETZ, Franklin M. (J 26), Designer, Manson D. SutherlAnd, Jr., Brooo St. Bank Bldg., and Jar 71IBit, 48 Att.rbj1\ y Ave. FA~~;k ID:~~fs S. (26), Ch. Engr., D., Mason Sutherland, Jr., 226 Broad St. RO, Han Tsan (J 27), Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co. and lor mail; 2 S. Clinton Ave. I RUNT. Herbert S. (J 17), Asat. to Ob. Engr., John A. Roeblings Sana Co., and for mail, 206 Spring St. " JOH~~a~~ ~g~ G. (21), Supv. rech. Dept., Scl\. of Indus. Arts, W. State & JOIL.lSTON, Wm. S. (J 19), 222 N. Hermitage Ave. ~ LEE, Bunyan W. (25), Res. lnpsr., Hartford Steam Boiler Inspc. & Ine. Co., 201 Maple Ave. LUPKE, Paul, Jr. (A-M 22), Cons. Engr., Essex Rubber Co., P. O. Box 601, and for mail, 771 E. State St. LYSTER, I. B., Jr. (J 26). 284 W.. Stato St. MILLER, Ghas. (J 27), 206 S. Clinton Ave. A[oRELA~1?1 Lester A. (28), Ch. Engr., Designer, J. E. Thropps Bona Co., and for mait, 129 PIIo,ker PI. OA:S:~~lRr~~ld~~"e~15).. Pres., Genl. Mgr., Essex Rubber Co., and Jar mail.. PETERSON, Arvid (21), Ch. Engr., Pump os! Compresaor Dept., De Laval Stean. Turbine Co., and for mail 1216 Riverside Ave. PET~:\v:r~~/St.(J 27). M. E., De La,al Steam Tu,bll,e Co., aud fm mail, 836 POPE, Clarence J. (J 14), Cb. Engr. Dlv. Arcb. &I Constr., Dept. Institutes & Agencies, State Office Bldg Trenton, ami Jar mail, 899 Tremont Pl., Orange. SUTHERLAND, D. Mason, Jr. (A 26), Oons. Chem, Engr. 816 Broad St. Bank Bldg, TAYLOR.. Donald F. (J 18), Engr., J. L. Matt Co., Trenton, and for IlUU S! Madison Ave.. Morristown. ~ TOMAN, Frank J. (J 27), De Lanl Steam Turbine Co., and Jar "",if 220 N. Varren St. ljnwi~. ~ii~:{oi~a~~. 26), Jr. Engr., Certain teed P,oducts Corp., and for mail, W~~:B~ie~~~Av~,(13)!Oh.Engr," Ui.\-XON CIrl:", I\letropol1taD Sectloli BERENBROICK, Fredl, A. (J 27), 606 :Palisade Ave. BURKE, Robt. E. (19), Tress. Con.ullo Burke Constr. Co., th St. McOORMACK, L.. J. (18 ;..A M 17), Mgr., Bchwarzenbach-Huber Co., Union Oity, and for mail, P. O.!Sox 278, Haworth. AIEEKS,,Howard V. (A-M 18), Tress., Gardner &; Meek. 00., th St. WALLINGTON, Illetropol1tall Section FOWLER, Otis L. (21; 26), Secy., TreQoS., Walllngtol1 Mch. 00. Inc., 76 Pattersoll Ave., WalllngtoD. aud Jor "4it, 10 Beech St., Rutherlord. WATCHUNG, Plabdle1l1 SecHoll MOLDENKE, Dr. Richard (00). Cons. Enir., Metallur!,;l,t. 15 lit De L"val Steam Turbine Co., and for mail, WATSON, Herbert L. (07; 21). Ganl. Salea Mgr., De Laval Steam Turbine 00, and for ",ail, 27 Whittier Ave..

146 \fl~~r~,!,iii -j :JLO( 1c,,,,,, I, :~If.(WG fb-j"h :;~~\iri:~: ~1J"I;;".~~l~f.,~li" iii! ~lt ;1;1 ~J"!.~ ::~;~]; t:: ~~+ l~~,~. j t».;.,." r,~, ~j: ij: :[,).;;,: t : t,. NEW JERSEY UE!I1BE8S IN UNITED STATES WEEHA.WIi:EN, Metropolitan Section. BUDDE, Henry (J 26), 488 Park Ave. CADY, Harrison R. (J 16), M. E., Hookensack Water Ce., Weehawken and fore. mail, 876 Maitland Ave., W. Engelwood. ". DAMIANO, Adolph (J U), Hackensack Water Co., Weehawken, and for nlaa 204 Cranford PL, Teaneck...~ i ERSHLER\vSaml. H. (A M 24), Facto~y s.upt.,. S. Blickman Inc., 686 Gr~gali:"" Ave., eehawken, N. J., and for mati, 187 Pmehurst St., New York, 1<, Y. ;: KOENIG, Adolph G. (A 09), Can.. En!!:r., 81 HUdsonPI:, ~IIL~ER, Edwin E. (?2), M. E., Hackensack Water Co., 624 Park Ave.,: PRA"S, He~man (J 26), Charge Drafting, Elkon Wke. 615 Gregory Ave, and.:- for mad, 118 Shippen St.,. SELTZER, Henri S. (J 27), 81 King Ave: \~ WEST ENGLEWOOD " OILLEY. Raymond (14), 1238 Alicia Ave. 1~ "WEST NEW YORK, ltletropolitall Section :~ HERZ,?G, r,.0uis (28), Constl. Textile Mchs., W. New York, and for mail 216;~ HIghpOInt Ave., Weehs.wken..,! LANGE, Richard (J 21), Propr., Genl. Box Top Co., 668 Park A, e., V. Ne,,,J~ York, and for mail, 834 Park Ave., Leonia..: PALMER..B. O. (J 16): Ohmer Far~ ~egister Co., and for mail Boulevard, E. ~ SCHENK;;R, A. W. (J 18), Pr... AJ~X!}rass & Iron Co., Washington 01; 15th Sts.,.~ W. lew York, N. J and for mail,, h PI., Forest Hills, N. Y...~ WEST ORANGE, MetJ.oopolttan Section,1 EDISON, Thos. A. (80; H O~) Inventor. ~l IiAY:~a::tnl~e~AM 27), Oh. Engr., Thns. A. Edison, Inc.; and. for mail. 33.~ LUHR, Oh... W. (18), Mgr., Genl. Mfg. Dlv., Thos. A. Edison, Inc., Lakesid, :,1 ~, MULVEY, Terrence J. (A 19), 119 Eagle Rock Ave..:<\ ~ANGUINETTI, Phlllp ~. (A 09), 440 Gregory Ave. :-" "UTER, Frank F. (A-M 21), Instr., Mch. Deslgn,- Essell COl1nty Vocational Soh. :~ 229 Valley Rd., W. Oranjl and for mail, 67 Linden Ave., Irvington, :.~ SVENSSON, Victor A. (A M. 21), Exper. Enl!r., Baker ~Ifg. 00., 18 Oentral.Ave.,.~ W. Orange, and for mail, 200 H..rrlson Ave., Montclair. ~ "WESTFIELD, Plalnlleld Section :1 COOLEY, Erwin S. (10). 688 Parkvlew Ave "fi. RUDDY Wm. (11: 21). 676 Pierson St. ~.SCHWENNESEN, H. A. (21), 128 Byslip Ave. :j WESTWOOD, HetroDolltau. Section ~..i PIPEROUX, Rene P. (A-M 18), 124 Mill StJ WHIPPANY, Metropolttan Section BAUER. Olitford W. (J 26), Instrument Man, Gent Engrg. 01; Manal!ement Corp., Wh,pp..ny, and for ",ai!,.. Y. M. 0. A., Morristown HUNSIOKER, O. R. (20), united Paperboard Co.. WILDWOOD ORESI, Philadelphia Section XING, Chas. W. G. (08), ~201 Park Blvd. NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE. BAKER, John B. (J 27), Asat, Prof. 1>f. E., Unlv. of N. M. TEN EYOK, Harold R. (24; A M 27), Gnage) Ten Eyck Sales Inc., 110 S. 6tl1 St. DAWSON HE.\DMAN, Sasha (25), Constr. Engr., Federal Light &. Trootlon C N 1>1 Power 00., Dawson. and for mail, 424 N. 8rd St., Raton. 0., ew e~. U8 J), 2>lEUBE8S IN ONIfED STATES" NEW YORl>: NEW YORK ~~~. ".A.LBAN"l;, Sebenectllcl.,. Section,:!PPLER, A. BeujamiJ) (16), M. E. Del. &; Hudson Co., The Plaza, and for mail, 742 Morris St...!lARROW, Chas. J. (27), Oon~. EniT., 60 State St,. -.. BLAKE, Francis E. (J 01), Asst. Engl., Div. Engl g., N. Y. State Dept. Pub. Wk., Pub, Wka., Bldll.. BURNS, Allan Elmer (A )! 24), Socony Burner COIPu 61 Liberty St., and for mail, 1002 State St.. CLARK, Jali. E. (J 27), Jr. Technician, Research Dept., F. C. Huyck &, Salls,. Alhany. and for mail. 11 Aiken Ave. Ilellsselaer..cOFFIN, Wm. J. (2.8), Asat. EI1gl., N. Y. State Dept., Public Wits.. and for mail, 116 N. Pine Ave. r DEWEY, Ilaymond A. (J 26), Prod. Salee Mgr., Gold Coin Fdy. &. Mch. Ce., ". and fa" mail, 21 Olermont St.. FALLEK, Isadore (i1.i!.; ~28),!terrlg. Engr., State of N. Y., Archs, Dept., Rm. 400,. Capitol, and for """\1, 67 Summit Ave. FOORD, Lieut. Comdr. Jas. L. (16), Hartford Steam Boiler Inspc. & Ins. Co" 17 Steuben St., and for m4il, 11 Homestead Ave. FOX, LeRoy B. (J 26), Sales Engr., Lub. Dept., Stand. 011 Co. of N: Y., aud.;:. for 1IlGi!, 21 Barris Ave. HARPHAM, Chas. L. (22), Mgr. Mfg., F. C. Huyck 01; Sons, and for 1I.ail, 618 Western Ave... HARVITH, SlI.ul D. (J 26), Engr., Estimator, AlblLDy Steel & Iron Supply Co., Troy Ild. and for mail, 418 Hudson Ave. HEDBERG, Harold F. (J 21), Asst. Supt., Albany Felt Co., 1838 Broadway. i HERLIHY, John (A M 21), Asst. to Pres., G. W. Vall Slyke &, HOI tou, 452 Clinton Ave., alld for m4i1, 46 Brookline ; KELLEY, Fredk W. (06), Pres.,.. lor m4i!, P. O. Box 690. N. Am. Cement Corp., 40 Howard St., alld } KEMP, Chester S. (A M 20). V. P., Tresa., J... N. li:.,np Mch. Wks" 887 Bloodo. way, and for mai!, 876 Mercer St.. LANSING. Obas. B. (27), 82 State St, MacMA.R1lN, Ja6. (14), Del. & Hudson Co., The Plaza. >. McDONALD, Fredk (21), Mgr., D. McDonald & Co., 091 Broadway. McGREW, J. A. (16), Cons. EngI., Del. & Hudson Co., The Plaza. MEISTER; Abram (J 24), Spec. Apprentice, N. Y. Central R. R. Co., Albany, ond for m4i1, 105 LalllYette St., Schenecta~. MERSEREAU, Thee. T. (06), Inspr. Dept. Pub. Wks. State of N. Y., and for mail, 4 Che,tnut St.,, MILLER, Jesse F. (18), Ch. Enl!r. Genl. Mech. ElIgIg., Burenu of Bldgs., Rm. 139, Capitol, and for mail, 211 Olltario St.. MOOIlE, Allen H. (02), 16 Lake Ave. S. ROYSTON, Earl (J 28), As.t. Engr., N. Y. Tot Co., 168 State St., and for Inail. 6 Parkwood St. 800FIELD, Wm. D. (J 24), Sales Engr., Rochester &; Plttsbulgll Coal & Iron 00., 860 New Scotland Ave. SEARLE, Ernest MeN. (A-M: 18). M. E., Stand. Oil 00. of N. Y., 66 N. Pearl St., and for mail, 816 S. Manning Blvd. WHEELER, Seth, Jr. (18), Trens., GenI. Mgr., A. P. W. Papel 00., 1273 Broadway. " AlInTYVILLE, L, I., 1Iletro1.olltall Section WELLS. J. Leland (85), Cens..Engr., 250 Main St.!i. AilISTERDAM, Schel1ectatly Section HOGG, Jas. (18), Cons. Engr., Stephen Sanfold & Sons, Inc., and for mai!, 285 Market St.,..,- HOWE, Everettl W. (J 27), S. Sanford &; Sons, Inc.. and lor 7nail, McGibbon Apts. SCOTT, Gee. W, (A M 16), Indus. Engr., Mohawk Carpet. MllIs, Lyon St., and 10". mail, McGibbon Apta., 8 Grove St. ZIMMERMAN, Fred R. (17; 26), Maintenance Engr., Mohawk Carpet Mills. ARDSLEY-ON-HUDSON, liietropollt... Section EDDISON, W. Barton,(13; A M 21), Oons. Meel!. Exper. & Devel. Engr. 419

147 <~. "::f 1 ise"\v YOR.l( MEMBERS IN UNITED srales.,1 ASTORIA, I I., liletrollolitan Sectlon :~ Gl.O~~OTA~.~rl G. (fj 25),. Suph. A,st.,.,,"storia Light Heat & Power Co. Shore i, SOl a, 11I1d or ""nl, 9308 Lamont Ave Elmburst L I., GRAEFE. Albert, Jr. (o\!i 26) 228 Walcott A~e...; HUR~~~i;~d~~ ~: (J 23), U: & E. E., Oh, Eng:., Rita Mfg. Co., and for mall, \ LEFOfOI~T,.Leonord A. (J 26). En!,;r., Weisberp;-Baer 00 Astona L 1 and;i MEMBERS in UNITED ST,\TES NEW YORK BALDWINSVILLE, syracnse section FOnSSELL, Alhed G. (J 22), Asst. Engr., Dredge Dept., Morris Mch. WkB., and " for ",ai!, 18 Sunset Tenacc. I.\GEn, Carl A. (03: 25), V. 1., I.\Y, nobt. P. (16), Cb. MJIl" Pelm Morris Spring Mch. Wks. Wka., BaldwinslllIe, and for mail, 131 Fellows Ave., S:\"racuse. SL,\TTERY, Edmund 1. (J M),!lorria Mch. Wks. KmWITZ, Mthur A, (28), ;Htg. &; Vent. Engr., th St..:j ",: BAY SIIORE, L. 1., luetl. ol_olitlul Sectiull CUnLEY, Mathew H. (A M 24). power Eng r., L. I. Ltg. Co. or ma,i, 938 E, 23rd St., Brooklyn..".., :\ MOnnISS, Clarence (J 24), Asst. supt., Oee~u Bea<:h Fe1r), Bay Shore, and for LUOAS, Oscar L. (A U 26), 2267 Ust St..~ TRURDER,.,ail, Hillwatha J>IllrTY W. Drive, (J 26), Bright Bldg. Watcrs. SERGEANT, 9has, ~. (96); Life Member; Cons. Engt., 8188 Academy st. :~ Foreman, Designer, J. E. Thu1ber Constr. Co., 40 S. Pal1< Ave., and for mail, 111. N. Park Ave. SPERLING,!.Iathamel J. (16), Supt. Mech. Dept., Astoria Ligbt Heat I< Pow.r ~! 00., Astoria, L. I., IIIld tor mail, 610 W. 140th st., New York THOMPSON, Cba~. J. (A M 18), Oons. Enll:r., at Ave.,. TIPPETT, Geo. (23), Owner, Geo. Tippett Co BroadWay. ZlVER. Edw. Y. (J 22), Taylor St.. AUB1JRN. SyrllcUSe Section AVERY, Floyd M, (27), Deputy Supt. of Industl"les Auburn P, i,on ~AACLDONVINCh~ster A. (20>., Asst. Genl. MKr. Oharp;e Eug..g., Bowen Product< Corp IEruomuu V. (da.m 27), Indus. Fuel Engr., Empire Goa &; Elec Co alll1 or nun wasco R R D 9.., BALLIN, t Alfred E. (A oa), Pr;s., McInto,h &; Seymour Oorp BENNEd,TT, Geo. G. (08: 18), Local Mgr., Meara Reel Co I;c 10 Lafayette PI. an or rna!!. 216! GeJ3esee St....,., BROWWNGWalterSS, t (27), M. E., McIntosh &: SeJlUour Corp. and for "1<Ii1 U. enesee t. ~.. OAS~I., ~~f f~; ~~~l: t r.,~2i~e.a8st. Struc. Eugr., Auburn Iron Co., "1 OAVIL~E/R17Al\.,ert C. (J 25), DIait,nlllD, ~IcIlItosh &; SeYUlour Corp and for mool., 6 uoopeb AVe., S.. f COOKE~IHarte jf(97), Engr., ~IcInto.h & Seymo;" Corp., 91 Orchard St and for O J e erson St. ". CORBEdTT, Herb~rt A. (J 21), Plant Engr., Columhian Rope Co 809 Genesee SI an f or mail. 23 Van Patten St.."... CRAb~~h~~~ S~: (J 26), Draftsman, McIntosh &: Seymonr Corp., and tor ""iii, 9 RELLI~LL. Wilfred (J 26), 81.\rllngton Ave. LINF0RD, JoHhn W. C25}, Oh. DraftsnlRll. J,IcIntosh & Seymour Corp and for mail 229 N. oopes Ave. 1 MCRllISON, Wm. B. (14), 2 WOOd1ufi Pl. NIC~~L;:a~t~9~1I~b~t~2~~: Asst. Coustr. Eugr., Mclntosh I< Seymour ColP., and OTTp:r?~~ :t. (J 26), Draftsmlln, McIntosh &: Se~lllour Oorp., and for mail, 11 PAUL, Ralpb C. (A JI[ 25), 105 Ml!lY St. REDER. Jas. B. (18; A M 19), Asst. Genl. Supt., Colnmblan Rope Co RITTSER, Puul A. (25), Ch. Engr., McIntosh &: Seymoul Corp llnd for mail 213. Hoopes A,e..., SEYMOUR, Jas. A. (02), Retired, 64 Soutli St. WffiTNEY, w. O. (A M 19), Spec. Sales R!P., McInto,b &; Seymour Oorp.,.olUBURNDALE, L, I., luetropol1tn.n Section CRARY, J... H. (A M 18). BABYLON, 1.. I., liietrol,ol1tnn S"CtlOIL CCO~3ERThwm. E.A(J 28), Jr. Asst. Engr., L, I. State Pk. Oorom and /0" mau.. ompson vet 0 J JO~~~D~i~:y s. (H), Supt. Highways, Town of Babylon, and tor ",ail, 8AINBRIDGE COLLINS, Thos., Sr. (22), Pres., Am. Scporotor Cu. 420 ",; BEACON, BERGER, Jos. liietroilolltn.ll W. (13), M. E., Section Greell Fuel Economizer 00., 717!1aln St., and -" BIIlKENSTOCK, for mail, 579John Wokott M. (A.M Ave. 23), Asst. to Genl. Salea Mgr., Green Fuel Econo BOWELL, mlzer Co., Frllncis Main (26), St. Engr., Green Fuel Economizer Co., 717 1>lalu st. KNiGHT, Albion W. (A.M 21), Designing Engr., Green Fuel Eeauomizer Co., 717 W;SSLER,!lain st., O. and S. (19), for ma il, Ch. 1 Engl., Wodell Greo!l1 St. Fuel Economizer 00., 117 Main St., and tor mail, 580 Wolcott Are. BELLEROSE, L, I., liietropo)itbn Seetioll i,baker, Walter S. (23), 68 Rudsou Rd. ~;.. DlNGHAlIllON. ADAMS, Edw. Thayer (A.!I 21), M. E., Failballk. Co., Binghamton, and for mail, CONTERMAN, 18 Sargent Fred st., Johllson A. (A.M City. 27), Ch. In8])r., Washer Co., and for mail, FCRTMANN, H5 Seminary Edw. Ave. (14; 22), Engr.,. Humble lipe Line Co., llnd for ",oil, 612 Chelllln!;O St.. GOBDES, Fl:allcla N. (J 25), COnstr. InSllr., Pure Oil Co. HOLFOltD, Harry E. (A.M 22), Pre,., Secy., Diogbanlton Fdy. " Mch. 00., Inc., and fof RYDE, Asa p. mail, (20), 8 Ceda1 Ch. Engr., St. Bldg. Supt., Security Mutual Life Ins. 00. OGDEN, Walter R. (A.M 26), Combustion Engr., Metal. Engl., 11 Rotary Ave. POTTER, 0011 C. (A.M 25), Spec. Eng. Design. & Devel., 1900 Washer 00., and RICHARD, for mail, Frank p. O. T. Box (A 23), 961. Foreman, 1900 Waaher CO., and for mail; 70 Lathrop SAOHS, Ave. Daniel M, (15), V. 1., Genl. Mgl., N. Y. Tralislt Co., 307 Sun Bldg. BROAJ;lALBIN,,ScbenectalY Section FINCE!, Cecil O. (17; A.M 21), V. 1., As.t. Mgr., BrOlulalbin linltting 00., Ltd. BRONXVILL.IiJ, iuetroloolitlul Section BAJUSZ, Juliu" Jr. (J 25), Constr. EnKr., J. 13o.jusz, Sl., 25 Milburn St., BROWNE, Jus. H. (12), S24 Bronx River Rd. KIRBY, Frllllk E. (80), Llle MeIl,ber; Engr., 11 G~rden Ave. PETERSEN, Carl E. (J 18), Naval Arch., Marine Engl., 68 Pondfleld Rd. PIERCE, Haymond C. (20). Con" Engr., S2d BroDX River Rd. DROOIi:LYN, liietlopolitlln Section ABBOTT, Fredk D. (04), Teacher, 1211 T.bor Court. AIYES, Francis M. (J 20), Cons. M. E., Marl Meh.& Die Casting Co., H7 41st st., &nd for mail, 131 Joralemoll St. ALEJOS, ALLEN, Johu Pedro H. A. (22), (A M 24), Genl. 34G Mgr., Lefierts msemuun Ave. Magneto C01P., 32 33rd St., and ANDERSON, fot,,,oil, O. 54Einar westminster (19), Saies Rd. Engr., am, Mch. & Fdy. 00., nd Ave., and for ",ail, th St. 421

148 .;J;jpii l ~il~~.j; : It~.\:,!.:lii/( j~ c~~ ~tr~ ji!.!,t l C", : I Jr:" { J~li i" I.. 111,1 ]lll1j::r ~~:~~L 1 III" ;:tl~mf ~;ni f U:~{; Wr )\t~.>.!f"~i:~; I i ;\][;1 XE\V YORI>: ~IEMBERS IN UNITED l:!!atks MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORI\:o BROOli.LYN (continued) AllUI, O. (A :rd 22), 68 JoralemoDSt. "... :UROOKLYN (continued) All:l(OLD, Chas. B: (J 26), Engr. B,.ookl,) u Edison Co..a,id fop mail, 034 Pred,~! BROWN, Arthur N. (24; A M 26). 2nd Asst. Ch. Engr., Brooklyn Edison 00. dent St.. ~,; 860 Pearl St., and fop mail, th St.. AUPERIN, Jean G. (A Y 21), Teacher, Mcb. Shop Prs.ctlce, Esst N. Y. ContlnusJc.;.... BBRROOI!NN. pjaserc ya (A~ M20?i6M.), s~~ea ll~c. oibur":b8blagohoedsighmtofg. Co., 3" Eldert St. and. tlon Sch.. 2H6 Atlantic Ave. and for mail, 73 Lincoln Ave.. OJ... M BACH:AIANN, Alwin.B. (22). M. E., Keller ~I~cll. Engl"lt. COIP. 70 Washington.:" fop mail, 255 Madison Ave. St.. and fop mall. 210 E. 16th St. ~ BROWN. Raymond D. (J 23), Salea 1In;; Earl C. Maxwell Co. Inc., th St., BAJJs~Ypo~Pa:n.!v~. (J 27), Jr. Material Engr., U. S. N. Yd., and fo/ mail, 26.i BRU~~!< a<l,~er"mst~~10te~te~~\vilir:,:,;,.~~~ v:~~~~. Plant Corp. 550 ~ent BAINBRIDGE, Augustus (23). Designing Draft"",an. IIavr iard, Rnd fo/ "QU,.;. Ave., Brooklyn; and fa mail, Cedarhurst, L. I. 180 Gllote. A, e... "PULL. Lieut. Col. Fredk C. (A Y 19), Am. Mch. & Fdy nd Ave., BARCLAY. Stanton DeW. (J 26), lnstr. ~. E. Dept. Pratt Inst. 215 RJc\son,sl: and fop mail, 304 Lafayette Ave. BARNETT, Sydue, A. (17; A M 24), Pres., Ch. EnSr., Sydroac EnSrg..I: Oonstr. BULLARD, M. L. (A Y 16), V. F., Oenl. Mgr., P. S. Thorsen 6< Co. Inc., &Dd Co. Inc., d Ave. f! for mail, 81 Coffey St. BAUM, Geo. T. (A-M 27). :AIcll. Inspr., Brooklyn Edison Co., Hudson A, e. Gener :,~ BURT. Harold A. (25). Mch. DesiSner, Mergenthaler Linotype Co.; 29 Ryerson St., atlng Sta., and for mall, 820.Bll"erly Rd... :.11 Brooklyn. and for mail, th St. St. Albans: t. I. BAXLEY. C. Herbert (J 22), Instr. M. E. Pratt Inst., 215 Ryerson St., and" BURTENSHAW, Chas. D. c,j 22), 180 Olinten St. /0 mail, 162 Steuben St..c. CALLAHAN, Jos. O. (22; 26), steam Field Engr. Oper. Dept., Brooklyn Eil-ison BE.n.S, Walte.r g. (A M 21), Genl. Foreman, Keller liech. Engrg., Corp., 70.; Co., 880 Fearl St. and fop mail, 6804 Narrows Ave... Washington St., Brooklyn, and for ",.il, 270 Exeter St. Manhattan Beach-.;.. CAMERON, Hugh S, (J 25), Asst. to Te,t. Engr. Brooldyn Union Gas Co 180 BECK, Gebhard C. (J 2~. Jr. Engr., Brooklyn Union Gas Co., 180 Remsen St., ;1 Remen St., Brooklyn. and fol m"il, 96 CaKitolan Blvd., Rockville Center, L. I. BEC~I:V;Jolfat!27~~~ ~~~.,AA;;:. ~~~~1f~~d& s1a~denberg Corp., and for ",oi~ OA:M.~~0l:; ~I,1o ~~ 1~e?5), Jr. ~ngr., rooklyn Edison Co., 860 Pearl st., 270 Exeter St.. CASTELLANO, J08. P. (J 26), Toolmaker, Socony BUJner Corp. 7 N. 12th St., BEEBEE, Culvcr (A }J 21), 1821 Marine Pk,var. and fop mail, 191 Wyckoff Ave... BEHAR. Manoel F. (20; 27). Adv. Mgr., C. J. TaSliabue Yfg. Co. 32 OHASE, Ohauncey L. (19; A M 28), 8829 Fort Hamilton Fkway. and fop, 2255 Bedford Ave.. OHRISTIANSEN. C. Oscar (J 24), Mecb. Draftsman. Am. Metal Cap. Co., 2.BEHRMAN, Henry (19; A M 24), Testing Engr. Utilization Dlv Drooklyn unlon: Summit St., and for mail, th St. BEIrE~E,cJ~h~r~~~:r,.:~)d,.fY"e;:~ht~ "if.rvi~~ C~;~~, ~Uhoel::tlantlc Ave., and;,?~~il, Edwin F.. Jr. (12), Prol. M. E., Poly. Inst. 01 Brooklyn, 99 LlvlnSston for mail, 996 Park PI... CL.!IDI:, Adelbert B. (A M 19)J Asst. Supi;,. Metropolitan Device Corp., 1250 BENEDIOT, Otis, Jr. (J 25), 295 Washington Ave. i;,. At.ra!ltlc Ave. Brooklyn, and lor mail, 26 "merson Ave., Floral Park, L I. BERGER, Allred R. (A M 20), ~Iech. Supt., Cbelsea Fibre Mills, 1155 Manhattan:~ ".. CLAIUr, Chester T. (J 27), M. E., 3a3 Grand Ave.. Ave., and fop m..,i, Manhattan Ave. "1 " OLEME~;T, (}eo. N. H. (A M 27), 254 Clinton Ave. BETHON, Henry E. (J 2.1), Jr. Engr. Test Bureau, Gold St. Power Sta., and for.. ~ 1..COHEN, llorris J. (J 19), Pur. Agt., Genl. Mgr., M. H. Metal Products Oorp. moil, 1827 Jefferson Ave..,,1154 Flushing Ave., and fop mait, 239 Hewes St.. BETTS Chas. W. (J 27), Lab. Engr., SocoDJI Burner Corp., 21 N. 12th St...: COLE, Richard S. (J 26), Steam Tester, Williamsburg Power Plant Corp., 600 BEUTEL, Robt. J. (21; 22), Charge Mchs., Am. Mch. & Fdy. Co., nd Ave.~. Kent Ave and fo/ mail, 1.87~ Steuben St. and f01 mail, 120 Crystal St..:< COLLETT, S. D. (02), 365 Sterling PI. BIELEK, Arthur (10; A M 24), Instr. M. E l Poly. Inst. 01 BrooklJn, 90 Livings-:~ OOLVIN! Chas. H. (16; 25), Pres., Oenl. MSr. Pioneer Instrument Co. 75& ton St Brooklyn, and for lnail, th A, e. Jamaica. " L..,mgton Ave. BILLINGSLEY, Wm. E. (J 27), Stearn Tester, WilliamsburSh POlver Plant Corp.,. ~ CONTINI, Renlloto (J 26), 634 Leonard St. Bmg~~ t1tlr:;;-( rj)~\~p.~i.~jr~~~: ~e:08i\1~b~60~,o~i ~~~l~~ ~~~;and 1 ;:. g88~/o:. GHme~ar..dlcY 89~5;~03lc:200130rn~l.raEI~R;d~ t T~~~:,~~:~f~:l B~f.~~n O~~iS~~OCop:::! ~~d a~~. for mail 201 Eastern Parkway... r BITTNER, ClaUde E. (2a), Supt. Prod., Intertrpe Corp., 300 Furman St., and fop mail, Madison St.. >1:. ~. COOPER. Wilbur S. (J 24), Asst Engr BUleau Resealch &1 T t, Brooklyn Edi. son Co., 65 Johnson St.. BLACK, Alexa. (J 25)!.Devel. Eng, Domestic Div., Socon) Burner Corp.,,41,~. St. &: 2nd Ave., BrOOKlYn, and f01 mail, 430 W. 122nd St., New York. ;, COx, Harry A. (21), Eng". Steam Operation, Br~oklrn Edison Co., 360 Fearl St., and lop mail, Ave. BLESSINGTON, Edw. L. (J 22) th St. ORIlolP, Geo. B. (A Y!3), Asst. Engr Brooklyn. Ash Removal Co., 186 Remsen BLU~lENTHAL, Allred (J 27), Mergenthaler Linotype Co., 29 RyerSon St..~, St. and fop mail, 62 O,.I>IISe St.. B"ooklyn, and fop mail, 1689 Selwyn Ave. New ~ork. ;J. CROPLEY, Wm. W. (A M 26), Gelll. FOTeman, ]\forse Dry Dock & Repair Co.; BLUMER, Cecil C.(J ~6), Planning Engr., Am. Scbaeffer 6< BUdenberg Corp.,., Ft. 56th St., Brooklyn. N. Y., and fot mail, 135 Booream Ave., Jersey Olty, 338 Berry St., Brooklyn, ond for mail, th St., Woodbaven, L. I.,~ N. J. BOENIG. Robt. W. (92; 02). Fuel Engr., Aeme llinc &: Fuel Corp. 46 Sutton Sl,.;j CROi:!S:MA~.. Albert (03), 78 20th St.. and for mai~ 157 Meeker Ave...\j CUNNINGHAM, Chriatopher (15). Pres., Genl. Mg,.., Christopher Ounningham Co. BOHATA, Jos. J. (J 24), Designer, Draftsman, N. Y. Rapid TJanslt Corp., 8.:.; 427 Greenpoint Ave. OlintoD St., Brooklyn, and to/ m4il, 82 ~9 48th St.; Astoria, L. I. ~,CUlmIER, Harrey L. (2.2), Supvg. D"aftsman, Navy Dept.. U. S. Navy Yard, BOLTIZAR, Albert L. (J 26), Cadet Engr., Kings Count) Ltg. Co., aho. Uh,(,:,, Brooklyn, and 101 mati lh St. St. Albans, L. I Ave.,. Brooklyn, and I~r mail, ad St., J.aekson Heights, L. I..J " DALE, R. Burdette (17). Head lustr. Mech. DraWing & Meb. Design. Pratt lnst. BOWMA~, Walter O. (J 23}, M. E., City. 01 N. 11., ~ureau 01 Sewers, Borough.::: l. 215 Ryerson St., Br~oklyn, and fop mail, th PI., Jamaica, L. I. p,.esldent Brookl)D, N. 11., o.nd for mati, 2 S. )lom St. Oarbondal., Ps. :~.DA.V~SOSNt. Ward F. (27), Dir. Research. Brooklyn Edison Co, Inc." 55 John- BRmCHIE, A. ~A.M 22), Engr., Pump Dlv Am. Mcb. &: FdY. Co nd Ave..i -.. and fop mati, 24S 55th St. ::.,.. DAWLEY, Howard H. (A. 17). Genl. Supt., Am, Metal Cap Co., 2 Summit St. BROOTZKOOS, Sergius D. (A Y 21), 11 Maple St. ~ ;;.. ds GEN.ARO, Anthonr (J 25), Foreman, Am. Can Co., B.Ookl)n, N. Y. and for. 422,] /:, ma.i th St., Hoboken, N. J. ~t h 423 :f

149 l~lp:t~! - NEW YORIi: MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNllW 1:11A-n:s NEW YORK f i ".;",1 f " 1,,,11J, IJ, " I.. - " II, i, J,~: ~,,j ~m; m!l:j(:,it): ; ~:~"! ;f~1~i BROOIi:LYN (contlnue.i),, DE JONG, ~atold (J 19), M. E., W. S. Dollr Inc., 54 Franklin St., Brooklyn. and ~, 10 mao!, th St.. Long bland City. ; DENITTO. nomlnic (J 25), 1481 St. DENLINGER, B.nj. G. (A-M 16), Supt., Keller Mech. Engrg. Corp., 70 Washington, St., Brooklyn, N. Y and lor "",ii, 181 Larcb Ave., Bogota, N. J. : DENTITH, Arthur (J 27), Edw. Ebrbar Inc., 29 M.serole Ave. Brooklyn. an<f S 101llIlJil, 228 Eo 40th St, New York.,.;, DE PRIMA, Jo~. A. (A-M 28),, Asst; Brooklyn Edison P.arl St., ;; and f01 ma,t, 60 Pat9hen Ave.. ;; DEVLIN, Edw. J. (~O), Eng-r., BTooklyn Union Gas 00., 176 Remsen at. DIAZ, EUj:ene (A )I 26). Draftsman, Designer, Eisemann Muneto Corp 82 SSrd i St., Brooklyn, and 101 moil, 226 W. 113th St., N.w York..,.) DIE~CJl:X, Jul (A 21), V. P., Sales MgT., Kener Mech. Ellgrg. Corp. 70 Wa.h "; lilgton St.,, DIETER J "m. (]1), Tor, Engr., E. W. Blis. Co., 5Srd St. " 2nd Ave ", DI TOLlJIO, Loni. (J 24), Mch. D""lgner, O. J. Tagliabne Mfg. Co., d St.; -: and for mail, 2038 Dalne. Ave. ",." DOLL, Allred Will. (J 26), Instr. Mech. Tecb Pratt Inst., 215 Ryerson St., add" fo, mail, 228 WUloughby Ave. " DONNELLY, Daniel R. (J 24), Researeb Draftsman, Brooklyn Edison Co. 360 ;, Pearl St., Brooklyn, and fl" mail, 381 E. 157th St., N.w York. " DONNE,LLY, Jas. A. (11), 170 N.w YOlk Av. DORAN, Cha. ~. (27), Pr.s., Gen!. MgT., SperrY Gyroscope Co., 40 Ave. ExtenSion., DOUCETTE, MJroll E:,(J 25), ~ndus. EDgr., A. Scbtad.r. Son 470 V",nd.rbUt,~ Av., lind fo, mild, 640 Argyle Rd. ~ DRYSDALE, HD~old G. (A-M 28), Designer, Am, Mch, &1 Fdy. 00., nd Ave:. :~ and lor ma,l, 480 S.nator St. DU COMMUN. Ed". (98; 08). ConstT. Engr., Am. Sugar Ref. Co., 51 S. 2nd St..,iil Brooklyn, N. Y and JOT maill,190 Prospect Pl., Ruth.rford. N. J. i" DU PUY, Thu F, (21), Sales I!iDgr., Am. Mch. ill Fdy. 00., nd A -~! Brooklyn, and 101 mail, 26 Ivy Close, FORst Hills, L. I.,..,~ EDMANDS, S. S. (28), Dll. Sch. of Science &1, Pratt Inst 215 Ryeraon St. 1,\ EDWARDS, G. Middleton (16; A-)f 25). Ch. Draftsman. X.nt Mch. Wk., Inc:, :1 39 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y.,,and for mail, 368 HlIltop Ave., L.onla, N. J. Il EDWARDS, L.roy V. (19; A M 26),, W. R. Ostrand.r EI.c. Wk ~ Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, and f01 mail, 82 Irving PI., Rockville C..nt.r. L. I. :~ EGILSRUD, F, S. (24; A M 25), Instr. Pratt In.t., 216 Ry.rson St Brooklyn..\ and f01 mail, at St., Woodhaven, L. 1. " ENGEL, Godfr.y, Sr. (92), Con.. Engr., 2107 B.dford Av.. ;,j ENTENMANN, Wern.t O. (J 21), ElIgrg. Asst., R.s.arch Bureau, Brooklyn EdisOD 1 Co P.arl St. and fot mail 1466 W, 5th St. " ERNST, 0.0. M. (J 27>, Asst. t<> Ch. Engr., Williamsburg Pow.r Co 500 XDt Ave..,J OJ. r ERNY. Wm. (J 23); DesIgner, Socony Bur"ar,Corp., 21 N. 12th St.. Brooklyn.,j, and f01 mail Emory Rd., Mineola, L. I. 1 ERSLEW, Alb.rt d. (A M 20), Sel.a Engr., Doebler DI. Cssting Co., 505 Co,urt St,. j BrOOklyn, and lor mail, 73 Av - ESHELMAN, CI!t.nce M. (18), Seey., Cam.ron Mch. Co., 61 Poplar St.. BrOOklyn, ;:: N. Y., and Jor mail J 28 N01matt PI., Tenafly, N. J. ~t ESNER, Arthur (J 27) 1480 OC.lln Ave., ",,!; ESSIG, Adolph F. (A-M 2Il, Ch. Eng-r., Nat!. Meter Co., st Ave., ond for.i mail, th A\e...~j FABER, Cha.. O. (22), C. S. Hammond &1 Co. 62 Frankllu Ave., and f01 tnau. ~, 47 Cambridge PI.,,~ FERRIS, Howard :.;;. (J 22),.\ss~. D.vel. Eogr.! Socony BUI)I.r Corp., 21 N. 12tb St. :t Brooklyn, N. "l:., and fo, mad, 665 Frankhn Av., Nutl.y, N. J. ;1 FIDELIUS, Walter,R. (J 24), Test Engr., Williamsburg Pow.r Corp. 500 Kent.; Ave Brooklyn. and tor mail, 9023 MetropDlItan Av., HilIs,L. I..J FIELD, Crosby (15; 16; 21), V. P., Brlllo Mfg. 00., 205 Water St.,,;, FINCKE. Donald M. (J 28). Salesman, Automatic Wrapping Mch., Am. ";1 Mch. &1 FdJ. flo., 5520 ~nd Ave.,,::~ FlNKEL, J. J. (17; A M 17), CI Engr., InteT Motor Vehicle Exch., Inc. 76,;" F.mpIlon PI.. Drooklyn, and f01 mail,. 221, B.a.h I86Lh St.; B.llo Harbor, 1. t 4 ~" AU,.Ji,:,IlROOIi:LYN (conul.lue<l),.. FLAHERTY, Francis P. (J 28), Sales EllgT.,.Am. Metal CaP Co., 2 Summit St. ~ and for mail, 112. Ma.rlne Ave..,FLETCHE~, Howald 0, (18), Cb. Dlaltsllllln, Navy Yard. Bldg, 3. and: fot fllljil, 8918 Shore Court,, FLINN, Tho.. F. (92), R.tlred, 86 79tb St..FOGARTY. Micbael J. (14). M. E 88 Harrisou St" and lor mail, 1441 Pacific St... FORD. Louis R. C20), Cons. Ilngr. Ft. 56th St., and lor,nail Ave. L. 1; FRANK, Richard A. (J 26), Dlaftsman, J. Van Buren, 760 Grand,St., Brooklyn. ". and lor mail. 769 FOlest Av." New York.,, : FRAZEE, Stanley S. (J 25), Central Y. M. C. _-\.., IIOlI.on PI.. - r ; FREITAG, HOIman W. (A-M 27), EngT. Brcoklyn Edison 00 Hudson Ave. Sta.. ;, snd for "uui, th St., FROLANDER, Flank C. (21), Ycb~ D ign.r. Exp.r. Dept. XC, U.rg.ntbal.r Llnotype Co., llrooklyn. N. Y... Ol,d fot mail, I.nna St., Ellzabetl, N. J. FROMME. Fled L. (J 22), ~-orewan, Sp.rIy-Gyroscope Co., 0 Flatbusb Av, Extensicn, and for lliljil tb St... EUCHS, S. Julian (J 22), Draftsman, Bureau Maintenanc. &; Oonstr.. Dd. of.t Education, Flatbush A\. Ext. ill Concord St." and for mail, 866 S. 2nd St. GABRIEL, CW. R. (01), Cons. &; D.slgnlng Engr E. W. Blis. Co., 58rd at. &; 2nd Ave" and f01 mail,,1810 Glenwood R!I. GAJINKIN, Val.utine G. (A-Y 22). Cb. Test EngT;. Brooklyn Edison 00., 880 Pearl St.. and for mail, 8009 Atlantic Ave. GANTES, Ramon (A M 25), Davel. New Devlc.s, Ideal Cup Corp. Bush Terminal Bldg., Brooklyn. and for mail, Apt. 3W, 204 W. 86tb St., New York. GARSON. TbOB. N. (27), M. E., S. O. S. W.ldinl\ Corp., 518 Hamilton Ave,. Brooklyn. and lor mail. 26 Stuyv.sant PI., St. Gecrge, S. I. GERBER, Sam!. R. (13: 21), G.n!. Mgr., United M.tal Spinning Co., Inc. 440 Adelpbla St. GERKEN, Edw. R. (J :Ill). Rex InternatJ. Ptoducts Co Inc., 59 Jay St., Brooklyn. 1 and lor mail, S th St., Flushing, L. I. "" GERSON!, L. J. (A M IS), 237 Parltvl1le Av., :. GEVRENZ. Robt, A. (J 24), 2111 Naasou Ave..,. J}IBBS, John C. (27), Meb. Shop Supt., Am. Metal Cap 00., 2 SummIt St.~," and lot mail, 148 Llnd.n Blvd.,: GIBSON, M. (13), Plant EngT., AID. Sup;ar Ref. Co.. 49 S. 2nd St. ; GLADECK. Fredk O. (16: 24), Mgr. Engrg. Dept., Am. Mah. lsi: Fdy. 00., 5520 i 2nd Av, and for m<lli, 7715, Narro\\s Ave., ::, GLEESON, Wm. S. (J 24). Prod., Am. Meb. &; Fdy. Co., nd Ave., " Brooklyn, and for mail. 201 W. 100tb St., New York. ; GOTTSOHALK, Edw. J. (A-M 26). M. E., Am, Wg. Co 62 West St..(, GOULD. Jack U. (J 25). Prod. Enp;r., Ferdinand Gutmann &; Co., Bush Terminal.,: 19. Brooklyn, and lor mbii, 2081 Davidson Ave.. New York., GREEN, Walter L., Jr. (A M 26). Buptg. EngT Luckenbacb Steam Ship Co., Foot 85th st. _ GREENBERG. Paul (J 24) th St. GREMPLE, Cha. W. (12), M. E., 83 Sidney PI, _, GRIMMER. Austin B. (A-M 21), Designing, EngT., M.rgenthaler Linotype Co. 44 Ryerson st.. and tor meril, 1158 E. 29th St., GR(NBECH. Victor (28,), Enl{l"., N. Y. llapid Transit Clinton St Brooklyn, and lot mail, 68 F.atherb.d L3lI., New Yo~k. i GRUBER. Monill M. (A-M 18), Cb. Engr., Treas Presto Mcb. Products :- Wilsblnp;ton St. :1 llruen, (J 25). Supt., Automotiv. Sp.c. Corp.,,882 J.fferson St., GUTTMANN, Allred H. (J 21), 1 Montague T.nac. ;, GWILLlAM. G.o. T: (91), Pr... Gwll1lam Co., 23 FJatbush Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y " and fot mail, Union Leap;ue, PblJad.lilhia, Pa. ;;, GWILLIAM, John (27), V. P., D.slp;n.r, GwllllamCos.. 28 Flatbush Ave., Brook- ::" Iyn, N. Y., and f01 """,1, 8 L.nox T.nace, Bloomft.ld, N. J. (:.. ffackel, JOB. (J 27), D.B1l(ner, Am. Meb, &; Fdy nd Ave.. and t; to", mail, 1540 W. 5th st. " HALE. Fr.d W. (J 25), Salea EnJl1. E. W. Bllss Co.. 53rd St. &; 2nd Ave., F Brooklyn. N. Y., and for 1lIlJ;I, 258 Woodlawn Ave., Jers.y City, N. J. ~td /1 HALLORAN. Frank E. (21). Mcb. Oorp., 2U Wasblnp;ton St.. an~ 101 mail, th St.. n5 D.slgn.r. Trans Lux DS3ligbt Picture Bersen

150 N ;:1 ii&rli ~ "I :r: I:, -.t Ft"" *1 1j :1,: I li:;:~:.: i~~;i:; 1 l~l: ~~Jwl " I. ; 1,,1"".;.Iji:1U j~l:f.(i..: :f~li. d i6.~ ~;o"">;. ~ t?1 NEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES BROOKLYN (continued). HAKNAl!, Raphael Q. (22; A-?! 24), Inspr. Ilon & Steel, Bure.lI 01 Bldga: Mun,olpal Bldg., B~Ook1Jn, and JOT ",oil, 122 Yountaln View Ave., W. New Bril{hton. S. I... HARBERS. W"". J. (J ~5), Engr., ork Ice Mchy. 00;; 42nd St. & 2nd Ave. H.AR;:~E~lhhP H. (J 23), ~..t. 1 est Ensr., Brookl)n Kllison 00., Inc., 55 HARPER, Arthur O. (20), Head Dept. Indns. Y. E., Pratt Ins~., 215 Ryerson 8 ptheway, Pbillp M, (13; 21), Oh. Engr., Natl. Lead Co. 135 Marsball 5t. AWKINS, Maj. )Vilfo~d J. (17). Am, Mell. & Fdy. 00., nd Ave. HEALY, John M. (A-M 28), Design Engr" Obarles Hartmann Co. 985 Dean St and for mltil Yadison PI. ", ",, HEILMAN, Ernest D. (J 26), Prod. Engr., Mol!egan Tube Co., Scott &I Met,..: _pc:>litan Aves., and fat mltd Bedtord Ave.,,. HEUM, Cbrlstlan W. (J 22). Engrl{. Draftsman, U. S. Navy Yard, and JOT mail; 197 E. 42nd St.... HELWIG, Allred (16), M. E. Bush Terminal th St.... HENRY. Otto H. (20: A-M 25), Asst. 99 LivinKSton St. Prof. ME Poly.., I.lSl:. 01 ElENZE, Otto (A 1.\; 26), 4 Evergreen PI.. HERrsMt:r~e,;J0~f. F. (18; A A{ 22), Tteas., M. E" Herrmann I; Grace Co HERTY, Frank B. (J 27), Nassau Wka., Brooklyn Union Gaa Co. 556 Kent Ave. :. Brooklyn, and jar mlta, 401 W. 118th St., Ne\v York. HESCHELES, Ohas. A. (J 252, Research Engr., Socony Burller Oorp., 7.21 N. 12th. St., Brooklyn,,:"d JOT m I, Hillside Ave., Jamaica, L. L :. HIND, Wm. B. (J 26), Desll{ner. Hiler Constr, Co., 122 Livingatpn St. Brooklyn,, N. Y., Ilnd jor mail. 81 Sylvan PI.. Nutle.v, N. J. " " HODGE, Obas. A. (~8), Inst,.. Mecb. Tech., Pratt Inst., 215 Ryerson St" Brook.., Iyn, and for ma.l, 5 Seminary Ave., Yonkers. < HOLE,.J. A. (J 27), Draitsman, Oldson EnA. Co., ZS7 I.afayette Ave. and for ; mltd, ndSt., (" HOL~Ji~~n b~. O. (21; 27), Supt., Hudson Ave. Generating Sta., Brooklyn ~~ HOOPER, Robt.. P. (J 27), ABet. Test Engr., Brool<lyn Edison Co. 380 Pearl 5t. ;.:; and for ma.i, rd St... "~" HOPSON, Wm. H. (A-}! 24), seoy., Engr., I. Ii. Meyer. Inc., 590 Sterling PI. HORTON, Ralpb D. (J 271, Steam Tester, Willitunsburg Power Plant Corp. rioo " Kent Ave.. and jor "It!!, 273 Ryerson St. ". HOUGH, Fredlo L., ~r. (18), Engr. Design, Brooklyn Edison Co., 860 Pearl St.,. HOUGHTON, Bert (14), Oper, Supt.; Brooklyn Edison Co. 860 Pearl at and at mail E. 28rd St.,., HOUSE, Frank ~ (J 21), Searchlight El\F" Sperry Gyroscope Co. 40 Flatbnsh Ave. Extens,on, ~rooklyn. and fat mo., 4 Haynes St., BaldWin: L. I. ~ HOWARD... Geo. K. (14), Ob. Engr. Power Sta.., Williamaburg Power Plant Corp..I. 600 lient Ave. "~ HUBBINETTE,!Ja~1 W. (A,}! 21), Engrg. & Meh. Deslgllhlg, Herman Behr I: 1 Co.. IllC., 43 T,ffany PI. v HUGHEY, Howard G. (J 271, Jr. Materials Engr. Materials Lab USN ~d J and fa" mltil, 778 E. 85th St..,..." :f HULL, Arthur A. (A-M 21), Factory Supt., O. J. Tagliabue Mig Co 32 S.8rd St., HULTAN, Karl A. (A-M 26), 271 Hicks St...,..j I a:nungall~le.s: tj:(~ ;v:.,. <!";1~6l6 ~~""tj~hs~, A. Schraders Sons, Inc., 470 Vanderbilt.~, as. A. (A-M 16), Cb. Testing Bureau, Willlamsburl\ Power Plant COIP ", 500 Kent Ave., and JOT mail, 1416 Pacific St.., INGERSOLL, Frank O. (J 26), rd Ave. lrrgang, Louis J. (A-M 23), ~ec. Mch. Designer, Paper Utilities Co Bus!., J~~inal Bldg.. Brooklyn, N. Y., and jor ;",il. 143 DeKalb Ave. Jersey City, IRWIN, Oapt. Daniel B. (A-M 261, 1029 E. 29tb St ISENBERG, David A. (26), Head Dept.. Physical El";ents of Engrg. Pratt Inot 215 Ryerson St., and or mltil, 288 \Villoul\hby Ave., JAOOBSON, Oonrad O. (17), Oh. Engr., John Roberlson 00., 188 Water St., Brook. Iyn. N. Y.. and for mail, 27 Doul\laa Rd.. Glen Ridl{e N J. JAEGER, Arthur F. (J 28), Pres., JaegerCarlson Mfg. 00.; In~., 161 Jamsica Ave. 426 ME~lBERS IN UNITED STATES 427 NEW YORK f:nnooklyn (contilluetl). :;JENSEN, 1. (J 27), Autonldtlc Meb. Designer. Am. lich. & ~dy. Co., nd ;: Ave., and for "",ii, th St.,..JElIMY, Laurence E. (A.?! 27), Pro,1. Dept., _~m. Yell, I.: Fd). Co., nd A\ e., " B,;oo!dyn, and jor fl>oil, 151 Richmond Hill Ave., Kew Gardens, L. 1. :JE5SEN, Il. P. (J 27), M. E., th St. HliSON Ernest M. (A-M 19), Ob. Engr., Herman Belll: ~ Co., Inc., 81 Tiffany PI... ned jor mail, 128 Willow st. anson, john N.. (J 26), Training, ~ersenthaler Linot:!Pe Co., 2g. Ryerson SI:. and fot ma;il, 26 Grace Court. JONES, Forrest Sam!, (11: 18), Wks. Engr., Oh... Pfizer.1& Co. Inc., 11 BQl tletl ::JOyJ~, Oapt. O. S. (22), U. B. N., Navy Yd. JUDSON Harry H. (22; 27), Testing Eugr., Brooklyn Eulson Co., 860 Pe~rl 5t, Brooklyn, and jar "",ii th St., Hollis, L. 1. KAERCHER, Gustav Wm. (J 26), Y. Eo, Brooklyn EdiaoIl Co. Inc" 5a Johnson St.,, and for mltil, th St. :K..I.INE,Irvinl\ J. (J 26), Auto. Repalrinl\, 75 Linden Blvd..:;KANTROW. Yelville W. (A-M, 21), 1607 A, e. T. UPLAN, Harry (J 22), Hte;. &: Vent. Engr. Bd. 01 E~ucatlbn, Olty 01 N. Y" Flatbush Ave. &: Ooncord St., Brooklyn, Ilnd for mail, 18~ Monrue St., New York. ILlUFllAN, David (J 27). EllI{rL Mollawk Engrg. Corp., 284 Pearl St.. Brooklyn and for mltil, th bt., Jackson Heights, L. I.,KELLER, Joe. F. (08), Pres., Keller!>lech. Engrg. Oorp., 70 Washington st. KELLY, Pilson W. (J 25). 605 St. Marl," Ave. KENT Robt. Sayre (01), Cons. Engr., Pres., Robt. Sayre Kent Inc., 888 Jay St.,, a~d jor Inltil, 7616 Ridge Blvd. lunney, JOB. N. (A 15), 118 Quincy St. KLOCKE, Jos. F. (A M 15), 011. Dir. Die Dept., E. W. Bli" Co., nu Ave., and JOT mltil, 257 Eldert Bt.,, KNIGHT, Geo. L, (05; 08), M. E.. BOok!Jn Edison Co. S60 Pearl Bt. KNODEL, Ohas. G. (J 23), Engr., Asat. f~ Plant Equ,p. llureau, Hudson Ave., Sbl. Brooklyn Edison Co.. and for mltil, 2100 llj-.a Oourt. KOHLER L Frank (21), E. E., Accountant, 1778 W. 10th St. IWMPAaS, Frank O. (J 17), Supt., M. T. D.vidson Co., 48 Keap St., D~ooklyn, and,or mail, 278 E. 176tn St., New York. Il.O),ICSBERG, Jos. H. (J 22), Sooy., M. E., Victor Metal Products Co,p., 1>90. Diamond St" and fa "",>!, 6(}1) Ashlo"d St..., KOV.lllY, Rudolph (A M 24), Designer, Brooklyn ~(h"lll Co., 360 Pearl St., B~ooklyn, and jor mail, 18 St. Pauls Ave., TompklllaVllle, S. I. ",,lill.a~er, Erio 1;1. (27), Cb. Engt., Am. :Metal Cap Co., 2 SunlUllt St., add for ""ii, 488 Nostrand Ave...,. KRUMMEL, Frederic O. (J 26), Engr., Lowerator Mig. Co. 110 Pearl St., and for ""il, 488 Nostrand Ave..!ml:MMEL, Louis O. (01), Cons. Engr., 488 :liostrand Ave. : Imll!i1ER, Carl (J 27), 1908 Bedlord A"e. KUSHNIOK Wm, H. (J 26), Asst. to Tteas. & Genl. Mgr., Am. Metal Oap Co., 2.,;, Summit Bt., and fot mltil, 1417 Avo. P. ~ ~CCHIA, Jos. F. (J 26). Sales Engr., E. W. Bliss 00., 53rd St. &: 2nd Ave., Brool<lyu, and jar mail, 2712 Olo.llin Ave.. New York. LArCO. Joa. P. (J 27), Mech. Drl\ttsljl8.1l, Am. Mcb. & Fdy. Co., nd Ave.. LAN~i~ j1:s. "Na:I(,:l~ :-~2~\ Plant Equip. Engr., M. E. Dept., Brooklyn Ediaon Co.: 380 Pearl St., and [or 1/Ul~ 1275 E. 81st St.. <LANG Henry W. (J 26). Asst. Erigr., N. Y. Tel. Co., 360 Bridge St., Brooklyn, a~d for C/, 8042 Balnlirldge Ave., New York.,. LA1."iZISERA Jos. O. (J 26). Designing, Engrs.. Exper. Dlv., Powers Accountlllg., MC1l. Oorp., 85 Hewea St.. and for mail, 2710 Ave. D. LAlKIN, John D, (A ~i 21), Designer, Am. Mch. I; FdY. Co., nd Ave., and,; fot mail nd St.. - LAUFFER, Wm. G. (J 23), Jr. Engr., Brooklyn Ed,son Co., 860 Pe.rl St., and for mail, th Ave..,,;. LAWLER, Yatthew M. (J 26), 497 1st St.,, LEA, Robt. B. (J 17), Mgr. Marine Dept., Sperry G)ro,cope Co. ~o Flatbusb Ave.. ExtensioD 4.",

151 NEW YORIC BROOKLl:-N (col,tillne,l) < LEGGE, Walter.G. (A-U :1:9), Sales Engr., O. J. Tagllabue Mfg. Co., 18 SSrd Sl, i and for m,,,i, 64 Illanne Ave.. "J LEIPPER. Alex. D. (A 23), Pyrometer Designer, Am. Schaeffer &: Budenberg. Corp., 3S8 Berry St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. and for mail 2110 Glendale Ave. Bethlehem, Pa. I LENFEST. Bertram A. (04), Moo E., 130 Sterlln~ PI LEVEY, Natball (J 24), Ch. Enltr. N. Fri.dman &: Co. 844 Sutter Av. nd., ; for mail. 894 E. S3rd St. " ;;; LIEBING, G.o. B., ~r. (J 27). Tech. Asst., Brooklyn Edison 00. Inc., 880 Pearl St.. and for,,,..i. 406 Gold St. LINDNER. F.rdinand (A-M 28). Pr. F. Lindner Inc., 45 Harman St. LOO~~~f.L~8l~~itak J:~~; A-M 26). Bldlt. Constl., 886 Flatbush Ave., and 1M LOCKWENZ. Adolph C. (A-II[ 23), Designinlt Draftsman. Navy Yard Brooklyn nnrl for.,nail, 46 Lanlont Aye., Elmhurst, L. 1. I. I LORMAN, Geo. H. (J 28)., Draftsman. Am. Meb. &: Fdy. Co., nd Ave., Brooklynt N. Y., and for m<vii, 28l> Pearsall Av... Jersey City, N. J. LON~. John J. (19; 25), V. P., Hudson Brass Wks. and for mail, 328 Lincoln PI. LCUD. Albert E. (A M 23).. Ch. Engr., Jos. H. M.) er Bros., th St., Brook hll, N. Y., and for ~cr,, 2~ :m,;hland Ave., Kearny. N. J. LOUGHRAN, John J. (J 201, Oh. DraltSlnan, Adriance Mcb. Wks. 90 Richard. SI.~ and or "",ii, 908 Herkimer St.,., LUOE, Richard S. (A M 19), Secy., Tress., P. W. Device Corp., 2~ Henry St.,.nd for mail, 7110 Narrows Ave. T,UNDGREN, Frank A. (A-M 22), 166 State St.. LUNDQVIST, Arvid (A II! 20), II!. E. Eleetrolux SefVe1 Corp., 40 FJatbush Ave.... Ext., and for,nail, 12~6 Eastern Pkway. i LUTZ, Geo. (A.U 2~), Mgt., Marko Storllile Battery Co., Inc., 1402 Atlantic Ave.. nd fo, mail, 598 St. MAOINT>RE, Mack.nzi. (J 23), Engr., Research Equip. &: M.intenance, Socoll1 Burner Corp., 7 N. 12th St., Brooklyn, N. Y., and for "..ii, 7 Ceutral Ave., Montclair, N. J.. MACOMBER, J.s. It.lth (J 22), ASBt. Wk. 1>rgr., Arma Enl;rg. 00., th S~, and fo, mail, 8916 Shore COurt. MADEHEIM, Huxl.y (J 27), Jr. Engr., Plaut Equip., M. E, DepL, BIooklyn Edisou Co.,..nd for mail, 360 I.ewl. Ave. MALONEY, John R. (J 23), Mech. De.,!>ner, Brooklyn Edison Co., S60 Pe.rl SL, and fo, mail, 168 Bradford St.. MARSHALL, John G. (19; 25), Propr., 1752 Atlantlo Ave.. MAT;:ttd, n~~~i~e\.tio(~5~~6~t.draftsm.n,e. W. Bllss Co., 58rd St. &: 2nd Ave., MAYERS, M.rtin A.. (J 27), Jr. Engr., Test Bureau, Brooklyn Edison Co. Hudson Ave., Gen.ratlng Sta., and fo, I1l4il, 14 S. OXford St,, MAY~~tLs5V rth ~27), Jr. En!>r., Brooklyn Edison Co., 880 Pearl St., and for MoARDELL, Wesley E. (15; 20; 26), Teacher, Brooklyn High Soh., Brooklyn. and fo,,,,air., Douglas Rd., Emerson Hill, S. I. McCAFFERTY, H. J. (J 24), D"aftamBn Car Des;!>n 13rooklyn Manb.ttBn Tr.n,lt S3st.m, 85 Clinton St., Brooklyn,..nd for moil, 112 W. 70U, St., New York. McCANN, Frank G. (15), Oh. Htg. &: Vellt. Div., Bd. of Educ.tlon, Clty of NY., Rm. 614, 131 Livingston St. McDERMO,rT, Geo, J. (J 23), Custodi.n Engr., Bd. ot Educ.tlon City of NY., Pub. Sch. 67, St. Edward St., and Jor mail, 4.02 WlJIoughbY Ave,, McELROY, Jos. A. (95), Tl c McElroy &: Kerwin, S16 Flatbush Av Brooklyn, N. Y., and for ma,l, Elmer..t, Norwalk, Conn.. McGINN. Edw. J. (A II:[ 21), Mch. &: Tool Designer, IntertH. Oorp., 800 Fur"B St., Brooklyn,.nd for mcri! 557 W. 124th St., ~.w York. McGIRR, Theo. G. (19), 2nd V. P., P.vo Meh. Co., 1018 Gr.nd St. aud fo, moil 891 St. Johns PL." MoGOWAN, Henry E. (15), Seo.v., Brooklyn Union Gas Co., 176 Remsen St. MoKIERNAN, Jas. J:? (J 21), Prod. Engr., E.rl C. Maxwell Co. Inc., tb St. and fo, mad, 601 E. 21 st St. MERKT, Theo.l;J. J. (J 16), Indns. Div., Brookl)Il Union Gas Co." 180 Rcmsen St.,..nd for mad, 876 E. 8th St., ~2S MEMB&B6 IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK BROOKLYN (continued) MEYERS, H. (J 25), Mech. Asst. to Cb. of Test Bure.u, Williamsburg Power Plant Corp., 500 Kent Ave., and fa maif., 834 9Ist St.. liiller, LeRoy J. (J 21), MllJer Lyke Co., 823 FJ.tbush Av., llo11d for mail, 284 Ocean Parkway. lung, Fredk W, (18; A.M 25), InBtr. M. E., Brooklyn Poly. InBt., 99 Livings ton St.. loiillovitch, Eugene B. (21), Sal.. Engr., Merl;entbaler Linotype Co., 29 Ryer.on St. MOLORIE, Steph.n W. (17; A-M 25), Desl\l:ner, HIl.r Engrg. & Constr. Co., 122 Livingston St., Brooklyn, and Jor ma,i, 124 Stuyv.sant Pl., St. George, S. I. MOORE, Wm. Jas. (18), Prol. Exp.r. Engrg., Poly. lnst. at Brooklyn. 99 r.iv. Ingaton St. MORLATB, Chas. H. (J 25), Transmission Engr., N. Y. Tel, Co.. 81 WlIloughby St., and fo, mail, 159 tafayette Ave. MORTON, Quincy L. (A-M 28), Mech. Draftsman, Bd. Education, Flatbush Ave. Ext. 1>1 Concord St., BrookI)n and /ci, ",.il, 64 E. 90th St., Ne\v York. MULLEN, Chas. A. (A.M 27)~ Test Engr Brooklyn Edison 00., 360 Pearl st., and for mail, 3~0 Eldert,l,.ne. MULLER, Jack (J 26), T t. Engr.. Am. Mch. & Fdy, Co., nd Ave.,.nd 0 """I, Uh St. MUNSO!!} Stanley (11; 25), Wks. Engr KirlanBoll &: Son, 215 Water St. MURPH x, Edw. S. (J 17) 10!6 E. 18th St. MURPHY, Roht. JOB. (J 27~ Inspr. Oper. Dept., Brooklyn Edison Co., Hudson. ~~ej.sta., Brooklyn, N.., and fo mail, 183 Olaremont Ave., Jersey City,, ~lurphy, Wm. F. (22; A M 27), Mech. Insp1., Brooklyn Edison Co., 860 Pearl St., and fo, moil, nd St MYERe, Robt. D. (A.M 21), Ch. Oper, Engr., Kirkman &: Son, 215 Water St., Brqokl31l,.nd 0 ",pi!, th Pl., Jamaica. L. I.., NAGEL, Tbeo. (18), Cons. Engr., 60 Orange St..NAGLE, A. F. (90), 745 Classen Ave. NARDIN, Celestin F. (A-M 23), PreB., Oh. Engr. N.rdin Engrg. Corp., 391 Fulton St., Brookl3n, and fo, mail, 10~ 52 89th St" Ozone Park, L. I. NEDERMAN, MaUeR. (J 25), D.Bignin!> Engr., Am. Mch. &: Fdy. Co., 5520 Znd Ave., and fo moil, 8:18 54th l>t. NJEDERl!IAIR, John O. (A.M 28), Supvr., Scientific Sec., U. S. N.vy Y.rd, Brook. IYn; and for mail, 259 Fiske Ave., W. New Brighton, S. I. NIPEl!.,.Louis S, (J 25). Prop., Winclow S.s" Co., 57 Sterling Pl. OIlItJEN, Thos. O. (J 16), SaieB Engr., Shipley Constr. &: Supply Co., 42nd st. 1>1 2nd Ave., Brooklyn...nd 0 ",ail, 125 Wallacs Ave., Mt. Vernon. OCONNOR, Jas. I. R. (A-M 28), Inspr, Constr. Dept. Brooklyn Union Gaa Co., 176 RemBen St. OOONNOR. Jas. V. (J 25),. Asst. Test Engr., Brooklyn Edison Co., 360 Peorl St. nd fo ",ail, 51 e. Portl.nd Ave. " OLBERS, (A-Y 26), Apt. 5, 168 Joralemon St. OLKEN, Nathan L. (J 2 \), Am. Sch ff.r ill Budenburg Corp., Berry St. OLSEN, Oocar A. (A M 26), th St. OLSON, Geo. D. (J U), Asst. Instr., Pratt Inat., Brooklyn, and fo, 1II4il, th Ave College Point, L. I. OMDAL, Torp;eir (A M 18), Pres., Equity Iron Wks., 719 Kent Ave.. ONDERDONK. Paul T. (J 27), Jr. Engr., Brooklyn EdlsoJl 00., 55 Uan.on Pl., Brooklyn. and for mail. 1 Acker Ave., Oeslnlng. OTT, Max (J 27), Designer, Am, Mch. &: Fdy. Co., nd Ave., and for "",ii, th Ave... PACHE, Otto (J 21), Prod. Engr., Am. 1>lch. & Fdy. Co., 5Q20 2nd }, Brooklyn, and fo, mail, 1488 Morris Ave" N.w York. PANETTIERE Vincent (A-M 26), Designing Engr., Cameron Moh. 00., Brooklyn, and J or mail 210 W. 109tl1 St., New York.. PANTALEO, G. P. (A-M 21), M. E., Fr.ed Eis.mann R.dio Corp., Junius St, II Liberty Ave., Brooklyn,.nd lor mail, l. L.wiston Ave., St. Albins, L. 1. PARf~Rp:~~tnstastl.reagh (05; 09), V. P., Charge En!>rg., BrOOklyn Edison Co. PArmER, L. S. (08), 980 Ooe.n Ave. 429

152 \. ~EW YORK ME)1BERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED. STATES NEW YORIi: BROOKLYN (continned) ~DROOIi:LYN (continned) P_ffiKINSON. Roger W. (J 27), As.t. Engr Am. Sugar Ref. Co. 80 S.. HIEFENSTAHI" Bellllett L. (J 25), Williamsburg Power Plant Corp., 500 Kent Brookl)". and for mail, 77 Irving Pl. New York. Ave., Brooklyn, and for mail, 10,l-~0 211th St., Bellaire, L. I. PaSCHE, Robt.. (J 24). Draftsman, Sperry Devel. Co., 40 Flatbush Ave. Elt...,;.ROBBINS, He-nio A. (15), Supt. Power, Brooklyn Manbattan Tranoit Oorp., 85 and for mad, 1123 Avenue N...:..,.. Clinton St. PATERNOSTER. Eric S. (A.M 22). Y. M., U. S. Navy Yard Brook\,}Il and;~,,;robinson, Wm. (A-ll 15), M. M Ebelhard Faber Pencil Co., 37 Greenpolnt Ave. for mail, ~ tb PI Bellaire, L. I.,.,.< ", llosenberger, Albert J. (J 25), Steam Tester, WlIIlamsburll Power Plant Corp., PATRICK, I. (!±), Asst. Cb. Engr., E. W. Bliss Co., 53rd St. &: 2nd Ave. Brooklyn.,- 500 Kent Av... and for IIII/." 6,10 E. 5th St. and for mau, 50 Kingston Rd., Jamaica, L. I. "> :. ROWLAND, Tbos. F Jr. (84), Pre., COntinental Iron Wka. Weot &: Calyer StH. PATTERSON. Lawrence, S. (A M 19). Hotel Tourraine, 28 ClintOn St. e,. RUPP. Manning E. (09; 13; 19). 710 Ave. V. PAULSQN, Carl S. (J 26), Plant Engr., N. Y. Tel. Co., 360 Bridge St., and for...: ~.RYDER, Richard H. (A M ~7), M. E., E. L. Phlllipo ~ Co., th Ave., Brookmad 576 Vanderbilt Ave....,..I)Il, N. Y., and for mail, 111 Winsor PI Woodndge N. J. PAULSON. Wm. E. (U). Trea... Mgr., Tho. Paulson & Son, Inc.; 07 2ad Ave., " ; SALVO. Lorenzo C. (J 27). 362 New York Ave. and fo, mall, 722 Cortel)ou Rd. S ",. 8ANTOS, Anibal (J 27), 2641 E. 18th St. PEARSON Fred... A. (J :26), Mch. Desllloer, Am. Meteol Cap Co. 2 Summit St".; 0; SAUNDERS, Ralph S. (:I 25). Salc, Eogr., C. J. Taglinbue }[fg. Co., 18 83rd St., Brook j yn, and for ma,i. 99.south Drlve. Valley Stream, L. I. ";, ;". Brooklyn, N. Y., and for ",ai!, 180 Byers St., Springfield, Maso. PEDER~ON, Howard (J 26), Oh. Engr., M. Miller &: Co., 265 1st St" and for.j,..:; SCHAPPI, John (23; A-M 26), Tool De.igner, Ea,t. Tube oil Tool Corp., Brook. ma.i, th St.... : Irn. and fa. mail, Gate. Ave., Ridgewood, L. I. PENNY, Wm. F: (A.M 22), Supt., Hercule. Match Corp., 84 N. 6th St., Brooklyn, 1: SCHARNAGEL, Hellllan J. (19), Ch. Engr. Eng. Dept., Sperrr Gyroscope Co., and for m,,", Hampton Bavo. L. I. PERRY, Je e V. (18; A.M 26), 1705 Dorcbe.ter Rd.. Manhattan BIidgo Plaza. :, SQHAUL, Berbelt G. (J 26), Indl,lo. Gas. Engr., BrooklYll Union Gao Co., 186 PERi8~ fv~~ (24). E. W. BUss Co. 5Srd St. & 2nd Ave., and for mail, 7912 \i. BcdfN: e1re~ (~~8d; J~i9r:all~a~~8~h~a~~;S,~f~g Eng. Dept., Sperry Gyroscope PETER, Walter J, (A M 21),. Draftsman, Brookl)n Union Gao Co., 176 Renl..n St., Brooklyn. and for mad, 839 West End Ave.,. New York. " Co., 40 Flatbu,h Ave. Extension. ~.SCHUBERT, Fre-nk (J 27), Draftsman, Am. Mcl>... & Fdy. Co., nd Ave., PETERSON, Arthur J. (J 201). Steam Te.ter, Williamsburg PO"er Plant Corp 50U Kent Ave. and fo, II,ail, th St..,.,,,. Brooklyn, and for ",ail, th Ave. Richmond Hill., SCHULTZ, Rudolph H. (A-M 27). Mch. De.igaer Schultz Mfg. Co., ~61 Onder. PHASLt.EN, Ja. J. (A-M 23), Indu. Engr. Mergenthaler Linot) po Co. 20 R) er.on.. dank Ave., aad for IIl1/.il, 380 Woodbine St.., SCOTT, J. W. (07), Supt., Arbuckle Bros., Ft. Jay St., Brooklyn. N. Y., and for PHILLIPS, Leo A. (23), 78 Pierrepont St. ;. mail., Appomattox, Va. PIKE, Lorenzo H. (20). Secy. Trea,. Braas Goods Mfg. Co., 8015 Eld.rt St.,," SCOTT Seaton M. (96; 97), Engr 55 Hawthorne St.. and for,nail, 1716 E. 20th St. :: SEA~{AN, Jas. M. (J 23~, 1398 Bush\Vick Ave. PIliNEY, Ernest F. (23; A ],I 25). Engrg. ABet. Cllarge O. E. Can,t,., Brookl)n :. 8ETCHELL. Horac. E. (21) rd St.. Edloon Elec. Co., 1 Budson Ave., nlld fa mail, 1262 Dean St. :. SETHER. John A. (A-M 26), Ch. Engr Hotel St. George, 51 Clark St., and POLER, JOil. (16; A-M 26), 1587 E. 4,9th St.. " or,nail, 8202 loth Ave. PORTER, Louio F. (J 27). Illstr. M. E., P"att Iu.t., 215 Ryerson St., Brooklyn, SHAW, John C. (16), 01,. Engr. l,eller Mech. Englg. CorP., 70 Washington St., and Jo. mait, 145 W. 12th St. New York. an,l fo\ mail, 468 l.t St... POSSEL, Adril>n M. (A-M 2~) M. E., 2N9 Bedford Ave... SHEP.AR:l1 F. S. (21), Supt. Stand. Oil C~ of N. Y. 400 Ave.. POUNTNEY Robt B (A-M ~8) Die,el Eng De.igning & Teotlng U S NaV?. SHE~~~, Waldo L. (16; 25), Sale.. Engl., John Rob~rt.on Co. Inc., 133 We-ter Yard, Brooltly~, N. Y., and f~ mail, 27 Morrell St., Elizabeth N. j.. C.~,. S,.. PROZAN, Moses (17; A Y 25), PI od. Dlv. Pub. Servo Elec. Co. oi N. J and for,,[ SHIELDS, Frank S. (18), 125 E. 19th St. ljii/.il, 424 Albany Ave..:; 5IPlLE, Thea. E. (J 26), Outsldo Plant Engl., N. Y. Tel. Co., 860 BLidge St., RAHY, Fredk W. (A.],{ 26), Deslgnin!: Engr., E. W. Bli Co. 2nd Ave. &: 53rd St.:;. Brooklyn, and for mail, 94-2,1 222nd St., Queena Village, L. I. Brooklyn, and for liiaif, 2916 Greene PI., New York.. ~ 8IT~EY, ~laosey (17). M. E., 1880 E. 14th St. RAMPOLLA, DO~I (J 26), Jr. Engr., Test Bureall, Brooklyn.Edlson Co., Gold St., :1.. SLICER. Harry T. (18; A-M 24), Mgr. Johnson-Peter Co., th St., Brook and for lila,!, 130 ~5th St...~ Iyn, N. Y., and fa mail, Gaithersburg, Md. RANDOLPH, Clifford F. (A-M 21), A t. Ch. Engr., Am. Mch. & Fdy. Co., 5620.; SMITH, Albert K. (17; 23; 27). M. E., HlIlo Bros. Co. Brooklyn, N. Y., and nd Ave and for mail 79 75th 5t ~ for "",ii, S Oxford Terrace, W. Orange, N. J.. RAPP, Paulk (J 26), 890 E. 84th St. ~.- SMITH, Cha E. (A-M 21), Ao.t. Engr., Brooklyn Edl,on Co., 360 Pearl St., RASMUSSEN, Find (13) th Ave.,. and for ",ail, 806 E. 8tJI St. REGAN. Wm. F. (A-M 23), Fire Prevention Engr., 72 Willoughby St. ;; ".,SPEltRY, Edw. G. CA M 22), Engr. Sperry Gyroscope Co. 40 Flatbuoh Ave. REICHARD, Paul C. (J 24). 56 Han,en PI.,, Extension, and for mail, 1605 Albermarle Rd. REPETTO, Felix E (J 24). J,. Engr;; Mech. Div., ~er. Dept., Brooklyn Edi,on }j. SPERRY, Elmer A. (10), Lifo Member; Chmn. Bd. of Dir., Sperry Gyro.cope Co., C Hud a A B kly N d f. 0 k H b k,!. 40 Flatbush Ave. Extension.. N~J. n ve., roo n,., an 0. ma, 34 Par AIe., a a en, ;,; SPRECKELS. Cba. H., Jr. (1~; A-M 22), Mech. Asst Williamsburg Power. RIOE, John H. (24), V. P., Am. Mch. &< Fdy. Co., nd Ave. _;,, Plant Corp., 500 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., and f01 mail, 255 Bluff Rd.,. n Palisade, N. J.. IUCE, Robt. B. (J 26). Instr. ],{. E., Pratt Inst., 215 Ryerson St..~.: STAHL, Edw. O. M. (26). A,st. Supt., Hudson Ave. Generating Sta., Brooklyn RICHARDSON, Franci. J. (17; 28),, Htg. &< Vent" Rd. 01 Education. :~.f:.. Edi.on Co:, and for mail, 850 St. Marks Ave. Cit~ of N. Y., 131 Llving.ton St., and f01 mail, 467 lst St..,7, i STAMER, Frank R. (18; A-Y 28), Ob. Engr., Sapolin Co., Inc., 188 Lorraine St., RICHMOND, Julian (03; 08; 19). PIes., Potdevin Mcll. Co., th St.,.;: Brooklyn, and Jo, mail, 32 Beech St., Floral Park, L. I. Brook!)n, and for mail, The Hedge Dunwoodle Heights. Yonkers. ); 5TAMSVIK, Alfred L. (26), Cono. Engr th St.. RICHMOND. Juliu. D. (24; A M 25). Draftsman. Brooklyn Manhattan Tramit " STERN. 1...c (27). Pre.., S. & S. Corrugated Paper Mchy. Co. Inc.; 160 N 4th St Corp. 85 Clinton St., and for ",ail, 2170 E. 7th St.. STEVENSON, C. Maxwell (18). Preo. Karbo Bronze Fdy., Ino., 20 Van Dyke St: RICHMOND, Kenneth C. (20; 26). Abreham &< Straus., Inc. ",?,,~ STEVENSON, Warren A..(J 25), Asst. Teot Engr., Brooklyn. Edison Co. 360 RIOKCOnD, R. V. (18; A )[ 10), Brookl)n Edison Co.,Pearl St.,. aad fa ma,f, 56 Kan.on PI. ~ 1 - m

153 NEW YORl\:: MEMBERS IN UNITED SrATES MEMBERS IN llnited STATES NEW YORK BROOKLYN (continued) STILES, Linford S. (24), Constr. Ellgr., Brooklyn Union Gas Co., 176 Remsen SL.j STOCKER, Wm. M. (19; 26), M. E., Servo Mgr., Oameron Mch. Co., 61 Poplar St. STOELTZING, Haery E. (16), Asst. Supt. Power, Willi&msburg Powar Plant OCrp, 85 Clioton St.. " S~EEN, Carl A, (18: 28), Snpt., Engr., Arbuckla Bros. Sugar Ref., Ft. JaY STUTZ, Louis R. (J 26), V. 1., Sooy., Wilcox &1 Stutz Inc., 688 Lorlme.r SL, and for mail, 170 E. 17th St.. &VENDSEN, Halfdan (A M 28), th St. SWARTZ, Geo. A. (A M 24), A...t. Ch, Engr., Pioneer Instrument 00., 754 Les, and for maa, 1150 E. 4th St. TANNER, E. L. (19), E. E., Megenthaler Linotype Co., 38 Rye,.on St. TAFPARO, John A. (J 25), PI od. Engr., L. Mundet 01: Son, Inc. S. 11th 01: Be", Sts:" Broollyn, and for n,ail,.3928 Gosman Ave., Sunnyside, LOllg Island Cill. T.-\YLOl<, Matthe\v A. (J 24), luech. Dr..ftsman, Brookl)o Edison Co., 360 Pesrl St., nlld for ma,l, 1324 E. 27th St.. THALER, Franl S. (A~1 23), Apt. F19, 180Z Ocean Pkway. THOMA, Chas. (.10; A M H), Engrl;. Dept., E. W. Bliss Co., 5Srd St. III, nnd JOT mall, 4717 Bay Parkway. THO)[A, Walter (10; 14; 19), Ch. Mech. Inspc., E. W. Bliss Co., 53rd St..I: Zod Ave., and fot mail, 7043 Colonial Rd. THOMPSON, Clark O. (23; A M 26), Pres., Fcster Pnmp Wks. Inc., 38 Bridge st THOMPSON, Daniel P. (A Z5), Brookl)n Ash Removal Co., 166 Remsen St., aod for ma-ll, 195 E. 16tl, St... THOMPSON, Parker L, (J Z4), Aast. Engr., N. Y. Tel. Co" 360 Bridge SL, Brookbn, and for ".ail, 327 W. 4th St., New Y01k. TIBBALS, Geo. A. (97), Secy., I reas., Continental Ilon Wks., West III Calyer SIs" and fut ",a,l, US ~nlton St. TITTERINGTON, MOTis M. (18; 25), Ch. Enil"r., Pioneer Instrument Co., 761 Lexingtou Ave. rrzley, Arthur J. (18), bvclltor, l(j Chester Court.. TOD, Jas. R. (J Z2), Prod. 01: D..ign En!:r., Dental Products 00. Inc., 23 LUayetti St., Brool,lyn, and for mau, 101 W. 86th St., b"ew York. IONNE, B:erman A. (A M 17), Designiug Engr., Brookl)n Edison Co., S80Pe~rl St., Rnd for 1II0il, th St.. TOROK, Eh"", (22), Designe., Blooldyn Edison Co.. 3S0 liearl St., and for mau, I. 100,\ Pres.dent St.., rremaine, Lrman L. (J 24), Jr. Engr., BrooJdyn Edison Co., S60 Pearl 6t., Brookl)n, N. Y., alld for mail., 560 Prospect St., Westfield, N. J. TROTT, John A. (24), Prop., Trott Radio Co., 1360 Ooney Island Ave., and for ",a,l, 1SG6 E. 18th St.. TROUNSTlNE, Lewis J., Jr, (J 26), Branch Factory Supt., Fulton Bag & Ootton Mills, Inc., S80 Wytho Ave. TWAROllCliK, Erich (J 26), Dssigner, Mason, Au 01: Magenhelmer Confectionery Co., 22 Henry St., and fot maa, 1560 E. 46thSt.. UNDERWOOD, Enoch W. (A M 19), GenI. Mgr., ~J:buck1e Bros., Ft. Jay st, Brookl)n, nnd for ",eil, 68 8rd St" Garden Olty, L. I... UNDERWOOD, Robt. C. (25), Cb. Draftsman, Trans Lux Daylight Picture Scre Corp., 253 Washington St., and for mail, H6S Jefferson Ave. VIOLA, Bnrtholomew (01), Cons. Export & Import Eng"., 696 St. }farks Ave. VLASAK, Gustave A. (A M 25), Ch. Engr., Genl. ~r., Betlilehem Bumper 00" ~~~v ~~~It 20, BllSh Tel1nlnal, Brooklyn, and for mail, ZOOl Grand Concoullie, BROOKLYN (continued) WALSH, David J. (21), M. E., Cameron ~~ch. 00., 6 Poplar St., Brooklyn, N, Y". alld for liiau, 42. Grant Ave., Je,sey Oity, N. :1. d WALSH, John R. (ZZ), Oh. Engr. Oold Stor~. Dept. BllSh Term. 00., Ft. 43r St.,..nd for ",eil, th St.. bn WAltBURTON, Winthrop E. (J 20), Ellg,.s. As.t., Brooklyn Ed,son 00., 65 Jo son St., nnd for mail, 877 Argyle lld. kl. WARD, Robt. N. (J Z5), Deslgner llrool<l3-"li Edison 00., 880 Pearl St., Broo yn, NY., lind lot ",e,l, 150 Ege 1 ve., Jersey Oity, N. J. tt WEBSTER Jas F (J 24), Dcslgner, Assoc. Dental Products Corpl 28 Lafllye e St., B~ookl;n,N. Y., lilid for ",eil, 45 Dodd ~t., Bloomfield, 1<. J. WEED ll"ving (20) Val. Engr., V..l. of Pub. Utllitics, 82 Lafayette Ave. WEILL Melville K. (21), V, P. 51 GenI. Mgr., Beech Nut Co., Bush TermInal Bldg, 19. l 1 St d WEIR, Geo. E. (J 27), Cadet Engr., Brooklyn Edison. Co, 860 ear., all for "en, 163 Macon St.. d f WEISS. Louis T., Jr. (13; 25), Owner, Louis T. Wels6, 772 Pac1fic St., an or. moil, 635 E. 18thSt.. S ~ C 345 WEISSELBERG Arnold (J 28), Sales Ellgr., Combustion pec es orp., Flatbush A;e. and fot ma,l, 58 Linden Blvd.. WELLS, Robt. H. (J 24), Engl.! Metl"opolllan Engrg. 00., 1250 Atlant.c Ave., Brooklyn and for ",au H E I..beth Ave., HelllPstead, L. I. 1 S WELLS, Walter F. (14), V. 1., Genl. )[gr:.t. Brookl)"n Edison Co:~ 360 pear t. WEYER, t. O. (A.M 21), Instr., Dept. JIl.!>., Poly lust, of BrooK.lyn, 99 LlvlnD:. wa::i.t"o~~ Jas. E: (J 27), Jr, Engr., ~I. E. Dept., Brooklyn Edison Co., and for nlail, 86S Oarroll St. B kly WHEELER Donald B. (J 27), Engr., Scutan 00., IlIC., 36 N. 15th St., roo n, and fo; n.oil, 17 Gramercy Pk., New Yol1" WRlTE, Allred D. (A ~I.16), Ch, Operatil,g Engr., Stand. Oil Co. of N. Y., 400 Kingsland AVe., and lor mail, 130 Milton St.. WHITLEY, Frederic N. (\14), Pres., fre..., Frederic N. Whitley, Inc., 216 Fulton St. and fot mai!, 36 Clark St. WICHUM Victor (16; 21), Ch, Engr., O. J. Tagliahue Mfg. Co., 32 83rd St., Dnd fo, "0,1, 1291 Dean St.. WIDDOP, Rolancl R. (J 23), 1[ch, Designer, E. W. Bbss Co., 5Srd St. II 2nd Ave., and for ",au, IS95 E. 2ndSt.. WIEDNER Frank L. (J 28), Estimate Engr., N. Y. Tel. Co., S60 Budge St., Brookl and for meil, SS Wlllow St., no,al Pnrlt, J,.. 1. IVILDHADER, Ernest (A M 28), 1110 E. 21st St. WILLE Julian (J 26) Draftsman, Sperry Gyroscope 00., 26 Flatbush Ave., Ext., Br~oldyn and formail 1290 Grand Concourse~ New York, WILLIAMS, Frederic S. (A:M 25), D~sigll.r, A~ ~..fety Razor Corp., Brooklyn, and for Apt 5D, 2407 Mortls Ave., New York. WILLIAMS, Llew~llyn (07), Engr., Shlp\ey Constr. Co.. 60 Warren St., Brooklyn, and for mo,l Hollis Park Blvd., Hollls, L. I.. WILLIAMS, RoyS. (J 27), Asst. Test Engr., Brookl)in Edison Co., and fa maa, 165 Hicks St. WILLIAMi:>ON, II. Herbert (J 26), S~udent Engr., Am. Can Co., Imlay & Bown. ets Brooklyn NY., and for mo,l, Hopewell, N. J. WILSON Alfred J: 1: (J 25), Brooklyn Union Gas Co" 160 Remsen St., and for. mail, 2S7 Linden Blvd. WIRTH Gustave A. (19; A M Z4), Ch. DraltsnaD, Asst. Engr., C. J. Tagllabue Mfg. Co., 82 33rd St., and for moil, 2HS V..n WISEMAN, Elton J. (J Z7), Pump Rm. Engr., Brool<1yn Edison Co., p. O. Box 846, 66 Hanson 11.. WISEMAN, John T, (19; 22), Supt., Morse Dry Dock II RepaIr Co., Hamilton VON TILL, Louis A. (J 28). Engrg. Dept., AIIl. Metal Cap Co., 2 Summit St." sud for liiau, 2015 Foster Ave.. WAGNER, Joshua (J Zl), Mem, Firm, ProgressJve Corrugated Paper Mcby Co., Flllshing Ave. woj:e:ros. (J 28), Estimating Engr., Doehler Die Caat~ng Co., 605 Court st., WAGONER, Gill..11 R., Jr. (22; 27), Ch. Engr., Ideal Cup Corp. 16S 39th St and for nl0u, 835 Lefferts Ave. WAHLSTROM, Osc",r (J 21) Squad (j)hiel, Sanitary Drafting, Bd: 01 Education, WOOLNER. Seyn,our A. (17; A M 24), V. 1., An,. Katallte Corp., 99 ~anson PI., Flatbush Ave. Extension.Ii Concord St., Brooklyn, and for nlail 32 Olive PI" Brooklyn. N. Y,; also, V. P., Electrox Co., Peoria, Ill" and for mo.l, Apt. 6A, Lynbrook, L. I. 846 W. 88th St., NeVI York. WALDRON, J. Lau,ence (A-M 16), Tech. Asst., Brooklyn Edison 00., 360 Pes,l. \ WUNSCH, JOB. W. (17; 23; 27), Pres., Ch. Engr., Silent Holst Co., 762 Henry St., and for me1l, 652& Laiayette Ave.. St

154 1;,1tI ~,t~~\[ ~;: t,n\;:f:l.~ 11~~1 j jl\,v,,ji!};f,!!~l.. l" J,,k fi~if;1~ l"nij(v" ~1-IJ I(~:,;J.1 ~f*~:~a.l~h,,!i,,>., ~~~~! q.! NE\V YORl>:. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES BROOKLYN (continued).:" YEOMANS, Paul H. (J 22), HesearC!1 Engr., A. Schraders SOilS, Iuc., 470 Valld,ri.,:, bllt Ave. Brook!)n, UII<I lor 7lIIU1, 6846 Harrow St., Forest Hi1ls,.L. I..,, YOERGER, Frank (A M 27)1 Oenl. Supt., Presto Mch. Products Co., 70 Wasbing:. ton St., Brooklyn and /01 ""il, 418 Wilton Ave., Glendale, L. I..: YOUNGMAN, Emanuel M. (A 23), Effic. Engr., Freed Eismann Radio Corfb 40, Flatbush Ave. Extension, Brooklyu, and for ma-lt, 203 W. 87th St., New rork.. ZERBAN, Alex, H. (J 27), Oadet Engr., Brooklyn Union Gas 00., 176 Rems,".:.; St., Blooklyn, and for "dl, tb St., Jackson Helg1lts, L. I.. ZI~IMERMANN, Hans C. (27), 260 Park Pl. BUFFALO, Buft",10 Section ALVERSON, H..rry B. (15), E. E., Buffalu Ge"l. Elec. Co., ROI. 200, 30 Geueseu St.._ ANNIS, Burton B. (A M 26), Cbem. Engf., du Pont Rayon Co., and lor lnoit;j 9 Groveland St., ARMSTRONG, Wm. M. (9,l.; 16), V. P., Mercken. Ohocolate Co., ith & Jefsey St~. ARNOLD, Walter W. (J 26),!I06 Oentral Y. M. C. A.. :" BARNES, Eugene L. (16), Barber Aspllalt Co., and for ",all, lis Walton A\e. ;. BARR, Wm. H. (A 11), Pree., Wm. H. Barr, luc., 27 Carolina St.,. BASSETT, Chas. K. (17; 25), Secy., Butfalo Meter 00., 2917 ~lain St. }. BASSETT, Geo. B. (U), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Buffalo }leter Co., 2917 Main St., ;0. and lor mail, 691 W. Fe1ry St. ;- BATSON, Fredk J. (27), Gen!, Supt., 1Iittinger Co., 1379 Elmwood.~ve., li,lia," tot "nail, 310 Voorhees Ave. ":.. BAXTER, Ailan 11. (27), Designing & Cons. Engr., A. E. Baxter Eugrg. Co., ;. 905 Ellicott Sq.. BECK, Geo. D. (A-M 27~, Erecting Enf,r., Diesel Eng. Dept., Worthlllgton Pump / ~cby. OOI p., Butfa 0, N. Y., and or ",au, 2331 Oonstl>nce St., J>ew.Orlean.,;; BELL, Andrew L. (13: 19), Mgr., Barber Asphalt 00., 17S W..lden Ave., and.} fm mail, 1010 Parksld. Ave.. BELL, David (12), Pre, TrellS., David Bell Co. Inc., 1555 Fullmore.~"e.... BENDER, Walter E, (J 26), Draltsman, Buffalo Fdy. ol: Meh. Co., and for ",ail, "., 128 Victoria Ave,.. BETZ, Jl>Ccb H. (28; A-M 25), Supt., }Iollenberg ol: Bet. Mcll. Co., 110 Washing ton St., and fo, mait, 162 Admiral Rd.. BIERBAl!M, Ohrlstopher H. (94: 98), Lif. Member; V, P., Cons. Engr., Lumen }- BellllOg 00., Rm. loll, 197 Lathrop St. :7 BLACKER, FIed J., Jr. (J 26), Asst. Local Pur. Agt., Snow Wk., Worthington Pump & Mchy. Corp.. BLISS, L)man A. (J 24), Supt. Lab.~.Lindo Air Product. Co., 169 Chandler.St.." BOOTH, Ohas. A. (09), V. P., Salealllgr., Buffalo For~e Co., 496 Broadway. BOW&I~~rer ~~~vrenc. J. (J U), Research Engr., LlUde Ail Plodncts Co.; 169 BRIDGMAN, Robt. R. (J 25), Draftsman, H. P. Demp.ey, 232 Dcl..",are Ave., -;: BUffalo, and for mail, R. F. D. 1, S. O"eek Rd., Hamburg. BRUNNER, A. H. (A-M 24<), Oh. Engr., N",tl. Gypsum Co., 409 Jackson Bldg. BULKELEY, Olaude A, (09), Ch. Engr.,. Niagara Blower Co., 673 Ontario St. BUR~~ha~~Uj,t~ (A 22), V. P., Genl. Mgr., McCarthy B:os. & Fo,d, 75 V. :, BURTSELL, Bertram W. (18), Pres., GenI. Mgr., McKinnun Dash Co., Buffalo,..t and jo, ma-lt, 267 Chriatiana St., ~. Topawanda. CARY, Jos. B. (A M 20), V. P., Beaver Products Co., Inc., Bea"er Rd., and lor mail, 178 Summer lit... CIDLD, L. W..llnca (J 27), Devel. Engr., Niagara Blower Co., 6i3 Ontario St...j: OLARKE, O. Edwin (J 12), Supt. brech. Dept. Lackawanna Plnnt, nethlehem Steel "1 00., and fo, "ai!, 4~1 Norwood Ave... OLOUDSLEY, David B. (A 08), Zaremba Co., 606 Orosby Bldg., and or ",ail, 99 ~~n ~ OOLEMAN, Clarence E. (A-M 27), Engrg. Div., du Pont Rayon Co. Inc., and. fo, mail, 182 Choate Ave...,; CREWSON, Gee. G. (16: 19), P..rtner, Cons. Engr., Indus. Equip. Co., 306 Jackson Bldg., and for maa, 97 Huntington Ave.." CROFT. Daniel n. (J 26), Engr., Worthington Pump &1 llcby. Corp., P. 0: Bor, ~~. 434.~ MEMBERS m UNITED STATES l\"ew YORI>:. UFFALO (continued) UNDALL, Robt. N. (18), Ch. Engr., Indus. Planning Corp., 46 Cou, t St. d USHING, 11. M. (22), Oh. Eogr., Butfalo Gen!. Elec. Co., 39 E. Genesec St., nn fot ",ail, 149 Commonwealth Ave... ZOCK. Jacob H. (23; A M. 26), Engr.,. Snow Wks., Worthlngtoll Pump & Mch\. Corp. NFORTH, N. Loring (03: 14), Pres.., John W. Danforth Co., 70 Ellicott ~. UGHERlli, Sam! B. (05), 733 Crescent Ave. AVIS" Dalliel L. (J 21), 34 Roanoke lkway., AVlS, Helbort A., Jr. (3 26), Elec. Storage Battery 00., alld for mad, 337 E. Delevnn Ave.., IJEMPSEl". H..rry P. (.1.-1>1 21), Cons. M. E Delaware Ave. DE QUASIE L. Glenn (A M 21), 1815 Liberty Bank Bldg. DOLLAR. \v. M. (96: 03), Cons.. Warsllw Elev. Co Delaware A, e. :DSENZIOLSKI, DllVld A. (A-M 24), er, WOjthington rump &. Mch). Corp., Buffalo, and for mail, P. O. Box S4 msford. :EOKSTEIN, Geo. F. (A-M 21). 41 Woodlawll Ave. "EGGERT Wlli. H. (116: 24), Bales Engr., Zaremha Co., 506 CIosby Bldg., and, 56 Rugby Rei. :EVANS, D. Franklin (16: 26), Devel. Engr., du Pont RayOll 00., Drawer B, Sta. B., and for mail, U Sagamore Terrace. EVARTS Howard M. (J 23), M. E., Mech. Dlv., Bureau 01 Bldgs., Oity 01 Butfalo. 689!rain St., and for mail, 675 Richmond Ave. EVERITT, F. O. (19), 316 Wellington Rd.., FABER, Otto (22), Ch. EnjfC., G, L. Squier Mfp,-. Co., 490 Broad!, ay. FARNHAM. Bion B. (18), Gen!. Mgr., FarnhaJll MIg. Co., 31 IndIana St" Buffalo, and for mail, 56 E, :aazeltine Ave., Kenmore,.. :FAULKNER, Victor B. (27), Supvr. Power Plants, Nat!. Amlme &. Ohern. Co.,. and for mail, 46 W. Mohawk St.. F:OCARDI..Pler-L (20), Capt. Oorps Engrs., U. S. Enltla. Office, 540 Federal BIdp,-. i FRANK, Olive E. (27), Pre.., Genl. Mgr., Q. E. Frank Heater &. Engrg. 00., ~: Inc., 20 Milburn St. u1 St F. C " GAllBLE, Wm. J., Jr. (11; 21), Secy., TIe""., Mgr., V can eam orglnlr a.,, 221 nano Sf., and for mail, 386 Starin Ave.. GFROil ER, Albert H. (18: A-M 17), Obo EiljfC., Automatic :Transportatlon Co., \ 2983 Maill St. d f GmlllEY, Jas. W. (09). :Iorgr., Brigham &l Ta;ylor Wka H01\ard St., an or,.; "iii, 416 Wood\vard Ave.,, GIESE Hennan n. (J 26), Asst. tc Supt., Barber Asphalt Co., 176 Walden Ave.. :.. and for mail, 546 Delaware Ave..:), GRADE, Wm. A. (27), Oh. Engr., Larkin 00, Inc., and fo" "",a, 261,Woodlawn ~.. GR.A-~EeS, Cilester W. (,l 2i), Foreman, Winding Rm., dn Pont Uayoll Co., and ". for."ail, 1,113 Tonawanda St.," GRIFFIN, W, A. (20). Pres., Flolltier I"on Wks.. 36 Letchwort~ St..: GRIGG, OhIlB. T. (J U), Indus, G",s Sales Engr., Iroquois Gas Corp., 249 W. ~~.. GelLesed St., and for 7nail. 199 Rlcl~ond Ave...,: GRISSINGER, Elwood (12), Research Engr., 293 Lcxlngtoll Ave.. :. GUIDER, John F. (20), Wko. Mgr., 11erce-AIlOw.Motol Oar Co., 1695 Elmwood 6 ~. W St..~: HANAU, Rudolph L. (26), Oons. Dental &. ~. E., 951 FerlY. I: HAitDING, Louis A. (13), Pres., L. A. 1Inrdll11: Constl. Corp ~In S~ ~ HARRINGTON, Carlos E. (26), Asst. to Dean, College of Arts &: SCience., Unlv.. of Buffalg. and for mali, 62 Winter st. :"liilwan, Nelson P. (A-M 27), Oh. Power Engr., Pierce Arrow Motor Oar 00., " 1696 Elmwood Ave., and for maa. 26 Colfax Ave.. ;:, f,lqneoker, NOImllll C. (J 26), Draftsnlan, Buffalo Forge Co., and for liia,t, 226 ::. Oambli<!:l:e St.. "cc ~h u_.. F d 76 W ; HUBBARD, Frank B, (15:. 18), Power "Engr., " at. y...os. "" or,. i. Mohawk St., nnd for mail, 167 Tacoma. A,e., i, HUBBELL, Col. Lyman. P. (15), Prea., Filmore AIl. Fdy. &: lion Wks. Inc ; Fllmore Ave. b BId. d f t. HUGHES, Burton S. (03), Pres" Zaremba Cros y p,-.. an Or mal,.:. 857 Delaware Ave. b BId ".; HU(}HES, J. S~.nley (A-M 27). Obem., Engr., Zaremba Co., 606 CIOS Y g., ". and for ma,i, 920 Amherst St.,,;. 435

155 NEW YORn> ME)IDERS IN UNITED STATES :VFFALO (contlnned)... UTCHINSON. Henry H (A M 16) P HUTCHISON. F. O. (J 27) Research E ower LSi npvt. du Pont Rayon. Co. st.,ngr., nde Air Products Co 169 a IIYM.AN D. (92) V P i. JAMES, Wm. A. (h) oii E mp relimestone 00., 19 Hudson St. Ave. ngr., acltawanoa Steel Co., an~ lor mail, 314 No KAELIN, Cbas. G. (16 20) Trea. I.AYGeGnesee St., and or :nail. 492 Be.ts:WfalO Commarcial Body Co., Inc.,, eo. A. (21, A-II 95) Facto S t. L KELSEY. Howard C. (J 24): Sales ~n up ake Erie Engrg. Corp., 268 Parry Ave. and lor mail. 14 Yprk St gr., Jo,. T. Ryerson.& Son Inc., 1399 Hi KEMP. Harold A. (J 20) du P t E.. Ave. Kenmore.. 9n ngrg. Co., BuJIll1o, and for mail, 61 Or KESSLER. Armin G (09 25) G III M... Inc.. 8U Vulcan St e gr., Buffalo Plant, Farrel Fdy & Mcb KIPLINGER 0. G I (J "2 ). Rd. a e 1, Deve!. Engr., Nat!. Aniline.I< Chem. 00., 351 Ab KUNZ. Wm. W. (J 24) II M Intern tl or mail. 26 Inwood PI: a Ry Main.I< Michigan Aves., ~T~/afl, t )f8: 25), Oons. Engr., 217 Summer St. mail~~6~!west ~;J.; 21). M. E., Indus. Planning aorp., 45 Court St.. and LANNON, Jobn D. (18 22) G L S t Ave. " en up Plants, Am. Radiator Co., 1807 Ebnwooc( LEHN. Henry C. (A M 16) Cb En S.. Loofi* Corp and lor mail, 30 Mr-ris ~~:.Holly "Wks., Worthington PWlIp_ W. Howard (25 A-1l 27) Field E : 207 Delaware Ave.. ngr PbUip Carey Co., and lor mila;; LOWE. Stuart S. (23 A-M 25) StairE.. Ma 507 White Bldll. Buff.lo, and for maj~i2b~.tral~m;ricipal Research Bureau;; carthur, John Eo (18), 98 WelIlnp;lo Rd JUco n vd., Kenmore. I: MacFARLAND. H. B. (07), Pre,. MacF i d E.: MADISON. Richard D. (A.M 18) Researc~r::ngr ~grf,a1oofrp, 622 Lin\vood Ave. i M:AN[)OLF, Ikaru. H. (J 26) DOs! M n.,! 0 orge Co. 490 Broadwa7:~ and for mail, 1018 Lafay;tte A: er,. E., Starlmg Eng Niagara Sl,;i. MANGER, Paul A. (J 21), Oh. D~aftsman F :. Vulcan ~t.. and lor mail, 41 Woodette PI arrel Fdy. & Mcb. 00., Inc., SU.:. MARTYN, ViJlls S (J 24) J M E GenJ " ~lensonldes,!liceid (22, r V p" P Elec. Co. 205 Elcc. Bldg lor mail, 858 Minnesota A~e" erry St. Plant, Farrar & Trefts, Inc. and:; UERRIOK D. ht V.,.. MILLER Wmw,i (i,j/ 5 ). Engr., Dunlop Tire & Rqbher Co. for mail, i22 Lemon ~i. Draftsman, U. S. Hame Co., 186 Tonawanda St., and :?rollenberg. Harold J (A ll.0s) RefIE. "OLOInc., 110 Washington St., and ~formail r 122 B ngr. M i ~~ebnlbedrg-betz Mcb. 0..,.:... NY, Noblett J (27) PI,runsw c.. V. " James Pl., ant Engr., Nat!. Bread 00., and lor mail, 48 Bl..: MOORE. Raymond P. (27) 11. E BWf I :, MOO~~ for mail, 242 Kno:lton Ave. :e::2o":~: Elec EIee. Bldg., Bulfa,Io.j MUNSCH~u~it DO (A-~ 28), 81 Asbland Ave.. ~. 088 Northland,e~ve: (20; 27), Pree., Genl. Mgr., Niagara.MOO. & Tool W1<,e. :,:: NEAL. Jobn R. H. (16) Mom Fir E,.. NELSO~, Swen W (20:.2 m. ngr., Root. Neal & Co., 180 Main St. i ORNO. Knud E. (;27), En ~)c~rii Balley Meter 00.,888 E.IJicott Sq. Bldg..,. and or mail, 514 Hug:boJdt pk;:,;:n,an, J. P. Devine 00 1S72 Olinton St..:. OSGOOD, Jobn L (98) P J L >. PANCOAST, J. rio (AM l~orza bostood Tool 00., 43 Pearl St..~ Oongrees St.. rem a a., 506 Orosby Bldg and for mail PARKER, Karr ( ) Treas E,, hawk St., llnd I~r m~il, 121 TiJIlngb~:i pysr, McOarthy Bros. & Ford, 76 W, M... PETERSON. Amos G (A M 20) Sal M. way. and for mail. 149 Admiral i:d. gr BWfalo Steam Puuip 00., 490 Broad PEW, Paul B. (J 24), Re,earch Engr., Linde Air Products Co., 169 Chandler St..,:; 4~!.,;: MEMBERS IN UNITED Sr.,\.rlS NEW YORK UFFALO (continued)....iek, Stepben (15). V. P., Gelll. Mgt., Niagara Lockpo, t & Onto Power Elac. Bldg.. OOLE. Richard O. (J 2S), 824 Oreatwood Ave. OTTER, D. F. (20), Mgr., Apparatus Dept., Robertson Oataract Elec. 00., 161 W. Mohawk St... OWEL, Sam!. W. (80), Oon. Engr Equip. Plant, Am. Radiator S Elm wood Ave. WELl Wm. B. (18). TreRS. Indu Planning Corp., 45 Court St. RlTCHETr, B~an (A M 26), Sales Engl., Republic Flow Meters Co., 651 EIIlcott Sq.. and lor mail. 9 Ashland Ave.. :RE~BIlK\!:, li:rncst A. (15; 20). Asst. to Mgr., Iroquois Wks., Barber Asphalt Co.,. 178 Walden Ave. REED, Chas. M. (16; A-M 24). Research Engr., Areo Vacuum Corp., 2050 Elm :;.. wood Ave.,:: RICE, Howard O. (20). Factory Mgr O. Kurtzmann & Co., 526 Nfagara St. and.: for mail. 649 W. Ferry St. \ ROBBINS. Waltar O. (17; 18; 22). Cb. Engr., Roude Engrg. Corp E.,.. Delevan Ave. ;....ROTllERY. Ludwig W. (A.M 18), Erecting Engr., Westinghouse Elec.& :Mfg. 00., ~~. 1~1 Milto!, St..SCHWARZ. Eugene A. (A-M 22), Expo, t Sal.., Geo. L. Squier Mfg. 00., 490 : Broadway. Buffalo, and for mail, 264 Washington Highway. College Rill. :. Snyder.,.:. SOHWEIGERT, Wm. F. (A 18). Secy., Sales Mgr.~ Niallara Mcb..I< Tool Wka.. ".. 6S7 Nortb1and Ave. and lor mail, 86 W. Humbolnt Park.... SEELBACH, Earl R. (16; 26), Dirt. Mgr., Louden Mchy. 00., 464 Ellicott Sq.,.;.,. and or mail, 66 Winslow Ave...<. amith. Sanford Ohao. (14), Pres., Treas. & Genl. Mgr.. King Refractories Co Niagara St. SMITH. Wm. A. (18: A M 26). Mgr.. Gasollne & OU Dept., Larll;in Co., Inc.,. 680 Seneca St., Buffalo. and for mail, 229 Pleasant Ave. Hamhurg. ~:. SOMMER, M. H. (A M 27>, Research Engr., Republic Metahvare Co., 90 Alabama.. St., and for mail, 182 Anderson PI.,. SOUTHER, Winslow L. CA M 2(), Diat. Mgt., Oelite Products Co., Genesee Bldg. SOWERS. David W. (15). Pre,., Sowers Mig. Co., 1800 Niap;ara St. STELLEY, Harry A. (A-M 19). Supt. EnllrB., Buffalo Gravel Oorp.. 19 RUdaon St. STOTT. BenJ. F. (A M 22). As,t. M. M. Oharge Maintenance. U. S. Rubber Reclaiming 00., Babcock Street, and or,nail, 150 Albany St.. SLIMM.ERS, JIIS. F. (J 25) I Mosier.I< Snmmers, and lor mail, 469 Huntington Ave. ;. TAYLOR. John S. (J 281. Time Study Supvr., BOlld Plant, Am. Radiator 00.,.,: S7 Rano st..;. TOMLINSON. Wro. R. (A M 18). Wk Mgt., J. a WlIIlaros 00 and for mail, 628 W. Ferry St. TRAUDT, Wrn. F. (14 L20), Pres., GenI. Mgt., Taber Pump 00., 291 Elm St., and for ~",i1. 7 TREFTS, Johu O. (09), Treas Mgr. Farrar & Trefts. Inc., 67 Perry St. ~, TYNG, Arthur (IS), Cons. Enp;r ~08 Iroguois Bldp;. :.!.. VAN DERVEER. T. W. -(21), Area Oper. Supt., NaU. AniliDe & Chem. Co. 851 Abbott Rd.. ii WARE. Marsden (J 22). 619 Auburn Ave. r: WEIR. Milton L. (J 21). Soles Engr., Vacum Oil Co., 622 Walbridge Blug., and ". for mail. 26 Norwalk.1.\". WENDT, Ed/:&r F. (21)1 V.l P Tre. Bullalo Forge Broadway. ". WENDT, Henry W. (12),..res.. Bullal9 Forll:e 00., 490 Broadway.. ::: WEYMOUTH, Fredk R. (25), Ob. Eng<. Aircraft Dept., G. Elias &> Bro. 965 Elk,,! St.. and for mail. 61 Runtington Ave. ", WEYMOUTH. Tho. R. (10), Pres., Iroguol, GaB Corp., S05 Iroquois Bldg. WHITE. D. McCall (15). Asst. to Prea.. Brooks Steam Motors Inc., 506 Liherty Bank Bldg and lor mail. 94 Lexinl\ton Ave... WILKE. Wm. (93). Mach.. Civil &; Chern. Engl. 86 Norwood Ave. t WILKINSON. Geo. Edw. (J 25). Draftsman. Wortbington Pump &: Mchy. Oorp. Clinton & Roberts Sts.. and lor mail. 164 Bird Ave. WILLIAMS. Geo. L. (17; 24), Asst. Power Supvr., Natl. Aniline.I< Chem. Co. 851 Abbott Rd, and for mail. 41 TacolJla Ave. ij~ WILSON, JaR, Arthur (18: 25),.~S$t. Engr. Beaver Products Co. Inc. I: 4S7

156 ."t1l~)~,,,. ;SEW YORK llleliibers IN Ul>lTED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW " nuflialo (continue,i) WITTE, Felix (21), M. E., Ch. Draftsman, Zaremba Co., 506 Crosby BId,;., Y.A.T~S, J::!L~8(~ ~::f:"~:.7 Worthington Pump & Meby. Oor. i ZIEGLER, Goo. L. (J 25), Engr., Oil, Eng, Test Del1t., Worthingfon Pump &; Melly: Corp., Clinton &: Roberts Sta., " ZILEN, Victor W. (18: 2), Cbo EJ!gr., Titu.ville Iron m.. Co., Titusville Fa Co., of ritu.ville, Pa.. aleo Prod. En,;r., Buffalo Meb. &.!lon Corp., 2G8 Pe st., and for mail, 818 AubutIl Ave. CAlIIDEN, Syracuse Section YOUNG, Wm. J. (A M 17), Cbo Engl., No. Mcb. Corp. C_"lIlILLlTS. Syracuse Section PORTER, Will R. (16; 18), M. E., C8mUlus Cutlely Co. CANAJOHARIE., HOFr:r~~ X~~: H. (A-M 27), Supt., Beecb };ut Pncking Co., McBEAN, D. M. (J 24), Prod. Mv;r., Beecb-Nut P.ckinll: Co. SOWDEN, Park T. (08; 15; 20), V. P., GenI. MIP., ArkelI & Smitb; Paper Mfrs.. CANASTOTA, Syracuse Section :\. CASLER, Hen"on (01; 24), Pres., Wks, Mgl., Prod. Engl g. Colp., and for "QQ,;; 820 N. Peterboro St. : DEW, Donald H. (J 16), Factory Mgr., DlenJouldlng Products 00" Inc. " CARTHAGE GIBBS, Cbas. R. (21; 25), Gonl. Supt., Rytber &. Pringle Co., N. Jeff St.,GRIEB, Jobn J. (21), Engl., Ryther & Pringle Co. RYTHER, Goo. D. (18), Pres., Ryther & Pringle Co., and /0"., mail, 1 Vincent SL.~ CATSH:n,T, KESSLER, Herbert H. (15; 20: 27), Plant Mgr., N. Am. Cement C011>., Box D, CHAPPAQ,UA, illehol.olltall Section QUINBY, Sidney (J 26), Mgr., Cboppaqua Duntile Co., RedfOld Rd. COHOES, ScllenectlL,ly Section RIEHL, Harmon B. (A M 24), 85 Younglove Ave. COLLEGE POINT, L. J., MetropolltlLll Section BURGER, Geo. E., Jr. (J 24), Indus. Engrg. Dept., Am. H.rd Rubber Co., and for mail, 1l~ 14 Ave. E. J.\NCUSEK, JOB., Jr. (J 26), Indus. Engrg. Rubllel Co. College Point", and for, mail, 104 Wilson Ave., Long Island City., lfulrt~eav~m. R. (J 28), Indu Engl., Am. HardRubber Co.,and for mail, 550 PEEHL, Carl F. (21; A-M 25), Prod. Dept., Am. Rubber Co., College Point :. L. I.. and for ",oil, 629 E. 2S8rd St., New York. "f SCHELHA1llMER, H.(I41), Supt., Asst. Wk. Mgr., Am. Hard Rubber Co" : College Point, and for mai!, Beechwood Terrace, Beecbhur.t. : SEIDLER, Ma.on F. (J 26), Indus. Engrg. Dept., Am. Hard Rubber Co., College :) Point, L. I., and for mail, nd. Ave., J:!ew York. STOECKER, Otto C. (A-M ~21), M. M., Am. Hard Rubber Co., College Point, and.~. for mail, 6138 Parsons Blvd., Flushing. TYL~~06 ~~~ta:: (J 21). Cb. Engl., I., B. Kleinert Rnbber Co., alld for moil, "" CORNING, BAILJf: J... (J 19), nevel. Engl., Cornillg Glass Wks., llnd fo/ mail,, OAKLEY, Walter W. (13; A-M 16), Ohorge Fuel & Reflactor~ Materials, Colning Glass WkB., and for mail, 81 E. tb St.. U8 t CORNING (continued), : ST. CLAIR, Albert T. (A 28), Pat. Atty., Corning Glass Wk., and jor m.a~!, 62,\i:TIEliEt~h1itert M. (J 18), Cbo Draftsman, Corning Glass Wk, and for mai!,./. 107 E. 2nd St. d f i! 189 : VA,KSDAL, Alfred (2), Plant Engl., Cornl!)g G1...~ Wks., an or "la, :" Cbemun,; st, ";CORTLAND C d f f,i1lmer, Loui. (18)" Devel. Engr.. Pst. Atty., Brower Tltcheuer orp., an or,., moi!, 2 N. Church St. ~ :COXSOC1i:IDl ;;,O.ULKlN, Loui. (J 24), c/o Loo M. Scully.,,: DANSVILLE ii,boeker, Gllport G, (J 27), Student Engl., Power Spec. Co., and for mai!,., 68 Main St. b I,. BROOKOVER, J. Sbnrtle (J 27), Servo &: Erec..Student Engr., Foster W ee er ; Cottage St. f! 50 P St "i COLT, Saml. F. (J 22), Cb. Inspr., l,~wer Spec. Co., and or mat.. erme. :: ROVER, Ricbard H. (14; A M 2:0, Engrg. Dopt., Fo.ter Wbeele, Corp., and ;., for mail, P. O. Box 4$.. D II d f! 115 " THEOBALD, Carl D. (J 27), Power Spec. Co., ansvl e, an or mat, ~:. lj. 91.t St., New York. DEFERIET ARSE..>fAULT Romeo (J 21), P. O. Box 276. d,:; WARNER, Jobn E. A. (A-M 20), Cb. EngT., Deleriet Mill, St. Regis Paper Co., an ;". for mail, P.,0. Box 6.,; DELlIIAR, Sclofue, Sectlol1 -: liall, Ron.ld S. (A M 25), Fact01Y Rep., Duro Pump Co., and fo r mail, Keni wood Ave. :~:.DOBDS FERRY, liletropolltr1j. Sect~oll > SPIRO, Chas. (08), P,es., Cons. Engr., C. Splro Mfl(. Co., SPIRO, Walter J. (20), Tre...Genl. Mgr., ~nve1tor, O. Spiro Mfg. Co., Dobbs, ;,. Ferry,.nd fol mail, 2 New xark Ave., Wblte Pialns. ";, DOUGLASTON, L, I., Metropolitan Sectioll { BRISTOL, Raymond W. (A M 19), 16 Manor Rd, DUNIQnli:, CRlllDLER Heman W. (17 A M 19), Mainten.nce Dapt., Brooks Wk., Am. Loco O~., and for mai!; 816 Woodrow Ave..,. HILLER: August (22), Treas., Cyclops Motor C.orp., Dunkirk, N. Y., and for mati,., 8015 Brown.ville Rd., Mt. Ollver P.O., Plttsburv;b, Pa. i SOHULENBERG, Wm. L. (20), Maintenance Engl. Brooks Wk., Am. Loco. Co.,,t and /(1( mail, 767 Park Ave. ~ SMITH, Cameron O. (06). ::,EAST AURORA, BllfIalo Section i,blaokburn, G. C. (J 21),1. O. Box 82. ;,., EAST ROOHESTER, Rocllester Sectioil ~ ~INDSEY, Jos. T. (A 26), Genl. Supt., Case Shep, Fo.ter Arm.tron,; Co., E. ;., Rochester, and jor mat!, 66 Q.ueen St., Roche,ter. : EAST SYRACUSE, Syracuse Section ",RICHARDSON. Harold O. (J 26), Plant Engr., Benedict Mfg. Co., E. syrscuse; and lor mail, R. D. 4, Syracu.e.!, ELlIIHURST, L. I., ltletrovolltan Sectloll ~, ALEXANDER, Cba. Anton (A-M 22), M. M., E. R. Durkee & 00. BLAKE, Winchester G. (J 26), 74 Lamont Ave..,McGUINNESS, Wm. J. (J 24), 81 Victor PI..,. 489

157 NEW YORK MEMBERS!,N UNll"I!:D STATES ELMIRA BANKl:l, Fredk R. (A-M 17), 011. Engr., Kennedy Valve Mfg. 00. " EVAii~LD~~e.R. (18), Morrison Meb. Products Iuc., alld.for mail, 1:14 Coua. KENr4~~Y Matthew E. (J OO), Seey., T~eao., Kennedy Valve Mfg. Co" P. O. IQ:NSMAN, Richard E. (14; 25), Pres., Mlnchar Oorp., P. O. Box 644, and I mail, 105 Elm St... LINKE, Francis J. (27), 300 Lornlore St.. Mac4RTHUR, O. P. (A-M 15), Eclipse Meb. 00., Elmira Helgbts, alld for Lock Box 23.. MARKTHALER. Leo V..(M: A M 25}1 Prod. Mgt., Kel tscher & Co., 100 Thurston St., and. for mail. 610 Euchd Ave. PARSONS, Fredk W. <:89). 300 Maple Ave. RIOHERS. G. J. (21); M. M., Pa: R. R. 00. ROSS, Cleland O. (ld: A M 23). Plant Engr Am. La France Fire EnA. Co., for mail, 306 W. Gray St. STAHL. Theo. E. (A.M 22), Plant Supt., AnL La Frallca.I: Foaroite CorP. for ma"l, 1022 Hoffman l:lt... STRECKER, Chas. E. (A-M 23). Ch. Engr., Kennedy Vahe MfA. Co.. E. Water S and for mail. 711 W, Gray St... FMRPORT, Rochester Section HEPENSTAL, Roger F. (J 26), 42 Perrin St. FAR ROCIi:AWAY, L. I., Metl:opoUtu.n Section dhedberg. Geo. Yo (21), Cultur~ & Healtb Scb., 600 Jarvis Lane.. HaWLAND, Lewis A. (1.0), V. P., GenI. Supt., Queen. Borough Gas" Elee. Co. MORLAN. WUbert (14), Engr., L. I. Water Oorp., Far :Rocks.,vaY, and for mall, 68 S. Cottage $t" Valley Stream, L..1.. ". SIUMFF, Howard (J 24). Oons. Engr., 2867 Bayview. Terrace. " FARMINGDALE, L. I., 1Iletrol.olltan Section BUNNELL, Gilbert F. (AM 26), Exec., Farmingdale Sand" Gravsl Co., Farrolngdale, and for mail. Robbin. Ave., Amityville. KINCAID. R. M. (20). V. P., Genl. Mgr., Fairchild Aviation Corp.... LITTLEWOOD, Wm. (d 22), Wk. Mgr., Fairehild Camlnez Eng. Corp. FLUSHING, L. I., Metropolitan Section GOODWIN, Thcs. L., Jr. (J 22), Engrs. Asst., N. Y. " Queens Gas Co., Elec. Bldg.. Amity St.. GREENWOOD, Joe. R. (20), Pres., Cbarge.Mfg. N. Y. Vitreou. Euamel Producla. Corp., 66 Myrtle Ave..,_ LAKATOS, Emory (J 26), Jr. Engr., N. ". " Queens Elec. Light" Power Co" f Fhl&hinll, and lor mad, 3lB Ditmars A,-e., Astoria. " MacDONALD, Edw. T. (A-M 27). Hou.e Secy.,.F1usbing Branch Y. M, O. A...~ SPE~~.. Maynard H. (16), Y. P., Geul. Mgr., N. Y. " Queens Gaa Co., 114 Amity. THOMSON. Saml. G. (16), Con. Engr Percy St. WAINWR.IGHT, Walter S. K. (lb), ad.!! WlUihington PI. ".\ WETTSTEIN, F. A. (A-M 26), Cons. Engr. 6S8 Mitchell Ave. ", WINGE. Otto O. (16: 21), E.tlmator, N. Y. " Queeno Elec. L1ll;bt " Power Co,. ;; Central Sta., Flushing, L. I., and fot mail, 11.E. 31.t St.. BrookIyn.. FOREST HILLS, L. I.. llietropoi1tan Section STRATTON, D. Y, (18; 20), A..Jlt. 6, Garden Apt. UNDERHILL. Obu. l,l. (18), \lon. Engr., 12 Roman Ave. FRANli::FORT, "Utica Section. BACHMAN. Wro. A. (22), Supt. Fdys., N. Y. Central R. R. Co; MIXER, Harold P. (A-M 27), 217 6th Ave. FREEPORT, L. I., MetropoIttan Seetlon CHAPIN. Harry. A. (J 16). 67 MllIer Ave. MILLER. W. B. (J 29), 184 S. Long Beacb Ave MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK LTON, Syracuse Section! ILTS, Frank B. (18), Pres., Treas Dilts Mcb. Wks., Inc., 46 N. 1st St., and Ot li1<1il, 149 S. 1st St. 9 N KELL, J. Dennla (J 21), M. E., Mob. Design., Dilt. ;Mch. Wks Inc.,.. 1st St.. ARDEN Clt7 L. I., 1I1etropolltan Section AUER. Geo. O. (J 26), Draftsman. Curti A~roplane " Motor 00., Garden OIty. and fot mail, Port Washington. d Cit d BERGER, Emerick W. (J 26), Cwilss Motor Co. Gar en y, an f", mail, rd St., WoodBide, L. r. d BLACK, Archibald (21), Oons. Air Tran."ort Engr., 115 Brlxton R.. HEINE. Roger E. (J 22). Pres., Genl. Mgr., Garden City Homes CO. LO Jung an (J 25), Stres. Engr., Curti Aeroplane" Motor Co.. MONESS, Elias (J 24), En!!:r., Curtiss Aeroplane &s Motor Co., Garden Olty, L. I., and for mai Walton Ave., New York. STRATTON E. Platt (83). Retired, 84 6th St. WOODHAM: Ruland M. (~ 26). El1gr., Ourti.. Aeroplane" Motor Co. GAB.NERVILLE, 1I1etropolitall Section... CUIPBELL, Js.s. A. (Iii: 17), Prcd. Mil"" Rockland ~l111.shidg Co., Ine. OLOSS. Eric A. (J 27), A..t. Cons. Engr., Rockland Flm.bll1g 00., Inc. GASPORT. KAYNER, Howard S. (A M 22). :Box 188. GA.TES, RocJ.ester Section MOULD, Artbur E. (A. ~21), 3 Pearwocd Rd.. c/o P.O., Coldwater. g~~:~red L.(lS; 27). R. F. D. 1.. HERENDEEN, Fredk W. (20). Secy., Natl. BoUer " Radiator Mfr. Assn., 29. L9E~.D8~a~tF. (20; 28), Sale. Mgt.! Fay " Bo~en Eng. Co.. PALMER, Henry O. (20}, V. P., Emplte Gas" Elec. C~., 1030utle St.. WILLITS. Chas. W. (J 23), Plant Engr. U. S. Radiator Oorp.. GLEN COVE, L. I" 1I1etropolitan Section SEAMAN, Franl W. (13), Wks. Mgt., Edw. R. Ladow 00., Inc., 16 The Place, and fo mail, 84. Highland Rd.. GLENS FALLS HOOPES. Maurice (01)., Pre. Fincb, Pruyn II Co., Inc., P. O. Box 850. JAMISON, Geo. S. (J IS). Secy., Glen. FaU. In Co.. GLOVERSVILLE ~ LINTON, Elbridge E. (J 26), M. E., Fulton Count) Goo /& Elec. Co., 18 E. Fulton. St., and for mail, 61 Pro.pect St. GRA.NVJ:LLE _. ALLEN. Harold P. (J 27), Eaot. N. Y. Else. " GaB Co., Inc. ~. GREA.T NECIi::, I;. I" MetropoIttan Seetioll., MA.Y, Her~rt S. (H), 180 SchenCk Ave.,:.GREENWICH, Sc],ellecta,ly Sectioll.:. HAMBLIN. Robt. H. (J 26), Plant Engl Stevens.f> Thompson Paper Co., and i,. fo mail, 80 Main St...,GROTON. laul, Jobn W. (96; 96), Retired, 120 William ~t. f, -HAllULTON, S7l:aCuMe Section!;. OAMPBELL. Wm. B. (A M 22), Aut. Prol. Math., Colgats Unlv.,FELTON, Geo. W. (21), Pres., Genl. Mgr Hamilton Mch. Wks., 37 Milford St. 441

158 lnnv YORlt MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES HARIIION, Metropolita.ll Section HARTMAN, Wm. C. (J 26), Engrg. Apprentice, N. Y. Central R. R., Hs. N. Y., and fa m(li!, 20. Daily St., NutJey, N. J. HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON, Metropolitan Sectioll HAINES, W. H. (A }I 22),.Factory.II Prod. MI:., 119x 664. H.-I.UBER, Joo. Geo. (J 28),!r, E., HBStlngs Pavement Co., and Warburtoll Ave. HEMSTREET, Geo. P. (06), V. P., Hastingo Pavement Co. HEIIIPSTEAD, L, I., IIIetropol1tl1n Sectioll BARNES, Llewellyn T. (A M 20), Pres., Gem Engrg. Corp., and for Hilbert St... HARPOOTHIAN, Ed\V. (J 27), DraftBmon, Curti.o Aeroplane &I }[otors Co.. ani[. fo, mail, 6 LIberty St....,., HILMAR, Jorgensen (A M 23), Plumhing &I Htg. Contr., 14 Prospe~t.11. HOLLIS, L. I., IIIetropollt... Section BENEDICT, Fred E. (A M 23), 46 Woodhull Ave. HANNUM, J. E. (A-M 19), st St. UEUBEBS IN UNITEP STAr!S J~nEST i:~ond G. (22), Wko.![gr., Art ~letal Ccnotr. Co. gb~jl8fcis, Lloyd A. (27), Oh. EDgr., Morlin Rockwell Corp. ji~3 NEW YO~i:. THACA (colltinue~?26), Prot MechaniCs: Cornell Unlv" and fo~ m"u, ~38. N, Aurora "D S bl Seh 01 M. E., Cornell Univ. EDERIOHS, Hermkan ( 0(~1;8) 13J;01 Ir O iiea \ p~wel Engrg., Cornell Unlv., and for LENWOOD, Fran. or.neil, 111 HaIVllalrddP10 (10) Prol Power Engrg., Sibley College, Cornell NSBERGER, M ar.,. Uniy and for mail, 167 Cook St. M Corp also Addin/: Meh. YbiN, luebael H. (13), IFthaetorYN}IV ~~t1i~r o~~~u., llli Whitney St., Hart, Div., li!orse Chain Co., aca,.. Of,.. IOId, Conn. (14 26) Genl. Mgr. Peters MOIsc MIg. Corp., treas., FRIED, Jerome A.,, I f r,,,ail POBox Thoma,,-~[olSe Aircratt cortp"pant McII D:sig;, Cornell Uillv., and for.11,.garner. Enoeh 1" (19). Aso. ro.,, 312 Collego Ave. 0 k H"JI Rd GARRETT, Seymour,So (16), 1 p 16 I H t pow~r Engrg., Cornell Univ., and for ROOK Warren H. (21). Asst. ro. eo mail, 10li Harvasrd (fjo) Manower President, 22; Dean, College 01 :JlaIBALL, Dexter.. -".. En({rg., Cornell Un,v.. h E E SibleY College, CorDell Unlv. LI~COLN,.Paul M. (~7)(l"~6~c Gao ~gr. N: Y. State Gao.II Elec, Corp., HOWES CAVE LIN~~~il\ca~~~ySt.: lloiid for ";,,a, 704. El S6~te. St a BAO~I~~A~~H~~ (A.M 27), Designer, N. Am. Cement Corp., and.~g~~~, ~r~t~ l.;m I::;~l~~a~~p~~r~ol,.~am,ni~.Coc ~nd for m(lil, 6H FULLERTON. Wm. J. (H), Supt., Helderberg Cement CO. PERRY; D~vld B. (26), Secy., Wko. M~., Mor.e Oham a., HUDSON Edgewood P1 0 (16) V P Petero.Morsc ~Ug. CO\P" Ithaca, and for.ji<iil, PETERS, Heber.,.... ANDRES, Chao. S, (22; 26), Supt., Xnlckerbocker Portland Oement Co. 614 W. 110th S~, New YOrkelock De t Moroe Cbain Co. EG_tN, O. Wiley (J 26), EBtlmator, Gifford Wood Co...POOLE, ArtJ,ur F. (21)A~r;22) Prol ~I;~titutlon Engrg., Cornell Univ., Box K..\R~~,~rA;~~ U. (06; 13), Cb. Engr., Gifford-Wood Co., and for!n(lil, RANDOLPH, FrankllH. (... SCIUTTO, Geo. J. (J 26), 263 WSorren St. 81.!tob~~\O :0(10) ProL Exper. Engrg., Cornell Unlv.. N d in 3) G I Su t ". I k b k P rtl d C t S~WDON, "11 H (21) 305 Cornell St STRUOKMAN, E w (1, en p.,...n c er oc er 0 an emen : SomCKELbeNto\tert(,so g2) Dc.,n Emeritus; Sible) College, Coroell C Unln: Uni" HUDSON FALLS. SMITH, Al I. : 7) P I Hyd Engrg College 01 EDgrg., orlle il: WITHAM, Geo. S., Sr. (23), Genl. Supt" Union Bag.II Paper Corp.; John St... ~~Mt;ERby~he~. Gc/,in: I;~t~. Exper. EngIg. Cornell UniY., and tor ~", HUNTINGTON, L. I;, Metropolitan Section 809 Willow,Ave. P, f. Exper EDgrg Sible) College, Cornell Univ. d GOULD, Harrio B. (A-M 24), Ssles M~r., Tex 00., and for mei!, 66 New St. UPTON, G. B. (16), Ar~, 2*) Asot s~~t Morse ChaIn Co., P. o. Box 98, an v VAIL Corl W. (19;...,., ILION, Utica Section. for "",a, III E(?fl) Sir E DesIgning & Suptvg., Dept. Bldgo. & Grounds, BRENN N J I E (18) V P R. t., 0 I W!Rn Harry A.,. 1"006 EI od Ave A aill.,.., emlllg on ",rms a., nco. CC:rnell Unlv., and for ",(I, ",mw~ Colle a 01 Engrg. Cornell Unlv. CARTER, J. Wallaea (A.ll 18)~ Factory Mgr., Remington Typewriter Co., WELLS. Albert E. «Al~~,,P"O)I. AM.e.cthanSsllcesA;tl~r. Mo~oe Ohaln C~., and fa" m(lil, and Jar mail, 46 Columbia ",t., Mohawk.. ). IIR", Allred B. -m. 15, v, DANIEL~, JOo. T. (J 22), Screw Mch. Engr., Remington Typewriter Co., and.:;. a Orchard PI. 1l1 fa m(lil, 288 E. Main st.. DYG~fT, Chao. B, (17). Engr., Remington Armo 00., Inc., and for mail, 214 John ~., JACleSON HEIGHTS, L. I,:IIIetropolit...1l ~n~~~~noonotr. 00., 22nd st. LEWIS, Frank S. (21), Aost. Factory Mgr" RemlngtoD Tipewriter Co., 1Il0n, ond,.;. MINOTTY, Jos. P. (l8 ;:.MH;~Jl;tBE1:f.~d f":rg~;"u, 117 6th St., Stewart ~lnnol, for "",a, 420 Caroline St., Herkimer...,.!: Roosevelt Ave., J ac on ~, LOWE, Aubrey L. (A M 18), Supt., Remington Arms.Co., Inc., 26 E. Main St.,.;~. ~ard:n C~;~. P. J 16), th St.. _. and tor mail, 125 2nd St...,". lie\hialii" H Yl «09 21) En~r Eeonomlot Lock Box lis. OHNSTRAND Enoch (18), Ch. Engr. Library Bureau, Ilion, and for mail, 18 I!, <, SCOTT Walter G eon,, v, Girard B 1 vd., Xenmore, Buffslo. ;.. SHER~iAN, Wslter P. (13), 00 22nd St.. SUTERS, Thoo. (19), Conotr. Engr., Librsry Bureau, and for mail, 65 N. 4th Afe, WEiySS Duncan (18) Box 344 AICA L I IIIetropolita.n Section ,,..,JAlII SH Oh "(J 27) E E E-J Elec Instanation Co., and for mao, 10, ITHACA OHANDE.,...,....~LBERT, Cslvin D. (11), Pro!. Mch. Deolgn, SIbley Oolle/:e, Cornell Unlv., and i: Cumberland(AB;\:S) Supt Dictograph Products Corp., RockSowlIY Rd. &I Beaufort f01 m(lil, 28 East ave. KOOH, Henry,., BARNARD, Wm. N. (00; 05), Prol. Heat & Power EDgrg., Cornell Unlv., and,i St., and for mail, 254 Hillolde Aye. /01 mail, 4 South Ave.,.:~ BARR, John H. (89l, Mansger, 16 18; V. P., Barr Moroe Corp. CARPENTER, Geo. D. r19), Oons. Engr., P. O. Box 12...:,~:.: CLARK, Ro, Edwards (25).l Asst. Pro!. Power Pl"nt Engrg., Cornell Unlv., and.~ for mall, 912 E. stats ::>t. 442

159 " 1. :~ ME~IDI::!lS 1l\ ULl"ITED STA~Ell JAIIIESTO",VN (contioned) DAVIS, Alfro,1 Cookman (09) Y ChancJlt..:r St.. P 0 Wk s. ~gr. GUl"lIey Ball Bearing Co,., toll LEWJS, Lc\nolll L. (J 27). A..t. EII!:r Walt F 51, ~o~ mil".. 29 lit. Ye Pl.., er. law. 604 Wellman BJdj;., and \IIE~:NEU, M~uric" W. (IP; 26) Jlldus and [or mall, 1115 Prendel!r~st Ave. E n!:r., JlIII.lstroln Metallic Door 00.,,: Ii,\!lONAU, iuetl"ojollt,," Sectloll FAJ,J(ENAU, Arthur (86), Rctilcu, The I,ewises. LANCAsrER, Du1i,do Section WORTHLEY, HerbeL t S., Jr. (J 24), Asst. E E It 11., and for mail, 40 E. Maill St. ugr., IlIF!:. Dept., N. Y. (onlral LAROHIIIOl\T, I1I"tlOllolit"n Sectio.. DOWNE~, Hamilton B. (A-/.! 21) 81 Howell Ave STEVENS, Robt. H. (OS; 12), Cons. Engr., Oak St. " i LAUREl, HILI" L, I" I1let"ollollto.n Section llubbaiw, Y. H., J,. (22) Mech Supt N h I C ma-il,_ 8;124 llglh St., RiChmond HilI,", IC 0 S opper Co., Laurel Hill, and lot NACOVSh:. 1I11dulph (J 27), 4819 Laurel Hill Divd SULLIVAN, Thos. J. (24), Mech. Supt., ~ichols Copper CO. LE R,\YS"lLT,E ANDERSON, Fledk O. (16), E"alls ~Il]\s, R. F. D. 8. l.itlle F,U,I,S, Utle", Section LUNDSTRU~I, Corl B. (J 2;;), Ch. En!:r., O. J. Llilld.lrom Mfg. Co. J,OCU;ponr, nunillo S"ctlon, BRy,~;>iT. Hubt. B. (J 18), Jeffe"son Ull!on Co CONNETlE, Th.. W (21 22) \ P G. Co., 115 lifi,u; St,." J en], Mgl., Lolltport Light HeaOt & Power WHITE Jus. A. (00:, A 18),. Ch].", t Ilalri~ol1 Rm.lflltor Corp. ~O~G ~EACH, I1Iet"opol1hm S",ctlon ERn\SEN, E. B. (A }I 22) SG2 W Beech St SCHAEmn Robt M (J!lI) A t. Ell. for mull, 165 E. \Valnut St. 50 gr., Schnefel Ellgrg. Corp., City liall, snd ~:~~,J:o~;,;1.~.~A~fI~~j 1I~~t~~v,~I~tlLn St>etion for mail,, th St. Ja~kso; iiei~l~r~"loeicream Co., Long Island Cily, and ALL~~ ))ollg)as H. (A 2h, Pres.,,Istol;a I~p~rting.Il ~Ifg Co 1031!It ANDERSON, Th~ (A.:M 2,1,) n 1. 0.; emw&j -an Dnn, St., Long Island blt\~~~"j io;if~~:ii s~~~~b9~tslti Snt V"tlilihtics Corp., 12. I "J...- LI 1 OJ J.!. m Ulllt L I 444. J MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ;,; toxg ISLAND CITY (contlune<l) t ARl\STEIN, Leonard A. (16; 21), M. E., Impl!1ial Metal MIg. Corp., 38th St. &: Quems Dlvd., Long Islaud City, and for,nail 46 W. 90th St., New York. BUNDER, Fredl, G. (27)),Designing Engr., internatl. Motor Co., 34th St. & " Anabls A\e., Long Islana City, and for llliil, rd AIe., Woodside, L. I. BAGLEY, Glen D. (A-M 18), Research Engr., Union Carbide Ii. Carbon Research Labs.- BERml.-\~"N, Wm. D. (20; A Y 26),,Mech. Deslgller, Hlghway Dureau, Dorough fre;. 01 Que"us, Long Island City, lind for,"ait, ud St., QUeen., L. I. BMUllER, Paul H. (A 22), Asst. Factory Mgr., Steinwa.\, & Sons, Ditmars Ave.,. Long Island City, and for ".ail. 14 Richmond Rd., Donlllaston., BRAUN, Sidney W. (J 20). Prod. Mgr., Ricbard Hellmann, IllC., Long Island City, OHENAULT, Andersoll H. (J 26), Lab. Engr., Internat!. Motor Co., Long Island City, and for,na-il, 3616 Gre)stone Ave., New York CLAKGY, Jas. R. (J 24), Power Sales Engr., N. Y. & Queens Elee. Lig!lt &: Power Co., llriuge Plaza N., Long Island Olty, and lor mail, 106 Amity St., Flushing, L.I.. COGLIATI, Franci. A. (J 27), Detallln!: II Layout, Ford Inotrument Co., Ilawson St. II Nelson Ave., Long Island City, and for, 6719 NOI the\ll 21v(1., Wood. side, L. I. COLSON, Eric G. (A-)! 20), Factory Supt., Ford Instrument Co., Rawson St. &: Nelson Ave. COOKSO:S Leighton A. (24), Ch. Ellgr., Peerless Unit Vent. Co., Inc., SkillnllUl A, e. &. liulst St., Long Islall(l City, and fw ~,ail...8uil Nostrand Ave., D, oold) n. DE,L"", TIarold C. (27), Oenl. Supt., N. Y., & Queens..lee. Light & Power Co. Eloc. Bldg. DERDY, Norman (J 24), 4131 Carolin St. DISBROW, Li\ingston (22; A Y 27), Designer. Intomall. Motor Co., Long Island City, and for mail, 526 W. l00nd St., New Yor!,., DR02\IN. Paul (J 27), Airplane Designer, Drewster Co., Queensboro Plaza, Long lsland City, andjo, mail, 949 2nd Ave., New York. EDSTROM, Arthur (J 27), Draftsman, D""iguer, Iuteruatl. Motor Co., Long Wand Cit), and for mail, 453 1st Ave., Astoria, 1. I. FROI,;SCH, Cbas. (J 20), Engr., Internat!. Motor Co., Long Island Oit),.N. Y., and for mail, 142 Griggs Ave., Teaneck" N. J., GLEESON, John ~I. (19; A-Y 26), ABSt. Sale. Mgr., Wupple,r Elec. Co., Inc., l,ong l,lana City, and for mail, 201 W. IOOth St., Ne\v Yorl<. GOULDING, Monroe S. (13; A M 21),!>1a&ter Waterp"oolers, Inc., 222 Ely Ave. GREENE, Jos. N. (A 26), Secy., Mgr. MIg., Aslo"ia Importing & Mfg. Co., Inc.,, 10S1 Steinway Ave. HANSHEW, Geo. O. (A-M 14), Engl. Spec. Design, Internatl. Motor 00., Long City, and lor mail, Dnrtmouth St., Iorest ums, L. I. HARRIS, ]\funuy W. (16; A M 211 M. E., Howell Field & Goddard, Ueview Ave., Long Island Oity, and for mai, 590 Parkside Ave., Brookl)n. HAUSER, Geo. H. (J 18).. Pur. Agt., Indus. Engr., Chance Vought CoI p., Long. Island City. and for,nail, 18 Amherst Rd. N., GIeat Neok Estlltes, L. I. H,~YNES, Helbert G. (A )! 24), Asst. Supt., Distribution, E. River Gas Co., 20 W.bster Ave., and for nail, th St. HAYNES. Wm. E. (28; A M 26), Mcb. Shop & Mech. Dra.wing Teacher, Jumalea Colltinus.tion Sch., 170th St. near Jamaica Ave., and for mail, 26S fheodore St. IL\.Y\V~D. Harold A. (A M 15), Secy., Ch. Engr., Conlloll) Iroll ~ponge & OOVerl)Or Co., 14th St... Marlon PI. HIRSCll, Sidne.v (28; A 1x[ 25), CII. Engr., PlIotomaton, Inc., Am. Cblcle BId!:., Lon!: Island City, and for mal!, 2825 Clallln Ave., New Yorl,. HOLCOUBE, Henry W. (J 21), Engr., F. A. D. Andrcs., Inc., Jacl.on Ave. & Orchard St., Long Isl.nd City, and for ",au, 144 W. 4th St., "ew York. ROLLIS, Earl A. (J 24), Ch. Storekeeper, Katl. Carbon Co., Long Island City, and for -mail, th St., Jacl,son l1eigbts, L. I. 445 NEW YORK RENIIIOIlE, Duff"lo Section DRANDT, Herma" A. (16; 24), 168 Victoria Bl"d. 1 : nnu for,nail, 856 Whitlocl< Ave.. New York. ~~~RGARDENS, J,. I., llietlol,olitau S<CtlOIl 1!, BUCllJ.NAN, Oeo. (A 21), Pres., L. I. Fdy. Co., Inc., 27 11th St., Lon!: Island Oity,., J. San lord (J 25), 118 Metropolitan Ave.,j, nnd for "oil, 81 Christie Ave., Corollll.. CAR";:Y. Wm. H. (J 23), Mfg. Ollice Mgr., Natl. Carbon Co., Inc., Long Island KINGSTON " City, and for mail, Rm. 8009, 149 DroadwaY, New YOII, firow S Ilerman E (08) C E } C.l.SSRSEER, Theo. (A 26), Factory Mgr., Stelnway & Sons, Ditmars Dlvd. & Titus JOYCE, WIlIter E. A.~ I "~S. n!:r., 15 W. Ch.,tllut St. :, St. STREZ\!\SI<I, GOo.( J. ~208?lMs:2s~\~nmr"dv:~1lJ~Jce Co., IIIC., 66 Plinee St. i, 12 E. OReilly St.,.. oln, i:it.u,ljiboat Co., and for ""i~ :; LAltEVOOD ;, KALTWMiSER, earl M.,Winche.ter Rd. (21) Y P. "Gen\. MgT., SaIisbuQ,Ixl. Co., and for ",a",

160 NJ;lW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES :MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORI: LONG ISLAND CITY (contlnuel). HORNER, Erlwin F. (21; 28), Plant Engr., Am. D"uggists S~ndicate, 25~ Ave.... HURST, Fred S.! Jr. (J 24):. Foreman, Am. Eveready Co., Inc., Long Island Clq ana for ma" 1599 New ~ork Ave., Brooklyn... HUYCK, Ralph S. (J 26), Internat!. Motor Co., Long Island City, and for rn." 8104 Polk Ave., Jackson Heights, L. I...: KLEIN, Bernard D. (28), Genl. Mgr., Gas Purifying ~Iaterlals Co., Ft. JIaIsey S Long Island City, and for mail, th St., Astoria, L. I.. KULASON, Bolus A. (J 24), Exper. Engrg. Asst., InternatI. Motor Co., 84th Sl: t tnable Ave., Long Island CitT, and f"r 7Il(l,il, EIbertson St., Elmhu : LA FETRA, C. W. (A M 20), Engr., Ford Instrument Co., Ra\vson St., 6< N : Ave., Long Island City, and for mail, 108 Kellogg St., O~ster Bay, L. I.. :. LANDI, Achille A. (19; A. M 26), Mgr., AntonIo Blggi Co., Sanford St. & Verc,~ Ave.... LAUDA, Edw. F. (J 26), Mech. Draftsman, Lalninated Shim Co., Inc., 14th S~l Governor Pl., Long Island Oity, and for mail, SSrd St., Astoria, L. I., LAUGHTON... Wm. M. (J 25), Marine EngT., Am. La France & Foamite Corp., IAlnt Island ulty, and for mail, th St., Flushing, L. I.. LeFEVRE, John C. (A-M 28), Asst. SIIPt., Gen!. FactoI) Supvr., Moto.Meter C<i; Inc., 15 Wilbur Ave., Long Island City, and fa" mail th Are., CQIIOIl Point, L. I..., LOMB, Henry C. (27), Pres., Tress., Waverly MUSical Products Co., Inc., 18 11th 51: LOTZ, Ave. R,alph W. (19; A M 28), M. E., Ford Il16trument 00., Rawson St. & l(elso.! LYDEOKER, Kenneth (11; 19), Sales, White 00., Long Island City, N. Y., snd, for Ina;, 289 W. Anderson St., HaCkensack, N. J.. ~lacdonald, Murray J. (A M 28), Supt., Nat!. Oasket Co., 470 Jackson Ave..:.; MANGOLD, Rudolf (A-M 27), M. E., Designer, Roht Bosch Magneto 00., luc;, S6\1l; Que~ns Blvd., Loug Island City, and for mail, 818 W. 12tst St. New York.,. MARSH. Harry S. (19), Enllrg., Ford Instrument Co., Rawson St. & Nelson AT"~ MASURY, Alfred F. (05; IS), V. P., Ob. Eng"., Interp,atl, Motor Co., Anable Av. I( ~~... MATTHEWS, Reginald G. (20; A-M 25), Charge Sales Office, Takamine Corp., 298,r nawson St., Long Island Olty, lind f01 ",,,il. 57 Florence St., Floral Park, r". I:. McMULLIN. Edw. J. (J 27), Engr., Ford In.trllment Co., LOllg Island City. sn{j for mail, th St., Jackson Heights, L. I.. MILLER, Ferdinand (19; A-M 26), Engrg. Dept. Internatl. ~Iotor 00., Long Ielsn(:.. Olty, N. Y., and for mail, 827 Pennington St., Elizabeth, N. J. r MILLER, S. W. (18), Union Carbide & Curbon Research Labs... Thompson Ave. If..: Manley St..:. MOlSON, Emmett G. (J 27), Supv. Shop Wk., Intern atl. Motor 00., Long Island.:: City, and f"r 1114;!, Orangeburg.. MORSE, A. W. (17; 21) Pres., Anthony Co., 188 West Ave...~ NORDSTROM, Reginald F. (J 26), Draftstuan, Rainbow Light Inc., Uh Rd.,.~, Long Island City, and for mail, th St. Woodside, L. I. > OBERT, Casln W. (().j; 14), Cons. Engr., Union Ca"blde & Carbon Research Lab~"~ Long Island City, and for mail, 122 N. Oolumbus Ave., Mt. Vernon. ") OMARK, Oarl M. (J 22), Gen!. Foreman" Natl. Carhon Co., Thonlpson & Orten St&,.:~ Long Island City, and for 11I4il, P. v. Box 9~5, Cedarhurst, L. I. " PABtd.~~9.iJ." st~ i~h~:se l:.nttl. Sugar Ref. Co., Long Island City, and fo, ""il.i~ PAULSEN, Alfred A. (J 19), Secy., Hoffman Enameling Corp., Foster Ave., Ilj Buckley St... PAYSON, T. Elliott (06; 14), Engr. Spec. Equip., Internat!. Motor Co., 84th St., If..~l Anable Ave., Long Island Oity, and f01 11I4i!, 148 Hend~lckaon Ave., RockvJ1Ie..1 Oentre J L. L. :~l REICHMAN\ Alex. (A-M 25), M. E., Internat!. Motor Co., Anable Ave. & 8lth St.,;~ Long ISland City, and lo~ 11I4i!, th PI., WoodSide, L. I. d RE~NIE, John A. (21), Prod. MIrr r O. E. Sheppa"d Co., 14th St., & Van Alet AVe., ;. Lon~ Island City, and for ma,!, 1966 Valentina Ave., New York. :. RICHARDS, Gerald R. (J 24), Foreman, Ref. Plant, Am. Chicle CQ., Long Island :." Cit), and for 1114"!, " W. 65th St., New Yorl,.. ~ ROONEY, Frank 1L (A M 27), Reaearch Engr., Combustion Utilities Corp., 120 i Van Dam St., and for ma.l, 4627 Lowery St. " l 446..j ONG ISLAND CITY (c.ontinued) UNKEN G (J 24) 261 Van Alst Ave.. Th & Manley. R, Sainl. S.(J 25), Desi~er, Photomat~n Oper. Oor~., n ompson ~~S.l3;\1 ~sju;mltti. ~~, JRObt~~O~~ ~~~~~~tb::jn~ Long Island Oity, A~~~~~rJ::~!G~~d~~;l; ~::M~:re/,:vP:, Nir.~ ~~r Factory Mgr., Waverly llusleal Products Co., ~ce 18~:th Sti Motor Co 84th St & Anable Ave. &lb~]e~~::d (tlf~~~)m. E.: Desi~~, Internatl. :Motor ~-i~:~ at. & Anable AJEt()\~:lD!ol~S8~ (~%r ~~~, fpro~~n::~,6 ::~~dc:j;o~ Co., Inc:, Long Island :vretojil: ;::i~r A~ti. ~~~t 9~~t~tFa~i:~ur:r~~ Jieinway & Sons, Ditmars Blvd. ::w.\.gtifj~8fio H. (A-M 14), Engr., Deearle Incinerator Co., Nelson Ave. II Raw ;;, WE~L S~oland M. (J 27), Engr., Claude-Neon Li~hts, Inc., Foater Ave. & HIIlst < St. Long Island Oity, and f01 mail, Box 98, WoodsideJ. L. I.. ;" WILHELM, John (AM 28), Estimator, Constr. Engr., Cole uuncan Bo,ler Wks., Inc., ": 891 Borden Ave. C E 188 Weat Ave :WOLLHEIM, Walter E. (17; 20). Pat..I.Etty. on~. t n~ti Motor Co Anable Ave.,: WOODS, SamI. B. (16; 21), Exper. ngrg., n ern.., ii. " 84th st..~ LOODlIS.. (. FORKER, Major T., Jr. (A-M 22), Loom,s SanatorIUm. ~. LYNBROOU::, L. I., Metrol.oUtan liection PRINDLE, F. Patterson (J 26), 19 Umon Pl. ~:DIAD[ARONECI~, MetropoUta" Sec:tion..;, GEST, Alex. P., Jr. (16; A-M 19), V. P., llltchell Ot! 9<>rp.. < MARKS H. J. (07), Sales Engr., 86 Palmer Ave... lleigs Wm. P. (18), Mfr. Little Houses, Beach & TomkinS Avee.. MEYER Erwin O. (11: A-M 15), Supt., Pllre Food Factory, Hansa, 430 Mama. ~. ron~ck Ave., Mamaroneck, and Jor mail" 4.4 Voodbine Ave., Larchmont. i. IIlANHASSET, L. I., l\letropolltan Section. PARTHESIUS, H. J. (15; 25), 122 Hillcrest Ave. S. DIARINERS HARBOR, S. I., l\letropolltan Section,: BALLER Philip W G. (28; A-M 25), 138 Lake Ave...:" FINXEN: Walter S. (A-M 18), M. Eo, Wallerstein Co., Inc., 126 Lake Ave., Marmers. Harbor S I., and for 11I4il 152 BOth St L Brooklyn. ; ~nelsen, Jen. (22), Supt, Mchr., s. L o;hipblag. Co., Mariners Harbor, and 1;. for , 221 Bard Ave" W. New Brighton. ~. UASPETH, L. I., 1UetropolltJLn Section..; HEINZE, Fred (J 28) Oonstr. Engr Shevlin Engrg. Co. Ino., P. O. Box,41, Maspeth, L. L, N. Y., and for mail, 287 ~regory Ave., Passaic, N. J.!>IERRILL, Geo. H. (98; 17), Wks. Mgr., Merrdl Bros. RAISCH, Wm. (J 24), Oh. Engr., Shevlin ~grg. 00., Inc., Hedwig St., Maspeth, and Jor mail, 6945 Manss St; Forest Hdls.. SEIFERT, Otto A. (J 24), Mgr., Seifert 80116, Maapeth Ave., Maspeth, L. I., and for mail, 686 E. 81st St., Brooklyn. STURM, Wm. G. (J 25), Asst. to Factory Supt., Metal Package Corp., Maspeth, :r L. L, and f01 mail. 617 E. 85th St., New York. WUEst, LOllis L. (J ~), th Pl. DIASSENA... BASSETT; Burdett E. (J 21), Aast. Supt., U. S. Alummum Co., and for 1I1ai!, 62 Cornel! Ave.. JOHNSTON, S. Paul (J 23), Asst. Supt., U. S. A1ummum

161 .; NEW YORK;\iders IN UNITED STATES 1I1.<lTTITUOIC, L. I., l\letropolito.n Section LIDDELL. M. V. (2~), Arch. Engr. liiegraw, STl"o.euse Seciion HIGGINS. Max S. (A )! 19), Genl. Mgr., Riggins Supply Co., Inc. ~i~~~~t.r F. (14.), Supt., Bignall Co., 621 Main St., and for mail, ~ll St. Catberine l\iiddletown, liietrollouto.n Sectio... DESLAND, Lawrence R. (22; A-M 23), Mech. Designer, Reseatch Dept., Borden Co. and for,nail, 6 Watkins A, e.. FELLOWS, Olin B. (A M 19) Pres.. Ideal Wlllpping Mch. 00., Sprague. Ave. FLORY Bw-ton P. (06), Sup!;, M. P., N. Y., Onto & West. Ry. Co.. FRINK; WUbur G. (25), Designing., Engr., Borden OD., and for lilail, 10 W. COllk IInl: Ave.. H d HAMPSON, DDnald A. (16: 21), M. E., MDrgons &; WlIcDx Mig. Co., 69. nolor St., and fat mail, 31 Hanford St,. PRIESTER, Henry (27), Pres., Bradley Mch. Co., Inc. iuillbrook VINCENl, Harold W. (J 26), Bldr. MINEOLA, L. I., llletropouto.n Section REYLING, Geo. (20), 21~ Pomander Rd.. W:aTERBURY, H. (J 22), Des!gner, Nassau Oountj Hlgh"!,y Dept.,!.Ilneols, ond, for mail, 505 Fulton Ave.. Hempstead., luonroe, IIletropoUtnJl Section WHITEHEAD, R, O. (23), Supt, Power, Orange & Rockland Elec. Co. l\iontour FALLS. FASTING, Syerre (18), Constr. Engr., Shep.,.d Elec. Crane & Holst Co. PRICE, Lewis (A-M 2~), Oh. Tool Designer & Plant Engr., Shepard Elcc: Gr.lle I< Holst 00. SHEP,\RD, Jos. A. (H), V. P. Engrg., Economia Research, Shep",rd Eloc. Crane STO~E~~~R~op, E. (A 24.), Auditor, Shepald Elec. Crane & Holst Co. TURNER, Roht. T. (A M 16), Salea PrDmollon Mgr." Shepald Elec. Crolle I< Hoist Co. D Sb d EI Crane I< i WAL~~~t &. W. (2~), Cll. Draftsman, Engrg. ept., epar ee. XA-RROWSBURG KLEIN, Bernard J, (27). MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK: XlJaVARIC, Rochester Section. IlUlAN, Wm. H. (A-M 22). Inventing, Designing, Bloomer Bros, Co., and for mall, 127 Grant St. SEW BRIGHlON, S. I" llletroljolltllu Section OlE Peter B. (2i: 25) Y. E., 28 Curtla PI.. KiNG, Alfred F. (22), Factory Ygr., J. B. King k Co., Nev BrIghton, and for.illail 243 Bard Ave" W. New Brighton., PI. & lluchell, Geo. L. (A-M 18), S. I. Inat. Arlll.I: ~clenccs, 8tuyvesant.. Woil St., New Brigbton, S. I., N. Y., and for 01411, 160 Grant Ave. Jersey OELi1ffis NA.1tert L. (J 27) Student Engr., U. S. GypSUIll Co., 78 Franklin Ave., New Bdghton, S. I., N. Y., and for 7l1<lil, 060 High St., Nework,,N. J. "AGNER, Jackson J. (J 21), Field Engr., U. S. Gypsum Co., New BrIghton, S. I.,. and for ",ail Rockoway Pkwy., Brooklyn. h IIESTERGAARD:Viggo (J 26), Designing Engr., U. S. Gypsum Co., New Brig ton, S. I., and fat meu, H W. 87th St., New York. i1!1\vnurgh, 1I1etropoUt..1l Section illllipl Emest H. (21), V. P., Turl Iron.I: Car Co., Inc ljase,...; thur D. (J 26). Tool &I Mcb. Deelgner, Coldwell Lown Mower Co., 1Iewburgh and f01 lilai" 8 School St., Beacon. GORE, W. W..(08), 222 Montgomery St., i, LiNDIlEllG I. J. (16), 101 Grand St. ; SmTII, Al~in L. (J 14), Ch. Engr., Coldwell Lawn llo..,r Co., and for ma,l, 6. Norton St. XEW DORP, S. I" llietropolltnn Section j,llsen, Will. (J 21), Designer & Bldr. of Homes, 187 Bache Ave. XEWFANE, l\letropouillll Sectioll llrwood, Rej"lllour E. (J 26). NEW ROOUEJ.LE, llletropolitu.1l Section ALDRIDGE, Woltel V. (J 27), Wea,el St. BRUNIE, Chas. H., Jr. (J 24). Asst. Plllnt Mgr., J. A. Mahlstedt Co., New Rochelle, and for mail. ~2 W. Fordlla,.n Rd., New York.. OLAPS, Gso. A. (A M 24.), Mch. Desgne,., Creseent \,asbldg Mch. Co., and for Mi!, 81 Birch St. DURYEE, Alldrew B. (16; A Y 17), Pres" Du1yee Englg. COlP" 82 Centre Ave. YACY, Thea. (J 26), 32 CoUgolI1 Ave.. MORTON, nochestel Section STAKGLAND, B. F. (89; 92), M. E.. Retired. NEW YORK CITY, llletru1.ol1t n Section 1I10UNT VERNON, Metl opouto.n Section AAUUP, Thea. (A M 25), Supvg, Engr., Ewing Bacon &I :aemy, 101 Park Ave., and AHRLING, Geo. A. (J 2~), Estimator, Westcheater Lighting Co., 1st Ave.!< 1st for, 165 E, 49th St., St.,?olt. Vernon, N. Y., and for mai!, 792 Edgewood Lane, Palisade, N. J. ADBOTl: Seward (J 27), Advertising, Servel Corp., 51 ~~, 42nd St., New York, N. BROWN, Mortimer O. (A M 15), M. E. 187 SumDllt A"e. Y., ~nd for mail, 922 Hudson St., Hoboken, N. J. DUTTO~, Percy C. (A M 2~), M. E., \Vard Leonard Elec. Co., Mt. Vernon, and ABELL H 0 (00 02), V. P., Elec. Bond.. Share Co., 2 Rector St. fat mail, 8 Morningside Ave.. Yonkers. ABILUfalis Arthur L. (A-M 25), Salea Engr. East. Rep., TIuscon Steel _Co.; FISHER, Wm. C. (16), V. p.. Ch. E: E., Westchester Ltg. Co., 1st A...!< 1st St,. a1 Ullion Sq. Ne\v Y01k, N. Y., lllld for lilail, 22 Wilcox PI., E. Grange, l!<. J. KAUDSE, Julius M. (A.Y 26), 310 Rich A,e.!llRAMS, Herbert T. (01), Dept. Mgr., Ingersoll Rnnd Co., 11 BIOadway, New KOSTOS, Stanley V. (J 27), Eatimlltor, Westch.ster Ltg. 00" Mt. Vernon, and, York N Y. and for ;1, 218 Oleveland St., Orange, N. J.,or m..a, 191 Mamaroneck AY.., White Plains.. ACHESON Ed,.. G. (18), Pres" Acbeson Corp., 689 5th AYe.. PEYSER, Jos. (A-AI 22), Peyser Hansen Mcb. Co., 10 BrooMllJe PI. "" ACHESON: Jobn M. (22; A M 26), Powel P~t Engr., Nat!. Biscuit Co., 85 ROOK, John G. (27), Mech. Designer, Ward Leoilatd Elec. Co., 41 South St., and 9th Ave., New York, and for 7Iwil, lj82 Phoemx St., Hempstead, L. I. for "laa, 128 W. Sidney Ave.. ACKERMAN, Garrett J. (J 21), Specification EnRl., Bell Tel. Lapa., Inc., 468 ROLLINS, Daniel M. (J 27), Inspe... Teat Engr., Ward Leonard Elec. 00., 41 West St New York N. Y., llnd for 7l1<li!, 4. Adams Pl., Glen Rldge, N. J. South St., Mt. Yelnon, alld for" 43 Greenfield..-\.\"eo. Bronxville...\CKLAND, il:. Baldwin (A-M 18), East. Mgr., G. H. WilllllIll Co., 80 Church St..!DAYS, Arthur H. (22), Tech. Advisor to Pres., )Ianllatton Elec. Supply Co., IIIOUNTAIN VIEW 11 Parle Pl.. HARDING, F"ank Welland (90), Retired. ADAMS, Harold F. (21), Arch. Oonst1., Htg. I< "ent., fi8 WilliBID St.. ADAMS, Robt. G. (J 22), Secl..I: Tleas., Ilaker., i:llencel, Inc" 117 Libert:! St "9

162 NEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORIC CITY (continued). ADAMS. Tbos. D. (06; 20). lodus. Ellgr., Bordeu Co., S50 Madison Ave. ADDICIi:S, Lawrence (li), Ooos. Engr., 51 Maiden Lane. A.DKERSON. B. O. (J 21), Long Lines Dept. Am. Tel. &. Tel. Co., Rm. 1151, 15 Dey St. ADLER. Alpbonse A. (07; 12), Cona. Engr., 9 Murray St. A.HLQV1ST Harold (OO), Cons. EOgl. Specllllist Alkali Mfr., 331 Madlsoo Ave. AINSWORTH, WID. P. E. (20; A M 25), Ml\T Servo & Erection Dept., Combustioo Englg. Corp., 200 Madl.on Ave., New York, l>ud jo, 1I.00il, 132 N. Broadway, AITl:NY~~~~: (21 24), V. P., Moore &.,McCormack 00. Ine., 5 Broadway. ALBERTS MattbewA. (J 23), Mfg. Engl., Dubilier Condeaser Co., 4377 Bra.. Blvd New York, and /OT mail tb St.. Woodside, L. I. ", ALBIN, Arcbel 0., Jr. (J 25), Estlmator, FOlstall Robinson & Luqueer. 15 Park l Ro\v, New York, and jar mail, 35 N. Spollcer Ave" L)llbrook, L. I. :~ ALDEN John D. (12), Gas Engr., Natl. Pub. Servo Co., 165 Broadway. ALEXA~mER, Donald D. (J U), M. E. SandYlle Steel Inc. Rm. 4005, 233 Brosd wav New York, N. Y., and JOT, Box 649, Rocksw..., N. J.. ALEXANDER; H~rry (95; 09; Ol), Pres., Harry Alexondor. illc. 18 W. 3Uh St, ALEXANDER, Magnus W. (06), Pres., Nat!. Indus. Colllerence Bd., 247 Park Ave, ALEXANDER Ralph I. (10; A AI 23), M. E.. W.. B. Connor. Inc., 360 Lexlagton Ave New York. N. Y.. and jor "",il, 12 Forest St., Baldwinsville, Mass. ALEXANDRO, ~lank J. (21; A 1,( 27), Eogr., Hcury L. Doherty & Co., ~O Wsll st. and JOT mail. 513 WeIher Court. ALFORD. L. P. (00; 08), Vice-President, 20 22; V. P., Ronald Pres. Co., Editor,!!anagemellt &. MIg., 15 E. 26th St. ALLEN, Arthur E. (20). V. P., Westlngbouse Elec. & ~llg. Co., 150 Broadwsy, ALLEN. Fronk 0., Jr. (2S), Pres., Allen & BlIImyre Co., Inc., Graod Central Plllace.. S ALLEN, Wm Jr. (A-M 24), V. ~., Mack EII~g. & Suppl) C~., 130 L,berty L, New Yorle, N. Y., and for mati, 340 De Witt.\!,ve. Bellevlile, N. J. ALUIAN, Wm. N. (27). Ofll"" Mgr., Johns Manvme Corp.; 292 Madlson Ave. )., ALLYN, Robt. S. (A 09), Cons. Engr., Pot. Lawyer, 41 Park Row... ALMERT Harold (14), COliS. Engr., Rm Broadway, ALMIRALL Juan (02; 04), Pres., Almllall & Co., Inc., 53 Park PI.. ALRIOH, Herbert W. (15), Asst. Constr. Ellgr. Consltd..Gas E. 15th SL i.. ALSBERG, JlIlius (05; 19). Cons. Meeb. & Chen,. Engr., 30 Ohurch St. illey Fredk G. (J 24), Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broad\vay. i. AMlJ..\NN, H. L. (A-li 2Z), Tecb. Dlr..Quasl-Arc Inc., 11 y, 42nd St. ANDERSON. Andrew F. (A-l! 15), Teacber Shopwork, CIty of New York, sad JOT mail, th St., Brooklyn. N. Y. ANDERSON, CarlO. (21; A M 27), Designer, Bljur Lub. Corp.,. 250 W. Hth i St., New York, and {or mail th St., BlookJ~". ANDERSON, Obas. J. (J 23), Asa!. to Cb. Draltsman, Franklin Ry. Supply Co., 17 E. 42nd St., New York, and fot, 1901 President St., Brooklyn. ANDERSON, Geo. B. Jr. (18; A-M 21), SelUlIg Agt., Plttsburllb Valve, Fdy. & Constr. Co. 01 Pittsburgh. Pa., Rm. 305 E, 30 Church St.!. ANDERSON Gotthard E. (J 24), Servo Engr., Foster Wheeler Corp., 165 Broad".y. j, ANDERSON Gustave A. (A-M 20), M. E., Interoat!. Handkerchief MIg. Co., ls7tb St. &I Wlllow Ave., and for mail,.1004 Bomboute Ave. ANDERSON, John N. (14),!I. E., Otis Elev. Co., 260 lllh _\ve., New Y~rk, N. Y., and JOT mail, 005 Castle Point Tenace. Hobolceo, N. J.. ANDERSON. John W. (IS l 19), Cb. Engr., 011 Ellg. Dept., De La Vergne Mch, AND~~s8~~ ~~/W~2~~, Designer. Genl. Chem. 00., 40 Rector St., New Yalk, N. Y., and for mail. 78 Ellis Ave., I,,lngton, N. J. ANDERSON, Jos. (J 27), Draftsman, Cbelsea Elev. Co., 430 W. 10tb St., New., York, and for mail, rd St., Elmhurst. L. I. ANDERSON; R. E..,.le (17), Elec. Research Prodnct. Inc., 250 W. 57th St.. ANDUJAR, Alphonse F. (J U), Jr. Engr., Sanitation Oorp., DOHer Centrilugal Pump & Mch. 00., 420 LexIngtOn Ave., alld JOT nulil, 500 W. 160th St. ANGELL, Harry Jes. (14; A-M 2l), Sal.. Engr., Goulda Pumps Inc., 16 Murray St. ANGER, Geo. F., Jr. (J 24). Pres., Engr.,.Rtg, Economizer Co., 100 Broad 8t., New York, and for mail, th St., Bellaire. L.. I: 460.;J ~,. MEMBERS IN UNITED SlATES NEW 1:ORK liew YORIl:: CITY (collthmcd) A_...GUS. Wm. John (A.M 19), Cb. Mech. DI~ftsman, N. Y. Edlsoo 00., 180 E. 15th St. ANGUS, Wm. N. (J 25), Wm. Angu.e, "Inc., 15 E. 40th St. ANTHONY. Jae. T. (17), V. P., Genl. Refractories Corp., 420 Lexington Ave. ANTONELLI, Peter (22; A-M 23), M. E., VllIW1t10n & Report Dept., Ford Bacon & Davis, IIlC,, 115 Broadway, New York, and for moil, 105 Sherman Ave., Tompkin.vilIe, S. I.. APAMI.AK, Hranr! A. (J 27), Aest. Indus. Engr., Armour &I Co., 016 W.,oth St.,. and fot mail. 500 Riverside Drive. API?ERT, Henry J., Jr. (21; 26), Mgr., Culm Burn Dept., Wolf & MunIer, 222 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y. aud /00 lll4il, Allendale, N. J. APPLEBAUM, Saml. B. (A M 21-" Asst. Tech. Mgr., Permutit Co., h Ave., New York. and fot mail, 78 Swpbensolll Blvd" New Rocbelle. APPS Obss. H. (99), Estimating Engr., Am. Loco. Co., 30 Oburch St. APT,. Sanford R..(20}L Asst. Oh. Draftsman, Farsone, Xlapp, BIlnckerholr & Douglas, 84 PlDe S. ARCHER, David M. (J 22), Draftsman, Webster TllIlmadge, 50 Church St., New York, alld fat mail, 65 Sheridan Ave., Brooklyn. ARCHER. Storm (J 25), Tech. Dlr., Am. Viking Aeronautic Assn., Suite 919, 1819 Broadway..UWUSER, L. P. (21; A-M 25), John Wiley &I Sons, Inc., HO 4th Ave.. ARKEBAUER, Jesse O. (21), Supt. Eogr., Phelps Bros. &. 00., 17 Dattery Pl. ARLT, Herbert Geo. (J 24),. Engr., Bell Tel. Labs., Inc., 463 We.t St., New. York. a.n<l...fot mau, 1074 E. 26th St., Brooklyn. ARMACOST, Wilbur H. (17; A-M 21), Eogr. Indu.. Dept., Superheoter Co., 17 E. 42nrl St., and fat mail, Apt., 23 F, 158 W. 188tb St. ARMBRUSTER, John W. (J 27). Designer, Remington Arms Co., 25 BroadWllY, New York, and fot lll4il, 859 Woodw&rd Ave., Brookl) I\. ARMITAGE, Henry B. (22), Engr., Supvr., Baker, Smith & Co., In~:l 5~6 Green wich St., New York, and for mail, 12 Spruce Rd., Larchmont woods, Larchmont..ffiMS. John H. R. (A-M 23), Iodus. Engr., 31 E. 30th St: ARMSTRONG, Clarence E. (A M 22)} Mem. Firm. Armstrong &. Stainton.I3"\1v. 24th St., New York, N. Y., and lor mail, 38 Morton Pl., E. Olange, N. J. ARMSTRONG, Geo. S. (18; 21), AfIl!t. V. P., Nat!. City Co., 55 Wall St. ARMSTRONG, Wesley A. (J 26), Mem. llanagement Staff, llmer Franklin Bassett 61 Co., 3.17 Madison Ave., New York, and for.naf!, 400 W. Delavl>o Ave:, BnlYalo. ARlISTRONG, Wm. Harold (14), Mgr. Tie Tamper Sa.les, IngersoIl Rand Co., II Broadway, New York, N. Y., aad fot m..ii, 835 W. 7th St., Plainfield, N. J. ARXOLD. Anthony B. (U), Aset. to Pres., Am. Agri. Chem. Co., 420 Lexington Ave.. ARNOLD, G. L. H. (09), M. E., F. A. Waldron, 37 Wall St., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 11 North St., Stamlord, Conn. ASHLEY Edw. E., Jr. (10; 14; 16), M. E., Starrett &. Van Vlecl" 8 W. 40th St., ~ew York, N. Y., and fat maii, P. O. Box 188, Noroton Helgbts, Cono. ASHLEY, ~rank M. (J 9.1), Pat. SoIieltOl, Pres., Am. Voting Meh. OOlp., 107 Liberty St. ASKEW, Miles A. (A Y 21), Export Dept., Tcx. 00., 17 Battery PI. ASmUSSEN, Jes. (J 27), Designer, F, L. Smith & Co., Inc., 50 Church St., New York, and JOT mail, 108 Bergen St., Brooklyn... ATKINS, David Fowler (07), Oon,. SllIes Engr., 5045 Grand Central Terminal, New York and lor mail, 292 Wnshlngton ~., Flushing, L. I.. ATKINS, Harold B. (OS), 000. Accountant, 49 WllIl St., aod lor "",U, 800 W... u.~ ATKINS. Warren E. (J 23), Alb..erene Stone Co., ISS W. 23rd St.!1IUNSON, Herbert S. (15), Prod. Engr. Clam Shell Buckels, Ha)\Vard Co., 50 Church St. ATKINSON. Vernon L. (J 27), Engrs. Asst., Consltd. Gas Co., 130 E. 15th St., New York, N. Y., and fat mail, 32 Lafayette Ave., E. Orange, N. J... AUDET. Herbert R. (A M 18), OenI. Motors Export Co., 224 W. 57th St. AUE, Jos. E. (09), V. Po, Tress., Wllli..msbridge Hygeia I.ce Mfg. 00., 916 E St. 451

163 " -.<; :XE"- YORK ME~JDERS I!i tlxited SUfES )IEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY (continue,1). AtiGNER. Ch.., E. (.\-M 26). Engr,. ~..tural Water Soltener Co" 233 BroRdway, New York. and for nil., 148 ASl1en St., Flor"l Palk, L. I. AUGUR. Robt. C. (21). Managing Editor. L<1eo Car Bldrs. C.rclopedIRs. Simmons- :" Boardman Publishing Co" 80 Church St. AUSTIN, Halold R. (16). Mgt. Chimney Dl., 1>1. \V. Kellogg Co,. 7 De} 8t. AUSl.IN, Richard S. (16; A M 21), Cl,al-ge Prod., 0.11 Dept., Foster Whsel" Oorp., 105 BlOadwa), ~e\v Yorli:, and for" -mail Ocean Ave., Blooklyn. AUTENRIETH, Geo. C. (08; 14). Pro! 1>Jech. Drawing, Meh. Deaign, Oollege 01 City 01 N. Y., 180Ul St. 6: Convent Ave.. I AVERILL, E. A. (A 12). Superheater Co., 17 E. 42nd St.. NeVI lark, and Jar mail Seneca Ave., Mt. Vemon... f AVE~J~rc~eoSt.R. (J 26), Sales 6: Servo Eugr., Baney Meter 00. Rm. 558, 50.! AVERlI, Rem} C. (27). Mg r. Emulsified Aspl,alt Dept.. Fllntekote Co" rershing Bldg New YOlk. N. 1. and for ",nil l 204 Harrisoll Ave. New Brunswick, N. J, AVERY, Whitney K. (J 21). Engl., Bo mes Elec. Petrol Co., 370 7th Ave., New York; N. 1., and Jar ",all, 318 N. Fullerton Ave. Montclair, 1\,.J. AVNSOE, Thorkild (18; 16; 22), Gent. Supt" Internatl. Celnellt COl1?, ,:,; Madlsoll Ave. AVRAM, Malo H. (13). Pres. 1>1. H. Avram & Co., Inc 25 Broad St, AYARg, Wm. Stewart (13). Assoc. Prof. Intlus. EnglS., Rm. no, Ellgrg. Bldg" ; Columbia Univ. also Cons. Engr.. BABCOCK, Chester L. (A ax 26). East. Sal.. Mgr., Mattison Greenlee Servo Corp" 1803 Times Bldg. New "York, Bud for mail, 106 Brewster Rd" Scarstlale. j BA-CKUS. llichald A. (21). Engr. Chalge Conatr., McKenzie, Voorhees ~ Gmelln, ) l 101 Palk Ave.. BACON. Geo. W. (98; 99), Dir., Ford, Bacon 6: Davis, 115 Broadway, BADE, Rudolph E. (J 27), Asst. Sales Engr., B. F. Sturtevant Co., Rnl. 2140, 420 Lexington Ave. BAETZ, Henry (2G), Designer, E. L. Phillips & 00., 60 Church St., 1\ew York, N. Y., and,or "MI, 38 St. Lukes Pl., MOlltelalr, N. J. BAILEY, J. Llo.l d (A M 21), Eaat. S..les 1r!gr. Tido Water on Sales Corp. 11 \ Droadwa). BAILEY. Robt. O. (21; A M 23). Foster Wheeler Corp., 166 B, oadway. i, B.lll:ER. Chas. Berbert (08; H). 1>Ianaging Eugr. FUlllace Ellgrg. Co. 5 Beek mall St.. BAKER. Cha Whittin:r (93). "leo Presldent ; Baker, Simonds &; Co., Inc., 115 Bloadway. Ne.. York. I\, 1 aud or mail, 20 S. 1>Iountaln Ave., MOllt olair, N. J.. BAKER. Wm. B. (15), P,e.;, Mcnltt Chapman Scott. Corp 17 Batter) PI. BAKRADZE, John (A U 2~), Engr., Sprague &l Solcum. 12 E. 42nd St Mel York. nnd /0 if. ~22 State St., Brooklsn. BALCH, SRml. \V. (20), Pat. AttJ IGO Broad",a). UU.COM. John A. (A 1>I 2~1 Eng"., F.urnaea Erection, 1\atl. O"en Co" 8848 Gr..nd Central TernlinDl, Kew lark,. N. Y. and fa ",ail. 589 Central, E. Oraage, N. J. BALDWI~l Alvin J; (J 21). S~les Engr. licclal:e-brooks Co. IHO Broadway, New Iork, N. ~. Bild for mad, P. O. Box 14, Llttle Falls, N. J.. BALDWIN, Arthur J. (A 17). Secy., Miss. GlB" Co., 220 5th A"e" Bnd for m.i~ 85 5th Ave.. BALDWHi, C. Kemble (Oli), V. P Dir. Sales & Engrg., Robbins Conveying Belt Co., Rm. 2GOO, 18 Park Row. BALINr. Juhll J. (J 25). Jr. Engr. N. Y. Edisoll Co. 130 E, 15th St., Kew York, aull or mail, 40 Mulberry st. Yonkers. BALL. H. F. (18). Pres. Franklin Ry. Suppl) Co., 17 E. ~2nd St. BALLARD, Eugene G. (J 26), 227 ~ Graml Concourse.. BALLaltD, Barold F. (27). Pr... Ballard Spraguo &; Co., Inc., 25 E. 26th ill BALLARD, Levi (J ~4). Jr~ Eug"., Yacl1111ll on Co. 61 Bro",dway. Ne,... York, ;: N. Y.; and or,na,l, 59 N. Fullerton Ave., Montclair. N. J. BALLENTlNE. Lloyd A. (J 28), Engrg. Dept., Am. Cable Ca. 105 Hudson St., New York, N. Y and for m"ll, 70 HIgh St., Belleville, N. J. BALOGB, Stepben I. (27). Y. &; E. E., Eugrg. Dept., Am. Gas It Elec. Co., 80. Churcll St.. and /0 mail, 661 W. 180th St, BANOEL. Paul A. (J 12), Ingersoll-Rand Co" 11 Broadwa). BANCKER. Ja.. W. (13), V. P. West. Elec. Co., Inc" 195\\a~. 45~,.,,.!lEW YORli: CITY (coj~tinued). D.!.RBIEUI. Cesare (08), Oona. Engr., 1 W. 67th St. D!Rf~R. Gilbert E. (A-M 26), Mgr. Specialty Sale. Div., Crane Co., 10 W. Htll BARKER. B..rry (22). Cons. Engr B.rker &: \Vbeeler, 11 Park 11., ~ew YOlk. N. Y. and J01 mail, 201 N. Mountain Ave., Montclail, N. J. D.!RLOW. Uhadtleus S. (28). Supt. Consltd. Gas Co., 501 E. 21st St. B.~RNES. Bowel 11., Jr. (10), Asst. Dist. Mgr Genl. Elee. Co. 120 Broadway. B!RNES. Robt. G. (J 20), Engr_, TI,OS. E. Murray. Inc. 55 DUllne St., New York, anll for mail, Harbor Rd., Beechhurst. L. I.. B!RNES. Robt. S. <J U), Asst. Cb. Tech. Bureau. Disllibution,~ Installation Dept.. N. Y. Ed,son Co., 180 E. 15tb St. DARNEY. E. E. (12), Ch. Engr. DeveI., Remington Typewlitor Co. 8H liroadwa~. B.!.Rg:~~TSt?lllorence D~ (20). Seey., Bales & Desigu. W. S. Rockwell Co., 50 BARNSLEY, Herbert J. (A-~I 19), Sales Engr" Jenkins Bros., 80 White St. BABRATT, Edgar G. (88), Cons. Engr.. 52 Vandelbilt Ave" New York, N. 1., and 0 nail 235 Barrlsnn St. E. Orange, N. J. B.~RRETT, Geo. E. (16), V. P., Lenher Engrg. Co., 95 Liherty 51. BARRETT, Leonard L. (22; 28). Atty. at Law, Taylor. Knowles &: Hack. lg5 Broadway. and /0 "il ~,V. 48rd St. BARRETr. Wm. E. (21), Cons. Engl., 56 Pine st.. BARRETT, Wro. F. (15). Pres., Lindo Air Prodlleta Co. 80 E. 42nd St. B.!.RRETT. Wm. J. (19;.1.-1>1 26). Indus. Engr. Uetropolltan Life IllS. Co., Rrn. 6075, 1 Madison Ave. BARRON. Cilloude M. (10; A-Y 14). 11lr. Agt. Cuba R. R. Co. Cuban No. Ry. " 00.. Rm. 850G Grand Central Term. Bldg. BARTEm, Paul (25), M. E., 5008 Broadway. DARTLETT, Edw. E. (21). Pr... Bartlett Orr Press, 461 8th Ave BARTLEY. Martin F. (J 24), Engr. 680 W. 161st St.. BASORA, Flank L. (J 21). 128 Post Ave. 11ATElIAN, Geo. F. (21)~ Pro!. li. E., Cooper Union. BATES. Chao. J. Jr. (l!l, DeveI. Engl. Me).r, Morrison & Co., 30 Cortlandt St., NeVI York, N. Y., an for "il 478 Tenally Rd.,. Ens-elwood, N. J. BATES. J. Ross (18)1 V. P., Mgr. No Y. Ollioe, Whitiug Oorp., 186 Liberty St. DATT, Wm. L. (11; 26), Pres. 5 K F Industries Inc., 40 E. 34th St.. BATTIN. Hmold T. (18; 24), Collstr. & ~I. E., Oon1. Lab., U. 8. RUbber Co. 661 W. 58th St., New York. and Of,,,ail, 8 S. Broadwny, Dobbs Feny. BAT~ 6 il;"r~~n~ri~:~i), R",tellu Dattu Smoot Co., 288 Broadway. and for ",ail, BAUER, H!,,l) ~. (A-1I 28). M. E., G~nl. Engrg. Management COl1?; 165 Broad..wny. ~ew t01lt, N. Y., and!o-r 7naLl, 185 Sunset Lane, TenaBr, :So J. BAUER.,JlllC9 L.,CJ 22), ~Igr., Endless Belt Corp., 8~5 \Y. 40th Bt. BAUMAN. EdVl, (21). Secy. Werner Nygren, Inc., 101 Park Ave.. BAUUAN. Harold A. (J 2~), Asst. Engr. N. Y. Edison Co., 88tll St. &; 1st Ave., New York, and Jor on".l, 241 Ascan Ave.. Forest Hills. L. 1.. B.\,UllANN. Geo. W. (J 21), lur. Agt.. E. L. Phillips & 00., 00 Chur~h St. and or ",a,i, 481 E. 62nd St.. BAUMEISTER, Paul JI,. (A Y 18), l{. E... Ingersoll-Rand Co. 11 UlOo.dway, New York.. alld 0 m",i, SSG7 162ud St., l\nshlng. L. I. BAUMEISTER, Thea., Jr., (J 23), ~r. E" Ph!.ics Bldg. OolulUbin Univ. DAUM1S, Frauk J. (.16; 22). Pres., Shltw Craue PutnltDl Yeh, 00., 100 E. 42nd St., aud for mcij" Hotel Commodore. BAURmEL, E,llest J. (J 2~). Moch. D18ftsmau, Thos. E. liu1i Inc. ~5 DUltne St.. Ne.. lori" N. Y., alld or ",ait, th St. Woodoli f N J DAYLE. Emilc J. (07), V. P_, Estate li""lllllg Corp.; 60 wan St. New York and fot, 122 Loring Ave., Pelhn1l1.." D.-I.Y~ffurctrt~~r R. (05; 06), Asst. Ellgl., Hudson 6: Manllallall R. R. Co., 80 BEACH, Ludlow F. (A ), Servo Engr" Footer Wheelor C01p 165 B"oadway \ New York, and for, ",ail, th St., Jltckson Heights. J,. i. BEA~tE. Robt. C. (A 20). V. P., T,ca8., Combllstion publlshlllg (U\1., ~~ Broad BEAGHEN, Thos., J,. (15).. )[aster Car Bldr. Union Tank LllIe Co. 21 E. 40th St., New YOlk, llud fur liiu~i S. 6th,Ave.,?tH. leilloli.. BEAMAN. Barry (J 23), ~. V., Sales Engr., Bailey ~let.r Cu. 00 <.:huroll St. :\053

164 .,:,.; :; NEW YORIi: NEW YOltK CITY (continued) ",. BEARCE, Geo. D. (21; 26), Engr., Yfg. Dept., Internatl. Paper Co., 100 E. Und BEA~tSLEY, garry I. (A.:M 19), Supvr. Designing Engr., Bell Tel. Labs., J46S Weot st., Ne~ York, N. Y:.r. &nd for mail,. 5 Dempster Rd., Chatham, N. BEATIE CecU E. (12 19),..ngr., 11. W. Kellogg Co., 7 Dey St. BE.oI.UCHEMIN, A. O. (121), Eltec., La,no N. Y. Co., Inc" RIO..1931, 30 Church 5t. BEAVEN, H. Edgar (20; A11 26), Sllpts Asst., Central Ulllon Gas Co., n05 B. 138th St., anti for.nail, 110 Mt. Hope PI. BEBB, J. C. (A 13) Otis Elev. Co., 260 nth Ave. BECHERT, Fred J. (114; A-M 20), Pat. Law)er, Mitchell &: BecJlert, 420 Leltlng ton Ave. P k N BECK, Henry A. (J 24), Sales Engr., C. A. DUII,ham Co., 101 ar Ave., ow York and for ",ail, Srd St., Jackson lielght., L. I. BECK, Valter A. (J 26), Engr., G"iscom Russell Co :Madison Ave., BECKER,!. N. (J 23), Engr., Becker 10: Cooper, 482 W. 39th St., and f01 mail, 87 W. 97th St. BECKER, Julin, (28), M. E., Engrg. Dept., Semet Solvay EugIS. Corp., 40 Rector BEC~~ORD, Walter C. (22), V. P., Engl., Am, Light II Trootion Co., Rm, Broadwa)... BECKMA~(J" Rudoll R. (J 27), Boiler Designer, Combnstion Engrg. Corp.,. 200 \IIalllson Ave., New York, N. x., and for mail, 259 Ave. B, Bayonne, i<. J, BEDFORD Russell B. (1-1.) M. E., Genl. East. Rpp" Bayley Blower Co., 80 Chnrcl; New York, N. Y.; dnd fol mail, 807 N. FullertOlI Ave., Montclair, N. J. BEECHER,John If. B. (24), M. E., Genl, Engrg. & Mauagement Corp., 165 Broad BEEKbl.i.N, Henry M. (17; A Y 24), Engr.,.J. G. I:hite ~Ianugement Corp., S8 Libertv st. New York. N. Y., and for mad, Bedmm.ter, N. J. - BEGLEY Ricll~rd W. (21), Sup-to Engr. Booth,\m. Shipping Corp., 17 BQttery Pl New York, and for mad 1714 V. 11th St., Brooklyn. BELDING, Lewis A. (18; 24), Snles Mgr., Am. Weldi!g Co".80 Church St., New York NY., and for mnil, Hemlock Rd., Great!\oteh, N. J. BELIAEFF, Stephen B. (A M 24), Pres., Mgr" Modern I,nitting Mch. Corp:, 210 Canal St" and for mail 60 E. 196th St. BELL, Harold S. (21; 23), Cons. Petroleum Engr." Rm. 13B~, 233, Broadway. BELL, Jas. H. (J 23), Sales En:r., Foster Wheelel Corp., 166 Brondwlloy. BELL Raymond E. (A M 22), Management Counoel, 250 W. 67th St, BENDA, Harry R. (A.),[ 14), V. P. t Ch. Engr., P, Pryibil Mch. Co., ~IIC., 612 W. Ust St., New York, N. Y., ana for maa, 260 Clark Tennce, Chlfslde Park, N. J. BE:to."ESCH, Edw. J. (J 26), Draftsman, Yeyer, Strong &: Jones, Inc., 101 P..rk Ave., New York, and for mail, Glen He..d. L. I.. BENNETT, Edwin A. (J 27), Am. Blower Co., 60 Church St., and for "lail, un Southern Blvd. " BENNETT, lienry Geo. (A-M 24), Inspg. Engr., N. Y. Steam C01 p., 280 Madison Ave New Yorl" and for mail, 40 Earley st., City Island. BENNETT, John W. F. (18), V. P., Stevena &: Wood, Inc., 120 Bro..dway. BENN~:Tr, I,. W. (A. M IB), V..ll,ation Engr., Edw. J. Cheney,"6l Broadway. - BENNETT, Thos. A. (03; 21), Belt Engrg., U. S. Rubber Co., 1,90 Bl o.~dwry. BENSON. Carl N. (lb; A-M 26), Ch, Draftsnlan, S K F Indushles, 40 E. 34th SL, and for mn;l, 2800 Loring Pl., BENT, Robt. M. (J 27), Sales Engr., Griscom-Russell Co Madison,.1.\0. BElUNGER, Joe. P. (14; 17; 26), V. P., Cuban Domilllcan Sugar!?orp., 25. Broadway., - - BERGEN, Geo. W. (19: 24; 27), Cb. Engr., Robinson, 8l1tler, Hem!lIgway & Co., 26 Broad St., New York, N. Y., and for mail" 125 Ba~-ard Pl., P,ttsburgh, BERg~N, MF:1rBERS IN UNITED STATES Harold B. (A 26), Mgr. Personnel Dept., Henry Doherty &: Co 60 Wsll, St,, BERGER, Geo. G, (J 26) Asst. &: Prod. Mgr., Duro~d Gaskct & Die Co., 1828 Amsterdam Ave., and lor mail, 725 Riverside D\,i\"..". BERGQUIST John G. (12), Pree., Am. Gas Accumulator Co., 100 E. 42nd St.. _ BERGSfROM, Adoll G. (A Y 21), Sales ],;nglg., IngeriOll-Rllnd Co" 11 BroadlVay, ( New York, N. Y., and for ",ail, 801 Kaplan.\,e. Hacken.ack, 1", J. YEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORIi: CITY (continue11) DERNNER, liilton St. J. (18, A-Y 26), Engrg. Societies EmploJIllent Serv., 81 W, 39th St., New York, und OJ mail, 41l Whitney Ave. Elmburst, L. I. BEROLZHEUlER, Henry (lb; A M 25), Secy., Treas., Eagle Pencil Co., 710 E. 14tll St. DERRESFORD, Arthur W. (11), The Grosvenor, 35 6th Ave, DERRY, C. Harold (19; 21), Assoe. Editor Power, McGraw-Hill Co., 10th Ave. & 36th St.. - BERRY, Franels R. (26), Oh. Engr., Am. COllstr. &; Securities Co. 60 Broad St. BERVEN, Sigurd O. (A M 24), Cone. Engr., N. Y. DraUing Nassau St., New, Yorl" and lor mail, 6623 Fort Hamilton Pkwy., Brooklyn. BETHELL, Jas. G. (A 18), Pat, Atty., KiddIe & Mall:eeon. 116 BroadwaJ. BETTlIAN, Robt. (J 23)1. Pac. Conllnereial Co., 80 Well St., New Yorl" N. Y., arid for "lnil. 68 Garden ::;t. Hoboken, N. J. - - BETTS. Walter L. (16; A-M 22), Supvr., Bell Tel. Labs., 463 West St., New York. and for mail, 1071 Carroll St., Brooklyn. BEVIN Sydney (,09~ 21), li,,"r. Sales Engrg. Dept., Tide W..ter 011 Co., 11 Brondwey. SICK, Haloll! N, J 20), Appnratus DeveI. Dept., Bell Tel. Lnbs., 463 West St., l\ew Yorl, an for mail, 252 McDonougb St., Brooklyn... DIDDUL1"H, lielbert (2!), M. E., Rotoprint Gravure Co., 263 Oth Ave., New York, and for liioi!. Corona Ave., Valley Stream, L. I. BlEil, Geo. (J 24), See). Treae., Indne. Administration, Inc., 651 6th Ave., New York, O:nl! fol mail 481 Srd Ave., LOllg Island City. BIENSTOCK, Geo. J. (J 26), Designer, Henry W. T. Mali &; Co., 26 Madison Av. SIGGE. Jos. (23; A 24), Designer, WllSle) Eng. Pats., Rm. 2443, 17 Battery Pl., Ne,v York, and for "loa, 2220 W. 5lb St., Brooklyn., BIGGS, Edgar A. ta-m 24), Enlll., Mchy. &: Boller Inspr., London Guarantee &; Accident Co" Lt<I., 55 5th Ave., and for mau, 346 W, Urd St. BIGLOW, Lemuel C. (16), Pres., L. C. Biglow & Co., Inc. 250 W. 54tb St. BlLDO, Nils P. (A M 24), Draitsman, Designer, John S. Branne, 2039 Grnnd Central Terminal. New York. and for mail, 870 Pelton Ave., W. Bligl1ton, S. I. BISCHOF, Gllstave J. (J 241, Engr., Am. Ry. Products Mehy. Co., 20 Cortlandt St., New York. and lor mail. 471 Ocean Pkwu.y, Brooklyn. IllSHOP. C1,ll9. R. (03), V. P., Caloroil Burner Colp., 225 IV, 34th St. BISHOP, Ernest B. (16), E>:per. Designer, Remington f)pewriter Co., 874 Broadway; BLACK, Donald R. (A M 20), Struc., Engr., Pntrick MeGovern, Inc., 60 E. 42nd St.. New York, and for mail, 25 Briton Rd., Galdcn City, L. I. BLACKBURN, Chas. H. (15; A M 24), Pres. Tre... Hormlguero Central Corl., 60 Ben"er St. BL,ICKMAN, Alfred O. (22), Cons. Engr., 527 5tll Ave. DLACKWELL, Edwin G. (21), Engr" West Gw; Improvement Co., Inc., 441 Lexington AVS. BLACKWOOD, W. A. (A Y 24), :M. E., Ooldak Corp., 8 W. 40UI St" New York,, and for """L. YallcY, Rhnsford. BLAIR, Jas. F, (27), Erec. & Opor. Engr" Combustion Engrg. Corp., 200 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. and for "lail, 206 E. 21st St., Northampton, Po.. BLAKE, Allred D. (14; 22S, Assoc. Editor Power. McGraw liill Co., Inc., 10th Ave. & 30th St. BLANCHARD, Rollo K. (12; 14; 25), Asst. Secy., Engr., Neptune Meter Co., 50 E. 42nd St. BLANDING, Robt. L, (18), V. P., Thelmal Applillnce Co., Inc., 342 Madison Ave.,,New Yorl" N. Y., and for mtl. I, 21 Rilode. Ave" Crallston, R. I. BLANK Hany P" Jr. (J 20). E. L. Phillips & Co., 60 Church St. BLANTbN, Hennen J, (J 22), Boiler Dept., Combnstion Engl g. Corp., 2.00 Yadison Ave., New York, and for m"il Fort [{umilton Pkway., Brool,lyn. BLISS, Collins P. (03), ASsoc._ Dean, College of Engrg., N. Y. Univ., Univ. Heig!lts. BLISS, Harold D. (19), V. P., East. Mgr., B. P. Lientz &1 Co., Suite 120~ Broadway. BLIZARD, John (20)1 Head, Research Dept., Wheeler Corp./ 165 Droadway. BLIZNIOBENKO, Anarew (26), Engr., Arntorg, 165 Broadway, ana fo r mail, 2016 Southern Blvd. BLOCH, Walter (A.M 26), Des!g!r Supv. Constr., Clark MaC}LuUen &: Riley, 101 Park Ave., and for mail, 80 w. 76th St. BLOOD, John Balch (96; OS), Economlst, Researcb Bureau for Pub. Utlllty Securities, 11 E. 86th St, l\ew YORIi:

165 NEW YORIi: MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NE"W york CITY (conthmedl BLO~~J f... ;;:~i!, (t~ni;~~~ks?r Draftsnlan, Am. Car &; Fdy. Co., 30 Clmrcl, 5t" BLOSS, Leonard O. M. (21; A ]l 21), Field Engr., Chas. E. Bedaux Co., New York, N. Y., and for mail, Penn Albert Greensburg, Pa., BLOSSOM, Francis (02), Partner, Sam]ersoll I: Po, ter, 62 WllIiam St. BLUM, Jo,. K. (09; 19; 26), V. P., Genl. Mgl., 1, 13 Pulverizer Corp., 70 E. mil ~ I BOBROVliICHY, B. E. (A-M 27), M. E., Design, Checking Indus. Dept., Am.!:reb. Co.. 17 E. and St., and for mail. 503 W. 148th St. :. BOCK, Geo. E. (J 24), )1. E., Henry L. Doherty & Co., 60 Wall St., and for.,oil, 255 W. 108th St. \i BOCK, Iturt G. W. (A. M. 27), )1gr., Hes,er Mch. Co., 30 ChurcbSt.. BODOLAY, Stephen M. (J 25), Meh. ~eigller, Ferguson &; ~J~a" Inc., 621 Greenwlch St., New l:ork, N. Y., alld fo" ilia,! Jacl,"on Ave., hh.abeth, N. J. BOEHM, Wm. H. (00), V. P., Cbarl:e Boiler &; Ins., Fidelity &; Casualty Co. 01 :~ N. Y., 9"2 Liberty St..1, BOGART, Adelbert N. (20). Supvr., Mills Hotel Trust, 161 W. 86tb St. " BOGGIANO, Jas. E. (A-ill 24), Supt. Mech. Inspc. Dept., Starrett &; Van Vleck, 393,1 7th Ave., and for mail, 30 W. 71st St. i BOGOS, Robt. W. (J 26), Tech. Publicity WI,., Unioll Carbide Ill; Carbon Corp., MEMBERS IN UNITED SfAlES NE"W Y,ORlC NEW YORK CITY (contblued). BOYD Hugh M. (J 16), Indus. Dept., Pellt, Marwick Mitchell... Co., 40 Exchange BOY~: i John T. (87), Cons. Engr., Tel<tHe Bauklug 00., Inc., 50 Ullion Sq., and for Illail, 149 E. 40th St.. BOYE, Durton L. (25), Asst. Mgr. Fuel OU & Road 011 Dept,., Stand. OU Co. of N. Y., 20 BIoaaway. DOYE Ohristlan M, (23), Cons. M. E., 96 Hnleu Ave. DOYER, Edwin S. (97; 02; 07)., Pres.,.An!. Hard RUb~er OOl_11 Mercer St.,. New York, N. Y., and for,"al~, 1070 HIllSIde Ave" P10lnlield, ". J. DOYER Raynlond J. (J 24), Estimator, Babcock Ill; Wilcox Co., 85 Liberty St." Nci~v Yorlt, N. YO) and fol mail J 81 W. 8th St., DU,Jonne. N. J.. BOYES, J. Webster (J 20), Sterrett Dros., Inc., and for mail, 142 E. 48th St., BOyrE: ~d~~~. (J ;23), West.inghollse Etec. & Mfg. Co., 150 Broadwa~, New York, and for mail, 42 Clifton Ave., Kingston... BOYNTON, Earl S. (A.M 20), Ch. Engr., M. H. I\vrllw &; 00., 20 Broad St., New York.. N. Yo, and foj liic1n~ 31 Madison.\\,e., E. Olange, N. J.. BOZELL. Harold V. (23), BOllbright & Co., 25 Nnssau St., New York, aud for mad, 37 Lincoln St., Larchmont. BRADLEY, Walter E. F. (23), Pat. Enll1., Otis EJev. Co., 260 l!th Ave.. URADY, fho,. (19), Otis Ele~. CII., th Ave., New York, N. "Y., aud for ma.l, : 31 Washington St., E. Orange, N. J. BItAINE Bnllcroft O. (96; 05), Ch. Engr., Rail Joint Co., 185 Broadway. UR,mm: Daniel L. (~), Rail Joint Co., 185 Broadway, New York, nnd for mail,. 115 WilJov St., Brooklyn. BRAND, Borace H. (.-\-M 25), Designing Engr., Elec. Bond &; Sbare ~o., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. and for mall, S158 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City, N. J. BRAND, Murray B. (A.M 27), Research Engr., State of N. Y., 949 Broa.dway, and f<>r 1IwU, 2010 Grand Ave. BRANDES, C.. H. (13), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Intemotl. Process &; Engrg. Corp., 42 Smte 401, 30 E. 4211d St., New Yorl" and for mail, 188 Mcrris Ave., Rccl,vllle Centre, L. I.. BOHN, Herbert C. (21; A M 27), M. E., Foster Wheeler Corp., 165 Broadwar, New York, and for maa, 50 Aldred Ave., Rockville Center L. I.. BOITANO, John Jos. (J 24), Engtg. Dept.,. Petroleum iieat &; Power 00., 511 5th Ave., New York. and fot m4il, 62 Ocean Ave., Arrocha.r, S. I.. BOLLE,,"BACK, Alfred W. (A M 28), Asst. M. E., McClellan &; Junl...,sfeld, Inc.,6S Trillity Pl. BOLTON, Reginald P. (98), Cons. Eng-I., Pre,., R. P. Bolton Co., 116 E. 19th Bt BOND, Hnrr) H., Jr. (J 26), Sanitar.\ Engr:, StOlTett & Van Vleck, 393 7th AI e., N"," YOIk, and for ",ail ISlst St., Springfield, L. 1. BRA~Oi~~~YA. W. (16), Ch. EngT., Superbeater Co., 17 E. 42nd Bt.. BOND, Pelcy C. (J 25), Eng,., Superbeater Co., 17 E. 42nd St., and for mail, 603 \\. BRAU, Ohas. (J 27), Draft,man, F. L. Smithe Mch. Co., New York, and fo, ma.l, 180th St. BOND, R. Klliott (27), Ch. EngT. Presbyterian Hospital, New York, and for Illa", S7S9 89th St., Jackson Heights, L. I.. BRAUN, John L. (20; A-M 24) Designing Draf~man, Linda Air Products Corp., 3118 Ohurch A,:e., Brookl)II. SO E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y., and for mll.l.]? O. Box 468, Stamford, Conn. BONDY, Winfield S. (J 2S), Htg. &; Vellt. EngT., E. G. Woolfolk Co., 15 W. 88th BRAY, Compton D. (26), V, P:, N. Y. Mgt., Mead loi.orrl,on Co., 149 Droadway.. St., New York, and /0/ l.all, nd St., Brooki.ln. BREAZNELL, Jos. G. (21), Asst. to Statistician, Gcnl. Chem. Co., 40 Rector St., BONNELL, Clement M" Jr. (20; A-l! 26), Engr., Freight Container Bnrean, Am, New York, lind f01 mail, 1314 E. 34th St., Brooklyn. Ry. Assn., Bureau of Explosives, SO Vese) St. j BRECKENRIDGE, O. E. (04; 16), Oh. Enge., Am. Express Co., Rm. 1016, 65 BOORAEM, J. Francis (95; U6), Cnll. Engr., Treas., Gent Mgr., Dir., Am. EnameJrd ; Brick" Tile Co., P,e,., Treas., Am. Air Coole Block Arch Oombustlon Co., 420 Broadway.... BRElTEKFELD, F,edk (J 20)... Connsellor at Law ill Pat. (Dl"es, 501 5th Ave. Lexington A, e., illso V. P., Dh. Cinch ExpanBiou Bolt Co., 11 B, ondway. BORCHERS, Rolalld K. (J 22), Pur:, lee. Bond BRENDLIN, Herman J. (21), uh, Engt., HaywDld Co., 50 Ohlllch St..I: Shate Co., 71 Broauway, ~ew BRENGEL. Fredlt J. (14: 16: 21). Mgr., Engrg. Div., :\ssoc. Dental pr.od\lcta York, anu Jor mail. 4 Samllel PI., Lynbrook, L. 1. Co., 910 E. 13Stil :,. Inc., 1560 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and for mail, llsr Salem Ave., HllIslde, BORGSTEDT, Henilll: N. (19), Bales Engr., De La Vergoe Mch.. St., New York, and for mail, suo N. Broadwa), lonlters, J Elizabeth, N. J. St, BRE~,,"ER, Abrahllm (J 27), Uech. Designer, W. G. Corncll Co., 26 E. 27th., BOTNICK, ]launce (J 26), Genl. Mgr., Cha,. D. Schmidt Corp., 276 Canal St., New York, and for mail, 182 S. 9tb St., Brooj,lyn. New York, and for mail, 558 Parkside Ave., Brook!)n. BRETZFELDER, Morrie (A-M 21), Owner, Genl. COllveyor Co., 55 W. 42nd St. BOTrSFORD, Edw. D. (25), Technician, Rome Bra.. Radiator Corp., 1 E. 42nd 8t., BREUNlCli, Paul E. (J 26), Engr., Ry. Steel Spnng Co., 30 Church St., and New York, N. Y., anu /01...ail, 14 Ostego Rd., Verona, N. J.. f01 mail, 2388~ Tiebout Ave.. BOURNE, Geo. L. (03), Pre,., Superlleater Co., 17 E. 42nd St. BREWER Allen F. (16; 19; 20), M. E., Tex. Co., 17 Batter) Pl., New York, BOURNE, Pbillips P. (14), Wortbington Pump & Mchy. Corp., 115 Broadway. N Y and for lllail, P. O. Box S3, Orange, N. J. BOWEN, Wm. Spencer (A-M 18), Pres., Bo\ven Research Corp., 117 Liberty St. BRIcE A:drc,v T (18) M. E. Dept., Pub. WI", Municipal Bldg. BOWER. Jerome G. (A OS), Sales Agt., Buckeye Steel Castings Co., 50 Church 8t. BRICE NOl1nan E. (A.M: 18). Y. E., Permutit Co., 440 4th Ave., Xew l:ork, and BOWERS, J... A. (J 26), Sales Engr., Lunkenheimer Co., 129 Lafayette St., New for mail, 2815 Ave. "K, Brooklyn.., YOlk, N. Y., and for mau, 151 ChiltoD St., Elizabeth, N. J. BRIGGS Arthur J. (07), Cons. Engl., 262~ Grand Centlal Termmal, New York, BOWERS, Ja,. H. (A M 22), :Maintenance EngT.; Genl. Obem. Co., 40 Rector St., and for lilail 107 Victoria PL, Syracuse, New York, N. Y., anu for mail. 50 La"cnthal Ave., Irvington, N. J. BRIGGS Henry C. (A-M 2]), Supvg. Oper., N. Y. State Bridge"!Unnel Corom. &; BOWf/;i~ia~o~~D. (A.lIl 16), V. p.. Federal Light &; Traction Co., Rm. 2100, 52 j. N. J. Interstate Bridge & ~Lunnel Co!m., 16 "arlck St., New 1: 011" N. "ll.. and for mail, 61 Pearsall Ave., Jersey C,ty, N. J. BOWSER, S. W. (J 20), U. E., Voorhees, Omelill &I Walker, 101 Park Ave" and BRILL, Geo. M. (91; 96), Uauager, 04-07; Vice-President, 10-12; Cons. Engr., for lliau, 0 W. 102nd St, BOYD,. Dal!,all L. (A 22), Night JIecb. Snpt., X. l., Timc" 229 W. 43rd St., and ~Rn1~ltk~k, J... E. (26), Oharge Firebrick Sales Dept., Babcock & WU!O% Jar -mll,i.!, a24. W, S3rd St. Co., 85 Liberty St

166 NEW YORI(; MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES ME~IBERSIN.UNITED S!ATl!:S NEW YORl,..;,oj J, 1:. ~,.. NEW YORIC CITY (Contlnue.ll BRINTON f Willard C (u7 12) C E. Co., nc., 17 Battery Pl: f ons. ugr J Pres., TI:eas., Terminal Engrg. f BRISTOL. ilelnard R. (21) lingr Ind D t S h.. New YOI Ie. and Jor ",.11, 3 p~lwros~sst ~vj-t ul.;{ Ieater Co.. 17 E. 42.nd St., I BRIZZOLARA. Robt. T (17 26) Pres R\3 ~I e a DB., BROHL, Harl") T. ( 26)!)j,t!:it it E En~g. Corp., 342 Madison Ave. " th Ave.. 0 er ngr.. "estldghouse Elec. &; Mfg. Co" BROOK Victor (A Y 19) Publi It E I. Yo;k. N. Y., and for,~ail 61\fidl;;f1v: du E ~ress. 14 N S Lafayette St., Nell BROOKS Percy C (16) P e E ~ T F.. range. J. BROOnE. Emest i,, :, I So,," airbanks &; Co., 416 Broome St... YO"k, and for wia~19~arr~~~;v:- E Vfsl6. BlackwelL &; Buck. 49 Wall st., Ne" it BROU!:iSEAU. Edw. vi (20 A:M: 26) Co st E...~ B"oad St...,n r. ngr Radio Corp. of Am., 66 ~ BROWN. Albert (A M 22) Cb En K P. ;,1 York, and for mai!, 2000 O~eanlll;:e 3~~Okfocess Corp. 138 Liberty St., New :~.. BROWN. Anthony F (J 18) V P G -dj h! ~n. ",., PI...nd for mail Gr.ind Co~co~rsr A. B. Model Mfg. Co. 18 Ca)l>! ~.l BROWN, Arthur Jos (A ls) V P B. lluown, Chas. L. (;25) 246 Senu,a;; Ar~wn Bros. Mfg. Corp.. IS Canal Pl. ( BROWN, Clinton B. (l-m 17) Eugr F db&;... :..~ BROWN. Dickaon Q. (02 14) V p To.~e w:a~on OUDaeo"ls. Inc., 116 Broad,va). :, BROWN Edw ~ (10) P St I:" a er., 11 Broadway. I BROWN EIlIe;t \v ~1~) p;es. E e~ tng,,,sablt Co. 29 Broadway. :.j BROWN H Id p, ~. es., rnee.,. ro,vn. Inc, 1 P..rk Ave \I BROWN HalO 19). Cons. Concrete EnAT. 120 Libertl St. Bro~d"~:y S..nford (10; 26). V. P., \Vlieeler COlldenser & Engl g. Co. HO ;. BROWN. Howard H. < OS 26) Editor M rl E.. ; Boardn,~ Publishmg 00,. 80 Ohurch St~ ne ngr. & Sh,ppmg Age. Simmon,.j BROWN. IrvlnJl: F (17 A M 22) Asst. E I BROWN. John J. (02) Clunn ofbd F~"l:,r\~ho~dY e Chapman. 105 W. 40th SL BROWN, LeonB"d W (23 A.jr 25)p s ~l er orp. 166 Broadway. New Y~lk. and for ~uiil, 18 DnboiaoS:~ N~t:;e~~ner. Gibbs &; Hill, P... Sta., BROWN. AI11Ja.d F. (J 25) Repairman N Y T I 1:. and. for Ilail lssrd Ave. SPrfn/lileld L e i West St.. New York, BROWN. Robt. SnQwden (A-M 21) V Pc G " New York N Y df]..,... Basford Co., 17 E 42nd 8t BROWNE. nard (A.M.~~) ~safato ~9lo&aldso: Ave., Ruthe"ford, N. J.., York. aud or mail, HR~tinltS:ou.Hu dso;; uper eater Co. 17 E. ~2ad St., New BRUCE. Alfred W (14) neslgn E A BRUCKNER Arth~ (lli) Pof lnl; ngr., m. Loco. Co.. 30 Church St Villard AYe. H.eiin~.;n~HJl~~oUege of City of New York,.amI for mail, BRUNE, Carleton E (22,A-Y 27) i.. tee. lnterboro Rapid Transit Co. 600 W. :~th StATN co~omklcs Div. M. P. Dept" th St. Union City N J. ew or, N. Y., and for mail, BRUNNER, Haroid E (24) cb E S x: F BRUNNER. He"bert (26) ~ns. E~grgr 642 6th~dustriea. 40 E. S.4th St..(.. St..." alld Jor ma"l, Jl W. 60th BRUNS. Henry H (A M 22) G I M ~61 Sth Ave, en. gr Collstr. Dept.. L. Mundet &; Son In. BRUSH. Peter F (A M 21) BId St. &; 7th Ave up Ch. Engr. Botel Pennsylvania, B8rd St. BRYANS Wm. R (19) Pro! Me h I NY: BUBAR. HUd.on it (19. 2 c an cs,. Univ Univ. Bell\hts. New York,..nd for m4illj8l~~~8p~~r~iml;b" ~I~t Recovery Inc. 15 Park Row, BUCHANAN, Philip J (~.y 26) L d" roo.yn.., 55 Dualle St. New York, and f~r ~~iln~.~ja~ts~lanstthos. E. Yurr..". Ino-, BUCHERT, Harry (A-M 21). Combustio E" y er.. Brooklyn. BU ~~~~man St.. and for mail. Apt. 21-: 8~rE i7ith V ~tnace Engrg. Co., 6 v""...n. Jacob H. (J 24) h! E St D f. Transportation. 49 La!ay~tt" St: N: c y:t. tsm BJ d fdesi Jl:Dl.D1v" N. Y. Bd. of Brooklyn.,I,an or mati. SS Bartlett St" BUOKENHAM, Archibald G (A M 10) T.. St. - reas. Angu. Hopkins Inc. 271 W 126th BUCKLER, Albert (0.: 26), pfod. Engr. Gibbs B I.., ros. nc. 1 Broadway. 458 NEW YORK CIrY (contl1l1l".i) BUOKLEY, Daniel J. (21; A M 26). Supt. Sbolea. Inc., 186 Lafayette St. Kew York. and for maif. 323 E. 29th St., Brook~vn. BUCKLEY. Guldat M. (22; A M 26). GU01..nty Trust Co tb Ave. BUCKLEY John. B. (12), CanstI. Inspr., Interborough Rapid Transit Co., 600 W. GOth St.. New York, and for mail. P. O. Box 335. YOllkers. BUENSOD, Alfred O. (16; 27). Sales Eng... (Ja~ ler Engrg. Oorp., 39 Cortlaudt St., and or mail. 126 W. 12th St. BUHRENDORF. Fledk G. (J 20), Engr. Design Swltcllbd. Apparatus. Ball Tel. Lab. Inc. 46S West St. BULL. Barold A. (23; A-M 27), As,t. Engl., NIClol..s S. Hill, Jr. 112 E. loth St., and for m4i1.,703 Madison Ave. BULLOOK. Wm. E. (18; 26), Seey. Aln. Inst. Weights &; Yeasures. 116 Broad. BUNWR. Rayinond U. (10; 21). V. P.. Latln Am. SUJl:ll" <;:0., Inc. 82 Beaver St. and for mail P..rk Ave.. BUNhELL, Stedlng H. (9!; 03). Cons. M. E. H..ines, Spencer & Cha11cellor. 27 William Bt.!lURCH, T. Hamiltoll, Jr. (20). Oell1. ~., Supe,lheatel &; Engrg. Co. 108 BURDICK.Harold A. (J 26). Sales Engrll:., Inter11at!. }Iotar Co., 26 Broadwal. New York. nud for mail. 12 ll.oman Ave., Foreat Hills. L. 1.. BUIU>ICK. Herbert (17 23). Ch. M. E.. Signal Engrg. &; Mfg. Co., 614 W: 14th st,. New York. N. Y and for 1J,ail, 801 menwood Ave., E. Orauge, N. ~. BURGESS. A. B,adley (10; 18; ls). N. Y. MIrt, Haughton Elev. & Mcb. Co. 250 W. 64th St. BURGESS. Chas. G. (J 25), Eugr. Griscom-RusseU Co 2S5 M..dlson Ave. New York. and for mail, 3488 ~Oth St.. Jackson Heights, L. I. BURGESS. Walter E. (25). Engr. Central FdY. Co. New Yorlt. N. Y., and Jor ~,ail. 23 DOllBldaon A,e,. Rutherford. N. J... BURGIS. Chaa. R. (J 24). Jr. Eugr. United Elec. Light &; Power Co. Hell G..te Generatiug! Sta., New York,..ud for ",oil, 37 77th St. Jackson Heigbt., L. 1. BURKE. Thes. F. (21). Asat. Enllr. ClII Equfp., Illterborough Rapid ~ansit Co., 25!5 7th Ave. BURLEY, Rollt. L. (J 27). Marine Engr., Isthmain Steamship Line, GO Trinity Pl. BURNELL, E. (19), V. P., Overman Cushion ire Co. Inc., 250 W. 64th St.. and lor 1llai!. P. O. Box 78. sta. G. BURNETT. E. Laurence (J 25). Engr.. Parsolls. lil..pp. Brinckerhoff &;. Dougl line St. BURNETTE. A, R. (20). ColiS. Engr., Stuart. Janles 1< Cook, 17 Battery Pl. BURNS. A. L. (S8; 07), V. P., Jab.. Bllrns & 80ns, 600 W. 43rd St. BURNS. Alall Edwin (A Y 20), V. P. Oharge Engrg IDec. MaDllgement &; Eng,g. Corp. 67 Willi.m St. BUR.lSlDE. LeWIS N. (24; _\-M 21). Fuel Ellgr. Del. Lack..wnlll:a & West. Cool Co. Itm llroollwuy.. BURROUGHS, Jos. H., Jr. (11; 18). Rep. City Depts. Otls E)e,. Co th Ave., New York. N. 1,. ane! JOT mail,!8 Hill.ide Ave. Glell RldJl!. N, J. BURT. Walter R. (A M 21), Miller. Franklin. Ba.sset & Co. U7 Mallison Ave., New YOlk. N. I., and for, 160 Walnut St.. Ridgewood. N. T. BUSHI,EY. H. Richard (J 26). Elliott Co 90 West St. BUSHNELL, Doujl;lll8 S. (09) Pres. N. Y. Transit Co., 26 Broadway. BUSHNELL. H. C. (13), M E. L. Phillips &; Co., 60 Church St. BUSSE. Grover O. (A-M 20). Supt., Pitman Truckilll\ Co 17 Front St. BUT*~~: Chas. A. (A-M 21). Sales Rep. J. E. Lpnergan Co. Rm Pa,k BUTkf.~ ~~nry W. (24). SanderFon &; Porter. 62 William St., and for maif, 45 E. BUTLER. J. F. (16). 164 E. 6~th St. BUTLER" Noble C.. J!. (27). Engr. Tech. Dept., Stand. Oil Co. 01 N. Y th Ave,. and or mad, 550 Academy St.. BUTT. How..rd (22; 23). Sales YAT.. Ail Preheater Corp. 26 Broadway. Ne,. York...nd for 1IIail. 34 Pondfteld Rd. W., Bronl<l l11e. UUXMAN. Wm. (A 26), V. P., Gen!. Ml!I McG.raw-Hlll Catalog &; Dilector~ Co. loth Ave. & 86th St. New York. and fot 1Jlat! th St., Richmond Hill. L

167 NEW YORK... ~ ME~1BEUS IN UNIrED STATES NEW YO~K NEW YORI;;;: 0111." luontllllled) BYER, Henry E. (19), Mgr. Condenser " Vacuum Pump Sales, Oblcago Pneu matic Tool Co. 6 E. Hth st.. BYRNE, John E. (J 27), Designer, Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., 96 Liberty St. BYRNE, \Im. H. (J 2~), lest Engr., Furuace Eng, g. Co" 5 Beekman St., 1\ell" York, and fot mail, 425, B. 1201:.h St., Rockaway 10.11" L. 1. BYlION, Ralph (J 2~), Sales Engr. Sadwith Waldron Corp.. 89 Coltlnudt St., New York, N. Y., aud fat.noil, 246 Garfield Ave., Jersey Oity, N. J. OABOT, Walter K. (A M 17). Am. Cnn Co. 120 B, oadway. OADWELL, Ead. 11. (A M 26), Facto1 JJgr" Expel. E~gr., Amd)co Corp., 100. E. 421ld St., Ne,v 1od" alld for ma,l. HOO Ocean..1.\", B, ook]) ". OADY, O.cil 1. (22), Ch. E. E., Voolhees, Gmellil ~,, 101 Palk.!, c" New YOlk, a.nd for 7uail, 6.Arcber Pl.. Tarl 3~toWll.. CAHILL, Jobn E. (A M 18). Tech. lilllsklltor, 110 W. ~Otb St. OAIROLI. Carl.ton S. (A M 19). M. E., Weat. Elec. Co. Inc., 100 William St., [ i New York, nnd for lilail, Perry Lane, Nyack., CALDWELL, WDI. E. (18; 22; 26), Asst. to SlIpt. Power Plants. United EI".. Lil/:ht & Power Co E. 15th St..., CALHOUN, L. V. (A }l IS), En!p., E. L. Phillips &: Co., 50 Ohurch St. New YO\ ~. ; and for mail, Ne,, Malket St. & Keusina-1;on!ld,. Garden City, L. 1. OALLAWAY. Olarence R. (21), V. 1.. Ch. ~ngl" (:tnney Elev. Co. aoo 8th,\\"e,. OAMDEN, A. T. (A M 21), Engl. Tech. Dept., VacuuUL Oil Co. 2~7 Pa"k A\"e.,. and fa" mail, 66S Riverside Drive. a.uleron. Geo. (J 27). Bell Tel. Labs. Inc., 463 West St.. New YOlk. nnd lor mail. 87 CIrcuit Rd.. New Rochelle.. OAllMAN. E"ic A. (A 23), Illgl., System Dept. Marwlck, ~lltcllell &. Co., 40 Exchange PI.. OAMMA.ll.\TA. ~rank (J 21),.:Mech. Designer, Wilputte (;IoKe Uven Oorp., 469 5th Ave., Ilnd OT mal! LO"ilIard PI.. CAMPBELL, Donald (]!4). Mem. Firm, RogelS, Kenne,l) & Campbell, Rm. 1521, 125 Park A., e. CAMPBELL, Hu~h J. (J 25), n.rnfl~man! Comb\1s!i<,,~ Ell!:r". Corp., 200 )rndi"in A, e.. New "I: ark, and lor "".ii, 263 E m ~t.,,,. l\ew J1l"1ghtoll, S. I. CANFIELD, Robt. H. M. (A-M 23). Gilford Wood Constt. Co., Rill. 1018, 420 Lexilla-1;on A\e. C.ll.~t;sO, Dani.l D. (J 25), Field Inapr., Tho~. E. )lui"ia). Inc. 55 Duano St., New YOlk. N. Y., aud /01 mail 3 Ellis A\e., Ilringtoll, N. J.. OAPPABIANOA. zanetto F. (J 26S, Constr. En/P. Brennan 01> Sloan, 331 Madison ;, A1/e.!: O,\RACIUSTI, V. Z. (04: 07), Cons. Eng"., 8U MadisOil Ave,. " O..l.RBONE, Mario G. (A }I 16), Mr;r., Italian Swiss Colon~. 721 Washinl/:ton St..!" and for lilail. 173 W. 881:.h St. CAREW, Wm. A.. (IS), Pr.s.. Care,v Greene Engrg.. Co., Inc.; li28 G,a1)d Centl.1 Terminal, New York, N. Y., and for mail. 8 Goodwlll Tcrrllce, Vestwood, X. J. CAREY, Wm. J. (19: A M 26), Mannllement Ellgl., MllIer, F"anklin, Basset Ii 00., 347 Madison An.. and fat m(lil. 168 E. S81<1 St. CARIS, Ivan B. (12), Aast. Pur, Agt.. Semet Sohay Co., 61 Broaclway, N.,, ork, N. Yo. and for maul 13 Ely Pl., E. 01"lUlge, N. J.. ;; ~ OARL. Fled H. (A1ll IS). Ob. Mecll. D"llflsmnn. McClellan &. Junkersfield, Inc-, 68 Trlni~y Pl.. ~. O.!BLSON. na1ry N. (J 26). Asst. Engl., N. Y. Edisou Co., 1st Ave. &: 88th st, New York. Ilnd /0" mau. Central Brancl~ Y. M, C. A 55 Hanson. PI. Brookl)". CARMAN, Jos, F. (A M 18), Ch. En81., Metropolitan Ll.fe Ins. Co., 1 Madi,on Ave... OARNEY. Jos. F. (15), Supvg. Enllr., Boom... du Pont Properti.s. Inc., Waldorl. Astona Hotel. and JOT mail G,and Concourse.,. CAROTHERS. Chas. G. (Ill), M. E. Franklin Ry. Supply Co., Inc., li E. ~2ad J." St., New York. N. Y. Ilnd fot m<lou. 116~ E. Mtll Pl Chical/:o, lll. OARPENTER, Harold (OS) "-sst. to OOllstr, Eugr., Consltd. Gas Co. 01 N. Y E. 15th St., New York, and for mail. 538 Westchester Ave Port Chester.. OARPENTER. Henry A. (9S: 99), Yale Club. Vanderbilt A,e. k Hth St. OARPENTER. Howard B. (25; 27). Pres Stel ens Aylesworth. Co., Inc., 53 Psrk Pl. OARPENTER. Raymond (11). M. E., 11m. 110a. 150 N.ssau St.. New York, No Y.,. and lor mail, 246 Sl1rinl/:dllle Ave., E. O, anl:e,. N. J, XE"\V YORl~ ttl). (oonthmell OARPLES, Victor H. (21; 23), Secy. Treas.. L. J. Willg MI~. Co., 352 W. 18th OAR~icK Gerald S. (19). Am..A.lch. Co.. 17 E. 42nd St.. OARROLL: John S.. (A M 21). G.n1. Ml;r. Oll Industl~ Dept.. Johns-MauV111e Co., OAR~~O N:~~60g. ~;:il), Cons. En.cIr.. 11 Broadwa). OAUSE John B. (08). Ohum. Pur". Al:ts., U. S. Steel Co,P.. 71 Broadway. CmSON J. Wm. (J 24), ]);11I:1., Walter l\.idde & Co., Inc. 140 Cedar St., ~ew, York. N. Y., and tot ma il. 880 S. 15tb St., Newa1l<, N. J. G.iltTER. D0\1l:1as S. (A 28). Sales Eng,.., Superheate, Co., 17 E. 42nd St., New York. ami OT mau. 6 Eaatcote Ave., Scarsdale. O.I.RTER Emmett B. (12), Cons. Engr. Enl:"s, Club. 32 W. 40~h st.. OUtTER Barold O. (A M 24). CI,. Engr., Intelnutl, )l"\"cantlle ~lal1n~ Cn.,}. Bloadwas. New York, N. Y., nnd,.47 1\.. 12t.h St.. Newnrl", N.. CARTER, J011ll :e:. (J 26), :En!p., COlllmerclal Se,v.1 Corp., 51 E. 42nd St-, New York and far 0110\ Park Ave., 1Ir,rrl.on. E 16th C,\RTER. Robt. A. Jr. (16), MI!>. Engr., Oonsltd. Gas Co. of N. Y., 130. CAR~~LA, Roht. (21; A M 20), Engl., GenL Chem. Co., ~O RectOr St., New York, and lor mail, 125~ E. 31st St., -Brooklyn. CARYElI Fred S. (16: 21), M. E., 90 West St.. t.,. E CARY, Francis L. (J 25), Enl\11>. Inspc.,. El~c. TestIng Lnbs., S{I~h.R ". End Av., New YOl k. N. Y., IlllCl fat,nail,. 604 Belll:en Ave., ~erse)?ity, N. J. C~SE Alhel t B (08 16) Cons, N:il. Engr. Rrn. IS2-!, 61 Bloadwa). N CASE: Cromweli H. (A.M 24), J.sst. E. E., N. Y. Tel. Co., 104lroad St.. ew York N Y and for mai!, 80 N. Maplo Ave., E. Orange. N. St. CASEY. j. Soh;;ler (27). Dlr., Cbmn. Bd., M. H. TrendweU Co. 1 \0 C~o1ar, CASNER, T. S. (27), L..b. Eugr.. Radio Elec. Clock Co~p:.o 50 Chlllcli St., Iiew Yorl, N Y 0.",1 JOT mail 768 Kensington Ave., Plamh.ld, N. J. CASO. vinee"nt 3., Jr. (J 28), prnft&jdml, Bd. lranspoltntion, 49 LD.[u~o~ttc Sto, New York and for ",ail th St., Jackson Helg1lts, L. I. OASTLE, Snml: N. (O~; 11), Advisol) En.s:r. b55,park.~ve.., CAYE. JOhll R. (13), Fuel Engr., Ed. of E"~u~atlon, 500 Park Ave., :Sew ~ork, fat mail Bayeido Blvd..11 5th St" BaYSIde, L. 1. CEBR AT Pan! (\18) Engr. Perin &1 1Illrsl"ill, 40 W. 40th St. CECOARELLI, Frank E. (J 25), Katl. Coke" Co..l Co., Hunta Point Ave..I: E. CER.~~veitobt. R, (J 21), Engr., Bernet Solvay Engrg. COl,!,., 40 Rectol St. New York N Y and tor,no!, 81S O,an!>e St., 1<e",ark, N. J. CERRETA, jos. k (20; "" )1 25). En!>r,.. Interstate Equip. Corp., 25 Church st. New York and or mau, 20 W",lnut "t., New Uochellc. CETRULE Jol;n (J 18) }["l., Triplex Mch. Tool Corl., 50 Church St, OETRULE Nicholas (J 23). :1>1. Eo, Tliple" )1011. fool Corp., 50 OI1\1roll St., New YOlk, N. Y., nne] for mail", 821 Clifton.:\\"e., Newa.lok, N. J. OHAMBERLAIN. Alex. S. (J 26), Indus. Engr., E~uel..on Engr.., 80 Obureh St., ~"w York N. Y. and fot mail, 680 E. Town St., Columbus, O.. OHAMBERLAIN, s. B., Jr. (20; A M 26), Asst. to Ell!>r., InteruaU. Busllless Mch. C01p. 50 Broad St. CHAb1BEB.LAI~, Wm. T, (17). 50 W. 91st St.... CHA1lBERS, Gee. G. (J 20), M. E. :a;. S. Bell, 233 Brondwn~, and for "0,1, cra~~ihiserrfas A1 (J 22) M. E. Loco. Dept., Ingersoll.Rand Co. 11 Broad way New York: N Y. a.:d for liiau, 16 Stiles St., Elizabeth. N. J. CR...MBEUS. Norman C. (105 ; 14), Chicsgo Pneumahc Tool Co., 6 E. 44th St. CHAMPION, Edw. L. (J 23). En!>l., Condenser Dept., Inlleraoll Ran<l Cc., 11 OBA~j;t~a)Edw. F. (22), V. P. Cons. Engl., R.scr.rcl, Engrg. Corp., 392 6th Ave N~w York, and for mal!, 148 Richmond St., BI ooklyn. CHANDLER, SI,.,man 11. (J IS), Indu!" Engr., Rand H. Simon. COl 158 :Madison Ave., New York, N. -r.. and for mad. 61 Sycnmore A\"coo, Plamfie d, N. ~ OHAPELL, Ale>:. R. (J 28), Designing Pat. & Expe,. Dept., Royal Typewr,ter Co. Inc. 816 Broadw,,), New YO"k, a11(1 fat 1Il<til. 130 La[o.yette Ave., BlOoklyn. CHAPIN. Warren W. (17). Cons, Struc. Engl. 250 Pa-Ik.\ve. CHAPMAN. Clo)d M. (111). Con., Engl., 105 W. 40tb st. CHAP1IAN, Wm. Henry (21),!Jist. Tw:bine Inspr., Geal. E1.c. Co., 120 Broadway. 4Rt

168 i NEW YORIC MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK CITY {continued) CHARAVAY, Marlus A. (08; A M 25), Mem. Firm, Stevens &I Legg, 25 Broad., St., New York, N. Y., and fof mail, 285 Palisade Ave., Jersey City, N. J. OHASE, L. G. (21), Dlst. Sales Mgr., Yarnall, Waring Co., 90 West St. OHATILLON, Ralph F. (16), V, P. John Chatlllon & Sons, 89 Clift at. CHAVE, Walter E. (21), Pres., McQuillen & Chave, Inc., th Ave. CElEEL, Hsrold W, (J 19), Broncl( Mgr., Ever Hot Heater Sales Co., 101 Park Ave.. and f01 m<ti!, Yale Club. OHEEVER, Markham (10), El.". Bond & Share Co., 2 Rector st. CHERDAN.,?ZEFF, Peter (22; A M 25), Aest. Heat Balance Engr., Thos. E, Murray, Inc., 55 Duane St., and fof mail, Apt. 4A, 128 Convent Ave. CHERR, Oeo. (19; 26), Supt., New Bldjr. Oonstr., Herzig- &I Solomon, Ino., 415 Lexington Ave., and fof mail, 1226 Sherman Ave., CHESLER, Isldor (AM 21), Asst. Bupt., Eag-le Pencil Co, 710 E. 14th St. I, OHILDS, Harold P. (J 03), Servel Corp., 51 E. 42nd St., CHRISTIE, Geo. R. (25), Fuel on Engr., Stand. Oil N. Y., 26 Broadway. CHRI~TOPHERSON, M. S. (23), Dir. Serv., State Ins. Fund, 430 4th Ave., New Yor,!:. and for.nail, 415 Pnlmer Ave., Yonkere. CRUROti, Elihu C. (08; 18), 110 Wasbillgton St. CHUROH, Geo. W. (27), M. M., R. Hoe & Co., and for mail, 22 Charlton St. CINI, Jos. (J 22), 1927 Fowler Ave. OLAPPER, R&) Lewis (J 10), M. E., Grlscom Russell Co" 90 West St., N." York, and /Of mail, 28 :E!0\Vard COUl t, W. New Brightoll, S. I. CLARK, Eastman M. (A M 27), Bldg. Supt., Wnl. H. Whiting 00., U Pork Row, nnd for mail. 420 West End Ave., CLARK. F. H. (10), Oons. Engr., 940 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and for mail, 21 Valley View Rd., Rldllewood, N. J. CLARK, Harold B. (25), E. E." E. L. Phillips Co" 50 Ohurch St., New York, N. Y., alld tor mait, 76 Broad St., OUillOId, COlln., OLARK, S. Milton (25), M. E., Grig$o. Full~r & Clarl" 347 5th Ave., 1<ew York,, N. Y.. and for mail, 80 Carolln ~d., Montclair, N. J. OL<A~fNi~~~~ S~. (20), Pres., Treas., Alphons Oustodls Chimney Conslr. Co., CLARK, Wallace (19; 21), Oons. Management Enl!r., 50 W. 12th St. CLARK, Wnlter L. (88), :Retired, Engl s. Club, 32 W. 40th St. CLARK, Watson G. (20), O. E., Buneyor, 80 Church St: CLARK. Wm. G. (A 23), SaniLar) & M. E., Wm. G. Clark, Inc., 15 W. Hth at. CLARKE, Bertrand R. (21), 45 E. 62nd St. 0~~5EE?4Jr;; ~t. (07; 13), Enll,g., Constr., Dwight P. Robinson & Co., Inc., OLEARY, Wnlter D. (J 21), Aost. Sales Mgor., DeLavnl S~pnrator Co., 105 Broad. wsy, New York, N. Y., and for mail, 6 Pomander Walk, Nutle)" N J OLEATON, R. E. (17; 22), SUite 806, 271 Madison Ave... CLEM, DaUa. Wells (A-M 24), Sales Engr., Mnnning J Maxwell II: Moore Ino., 100 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y" and for IIlait, 50 Lexington A, e., Hdcyon Pk., Bloomfield, N. J. OLEMMER, Albert J. (J 22), Asst. Supt... MllZda Servo Dept., Elec. Test~ng Labs." 80tb St, II E. End Ave., snd /01 mot!, Apt, E2, 4652 SplIyten DU"",1 Pk\vay. CLENDON, Geo. W. (17; 23), Eugr., Oha;ge Pul\~rlzed Fuel Dept., Combustlon Engrg. Corp., 200 MadIson Ave., New York, N. Y., and for lilai!, HarrlngtoD Park. N. J. CLIFFORD, P. J. (A M 23), Pat. & Research Engr., Train Control Corp. of Am., 1409 Grnnd Central Terminal, New York, N. Y., and fof lila;!, Pittston, R. F. D. 2, Falls, Pa, OLINE, J. Grant (A M 19j, Mgr., Cb. Engr., Hoist &: Crane Engrg. 00. lu ~~k, CLINE, Louis W. (J 24), Oper., RaU Cars, InternatI. Motor 00., 25 Broadway, New York. N. Y l and for mail, Stockton, N. J. CL1NEDINST, Wendel W. (21; A M 25), Engr., O. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co, 17 Jolm St., Ne,v York, and for mail, 1745 Canton Ave., Brooklyn.. OLOCK, Ernest E. (17; 20), Ch, Inspr., Turbine & Eng. Dept., Fidelity &,Casualty Co., 92, Liberty St., New York, N. Y., and for mau, 100 Park PI., Passaic, N. J., ~OBB; Wmard H. (J 12), U. S. Rubber Co., 1700 Broadway. UOBLEIGH, Henry Rioe (J 04)" Secy. Serv., Nat!. Auto Chnmbcr of Commerce, 866 Madison Ave., New York, and for mail, 10 Ave., White Plains d.EMIlh:RS HI UilllfED STATES NEW YORK. NEW YORK CITY (continued) COBURN, Fredelic G. (IZ; 13), Mem. Firm, Mgl. Indus. Dept., Snnderson &; Porter, 52 William St. COCHRANE Lewis (18) Malnt. Engr., Elec. II Mch. Apparatus, N. Y. Times, ~ 229 W. 43rd St., Ne;" York, and foi mai!, 1>29 E,. 38th St., Brooklyn. ~i CODDING, E. Hals (25), Snles Engr., Bethlehem Ste,.l Co., Ltd., 25 Broadway. COENE, Edgar T. (22; A jj 26), Sales Engr., Coleman & Co., Rm. 1020, 25. Broadwn.v, and tor mail, GR5 AOlLdemy St..,, COFFIN Frnnk M. (07), Engr., Genl. SUI,I., Utility Elev, Serv., 1110., 39 Jume1 Pl. " COFFiN, G. S. IA M 18), M. E., Stevens II Wood, Inc., Suite 2620, 120 B,oadw..y.,. COHEN, E. F. (~16; A-M 21), Mem. StnlY, A. Eugene Michel, 110 Nassnu St., New York alld fof mail, 530 Webster AVe., New R~ohelle. COREN, Emanuel M. (21; A M 2G), Ch. Engr., Mem. Firm, Lanzner 1& Baer, 625 6th Ave. COHEN Fred W. (ls)l V. P., Metal & Thermit Corp., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and f01 mal, 193 Oooper Ave., Up:!!er ~lontclair, N. J. OOElEN, Herman (A 1>1 25). Am. Oynamid 00., 25 W. 43rd St., New York, and fo, mail, 682 Eastern Pkway, BrQoldyn. OOHEN! Oscar (J 26), OIla Elev. OO<t th Ave., New York, N. Y., and for mal, 413 8th St., W. New York, j,j. J. COLBY. Baldwell S. (27), Sales Engr., B. F. StUl tevallt 00., New York, and fof mdil, 174 S. Grov. St., Floeeport, L. I. COIJ)WELL, E. e. (20; 20), Ford BlLoon &> DlLvis, Ino., 115 BrolLdway, New York, N. Y., and f01 mail,.146 Glellwood Ave., Jersey City, N. J.. COLE Albert L. (A.M 25), Editor Power, MoGI llw Hill Co., 1110., 10th Ave. & 30th St., New York, N. Y., alld for IIlai!, 58 Vanderburl! Ave., Rutherford, COLM: i~nj. E. (20; 26), Seoy., Treas., N. Y. Sewage Disposal Co., 5621 Graud Central Termlnnl, New Y01k, N. Y"..nd f01 lilai!, 100 Ball Rd., Mountalu OOL~~kE~~S.J( 97; 06), Hyd. Engr., Pres., Pitornoter Co.. Rm. 668, 50 Church OOL~~ John J. (J 24), Indua. Engr., Sanderson & Po~tel" 52 William st., nnd for lliail, S75 West End Ave.. COLEMAN,Cbas. P. (17), Pres., Worthington Pllmp & l>lchy. Oorp., 115 Br~adway. COLEl>IAN. E:rnest. L. ~A 2~), Peat, Merwiok l>1itcbell II Co., 40 Exchange Pl. COLEMAN, J. Em,l. (17; 21), Cons. Engr., 25 ChUlCh St., New York, N. Y., aud for.nai!, 20 Reotor Pl., Red Bank, N. J. COLLEL Fredk G. (A 23), Co.Partner, Arthur Young II Co., 82 Beaver St. COLLIill<, Guy B. (22), Cons. & Desiglllng Engr., 371 WOOsworth Ave. i-collins, Francis Winfield (12), 452 Lexington Ave., COLLINS, Fredk A. (A M 24), Power Engl., Tex. Co., 17 Battery Pl., New York, " I l and tor mail, IG8 09 Crocheroll A, e., Flushing, L. 1. COLLINS; Jas. B. (J 24), Asst. Engr., Estimator, Ericksdn Engrg. Co., 452 Lexillgton Ave., New York, N. Y., nnd for mail, 258 Barrow St., Jersey Oity, N. J.COLLINS, Jerome J. (J 24), Supt., N. Y. Steam Corp., 280 Mndlaon AVe., New York. and fof mail 90 Remsen St., Brooklyn. COLLINS. John, Jr. (A.M 21), Ch, Engl. Gelll. Engrg. II Management Oorp.,. 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and 10, mail, 330 Madison Ave., Paterson, COLCN,JJules (J 27), Designer, Found..tion Co.; 120 Liberty St., and for mo.i!, 314 W. l03rd St. COLSTON, Roht. (21; A M 21), Mgor. Mnrine StatiOIUlly Dept., Grlsoom-Russell Madlson Ave. COLVEN, Egbert B. (A 22), Engr., Elleon Co., 50 Church St.,COLVIN, Benj. J, (18), Supt. Constr., Fred T. Ley & Co., Ino., 19 W. 44th St., New Yorl; N. Y., and for mail, 42 ]dnplo Ave., Harrison, N. J. " COLVIN, Fred H. (95; 99), Editor, Am. Machinist, McGrlLw Hill Co., 10th Ave. II 3Gth St., COLWELL, Jas. V. V. (OS), Lif. Member; 1765 Sedgwlok Ave. COMSTOCK, Chas. Worthington (08>", 305 Riverside Drive. COMSTOCK, Louis K. (02), Chmn. lsd. Dir., L. K. Oomstook & Co., Ino., 16 E. 52nd St. OONDIT, Kenneth H. (A.M 21), Editor!. Am. Machinist, 10th Ave. & 86th St., New York, N. Y., alld f01 mail, Westco t Rd., Princeton, N. J 463

169 CRISFIELD,.~;. ----_._-----_.....1, NE;W YORIC MEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES. l\i.ejilbers IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY (continue,!)..., liew YORK CITY (contbmed) CONE, H. I. (10), Rear Admiral, U. S. N Retired V P neas Dan I G,.. COX, Wm. (J 26), Draftsman, Genl. Engrg. &; Management Corp., 165 Broadway. helm Fund for the ProDlotion of Aero;~utiC8, In~. 59SMadlso;, Ave Ie uggen.::," New York, N. Y. and for mail, 311 N. 4th St., Harrison, N. J. OONEYBEAR, John F. (A.M?9). Dir. Lab., Fox Film Corp. 441 W. 55th St. ; COXHEAD, Ralph C. (J 21); Pr... Ralph C. Coxhead Corp 63rd Fl., 23S Broad 00N~LmETI02N04 OONIJ!6,GEsoNCl,~ullrrCehd S(t.., Fred assllu J..(J t. 27),. Asst. Engr. Presidents Oonference Committee " COlLE, way. Frank J. (J 2S), 200 Southern Blvd...., S2 N 22), s M. E., & Marine. Rep. U. S. Metallic p.acklng Co., Rm....;.; COZZENS, Henry John H. A., Jr. (A.M(14; 21), 21) Pat. M. E. Solicitor, Am. Hard Bell Rubber Tel. Labs., Co., 11 Inc., Mercer 463St. West J CONN, Chas. F. (16) Secy Treas J G WI.t EO: &t., New York, and for ",,,it, 23 Sp.ague Ave., Scarsdale. CONNER Wm W (11> P.,. 0., p. 11 e ngrg. orp. 43 Eiccllange FL CRAFT. W..rreu M., Jr. (J 37), Commercial Eng,g., N. Y. Tel. Co" 140 West St., and for ;"aii, sew~re~esn. ~~er urger Co., SO Church St., New York, N. Y., ; New York, N. Y., and for mail, au Mt. Ahy Ull. Rernal<15vllle. N. J. goowrenorlylyjn,do~r. (A I~), L. R. Conn~tt & Co., SO CbuIch St..., CRAIG, Jas. (97), Nat!. Assn. Eng. &0 Boat Mh s., 420 Lexington Ave. llforil~ York and fw (SJ 2li). M. E., Grlscom.Rllssell Co. 2S5 Madison Ave. New; CllIG, Robt. (ls; 24). Pat. Atty., Cooper, Kerr I.: Dunham, 42 Broadway, New CO""OR N,. r rna, ermont Ave., Brooklyn.. " York, N. Y., and for,nau, 41 Roosevelt Rd., Maplewood, N. J.,. ";:,ay N~~OylaOarJ. O (A.:M 91 27), Cl Sales Engr., Mead :M:orlison Mfg. Co. 149 Broad.. ClUIGREAD. Magruder (A M U).Johns Manville, IllC., 292 Madison Ave. CONNORS Wm Bk(~20d) fiondmaite 679 Yan Cortlandt Pk. Ave., Yonlcers. ~ CRANE, Henry M. (20), Tech. Asst. to Pres., Genl. Motors Corp" 224 W, 67th,. us ngr 141 B d N. St., and or!, 40 E. 64th st Union St., Broo~.., roa way, ew York, and for IlI<IU, ~ CRANSTON, Robt. Eo (07), Gen]. Mgr., S. Am. GoId & Platlnl1ln 00., 61 Broadwal. CONOyVorEkRNAyEdW"d ~r. (J :201), Robins Conveying Belt 00., 15 Park RolV Nw; i.. CRAVIN, John J. (A M 25), Mem. Firm, Stadler Levine & Cravin. 29 Broadway,. an I,or mad 282 N Fulle tam I and for,nai!, 240 E. lremont Ave,. OONOVER, Fr.mi.: H. (26) Ass! Cb :M: E bo~ Cve.. ontc air, N. J. CRAWFORD, O. H. (16), Cont.,. Engl., Dwlgllt.P. RobInson &; Co., Inc., 3.26 E, CONRAD, f Hugh ~o~~ V. D. (87; (HI91), 24)i 45Bartlett Pa;k Ave: Hayward all Co., a., 247 ls0parle E. 15th Ave. St. 0.1 CRESSLER, 46th St. Geo. H. (05; 20), Genl. Sales Mgr.,. Stacey Mfg. Co., 52 Vanderbilt OONRAD. an or ",...1, 1968 Klmbal St., Brooklln.. New,York, Ave,. d W. L. (17), Cons. Engr., 3009 Singer Bldg ;. CREUl"l, O. Bnlll (A M 2-1), :M. E., Air Preheater Corp., 25 Broadway. CONTI, Angelo (ls), Cons. Engr., Na,nl Arch. 11 B;oadway 0 Ricbud I. (J 24), Engrg., Am. Tel. & Tel.. 00., 100 Broadwlll, New COOK J W (20) Treas Engr G H L &0C ;. York, and for ma(l. 280 E. 21st St. B.ooklyn.. COOK OlD B J.,.".. ifnen oi S6 Bridge St. CROATMAN, Chas. L. (J 27), Electro plating, Am. Bank Note 00., Garrison Ave. & West S~:. ( 27), Design Engr., Outside Pant,.Bell Tel. Lab.., Inc:, ~ \ Tiffany SS, New Yorl<, and for mail, th St., Woodhaven, L. I, COOK, IUchard B. (25) Morine Arcb. & Engr., John H Wells Inc Rm 1 Ij CROOIill.TT, winthrop M. (J 21), M. E., Alberger Pun.p & OondeDller 00., Madison Ave Ji{ew York N Y d f.,., 92, Cedar St., New YOIk, and for mail, Stow Ave., Troy... WestlVood, N. J.,., an or,nllil, 161 Washington A, e., CROLL, A. G. (A 01), Genl. supt i Atlas Portland Cement Co., 26 Broadway. OOONR,~DT Arthur 0 (A M 26) st d tit. i CROLL, Sam!. W. (24), Pres., Oro I Reynolds, Inc., 95 Liberty St. versity Helgbts, ofd f;r mail:190ub~~r:siil~s.{vteronautics.n.y.uni... Uai..; OROMIVELL, Freileric (J 26), Sales Engr., M, W. Kellogg Co., 7 Dey St. OOOPNEaR, uhostv.ard (J 17), Aast. to.mgr., Domestic Lub. Sales, Sincl-r... Ref. Co., ".. CROSBY, York Edwin N. Y., S. and(21), for,nail, Genl, 7Sales Washington Mgr., Celite Rd., Products Maplewood, 00., N. 11J. B"oadway,.New COOpOELPER. ssahngh L. (ls),,cons. Engr., 101 Park Ave.. CROSSEN, Elmer J. (17; 25), Engr., Wilputte Coke O,en Oorp., 469 6th Ave. AND J B (A 1 25) CoDll E 19" G d CROUCR, Calvhl H. (98; 06), E. L. Phlllips &; Co., Rm. 1665, 50 Cilurch St. if mall, 66 W. 95th St.. ngr., 00 ran.central Terminal BlIlg., and CROW, Wm. H. (J 25), Salesman, Stedmau Products Co. 101 Park Ave., New York, C OOR ETT, r Wm. R., Jr. (28) M Eo Bd Tr0noportat. 49 L f..n. y. and for,nail, 90 Maroy Ave., E. Orange, N. J. for mail, 2851 Sedgwick A~e..., - Ion, a alette St., ndd CROwIlER, Carl G, (A M 18), Genl. Stlifl, Mfg. Dept., West. Elec. Co. 196 Broad OORNELL. Win. B. (22), Prof.Dept. Business Management. N. Y. Unlv. Wash. cucgt,yvictor J. (A M 27), Engr. Jardine Rm & Murdock, S41 Madison Avt COR~n~LLSq~~r~ev1~i~: ~i4{pa~d f~r mai~,sl97 G!~ve St. )rontolai~. N. J. CULLEN. TIlos. J. (J 26), Estimabng, Joilns Manville, Inc" 292 Madison Ave., and., New Yoik, and/of ;"ail, 117 r4lltv~nsa"e~~d1p~re~d:st~\co. 250 Park A,e., for,nait, 26 Clinton PI. (C,OORRTWSINFOLe~tlerJ (2(6). Mgr., Ballmger Engrg. Appraisal Co 100 E 42nd St CULLIN, Wm. W, (J 21), Sales EDgr., Crllne Packing Co., 109 Broad St., and, yrl. J 28), Engr. West Elec Co I 463 W for mail, and 1666 White PUlins Rd. for mail, t11 St. Rlch~ond Hll! L IC! est St. New York, CUMMINGS, F. P. (18), V. P., Southeast, power &: Light Co., 120 Broadway. C:, Russell G. (IS), Arch. Eu.!rr., SO Cburch St..,. CUIDUNGS, Jas, D. (J 28~1 Engr., Bell Tel. Lab.., West St., New York, coryell, 0RY Francis (J 27) De LaVergne 11 I C 910 E and for mail, IS4 N. 24tJ St., Flushing. L. I. and for mail, Pilgrim Ave" Colonial Hei~l~is!r;ckaI;o" 13Sth St., New York, CUMMINGS, Orrie P. (99), V. P., A. B. See Elec. Ele... Co., Inc" 62 Vesey St..COSTELIbLLOerty S)t.. J. (21; A.M 26),.combustion Engr., Beb~ock &: Wilcox Co., 85 CUMl>lINGS, York N. Robt. Y., and F. (J fot 28), mail, Field 424 Tenally Engr., Dust Rd., Englewood, Recovc. y , N. J. 15 Park Row, New i COSTER, Eric H. (10) Engr Uecb D..ign M PDt I t CID!MISiiii, Wm. M. (14.), Engr., Gurney Elev. Caj Inc., 200 Sth Ave., New York, TraDslt Co., 000 W.69tb St. N vty k N Y ep.,! erborongll R. id N. Y., and for mail, Rd., Orange, N. J.,e or..., and los N. 9tb St. Newark, N.. for mall, 4.15 Lawn Ri ge CUllNER, Matthew S. (12), v. P... Gelli. Mgr., Nestor Mfg. Co., Inc., 40 W. ISth St., COOUU~AND.HC un"" l19), S (J C,ombustion 19) Mll Engrg. S Hall Corp. &: C 200 Madison Ave. CUNNINGHAM, New York and Robt. for O. mail, (A M 88 21) ulllrkson Inilus. Ave., Engr., Brooklyn. Ford Bacon I.: Davis, Inc., 116 OOUSER Jobn S (J 23) l.l ~n W t I a., 100 Broadwa)... Broadway, New York. N. Y., an~ fa", 315 Rutlidge Ave., E. Orange, N. J. n NINewS Yoark, Ta~d(/or m~il, A~~:.6C~s 2Ssg W~:fli~i~~~ ~v~f,gbr~~i;lyn46: 10tb A,e" CUP!. Laylon L. (J 24), New Eng. Sales Mgr., Keystone View Co.", SS W. 42nd St.,,eo 15) Mgr M.nmg &: D II D t I ",ew York, N. Y., and for mail, 244 Windsar Ave., Hartford, von.. COUS COUT WAayNTNeJwY~rle.,. Gould (ls and for;"ail, 16) Walsh 67 &: Bon Wed rl P;r,k ;:,~r~~~:~~d Co., 11 Broad CURRIE. Robt. J. (ls), SO E, 43d St, ir B!I C CURRY, Malcolm (17), Gen!. Engr., Am. Thread Co., 260 W. Broadwa). COX. Abraham B. (H), Cons.Engr., 149 Br~.:J;;a/l ar 0., 11 Broadway.. i, CURTIS, Allen (16), V. P., Charge Mfg., Internatl. Paper Co., 100 E. 42nd St. COX, Jas. W., Jr. (16; 21); Cons. Textile Engr., 820 Broadway. CURTIS, Ed... B. (J 27), Test Engrg., West. Elea. 00., Inc j 149 Fultln St., New York, N. Y., and for "",il, 20 Morse Ave.! E. Orange, N,. 466

170 , ~1., -,.:, i : NE\\ YORK ~IEJ.lDE1l5 IN linned STArEs NEW YORIC CITY (contlnue.l) CUSHING, H.nry J. (J 22),.~sst. ChemM, N. Y. Edison Co., 666 1st Ave., Ne. York, and for mai!, 8867 RIchmond AI. S. I. OUTMORE! 1st Lie!t. Ohl19. M. (21; 24), Hdqrs. 77th Div" Army Bldg., 89 Whil. ;, hajj 5., N.w 1: 011,. and for mail,.~pt. 9C, SH 70th St., Brookl:vn. DAGOET!, John ~. (~~), 1>lgr., B. F. Stllrtevant Co.\ Ilul. 21~9, 420 Lexington At.; DALE,,Orton G. (94: 04), Dons. Engr., Tex. Gnll 511 phnr Co., 41 E. 42nd St... D.6LRYMPLE. Arthnr ~. (J 2.~). Eng-r., Mllrinc flellt,. Stand. Oil Co. of N. J. ". 26 Broadwn.vJ New 1: ark, and for mail, 50 Lon!r"iew Ave. White Plains..! DALTON. HowDr H. (2~). Engr. Oonst.r. Oil., Am. au!:ar Ref. ("A" 117 Wal! St.. DANE, Ralph A. (J 24),.Tr. Engr., Ford, Bacon &:: Davis, U5 D"oadway N.w York ndd jor 1nail, th St., Auburnclnle J L. I. I I? DARDEE. Wn,. (00; 12). Elec. Bond &: Share 00., 2 Rector St.. DARBY. John (07), Min. Hires. Caster & Harris, Inc 150 "asso1u St New York. ~. Y" and fot fjla-it, 2eS Spri.nfield Ave., Summit, N. J. J I." DARLTz.:G, Cl~rence E. (J 27), StandllIds Asst., k S. M. E., 29 W. 89th St.,f DADRIN J DaVId H. ~92; 00). Pres., Antomatlc SWitch Co., 164 Grnnd St D.~SHIELL. IV. W. (90). Pres. & Gen!. ~lgr., N. Y Lub Br~ad S~ DA~HIN~E. G.o. S. (22),,Ch. Engr;, C.nI. Ail Filters C01p., 3G9 Lexington Av." New York, and for nw.l, 8315 FI11nlore Ave.. Brookh". ~~ DAVENPORT, Wm. J. (J 24). Asst. to M. E., M. H. Tr,;adwell Co., 140 C.dar SL DAVEY. Geo. W. (A M 25), Pres., G. W. Dave) Contrg. 00., Inc. 30 Church St. DA~Y, Peter (A-M 26), V. P., En~rg. WI,., Yibroscopc. Inc., 11 Broadwav. DA"i~n~NSt?i~sE.Lill~~~~ Supt. E ee. Dlv., Power Sta., N. Y. Central R. R. Co" DAVIDSOll, Wm. Al1drew (16)1 M. E., Singer )[fg. Co. l!l9 Broad,Yay, New York, N. Y., and for mai!o 85 Hil side Rd., Ellznbelll N. J. \ DAVIES, Clarence E. (15; 28; 26), 1>Innn!;!ing Editor, A. S. M. E.. 29 W. 39th St. DAVIES, 11lOs. H. (A M 17), 011. Eugr., Carbide & Carbon Realty Corp 30 E 42nd St., Ne\v Yorlc, N. Y" and for mail 217 Peare-all Ave., Jers<,} City N. J.. DAVIS, Arthur Councilman (20; 21),1>1. E., N. Y. & N. J. Brld)(e & J:\lllnel Comm W3lroadwRY, Nelv York, N, 1 and tor mal!, 73 Preston St., Ridgefield Park: ~ DAVIS, Chas. Ethan (D6). Retlred Mfg. Engr., 6th A\"e. Branch, Cuaranty Trust Co, DAVIS. Geo. Henr~ (18) Dlr., Ford, Bacon &: Dovis 115 Broad\\al. DAVISON. C.nus E. (A.M 2G)J Asst. Supt. Bldgs. &: Grounds, Oolumbia Unlv., New York, and for mail, los Wright St., Sfaplehn, S. 1. DAVOL, Frank R., Jr.. (16), Prcs., S. Central Pl<. COI p., 565 5th Ave., N.w York, N. Y., alld for mal!, P. O. Box 048, Stamford, Oonn.. DAYio~~~[::l. ~D3 (~.M11~~)S/actory Mgr., E. S. Halsted & 00., 64 Pearl St... nnd DAY.,Ohas, Healy (26). Ch. Engr., Sec,., Trens" Elektron Metals Oorp. of Am. 2 Rector St., New York, and fur "uti!, GO BOth St., Jackson Heights, L. I. DAY, Ralph R. (A1>I 20), COllstr. Supt., J. G. White Englg. Corp., 48 Excl,nnge PI. DEAN, Dian K. (12; 20), Research Engr., Wlleeler Condenser & Engrg. 00., 119 \ Broadwa}. -. DEAN. Payne (,14), Pres., Payne Dean, Ltd., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New Yorlt, N. 1. and t!e. mad, P. O. Bolt SO, Stamford, Conn.. DeB~~leO~ :::.. L. (09; 18), Tecb.. Advisor, Combustion Engrg. 001p., 200 DEOKER, Edw. P. (06), Engr., Stevens & Wood, Inc. Suite 2626, 120 Broadway and for mai!, 890 W. J-::lld Ave. " DEE~~d \~~~ter A. (A-M 27), Sales Engr., Manning 1>Ia=ell & Moore, Inc.;lOO E. deflorez, Luis (16; 21), Cons. Engl" 2 Rector St. DEGEN, Jos. W. (J 25), Supvg. Engl., Equitable Office Bldg. Corp., 120 Broadway, New Yorl" and for mai!, 461 Washington AI e., Brooklyn. DEGENER, G. O. (A M 20), Research, Royal Typewriter Co.., IIIC., 816 Broadway New York, and /0" mail.. Hotel St. George. Brooklyn. del~~~ter, Oakley R. (02), Tre""., Pur.. Agt., S. S. Hepworth Co., 342 E. 92ud DE LAND. Donald W. (J 24), Safety Engr. Ocean Accident &: Guaranty Corp" 114 6th Ave., New York, and for 7IIai!, th St., Jackson Heights, L. I, de LA\AL, Oa1l G., Jr. (J. 26), Agt. N. Y. Edison Co., 130 E. 15th St., New " York, N. Y., and for mai!, 12 Summit St., E. Orange, N. J. 466 MEMBERS IN UNITED srates NEW YORI... NEW YORIC CITY (contiii.ued) DE LEEUW, A. L. (01), Oons. Engr., Rm. 9S6, 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y., ond for mail 1024 Park Ave., Plainfield, N. J. DE LEMOS. Sidney P. (14: 19), M. E., Dept. Pub. Wks., Municipal Bldg., and for "ail, 609 W. 17Mh St de LOREKZI, Otto (20; 22; 25). Asat. Oh. Bulll., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 2 1>e Jl"I~:o~Ij,~~ao (J 24), Test Engr., Thos. E. Murray, Inc., 65 DUlUle St., and. fot ma,l, 419 E. 114th St. DeMARCO, Ralph P. (23; A-M 24), Mech. Draltsman, Semet Solvay Englg. Corp., 40 Rector St., and for mail 02 E. 182nd St. de MARE B, Leo, Jr. (J 27\, Lab. Engr., Bell Tel. Labs. Inc., 468 West St.~ New York, and for mttil, 66 Hanson PI.. Brool<lyn. DEMAREST, Hemy S, (A 14), Mfr., Greene, Tweed & Duane St., New York. and for mai! 164 Fulton Ave., Hempstead, L. I. DEMAREST, S. 1. (J 20), Designer. S K F Induatries, 166 Broadway, New York. ond for mai!, 699 6th St. Brooklyn. DE~IOUGEOT, G. M. (A.M 27 Supt.. Unlsbear Co. Inc., 270 Lafayette St" New York and for mai! th St.,.Woodside, L. I.. ll11liison: Griswold (113), Supt. P,ower Stns.. K. Y. Steam Oorp., 2S:) MadIson,o\ve. New York. N. Y.. and for mail, 17 North Terrace, Maplewood, N. J.. DENNIS. Fredk L. (A 16), U. S. Ouatom House, New York, and for rna!, th AIe Brooklyn.. DENNIS, Wolcott (J 21), Res.arch Asst:, Air ~educbon Co., 842 Madison Ave., New York, and for ma,il, 444 Elmora Ave. Ehzabetb. N. J. DENNISON Edw S (J 24) Engr. Ourtls Gas Enp;. Co., Rm. 1018, 2 Rector St. de PALUGYAY, Fa~kas (J "27), Y. E., L. I. Lighting Co 60 ChUlcb St and for nail. 20 W. 70th St. f DsPILLIS, Paul S. (J 26), N. Y. Edison Co., 130 E. 16th St., New Yorlt, aud 01 mai! 840 Tuckahoe Rd., DeREMER Jay Grant (13) Pres. Sovage DeRemer C.orp., 100 E. 42nd St, DERR, Carl W. (19: A-M 26). Sales Engr., L. O. Digelow &. Co. Inc. 260 W. 45th St.. New York. N. Y. and for ",a,!, 214 Ashland AIe., Blo~mfield, N. J.. DERRICK, Arthur E. (J 25). Mech. Designer Elec. Bond & Share 00., 71 B,ond WllY. New York. N. Y., and for mall, 80 t eslle St.. E. Orauge, N. J. DETTLOFF. Adolph M. (21; A M 25), 50S W.97t.h St.,. DEVARANNE. Obas. G. (J 26). Draftsman, OtIS Elev. Co., th Ave., New York and for mail, 95 Argyle Rd. BrookLvn.. "I DEVENS: Richard (13), Sales Engr., Link Belt Co., 283 Broadway, and for lil., 495 West End A"e. S DEVERELL, Harry (11), N. Y. Mgr. Weller Mfg. 00. Rm. 1851, 50 Church t.., N.w York, N. Y., and for mail, 839 Park Ave. Orange. N. J. DEVLIN John A. (A.Y 22). V. P., Rhodes &. Manv.1 Inc.. 90 West St., New York. N. Y., and for mail, 184 Lincoln Avc., Newark. N. J.. DEW Pbilip H. (J 27), Asst.. Engr. Oombustion Engrp;. Oorp 200 Madison Ave. DEXTER, Gregor~ M. (19), Exec, Engr., Honolulu Ir~ll WI,., 00., 105 ~rondws~,. dez4fra, Carlos (24), Asst. Prot. Enpg,. N. Y.,ullIV., University HeJghts, also Mal. Ord. Resene, Oh. Test Lab. Seoilon, N. Y. ~rd. Dlat. DIBBLEE. Walter.A. (A 19), Devel. Engr., Am. RollinI: MUla 00., 50 Ohurch St., New York, and lor liiai!, Dannett PI.. Hempstead. L. I. DICKElUIAN. Wm. O. (99; 07), V. P., Charge Oper., Am. Car & Fdy. 00., 80 Church St. DICKINSON Wm. N. (06). Oons. Engy., RUl. 1! W. 42nd St. DICKSON, Chas. H. (16; 26), Asst. to Pres., W~rcester Salt 00" 71 Murray St., ", IlIERKSEN, H.rman R., Jr. (J 26), Walter KIl)de & Co. Inc. 140 Oedar St.,. New York, N. Y., and for mail, 952 3rd Pl., Woodcliff. N. J. DWES. Robt. F. (J 21). Engrg. Asst. to.automatlcs.eng:" West. Union T.l. 00., 196 Broadway New York, and for ",az!. 46 Alsop St.. Jamaica, L. I. DISERENS, Paul (08: 16), Asst Eng:., Worthington Pump &. Mcby. Oorp., Rm. 1910, 115 Broadway.. DIXON,Ohas. F. (03; 11). Power Engr., DwiJ;:lIt P. Robinson & Co., 126 E. 46th St. New York, N, Y and fo" lilai!, 122 Knick.rbocker Rd., Englewood, N. J. DIXON, J. Allred (16). V, P.. Safety Car Htg. & Ltg. 00., 75 West St. DM1TRIEFF, Dorls A. (J 26). Draftsman, N. ~. Edison 00., 44 28rd St. and for mai!, c/o Russian Student ],und. 847 Madlson Ave. 467

171 XEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES. XE~V YORI>: CITY (tontlnned). -. mathow, N., Jr. (J 19) Devel En N., DOBLNEew York, N. Y., and for mail sofw 6tlA~:eamR CYf P., 280 Madison, Ralph N (A-M 14) Devei E P " ose e, N. J. DOB~~:~J~;~:y g.~wj;o(~, ~~~ ff~ me~f;g~~e:s~~;:;~fd~o~, 52 DOB"\: NS, Daniel T (A-M 24):M: "t. N. Y., and formail, 11 E1iCJiTpi.HM~::tc~?kerNCoJ" 21 Park Row, New DODGE Arthur Oha (A loll) M. Ir,.. DODSON, Willard F "(J S4) Pu~grWeFtlrbanks, Morse & Co., 122 Greenwich and (or mail, Apt. 41, 800. vi: 12t~ SVnion Tel. Co., Rm. 1018, 195 Bro DOELl:oING. Louis X. (06) V P Genl M D St.. New York, and for mail 18 coljr.ial ~ILa.Jerv;nRe MCllh. Co., 919 E. 1 DOERR, Robt. C. (21) Sales En I Re Bar., ew ache e. York, N. Y., and ior mail f202 H~dson ~~ Ci::bl~c., lllil Madison Ave., g8~g~rgtydf Henry L. (08), He;"y L. Doherty & Co 6~ w~h ~t J., a rey D. (A M 27) BaUer Rm E U S, and for mail, 846 E, 67th St.. Dlll"., Realty Co., 17 Batte~l" ggllero.lawm. L. (11), 420 Lexington Ave.., rence E. (A M 27) Sales En D st R " New York, and for mail 168 Riehmo!lJiiUl u A e~very Inc., 15 Psrk DOfiALD, Wm. J. (A 27) Msnag ~ S ve., ew Gardens, L. I. ", Vese.! St. t mg lr. ecyol.~m. :Management Assn., "..20 DONALDSON Cyril (J 27) Install t E,, 188th St:, and for mail: Apt. F~ ~rs6 Jf.ti ie D~;.a >eigne ~Ieh. Co., 910 " gg~g~~~ydw!1 ~d(08), Oons. Engr., 17 Batt~ry Pl, :; S~, N~w ay~~k, a:j f~~,:~2)81~6~~tl;:~e" wb,illiamkl~ Steamship Co., ;: DONO van Edw L (J 24),., roo..,n.,.. DOIJNER,Nj~s YFrk(~5f fcr:;~;umoir~.:~~~;i~~e.~nfolf;k~~ SOO ": DORWARD, Jo~. E. (28): E~::;g. ~1U"t l~~s\~. nth St N. Rtver, and lor mail, 454 ifi;~rsid~ Dr~~ S. Lines, S. S. Le\lathan, DOUGHERTY, Henry M. (20), Cons. En A t F DOUGHTY, Wm. F. (99: 15), Suite 28:r:17PBattely~l5thAve. DOWD DOUTY, Wyllys DamelE. Jr (22)(l1li Y PS Genl MMgr., U.,. s T estlng Co.,. JllO., gig Hud",n Broadway..,.,ecy.. gr., Economizer Sales, Foster Wheeler Co.. DOWLING Donald L (J 26) Sale E 01. New York, N. y.. and fo~ flj4it l;1;pr~,~~~ssve:!d"er ~" N 114 Libelt) S DOWLING Edw D Jr (J 24) E St G., I Itewoo,. J. C01P.: 200 Maciison Aye. ngr., eam euelaun,; Dept., Combustion EIl~r. DOW4~~h ~t~w. R. (22), Dlr. Gas Utilization Dept., Am. Radiator Co., ~O gg~~fl. i~imws.({f:mt:~:)r ~~~:t sup~.,,~ot~ MoAlpin, 84th St. & DrUOI for mail, 28 W. 76th St. 19oer, etlln " Mll.rshall, 40 W. ~Otb, St., DOXSEY, Arthur H (18 A :M; S8) En Walt X DOYLStE" NJew York, ~nd fo~ mail, 186 Atla~f;~.0\." el)ll~~~: f"i Inc., 140, os. A (l-j, A 17) V P W R R k II,.. York, N. Y:, and i01 mail,i Fra~kl~ St EocOv:e C~, JbO Ohurch DOYLE, W. L. H. (J 16) Sal Ing 11" lange,.., 1ll1d for mail, 425 Webster es..{ve., ~;~ ~:gel?~" 11 B"oadway, New York DRAGO, Jas. S. (J S5), Draftsman, Combustion E. 0 : New York, N. Y., and fo~ mail, 418 4th St Jl:!g. CI" SOD Madison, _0\... DRAKE, Ervin T Jr (S8 AM 25) Sal E., DIan ty, N. J. St., New Yo;k, N. Y., and for"wil 1e~ O~grb R~b~dXeas~.v Co.. West & BaakJ DRAKE, Warrell C. (17) Pres F rn E er roo.. RIdgewood, N. J., and for mail, Oenter St Cedarh~l8fl Ingrg Go., 5 Beekman St" New York; DREESBAOH, Philip P d"24) ME: Ii: H., York, N. Y., and f~r mail. i06 N. waliluts~o~rt~:m Co"J 75 5th Ave., Neli DRENKARD Adam Jr (J 28) En W t U... range,. J.. York, N: Y., and for mail. i461~i;d ~~~ ~on~rlycok W 5 Broadwa,, N... DRUTZU, S. (A-M 21) Ro)al VI O I. ew or.. J.,Co Genl., 1819 BroadwQy. ce onsu of Roumanl~, Roumanian Consulat., 4011 iii :MEMBERS IN UNITED STATEl:l NEW YORli: :"EW YORJ>: CIlY (continued),,.,ubois, Leste, W. (J Sl), Supt., Heury DuBois Sons Co., 17 State St" New York; "\." and /01 tjl4il,t i 13omllnl" Rd., l)elbo.m ~lu.llol". DuBOSQUE, F. L. (92), Supl., IJontinlr Equip. Pa. ll. R. Cu., Rm, 718, Pa. Sta., ;DUCKMAN, Ben;. H. (J ~S), Draftsman, Otto E, Goldschmit, 116 W. 89th St..,, liew York, and ftt mail, 87SG Lyme A"e., Sea. Gate, L. I.,nUNCAN, J. I1ay (A.M 20), Sales, Carrter EnKllt. Corp.. S9 Cortlandt St. ;DUNKLE, H. Edw. (07; H), Genl. Engr., Semet 801"ay Co., 61 Broadway, N",~, York, and for mail, 84 88rd St., Jael<son Iieill;ht., L. I. tqidilop, Wm. O. (U), Oons. Engr., Palsons, Klapp, BrinckedlOlf &; Douglas, 84,. Pin~. St.,....~OUlIN, Albert L. (SO: A.Y 28), Speollleation Enl!ir., Bell Tel. Lahs., Inc., 463. We,t St., New York, N. Y., DlId fui mail, Ellice St., Lincoln Park, N. J.,DUlIN, O1,as. W. (97), Asst. MgI.. Roht. W. Hunt 00., 53 Park Pl... UNN, Edw. L. (18), Research EUl!ir., Otis E1ev. Co., th Ave., New YOIk, " N. Y., and for mait. 481 N. Maplc Ave.. E. Oranlte. N. J.,.~llUNN, Gano (11), Life Member; Pres., J. G. Wl,ite Engrg. Gorp., 48 Exchange Pl. ;~UNNIlm, Parkcr (21),""ing E. E., Otis Ele". Co" th Av., New YOlk, " N. Y., nnd fo~ mail. 16 Hounlatn Rd.. Veronn, N. J. ";DURAND, Wm. L. (21). Clark MacMullen I< Rtley, 101 Park Ave.,DURBIN, Paul C. (J 21), West. Eloc. Co., l-j,9 Fulton St. ;OURJU1E, Chauncey H. (J 19), Propr., Fordham Servo St&., S484 Grallll Can...: course. -.:OURJ,AND, Harry S. (J 24), Servo Engr.. Am. Laundl~ Mchy. Co., 625 6~11 Ave. ::OUSINBERRE, Lieut. G. li. (J S7), Asst. Squadrou Engr., De.troyer Squa.dron, : 9, U. S. N., U. S. S. Whitney, c/o Postnlaster.., ~,;DWYER, John J. (24), Cb. Eugr., Chllnney ~Iv., li. W. Ke11ogj\ Co., 90 West St., " N..w YOl k. llnd for ma.ii, 1282 Union St., Brooklyn. V OlER Frank L. (A 01). Pat. Expert, 217 Broadwa}. "EADIE, John G. (17), Cons. Enl!ir., Eadie, Freund.I: Camphell, 110 W. 40th St. ;:.E.l.T~~, Wm. W. (19; A 25), Sales Mgr., Bnbcock &. Wilcox Tube Co., 85 Liberty ::,EBDON, Hubert G. (J 21), )i:stimatb1lt, Engl., Comhustton Enll;fg. Corp., 200 r,eben,.; Madison Leon Ave. A. (A.M 17), Draftsman, C~ecl<er, Combustioll Engl!!. Corp., 200 ~. Madison Ave., New York, and jor mail, 165 Howard,Ave" Brooklyn.,EBERHART, Frank (J 22), 2564 Da\idson Ave,. feby, Earl E. (1.8), Genl. Motor. Export, Broadway.. ECKEL, Oliver C. (J 26). Sales Engr., L. HUlldet & Son, Inc., 461 8th St.,. New York, a.nd for mai!, 186 N. High St., Mt. Verllon.. EDEN, Kenneth M. (J 27), Sales Promotion, Arch.. ::;e, v. Dept., John.-l/anvllle I Corp., 292 Madison Aye.. :New York, N. Y., and tar mail, 72 BriKhton.o\.ve.. E. Oranl/:e, N. J. EDER, Flanz (S6). RlII. 1107, 58 Park PI. EDMONDSON, Ralph S. (15), Pre., Am. "hlashe ~lctl1,ls 00., 50 Church St., EDWAllDS, :anlold Hodl!i"" (17; A Y 20). Enl:!. (;ons[l. Dept., Swift & 00., New : _ VOII<, N. Y., and for ",ait. 4li2 GIove St., Upl,er MOlLtdair N. J., EDWAllDS, Harry D. (18), Wks. Enl/:r., Linde Ail Products Co., SO E. 42nd St. I; )ldwards, T. B. [J 25), Gibbs & Hill, Pa. Sta. liew YOIk, and for moil, Hampton St., Elmhurst, L. 1. EDWAltDS. Wm. H. (J 21), M. E., Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., 195 Broadway. New Yorl., and for ",ai! rd St., Fin_hiliI;, L. 1. ",EELLS, Henr) B. (J 21), Sales Rep., Banles &; Jones, 800 Madison Ave., New York,.,, and for 1IIai!, 10~9 E. 27th St., Brooklyn.,_ EFFRAT,.\dllan W. (J 28), Servo linn, S. F. Bowser & Co., Inc., 50 Vesey St., " New York, and for ",ail, 1861 E. 85th St.. Bro.qklyn. i. EGGENBERGER, John B. (J 2~), Asst. E!l\I.. Tra.n.missiol & Distribution Dept., " United Elee. Ligllt & Power 00., 130 E. 15th ::;1.; New lurk, N. Y., and for. i",,,,,il. 96 Berkle.V A\e.. Bloomfield, N. J. EGGERT. Loui_ H. (21; 25), Pres.. L. H. Egger~ Co., 50 W. 45th St. EGSIEKER, Albert H. (A M 25), Heine Boiler Co., IIIC., 200 Madison A\e. Ji;HRHARDT, Johu J. (16; 24\, M. E., Honolulu bon Wk Co., 165 BroadwllJ EHRLlCH, M. Wm. (15: A M 22), Mltr.. Trane Co" 15 Park Row, New York, N. Y.. and for mai!o 56 Ridlte Rd.. Lyndhurst, N. J..EHRMANN, Carl (11; 18), Cons. Engr., Valuatlo~j Co. of Am., 850 Hadison A\e. 4n9

172 ", MEMJlERS IN UNlfED SlATt:S NEW YORli: CllY (c;ntlnued),eibsen. Loul, J. (19), Eugr., MaSOli I;, Hangar Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., NII:~: York. N. Y.. and for mail. 191 Fairview Lane. Grautwood N J. EICHLER, All"ed J. (A 21), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Walworth Internatl. Co., II, Whltehnll St. " EINBECli, Fre~k A. (J 27). D,afts~an. Eo.die Freund &: Campben, 110 V. ~Olh St., Ne" ork, N. Y., and for mail. 57 Lawton AIe.. Grantwood N J, ELDER. John E. (20), Bldg. Mgr. N. Y. Stock Exch. Bldg. Co.: Ii ";011 St,": aud jar mau, S56 Wadaworth Ave.,, ELDRED, BlTon E. (99; OS), 4!. E. 42nd St. : ELLICOTT, Obas. R. (16). East. Mgr. Westinghouse Air Co., 150 BloadlV8).; ELL~~~in~~f.u,tu. H. (A M 14), V. P., So. Whoel Co., Rm. S002, Glo.ud CenlT.l; ELLIOTf, Louis (2S), Steam Plant Engl., Elec. Bond &; Share Co 2 Rector St ~;LLIOTT. Wm. S. (J 2S), Meah. Draftsmau. Dept. of Plant I;, Structures, nm, 1814, Municipal Bldg. ELLIS. Clifford A. (22), Oh. En~., Stand. on Co. of N. Y. 26 Broad",a]. ELMER, l:.lojd A. (J 21), Desig!lnll En~.. Bell,Tel. Labs. Inc., 463 West 5t.. ; New lork. N. Y., and for mo.ol, 28 Ward Pl.. Montclair. N. J. ELWELL. Rlcbard D. (J 27), Indus. Engr., R. H. Macy I;, Co., 3~th St & Broadway, and for "ail, 17 E. 89th St. " "MERICK. Wm. C. Jr. (24; A-M 26). Asst. Ch. Eugr., Am. Linseed Co., 207 lth..:i.,... Ncw York., and for mail. Ardsley.. r EMERSON, Carleton M. (25), Indua. &; Salea Engr.. Lamaon Co., Inc.. 9 E. 37th St,, N"", York, and for mail, 2!l Boulevard. Rochelle Hei/:hts, New Rocll.lIe. : EMERSON, Edw. D. (J 24), Balea Engr., JOllea II; Laugb1ln Steel Corp., 165 Broad. wu~ : EMERSON, Harrington (99). Prea., Harrington EmersOD Il\c., Rm SO Church " St.. and for mail, 126 Riverside Drive. EMMONS, Nelson A. (J 24), Sal... Dept., Remlngton Rand Servo Corp., 451 Broad way, New York, N. Y.. and for mail. 220 :Manho.ttan Ave,. Jer,.y City. N, J. ENDLICH. Wm. H. G. (23), Aaat. Ch. Mech. Drllltsnllin, N. Y. EdisOD Co., ISO E. 15th St., New York, and f01 "tail. 180 Sarutolla.o\."e., Brooklvn. ENGEL, Henry (23). Dealltlling. Drafting. :Mashek Engrg.. Co., 90 Weat St., N,~ York. and for mail, 215 Hollis Ave., Queena. L. I. ENGEL. louis G. (87). 22 E. 47th St. ENGLiSH. Ellrl F. (23), V. P., Ch. Engr., Oenl, Engrg. & Management Corp., 105 llrondwn~.. ENNIS, HerheIt V. (10: 21.), Prod. Dept. Am. Oa" II; ~dy. Co., 30 Ohurcb St, -:; New York. N. Y., and fa. mail, 62~ E. 26th St., Paterson, N. J...~,\,,:, ENNIS, Jos. B. (09), V. P, Englll. _~m, Loco. Co., 30 Church St., New York,, N. Y., and fo, mai!, 9 Pope Rd.. Paterson, N. J., ENNIS, Roy C. (A-M 10), Engr., Bldg. Dept., Bell,Tel. 463 West St.,!Ie"?; York, N. Y., and fo, n,ail, 375 Hickory St., Bogola, N. J. ENNIS, Wm. D. (98; 07), V. P.. Tre.s., Tech. Advisory Co,p., 15 Park Row. EPSTEIN. Horolc! (21), Supt., Foundation Co., 120 LIQerty St.. ERICKSON, nany A. (A M 21), Engr., Estimator, Htg. Dept., Cascade Autcma tie Sprinkler Co., 420 Lexington A e.; New York, N. Y., and for mull, 793 Broadw.], Newark, N. J. ERI~~~~dl1w~: ~G4AS~ 24), Engr., Found..tlon Co., 120 Liberty Bt., and ERNST, Allred~. (09; 14), Stoehr II; Sons, Inc., 200 5th Ave., New York, No Y" and fa. 1IIad, 127 Van Houten Ave., Paasaic, N. J. ESTABR90K, M. (03; 19), V. P., biles Bement-Pond Co., III Broadway. ESTEP, Fran! L. (10), Ch. Engr., Partner, Perl11 I;, Marshall, 40 W. 40th st. EUSTON, Edw. R. (A 13). 140 Cedar St. EVANS, C. 0, (A-M 22), Secy., British Am. Tub. Co., 23S Broadway. EVANS, Earl~ R. (2S; 26), Asst. Secy., Aast. Tr..a., Field Ellgr., McKiernan Terry Dllll 00., 16 P..rk Row.. EVANS. Gordon M. (20J, 418 W. 160th 1It. EVAg~ur~~inc. E. (J 26), Sales-Servo Ellgr., Bailey 1leter 00., Rm. 55S, 50 i" E~ERETT, Chester 101. (17), Cons, Engr., Hazen &; Whipple, 26 W. 4Srd St..,>: ECHENE,Pan\ (21),. Draftsmall, Robins Conveying Belt Co., 13 PU1k Row, l(,w York, allli jo, ma,l, 284 E. 81"t St., Brookly". 47n MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORl", NEW YORIi: CITY (contlnue.l). : FAGNAN, DllVid L. (A-M 21.), Se... I;, Constr. Engt., Smoot Engrg. Corp., 186,. LibertY st., a"d Jo. ma,a, OU Stebblua Ave. :FAmCUILn, FreElk P. (16; 26), Oombu,tlon Engrg. c.0rp., 200 1Iiadiaon Ave., FAIRCHILD, Sherman M. (A. ~27), Prea., Fairchild AVlat,on Corp., 270 W. SBth " St., and fa "ai!, 898 Park Ave., d C 180,. FALIrNER, Jefteraon O. (A-M 23), A,st. to Research Engt., N. Y. E, so,! ~., I,., E. 15th St" New York, aud for ",ail, Broadway /I 21at St., Uuahlllg, L.. : FALLA, Fernando (28), 420 Lexlngtoll Ave.,,FALLER, Erne,t A., Jr. (J 26), Refrlg. Engr.,!:lene1 Corp., 61 E. 42nd St., New " Yorl, and fa "ail, 2048 BSrd.St., Broo151yn. 0 i, FARDELMANN, John H., Jr. (1&; 22; 27), Engr., 101. H. TreDodwe)1 Co.,.14 " Cellar St New York, N. -r., ana lor m..ii, 217 Alexander Ave., Upper Illont " clair, N. J. III B d d fa FARKAS, Geo. B. (A-M 26), Dealgn-r, Power Spec. Co., roo wo.y, an : jnail, 2821 Randall Ave. E ted, FARMER, F. Malcolm (15), Oil. Engr., E1ec. Testing Labs., 80th St. & as n ~: FAR~FtbI, Dwight T. (18), Mgr. Indus. Dept., Peat, Marwlck, Mitchell II Co., io Exchange Pl.. B 870 FARNHAM, Geo. W. (16; A-l\1 25), Educat10nll1 Rep., litegraw HIU ook Co., FAR 7 t.tinti: Percival (A 17), Rm. 1863, 120 Br~adway.. FAR~, Arthur V. (13; 16; 21)! V. P.~ A. 0. N,elsen Co Lex1I1gton Ave., New York, N. Y., a"d Jo, "ad, H Cllnton Avc., Maplewood, N. J. FARRELL. Jas, A.. Jr. (J 24), 80 Cortlandt St. FAULHABER Oeo. (A M 24), Dealgner, Checker, De La Vergne Meh. Co., 910 E 188thSt. New York for ",ai!, 1713 E. 29th St., Flatbush, B,ooklyn. FAULKNER, Dwight Il. (2i; ~ M 26), Sales E.ngr...H. B. Smith Co.; 10 E. 39th St., b"ew YOIk, and fa maol, 46 Paraon. Dllve,..emp.ten.d, J,. I. FAUNCE. Wayne M. (J 2S). Asat. Secy., Am. Mu.~um of Nlltur..l Hlatory, New York und for,nail, 2 Outlool, Ave., Colonial Heights, Tncl<l>hoe. FAWCETT, John W. (J 25), Salesman, Erie Steam Shovel Co., 39 Cortlandt St., and for mail, 50 E. 58th St.. fii UnIONVILLE, :f>laj. Pbillp R. (18; A M 26), U. S. A., N. Y. D,st. Ord. 0 ce,. Rm, 810, 89 Wbiteh..ll St. ",., FEDELER, John H. (26), Supt. Bldg., Cons. Engr., N. Y. Pub. Llb,ary, 476 6th FED~R~CI, Vincent (A-M 27), Engr.; Gurney Elev, Co.; 300 8th Ave.. and for ",ai!, 715 E. 233rd St. FEIKER. Fredk 1I!. (A 12), Managing Dir., Asaoc. Bualne.s Papers, Inc., 62 FELri~t~~b~~r:,;;eM. (00). Cons. Htg. II; Vent. Engr., 146 W. 45th St. FELDMAN, Philip J. (J 21), Prea., Herbert M. Manlord 00. IIlC:, 152 W. 42nd, St and fo, mail, 210 W. 96th St. FELKER, Oeo. F. (IS; 15; 18), V. P., Cro,by Steam II Valve Co., 30 FELfbli~~h S~. (15 19), Ch. Engr., Prod. Mgr., Dry Milk Co., 15 Park Row. FELLNER, Irving (A 27), Mgr., Power, McGraw-Hill Pnbllahlng Co., Inc., 475, loth Ave. FllLMLEY. Cba. L. (J 25), Transitman, City Wo.ter Comm., New York, N. Y., and fa mail, 429 Columbia Blvd., Woodbridge, N. J. FENTON. P. W. (16; A M 26), "..t. Pur. Agt., Tide Water Oil Co., 11 :aroadway, FERGUSON, HardY S. (99), Oon. Engr., 200 6th Ave. FERGUSON MillOId B. (12), Mfr., Fergu,on II Hasa, 621 Greenwich St., New, York, a~d for mail, 462 E. 29th St Broold) u. FERGUSON, Robt. B. (19; 26), Ch. Dro.ltRman, Genl. Chem. Co., 40 Rector St. FERGUSON, Wm. R. (J 26), Federal Water Servo Corp., 27 William St., and, fat ",ait, 787 1Iladi.on Ave. FERNALD, Benj. G. (20), N. Y. Mg., Elliott Co., 90 West St. FERNSTROM, F. S. (J 17). Mem. System Stalf, Ernst & Ernst, 27 Cedar St" New Yors:, and f. l7l4i, B02 70th St., Brooklyn. FERRIS, Edwin A. (J 24), Servo II; Erection, Combnation Engrg. Corp., 200 lilldi. son Ave., New York, N. t., and /0 mail, 120 ElIclid Ave., Ridgefield Park, ~~, 471

173 ;1 ~. NEW YOIUi: :MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES JS"E"W YORI\:: "LEarBERS IN UNITED STATES on NEW YORK CITY (contlnned) " SEW YORK CITY (continned).. FERRO. Jos. (J 26), 731 E. 280th St.... FLOOD, Henry, Jr. (A-M 16), Mem. Firm. llunay II Flood, S611 LexlllOlt A~. FERRY, J,ohn M., Jr. (A-M 24), 466 W. 24th St.. ;" FLOOD, Jos. P. (J 25), Johns-bu,llvillo Co., Inc. 296 MAdison Ave., 1o"ew York, FETHyERkSrONdjJOS. or, an or m,,:il, A. (A-M 476 4th 21), St., V. Brooklyn. P., Ole Salthes Inc., 250 W. 57th." Bt Ne,, ; r- ; FLOOD, and lor Leo. ",ail, P. (J ), Elbertson Supt, St. Mch. Elmhurst, Shop, Nason L.. Mfg. 00., 71 Fulton St., :l<ew FETHERSTON, b~nur1ce F. (21; A-M 27), Engr., Grent Atlnntlc II Pae l!1.. York and for,nail, th St., Long Island City. F 00., 402 Lexmgton Ave., New York, and for mail th st B[~klp.~.. FLURI, O. Bruce (J 21)1 Asst. Supt., M. H. Treadwell Co., 140 Cedar St., and ET~~R:Tp~oc~~~~ 030(E~ 24711)dMSgr., Tech. Publicity Dept., Linde~Air PlOdu,~:" for ",ait, 6139 T)ndn I Ave. aid,,,,n,.. L. I.". n t., New York, and jm,nail, 10 FairvIew A".",. ~ FLYNN, FLYNN. Chao. Jas. A. A. (J (16), 18), Tress., Investment Flynn-Bill Annl)st, Elev. J.,G. Corp., Whlto.& 6 Howard Co., St. Inc., 87 WnlI ~IEDLER, B Marcell ~J 24), 240 W. 104th St. " "., " St" New York, and fm mail, 31 Pienopont >;t., B.ooklyn. IELfol:nhest G (,19 ; A-M 24), Cost Accountsnt, Peet. Marwick. ~!Itchell k C,,;. ".FODOR, Nicbolns (J 24), M. E" Am. Krupp S~,.tCl1\ Diesel Eng. Co., Rm. 1984, o auge p1., NelV York, nnd fm mai! 251 Dlokie Ave. Westerlel b 8 l:: lo~ Broadwny.. FILIPI!rhed~ AA(J 26), Researcb Asst., Internnt!. Combustion Eng..! Co:". FOGELSON, Emil (27), Drnftsmnn, Genl. Cbeul, Co., 40 Rector St., and lor mad,.uj.a lson ve.. "DO.rl.;~ 1010 Bl,ynnt Ave. FILSKOV. 2O Alfred E. (J 21), Dlv. Plant SUP"r, W. :Mo,,hnUan N Y Tel Co: FOGG, Erlon S. (21), Engr., H. S. Ferguson Co., 200 5th Ave., New York" and jor o 140, EWlel~t IS. JSt"(JN~W 11) Y:ork, AsstN. Secy 1., nolt World for liioli. WIde 8U2 Ad ~("In C St.: 303 S,.,\,,;b4\... h {;.. FOG(~, mail, Oscnr 18 Greendale H. (07; IS) Ave., V. Mt. P. Vernon. Oonsltd. Gl>S Co. of N. Y., 180 E. 16th St. FINOH jar mail 812 Riverside Drl~e., v. orp., 5t Ave., a,d:-,. FOLEY, Jolm G. (J 20), E. E N. Y. Central R. R., 466 LeXington Ave., New il F[1oVLAY, \\m. J. (26), Supt. Morse Dry Dock & Rep!>ir Co 09 1V 23rd St, I:\lIk, nnd for. mai!, St., Brooklyn. FINleE YOrk("lS. Y,., nnd for mail, S10 82nd St., Woodcliff, N. N J... ; FOLEY Wm. S. (J 24), Sales Eug.., Pelton Water Wlleel Co., 100 BroadWO), ~INK G"E,14,) V. ~i Iuternntl. Motor 00., 25 Broadway... New York, N. Y., and tor mail, Adnms Ave. & Blvd., Fra",kford, Philadelphia, o FINlEtR!:~GvEYLork,",nnd, eo.., Jr (J 28), for,,,,ail, FIe d l1s Engr., Miller Consltd Ave:, Gas Brookl):n. Co 01 N.., Y 130 E... 15th FOLTZ Pa. R D (21; A M 26), V. P., Y. E.. Dietrick Co., 80 Church St..,...,\m. E. (22; A.M 26), o\,sst Supt Power C tltd G Co FORBES, win. ~. (24; A.M 25), Tech. Writer, Vacuum Oil Co., 61 Bron~\Vay, Hunt. Point Ave. & E. River, aud for,nail 146 7t1 A.ons as ".: and jo, mad, 49 W. 87th St.. FISCHER, Howard L. (J 20)... Asst. Boiler E~gr. Tb:. Er Murra Ine. &5: FORD Austin S (J 27~, DQ Ln Vergno Mcb. Co., 910 E. 188th St. Duaue S~., New York., N. Y., nud for mail, 29 blael,buln PI su,;,h,tt NJ FORD: Rsymond O. (J 26), Buyer, Pur. Dept., Bell Te}.Labs. 463 West St. FISCHER, Rlcb!,rd E. (J 20), Mecb. Draftsman T. E UU"I..u and lor ma>!, 604 E. 68tll St.,.,.," C~ 5- Dua ne, SL,., FOIWEE, FORKER, Fredk Major 1., A.. Jr. (10), (A-bl Cons. 22), Engr., Mecb. 141 Rep., E. VnnlIlln 20th St. Ry. Supply 00., Inc., 17. FISH, ~dward. R. (H), Manager, 28-26; Vice-President 20.9S V P B I " E. 42nd St. and jor mail, 470 W. 165th St. Boder Co., 200 blndlson Ave. -,.., e.. j FOItBTALL, A.. E (99), Pn,tne,, FOlslnll, Roulnson & Lucqu~el, IS Pnrk Row. FISH Mnurice J (J 20) Teat Engr N Y St C FORSYTH W. R: (A M 21), Engrg. Dept., Am. Trading Co., 25 Broad St. f~r mai!, Alit. 5, 202Rlverside Drive. eam orp., 280 Mndlson Ave., and,i : FOSTER, Albert O. (J 26), M. E Servo &l E1ecUon Dept., Oombustlon Engrg FISHERdf De Wlu~t (J 21), Engr., Servel COIP., 51 E. 42nd St Naw York N Y i,. Corp. 200 Madison Ave. nn or ma, 37 Osborne St., BloomJIeJd N J.,, ",. FOSTER, Esty (25; A Y 20), Spec. Inspr., N. Y. Central Line., 466 Le>:ington FITCHuEd;V90AN (A 21), V. P., Otis Elev.. Co., 200 l1th Ave. New York and for (i. A, e., New York, N. Y., and lor mail. 611 W. 7th St., Plnlnfleld N. J. "",.. ron war, Yonkers. "J FOSTER, J. S. (91; 03) Cb. Engr., Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. 96 Liberty St., B d ~i~~g:e:fib ~d (2~), Plot. Engr., Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 150 Broadway.., FOWLER, Wm. E., Jr. (I 20), Installntion Engr., De La "",glle Mch. Co., 910 FITZGERALD w: :J t.i:~ :.y. p:"~r., Bd..Trnnopoltation, 49 Lafsrette 81, Fox~~:(f~~ ~;. (J 24), Designing Engr., Stevens Aylsworth Co., Inc., 58 Pa~k Hroad",a):,M 25, Tech. Wk., Vncuul! Oil Co., Rm. lu2, 61 Pl., and for mai!, 8U8 Sedgwick Ave. FITZPATRIOK, Jas. n. (J 23) Cnr Draftaman 13d Trans rtati FOX, Rl>ymond W. (24; A M 27), Asst. to M. E., N. Y. Edison Co., 180 E. 15th FITZPATRlOK, 40 Lafayette Wm. St., and E. (J jor 26), mail, Engr 180 E. Dry 02nd Ice St: Corp 01 po Am on, 50 Oity E 42 of N. d S Y".. FOXi2WS~(I"St(.OO), St, Prof. Physics, Oollege of Olty of N. Y., nud for ",au, 457 W. ACK, New Alonzo York, and (A.M tor15) mail;"4126 rartner73rdst. EmersonJackson El~rs Height," 30 Cl b. n t, FOXWELL, Lester G. (J 26) M. E., Johno Man\lJIe Iuc., 202 Mndisnn Ave. FL N Y d / a ~O WI..., lure St. Ne,v YOlk,. FOXWELL; Win. H. (A-l! 24), Asst. Resenrch Engr., Intelnatl. Comuustion ElIgrg. FLAGG; sa:i. 13 or(~f. "18) ius~nlv:., ColumbUs, O., Corp., 200 Madison Ave. FLEET, Snm!. (A.M Iii), W: G. Cornij\"O:le~5 BEm~.tI S:;:re cdo"j 2 Re~tor St.. FRALEY. Clitlord A. (A M 24), Snles Engr., U. S. Rubber Co., 61 Hudson St., Grnlld COllcourse.. I 1 "nn or Inna,.2GOl,. Ncw York, N. Y., and lor mail, 16S Holmes St" Bellville N. J. FLEISSqH. ~}}. Walter L. (18), V. P., Cooling II All Condlt.iollin~ Corp., 81 Union FRAMBAOEI, Fredk S. (A-M 18), Sales Engr., Bnlmson Co., 98 Worth St., Now n D York, N. Y., and tor mail 703 Embree Crescent, Westfield, N. J. FLEMING, Heury Stuart (03) Pres. H. S FI I C. FRAlIClS, Will. H. (J 240). Engl. Asst., West. Onion Tel. Co., 195 Broadway, New FLETCHER, Gordon A (J 21) E.,;,,: D., Inc., 1 Broadway. York; N. Y., nnd for mail, 219 Olnremont Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Cedar St..,qUIp. _1., a)mond Ooncrete Pile Co., UO l FRANCISCO, Ferris L. (06; 12), IrrancisCo &; JacobUS, 511 5th Ave. FLETCHER Jns (24) En... Bnb 0 k & Wl C.\ FRANKEL, Philip (A-M 21), 666 Allerton Ave. for "ail. 04 St. Mark:Pi. Ne~vc~riGh~~o"S ~., 86 Ljberty St., New York, and FRANKLIN, Jos. II. (A M 20), M. E., Elec. BOlld &; Share 00.,2 Rector St. FLICKINGER, Obas D (20) Oh D nfts,; H l. :. -FRASER, D. W. (18), V. P.! Am. Loco. Co., 80 Chllrcb St. ledal St New,k "..r roa:n, w.. rendweu 00., Inc., HO FREAS, H. L. (A M 18), Snles Engr., EJllott Co., Rm. liid9, 90 West St. FLIFLET, TI;o,lel( (A~M "l:;,d ~r,!~a,,~ Uh St" Uichmond Hill, 1. I. FREDERICK, R. H. (20), Ch. M. E., Rid01 Ericsson Eng. Oorp., 2l Murray St., ~LINT, Bertram P. (94) N Y ;.igr~. ~?rt ~i,.gsns 01: Elec. (0., 30 Cburch 81. New York, N. Y., and jar mail, 70 Glorieoux St., llvington, N. J. Brondwnj.., enosi.. eymour Corp., Rm. 8000, Hi FREED, Leonard J. (A M 24), 1st Asst. Ellgr., Intelb01OUllh Rnpid Transit Co., FLOOKH.\Rl Jas (A.M 22) FIld E U 600 W. 50th St.. 20Ist St: & 9th Ave. New Yor~ an~gjr~r, llj~edl1e61edc. Lil:ht & Power Co"!, FRRELAND, Emlle O. (19; A M 26), Indus. Engl., W. R. G1nce & Co., 7 Hanover J, nab", evoe /i-ve., Yonkers..Sq. 472,;. 47S

174 i " l\"ew,yorr MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES 1.IEMBERS IN UNITED STATES,/ NEW YORIe CITY (continued) " 1) ~REIDAY J A (90) U E Th E M I 55 D:ua St ~. Y k NY "EW YORK CITY (continne. Loco Dept Ingcrson.Rand Co., and f;o ;ilail, S5 6ie~el;;d ol:;ra~e, ~~~;~~~;N. J: ne., "ew or,. ", ":,GARRISON, V,lkcl,off L: (16; 24), A~87.Mg~,~ 612 Embr~~ Crescent, Westfield, FREMONT, Elmer G. (A 21), Cons. Indus. Engr., Emerson Engro.; 30 Cburcb St :C 11 Broadwa). New ~ork, N. Y., an 01 1",. FRENOH, Gulver O. (A-Y 22), Sales Mgr. Air Preheater Corp. RIO. 1256, 15:,: N. J. tl Merrantlle Marine Co., Pier 62, N. Broadway.. ~: GASKIN, Gro. H. (22), Snpt. Enp:r. In~erna Irvin Ave., S. Orange, N. J..,FREYSCH~DT, O. (A 19). Ch. Engr., Hotel Majestic, New York. N. Y., u(.,.. River, New Y,orl" N.!-. ~~)fcou~*i:tl\e In~t., 320 Broadway, and fo/ "",>1, for ",ail, tb St., Umon Citr, N. J. GATELEY, Wm. A. (12; 19,, FRICKER. Jacob E. (A-M 17), AsSt. Oh. Engl., Charge Oonstr., Air Reductl,..:, ", 1034 Park Ave. D Su erheater 00. Rm. 702, 17 E. 42nd St.. ~ale. Co., 342 Madison Ave.. :. GATES, It. M. (18), Mf.:i.i: ~)EstI:;htin~ Engr. COInbustIon Engrg. Corp 200 FRIE}~~~~~?2~ioBJ~10~ft r;... V. P., Cons. Engr. Sosa & Frledeberg. Inc., aud:,gat{fnd~~d A~~. (20;" u..:. A Well Wk. ~1l5 aroadway. New Yorl" N. y., FRIEND, Walter F. (J 13), Asst. Eugr., Steam Elec. 1Inut, Elec. Bond &; Sbare Co,: GWS Gilbert H. (A Y 23), -", m. N J 71 Broadway, New York. and for mail, Chl~p~wa Rd., Tuclmhoe. ; and for mail. 102 Rynda Rd., sdor~ngsiand Oil Co. 01 N. Y., 26 Broadway. d FRISCH, Mnrtln (J 22), As3t. Mgr., Servo & Ercctlon Dept., Combustion Enlllg.,., GAUSE F T (93) Foreign T, ep C. r & Pump Co Inc., 1417 Gran Corp. 200 Madison Ave.. GAY,,vaiter o. (j 12 B O I )d EnJf~;~ ~~:~ ~:lf~~s~,, th Sp t., kqr:ensbrcii FRITSCH, Stephen A. (,T 26), Draltsman, Ot,is Elev. Co., th Ave., add :: Central Termlna ~.. Atlantic Gulf &; Pac. Co., ar ow, for mail, 419 E. Il8tbSt.!. GAYLORD. Laurence T. Cd 24 f) v. ~i 182 Chrl~topber St.,!lontelair, N. J. FRUEH, Frederic W. (28; A Y 24), Elec. Designer. Carbide &: Cnrbon Chern,.: New York, N. Y., an or. ma.,. Corp., SO E. 42nd St., New York, and for ",ail, tb St., Brooklyn. " OEE, Walter S. (A, 21), JIO WN\I:~ Sir-olland Tunnel, Cannl & ;Varlck Sts., New FRY, Geo. C. (A 26), Am. Lanndry Mcby. CoI p., 625 6tb A", and for moil,.~pt. ab,. GEENEJi:S, ~of (24)"1 f:82n~ St. Jackson Heights, L. 1. C 1 N Y 130 E. 45 fith A, e.. ;, GEFVYEorRkT aonbaso.rj,.na(~2s). Asst. Ch. Draltsman. Gas o. 0, FUEROHTGOTT. Maximilian J. (28: 26), N. Y. Edl.on Co., New York, and for " I 101 mail, st St., Brooklyn,. 16th "t. b (J 27) Water Htg Engrg., McD,,mott Water Heaters! nc.,, FULLER, M. (18; 27). Mgr. Cb. Engr. Ice Mrh. Dept., De La Vergne lleb. GELARDlN. AI ert. Co 910 E. 138th St., New York, and for "i!, 21 Darnood Pl." Mt. Vernon. Pork Ave. ) Oh Engr U SHot Mehy. Corp th Ave., New FlJLJ{foRBr~:gi"a~: (10), Cons. Eyd. Engl., Sanilul~ E.",pt., Fuller & McOlintock, GE~~I~, ~~!i~. ~~d(i~r ~all: Danb;;rY,~Co~. RoCk Corp., 101 Pari Ave., New FULLER, Henry J. (18), Partner, Aldred &. Co., 40 Wall St. mt Rulus r. (21), Genl, Supt., N. N bali, NEW YORK FtrLLER, Hay W. (A.M 00), Pres., Am. Overocean Corp., 8 Bridge St. York, and for ma,i, 350 rra!,~st., besl;n Am. Constr. to Scelll itics 00., 60 FUNOH, Eril, E. (22), Asst. Ch. Engr Internatl. C.ment COIp., 3-12 Madlsou Are., i. GE"TlLB"oE.,. VSti~.~Nene~Y~~k,(~nd23?;r :~!fc I:i022EBngerd.iorNd. Ayv.eE dbihoronokc l~~, 130 E. 15th St.. New York, and for,,,ail, 21 Rich Ave., Mt. Vellloll.. a 27) A st tons FUNK Nelson E. (09), OOIlS. Engr., 150 ]!;ussau St. GENTRY, Frank M. (J, ~. 0 E 860 Madison Ave. OAERn;ER, M. (A-M 27), Vacnum 011 Co., RIO. J4~~, 61 Broadway. GEOGHEGAN, Edw. ArUlur ( 26). ll..., C 6 Beekman St. and for mau, 89 E. GAJSSERT, Herman O. (18; A.M 22), Designing Engl., Am. Car & Fdy. Co 165 GEORG T. (16) M. E., Furnace Engrg. a., Broadwo..v. Ne,, York, and for ma.l, 6027 Alllbo~ Hd., P"lnce Bay, S. L -:.I loth St. (A M 26) Inspr. Stnnd. Transpolotation Co., 26 Bloadw~, GAI}~~;aito~~ M;,e~~~l~ ~~~~B~:ofJYn~lliott Co., DO Wcst St., New York, add GEO~~~y~~~aN~!,. (f~,/~~~):~~e~~:jr~lf~~~i ie~gnerpilock\\ood Greene & GALE, Philroy a. (24). Constr. SUpVI. McClellan & Junkersleld. Inc., 68 Trinity PI..aERHCoAR~oo H;n~nd St., and for mau, APt- N 6 D y E25d\ ~Oangao~. i30 E. 15th St., New GALLAI-IER, Alvan H. (14: 20), Power Engr" Danett Co., 40 Rector St., new:; " : S (J 26) Asst Engr... It N J York, N. Y., and for mail, 6SS W. 7th St., Plaillfield, ~. J.. j GERQUJ>ST, ArthUr., i 249 Washington Pl. Hasbrouck Helg I R C 466 GALLOWAY, Lee (A 23). V. P., Edltor-in-Charge, Ronald Pre.s Co., 15 E. 26th St.! York, N. 1.., and ore""(j 23) Asst. Engr., N. Y. Central R. 0.,, GAL~~R~~~6tl;o\.~~~ (J ill), Draftsman. Otis Elev. Co., 260 lltbave and for mafl,.\. GER~~Ji~i;:A.~e~~o~:w York, and fo l m,ail. Cri:.:f~:;~~ Y H. Treadwell Co., 14 GALSON, Henry L. (J 26). Asst. Ob, Engr., Cooling &; Air Couditloning Corp. 81, GESCHWINDNER, NIChklaSNBy(2:~li~ ;~ii, nd St. WoodclltI, N.~. St Union Sq. and for mait, Apt. 48, 8554 Rocbambeau Ave.. Cedar St., New YO~ "2~ Ch. Engr., Cuneo East.Press, Inc., 223 Sprmg., GALUSHA, Albert L. (18) Cb. Engr., Gas Prodocel Dept., Dover Boiler Wk." GEVRENZ. Theo. Y. <1 101)47 93rd St Woodhavell, L. T. B d 50 Cbnrch St., New York~ N. Y., ond for mail, 85 Hillcre.t Rd., OaldwelI, N. J. New York, for rna, Ch E Am Tel &; Tel. Co., 195 roo way. GAMBLE. Harry G. (J 21), l:i8.les Engr., McIntosh & Seymour Corp. 149 Broadway, \ 1 GIlEMRDl, Ba,:,croft ( 15 2,. v. f;t Ii d:gr-renney &; Olllues, 101 Park Ave., and New YOl It. and for mail, 690 Parbide Ave.. Brookl)ll. GIANNINI, Yano O. (J 23). s. n _. GANG, Ollvel F. (J 20), Salea Engrg. Dept., Lllnkenheimer Co. 129 Lala)ette St i for mail, 64 W. 176th E S t. Ziel y Processea Corp., 7 E. 42nd St., ~ew York,, GANNON, ~hos. J. (13)\ Cons. Mech. &; Hyd. Engr., 143 Liberty St., NelV YOI k. and GmB John A. (J 25), ngr.. i.. Jersey City N J. for mad, 459 Frank In Ave., Brooklyn., " N. Y., and for, ll~~i1.~~:z)rg~~n;p~:~orengr Illi:el~oli.Rand Co., 11 Broadway., GANSFRIED. Alex. (J 19), Pur. Agt., Honolulu Iron Wits. 00., 165 Bro/ldway. GIBBS Cbas. W. (1, Qbb & :i111 Po R R Sfn GANZ, Albert G. (J 24), Engr Bell Tel. Labs., Inc. ~68 West St., New York, Gross; Geo. (90), ~I",: ~of. 14) Prup. Geo. H: G;bso~ Co., ~OO Gold St., New N. Y. and for mail, 612 River Terrace. Hoboken, N. J. GroSON, Geo. H. (go; "1 70 Oakwood Ave., Upper Montela", N. J. GARDNER, Bernard (A.M: 23), 29 Broad,vay. GroSl:OoNr.k HNa;O"!d"DM~n«JA~)~"2~2~1)g..E";~erspololll Rpcarnsd C C o o, t 1 r l Bclo o.a, dln\\ac~., ""on. 1750, 120 GARDNER, Douglas M. (17; A M: 26). Estimator, Wbite Constr. Co. Inc., 95 " Madison Ave., and for "oil, 1380 Merriam Ave.,\., GIBSON. Robt,.,., GARLAND, Jos J. (J 27), Asst. to M. E Genl. Engrg. & Manllgement Corp., 165 Broadway. En Rm Madison Ave. BroadlVay, New York. and for mail, 14 Linden Ave., Ossining., GlFFELS, John E. (16;:2)0; 1) CO;:~rtlo~"Ste~ BdUer Inspec. &. Ins. Co 80 GARRAHAN, F. B. (11; A 26), V. P., Mgr., Croll-Reynold:; Eng. Co. 95 Libelly GILBERT. Carl L. (J 27 k nspr.. II 422 S 4th Ave, Mt. Vernon. St" and for mail, 212 W. Fordham Rd. " ;; ;. Maiden Lnne, Ncw Yor, and for lila 1 Ch~nl Co 40 Rector St. GARRETSON, Francis M. (26~, Sales Servo Engr., We.tinghouse Elec. &. :Mfg. Co., ;,! GILLETT, Lowry!;i;04(;~l,Vi) 0~a1~:~~;; GInis &. Ge~gheg~n, 637 W. Broadway, New th Ave New York, J)/. Y IlJId for mail, 40 Watson Ave E. Orange, N. J..,; GILL~;~~N~i~ a~d for mail, 196~ Uom".~\e., Chicago, 1lI. " OB

175 .j. )IE)1DERS I~ t:~"1ted STATES }le~iilersin UNITED STATES NEW YORIi::!: ;"l\ew YORK CITY ~con~!n1lp::: Expt. 12S1 \1~eeler Ave... N"E" 1.-0RI{ (111:" (contijmetl) i.gofilieb. Edw. (2,1.1: (;M ill,;. Engr. 122 GreenwE,ci St Inc. 91 7th Ave. GILLIGAN. Thos. F. (J 24), Draftsman, Dept. Parks, City of New York, Cl,,~, -OO~!l~RTC ~luft;ust(~21: A.M "26). WkSGMglrds" ppaucemlpts I~~: eo I6YUIrSY St. mont PI,., and for mail, 3270 Eastern Blvd.., GOGD.. al. J (1 00, 08) Pres., ou fn Y 116 E. 18th St. GILLMAN, Barney E. (J 27), Htg. Engr., Gee., F. Gibson Co., New York, and,gould, WNolmaS.n(I, 2lh, Pr~.., Filel)!:ngrg. COt 0SqU~ Boss, Thos. E. Murray, 0" m"ll, 662 Gates ave., Brooklyn.". c "GOULD, m. ~J 06) Checker Mech. Dep., U. port Rd GILMORE. John W. (27), Crcdlt..~ssn. of Bldg. Trades of ;S-. Y., 41. LSli:lnglon An.,., :GOVONI, Frank P n;,d ior onau, Apt. B-55. I St 9.80gt nlw S Lln;s 45 Brqadway, and for mail, 118 W. 91st St.. -: _ Inc 55 Duane., E S S Geo. Waa1un on,.,, GILSON, Harry W. (09: A :\l 17), Secy. Treas., Yincent Gilsoq Engrg. Co., 311 ;G!UCE:WymkGN(W\~~fo~~~il:Iier~, HOCbokeluSoNE J i6th St. Church St.. "New or,. I",) 1 E N Y EdIson 0.. GU;SER, Alfled L. (J 2~). Estlmatlng Engr. Gombustion Engrg. Corp., 200 : ; GRADY. Chas. B. (, J 26 Broadway,»., StO.nd. Oil Co. of N..,. Madison A, e., New York, and for ",<til. H8 30 Degraw.he., Jamalra. L. I. ~.,GRAFF, C~as. E. (1,) M~n s. Y. E., 150 Nassau St. GT.A.~8. Wm. Clement (12; 10,. V. 1., United Pri/ltlng ~rch~. Co., 38 Park Row.;.,-GRAFF, 1\ esle~dmp (~S~i4), 517 W. lilstb St. E1e... Co Ilth Ave. New GLASSEY, Pbillp 1. (J 26), Mech. Draftsman. Bd. Tranaportatlon, 49 Lalsyette,~ "GMRAM, Davl. J (J 25) Prod. Dept"ksl Oti St. and fo, mail. 610 W. l8nth St...:..;; GRAnAM. Jas. A., r" E. 16th St.. Broo ys.u 00 los Greenwich st... GrATHE. Bernhard (18), Ch. Engr., Cuban Am.. Sugar Co., 130 Front St..,,:. York" and,or "f~ (J -25), Prod., Ambassador es. GLENDENNING, Wm. J. (1~), Pres. GenI. Mgr., Glend~nninl;,~sbestos,l< Rubb!l:; :GRANATA, Antl~onY"54 Hobart Ave. C 15 Park Bo... Corp., 105 W. 40th St.?\ew York, N. Y., and or """L, Dillerlca, :Mass. ",,;,nd or ",a,l.ti D (15). Pres., A. D. Granl\"er wo,iliburn 01< Graugar, Inc., 60 GLENN. Jesse Y (22), Engr., Am. Car &; Fd~. Co. SO Church St. :, : GRANGER, DAbbO\t (A-ll 17), Secy. Sal... E,~grI Inllnda Rd., S. Orange, N. J. OLEN1\, John C. (J 2~), Publicity Dept., Foster.\Vheeler Corp., 165 BroadfRy..,- GRANGER. ean. k NY., aud for ",a..,, GLENN, John F. (-~ 14), N. Y., Sales Mgl. Edge Moor Iron Co., Rill. S2i, l2jl,~. ": OllUrch St., JNew(l?~si. 470 W. 159th ~t. I L b 463 West St., New York, J,exington Ave. ;-,GRA!,!T, H. C., Br: (A-M 23), Supvr..B~11 Te. as.,, GLIMJ>l, Will. F., Jr. (17: -;\-M 20), Asst. Poner En g!.\ Barrett Co., 40 Rector SI.,. : GRANT, Taylor." 29 Monroe PL. Brookll.n. W tlnghouse Elee- &; Mfg. Co. 467 Ne.. York, and for "L th St. Jaekson Helg Its, L.I. and fa lila", 2) Supt Steam D,v., es GLUCI{, Matthew F. (J 26), Engr., Ilnbiler Condenser Corp 238th St. &; Bronx Blvd" : GRA.Y. Fredk R. (2, 0 I I Chern. ()0., 22 ThalDe. St., and for mail, 287G. Valentine Ave.., loth Ave. AM 26) Asst Mgr.. a ey 11. GLYNN, Frank L. (a-m 13), Allied Chem. & Dre Corp., 61 Broadway, nnd 10",nail, : GRAY, H. Liggetti}~;m;il. 20 Alden Rd., Lasr~h"dOl~r~lin:Corp., lio E. 42nd 29 fith Ave. New Yort. l on (A M 21) Constr Engr.. on. t. U klyn GOALWIN. Dr. Harry A. (17; 18; 22: 26), M. E. li6 W. 59th St.." GREAOEN John L. -1 ~Pt 2D 575 3rd S. r.o0 I. 463 West St., OOETZE, Fledk A. (9G: 011), Trean., Comptroller, Columbia Un Iv., 6S \lull,to St., N~LWCYbOrk. Hnd(~r,~)~ Tel. Engl., BeIIOl~:tv~~psH.I~~ts, Larchmont. GOLD, Harry (22), M, E., Frcd T. Ley & Co., Inc., 57S Mndison Ale. " GlUlENAL. as Hillcrest A ve., GOLDBERG, Nathan L. (J 21). PU". Agt., Angert Brollze O,,, p., 137 Brood",,), " New l.olk. and for ",at "IS) 24 Thomas St. I S~2 Madison Ave. aud or mail, 720 W. 173d St. GREENE, FE~wdu,,~ar(:.:,b, V. P., SOEwldl~n s~p;:ei~~"r42lld St., New York, GOLDF::NllERG, Max (J 23), Enl;l., Bing & BinI\ Corp., llil W.,lOth St. GREENE, Ie ("11 AM 19) Engr.. s dlid GOLDSBOR.OUGH, WInde, E, (15), Combustion Utilities Co,p. 6G Wall St. GREENE. Geo. fl B t~ 8t R. F: D. S, HemP.tea.. k Greene Inc., 2731 Gran GOLDSCHMIDT, Otto E. (12), Cons. Engl. U6 W. 39th lit. and or lila, 00., 6) V P Treas., COlew, GOOD, Paul E. (15), Mgr. Centrifugal Blowe, & Compr..sor Dept., EIllott Co" ~ GREENE. Lawrence S. (J 2,., 30 E 42nd St. 140 Cedar St. oentra~rbterm~,;;j. (27) Engr., Linde Air 6~~~:;s~io~oUtllitie;,Corp., 00 Wan GOODEiNOUGH. Walter (12l, Engrs. Club, 82 W.. 40th St_ GREENE, os.. (18) Research Enlll.. I Relahts L I. GOOUFRIEND, Irving F. (J (24)! Sllles Engrg., L. J. Wing Mfg. Co., 3.2 W. 13th 51., GREENFIELD, Benj. f :U th St., Jac,"o! h ~&; hobcock Co., 444 and for mail, 1105 Jerome Ave. " ; St New York. and or flj 24) Ch. Draftsroan. BIS 0JB, ki 1. GOODWILLIE, J. E. (J 25), Engr., Jngersoll-Rand Co. 11 Broadwo)". GREENFIEttDS/S~~~ /~rk~ and fo~ lilai~ 2J\~hlt:f1a~~~ilel~:t&,n,. 33 Llbelt). GOO~l~ciaf:~~~d, Jr. (U). Exec. Engr., Columbia Engrg. & ~Iallagement COljl., GRE~f:bGE~ Cb... A. (12),,Cb. Engr.,.. GOODWm, Ja.. R. (A M 26), :Mgr., Dunbar Engrg. Co" iio Church St. New 10lk, St. L i L (J 16). 50 E. 96th St. De t Plant & Structures, Rm. and for ",ail, Apt. I-D, Wesley Manor, Wesley Avc., POlt Chester. GREENWALD. ou s. 25) Mech. Draftsman. ~. St. GORDON, Benedict (26). Cons. Management Engr.,.~. E. Clarke Co., 238 Broadw:IY. GREENWALD, i~obt ritd~ and or mail 5~ItWD1 rhboynton Furnace Co 58 New York. and for mail, 1022 E. 22nd St., Brook!)n Mun clpa M" Steam & Hot Via er ep pi Amityville L. I. GORDON. Chas. W. (21; A M 25), M. E. Superheater Co., 17 E. 42nd St" ~el\ GREEY. Geo. V. ~22) yo: and for mail, 42 A,,~n N "Y EveningJoUlual, Ne,v York, and for mail p. O. Box 8S9, PieasantvlIle. W. 40th St.. ew OS) Mgr. Stnti.tlcal Dep.,. GORDON. David (J 27), Chem. Engr. Chem. Dept., Consltd. Gas Co. of )I. Y;, GREISS:l1AN, Jarob (~I -:002 16th Ave.. B1ool<l)"lI E. 15th St., NeW York, and for ",ail, 41 Cottaga Pl., TarrytowlI. YorK, and {; (:~7) Cons. Enlll., 331 liadlso\av;;gb Ba~id Trallsit Co. 600 GORDON, Hecly D. (96), M. E., Retired, Jenkins Bro 80 White St., :Se\\ lark, GREIST. Alva (J 24) Estimator, Ellil r., ~J1teAl oro N.,Y and for mall, 15 Elergreen Pl., E. Olange. N.J", GRENDON. Alex. d formail 1494 Umverslty ve. R f Co 117 Wall St., New GORDON, M. B. (20; 25). Asst. Comptroller,!ntemati. Combustion Engrg. Corp., W. 59tb St., an, ) Su ~r Engrg., Am. Sllgar e.., 200 Madison Ave.. GRETHER. Edw. C. (~\573 tu~bwick Ave.. Brooklyn. GORDON, Ralph T. (26), Mgr N. Y. Ofllce, Dean Bros, Co. & Dean HllI Pump. YO"k, and for t1l4,-.i7) S2 W. 40th St. H S Ferguson. Bm. 1308, Co., 149 Broadway., GREUL. Y/. Herma:Ii (A-M 20), Designing Ellgrg.,.. GORTON, Cbas. E. (15), Manager, 25.2S: Chron., Am. Unlfor"" Boiler Law Soe., GRIDLE1:. Allen.. C 501 6tb Ave, Rm. 417, 25S BroadlYRY.., 200 5th Ave. D (A 04) Sales Ellgr. Okomte 07 E 46th St New York, GOSS. HallY T. (07), Partner, Goss 01: JoImsen, 71 Murray St. GRIDLEY, Sidney. J 2iil Salesmall Rax ColeInc.,.., GOSSMAN. AnKeio L. (21; A M 25), Div. Sales MI(l. Cellte Products Co., 11. GRIFFIN, padtr,lck J. 6S Seha~e A,e.: TeaneckCN. J. los Park Ave., New York, Broadway.. N. Y.. an or ma; ) M RileY Stoker orp. GOTTFRIED, Rudolpb (J 2~), Desi.lPler. M. W. li:eiiol\"li Co., 7 De.v St. and GRIFFITH. Louis E. ~ 22. ~ )Iahwah. N. J.. nr,nail Yorrls Ave.. N. Y. and for ma,. BDX f i Pat. Lawyer, Ill Park RO\{. GOTTLIEB. David (J 21), Court Stenograpber; Childrens Courl, City of N " GRISWOLD, Fredt, Jr. (A, E. 22nd St.. Ne,v lork, aud fdr ",ail, th St., Brookl~ll., 476

176 XEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED ST.11ES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORI CITY ( tf " "NEW YORK CIIY (COJltilluetl) GIllSWOLD, Robt. G. C:i)Jl Pl~e~~b t R,e HAGEll lli\.n, Oliver S. (A M 26), A.Bt. Ellgr., Am. Light &> Tlaction Co. 120 GROB. Jobn J. (19; 26). Irest E Mr,esBarch Co" 60 Wan St., Bloadwa:y. Co.. 134th St. & Locust A"e., ngr., e I Gete Sta., United Elec. Light Ii. POIB HAGGERTY, Edw. D. (A.1d 16). Ch. Engr., Employer. Mutual Ins. Co. of N. Y.. GIl. OBLI, Walter A (J 16) E 2 Lafa:lctte St. GIl. for,,;ai!. 605 V. 166thSt. ngr., New. Or)eanB Ref. Co., 233 Broadway 1JlI llilin, Gordou R. (J 27), N. Y. Edison Co., 40th st. It 1st Ave., New York. N. Y., ONDACH, John H (A.M 27) M Ph " and for maiz, Spriugfield Ave. Westfield, N. J. GRO~~1I~~",,"-iI, Hi3 Lincoln I?!. g~~ook~~mato". IIIC., 561 5th Ave. Nlv YorI,4 HAIFTER. Merines (J 25), Enlt\g. Dept., West. Union TeL Co. 195 Broadway, ~oll:kafax,k. (A M 17),. Desll\,nef, Walter Il:lddc ".. ; New York, and for mail, 466 E. 7th st. Brooklyn. Nelv Y N Y and for Z 295".~ Co 140 Cedar SI. HALL, Cortlce B. (24), Ch. M. E.. Domestic Stot",r Co., 7 Dey St. New York, GROSSUAN, LO"18" (J" 26), InBmt.aII-~I on ~... OfBonJeyard, P d C Jerso. J Cit, N,J. ""I N Y.. and f or "14 Z, 250 H amilton Ave., GIen noc, k N. J. GRD7I0, EVm14tGb S~., I1lld for ma"i GiWeSPi:nAtvrOel. SJstem, EaiCle Pencil Co.",,, RALL, Harry Y_ (24), Supt. Hell Gate Stl1.. United Elec. Light &; Power Co., ISHh VE. (18) Asst En A " St. &; LocuBt Ave. GROW, H. J. (j 18), Advi~or g~;" m. Bridge (Jo:, 30 Church St. :,- llall, Lester O. (21: A-AI 26), InduB. Enl;T.. U. S. FidelitJ It Ouaranty Co., ~ales Madison A,!e., ~el~!nic It Cutting,.Air ReductiOI: 76 William St., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 88 S. Prospect 4)e., Heckensack. errace. ~. Oranp;e. N. J... and for mati, 1 Winthrop i N. J. - GRUBHill, LIeut. M T (A.M 23) U SST I llall, No...vood A. (A Y 22), Mgr., Sprague EJec. Holst Div:.. Sbepa\d Elec. GRULICK, Francis Ii. (A.M 21) M c t rentori" c/o Postmaster. ;,_ Crane It HoiBt Co., 30 Church St. New York, N. Y., and jar ", 895 DeO"aw. 200 Madison Ave. gr. on ract ept.. Combustion Engrg. Corp., ~ Ave., Newark, N. J. GRUPE, Wm. F. (IS: A.M 21) Ch En (Jo,. RALL, Robt. E. (98; 05), V. P.. Genl. Mg\,. &; Dir., Victaullc Co. of Am., 26 GUBA. Philip M, (J 15), N. Y, ~al. ~ ~r., ~k Inlport Corp., 345 W. 40th il Braadwey, New York, N. Y.. and for lilail, 1017 Madison A, e.. PJalnfteltl, N. J. GUCKER, Gee. (J 261, Struc. :br:lts~~~ Steel Co,. Ine., 120 Broad..,.. -) HALL, Rodney DennlB (02; 08), Mgl. Wate\ Wks. Dept., Worthington Pump II: LMaEfayette St.. and for mail, 462 W. 142n~dStTraIlBPortatlOn, Desip;nB Div., IV Mclly. Corp., 115 Broadway. GUD NS, B. Wro. (27) Dir Mfa Fa b k d HALL, Stanley S. (A M 24), Estimatol, Mex. Petroleum COl p., 115 Broad St., GUI and for mai!, th Aye: Be~~h~~s~ -ti398 Lafayette St., Nev York,: New York. N. Y.. and for moil. Demarest, N. J.,. GOU~ MaTc A (21) Asat t M EN. HALL, Wm. Swanson (J 25), Constr. Engr Hotel Astor, New Yo\k, and for GOINNE:lS Wm F (J"25) EO..,. Y. Edison Co., 180 E 15th St mail. 10S4 8rd Ave., (Jollege Point, L. I. GULDNER: F~ BUj{d (24) Resea~~E~~er~ W~~relserv. Corp., 27 Wil1i~m il HALL. WilllB E. (89). tral Terminal.., o. e Co., Inc., Grand C.n-! HALLAM, Merk J. (19; 20), Engrg. Dept., N. Y. Edison Co., 60 E. 23rd St.. GULICK, Henry (16) PreB Gw k H New York. and for mail, th St., RIchmond Hill. L. I. GULICK, Wilson M. (j 26)" En IC D etlerson Co W. 36thSt.,HALPERN. Belli. M. (21; 26). Mill., Beetvent Corp., 03 Wall St. Ave..,grg. ep., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 200 Afatlison i, HALPERN, Walter J. (J 26), Combustion Engl.. EconOI!1J Grete &: Equip Co., GUNAGAN, RIchard B. (U),.ABst. Su : 410 E. 34tb St., New York. and for mail !lth St., Jaclson Heigbts, L. I. GUN~t.TNhew.~Olk. and jor mail, 951 pr:;pe:ti~ftyb It kr;alysualty Co., 92 Liberty: HALSEY, Clawford O. (A.-M 24), Sr. Accountant, Iogson Peloubet It Co.. 25, O.B... (11), Tech. Editor Vacuum 0 I ci 6 roo n, Broadway. G foeymald. 286 St. Jobns PL, Brooklyn. I 0., 1 Broadwa.,v, New York, and: IlALSEY, Fredk A.. ( W. 120th St. 1JRL, Bon R. (26) Val &; Or. tl - HAMEL. Clarence G. (J 27), Ch. Chemist, N. Y., Steam Corp., 280 Madisoll Ave., 420 Lexington Ave.. gamza on EniJ,. JaB. L. Darnell, Urn Ne,v York. and for mail, 1661 E. 13th St., BrooklYn. GURLEY, Leroy R. (A.M 24) A E HAMIL.ION, Wm. E. (24), (Joustr. ligr., Sanderson &; Porter, 62 William St. 30 Church St. BSOC. dltor, Simmons BoardmWI Publishing Co HAMM.l.RSTROM, Erik (19), M. E.,, W. Va. Pulp & Paper Co., 200 GUSTAFSON. John G. (19: A.M 25) Cb "6t.h Ave. GUT~O"iiJ26Ad11thIl:A, e., and for mail, 192:rfr~l~r~twDl~t. Glaham It Norton Co., lla!l1mer, Edwin W. (13), Cons. Engr. Hammer &. Schwarz, 55 John St., am. (A 26) Sec,w F t ~ e. RAMMOND, Harr.v S. (A M 14), SaieB A~t., PIeBsed Steel Car,Co., 66 Broad St. 638 W. 6211d St. J" ac OIY M~r Stond. Pneumatic Actloll C h RUR Selby (12) H tel " h ~ 0" HAMMOND, Paw B. (A A! 21), ASBt. Secy., Pur. Engr., Genl. EnKrg. It Manage ffaal>~- NDER O 0...anhattan Sq., 50 W. 77tb St. ment Corp" 165 Broadway, New York. N. Y., aud for mail, 14 Fainnount Ave. a""". tto J. (26) Mgr Cabinet Mf D Upper Montclair, N. J. N O :r432 4th Ave., New York, N: Y. and f I{. a1v., New, BOllle Sewinl{ ~Ich, HAMNER, Chas. S. (01). ConB. Engr., 150 Broadway. or ma,407 WlldelJl PI S Oran HAMPTON, Leon N. (A M 28), Supvr. Engrg., Bell Tel. Labs., Inc., 4.63 West St" HABBEN, Laurence E. (22), M. E. F -..,. g11, and for mail, 220,E. Tremont Ave. " Yorlt, end fa mai!, 711 DitmasA,~~d:~~i3 & Da"IB, Inc., 115 BrandlVaJ, Nell HANAQER, Syhan L. (J 25), Oper. Mgr., Park It Tllfold, 486 5t!, Ave., and HABEXOTTE, Geo F (A.:&{ 25) Sal E yn. for moil, 166 E. 37tb St. New York and fa 1 At os ngr. Oelite ProductB Co 11 B d HANKIN. John (13), Pres,. John BankiJl &: Bro,. 228 Cherry St. HABlOHT, Er~st R. (.1 ~~" p. 4D. 256 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn" roa WBY, HANKINS. Frank W. (J,20). Salesman. Wortbinl;ton Pump &; Mcby. (Jorp., 116.,..n~Iadison Ave. ), Servo &. Erection Engr., Combustion EIIKlg. COlp., 200 Broadway. ~DAD, Sulelman (A.M 26) Foate 1 HANLEY. John B" Jr, (19; A M 26); Ch. Engr., V. P., Reed Engrg; Co., 50 HADD?CK, Gorald T. (J 22): Fiel/E~Vleeler Corp., 165 Broadway., Church St., New York, and for mail E. 26th St" Brooklyn. Ef "~SeELEanRd for "",.1, 628 W. 114th sf. Portland Cement Assn., 347 lladison HANNAH, Fredk A. (00; 04), Cons. Engr. 82 W. 40t.h l:it. AD", BeJlry A. CA..M 21) E,lIANNEWALD, Burton (J 26), M. E. Chas. D. Schmidt Corp 270 Canal St. New Broadway. ngrg. Dept., West. Union Tel Co York, and for maa, rd St., Brooklyn. HAFF. 1lll,11ll0nd E. T. (12 23) D "195,, HANSA, Fredk (24: 26). Ch. Engr., Guaranty Trust Co. of N, Y" 140 Br"adway, HAGAR, Arthur P. (07 i2) E u Pont Ra)on Co., 132 Madl""n Avo New York, and for mail, 194 Hillside Terrace. Groat Kills, S. I West St.. DllT. Marine Dept., Saiety Car Btg & LtA C HANSEN, Oad M. (H), V. p,. GeJlI. MllT.. Gen!. ~eillsurence Corp:. 80 John St. HAGEMANN, Oeo. E ( ). 0" HANSEN, Christen M. (24), Wks. Mgr.. ThoB. Hall Co., 51:1. W. 41st St., New PresB, 15NE. 26th St New iork if Aysoc. dedfitor. Mfg.,I,!dustlieB ROllnld i York, N. Y.. add for,naa. If ColumbuB Aye., Montclair, N. J. Oran/(e, J..., gil Or mail, ~93 N. 18th St,. E, HANSEN, Edw. H. (AM 21), Manegelllent Con.lIlta"t, 52 E. 19th St i0 ;:. :,; F~ :. t;,.-j "," I~ : -:~ :~ " ;i :!

177 NEW YORl~ :ME~lIIERB IN UN1TED STATES ne~ibeilsin UNITED STATES ~Sl NEW YORl~ t NEW TORl~ CITY (contdin~tsned), B II Tel Labs Inc. 463 West St., New NEW YORn:: CIlY (continue.l), HEALEY, Edw. A. (J 27),."a. lbn, e., HANSEN, Hans M. (J 27). Drllftsman. F. L. Smidth I< Co., 50 Church St., New.. York, N. Y., and for 7I1at!, Croton Falls: L II ue Olub. 1 E. 80th St. York, and fo. "",ii th St.. BrooklYn. HEALEY, Warren M W «A25~..,L f)e ~:bc~n~ti015ep: ~Vatcr Suppl), N. Y. Cit,), HARAZIM, StIlnley J. (J 27.), Mem. Tech. Stafl, Belt Tel. LIlbs., Inc., 0168 II..t HEANE~. Eugene,., st., New York, lind fo,,nau -Ubany San,lltoriUlu. Albany. ;", Municipal IUdg.: R)m 24~0. JIm Vollh contact Co., 280 Mlldison Ave., New H.o\.RDIE, Wm. H. (J 26). 70 W. ~Oth St., REANEY, Jos. F. (25,..., L B klyn HARDIGG, Jep O. (01.],1 22), all. Engr., Prat.Da.niel Ccrp., 101 :, York and fot "",ii, 00 Elderts ane, roo In~ 80 Maidelt Lane. HARDIN, FrllUk H. (21)" Ch. Engr. M. P. &; Rolling ::\tock, N. Y. Celltrnl n. R.,>. BEATH Rn)mond P. (27), Engr., ~I.rshi McLwn~nTel Grandview Co. Rm Lexington Ave. "j :: REBRAim:, Geo. A. (J 27), M!intenanco ngr.,..., HARDING, Adalbert (J 08), Business for Self, 30 Qhurch St., ond fo, muil. ~pt,. Pl., and for mai!\ 2126 Lorsnand PI Mf, New York and for mait, 8 DIlYIl"d lg, 485 W. 119th St. ". HECRMAN, Jas. O. (20), Cileney ros. te., HARDY.Ohllll. (.1..],1 18), MI:l., Amsco Products IIIC.,.u6 Drcome St. St., Lllrc\lmont. (J "7) Designer power PllbIlts, Thoe. E. Murray Inc., 55 HARDY, Gee. F. (05), Cons. Enl!:r., 800 Broadway. " HEDBERG, Torsten - I 707 S 1. k Ave HARGER, Fred D. (A-M 21), Sllles MIP., Pen11l1tit Co., 440 4th Ave. Ko\\ lork, ]) St., and for ",ai, 2 DecgwIc WIl1~r Kidde & Co. lolo Cedar St. and for mail, 7 John St.. Lynbrook, L. I., HIlIGIS Henry E (J 27) Exper., eve., t NJ HARRINGTON. Earl W. (10; 25). Engr., Charl!:e N. Y. Omce, Mfrs. Mutu.1 Fin N8\~ YOI\, N:Y., lind 10, mau, nd St.. Union &, y, 200 Madison Ave, Ins. Co.. Rm. 1207, 8 W. 40th St.. r BEI;ir. Rus,ell H. (28: AY,20), COJ~bustl~n E~i:~ell ~: 285 Madisou Ave. HARRINGTON, Edmund J. (19; ~.~[ 23.); Indus. Enl{;., Emerson Engrs.. 30 : t HEUIBERGER, Oscar W. (J 28~; ~EI. ET I GflEe: rrurrry Inc 55 Duane St., New Cburch St., New York, and fo, mal!. 78 Libert.! St.. Jamestown.. REIN Wm (A M 22) Asst to.... os.. d N J,or,. W"" (A" 22) 980 1st Ave. ",,~ HARRIS, Goodman J. (J 22), Enl\T., Republic Die Castinll Co Mott St., Y k N Y andfor,nait, 293 Forest Ave., ElIglewoo,. New York, ond fo. mail, 1202 Ave. K, B,ooklyn. HEINZMANN,,....u E Allis Chalmers Mfg Co. 00 Church S. "e, HARRIS, Grenvillo A. (07), Export Cons. Engr. Rm. 709, 15 Pork Row HEM, Elli! S. (J lo)ilbe;~2 ~l[h St B;ooklyn., HARSEN. Otis Y. (21), Asst. ~I. E., N. Y. Central R. R. Co., 112 E, 50Ih 51. York, and for ma " 140 w, 07th St HART, Chos. F. (H), Mech. Supt., New York Times, 229 W. 48rd St.. 1,., HENDERSON. Rlcllard,,c ~8J)"12) Co~tr. 381 Madison Ave.,"t. HART, Fredk A. (Il), Engrg., Calculating ~lclly., Rcmlngton Trpewriter Co,. HENDRICn;,. IVallace "(J )5) li E Fidclity &: CabUalty Ins. Co., 02!"berty ~ ". 974 Brolldway. :New York, N. Y., and fo, mai!, 2021 StlUlley St., Nelv Brit,ln,. HENDRICK~, Thos. G..- r. Conn... "1 St B klvn j! Ncw York, and fors7i1a(af, ~ ~20M)aPNo y" M~~~ ilepublic Flow Meters Co., 881 HARTER I Jr. (08; 21), Babcook I< Wilcox Co" 85 Liberty St. i. HENDRICKSON, Geo.. m.,., 0 H...RTFORD, Claudo (12; 17). Cons. Engr., 280 Madison Ave., New York, N, y,; l.di""n Ave. (07) V P Ch.ElIgr Manhattan Eloc. Supply Co., 11 and for mai!o 71 Oakland Rd., Ml>Plewood, N. J.. HENDRY, W. Ferris,..,... HARTFORD. Emest (A 1&), A t. Sec)., A. S. M, E., 20 W. 80th St., New York. P~"k Pl. AtE Steom Plallt Dcpt Elec BOlld II Sh.rc Co" and fo,...ail, 28 Cliff Ave., YOllkers. HENQFER. Jol>n. P N (2~, k UN yng~~cl, 104 W~od St" Rutherford, N. J., HARTLEY. Albert O. (18; A.M 25), Engr., Max B. Mlller I: Co., IlIc B, olld\va~. ~w or,. R" Steel sprillg Co 80 Church St. Ave. New York, and fo moi!, Spruce St., Queens "l1lege, L. 1. RENR~, Alex. S. (14)("l~~e A.:M ~25) Estimntor, ri;ullswick.j!roescl,ell Co., 208 HARTMJll,jN, F. M. (10), Dean Sch. Ellgrg., Prof. E. E., Cooper Ullion. HE!lRI:, AI..". S., Jr. ". 8a8 C tral Park W HAR"EY, Arthur H. (24), ~. E. Bowell Research Corp., 117 Liberty St., X", Fnlton St., alld fo"~~;7") Ad e~"r Genl,,{spr. Q. II C. Co., 90 West St., York, N. Y., alld fo ",au, 723 Jersey Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. ". HENRY, Hn.rold T. (A ",, V. D", HARVEY. Daniel Q. (12), Supt. Inspc., Fidelitl &: Casualtl Co., 92 Liberty St. ond fo, mail, 20GW(Jt\}2~~ Asst Dlst Supt. St Dept. OOllsltd. Gas Co., HARVEY, Wm. II. (J 19), Design Engr., West. Elec. Co., Inc., 468 West St., 50" HEN8RoY"ILIZnab ~~r.c~t.. NelV York, snd for ;ll4il, 1450 Ocean Ave., Brooklyu. York. and for "",ii, 207 Greello Ave. Brookhn. 15 I I I (J 17) 88S Centml Park, W. 2 d "t HARVISON, Louis H. (A.M 16), V. P., M. \Y. Kellogg Co., 00 West St., New Y\Tk, HHEE]iN1RSEl, J"olm,n A...C(Aae.lO). Bra:,cll Mgr" :Ko. FiN Apparatus Co., 51 E. 4 n ~, N. Y and for mail, 1130 Mrrtle Ave., Plaillfield, N. J. HASHAGEN, Jolln B. (J 20), Solos Engr" Johnsoll Servo Co., 28 E. 29th St" 5e" HENSHAW, Fredk V. (00): 6 N""sau ~t. f tt En lg 00 Inc., 117 Liberty St. York, N. "1., and for mail, 45 Zabriskie St., Je"sey Clt~, N. J. HERBERT, Fredk D. f~fi) OJ) P~~~i. Ee:~r~., Bro~vn; WI;~elock, Horrls, Vought HA!!KELL, Brodellck, Jr. (J 24), In\estlllellt Banke,, J. k W. Seligman II Co., 5~ HERNON, Jos. Li}~V~l "t Nc~~YOrl auil for...ail, 844U Bedford.\vc., DrEloolt!YDi\i Wall St. & Co., Inuc.,.. (Ol)~ V, ce.p,es"d~nt 10 12; Pros., Westinghouse ec. H.~SE:l:KS. Geo. \Y. (21; A }J 20), 50 Church St. ~, HERR Edw,"..,. HASLAM, Robt. T. (20). Mem. Exec. Stafil. Btond. Oll D8\ el. Co., 20 Broadwnkl. ~Iig. ~o". 15U B~olldW~. Y. Mgr. Hyd. Press :Mfg. Co., 420 Lexington A~e., HASSLER.. John M. (J 21). Engr., Semet ::iolva) Co., 40 Rector St., New Yor, HERR, Wl1lald H. ~ 23),. mai!o i98 Moore AvO., Leonln, N. J. N. y" "1ll1 for ",au" 50 N. Munn Ave., E. Orange, N. J. N.,V York. 11" a(}1 N I 2 d 5 )/o, V p Genl Mgr Coppercd Strip Steel Co., 19 W. HATTON, Morton (J 20), Indus. Div., Mech. Dept. Thos. E. }Jurrar. Inc., 5; HERRMANN, Kar A.,..,.., Dnalle St., New York, and fn. mai!, 1380 St. Johns Pl., B,ookl)D. HtlNl S~;, L (A." "1) S.les Engr., NatL Mete,.Co. 200 Broadway, New HAUSEL, Walter M. (J 18), M. E.. Ford, Bocon & Davi Inc., 115 BroadwllJ. HERRO,,,m , S B k1 n New yo,k, and for mail, 68 Hamilton Ave., Yonke",. York, 111l~ fa ",ad, J417(.~~t.hO~) JOos YR~P. Skoda Wks., 50 Chl1lcll St. HAUSLER, Han) F. (10), Officc Engr. Constr. Div. Am. Suglll Ref. Co., 11i," HEItSCIll1AliN, Arthur. " D ell C Elec Co 377 Brolldwa). Wall St., :New Yorl" N. Y. and, ~52 Rldgewood Rel" S. Orange, N. J, HERZSCH, Frederio H. (~l>h".;r.,p ug~.;:~~~ N. j. Fdy. &: Mch. Co. 00 HAWlilNS, Goo. W. (13), Asst. to Pres., \\ortbillgtoll Pump &: :Mclly. Corp., 11. HESCOCK, Etl N lll1 Ny ~t~n y)anci fo; ",ait; 60~ Rllymond St., Westfield, N. J. Bronelway. West St., e:v Oloi, Ell: Sinclair Ref Co" 45 Nassau St. H.~\:~~~If li5 \?.m~l~;~ Engr. Gas Co., 408 E. ll\tl, St., anll \,~~~E,JO~do~ tl.u ~27)N cr.;~kaf~~~a;;,~ ~:ii,etio:!~n21~~hnst~wel1~ir~~:t, o"t 5 to HCl.U;Jch,not.)" R~~l Est~t. Man.Ogement, Neh~lilngRndros BrlonnCx villle4.41, st. HAY. wu. 0., Jr. (A.}J 10), V. P., Elec. Secnrities Corp., 31 Na,sau St.,I HESCSE orp HAYWARD. Judson (15; 26), Secy., Ha)\\ard Co., 60 Church St.! 317 B HAZEN, S. A. (A.}[ 21), Engrg. Index, A. S. M. E., 20 W, SOtl, St., Kc\\ York, HE~NII ~Tho.laEsdA,..v.,or~0~~~d /r,~,gr:,:a\{ack Tr~~k~~ I~C., 25 Broadwo,y, and N. Y., anel for ",oil, 473 Waltham St., W. Newton, Mass. HEAD, Francis t0 6 ), Cons. Engr., 129 E. loth St. " 10. ",ai!, 48 Gramercy Pk n

178 :;r- NEW YORli: :ME:MJlEBS IN UNITED STATES ". MEMBERS IN UNITED BTATES NEW YOlll" NEW YORli: CIlY (oontlnue.l),,, IiEYDT, Fredk G. (J 24), Ch. Engr., M. F. C. Sllorlug & Foundation Co., IDe,;, 156tll St. & Garrison Ave. " ffeyman, Nicholas C. (J 26), Engrs. Asst., Test Wk l Consltd. Gas Co., 180 1, :, 15th St., New York, and at mail, 76 Union.~ve., Jl<ew Rochelle.,, IiEYWORTB, Emerson O. (28), Sales Engr., Holmes Elcc. Protective Co., 870 :, 7th Ave., New York, and 101,.nail, 68 Stuart Ave., Mamaroneck. :~ HICKS, Kenneth M. (J 24), Asst. Plant Engr., Bell Te1. Labs., Inc., 468 Weal," St., New York, and for mail, th St., Bollis, L. I., HICKS, Oscar P. (A-M 19), Snoles Engr., 50 Church St. HIEBELER, Harr~ G. (19; A M 25), Asst. Engr., Mech. Design Div., Elec. Bona & Share Co., 71 Broadway, New York, and for "Iail, 30 S. WlIShingtoJl at., Port Washington, L. I. HIGGINS Ellot W, (J 22), Maxim Silencer Co. 80 Churcll St. HIGGINS: Tlleo. J. (J 21), Leading Draftsman, -hos. E, Mur~ay Inc., 65 D~ane St., New York, N. Y.. and for ma.a, 26 Jefferson Ave., ]S. Plainfield, N. J. HILBERT, Ch:><1 D. (_~-M 21), M. E., :ford, ~.con & Davis, 116 Broadway, New Yorl" and or mati, st St., BaYSide, L. I.. HILDEBItAlSD, H. Edw. (20; A-M 25), Englg. Dir., Bakeries Servo Oorp., 285, Madison Ave. IllLL,,\ndrew (J 25), DesIgner & Draftsman, Ford l Bacon & DaVis, Inc., 115 I Bloodway, New York, and for mail, c/o DObbie, ~81 St. Johns Pl., Brooklyn. HIL~ E. Logan (08; 17), V. P., Am. Freight Servo Inc., Suite 1008, 17 Battery, ~l. HILL, E. Rowland (07), COilS. Engr., Gibbs &1 Hill, Pa. Sta... HILL, Ebenezer COO; 07), Pres., Oil. Engr., Hill Compressor I; Pjlmp Co" lui, Grand Central Terminal Bldg., New York, N. 1., and fa" moil, Sjllgle Oak, N, Stamford, Conn. HILL, Edg-a,r q. (21), V. 1:., Ford, Bacou & D..vis, Inc., 116 Broadway, New!or1c, ~. Y., and /01 mall J Monroe, La. IiILL, Maj. Geo. F. (H), Ch, Engr., Dept. at Markets, Municipal llidg., nond lor ",ail, ~5!l W. 152nd st.,. HILL, Howard G. (19 i..a.1l-i 261, Test Engr., Ry. Trnoflic & Sales Dept., Ie>:. 00.,11,J" Bo.tterJ Pl., New xork, N. Y., and jor tiulu" P. O. :Box Roanoke, Va. HILL, Nicholas S., Jr. (12), Cona. Engr., 112 E. 19th St. HILL. Thos. A. (23~, Cana. Engr., Pat. Law)er, 152 W. 42ud St. j HILLEARY, Warren (A :M 20), Supt. Engr. Dept., Rp~al Iudemuity Co., 1"~ William St. HILLS, Flanois J. (J 25), Fire Protectlon EUgl., Rockwood Spllnkler Co. of MSlB., 1440 BIoadwa~, ~ew York, N. 1., aud /0" mail, 217 N. 5~nd St., 1hll&delpbiB, Pa. HILTON, Lewie S. (J 28), Snoles Eugr.,.Am. Rolling Mill Co., 50 Church St, BUIMELSBACH, J. (ld), Cons. Engr.,: Rill. 807, 13U Liberty St. HINOKLEY, Herbert P. (J 25), M. E., Borne ScrYlllscr Co., 17 Battery Pl., New York, N. 1., aud fot mail, 5 Blalldwood Apt., Charlutte, N. C. HIND, Thos. W. (18), Engr., Tests &1 Cous. Engr. Quigler Furnace Spec. Co., 26, Cortlaudt St., New York, and for,nail, 143 Lindenwood Rd., Groat Kills, S. I, HINES, G. E. (21), Ch. Eugr., Ulen & Co., RUL 8705, 120 BroadWay. HINRICHSEN, Arthur F. (26), V. f., Sales Engr., Reed Eugrg. Co., Rm. ~068, 50 Ohurch St. HffiSCHLAND, F. H. (06; 16), Pres., Met..l &1 Thermlt Corp., 120 Broadway... HIRT, Louis J. (9), Cons. Engr., Cau.I: Genl. Finance Co., 26 S. William St" and for,nail, Apt. 22, HO Riverside Drive. HISS Geo. C. (J 20), Prod. Mgr., Walt!I Kidde" Co., Inc., HO Cedar St., Ne.. 1" xork, N. Y" and for mail, 264 N. Walnut St., E. Orallge, N. J.,i. HITCHCOCK, Fred M. (99; 07), Natl. Indus. Confcl cnce Bd., 10 E. 89th St" and for mail, 824 W. 83rd St.,. HOAGLAh"D, Ira G, (A 14), Se.,.., Treas., Natl. Automatic Sprinkler Asm., 80 Mnoidell Lane. HODGES, John L. (24; A M 26), Engr. Tech. Dlv., Marine DePt. Co.,.17, Battery Pl., New York, and for mail, P. O. BOl( 7~, IDtingvll l Tex. e, S. I., HODGKINS, Lawrence J. (J 28), Tank Steam Oper., Marine Dcpt., Stand. Oil Co, of N. d., 26 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and for mail, 64 Oneida Ave" Dumont, N. J. i 482 NEW york CITY (oontinue<l), HODGSON, Alec W. (10), Fixed Caplt.l Ell"r., United Elee.. Light &; Power Co., ISO E. 15th St., New York, N. Y., and 10 mait, 92 Mounl",in.-I.\e., Summit, HOE~N4R, JOB. F. (20; 27), Asst. to V. P., Baldwin Loco. Wks., Rm. 8005, 120 Bro.dway. HOEVEL, g. F. (21), Pree., Kodullcl Co., Inc., 2S5 E. 42nd St. HOFFMAN, Corbit B" Jr. (J 26), Supta. Asst., Central Union Gas Co., 005 E. 138th St., and for mail, 22 E. 88th St. HOFFMAN, Herbert G. (A-M 2,1), East. Regional Engr., Continental Baking Corp., 28" MadillOn Ave.; and for mail, 1844 University Ave. HOF;FbIAN, John E. (16; A M 22), Cuban Am. Sugar Co., 136 ],ront St." New "York and fat mail, 672 Mansfield PI., Brooklyn. HOFFMAN, Robt. J. (20), V. P., Prest-O Lite Co. Inc., 30 E, 42lld St. HOFFMAN, Wm. H. (J 27), D...ftsm.n, Otis Elev. Co., th Ave., and fa mai!, 1565 Grand Conconrse. HOG,\N, John P. (26), Mem. Firm, 1norsons, KlaPf Brlnckerholl & DOllglass, 84 Pm. St.. HOLBROOK, Dlo L. (99), Engr., Otis Elev. Co., th A\e. HOLDEN, Edw. A. (18; A M 26), Eng" Engincer Co., Rm. 1220, 17 Battery PI. ROLLAND, Fredk W. (A M 21). be. E., Postal Tel. Cablo (,0., 253 Broadway, Ncw York, N, Y., and for "ail, 176 De Witt Ave., Belleville, N. J. HOLJ,,\NDER, Emanuel (01; OG), t:ih. Estimating Engr., Otis IDe". Co., 200 lltl1 A<e, and fat mail, 155 E. biosholu Pkwny, N. HOLLI:\S Geo. G. (21), M. E., J. G. WhIte Ellgrg. Oorp.. ~b Exchallge Pl., " nolt.y, Ludwig F. (26), Pres., HollY Pneumatic S~Blems, lnc., 100 E. 45th St. HOLM, Sigurd S. (J 24), Enf/:r. Marine nspt., Tex. 011 Co., 17 Battery Pl., New York, and for mail th St.. Brooklyn. HOLbIES, Fredk S. (18), Bank Vault EnfI:T., 2 Rector St. HOLYOKE, Victor E. (A-M 25), Salesman, Hanley Co. Inc., 9 E. 46th St., New York, and for mail th St., Brooklyn., HOOD, John A. H. (27), Draftsman, Checker, Combustion Engrg. Oorp., 200 Madison Ave., New York, and for mai!, 853 President St., Brooklyn. HOOVER, A. Person (18), Irons &. Hoover. Inc., 20 Lexington.Ave, HOPF, Harry A. (A 18), Sr. b{em. H. A. Hopf &1 Co., 40 Rector St. HOrKINS, Will. P. (A 18), Sales 8: ))\slrlbutlon, KnocppeJ, Johnston &I Hastings, Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 341 Clinton Ave" Bridgeport, Conn. HOPKINSON, Russell (J 24), Cons. Ellgr., U. S. R\lbber Co., 1790 Broadway..\lORMAN, Alfred E. (10), N. Y., Mgr., Curtis Pneumatic Co., Rm. 620, SO.\lORg~W"dbl~t PhillP R. (25), Sales Engr., Guarantee Constr. Co., 140 Cedar St. HORNE Geo. Augustus (19), Exec. Engr., Merchants R.lfrlg. Co., 17 Vadck St. HORNER, Geo. R. (23), Engr., W. It. Grace &1 Co., Hnno"er Sq., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 466 N. GI,o,e St., E. Orange, N. J. HORNER, Oliver A. (A-M 21), Commercial Engr., Genl Elec. Co., 120 Broadway. HORSWELL, Alfred H. (.-1..)\ 2Ii), Dcsignlng Engr., Capax COIp., 420 Lexington Ave New YOIle, lind fol "Iail" 1110 Van AM St., AstOI,., L. I. HORTON, Aihert J. (22), R. Hoe,& Co., 504 Grand St.,-New York, and fa" mail, 103 Grandview A,-e., White Plal"s, HORTON, 1heo. A. (A M U), Juhn r. Hortoll (0., 2070 Stll Ave. HOSFORD, Wm. F. (16), COlllltlOUer lug:/, West. Elec. Co., Inc., 195 Broadway. HOSSAOll:, Archibald B. (J H), Asst. V. ~., Am. Appraisal Co., Rm. 1616, 120 Broadway. HOUGH, Dalid L. (O~: 92), ~CJotitl.ting Engr., Fowldatlon Co., 120 Liberty St" and or moil, 45 E. S2nd St, HOUGHTON, Chas. E. (99), Assoc. Prof. M. E., N. Y. Univ., Un;". Heights. HOUSLEY, Thos. P. (21; A-1l-1 28), Editorial Stail, Mclly. Indus. Press, 140 Lafay ette St., New York, N, Y.. and Jar,nail, 157 Camden St., Roselle Park, N. J. HOUSTON, Geo. H. (18), 44 W.ll St. HOUSUM Chenoweth CA 08), Resenrcll Dept.. Air Rcduction Co., a~2 Madison Ave., New York, and for,"ail. 23 Hamilton Rd., ::icalsdale. HOVEY, Otis E. (18). Asst. Ob. Engr., Am. Blll1~e Co., 71 Bloadway. UOVEY Walter F. (20), Enj1;l., Samlerson II; 1ortel, 5:1) William St. ll.owe, Robt. B. (A-M 191. En:>:,., Fidelity & ClISualty Co. of N. Y., 92 Liberty St., New York, alld A" liuli!, 110 Valcntine St., ~[t. Vernoll. 483 r ~ ; i;!i :11

179 ., ;\[E:\lBERS IN UNITED STATES N"EW YOUI>: CI11." (colluliue.u HOWELL, F.ank B. (01), Dir, Researcb, Am. Radintor CQ., 40 W. 40th St,.HOWELL, Henry W., Jr. (J 26), Oper. Dept., Cushman & Wakefield, Inc., SO E. 42nd St., nnd fo, mol/ W. 75th St. HOWES, R. V. (21), Engr.. sat.. Di~.,.Consltd, Gas 00., 130 E. 15th St. HUBBELL, J. E. (28), Pat. La\\Jer, 8 W. 40tb St. HUBBELL, Lwnan G. (J 27l. M. E.. H. L. Stevens & 00., and for mail, 55 layson A,"e. IIUBER. Fred F. (19), Oh. D.aflsmnn, Air Reduction 00. Inc., 842 ~ladison Are" NeW Yorl., and for mail. 80 Wal d Ave., Tompkit!s,"ille, S. I. HUBER, Jos. Henry (J 26), 209 E. 17th St. HUDSON, Darwin S. (15), Asst. Engr. of Constr., Oonsltd. Gas Co. of N. Y., 13.0 HUE~TlJ,tl1r~~ison L. (18; 17; ;28), OBice of Oh. Inspr., Bureau of Explosiv", 80 Vesey st.. HUGHES, Henry E. (16), Valuation Engr l Sanderson & Pc>rte,, 52 WilHam St,.. HUGHES, Peter F.. Jr. (J 24), Asst. Supt., TInns Lux Dnylij(ht Pictnre Sc... COIP" U7 Park A\e., New York, N. Y., and for mait, 108 State St., Pertb Amboy, N. J.. HULllEUT, Wm. R. (06: 12), Sales Mgr., Metal & Thennit Oorp., Rm. 2202, 120 llroadwa~.. HULlHAN, John W. (.A. 20), Sales Agt., Wickes. Boiler 00., 501 5th Ave. HULSE. Edw. Plercs (25), Pres., Slainless Steal ~lfg. Co., Suite 297, 1 ~Iadlson Ave. New York, N. Y., and for fl.ail, 688 Fairmount AYe" Westfield, N, J. Hl"L::il Jc,lm (18), V. 1., U. S. Steel Corp., Rm. 1812, 71 Broadwn). HUMPHREY, Gco. S. (01), Cons. Engr., Rm. 136, 27 Pine St.. New York, N. i., und fa"..."it, 109 Haddon Pl., Upper 1I0ntclalr, N. J. HUJdPHREY, O. S., Sr. (A-Y 19), Eogr. Plant Dept., West. Union Tel. Co., m BlOadwu.y, and for...ait, 170 CIOJ:emont Ale.. HUNEKE, Goo. H. (J 24), Y. E.. We»t. UnionSe!. Co" 196 Broad\\a~, New fo,k,.1 Q,nd /01" mau, 105 Crestwo9d A,e.! Crestwood. RU2ilICKE, C. Camphell (17; 26), Pat l.tty., 27 William st., New York, N. Y., and for.nail, Palisade, N. J.. HUNT, Harry B. (10), Engrs. Club, 32 W, 40tb St.. HUNT, Wm. F. \,Y4;.~ 08), Lifo Associate; Co,... Engr., Rm. 403, 80 E. 4211d St" New York, and lor mail, 89 St. :MarkS Pl., New llrlghton, S. I. I HUNTEU, Da\id W. (A.;}! 26)J. Y. P.. HWlter Mfg. &: C:om. Co" 58 WOlth SI.. HUNTER, Jas. F. (99; 09), \Jonstl. Engr., Oonsltd. Gus Co., 130 E. 15th St. IiU:STElt, Wm. G. (J 26), M. E., Englg. Drafting 00., 55 W. 42nd St., lielv York, and for "i!, 6823 Ridge Bird., B,ooklyn.. HUPFEL, Advllh G. (Hi), Il ea., J. 1.:111. O. Hup!el Co. Inc" Ho E. :18th St. HURFORD, J. R. (J 24). Ph)slciBt, Fairchild Aerial Camera Corp., 2iO W. 38th St. New 1"011\. and j;}r 1uail, 52 Orange Stl BrookIsn. RUSSEY, Ohas. W. (08"; 21), Oh. EnJ:1., O. B. Roherts Engrg., 26 Broadwar, New York, and for "luau, 40 01"eystolle Pol1;;. Youkcl~.," J HUSSEY. Thos. O. (AY 28), A. S. M. E., 29" W. 89th St., New York, and for mail, 2838 Alden,~\e.. Brooklyn. HUSSEY, WID. E. (04), Sec)., liejer Sniffen Co., 11 W. 48th St. HU~TED, Clifford 11. (10; A M 16), 61 W. 9th St. HU,CORINUS, Clifford F. (07; 18); Dlst. MgT., C1evel.nd Cralle.I:; Engrg. Co., 50 ;! Church i>t., New <olk. N. Y., und for fl,ail. 105 Stamnare PI.. We,1field, N. J. HUTOHINSON, DI, Cnry T. (94), Cooa. Engr., Sanderson & Porter, 52 William SI. HUTOHISON, Miller R. (12), Ples" Miller-Reese Hutchlson, luc., 90 \\""t St, ME~lIJEI\SIN UNITED STATE!; NEW YORl>: l\"e\v l:oiu" ( Il1." lcojltiulle(1) IliUA~I,~, ~;,c,.ett P. (.\,-;\1 24). ElIg.., Iuterllat!. Paper Co., 100 E. Hnd St.,.Kew.!Ollt, al~cl lui 1U-U~/., 2 HlUlIUtUll ~ \.\e. fonlierl:i. l:ig~~~;c~l~t~n l20), 1leas., Uelli. Mgr., :Nat!. Water ;Ualn (;Ieanlng Co., 60 lliglial:1...m, Harohl O. (. (18), V. 1., Gnnl. ClwlIl. Co., 40 R~ct.vl St. ISA.I.::il.I~~nt~~l14ih(;t:20 ), Indlls. Dept., Natl CJity. Co., 65 Wall St., alld /01 ISBELL, Geu. W. la-i>1 22), Imlus. EUlll., Gh... E. Bedaux BattclT PI " I Ntl~~ ~ol k. N. Y., und,fur luau, 110 Hex A, c., Chetltuut Hill, Philnl1clphltl Po: l I~EN~llnU, M~lten.s H. ( 18; A-M 21), Prod. Mg,., Combllstlon EIlIlI Il (;011]" ~3 ll,cad.::it., l\ew lork, ulld for """C, 8844 N. 21st st. Flushing. L. I. JACI,~UN, "ol~r J. (27), CIL Draltsmall, Alii. Laundry Mcby. 00., 025 Oth Al e., ;. alll! fol ",ad, Apt. 1B, 1950 Amllews Ave, JAOKOll, 1I0bt. O. (J 26), "~sst. to Plant Supt., DeLaVergoe Mch. Co. 910 E. 138th St., ami for matl, 1676 Ullhelsity Ava, J..o\.C~l:3U.N.: E. ~dl1lund (Iii; 26), Al:il:it. tom. E., Tiles. E. }luna), Inc., 55 ljuane St," ~.nw lork, lind fol "",it. 100u SOth St.. BIookb n. UCKSO~, Geo.,P. (A M 21l, Ch. Enllr,, Combustion EnA"l1o". Corp., 200 Madison.!.\c 9r New 10rk l and; jar,futtil l :N. 21st St,. Flushtug, L HCKSON, ()Ol. John PIlce (03), Asst. to. V. P., Genl. MA"r.. N. Y. Ediou Co. RUI. 702, ISO E. 15th St..," JAOKSON, Wm. Benj. (01), Mann"er, 12 15: Vice-P,C!Sident, Llle Mem lj"r; Hute Engr" N. Edboll eo., RIO. A.. U. 211, 18U E. 15th St, J.~COB. Louis Ohas. (21; A li ~26), Sec3., Albert & Kernahan lnc G,oud CCel;hul telwinai, New YOl k. UTIlI fur mail. 254 Plttchen Ave., BroJoldJn. J! ~~2 ~g~~~~nlav~~m 27), S\1p,r. ludus. Engrg. Dept., Ch... Hecbt,,," Co., JACOHI, ~dw. \V. (20), Salea );;ngrl\., Audiffren Refrig. ~{ch. Co., DO We,t ~t.. Nell 1.011, N, Y., and Jar m.ail, 05 W. 85th St., BaJonne, N. J. JAqonso,li, Franz (10 i 26). Pres., F. Jacohson EIlJl:rl\. Co.. 8,0 Chnrch St. JACOBU::i. TIl> D. s. (89), Mall.ger, 00-03; Vlce President, 03-05; Iresidellt, 16 i Aclllsory EIl~r., Bahcock & Wilcox Co., ~6 Libert) st. JA.C0!lt;~, Il~bt. F: (07; 12), Francisco & Jacobus, 611 5th Ave., New York, N. 1.. alld./ot ma,i, R1dgeJIcld, N J. JACOBY,., Hellry E. (~6), Coutr. Engr., 96 LlbertJ St. JAOQUE::;, Stullle) A. (20; A M 25), Eugr., Combustiou Engrg. Corp. 200 M..dlson A"... and fa lila,i, 120 W. 72nd St. JALIEN. Jolll1 J. (22), 552 7th Ave.. JANN~Eli, EIl1~t (A M 21), Eull1., Eagle Pencil Co E. 14th St., New Yol1:,..n~l f~",~,,.t, Little Neok R.d., Douglas Mallor, L. I. JAl\OlSIl,;, Geo. J. (A M 22), Desilluing Eng<.. Am. CJall~mid Co., 511 5th A\.., Ne,. lork. N. Y., and for fl14il, 122 Lon"fellow St., <)arteret N J JANSSON,.J0hu H. (J 24), En!lT. Turbine Spec., Genl. Eleo. do.,120 BroadwaJ, Nell I~rk, N. 1., and lor ma>!, 261 Ogden Ave., Jersey Oity. I>. J. JAROS.,~Itred L" Jr. (22), Partner. Jaros &: Baum, 116 W. 3Yth St, JEFFERSON. O. J. (21), Hend, Fuel Conserlation Section U. S. Shippiug Bd. 45 BlOa.dw.o.v. I I JEF~fa~I~~~ f,.~~~est R. (A 26), Dist. Mgr., Bernltz Furnace Appliance Co" 860 JEF~~~ON" Moncrief O. (J 28), Asst. Tech. Mgr., Vacu\1m on Co., 247 PSlk. JENIK"L,0uls A. (19; A M 21), Engrg. Dept., N. Y. Tel. 00., 140 West St. JENKINS, Emmons N. (22.: A 26), Comhustion EnA"lg. Corp Madlsou A\ e. Nc\\~... YOlk. and lor J1n-Cl1.t l,.1046 Bay Pkway., BIoaldyn.. I HUTOHISON, Miller R.. Jr. (J 27), Mecb. Research EnA"r., Premier Lab., 90 W..t.. St.. New York, N. Y.. and for ma,l, 105 Ridlledale, AI e., Madisoll, N. J..". JE!lIiIN::i, Harold B. (18:.I. M 22), M. E., Hej(eman Harris Co 800 Madison HUTTON, Mancius S. (08; A 19), 20 Gtb A\e.. A"e. lew York, and fm fllll{/.. 50 VirJl:inia Rd., Douilinston T. "1 HUVANE, Jas. F. (24;.! M 25), East, iilg"b Compressor Sales Dil., Chic.~.. JEm;:n,:~, Peter (21), Enl;!.. Feder.l Sugar Ref. Co., 82 "nust:..~ Pllewnatic Tool 00.; 6 E. Hth St. JENJj:IN~, Schuyler V. (J Z7), Mech. Dlaftsman, D. P. Robinsou &: 00., 125 E. HYATT, Herbert R. (12), V. P.,.~Ipholls QustocUs Chillllle) CUllsh. Co., ~;; li." 46th St., New Yof!!;, alld for mail, 1488 Ocean Ave., BrocklJn. St. JENH:S, Llywellyn H. (91), N. Y. Mgr., FIick Co., 39 OOlUalldt St. HYMANS, F. (12), M. &: E. E., Otis Etev. Co., th Ave. JENliINGS; Wm. 4. (A M 27). Asst. M. E., Thos. E. Murray {no. 56 Duane IMBODEN, Chns. (A M 27), Draftsman, Combustion Elllllg. COll)., 200 )/adison Ave.. New York, N. Y.. and for ma,~, 43 Ave, E, Box 58. Apt. l A, Bayonne, nlm~i:>tato, Gerardo (20), 4 W. 48rd St., NeW York, also COilS. EUgl. & Prol., t Brooklyn Poly, Inst.. 99 L1dUA"Ston St., Brooklyn 484 St.. and for "14,1, 814 W. 112th St. JEl!SEN, Alex. V. (24)," COliS. Engr., 1~9 nrondway. JENSEN, Arthur R, (A-M 18), Illstr. Automotive Electricity, Hebrew Tech I t 86 StUYlesant St., New York, and for mail, 561 E. 7th St., Brooklyn.. ns., 486. ~.~.,! ;

180 .~. r:. NEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORI>:: CII.Y (cqlltinued)., JETTER, Wm. (22), S!les Engr., 5 K F Industries, Inc., 165 Broadway, New York.. N. Y., and fot mad, 16 Pomander Walk, Ridgewood N J JOBIN, Francl. J. (J 26), Rm. 1507, 60 Beaver St..>- JOHNSEN, BJournulf (A M 22), Partner, GossJolm~en, 71 Murray St. ; JOHNSON, Allred (21), Cb. Eugr., Oombus~ion Utilities Corp., 60 Wall St., New : York, and fat mad,165 Kingslq Ave., W. New Brigbton, S. I...;. JOHNSON, A)vlll H. (J 24), Engr., Knrl A. Lefren, 171 M;adison Ave., New Yort and fot mail, 12 Parcot A,e.. New Rochelle. "1. JOHNSON, Andrew Farmer. (A M 18), M. E., E. L. Phlllips,. Co., 50 Church S~..\ New York, and fot mad Troy Ave.. Brooklyn... JOHNSON, David O. (07; 17), V. P., N. Y. Steam Oorp., 280 Madison Ave :. JOHNSON, Dean M. (14), Eaet. Dist. Engr., Dodge Mfg. Corp., 58 Park PI.; and.: t or mail, 486 Fort Washington Ave..JOHNSON, Eric Wilhelm (A ~I 2~)l- Designer, Wilputte Coke Oven Corp. 4695th 1 Ave., New Y~rk, and f~i mail,,902 Woodside Ave., Elmhurst, L. I. ;. JOHNSON,. Francs E., Jr. (16), V. P., M. W. Kellogg Dey St. JOHNSON, Fredk L. (AM 23), Mech. D.eslgner, Viele, Blaclnvell " Buck, Ii ~ Wall Sb New York, N. Y., and for mad, 459 Ellison St., Paterson, N. J. : JOHNSON, Herbert Walter (A M 22), Cb. Engr., Kennedy Van Saun Mfg. " Engrg. i Corp., 50 Church St., and for mail, 128 Maaison Ave.,: JOHNSON, Horace A. (J 28), Inspr., Thos. E. Murray, Inc. 55 Duane st New ~~r~: N, Y., and f01 lmii, Gaylord Terrace" Howland Ave., w. Engiewood, JOHNSON, Nathan O. (12), Engr., Hool,. Johnson, 842 Madison Ave.. JOHNSON, Raymond D. (11), Hyd. Engr., 67 Wall St. JO~SON, Robt. (13), Ch. Engr., Hecker Jones Jewell Milling Co., 735 Water 3~ JOHllSON, Roy E. (J 25), Sec)., Sales Mgr., Areca Mch. 00., Inc. 25 W 48rd St. JOHNSON, S. Everett,(A11 22), Dlst. Sales Mgt., Maine Elec. ~., 1S6,Llberty St,.:",.;... JOH~~?t~~ 1Vr,- M. (02; H), Oh. Engr., Improved Risk Mutual Fire Ina. Co., 15 ( " JOHNSTON. E. Wainwright (J 24), Engr., Grlscom Russell Co 285 Madison Av~ JOHNSTON,. Robt..S. (21), Nat!. Terra Cotta Soc., 19 W. 4~th St, New York aud f01 ma,i, Bays,de Blvd., Bayside, L. I. ", JOHNSTON, Wm. Stanley (28; 26), Engr., Stevens & Wood Inc. Suite lI Broadway..." JONES, BenJ. N. (04), Plant Engr.. Otis Elev. Co., th Ave JONES, Bruce M. (.~-~l 28), Sales Engr., Symington Co., 250 Park A~e. JONES, Da~ld R. (A M 19), Hayward Co., 50 Church St. New York N, Y. aud fat mad, 94 Thomas St., Bloomfleld, N. J. " JO~Sr ~. Lloyd (~ 27), Research.A,sst., Internat!. Combustion Engrg. Corp. 200 ~ adlson Ave., ~ew York, N.. Y., aud tot mail 6CO 40th St., Woodcli11, N. J: JONES, Henry B. (22), Mgr. N. Y. Office, Fullel Lehigh Co., 50 Ohurch St. JONES, Ira C. q 21), Furnace Engrg. Co., 6 Beekman St. JQNES, Jos. S. ( 25~, "Y., P., Dir. Engrg., Cha Cory" Son, Inc., ISS Yarick St. JONES, Russell C. (12; 19), V. P., Griscom Russell Co. 285 Msdison Ave. JONES, Saml. B. (24), Asst. Engr., West. Ya. Pule If, Paper Co 200 5th Ave JONES, Snml. B...Jr. (J 25), Rm. 1875, 50 Church ~t.., JONES, Sheldon ~, (J 27), Installatiou Dept., N. Y, Tel. Co., 120 West St New York, and for mail, 35 E. 17th St., Brooklyn..., I JOR~J: st P. (20), Colla. ludus. Eugr., Stevenson, Harrison &< Jordan, 19 W. JORDAN~Vm. Allen (03; 12), Pnrtner, Jordan & Wilds 805 Broadway JORGJi=N~~N. Olav E. (~), Worthington Pump " M~hy. Corp. 115 Broadwav New I: ark, and fot ma-.l, 297 Burks St., Forcst Hills, L. I.., JORGENSEN, Svend M. (AII} 26), M. E., Superheater Co., 17 E. 42nd SI. New York \ N. Y., and fot mail 1854 Alina St., Ellzabeth N J.,,;, JORY, Robt. (26), M. 1;:., Stevens" Wood, Inc.,120 Broadway and for mail 429 W. H6th St. " j JOWETT, Jas. H. (07), V. P., Ingersoll.Rand Co. 11 Broadway l 0 JOY, Jos. (17: A M 21), Mgt., Bans Renold, I~c HUdso" $t. and f01 mail. Apt. SA. 74 Barrow st.." JUDE, Henry (J 16), Steam Spec. Salea Dept., Manning, Maxwell & Moore Inc 100 E. 42nd St...,.,); JUDSON, Cyrus Field (17, 28), A.,;t. to Pres., Petroleum Heat & Po,ver Co 511 Gtll Ave. New York, and foj 7JJ.Cdl.. Ardstey-on~Hl,dson. 0. \ ; 486 ; :MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES SEW YORK NEW YORK CIlY (continue,\) JUNKERSFELD, Peter (10), Pres., Genl. Mgr., McOiellan & Junkel..leld, Inc., 68 K.l.HyI~~;:;~ (J 27), Sal;" Mgr., Consltd. Products Co., Inc., 15 Park Row, New Yoll, and for mail, 1461 E. 4th st., Brooklyn.. [ALB, Jos. (J 25) Struc..Draftsman, Bd. T"ausportatlon, 49 Lafayette St., and Jor 1nail l 1025 Hal"rison Ave.. KALEY, Geo. B. (13; 23), Salesman, Pettibone Mulliken Co., 120 B.r0adway.. KAPLAN, RanY (J 16), Engr., Equity Constr. 00., 25 W. ~8d St., and for ma,i, 1145 Boynton Ave. KAPLA:S, Harry G. ()9lJ Sal.. Engr., 1403 Nelson Ave., K,IRF:KIN, Y. M. (20), uons. Engr., 136 Libe,t.v St. KAREL, Fredk (A.M 21), Oar, Bd. Transportati~n City of N. Y., 49 Lafa)ette St., New YO"k, and to, matt, th St., Wmfield, L. I. KARLSON, Cbas. B. (A-M 22) V. P., Salea Mg,., Seamless Steel EqUIP. C~rp.,. 2~ Broadway, New York, N~ Y., and for.",ail, 85 Douglas Rd., Glen R,dge, /: K!R~i..fK, Alphonse (J 25), Engr., Draftsman, Bd, T,an.po"tation, 49 Lafayette St.,. NelV York and fat mail, 1840 M~rt!e Ave., Brookl)n. lullr, Alfred D. (15: A. M 19), Oh. Engr.. Auditfren Refri~. Mc~. Co., 286 Madison Ave. New York, N. Y., and Jor mail, 906 Lal«St., N~wark, N. J. KASS,\NDER, Amo R. (13; A.M 20) Ch. :\ceountant, De La\ er~ne Mch. 00., 910 E 18Sth St., New York, and lor Il""I, 15 Garden Rd., Pelbam :Manor. KATCHER; Mords (A.M 19), Cons. Engr., Modern Englg. Co., also V. P., Genl.!>!gr., Republl~ Die Cast Co., 318 Broadway, New York, and for Il,a.l, 1\39 40th St., Brool-lyll... I,ATl~S Edgar J. (16; 21), Cona. Engr., 203 W. 13th St. KATTE, Edwin B. (95; 01), Oh. Engr. Elec. T"action, N. Y. Central R. R. Co., Rm. 8~6, ~66 Lexington Ave. K~TZENSTElN Martin L. (03: 15), Mgr. Marine Dept., Worthington Pump &. Melly. Oorp., 115 Broadway, and for mail, 525 West End Ave. KAUFMAN Cllas. L. (25; 26), Indus. & M. E. Murrie" 00., 52 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and fot mail, 115 Lake St., En"lcwood, N. J.!(AUFllAN, Morris L. (18: 28), Arcb., li:ugr., Berllngel & Kaufman, 60 5th Avs. KAY Michael V (27) Ch. Engr., Indus. Dept., Am. Arch. Co., 17 E. 42nd St, KAY:U<, Oarl 1: (J 25), Instr. M. E. Dept., Columbia Unlv., 538 W. 120th St.. KE.~SBEY, Aertsen P. (14; A 25), Pres., Gen!. Mgr., Robt. A. Keaobey 00., 446 KEA~~~,S~hos. E. (14; 21), Engrg. Salesmen, Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co., KEE~~ ~~~~l"k (A.M 19), Genl. Sales MgT., Ingersoll Rand Co., 11 Broadway. KEEFE: Thos. E. (A 1~), Salesman, Swan." Finch Oil Corp., 522 5th Ave., New York, N. Y., and lot, 34 na.~der Terrace, l\ew Haven, Conn. KEELEY Wm. J. (23), Pats. " Inventions, Auto Pneumatic Action Co., 527 "". 50th St." and for ",ail, 417 Riverside Drive.. KEEN.AN, Chas. G. (J 24), 525 W. lust St. KEENAN, Walter F., Jr. (12; 25), Ch. Engr., Foster WlIeeler Corp., 165 B, oauway. KEENAN, Walter M. (A-M 17), A..t. Engrg. Mg-r., Thos. E. Mur,lIY, IlIC., 55 KEEP, Duane Henry St. (13), Jas. Baird Co., Inc., 4~ Lexiugton Ave., New York, N. Y.,, and fot Illail 24 lfonmouth Rd., Elizabeth, N. J.. KEHL Robt. J. (1 15 ; 23), Ch. Engr., Oxweld.Acetylene Co., 30 E. 42nd SI. KELLER AUen Wm. (J 21). Asst. Engr., Ernest P. Goodrich, 175 GU, Ave., New Yorl;, N. Y., and for.,"ail, Box 8, Croton. N. J. KELLEY. W. Morton (20; 20), Sales Engl., Roto Co., Rm. 371, 50 Olmrcll St.. KELLOGG, Morris W. (-13), Pres., M. W. Kellogg yo" 7 Dey St. KELLOGG, Rarnlond Y. CIS), Tests Engr., Consltd. Gas Co., 180 E. 15th St. KELLS, John D. (J 27). Piping Wk., Almirall & Co., 53 Park Pl., New Yo,k, and tot Il,ail, at St., Brooklyn.. KELTmG, Clarence A. (J 20), M. E.J. li:enn Well Contrg. 00., 45 E. 17th St., New York, and lor Ilail. 205 Midwood ~t., Bro01<1yn. KENNEDY, Jas. S. (15), Asst. Engl., Consltd. Gas 00., 180 E. 15th St. KENNEDY, Jeremiah J. (0"2), Cons. Engr., 52Broa(1\vay. KENNEDY, Wm. F. (J 22), Sales Mgr., Midwest Steel & Supply Co., 100 E. 45th St., N.w Yorl" and fat ",ail, 90 Remsen St., Brooklyn.. KENl\T DY, Wm. P. (13), Pres., Kennedy Engrg. Corl>., 1767 Broadway. 487 i i.:.. ". i ; i

181 .::,. r..,, i ;. NEW YORK ME:MBE;RS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORI<: CITY (continued), KENNER E. R. KENNl!:Y: Thos. L. (12 (23; 18) 26) B M F E G d I hr " 00 I c ubber Co Broadway. and for mail 1041 E 8rd St Br;okJyJO~ Wild &; Co t11 Ave. New YOlk, KENNY Wol d 11 mall, 862 W, 29th 26) St. A rc b" Draftsman, Otis Elav. Co., th Ave. and. lor" " KEOGH, Now Geo. York, P. and (A-M 23) Deslgnln E H for mail 22 W ~liv:lljt L enry B L. D10llert y &; Co. 60 Wall SI., : KEPPLER. Paul Wol (J 26) J il ong eac 1. " for mail, 2567 D~c.tur Ava r. Ensr, nited Eloc. Light &; Po,ver Co olld : KERCHN. _ Yorl,~I i. ~~~~11~ f~; :~;f3i!~y~~~~,,~io~.ensrg. Corp. 200 Madison Ave.. liel! I\ERINS. John S (J 12) COD t En.11,, New York. and for maa 6tA~thfi;St 10ymnsk E. Mmray, Inc., 55 Duane SI., KERIVAN J A (21) 11 yan. on ers. I\ERR, Edw. A... lesman, Ingersoll Hand Co., 11 B, oad w ay. " New Yori,. a~j f<!,.,~~! ~~I"Jr~:g;i ~:~t~lul1"l1je Corp. 292 Madison.\v~, KERR KESSLER How.rd Henr J (18) R "02" Cb Angrl SD",ers. Cfl. cpt.,,llabeack &; Wilcox Co., 85 Libe,!) 81 Liberh. St. YNe; t" ic!j 126). C?OlbustlOn Engl., Smoot Engrg. Corp. IsO KETCHUM SalUi (OS?i7) ~, 6779 D.r~mouth St., Forest Hms L L KEYES, F:ederic H. (02) Edito? C~taioirD dwel~god Inc. 140 Ced!. St:, ~th Ave. nd Jar ",Jll. 13U Oar.mont J..~e rag an, Lard &; Naglc (0., li3l " KEYS. Doul;las L (19 25) Su t TO Jar mail, lq66 Delamere,Pi. lrookly~ 0 17 Battery PI.. New York, and: ~rnrea~~rlew.jr. (13), Cons. Engr., 95 Liberty St.!II, "a ter (21), Pres., Valter Kidde & Cc B 1 Fd IUESELBACH. Beno) A. (J 14) Jol,ns.iIIanville"i:.12 a O w Ala Y " Inc. 140 pedn~ St, KILDNU" Y. nd 1m: mail, 43 ~tl. Ave. Montcl.~c N J dlson Ave. New 1ark, FF, FrederiC W (A 22) P w A. lilmbal, AIl"ed (,J 21). Cons En a ~ra ccountlllg MclL Corp., 224 E. 4Sth St. 23Id St. J.ckson Height" L r" 283 W. 42nd St., New York. and [or mail 230 KIMBALL rl. ht D,. KIMBER, H.~:: A. (~r) S~~~s EEnr, R~char~ P. Kimball Ca., 15 W. 36th St. York,.nd Jar mail )!ls Elk A:l NeElI~ Ctt)1 Iron Wks. ~65 BIaadwa." lie.. JII~TJ)LUND Martin G (15) Ma - W ac Ie c. Jfl~U.,\lvi~ W. (18; "19) ;Jem.ll~fr~rc~b~nf s:~dludndr.o& 17 Bnttolf PI. r.uig. Oyril J. (22) Secr 11 E Sma t ~ ep er 0 Church St. ~nd l"r!liail, J.St St: Fil1shin~ L f rg Corp. 136 Liberl~ St. New York, KING. EdWIn! Loomis (A U) I dust I.,, New Yorl,. N. Y. nd lor mau P "oe B~~ to~ W" ~m. 917, 17 E. 42nd St.. JIING, Eugene W. (12), Engr. Se:"ei-S~lv Co ew.nnan, Oonn. -.nd fa, mail. 251 P"ospect Ave. St., New l:a"k. K. Y., KING Geo I (01) D. _. ";d fa; ~;ail, 15 Str~~~~:-R:.d B;~~ki":~rtatlan. 49 Lafayette St., New York, KING. Kenneth J (J 24) IndE D. 46th St. u.. ngr.,.wlght P. Robinson" Co. Inc E. KING. Nonnan M. (17 22) Ch Eng SI S KINGSLAND F.ank. O (J ~7)E r"g Inger ewing Mch. 00., 140 Broa,h"&)" York. ";d for ~il 802 Av~gJ Br~~i Russell Co. 285 Mndisan Ave., New liingsley Wm. a (JM) Pur D; t 1:1 YDj,. KlNJE~" ti Y, and Jar mdi!, 14Bur~ett T~~~~C~ Yi~~l~v~~ Jl road".). Ke\\", 0111 W (J 26). Foreman F vi Soh i. KIN:~~NYoRI,k, N. Y and for mail. S09 Sth St. Oc~.n NJrj. Ca., 90 West St" =no, obt. W. (J 27) Engr Serv I C 5.., fa, mail. 561 S4th St...:e;oaklrn: e crp., 1 E. 42ndSt.. Jew York, nnd KIROHES. UalTY J. (23 A-M 26) Ensr Asbe t Bd Jt;e. New York. and for mail 9U~21081h it.csholi ollride of, N. Y 101 P.rk JlIR RIDE. O. Austin (J 23) S.ies En I Ot Ih s... ~RJINU Y.. and for mail, 21 :1laple Ter~a;;e M~pl~~0~0V60J 11th,Ave., New York. ",. p. Jos. P (OS 1 9 ) ~ast C1 E B.. XIRSCHKE, Pa~1 T. (A.:M;"24) P ~ Sgl" Cardon Co. 350 M.dlson,\ve. JIITfewH York, and fa, mail, ~til Sf(lIe~S.:;~ ~talte of N. Y., 30 Churcb St..,., o,vard G. (J 24) Engr A Pul... 10;; Bload".r. New Yo:k. and"fare,;:ait l;e\~\foerdbl?ept.a Fa.~er Wheeler Corp.,.. 0 me ve., lie... Rochelle. 4SR ~EW YORIi. CITY (continue.\) j(le~rl. n l E. (A M 23). Ellg,. McClellan & Junkersleld. I~c., 68 Trinity KLEIN, Bernard A. (A.Y U), Survey Eugr., Combustion Utilities Corp 1l~ Liberty St. nd fol ",ail. Allerton HOll". 14~ F.. 3Uth St. KlEIN. Henry G. (21; 2,,), T,ouble & Test Engr. Babcock &; Wilcox Ca. 80 Liberty St" New York.!I. Y.!loud for mait, 7628 COInell ave.. Chicago, Ill. KLEIN. Rulol (23). Engl,. Elec. Band &; Co. 71 B, oadw.y. New York. N. Y. and for mail. 35,Parlnvav, Ml)lltClair. N. J.. KLEINERT. ~.Ipb B. (21), Partner. L. R. Merritt &; 00.\ 250 Park Ave.. New YO"k, N. Y.,.nd for mail. 243 St.,nforcl Ave., Shlppan Pomt. Stamlord. Oonn. KLEMIN, Alex. (A.M 19). Daniel Gug/:enhehn Soh. of Aeronautics. N. Y. Unlv. Unlv. Iiell:hts. KLTTENlOK. M.rk (J 21). 686 Fox St. KLITGAARD. Carl E. (19). Supt. Constr. & Repair Dlv.. St.nd. 011 Co. 01 N. J. 26 Brcodw.y.!lew Yorl, nd fcyi,nail, 16 We.cott Blvd., W. BIlllhton. S. I. KLOCK. Basil I. (J 27). 211 W. 120th St. IiLOllFElJil. Harald (J 23). 300 W. 17th St., K:-lEELAND. Frank H. (J 00), Assoc, Editor, Coal Age, loth Ave. &; 36th St. Now York. N. Y. and for mail. 822 Beech St. Arlington. N. J. K~EEZEL, H.rry C. (A.:r.i 22), Prod. Mgr. Evans. Kip &; Hackett. U7 P., k Ave. KliIGHT. Carl Halsey (A.!I 28). Engrs. Asst. Consltd. Gas E. 15th St., New York. and for maa. 110 Glenwood Ave. Yonkers., j(}<1ght, Wm. (16; 17). V. P. Genl. Mg1., Junker. Corp. 01 Am. 3-l.2 Madison KNOBLOCH, Ave. Geo. H. (A.M 27). As.t. Supt.. Consltd. Gas E. 99th St..nd tot mail Webb Ave. KNOOP. Herbert D. (J 26). :M. E. Rome Bras. Radiator Oorp., 1 E. 42nd St., New York. and for mad, 265 Oce.n Ave. BroolUyn, KNOOP. Thea. M. (04; 16). to Mgr. bondenser Dept.. Worthin[rton pump &I MellY. Corp 115 Bro.dwaoy, New York. and for mo.\!, 25 OIarkeon Ave., KNOWLTON. Brookl)l1. 01, H. (17; A M 26), Asst. Engr. Equip. Engrg. Dept. N. Y. Ceutral Lines; 406 Lexington Ave,. and for mail, 148 E. 39th St. KNOX. Stuart Kelsey (21). Partner, Nicholas S. Hill. Jr. 112 E. 19.5t New York. N, Y and for mail, 10 Gren.da PI., Montclair. N. J. K}<"UDSE!I. I Carl H. (25). Pres. Knlldsen Motor Corp., 30 C1111rch St. KNUDSEN. Loul. R. (20; A M H). Audlfl~en Refrig. Mch. Ca.,,Rm. 2401, 285 Madison Ave., KOElPL. C.rl Geo. (U). Steam Generation M. E. K. G. Fronk. 76 West St. Rlld for mail, 265 :r.lcclellnn st. KOLEROFF. Bar!., T. (24). 554 W. 11ath St. KOLI,IGIAll. Simon... (,\.b! 24), Htf;. Eugr. MlIllie & Ca. 9 E. 40th St,. New Yorl,. and for mail, 1879 E. 2nd St.. B.aoklyn. KOKKOLY, Jos. J. (J 23). Draftsm.n. Intcrnatl. P.per Co. 100 E. 42nd St New YOIk nd for man, luo Union St. Brooklyn. KOPECK. Wm. W. (A.M 25); Plant Engr. G.lnlent Center C.pltol Inc th Ave. nd for mail Turnbull Ave. KORNFELD. Alfled E. (A. 11). Retlr«l. 124 W. 70th St. KORNREICH, Adolph M. (J 24). Pr.od. Enp;1., Al!g. Co., 416 E. 10Gth St. and fat mail."pt. 8 W. 8 W. 101st St. KORTEN. Elmer C. (J 24). In,;pr. Thoa. E, ~lllll.y Inc" 55 Du.n. St., New York. and fa ~.ail, P. O. Box 268. Sea Cliff. 1.. T. KRAEMER. Milton CI0; 1&), Oons. Engr" Pres. Foremast Engrg. Corp., Suite 1210, 350 M.dlson Ave.. KRAMER, Alex. E. (J 21). Draftsm.n. Detail &; L.yout Wk. 011 Power Bouse. Thoma. E. Murr.Y. Inc 65 Duane St" New York. a.nd for mai!, 311 powell KRAMER. St.. BrooklJD. Harold K. (J U), Asst. Dist. Oh. Engr. Llb.,ty Mlltunl Ins. Co M.dlson Ave. New York.nd for, P. O. Box 117. Groat Neck, L. I. KRASH. Ben (A M 20). :r.. E., Otl. Elev. Cc th Ave. KRAUSS. Arthur H. (20; A M "28). Asst. M. E. Elec, Band &; Share Ca.,. 2, Rector St.. New York, N. Y. and lor Mil. 254 Lenox A, e. S. Orange, N. J. KREISINGER. Henry (12). Research Engr. Combustion Engrg. Corp., 200 :r.ladl son Ave. :r.rembers IN UNlrEIJ STATES 489 NEW YORIi.

182 NEW YORI\: MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORI\: NEW YORI\: CITY (continued) ~... KRESH, Stanley (J 26), Eftg. Dept., Geo. E. Gibson 00., 441 Lexington Ave" New York,..nd fa. "0. 1, 200 Bay 32nd St., Brooklyn.,.. KRETSOHMER, Werner B. (J 26), Oarl Fischer Inc., Oooper Sq., New York, N. Y., and for mail, Pine TelTace, Demarest, N. J.... KREitr~v~ 2~~~nSt, (19; A-M 25), V. P., Oha"ll"a Sales, Alberene Stone (Jo" KRIEG, Edwin H. (J 26), Asst. Enl:r., Elec. Bonel &: Share 00., 2 Rector st New York, and fo, mail, th St., Woodha"en, L. I.., KRIEGSHEUI, H. (24), Permutit 00., th Ave KRIMMEL, Ernst C. (H), V. P., Werner Nygren, Inc. 101 Park Ave. IrROO!lS, John (J 25), 217 E. 199thSt.., KRUEGER, F. J. (A-M 22), Ellgr., Natl. Aniline &: Chem. Co., Inc., 40 Rector 5t KRUGLAK, Edw. T. (J 26), Struc. Draftsman, Bel. Transportation, City ot N. Y., 49 Laf..yette St., New York, and for mail, 2909 Burnside Ave Jackson. Hel/l;hts, L. L. ". KUEHLEWEIN, Julius R. (A-~t 27), D~sjgner, Combustion Engrll. Corp., 200 Madison Ave., New ~ork, and for mail, 19 Park Pl., Oakwood Heil:hts, S. I, KUGLER, Arthur N. (J 26), JI. Engr., Barker &: Wheeler, 11 Park PI. and for mail, 203 E. 60th St.." ll:uhlen, ~redk (16; A-M 23), College 01 City ot N. Y., New York, N, Y. and for mall, 491 Main St., H&Ckensack, N. J.. :\ KUHLMANN, Rud?U H j (J 24), Thermo Products, 101 Park Ave.. KUHN, Geo. W. (22; 25), ErJer. Sup, r., Genl. Enl:rg. & Management Corp. Broadway, New York, and or mail, 471 Willoughby A,e., Brooklyu. KlJBl,0r;ilRlerstard F. L. (A 22), Standard. ElIgl., Do La Ve!:ne Mch. 00., 910 KUM~~f,~W~~.~oi~~ ~V. \;t~21)t: Design & Constr., Spec. lichy., WID. S..phier. KUNZ, Wm. J. (16; A M 19), Prod. Engr., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 200 :Madi aon Ave., NOlv YOlk, IIond for mat!, 132 Brewster Ave Flushing L I KURTIN, Morris M. (J 26), Elliot C. Brown Co., Inc., G~and Cent;al Terminal New York, and, for mail, 603 S. 6th Ave., Mt. Vernon. KURlf9tl;r~ik. (J 23), Copax Corp., 4~0 LexinSton Ave., and fa, mail, 200 W. KUYLENSTJER;NA, Adolf (22), M. E., Am. Gas &: Elec. Co., New York N. Y. and f01 ma.i, 232 Iona Ave., ~arberth, Pa., KYLE, John liontgomery (J 26), As.t. Supt., BIng &: Bing Inc. Mlinger Hotel. and for mai!, 630 W. Inst St., KYLIN, Hjalma: (27), Designing Engr., Semet Solvay Eng!:. Corp. 40 Rector St, and fa. ma,l, 163 E. 51st St., L.A.BOULAIS, Jean (J 27), pe.isner, Combustion Engrg. Oorp., 200 Madison Ave" Ne,.. York, and fo,, 198 Greene Ave., Brook!}n. LACAZETTE, A. A. (16; A M 21), Rw. 816, 26 Broadway. LACKENBACH, Armand E. (J 25), &: Schrenl" 50 Church St LAENCHER, Fred W.. (17), Ch. Ellgr., A. Kimball 00" 307 W. Broa.dway New York, and fo m~.l, st Rd., Elmhurst, L. I.., LA GRECA, AII:od ( 24; A M 26), Draftsman, N. Y. Edison Co., 44 E. 23rd Sl, and for mat!, Manhattan Shop, 185.BleecKer St. LAM~~I~0"Av~~ancls(A-M: 23), M. E., Tex. Co., 17 Battery PI"..nd for mail, LAMBERT, Jos. L. (21; 26), Boomer-du Pont Property Inc. Sherry Netherland LA lier, Jos. S, (J 22), M. E., Clyde R. Place, 70 E. 46th St:, New York N Y: ami for ma.l, 115 Sylvan Ave., Leonla N, oj., " LAMMERS, WsI~er N. (J 27), Johns Manvi j Is.Corp., 292 Madison Ave. New York alld fa. ma,i, th Pl., Bellaire, L. I.. LA MONT, Walter D. (25) Stoehr &: Sons, Inc., 200 6th Ave. LANCASTER, Wm. C,. (12\, C)I. Engr., Trallsit (omm., 270 Madiaon Ave. New YOIk, and ff mati, 163 Olmton Ave. New Brighton, g. I. LAND, Frsnk (00), Asst. F. C. Engr., United Elec. & Power Co 130 E 16th St., New York, N. Y., and fa. mail, 4 Mendl Terrace Montcl~ir N J L~~:, Fred (22; A M 25), Htg. Engl. &: Contr., Land~s Htg. Co.,1241 Jerome., LANDFEAR, Geo. H. (A-M 17), Leading Draltl;man, Thoa, E. Murray Ino., U :,, DIIDne St., New York, N. Y.,..lid fa, mail, 100a W 46th St Bayollne N J. LANDRETH, Olin H. (83), Vice Preaident, 86-86; Oo~. ElIllr.,"156 6th :) 49B IS! NEW YORl\: CITY (continued) LANE. Robt. S. (21; ".M 23), As.t. M. E., Interborough Rapid Transit Co., 600 W. 60th St.. P k A LANESE Peter A. (A.M 251 Teacher Shopwork, Bd. 01 Education, 600 ar ve., NO/ York, and fo, 7l14i, ~ th St., Elmhurst, L. I.. LANG, Chas. (05; 16), V, P., Bergen & Lang Inc., 50 Church St.. LANG, J. Gustaf V. (18), COlle. ElISIB., 8 W. 40th St. LANG Martin M. (J 22), DIaltsman, Morse BougieI Destructor Co., 466 Lexlng t~n Ave., and for mail, 057 Kelly St. LANG, Richard T. (26), GenI. M\lr., Am. Volth Cont&ct Co., 280 Madison Ave., New York, N. 1., and fo, ".,,>1, 117 Park Vlow Ave., Wee!lRwken, N. J.. LANG, Wm. (J 26), Cil. Draltsman, Goss & Jollnsen, 71 Murray St., and for ",, " LAN~~8F~;;:S\01~. ~,:,~,; A-M 2~), Asst. Engl. oi De.ign; Unde All Products 00., 30 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y., and for m"il, 35 Yahara Ave., Rutherford. N. J.. C LANGE, Walter O. (}4; 21; 25), De~el. Engr., Residuum Recla"!atlon. orp., 1 E. 42nd St., NOv York,..nd for mail, 141 Nelson Ave., Grent KJlls, S. I. LANGLOTZ Robt. (94; A 04), V. P., Lanl(lotz &: Co., 59 Pe..rl St., New York, and fa; mail, 392 HOl t Ave., W. New BIighton, S. I. LANGWORTHY, Ross A. (19), V. F., Geni Mgr., Rutba Accumulator Co.. Inc., 292 Madiaon Ave. LANK, Clarence H. (A-M 19), Snleswan, Sims Pump Valve Co., Rm. 1101, 2, Rector St.. LANZ, FIedk J. (A M 21), Designing Engr., Continental Paper & Bag Mills Corp.,. 100 E 42nd St., and for mail, 281 Wadsworth Ave. LAPPIN, jos. (21; A-M 22), Pre., Jos. Lappin, Inc., 122 Gleenwich St. LmDNER lionry A. (Ol), V. P., J. G. White Engrg. Corp., 43 ExchanSc Pl. k LAREW, j, Lee (A.M 21), M. E., Bell Tel. Lab.., 463 Wist St., New Yor-, N Y. and fa ",oil, Main St., Conlogue Ave., S. Ambos, N. J. LARHis, Salvador (J 23), Allis Chalmers MfS. Co., 50 Church St. LAROCCA, Jobn A ( ), Sales Eugr., Tex. Co., 11 Battery Pl.,..nd for lilail, 1406 Townsend Ave.. LARSEN, Harry E. (A-M 23), Pre., Relrig. Constr. Corp.,.140 E. 25th St. LARSEN JOlgen (J,27), DesigllOl, Draltsman, F. L. Sm.dtll & Co., 50 Church St., New York, and for.nail, 273 Park Pl., Brookl)n..! - LARSON, Clifford M. (25), Supvr. Engl. Ry. Sal.. Dept" Siucla>r ReI. eo., 40. Xnssau St. "I LASK, Fredk (A-M 13), Adv, Mgt" A. S. M. E., 29 W. 30th St., and for m..., 616 W. 150tll St. LATIUM, B. W. (161 EnSr., Munie &1 Co" Inc." 45 E. 17t11 St., New York, and, Pellnsl vania Ave., Tuckal,oo. LATTER1, Alfred (J 24), Design;"S Engl., M. H. Treadwell Co., 140 Cedar St., Now YOlk, N. Y., and for.nail, 21 R..rrlson Pl., Clilton, N. J. LAU, Anton S. (27), M, E., Cros< &: Croes, 386 Mndlson Ave., New York, N.. Y.,. and for.nail, 36 Woodland Rd., Bloomfield, N, J. LAUER Herbelt H. (H), Constr. Ellgr., Atlas Portland Cemont Co., 25 Broadway, Nelv York, N. Y., and for mail, 7068 McCnllum St., Philaclelplua, Pa. LAUG Jos P. (J 26), Draft.nlan, Community InternatI. Corp., 46 W. 24th St., N~w York, N. Y., aud for ",, 411 Belgenllne Ave., Union City, N. J. LAVERIE, Marshall A. (J 26), Aast. Inspr., Robt. H. Leverie Inc., 17 Stste St. LAWRENCE, FI anl. V. (21), Gen!. ~{gr., Interstate Equip, Corp., 25 Church St., New Yorl" N. Y., and fo. mait, 1814 Deumark Rd., Plainfield, N. J. LAWRENCE, Howard B. (18; 26), Ellgr., H. L. Doherty & 00., 60 Wall St. LAWRENCE, John H. (11; 20), Manager, 24 27; Vice Pr..ident, 27-29; V. P.,, Euglll:. Mgr., Thos. E. Murrny Inc., 56 Duane St. LAWRENCE. Philip (J 27), Interborough Rapid Transit Co., W. 59th st. Power Sta., aud for mail, 200 W. 78th St. LAWRENCE, Stillson F. (J 23), Geo; F. Hardy, 306 Broadway and for mail, 22 E. 38th St. LAWRENCE, W. H. (25), Ch. Oper. EnSr., N. Y. Edi90n Co., 130 E. 15th St. LAWRENCE, Willis (17), M. E., Iuterborough Transit Co., 600 W. 69th St. LAWSON, Wilbur D. (J 27), Asst. Ob. Engr., Fuel Engrg. Co. ot N. Y., 116 E. 18th St.. LAZEAR, Weston B. (15: 19), Dist. Ml:I., Stephen-Adamson MfS. Co., 50 Church st. 491 ~ 1. ",

183 . i,.": :NEW YORli: ME}IIDERS I~ U:NITED STATES NEW YORI;: CITY (contilme.l) ", LE"CH, Olins. H. (20 A.bI 26) P C. H. Leach Co., 225 Brondwnl; i LE"CH, Rn} I (J,.~) ~ t E for ma-ii, iilo W.-i6th ~t ngr., res N. Y. Edison Co., 415 E.,l,Oth St., and:~~ LEARloiARIl M":dlson Ayc: Geo E (A 19),res., P IllternaU. Combustion Engrg. Corp.,!OD. ~E.1.Rl, Geo. (Ill). Pres.Il Trens 11 I &: C - Red H"uk Lig-ht 0: Powe, Co. 0p~:.&I "TllIllS Dredging Co. ; Pres..ll Tr..., ". Statc St., and for lii"ii 15 Mo~~e St r"as., Geo. Lcary Collstr. Co., 11" LEASK. Jolin P. (23) 211;1 V. [,EE, Nixoll (10; A.M "13) P,es P. L:,aFo P Ii d" ~ En,g.g.., Corp., 110 E. 42n,1 St.. and fo, 1I1OiI. H Iv) Close Forest :r1!ji"h {!O~p., 622 W. 67th St. New lark,: [,EE, Randolph H. (J 21l. Sal~5 Engr N~ :;. ", th AI e., Ncw York n;"1 fat ;Ila~" 1?,~lot ~e~;;1 ~hpplbldg. & Dry Deck Co" :~ r,.e. "Ill. H (00) V l T. t t -- e. ey " Dreoklm. LEEHf!, E Edw. L. -(-IG) y "P ~.iporda IOn Products Co., OU W. I31st St. Blo..dwn~~....,.. 1 Cd- enlent.-polld Co., fl"utt & WhitllCJ" CO I 111 LEFEDVRE. (lab"lel F (J 04) S C. 311 E. 42nd St., a~,1 fo, fl,aii \I)~~7 ~;ISt~(j UnAioll Carbldo &: COlbon Corp., LEFFINGWEU" W. H. (:\, 21) P ~ lell an ve.. " wa)..,.e., Lcffillg-well Ream Co., RDI. 1810, 949 Broad " LEPREX, Karl A. ~ (J5 "0) C E, l.egetfe, ~Inl\\n.-i. (24" ol.:m 1"6 OilS.,a g,;.,. I7I liadl50n Ave.,!ew York, all(1 fo, lii~ii 55 HJ,;.~fPI C~ltlskMI~h. Dept., 247 W. 16th St., LEGCW Wm. F (!\. 1-) SI E., roo )ll. LEGIER Edw ii" (AM:. a es llgr., KeUogg Co., 7 be) St. LEHMANN: F{1lnl,itll i (J ~4j, Am. Blower. Co" Bm. 770, 50 Chulch St.. St.. ~n(l. for 1nail, 2;-1S dl~e:t~~lca~~sjguet, Bd. Trallsport~tian.,*9 LJlf~~ C!tte t~i ~~TH~~~c,:~JVA.~.\;IO), Coi,s. Engr., 410 W. 28rd St.. Co.: 130 E. 15th(St:) GenL Supt. Power Plants, Uuited Elcc. Light & Po"" Lebl,\... Edgar >\ (J 26) Sal E" F LEMI,EY nellj i" (\ 11" ) es u= I., IiIk Oorp., 50Chmeh St L~:\U, H;ellri B. (22): 67i5I~h~~mJt:"01ler, All!. Radiator Co., 40 W. 40th St. :1 LENlJEROTH,.~"lIoltl W (23) P G! Libert) St.., res., enl. Mgr., COllsltd. Eug. Stop Co., 120 LEONARD, LEOX,\RD, Chas..~ibertF. P. (13) (I8)Co Ch Engr.,. F rallciseo. Sugal Co., 100 Wall St. LEON"RD, alld Wm. 11. CJ 26), P~b Wf. E~,9.Wall ~t. fm mail, 71 Caryl A"e Yonk~18 gig. COIP,, 40 Exchange.PI. Kew York,,; Le PAGE. 29 W Clinonl SOth StN B (13) Y k!\.:i. S CC)., "tnllcarel : I.~.. ledl. Committ",,.\ ~ :JI E 1i ~ LERNER: Philip i..: (J~20)>r -c~~~jo~ mai!, I Romall.~.e. ForeRt, Hilis: L: I.., i Yori" and fo, mail, 167 Dumont A~c;;"YB~o~~~l~IY Co Chambers St., NeI i" LEUDEUANN, 11 Park Pl. Albert V ( ),ngr. E., & N."Y. ; Rep., l[eu, s. Kane & Ofeldt Co"!. LEVIN, Vladimer Z. (A M 21) G 1M R LEVINE. Bellj. (J 24) Stru ;n. gl., e~1 Estate, W. I07th St. 1.: for mail Apt 10C 1844 c n.":if A lld. TlOnsporlat,on, 49 LQfasette st and LEVIT Leo J (i " r) an, e.., 694, ISO E. I~~~lt~wer Plant Dept. UDited Elec. Ll"llt & Power ao., Re,. LEWIS., David J., Jr (9) M E S I A Broadway, New York, "N: Y.: lllii!.,gr e,~air88lf[fssolpyors.ris Co.. Rm. 78~, 2SS LEWIS, Nathan (J 25), 40 E. 98th St. glls., Oran"e, N. J.. t~~i~ :e~,a~ E. ("!-9), Eng... Ba~coek &: Wilcox Co., 55 Liberty St... LEWIS, w";"e"; ~~ (~~6. ~~.,..::hl Eng. Dept., Ingersoll Rand Co., 11 Broadway..1 Ins. Co., 1 Ne;.IVo:i..~ ~per. dpfower ~llant, Metropolitan Lil. clair, N. J. J,." "I an OT ma\, 891 Grove St. Mont LEWIS, Wm. J., Jr. (18 "S) Ice Supvr N tl Pub 8. New Y,?rk, and for mdil:oo7srd St., B~OO:ll;.. era. Co., 166 Broadway, " LIBBEY. RIchard 11. (IS; 17) Colts Patent Fi e A LIB::vl~k.t Y.. and for 1I.~il, 617 Franklin A"a rk~t~~ic. NCoj 20 Vesey St., i," 01~ 1 A. ( 2~; A-1I 2G). M. E.. J. F.. Ogden c.: i - t. ~ew l:ork, :N. \ a"d for lilai/, S6 E. 3Mb St.. Da)om;;, ~~J, 140 Liberty:! f 492 MEMBERS IN UNITED SlATE~ :NEW ynrli: XEW YOR1<, (ITY (conlill uell ) LIEB*-J~~"EriY~e~t6J.: ~~nlf.e~5~~9~r.0; Viee l, ident, 00 08; V. P., Ganl Ygr., LIllBOWITZ, De"j, (20; 25), 416 Ft. Wasbinlloon Ave. LIGHTOWLER, Geo. R. (10; A.1 19), Gen!. Sales YIP., Safety Lift Co., 16. Bealel St., New York. and for mail, 21 Nassau Rd., Little Neck, L. I. LILLmllIDGE. Ray D. (A 07), Pres.. Ray D. Lillibridge. Inc., 8 W. 40th St. LINDDERG, Erl1est O. (A-Y 26)\ Engr~, Kuy Scheere r Clo, p., 119 7th Ave., New York, ami for!, 86M. Hi IBide Ave" Jamdca, L. I.. LISDEMtTTH. F. I... (14: 23). Perin & Marshall, 40 W. 40th St. LINDENKOHL, Henry (17). Engr, Constr. Worthinllton pump & Mcb,. Corp. 115 Broadway. New York. N. Y., llnd fo, mail, 805 Highland Ave. Newark, N. J. L1J(DlTOHSl, Will. (22), M. E., Semet 501vo11 Co., 40 Itectc,r St., l\ew York, N. Y., and fl» ",,,,il. 72 4th St.. S. OranJ(c, N. J... LINDLAR, Wm. (A-M 22). Cons. Engr. Wm. Li",Ua lr 96 Liberty st. " L[!:\1)NER, lia"l A. (20: 28). M. E. Am. Smeltinl: & Ref. Co., 120 D, oodw.). LIls"DQUIST, David L. (21), Ch. Eqgr., Ot!. Elev. Co., WO 11th Ave., New Yorlr, and lor ma1l. Hortsdale. - LINDSAY, W. E<lw. (96). ~I. &I E. E W. 100th St. LINDSTR01[. John A. (11), Strue. Eugr.. Genl. Cbem. Co., 40 Rector st., New York, and lor,"ail. 121 Oces",, BIool<lyn. LlliliF.I,I.., Oliftun W. (A,M 23). Re. Engl., Grinnoll Cn., Inc., 1 Libe. ty St., New VOIk. anel fo, mai/ I67th St. Flushinl:. L. I. LlNSLEY. Lieut. Comdr. Leonard N. (25), U. S. S. Yel\a, cia postma.ter. LIPKE. Leopold H. (A.M 10), Owner, I;1Ike Tool Wk" 408 Broomc St., Nel" York, N. Y., and for mail. 91 Lindsley.-I..e., Newark, N. J. LIPSCHITZ, Jacob (J 24), Draftsman, Bd. TI ansportation. 49.Lafa) ette St., and LISSON, for mail. Reube;, 181 (21; E. Droadway.,,\,.)1 27), N. Y. Dist. Sale& Mgr., Petroleum Reat &I power Co., 511 SUI Aye., and fot mail, 482 Fort Washington Ave.. LITCHFIELD, Norman (23). Y. E. Gillbs &. Hill. Cons. Enl\rs., Po. Sla. LJTH(~OW. R. P. (17; A.:M 20), M. E.. Ford. Bacon.Is Davls, 115 Broadwa)". LITTLE, Harry (27), Combustion Engr., Foster Wheeler Corp" 165 Droadway, Ncw York. N. Y.. and fo< li",ii, 1342 Geolgo St. Plainfield. N. J. LIYERYORE. Wm. T. (.~.Y 24), EUllr., A.lltomoti, e Equip.. Am. Tel. &. Tcl. Co" 195 Broadwa), New York, N. Y., and for!, 049 W..tfield AI e., Westfielcl, I N. J. LIVINGSTON, n.. T. (A.11 22). Instr. M. E. Dept., Sch. of Engl g., aoilllnbia Untv. LlUOSTOK. Robt. n.. (06), Cons. &. Constr. En/tl., 2 llecto. St, LLORENS, Carlos A. (J 26) Asst. En~"., Union Carbon &. Carbide Co., 30 E. 42nd. st. and fo,- mail. 565 W. 170tb St. LOCKWOOD, Marquis H. (17), Mecll. Expt" Pat. Atty.. 2 Rector St.. LODGE, Harrie 11. (J 26), Asst. N. Y. Sales Mgr., Edge Moor!lon 00., 420 LOE~, Lexinl\ton Leo (II; Ave. 21), V. P., Natl. Elec.. PoWCI 0"., 57 William St., l\ew York,.ct. Y., alld tor mau. 302 Pa~l, St., Uppcr Muntclalr.!\. J. LOEiFFLEll, Flitz (24). Pres. Techno Sel" Corp. 46 W. 40th St. LOEWENSTEIN, Dr. Louis O. (18), Cons. Enl\l" Rm. 2516,2 Rector St. LOEWY. Geo. J. (14), Dir., BUleou Voeatioljal Acth\tles, Ild. of Education, City LOFGREN. of N. Y.. G. 500 E. Park (A-Y Ave.. 20) Cb. EUllr.,. Ruths Accumulator Co., Inc" 202 Madison Ave. LOMBARD, AmericuS (A.Y 24). Struc. Draftsman, Dd. Transportation. City of N. Y. 49 Lufa)"ctte St., New YOIl" allll fo, ","ii, 215 Schellu<lhorn St., LO!\G.. Brookl) II. Jobn E. (J 25), Spec. Engr., Lima Loeo. Wk. Ino., 17 E. 42nd St., and LONGWELL, for fllail, Henry 2322 LorinI: E. (01). Pl. V. P. Pierce Butler &. Pier«Mfg. aorp., 41 E. 42ud st.. New York. and fl» m!til. 123 Brewoter Rd. Sellr"lal.. LOPPIN, Alex. J. (A.ll 18), Asst. Supt. Iuspe. Dept. Fidelity & Casualty Co. of LOllSOH. N. Y.. Edwin 92 Liberty S. (03), St. Mem. Firm. Susfielcl. LOIocll & Schilmnel, 153 W.23rd St. LOSS, Isldor n. (J 24). Engr., Gcnl. Elec. Co. 120 lll oa,hray. LOUMEAU. EUlIi (J 23). Ghero, Eugr., Bowen Rcoea,ch Corp Libe.t" St., ene :\p\r Tnrk. and for mail, th 8t., B, ookh n. 403

184 i\ew YORIl: HEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES ".,. 5 :r MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORl~ :. NEW YORK CIll- lcontlnne,l) LOVERIDOE. Henry (A 1l7). ~{ji;r., D.vis Equip. Co., S W. 40th St. LOW. Fred R. (S6: 12), VIcePresident. ls 20: President. 24: Editor. Power, McGraw~11l Co., Inc 10th Ave. & 36th St., New York, N, Y., and for mail 1156 HarrIson St., P.SS.,C. N. J. LOWE, H. Lel.nd (08: H). Stone &; Webster Inc. 120 Broadwas. LOWE, John (A 21), Sales Mllr., V. P M, T. David_OIl Co., 154 St LOWEN~TEIN. Herbert n. (19; A-M 25). En!n"., COll,lbustion Enll;r/l:. Corp., 200 Ave.. New York, N. Y., and for mail, 76 Van Reipen St., Jersey Oily, LOWRY. Ge~. A.,cJ7: 23), Pres., <!Ona. EIll\l. Lowry. &; Gr.nt, 79 E. 130tb S~.~ LOY. Je.n 1. (J 2,), {ndus. Engr. Sle"enson HardBon & Jor~.n 19 W 44th Sl New York. N. Y...nd for mail, Swayzee, Ind.,.,. LUCAS. Geo: Parker (A-M 21), M. E., Gas Co. of N. Y., Hunts Point Av~. & E. R"er, New York, N. Y., and for mail. 156 Hamilton 5t R.hw., N J LUOAS, J!s. A. (21), Ch. Dr.ftsman, HcGraw HiIl Co., Inc., 36Ih St. &: 10li, A~e: New 10rk, and for mail, 91S9 111th SI., Richmond Hill L I LUOAS. Thea. (24). 46 W. n.t St... LUCKE. Chas. Edw. (03: 08). Prot. M. Eo, Columbia Univ 632 W. 120ih 5t. LUOKMER, Will. (J 26), M. E., 414 RiversIde Drive.. LUDEMAN. Edwin H. (A 04). N. Y. Rep., Sltinner Elig. Co. 165 Bro.dwa,y LUDLOW, Che.ter W. (J 26), Sales Enll;r., Ingersoll R.nd Co. 11 Bro.dw.y New York, N. Y.,.nd for mail. 672 Highlnnd Ave., New.rk N: J. LUDLOW, G. Richard (21). Yanal:illg EllIlr., Franciseu & Jacobus, 611 6th Ave.,. New York, and tor ma,l. 123 Chester St., Mt. Vernon. LUDLUM, Albert O. (18). Pres., N. Y. Engrg West SI LUDWlG, Alwl. (J 25), F. G. Shattuck Co., 58 W. 23rd st.; New York, N. Y.,. nd tor mad, US Summer St.. son. N. J. LUIG~!. Marlo L. (A M 21). Asst. to Oen!. Mgr. Mfg. Genl. Motors Ex~ort Co., 1" 5 ~roadwny. New York. and for 1U..aU, 11 Mount Tom Rd., New Rochelle. r,un. Me...,tt (A 26). Dept. Mgr., McGraw Hm PubJi.hlnll; Co 475 loth Ave LUM, 0. Jr. (A 20): Servo EnJ:\"., COlllm91clal.~lctyi~nc Supply Co., 80 Bro.d...y. Ne,,: York. N. Y.. and for mail. R. F. D. 1, EIi.abeth, N. J. LUND. Nels B. (J 20). Ellll;r., Field Erection, DO"r Co., 247 Park AV~. New York.lId for filail. Seaford ){anor. L. I.., T,U:NDBERG, Osc.r F. (21),)1. E.. Otis EIev. Co., th Ave. I,UNDEI,L.Geo. A. E. (20). Pat. Atty., 120 B, oadw.}... LUNro~R~i:ii~~wl~e~AY 16), V. P. Genl. Sales Ygr:, Coulbu,tlon Engrg. Corp. LUN~T. _Ernest C. (J 28), Test Eng. Consltd. oas C~. 408 E. l11th St. New Yorl N: Y...nd tor mail, 264 Ogden Ave., Jersey Cily. N. J.. LUONGO. ~hchael. (J 24). M E., Geo. F. Hardy, 806 Broadway Nelv York and for matl, Srd St. Fluehinl:. L. I. " LYLE. Ernest T. (18)" V. P., C.rrier Engrg. Corp., 89 Cortlandt st LYN~~, Donald D. (J 26), Rese.~cb A,.t., Internati. Combnstlon Engrg. Corp., *.0J~dIson Ave., New York, N. Y" and for mail, lu9 Morse PI., Englcwood. LYNOH. Jas. G. (J 2S), Sale. Engr., InternatI. FiltP.r Co., RD) Bro.dway. LYNE, Lewis F., Jr. (17; 21; 26), Oil Specl.llies Co 89 Cortl.ndt St. LYON, Cha.. S. (21). Equip. Engr., Gen!. Motors Corp 224 W 57th St New York, and Jor mail. 15 Davis Rd., Port W.shington L. I.., LYON, Tracy (9S). 156 E. 78rd St.. LYONS, WStm~.:r 1 (J 24), Supt. Constr., Thos. W. L.mb, 644 Sth Al e., and for mai! 961. ",,;"Ie lolas A"e., LYTtr~ig~~~S, W. (16; 21: 28), Dlr. Indus. Co Operation, N. Y, Univ., Uniy. MAAli. Cb.s. (A M 16), Ficll! Enl\l"., Combustion En/p"g. Corp., 20e. M.dison Are New York. N. Y., and for moil, P. O. Box 388 Fords N J., )1AB~:;rL~I~~~rAl~;. 25), Sales Engr.,.ROCheste~ &Plttsb~rgh Coal &; l1on Co., ){.ccllor)dlaok, John G. (A M 21), Mgr. V. P., Godward G.s Generator Ill~ 980 raa way. J "... ~[accud~in. Alex.. A. (27),. Cb. Engr., Banett Co" 40 Rector St. /oi.\cd1s0snthai;pi El"dlD D. (J. 24). Yech. Draftsm.n. De La Vergne Mcb. Co. 910 E..~. n for,"a,l,.\pt. 8W, 108 W. 8Ub St.. 49~.,:.! NEW YORK CITY (continue,l). MAODONALD, JOB. V. (96; 17), Yem. Firm. Ron.ld H. Macdonald &; Co., 501 5th MactO;;ELL. Francis M. (J ti), Engr., Foster Wheeler Co., 166 Broadw.y. liacfarland, D.vid H. (A 18), to. Pres., Atl.s Portland Cemeut Co., 26. Broadw.y, and for ma,l. 610 P.rk Ave... 7 MacGREGOR, Wm.rd H. (21), Adllsory Engr., Deering, M.lbken & 00., Inc., 9 MacIt;JO~W, ~;Uler L. (16), Aast. Engr. of Constr., Consltd. GIls Co. of N. Y., 130 ~ct 1:~~w~~ (J 26). Pur. Agt.. Cooling &; Air Conditioning Corp., 81 Union SQ W.ud for mail. 181 E. 08rd St. MACKAY, Geo. W. (J 26). Superheater 00., 17 E. 42nd SI., New York. N. 1:., and for mail 87 Zabriskfe St., Paterson, N. J. d UACKENZIE, J.~. J. P. (J 27), Sales Engr., Walworth Co., 61 E.42nd St., an for moil. 661 W. ls6th St.. PI MAOliENZIE, Kenneth O. (A 17). Cons. Chemist. Tex. Co., 17 Battery MacLAREN, M.lcolm N. (99). Mgr., Nord.berjf MIg. Co., 11 ~ro.d\v.y.. l!aclehose Francl. (20) Sup!, WaterSide Sta., N. Y. EdIson 00., 666 1st Ave.j YacLEHOSE Maitl.nd (A~{ 27), Snpt., Waterside Dock Corp., 1 Broadway, an for maii, 605 W. 166th St. B d St lfacnamara, M.ttbew J. (A Y 21), Old Time Mol.ases Co., SO roa. MACON. Wm. W. (OS; A 11). ManagIng Editor. Iron Age, 289 W. 89th St. 1Iac8WEENEY, Henry M. (A M 27). Ch. Engr., Radio Eleo. OOI p., 50 Church St. MAffiVATTY. Funk L. (J 20), Engr,, A.ono Busson Co., Rm. 801, 166 ~ro.d\vay. MAOY, R.lph G. (111; 19), Cons. Enltl 150 Bro.dw~,.nd for mati, 46 E. 66th St. MAOEE, Oeo. H. (A.~{. 21),,M. E., E. L. Phillips & Co., 60 Church. St. New York,. N Y and for mat!, 2S9 Vreel.nd Ave.. Nutley, N. J. MAGUiRE J D. (11), Pres., M.gI!ire Rubber Co., 200 6th Ave. MAGUIRE: W. J. (A-M 19), Opel. gr., Madison Sq. Oarden Corp., 49th St. &; YAIlfE:,v~..S. W. (19; 24). Salealromotlon Enll;r., Otis Elev, C~., th Ave., New York, N. Y., and for,,,ail Glenwood Ave., Jersey Olty. N. J. YAILLER. John P. (A n 19), M. E., Ele~. M.nDp;ement &; E!ll;rg. Corp" 67 William St New York, N. Y., and for mad. 180 M.ln St., ~{adlson, N. J. YAIN. o. Curtiss (17: A M 21). Secy., Aqua Oll Se1V. Inc., 2 Lal.yette St. MALANY. Fr.nk Y. (26), Pres., Genl. Mgr F. M. Malany Co., Rm. 689, 149 YAL~~~~w::UI D, (J 26), Office MIP., R. R. Dept., Jobns Manville, Ino., 292 }[AJ:l~~I~~nH~(;24). Interboroup;h Rapid Co W. 59th St. MANDEL. Arthur C. (18: 26). Pres., Acme Pump & Tank Corp W.. 44th St.,.nd for mail, 66 E. 87th St. MANN, G. F. S. (A M 28), Ass!. S:ngr., De~gnlng Dept., N. Y, Oentral R. R. 406 Lexinp;ton Ave" New York nd for mad, 140 Henry St.. Brooldyn. llann, Nel.on T. (J 24), Sale. Engr.. Ingersoll Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New York, aud (or mail. 42 Ol.remont Al-e. Mt. Vernon.. llannerberg, Ed",. G. (J U), Dr.ftsm.n, GenI. Inatrument Co., 477 Broadway,. New York aud for mail, 66 76th St., Brooklyn.. )laidiing, 1e;cy J. (J 27), Draltslll.n, Stevens &; Normanel. Inc., 513 Washington st.. New York nd fot mail, 78 HendrIcks Ave., New Brighton, S. I,.. MANTIUS otto (16). Cons. EI1Jll th Avs... llapf.s. n.nlel (J 24), Devel. Engr., Walter Kidde &; Co., Inc., 140.Cedar St. 1" New York and for moil. 77 Stu.rt A, e., M.m.roneck.. MARANTZ. Is;.el H. (J 22). M, E.. Mfrs. Engrg. Serv., 181 W. 85th St., New.. : York.nd tor mail, S8S Wyona St. Brooklyn.. YARnURG. Louis O. (09). Secy. Treas.. Marbur~ Bros.. Inc.. 90 West St. liarkfeldf.r. Chao. F. (A Y 24), Engr., FIdelity & Oasualty Co., 92 Liberty St. YARKOWlTZ. Harry (J 26), 541 E. J2tb St. MARKS H.rold Jd. (J 28), Supt. Bldg. Constr., Edg.r Ellinger, 21 E. 40th St., and fnrmail, 28 W. 73rd St.. MARKSON Alfred A. (J 2,0;), M. E., N. Y. Ste.m Corp., 280 Madison Ave., and for m~il, 663 Riverside Drh-e. MARKUS Emery (J 24). V. P., Weltb..r Plumbing Corp., 706 E. 2Uth St., New York, and for mail, 8605 Forest 1kw.y., Woodhaven. L. I. 495 :;" :f.: I ~. :1 :. 1~.. r 1..

185 ;~,, XEW YORK :1>IEllBERB IN UNITED STATES, NEW YORK CITY (contblued). MARMORSTEIN Bemald (J 25) C n t E B. N. Y., and for mnfl, 065 Ocean ~~/. J.:i-~~" C~~IW yaywnrd Co., New York, MARSH t Jobn H (J 24) Ret ED" cia b ~, N. ana for mail Apt ,1 r OOn, St r ondlue. Y. Co., 175 Christopher SI, t h MARSHALL )URSHALL Ern Jase~we:t t ho~~3rafi " ~awrer, arshall &0 Hawley. 19 W. 44th St N. Y., ~nd f~r fiiai!, Pr;sp~ct ~sl~~"ao~~f~s f BJIlJi Ii,~" Penn. St... l!<ew Y.r~ MARSHALL, Stewart M (07 10) P ve.. ns 109 Ridge, N. J. < MARSHALL, Wm. Crosb!" (oi. 09) Ealt~erIPJ"in 01: Mal.hall, 40 W. 40th St: and for mail, 333 E. 43rd St. DIPg D ex. A. S. 1>[. E., 29 W. 39th St..;. MARTIN, CI,.s. A (J 24) D"afts V I B -. - MAR~N, ~~~~\ka,~,fo(;ljjm)aib\ 45th D~~& ~o~~llulf~k~~~~b~ys~je~kt.. 4f. Wall 51,;,- 42nd St. nrge Pat. Dept., FlaDkhD Ry. Supply Co., Inc., 17 S..\ MARTIN, Geo. W. (ll) Pres. N Y Serv C 141 E ;\ MARTIN. I,ingsley L. (119l, Pres:, E~gine~r c;; 17 Bat~~:~ ~l J MARlt~, Mo.ttbew T. (26). Engrg, Spec., Webster Tallmndge, am: Chu"h ~ ~IARTIN. Robt. D. (J 25) Engr N Y St C and for mail, 155 Bri~ton Rd. Ga;dene~~" 0r"! 280 Madison Ave., New YOlk, MARTIN, StepheD M. (J 27>, DeveL Engr Purecold Pr d t C. New Yorl., N. Y., and for mail 6 VaU PI ~!.. t o uc ~ [P" 21 E. 40th St,. il1~:{:m ~If <;19), 90 Scbolleld St., City IS!,mgms own.... Npw \"O~k..ran~ ~~;~~iia"m &~;~~o~~llj;; R~Mr ~Idgs. Corp., 21 E. 40th St., tl~~~i\r.ricok P,~,dro p.:oi), Prcsl P. Martlnto i~c., 23 i~~~:; St " "I m. uorlmer (J 21) Y P \ P tl. C MARi orlc, N. Y., and for mail, 968HUIst;ie.;;~ ~1:I"r:ft~i~ J.,/J5 Broadway, NOI, Geo. (19; A M 07) to A t t E,.. Brondwny, and for m-;il; 208 E. 83ro"S~ma co ngr., West. UnioD Tel. Co. Is.;, MASEK, Cyrill A ~I (22 A ~l 2~) D I. Corp., GO Wali St: and formail 1319 e l s t g na er, Draftsman, Combustion utlllties ~ MASS A Robt F (04)S a ls ve. < St.: and fo;,nail: 10s5sp~~~"1vc:.rbondleNew York Co., Inc., 175 Christoph" " MASSEY, Harold (J 23), Mgr., Engrg Dept Stand Gs E C MAS~~b~E\iJf"1: Y(J" ~~6d) /0;;,n l "iid I31 F~lrmou;t A~e., lh~~iten~~~k lj ~. 41st i.,-. ",,", 1. raltsman Otis Ele, Co tl1.1. "ew Yorl" N. Y., and for mai!o 68 M"ple St. GarJleld N J., ve" MATCHETT Thos ("1) V P Genl M R b C Row, New Yo~k, N.Y., llndfor,,;a ~~R/d ~S o;veyt.n g Belt Co., 18 Pork MATLOCK, Chauncey (13) Cons M E 9~9B. v~ asbac, N. J., } MATILAGE, Rudolph F L(J 23) At" E roa way. : ; New York, and formail, 163 Wlntf,~~p ~frb~~i~y Smltb Co., 10 E. 89tb St, ;! MAUGER, David N (II 00) ~ t. t p" n. AUNS ew York, N. Y., and iorli.~l, 6~ H~~~rt:B:~~oc~il~~VcW~o., 85 Liberty St., M, Fronk J (J 21) Engr Dept A t ti iv,.. MADfttf:ewI YOlt~ Nw,"y., n;d for,na~!:~ ~~3St~s~t.un~~~e;~; ~{"J95 Broad,,ora a (23) ~"Ies Engr Itew B il C. New York, and for ",ail, SO~Llnden BI;:d. B an~t a er a., 47 W. 42nd St., MAY, Inc. Edwin 67 W. ~L 44th (A M St. 16) D- t. M L ~oo... n.. IS gr. ub. &; Fl1tratlon Div., S. F. :Bowser II; Co. MAYER, th Elmer.\ve: J (,\,.],{ 22),._ MEN " a. tl BISCUlt.. 00., 85 9th Ave., lldd for,nail, MAYER, Ferdinand W (J 24) I E L Ph" ;, mail, 382 Wads,vo;th Ave co.. ilhps & Co., 50 Church St., add lor MAYO, Albert R. (27) Oh D ft I, N. River New York N y ra SOlan, nte,rnatl. Mercantile Marine Co. Pier 00.- MAYR, liarl A. (AM 27> S " "~d for li~ad, P..0. Box 186 Basking Ridge. N. j:.,. F,nnk, 75 West St. pee. ngr., S,emens Schuckertwerke A. J., cia JI. G. McAD,\M, John V (10) Pres Tr R - 99rd St" Ne,~ YOlk: and Ior.,~::il 3SV8~~~\Mrih: Co., Revol~te Wire Co" 417 Eo McAULIFFE Pierce J (19) P t H 1 nvewnr, Hastmgs on Hudson McBRIDE, J~lm J. (A-M 17) E:~~e6~r 8g";;ford A & ~caullffe, 26 Cortlandt si. McOALLISTER, Wm., Jr. (26), Sales E~g:nsJ. w.,. nk" eoggco.,7deyst. Uar & Fay. Co., 30 Ohurch St 490 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK NEW YORK CIlY (continue,\) YeO.HiN, Leland R. (J 21)1 Pat. Office ))lngr., Am. Can CO L 12~ Broadway, Ne,v Yorl:::, N. Y., and for malot, 1.:13 PQ.lmelee Ave., Hllwthonle", S. J. McCARTHY, Justin H. (A-M 22), Rcs. Engr., H. S. Fergnson, 200 5th Ave. McC,\IlTY Ja. g, (21; A.M 26), Mech. Designer, McClellaD & JUDkersfeld, Inc., ~!cola1ll1l, 68 Trinity John PI. T. (A.M 26), Owner, Jobn T. McClarlty Real Estate & Ins. Co., YcOLELLAN, 210 5th Ave. Geo. F. (18), IllSP1. Engl. Pub. Utility Propertie.,. Henry L. Dol.erty &: Co" 00 Willi St.... ~lcclellan, Wm. (05), v. P McClellnn &; Junltelafeld, IllC., OS Trinity PI., Nev Yorl~. N. Y:. tuld lor mail l lelhq)lcs, PD..,lcOLINTOCIC, Jns. R. (23), Partncr Firm, Fnller & McClintock, 170 Blonuway. McCLURE, B. Onrl (21), Genl. Mgr. IllOulation &: Power speclnltles Dept., Johns Mamllle, Inc., Rm. 2077, 296 M",lison Ave. l!cclure, Cllas. R. (22; A.M 25), Mgr., N. Y. Office, Balley Metcr Co., Rm. 3S3, 50 Church St. - McOREA, Hnrry E. (J 23) 640 \V. 1431<1 St. McCREERY, J. Harald (J 10), Jas. :McCreery Renlty Corp., 8 W. 41)111 St, -- McCROHAl<, Edwlu B., Jr. (J 27), Asst. Naval Arell. & Engr., N. Y. Yacht Lu,lI1ch & Eag. Co., Morris HeIghts, n",1 fo, ",ai!, 16S Waverly PI. l!cdermotr, Cbas. C, (A.M 22), Pres." McDermo~t Water Heaters, Inc., 101 Pari. McDERMOTT, Ave. Jas. (20; 23), Sales Engr., S. Robt. Schwartz & Bro., 5.1(; Broadwa), New York, and fo, lilail, 32 nst St., B, Ooklyn.. McDON,\LD. Donald (20), Genl. Supt., Am. Mcter Co., 105 W. 40th St.. }lcdonald, Jus, (26), Ch. :MarIne Engr.,,\Dl. Hawaiian Stcam Ship Co., "ew Yorl<, and for ".ail, 75 8th Ave. BlOolUyn. McDONALD, Wm. H. (21), CI,. Engr., Hell Oate Sta., United EIec. Light &: Power Co., 1320d St. &0 Locust AVe., lind for "",ii, 2695 Briggs Ave. McDOUGALL, Malcolm A. (J 27), Eng... Asst" Dept. Utlllzstion, COllsltd. Gas Co.,.408 E. 1Iltb St New York, N. Y., and for ",ai!, 37 Tulip st., SUlIlIDlt, N. J. McDOWELL, Hugh D. (J 23), Am, Water Wks. " Elec. Co., 50 Bload St. McEN...NEY. Peter F. (A.Y 21), East. Sales Mgr., Stzcey Bros. Oas Constr. Co.. :McFARLAND, 350 Madison Walter Ave. M. (83), Vice Presldent, 05 07; Mgr. Marine Dept., Babnock & Wilcox Co., 85 Liberty St.. McGEE... Thos. A. (J 24). Advisory & Comb\lstlon Engr., Furnace Englg. Co., Inc., 6 J.leelunan St. andjor mail, 345 W. 70th St.. McGHIE, Malcolm S. ( 2.1), hlarketl!.~ Counselors Stafl, ],!cgraw llill Co., Inc.,. loth Ave. & 86th St., New York, J)I. Y., and for ina-ii, 101 S. Mountniu AIe., Montclair, N. J.. ~!cginnis, Clawford P. (A 17), Rm Grnnd Central Terminnl. McGOWN, Clalk Y. (18; A.!d 22), Supt. Meter Dept., No. Union Gas Co., 1816 McGRAW, Webster Jas. Ave. H. (26), Pres., McGraw Hill Co IllC., loth Ave. II; 36th St. McHOLLAN, Jas. A. (A-M 17>, 116 E. 19th St.. MoIL"AI]!, Boward S. t23), Engl. W"re Radio Co., 529 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y., and for Inal!, 235 Joralemon St...Belleville, N. J. Mcll/TIRE, Chas. V. (17), Oons. );;ngr., 06 J.lroadway. McIVER, Ale". (13), Westinghouse Elcc. &: Mfg. Co., 150 Broad",a). McKEAGE, John A. (A-M 2.1), Pres., Treas., McKeage SeU Mehy. Corp., 424 Broome St., New York, N. Y., illnd for, 163 Montr(Jss Ave., Rutherford, N. J. McKEE, Neal T. (07; 12), Asst. to V. P., Superheater Co., 17 E. 42nd St. Mcli:ENZIE. Jolln C. S. (17; 21), Lub. Engr., Vacuum on Co., 01 Brondwn), New. York, lldd for mai!, U Hubert PI., New Rochelle.. McKERNAN, T. W. (.A.M 21), M. E. B. F. Sturtevant Co., RDl. 2149, 420 Le.,<lngton Ave... McKIEVER, Wm. H. (00). Pres., Wm. H. McKiever, Inc., 2~7 W. 13th St. McLAIN, R. Ii. (21). Sales Agt., Gen!. Elec. Co., 120 BroadwllY, :rnd for mail, 338 McLAUGHLIN, E. 41st St. Harold J. (J 26), Elec. Dept N. Y. Central R. R. Co., R,m. 841, 406 Lexington Ave and fol mai!o 1969 Rycr Ave. McLEAN, Embury (20), Tre..., Engineer Co., 17 :Battery PI. McLEA~, Jas. S. (26), J. G. White Engrg. Colp., 43 Excbange PI. 497 i i.,,.

186 ,~. j\"ew YORK ME!IBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED 5T.~TES NEW YOltli NEW YOR,Ii: CITY (continued) MCMILLAN! Luther B. (13; 19; 27), Manager,.27".80; Cb. Engr., Jchllll ~ Manvil e Inc., 292 1>ladl.on Ave...., McNALLY. Keenan J. (20; A M 27), Engr., Mecb. Dept. N. Y. Times, 229 W. 43rd St., And for,nail, 2259 Dathgate Ave.., McNAUGHTON, Ja. (03), Baldwin Loco. Wks 120 Broadway. McNEAR, WID. F. (J 26), 1>lech. Lab. Asst. Interborough Rapid Transit 00., Nelf York. N. Y., and fo,,,,oil, 169 Roseville Ave.. New..rk, N. J. Nlnv YORK CITY (continuepd) A E Michel & Staff, 132 W. 81St St. MICHEL. A. Eugene" (06(,;,.A,;~))M r~protis EI~v. Co., th Ave., New York" MIDGLEY, Fredk.,. U>,,., and for mail. 11 Saratoga AveA~on~:~~I Wk!. & Elec. 00., 50 Broad St., New MILLAR, RO~fS (~;l~,1~7/~::~il l~tb St Rocl,away Park. Li BId York, an or n, ) V P Bartlett Hayward 00., ~ershlng q. g. ::~~~: ~~t~~ ~:, ~;~ CJ ;23), F":~~r ~~:~~erd~~[(.~;~~ ~~o;~w:~ison Co., 130 E. YILLER, Howard A, (3 24), F f 7IlGiI ~O! Linden Pl., Orange, N. J. 15th St., Ne\9 Yorlt. N. Y., E and orw Va Pulp & Paper th Ave., MILLER John H. (15; 21), ngr.,., Brooklyn McQUILLAN, John (A M 17)" M. E., Steven. & Wood, Inc., 120 Broadway. MEAGHER, Frank J. (27), Pres., Genl. 1>lgr. Indu. Maintenance Co., 44 W. Uith St., New York and for mail, th St., Astoria, L. I.. MEDOALF, Lloyd 0. (J 26), Salea Ilep. Pac. Boiler Co., 101 Park Ave., New York, and fo, mail, Plymouth Rd., Colonial Heights, Tuckahoe., Ne": Yorlt, and fo,naa~1.:g)1) ~~j~~om~ras~;c. Centrll~gal Dept., De La\al MEEHAN, John Edw., Jr. (J 24). Student, N. Y. Unlv., New York, N. Y., and for MILLER, Philip F. (16; w.. mail, 12 Oth St., Weehawken. N. J. " Separator Co., 155 Broadw..y. I ten Y Univ. Unlv. Heights, aud MEISSNER, H. G. (A H 26), Dist. Sales Rep., DI. Stoker Co., H9 Broadway, New ;. YILLER Roswell (22; A M 26), ns r. ngrg.,.,, Yorl,, N. Y., and lor mail, 379 Belmont Ave., Newark, N. J... /0 ~lai!, 9 E. 90tb st 2.) Sec.V WOlkers Edncation Bureau of Am., 476 MELCHE~c Wm. C., Jr. (J 22), Sal.. Engr., Pelton Water Wheel 00., 100 Broad.., YlLLER. Spencer, Jr. (A- Ṁ -,.,. way, ~ew York, and for mail, 211 Percy St., Flu.hing, L. I.., W. 23r<l. St. th B ( ) Indus. Sales Dept., Gnscom Russell Co., MELENDY, G. (15), Mfg. Dept., Genl. Cllern. 00., 40 Rector St., New York, i MILLETT, I,cune.,,, and for ",oil, 56 Grove St., Tarrytown. 285 Mauison AV M 27) Plant &; Prod. Engr. Genl. Motors Export Co., HENASOFF, Geo. N. (J 26) 216 Lakeview PI. Riverdale. MIL~h ~~ ~%IGSt., CA MENCKE. Carl G. (21; A i1 25). Asst. Engr., Warren, Web.ter & 00., 15 W. 3ltb ~nd for inai!, 2~6 Central ~~2\~th Ave.. St., New York and for mail, 877 Delamere Pl.,. Brooklyn. liills, 1:I. Hal!ok9 (J(A;3 r )1 0Y) PA..tE~~l~h O~;;gr. Air Reduction Sales Co., 3!2 MILLS, Van Stryc -er.". MENDEZ, Alvaro (10;.1. )1 25), Estimator, Am. Car & Fdy. Co., Rm. 1800, 166 Broadway, New York, N. Y and for mail, 6 Watson Ave., E. Orange, N. J. MENGER, Walter A. (J 27), Sales & Installation. Turbine Equip. Co., 80 Ohurcb st., New Yod" and lor mail, th St., Woodhaven, L. I. MENIUN. Leonidas (24; A-M 26). :M. E., Schwartz & Gross, 347 5tb Ave., and fn, mail. 25 E. liosholu Parkway. MENZlN, Abraham L. (A M 13)... Hotel Alexandria, 250 W. l03rd St. MENZL. Leon (21; 24), Cons..,;ngr., 129 Front St. MERKT, O. L. (16).V. P. Ch. EnV1 Abbott Merkt &1 Co., 175 5th Ave. MERRIAM, Chas. W., Jr. (J 26), G. L. Onrstrom & Co., Inc., H Wan St. MERnIFIELD, Wm. (23), Gas. Engr., Pub. Servo Comm., 120 Broad,, ay. MERRILL. S. Clllford (18; A M 23), Dist. Mgr., Indus. Div., Timken RoUer Dearing ~.. Co., 16 W. 60th St..! MERRITT, Harold W. (J 21). Instr. Physics. Cooper Inst. of Tech., Cooper Sq. MERRITT. Lucius n. (21; 23), Engrg. L. R. Herrltt & <lo., 2.0 Park Ave. MERSELIS. S. Allan (J 22), InteruatI. Combustion Engrg. Corp., 200 MadIson Ave., New York, N. Y., ond for mail 455 Pas,alc Ave., Passaic, N. J.., ;; MERSHON. Ralpb D. (00), Cons. Engr. 5ll E. 80th St., and for mail, 16 W. 5Ub St. MERZ, Robert G. (07; 13), Cb. Engr., Am. Process Liberty St., New Yorlt, N. Y., and /or mail, 57 9th Ave., Newark. N. J. MESSER..V. V. (16), Pres., V. V. Hesser Mfg. 00., Rm. 1858, 120 Broadway. MESSNEu, Manfred (13; A M 17), Ch. Engr., Bing & Bing, 119 W. 40th St.. New York. nnd lor mail, 2 N. Clover Drive, Great Neck, L. I. M1!:STON, Ohn. R. (22), Meaton &, Son, 342 Madison Ave. METOALF, Edwin T. (J 27), Timekeeper. M. H. Treadwell Co. Inc., 14th St. & E. River, New York, and for mail, 313 Atlantic Ave., Oceanside, L. I. l: MEYER. Alex. J. (A M 25)/; Field Engr., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., th Ave., and for nail 4 W. 124tlt St. MEYER, Alfred (J 21), A. S. M. E 29 W. 39th St New York. and for mail, 529 E. 22nd St., Brooklyn., MEYER, Alfred Henry (J 22), Tel. Engr. Am. Tel. & Tel. 00., 195 Broadway. New York, N. Y., and lor mail, P. O. Box 92, Haworth, N. J. ME~~(li.~:nlv~: (16), Constr. Engr., Internat!. Combustion EnS"l:G. Corp., 200 HEYER. Henry C., Jr. (94; 03), Pres. Meyer" Strong & Jones, Inc., 101 Park Ave. MEYER!. Henry C. E. (21), Ch. Engr., Gibbs I:Iro,., Inc., 1 Broadway. MEYER~, Bvrnard (J 25), M. E., Bd. of Transportation, City of N. Y. Rm. OIIl. Hall of Records, New York and for mail, 841 Powell St., Brooklyn.. MEYSENBURG, Wm. H. (23), Factory Mgr., S. Robt. Schwortz & Bro., 546 Broad way, New York, and /or mail, th St. Woodside, L. I. 498 i MILJ~&~~nH~;~a~(tir ~~7;23k;ct~7 E~~~~wX;~t:.~e Trading Corp., log Broadway, MILOWIDOW. Il:. 62 W 20th St," and for mai~, c/o Szlrma y L, b4 A t NY EdisOll Co." 88 St. &: 1st Ave., YlNDHElM JuliUS (J 22), a. ss.,.. - and fo; lilan, 1755 ~lall8odl Ave Broadway. MISTERLY, Frank r f{ (~6123f"N 19y\igr Martindale Elec. Co.; Fre, E. B, MITCHAM, E. Har we h 8t d f "Gil 124 E Slat St. Mitcham I: 00"E 6 (~91)46~ p" S":,y ~vyckoi Pips $I: Cresotlng Co., Rm. 482, llitohell, Albert.,.., th Ave. E I~r Combustloll Engrg. Oorp., 200 Hadlson MITCRELL, Ale.: ~"Jry(J a;g)io, "nai! Wodland Ave., H",mseYE N. J. f T sts Ave., New or,. 1 05) P COnveyhll1 \Veigber Co., ngr. 0 e d liitchm.l, Benj. ~, (94; Y k: Jes.y M E ~ianhattan Rubber Mfg. 00. an N Y Lub Oil Co., New or,..". j;, ;"ai!, 244 La[a)e(t~eMA\.,,;;:.)pa~~~~c, ;g~ Belding Hall Elee. Corp. ~6 E. }UTOEIJijLL, We.ley N.,~-.0,.St., 20tl, St., and for ma~l, 27 W. 98th. D &; Zimmemlallll, Inc., 2 Wan St. 1IIXTEH, Geo. W. (9D; O~), IngiSlngr"Esffmator J. Ozurovich Asbe.tos Mfg.; lch Frank (A-M 25), I. ngr., d I 7Il~i! 0121 Newbold Ave.!: Contrg. 00., 212~ Wl"~p~te~l~:; A~(ati~n Aviation Publishing Co., 250 MOCK Rlch..rd M. (J 27, ec. 1 5t \\!. 57th. and fo,.mai" 70)7 ~. 171 t y Office Wellman Seaver Morgan Co. N MOELLER, Franjdin (&1; 12, "gr.,...,, 622 5th Ave.( (J 27) Ch Draftsman De Ia Vsrg1le Mch. Co., 910 E. 13Sth MOELTER, Franc s,. PI St, and for nidi!, 7 Gouveneur " I \ Rm Broad St. MOEN; LecllhllCld,eL(I(~~i)prg;~l &Mii~:tki.:rd Co~l Drlquet Corp., 48 E. 41st St., MOFFAT, Davi... C tl t Ave New Brighton S. I. New York, aud fo, nla.l, 995 ass i on Engr, W A Jones Fdy. & Meh. 00., YOiR Robt. B. (A-M 20), Mgr., a es.,.. rim. 111D, 393 7th Ave. MOLE Haney E. (01), Oons. Engr. 90 West St. w t St. MOLrTOR Frederio A. (21). Oons. Engr.. 9~ es In~ 16 Murray St. MOLLER,Carl P. (J lj\~).t S~:"grEI*UldFOS~:P\~heel~~Oorp., 1G5 Broadwa,. MOL~~~, ::re.:~nad fo, mail, 79 liidwo;,d St. Brooki1Ui;: 40nd St, MOLLER, Jos.A. (~W,,:t)"H~f~~ 1;of\e~ngo.~nioo Yadiso~ Ave.; New York, MOL~~aAf;, E;:;:~: OroCheron Ave. Fluahing, L. I. 499 ::i! :l -j, }. ; r. (. 1. \.

187 :;. XE-n" YORli:: :.\[EMBER6 IN t:liited S1ArF.S :l!e:i!ber6lli UNITED 6TA1ES :SEW YORI;;:... ; i I. NE\V rorn: CITY (continued) MOLTEn. F,,auk H. (A 22>" ~Iech , Eo Mn11y Inc., 55 J)lIono Sl, > Xew YOllt, and for nlo,l, th St., WoodhU\en, L.. I. MOMDERGER, Wm. J. (21), Eu/;r., Gibbs o!: Hm, Pa. Sta., New YOll" N. Y., n:td, fot 1IIaii, 373 3rd Aye., Newalk, N. J. MOXROE, F. Adnlr, Jr. (16), 130 Front St. )!ol(f.1yi.o. Wm. W., Jr. (21), Enlll., ~. E. Idell, Rm. 1478, 50 Church St. )IOXrGO!IERY, Graham L. (15; A M 22). Hditorial Shoff, Power, McGraw HiII : Co,. Inc., 475 loth Ave., New YOlk, an,1 foy ",ail, 4 I"y War, P01t Washing,, ~ L " ~ ~loxtgo)iery, Ora O. (21), As.t. Supt. of Power, N. Y. Central R. R. Co., Rill. " 1"22. C"nnrl Centlfll Terminal. ~lo,,ffllnmny, Warrell B. (J 10), Oontrollel".~m. Linseed Co., 207 4th,\,." ~IOSTllESOR, Jos. J. (J 25), Tech. Ad"lso,, G. Granata.I: Co., 46~ W. Bronchd,r, ~cw Yollt, N. Y., c nd foy Inail, P. O. Dnx 827, Hilledale, N. J. UOODY, Y, D. (16), PreG., Moody En/;l1?-. Co., lllc., 90 West St. MOOMAW, Paul C. (J 24), Field Engr., Internatl. Time llecoldillg Co.\ 50 Brood St. New YOlk, N. Y., and /01 thail. GSG.J.l1ini1;toll Pl., Chicago, I 1.!IOONEY, Jas. D. (10), P, es., Genl.!ioton EXpOl t Co., 224 W. "ith St, )IOONEY, Panl P. (J 21), Estimator, J. J. )locabo Co., 149 Bronelway,.IId for "clil, 123 W. 188th St.,.. MOORE, Daniel (J 24), Asst. Consh. Supt., H. Borliello, 157 E. 128th St., IIn<l 101 mail, 509 E. 191st St.,. MOORE, Hem~ B. (27), Opel. Dept., N. Y. Edison Co" E. River Stn., and for ",,,U, 215 W. 23rd St... MOORE, Herbert D. (25), En(;r.t..Fnlllaee Ellgrg. Co., 5 Beckman St., "ew y,,,k, anrl for om<lil, 2010 negent 1:1., Bro,okl)II. MOORE, Hownrd C. (J 22), SIIPt. Engr., John E. Moore Co., 17 State St" N" Y01!;:, and loy ",au, 459 E. loth St., BI ookl,\li. MOORE, Hobt. E. (20), Fischbach,~ )Ioole Inc., 222 E. 4211d St., New York,.IId.. for mail, th St., Jacl"on Heights, L. I, AIOORE, Wesley Blyant (J 23), Sales Engl., Fnilbanks, }Iorso (0., 122 Greenwich St. New York, N. Y., nod for 111aU.. r. O. Box :;l7{t, Allelltowll, Po.. MOORE, Will. Alex. (A 24), Supt. Pipe Wk., United Elec. Light & Power Co.,, 134th St. & Locust Ave. MOORE, Will. F. (22; ),!L E., Tex. Co., 17 BattelJ PI. MOORER, Wm. D. (J 25), Y/;l., C. F. Brnun & Co., 661 5th.~ve. :Moog~~~~, go:i/;~~~2i~~~;2~237)br~~~~:~~:~yd. Dlv., Newport News Shipblc1jf. k UORA1\, Dnniel E. (8G: 0::1:), COilS. Eng!. Sr. Partner,, Maurico & Proctor, 342 :llndison Ave. ~IORCH,,Tohn J..(16; ), Snles EII/;r. ~Iarine IJept., Worthington PUlllp & Meh)". Corp., 115 Brom]wor. Kew York,.IUHl for,!tau Dth!:it.. Broukl.n1. MOREIXIS, f1nvirl (A )! 22), Snlcs En/;r., Williams Tool Corp., 1328 Bro,. lwn,", and lor JI1nil, Phelan PI.. MOllGAK.,11l1lrt H. (18; A M 20), SUPll. Plant Dept., West. Union T,!. (:0., lpo B"oadwa), anel lor 1/lail, 2 Adrian Ave. MORGAN, John D. (13), Pat. I,aW,\01, 74 Tllnlt) PI.. MORLEY, :llareu. D. (17; :!3), Engl., CombustiQJ) Enlfr/;. Corp" 200 )lnlll,ol1 \. A, e., j\;ew YOlk, N. Y., allll for 1/lail. Harrington PEoll<, N. J. MORRILl" Ralellll, D. (27), Pl of. M. E., N. Y. Unlv., University Hei/;hl<, NolV Yo!lc, ~. Y., and fo1 -ma,u, O\ elblook. StaDlford, C MORRIS, Juhn E. (A :M 18), omc. En/;l. Deca";e Incinerator Co., 342 )ladloil,ave., ~ew York, ami 10,. ma-il" 53 Bowne St., Flushing, L. I. IORRI;!. W. Cnllen (H), Ch. En/;r., Consltd. Gns Co. of N. Y., 130 E. 15th St. ~lorrisox, :lillleolnl C. (J 20), Sales Engl., Internat!. Motor Co., 25 Broadws). MORRlSO:N, Wm. S. (U), Asst. M. E., N. Y. Edison Co., 130 E. 15th St~ ~IORRI$8. Arthur D. (A M 19), 55 B"nlt St., ~ MORRI~:-lEl:, John P. (U), Pres., John P. Morrissey, Inc., 17 E, 42nd St. :MORROW, L. C. (16: 24)1 Mallngln/; Editor, Am. Machinist. McGlaw HiII Co. Ille., ] Oth Ave. & 36U, "t., New l!"ork, N. Y., and for "ii, 851 Blvd. Esst,.Ipt, E. 1, WeehaWken, N. J. AlORRmV, L. W. (23), Mana/;il1/; Editor, Elec. World, blcg.a,v Hill Co., IIIC., loth. l \, e. ~ 30th St., New York, and fo,, 26 Elm St., Grent Neck, L. I. :liortbier, In. D, (20). Sr, Partner, Mortimer &1 Co., 149 Brolldwl>)., : 500 j:. NEWYORK CITY (continued), Nat! Lead Co., V. P., :"atl. Pig-lIIentG &; MOSES Ash.leigh S. (H~, Cons. Engr.,. I CiJem. Co., 111 Broal w.a)". V P &$ Engl. Fil,eUlcns Mutual IU8. Co., SO E. " 110SES Carl,\. (17; A 1l1 2~),.". 42n,1 St.. "6 M. E., West. Elec. Co., Inc., 1~0 William St., ~ew 1l0SF.y,SkFr~.dy C. ~;,~ fo; ;{au, 118 Crescent Ave., LetonMlnl~ ~ cg 50 Churoh St., or,:l". I ") S les Mgr BeD.umon g 0 T J!.)[OS~~J Y~~~:) N~"y.~A:1 rdr ;",,:1, 387, Ni.I~,~~V~i~\.il,~iilC~ a~!.~, 3~ E, ami ~)t. F- )1088, HelIJelt H. (A~}.! 17), ~.erv. E~lgl::, LofwS!hcatles, 15-1U Bro::uh"l1~, l\iew. }[OlHERAL, Harry H. (A M 26), Engr., Yonkers York, 1\;\(1 jol" 11l0: l ~eyoe Ave"ntner Bnr~al1l.\m. Ry..Asooc., SU VCLsey ~IOUXT, John (J 26 k ~)gr., :1;:;;I:~a~?,1~12 Guden St., 1I01J~ken,~rt ~. C<> 50 St..!;lew Yorldk,,yO (;io a? 23) Saf~ty Engr., AlD. AbraSIve ea, MOWER;:, Haro,.,, Y Ik CllUrcll St. 17) Domlniclt &; Dominick, 115 Broadway, New n, lloyer Melbourne S, (A, S B klyn - on<l for mail, 200,. ~unl~~lr~~nh...;mon:tbonc~ete Pile Co" -;40 Cedar St., 2iic w., MOYER. Robt. R. (J 2,_)" ~ 9~0 Kenyon AvO., Plautfleld, 1>. St. York N. Y., au d or "0", Loco H-lIIc, CO\l!., 30 Chill J ch 3"0 MUCHl(!C, CI!a. M, C, 27 1,.V.. ~; AS. ee. Teeii. R~p., Stalld. Oil Co. of N. Y., I YUD~~l;:::llN~\~Y~r~: ~.~~~t~r)~~~i~i,p6~s~~~~n;ie~gr~l~ez;ei.ld~ilert) & Co." ~lueller. Victor H. (07,,. N. 60 Wall st. E (08) R). Can Engr., Steam Itys., 25 Bl"",l St., ew lluhlfeld, John.. k Rd "car"dnle I York and for moil, Shcrbl~oe t U;lorwrite.. Lab., 111 Leotlald St. Uh1~i~~k~~vm~ (r:~~a.)~e;i~~~tu~~~el~~~;~c("~~r~5c~u~;:l:"~~ Vanderbilt lluller, Dr. Alfred (A 23, n e,na... Ave. I Shepard Elee Clane &1 HOIst Co., 30 )luller F. J. (A-M 18), Export "1/;/1" :t 172 Mo;.tgolllory St., Bloomfield,. ChUl~h St., New Yorlt, 1{. Y., am or 7lUU I.., N J. 2") E gr N Y "team C01p., 280.Iad"on Ave., MUArFOliD, Albe~t ~ (;:,\ f~;;"lui, ~~ 1;~lI,~d" ;\ve., )3l1l(i ta, :tio{e nst St,..,; NeW YOl"k, 0 ~O) S Y JTreil8 WaH! & MUDll:r. nc., oi~ 7" ym..;1er. Leon {v «;1~4) Eng;~ Grlaeol;~Russell Co., 2~O }IIUI~~.~lI A;~. E 42ud 31UNRO, Robt.. I~) E. Commclciol Dept., S(L\e L:Olp., YUlo."ROE, Geo. C. (N A A J f~~~:;~il 63 ~Iain St., Glen Rock, N. J. } St. New YOlk. t t an M Aln Metal Co" Ltd., lil Brontl\\3.r.;!1m."ROE, HRlold S. (19):. E 2 ) Diu Read & Co., 1\ow Yo1\, aud for mail, P, O. ~IUNROE, Robt. K. (A M 2, ou ", Box _ID~, HeWlett; L. I;10) Ch. En/;t., E, Rher Sta., ~. Y. Edison Co., New yurph):, Benj. S. (05,!! 954 nh St JOl.e" Oity,.\. J,. t. YOlk, N. ~I and fo;2~n)a.lii "11 Deslgl1~;r Fnn~HJrtl. S~ttCIl15, Inc., 117 LIUel ~ WRPH1, Dnmel J. (J,ec mail 2U litll Ave., Palersou, N. J., St., :New York, :N, Y., [l, 26) Sales Ellgrg. Illgcl ~oll.rnlld Co., 11 MURPHY, Edun!lId J. A. (~O j A M ii 3aolS luoth st., FllIshlll.g, L. 1. Dl"oad\Virl~, l:iew York, a l 1l 7) orvm~ 3 GC111 Bales Mgl" Ualocr Eugorg. C01:p., :.lurpht Ed". T. (05; 1,.".. 3D C~rtlauc1t St.,. A-M 10) COilS, ElIgT., ~Icall Investment Cn., 300 MURPHY, Thos. R. H. (11, Madlsou Ave. D. ht P Itllhln80n & Co., Ina., 126 E. 40th St. <,!IURR,\Y, Ellmuud K. (A(!\{ 2~J6) w~fsoc Editor McUlllw ll111 Catnlog & J)~oll WRRAY, Elvelton H. ~-36tl St New.York a;ld for mail, Wallace A"e., e tory Co., loth Ave... I.,.. more L. I. DI t. 111 R R Dept Worthlugton pump MURRAY, Frec1k ~ (2}; A;.lI ~4?, N ~ Y~:k a:nd for,,;ail, 20 Wlllo\\ St., 6; Mch). Corp" 110 Broa d "a), e, BrooklSu., V P N Y Edison Co., 130 E. 15th St. AlURRAYJT\0S t (b~~)\2~) Cons:EI;gr.; 11 Broadwa):. MURRIE, a Ill., (:15) Pres Hotel Aslor, T,mes Sq.. N ~lusohenheim, Fred k A. C t E E H L Dohertl Co., 10 Bridge st., - ew }lusso, Allred (1&<1; f24),?lnsio r,. oit,d St. E. Om"p;e, ~. J. YClTlt, N. Y fill 01. mal. ~. oil I 501.~ ;! :.

188 " : ~~..-..~ NEW YORK 7.IEMBERS IN UX11ED STATES " ", MEMBERS IN UNITED Sf"\l),;S NEW YORI\. :- : i..,, I, J!, NEW YORK CITY (continue,i) " MYERS, ArtbUI H. (J 27), to Cons. Engr., N. Y. Edion Co., 130 E. 16th, MYE:rS, David Moffat (07; 12), Cons. Engr., Gri~~s 0\;!Iyers, 1 ~radlson Ave.? MYERS, Jas. (A 26), Indus. Seoy., Federal Councif of Churches, 105 E. 22nd St. " NAOKE, Arnold L. (A-l! 21), Sales Engr. Manning, Maxwell & ~roore, Inc" 100,: E. 42nd St., lie,. York. and fa, "".ii, S &. Portland A. BIookl;rn. : NAEGEf,I, eh... P. (J 24), Prod. Engr., Bijur Lub. Co., 260 W. 5Uh St., New.:" York, and tor mau, th St. Long Islsnd City. :, NATE, Emile a. (04; 26), Oon. Engr., Hammer.ton 0\; Nate. SGO,)Isdi~ou. ~.e., New York, N. Y., and fa, lilail, 511 N. Hancock St., Colorado Springs, Col~ : NA.TH.~l\", Allred (J 91), Pres., Nathan Mfg. 00., 21 E. 40th St. ; NAUGLE, John J. (24), Pres Suchsr Process Corp., Rill Broad 51. : NAUMANN, C..rl (J 27~, Yale Unlv, Prese, 622 5th Ave. " NA\VRAT, Stephen J. (21; A-H 2~), Oh.\m. Hard Rubber Co., 11 Mercer St. Ne,v York. N. Y., and fa, mcza, 1058 Tesneck Rd. Teaneck, N. J., NAYLOR, G.o. M. (20), Pres., Fsirbank. (0., 803 Lafayette St., New York, N. Y.,, snd for 1110.:1, 83 Walren Pl., Montclair. N. J.,; NEAVE, Pierson M. (08; 26), InfolmstJon Dept., Bon Tel. Labs. Inc.,4aS West.,. R,, NEENAK, Andrew J. (J 24), De"eJ. Engr" Herald Elec. 00. Inc., 29 E. End Ave. Ne\v York, Rnd to, maul 31S 72ncl St., Brooklyn... NEFF, Elmol H. (9~). Lifo Member; N. Y. Mgr., Drown &,Sharp. Mfg. Co., Rm. DOD, 20 Ve.ey SI., NEFF, Johu P. (13), V. P., Cbar,.e Englg., Am. Arch Co. Inc 17 E, 42nd St. ;\EILL, Wm. A. (18), Ch. M. E., Dorr Co., 247 Pad, Ave., ::\ew York, nnd tor mao.. 1 Greeudale.Ave" NE~,~~S~J;rw~~~di&~IA. lit. Ye11101l. (21), Mech. &; Ord. Eug,., Ben Tel. Labs. ruc:, R.m, NELIS. Jos. J. (H), V. P Foster Hnrine BoUer Corp.; 165 BroadwaY. New York, and fa, mail, 1017 E. 20th St., BrooklJn., NIllLliE. Frsnk J. (A :M 23), Valuation Engr., Ford. Bacon &< Davis, 115 Broad"a), Ne,v York, aud fa,,,,au, 392,Dergen St., Brooklyn. NELSON, ~:h.s. (16), Oh. EllAr., Inspe. ", Underwritinj1;, Royal Indemnit.r Co" 150 WIlliam St., New York, and for ",ail, 493 Marlboroul{h Rd., Brook!)n. NELSON. J. Arthur (21), Genl. MIlT.. Ladd & Nichols, Inc., 4 E. 46th St., l\ew York, and fa mail, 12 Euston, Rd.. Galden Cit}, L. I. NELSON, Wm. Andrew (24), Sales Engr., InlfelBoll Rand Co. 11 Brosd,,R,),!\elf York. and fa mail, S222 I58th St., Flusllln/l". L. I,, NEMCOVSKY, Louis.4.. (A-M 28), Designlnl: De el., 819.W. 180th St. NETSCHERT, Wm., Jr. (19: A ~ 2S), Sales Ealll".,. Am. Radiator Corp., ~O W. 40th S&., New York, N. Y., and for mait. 38 Washburn PI., Caldwell, N. J. NETTLETON, Geo. H, (20; A H 27), 1225 Park Ave. NEUMUNZ. 39th St. M8.1tln (27), ~I. E., Expolt Mgr" French Oil Mill Mcby. Co., 110 W. NEWCOMER, Geo. M. (A 14). V. P., F. L. SmidtIJ &; Co., Inc., 60 Ohnrch St. NEWELL, Chas. Z. (04; 12), Pur. Engr., Andersen, Me~er & Co. 19 Madison Ave., New York, and for mail, 62 Union St., Ne,~ Rochelle. NEWELL, Wm. (07; 16), Snpt. Compensation & Liability Dept., Sun IndemnIty Co., 55 5th Ave. NEW~rAN, r.onia f., (,T 2S), EnS1., Renlet io:"hnj Enlnl:., Corp., 40 RectoI at NEWTON, Sam!. M. (J 2S), Sales Engr., A. S, Oameron,Stoam Pump Wks., 11 Brosdwa}. NEXSEN, Rsndolph H. (21), Deputy Oh. Engr., Pub. Servo , 120 Broadway. NICASTRO, Geo. Jos. (J 25), Engr. Foster Wheeler Corp. 166 Broadwo}. New York, N. Y., and for moil, 975 1st PI., Woodcliff, N. J. NIOHOL Horace G., Jr. (J 24), W. T. G"ant 00., 456 1tb Ave. NICHOLS. Wm. Wallace (99), Asst. to. Pres. Allis Cbslwers Mfg. 00., 60 Church NIOK11iilsON, Alvano T. (01), M. E.. Ssnderson & Porter, 52 William,S&. NICKERSON, Ralph H. (22), Asst. Supt. or Constr. N. Y. Edison Co., ISO E. 15th St.,, NICOL, Geo. A., Jr. (A :M 14), Genl. Mgr.. Johns.1Ianville, Inc. 296 Madison A,e., New York, and tor mail, 01 Bonlln Rd., New Rochelle, NICOL, Norman 0, (A M 19), Field EnllT., Nat!. Tnbe Co., 11 Brosd,vay. N1COLL, Jas. C., Jr. (J 23), Pur. Agt., Phoenix Utillty Co., 2 Rector St. 1;02 " EW YORI;:: CITY (colltinned) U E Air ReducMon Sales Co., Inc., 84.2 IN.. h d J Jr (J 28), m..., NIEBAllCK. Ric ar., esearch Dept., Internatl. Oom- :.. lladlso~ Ajei P (J 26), Resesreh A..t., TNeeb. ork and for mczu, 66 Hanson ",NIELSEN. eru. ZOO :Madison. Ave., ew,, " bustlon Enlll"g. Oorp., h St New York, PI., BroQ1>!Yn. (J Z7) Draftsman, F L Smith & Co., 6D Chure., ~ NIELSEN, Olav t th St., Brookhn. E Peabody En!!Tg. Corp., 110 E. sn<!y~r ~dw: A. (J Z6). Co~bustloManh:rta.n Ave., Brooklyn. NlE~nd St F, ~W ~.rk(:md I;;) ~~~ie:5pro., ItrOj\~~eA:~or: T~~~rn:&Oorp. 166 NlENDORF, 0, Commerc,al Engr. Pa, NlKONOW, J. p~j l:;mczit, 3425 Giles PIE I Am Colortype Co., 207 W,25th Broadway, s ) S r Plants & QU p., St H tclair N J NILES, IrvlnKyF. /~ y u~~ci for mai!, 142 h GErove Supt Oonstr:, U. S. Dept. 01 st New or,.. I (13 2S) C. ngr., 11 E 11 st liixol!i:miller, Capt. Mar. 11, lioisland, al1d for mait. " SSth St. ; De La Vergne Labor, ImnUgratlrn ~,"i;i ~o La VelgI,e lieh. Co~i ~10 NONNENIUlUC:H, Ot o. A.H 24), Asst. ~ngr... E 0 nji DI., NORDEN,cHenVJli;: (i~8tb St., and for ma~: 6J~gR~rp Greenwich St., Mcb. 0.. (j 22) Automotive & R~ 0. L I NORDEN, Jesse M,./ 2805 Grand Aye., Astor&a FlIY Co 80 Ohurch St. [ New o,k. and to, m~26) Asot. Engr., AJn. Csr 8 N Y Central R. R. NORDENHOLRT, ~~. r().6 A M 24), Asst. Engr.tR~i58:arkslde Ave., Brooklyn. NORDIIEIME " er, New York and for mat, I 140 Cedar St. Co., 466 ~exl~l1;ton tvtr. EnKI.. M. H. Treadwell CO D n~., Worthington Punl NORDIN, A~~l ( 182, (X n 22), Dlst. Servo En~., -:. ~d il,;"oil. 19 Auburn St., NORLING, \ ~ see li6 Broadwsy, New York,., d & Heby. orp., t A. 949 Broadway, an Campello, Ma~ (J 19) Research Engr., Dept. 0!In., KO~~~L~~h;6~ f.~~s?n21)~ Dlr. of Wk.~. J~uFbi:d~~~~~. sn ~~134t~S~~.,New NORRIS, enry h 0 (j 24) Sales Engr., NORTHROP, if n.,mil 65 Hansol1,PI.. Br.o~~~;n-D pt Hltsubishi Co., Ltd., 120 York, an "J F (j 25) Asst. Engr., e.,, NORTON. Gerar d ;0 mait. 510 W. H9th Sc t t Oorp. 342 Hadison Ave., Broadway, sn ) Ch EnKr Internatl. emen 570 7th Ave " ", NORVIG, Job~n (~~1:) Sal~s Eng~., KewanWhee~Oi1ifa~:~~rnent Corp" 33 Liberty St., " NOSS, Ooc,,:r. 0: 17) En!t1., J. G. 1 e S I NOTT, Albm J. (1, "1 273 St. Marks PI.... New York. and(t~~)mso~s Engr., 101 PT\AJ5~Pt Herchants Refrlg. 00., NYGREN, wernder W (ig 25) As.& Hgt., ep.. OAXLEY, AUre,, h t Co 17 E. 42nd St.,, 17 VaTlc1< St. ), V. P., Cbarge Engrg., ~uper esge:eat Neck, L. I. OATLEY, HektY Bd io~.,mil. 33 Arleigh ~d.. ~~~rgt~~ebinery, Industrlsl Pres., New Yor,an S 19) treasurer 25 28, 1, d OBEf?s t:/~~.h~,~t. ~elioblc lfc~. & Tool Co., 839 Cnnal St., New York. an OBRIEN. 1;o1s 2S( ~iliace Me., Mt. 7v )erna n. Hyd Engr., Elee. Bond & Share Co., for mat., L Jehn J (1, s, st :! OCONNIilLL, Lleut. Co T 1 Broadway, New York, l i, 2 Rector St. - (J "6) :M E.,}!. &< J. rac1,,, OCCNNOIl., Ch~s. L., J~, E -Iariade, Ststen I.sland., I, and fo,w",a.i,(,~~)hs:hi~~terspbldr. 342 HPd~~f.~ ~roettldg " Son, 213 E. 19th OEHRLE, m.. (J 22) Pres. Trea...., d OETTING, Phlhp G" II Son Inc 188 Varick St., an St. Albert J. (J 26), EDgr. Cbas. Cory,., 3Ub St.,. OFEr1rT~ait, 692, or~ll_tt;-26), Supt. Dollvery. R. II. :Maey &< Co.. Inc., OGARA, John E. ( Broadwa;l. & Broad"hfc; (J 27), Genl. Motors Export ~oe~1. EnKr!:. & Msns!,:oment Corp.,.". OGAWAaYO),I (21 27), Cono. Power EOfi5 Argyle Rd., Brooklyn. St nd OGL~6_ ~~oad;ay New York, and lr ;:;t Ii K F Industries, 40 E. 84th. a o G tal E (A.)1 27), Dra sm, OHL~o~N;"if.s 605 W. 141.t St. E I Tenney &< Ohme., 101 Park Ave. ~"S O Arthur K. (09), Cono. ng., <1AU, 503 i ~.:, j.~... :~ : f, ~.

189 ; - a, :iii i\ ~, Ij, I ~,, Ii! I\i:,!: -,, ihl-: rjl:.- ~~: : L~,!t NEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK CITY (continued), " PEABODY. Ern t H. (00). Pr.s., P.abody Engrg. Corp. 110 E. 42nd St., PEACOCK. David.W. K. (A 28), Mgr., Pho.nix Mutual Lif. Ins. Co., 1775 Broad".,., PEARCE. Robt. T. (13), Mgr Webster!<!tg West St.. N.w York; N. Y,:i! and for ",ail, 70 Gates Ave. Montclair, N. J. i. PEARSON, Oscar N. (J 25), Engr Electrozone Oorp Grand Central Term., Bldg. 11." York, and for, ~7 McDonough St. Brookl) n. ~ PEOK. Oh.s. B. (03; 05). Propr Blo".r Ag.ncy. 40 W. 40th St., New York, and: for mail, Sulf.,n. ;~ PEOK. Olair B. (A Y 14), Editor. Mech. Dept. Ry. Ag., 30 Church St. PEOK.!loss S. (1.7), Engr Dwight P. Robinson &: Co. Inc., 125 E. 46th St. PEDERSIl:N. John O. (J 24), Draftslnan. Jobn A. SeHell. 16 W. 34th St. l1e., Yorl" and for,,"ail. 659 Slst St. Brooklyn. " PEET, Edwiu B. (IS), SRles Engr., Max Ams Moo Park Av.., " PELLr.TIER, Emile J. (A-M 27), Saleswan. l,on FIleman Automatic Stoker Corp" 5.(5 5th Ave. PELTZ. Gurdon M. (,\-~! 22), Pac. Coast Co., 250 Park Ave. New York, and for mail, nd St., Elmburst, L. I. PENDER, W. R. (A M 20). Pow.r Plant Betterlllent WI,.; Elec. Bond &: Share Co" 2 R.ctor St., New York. N. Y. and for...uil. H09 Craw!old Av." HoustOD. TeI, PENNEY. Harold D. (18). Patents Engrg.,:!liS Broadwaj. PEPER. John If. (10; A M 16). Oh. Engr. N. Y. TI1luslt Co., Rm Broad, waj. PEPER. Wnlter S. (J 24), Mgt., East. Coach Serv. N. Y. Yellow Cab Sales Agency. :., 19 E. 13Gth St. PER~JI1~a~st Edw. (25), Ass!. Engr. Inspc. Dept., Ro)al Indemnity Co., 1511 ~ PER:KfNS, John M. (23). Wlttenmel., Mchj, Co,. Inc., Rm. 481, 30 Church St. PERRY. Clarenc. C. (20). Supt. BaUer &: Mcb). Dept., Ocean Accident &: Gualant.. Corp., Ltd. 1 Pa,kAve., PERSON. HIlllow S. (24). Managing Dir., Taylor Soclot. 29 W. 80th St. PERSONS. J (15), N. Y. R.p., Md. Dl) Dock Inc. 1 Broad\vay, N.w York, and for mail, 70 N. Fulton Ay., Ml. V.rnon. PETERMAN. Frionk H. (22). Pres:. Trens Greenwich :Mch. &: Tool Co., Inc.. 40B W. Brontlway. LETERMA~. Geo. W. (J 22), Engr., By,PIoducts RecO"e,les, Inc. 34 ClIl! Sl., New York, and for,nail 7S0 A Macon,St., Brooklj"JI. PETERS, A. Harold (J 22$. Asst. Supt. Bldg., iheons &: Flannlacher, Inc th Ave. New York. and lor mo.ll 890 Argyl. Rd,. Brookl)",. PETERSEN, Ro) O. (J 27). Inspr. Sprinlle, Dept. N. Y. ~ir. Ins. Exchange. S5 John St., New York, and for mai!, th Ave" Woodhaven. L. L PETERSON, Oscar F. (A M 22). Ass!. Supt" Contr.l Union Gas Co 005 E: 138th St., Ne" "fork, and lor mail, t St., Flushing, L. I. PETIX. Jos. M. (J 24), Droltsman~ J. O. Ross Engrg. Corp 30 E. 42ud St. New York, and for mail rd lst., Jackson Heights. L. I. PETROPAVLOVSIl:Y, V. I. (A.)! U). TIaas., Russian EDgr Mutual Aid, Realty Corp th Ave. and for mai, 128 Convent Av PETTIS, Cliiton D. (05). Research &: Dev.l. Wks. Ii E. 60th St. PETTY. John H. (J 21). Petroleum Heat &: Po"er Co:. Inc., 511 5th Ave., and lor mall, 312 W, IOSth St. PFAFFHAUSEN. Herbert L. (J 26). Sales Engr Brown Instrument Co. 50 Church St New York, N. Y and for mail, th St., Union Olty. N. J. PFYL. Jos. (A M 27). M. E Deslgn.r. W. Va. Pulp &: Paper Co., 200 5th Ave., and lor mail, 1455 Underclll! Ave. PHELAN, Daniel A. (J 27), M. E Equip. Div.~ Am. Can Co,. 120 Broadway. PHELPS, Ohas. C. (09; A M 16). Combustion.Il;ugr. Hm. 528, 80 Church St. PHELPS. Nelson G. (A M 23), 8Z W. 40th St., PHILIPP, Fred P. (J 26), Asst, Engr. Ellcon Co., 50 Church St., New York, add for mail, th St. Woodhaven. L. I. PHILIPS. Will. D. (A M 118). Sales Engr Dr~lng, Inc,. 50 Church St. N.w York. and for mail, 890 Albany Ave.. BfOokly.., PHILLIPS, Ellis L. (01; 26), Pros" L. I. Ltg. Co. 50 Church St. PHII,LIPS. G. W. Macpherson (27), Cll.m. &\ Cons. Engr., Cane Sugar Indu,try, 212 W. 85th St ;~ MEMBERS IN UNITED S1ATES NEW YORK NEW YORI~ CITYI(c(c;.n~l~;)edlset.Engr. Betterment Dept. Elec. Bon(1 & PHILLIPS, Jackson Co e, Sbare Co. 71 rj~~)ay:mech. Draftsmnn. Am. Bank Note Co., Hunts Point, New F!OU,f0~ ~~"d t~r mail iso Linden Av.. Brooklyn, pmr~. Frederic E. (~J5)C~~I~~ra;:n~~~hJ~t~~j,orol\gh Rapid Transit Co., 600 j PIER~0~9t~dS~: ~..JJYork: and f\fo, mai~ ~ ~S\so~~b:r1~~I~~15tb St. New York. PJLLsY Thos (A.Y 25). Mch. Des nero,., and /0" ;ail. 189 Cov.rt St., roolcb n. S cc Co S66 3rd A,e. PINDER. P.rcy a (J(~0?)9)Q.;i~as~p~~C~n~,~:t.mSt:1Co., 42 Broadwar, Nev York. PINGER, Geo. C. B Ule A. and lor mall, 5 Vlpe St ~onx~ Verner N~gr"", Oons. Engr. 101 Park ve.. b P!~OW Bruno (A?>.! 2~), eslgn~i, II 5t ~lld lor mail, Rm Wluteha R;n Lexington Ave. FLAOE, Olyd. R. J07(i ~2)t23~on~n~~lgrii!cDC~mottw~t.ri-Icat.1; 101 Park Ave. FLATT. Dwight d / mail 12 Welli:,gton Rd., Garden OIt~, L., New York J an or E 75 West 5t 180 E t"" FLATT, John \:S9; 90)E: CO(JS~26)ngrEng..s,,lost., Conslt".,Oas 00. of N. Y... PLATT Wortlungton. I Y M C A ~luslung. I, th St. N.w York.Eant /~r ""F~1t~n ira"; \Vks. Co. 60 Broadway. FOOUE Geo. D. ~16), us..p., 42 W 12lh St ~_ POGUE; Jos. E. (21). c?ns. Engr. W It N Polnkov & 00., Ine., 2li 5th. Ave. FOLA1WV, w.lter. N. } 13~"llr~:M.U).eki~s Engr., Whltl,ng Corp. 136 L,b.rty POL~~~~~~y~~~:"~: i:. a~d ;fo~ "pil,;~ ~~d~~lt::.~s P~~~iJ\,f 34th St.. New POLlIE~!USN Py Gard~~ ~;lt: 21i 4tl, Av. E., noselle. N. J. YO!k FF R~~::::e (21). M. E. Rm. 1014,709 6th Ave. FpOotl~~O GU~ S. (25),,"aln.tlon EEngl"!,~O\.L.llehl~rRt~fl~~tor Co., us Tholllas St., New. S (J 24) Sales nit...,.. FOJ,LARD, R.. d f.! Y M ( A. 01anle, N. J. Yorl~, N. Y. an 01,mQ1. I &. 81.c 71 Bloadwll), :: POOL Ralph Y. (21), El.c. Bond n~~~illj:;~n & Co 00 Br"adway. POPE; Vredd,kk (A 13)JI~r). PS,::,:.;r T~~I~lng: Worthington Pump &: Vbfira~~~PN 11~ POPE. Fr.. \ N Y d fnr...ail 72 Terrace,-... S I Broadway. N.w Yorl, D n I "Bd Trunsportation, ~9 Lafayette t., an POPPER MD.x J. (01 23), Struc. es gn,.. ", lor ;"ail, ~717BB(r?l~~t~) ASt. Pruf. In<1ns. Englg., College of Eugrg., N, y, t, PORTER Dav,d. j Unl;. Unlv, Hel~hts. G E 8S1 Muuison Ave., d - FORTER, Finley R,(. (sol.8)"84) S"~Cyn~~;;tl.Museum of Engrg. &:; Industry. 17 E. 4~n " FORTER. H. F. J.,.,, st So d & POIter 52 William St. "I FORTER. H. Hobnrt (02). ;..rtner. n ~~~~on!< pow~r Plant Spec. Dept.. Johns PORTER, Harry W. (AMd.-O)AMg" i~:~ Yo..l N Y. nd lor mail, SO P.rker Av. Manville ",, J 11)0., 292 MQ ]son ve.. "..., S. Orang,., N,(,J 18) V P Inte,no.fl. Oeweut Co,p., V, P. Argentln. lort O 7., posselt EJMr ; jj. "i land Cement Co., 842 t a~~son ~~. D.troit Stol(cl 00. Rill Park Ave. I POST. Hiram F. (22). Dis cs &: M (: d 101 Park!.ve. POST. Robt. C. (19),.SeC:Yl~s~25) Snl~~ Engr. Fit~ltibbon9 BoU.r Co. Inc., 570, FOTE Kenneth E. (20., 1 S9 Clnrke St B,ooklJ n.,7th Av, Nev York J " ad(a Q!~r2U(7) Ifg Dept, Genl. Motors Export 00., 1775,l," POTHOVEN. Bernard....." Broad~aYr d U (A M 17) :Managen",nt &I Sales Engr., Ivan T. Johnson 00. " POTTER, Er or..., ): Inc. 2~ E. 23rd St. AM 25) En~ W t Elec, Co,. U9 Fulton St., IScw Yurko POTTER. John D. (23; o"l tl N J \; 11. Y. and for mail, P. O. BdOX 122. /i:ir~" cd ij6 Liberty St. Kew orl,.and, POTTER J Sanford (J 25), LI gerwoo 0 \. L I,, i lor mail, 11S 53 Metropolitan :\\0 Ki~d S:::p~i~g. Co~p St. &; Harlem,, POTTER. Jos. S. (18), Sales Engl., ons " j : Rivet ttb W (A-l! 25) Snlcs Ellgr. Alvey Ferguson POT1~~ ;ork~:nd io, mail, 106 s. 23ld St" Flushing, L. I, Cu., l hlo Broadway. 507 [, r "

190 1OEW YORK,...! ; NE" YORI~ CIlY (continued). 1I.\)ISF. Geo. W. (10). Pat. L"w), 2aa Broadwaj. lujisey. Mehin A. (J 27), E.thll"ting It U. E., Baker Smith I< Co., 576 Gr.en wich St.. N.w YOIk, N. Y., alld for S. Mapl. A, e., Gl.n 110ek. N. J. n.-\...!alli. lla~dolph, DominIc O. Robbins (J 20). (17; 660A-~[ E. 1SOth. 22.), Thomp.on Starr~tt St. Co., 260 POl!.\,.., NOI York, N. Y. and for,urli!. 2sa W. pas-...fc Ave.. Rntl,erford, N. J. RANKIN, John ~I. (A.~[ 27), Sale. Engr., Earl H. Croft, Inc.. 26 W. 4Brd ~t.,. N.", yo,k, N. Y., and for,naa, 700 [,Inwood Av., Tuxerlo 1k., B"ltlnlor ~Iri. ~. R.\NNEY, L.a. (26). pr. RamlOj Oll Mining Co.. Rm. 1~ Broadway..,. RAPp, Conrad R. (A.!>1 17),.Supt., Chas. T. Wl11s, Inc., 280 :,tl1. Ave. RAPpOLT, H.rlllan G. (J 26), Drllfstman, J. O. Ross Engrg. COl1" 30 E. 42nll St.. RAQUE,. and for Philip noi!. K (25~1 Oedar Lile Ave. Member; Co,:s. En~.,. 6!!! ~\ St.,. New Yorl,. N. Y0 and /0 mm ~ 308 ArmSltrol\~..he., JeISp.~ Ckt,\. ~..1. RAUB, Gee. 1 A. (J 2n, EDIt., N. Y. Tel. Co., RDl. 13S6, 10! Broad St., N.w York, N. Y., lind foi ",uil, 8 Ridl,:efleld A, e., Bogot.a, N. J. RAVESE, Tbos. (J (5). J,. Engl., United Elec. Light & powel Co., 134th St., New York. and for,...ail. 56 Onk st.. Port Ohestel. RAVIN. Morrl. M. (J 26), M. E. Bd. Transportation, Ci~ of N. Y., ~9 I,alaj.tte St., New lark, N. Y. and for mo.!!. 48 Richmond St. N.wa, k, N. J. RAWLS, Reubon R. (J 24). Supt. Metal Punin!,: &J Latbinp; Ine., 38 W. 42,,,1 8t., New YOI k. N. Y., "nd for E. Tulpeheeken St., Philadelphia. Pa. RAY, Martin H. (12; 23). Owner, Mal tln H. Ray &,~ssoe., 1261 Breadwll), New York, and for "...a, 35 Mcintyre St. Bronxville. READ, Geo. F. (07; 10), Asst. Engl:. Rlec. Bond & Shalo Co., 2 Itectol st., New York. N. Y., and for ",.il, lllil BIle1<1nl;tham Rd. Upper ~lontcluir, N. J. REARICK, O. B. (92; 01), P,opr. ClllU;. B. R.ariek Co.., 53 Park PI. REOH, PhUiI D. (J 21), OenI. Sales Dept., Hoffman Spec. 00., 26 W. 46th St., New York. N. Y. and for,""it, HO E. 9th St., Plainfield. N. J. REC~O~lf,l?~~nKiDg (16; A.M 26). Asst. Secy" Troas. AnI. I,aad peucil Co., REDHEAD. Ed... B. (J 20). Sales Enp;r. Lidgerwood ~llg, Co., 06 Liberty St.,. New York, and for ",ail, 101 Decat ur St., BIeoklYI,. REED, Francis T. (21; A-M 25),.~sst. to Prea., rrillidad Oil Fields, Inc., 48 REED. Exeh"nge Hane.. Pl. E. (J 2;;).. lrie Sleaw Shovel Co., Rm. 1200, 39 Cortlandt St. REED, l,elmeth D. (J 26). Y. E., Borne Serj ms.r Co., 17 BattetJ Pl., New YOIl" N. Y., and [oj" III,ail. 186 Pauline St., "inthlop~ Mas6. REED, Leland A. (o! 20), pl..e Rnte Setter, West. Ullion Broadway, New lark, N. S., and fol, ",a!!, 14 Dunc"n Ave., Jer y Oity, N. J. R!lED, Thea. W. (2~), Sales Enp;I.. Genl. Elee. Co. 120 B,oadway. REED. Will. E. (9S). V. 1., Goodwin Gallngller SlInd & Gra\el CoI-P 21 E. ~()th St.. and for mail, 17 5 W. 72nd St... REEDER, Nathaniel S. (02; 07), V. P., Pressed Steol Cor Co., 55 nroad St.. RllEVES, Olilton (21), Indus. Engl., Cll.{ton Reeve,; I< Stlltf, an Madisen.~vo. ll.eioiiman, Alex. (A.!>1 25), 1oI. E. D igner, Weiss Engrg. 001]> 3045 Gund Central Te,minal, New York, lilid for ",,,if Olith Pl., Woodside, L. 1. REID, Ila"y (A 22). N"tJ. Elee. 10wor Co., 67 William St.. REI~f.~.~Saj;,.O;n~5; ~~~O~hR~:tl~~g Engr., Interllall. )lotor ell.. 2,;4 W. Mth RBIS, John p. (J 2!ll, Engl g. Asst., We.t. Union Tel. Co. lllll ;; nlc...d way. IlEISMaN,. Fredk W. (Ao 26), Pres., Mgt., Ii:ejstoue Reh actori Inc. 120 L,berty St.., RENNER, Roland B. (~O; 15;. 27), Jeffrey Mfg. Coo. 30 Cburch St., ~.w YOIk.,.~. Y., and fa; ",,,.f, 22. Rldllewood T01Tace. Maplewood. N. J. ne~bie, Robt. (22), Eugr., Am. Loco. Co.. ao Churoh St New Yurk N Y.aDd fo" 7II"U, 110 Hazelton St.. llidgefield Pllrk. N. J.".., RE:liO, Jease W. (12), V.,P., Oh..En!? " Rene M.rille Sal\ngo Cllrp. 201 Broadwj. RE~OUFyE. P"Inee (J ~7),.011 Eng. Dept., lugersoll- Ruud CoO., 11 Broudw,,),r:l,!1Y or!" and fa" mad, 8D Jorolemou St., Brool<1j u. r:e~" lok, Ed,v. B. (14), Retir.d, a02 Broadwa}. lte0lj,h, Alb.rt G. (A. 241, y. E. Genl. Ohern. Co., ~o Rectal St., New York, ". Y., and for 7110.,1. 32D Hudson Blvd., nlljonne, N. J. 609 ": =...~- ~. :... " ; r ". l " :

191 .:.. " " ; >,, ; NE"" YOIUC ME~DEIlS IN UNITED STAT~;S ~IJav YORli: CITY (colltlilue(l) lief;hetnllioff, ""dimir (J 26), JOOI Sad<et An., REWALT, John K. (24), Sales Engr., Philndelphia Gear Wks., 12 E. 41st st. i I~EYNA, Leon C, (J 23), Research Engr., Combustion Utilities COIp., 00 W.D:~ St. New YOlk, and for I1Util" 1:~ ~ral.\o ll1lhl.\ C., Hemp:;teal~1 L. I.. REYNELL. Carleton (20; 23), Pur. Engr. JllcClellllD & Juukersfeld, In;" 68: TIinity PI,. REY~~~~~. g,~~bm B 22). JlIsch, Research Engr., Intelborough R.pld, w.<l:th1t; REYNOLDS, Philip E. ell; 19), V. P., M. E. Croll Rernolds Co., Inc., 95 Lib- " erty St. I~EYNOLDS, Thurlow W. (22), Sal,. Engr.,.\m. Rndiutor Co., 40 W. ~Oth 8t, and far,""il MontgomerJA\"e., RHEINSTEIN, Alfred (A-M 22), Pres., Rhein.teln Conslr. 00. Inc., 21 E. 40tb SI. 11lHINERART. John R. (J 28), Engr., Permutlt Co., 440 4th A\"e., New York, and /01 mail, 232 Lenox Rd., Brooklyn. HHODES, Geo. Irving (19). V. P., Ford, Bacon.I: Da\"is, 116 Broadway. RICE,. Cahin W. (00), Life Member; Cons. Eugr., Secretal"Y, A. S. ll. E., 29 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y., and lor, 45 N. Fullerton A\"e.,, N. J, RICE, G. Landis (A-M 19), Asst. Engr., N. Y. Central R. R. Co, 466 Lexington Ave., RIDE... Geo. W. (06; 12), Ch. Engr., Chas. E. Bedaux Co., 17 Battery Pl., New lork, and for mail. 67,\lbemarle St., Rochester., RICE, J. Brew6te~ (A.-M 26), Engl g. Specialist, Combustion Engrg. Corp., 200 Madison A"e. RIOE, Pbllip B. (A M 22), GenI. Engl., Stevens & Wood, Inc., 120 Broadw.), New York. and for mail, 4 There.a PI., StRfell Island. RICHARDS, Prof. Chas. R. (90), Olllcer, Gonl. Education Bll., 61 Broadway. RICHARDS, Franois H. (SO), Life Member; Spec. Mchy. Im ention., Patents, 9 Murray St., New YOlk, N. Y., and for mail,. Hotel DS\enpOl"t, Stan\folu. Conn.. RIOHARDSON, Amml C. (J..l; ~9). Asst. Genl. Engr., Am. Thread Co., 260 W,.. Broadway. and for,"oil, 651 W. ISSth St. RICH_~RDSON, Chss. Edw. (A M 19), V. P., Pope Richardson &> Co., 60 Broadway. luchaltdson, Jos. W. (A 17), 1IeI;., D. M. Nichols Wks.. 11 llroadway. IlIOHARDSON, Marion B. (A-M 2~),.~ssoc. Editor, Ry. 11. E., Slmmons.Boardll\ill Publishing Co" 30 Chlllch St. RICRARDSON, Thos. (07), Eugr., E. L. Pbillip. &.00., 60 Dhurch St., New York, and /01 """il, H th St., Flushing, L. I. RICKARDS, Dr. H. R. (A ~[ 19), JI[gr., Better Packages Inc., 153 Wa\"erly PI., New York, and for mail, 100 Ocean Tellace, Stapleton, S. I. RICKER, Wm. Wood (06), Treae., Gual ante. Constr. Co., 140 Cedar St. RICICETSON, W01. E. (16), Ch. Equip. Di. Valuation Dept., N. Y. Central R. R. 00., fun. 2J09, Grand Centrlll Te, minlll. RIOKETTS, Edwin B, (OS; 16), Researal. Engr., N. Y. Edi.on Co., 180 E. 15th Sl lue~:rl;"~~~oil(j~j~~~~~~~rl~r~f;,, 08 Worth St., New YOIk,,and RIEGELS, Olaf L. (27), Desijple,. Conaltd. Shipbldg. Dorp., MO"ris Heights, New York, N. Y., and for ",ail, 110 Vall Wagenen Ave., Jer.ey Oity, N. J. RIE1?~~v.WW9g; ~~. 26), Engr., Wm. F. KenD~ Co., l!4 E. 23rd St., aud for ",ail, RIGDON. Carl (07; 16), Eng,., Am. Agl!. Chem. Co.,. 420 LeXington Ave. RILEY, ChDJuplain L. e17), V. P., 1Ieas" Clark, MacMullen & Riley Inc., 101 Park A, e. ItINERART, Evan (21)... Asst. Mgr., Oll Industry Dept" Johus-Manville, Inc" 296 Madison Ave., New rork, and for mail. 134 Reid Ave., Port Washington L. I. RING, Frank, Jr. (J 27), Jr. Engr. CJulse & Waring, 420 Le~ington A\e.~, New York, N. Y., nnd jor fllau. l-lu Oak :;t., \Veehnwken, N. J. RINKE, Geo. R. (19; 25), V. P., John Powell.I: Co., Inc., 12 Water St. Ncw York N. Y. and for mail. Soood Beach, Conn. " RIONDA, Leandro J. (21). Pres., FIunclsco Sugar Co., 112 Wall St. RIOSECO, Pedro (24), M. E., 149 Broadway, and for ml>u, 548 W. H6th St. ROBB, Alex. R. (A M 24), Ch. DIaftsman, By-Products Recoveries Inc.,.q4 CliJf St., Kew York, and /0-1 mail. 640 loth St., Brooklyn. ROBBA, Walter F. (A M 27), Meah. Otis Elev. Co., th Ave. 010 ME1[BIi:BS IN UNITED STATES \UlW, YOIU( XEW YORI<: CITY (contillued) steel & Reinforced Concrete Draltl1la~, ROBBA, Wm. H. F. (A-M 26), Struc. 2 W. 47th St., New Yol1" and for ma.i, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhne Assoc" 2517 Catalpa A,o., Brookl y 1! h te Co 17:e. 42nd St., New York, N. Y., - ROBE, Geo. A. (21; A M 26), uper ell. ~ N J ".., and for mail 80 Midland Ave. Montclalr.C!. EI1Jlr Prcfened Utiht,ee Co., SS " ROnERTS. Arth~r (22: A-M 20), Asd,t f to,udi 20 W. Fr,,"klin Ave., Ridgewood, W. 60th St.. New York, N. Y., an or, N. J. I d B (A 20) Pres C B. Roberts Ellgrg. Co" Engrs. & Contrs., ROBERTS, C au e,,". Rm. 1068, 25 Broadway., 9tb St. ROBERTS, Edw. D. (26). M. ~i.l~~5~ iast. Dls<- Jllgr., Wheeler Reuector Co., ROBERTS Hamlltoll H. (21; - d f mail 529 5th St., 13rool;lyn. 7 E 68 Thomas St., New York, an or lrildklln Ry. Supply Co., Inc., 1. ROBERTS, Montague_ H. (12; 17)d V f P. ii Linden Ave. & Dwight Pl., Engle 4"nd St New York, N. Y., an or rna, w-;od N: J. I E Brown Instrument Co. 50 Church ROBERTS, Richard F. (A-M 16,) Sa ~i 37fVasbington Ave., Belleville, N. J. St., New York, N. Y., and or ~68 Riverside Drive. ROBERTS, T. O. (16), ~ons. Engr.,. P Robinson & Co., Inc., 125 E. 46th St. ROBINSON, Dwight P. (ll)ir ~~~.), ~:I~:~\n~pr., Tra,elers Indemnity ~oj65 Jobn ROBINSON, EdnlUrdJ!.y. -nnd fo~ mall, 253 Hickory St., Arlln~on52d ;l.. and St., NNewEYor l (01) Fairchild A.erlal Camera. Corp., 136, II, ROBINSO, mes., ISSth at da for mail, Apt. 43, 666 ". ) E. S PV1g Deslsm & Erec., Wllbnr G. Hn OsII ROBINSON, John A. (A-M 21, yngrk NY and;or mail, 480 Tilloll Rd.,. Corp., 60 Dhurch St., New or..., Orange, N. J.. C ector Inc., 416 Lexington Ave.. ROBJNSO~, Jos. (2S),s~e2~) ~o~t"s~~le:~~p. I~ternatl. Filter Co., Rm. 1020, 2SS ROBINSON, Jli. P. (A "" u, a., Broadwa). 0 (J 27) Sales Engr. PetroleUm!iea,t & POlver Co., 511 ROIl!llSON, Katbaol.l.,, 1 89 Halel St BrookO n. 5th Ave., New ork, and for ",a~, Russeil C;; 285 Madison Ave. ROBINSON, Ralph L. SA;::l) WyGr~-.:;~mRerman Nei~on Corp., 2G W. 43r~J~ ROllINSON. Theo. H. ( 27) Ch En;~ Goheen Dorp. of N. J., 331 ls011 ROBISON, Chas. J. (A-M,. 0" Ave. 7 L d Air Products E. 421\d St., RODKEFELLER, Hllrry)E D(J ft 2 J, \;ei~belgor & welshoif, 272 ParI, Ave., Now RODD Saml. M. (J 23, ra sma 1. L I York, lldd for eai(lj 3,;~5) 2:r th E VE~tt:l~t;~g D~pi., Combustion EngrgstCorp., RODEJUCK, Edw u., "R 268 Y M CA., 215 W. 281d. 200 Madison A.e., and for n,!,d, I m. N Y NeV: Haven & Hartlold R. R., RODMAN. Nicholas (J 22), Marilla nspr... A IS211d St. & Willis Ave., add foptl<lfo~e~ al~tn or"education, Dity of N. Y.,,,RODMAN, Roht. W. (22), Supt., an", 600 Park Ave. N Y Unlv Unlv. Heights. ROE, Jos. W. (02), P~~~.)I~~~~~~~f.t~ll1bu.tlimE~g.g. Co~., 200 Madison Ave.,, ROEDER, Wm. A. (J, it ito S VRilov Rd W. Otallge, N. J... t. New York, N. Y. and for ma I tr.. ~ E Dept. Cooper Union, and lor 11l.atl, ROEillIELE, Herbert F. (J 26), ns...,, 128 Seaman Ave. ) V P N tl Distillers Products Corp., 80 Broad St. :, ~ ROGERS, Fred A.. (:21., ill PUb~i"lty Mgr., Air Reduction Sales 00., 342 Madl-, ROG~o~SA:e~~dN~~ t~;k, J. Y., and fa" "~ilyo ~d~~d J,~" ~30 E.n1~t: st. New, ; IIOGERS John 11. (J 24), Draftsman,.P : t York and for ",ail, R. F. D., StonyE O~l 516 6th Ave. ROIDlEn: GabrieL E. (A M 1~), M. ~. ~ Linde Ail ProdllCts Co., 30 E. 42nd St., ROLLER, Lallie H. (22; 24), nglg. ep.., Ave White Plains. ~" New York, a."d for ma(j~~4~69e~~:ge~~ De La Vergne Moh. c E. 18Sth : RONliANEN, Yamo A. - d f 1 86 Irvington Rd. Medford HillSide, Ma3B,, St., NeW York, N. Y., an or t"e Stevenson Corp 19 W. 44th St., New, ROOT Frank L (26), Jliansgemen ngr., L I" -! york and f~r mail, Caxton A"e., St. Albans,. t ROSE, ChBS. B. (26), Am. Le. France Fire Eng. 00., 260 W. 57th S. ;:, 511 j:,,

192 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UN1rEl> SCATES NEW YOWl:: ;S"E""- YOHI\: CIlY (continued) NEW YORK CITY (continued) B d d ROSE, Howmd J. (J 27), Combustion Eogr., Ioterboro Rapid TJ;.anslt, RYAN John F. (J 23), Designing,,Estlnlding, Googllagan, 537 W. roa way, an St. &; 11th A, e., and for.nail, 500 W. HOth St. lor mai!, 3048 Kingsbridge Tenace. f! 612 W ROSI~:;, XnllllDl J. (21; A-AI 27), Tenchor. Mech. Drnwlllg. Freehand Tech. Sketell RYAN, Wnl. J. (J 12), Engr., PerDlutit Co., 440 Hh -I,ve., and or ma., - ing, MlIrrav Hill Vocational Sch., and for mat!, 216 E. Tremont A"e., RYD1EliUIGI~~ert E. (13), V. P. Superheater Co., 17 E. 42nd, St. ROSEN, Theo. (21; A-l! 26), Mech. Draftsman Englg. Dept." Dept. Pub. Welfare,.. RYDER: Jaa. C. (..1..)1 18), Ch. Engr., Zieley P\oDe""es, 7 E. 42nd S~ New York, City of N. 1., MunIcipal Bldg., lind for lla{l. 2S55 ClnGm Ave..., N. Y., and lor mail, 347 Brool Ave., Pn..nlo, N. J.. II St RCSENBEllG, Hermnn (27). Designing Engr., V. P., Porker Knlon Corp., nlso l.s,iathoff, GCI. V. (SSe Ch. Constl" Engr.; IIenr) L. DO,hert) & Co., 00 ~n N. Pres. Hydro Mfg. Co., 200 Varick St. h E K tl L ad (Jo 111 Broadw&,} ew ROSENBERG, S. (20), Inspr., Mecb. &; Elec. Equip., Panama, Ollnal R. R. k BADIN, Alvnh H. (90), ons. C em. ngr., - a: e., Vorl;:, and Jot )ltau, 432 Sanford Ave., Flusl.lng, Steamship Co.. 24 State St., and for "ai!, 1649 Amsteldam Ave., ) SAGUE J E (87) Vlce.President 14.16; Dtr., Worthington Pump /< Mc~Y. ROSENTHAL, Rudolph (A l! 23), 50 E. 83rd St., Co: Broadway, ~ew York; and lor mail, CUfflel~ barm,. PoughkeepSIe. HOSEKZWEIO, Siegfried (14), Cons. Engr., V. P., Korfund Co. Inc" 235 E. 42nd SAGUI, PAmlrew J. (23; A.l! 26), DIaftlll,,:n, Cuban Donllnlenn l>ligar Co., J29 St., and fl,. mai!, 215 W. 88th St. Front St_, New York. N. Y., a-nd lor,,u,i,. 164 Vernan A"e" CUfton, N. to ROSIVA.CH, M:u-: (A Y 22), Engr. &; Draftsman, NlItl. Biscuit Co., 85 Dth Me., i SAJlA, A. P. {J 24), Draftsman, Morse-BouIger Deetruclor Co., 466 Lexing D New York, N. Y., and for ""ii, tb St., W. New York, N. J. Ave., and o. mail, 163 E. 56th St. Y k ROSS, Chao. E. (00), Cons. Engr., 52 Beaver St., and lor mail, Hotel Chelsea, J j SAHLIN, E. A bert (20; A.M 25), Otis Elev. Co., th Ave., New or, W. 23rd St. and for mail loth Ave., Ilrookl.\.-n. ROSS, John O. (20), Pres., Gent Mgr. J. O. ROBS Engrg. Corp., 30 E. 42nd St. SAHMEL, Vlggo (14), M. E., F. L. Smidth &; Cll., iio Churoh i:t. ROSSEAU, Frllncis V. (J (27), Sale. Engr., Dli Steam Vah-e Sale Corp., 56. 5th SALMON John T (J 23) Engr Baucock &: Wilcox Co., 86 Liberty St. Aye" New York, N. Y., and for mail, 108 Belle,ue Ave., Summit, N. J. SAUlONSEN, Uobt. (21; A.M i7>, M. E., F. L; Smidth 81 Co. Inc., 50 CJ;U1 Cb. St. nn$sma~leu, Call (211, Prof. Mch. Design, Cooper Union, ABror PI. SALTZMAN, Auguste Louis, Jr. (J 22). LtI~. Engl., Stnnd. 011 Co. 01 N. J., ~6 ROSSNAGEL, W. Eh.ood (J 21), Safety Engr., HamUn Ie Co., 17 Cedar St., ];"ew Broadway, New York, N. Y., an~ for "ad, 22 S. }lunn A\e., E. Orange, N.. York, N. Y., and for ma!. 18 Burnett PI., Nutley, N. J. SAMES. Cha,. M. (18), Assoc. Ed,tOl, A. S. M. E., 20 W 30th st. ROTH, Clarence H. (22; A hi 26), Foreman, ~I. E., Wnlker M. Levett Co., 419 E. SAlmONS, Chllll. H. (A 21), Sales Engr., Furnace Engrg. Co., Inc., 5 Deekman SJ 23rd St., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 169 Delaware Ave., Jersey City, N. J. SAMPSON, Geo. T. (12; 19), M. E., Am. Can Co., 120 Broadway, and for ma, ROTH, \VOl. J. (J 24), Engrg. Dept., West. Union Tel. Co., 195 BroadlVay, :liew SAMp53T3ERW, Hle51~bsetrtStC. (16, A." 20.), c/o K. G. Frank, 75 West St. York, N. Y., and fo. mat!, 69 Dewey St., Newark, N.J.,... ROTHMALER, Oswald (26), Tech. Mgr., Vacuum Oil Co., 61 Broadw",", li". SANDEIlS, Jas. Corbin (A M 23), 328 Broadway. York, and for mat!, 1~7 Rugby Rd., Brookl)"n. 8.UlDEIlSON, Edwin N. (03), Sanderson & Porte!, 62 Willinm St. ROTHMANN, Wm. J. (J 26), Draftsman, W. G. Cornell Co., 258 5th A, e., :lie" SANDEIlSON, Robt. R. (A }d 22), Asst. Engr., Erlckson Engrg. Co., 462 LexIng York, and for mail, 100 E. 4th St., Mt. Vernon. i ton Ave., and fo nat!, 317 W. 87th ~t. ROUS, David G. (J 27), Emsry Roth, Arch" IHO Broadway, New York, and j 8ANDO, Franei. B. (J 21), Salea Engr., Wilson-Snyder Mfg. Co., Rm. 5050, Grand for mail. 136 Bay 37th St., Brooklyn. ", Central Terminal In 468 W t ROWAN, Robt. L. (A ~I 26), Fuel Engr., Consolidation Conl Co., 67 Wall st., SANFORD, Warren B. (12). Plant <1& Shops Mg-t., Bell Tel. I,abs. c., es ~ew York, N. Y., and fo. mail, 6 Stewart Ave., NUtley, N. J. St. and for ".a;l, 139 W, 11th st. h St ROWE, Harold E. (J 16)J Cb. Draftsman, H. S. Bell, Rm. 1384, 233 Broooway, ~!NWALD, Carl H. (A-M 22), M. E., De La Vergne Mch. Co., 910 E. 138t.,, nnd ],or mati, 8 W. 7nth St. and for mail. Apt. 86, 1410 Grllnd Concourse. ROWE, as. Everett (J 19), Coos. Indus. Engrg., Metropolltnn Life Ins. C"., 1 SARGEl."T, Fltz Wm. (93), Ch. Engr., Am. BIoke Sboe & Fdy. Co., 80 Cburell St., Madison Ave., New York, and fo. ""-ll, Pelnord Apts, Pelbam. New YOIk N Y and for mait, P. O. Box 2S4, Uah"all, N. J. ROWLAND, D. J. (23), Partner, ll.owland &; Burns, SO COI t!aildt!;t. SAUNDERS, Oliver il Jr. (J 25), Maintenance Engrg., N. Y. TetOo., HO West ROW!i.Um, Geo. R. (17), Supt., SUll\ g. Engr.. Tex. Co., 17 Batterj PI., lie\\ St New York and for mail, 454 7th Ave., Brooklyn. 1:olk, N. Y., and for mail, 210 Stiles St., Elizabeth, N. J. SAUNDlmS, Wm. i.. (06), Chmn. Bd. at Dlr., Ingersoll.Rand Co., 11 Broadway.,IIOVSE, U"niel.(91; (04), Rm. 2143, 17 Batte!j- PI. SAURWEIN, Geo. K, (15: 10), Power Engr.,.Semet Solvay Co.t..40 Rector St. IlUCKER, B, Palka (001, Engl. Elec. Bond &; 8hm. Co., 2 Roclor St., SAVAGE, Harlow D. (20), Prea., Dry Quenclnng Equip. Corp., v. P., Combust 1 on RUDOLPH, Wm. J. (J 23), Cable Inspr" Elec. Testing Lab$., 80th St. Ii; E. Elld Engrg. Corp., 200 Madison Ave. k A\e" New York, N.,Y., and /0 ma,", 4013 Ogden A\ e., Jersc) Cit", N. J: SAVOYE, ClIas. U. (19: 26), Babcock & Vilcox Co., 85 Liberty St., New Yor,.RunOLPHI, Frank (13), Gent Oon. Engr., Ani. Can Co., 120 Brondway. N. Y., and for mail, 350 Centlal Ave., Hackensack, N. J. Rt"E, Emest F. (17), _~sst. Mgr., Steamship Dept., Vacnum Oil Co., Rm. U95, " SAWTELLE, Edmund If. (14), Cons. Engr., 11 Brooowaj. )1 Broadwaj, and /0 mail, Engineers Olub, 32 \V. 40th St. SAYER, Eugen. Y. (10), Pres., E. Y. Sayer Enpg. Corp., 152 ~. 42nd St. RUGGE, Geo. J. (20: A-M 26), M. E., Pnr. Agt., Moody EngrJ;. Co., Inc." 90 W"t, i SCARR, FlSneis J. (A M (22), Can.. Engr., Scarr Tran,portatlon Serv., Rm. St. 1220, 255 Broadway. Rl:IZC:llIOII~ccharStH.Drace (J 21), M. E., Kennedy.V"n Saun Mfg. & Engrg. Co., 50 " t. SCHACHAT, Abrallam B. (A 18), Tress., Wks. Mgr., Interstate Mecb. Labs., 5U - W 67th 8t and for 7114il 1050 Andrewa Ave. llnw~~, Robt. F. (A 21), V. P., S K F Industries, Inc., 40 E. S4th St. ;; SOHACHT, Geo:E. (J 21), Mech, SpeciGc~tion Yriting, Schwartz & Gras., 847 ltl:~qe, DI. W"lter (27), Mgr. Low Temp., Carbonization nept., Internatl. Com 5th Ave., New York, N. Y., and lor mat!, MadIson Ave., Fanwood, N. J. uustioll EngIIl. Corp., 200 Madison Ave. SOIlAFER, Sidney P. (24; A M 25), Factory Rep., Racine Tool & Mch. Co., and llu8hmore, Da\id B. (97: 03), Univ. Olub, 1 W. 54th St., lor ma;!, 115 E. Mosholu Pkway., N. RUSSELL, Uraham F. (J 22), Engl., Am. Cunslr.,~ Seenrities Co., Rnl. 1025, SCHAFF, Fredk A. (16; (26), V. P., Superheater Co., 17 E, 42nd St., 50 Broad St., New York, N. Y., and for mau, 171 Spling St., Passaic, ~. J. SCHANCK Baut f:! J(20; A-Jd 25), N, Y. Dist. Salea Mgr., Aldrich Pump Co., RUSSELL. \Vitme! (26), Commercial Engr., N. Y. Edison Co., 893 7th Ave. \ 11 W. 42nd St.; N... York, and fo, Inail, h St., Jama!ca, L. I. RUST, ~obt. R. (12)... Pres., Central!dy. Co" 41 E. 42nd st" New York, and lor "; SCBATTEN Louis E. (J 21), Designer, Gunvald Aus Co., 244 JdadlSon Ave., New,,,,,t!, 80 Oxfold.lSh d,, Garden CIty, L. 1.,York, and /0 mail, 1108 Ave. R., Brooklyn. RUTH, HOlace W. (A.:U 27), MgI., N. Y. Officc, R. H. Beaumont Co., 50 Chmeh,., SCHATZ, Wm. oj. (A 16), Pres., Gent Mgr., Sallatz Bros., 1847 Carter Ave., and St. :I -,for mail, 217 E. 176th St,, 51:! l f ;.

193 ., ",..- -i NEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK CITY (continuedi SOHEOKENBACH, John A. V. (17; 21), Genl. Improvement Engr. Am. Car & Fdy. 00., 30 Churoh St.."., SCHEEL, H. ~. R. (09; 13), Trene., Steehr &I Sons, Inc. Secy. Trena Oon,ltd. Mill., Inc., 200 6th Ave...,. SOHEELJE, yr. Stanley (J 26), Engr., Drafting &I Estimating Dept., Alphons Cu. tad!" Chimney Constr. Co., 96 Nassau St., New York and Jot mail 193 a Irvmg St" Ridgewood, N. J.. ~. :1 SCHECFFLSEl;t, Fredk A. (88), Mgr. Power Dept., Fuller Engrg. 00. FUller.Lebigh a., 2077, 50 Church St. " SCHEID, Hugo (16;, A-M 19), Prss., Scheid Engrg. Oorp., 117 Liberty St.. SCHEIDL, Henr.y (J 10), M. E., Thos. E. Murray, 56 Duane St. New York N Y, and lot ma,t, 681 Wheatsheaf Rd., Roselle N J,. "j SCHERER, J. O.tto (J 26)" Oh. Engr., Junker; C"arp. of. Am. 842 Madlon Avo.. SCHIAVONE. Michael 10-. (J 26), M. E., Thos: E. Murray Inc. 66 Duane St. New York, and fo, malt, st St., Brooklyn., SOH~LLING, Bernard (A M 22h Designing Engr., Combnstion Utilities Corp 60,\011 St., and JOT mail, 789 1<. 158th St.., SCHILLING, Peter G. (20), M. E., McLean, Long Engrg &l Vonstr Co 62. Beaver St., New York, and for mail, 4105 Westmoreland A~e Little Neck j:, I SCHLAYER, Earle G. (J 25), Servo oil Erec. Dept. Combl1sti~~ Engrg Co 200 ~~n:~~ t~"i: New York, and lot mail, Apt , aho 81st St:, Ji~ksDU SOHLICn:, Loul. F. (A-M 20), 2!,d Asst. Engr., S. S. Leviathan, 46 Broadw., New York, N., Y., fnd ~or mail, 8 W. 36th St., B&yonne, N. J... SCH~~~Kst J. ( 17;.19.,; 24), Asst. Seey., Am. Engrg. Stand. Oommlttee, 29 W. SOHLOSS, l<ewten L. (16), Rrit E 42nd St. SCHMIl?,T Edwin O. (j 27), H. O. ~aleom: 10 E. 47th St., New York and for.. 7JJ.a.1."t 103 F arragut Ave., Hastmgs-on-Hudson SCHMIDT, Geo. G. (18; A.-~ 16), Contr. En~r.: 39 Oortlandt St: SCH~~rpDT, 2~~hi.ra~i~0Jr.A (J N27)yElCPkedltdor, rod. Dept., Combustion Eagrg., ".. r," SCHNEIDER 13 n ve., ew or, an Jar mail, 22 Batten Ave Broolilyo Y k N yernardd fro (27), M. E., Ebco Mch. Corp., 345 \i r 40ih Sf Ne~ or,., an 0 mail, 168 Post Ave Lyndhurst N J., SCHNBEIDdER, Carl A. (20), COilS. Engr., Ford;Bacoll &: Davis. In~ Rill 1600 II roa way.. ",.",u 52 Broadwa), and for OOH~~~pEJ?/~~n2~4t~J~F) Inspr., N. Y. Quotation C~., SOHNStEIDNER, John J. (J 24), Field E~gr. Shevlin Engrg. Co., Inc., 259 W. 34th.:;., ew York, N. Y., and Jo, mait, 269 Madion St Passaic N J SCHNEITER, Richard E. (A-M. 24), SUIlts. Asst., Consltl Gas C~. iso E 16th St. New York, ~nd lor m:>it 30~6 4th Ave., Astoria, L. I..,. sa~it1er, Lee (21; A-M 255, Diesel Engr., Elec. Bond &; Share ad., 2 Reelor SOHOEN, Louis (J 21), Treas., Secy.; Franklin RadIo Shops Inc 301 W 42nd St., and fa mait, 2064 Harrison Ave.,.,. SOHOENFELD, David M. (J :26), Oomhustlon Engrg. Corp., 200 ]fadlson Ave. SOHOENFELDt:. Wm. a. (J 22), Supvr., Soeony Burner Corp 26 Broad... and Jor mad, 810 E. 166th St...,.." ~g~gt~, g~~:\rs~j;,~w 3e~. ~r. lreas., Julian Scholl 00., 17 W. 60th st.. f andjo, niai!: 1828 R~dcilffAve: ranch, Ingersoll Rand 00., 11 BroadwDy, SOH0.uLT~, Cha. H. (J 24), Draftsman, E. L. Phillips & 00., 50 Ohureh at. :Ne,v York,!. Y., and fa mail, R. F. D. I, Box 49, Baking Ridge N J..,, SCH~~, H. (f14), C)1arge Design, Combustion Utilities Corp. 60 WaUSt New.. 01,and 0 mait ~th St., Jaekon Heights, L. I..,.. \ SCHREINER, Herhert 1<. (J 22), Supt., Brune Klmball &: Co 40 W 17th St. ::, New YOl"k, N. Y., Sfnd for mait, Maple St. Hammonton N "J. I l- SCHREITER, Ehrich E. M. (J 26) Buyer W R G &I".! and Jar mait, c/o Healy, 2600 Deeatu~ Ave. race Co., 7 Hanover Sq., " SOHl{~oEDlRdAugusk C. (A M 22), InstallatIon Engr., Bsllard Oil Equip Co! Elizab.t~: N~YJ. ew York, N. Y., and lot,nait, Higa Terrace, TOlVuley. daj St. SCHIfo~D~lred or,. t an (21)" Raymond Concrete Pile Oo.t 140 Oeda or mat"j 43 Forest PI., Rochelle ParK, N. J. New". i 514. ;~. MEMBERS IN UNITED STA-TES NEW YORK. NEW YORK CITY (continued). SOHUETZ Fredk F. (03; 26), Solicitor Pats., M. E., 60 Church St.. - SCRULLSTROM, T. (27), Supvg. Design, Rutha Accumulator Co. Inc., 292 Mool : SOR~T~~eM:ax J. L. (16; A.M 21), Sales Yr., Rawlplug Co.. Inc., 66 W., Broadway New York, N. Y., and for mail, SI~ranklin A-ve., Ridgewood, N. J. I; SCHULTHEIS Milten A. (J 26), Pur. Agt., Wllputte Colc. Oven Corp., 469 : 6th Ave New York and for mail, 280 Etna St., Cypress Hills, Brooklyn..: SCHULTZ Richar,\ E. d 26). J. o. Ros Engrg. Corp., 30 E. 42nd St., New York,,: N. Y.: and for mail, 17 Grant Ave. Haniso!!, N. J. SOHUMACHER Louis (J 28), Pat. Speciflcatlon Writer, Geo. L. Beeler, 160. Nassan St.: New York, and for mail, 274 S. 2nd st., Broclclyn.. 8CHUYLER, Wm. ~. (A-Y 21), Sales Agt., Spec. 1Ilchy., 250 W. 67th St., and for mail, Box 839, N. Y. Athletlc Club, Central Pk. S. SCHWAB, Oha M. (99; H 18), President, 27; Chmn., Bethlehem Steel Corp., :I, 25 Brondway. SOHWANHAUSSER, Wm. (88), Ch. Engr., Worthington Pump II Mchy. Oorp., 115 SCH~AR~Z~.YArnold A. (21), PI es., Schwo.rtz Seymour 00., Art Color Printing Co., 200 W. 38th St.,.New York, N. Y., and Jar mait, Woodland Ave., Plainfleld, N. J. 0 SCHW ARTZ, Carl (06), Cons. Engr., Intematl. Combustion Engrg. Corp.,.0 SOH~~~M, il:;ry Albert (10; A M 28), Research Engr., Am. Fdy. &; Equip. Co., 3GG Madison Ave., 1lew York, N. Y., and Jor mait, Pierpont Ave., SCHWXR~~dL~UiS (J 23), Draftsman, Oity of N. Y., 49 Laflloyette St., and for mait, 1167 Longfellow Ave. SOHWEIZER, Cha.. L. (J 20), Genl. Engrg. &; Management Corp., 165 Broadway, New York, and Jo, mail, nd St., Brooklyn. SCRWENDLER, Wm. T. (J 24), Designing. Loening Aeronautical Englg. Oorp., 420 E. 31st St., New York, and fa mail, 4400 OOth St., Winfleld Jct., L. I. SCOTT, CllIllpbell (20), Pre.., Tech. Advisory Corp., 15 Park RoW. SCOTT, Preston H. (J 27), Bakelit. Oorp., 247 ParK Ave.. SCOTT, Robt. S. (J 24), Sales Engr... Mitchell Tappan Co., 15 Joan St., New Yorl,_ and for moil, 9S9 Stirlinlt ri., Brooklyn. SCOTT, Rossiter a. (16), Assoc. Engr., Nicllolna S. Hill, Jr;, 112 ]j1. 19th st. SCOTT, Rl1msey W. (21), Pres., A-m. Cable 00., 106 Hudson St. ~EABROOKE, W. L. (18), 17 W. 60th at. SEAMAN, Edwin H. (OS; 21), Cons. Ins. Engr., 110 Wil!lllJIl St., New York, and for ",ail, Wantagh L. I.. SEAMAN, nenr: : B. (96), Life Memher, Cons. Engr., 66 Broadway, New York, md for tila.l, 30S Grand Ave., Brooklyn. SEARLE, Russell M. (IS; A-M 21), Indus. Engrg., Sherman Corp., 2 Rector St., New Yorle, and for mait, 668 Westem, Albany. SEARr.El:!, Ed\\. R. (J 24), Asst. Editor, Elec. World. McGraw Hill lubllshlng Co., tll AVe., New York, N. Y., and fot mait, 11 Beverly Rd., W Orange,. ~~. SEARS, Edw. A. (A M 21), Secy., Milton Schnaler Constr. Oorp. 322 Amsterdam. Ave. and for mail, 105 W. 77th St.. ~EAVEY, Fronk O. (21), Natl. Dry Cleaning Oorp., Rm. 613, 120 Broad,vay. SEBALD,. Leslie E; (19; A-M 26), Engrg. Dept., Grlscom.Ru,sell c.o., 00 West St., New York, N. Y., and for mait, GO garfleld Pl., Ridgewood, N. J. SEDGWICK, E. H. (99; 25), Draftsman, Ilnprovenlent Dept., Am. Fdy: Co., 80 Church St., New York, N. Y., and fot mait, 168 Howard St., Passaic; N. J. SEE, Alonzo B. (09), A. B. See Elec, Elev. Co., 62 Vesey St. SEELIG, Alfred E. (21), Pres., Genl. Mgr., L. J. Wing Mfg. 00., th St., and JOt mait, 810 Convent Ave. SEIGLE, Wm. R. (14), Genl. Factory Mgt., Johns Manville, Inc., 206 Madison An., Nev York, and for mail, P. O. Box 42, Mamaroneck. SELDEN Wm. H. (A M 18), Asst. Engr., Am. Oar & Fdy. Co., 30 Church St. SELLEW, Welle. H. (J 18), M. E Bell Tel. Labs., Inc., 4GB West St., New York, and for lloit, 49 Cambridge P i., Brool<1yn.. SELLMAN, Nils T. (14: 23), Engr., Utilization, Consltd. Gas Co. of N. Y., 180,. a~a SELLS. Osborne P. (02), Sales Engt., Double Seal Ring 00., 250 W. 61th St. 616 i. ti, :

194 ;.. :..; h>:",,: rl...: ;.~; j! ":i:~",",;i ~:.:: ;,,1.:,. ;. :.r;!~ :.! I,. ~L r.j iji,,:,:;ij :.,:;.:. :~;;.,~ : :. t:,1 ~r r;i: W,:!: I: Jlit: ;:1 i III.!; II,;,..," ~i~. ;.: :. 1, 1!I~; ~:J : IL. ~. :::i;, NEW YORK MEMBERS IN l:niled STATI!S NEW YORIC CIlY (continue,l) " SELNICK, Hernlan (J 28), Engrg. Draftsman 884 E 61st St. SELTNZERyJak s. H. (J 28). PublicitJ: Mgr. Metal &, The~~1t Corp. 120 Broad",), ew or, and for tna.i&, 168 ChntoD St., Brooklyn. I SENGSTAJIEN{ J. H. (16; A M 25), ~L E., Foster Wheel.r Corp 165 Broadway SENTEChR, Car A. (2!; 26). Sales Enr" Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co 50 urch St., New l! ork and for ".ai 214 Prospact PI BrooklVn.,. SERRELL. John A. (05). Engr., WarrenWebster & Co i!;.w 34th St SETOHELfL. Hor.ace E. (21), Designer. Stevens & Wood. 120 BroadwlIJ: New yo,1. an d or mail Newman Ave., Clason Point " SEWARD. Robt. ll. (23), Sr. 1lem., Brown & Se\va~d 201 Broadwa) SHADSGEIf, Jos. F. (17; 25), 90mbustion Engr., S~oot Engrg. Co~P. 136 Liber!) t. New York, and for mal!, rd St Jackson Heighta LI SHAFER. Clinton. Jr. (J 25), Inspr. Eng1g: Bel! 1el Labs 4~= \v t S for mail, 619 W. 176tll St.,... ~ es t.,.bod " SHAIGN, S~ml. (J 28), Oh. Nathan Mfg. Co. 416 E. l00th St. lid for mall, 2682 Creston Ave. " a " SHAKUdN, Fran~l (22;..A M 25), Shakun Indus.. Co., 154 Nll8S0~ an or mae I 928 Dumont Ave. BrookI,rn St. l\ew yo,l.. ~AM30R7AEY TrMichllel J. (28), Engr., Geo. F. Hardy, 309 Broadway and for mall. emont Ave. ". SHAPInO. JOB. J. (J 26), Designs Div., Bd. Transportation Cit f N Y j. St., \"d for mail, 1764 Topping Ave.,l ~~f~ ~ed t M. (27~. Engr., Dwight P. Robinson Co., Inc., 125 E. 46th St., eo. (.0\ ). Engr., A. S. Cameron Steam Pump Wks. 11 Brosd"") SHA r.:h~~t. G. ( IS). Supvg. lnspee., Trllveleu Ins. & Travelers IlId~lIInlty Cu,. 5i SBAft S~ml. ~IB; 21), Supt. Oonstr. Dwight P. Robinson & Co Inc 125 E loth., ew ork J N. Y." and for mail, 35B Wilbraham Rd. Spri;,gfteld: Mass." SHEARER. Thos. J. (A M 24), Combnation Engr. I_enoed, van S.~un Mfg & Engrg.. Corp 60 Church St., New York, and fly/" mail, 21$ Bleecker St Bro~kly; SHELDON, Jas. R Jr. (1:: 25). Sll1esman, Marshnll Field Glo~~ Ward & Co, 88 Wall St., and for mll.l, loss Park Ave., SHERIDAN. Alfred P. (72)" Engr., V. P., Daniel R. Douglas & Co., 118 W,st it SHERIDAN. Richard B. (09), V. P., N. Y. Air Brake Co 420 LeXington Ave ::,_ SHEllMAN, Geo: S. (25)..Ob. Engr., Jas. A. Hearn & Sou,26 W. 13th St. New\ok and for ma,l, P. O. "ox 65, Westbury, L. I.. SHERWOOD. Lleut. Col. Ed,v. L. (A-M 20) V. P Griffin Sherwood Mu~,!: DRoldbblns. Inc., 160 Broad,, ay, New York. N. Y., s;d for ":Ril 18ii Proope<LSt gewood, N. J. I. ~. SHIEB~IRl30MaO\"Vllint (05: 09). Cons. Gas Engr. 48 Cellur St. N~" ma\ I D on S t., Brookl3n. York.,,,1 Jar SHORNEl!y, Johdn A. (I~), Oenl. Engr., Genl. Elec. Co. 120 Broadwa). l>ew York., an for mad, 15,! Sip Ave., Jersey City N J " SHOg~U~~hWSt~ (24), AlBae. Prof. M. E., Columbia U~lv.; also Cons. Ellgl.. 50 ) SHU~.TIS. A. Everard (J ~4), Engr., Johns-Manville & Co. Iuc. 292 Madison.hc "ew York. and for mad, 77 St. James Pl., Brooklyn,... : : j i,. SHUMyATE Frank D. (18), Warren Nash Motor Corp BroadwoJ & J33"d St :l.ell or k, and for 1IIail, 204 Midland Ave., Tucknhoe.,. SlBLER. O. J. (J 21). Oonstr. Dept. Henrv L. Dohe~t\ &; Co tio Woll l>t!. SIO~& ~~gene C. (1l6; 04). AMsorr ~:lig1" Iii John St.: and fo,,,;a/i, U05 W.. SrOREE. Albert J. (22;,\.M 26), Ellgr., Smoot Englg. Oorp. 1,10 Liberty St ~ 1 New York. and fo-r "..d, rd St. Woodside LI., SIDNEY, Pbilip (14), 30 CburchSt.,, SIEG:RJ~T, Walter (19; 26). Asst. Sales Mgr Oombustloll Eugrg Corp 200 a 1.80n Ave., N,ew York,.and for mail, th Pl., Bayside, L. 1.., : : SIE~RSk E. N J y J. (d l O; A.~ 23), Engr., Thos. E.- Murra!. Inc., ~ Duane St. New or.., an for mad, 65 Willow Ave., Hoboken JS. J. SILBERT. S. JOB. (A M 21) 46 E. 55th St. SILVIS, Victor M. (J 28). J.ast. Constr. Engr., Gurney Elev. 00. Inc. 300 Bth Ave " New York, and for mail, 593 Myrtle Ave. Brooklyn."., S~~~~~hEgi. A. (A 19), Pres Simmons.Boardman Publishing Co., Rm. 940, 30 " 516 M&:>.lBEIlB 1;>; V:oiITED STATE!! NEW YORK CITY (contilauedl SIMONS Saml. S. (J 21), Mech. D, Thos. E. Hurray 00., Inc., 66 Duane, St., New York, and for mai/ Grafton St., Brooklyn. SThlPSON. Oolin C., Jr. (12; 21), Distribution Engl. Consltd. Gas Co. of N. Y.. 18ij E. 15th St... SnIPSON. Robt. E. Jr. (J 19), Asst. Engr. N. Y. Tel. Co. 1(0 West St. SlPE. Geo. H. (J 122) H. E., Aillngton & Ourtls Mfg. Co 50 Church St.. Ne\\" York. N. Y. and lor "..ii, 38 Riverview St.. Springfield, Mass. SIRAGUSA. Michael (j 24). Constr. Supt., Colonial Oonstr. Co th Ave. SITES. Robt. L. (A 22), Portner. Brown &. Sites Co., 80 Church St. SKOGMARI_, John (12), Oons. En~r., 420 Lex;nl:ton Ave. SltOLRIN, Leo (J 24). Own Business, 2 W. 46th St., New York, and for ",...,. 225 Eastern Pl<way., Brooklln.. SKOUGOR. Hja]nlOr E. (21), Cons. En!:r., 120 BroadWilY. SLADE, Henry Lewia (17: A Y 26), Pres., Sutton PI. Arm., Inc 50 Vand., bllt Ave.... SLAUSON, Harold W. (OS; 23), Cons. Automotive Engr., 260 W. 57th St. SLEE, Norman S. (09: 13), Salea Engr., Bllbcock & Wilcox Co., 86 LlbertJ St New York, N. Y., and for mail( 61 Hl1lslde Rd., 1>"1 Mora. Elizabeth. N. J. SLIGHTER, Walter I. (02; 12J, Prof. Head E. E. Dept., Oolumbia Unlv. SLOAN, Ben (A M 13). Salesman, Niles Bement Pond Co. 111 Broadway. SLOANE, Chas. OConor (10; A M 21). V. P., Alliad Utilities Oorp. 1 E. 44th St. SLOAT, Beuj. C. (18: 28). Asst. Valuation Engr N. Y. Edison Co., 130 E. 16U. St., and for mail, 31 E. 39th St. SIDRLING, Carl A, (A Y 21), Ch. D!aftsman Elee. Products Appliance Oorp 186 Broadway. NO\v York and for ma.l, 1884 E. 22nd St" Brooklyn. SMELTZER, Lonis E. (J 126), Estimator, Lyon Metallic Mli. Co., 342 Madison Ave. SMEND, Wm. C. (21). CODS. Engr., Federal Sugar R~f. Co. 82 Wa JI 5t. SMITH, Alfred R. (A Y 27), Contract Engr., Oombustlon Engrg. Oorp., 200 Madison Ave. SMITH, Briton O. (24), Aast. H. E. Eleo. Bond & Share Co., 2 Rector St. New York. anll for mail. 78 Hawthorne St., Brooklyn. SMITH, Clarence G. (J 28), Sales Engrg. Davis Engr~. Corp., 00 West St. SbllTH. Cyril V. (A M 24), Engr. Chase Cos. 80 Lafa)ette st. SMITH. Eastman (22: A M 27). Instr., Genl. Science, N. Y. Univ., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 87 Courier St. Ruther!ord, N. J. SMITH, Edric Brooks (A M 13), Business Mgr., Rockefeller In.t. Medical Research, 66th St. &: Ave. A. SMITH, Edw. S. (A M 21), HealJ &: 00., 262 W. 68th St.. SMITH Frank Winthrop (J 20). Inspr. Superheater 00., 17 E. 42nd St., New York, N.Y., and for mai!" 388 Hickory St.. Teaneck, N. J. SMITH, H. Rajmond (16), M. E., Raymond Concrete Pile Co., 140 Cedar St. gmith. Henr.v S. (19) Engr., Prest O Lite Co., 1nc 30 E. 42nd St. SMITH. Herbert O. (27). Engr., Sanitation Corp., 420 r.exlngton Ave. New York, N. Y., and for mail, 300 Riverview Ave., Drexel Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. SMITH, J. D. Lloyd (J 19), Laughlin Filter Co,p., 381 :Madison Ave. SMITH, J. Waldo (96), Cona. Engr Bd. Water SupplY, City of New York, 2224 Municipal Bldg. S~llTH. Malcolm H. (AH l6), Squad BOBS. Honolulu Iron WI,s. Co., 16ii Broadwa), New York. lind for mail, 578 E. 22nd St. Brookll li. SMITH, Panl Reve~e (A-M 10), Oper. Mgr., Roosevelt Steamship. 16 Beaver at. SI4lTH. Ralph R. (20; A M 26). Engr., industries of Am., 17 E. 42nd St.. New York. and for mail, 141 Pkway. Drive Syracuse. SMITH. Robert A. (J "0), Draftsman. Designer, DeForeot Phonoftlms Inc. 318 E. 48th St., New York. and for "."il, 204 Wina.or Pl., Brookll n. SMITH. Robt. J. (J 21), John Smith Plunlblng Co., Inc., 155 E. 88th St. B1lITH. V. Weaver (27). Sales Engr. Superheater Co., 17 E. (2nd St., Ncw York, and f... mail th Ave., College Point, L. I. SMITH, W. Elliott T. (J 22), Refrlg. Engr., Servel Corp., 51 E. 42nd St., New York. and for mail. 714 Lincoln Pl.. Brooklyn. S~llTH. Wm. H. O. (18: 21), V. P. & Tress., Am. Pipe.t hlange Co., 95 Liberty St. BI4lTH, Wm. M. (A M 24), Combustion Engrg. 50 Ohurch St. SMITHE. Ferdinand L. (12). Pl es. F. L. Smithe Mcb. Co. Inc W. 44th St. S!dOLDER&l, Ferdinand V. (.T 24), Engr. Pat. Scalfoldlng C~~ 6n W. 59th St.. ~.w York, N. Y.. and for mail, 784. Hudson Ave., W. New lork, N. J. 517 NEW YORl{ i:

195 ,", ;~... JI."EW YORI" MEMBERS IN UNITED STATEt; NEW YORK CITY (continued) SMOOT. Chu. H. (19) P"es Sma t E C SMO~T Y. and /or mad. 40 M~untai~ Av~~rii:aPI~~ro~l3~ Ljbert y St., New Y:ork, T. R. (J 23). Htg. & Combustion ~gl S B" New Yorl,. and for mail 2511 Newkirk A::e o~nyl Jurner Corp., 26 Broadway. SNEATH, Wm H (21) Ch E EI " roo, )n. SNIDER. Clar~no~ A (1 22 )S ngr.&, ec. Furnace Prod. 00. Ltd., 80 E 42nd St SNOW. Howard (J Z4) S~cti~"lMg?reJ"" ~icn Sulph,!, Co., 33 Rector St. New Yorl., and 0" mail 12 Lake\v:S Yo ke reery & 00" 34th St. & 5th Ave., SNOW Norman L (10 26) P.., n rs. SNYDER. Carroll M. (J 25) St~;;; ~IWb~d PIwer Spec. Corp., 12 E. 41st St. SO.!.RS, c. A. (A.M 24) Sale. Engr M ~vs fr"nnc., 120 Broadway.. and. for mail SJ;elle), Ave., Eli;"beth en O~g 00., 7 Pey St., New York. N. Y., SOBEOK. Franl..I.. (J 26) Drnftsman Combu j, New York, and for "~il. 92 S. 11th Ave s~~~t:a:rg L.corI P 200 Madison Ave., SOFIELD, Harold KlIbl (23 A M 25) M EO ne,. SOR:etVYopr~, N. Y., and fo~ mail, 1 Ten:fIy Oou~rei:eJ:iyh. ~ervj" 154 Nassau St.,,. I",son (J 25) Engr Bell Tel. L b ".. SOINE N. Y., and for.nail. 6S Cypr;s A,e i3~go~; JncJ. 40~ West St., New Yo,k, Arthur W (J 95) Asst S to",.. St., and for ;ail, 451 w. cird1ft. onstr., Walt.., Kidde & 00. Inc" 140 Oed.r SOLA, Battista (J 94) CI D ft ~l SONJ.0~~o~p:(,frrl~rf~i:!. 1~ o~~m4m~:~;,,~~,e6\~~~id~"pari~ ~~aj~ St" Ne" SOPl;:vE~?:l?,o~: Yci8.a:;~/o~,,~}r-p.DO:I~~ ~84~~~~Sf,~1:, ~~"J!25 E. 46th St., SOSSOXG, RaJmo~d A (]7" 21., Penn DLtle Cement Corp. 181 E. 46th St. SOu 342 Maelison Ave., New York)o~~r~~I~~eJlawsBAidl Reduction Sales Co"! THWICK, Henry C Jr (A M 26) G" h. YI e Iv., Larchmont Gardeos! : SPA:~o\i o~~l and fa" ;;:~ii: 97 Lockwodd Ar:~, ~~V p:a~~~l1~~rp.. so E. 420d St,; ~PE f;wioik, ~nfto~j",~~l:jts~~~;~lt~eeo~~ol~"nyedison Co., 898 7th Ave., : " spein; n~t~t it 81~Jf)\,t E~st. MgT., Dearbor~,l Ohem Broaelway :; ; 165 BrondwaY..1, Gl.. vaporator Dept,. I,ostel Whe;;!er Corp" Rr:,. 2300, : SPE~CE, and for Pet,r mail, C 70(IS) W. 7lst Ch St Bureau F Ire Preventlon. Fire Dellt., Municlplll Bldg"., SPBKCER, Clarence G. (11) V P Ilaker & S,., SPENOER, Gco. Herhert (J "2oi 8 It F I d ~encer, Inc., 117 Liberty St. ~. Y., anel fa" ",ail. 9 PIescott Ave. M~n~:,\:I~~sJnJ 165 Broadway, New Yorlr, S SPERRY. Elaml. E., Jr. (17;,I.M 24) l;tru~r.o eine Boiler Co,. 200 Madison Ave, 75 West St., New York and /0" mail 2581tl"lt11e~.gtPort of 11. Y. Authority, ;, L. I. " ensm on Pl., LIttle Keel, Pl~ SPIEGEL, Saml. (20; A-M 95) V P Fr dk W SPIRSON, John K. (J 25), Draf~a; Su~erbe t K~lber7 Inc., 1674 Broad"a). and for mail, 1709 Albany Ave B:ooklyn a er 1 E. 42nd St., New York, PE~CEn, nobt L. (18 21) Propositi Eo :8:" SPITZENBERG. Harry M (A M :it> In tr M E S Yort" andjor mail, 78 Jarvis Pl. L~nbrook., Oollege of Olty of N. Y., New PITftFAJ.~E,~red Ed,v. (J 21). M. E. DI"., N. Y. Edison CD SPIVAK, Benl : f:j!-i.j ~n~/:[ %a>l, 471 Madison Ave., Elizabeth. N. 1!? E. 15tb!l Duane St., and for "~il, 821 Crla;;,el~I~,Pv~ftaman, Thos. Eo Munay, Il\c., 55,POONER, Henrv W (21) Eng F d - i. and for mnii, 741; Ocea; Ave. ri3rog~j;,;lt on Co." 126 Liberty St., New York, SPRlNGER St. Emest J.,(22), Ens, n eme. elmnney. Co. Rm. 1986, 80 Church SPRONG, Severa D. (19) Co E n1i St.., DB., ngr., a Pres., Eng,. PIoducts Corp., 25 Church, SPURLI!\G, O. C. (07) Plant Engr WtEl STAOKELL, Sam" (J 27) 259 E 4th S:S ec. Co., Inc., 105 Broadwa). STAFFORD, John W (98) ci E S h,;, STAIGER Wnl (2S) ME S ngr.,, uc ar Process Oorp" 60 Broad SI for ;ail, ;d D,ive, Ef~il;u~~ BLri er Co., 9 W. 40th St., New York. and,. STALEY, Fredk W (A I" C b.. i STANGLAND R b,j, om ushon Servo Co 25 Beaver St., a t. S. (16), V. P., B)-Products Recoveries, Inc., 34 Olif! st. 5~.. I, " MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK NEW YORK OITY (continued) STANSFIELD. Ohester T. (22; A-M 27), Ch. Engr., Ellcon Qo. 60 Church St. STARBUOK, W. D. L. (19; 24), 420 Lexington Ave. STARK. A. W. (18), 130 E. 15th St., STARR, John E. (05), 00 West St.,STARRETT, Col. Wm. A. (19). V. P., Starrett Bros. Inc., 101 Park Avs. STATE, Constantine N. (A-M 2l), Squad Supvr., Union Carbide & Carbon Co. SO E. 42nd St., New York, and for """I, 939 Sterling Pl., Brooklyn. STAUB, Morton H. (J 24). Reno Marine Salvage Corp. 261 Broadway, and for ",au Oollege Ave.. STEBBINS, Tbeo. (03), Cons. Engr., 34 Graule,cy PIt. STEERE,.Frank W. (18; 21), V. P., Semet Solyay Engrg. Corp., 40 Rector St. STEFFAJ.i... Ohriatlnn H. (J 27). Jr. Engr., Korfund 00." Inc. 235 E. 42nd St., New xork, and for mau, tb Ave., Glendale, L. 1. STEGMANN, Gco. H. (AM 19). 521 W. 11ltb St. STEINMANN. Walter (J 21), Plant Engl. H, Wolf! Estate Book Bindery 61S W., 2Gtb St" New York. N. Y.:J and for ",.U, 438 Uosevllle Ave" Newark, N. J. IlTE.LZ, Frank F. (A.Y 27). l;uem. &; 1>[. E., Dyestuff Grasselll Corp., 280 5th Ave., New Yorl., N. Y., and /0" mati 250 Oentral Ave., Jersey CIt), N. J STEPHENS, Tllos, S. (14). Sales }igr., Manning. Ma"well &. Moore, Inc., 100 E. 42nd St. " STERN, Jesse (A.M 27), EUllr., Carbondale N. Y. Co 176 Oblistopher St. and or mail, ISS E. 4Sth St. STE fson, Geo. A, (A-Ill 20), AsBOo. Editor. A. S. M. E., 29 W. 39th St. STEVENS, Allred H. (98; 03). Stevens Bro., 1716 Grand Central Terminal, New York, and for mal!, III Murray Ave., Larchmont. STEVENS, John E. (A M 19). 56 E. 122nd St. STEYElS, Ray P. (16), Pres., Stevens & Wood, Inc.; 120 Broadway, anu for mai!, 60 E. 79tll St. STEVENS, Roger B. (24), Pres., Steveus-Aylsworth 00., 58 Park PI. STEWART, Jas. A. (27). M. E., AII P"cheater Corp., 25 Broadway, New York, and for mail. 166 Hicks St., BrookIJn.. STEWART, ~elson H. (26), Instr" Socony Burner Corp., New York, and for "Ia!!. 173 Woodruff Ave., BI ooldy». STEWART, S. W, (21). Pres., Ambursen Constr. 00., Inc., Rrn. 2S20 Grand Central Teflmnal. - STICt\~k ~~~heus B. (J 26), Ophuls &. Hill, Inc. 112 W. 42nd St. and for. ",ail, STIEHL, Ha...y M. (J 24). W. N. Best Corp.<.11 Broadway, New York, N. Y al\d for mau, 256 LawtOll Ave., GltLutwood,.N. J. STILL, Fredl, R. (09), V. P., Mgr. Expol t Pept., Am. Blower 00., 50 Church St. STILLMAN, Edwin A. (08; A 21), rres., Watson Stillman Co 75 We.t St, STILL~L-\.N, Thos. B., Jr. (13; A-M 21), Madne Dept., Babcock &. Wilcox Liberty St. STIl:, LaWlence O. (J ll) Treas. S. Openhelllle.r & Co. 466 Washington St. STOCKFISH. Chas. H. (J 124), Asst. Eugr., Interhorou!:b Rapid transit 00., 600 W, 59th St. New York. N. Y., and fol mati, 8855 Hudson Blvd., N. Belgen, N. J. STOELZER, Walter n. (21; A-M 2S), M. E. & ClI. Mech. Designer, Am. Constr. & Securities 00., 50 Broad St., New York, and for mau, us Rodney St., Brooklyn. STOLBERG, Emil C. (17), Asst. EnGl,. Am. Oar &: Fdy. Co,t SO Church St., New York, N. Y., and for mau, 102 S. Bm"et St., E. Orange, J.i. J. STOT.L, Clalellce G. (18), V. P., West. Elec. Co BIoadway. SrONE, Ohas. A. (H), Ohmn. of Bd., Stone &: Webster, Inc., 120 BroadWay. STO~"E, Leonord (19; A 25), En!:r., Dept. Devel. & Research, Am. Tel. &; Tel. Co., 195 Broadway, New York, and for ",ail, 125 2Srd St., JackSon Heights, L. L STONE, Mason A., Jr. (07; 21). Struc. Designing Engr., E. L. Phillips &: Co., 50 Ohurcb St., ~ STORER, Harry D, (A 18), E11iott Co., 90 West St. STORRS, Lucius S. (14), Managing Dir., Am. Elec. Ry. Assoc., 292 Madison AVe. STOUT, John D. (21), Dlst. ll!:i., Terry Steam Tulhine Co., 00 West St. STOVEL, Russell W. (02; 07), Managing Engr., Stevens & Wood, Inc. 120 Broad way, New York, N. Y., and for, 48 Watchung Ave Montclair, N. J. STRADER" Roland H. (16; 23). Supt. Stand. Gas Light Co., Ft. E. 1l5th St., New l:ork, and for ma,i, 710 Chauncey St., Brooklyn. 519

196 NEW YORK ]\,[EMBERS IN UNI ED STATES NEW YORK CITY (continued) STRAIN, Olilford (J 28), Engr., Walter Kidde & Co., HO Cedar St., New York, N. Y., and lor mai!, 1868 Boule"ard, Jel~ey Oity, N. J. STRAIN. John E. (J 23), Sales Dept. Combustion Engl g. Oorp., 200 Madison Ave. STRANG, Cortland J. (J 25). frlecl,. Dept., N. Y. Times 00., 288 W. 48"d St., STRAUB, A. A. (II; 21), Asst. Engr. Planb Betterment Depl, Elec. Bond & Sbare 00., 2 Rector Sl, STRAUB, Wm. C. (A 22), Dist. MsI., Chicago Pneumatic Tool 00., 6 E. 44th St. STRETCH, Chas. O. (25), Engl., La Monte Waste neat Steam Generator Corp., 200 6th Ave., New York, N. Y.; Rnd lor ",ail, 69 Ridge Ave., Passaic, N. J. STRIPE, Wm. Carl (16; 26), Adv, Mill.,.Oombustion Engrg. Corp., 200 Madison Ave. STROUSE, Robt. J. (A M 26), Oh. Draftsman, Engr., L. J. Wing 00., 252 W. 18th St... STRUCIUIANN, Holger (09), Pres., Oeol. Mgr., Internatl. Cement Oorp., Il42 Madison Ave. STRUNK, Walter 0. (19; 23), Stoker Spec. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. 00., 160 Broadway, l\ew York, N. Y.Land for mail, Parkside Rd., Harrington Park, N. J. STRUTHERS, RO)den T. (A M 17), SaI.s Engr., Stand of N. Y., 870 7tb Ave., NO\v York, and /0" mail. 640 Van Oortland Palk Ave. Yonlter. STUART, Burton 11. (A M 24), Power Sllpvr., Oh. Oper. Eugr., United Relrig. a. TermlJ,als Co., 460 W, 128th St., New York, a",d lor mail, 1<124 Slst St., Brooklyn.. STUEBING, Albert F. (17; 28). Ch. Engr., Bradford Corp., 25 W. 43rd St. S1UllP, Horace E. (AM 19), Oons. Ohern. En::r.. Loomis, Stump & Banks, 25 Fnnl.fort St., New York. and for mail, 62 Piellepont St., Brooklyn. SUCZEK, Robl (19). Prea., Dir. Engr Spheroid Turbine Intematl. 105 Pinehurst Ave.. SUMNER, Elfot (10), Supt. M. P., Pa. R. R. Co. SUPLEE, Henry Harrl60n (88), Manager ; c/o aarringtoo Emersoo, 125 Riverside Drive. SUTHERLAND, Kennetb W. (19), Pres., Sutberl"nd Rooch Corp., 561 6th A. New York, and for mail, IS6 S. Broadway, Dobbs Ferry. SUTTON, Oornellu. K. (J 27). Asst. Engr., Maluten.ance Dcpt., N. Y. Edlsou Co., 41st St. & 1st Ave., New York. N. Y. a.nd,or 1I.ail, 168 W".hington Pl., Hasbrouck Heights, N, J. SUTTO~, Flank (07), Cons. Ellgr., 140 Cedar St. SWAIN, Phlltp \Y. (16; 20; 25), Asst. Dir., Editorial.Advlso!f Staff. McGnw-Hili Publishing Co., 476 loth Ave., and for mail. 875 W. ISlst "t. SWAIN, Wilbur A. (18; A 24), Rep. Jenkins Bros., 80 "nlte St., New York, N. Y.,, and for 7IIail, 133 Evergreen PI., I!:. OranSe, N. J. SWAN, Ervin D. (16: 24),.Salesman, Lidgerwood Mfg. Co 96 Liberty St., New York, N. Y., and for mad,. 38 Hilton St. E. Orange, N. SWANSON, Harry R. (J 2J), Distillation Engr., Foster Wheeler Corp., 165 Brosdway. SWANTON, Allen F. (20: A-M 26), Eogr., Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., 196 Broadway. SWARTWOUT, Everett W. (10; 18; 28), East. Sales Rep., Conn~rsville Blower Co., 114 Liberty Sl, New Yorl and for mail, 20 Lafayette St., White Plains. SWENSON, Chas. W. (J 26), Engr. Asst., Lab. Testing, Dept.,ulUlzatloilln Oonsltd. Gas Co., 408 E. Ullb St., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 1024 W ow A. Hoboken, N. J, SWENSON, Frank J. (A-M 20). Foster Wheeler Co. 165 Broadway,. SWIDLO, rvan A. (J 21), Tecb. Adviser,_ AmtorS T.ading Corp., 186 Liberty St., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 2677 liudson Blvd.. Jersey Oity, N. J. BYE, Stanley H. (A M 27), Carbide & Carbon Chem. Corp., 80 E. 42ud St., nod for mail, 86 E. 63rd St. SYMONS, John E. (22), Ob. Marine Inspr., N. Y., New Haven & Hartford R. R.. Co St. & Willis Ave., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 112 Maple St, New Haven, Conn. SYMONS, Wilson E. (99), Assoc. Editor Engrg. PUblication. Angu. Sinclair Pub. lishlng Co., 114 Liberty St., and for mail, Elks ClUb, los W. 43rd St. :Y8K.\, Adolph G. (A M IS), 170 \ermll)" Ae.. 8Z.\:O\UWsru, Anthony ~. (A M 25), Designer, Bd. of Transportation, 49 Lafayette St., New 101 k. aod for mail, lllio 6~nd St., B,ooklyn. lam;ll, Oeu. n., Jr. (A )I IS), V. P., Sioclah Ref. Co., 45 ~assau St f.l. "I: 1 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATI>5 621 NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY (contlllue(l) TADDmEN, J. F. (07; 28). Engr., Honolulu Iron Wks. Co. Rm , 165 Broadway. TAG, Walter (16; 19; 24), M. E. Engrg. Dept., Knickerbocker Ice 00.; 41 E.. -I2nd St., New York, and for mail E. 26th St., Brool,l,yn. TAGIMRT, Ja.s. M. (A-M 18), Cons. llngr., ll70 I3roadway. T.ll.BOT, Jas. M. (13; 19), Mgr. Indus. Div., 5. S. White Dental MIg. 00., Rm. 809, 152 W. 42ncl St.. TALBOT, Paul A. (~6), Asst. Engr., N. Y. Cent,..l R. R..,lli6 Le:<lnSton Ave., and lor mail, Box 291, Grand Central. TALL?,UDGE, Webster (11; 13: 25). Pres., Webster Tallmadge & Co., Inc. 60 Church St... 5 TAXIS, Gilbe!t B. (A ll 21), SUP" S. Engr., Lockwood, G,.ene &.00" Persblng q. - Bldg" };ew Yorl<, N. Y., and for mail, 74 1,lng St., Haleclon, No J.. TAP? Harry F. (.r 25), Technologist, AIll. 011 Burner.~ssoc., ago MadlSoo Ave., Xew York, and fa. mail, 28 E. 17th So!-, Bru0.ltl.,!,. TlPPAN Chas O. (16), Oons. Cunstr. Engl., ~a \I<,.t St. T~\VEiD,\ f"~dl<.. (J 2t), Htll;. & Vent. gllp:i.!luislel Htr:-. 00., 129.\mstel dam. Av; 1\e\l York N "f and fa" mail, th St., UOfOll OIL1, N. J. TAWRESi;:y, John S. (;20;" A M 26), AsSt. (,1,. Engr., S Ii F lndustrie.., Inc., 40 E. 3Hh St., New York, N. Y., and fol mall. 81! "uw St., X;:. Orange, :N. J. TAYLOR,.Benj. W. (J 22), Engrg. Dept:: S h ~ Indnst"..,Inc., 40 E. 84th St.,. New York and for mail. ~ th st., Bn.vslde, L. I. la\lor Edw: J. (J 26), M. W. Kellogg Co., 7 Dey St.. TAYLOR: FlemeD Caftee (A M 17), Elftc. EnSrg. Wk., Am. Watc~ Wks. &; Elec. 00., 50 Broad St.. TAYLOR, Jas. D. (A-M 11). Cb. Engr., Asst. Supt., Metropohtan Mu.cum of Art,. S2nd St. & 5th A.e. TAYLOR, John T. (01), Bldg. Mgr., H. S. Ely & Co., 150 6th Ae. TAYLOR, N. E. (J 10), Sales Engl., Ingersoll Rand Co., 11 Broadway. TAYLOR, W)att W. (08; 20), Mgr. Equip., Hellry Heide Inc., 818 Hudson St., New York and for Illail, Spuyten Du)"\ i). TEAZE, Moses B. (21), Project Engr., Hlll dy,s. Ferguson,!lm. 1803, 200 5th Ave., NelO York. N. Y., and for "",-il, 81 Olarendon Rd., B1oomfleld, N. J. TELFORD Marshall H. (J 26), Na"al Arch., Munson Stealllship Line, 67 Wall St., New York and for mail, 1160 Pacillo St., Brooklyn. TENNEY Ash~n M. (..1.10), Textile Engr., Wellfngtou Sears & Co., 66 Worth Sl, New York, and for.mail, Oakdale Ave., New Uocbelle. TENNEY, Thea. S. (10), Partner Flrol. Tenney &- Ohmea, 101 Park Ave. TERHUNE, Joho O. (A-M 26), M. E., Lockwood Greene & Co., 100 E. 42nd st., New YOIk, N. Y., and for mail, 240 Hamilton PI., Hackensack. N. J. TERRELL, Willard B. (J 26), Engr., Asst., Consltd. Gas Co. of N. Y., 18G E. 16th St., New York, and for mail, 411 Sanford Ave. Flushing, L. L TEWKSBURY. J. Wiothrop (A 26), V. p,. Parish & Tewksbury Inc. 17 E. 42nd St. TILl.YER, Robt. E. (11; 19), New Ellg. Mgr., Simmons Boardman Publishing Co., w~~a. THEURIiAUF, Ed\\. A. (J 21), y. P., F. A.!larslly &; Co., 25 Beaver St. TIDELSCHER, Herman G. (23; 27), M. E., McClellan & Junkersfeld, Inc., 68. Trinity PI. TIDEME, Gee. B. (J 26), Sales Engr., Oha.. Cory &I Son, Inc., lss Varlck St., New York, aud for m~il, 1566 Nostrand -ll-.e., BrOOklyn. THOENE, Fred A. (20; A-1I 26), Supta. Asst., Oonsltd. Oas C~. of N. Y., 601 E. 21st St., New York, and for mau, st St., Jackson Helgbt.. L. I. THOET Edwin (J 2-1), Engrg. Asst., N. Y. Tel. Co., 16 Dey St New York, and formail, 821 Weirfleld St., Brooklyn.. THOMAS, Arthur 5. (26), Sales Eugr., Advance Engrg. Co., 168 WashIngton Sl, Ne,~ York, and for mail, 274 Argyle Rd., Brooklyn. THOMAS, Ohaa. Walter (SS), Asst.. Prol. M..E. Dept., Colul)lbla Unlv. THOMAS, Edw. H. (19), N. Y. Mgr., Farrel Fdy. &I Meh. Co., 79 Wall St. THOMAS Felix (14: 26), Pat. Lawyer, Cooper, Kerr &; Dunham, 42 Broadway. THOMAS: Frederic W. (J 28). Dist. Mgr.,. Flexible Coupling Dept., Bartlett Hay-,vard Co. 100 E. 42nd St.. i-,

197 --_..-._-_.--; :"f NE\V YORK NEW YORK CITY (continued) THOMAS, Geo. F., Jr. (J 26), Engrs. Asst., Oonsltd. Gas Co., 408 E. Illth St., New York, N. Y., and for.ilaa, 284 Virginia Ave,. Jersey Oity, N. J. THOMAS, Halold D., (22), SUP1. Mech. Dept., Autonlatlo Shoa Sbiner Corp., lo1 E. 16th St., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 292 Lakeview Ave., Paterson, ~~. THo~rAS, Percy H. (16), Cons. Engr., 120 Broadway. THOMAS, Winthrop A. (J 24), Asst. Engr., E. E. Dept., N. Y. Edison Co., 124 E. 15th St.. THOMPSON. Clyde (19: AM 28), Ch. Engr., United Am. Lines, 89 Broadway, New York, and for,nai!, th Ave., THOMPSON, D. B. (A M 17), Asst. Engr., N. Y. Central R. R., RID. 950, pi LeXington Ave.. THOMSEN, \Vrn. A. V. (21; A M 24), Servo Engr., Nlles Bement-Pond Co., 111 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and Jor mail Putnam Ave., Plainfield, N. J. THOMSON, Geo. H. (A M 21), Pres., Stanton Tbomson Corp.. 75 West St. THOMSON, T. Kennard (07). Cons. Engr., 82 W. 40th St., New York, and for mail. 30 Madeline Drive, Yonkers. THULLEN, L. H. (05), Rm. 1010, 280 Madison Ave., and for mail, Mchy. Club, 50 Ghurcb St.. THURSTON, Edw. D., Jr. (09; 12), Assoc. Prof. M. E., Columbia Uhlv.. THWAITES, John A. (23; A M 25), M. E., Designer, 175 5th Ave., and for "llil1, 56 E. 9Ist St, THWING, Leroy L. (20; 23), Mech. Appraisal., RIl\, 616, 26 Cortlandt St., New York, and for ",ail, 20U Bedford Ave., Brooklyn. TICXELL Stanley M. (J 21), Supt., Engr., Brown, Wheelook, Hauis Vought Co., Wall St.. and Jor maa, 800. Park Ave. TIED, Wm. (A M 27), Tool Designer, R. Hoe &; Co., 504 Grand Ave., New York, and Jor maa, th St., Astoria, L. I.. TIGER, Howard L. (21; A M 26). Engr., Permutlt Co., 440 4th Ave., and for mall. 240 W. 98th St. TILGHMAN, Riohard H. (J 20), Internatl. Oombustlon Engrg. Corp., 200 Madison Ave. TILLEY, John (H), M. Il: E. E., ~rarc Eldlitz II Son, 41 E. 42nd St. TILLEY, Robt. N. (J 22), Moore &l McConnack Co., 5 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and for maa. 250 Columbus Ave., Palisa!e Park, N. J.. TIMMIS, Pierce (20), Servo Equip. Engr., DWlgb~ P. Robinson II; Co., Inc., 125 E. 46th St., New York, and for mail. 11 Little Neok Rd., Douglaston, L. I. TIMMIS, Walter S. (06), Timmie &; Ohapman, 315 5th Ave., New York, and for liiai!. Homer Lee &; HUlslde Ave., JamaIca. L. I.. TIMPSON, T. W. (2L; A M 25), Aut. Genl. Mgr., R, H. :M;a<y &; Co., Inc., Broad way II; 34th St. TINGHlR, v..h. H. A. (J 22), O. & M. E., H40 Broad,vay, New York, N. Y., snd for mail, 226 Central Ave., Leonia, N. J.. TITTERTON Gee. F. (J 27), Aero. Cons. Engr., N. Y. Unlv., Univ. Heights, and or moit, 2603 Sed~wick Ave.. TITUS, Bue1 F. (J 24), ASBt. Engr., Train Control, N. Y. Central Lines, 466 TITJSW;~:l~t ~{E~IBERS IN UNITED STATES (16), cia H. J. Titus, Franklin Ry. Supply Co., 17 E. 42nd ~... TOBIN, Robt. P. (09), Ch. Engr., Vacuum 011 Co., 61 Broadway. TODE, Arthur M. (A M 23), Marine Supt., Tech. Div., Tex. Co., 11 Battery Pl. TOENSFELDT, Kurt (18), Research Engr., Heine Boiler Co., ZOO Madison Ave. TOLMAN, C. M. (20), 524 W. H2ud St. TOLMAN, Chas. P. (23), Cons. Engr., Rni. 811, 111 Broadway. TOPPING, Howell (H), Engr., Forstall Rohinson II Luqueer, 13 Park Row. New York, N. Y., and for mail, 416 Higbland Ave., Orange, N. J.. TORRANCE, Henry, Jr. (97; 02), V. P., Tress., M. E., Carbondale Moh. Co., 175 Christopher St., and for mail, 1U E. 17th St.. TOUSSAIl;T, Eugene (Z7), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Touosalnt Engrg. Corp., 12Z Green wich St.... TOWER, J. Wallace (104), Engr., B. S. Ferguson, Rm. 1808, 200 5th Ave. TOWERS, Jas. F. (22), V. P., Ford, Bacon &l Davis, Inc., 115 Broadway. 522 <,>, ;. ; MEMBEB~IN UNITED STATES NEW YORI;;: CITY (Contilluel}) TOWL Forrest M. (90); Pres., So. Pipe Line Co., Rm. 2611, 26 Broadway. TOWN, Frederic E. (OD), Otls E1ev. Co., th Ave. 420 TOWNSEND, Albert C. (10; 18; 26), Sales Eugr., B. F. Sturtevant Co., Le:dngton Ave., and for mail. 153 W. 87th St. TOWNSEND John R. (A.M Z7), Mem. Tech. Staff, Bell Tel. Labs., 463 West St.,. New Yoik, N. Y., and for mail, 49 Park Ave., Bloomfield, N. J.. TOWNSEND, Wisner R. (A-M 27), Engr., Baker &l Spencer Ino.,.117 LIberty St., and for mail, Hotel Shelton... TOWSE, H. R. (J 22), Mgr., Data Dept., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 200 MadIson TRA~Q~D, H. S. (A-M 21), Engr., Natl. Oven 00., New York, and for mail. 25 Centre St., Beacon.. TREMAINE, E. G. (89), Genl. Engrg., P. Lorillard Co., 119 W. 40th. St. TRENT, Walter E. (27), V. P., Cons. Engr., Trent Process Corp., 52 Broadway, and for mail. 55 E. 86th St.. TRETHAWAY Wm., Jr. (Z4 A M 26), Field Staff Engr., ~I!ller, Franklin, Bas sett &l Co.: 347 Madison A~e., New YOIk, N. Y., snd for ail. 306 N. Main St., Wilkes Barre, Pa.. TROST, Paul A. (20), Exeo., Geo. F. Hardy, 309 Broadwsy. TROXELL. Edgar R., Jr, ~AM 18), N. Y. Sales Mgr., Stand. Heater Co., 101 Park TR~~iJLL, Alonzo G. (27), Ch, M. E., Erie R. R. Co., 50 Cburch st., New York, N. Y., and formail, 22& Claremond A\e., Montclair, N. J. TUCKER, Frsnk S. (05), Engr., N. Y. Edison Co., :tiew York, and for mail, 73 8~th St., Brool<lyn. TURNBULL, Wm. F. (28), Equip. Dept., 3rd Ave. Ry. System, rd Ave., New York, and for moil. 7 Cottage Ave. Tuokahoe. TOll..NER, Frank C. (H), 1st V. P., So. Wheel Co., 3002 Grand Cent"a1 Terminal. TUSIU., Gustave R. (00), Life Member; Cons. Engr., 68 William St. TUTTLE, Irving Edwin (09; 15; 26), Engr., Msrc Eldlitz &: Son,.u E. 42nd St., New York, and for mail, 4 Lodge Rd., Grest Neck, L. I. UDALL, Pb!llp A. (A M 18), Pres., Gen1. Mgr., Udall &; Landsn Mfg. Co., Inc., ZOO Canal St. UDERITZ, Harry G. (J 20), Mech. Draftsman, H. S. Bell, 233 Broadway, New York, and for mail, 975 Putnam A\e., Bl ooklyn. UEBELACKEll., Chas. F. (13), Mem. FIrlll, Ford, Dscon &s Davis, IllC., 115 Droad way. ULLMAN, Paul (J 2), Draftsman, S K F Iudustrles, 165 Broadway, and for mail Westcbester Ave. ULMAl\N. Csd J. (86). 155 W. Hth. St. UNDERHILL, LeGrand (J U), Jr. Sales Engr., Indus. Dlv., Am. Radiator Co., 40 W. Oth St., and for maa, 3405 Kossuth Ave. UNDERWOOD, Herhert F. (J 2~). Engr., John D. Wyeth &; Co., Ino., 55 John st., New York, and for mail. 37 Arlelgh Rd., Great Neck, L. I. UNGAR, G. A. (19), M. E., Cons. Engr., 270 Lafayette St. UNGAR, J. Stephen (J 27), Jr. Engr., Shem,sn Creek Sta., United Elec. I,lght &; Powet Co. 201st St..I< 9th Ave., and for ",ail, 308 E. 63rd st.. UPDEGRAFF, Wm. B. (10), M. E., Watson Stillman Co.. 75 West St., New. York, N. Y., and for mail, 385 ELMora Ave., Elizabeth, N. J.. UPDIKE, David M. (20), Supt. Bldgs..I< GIounds, Columbia Unlv.. UPSON, Maxwell M. (01; 07; 12), V. P., Genl. Mgr., RO liiond Conorete Pile Co., 140 Cedar St... VAN ALBADA, Nicholas B. (J Z7), Spec. Apprentice, Loco. Engrg., N. Y.!Jentr~l. R. R., Rm. 1415, 466 Lexington Ave" New York, N. Y., and for mad, Sex blerum, Netherlands.. VAN ALSTYNE David (14), Asst. V. P., Am. Loco. Co., 30 Church St. VAN BENSCHOTEN, Maus R. (A M 28), Royal Baking Powder 00., 100 E. 42ud St. Van BOMEL, Leroy A. (18), Pres., SheJlleld Farms Co., Inc., also V. P., Nat!. Dairy Produots Corp., 52 W. 57thSt.... Van BRUNT, John (14), V. P., Engrg., Combustion Enll)"g. Corp., 200 Msd,son VANABtSKIRR, Geo. L. (21; A M 25), Asst. Engr., M. P. Dept., Interborough Rapid Transit Co., 74th St. &; E. RI\er, and for mail. 21 W. 123rd St 523 NEW YORK

198 .~.,.. jt\~:.~~!,., j.,., m:,"~,;) ~!ii lr w Ill!ill I. : i,! ~i,: H:li JIII:: ;"q:!t.. iii;:t IIl\I NE" YORK :UE:~IIl~;HS IX 1;:-01110:1.) l>lafes 524 MEMB BS IN U::;rl,ED STATES NEW YORK NEW YOUI>:: CITY {colltinued) i ;; liew YORK ()ITY (continued) 0 6 Ge rd Ave VAN CLEVE. Horatio P. (12; 10), Cb. Engr., J. Edward Ogden Co., 147 Cedar /,:,iv.\er, Robt. L. (J ZO), Draftsman, Suriace Combuatlon 0., 36 ra., St., Ne\v York, N. Y" and fo/" maif, 11 BurcWield Ave., Cranford, N. J. i" and fo, mail 808 E. 16Srd St. W II St d f mail VAN decop, Karel (ZZ; A-M 2&), M. E., Ophuls /,; Hili, lz2 W. ~2nd St. New \; WAGNER, J... l (22), M. E., Henry L Doberty & 00.,60 a., an 0, York, N. Y;, and fa mail. Harriet Ave., Hallinb1:on Park, N. J. 880 W. 181at St.. b 0 S d t and ; GeoL 011I08 VANDERBILT, Cornelius (99; A 01). 3Z h"9sau St. IIAGONER. Philip D. (14). Pres., Elllott FlS er 0.. un a r VAN DERWERKER, Herbert N. (A-M 28), Engr. Oeo. F. Hardy, 309 Broad...). E I C 8~Z Madison Ave 1 VAN DEVEblTERl.Frllonk M. (18; 24; 26). M. E. CODstr. Dept., Henry L. Doherty IVAGS!;.J.F 0;;;" A. (J 26), OIi & Gas Eng. Dept., Ingersoll Rand /,; Co., 60 WauSt., D d".. <0 VAN DOREN, W. D. (21), Ob. Drafteman. Internatl. Paper 00., 100 E. 4Znd Sl, roa wa~. I Bill Crane Co RIO 17,5,), u New OIk, and lor ",..ii, 7Z 28tb St" Jncl"on Heigbts, L. I. " W.II~f.ur~~n~t.~N~::2~or~~leN,E~~r ~n~gj~;,;~j: 10 E. Edaali Ave.: Palisadea VA!!i FLEE r. Herman (18), V. P. Oper. Mgr., Air Reduction Sales Co., 3~2 lar" 1l J Btl Astor and for mail Madison Ave. IVALDM,\I, St~phen A. (J 24), Asst. Oper. Engr., ae" VAN GIESON, Wlcklilfe B. (16). cia A. S. M. E., 29 W. 39th St. U~ E. 84th St. VAN NESS, Frank W. (21), Pre., Frank W. Van Ness II Associates. 820 Broad II \LDO Leonard (94), Con9. Engr., 14 Wall St. p way. WALDRbN, Fredk A. (90; 96), Oona. Engr., 43 Exchange I. VAN VALKENBUROH, Merritt (15; A-M 2Z), Cona. EngT., 101 Park Ave., Ne\\ WALEI!, Chas. ~6 (90)(,lJ~nI2~~eek~elW~~~t~~0~ii!~lS~r~~fugton Ave. \A~ ~~r~r:r~k~orai;,i:ib.hiwm~u~~vl,;..ulflle:ee~) c~~: 297 4th Ave., New York," :~ttt.~~e W:rbe~~P~~ (J 26), Salea Engr., S. k. F. Industriea, 40 E. 84th St.. and {or mail, P. O. Box I. Port Richmond, S.I., and f~ mail, 26& LexingtoncAve I d E _ J H. \Vallacs II Co., Ii Beck VAN ZELY, Henri B. (A-Y 23), M. E., West. Elec. C\., Inc., 463 Wea! St, WALLAOE, JOB. H. (97; 01), opa. n u.. n... VEAL, O. B. (07; 12), Soc. of Automotive Ellgr... Inc., 29 W. 89th St., New man St. D <1;.!;ew York. and fm mail, 240 Locust Are., Freeport, L. I. WALLENDORF, Chaa. R. (J 22), Engr. Thos. E. Murray, Inc., 55 nane ~,. VEHSLAGE, Huold E. (12; ZO). Salea Engr., Dnplex Plinting Preas Co., 68 YOlk, aud /0 mail, 2A2~-CZ~Z~)eadCel ~te"nllqruesn ~l1l~~~a~o I~{unson StelloUlship Park Rnw. New York, and for ",au. 26 S.,.e Terrllce, Scarsdale. WALLING Langdon H. ( m., I..,.. J VIBE.MATHISEN, Einar (J Z7), S K FInduatnes, 40 E. 34tl) St., New York, and, Line Ne\v York, N. Y., and for mail, Oradell, N. Ii d for mail, 2804 B3rd St., Astoria, L. I. WALT.IS: John S. ~J(:m io~er J~~~:~~Ha~r~;;bt~bgrh";,.~~~ 5 loth Ave., and VINT;~..\rthur 5., (09; 23), Ch. Engr., Federal Reserve Bank, 44 Maidec, WAL&H, Col. JaB. tl St., VINCENT, C. R., Jr. (J ZZ), Salea EngT. Powor Plant Equip., Vincent.Gilsoa 1 1V.u!.~k":(Vi;" Z:. ~"1~6; 123), Mgr., R, R. Lub. Dept., Stand. Oil 00. of N. J., Z~ Engrg. Co., 30 Church St., Boadway Y Edl E VINCENT, Harry S. (Zl), Ch. ConB. Engr., Franklin RJ. Supply Co., Inc., 17 E. IVALT~RS J~rome J. (J 21), Asst. Engr" 101ech. Dept... N.. son 0.,. VIN6iE~ ~:~hard (J 27), Tech. Reaearch, Cork Import Co., 845 W. 40th St.,10th St., ~:1dJO("~51 7;:eaSt A~leICJ:f;:lR~ecorp.,147 4th Ave., NeW York, \ (J Z<) 24 Oil St WALTHE\.R, Pllo f. ail i020 Abbott Blvd., Pali.ade N. J. VIOLA, F e,x " t ver. \nalnto;;"eaalrld (0:.M,m. e 21,) ~ales Olllce, Weetinghouse Elec..II Mf g Co., C1~tOyBNroadJ VOGT, Alex. O. (J 27 I, Engr., N. Y. Bd. liire UndHW1iters, 85 John St., Xew,,,_, A, - W J eraey 1 York, alid fot mail, Z56 Hicka St., Brookl)n. N Y rk 11 Y and fa ",ail 76 Van sgenen Ave., y k VOLKHARDT, C. E. (18), Genl. Supt. Felt MI1l llh., Bl>rrett Co., 40 Rector St" wanblll:e~al~ere. (i"25), M. E Bell Tel. Laba., 68 We.t St.. New or. Ne\v York, N. Y., and fm 1I.ail, OZ S. Parkwa), E. Orange, N.J. "i, SJld fo ",ail, th St,.BrooklYCn k 0 C rp 469 5th Ave. Nsw York, volz, Herman L. (Z8; A 101 Z7), Estimator Designer. H. S. FeI"Jl"uson, th IVARD Geo. A. (19), Engr., W,lputt. a even -J j, Ave., New York, N. Y., and fa mail, 46 Emmett St., Newark, N. J. N Y l>nd fa mail 88 Gates Ave., Montclair, 20 W 4Z d ~t von ELTZ, K. (23), Cons. Engr., Rm. 740, ZOO 6th Ave. \\~~RRDD. ~~msw. eldi. 1I("20()J. G27)I. en Asa"leo.c.~~dri,t,owr, ~i~~~p ~o~v;~~ ~hlp II En~: Bldg, Co., von PHUL, Wm. (07), Pl e., Ford, Bacon <Is Davia. Inc., 115 Broadway. "",... - Von RICRETWEIL, Reimann (J 27), Mech. Draftsman, Morse Boulger Co.. ~65 Rm Broadway C I 1417 Lexington Ave., New York. and for mail, th St., Brooklyn. WARDELL, Oeo. W. (A!>Ial,i8)Id B ERg1"N wh~~r~ w.rr.0r~d p;.,:pma~i: 11 c Garner Von ZWEHL. Thea. (J 26), Stme. Draftsman, Bd. Transportllotion, City of N. Y., Grand Centrsl Termm g.. e,.,, 49 Lafa>ette St., and /0 mail. U6 W. 49th St.. Ave., S"INnoErwaIAk,,c 10 0n)ny_. N. Y. Olllee, Hoppes Mfg. Co., 89 Oortlandt, st. VOog.~;Y~:~Ya~ f~:7ka::i~52s:ro h~~~;n~~~o~f;~~tlon Co., 17 Battary PI., "~1~~~Saml. T~ (19):Safe~ Eng~., Pea~ody EngTg. Corp., 110 E. 421ld St., and VOORHEES, John R. (16; 19), M. E., Turner Oonstr. Co., 420 Lexington Ave., for mail Apt. 9 C, 270 RiverSide Drive. Ncw York, N. Y and fa, l"il" 26 Woodcrest Ave., ~lillbu)n, N. J. WARREN, NRaIPFh H 3), (4OW k I (l E J 27 ) 59 s t e h rv &t. Engr., Combustion Engrg. Corp.,. 200, VOORHEES. Stephen F. (23), Arch. Voorhees Gmelin & Walker, 101 Park Ave. WASHBUR ron 10 St 0 rob dge VOS "BERG,,.. R V (Z")" Engr., E". IJ. Phlll 1 pa..:.~ Co 50 ChurcI1 St., N ew "k.or, 1->1s011A"e. "" New york," N. Y and for mail, 20 Prescott., a rl, and /0 ma l, 60 V..nderbllt Ave., Floral Park, IJ. I.,Mae. J A and WACHTLER, Robt. A. (26). Sales DeJ1t., Geul. Motolll Export Co., 1775 Brollod WATERS, Jos. V. (A ~{ 28), Milton Auto Supply Co., 1306 erome ve" wn.\. Ne\v York. N. Y., and fa ma,i, 1821 Boulevard E., W. New York, K. J. fa Illail, 2820 Malion Ave., WAC~~I~rJ :.mi;7~; ~~~6; A-M 24), Aast. Managh~g Dir. Oenl. Motor. Export ~~~g~, W~tc~~ ~~9)(:rS~~i. Ecif:m.1i~g~:"~r~d~t DePt., NatlEB~uit ooif ~5 WADLEIOH, Francis R. (28), Cons. Eng)., 1 Broad\va\... 9th lve New York 11 Y and for 7lla,I, 6 S. Maple AVe., range, N. WADLEIOH, Oea. R. (07). Mgr. Engl S. Dept., W. Va. Pulp ; Plloper C-o., 200 5th WATSON J;,hn E. (J 26); A~t. Engr., Prat-Dsniel Corp., 101 Park Ave" ew Ave. York and fo, mail, 9 Liberty Ave., New Rochelle. y Ie, d f WADSWORTH, Gea. R.. (10). Dlr.. Cons. Engr.,,Oper. & Planning, Research, Dept. IVATT, Ronald o. (J 26), Ingersoll Rand Co., 11 B,oadway, New or an at Arch.. Stata -01 N. Y., 176 "",il 109 Joralemon St., Brooklyn.. I 145 E 17th \\AECHTER, Helman P. (J 25), Vent. Drnftsnl:IIl, X. Y. Edl.on Co., H R. ~3rd ; t WE.IRIi, Frank W. (A-~{ IP), Appraisal,EngTg., M\\rn~ & Co. nc., I St.. New York, and lor 11WU. R9 Sherman.:\\"P.., Tonlpkills,-Ille, S. I. St., ~e\\ York, Dnd 101 1uaU, 32 \Vlllo.rd A""e,, 1\ oodluwell, L.. ~~a

199 ~v ~.. ~ ":", :.. ",.!.,",~1 ",; " NEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES,. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES :NEW YORli: NEW WEAVER, YORK Frank CIJ;Y R ~2S) (continned) I d t A. " " NEW YORK CITY (continued) Rector St., New 1:ork a.:d io; mn~!ysl6 ~vestigator, H. F. Linder &: 00 I WERNER) Walter O. (27), Honolulu Iron Wks. 00., 165 Broadw"y, New York, WEAVER, Leon H. A. (21. 25) P bt., erncllil Rd., Scarsdale. "\ and 10~ mail, I11th Ave., Hollis, L. I. New York. N. Y., andfo~ m~ilu8j~yi SE., Superh~ater 00., 17 E. 42nd St, ; ~ WEST, Ernest H. (A 17), Accountan~ Union Oarbide &: Carbon 00., SO E. 42nd WEBER. Martin F. (J 27) Nits t., Woodclifl", N. J..~. St., New York, N. Y., and fo~ mait, SlInset Ave., Haworth, N. J. and lo~ mail 12 Qultma; St. if Tel. 00., 140 West St., New York N Y - r WEST. G. Parsons (J 28), Sales Engr., Fo.ter Wheeler Oorp., 165 Bro&dway. WEBER. Philip F. (J 26) Test E,,:war N ~,..,. WEST, John W., Jr. (J 19), Secy. Oommerclal Section, Am. Gas Assn., 420 Lex rt k York, N. Y.. and for mail IV 1 r., ta1b WEBER, Theo G (19) S t e. Gan. Inc., 511 5th Ave. N... Ington Ave. Wks ey S., Box 65, Monmouth Beach N J WESTERVELT, Col. Wm. 1. (15), Ord. Omcer, 2nd Oorp. Area. Governors Island. WEBER, Winfield V. (3 2~f John8.,Jentm l Union Gas Co., 005 E. USU; St. ; WESTINGHOUSE, H. Herman (84), Life Member; Manas-er, 50 02; Vlce.Presi-..nd lor naa POBox500 lml~nv.u e Inc., 296 Madison Ave. Ne,v York dent, 04 06; Chmn., Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 150 Broadwny. A. S. M. E. Professional Div., 29 W. 89th St., WEBSTER. Hose~ ("83) Sales Mgr B r ~ L. ~. " WETTER J Plerc~ T. (J 27), Stallj York. N. Y., and 10; mail 7 P a coc &: Wllicox 00., 85 Liberty St., New.nd lor m".!, 107 Waverly P. WEBSTER, John D (A.M 22) ;h roa~ectmave. ~Iontclair, N. J.,- WHEATON, Henry O. (J 22), Mgr., N. Y. OOlce, Balley Meter Co., Rm. 558, N. Y., and for mail 208 of gs.. urray. Inc. 55 Duane St., New Yerk. 50 ChurchSt... - WEGG, David e. (09 i4 21)na y Rd., Engelwood. N. J.. I\HERRY, John Edw. (A-M 25). Power Engr., Am. O.n Co. 120 Broadway New. St., and o~ "ail; 250 w. S5~s~ Engr., Elec. Bond & Co., 2 Rector York, and for mail, Oceanside Rd. & Center St., Rockvlh. Center, L. f. WEICHERT. Arnold E (07) En I C b t E WRINERt, Snml. B. (18), Sales AI;"t., pumping ell Power Plant Equip., 1 Hud York, N. Y., and ior m a 5f& om us Ion ngrg. Corp. 11 Broadway New ann St. WEIGEL, A. C. (14; 19) ae;st. &: EvelatdMTerrace. Bloomfield, N, J. WHIPPLE, Geo. E. (A-~I 27), Drydocking & Repairs. Theo. A., Oranes :;rona 00., Bro.dway,, xpor gr., Walah &: Weidner Boiler Co 11 Snlta 758, 25 Broadw..y. WElL. Alfred R. (J 25) Draftsman 011 " WHIPPLE. J. Vau H. (21; A-Y 26), 240 Waverly Pl. E. 138th St., and f;~ maa 1544 w ftng f ept., De La Vergne Mch. Co. 910 WHITAKER, Ohas. a (J 23). M. E., Am. Can CO",120 Broadw.y. WEILL. D.vld.A (J 24) R i E t te a on ve. WHITAKER, Ebenezer (28). Ch. Engr., N. Y. AthletIC Club, 58 W. 59th St. WEINBERG. Herbert L. (24 :SA.yS:7) ~o f!. 119th St. WHITAKER, Harry E. (A M l~), Engr., De.ign, Ford, B.con & Oavis, 115 Broad- WEINOLUW, Lexington Ludwig (A-M"24) Ave. New Yo Wrrd!!,d recfl: Ion mad, In.spr. P. N. O. Y. BOll Central 775, Schenectadj R. R., Rm, WRITE, way. Cha. F. (A M 18), Foreman, Mch. Shop. N. Y.. New Haven & Hartford WEINHOLD, Juliu. F. (J 25) De e ~ mg 00., 50 Church St... " R. R. Co., Van Neat, and f~ mail, 526 W. 211th St., New York. 95 ~assau St., New York, andj~:~i,alp55hosns Ou.todls Chimney Oonstr. Co" 1" WHITE, OJ".s. R. (23),. Draftsman, Thos. E. Murray, Inc., 55 Duane St., New York, L. I. ". Fore.t Ave., Rockville Oentre N. Y., and fo~ mo.!, Stelton, N. J. WEISS. Alex. (J 22) Cb En H lly WRITE, Peter D. (J 18), Babcock &: Wilcox Co., 85 Liberty St aud for mail, 2265 Iiavicrc;~ A~e PneumatIc Systems, Ine., 100 E. 45th St" WHnE. Theo. R. (27), Sales &: Designl~g Engr., Olney & Warnn, Inc., 297 WEISS. Carl W. (12), Ch. Engr V P WIs Lafayette St., New YorkL and for mad, 7031 Perry Terrace Brooklyn. Telminal Ne,v York.nd f., J., e S Engrg. Corp., Grnnd Oentral.! WHITE, WaUace (A-M 21). rst. Lawyer, 86 W. 44th St. WEISS, Jos, (J 27) Asst Estlm~o;""x.o 10~oE~cean Ave., Brooklyn.. WHITEFORD, Alex. W. (21), Cons, Engr., Oxweld Railroad Servo 00., SO E. WEISS, fo~ mail, N..than 1027 (21 Ave. A.M A. 20) Pr,ng wards, Inc., 101 W. Hud St., and.; WHITLOCK, 42nd St., Geo. F. (J. 2n. Asst. Engr., Testing, N. Y. EdIson. Co., Water.,de. and for mail st St Bes ktssoc Ref. 00., 80 Wall St., New York Sm., 415 E. 40th St., New York,.nd foi mail, 110 HIlI PIt. Ave., Great WEISZ. Oorp., M"rtin 200 M.di;n (1 21, A-M Ave 27)" Ne~ E -: ~ro rkator yn.,mech., Designer. Oombll.tlon Engrg WHITNEY., Neck, L. Chas. X. A. (23)... Spec. Rep., ioamlte Obllds Oorp., 128 W. 81st St., New WELCH, Wm, Jr (J "6)" Asst. EO, an d or, mail, 7913 Bay Pk,vay Brooklyn York, an,l for mail, 414 Archer St., Freeport, L. I. Co" NewYOII~ N Y and for ;,~t ~i;~\}iteats, Interborous-h Rapid Transii WHITNEY, H. i,eroy (22), Plr., Sales Engr., M. W. Kellogg Co., Inc., 7 Dey St. WELER, Robt (27> Engr Boyer WI E 1astnut St" Arlington, N. J WIDTNEY, MarS-an M. (J 28), 1>1. E., Griocom Rusoell Co. 285 Madison Ave., St.,. - e er ngrg. 00.,..nd for maa, 47 W: 52.d " New York, and fo~ mau, Central Br..nch Y. M. O. A., 55 Hanson Pl., Brooklyn. WELLES, Edw. R. (16) Ch M E J G Vhl WHITTED. Thos. B. (00; 03; 09), M. E., Rm. 2201, 288 Broadway. WELLING, Lindoay H. (10; A-M" 24) Gr ~e E8grg. Corp. 48 Exchange PI. WHITTEMORE, Arthu~ S. (J 22), Engrg. A~st., N. Y. Tel. Co., HO Weot st., New, Bldg., Ne,v YO~J and fo~ mail 285 Ma3ler Rorp., Grand Central Terminal York, and for mad, 51 Floyd St., W.!Sew Brighton. S. I. WELLINGTON, O. w. (A.M 21) Sales EI son d., Scarsdale.., I: WHITTIER, Chas. R. (09), S.nderson &: Porter, 52 William St. WE Co. 95 St., and for:..aa 1461Jg{j~1AIP?rnsACustodls Chimney Oon.t1.!, WHITTON, Wm. H. (A 22), Geol. Wholeoale ~gt., N. Y. Edison 00., 180 E. LLS. Alex. B. (~.M 22), 601 W. 1410t St. vera y ve. 15th St., ~~ttss, Clement (10), Preo,. Sarco Co. Inc. 40 E 34th St WRYTOOK. John (J 21), Apparatns Devel. Engr., Bell Tel. Labs., Inc., 468 West Fred S. (A M 20), Engr Stephe Ad. " St. WEL~S, Warren M. (A-M 21), I~~ Eus-r nscor~;:unlijf Co., 50 Church St. WIOKS, Clifford P. (A-M 21)[ Ch. Engr., Am. Cuptor Co., 200 Hudson St., New WENotil~t~C; Jhas~ni. f(rl:>~i~r::~ ~c"if:~~~~~d1>i~~~~ St., NelV ;; WID~~h:: J~~. a~~ (r.;:)~ Y~~.~~;t~;v/f;::,~0~~rg.~"f65B~oadwI>Y, and Jo., ons r. a., 42 Bond St...,.. "en and Engrg. II m"it, 8615 Greystone Ave. ;~~~W:JRT~g~ L. (A.~ 22), Pres. Dlr., G. M. Basford E 4 WIENER,. Martin L. (A M 24), Martin L. Wiener 00., 164 E. S9th st. way~ Y kfrnauclll (A 22), Sales Engr N YAir n;.ak 0" 2nd St. WIERK. F1adk (J 23), St.1l Engr. Karl Lefren, 171 Madison Ave., New York, WENTW ew or,. Y. IHld fo~ mais 86 W~~hi~gton Teo., 165 Broad and fo~ mail, 20 Linden St., Brooklyn. WENT;ELORII~ dr"gln~d A. (11: 18), Mfg. 1>rg1 Barre~~rl5~ E.jo0rnre, N. J. ), WIESE, O. H. (16; 20), Sr. Engr., Emergency Fleet Corp., 45 Bro.dway, New W 59th re. ( 27), Asst. Engr., Interb~j..llgh R d" or St. York. and lo~ mail, th Ave., Woodhaven, L. I. N J St., New York, N. Y., and fo~ mail, 271 Ogd~~ Av~anJt CO"C~tOO WIGLE, Roy A., (J 26), M. E., Dealgner, Ry. Steel Spring 00., 80 Ohurch St., WERBER H m A J., eraey I y, New York, and fo~ mail, 395 E. 16th St., Brooklyn. and ior ;;"i~n slio( 51 2 t 6 )St. Jr. M. E" E. L. Phillips, 50 Church St ~"w Y k Wm.sTROM, Ch... Jr. (J 26). Jr. Engr. Hen Gate Power Stl>., 134th st. &, 0, Broo yn. kl., or",locust Ave.. New York, and for!"ail, 446 Senator St., Brooklyn. 526 ;:. 527

200 :," NEW YORIC MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORiC CITY (eontlnued) WILOOX, Ave. Edw. M.. (J 02) ~,a S I.s Engr., OombuBUon Engrg. Oorp;, 200 1dadlllJ1l:. WILCOX, Herb.rt M. (10. 18) V..j.- WILOOXSON. Leslie S <J "061, Engltapifn~ Co., 250 W. 67th St. - N.w York NY d j. r.. a cock & Wllcox Co 86 Llb.rty St.... \VILrER. L, G: (j 23)"~.p. oprr.::il& Jf.~c~~t~WO~~ :v~:i :tig.wood, N. J. : ~ IVILif,,:~ b18 S.,:choOI St., Carthage.., n ~t. New York, and :l. WILKS. Victor H~~2N E~~~r T~~~ip J~n.:tllep y 46th St.,.., vng, Inc., Robln.on 440 4th Ave. ~. &; Co., Inc., 126 E..., I WILLARD. L Leigh (07 10) G I U water Co..l Co. 62,Iand.rbilte, Kingston Pocahontas Ooal Co., Edgl> IVILLHOFFT Fredk 0 (96) C ve. WILLIAMS. Arthur (A15 ) ons. Engr., 68 Beaver St. E. 15th St. v. P. Comm.rclal R.lation N. Y. Edison Co., 130. WILLIAM&. St. David. T (20),one. C Engr., Zlel.y Proc se. Inc., Rm. 904, 7 E 42nd WILJ.IAlIS, Edw G (16) V P J G.. -. WILLIAMS, Frank D. (18i, Treas. M White.Engrg. Corp., 43 Exchllollge PI. \.,.,.y 0rk, N. Y., and for Intlil. Lal:e A~~. g~~~~w~chcoc Jnc., 115 Broad St., N.w...,IAMS, H.rbert E., Jr. (J 24) M Fi, Olln.. Park Ave.. em. rm, H. E. Williams Jr. Co 101 WJ;tli~~ JnIS, Jr. (16), Cons. Engr 22 E. 60th St.. for fll(lil. fo~ne.ui7tr2~l. Consultant Mannge1l~nt Engr., 45 A.tor Pl., IlIld ~m~ jf~~r~ fl 2 it ~l Cons. Engr 110 W. 40th St.. WILLIAMS; Sam!. 0. (17; 26) )b~!~s, Engr., McCrossln &; Co., 32 B.av.r St. wn;na.l\[. sn.w York. N. Y. a:d for,n~~r7o~::::,~,s~ba;&;0warln g N, 420 L.xillg!qa Saml L (J 2-1) Asst t b t E " range, J. 150 Broadway..,. 0 s. ngr., WesUnghous. Air Brak. Co. ~tl~~~a;;l ~j <;~5 ~a~~~ ~n~",har~~ ~60 Broadway. WILlJi Y and for mail. 186 W. GrandSt., Elizab.&o N2~ 10th Av., N.w York. WILLO~&Miyd Av I(J 28), Efgr., 167 W. 76th St.,.., i, ctor R. (21) M. E Am C &; Fd C WILLS, Jas. (J 23). Mch. DeSIgner Natl. Biscuit Co ar85 9th)A 0"N 80 Church St. for mau, lth St. Bellal:e L I., v, ew York, and \m~~:d~~~ E. (12), Genl. Salesygr.; Worthington Pump &; Mchy. Oorp., 116 \\I~~~ad;~~~. t.r W. (13). M. E., Am. Smelting &: R.f. 00., Rm. 3122, 120 WILSON, E. A. (22), 32 W. 40th St. WILSON, and for Goo. mail, p. (J Apt. 27) 20, Draftsman 2285 DeslI~e 5th Av.. Coach Co., 632 W. 132nd St... WILSON, \mson, Jacob Wm. R D (08 (J 1 14) ) j Pr.s G "Wb Tr ~s., Am. Elev. &: Mcll. Corp. 118 C.dar St York. and fa; mail, 99 6i B~net PL I l:::m~"" t ICorp., 83 Lib.rty St., Ne; WINES, Walt.r E (21) Mgr M h D. Madison Ave.,.,.c. ept., Am. N.wspaper Assn., 270 WING, Wm. N. (A.M ~) Supvg En 0. i ""N 5 S t LO h Ave., New York, and for ";ail ~E. ~if,nstc~den~,.:,:: Guarant Corp., 55 ". W, P.arson (A.~l 21) B I D t. roo...,.~ WINSLOW, Sidn.y H. (22) S:rv: 1;gr t" B~nbright &; Co., Inc., 25 Nassau St. New York, N. Y., and ior mdil 3Lg G:;,~,nARy. guppl y Co. 17 E. 42nd St. WINTER, G.o. A. E. (J 27). Draftsman Com v: e., ormont, Pittsburgh, Pa. mteavr.r New York. and for mail, inst ~~~stl~toe!,grgl I Corp., 200 Madison W.., 42nd St. OWD II.. H (07 16)," A t. t0 1"" r. Lima ns... Loco. Wks., Inc. 17 E. WIRTSEN. E"nst J C03 07) Const D : i. St., lind for m~il W. 931d, Henry L. Doh.rty k Co., 60 Wall WISE, Broadw".\"." Alfr.d S (19 A I! 24.), 8aI es Engr Baldwin Loco. Wks., Rm lviselogel, Rob!.. ~- (ls),11 E! mult or, (.ombu~tion. Engrg. Corp., 200 Madisol Ave," 528.";...~ MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORli: CITY (eontinned) WISNER, H.nIY.0., Jr. (A.M 22), Combustion Engrg. Oorp., 200 YadiSon Ave., N.w York, alld fat 1Il0il, 48 Park Ave., Brom,:vl1le. \VlTHERS, n (A.~i 26), Accountant, Haskins & Sells, 37 W. 89th St., and tor mail, 2!0 Wav.rly Pl.. \\lthington, Wm. H. (J 22), Dlv. Engr., Harding. Co., Inc., 120 BroadWay, and WOERWAG. for mail, C. Apt. A. 2 (A-M J, ), W. l83rd Sales Engr., St. Link B.1t Co., Rm. 2676, 288 BroadWay..WOHLERS, Oha. (22), Eng1".,!lenry L. Doherty /II; 00., 60 Wall St., N.w York, and tor mail iith Pl. Hollis, L. I.. WOLF, Ilwln (J 22), ~l.m. Firm. United Clothing Co., 688 Broadway. WOLF, Rob."t B. (13), Vic Pr.sident : Pres., Pulp Bleaching Corp., 89 \VOLFF, Oortlandt Richard St. A. (21; 26), Pr06., Volft. &; Muni.~, Inc., 222 E. 41st at. WOLLHEIM, JolIn A. (23; A.M. 26), Estimator, 1J0mbustion Engrg. Corp., 200. WOLPERT, MadisonNathan Av N. (J 21). Asst. Editor. Fire II Wat.r Engrg., 225 W. 34th St., ~ew York, and 101",, 4 Prospect Ave., Glen Cove, L. L WOOD. B.nj. F. (97: 07), V. P Stev.ns &; Wood Inc., 120 Broadway. WOOD, Jos. Kaye (A-M 28). Cons. Engr., 46 W. 40th St., New York, and for. ",ail, 10 Gramatan Av., ~lt. Vernon. WOOD, Walt.r Hodg.n (22), En!:r. T.sts, Combustion Eng1"g. Corp., 200 Madison. Av., New York. N. Y., and for mail, 7 Sagamore Rd., Maplewood, N. J; WOODARD, Wm. E. (15), V. p. of Engrg., Lima Loco. Wits., Inc., 17 E. 42nd St. WOODHOUSE, Rabt. J. (A 21), Cons. Enll. U. S. Fid.lity &; Guaranty Co., 75 William St., Ne,\ York, and tor mail, Park Pl., Huntington, L. 1,. WOODMAN. Jos. O. (14; 22), Engr. Decari. Incinerator Co., 842 Madison Av. N.,v York, and tor mail. 48 Bown. 8t., FlushinK. L. I. WOODS. Geo. n. (16; 25), N. Y. Mll., R. S. St.o\,-vls &; Zon.n, 17 Batt.ry PI. \VOODWELL. Julian E. (00; 08), Cons. Engr., 501 6tlI Ave. WOOLFSON, IIarrls D. (24: A-M 26), M. E M.mam Av WOOLLEY, Harold O. (09; A M 15), Englg. pow.r Spec. Co., 111 Broadway. WOOLLEY. Iaul O. (J 24), Asst. Engr., AdJanco Indu. Prod. Oorp., 54 Lafsy.t.te St., l:ew YOII, and for mail, nd Ave., AUburndale, L. I.. WORDE::!, B.v.rly L. (21), Pres. CutlCt Hamm.r Mfg. Co. 50 Ohurch St., N.w Yorl" N. Y., and for mail, Northli.ld Rd., W. Orang., N. J. WORDEN. Euclid P. (911; 02), Engr. Am. Water Wks. &; Elec. Co., 50 Broad St. WORTH, Barzllla! G. (17), V. P., Walt.r Kidd. & Co., Inc., 140 Cedar St. N.w York. N. Y., and for mal!, 449 Gr.gory Av., W. Orang., N. J. WORTH, ChRS. C. (08). Genl. Supt. Constr., N. Y. Edison Co:.! 130 E. 15th St...\"ORTHINGTON. Chas. G. (J 20), Res.arch Asst., Tech. uommittee Dept., A. WOTHERSPOON, S. M. E., 29 Wm. W, L. 39th St. (14), Cons. Engr., Int.matl. Nickel Co., 67 \Vall St. WRAITH, Wm. (08), Ex.c V. 1. Inspiration Consltd. Oopp.r Min. Co., 25 Broad Way. WRIGHI, WRIGHT. Carl Franc J. (22), 60 Vall St. i T. (27), Asst. M. E., N. Y. C.ntral R. n., Rm. 960, 466 Lex inlrton Ave. N.w York, N. Y., aud fat ",nil, 48 High St. passaic, N. J. WRIGHT, J... C. (J 22). Engr., S.rv.l Oorp., 51 E. 42nd St., N.w- York. and. for mail, 7 D.nni. St., Manhasset, L. I.. WRIGHT, Paul D. (J 17), F. W. Dodge Corp., Ill> W.!Oth St., and for mail, 219 E. WRIGHT, 2SBU, St. Roy V. (07), Manag.r, 22.25, Vlc. Pr.sld.nt, 25 21; Managing Editor, Rv. Ag., Editor, Ry. Mech. Engr., Simmons-Boardman Publishing Co. 30 Ohurch St., N.w York, N. Y., and for mai!, 898 N. Walnut St., E. Orange, N. J. WRIGHT, Wm. H. (17). V. P. Genl. Mgr., "onndatlon Oven Co. 120 Lib.rty St. WUNDERLICH. Paul (20). Cons. Engr., Grand Central Terminal. N.w York, and tor mail, 4B McK l Ave., TBlTYtown.. WURGEL. Rene A. (20; 22: 27), Pur. Engr., Holly Pneumatic Systems, Inc., 100 E. 46th St., N.w York, N. Y., and tor mail, 167 Edgar St W.ellawken, N. J. WURSTER. Wm. F. (A.M 21), Sales Engr., Gr n Fu.1 EconomiTA!r 00., 90 St. WURTH, Fr.d (J 22). Cad.t, Cons1td. Oas Co., ISO E. 15th St., N.w York, and tor mail, 16 Woodland Drive, Port Chester. WYLD. R. G. (J 26), Draftsman. DeLaVergne Mob. Co., 910 E. IB8th St., and for mail, 660 Riv.rslde Drlv IVYLD, Robt. H. (21), N. Y. Sal.s Mgr., Foster Whe.l.r Corp., 165 Broadway. 529 NEW YORK

201 NEW YORI!;: MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORIC NEW YORIi: CITY (continned) WYLLY, Dawson (A M 17), Dist. Sales Mgr., Hltcllinga " Co., 136 Liberty St., and for mail, Apt. 6, 87 W. 89th at. WYMAN. D. M. (16; A M 18), Sales Engr., M. W. I,ellogg Co., 90 West St., New York. N. Y., and for mail, Hunter Ave., Fanwood, N. J. WYS, Jan P. (J 27), Sales Engr., Ruths Accumulator Co., 292 Madison Ave. WYSS, Clement H., Jr. (J 2-1), Engrs. Asst., West. Unlcn Tel. Co., 195 Broadway, and for mail, 1788 Weeks Ave. XENIS. Constantine P. (J 24), Jr. Engr., N. Y. Edison 00., Rm. 720, 180 Eo 15th St., New York, and for mail th St., Jackson Heights, L. I. YATES. Raymond Fnncls (21; A Y 26), Editor, Popular Badio, Inc..!. 119 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y., and for mail, P. O. Bo" 177, Sound Beach, uonn.. YEARSLEY. Eugene W. (22). Cons. Engr., :M. & E. E. Otis Elev. Co., th Ave. New York, and for mail 26 Stepbens Oourt, BrookJ,yn. YORK, Herbert W. (04). Cons. E;;gr., Am. Smelting &: Ref. Co., 120 Broadway. YOUNG, Jos. E. (16; A M 25), Geo. J. Bloom Rm. 1140, 25 Broadway. YOUNG, Perc) A. (21; 24), Prod. Engr., Holly Pneumatic Systems, In:-J 100 E. 46th St., New York, N. Y., and for mail, 6 Hawtborne Pl., Montclair, l<. J. YOUNG, RUey T. (23), Engr.~ H. S. Ferguson, Rm. 1308, 200 5th Ave. YOUNG, Robt. H. (J 26), uadet Engr., Oombustion Engrg. Oorp. 200 Madison Ave. YOUNGSON, Alex. O. (A M 22), Asst. M. E., Starrett &: Van Vleck, 8 W. 40th St., New York, and for mail 7901 Colonial Rd., Brookl)."II. ZANFT, Auram B. (J 26), Draftsman, Morse Boulger Destruetor Co., 465 Lexington Ave., and for mail, 1228 Manor Ave. ZEHNDER, Ohas. H. (90), Retired, 393 7th Ave. ZEINER, Eugene F. (A-M 23), Dlst. Rep., Philip Carey Co., Ne\v York, and for mail, 1230 Carroll St., BrOOklyn. ZERBEY, Arthur L. (J 20), V. P., Fuel Service Co., 17 Battery Pl.; New York, and for mail, Beechtree Lane, Pelham Manor. ZIEGLER, Thea. F. (A M 26), Servo &: Erection, Combustion Engrg. Corp., 200 Madison Ave., and for mail. 519 W. 121st St., ZIEGLER, W. G. (20; 23), Sales Engr., U. S. Gauge Co., 44 Beaver St., New York, and or mail, th St., Jackson Heights. L. I. ",ZJERlCK, A. E. (J 21), Mgr., Orbit Call Co., 6 Howard St., and for mail, 322 E. 90th St. ZIMMERMAN, Wall St. Carl D. (19; 20), East. Servo Mgr., Consolldatlon Coal Co., If! ZOLOT, Phineas (J 24), th Ave. ZOTTl, Frank, Jr. (J 25), Supts. Asst., Oentral Union Gas. 00., 905 E. 13Bth St., and for mail, 601 W. 182nd St. ZOUOK, Geo. H. (14; 26), Div. Engr. of Tests. Franklin Ry. Supply Co., 17 E. 42nd St., New York N. Y. and for ",.ail, 829 Lincoln Ave., Orange, N. J.,. ZOURAEFF, All Khan (A M 27), Spec. Mch. " Tool Designer, 1590 Amsterdam Ave. ZSmA, Alex., Jr. (J 23), 480 E. 9tl1 St. ZWINGLI, Oarl T. (J 20),,~sst. Engr., Am. Agrl. Chern. Co., 2 Rector St., New York, N.Y., and for mad, 35 Elberon Ave., Hawthorne, N. J. ZWOYER. Ellsworth B. A. (14)... Brlqnetting Engr., Zwoyer Fuel Co Rm. 2507, 60 Wall St., New York, N. r., and for mail, 18B Kearny Ave." Perth Amboy, N. J. NEW YORK liulls, ljticl\ Section ABBOTT, HarIY L. (21), ClI, Engr., Abbott Engrg. Co., and for mail, 19 Pleasant St. NIAGARA FALLS, BnJrnlo Section ALLEN I Howard G. (J 21), Ch, Engr., H. R. Bliss Co., Ina" 8th St. &: Erie Ave., ana for mail, 940 James Ave. BLACK, JOB. H. (J 26), Union Carbide 00., and for 1I10,il, 2000 La Salle Ave. BLAKE, Wm. P. (J 26), Oertain-teed Products Corp., Lock Box 580., BRYANT, Robt. O. (22; A-Y 26), Asst. Engr., Carborundum Co., and for mail South Ave. BUNDY, Howard E. (J 23), Effic. Engr., Carborundum Co. OALL, Leroy J. (21), Constr. Engr., Oarborundum Co., and for mail, 925 Maple.~ve. 580,,- j. ;,, : {I NIAG.o\.RA FALLS }c;~)ti~ ~:t~~ane. Eng"g. Dept., Carborundum Co., and DAv,~~m~~rvXj,t.P301~ SagamorelPt~smlth &: Son, 2UO Cayuga Ave and for mail, DOVE.SMlTH, Jos. (18), Propr., ove ~ 2255 Niagara Ave. Escher Wys. & Co., Gluck Bide EGBERT, Chas. Cl~~7)U vs.;ga. Engr., Niagnra fal}: po";,ei~ pt,nt Mathie.on aidson, NOIn: an Ii (A M 21) Engr., Supt. Synthehc mmo, REOKER!. Art lur. - -, B M Falls Sto. Alka I WIcs., In(A M 16) V P Niagara Ammonll\ C~wk0x ljic Buffalo Ave., H;ENDRIE, ~eoa ACAloi 23), Asst. Engr., Mathieson i\lkah s.,., ItAR~~d J:r mati, 2246 PI~rc~ tt 16) M, E... Wright & Kremers, Ine., Pine & KREMERS. Olnrence H, (14", _. Main Sts. Oldb \ 3 Elec Ohern. Co., Bo" 619. I 13B LIDDURY, Frank A. (17), Pres.. C:rbide Co., Niagala Falls, and for ma>, LONG, Jo.. C. (J 25). Engr., Union il th Dunne Ave., La SaI,!e. E Niagara Falls po,ver Co., and for ma, llltohell, W. H, (A 13), ngr., "Tn.T~~N H D. (16), Mech. Supt MaDthi!",on A~~~i:~~ Wks. Inc., 2400 JnU" G A (J 2Z) Mch. eslgner, PETROE, regory d f mall 4640 Terrace Drive.,, Buffalo Ave., an or, 212 The Jefferson 1 A POPE Geo. M. (A M 24), Apt. R ler &: Ha~.lacher Ohem. 00., Buffa ave." REITZ Edw J (J 26), Draftsman, oes 402 Eggertsvllle Ni~garaFalls, and for,"ail.,:. 0E Box Nisiars. Wk&., Natl. Carbon Co. Inc., RICHARDSON. Alton A. (13), Wks. ngr., 3626 Hil:hls.nd Ave., B 21) Treas. Managing Dir., Genl. Abrasive Co., Inc., RIOHllOND, Harold A. (9,,., College Ave. N Eleetro Chern. Co. d Co ROSS. Wm. (21), Wlcs. ligr.,.:agtj.)rass! Supt. Maintenance. Oarborun um.,, SCHULTZ Herbert L. (A M.5,. nnd f~r mail. 24~4 South AV~ommelcial Dept., Niagara Falls Power Co. SHEPARD, Geo. R. (14),l;Is,"ii), Effic. Dept., Carborundum COlectro Ohern. STOWELLfo",a{~~. «~10) Cons. Resea"ch Engr 6lMk~[onESto.. philadelphia, STU1r~;\ra.eF~ils, N: Y., and lor, P. O. Box,e, :,pa.ll! A (lli) Cb Engrg. & Pur. Depts."Acheson GraphIte 00., and TRYON Clarence., 0. d Niagara formail. P. O. BoX 66. P Trea.. Defiance Paper 00.. an UITEGRAFF, TbCO" ~. ~A. ~~~b:~gh "Vall p;pderwo~. :~gost : a d "i:;n~at:e211 Wall Paper 0., M" 22) M E. Shredde en., WEBSTER, Earl P. (A,.,, 6th St. NORTH TONAWAJYD:-A.~;~7~O~~i~~~~,llAutomatiCMchy., Route 2, Sbaw BOYD, Wm. Wallace (10,,. Mf Co nee Rd. Oha N (A.M 24). Ch. Engr.. lludolph Wuri-~ Oo~ and for mail, peverall. s. (;26) Asst. Ch. Ellgr., Duffalo Steam ~, DOTY, EdmundF., " I Mf Co and 185 Vandervoort St A M M) Prod Ellgr., Rudolph Warl tzer g.., KING DeWitt L. (19;,. fl ld Sts f~r mail, 803 Goundry StLandon Radiator Co Inc., Main &: Wheat e., LANDO, AW~dro;.?d fo~e~. 76 penhun t IJw1t;;a~U::l) Co., N. Tonawanda, N. anag i2) Factory Mgr. Dir., u 0,NYE, ~o~:~ ~ll 86 W. Oakwood Pl i3 ~~:XSteam Pump Co., N. Tona.wanda, and all Ed d (20) Oh. Engr.. u, RIKLlN, il w lmma, 6zHUI at Tonawanda. t III t Ol.olitn.l1 Section NYACK, e I.G (A 21) N Broadway. OFELDT, Ernest,., Corp., and OGDENSBURG (J 26) Engr Sulphite MUl, Algonquin, Paper BORGESEN, Asbjorn,", for mo.ii, 214 Albany Ave. ) C tr Engr. 303 Oatherlne 8t. SKELLY, John F. (22; A-M 23, on., 581 Co.,

202 ME.M.Btl/lS IN UlSITl!:1l IlTATE6 NEW YOnK OLEAN BJORNSSON, Carl A. (15) De e1 E. and for mail P 0 B~. 67 Welnlga IIIAa,t. Cb. Engr., Clark Bras. Co" OIeen, OARLZJF. ~ va. GREEN ;.. (A-M 21), As,t. to V. P., Clark Bra, 00 Union st.~~n~a;~ ~~lt ff25 E W ngr B 0lleanSt Ẹlec Llght &; Power 00., 207 N. HARBEOK F k en ey LUTHER a ran ~. (27), Designing Engr., Eo B. Van,.\Ua. 00. I PERKINS P~~IWW( 18)M:!~;~" Luther lug. 00., 133 Railroad AV~ no. 2l~ N. 3rd St: (A- _0), East. Sales Mgr., Weber Eng. Co., and for lil<lil, REID, Jos. Sllilely (11) Pres T Cl k St.,., r~3jl., ar Broa. 00., and for mail, 202 Lauren. ONEIDA, Lrticn Section ALLEN, Ltd. Capt. Jared E. (A M 17)",.u!P. CI red t &; Legal Depts., Oneida. Community,,i CHAMPLIN Donald W (J 25) Tb M I. LEA.VENWORTH S a: (25) Dave!.e E an, on, C!dne.dca Oommunlty Ltd Kenwood. r f Dgr., nel a ommunity Ltd ~~IN GEBURG. I1letropoUtl1n Section., M. E, (A-M 26) Designer Flbr C d It Co 0 c/o W. A. Scbleslng~r, 1 AI~n PI.~ D~~gt.ston: L. rf~geburg; and for mail, OSSINING, I1Ietrcl.oUtl1n Section OCHS, Sidney (J 25), Ch. Draftsman Oambrid I. for mail, Grand Concouroe New Yo k ge nstrlunent Co. Oooinlng, Dlld PACKARD, Horace. N (II ; 19),actory F Supt., r Can.brldge In,trument 00. OSWEGO. SY1"cl"!le Section FITZGTllBONS, Darld ) V P G 1M HALLOOK. Homan F. (10.A.H ;i6)elm Egrbf,tzgibboll, Boller Co. HAWK, Donald E. (J 28).ABet Wk ":..., a~ond Match Co W. 5th St. s... Fltzglbbona Boiler Co., and 1M moi/, JOHNSON. Ja,. W. (17; 25), 146 W. 7th St. LYK~ti ~~n~;,:da (~~?). Gen!. Mgr Otla Sawyer lloiler k Fdy. Co alld for mai/, OXFORD, Metropolltl1n Section ROBINSON, Almon L. (A-M 19). ~~::!s~,.pa.rj h":: L. I., Metrol.oiltan Se...tlon. >, a n J. (J 22) rd St. PAINTED POST ". OARPENTER, Allan 0 (A 09) D I for mail, 82 E. 8rd St., Cor~tng~agner. I ngersoll-rand Co., Painted, Poot, Dod SMITH, Water Edw. St. John (A-M 18),. Fdy Sup:. t Ingersol! Raud Co., and for mau, B80 W., WIC~:RSHAM. Nathan R. (07), Gen!. Supt., Painted Post PIsnt, Ingersoll.Rand PALISADES, iuctropolltun S...iI... D~NNEHY, Jerry T. (J 28). PALlIIEll SlMM0J;!S, mat!, Srd Ch... & Oak G.,(J Sto. 24),.\&ot.. 11 as I c 1 ellt Engr., Internat!. Paper Co,. allu Jor ~~~IYRA, RocI.eNler s... t!o,,ulu. Oecll R. (2;). Pm,!.Mgl.. Gurlock Packing~. 50 Main St, PEARL RIVER ItI t I GRnfM, Adol h 2i. oe Ita.. Section, ILAWINSII p( ( L.5), Oh. Draftsman, Dexter Folder CO RECTOR Rill he".. lj.. 28).,.. YEO; Ed\\. l (JH;2g, :?J;. ~:fgl~:.~ldb M~", f~xter Folder Co..",.e. ex er 10 cler Co., and Jor mail, Cedar!. : PEEKSKILL, Metropolltl1n Section BUNZEL. E. (16), Oh. Draltsman, Fleisclunann 00. and tor mail, 1014 Orchard St. FISHER, Ohas. E., Jr. (J 27), Aast. H. M. Fleischmann 00., and jor mau, 860 Washington St. :; ; PELHA-I1I, 1I1etropoIlto.n Section del FUNGO-GIERA, P. L. E. (19), 184 Harmon A, e. IlEDLEY, Walter H. (J ZS), 118 lat Ave. IORT CHESTER, 1Iletrol.olltan Section AVIS, Sam!. W. (18), Cons. Engr., Russell Burdsall &< Ward Bolt &I Nut Co. KURDSALL, Elhrood (80: 16), Secy. TI eas., Engr., ltuasell, Bur<jsnll & Ward, Rolt 6: Nut Co. HILBERT. Edwin Wm. (J 27), Student Engr. N. Y. Tel. Co. 25 Grove St. PORT IVORY, S. I., I1letropoIlto.n Section SPALDING. Flancla W. (J 2.1), _"...t. Plant Engl., Procter k Gamble Mfp;. 00., Port Ivory, and tor maa,. 102 Bard Ave., W. New Brighton. STACKHOUSE. Howard L. (J 22). Maintenance Engr., Procter k Gambl.. Mig. Co., Port ivory, S, I., N. Y., and jor mail, 147 W. Jeraey St., Elizabeth, N. J. PORT RICHIlIOND. S. I., I1letropolltl1n Section BATES, Geo. H, (H), Secy., Treaa., S. 1. Shipbldg. 00., Port Rlchmolld, S. 1., N. Y., and for -mail, 18 Hampton St., Cranford, N. J. ~,IJ4BERSON, Ed",. E. (28), Power Supt. S. L Edioon Co. Livingston Ste., Port Richmond, S. I., and for mail. 76 Hariue Ave Brooklyn. PARKER, Geo. A. (18). 874 Heberton Ave. PORT WASmNGTON. L. I I11etropollh." Section FRANKLIN. Paul A. (15: 25), Treas., Macphersons Bldr... Ine., P. O. Box 382, PULLER, Otto G. (A-M 19), Park Ave. POTSDAIlI rowers,.alfred R. (-"-M 14). Prof. E. E., Charga Exper. Hyd. &; M. E" Olark son Colle/:e of Tech. ROSS, John A. Jr. (16), Prof. H. E., Clarkson College of Tech., and jor,neil, 18 LaWTence Ave. ". :->FENCER, Albert W. (A.~:t.f 20). ;. ;... : loughkeepsi~ BURNS, Raymond W. (A-Y 19). M. E., Jas. L. Taylor Mfg. Co.,.108 Parker Ave" and for mail, 18 Barclay St. DEXTER. Han-is E. (A.M 17), A..t. Genl. Oommerclnl Mgr, Central Hudaou Gas IJ Elec. Corp., 50 Market St. DURBECK, Alber~ O. (21; A-M 23). Tool Prod. Federal Bearings, and for mail, 78 Hinkley Pl.. FAXON, Francia E. (19)\ Secy., Treas., Trussell Mfg. 00., 5 N. Cherry St. FLOWERS. Alan E. (16}. Engr. Oharge Deval., De Laval Separator Co. FRENCH, Wm. H. (19; 22). Gen!. Foreman, De Laval Separator Co. and for mail, Eleanor Apts. State St. GOEBLER. Chas. (13), Wka. Supt., De Laval Separator Co., and fo, mail. 49 Corlie. Ave. IlR.Y, G. Fraucill (1;9), GIay P,odnctR Inc., 218 Ullioll ~t. HARGRAVE, Russell W. (99; Ii), Oons. Engr., 27 Manchester Rd. HART, Fredk (05), Retlted, 104 Ave. HOE, Robt. (18). Pres.. Hoe Corp. pougbkeepsie, al60 Dil. R. Hoe & Co., 604 Grand St.. New York. HOWE, Albert W. (08). R. F. D. 4. JAMES. Robt. F. (J 22), A.sst. to Pres., Alben. O. S.nitl1 & Co., Inc., 488 llain St. McBERTY, Ford B. (A-M 20), Process Engr. De Lanl Separator Co. MILLER, Theo. H. (06), Wks. MS"" De La.val Separntor 00. RICHARDS, Keene (27), Genl. Mgr., Oona. Engr., Vassar Collega. SHORT, ~rallk (15; 20; 26), Genl. Mgr., Ohem. :r.lch~. Conatr. Co., Inc., P. O. Box

203 NEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEWYORl{; III~f I" :; If! I ~ I,: k :, l; /k~i It.,,.1;, ~ i /: rn.: 1(lt,ili",: j ~" " F:: i: ;th:,( pi -til I j-" j;~,;i;; POIIGHI(:EEP8IE (continned) SPOOR, E,erett E. (J 26), Spoor Lasher Co" Inc., and fot mail, 16 Cannon St. SPROSS, Huhert M. (27), Ch. Draftsman, De Laval Separator Co., and lor mau, " 1 Fairmont St. STERN, Jerome B. (J 26), EnllT., 6 Hascom Ave., TALMAGE. A. A. JI. (J 27), Cadet Engr., Oentral Hudson Gas & Elec. Corp" : and or mai!o 68 Market St.,I WEISS, Paul A. H. (18; A M 26), Asst. Engr., Oentral Hudson Gas & Eleo. CalJl" ~. 50 Market St. WILLSON, Geo. T. (20), Asst, Supt., De Laval Separator Co., and for mail, I : May St. PRINCE D.o\.Y. S. I., lliet"ol.outa.n Section., BOEBLING, H. Fred (J 24), S. S. Wllite Dental Mig. Co., Prince Bay, S. I., sad,. I lor mail, th St., BrookJ.yn,.. ( DAVID, Wm. H. (A-M 13)} Supt., Standardization &: Inspc., S. S. White Dentalllfg,, Co. Prince Bay, and lor mail. 197 Johnson A,e. Tottenvme, S. I. DAVIDSON, John C. (15), Plant Engr., S. S. White Dental Mfg, Co., and lor " rnail, 449 Prince Bay Rd.,, JOLlNE, E. A: (A 16), Supt., S. S. White Dental1>Ug. 00., Prince Bay, and or mail, 7296 Amboy Rd., Tottenville, S. I., PYRITES " BURNS, Edwin F. (J 21), Supt. Steam Plant, De Grasse Mill, Internat!. Paper Co. Q.UEENS. L. I.. IIIet"opoUtan Section REPKO, John S. (15; A M 22-), Gen!. Contr., Repko Bros., and for mail, Que.n. Rd. QUEENS VILLAGE, L. I., IIIetropoUtan Section BROWNELl Fredk J. (J 18), Pallial St. &; Hamilton Ave. STONEY, Frank 0., Jr. (A Y 23), th Ave. RENSSELAER, ScIlenect,ulT Section ~AHE1:. Fred J. (J 2~). Terminal Foreman, N, Y. Central R.,R: Co., Rens..elael, and lor mail, 16 Manning Sq., Albany. RICHMOND HILL, L. I., IIIetlopolltan, Section GENZLINGE!t.. Fredk ~r. (21; 25), Mch. Designer, rd Ave. HENRIcn:SELI. H, E. (18; A l! 25) th St., JUDilON, Herbert (J 26), tn St.,, MALKOWSKI, Felix J. (J 20), Draftsman, Inspr., Wm. Demuth & Co., 1011lt S~, Rlcllmond Hm. and or mail, th St., Woodhaven, L. T. PETERS. Eelmund (J 27), Mecll.,Designer, A. H. Grebe & Co. Inc., 70,Vsn W"ck Bl, d.. Richmond Hill, and for mail, 75 Carll St., Jamaica. \VEINERT, Roland E. (21: 26), Factor} Mgr., Wm. Demuth &: Co., Richmond Hill, and lor mail, 5 Tilly Ave. Jamaica, L. I. ROCHESTER, Rochester Section, ALEXANDER, Oha. A. (99; 05), Pres., Treas., Alexander, Shumway & Utz Ca" SO S. Fitzhugh St. ANCONA, John F. (04; 12), Oons. Engr., Rm. 811, 811 AlexlWlder St. ARONWITS, WlIfred (A M 25), Cons. Engr., 552 Wellington Ave. ARTHUR; Russell W. (A-M 27), Asst. Engl., Mcll. Design, Eastman Kodek Co., and 0 mail, 119 wellin~on Ave. ATTERBURY. TllOS. W. (28, 21 MUton St. BARGER, Lorin W. (18), W. Engr., S}mlngton Co., Rochester; Gould Coupler Co., Depew, and for mail, 35 Court St., Lancaster; BARROWS, Donald S. (21), V. P., T. H. S)miugton Co., Box 998. " BAUSOH, Carl L. (11; 18; 21), Mgr., Research,~ Engrg., Bausch & Lomb Optl., cal 00., 685, St. Paul St. BEDARD, Jos. F. (J 26), Jr. Mech. Equip. Engr., Fitzhugh St., and lor mail. 46S Ale-uncler St. City of Rochester, IS S. BRYAN, Perc." A. (A M 21), Asst. Eugr. Design, Eastman Kodak Co., and lor mait, Box 8S, Linden Rd., R. F. D. 8, Brighton St ROOHESTER (COllUD;~cDdlDeSlgDlngEugr., Gleason Wks., and for maa, 48 CANDEE, Allan H. (A, & Elec Oorp., 89 Vlck Palk B. j J 25) Asst. Engr., Rochester Gas CASTELEt AKcend~li~r ~ah, 25 Darwin St p wer Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Pk. Q$ V f (19 94) Chalgoa 0, CATHER. JnYdH~wal(A9) Enit.,,Consltd. Mch. T~ol OOZiburn Ball Bearing 00., CLARKE, Fre. Ii. A.M 17), Sales Mgr., ngr., COLLINS, :~n~lf ti (a~d lor maa, 187 Cr9smM f,err1j~ei; of Rochester, and for,t~i\~;/i~os. (J 2-1), Asst. Prof. Applied ec., St., CON mail 45 Furman Orescent... t Jas Cunningham Sons & Co., 13 Canal, W (07) Genl. "up.,., St COO~,~i ~~o;"ati, 73 N~rmandY Ave. GI..son Wks., aud fa, maa, 70 Vermont. ~~JikR.wiJ~~~rt (~~~ic*s;~~ngbi~t~u~~ad~;lsiastman Kodak Co., 848 CUNNINStataGHSAtMa~ef~~t1~:.i, Stop 1iG St l PMnugl r BID~~enport Mch. Tool Co., Inc., 0 S (18) Pres., en. 0. DA.V~~l~~~ ~~~and lor,,:ail, 1555L~~i~~~~ t~plnil Eng. Co., and for mad, DA.VIS Glenn N. (J 26), Jr. Engr., C and for 897 Post,Ave G (28) Engr. Mch. Design, Ea<ltman Kodak, d a., DEWEY, Hay.r.voo. St to G &: mec Corp., Ill"U, 190 Alamed~14. Asst. Supt., Elec. Dept., Roches r as D. WOLF, Roger D., ( ),, Kodak Co and lor mait, 89 East _~vde.a. (A.1>! 21) Indus. EnllTg., Eastman,.. DIETER, Clh...r, h t Gas & Elec. 588 Flow~r City Pk. E Gas Distribution Dept., Roc es er. T L Helbert (J 27), ngr.,..., Wk,",i EAS, eo d,or maa 79 Vermont.".. E & 1>! Dept., Kodak Pk, S., Kg~1G,A, Ralph (A~M 22), Plannmg Supvr.,. molth : I EC Eastma.n Kodak SCo(J 28) Inrii. M. E. Lab., MechlWllcs Inst., 55 Ply i EDG,~RTO:, ::d}~r mail, 84 Briarclilf RDd. I Rochester Athenaeum & Mechanics ; \ ~vel "edk H (18) t Dir. CourF:o ~Ye 67 Furman CleBcent. man EVA"I St Fr55 PI}mouth Ave., and Ear ~I(ISItecber Lithograph Co., 274 N. Good lib., (J 22) Plant Ilg., FAIRFAX, ~hflls ~il 865 :Maplewood Parke Blv~gham Son &: Co., 18 Callal St. St., I>n 0 d (16) Oh Engr., J. undln th A FERGU~S~:-, f;:;;;und (12), Cons. En~ti.J 6~kSoWkS. v~~lltman Kodak 00., and FInEST K. (27) A...t. Mgr., Ko t., FLI~~; ~~; 2is Ou}v.!r Rd: E. Hydroelec. Devel., Rochester Gas & Eleo. c~., FOX, Alfred,W. (~nl]2; :a«, l\m. 684, centrnl60~ N~i~d A Bldg., and lor mait, 89, S (15 22) Mfg. Agt., FREEMAN, Herbert ",, Rochester.. 49 Darwin -frt. Jr. (21; 24), Prof. M. E., U~~~.c:1tler Bldg., and for 1II4i1, GAVETT, Jos. J 24) II F. Sturtevant 00., Illc., GELLER. Robt. ( H hb d Eldredge & 404 Alexander St. 27) Asst. Engr., Iudu.. Engrg., u ar... GEO~I?J~;r ~~~~ lso t.67~ i~r16) Pur. Engr., Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Pk., GILL,~Nd f~~w~~~1 A717 S~necB parkl~ay. Wks 1000 University Ave. an E (22) Pres. G easoll.,. ht " GLEiASSOONN ~::t. (14) Life M;mbe,; Easlt A~i~u~f~~ 00." 217 Cutler Bldg. I GLEA, (07) Dir Foreign Sa es, 1 i 286 Powera B c!ll. GRAY, Wnl. Ei ery (A.:M: 2.6) Engl., Marine CoPltro s, Wk 1000 University HALL, Wrn. $ e v e8" (J 27) Calculating Engr., G eason., HAMER, Ar~hfor ~ail 247 Webster Ave. Yd D pt Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Ave., an nld C (1" A.Y 17), Supt... e., BANDS, Ron,., EI C p 89 East Ave., Pk. d (A" 14) 101 E., Rochester Gas & ec. or.,, DING Howar...,. d IURan <1 I~,m I, 29 ~2i5n)gsljn t~t Mch. Shop Lab., Washington Jr. lligh Sch., an HICKS Rl>ymond W (,ns., It or ma. " H Gibbs (17 st. 25) DeSIgning. E ngr., GleaaclD Wks., 1000 Unlvers Y, HILL, Maxw:i I r mail 1190 Park Ave. Ave" an.- 0 I 685

204 "":: NEW YORK llj;;~bers IN UNITED STATES.~ t.: 7~,.: ir MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK ROCfIESTER (continued.;:. :1 {.) s Inc 89 Stote ~ ROCHESTER (contin,ue~21),mgr., Crane, Schiefer, Owen,., HITCHEN, M. (21), 1>Igr., B. F. Sturtevant Co., 212 Cutler Bldg., and /0 m.~,.;. rschiefer, Fredk Wm, (11, 1 ~ Thermometer Dept., TaYlor Instru, 90 RenwOOd Ave...; HOOKER, Thea. F. (J 24), M. E., Eastman I{odak Co., Kodak Pk., aad lor. mail Y. M. C..A.. :. JEWETT, Earold C. (A ],! 27), Asst. Engr. Power, Eastml>D Rodak Co., and.t. for mail, 1240 Lake.4.vo..,.. JEWETT, Well. (A M 28), Engr., Eastman Rodak Co., Rodale Pk., and,; 2~2 AIllomeda St.. ;. JONES, Albert I. (92), Factory Mgr., Plaudler Co., 217 Cutler Bldg., and /0 mau,.; B69 Meplewood Ave.. ~ JONES. John G. (20), M. E.. E.almlU1l Rodak Co., Rodak Pk., and for mail, Ill. Trafalgar St.. ". I{ELLY. John F. (21), Genl. Ry. Signal Co., P. O. Box KNOWLTON, Frederic R. (04; 17; 25), Pres., M. D; Knowlton Co., 28 In. clustrial St.. KRAMPE, Hugh J. (21; 28). Dist. 14gr., Armstrong Cork" IlJsul..tion Co., 205 W. Main St... KRIKORIAN, Y. G. (J 27), As.<t. SlIpt., Constr. &:. Malnt. Dept., N. E. Elec. Co.,., 879 Lyell Ave., and for mail, 100 Gibbs St... LEPSCHi. Clem, W. (j 26). Asst. Engr., Rocheater Gas &; Elec. Corp., and lor mai, 1G8 Colebourne Rd. " LOVEJOY, Frank W. (01; 14), V. P., Gent Mgr.,,Eastman Kodak Co., and for mail, 66 Berkeley St.. LOWREY. Frank S. (J 25), Wro. Summerhays Sons, 70. Exchange St., and to, ll\ilu,. 78 AvolJdale Park.. LYNAn, Hugh R. (27), Asst. Hyd. Engr Rochester Gas.I: Elec. Corp., 89 Easl Ave., and tor mail, 4S0 Selye Terrace.. ~URRS, G. Erwin (A ~r 23), Prod. " Wa.te Con~rol, Eastma.n Kodak Co., and. fa, mail 640 Flower Cit,v Pk.,..3[cCHESNEY, Irvin G. (J 2~), Testing Engr., Rochester Gas &; Elec. Corp,. Rocheater, and Jar mail, 300 S. Washington St., E. Rocllester. McCUMBER, mail, 22 Ralph DelmarH. Rd. (J 26), Asat. Engr., Rochester, Gas" Elec. Corp.,. and lor McLAUGHLIN, Dennis J. (A?! 27). Supt. Wood Div., Yllwman " Erbe Mfg. Co., and for mail, 119 Hobal~ St.. MINOR, St. \Vm. A. (26), Sec)., Treas.. LUlt\VIeler Pumping Eng., Co" 123 ADI" MOGENSEN, Allan H. (J 24), Inst:. 14ech. DeSign. Illawlng, Uni". of Rochesler. NICHOLS, GlelJn E. (A M 26l. Aaat. MIn., Indus. Management Counell, Rochester Chamber of Commerce, and for mail, 380 DrIving Pk. A"e. KOYES. Henry T. (A 04), Tre. Genl. Mgr., Art in Button., Inc. OTIS, Ch.s. M. (A M 27), Ch. Tool Engr., Am. I,allndr) Mch). Co., Buffalo Rd, PALMER, VIrgil M. (05; 14), IUdus. EconomJ Engr., Eaatman Kodak Co. PHILIPS, Harlow D. (J Webster. 25), Draftsman, N. E. Elec. Co., Rochester, and lor mail,. POWELL, Ivan E. (22), Supt. Steam Generation &: Distrlbutloll, Roellester Go, &: Etec. Corp., 89 East Ave., and /0 ma-il, 138 Rugby Ave. PRATT. Hazen (J 22), M. E., Rochester Bureau of Municipal Research, 25 Exchn-lIgs St. PULVER. Arthur R. (J 25), Draftsman. Rochester Gas & and for ma/!, Adam. BasIn. EJec. Corp., Rochester, R.~NDALL, Plymouth John Ave. A. S. (11; 12; 18), Prea., Mecllanics liist., and lor mail,. 56 ROllB.AUT, Paul B. (J 26), Engrg. Dept., Rochester Gas " Elec. Corp., 70.A:ndrewa St.. and for mail, 250 BIrrSt... ROSCOE, Edwin S. (A?! 27), Research " Sales Engr., High Speed. Hammer Co., 81S :Norton St., and lor mail, 85 Sumner PI,... SCHELL, Albelt E. (A M 22), Ch. Draftsman, Engrg. & MaIntenance Dept, East. man Kodak Co., 1669 Lake Ave.,..nd /01 mail. Stano Rd. Charlotte Sta. SCHELL, Homce B. (26), Mch. Desisner, M. D. Rnowlton Co., 28 Indu.tdal St.. and tor mail, 181 Lark St. SCHELL, Wm. A. (A-H 26), Asst. ElJgr., (harg. Engrg.. Drafting Rm., Rochester Oa. &: El.c. Corp., 89 East Ave., and Jor mail, 835 Woodbine Ave.. SCHERER, Francis R. (28; 26), Asst. Supt. of Sch. Bldg, V. P., Rocheater.~ssociated Archs. &; Engra. IIIC., 700 Duffy.Power. Bldg.. 5U St. t (25) Sale. Mgt., n us. III rschwarz, J. W!I er "t H bbard Eldridge & Mer, ;-. ment Co" 90 Ames,~ 27) GenL Wks. ltlgr., u i SEUTTER, Loui. (18; 22;, It. nco., 28 Iudustrlal St. I 280 Lyen Ave. (16) Ch. Drsftsmon, M. D. Know 0 ( SEYMOUR, Chas. R.. St! and for mail, 72 Lormer 512 Lake Ave. LI oln Alliance BId;:. I SHERMAN, Kenn~~h ~~) 2r-cal Mgr., Bakellt~ICor8~ ~~9 Eas~cAve., and /or,,,ad, S!IITH, Howark (J 21), Ch. Draftsman, PIau er.,. C 2S~ ~ SNY~~Em~ott St., 5 Prod. Mgr., Shur.on.Standard Optlcal 0 ~~S iora mail~ 81 Sheldon TEcrraceEaatman Kodl>k 00., and fix rsoden. FredSllt : Andrews. a C (A M 17) Asst. ngr., f SONDERMAN, Herman., 000 Univeraitv Ave. ~. mail, 268 A~a~ed(}~25) Indus. M. E., G~eas~n :~~a~ Kodak Co., Kodak i SPENCER, ~:!..r V. (A.Y h), Power ~~~. ng.,! SPR~~~~;d lor mail, Stop 18StS~, PC~ Comnlerce ~ldgoo Inc. 404 West ~ STONE Rov L, (17). pr,"i5) T~O~ En~., Ritter Dental M g., STRAUCHEN, fdavl~anl~o B~adbunl St. her Wm. Summerhll3s " llans, 70 Ave., and or n I J (25) V. P., C. nll" SUMMERRAYS. Lou.., Sta ExcllQnge St. 18) POBox 181, East Ave. h Tool Corp. y TAPPAH:N PJefweidtt (fti)m Ch. Engr. Bettsst.WIs,Su ptcost~~ier Lithograph Co., 274 N. TRose." r C (A.M 22), As.,. Van VECHTE~i. G:;d tor mail, 10 Run~ell~ Mech. III Elee. Dept., S. FIre- Goodman, k L (22 2G). O. n "to Rd I WA.D~WORTH, Fg"A e and ior mail, 821 TIlt:! I; Co. and for mail, 42 F ower WESSON, Paul B. (, k 1000 Unlveraity Ave., and lor 114, I stolle, 59 SOil 1~)" Draftsman, Eastman 0 So."./ City Pk. ) ME, Gleaaon W a., WHITE. Herbert J. (09... University Ave. 48 Electric Ave. 19) Pres. Will a Wks.. 104;lvln Pk. Ave. WILLSEA, Louid ~lj 21h, Desiltning Engrst::~ DIIydrog Maintenance, Rochester WOI FE Bernnr. (A M 02) Supt. Pk IVODDUtiFF, Claudo A d /~ mail, 443 Flower Olty., Ga. & Elec. 00., an OK ~ITY FALLS, scl~eneetllo:y se6:~~nmgr. Cottrell Paper Co. Ine. RO L A. Frank, Jr. (A M 17), reas.,., OOTTREL, olltan Seotton. Terrill ROCICVILLE GENTER RLkv~iie~:~~~PHomes Inc.~ and lor mad, 78 WOOD, :a. P. (14), Pres., oe.avo.. or mail, 500 ROJloIE, Utica Sectio~6) M. E., Rome Bras. & Copper Co., and / RENDERSO:N, John M. (, N. Georgo St. I A. (J 27) 405 N. George St.. THALMAN. Freder c, RYE, JIoletroPldol~to.(~l.S~?~t;~,6 Pine Lane. ROCKETT, Haro, S I MetrOI)olltan Section ST, GEORFrGEL (22) Evelyn Lodge. BROBERG, ey.,. SAUGERTIES I S (12 21) M. E., Diamond Mills Paper Co, VAN VOORHIS, Frederc.,,. A.LE 1Iletrol.011to.n Section SOARSD BEHR, Hans. C (91) ") 10 Overhill Rd., LEAVITT, Frank M. ( :1 I; do: tl I I I ji

205 ~ll: Hffi~i : li~; ::W,I:. l(i"jf:. I~.rl!tH:,[I tjtji JIG f!)!r: ~. 1.. \, I!rlrF r4:"r NEWYQRK m BERS IN UNITED STATES {. :} ~~ :,: & MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES Nlnv YOltlC ~~N~CTADY. ScJleneetady Section :1 ~ SCHENECTADY (eontlnue.u mllil, f~5~ 8~1~~19Jt.AM 26), Steam Turbine Engr., Genl. Elec. Co., and for>: 1IL\uSHEER, Eml! M. (20), Engr., Insulation Eng. Dept., Genl. Elec. Co., and ALGER, Pbillp L. (A.Y 2$) AtE..,, for mail 19 Eagle St for mllil, Wendell A~e B8. IIgr., Gelli. Elee. 00., 1 River Rd.,.nd ;: ~. HAVERKAMP. John D. (J 27), E. E. TeBting Dept., Genl. Elec. Co., and for mllil, ALLEE, ALLEN David Oliver A. Field (2$) ("17) Charge 0.., E ConBtr. E ngrg. Dept. Genl. Elec Co.,.. i. HEILIG 20 Union J... L. St. (J 27), Testing Dept., Gen!. Elec. 00., SchenectlldY., and f 0".nll.), APPERSON, JolIn S. (21) Milrgr, AUptomotive ower & Sale., MI ED""" Intelnail. Genl. Ele~. ":, In,. :.;,.. 56 Lv Iey Rd., Sco,a. t.. f., I" HWORTH, Geo. B. (25) AEn i: 0 II. ngrg. ept., GeD!. Elee. Co.. LKEISLER, Chas. L. (95), Engr. M. E. Dept., Genl. Elec. Co., and or mil"... AS St. Amsterdam.,m.. oco. a., Schenectady, and for mail, 291 Division.:.:., Glenwood Blvd. AUGiiENBAUGH Robt L (J 25).. i" ~ HEISLER F Wm. (97; 09), M. E., Am. Loco. 00., and fa" mail, 1170 Parkwood Ave. Schenectady,and f~r ";Ilil 120 ja:~~torl. I-ralDing Course, Gen!. Elec. Co., <. :;.HENLEY; Erl K. (17; A-M IS), Federal & Mal ine. Dept., Genl. Elec. Co., Sche- BAER Roy (A M 23) Ittl G I., co lao. " neeta<1y, and for mail, 102 WashIngton Rd. Scotla.. BENNETT Fra~k S (" n elda. en. Elec. 00., Inc., P. O. Box 676 ;: HENNINGSON, Louis A. (J 18), Effie. Wk., Genl. Supt. OmCeB, Genl. Elec. Co., DENSON aeo H (2 22\.M. E. Constr..Engrg. Dept., Genl. Elec. Cc. i 1 River Rd.. and f.". ";ail; l05:\re~j:ii.av~raftlllg ACr Dept., Gen!. Elec. Co., Bldg. 181,: r HEROD, Wm. R. (J 20), Engr., Constr. Eng, g. Dept., Gen!. Elec. Co.. BIGGER, Trafford W (A-M 26) E G :.HEWLETT, Edw. M. (97: 00), Cons. Engr. Switch Bd. Dept., Genl. Elec. Co., Rugby Rd...,ngrg. enl Dept., Ge:cl Elec. Co., and for fli,f~ ", River Rd BLOW:l\EY, Walter E (J 24) E To.,~ ;: HILL OhaB. :fr. (A 07), Asst. Designing Eng,., Gen!. Elec. Co., and or mllil, 305. for "llil, 49 Bedf~rd Rd ngr., rblne Engrg. Dept., Gen!. Elec. Co., and. Lenox Rd... BLUNT, Jas. G. (19) M E Am Loo U,.i HOBART, Henry M. (15), Oons. Engr., Genl. Elee. Co. BOND Wm L (J 17)..,. -. a., ninn St. R J E J (J 2-) Genl 5 l Ollle Genl Elec Co. and for ma" A~e.., Genl, Supts. omce, Gen!. Elec. 10., and for mail 1 Elmer i. HOL~~fHaT~~n 1ve~, up s. -,.,, BORNEMAN, Ohrlstlan E (A-M 27) F HOWARD, Thornton W. (A M 20), Asst. Supt. Turbine Installations, GenL Elec. and for mail, 1501 Ca;"pbell Ave oreman, Refrlg. Box Dept., Genl. Elec.. Co.; Co. and for llilil, 1394 Regent St. BUCKLAND, Dlllce 0 (J 24) E G. - liull.edwin H. (J 24), Gen!. Elec. Co., and for mail, 1 Waverly Pl. Randolph Rd.,ngr., en!. Elec. 00., Bldg. 56, and for mllil, Im JAOKSO~, Ja. A. (A-M 22), Application Enb", Material Eandliag, Indus. Engr. BUTLER, W. Lawrence (J 20) Design W b EI. t; Dept., Genl. IDec. Co. Garner Ave.,er, e er ec, Co., and for moil, 1059 JElIEDER Rodrigue A. (J 27), M. E., Genl. Elec. Co., and for 1llllil, 337 Summit CAUGJ:1EY, OAPPt.JobnReed A. (01), J. (21) 1309 Yeoh Union DSt. I. in.,[. JUNGGREN, Ave. Oscar F. (10), Cons. Engr. Turbine Dept., Genl. Elec. Co. Livingston Ave. es gn g Engr., Gen!. Elec. Co., and for IlIail,910...~," KEENAN, Jos. H. (J 26), Turbine Engr., GeDI. Elec. Co., and for mllil, 1132 OLARlrn, 1431 Rugby Chas. L. Rd. (82) Cons. Engr., Research La., Genl. Else. b Co., and for mau lmib,\lli...artllul Eastern Ave. I.., Jr. (A 24), Research Engr.,. Gen!. IDec. Co., and for 1l,ail, CRAWFORD DALTON, wfn. Tho. (02), R. G (16) D.2. S upvr.. DraIt SOlan, Genl. Elec. 00. KNAPP, 1646 Edwin wendellc. Ave. (J 93),. Calculator Steam Turbine Engrg. Dept., Genl. Elec. RANEIilND. AI~elt C. (A-M 26), M. E., Gen!. Elec Co.. Co., Bldg. 66, and or IOlIiI, 180 Furman St. DE AAVINS,~ pwauijn.(l(0)"2e7),e;a~0ren. rag. w Dept., Gen!. Elee. 00. I :1 ~. " ry ENAPP, Schenectady, Walter (16; N. Y., 23), andasst. for 1llllil, to Supvr. 233 Dawes of Coat, Ave., Gen!. Pittsfielel, Office, Mass. Gen!. ];Jec. Co., for mail, 115 Collins St ScotiaIII g urse, Gen!. Elec. Co., Schenectad., snd. i KNOWLTON, Edgar (16), M. E., Gen!. Elec. Co., and for mail, 310 Lenox Rd. DELLES, Wro. J (24) E~~c Eng~ T bi E " LAIR, Walter B. (J 27> St~dent Engr., Gen!. Elec. Co., Schenectady, and for mail, for mllil,l3 Rosa Rd.., or ne ngrg. Dept., Gen!. Elec. Co., and 139 Mohawk Ave., ~cotja. g~rvoanuddeallbon,~st A (AA :19), 1066 Park Ave..!LAMPREY, F. Loomis (J 26), AB8~. Engr., Turbine Eng. Dept., GenL Elec. Co.,, e. J (.,.. 26) Turbin E D and for mllil, 213 Seward PI Eastern Pkway. e ngrg. ept., Gen!. Elec. Co., and for mail LANE, Arthur M. (03), Asst. Engr. Genl. Drawing Rm., Am. Loco. Co., and or ELY, Wm. G. (93 01) Ygr Cant t S mail, 32 Union Ave.. and for mail, i141 Adams Rd. rac ely. Dept., Gen!. Elec. Co.; 1 Ri,er Rd., LEWIS, Jas. T. (19), Night Supt., Am. Lcco. Co., ano.! fa" llilil, 1269 Glenilood Blvd. EMMET, ~m. LeR. (02), 001lS. En"". Genl Elee C. LIPETZ, A. L (19) Oons. Engr., Am. Loco. Co. FAJRg,~id:.a~~ey C. (25), Comlll~rcisl Engr.; ~rblne Sal.. Dept., Gen!. E1ee w..d%~~~iio~r4 p:rir.~~~1;f :ij.~d. Tool Designc,, Gen!. IDec. Co., 1 River Rd., and ~~RQUHAR, Ednmnd II. (10) Supt Genl Elec C.. MAHONEY John C. (A M 17), Supt. Turbine Installations, Gen!. Elec. Co., 1 FaEE~STRE, RwmSa. Gnl.. (~l...,c),17p)0;"~eurpel"n grge. ~ia neiletdo,coo.c: _ an~ for mail, Ardsley Rd.. MANN River Vernon Rd., Schenectady, E. (J 27), Qenl. and IDec. for."ail, Co., 1and Walloce for mad, S~., 36 Scotia. Ray St. ARRETT, Berton A. (19) Ry LocoD. o. MARTiN, Stanton C. (21; 24), 811 Michigan Ave. G GIL n~;~~~land ~or mllil, 50 M~Lean St., ee~iisfo~sll~a.sec., Gen!. Elec. Co., Sche H.l.TSON. John J. (A-M 2$), Indus. Engrg. Dept. Genl. Elec. Co. JL-ERT Elme(rJ 26)" Test Man, Gen!. Elec.. Co., Box 702. IdAXWELL, Howard (15), Engr., Induction Motor Dept., Gen.!. Elec. Co., and for Q );j, E (11) Sales hlgr Tu b mail lis Glenwood Blvd. GLIDDEN, Everett On (1 ),r Jne Dept., Genl. Elec Co McOORQUODALE, Arcble (J 27), Gen!. Elec. Co., anel fo" mllil, 2221 PIIl2l1. 19 GGORRDON, Thea. W. d5), A: g~pelfg.~or~:;f DG"f~inThI Depi;:,. G~n!..Elec. Co. MeOROSKY, D. W. (J 21), Genl. Elec. 00., and for mail, 10S6 Eastern Ave. AY,.UeJ<. T. (25) Designing En T., en. ec. VO. MOLLERUS, fiedk J. (J 24), Constr. Engr., Genl. Elec. Co.,. and for mail, mllil, 1122 Campb~1I Ave. gr., nrbine Constr., Gen!. Elec. Co., and for 117 Nott Terrace. HANLEY, Edw. J. (J 24) Genl mea 00 d f MOLONY, Jas. E. (19), E. E., Genl. Elec. Co., 1 River Rd., and for mail, P. O. HARVEY, Earland E. (J 23), D~afts";an :.\ an L or mail, 109 Hegeman St.. Box 129, R. D Ill, oco. Co., and [or mail, 6 Kenwood MUIR, C)las. E., Jr. (J 27), Student Engr., Genl. Elec. Co., and for ma,l, 121 HAUGHTON Avon Ro. fiank A (OS) Can M E Barrett St. t., s..., Gen!. Elee. Co., and for moil,. 103S MUIR, R. O. (17), ASBt. Engr. Indus. Engrg. Dept., Genl. Elec. Co. NEWKIRIt, Durt L. (26), Engr., Resel1lch tab., Gen!. Elec. Co. ~

206 NEW YORK MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES SCHENECTADY (contilluecu NISBET, Arch. W. (19), lower Engr., Genl. Elec. Cd., and for mail, 29!lobln son St. XISBEr, Robt. A. (J 27), Stuuent Engr., Genl. Elec. Co., and for mail, 211 Robinson St. OBRIEN, Jas..V. (J 27), Dralt~n\Qn, Am. Loco. 00., and for mail, 1062 Gillespie st POTTEI~ Wm. B.. (97), 011. Engr. Ry. Dept., Genl. Eloo. 00. lowers, Helbert W. (1 27), Student Engr Gaul. Elec. Co., and for mail, 608 Campbell Ave. PRATT, ~)ancls C. (92; 97), V. P., Charge Engrg. & MIg., GenI.. Elec. Co. REIST, Henry G. (89; 93), Moual\er, 09 12; Vice Presldent, 13 16; Deslgnln~ Engr., A. O. Mch).. Gem. Elec. Cu.,.and for mail, 1166 Avon Rd.. ROBERTS, Jas. L. (26), Asat. on Installation Wk., Genl. Elec. Co., and for mail, 47 Ray St. ROBJ~lSON, Ernest LeJYert (28), lurblne Engrg. Dept., Genl. Elec. 00. RUST, Mack D. (1 27), Student Engr., Test. Dept. Genl. Elec. Co., and for mea, 329 Germanla Ave. SA~FORD, Oeo. E. (20), Safet~ Eugr., Gen1. Elec. Co., 1 River Rd.. SAYRE, MOltimer F. (22), As.t. Prof. Applied Mech., Union College. SOUDDER, Hewlett (99; 2G), Asst. Pat. Atty., GenL Elec. 00. SHELDON, Lucian A:. (IS); M. E., Genl. Elec. Co., and for mail.2i Lakewood Ave. SHIRRELL, Ollas. P. (26), Mell. Design, Rm. 805, Bldg. 41, Genl. Elec. Co., lind Jor mail, 1049 Oneida St.. SHIRRELL, D. (90), Am. Loco. Co., and for mail. 1 Oneida.St. SHREVE, Enrl O. (lg, Mgr., Indus. Dspt., Genl. Elec. Co. SMITH, Arthur R. (22), Engl. Constr. Engrg. Dept., GenL Elec. Co. S~nTH,,las. Argyle (13), Oenl. Supt., Genl. Eloc. Co., and for maa, 20 Ballston Rd, SPAL.;", Batt L. (A,M 19), M. E., Genl. Elec. Co.. STJ:YENS. Fredl, R. (10), Engr., Am. Loco. Co. ~ STEVENSON, Alex. R., Jr. (27), Engrg., Genl. Dept., Geul. Elec. Co. STONE, Ohas. W. (07), Mgr. Centrol Sta. Dept., Gent Elec. Co. SUMMERHAYES, Harr.y R. (25), Engr Charge Central Sta., Genl. Elec. 00., and Jor mail, 1191 Stratfprd Rd.. SYXWOLDT, Hany A. (J 25), Genl. Elec. Co.. TAytg~, J;~~~~~B);~~.~S$t. Supt. Turbine Dept., GenI. Elec. Co., and for mail,,: THOMAS, Jas. V. (24), M. E., Genl. Else. Co.;- also. Propr., Thomas Oil Co., Schenectady, and for.1i1all, Hyde BlVd., Ballston Spa. Tll.TON, Donald G. (1 2G), Draftsman, GenL Elec. 00., and Jor mall, 1009 Unlo. Sta. "l"edder, John N. (14), Union College. WARD, Albert K. (J 2G), Te.t IllSpeC., Engrg., Radio Dept., Gent Elec. Co., and for mal!, 647 Emmett St... WARREN, Glenn B. (J 24), Genl. Elec. Co., and for mail, 13Gl Myron Ave. WEBER, August, Jr. (16}. Pre... Weber Elec. Co., P. O. Box WHITE, Robt. H. (16), COllslr. Engr. Am. Loco. Co.., and for mail, 1444 Rugby Rd. WILLARD, W. W. (21), DesIgner &; Researcb Engr., Genl. Elec. Co., and for mall, 230 G enwood B1vd... WOOD, Orla L" Jr. (J 2). Testing & Expel. Wk:., Geol. Eleo. Co., 1!liver Rd., and for mail, 60 Helrlerburg Ave. YORKSTON. John E. (12), Can.. M. E., Geul. Elec. Co., and for mail, HI S,d Ave. SELKIRK PYNN, Wm. G. (26), Yech. Draltaman. Hudson Rlvor OonnectingRy. Oorp., Sel. kirk, and for "",il, 3G9 IGth St., Brooklyn.. SENECA FALLS, S"rLeu"e Se"tion BOAK, Thoe. I. S. (22), Wke. Mgr., Rumsny Pump Co., Ltd.. BOOTH, Edw. L. (J 25), Student Ellgr., Seneca Falls Mcb. Co. BltANLGAN. Paul (27). Prod. MIlT., M. M., Seneca Falls Ycb. Co., and for mail, 9 Troy St.. JUD~~fr, ~~r~~~t. (1 24), Apprentice Fdyman;. Goulds Pumps Inc., and for 1IoHUGH. Anthony L. (2G), eh. Engr.,.Goulds Pumps Inc.,.2i0 Fall St ~..~.;,: MEMBERS Ili UNIfED l:;f.l. fes NEW YORK SENECA FALLS (continued)gen1 Y Goulds Mfg. 00., add.for mal, 27 POMEROY,. Wm. D. (08), V. P., gr., Oavua:a St. h Ed (J 2G) Engrg Dept.. Goulds Pumps, Inc., and for SHEPARD, Stsp sn w.,. mail, Box 114. P G ul MIlT SeneelL Falls Mch. Co. S~nTH. Euwln R. (A y lf : 2 )1)GVuldsMt"no:Co 2 ~d for mail.. 4l. Clinton St. WEART, Harry CA " a ".... SHERRILL,.Utioa Sc;cti t. Geol wks. Engr., Oneida Community Ltd., KELLER. Martm W. (AI ~), As d BtL Oneida. Sherrill, and for mai,...enwoo.. SlDX;EY Y Sl;o~ G. & Elec. Oorp., P. O. Box 857. :llaodo:nald, C~ GL (~II;)25~~I~~fil;,: ~;.g;eto Co.. ~c., and for mait, 41 MaiJa St. }[coauley, Low...,. SILVER SPRINGS e~ter Salt Co and for mait, P. O. Box 344. JAMES, Louis ~A(;aS~i5~uPJ;;n;W~\~llt. Mfg., Wo;~e.tcr Salt Co. ~fis ~ ~i.e:heu C. (A ll"16), Asst. Supt., Worcester Salt Co SOLVAY, Syraouse Section P & Se maul Inc.. Boyd Ave. BROOKS, John W. (A 22), V. P.. us. P oj...oo and Jar mail.lgi Orchard R~. CR;l.lG, Howard B. (J 99), M(A.EM,~~I)Vaysol~ay Prod~se Co., SolVay, and tor mail, GWllLLlAM, Geo. T.. J r., IG3 W.. Ostr.ander!"ve., SMa~~:rles Ave. T~~FfrJ~~usTD.(J(l~J8)~ Enp;rg. Dept., So1\ay Process Co., Solvay, and for W mad, 329 Well!!Bley Rd., Syracuse.. SOUTHAII{PTON, L. X., IIXetrol.ollt Q.ll Section SILVER. Max (A M 23). ELDS IIlet.o!.outan Section 11,. So Sonth SOUTI~r~ It K (J 10) l!actory Supt., Pw-tner, Frank.~. Ha... ne, R!Lk~ldS~ a~~ Jor mait, 268 Main St., Goshen. SlAPLETON" S. I., ltietrol..~~itan Section BELL, Andrew F. Ckl2i3)AIG(70~0)m~::,~~xec Errington Meoh. Lab., 24 Norwood ERRINGTON, FrWl n. d A.. Ave.. and for """,I. 31 To,vnsen ve. NT ON HUDSON, ;Uetl.o!.ollta.. Section. C ~~~s~~~\vard H. (A-M 27>, Engl. of Constr., O~ T. Alhson Engrg. orp., SUFFERN \\lett o!.outll" Section S ERT Wm ""enneth (J 26), Blat to S fl N Y aild for GILD M" (24) Pres Rockland Petroleum Co., u ern,.., GIL~~i ~66 17th Ave., Pa~son, N. J. GLASl:l, Emanuel (J 22).. ~YRA.CUSEh srrac(~:s,,) S:r~~ioML E S) ".cu.e Un/v., also Con Engr., GOl AOHESON, Al er..,.... Eqkel Theatre Bldlt. y U) Engrg Dept. Samet SolVay Co., and for mail, AVERY. Halold T. (A,, P O. Box 284. II Ie Nitrogen Corp. BOWEN, En,est W. (J 2?>,) "I{.mo;p ~~osperlty Co. lnc., and for "",.1,.139 Alanson BRAUN, Philip :N. (..1.- M...,.,. Rd.., d En Smith Premier Win., Rellllnr:ton Type BRIDG~WATEltl~4 ~IJo~1)sr.roa~d J~",ait, 207 Crawlord Ave. Wllter Co.. En. D pt. Solvay Process Co. BROWE, E. L. (~Y("92l,J Lurten:her; Pres., Brown Llpe Gear 00., 1117 W, BR01?;;;~tt~le~. u.d tor ;ail. 726 W. Onondaga St. BROWN, Allred O. (14();9G 7 )08 DJ!lme:r!t. Stumpf Uniflow Eng. Co., Inc. BROWN. Wm. Clinton,IT.,. oh

207 t;ll~ Ii nil: J!j:~i!! a!r,!!,k, ;!~:: ~m~: I~; I!:, l!llt; i,r-if ~j:ir.~i~ ~, :""f, J!>,,,,,.,lit: \;~.H: NEW YORIC MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES SYRACUSE (continued) BRYAN, Al tis C. (16; 21). V. P.. Secy., Dunton Ge... Oorp. 213 Meltble St. BUHLMANN. Frank H. (J 23). 541 Seymour St. BU?!lurton N. (92; 04), Life Member; Oons. Enl!T., 716 We.tcott St., OA::;~~il: ~~~a~tho~~b.(j 25). Devel. Engr., AtDlospbericNitrogello Oorp., and {Of OREEL. R. Duncan (J 27). 422 S. Selina. St. CLA~f F"ank O. (18), Atmosphe,ic Nihog-cll Corp., and fo,r mall, 10S5 ~al1mbd OLU~~oss~~~ lve. (18), Mp;r. Tech. Dept.. Solvay Process Co. and for mall, 898 COLE, Forrest W. (1/1), Cb. Draftsman. Solvay Process 00., and for mail, 811 Gordon Ave. COMLY. G. NOl"\vood (05; 07), 804 Jam.. st, OOOPER. Henry R. (90; 95). Reth.d, 1921 W. Genesee St. DEUTSCH. Z. G. (J 23), Solvay Process 00. DIEFENDORF. W. H. (04». Pr. Di.f.ndorf Ge~r Corp., 920 W. Belden Ave. DUNCAN. John M. (A M 21), Atmosph.ric Nitrcgsn Ocrp. E~IERSON. Mertoll L. (27). Pr... Am. PIl.umatic Serv.; Lamson 00.. ERNST. Frank A. (A M 21). Equip. Enp;r.. Atmosph..ic Nltrollen Oorl>. FLANNERY, John M. (07), In"entory Dlv Solvay Process Co., and for mail, 1628 W. Genesee St., FROSTHOLM. CarlO. (A M 21). Co-Partner. Frostholm Bros S. Clinton St. FRYER, Geo. G. (91), Cons. Enrr. Secy.. Globe GlSphite Min. &; Ref. Co. ttd., 410 Dlllalle Bldll., and for mail. 20S Onondal!:a. Ave. GARDNER. Robt. S. (19; 25). Prod. Mgr. L. O. Smith &; Bros. Typewriter Co., Ilc. GEARY. Robt. J. (n; A AI 26), Snles Engr., 207 Rosemont Drive. GOLIAN, Geo. M. J. (A M 24). Eugr~. Dept., Solvay Proce.s 00 and for moil, 1331 Burnet Ave. GORDON, R. M. (92; 08; 12). M. E., Power &; Testing Depts. Solvay Process Co.. and for "ail. 126 Dorset Rd., GORDON" Robt. O. (A M 27). Eugrg, Dept,., Atmospherio Nitrogell Corp. GUELBAUM, David (9; 05). M. E. Math. Wk. & Eng:lg. Design. P. O. Box 29S. HAGER, Edw. C. (12). M. E. Soll-ay Process Co. and fo, ",ail, 622 Summit.Ave. HART. Simeon T. (24), Prof. Indus. Ellgll\" College of Applied Science, Syracuse Un;". SlId for mail. 94~ AckerlUSl Ave. HILDRETH, K. E. (A M 17). Pur. Dept. Sol"ay Process Co., and for "ail, 404 DouRla. St. HILDUETH. W. O. (J SS), COlI\eyor En~., Lamson Co. Inc. HOPTON, W. E. (91; 96), P,illclpal Partner. Hopton White Mcmorlal Bldll:.... HUGHES, Robt. H. (J 26). CO~IPUtel, Atmospheric Nltrog.n Corp., and for ",ail, 707 Av.. y Ave. JENNINGS. Chester S. (12), Engrg. Mgr., Lamson Co. aud f01 mail, 217 Dunton Ave. JONES. AIthur E. (A H 21), Pres. Arthur E. Jones Co., S. A. & K. Bldg., and fot mail. 60S Seeley Rd. KLOCK, F"ank B. (07; lll), COlIS. &; TestllJp: Engr. 615 James St. KNISKERN, Walter H. (05; 12), OOIlS. Engr., Atmospheric Nitrogen Oorp. D, 1 &; 2. LOGUE. OhllS. H. -(22). Cons. EIlIlT Clarke St. LONG, Robt. C. (J 27). Engr. LlWlSon 00., and for mail, 646 S. Crouse Ave. LUOENA. Jos. (19), Supt. Gas Distribution. Syracus. Ltg. Co.,. 109 Mechanic St., and for "ail. 386 Jasper St., MACK, Geo. J. (J 09), Mg-,., Mack Bros. Steam Boiler WIIS., 405 MarcellllS St. MACKIE. Edwlll M. (15). M. E. Pneumelectric Mch Wyoming St., and for mail, 919 Westcott St. McFAULAND, A. R. (02), V. p.. Treas., Onondaga. Briok &; in., Corp., 221 E. Water St. McKIBBIN. Fredk W. J. (14), Pres., Tompkins Br(lS. Co. 623 Oneida St. McLAIN. Henry E. (J 26), En~g. &; Plant Layout. Solvay Process 00. MERRILL, Ayres P.. Jr. (A M 2S) Bsllevue Ave. MILLER, Thos, H. (05; 2:1.). Asst. to Mil. Tecb. Dept., Solvay Process Co., and for mail. 119 BeverlY Rd. 54l!..j " I. i I I.i!,! i I,, MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES: ~~~~~~~~ewton A. (16). Mm Mgr., United Paperboard 00. Inc. 543 NEW YORR.:~ ~.. SYRACUSE (contijlueod ha > Mob Shop ObeldOlier Brass Co., and for ma-u",, lioen. L. W. (A-M 19). rge., III Lvnwood A, e., l):astwood Ste. " MOHLER, David D, (21). 805 ~r!elss)t." E Secy. Treas. Engelberg Hull.r 00. MONTAGUE, Ghas. E. (15; A =,...,, 8S1 W.,Fayette st. to ti Nitrogen Corp. 1 MORRIS, Tho. C. (IS). En)gr2 tuv mt H H Franklin Mfg. Qo., and for me". WJRPHY, Ralph (15: 20, n..,., 701 Sumne, Ave. S tb Murray Inc 821 Burnet Ave. Co MURRAY. W. H. G., (A M 20), IU. tng Dept: Atmospherio Nitrogen lop., PAOllARD A. Apllleton (21). O omj>u I, and tor mail. 104 Gellesee Pk. n;:~t SyrllcuSe Ltg. Co., lsi Fulton St.. and PRATT Minot H. (J 26). E nlpg., tor mail 227 Furman St. E Attuospheric Nltro~en (Jorp. ROGERS. Do"nald, A. (J 24), Proces& St:m. Engr., Solvay Process Co. mail, 562 RYAN, Wm. F. (17; 24)}, b~w: Engl. Solva.y Process 00., and for SANFORD, Geo. R. (1. 0 e., Roberts Ave. ) V P S lvay Process Co. L Co SCFIILDRAUER, Edw. (11AM 23) Deoign Estimating. Engrg. Dept., amson. SOH~l~(n~ ::~el~:e~lcitse St., ~fvtws~1v:;ap~~ces8 Co., and for mail, 619 SHA.Y Herbert A. (J 27), ngrg.. df r N: TOWDSdenEddSt. (J 24) Engr ROllSer Elev. Co., S14 E. Water St., an a SMITH AlIre 01in,.,., mail III Ha.rtson St. P d D pt. L C Smith &; Bros. 1 SMITH. Elwyn. L. (19; AMD26ft)mSl~0Fra;klln ple Casting Oorp and for ~" SNYDER. l:lolls J. -(J 26), ra s, 608 HIXSon Av.. T t Engr Solvay ProceSs Co.. STACY Stanley O. (lll: A M 26). es e En :g &; Maintenance Dept., ~ruc,ble STIMSON. Jas. P. (2:/.), Oh. En~.. O\I,,,r: s lof Magnolia. St., and for mati.,2127, Steel Am.. Sanderson ros... d S. Geddes st. N (A" 2S) Assoc Prof. Exper. l):ngu. Syracuse Univ., an STREET Lockwood. JU, for mail. 240 F.orest HU! Dnv.. E Dept.. Atmospheric Nitrogen Corp. SZlKLAS. Endre (J 26),.Dr}llft~n.toTJ: Tech. D~pt" Solvay Process 00. THOMPSON. Byron L. (A 08. De t Solva" Process Co. il TRAcY, Lyndon, S. (00; 16)yOPE r A~~;Pheric Nitrogen COtp.. and for ma, TROTTER Arthur H..( 14)..,, 646 arouse A"e., 0) Vice :Pr.sident 05-07: Oons. EII~"GSohay ~{OCcSS TRUMP Edw N. (80: 9, E C and tor "elil 1912 W, enesee. Co.: :Pre.:, Stumpf Unlfto~ ~~) ~E. AtmoSPhe~ic Nitrogen Oorp. Drawer TWITCHELL. Clarence H. (A".", & 2. H (J 26) Engr Guy B. Dickison. Union Bldg.,. and fo<: VAN ORNAM, Francis.., mail MOlltgonlery 8t. e Lt,!1;. Co., 421 S. Warren St. :vincent. Gilbert I. (1~). VVP"pllYr~ue~ En"". Walker Disbwasher Oorp WALKER,,Willard R. (25),... Welton St. J.n4) Draftsman Lamson Co. 754 GlIlord St., and for mo.,l, WATKINS. Leon A. ( 210 B,mt St. 26) M E Crouse.Hinds Co., P. O. Drawer WHITE Edgar G. (A :M,.., St \VILKINSON. Jolm (07), lrh ~~)eaeng.. Steam Seot. Atmospheric Nitrogen cor~. YOUELL, Leonard L. (22(/26) :PI nt Eng;: Brown Lipe Cllapin Co. and for mo.,,. ZI::MMERltAN, Earl W. I a,. 704 Bellevue Ave. E Dairying Equip., 207 E. Kennedy st. ZOIlE. L. A. (OS; 04), Cons. ngr.,. TA.RRYTOWN, 1l1etropolito.~ ~ec:i~:c and for mail, 62 Le Grand AV~. MILLER, John Adam!. «22).2i)re~~gr: oi,e;oletoo., N. Tarrytown, and {or "...1, OLMSTEAD, Ohas.. J, 36 Hamilton PI.. Tarrytown. j \.: \ I( y.; i. f f. I; I; :

208 NE1Y YORI>: "IE"IBER5IN cxiteo 81AT~:S MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK TONAWANDA, DU:f(nlo Section. LONG, Howud E. (26), Exec. Seey. Niagara Frontier Planning Bd. &; A..n.,., 37 Main St. Tonawanda, and /or mail, 38 Erie St., Lockport.,. ~ iroy, ScI,enectalY Section BARNUM. Theo. P. (A 15). V. P., Gen!. Mgr l Barnum Brcs. Co 170 River St. BRYSON. Tandy A. (16: 21), Ch. Engr., TOlhurst Mch. Wks., 64ll Fulton St., snd lor ",ail, Route 8. " OALDWELL, Jas. n. (12), Pres., QeD!. Mgr., Ludlow Valve Mfg, 00., Ft. AdlJll St. CLUETT, Albert E. (00: 08). V. P., Cluett, Peabody & Co Inc., 4.l3 River St" and lor mail, P. O. Box CLUETT, Sa.nford L. (03; Il). V. P., Cluett, Peabody &; Co., Inc. OROOKETT, Cbas. H. (18; A M 21,), Engr., C. W. Crockett &; Sons, Stow Ave. DAY. Cbas. I. (10; 25). V. P., Genl. Mgr., W. & L. E. Gurley. 614 Fulton St. DIBER1, Herbert M. (18). Secy., Treas., W. &; L. E. Gurley. 614 FUlton St. DODDS. Robt. P. (23: A M 26), Instr. M. Eo, Rensselaer Poly. Inst., llussell Sage Lab., and /or mail, 58 9th St..," /" FAIRFIELD, John G. (17: A M 25), Asst. Plof. M. E. Rensselaer Poly. lost. FESSENDEN, Edwin A. (08; H), Prof. M. E., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., and for mal!, 16 Alder Ave. FOSTER, C. H, (86), Life Member; Treas., Gen!. Mgr. Tolhurst Mcb: Wks., and for mail, 81 Belle Ave. GARDNER, Marvin B. (AM 22). R. F. D. 4. HAILES, Tbeo. C., Jr. (22). Mgr., Tool & Deylce Corp., 520 Congresa St., and. /or.mail, 6 Terrace PI. HAHMETT, Hilam G. (88). Propr" Hnmmett Hch. Wks 466 8th St. HILL, Fred C. (A M 21), Oas Engr., Hudson Valley Coke &; Products Corp. HOUSTON, Livingston \V. (A M 19), M. E., Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co., Ft. Adams Sl, and for mail, 45 Maple Ave. MALONEY, MIchael J. (A M 21), Supt:. Rall Joint 00.. MALTHAliER. Wm. (21). 610 Federal St... PALSGROVE, Orant K. (18: 21), Prof. Hyd. Engrg. Rensselaer Poly. Inst., and. ( tor mail~ Sage Ave.. RICItETTS, Palmer O. (92), Pres., Renaselaer Poly. Inst. SlIART. Chas. E. (14), FacturY" Mgr., W. & L. E. Gurley, 514 Fulton St., and lor mail, 38 Maple Ave. STEVENS, Howard E. (A M 24), Asat. Prof., M. E., Rensselaer Poly. lost., and /or mail, 58 9tb St. VAN IAN DENlJURGH. DEHVORT O. A., Jr. (16; 22: 25), Asat. Mgr., Burden Iron CO. 1 Adrian O. (00; 18), Supt., Hammett Hcb. Wks., 466 8th St., and for mal, 6 Frear Ave. UNION SPRINGS, SyraCUBe Section McGRATH, Jas. E. (25). UIIC,\, Utica Section AYRES. Russell W. (20; A M 23), Ch. Eng,... Savage Arms Corp. BOAllDMAN, Howard E. (27), Sales &; Engrg. Mgr., Divine Bros. 00., and lor mail, Unlv. ClUb., 286 Genesee St.. BRUNNJo:R, Geo. L. (A 15), Treas., Gen!. Mgr., Brunner Mfg. 09., Broad &; Gilbert S~. CLEMENT, Walter J. (A M 10), Engr., Bossert Corp. CONLON. Wm. T. (21: A M 25), Asst. to V. P., Utica Gas & Eleq. Co., 258. GeneBOe St..., DAVIDSON. John L. (18; A M 25), Speg. Engl., N. Y. Central R. R. Co., Rm. 217, Union Sta. DIVINE, B"adfordH. (17; 18). Pres. Divine Bros. Co. 102 Wbitesboro St. FOSTER, WD!. Britt (OS). V. P., Wks. Mgt., Foster Bros. Hfg. Co" 811 Broad St. MUKSON, Edmund G. (OS), Propr., E. G. Munson, Fdy. Mch. &; Pattern Shops, Carton Ave. STEINICKE, Frank H. (A Y 21). Aast. Sales Mgr., Engrg. Sales Dept., Foamite. Childs Oorp. Turner St. :>TOliF., WOl. G. (15), Oons. Engr" 10 Munn Bldg., Utica, and for mail. Whites. boro. d) d j maa Apt. 35, UTICA (continue. E Internatl. Heater 00" an or. STROCK Cliflord (J 26), ngr" see St If20J! enese i ~~20) Gen!. Engr., Utlcll Oa~f :i~c g~i~:5~.:.:e~c Elee. Co., 258 WIDTE, yron. (16 A.H 20), Commerc,a. WIEBER, Geo. A., U c Gas &; Elec. 00., 25S Genesee St. 26) Transportation Engr.. t\ a WILSON, Do~~ld ~ /~~ mail 1007 Dudley Ave: d for maa 6 Hllwthorn Rd., Genesee,an G (10) SOl State st., Ut,ca, an, WlTHEUBEE, Re".,. C Turner St., and New Hartford. (J 23) Plant Engr.. Hart &; Crouse D.,. WRIGHT Howllrd E., for nulil Taylor Ave. III t opolitnn Seeti.on WAPPINGERS F(JA;tt.)SEngr~ ~utchess Bleachery, Inc. POOLE. Harmon A.,, WARSAW (23) Ch. Engr., Warsa,v Elev. C0., Iln d lor mail. If PETTENGILL, Geo. D., St. WA.TERFORD (UI), Pres., Eddy Volve Co., Wllterford, and for mail, KNJOKERBACl\l:R, John 86 1st St., Troy. fcti~~, r"~al~er (14), C1i1.rnf:~ance, N. Y. All Brake Co., and for mau, BOiER Edwin D, (21), Engl. CAR~~~:j":~~~t(~1:7 Ge(;1 4 )SU~:t~r,YM~~.~~~~.~wn Eng. &; Heh. Co., and COURTENAY, Chas. R., T6"N ~h~b ~5 ~.~~:nla~~~ &; Bro",nel~b8~~~W ~,eryaal~i~;ake Co., ~d lor EA,.F! F (03 13), Asst...,., f1al~~~io12 W~hin~ton S~. M mbsr V. P., Bagley & Sewall Co., 101 Pearl St., KIN~"E, Clarence E. ( O)Io L~~o lve PEl aci~i!~r;~~~,(~1?26~,l~a~ttestt Epnres NN.Yy.A1"Jl~r~~eCCo., E. Wks., and lor.. COX. L. K. (16; 18)... 0.,. SILL".ail, 51 J O wa~in(~t~~~t.partller, Gilbert & BCo ~12S7&~~~l1rg;,.Bi~fi for mau. STEBBINS, ean W (27) V P Ch. Engr., ag ey VALENTI!EJ Ohas..,..,, 101 Pearl St., and 137 Muhin St. "2]) Draftsman, Bagley & Sewell Co., WISNER Isle R. (A..., /or ;Ulil, 640 Water St... S 1 ectady Section. d f r mail 211 WATERVLIET, C(Al~D;19) Draftsman, Watervliet Arsenal, an 0, RAYMOND, Frank S,..., SHo~~lt.F. A. (A.M. 20), th Ave. WELLSVILLE. D 1 Hoore Ste~m Turbine Corp. 6 BROOK~J Alfred A. (16,l 26~ Turb:r:!o~re e~t~in Turbine Corp., and for mad, 2li CHUROli Malnard D. (12), re..,.. b Corp W. State St. f Y (16 A.M 19) Pres., Ch. Engr., Stand. Tur loe.. D.\HLSTRAND. Jose St. R R and for maill 388 ~. ~a~n. V P Genl. Mgr., Buffalo &; Susquehanna.., DARLOW. Allrea H. (12, 10),., Main St. Tl k per All Preheater Corp. 00 d for GRIMES. Laurence (J 26),...m)e i t Ch Engr., Air Preheater rp., an KARLSSON Hilmer (A ss mail, 25 Cbestnut St., Ch E gr Moore Steam Turbine Oorp., and for MacDONALD, I{arl (15; 23), n., d lor nlltil. 855 W. State ~t. "5) Pres. McEwen Bros., 4 N. Main. St.,.an McEWEN, Wm. Ro~t. (19. -,,, 422 N. ~[atn St

209 NEW YORIo( UEMBERS IN UNITED srares, WELLSVILLE (continued).. ~~g~~tn,:reg E./?7), c/o Kerr Turbine Co. 812 N. Mal~ ~t. 21), Sales Mgt., Moore S,team Turbine Corp., and lor mall, SCHALLER, Alwlu (11; 21), Genl. Mgr., McEwen Bros. WEST NEW BRIGHTON CHARNOCK, Herbe,t (A.M 2 S. I., 1Ile~ropolitnnSection lor mail, 497 Il:lssell Ave. 3), Engr., Nat!. Dry pock &; Repair Co., Ina:,. and MORSE, Edw. P., Jr. (18) P GenI, Richmond Terrace.,res., Mgr., Natl. Dry Dock &; Repair co., rnc., OBRIEN, Tbos: F. (J 26), 24 Trilllty Pl. ~!JT PpOINij 1I!et1 ol.outan Section LEWIS,,{rae~:Y(i,M6)i>Cg. ~ngr., U. S. Milital"J Academy. McFARLAND Earl (3) Me. ox 53. Aeade1tlT:,j" Prot. Ord. &; GUIl!!e.), U. S. A., U. S. Mllitall WEST VALLEY BILLINGS, Walter E. (22). WHITE PLAINS 111 t. BRISTOW Vm (19) A e lopoutan Section,.,pp"aisal &; Volu t E 169 Main St., and lor mail 17 Li. d aa,on ngl., Westchester Title &; Trust Co CHURCHILL Wm. L (1 I ave.., HAMMOND, Oeo. O. C26) 9)25 ~ns. W Engr., 52 Ogden Ave. TURNER Wm C (13 20 an ait Ave. WOLFE, Henry G: (B),... ")E 287., 153 Flsher Greew,dge Av. e, Ave. WHIlESTONE L I 11 FENN, Robt. H. ({.M "16) Dleltrovolltan Section 17 E loth St,e. goer, Automatic Paper Bo M b,.., and for mail, 15 E. 9th St.,x c., OScar Tlilsch Co" WHITNEY POINT COOK, JWliu. F, (02). WOODHA"EN L I il. BOLGEll, Hobt s (20)" C letrepolltnn Section JEWELL, Chas: W. (99) ~J,l.. nllt., tb Rd., ngr" 1020 Woodhaven Ave Ozone Pk, YOODSIDE L I 11 " ImSSLElt. H., etropouta.u Section. ellry (A 26), th St. YOIH:ERS luetl ll, ADLER, Leo (J 23),o~~portaT~s~~otion,. ARNOLD, Philip J, (29; A:M 25)g,.;/:IS Elev. ~o., aud lor mail, 60 Balle Ave nen~~id1"jk~s, aadnfol l", 677 w. ~~4t~eS~~I"B",~ ~tskdardization, OtitElev: "S I eo.. ( 21 A M 23) Sal E 01 BOE!TOlrIf, YR~bi. M2~U~so~ S~, "!,d for e:nafl~ri2:rls~~~~l:"a Shipley Oonstr. Alta Ave..., onken T"uet Co., 3 Main St dve.1. FREE, Albert V (20) S "., ao Or mad, 13] Fn.EEM:,~N, J, Porter (OB)enb" D~Pt., Saundero TIada Sch., mad, 594 Palisades Ave. ons r. Engr., Alex. SUlith & Son. Carpet Co d I l<artner, Edw. V. (J 26) Ot..., an or GOERG, Bernhard (J 25). A; ~ed" ~., I!lId for "oil, 38 Belvedere PI, Ave.. Mt. Vernon.. a,a rca., Yonke,s, and for,nail 325 Rlc.h HINOKLEY, Chas. W (A 12)At. for mail, 699 W: 176th St ~e toy Wkks. Mgr., Otis Elev. 00., Yonker., and HURLEY Geo H (J 24) 326H w or, JOHN G;Ullth (9il) 00 E awthorne Ava. KOENlTZ, Arthur 0: (A~ 20ri> Otis ;:12" 00" 506 Phlllpsbur~b Bldg, MEr,.fcli N,. res... Mgr., Koenits Elec. Co., 35~ ArcLean ALESLOR vi~ l ~l~~ 1,9 Saratoga Ave. for mail i99 Sh 1), V. P.. Lotion, Inc. 232 S., Broadway. "",onkers,. erman Ave.. New Y()rk..I. and 646 ~.," MEMBERS IN UNITED SOlATES NEW YORI: YONKERS (colltinue,l) MOODY, Ch... F. (J 24), AL., E., Ilabirshaw Elec. Cable Co. Inc. MOORREE8., Herman P. (29), 80 ALorsemere Ave. M05:il~~17 <;;a~j ~JJtia~~st:p:.o fv~.e., Habirshaw Cable &; Wire Corp., and fo, SILVERMAN. John (A-M 26), Tool Designer, Otis Elev. Co., Yonkers, and for mail, 1419 Nobel Ave., New York. SKINNER, Halcyon N. (J 13), Mecb. Dept., Alex. Smith & Sana Carpet Co., and (or mail, 40 Greystone Pk.. SMI~Vorrt~~~. O. (02.), Wk. Enltl., Otis Elev, Co. Wel~s Ave., and for,mail, 33 SMITH. Raymond A. (J 26), Aast. EmIr. Westchester LtK. Co.. 45 S. Broadway, Yonkers, and (or mail, 20 Vanderberll Ave., Larchmont. NORTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE, Greenville Sectiou BECHTEL, Maj. John A. (A 00), Pres., LnFa)ette Devel. Co., Langrell Hotel. BOYER, Frederic Q. (09; 19: 26), Oons. Engl. 20 N. Market St., Ashel,me, and for mail, P. O. Box 1006, Biltmore. LORD, Antbony (J 22), W. H. Lord. 17! Churcl> 5t. IWTrll~~Brde: F. (A M 25), Pres., West. Carollua Loan" Ins. Agency Co., 114 SCHUMAKER, John S. (A 06), 388 Cumberland Ave. SlG~IOl\, Arvil O. (J 25), City Oombllstion " M. E., City Hall, ianderhoof, Arnold H. (18). Oon EnllT., 49 Pattou Ave. WADDELL, Cb... E. (03; 07), Cons. Enll1., 11th Flool, Jackson Bldg, WEAVER, O. W. (A M 20), Pres., Weaver Motor Co., Inc. 31 Spruce St., and far,nail, P. O. Box CAl"lTON, GI-"eenville Se,ction CRUTE, Wm. R. (10; A M 16), Plant Elllll., Champloll Fibre 00. HOEY. Olyde R., Jr. (J 25). Eugrg. Dept., Champion Fibre Co., and for mail,, P. O. Box 981. KERR, David J. (A-M 20), Genl. Oper. Supt., Champion ~ibre Co. Box 607. ROBERT~ON, Reuben B, (A 14), Pres., Gelll. Mgr., Champion Fibre Co.. CHAPEL HILL, Raleigh Section OAltTElt. Har,y D. (14), Ch. Drdtsmall, Atwood &; Nash, Inc., and lot mail, Carter Court, HOE~:i~:l: G. (A 09), Asaoc. Prol, M. E., Univ. ot N. C.. and for mail, 416 CHARLOlTE, CILnrloHe Section BARKLEY, Kenneth L. (J 25), Tracer. So. PO"er Co., and for mail, R. F. D, 7, BARTHOLOMEW, B. W. (A-M 20), Geul. Contr..,41B Piedmont Bldg. BETTS, Jos. L. (A M 22), Engr.. Grinnell Co., Inc., 80 E. 4th St. B.It.UDT. Ernst H., Jr. (21; AM 26), Sale. Engl., Am. Mchy. Equip. Co., lois Iudependence Bldg., and for ~,ail, 935 Providence Rd. BURKHOLDER, Oh... I. (12), V. 1.. Geul. Mgr., So. Power Co. COTHRAN. Jas. S. (2.9), Salea Engr., 910 Commercial Bank Bldg., and for mail, 1. O. Box CROl,;KFORD, Richard H. (J 23), EUIlT., Chas. W. Christian, P. O. Box 292, and for mail,. R. F. D. 5, Box 137. DlM.-\N, Walter G. ~09). 408 E, Park Ave. GAINES, Benj. F. (2.7>, De.igner, So. Power Co., and for mail, 1718 Park Drive. GARSED. Edw, T. (A 22), Retired, 1926 E. 7th, St. HAMILTON, Jas. L. (J 22), Salea Enrg., Casey-HedKes Co., 112 Kinney Bldg. HEYWARD, Thea. O. (15; 19), Mgr., Thas. B. Whitted, 1100 Realty Bldg. HOSMER, Asa (A M 20), EnIlT., Factory Ins. Assn., 1218 Johuston Bldg., aud. for mail, P: 0,.Box 178. JACKSON. F. Raynlond (17; A-M,24), Deaigner Steam Power Plants, So. J;ower Co., and far mail, 411 E. 5th st., KIMBALL, IiVii,g n: (A 23), SO. Mgr., palkg Cramer 00., Box 16, LEE, Wm. S. (07), V. P., Ch. Engl., SQ. Power 00., Mercantile Bldg. 547.,

210 ;" : :; NORTH OAROLINA ~IE~rBERSIN UN:rrED STATES MElIBERS IN tlnitt:d STATER NORl.H CAROLINA CHARLOTTE (contlnue.l) LEONARD, J. V. (J 27), Grinnell Co. Inc., and lo~ mail] Box ~IAULDIN, Earle (A M 18), Engr., Park mg. Co., and lor mail, P. O. Bol; 423. ~IEES, Curtis A. (A ~8), Mem. Finn, Cons. Engr., lie.. &: Mees, 6ill. Johnston Bldll., and for mail. P. O. Box 964. liees, Erich A. (2S), Mem. Firm, Con., Engr., Mee. &: Mee., 616 Johnston Bldg.., MORRISON, Howard (A.M 2S), Engr., Am. Moistening Co., P. O. Box 3S8, SO B. 4th St. PLOTT, W. E. (J 27), Grinnell Co., Inc., and lor mail, Box POTTER, Ernest M. (A 24), Dist. Sales Rep., S K F Industries, Inc., and lor moil, P, O. Box 9S6., RHODES, J. H. (J 27), Grinnell Co. Inc., and lor mail, Box SMITH, Jeter L. (J 26), M. E., McOlaren Rubber Co., and lor mail, R. F. D. 5. SPANGLER, Sam!. F. (20: A M 25), Chem. Engr., Chem. Constr. Co., Charlotte N. C.. and lor mau, 256 S. 52nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. WILLUMS, Edw. E. (24), Gen!. Supt., Duke Power Co. ELKIN BROWN, HU/th T. (OS), P. O. Box 857. FORTBRA.GG YOUNG, Wm. C. (22), Maj. Ord. Dapt., U. S. A. GASTONIA, Charlotte Section STATES, I,ouia A. (17), M. E., Power Plant Deaign &: Reviaion, P. O. Box 80S. WHITENE.R, Erne.t K. (25), Gen!. Supt., Cocker Meh. &: Fdy. Co., P. O. Box 4SI. GOLDSBORO HARTSHORN, Derick S. (21: 24), Seoy." Trea., Wayne Agri. Wka. GREENSBORO, HARDW.,Tohn E. (26), Gen!. M~., Secy., Proximity :WII:. Co., Graenshoro; alao Pres.. Ashaville Cotton Mm., A.heville. YacKENZIE, Burt (2S), Owner, B. MacKenzie, En~. &: Contr" 349 N. Elm St. M.cNtJ:!sf:Y M. (J 25), Field Engr., Angle-Blackford Co., and 10~ mail, 9S0 YEllE, Wm. MoO, (18: 21), P~.. R. I, C. Craftsman Co., P. O. &x S~l. HENDERSON, Ralei~1l Section FLANNAGAN, Eric G. (16: A-M 22.), Con. Arch. Engr., 822 Chestnut St. LEXINGTON, Cllarlottt" Section GAMFJWELL, Jos. MeD. (23), Genl. Mgr., Erlanger Cotton Mill. Co..MONCURE Gp-Y, Benj. B. (J 24), Enp;r., Carolina Power &: Light Co. MOUNT HOLLY, Charlotte Section YITCIlELL, Burton F. (A M 26), Supt., Processing Plant, Am. Yarn &:, Qo., NEWBERN DILL, R. S. (J 23), Draftsmun, E.timator, Meadow. Marine Ry. 00., and fo~ P. O. Box 506. FLEXER, Sam!. E. (]4), 1~8 Craven St. NEWLAND LOVE, Geo. C. (22), C. E. _ii, NORTH CHARLOTTE, CIla:rlotte Section.AUSTIN. Wilburn O. (A M 24), Engr., Grinnell Co., Inc., N. Charlotte and lor moil, 1600 The Plaza, Charlotte. CONWAY, H. P. (A M 2S), Dept. :r.r~., Grlnoell 00., InD. ORARY, Wm. 0; (J 2S), Steam &: Fir. Protection Engr., Grinnell Co., Inc. DAVIS, Edw. P. (J 25), Engr., Draftsman, Grlnnsll Co., Inc. ELLISON, Marvin C. (J 20), Engr" Grlnnsll Co.. Inc. 648,? 1. I:! ~..,.. :. PINEHURST HENRY, GUY P. (21), Vista Lodp;e. RALEIGH, Raleigh Section, ANDREWS Wm J (J 98), P. O. Box 810. BOND W. H. ("ZO), Saoy., Trea., Raleigh Iron Wk Co., P. o. B?x 58. of BRIGGs Hermon B. (17; A M 26), Assli. Prof. M. E., N. O. State Gollege Ow~~I.E~w~nfg(A::~~S:l~~:n~~. DAN~n\f:;. S~ (18; 21), Prof. Exper. ngr.; N. O. C. State College of Agri. II Engrg.,,State State (ollege, 01 Agri. k En State College Sta. and for 111",,1, 107 Chamberlain St. FOSTEft:/tj;hn M. (21), Asaoc: Prof. M. E., N. C. State College ot Agrl. & Engrg., State CoUege Sta.. and le>r mat, G Hope St. C d f mail HARDING, Wm. T. (24), Owner, Gen!. Mgr., Raleigh Iron Wk.. 0., an or,, 116 W. Jone.St. S te C 11 f Agr! I< HARRELSON, John Wm. (20), Prof. Matb., N. C. ta. 0 ege 0 -, Engrp;., State CoUe!:e Sta.. T 0 S~t Coli KOLB Robt P (A M 28). Asst. Prof. M. E.. Dept. M. E.,.T.. e ege. MARLOW Ho;er L (A-M Z?) Ch. En~., State Hospital, Dlx HIli. OLSEN. Wm. O. (21), Cons. Eilp;r., Wm. C. Olsen Inc., Bldg. &: Loan Bldg., and fo~ moil.. P. O. Box C II STEWART, Daniel K. (J 26), Grad. Student, N. O. State 0 eg"st t C II of VAUGHAN, Lillian L. (16: 21), Prof. Y. R.. Head Dept.. N. C.,a 0 0 ege, Agri. & Engtg., Stats CoUego Sta. RAMSEUR r,ane,,g. F. (J 26), Ramseur F\1Il1lt,ure Co. ROCIONGHA.M t F S H t ~ Co and lor mall. TERRY, J. O. (J 22), Seey., Tre. & Estima or,.. us y ~., R. F. D. 6, ROCKY I\IOUNT, Raleigh Section PEARS.\LL, Leon M. (24: A M 25), 620 Hammond St. SAL1JDA., Greenville Section THOMPSON, Erwin W. (84), Cons. Engr. SPENCER, Cbarlotte Section )!cdowell Willi. E. (J Supt., Buck Steam Sta., So. Powar Co. SADLER, J~hn H. (A M 28), llllpt., Buck Steam Sta., So. Power 00. SfATESVILLE THOMSON, Edw. Wm. (19), Rea. Engr., Lockwood Greene &I Co. Inc., and lor,,,,,it, 842 N, Oentsr St. TUXEDO, GreenvIIIe Section IOTTER, Carl H. (A 20), Res. Mg-r., Green Riv.r!lUg. Co. WILMINGTON, t LI R Co H,iWKINS, Robt. Douglas (18), Genl. Supt. M. P., Atlantic Coaa n. y.," 402 Atlantic Coast Line Bldg.. C WET,SB~ Milford G. (A M 17), Supt. Gas. Dept." TIde Water Power o. WILSON GLADDING, Raymond D. (A M U). Con.. Engr., P. O. Box 756. WINSTON-SALEM B h Co I nol" BAHNSON, Frederio Frle. (17: 2S); Ch. Engr., Partner, "n.on.," " }lcc&rl~~~~~, ~dw. lowford St., and lor moil, 235 Salem Sta. R. (10; A. Y 22), Mgr. Supt., Brlggs Sh"llner Co., 600 Shal PAGE Arvin (20: A M 24), A t, Cb. Engr., Bahn.on Co., 1001, S. Marshall St. REECE, Risden P. (24), Asst, Ch. Engr., R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., M9

211 NOUlH,"OTA GRAND FORKS BOURKE, Norman T. N. D. PRESTON. Albert W. II,IINOT NELSON, Harry A. ~IE~IBERSIN UNITED STATES, NORTH DAKOTA (20; A M 26). Prol. M. E. Head Dept. M. (26), Asst. Prot. M. E., Univ. at N." D. (J 21). Combustion Engl., No. States Power Co. OA.KES. LOWE, Harold M. (19; A M 25). Mgr Farm Engl"g. Co. E:, Unlv. oi OHIO ADA. CAMPBELL., 400 a. Johnson I,ior S. St (21; A-M 25>. Prof M. E. OhIo No. Univ., and for n,.ii, NEEDY! John A. (A-~t. 19). Dean EMrg GUcert St...,. Ohio No. Unlv and for mail,,117 N. AKRON, XrE~::b:3~:iJ W. (J,:24), 78 N. Adoiph St. " " ARNSTEIN, Dr. ~a~f (~:J p~m~r Match Co. and jor n\ail, 45 Oakdale Ave. mail, 90 N. Portage P~tll., Oh. Engr. Goodyea.r Zeppelin Corp., alld for BALLES. Pellio W (J 27) P~od E B 869 Orosby St:,. ngr.,. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., and jor mail BALTHAZAR, Joe E (J 21) P D F : " mail, 10H.O~"nd Ave. ower lv.. lfestone Tire & Rubber 00., and for BARNES, Orlando K. (J 26) Dr ft ", ber Co. and for mail 1028 N a H~~~rFlt. 102 D 1, Goodyear Tire i. Rub BECKWITH. Bruce R (28) P d D ve. mail" 1214 Berwy~ St. ro., ept. Good~ear,Tire, & Rubber 00., and tor BELKNAP. for mail. Harry 1017I. N. (J Howird 21) MSt ED e_e. I Dept., Goodyear Tire.& Rubber Co,. and. BLAliER. 224 Casterton Ernest (22) Ave: Mgr Dept. 64 B F G oodncb. Rubber. Co., and fat mail, BOWMAN, for mail, Robt 16 H Harcourt (A M 16) Drive. Gh DraIts man, Firestone Tire &. Rubber Co., and DANFORTH for mail, Thos 8&1 N. D Firestono (J 16) Blvd. Planu; ng Engr.. Good)ear Tire /I, Rubber Co., and DANIEL, for mail, Thes. 105 L. E. (A M Lake 18), st., Mch Ba:bert~~e., D I Se,berllng. Rubber Co., Akron, and DERKS, Co., Johu and for P. mail, (J 26) Apt. Power 9 85 Plant FultonTui St." 111g Course, Goodyear Tire /I, Rubber GRANT, O. C. (J 10), Aset. Mgr. Plant Engr & M. &l Rubber Co., Akron, and for mail R D.olll~ina~r Dept., Goodyear Tire HALSEY, Ray (A-M 19), Genl. Contr Hit St ey and Ave., ~[ogadore. HEINISH. and Geo. (J 28), M. E Star D Iiu MIe. for mail, 632 Whjt~la,v Ave" o~gyahocga C F o!1 474 Washington St., Akron, HUNTER M..rk~tJ St. R. (A.M 18) M amt enance., Analyst, Good~ear, a.l s. Tire Ii: Rubber Ce. JENNINGS; HalK. (J 21) PowerE F". for mail, 284 N. 4th St. cu~aho~~rfall;estone Tne /I, Rubber Co., J,kron, and JOHNSON, 887 Union Edmund PI. R. (17 21),ssoc.,. A 0 M. Wllkin60n Co., and, for rna\! ~8~~~8~ ~~e TO (AjM,;:O), 406 W. Portage Path E. Market st, anjfo~lr:a~e8it,e~ea~hi hg~~dyear Tire /I, Rubber Co:, JONES. Robt. R. (14), Cb Engr Fi st ~. a c. KALAUGBER, Arthur J. (i 25) Prod re Bon~ ~~e d& ~urbber Co., Firestone Park. 404 Doyle St., nc I,ubber Co., and for mail, LAURIA! Antonio A (J 26),H h T RU~Der Co E. Market M{. wz,ro.;anoportarojn Dep!:, Goody,ear Tire I<. Lexmgton. JS.Y... ~..,.an,.. o~ mail,l 401 E., Main St., 550 :"".,! }.,.".":",;. MEMBERS IN UNITED: STATES omo AKIlON (continuetl),, LITSOHER, Geo. H. (J 22), M. E., B. ;F; Go~dri~h, ~\Ibber Co., a"d f,ot ma,l, 279 Grand Ave...:,, MAAS, ;I!l. F. (16), Spec. "Eng, Goodyear Tire II Rubbet Co;, Ak~on, and fot mail, R. D. I, Box 107, Cl!Yahogn Falls. ",..., MACLACHLA,N, Andrew D. (A,M 27), DeveL Engr" ;ij. F. Qoodrich Rubber 00., and for 7nail,.l~8 Aqueduct St. " McVEY, Delbert P. (J 24). 26 S. Adams St.,,.. MOOREHOUSE. R. Wbarton (26). Ohem. Engr., Goodyear Tire II Rubber Co., and for ",ail, P. O. Box 692.,. OAKLEY. Jolln R., (J 27), D~veL Dept., Goodyear T~re, &l Rubber Co., and JOT mad, 1671 Preeton Ave.,. lerk,s, Geo. W. (08), Pres., Geo. W. Perke 00., and for 7nail, 840 Wqrk Drive. PIKE, }5:enlleth W. (24: A M 2~), Asst. Ill.. E., Quaker Oats 00.. PITKIN, Stephen H. (9"1), Rethad, 422 W. Market St. fost, Wm. L. (26>, Appraisal Engr., Goodyear Tire II Rubber Co., Akron, and..." - foot lii4il, 196 ta-keview Ave., Barberton.. ll.a.ymond, Raymond P. (A M 26), M. E., B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., and fot m"i!, R. D. 4, Box 8S1. REPLOGLE, Mark A. (98), Pree" Replogle Heater Co.;80 2 Chalker St",. RICHARDS. F. A. (A.M 18), Designing. SUPir.- Engrg. Exec., L. A. Laursen,, ~~.;S;e:el~rd DrIve Akro.n, 0., ~\d for rna S. Fawell St ~au Claire, SCHMIDT, Henry G. (J 26), steam Engr. Goodyear Tire /I, Rubber Co.; and lor ",ail, 609 Crosby St.. SHAW, Edwin C. (90; 92), Retired, nd National Bldg. SHELTON, Wm. A. (12; A-M 26), M. E" India Tire &l Rubber Co., and for?ilaa. 68 Mt. View Ave. ". SP,RQU!<L., John C. (18), Teste Engr., B. F. Geodrich Rubber Co., and jar mail,.. STAACKE, 397 Woodland Chae. W. Ave. (J U)" Constr. Clerk, B. F. GOQdrieh Rubber Co., and, for maa, 4.32 Noble A- VANCE, J. Henry (21), Cons. M. E., 402 Crosby St. WAliER, Harry E. (23; 27), Aeet. Mgt., Mch. & Procese Devel., B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co.; and for rna>! Bloomfield Ave. WATERS, Rerbert H. (A-M 27), 81S Madleon Ave. ALLIANCE, Cleveland Section BOWERMAN. MFon R. (10; A M 14)". Engr., Alliance ~Ich. 00., Alliance, and fot?ilail, R.,DAVIS, 6. A; (20), 2, Cb. Homeworth. Engr., Reeves Bros. Co., and for maa, 849 Parkway Blvd. KELLER. Walter D. (22), Designer, Allb.nce Mch. 00., and for?ilail, 1126 S. KENDALL, b"reedom E. Ave. Homer (16; 26). V. P., Genl. Mgr., Alliance Steel Preducte Co:,.,, P. O. Box "., STOOP, Wm. J. (15). Genl. Engr., Morgan Engrg. Co. TAYLOR, Clarence L. (04), V. P., Ch. Engr. Melgan Engrg. C... and for mail, " 658);., u"lon Ave. ASHTABULA, CAIN, jolni N. (A M 20), Loco. li;~gr., G whitlaid St., BARBERTON,.o\.kron Section. CASEY, Elmer L. (J 26), Student Engr., Babcock /I, Wil~ox 00., and for mail, " Barberton City Club. COREY, Fred B. (94; 00). Effie. Engr., Pittsburgh Valve &l Fittlnge Co., and : for Ilail, 615 Newell St.. DOWNS. Jobn Neleon (J 24), Apprentice E~gr., Babcoc!t /I, Wilcox Qo., and fo, mail, 801, Tusca.rawas Ave..F-ORREST,. Jae. (A.M 11), Eetimator, Babcock /I, Wilcox Co., and fot mail, 400 JONES St.. Claire Rebt. J. Ave. (15; A.M 22), Effie. Engr. Columbia Chem. Div.,. Pittsburgl!. Plate Glaee Co., and f<jr mai" 1844 Wooster Ave... LANGVAND, I. L. (A 09), Oh. Engr. Babcock & Wilcox. Co:, and or mail, 124 Lloyd St

212 OHIO MEMBEHS IN UNITED!lTATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STaTF.S OHIO BARBERTON (continued). LAN~;~MJo~d;:~U Ji3~A ffa:;8jlquip.;,?eslgner, Babcock.I> Wilcox Co., Barberloll, ROGER J I p. ve., AAron. ROGERS ~\~~lte 1,?,l.().A. ila~~)engrr., Babcock.I; Wilcox Co. "~DLER Cr.;,. I, Box 119. TRAINER ~rnel~~ R. (13),,Supt. Plant, Babcock & Wilcox Co. YODER,a~. w. (A M 19), Asst. Supt., Babcock 8: Wilcox Co 0. :~il~,~~~n J~~~;;;) A~mbUStion Engr., Pittsburgh Plate Gia Co., snd BARNESVILLE VErH, Noel D. (J 27), M. E., Cbarge Design, Watt Oar &I Whe~ Co. BEDFORD, Cleveland Seotion GREfENLEA.F, Robt. P. (19), Sales Engr"~ McMJler Interstate Co., Bedford, snd or ma.i, 3004 Warrington Rd., Shaker Heights Cleveland TITC,~MdB, pgkeome. (08), Vel" P., McMYler.Intersta~ 00., Bedf~rd, and for mall a e. anor, Olev RoOd. : J BEREA, Cle...eland Section MATii5E~~~~hJ~~~ G. (97; 07), Propr., Genl. Mgr., Berea Mch. & Tool Wka., WHELAdN J Rode!ick J. (A?>r 20), Gen!. Mgr., Ohio Bolt & Nut Co 600 Front Sl, an,or """I, 8~6 Beech St..,. BREWSTER, AkloJ!. Seotion PAT.TISON, R. O. (20), M. E., Wheeling &I Lake Erie Ry. Co. BUCYRUS BRO,WvN, Davis (16), Ch. Engr., Clay Working Mchr Dlv W A Riddell Co anen &: Walnut Ste...,.., LAN~~~;~nSt~25), Cb. Draftsman, Hadlleld Penfield Steel 00.; and or m4il, 826 S, MICHAEL, Walter J. (J 28), Treas., V. P., Ohio Loco Crane Co SON~;a~re:~~~ne (J 26), Draftsman, W. A. RiddeiI 00., and for mall, 506 E. THO~~S~:;" ~~;h;:2bko~e~26~t.,m~~0~:aftsman, Ohio Loco. Crane 00., Bucyrus, CAMBRIDGE MCA~a~i, ~i4! 28), V. P.; Mgr., Cambridge Sanitary Mfg. Co., aud for CANTON, A1~lon Se-otion BAC~~~~inP~~h~ (26), Engr., Bonnot & 00., Canton, and or 11I(Ji!, Jackaoll Rd., BA-L~~~~, Cba.. (16), V. P., G!DL Mgr., Hercules Motors Corp., Halliwe1l Pl., BUC::;X~~J~~i!:~~yHigh(i~k ~: W. Charge Engrg., T1mken Roller Bearing Co., 8~~~l3D~aVij t (16; 19), fres., U. S. Quarry Tile 00.,2(5 21st St., N. W :iiatk~~n A;~. }tom 18), M. E., Central Alloy Steel Oorp., and or moil, OOXill1iSho~b ~v~~l~. EW~" Ry. Dept., Timken Roller Bearing Co., and or moil, OUMMNINCaGSt Stanley R. (2~; A-M 26), Oh. Mechantc, Research Engr Hoover Co " n on, and,or mod, 2516 View Oourt N W ".., DEA~;bCheAster AS (wj 27), Physical Testing Lab: Tbnken Ro1ler Bsaring Co 1835 er ve.,.., and Jar mail, 1222 Park \vc S W., DOWNES Mark S. (J 27), Sales Engr., Timken Rol1~ Bearing 00 FEL~I2YsF John AA. (AN-M 18), Factory Mgr., Diebold Safe. & Lock 00., and,or mail razer ve.,. W. ~tjl&l)~ fj (~6~2l)a~.Att;y., FEreJlSe & Bond, Geo. D. Harter Bank Bldg. H,\.RRlS \v A,lfeproof ngr., Diebold Safe & Lock Co.. 16th St.~S. f.( O,l.), Mgr. Roll & Mch. Wks., Am. Sheet & Tin Plate 00." ;" CANTON (oontinued) ". E1ARTMAN, Wm. H. (19), Ch. Engr., Bonnot 00. r liatton, Merle W. (A-M 18), Res. Mgr., Am. Sheet & Till llate Co., and for mail rd St., N. W. ". HORGER, Oscar J. (J 26), Bearing Application & Dealgl), Timken Roller Bearing.~ Co., and for moil, 2115 Woodland Ave., N. W. KEEFE, Avery R. (A M 25), Designer, Engr., Oood,}"car Tire & Rubber Co., and or mail S6S Beilellower Ave., N. W. LEHNERT, 301m (A-M 22), Combustiou Engr., Oeutral Alloy Steel Oorp., Canton, and for mail, R. F; D. I, Massillon. LINKER, Hanison S. (16; 28), Pur. Engr., Centr",l Alloy Steel Corp., and or m4il, nd St., N. W. LOTHROP, Marcus T. (08; 17), Tin,ken Roller Bearing 00. MOORE, Fredk O. (05), Pres., Canton Forge & Axle 00., 2025 Dneber Ave., S. W. liuenz, Oscar A. (A.M 27), Researcb Engr., Hoover Co., N. Canton, and,or m4il, 1223 Dougherty Pl., N. W. : NULSEN Marvin E. (21; 27), Asst. to V. P., Hoover Co., N. Oanton, 0., I!nd for " mail, J 1050 Lalce Sbore Drive, Chicago, Ill. PA-OA, Jobn P (A.M 24), Cbarge Engrg. Dept., Diebold Safe & Lock 00., and for mail, th St., N. W. PURDY, Harold C. (A M 24), Tln,ken Roller BearIng Co., Canton, and for mail W. Ohestnut St.. Aleron. ~ ROBERTS, Arthur LlwellJ"n (H), Asst. Sales Mgr., R. R. Dept., Central Alloy Steel Corp., 1227 ISth St., N. W SUIDERS, Walter C. (17: A M 21), Oenl. Mgr., Ry. Dlv., Timken Roller Bearing 00., and lor mall, 118S Fnlton Rd.. SCHAEFER, Robt. Morris (J 27), Drartsman, Hercules Motors Corp., and or mail, th St., N. W.. t.i I :. ~ i.1 ",,, ~ ;. TAYLOR, Scott Van E. (J 24), Designer, Detaller, Timken Roller Bearing Co., and,or mail, 689 Park An., S. W. TEAGUE, Hube, t M. (25; A-M 27), Research Engr., Hoover Co., N. Canton, and for mail, th St., N. W., Canton.. THYSSE, Johan (J 24), Designer Diesel Engines, Hercules ~rotors Co., and foi mall, 400 9th St., N. W. TOWNSEND, A. J. (A M 17), Naugle & Townsend, 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. TOWNSEND, John (J 21), Mech. Draftsman, Berger Div., Central Alloy Steel, Berger Mfg. Co., and for ",ail, 1415 Yale Ave., N. W. "ECKSTEIN, Samson M. (J 24), Inclus. Equip. Engr., Timken Roller Bearing 00.,. and for m4il, 1086 Spring Ave., N. E. WHEELER, John T. (J 27), Draftsman, Central Alloy Steel Oorp., and or mail, Gl2Iugram Ave.. S. W. " \V~S, August (A-M 25), Tool Engr., Hoover Co., N, Canton, and jor mail, 1700 "luton Rd., N. W., Canton. WISNER, Clarence B. (27), Pres., 011. Enll"r., Carboclte Co., 814 lot Natl. Bank Bldg., and lor mail, 1125 Cleveland AVe., N. OHARDON, Cleveland Section YITOJI.ELL, Wm. O. (01), Engr. CHILLICOTHE, ColuJIlbns Seotion. CARROLL, Jas. B. (21; A.M 26), M. E., Mead Pulp &I Paper Co.,...d for mall, 77 W. Main St. RROADES, John F. "(22), Cb. Engr., Engrg. Power, Mead Pulp,& Paper 00. OINCINNA.TI, Cincinnati Section ADDLEMAN, Clarence L. (17; 25), Field Engr., Philip Oarey Co., Lockland. Cincinnati, and or mail, 2820 Inolanola Ave., Oolumbus. ALDRICH, Olarence E. (20; 25), Servo Engr., Diamond Power Spec. Oorp., and or mal!, 4289 Turrill St. AlnJERSON Chas. H. (14), M. E. Pumping Dept., CIncinnati Water Wks., 25"; Eastern Ave., and for mal!, 2686 Ziegle Ave., Hyde Park. ANDERSON, Robt. (07), Retired, 285 Reilley Rd., Sta. R. ARCHEA, Walter D. (A-M 19), Designing Engr., Salsa Servo Dept., Olnolnnatl Wlling Meb. Co., Oakley, and or mail, 6621 Iris Ave., CIncinnati. AUIi!, Jerome J. (06; IS; H), Oh. En!r:" Lunkenhelmer Co. 658

213 OHIO MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CINCINNA.rI (con1innell) AVERILL, Wm. D. (J 21), Snles Engr., Olnclonati ~lming Mch. Co., OakIe); and fo,,nail 304 Oak St., Oincinnatl..... BA~DWIN, Bert L. (90), Y. E., nd Nat!. Bank Bld$., and for,,,,,,t, 2529 Bell: Pl..., BALIN1tlN, Isar. (J 26), UnIv. of Cincinnati." BALZER, F. (11; 18), M. E., Am. Laundry Mchy. Co., Norwood, and for m"il,. 6!l25. Madisonville Rd,. Modemont.., " BEOKER, WllJne A. CA M 19), Mem. Firm, Kring Becker EDg>.g. 00" BIO Mer. cnntile Lihrary Bldg., BELL, Thos. E. (J 26), Serviceman, Rep)lbllc Flow Meters Co" 222 W. 4th 8t. UEMIS, Earl W. (J 26), Plant Engr., Weir Itilby Corp., Sta. N, BIESER, Cnr! W. (J 22), Supt., Gruen Nntl. Watch Case 00,.< Time HI1I. BINNSr Geo. W. (A M 17)" Secy., Oinclnnatl Grinders,. Inc" ualdey. BLAOKWELL, Hubert O. ( 21), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Umon Gas & Elec. Co. BLANFORD, John B., Jr. (J,21), Dlr., Cincinnati Bureau Municipal Research, 312 W. 9th St. BLOOD,. L. B. (05), Cona. Engr Davey Ave., College Hill.. BOEH»I, Fredk (A.M 26), Val""tion Engr., Union Gas & Elec; Co" 4th ell Plain Sts., Cincinnati, 0., and for mail, 671 W. 162nd St., New York, N. Y. BOLLES, Elmer R: (J 25), 119 W.?lh St. BOOTH, Olement (25), Engr., Dir., Cincinnati Grinders, Inc., Oakley. BOSTAIN, Jas. C. (A 26), Genl. 1Igr., Spec-Dee.Heet Fan Co. BOTELER, Howard M. (J 26), Exper. &; Servo Engr., Worthington Pump &; Mchy, Corp.,.Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, and for " Tower Ave., St. Bernard. BRANDT, Hugh B. (J 24), Asat. to Steam Engr.,.trocter ill Gamble 00., and for mail, 612 B\lrr Oak St., BRO\\N, Carlton E. (J 23), Maintenance Engr., Cincinnati Milling Mch. Co., Oakley, and for m<>il Louden Ave" Oinclnnatl. BROWN, Chas. A. (A 24), Secy., Asst. Geni. Mgr., Lunkenhelmer Co., P. O. Bo~ B76., BROWN, Darwin S. (A M 25). Prod. Supt., Union GaB &; Elec. 00., and for mail, 83~2 Wabash Ave. BRUC1{, Albert G. (A Y 20), Ch. Tool Design, Olllcmnati Milling Mch. Co., Oakley, ana 01 mail; 4290 Verne Ave., Cincinnati.,... BURLINGAME, John H. (A 20), Asst. Branch Mgr., West. Adjustment ill Inspc. Co., 1812 Traction Bldg." and for ma,l, 8j5~ AudlewB Ave.. BURRAGE Ohas. W. (24), Lunkenlleimer Co. BURT, Robt. V. (J 28), Deslgncr, TIailmobile Co., Robertson Ave., Oakley, and fot mail, 2625 Atlantic Ave., H~de Parll. CALDWELL, Nelson F. (J 2~), 18 ROllnoke Apt.., Clifton. OARDULLO, Fnrrest E. (10), Oh, EnlP., G. A. Gray Co., and for mail, 622 Evans.,vood PI., OARREL, J. Wallace (A lb), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Lodge &; Shipley Mcll. Tool Co., 8055 Colerain.Aye. CARROLL, Lieut. Emil J. (18), Ch. Eligr., Am. Laundry Mchy. Co., Norwood. CHAOE, E. 11. (16), Cons, Indus. Engr., 702 So. Ry. I3ldg. CHALKLl!:Y, Curtis R. (16; 24), M. E. to Supt. M. P., Baltimore & Ohio R. R Rm. 208, Central Union Depot, Clnolnnati, 0., and for """", 2082 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. " CLAY, Horace M. (J 26), Engr., Lunkenbelmer Co., and for maii, 24.2 Northern Ave. COO~~~:af~ I::~cls B. (10), Ch. Engr., Lodge & Sliipley Mch. Tool Co., 8055 OONGLETON, Ray T. (A M "26), Congleton Engrg. 00., 914 Main St. CONNELLY, Frank J. (A M 27), 8UB Larona Ave. CORLETTE, Glen H. (10; 21), Mgr., Mchy. Dept., Fairbanks Morse &; 00., 1940 W: 6th St. ", ", COWAN, Gerald A. (J 27), Am. Laundry Mcll). Co., Norwood. CRAIN, Allan M. (J 24), Engr., Orville Simpson Co., 1280 Knowlton St, CROLL, Raymond. H. (J 26), Sales Engr., Wortllington Pump &;. Mohy. Corp., Elmwood Place.,. CURTIS, Edma H., Jr. (01; 26), FaClory Snpt., Nivision Weislcopf 00., Reading, and for mail, 8 Ridgeway APIs., Cincinnati.., D:F;ARBORN" Elbert, R. (J 21)" Branch Mgr~_ Balley Meter Co., Cincinnati, 0., and for :mail, ~8!!terret Ave.,,Oovl,ngton,. ny.,..;.. 664, I.: I. 11 uetl) C 4th & Plum StB: ~~:grr:s~~6.iw~c~~2)j\~~ ~~;ft~~~: f~~?:~n?:im~reb~:, 8i;,cinnatl, and for DElMER Wm. H. L. (, L CII ot f mail; P. O. Boxld28(~~26) AI::~FerguSon, Inc." Oalcley, and or m"";, DEL GROSSO, -Gela l &E leston Parkway Ave.; Hal twe! l H r Am. Tool WkB., Co:, Pearl gg DOAN, Jas. B. (A 17), Pres., Gen g., Y b 00 Oakley and. ~ve. J (J 24) Time Setter, Oi,:,cinnati Jd.illing c.,.,, J;lOD~or ~~~l1 60Cll Kennedy Ave... Cincinna6~n Plant Procter. &: Gamble Co., Ivory ~ELLYWm H (J 26) ~.oremall.ii.t.pi PU;,P ill Tank Co., Filldlay, &: DOUnSON, LO\lis A. (A Y 16), ~hp E~~iiAve" f ".aii, DONdale a,:d or m~il, 70B McMakin Ave,~ "aii Dalton Ave., and for ma,l, 46 \lr I Co 2~29 Spring Grove Ave.,..nd 0 DRESE~. Hem) ca), Dreses Mcb. TQo., vident 269 Greendale Ave., I."~ Natl. Mch. Tool Blurs. Assn." 826 Pro D BRUL Ernost F. (A 00), Gen...,. r.k Il Ban~ Bldg. Desl ner Main Pumping Sta" Cillcinnatl Water B., DUH~~ ~fi~neav<;, ::~ for,,~aa, 66 E W HCl t,:rlto& ~~. aol 1st :NaU:,B~nll Bldg.;, J h 0 (14) Padner W. u on II,. DUN~::ior o"~il, ~~irlieldCblv~, ~ts~~~n* Co., and for Mil, 2695 EIMER Albert L. (A!I 24),. ra,, Laura Lane, Norwood. In I ti liming Mch. Co., Oakle). 1 EINSTEIN, Sol. (13), Ch. D,eSlgnO;;~o?i~~p~~ Cincinnati MilIin.S Mch. Co., Oak oy. ELF~If:,~in:~~ a~d f~~~a,r?)g~o \\OO~~~r~li~;h. fj\i~:,n~j;~db~"!lnd for mail" ERNST J;lans (26), Reseuch ngr., _ St 6ci Hale Ave., C 0 llnd jor mail, 417 Catbenne, BE I G (20 26) Mch, DeSlgoCr, Am. an D.,, J~IG: J~bn T. ("97; 05)j ~res" Ohio Nech ~~:tt~~iton Pump &;, Mclly. Corp., Elm FELDBUSH Harry A. ( 17), Wks. gr.,,.. \vood PI. " (J 25) A~st. to Genl. Shop roieman, Cinci~nllti Mllllug FIELMAN Walter E.... " Vne St Cincmnat!.,, d FosM~K o\vin?~~et;i6):i-~t:.:"f~s(lic~i~ ~~~eco~70~0~~~~~ ~~~t:l,illred S~., FOX Ch~s. H. (00), Pres" AhrenB ox re : ~illd,or,,,ail 8647 Shaw Ave. d EI 00 2~ Colernin Ave. d FRAl\;liLII1 J. \Vayne (J 26), Shcpar Laey. G Co., 909 Slcamore st., an F:ilE~ AN Benj. W. (16; 25), rreas., UIS n l MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES or ",.;.u, 3206 Observ~tory Rd. Bd Concrete MellY. Co., 6000 Sprl g FRE BERG, Julius W. (A 21), ChDln.., b D go Ohio, Grove Av~. (A" 22) Head Dept. ).I.ech. D"awing &; Mc. esi, FREY Geo. J...., iiechanics Ins!.. P 0 B 641 " b C GAllSBN PbUip R., Jr. (J 24),, 1?~20. Pres., Olnclnnstl Yllhng Mc. P", GEIER,,Fred A. (A 00), Manage"... and for mllll, OllklOe:y. n: hard (J 27) Desigller, Clncinllatl MillUlg Mc~. Co., GERLA H. lc,, G lllldill 3796 Hyde Pk. Ave. t S t Baldwin Plano Co., and for ma, r, GEST aepry (J 22), 4ss. up., to -. Rd 24) Mch Designer,,D,evel. Dep "Oil!,GOODRICH, Oh~s. W. Mell:. (C19;. Ar andformail,6697 Bramllle, Hadl, climatl MUhnll" Mcb. Co., 1 llclilna 1,... BOllville. E Procter &; Gamble Co., Ivorydale.. GORDON,:Robt. J. (18; 26), POnW ngrrefrig. Engr., and jo. bl m""i, 26.6 ~enalor GOBS, RichSld,~I. (J 28), O. M. 0 nson,,,, PI. - F (A:M 21) 4950 Paddock Rd., Bonll Hill. GOUGH, Harry. P Daly MIg. Co.. T t Bldg GRIEST,!leo. G. (2~~, 21)s.j,r E Lathrop.Trotter 00" 783 Unlon I J Uij ",., GRI~~~~~r.O~,~~d for m~dil,6~o So~heJi.anleiI~~ci~~~;:tISCo.:iladl~on & GROEt\E; \Vol. F. (J 22), A v. gr.,. " " Edwarcjs Rds. M 27) oil DIaftsman Cincl,rlna.t1 Grinders IIIC." Cakley" GROOY, /J. Ho~vl~2d62(lAEdmunJson and or mat. itd.; Norwood. 555 OHIO

214 OHIO ~n;.\lbers IN UNITED S1ATES ~.. ~IE~iBt;115 ~N CNITJo.:ll STATES OHIO CINCINNATI (contlnnedl. GULLIKSON, Albert C (J 25) D t. HALL, Artbur G. (13). 15H D~nJJ:., MpiE. Univ. 01 Cincinnati. ILUfLIN, L.eb"n H. (J 25) A," to mr;edma:!. -It Euclid Ave., olncln~a~i Procter &: Gamble Co., Ivorydale add...ark L. (J 22) Plant E St HARRISON. ChaB. L. (A 2,i) Di t. tjr earnb &: Fastel Co Lockland. HARRISON, Robt. E \v (2l> ~ " Ord. Dept. U. S. A. 714 So R Bldg HARTMANN. Carl (A.l[ 21) i>.:ig;"dlr., Cincinnati GrinderB Inc y.. HAZELTON. R. T. (09; 16). Wk~ M an. peslgne~, 3798 Liston A~e. HEoiiE"R lid i"" (,:",~, 3m Weli.tof: peulij.~d":tp:~perco Elam St. &: Gerrard HEEKIN, Da~i.i M O~i7 ~0~28 Elm Ave., Norwood., HEENA, Oarl R. (:22 A_M 2, Mgr., Heekin Can Co., 6tb &: Culvert Sta HEH~~ANN" and for mail: 2885HIghian/A~eEngr Am. Products Co., 3265 Coler~ln, Fred H. (J 14) Asst. Oh E HEILIG. Wm. (A.M 27), Sale. &: Pu. ngr.! LOOkenhelmer CO. HEN~~A~, C~~wf:2J ~~r!;i)g~ve AAv~b~:~~d ~~~..~~tfin~ ~~~enda~~ Wm. land and,,,,,./ 57 gr, e,to. Spec. Dept. PhUl Ca!ULMER: Otto E (~6" 1~3 Belmont Ave.. Olneinnati. prey Co., Loek aanrdtfojr maii W. )sj:~nerprf"ceobdlhc~u&: Hilmer. 170S.Unlon Trust Bldg HOB, as C (88. 98) or 1 0 HOLrmmhuyrst PL: Clncitmatl. Pr... Triumph Elea. 00., Oakley, and for "",il 4 A,Fletcher L. (J 21) Sal. 1,t Natl. Bank Bldg.,eBman, Worthmgton Pump &: M;chy. Corp., 1503 HUOKE, Elmer F. (21 A M 25) ME HUCK~ ff{ mail, 404 L~mbordy A;e. El1;;w~~ ~I~:dry Mchy. Co., ~orwood Sla.,, aymond H. (J 23) Erec Engr Al F. JANKEiIAt: Lombard! Ave., i;:lmw~od PI;;e. vey erguson Co., Oakle:r, and Jo, JENKINS, A:1~WI~J(5:?,,8302Yontleth Ave., Hyde Park. 35~5 Biddle St.,1.8), Prof. M. E Univ. of Cincinnati, and.for meu JENNE. Everett L. (J 27) Instrumet JO for ",ail. 94 W. McYilI;" St. n RepaUluan, Union Gas &; Eloo. Co.. and ERGER, C. Albert (A M 22) Prof The JOHNSON,. Gustave T. (A-M si) M E J"~~amlC8. Onlv. of CIncinnati. JOHJ~~~Jltsp" ul0akley, and for mail Pac: Y :v~ocnl O~., Rtoibertaon Ave. k a K. (U 26) InBtr P"-l Oh" ncldna. JUPP, Allred J. (A 17) V P Salel\, i k",oh"/ 10 Mechanics InBt. ~i~lr T~OBi C. (:14), M: E ~~ N~tT.mi~~ in~ O.,Box 876. KIENKER, ~ar;y ~.2~~_~~:4)E~;rt 90~ FredkA. Scf;idt Bldg. Km~avannah Ave" ColleAe Hill p., 0 BCO Mch. Toql Co., and Jar mail KINc.AriX:"E;i.tjM(??ia 1i73l Bramble Ave. for moil, Knight &: M~~~~es.;;anstf bnb Manville, Oorp., 121 E. 7th St. and KOEHLER, O. L (J 19) S tal F xn.&r mail Wold AV~P bncr:~;/rguaou Co. North St., Oakley, and. ci~n~t1harold B. (J.23), Standards En~r., Clnclnnat\ Millin KRING, S. L:"~LM ~~ 732 Greenwood J>,ve Hamilton. g Mcb. Co., Cln Library BIdA. Mem. Firm, Kring Becker Engr. Co:, 1009 Mercantile LAN~a~o~~ry Marcu, (86). Pr... Lane &: BudIey 00., Reti~ed, and ior ",;.;z Vernon LANGEN, Geo. (06) V P Wks Mgr C., LeBLOND, Harold R. (J 20) Be "&: ~Clnnati Planer Co. Cakley.. 8th &: EvanB Sts.,cy. reab., G. A.. Schacbb Motor Truck Co LeBLOND. Ricbard E. (J 23) SA"., Oineinnat.i, and Jor mail, 34i6ec.He~p~eiitl~, R. J" LeBlond Mch. Tool Co. LeBLOND, RIchard K. (00) Pr.. R k e LeBvl e. yde Park. EdwardB Rd.. "., " and Mcb. Tool 00., Madison &; LEWIS, Geo. A. (J 27) St d t E 1st Nat!. Bank Bldg: u en ngr Worthington Pump &: Mcby. Corp., 1508 LEWIS, JOB. N.. Jr, (J 26) Inspr Laid! Wk (",.p., Elnlwod PIRee. and fof;;"i/ 2.:;; EI a., ~~ or~in~n Pump &; Mehy,, m A,e., WJo ommg ;: : : Ie ".! ~. :: <OIlIiCINXAlI (<<ontillued), LOGEMAN. Wm. F. (A M 18). Supt. Stand. Elec. Tool 00., W. 8tb St., Cincin, nati, and for mail th Ave" Oakley. LOOS, Bertlam J. (J 22), SaleB Mgr., Zerollte Filter Co. Cincinnati, and for m<>il 8930 Spencer Ave. Norwood.. LUEIIRMAN, Edw. H. (J 24), Asst. to GenI. Mgr., Union GaB &: Eloc. Co., 4tb!< Plum Sts. Cincinnati, and Jar "wil, 3620 Tamarack Ave., Hyde Pk. LUHN, Clarence W. (18 r 21), V. P. TreaB.,,To Honhorst Co., 1015 W. 6th at. LYON, Jesse D. (18), OonB. ;gngr 8265 Menlo Ave. MAGGS.. Albert H. (J 21), De,igning Engr.,.oI.hl en. Fa", Fire Eug. Co., Ooleraln k Alfred Bts. JLUEUSON, MorrlB (A M 25). Sales Engr., Stand. Steel &. Bearlnp Inc. and fot JR.ail, 3646 Eden Ave. MANLEY. S. M. (07; 17). Engrg. Supt. Procter &> Gamble 00., Ivorydale. and for..wi!, Oak &. Woodbine Sts., Glendale. YARTELLOTTI, Ercole Y. (A M 26). Exper. Engr., Cincinnati Milling Mch. 00. and for mail, 4224 Appleton Ave.,MARTIN. Edw. (17; 26), M. E., Procter &: Gamble. Co. Ivorydale, and Jar "",U, 6625 Bantry Ave., l,ennedy Heights. MARX. Henry (80; 92), PreB., G. A. Gray Co., Woodburn Ave. &: Pa. R. R. I AXON. Bruce E. (J 28). M. E., Am. Laundry Mclly. 00. Norwood Sta. llcbeth,.o\lva G. (J 25). Tool D..ign, Lodge &: Shipley Mch. Tool Co., Olnclnnatl, and for mail, 3884 Vernon Ave. Hyde Park. McBETH, Harry R. (J 25), Tool De,ign, Lodge &. Sbipley Mcb. Tool Co., and for,nail, 4195 Eastern Ave.. ~[c<lullouga. W. T.. Jr. (20; AY 26), Dist. Salcs Mgr., Babcock &: Wilcox Co. liehlhope, Lincoln E. (J 24), Servo Engr Cincinnati Milling Mch. 00., Oakley, a,nd for mail Wyatt Ave., Kennedy Heights. MEIER. ChaB. (17; 19), Treas., Gen!. Mgr., Acme Mcb. Tool 00., 4955 Spring Grove Ave. MILLER, Herman H. (A 16), Mgr. SaleB, Wortblngton Pump &: Mcby. Corp., and for """U Orcbard Lane. l!itbch, Edw. H. (21; A.M 26), Re,ults Engr., Union GaB &. EI8O, Co., and for mail. 8a7l Vine St. MITTENDORF, Wm. (16), OonB. En!P., 8508 Trimble Ave., )[ORRIS, Geo. MeG. (A 18), Pre,., Treas., Jobn B. Monla Fdy. Co., Morris Mob. Tool 00.. Court &0 Harriet Sta.. MORRIS, ThoB: B. (10; 26), Becy., TreaB., Mitchell Steel Co., P. O. Box 5. Stock YdB. Sta. MORRIS, W. Stanley (J 24), Draftsman, Lunkenbellner Co., and for mail Lehman Rd., Price Hill. MORSE. Arthur H. (11), OonB. Engr. Baldwll\ Co., Gilbert Ave and Jor mail, 203 McGrellor Ave. liuller, Euw. A. (90). ~[anager, 24-27; Vicc Pr.oldenl, 27 29; PreB., T..., King Mch. TIlol Co., Olifton Ave. &. B. I< O. R. R.. Winton PI. MUNOY, Victor E. (14), Head Dept., Mech. &; Elec. Engrg., Ohio MechanicB lnst. liyeus, Jas. Herbelt (J 25), ABst. to Sales Engr., Lodge /< Shipley Mch. Tool Co., and for mail Colerain Ave. NENNINGER. Le,ter F. (16; A-M 25), M., E., OincinnatlMilling Mch. Co.,, Oakley. and Jor mail, 8525 Sbaw Ave., Cincinnati. NESTEL, Hellllonn A. (J 27), Tool Designer. Cincinnati Milllng Mcb. Co., Oakley. and for mail Andrews Ave., Hyde Park. OESTERLEIN, OhaB. D. (A.M 19). V. P., Genl: Mgr., Oeaterlein Mcb. Co., 3301 Colerain Ave. ONEAL, Jas. C. (J 22), A""t. En!,:,", Columbia Engl g. &0 Management Corp 314 W. 4th St., and for m..ii, 428 Pioneer St., OSTER, Eugene A. (17; A At 20), M. E., French BrOB Bauer 00. Plum /< Canal StB. CillelnnlLti, and for,,,..ii, 3918 Regent Ave., Norwood. OTT, Reuben E. F. (J 22), Te,t. Engr Worthington Fump &: Mcb,.. Corp., Elm wood Place. and Jar mail, 6102 Bellaire Ave. Olncinnati. PAQUE, E. J. <,20; 21), Gen!. Wk,. Engr., Pollak Steel Co Temple Bar Bldg., and for mail. 980 IARSONB, HOIcld K. (A 26). Atty., Pat. Engr. Cillcillnati llilllng Mcb. Co.. and fo, m<lii, P. O. \lox 72. Oal,le) Sta. 557

215 OHIO MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES CINCINNATI (continned) PAULY, Robt. O. (A M U), Asst. Oh. Engr., Devel. Dept., Am, Laundry,Mcby. Co. : PEASLEE, Willetts (16; 23), Supt., Dir., Cincinnati Grinders, Inc., PETERS, Wm. E. (22; 27), Oh. Engr., Breese Bros. Co., 2347 Reading Rd. PFEFFERLE, Frank H. (J 23), Designing Engr., Cincinnati Shaper Co., and for mati, 1615 W. Bslmar PI. PFEFFERLE, Geo. H. (J 24), Plant Engr., Dalten Adding Mch. Div., Remington RllDd, Inc., and /or mail, 4Ul Floral Ale., Norwood. PIEIU..E, Henry C. (111), Secy. II Sales Mgr., R. K. I.e Blond Mch. Tool Co., ;Madl: son II Edwards Rds.,, PIPER, Robt. N. (J 22), Sales Engr., Cincinnati Shaper 00., and fat mail, 30a, Amberson Ave., POLLAK, Julian A. (16), V. 1., Pollak Steel Co., Temple Bar Bldg. POPE. Howard L. (J 23), Sales Servo Engr., Oincinnati MUling Mch. Co. PUGH A. H., Jr. (A 16), Pres., A. H. Pugh Printing Co., 4th II Pike Sts. RANSOHOFF. N. (12; 21), Ideal Concrete Moby. Co., Cincinnati, and for mail, 3509 Biddle S., Clifton. RHAME, Frank P. (16; A M 19), Sales Engr., Lunkenheinier Co., Bolt 876. mcrter, Ernst (90), Rethed, 179 La Fa)ette Ci.cle. RICKWOOD, Rowland L. (A M 22), Asst. Wks. Mgr., Oinclnnati Bickford Tool Co., Oakley. RIES~ER, Michael (H), Ch. Engr., Lilidlaw Wks., Worthington Pump & Mchy. Corp., Elmwood PI., and /or mail, 3956 Parker Pl., Cincinnati. RITTER, Elmer R. (12; 22), Pres., Stand. Pulley & Mfg. Co., Powers St., Cincln. nllt!, aud fat mllil, 345 Warren Ave., Clifton. RITTER. Harold P. (26; 26), Mgr., J. A. Oberhelman Fdy. Co., 3323 Ooleraln ~& RITTER. Henry (00), 4208 Glenway Ave. ROBINSON, Louis G. (05; 13), Metal. Ceramist, Louis G. :Robinson Lab., 31 E. 4tb St. llony, C. F. (22; A M 26), Asst. Plant Engr., Cincinnati Milling Mch. Co., Oakley, and fat mail Erie Ave., Hyde Park. llogers, Earl F. (A M 23). Smnd. Pulley & Mfg. Co., 1738 Powers St. ROMJ\.INE, Millard (A M n), Sales Engr., Cincinnati Milling Mcb. 00., Ollkley. ROUfJ;B;ft ṢH, K. B. (A M 26), Sales Eqgr., Republio Flow Met~rs Co., 222 W. RYAN, Roy C. (J 27), Sales Engr., l:.aidlllw Wks., Worthington Pump &: Mcby. COI p., Elmwood Place. and fat "Jail, 8Un CuIZon Ave. CincinnatI. SAHAROFF. Alex V. (25), Tests Engr., Laidlaw Wks., Worthington Pump & Mcby, Corp.,and tor "14il Elkton PI., Oollege Hill. SAL~?I~~RSt.Nicbolas M. (J 23), V. 1., Queens Oity Steel Treating 00., 432 SAYRE. Richard L. (J 26). Plant Engr., Reekln Can Co. 6th & Culvert Sts. SOlUFFNER, Jobn ~. (J 26), Oh..Engr., Cisco Mob: Tool Co., 1767 Elmore St." and fat mail. 33 Glen Este PI. SCHOTT, Theo. R. (J 26), Dssign &< Inspc., Stuebing Cowan Co., 312, E. Court St., and for m<1il, 351 W. McMillan St., SOHWEBEL, Edwin C. (A M 22), M. M.; Atlas Blec. &: Mfg. Co., Wadsworth Watch Case Co., and fat mail, 3939 Elsnlerc Ave. " SCHWERHA, M. Clilyton (J ~25), Rd. Engr., Worthington Pump & Mchy. Corp.; Elm: wood Place, and fot mail" 4681 Allison.Ave., ~or\vood... SCORAH, Ralph L. (J 26); Indus. Engr., Union Gas &< Elee. Co. 308 W. 4th St,; Cincinnati. Ilnd for m<1il, 1321 Micbigan Ave. Hyds Park, SCOTT, Robt. B. (J 26), Sal~s Engr., Worthington Pump & Mchy. Corp., st Nat!. Bank Bldg. SEITER, Eugene F. (J 26), Draftsmlln., Alvey.Ferguson Co., and for?nail, 351 W; McMillan St. SEnEll, Geo. A. (21), Wks. Mgr Lunkenbeimer Co., and for mail, 2424 Harrison Ave. SHA,ER, Arthur C. (J 24), Supt., Shafer Pattern Wks. 207 E. 6th St:, Cineinnatl, Ilnd for mail, 2808 Erie Ave., Byd~ Park., SHAFER,,vni. H. (16), Engr., sec)"l Ahrens Fox Fire Eng. Co., Colerain &: AI. fred Sts., Cincinnati, and A,noi, 2879 Erie Ave., Hyde Park. 558.~. : " ;-,," o ~,,! :f MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES OHIO CINCINNATI (continued!,,n<) D t En~ Am. Laundry Melly. Co. Cin RLEY H rvey J (18 A-""..., IS. b" 8m cinll~ti ~nd for mail 3955 Elsmere Ave., KOl\V~dt }deh Shop, Am. C4n 00., SHLIKOFF: Thea. P. (A.hi 23), Desl~er, En~~;".1,1 idu Elkton St., College Hiil. SplingJ:ove &: Fergus Sis" C}\Ic,l~lnoi" inge~~tclna,,os 2nd liatl. Bllnk Bldg. and SRUSTER, W. W. (J 23), M. E., ".. 0, JOT mail, 711 Oak St E D pt Baldwill Plllno Factory, and for mail, 622 SISSON Chas. H. (22), IIgrg. e " June St. & D. I Engr Worthington Punlp &: Mchy. SMITH, Homer Allen (J 24), Exj Pfcr. is~8~gaylesbc)\0 Ave., Cincinnati. Corp Elmwood Place, an, at ma, ~ SOLLER,"Valter (J 17), ~52135) TTa)bot~t~~~ Engr. Cincinnati Milling Mch. Co., Oin SOM-OGYI, Chas. E. (A-M,Ime 0 II~ cinnatl, and for f)\ai!~ 28)74RR~nltanIlEfg\ Colu;;blll Erigrg. & Management Corp., SpIEHLER Clilrence H. (24, e,1i s I., Ilnd /0; mai!, ~14 W. 4th) S~al E gr C M Robinson Co., 14 W. 12tb St., STACY, John A. (A M 21,. es B~ "Gi~ss Ave. Fort Thoma. Ky. Cincinnati, 0", an(jd!207r)".~tl. 75 Pr~c~r & Gambl~ Co Ivorydllie, and f01 mail, STIEHL, Douglas >t., ngr;, d Ant :t\orwood Ave., l:ordwo~. Engr Worthingtcn pump & Mchy. STOCKEL, Frants C. 524), M~~h. eslgnmg.,. Corp. Ilnd for ma,,!, 3613 Pu IDe D S~. Mchy. & Equip., Lunkenheimer Co., P. O. STOJ),E Edison H. (J 12), r. ep., Bo~ 876. M (Ii. M 19) Engr Cincinnati Mililug Mch. Co., Oakle), and. STRAIT. Olay.," JOT mllil, 6930 MontgomeryWkRd., ~;~ertrn. K LeBlond Meh. Tool Co., Madison &: STRAUSS. Wm. O. (14; 22), s Edwards Rds. 0 (J 21) Secy TrellS. Select Adv. Serv. Co., Ilnd fat STRIETEL~IEIER. Edw..,,, mail Fairfax,Ay)e. D. n" Engr. Lodlte & Shipley Mch. Tool Co., 8055 SZLOVAK, Andrew (J 25. es.gol b 1334 Thrall Ave., Clifton..Colerllin Ave., Cinwclnn(JIlt!i6a)ndJal:s"i~~., CinclIlllati Milling Mcb. Co., OaltleJ. TAl:iGEMAN. Walter., llyd Pork and fat maill 8450(0 9~s~a)toil ~I., 2844 ~inslow Ave. TAYLOR. J. Wal ace,..., POBox 707. TAYLOR. Rillph L. (~27:)"26c)on~;grEnllJ:i~datt Co. 2fl Vine St., and fat mail, 6200 TAYLOR, Robt. M. 1,,,,,,.,,, Ridge Ave. AM 26) Asst " M. Procter & Gamble Co., Ivorydale, and TEBOW, Lee R. (19: -.:..., tot,,,.ai!, 068 Franclsc~:);14?s;i~~Oi~gr. Harrison Safety Boller WI,s., Coch THOMPSON, Henry P. (A... r.. BId rane Corp., 702 Mercantlle d Elb.~IY orvhie-simpson Co., 1230 Knowlton St., and TIERSCH Walter (J 25), Pro. ngr., for ":ail FSerguG s S(t.i.M 26) Trainor Airway Elec. Oorp., 811 Odd Fellows TUCKER, Beverley t., Bldg. t H (A18) Pres Cincinnati Blel,ford Tool oo.,.o"kleyc TUECHTER. AUgllS. 1., Wk W tbington PUIllP & 1I10h). o., TURNWALD, Wolfgang (23 S ) LllidTrae:.. Cinci~~atl Engrg. Tool Co., 4659 Sprinll UIHLEIN H 0 (J 19), eoy., _., Grov~ A;e., and fat mail, 18 Wakeflel~iPc.~lveco 838 W. 4th St. UPHAM,,Howard B. (J 2 8 4) ~2P5)ra~e:y W~real Ohio Electrolytic Oxygen Co., 946 VERKAMP, Waiter F. (1:.,.,., Kenyon Ave. (J 26) T I Designer Olncinnati Mll1ing Mch. Co., Oinclnnati, VETTLE Elmore,00 II aud for m<1il, 2 W 641 M(,el17ros~261i.)ve S J~~IE;,~Hi ~orthington Pump & Mchy. Corp., VINNEDGE, Earle. f.., 1504, 1st NatHI. B(aJn~16B) dgpres Cincinnati Engrg. Tool Co., 4659 Spring Grove VOCKELL, Wm..."... VOG~~eRudcif (J 26), Alvey Ferguson 00., Oakley, and fat mail consl~e Ave. S I M Chllmplon Swltcl. Co., Jeffery DeW,tt WALMSLEY, H. Y. (17)2Dg~..a.s tl rn-c1 for mail 4818 Forest Ave., Norwood. Insulatol Co., Box,~4 "17) ;r,n E Am. Laundry Mohy. Co., Oincinnati, and for WAREAM, Chas. E. (A....., fli<iil, 4347 ~10r1l1 Ave., liiorwood.,, 55B

216 OHIO CIXCINNATI (couth.uedl. WASSON. Roland H. (A M 26), Sales Engr Faltbank! Cincinnati. lljld for mail 1086 Scbiff A";e Pric ~~llorse &; Co., 19iO W. 6th St., W.\TCHER, A. Keith (A.M ~8) E E". e,. and for mail, 4104 Maple D~iv:Poakle;,gr Cmclnnali Grinders. lnc., Olnclnnatf,!!SSTCHEG B. ~ll (17), B. A. Wesch; Elec. Co Vine St,y.. rlljlvi e H. (A 22) Engrg D t. A L. and lot mail Hannjford Av"e Forwood aundry Mchy. Co., Cincinnati, =ym~~~l.:gw (06(1:9)~~; CresFic~nt AEPts., S. qrescent & Read~ Rd.,.,.w.em. rro E Pkway., and for mail 3431 Stetti~lu~ A~e Willey.Wray Elec Centtsl ~~1.~~G~:x ~ij;;~ ~r~l. E., E., Univ. of Cincinnati. 808 W. 4tb St. (J 24), Indus. Sales Engr., Union Gae & Elec. 00" WOOD, Cbas. E. (10 23) Sal EDt. WUENXER, Rlliph F: (21; 20)~ Pr~r.gEng~.~ Tr~?J:;gHeloer ~kt 0..Bolt 87~. Y llnd for mail, P. O. Bolt 14 R. R. 2 ~!ilfard eo... a ey. Cmcinnat., ODER. L. A. (J 22)-, Supt L~din \VIe W. ZUG~~~R~IG:W~~d S~~~), Cb~~~~;~j, ~~~Jini.~~~4c8~0o~~~ld!vS;f,:~:.~nMt t.~i~;;: v,ew Ave.., an ar.natl, 486 South ZUMBERG, Jo.. J. (A-M 19) M h D I C.. Olncln ti, 0., lljld for ":il,c m ~~~~:. d:;l:::to~.~mg Mch. Co., Oakl~y, CL~VELAND, Cle...elnul Section ALBERT ACKER. Geo. Chao H. E (J (J 22) 27) ChM E ~gr., Cl eve 1 au d Wotm & Gear Co. S249 E 86th St ALB1llGHT, Jo~. 0. (22: AM"27l B~f~eYE~leteilCo., 1650 IVllnho~ Rd... Rd., lljld Jar mail, 1187 Yellowsto~e R:J ca on, Bailey Meter Co 1050 Ivanhoe ALLARDT Ernest W (21 AM 23) Ch. ALLEN, Aib.rt M. (as OS) Engr Arch AEn,rr;"AlYlodOJ& Co Walworth Ave. ALLEN Wm R (21) Ch it: E en Co Euclid Ave ANDERSON, Ha~old N: (18) Sw.;, s.~~ lm~tlgra~.,~o. ~814 J<J. 46th St.. ARNOLD. Geo.. Jr. (04). M. E. Cle;eianJ"F e cl COo.,.453S St. Clair Av. and for mati, 8217 Brookline Ave. rog romng Co., Be888mer Ave. ATIlJNSON, Geo. K. (16) Sales Engr R p N B ta and for mau 1212 Eibur Ave. ew rj In Mcb Hower Ave AVERY. Jnsper W (J 27) Re E C Bldg. s. 1181".. onstr. Wk., Geo. B. Gascoigne, P.49 Leader BADO\VSKI, Alfred (15; A-M 21). Indus. & Devel Engr 609 G d B for matt, 7601 Osage Ave. uar 111 Idg., and BAGGALEY. Walter (A-M 23) M E D I A Cleveland. and jor mail S M~rel:;.r~lrvd us~htiakn CoH" Euclid Ave., BAKER Robt E (15) Be T., er eights. formail, 2558 D~rhfshi~c;rRd. reae., A. G. McKee.& Euclid Ave and BAKEd? Walter C. (19), LIfe Member; M. E., 1964 Union Trust BId BAL}or ~il,s~e.r;~nf~;~~~~e\3ijj~i~~~el~~g~e~l,~rossing Co. gineveland, and BAL~t~. Frederick W. (07). Cons. Engr F. W. Ballard &. 00., 717 Bulkle) ~t:~~~i~~~ss~:~n~) EChNag. ~~rew Clair Aves. & :Mfg E. 75th St.,. ra smlw, N. Y. Central R. R. Co., W. 8rd & St. BAR~:~~1 ~~.d~d~ (16). Bailey Meter Co 1050 Ivanhoe Rd., and for mail, 1560 BARRETT Jos. M. (27) V P Ch S. BAR~ot ~:;,ercst) "p~/:,,omt~its25t~~lg6cer~~~wr~p:~:: ~~~J:~dtH~::a,1.~5I1 Euclid B~SS VI M. IS ee o. parniele~~~. (J 27). Tech. Apprentice, White Motor Co., and for mail, 9909 BATES Albert Society Harlan for Savini!s (90 12) Bldg M F B em.. um. ates, Macklin, Goldrick & Teare, ~~~E~ i (25). Beall Engrg. & MIg. Co. Plymouth Bldg Co... 8il17uft."torain~e.:2TheJeia:d, :MEMBEBS IN untied STATES ~d ~~r,;:a~le281::dw Pudnbch & Shear Wka. Helghts.. 00 ury ReL, Shaker 560, 1 HII:MBEBS IN UNITED STATES OHIO CLEVELAND (colltill...ed),. BENEDICT. Loyal O. (19; A-M 26). V. P Cb. Engr Dy.r Associat.d Engr.., 907 Natl. City Bldg., Claveland, 0., and for mail, 129 Sumner Ave., Sprlnglleld. j:: Mass. BENSON. Alfred D. (J 25). Salesnlan, Genl. Elec. Co., 1101 Union Tnist Bldg. BEVER, john J. (15; 21), Mgr. Fdy. Dept., Otis Steel Co. Cleveland. and for mail, Clifton Blvd., Lakewood..., BffiCHLER. Chao. F. (J 25). Mgr Houston Olllce Bailey Yeter Co 1650 Ivanhoe \ Rd. BI,ANCHARD, Walter J. (A Y 18), Ch. Engr., Dyer & Co., 30Z0 Euclid Ave. BLISS, Philip E. (A 23), V. P., Tre... Warner & Swasey Co Carnegie Ave. BLUNDELL, Eustace E. (A-M 17), Supt., Lees-Bradner Co., Oleveland, IUld Jor mail, 3014 E. Overlook Rd., Cleveland Heights. BOLIK. Augustus A. (J.25), Sales Engr., E. W. Bliss Co Guarantee Title Bldg., Cleveland. and far mai/., 1487 Orchard Grove, Lakewood. BONDS. Albert (J 26), Engr Am. Steel & Wire Co nockefeller Bldg. BOWER. Roht. S. (J 16). Asst. Supt: Open Hearth, McKinney Steel Co DiUe An., Cleveland, and for mail, 2589 Colchester Rd. Cleveland Heights. " BR.,DLEY, Wm. H. (27), A..t. to Ch. Engr., Bourn. Fuller Co., 1912 Scranton Rd.. Cleveland, and for mail Larchmont Ave., Lakewood. BRATER, Eric (A-M 26), i!:ngr., Charge Math. Analysis. White Motor Co., and for mail, 257 E. 151st St. BREl\NAN, John T. (A-:rot 13), Geni. Mgr John S. Brennan & Son; 6612 Euclid Ave., and f01 mail, 1298 W; 10Sth St.. BRETT. Roy O. (17: A M 19). Con.. Engr Trundle Engrg. 00.,118 St. Clair Ave;, N. E BRIGGS, H. Kenneth (A-M 26). Asat. Exec. Secy Am. So,o. lor Steel Treating, Prospect Ave. BROWN, Alex. Cushing (14; 21; 22), Pres. Brown Hoisting Ychy. Co., and or mail, 1025 Hazel Drive. BRO{ lln. Fran!, L. (22). Ch. Engr Whit. Motor Co 842 E. 79th St Cleveland, and for mati, 8001 Scarborou~h Rd., Cleveland Heights. BROWN, J. RowlllJld (60; Oil; 09). Pres: & Genl. MgrI_Reliance Gauge Oolumn Co., 5902 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, and for mail, 31Jli5 Lincoln Blvd., Olevelana Heights. BROWl\, Willard (10), Ch. Y. E. Upson Wkll., Bourne Fuller Co. BRUSH. Chas. F. (80), Life ~tember; E. E. Retired. 4S1 The Arcade. BURGER, Wm. J. (19). Works ygr.,]varner & Swasey Carnegie Ave. 1lI.1RRELL, E. P. (19)..DIr. Engrg. warner &. Swasey Co., 5701 Ave. BUSS. John R. (J 21). Cadet Engr Bailey,Meter Co Ivanhoe Rd., and f01 mail, Euclid Ave.. CALLAN. W. H. (IS). V. P. Chicago Pn.umatic Tool Co 810 B. F. Keith Bldg. CANNO~, Earl (J 23), Hyd. Engr., Gogan Mcb. & Fdy. Co., 1440 E. 55th St., Cleve. land, and Jar ".ail St. Cllarles St., Lakewood. CARLISLE. Tyler W. (A 17), V. P. Strong... carlisle & llammond Co., 1892 W. 8rd St., and for mai/., 2895 Sedg.wick Rd., J:jhaker Heights. CARMAN, Edwin S. (17), President, 21; Secy., Ch. Engr Osborn MIg. 00., MOl Hamilton Ave.. CARPENTER. B. S. (J 24), M. E. Wks. Lah., Natl~ Carbon 00.. CARROLL, Pnil, Jr. (20; A-M 26), Cons..Indus. Engr. Dyer AsBoc. Engrs Inc 907 NatL City Bldg Cl.veland, 0., and for mai/., 109 Vreeland Ave Nutley. N. J. CARROLL. Wm. P. (19). Exec. Mgr Bldg. Trades Employers AsSoc Zrd Pl., Rose Bldg CASE, Geo. S. (17), Tre... Factory Mgr., Lamson & SeSSions Co., 1971 W. 86th St., and jor mail Lake Ave. CASEY, Albert A. (J 21). Asst. to M. E., Cleveland Elec. mum. Co.,. mum. Bldg. OHADWlCK. Lee S. (99: 09). f-r Perfection Stove 00., 7609 Plat; Aye. CHAMPION. David J. (17). Pr Champion Rivet Co Harvard Ave. & loath St. CHAPMAN. Cyril T. (20; 25). Ingersoll Rand Co., Wllllamso,," Bldg. CHAPMAN, Ralph E. (J 25), Engrg. Dept., E. Ohio Gas CO~J Oleveland. and for mail, 186 Shaw Ave., E. Cleveland. CHENEY. Walter L. (88), Sales Engr., Lucas Mcb. Tool Co. Cleveland. 0., and far mail, 235 Cook Av, Meriden. Conn. CRITTENDEN, Geo. I. (A M 24). M. E., Geo. S. Rider Co., 612 Centary Bldg. 561

217 OHXO MEMBERS IN UNITED ST.l.TES CLEVELAND (continued) qhuns:h. H. D. (18), Dir. Engrg., White ~iot.oi Co., and jor mail, 2012 Guilford CLARK, Ra}D1ond E. (J 21}., M. E., Engrg. Dept., Bailey Meter Co 10:;0 IvanhDe Rd., and jor mail ~. lol.t St..! CLARK, Richnrd L. (J 24). Engr., Strong, Carlisfe & Hammond 00.. C.LARK; W. Cha. M. (18), Oon. Engr. 130 Engre. Bldg.. COLE. Lester M. (J 26). Sales Engr;.r Warner &; Swasey Co Cnrnegie.Ave. COMPTON, Robt B. (A M 22) ,.. 70th St.. CON:o~LkJ. Lawrence E. (11.16), V. P., Secy D.Co"ilelly Boiler Co Ivan. CON~~LLY. Wm. O. (A 16). Pre~,. Treas. D. Connelly BaUer 00., 1110 Ive.nltoe CONRAD, Wm. A. (A M 22), Chem. Eligr Gra9Selli Chem. 00. Guardian Bldg. and jar mail 3280 W. 130th St.. " OONSTAM. Alyn F. (A-M 18), Pres., Universal Oonstr. Co., Natl. City Bldg sad jor mai!, Hathaw8} Ave.. COOK, Albert C. (A 21). V. P., Warner &; Swn.ey Co Calllegie Ave. OOOK, Wm. P. (J 26), Te.t Engr Am. Ga. A.soc. Inc., Ft. E. 62nd St., OJeve. land. a-nd jor mail, 1878 Beach Ave., Lakewood. COPPERSMITH, Oh... W. (26), Assoc. Prot. Mch. Design, CaBe Sch. Applied Sciencc. COX, Jacob D. (Bl), Retired; ChulD. Bd. Dir Cleveland Twist Drill Co E.. 40th St., and jo, mail, SUI Euclid Ave. CRANE. Eugene C. (16; 22), Supt., O. O. Bartlett.I: Snow Co., 0200 Haward Ave. CURTIS. Verne F. (J 28), Sale. Engr., White Co., 79th St. &; St. Clair Ave., Rncl jar mail, 2052 Cornell Rd. DAHLQUIST, Oha. S. (18) Warrington Rd. Shaker Heights.. DANFORTH, R. H. (12). Prot. Mecl,anics, H}d., Ca.e School of Applied Scienoe.. DAVIS. Emmett L. (A-M 12), Diet. r.igr. Rarwond Bros. Impact Pulverizer Co" 82~ Gualdlan Bldg.. D.~VIS, Howard E. (A M 18). 18~0 Van Buren Rd., E. Olevell>nd. DAY, Chas. :a (13), Asst. Mgr., Cleveland Telmlnal Bldg., 00. DECKER, Geo. A. (15), Wk. Engr Warner k Swa.ey 00., 5701 Carnegie Ave., C1oveland, and fo, mail, 3083 EdgehUl Road, Olevelana Height. De HART, Henry P. (J 27). Salee Engr., W. S. Tyler Co. Cleveland, and for mall, 22~0 h"orwood Ave,. NOl\vood. DILLARD Ja B. (20), Genl. Supt., OJeveland Twist DrUl Co., 1242 E. 49th St. DOANE, SemL E. (19), Ch. Engr. Incande.cent Lamp Dept., Lamp.Wk., Genl. Etec NeJa Park. DO~KIN, Wilfred T. (~ 25), Engr., C~e\elan~ Wire Spring Co., U81E. 38th St.. DONOVAN. John F. (21), Mgr. EqUlp. Devel. Dept., Natl. Lamp Wk., Genl. Eleo. Co., Nela Park, Cleveland. and fo, mail, 1869 Chapman Ave. E. Oleve. land. DOOLITTLE, Jesse S. (J 21). Inetr. Y. E. Dept., Case SCll. 0/ Applied ScIenoe. DORNBlRER, J..: G. (13). Retired, 637 Brookwood Drive, Sta. H.. DORNBIRER, St&nton D. (J 2S). Sale. Engr., Kellned},Van Saun Mfg. &; Engrg. Oorp E. 22nd St. DRUM~.lOND.A. P, (A-Y 23). Mech, Devel. Engr. Eveready Div Katl. Oarbon Co. Box DUERINGER, Walter E. (J 26), Bailey Meter Co., 1050 I\anhoo Rd. DUNBAR. FIai1k H. (24), Pre., Baker Dunbnr 00., 1900 Euclid Ave. DUNBJ\R, Ja H, C.07), Genl. Snpt.. Gras.elll Chem. Co., Rm Euelid Ave... EDWARDS,. Evan J. (.23). Mgr. Plant Engrg. Dept., Natl. Lamp Wk., Genl. Elec. 00. Nela Park.... EINIQ, Alvin B. \12; A-M "21). SaJesman, Motch &; MerrJwenther Mchy. Co., 715 Penton B dg. Cleveland, a-nd jor mail, 2592 Darhnoon Rd., OJeveland Height.... ELLMS, Robt. W. (J 27) W. 112th St. ELLSON. H. S. (A-M 22). Prod, Engr. Natl. Oarbon Co. IllC. W. ll7th St. &; ~rndi.on Ave., Cleveland, and, jer mail, 1679 Northland Ave., Lakewood. ENGELMAN, Wm. H. (A-Y 27). ABst. M. E., City Water Dept., 602 City Hall, Clevela-nd, and. fo, mail, 2184 Niagara Drive., Lakewood :: r MEMBERS IN UNITED STATE~ OHIO CLEVELAND (CO;~~,)u~d~er Engr Cleveland Pneull1&tie Tool E.!. ENGELN. John H, ( x.., ERIJ~8kSi:d\V. O. (J 13). Pre~. Ericson Mfg. Co., Cleveland, and fo,:",a1i, BIBdlord Rd OJe"eJand.He)ghi s i V P Penton Publi.hing Co. Penton Bldg., ESTEP, :El. Cole (l4; j 19k 2;260 ~ell~\vsi:one Rd., Cleveland Heights Cleveland, and or me, D t Mgr Mathew. Conveyor Co Rm...EVANS. Andrew B. (17; 22) EVEt fiuorcrt;.~ F. (20), C. W. Oolby &; Co., ~34~ C~~negJid"v~uclid Ave. FARRU\QTON, Thayer B. ~A-M) M IO )E SuJ:~~ Ptenl: Mg,. Pan-American Trnding FAUZON \rturo G. (A-Y 19 B..,., Oo.~ 732 Natl. Olty Ba,2 k 2) Id&; Engr GoJinth Rubber Co 2010 Elm St., FISCHER, Cha.. L. (14;,.. nnd fo ",ail, 527 E. 115th S~16) V P King Bronze & Aluminum Fdy. Co. FITZPATRICK. Clarence J. (A-M, E. 37th Bt. M 25) M E Incnnde.cent Lamp Dept. Genl. Elec. 00. FLAWS, John, Jr. (A-. NeI V IV Rd E Cleveland. Nela Pk., and for,nail, 10~066) Val le Genl :Mgr:, Oil Conoervatlon Englg. FLEMIKG. Hart H. (19; A-M 2.., Co 877 Addison Rd.. tl G McKee k Co 2~22 Euclld Ave. FOLE-r:Artbur J. (J 26)M.P!~~),g ~~rr" t:oj~rengr..ohio Pub. Servo Co FRASER P. Verness (A Han:" Bldg., an~ f(;18)a1~e~~xexpt Am Multlgraph Co. gtl&~~~~r~~~~~ (;18)"li n X:il: S~3)~i~e~~~eha~l~tgMeter Co., 1050 Ivanhoe GeBAUER. H. f.,i 1206 Nicholsoll Ave. Lak.wood. GEO~~ A.c~~el!?tl,"i.~~. ~~p(~)br"ir~~lrl~~:r:-rc~a3~ b:.ojo~,eco:;~~~.~\1ieveland. GILLETTE, John Clalence Lk d and jor ",ail, 1643 E\ lb 7ll7.t:)e.1! ae ee~g~g. Cleveland Twiot Drlll Co~. GITHENS. Thos. F. (15; 1....,. 12~2 E. 49th St. Sal En Crane Co., 305 Leader Bldg. GLEESON. Francis T. (A-M T 21). tati<:n El~;g White Motor Co Cle~eland. and GLICK JuliUS L. (J 22). ran.por H. b.ra for n14il, 212 J 2 qs5 u )rrej)y R~~illgCIE~~~ndChi:ifolm::MOOre Mfg. Co Lilokeside GDGA, Geo. F. ( ~, as SI... Ave and jo, ma.l, th t. C Inc 1440 E 65th Bt. GOGAN:Jo. (21d) ;0)gaga~~h E~g~dy:Bail~Y M~ter 00., i050 Ivanhoe Rd-, GORRIE. Harvar J1.. and jo, "Ul~, (11 0 i 9.1~)CI~e~V commerclal Tool Co., 2026 E. 22nd St. GOSS, Leonard. -, D. E gr Nat! Carbon Co., Ino. d d GRAVES. M. (25)L IV. Mn,h. Tool Co 523 E. 99th St.. C1ev.lan, an GREEN Jas. B. (12), Supt.. ucao c 1. d H. j t fo."ail., 2077 Hallover Rd., Clevelt. I elg~i:~ 00 and for nulil, 907 E. GUNTHER Wm. (A-M 23). Designer. lilco n., IlAA~~36~:~: E. (A-M 21), Oh. Illspr Am. Co. E. 40th St. &; Kelley Ave. R. Elliott Guardian Bldg. HALE, Herbert O. (04)., sp 4 e )0. M.!j;: Automnti~ Sprinkler Co. ot Am. 910 B. 01 HAMILTON. John R. (A 1..,. L. E. Bank Bldg~, (19 A.M 23) Bale. Mgr. Bailey Meter Co Ivan HAMMOND, Harold.... HI Rd ;:gr., Balley Meter Co Ivanhoe Rd." hoe Rd.,. and /0( r J m:"2il 5) l~a~~t HANSON. Ray F.. Rnd for mail, Euclid Ave. E OIeveland HARLAN Randolph B. (26) thdA~e as "N T H~rringtonCo E. HARRINlJTON. N. T. (03), Pre. an re., 100th St. V P Colrigan McKinney Steel Co.! 3100 E. 45th HARRISON. Henry T. (12). i 2602 Guillord Rd., Cleveland HeIghts. St., Cleveland. and fo, m", Balti. Rd. N. W. HARTWELL, FlO}: ~;2i;21a;P~on~I}~ifYron & Steel Co. 232 E. 131st St; HARVE~ ~irry G (,,(1) Pr... Oentrlflx Corp., 3029 Prospeot Ave. ~~VAIfD: Ge~~~ey C. (J "t3l. Rm Euclld Ave. ii63

218 OHIO ;\IE~IBERS IN liniud STATES MEMBERS IN UNITIill S.!ATES omo CLEYEL.lND (~outluue.l) HAZELTON. Cbas. H. (19). Genl. Supt. Foote Burt 00., St. Clair AVe., (l}e,, e]and. and Jor mail, 18i5 Vymore Ave., E. Ole\e.tand. HEN:~l~Ybofu-:~aEAV~~ 27), Student Course., Wblte,Motor Co. and 101 fili>il. HERliNER. AdaDl (28), GeQl. Supt. Warner.I; Swase... Co., 5701 Carnegie Ave. HERRON. JaB. a (97; 05), M...ager ; PI es. Jas. B. Berron Co W. 3rd St. HraLEY. Frank R. (18; 25), Pat. Oounsel Keith Bldg. HOR~;i3CW~ lgt~2~t. Foreman. Edgewater Plaot. l\<atl Oarbon Co. and /0 l1liiil, HOUTON. Wm. M. (11; 19: 21). FactorJ DIgr Lamsoo Se.slons Co. CI...I.nd. and /M ",ail Clarence Ave. Lakewood. HOWE, Cha S. (15). Pres., Oase Scbool Applied Science, Euolld A...e. HOWE, Jack L. (15; A M 22), Otis Elev. Co E. 6th St. HUBBARD. Guy (17: A-M 21), Adv. Mgr. Nat!. Acme Co. E. 13lat St. at, Colt Rd. HULETT. Fr..nk E. (06), Pr... Hulett Engrg. 00., 4500 Euclid Ave., Cleleland; and lor ",ail, 1880 Rosalind Ave., E. Cleveland. " HURLOCK, Clinton E. (A M 26). Pattero Supvr., White iliotor Co., Cleveland, and /0 7D4il, 8847 Northampton Rd., E. Cleveland. HT.;TCHINSON, Arthur E. (A 19). Htg. & Vent. Engr.,,Bd. 01 Education, Oth Rockwell Ave. HYDE. Tom B. (21). Engrg. Dept Natl. Carbon Co. Inc., Box 400. INGERSOLL. Cho.s. B. f20), Pres. Oornwell Quality Tool. Co 5716 Euclid Ave. ~NGRAM, John D. (J 24), Draftsn,an. HDmbulgli & Scott Co Haloilton Ave. Clevel..nd, and [a IIIail, th Ave., E. Cleveland. JACOB. Brent C. (22), E. &: ill. E., Indus. Brown Hoist Corp St. Clair Ave., and 10 "ail Forest Gro"e Ave. JACOBS,![UDln S. (J (24). Dist. Sales Mgr.. Republic Flo,v Meters Co. Rm. G23, 1783 E. 11th St. Cleveland. and 1M 7D4it, 2145 Atkins Ave. Lakewood. JARDINE. Frank (22), Automotive Engr. U. S..l.1uminum Co Hallord Ave.. JAR~~~R~K 41~0~~~ (J 21), Dralt-man, McKinney Steel Co. aod It>r fl,all, JARRETT, B. W. (17; A M 20). H. W. Janet! 00., Rockefeller Bldg. JASCHKA. John H. (16). S..les Engr. Nat!. Malleable t Steel Casting. Co., QUincy Ave., a. E. JEHLE. Ferdinand (18; 18: 26), Resarch Engr., White Motor Co. 842 E. 79th n. JENTER. :a;:lity L. (J 26). Student Apprentice 1m. Steel ol; WIre Co., aod /Or mail 100H Keemar Court., JOHNSON. Fraok D. (A, 22). PreB., J. ol; B. Mach. SupplJ Co. 226 Superior Ave., N. W., JOHNSON. Leonord T. (21), ABst. to Stearn Engr Glasselll Ohem. Co.. HOO GuardIan Bldg., Cleveland, snd lor,,,,ail, 1276 N. Lo<:kwood Ave., E. Cle elnnd. JUNKINS, Raymond D. (20: A M 23). Ch. Engr. BaHeJ Meter Co I, ao. hoe Rd.. KAPPLER, Harry J. (27), V. P., Factory Mgr..~ctna Bubber Co. 815 E. 79th at. KARTSHER. Harry S. (18; 22), Oh. Engr Genl. Mgr. B. Stand~rd. Se,,., 3211 S}camore Rd Cleveland Heights.. KEMBLE, Thos. S. (18). Oons. Engr "\lameda Ave. KESSLER. Ohas. J. (25). M. E. Cleveland liet"l Ploducts Co., 7609 Platt,1\0" and /0 mail, 8807 Parkdale Rd. KINll:EAD, Rob,t. E. (27), Oons. EOgl., 8030 Euclid."v.. KIP. Henry E. (]8). Engr., Natl. Carbon Co. Edgewater Pl..nt. Cle...eland, and lor "ail, 1281 Hatha,vay Ave Lakewood. KNECHT. Arthur E. (A M 18), M. E. 448 Edd1 Rd. KNOBLOCH, Elli. T. (J 24). Engr. Union Iron Wks. Rockefeller Bldg. KOEHLER, Robt. H. (J 26). M. E. BaHc~ ~Ietel Ivanhoe Rd,. Bnd /0 1/Iall E. 86th St.. KRANZ, W. G. (09). V. P., Charge Mfg.,, Malleable &: Steel CastIngs Co., Quincy Ave., B. E. KUGEL, H. K. (13; 22). DeputySmoks Commr... Rill. 6]9, City H&II, CIe,eland, and lot ",ail, 1527 BD}croft Ave., Lakewood. Kl"l,IN, O.kRr (26). 3SH Rel k.l,,1 Rd. 1 ; ", CLEVEL.UD (continued)... LANGE, M. E. (25). Engr.!.. Waprnel &: SMwatC) Ccoar ~~Ol ~3~d,~e ~vqnioc) A"e. L~YNG G H (13), V.1;".. eer ess a or. Cle~el"nd and 10 7D4il, 431 Edgewood Ave., Akron. d f mail LEES, ErnestJ. (07), Pres., Lees Bradner Co CarnegIe Ave., ao", 2886 Drummond Rd.. LENDWAY, Jos. (J 24). Oare) Co., 5906,Euclid Ave,, ves. LINCOLN Jas. F. {27J. Genl. Mg!., Lincoln Elec. Co., Coe\ &: flr~yet C mum. LINDSETH, Elmer L. (J 26), Prod. Eogr. Steam Dept.. eve an ec. Co Illum. Bldg., ft "h 0 t07 Blackstone LITTLE. Oh... H. (A 04).!Igr., UniversaJ. Dra mg "c. a., Bldg.. and lor ""ii, 2507 Stratford Rd. tin C St Clair Aye. LOUDY, Flavius E. (27). Staff EnRl Glenn L. Mar a.,, and lor mail, Coit Rd. " 99th St LUOAS Henry M. (Ot), Pr.s. Lucas llcl. Tool Co 523 "" tyke, F. J. (21), Supt. Am. YUEltigrapCh.2..0.;_lch8146~4 -g>i~ ~~ll alld 101 mail, MAIN. Jas. M. (A M 25), Struc.!iDgr.. I....,, )(ALtJligNNMl1~th(Y\2) Sales Engr., 903 Rockefeller Bidi. MARSH, G. Eve;.tt (J 27), Cadet EilngrM" BaMilecGYraM.:.teii:lgoO/O~~c lv~~~obg:a~diao MASON, Jay E. (A M 23), Res. Gel. gr.,.,. },[ATW:~ Tho H. (18; A M 2{), Deslllller, Bailey![eter 0.0., 1050Ivanhoe Rd., d" il 1428 E. 9tthSt:, U. llat~rkes~ :hlax H. (A 22j, Engr Firemells Yulual In. Co. RIO man MAy~~t.J:;~ (16;25), Cons. Ste..m E. E., 618 Natl. Bldg. }lcoabi;\&ra~~ ~;,nt~)(}~kii. ~~~~e~~~~. g~~l. 6~~~",Bha:.~~"lo Hanna Bldg. }IcC-~~eland. a~d /0 tllaili4m2~u~llifa.~1r(jl:;el;~d~eland. M.cOART~~m of c( 1f} 13) MRl. Clevelai;,of Branch Office, Bailey Meter 00., YcO~~o Ivanhoe Rd:. Clevela~d. and10i "l,arilr15~2 EJ88ir~ ~!l o~~;e~~.d. McGEE W. A. (20), Y. E., N. Y. Centra. 0..,. Mc;KEOHNIE, ~~t. ~7 (9:~~s.~A~i~u~6~~ :~II:~~n~ ~~ J Euclid Ave. ~~~~~, t:ul. (/26 ~~ St~m Eop;,., BoulDe Fuller Co. Scranton Rd. Ole, eland. and /0 1ndil, 1508 Spring Galden Ave., Lakew04ld. McKEE Willis (20). Engr., Contr., 242,2 Euclid Ave. Y NAIR."l:, A B (02), Retired, 1652 Hanna Bldg. Co "1. li~lmyweather, Geo. E. (03). Pres., Yotch.I< Melryweather Mcby.., I lies~m~j~~~li: H. (12). Cle"eland PI8JIsr C~., 31~8 S,:,perior Ave., N. E. Cleveland, and It>r 1/",il, 3316 Stockholm Rd ~liake, HeIghts., ke. MIVDI..ETON, N&than A. (17; 20), Partner, Ml,ddletolL EdelL & Co., 303 Roc }[ILLER, feller Richard Bldg. E. (18; A li 16), PIes., Miller..t James 0 a., 505 E r1_. e Bl~- MITCHELL, O. N. (14) Xee Mar Park. llitermiler. A. S. (21). ABSt. to Zinc Engl., Gr_elU Chem. 00., 1400 Guardian B1dl\., Cleveland, and lor mait th Ave., E. Cleveland. Co d I I MOOHL. John G. J. (21), Tool Supvr., Chandlor-Cleveland Yotors 0 "~ii :S;~lsb l)h~<lpub. Servo Co B. ~. Keith Bldg. ~S~rti\~i:;~t k (J 19) Mo;rl.on Equip. Co., 406 ~ulll<ln Conkey Bldg., OR~~~,Iai~: A. d l21;:~~t.8~~ ~~ ~~ St:cl,&ClW;~~.~gi~hii~kefe1ler Bldg., M Cl veland and for ""il Wyandotte Ave., Lakewood. MT.lEL~ER, Edw. O. (22), Sales Rep. Tate Jones & Co.. 1no.. CosteUo Engrg. 00., MULtl!l~,T~:I~~1 21), Sgec. Rep. Iosulation Materials Dept. Sherwin Willlams Co 601 Oanal Rd. l d Sci Cleveland MUll;IliA Levi B. (J Z?). Illstr. M. E., Oase Sch. of App 10 ence,, d IOf 7D4it Clalboume Rd., E. Cleveland. MUR";EY. Gardll~r A. (23). Tress. Oh. Enl(!.. BroylDlng Oraoe 00., Water 100 Rd

219 tfft;~i;i?!t!li~i[ljw Hil. ;{~.~,;: il1:itll jj!f:phd! i1trhh j=!r.. : i f,i ir.~l1q!,,)nil!:!:ii li,j!tlj!.i:f\iui,i."a..!"1 ;:!i~:li!i l..!if.l,1 :mtij ;hr+:i i~mn:, ~t?[yi./ I "Ur"I ltfi~, I HI": ~rf:~ rji If :.;.1 ].~ :fn f:.!iji:i HJ:;;I 11;t:~f!1 1~~i;i I!JWi!1 1/,;":[ I ~ Id!: OHIO CLEYI:l~LJlND (continne,1), UUJl.PHY, Johu N. (J 24). Supt. Calibration &; Assembly Dept., Balley Meter Co.; 1050 hllllhoe Rd., aud frn ",ail, 2IU Stearus lld. MYERS, Jas. L. (J 13), Cb. Enllr., Factory Mgr." Oleveland Graphite Bronze Co., 88ll E. 72ndSt.,, NESlll!, ~dwill (07), Mgr; & Oh. Engr., Zinc Smelting Dept., GIasselli Chem. Co" Guardian BldJr. NICH}A, John J. (J 21), M. E., Maedler Syndicate, 870 E. 72nd St:, and for mail; 432 Martin Ave., NILSSON, Carl Jlagnar (A Y W), 860 Nela. View Rd., Clereland Heillhts. NOBLE, Edson J. (20), Oh. En/p"aHorsburllh &; Scott Co., 51U Hlimllton Me" meveland, and for mail meman Rd., Sllaker Helllht.. "!lorton, Allen B. (.A M 19), Mgr., Permanent Mold Div., U. S. Aluminum Co., 2210 Harvord Ave., and jor mail, Oxford Rd.,, " NORlON, W. T., Jr. (20), Oons. Ellllr., 1372 St. Oharle. A,e., Lakewood. OBHlG, A. (14), Sal.. Engr., Otis Elev. Co., 1873 E. 6tb St., OLDHAM, Edw. L. (A M 19), Supt., Cleveland Rocl< Drill 00., 2784 E. 78th St" und fol mail, 1J512 E. ll8th St., OLSON, Albert (28: A M 26), Aut. Prod. Mgr., Dill Mf,... Co., 684 E. 82nd St.; Cleveland, and 1M mail, th Ave., E. meveland., OLSON, Chas. W; (A M 17), Supt., Horsburllb &; Scott Co., 5114 Ha.mllton Av.,; Cle,eland, and jar mail, 3582 Berkeley Ave.. Oleveland Heights. OSWALD, B,uce R. (J 261, 4638 Blythin Rd., Garfield Heights. PAG~~r~~~:id~v2 ~~7&e;::n:teel 6: Wire Go., Cleveland, and for mail, m~ PALM, Dwlllht ~L (A M 24), Draftsman, Brnce-Macbeth Eng. 00., 2111 Center St.,, a"d for mail, Wilbur Ave., PALME!1 Edw. L. (J 25), SaJes Enlll., Am. Blower Co., 1302 Swetlond Bldg.,," PAQUErTE, Adrien J. (J 24), Spec. Apprentice, N. Y. Oentral R. R. Co. Conlin. wood, and for mail, 823 E. 150th St., Oleveland PARKER, McRea. (A M 22), M. &; E. E., Olevela.nd Wonted ~rllls 00., 0114 Broad. wa...., PARSONS, S. Sherwood (J 19), Dlst. Mgr., New lia.ven Sandblnst Co., 555 Erie m_ MEUDERS IN UNITED STATES PEAR~ON, Carl E, (19), Supvr., Leece Ne.lIle 00., 5863 Hamilton Ave., meveland lind for mail,.!l039 Elmwood Rd., Cle,eland Heights. PEASE, Maxfield (J 16), Dist. Mgr., Dravo Doyle 00., 4800 Prospect Ave. PEOK, EUllene O. (00), 1612 Euclid Ave. PHILLIPS, Victor B. (17; U), Mem. Fhm, Crecellus /: Phillips, 1517 Union Trust BldA., Ole"eland, 0., also Pres., Phillips Baker Rubber, 00., Providence, R. I. PIMSNER, Oarl J. (A M 20), Oh. Dnrtsman, Swartwont Co., and for mail, 1780 Oliff,lew Rd. P1ROO~IOFF, Geo. S. (21: A M 25), Staff Engr., White Motor 00., 842 E, 79th St., and for mau, Univ. Club. PLANTINGA, Pierre (94; 25), Ga.s Mchy. Co., 1900 Euclid Ave.,QUAlLE. L. A. (15; 17), Ob. M. E" Dept. Pub. Utilities, 205 City Hall. RANDALL, Norman (A M 21), Designing Engr., Oleveland Twist Drill Co., 12!2 E. 49th St. RANDLES, G. E. (12), Pres., Foote-Burt Co., Wade Park AIe., and jor mail, St. Olair Ave. RAUSll:E. Pllul (A M 22), De.ignsr, Edgewater Wks., Natl. Oarbon 00., Cleveland, and for mail, Woodlawn Ave., Fairview Vllla,..e. RAYMOND, Ern~~ P. (A M 28), Inspr., Jordan Motor Oar 00., meveland, and for 1nail, 1320 Goodale Ave., Toledo. REWHARD, H. G. (20; A M 24), Sales Engr., Combustion Engrg. Corp., ll07 Guardion mda. RESEll:. Marc (23: 25), Head Engrg. Dept.. Perfection Stove 00., 7609 Platt Ave. RIOHARDS, Geo. B. (J 26), Spec. Apprentice,. Warner &; SW88ey, 5701 Oarnegie Ave., Clevela.nd, and jor mail, 3338 Ohalfont Rd., Shaker Heights. " RISSE, Robt. F. (J U), Dra.ftsmen. W. S. Tyler 00., 3615 Superior Ave., me.e., land, and for mail, 1532 Sheridan Rd., S. Euclid. ROHERTS. E. P. (89). Oons. Engr, Statlatlcian, Beach Ave., Lakewood. ROBERTSON, Donald W. (J 25), Dept. of Spec. Devel., Malleable &; Steel Castlnl:s Co., IOOOQl Qulpcy A, e. " " RODGERS, Horace P. (12; 18), Sales Designing, H. P. Rodgers &; 00., Leader-News BIdA., 5GG.1 I CLEVELAND (co~ltlllned) :MEMBERS IN UNITED STArES OHIO Producer Div., Wellman Seaver.MorAangOd ROGERS. J. FIauk (18)C1 ~gr. dg~nd for mail 3312 Redwood Ave., Ulev n Celltlal Ave., ellelnn, ~ Heights., ) D Co 2031 Euclid Ave. t, ROSE, Ernest A. (J 18, yer"f on Euclid Ave. RUBLE; Jos. S. (13): V,. p;2f) Iii. ~gdspt., <heveland Elec. ljium.,00" Illum. RUETENIK, B. P. (18,, te Drive Bldg., and for mail, )101G19IE~;~1l dieve!and Automatic Mch. 00., 2269 Ash.,. RUPPEl. Harry W. (25, en, a", lana: ReL G ft Id Rd E Ole.eland. ItUSBATCH, A. (OI(),,;8~201) aar: t St~;,d. PIactice Div., Repllir Servo Engrg., SAYNER LauIenee A...,s" h St Wbit.e Co., and lor (;~f!;~)ee~~ HYd. Pressed Stee!OD., 0100 Hydra.u1ic SCRAl!:FElt, Fredl, R. ;,.,.th SOHl AEviim, H V. (19), Dist. Sdes Mgr., R, H. Beaumont Co., 908 B, Jr,,Kel,. l 1761 B~lg. sll F (A M 20) Oven Designer, Swartwout Co., and for m~l, SCHOIT, W ace., Hillview Rd.. N. de İ h (OH. 18) Mgr Resea.rch Dept., Natl. Malleable Oast SOHWAltTZ, Harry A 0 P,,., inp; 00. J h N (A H 21) Secy Cons. Engr., Geo, T. Trundle, Jr. Engl. " SCHWEIKERT, 0 n....,.,, Co., 10001} Quincy A)ve." er Pres. Waruer &; S,vasey 00., 5701 SCOTT, FIank A. (A 15,...anal:,,, Oarnegie Ave. L Rd, SCOTT, Ha.rry E. (,22~) li 81 ; \farner &; Swasey Co:, 5701 Carnegie Ave. SEELY Wa.rner (A,ec " I Co W 58th st Ii: Walworth AIS. SEITZ,Delll. O. (J 24), R)US6 M g. Eng"r Yecb &; Elec. Expt., 1527 Rockefeller SESSIONS, Frank L. (10, 0 ons..,,. Bldg. R (J 21) CanstI. Supt., Arthur G. McKee II 00., 2+22, Euchd Ave., SHAltFE, Jas... Elb An Lakewoed., Cleveland, and for llul!, 159 E 1 ur U od Trust Bldg. a.nd for mail, 2101 E. BREAL, Robt. E. (22), Cona. ns:r., III,, 100th st. J (20) S t. Pred., Stes.rns Conveyor Co., 200th st. &; St. malt SIELAFF, Y..,up bbl A e H Ave., and for mail, 6210 Dl ill IM Tool Co.,.and f01 mail, SIMMONS, Ollver G.(24), Pres., Gen. gr.,. milton Blvd. E (J 27) Design Layout, Dust Recovery II Conveymg 00., SLADKY, Ohsa.. h st aucl 101 mail, 2996(J ~2l)I6~sleS Enjlr Am. Blower 00., 1302 SwetlanOdBBI~l1: SLEUMONS, John D. G I Mgr Hiii Clutch Mcb. &;, Fdy. 00., 640 re BMITII Harry Jas, (09), en.., water Ave.. (A M 22) Pres. Smith Power Tra.IlSD1isslon 00., 487 Penton SMITH, Stiles Ourt,ss, I N (A(jM;~~)~~~1 GD~:i~~~: ~~~er /I Swasey Co., 5701 Carnegie 50SiiO:NG, Wm.,. " E 75tl St.,,\ve aud for mail, d Engr Warren D Spengler 1058 Union SPENGLER, I/.s.lph J,.. IAt 1:);0."~~i 8812Oalrendon Rd., Oleveland Bemhts. Trust ~Idg., mev~(j,~~), M. E., Bailey Meter Co., ~050 Ivanhoe Rd., eve SPRENKLEdRfamond,! Caledonia Rd., Oleveland Helghts t /I Mf 00 land. an or mal. I 5) Sale & Research Enti:~. Bryant H ea er g. -. STARK, Willet E.(15; 2 Cl Ia.~d and" for "lad 1849 Windermere Ave., E St. AVe., eve,, mevela.nd; St han Co 7016 Enclid Ave.. STEPHAN, Wslte!. G. (2)0)..Pres Ba;dons & Oitver Oleveland, and /M mall, 2107 STEVENS, Wm. 1. (17 J!ilJgr., Elbur Ave., blat\v(".;:\! 19) Factory Mgr., EmpIre Plow 00., 8140 Eo 65t~7~ti STEVENSON, Ro t. J (A 20) Genl. Sale. Mgr., Wa.rner &; Swa.sey 0., STILWELL, Ohas St James Pkway. OarneAid Ave., and(jor2~aenp:r Roliand Gardner /I Co., 315 Rockefeller Bldg., STOOK, Arthur J., Jr "Roslyn Drhe Rocky River., Cleveland,.snl!. 10:om~!I) Pres Mgr. Ole~elatid En~rg. AGBDcy Co., E. G. STROUD; EdWlD v. ( 1, ".,, Stroud Co.,.904 Ros(e J ~II7d)ll. Dist Mgr. Y",maU.Waring Co., 30 Euclid Arcade. SUTTON, GranvdI. G,,.,, 5~7 ~: ; ~

220 OHIO.MEMBEKS IN UNITED STATES CLEVELAND (continue,i) SWASEY, Ambrose (80; H 16), Vice President, 00.02; President, 04"; Cbmn. of Bd., Warner &; Swasey Co., 5701 Oarnegle Ave.. TAYLOR, Ray J. (J 22), Estimator, J. Salter &; Sons " Walton Ave., aiid f01" mail, 2474 E. 124"th St. TERRILL, Franklin E. (A M 20), Ch. Engr., Otis Steel Co., W. Hth. St., and for mail :Braenuir Drive. TEItWILLIGER, D. M. (A-M 17), Engr., Cleveland Union Terminal Ulnler Bldg., Cleveland. and for mail, H5U Ardlnall Ave., E. Oleveland. THIEMER, W. H. (11). Ch. EIlIll.,.4.1metal Universal Drlve Shaft 00., 1556,E. 55th St,. and for,,,all Willard Ave. THOMAS. Fielder W. (20), 1765 (Jhapmari Ave. " THOMPSON, Hownrd A. (J 24), Constr Devel., A.. J. Thomas. and for mail, Quad Hall. 75,00 Euclid.<\ve., THOMPSON, Ralph O. (A-M 16), Sales Engr Simplex Piston Rlnll Co., 1966 E. 06th St., Claveland. and for mail E. 130th St., E. Clevelalll!.. TUFTS, Lesley R. (24). Ch. EUIff., Clevelend Folding Mch. Co. Cleveland, and far mail E. 133rd St., E. Clenland.. van HAMERSVELD, J. J. N. (A-h[ 20), Designing Engr., Warner &; Swasey 00., 5701 Carnellie Ave.. r.h!ghan, A. W. (12: 16), Snpt.. Nnt!. Cnrhon Co., Eveready Div., OELKER, Philip L. (J 25), Contr. Estimator, Johns Jlanville Inc., 6300 Enclld Ave., Olevelanel, and for mnll, J243 Donald Ave., Lakewood. rose. Fred H. (06: 10), Prof. M. "E., Case Sch. of AppUed Science. WAEORTER, Jas. M. (24": A ~[ ~), Indus. Engr., Thompson Produete Inc., 2196 Clarkwood Rd., and for mail, 10!16 Yale.~ve. WALLACE, Edw. (21), Ch. Checker, Engrg. Dept., Glenn L. Martin Co., Bt. Clair Ave., Clev~Jand and for mail, 3380 Berkeley Rd., Cleveland Heights. WARDWELL, Frank W. r17), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Wardwell Mfg. 00., 110 Hamilton Ave., anel fot mail Stearns Rd. W.~RNERwworcester R. (8~ H 25), Manager, 90"9~; PreSident, 97; Chmn. of Bd., arner &; Tarrytown, N. Y. Swasey va., 5701, Carnegie Ave., CleVeland, 0., and for mail, IIAHREN, Fred H. (J 25), Salea Enlff. Ingersoll Rand Co., 1620 Williamson Bldg. WEAVER, Harry E. (J 25), M. E., Bailey Meter Co., 1050 Ivanhoe. Rd. WEBBER!.."Eaton (J 21), M. E., Bailey Meter Co., J050 Ivanhoe Rd., and fat mail, 1875 ltevburn Rd. S. E.. WElDMAN, Wm. R. (19) Belle Ave. WELLS, J. Milton (J 26). Engrll. Dept.. Lucas Mch. Tool Co., E. 99th St. WEST, Ralph H. (16), Pres. Gen!. Mgr., Vest Steel CasUng 00., 805 E. 70th St. WESTERBERG, O. Gunnar d 22), Draftsman, Am. Steel & Wire Co., 1192 E. 40th St., and for mail, 480 E. 12Sth St. \VETHERILL, Roht., Jr. (J 19), Cleveland Athletic Club. WHITE, TIlos. H. (18; A M 25), V. P., Gen!. Mgr., White Motor Co., 842 E. 79th St., Oleveland, and for majl, 2336 Deamer. Drive, Cleveland Heights. WHITLOCK, Elliott H. (01), Manager 18 16; Commr. Smoke Inspc., City of Cleveland, and for mail, Edgewater Drive.. \VJLCOX, Harold Cf. (A-M 21), Editorial Rep., Central Dist., Simmona-Boardman Publishing 00., 6007 Euclid Ave.. WILKINSON, Clarenc. M. (U; 22), Dist. Enlff., Haslett Chute &; ConveYor 00., Akron Union Mortgage Bldg., Cleveland, and, for ".ail, 4"20 " Morning Vie", Ave., WILLIAMS, Maj. Chas. L., (28), U. S. A., Organized Reserves, 337 Bulkley Bldg. WILLIAMS. Gilbert W. (J 26), Tech. Servo to Field, Whlta Motor Co., 84"2 E. 79th St., and for mail, 7317 Lawnview Ave. WlLLOCK, S. R. (12), V. P., Wellman Seaver Morgan Co., 7000 Central Ave. WILSON, Henry M. (11), Dlst. Sales Agt., Pittsburgh Valve, Fdy. &; Constr. Co., 868 Rockefeller Bldg. WINTON, Alex. (13), Clifton Rd., Lakewood. WOLFF, Jobn (J5), M. E., Cleveland Elec. mum. Co., mum. Bldg. WOOD, Frank W. (A 24), Prea., Gen!. ~[gr., Wood &; Spencer Co., Pres., Cleve. land Castings Pattern 00., 1930 E. 61st St. \VOOD, ThOs. J. (A-)( 26), lil E., Incandescent Dept., GenL Elec. Co" Nela Pk., and for mail, 91. Helmsdale Rd., Cleveland Heights. WOODWARD, O. B. (27), Aest. OIL Engr., Nat!. Carbon 00., Inc., Cisveland, and for mail, 1262 Ed,vards. Ave., Lakewood. 568,! ; l i. ~ MEMBERS IN UI,ITEU SCAn:S OHIO CLEVELA.ND (continued) 060 ivanhoe Rd. ~ggwi~i;a~ilb.«1j),~f,~i~"lrv1:~~i~cl~~;~~~tt:b:o ill~;~~~~~~~ ~~;;p Dept., WRIGHT, Daniel It. (20), lil., P. e Genl. Elec, Co.,,Ne!~2~r Designing Engr., Wa"ner &; Swasey Co., 6701 Carnegl WRIGHT, ThdOS fc. (~ Jenne Ave., Ave.. an or m4~"". CLYDE, Wk Mgr Vitrifled Iron Products Co.; and JOT BISHOP. Frank (07: 10), Secy., s. mail, 116 W. Grant St. OOLUlIIBUS Columbus Section C ANDERSON, Arvid ~. ~J;\::\~)ffrl~r.:f~enl~ Mgr.; Columbus Ry. Power &; Light ANDRlX, Rerl R. (09, d f mail 1214 Lincoln Rd..00., 209 NDFr(o,~~,S~21i SU;[ Pow~r Plant, Ohio ~tate Unlv. BANKS, Thos..,, t M. E Ohio State Umv, el C t go BEITLER, Saml. R. (J 23), InDa r it " Maintenance Dept., Buckeye Ste as lu BITZER Herper G. (J 26). ra sman, Co. and for mail, 685 Seymour Ave S. Higb St., and fat mail, BL!lNK Harry M. (J 26), Draftsman, Seagrave,a.,, BONE. 30 Webster Wm. H. Pk. (88), AVo;,;.., P Genl. Mllir., Ironsides Co., 4"n E. Broad St., alld fat BONNET, ":"il, 1777 Frank Bryden, H. (16, R~ 22), A as, t Supt., Bucke)e Steel Castings. Co., S. Pa...ons Boyfi~ej... E. (IS). i TO (!). Me~ri) ~~~; S~~IY~~ Bros. Co., Marklson Ave. E.,. BRIGHTMAN, Howardf Col~ St. Columbus. S Columbus and or mal.. 01 t St BROcimANI, victo~ (~~1)17t:~0Pr:r ii~v. &; vent., Ohio Slate UI~vbl Lab. BROWN. Aubrey (I A U~2l) Aast Prof Steam Engrg., Dept. M. E. a uson, BUOHER, Paul :",. Ohio State LTmv., 6) Mfr Agt 20 S. 8rd St.,_ t BUSH, Haroldh~I~nstfo(;t12(.~Jo) 0 Maj. J: s. A., Ord. Dept., 6th Corps.~rea,. or BUYERS, Arc.e.,, CRA~o"l~~v, H. H. <f ~~~)711r W~lsoga:;~:~y Wk., 503 Franklin Bldg., and for "ail, CROMWELL, J. O. ( 92,,".. DEN~I ~g*~ M~i 18), S~~4)DE;~~ E~~l~Sta~~~ o~~~~ ~:, 62~ E. Hudson DORNBIREdR" wa;vnil~ ~S20 Gault St.., St., an or ma, Rd H 11 ~~~8H JT~~/~.((.U~,l~~Of~o~npn~rg. Dsrl:i~f g~l~m~~:er~~!;;;w;~~ :r~l;r.t Co.: AN Chas Z (25) Supt. ower,. u A llngton G1LL~~lumbus and for n;ail, 18~2 ~ndov~ W"veJf:tor Co A. I. U: Bldg. GOODMAN, J~cob A. (J 27), S~cy., ~s:iiev~r1yrd _ GRISWOLD, Howard L., ( 15; l~, 2~ Solvent Recovery Oorp., as S. High St., HAINES John R. (J 26), M.., m. St Athol Mass Col~mhus, 0., and fot mail, 15t~~le si,;,tes C~nstr. Co., 624 E. Hu"son SI., HIBBARD, Merrill (20), y. P., 1 e.. and for mail, 1755 Arhngton Ave. I BId 8rd &; Rich St., HIRSOH, Gustav (18), cons Eng~~ ~egrmg;,~lege ~blo State Unlv., and Ḋ fat mail, HITOHCOCK, E. A. (98), ean g.,,. 848 W. 8th Ave. O Engr 806 New 1st Nat!. Bank Bldg. HOPKINS M S (18). ons.., HUHN, F~ed"k A. (J 26), ~4 M)i~O~ :. E State Arch: Office, Hartman Hotel Bldg., RUMPHREYS, Clark M. (J 25, so.., and for mail, th Ave. and for mail Apt. 10, 868 Park St. N. JACOBS, Artbur J. (24), Je~re~ ~~). ~: M. E., Buck~ye Steel Oastlngs Co., S. JOHNSON, Geo. Tewkshury (14,,. Parsons Ave. 0) P f ayd Engrg. Ohio State Univ., and for mail, 281 JUDD, Horace (04:; 1 J ra.. J :: JUI.l:w,.~:~id F. (27), G~nl. Factory Mgr., Columbus Bolt Wka. Co. 561

221 OHIO. MEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES ~J;mmTlUS (continued) IUE-lE, los. H. (17 21) En G O N. Front St. gr., as,dept., Colulnbia Engrg & M,: R, Paul E. (J 26), In. a,nagement Corp;, :KNIJI.J~: ~~ Ir "fail, 32~, Columbus Malleable Iron Co:, 760 Culm LIGGETI, W~: k( ~~~itrgfo DSIndEus. Enllrg., 011I0 State Univ Ave.,. ngr., Jeffrey Mfg C. MACLEAN, Archie A. (A.Y 18) G. 0., and fo,, 393 W. 8th MAGRUDER W T (),enl. Mgr. J S M I C MARQUIS F.anldin 1\7 8! Vice-President 25:27 p~~rn 0., 470 S. Park St. McCRACKEN, Wm. o Mlfi,~~, ft E. Dept. 01;10 stlite~df; Ohio State Univ. ETg~~~, Edwin G: (27), saies ne~pt.~u~;b:;~~s&&w~{ound6: Ohi~ ~tate UnI... MOFFAT, Oeo. N. (A.Y 2 COl( 0., 101D Guardlail NOR~lNAlden Ave; ~), Instr. Y. E. Dept., Ohio State Univ., and for ;:1 OKEY p c. A;. (18). Prof. Mcb. Desl ", 765 B"f;aen( ~IlJ Propr., Okey Yfg. ro:, 1ffaif;te~e~ \vobio State Univ.. REHN, Otto F. (18 26) M E B ater Sts., and fo, nl4/!. RODERTS Chao P (Ay,., uckeye Steel Castings C P, ROBINSON, Cha.. H. (J ~gj) IW tr., Robinson Lab., Ohio ~i t auo~s Ave., 1268 N. 4th St. ngr., McIntosh & Seymou/60 n v., SAMPSON, Edwin M. (J 19) P rp., and for rnaa, SANBORN, Frank E. (04) Arod. IM~r., Felber Biscuit Co. Grant A srarifi: nl~d for mail, 90 E.14JPi a v: a Engr., Beamau lho~s & C~e. 35 E G,.,,. B. Allen (26) V PCb.,. ay ~r,at~ll, Elmer C. (A.M i9)... Engr., L~ne-Ohio Co. 8 E ~PECh, Will. C. (A.M 16) A~l. :ngr., Matellal Handlin~ Div Jn;oadJt. TEllTZBACH, H. W. (20) A i ~~t., B!.ckeye Steel Ca~ting;co: rey ill. Co. Ave.,ss ",u. M. E., Buckeye Steel Castln. STINSON, Kad W. (17 26) A t P g. Co., S. Parsons, STONE Jullu. F (17) P, ss. rof., Automotive Eng Ohi SWOPE, Bruce M (J" l es,. Seagrave Co., and for rna /~., a S.tate Unlv. :: THO~ Ei1b~,~iltHRd(~:)~e:rArfl~~~~.Columbus Sho~~, :;.~~. ~l.:~~~. lor mail S. P arsoil, Ave..~,, Opel.., Supt 3r d V P., Buckeye Steel C t,. WEDS!EdR, Lamenee B. (10 1( 18) E,as,ngs Co., I St., xec. SecJ. Ohio Mfr A VII;ES, 8 Henry R. (24), 83 S. Hi h St "s. asoe., 66 S. WINGARD, T. A. (21), P 0 B g WINGER, Stanley D. (J 0.).V t 14, Sta. A. WOL~E J.., Genl. Mgr., Gas Prouuct. Co., 100 N. Skidmore, ay AustlO (A M 20) MEA "VOOSDt"Calnu lor onail, 2ll 1iI0nt~os; Wa"y m. Solvent neeovery Corp ""3 S H h,,ark 0 (A 16)S.. "" Ill, 1458 Hlghl;d St. pec. Agt., Home Ins. Co" 297 S. High St d : W~ ER, Sa",l. S (04 11) Co., an for mail, YOUNGER, Jo!;n (is), p,or IE~gr., 1014 Hartman Bldg... Automotive Abstract.. n us. Engrg., Ohio State Univ" also PUbllsh~f, DAyrON D t AD \MS E IloY 011 Section BOTT.,S, i:;l ~: (,fk 2~:i Gas Research Co. BRU~~~usH ll~, Cinein~ak M. E., Delco Llght Co., Dlllton,,and for 968S mond Avs"r ert M. (J 26). Nat!. Cash Re ist, BU,\,:INGER, Geo. A: (01 0 ) P g e r Co., and f Dr,mail, 126 Rich CANi!yrvard Blvd.,ump Engr., Delco.Light Co. and f ~,, Harry B. (04 17) Pr 0 ma",. 97:1 cmlsoir"h I 528 Beln;ollt Parkea., ~ey.,. Crawford, blcgregor & Canby C d,nrry (A.M 21) sni E 0., an OHR!!ust Bldg.,ea ngr., Bakelile Corp. 710 D t.., UTI Wm. A. (17), Cons ny on Sav~ngs & COOK, T los. J. (21), Plant EEngrjj Deleo Remy Corp., 829 E 37 Dral,e Ave..,ngr., eleo Remy Corp.,. 829 E l at 1 s, St., t S t. and 10rmoU,, 570 ;: ; M,EMBERS IN UNTIED STATES OHIO,DAYTON (continued) CROWELL. Leon R. (J 24), Instr. Mech. Drawing & Ynth: Sthen High Seh., and for mail. 35 Delmar Ave. DEEDS, Col: Edw. A. (A 00), Viee.President, 21 23; Nilea.Bement Pond Co., 807, l,, Mutual Home Bldg. ", DRAKE, Wm. A. (18), Seey., aeni. Mgr.; Browllell Co., and for mail, 328 Ken\\ood DUllAM, Ave. ArUmr E. (16), M. E., Management Engrg. I< D,evel. Co., 711 Calihan Bank Bldg., Dayton, 0., and fo" mail, 5 popham Rd., Scarsdale N. Y. EMMONS, Nelsoll, 3rd (J 27), Asst. to M. E., NatI. Cash Register ec;., and fo/ mail. FASSF.TT, Wlnoward, Flanels Hills Hartweli I< Dales. (20; A M 25), M. E. Atty., F. 1<. Fasso tt, 1550 U. B.. FASSETT. Bldl(. lraneis Keith (12) Pat., Atty" Cons., Engr., 1350 U. n. Bldg. ~ELDSTEIN, Milton E. (J 26), Dayton ElIglg. Lab., alld /0" mail, 1077 N. Broad FOGA~TY, ",ay. Will J. <11), Pres.. Genl. Mgr., Fogarty Mtg. Co., 800,E. Monument GABLER, Ave., and Jacob for E. mo!, (J ), Kenwood Genl. Foreman, Ave. Wm. Gabler & Son, and for n,ai!,,gebha.rt, 22 S. Horton Henry St. (19), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Dayton & West. Traction Co., 14U Srd GlBBONS, Nat!. Bldg. Miebae1 J., Jr. (17), Mgr., M. J. Gibbons Supply Co., 601 E. Monument GOLDBERG, Ave., and, M.."imiUan for mail. 22 M. Oxford Ave. (21), Inventor, Natl. Caah Register Co., and for lnail, 628 Plymouth Ave.. Apt. 56. HARTMAN, Wm. (21; 23), Supt., Nat!. Cash Register Co. KASCR, Henry J. (27), 011. Engr., Kur. Kasch Co., and for mai!o 102 Willo,vood )l:1llmel, Drive. Alfred W. (16; AY 19), Pres., Alfred W. Kimmel Co., 717 Mutual, Home Bldg. )):LOSTERMAN, Joa. J., Sr. (A Y 27), De.igner, Nl>tI. Ca,h Register Co., and KNOLL, for mail. Wm. R. V. R. (27), 4. V. P., GenI. Mgr., llid-west Meh. Co., and for Illai!,, llead.,,-ms, P. O. BOl( Jo 846. E. (19; 22), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Genl City Mell. Co., Dayton, and Steel Products Co., Springfield, and fol Illail,_ Uiverview & Gland Ave., Dayton. MILTHALER,. Wm. C., Jr. (J 25), Pmeesa & tlant Ll>yout, Dayton Enlllg. Lab. MUELLER,, Co., and Ernest for mail, H. 204, Qulntman St. (J 27), Supt., Coovel R. R. Tlacl, Brace Co., 107 Com-,merelal St., and for mai!o 20- Volusia Ave. OKENNEDY, D,eunis P. (23), Salea & Servo Engr., Interuatl. Cllenl. Co., and for, P. O. Box 17. Cincinnati Pike. P~\T~co~:[~n~; ~~~~ Engr., Charge Sales, Moraine P~oducts Co., and lor mail, RAND.,,-LL, GuY B. (22), Ch. Engr.. power Sta., Nat!. ClIoSh Regi.ter Co. RIP SCH, Chas. Wm. (08; 16), Supt., Buckeye portable Tool Co., and for Illail, ROBERTSON, 316 IrvingEdwin Ave. A. (A ~1 22), Cons. Engr., 5205 Wayne Ave. ROUX, Wm. S. (A.l\I 27), Designer, Nat!. Ouh Register Co., and for mail, 332 SALISBURY, Irving Ave. John Q. (27), Supvr., Moh. & Tool Dlv., Natl. Cash Regiater Co. SBURLlNO, Paacal (A.~! 20), Head Inventiona Designing, Natl. Cash Register Co.. alld for mail, 12S6 Windsor Drive. SEABOLD, Harry E. (24)) Salea ~lgr., Brownell Co., and for mail, 910 Bowen St. SHAW, Geo. W. (J 26), JUgr. Indus. Dept., Cbaa. :M;. Keleo Co., 1065 Relbold Bldg., MId for mail, 1126 E. 3rd St., SMILACK..,Jacob (J 26), Engl., Deleo Light Co., and for, 1537 N. Euclid SMITH,, Edwin D. (H), Maintenance.Engr., Nat!. Cash Register Co. ~M1TH, Harry Ford (O&), Research Engl., Frigidaire Corp., ReseaTch Engrg. Plant, and for mail. R. R. 11.,, STE~;:tO&.,F::dcl:~ ~a 2~i9 S~~~Yvr.~n~~~.ld Re/rIg. ~ngr., Plant 1, Delco SWI~~.p:rl!;;..:",[l M. (A.M 23), Designer, Automatic. Furnace Co., and for mo.ii "

222 OUIO ~/E~[BEHS IN [!VITF.D RTATF.S, DAYTON (continued) ", ~~6t~R. H. S. (23), 00n9 Engr D yto, TOWNlN. Harry A Jr. (28) Pat At~ n T Re.. 48 Wistaria Drive Von PEi.J; ~dj"2j?ttl:;- ~~ #;os ~u;~,n & Toulmln, 714 Harrle. Bldg. WAdN~~, 8~~r:~e~llet.}ve. entor, Designer", Nat!. O~sh Regl.ter Co. and for WALKER. Frank L (.it 26)t 1103 Harvard Blvd WALLACE. DeLo.. D d.f6 a ). ~tty., 1008 Reibold Bldg, "VELBLoSX E197, Y. M. 0:A. "osearch EDgl., Ga. Research Co. and for./ dw. O. (04) V P m." WIGHT, Harry Collins p7; ;il/ai t Iron Wb., P. O. Box 106S. ~~~gm~: ~~~ai:vhfl~;)p~n: ~~u~.,e f: M~~~afa~~~e SBi~: «Trust Bldg. WYATT, DeWitt H. (24) E~oneer Av,ator, N. B!ol>dway. YOD18R46 Rivervle,v Ave. grg. Dept., Delco LIght Co. Plant 1 and f~ mail, Thos. M. (14 19) VPD, YOSId,l 0bt. O. (J 26). PIocesSlngMlrE S"1e~. D~ ton Pump &; Mfg. 00 t., and for mail, 24 Hallwood Ave: e co, h... Delco..Remy Oorp:, a29 E. DEFIANCE BEHRINGER. Grover F (22) Ch E Premier Radio C01p. and for m~!z: sttilr~te;1.package Co. ; also Con Engr., EA.ST LIVERPOOL ARMSTRONG, Chas H (J 01) S Douaf:t 739 St. dalr Ave. ale. Mgr. Patterson Fdy. & 1>lch. (10 and f K.J S, Freeman S (2 Q 196) A t S 0 or, OH 5 ER. Anthony M: (Ii; 23) G:s LM Pt. Babcock &: Wilcox 00. Box P. O. Ball 108. n gr. E.. Lherpool Wk., Habock & Wilcox ELYRIA Cle 1 llovalosr:y Ch e an,l Section for "<Lil Bott J:J ~25), DIstrIbution Engr. OhIo Pub JE:liNESS, Edwin H.. (J ~~~)A.p" Clevell.nd.. S~rv. Co., ElyrIa, and St. -, ower Sal.. Engr., Ohio Pub. Servo Co., 406 Broad )lac,\ndrew Gray C (! M 26) WES~~ttv~~~. (A-)! :22; Geril s :rod. Engr., Colson Co. and for mai!, 211, and for mail, ColonIal.Apt..2. np., Elyria Iron, & Steel Co.. Box th S. r:ieirpci~ffrtd Cle,elnn,l Seotlon,lor H.. (21; A..}f 2 ) mad, 175 Park Blvd. Pain~s;l1t~: E., Diamond AlJ,all Co"., Fairpolt, and for "FINDLAY FLOWERS, H. Fort (27) P OKSEN, H... C. (21) bh re~~g;enic; Mgt!" t on mental Differential Steel Car Co Sugar eo.. P.O FOSTORIA. Tol d Box 35. "EDDER W0 e 0 Section.. Cad~aIlader ~t 24). Engrg. Dept." ~atl. Cllrbon Co. Inc., d loy, E. L. (A:M ;16), P. O. 110% H. HII for ma.i!, 222 FREMONT TId DAHM Wal 0 e 0 Section }IE:aRfFIELtg B. (A..M 24), Cbarg-e Meb Devel " " 618 H John D. (A M 21) Ch E. V: k., liatl. Calbon Co I "ISB aye. Ave. ngr., Contmental Sugar Co a~d fnc. il., ET, Thos D (J 26). or ma. LIncoln St:, Engt., Nat!. Carbon Co Inc.. d f 0, 0 n ar mail 210 GRAFTON 01 1 GUTHRIE eve and Section Clair. Ave., Jas. El (116). yrla. Oleveland Apparatus Co. G,rafton. and for "<Lil, 300 St., 672 ~[E~B~;RSIN UNUED STATES r; HA!lILTON, Cincinnati Section ~ BARTELS. Carl (21). Wks. Mgr., Mosler Safe Co. HUBBARD, DILCHER, H. S. (A..M 21). 206 E. Liberty St. omo, r BARTELS. Ca"l P. (A.M 28). Supt. Mosler &8.fe Co. Grand Bl, d. and fol mail, I 208 DIck Ave. I BREMER, Fred J. (A..M 26). flupvr. Tool &; DIe De.ign & Fireproof Saofee, l "Mo.ler Safe Co., and for I/InU. llos Edison Ave. t, OAMlBELL, A. M. (21: 22), n ill.nt Cons. Engr., :Mosler Safe Co Hamilton, 1 \ and fa" mail, Glenuult, f COCHRAN. E. Z. (20). Designer, Niles :1001 Wk.. Co... ~. Srd St., and for 7ll<lil. i 642 Rldgelawn Ave.,. COLE. L. O. (27), Cb.. Engr Nil.. Tool Wl,s. Co., OULLEN. Jas. K. (86), Pres., liiles Tool Wk. 00., Hlunilton 0.; al.o Pres. o Pratt &; Whitney Co., Hartford. Conn., and fa" ma.i!. N. 5rd St. Hamilton, O. FRECHTLING, Arthur G. (J 06). Fre.htllng Dsiry Co. and for l7i<fll, 122 WSJol\e : Ave. GLASER. O. E. (J 18). 412 E~ton Ave. GREGER. Henrik (04; 15). Mgr. 1>larine Dept., Hooven. Owcn Rentschler Co. HEPKE" Geo. A. (J 12), Seey., Inland C""ualty Co., anll for, 414 North D., st, JENSEN, Obss. W. (A..M 22), Estimator.!:jiIes Tool Wk. Co and for, 911 Hooven Ave. JUDG~]; Jo D. (J 24). Engrg. Dept., Hamilton Fdy. & Mch. 00. and for _ii, 127 Hueston St. KARN, Bertrand B. (18), Treas., GenI. Wks. Mllr., "EStllota Stove po. KOSKINEN, Einar T. (A M 18). Mech. Draftsman, Hooven, Owen. RentScbler Co., and for mail, 8184 Bennlnghofen Ave. KUTTER. H. L. (02; 07), Seey., Black..Clawson Co. and for mail, R. R. 6. LICKERT, WlIL J. (21), Combustion Engr., Champion Coated Paper Co., B St.. and for, 726 Riagelawn Ave. MARTINDALE. Gerald S. (A-M 19). 121 E..ton Ave. YcOALL, Mahlon M. (22). Asst. Ch. Draftsman. Nile. Tool Wks. Co.. Hamilton., r " and for mail, U Fleming Rd., Wyoming. YITCHELL, Guy C. (18). Treas. Con Engr. Valley Mortgage Co., 128 S. 2nd st. and for, 626 Park Ave. PLETZ. Arthur O. (A../d 17), /dgt., /dchy. Dept., limas Tool Wks. 00., 546 N. 3rd St., Hamilton, and fo, 71l4il, 3565 Shaw Ave. Cincinnati. REIMER. Clarence O. (A..M 20) E. Maple Ave. RE:STSCELER, GOldoll S. (11; A..M 18), Chmn. Hooven. Owens. Rentschler Co. RUEHL, Erwin (27), Dle.el Eog. Designer. Hooven, Owen., Rentschler 00., and for ~il, 929 Park Ave. SEIBERT. Carl F. (J 2.6). Design Engr., Nile. Tool Wk. Co. and for m<lil, 612 Prytl>nla Ave. SEYBOLD, Eugene (J 16). 448 Williams Ave. SlliCLAIR, Loui. B. (A../d 21), Y. M. O. A. TROWBRIDGE. Frsncis C. (J 89). Pres. GenI. Mgr Black..Clawson 00. WAIS,,Ilbert C. (24), Sales Engr., Niles Tool Wk Co. 646 N.. 3rd St., Hamilton, and for mail, 746 stout Ave., Wyoming. WASMER. Clarence T. (3 25), Tool Designer, Mosler Safe Co. Hamilton, and fm ",ail, Hamilton. Ave. Cincinnati. YINGLING. Frank B. (17). V. P. &; Tre... CeramIc Mcby. 00., Oentral Ave. & I{ruller St Secy.. & TreS<l Columbia Mch. Tool Co and fo, mail, 701 Msin Rt, KENT, Akron Section delapotterle, Harry (18), Engr., Lamsnn &: SeBSions 00., and for ma.ii, 186 N. Chestnut St. SMITH, Roy Harmon (06: 17). V. 1., Factory Mgr., Falls Rivet Plant, Lamson t Sessions Co. " KENTON PHILIPS, Erwin B. (26). Phillp. & Davies, and for,nail. 36li N. Deboit St. 673

223 OHIO :MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES LAKE~OOD, Cleveland Section BELL, Cliff R. (22), 1554 Lakewood Ave BROOKS, F. War,en (J 26), 1482 Oliv;wood ~~ ~~tnl. Zb(A M 20), 1651 Oohassett Ave. Ave;, ert (A-M 26), 1506 Alameda Ave; ~t~~~s~er, ColnDlbus Section ~E COl, -. Wilbur orner M. N. (24), (J 26), M. Hermann E. Hock Mf gala " Cd au for mad. Rosebauk Addition. I 827 Reber, Ave. mg Sli Co., W. Fair Ave., and lor liiail, ). r LIMA I BASCOMBE, F"ank J (19 2S) G I GAL"IN, John E. (21) Pre~ Ohio en. Supt., Li.m:o Loco. Wks., Iuc 1. ~N~fr0N:i! Russell I. (J 2~), Ni~~~~1 t;~t ~il a~: fo, ",ail, Box 586.,I.1020 W"lfo~~11 ~t. (24), Plant Engr., Ohio Ste.:lPsFdy. Co., and fa,ou, REID, Wm. L (03) V P L. I ROUSH Harri F (J "26j., Ima Loco. Wks., Inc!f SNy~a;csoll Ave. Fdy. Supt., Lima Loco. Wks., Inc., and for mail, 331 N. ER, Herbert W. (17), M. E., Lima Loco. Wks., Inc.. ~~E~IN, CIeveln.nd Section. InR R, Chas. F. (09 20) Supt ~... OWN, E",.le Wayne (1 18 ) Supt illas~a~ &I Gas Power, Natl Tube Co F_~Rlt~LLait, 128 Oll~o St., Elyria: u,naces, Nat!. Tube 00., Lo.~i;, and GILBERT/ ::~elfl( W"2~)Pt6,~Oflillg MilIa, Natl. Tube Co PINKNEY David H (15) 1.. t eld Ave.. PONDY,_ Louia EOo (J 25) D~it.~:r EIP~ Mill pept., Nat!. Tube Co, 184, ObelliI. Ave. n, esigner, liatl. Tube Co., and for, SNYDER, Gee. T. (12), Cb En r L.. "VILOOLoxl&inM,allto 1d for mail, ISS C:iu:nh~:aSt W~JSl ~ianatl. Tuhe Co., P. O. Box 400 n E. (J 25), Etllc. M,.. WIN~~kWashin~onAve., Elyria. an, Natl. Tube 00., Lorain, and ffjor mail LING, Cles O. (17" A M &1) St fol mail, P. O. Box 0";.,eam &I Gas Paws", Natl. Tubs Co" and ~8~~!yLLE, AI~ron Section...., Wm. O. (A 27) Factory E. L.. VIlle, and for moil, 610 N. Main s~~ek o"a:.t.;i~~le Mch: &I Mfg. C~" Louis IUANSFIELD OlIATER, John A. (A-M 1l7) Devel.. field, and for mail, 102 High St fllir"dmansfteld Tire &I Rubbe, Co. hi. GANO, Howsll M. (25) F to M" S an ans JAMES, Richard M (J "16jC ~k gr., N. Am. Watch Co. KELLY, Jos. T., jr. (20): E. i!: A8hin~lt, Westillghouss Elec. & Mfg. C LINCOLN, Ellis S. (A.M 17) E., 0 0 rasa Co. o. WtNAg~r~~c~F~~JM,~~~),~i~~ateh~l~r~i~oiir~d &~ mail, P. O. Box 80.. gr., Echpss Stovs Co., Bowers Bldg MARIETTA WOLTERS, Carl F (A-M 22) Ch.. MARION D : Engr., Sale Cablnst Div., Remington Ralld, Inc. " anon Section. BARNHART, Edll3r W. (J 24) PI Vernon Heighta Blvd. ant Mgr.., Genl. Excavator Co., and f BARNHART, Harry J (26) Ch E or mail, 0B;RINAVEN, Arthur A. (A.-M 2S) it ;grd O:gOB cl Co., f. O. Box 310. G, Ohas. B (12) v: P d n1:m, ox 40. McNEIL, Merritt C. (oi2) V..p 0 gr. Marlon Steam Shovel Co.. ~~~B~~iNGSE: fp (:gg~:,~s)m./l::?~~~t lfr~!~p::~t :f3g Girard Ave. Co...Rm. 08, arion Bldl!: rea" e Mgr., Oolumbua, Del. k Marioll El~. 674 P I ~ f f MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES OHIO luassillon, AlUon Section B.uLEY, Ohelsea L. (A 28), Sal.. Engl., Alloy Steel Corp., and for mail, Conrad Hotel. HEGGEM, Ohas. O. (89), Retired, E. Main St. NELSON" Eric H. (09), GenI. Wka. Mgr., Griscom Rusaell Co. ~IIDDLETOWN, Dn.yton Section CLEhlENS, Wilson F, (A.M 22), M. E.. D. P. Rohinson, and for mai!, 2501 FULTON, NOl th Wm. A,s. B. (17), Gen!. Mgr., Fulton Engrg. 00., Clark & Vins Sts. GREEN, Arthur B. (22), 1110 S. Main St.. RHAIlTLE, C. W., Jr. (26), Prea., Lamar Mfg. 00., Secy., Genl. Mgr.,!bddletown llch. Co., V. P.. Shtlrtle Bros. Mch. 00. TUTTLE Wm. F. (A M 26), Engr., Am. 1to1llnll :Mill Co J MINGO JUNCTION McCONNELL M. F. (18), Genl. Snpt., Carnegie Steel 00., Mingo Junction, and for mail: 495 Bsllsview Blvd., Steuhsnville... McGEE Frank R. (12), :M. E., Oarnsgie Stesl 00., :Mingo Junction, and for m(lil, 1121 OIsgOIl A.s., Steubeuvills.. MOUNT GILEA.D BEEDLE, Mthur K. (J 25), Ellgrg. Dept., Hyd. Pre.a Mfg. Co. DIOUNT VERNON BOYER, Ralph L. (J 25), Diessl Eng.., O. & G. Oooper 00. CHAPMAN, Wm. B. (16), Pres., Cliaplllan Stsin Furnace 00., :Mt. Vernon, 0., lind for mail, th St.. Jackson Heights, L. I.. N. Y... JENNINGS, Wilfred B. (18), Mgr., Mfg. Div., Hops Engrg. Ii. Supply 00., and or 7lJ4il, 800 E. Gamblsr Avs. LAYFIELD, Elwood N. (28), Gen!. Supt. Oonatr., Hops Engrg. & Supply 00., and for mail, S03 N. Main St. PATTERSO:N, David W. (2S), Supt. Constr., Hops Engrg. & Supply Co., P. O. Box RI04~1. D. (J 2), OhapmllD Steln Furllllce Co. nod for mail, 8 W. Chestnut S.t. ROTH, Willard E. (A.M 20), Sales Engr., Hope Engrg. &l Supply Co., and for ",a.i!, lis E. Lamartlns st, THIEL, B. C. (,J 21), Asst. Ch. Engr., C. &I G. Cooper 00., and for mail, 114 E. Lsmartine St. THOMAS, Fred. H. (09: 21), V. P., O. Ii..G. Coopsr 00. NEW BREiUEN STREINE, Frank H. (19), V. P.. Genl. Mgr., Strslne Tool Ii. Mfg. Co., 125 S. Herman St., and for mail, 9 N. Franklin St... NEW PHILADELPHIA. EDELMAN,. Bsril (J 26)., Wiss McClung Corp.. NEW RICHMOND, Clllclllnatl Section GLASGENS, Jos. H. (A-M 18), Supt., J. &I H, Glasgs"s Co:, New Richmond, and. for ",au, 1255 Michigan A.s., Oincinnatl. NEWCOIlIERSTOWN WHITE, Edgar L. (J 26), Asst. Prod. Engr., Ja. B. Olow &I Sons Co" and for m"ii, 22;lt. W. Main St. -. 9, OSBORN, Dn.ytOII Section.,. JEJ.1SEN, Marion A. (26), Ch. Engr.. Power Plant, S. West. Portlaud Cement 00., and ffjor mail, Lock Box 187, PAINESVILLE, Cleve1n.nd Sl!etioll OAMPllELL, Alex. L. (21), Supt. Deslgl\ &I Conatr., DillD lond Alkali Co. ELLIOT, JlUI. A. (111), Engr., Diamond Alkali Ca., and jor.. mail, 565 Maznolla Drive. HOBBS, Jas. O. (12: 16; "20), SlIpt. Power, Diamond Alkali. Co.,.and for m(lil, 78 Wood St, 57. -t..l i ~, ~! J. ~, ;\. I ;i. 1~! j,i I I jt G ~,j! i

224 OHIO )1F.)IDEIlS I~ U:q-ITF.l> STATES ~A.INESVILLE (continued) EE~~R:Me~to;A~:M19). Ch..DI"altsman, Diamond Alkali Co., and Itw mau, ~gtjii~ ~alter (86), 136 Bank St. RUTHEDFORD w, 1:G ({ 27) Coe Mfg ,.. or4.0n S and lor mail, 316 Liberty. (01 St. 07) S up., t Di aluond Alkali Co., P. O. BOlt 166, PARMA MAHER, Nolan W. (A-M 28), 6738 W. 60tb St. PHILO.. ~~:f~fa4de t (25),(,SUPt., Obio Power Co. H, w. 17), Mgr., Oblo Power Co. PIQ.UA, Dayton Section ROSS, Oanoll A (21 A 26) V P. SIMPSON, John Wm (27) M E Engr...PiqulL IIandle &; Mfg. 00. N. Downinll St...., Orr ~"elt &; Blanket Co., and lot mail, 703 PORTSlIIOUTH SLUSHER. Aubrej R (J 24) Sh I. 6th & Olfnera St;,op nspr., Norfolk &: West. Ry. Co., and lor mail WISBEY. Goo. T. (23 ~ M 25) Asst ~ and lor mail, Robinson Ave. 001 Foreman, ~orfolk,. West. Ry. Co. WORLEY, Robt. W (J 24) P E " mouth, and lor ""ii, 7i9 Cfe;rel:fAv~ hinopwowercco t, 783 4tb St., Portso ". an on,. RAVENNA, Akron Section ". BECKWITH, Henry 0 (18) GenI M RITOHIE. Theo. T. (J 27i s gr., John F. B.yers Meb. Ce...lor mail, BaldwIn St., Hudso~Y" Treas., Man,a ~Iotor Sales. Ravenua, and ROSSFORD. Toledo Section... FELTHAM, Douillaa L (A-~I 22) Co b Rossford, and lor maa, 2048 Upton""Auvstl Tn e., 0IEndl:l, e o. Edw. Ford Plate." Glass Co Sl STICKSEL BERNC IlK D, Cincinnati Section P. (J 16). Design &: Malntenancc Engr., Globe Soap 00; ST.lIIARYS SMITH, H. Collier.Ash St. (21), Pres., Genl: Mgr Qulelrn:olk Ce., and lor maa. 129 S. SALEM EME1o"Y, Hfghlltlld Fredk Ave J. (99 21), V. P., Cb. Eng,..,]) elung. C0., and lar mail. 176 KENDALL, Ernest E. (A 27) Sal ",-. St. ea """gr., Denung Ce., and lor mail 24 S ri KUPFER Otto Jr (J 16) M upe or LOWRY, SWiftM. (A.M 26) PEd." E. W, Bliss.Co. ", ro Engr Mulhns Body Corp. ~~~M:~\:.Y Cleveland Section BROWN, Ja~~rn~(!or.1 :~ijrej(,,:a)erp&. Te.-.tlle M~hy. Co. KLOTZ, AnltUst H (2i) P M" erry, nd st.. MILLSPAUGH, win. R. (o";~r~i4) gr PrKlotz Mcb. Co. 8ui W. Water St,, es., Paper &; Textile M - Co. SIDNEY... 1ll!:LPBRINGER, J. N. (17: 21). Ohio Elec. Power Ce. ~r.g::fngweld, Dayton Section..., ro. J. (J 27) Apprentice PI t MI Co., and for 1/lail, 784 E. Mad A an a lltenanee Wk., InterDatl. Han. t BALBACH, Edw. (18) M E Ob son v~ es er lor mail, 15 Enlllewo~d Rd. arge Des,gn, Jas. Lellel &; Co., 426 East St., and. fi7~ r. ~, r 11, J ; " ;, MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES.OHIO SPRINGFIELD (continnell) BARRET!, Dwight O. (12: 26), ell. Eng"., Supeliot Gas Eng. 00., and lor m~il, R. D. 4.. BAUER, Ohas. L. (06; 01), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Bauer Bros. Co Sberidan Ave. &: Burt St. BAYLEY, Wm. (04), Pres., Cb. Engr., Wm. Balley Co., and for mail, 621 S. Fountain Ave. BRENNAN, Edw. M. (16: 20), El)llI"., Bauer B, os. Co.. BUOHWALTER, Edw. (J 26), Mgr., Spreader Dlv., Am. Seeding Meh. Co. DANIEL, Al1m P. (16; 21l, 259 Arlington Ave. DYKSTRA, John E. (18), Factory Mgr., Cliamplon Chern. Co., and lor mail. 804 Rosewood Ave. FISHBOUGH, Harry E, (18), M. E., Jas. Lelfel &. Co., 426 East st., and lor mail., 161& S. Limestone St. HAUTZENROEDER, Richard W. (J 25), Designer, Diesel Eng. Dlv., Superior Gaa Eng. Co., Springfield, an<i lor m~il, 291 W. 8rd St., Mansfield.. HOPPER, Sam!. Jackson (25), Am. Seedulg Meh. Co.. HOPPES, John J. (90), Pres.. Hoppes MIg. Co., and lor liloil E. Hlgb St. HOUSTON, Hernlsu M. (A 17), Sales Engr., Superior Gas Eng. Co., and lor mail. 406 E. Madison Ave. KELLOGG, Obas. G. (27), Gen!. Wks. Mgr., Bauer Bros. Co. and lor mail N. Limestone St. KRAUlS, Ohllll. E. (28), Engr., Springfield Meb. Tool 00., W. Southern Ave., and lal mail, 226 S. Broadmoor Blvd. MITOHELL, Raymond C. (A :M 21), Pre.., Mitchell Engrg. Co. SHOUVLIN, D. R. (26), Patt Owner, Trustee, Superiol Gas Eng. Co. SHOUVLIN, Patrick J. (09), Gen!. Mgr. Superior Gas Enp;. Ce. SPARKS, Albert F; (18), P, es., Gen!. MllI"., Jas. Lelfel &. Co. 426 East St. STALEY, Paul A. (27) Sr. MelU.. Staley II Weleh, 514 M. & M. Bldg.. ULERY, Glenn: M. (1l7\. Wm. Bayley 00., and lor mail, 966 Woodlawn Ave. WEINLAND, H. G. (24), M. E., Safety Emery Wheel qo., and lor mail. 276 Douglas Ave.. SW.\.NTON, Toledo Section BUOWN. Edwin Fay (24; 26), Wks. Mgr., PiUlod Co., Swantoll, and 10/ m"il Kimball Ave.. Toledo. TIFFIN FRIEDMAN, JObll H. CA M 22), SuPt.. Nat!. Mcby. 00. MERCER, L. V. (19; 28), Mgr., Timn Mch. Co., 20 E. Market St. TOLEDO, Toledo SectloJl,! liles, Hugh L. (20; 21), M. E. Indus. Sales Dept., Toledo Scale Co., Toledo, ana. lor mail, t346 Birchall Rd" W. Toledo. BAKER, A. J. (13), Oh. Engr.. Willys OverJand Co. BAKER, Wm. (} 20). Tree,,;.. Baker Bros., Inc., Posh &: Westlake Sta. BANCROFT, Geo. H. (16: 26), Asst. Pur. Agt., WllIys Overland CO. BATOR, Richard M. (J 22), B. P. Jones &: 00., nd Natl. Bank Bldg.. BENNETT, Harry A. (24), Supt., Houghton Elev. &. Mch. Co., 671 Spencer St., 8l1d Jor mail, 2715 Sagamore Rd.. BERGEN, Harry S. (16), Asst. Supt., Toledo Scale Co., Monroe &; Albion Sts. BOBLETT, Kinderml!,ll M. (/0. 11), Pre.., Uadiator Engrg. Co., and jor mail, 626 Nesslewood Ave.. BROWN, Elmer A, (A.M 1l2), Ch. Engr., Stand. Oil 00. of Ohio, P. O. Box 696, Main St. BUCKLEY, Jolm F. (06), Pres., Gen!. Mgr Buckley Wrapagraph Co., and lor ",ail. 175 Dale St.. BUR.KE, Edmund E. (J 24), Engrg. Dept., Kent Owens Meh. Co., 968 Wall St. OARrc~iw~~~Iv:- (911; 03), Pat. Expt., Owens :aottle Co., and tor mail, 2160 COLBY, Frederic R. (28: A.M 25), Ch. Draftsman, Surface Combustion Co Don st.. OONE i Carroll (J 26), Meh. Designer, Llbbey Owens Shl\llt GlaSs 00., 1216 Nicholas B dg. and lor mail. 167 Hudson Apts.. de CORIOLrS, Ernest G. (21), Research Engr., Surface Combustion 00., 2875 Don St., Toledo, and lor mail. 67 Ohurch. St., Willchester,.Mass. 00 "

225 OHIO MniBERS IN UNITED STATES TOLEDO (continned) DEILY Arthur T (J :12) D ~,.. H~jJ.. Ave., eslgner,,,l!l) s Overland, Inc., and for mail, 3931 / DORMAN Neal W. (13 22) Oh En T d D...,Sts., Tole!!o, ani! fo~ "."ii R. F. ~"9 ~~x 25M 9 ch W &TTIOOdl 00., Dorr &i Hsstingi u.,lap, Paul R (20 A M 22) M,,. a e O.. for mail Barr~ws St ch, Designer, Toledo Mob. &; Tool Co and EDMUNDS Marion Ie (A~l 23) T I En 4286 Oommonweaitb Ave.,00 grg Wm) s.~verland 00., and f... mail, EMERY, Jas. R. (A-M 21) V P S.. Nat!. Bank Bldg.. ecy., Froebllcb &; Emery Engrg. 00., 410 2nd FARRANT. Geo A (J 27) E E and for mail, isos W, Ban~~1t s~gr., Surface Combustion 00., 2875 Dorr St FOSLER, Ollas. E (2!l) Mill Rb B I. FR.~NOIS, Cllas. lv. do) Jk. E e., Elman & Nordhoff Ohio Bldg. Oollingwood Ava ngr.. ec. Auto Llte Corp., and for mail 8259 FREED, Loring (19 A ) Eng.. ma{i, 1958 Upto~ Ave. rg. Dept., Toledo Mob. & Tool 00., and f... FROEHLICH, Fredk H (22) P Bank Bldi.,r... Froehlich &; Emery Engrg. Co.,!!l2 2nd Nat!. GALLAGHER, Thos G Jr (01) V P Jefferson Ave., ~nd"f" maii 2244 Scot?en~ fgr.oontinental Sugar 00., 1704 GARDNER Alehlbald (15) S woo ve. GILLETT, JObn (20) Part,;el!i ~ep irhi.brenht)e y &;BSll ons 00., 201 Belmont Ave. Bldg.,., mes, e man & Nordhoff, 1284 Oblo GLEW. Jas. S. (20),!!l28 Walker Ave. lullenbeck 2702 Parkwood Geo. Ave: E (OB).." V P G en,." Baker Bros.,.Inc., and. fol mail HARRIS, Wm. J. Jr (i8) Ch C t E S.,. HARTM:~N. Ose;r Ii. (20) 14.: E~nsPt.ntnWng ~ta~e q~milbustlon Co., 2875 Dorr st. mad, 528 Hackett Rd.,. ep.,,, lys Overland 00., and for 1IAUGHTON Spencer St. Irving N (24),res" P G en L Mgr., Hallghton Elev. &; Mch. Co., 671 HHEMILL HR 01 (09), Cons. Engr., Toledo Soale 00. Richmond, ow and Rd: F: (14 28),.s. D t E nrr Natl.. Supply 00., and for milil, 1951 IRELAND, Factorle. Geo. Bldg. E. (A M 19) A ss. t G en. I Mgr., City Mcl;!. &; Tool 00., Toledo. KERSHA &; Div{sion W A. Ste, L. (lb 25),rea., P Treas., Toledo Alloyed Casting Co., HamUton LA FRANCE Ave. Richard (28), ChE ngr., Owens Bottle Co., and for mail, 4568 Lew~. LUNDBORG Shenandoah Joset Rd. (24),ur S face 00mbustlon Co., 2875 Dorr St. and for man, 148\ MAHAN, MARKER Jos. Rid R. (J H 21) " Asst DI t E ngr. NaIL Supply 00 Box B99 Bank BI~g~ (J 21), 14., E., Frcehiicb &; Emery E~grg. 00.: 410 2nd Natl. MARTIN Rd. O.. Verne (A M 19),... E., Na. ti Supply Co., and for mail,!!lag Tampl.r YOIRAN, Jas. J. (A M 26) 1808 W. Bancrott St. NE DIG, Wm. N. (16 28) Oh E NORDHOLT, John B: (lb), Pr~~T~3;US~~1gugar Co., 170-! Jafferson Ave. Sts.. osting Co., Smead & Banmoft PFLUGER, Edwin F l!l84 Lincoln Ave. (J 26),ngr., EN at!. Supply Co., Bishop St., and for mau, PICARD, John B. (J 25), Deslll"er Natl S ly C POMER9Y, Oha. R. (A.M 21), Mob. riesj:8fer T~Y gndmfohr ma&;. ~l, 2817!.lonroe St. mad, 4218 Westway Bt e a c. rool 00., and for ~~:U]".;.Ei w, )O~3 VEP., Rathbun Jones Engrg. 00. mdil, 2401 Gr~ntwj~d ~W;.;, Dept., Surtace Combustion 00., Dorr St., and for REISER, Irving W, (A-M 21) C t E for mail, 2920 Broadway. ODS r. ngr., Oweas Bottle 00., 982 Wall st., and ROBBINS, Herbert J (20) Sal E for mail Lima Ave "&ev~~nd Doehler Die Oastlng Co., Toledo and ROOKMAN, W. H. (A-M 21), GenL Dellvery.., 578. (...~ :~. MEMBERS IN UNlrElJ STATES TOLEDO (continued).. ROGERS. A. Carle (21), Toledo Rys. & Light Co., and for mail, 762 Euclid Ave. SCHABARUM, Bruno R. (J 26), 2828 Torrey Drive. SCHUTTLER, Oarl H. (18; 21), Appraisal Engr. &; Acct., 18 National Bldg., 186 Huron St. SMYSER, Falor E. (J 19), V. P., Office Mgr" Ottawa River Paper 00., Matzinger Rd. &; Terminal R. R. STAlIL, Rodolphe (19), Cb. Engr., Oil Products 00. STRUTTON, E. B. (J 20), Sillesman, Slteldon EDgrg. 00., Nicholas Bldg., and. for mail, Belvedere Apts., Bancroft St. SUMMERS, Daniel (16; A-M 28), Sale. Engr., Aluminum Co. 01 Am., B25 Nlcbolas Bldg.. THOMAS, Ed... G. (90; 07), M. E., Toledo Scale Co., and fo/ mail, 1940 Oalv.m et TIGG~v;: Herbert L. (A.M 28), Sales Engr. Baker Bros. Inc., Post & Westlake Sts., and fat mail, 8861 Parkwood Ave. TILLMAN, Jos" L., Jr. (J 22), V. P., Indus. Sleel Casting Co., ~ater Wk,. Drive. VAN TINE Ohaa. B. (20), Oh. Engr., Troas., DeVore 00., 90B N,.bolas Bldg-. WEAVER Ernest W. (20; 26), A88t. Ch. Engr., Sudaee Combustion Co DorrSt., and for ".ail, 1430 Shenandoah Rd. \VINE. Wm. E. (16), Stu. E., Drawer O. WUERFEL, Geo. D. (22), Ch. Bldg. lnspr., Div. 01 Inspr" City 01 Toledo, 655 N. Erie St., also V. P. &; Oons. Engr., Toledo Fdy. I< Mcb. 00., and for mail, 1911 ZARg~~iy~1~~n F. (22; 25), Acting Prol. Engrg. Drawing, Univ. of Toledo; also Prod. Mgr., Bowling Green Rubber 00. TORONTO BEATTIE, Fountain O. (26), Ch. Eagr., Pa.-Ohlo Power & Light Co., Box 127. and for mail, 1208 N, River Ave. TRENTON, Oincinnati secdon. BERENS, Stanley H. (J 28), New Fdy. Appliance Co. OHIO TROY, Darton Section.. WLLER, F. Robl. (28), Tool Engr Hobart Mfg. Co.1. and lor mail, P. O. Box 382. PASCHALL, A. L. (28), Oh, Designer, RobaTt Mfg. uo., and for mail, 6U McKa.11; Ave. RATAlOZAIl:, ThOs. F. (21), Exec. Engr., Hobart Mtg. 00., and for mau, 40B SHARP, Grant Robt. St. K. (J 28), Asat. to Factory Mgr., Hobart.. mfg. 00., and for mad, 125 S. Short Bt.. URBANA. SOHNEIDER, Philip J. (21), Mgl., Part Owner, Am. fool &; Mfg. 00., 718 N. Main St. WADSWORTH,.Akron Section ALLEN, Chas. B. (24), M. E., Ohio Injector Co., and for mail, 148 Highland Ave. GEISINGER, Chas. A. (J 24), Sales Dept., Ohio Injector Co., 248 Main St., and for mail, 257 Highland Ave. llacmiohael, Wm. (A-M 28), M. E., Oblo Match 00. and for mail, 185 Garfield ~. MARTIN, Henry, Jr. (A M 17), 412 Broad St. WARRJ3lN.ARMSTRONG, Walter Gordon (A M 22), Asst. to Pres., Youngslown Pressed Steel Co. BIXLER, Harry Z. (07), Oh. Engr., Am. Puddled Iron 00., N. Mahonlng Ave., Warren, and for mai!, th Ave.. Youngstown. BRAUN. Karl O. (A M 24), 126 Porter Ave. BUOHANAN, W. C. (A M 18), Asst. Gen!. Supt., Trumbull Steel Co. COOPER, Geo. S. (09). Engrg. Dept., Aetna Stand. Engrg. 00.,. and for mail, 106 Freeman St. EMERY, Raymond W. (J 19), Sal.. Engr., Nile. Steel Product. Co., Walnut St., and for mal, 682 Meadowbrook Way. HEYL, Albert D. (25), 428 Hunter St. 679

226 .:,, ~~. OHIO MEAIBERS IN UNITED STATES MEl>lBERS IN UNITED STATES OHIO WARREN (continued) " KONOLD, J. Rejnolds (J U), Heat Treating Dept., Warren Tool &; Forge Co., and fo, mait, ~7 Sco tt St. 1tlEANY, Ed... A. (J 20), Rede, ej. Engr" Yow.gstown Pressed Steel Co., and for mail, 419 Central PkwaJ. MOITlNGER, BYIon T. (16), Spec. Engr., Federal!t1ch. &; Welder Co. WILDMAN, Chas. A. (J 25), 506 E. Malket St. WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, MASTERS, John H. (A-M 19), Sal.. Mgr., Wash. Metal Products Co., and lor,nait, 984 Dayton Ave. WELLINGTON JONES, Franklin M. (28), Mgr. 1"Iallklln M. Jones!tlotor Co., 224 N. Main l;it. VELLSVILLE BOWLES, Geo. O. (A 23), 704 BroadWay. McOOMBS, Arnold R. (A M 26), Desigll, Sales Engr., Stele,won Co., alld /0/ mail, 1003 Main St. WEST CARROLLTON, Dn,-ton Sectlol. GILLIGAN, Frank B. (23), Eligr., Oxford Miami Paper Co.,WILLOUGHBY, Clevelnnd Section GllHR, David (02; 09), M. E., Box 265. WOOSTER, Cle-elnJld Section l!adens, Andrew L. (11; 21), Supt., Bucl\e)pe AluUlluunl Co., and Jor mail~ P. O. Box 286. WORTHINGTON, CoIun,bus Section FlTZ, Ervin M.,(Oli 16), 58 Dunlap, E. XENIA, Dn,-ton Section, BROWNyGeo. Irving (J 20), Prod. Dept., Hooven &; Allison, Xenia, alld fol mai!, 813 ankes Rd., Middletown., YOUNGSTOWN BRAY, Th08. J. (98), Pres., RepUblic Iruu &; Steel Co., and /0" mail\1510 5th Ave. OARNEGIE, Andrew (.~ M 21), Supt. Power, Pa. Ohio Power &: Lig,t Co., Board man St., aud lor it, 40 Woodbiue Ave. DEVINE, Johu U. (27), Draft.mau, Youngstowll Sheet oil Tube Co., YoUUgstOIlI1, and fot tnail., 57 Stewart St., Struthers. FARIS, Randolph (J 27), Propr.; Youugstown Mill Supply 00., aud /01 ma-lt, th Ave. HOFFMAN, Laurence J. (J 27), Olerk for Genl. 1t!. M., Republic Iron I< Steel Co., and /01 lilail, 9 E. Woodland Ave. JONES, Lewis (15), Expel. Engr., McKay ~ch. Co., Rayen Ave. KAHN, Julius (05), PIes., Genl. Mgr., Truscon Steel Co., Alhert St. KLINE, Lee A. (J 26), Asst. SteaD Engr., Carllegie Steel Co., and for mait, U5 S. POIUand Ave., KMENIT, Cornel (,A M 21), Engr., Ohio Wks., Carnegie Steel 00., and /01 mait, 217 S. PorUnnd Ave. MADISON, Harry A. (19; A M 25), Asst. Supt. POwel,Pa. Ohio Power II. Light, Co., BoardlUan St., Youngstown, add /01 mail, 219 Clark St., Cambridge. OVESEN. H. (14; 22), Oh. Engr., l" Sheet &. Tube Co" Youngstown, and, /01 lilail. P. O. Box 14, Poland.. ROBI~SON, C. Snelling (00), V. P., Youugstown Sheet &. Tube 00., and /01 mail, MO Old Furnace Rd. TOWl\E, Tho (A 95), Genl. Sales 1tfgr., Fitzsimons Co., 1631 Wilson Ave. WEISS, Alex. (A M 25), Mech. Designer, Carnegie Ste,el Wk., and /01 mal, 187 N. Evanston Ave. 581 ~ ii,i, ~~:O~~~T~~\~fn E.. (00; 00), Pr.e., Treas., Arnold John.on Co., 528 Malket St. BilOWN Lewis K. (16), 488 Adall Ave. GREER Everett S. (A M 21), Supt. Plant 2, Hazel Atlas Glass Co, McCOY; Wm. (08i 25), V. P., Gelll. Supt., Am. EDellUstlc Tiling Co., Ltd., "nd /01 mait 384 Adair Ave.. t 1 F dl. A il.~y1>iond, Thos. E. (J 16), 011. Engr., Mosaic TIle Co., and for mal.. " e~ ve. 01i:L,U101lIA (liild_continent Section) " BARTLESVILLE. CROOKS stallley B. (16; 28)" Charge Sales, Tlafllc, AccouDtmg, etc., EmpIre Ga.~lille Co., and /0" mait. U5 ChiekaSll:w Ave. CI.:RRAli, R. W. (28), Genl. Mgr., Bartlesville Gas &. Elec. Co. FISHER Jas P. (H), Empire Co.. F 1 C R HOPPE. Rol~nd C, (21: A-M 26)",!mplle Goo II ue a., m. 416 Emplrc Bldg., and /01 ma,l, P. O. Box REA \\} E lw (J 27) l)rnftsman, Engrg. Dept., P\nJhp~ retroleum Co. RICE FIUEd ~r (20) Co;,. Engr., Supt. Gu.ollne Dept., P~ll1l\)S Pdeloleum Co. ROTH: ilbe, t F (J 27) Jr. Engrg. COIIISC, EnlrTg. Dept., EIllPIIC 011 " Rei. CO. SEARS:H. T. (J )20), a:..t. Gh. Ellgr.,,PIIllllps!?etroleum Co. STAUFFACHER, Edw. L. (J 24), EmplIe Gasolllle Co. STUNTZ Ro M. (A 19), 128 Creek Ave., d / IROMAS, Ross W. (J 21), AllSt. Dir. Rescurch, Phllhps Peboleum Co., an or mail, P. O. Box 718. OLEVELAND il 601 ADAMS, Jas. W. (26), Genl. Supt., 1>lullay fool & Snppl~ Co" aud for lila ~ W. D~lnlV..r; St. HENRYETTA. GILCREST, Murray H. (21), Supt. Coustl., U. 1:1. Zu,c Co. ~fei~:~. H. (10), Dean, College Englg., Univ. 01 Okla., and lor ",a-il, 743 De Barr Ave. OIi:LAHOlUA. CITY DO:KOVA".1, Dnn;el E. (10), Secy., lle8s" Delnhnrt oil Donovnn Co., 803 Trades man Natl. Bk. Bldg. HOW.l.RD Otis ( ), Okla. Gae & Elee. Co. )llls~on Hn1lv E. (21), H, E. liu56011 & Co., 401 Omin Exchnnge Bldg.. SRERM\N Warren S (22 24) Pres., Shernlall Meh, 01: Iron Wks., 18 E. MlLw St. WOLF, H. CoUlel (A:M 25), Cal;" Engl., 304 ~lllnklln Bldg., alll! for /IIail, 1728 W. 8th S,.., PONCA CITY E DUNTON, Philip R. (A M 15), COliS., Reports, Desig,), Dunton EIIllrg. Co., 205. Pnrk Ave. R I Co HAWTHORN, David G. (J 24), S.UlI.. c~, Geology, Gen!. D~pt." Marland e.., PtJl1ca City, Okla., and for mail, 2816 Lake Pl., Dcnvet, Colo. MILLER Walter (22), V. P., Rol., Mnl1lmd Re,l. Co.. PARTRIDGE, M. E. (J 20), M. E., Mnl1":Id ReI. 00., alld for ",atl, P. o. ~ox 765. RICE, Wayne P. (A-M 24), Supt., Itel., ~lal1,,"d Rei. 00., alld lor ma,t, 1010 S. 6UI st.. pi.. I 1 A t R h D t RUSLER, Geo. W. (J 27), Desl a nel, Geo.-..,s en ppalll us, eseate ep., MOlland Ref. Co. nnl! for ",,,ii, 300 N. Elm St. SHdLLENBERGER, Geo. G. (A M 19), Asst. to Ples., Marland Ret. Co. SAND SPRINGS CARIER, JelfelOoIl (J 25), Engl., Pierce PetroleullI COIP., alld for lii1la, 201 Liueoln St. 581

227 ~.. OKLAHOMA SHIDLER KET.SEY, tawrcuc. M. (A 1( 28), Plant Supt., Slnclllil Oil osl Gas Co., aud for mail, Box 6. SlILLW ArER GAINES, Isaac A., Jr. (J 26), 804, RamBcy St.. RHOADS, Robt. L. (19; 25).. Pro!. M, E., Head Dept. 11. E., Okla. A, & M. Collrge. TULSA,. ADAMS, W. McK, (J 21), ~(achinist, Wheatle~ BroB., and lor mail, 1610 S. Troost St.,. AUERSWALD, Howard R. (17; 26). ABBt. Supt. Gasoline Dept., Gypay 011 Co.,. P. O. BOll 2044,. BAGl3Y, Walter J. (J 25), CUbide & Carbon Chem. Corp., 508 Exchange Nat!, Bank Bldg.. BAKER, Wm. W. (A l( 21), Constr. Supt., Sinclair Oil &; Gas Co., Sinclair Bldg" and fot mail, 1922 S. Wheeling Ave. BARTON... Ch"". R. (H; A M 19), Tidal Ref. Co., P. O. Box BERNARlJ, Harold B. (15; A l( 21), V. P., Sinclair OU & Gas Co., Sinclair Bldg. BOWMAN Warren R. (A M 26), Supt. hod., Lewis Emery Jr, & Sons, 710 Petro j eum Bldg,. BRINDEL, Harold F. (25),!r, E.bGypsy Oil Co., and lot mail, 144, N. Tacoma St. BROWN, Clarence L. (A M 21), iv. Supt., Slllclalr OU & GaB Co., and lot metl N. Cheyenne St. BRYAN, Clifford L. (J 26), SaleB Engr., Foxboro Co., 205 S. Cheyeniie Ave. BURKET, Allred W. (24; 26), Mld Contlllent Mgr.,.Jnokson Engrg. & Equip. Co., 502 NatL B&nk of Commerce., CLARK, Earle A. (16), &upt. Gas Meuurement, Okla. Natural Gas Co., 117 W. 4th, St. COKER, Marlon B. (J 21), M. E. Gaoollna Dept., GYPBY Oil Co., 704 lsi; Natl. Bank Bldg., and fot mail, 1808 E. 16th St. CORNELIUS. Ernest H. (27),.PreB., Okla. Steel Cuting, P. O. Box COULSON, Herbert M. (A M 21), ASBt. Supt., SInclair 011 & Gas Co., Siuclair, Bldg. DEAN. Rudolph R. (J 26), IudepandeiJt, 011 & GaB Co. DORRESlEN, Edw. E. (J 27), TulBa Mgr., Sal.. Engr., C. F. Braun & Co., 436 Kennedy Bldg.. DREYER, Elmer L. (J 27), Power Engr., TelC. Co., Tulsa, Okla., &nd lor,mail, 1220 Procter St.. Port Arthur, Tex., FIELDS, David E. (J 26), M. E., Tulo& Boiler &; Mchy. Co., P. O. Box 1963, and lot mail. 824 S. Oolumbia St.. FINK, Johu B, (A Y 17), Empire Oil & Ref. Co., 2308 E. 8rd St. FORD. Jas. B. (A M 27), Brauch Mgr., Chapman Valve Mfg. Co., 115 W. 1st st. FOSTER, Dean E. (16), Cons. Mfg. & Oper. Engr., Dean E. FOBter & Co., 304 New W";ght Bldg. GALJ,AGHER, John S. (A-M 21), DI\. Supt., Tex. 00., P. 0. BOll GORTON, Leo H. MEMBERS IN 1:lIl!EIJ >ll.iti,s (27), V. P., Dresser Engrg. 00., and fat mail, 1515 S. Utica Ave.. GRAY, John L. (01; 05), V. P., Shaffer Oil & Ref. Co., P. O. Box GUARIN, Puul L. (J 28), Petroleum Engr., Roxana Petroleum Corp., loth Fl., Mayo, Bldg., and fat mail. P. O. Box 406. GWYNNE, R. D. (A 22), DiBt. Mgr., JOB GreensponB Sons Iron & Steel Co., 501 HAL~~t1~T~lt: V. F, (J 26), Engr., ABBt. Pur. Agt., ~Hd Contiuent PetroleOlD Corp. Boor HARTMAN, Fredk C., Jr. (J 26), SaleB Engr., C. F. Brauu & Co., 486 Kennedy Bldg. HAYS. JOB. W, (A M 16), 118 E. 6th St. HELTZEL, Wm. G. (A M 24), Technology & Hyds., Sinclail Pipe, Line Co., P. O. Boor HOOD, J. Riley (19; A M 26), V. P., TreaB., Good Humor Ice Cream Co., and for mail, 1019 S. Troost Ave. HORNE, Oaleb L. (27), Dist. Mgr., Yarnell Wa"lng Co., 314, Wright Bldg. HUDSON, Edw. J, (J 27), Sales Engr., C. F. Braun <\; Co., 436 Kennedy Bldg. and for "",;1, 536 N. Elwood Ave. 582 MEMBERS1N UN.J.TED STATES TULSA (conttidn,,:eddk) (A M 18), Engr HUTCHCRAF, av,. at., OKLAHOIlIA GaB Engr. Constr. Co., 125 W. IBt St., JON~~~ J~r D:J.b~;t 3~N ~7>~u~~rf pipe Line Co. 0.1 Okla., Tulsa, Oklilo., and [at "",a. 4,05 N. Topeka, EI Dorado, Kan. tki on 217 Mid-Continent Bldg. KEATING, Arthur },Jf) 2~l.:t MMg~" gqun~bf. M~\er KERR & Mfg. Co., 834 KennedY Arthur J. ( I ii 1808 E 19thSt ~g~~;1~flt~~~;:2i~e~j::s~~f~~n ~fs~rii~~re~~ ~~1~~:~~:o:t;,i2~2~X1963. L!<NE R Ii: (A.M.21) Supt. Power, Pub. Servo Co. 0 " LAWRENCE: Danlel(AC"2\~ ~4)~ 8t~I:~d%~~&laEqUIP. Co., 80 N. Owasso St., and LELAND Harry R.,1 re.,,, lor.ita&, 182i/(f~~6~er FS:;"ite. Childs Corp., 817 E. 4th St. LINDSA~ a.. (26) Roxana Petroleum CorpL Mayo Bldg. :McCONNILL, G1~vek (A if 26) Petroleum Engr" ::;kelly OU Co. :McWILLIAMS, Jo n Rid Ilia SUUBet Drive 424 MOORE, Lee C. (C02()j z ~t) res~les Engl. Worthington Pump & Mchy. Corp.., OLSEN, Olaf L&. ". N. Boulder Itv~. B (26) Pres Genl Mgr., PatterBou Steel Co., P. O. Box PATTERSON, Are",.,. P 0 PORTER Ho 111 P (10), Manager, 21 24; Ch.. Prod. Engr., GypBY 011 Co.,. Box t 01 C 421 Central Nat!. Bank Bldg. REED, PIlou! S. ~A (~5~2ljgrsa~r n~r.: Gr~8~om.Rus"U Co., 920 Mld Continent RIS. Kenneth E 14th St d Bld~., lldd h/orlma(!j f27~ Oh Engr Gasoline Dept., Skelly Oil Co., an ROBINSON Jo n, s fol 7naiZ J 217 E. Indepell enos. t. SCOTT... Walter W. (2~~"2P1u)reAOsilBt ~xec Dept. Sinclair Pips Line Co., SinclalT SIBOL..,; Barton P. (A-",,.., Bldg., and to~i"5,aua"~w5)niieoo~i~~~st PipIng & Supply Co., 805 Mayo SIMON, Cecl! S. ( ;...,., Bldg. II. R (26) Cons Engr Gasoline Engrg. Co., 1405 S. Baltimore STONE, She ey.,. " Bank St, S Fr d (23) ABst. M. M., Prairie Pipe Line Co., Exchange lli"atl.. THILEIHU, e E 29th St. Bldg., and JOT ma J,26) 908 Mid Oontinent Bldg. TROUT, Edw. etc) ~27) db Engr Scientific ReBearch ABSOO., 16 E. 11th St.. URTIS, ~[..rco A. ( "i 611W 112th St New York, N. Y. TulBa, Okla, and lor ma,,, 9) Pre~ OllweU AceeBsorieB Corp., 329 E, 4th St. YANDERVOORT(JL.,tG) (Aiiilt 1ngr Mid Continent Petroleum Corp., Tulsa, and WEST, J. ClaY s N "t for moi!, 216 S("l1!)a p I M e art., p~b~as~ rv. Co. of Okla., P. O. Box 1212, and lot WHITJ,OW, J. A. " ~.., mail, 215 N. Ta(cAo~a,s22t.) A t to M M. SinclalT Pipe Line Co., P. O. Box YOUNG, Selah P....,-.., ~k.ejre~~{;t (J 26), Results Engr., Pub. Servo Co. of Okla., Box 518. OREGON (Oregon Section) ~g~~tjejt,sarn~ld 4- (J 2~, 6~~st~t.Ore. S~t. College, Rm. 218, Mecb. ArtB Gn.J~d\.m:i~d Jor (~?,itr Prof, Mcb. "" Materials; Ore. State Agrl, COllege, and fat mail, 806 S. at St. Agrl C II d 1Of mail 857 Tyler St., KR ~S~.:J~~nl. g~~71;j~m~~;f. H...t O E~~~nOre. State Agri. College, M d., r ""il 29th St. & Arnold Way. an :n H (J 26) InBtr. M. E. Dept., Ore. State Agrl. College. ~~~ywr~ssell L. (J "26). Instr., Dept. Agri Engrg., Ore. State Agrl. College, and lor mail, 140 N. ~5th st. 583

228 OREGON ~IIiiUDERS IN UNITED STATES "CORVALLIS (contillue,l) PIDLLIPS, Mark C. (21) Assoc P f M E I...e 529 S. 2nd St. ro.., Supt. Htg., Ore. State Agri SUMMERS, Robt. Ed,. (J 00) I st M E mail, 2015 Van B;ren st n r.., Ore. State.Agri. College, and for "WENK, Morris (19) Asst. P f Y E 805 MOIlloe St. ro..., Ore. State Agrl, OOllege, and for mail, WI LEY, Earl C. (A-M 28) Instr M EO " 1052 A" St.,..., reo State Agrl. College, and jar mail, HILLSBORO KROEGER, Arthur F. (J 24), T for mail, 1530 Walnut St. ax C II t a ec 01 W ash. Conllty, Court Honse, and I>:LAIIIATR FALLS BE.A~o:V~~~r2~iJ. (20), Pres., )Jgr., Klamath Iron & Steel Wko., and for mal!, liiedford CHAWFORD Peny 0 (25) V P Ch ZAHLEN, J~1in V. (25), En~." Caiit.-O~e~~~;e;ad~~, Ore.POlVer Co. PORTLAND ARMSTRONG. Edw P (19) P M B.\LE, Cllao. w. (is).m E B les:it ",gr., Armshong Mfp;. Co., 42nd St. BARLOW, Frederic C. (A-Y \17i e90~gif Jf02.~3SYteon Bldg. BASTIAN H S (24) 01 0; " I. BEUTER A th. J las.....oore & Co., 805 Gasca Bldg Bank B~~If:. (A LI), Portland Mgr., Baldwin Loco. Wk~., 81S North,.estern BJORGE, Oocar B (16 IS) orre Ch E BJORNVALL Cari V (:20) in...,. ngr., CIJde Equip. Co., 66 Thurmail St BROD. Harry A. (A-M 26) rii~" :ort ofbpofrtlas,!d, and for rnail, 448 E. 54th St: BId/(.. ngr.,. turtelant 00., 4.l4 N. W. Bank BUE:OWSKY, Harry W E (19 A M 25) Ch E. Wks.. and for mail 1190 bt St. ngr., Wllhamette Iron & Steel CCAUD~E, Arlie E. (J "26) :E. Harrison St LARK, A. M. (25) N w: Mgr C lb Ste ~l Co DAVIS, Franklin L. hs) Plant En; UD~ ley" tel <p., loth & Jackson St.\, mail, 1251 TiIIllJnook St.,. eo. ce & Cold Storage Co., and for DICKSON, John (IS) Snpt M P S k P, of Commerce Bld~...., po ane, oruand & Seattle Ry., 836 Chnlllber g~~~~rja~o~~ h_~2~i6{ag30s~:e:4~~s~l1(;ll Pipe 00., 611 Spalding Bldg. GILL, Jos. W. (19 26) Ch D" ft S. Ii and fa, mail, 1249 Lal;" mit &; Watson Iron Wk., 400 Front St., "HALL, Elman Lawrence (25) Genl S t P tl d HORSTKOTTE, Fred W. (25) Sa;lrt Engr~ ":80 GJo ~ ~oke Co., Gasca Bldg. HOYT, Ra)l110nd D (IS) Pre U t I C.,. e. Bank Bldg. KNERR, L~wis E. he: 21 :7) S~l:~ & ~~~ ~~g 810AISI~occkhEI"chnnge Bldg. LU1nberclans Bldg,, r., IS a mers Mfg. Co., 606 LUSTIG, A. J. (21), 1.f. E. U4 Levis Bldg. Unc ii~:gor, John Harold (28), Ch. Engr:, Central Inspc. BUreau, 602 Bedell UATTER, Gusta,e 0 (A.-M 20) M E 426 Bd AlcDOUGALL G F (21) "..,. of Trade Blelg McGONIGLE Chas.,Ch. Engr., G. F. :MCDougall Co., 90 1st St. McINTOSH \Vm J ~ 1,9~, ~Oo)oleF ~ erc~on~t?e, 6SId & Halsey Sts. UcI\INLA1, Jas: ("22): Con~~ EnJr~~r g~9se 0~2~l S~o NE. 1st &; Taylor Sts. MEANY Jas M St... (17, 21),01 P ti an d Sal es Mgr., Lidgerwood.,. Pac. Co., 806 Pine A!ORDEN. Chas. W. (A A! 19), M. E., Box 826 Route 8 NILIUS, Bruno (19), 111 N Fox St. OSIPOVICH, Abraham A. d 27) 620 1st St 1.~PE, Edw. C. (28), Pres. Wllliamette Iron &. Steel Wks., 685 Industrial PI. 6S4.[ I. MIiiMBEBS IN UNITED STATES PENNS};"LVANIA OREGON PORTLAND (continued) PERRY, Tom. (26), Supt. Stations, N. W. Elec. 00., and for mail, 1191 E. Lillcoln St. POLHEMUS, Jas. H. (26), Genl. Mgr., Ch. Engr., Port of Portlnnd, 916 Spalding Bldg.. POLLEK, ChljS. F. (J 24)...Dist. Mgr.. M. Ii. Detrick Co., Bd. of Trade Bldg. REED, G. E. (26), Cons. ",ngr., 814 Lewis Bldg.. SAM:>, Fred V. (21; 26), Brallch lis-r., Alii. ljhalmers Mfg. Co., 500 Lumbermans Bldg. SUMNER, Henry W. (00; 12), Diesel Eng. Designel, Williamette Iron &; Steel Wko. VAUOHN, Karl F. (21), Pal tner, Lustig Yaughn Engrg. Co 714 Lewlo Bldg.. WEBBER, Harold M. (22), Sal man,,illi. Ch"llllers Mfg. Co., 600 Lumbermans wic~kdl. Powers A. (28), Logging Eugl., Loggen &; Contrs. Mchy. Co., 70 4th St., and fa" mail, "1005 E. Irving St. WILKES, Gordon B. (J 24), Partller, New P,ocesa Auto Laun<hy, loth & GHsan Sts., and for llail E. 19th St. WILLIAMS, A. H. T. (21) Partller, Blood.1< Williums, 717 Pac, Bldg. WOLFI<" Andre J. (26), Ch. Engl., Portland Iron W1<s" and for ",ait, 501 E. 12th St. N. YOUNG, Alfred E. (26), Dlst. Mgr., J. T. Thorpe &; Son, Inc., e09 Ry. Exchange. Bldg. SAI,ElII " DAVIS. Wmard T. (A M 25), Aost. Ch. Ecgr., Ore. State Hospital. TnO~lAS. CalTol! D. (A A{ 25), Ch. Boiler Inspr., State of Ore., Rm. 381, State House. STAYTON MURJ:>HY, Delbert D. (J 2~), Steam Engr., Murphy-Garllner Lumber Co., Sta) ton, and for 11UIil, Subllmlt). ALLENlO,\YN, Lebigh Valley Section DE.~R, G,"over E. (2~), Cons. Engr., 1237 Walnut St. BE.IL.iHARD. Richard (J 01), Ch, Enp;r., Traylor Eng. & Mfg. Co., and for mail; 125 S. West St. BROUGHTON, Harold E. (20; 26), Asst. Ch. Engr. Trojan. Powde, 00., and for mail, 17S8 Pennsylvania St. BURKE, J. Geo. (24), Ch. Engr., Bradley Pullerizer Co., 128 S. Srd St. " OUTTEN, Lelerett" H. (28). Plant Enl,l., Internatl. Motol Co. CYPHER, OITen G. (IS), M. E., C)phel ~ Foster, 888 Walnut St., and for mait, 16 S. 13th St. DAyl!!. Leroy J. (J 26), Ellgrg. Asst., Allentown Bethlehem Gns Co., and for mail, 938 Ohew St. DURHAM, Fred S. (A 19), V. P., Bonne) Forge & Tool Wks., Meadow & TlIghaDl Sts. " " DURHAM. J. Edw., Jr. (A 19), V. P., Bonney Forge & Tool Wks., Meadow & Till;halll St.. FERGUSON, Harry (A-M 21), Asot. to Supt. Oper., Pa, Power &; L111ht 00., 802 Hamilton St. ". FOSTER, Wm. 1. (A M 28), M. E., Pa. Power & Light Co., Rm. 602, S02 Hamllton St. FRANKS, Fredk B. (04), V. P., Keystone Portland Cement 00., Commonwealth Bldll. FRICK. Clifford H. (A-M 20), Asat. to Gen1. Supt., Pa. Power &> Light Co., 802 Hamilton St. FROMM, Dr. Cbas. (24), M. E.. Aldrich Pump Co~ FULLER, Flold M. (07: 17; 19).. Distribution Bngr., Pa. Power & Lil;ht 00., 802 Hamilton St., Allentown. alld, fa, mail W. Market St., Dethlehem. GIBSON, Wm. A. (A 24), Wl,o. Ml\l., Dradley Puher!zer Co., 12S S. 3rd St. GOLDBERG, Jas. (J 25), Prod. Control Dept., Internatl. Motor Co., and for 11UIil, 921 Jackson St I

229 ": II :? ~~. : PENNSYLVANIA MElIIBERS I:N UlnrED srares A.LLENlOWN (contillue,l) ". full, Arthur H. (J ~6), Engr., Internat!. Motor l(jo., and for mail, 205 S. 18th St. HOLIdES, Lawrence J, (23), V. P., :M.I!ck Plant, lnt.rnat!. Motor 0o., and for,n, Lanark Manor.. JOSEPHS, Lyman 0., Jr. (19: 26), Engr., Internatl. Motor 00.., and for "14;),,788 N. 26th St.. KLEIN, Herb~t C. (J 2~), 18~1 Maple St. t:~rl. to~~81l(i!lbj), ~;~. P~~~"E~~~ t~~:;:at~~ Motor 00., Allentown, arid for "wil. 852 Media St. Bethlehem. MICHELL, Wm. P. (J 20), Engr., Internat!. West St.. Motor 00., and for mail, 2~ N. il.i.ilnor, Thos. W. (16), Pres., Kline Hardware Co. PALMER, Everett L. Hamilton St. (J 28), Commercial Dept., Pa. Power &:. Light Co., 802 REIOHARD, Clarence A. (J 26), A~ Mgr;, Robt.,.A, Reichard, Inc., 18Z1 Linden REI~:OKER, Norman G. (18; A M 1"6), Genl. Supt., Pa. Power &: LIght Co., 802 Hamilton St. RICHARDSON, Henry A. (A M ZO), Supvr. Engr., Amalilamated Silk Corp. 1(08S, Palll Andrew (J 25), Inapr., Valuatlon Dept., Pa. Power &: Light 00., 80Z Hamilton St., AUento,vn. and for,nail, 705 Ooleman St., Easton. SARGENT. Chas. E. (91), 226 S. 18th St. TOWNSEND, Harry Wilson (A M 16), V. P., Gen]. Mgr., Aldrich Pump,Co., and for mail. Z036 Walnut St.. WILBER. Walter B. (J Z7), Engrg. Training Oourse, In~rnatl. Motor,.00., and for mail, Y. M. O. A. WILLIAMS, David G. (18; Z~), Ch. Engr., Trojan Powder Co" 17 N, 7th St., and for mail. 118 S. 16th St. WOLFE, Elvin A. (lz),!xes", Wolfe Electrical 00., 110 N. 7th St.,U.TOONA, Central PennsYlvania Section BARRETT, Chas. D. (20), A88t. Engr., Test Dept., Pa. R. R. System. OURRY. Gerald R. (J Z6), Spec. Apprentice, Pa. R. R. System, and.for "",il, th Ave. DECRER, Harry L. (J 27), Inspr., Test Plant, Pa. R, R, System, and for mail, III Jagllard St., DUER. John V. B. (25), E. E., Pa. R. R. System. GRIMSHAW. Fredk G. (26), Wks. Mgr., Pa. R. R. System, and for mail, tb Ave. HEARD, Cecil O. (J 26), Spec. Apprentice, pa. R. R. Systo",. and for mail, 1403 loth St. " HOFAMMANN. Karl E. (18), Asst. Teat Engr., Teat Dept., Pa. R. R. System. IUESEL. Wm. F.. Jr. (07), M. E., Pa. R. R. System. KOCH, Qeo. B. (09), Gen]. Foreman, S. Altoona Foundries, Pa. R. R. SYstem, and for mail, 809 Chestnut Ave.. ~IcK.INNEY, Re" R. (J 27), Spec. Apprentice, Pa.. R. R. System, Altoona, and for,nail, 816 4th Ave., Juniata.. i!.hoads, Geo. E. (06; Z6), Foreman, Loco. Test Plant, Pa. R~.R. SJIltem, and for mail, th Ave.. RIOHARDS, Artbnr (A-M 17), City Planning Epgr. SAII1PSON. Winslow F. (26), Sales Engr S K F Industries, Inc., and for mea, Z10~ W. Ohestnut Ave., ". SHEARER, J. Harry (22), V. P., Penn Oentral Light &: Power 00. SHIRLEY, Stanley W. (J 2~), M. P. Inspr., Pa. R. R. System, and jor mail, th St.. YODER, Jacob H. (12; A M ~18), Supt. Apprentices, Pa. R. R. System, alld for mail, S06 Oolerid/te Ave. AltIBLER. Philadelphia Section. _ AND~~t%?:;;e:o~ikeHoi f:~isv ;" Supt., Keasbey Av,k Matti,o,) 00., and for ""ii, DODGE, Rsrl (19;, A M Z6), Pres., Vulcan Fdy. Co. SOOTT. Edw. O. (A 23), Pnr. Agt., EstimatOl, Keasbey & Mattison Co., and for mail, 629 Tennis Ave., 688 " :! " ; MEMBERS IN U:NITJID Sr.ol.rES A]IDRIDGE, Pittsburgll Section. 00 BAUMGARTNER, Chas. G. (IS), Asst. J! Eij I~m~ ~dge BERNARD, Jas. Lb(Ot 2 )(AO,,:-,M. 21 )E Wk, sm En ;;.,. g..,. H. Robertson Co" Ambridge, CRAFTON, H. Her 91...,.~,... and for mail, Baden. tl M tal Molding Co LAlIIONT, Nell C. (23), Wk D "I Mgt"/5a vel ~ngr Stand Seamless Tube 00., and OLiN Otto (A M 27): es gner, e., lor mail, U34 Maplewood Ave. ARDIlIORE, Pllilailelphia. Section BAOWoLl.N, Benj. B. (14; 18), Engr., Autocsr 00. PENNSYLVANIA ARNOLD Pittsburgh Section. I Seal Co., Arnold, BERGSTRESSER, Paul F. (J Z6), Planning Dept., Alum mud and for mail, Aluminum Club, New Kensington. ASHLAND be t Mig Co LAUBENSTEIN, Albert ll. (A M 18), Mgr., Lau ns eid.. titjfr~~:, Francis A. (A M 20), Oh. Engr., IngeJson Rand 00. BANGOR, LcJLigJ. Valley Seltlo~, S. "or,v lifg. 00., Malu & Yarket DITCHETT, T. Gordan (A M 22)L Wks. mgr.,." Sts., and for mail, 89 N. ~th!:st. RONCO, Btlnny (J 27), R. D. 5.. BEAVER, Pittsbur~b Section GRESSLY, Oscar l\l. (12), Retired, ~3~ E. End Ave. BEAVER FALLS Pittsburgh Section I 00 d BUCHANAN, D. DWi~ht (18; A Jd 21), Plant Mgr., Union Drawn Stee,-., an for mait th St. & Wl T be 00 IOIld for mml FAIR, Mark(J 27), Apprentice Engr., Babcock I COlt U.,, 1:1~ 6t~~V"A. (26), Su t., Armstrong Oork Co., and for mail, 201 Park PL ~~~6~?Lyn; H. (J 20 J ), ~(t,uld6!"ta~l,g"2i)i{e~::e~~i~r140;;.., Beaver ~all. Art VALKER. Francis W., r., Tile 00. A WOOLSLAYER, H. J. (J 26), th ve. BELLEVUE, PlttsburQl1 Section WATSON, Alan M (J 26),4" Lincoln Ave. BERWYN, PIliJo.ilelpJlio. Section.. d & Co RICHARDSON, :ljnurlce F. (1~, Geul. Mgr., M. F. Rlchar son DElHLEHElU, Lel,igh ValleY Se.:f,ti~JlI. L h h Unlv AULT, E. Stanle.!!;, (J(J~i~) 1~st.E P"M~CI~ &; Co;:tr.Wk~ ~ehigll Piant, Bethlehem. BERGER, Edgar ".,..., il 628 N 12tl St Allentown. Steel Co., BetlBlleh(~mrJ1t anva fp or B~b!ehem Steel boo "and for mail, 607 Delaware BLAKELEY. Geo.. h. 0 e, DUO~v"ohas A (18), V. P., Bethlehem Steel 00.. U and for mail, 1736 BUTrERFIELD Tho.. E. (12), Prof. Engrg., Lehlgh njv., W. Union~111 (A.M Z2), 1716 l[aple St. B th h ~~s ~onzo W. (20),!?eslgnlng Engr. Constr. Engrg. Dspt., e Ie elll Sleel Co., and forb""(~810) (Retired) Lehigh Unlv., and for de SCHWEINITZ, P..,10.,, ",ail, 215 E" HOhu(rfzhO)Sts. 1 Engr Bethlehem Fdy. &: Mch. Co., and fo/ t maa, DIMLER. Ernes.,... 0 R. 3. ; A to Metal Wheel Dlv. Bethlehem Steel 0o., FTh"ije~!~~:m~A~~ r.,?,,.~ll~r6~!"2bhciancey St., lhiiadelpi,la. 687

230 " PF::NNSYLVANIA l\.[e~rbersin U~ITED STATES DETHLEHEJI (contlnuel) lor~7te~r:t~est (A M 21), Salesman, Pure on Co., Conestoga St., and fol "lail, GIlE~~~:O~~A~,:"n (21), Pat. Dept., B.etblebem Steel 00., and for ",ai!" ~348 GROFF, Jos. O. (J 24), Engr., Power Enl:rg. &: Sales, Mchy. Sales Dept., Betblellem Sleel 00., Belhlebem, and for mail, 111 N. 4th St., Allentown. HAYES, O. Ellis (23; A M 26),526 9th Ave., HE.:\R.~EY, Winlbrop O. (18), Supt. Servo Drpl" Bethlehem Steel Co. HILPERT, Meie, Geo. (2(3), Asst. Eulll., Bridge &; Fablicating Dept., Bethlehem Steel Co., and for mail, 38 W. Ohurch St., HUTOlU~SON, Aves. Vm. S. (A 19), V. P., Belhlehem Fabricators Inc., 8tb &; Lehigh JEN~1l\GS, Burgess Hill (J 26), Instr. M. E., WllllanlS Hall, Lehigh Univ. Kfo:T,LER,,~Ibert T. (14), Rm. 509, Bethlebem Steel Co. I\lLP.WRIClt, Ralpll O. (J 26), Foremall, Steam Dept., Lehigh Plallt, Dethlehem Steel Co., and for mail, 316 E. Laurel, St. I\lNG, John Anbrey (J 2S), Asst. Prof. M. E., Lehigh Uni~. KLEIN, A1tlmr W. (08; 11), Prof. M. E., Lehigh Unlv., Wllliams Hall, Slid for "Ml, 43 Wall St. KXISELY, Ed,. S. (06), V. P., Betblebem Steel Co., Brd &; Buchanan Sts., and fo" "ail, 404 Oenter St. r,,\rkin, F. V. (15), Head Dept. M. E., Lehigh UlII., and for mail, 135 Wan St. LEHMAN, J. Geo. (21), V. P., Genl. Mgr" Bethlehem Fel". &: Mch. Co. r,ehr, Cilas. E. (16), Oh. Engr., Bethlebem Steel Co. MADDEN, 9tb Ave. Jas. P. (27), Oh. Engl. at Mchl., Bethlehem Steel Co:, and for mail, U2 McC.\RTl", Richard J., Jr. (21; 24), Engr., Steel Car Dept., Betblehem Steel Co., and /0/ mail, S88 E. North St. MILLER. NorthEarl St. J. (21), Ord. Engr., Bethlehem Steel Co., and for mail, 1704 W. MORE, Win. 439 E. NorthSt., S. (21; A M 26), Genl. Foreman, Dethlebem, Steel Co., and for?/loil, MORRIS, Harry T. (19), Metal. Engr., Bethlel1em Steel Co. PARIS, Percy G. (19; 19), Cbemical Engr., Bethlehem Steel Co. RIOHARDS. dents House. Chns. Russ (92; 01), ~fanqger, 18-21; Pl es., Lehigh UnI., Presl. RICHARDSON, Edw. A. (J 22), Aut. to Spec. Engl., Bethlehem Steel Co., and for IlI4il, 65 E. Market St., SCHENCK, Chas. (02; 16), Prod. Engr., Bethlehem Steel Co. SaLT, Stanley O. (A-M 21), Aut. Engrg., EstiDlating Dept., Bet4lehem Fdy. &: Meh. Co" and for mail, 608 3rd Ave.. STRUBLE, Geo. W. (17; 21), V. P., Bethlehem Steel Co., and for mail, 92(j Ave. Prospect STUART, Milton O. (l2; 18), Prof. E:tper. Engrg., Lehigh UnIv. SULLliAN, Market St. Frank A. (H), M. E., Bethlehem Steel Co., and for moil, 609 W. TUACI\RAY, Geo. E. (2S), Spec. Engr., Bethlebem Steel Co. TUR...1ER, Cha. P"entice (12), Engr., Devel. &: Research Dept., Bethlehem Steel Co., and for "ail, 405 High St., V_~NGE, Av Jolm (J 27), Mach. Draftsman, Bethlehem Steel Co., and for mail, 724 6th WEST, Arthur (02; 18), Vice-President, 07 09; Cons. Engr., Bethlehem Steel 00., Bethlehem, and for IIUlil, Hotel Warwick, Philadelphi... BIRDSBORO DOWSON... HalrY R. (16; 17; 27)1 Asst. Ch. Engr., Birdsboro Steel Fdy. &: Mch. Co" J:llrdsboro, and for mail, 187 N. 4th St., Reading. LAUSSUCQ, Hsrry P. L. (21), Mgr. HJ d. Dept., Birdsboro Steel Fdy. &: Mch. Co., Birdsboro, and for ",ail, 6 S. Los Roble Court, Pennslde, Reading. PERSSON, Oarl G. (A M 27),, Birdsboro Steel Fdy. &: Meb. Co., Birds. boro, and for mail, 125 S. 6th St., Reading. PETERSON, Edw. T. (IS), Ch. Engr:.o. BirdsbOlO Steel Fdy. &: Mch. Co., Birdsboro, and for mail, CIJele Court.\pt., nnnslde, Reading. 588 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES BLAWNOX, PittsbUfgll se~tif::rnace Eqlllp., Blaw.l{nox Co., Blawnox, and GRODNER,.!,bJ;~~a%~;k ~r ~ittsb~rgh. for mah" f tt BRACKENRIDGE, Pittsb,ugb S~c, ~;Iantlc Dottle 00. ARNOLD, Henry F. W. (14)DA~t. Gen~UefI"~ny Steel Co., Brackenridge, and for ARVIDSON, Carl G. (26), eslgne~, t n ",ail, 652 Ridge (AA v ;;, ~le)w 6~~~;::tI~nEngr., Allcgl,eny Steel Co. WINDER, Frank J...., BRADDOCIC, Plttsburgb Secg-OJ~gle Steel Co., nrad~ock, and for mail, BOVER C. B (24), Spec. Engr., arn k 629Clyde St., Pi~tsbUrgh.t Braddock WIs., Am. ~teel & Wire Co., Braddoc, BRODEN, Edwl~ H. (12), t~i1p., St Edgewood Pk., SWissvale.. St 1 Co Brad. alld for mail, 132 Haw o~ne Edgar Thomson Wk. " Cameg,e ee., HAYS, Fred N. (27)"l sp l e fg L~~~ojn Ave. Edgewood, Pittsb",gh. docl\:, and lor mal J 1 I.. RAD FORD H d &: Benton Tide Water B I L (A.M 20) ProfessIonal Engr., en ry:<, BENTOJ>, A,no d.,, POBox Bldg. C (J 20) Ch Draltsman Bovalrd &: Be)fang Mfg. Co.,. BETZ Albert.,., f 1 375, and fo, mati, 12 Edna Afrtl Carbop Co., COlli.s Carbon Co., and or mal, GROW Jos. A. (A-M 18), Engr., a.. h Soull, Ave. J (J 11) M E Kendall Ref. Co., and for m,,,i. 25 Se 0 MULLlIAUPT, Alfred, r.,..,, St. dl d Oil Rei Co. 63 MaID St. w C ROSE J aim H. (A 07), Pres., Bra Dar.! llilgr Bovalrd &; Seyfang g. 0., SCHIY,\B Delmer B. (A-M 19), e.,gag., Main St., and for mail...27 Jaclson be. 2 Main St. TRillTT, Garl.nd (J 27), :"ngr EHanl.~ ~., Dressel Mfg. Co., Bradford, IIJId for WEBER Clifford P. (A M ~l,.ugr.,.. nab., 443 Locust St., Wllhamsport., BRAEDURN McGRAW, Thos. H., Jr. (A.],! 2 ) " Pres. Blaeburn Alloy Steel Corp. BRIDGEPORI, PhU~t(leltIlfn.~;:f,~::~;Ofl., Inc., Bridgeport, and for,nail, HAMMELL, Reeve H. (J 24), Engr.,, N. 17th St., Philadelphia. S t CanstI. &: Repair Dellt., DIamond State PRICE Clyde H. (J 26)1: Asst. to u~,"ro- Jnnlper St., ]\orlls,own. Fibre 00;, Brldgepor, and for rna" 0 0 BRISTOL, PhU";,lelpIlin. Sect~?JlEngr Huff Daland &:, Co. RAOZ, PORTER, Andrew Ohes. (J T. (13; 27), Engl g. 19), So3" ep., t n:e)std~e Aircraft Corp., and for mail, 310 Washington St. E PI 11,lell.l1in. Sec(ioll BROOX;;:LIN W (.09)"Cons Eligr. 541 Kenmore Rd. GOOHER, John.,., BROOICVILLE JENKS, Wm IH. J (89(or) 22) Wm H Jenks Fdy. &; SHIVELY, Jam,,.. Mch. Co. BRYN ATHYN, PllUo.delV~lf se~t:::;,~an PitcaIrn Aviation, Bryn Athyn, LEGGETT, Juri!" N. (J D ), ~t F~~oCb:se Sh" Philadelphia. and for mad, 319 an.,, MAWR Phflo.,leIlllLiIl, Section, ~f~:y, Wm. H. C. (13), 632 Montgomery Ave, BURNHAJI, C;lltr"l pelln8t~r::;d.i~t~f~t~nco. OOLE, Amo~ G. (H21),(,~~a)ntJnjr Stand. Steel Wks. Co:, Burnham, and for mail FOSTER Walter ~,., 435 valley St.,(~).I~~. Engr Stand. Steel WIts. Co. FRY, Lawlo"d H. t. Stand Steel WI,s. Co. LEWIS, SKINNER, Geo. OrVIlle, ~. (2 C 2),(,Su 15 )P, Wks Mill. StallcJ. steel WIs. Co. 58~ PENNSYLVANIA

231 PENNS-r:LVANIA MEMBERS IN UNI1ED STATES BUTLER, Plttsbur&"h Section. ALLMAN, for mail, John 228 H. W. (13) Pe~rl Mgr St Sta n d. St ee I Oar 00., Forged Steel Wheel 00. and CHRISTIANSON Andrew (07) Ob. E HELSEL, Wm. G. (.A 21) A ngr., Stand. Steel Oar 00. P. O. nox 627.,sst. Wks. Mgr.. Stand. Steel Oar 00., and for """it LARItIN. Wm. H; Jr (A 18) 0.. MEYER, W. J. (A.M 19) D I wfer, Larkin ~ 00., 209 Oentre A e. R. D. 7. es gn nil Engr.. Stand. Steel Oar 00., and f"" mail, MYRICK, Geo. H. (26) Ob P & 0 b. NOIIDENMALM H (21) CIt 0E er am ushon Engr., Stand. Steel Onr Co alld for mail Star R~ute ngr., Passenger Cnr Dept., Stand. Steel O~r 00.; JAN, Ja,s. H. C20; 24), 437 N. MoKe..n St.. VO};CSf;"~J09(,r2) (A.A~2~Ji ~nl. Supt., ForC"ed Steel "11eel 00. f~r mail, 234 Oak St. ngr. R.seuch Bureau, Stand. Steel Ou 00., and BYWOOD, PhllAdelpJdA Section BARNEY, Robt. E. (J 26), 7233 Hazel Ave. CAMp HYLL, C~llt1 n.1 PenllsTlvn.niA S~ctlOIl McOURDY. Ohas. T. (A M 21). Sales Rep., Tex. 00., 111 State St. CARBONDALE BLACKBURN Daniel McM (AM 21) P d. d:>ff St. ro Mgr. Helld,iclt Mfg. Ga., Dun COLX[LLE, Xenneth H. (A M 21), Asst. Sooy., Hemlrlck Mfg. Co." Dundatr EWER, Roland G (19) &11 If C St.," ea. gr., arbondale ~Ich. Co., and fm mail, 107 Sprfng g,,~~iio~ :m., ~ (05), Secy Hendrick ~{fg McCABE, EdW. J, O(lllrCi. ~:[~nds!~~oa~~~ 0d?l" ~~dhfmcomail, 68 Lau"el St. Canoon St. Of ojf n a Ell m.c. " nnd for mail, 24 MERRIAM. Henry P. (87; 06), Am. Welding. Co. CARNEGIE, Pittsbura-Il Section BRIGHTMAN, Hs,rrlson M. (A~I 17) Pl t E.. S Co., Carnegie, and fot mail, 325 oiearv~~w A~~r"OcofltUmbln Swol & Shaftillt{ PALDING Pa.. John D. (10 " A M 26),ngr., E Union. Tool ra Div., on. NaU. Su\,ply Co. lit" gatasa.uq,ua, Lelllllh VAlle,- S~ction :rm:glas~ Alfred E. (~.;U 21) Fuller Co. Fuller Bldg MonR~V J\.. Jaa. If: (,~O), Fuller Co., FuiIer Bldg., P: O. Box 266. WILSON. Ch~ist~~ (1r~ tf~h)chsu~~gr:b ~~nen0?" Fuller Bldg. PiDe St.. I lj (elh. elferslfp Co., and fo,. mai.l, 534 CEIUElNTON, Lehigh VAlleT Scctioll HOKE,.Arnold (13), V. P., Whitehall Cemout ~lfg. Co. ~frfter BRIDGE, Lehigh Valley Section d~. ~~j: lft~dj~m~:r \i~ann:;erh O,L"B 07 ck; YiceP"eeldent, oj ope,. U ,09; Presi g~~iebeersburg,ce~ltral PennsTITanl": S~ctlon A, ugelle Caldwell (A..M: 21) V P G I ~Q" 301 E. Queen St.., en. Mgr., Obambersburg Engrg. 1I0WREY, J. Hase (26), )fgr. Utllltles, Bora Chambersburg. CHAJ;lLEROI, PittsbUlgh Section SJ.llAX, Thea. Ii. (10:.24), Ch. Eugr., )Iaol,.,th r,,"s,,. GIsss 00. ;joo MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PENNSYLVANIA. CHESTER, Phlladell.ll1a Section ALBREOHT. Albert J. (A M 18), Engrg. Del/t., Tunnel & Yine Mcby. 00., Obes ter, and fot "14il, 1738 N. 62nd St., Philadelphia. FISHER. John F. (J 26), Draftsman. Tunnel & M,ne Mchy Co. Stull Bldg and for >n4il, 1139 Mo.ple Lane.... KNUTSEN. Gunnu (J 26). Designer, Sun Shipbldg. &I Dry Dock 00...nd lor mail, 821 Glen Terrace... LARSEN, Andrew (26). Draftsman, Sun Shipbldg. & Dry Dock 00., and fm mail, 414, E. 9th St. SCHMELTZER J. Emile (15; 24,). 223 W. 7th St. SHlLAN.D, Fi;;\.ey R. (14; 26), Asst. Oh. Engrg., Chester P..per Co., Scott Paper Co. Front & Market St., B.lld for "",ii, 706 E. 10th St. TAYLOR, John Wright (J 24), Phlla. E1!Co 00. and lot m4il, ala MIas B. Fairlamb, 302 E. Broad St. THmiSON, F. dup. (92: 99), Sun Shipbldg. II Dry Dock Co., Ohester. Pa., and for man, 241 E. Main St., Elkton, Md. WILCOX, GrenvUle S. (J 27), Plant Engr., Philadelphia, Suburban Oounties GaS & Elec. Co., and fot mail, 528 E. 14th St. OHESWlCK, Pittsburgh Section COSGROVE. Wm. A. Jr. (J 27). Apprentice Test Engr. Duquesne Light Co Oolfa." Power Sta., and for "",ii, P. O. Box 2. DeWITT. Raymond T. (J 2.7), Test Engr. Duquesne Llgbt 00., OoUax Power Bta. SOHULTZ, Alfred H. (J 2.7). Tesll Engr., Duquesne Light 00., Oolfax. Power ata. CHRISTIANA, PllilAdelphla Section BOND, Louis B. (J 27). Supt., Mcb. 00. HORNBAKER, Donald G. (J 26), Engl"g. Dept., Mob: Co. CLAmTON, Pittsburgh Section ALLEN, J. Wallaca (21), Oh. Engr., Olairton By Product Coke Wks.. Ounegle Steel Co. OLIFTON HEIGHTS, PllilAd~l:pllla S\llctlon KENT. Russell :a:. (A M 21). M. E., Pur. Agt.. Rent Mfg. Co. COA.TESVILLE, Philadelphia Section C.A»IERON, WIn. E. (J 26), Ohester Valley Elec. Co., and lot m4il, Y. M. O. A. Box 403. CONWAY, Martin J. T. (25). Fuel Engr Lukens Steel Co aud fer mail, 99 S. 11tb St. EVA!<"8, Herbert H. (.!.M 18), Socy., Treas., CoateovUle BaUer Wke., Coatesville, P... and fot n.ail, 121 E. Oak Ave., Moorestown, N. J. GOODFELLOW, Alfred (20), Spec. Rep, Sales Dept.. Lukens Steel Co., and for n14i1, 1127 Olive St... HALDMAN, Paul 0. (96; 18). M. M., Lukens Steel Co and lor m4il, 536 Obest nut St... HUSTON, Oba.s. L. (A 87), V. P., Wks. Mgr., Lukene Steel 00. MAOKAY, Leonard R. (A ~I 24), 621 Lincoln Highway. SPA.OKMAN G. Donald (20; A li 23), Supt. Prod. Shops, Lukens Steel 00. WHEATLE1(1 Geo. S. (13; A M 10), Oombustlon Engr Bethlehem Steel Co., and for "04, 23 Montclair Ave... WILBRAHAM, Wm. S. (J 26), Sales Dept.,.Lukens Steel Co., ami fot mail,. Rm. 302, Y. M. O. A.. COL"\VYN, PhiladelphiA Section PHELAN. P. A. (19), 14. E 109 Chestnut St. CONNELLSVILLE, pittsburgi, Section PIAZZOLI, Louis P., Jr. (J 25), Ob. Engr Oapstsn Glass Co. and fpt mail, P. O. Box 380. OONSnOnOCI<.EN, PhilAdelphia Section BROOKS, O. C. (12), 116 E. 8th Ave. EHLINGER, Louia J. (21), Asst. Ob. Engr., Alan Wood iron II Steel Co. and. for m4i1, 211 E. Ave.. REID, Elmer A. (A-M 22), Asst. to Geul. Mgr., Lee Tire I: Rubber Oorp. and fot mail, 1108 Fayette St. 691

232 PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PENNSYLVANIA, CORAOPOLIS Plttsburgh Section LEE, Ham M. (27) r 1228 Hiland Ave: Plant Eog r., St an. del Ste Sprlllg Co., 4th Ave.. and for..,;,.il, PE.~SE, Morris G. (J 27), 715 Ferree St PEIRCE, W. B. (28), Wk Mgr., Grllhatll Bolt & Nut Co., P. 0, Box 486. ~.?~1Vlfr~~J, ~~,G~T~~:;~I~::I:~~~b~:~~I~~p. CORRY, Erie Section WHITTLESEY, F. E. (19), Mgr., Raymond MIg, C a" P O. Box 401. CYNWl."D, PhHadeIvllln. Section SKERRETT, W. H. W. "(J 20), 224 Bala Ave. DANVILLE MUELJ;,ER, Frank C. (J 25), Dist, Mgr., Pa. Power & Light Co, DORlIIONT, Plttsburgb Section SBR}~E~:aif.d~71~ ~~o~~~f:tr" Sales, Manning :Maxwell & Moo,e, Inc., &nd DOYLESTOWN, PhHo.delpld", Section FER~i~ t.0~~ln1~}js;21), Indus. Engr" Edw. N. Gosselin & Staff, and for mail, DRUunBOcIS, Centro.l PCIlJlsylvo.ulaSection B A K, Thea. McL. (16: A M 19) Ch E.,r 1 for,neil, P, O. Box 882. " nil"", u can Soot Clea-ner Co., and HIBIIER, DeLoe E Jr (J 26) De.l Vul T and for mail, 804 E. scruiner A~i can Soot Cleaner Co., Webster Bldg" 1lAG~~~kJ~1~g~ a~~~jo:2;~1chi2~w"b:"~~bsteetern ~Iln. & Exeh. Co., Deposit OSB~~rfbn~~ ~vj.a 21), Pre.; GenI. Mgr., Osbo~n Mch. Co., and for ",eil, 34 W. DUQUESNE, Pittsburgb Section,BERCSI, Jos. G (24 20) J) D TOPSCHER Bela (J 25) D,_eslgllEer,>rnegie Steel 00. I r es"fjner, ngtg. Dept., Carnegie Steel Co. EAST DOWNINGTOWN Phil JOHNSON A I,nclelpIlIn. Section STANDLEY, 11~~:: H~ (~J~WvS"J,eslfr;il"f rnfiown, Iron Wks. ",ail, P. O. Box 3. ".., e,. up" ownmgtown Mig. Co., and fo/ EASTON, Lehigh V",lle;t Section ANJ)Elt~ON WlIl E (14 25) Oh E P P. BROWN GobrielS (12) P Ch nr;r.,. a. ump &> Oompressor Co N~ti. Bank md g j anj fo~cs;:""ii,7fosjfci~~ella~fba PorUalld Cement Co., lst DOW.f.;;a~~,dlley ~. ( 20), Snpt., Rinek Cordage O~., and lor "ait, 817 Halfman EAT~r~:,r~:u~t~ (22), Prof. M. E., Lafayette Oollege, and for mail, 628, ~~~~~!3L1}WEER, raul F. (J 25), 2009 WaslJington St.", rnest M. (J 18) Asst Prol MEL I. t FacultJ Club, Lafa~ette College.., ~ nje te Oollege, and for mail, GASSNER Will. 0 (J 21) OostA t I for mail, Y. ~r: O. A. " coun ant, adesco Tackle Block Co., and GISH, Ja. A. Jr. (A-M 14) Supt. L I h P tj Hi), Ea":~n, and for 1ll<IU, 138 s ~~if St orurndt Oement Co" Plaut R. Box HOLTON. Paul H. (26) Supt MI Sb.,, en own. lor maill..202i Hav Terrace a n OPt Wm. Wharton, Jr. &; 00., Inc., and HULBERT wm G (25) Ge,1 S t. W. mail. i21 P~rker Ave.. 1. UP. m. VJUWtOJl Jr. &; Co., Inc., and for KEARNEY, Belnard J. (J 28),. Individual Drinklllg Cup Co" Inc. 592 II II.j II! 1".I EASTON (contlnuecll MAGEE, John F. (16; 26), ~ranagement Engr., Alpha Portland Cement 00., 1.t Nat!. Bank Bldg. McKELVY, F, anci. G. (22), y. P., Alpha Portland Cement 00., let!,atl, Bank Bldg., Easton, and for,nad, O"khurst. :MERRICK, Cha. M., 3rd (J 26), Instr, M. E. Dept., Lafayette Oollege. ~l1kaelson. Erik W. (18), Oh. Engr" Treadwell Engrr;. 00., and for meil, 49 Wright St.. :MILLER, Edgar W, (J 25), Prod. Student, Ingersoll-nand 00., and for mad, 619 Hamilton St. NEAVE. Andrew A. (12), V. P., Treadwell Engrg. PERRY. L.vnn (24), Prol., Laf~etto Oollege, and or 7Il(Jil, 828 McCartney st, PRENTICE, Donald B. (18; 21; 2!), Prol., He",d M. E, Dept" Lafayetto College. RA.YMO~D, Ward (01), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Pa. Pump & Compreesor Co., and for,nail, 90S Paxlnosa Ave,,. READING, Walter J. (J 26), Ingersoll Rand 00., and for mail, 231 Buehkl1l,St REDFIELD, Snowden B. (10), Asst. Ch. Engr., Ingenol!.nand 00, REYNOLDS, Ja. J. (15; 20), Supt., Ingorso11 Rond Co., Ea.ton, Pa., and for,"eil 671 Hillcrest Blvd" Philllpsbulg, N. J. SMITH, Philip O. (16), Mgr.. Vulc",n Facing Co., and for mo.ii, Snl!lvan St. &MITH, W. Harold (J 16), Engrg. Dept., Alpha Portland Cemellt Co., and jar "..ii, 622 Padnosa Ave. SOULIS, Wilbur T. (25), Supt. a! Prod., Individual Drlnklng Cup Co. STONE Henry A. (27), Oharge Expm. Dept., Indhlduol Drinking Cup 00, TODD, wm. A. (20), Asst. G~nl. ligr., Plant Engl., Illdividual Drinking Oup 00., and for mail, 79 N. 4th st. WALP, Robt. H: (A 24), Genl.. Foreman, Ingersoll Rand 00., R. D. 3, Bolt 261. EAST PITTSBURGH, Plttslnlrgh Sectlnn ALDRICH, Ralph Eo (J 26), TInetion ApI,aratus Sales, Westinghouse Elec. &: Mig. Co" ami for 1/I0.iI, GenI. Delivery. Al.:ET., Carl B. (14), Mg\,. Employees Servo Dept., Westinghouse Elec, & Mfg. Co. AUSTIN, Walter M. (18), Engl., Westlnghonse Elec. & Mfg. Co" E. Pittsburgh, and fur mail, 583 Coleron St." Pitt.burgh. BOYLE, Wm. F. (J 27), Educational Dopt., Westing]lo"s. Elec. & Mfg. 00. BROWN, Jobn L. (18: 26), M. E., Indns. :/.rotor Engrg, Dept., Westinghouse Else. &: M!p;. Co., E. Pittsburgh, and for ",<>ii, Box 236, R. D. I, Verona. BRO\\K, Jaeoh H. (.~ M 19), noslllner Switchboard Engrg. Dept., Weetlng1l0use Elec.,~ MIl:. On., E. J,>lttsburg!l, Pa., and for mail, i516 Gr&nd Ooncourse, N.,. York, N. Y. OaMPFIELD, Louis M. (J 25-), Mech. De.IRner a! Circuit Breakers, Weetlng. house Elec. & Mig. Co.. E. Pltts~u\gh, and for mail,!l.12 Rebecca Ave., WUklll9-, ~~ " CIMIKO... Chas. (23: A-M 26), Mech. Designer, W.stinghouse Elec. &: MIg. 00" E..llttsburgh, and for mail, 398 Centel St., Wilkinsburg. FECHFlEIMER, Oarl J. (27>, Section Engr" Power Eng. Dept., WestingllOuse Elile. &: Mfg. Co. GIROUX, Fred J. (J 26), Ind. Sales, Educational Dept. Westlnghouse Elec, &: Mfg. 00. GOEBEL, Oordon W. (22: 23), Life Member; Oh, Engr., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. 00., anll for ",ail. P. O. Box 5. HOLMES, Ralph A. (A M 19), Design Engr., W.stlngho"so Elee, & Mfg. Co., E. Pitt gh, ond for mail, 205 Ave. A, Forcst Hills, Pittsbnrgh. EOUSTON, H. A. (13: 21), Ry, M. E., Westinghouse Elec. &: MIg, Co., E. Pitts burgh, and for mai!o 609 South Ave., WIlI,lnsburg. HUCKA,.Dale J. (J 26), M, E., WestinllJlOuse Elec. &: Mfg. 00., E. Plttsbulgh, and for mail, 443 Rebecca Ave" Wllkmsburg, IRWIN, Paul L. (J 2.2), M. E. Resealch Dept., Westlnlt1l0llso Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgll, and for maa, 100 Estd)a Ave., ~[t. Washington Sta" Pittsbm gh. JADLOW, Chas. (15: 20), Ry. M. E., Westinghouse Elec. & ~[fi. 00., and for mail, 137 Ave. A. JOHNSON. Obas. B. (J 22), Obeeker, Westinghouse Elec. &: Mig. Co., E, Pittsburgh, and or mail, 217 E. End Ave., Pittsburgh.. JONr::~, Wnl. FredI. (A-~~ 25), Asst. Supvr., Ooutrol Dlv., Westinghouse Elec, &: MIll. Co., E. Pittsbulgh, and for mail, lsi 18th Ave., Homestead, 698

233 PENNSYLVANIA ME)!BERS IN UNITED STATES EASl PITTSBURGH (continued) KARELITZ, Geo. B. (27), Resenrch Engr. "Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. PlttsbUlgh and lor mail, P. O. Box io, Wilkinsburg... KLIl\OK, j. H. (Oi), Exec. Dept Westinghouse Elec. & Mig. 00., E. Pittsburgb; and lor ma l, 910 S. Braddock Ave., Wilkinsburg. LESSELLS, John M. (23), Eugr. Research Dept., Westinghouse Eleo. &: Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh. and for mati, 442 Locust St.. Edgewood. McCLELLAND, E. S. (gl; 98), Dir. Personnel, Westinghouse Elec. &: Mfg. Co., E.. Pittsburgh, anel lor mail, 6887 Thomns Blvd.. Pittsburgh. licvetty, Percy G. (20; 21), M. E. Research Engrg. Dept., Westinghouse Elec.. Pittsburgh. & Mfg. 00., E. Pittsburgh, and for ma-il S. Braddock Ave. Swissvale Sta. lwrley, Jas. E. Jr. (J 23), PUblicity Engr. Westinghouse Eleo. & Mfg. 00., E. Pittsburgh, Pa., and for mail, 431 Centre St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. NORRIS, Edson R. (06), Dir. Mfg. EqUip Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh, and for mail, 542 Braddock Ave.. Plttsb.urgh. OLSCHWANG, Morris J. (J 28), Designer, Checker. Westinghouse Elec. &: Mrg.. Co.. E. Pittsburgh, and for mail, 9LO Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg.. OSTLUND.. B. T. O. (19).. M. E. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh. and for mail, 1526 Asbury Pl., Pittsburgh. PAULSEN. Fl. idtiof (J 26), Engr., Westinghouse E1ec. & Mfg. Co. E. Pittsburgh, and far mail, 559 Trenton A,"e., Wilkinsburg. PETERSON, Rudolph E. (J 20h, Engr., Westinghouse.Elee. & Mfg. Co., E. Pitts. burgh, and for mail, 435 mla St., Wilkinsburg. ROBERTS. Philip G. (J 26). Asst. Prod. Supvr., Metal &; Stamping Dept., West. inghouse Elec. &; Pittsburgh. Mfg. Co.. E. Pittsburgh. and for mail, 519 Oakwood. St., ROSE, E. Ernest (00; 19). M. E., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pltteburgb. and for mail, 146 Lloyd Ave., Edgswood. RYAN,.T.s. J. (J 26), Westjngbous~ Elec. & Mfg. Co. SCHAArill, Wm. (J 98), Enll". Ry; Div. Engrg. Dept., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh. and or mail, 80 LeRol Rd., Pittsburgh. " SHIRK. W. F. (J 26), Westinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. 00. E. Pittsburgh, and for mail, 120 N. Homewooo Ave., Wilkinsburg, SKINNER. C. E. (22), Asst. Dir. Enll1g., Westinghouse E1~. & Mrg. 00. SNYDER, Lawrence W. (J 24). Correspondent., Westingbouse Elec. &: Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh. and lor mail, Westinghouse Club, Wilkinsburg. iloderbero, Carl R. (A 1I 24), M.. E., Westingbouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsbllrlfh, and lor mail, 515 W. Hutcbinson Ave., Edgewood. SPEIGHT. Herbert (28), Genl. Engr., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co E. Pittsburgh, and for mail, 1328 Singe, PI. WllIdnsburg. STAEGE, Stephen A. (17; 18), Indus. Engr., Vestingbouse Elec. &: Mfg. 00., E. Pittshurgh, and for ma l, 6624 Beacon St. Pittsburgh.. STORER, Norman W. (12), Cons. Ry. Engr., Vestinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. 00. TAYLOR, Alex. (01). Mgr. Wks.. Westinghouse Elcc. & Mfg. Co. TOROK, Julius j. (J 26), Weethlghous. Elec. & Mfg. Co. E. Pittsburgh, for mail, 615 Mill St., Wilkinsburg. TRUXAL. Orim S. (A M 21), SlIpT. of Mch. De.llm, Westinghouse Elee. & Mfg. Co. E. Pittsburgh, and for mail, P. O. Box 156, Manor. WEAVER, Jas. R. (21; A-M 21), Asst. Supt., Equip. Dept., Westinghouse Elec. &; lug. Co E. Pittsburgh, nnd for ",ail. 1st St., North Irvin. WEBSTER, John E. (27). Wk. Engr., Westinghouse Elec. &: Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh, and for mail, 523 N. Megley A"e., Pittsburgb. WRITE. Harold E. (15), Control Enltrg. Dept., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh. and for Mil, 1802 Singer PI.. Wll1.insburg.. WILLIAMSON, Thea. (J 26), Engr., Power Dept., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsbnrgh, and for mail, 120 N. Homewood Ave., Pittsburgb. WOOD, John P. (J 26). Elec. & Mfg. 00., E. Pittsburgh, and for mail, cia H. W. Kwey, 5840 Oenter Ave., Pittsburgh. EA.ST STROUDSBURG, Lel,igJ, Va.lley Section 1AYT,OR, Ernsst H. (22), Enjtr., lnternat!. Boiler Wks. Co. E. Stroudsburg, and for mail. 600 Sarah St., Stroudsbur&,. EBENSBURG, Cent~al Pennsylvania Section HOYER. Otto (22), Oenl. Mgr., Oa.dner Calculator Co ~. : MEMBERS IN UNITED STA.TES EDDYSTONE, Phila.delPhia Lo Se~~n Edd,rsto ne and fol mail, 43{6 Wood REHFUSS. Wm. o. (24), Baldwin co..,, land Ave Drexel Hill. EDGEWORTH, Pittsbu:rgh Section OILLOOLY, J. H. (J 17). 214 Pine Rd. ELInNS PARI~, Pbiladelp.bia. Section HOOPES Olement R. (IS). 720 Sprmg Ave.. ELLWOOD CITY N tl Tube Co BAXTER, Jas. ~. (20, MEEll:"ooad Wks. Nati. Tube Co. d lindlater, DUNN. J. Jay Stevenson ( 17),.,gr(J 27") " Asst tosupt., Ellwood Wke Natl. Tube Co., lln FRENCH, for mail, Laurence. 518 Park C AV(Je. 26), Draftsman, Natl. Tube Co., and for mail, 08 March St. P M thews Oonveyor Co. 10th St. I4il MOORE, Frank E. (+22 1)9)J. h 7 g r a:mathews Conve~or do. loth St. and fo, n, NELSEN, Monberg (, li. n., Glen? Ave ) Mob Designer Natl. Tube Co., and for ma,l, 300 OTOUSA, lilchael (. ", }ranklln Ave. ) A t V P Aetna Stand. Engrg. Co., and for "Iail, 21 2nd PUGH, Geo. A. (J 19. sa..,. St. d W (9q 18) Cb Enlrl. Stand. Enll"g. Co. and for mail, P. O. SMITH, Bowar. ""t,. Box 126_ C I St. STIEFEL. Ralph C. (97), Eng".., 1. IrC e ERIE, Erie Seetioll _. ANBRO, Go.t~A(.M~-~ :i~~ if.5~:wg:~i\~:r., Union Iron Wks. BACH, Geo. V ") Cons. Engr SU4 Commerce Bldg. gi~n~1i,~;,,~ilr~ (~::pre~.), HAamt.~~C;hllb;:fu;,,~ s~~::ee~::co. 8S7 W. BONNELL W. Kenneth (J 2u, SS., 1 9 th St and for mail, 919 W. 7th St. d f mail R F D 7. BRE:ri~ER,,V. J. (22), Supt., La~V~wgrFOrl;;:oOit~Ir~: Wks:. ind fo; mail, 518 BREWER, Geo. S. (27), Researc n B~~:":rt,;"k o. (26). Salee Engr Erie Oity Iron Wks., and for ma.d, Plum St. Co E M & E E 412 Frontier Drive. BROOKS, Henry W. (18; ~O)l G~s. kl~grmfg:co: E. bth St. & Franklin Ave. BROWN Warren G. (A-Y 20J, oc r th & Cranberry Ste.. BURRE: Jas. (16). Pr~s., Burke EI~OE~gO~: l~rie City Iron Wk&., and for mau, 191 OANl\ON, lliram B, (27), Researc. W. Norman Way. 0 (,q6) M E Continental Rubber Wks., and for mail, 637. CAPITO Gustave.., 2IotSt. " (J 28) Asst Cb Engr. G. H. Williams Co., liaybarger St., and OARNEY, Ohas. 4.,.., for mail, 011 W. 4~ )st." R Conrader Co Frenob St and for mail, CONRADER, Rudolph ( Parade St. E F ge Co OONRATH, Geo. B. (07)J,E2~)ec.bJ, Eengr or Erie Malleable Co. and for mail, 332 W. DARNER, Frederic M. (,.., 7th St. k H (22) Cb Engr Deslgne~. Erie Fdy. 00. and for ljwil, Box lob, DERBY, Fran-.. 0.J26 Cbe~~eelr~ ;2) Advisory Enll"., Box 885. ~gwitli;s; J~ R. (A 23), Esales Mfi ~it; ~;~~ ~~~.,~~ci for mo\l, 1418 W. 11th FKLUND Jcel (25). Salea ngr.. r e " St. 0 I J. (J ) Apprentice Erie City Iron Wks., and fo/ mail, 987 E. 19tb FELIU, ar os. "" J GIN~kL, Perry H. (A M :~4l264)18MWE7t~~fgnei Skinn~r Eng. 00., and jor mai!, GOETZ. Harold E. (20; A..., 725 Myrtle St h J (19) Wks Mgr Erie Wks., Oenl. Elec. Oe. Gll1SIVOLD. Matt ew, I., IigJi PlllNNSYLVANIA.

234 PENNSYLVA.i~JA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNJTED STATES PENNSYLVANIA ERIE (continued). HAZE~, Edwin R. (26), Pres., Shaw Laundry th &; Sassafras St. HEINE, Gregor H. (18; 2), Power Engr., Erie Foo,ge &; Steel Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 52. HOBAN, Chas. O. (23; ), Sales Engr., Erie City Iron Wk... JAR~;C1a, Alex. H. (S9; 06)/ Pr...Jarecki Mfg. Co., and fo, 1l.ail, 306 \V. 6th St. K.A-EMMERLJNG, Gustav H. ( 16; A Jl1 22), Tech. A t. to Genl. MgT., Erie City Iron. Wk. L.and for 1Il0iL, P. O. Box KENNEDx, F. I., Jr. (20; A 26), Jacob Roth Co., 20 E. Sth St. JWNECNY, F. J. (J 27), Erie City Iron Wks. and fol M.iL, 112 E. 6th St. Le VALLEY, John R. (16; 20; 25), Sales Engr. Erie City Iron Wk.. LUCEY, Wm. S. (16; 22), Ch. Engr., Hammcrllliii Pap,r Co., and for mail, 1604 E. Lake Rd. METg1L~. ;Jtsr, Jr. (16; 26), OIerk, Erie Malleable Iron Co., and fo,!liaa, MITOH.ELL, Harold O. (27), Supt. Maintenance, Power, Erie Wk, Gsnl. Elec. Co., and fa",...ii, 61S Holland St.. MOLEIl.. Arlinglon G. (A }] 20), Genl. Mllr., William. Tool Corp.. MUEti~~~;.~~an G. (24), Ob. Engr., Skinne. Eng. Co.,.and for mail, 401 NIGH, Geo. W. (14; 25), Ob. EI,gr., Ede City Iron Wk, and for mail, 60B Chest. n~~. NORRIS, Donald G. (18; A-M 20), Time StUdy Engr., Genl. Elec. Co., Erie,. and for mail, 10 S. Pearl St.. North East. PAROE, Jos. Y., Jr. (J 26), Em!r., Devel. Dept., Erie City Iron Wks., lind lor ",ail Y. )1. O. A. PAYNE:, Francis H. (A 17), V. P., Metllc Metal Wks., Am. Meter Co., 10tb &\. Payne Aves.,..nd for mail, Box M. PELTUN, R..lph S. (J" 27), Student Engr., Testing Dept., Genl. Elee. Co., and, 229 E. 25th St. RAYBOULD, Irank,T. (A-M 16), Wks. Mgr., Koudu Div., Erie Malleable Iron Co., and 1m mail 60~ W. Sth St.. RElm, Macdonald S. (19; A-M 25), Sales Engr., E"[e Fdy. Co., W. 12th St., and fol...ail. 402 W. 7th St. R.Er,;~I ;. T,. -. (24), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Erie City Iron WI;s., and for "tail, 707!I) I tle St. RISTllCLL. Chester A. (J 26), Enllr~, Oper, Dept., Erie Ltg. 00., 21 W. loth St. Ill"SU, Ead S. (15; 21), )!e!<lc Metal Wks. ST. CLAIR, Clinton D. (20; A-M 26), Wks. Ilupt., Erie City Iron Wk., and for "",ii, 132 Cooper Rd. ST. LAWRENCE, John (17), Genl. Supt., Erie Wks., Genl. Elec. Co., Erie, and for mail. 535 BtLDkin Rd., Lawrence Parle. SELDEli, Geo. D. (A M 21), Sales Engr., Erie City Tron Wks. SHOEAL-l,KER, Fred R. (J 26). Boiler Design & Drafting, Erie City I"on Wk., and for ",ail, 610 W. 25th st,. SIMS, Geo. A. (22), Genl. Mgr.,.Sims Co., E. 18th St" and for mail, 141 Norman Way.. SIltABIAN, EdlV. A. (J 20), Inspc. Oadet Engr., No. Equip. 00. SKINNER,. Allan D. (13), Pres., Skinner EIll!. Co., 335 W. 12th St. STEVENS, R. C. (90; 06), Cons. Engr., 630 Lincoln Ave.. STROTl, Wm, O. (27), Design Eugr., Hammermill Paper Co., and for mail, 225 E. 25th St. TSA~R~~Ji ~tn G. (J 20), Draftsman, Erie Oity Iron Wk., and lar mail, 408 VEENS9HOTEN, V. V. (19; 20), Oh. Engr., No. Equip. 00., P. O. Box 783. VICARY, Arthur O. (26), V. P., Erie Steam Shovel Co.. WADSWORTH, John F.. (16; ), Engr., Design of Indus. Plants, BIS Oommerce Bldg., and for mad, P. O. Ilox WESTON, Clarence B. (20), 01,. Engr., Erie Steam Shovel 00.. WH~~{3l~eW.d~t~ sf 26), Asst. Resellrcb, Erie City Iron Wks., and for. WILTSIE, Spencer A. (19), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Weld..ware Prcduets Co., 656 W. J2th St.. and for mail, 845 W. 21st St. YATES, llichard L. (07; A-M 16), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Skinner Eng. Co. and foi mail, 1350 W. 9th St. i I I i I i. I i l ~~~~~c:i~~, Alex. I. (J 26), Steam Turbine Dept., Engrg. Dept., Westinghouse E!ec. & Mfg. Co. F ARREI,.L, St e1 Co., Farrell,.and for "",ii, d.. COSTA-SOHM.IDT, Otto (lb), 1o. E., carneg,e e 20 S. Meyers Ave., Sbaron. FORD CITY P,.ttsburgh Plate Glass Co., and 10" ",ail, 314 PEIFFER, Thos. J. (26), En81 g.. loth St. FORT "\\TASHINGrON, Pbn",". Section HALE, Wm. E. (2~). Cons. Engr., P. O. Box 30.- FRACX;;:VILJ.E. E! t 1 N Ll11igh Ave. HAGEN, Milton C. (J 2~), ~, P~IIIS :cm~o~~t~ll HllJ &; Co. and for mail, Srd &; LESSER, W. H. (11; 14), up, FEaek St.. glltfj~ip~ni.. ~~tt,~~)~ri;~e~e~~~~ndept., Cblcngo Pneumatic Tool Co., 1198 ESTERGREE!\, Otter St. " Hcnry ". I (J 21) E~el Dept. Chicago Pneunlatlc Tool Co.,-~.,. O and f ".A",aiJI, Sta(Ar!-207u)tepur. Agt. Venango Mfg and for mail, th FOOTE, O. " r., I HAS~~LL, BrodericFk «A03~/ ~le:i)l"e~hmim,~~,.pacii~icago Pncumatic Tool Co., 1198 HOFF~IAN Leon. -...,. 0" Otter ~t., aud lor "mi!, 1341 Elk 8t. t ~~~ft~6j,d~ib~;n.oh~~\~~t.j;20~~2ir~~~~~ye~g,.., Ohicago Pneumatic Tool Co., and la" "",ii, 612 AtlantiC sty PST Karns Sons 00. P. O. Box S30. KA!l-N~. Freadk PL «AJ-~{2;)2 )D"ftsnl~; neslgnel, Chicago Ineumatic rool Co., Ll~V:;;AY, eo,. U I, 1198 Otter St. A" 26) V P Pur Lake. Erie Fr..nklin &\ CI..r1on ~IILLER, Clarence A. (16; -m,..,.,,. R. Roo and foe" "(IJa~247) A~xplle~r \~~t Engr. Ohicago Pneumatic,Tool 00., and MOORE, Howa.rd. ", for.,nma Fr il, 4l~ 40 th (SJt. M) Rellner Atlantic Ref. Co., lind for mail,. 5 Hazel St., NIOKL.l. I anclb. I, :Prospect Pk. A A 20) Cons En~. Joy Mfg. Co., FIank1in, Pa.,..nd for R.OOKEKFIELD, Wm.. ~.".,.,nail. Hotel Stan, ish, (J ~~6iste~es g~::;. D,alteman Dieoe! &; OOlllpressor Engrg. SCHULTZ, K,,!llleth P m. tic T~ol 00 a;,d lor "wi!: 1244 Otter St. Dept., CIneD$!:O neumn S SMERUNG, Carl (A- d M H 15()"2:)42 :.~~ J~pt. Atl..ntlc Ref. 00., and fa" mail, 836 WATERBURY, Bayar.,.,. Elk St. I ERTON Lehigh Valley SectIon P d FUL, I" S (J 2?, Field En"r. Fullel Lehigh 00., Fullerton, a., an ~DAMS Fran!c 1I\. ~, St kbd "ass. 0,. mail, c/o Mrs. Frt. n t J\da~s. I "OC fl s;e, J.J.... BAILEY, Ervin G. (08; 0 (~126) PAd~is:;,uyll~~~~h)g:ul~~Lehigb00., Fullerton, and BARNHURST. Henry...., for mail,"12so J HHami(!Jto~2~t)., ~~~l:~~1ron Engr. Fuller-Lehigh Co., Fullerton, BENDEU, Rene." an~ for mail, 28, S. ~th Sty ~ec~~;~e Sales, Fuller-Lehigh 00., BILLIN~ ~iw. i \~2 26~"tiraitronan Dailey Meter Co., Fullertoll, and for mad, BR~fg BOlmoo:i, Phiiade1phia.. OASSIDY, Perry R. (13; 26). Ful1~r.Lehlgh 00. DEAN. H.:!s. jaf ~27(j ~~~ere~~.:::hd~~i.,fuller-lehigh Co.. Fullerton, and for DIN~~~015 N. 6th St.. Alle;to\Vn

235 PENNSYLVANU.. MEMBEBS IN T.:;NITED STAn:S FULLEll..lON (c~ntfl1ned) ELY, Frederic G. (J 21) Full. GAFfJ~~ St., AIl~town. er-lehlgh 00., Fllllerton, and ior mail, 1889 Penn, J as. B. (27) Cb. Engr Full.. GAL~H~aIWh U(,n;on Blvd., BetbIeh;;" er Lehigh C.o., Fullerton, and for mail 830 D~ 2). Ob. Servo Engr Fuller L h h GARDNER TiOOd St., Bethlehem." e Ig 00., Fullerton, and for,nail GILliERT los. (17; A-M 25) Full L l. mail Cbas. Fredk (A-M 27), M ee. "jlm 00.,.and fa, mail. 4n 6th St. GOLDTHW2f1~l JVest St., Allentown., er-lehlgh Co., Fullerton, aud I<>T il 7,any W (13) Field E Full Gro&~, :ro~g r,. (~~:~ ~t:, :Harrisbur/l. ngr., er Lehigh Co., Fullsrton, and f<>t HARRg~~t"En Rd., 6a~~Su:Et., FuJler-Lehigh Co., FUllerton, and fa mail. 545 HELL Ralph M. (19 25) n ER, Lewis W. (18 A.M. 23 esearch Enll"., Fuller-Lehilfh 00 XAR~]Urrifil Hamilton st: i~f:;~engr., Fuller-Lehigh 00.; F~lIerton, erbert R. (J 27) Oad t BLOnd ~d maa L, 524 Chew St., Ali.ntow~ Engr.,. Fuller-Leblgb Co., FuJlerton, Ifar. (J 20) Test En Ftin l[oo~81~bpennsyi~anla St., Allent~~: er-lebigh 00., FuJierton, and fa mail as. (J 16) Enlfrg Dept. F II lax6w2~3llcobcbs 10reekB1Vd., PhlladelPhi: er-lehigh 00., Fullerton, and for mail. -,~. ar A. (25), Su t.. Mrd.A"RI, JY ~Fr. C(A A., Allento\~n. Comr., Full.r-Lehigh Co., Fullerton, and for R,.. M 6) D. I AT, Jos. F. (J 25), :iri1~y :;fe~"j E~il Fuller Leblgh Co.. Allentown. 0., u ertan, and fa, mail 115 ", 11th RENRIN, W. O. (18) Sales En ". St., 90H~~3J~i/~1ton St.. Allentown..Il", Fuller Lehlllh 00., Fullelto!, and. for mail 1,os. 0., Jr. (,J 25) M E. Full L b 8EAIlL9E14S Green St., Allentown., er- e illh 00., Fullerton aud for m a Elwood F (J 24)E F~,a, SHEtl~J~nEden St Allentown. ngr., u ler-lehlgh 00., FullertOD. and for mail SHE RGER. Rolfe (27) Field Testl RBAN, Daniel Y. (26), Generating, Fuller Lehigh 00. GEORGE SCHOOL Phil BROWN. Robt. G. (12). adelphia Section ~~~S~ORT,Plttsburp;!l Section, m Sr. (11). Supt., Rankin Wka.. GLENSIDE PI n I I.., Oopperweld Steel Co. aoentner. Wm. B~H5~J!::) S:c~on \VINNER, Hugo O. (2~). i5~ wharton lv~~j W. Mt. Oarmel Ave. GREENSBURG PItt b EWALT Newton 6 ~ urgh Section JOHNSON. Frank E g5)26~. ~nlhlywalwortb 00. WOODCOCK, John C16) EBi up E e &: Jones 00. Ave. c. ngr., Walworth 00. and 1M mail, 327 Tremont.GREENVILLE MOSSMAN, Roy L (A 17) E WEB~~R Mercer St.,ngr.. Drattsman, Pa. Power 00., add for m il, Harry D (17) E M P a,. fot mail. 892 S: Main st. nil...~ Bessemer " Lake Erie R. R. 00., and GROVE CITY CRAIG C.. HOWARn &;JlD18), Bessemer Gas EoI\ 00 Oente~ St. (13;. 14), M, E., Be";emer Gas Eug Co and f 1 MURRAY H D (2).., or ma" 416 N Broad St. 1, Oh. EnRl., Bessemer Gas Eng 00 d f SHEPHERD Harold F (2~) DI., an or mail, 149 N. Enl\. 00:, and for ";"il, 4J7. E. W~~~:t;n ~d~f Diesel Dept., Bessemer Gas 598 i.f.1 I MEMBERS IN UNITED SrATES GROVETON BATHURST, Artbur F. (A-M 21), Genl. Supt" Lewis Fdy. &: Mcb. 00. HARRISBURG, Susquehanna Se"tion ALLEN, B",:,J. T. (03). Ob. Engr., Harrisburg Fdy. &: Mob. Wks., Harrisburg, and fa" maa, R. D. 2. DuncanJ19n. BAILLIE, Robt. R. (A-M 19), 1482 N. 2nd St. BELL, Jas. S. (J 24). 407 N. 2nd St. BROWN, Ohas. G.. Jr. (A-M 25), Asst, M. M., Pa. R. R. Co., 7th &: Oalder Sls., and fa maa, 2229 N. 2Dd St. CLAUSEN. Jens (21). Cb. Engr.. Harrisburg Pipe &: Pipe Beuding Co., Hanlsburg, and for mail, 206 Kelso St,. Paxtang....COLE~[AK, Lee H. (J 28), M. E., Harrisburg Light &; Power Co., 22 N. 2nd St., Harrlsburp;, and for ",ail, 28 S. Front St., Steelton. De H.,\.VEN, Geo. P. (A M 26), Ch. Eugr., Dept. Property &: Supplies, Common wealth of Pa., and for maa, 2562 N. 5th St... FAllSrAD. Rolle F. (22; A-M 26), La. Pub. Utilities Co. GRAY. Wm. EdioV. (21; 26). Sales Engr., Moore Dry Kiln Co., and for mail, 223~ IiAUSWN. llreenwood John St. O. (J 22), Enlllg. Asst., Bell Tel. 00. of Pa., 210 Pine St., Harrl.burg, add lor mail, 2612 Chestnut St., Camp HUI. IRONS, Robt. H. (22), Pre.., Central Iron Steel Co., S. Front St. JAlJES, Richard L. (J 19), AsBt. Engr., Harrisburl\ Gas Co., H S. Market St. JONES. Lloyd B. (16), M. M Pa. R. R. System, 7th I< Oalder sts. KUTZLEB. Richard, Jr. (J 2~), Resulls Eligr., Harrisburg Light I< Power 00., and. for mail, % J. S. Boas, 221 State St.. PAXTON, Geo. B. (J 26), Test Engr., Harrisburg Light &: Power Co., 22 N. 2nd. St. and lor mail, 100 S. 17th St.. SMITH, JObD Hays (22), Engr., Elee. Light &< Power, Public Servo Comm. of Pa., Hanisburp;, add for mail Market St., camp Hill. UTZ. F. W. (J 24), Gannett Seelye & Fleming, Inc., 1 N. Market Sq. WILSON, H. Howell (IS), Engr., Mem. FiIm, Selig &: WUson, Telegraph Bldg. H"-RWOOD MINES BASSETT, Arthur W. (J 22), Supvr. Oper., Harwood Plant, Pa. Power &< Light 00. H"-VERFORD, PhiladelpJda. Section BRAY, Obas. W. (S8), Retired, Exeter Rd.. LOH~~N. Alfred p. (17),. En~ Retired, 15 Railroad Ave. MUOKLE, Col. John S. (04), M. E., Retired, Craig Hall.. RITTEKHOUSE, Leon B. (27), Prof. Engrg., Haverford College. PENNSYLVA.."il"- BELL. HAZLETON Clinton W. (A.Y 17), Asst. to Supt., Generation, Pa. Power &< Ligbt Co., FREY. 117 Ralph E. Broad E. (J St. 27), Test Wk.. Pa. Power & Light Co., 117 E. Broad St., Hazleton, and fa ",,,ii, Beaver MeooowB... HEIMBACH, Eugene D. (J Z8), Foreman Inside Constr., Pa. Power & Light 00.. U7 E. Broad St. Bazelton, and for mail 1519 Turnl!T st., Allentown. KEENAN, Geo. M. (J.10), Ch. System Oper., Pa. Power & Light 00., 117 E. Broad st., and for mail. 529 N. Locust St.. LENNERT, Bernard E. (J 26), Gen!. Design, United Filters Oorp., lind for mail, LLOYD, 90 S. Wm. Poplar (21). St. Pres., Geul. Mgr., Ooxe Stoker Sales 00., 806 Markle Bank Bldg: PICKEL, Harry A. (A-M 17), Supt. G.eDeratloD, Pa. Power & Light 00., 117 E. ROZENBERG. Broad St. Henry W. (A-M. 26), Sales Engr., Coxe Stoker Salee 00., 809 Markle SOIDLLINGER. Bank BIde;. Christian. (22), Sales Engr., Coxe Stoker Salee 00., 809 Markle Bank Bldp;.. STANLEY, Carroll M. (21; 23), Oh. Engr UDited Filtere Oorp., and for maa, 504 W. Diamond Ave.. SWEETL,Up), Ernest J. (17), V, p., Gen!. Mgr., UD1ted Filters Oorp., P. O. Box S1.. WILMOT, Gee. W. (21), Pres., Gen!. Mgr., Wilmot Engrg. Co., 804 Markle Bank Bld!1:. 599

236 " ~.., PENNSYLVANIA ME~rBEIlS IN UNITED STATES 1>tEMBEIlB IN UNITED STATES PENNSYLY",-,VIA HERSHEY, Susque]...II,n Section SNAVELY, A. Bowman (16; 21; 26), CII. EngT.. H.rsb.y Cbocol.te Co. HOJ,LIDAYSDURG, Centrn~ Penn8 1...lin Section KIRK, Wm. F. (9S), McLanab.n Stone Mch. 00. and fat mail, 1005 Allegheny St. SPENGLER, Rlcbard M. (J 27). 907 Allegbeny St.. HOT,IIIESBURG JUNCTION, Phil...lelpJ,h. Section HENSHALL, P. P. (15: A M 20), Genl. Mllr., John J. Nesbitt Inc., Holmesbnrg Junction, and for mail, 4SS0 Princeton Av., Phil.delphia. HOLTVOOD, S"s<Juehnnnn Sectioll UAKER, Jobn R. (A M 28), Effic. En!P. P. W.ter It Pow.r Co. HONESDALE GURNEY, Howard F. (114). Pres., Genl. }!IIrr., Gurn.y EI.v. Co. HUNLOCI;: CREEl;: HULSIZER, Robt. L. (J 2).), St m Engr., Luzellle County G.s & Elec. Corp. HUNTINGDON; CentlnJ Pen1l8) h...iin Sect.1o11 ROSE, H. M. (A A! 20), Mgr. Co.l Min. S.ctlon, In. Managem.nt Corp., 200. P.nn St., and for mail, 299 2nd St. YORN, Amhrose E. (27). Genl. Mgr., Runtingdon It Uroad Top Mt. R. R. It Coal Co., P. O. Box 891..JEANNET1.E, Pittsburgh Section ANNE, John W. (J 20), Sales Engr., Elliott Co. BERNER, Har.ld (J 26), De.igner. Elliott Co., Je.nette. and for mail, 105 W. 8rd St., Greensburjl,.. DUNSTONE, Emet,on C. (J 26), 527 Scott Av.. " EHRHART, Ra)mond N. (H), V, P. Charge Engl g., ElUott Co,. ELLIOT), Geo. F. (17; 25), V. P., Asst. to Pre., Elliott Co Je,"nette, and for ",au. 542 Briarcliff Rd., Pittsbn,gh. GORDON, Ernest _~. (J 27), Stud.nt Training Com.e, Elliott Co. TONG. Marcello A. (19: A 1>l 21), Engr.. Steam.Tur!.>ine Dept., Elliott Co. MATTERN. John F. (22), Supt., EII!ott Co., Je.nnette, and for mail, 7536 Ken ington St" E. E., Pittsbnrgh. " McDER?>lET, J. R. (17; 21), Research Engr., Elliott Co. and fat 7/lail, 302 N. kd St.. PEDEHSEN, J. D. (J 27), Condenser & Pnmp.Designe.., Elliott Co. \VIDAl!. Wm. E. (J 21), Mgr. Condenser Dept., Jeannette, and fat mail, 120 N. Linden A, e., littsburgb. JENIi:INTOWN, PhiIndelplda Sectton FITZGER.!LD, Walter Lewis (16), S10 Greenwood Ave. JOHNSTOWN, Pitfsbnrarh section BENNETT, Wm. H. (IS), Asst. Snpt., Gantl.r Wks., Bethlebem Steel Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 68S. HOFFMANN, Philip J. (A M 21), Designing Engr., Bethlehem Steel Co., Jobns. town,.nd for ",au, 107 Luccttn St., 1;onthmont. KERR, Geo. Wm. (24), "\..t. Steam &: Combustion Engr., Johnstown Plant, Bethlehew Steel Co.,.nd for liiail, SO Bl>rding St. KISHBAUGH, Th.o. L. (J 27), Supts. Inspr., Betllleh.m Steel Co., and for,nail,,us Somerset St.. Il:NIPE, Don.ld M. (J 24), Dr.ftsm.n, Bethlehem St~.1 Co., and for ",aa, 529 Vickroy A...e. LANDVOIGHT, Thos. E. (17) N.t!. Radiator Corp. "MORRISSEY Peter J. (IS). v. P., Pa. Pnb. Servo Corp., 535 Vine St. RICE, Ja. R. (A M 24), Eng,g. Dept., Bethlehem Steel Co Johnstown, and 101 -mail, 702 GLalmm.-\\"e., ~Tindbcr. SYMONS. Johnson V. (13), Supt. Lower Wks. Pept., Bethl.hem Ste.1 Co. WEST, H.ny J. (19), Spec, Engr., Detblebem Steel Co., and for mail, 532 J...uzel"n~ St. 000!. JUNIATA, Centrnl Pennsyhnn,in Section Stand fat PALMER, R.y C. (19: A M 25), Loco. Draftsnlan, Pa. R. R. )s em, mail, th St. Ii:ANlil lg t B Co DROOKS, Leonard J. (J 24), Bo eros.. Ii.ENNETT SQ.UARE, Pblln.le1},l1lu. Section f mail, 120 MeredIth NWHOLAS. Wro. T. (J 27). Good Ro.ds Mch,.v. Co., and or St. KINGSTON,no), De.,gl,el, Powers _>.ccountiug Mch. Co. and fa" mail, KLIGMAN, A. R. (J ~ S60 1>lapl. Av., Sid. Entr. ~~~Y~:~...m. K: (A 18), V. P., Genl. }lgl., Koppel Indus. C.r & Elulp. Co. LANCASTER SUsquel1nJll"~ Section I Wks FICKES, AlfredC. (16; 18), 3 li s Mg,;, ~ania}i;i~o ock Co., 237 POlk ~ve. FRAIM, Saml. R. (13), P(~sii 1::\ c!.:im~rcl;.nt Mar.h.ll & Madison StaR HE.lDELBAUGFH, W k "r W (28) Engr Armstrollg carie Co., and fot,nail, 584 ace HOLBROOK, r.n.". JON~e. Alfred (18), Dlr. Re.earch, A }l.i:jo~g Oork 00., P. O. Box JUbOtniANS, Arth~rOE). C(b25), 7 E r 26 Co., 219 E. Cl.) St., and fat LONG. D.vld R. (2,.ng.. ",au, 916 W. Waln,ut St o Linoletlm Div, Armstrong Cork Co. " SCHULZ, G. E. (IJ ;K 20 tj 26~ Sal~ Ell!:r Iron WI,s. IllC. C STRAYER. RO)mon A (;24) Re.~arch Engr, Linoleum l>lv., Armstrong Cork a., WEBSTER, Harry., il 204 E Ro.s St 219 E. Clay St.. ~nd fg~ En" &1 Constr., sil N. Dnke St. WICll:ERSHAM J, JJo~n (R J. ~8)) As.t~ i~dns. Engr.. Arm,trollg Cork Co., and for YOST, Cba..., t., mail, 802 Pearl St.. LANSDALE PhU..delI,l,i.. Section FIUNJ{LlN, _S.mL W. (22 A )"I E :2 g I r ). c 7 g 0 i:grm~~~ljl pott.r)...nd for ",a-n, WESTBROOI J. R, (16; -..., Onk Park. ATROBE PlttsburgIl Section tckenn.a. Roy C. (18), Pr. "anndium AlIo), St.el Co. LEBANON SusqnelllloJl"U. Section GIELE. Walier S. (OB; 17), 27 S. loth st. LEECHBURG W Leecbburg Steel Co., and for mail, CONNELL. Frank G. (22). Cb. DraftSDllln,. 164 Oenter Ave. LEETS~.ALE, P~tts~t(fI;22~e~~~fJCh. Eng.., Trot.Jones oil Co., Inc., L ts MAWd~l:.~~Jfo~a~~~ii~620 Montg~mery Ave,. B"yll Mawr. LEMOYNE SnsqnellaJl... Section JENNER, Artbur (A 22), 100 Cnmberland Rd. LEWISBURG Centr..l PenJlllyhllnln Se!,~ion f mail, lio S. 2nd BURPEE. FrankE. (14), Prol. M. ~., Bucknell Umv., and or St. J ) M. E., Bncknell Unlv. KUNKEL, WILSON, Ben).. Ge~. JM. (~21; 2I A M 25),., Prol.. M E Unlv., Box U, and fat ",ail, 109 Brown. St. 001

237 PENNSYLVANIA liieliibers IN UNITED STAIl,ES ~:~~~OT& ~jj~:~)al ctennsylvanla Section NEREN John A (J 26) ~ t EEngr., Viscose Co.,., AQD. ngr., Viscose Co. LITITZ, Susquehanna Section OYPHERS, Jas. F. (14; 21) V l Gen) M r Broad SI., and fo, mait, Sa9 Front St. g., Ideal Oocoa &I Chocolate 00., Loon: HAYEN Oent I P SLEICHER CI " a ennsylvania Section and fo; m:li,10 (~tj~~i/pi::"l~~~~:a~t~n:e~~ctorlesco., Lock H&ven, Pa., MARCUS HOOK, Philallelphia Section ARGYLE Wm R (19 26) Genl S t Ch COP~to~E\Jl~i~isp~il~f~~~~a~.I:o;e c:;;m.a~~{;; J~g~alla.~~d~~ mail, OREWDSON Henry (\19) Ch M E vi N. Harrison St.: W;jmj~gtOn D~se 0., Marcus Hook, Pa., Bond fo, mail, GILES, Walter C. (21 A-M 24) E D t. "I fo, mail 144 Park Ave Smrthngrg. ep,. scose 00., Marcus Hook, and KULJIAN, Harry A. (21 ;24 27)more. YEURLING.. Ivar (19), Asst. dh. Engr~e~Wc~~~Jln&T ii Eng. Del:t., Viscose CJ? 800 Kenney Ave., Ridley Park, Pblladelphia 0., arcus Hoo, and for mail, mt1fkdren~r~ho~o~lw~~~~w~~~re~r~~lg~t~ohe~00, an fo, ma,!, 1904 W...hlngton St., Wilmington, D~.., Yarcus Hook, Pa., llickees ROOKS, Pittsburgh Section SCHUETTE Robt W (18 26) V l T 1 W and fo; ma-it; 99 Bradiord A~e.: G;;It.:i Sta.:l~lrts~~~g.h~o., McKees Rocks, liiclceesport, Pittsburgh Section ",BENTLEY, Asa (20; A-M 26) Des;. D ft and fa mail, S12 Kelly A~e., WJ~~:-b.irga sman, Natl. Tabe Co., McKeesport, COMSTOCK, Gregory J (A-}f 27) DI R JOHNSON, Leonard V. (J 26) Ch D ri~search,.firth.sterung Steel 00. and fo, mail, 3007 Jenny Lind s[a, an, Ohnsty pk. Wks., Natl. Tube 00., llieadville, Erie Section GIL1jit. Jo R. (IS), Plant Mgr., Bearing Metals Oorp., and for matt, 6SS William MANNING, Howard II (J 22) S t Oh 628 Willi&ma St up" amplon DeArment,rool Co, and for mail MILLER Frank l (001) G 1 M T " WATSON, Ralph E. (~Ui E en :fr" rea~" McCroskey Tool Oorp., ngr.,, este, Ene R. R and for mait, 662 Baldwin St. lliedia, Philadelphia Section ~g~~e~~mrel9~~;..m.~2 611 N. Monroe St. ~OOD, Wm. U. (89): J. ~; 4S Washington St. MELROSE PARr Pill I ALBRECHT 0,"-, ae elphla. Section, tto (S4), 1106 Stratford Ave. MERION, Philadelphia Section WEBRE, AlIred L. (16). M. E. llliddletown FLICDlUepNotG.ER, H. W. (11; 21), Capt. Air Serv., Middletown Air Intermediate lliidland, Pittsbnrgh Section, FERNl?LER, Penrose A (!\..}l 18) Asst S Steel Co., andjo, ;"ait, 1009 Ohio A~e upt. Coke Plant" Pittsburgh Cruelhle KOVAOH. Andrew. (2S; A-A{ 24), Dralta~an E /lteel Co. Midlaud, and fo, mall R F D i -n g 1l!.,Dept., Pittsburgh Crucible,,, l rgldla Ave., Rochester. 603 i i!. 1I10NACA Pittsbu,gh Section CAREW, dement J. (02), Plant Mgr., U. S. Sallitol~ ~lfg. Co. MONESSEN, pittsburgh Section ARMSTRONG, Wm. Harrison (J 17), 2H 1st St., JOHNS. C,rus N. (27), Asst. Wks. Mgr., Page ::itcel.i: Wire Co., &nd for mad. 039 McKee Ave. SELKIRK. w. Marshall (17), Oh. Engl.. Pltt,burgh Steel Products Co., Mono en. and for mail, 726 Droad Ave., N. Belle Vernon. &LEEMA1:l Earl C. (A.M IS), Engr., Pittsburgh Stoel p"oducts Co., Mone.sen, and fo, mail, S51 Pennsylvania Ave., Lock Four. SNEDEKER, Grant A. (23: A M 20)", EngT., P,,:ge Steel &: Wire Co. STEINERT, O. O. (2S), Ch. Engr., Pittsburgh Steel Co., IIIONONGAHELA., Pittsbnrgb Section CARR. Uhel U. (22), V. P., Gelll. Mgr., Diamond Meh, Co., Dox 411. liioyl~v, Philadelphia. Seelhm COPPOCK, Walter J. (21; A M 20). Bldg. Con.h, IlIUNHALL, Pittsburgh Section MELANEY, Ralph L. (J 26), Asst. ~lachillist. Carnegie Steel Co., Munhall, and fo ma;t, ssn Broad St., PittsbUlgh. NARBERTH, Philadelphia. Section, ROBERTS, Percival. Jr. (88.1 Viee-Presielent SLEATH, A. R. (A Y 21),.t1eald Mch. Co., 5U2 Ha,elford Ave. NA.IRONA, Pittsburgh Section BOONE, Chas. G. (22), Supt. Pa. Salt Mfg. Co., and for mail, 41 Locust St., NAZARETH, Lehlgll Valley Section BEOHTEL, Gerhard M. (207), Ch. Draftsman, Naza,eth Cenlent 00" Nazareth, and 10 mail, 936 N. 7th St., Allentown. BROBSTON, Jos. (12), V. 1., Dexter portland Cement Cu. FORTUIN, Morris (14), Genl. Mgr., Pa. Cenlent Co. LEH, Howard H. (A-Y; ZO), Supt., Phcenix PorUand Cement Co., and fo, mail, SIl6 S. Broad St. 1>lJLLER, John Andrew (18), Pres., Dexter Portland Cement Co., Pres. Clinch field Portland Cement 00. REICHENBACH. H. A. (20). Supt Nazareth C..ll\cnt Co. SOULlS, Harold A. (26), M. E. B. & H. Engrg. Wks., Na...eth. and fo, mall, 2011 Ferry St.. Easton, NESCOPECK READLER. Pierce A. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES (J 26). PENNSYLVANIA NEW, CASTLE ALLEN, John C. (22), Ch. M. E., :\ew Castlc Wks., Cal""glc Steel Co. HORN, Sila. H. (A-M 21). Pur. Ag!., Ch. Engr., Jobnson Bronze Co., S. Mill St., and fo, 1l4il. 719 Blaine St., LAMOREE. Jas. K. (I1l; A-M IS), Plant Engl., Mech. Dellt., Shenango Wks., Am. Sheet &> Tillt Plate Co.. and fo,,il4", 221 Leasure Ave. ROSS, Jas. A. (J 24), Prod,. Mgr., Johnson Bronze Co.,,S. Mill St., and for,nait, 811 Shal St. TOLER. Jas. p. (19). M. E., Pittsburgh Limestone Co., Johnston Bldg., and fo,, mo;il, ],206 Albert St. WILLIAMS, Wm. H. (A M 16), Asst. Ch. EngT., Carnegie Steel 00 and for mait, 225 Ls.urel Ave. NEW Ii:ENSINGTON, pittsburgll Section APPLE, Paul C. (A-M 27), Draftsman, Aluminum Co. of Am., New Kensington, and for mail, 32S Srd AVe., Parn..ssus. B~AIR. Geo. Will. (J 2), Cb. In pr., Aluminum Co. of Am. BOOTijYAN. Dalel 1>1;. (15), M. E. Research Bureau, Alumlnunl Co. New Kensington, and.flyt mail, 223 6th St., Oakmont. 60S

238 PENNSYLYANIA MEMDERS 1:1" UNITED STATES!.oIEMDERS IN UNITED STATES. PENNSYLVANIA NEW I>:ENS1NGTON (col,unncd) BR/I.GLlO, Chas. (J 25). Test Eugr. Aluminum Co. of Am., New Kensington, and for mail, P. O. Box :lsi, 1680 ~th Ave., ArnolcJ. OREUTZ. Call A. (24). M. E. U. S. Aluminum Co. Wear Ever Bldg. FRENCH. Fredk A. (J 20), Engr., Aluminum 00. of Am" Wear-Ever Bldg., and for mail. Aluminum OJub. HARR1S0K. Chas. R, (J 20), Aluminum 00. of Am., WellI.Ever Bldg., and for lliiil. P. O. B~ 893.,.. HILL. Earl F. (J 27), Oh. Tester, Tech, Direction Bureau, Aluminum Co. of Am. HOAR, John C. (14; 20), Asst. Oh. M. E., Alumiuum Co. of Am., Wear.Ever!lldg. New! enslngton, and fot mail, 529 5th Ave. Paruusus. HUOTAHI, Andy (J 26). Student M. E. U: S. Alumiuwll Co. JAOKSOK, Leonard D. (A M 18), Sup, g. Y. E., Aluminum Co. of Am., Box 270. LLOYD, C. Gardner (A M 26), M. E., Research Burrsu,,lluminum Co. of Am. OWEK, Ra~mond (A M 27), Devel. En~., U. S. Aluminum Go., New Kensington, anel fo/ lilai!, R. D. 2, Bull Creek Rd., Tarentum.. RODEE, Elw"n J. (J 26). Tech. Direction Bureau. Aluminum Co. of Am. YERNER, JnS. (J 20), Salesman, Aluminum Co. of Am. New Kensington. and for l/iai/.apt. F, Uhlingel Blelg., Springdde. N"E"\V SALElU SE~lAliS, F. endell (J 16), Y. E., Secy. &; Mgr., KelV Salem Lumber Co., Inc. NE"\YPOR.r, Central Section GRING,.Wilbur D. (17; 26), Pres.. Newport Honle Water Co., Supt. Y. P., Susque. hanna Rile! & West. R. R. Go.. l\ewto~"n, IhUnleII.hi Section D.-\.VIS, Herman H. (13), R. F. D. 2. NORRISrOWN, PIlUnd"l!.llin S"Ct.loJl AIlBO!"!, Edw. R. (A M 14), 700 Swede St. DARliER~ Geo. S. (J 16). Owner, D81ker Pipe Fittings Co., Markley St. BROWNBACK, Henry L. (A~I 21), ~lallaging Partner. H. L. Drownback & Asso- ~~~~;Il~lsSt~ p.. Geul. Mg,., Brownbaek MotOI Lab. Inc., and for mail, 823 BRYANS, Henry B. (17; IS). EngT., Counties Gas & Elee. Co., 212 De Kalb St. FROST. Rohillson V. (19: 26), Cons, Enl(r., S28 W. Marshall St. GAIL. Geo. Wm. (17; A M 21). M. E. Rulair Gorp., NonistoWIl, Pa., and fot mail. P. O. Box 35. Ruxton. ~!,el. HILYARD, LeRoy (J H), Gelli. Ml(r. R. S. liewbold & Son Co., No.ristown, and for mail, 515 S. High St., W. Chester... HOOVER. H. Conrad (J 25), 517 Haws A~e. JOLLEi. Malcolm S. (J 26). Cadet Engr Counties Gas &: Eloc. Co., and fo" mail, 1008 W. ~[alsllall St. LANIGAN, Wm. (20). Owner, Lajo Go., 501 YcGinley Bldg., and fo, mail, 16 E. Fornance St. MOORE, Clal"ton H. (21; 26), Supt. COllstr., Valley Forl;e Cement Go., and for mail Haws Ave.. KEWBOLD. Rlchald S. (20), pres., R. S. Newbold & Son Co. NOI"istown, Pa., aud for /lai!, 24 N. Jackson Aye., Atlalltic City, N. J. OWENS, Chas. T. (12; 20), Engr., Edgefield Farnl, R. F. D. 2, ROWAND, Ellwood M:J. Jr. (20; 25), Indus. Gas EngT" Philadelphia, Subulban Counties Gas &:...lee. Co. Norristown, and fot mii!, 110 W. Mowry I;t., Ohester., STAFFORD, Rlcbard G. (J 27), Cadet EngT., Counties Gas & Eloc. Co., Nonis towil, and for.nail, 149 Sumac St., \Viasahickon, Philadelphia. NORTHAMPTON, Lehlgl\ "une, Section BILLMYEn, Carroll D. (16; 19;1 26), Power Dept., Atlas Portland Cement Co., Northampton, and fo, mail. 8~2t Cumberland St., Allentown. OOOK, Laurie A. (J 23). Y. E. Atlas Portland Cement Co., liorthamptun. and for mail, Y. ~f. C. A..Allentown.. LAW.,\-TSCH, Frank R. (A M 14), Engrl!. Draftsman. Atla. Portland Cement Co., Northampton. and for mail rd St., N. Catasauqua. REIDY, Chas. P. (27), Asst, Ch. Eng.., Atlas Portland Cement Co., Northamp. ton. and for mail, 605 N. 12tb St. Allentown H EAST Erie S"ction Materials Co S. Washington & ~f:~as. H. (A~M 16), SUI)t ci M f ch. ~i1pt;i1:je~~oquois Ave., L~wrence Pk., Erie. bay Sta.. North East, an or II,. O,Ui:lIONT, PittsbUrgh, Sectl,;n, t.. Steel Co... 9th BURGU,UI, Maurice ~. (J h.25~ E, KEJg=~vater Steel Co., and for "<1,1, 434. DUNHAM. Byron W. ( H), 0 ngl., RAN~i>LPH, Dale N. (23), Wm. B. SClliife Sons Co. ~ttl\~r. p~.i~~(1(1~:f:;3)~e~~;,:}~~~~~i~~~lertll~t~te Wl~onveyor 00., Oaks, WHITE. ~Iauflc~ T55~~ -l::d~d~~eda,e., W. Philadelphia. Bnd Jor mail, ~ OIL CITY, Erie Section all JOB Reid Gas Enl\". Co. lu AMSLER, FIed R.,(J 26). tdijaf~supt. Nat!. Trallslt Pump Iio ].leh. Co., Bli ge ANGOVE, JOB. A. (~9), As~,, ll enst St and for ma,l 130 "y IS. St O\STON G. Wanen (A.M 2<l)S2]r 8J~1~ T{anBlt Pump & Mch. Co" Bridge St" FFMAN Joa P (H). Geul. up" CO alld for v~i!,.207 ~I!,coln ~\;:n Unitecl Natu"al Ga. Co. 30S Senecll St" GLEASON Chao, W, (20). C gr., al~l ~d "w~t, (~ij. \Y05 i~tm~. Imperial Wks., 9JI ~k~l SolftP\\re~oSupplY Co., ~[~~IN R:;nlo~d A. (J 25). Plant Engr., Imperl., and fot mail, 12 Stolt ~1 M/:r Nat! Transit Punlp & Mch. 00. NEWTON.NatbaOI 1;oi;Hp~es~ e~os. Reld Ga~ En!;. C~M. Kleg\ S*ell,Supply Co., PLATT, W,lber t (J 23) Mcl>. Designer,} \,~s., I PRANGER, Alber, A I St aud for_".ail. 305 HomOe I v~;pt Jos. Reid Gas Eng. 00., K em. REID John (208), V. P., en. A and for ROGliRS, Rnlph W. (l~), 14 Ch.Hon~n ;.~. Nat!. TranBit pump & Ych. Co., SHARP, Jeiferso!, Y. (27), g m<1il. 206 LlIlcoln St. PALIUERTON N J. Zinc Co., alld for mail, PORTER, Roy H.- (18), eh. Service & MII-Illtellallce ColumbIa Ave. Phil,lell.Ili... Section PAOLI, n.- d C L (04) Wistel Rd. de TR~MPE, J. ~ am.,,. PI il delphi... Se"tlon C PARli:ESBURG,., R P & Genl. Mgr., Parkesbulg Iron o. BRODHEAD, Elber H. (19), V., PI nadelvbfr Seotton ~ff~~~~fi~j, (20),722 r,awson Ave., Gpper Durb). P. o. PENN Plttsburllll Section HOCliENSMITH, Wilbur D. (18), Pres,. G nl e. Mgl Hockellsmith. Wheel & Mine., Cal Co. PHIL,"-DELPIiIA, PI~iI""l:lrl~~;:;lIgboUSe Elec, &; Mfl;. Co., 30th AGNER, Owell ~. (12; 19). Sa es gt,,. & Walnllt Sts. M J Strutbers Dunn, 1180 Race St. hl AIRSTON Alex. J. (21)~ Gesnl.. I(D r., t Weatinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., S. PIa. E~ 1\ lalld A (J 20), en. ep., th A ~Ioore ALL S:lb St... Philadelphla, Ilml fo r 1I1ail,.?27C~0 Ara~i;lgo AV~. &; Cumberla~d St. ALPER~. :MaxWellF(1(~~5)pr:,:tmEl~\"~1I~Waitou & Go. 11IC, 200& N 3 E I Mfg rdj!; S. ANDERSON, Oeo I ElIg,.. Westinghouse ec.," d AND~~~~r.ip~~r~~b {tt1:: ~~J~del~!,iaEI~I:.~fGir;~diCo~~~.;&"r~nt\~i~,;~o~i~rd A~DEIlSON, R<lbt. T. (A~{ 23). C. g. Aves. 0"

239 PENNSYLVANIA. ~IJ~~1DERSIN UXlTED STA1ES PHILADELPHIA (continued) ARMSTRONG, Edwin J. (21), Plant Engr.,.J. P. Morri$ Corp., Richmond" Norris Ste., and for mail, 78B Old York Rd. ARNOW, SamL M. (J 25), Asst. DeaJgner. PbUa. Elec. Co Ohestllut St., and jor mail, 5307 Locust St.. ATKINSON.Albert W. (H). 929 N. Broad Bt. -l.tterbury. Wm, W. (9: H 25). Pres., Pa. R. R. Co., Broad St. Sta. ATZIJr:"sWAv;,r. (23). E. &; Power Engr., Lluk IIelt Co., add for mail, 206 E. AUER, Gustavus, Jr. (A M 27). Designer. Atlantic Ref. Co., 314 Passyunk Ave and jar mail, 2015 RidleY St.. AUSTIN, Wm. A. (18), Cons. Engr.,Baldwin Loco. Wks., 500 N. Broad St. Phila. delpbia. and for mail. P. O. Box 208, Wynnewood. AWOT. Adolph W, (J 21), Installation Engr., Hires Oastner &; Harris IDc., 2518 Morris St.. AYLSWOllTH, J. W. (07: 22), EnllT., Day it Zlmmel1l1ann EnllT!!. &; Oon,tr. Co., 1600 Walnut St., and for ~,ail, 4429 CbestDut St. AYRES, Elwood B. (20), V. P., p;octor it Schwa.rtz, IlIc.. 7th St. &; Tabor Rd. BACliLIN. Axel F. (02), Rstired, 662 Boyer. St.. BACON, Howard E. (16; 26). Spec. Rep., Btolcer Dept., I.ester Branch, Westing. bouse Elec. it Mig. 00., Pblladelphia, and, for ~,ail loth Ave., Moore. BAER. Carl A. ~28). Dist. MIlT.. Dwight P. RoblDson & Co., Illc., Atlantic Bldg., and for mad, 1317 Spruce St. BAILEY, Wm. J. (10; 17), East. Sales Mn., Hillman Coal it Coke 00., 1212 Pa. Bldg., Pbiladelpbia, and for mail, 228 Essex A e., Narbertb. BAffiD. H. B. (21), Power Spec. Co., 1712 Packard Bldg. BALDWIN. Henry dup. (J 22), V. P., Riggs Distler it Co Walnut St. BALTZLY, Olifford C. (A M 21), Asst. Oper. Engr., Phlla. Elec. 00., 1000 Che,t. nut St., and for mail, 6125 Nassau Rd.. BANKS, Tbos. K. (A M 18). Sales &; Servo Engr., HenlY Bower Chern. Co., 2815 Grays Ferry Rd.. BARBER, Wm. J. (J 25), 511 N. 11th St. BAR~OHE~~;cof,;l~l:, ~~kf~r:f" Bureau Water, Pblladelpbia, and for mail, BARKER, Jos. P. (22). Secy.. Treas., Jas. Barker. Inc., 6th &; Cayuga St. BARNARD. John A. (A M 22), Asat. Plant Supt., Delaware Sta., Pbila. Elec. 00., and for mail, US3 S. 21st at. BARNES,,Horace B. CA M 22), Asst. Ch. Mech. DIaftsDlan, Phlla. Elec. Co., 1000 Obestnut St.. and for mail, 5S7 E. Marwood Rd.. BARNES, JOB. M. (A M 21), Oil. Mach. Draftsma.n, Pbila. Elec. 00., 1000 Ohestnut Bt. BARRITT, John W. (21l. Supvr. ot Apprentices. Westinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. Co., S. Pbila. Sub Sta.., Philadelphia, and for mail, 10lf:! I,afayette Ave., Moore. BAR~~s~~w,;.nt-,o<; ~~~l: R2~lr.e~h~~n~;,fi ve~ Mamingo Ave. &: Cumber- BASS. Alex. H. (J 28), Research Engr., Westlnghonse mer. it Mfg. Co., S. Phila. Sub. Sta. Philadelphia, and f01 mail, 621 E. 21st St., Chester. BASSETT, Royal M. (A M 14), Dlst. Mgr., Sanford Rlle, Stoker Co., S26 Stephen Girard Bldl\". BATES, Daniel M. (12), V. P., Day &; Zimmermann,!no Walnut St. BATES, Harry H. (10; 1&: 28), Asst. Ch. Engr.; Stoker Dept., Westinghouse Elec. it Mfg. Co., S. PhUa. Sub-Sta., Phlladelphla, and for. mail, 108 Shaw. Rd., Ridley Park. BATTEY, Wm. A. (A M 10), V. P., Pa. Orusher Co., Liberty Trust Bldg. BATTLR, Jol!n R. (18; 21)... Pres., Ch. Engr., J. R. Battle Co., Inc., also Pres., Indu,. 0,1 E~uip. Oorp., Hm. 511, 112 S. 16th St.. BEADLEI Walter.T. (20; A M 25)... Mitten Management, Inc., Mitten Bldg., PhUa. dclp lia, and for mail, TI08 Mcuallum St Mt. Airy. BEALE, Leonsrd T. (21), Secy.. John T. Lewis &: Bros. 00., 705 Lafayette Bldg, BEAUMONT, Robt. H. (21: 21), Pres., R. H. Beaumont 00., SIO Arcb St" Phila. delphia, and for iliad, Radnor.. BENOITI, Albert (J 26), Engr., Wm. Cramp &: Sana Ship & Eng. Bldg. Co Richmond &; Norris Sta., and for mail, 4006 W. Girard A"e.., BENESH, Allton (A 23), Spec. Asst. E. I, du Pont de Nemours &; 00., 8500 Grays Ferry Ave.. BENFER, Maurice F. (J 27), Time Study, Miller Lock Wka., Yale &; Towne Mfg. Co. 580 TacoDy St., FraDkford, and for mail, 5089 Griscom St. 606 l ~. f ~. ri [ f [! MEMBERS m UNITED STATES PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHLIA(,1~o~~)inSe~:) Tress Am. Insulating Mchy. 00., Inc.; N. Jo;. BENNER Henry. ;. d" l 1236 Locust St.. Oar. Fairhill &; Huntlng Stat ad Jo -m:belt Hunting Pk. Ave., add BENNETT, Geo. H. (J 27), Dra tamad, 10., f01 mail 2582 W. Hagert St. r Co Ammingo Ave. & Cumber. BENNETT, Jos. B., sr~ ~?; 2:)~Engr ua:;;-i~~0~dbid ~ Ave., Overbrook..II; BENNETT, land St., Lee. Phollad(eJ~26a). ~Ies "En::: Transportation Div., Westingbouse Elee Mfg. 00., 30th &; Wa~~u~ ~)tsg n! S pt M P Gen!. Office,. Pa. R. R. System, BENNETT, Robt. G. (A... h, e u..,. BENSON BroadHarry St. Ste. L. (A".= 18),up S t., Mch Shop, Midvale Co., Nlcetown. and Jor!lad, M07 N. 11th St., PhljadelPt1a.p Wm. Sellers &: Co., Inc., 1600 Hamilton St., BENZON Geo. H., Jr. (18),.., Rd J kintown Phil~delphia, add forlm9)ail~ 1 52 ~gt~er we~i;n:~ouse EI:.c. &: Mfg. 00., 80tb & BERCAW, Corliss A. (J. ~a es., BERGEY, Walnut John". Ste. E (IS),upvg.. S Ord DraftsmaD. Navy Yard, and for. mail, 119 S. 68rd St. E Phil Elec Co 1204 Sansom St. BE!!l!.t BIu!lli.l!<Y Wm. Jas. W. E. (20~,?)a. (J 2 I Cd a eo, t E:;" U~itedGas Improvement Contrg. Co ArobSt., and fo(~ 6)~ 8t 2 s.r~1~ &;S~ages Baidwin Loco. Wks., 600 N. Broad BILGER, HeDry E. 1, up., d St St. R (85) Pres Bilgram Mch. WkB., 1217 Spring Gar en ch stnut Sta.. ~H;~G~: J~ H. (114; i7: 21), ~Of. M 60E 6~rs:eb;r:,;ar~2l~e~. Ph~ladelphla, BILYEU Wm F (11), Bales Mgr., rade., N J Pa.: and formail, 110 Mi,dway St., Rivertonl{e-:a~ee Boiler Co., IDa., Rm. 442, BLACK, Ed~~r :id:rdp~i~el~~ia B:~c7orU:dil, 108 Woodsid~ Rg.. Ha~~rfor~ Mig BLA~~tJ~ ~. A. (J 17), Small Turbine Engrg. Dept., WestlDg ouse ec.. 00 Lester and Jor mail, Lock Box 18, ESS~gtoi Bidg 5LATOHLEY, Cllas. A. (00), Cone. Engr., 085 e;:"~town - BLUM. Artlmr N. (09)R D(eJI~2a6r).M~~ts~~ D~Pt of Oity TraDsit of Philadelphia, BLUMENTHAL Saml..,r _I h 11 St Chesuiut St., add jar mail, 2650 S.,:ars a. BONINE, Cbas. E.,(14)p~nsM~~~~;;Jg COr~~~~3~~ E. Tiog,. St BOOTH, Robt. ad I( 22v), H /J 26) Atwater Kent Mfg. 00., and for """I, BORCHERS, A ran.. ~,. Greene St. M (18) t t Geril Mgr. Simplex Valve.II; Meter Co., 681 BORDEN, Moro.,... a, Upland St. (18 18) Secy TreaS Wnl. H. Gre.vell, Inc., add for mail, 225 HORlE Renshaw, 0 0 S.16th St... G IMP Crusher 00., Liberty Trust Bldg.. BORTON, Geo. W. «~11J) ~ese "" M:3e~ia!:filII ~ Co. Atlantic Bldg., Philadelphia. BOSLER, Lester O.,.., StG tow: and for mail, 269LW.(,R1l)ttelihllToUS\Va;;snl~~~~nGarage,28rd it Walnut Sta., Pbila- BOSSINGER, Ernest.,., G t ~n delphia snd for mail, 551 Locust Ave., ermsa; iron Wks 1085 Commercial BOWNE, Chas. N. (21; A M 25), Sales Engr., es., Trust,Bldg.. A.Y 24) Sales Engr., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., SOth BRA~EW~I~Sts~p\llade!Pbla, and for mai~r~c:.~~r~.~;~8~~~:,o:t St. BRAOKETT, Newell (A1j 23(~ ~~\es Jad~t"Engr., Distribution Dept., United Gas BRADBURY, Robt. H., r. b St d for "",ii Shunk St. ImprovemeDt Co., U01 p A bil rc EI" can Chestnut St. and for mail US S. BRADFORD, J. B. (16) a. e.. 45th St., U j I Humldifling Co., 2013 Sansom St. Accidimt Fire" &; Life Corp., Ltd.. BRAEMER, Wm. g. R(i.. ~18/2ir c1; E;It~ers~enl. BRAGDON, Geo.., r.brlyn Rd 421l Walnut St., add for ma,, a R;hlcsm Ave. BRAMWELL, Joa. W. (B18)(A qoo?d)s. :~~~., -tr.lid, Ingersoll.Ra~d Co., 888 Commercial BRENDLINGER, Wm..,., Trust Bldg. F (A M 25) Lab Asst. Bureau EDgrg., Oity of Philadelphia. BREmt~~ar~~dior ~ail, 2606 OrthodolC St. 607

240 PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA (continne,l). BREWER, ~athanicl (J 24), Eur" Sharpless Spec. 00., 23rd &: W..tmoreland St. Philadelphia, and fo/ mai, 52 E. Stretford Ave. Landsdowne. BRIGGS, Wm. C. (07). Prod. Engl., Pa. Crnsher Co., Liberty Trust Bld& Philadelphlll, and fa" mail Woodlawn Ave., Elkins Park. 0" BRING?URST, G. Kendrick (21; 21). M. EwPhiliP H. Johnson, Widene, Bldg., Philadelphia, and fa" mail, 4522 Pine St.,. Philadelphia. BRINLEY. Chas. E. (13), Pr... Active Mgr., Am. Pulley Co., 4200 Wissahickon Ave. BRISlt~~to:~~e.S. (20; A-M 25), Oon,bustion Engr., Leeds &:: Northrup Co., 4901 BROtfs~~r~a~" i~ MEMIJERS IN UNITED STATES (22). Inspc. Phila. Elec Ohestnltt St. and Jo, mail, BROMLEY. Cha. II. (A ~[ 19), V. Pl-France Packing 00., Tacoi,y. BROOKE, Geo. A., Jr. (23), llrooke,l!;ng, g. Co., 5513 Morris St. BROWN,.A.lbert K. (21; A-M 25), Engr., Ehret Magnesia MIg. Co., 1315 W. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, and fa" mai!, 27 Kent Rd., Upper,Darb~. BROWN, Albert M. (15; A M 22), Dist. Bales &:: Servo Mgr., Chicago Pueumatic Tool Co N. 12th St.. BROWN, Chas. H., Jr. (19; A-M 25). SUpT. Elec. Mchy., Atlantic Ref. Co., 31U Passyunk Ave., and fat mail, 6329 Ch..ter Ave.. BROW:!i, Jas. (A M 25), 2462 Menlphis St. BROWK, John Edgar.(J 28), Sales Engr.,. Salesman, BOlnlschleger C01P., 0102 Lancaster AV~., Plllladelphla, and fat 1I,a,I,.52U Ielllhill Rd Germantown. BROWN, John W,lson. Jr. (16), Cons. Eng"., 8rd &:: Dauphin St. i.llto~:~.ricl,ard P. (08; 15), Pres., Brown Tnstrum"nt Co. Wayue &: Wind,nm BROW~E. Fr:u:k A. (13), C~ns. Engr., Ba,ber Asphalt Paving Co Arch St., Ph,ll!delplua. and fo" "".I, 215 S. Abeldeeu A"e. Wa.lue. BRYANl, Jenus M., Jr. (A H 27), Draftsman. Engr., Link Belt Co. 21st & Hunting Pk. Ave., and for mall, 815 E. Passmore St. BRYANT, 0010 N. (I ~3). Steom Turbine Engrg.,. Westlngliouse Elec. &:: Hfg. Co. Lester, and fot mad, th Ave., Moore. BUCHANAN, J. R. (22),25 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Mt. Airy. BUDD, Edw. G. (03)/ Pre." Edw. G. Budd Mfg. Co" 25th St. &; Hunting Park Ave., and fa",aai 517 E. Ellet St.. BUELL. Albert L. (A,f.f 28). M. E., Da~ &:: Zin,merrnaun, Inc.. ]600 Walnut St.. BURMiSTROFF, John G. ~<I- M 24), Te.ting Engr., Vibration Specialty Ga., Harri son Bldg., and fot mad, 1733 Spring Garden St. BURNS, Oha. H. McL. (~). Englg. Dept., Link Belt Co., 2U!l5 Hunting Pk. Ave. Nicetowll, and tor 1natl, N. Glenside. BURPEE, Chandler (21; A M 26), Sales Engr., Da"ld Luptons Sons Co. Allegheuy Ave. & Tulip St., and fot m<>il, Vaux St. BURRAGE, Claude J. (26), Bales Engr. Witherspoon Bldg. BUSH,.Rudolph M. (,r 27),.M. E., E~grg. Dept., Cc"t~inteed Products Corp., 2nd & Ene A, es., and JOT mati, 1708 T,oga St. BYE, Norman C. (A-M 27), l\:l E., Henry Disstou &; Sana, Inc., Tacony. OADWALL.l.DER, Harry, Jr. (18). Pres., Stand. Shop Equip. Co., 82nd St. &; Tlnicum Ave., aud Jar mail, U18 W. Somerset St. OAHILL, Edw. H. (14; ]8), V. P., Brock &:: Weymouth, Inc Walnut St and for mail, Engineers Club.. 0 CAIlE, Wm. P., Jr. (J 26). Asst. Engr., Stoker Dept., Westiughouse Elec. & Mfg. Co" Lester B,anch P.O., Philadelphia, and for,"cli!, th Ave Moo," OALHOUN. John V. (21; A M 24), Sales Mgr., Harold E. Trent, 439 N: 12th S t. OAMP, Wm. E. (J 15). Indus. Engr. Brown Instrument Co.. Philadelphia and fo, mail Wharton Ave., Glenside. CAMPBELL. Ja. R. (18), M. E:, Baldwin Loco. Wks., 500 N. Broad St and for mail, 2224 E. Cumberland St.., CAMPBELJ:, Tli.tram J. (22; ~-M 25), Indus. Engr., Day &: Zimmermann, Inc., ]~ Walnut St., Phlladelphm, Pa. and for mail, 6 West End Ave. Merellant nlle, N. J. CAMPBELL. Wm. S. (20), Engr., Link Belt Co., 2045 Hunting Park Ave., Philadelphia. and fot mati, 125 Cliveden A, e., Glensid. CAROTHERS, Roy E. (A-M 19), Asst. Mgr. Prime Mover Sales Dept., Westinghouse E1ec. & ~fg. Co., S. Philadelphia,hs., and fot mail, 252 S. St. Belllard St., Phlladelplua. 608 ~, I MEMBERS IN UNITED STATE6 pmladelphia (continued) OARR, Walter del,. (21). United Gas Improvement Co Arch St., Philadelphia. and fot ",ail, 307 Penarth Rd. Bala Cynwrd.. OASE, Willard L. (]41. V. P., Independence Indemnity Co., 5th &; Walnut sts.. Philadelphia. and for mail, St. Davids. OAVAi Frank J. (J 26), Asst. Engr., Day &; Zimmermann. Tnc Walnut St., P,iladelphia, Pa., and for mail, Box 6. Vienua, Md. CAVAK.-\.UGH. Jas. P. (A H 22), Supt J. E. Louergan Co., 21S Race St., and fot mail, 8U8 powellton Ave. CHAMBERLIN, Geo. Ed,v. (A-H 20), Dist. Mgr., Stone &; Webster, Inc Real Estate Tlust Bldg. CHANCI:. Edwiu H. (22). V. P., Day & Zimmermann, Engrg. &; Constr. 00., 1600 Walnut St.. GHANCE, Thos. M. (12; 20), Partner. H. :M. Ollance &; Co., 837 Drexel Bldg. CHAPMAN. Hany B. (10),,Engr. Westinghouse E1ec. &; Mfg. Co" S. Phila. Sub Sta., and fat lilail S. 53rd St. CHARLTON, Richard O. (16), M. E., Henry Disslon & Sana, Inc., Tocouy, alid fol mail Griscom St" Frankford. CHAULLE B. S. (J 25), Designing Eugr., Condense, Pnml> Dept., Westinghouse. mee.,\,; MIg. 00. S. Phila. Sub Sta., Pl.iladolphio, and foi mail, 525 Saud~ Ave., Essington. ". CHELEDEN, Cbas. S. (J 22). Secy., Bldg. &:: Loan Assn., 1816 N. Am. Bldg., and fa" mail, 1227 S. 2ncj St.. CHEWllliG. Walter L. (27), V. P., United Gas Improvement Cont,g. Co., HOI Arc.h St. CHILft: StaulOJ G. (12). Asst. to Cons. V. P:. Bald~vin Loco. WIl, 500 N. Broad OHRISTIE. Geo. W. (J 24). Field Engr., Collins &:: Aikman Corp., 51st &; Parl,side, and foi mall, 5021 Walnut St. OHURCH, Anllu, L. (17). Secy., Asst. Treas. Baldwin Loco. WItS., 500 N. B,oad St.. CHUTE, Stanley J. (14; A-M 20), Engr., C. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co. N. PlliJadelpllia, Pa., aud fo,,n",il, 84 Linwood Ave., Ridgewood, N. J. CLARK, E. Oheston (J 2.), l\518 Lincoln Drive, Germanto\vn. CLARK, Theobald F. (23). Asst. Supt. Sta. A., United Gas Imp,olement 00., Philadelphia, and fat ma;l, 490 E. Abington.~ve" Chestuut Hill, CURK. Walton (90) 2nd V. P., United Gas Improvcment Co HOI Arch St. OLARKE, Philip C. (J 26), Designing D,aftaman, Genl. Elec. Co" esul Eimwood A"e. philadelphia, Ia., nnd fo, mai!, 910 Linwood Ave., Collingswood, N. J. CLARKE, Walter J. (14). Sales Engl., Anchor Packing 00., 531 >Ia,ket St., and fol mail, 735 W~nne\Vood Rd. CLARKSON, Ernest D. (J 21), Spec. Engr,, Power Dept., Atlantic Ref. Co Pass~uld, Avc.. Philadelphia, and fat mail, 4501 Chester Avc. W. Phila,1clphia. CLEGG, T. ROlbert (23). Spec. Engr., Mitten Management, Inc., Mitten Bldg., Broad &; Locust St... COADY, Frank J. (A Y 25), Ch. Engr., Nat!. Alroil BUlller Co., 902 Thompson St. Philadelphia, and for mail, 621.4shurst Rd. Ienfield. COBB. H. Elmore (16; A M 26). Eugr., Bell Telephone Co. of Pa.. 17th &; Arch Sta. Philadelphia, Pa.. and Jar mail, 21 Oaldand Ave., Audubon. N. J. COOHHAN, Wm. P. (25), Mgr., Central Sta. Div., Westinghouse Elee. & Mfg. Co., SOth & Walnut St.. COE. F"""k O. (19; 24), PIlUa. Disl. Mgr. Celite Products Co., 816 Bulletin Bldg. CONliLOG, Ira L. (J 24), Enlll., Oochrane Corp. 17th & AJlegheny Ave. CONNELL, Conrad (J 22), Sale. Mgr. Goetz Ice Mch. Co., 676 N. 12th St Philadelphia, and Jar mail, 3485 Vaux St. Ge, mantown. CONNER, John L. (27), Mst. Opel. Engr., Philadelphia Elec. Co Chestnut St,. lhlladelphia, and JOT ",ail, 241 Strathmore Rd., Brookline. CONVERSE. Bernard T. (09). Cons. Engr. Baldwin Loco. Wks. 500 N. Broad St. COOGAN. Walter A. (J 23). Salesman, Baldwin Loco. Wks., 500 N. Broad St. COOK, Geo., Jr. (24; A-Y 26), Power Plant Designer, Louis T. Klauder, 1800 Banl«r. f,ust Bldg., Philadelphia, l>nd Jor ",ail, 1811 W. ChllDlplost Ave., Olney. COOKE,!lords LleweJl~n (03), ~ranager, 14 15; Cons, Management Engr., 1520 Locust St. Philadelphia. and for mail, St. George. Rd., Mt. Airy. COOLEY, Dwight (A-M 20). Engr., Process Div.,,~tlautlc Ref. 00., 81H Passyunk Ave.. Philadelphia, and fat mall, 5037 Pulaski Ave., Germ.ntown PENNSYLV,l;olIA

241 ...-.._.._-. -~.~ ~!!!"""""~----~ PENNSYLVANIA. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES pmladelphia. (continued) OORL, Harry E. (A M 22), M. &: E. E., Wm. Steele & Sons Co., 219 N. Broad St., Pnlladelphia, and /0 mail, 130. Overhill Rd., Upper Darby.. CQTTON, Albert (J 26), Draftsman, WeBtlnghous. Elea.!l Mfg. 00., B. Phil. Sub Sta., aud /0 mail, 8519 Regent St. COX, John Lyman (27), Asst. to Pres., Midvale Co., Niaeto\VIl. CRESSON, Osborne C. (J 27), lne. 00. of N9rth Am., Philadelphi.., and /0 mail, Casade1 Rey Apt., Haverford. ORISfg~~~D,.Arthur W. (J 25), United Gas Improvement Contrg. Co.,. P; O. Bo" CROFOOT, Geo. E. (07 i 18), Pro!., M. E., Unlv. of Pa., and /0 mail, 4535 Pine ~.. OROOKEa, Harr.v, Jr. (J 27), WestlnGhouse Elea. & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, alld /0 mail, 919 Llnao1n Ave. CROSS, Ro1aud E. (J 25), Asst. Field Engr., Phila. Elea. Co., 1204 Sansom St., and lor mail, 5117 SprIngfield Ave. CUTLER, Jas. B. (17; 24), Asat. Hyd. Engl., 1. P. Morris Oorp., Philadelphia, and /0 mail, 0434 Em!en St., Germantown. DADLEY, Jas. W. (15 i 2.2), Designer, Phil... Elea. Co., 1000 Chestnut St., Phlla delphia, and lor mail., 858 Fern St., Lansdowne. DALLAS, John (22), Asst. M. E., Philo. Elee. 00., 1000 Chestnut St. DALLETT, Elijah (00), M. E., Chestnut Hill. DALLETT, W. P. (88), Llfs Member; Pres., H) d. Engr., W. P. Dallett 00., 4024 Filbert ~. DARROW/" W. A. (22), Sales Engr., Elliott Co., 503 Morris Bldg. DARWENJ:, Warren J. J. (J 21), Engr., Certainteed Produats Corp., Phila. delphia, and /0,nail, 179 W. Hl>Dsberry St., N. Philadelphia.. DAUGHERTY, Frank ( 09: 25), V. P., Scofield Engrg. Co., 1324 Commeralal Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, and /0 mail, 180 Greenwood Ave., Jenkintown. DAVIDSON, Philip L. (21; A M 26), Dist. Mgr., Carrier EDgrg. Corp., Laud Title Bldg.... DAVIES, Jaa. A. (28), Asst. Gen1. Supt., Westinghouse Elec. &: Mfg. Co., Phil. delphia, and /0 mail, Rose Tree Rd., Media.. DAWES, Robt. (90: 96), Prea., Haskell Dawo Mah. Co., Erie & Trenton Aves. D4Y, Chas. (02: 12), Pres., Day. &; Zimmermann, Ina., 1800 Walnut St. DAY, T. O. (A M 19), Supt. Equip., Yellow Cab Co., 1734 N. Broad St. DeHUFF, Henry (20), Meah. &: Hyd. Equip., Deauff &: Hopkins, 400 Morris BldG. DELL, \Vm. H. (A-M 27), Ch. Oper. Enl!"" Gulf Ref. 00., Girard Point, and /0, 1723 Johnston St., PhiladelphIa. De1>!AY, John A. (J 21), Inspo. & Test Engr.,. Stone 81 Webater Ino., 1112 Real Estate Trust Bldg. DERR, Ralph (17), 608 W. U"oa1 St., Germ..ntown. DICKSON, Thos. J. (19; A M 21), Designer, Engr., Gulf Ref. Co., Girard Point, Philadelphia, and /0 mail, g08 Andrews Ave., Collingdale. DIETERICHS, Frank F. (J 28), Asst. to Gen!. Supt. II Ch. Inspr., John Warren Watson Co., Torr...dale Ave. &I Bridge St., and /0 mail, 4822 Baltimore A~e. DIETZ, Lewis H. (J 21), Salea Engr., Am. Radiator Co., 25th &: Reed Sts., PhlIa. delphia, Pa., and /0 mail, 332 Avondale Ave., "Haddonfield, N. J. DIEVERS, Grover E. (J :27), Mech. Draftsman,. Southwark Fdy. & Mah., 00., and /0 mail, 5317 Webster St. DILLON, E. H. J. (A 20), Mgr.. Griscom Russell 00., Land Title Bldg., Phlla. delphia, and for mail, 5913 Nassau Rd., Overbrook. DINKEY, A. C. (02), Pres., Midvale 00., Nlcetown. DISSINGER, Edw. S. (A.!! 27), Spec. Inatrument Bldr., Bro\vn Instlument Co., Wayne Jot., N. Philadelphia,..nd /0 mail, 4565 N. 19th St., Philadelphia. DISSTON, Wm. D. (18: A M 21), V. P., Ohnrge Pur. Henry Dlaston &: Sons, Ina. DOBSON, John (23), Marine Ensr., O. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co., aud lor mail, 2219 N. 16th St. DODGE, Kern (02: 12), Oona. Engr., Morris Bldg. DODSON, Manning W. (J 27), 228 S. 8,8th St... DONAL», Aro~ibald (A![ 2~), Engr., Westinghouse Elea. & Mfg. 00., Lester, Phlladelph,a, l>dd /0 mail 1204 Lincoln Ave., Moore. DOWELL~ Dawson (20: A!f 22), Aasoc. Prof. M. E., Drexel Inat., 32nd& Chest. nut l:lta., Philadelphia, and fo, mail, 302 N. Lynn Blvd., Upper Darby.DOWNJ!:S, Geo.. Q., Jr. (J 24), Engrg. Dept., Phila. Quartz Co., In S. ard St., Phdadelphla, and /0 mail, llu 11th Ave., Moore. 610 i,. i 1>lEMBERS IN UNITED STATEd PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA (continued).. DOWNS, W. Findlay (21), Head Pub. Utlht) Se1\. Dept., D~Y & Zimmerm&nn Ina., 1600 Walnut St. DOYLE Edllar D. (27), E. E., Leeda &: Northrup Co., 4901 Stenton Ave. DREXELruS, Geo. W. (A 18), Mgr., Fairbanks Morse o!i Co., 2039 Arch st. DROHAN, Tbos. E. (M), Gen1. Supt., Gen!. Elea. Oo,! 8901 Elmwood Ave. DUEMLER, Franklin C. (J 28), Dlat. Mgr., Heggie Suuplex Boller Co., 1032 E. Rittenhouse St. EASBY, Frllonais H. (88), 3316 Powelton!>-ve... EATON, Bernard L. (A-M 20), Erecting Sup.t., 1. P. MorriS Oorp., Rlahmond & Norris Sts. Phllndelphln Pa., and /0 mad..b.ox 124, Chelan, Wash. 8 d Bt EDGERTON, Lloyd B. (A M 18), Ch. Engr., rhda. Quartz Co., 121 S. r., Philadelphia and /0 mail, 197 Chestnut Ave., Narberth. EDWARDS Herbert (A-M 28), Supt., Oolladay![ch. Wks., 124 W. Venango St., PhllD<l~lphla, Pa., al)d /0 ".ail, 20 Fairview PI" Al:lington, N. J. EGLIN. Wm. O. L. (15), V. P., Cb. Engr., Phila. Elea. Co., 1000 Chestnut st, EHLERB, Henry E. (12), D1r., Dept. ot City Traneli; 1211 Cbestnut St., and lor mo.i!, 508 W. Mt. Airy Ave. EliSERGIAN, O. L. (3 24), Resealch Engr., Budd Mfg. 00., 25th St. & Hunting Pk. Ave. N B d St EKSERGIAN, Rupen (21), Engr.. Baldwin Loao. Wka., 600.: roa ELDRIDGE, Edgar S., Jr. (J 27), Resear!! Chem. Engl., Oltles Berv. 00., 219 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, and lor ma,l, 4921 Royal St., GermantoWll oa.d St ELMER, Wm. (96; 13), Manager, 25 28; Spec. ;Engr., Pa. R. R. 00., Br ENT{!ifsLE, John M. (J 26), Henry Dlaston & Sons, Inc., Philadelphia, and f<yr, 420 Lyaeum Ave. t Roxooroul:h. ERBE Louia (J 2S), 2551 J:<. 8th St.. ETLAR, John R. (A-M 24), Designer, Mech. & ConBtr. Div., Phila. Elec. Co., 1000 Oheslnut St., and /0 mnil; 5514 N Srd St.. EVANS, Donald 1. (A,M 24), Am. Radiator Co., 25th &1 Reed Sts. EVOY, Martin (J 26), Indus. Engr., Atlantic ReI. Co.,.a4~4 Passyunk Ave., Philadelphia, and /0 mail, Royal Ave. & Easton Rd., GlenSIde. FASSBENDER Walter J. (J 22), Designing En!:f., Badenhaus.n Oorp., 1011 Cheetnut St. a;d /0 mail, 315 Nedro Ave. FEE Harol~ R. (J 21) Sales Engr., Tngersoll Rand Co., CommercIal Trust Bldg., Philadelphia and /0 ", 512 Hampshire Rd., Drexel Pk., Dtexel Hill. FEICHT Edw. it (07 17), Ch. Engr., Collins &1 Aikman Corp., 51st & 00lum bla Ave., Philade1pilia; alld /0 ",ail, 111 Old L..naaBter Rd., Bala Oynwyd.. FELIX Sam! P. (H), V. P., Dravo-Doyle Co., 805 Sohali Bldg. FELTON, EdglOr C. (85), Manager 98 01; Retired, Rm. 628, Commercial Trust FER~tfD, R. H. (00; 03), Manager, 16 19; Vlce President, 19-21; Dir. M. E. Dept., UDiv. 01 Pa. bll.el lia P d FETTERS, Geo. H. (J 27), Enllr., Atlantic Elev. Co., P "" pi, a., an /0 14 Wildwood.Ave., Pitman, N. J.. Phil FIELD, Fred1k O. (10), Cons. Engr., Wilson, Prickett &1 Co., N. Am. Bldg., a delphia, and /0,nail, 8021 W. Coulter St., Germllllto\VlI.. FINE, Bernard M. (14: A Y 19), Midvale Co., Nlcetown, and /0 mnd, 68~6 N. 12th St., Philadelphia... FISOHER, Ad. Komlng (04), Pres., Schutte &: Koertmg Co., 12th and Thompson. Sts and /0 mail, 6904 WI..ahickon Ave. FISOHER Rudolph (J 25), Deoliner, Research Brancb M. E. Dept., Phlla.. Elea. Co.; 1000 Chestnut St., and /0 mail, 4159 N. Franklin St.. FISBER, Valdemar B. (A-M 17), Salesman, CalPent~I Steel 00., 618 BulletID Bldg., Philadelphia, and /0, Grant Ave., W1l10w Grove. FITCH, Roland S. (J 25), M. E., Eleo. Dept., Balhnger 00., 105 S. 12th St., and /0 mail, 57H N. Howard St.. FLAGG, Stanley G., Jr. (9!), Manager, 10 13; S. G. Flagg &: 00., 1421 OhelltDut F~EERS, W. B; (15), Asst. Mgr., En!:fg., Westinghouse E1ea. It MIg. 00., B. Phlla. FLEg~~~EIN, Harry (15), Ch. Engl., Hindley Gear Co., 1105 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, and /0 mail, 5126 Greene St., GermantoWll. FLEISHER, Walter A. (A Y 17), Treaa., Highway Adv, 00., 1520 Kater St. 811

242 PENNSYL"lANIA. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PHILADELPHI.,- (continued) FOGG,.Wm. R;. (21), Mem..Flrm, ~ngl" Ballinger Co" 12th&: Chestnut Sh., Pllllade)plna. alld for ;1110.1, 41 \I, Strntlord..I.\e., Lansdowne. FOGLEllAN, Flo.I d E.. (J 26).. Asst. Tech. Writer, Westinghouse Elec. & Ufg. Co, Le.ster B,.nch, Plul~doIpll1 and for,liiail, 917 7th Ave., Aloora. FOLE}.. Alld!ew ~. (J U). Ass!, SJpt, R.dio Prod., J. S. Tlnnno"s, IIlC., 79 E. \I Ister St., Germ.ntown. PhIladelphia P.. and for 7IIail 731 Carman St Camden, N. J..J ~ 0 FOR~~e~ruce CD7), 3rd V. P Elec. Storage Battery Co." 19th St. & Allegheny FORD, Arch Harr) St, Stanle.1: (A M 21). Elist SUles Mgr. R.. H Be.ulllont, Co., 319 FOR~.S~~~u: it22~ 19), Ch. Engr., Stoker Dept., Westinghouso Elec. & AUg. Co., FORSCHNER, AIl"~d J. (21; 26>,. Sales Mgr., R. H. Beaumont Co,. 819 Arch St.,.PhlJadclph:., and for,nail, 005 Mnson Ave., Drexel Hill. FOX, Wmte.s I!. (21; A 1J 20), Asst. Supt., Delta File Wks James St and /01 ma~l, 5021 Cottago St., FlonkCord. J Fn:\.~S~J.4.. ~V. (21),. Pres., France Packing Co., 6500 Tacoll) St. FRANCE, :E:c1wm A. (J 24). F.dOl)" Algr. France Packing Co. Phil.delphia and f~r 7110,1, 4824 Tyson St., Tacony. " FR.UqIS, H.I I J... Jr. (20). Eugr. Chargo Turbine Design, Wm. Cramp &:!:ons F Slu!; & EnS". "Idg. Co., Richmond &: Norris Sts. and for 1IIoil 409 Wellens Ave. R."T~NDUO~O, frank A.,. JI, (J 27), Secy., Funk A. Fratanuuono. Inc., 1121 F.RE1;lnllt_;it., 11:;I.u.Ipllla, lll}d for?llail, 3,1,3 E. Horttel ~t., Germ.ntown. & Cb~~~oS"ts. ( ~1), V. P., ~al81 Arch. ~i..rino Eugrg. Corp. Steel Bldg., 15th FREDETf, JOhll (15), Supt. To~l. ol: Equip.,,,"esting-house EIec. 0: ~lfg. Ce., S. Plaia. Sub Rta. PbUadelphlll, and lor 1IIail lu07 11th Al. Mool. FREEDLEY, Paul (20), SOliS. Eugr., 015 Withcl$poon Bldg..". FREW, 0;0. H.! Jr. (A M ~9)-, Frew MclI. Co., 124 W. Vellango St. FRIEDRlOH. Walter ~. (J 27), Tool D.signer, B, 13"inlon Co., 8iOO Kensington A,. nu,l for lilad, 132 E. Wellens Ave, FRY, Ol"aC~ P, (20), P,ro/.; Mech. Drawing. U. E. Dept., Univ. of Pa. FULLER, "alter D. (A 18), 8eey., Curtis PUblishlug Co 1ndependence ~q FULTpN. Benry R. (J.20),,M. E., Bafley Meter Co.. lib BulleUn Bldg, ~U~WEI!-ER, JOlll; E. (08; ~8). Sale. Engr Fulwellel Co., 1700 Walnut 8t., FUNK. ~ev.ln E, (18), CII. Engr., Philo. Elec. Co Chestnut St and /01 mad, 030 \YJ"nnewood Rd.., GALI:0W.~y, ehas. D. (13) <l.sst, Facto.,) Engr., EIec. Storage Batter) Co. 19th St..nd Allegheny.Ave, GANT, H, P. (19). V. P;, York Btg. &: Vent. Corp., 1502 Locust St. GAR~~~:, Robt. E, (A 20), Asst. Diat. Sales MgI" Gull Ref. Co. 510 Widener GARRl~ON. Herbert" E. (J 25). Drafting Mch Design Tabor Mfg, Co Tac~ny, St., Philadelphia. and for 1IIail,5W4 No M.Il~w St,. Frankford." ~ GAl:LEl, Snm). A. (J 20), Sale. Engr. Combustiun En~l g. Corp. SOi Bankers Trllst Bldg.,,Q, GEBB.:l,RD1, J~ouis E. (17; :25). ~ales Engr., Am. Schacffel.l: Budenberg Corp" Plalndelplullo, and for , 7288 Lawndnle St. Fu" Cbase P 0 qebiuiio. Wm. H. (J 25), Allis-Chalmers Mig. Co., 711,~tl~nti~ Bldg, GE~LE}ll, N. H. (22), Prea. Atlalltio (Jas Co. Buillitt Bldg. GENA!. T. Beltrllll (22), besign Engr., Gas Designing- Div. l1ntted G & Improv.mellt Contrg. Co., 1401 Arch St. GIBSON, John H. (A M 28). Uem. FiI"m, Fairmount D,re Wks. Ced.r & Cambria Sts.. Plulaclelpl~ln, and for 1II~il, 726 S. Highlancl,~\e., ~Ierion. GILL! Arthur H, (1~), DO) &: Z,mmermanu Engr&,. &1 Constr. Co Walnut St...."Ll for 1IIa,l, 806 W. Fishel" Av GILLETT. M. C. (A-li 18), 0600 Rising Sun A, e. GlLAUN, FIankH" W. (IS; 15; 20),,Uwater Kent lilg. Co.,,noo Wissahlokon Ave. GLEDHILL, H. W. (A 19), EllSt. SaIea MgT., Shep.rd Elee, CIan. & Hoist Co. 121 N. Broad St., GLENN, Edw. R. (16; ~-M 18). Charge Oper., Rates II: Methods, S. L. AUen Co. Inc., and to~ mail, 1438 N. 13th St. 012, I II IIIE1>rnERS IN UNITED STATES P~NNSYJ,YANIA PHILADELPHJ.-l. (continoe.1) GOJ;Ti;, Belllard U. (J 25), Sales Engr., Goetz Icc Mch, Co. Gi5 No 12th St., and for mail, 6940 N. 20th St. OOEfZ,,Victor J. (93; 15), Pres., Oenl. Mgr., Goetz Ice )lch. Co:. 075 N. 12th -S,. OOETZEliDEIlGER. R~lph L. (16; A-M 20), Eng!. Leeds &; l\o!thrup Co., 8016 Flol1l:lown Rd.. l:hcellltlt Hill. OOLDBEIlG, Bany R. (J 28), Sales, John W.rren Wutson,Co. Bridge St.. and,or, 740 HelknC6S St. GOLDMAN, Sol (J 19) EdgelUont St. <;OLDSllilH, Lester M. (17; A-M 21). Cons. Engr,, Atlantic Ref. Co., 260 S. Btoad St., Philadelphia, and for mail, 109 Englewood Rd., HighlanQ PI<., Uppe] Darby. GORMAN, W. F. (A-M 28), 1434 Nedra Ave. GO!"fSCHAU, a. M. (21), 812 S. 48th St. GOTWALS, Cbns. S. (20; 26), M. E., Hess Blight Mfg. Co., Front St, II: Erie Ave. lind for mail N. Oth st., GOULD. Elmer H. (J 25), Asst. Tech, Asst. Mgr.. Yo.uum Oll Co Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa., and f<>r IIlail, 238 S. W.rner :>t., \\"oodbur}, N. J. GOUl.D, N"ornlon F. (25), Asst. Secy., Indemnity Ins. Co. of N. Am., 212 S. 8rd St. Phl1odelphla. and for mail. S. HOlllpton Rd. Some.-ton. GRAF, John C. (13; A M 18), SnIes Engr., SouthwlI,k Fdy. & Mch. Co. 400 Wash i11~ton.:\.\"e. and foj" mail, 827 Asbdllle St. GRAHAM, Ch... D. (J 26). Cb. EngT., Btg. Yorl Htg. &: Vent. Corp Locust St. GRAY, Jobn W. (95; 20). Asst. to GenI. Ugr" Newport News ShlpbIdg, &: DIy Dock Co. 410 Harrison Bldg., GREEN, Frederic O. (J 28), Deslgnel, Geni. E1ee. Co Elmwood Ave., PhiiadeJpbia nd for moil, 8431 Jaeksun St., HoJlIlcsblllg. GREEN. John P. (J 26), Plant Engr., Hob!. M. Green &: Sons Vine St. PhlladoIphl and or mail, Rhnwn St., Fox Chl\s~.,GREEN, Thos. W. (02) E. Madison St. UItlBBEL. W. Oriflln (27), MgT. Joh" J. Griflln &: Co., 1618 Race St. GRISCOAI, Leslie (24). Plant Engr. John LUllg Paper Co" 24th &; Wood St., and Ol" mail, 5582 N. Camnc S,t.. GROUTHUIS, HerlUli-n (22), Engr., Day & Zimmelmann, Inc, \\ ainut St., PhlllldoIphla, lind,or?i.ail, 7523 West Chester Pike, Upper Dn, by. Gl{QS~, SaUlt (.\.-M 23), TIeas.. ShefllerGrosa Co., 205 Dlexel Bldg. GllUI E. John A. (J 27), Rm. 619A. 142:4 Arch St., GUeKER, F. T. (18). Secy., Treas. &: Geni. MgI. JoIlil T. D}er Quarry Co. 210 Harrison BId!\. GULIOK, Le_ N. (A-A! 28), Aast. Prof., M. Eo Dept,. Uni\. of Pa., 88rd &: Locust St... W. Philadelphia. GUTHRIE, Jobn F. (17 t A A! 21), Wk. & Prod. Eugr. Abrasivo Co., Philadelphia. aud fa" mail, 6 Raclc!ilf ltd. Cyllw)"cl. GUY, Dalldl W. (J 25), Statistician, Pa. Co" l~th.i: Chestnut Sts. Phil~delpbla, and for,"ail, Box 898, Wynnewood. HACli.ETT, H. llerkel_y (24), Coil. Eugr Pub. Ledger Bldg, HAGMAN. W. J, (01), I1&11 S. 6th St. RAGY. J. Lllwleneo (01: 10). Prof. M. E., Melt. Design. Iudus. Dept. Central Big)1 Seh. Al1ne.Ii:, Dload & Ult!Gn Sl6., J:hilnueJphia, unt! lor 1u.nil.l un V,rnne wood Rd., OverbroOI<. HAHN. COllrud V, (J 16), Cons. EUgT., Pat. E"pt., Educator, P. O. Box 4000, and 101 mail, P. O. BoX HAII\"ES, Edw. P. (07), 110 E. Dul1lUIll St., Mt. Airy, llu.l, Petor p G. (27), Owne. Pres., Hull llanelu,, Co., Fox St.II,~bbotsford Ave. " HAMIL!ON, Capt. W.lter C, (18; 19), Ord., F"ullkford Arsenal. HAUILTON, Will. Berry (J 27). Sale. Engr." Baker lee MclI, Co., G12 Race St. and for,,,ail, 4U28 Sprinll aarden St. HANZLIK, Hellry J. (08; 10), Turbine Dept,. WesUughouse Elec, &: Ulg. Co., S. lhlla. Sub 8ta. PhiladelJ1hlo, and for mail. 816 Cornell.Ale., Swartbmore, HARLOW. Jas. H. (J 25). Sr, Plant leat. Engr., Richulund Sta" Phila. Elen. Co., and (or IIlail Warrington Ave., ILl.RllAN. Wm. B. (A 00), P, e., Sontbwalk Fa),:.I: Mch. Co., 400 Washington.Are. 013

243 PENNSYLVANIA MEMDEUl:l!N u:.i!n:u :;"I"An:s. MEMBERS IN UNITED lll.l.tes PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPmA. «(!oilullued) HARMER, E. Colona John St. G. (A M 1l7) PI an t S upt., Atlantic Elev. Co., and lor mail 12H HAln.fON, Raymond F (J 26) W t h HARRIS, Henry S. (is) Kel~tone:;;f ~use Elec. &; Mfg. Co., Lester Branch. HA.Ri~~OhIN a, Can!l/or ",au, ~ Greenw~kplf"JYn~t~or Rd. & Godfrey Ave., Philo, blford E. (A. 17) Mgr S D t. HAR~I~8~gOHSts., Philadelphia: andlorer~it"p76:tmi.o~dgigt CoG" Cumberland.l!,. arold C. (J 2S) Research E E tn., ermantown. Coolonial Trust Bldg" Philadelphia Pa. ~~d", as. ICla y Products Assn., 906.., Jor 1/14l, 791 Oak St., ColumBUS HARRISON. J. Kearsley 14 (26) 0 H HARRISON,. Jerome G. (lil) Sale. Ew,;.r, J i::n oon G&:i1l co., IS24 Land TitI~ Bldg. N. Broad St.., 0 Oonstr. Co., Rm HA.1~l ::;H01LN, ::;tanley D (J ll) Sal E., B1dp;., Broad &; Arch Sts es ngr" Pa. Crusher 00., Liberty Trust HATMAN, Julius G ( ) S t HAUG John S (27) de,.up. Frankford Plant Barrett Co HECtitP~~ ~~v:.d(~~~i;~tjf~~8:j~i~~r~~l:;;~v~~~1l&.~s~~~fhfif."1401 BEranch, and lor mail, 405 Morton A:~ w~i~~ho;ekelec. &: Mfg. Co Lester HEIN MANN A L (H A 14 19) 1S5",ar. HELANDER, Lin~ (~16 24), 9 Eo Rittenhouse St. delphia, and for mail, 662 ~m;a~~iti1ogas d.impro,ement Contrp;. 00., Phlla HELM GllStev Srd (J 26) Atl I R" rwoo HEU,{d for m~ii. SSO Copley R.ttJppee: D~~by.31H Pasayunk Ave., Philadclphia, delnw;ay, Seymour (J 2S), Engr. Westinghouse Elec &;.. HEN0l!lPhNID Sub Sta., pblladelphia, and lor mail tl A _fg. Co.. S. Phlla OR, evln F. (A.:r.! 26) Supt l PI 1 I ve., Moore. HEN~rN8E~~W~: A~lt~ (~a~g)n~:nf;~~i~~~fa~~;rtqulj~~ ~~~bp~~~;. At HE St.. Phlladelphla. Pa.. and lormail 6 Bayley A Y k p. Co.. 2SS S. Sth NRY, Ste. John M. (26), Asst. Ch or M.., P P a. R. vre,s. ys t n em, ers, Rm. N Y. Broad St HEJ:ilTHORN. HENSHAW. Chaa A. L. N h.y (A M, 26) I tr...,ds. _. E., Dr~el Inst.,.<l2ud &; Chsetnut St. Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa~O~nrJ~;":na:il~rtrJoile f O., los2 Commer9lnl TlUSt HERR, H. T. (07) V P We t h. ap eave., MerchantvJ1le N J HERR, Wm. A. (A.Ai: 22) Engrs l~fil~u8il:le6 &; lt~g go., Leater Brallch 1. 0: and for mail, 122 Tyson A~e. Ol~nsld; estnut St., Philadelphia, HERSAM, Conrad 0 (26) G I 14. Germantown A,-e. en. gr.,.progresslve Engrg. &; Tool Co" 5601 HESS. H. L. (1" lli) M! S I E H HESS, ~I;vron J. (A.M 24) Ohes ngr., L. He~s Co., 6908 Market St. delphia, and 10" mail Erde~~~i~ngr" S. TYltchell Co., 225 Vine St.. Phlla HETU. Tho. l (J 25) Stea B 11 i HICKERSON. Robt. L., Jr. (J ~2;f ~spcm&; ~ns. Co., 420. Walnut St. ~elphia Navy Yd., and lor 561u"SP- e st Naval Allcraft Factory, Philll illckman Chas D (H) 00.wc. Bryn :Mawr Av.. ns. EDgI., 1n3 Sansom St., and for mait, 2416 HIG~I:a~d ~t. S. (A M IS), V. 1., Gen!. Mgr., Yellow Cab 00. of Phila., 1784 N. illller, Jos. L. (A 07) Cona &; C t E for mail. 67 E. Baltln\ore Ave., ~~n~do,~" In S. 12th St., Philadelphia, and IDLTON, lor mail. W. Stanford 2127 W. (27) Ontario Asst S1. Engr., D ept. City. TranSIt Chestnut St., and HIRES. J. Edltlr (1l2 26) Hires Ca t &; H. Phlladelphl., and for m4il 107 Li~"::~~d AvearnA s dine" J!1l0 Land Title Bldg., HOBELMANN Alfred H (J 26) U., r more. PhiladeIPi,;a, Pa., end lor ;air~~ ~;~:~~O\ Con~r. NCo., 1401 Arc.h St.,. HODGKINSON, Francis (02) E" W. e., aeslllc, J. Phila. Sub Sia.. nr,.., eatinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. Co., S HOELL. Gee. S (ll7) Engr P C h 00 Lb. H and for mail. 449 W. B~llIgtu.JuSt~r Ge;"a~to":~ Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, OFFER, 00., Rm. Howard 905, A (16 Ohest;ut 24 27) St. Ea s. t Sal ea M gr., U. S. Oast Iron Pipe &: Fdy. 614 i J 1 I PHILADELPHIA (continued) HOFFMAN, Wray B. (J llll), Instr., Industries, Wharton Sch., Univ. of Pa., Logan Boll, Philadelphia. and for mail, ProvidenceRd., R. D. S, Media. HOF~MANN. August (llll, Genl. Salea ~Igr., Bilgram Mch. Wks., Philadelphia, and. for mai!o 4622 N. Carlisle St., Logan. HOGG, John W. (IS; 26), Branch Mgr., Republic Flow Meters 00., 1215 Real. Estete Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, and for mail, 2S Meadowbrook Ave., Llanerch.. HOLCOMBE, Richmond C. (J 27), Cadet Engr. United Gaa Improvement Oontr/;. Co Arch St., Philadelphia, and f<>r mail, Avon Apt&., Narberth. HOLLAND, mert C. (A Y 24), Inst<. Engrg. Design, Univ. of Pa. HOLST, Louis J. R. (24), Oons. Engl., Brock, Weymouth, Inc., 1607 Walnut St.,. Philadelphia, and for mail, 26 Harvard Rd., Brookline.. HOMANN, Fredk A. (18; A M 21i), Engr., Christopher J. Doyle, 21st &; Pine Sts.,. nnd,or mail 123S :Marlyn Rd.. HOPPING, ErneSt L. (19), M. E. phila. Elec. Co., 1000 Chestnut St. HORTON, R. H. (22). Pres., Phila. Rural Transit, lli20 Spruce St., Philadelplua, and for mail, 4S0 Owen Rd., Wynne,vood. HOURIGAN, Kenneth F. (J 1l7). Oadet Engr., United Gas Improvement Contrg. Co., Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., and for mail, 44 Orescent Ave., Grantwood. N. J.. HOWARTH, H. A. S. (08), Genl. Mgr., Ch. Engr., Kingsbury Mch. Wks.,.4S20 Tackawanna St. Frankford, and for mail, Tall Onks, Grant Ave., Tonesdale. HOWELL, Edw. I. H. (89) M. E., Retired. 560 Rullitt Bldg. HOYER, Ralph W. (,T 27), Foreman. Charge Oper., United Gas Improvement. Contrp;. Co., Sta. B, Richmond &: Tioga Ste., Philadelphia, and lor. mail, 601i Andrewe Ave" Collingdale.. HUNT, Jas. E. (A.M 21), Supt. Richmond Sta., Phila. Elec. 00., Philadelphia, and for mail. 106 Pennsylvania Ave., Brookline Manor. HUNTER, Ch.s. W. (11; 12), V. 1. United Gas Improvement 00., 1401 Arch St. HURXTHAL, A.. O. (16; A M 22), Ch. Engr., Proctor & Schwartz, Inc., 7th St. &. Tabor Rd., philadelphia, and fol mail, 715 Boyer St., Mt..A,iry. HUTTINGER, Wm. R. (J 06), V. P., Ch. Engr., Elec. Power Equip. Oorp., 412 N. 18th St., Philadelphia, and lor malt, 86 E. Greenwooe[ Ave., Lansdowne. IDDLES, Alfred (IS; 17; 22), Ch. Power Engr., Day &; Zimmermann, Inc., 1600 Walnut st., Philadelphia, and for mail, S04 Conestoga Rd., Wayne. ILYUS. E. Burwell (J 2S), Partner. Oons..Engr.. Darrin: & I1yus, 211 Otis BId/;. IRMER, Chas. B. (n; A M 25), Supt., Direct Oxidation Process Corp., 17th &: Lehllth Ave., and for mail N. ISth St.. IRWIN, F, K. (18), Sales Engr., Combustion Engrg. Corp., 1207 :Banl,ers Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, and Jor "",it, 129 Argyle Rd., Ardmore. IRWIN, Kilshaw McH. (17 i A M 2S), M. E., United Ges Improvement Co., 1401 ArCh St... IRWIN, VinClnt H. (A M 21)., M. E., Day &; ZimroermallIl, Engrg. &; Constr. Co., 1600 Walnut st" Philadelphia, and lor mail, Devon. ISOHINGER, Alfred E. (A M, 1l7), M. & E. E., Joshua R. H. Potts, Chestnut. St., and for mail, 2718 Folsom St. JAOKSON, Arthur O. (OS; 10), WIts. Mgr., Miller Lock 00., 680 Tacony St., JAci~o~~oo~as. Arthur (11), Engr.; Atlantio Dept., Pelton Water Wheel 00., R1c1unond & Nerris Sts. JACKSON, Henry W. (J 13), Factory Mgt., Hess Brlght Mfg. Co., Front St. &; Erie Ave.... JAGER, Geo. W. (16; 25), M. E., Genl. Elec. Co., W. philadelphia, Pa., and for mail, 22 Forrest Ave., Nutley, N. J. JAUSS. A~st O. (A.M 18), New Er& Mclly. Designing 00., 215 Pkway. :Bldg., Philadelphia, and for "",il. SOl W. Providence Rd., Aldan. - JENKINS, Lloyd G. (J 27), Engrg. Asst.. Bell Tel. Co. of Pa Arch St. JENSEN, Jas. A. (18; A M 2S), Secy., Quaker City lren Wks., Richmond &: Tioga Sts., and for mail, S840 Lancaster Ave.. JOHNSON\ Clarence N. (21), Dist. Engr., WestInghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., SOth & Wa nut Sta.. JONES. Chas. O. (26), Engr., United Gas Improvement &; Oontr. Co., Rm. 701, 1401 Arch St., and lor lulil, 226 E. Highland Ave. JO)"ES, Earl R. (28), Designing, Research &; PrOd., SZ9 Roxborough Ave. 616

244 PEl\"NSYLVANIA ;\lembersin UNITED STATES PIlILADELPHIA (continued) JO.l1EI:l, Frauk H. (A M 23), Trea.s., Sales Engr., Schade Valve Mfg. Co., 2527 N. Hoeline St.., JONE.~. I""ac H. (20), M. M., Fels &I Co., Rd. &I Woodland Ave., Phlladelphia, and fl>/" mail, 102 Beech St., Alden. JONES, Yeamans 1, (21; A 26), Tillie Study Engr., Bes. Bright Mfg. Co., Frout I:lt. &I Erie Ave. JOOS, C1lae. E. (J 21), 5855 Stockton Rd. IiAMMERHOFF, H. H. M. (14), Chem, Engr., Elec. Storage Battery Co., All.., /lheny A"e. &I 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa., and for?llait, 252 W. Graisbury Ave., Audubon, N. J. IiAPP, Cecll A. (J 21), Dir. Co Operath e Wk., Drexel Inst. RASLEY, AI"" T. (23), Con.. Eugr., Engrg. Dept., Westinghouse Elec. &I Mfg. Co., S. Phlla. Sub Sta.. KAUFFMAN. Erman R. (22; A M 26), Design, Engrg. Dept., WestInghouse Eloc. & Mfl\. Co., Lester, and for mai!o 68iO Chester A,e., Philadelphia. lu.uffiian, Herbert P. (A M 28). Sales Enlfl. H. B. Smith Boilel Co.. 49th &I Grays,Ixe., Philadelphia, and for l1l4il, Colonial Apts., Rosenl~nt.. KAUFFMANN. Freelk F. (11), Cnn. M. E., 13 1<. 18th St., PllIladelpllJa, Pa., and for mail. 909 Pine St., Camden. N. J.. KAVANAGH, Tho. Jo (17; 22), Genl. Mgr., :UcCahan Sugar Ref. &I Molasse. Co., TaSKer St. Wharf. KAVANAUGH, Wm.. H. (02: 10), Prof. Exper. Engrg., Towne Scientific Seb., Un!". 01 Pa.. KELLER, Henry G. (J 25),, De.igning Engr., Link Belt Co., 2045 Hnntinl! Pk. Ave., Philadelphia, and fot mail, 225 Brookdal. Av... Glenside. KELLOGG, H. DudleJ. Jr. (J 24), Sales Engr., H. B. Smith Co., 49th St. &I GraJs Ave., Phnadelphia; and for mail, Panmore Rd., Haverford. KELLY. Wm. C17; 26), Engr. I. P. llorris Corp., RiclmlOnd & Norri St.. KEN~P.DY, Anthony (H), V. P., Hollar Co., 2201 Packard Bldg., and for mai!, 442 Harper Ave., Drexel Bill. KEN~-ro:n, Matthew G. CIO), Gen1. Supt., E1ec. Oper., United Gas Improvement Co., 1401 Arch St. KEN"F.DY. Thos. J. (J 27), Enllr., Bennington SeaJe Mfg. 00., 4825 N. 8rd St., Pl,iladelphia, and for mail, 4370 Manayunk AIe. Ro~borough. KENNEY, Lelvis H. (04; 11), M. E., Indu,. Dept.. Bldl\. 7, Navy Yald. KE:.!;T, Lawrasoll R. (J 25), M. E., Bailer Met.r Co., 622 Bnlletin Bldg. IiEl\T, S. Leonardi Jr. ("1!T), EnST., Charge Oper., Treas., Philadelphia Hydro El.c Mannyun~. KERR, Roht. L. (IS), Ch. Engr., O. B. Wheeler Mfg. Co., Sedgle. &I Lehi<:h.Aves. KERR. S. Logan (21; A-M 26), Asst. Hyd. Engl., I. P. MOlIls Corp., Richmond &I. Nonis Sts. KERR, Wm. C. (09). Engr" 1300 Bank... Trnst Bldg., Plliladelphia, and {Ol ".i!. 324 Harrison Ave., Elkins Park. KERSHAW, L.onard F. (J 24J, Jr. Asst. Engr., Phila. Eleo. Co., 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, and {or mail. 557 E. Marwood Rd., Olney., KESSLER.Tohn Rissel (.1.,11 23), Chem. Eugr., Ch. Chemist, Dill &I CoUlns, Rich.. mond " Tioga Sh., and for mail. 600 S. 40th St.,. KHADR, Ahmad A. (.T 25), 137 N. loth St. li:halifah, A. A, (J 26), Design Drafts1l)!lJI, Baldwin Loco. Wk,., 500 N. Broad Rt., an,j for mai!o 2608 S. 66th St. KIEHT., Engene P. (17: 24), Power Eng"., Atlantic Ref. Co., 8144 PaBS)"nnk.Iv. KILBRIDE, John T. (A-M 25), Prod. Eng-I., Atwater Kent Mfg. Co., 4700 Wi sah ickon.-\ VI?, Philadelphio, and fol m.ail, 523 ". Clapier St., Gel"ll1D.ntown. KIND, Morris (12), P,es., Hercules Cement Corp., 1700 Walnut St. lung, Man-in E. (21), Meab. Consh. Engl., Phila. Rapid Transit Co., 820 Dauphn St. KING, Thos. H. (A 21), W. E. Shlple) Mehy Co., Morri. Bldg. IiI"GSBURY, AlbeIt (92), Pres., Kingsbury Mch. WI"., Inc., 432i Tackawanna St., Fll1nkfort. RINlIEY, D..~ter C. (J 27), Internal Combustion Engrg. Dept., Westinghouse Elec. " Mig. Co" S. Philadelphia, and for mail, 1220 Lincoln Ave., Moore,. IiIRKPATRICK, W. Alton (18; 22), M. E., Albert C. Wood, Cons. Engr Stock E~ch. Bldg., Philadelphia, and for mail, 150 Ow.n Ave., Lansdowne. (LUTDER. Louis T. (16), Cons. Eng.,.., 131)0 nanlcers Tru.t BJdg. I\LFJIPP,.John D. (09), Y. P., ltnitecl Gas IlIl""" mnt C., Unl Mch St., OJ6 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATEll PENNSYLV.lNIA P1ULADELPHI,1. (continucd)., KNAUF Paul W. (22) Oh. Enlll. Valve Dept., Sohlltte,0 Koertml; (0., 1251 N. 12til st Philadelphia and fo, mai!o 5 Dolan Tenace. nlllll (ynwyd. KNEASS, St~icldanc1 L. (00), Mgr. Injeotor Dept., Wm. Sellers &: 00., 1600 Hilmilton InI,J1~T Seymour H. (10), Supvg. Engr., Strawhridge.& Clothier, 8th &I Market St., and for mai!o 5680 Windsor Ave. d S KOERNIG, Geo. K. (J 26), Swltehbd. Engrg., Oell1. Elec. Co., 6901 Elmwoo t., Ilnd for n,ai/, 901 Walnut St. " E ", KOONS, OJ,.s. V. (23), Marine En gr., Charge D~.llm Manne Mchy., Am. ll~,g. On., Aran,inl;o &: Cumborland Sts., and for ma,l, N. loth St. KOPLIN, Rabt. D. (II; A M 21), Day & Zimmermann Engrg. os! COllStr. Co., Walnut St" and for mail, 6367 Montour St. KOTHNY, G. L. (05; J2), E~ec. Engr., O. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co., Lehigh &: Sedgle." A"e., N. Philadelphia, and for mai!, Sunnybank, Strafford. KR UffiR RIl,I S (J OR) Turbine Eng.; Westinghouse Elec. &: Mfg. Co., S. PhiJa. Sub. Sta., Phil~delphia, and lor mail. 02~. Delaware. Ave., NOIwood.. KUCHER, Andrew A. CA M 26), Cons. Engr., W.stmghouee El"c. &: Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia. and fnr mail. 8J2 Olen Terrae., Chester. KUEN, Wm. E. (A ll 15), M. E., Day &I ZilDIllerma!m Inc., JOOO Walnut St., Philadelphia, and fa" mail, 462 Forrest Ave., Drexel Hi i I., LADD. Ja.. B. (Si), Cons. Engr., 1011 Chestnut St... LAFORE, J. A. (0), John Laag Paper Co., 24th &: VlIle Sts., Ilnd for m",i, 24th &: Wood St... LAIRD, Robt. H., Jr. (J 24), Plauuer, Oenl. Elec. Co., 6801 Elmwood Ave., and fo, "ail 1426 W. Ontario St., Norwood. LAKEY, ArUmr B. (A M 18), Sales Engr., KIngsbury Mch. WIs., 4320 racka. wannn St., Frankford. B II L.UmORN, J. Paul (19; A-M 27), Asst. Rate Engr.! Commerclnl Engrg. Asst., e Tel. Co. 01 Am., 1835 Arch St., and lor mail, 1061 N. Felton Bt. LANDUERR, Wm. Joe. (J 22), ell. Estimator, Bonded Floors Cu., H21 Chestnut St and for mail. J212 W. Oakdale St.. LANGNER. P,edk W. (J 27). Cadet Engr., E.ducationnl Dept., Westlllghouse Elec. /I Mfll. 0<>., S. Philadelphia, and for ".at! 1421 Lincoln Av., Moores. LANZA. Gra.tano (82), Spec. COllsultant. Baldwm Loco. Wks., 500 N. Broad St., and for mau, 5624 Cedar Ave,.., LARIiIN, FIank F. (J 22), Crane Engr., Link Belt Co., Nlcetown. and A" rna", ~pt 810 Yernon Rd. &I Milton St., PI,ilad,lphla. L,IRr--ro:R, Cl;ester W. (07; 12), Pres., Lorner Engrg. Co" Atlant!c Bldg. LAUER, Conrad N. (08; 28), Manager 26 29; V. P., Day &: Zimmermann, Inc., 1600 Walnnt St., T,AWRENOE, H. F. (08; 22), Am. Eng-rg. Co., Cumberlalld St. &I Aramingo Ave. LEDOUX, J. W. (10), Cons. Engr., 112 N. Broad Bt... LEECH, C-"rll (J 23), Sales Mgr., Mack Mcb. Co. of Pa., 1708 N. Front St., Phlla. delphia and for mail. los C1lestnut St., Narberth., LEECH, W~. A., Jr. (J 24). Oper. Engr., United (las Improvement Conti:!!:. Co., 1401 Arch St., Philadelphia, and for,nail l1illcrcst Rd" Drexel HlIl. LEINBACH. W. DeWitt (J 25), Faotory Engr., Jollll B. Stetson Co., aud for ma,i, 1600 W. Erie Ave. LETT, Ma" A. (J 27), Jr. M. E" League Island Navy Yd.: A. E. L.. _. LEVY Lionel F. (A-M 22), Partner, Ma" Levy &I Co., " Al ne _~, e., &; Bo,kley St. LEWIS, Hurry I. (JO; 25), Mgr. Reh ill., Dept., Am. Ellln:g. Co., Cl,mlierland St. &;.:\.ramingo Ave" Philadelphia, and Jo.r.maUl 4.0:3 BlooJ.,ht1r~t.Ave., :Narberth. LEWIS, Jos. F. (2J), Ry. &: E. E., 505 Brlllton St., Gel mllnto\\n.. LEWIS, Lerol M. (A 14), Pres., Asst. Trell., Central Au10mabc Sprinkler Co., 248 E Asl.mead St., Gerlllantown., LEWIS, Th~rqton (16: 19), Pres., Genl. Mgr.,.York Htg. &: Vent. Corp., 1502 IE~~c~~~n~~m S. (J 24), Draftsman, Wlll. Scllers &: Co. Inc., 1600 Hamilton St. LEWIS Wllhed (8~), Vice.President, or-08; L!fe Ue~ber; P,es., Tabor Mfg. cd., 6225 racony St.. Phlladelp~lla..and fo, ma~/. nose Lalle, Haverford. LINCH E. P. (02), 2126 Nichola. bt.... LrVERSTDGE, Horac. P. (17), Manager ;. Y. 1" Clenl, Mgr., Phila. Elec. Co., 1000 Chestm,t St., LLOYD, L. Parker (26), Cons. Engr., 055 Herbert St., f!rank!ord. LOBER, Wm. D. (Il), Pres., Yuleanlte POltlJn~ vemnt 0",., Pl.ckai d Eldg. b17

245 PENNSYLV A.NIA. MEMBERS IN UNITED B A EB PHILADELPHI.ol. (continned) LOCi~t~ip~:oa:d,<:" ;;:~i D70l1ePSt BMk ]E RTdowUn SclenDtltlbc Sch., Unlv. of Pa., LOGA ", ~ er ey " pper ar y. Bf:t/ohn W. (94; 99; O~), Secy., Alan Wood.Iron &; Steel Co., ]800 Widener LONERGAN, J. E. (21~, Pre, J. E. Lonergan Co., 218 Race St. LOSS. Henrlk von Z. (92), Cons. Engr. Witherspoon Bldg LOVELL, Alfred (99),,Cons. Engl., 619 Harrison Bldg. LOVELL. Allen W. (J 27), ~ess.bright Mfg. Co., Front St. &; Erie Ave. LOWNl~S, N. Thnyer (A ~! 21), EnArg. Asst., Phil.. Rapid Transit Dau. p nn St., and for,"ail, 6719 N. 15th St..,. LUN~~~~G, Oh (A 17), Phil.a. Adv. Mgr., lroll Age.Publishio!!, Co., 1402 Widener LUNN. Robt. E.. (A 26), Ch. Prod. Clerl., Westinghouse Elea. &; MIg Co Le.ter and for mad. 105 Rambler Rd., Glenolden..." LYM~t~ H. M. (2S), Steam, Elec. Power Plant Design &; Installation, 704 N, 40th LYON, Percy S. (15: A M 19), Oh. Engr., Cochrane Corp 17th St. & Alle~beny Ave LYSTER, R?y S. (J 24), Alcorn Combustion Co., Belle";;e Oourt, Philad,;lphia and fo, ma,i, 225 Crawford AYe., Lansdo\VIle. MACNl~~.D, Cha.. E. (01), Mem. Fir~, Maohold &; Ridden, 10"20 Stephen Girard MACKAY, Alfred (16~, Can. En!!r., 2401 Ohestnut St.. ~!AO~ENZ1E. W. P. (07). Pres., W. P; Maoken,ie Co.; 1234 Callowhill St. MaoLEAN, Arohlbald, Jr. (17: A M 18), EngT. Pur. Dept. Westinghouse Elen &: Mfg. Co., Lester Dlnnch P. O..,... ~IALEY. Fredk ~I. (23). Sales Engr., Mannlnlf, ltiaxwell &. Moore Inc Rm 01. u M~Iket S,t.. Philadelphin, and for lilail, 11 W. Hinokley Ave. Ridl~ Parl~: manz, Loul. C. (18), If. E., Rm. 807, 1218 Chestnut St.. MAR~~r Ol~~~~~dt k (14; A-M 20), East. Dist. Mgr., Diamond Chain ole Mig. Oo.~ MAR ~D, Geo. L., Jr. (22), Chmn. Bd., Phila. Gear Wks., Richniond ole Tioga liar~6~ fi~ ft. (18; 26), Ry. Equip. Engr.; Oorp. of EngTS., U. S. A., Rm. 1804, MARSHAL~. Chas. W. (J 27), Design, Draftsman Coillos &: Aikman Inc and for ma>!, 0123 Washing-ton Ave..,., MARSLAN;D, Roland (21), Tool.Design Engr., Westinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. 00. S. Plnla. Sub Sta., Philadelplna, and for mail, Wood"ard Ave. Moylan Valley»UTrIOE, Royal (24),,Pres., ~attice EU/1rg. Co., 2233 Vine St. MA~ag.Alfred O. (A 22), DlSt. Sales Mgr., Scovill Mfg. 00., B15 Franklin Trust MAULL, Wm. R. (A:M 21), Aast. ~enl. Mgr., Dill &: Collins Co., Rlohmond &: Tlo a Sts., Phtladel!,lna, an~ for mail, 511 Beeohwood Lane, Narberth. g MAXFillLD, Da.lllel E. (14), ElIllTg., Sales, Stokes &: Smith Co. for ma.l. 226 W. Johnson St., Germantown.., MAXWELL, Geo. L. (27), Erec. Engr., United Ga. Improvement &: Oontr C 14Ul!~rch St., Phi!adelphia, and for ",au, 203 Esse, Ave., Narberth. g. a., MAY, J. Walter.(A-M 2Z), Day &; Zimmermann Inc Walnut St Philadelphl and fo" mad, 16 Montrose Ave" IOrklyn" OJ a, McBRI~E, Thos. C. (OB), Cons, Engr., R. R. Dept., WOI thington Pump & Mchy. Co, p., 1616 N. Am. Bldg.... M~DR1DE, Thos.. C. J,. (27), Schedule Dept., Curtis Publishing Co., Philadeiphia and for ma,l, 240 W. Ohelten Ave., Germantown. lico~6:,~~~~o~~bit. S. (13), Cil. Oons. Engr. Engrg.. Dept., Baldwin Loco. Wka., McDOWELL, David W.. (J 20), Constr. Engr., Publlckel Alcohol Co: Snyder Ave & Swanson St., P~Iladelphla, and fo.: ",au, 235 W. Wldenel St., Olney.. McKEE. Geo. S. (J 26), lech. Student, Westin!!,house Eleo. &: Mfg. Co Lester _~nd 10f!2ad" 4~1 1!,~ecca Ave". ~Vilkinsburg. 0" MclillNDRTCl., Lashe \ 1~; 20),. Sales.Bngr.. Wheeler Condenser &: En~g Co 2214 Paokard Bid!!..,... c, McL~~;~E~~, Ch... (21), Cons. & Des!g-nln!!, Engr., Sun Co., and for mail, 2011 M,I.UKE:.!\p1man R.. ~22), V. P., E. ;r. LaYlno &.Co., Bullitt Dld.~. 610!,[EMBERSIN UNITED STATES PENNSYLVANIA PWLADELPIDA. (continned) MoMENAMIN, Ch... G. (A-M 17), Foreman, Pa. R. R. Co., Philadelphia, and for mail, 6362 Sherman St., Germantown. McNALLY, John It (J 16), Fuel Engr., Pardee Bros. &; Co., Ina., 1600 Walnut St., and for mail. 7UB Ardlelgh St. McNEAL, D. Ra)mond (16; A-M 26), GenJ. Mgr., Secy., Asst. Tre..., Andale Engr!!,. Co., 1015 Ohestnut St., Philndelphi".J and /o~ mail. Jericho Rd., Ahlngtcn. McPHERSON, Ohas. J. (14l 25), Sales ~IgT., J. G. Bnll Co. ll!oqutuhn. Geo., JT. (26), Exec. En!l<., Reading R. R. 00., 2821 Richmond St., Philadelphia, Pa., and for mail, 22 Franklin Ave., Yerchantville, N. J. W:EJ\"EN...Rlohard J. A. (21; A Y 26), M. E., Curti. Publishing 00., lind for mait, 6525.togent St. MELAS, Wm. 2nd (J 26), Engr., Oochrane Oorp., 17th &; Alleghany Ave., and or mail, 114 S. 49th St. MERRILT" Josiah L. (O~; 20), Cons. Engr., 403 Pa. Bid!!. )(ERVINE. Wm. G. (A-M 24), Asat. to Ch. Engr., Am. Gas Co., W. Washington Sq., Philadelphia, and for mail, 905 Drexel Ave., Upper Darby. ~[F:TTEN, John F. (15), Pre., Marine Engrg. Corp., l24 N. 15th St. MICKLE, Roht. T. (15), Pres., ~I1clde Mllnor Engrg. 00., 21 S. 12th St., Phila delpnia, and for?nltil, 430 W. Stafford st., Germantown.. MILLER. Enw. R. (J 24), Draftsman, U. S. N. Ailcraft, Navy Yd and jar man. 622 S. Yewdell St. MILLER, Ernest F. (J 20), Turbine Drafting Dept.. WeBt1ngl,ouse Elec. &: Mfg. Ca., S. Philadelphia, and for mail, 310 Trite. Ave., Norwood. MILLER, Fred Merle (15; 26), Cb. Engr., Genl. Refracturles 00., 117 S. 16th St., Philadelphia, and for mail. Claysburg.. MILLER, Geo. L. (A 27), V. pi..lester Piano Co., Lester.. MOODY, Lewis F. (10), Cons. t!;ngr., I. P. Morris Oorp., Richmond & Norris Sts. MOORE, Harold T. (A on, Asst. Mgr., Day &; Zimmermann, Ino., Invest!g-ations & Reports Dept., 1600 walnut at.. MOORE, Mortimer J. P. (A-M 20), Devel. Engr., Westinghouse Eleo. &; loll!!. 00., S. Phlla. Sub Sta., Philadell!hia, and for ",ail, 5 Rodgers St., Ridley Pk. MOREHEAD, Geo. L. (12), Mgr., Llnk Delt Co., Nicetown, and Jor mail Spring Ave., Elkins Pk.. MORGAN, D. W. R. (A-M 18), MIlT., CondenBer &: Tnternal Combustion Engrg.,. Oondenser Dept., WestlngllOuse Eleo. &. Mfg. Co., S. Phila. Sub-Sta., P. O. Box ] MORGAN, Earl B. (17), Mgr., Employment &: Servo Dept., Curtis Publlshlng 00.. Independence Sq.. MORGAN, Robt. O. (11), Ch. Engr., Stewart A. Jellett Co., 1200 Locust St., and for mail, 314 W. Seymour St.. MORGAN, Wm. B., Jr. (J 24), InspT Otis Elev. Co., 16th & Samson Sta., Phila delphia, and for mail, 7030 Guilford Rd., Upper Darby. MORRIS, A. Saunders (22), V. P" CreBson Morrls 00., 18th St. &; Allegheny Ave. ~!OSIER, Edwin K. (22), Dist. Stoker Engr., Westinghousa Elec. & MIg. Co. 30th &: Wnlnut Sts. MOXHAM, Egbert (06; 12) Pru., Federal Container. 00., 2~7 Looust St., Phila delphia, Pa., V. P., Shield. &: Co., 52 Cedar St., New York, and for ",ail, Great Neelt, L. I., N. Y... MUDD. John P. (10; A-M 16) M. E., Midvale Co., Nlcetown. MUELLER, Ohas. A. (J 23), M. E., E. I. dn Pont de Nemours &; Co. Inc., Grays Ferry Ave., and for mail 5937 Latone. St. MUNZ, Wm. (A-M 18), M. E., BalUn!!er 00., 12th &: Chestnut Sts., Pbiladelphia, Pa., and for mail, 40S White Borse Pike, Oaklyn, N. J. MURDOCK, Wm. E. <J 2~), Asst. EnllT., Schutte &; Keertlng Co., 1261 N. 12th St., and for mail, 6037 Mascner St. lillrphy, Geo. Fra1jcl. (14), PreB., GenJ. MIlT., Mogul Mch. Co., Witherspoon Bldg. MURPHY, Walter B. (A M 16), Asst. Supt., Moore & White Co., 15th &; Lehigh Ave., and for mail, 4211 St.. MURRAY, J6. P., Jr. (J 25), Erea. En!l<., I. P. Man-is Corp., Richmond,,,- Nonls Sts., and for mail, 1260 N. 66th St.. }IYERS, Wrn. il (21), Exec. V. P., Mitten Bank Securities Corp., Mitten Bldg. N".\EGELEY, John O. (01), Engr., Arch., City Transit, Phlladelphi., Pa., and for m4i1. 30 B;offman St., Maplewood, N. J.. NABILL, Edw. T. (J 23), Engr. Brown Instrument Co., \Vnyne Junction, and or mail, SOl E. Stafford St.. Philadelphia. 619 ~ I!

246 PENNSYLVANIA ME~rBERSIN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA (continued) NEEI)S, SJdney J. (J 26); M. F., Kingsbury Mch. Wits.; 4824 Tackawanna 8t., PhiJodelphln, nnd fol mail, 208 Essex Ave.,. Karberth. NEFF, 8. Warner (J 24), Draftsman, Am. Insulating. MellY. Co.jFairhill " Hnnt. inglon Sis., Pblladelpbio,.and foi mail, 822 EII,ins A e., Elk n. Park. lli"eil. Ednllmd B. (16;.~.M 20), MA"r., Research Dept.,..I.utomotive Industries, Chilton Glass JOI1lnal Co;, Pblladelphia, and foi mail, Anita Apts., 68"d St. &; CltJ Line Aye., Overbrook.., NEUBER, Geo. Howard (20; A l! 26), Englg. Asst., Bell Tel. Co. of Po" 261 N. Broad St., and for,n<lil, 4iJ.l Con.hohocken Ave. XEWHALL, Ezra A. (18). DesignlnA" &;,Cons. &nln., 1624 Pine St. ~EWMAN, Jos., Jr. (J 21), Field Supyr., Apparatus Repah Shops, Ail Rednetion Sales Co., and for mail Peunw&y Ave., li"ewm,in, Pllul A (10; A M 21), Engr., ChalllO Combuslion Control Ellnl»., Leeds &; North,,,,, (0., 4001 Sionian Ave., Philadelpbla, and for mail, 240 \~. Wyom. ing Ave., Germantown. NICInmSOX, Rnlpb R. (A 22), En!<1g. Solesman, Wmthin"lon Pump &; Mehy. Corp., If>16 N. Am. Bldg., Philadelpbia, and for ",ail, III Cliff Tenaee. W\ncole..!\TGHTINGALE. G. Verner (A M 23), Dlst. Mgr., Stroe. Gypsum Corp., 727 Pub. Ledger Bldg. ~ITaOH, Chas. H. (28), Ch, Eng,.., Stokes &; Smith Co" Summerdale Sta., and for ",au, 4926 N. 9th St. NIXON, BOJd (A 15), Phnn. Sales ~tgr. Nlies-Bemenl.Pond Co Chestnut St. XOBLE, Hal"eJ S. (A!! 16), M, M., Pa. R. R. Ca., Broad St. Sta., Philadelphis, anu foi..ail, P. O. Bo~ 85, Mahoninglown.., NOT,nE, F,ed (18), Gen!. East Sales Agt., "liter Mfg Rm. 705, 23 S. 52nd at. SG8B.unt, Lee (17), Propr., Pa. Eagrg. Co., Ino N. Howard St., PJ,iladeJphla,. and for mail J 315 Oorpenter Lane, Gelmnntown.. OBERHl"BER. Wm. F. (A-M 22), Supt.!Iaintenanee, Phila. meo. Co., 1030 Cheslnut St" Philadelphia, and for,nail, 326 Wlndemere Ave., Drexel Hill, Lansdowne P. O. ODElI/ATH, Hnlfy E. (21), Ch, Engr., SoalS Roebuck &; Co., Philadelphia, and /0","a.i!, 4824 Deealur St., Holmesborg. OGDE:s", Nelson (A M 14), Engr., Kingsbury Meh. ms.,:frankfo"d. ORR, J. L. (23), Engrg. Dept., Dny &; Zimmermann, Inc., 1600 Walnut St. PAIST, Ch... H. (J 27). Enlll g. Dept., Eleo. Power Equip. Corp" 412 N. 18th St., and for..oil, l226 N. 58th St.. PAULER, Everett (A M 22), Plant Supt., Phil.. Elec. Co" 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, and for mmi, 408 Morton Ave., Ridley Pari,. PANGBORS. Robt. G. (J 20), 1723 Pine SI. PARISH. Wm. H. (J 05), Sales Agt., Westmoreland Ooal Co" and fo, mail, 76 V. Jolmson. St., Germantown. PARRER, John Clinlon (05), Pres., Lei.." Inc., Sheridan BIdg. P,~RIl:ER, Wm. P. r21), Cons. Slruc. Engr.,)015 Chestnut SI,. PARKS, BanJ S. ( 23),!I. E., Sales Rep., llolly PneunlaUe S)stems, Inc., 1616 Real Eslate T,U.t Bldg., and fol ",ail.hi0 Osage Ave. PARRlSH, Saml.!I. (18). E. G. Budd Mfg. Co., nnd /0" mail. 244 \V. Gorgas Lane. P.~SCO. Fel<l!nnnd ~L (.1 25), Supts. Olllee, Genl. Elec. Co., 6801 Elmwood Ave., and fo, mail, 5629 Florence Ave. PATTERSON, Edgar H.,(A.!! 17), Engr., Turner.~sbcstos &; Roofing 00., Chest. nut & 81s1 SI., Philadelphia, Pa., and for mail, 1012 ProsllCet Rldge, Haddon Heights, N. J. PATTERSOX, Dr. Francis D. (A 22), Indus. Hygiene Consultant, P.O. Box 4061, W. Philadelphia Sta. PEARCE, Lester F. (A M 21), Checker, Simon &;.Simon, 249 S. Juniper St., Pbila. delpbla. Pa.,.nd, R. F. D. I West"lIIe, N. J. PEARCE, Ralph ll (26), Field Asst. to Supl. Steam Diy., Westinghouse Elee. &;, Mfg. Co., Philadelphls, and /01 mail, 851 King St., Potlstown. PEARSON, Nils A. (A-M 28), Engrg. Dept., Ocean Accident &; Gualantee Corp., 418 Walnut St. PEASE, Harry W. (26), Asst. to Supt., Curlis PUblisbing Co., lndependence Sq. PECKER, Jos. S. (19; A l! 21), Owner, Meh. & Tool Designing Co., 706 Chestnut St. PEDERSEN, Niels (14), Pres., Gen!. Mgr., Precision Engrg. Co., 533 N. llth St. PENN, J. Ward (A M 22), Ch. Mech. Div., Sesqul Oenlennial Tnternal!. Exhibition Assoc., also Stock Exellange Bldg., and for mail, 2389 E. Boston Ave. 620 PHILADELPHIA (Continue.I» M Frm Wm Macy Stanton, Archs., 1916 PENNELL, S. HOno.rd (14i 19,i 26 1 em. J, Land Title Bldg.) A t G I Mgr Dal &: Zimmermann, Inc., 1600 Walnut St. PE!\ROSE, Chos. (18, SS. en.., A I St. PERROT, Emile G.. (20), Arch., EnGl(r E l~lltti;~s 1000 Locust St., Pl1lladelphla, aud PETTINOS, Geo. F. (18), Owner,.,. e," for mail, 780 Boaom,n Lane. MellOn Sta. th FI Finance Bldg. PEW. Jos. N.l.Jr. (A M 16), V. p,sslln 9.~grlg0 Co "Allegheny & Trenton Ave., and PFEtFFER, unas, G. (IS). Pres., pee. "..,, for,,";! Pike St. Ofll Benj Franklin Hotel. PHILLIPS, Jobn C. c..1 ji!21)20~ Cf Ir;,~;~~n c~~eelillg Dept., Atlantic Ref. Co" 81h PI~ES, Chas. A. (A...,eJ!. 8 52nd St. PISACANE - Passyunk Artl,ur Ave., Fand(Tfo?26")aM., I /f, e. 20 D;aftsman, Baldwin Loco. WI",., 500 N. Br~d SI., a;d fo, mail, 2208 S. Croskey SC~ Sales W. J. McCaball Sugar Ref. & PL~CE Louis V., Jr. (J 20), V. P., arge,,. Molasses Co., 101 S. Froji,:~el Ave Dr..",el Rill.,, ~ttii: i~~.hphi (I~r:02lk(;~~1»:te~jin~e~:a~t~~~~~ g~;;i.b~l~~~ sa~::u,~.b~~,~iadelphia PLO~!GREN,,Iip., 380 PI 1 delphia Wks., and for...a~l, P. EO. E B o."t G 5nl EI~~."Co. Witherspoon Bldg., and for...ail. PORTER, J. Bellion (14),., e.,, POR~~~~t~~I: t~ (J 26), Y~le8)C1~ o~ Pl~lali.lP~~~h12J~.,Sp~~~e ~i: & Woodland POUT Tlj!;Y J Llvlllgston (0,.,. I /we., phuadelphia, ~,!)fod~~. HaveB~I~~~in Loco. Wks" 500 N. Broad, St., POWILL, Bryan B. (J 2., to man, Wa Ue PhUadelpbia, and for "~i!~~vigi~!t5~~~" Weslinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. COy Box POWELL, Knox A.. S(2b8~/ PI ladel~hin and for mail, 90s LafaJette Ave., oora. 1522, S. Pblla. u a., 11 A E g Co Sia K. PRESTON, Herbert E. (::S), M Sf" m. B~rc";k &Wi1~ox Co., 1120 Pac~ard Bldg. PRICE,!Iorton Moore (21», Sate~mat"M E Towne Scientillc Sch., Unlv. of Pa., PRIXCE Riebard J. (J 24, 11 en h" St Ait. Airy, PblladeJpllla, and for mail, t 151 p E f Dl:i fum T~~vne Scientific ~eh., Univ. oi Pa., PRIOR, John A. (A-M 24), Ass. ro.., and foi mail, son Hazel Ave. L an Co 218 Race St. PI!0STREDNIK, Ep (J(A:~\~ ~~l ~~ee~~~gforem;:!" Baldwin Loco. Wks., 500 P(.ROELL, Jobn.. 4 N N trona St. N. Brond Slid" nnnd (f,2;,.m~~m 21,4 26 ). Alren-Sberman.Hofl Co., 261 S. 16th St., PURSEL, Haro., I Inn BrJIl Mawr Phlladelphi., and for mail.!!?u gon~r~ted Gas Imp"ove;"ent Contl g. Co., HOI PYLE Lewis!I (17), M. E. DeSIgner, 111 t G Ave Bryn Milwr...\rc11 St., pi,lladelphia, and for mail, 8l~ sumdi, p~uea EI~c. Co 1000 Chest- QUAST, Waiter F. (16; 26), Teeb. Asst. per. v.,. ", nut St., a~~ /01 "",ii, ~48 woo~ere~t AV~olonial Knlttln" M1I1s, Philadelphia, ll,uwlan, Pll1hp J. (A M 24), Tra c?,r., k a and for mail, 681 Sho;n,.\Ok~lndE El~IDllre~.Sberlllan.Hofl Co., 261 S. 15th St., Ql;Tl\N AIlhur M. (A.l! 20), es Dllt j, d A. Cheltenb.m, PhiIlldelphla, aud f~r )mamil, 611:0~;:..ton V;~IIlP & Melly. Corp., 1516 N. Am. RADOLIFFE, R. L. (A 15, gr., 01 a Bldg. T b MIg Co State Rd. & Devereau~ St., RUISDEN, John T. (06), Ch.. Engr., a ~~h St Ph liadelphia.. Wlsslno,:"ing, and 1 ) 1f~ l~~~c Ni>e~t., U~ited Ga. Improvement Conug. Co., RAl\].~i II~~~h~t~itll::eiphin, and f~rlmi:l, 538E~utto&wM~~ S~~ NS,:I~~~: Sub R\SMUSSEN Harold V. (J 23), West ng ollse ec...,. Sta. ahd for mail, 4829 Baltimore Ave. St RAU, Otto 11. (22), CoEns. (EAn~~"21~)20 h~f:: G;" Improvement Contrg. Co., 1401 RAYMOND, Lawrence..., REA~re~lI~; H. (26), Asst.. Engl., Simplex Valve & Meter Co., 68th &; Upland Sts., a~d for "",i! 1881 S. Lmdonwood St. REGISTER, Albe:t L. (22), Cons. Engr., 112 S. loth St. A. Ave. &; Cumber. REINER, J. Rnssell (J 25), Designer, Am. Engrg. Co., ram1l1go Iand SI., and for mail, 2725 N. 16th St. 621 ~!i

247 PE?NNSYLVANTA. MElrBEBS IN UNITED STAlES pmladelpma (continned) REMALY, Boyd H. (:.. H 25), Ch. Engl:, Independence Indemnity 00., Philadelphia p R., and fm m~tlj~ Narberth Terrace, Colllngswood, N. J. REMFtRpSh"IHdenlrlhl. w. (19; 21). Constr. Engr., Phila. Elec. Co., 1000 Chestnut., I a e p la, ~nd lor mail, ~232 LOngshore St., Tacony.. REPP, Hsrold C. (J 2-1), Commercial Engr. Bell Tel. Co Arch St. and fm, 4347 Baltimore Ave.,, RETTEW. HRrvey F. (J 22), Asst. Hilt. & Vent. Engr., Bd. of Education 19th St. Philadelphia, and for mail. 414 W. Shallcross St Folcroft REUSOHLINE, Geo. L.,(14), Specialist, Ice Plant Desig;" &: Oper:, 811 Windsor St. RICHA~DfS, Jos. C. (J 24), Engrg. Dept., U. S. Navy Yd., Naval Aircraft Factof" anc, or m"i!, 2800 N. 9th St.., RIOHARDSONI. Win. W., Jr. (J 24), Sll1es Engl E. F. Houghton &: Co., 240 W. Somerset :;t., PhiladelphIa, and lor,nail, 926 Drexel Ave., UpPer Darby. RIDDEJ:,.L, A. J!:. (01), Mem. Firm, ~rachold &: Riddell Stephen Girard Bldg. Pluladelph,a, Pa., and lor ma,l, U5 Mountwell Ave. Haddonfield N J RILEY, Albert J. G. (J 22), Engr., E. I. du Pont de N~monrs &: Co 3500 Gra.v, Ferry Rd..., RISLEY, Walter J.. Jr. (J 21), Chern. Engr. Curtis Publishing Co Independenoe Sq., Philadelphia, and for mail, Maple A;e., N. Glenside.., ROBEMS, John L. Jr. (J 24), 4162 PBIkaide Ave ROBERTS, Sam). B. (19; A-M 25), Plant Engr., Frankford Plant Barrett Co. and lor,,,,,,i, 10Q6 Pratt St..,.,, ROBERTS, Wm. H. (24), Inspr., Royal &: Eagle Indemnity Co., 833 Pub Ledger Bldl:. Philadelphia, Pa., and lor mail. N. Holly Ave. Maple Sbade N J ROBINSON, Arthur S. (J 15), Branch Mgr., Clarage Fan Co., 027 C~~er~ial Trust Bldl., Philildelphla, and for,,"ii, 730 Ogden Ave.. S\varthmore. ROBINSON. P. A!. thur (A M 24), Charge Auto Repairs, PhUa;. Elec. Co 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, and /M m"il, 110 Decatur Rd. Oakmont "Upper Darby., ROGERS. Benj. F. (22: 24), Asst. Steam Engr., Am. Gas Co., 7tb &: Locust Sta ROG~:., Frank H. (17), Pres., GenI. Hgr., I. P. Morris Corp., Richmond Ii Norrl~ ROGERS.Price L. (J 2~), Oons. Engr., Obas. S. Leopold. ~ls B. Broad St., Phlla delpl"a, and for ma.i, 5Q6 Deeehwood Lane Narbertb. ROOSF.YELT, Nicholas G. (21), V. P. Day &; ilmmerms;n, Inc., 1600 Wilinut St. ROSECRANS, Crandall Z. (J 21), nesearch Engr., Leeds &; Northrup Co., 4901 Steaton Ave., and for mo.ii, 6200 Wayne Ave. ROSENBERGE~. Lester (J 27), Tool Steel Prod., Henry Disston &; Sons Taconv.,."d for "0"11, 228 S. Melvllle St., Philadelphia., ROS~BLA:TT, Milurlce~. (A.M. 22), Tech. Dlr., M. C. Rosenblatt Co., 1700 Walnllt ROSENSTEIN, Loula C. (J 25), Draftsman Goet2l Ice Meh N 12th St lind lor mail, 2131 W. Onterio St..,..., ROTH, Geo. If,. (J 27), Cha"ge Testing Dept., SimpleX Valve &; Meter 00 Phila delphia. Pa., and /M, 306 Vine St., Camden N J., ROTH, PIlIII V. (J 21), Shop Engr., Leeds & Nortbrlip Co Stenton Ave and for mail N. loth St.., RUBINSKY, Sidney (J 251, Jr. H. E., Naval Aircraft Factory Navy Yd and for "",ii, 4133 Girard Ave. ". RUCK. Geo. (A M 15), Pres., Columblll Steel, Equip. 00., and fm mail, 13S2 Spruce St.. RUS~~h J~~n M. (98), Tests Engl., United GBli Improvement Contrg. Co., 1401 RUST. Henry P. (21~, V. P., Harper & Taylor, Inc., Rm. 141t, 226 S. 15th St. RYE~fON, Wm. N. (06), Asst. to V. P., United Gas Improvement Co., 1401 Arch SAALFRANK. J. M. (15), Oons. EOw., 207 W. Tabor Rd.. SAFBERG, B. 11. (17), Asst. to Pres., Hires Castner & Harris Inc 110 Land Title Bl~I:.. Philadelphia, and for mail, 110 Chestnut Ave., Narbe~ih.. SAGE~DORPH. Llo)d A. (19), V. P., Pa. Metal 00., 26th & Wharton Sts. and lor mail, 7104 McCallum St..!?AMANS. Walter (20). Ch. Enlll., Atlantic Ref. Co PaSSYUllk Ave. :SANDERSON. V. L, (A Y 17), Dist. Mgr., Terrv Steam Turbine Olis Bldg BAT}l:ERBEnG. Carl H. (9S), Cona. Engr., 1752 N. 26th St.". 622 MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA (COlltinned) SAUTER, Wm. V. (A M 19), V. P., Am. Engrg. Co., Aramlngo Ave. &: Cumberland St. SCHAEFElt, COlllad B, (J 27), Dist.Auditor, Austin Co., Rm. 1220, 1016 Ol1est nut St. " SCHAEFFER, Chaa. F. (15), Propr., Scbaefier Mcb. WIs., 3500 Grays Ferry Rd. SCHAFFNIT, Wm. E. (J 20). Salesman, Hlokle Milnor Engrg. Co., 21 S. 12th St., and lor mail, 6606 Walnut St.. SCHA.UM, Otto W. (94), Pres., Fletcbsr Wks.. Glenwood Ave. & 2nd llt, SOHELL. Fredk B., Jr. (J 211, Instr., M. E., Univ. of Pa. SCHLACK, Bruno (A M 26). Designer, PhUa. Elec. Co;, 1000 Ohestnut st., and tor m"il Malcolm St.. SCHMALZ, Chas. H. (141, 1616 W. Tiop St. SCHOFIELD, J. B. (A M 22), M. E. Dept., Phila. Elec. Co., 1000 Ol1estnut St. SOHOFIELD, W. Richison (A H 271. Asst. Ch. Engr., Leeds &: Northrup Co., 4901 Stenton Ave., and /M mail, 1629 W. LQuden St. SCHRAMM, O. Henry, Jr. (21: A M 2~), Cb. Engl., Box Crane & Holst Corp., E. Ontllrio St. & Trenton Ave., nnd for mail, 22-1\20 W. Estaugh St. SCHRANZ, Cha.. A. (18), Sales MlT., Mchy. Dept., R. D. Wood & 00., 400 Ohestnut St. SCHRANZ, Fredk G. (10), V. P.. Southwark Fdy. &: Mch. Co., 400 Washington Ave.. and for mo.a,.6416 Overbrook Ave. SOHREIBER, John J. (A M 23). H. E. Designer, O. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co., 19th St.. &: Sedo:ley Ave., and for ",ail, 719 N. 13th St. SCHRODER, Ohae. H. (A H 25). Dist. Mgr., Bornlta Furnace Appliance Co., Delle vue Court Bld/t., and lor mail, 1818 E. LOjlgsbore A,... SOHULTZ, John L. (IS)/; Hech. &: Designilll: Engr. Am. Enllrg. Co., Aramingo Ave. &: Cwnberland S., and for, 1108 S. 47th St. SOHUSSLER. Walter H. (211, Dir., Schussler Tobacco Mch. Co., and for mail, 4600 Com~v St.. SOHWARTZ, Walter :r.r. (20), Pres., Proctor &: Schwartz, Inc., 7th St. &: Tabor Rd. SCHWElKLE, Albert W. (211; A M 26), Asst. Plant Engr., Franklin Sugar Ref. 00., and /M m"il Marston St... SOOTT, Jas. B. (96: 00), Oons. Engr., 603 S. 46th St... SCOTT, Richard S. (22). Cons. EnfT., 2036 Commercial Trust Bldg. SOOTT. W. Dolce (A H 16), Oper. Engr. United Gas Improvement Contrg. Co., 1401 Arch St., and for mail, 5853 N. Marshall St.. SELLERS, E. H. (20; 24), Ga$ Dlv., United Gas Improvement Oontrg. Co., Philadelphill. Ps., and/or m"il. 217 Burrwood Ave. Collingswood. N.,T. SETZER. Walter C. ( 19). Sales Engr.. H. B. Smith Co., 17th & Arch Sls., Phlla rlelphln. and for mail. 211 Gilham St., r,nwndale. SEVERS,. Elmer B. (17). Design Engr., Elec. Dept., United Gas Improvement. OontTl:. Co., 1401 Arch St.. SHARP. Ohas. B. (J 22), Engl. Sales Dept., Westinghouse Elec. &:.Mfg. Co., S. Phila. Snb Sts.. SHARP, Roht. E. B. (18), Oh. Engr., I. P. Horrls Corp., Richmond lind Norris Sla. SHAW, Artbur D. (A. 05), EnlTg. Salesman. S K F Industries, Inc Real Betate Trust Bld/t., Philadelphia, and tm mail, 611 W. Up..1 St., Germantown.. SHELLY, Franklin E., Jr. (J M), Engr., Alcorn Combustion Co., Bellevue Court Bldg.. phllildelphin, and for mail, ~OO.Runn~l1led. Ave., Jenkintown. SHEEN, M. Roy (A M 23). Genl. Mgr., Tunnel Meb. Mfg. & Eng. Co., 6802 N. 5th St., lind for mllil, 1220 Butler St.. SHEFFLER, H. (A Y 23), Pres., Sheffler Gross Co., 211 Drexel Bldg.. SHELMIRE, W. H.. Jr. (89), V. P., Chas. W. Shelmire Inc., Lehigh & German town Aves., Philadelphia, and for 69th & Launton Ave., Oak Lane. SHEPPARD, Howard M. (24), Asst. Ch. Draftsman, Wm. Cramp &: Sons Ship & Eng. Bldg. Co., Richmond & Norris Ste., Philadelphia, and fm mail, 809 E. Hercer St.,Kensington.. SHMlDHEISER, Wm. A. (20; 24), Dept. Asst., Power Dept., Atlantic Ref Passyunk Ave.. and for mail, 0017 Pine St.. SHOEMAKER, Wm. T. (J 26), Time Study &: Indus. Engr., Hiller Lock Wks., Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., Frankford, and lor mail, 116 S. ~2nd St., Philadelphia. SHOLL, Harold A., Jr. (J 27), Servo Enl(T., Brown Instrument 00 Wayne &: Roberta Aves., Philadelphia, Pa., and for mail, 212 Prince St., Bordentown, N. J !

248 PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PHILADELPHI,\. (continned) SHULTZ, Nel.oll (J U), Maintenance Engr. Bell Tel. Co. of Pa. and OT ",ail 154 W. Cbamplost A"e.." SHU1.lAN, Lau1"~nce (J 26), Cadet Enl\I. Ullited Gas Illlpro,elllent Co Mar ket St.. PlllladeJpbla, and lor mad, B8, Wissahickon Apts GellI{antown SIBSO~, Horac~ E. (04: 19),. V. P. SaleS MgJ.., Cocblane COlOP:; 3UO N. 17tb St.; Plniadelpilla, and lor liia,l, P.O. Box H7, Bala C) nwjd.. SIEBrii: Frank T. (.14), Inspr Illterstate Commerce Co,om., 4131 Post Office SIEDLER, Geo. J. (A 22). Genl. Mgr. Bryant Servo Inc. 617 Packard Bldg. Philadelphia. and lor ",ai!, Haverford. SIMPSON. Will, L. (17), Asst; Gelli. Supt., Eddystone Plallt. Baldwin Loco. Wks.. _ Philadelphia. and lor liiad, 100 S. Chester A,e. Glenolden.,. SIlSCLAIR, Geo. 11. (87: 90), 1511 Arch St. SKE~;~, Edwin G. (A-M 15), Supt.., O. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co., Lehigh & Sedgley SliLAR, Helman J. (J 26), Clarence E. Wunder, 1520 Locusb St. and lor mail; 5745 Beaumont A,e.. SKOLNlliOFF, Benj. (J 27), Designer. Genl. Elec. OO.,and for mail, 4311 Spl uce St. SLO_Ul, Wm. Allan (A M 21), Asst. Prof. M, E. Dept" Univ. at Pa. ~MILJ>Y, Edw~n (19; A-M Jl3), Agt Am. Arch, Co., King Retractories S. Bload st., aud for " Penfield Ave., Upper Darb) P. O. SMITH, Geo. H. (AM 23), Plant Eugr., Southwark Fdy. & Mch. Co., 4th St & Washinl{ton Ave., and lor ",oil, 06H Chew St, SMITH, Geo. P.. Jr. (A-M 20), Genl. Mj1;1., Ch. Engr., Pbila. Toboggan 00., 130 E. Duval St., Garmanto,m. S~IIT~tingl~hi2t~I~li.;:k.l ~~~~. a~~af~~~~~ii.1wrivnit lfii~ RS~: 516, Reading Ter SMITH, Josiah H. (18), Cll. Y. E" Ballinger Co., 10~ S. 12th St. Philadelphia nnd Jor mai.! Sherman St., Germantown., SMITH, M~lshnll Cbarlock (20:. A-M 21), Secy" Treas., Marshall E. Smith &; Bro., Inc.,,24 Ohestnut St.,;, Phlladelpbla, and for mail. C 20 Stonelel~h CUU1 t. 46tb &; Walnut Sts.. w. Philadelllhia.. 0, SMITH, Norman L. ( ). Desil(11er, Link Belt Co., Nicetown Philadelphia Pa., and 01, 105 Ogden Aye. Collingswood. N. J:, SMITH, Pelsilor F., Jr. (04). M. P. Engr., Pa. R. R. Co. Guaranty Bldg Philadelphia, and lor ma i/. P.O. Box 534. Paoli.., SMITH, Peter E. (A M 22), Desle;nlng Engr., Louis T. K1auder Bankers Trust Blag.. and lor mail W.!\~rrls St... SMITH, Walter (20), Plant EIIl!;.. Franklin Supr Ret. Co., Ft Reed St. Philadelphia, and lor mail, 139 W. "romlng Aye" Germantown: SMITH. Wm. (17), Spec. Wk. nelll) Disston &; Sons, Inc.; Philadelphia &nd 10" mail, i\jan:c1ell St., Tneon,-.. SNYDER. H. E. (221. Penll Athletic Club.. SOMES. Geo. C. (A-M 22), Power Plant DosiA"er, Engr. United Gas {tilll,o, e ment Cont~ll. Co., 1401 Arch St.. Pbiladelphia, and 0: mail, 1H E. Waverly R rl.. SPAClIMAN. Herbert B. (J 24). Bethlehem Steel Co., Widenel Bldg. SPELL1IAN, Cb...B. (18; 27), Asst. Engr., I. P. ~lol"1is Carll., Richmond &; ~~J.iS Sls., Pblladelphla, Pa., and or.mail. 233 BUrlwood Ave., Col!ings"ood,. SPENCER, Theo. N. (J 26). Asst. Supt. ot Meters, United Gas Improvement Co. 19th S~..If. Allee;henr Ave., and lor mail, 4818 Windsor A e.. SPIVEY, Wllhs T. (A-!! 1~), Cons. Engr., W. T. Spi,.e) & Co., 3110 Market St. SPO~~~~~; ~~"ti, ~l~rdxt~;j ~t~es Engr., YcClm Blooks 00., 610 Morris Blelg., STE.~~~~ie 9;~~ence A. (A 27), Pres. Boiler Sel ". I< Repair Co., Inc. $843 N. STEA RKS, Walter I. (A-M 19), W. I. Stearns Co. 560 N. 16th St. STEELE, Wm. B, (J 24). Asst. Fire Protection Engl. Will Steele If. Sons N. BIoad St., alld or mail; 5118 N. Sydenham St:.., STEIN~IETZ. Jos. A. (14),Menl. Flrm. Janney. Steinmetz I< Co., Morris Bldg. STEINS. Cadeton K. (A-ill 21), Asst. Enll"\., M.P., Pa R. R System 384 Broad St. Sta. Pbiladelllhia. and lor mail. Westdale Ave. Swarthmore MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PENNSYLVAl\"IA PHILADELPHIA (continued) STEM, Frank B. (15), Engr. Oper., Day to Zimmermann Inc., ~600 Walnut St. r. STEllLlNG, Geo. R. (21). Sr. Inspr., London Guarantee & ACCldent Co. Ltd., u12 Walnut St.. STE"E~SON, A. A. (88), V. P. Oharge Mtr" Stand. Steel WI,s. Co. 500 ls. Droad St. Philadelphia, and for ",ail, 201 Kent Rd.. Ardmore, STEWART. Albert D. (A-:M 22), Supt., Oonnery & Co. InC. 2nd It Luzerne Sts. STEWART. Frank L. (J 25), Y. E., W. B. Colema! & 00., 15th & Wallace Sts., philadelphia, and lot ",oil, 117 Delawme Ave.. RIdley Park. STINE, Saml. S. (A.M 27). Proce.. En/:I.,,Elec. It :Mfg. 00 S. Philadelphia and JOI mail. 830 S. 48th St.. Plnla(lclphla.. STONEROD, Cb~s. H. (25). Sal Ellp;r.. E. F. Houp;hton Co. Philadelphla, and for mail. 30.,1; Conlrl"(I!Is AYe., nrexel PlazR. Lnmladowne.. STRACHAN, John E. (1r.). Supt, Mch. Shops, Nicetown Wks. lbd,ale steel & Ord. Co.. and for mail. 338 W. Se)lIIo,", t. STROBEL, Victor 0. (02), Oenl. Mgt. CraneDept.. Nlles Dcment.Pond Co., Mdllin Ii M ndnw St!ol. PhllldeJlhi"l. llilfl for mail. HlJ l"!lfmd. STYRI, Hadkon (25). Ch.. S "K F Research Lab-.. Front fit...ll: Erie Ave. SUKIN, Maurice (J 27). W. H. Anderson Co. 000 Scbuylklll Ave. and for ma.l, SUPPLEE 1726 S. Wanen 55th St. P. (A 18), Ch. Eng"., Constr. Oper., Thos. Wolstenholme Sons.I: 00 Frankford A"e. & Westmoreland St.. SUTTON, Geo, Z. (A 13), As.t. T"eas" Mgr. Sales. Stokes It Smlth 00., Summerdale Sla and lor mail N. 15tb st... 1 Bd S"EtGARD. JOB. L. (23). M. E" Propr.. Jos. L. Swellllrd & Co Llllco n,/:. TALI \FERRO R Rvland (17 20) All Conditioning Dept. Engr. Yorle Htl!:. &. Vent. COl:p, LocustSt.. Philadelphia, and for mail, Beechwood Rd., Beechwood Pk., Upper narby.... 1_\N;"F.Tl. Penrv O. (24: A ],{ 27). M",,.. lllilev :Meter.-Cn.. a22 Bullctlll njdlt. TARLETON. Harold R. (J 26). Asst. St. FOleman, Umted?as Improvement Contrg. Co 1G15 N 9th st Phlladellhia and for mail Garfield Ave., Manoa. TARLETON, I,~slle S. "(J 23). Engr., H. Dellteley Hackett, 1001 Pub. Ledger Bldp; Philadelllhia and for,,,ail Woodland Ave.. Dre"el Hill. TAYLOR"Frank H (08) Retired 8010 Seminole Ave.. Chestnut Rill. TAYLOR: H. Birchard d,o; l!3), Vice-President, : PIes., Cramp Yorris Industrlsls Inc.. Richmond & Norris Sts.,. T~YLOR, Jesse, Jr. (A-M 21), Tnrbine to. Conde,;,er Erection, ".estlllghnuse.e1ec. ~ lilfg Co 30th & Walnut Sts. PlnladelplnlO, nnd for ma,!, N. GlenSIde. TAY!,OR, PerryR. (J 23), Enp;r., :M~son Alfalfa Pro~ess Co Locust St., and,ot mail, 521 Wenesler Rd., Mt. AlrY Sta.... TEPPER, F. E. (J 27), Cadet Tralnlnp; Course. PlllladelplllR Rspld TranSIt Co. philadelphln, and fot 1lIaii. 40<1 Morton A,e., Ridley Park,. TERZIAN. H. G. (14; A.M 21). Expel. Enl!:r.. United 0118 Improvement Contrg. 00 HOI Arch fit, and fot mail. 6U6 Walnut St. THOMPSON, ChM. H..(J 22), 11[. E., Yarnall Wsring Co. 102 E. Mernlald LlIone. philadelphia. and lor man. Weldon P.O., Weldon. THO~IPSOI\ Herbe,t L (12 21), S~les Engr., IngelSoll Rand Co., 833 Com ;1\.rcialTru9t Bldg:. Philadelphia, aud fat mail, 506 Wr nu Ave., Penfield. Upper Darby... I THOMPSON. Louis N. (J 20), Asst. Engr...Turbine Eng. Dept., yeetlng louse Elec. III lifg. Co. S. Phil... Suh Sta., Philadelphia,.and fot tila>l, th THOiiiTO~~o~: F. (09), Haverford. THUMIN, Carl (23; A.M 26), Designer, Genl. Elec. Co., 6901 Elmwood Ave. and lor mail, 4240 Osago Ave. TOl;OE. Ralph E. (26). 833 Blanchard Rd., Drexel Hill.. TRUMP, Chaa. O. (14: A-lIl 19). Asst. to Ch. E~gr., Supplee.WI11s-Jon7s Mille Co" 1523 N. 26th St. Philadelphia, and fot ma>l, 503 Baird Rd., Menon Sla. TUCItER, David A. (J 22). Englg. Contract.j?ept" Westlnghouse.Elec. /I: hug. 00. S. Phila. Sub Sta., Philadelphia, &Ild for ",au, 110 E; PrOVidence Rd., Lansdowne... TULL, ~I. Graham r20; A M 20): Pres. Treaa. Tull.I: TorcM!?" 1003 Brandywine St., Pbilarlelp}na, and for mall., 202 W. Beechtre. Lane, \va) ne.. TYSON. Jas. S. Y. (A.M 15), Engr., E. T. Stotesbul g. 519 Wyndlnoor AVe.. Chestnut Hil!. 625

249 PENNSYLVANIA. :l.iembers IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PENNS"l"LVANIA PHILADELPHIA (continued)... ULMAliN, August, Jr. (18 l 26), lnstr. Exper. Engrg., Univ. 01 Pa. UNDERWOOD, Chas. N. (13; 17), Indus. Engr., Henry Dis,ton & Sons, Inc., T8con~, I>Od fo, mail, 949 Fillmore St., Frankford. UNGLAUB, Felix O. (23), Ch. Engr., JohU M. Driver 00., 55th St, lis Hunter Ave., PhllRdelpllia, and for mail, 215 Maryland Ave., Aldan. UPP, Jobn W. (03), Genl. Mgr., Slvftchhd. Dept., Genl. Elec. Co., 6901 Elmwood Ave., W. Philadelphia.. VAN AR1SDALEN, Jas. T. (J 26), Engrg. Asst., St&. Oper. Dept., PhUa. Elec. Co., 1000 Chestnut St., and for mail, 6811 Catherine St. VAN NOSTRAND, Erwin S., Jr. (J 26), Phila. Elec. Co., 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, and for, 7264 Radhourne Rd., Upper Darby. \AUCLAIN, Andrew O. (12), Exec., Baldwin Loco. Wks., 500 N. Broad St., and for mail, 2416 N. 54th St.... VAUOLAIN, Sam!. M. (94; H 20), Vice-President, 04 06; Pres., Baldwin LOco, Wks., 500 N. Broad St.. VOLKHARDT, Walter (J 19), Prod. Mgr., Plnte Dlv., Curtis Publishing 00., Independence Sq., Philadelphia, and [",. mail, 610 Foss Ave., Drexel HilI. VOYSEY, A. (A M 20), Asst. Genl. Supt., Westinghouse Elec. <!l Mfg. Co., S.. PhUa. W]<s., Lester, and fa. mbil, 1412 Williston St., Chester. WAGNER, Cbde A. (A-M 18), FIeld Engr., Phila. Elec. Co., 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., and fa. mail, 811 Collins Ave., Moorestown, N. J. WALKER, L. E. (10; A M 21), Slldes :I.[gr., Good Roads MellY. Co., Inc., 2087 Commercial Trust Bldg. WALL, Lieut. Col. Geo. L. (97; 04), Ord. Dept.; "(J. S. A., CODlm~nding 01llcer, Frankford Arsenal. WALLACE, David A. (92: 04), SuPt. Phlla. Instrument Shop, West. E1ec. Co., Inc., 1801 Glenwood Ave.. WALLER, O. B. F. (A-M 17), Engr., Charge Bollera,.Bureau of Water; 790A Oity Hall, and for mbil, 212 S. 41st at..., WALLIS, J. T. (01), A.sst. V. P. of Oper., Pa. System, Rm. 131, Btoad St. Sts. WALMSLEY, Geo. (J 22), Engrg. pept., Edw. G. Budd Mig. Co., 25th & Hunting Pic. Ave.. WALSH, WID, J. (15: 22), ltgr., Delt.. File Wks., Bridesburg, Phtladelphia, and fo. mbu, 618 W. Sedgwick St., Mt. Airy.. WANDLESS, Franklin W. (A-M 17), Ch, Engr., Haynes Selling Co., 2018 Sansom St. WARREN, Ambrose G. (07), V. P., Tresa., Aetna Fdy. Co., V. P., Pa. Bronze & Brass Co., Philadelphia, and for mail, 6802 Law)lton Ave., Oak Lane. WAR~~~, s~~~:. S~~ :I.[ 1~), Pres., Tacony Steel Co., Pa. Seabo",rd Steel Corp., WATSON, H. F. IA M.20), 519 E. Tulpehocken St., Germantown. WATTS, Rufus P., Jr. (J 27), Student Course, Westinghouse Elec. & Mig. Co., a. Philadelphia, and for mail, 1421 Lincoln A, e.,.moores. WEBSTER, Howard J. (18), Cons. Engr., 702 Harrison Bldg. WEIL. Loul. (J 23), Turbine Engrg. Dept., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., S. Phil.. Sub Sta., and for mail, 6022 Cedarhurst St. WEINGARTNER, Anthony E. (28), Designing Engr., Am. Engrg. Co., Sta. K. WEISEL, Willi. L. (J 26), Torresdale. WENTZ, Heidel H. (26), Y. E., Pbila. Elec. Co., 1204 San,om St., Philadelphia, and fo, 111Bil, 307 Ashbourne Rd., Elkins Park. WERST, Chas. W. (00), Supt., Baldwin Loco. WI",., 600 N. Broad st., Phi1adelphll>, Rnd for mbil, 3S3 Kirks Lane, Drexel HUI. WERST, Harry K. (J 26), Spec. ~pprentlce, Baldwin Loco. Wka., 500 N. Broad St., and for maa, 8SS Kirks Lane, Drexel Hill. WETHERBEE, Chas. F. (A-M 22), Ch. Draftsman, Brown Instrument 00., Wayne Ave. WETHERILL, F. V. (A-}! 19), Sales Engr., Am. Engrg. Co., Philadelphia, and fo. mail, Aberdeen Apta., Ardmore. WETHERILL, Wm. Ohattin (19; 26), Asst. Prof. M. E. Dept. M. E., Univ. 01 Pa., W. PhUadelphla. WH~r. tti3~ ~;~~ ~~~s., Genl. Mgr., Whalen Mchy Co., Bourse. Bldg., ",nd fa. WHE5~WNBelt ~~el.v~: (J 24), Salea Engr., Am. 626 Radiator Co., and for,,,,,ii, i I PHILADELPHIA (cjont(~18u)eyd) P Genl Mgr. C. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co., P. O. WHEELER Clifton H., r.,..,, \VHEI,AN, BOll 61ho, Wm. N. R. Phl1a. F. (15), Sta. Engr., 0 rane Co., 246 Master St., Philadelphia, and for maa, 4725 Lel,per St., FEan~01: Dept United Gas Improvement Oontrg. WHITE, Wm. Morae (19)hI1 M d I hi. ~d fo,< ;;ail 7 W. Drexel Ave.. Lansdowne. Co 1401 Arch St., P a e p s, Bulzltt Dldg WHrrHAM, J",y M. (83), C-ons. Engr., 607 Commerciai Truck 00., 800 Hunt. WHITNEY. Frank E.. (20). y. P dgfenl. M~r"6668 Lawnton Ave., Ow, Lane. in" Pk Ave., Plnladelplna, an 0 ma" 0 t C 1401 Arch 8t. WHITSrT, Lyle A. (22), 1l(Jlit;~5)G~fImEPr~vfeWn~aga:"I~~rdt&Co., Phi)adelphia, WHITT ~KER Bertram A ",»..,".. U D b and for ~.ail, 781,2 ~eno~ A;2~ Hri~hl:~~e!kEng~~e~. if. ~Vclamb Co., 2318 WILW~~;tC~r. lf;ijid~phl~1 ~;I)ld (~[~ m~i, J20,h~?i~~~/Dj~~t~~e&"I~~ns, Phila- WILLIAMS, Chas. :a:oward (20, "gr. ee. n. delphia, fo,. ma,i, Whe~tsl),eR!1 ~ani:i/ptm~~rtis Publishing Co., Philadelphia, WILLIAMS Fay B. (12; H,» ec 1.., and fo~ n.ail, Greenwood Terr""e, djeplt,!n.townw Bradford Williams & Staff, WILLIAMS, Wm. Bradford (A 26), A yer smg,. and fo, nlail, 1315 Spruce St. 5 8 Frazier St W Philadelphia. WILLH,;r, Wm. 8A d~,s.)12~0.?~~~ E~~~~ pi~ll~. Eiec. Co., 1000 Cbestnut St., Phlla WILSON, Alex., r.! 1 N 0 e Ave Lansdowne. WIL~g&~lf~I:~~d.t «:12n86B~: lltgsbt. &ClyleWnEt~~;:gr!fe~~wr;ge~ ~;,~ns. ~. Cor. 12th & WILSON, BenJ. >Y. ), n., Chestnut Sts ) Oh Engr Indus. Sales, Sinclair Ref, Co., 986 WILSON, Howard J. (,J.,. ii b 8t Widener Bldg., and fo, ma),i, p tne a l1l,;on O :\Vilbut & &Ons, 286 N. 8rd WU"DLE, A. E. (18; 22; 27, at!. ngr., n. St., anld fo B, m(abiim ~~~)WDe~igd~~~lgCkE~~r, Brown Instrument Co., Wayne & WINTON,. - ~, th. WOLF, Roberta Howar. AdveAs. (J 21), Prod & Factory Management, Wolf Bros., 880 N. 12 St. En r Louis T KIauder, Bankers Trust Bldg., WOLFF, John F.,,Tr. (.~ 18),.Assoc. w." tl St. Gennanto\vn. Philadelphin, :>nt Jp{6)m"S~le:8i:~gr:, tljrs. frail Fdy., 017 Harrison Bldg. WOOD, Alan A. (19l 00" 04) Cons Engr., Stock Exch. Bldg.. WOOD, AlbertRO. J( (J: 00) Li(; Junidr M. E. 409 Chestnut St. St WOOD, Edw.., r., R D W d& Co. o{do Ohestout. WOOD, wsdltero{so ;~9 lf ~:r~ne&ocl;ran~ C~~p., 17thSt., I< Alleghen in y AA 1< WOOl,FOR, G1verft 1.1 (,I) Genl Sales Mgr. AID, Engrg. Co., Aram go ve. WORRER, Jos. ar e <, Cumberland St. M ) S.v Dept Engrg. Div., Westinghouse Elec. & Mig. WRi&, ~:~~ITiaB (~~::l.ff~ ~) ~~1.!t~ Wk~~IM~~~,O B,::~~sold~::;~~eCo., Pblladelpllia, WYAla:: ~nd fo. nbili2~5 IC~~:fe~t~I~;e& ~ f~~dc~~elf9t~&jhamlltnn Sts.. WYATT, F. D I/AilMH (1. 20) M E 529 Commercial Trust Bldg. Y II YARNALL, WY.NKOOPD A. Rrebt o. (08, 11), :Ma~~ger 17 20; M. E., Mem. Flrra,. arna Wa,ing Co., CI\estnut c HlII E Day & Zimmermann Engrg. & OOllstr. 00., YEAGER Wm. F. (27), ons. ngr.,. a 6010 Emlen St Germantown Walnut St., fhiladelphfa, acnd-j. wi: ler Mfg.. 00., Lehigh & Sedgele, YETTER, F. Leon (.1 22), M. E.,... I e Aves.. and Jor ~[Bit( ~~2,416L)ID M ek*n ii;~e. Steele & Sons Co., 219 N. Broad St., YEWDALL. FranCIS D.,.-...,.., : and f J O. nmail1169(4j6,r;.) l~~h~~ Salesman, Oalco Mclly. Co., H20 Chestnut St.. YOCUM. u,se,.. Sf B I St pottstown PhiiadelPhDia, (~~~) f:5h~~~ater p~~1ftcation Dept., Cochrane Corp., and for YODER, Jos..,. "",ii, 720 vmernojn R(~6 26) Designing Engr., Link-Belt Co.,.lllcetown, and YOUNG, Chae..., r. " t. fo. lila~ie 6 C 28 1 E. ~I[aY(!~Id) Sstteu?ers,:pt.ol\~~stinghou... Elec. <!l Mig. YOUNGLOV, las.".,., Co" 801h II Walnut Sts. 627

250 1,. PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATE!! PENNSYI,VAliIA. PHILADELPHIA. (continued) ZAUl!oER, Norman G (J 20) MEG I El C. delphi and for,~all 114 w M;;~sb:llRd ec L od 6801 Elmwood Ave., PbjJ... ZIMMERMANN St.., Jil E (07 2., ans owne. 011\, ; 2), V. P. Day & Zjmmermann Inc Walnut ZORTp~I(I ~land"elpjh laedgard (fj 26). IA98t. Engr. Malntena;,ce, Midvale Co N, &.on 0,. mat, 1902 N. 13th et., Philadelpbia. or; ice:town, :;~~~N~~TILLE, Phihulell)I.m Section WILMOT C~s FS(~1), (j~ ~Igr., Heine Bolle, Co. and fot 7II~iI, 330 4th Ave.,.. r. 19), Sales, Plant Management, Metal Castings Co. PINE GROVE SNYDER. John Abner (J 21), East Penn Elec. Co" Box B. PITCAIRN, Pittsbnrgl. Section GODAa,,C!PfoH r n,(a. 1, 6 )p. Aosst BGenl. ox 73. Foreman" Pitcai\l1 Car 51lOpS, l a. R.. R. Sy,tem. rlll;"sbjirgh, Pittsburgh Section anci fo~l;~~lm ~;[:mtj~g~~eclawk; 1610 Oliver Bldg,. PIttsburgh. Al!BROSE Roy B (13 "1)., es,ew., 01 Te~h., Sehe~ley pt -,Mgr., Bldg, & G,ounds; Carnegie LlbralY & In~t..\NDREWS. Roger W (A ;0) S l ANGSTROl!. C. J. (;08) M E ecy.,.reas:1 Andrew,s.Bmdshaw Co., 630 4th Ave, Mllhal" Ave...., Mackllltosn Hempbl1l Co., alld for 711,,;1, 782 S. ASHCROFT. A Griffin (J 22) Bu I 11 Pit b bulllh, allli fot ", 610 Daw~o~e"1vegr BII tb urgh DlugnoBtic Clinic, Pitts ASTON, Ja. (21). Prot Min &: M., e evue.. negle InBt. 01 Tech. etal., He&<! Dept. Mm. & Metal. Eng.ll., Car AYERl:l, ",, Hobart 7128 Mead. B. (03) St: PreB ".. H K l or t er C0., 49th &I Harrison St., and for BACHARACH St. Homewood Helman (13),res.. l B ac h arach Iudus. Instrument Co Ben BANNISTER, Bryant (Ill) Power En N tl Tub. BAl\m~TER, Jo~n O. (02), 2574 ;d "BI~d. e Co Frick Bldg. Annex. BAIlR\:, T. J. (17; A-M 21) p81k Bldg BARTON Bldg: Jas," M (A 27),ngl., E C harge., Seamle_s Wks" Nat!. Tube Co. Flick BASCOME. Geo. L. (19) Contract En~r N tl V I, ~ts., Pittsburgh, andfo, ",oil 416 ov~sbl~gto \ve &I,lUg. CO" 31st & LibOlty BAY:STUN nob! S (27) Indup l n ve., ~clantoll., Co., 3ir Ros~ St. s. ower lant Sales &I Design Engr. Rust Engrg. BECltFIELD. Franklin H (J 27) A t D E ment C~rp., Duques~e Bldg. pitt~bu::wna,;d!:f r., BlI1~!SbY Englg...II: Manage S. H. Pittsburgh.,or lilal, I289 lien"lly Ave., g~t~, ~~~nkgb.,<18), PreB., Edgewater Steel 00., p. O. Box 249. BENNETT. CI;a~. 2#h~~r. Power Devel., W. Penn PO~el Co. 14 Wood St.. BENNETT: Geo. L. (~~5{ ~h.: Jjdg~Tr:J,eetl?m PJfte Co F"ick Bldg. ComlU., 332 Oliver Bldg. and for liloil.;s 0 1:,en, 682 eet Steel Trade Exten. DENNETT. Will. B. (18) Pr~d Engr Un" Stl 8 x t,, Pittsbnr!:h. and for :" i051 E~~rgri~: A\_~e Mil~nf Co., 62nd &I Butler StB" BERG, ~Ollll D. (14). V. 1. D,avo.Do)1 C SO~ 1" a e.. ",all, Deaver Rd., Glen Osborne Se\Vi~kle~p 0 enn Ave., P,ttsbmgh, and for BIGGERT, F. C., Jr. (16), Pres United E. & Fd C p!ttsburgb, and for mail, 108Hawthornenfv~ C ff 0" Farmers Bank Bldg., BISSINGER. John A Jr (J 27) Ex ed t., ra on. PittsbUlgh, and lot,,~ail ~16 Ferrt. S~ orb Dravol.Contr, so-z Penn Ave" BJORNSON Edwin (20 A M 26)., oraopo 5. and,to; ",ail, 428 R~be~ea St. J;Min~~~~ Pittsburgh Coal Co., Pittsburg1" BLAlSDF,LL. A. H. (12 A M 19) A t l. Pittsburgh, and fat nlnil PS9 tren"i"o~ A~?ef, ~n:; bcarnegie Inst. of Tech., B LAKESLEE DOlaf W (21) III E 1 liis lilg llor;,ingside Ave. um. D81" Ittshurgh Reflector Co., and fat, 628. PITTSBURGH (colltinue(l), " BLENKO. Walter J. (J 21), Pat. Atty., BY1nes, Stebbins &I Plllnelee, 171~ Farmen Banlt Bldg., and fa" mail, p. O. Box DOOZER, Douglas G. (A M 17), 419 N. Highland Ave. BO~CH, John P. (.T 2-1). SteD, Se,v, D,pt" W"stinghouse )O;lec. & Mfg. Co., 6905, Susquehanna St., and fin ",ail. 220 N, Linden Ave. BOUSLOUOH. Jos. A. (A M 24), Asst. Wk. Mgr., R. D, Nuttall Co., McCand 1(85 AV~. Pttt~b11lgh. n:h.1 /01 111UU, is-i R06S Ave" VilkiJlsbnrg. BOWM,~N, FlDnklin M. (94; 02), V. P. B1aw-Knox Co., p. O. Box 915, and for lil",il N. Hillhland Ave. BOYLE. Wm. G. (16). Mech. Supt., Eng,... Estate of Henry W. Olh-er, 2629 Oliver Bldl!:. BRADSHAW. Grant D. (04: 18), Pre. Exec. Engl g., Andrews Brodsbaw Co 630 4th Ave. BRENNAN. Dr. James 1. (11:; 17), Managing Engl., 1600 Ylllano,a Rd., E. LibBrty. " BRESLOYE. Jos. (06; 13), Cons. Enllr., 841 Olive, BId!:. BREWER, Wm. M, (J 27), J,. Fuel Engr" U. S. Bureau Mines, 4800 Forbes St. BROSIUS, Ernest (J 23), Mgr. pittsbu"gh Offlre. Bailey Meter 00,. 402 Oliver Illdg. BUEj1GER, Chas. B. (16), Genl. Mgl" Gulf Ref. Co., 1662 lrick Bldg. Annex. BURDE."!, Howard W. (J 26), fest Engr.~ Colfax Power Sta,. Duquesne Light Co., Pittsburgb. and for lilail, 4 Shennan ::it., Cbeswick. BURl\HAM, Leland 1. (21; 26), Ch. Eng"., R. D.,Nuttall Co., :M;cCandless &I Harrison A\es., al1d fol" 7Jl.ail" 8405 Iowa St. BUTLER, Ricllllrd E. (" M 18). Sales Engr" Babcock &; Wilcox Co., 1110 Farmers Deposit Bank Bldg. BUTLER. Wm. A. (16), C. E. Ollvcr I"on &; Steel Co., S. loth & Mmiel Sts., and fol, 3710 Por-iss st, N. S. BYRl\"ES. Cl.rence P. (23), Sr. Mem., ByrneB Stebbins & Parlllelee, In7 Fa1D,ers Banlt Bldg.. CAMPBELL.,E. Gordon (18). Bette,ment En!:,. Duquesne Light Co,. Pittsburgh, and for mail, 115 2nd St., Aspinwall. CANAN. Wm. D. (21; 26). M. &; E. E., Rust Ecgrg. Co. 311 Ross St. CARMICHAEL, David C. (J 26), C)rus Wm. Rice & Co., 7229 Penn Ave. CECIL, Robt. E. (21).. V. P Mgr. Trens. Air Tigbt Steel Tanl, Co., also P,es., Mgr., pittsbur!:b 1<ange Boiler Co,. Pittsburgh, and for, P. O. Box 366, McKeespOlt. CIlANDL(,;R, R. W. (19: 25), Prod. Engr. Pbilo. 00., 4SO 6th Ave. CHERR~NGTON. Geo. H, (A IS), Pres. Bro.,.,n &I Zortman Mcby. Co 325 2nd A, e. CHESTER. John N. (051, Sr. Partner, J. N. Ohester Eng.&., Ill1 tinton Bank Bldg. CHESTER, Thos. (15). Engr. Contr., ls18 Cordova Rd. COLE~IAN. Harry S. (18), Asst. Dir. MeUon IllSt. of Indus. Research. CONNELLEY, Clilford B. (20), Di\" InduB. Relations, Carnegie Inst, of Tech., Schenley pk. COOIm. A. F. (20). V. P., Mgr.; Fawcu. Mch. Co., 2318 Smallman St. COOLIDGE. Richard N. (27), Asst. Genl. Mgr., Engr!:. Wks. Dept" Dram COnllg. Co., S02 Pcnn A,-e. ritlsburgh. and fa" mail, 220 Osborne Lalle, Sew,ickley. COOrER, Howell C. (12), Ch. Engl., Hope Natural Gna Co., &; People; Katural Gas Co., 646 Wm. Pelln Wa.y. COOPER. Jas. IV. (J 22). 738 Shady Ave., Mt. Lebanoll. CORNELIUS Henry R. (SS). Sales Engl. Mesta Mch. Co., ISl5 Oliver Bldg. CORlUO, Alva C. (J 28), S". M. E., Dyllesby Ellg. &; Managemellt Corp., 435 6tb Ave. Pittsbl1rgh, alld for ",at! p. O. Box 277, Veroua. COX, Anthony B. (26). Designer, R. D. Nuttall Co., Pittsburgh. and fo, ",ail, 439 Rosedale St.. Will,insbllrg. ORANE, J. B. (14), Sale. Mgr. Ladd.Water Tube Boiler Co; st!\atl, Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa., and for ma.l, SO E. 08t1, St., New xorlc, N. Y. ORARY, Harry S. (19; 26), M. E. Fort Pitt Spring, & Mfg. Co.. P. O. Box 917. CRAWFonD. D~vid F. (99). V. P., Gelli. Mgr., Loco. StoIcal Co. SO Gene,..1 Robin. son St., and for mail, G2;l3 EUsworth Ave. CRIM Roy F. (J 2l), Ellgr. Statistical Dept., W. PenD Power Co., 14 Wood St. CROUCH. RayC. (A M 20), AI. E., Riter Conle~ Mfg. Co., Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgb,, and for 71,..i!, 710 Hill St., Sewicldey. DEIKE, Geo. H. (21), Pres,. Mine Safety Appliances Co 909 Chamber 01 Commerce mdll. DENW. Fred (22; A M 26). Engl. Ope.. Dept. KopperB Co,. Ullion TruBt Bldl;. 629

251 PENNSYLVANIA ~rembebs Pi UNITED STATES PITTSBURGH (continued) DEUEL, Harry. A. (21), Supt. Practice Dept., S. Side Wka., Jones &; Laughlin Steel Corp.. DeWITT, Clifford H. (J l!1)l Test Engr., Duquesne Light Co., 435 6th Ave. Pitts. burgh, and for mail, BUll West St Willeinsburg. DEXTER, Howard W., Jr. (J 24), Dnquesne Light Co., Duquesne.Bldg-. DIEHL,.~. N. (19), V. P., Carnegie Steel Co Carnegie Bldg. DIESCHER, Bldg. August P. (22), Co Partner,. S. Diescher & SODS, 2114 Farmers Bank DrESOHER, Saml. E. (]5), Partner, S. Dfescher & Sons, 21H Farmers Bank Bldg. DIETZ, Paul L. (J 23), Engrg. Asst., Ben Tel. 00. ot Pa., U6 7th Ave., Plttsburgll, and for moil, B!l6 Florence Ave., Avalon. DIGNAN, Ceo. E. (24), Ob. Engr., Rust Engrg. Co., 311 Ross St. DILLON, l;:vdne~ (22). Cl,. M. E., Carnegie Steel Co., ]2]6 Oarnegie Bldg. DRAI\F., Wm. V. (A M 27), Snpt. Uech. Oper., W. Penn Power Co., 14 Wood St" Pittsburgh, and tor moil, 714 4th St., Oal,mont. DREYFUS, Edwin D. (05; 11), Cons. Engr., 402 W. Penn Bldg. DUKES, Emil (23), Ob Engr., Fawcus Mch. Co., and tor mail, ]38 Southern Ave. EATON Geo. ~I. (J7), Engr., Molybdenum Corp. ot Am., 908 Empire Bldg. ED:UONDS, John F. (J 24), Fieldman, Duquesne Light 00., Duquesne Bldg., and for m"il, 6614 Wellesley Ave... EGGLESTON, Beacon St. Edw. R. (J l!1), Drafteman, Koppers Constr. 00., and tor mail EISENH.~RT, Harry W. (A H), 8 Hollenden Apt., Wightman St. ELLEXD. Gustav (J 27), SWltcllbd. Oper.,. Brnnot Island Power Sta., Duquesne Li/(ht Co., and tor mail, 1704 Forsythe St. N. s.. ELLIOTT, Wm. S. (15), Pres. Elliott Co., 718 Frick Bldg. ELLIS, Oersham P. (20; 25\, Asst. Supt. Bldg, Bd. Education, Fulton Bldg., and for mail, 6721 Elmer St. ELLMAN, Louis (21; 26), Dlst. Mgi., M. H. Detrick Co., 708 Empire Bldg. ELWELL, G. Randolph (A-M 21), OOllStr. Engr., Stand. Sanitary Mfg. Co., 2801 Preble Ave. and for moil, S945 Grenet St.. EL1f, S. B. (96; 01), Asst. Prot. Commercial Engrg., Carnegie IIllIl. of Tech., and for mail, 5122 PembrOke Pl... ENDSLEY, E. End Louis Ave. E. (13), Prot. Ry. M. E., UnIv. at PJttsburgh, and tor mail, 616 ESTEP, Thos. C. (]9), Assoc. Prof. M. E., CarnegIe Inst. ot Tech. EYARTS. Rnlph E. (J l!1), Asst. to Cit. Engr., Pittsbmgh Equitable Uet~r Co., 400 Lexinl!ton A,-e., Pittsburgh, and tor mail, 516 Kelly Ave., Wilkinsburg. FABERA. Wenzel (J 25)\ Combustion Enl!rg. Corp., 1st Nat!. Bank Bldg. FARNHAM, Thad. L. (U. V. P., W. M. McKee, Inc., 1905 Oliver Bldg. FINLAY, W. S., Jr. (16), Mauager, 21.22; Vlce President 22,24; Pres., W. Penn Elec. Co., 14 Wood St. FISK, G. L. (16; 19), Ch. Engr., Mesta Mch. Co. FITZGERALD, WaIter Le,vls (J 22), Oper., Supvr., Cable Div., Duquesne Light Co., 800 Duquesne Bldg. and tor mail, 439 S. Aiken Ave.. FLANAGAN, Walter N. (17; A M 20), Spec. Engr., Carnegie Steel Carnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh, and for mail. 228 Lebanon Ave., Mt. Lebanon. FLEMING, 1110S., Jr. (19), V. P. Oharge Prod., Oil Well Supply Co. 215 Water at. FLOYD, H. A. (20). Metal. Engr., Electro Metal. Sales Corp., 816 Oliver Bldg. and for mail, 5266 Beeler St. FLYNN, John H. (17), Mlll. Bucket Dept., Blaw-Knox Co., P. O. Box 916. FORKER,.T. N. (19), Pur. Agt., Roppers Co., Union Trust Bldg., and Jar mail, 7124 Meade St., HomewOOd Sta.. FOSTER, Kenneth B, IJ 24). Engrg. Drattsman, Rust Enlllg. CD., 311 Ross St.; and for mail Woodbourne Ave.. FOX, John H. (04), Exec. En81., Pittsburgh Plate GlaBs Co., 1618 Frick Bldg. FREEMAN, Perry J. (08; 14; 19), Cb. Eng-r., Teste & Specifications, Alleghenj mollt. County, 519 Smitbfield St., Pittsburgh, and for 11>ail, 3219 Latonia Ave. Dar. FROHRTEB, Louis C. (18), M. E., Federal Engrg. C-o., 1116 House Bldg., and. for mail, 1107 Peermont Ave. G.!RDINER, Edw. W. (J 25). Teet Engr., Duquesue Light Co., 486 6tll Ave., and for mail. Box 17S. GIBSON, Frank G. (28;. A M 24), Tech. Engr. Power Sb. Dept., Duquesne Light. Co., 485 6th Ave., and Jar mail, 537 East End A"e, : MEMBERS IN UNITED STATE8 PENNSYLVANIA PITTSBUR.GH (colltillue,l). H d Mchy. Dept., United Eng. & Fdy. lll1ng Ethelbert Newman (19) I Engr., y. G Co and tor mail, 901 Davis Ave"JNH S Co Chamber of Oommerce Bldg., GOLDIE Allred E. (26), Engr., Geo. agan., andfor mail, 7616 WaverlJ; St. 19) Koppers Co. Union Trust Bldg.. GRANT. Albert-i,V (,tori ~~~n~~.; Oil Wen Supply i watec~\f Am 2400 GRErEH~~g:~ Fr.. (A-M 2.1); 14. E., p.urc~. D~P~iin~~~~:~~arn"BUs.., ::~M~~H~~~~lli~~~~~~es~n~!t1i~~~ ~n~j~:gi~~~lj~r:.r~ ti~tsj,urgh, 101 HALLOCK John W. (1~, 22), ro,. Thaw Hall. 18) Mill Mgr., Dilworth Porter & Co., Inc., HANDLOSER, Bertram F. J~~ mail 578 Northumberland St. C 14 Wood 4th & _BinghamESts(116~ ) Supt: Emc. Dept., W. Penn power 0., HANll:1S0N, Lewis., fiazj,t ow, Justin E. (1~), )527iJlee~e;mPt.ont::i;toneHall Insulator Co., 1243 Spring liar~bn, Wm. W. (J 24, g., Garden Ave. E Devel Sales, Blaw-Knox Fult n HARRINGTON, E. L; (";!f282)1)j)i~gr~~gr. HYatt Roller Bearing Co., 80 0 HAYNES Jas. L. (14,,. A R Bldl::. and for mail; 1~S8!Uc.~) Vir. Indus. Fellow, Mellon lust. Indus. e- HEllJdAN Russell H. (19, Ao, search;.t~ck(,~r~y ~w~~a~e~:sharris & Co., 910 ~ult~ ~dg622 Farmers Bank HERR, Ben].. P (19) Ch. Engr., B. Floersltelm., HERTZLER, Saml.. il 8321 Francisco St. liibbb1~ii: R~t!.L. (~2S}, Cons. En~~;,le~~~.~ ~i;::eequip Mfg. Co., 428 Jenkins HILL Buchanan H. (A 10). Pr... HOLBROOK, Arcade Bldg. Elmer. A (27), Dean Sch. Engrg. & MllIes, 104 Thaw Hall, Unlv. 0 Pittsburgh. d (22) 6949 Thomas Blvd.. Bldg.~gg{~OgD~~::-:~ M. (22il ~W"MH1:an ig~~"jf~ ~~:nig"th &; sm~m~n ~s" HORTON, Ernest J. (A(21 2S). Di~. Research Lab., A. S. H. &;.,.~. HOUGHTEN, Ferry O.,, HOy~~r~~~n~ ~~jne~~., (16 ;S 25 il ~hlltu~~~sn~8ti~f~ ~~~: Pittsburgh, and fo, HUFF Ceo. F., r.,( 26), r... "Sta ",~i!, 6040 BrYant St., Et.L1Cb{rl:l!:ngr \m Slleet &; Tin Plate Co., P. O. Box HUlIITER, John A. (09), Ass.," V P Equitable Gas Co., 485 6th Ave. ~N~5~.:l6J.l~;~. ~~;25~~3.:fr~~0~:rgrne~t~g HC~.~rl~~ Si-ulton Bldg., Pitts ILIFK.;r;~~n~ l~r1;;aily 2~~3 E1il~~:ft~~~~ BKOP~~~~ Co., Union Trust Bldg. JEFF~IES, Erne.~ 1(";.- nail )io07 Hampton Ave., Swissvale. &; 11 Plate G"., Plltsburgh, a~[ (oj 28) Ste..m Engrg. Dept., Am. Sheet n JENKS, Stephen., T h Box 62 II f Induetries Carnegie Inst. of ec. t JEWETT, Arthur C. (~~)"2~)ir ~~~h~gix~t., Loco. Se.;l<er, 30 Genl. Robinson S., JORDAN Jas. MeG. (A 15 GI in St Punxsutawney. DId PittSburgl!. anjd(fjor,~a)ils:lesma~p Oxweid Acetylene Co., ~vedm~l g. KELLEY,,~drlan, t t P s W Penn Elec. Co ~. It KELLS, Chos. F. (J 2~)O ;As~G) 0 En;r:: Hlatt Roller Beari!,g Co., 606 Fu 011 KELLY, Jos. U., Jr. (2, " lllinois Ave., S. Ellis.. mdg., Pittsburgh, and tor mo.. d t Engr., 1217 Bessemer Bldg. KENNEDY Julian (12), V,ce-Pres, en, Bid. KNEASS, Strickland,,Jr.) (Jc18)~f;:IC~~~erEllgr~ liorris Knowles Inc., 501 Westl" NOWLES liorris (07, OilS., Ingllou~e Bldg. (15) Asec. Ch. Ellgr., PresBed Steel Car Co., Falmers Bailie KOCH, Felix A. C.., i! Bldg. W (J 28) Jr Engr Durnloy Co.; 47 Terminal Way, and for moo, KRESS, Fredk..., New HFave(~24A)veM E H K Porter Co., 49tl1 St. KRO ER. Wm..,.., f

252 PENNSYLVANIA., I.ITTSB{1RGH (continued) lilembebs IN UNITED STATES KROTO. Geo (08) D t AI Bank m;lg,is., gr,. Natl. Transit Pump &; ~Ich Co I,ADD. Geo, T, ( , Farmers L.<\NB~k\~ld iedk K (:15~1). Pres., Treas., G. T. I,add Co. RIO st Natl, J.Ass~lIN 11~n?a,{tal;,A, e.: g::l;";:~pt., Flannery Bolt Co., PlttsbUlgh, and for I,AlIGHL-IN,,l1e,,< (;:~),2~~t~YdTuEngr., Oliver Bldg. LEAR,,To1m S. (28; A-M 27)alDeslbe Co., 1800 ]st Netl. Bank Bldg I ELAINrcDh St, " gner, Bd. Pub. Education, and /0; mati 1327 J, Ed",. D. (17) hst Equitable Gas Co., 485 6th Av LINCOLN, John J. Jr. (j 24) to1i.i" X" LITTJi~~.W, R. (A-M,21), Mgr:, Pik.b~~~i,t101oc~~ F~h~~ l~fh 1;e. ;: s.. LOWER, Nathan ){, (18)Ago., 1815 Ollver SOil St., N. E,sst, GenL Mgr., Loco. Stoker W LUCAS, Wm E (J 24) AU I., Genl. Robin BennettSt: eg lony County StealIl Htg. Co., and f. 1,UTZ, Eelw. L, (.1..)1 28):E K,or ma,l, 7S10 LYO*UISh...nel /0 ",oil, 603~ng; d Co., trnlon Trust Bldg. Pitts " 0 l 1Il A, (J 26) Detailer Pitt b 11 a ejphla. MAunt f!j RaiZl~~2~~~,e;fre;n AV~.~1I~\I~:f:e Fdy. & Constr. Co., Pittsburgh. )UGri~~~~ M. T. (A 10): FI~~bl~n8.;upR~:I~~~t~~;r~iet~~a~~~ 311 Ross, St, MANN" Hane.f B. (111 18) V J rd Co,. OlIve, and /0, a I ~3. P., D,a, o Doyle Co 304 P MARn.-lG.A. I:o~i~ I (.~~.Brlghto,) Rd.. ~en Avon.." enn Ave., Pittsburgh. Bldg" Plttsbu h d A / M 2~), D,st. Mgr., Bur} C. MARKS, Helbert ]f i/~19)orsr:jadei828 Sillger PI., Wilk?,~b~;~sor Co., Empira BJdA". anel /0 1 ~O es IIgr., Burke Eilgnr C l ~[ATTINGLEl G Bma,. 20 Northmillster St.. N,, Farmers Bank Bldg. " (A-M 20), Dist. Sales ilg~.. Edge Moor 11 MAYER. John D. (J 25) M E on Co. 835 Oliver McCALLISIER Edgar V/ <"I2) JpIIl. Sheet &I Tin Plate Co P 0 B Mccel~"4ocK FranT- S ~20 ~ at. Atty., Green.I: McCalliste~, ~~3~2. Oliver ) /0 mail, S05 A~Jberson~ h. E!lGr., Dra...o DoJlo Co 300 Pe A [cconnell, llalcolm R (J,~~) R. nn ve,. and McEWEN I:t.. and J Ilor" la.,./ 5D~2.. B" JIve Engr.. W Pelln P Ower , Wo d J Donalcl (J 20) eh E. 0 MCF:D~ENang I~r ".ai/.. 2]2 Catalp~.A:... Les C. Moore... Co. Inc., 624 Oliver M KEE ellj. C. (20),Ch AI E Ai c Ill::lr~V"~~~ )[co. (A.1I "27), S~le~Mg~~~~10~0. of Am., 2~00 Oliver Bldg. McMILLEN.db~~~ K:!"t:) So~remollt St., Belle,ue. Co., 5555 Butler St., Pitts- BanI, BIelg.,. Engr. 4Ie". L",ughliiJ.Is Co 1802 F McNAUGElER. David W (19) V P., JrSt Natl. Bldl(... Treas. Robt W Hunt & Co )IcNUl,TY, DWight L. (J 21) ~{,. Professfonal 6th,I". allel f!. E,. BrllesbT Ellg,g & U )IcQU[STON" W D 0 ma )Iemoriar Dr!. anagement Corp 435 Blrl~, r}co. (J 26). SaT.s De t xi e.,. " MEROU!! N nd for mo.,i, G315 BOl tiett St p er Fire Brick Co. ]S atholl, L. (J 2~), St.alIl &; Hd. vel MESTA. \~~J:01 Sb rj~\sb~"~h. ~d for!,E~hi~nX~e& ~f~h1in Steel Corp., ml~~d:etcr A (22); ~rgr.~ ~~ttsb~~gltmomca.,l~~~dco ::O. cb~:sil~t.i. MITCHELL, Joltn Hennon (A 00).r_ y E grg. 00., Iuc., Highland llic!.l.... r. Sales, Stand Steel C. MITCHELL Robt A (24) S al Co., 1120 Frick ~rohler. Ross d. (;22). DistalE Ellgr., Link Belt th 4 MOORE. H. Les (13 A-M 19) ufr t A,:n. Steel & Wire Co 828 Vi I k BIdA., JS. fg,. BUffalo FoO l c Bldg. MOORE, Wm. E. (03) Pres 1V E rge 0., 927 Union Trust, "" Moore &: Co., P. O. Box 1125 Central P 0 632,.. ME![BERS IN UNITED STATES PENNsYLVANIA PITTSBURGH (continued) " MOR~i\~in~~~~~ H. (22)" Dist. Mgr., Robt. W. IIunt &; Co and for mail, 5780 MORG.l.N, Howard W. (27), Combustion Engr., Pittsburgh Coal 00., Rm Oli,er Bldg. : ~IORGENSTERI!1, Wm. C. (22), Salea Eng,., Steam Equip. Mfg. Co Jenkins Arcade. MUELLER, Richard W. (26). V. P., Prod. Engr., Kerotest Mfg. Co Liberty Ave. ~IULLEN, Robt. 11. (J 27), AppIentico Engr., Duquesne Ligbt Co., 435 6th Ave. PittsDurg-h, and fo, mail, VV Grollt Ave. Dellevue. NEWELL, :J:!any B. (20), V. P., Fl>wcu. Mch. Co., 2818 Smallman St. NILSON, J. Henry (A M 23), Supt., Selden Co, nd Ave., litt.bulgh,,,"d lor ma!, 29 Afton Ave., Crafton. NIL!!SON, Gosta M. (J 22). Servo Engr., W.stinghou.. Elec. &\.Mfg. Co., 7801 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. and for mail, th Ave., Moores. NOBLE, Howard A. (IG), Pres., Pitb;bu)gh SPling &I Steel Co., 1417 Farmers Bank Bldg. "nd for ",,,ii, 12~5 Shady Av. KOBLE. Robt. E. (J 16), Asst. Engr. Mesta Mel,. Co. OBRIEN, B. O. (21), Salea Engl. tio~ Chambe) at Commerce Bldg., Pittsburgh. and for "all 9U S. Drc.cldock Ave. Wllklnsbu)g. OCOXNELL, Mlc!,ae\ L. (J 25). Research Engl., Am, Soc. H:g. &; Vent. Eng-ro., 4800 FO"bed St., pittoburgh. Pa.., and lor mail, 1722 Crosb) Ave. New York, N. Y. OVE~rd~~ Ralph M. (A )! 24), Asst. Power Engl., Natl. Tube Co., 4,26 Frick PATTERSON. Peter C. (97; 16), V. P., Katl. Tube Co.. 171~ Flick Bldg. PEEBLE~, T. A. (]2), Cit. Engl., Hogan Corp., 502 Bowman DldJ:r, PETERSON, Ylctor H. (J 25), Sales Engr. Elliott Co. 71S Flicl< 1l1dg. PHEL!S. Stephen B. (19; 25), Jones &I Laughlin Ste.l COlp., Pittsburgh, and /0 mai!, R. D. 1, W. Chester.. PIERCE, Homer R. (22; 24), Eng~., Dunn &I Levl 205 Oliver Bldg., and fo, "ai!. 12~V l!ississipp,i Ave.. PINliERTOK,.Andrew (92). E. E., Am. Sheet &I Tin Plate Co. Frick Bldg. PLAGWIT. Eric (18), Rust Engrg. Co.. Rm Ross St. PLAPP. Elmer B. (19; A-M 25), Eales Engr., Combustion Engrg. COlp 806 1st Nat1. Bank Bldg., and fo,,nail, 5134 Woodlawn Ave. POW:;;L9fA~IgI111 A., (J 27), Asst. to Plant Mgl., Vulcan. Delinning Co., P. O. POWEI,L. W. Wald <.J 17). Sales Mgl., Mesta Mch. Co. P. O. Box 112~, and lor 1110 ii, 6310.Alderoon St., SquineU Hill Sta. PRITOHETT. Oarl E. (A M 17). Dist. Sales Mgr Republic Flow Mete,.. Co Union Nat!. Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, IlIld /0 mail, GOU Rebecca St., Wilkin. burg.. RAlSlG, Chas. L, (A )! IS), Asst. Ch. Engr., Mesta Mch. Co.,..lid lor,,,ail, 1619 Beechwood Blvd.. RAAlSE1, A. Milne (J 19), 634 Wabash Bldg. REED. Vall A., J,. ~15), M. E. Federal Engrg. 00., lilg House Bldg. REESE. Oliver I. (16), Genl. SU!t. M. P. Pa. R. R, Systems, 52~ Pa. Sta. REKER, Carl H. (21; A-M 27), Engr. Research Dept., W. Pelln Power, Co., W. Penn Bldg. REYNOLDS, DonaTd McM. (J 28), 5518 EIlS\vorth Ave, RICE. Cyrus Wm. (15), Cons. Ellgr., CYIUS WJU. Rice &I Co Highland Bldg. RICE, Wm. E. (A M 27), Asst. Foel Engr., U. S. Mines, ~800 Forbes st. RIN~~t:T, ;\.. W. Jr. (A M 20), Pur. },gt., Lee C. Moore & Co. IllC 624 Oliver RITTM.Ur, Dr. W. F. (19), Pro!. Engrg., Ca1l1egic lust. 01 Tech. ROBERTSOK. Ralph N. (13), CII. Ellg,. Alldrews Bradshaw Co., 580 4th Ave. ROBIN, Phfllp T. (A M 25), Devel. Eugl., Bucket Dept., B1aw Knox Co., PittshUl-gh. and {or "ail, 121 Villllnia, Ave. Aspinwall. ROBINSON. Jas. R. (05), Prea., Robinson Vent. Co SOH Bldg., Pittsburgh. alld /0 11I<1il, Mt, Lebanon. ROCKWELL, Will..d F. (13; 19; 2]), Pres., Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co., 400 N. Lexington Ave. ROSS, Thea. H. (J 21). :Mgr., Skinner Eng. Co., 726 Oliver Bldj{. 683

253 PENNSYLVANIA :aieliibers IN UNITED STATES MEMBERSIN UNITED STA.TES, PENNSYLVANIA PIl"ISBVRG.H (continued) ROWLAND, Roger W. (A,!! 25), V. P., Duques"c Burne, Setv. Co., Oas COmbustion Co., P. O. Ball 1753., RUSH, Rolph ~l. (2~), Part Owner, Rush Mehy. Co., 982 Oliver Bldg. RUSl, Wm. F. (Oi), V. P., Koppers Co., SOO Union Trust Bldg. RUUD, Edwin (S9), Pres., Huud Mig. Co., ~Oth <I: llmallman l:its. RYAN, Johu T. (IS), V. P., Geru.. Mgr., Mine Safety,~ppllances C,o., Braddock.lve. & Thomas Blvd. SALISBUR~l Frank W. (20), Supt., Natl. Casket Co., 7a8 Chtenll St., and fa,,nait, 9i8 N. Lincoln Ave., N. S.. eaunders, A. M. (08), Secy. Pat. Committee, Nat!. Tube Co. " SCHAEDLE, Leo J. (22), Steam Engr., S. Dlescher & Sane, 2108 Farmers B~nk Bldg. " SOHMIEDENB:NECHT, Viclor E. (A M H), Ob. Draftsman, Stllnd, Sanitary Mfg. Co., Bessemer Bldg., SCHOERKE, Douglas A. (J 26), Sales Engr., Worthington Pump & MOOy. Corp., and fa mail, 5017 Forbes St. SORRECK, H. L. (26), Cons. Engr., 60( Frick Bldg. SCHREIBER, John W. (A 1>I U), M. E., Aluminum Co. of Am., 2i02 Oliver Bldlr., and fat mail, Il820 Burchlleld Ave., SEAVER, Kenneth (It), Genl Sales Mgr., HarbisonWalker Refractories Co., Farme.. Bank Bldg. SEE, Thea. S. (21), Indus. & Combustion Enlrr., Thea. S. See &: Associates, 205 Oliver Bldg., snd fat maa, 1821 Malvern St. SEIDLE, Norman R. (A 17), Geul. ltigr. MeAleeuan Bros. Co., 25th & Railroad Sl.!l. S,EVERN, Arthur ~. (A.!! ls1 Gen!. Mgr., A. Stucki Co., ti9 Oliver Bldg. l:iewel~, J. G.. Chllon,( 92; ~6), U. S. Engrg. & Fdy. Co., PIttsburgh, and lot, 77 Dmsmors Ave... Craflon.. SHERMAN, Ralph A. (A-M 2t), Assoc, Fuel Engr., U. S. Bureau 01 Mines, 4S00 Forbes St. SHIPLEY, Grant B. (A On, Pres., Century Wood Preserving Co., 1058 CenturJ Bldg. SIEGEL, Carl L. (J 26), Sales Engr., Herman Nelson Corp., Rm. 80B, 819 8rd Ave. SIEGFRIED, R. H. (J 27), Time Study, Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, IOnd fa mail, 816 Orchard PI., Pittsburgh. SLAYMA.KER, Robt. R. (J 26), Dravo Contrg. Co.,802 Penn Ave. SMITH, Earls E. (J 24), Engrg. Asst., Natl. Tube Co.,,1782 Frick Bldg., P. O. Box 182, Pittsburgh, and fo, mail, 71S Monongahela Ave., massport. SMITH, Franklin H. (2t), Coke Plant Engr., Natl. Tube Co., and for mail, 2610 Brown"vUle Rd., Mt. Oliver Sta. SMITH. Harry N. (J 27), COIJlbustlon Engr., Pittsburgh Coal Co., 1029 Oliver Bldg., SNYDER, John Adam (21), Ch. Inspr. Pittsburgh Dept., Hartford Steam BoUer. Inspc. &: Ins. Co., and fot mail, (2t Juncunda St., Mt. Ollver Stll. SPATZ, Ralph L.,(16; 26), Engr., Constr. Dept., Koppers Constr. Co., Union Trust Bldg., SPEER, J. Ramsey (17), Mackintosh-Hemphill 00., 12th St. SPELLER, Frank N. (20), Metal. Engr., Natl. Tube Co., Frick Bldg. STEIN, Jos. A. (J 28), M. E., Bacharach Indus. Ins.trument Co., 7000 Bennett St" Home\vood StL, and for mail, H86 Severn St. STEVENSON, Barton (A H), Mgr., Central Sla. Dlv., Westinghouse Elec, &: MIg. 00., Obamber 01 Commerce Bldg.,, STEWART, Reid T. (94), Prol. M. E., Ulliv. 01 Pittsburgh. STIENING, Frank H. (J 28), Instr. M. E.; Univ. 01 Pittsburgh, and lor mail, 8245 Piedmont Ave., Dormont. STRAUB, Thea. A. (13), Fort Pitt Bridge Wks., Oliver Bldg. STREETER, Robt. L. (07; 18). V, P., Genl. Supt., U, S. Aluminum Co., 2(00 Oliver BldJl,. STUART, Gee. J. (26), Ch. Engr., Pittsburgh Valve,Fdy. &: Constr. Co., P. O. Box and fo, mail, 80B S. Homewood Ave. STUCKEMAN, Herman S. (A M 17), Secy., Treas., Old Reliable Towing Co., Wabash Bldg., and for mail, 8066 Pinehurst Ave., S. Hills Sla. STUCKI, Arnold (07), Engr., Oliver Bl~., Pittsburgb, and for mail, t2 N. Howard.Ave., Bellevue. 684 (. I ii PITTSBURGH (contlnuetlt to Pres. Kehota Mining Co., Rm. 706, 1st Nat!. I:lWANBERG. F, L, (02; It), s., klns Bank Bldl:. 10 "O~, A-M 16) v. P. Steam Equip. Mig. 00" S077 Jell SWARTS, G. Tay r (, ii 6t87 Kipl{ng Rd. Arcade Bldg., anil for nta H 0 Swoboda Inc Forbes St. ~~~~~~o~h~ (~~~A\~:,i;:i):: ~;ngrf R~~t~:~~gtrl~k~~d~btn~~Sa;,itar; MIg. Co., TAFEL. Thea., Jr. (....,,, 2801 Preble Ave., N; S~) V P B H Robertson Co., 1st Natl. B(fl< ~dbo TALL1>IAN, Wm. S. (A IV p. G~:U yg;. Pittsburgh Valve Fdy. &: ons... TANNER J. Roy (20),.".,, P 0: Box A t Oh Engr Oollax Power Sta., Duquesne Light Co., TATTERSALL li Lead (;;:>Mi~~ F. O. Box 287, Obe8\vlcll:" I Mines (SOO Forbes Plttsburll:, "do (J 26) Asst. Fuel Engr.. U. S. Bureau 0, TAYLOR, EdmlUl Fd /I. Con<tr st. M (19"26) Cb. Engr., littsblllgh Vo.!ve y..!empleton, Nomlan.,,, 606 1st Co. J (J 27) Dist. Mgr., CoMbustion Engrg.,Corp., 1 TEN EYCK, John 0.. r. " B k Bldg Natl. ~::n.\ ~Idfj 28), Engr., Babcock & Wilcox C?C 111~l\v:;js St.:nand ft>~ TERMAN,... ~. (27) Supt. O"per., W. Penn PoweI 0., " THOMAS, Jos...., d midi 129 S. Bro.ddock Ave. Constr Co SOO Union Trust BI g. THOMPSON, John.I. (ls)"v)pi:: ~o~~~ PittsburghTesting Lllb., Pittsburgh, and TOUSSAINT MelvlO E. (J 27, a.,, fo, mall th. st.., BeaV~;;ec. Secy., Engrs. Soc. of West. Pa.., Wm. Penn TRESCHOw,.KebnelJ: Fan.~~:6J.:.iI, 1882 Tennessee Ave.. Dormo::,t negie Inst. 01 Botel, Pitts urg ("16 26) Asst, Prol. Automotive Engrg., ar TRIMMER, Jas. W. ",, TRI:Jrf.~~ W. (06). Prot. My \ 1fi~::;:c~nfud~: in~~ument Co., 7000 Bennett ULRIOH. Rudolpb (J 25), "".., St ld St.. and f O W T mail, r1~,~inn~~tsburgh Plate GIo.. C0 6 S ~lti::~~: s~. g., VALENTINE, allol1 0 (03) Cons Engr., P. O. Bolt 2,. 915 ~~~~g:j::i!d~~~\~: figj;.-.f:;XE~~}D:?iu=e Llilbt Co., WABRENBURG, Lester. 1 2( McNeUly Ave., Brooklme. t pittsburl1;h, and fot 1J1,Q,1,1 ~ r 5S Parkvlew Ave., Oakland S a. WALKER Gilbert S. (Ot), aon"p. iettgu~gh Elec FUlnace Oorp. Box LLIS wm B (21), Pre., s ~~TSON. John L. (J 20)il3t~~;~:.aE~~r. Koppera Co., Union Trust 00. Bldg., WEBS:r Elt, Wbm. ~&.}~~ ~ii\04s Woodland Ave., B~n ~o~ of Pittsburll:h, Pitts", PlttsburJl,, an 20 AM 26).Asst. Prof. M.., ~ ld N J WEILAND, Walter F. ( ;1 "OS W~tchung Ave., N. Plain e K Bldg burgh Pa., and lor ma, E U S Engr. Office, 1604 eenan ~t~~~sr~~a(a_~.g) :lx~~~e~li:!-ih~oh~:;in~i~~~t~o E~~::,,~~d~teel Co. WIKANDERDo8~rr~~ f,~~~: y,. i:. 66t!"rylanddAvMrg Co. lit09 Union Bank WILLIAMS.. ~ (08 12) Pres., Wllson-SUY er WIL1jR~~ HenrY., 00 De t. W. Penn powe, CO., Pittsburgh, and C (J 23) Engr...Resenr Ie,,,, th WOOD, Ive~1 S7, North St., liew Kenslntglon, t ong Cork & Insulation A fo" 1lta, R (J26) Engrg. Dep., rmsit, YEAGER, Leland. df r,nail. 881 Melwooll S. &I AUegheny,, an 0 ~~:ZL~NObas. W.,~i8)c3~~t:r~g.f~..~8~n~~toExe~~ Powe, Corp., Box 3S1, LAUDIG. Jobn ~f(j adsts PreBcott Ave., Scranton. Co POBox 881. Pittston. an Ear ("J lei) Results Engr., Exeter Power.,. LUDElLAN, John,., PORT ALLEGA.NY(J 2") Plant Supt., N. Penn Ga. 00., and for mail, Arnold WOOD. John Lindsay a ", A:re, 6:1;;..

254 PENNS1 I.V,l.iXI,l. MEMIIERS IN UNITED STATES ME~[IIEns IN UNITED STATES PENNSYI.VANIA. E~~~SIITlJ0;.vN! LcehiS-h Valle) Sectio ,,01115 CL all,u (20 A M 26) lo" mail, 1031 Bell~view Ave " Sales Engr. Wilbrabam-Green Blowec 00 AUll, Llyde (J 27) Enp;t. Char ee., E~Df,!: mail.!lox HighgSt ngrg. Dept., Doehler Die CastiDIl" Co. and Ell. Herbert S (A l! 18) G I,,, JONES. DO\jd T. (98; 04 en. ",p;t., POttStOl~.n Meh. Co.. for,...ail. 818 Hil!:h St.) Pre., Genl. Mgr., WJlbraham Green Blo,,er Co. and LESSlU. HUary M (00) P G 1 SOl\N. Fred W. (A:M ~3i) i:~i;liy e~;ylri Sott~r Bro., Inc., Dox I., U omatle Elee.,Heater Co. and for ",a! nil:j., lrl P, Carl A. (:!.-M 23) D. " " ami fa" ",oil, P. O. - Box 863. e.iglllllg & Checker, Doehler Die Casting Co., POl"ISYILLE HAUEUTr. Walter W (06 19) LOTZ eha... W (21), W.. NOLweglan ,. Market St. St. RADNOR Phil 1 1 hi KEWKIllK Wal u. c ~.. S. ctj...,, term. (21),.P. O. Box 105. RANIiIN, PlttsburS-)l Sect! MJLLEU.. LJ"UU111 H. (15 i 23), R~~~k111 Wks. _~m. Steel &: Wire Co. READING BlCKL~}-, John H. (18) Supt Scott Fd" Dept R.,. 14~i) Pelkiomen Ave" or 0 euulug Iron Co., and for mail,!lriv~er, Wm. T. (A-M 28) /01 mai!o los 11. Oley St. Instr. Pattern Making, Reading High Seh.., ond BRI~~~L:;t JUd. (A U 26), Time Study ParIsh Mf DECl! Ibi!" F II (",g. Co.p., and for,,,oil,, 818 N. d. lo), Cons. Engr W H D, an fo/ mail 651!i 5th at., IU. eehant & Son hi t EDMONDSON. II. u. (~i 7),{,.i E,. ng on St., llues, Ueo. ~. (A-M "7) J::~~,. nll!",m. P. Dept. Philo.. & Readln It R. GAN~I,\~!U0~ ",all, P. O. a.fx 35~: I~;te~~~Y:::\I Monagement Ass~ I;,c,; R~ad l! rnest P. (J 23) Mech Su R GILD~i~ D~uPhin Aye., W)o,nlssln/f. pvr., eadlj>g Co., Reading, and for moil M. (16). V. P. Ch E GId"~rlU~kit~P~lIl(~~lEdl.OIl Co.: 412 \~~~i-:il~to~ s~alstow Management Assoc., ~ I d. -;,A. M 28) Instr ~lch D.. HORJ~i::LanlifOe" 7110</. 132 W. G,:ccn\lici: ::It. rawlllg &. Design, Reaulng High,,(A M 2") ~sst M E C M,~:iH~t :\.MlInal>,.mcnt A-;":,. -InC:.,16 S. 5thnt~tl ~a. 9per. & Design, W. S. ~IEiER Cell, Ie.. Mt. Penn..., eadmg, and for 7Il0U motlan F. (28), Cb. Eo D. " - poo ~Ij;}n~~~ yar~eld AIe. WyonW~ing~Pt,. T..<tlle Mch. Wks. Reading. and for lowell, Jas..A.(~~i7)G"J ~up\vca,:penter Steel Co., 43 E".ter St "rllshim~ton 8t. ~"J::S BU1.,itow Munl1gem~l1t ~-\$:ioc Inc 412 QUI~J3Y, Rlpl.y (A 1d 28) Snl.sma..., RAH~IdJc,~t.(fi!.-r) Sommi~ St., E.nb,~~,~~ln~.SJeel Castlnll co.. Reading, Pa. t St R d.deslgnm/f En/O TI eas!l ~E SEc3~. A;;br:.~ ~~, (~n~2~)r po.i~ 1126 Beh~on:l~ve.:~v~~~IS~I~~ Aye. & Chest STAUFFER, R. Daniel (J 22) M. Box TAITwaEBdhln,!fton St.. E" W. S. Barstow Man~gen.ellt _~s.oc Inc 412 w. H. (18) V P G 1 M.., Virll:invllle. ~... en. gr., Greenwich ~(Ig. Co., Reading and fo i! ~TLESEN. H. I. (A.1d 26) )fe,,r"0., WOODROFFE, Geo. H. (16i M ~i MEtropohtan EdIson Co., 12 S. 6th St, e " ngr. Doller Tube Dept. Readln i R;EYNOLDSYILLE, Centra). _ g ron Co. ORAHAM, John L. (20) 0 E Pen...) h t. nl.. S...,tion, ons. n,,;i Mam St. 686 ECULESrON, RIDG"Y,l.Y R. C. (19), _\.""t. Sales Mgr., Ridgway Dynamo &; Eng. Co., and for,nail, 506 Kealsalp:e A,e. MILLER. Stephen O. (24), Elliott Co. NOHTON, Homer B. (11), Cb. Engr. Elk Training Co" Box 803, and fa/ mo.u, 114 Oenter st. ROCHESTER, PlttslHUgll Sccti.. n FRY. H. Skllman (A.M 15), Genl. Factory Mgr., H. C. Fry Glass Co., New YOIk Ave., Ext., and for mail, 334 Deer Lane. S!" BENEDICT DAVIS, Edwin Kelllwth (A.Y 23). E. &: M. E., Peale, Peacock &: Kerr, Jnc. SCOTTDALE, plttsbnlgl1 Section IUNSOY, Oeo. A. (21; 24). 10 Chestnut St, AXFORD, SCRJl.NTON He"bert (21), Sale. Engr., Ingerooll Hand Co. 610 Spruce St. allu fat tlutil, SOl Electric St. BI::iHOP, Bruce H. (J 26). Sales Engr,. Carbondale Mch. Co., and for ",all, 801 BLAIR, Prescott Geo. Aye. Jr. (16), Dist. Mgr., 1Irooks Co. SC"Ullton, alld fo/" ",ai!, 18 Elnlwood Ave N,"bel th. 1IOSfWlOK, W. Walke, (27), Asst. to Mgr. &; Sales Engr., Ingel Boll Ralld 00. and fo, mo.i!, ULEMEN::i, A, 11. U28 (04)" luclllllollt Dlr. Mech. St. Seh., Internat!. Correspolldellce Sch., Illolrue-. tion llldp:. COOK. Tho., R. (11). M. E. Hudson Coal Co. and for mail. 434 W,lO min ll Ave, COULT, Cbas. O. (J 30), Del. Lackawanll. & West. R. R. Co., SelUllton, aud for mo.i!. Factoryville.. EUSTON, Edwill (19). Pr. Euston Lead Co., 1108 Ulllon Natl. Bank Bldg. EVANS, HemY John (27), Inspr. of Equip., Budsoll Coal Co. anu for mail, HOGG Geo. RUlldle A. (J St. 24). M. E., Scrantol~ Elec, Co., 609 Linden St., and fa/ ",oil, 429 Quincy Ave. r.ei"ericli, Jerome Williamsun (19), M. E" 1701.Tell:rson Ave. McCLAVE, Robt, B. (22), Genl. Mllr., MeC!L\\e Bnl Il1,s Co. :MOOI1.E, Fredl, L. (23). M, E., Scranton Coal Cu., 503 Bd. of TIade Illdg., and for mail, 8-12 l/adison Ave.. NASH, Cad.ton B. (J 20), Ch. Engr., Maccar Tll\ck Co., and fat mail. 623 Wheeler ST. JOHN. Ave. Chas. E. (26), M. E., Glen Alden Coal Co., and for mail, 1126 Ash St. SMITH, Elliott E. (26). Oh. Engl., Scranton Elec. Co., and for mail, 1826 Gib.on SfA.MM, St, Wm. O. (,T ~3), M. E., Sprague &; Slocum, 806 Bd. of Traile Bldg, and for TALLYii, "mi!, Loul. 746 L. Mudl.on (22), Div. Ave. Engr.,. Del. Lacl<nwanna & West. R. R. Co., alld for, 333 Vheelcl: Ave.. TAYLOR. John Wnl. (A M 22). Engr. Club. W,ILItER.,M. A. (20), M. E., BudsOll Coal Co., and for ",,,i!, 1648,Iuumo Ave. WHITMORE, Edwin G. (22), Pres., Whitmore Co., NO Hauisoll Ave.. WILHELM. Wm. (24) Mgr., Tngersoll-Rand Co., GIll, Sp,nce St... WILLIAMS Tohn K. (J 26). Ollice &: Field, I-IllU,"," Ooul Co., and for. mail, nc;~ ~lonroe WOOD, Stanley V. Ave. (A.M 18), Mgr. Rug.Dept.,!loston Steam Dye Wk., and for ",ail, 2222 Oapouse Ave. SELLERS"\TILLE, LC]lig)~ VaUe, Section A~~EREN. R. J~rlk!J 27), Desiguer, Spec, Mchy. U. S. Gange Co., and /0 1 /lo.i!, KLEIN. 123 Max. llugheb (A-M Ave. 22), Designing, Con. Eng!., U. S. Gauge Co., Sellersville, and for ",ai!, 110 E. 4th St., L"nou"l e. ONEILL, Ja9, V. (J 27), M. E" U. S. Gaug. Co., lind for ",ail, 419 Main St. WESTD,IHL, Sven A. (A.M 26). Deslg".r, U. S. Gange Co. auu fo/ ",ail, 123 Hughes Ave.,087

255 PENNSYLVAiUA ~[E~[BE:RSIN UNITk:D ST,I:mS MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PENNSYJ.VA.J.~IA SEWICKLEY, Plttsburgl. Section COLEMAN, Richard H. (27), Elmhurst Inn. ROBBINS, Richard W. (A 28). SHARON.. f!aldwin, Edw. N. (J 24), GenL M. E., Westiughouse Elec. &. Mfg. Co. 469 Sharps. \ille Ave. FRAME. Wm. M. (J 24), M. E., Westinghouse El.c. &; Mfg. Co. HART, Will. J. (J 27), Designer, We,tinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. Co., and tor mall. 734 Baldwin Ave, HUTOHTNS, Walter R. (A M 27), Asst. to Supt., Equip. &. M.thods Dept., Weat. ingbouse El.c. &. Mfg. Co., and jor ",ail. 377 Ind.p.ndence Ave. KULO, Tho,. (A M 26). Transformer Designer, W.stinghouse El.c. &; Mfg. 00., P. O. BolC 111. PROTZKY, John (A M 25). Design.r, Westinghouse Elec. &; Mfg. Co. REED, Fredk J. (J 27), M. E., We~inghou,. Elec. &; MIg. 00. REINEcn:E, Herman H. (A-M 23), Engr., Westinghouse Elec. &; MIg. 00., and jar mail. 220 Cass Ave. SHANOR, Edgar E. (2S), Mgr. Mfg., Iron Wke. Co. SHARPSBURG, Pittsburgli Section.. BROSIUS, Edgar E. (18), Pr.s., Edgar E. Brosius. Inc. SHAWNEE-ON-DELAWARE WORTHINGTON, Chas. C. (82), Manager 82-86: Cons. Engr., Retir.d..SOLEBURY, Lehigh Valle} Section SANSON. FTedk B. (19). SPRING CITY, PhUadelpbla Section DIENER, Walter lit (J 2(\), Asat. Mgr., Spring City Bleach &. Dye Wk,. E. Bridge St.. SPRING GROVE TROOP, E. F. (A 19), Oh. Engr., P. H. Glatfelter Co., and tor """il. P. O. Be" 134. SPRINGDALE, Plttsburgli Section BRUMBAUGH, Ch.ater C. (J 25), Reltef Oper., Colfax Pow.r Sta,. and tor mail. 171 North St. llartin, Rinaldo E. (A-M 25), Boiler Engr., W. P.nn Power Co., and tor mail, 180 Oenter St.. RUMMELL, Jolm T. (22; A-M 25). Effic. Engr., W. P.nn Power Co. STAR JUNCTION, Pltt"burgh Section WEIHE, Clyde R. (A-M 20), Asst. Genl. Supt.. Washington Coal &I Coke 00., Star Junction. and jar,nail 02 E. Washingtou Ave., Coullellsville. STATE COLLEGE, Central Pennl!lylvania. Section. ALLgN, Ohas. L.lIan (28), Asst. Prot, M. E. Pa. Stat. College, P. O. Box lis. BEESE, Chaa. W. (A-M 23), Head, indua. Eng\ g., Pa. Stat. College, and for mail, 120 McKee St. Bll.AIH"ORD, Louis J. (14; 21), Prof. Mcb. D.slgn, Pa. SbLte Oollege, and for mail, a02 Pugh St. BULLINGER, Clarence E. (A.M 24), Aaat. Prof. Indus. Engrg., Pa. State Colleg., aud tor mail. 615 W. Foster Ave... CLOWER, Ja,. I. (J 27), Instr. M. E., Pa. SbLte Colleg., and tor. mail, lui W. Fairmount Ave. COOliRAN, Chaa. O. (22), Assoc. Prof. M. E., Pa. State College, and jar mail. 322 E. Proap.ct Ave.. EVERETT, Halold A. (22). Prof. Thermodynamics, Pa. State, and tor mail. 262 HanlUton Ave.. FELLOWS, Robt. D. (J 25). Iustr. M. E Pa. State College, and tor mail, 184 N. Patterson St. GAUM. Carl G. (27). Prof. Engrg. Ext.nalon, Pa. State GUILLET. G.o. L. (26), Prof. M. E., Pa. State Oolleg and tor mail, 180 N. Glil St. 688 SlArE COLLE",GE (MCO~15t)lnpue;l)Engrg R.s.arcb ~a. State College, and tor HECHLER. FTed... (A ro., mail 84S E. Pro,pect Ave. B 292 HENSZEY. Joa. W. (18)\ C?nAa.,F}n,fJ,) ~;",~~.;re Pa. State College, and tor """ii, NICHOLAS, Andr.w J. (19, --~"..., 229 W. Beaver.Ave.. St t C ~ SAcn:ETT, R. L t(ly h 5 ). D(2eOa~,2E6n)grgp~w~~Pl:n~ E~gr... Pa. Slate College, and for SIGWORTH no..,, SPARItS mail. Norman 225 S. Atherton R. (J 26, 5)t. 1 us t r. M E. Pa. State CoUege, and tor mau, 819 E. B.a~er Ave. C (lb 26) Assoc Prof M E. Pa. State and tor THOMPSON, Warren~..,,..., T~~::rn~ ~il!-2~: Instr. Engrg. R.a.aich. Engrg. Exper. Sta., Pa. State Col Toa1"l~cE. Frank M. (19), Asst. Prof. M. E., Pa. Stale College, and tor.mail, SSS E. Fost.r Av(e J. 27) I atr Indua Engrg. Pa. SbLte, and tor mail, WEAVER, Wm. H., n E. Falrmouut8AV~07) l I Head Dept. M. E. Pa. State, and tor WOOD. Arthur J. (9 ;,ro". mail, 410 Allen St. STEELTON W (J 18) A st Engr TeetS Ste.lton Plant, Belhleh.m St.el Co., 1UGOUN John.,a..,,.. and lor mail, 41B Spruce St. ~fg\7ur. eii. ~;I~t Wks.A~~gi.~a~ta~r.~ G~t~y;~G& ~~.~:..?"St;\~~; tor mail N. OharlotteSt., Pottstown. SWARTHllIORE Pll1la,lelpbla Section CELlA Antonio C. (J 27), Constr. Engr., Pa. R. IL 00., 102 p,ark Ave. CLOSS: Geo. M. (J 24), 408 Haverford Pl. FAlllBAl\KS, Obaa. M. (J 25), SIS Park Ave. C!Ie e ~;8NE;,n~b"~. <J.SHg~;~.,J)... fs:6~~ p~~rn.m~:.e SwOartg~ore College. SWJSSVALE, Pltts~urgl~le~titOJ~lld&S.& Constr and Union Switch & Signal Bl~h~]~~~~,(~~ ~~;~~~~i~ gi~~~d~~!:"v~:.~~ge&o~l\inalco. :~NTiNG O. W. (H), Wk. Mgr., Union SWlt~h & SlgDal Co. f1t;llii.or:m~ AJ~e(~6~:27~re~~25G~~1\gr~~ Miller Glass Engrg. 00., and tor "",it 78S7 SeboyerFAve(A.M: 26) D.signlng Engr., Union Switop. &; Signal Co MURPHY, Geo.., La Clair Ave. 96) D. Ing Engr Union Switch & Signal 00. NOFTSINGER, SPROULL. C. W. orja(l2 d 4)EE(;J,ngr., ~ Unl~:lfwitch & Sjgnal 00. Swissvale, and tor mail, TONfliNw~~f~g~ fk_il~li)~o~~g.. Drop Forga Div., Union Switch II Signal Co., Swl~evale, and tor "",a, 126 Race St., Edg.wood. TARENTIDI, Pittsburgli Section Tarentum Paper Mills, Tarentum. and. KECK. Paul U. (J 27). Cb. Engr. M. M., for """ii, 524 5th Ave., Parnaasus. TITUSVILLE, Erie Section FISHER, Chao. E. (19), 507 N. P.rry St. TRAFFORD Plttsburgb Section. Co HAMILTON, Ray S. (J 25), Student Eugr Linde Air Products UNIONTOWN, PittSJbU("fOGS)hMSUCtl:::IL R 00 4c11 Fa)ett Title &0 1ruBt Bldg GARDNER, G. O~lnton. r...f "f 639

256 PENNSYLVA.NI,\. :t.reubers IN UNITl:D STATES VANDERGRIFT, Pittsburglt Section ~5g~~t~NH~~:.~l.L(.,&0)7;A~~~)DMI t MMgr"Am; SheS.t & Tin. Plate Co., " - s.., Am. heet & Tm Plate Co. VERONA., Section D1XELEY, LeIoy 1_. (J 27), Draftsman, R. D. 1. VILLANOVA, Pltllo.delpltlo. Section MOR!J);~OUSE, J. Stanley (21; A!<t 25), Prof. M. E., Vl1lano"a College, P. O. Bo, WARREN, Erie SecUou B.-\.R~~1~lr{e.D. B. (J 27), Draftsman, Struthers Wells Co., and fo/ mail, 204 BUI!KJ;lART, Louis H. (21), Ch. Engr., Struthers Wells Co GRE,~~ ES, W. A. (23), Draftsman, Struthers Wells Co., a~d fat mail, 208 6th Ave., HO\~s;ra~I~~e~ (19), Cons. Engr., Struthers Vel1s C~., and fat mail, 42~ Can k5~:8h~~jr~ia(a( ~i6)17)stpropr&., c K. M Ll;0ns, Warren SavIngs Bank Bldg. I I earn om b ustlon Engr., 4.00 Cle5cent Pk. WASlD;NGTON, Plttsbulglt Section S"!IfH, CSl~ D. (09; 21), Engr., 1050 E. Maiden St TEICM~g~NN, Henry F. (16; 26), Cb. Engl., Simple" Enl!1 g. Co., Wash. Trust WAYNESBORO BAL~;E~5.HaroldE. (J 26), Expel. Engr., Laud;; Tool Co., and fat mail. P. O. BENEDICf, John G (A 17) Tr G L M fa" mail, mng "& Garfield St~":"" en gr., Landis Meb. Co., W. 5th St., and CAL~~~~~3 ~i~~~r~t~!j;n;;k EJ:~:: Dept. FrIck Co., Waynesboro, Pa., an~ fat r:d~~al~3~al!ii 0., (85), Clllnn. Bd., F.ick Co., and fat mail. C1l13 ton Ave. l_mkp.atllloe: c.~~~l 3u~t., La~dls Tool Co., and fol "ail 110 S. Broad St.,133 S. B.,ood SI. or (A 21), Sale. Mg.., Laudls Meb. Co., Slld for mall. LAXDlS, Mark II. (A M 13) Pre. Genl M l L d Rlnggold St., and fol mail. 228 Philadeiphi~ lvean 19 Engrg. & Mfg. Co:, 225 MEl:~r..s~;l I; (18), Foreign Sale. Mgr., La.ndi. Mch. Co., and for mail, 10 NEWM ~N Saml F (19) Ob Ave...,. Engr., Landis Mch. Co., and lor mal!, 412 Clnylon ROC~~,O~~~~ 2~5. (oj 26), Spec. Engl. on Pats., Landis Tool Co., and fol "au SHUFORD Clayton R.~ve: bt M (J 2) 6, S tudent Engr., Frick Co. Inc., and fol mail, 412 SrUAlll, Locke M. (J Zl), T,aiuing Course, Frick Co and for ma/ 2- ~, p o t omac Ave. 0, ~.J ij &1. S"E.l~SSON,. J. Alfred (09), M. E., Designing Eng.. LandIs Tool Co and f 1 :wo PJnlndelphio. Ave. J, or mal.j WA.YNESBURG SCHOfFIEL~1 IJ?!~u N. (J 25), Te.t Engr.,-- EqUitable Ga. Or 1JIa~.J _~ Davis Ave., N. S., Pittsbulgll. Co., Wa?,nes~urgJ and \veatherly,, OTTO, Wm. F. (18), Genl. Mgr Treas W tb I Fd and fol nulil. 88 N. James St" Ha~ieto~a er y, y. & Mfg. Co., Weatherly, SCHMIDT, Paul M. (J 28). Expediting E : F fol mail, 6H N. Laurel St. Hazl~to~gJ:, urnace Eng. Co., Weatberly, alld II1LMOT, Geo. L. rj 27) MEMBERS IN UNITED B1;ATES PE~NSYLVANIA,WEST CHEST,ER, Philo..lelplalo. Section HE,lZEL, Frederio V. (17), CallS. Engr., Author, P, O. Box 866. JESSUP, Clinton P. (J 26), 335 W. BaDard St. QtJIl\rIN, Newton R. (A-M 27), 208 S. Walnut St.. WEILER. Rudolph B. (16; 20), Ch. Engr., SharpIe Separator Co., and for mad, 436 S, Walnut St. WESl :PITTSTON REESE, Thea. (J 26), 227 Exeter Ave. WEST WHITELAND, Phllo.delphlo. Section,MOLTZ, Tileo. H. (A M 23). WILKES-BARRE,BRYANT, John G. (J ;26), Designer, Vulcan lion Wk, Wilkes Barre, Blld for mail, 40 John St., Kingaton. BUNTING, Douglas (02), V. P. & Genl. Mgr., Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal 00., 16 S. Rive. St.. alld for mai!, 93 W. Uniou St., DICKIE, Wm. Schuler (A M 23), Mgr. Cemeut, Lime & Ohem. Depte., VuleaD Iron Wk. DOUGHTY, J. H. (14), M. E., Lehill(h & Wilke. Coal Co., 16 S. River St. FLANIGAN, Edwin B. (18; 26), 65 W. South St. GUCKELBERGER, Geo. W. (A.M 25), Genl. Supt., Stegmaier Brew Co., 152 E. Market St. KNEEN. Arthur H. (19), Pa. Water Servo Co., 30 N. Franklin st. NlGHOLSON, Saml. T. (04),, Genl. Mgr., Vulcan Iron WI, NICOLS, John A. (J 24), BrwlCh Mllr., Am. Blowe, Corp., Millers Bank Bldg. NORRIS. Robt. V. (86; 91), Cons. Mining- Engr., R. V. Norris & Son, nd Nat!. Bank Bldg. SHAFER, A. E. M. (J 21). Supt. Plant, Pa, power & Light Co. 136 N. Washinll(toll St.. WlIkes Ban-c, alld for mail, 412 S. 2nd St., LehIghton, SMITH. Edw. Jos. (04), 1res" Exeter Mcb. Wk, Inc. Coal Exeb. Bldll(. WEAVER, Paul A. (J 21), Salesmall, Elec. Storage Battery Co., 308 Coal Exchange BIdA. WIT.Ii:INSDURG, Pltt"lntrgl. Section BALL. Jesse D. (J 26), Westingbouse Elec. & Mfg. 00., alld fat 7I.ail, 7955 Madeira Ave. VOLLMER. Paul L. (A M 21)i 421 Center St WARE, John (J 27), 602 Hil Ave., WILLIAIIISON SCHOOL, PI,illl.lelphlll Section MANTER, Elwood M. (19: A M 26), Supt., Wllliamson Free Sch. of Mecb Trade., PRATT, Jas. A. (1l8; 10), 1ree., 1lant Management, Williamsoll Free Sch. of Mech. Trades. WILLIAlIISPORT, C"ntrlll P,nlJs"IVlll~lll Section BROWN. EWry M. (A M 23), Div. Supt., Pa. Power & Light Co., Ft. Hepburn St. DAVIS, Thos. (J 27). Designer, Spencer Reatel Co., am for mail W. 4th St. FORESMAN, Jas. W. (..1..1>[ 24), to Gelll. Mgr. Lycoming Motors Corp., and for ",,, W. 4th St. KIESEL, Johll S. (27), M. E., D.rling Valve & Mig. Co. KLOTZ, Albert Wm. (20; A-M 24), M. E., Fleck MarshaIl.Co., 766 E. 3rd st., Williamsport, and for mail, 1103 W. Mountain Ave., S. Williamsport. LYNN, ThOe. R. (IS; A M 21), Genl. 1>Igr., Nat!. Mfg. Corp. OERRLI, John W, (J 24), Ch. Draftsman, Lycoming Mfg. Co., 1504 High, St., and for mail. 917 Walllut St. SEEM. Cbas. B. (11; 19: 24), M. E. of Mfg., Lycoming Mfg. Co., and f01 mail, 506 Glenwood Ave. SHE1HERD, Wm. G. (90; 04), Geol. Mgr., Shepherd Engrg. 00., and for mail, Sherman Rd. TUTTLE, Austin (J 23), Results Engr., Williamsport St. Elec. Sta." Pa. Power & LIlIht Co.. and fat mail; 843 W.,4th St. WENDLE, Geo. E. (13), Diet. Supt., Distribution, Pa. Power & Light Co., P. O. Box 424. and for mail, 865 Louisa St. WHIPPLE, O. E. (12), P. O. Box

257 PE:\NSYLVANIA MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PENNSYLV A.NIA. WILilIERDING, Pittsburgh Section BEVAJ.1, P, A. (19), Asst. Wks. Mgr., WestIDghouse Air Brake Co. OA.RLSON, Lawrence E. (J 27), Test Dept.,. WestIDgbouse Air Brake Co., and for Ill<lil, 868 :Marl;Uerite Ave. COOE:, Earle S. (A-:M 26), Devel. Engr., WestlDgbouse Air Brake Co., and lor Ill<ll!, : 722 :Middle Ave.. COTTER, Geo. L. (J 24), Commercial Engr., Westlngbouse Air Brake Co., and for mail, 8,68 :Marguerite St.. DEAN, Wm. E., Jr. (21: 26), Asat. Oh. Engr., Westingbouse Brake Co., Wi!. merdln/\". and /0-, mail, 21& Maple Ave., Edgewood, Pittsburgb. DeWITT, CbaUllcey O. (J 26). Spec. Apprentice, Westingbouse Air Brake Co., Wilmerdin/\", and lor mail, 809 West st., Wilkinsburg... FOUTZ, Karl E. (J 26), Dr..rtsman, Englg. Dept., Westingbouse Air Brake Co. FULTON, Allan P. (J 27), Engrg., Tests &; Devel., Westingbouse Air Brake Co.,. WllmerdlnA", and for mail, Box 8, Manor.. IDLLIER, John F. (J U), Engr., Westinghouse Air Brake Co.. alld lor Ill<lil, Tonnaleu Ka OIub.. HUMPHREY, Arthur L. (16), Pres., Westinghouse Air Brake Co. INGERSOLL, Conley R. (J 27), Tester, Engrg. Dept., Westingbouse Air Brak" Co., and lor mail. 860 :MarAUerite Ave., KEESLER, Donald F. (J 26), Westlngbouse Air Brake Co., Wilmerding, and lor mail. 101 Penwood Ave., Edgewood... KONDEJ. Henry (J 27). Tester. Westingbouse _~ir Brake Co., and lor mail, P. O. Box LIVINGSTON, J. Warner (J 26). Spec. Enl\T., Westinghouse Air Brake Co. WIl merdinll, and lor mail. 249 :Maple Ave., Edgewood. Swissvale. MAYER. Luke I. (J 27), Westlngbouse Air Brake CO.,.and lor mail, P. O. Box 884. :McOUNE, Jos. O. (16: 27). Asst. Dir. Engrg., Westinghouse Air Brake Co., WHmerdlDg, and lor mail, 1482 Walnut St., Edgewood, Plttsbulgh.. McNEAL, D. L. (J 26). Engrg-. Dept., Westinghouse Air Brake CD. MISNER, Gao. W. (J 26). Apnrentice EIJKr., Westinghouse Air Brake 0.0., Wllmerdlnll, and lor mail. P. O. Box 478, E. McKeYSllort.. PARKE, Frederic H. (1(1), Genl. Engr.. Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Wilmerding, and for mail, 428 :Maple Ave" Edgewood, Pittsburllh.. ROWLEY, :Millard O. (J 24), DeslllDer, Westinghouse Air Brake 00., Wilmerding, and tor mail, 7130 :McPherson Blvd., Pittshurgh.. SEGNER, Morllan W. (J 27), Engrg. Test Dept., Westinghouse Air Brake Co., and for mal!. 266 Welsh Ave. SHE~~;;el~~fait61~b. (J 26). Engr., Westinghouse Air Brake 00., and for,mail, WHITAKER, U. A. (J 24), Engr. Test Wkoo Westinghouse Air Brake Co. and for mai!, 368 Mar~erlte Ave.. WILDIN, Geo. W. (01). ASBt. V. P., Westinghouse Air Brake Co. \VOODLAWN, Plttsburgl. Sectloll, BROWNSTEIN, Benl. (22), Tube Mill Enp;r., Jones &; Laughlin Steel Corp., Woodlawn, and for mail, P. O. Box 666, Ellwood City.. CRONEMEYER, Henry O. (12), Mech. Designer, Jones &; Laughlin Steel Corp. LITTLER, Carl W. (26), Ch. Engr., Jones & Laughlin Steel Oorp. NODES, John H. (J Z4), Foreman, Jones &; Laughlin Steel Corp., Woodlawn, and for mail Penn Ave., Monaca.. RICHARDS, Earl :M. (26). Head Indus. Engrg. Dept., Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp.,. Woodlawn. Pittshurl(h. and for mail, 307 8rd St.. Beaver. SCHALLER. Robt. H. (A M 20), Supt., By Product Coke Plant, Jones & Lsughlln Steel Corp. WYNCOTE, Philadelphia S<ictloJl BLANK, Albert G. (J 26), Oadet Engr., Phlla. Suburhsn Gas & EI,ec. Co., Wyncote, and lor mail, 6486 N. Falrhill St., Philadelphia. WYNNEWOOD LOVEKIN, Luther D. (17) Penn Rd. 642 Yoro- SUS\lUehlLllnu. SectloJl d f ail BERG~, Chas, L. (A.:M. 26), Eogrg. Dept., Am. Ohaln Co., Inc., an Dr m., BOURGARD, 88 W. MEaPLlesteSt. e r. F (J 05) Erec Dept York MIA". Co., and for mail, 285 ~,., Roosevelt Ave.. 8 CAMPBELL, Gordon (91; H), f. O. Box 29. de la FUENTE. Emllio B. (J 26), Yorkco Olub. Co., and for mail, 661 W. DU BOIS, Louis J. (J 23). Sales Dept., York Mfg. Madison Ave. EARLL Cbas; I. (92), 441 Lincoln Aye, Co J td 142 N Dnke St. FARQUHAR, Francis (07). prp" Oh A B. ~grqughasaleb" nuggleb Caies Engrg. Co., FINOH, Francia E. (22), V.., arga.,. P. O. BOX 82(8." 19) Genl. Sopt A. B Farquhar Co. Ltd., 142 N. Duke St., FISHER, Wm. J A-m.,.. and for Ill<lh il R487(JM~2d7Is)onY~~Mfl: 00 and for mail, Yorkeo Oluh, HERTZLER. Jo n.,. I "A HUNT. Olarkson T. (A Y 261, 713 perillif v"i.-ifg. Co. Inc., and for mail..,,6s JONES, Jae: B. (A M 26), Cll. E ngr., c ann, Pennsylvania ~ve. I :M r McGann :Mfg. Co., Inc., P. O. Box 82~. KUNTZ, Wm. J. B(23()J Y27 ) P "S?;de~t ing"r Yorl. Ice ~Iehy. Corp., and tor,,,ail, MARTIN, Henry.,., Yorkco Oluh., ) E S Morgan Smith Co. McCORMACK, Daniel Jas. (1-8, ngr.,. E Market St MUELLER, Jacob L., (15; 2~, oon~~n-e,b/~o.;and lor mail, 256- Kurtz Ave. MUELLER, MInx W «ZJO)lz0h F 7 ), ~:dent Training Course York Ice :Mchy. Corp., RAMSAY, A ex.. and tor mjailjyoorkco(j:l2ub7) Testing York Mfg. Co., York, Pa., and tor mai~, RICCIARDI, as...,, 65 Cedar St., Dobbs Ferry, N S Ii Smith Co and for ".au 269 Roose"elt ROSS Harold (J 2.0), Draftsman ""organ., il 687 W Ave. A (J 24) Draftsman Read MelY Co., aud for mo;,. ROUCH, Ernest., Princess St. G I M York Mfg Co flhipley, Thos (91)(J V "2 P 7).f~rblnfiiesigner S. MOQ:an Smith 00., and for SIMONSEN, Jo h an H.., "ail 831 Pennsllvama Ave. Smith Co SMITll. BeauchalllP E. (J 24)od.Se~., S RMOd~~bY. 00., and for mail, 292 Jeffer- SPANGLER, Joh11 I. (J Zl), Pr ""gr., ea son Ave. H (J 26) D~aftsman Designer, S. 1Iorgan Smith Co.. snd O~DEK G"ant," V - for ;ll"i~. 58~ iladi.on Ave.. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS BAOOLOD, OOGI(PI3)NT E G A;,t ~~p?r~~olod-murc1s. Milling en., Ple., ("libol KENNEDY, J. E.,e. "1 d Cotabato, Inc., and tof ma.l, Baco 0. CAJ,OOCANc"R(AI~~22) Shops Supt. E. E. Manila R. R. 00. UNSON, F.. om,, 6) 33 G I San Miguel. YCASIANO, Francisco R. (A-M 1,, ra.. CEBU,OEEOBCU to 0 (;16 26) Res Eugr Mgr., Philippiue Eugrg. Co., and BORROM,anu,,..,. lor mail. P (AO~.~02x6)8(l08h. Engr Power Plant, Visayan Elec. Co., and /0" _il, CODINA, Juan...., P. O. Box 134. (A" 25) Elec & Ch Engr., Phllipp!ne Ref. Corp. McADAM, Clarence E.. -m.,.. DAVAO, MINDANAO. ALLEN, Ethan E. (16), P. O. Box DEL CARMEN, PAllIPANGA P 1 a Sugur Mills, Del IND R ht R (12 14; 18), Secy., Gen!. Mgr.,. I>mpa g H - cai:m~n: painpanga; also Editor, Sugar News, Man,la. 64.3

258 PWLIPPINE ISLANDS :MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES PORTO RIOQ ISABELA, Occldent,,1 NegroA VALENOIA, Felix V. (A M 22), Isabela Sug-ar 00 Inc. LINGAYEN, PANGASINAN OASAOLANG, Cornelio E. (J 26). LOS BANOS ALUiOASTRE, Oecilio (A M 23). Asst. Prof. Chem., Oollege of Agri. MANILA ABAVA. Gonwo T. (J 26), 80 San Juande Letran..AMES. Aubrey P. (A M 26), Lub. Engr. Stand. 011 Co. of N. V. BLAISDELL. Ben;j. H. (09), Oh. Engr., Power Plant. Manila Elec. Co. BROWN, Carl G. (20; A M 26). Ea1ll.baw. Dock. &: Honolulu Iron Wk. GLEMONS, Robt. S. (10), Box 489. EATON. Prof. Leon S. (22), College of Engrg. Univ. of Pbllippines. EBRO, Leandro (J 26) ODonell St. Santa Oruz. HALL. Wm. G. (18), Earn.baw. Dock. &: Honolulu Iron Wk, P. O. Box 282. PARKER. Rey L. (A M 22). Ed. J. Nell Co.. Ltd. REICH. Henry Leo (J 28). Selesmen, Elec. Dept.. Catton Nel11 Eng. &: Mchy. Co. end for mail, 1227 M H d.el Piler. REYES. Hermenegildo B. (J 20), A.soc. Prof., Head Dept. of E. E. Univ. of Philippines..THOMPSON. Leroy H. (20; 25). MIIl Philippine Power &: Devel. Go., 136 Con cepcion... VILLANUEVA, Juan T. (J 27), A t. M; E., De.ign;n,.. Div.. Bureau Pub. Wks. NUEVA ECIJA, LUZON LAING, Jas. B. (2&; 2!1), Oabiao. OOOIDENTAI, NEGROS NIOKELSEN, Theo. (27), Ge!1l. Supt., Maao Sugar Oentrnl CO. Inc., Maao Oentral. SAN CARLOS, Occldent"l Negro8 HOGAN, Ourt L. CA M 21), Mgr., San Carlo. Mil1ing Co. TALISAY, CEBU SOOTT, Jas. (18), Cebu Sugar CD. VICTORIAS, Occidental NegrolJ PEN:NING. O.J. H. (21), M.lIT., Victorias Milling- Co. BARCELONETA BARRON, Ed,lnund W. PORTO RICO (21), Plazuela Sugar Co: BAYAJIION OASTRO. Peter B. (19; 26), Central Juanit:L CAGUAS OOOPER, Wm. CA M 22), Engr., United Porto Rican Sugar Co., Caguns, and for 1Mil" Humacao. FIOL, Ignacio (19; 26), Ch. Engr., Central Defensa, Box NADLER. Harry A. (16; 20; 23), United Porto Rican Sugar 00. PENA, Ignacio CA M 28), Cons. Eugr., United Porto Rican Sugar 00. CANOVANAS, EnnRACAO OOOHRAN, Alex R. (A M 22), Mgr., Loiza Sugar Co. CENTRAL AGUIRRE, GUAYAMA. WATERBURY. Lewis G. (2!1),.Mgr., Ponce &: Gusyama.R. R. 00. CENTRAL MERCEDITA, YABUCOA, TORO~ Antonio O. CA M 26). 64<1 \.! :.,. " I" i :: \ COlllERIO FALLOS(JB~r)AlI~?~ Supvr. Hydrocleo. Plants, P. R. Ry. Light APONTE. Enlesto.,..., &l Pow.r EL EJEMPLO, DUMACAO Oh En r Companla Azucarer.. HANSEN, Hollg.rtH.«(~62)4 ) G1~t SG~~i Mir., do;;pdnla Azucarera. ROIG, J. AdaLberoJ.. FAJARDO, HUllIACAO Oh E Fajardo Sugar 00. ~g~~~lir.b~~::rjr~rc~ ~O~~ ~h:21?~g~~lljardos~~r 00. f~i:~~~f?f1:1fl~6), As.t. Engr., Porto Rico Irriglbtion Serv.,. and for m",i, P. O. BoX 241. HUlIIAOAO 7) Oentral Pasto Viejo, InC. ROMAGUERA, Arturo (J 2, ~~~~~~~~g~ (J 26), Oentral San Miguel. lllayague?\, M.tY(1-2~~G~ Engr Oentral Eureka Inc., and for mail,.p. O. ANNEXY, Jume, r.,..,.. &I Box 427. d E (22 26) Ohmn. Engrg. Faculty, of Agn. DAVIS, Prof. Davl.,. Enlllg. Vniv. of P. R, lllercedita PONCE Ch E Suc. ion. J. S~rrallea. JUNGHANS, Ed~. li. (08), Supt. Fabrication,. ngr., PLAYA, PO~CE E (J 27) Deelgn II Drafting, P. R. Iron Wks. Inc Playa, Cl~"TRON. GUlllermo., and for m"a, 3-7 Mayor S\: r.0~. Mgr P R Iron Wk., Inc., Playa, and FERRE, Lui. A. (J 26), As. e.,.. flit m,,;!, P. O. 819, Ponc. PONCE" P~N~. (~.M 16) Engr., Contr" 1. O. Box 611. ANTON~.ulT.. U18 C27) S;,pt. M PAm. R. R. 00. B 169 OARMOEGA. Ennqu. R(A :M 26) Ch Engr. Oentral Boca Ohla Inc., ox. THOMPSON, Sipney,., R~O PIEDRAS, HUlIIA~AO ar Hou.e Eng:. &: Oh. Engr., Oentral SALDANA.. Edu~rdo ~. (A OS), Oo~. a~udg ior,n"l, 260 Ponce de "Leon Ave., Yannilla, RIO PIedras, Humaca J. Santurce. SAN JUAN, SAN JUAN, E S ce.ores de Abarca, P. O. Box 228. OARRERAS, Jos. R. (A~M26)26J rro~ Stock White Star Line, and for m"it, del VALLE. Wm. A. (J,up.. P. O. Box 867, (21 24) V P Gen! Mgr., San Juan Ice &I Ref. Co., Ball: DVNTEN. 1,,.., ) D ftsm..n Sabrlnos De Portilla. 0 B It LOPEZ, Austin (J (:2!1) UraS Local Inspr. Boilers, U. S. Government. P. 0 McOABE, Henry :1. " d B (J 28) Snpt Govt. Shops, Dept. of Interior, and for rna\!, RAMIREZ, DIOVI.,. VIDfL,OFef;~~ ~~0(26), Oh. Engr., Sucesores d. Abarca. SANTA ISABEL, GUAYAM.A 0 PETERSOK. G. O. (21). Mgr., Santa Isabel Sugar o. 645

259 RHODE ISLAND ~!EMBERSIN UNITED STATES MEMBI>R5 IN UNITED 51A1I>5 RHODE ISLAND,A1Jl3URN RHODE ISLAND (Proride:u.ce Section) ALLEN, TlIos. M. (A-M 21) Engr Sta d M COLENiagarn St., Providence. : n. chy. Co., AUburn, and jor tiiail, 29 S, Jos. F. (J 1I3), OIl Draftsma Sta d 162 Gallup St., Provide;,ce n. n. Mclly. Co., Auburn, and for moil CONNOLLY. Jas. H. (13; 13) Ge1M mail, 65 Charles Field St., Pro~jdenr.: Stand. Meby. Co., Anbnrn, and jor OENTERVILLE ILLINGWORTH, Brookside Ave, Goo.. (A M 21),ec1J. Y Supt., Warwick Mills, and for,nail, 127 OENTR.lL FALLS MAJOR. Natllaniel. Jr. (A M 21), Mgr., Ollarle.on Hardware Co., 692 Dexter St. EAST GREENWlOH MILLER, Rlch..rd O. (21; 26), M. E., Boston Wire &titcher Co" P. O. Bo EDEN PA.RK x 369. BULLARD, John E., (A 13), Tech. &: Business Paper Writer, 83 Colonial Av HARRISVILLE e. BANCROFT, Wilfred (12), Stillwater Worsted Mill. KINGSTON WALjES., or ma,l, ROlal Oampus L. (28), Ave. Prof. M. E., D can Engrg. Depts., R. I. State College, and MAPLEVILLE LLOYD, Leon.A. (J 21). NEWPORT BAIlRY, Louis J. (24), Ch. Draftsmal B E 1>cd~ Sta.,..lid for mail, BoulevardlTe;:~~u of Ord., Navy Dept., Naval Tor. K ATHW Eamund B (o~) Li t U S McCOlINELL JlIll W (18) M eu.,. Naval Iraining Sta. " Ave..,. M., Naval Torpedo Ste.., lliid fot mail, 60 HUllter :stratton, JuUan A (2l) MID it Ste... and for mail: 22 Bliss R"d~ la slll.n, Pub. Wk Dept., Naval TI..ining PA.WTUCKET BENNETT, Clinton Wendell (A M 22) Gill-. and for ",ail, 168 Roell.mbeau Ave e p~ Robt. D. M.son 00., Pawtucket BULLOCK, Ed\yin R. (90; 04) 88 B "k ~~v ence. CROSSAN, Thos E (A lf 26) St Slo ~ DICKERMAN, Albert O. (11), Y. E" &: sublackstone V..lley Gns &: Eleo. Co, FISHWERaterHoo., Slater Trust 00. Bldg. and ~o~ :i.~es78enmagrg COd" E. Providence 210, Main award St. C.. ( ) P T,ynar St. r res., rea.s., Central Engrg. &: Clllistr. Co., ~~~~IITH, Geo. H. (A 18), 78 Fountain St McDEVI~~DJo1i:NGdt~~ ~7~, 416 Weeden St..St., P&wtucket, and IfJr ;"au26~2l~~" B~er, ~incoln licb. Co Main MOUl/T, Ralph H (17) Supt Rubb Dr. 1B ve. rovidence. umtucket, and jo; 71l4il, 64 La;{rlson S~ P,v"dTubuJar Woven Fabric 00. Paw I R Leonard S (J 16) D. ht,rov! ence. SE:U3ilRY D It (0 ) 0 wig Seabury 00. U East Ave smith, N~r;::f k. ds; A~Me~2 DWight Seabury Co., 12 EaBt Ave. for mail, 119 Oak HlII Ave. 5), Adv. Mgr., Hempbill Co., 131 Ol..j St., and TYRRELL, Jae. J. (26) Engr T II &I WESfTOOTT! V. Stukely (10), M~eSuPtW;ll~\>anCd jto r rn mail, 223 ~aleigh Ave. or mad, 644 Main St..,.. oa s c., 366 Pme St., and WILL.>EveT._T, ~ Francis M. (16; A-Y 22), Partner, TYIrell... ~ViIlett, 223 Raleigh 646 pmllipsdale }[ACli:ENZIE, Morell (J 12), llgr. Glcn1~on Print Wks., Sayles Finishing Plants, Plant 0, Phillipsdale,..nd for ",ail, 104 Irving Ave., Providence. PROVIDENCE ADAMS, Carroll E. (16; A-M 22), Mgr., Hexsnlate Div Tar Products Corp., 99 Empiro St., Providence, and jo,,nail, 10 Saunders St., Pawtucket. ALDRIOH, John G. (01). Pr... New Eng. Butt Co~ 304 Pearl St., and for mail, 223 Bowen St,.uWERSON, Harold K. (J 23), Mech. Draftsman, Brown &I Sharpe Mfg. 00. providence, and for mail, 137 Colonial AYe., Eden Park. ANNAN,~rthur H. (00), Supt., R. L Tool Co. ANTHO.. x. Lamont W. (21), Mch. Deelgn, Engrg. Dept., Brown &I Sharpe Mfg. Co., Pro\;idence, and or mail, 61 Fair St., Pawtnclcet, Edgewood Sta. BAINTON, Arthur H. (25), Mecll. Supt. Brown ill Sharpe Mfg. Co. BELL, Chester A. (23), Engr." Gri,nnell 00., Inc., 276 W. Exchange St.. and for mail" 93 Broadway. - BELJ,o, Wm. O. (22), Genl. Mgr. Narragansett Elec. Ltg. Co., Turks Head Bldg. BEN..ETT, Arthur li. (A.M 21), Milling Mch. Engr., Brown &: Sharpe Mfg. 0"., PrOVidence, and for mail, Washiul;ton Rd., W. Barrington. BERJ\RD, Saml. J. (19), Asst. Prof. Drawing &; Mch. Deeign, Brown Unlv. BLISS, O. E. (12), Engr., F. P. Sheldon &: Son, and for mail, 44 Congress Ave. BLISS, Edwin C. (OS). 264 Ave. BLISS, Zenas R. (J 23). Asst. Prof., Brown Univ. BRIGGS, Leroy E. (11; 14; 20), Wks. Mgr., Gorllam Mfg. 00., and jor mail, 169 Princeton Ave. BROWN, Wendell S. (16; IS; 22), Engr., F. P. Sheldon &I Son Hospital Truet Bldg.. BUKER Henry (07), V. P., Brown & Sharpe Mfg. 00., P. O. Box 18S6. BURI,INGAME, Luther D. (03). Indus. Supt. &: Pd, Expert. Brown &: Sharpe Mfg. Co. BURLINGAME, Stanley ow. (J 27), Engrg. Dept. Brown &: Sbarpe Mfg. 00., and for mail, 70 savoyst. BURT Geo. R. (H), V. P., Franklin Mch. Co., 44 Oross St. BURTON. Sydney W. (A-M 20), 1nstr. of Appren~lces, Brown &: Sharpe Mfg Somerset St. BUTTOLPH, Benj. G. (06). V. P., Engr., lura. Mutual Fire Ins. 00., and for mail, P. O. Boot OHACE, Will. W. (08), Mfre. Rep., P. O. Box 201. CHAFEE, John S. (A M 26), AeBt. Secy., Brown &I Sharpe Mfg. 00. OHICK, Alton C. (J 21), Aeet. Engr., John R. Freeman, 816 Grosvenor St., and for mail, 100 Fisk St. COLEMA:N. John B. (21). Ch. Engr., Grinnell Co. Inc., 276 W. Exchangs St. CONNET, Fredl< N. (OS), Oh. Engr. Venturi :Meter Dept., Bulldera Iron Fdy., 9 Coddin St.. - CROSe, Henry B. (13). Secy Grinnell Co., Inc., 260 W. Exchange St. DART, Wm. O. (A 07), Pree., R. I. Tool 00., P. O. Box DAVIS, Francis P, (13; A M 21). Prea Davis Drive Yourself Co Inc., and for mail, 236 Yeetlng St. DeWOLF, Paul C. (A 1~). V. P., -Brown ill Sharpe Mfg. 00. DONICK. ClliIord B. (J 23), Engrg. Dept., Brown &I Sharpe lug. 00., Provl dence, and fa mail, 162 Wentworth Ave., Edgewood. DREWETT, Wm. A. (8&). Genl. Mgr., Providence Engrg. Corp., 621 S. Main St.. and for mail. 65 Medway St. DURGIN. Olyde M. (A.M 22). Asst, to Engr. of Design. NarragllIlsett Elec. Ltg. Co., Rm. 802, Turks Head Bldg. DU VILLARD. Henry A. (M), M. E., 173 George St., East Side Sta. ESTES, Wm. W. (91; 00, Research Engr., Genl. Fire Extinguieher Co., 276 W. Exchange St., and jor mail, 245 Waterman st. FALES, Henrl H. (18), V. P., Mason Mfg. Co., 166 S. Water St. FARMER, Epher W. (25), Inspr. Steam Bollers State of R. t., State House, Providence, and jor mail, 109 Legion Way. Au b urn~ FILES, Wm. R. (21), Pres., Treas., Files Engrg. OO~J 75 Westminster St. FINNEGAN, Peter J. (A-M 23),Oh. Engr., Steam, u. S. Rubber 00., 866 Valley St., Providence, and JOT mail" 1 Harding Ave., Riverside.. R7

260 RHODE ISLAND MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES.MEMBERS IN UNITED STAT~S RHODE ISL",ND. PROVIDENOE (continued) FITZSIMMONS, SamL D. (2~), Plant Engr., Brown & i;lharp. Mig. Co.,, and for mail, 43 Alfred Stan. Rd., Pawtuck.t. FLETCHER, Ralph L. (26), Engr. of Mfg., Gas Co. FREEMAN, Clark. (16; j, M 22), Engr Mfrs. Mutual Fir. Ins. Co., 815 Gros, venor Bldll.. FREEMAN, O. (11: 16), V. P., Engr.,Provld.nce Gas Co., Turks Bldg., and for mail. 100 Weyboss.t St. FREEMAN, Hov.y T. (19; A M 26), V. P., Engr., Mfrs. Mutual FIr. Ins. Co., 815 Grosv.nor Bldg. and for mail, ~ Hazard Av.. FREEMAN John R. (187), Vic. President, 02 04: Presld.nt, 05: Pr.s., Mfr. Mutua( Fire In. Co., 815 Grosvenor BldR.,, R. 1., Con. Engr., N. Y. Bd. 01 Wat.r Supply, Municipal Bldl1;., N.w York, N. Y. : FROMMER, Wm. (AM 25). D.vel. En"r., U. S. Rubb.r Co. H.mlock St.. Provid.nce, and for mail, 857 Northrup St., Edgewood. FULLER, Jos. Otis (18: A M 22), Asst. Engr., Genl. Extinguisher Co., 801 W. Ex chadl1;8 St., and for ma:u. 86 Moore St.. OATES, Thayer P. (06; 18), Textile Spec. & Can. EnltT., 707 Grosv.nor Bldg. GRAVES, Benj. P. (28), Brown & Sharp. Mfg. Co.,, and for mail, 58 Arnold A... EdgewoodSla.,. GUILLEMETTE, Jos. D. (A-M 18) Asst. Engr., Jenks & Ballou, 1085 Gro...enor Bldg., Provitlonc.,.nd for,"ail, 58 Auburn StuPawtuck.t.. HALL, Jas.. A. (12: 18: 28), Prof. M. E., Brown nlv.. HAMMOND, Ald.n M. (J 28), Oharge Adv., Bldrs. Iron Fdy 9 Codding St. and for mail, 92 Alvin St. HEERMANN, Fredk M. (07), Mfrs. Mutual Fire In.. 00., 815 Grosvenor Bldg., and for mail, 272 Pr.sid.nt Ave. HOOD, John L., Jr. (J 27), Supvl!., What Laundry, 93 Cran.ton St.. HOUGH, Edw. B. (A 17), Pre., WIghtman & Hough Co., Franl<lin Mch. Co., P. O. Box , HOUGH, Wm. (A M 28). Sales Enllr., Th.rmo Serv., Inc., 181 Broad St. JACKSON, Alex. F. (A M 20), H6 Arnold Ave. JENCKES. Roht. A. (A 18)[ }Igr., Grinnell Co., Inc., 275 V. E.~c11ang. st. JOHNSON, Harry B. (A 21j, Plant Mgr., GeI)I. Fir. Extlnguish.r 00., 260 W. Exchang. St. KENERSON, Wm. H. (04), Vice.President, 22-24; Prof., M. E., Ohmn. Div. Engrg., Brown Univ... KENNEDY, Wm. A. (08: 14), Prodqcts Supvr., Grlnn.ll Co., Inc., 801 W. Exchange St., and for mail. 81 Forest St. KISTLER, Paul N. (A M 24),.Asst. Prof. M. E., Brown Univ. KNIGHT. Earl R. (17; A-M 26). En!lT. & Bldr., 108 Peace St; LEWIS, Herb.rt B. and for mail, 112 Irving Ave: LEWIS Warren B. (16), Can Engr" 740 Gr~venor Bldg. LOEPSINGER, Albert J. (08; 18), M. E. Fire Extinguisher Co., 260. W. Ex (A-M 25). Cha"ge Exper., Brown & Sbarpe Mfg. 00. chang. St. LYON! Ja. F. (A 20), Brown & Sbarpe Mfg. 00.,, and for mail, 1 South S. M.shanticut Park. MacGRATH, Kenneth (A-M 27), Asst. to, U. S. Finishing Co., 400 Gharl St. MAC LEOD, F. N. (12), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Abrasive Mch. Tool Co., Dext.r Rd.. and for mail, 290 Irving Ave. MAKEPEAOE, O. Salisbul,l (A-M 26). Engr., C. R. Malepeac. &. Co., P. O. Box MALONE, Cllas. Brigg. (J 24), Pub. S.rv. Engrs., City of Provid.nce, and for mail, 85 Pitman St. MANN Wm. D. (A-M 18). W. D. Mann Co., 87 Weybosset St.. MARTiN, Harold E. (J 25), Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Providenc., and for mail, 49 B.lvidere Blvd., N. Providence.. MATHEWSON, M. I. (22), Grinding Meh. Engr., Brown & Sharp. Mfg. Co., and for mail, 118 Williams St. MAYO, Edmund Cooper (16), Pr Genl. Mgr., Gorllam Mfg. Co. MEYER, A. Wm. (J 25). Brown & Sharp. Mfg. Co., and for mail, 66 Comstock Av.. MIGLIORI, Erminia (J 22) Cons. Engr., 624 W.stmln.ter Ave. MILLER! Cbas. F. (20), Fdy. Supt., Univelsal Winding Co., Provid.nce, and for : mai. 50 Ave., Edg.wood. MOOLHUYZEN, Tho.; (28), Supt. Textil. Finisbing Mcby. Co. 6~8,: PltOVIDENOE ~cont!23n)uevd)p Engr Mutual Ins Gros MOSES, Fredk T. (,16;...,., venor Bldg., Tr Mutual In. 00., P. O. Box MOSES, Fredk W. (A )19), pr~tg &"i>~w.r Piping Div., Grinnen Co., Inc., 260 W. MOULDER, A. W. (21, llilgr... Excbang. St. (A-M 27) Prod. Mgr. Crompton & Knowls Loom Wks" NEWTON, Raymond O.... itt St P wtuck.t Providence, and(t8r.. ":g~y IJ:c:.~mhOvid.n~e tithograph 00., 85a Prairl. Ave. ODE, Randolp~ 1;16) Gnl Supt Universal WInding Elmwood Ave. ~~~~. ~:;k B. (02i~~)8ivPWtI;::g;..r~fr~. ~~\~.ief1:/i:~kg~,sjil>gro.v.nor PINGREE, Edwin D. (. a;;uton St. Bldg" and for maa a, W(I H l) Sale. Mgr Meter Dept.. Iron Fdy.. 9 RIOHARDSON, Cbas...., Codding St. ( 1 08) 0 DB Eng,. 10 Weybo t St. RICHMOND, Knt,sht 0A ~,JO) pres o 11gr.. Textll. Flnishlng Mchy. 00. RUSDEN, Ethel or. 1 c. ttpolnt, and f(~~,)maoni~ E G.~I Mgr. Hom. Serv Inc., 10 Weybosset SAMMIS, Norman L.... o., ",.,. St., 2) Partner H.nry L. Scott & Co" 101 Blackston. St.. SCOTT, H.~ry L,.; «A 2 20) Sal.sman Brown & Sharp. Mfg and for mail, SCOTT, Tables,.,-,, SEYtr.~MRrl~~~OU~h t;e;91) Local Sal.s Mgr., O. A. Dunhamd.00., 625 Indus. Trust Bldg Pro~ld.~ce and ior "Iail. 29 Arnold Av., Edg.wCoo "H D (A 01) lreas Brown & Sharpe Mfg. o. B d SHARPE,.nry. (16 A.Y 25) "Dlst. Htg. Engr., Soconv Burn.r Oorp., 148 roa SHAW, H.rb.rt a., d f il 187 Elm St w. Have1l, Conn. St b, R(~l6)an G lr ~;.., F P Sb.ldon & Son, 1009 Hospital Trust SHELD N. Arthur N.,.n...",, Bldg. J (IS) Prod MIIT., Gorbam Mfg. Co.. SlME~Nc~lllI.H ~ry (i4) V. P. Blackston. Mut~al Fire In. 00., Box SMI, as I c~air Jr (J 28), ASSt. M. E., Iron Fdy..~gn. ~:o SHotcbklss (81), R~tiredL 61 Humboldt Av., S I st M (90) M E 26{ Gano St. d ~~~:CE,YL."m: r D. (27)/ Ob~rg~ Tool Designing, Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., an for mailj 706 FrFUlt(AH~;l 41 v ),. Steam EI.c. Light &. Power SPILLANE, on. b -...,., Co., and for mail. 82 Putn~m St. U S R bb 0 86 H.mlock St. STENMAR Oscar P. (22: A-M 26), M. E.,.. u.r D~~ What & Hope STOVER. bha~. Clark (20k.:r~16 6~~~~n~r ~r::.,ba~do~or";;il, 6 Vma Ave: }[utual FIT In vcos, (J 27) Indus Fu.l Engr Gas 00., Provldenc., TJ;NGLEY, Harleigh... I". and for mail 28 Union St., TITUS Warren H. (16). R.tired, 278 E1mgrov. Ave c B 1385 ITL W A (A 02) V P Brown & Sbarp. Mfg. 0.. o~ f 1, AU J... ;:N B. F (,2J,) Design.r Bro\vn &. Sharp. Mfg. 00. and or ma, WATE1U1A, ~.. t WJLl~l~:;}~nJow~~d (24), M. E., Fire Extlngulsh.r Co., 260 W. F..xcbange wootf..ey. Ernest L. (26), Cons. Engr., E. 1;>. Woolley & Co 619 Indu.lria\ Trust Bldg. SAYLESVILLE J (J 28) Mech Supt. Sayle. Finishing Plants, Inc., GOLRICIC, Mark A.. r...,. HOP\i,dJ;;~ s.ail j w:) ~~~~~~"ifte~k. say;:s Flnisblng. Plants, Inc., Saylesville. and fo, mail, 116 twhaslth(.~n2~ S~26)pat:rlck M~ch Supt. Sayl.s Finishing Plant., Inc., JOHNSON, K.n,:. ;,.. KIL~~ i3::r~~~ 1:. ~l~t\;h, Asst. SU!?t., Sayles Finishing Plants, Inc., and for ma{k i fj 9 a ll24) AO~. Engr., Sayl Finishing Plant Inc., Saylesville, LEGRIS, L.opo. h! t n St Arctic anod for mahil, 1(28,w )as itnggr~ snyies Flnl~blng Plants, Inc., and fo, mail, 185 NELS N,eo. G J 26 t,. REN6:a~:~O~~ P. (J 07), Supt., Sayles Bleacheri and for mail, ]69 Ohap.l St, 649

261 RHODE ISI.AND SLATERSVILLE CHIFFELLE, Frnncis A. (17), Oh. Engr., Slatersville Finishing Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 114. VALLEY FALLS BLACK, Geo. (A-M 19), Old River Rd. WESTERLY GENCARELLI, Angelo M. (J 23), Bldg. Cootr.,.~. M. Gencarelli Co., 68 Pierce St., and for mail, 2 Spruce St. MARSTON, Jas. L. (J 24), 7 Newton Court. WOONSOCKET CREPEAULT, Henry F. (J 26), Wooosocket Mcb. &; Press Co., Tnc., and for mail, 236 W. 4th Ave. DURSIN, Henry, Jr. (18; A-M 25), Asst. Mgr., Lafayette Worsted Co., and for mail, 31 Orchard St. LL01~en RR~.t. J. (J 24), Asst. Desigoer, Taft Peirce Mfg. 00., and for moil, 28 SOUTH CAROLINA ANDERSON, Greenville Section MACINTYRE, Alex. Fergusson (21), Agt. Appleton Mfg. Co. PRUITT, Ralph S. (J 26), Engr., C. M. Guest, P. O. Box 222. SWEENY. Francia Raymond I. (23), Ch. Engr_, F. R. Sweeney & Co., aod for mau, Box 55. BATH AVERY, U. Shetman (A M 27), Supt. Constr., North Am. Clay Co., Tnc. CHARLESTON BAm,LEY, Matthew B. (01; 20), P".S., Camcron &; Barkle.y Co., 100 Meeting St. GIBSON, Jas. E. (96; 01; 10), Mgr., Engr., Commissfoner of Pub. Wks., 14 George ~ -, MacELWEE, Roy S. (27), Commr. of Port Devel.. 50 Broad St.. MEVERS. Roy E. (J 20), Y. E. Stand. Oil Co. of N. J., P. O. Box 880, and for mail, 194 Tradd St.. THORNHILL, T. Wilbur (14: A-M 21), Pres., Charleston on Co., P. O. Box 82, Sta. A... WAIT. J. Russell (13), Genl. Mgr., Charleston Port Utilities Oomm., and for mail, 545 Huger St.. VOlmG, John H., Jr. (16; 21), Lub. Engr., Stand. Oil 00. of N. J., aud for mail, Berkeley Court;. CLEIIISON COLLEGE, GleenvUIe Section OARPENTER, Edw. L. (_~ M 22), Assoc. Prol. M. E., Clemson Agr!. College. EARLE, Saml. B. (05: 14), Dir. Engrg. Dept., Pro!. M. E., Clemsoo Agor!. College. COLUlIIDIA FITZ SIMONS, W. Huger, Jr. (A-M 23), Lub. Salesman, Stand. 011 Co., of N. J., P. O. Box 932, Columbia, and for mail, 656 Legare St., Charleston. EDGEFIELD DARLINGTON, Stephen P. (J 21). MEMBERS IN U::IIEED STATES FLORENCE JAEGER, Henry J. (J 25), S. C. Highway Dept., and for mail, 612 S. Dargan St. GREENVILLE, Greenville section BLACKWELDER, C. Davis (19; A-Y 23), Chem. " M. E., J. E. Sirrine k Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 206. CHAPMAN, Roht. H. (19; 24; 27), Head. Steam Engrg. Dept., J. E. SilTine & Co., P. O. Box 12~1. MAYO, Jas. Benj. (IS; 26)... Engr., Fire Protection, J. E. Sirrine &:; 00., P. O. Box 1221, and fo, mail, P. u. Box li U-.-. CAROLINA MEMBERS IN UN1TElI STATES SO -..~ GREENVILLE (Co n (,t1n)u6,d)eila"" Bldg. Dept. J. E. Sirrine &; Co., P. O. Box McPHEItSON, John A. 2, , eo Hend. J. E. Sirrine ".Co:, 21.3 S. Yam St. SIRRINE, Jos. E.,( ~1}2l~27i Textile Ellgl...T. E. Slmne " (1<>. STALL, Earle "fl. (20, (AM 28) Poe Pillinlt & Fltj[. CO. TINDALL, Wh,tDey,P. HARTSVILLE. COKER. J. L. (15)., En~ Carolina Fiber Co. d f r mau COKER. Richard G. «A J,l~l2)A~~wer s;,pt., Sonoco products Co., IIoIl 0 FULLER. John E..~, 809 Home st. (2~ A.Y 26) Ch. Eol{l., Hartevl1le LAWTON, Edl:8r H.,. LYlIIAN H D (21) Mech. Snpt.. Pac. Mm. LEARNARD. arry. liiarion D (A.M 2.4), Anderoon Lumber Corp. BARRY. E. PARRTn.r J B (J 21). A"",t. ClI. Opel. Engr., Broad River Powe;r Co. FRANK",,,.,.,. SPAR-TANBtJRG, G.."...~... ni~ectf;l:ckbnm 011 Co.. and or nlau, P. O. BLAOKllURN, Robt;. H. (A 23). pl., ~~\;fr~lirarold F. (J 2~). Ens;; i.l~:t;~"\h~~e~y:nt~~j"rt.o.nburg Water W1<... MARQUIS, Jesee K. (A M 21i). P SOUTH DAKOTA LEAD 6.0) " E Bornesiake MIn. Co. d I r mail 110 PULLEN, R. R. (1 (:A"M,ta) it 11. HomB"take Min. 90, on (} STAPLE. Sydney J. -." McClellan St. LENNOX, MoFARLAND. HUl(h B. (26). RA.PID CITY 3) S t State Cement Plant, and 1M mail, P. O. Box 756. FOWDE~, Wrn. (1, \lp.. ~ERlIULLION ld E (0") \sst. Prof. Engrg., Univ. of S. D.. and M mail. BROOKMAN, HalO. "0 107 prospect St... 0 Pro!. M. E,. Univ. of S. D. DAVIDSON, 1>lorllan W. (1.). TENNESSEE

262 -.:-. TENlvESSEE ~:~~l"?~oga, ~lmtt~llooglt Section ma~, tjl"i:. inj M~ Du. Smoke Abatement, Oity of Chattanooga, and fat OAMPBJ!a.oL OATLIN, AbelGeo D (00 E (22) 07) P~ od. Sup., t Wh eland 00., and f01" mail 1906 Iv St, DANIELS, Stanl~y H. (A. lil "Vs. pcbs;rnoy ga Mcby. Co. Bennett &. Watkin!Sts J?IVINE, Thos. M. (J 25), statisti~ Ees ~,WaJ.h &; Weidner Boiler 00.. ERVIN, Tilos. O. (A.M 27) Su t. nllj.:., enn. EJee. Power 00: ami fat mail, Lookout Mouttaln Boiler.Shop, Lucey Mfg. Oorp., Ohattanooga. HALL, GALLAGHER. Alex. D. Jobn (J 20) J (AM M 21) E PS ujt. MB il 0 er Dept., Lucey Mfg. Oorp, HALLER. Louis G (17. AM., ro. /{r., Am. Mfg. Co. HARRIS, AndersCl; W. 2:~),~~~tJ!gr., Walsh &; Weidner Boiler 00.. f01" mail. 020 Hanover St. N.OhattsnJ"" Oase~-.Hedges 00., Ohattanooga, and KLEIN, 1010Wm. James H. Bldlt. (13 A.X 14) Gen. I Mgga. r So., Plants, Pa.-Dixie Oement Corp., ifc~~:~~:~~ E: ~~~~ii S~e~ X alsh &; Weidner Boiler 00. MERRIAM Isaac B (, e. upt. Oasey Hedges Co. NIOHOLLS. Edwin A. 1J ~~l Pires., Chattanooga Boiler &; Tank 00. fat mail, 410 Forrest AV~ N ~hat~~~::ro. Mcb. Wks. Obattanooga, and PHILLIPS PATTERSON i. :Eugene D (J 27) 0 (14)S S i "EY" Gen J".../{r. Chattanooga Boiler &; Tanle 00 Y. M: O. A.,a ea ngr., Walsh &; Weidner Boiler Co., and fat ;~I, REILLY, F. Ward (J 27) Seey Tr Sh SANDERS. Newell (8S). :Manag~r Oe:~05 ~:" ~deijly,inc.., 302 Times Bldg. Sanders Plow Co.., ce res) ellt, ; Prop., l\"ewell SHERMAN, Delmar 0 (22 27) E Stl STRE Bldlt. Ohattanoo~, and JOT mdil ~fs"bs~~ta~~o NMOchh ttme., 416 Times ET. J. H. (A 22) Pres &; ArCadia Ave. M gr., Stl ee t Bros. Mcb.... Wks., a and anoolla. fat mail, 519 WALL. Bldl{.. Marlon and P. fot (22 ",ail,26) 2lilMCh,u;,be~in EM Sl Am,PI ic1ty EqUlp.. Co., 1105 Volunteer WALSH St. Edmund J. (A 22),. V P", 0 hattanooga,e., Boller &; Tank Co., 1036 E. ~Iain WEIG~L, and for Carl mail, F. (A ],! 308 Endi~tt 22) Ch..StngrN; E Wal Ob Stta h &; Weidner Boller 00. Obattanooga, WINTHROP.,. a 1100,;a. Eo J... (A ],! 2~), Boiler Supt. OUsey-Hed es Ohattanool{S, and for mo.>!, 4414 Tennessee Ave. St. Ermo. g Boiler Wk DICIl:SON LEATHERS, Harry R. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES (J 21), Asst. Supt.. Mfg. Dept., A. H. Leathers Mfg. Co. DYERSBURG BLAKEMAN, Sutherland R (20) S t Oit 100 Sampson Ave..,up., y Water &; Light Dept. and fot mail,,elizadethton, U::no:<:-rl1le Section ROESEL. Apt. Arno F. (J 26). M. E.. Am. Bember Co 20. Montro.e Court. Johnson Oity. g <p., Elizabethton, and fat mail, ERWIN, Il:noxTille Section MOSELEY, Wm; S. (17), M. E.. Clinchfield R. R. HARRIIIIAN, I>:no:<:"rille Section RU,NTER. Wm. L. (A-M 23) S t. T EI 717 Oumberland Ave.,up, enn. eo.,power 00., Roane :;It. and f01" mo.ii, JOHNSON CITY, Knoxville Section NAUMANN. Herbert (J 26) E. D t Earnest St. ngtg. ep., Am. Bemberg Oorp., and fot Inail, S07 SHEARER. D.,R. (A M 17) M T THOMAS, Earl M. (26) E. E T~nn gre,;,st e~. Eacst. Elec.. Co. R?a.n St..,.. ec. 0 and for ma>!. P, O. Box 13., 662 ~ MEMBEI{S IN UNITED STATES IONGSPURT, KllOX..:Ule Section ELLIS, Jas. (J 21). P, O. Box,65. PALMER, Elbrid~e W. (A 27), Pres. Geul. Mgr., Klnsport Press. WELLS, Artbur S. (28), Ob. Engr. Mead Fibre 00.. and fot The Romestead. WHITE. Jas. O. (A 25). Genl. Supt. Tenn. Eastman Corp. and JaT, Linville WIL~~X" P. S. (99; 14), V. P. Geul. Ygr., Tenn. Eastman Corp. lennessee :ij;:noxville, Knoxville section BAKER. J. Frank (28), Tre... Sanford Day Iron Wk., 612 Dale Ave. BIGGS, W. E. (17). Oh. En~r., W. E. Biggs Engrg. Co. 714 Holston Banle Bldg. BRAD!, Mortis (A.M 19), :M. E Holston Bank BId!!:., and fo T mail, 1626 OALLAN. WhiteJohn Ave. (18; A.:M 22). W.E. Biggs Engrg. Co., Rolston Bank Bldg. DEMPSTER, W. J; (A.M 18), V. P. Dempster Constr Co. Inc. FERRIS. Ohas. E. (04), Dean, Engrg,. Unlv. of Tenn., and for ",,,ii, 8551 Klnfl(ston, Pike.., FISOHER, Fred W. 118). Pres., Genl. Mgr., Tenn. Tool Wks., Inc., 12 Asylum Ave., and f01" ",ail, 1809 W. Oumberland Ave. GIESLER. Jean V. (23). Oli. Engr. Fulton Sylphon Co. and /01" mail, P. O. Box HALLlBURTON, S84. John H. (J 27), 61S W. Main Ave. HOLDREDGE, Leo. (A Y 26), Instr. Mecb. Art., Univ. of Tenu. JONES, LEINART. Forrest Byron R. H. (90), (2; A.M 170S S6), Melrose Charge PL :Mach Dept.. power Equip. Co., Inc., LEWIS. P. O. Ohas. Box F (20), Mgr... Volunteer portland Cement 00., 1020 Holston Bank, Bld~. and fot mo.ii, 12S Island Home Blvd. MYNDERSE. O. N. (26). Geul. MI\r., Fulton 00., P. O. Box 268. PIEROE. John V. (23), Head, John V. Pierce Engrg. Co., 610 Empire Bldg., and for mail, 205"Wnsblngton Pike.. SAVA.GE. W. J. (23), Pres Gen!. Mgr., W. J. Savage 00. Inc. and fo T mail, P. SIMPSON, O. BoxSaml R. (A.M 23) Oh. Inspr., Fulton 00., and fo mo.ii, It. F. D. 9. SWITZER, John A. (12). Prof. HYd. &; Sanitary EnKlg., Unlv. of Tenn. THOMPSON, D. L. (28), Genl. Supt., Fulton Co. and for, 2112 Highland Ave. WHALEY. Wm. (21), Geul. Mgr., Secy., Treas. Myers-Whaley 00., Inc., P. O. wm~~ ~~~c,;,n A. (A.M 26), Supt., Unlv. of Tenn., and fot lllilil, 2018 Rose Ave. WILKINSON, F. L. Jr. (A-M 26), Sales Engr. Wilson WeeBller Wilkinson Co., WOOLRICH, P. O. Box WIlUs ll>.75. R. (19; 23). Prof. M. E Univ. of Tenn., and fat "",ii, 12 8rd WRI~HT Fred W. (A.M 26),V. P., V. L.Nicbolson 00. P. O. Box 661. WRIGHT: Robt. O. (J 27). Sales Engrg., Sullivan MchY. 00.,,and f OT, mail, 628 Market St. LENOIR OITY, Il::no:<:vllle Section REEVES, Henry L. (J 25), Oper., Tenn. Elec. Power Co., Lenoir City. and fot "",ii, 14 E. Colvll1e St., N, Ob!ttanooga. IIlEllIPHIS, ALEXANDER. IIleJllpbis Ludwell B. Section (05; 11), Sales Mgr., J. O. Baker Inc.. Z65 Madison Ave.. and fat "",ii, P. O. Bilx 139. ALLEN,,Thos. H. (12). Oons. EIljtl., H80 :Bank of Oommerce Bldg. ALLEN. W. Harwell (11; AY 17), Pres., State Htg. &: power Co. Ino. 6&8 OABLE. Linden Frank Ave. W. (A.M Z2), U. S. Jr. Engr., ~iss. River Comm., Rm. 1006, McCall Bldg. and fot, 1004 Joseph Pl. CARLSON. Alfred (2), li63 An~lu~ Pl. ORAMBERS, Maj. L. B. (A.M S2), Asst. Dist. Engr., 1st &; 2nd Miss. River Corom, Districts. U. S. A. Engrs., :McCan Bldg., arid for. "",ii, R. 6, Box 497, GrahamAve. OONANT. David J. (20: 1.7). Layne &; Bowler, Inc. OONSER, Edmund.S. (2>. Oity Boiler Inspt. Rm. 20~, OltyHall. 668

263 TENNESSEE ME~IBEIl$ 1:01 U:YtTEIl l)tates lllemphis (continued), DOWNS, Rees V. (A 22), Sales En!:T., 810 Del1llon Bldg.. " EDWARDS, Wm. D. (22), M. E., Ed. Water Comm., No. Parkway Pumping Sta., and jor mail, 1166 Jefferson Ave. FETZ. W.rner (28), Indus. Engl., Counsellor, E. L. Bruce 00., P. O. Box 1526: GASKELL, Cha.. J. (23), Partner, Hosllall MOOy. Co., 116 Fidelity Bank Dldg., and for mail, 1901 LJIIdale Ave., HARRISON. Edw. Lee (27), Arch. En!:T., 1501 Fidelity Bank Bldg. LEVER. Jullan o. (J 26), Asst. Engr War Dept., Min. River Comm., Dredging Dist. Box 1017, and jor mail, 787 Meds St. MARCOTTE, Arthur D. (21; 27), Charge U. S. Go..t. Mch. Shop, U. S. Engr. Depot. and for mail. 984 Pearce St. OBRIEN, Thos. J. (J 23), Dist. MIlT., H~ter Bradle.}" 00., 1714 Exchange llidg. P.ARHA.M. Robt. W., Jr. (J 27). Eloc. Inspr., Miss. River Oomm., 1st &: 2nd Dlst., and for mail Galloway Ave. PROUTT, Fredk G, (16), Oons. Engr Randolph Bldg., RIDE. M. W. (11 21), Engr., Eloc. Bond &; son Ave. Share Co., and lor mail, 1990 Madi RICHARDS. Robt. T. (J 27), Drnftsman, Miss. Comm., 1st &; 2nd Dists., 1006 :McCall BId!\,., ROBERT~, Ja8. T. (21; A M 24). Dlst. Mgr Wnlsh &; Weidner Boiler 00., 466 RandOlph Bldg. and for mail. P. O. Box 462. SHEAHAN. Jas. (25). Genl. Supt., M.mphis Municipal Water Dept., and lor mail, 1011 N. Parkway. SLATER. Wm. F. (J 26), City Smoke Oonun. ot Memphis, and lor, McLean Blvd. 679 S. TURNER, Guy S. (16), V. P Pan-Am. Corp. of Tenn S. Oooper A... and lor mail. 431 N. Dunlap St. NASHVILLE BA.ILEY, H. Harding (10: A-M 17), Supt. P,:od., NasbvlIIe Ry. &; Church St.. Light Co., 606 OARROLL, Alonzo ~I.. Jr. (A )! 24). Salesman, Stand. on 00., ot La. FISHER, wood Geo. Ave. O. (A M 24), Smoke Inspr., City Hall. and for m4i1, 1416 E. Green. ROBERTS. Martin S., Jr. (J 19). Partner, Freeland. Roberts &; Life Bldg. Co. 12l.2. Indus. NEWPORT, KnOXville Section. BARDWELL, 000. E. (J 26), Asst. Engr., Stokely BroB. Co. Inc. OLD mcicory DARLING. Lym",n A. (J 24),,\.st. Po, r Supvr., du Pont RaJon 00., and i<>~ P. O. Box DAVIS, Chas. G. (2i), Power Supt., du Pont Rayon Co., and l<>r _ii, 902 River. side Rd. ODONNELL, Edwin T. (J 24), Supvr., du Pont Rayon Co., ond for mail. 130S Blrd,aU St. SHOOKLEY, Henry W. (A M 23), 1202 Oberton St., ROCKWOOD, U:noxTille S..ctioJl HOWIE, Howard B. (13), Gelll. Supt., Roane Iron Co. and tor fiiail, 302 nouglas A..e. TULLAHOJlIA, CJan.ttnJloogn. Section WILlUNS, BenI. R., Jr. (J 22), V. P Gent Mgr., Tenn. Ovel1l11 Co. TEXAS ABILENIil, North Texn.s Section JACKSON, Lawrence B. W. (J 26), In,pc. Engl.,.\nder...n ClaJ10n,~ l... ACME STEPAN. Thoo. E. (J 26). 664 MEMlIEllS IN UNITED BTA-TES rexas ARILLO Mid_Continent S::ctiO~ M Lockett &; Co., ~td., 222,\mariUo ~~~GORY, wh,. Br.. (J 22), Sales ngr., Bldg. ANGLETON, HO~:~o,Ol)se~~S~Engr.,Rosharon Sta" Route 1., COLLES, Geo, W. (,, Sta. A.USTIN, Houston Section r Unlv of Tex., Box Unl~rslty HELLER, M. Me,Alndell (S~I;2~~h~:.t NORRIS, John ex. ir M. E., Uni... of Tex... SHORT, Byron (J 2~), Insp I M. E., Univ. of Tex. Ed. ot Wnter lenb""b~:pi~oj9,su~lversltysta. WEAVER, Hal. O. (20), ro, BAY~OWN, Houst,on) SM~t~:nHumble OU &: Ret. 00., and for mo.i!, P. O. GASTON, Audley D. (26, Box 277. T Houston Section Beaumout Bldl;. ~Iaterlal Co., 2496 BEESLEY, BIilAUlUON T. J, (A-M 2S), Prod. Mgr., ~IcFadden St. (23) Pres., Beaumont Iron Wks. Co., and for /Lai!, 2316 BLAClt, Lee Jackson, Park St. BIG SPRING II P (.A-M 26), Marland Oil Co. CAMPBELL, Erro C tinent Section BORGER, Jllid- on (18) P. O. Drawer N. GOULETTE, Jellenon., BRADY, Hou"~?;;.S~~:~c~untyEngr., P. O. Box 766. BURROW, E. A., echon. Box BRECICENRIDGE, North ~~~sw~ldhll;mcb. Co., and lor mo.,l, P. O. BROWN, Chas. H. (24), Owner, 127. M 2S) P. O. Box 116. POBox 147. HAU"ER JOB. E. (A- J I>! Huber Co. ot La.,.. i M Huber Co., 01 PRICE, Howard w. (,2(4 J ),,~.f)r El;gr.; Asst. to Genl. ~rgr.,..!eiler. Reginald F., La., P. O. Box 147. BRO,\YN,SVILbLtE B (A-I>!,21), R. F. D. 2. CROCKETT, Ro CARRIZO SPRIN(?~7) P. O. -Box 118., LYNCH, Walter A. ~, ON Houston Section f T x COLLEGE SrA.T~rof~ M. E., Al;d. &> Mech. College 0 e. FLAGG, RaY E (~6~ (J 27). SPENCER, rv DALLAS, Non: 72~~a;.~T;:G)~ :Ul;rg;.Dept., Gen!. Elee. Co., 1601 N. Lamn,~ BERKL S EY,dWf:; mai~, oi2 Burton StD lla Office David Luptons SOilS Constr. Co., t., an b A (A-A! H), Mgr., as, BOCKIUS, C as. nk Bldl; 1317 Prastorian Bldg. 601 ~Ierc.ntU: BtJ 22) Am. Cast Iron,PIpe po" MIg Co Sante Fe BROWN, Olaud. ". 21j, Dist. Mgr.,.All,s Cba mer., BURBANK, E. W. (19. D t Tex. Power & Light 00., Bldg. (J 26) Draftsman, Enl;rg. ep., COOPER, liardali:j P. sud tor11lau, 422U McKinney tv~~les & Co., 721 Mercantile, Iuterurban l;., J (17 96) Pres., Treas., 0 COWLES, Clifford 4.. r.,",. POBox CRI!Kll~f:1lJ~s.~. ~~2~M~~~~~,p~~;,t~nfi~il,;u~t.~:~~~~~~i;t Co.. CROWDUEl, Ro. t. J. (J 19) Sinlme. 011 Co., Magnl"ll DEWEY, Mauncs. 665.

264 TEXAS MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES DALLAS (continued). DUNN, J. Harold (J 26),. Gas Measurement Dept., Lone Star Gas Co., Wood &, Harwood Sts. ELIZARDI, Frank P. (J 21), Sales Engr., A. M. Lockett &: Co., Ltd., 603 Mag. nolia Bldg., FITZGERALD, Chas. (18; 22), Gen!. Snpt., Oh. Engr., Pnre Oil Pipe Lille 00., 1504 Xirby Bldg. FRANOIS, Jo.. F. (J 27), Tes~ Engr., Lone Star Gas Co., 1915 S. Wood St., Delles and fa. mail, P. O. Box 27, Gordon. GILDEHAUS, R. F., Jr., r09; A M 16), Con.. Engr., JrIrby Bldg.. GILLESPIE, Solomon E. (19),. Bldg. Inspr., City of D..lIas, and /0 mail, 5020 Abbott &I:. GOODENOUGH, Herbert F. (J 26), Mgr.. Acme Co., and for mail, 32S )[elba St. GUION, Wade F. (J 26), Power Engr., TeJt. 00., P. O. Box 2343, and for mail, 5201 Mmer Ave.. HARDY, Norman G. (13; 14.; 19), Prod. Engr., TeJt. Power &: Light Co., Infer. urban Bldg., and 10. mail, 4151 Wycliff Ave. HILDENBRAND, Harry (09; 16), Gen!. Supt., Consumers Ootton Oil lillis, 508 Dallas Natl. Bank Bldg.. JAOOMINI, Virgil V. (J 26), Dist. Mgr., Sales Engrg., O. F. Braun &: Co., 1401 Republio Bank Bldg., and for mail, Dallas Athletio Club.. XffiBY, Wm. X. (19; 23), Cons. Petroleum Engr., Rm. 309, Am. Exchange Bank Bldg. MASSIE, Jos. L., (A )I 26), ~alesman, Henry Vogt Co., 1210 Magnolia Bldg. 1loB:INLEY, Oarl st. C. (21), M. E., C~rver Ootton Gin Co., 1313 PacUlo Ave. MOELLER, Wm. (175, Genl Supt., Tex. Portland Cement Co., UOI Santa Fe Bldg., MOORE, Oran H. (J 27), Oadet Engr., Lone St... Gas Co., 1915 Wood St., and fm mail, 210 S. Clintou Ave.. ONEIL, M. GriJIIn (23), Exeo., Municipal Engrg. Co., Athletic Club Bldg.. ONEIL, P~rry (A M 24), Engr., Municlpa.l Engrg. 00., Praetorian Bldg., and /0 ma,i 1107 Athletic Club Bldg.. PAUL, Philip S. (J 25), ~esman Allis Ohalmers Mfg. Co., 1515 Santa Fe Bldg. PERRINE, Clifford V. (J 26), 1401 Republio Bank Bldg. REID, Walter (21; A M 26), Oons. Engr., 816 Magnolia Bldg. ROBERTS, Jules D., Jr. (27), Indus. Engr., Star Gas Co., 1915 Wood &I:. ROTHMEYER, Orin F. (J 28), Retrig. Engr., So. Ice & Utilities Co., 520 Santa Fa Bldg.. ROTHS, Milton ll (J 27). Sal.. F. Braun & Co., HOI Republic Bank Bldg., and fm mail, 4608 Lakeside rive. SALISBURY, R. W. (16), M. E., Tax. &: Pac. Ry. Co., Rm. 702 Tex. & Pao: Bldg.,!tnd lor mail, 5818 Belmont Ave.,". SCHMIDT, Elmer F. (A M 19) Supt., Star Gas Co., Wood St. SILLERS, Donald A. (22; A ;,{ 26), Supt. Gas Me&surement Dept., LOlleStar Gas Co., and /0 mail, 8200 Drexel Drive., SMITH, Russell (J 27) Engrg. Dept., Tex. Power &: Ligitt Co. STETLER, Marvin M. (22; A-Y 23), Struc. Ellgr., Mosher Steel &: Mohy. Co., P. O. Box 228, Dallas, and lor mail, 3831 Normandy Ave., Highland Pk. STILLWELL, Jerry Eo (19; 24), Tech. Engr., Div. of Standardization, Am: Petroleum Inst., 1508 Xirby Bldg., and lor mail, 1845 Summit Ave. THOMAS, Julian B. (26), Oh. Engr., Tex. Power & Light 00., 518 Illterburban VOEf~R, Henry R. (24), Ingersoll Rand Co.; 615 Magnolia Bldg. WATT Jas. W. (A M 24), Field Supt., Smith &: Wbitney, 2017 Cedar Springs Rd., and for mail, 4802 Tucker St. WILSON, Robt. A. (10; A. M 16), Seey., Mfg. Dir., Gniber60n Corp., P, O. Box EASTLAND, North Texas Section JONES; Henry G. (J 27), Tax. Oonstr. Co. EL PASO,. OONGDON, Walter L. (J 21), Roundhouse Foreman Ga.lveston, Harrisburg &: San Antonio R. R., and ~M mail, 1805 Montana St. LEARMONTH, AII!%. O. A M 18), Ch. Engr. Power Plant, El Paso Elec. 1I.y. 00., and f01 mail, 2901 an Diego St.., 656.? ii~:".~-. l,; ~.,. : ~ ;. I,/ ME;MBEBS IN UNITED STATES 657 TEXAS ~~D~Ett? ~.o~~i(~)i~~m~1 :.~;~tsell~~~o ~s&: :W~E-ig. Co., Peyton Packing MADLEM, D. W; ~i! P d. B~x NEVf~s; ae~n~ (25): Ch. M; E., ~Ii\l ~~l~~e~kw:a. Leddell, 1011 Mills Bldg., WATLldNG, Fosta!r El10~A-: J;~:na St.. an f o,ma:~ FORT WOR~H, NOArl~l,I:):C~S;;;~~0:Ugr., Marland on Co~ of Tex., W. T. BENNETT, Edwlll O. ( - " k. Wagloner Bldg. J (J 27) Bowdry McKinley Iron Wks., 001 N. Throc BOW~~ton ~t.;. a~d f~~ ~"~~5)18~t 6~ng;:e Tex. La. Power Co., Fort Worth Club BURDICK, Thea. A. (18, VI Ii PI Bldg., and fa. mail, IS,61 N.,~g Il~eliuin Plant, Bureau of Mines,. and 10~ BURNETT Earle S. (A M IS), M..,. mall, F. O. Box 602.,.Ch. Engr Baker Ioe Mch. Co., 509 E. 8rd St. CLARK, McKinleyt ~ «JJ ~~Ji Linde Air Products 00., Box \~~~ F &: M Bank HICKLING, Ewar, 0) V P Oir. Tex. Pac. Coal &: on 00., ". LEDERER, E. It. (2,.", Bldg. E (18) V. P., Genl. M~., Baker Ice Moh. Co., 509 E. 3rd St. RASMU~EN,J..,. T Huston Section C FREEPOR, 0 S t. Po\ver ]treeport Sulphur 0., d f il BURNS, Homer S. (lib) (lpm 20) M E Freeport SJllphur Co.,..n M ma, McLAUGHLAN, Oacar.,.., Tarpon In~. H (J 27), Emc. Engr., Freeport SulphW go. Box los. ig~~~~.di:r.j(;m 21), Ch.. Electrician, Freeport Tax. 00.,, c>-alveston, Houston Section e En r Omce T";et Bldg, McFARLAND. ArthuMr «AJ.~?)7~0~~;;~I~ Mgr., flalveston Elec. Co., 2116 Ave. F. ROBINSON,,Henry.. _.. GULF Houston Section Tex Gull Sulphur Co., P. O. Box 93. BROWN Helb/Jt Henry (24)" Con~. En&r"PI i Mgr. Tex. Gulf Sulphur Co. ORR, Oarbl Lister (21; A M 28), Power an, -YL~~gir?Nw:Or(~~M~\:r) ttj=~. t~at:::n?~. i:: te~~~ ~:tlp:~i:.;~gilo. ALTON Darrel D.,A.. 0 B k Ave S P Bldg 10. m",i, 113 an 8 bi Oil II Ref Co. Abi"DERSON, Ja~. (17; )lj?t 1.r,s:,~po"wer,HonstOn Ltg., II Power Co., C..pi:. BADGER, Harry S. (17, s. ~ El tal II San Jacinto(I~~e"16 19) - Partner, M. E., Tex. Engrg. Co., 941 ce. BARNES, Arthur F., "., II Horton and for Bldg. Q (22 25) Oh Engr., Meoh. Supt., Horton, BAT~~ilsitr:~ Woodleigh St. Serv. Oorp 1806 Post Dispatch Bldg. BEAMAN, Daniel. FH(2(}~:2i) ~:afti:;sdeig~ing, H;~ghes Tool 00., 800 Hughes BERLETH FranclS. ". / a.. St. - J J (J ;27) Bughes Tool Co., 300 Bughes Se., and o. ",a. OASTELLANOS, L.., r.,.. Bd Bussion St. 27) Mgr Merchant Fleet Corp., U, S. Sh,pplllg., CHAPMAN, R08well S. \ d;o, mail 4005 Polk A-ve. dg DAN~~:BA~~M~!r~.t!:~:>::5~~f~ia~ei;.je~O~g~n~~~jnMB~trlf:,~~oO Xeystone DAVIS, RUEiSeIl G. ( 21, f., 1806 Post Bldg.,, F (25) Oons. ;Engr., Engrg. Serv. Corp., and. or rna,, EBLEN, Wm..,,. 2 d N tl Bank Dispatch Bldg. M 18) Secy Detroit Graphite 00., 1506 n!t EDGAR. O. N. (17; A,.,., _ B!dg.

265 TEXAS MEMBERS rn U~ITED STATES HOUSTON (continued) FLETOHER, Harold W (16 24) Oh E and /0 mail 1807Sul Ross. ngr., Hughes Tool Co., 800 Hughe, St., GODBOLD Loui; A. (20) om E GUMAER,P. L. (20; A.:M 27,e A~~rl~he; ~ffioi 00 P. O.Boll: GUTHRIE. S. Y. (J 26) 712 R~h St p e o B i6f"n g r., ReI. Dept. Tell:. Co. HARRINGTON G G (l22) R d Rll ox. HARTWELL, ArthurE (11 "18e~ 22a ~ Bit 00., P. O. Drlbwer HIO ~Vks., P. O. Box los. and for mail12~~s.w Tbe:,., AGenI..Mgr Hartwell Iron 2703 Eeperson Bldg.. Dist. },fgr lolcintosh &: Seymour Corp., ~~JAnB;~lm~; [16 ~~~e Tex. Pipe Line 00., P. O. Drawer F. KROPP, Richard (J.i3) 1 Eng> ~"lngr&;ulf ~pe Line 00., P. O. Drllwer C. IWLDELL Rudolph 0 ("23) Gnl,:og. ump a., and fo, mai!, 228 Altic St.. fo, m~i!, Box 1227., Hughes Tool Co., 300 Hughes St., and uman, Harvey Q (A-}! 26) S W e s er vo... LANEY, L. K. (J 19) Tell:. Co LEVERETT LOFSTEDT; Cst! FrllukJ M..(J 22~,~.{ E., Tex. Co. Drll\ver F. I,UDERS, Richard E (AJM2~S 5 ~upt.p Tex. Portland Cement Co. MASON, John W., Jr. «21; )A.},~c~24) r;"t.f\{still,f,oul I hm., Tex.. Co., Drawer F. 623 Espcrson Bldg..,. gr.,,, a. s &: WeIdner Boiler Co., ~fccullough /0 mail, 310S Henry Chenevert p. (20) St. Cambu, tlon Engr., S28 Chr.onlcla Bldg., and ~[cdo~ald, Jacinto S~. W A (20) Sup. t Power, Hou,ton Ltg. &: Power Co., Capitol &: San MILLER, Paul Bertolst (22) 2nd V P At! tl G I Scanlon Bldg., and fo, m~if, 191i Ruth Stan cui., Pac. Co. of Tex., 1008 ~IOLLER, H. Fredk (23 A M 26) As t. Ch E jor,nail, 2410 Ro,ewood Ave s. ngr., Hartwell Iron Wks., and 1d0Ni~lk~i Jeff E. (J 20); Sales Engr., A. ~. Lockstt /Sf Co., Ltd ~,gef3,uj~h~a6~hc1j2;2)fengr. Tests, Hughes ~ool 658 Co., 800 Hugbes St. ONEIl,L, Baylett (21)!co:~u~r;,~"~~pP~ L~~~e RRm. h S02, UnIon Ste. Bldg. PALlIER Guernsey,\ (16 A M 18)..., ut St.. 2nd kilt!. Bank nidg. _.,DI.t. Mgr., De La Vargoe Mch. Ca PARR, POUND, Tracy Jos. S. H. (A M (IS"; 97) 1},{gr 011 IdE 2S ) A,st. P u~. ~~grl ORO., nd Natl. Bldg. Autrey St.,ro..., Ice Inst., and for ",,,ii, QUINBY, Lloyd B. (J 26), llgr Housto 011I A BI. Bldg., and for mail, 220! BrljZOs St~ ~e, m. ower Co., Post Dispatch RAliM~c:e~f3;. D. (A 23). Houston Sales Mgr., A, M. Lockett &; Co. Ltd 1011 ROBERTSON Joh M h 11 (J., ~. F. D.6. Bo~ 75~~s II 21), M. E.,.Galella Signal on Co., and for mail, ~~: ~~~?kla (l~: 20),. La~. DJr., Hughes Tool Co., 800 Hughes St.. STEEN; Arthur rio ~J8):i7;et s~"nd for "ail, 6 eml!gton Lane. Ave.,r an, Gulf Pipe LlDe Co., and /0 mail, 204 Dennis STIVERS, Frank A. (A M 22) Yo E Tex. Bldg., and for mail, 2529 Prospect AV~. upvr., Houion Ltg. &; Power Co., Elec. USENER St. John F. (21),. Ch Engr.. Houstun Elec. Co., and 1.0r mail, S6 Studewood =Kt,. JhaP~ Pres:, /-. T. Vlek Co., 1020 Capitol Ave Travis St.(21, 26), Asst. Engr.,. Andersoll, Clayton &; Co., and for mail, SWINFORD, Jerome tt. (J 28) Boil~r Rm So... WESTERFIELD. Geo S (08; 21) SID D. for mail, 229 We;tm~reIllnd Blvd 0. es IV., e LIl Yergue Mch.. Co., and WILSON, BillIlllln D Jr (J 27) S t H for mail, 8400 Travis St.,up., award Smith 00., 806 Walnut St., and HUFSIIIITH, HoulSton Se~tlon DOUGHTIE, Venlon L, (J 21). MEMBERS IN UNITED STATF.9 65P TEXAS LUBBOCK, Mid_Oontinent Section FARRIS. Marsball E. (A-M 26), Asst. Prof. M. E., Tex. Tech. College, and SVENSEN, for "",ii, Carl 2116 Lars 18th (11; St. 19), Prol. Engrg. Drllwlng, Tex. Tech. Oollege. TUVE, G. L. (22;.A.-M 26), Assoc. Prof. M, 1;., Tax. Tech. College. LUFICIN, Houstou Section. HESS, Ernest E. (17; A-M 25), Engr., Draftman, Lufkin Fdy. &; Mch. Co. and. TROUT, fo,,nail, Walter P. O. O. (A Box 19), 82. V. P., Gent Mgr Lufkin Fdy. ~ llch. 00. liiarsdall, North Texa.s Sectlo"i OLYDE, Jos. Dennis (A M 21), 808 W. Grand Ave. ROLLIS, Hugh D. (J 26), Spec. Machinist Apprentice, Loco. Repair SMp, Tex. & Pac. Ry. Co. and lor mail,.702 E. Rusk St. McINTOSH, Sidney A. (J 25). Supvr., Loco. Erecting Dept., Tex. &; Pac. Ry.,. and for mail, 704 E. Austin Ave. iliercedes, Honlton Section. SHAW, Jss. C. (09). Mgr., Mercedes Concrete Pipe Co., and for mai!, 908 Mis, Eiouriu. Ave.,.. SHA:W, Wm. F. (IS). V. P., Genl. Mgt., Am. Rio Grande Land &; Trrigation eo. lilidland DYKEMA, Wm. P. (19). lliission, Houston Section. " EWlNG, Halliday H. (22), Oh. Enltl., United Iulgation Co., P. O. Box 274- :N,\.VASOTA, Ho~ston Section BRAW, Jos, D. (10), We,t. Pub. Ser". Co. NEW BRAUNFELS, Houston section. KRAUSE, Clarence G. (J 27), Lab. Test, Coma! power Co., and fctr mail, Box 337. PJ\.LESTINE, North Texa.s Section.. CARTER, Jacob :M.. Jr. (A M 28), Asst. M. E., Gulf Coast Lines. pa.j,-upa, Mid_continent Seotion LOVE, Robt. E. L. (J 26), AUantlc Oll Producing Co., Box 155. PORT ARTHUR, HonstoJl, Section BESn...RA. John J. (J 22), Engr., Test &; Record Dept., Tex. Co., and for mail, BRODIE. P. O. A. Box L (J 27), Student power Engr., Tex. Co., and for maif, 809 6th St. DORSCH. Le Roy V. (J 24), 1040 Proctor St.. DORSOH, Russell F. (J 23), Combustion Engr. Tex. 00. GLASGOW, John G. (18), Asst. Constr. Engr.; Gulf Ref. Co. HENDERSON, Herbert (14; 16), Supt. Con,tr. 1& Repairs, Gulf Ref. Co. KELLY, Harry J. (23), Engr., Gulf Ref. Co. MUNDT, Wm. C, (27), Snpvr., Constr., No. Area, Tex. Corp., and for ",ail, P. O. Box 956. NORRIS, Clifton D. (A.M 24)., Asst. Ob. Engr. Port Arthur Wks., Te..". Co., and. for mail, 1824 Proctor St.. PArTERSON, Benj. S. (J 27). powe.. Training Course. Tex. Co., and fo, mail, 2111 Proctor St. SOHARNBERG, Lester N. (J 22). Steam Engr., Gull Ref. Co. SLATER, Wm. A. (A 16), Gulf Ref. Co. PORT NECHES, Houston Section RUMPHREY, John G., Jr. (J 27), As,t. Power Engr., Tex. Co.. SAN ANTONIO, Houston Section BREAKER. Ernest R. (26), M. M., Mo. Pac, Lines, and for mail, 610 Cumberland Block.. lav"tim, Edwin A., Jr. (20; A-M 26), Supt. Constr., SIln Antonio Ref. Humble Oil 1& ReJ. Co., S06 Frost Bank Bldg., San Antonlo,.nd for "".il, no 11th AVe., T.~.s Oity.

266 TEXAS MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES UTAH SAN ANTONIO (colltinued), DIVER, Mortimer,L. (22), Con. Engr., P. O. Box 1073., FLO~~sb;.>ean W. (14; 16), Genl., ~uj>t.,,ga. &; $Iec. Dept., San ;Antonio Pub. GINTER, Geo. E. (20), Contr. M. E.,l008 Travis Bldg. GLENNEY, Ralph H. (J 25), Draftsman, Alamo Iron Wks., and for, mail" 523 Fairplay Ave. " GO~ZALEZ, Rafael A. (J 26), 519 N. S-an Marcos. GRELL, Fred G. (A M 27), Sr. Mem., ~lgr., GenL WindiDg Co., 516 Water St., and for mail, 1600 S. Olive St. KNlPPING, R. H. (19: 26) Branch Mgr., A. M. Lockett & Co:, 207 Gibbs BIdg. MINER, Nelson A. (A M 20~, Supt. PowerStas., CeDtral Power &; Light 00., 1020 ~rost Bldg. llott, Cliff J. (A.M 24), Mecb. Supt., Alamo Foods Co. ROSS, Cllas. A. (J 26), Lieut. Air Corps, U. S. A.,.Kelly Field. SHAW, Silas F. (19), Oons. Engr., Carter OU 00., and Jar mail, 301 Terrell Rd. TUTTLE, Wm. B. (05), Pres., San Antonio Pub. Servo 00., 201 N. St. Marya St ZEIGLER, Francis M. (J 24), Brooks Field. SWEETWATER OOO~NOR, John B. (J 24), Sales Mgr., Ga Engrg. &; CanstI. Co., Box 897. TEXAS CITY, Houston Section, HAAS, D. Mllorshall (J 21), Asst. Ch. Engl. Power House, Tex. City Ter,mlnal Ry. Co., and for ma,, P. O. Box 682. TRINIDAD I BYRON, L. A. (J"23~, Tsst Engr., Tex. Pub., P. O. Box 58. UTAH Utalt Section INTERNATIONAL., BEAN, Ja.. J. (J 24), Jr. Metallurgist, ltiternatl, Smelting Co., International, and for mail, Box 419 Tooele CJty. RICHFIELD, JENNINGS, Brenton W. (J 25), Salesman, Utah Oil Ref. Co. SALT LAKE CITY, ANDERSON, L. DouglaSs P. O. Box (06: 13), Ch. Engr." U. S. Smelting Ref. & Min. Co.,, ANDERSON j Woodworth (A M 21), Dist. Sales Mgr., Worthington Pump &; Mclty. Corp., 610 Walker Bank Bldg.,, BAKER, Ralph D. (J 27), Draftsman, U. S. Smelting Ref. &; Min. Co., 1005 New House Bldg. BARKLEY, Walter R. C24; A M 25), Traveling Maintenance Engr., Utah Power &; Light Co., 1SS S. W. Temple St., BECKSTRAND, Elias Ii. (OS). Prof. M. E., Univ. of Utah. BELCHER, P. W. (16; 21), M. E., Sales, Various Companies, 407 Dooly Block. BLAlflf; S~;u~aS~~d (J 25), Asst. Prof. M. E., Unlv. of Utah, and for mail, lls! E. j I. SALT LAKE CITY (colltli";~~) ds Williams Co aud for mail, 2521 S. JONES, Gso. M. (J 27), Haw ey lc ar OD., 5th East St. I ersoll Rand Co., 61 W. S. Temple St. KNIGHT Lewis D. C2f!,)" BtranBcl~ ~Gr~ui,ds Bd. Education, 30S City &.County LEWIS l:1ugh C. (26), ;:;up. g., Bldg. and for mail l 379 S. 10t~ East St. Idllobo Su at Co. McENTIRE. Fred W. A(~612s)ChGe~tgi;;re~~,* Rail WeI! Dept., Morrison Knudsen MELTON, Burton E. (. / BId", Co., 1009 continen)tai Bam< Maygi T o " Intermountain Co., 215 S. State St., lll1d MOLER, ~. L. (J 24,. reas., - " for mail, 1172 Mlchlgan Ave. Columbia Steel Corp., 600 Cllft Bldg. MOORE, Arthu~ C. (A ;7)T31~~d~a~~\J:rao.,1306 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake NUNN. ~. N. (04)/f re., Alba!loss St., Snn Diego, Calif. Co 719 City, Utah, adn art m(.~), M E Asst to Cons. M. E., Utah Copper., PARlmR, Geo. A elb er,..,., Kearns Bldg. 7) Utah C Co 719 Kearns Bldg., PATRICK, Wm. E., J(Jr. 2(2 2 ) ~{E or~p~r.~rt Line R. R., Deseret News Bldg., and SEIFERT, Morris F.,.." for mail, 555 HaLD1I1(~~~) Cghr\~ngr Wsst. Dept., Am. Smelting &; ReI. Co., and STEWART, :Nol1nan.,. for mail( Apt. 57, 171(~s2tS)AV1 oc. Prof M. E. Univ. of Utah, and for ma, TAYLOR. A bert LeRoy,ss, 258 UniversltT St. OS 24) ll E Salt Lake. Hardware 00., 267 S. Main St., TRASK, Waite" Fl., Jr: ( " ib., and for mail, ~~7)ersG~nl.ClM:g~.,Genl. Steam Corp...:l 208 Atla. Bldg. WILSON, LweroyAA. (21) Cons. Min. Engr., University...ub. WILSON, m.., " STOCKTON Oh E Genl Supt Combil1ed Metals Reduction Co. KELSEY,!. H. (23),. ngr.,..,, ~~~k:n, Harry L. (A M 22), Intornatl. Smelter Co. VERMONT Green Section BENNINGTON BEACH, Chas. S.. t (J 86), Designer, Machims, 745 M In a St., and for mail; 753 Ma,n St. BURLINGTON 2) P f M E Univ of Vt and for mail, 25 Colchester ROBINSON, Edw. (91; 0, 10...,., 9 SUSS1-,vORFF Edmund L. (28; 26), Asst. Prof. M. E., Univ. ot Vt..-and for mal!, S Hickok Pl. EN~I.:lrwG ~A~~~ Life Member; P~of. Em.eritns IndUS., Engrg., Clarkson TO Coliegs ~i Teclt. of potsdam; N. Y., and for mal!, E~osbUrg valls, Vt. NORTH FERRISD CAHOON, Lsonard (21), Local Mgr., Foster Wheeler Corp., 1111 Continental Bank L p UR(,G 90 ) ":ice.presldent Prol. Emeritus, M. E., Yale BRECKENRIDGE,.., ", Bldg., Unlv.. and for mail, The Brackells. OLARK, HIram V. (21; 26), Asst. City Engr., Charge Smoke Abatement. Salt Lako City Corp., 400 City o!i Oounty Bldg., andj.0r mail, East St. ERICKSON, Arthur (26), M. E., U, S" Smelting R o!i Min. Co., and for mail, proctor C (22) M. E., Vt. Matble Co., and for mail, P. O. Box S5 6th East St. ~~~g g:; ~:~K~d (05; ~ 06), Vt. Marble Co.,FERGUSON, Hugh M. (27), Asst. to Commercial Mgr., Utah Power & Light Co., and for mail, 1264 E. 6th St. S., FRANKLIN, Edw. J. (13), Cons. M. E., Utah Copper 00., 719 Kearns Bldg. :g;~~le~~~atrick J. (J 27), Plant Records Dept., Vt. Hydro Elec. Corp., and for GUDMUNDSEN, Austin (J 24), Instr. M. E., Univ. of Utah, Box 28. mail, 48 ~len St. 2) P L & J A Sleward Inc. 70 Park St., and for HARRIS, Edw. J. (25), 1782 S. State St. STEWARD, Geo. H. (1, res.,. " HUTCHINS, Gordon,L. (23), P. O. Box 785. mal, 56 Plea,ant St

267 VERMONT ~IEMnER" IN UNln;D STATES ME1>QIERS IN UNITED STATES VIRGINIA. ST. JOHNSBURY BOUSFIELD, Alfred (12),. Ch. Engr., E. II: T. Fairbanks &; 9 Highland Ave. Co., and for mail, SPRINGFIELD DEAL, Henry S. (A M 17), Asst..Gen1. Mgt., Jone. &; Lamson Mch. Co, BEARDSLEY, W19. H. (A, 17), Mgr. Fay Lathe Dh Jones II: Lamson Mch. Co., and for mail, 30 Orchard St. BRYANT. Wm. L. (10), Pres" Bryant Chucking Grinder Co., and for m<iii. Z Oircu1ar- Sf;. FELI,OWS, Edwin R. (GS). Pr.s., Genl. Mgr., Fellows Goor Shapcl 0<,., and for. mail, 61 Ch.rry HilL. FLANDERS, Ralph E. (08: H). Manager, Z6 29; Mgr..,lanes & I.amson Mch. Co., and, for mati, 41 Pleasant St. FULLAM. Ehen J. (A 17), Secy. Tress., Fellows Gear Shsper Co. RA.MILTON. Douo;Jas T. (16; ZO). Adv. Mgr., Fellows Gear Sbaper Co., and for mail. 45 Woolson Av HARTNESS, Jas. (91), lfanager, 09- lz; Vlce President, 12 13; President, 14; Life Membsi: Pres., Jones & Lamson Mcb. Co., anlf for 1ll41~, 30 Orchard St. JOHNSON. JOB. Blaine (18; A M Z4), Ch. Engr., Bryant Chucking Grinder Co. 267 Clinton Sf;...KUPKA. Alex. (J Z6), DroJtsman, Jones &. Lamson Mch. Co., and for mlzil, 1 Furnace St.. LOVEJOY, Fred P. (17), Pres., Lovejoy Tool Co., Inc., and for ","-ii. 17~ Summer St. WVELY, John E. (16: Z5). Ob. Engr., Fay Dlv. Jones &; LamllOn Mch. 00., and for mail. 16 Harvard St. YILLER. Edw. W. (18), Ch. Engr Fellows Gear Shaper Co. PERRY, Geo. A. (12), M. E., Jon.s &: Lamson Mah. Co. ~TUBB!l. Ev.rard (27). Fsct"n h;r.. Fel1ow< (1".r ~hspcr (0. llher ~t. WILLIAMSON, Jas. L. (,\,-M 24), Engr. Research Wk.. Fellowe Gear Shaper Co. WOOLSON, Wm. D. (A 97). Tr... Jones &: Lamson Mcb. Co Springfi.ld, and fa" Muckross. TOWNSHEND LUOAS, Olarencs W. (17), Pr... Townshend Mfg. Co. WELLS RIVER BAlLEY, Geo. N. (2(l), Conn. Engr. WINDSOR DEWELL, Cbas. J. (A ll Z4), MllintcnancC Engr :Satl. \cma Co. PARKER, Julius R. (A M 211), As.t. M. E., Natl. Acme Co., and for mail, P. O. Box 493. VIRGINIA LEXANDRIA, Washington, D. (J., Section. MAURY, Dabney Herndon. Jr. (J 22). Asst. Ollica Mgt. Berliner Aircraft Co., Inc., Alexandria, Va.. and /or lll4il, Z426 19th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. BLACKSBURG, Virginia Seotlon ELLIS, Weldon T. (08; 12), Prof. Power Engrg. &: Mch. Desigo, Va. Poly. lust. JOHNSON, John S. A. (11). Prof. Applied :Mech. II: Exper. Engrg., Va. Poly. Inst. JONES! Jas. Bernard (J 23), Asst. Prof. Applied Mechanics & Exper. Engrg., Va. Po y. Inst. SMITH. J. F. Downie (J Z4), Asst. Prof., Engrg. Drawing. Va. Poly, Inst. BRANDY OUNNINGHAM, Gao. H. (10; 14). OHAllLOTTES:V:ILLE, Virginia.Sectioll OARPENTER, Howard D. (Zl), Charlotteville Ice 00. :ielson, Albert W. (J Z7), Oper. of Pub. Utilities, Va. Puh. Servo Co. SMITH. Geo. Edw. (21), Cone. Engr., Am. Engrg. Co., and for mail, Prospect Hill Fartns, P. O. Box 465, 66Z I \ I I I OOVINGTON, Virginia Section E. W. Va" Pulp II: Paper Co., William TREESE B. FraI!k (J 26), As.t. to Ch. Dgt., Bid W V Pulp &: Paper Co.. "Dd WOL~~, La~~enc. P. (A M 211). Asst. Oh. Engr., a.. for lll4il, 212 Hickory St.. DANVILLE, Vir/lOinia SectnlioSn t R verside II: Dau River Cotton Mins IIlC., ROBERTSON Geo. W. (23). Ge. up., 1 and for, 322 W. Main St. RON Vrginia Section. DEND ROGERS, Edw. " B. (,n,...,., A.M 25)., Suney Lwnber. Co. FISHERSVILLE, Virgin~... Section HILDEBRAND, Olarellce :K. (19).. T 1I10NROE Virginia. Section ~O~SON, Capt.!Ikold Sidney (IS; 25), U. S. A. GLENLYN,.!b.gipni(~n:)e~:o~ngr. AppalllCblan Power Co; LAWRENCE, ",oses ~,.,. HAII.lITON, Vlrgin(Jl~2~)ecJtrioe E NatL Advisory Comm. for Aeronautics, GELALLES. Geo. A. v,..., P. O. Box. 258., J M E Natl. Advisory Comm. for AerollJlutlco, GOUGH MelVIn N. (J 27). r..., La~gley Field. t I Engr Nat1. Advisory Comm. tor LOESER Oscar, Jr. (J 23), Aeronan ~ fo,. ",~il 52;1 Arlllistt:au Ave. Ael~llnlltlcs, Lsng;le) MelllollId;oii" t~vibory Comm. tor Aeronautics, Langley :MILLER Elton W. (19). M. Eo. a.. Field. t M E Natl. Advisory Committee for Aeronau WAGNER, Jobn W. (J 25), Ass...,. tics, Langley Field. HOPEWELL, Virginia sectio;; aftslllan Tub12e Artificial Silk Co. BAUMANN, Frank J. (J 20), Ch StOl~e.l: Wel;ster lllc., P. O. Box 4SS.. BELL. Lawrcnce E. (J :25), InBPEr., Cll. Draftsman, HUlumel-Ross Fibre Co., and,or BURR. Frank M. (A M 22), M... ",..ii, 004 ~rown Ave.) A t Wks Mgr. Tubize ArtificIal Silk Co. COOPER, WilfrId B. (J 24, ss..,. LYNCHDURa:, Virginia Section Wley &> Wilson 90S Peo ple. Bank Bldg., BOYNTON, Edgar B. (J Z3), Draftsman, 1, and for mail Rivermolt Ave. P G1amorg81\ Pipe II: Fdy. Co. DABNEY, John C., Jr. (16 ;(,ts.2~~4t Cb. Engr., Lynchburg Fdy. 00., and for HAMMl;:RSTllOll, Wm. O., "llit. 7 Visla A.,ve.., ) Cons. Ch.m. II: M. E., 601 Peoples Nat!. Bank Bldg. MOUNT. Will. OD ( 9Z(j,n), John P. Pettyjobn.I: 00., 212fS~b ~l PEfTYJOHN,. R, E r Wiley & Wilson, 801 am. Wil WILEY. Edl;ar C. (03),,co)ns ng power pl81,t Engr., Part"e,, Wiley &, son, WILSON Ernest J. F. (Z3, O ons. SOl aln St. (J 20) Wiley &; Wilson SOl :Main 5t., and for IIllLil, ZOl.cardley WOOD, VIctor L.,.,. Av. Hyd. Dept., Newport News ALTWEGG. Robt. W< f it 3300 West Ave. Sbipbldg. & Dry Dock Co., and or ma ort News 5hlpbJdg. & Dry Dock Co. BAILEY, Oba,. F. (22), EnS;fli D\~7>Ne~~gr Tech. Div. 11arlne Engrg. Div., BERRIAN Henry C. (lz; ; D k Co ~nd for 1ll4il th St. Ncwp~rt News Shipbld~. & DD" I" ojt. c Newport News Shlpbldg. &; Dry Dock BERRY Robt. F., J,. (J Z5), r man, Co,: and for mail, 52;1 ;ll~l St, E Estlmatlnl: Dept., Newport News ShIJl DICKERSON, T. 1> fa (J a;g)for,~9.w z14 4Sth St. bldl;. and Dry oc 0., 6~3. NEWPORT NE-;E;VS(A ~~Z~i)n~Si~~i:.t;:D:"ftslllllJl.

268 VIRGINIA. MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMBERS IN UNITED, STATES VIRGINIA. NEWPORT NEWS (continued), FERGUSON, Wm. B. (16), Prod. Mgr., Newport News Shlpbldg. & Dry Dock Co., and for mail, 8401 West Ave. GRANT, Wm. F. (A M 25), DesIgning Engr., Hyd. Div., Newpor~ News Shlpbldg. & Dry Dock Co. GRONNING, W. A. (A-M 26), Newport News Shipbldg. & Dry Dock CD. KLIPPEL, Geo. H. (21: 26), Asst. Engr., Internatl. Mercantile Marine Co., Newport News Sbipbldlr. &: Dry,Dock Co." Newport News, and for mail, P. O. Box 87, Hilton Village.,, LORD. Chester B. (13), Supt. Shops, Newport News Shipbldg. &: Dry Dock Co. MARTIN. John (26), Engr., Surveyor. Am. Bureau of Shipping, 201 O. &:. O. Bldg. SMITH. A. T. (20), Prod. Dept., Newport News Shipbldg. & Dry Dock Co. STERLING, John C. (27), Asst. Supt., Hull Constr., Newport News Shlpbldl\, Ii: Dry Dock Co., and for mail Parish Ave. TERRY, RORer V. (J 21), Asst. Engr., Hyd. Dept.! Newport NewsSblpbldg. & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, add for mail. Hi ton Village. THOMPSON. Goo. F. (A M 21), Inspr., Diesel Prol\ram. U. S. Shiping Bd., Ne,v. port News ShlpbldR. &: Drydock Corp., N.ewport News, Va.. and for,nail, 869 N. 45th St., Philadelphia. Pa. WOODWARD, John B., Jr. (25), Asst. Prod. Engr., Newport News Shipbldg. &: Dry Dock Co. NORFOLK, Virginia Section ATWELL, Chas. S. (A M 21)) Supt., Norfolk Terminal, Tex. Co., P. o. Box 468. OOTTON, Ohas. G. (22; A a 24), Asst. Mgr., Shipyard Dept., So. Transportation, 00., Chesterfield Heights, and for mail. 819 W. 32nd St. Norfolk. OROWLEY, John J. (J 26), Tex. Co., Box GARY" ;Hartwell H. (17). Pree. Norfolk Ta"k Corp and for mail, 511 MassachuseHsAve.. HEALY. Wm. J. (J 18), Apt Colonial Ave. LAMOKE. John F. (26), Cons. Engr., 72 Commercial PI., Norfolk, Va. and for mail/ 4116 Oakford Ave. Baltimore. Md. MASI. Frank H. (A M 17). Pr... Treas., Atlantic Iron Wks., Inc., 119 W. 25th St. MOEHRL. K.uneth E. (J 26), Field Engr. Layn. Atlantlc Co., Seaboard Ry. Bld~. MOSHER, milford H. (J 26). D.tail Draftsman. Steam Engs. &: U. Navy Yald, and for mail, 612 W. 84th St. S. PATTISON, Hugh (H») Engr. Elec. Traction, Virginian Ry. Co.), Terminal Bldg. PRESTON, Lester W. (~ 22), Asst. Mgr.. Anheus.r Busch Ice & Co., Brook Ave., and fur mail. Trouvill. Av. SOHWEITZER, R. R. (18; 27), Cb. Engr. Lajn. Atlantic Co., Seaboard Ry. Bldg. WHALEY, Edw. A, (AM 24). Edw. A. Whaley &< 00.. PORTSIIIOUTH, Virginia Section, BAKER. Frank K. (J 24), Power Engr. Portsmouth Cotton Oil Ref. Corp" Ports. mouth. and for mail Ballentine Blvd., Norfolk. CHAMPION, Barrett H. (J 27), Asat. Engr Portsmouth Cotton Oil Ret. Corp., and fot maa, Y. M. O. A. NEELY, Robt. Johnson (A M 23), M. E Constr. &< R.pair Dept. U. S. Navy Yard, and for mail, Sl!eldon Apts., 113 Dinwiddie St.. SERBELL, C..V. (13; 21), Ch. Engr., Portsmouth Cotton Oll Ref. Corp., P. O.. Box HI}, and for mail, 1020 HoUadllJ St. POTOllIAC, Washington, D, C. Section McGAHEY, Robt. E. (A M 21), M. M., Richmond, Fr.del icksburg &: Potomac R. R. Co., Potomac Yard, Potomac. and for mail, 614 Cam.ron St., Alexandria. RICHI)lOND, Virginia Section. ANDERSON.,Ross (18), Dlst. Sales Mgr. Am. Loco. & Ry. Ste.1 Spring Cos. ANDERSON. St. Geo. M. (19). Trodegar Co. BUDWELL, Leilrh (16; 21), M. Eo, Richmond, Fredericksburg &: Potomac R, R. Co. and for mail Confederate Av OALL, A. E. (17; 20), Mgr., Iseland Cre.k Coal Co., State &: City Bank Bldg. OAMERON. Barton H. (08), Pres., Cameron Stove Co., P. O. Box 635, Rlcbmond, and for mail. Gordonsvill I ~ ICHlIiOND (colltlllue.1) EI. & Power 00., 12th St. Ste. ~RY MU.s (J"25), Enl\r., WChmon~aDl~teJa.Sup~~; Co., and for mail, 1980 OLARK, Robt. L. (J 22). ngr.,. il 2806 FloYg b AV"c (27) Arch. Engr., Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd., and fo" ma,, DAVIS. as"c! Co 323 Am NatI. Dupont Olr e. M 23) Mech -& Sales Engl., Va. Engrg.., ELAU. Chas. R. (A,.,. 614 FARf~ ~~i W. (18). Pr.s., Ricbm~~::ng~itCom? 8i..:~e & Ohio Ry. FREEMAN Lewis D. (ls: 25)B ASSt, d, d for mail 604 N au I evar Co.. an E d 26) 2709 Parkwood Av GYOURKE, JOSH (2J) Va Elec & power Co. Ito C Inc., 801 Am. Natl. HARRIS. Chas.. (24) P;es Hawkins Hami no., HAWKTNS. Herman B.,", Bank Bldg., :M 20) 606 Electric Bldg. 0.&: Export HAZEN. Deane S. (2N t-is) Co;. Eng". British Am. Tobeeco a., mlga~ir.~~oge~oo N. Lo,,{barily St. I,er Mel, Wks 7 S. 7th St, HUT ~ER Tho~. T. (27), Plopr & Joh;:ston, 806 Va., Ry. &: JotrNSTo:tl Jas. A. (07; 21),,memo,, Co KJN6~~~rA~~1f;Julius (21)SAs"-!; :MgrLe~l~oL:ekSlr~h: l~~grs.: 924 E. Main St., EE Clilton Jr ( ), r...em.. L, d f i 3~07 Ohamberlayne Ave. a~m0fm(.~h 713 E. Franklin st. :Mutual Illdg t~j~ S: H: (20): Pres., Lewfs ~fg. Co5oln~;;tUal Bldg. ;d for maa, P. O. Box, LOEBER, Cbas. (18; 23), Cons. ngr.,, 1 POBox MOLt~~ON, Gilbert C. (27), Div. Engr., Dept. Pub. Wks and for rna ~ 3~1 E 985., Sal En r Central Constr. &; Supply 0... MUNCE; :Marshall G. (J.F~ 1;8 wlst"end Sts-. p \R~~~~ ~t,s~~~ ~~26i.ap~S.~xEconom\- corr.t~ ~~w~~ 1J~: I~th &; Franklln Sta.. t EN Ed~in L. (J 22), Drnft!man, a. Y. J ROD,. mail 3810 Chamberloyne Ave, lec. Bldg.. SA vrt~e~orllen i. (20). pres O All~ ~ sav.i?"m;!ni.: El!utuS-1 Bldg., and for mail, SORlVENOR, Arthur (01), ons. nus., k &: Ohio 1002 West ~v.. (A:M 26) Draftsmon Mech. Dept., Ollesap.a e SHELTON Rcgmald 11., A, R)., ;md for "fjilij)31~.g;~~ab~cig~i;poengrc. Co., Irio., 5 N. 6th St. SHULTZ, Ro1?t. H. J 25) 2905 GracD St. 0 B x 616 ~f&t:mg~".:~ ~:, ~r. ~16~2~3retfa~~a~~lc\~~~a:~[~ ~n~l;i~ RY. ~leh1lond, and 4~ J~ w:1lingt~n ~t. ~etepsbkfchmond, Fredericksburg &: Potonac WARTHEN, Harry J. (20), up.,.., WlLtrS.REf~:J. (96; 96), Cons. Engr.-P. O. Box 416. ROANOIi::E, Vlrgi~ia) ~~ct~~;re~tic, Norlolk & Ry. Co. and fur mau, BOWMAN Geo. P. (J 24, pec.., Box 306, williem~~~) R~b. Engr., Viscose Co. of Va. k &: West. Ry. Co. nriitl~l TL4m~At. (J 22), llech. Inspr., ~. r I~~\V~~r~~. Co Henry GAARNEY Alex. (97; 90), Supt. M. P., or a, KE,. k "E Norfolk & West. St. B (21) Draftsman Charg. Ch.c 109,...., KORTE Ral mond. 0 B 601 II. 0 RY CO and for mail, P.. ox I E :M P Dept Norfolk &: West. y. a,. VETTE s A (A 20), Ch.eker. ~.., LO and f~r ;"aa, 405 M?~5)tamlo~leI~s~r~:r~~I:fOlk &; West. Ry. Co., and for mail MAHANEY, John P. (J, &; W t Ry and Y. :M. C. A d P ~J 27) Draftsman M. P. Dept., Norfolk os " McGAVOCK, Gur on.. a 436 for mail. 523 Bel1,v!l..~t) M E Norfollt & Ry. Co., and for,ma, PILCHER.,John A. (95,,..,. Walnut Av., S. W.. 665

269 ,VIRGINIA ME~lBEHS IN UN.lTED STATES ROSSLYN w: hi COHEN MO:itz :S(J ;f>tomrd. C. Section, and for mail, 48~3 mb,olsga;ede~g".jfg ~ngr:, Collen & Son, Rossl)u, Ys., SAEGMULLER, Geo. N. (11), R. F. D. 1: asllmgton, D. o. ~~~TiYrEJ f or ma11:.p. &: ~~:l>fj2. Virginia Section Asst. Supt, Steam &: Power, MatMeson Alkali WkE. LAMB, HawtJIorne M (A M 17) A snd fm mail, P.O. Box 608.,ppraisal Engr., liathleson Alkali Wks., and SOAPSTONE, Virginia S~cti~n COPPS, Mortimer J. (A 24), Plant Mgr., Stand. SoapEtone Corp. THEOLOGICAL SElIIINARY Vi de C.o\ZENOVE, Louis A., Jr. (05; l1)~ginia Section ~ON~GVEERHSITY, VI~ginla Section,, arry S. (91), Retired M~~t~o~~~, ~r[:~~~16)/2f,e., Rugby Rd., THO:a., and for mail, Ruibi Rd. 27), Assoc. Prof. M. E., Engrg, Dept., Univ. of NTON, Wm. M. (UO), Deau Engrg., Prof. Applied Math" Univ. of Va. W.~RRENTON, Virginia Section RANLDtOdLPH,., and Alfred - (26), Spec. Engrg. R for rna>!. P. O. Box 489. ep., Metropolltan Vlckers Elec, Co., llowe WILLIA J M~BURG, Virginia Section, or w~~ia;;g:ni:r::;.l),cons. Engrg., Dir. Extension, Head Dep~. Math., Colleg. WASHINGTON :~R~E~N, W~stern Washington Section & L,Ight Co(.A.M 18), Genl. Supt. Power Prod. & Elec. R 1" Grays Harbor Rr, CAM.4..S, Oregon Section SMITH, Lyman Marshall (A M 21), Mill Mgr., Orown Willamette Paper boo CONCRETE, We"tern Va hi WAGNER, Claude L. (;23) G ~ Sngto~ Section en. upt., Engr., SuperIor Portland Cement Co. CROltlWELL We t W KESSLER, Claude H. (~16)~n, aabington Section LONG VIEW Wester W HUFFMAN Cha; A. n "!,Idngton Section WE th St. (2), Oonstr. Engr., Long.Bell Lumber Co., and, fo, mau.. RTHEIMER, Robt. S. (J 24), Longview Fibre Co. OLYIIIPIA W t BATk:S Jas H Ses,~rn,,:asldngton Section,. ( ), AgIl. & Real Estllte Engrg., Olovedelde Farm PORT ANGELE!l W GffiBS, Norman B. (A.M ~..tej. n Washington Section PU.Jp & Paper COrp. 24), Mgr., Northwest. Power & Mfg. Co., Washington RODGEHS, Feli.~ A ("5) M. &; E E SIIlSON,.Jerome d..)~) H d.., Chas. Nelson Co., Sch., also DraftsD;;;n cg~s. ~~r~~n &0 Arch ddla"lng. Dept., Port Angeles High, 0., an lor ma.l, Box 551. POR~ LUDJ,OW, WeNte:.. Wa hin t DEllANGEON, August ("2;;) M E 01 s R g on Section,. 0, McC~lmick Lumber Co. 66r.,I " MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES W ASHINGlON PULLlIIAN,Inland E1Upire Section ABELL, Ascbel C. (A 18), Assoc. Prof. M. E., State Oollege of Wash., and for CA.iJ:~~~, ~b~~~. ~~~), Deau, Oollege of Mech. Arts & Engrg., State College of Wash., and for ".ail, 300 Oak St. LAlSGDON, Howard H. (A.M 26), Asst. Prof. M. E., Wash. Stata College, aud for,,,ail, 210 Pioneer Way. SEATTLE, Western Washington Section AIKINS, Edw, L. (J 24), Asst. Supt. Bldgs...}{etlopolitall Bldg. 00., 1301 th A... ARKILLS, Murvin E. (20), Safety Engr., waterfront Employers of Seattle, Pier 11.B, and for mail, th St. S. w.. BEECHER, Henry W. (oa; 16), Mgr., Chas. O. ~[liore &< Co., 1016 L. C. Sm,th Bldg. BERGER, Knute (26), Ch. Engr., Wasillngton Iron Wks., th Ave., S. BLUMBERG, Frank E. (A.M 26), Draftsman, W. L. Newell, and for mail, 1556, BORST, 16th Jos. Ave. O. N. (J 27), Salesman, Worthington Pump &; Melly. Corp., 2106 L. O. Smith Bldg.. BOUSEHOR. Wm. E. (A 19), Salesman, Clyde EqUip. 00., 3nO 1st Ave. S. BRABROOK, Ernest G. (22), 6248 Morgan St. BROWNING, Frallk H. (B), Engr. Exa.miner, Civil Servo Comm., City of Se..ttle,, 603 Coullly Olty Bldg., and for m"il, th AV~., BUSHNELL, Leollard 1. (00; 14), Mgr., Rockwood Sprllllclcr 00., st Ave. S. BUSSERT, Leonardo M. (25), lndus. Sale"!"Sn, Engr., Staml. Oil Co. of Calli., Alaska Bldg. BUTTERWORlH, Harry C. (J 27), Draftsman, Stetson Ross 00., and for ",,,a, OA~~t~~hA.A~ib: (J 24), Genl..Mgr., Water Power Devel. Oo~, th Ave. S. OISSIlJ, Z. Irving (A M 26), 30U Burke Ave.. OLARK, LIeut. V. O. (A.M 25), U. S. N., U. S. S. Black Hawk, Aslabc Sta., cia Postmaster. COE Harry L. (15; 18),V. P., Gcnl. Mgr Aero Alarm 00., 1163 Stuart Bldg. CUMMINS Cbss., D. (J 26), Worthington Pump &; Mell). Corp., L. C. Smttll Bldg. DEVLIN, LeRoy (A.!! 21), Mgr., Devlin, Melly, Co., 5312 Beach Drive. DUDLEY, Wm. L, e21), V. P., Oh. Engr., West. Blower Co th Aye. S. DYE Ira W. (A.M, 13), Asst. Supt. Automotive Dept.,..bell 00. of Cam., 1209 \Vestlalle N., and for mail, nd Ave. S. EASTWOOD, Everett O. (14), Manager, 23 26; Vlce Presldent, 26 28; Prof. Yo E.. Univ. of Wash. EDMONDS, Robt. H. G. (A M 24), Asst. Prof., M; E., Unl\. of Wash. FLATEBOE. Einar L (A M 14), Genl. Supt., Ch. Engr., Puget Sound Iron!: Steel WI,s., Tide Flats, arid fa" ".eil, R. F. D. 6, Box 256. FLOODEEN, Eddy (A M 24), Oons. Jd. &; E. E., Llo)d Bldg. FORD, Harold P. (24), Oons. Engr., 2360 Ranier Ave. FRINK, Francis G. (18), V. P., Secy., Wash. Iron Wks., th Ave. S. FRINK, Gerald (13), M~., Wash. Tron ms., th Ave. S. FROBOESE, Richard (22), Pres. Mgr., Richard Froboese 00., 83 M..rlon St. GARDINER, Winston A. (J 24), Oh. Draftsman, C. M. Lovsted &: Co., st Ave. S., and for ",,,II, 506 E. Denny Way. GREAVES, Fred G. (A.M 25), Dist. Mgr., Blcc. Steel Fdy. Co., st.o\ve. S. HANSEN, John M. (A 22), Factory Rep., Four Wheel Drive Auto Co., and fo< mail, 814 W. Fulton St. HARRIS, Ernest N. (A.M 21), Office EniP., Puget,Sound Bridge &; Dredging Co., 811 Central Bldg. HAYS, Lewis T. (16; 18), Tramway Engr., U. S. Steel Products Co., IOU,th Ave. S. HEFFERNAN, John T. (94), Pres., Glacier Gravel 00., 1112 White Bldg. HETZEL, Roland F. ("16; 21; 27), M. E., loth Fl., Arctic Bldg., and for 77l4U, R. F. D. 7, Box 309. HILLMAN, Geo. K. (J 27), DraftslDan, West. Blower Co., S., 8JId for m"il, 170 Lynn St. HOGABOOM, Henry R. (A.M 23), Partner, Htg. &; Yellt. Equip. Co., th Ave. S. Hl1LL, John D. (16), M. E., S58 Oolman Bldg. 661

270 .. ;. WASHINGTON MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MEMDERS IN UNITED STATES SEA.TTLE (continued) HUNTER, St~phen O. (J 24), Sub. Sta. Op~. L!goht Dept., City 01 Seattle, and!or mail, 622 N. 65th St., HUTlON, S. E. (12), Re,earch Engr., Pac. Coast Co., and!or mail, ld42 17th Ave. N. JOHNSON, Phlllp G. (A-M: 22), Pres., Geul. Mgr., Boeing Airplane Co., George-, town Sta., and for,,,ail, 8358 Lakewood Ave., Seattle. Il:TND, E,wald J., Jr. ~J.28), FI;ank E., Best, I~c., and.lot mai~ 5280 Pearl St. KRUEGER, Geo. H. ( 18, A M 21), M. E., 824 By. Exchnnge JjI<Jg. Il:\IABTZ, Emil (25), Cons. ell Designing Engr." tll,Ive., S. LEE, Fairman B. (21), Sales Engr., Asbestos CO\eringo &; Supply Co., th Ave. S.. LOCKWOOD, Jas. B. O. (16), Cons. Engr., Puget Sound Bridge &; Dredgoingo Co., Sll Central Bldgo., MAC BRIAR, Wallace N. (16), Gen!. Supt., Carnation Milk Products Co., P. 0., Box MANN, Carl P. (16; 28), Plant M,,"T., A. Kristolerson, Inc., 1800 Rainier Ave., and!ot IIuzil, 8710 Hillh Lane., MAYER, Herbert E. (J 26), Eng. Dept., Wash. Surveying &; Rating Bureau, 1100 Alaska Bldg., and fot mail, tli Ave., N. E. McINTYRE, Harry J. (A M 27), Prol. M. E., Univ, of Wasil. 11cKEloiZIE, Wm. A. (J 26), 719 N. S6th St., McMINN, Bryan T. (j 21), Asst. Prof., M. E. Dept., Univ. of Wash. MERO, Ralph M. (A-M 26), Mch. Designer, Seattle Astoria Iron Wks., 601 Myrtle St., and for mail, 1006 N. 47th St.. MOFFITf, Roht. C. (A M 25), Cons. Engor., D""ter Borton Bldg., and for mail, P. O. Box 748, MORAN, John 1>1. (,22), Pres., Mgr., Moran lug. Co., st Ave. S. MUIR, John J. (90), M. E., th PI. S. MURPHY, T. J. (10), Asst. Genl. Surt. Plants, Bollus Steel &; Equip. Co., L. C., Smith Bldg., Seattle, and for "uzi, Edmond NEER, Harry (J 25), Pur. Agt.!.. West. Cooperage Co., Northlake Ave., and!m mait, Apt. E tl\ /:it. NEUMANN, Russell A. (J 24)( Engr., Bldg. Constr., Elliott Bay MlIl Co., 600 W. Spokane St., and!or m"i, 8832 Bunter Bl.d. NEWELL, W..llace L. (H), Cons. M. E Alaska Bldg. NORRIS, Chas. A., Jr. ($ 26), Asst. eh. Engl., Fisher Engrg. Corp.. Seattle, Wasn, and!or mail, 288 Cornelia St., Boonton, N. J. OLEARY, Daniel (14), Salesman, Wirerope &; Equip. Co., 822 lst Ave_, S., and!or ",,,it, 208 Queen.Ann Ave. ORR, Carleton A. (IS j 26), Baker on Burner Sales Co., 1624 Olive Way. PARDO, Jesse A. (J 26), Diesel Engl., liashington Iron Wks" l6uo 6th Ave., S., and!or mail, Rainier Ave. PARMLEY, Seba M. (20), Constr. Engr., Pac. Coast Cosl Co., 615 L. C. Smith Bldg., and!or ",,,il, 4662 Sunnyside Ave. PATERSON, Jas. V. (12), 1026 Boylston Ave. N., RAPORT, Rubin W. (J 24)/ Pres., Raport Engrg. Co., 307 Am. B..nk Bldg. RBODES, Fred H Jr. (J 26), Instr. Engrg. Dept., Univ. 01 Wash., Rm. 802 Education Hal, I and for mail, 7880 Bothell Way. RICE, Dennison E. (28), Solesman, Puget Sonnd Mchy. Depot, 824 1st Ave., S. ROCKWELL, Robt. L. (28), Cone. En!l"1., 956 Empire Bldg. ROSSOE, O. C. (20; 20), Mgr., Gulowsen Grei Eng. Co., 2711\ Ave. W. &; Commodore Way, and lot mail, th Ave. W. ~ALLEE, Bubert B. (J 20), Btg. Engl., Arcweld Mfg. Co., Inc., rl! Ave. W., and!or mail, 6617 Sth Ave., N. E. SCBALLER, Gilbert S. (21; 26), Asst. Prof., Dept. Engrg. Shops,,Univ. of Wash. SERGEV, Sergius I. (J 24), Instr. O. E., Univ. of Wash. SMALL, Frank W. (18), Branch 11gr., J. T. Thorpe &; Son, 989 Henry Bldg. STOKES, O. W. (J 24), Salesman, Worthington Pump &; Mchy. Corp., 2106 L. O..Smith Bldg. THOMAS, Jas. B. (J 25), Asst. Sprinkler En!l"1., Automatic Sprinkler Corp. of Am., Securities Bldg. TBURLOW, Bsrry A. (22), Pac. Cosst Sales Mgr., Prescott Iron Wks., 1 W. Lander St. WHITE, E. J. (J 28), Instr., College 01 Engrg., Univ. of Wash., snd fot mail, Srd Ave., N. W :j! i i SEATlLE tcontinueal E U;iv of Wash. WILSON, Geo. Saml. (07; ~4), prot r M 1 E Univ 01 Wash. WINSLOW, Arthur 11elvinc( 21)j,/~0 P~~Cy :E:.. Wright Engrg. Co., Sll Se..board WRIGHT, Percy E. (19), ons...".. Bldg.,t tat Cll Engor, Chica~o, lh)waukee &; st. YSTROM, John B. (WJhI2t6)nltgSS an~ f;s ;""i! 472 Wheeler ~t. Pilul Ry., 6006 e,, SPOI\:ANE, Inland lf~~p~:~ S:,:~t.~oE~r Empire State, Bldg. CARPENTER, Chas. I. (1, it n DeLong Coo, 409 lst Ave DeLONO, Hany B. (2A2)12~)wnp~.s. H~fius Ferris Equip Co., and!ot 1IU1il, FERRIS, Barold, G. (,., CI b W 18th Ave. U n Iron Wk. and fat mail, Spokane u. FITZP:~TRICII:.. J. M. (A2~1), J~rEng~:o Wash. Water Power 00., and!ot mail, GREISSER, Vlctor II. ( " 928 W. 17th St. W t n Lumber Co., 1508 W. 9th Ave. HOUGH, mys,e. B. (21) il:~ E., E~n.o Electro-KoJd Corp., 161 S. Post St. tn 1 lflty, Ll~:.r~~O)~ASUMP~f) a~b: ~~t;r.. b~~i~~~ ~~~..~~~. fot,nail, 2124 MacCAMY, Barry Jas. (A- " ".. 8 W. Maxwell Ave(20) M E Wasb. Water Power Co., and fo~ ",a.l, W. 10 POSPISIL, Louis J.,.., k Dry Goods 17th Ave. E (A.M 26), Engl. Charge Mech. Equip., YAEGER, AdOflPh "! W 2124 Jackson Ave. 00., and ot ma~ J, western WnsJdngton Sectiou TAOOI\~il C. IJ 26), th St. S. R P 0 llox 296, S. Tacoma. ~~~~E ~tbe~~. (J )27)lllc~~~1)tI~g~sPs~ale. 8upi.,Stand. 011 Co. of Calli., BRADLEY Richard F. ( ;l W ti p Hotel P. O. Box 10S, and for ",ac1. E~ ;10 Charge En!l"1ll., Lidgoerwood Pac. Co., DICKINSON, M. H. (21), V. P.,..j ~i5 85th Ave., Se..ttle. 402 City Tide FIsts, Ta~om(a.:l,~~, f~~le:.~~gr., Light Dept., City of Tacoma, HUGGINS, Har!old Z 902 S Ainsworth Ave. Hall and Or mit, 2. St Helens Ave 05 E t ORO, He~ry O. (05)NM(~l) 9Pr~pr Walstad Mcb.. Co., and!or mail, WALSTAD Adolph.,.,, Id D St.,p F West I,lII,b.r 00., 226 Taco~~ B g., WBEELER, Harold S. (2O), ;:Z 760 atak Knoll Circle. Pasadena, C...lf. Tacoma, wash("aamn~250)t f Rmes. Envr., Union Bog & P..per Corp. WOOD, Lormg R. - " D, WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia. section OHARLESTON, M M Llbbey.Owens Sheet Glass Co.: and fot mail, BLIVEN, Cba.. E. (28),. ",, 1581 Washington st. L St 1d EDWARDS, L. F. (J :27), 1604 ~. Va. Inspc. Bureau, 818 Professional B g. ENGLE, DaV/el ~ ~f28~7)lp~~~~~hian Elec. Power Co., 2S. Tbur}fld St. FICKL~~ m. (-Is,is) Chmn., State Rd. aomm. DaVIsson g. ~g~t~~o; ~}(J 26)MB!"lil)m~l~ too :n~p~~itchra~ ~o~~: :2tight 00., Charles- BUDSON, Edw. L. (A-,. k., ton, and!ot,1iu1\!,?:~)in S~rpe: ~1fg. Dept., Charlestoll Elec. supply Co., 914 LEWIS Henry C. (A M,. M Cl St. Ka;awha St., an(d J f02r4)m~l, ~719Con~ret~1:ngrg. frod. Co., and lor mail, 1408 MALLOY, John F.,.., Jackson St., ), Secy., S..les Mgt., Chsrleston Elec. Supply Co., MORGAN, John T. ( 12,,! 16SS Quarrier St.. 8 A 914 Kanawba St., an4,lo)~ E a " Belle Plant Lazete, Inc., aud lor II.a,l, NICBOLSON, Ezra K. (J 24, ogr., Franklin Ave M 8) A t Div Mgor Libbey-Owens Sheet Glass Co., Oharles SHU~, ~nhoc:;"ai!~ 2i 2~~li St.; owe;:s.,, 669

271 WEST VIRGINIA UEMBEBS IN UNITED STATES C~ARi.ESTON (continued). S10Rli, Allred H. (22), Oh En.. W.:l.Rt:~~~s~I~~"(~Ono~JopmBa, ~~ o~~~i1:6.eugrg. Prod. Ga., KnDawha Banking.,res., ahas. Ward Engrg. Wks P 0 B CLARI;;:SBURG..... ox 647. BONSALL, Judson CA M 27) S. Oo.. and Equitable Gas 0.; ~t u, qompb, essh,g Stas., Pittsburgh.I< W V Gas CRO WTHER J G. (26) E". DIan ank Bid/{.. a. Nuz8MlarkBaburlg, and fm ;Bit~~"S ~~r!17~iy s lens-r., Hope Natural Gae 00, ur R. (J 21) Ch En Ste.em... OlaHrkaburg, and fo,.:u.a.oorfo; " am Power Plont, Hope Natural G REID ugh T. (A.M 24) Wk Ei aa ~. P. O. Box a. ngr :liatl. (arbo! Co., Inc., and for mail, "AIRlUONT FE.:l.R, Thoa. G. (16) Engr " FEb~1"bi~" ;,ataon Bldg." Sa! ety & Engrg. 01 Tmnsportatlon, Conaolidatlon I,.!?onald (13 A M 19) V HOL~ESs~ent Co., P. O. BoX 764 P.. Genl. Mgr., Greater Fab mont o oward A..(26) Mgr ~ H!E0R 502 Bethlehem Bldg.., ower Dept. :Monongahela West Pa. Pub S (has. F (17) S t. F. erv. RlBLETT Gu~ Ii (, up, airmont MIg 00 al d f. P. 0: Box ). CII. Engr., Falrmont Mj~~. M~J;ymaa! 0., P. and O. for Box"Ba, 595. FOLLANSBEE McGOUGH, Frank (21; 25r. Follansbee Bros. Co., and J~ _.:......w", 1340 Oak St. HUNTINGTON BERitff0LD, Arthur V. (A M 24) Plant E. poin!,4 2nd St., W.,ngr., W. Va. Ran Co., and for W<la -., 14190l7th loa. A. Ave. (J 25),~. &peo A ppren t.ce, Ohesapeake &: Ohio Ry., and for.<liz, UARTINSBURG STIMSON, Earl, Jr. (J 25), 1221 W. King St. MORGANTOWN OATHER, Hnold M. (..l.~[ 24) I GRtJrlfE N, ~~t~ ~ r;2i;a";n1 f~~tr;,:fz~i1p.dc5~j~~/"8~80natr. Dept., College 01 ~.yfeos "La.,s! I,. 204 McLane lve~o. Steam I: Exper. Engrg.; Univ. 01 W Va and...,e 0 David (19)PI.., Jo:NiS".il, 80~ College Ave. ro. Mch. De~ign &; Constr. Univ. 01 W. Va. a d f C. R. (98; 01), Dean Coli" e,. n M R livear PI 9. BOlC 851. " eg Engrg., Prof. Power Engrg. Un 1> 01 \~ P ~,rvmg H. (..l-m "6), ". Monongahela Bldg. -, Genl. Mgr., Constr. Engr., la.rker COllatr. Co., ses PARKERSBURG KING, Frank A (17 26) STEVENSON, Geo A (19. MgT., A M 25) Vltrolite G Go POINT PLEASANL", enl. Mgr., Knickerbocker St8.Ulping Co. INGRAHAM, Forrest W (J 92) A st. WEIKSEONllBox 91. -, a Sales Mgr., Marietta Mfg. Co., and for.,,;a. URGER, a 0 (20) V P G. WINDSOR, Walter A. (i9, 25),rea., p" ",ar,.tta ~~I.. Mgr., Mfg Marietta C-o Mfg" 00 SOUTH CHARLESTON... :RAM.!GE. Edwin a., Jr. (22 AM Products, Inc., S. Oharleston d J ), Asst. Oh. En~r Westva Ohl SCO~T, Robt. F. (22; 26) M E an 0 Olai!, 1408 J.oksul~ :ii:. Chal co orine :>. Chadcston. lwid for :na..i i63~c~d De~lgner, 9 arbi <10 8; C~rbon C~~~:: c...,... gel"ood D~l\ e. thul1cstoll. Olp., 670. " \ WEIRTON Mc\VILLIAMS, Jobn W. ME~[DF.RSIN UNrrED STATES WISCONSIN WEST VIRGINU. WOOD,.U,BANY Jobn M. (17; 22; 27); Genl. Mgr., Tre... Albany Hardware Spec. ~(fg. Co., Inc., and for m<>il, P. O. Box 312. " APPLETON BREHM. Frank R. (27), M. M., Fox River Paper 00., and for m<>i!, 612 S. Walnut St. BURNS, Wm. H. (20), Secy., Valley Iron Wks. 00 and for "",ii, 818 E. Pacific F.ll<NON, St. Wro. A. (07). Pres., Fonnon Trading Co., and for mo.!!, 8U E. Alton St. FEMAL, Ernest J. (A.M 26), Pres., Mgr., Fox River Boiler W1<a., and for mo.u, ORBISON. i03 S. Thos. StoroYE. St. (A.M H), Cons. Engr. Orbison &; Orbisou. 112 W. College A, e. and jor OlBil. P. O. Box 301. PETERSON, Emil A. ( U). Pres. valley Iron Wks. Co.. P. O. Box 386. SAEOKER. carleton E. (2!!; A-M 26). Secy., Tre... Appleton Mcb. 00. SCHUBERT, Wm. E. (21; A.M. 25), Ob. Engr. Wls. Mich. Power Collej!;e Ave. WAKEMAN, Artbur G. (J 28), Engr., Fox Paper Co. ERllACH, l.:rhenswui. L. (18). V. P., Mltr. Reltbrock r.and &: Lumber Co. BALSAlII LAKE BENSON, Lee H. (19) (3 24), Weirton Steel Co,. WHEELING, Pittsburgh Section BRADY, Hu,,;b S. (18; 23), Dist. llgr. W. Va. Plants, Hazel-Atlas Class 00. FIELD. Herbert E. (16), Prea., Genl. Mgt. Wheeling Mold &; Fay. Co.. FOSS, Feodore F. (J 21), Asst. p,.., Wheeling Steel Corp., Suite 622, Wheeling Steel Corp. Bldg.."." KAYLOR, Jacob H. (J 22), Engrg. Dept., Hazel Atlas Gl... Co., Conaervatlve Life BId/:. MacGREGOR, Walter (06). Wheeling Mold &: Fdy. 00. MERARG, Laurence (12; 17; 20). Pres.. Glass &; Metal Engrg. 00., Conaervath e Life Bldg.. Wbeeling. and for.",a. Beech Glen, Elm Grove. ROLLASON, Cbaa. H. (A M 23). M. M., Wheeling Steel Oorp. WORTHINGTON. BEESON, Aiel< 0. (16), Ch. Engr. Mine 1>Igr.., Four Statea Ooal Co. DELOIT, Rock River Vo.lley Section BR~i~~a~~w.r.e~(J 25). Exper. Dept., Fairbanks. Morse & 00., and for maa, BlUNK. M. 0. (J 26), Draftsman," Fairbanks. Morse &; 00., and for mai!o 1140 BaESE. Wisconsin Frank Ave. A. (J 26), Standardization Asst., Fairbanks, Moro;e..It Co...nd for ma.a, 622 Wiaconsln Ave. DUNDORE, M. Walter (A 26), Gcnl. Supt., Beloit Iron Wks. GOOHT. Rudolf R. (26), Tool Designer, Fairbanks liorse & Co., and for mo.u, GOLDBERG. 516 Oollege Mark Ave. J. (27). Cons. & Dovel. Engr., Fairbanks Morse & Co. and for GRUBER, ma;t, 816 G. John Emerson (24). St. DesignlnA Engr Centrifugal Pumps, FalTbanks Morse &; Co.. and for "",i!, 61<0 Wisconsin M e. GRUTZNER, F. P. (23), Engr Oharge Inotallation Engrg., Fairbanks, Morse II 00. HA.L~~r~~. (J 26). Exper. Dept. Fairbanks liar.. & 00.. and 1M mo.i! HOBART, Frank G. (90), Oons. "Engr., Fairbanks. 1>lor.. &; 00.. and for mail, 782 Hobart PI.. " 671

272 I MEMBERS IN UNIrED SrArES WISCONSIN. WISCONSIN ME!{BERS IN UNITED STATES DELOIT (contlllllea) i :i&~it~~~:iph W, (18: 26), V. P., MgT., Gf11ette Rubber Co. HUOLE, Herman (A-M 21), Supt. Shop. Engrg.. Dept. Fail banks. Morse ell Co., and. for nlail 651 Milwaukee Rd. JACKSON, Laurence B. (18). Fairbank., Morse &; Co. JAHNKE, Chas. B. (25), Wks. Mgr., Ch. En/lT,. Fairbank Morse &: Co. JAM~~e. Burton E. (J 23). M. E., Beloit Iron Wks., liud /01 nlail, 404 Wise.ousln KRUYFF, Wm. H. (A.M 26), Fairbanks, Morse ell Co., and for mail, 537 Publie A,E... KUTTNER, Julius (17; 26)/ Asst. to Oh. Engr., Diesel Eng. Dept., Fairbanks Morse &: Co., and /01 nlai 1251 Partridge Ave. LHOTAK, Fred R. (J 27), Centrifugal Pump Designer, Fairbanks Morse ell Co.. and for mail, 1102 Randall llt.. LlEBERKNIilCHT, L. N. (A-M 26), Head Shipping Illspr., Fairbanks Morse" Co., and /01 mail Partridge Ave.. LINDAUER, Frederic J. (J 24), Inspc. EngT., Fairbanks Morse ell Co., and for mail. 737 Park Ave. MACKLEM, Geo. A. (17), V. P., Charge Sale., Deloit Iron Wks., and for mail, 835 Park Ave. P. O. BDx 54. POPSON, Stephen F. (J 26), Exper. Tester, Fairballks MDrse &: CD., and fo, mail, 845 Harrison Ave. ROSENOW, H. R. (J 26), Exper. Engr., FairbankS MDIse ell CD., and for,nail, 1004 Park Ave.. RUMSEY, A. B. (A M 22), 347 Hill"hland Ave. SOHERER, Lewis F. (J.26), Exper. Engr., Fairbanks Morse & Co. and for nlau, 1152 Oak St. SEAGREN, Jolm (A-M 26), Desll:Der. EngTg. Dept., Fairbanks Morse ell Co., and for mail, 1186 Prairie Ave.. SMITH, JDhn M. (18; 26), M. E., YatesAm, Meh. Co. and for mail, 714 Kellwood Ave.. STEOZYNSKI, Myron E. (A M 24), Stands. Engl., Fairbanks, Morse &; 00., and /01 mail. 625 Wisconsin Ave... STEIN, Fredk W. (J 23). Supt., Small Eng. Div., Fairbanks, MDrse &: Co., and for mail, 1118 Eaton Ave. TAYLOR, K; A. (J 22), Gen!. MIlTs. Dept., Fairbanks, Morse ell Co., and /01 m",a, 650 Park Ave. TIGWELL, Percy H. (21 ; A M 25), Meb. Desw,er, Beloit Iron Wks., and for mail, 756 Garfield Ave. TURCOTT, Da"ld (21; A-If 23), Cb. EngT., Yates Am. Meh. Co., and for mail, 7l5i- Bushnell St. TUTTLE, StanleY B. (J 24), 629 Park Ave. VAUPEL, Carl H. (J 25), Ch. Engr., Fairbanks Morse ell Co., and for mail, 245 Wbltman Hei~hts. WALKER, Albert S. (22), Supt. Exper. Dept., Fsirbanks Morse &: Co., and for mail, 440 ODlumbus Ave.. WARUINER L. Lell,:and (J 25) Factories Mlll., Fairbanks!IDrse & Co. WHIPPLE, Cassius R. (27), Saies EnllT., Deloit Iron Wks. and for mail, 947 Vernon Ave. CHIPPEWA FALLS RISTEEN, Horace W. (J 25), Wis, Highway Comm., 710 Ooleman St. CLINTONVILLE. DONLEY, Dartrum G. (21), Ch. Draftsman, Foul Wbeel. Drive Auto Co., snil for mail,.28 W. 8th St.,. COIIIBINED LOCI!::S THOM, G. W, (A-M 14), M. E., Combined Locks Paper Co. CUDAHY, MlhT..nI;;ee Section HUTCHENS, Ed... (13), Pr... Utility Mfg. Superior St., Milwauk~. Co., CUdahl. and for mail, 671 KACHEL, Leslie W. (J 25). Appraisal. Federal Dlv., Fisk Rubber Co., Cudahy, and for mail, Apt. 104, 2315 lfichillan St., Milwaukee. \ SCHERNER, John (17: 20), Supt. Power, Fisk Rubber Co., Cudahy, and for "",il, 607 Superior St., 11l1waukee. 672 FOND DU LAC Ahern. Co., 70 S. Portland St. d AHERN, Thos. L. (J J23)(1 2 i) Psup~o~:;in Tool &I Die Co., 200 Ru~les St., an COLLARD, Alphonse.., I C nd for mail, 19 East St. G I Mgr Giddings & Lewis Mcb. Too a., a KRAUT Bans B. (16), V. P., en.,. t d formai!, 356 E. 2nd SJ t. Gddlngs &I Lewis MOO, Tool CD., Doty S., an. RUTZ Will E, (J 21), up, I. d for for mail. 426 S. Mar~ St. E Welle Mfg. CD., Fond du Lac, WIS., an WELLINGTON, Jas. CWtl( 1~~Pkn~ve Yonkers, N. Y. mail, 566 Van or , ON IIIU...11];;ee seotion.. FORT ATICINS, 21) 411 E Milwaukee Ave. Co., and for mail, SHODRON. John G. (O~ i 13 ) beslltlle~ Creamery Package Mfg. SWEET, Franklln (03" 7 S. 6th St GREEN BAY "20) Ch EngT. NorthWest Engrg. Co., and for mat, BURKE Paul (A-"",., t E Sprinll St.., A t Gas ell Diesel Enl/:. Lab., Northwea ngtg. BARlf~.~~~: NJ;~~~ :P~fxl 2~~:, a ~~!1s;t~iIN~;th:"si":~~~.B60., and for mail, MOLESWORTH, Geo. W. (J 26), a.,. 5l!4 s. Ashland AvDe. I ng EngT Nortbwest EngTg. Co. RYDEN, Einar (27), es IIl 1., HARTLAND, IIIU...o11]<ee sect,l~n Genl Mgt. Weat Mfg. Co., also Cons. ROWINSKI, NlehDlas M. (24~,1;"Mc 2 )Hart1a~d. and for mail, 640 loth Ave., Engr., Hartland Eng. ell...e. 0., Milwaukee. JANESVILLE (I") M~ Rock River Engrg. ad. CASE, G. Harry " ~. ". KENOSHA, IIUl... a~];;eef~:~t~~~~ 00., 662 Freemont Ave. FROST. MDrton O. (J J 2~iB) Servo Dept., Nash Motors ~,~... a NATHAN, Waltesr S(J ~17) G~n!. Supt., Dir. &: Beny Mac..",:." o. WHYTE, Jessel, KIMBERL Y Id B (J 24) Tech. Supt., Groundwood Mill, Kimberly-Clark 00., McA~be~; and ior mail, Y. M. O. A., Appleton.,. d LA CROSSE (20 A.M 25) Cb. Engr.; Mgr. Pump Dept., Trane Co.. an ANDEREGG, R, H." Id St for mail 625 S. 8th St. L Crosse Boller Co., 418 Gou d FUNK Wm. F. (92: 05), Pres., Mgr±: J Hirshheimer, Inc., 501 N. 8rd St., an HIRSHHEIMER, LouiS C. (21), Prea., i! 220 S "lith st. T C9 YIL:l~R~M~rl W. (J 27), Reaearch Engl., rane. ~~1~8~, Edw, (;27), Instr. ~l1~g~s~~r;:: sf..~~v:rg~;:\sbldg.,and for mail, BALCH, Leland R. ( 28), M. E., ea 2187 Keyes Ave. M E French Battery Co. il BARANY, Edmund R. (1~: A ;1 2 ). tng D~slgn, French Battery Co., and for ma, OOLBERT, Thos. P. (A M 26). ann d f mail 407 N. Hen ~\ (27) Assoc. Prof. Y. E., Untv. (If Wis., an or, CONSOLIVER, ar.,. f Wls and for 221 OIilford ODurt. P f H d & Sanitary Engrg.,.Urov. a.,. CORP, Cbaa I. (04: 15), ro. y... mail, 2114 Gwes(Plal,,:nli-:e;28) Prof., M. E., Untv. of W,s. ELLIOTT, Ben..,

273 -_._.,.._,_..._-----_ WISCONSIN MEAIBJ;:BS IN UNl:TED STATJ;:S MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES. "WISCONSIN liiadison (continued) F4l~; st (19). As.t. Supt.. Fuller &0 John.on Mfg. Co., and for mail, 420 FREEM.U1, Wm. J. (13), 424 W. Doty St.. RYLAND, P..trick H. (18). Prof. Mch. Design, Univ. of Wi., 221 Engrg. Bldg. JOHNSON, Carl A. (01), Pre.., Gisholt Mch. Co.. JOHNSON, Hobart S. (06), V. P., Genl. Supt., Glaholt Mcb. Co. KEOWN, Robt. MoA. (13), Cbo Engl., Indue. Comm. of Wi., State C..pitol, and tor mail, 118 Sllooner St. LARSON. G. L. (16), Prof. Ste..m &: G... Engrg.. Univ. of Wi. blathewson, Jas. S. (16; 26), En!:r., Fore.t froducts L..b. McMULLEN. O. L: (13; A 21), Pre, Gen!.. MI/;1.. Fuller II Johnson Mfg; Co., 1342 E. W..shlnl\"ton Ave.. and for = BllScom PI, McNAUL, J... W. (28; A M 24). Asst. Prod. Mch. De.ign, Univ. of Wi., Engrg. BI~.. MEAD. Daniel W. (08), Can. Engr. Mead &; Seastone, State Journal Bldg.. MILLER, Wm. L. (19), M. Eoo GI.holt Mch. Co. and for mail, 424 N. p..terson St. NELSON. D. W. (J 23). Prof. Steam &; Ga. En81J\. Engrg. Bldg.. Unlv. of Wis. ORTH, Herbert D. (20), As.oc. Prof., Head Dept. Drawing &: Descriptive Geom., College of Engrll.. Unlv. of WI... REBER,. Louis E. (91), De..n. Univ. Ext. Div., Unlv. of Wi., 108 Extension Bldg-. RICHTMANN, Wm. M. (J 20), Iostr. Ste..m &; G... Engl g., Unlv. of WI., and for mail, 1109 Ad..m St. ROSE, R.ed A. (J 21), Instr. Steam &; G... Eng-rg., Ulllv. of Wis., and for ma>l, 1409 O..lrldge Ave.... SENGER, Werner I. (J 28), IDstr. Steam &; Gas Engrg., Univ, of WI., and for mail, 1806 Rutledge St. TROTTER, Rich..rd A. (J 24), Instr. Ste..m &: Gas Engrll., Collelle of Engrg., Unlv. of Wi... WEIDE)IAN, Bernard A. (J 26), M. E., Fuller &0 Johnson Mfg. 00. and for mail, 1162 Emerald St.. WHITE, J. O. (06; 11). St..t. Power Plant Engr., State Dept. of Engrg., 624 E. Main St., and for moil, 622 E. M..ln St.. WILSON, Grover C. (26), Asst. Prof. Steam &: Gae Engrg-., Univ. of WI.,..nd for mail Center Ave.. WILSON. Leroy A. (17; 22), Assoc. Prof. Ste..m &: Gas Dept. Univ. of Wis.. ZANTOW, Henry C. (18), Oh. Designing Engr., Power piant. Dlv., State Dept. of EnIP g-., 624 E. St.,..nd for mail, 1806 Chadbourne Ave. 1IlANITOWOC OOXio~a::.tio!Ir i/jl;;~)st~ale;.research EDllr., Aluminum Goods lllg-. Co., anu MINOGUE, Roland E. (27), Asat. Supt., M..nitowoe Portl..nd Oement Co., anu for mail, 132 Wisconsin Av. liiellen LOGEMJ\,N. Albert E. (21), Seay., Genl. Mgr., Peoples Water, Light &: POlver 00; li11lton, luu,..-o.ukee Section ANDERSON. F. Arthur (A-)! 21), F..etory :MgT., Supt., Burdick Cabinet Co., nn<l for mail, P. O. Box liiilwaukee, liiiltfo.ukee Section ALLEtl. Ernest O. (20; 24), M. E., Steam Turbine Design, Allis Ohalmers Mig. Co. AMSTuTZ, J. B. (21; 27), Afch. Tool Eng-r., A..0. Smith Oorp., and for mail AfeKinle~ Blvd. ANDERSON, Jas. A. (28), Shop Supt., Chicag-o, Milwaukee &: St. Paul R. R. ANDERSO~, John (20), Y. P., Ch..rge Power, Milwaukee Elec. Ry. &: Lig-ht Co:, Pub. Servo Bldg. ANDERSSON, Pelle (13), M. E., Allis Chalmer. Mfg. Co., and for ma-1l, th Ave.... ANDREWS. Edw. Vail (20), Sales Engr., Nordberg MIll. Co., and fa" mail, 6S3 Mabbett A.e.. AVEY, Harry T. (18), Asst. Prof., M. E., Ext. Div., Unlv. of Wis., 131 2nd.St. and for mail, 621 Stowell Ave MILWAUKEE (continned) 11 uk Wia BAIR Edw. H. (18; 23). Pr. Edw. H. B!-Ir Co., ~89 2nd St.,.1 w" ee,.., r: d for mail 3888 Goldfinch St., San D,ego, Cahf.. "2 I h BAN!.~R, Otto A= (27), Mgr., Oil Eng. Dept., Falk Corp., and for mad,..., van oe BAR~ks, Donald D. (A-M 28), Smith Eng-rg. Wks.,..nd forcma~7 ~~ ~~wll Ave. BARNUM Thos. E. (13), Ch. Engr., Cutler H..mmer Mfg. a., 1. RRETT Oha. G (A-M 18), Aost. Sale. M81., Nordberg Mfg. Co. ~~YERLErN R~laj,d W. (J 25), Sales Engr., Nordberg MIg-. Co., and for.nnil, th St.. BECK Matthias A (86) Retired, 294 Greenbush St. P 1 St d BEMM Harold F." (J 26), Student Apprentlee, Chain Belt Co., 136."1<., an 036 Prosllect A"e.. BIEBLER C A (A H) Sales Engr" 610 Sycamore St. S d BINDRICH, Ch~S. F. 125), Ch. Engr., Phoenix Hosiery Co., 114 Butralo. t., an for mail, 6402 Ch.rry St... dad f lal BIRD, Jolm D. (91; 05), Pres., Am. Nat!.. Bank, 2nd St. & Gran ve., an or n Summit Ave. I B It C 136 P..rk St BIRD, Ralph C. (22), M81" Cament M,!l S..lea, C lain eo.,., and for mail 737 Murray Ave.. "I I ~ A BLISS Wm. D. (20), P,Of. M. E., M..rquette Umv., ~ 1 n ve. BOERCIt, RIchard E. (A.M 22), Pres., Genl. MIP., Boehck chy. Co., Inc., 2404 BOR~~:rnH~;r:v R. (A ), M. E., A. O. Smith Corp., and for mail, 6521 Washinp;!on Blvd. C d f al BOSSERT, Cha. P. (92; 01), M. E., Pflst.r & Vogel.Leather. a" an 0 III 1. BRAglE~,!hR~~~y L. (A ); Y. P., Treas., Allen-Bradley Co., 286 Greenfield BRO~EiiTCK, Ed,vln L. (J 27). Dynamometer Oar Oper Chlc..go Milwaukee & St Paul Ry and for mai!o P. O. Bnx BROWER, J... "(26), Supt., Sewelag-e Disposal Plant, City of bhlw..ukee, Market St,..nd for mail, th St. i! 316 BROVN, Arthur Jas. (11), M. E., Allis Chalmers Mfg. 00., and for ma, BRO~~~, Sidwln Harrison (19), Asst. Mgr., Ste..m Turbine Dept., AllIs Chalmers I3RO~: ~~~eall B. (13), Pres., Am. Light & T"aetlon Co. &: Subsidiary Cos., 182 BRuli~Kl;\ISre~i~ T. (J 26), As.t. Test En!:r., MIl" ouke. Elec. Ry. &; Lig-ht 00.,!lIlwa~Iee and fa" ",".i!, rd St., Wauwatosa. BURGESS. Ed,;,. w. (J 08), Constr. Engr., A. O. Smith Corp...nd for mail, 636 BUR~~ :Jim A. (A-Y 26), Pre., Mgr., Wis. Gray Iron Fdy. Co., 39th &: Burn BUR~,jSH~~oward J. C21), 101. Bu~fN, Paul E. (J 22), Tool DesIgner. A. O. Smith Corp" E., A. O. Smith Corp., and for...ail, 720 Superior and fa" mail, tll CAi#.L, Chos. A. (18) Cons. Engr Cohill &: Dougl..s, 217 W. Water St.,.."u fa" ",,,I!, ass FarweI1 Av... 1 C OALLEN, Thos. J., Jr. (A 19); Sow Mill EUgl., Appralsor, Callen APpr..,," a., CAM~~E~~at~:renceF. (J 22), M. E., Belt Co., 786 P..rk St., and for mail, 2510 Shoreland Drive.. P 1 CHENG, S (J 26), Spec. Aplllentlce, Il:. R. Shop, CI1Icago, Mllwllukee.1: St. au Ry Co Ilnd fat mal!, 2816 Wiseonsm Ave. OLEMENTS: Bert M. (J 20), Power EUIlT., Chicago. St. Paul Ry. 00., and!, 8610 Canal St.. COA.KLEY W E (oi.-m 24), Supt. Pressed Ste.1 Tanl, CO. COLE, Cyrus i.. (08; 13), V. P., Eugr., Williams Cole.. Wol:II, Inc., 610 Sycamore St., and tor mail, 46S 17th Ave. OORBETT. R. H. (04), Ch. Ereoting Engr., NOI db.rg Mfg COR1>IAOK. Geo. (18), Engr., 011 lug., Inc., 429 Broadwsy. ". CRA)lER Robt. (H), Ch. Engr., Sewer"l::e Comm., City of Milwaukee, and.for ma>!, th St. 616

274 WISCONSIN MEMBERS m UNITED srares luilwaulcee (continued) OZERWONliY Hugo E (J 2:5) S 1 E 764 HUbb~rd St.,a os ngrg., Kempsmlth Mfg. Co., and for mail, DAHLSTRAND, Hans (10) Eng. Ch S. Ohalmers Mfg. Co. r. In ar&"e, team Turbine En&"r&". Dept., Allis. ~Nj~S~:\~~ ~. (~?~: ;v:;;. GJ~bert Grinder Co.; 214 Greenbush St. and for mail, 799 Oakland Ave~r., Natl. Brake & Elec. Co., Ft. Belleview PI. DAY, Percy C. (18) Ch Engr F Ik C DIETZEL, Clarence H. R. (J "26" Toolrfjs~~d.tor ~ail, 3338 Highland Blvd. O~ NJathional Ave., Milwaukee, and for n:a}l k~~ Ma~irnJA DIL & Tlw eckekr hcorp., 60th,. 0 n (A.M 27) Sales Engr A 0 S ith C eve., au es a th St., Wauw~tosa..,.. m orp., M;ilwaukee, and lor mail, g~~~esolon (J 21), Student En&"r., AlIis Chlilmers Mig C DORNBRlJK~ ~;~~ rres"21"rou g ht Washer Mfg. 00., 64 S. Ba~ St. DORWgRht ~o., Pub. S~rv~ Bl~g.~~~~ f~~e~eol~~~ ~l:.:, MStilwaukee Elec. Ry. & E: J.I;! redk H. (07: 11) Mana 27 SO r er. DOW, Herbert W. (17), Sales Engr. ~~~dber~ Mi MO E., 648 Milwaukee St.. lvood Blvd.,g. 0., and for mail, 584 Shore. DREWRY, M. K. (J 24) Asst eh En Light 00., Lal..side P~wer Plant R ~\ p~;,ver0 Plants, Milwaukee Elee. Ry & FALb:, Harold S. (16) V. P Wks Mg.Faile., and for mail, 766 Beulah Ave FERRIS, John P. (AM"261 As.t cli E r., Oil orp., Ft. 80th St Day Ave.,... ngr., gear Co., 665 Park St., and for mail FERRIS Walter (07) V P Cb E 8~4 s. Summit AV~..,. ngr., Oligear 00., 655 Park St., and for mail FITZE l MauIlee E, (J 26) Teat En.., FLok/hi Co., ~nd for mail; 795 Wenh~~~thPX~:: Plants, Milwaukee Elee. Ry. &: FRANK, E/(.;iD.( ~~~;M~)~tb~:s T~bl~e ~~Pt., AUls Chalmers Mfg. 00. Ave.....,,6 8rd St., and for mail 1015 Shepard FRASER, John, Jr (A M 21) P, Chose St.., rea., Tress., Milwaukee Valve Co., Burrell & FRENTZEL, Hermau 0 (J 26) D.. 4th St.. inmg Engr., Falk Corp., and for mail, 888 FREUND, Clement J (28 A M "6) A t th St..,., ppren Ice Supvr., Falk Oorp., and fpr mail FURRER, Rudolph (A M 22) Asst Wks M.. and for mail, nd St~, Wa~\Vato~ gr., A. O. Smith Oorp., Milwaukee GARY, Flancis P. (A M 21) Engr Ob" B It C 2618 Highland Ave.., am eo., 786 Pink St., and for mail.gates, Saml. J. (16; 26) Pres Treas G t., GEERLINGS, Henry J. (18iJ. Asst. M. E: p::r ~,~g. ColL" 141 E. WisconsiD. Ave. St., and for mait, l>lue MOWId Rd oge eather Co.,. 447 Virginia GEORGE, Herbert R., Jr (J 27) All Dhal. mail, th Ave., ;,V. Allis. IS mels Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, and for GffiSCHEN, Adolph F (J 26) BId In. fo, mau, 497 4th St:, WaUlvatosf spr., WIS. Telephone Co., Milwaukee and GOETZ, John (16) V P Wks ~I K. ~ GREEN WALL, Walt~r L. (/11), M. E~rNor2:~~my\h ~g. Co., sta. A: St. g. 0., and lor ma,l, BOO Superi GREINER, Rlcbard G. (J 27)!nstr A.. or Co., and for,mail, th St. pprentlce Draftsman, Allis Obalmers Mfg. ; g~ii:~ne~ i 21),Retir~d, AIll: 1!1, 880 State St. I St.,mil (A-M 28), E., Nordberg Mfg. Co., and for mail 500 Lena.( HAASE, Elmer L. (J 26) Oollege A ti h x St., and for mail, 96l Bartlett A~:ren ces I Oourse, Chain Belt Co., 786 Park HALL, AUaa E. (27) Mgr ~rillin M h.. HANs~W~eirh~~vdj r(~ilir~ Wauw~to: I~e~efi~ul~l~~-~mers MI&". Co., Mil ington Blvd... IS. Mgr., A. O. Sm,th Corp., and for, 5306 Wash- A. for ma\l, 2202 Fox :Ave., Madison. gr.,. O. Smith Oorp., MilwaUkee, and HEISE, Lorenz W. (J m, Jr. Design En 676 MEMBERS m UNITED BrATES WISCONSIN lliilwaukee (continued) HEMSEY, Clayton E. (J 22), Spec. Apprentice, Meab. Dept., Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. 00., and for?"ail th St. HOFFMANN, Balthasar, Jr. (A M 121), Pres., B. Halfmann Mfg. 00., 1819 St. Paul Ave... ROUM, C. A. (14), Oh. M. E., U. S. Glue Co., P. 0, Box 38, and lor mail, 107 Pryor Ave, HUBER, John S. (A M 27), M. E., Designer, LeRoi 00., 60th &: National Ave.., and for mait, th Ave. RUEYLER, Wm. (A 19), Appraiser, Am, Appraisal 00., 161 Michigan St., and for mail 2726 Cedar St. JACKSON oj,os. H. (A M 20), Oh. Engr. Bayl~ Blower 00., 782 Greenbush St. JAOOBT, Edw. N. (A ll 19), Factory Mgr., ljl\. Engr., Briggs & Stratton Co., 1047 Louis Ave., and for mail, 883 Booth st. JACOBSON, Henry (20), Wk. Mgr., Logemann Bros. Co., 8180 Burleigh St., Mil waukee, and for mail, 285 WashiD.gton Oircle, Wauwatosa. JASPER, Thos. McLean (26), Dfr. Research, A. O. Smitl, Oorp., and for mail, Milwaukee Athletic Club... JETT, Geo. O. (25), Partner, Jett & eelemke, 420 Merchants & Mirs. Bank Bldg., and for mail, 871 Lake Drive., JOHN, Edw. T. (21; A-M 21), 561 Murray Ave. JOHNSON, Darryl W. (J 24), Stand. 011 Co. of Ind., Milwaukee, and for mail, 199 Birch Ave., White FlIlh Bay.<", Cecil 0: (J 24), Steom Turbine Dept., Stsom Turbine Estimating &: Test" Allis Ohalmers Allg. Co. JUNEAU, Ohas. G. (21), Master Car Builder, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. 00. Milwaukee, and for mail, 240 Washin~on Oircle, Wauwatosa. KAOHEL, Donald T. (J 26), Draftsman, Nordberg Mfg. Co., and for mail, Apt. L, th St.. KAUPERT, Richard (J 19), Rm.6U, 200 8rd St. KIROALDIE, Wm. I. (18; 26), Mgr" Engrg. Dept., Am. Appraisal Co. KLEIN, Edw. E. (A M 21), M. E., A. O. Smith CorF, and lor mail, nd St. KOCH, Norman F. (J 25), 2811 Wisconsin Ave.. KOLLBERG, Gustav (10), Mgr. Pumpilli Eng. Dept., Allis Chalmers MIg. Co., l>nd fof mail, st St. KREMER, Waldemar R. (12), Gen!. Sales Mgt., Yilter Mfg. Co., 985 Clinton St. LAABS, Eric H. (17; A M 22), M. E., Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., 12th St. & St. Paul Ave... LANG&TROTH, C1ilford B. (12; 19), Lab. 011., A. O. Smith Corp., P. O. Box 284, and for mail, 981 Frederick Ave.. L,ARSON, O. S. (22), M. E., A. O. Smith Corp., and fof mail, 920 Wall St LEVINE, Hyman (19; A M 22), M. J;l., Folk Corp.\ and for mail, 704 N. Cambridge Ave.. LIOHTENBERG. Erich H. (21), Ch. Engr., Koehring Co., 81at ell Ooncordia Sts. LINCOLN, Chas. S. (21), Designing Engr., Crushing & Cemellt Mehy., Allis-ChaJmerS Mfg. Co., :r.!ilwaukee, and for,nail, G7l0 C.dar St., Waulvatosa. LINDEMANN, Herbert E. (J 25), M. E., Natl. EnameliD.g & Stamping Co., 1I11 waukee. and foi 491 8th Ave., Wauwatosa. LINDEMANN, Walter O. (18; 21), Secy., A. J. Lindemann & Hoverson Co., Oleve land & 1st Ave., and for mail, 1285 Lake Drive. LINDeTRO, Arthur W. (A M 20), Engr., Papst Corp.,. 917 c.hestnut St., and fof ",ad, 901 Frederick.Ave. LONGENECKER, Ernst A. (A-M 24), Factory Supt., Am. Lace Paper Co., 908 Juneau Ave.. LUECK, Geo. A. (26), Combustion & Installation Engr., Geo. A. Lueck &: Assoc., 290 8rd St. LUEDICKE, Alex. H. (A-M 20). SUp\7g. Engr., Gridley Dairy Co., 140 8th St. MAOK1E, Daniel M. (H), Mech. Supt., Chain Belt Co., 736 Park St., and for mail, 2608 Well, St. MacLEOD. Daniel T. COl; 07), Pres., Perfex Oorp., 885 Oklahoma Ave., and fof mail, 504 Linwood Ave. MALETZ, Michael (J 27), Moh. Designer,. A. O. Smith Corp., and for mail, 5812 Center St.. MANIERRE, Geo. (U), Owner, Manlerre Engrg. & Mehy. 00., 622 Colby Abbott Bldg.. 677

275 _._._..,...=e::=_._~.,:.;,.. ~.,.,iw.::+_ WISCONSIN MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES MILWAUKEE (continued) MARf:~Jii,~::l~e~~iJJc;~~~ Sales Engr. Chain Belt Co., 786 Park St., and MARTIN, Chas..R. (21), Engr. Hyd. Dept. Al!is-Chalmers Mfg. Co. Mlhvaukee l>nd for ",a.1, 152 E., Ceuter St.. Wauwatosa. " MASEK, John A. (21), th St. MASg~i Jravenli (J 23) Engr., Draftsman, NatI. Enameling &! Stamping Co. liaure au ve.; au Jor mail, 2447 Hi!!:hland Ave IER""E RR. HJOhn D. (21). Gen1. Supt., Ill. Steel 00., Ft. Conway St: " A erman (J 24), Pressed Steel Tank Co. ~l~t~ni~~r, A~hR. (A t8), Pres., Chain Belt Co., 78il Park st, M,u, F. (17), V. P., Ch. Engr.. Wis, Motor Mig. Co ILLER,1 WJolbn SIn(18), Che<:ker, Designer, Falk Oorp., and for "";il Apt. D 210 sc:ons Ave. J f ms~~~e20w; ~i. (16), Ch. Engr. Power Dept.. Falk Co., Ft. 80th St., and Jor,,,ail, MIT~~s~LJt: Holger L. (27). Cb. EDgr:. Harnischfeger Corp., and for mail, 910 liuller, Julius (J 27), Research Engr., A. O. Smith Corp. and for mail 1270 Frederick Ave.," N~GEDLEHRlorrest (18). Life Member; Hyd. Engr., Allis Chalmers lilg Co I Al., H. H. (A-M 21). Hyd. Dept., Allls Chalmers Mfg Co NELSO~, W. Arthur (A M 21). Tool Planning Engr., A. 0 Smith Corp and, 456 Park PI. -.., NEWHOUSME, Rcay O. (20), Ch. Engr Crushing &I Cement Mcby. Dlv. AllIs-Chal, mer.. f g. 0 and for ".ad, 550 Prospect Ave. NORP~E~O~h Bl~no V. E. Jr. (21), Exec. Engr., ~ordberg lug. Co., and for mail, ~ ~iium, J. Har~ld,<<}.M 28). Erecting Engr., AllIs Chalmers Mfg. Co. Ry. M, K. F. (21, 26). Supt. Oar Dept., Chlclll!o, Milwaukee & St. Paul OLSON, Fred S. (A 17), Pres. Am. Appraiso,l 00, 161 Michigan St OTIS, Robt. B. (16). nirectlng Engr. Bd. Indus: Educatlou 6th & Prairle St nnd Jo, mai!, 520 Maryland Ave., s., PATE, Wm. R. (A-M, 26)" V. P., Llndsay McMillan Co., 98 S. Water St. PATITZ, J. F. Max ( 91; 00), Ch. OOllS. Engr., Allis-Chalmers MIg Co and fo mad, th St.., PERRY, Chas. F. (25).,\J;st. Supt., C!uirge Indus. Educllotlon.m"aukee Pub Schs loth St., and for mail, th St... PETER, A. G. (16; A-M 20),,Sales Engr., Ferd Pietsch Iron Wks. 619 Cedar St and for mod, 8816 Roberts &t.., PFAU, Arnold (13), COliS.,Engr. Allis Chalmers Mfg Co and for ",ait 8011 McKinley Blvd...", :r>ll.aefke, L. A: (A-M 20), Tool Ellgr., A. O. Smith COP. 27th.l: Hopkins Aves and fo, ",ail. H9~ Locust St..,.PR~~:, 3r~~bst~ G. (J 20), Sal.. Eugr., Ougear Co 665 Park St., l>lld for mall. 0 "0, 6S0 29th St. ". PRATtHERiIB. Eugelle (22), Asst. Sup!. Erection, Allis-Chalmers l>lfg Co and lulrii~ ;fe:f~~i~t~a.m 23), He. Engr., Oilgear Co., 655 Park St., and for,nail, RADERMAOHER, Lawrence J. (J 20), Ob. Engr., Kempsmlth Mig. 00. Milwaukee, and for ~14i, Box 28, Hales Corners. RAUNICKJ. Erne~t J. M. (18), Supt., Cunningham Ortmayer Co. 15 Miclllgan St RIFFLE, ~. (J ~U), Y. ~ Factory Rep., Kearny & T,-ecker COP. 61S Washing: ton Blvd., anel for mad,. 502 W. 50th St. " RING, Jos. J. (2~). Hyel. Engl., Allis-Chalmers MIg. Co. Mil,vaukee and for mail 400 \Vestern Ave., Vnuwntosa. "J ROB~~Tz~1~~~r t;~,,~.sf 21), Sales, tlervlceman, Ingersoll Rand 00., and for ROBERTSO~, Cbae. A. (A M 28), Testing Engr., Allis-Chalmers MIg 00 and fo ma>t, t1l Ave.. RODDY, Gust"" R. (21), Ob. Engr., Conveywg Dept., Chain Belt Co and for mait 796 Wentworth Ave.." ROSEJ;1BERG" Edwin C. (A:M 25), Oh. Engr., F.,Rosenberg Elev. Co 1646 R,cha,d st. and tor ma,l, 145~ Humboldt Blvd.., 678!I MILWAUIi::EE (continued), ROVE, Louis C. (21; A-M 25), Sales Engr. Nordberg Mfg. 00., and for mai!, Sla. C., Route 6, BoX 650,.. St. RUEGG, Clement (19), M. E"!iordberg Mfg. Co., and for mail. 661 OtJen RYBECK, Adolph W. (25), Ch. Engr., T. L. Smith Co and for mai[, th SAo~iTT. Warren W. (A.-M 26). Shop Exec. Xempsmith Mf~. 0.0., 45th &; B.AN~g~e\t-niv~. (99). Manager, 08.11; Vice-President, 28 25; Cons. Engr., 1013 Wells Bldg. SOHAUER, H. A. (A-M 21), Sales Engr. A. O. Smith Corp., and fo, _it, 8822 scbnin.l,eraib:.jv:li: (21), Pres. Engr., A.. R. Sehmidt Elec. Co., 262 E. Water St., and fo mail, 8209 Chestnut St. SCHNEIDER, Walter L. (J 26), Estimllotlng Engr., Falk Corp., and for mail, 391 soh5~j, ~~hn E. (A.M 25), Instr., Marquette Vniv., and for _it, th st. SCHWANTES, J. A, (25), Wks. Engr., Palmohve 00. ~2 4th St, " SEDGWICK H. A. (15), Supt., Cutler-Hammer Mfg. 00., 12U, St. II St. Paul Ave.,. ami fo, mait, 428 Lake Bluff Blvd., Sherwood. SHEFFIELD Dais a. (J 24), Test Dept., Ohicago. Milwaukee &! St. Paul Ry and fo, mail, P. O. Box " tlilbernagel, Frank B. (J 27). Estimating, Kempsmlth l>ilg. 00 and for mau, th Ave. SIMON Arthur (12)\ Pat. Expt. Outler Hammer Mfg. Co., 12th St. " St. P",ul Ave. SLADKY Alex. C. (16), Engr. Plants Nat!. Enamellng &l Stampil1g Co., 909 st. Paul Ave. MilwaUkee, ami for mail, 525 Newton Ave., Shorewood. SMITH, Chas. Ricbard (A 18), Supt., Mech, Dlv. Am. APpraisal Co., 165 E. Micbigan St.. SOGARD, Ralpl, H. (J 26), Asat. Teat Engr.. lhlwanj<ee Elec. Ry. &! Light Co., Pub. Servo Bldg. Lakeside Power Pillont, and fo, mait, 808 LenOX st.. SPRADO, Carl G. (08), Engr. Charge Gas&! Oil Engines, Allla-Chalmers l>ifg. Co. and for mail, th St. STARE: La Ru. H. (25), Plant Engr., Nat!. Knitting Co., 005 Clinton St. STROEBEL. Arthur W. (A 19), Supt., Am. Appraisal Co., 161 Michigan St. STUCKERT, Felb> J. (J 20), Ch. Draftsman. Briggs &! Stratton Co., 1047 Louis Ave. and for mail, th St. SVANQUiST J. E. F. (J M), Allis-Cho,lmers Mfg Co., Milwaukee, and for _ii, , Ave., W. Allls. TATE, Thos. R. (26), Mgt. Milwaukee Ollice, McClellan II Junkersfe1d. Inc.. Rm. TAU~~28R;;:r~E:V(~~~;sti.._M 27), Pres., Treas" Delta Mfg ~d St., and for mail, 087 Rumboldt Ave. TESOHEN, Welter F. (18), Pres., Genl. Mgr., MilwaUkee Ooncrete Mixer 00., th St.. and for mail Lake Drive. THUERMANN, Wilfred J. (21; A-M 25). Plant Engr., Chain Belt Park St., and for mail, 1258 Hth St., TIETZE, Wm. (.11.1>1 14), M. E., Robt. A. Johnston th {,o Nationsl Ave Milwaukee, ",nd for mail, 4624 Rogers St. W. Allis. TRIBE.. Jas. (80). 11. E., Allls Chalmers Mig. 00.\ and for mait, 538 Shorewood Blvd. TRUDEAU, Olayton J. (J 27). Jr. Engr., MllWlloukee Elec. Ry. & Light Co., and fa, mail, tb St. TUCKER, Wm. B. (J 28). Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. and for maa, Y. M. O. A.. UEHLING. Edw. (J 16), Byd. Turbine Dept., Allis Chalmers MIg. Co. Milwaukee, and for mait, 61l! 68th Ave.. W. AUla, UEHLING Edw. A. (88). Lil. Member; th St. UIHLEIN, Wm. B. (J 07), Genl. Supt., Jos. Schlitz Bremng 00. VAUGHN, Francis A. (17), Pres., F. A. Vaughn, Inc., 467 Jackson St. VEHLING, Hulto M. (A-M 25), 2217 Lloyd Ave. VOGT, Robt. F. (11), Cons. M. E. Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., and tormai!, 720 "onr&~xs,e~:;~n MEMBERS IN UNITED STATE! WISCONSIN K. (J 24), Time Study Eng... Chain Belt Co., 786 Park St. WALK:~R. Emery L. (10), V. P., Kieckhefer Conlainer Co., Kleokhefer Corp., Gudlner Canning Co., Milwaukee, and fo, mail, 62 Cellter St., Wauwatosa. WALKER. Fredk W. (98; 09), V. P., Northwest. }lutual Life Ins. Co. GH

276 ;;=~;;;.:---:~====-=..====...--~----.,--- WXSOONSXN MEMBERS IN UNITED STATES llilwauicee (co,itinned) WALTERSKffiCHEN, Wm. 1rX. (J 24), Sales Engr., Kewanee Boiler 00., 440 Barclay St., and for mail, 38H Kenwood Blvd. WEaKER, Arnold A. (A ~I 17), C1I. Draftsman, Ohllin Belt Park St., Milwaukee, and for mail, 6923 Wella St., Wauwatosa. WELSER, Brinton (~O; 20). Secy., Chain Belt Co. 730 Park St. and for mail, 195 Ptospect Ave. WHITE. Wm. Monroe (06), Mgr.; Ch. Engr., AI1I...Chalmers Mfg. 00. WICKERT, John A. (25), Ch. Engr., Joe. Schlitz Brewery Co., 216 G..lena St., and fo mail, 3934 Galena St. WILSON, Herbert A. (J 20), Estimator, 1>lIlling Mch. Dept. Allls Cbalmers :IoUg. Co.. MilwaUkee. and for Jerse) St. W. Allis. WILSON, Jas. (13), Engr., Steam Turbine Dept., Allis-Chalmers lug. Co. WILSON, John C. (17). Eng:r., Cutler Hanuner Mfg th St. o!l St. Paul Ave.. and for mail, 772 Hackett Ave.., wrn~~!eh~~~~iph (08), Cb. Engr., Nordbell! Mfg.. Co., and for. ma.i1, 1571 WITfv~:~~~ln Al~~~ P. (J 25), Prod. Engr., Folk Corp., and fo, mail, 1021 YOUNG, Wm. A. (01; 05; 06), Ch. Engr., Harnlschfeger Corp., 88th St. 1< JS"ational Ave., and fo,.mail, st Ave. ZIU, W. B. (J 23), Field Erection Supt., Cli"ain Belt Co., 736 Park St. NEENA.H BEALS, EII\V. D. (21), Pres., Genl. Min., Hard\vood Products Co.,,BROSIUS, Frank R. (13), Supt. Power Dept., Steam & Elec., Kimberly Clark Co., Neenah,..nd fo, mail, 12 Brokaw Pl., Awleton.. PAULSON, Peter A. (.15), Genl. Supt., Sulphite Mills, Kimberly.Clark Co. Neenan, and for mail. P. O. Box 322, Appleton,.. ROS~~~TSt~ A. (27), Asst. Cb. Engr., Kimberly-Clark Co., and fl>l mail. MO NXl>W HOLSTEIN 1oIEILI, Otto H. (J 26), Engr., Melli-Blumberg Co., 1611 Wisc.onsin Ave., and. for m4il, 2030 Jackson St.. OCONOlUOWOC, Mil...ukee Section HENSZEY, Roy O. (A lol 17), Ch. EDgr. &: Arch" Carnation Milk Products Co. OSHKOSH ZIEBELL, Arthur C. (27), Secy., GeDI. Mgr., Universal Fdy. 00. PORT WASHINGTON, Mllw...ukee Section DRISSEN, Wallace W. (J 26), EDgr., Modern Pouring Device 00., and for mail, 214 SPrlnK St..., RACINE./. IIIU"...ukee Section., ADDINGTuN, Herbert B. (20; A-M 26), 1544 Park Ave. ARNOLD, Arthu~ B. (J 27), M. E;, Modine Mfg. Co., and f~ mail, 1310 Thurston Ave.. BREED, P. H. (17), Walker MfK. Co., and fo, mail, Wisconsin St. LAR~~~ ~i..c. E. (A :M 26), Tool Designer, Walker Mfg, Co. add for mail, 1909 MacGREGOR, Wallace F. (01; 14), M. E., J. I. Case Tbreshing Moh. Co., Inc. OLSON. Arthur L. (J 26), Genl. Mg., Racine Iron & Wire Wks., and for maa, 183S S. Wlsconsln St. WINKELS, Walter G. (J 27), Time StUdy Engr., J. L Caae Threshing :Mch. Co:, and fl>l mail, 1221 College Ave. RHINELA.NDER.. ABENDROTH, Walter C. (J 24), Trese., Ch. Engr., Robbins Flooring Co., and to/ mail, 828 Randall Ave.. SUBS, Guy H. (25), Plant Eng., Rhinelander Paper Co., and fof mail, 3~2i Dahl St. 680 KEMDERS IN UNITED STATES ROTHSCIDLD KEETH, Grover (26), 0)1. Engr., Marathon.Paper Mills Co. SHEBOYGAN, IIIilw...ukee Section OARTER. Jas. H, (21; A-M 25). As.t. Mgr., Sbeboygan Lime Wits. WISOONSIN SOUTH IIlXLW ACKEE, 1I1Uwo.ukee Section ANDERSON, Gee. Y., Jr. (J 25), Bucyru9 Co.. and for mail. 711 :Michigan Ave. BAGER, Wm. M. (23), 2nd V. P. Charge Engrg., Bucyrus Co., S. :Milwaukee, and fl>l mail, Hotel Astor, Milwaukee.. BANCROFT, Henry K. (J 27), Draftsman, Line :Material. Co., and for mail. 82Bt. COL:~J~o~:,v~. (08), Pres.,.Buoyrus Co., S. l1l1waukee, and for mail, 675 Marshal! St., Milwaukee.... CRUll, Hollla B. (U), Supt., Burnham Bros. Brick Co., and for maa, 711 Marquette St. DAVIDSON, Trevor (J 27), Asst. M. E., Bucyrus Co., S. Mllwaukee, and for Dwil, 698 Cass AVe., Ml1waukee... EVANS, Paul J. (J 27), Time Study, Line Matel;al. Co., and for ma,l, 1506~ 1rlilwaukee Ave... _ FYKSE, M. L. (20), Dovel. Engr., Bucyrus Co.. S. MIlwaukee, and for m<>il, 715 LEH~~i:~~~;,,~h6), M. E., Buo.vrus Co., and fo, "wi!. 728 :r.u~hlgan Ave.. RUmOFF, F. Carl (26), Research Engr. Bucyrus Co., and for mail, 1198 FaIr SNYntER, - hos. A. (14; 20), Engr., Bucyrua Co.. 8. ~li1wauk.e, and for.""il, : 834 Wentworth Ave., :Milwaukee. SUPERIOR I 1 910~ GAIlLOWAY, Tbos. (12), M. E., Super,lor Iron Wks, Co., aud 1>1 DW,.,.. Zl~~~~, Frank R. (18; 19), V. p.. Superior Iron Wks. Co., Grand Ave. & ~~a.!omahawli:: BUGGE, Sven. B. (16), Genl. :Mgl.. Tomabawk Krait Paper Co. TWO R.XVERS KAHLENBERG, ROller W. (J 26). Jr. Eugr., Kablenberll B , and for mail, 2408 Jelferson St. WAUSAU BASSLER, Edwln.:M. (20), Genl. Mgr., D. J. Murlay :MIl(. Co., <1 St" and fof ", 906 1st St. WAUWA.TOSA, MU...ukee Section FEIND, Rpbt. F. (A:M, 20), th St. FISCHER, JOB. O. (24: 27), Supvg. Engr., Milwaukee (,)ou,,~ Institutions. PEDERSON, John p. (A :M 23), Indus. Mfll. Engr., Cons. Engl., 6501 Grand Ave. WADD. Roy J. (17: 24), 6830 Blue Mound Rd. WEST ALLIS, Milw...ukee Section. ARMITAGE, Joa. B. (19), Oh. M. E., Kearney & Trecker COlP" 60th &. National ARN~LD: Glenn O. (J 26). Apprentice. Allis-QbalDlera Mfg. 00., and for,nail, th Ave., W. Alb. CLARKE, Jordan L. (J 26), Allis Chalmere Mfg. Co., and for National DW~ERG, Paul C. (28). Engr., Allis-Ohalmer. Hfg. Co., W. Allis, and /1>1 mail Wells St., Wauwatosa... GATES, Edwin L. (J 25), DraftslJllln, Allls Chalmers Mfg. Co., W. AllI., and for mail, 3417 Highland Blvd., Wllwaukee., GRAHAM, Max R. (J 27), Centrltugll! Pump &. Eng. Dept., Allis-Chalmers, Mfr. Co.,. and lor mail, R. 4. Box HORSTMAN, Elmer H. (J 24), Estimator, Steam Turbine Dept., Al1Ia-Obalmenr :Mfg. Co., and for mail, 6019 Nationll! Ave. 681

277 WISCONSIN ~IE~lDEBS IN UNITED STArES WEST ALLIS (continued),, KEARNEY, Edw. J. (18), Secy., Treas., Kearney &: Trecker Gorp., 60th & National. Aves. MEYER, Walter A. (A-M 26), Estlmator, Correspondent, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., lind for,,,ail, th Ave. MUELLEJl, Felix J. (24), Cb. Draftsman, AlIis Chalmers Mfg. Co., and for mail, th Ave., PARSONS. Fredk A. (14; 21), Engr. Charge Patents, Kearney &: T"ecker COIp. RANDHAWA. G. S. (J 26), Apprentice. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Genl. Delivel Y. REVERE, Francis J. (17), Asst. Engr., Steam Turbine,Dept., A1l1s-Cbalrne... Mfg. Co., W. Allis, and for mall, 291 Csdar St., WaUlvato... RITOHIE, Daniel F. (J 26), Student Engr., Allis-Chalmers Mfg. 00., and for mail, th Ave. SEARCH. Chas. E. (06), Al1ls-Ghalmers Mfg. Co., W. Allis, and for mail, 1140 Natfonal Ave.. Milwaukee. THORP, J. Rex (18; 19). Ch. Engr., Fulton Co., th Ave. WADE, Walter Howard (J 26), Student Apprentice, Ams-Chalmers Mfg. Co., and for mail National Ave... WATSON. Wm. (20), Genl. Wks, Mgr.. Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., and lor mail, th Ave.. WEHR, C. Frederic (A-M 18). Supt.. Wehr Steel Co. WRIGHT, Henry S. (A-M 21), Pres., E(enry S. Wright Co" Milwaul,ee Elec. Orane &; Mfll. Corp., W. Allis, and for mail, 2428 Shore Drive, Whitefish Bay. WISCONSIN RAPIDS PURVES, John B. (15), Mill MIIf., Consltd. Water Power &: Paper Co., and lor mail, 1030 Elm St. WYOj)UNG CASPER BAILEy.. A. S. (21), Tex. Co., P. O. Bolt FINNEr, Wallace R. (A M 21) S. Da\jd St. PARKER, Selsor S. (A M; 27), Draftsman, Stand. 011 Co. of Ind., and lor mail, 759 W, 14th St.. ROUSE, J. E. (17; 25), Asst. Supt. Stalld of Ind., Plant 3. WEIDNER, Paul G. (12), Supt., Midwest Ref. 00., and for mail S..Spruce St. J,ARAlIllE HAY, Earl D. (18; 20), Dean, Collej(e of Engrg., Univ. of Wyo. MIDWEST SHUTTS, Walter C. (J 28), Asst. Natural Gas Engr., U. S. G. S., P. O. Box 428. PARCO JOHNSTON, Lemuel M. (26), Supt. Ref. 3, Producers & Ref. Corp. CANADA ALBERTA ED1110NTON, ROBB, Oh.s. A. (A Jy{ 14), Prof. M. E., Unlv. of Alberta, and for mail, 10 Univ. Oampus, Edmonton S. LETHBRIDGE OARRUTHERS, Jas. A. (25), Cbo Engr., M, M., Can. Pac, Ry. and for m"il, P. O. Bolt 295. CONS:rANTINESCU,.V. (A M; 24), Ownsr, Mchy, &: Motor Repair Shop, rd Ave. S. BRITISH COLUlImIA NELSON ROCKLIFF, Wm. A. (A M 21), Pres., Cona M. E. Bennetts Ltd., 806 Baker St., and for mail, P. O. Box , " 1 I MEMBE3S IN CAljADA ilianitoda WINNIPEG HALL, Norman M. (21), Asst. PI of. M. E., Uu!v. of Manitoba, cor, Shelbrooke and Portage Drive; also Cons. Engl. KIPP, Thea., Jr. (24), Dir., Sullivan, Kipp &> Chace, Ltd., 68 Riggin. Ave., and for mail, 1054 Grosvenor Ave.. PINCH, Harry H. (14), 60 Yale Ave.. HOGERS.A. A. (16), Stand. Bank Bldl!. STEWART, R. A. CA-M 27). Oh. Boller Inspr., 88Z Pal1I",.nent Bldl(S: THOlllPllON, Geo. N. V. (A M 21), CanadIan Natl. Rys., and lor , P. O. Bolt NOVA SCOTI,\. Al\IHERST IlOBB, D. W. (88), Cona. Engr., 9~ Ohurch St. HALIl"AX. FRASER, J. Dou~las (J 26), Asst. Plant Supt., Mairs Ltd., and for mail, 16 Commodore Apts. _ MUNN, D. Walte, (15), Prof. M. E., Nova. Scotia Tech. Oollege. NE"" GLASGOW MATHESON, Wm. G. (91), Retired. MOELLER, Isak G. (19), Ch. E;ngr., East. Car Co., Ltd. SYDNEY. GRAHAM, Wm. H. Cll), Supt. Constr., Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., and for nail, 98 Park St. ONTARIO BRANTFORD, Ontario Section BALBHAW, Fred (J 23), Mech. Draftsman, Waterotls Eng. Wks. Co., Ltd., and for mail, 114 ColboUlne St. W. CADE, J. Gould (J 26), Massey Harris Co., Ltd. Verity Wks., and lor mail, Rm. 481, OARI1;S Mca~;n~ion C. (11; 18). Ch, DraftsnlD.n, Waterous Eng. Wks. 00. Ltd" and for,neil, 96 VillIam St... HARiLEY, Fled D. (J 23), Draftsman, Waterous Eng. WIn. Co. Ltd., and lor 71lail, 19 Mt. Pleasant St. KNIBDE, Klaas (J 26). Designer, Massey Harrill Verity Wks., and for mail, 111 Murray St. McLEAN, John G: (J"27), Engrg. Dept., Waterous Eng. Wka. Ltd., and for,aa,l. 68 Drummond St... WATEROliS, Cha J.. (16), Genl. Mgr;, V. P., Waterous Eng. Wks. Co. L~d. G83 niutisr COLUIUBIA NEW WESllIIINSTEll. PE(;~,. John (16), Cbo Inspr. Boilers & Mcby., B, O. Provincial Govt.., Court House. PORT ALICE KETOHEN, Wm. L. (28), Supt., British Columbia Pulp &; Paper Co., Ltd. VANCOUVER DUNELL, Bernard (23), Local Mgr., Chas. O. Moore & Co., 121!1 Staudard B.nk PU~; Owen W. (A M Z4), M. E., Vancouver Ship Yard Ltd., 1877 Georgia St., and lor mail, th Ave.. W. VancoU\ er. SAWFORJJ, Frank (09), Cons: Engr., 609 Oredit Fancier Bldg. SEATON, A. H. (21), Oh. Draftsman, Estimator, Britith Columbia Marine Eng. &: Sblpbldg., Victoria Drive. and for mail, 2162 Napier St. SHIPSON, Geo. B. (22), M_ E., C. W. Brockley & Co., 1 Alexander.St.. STEVENS, Walter O. (J 27), Joh.. S. Metcalf Co., Ltd." Metropolitan Llle B1d~. VICIORIA YARROW. Norman A. (A M 18),_ Managing Dlr., Yarrows, Ltd. P. O. Box 820.

278 ONrARIO MEMBEBS IN CANADA :.uembers IX CAl\"aDA ONTARIO CAMP BORDEN SAMPSON, Frank A. (J 27), Pilot OtHcer, Royal Can. _~Ir Force. OtHcers M... CLARIi:DALE. [louglas, Geo. M. (22), Cons. Y. E., United Verde COPPCl" Co., Clarkdale, and for,nail, Lakefield. CORN"WALL, Toronto Section ROSS ROSS, Donald (J 19),11. E. Rowald Smith Pap", Mills, Ltd., and for mail, 435 2nd St., E. DELORO BUCHMANN, Karl E. (J 25). Aast. to Ch. En8l., Delara Smcltlng &; ReI. Co. DUNDAS, Ontario Section BEIlTRAM, H, Graham (16; 21), 011. Engr., John Bcrlram &; Sons Co., Ltr!, GALT, OntarioSection.. ELLIOTT, Robt. B. (A-M 22), Estimating Dept., Babcock Wilcox & GoldIe. McCulloch. Ltd., and for mail 93 Wellington St.. GOLDIE, Alex. R. (02; 21), Mgr., Babcock-Wilcox &; Goldie McCulloch Co., PERRY, Spence W. (J 25), 224 Water St. N. SPOTTON J Arthur K. (06; 21), Ch. Engr., Babcock Wllcox &:: Goldle.McCulloch- Co. "td., and for mail, 92 Wentworth Ave.. WILKES, Gerald H. (J 21), Draftsman, Goldie &; McCulloeh Co. Ltd., and for mail, 25 :Mackenzie St... GEORGETOWN, Ontario Section OREELMAN, O. E. (AM 26), Mgr., Creelmans, Ltd. GUELPH, Ontario Seotlon COOKRAM, Wm. (21; A M 25). Factory Rep., Niagara Dist., Gilson MIg. Co., Ltd Guelph, and for mail, 15 Linwood Ave., St. Catherines. HMIILTON, Ontario Section ANDERSON, Otto H. (23), Asst. Cb. Engr Nat!. Steel Car Corp., Ltd. DOUGLAS, Robt. C. (A 18), Mgr., Norton 00. of Canada, Ltd., 3 B",!ch Rd. GILL, Lester W. (08)1 Principal, Hamilton Tech. Inst., Wentworth St. HAWKINS, Wm: O. ~J 91). Managing Dir., Dominion Power &; Transmission Co., Ltd., Terminal Sta. - HYDE, Edw. F. (J 23), 1d. M., Procter &:: Gamble Co. of Can. Ltd., Burlington St., Hamilton, Ont., Can., and for mail, 715 E. Church St., Elmira N. Y. LEAVITT, A. T. (25), Oontr. Engr., P. O. Box 31B. LIDDINOTON, Stanley J. (A-M 27), M. E., Can. Westln~house Co., and for 1IIail, 27 Kensington Ave. N. POOK, Chas. H. O. (15), Wks. Mgr., Canadian Westinghouse Co., Ltd, STEVENS, Francis R. (J 24), Engrg. Draftsman, Knigllt Hebound Controller Ltd., 752 1nng- St. E., and for mail. 35 Aikman Ave. STRICKLAND, Frank S. (A 18), Time Study & Rate Dcpt. Engr., Canadisn Westing-i1ouse Co., Ltd., and for l1",il, 188 Maple Ave. TIPLADY. John T. (09), Can. Westinghouse Co. Ltd. WELLS, Robt. G. (09), V. P., Steel 00. of Ca!., Ltd. IROQUOIS FALLS ROGERS, John A. (J 25), 102 Circle Pl. KINGSTON OAVIl<, Gustave (16), Ch. M. E., Canadian Loco. Co., Ltd. LEASIDE ALBRIDGE, Kenneth P. (A-M 17), Res. M. E., Durant Motors of Can. LONDON, Ontario Section. ANGUS, Robt. (91), Cons. M. E., 550 Princess Ave. LEONARD, E. Ibbotson (06; 21), Pres., Genl. Mgr., E. Leonard & Sons, Ltd., York St., and for mail, 782 Wellington St. HORGAN, A. Hedley (19), V. P., Wks. Mgr., E. Leonard &; SaM. Ltd., and for mail, 294 Hyman St. 6S4. l\""i,lg.lra FALLS, Buffalo Sl!octlon A~"DREWSiSaml. W. (26). M. E:. H. G. Acres &; Co., Ud. PEaRCE, neeman C. (.r 21), 1674 McGrail Ave. OAKVILLE, Ontario Section BUTLER, Matthew J. (12), CoilS. Engr. OJIB"WAY, Detroit Section _ DALTZELL, Will H. (10), Ch. Engr. CanadIan Steel Corp., Ltd. OSHA"WA., Ontario Section. lfacewen, P. Blythe (J 25), 86 King St. E. "AKEFORD, Leonnrd (J 26), Exper. Engr. Asst., Genl. 11Iail, Apt. 7, 302 Simcoe St. S. Motors of a.m., Dud for OTTA.WA }fcrae, Jos. P. (25), Mgr., Engrg. Dept., Oenl. Supply!J~. of Can. Ltd. MILLETT, Ralph S. (J 23), Forest Products Labs., Domm,on Lo~se Leal BGldo!gd "e-"c, WARDMAN Leonard W. (A-M 21), Sales Engr., Babcock-\\,lco" &; " - OUll~ch, Co., Ltd., 185 Sparks St., and for mail, 201 4th Ave.. PETERBORO, Ontario Section GOULET, Jo. A. G. (24), of. E., Canadian Genl. Elea. Co., Park St. SANGSTER, Wm. (94), Engr" De Laval Co., Ltd. WESTBYE, Peter P. (21), Pres., Wm. HamlltonCo., Ltd._ PORT ARTHUR.. T. 8> S 1 Co BIGG Leon"rd J. (AM 26), Ch. Marille Engr., Dommlon ourmg a vage. WJ;alcn Bldg. and or mail, 35 St. SOUBA, Wm. H. (14; 17), Partner, C. D. Howe &; Co., 7th 11., Whalen Bldg. ST. OATHARINJ;JS, Ontario.,Section JOHNSON, Jas. A. (A M 22), Wks. Mgr., English Eleo. Co., Ltd., and for ",ail,. 187 Geneva St, JONES, Ellis Henl"Y. (13), Wk Mgr., Yale &; Towne Mfg. Co. ~t~~~benezer Wm. (A-M 27), Mueller, Ltd., and or mail, 301 Maxwell, St. _ McBRIEN, Robt. E. (J 25), Mech. Draftsman, Mueller Ltd., and for ma,1 2-1., SPEJ<3~tn 1f~~. Ohas. (21), Maj. Engr., Oharge Devel Wk., Imperia! OU Ref. snj~~, Wm. F. (21), Combustion Engr., Imperial 011 ReI. Ltd., and for ",ail. 340 N. McKenzie St. SAULT STE, MARIE. JONES, Ja D. (21), Gonl. Mgr., Algoma Steel Cor3," Ltd. KOHL, Geo..B.. (27), Oons. Engr., Royal Bank BI g. TORONTO, Ontario Section. AEBERLI, Adolt (16), Engr., Hydro-Eleo. Power Comm. of Ont., 190 universlll" AHA~ Geo. V. (13), Cons. Engr., Oanadian Fairbanks Morse Co., Ltd., 1379 W.. Bloor St., and for ma!, 864 Dovereoun Rei.,~LDRIDOE, Eugene F. (A Jo! 26), Engr., Inspr., Gen!. Accident &; Assurance Co., Bay &; Temperance Sts... ALLCUT, Edgar A. (22), Assoo. Prof. M. E., UDlV. of Toronto. ANGUS Harry.R. (19), Cons, Engr., 34 Farnham Ave. ANGUS: Roht. W. (01; 0$), V:ice President, 24 26; Prof. M. E., Faculty 01 Ap plied Science &; Engrg., Unlv, at Toronto...-\SELllNE, Arthur W. (A M 25), V. P., Mgr., SterIlng ApprBlsal Co., Ltd., 9 E. Wellington St. BAKER, Montague H. (J 26), Forestry Patrol, Ont. Govt. Forestry Branch Air Serv 17 Queens Pk., and for mail, 14 Madison Ave. BELL, vi: Thes. A. (J 25), Sales Engr., No. Orane Wks., 415 Metropolitan Bldg. 68!;

279 _._.-._-_._.~~~ ~ MEMBERS IN CANADA TORONTO (continued). BRANDON, Edgar T. J. (24), Ch, E. E., Hydro Elec. Pow~r Comm. of Ont., 190 Universit} Ave. BRICKENDEN, W. T. (J 23), Ch. Engr., Riley Engrg. &; Supply Co. of Oan. Ltd., S60 Dulferin St., and foj ",ail. 301 Silverblrch Ave.. BRISTOL, Chas. F. (16), 26 Highvicw Crescent. BURGESS,.J. R. (A M 24), Mech. Supt., Stauntono Ltd., 944 Yonge St. BURGESS, Kenneth A. (A M 21), Plant Engr., Canadian Kodale Co., Ltd., V, Toronto... OAMPBELL, John W. (J 27), Hyd, Engr., Can, Allis Chalmers Ltd., King & Simcoe Ste., Toronto 2.. CARLEY, Forest O. (A M 27) 2 aloor St. W..... OASSELDEN,.Albert C. (J 211, Sales Engr., Link Belt Ltd., Eastern Ave. & Leslie a... CLARK, Farley G. (07), 251 Russell Hill Rd. CLARKE, Sidney G. (22; 26), Oh. DraftsDlan, Hamilton Gear & ~[ch. Co., 76 Van Horne St., and for mail, 2~ Arlington Ave. CRANE, Harold. C. (J 21), E. &; M. E., Turnbull Elev. 00. Ltd., 126 John St., and fot mail 26.. Chesterhlll Rd.".. DAVIS, Cecil R. (J 24), Draftsman, Exper. Dept., Massey Harris 00. Ltd., and fot ",ail, S2 Grenville St. DICKEY, Arthur J. (A-M 15), Y. P., Genl. Mgr., O. A. Dunham Co., Ltd., 1528 Davenport.Rd., and fat mail, 9 Mossom PI... EDKINS, A. E. (21), Ch. Inspr., Bpiler Inspc. &; Ins. 00., of Can.... FEAR, S. Lorne (24), Asst. M. E.. Hydro Elec. Power Comnl. ofont., 190 University Ave.., aud fot mail. 659 Spadlna Ava.. FISHER. Geo. H. (A 26), Sec. Wks., Can. &; Genl. Finance Co., J,td., 857 Bay St.. FLETEMEYER, Louis H. (J OS), Sales Engr., A. R. Williams l[chy. Co., 64 Front St., W. and fat mau, 16.3 Grenadier Rd. GARY, Fred.k A. (16), Ch. Engr., Hydro Elec. Power Comm. of Ont., 190 Uni. versity Ave:.. GOODWIN, Jas. H. (A M 28), M. E., Fees Oil BUlllers oi Can., Ltd., 65 Trinity St., and fot mail, 562 Gladstone Ave.. GRAH.UI, Thea. 0, (J 25), 128 St. George St.... ". HAMILTON, Cheater B., Jr. (09; 14), Life Member; Pres., M. E., Hamilton Gear &; Mch. Co., 76 Van Horne St;.. HARRINGTON, Chas. (24), Htg. &; Vent. EllgL., Imperial Rndiator Co. Ltd.,. 250 St. Helens Ave., and fot mail, 160 Grenadlel Rd., HUDSON, F. W. (ll)~en :,.,...., Salea &: Exec., Natl. IIon COI-P. Ltd., Ft. Cl.eljly St. J01UiSTON, Olarence lj. (21), Cons. Engl;, Research Dept., Am. Sales Book Co., Ltd., 1804 No. Onto Bldg. LEEPER, R. W. (08; 21).. Mgr., P.ulp &; Pnper Sec., Can. Genl.. Elec..Co.. Ltd., 212 KIng St., W.. " LOVE, Leonard V. (A-M 28), Equip. Engr., Dcpt. Pub. Hfghwa~s, 110 University Ave., and /01 mail 15 Beachview Crescent... LYNN, Scott (27), V. P., Genl. Mgr., Sangamo Eleo. Co.. at Can. Ltd., 188 George St. MacALLISTER, Jas. S. E. (J 24), Rlley Engrg. & Suppl~ Co., Ltd., and for mai!, 2: 2 Mountview.Ave.. MAR1IN, Evan S. (20), Secy., Treas., Jas. A. Wickett, Ltd., 16 Saulter St. MEDCALF, Duncan M. (19), Ch, Inspr., Stearn Boile.s, Onto Govt" E. Block,. Parliament Bldg... MIT,NE, Jas; (07), M. & E. E., City of Toronto, Rm. 16, City Hall. MOR~AN, Wm. Leonard (A-li 24),.Supt., Impelial Oll Refineries, Ltd., 56 Churcb MYERS, Curtis C. (05,: 20), SI~Pt., Alulllinlll! Co. at Can., Ltd., 158 Sterling- Rd. NEEDHAM, Robt. J. (20), M. 6: E. E., Nllotl. Rys., Rm. 470, New Union Stn. and fa mail, 170 Evelyn Ave. PARKIN, John H. (10; 24), Asst. Prof. M. E., UniY. of Toronto, and fat mail, 12 Hudson Drive:. RAYMANT, Frank G. (J 26), 1512 King St. W.. ROBERTS, Ale>:. (A M 22), Engrg. Staff, Canadian &: Genl. Finance Co., Ltd., 357 Bay St.. nortnson, Walter p. (18 ;26), 307 Reford Bldg. ROGEnS, J. Elsworth (J 24), Prod. Mgr., Stand. Radio Mfg. Corp., 90 Chestnut St., ano fo, mail, 99 Poplal Plains Rd. 68; I I, i I i 1 MEMBERS IN CANADA QUEBEC OLV-lA-RIO TORONTO (continued) Ii b Mf C Rm SAUNDERS, R. W. (22; A M 26), Oan. Mgr.,. O. J. Tag a ue g. a.,. SER~~liE~G~:.el(,~:) ~\i. ~., ;aydro-elec. Power Oomm. of Ont., 190 University A and for "14i! 72 Bnar Hill Ave. I. 51 SEYMO"ifR, F. J. A. (J 22), Draftsman, Ferguson Pallin Ltd., and fat ma., Manor Road W. RIC Ltd. and fat mail SHEPPARD, Edgar M. (26), Wks. Mgr., Can. ume yo." SMAii~~~~~OR~~J~~;lt.: (1,7; A M 18), Saleaman, Web.ter:lnglls, Ltd., 14 Strachan Ave., and feortl"..a tl, 171cG:~~~1ro~\~n~.g Corp Bank of Hamilton TATE, G. H. (J 26),. ma mg, Q ~..,.. ~~i,t~~n~~\~~:r.pd{,:2~on:lr. EE~f.~~~nil~~~~h cc~n~ir~~~. I fci:,l:fo S~e:;~~~ ~~: VANm~~N~C~"oT~~gJayantA!M,m!: r.fg~~~~:c~r&stei~}~an, Ltd., 82 Front St. VOA~EN~ Vincent (J 25), Asst. E;ngr., Hydro Elee. Power Comm. of Ont., 190 University.Ave. J 26) 5 Wells St.. ~~±~~~ ~~~el~.t(j(25), ~i. E., Toronto Carpet ~fgbico,lttd,v and for mail, WATSON McClelland B. (20; 21), Oon. Engr., oar.., 121 -(Velland Ave. G I EI King St WATTS, Oeo. W. (08; 04), Wks. Mgr., Oanadlan en. ec..,.,. and lor mail,.1 Be~~m,~~t) R~nox College. WEIBEL. E. El;!wm (A(~I AM 25) Salea Engr Hamilton Gear &I Mch. Co., WELFORD, Percy G. ~;,., a1:t~!m ~~r~ ~~21), Sales &I Cons. Engr., Canadian AlIIs.Chalmers, Ltd., 212 WSW d f r mail 71 Gloucester St whfi~,gai~~rt F. a("18), Contl~g, Engr., John Inglis Co., Ltd., and for mail, 180 Glendale Ave.. WATERLOO, Ontario Section Ltd SNIDER, A. M. (19; A M 25), Asst. Genl. Mgr., Waterloo Mfg. 00.,. WELLAND Olltario S...ctioll ill td G &: BATCHELDER, Nelson A. (20), Genl. Mgr., Empire Cotton M s, L., rove LATNi~~sD~~~~1 W. (21), Pres., G"enl. Mgr., Canadian Atlas Steels Co~, Box 99. WOODSTOCK d d SPRADBROW, NUlman H. G. (J 21), Designer, Bickle Fire Enge. Lt., an ". for mail., 48~. Beale St. g-~~~~tus, C. Taylor (J 26), Aluminum Co. of Can., Ltd:, and fot mail, P. O. HENTft"i, Wfilard L. (A M 28), ~Iech. for mail, P. O. Box 00, Foreman, Aluminum Co..of Can., Ltd., and CAPE 1I1ADELEINE... P 0 E TE Cl H (A M 21) Ch Drlloftsman St. MauTlce Paper Co., Ltd.,. J IT nt, 3~~8. C~pe iiadeleil1~-, ll1;d for mail: 120 ~on~ventul..e St., Three Rivera. SLAT~~, Su:rey W. (A M 15), Ch. Engl., St. Maunce Pap",: Co., Ltd., P. O. Box wdl Thos. A. (A 18), Genl. Supt., St. Maurice Paper Co., Ltd. CHICOUTInII II td DELISLE, Jos: L. (21), Elec. & Mech. Supt., Que. Pulp & Paper MI s. L DRUlIInIONDVILLE.. BERAN, Chu. F. (27), Ch. Engr., CaD. Celanese Ltd:, also Cons. EDgr. Oelanese Omp. 01 Am.. 687

280 -._..... _... _"-_... =~=_._-----~- i.; Q.lJEBEC MEMBERS IN CANADA GATINEAU ROGERS, Will. Elwood (A-H 26), Can. Internatl. Paper Co. GRAND MERE XEAY, Herbert O. (13).- Res. COWl, Engt., Mgt. Reseuch Dept., Laurentide Co:, Ltd. JOLIETTE SHITH, Will~rd G. (J 26), Student Engr., Barrett Co. Ltd. I~ENOGAm OOOK, ArchIbald 8. (21), A66t. Hech. Supt., Price Bro &: 00., Ltd. LACHINE JEWETT, Wm. D. (J 24), Des!&ner, Estimator, Dominion BrIdge Co., Ltd., La.chine, and for _ii, 768 Earnsc!llfe Ave., Montreal. LIIUOILOU FEAR, Ja.. (A-M 27), Anglo Canadian Pulp &:. Paper ~[ilis, Ltd. STUDLEY, Gideon, Jr. (18; 22), Supvr. Power, Heat &; Incl. Suvices, Lirnoilou, and for maij" Apt. 405, Obateau St. Lows, Quebec. MONTREAL AHARA, Ed... V. (J 26), Apt. 23, 6010 Sherbrooke St: W. ATWOOD, Wm. S. (011), V. P., Can. Oar &: Fdy. 00., Ltd., 307 Ciaig St., W., Montreal, and for _it 669 Murray Ave.; Westnlount.. BERLINER, Edgat M. (A-M 18), Pres., Victor Talking ~Ich. Co. of Oan., Ltd., 33 LenoirSt.. BERTSOH, John C. (01), COWl. Engr., 1076 Beaver H..II Hill.. BROOKS, C. E..lA M 17), Cb. of M. P.. C..n. Nat!. Rys., 360 McGill St. BROWN, Fredkil. (13), Cons. Engr., Propr., Successor to Walter J. Fraucis &: Co. 260 st, James St.. BUCKLEY, Earl J. (J 231 Link Belt, Ltd., 701 Bank 01 Toronto Bldg. BUTLER, Erneet W. R. (J 26), Engr., Bailey Meter 00., Ltd., 84 St. Antoine St. CAMERON, Norman Chas. (17), Engr., Imperial ToblloCco Co. of Can., Ltd., 900 St. Antoine st., Montreal, and for,"ail, 466 Mountain Ave., Westwount. CLEGG, Wm. H. (26), Ch. Inspr.,.AIr Brakes &: Car Htg., Can, Nat!. Rys., 866 McGill St. OOMBE, F. A. (20), Cone. Combustion &: Steam Engr., llbb Phillips P!.. OOOPER. Saml. J. (A M 26), Engr., Central Control OIllce, Can. Marconi Co., 11 St. Sacrament St. DONALD, N. Gray (A M 27), P. O. Box DURLEY, Richard J. (99), Gen!. Secy., Engtg. Inst.. of Can., 176 Mansfield St. ELLIS, Fred Jas. (J 21), Servo Engr., Combustion Engrg. Corp. Ltd., Drummond Bldg., ~Iontreal, Que., and for mail, P. O. Box 26 Bowmanville, Ont. f FARMER, JOlln T. (02; 13), H~d. &: M. E., 314 Cor stine Bldg. FRIEDMAN, Ferdinand J. (18; 21), M. E., McDougall, Pesse &: Frledmau, 85 Osbonle St.. GARLAh"!J Ja. (21), GenJ. Supt., Dominion Engrg. Wks. Ltd., P. O. Box GRABUR!I, Arthur L. (13), Asst. GenJ. Fuel Agt., Can. Natl. Rya. GRISWOLD, H. J. (A 13). Pres.. Griswold &: Co., Ltd., U11 Beaver Hall Hill. HATHAWAY, Jos. D. (H), GenJ. Snpt., No. Elec. Co., Ltd., 121 Shearer St.,. ~[ontreal, and for mail, 700 4berdeea Ave., Westmount. HICKS, Wm. A. B. (16), Hick. ;\; Newill, 189 St. James st., W. HIGGINSON. Thos. H. (21), Genl. Sales Mgr., Automatic Sprinkler Co. of Can., Ltd., 3214 Jeanne Mance St. HOLGATE, Henry (21), Cons. Engr., Hyd. &: Power, 286 Beaver H..11 Hill. JOH~ioOtSh~rb~~~ke(~J.) w~lr. Wk.. Mgr., Robt. Mitchell Co., Ltd., and for mai!, KAY, Harry (24), V. P., Ohas. Walmsley.I; 00., Drummond Bldg., Montreal. and for _ii, 27 Lorne Ave., Longueull. LABBE, Arthur (J 21), Mech. DraftsmalJ, Jenkins Bros. Ltd., 103 St. RemiSt., and for mail, 69 G. E. Cartier Sq.. LARKIN, Albert O. (96; 06), 68 Notre Dame de Grace Ave. LAURIE, Albert (21), Owner, Laurie &: Lamb, Bd. of Trade Bldg. 688 i I II I.j 1. j JUONlREAL (c?ntins~ed~gr. MEMBERS IN CAl>ADA RSP Q.llEBEO Babcock-Wilcox &; Goldie McCulloch Co., Ltd., )laoafee, R. E. (24), a.~s n., D r 6 8t. Henry.. Montreal L, adnk fo(r2~)ai!c:- E~ gr. rac..~adl~n Indus. Ltd., Can. Rcem~t Blg 1 ~ccrady, e. " D Its a Engrg- Dept Cap. Pac. y., m., McGEE, J; John (A M ~ r f":- d ~lail 728 Chs~p8i;neur Ave., ou.trem~nt. Windsor Sta., ~ontr) P an p~rt Alf~d Pulp &: laper Corp., 224 Call. McKEE, Geo. M. (19, re.,. Cement Bld g Ed (J 26) Salesman Williams Partridge & Hodgson, X,APIER, Chas. w., r 171 St. James St., W. E 189 st J ames St. NEWILL, GeO rih E. rf2~?i7~0~soc.n~;~f, M. E:, McGill Unlv., Eng :-,. c Bldg 303 ROBERTS, A ur F (26- A.M 27) Hyd. Engr., Power Corp. au., ROBERTS, Jas... Corlstino Bldg. u 21) Engr Howard Smith Paper Millo, Ltd., Montreal, SCOTT, Wm. G. (A,,,! "St Co all Onto Que and for mad, 236 York., m", d BId St Oatherlne St., W. st.muir, Jolln (20), In~ust. Engr., ~2 D~.:t~~nMetergoo. Ltd., 84 St. Antoine STEWAHT Andrew L. (J 23~. V. P., gr.,, St., a~d fa maij,(1 6 )93 ~ ~ Or1~:~d te~i: Mgr., Can. Cement 00., Ltd., Can. TAGUE, Arthur C. 01,.., Cenlent Co: Bldg., Phillir.s Sq. Canadian Nat) Ry.. fhornton, Sir HeH.nry (~V99)( l~lce:p~~ident 11-13; Vice.President, 23; Coli.. VAUGHAN, Henry,. Engr., 1111 DReav(flrS)HnlCIb.H;fn gr Canadian Car &: Fdy. Co., Ltd., 30. Oraig St., V1BERG, Ernest.. WIR1iN, Robt. O. (J 26), M. E., Oombustion Engrg. Corp., Ltd., 722 Drummond Bldg. J A (20 Ql) GenJ. MgT Wright Fisher Engrg. Co., 798 St. WRIGHT, ab.. ~ t. 0 Oatherine St., W. B1 H t r Co Ltd 84 St. Antoine St. YACK, WiUrld L. (J 2~ M~., u~~ e Y st eli-wrence Supr Ref. Co., Ltd., 2866 YORK, John J. (SIt.0)E G d for ;;;::/"2276 Notre Dame St. E... Notre DlU;Il8,.or an I. NORAI\DA CLYNE, C. B, (18), Home Copper Corp. POINTE AU PIC BINSeE, Henry B. (82), Retired. ~~:E<feo.:Silas (J 25), Engrg. Staff, PricQ Bros. & Co. Ltd., 23 St. Louia St.. and jo, mail Apt. 16, 208 Maple Ave. P I B & Co. Ltd GOUGH, John D. (24), )DesElgnin g QEII~~ :~~bo:p3;;;m.r:d f~~ "",n, 49 St: HUESTIS, Harry E. (21, ngr., ue Louis St. RIVIERE DU LOUP WARREN, Kenneth L. (07), Con.. Engr. ~!u-tc~~~tave D. (A H 28), Dept. Head &: 1iethad Engr. Singer Mfg. Co., and fa "",ii, P. O. BOJ: 90L. McCUTCHEON, Andrew (20), Singer Mfg. Co. ~~~r.~~:~. (A M 18), Mgt., Eo..& T.Fairbanks & Co.. Ltd., Belveder St., HAIGitio~~,,,~7~,:J~~o~).SkEngro, Can. Ingersoll Rand Co., Ltd.,. and for - mail, 49 Portland Ave.C. M E 161 Quebec St.., JENCKES, JOhn a M. « ), 008n )s Wk.. i.i... Can Ingersoll-Rand Co., Ltd.. and fm SANGSTER, An rew ; ~ co, 11lGit, 100 Dnm11110nd St.

281 ::, :. Q.UEBEC MEMBERS IN CANADA MEM REllS IN MEXICO l\iexico CITY. TEIUISKAllIING DIXON, Leon S. (21), Constr. Mgr., Riordan Pulp Corp., Ltd., Temiskaming, Que., Can., and for maiz, R. 8, Bangor, Me.. McLEAN, Henry J. G. (27), Engr., Constr., Can. InternatJ. Paper Co., Ltd., and for mail, P. O. BOll: 176. SHOWERS, Carl G. (A M 26), Combustion Engr., Riordan Pulp Corp. Ltd., and /0 mail. Stolf House. STE~~:if:BAKER, Jaa. R. (A 1I 26), Mill Engr., Riordan Pulp Corp. Ltd., THREE RIVERS BUT~~RFr~~;oe:i~l~r ~\~), M. E., Wo.yagamack News, Ltd.,!lnd fo, moil, 1lB WHITE, Frank O. (20), Oh. Engr" St. Lawrence Paper Mills, Ltd., {TPER llieljlourne ROBINSON, A. W. (S3), Manager, 96-99; Life Member; Cons. M. E. SASIi:ATCHEWAN DIENFAIT, HEPTINSTALI" W. G. (A M 23); Meeh. Supt., Lignite Utilization Bd., Bien!ail, and fa,,,ail, Bienfait P. O. NEWFOUNDLAND BUCHANS CHAMBERS, David F. (J 26), U. S. Steel Products Co. CORNERBROOIC WELDON. R. Lawrence (20 ; 26; 27). Asst. Mill Mgr., Oh. Engr, Nswfoundland Power II; Paper 00., Ltd., ~mxico CFlARCAS, SAN LUIS POTOSI OHISHOLM, J. J. (A 04), Meeh. Supt., Cia Miniera Asarco. CmffiAHUA. CHIffiJAHUA VANDEMOER, John (A 04), Plant Eng,.., Am. Smelting II; Ref. Co., Apartado 6~. FRONTERA, TAB.4.SCO MORRISON. L. Hartwell (A M 27), Supt. Transportation, InternatI. Petroleun, 00. GUADALAJARA, JALISCO DOCK, Herman (89), Apartado Postal 182. GUANAJUATO, GUANAJUATO KEA.N, A. J. A. (DB), Pres., Electra, S. A., Calle Pastila 50, and fol mail, Apartado 59. 1IIATAlIIOROS; PUEBLA, de LAPEYROUSE, Mauly (J 27), Asst. Supt., Raboso Sugar Factory. 1IIERIDA, YUCATAN CROFT, Terrell (21), Apartado MILKE, Guillermo N. (A,M 27), Oil. Engr., Cia de Eleey. de bielida, S. A,; Calle 61, No. 441, anc~ fol mail, calle 49, No. 4B1, Apartado 5. liiexico CITY. D. F. ANDERSON, Harold W. (26), Calle Tlaxcala 176. ARECHIGA, Leopoldo E. (22; A M 25), Jr. Engr., Automatio System, Me>:. Tel. & Tel. Co., DOllob Guerra 14, and for ",eil, Ave. Uruguay 58, Despacho I1EXICO CITY (C01(Jt1:~~)edE)n..r Partlle, Oftciva Teenica Y COlliU:tOl D. de OAMPOS D Gelman." b, Inge~ieria, Ave. Urug u l1,) 5 p B, D.S){~~o lt;ijt II; Power 00. II; Me>:. Tramways CONWAY, Geo. R. G. (13), res". Co., Apartado 490.J (02 27) Tecll Dir. Son Rafael Paper Co., P. O. Box de la MACORR.\., Jose, r..,,, 469 F b. a de Papel San Rafael y Anexas, del PASO, Alejandro (f ~~), ~lan~h~r;:" ao~ r}~ meil GnUlermo Prieto lldgf S. A. Sa~, Rjafae (J,~;.) be.i~,e,, Talleres Nacio;"les de Aviaclon, an or DOMINGUEZ, ",81 ano.0, "., meil. Oarplo 11ll1. A 26).!ast. Genl Mgr. Am. Book &. Printing Co., S. A., GALE, Warren D. (14:,.,, Ave. F. I. Madero )25 R U" Rubber Co. Apartodo 20 Bls. Mi\HO~, Wm. J. (J 24, op",~., MORALES. P. O. (22), Chopo 24. d l El A 110. Apartado 113 Bls. MOTTA, Stephen (A-M 22) F En t gr., C?~~rMWa~~er II; ~ie";, and f" mail, Apartado SCIDEFER, Carlos (3 26), ac ory "., TRA~~:: Fraul A. (lb; 22). Engr., Apa,tado 695, Mexico, D. F, 1>Iex., and. fo, meil, 143 Han~oek St.. ~rookl~,:, ~~lartmentode Estableolmlento. Fabnles: TRONCOSO Frane,sco O. (J 24),, 1 Ave Montezuma 126, Tacuba. D. F. Plaza Ciudadela 8. Mexie!o, aoyd fk_s~fpi~y cd. ofme:dco. Apartado WARNER, Ralph M. (23), 1> gr.. or 1IIONTEREY, l\uevo)leemonii; M E Oia Mlnera de Penoles, S. A., and fo, OARSTENS. Alell:. B. (06, c...,.,, HOKE~aCh~~,ar6~d(,m: Cia, Mlnera <Ie P ~~~~d ~e~~~lc~~tp~n O:~ox 302. LEACH, Harry E. (A-M 21). Wks. 1> I Igra l lltemoc B A. end for mail. Apartado S.illA, Lui. G. (llo), Supt., Ceneeer a UC\l,." lor. (3 91) S ee Re~ Westingho",. EIc. Internatl. Co" Apartado ZILBOOnG, ijas. M.., p. ~., 78 bis. PACHUCA. aidagt.gao.. 26) Oh Draftsman, Cia Real Del Monte y Pachuea, GRAlllF, Louis F. (1;...,. Aparlado 3. ~ovj~j~?tb~:-1i~.(aj~21\6~)~ ~o!;:cl! ~;e ~~~s%~~ ~~.~1:a~f:~~d~4~50, LOCKARD, Jas. P.,.,, TORREON, COAHUILA SHARP, John C. (J 25), Continental Mex. Rubber Co. CENTRA.L AMERICA. COSTA RICA CARTAGO E PIOADO, RamOn M. (A-M lb), Cons. ngr. LI1IION (25), u. u., FERRIS, :ElandalI "... No. :Ely. Co., United F,uitCo., and far mail, Box 421. SAN JOSE & Mfrs. A..., P. O. BOll: 750., PURDY. Henry T. (09), EnllT., Contr. ~~ TURRIALBA M Dominica Farm & Indus. Oorp. GOODE. Curtis B. (20), SOOY.. gr., 691

282 HONDUJiAs ;\IEMBEBS IN CENTRAL AMEBICA l.~. : MEMBERS IN WEST INDIES CUBA HONDURAS.CONOORDIA DQug~AB, Barold D. (A-H 21). Mf(l. Concordia S"g.r Estate.!Jou&"las. Schol.. &: SALVADOR SAN SALVADOR WALitER, Jas. G. (A-Y 24). Yeah. Supt., Intel nat!. Rys. of Central Am., and tor mail. A~aJ:tado 214. WEST INDIES CUBA CALADZ.-\.R. LA KA.BA.NA ESTRADA, Ea.teban Duque (9S), 00Ds. Engr. CAMAGUEY, CA.MAGUEY de VARONA-AGUERO, Pablo (J 27), DTaftsman Consltd R. R. of Cuba, and for mail. Joaquin ~ero 25.,. DUN, Gerard L. (J 25), M. E., Taller.. Cuba R. R. Co. OARDENAS,lIIATANZAS BERGMAN. Carl.A. (16), Cuban SURar Ref. 00. SOHUENEMANN, D. B. (J 26), Cb. Enjtl., CIa Cubana de Electrlcidad. Inc... Apartado and f~r mail, Salud y Ayllon. OENTRAl. HERSHEY, HABANA luouelena. JUBto L. (J 2.7), Jr. EnKt., Mech. &: Eloc. CENTRAL JARONU, CAMAGUET YARONA, Miguel O. (A M 27), Head Eloc. Dept., Am. Sugar Ref. Co. CENTRAL PERSE",\-"ERANCIA, SANTA CLARA d~ BERNARD, EUllenio (A ],[ 26), Cb. Elec. Engr.. Cuba Cane Sugar Corp. CENTRAL SANTA MARTA SANBORN, Arthur P. (A Y 23), Mech. Supt., Companla Azucarera, Santa Cruz de Sur., B. A. CENTRAl. STFlW.-\.RT,. CAlIIAGUEY DIAZ-COMPAIN, Jeronimo (A-M 25), Cb, EnKt., East. Cuba Sugar Corp. OENTRAL VERTIENTES, CAlIIAGUEY. SCBARNBERG, Herman J. B. (20), Ch. Engr., Compania Azucarera Yertientes. CIENA-GA, LA HABA.NA ROMANACH. Juan A. (A-M 2S), Supt., Byd. Servo &; Equip., United Rys. of Havana,. Clenaga. and tor mail, 40 Lugareno St., Ensanche, Havana. CIENFUEGOS, SANTA CLARA WATERMAN, Benry J. (18), Ob. M. E., Soledad Sugar Co., Central Soledad. ELlA, CAMA.GUEY TROWBRIDGE, Harry L. (28), GenI. Supt., Colnpanla A.ucnrera Ella. FRANCISCO, CAlIlAGUEY CRAWLEY, Geo. E. (J 08), Asst. Gen!. Mgr., Franciaco Sugar Co. GUANTAN.AM:O lienntges, Michael B. (27), Cb. Engr., Guantanamo Sugar HAVANA ALTHOFF, Wm. (A 28), Prado 45. ANDERSON, Robt. A. (A Y 18), V. P., Am. Steel Co. of C~ba, Apartado 65!. BOYD, Wm. Wray (A-M 22), Cuban Rep., Walsh &; Weidner Boller Co., and for mail, Calle Aguiar 71, Depto CAMP, Lee G. (18), Cons. Engr., Rm. 510, Edificio La Metropolitana. CONNON, Geo. W. (07), Oh. Engr., Honolulu Iron Wks., Co., Teniente Reyl 11, P. O. Box CUERVO, Manuel V. (16; 21), Mfr., Sugar Mills Specialties, Cuba St. 8S, and ior ",,,ii, CaUe 6 entre 11, Vedado.. DALLAS, Chas. F. (!19), Mgr., Treas., AntUIan Constr. Co., Ediflclo Horter 408,.Calle Obispo 7. a~d for mail, Apartado DEARBORN, Wm. L. (92; 17), Pasio 276, Vedado.. degoicoeohea, I,uciano (A-M 21), Genl. Contr., Mercadcr.. &: OReill). Ediflclo Abren. de la VEGA, Aurello (2~; A 1>r 25), Asst. M. E., Consltd. Po,ver Plant, Havana, and for mail, Calzada St., Esq. A 8, Vedado. DORIA, Luis de P. (A M 21), Ch. Engr., Co-Mgr., Meleboir Armstrong &> De...u Co., P. O. Box 951. DWINELL, Cbs. A. (21), Cb. Engr., Bald,vin Loco. Wks., SGI La Metlopoma"a Bldg.. FLEDDERMAN~J Harry C. (20), Div. Engr., Cuba Cane Sugar Corp., Apartado GOmIGOLZAR.tU, Manuel (A 18), Cons. Engr., Oompania A.ucarera del Norte, S. A., and for mail, CalIe D. 165, Vedado. GOWLING, Lawrence E. (A M, 20), M. E., Havana Elec. Ry. Light &: Power Co., P. O. Box 570, Monte 1.. LEONARD, Walter M. (25), Mgr., Cuba IngersolI Rand Co., Inc., 709 Metropolitan Bldg., and for mail, Apartado LOMBARD, J. Os,vald (19), Sugar House Engr. & Contr.; Calle Babana 86. McMILLAN, Chao. E. (22), Sales Rep., Partner, Woodward &: McMillan, Edlficio Metropolltana 7S9.. MILLER, Edw. G. (IS; A M IS), Pres., Sugar Planatations Oper. 00., Aguiar 71. MILLER, Elmo J. (IS; IS; 22), Rm. 528, Royal Bank at Can. Bldg.. MULLINS, Edw. E. (19), Ch. Eugr., SinclaIr Cuba Oil Co., and for mail, Apartauo NICOLAI, Gustav (24), Stand. Oil Co. ot Cuba, Apartado IS()S. PINO, EmeBto (A M 21). Aguiar 126. POLLEDO, Y. (88; 16), V. P., Regla Coal & Oll Co. of Cuba, Amargura S2, Havana, and for moil, Manzanoda 16, Matanzas.. R01>ffiRO, Clrilo (16; A M 25), Res. Engr., Gilchrist &.00., Aguiar 10, Ser Piso. SKILTON, Harr~ I. (25), Tejauillo I, Dept. S~ S6. SKILTON Will. E. (J 25), Sales Engr. Tejadillo 1, Dept. S~ S6.. STUNTZ John Edw. (OS; 16), Cons. Engr., Sugar, Rm. 811, Metropolitan Bldg. ULBRIOHT, T. Carlile (08; 13; 21), Res. Mgr., Honolulu.Iron Wks. Co., I. eniente Rey No. 11. MAOADI. SIMPSON, JaB. (A-M 27), United Fruit Co. MmANDA, ORIENTE KOOH, Edw. G.,A M 26), Cit. Engr., Warner Sugar Corp. I\IORON,OAltIAGUEY KERR, Eugene W. (02; US), Apartado 555. NIQ-UERO, ORIENTE SMITH, Walker (21), Supt., Res. Engr., New liiquero Sugar Co. PERICO HIGGINBOTHAM, Oscar (A M 26), Ch. Eugr., Mntanzas Sugar Co., Central Espana. PRESTON, ORIENTE HERBERT WIlL Fjeld (J 25), Asst. Engr., United Fruit Co., Central Preston. PEROY, JaB. P. (A-M 25), Asst. Supt. Engr., United Fruit Co., Central Preston. 69S

283 CUBA. ME~rBEBS IN WEST ~lhes MEMBERS IN SOUTH AMERICA A.RGENTINA SAGU"- LA. GRkNDE, SANTA. CLARA MacFARLANE, JllS. (08), Pres., Fundicion Union de Sagua, S. A., P. O. Box 43. SAN GERllIAN, ORIENTE GIANELLONI, Vivian J. (17; 19; 2~), Mgr., F idelity Sugar Co. l)ol\:iinican.republio LA. ROlllANA. BARKLEY, John H. (J 21), Asst. Engr., S. Porto Rico Sugar Co., Central Romano., KLO~k~ Ernest L. (17), Mgr., Central Romana, Inc.. LAW, Wm. (J 27), Aset. Cb. Engr., Oentral Romana, LaRoinana, R. D., and lor mail, Mansfield,,La. SA.N PEDRO DE luacoris FRIEDHEIM, Franz A. (J 24).,YAGUATE WAYMOUTH, Geo. W. (A;M 24), Ch. Engr., Ingenio Italla; JAMAICA IHNGSTON NELSON, Roy S. (A.M 22), Supt. Light & Power, Jamaica Pub. Sen. Co" LId., and for mail, C/o Liguanea Olub. luontego BAY EWEll:, Rupert L. (J,24), Doolors Cave Hotel. TRINIDAD AYALOS VEZ, Bernardo (J 24), Uslne Ste. Madallne, San FelnUlldo. SOUTH AMERICA ARG:ENTlNA BUENOS AIRES IlAUlSTUW, John S. (18), c/o F. L. Hougb, Suipacha 74. BASH, Helbert A. (21; 24) Sr. Parlner, Adolfo Bah 01< Co., B. ~litre 472. BECKWITH, Bernard L: (A.if: 27), Mgr. Indus. Dept., Genl. Elec. S. A. Victoria 618. BURNS, Robt. (20), Engr., Otis Elev. Co., 1616 Av. Leandro N. Alem. CATfNARI, John N. (25), Yaclmientos Petroliferos Fiscales, Balcarce 278. OERECEDO Jairer H. (20; A M 26), Rep., Victor X.Ray Corp., P. O. Box 987. GALLOWAY, F. M. (21; 27), M. P. Rep., Frigoriflco Armour de La Plata, Calle Reconquista 814.., GREEN, Lorn A. (J 24), Genl. Elec. Co., Avenida De Ma,o 560. HAHN, Emanuel (20; 25), Mgr., Celotex Co., Escrllorio 429 Ediflclo Baoco de, Boston, Av. Roque Saeoz Pena 667., HUMMEL, Ragnar A. (22), Genl. Supt., Cia Argentlnio. de Cementa Portland, Reconquista 4B. JUDY, Wilbur H. (A M 16), 1887 Pedro Mendoza. KNUDSEN,!tnud V. (21), Cb. M. E., Argentine Stale Rys., San Jose 180, and for mait, Celie Victoria, 12&1., LEE, Wallace R. (18,,), Mgr., Baldwin Loco. Wks., Pasco Colon 185. MONrstJ~leH~~~"::It.: (J 25), M. E., Compenia Angolo Argentina de Electricidad, PRELORAN, Luciano A. (J 25), Engr., Genl, Elec. Co., S. A., Vlcloria 618. WALSER. Arlhur (.1..],[ 16), S. A. Rep., Yarious Concerns, Alsina 80U. WATTS, Kenneth (A!II 20), Cia Ferroearrller. de Petroleo, Passeo Colon 185. WELCH, Edwin A. (A M 21). Asst. Mgr., Baldwin Loco. Wks., Paseo Colon 185. COlllODORO RIVADAVIA. SGROSSO, Pascual (J 25); Petroleum Engr., Vacimiento Petrolitero Fiscal. 994 gt?j:fcj~tedk W. (17); Estancia, Las Higueritas, Alta-Glocla, F. C. C. A. TRES ARROYOS BORRUAT, Luis A. (25), Prin. Sch. for Tradee, NaU. G t overnmen, Pedro N Oarress 666. TUCU1UAN Azu a Con VILLASUSO, Armando S. (22; A M 23), Cll. En8l:" Compania earer cepcion, and for mail, Caeilla. de Correos 18. BOLIVIA LLALLAGUA E t. Co ltd MILLER, AI 1l01d:fl:. (21; 24), Mech. Supt., Palinyo Mines & n erprjsee as. BARQUITO PYSTER, J. N. (A 19). BRAZIL :~:~s~tn~~~?(09), V. P., Rio de Jllnerlo Tramway, Light &: Power Co., oultik ~~: d~. C( O;~ ~}~. Carlton Jackson, Am. Commercial Attache, Oain DIcJ.oSl%:J:l~ld H. (22; 2~)!.tep., Am. Loco. Co. of N. Y., 107 Avenil1a Rio GRE~NW8c1~~,.;~~/:r(?i8iiA~~~~2l>~s~ ~~2Genl. HArt;,e \~~~. BI~n(Hf,~~)~,OHILE CHUQUICAIlIATA.. HOFF Edw A (18) EngrS. Dept., Chle E~plorallon CO. WHEELER:B;rr (18), Genl. Mgr., Chile ExplollItlon Co. Mgr., Genl. Elec. 00., S. A., ~~g~tlb~t,~~~~t~o~~& Shue 00., and for ",ait, eehe Poslal 600. ddl t 0 C Caixll Postal 1684 ~r~j1"h~~~~~~d (~or~~5,m&~:, ;~~I." S1:~d. "6i\.;C~. 1 rlfil, Ct~a~~351Ilb:7.~~ LINTON, Earl B. (18; ~2), Depl. Mgr.,. Anglo- ex. e 10 eum o.., Postal 21>2 and for ",ail, Ave. Atlanllca 458. ~~~?tlf:,9h~~h.~i~)f(i,~~r~\jj p&eslokto ~m~ ~!:jaf~~ir~jia~~:yj~~~~tm&j..~~~~ RuD.,lnaraC e orlano... I r~2: SYL~1W~,m~h", E. B. (A.M 20), Textile Engr., Internat!. Mcily. 00., Rua S. Pedro 66. ~~r?v~t.ui:.?onio Dias de (A.M 28), Constr. Wk.. Gouvea & Cunha, Rua Llbero Badara 183(28 A.M 21» Asst. M. E., Soo Paulo Tramway Light &: Power Co. HAAG, Paul H u (19: 25) Mgr U S Steel Ploducls Co., Rna Boa LillBERT, Stanl ey...,."., STuJ"it~J.1~~cqoes (20), Prod. Mgr., Genl. Motors of Brazil. IQUIQUE \ I A I Ltd BILLW1LyLERC~chaii Jj Jr( 1~~ ~.J3(25?Ni~~r~p~:cci~~nde Plant, DuPont Nitrate DOHERT I. as. Ch I r. S A and ~;. mait 622 Umatillll St.,,Grand Replds, 00., qulque, 1 e..., ~. Mich. ~IINAS TOFO, COQUIMBO Co, HOLLEMAN, Howard I. (19), Genl. Supt., Bethlehem Ohile Iron Mines. 695

284 T! CHILE MEMBERS IN SOUlH A],[ERICA MEMBERS IN SOUTH AMEBICA URIlGUAY POTRERILLOS HOFF],Ll.N Albert A.. (lb) HOFFMAN; Raph N. (A.M 12tndes Oopper Min. Co. STUKE, Carl W. (A.M 27) 0/ ~ndes EOopper Min. Co. I. per. ngr., Andea Copper ", C RANCAGUA "" n. o. BROEKER, Fredk G. (A ],! 17) Eng,., Ch.rge R.ncagu. Shops & FdY., Braden Copper Co. GARCSON, Henrick N. (24) Asst. Engr., Charge Rancagua Shops &: Fdy., Braden opper Co. SANTIA.GO. ALVAREZ, Miguel (24) ChWk. or shops, Cia Chilena de Electrlcidad Lid C ill PINNEY, Olyde G (A M 96)., ",Asst. Ygr., Baldwin Loco. Wk..., as Casilla 109 D a TOCOPILLA..,., CLARK. CaslUa Henry 17. L. (J 26) J r. En g 1.,. Anglo~Chilean Condld. Nltrat EK, Alma (17 22) A I Ch. e Corp., GAREl. Geo. W. (A:M ~~.o. nean ~O!I.lld. Nitrate Corp. ~ILLEO, Wallace F. (,\ Nitrate Corp.. KRUGER. Paul F. (29) Genl. g o I.,..n Nitrate Corp LAY~Tnsltd. NIlrate Co;p:, Casilia Sfr, MalJltenlUlCS /l; Con.t1., Angio.Chilea.ll LYNCH. ~~~ ~:2lA.~e~27Engr., Chlie Exploration Co. PEcihilex, Toc~pilla, ChUe.)8. ~~ a:rj~rr,! ~~l ~o~slr., Chile E;tJ,lloralion Co.,, A. D. (. 24), Chile E.-q>loratlon Co. ose St.,.Anson,a, Conn. VALPARAISO Mac~IRTER, Geo. E. (18; 22), Ch. Engr., Cha. Butlers & Co., Ltd., C iill. BOGOTA COLOMBIA CORTES, Jos If (J "3) E Alb. PECK, A. D. (;2i), Ulen.I; 8~r.,p OerBlo Sern" P. O. Box ox 25S HONDA W.4.LKER, Wm. Oosby (23), Asst. Loco. E MEDELLIN ng1., DOIado Extension Ry. Co., Ltd. VILLA, Guillermo H. (J 24), Apt. IB9. ECUADOR (;UAYAQUIL FLETOHER, Norlhrop R. (J 24), E ngr.,. Empresa E)eclrleo del Ecu.dor, Inc. PERU OALLAO DASSO, Dsvid (12 A M 21) M. Box lsi, Calle Lima 4B6: allllgmg Dlr., Vulcan Iron Wks. Co., Ltd., P. O. LA. OROYA SIGRIST, HelDlan LIMA (22; 27). M. E., Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp. GRIEVE, Albert (A M 15) P 1 Mch. E. Eo, slld jor mail, AP;fadn 616,Design, Lima Sch. Min. Engrs., Municipal rrujillo CLARKE, Phillip L. (07, 20), Hscienda Cartavio. 696!. URUGUAY ltlontevideo. :MARQUES, Arturo (J 27). Colonia 981. RAVECCA, Francisco, Jr. (J 28) OaneJones. o-~n_" WINTHE~, Geo. S. (23).. Compania Uruguaya de Cemento Portland,... VENEZUEJ..A. BOCONO, TRUJILLO GABALDON, Gonz"lo (J 24.), Engr., I,uz Eleclricl1 de Bonoco. PAULSEN, OARACAS Alfred G. (2~), Genl. Mgr., Venezuela EJec. Light 00. Ltd., Apartado Postal 175. liara.caibo BURNS, Herald A. (J 26), Constr. Engr., Lago Petroleum Co., Apsrtado 172. DURWARD, E. Stanley (A M 15), Ch. Engr., Caribbean Petroleum Co. HECK, Robt. C. H., Jr. (J 26), Asst. Petroleum Prod. Engr., Venezuela GuU 011 Co., Aparlado 234. RIGGS,.Harold E. (27), Supt. Constr., Venezuela Power 00. Ltd. SNELL, Lester W. (A.M 2,1), Supt., Gns Dept., La Rosa Field, Venezuela OU Control, and f01 "",it. Caribbean Petroleum 00. AFRICA. EGYPT CAIRO el KABBANI, Hasan M. (J 26), M. E., C"iro Loeo. Dlv., Egyptian Stale RY". MEYER, Harold F. (J 23), Vacuum Oil 00. SUEZ WYLIE, Andrew R. (J 27), Asst. to Mgr., Anglo Eg~Ptlan OU Ref. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA BROKEN HILL MARCELLUS, Roy C. (19), Oh. Engr., Rhodesian Broken Hill DeveL Co. CAPE TOWN, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE BENNINO, Viclor L. (J 22), Asst. M. E., Elec. Supply Comm., and f01 mail, Het Loc, Military Rd.. JOHANNESBURG, TRANSVAAL BATE~ AN, Edw. L. (A 97), Engr., Importer, P. O. Box BLA},"CHARD, It. W. (09), Mgr. Austral Iron Wks., W. E. Tarrr Co., Md., E O. BULKLEY,.Box 109S. Jos. Norman (62) Managing Dlr., Guest Sykes &: Chnpman {,til. B8 Fox St., P. O. Box 7240, ORR... John (09), Prol. Engrg., Witwatersrand Tech.!nst., Old Municipsl Bldg.,,,"lain Sq. REUNERT. T. (61), ehmn., Reunert & Lenz, Ltd., P. O. Box RUSTERHOLZ, Rudolph W. (IS), Chmn., M.naging Ilir., Inge,...,n.Rand Co., P, O. BoX IB09. VAUGHAN, John A. (02), Oh. Inspr. Mcby., Box WHITMORE, Horace B. (A M 26), Box KIMBERLEY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE WILLIAMS, Alph_"" F. (A 00). Oenl. Mgr., De Beer. Cnu,ltd. ~Iinee, Ltd., P. O. BOJl

285 CEYLON MEMBERS IN ASIA ASIA. TRINCOlllALI CEYLON FER~~O, P. John CA M 27), Ch..Draftsman, H. M. Admiralty, O. E., n. N.. MEMBERS IN ASIA INDIA BANGALORE, 1IIYSORE. " JAYA:M:, H. M. (J 20), Drawing Inslr., Univ. College of Engrg., Mysore State, and for mail, 236 W. Park Rd., Mallaswararo. Biu.DRAVATI,lIIYSORE GOPALAKRISHNA, S. CA!! 26), Ob. Draftsman, Mr sore Iron WI". :. CHINA CANTON TSENG, OARNEGIE H~len Jas Neh Jr (J CA 26) M 17) oal;to,:nfubt GIS upof t, TeWlangTTung B. Elea. Supply Co., C 1., sangpoa. CIlEFOO OHANG, (,huna Sung (22; A-M 26), c/o Mr. C. T. 0l,al1g, 01 f T J I Administration. Ie ea a ep lone UN("HENG, CHIHLI KWANG, Kwong Yung (99), Life Member: ~IUU:DEN OHEN, Yuhan (J 24), Northeastern Univ., North Tomb. Dir., Engr., Linaheng Mines. PEIi;lNG J.EAVITT, MedicalErllest College. E (J 26), 1.L E., Rockefelle, Foundation, Pe)dng Union SHANGHAI BAR~~~~ ~flch (24), Constr. Engr., Andersen Meyer &I Co: Ltd., 4 Yuen Mingo CHE~~k~;";li.Yuen (J 26), c/o Mr. P. O. Ohen, Yieu Yieh Commereial Bank, de J~~P7~/~,ali ~s.~~7lru~skl)esig"i"g Engr., Shanghai Municlpal Elea. Dept., LEE B Yud.n (J 121), Asst. Factory Mgr., loanrllj1g Bros Tobacco Co 299 E raa wa;).. I MALfi~;\o~.exis P.. CA!! 27>, M. E., Engrg..~sst., Municipal Elec. Dept., P. O. pm~~~,~~o. W. (16), Cb. Po,ver Sectlon, Anderson Merer & 00., 4 Yuen Ming PUE~NER/ BAert H. (J 23), Oement Plant Deslglling Engl. Allis-Chalmers Mfg "0., com. Trading Co. 3 C",,,ton Rd. ROBINSON, A. D. (J 16), c7~ Jardin, Math~son &I 00.; Ltd. wm~r:~fo~ Edw. G. (A M 21), Textile Engl., Universal Winding Co., P. O. TANGKU, CHIHLI ~~, Jer n(1f 16 ()A.M ~2), Prod. Mgl., Pac. Alkali Co., Ltd.,.., AdVlsor to Pres., Pac. Alkali Co., Ltd. TSINGTAO, SHANTUNG LING, Frallk F. C. (J 22), M. E., Il:Ioocbow Tsinan Ry. DUTOH EAST INDmS BALIKPAPAN,BORNEO. TJEENK WILLINIl:, A.,H. J. (20), M. E., Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappy. AHMEDABAD, BOlllBAY. INDIA WAnIA, Wadia A. Villa. D. (12), Merchllont, A. D Wadla &I Sons, Kankar,a Rd., and for mail, \! BHmA,ICOLABA PRADHAN, Sbril,rishna. R. (22: A Y 26)., E. E" Tala Hrdro Elec. power Supply Co., Ltd... )loiub."-y.. BOSE, K. K. (18; A 22), Asst. Pur. Oontralle,, Indian Stores Dept., Government of Ind!a,!:Iarawa)" Bldg., Wittet Rd., Ballard Estate.. D.~TAll,.~. allt V. (J 25), 1extile Ellgr., v~.nkatesh Rang Tantu :Mills, P.O" Inclllllkarallji. DEWAJI, Uu"akc1 (J 27), Ass!. M. E" G"oat East. Ellgrg. 00. Ltd., Chincbpokli, alld fo, mail, Y. M. C. A., Re.vnolds Rd.. Byculla. KIRBY, Jol1n F. Campbell (23), c/o Thos. Cook I< Son. MASTER, J. N. (A.M 24), Inspc. Boilers.I: Smoke Nuisnnce, Daruvala Bldg., Pas vala St.. New,Cbarni Rd.. SINGH, Dr. Nand (16: 18: 28), Rep. Export Dlv., Ford Yotor 00. BUT.ANDSHAHR, AGRAWAL, R.,C, (.1.:10, 26), Lecturer 1o. E.; Bulandshahr Sch. of Agri. -, CALCU1.TA ADA~IS, H. A., Jr. (A.M 20), 1Igr. Burma, India I< Ceylon, Walworth Internatl. Co.. 29 Strand Rd.. ~ DHAR, ~intl1nl (J.25). Pron1., Dhar Co., 14 Lal 1o adllllb A{\1kerji Lane, Barabazar. EVANS. Ernest J. (A-Y U), MIlt., P. I< Y. Co. of Eng., Ltd., D 6 CJlve Bldg., P. O. Box GHOSH. S. C. (J 26) Roy St., Dhaw.";!"". GRI:MSHAW, Wro. F. (J 21), Sales Engr., Ingersoll-Rand (India), Ltd., 16 Clive KHO~tA. R. K. (M). Govt. Inspr. Indian Stores Dept., 6 Esplanade, and fat mail, NIssh 2~~?t;:R~":m~gd ~;24), Head E. E. Dept., Calcutta Tech. Sch., 110 Oorp oration St.. and for,nai!. Hampton Court, 6 Royd st.. PRESCOTT, P. R. (18), Supt. Power, L\1dlow Jute Co., Ltd., 7 Royal Exchange PI. ROY Nrlpendra L...(J 27), 34 Sovaboza1 St. WEIDEN13AOKER, Robt. W. (12: :1.1), Baldwin Loco. Wks., P. O. Box 2080, Genl. P. O. DET.HI CASE, Robt. C. (A-;M 24), Deputy Dlr. St01eS, Ry. Bd., and for mail, "6. Ral.ina Rd., ERNAKlILAlII MENON. V. It. A. (J 28), },[, &I E. E.. Cachill (lovt. HYDERABAD,DECCAN BHAGWAN, Bangalore (J 25), LinglUll Pall! Rd. of India, THA*~ii,Ps.OB.B0r~. ~9;21). Inspr. Steam B.oUers &I Smoke Nui/lllllces, Bombay Presidency. Old Custom House. nnindaban, UNITED PROVINCE PHATAKWALA, S. S. CA.Y 26), Supt. WorkshoPs, Prem Ma1lavidayalaya. J,\l\rSFIEDPTlR, BENGAL ALEXANDER, Chas. AllisOll (18). Tala Iron I< Steel Co., Ltd. BOSE. Surend,a ~I/.th (26), M"t. Cit. E. E., Tala lyon & Steel 00., Ltd. MURTY, T. B. N; ( ), Meah. & Struc. Designer, Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., and for mail. 23tH

286 INDIA. MEMBERS IN ASIA :MEMlIEBB IN ASIA JAPA.N JODHPUR,RAJPUTANA TARLETON, Robt. A. (A Y 26), Deputy 1.00:0. Supt. KA.PURTHALA SHARMA, Shadi R. HIDAKA-GUN KUSUYA:MA, Kenjl (J 26). KARACHI, BOltmA1." BRAPPU, Kavasji K. (A Y 21), Life Memb~r: Managing Partner, Orystal Ic~ & Cold Storal;e Co.. Kutclhery Rd. HILTON, Eric A. (26), Supt. 01 Mclly., Municipal Oorp. Karachi, Lawrence Rd. LAXDIJPURAltI, MYSORE SIT.ARAMAOHAlt, B. (A M 18), Asst. DIr.. Industries &: Oommerce. L1:ALPUR,PUNJAB PATHAK, Yukalld L. (26), M. E., Dichkol:. ~ATUNGA,BOMBAY, BURLEY, Gee. W, (26), Victoria Jubilee Tecb. Inst. PATNA JUNCTION, BENGAL GUHA, It. K, (A-M 21), Supt. Yechanlcs Dept., Engrg, College, P.0, Mahendru. SA-TARA, B01lIBA1." KIRLOSKAR, S. L., (J 27). Klrloskarvadi. SUKKUR, SIND, LELE, Ramcbandra N. (22; A Y 26), Workshops F<Jreman, Pub. Wits. Dept.. B~alow A 12, Lloyd Barrage Township. VERPERY,MADRAS ":&AJAGOPALAN, T. R. (12; 28), Asst, Engr., OarnatlcM,W Co. Ltd., Perambure, Barracks, and for mail, 17 Muthia!a Ohelty St., Purservakam. YICTORIA POINT, LOWER BURltlA WILKIE, Donald Cook,(11), Partner" South Bnrma Indus. JAPAN (J 26), Gobo Oho, Wakayama Ken. B:IOGO-ICEN KUWADA, Gompei (00). Owner, Mgr.,, Odamura Shigoye, Kawabeguu. Nihon Spindle Seizosho, and ffh, mail, BIZEN TAKEO. Toshisuke (08), P~. Karatau Iron Wks. Nishi Karatau. KURE YAJdASAKI. Yutaka (J 28). Factor~ No. 7, Kure Navy Yard. ICYOTO ISHIMURA. Lyuho S. (17: A :Pd. 21). 71 Babacho, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. S;UR~~~r~~c:..t::~u~1 TakWDa (28), Imperial Japanese Navy, Maizuru Navy Yd.; OSAKA. IG~~~~~taro (21). Ajikawa Iron mo.. 28 Syndicate. l Ohome Kitaajikawa "Dori, TOKYO ABE, Kellchl (20),,136 Shirokane Sannocho Shiba Ku..tKABANE, Beiicbi (J 26), Kotllkl Nakano..\RAI, Lieut. Comdr. Ma.ataro (A M 26), Kanselbonbu Gohu, Kalgunsbo. ENZ, :Karl A. (20), Con Enll1 Dengyosha Hatagaya., 701) TOKYO (continued),; 21) D,r En~ Toa Elec. Co., Shimoshibuya, GORHAM. Wm. R. (12: A, ~.~., and lor mail. 93 Sanya, Y~og" T~ryO. a HAASE, Carl O. (27), M,) EE Npp~~ E ecbur~u Japanese Govt. Ry, Tokyo, and. HASHIMOTO, S. (A At 26. ngr., "".., 101 Illail, S26 Aoklcho, YOllotbllmll, Const: Mitsui Main Bldg., Mitsui Gomei KA.YETANI, Masatu (J.26), As~. i -, Kai.ha Honcho, N,bonbaah,. 1m. I Unlv KAMO. Mas..."o (25), Prot. M. E.. Tokyo p~rla Co ci.nttal P. O. BOl< 20. KENDALL, How..rd O. (19), Oh. :1:" ~::: lor-j:bly":;ashlta-oho, Kojim..cbl-ku. MYERS. Jay W. (A M 26), Toyo. E 1 rt It Contr. Marunouchi B1dl1:. SAITO, Shozo (28). Htg., Ven~" &:EMTOkYOntFr"lgi:r Tech. Sch., 4 Shlmbori cbo SEKIGUOHI Y. (28), Prot. J".. A...bu ku. 46 Takanawa Minamimaohl, Shiba ku. SHIm, Yasuzlro (;23), Oon lngr Morllishi.Shokai, Ltd. Imagawa ba.hl, Kanda. TANIYAMA, S. (J,27), ~ons., ~lt;;w,ishl Internatl. Combustion Enl1:. Co. Ltd USHIODA, S. (J 28), Dll1f" d a 418 Kaml.Osakl, Osaki Machi, nt. Tokyo., Marunouchl Tokyo, an or,no. WATANABE, joklchi (21), 2782 Sllnno, Omorl. YOICOHAMA (12), Shibaura Engrg. Wk... Ltd., I_unlllli. WARREN, Allred K.,MANOHURIA DAIREN Ofll S :lolallcll11rio R~" Co. SATO, Joichi (24), Ob. Engr., M. E. ce,. PERSIA IUOHAlIllIIERAH, ABA~~lN9) Bunt Packed 011 "ljept., Anglo Persian Oil Co.,, TAYLOR, Gee. Wm. R. (J",,, Ltd, STRAITS SETTLE)~S ~~~~i:::r. Gee. L. (J 26), E>1gr-. Fltestone Tire It Rubber Co., Ltd. AUSTRALASIA Al\IERIOAN SAMOA TUTUILA al S ahew, Lieut. John J. (J 16), U. B. N..v ta. AUSTRALIA BENDEGO, VICTORIA., Elec. Supply Co, of Victoria, Ltd., 10 Har- OOLE, Geo, F. (24). Re Engr., greaves st.. BLACKBURN.~CTORIA HENDERSON, M. M. (15), Lake Rd. BRISBANEI QEUE d E(I.!!7L ) A~h Dit Evans Deakin /I; Co. Ltd., llyan House, EVANS, Danle w. " " Charlotte St. 0 H (00) 0 E Bank ot Australasia Chamber Queen St. PALMER, Arthur.,,.", K N HILL NEW SOUTH WALES ~Jt~. :fohn H. d-m 26), Lub. Engr., British Imperial on Co. 701

287 AUSTRALIA MEMBERS IN AUSTRALASIA BROMPTON, SOUTH AUSTRALIA HOBBS. J. A. Maclntosb (J 24). Draftsman, Plant Lalout. S. Australia Gas Co. BIompton, and jo. mail. 11 :F.:linders Ave., Reade Pk., Ligbt Gardens, Box 266. G. P. O..BITNDABERG, Q.UEENSLAND STOWARD. Wm. Henry (21), Oh. Engr., Blngera Sugar Factory &; Plantetlon. CASTLEiUAINE, VICTORIA.... BURNELL, John G. (24). Wke. Mgr., Tbompsons Engrg, &; Pipe Co., Ltd., and fo, mail, Parker St,.. DAM, Im. V. (UO). Managing nir., Thompso"e. E"g1 g. jor lilail, Hall St.. " Pipe Co.,.. Ltd., and HENRY. Jos. S. (11). Oons. Engr., Austral Malay Tin Dredging, Ltd., and for lilail, Barrin~oll. Har~eaves st. MORTON, A.rtbur B. (17). Tbomp.ons Engrg. &; Pipe Co... Ltd. FOOTSCRAY, VICTORIA SAEl!\GER, Geo. W. (A-M 19). Managing Dlr., Yal2e Product. Pty. Ltd. LITHGOW, NEW SOUTH WALES FORD, Arthur Saml (A M 18). Small Arnls Factory. R.A.lOLIFFE, Fredk:ll. (22). }!gr. Small Arms Factory, Oomnlonwealtb Govt. and jo. ma.:!, Commonwealth Ave.. MARIBYNONG, VICTORIA STANLEY, Robt. (A M 27), Asst; Engr., Dept. Defence, Ord. Moribluong, and for 1llail l 14 Francis Sl. Ascot Vale, Victoria. DlELBOURNE, VICTORIA GILBERT, L. D. (12). Engrg. Dlr., GUbert, McAuliffe Pty. Ltd., 191 Queen St.. RIGBY, Edw. J. (18), Cons. Engr., 482 Colli"s ~t. ZACll:, Eugene S. (A M 23). Genl. Treas., Genl. Motor., Austl alla. Pty., Ltd. Box 1714, Genl. P. O. SPRING VALE, VICTORIA LEWIS, Edw. P. (10), Managing Oir., Geo. W. Kelll &: Lewis Pty, Ltd. SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES. BARNES, Thos. E. (25), Wks. Mgr., New S. Wales GOI t. Tramway Wks. Wilson St., Redfern. BRAGG, Ja W. (20), Gibson Battle & Co., Ltd., Kent St. PRICE Norman I. (~2; 21), Price. MartJn & Co., and jor mail. Box 255, G, P. O. ROOSTE, Emest E. (A M 26). Installation II Equip. Co, Ltd.,.\u.traliau Geul. Eleo. Co., 03 Claleuce St.! lujd jor mail, Geol-ge St. N. P. O. Box 2~. STOWE, Lieut. Col. F. Ernest (22). Oon &; C. E., 5~ Youug St. NEW ZEALAl;"]) CHRISTCHURCII POLLARD, Thos. R. (A-M 24). E. E. Demonstrator. Facultr of Engrif. Canterbury Oollege.. WEDlJERSPOON, W. Carrick (27). Pr. Carrick Wedderspoon,. Ltd., 236 Tuam St., and jor mail. H Winchester St. EUROPE AUSTRIA. VIENNA. BENItO. Ivan S. (A M 24), Eugr Scbattsnfeldgasse 63. BRUCKMANN, Hugo (A-A! 27). Engr., G. Topbam &; Co. XI Hauptstras.e 36. EYERMANN, Peter (08), 111 Hoblwegasse ,I I I I ; A.NTWERP OHAFFE, Wm. H. Riga. MEMBERS IN EUROPE BELGIUU DELGIUIII (22), M. E., Chrysler Corp. Societe Anonyme Chry.ler, Rue de Internatl. Hatvester :~~~~~lr~ Robt. P. (A M 13), Inapt. Genl. of E-1er., Corp., WII3LRLIuGeEDNAtTenbAerg (.oo O~) Engr., Continental Rep., Humpbreys & VAl\DER., ". Glasgow, Ltd., 82 Ru. du TIone. CZECHOSLOVAIOA HOLISOV U STODA OPPERMANN, Fred M. (H), Mgr., Glace. de Boheme, PRAGUE h U P ague I Huseva 6. BREINL. Jos. C. (27). Prof. Tewc.Jd nrco I Prague and jo. mail. Purkynovo 18. PUC Vojtech (A M 21), Mgr., e.., VinohradY. Cbaa "25) Sale. Engr.. SkodaW"orks.lrague-Smichov. SCHMIDTV1~~1~llr (A:M \25), Pad Slalenl 10. ~~5~SKl, L. V. S. (J 21), v Jircharich 3. Prague 2. STARA BOI,ESLAV ZEHR; Yratislav A. (10; 25), OoIlS. Engr. ZLIN ) C sengi. T. A. Rata Sboe &; Leatber SLECHTA, Emanual (23; A. P k o~ 188 K~tna Hora. Fa.ctory. ZUn, and lor mad.. to Opl,J\a., DENl\lARlt COPENHAGEN, ) 0 M Saltedam Garage Ryesgade 50. ANDERSEN, Max H. A. (A.M E 27, yvni r,. Jrpower Plants H. O. orsted Verket. BAK A Kristian (20; 25)) ngr." un C1P.., ~nd.for maila 2 tjl~u2)sewe:d:l~ Dept. Burmeister &; Wain. Ltd., and for mail. KNU S~~n~~~he~ej.St-;. ", ~E~~~~~i:P. Jan.en (19; 27), Holba~k Ha.klnfabrik, and fo mail, Villa ~I leruphej,.!lerup pl. :fj~~ted, Frederlk V, (A M 22), GeelS.j 3. FINLAND ~~L, Daniel A. (99); Life Member; M. E. LIEVESTNUOJREE (19 28) Genl. Mgr. llaadan Sel\ulooS8) htlo. HEISltANE., " LOIIIIAA, liorrman, Axel E. (A M 16). FRANCE 1I1:\.~"UETTE-LEZ-LILLE,NORD,. H KRAUSE, Karl H. (J 27). Oh. of Expel. Dept. Cle Massey- atrls. ~~~:LER, W, P; (A M 10), Choteaude 1a Tour, Ave de. Baumettea. 703

288 FRANCE ~{EMBf,RS I~ BUnOI1;; MEMBER6 IN EUROPE GERIlIANY. PARIS ARBOGAST, Victor R. (00), Asst. European Mgr., Am. Radiator Co., 140 Blvd. Haussmann, Paris8.. BE1>-ET, Laurence V. (92), V. P., Managing Dlr., Stl!. Anonyme des Ancleils Etab Uasementa Hotchkiss &: Cie, 22 Rue Caumartln. B,ERG, Hart O. (08; 08), Oons. Engr. 80 Ave. des Obamps Elysees.. DOULASSIER. Rene P. (J 28), Oons. &: Pnt. Engr:, 8 Rue du Bavre. Paris S, and, for mail, 86 Rue lamsterdam Pari., O... Ie AROZARENA, Rnfael M. (8,), Life Member; 0 Rue Lincoln.. de FREMINVlLLE, Ohas. (H 19), 18 rue Pierre Curie.. DOWNE, Henry S. (86), V. P., European Dir., AlD. Radi.tor 00., 149 Blvd, Haussmann.. FIEDLER, Alfred (22), GenI. Mgr., AWlUlare des ChemInS de Fer & de LIndustri", SO rue de Mogador.. FITZPATRICK, Frank R. (19), Compagnie des SurchaJfeurs. Rue In Boetle S. FOCH, Ferdinand (H 21). liarshall 01 France, Military Hdara.. GARFIELD, Alex. S. (07), Ch, Enllr., French Thompson Houston Co 17S Blvd. Haussmann, and for "",it, 45 Blvd. Beausejour... HAHN, Henry P. (A M 26), Spec. Sale., Cie Crane, 296 Rue La Courbe. LABEYRIE, Ra)mond J. (A ll 2S). M. E., Citroen Car Co., 14S Quai-de-Jn"el, Pnris, and lor mail 1.Rue Henri POIncare, Clichy. Seine. Le OHATEIJER, Prof. Henry (H 27), 76 rue Notre Damedes, Ohamps, Paris 6. LEEWITZ, Geo. J. (J 24), Markt &: Co. (Paris) Ltd., 107 Ave. ParmenUe,.. MAGTS, Auguste A. a. (23), Administrateur. Oompagnie des Surch.ufleurs, Rue Ia Boetie S.. :SAlILLE, O. (20; A M 24), Societe des Products du M.b, IS Blvd., Haussin.nn. NITTA, Yo.himi (A M 25). S. A. Francaise Mi\subishi, 144 Ave. des Champs E1ysees. PERREAUD, Victor P. (A M 10), Pr... Anciens Etahlissements Glaeozer & Per renud, 18 Faubourg du lemple.. PETITJEaN, Ohas. P. (20). cn,. Engr. Br.nch, Ingersoll Rand 00., SS rue Reaumur, and for mait, 107 due ae Rome. RATEAU, Auguste Camille Edmond (H 19). Pres., Societ6 Rateau, 40 Rue de CoUsee. ROTH, Max F. (J 24), Worthington Pump &I llacb). Corp., 1 Rue des ltalien. RYAN, Francis M. (19; A M 25), \iks. Mgr., Oompagnie Des Mueles Norton, 91 Ave. dela Republique.. SHEPARD. Simeon (04; 18), Cons. Engr., Pui. Agt. for European Bldg. Materials for U. S. A., Hotel Celtic, 6 Rue Balzac. STARK Julian E. (17 20), V. P., Oompagnie Orane, 296 rue Lecourhe. T..l.FFANEL, Jacques (2l), Dlr. Genl. Adjoint de 1. Compagnie des Forges de Ohatillon, Commeniry & Nauves Maisons 19, rue de la Rocbeloucauld. WARREN Francis W. (20), Cons. Engr., 2 Rue Edouard VIT. WEBB, Ollflord L. (16: 21), Asst. Foreign Mgr., Worthington Pump & Mch). Corp 1 Rue des Italiens. WITMER, Geo. S. (A M 20), Morgan, Hayes &; Cie., Place Vendome. ZARA, Gregorio Y. (J Zl), 102 Rue de Oligna.ncourt.. VENISSIEUX. RHONJil )lohat, Jacques (09), FdJ. Dept., Hue Julien, Lyon )lontchat. M. Berllet. Veni.sleux,.nd for mail. 22 GERMANY AACHEN LANGER, Paul (24), Prof., ll E., Tech. Hochschule.. WALLICHS, Adolph O. (OS), Prof. M. E., Tech. Univ., and for ma-il. Rim Allee 65..-\LTONA. ELBE DUENSING. Heinrich F. A. (A M 26), Yenck:&; Itamhrock, Grosse Brunnenstrasse 78. BADEN GRAICUNAS, V. A. (J 24), Organisator, Baum.\oll Splnn &; Weberel, Arlen Rlelnelnll"en. ~ i. ; BERLIN F I d. h Stolzenbclg.t Co., G. m.b.h. S5 ARNOLD, Otto~ Jr. ~ (og)lo~grstuj"e~trlliotel Habann. I.utzow.t H 9S I ~er~n60v..lnci BRAMHALL. Ervin. C I dus Engr Sr pu tner, B"edt, rae " BREDT, Otto G. (27), ons. n..,: for "",it A"sbachcretr FROELICH, Friedrich O.,c13)ir:~~u~~~s~ICb~n 62, Bel11n.Llchterfeide. REYERDAr-ie ~~~rv(~.t(,in: Sa Spandaue, Str. 8~, Berlin.TCg~uchar<lt& Schutte, LITZ.. Dr. ani H J 26) European Rep., Landis Tool Co., MARTIN, Lernue. ( d t h r o 2 Spandauer Str"""e - M b Prof Dr Ing ei,. Db., Vereln eu BC e M TSCHOSS. Conrad (IS), Life em er;,. vi 7.. A Ingenleore, Frie;drlcl~ EberDtistrlilg~:~~eNElecktriclt.ats.Gesel1SChaft,Freidrich MUNZINGER, FredrlCh (25), r.,. kalufer 2~;:AWE 4~;98 06) aeni. Supt., A. Boraig... ~:ti1e~n;~. (22), Ind,us: Can. En~rhGe~~~;;~~~I s~iec. Wkll., s.chlftbauerdam m SOHULZ Erich H. (A M 26), Eugr.,. er n Y B U Berlin-Johann,sthal.. SQmRES, John (17), (~~n)ag~~r.:g~u~r~:ibipr~i., Tecl;" High Sch., and for "",il. STUMP~ Dr. Johann, h \lschaft Kuriurstendamm 38. (o~1) Supt. Loco. Dept., Deutsche Rolohsbn ngese, WAGNER. Rlc~rd15PRankesiras.e BerUn, W. 60. and for "",~. BEUTHEN t L (20) Desigu Engr., Babn hopstt. 5. JUNGHANNSEEdrnes. ("24) Kantstrasso 6. ZW!MPFER, w...., CASSEL WILHELlIlSHO HE f MgrS SC!lmidtsclJe Uel..dampf-GOoellscbaf!;, HOFFMAN1\, Sinloll (1l)2Qbm.r fo~ man Steinboeferstrasse 4,. b H Rolandstras.e,an, VOIGHT, ijr. Heinz (26), Brabanterstraase ~~:S~3~~~~~?g(05), Prof. bl. E., Tech. Vnlv., Belliner Str DESSAU 1 tz 01 JUNKERS. Prof. Hugo (24), Kaiserp a ", DRESDEN ) P f M E Technloche Hochschulo, and for mail, Desden A. ~AGEL Adolph (24, ro , Altonzeller Str l~ra.nkfort-on-lilain, Pro r., F. a. KretsclJIOO\ &; Co., Wcsterbach KRE~~~~:1~48~r:~dGior(~~:)Victor1a Allee 0, RAIUBURG HODHE, Olaf (27), Ob. k Aktlebolaget blollo, Oldenleh1e, Altrahl Engr., Svens-a stedt. HAN_.R. "(J 26) Oh Engr., Deutsche Bedaux. Gesellschaft, Bahn LAEM i1ton... " abj hols OE t (A. M OS) Bedaux Engr., Deutsche Bedaw< Gese!lscbalt B I MUEHLEOK roes. 1 A araswege 0 holstla;e 0, and for me"1 dm t allst Ca~1 Spaeth &; Wilhelm Oswnld orp., VON OSWALD. Wm. (99), n us r1, " Wedeklndstr. 22 KASSEl, Eberbard (A Y 26), M. E., Henschel &I Sohn, VON BRAUOHITSOH, KOEL DEUTZ SOHULTZ,BALLUFF, Franz (21), Tech. Dlr., Deutz. 705

289 GERilIAN1. liemberb IL"I EUROPE MEMBERS IN EUROPE 1<JNGLAND LEIPZIG HER~~~l.A.Thea. (25), M. E., Teohniaoh Zentrale, Elizabeth Allee 64, Leipzig IIIAGDEBURG KLEIN, Otto (27), Mgr., S0baeIf er &: BUdenbe.rg, arid.for mail,,bohoenebeoker St. IIIANNHElilI KOLSOH, Dr. Otto (2") 0, Vks. Di r., Reinrioh Lanz and. for. mal 8 X t t IIIUNICH, ", an s rasse. jhoua, Dieter (25) Prof Tech i hhi. VON MILLER, Dr. O;kar eh Ii; se E OO ~h~j~ anl for mail, Prinzenstrasse 10. NEUSS ~,., el nan MllIelplatz 3. BCmURTE, Weiner T. (27), Pres., Genl. Mgr., Bauer &. Sohaurte, Fno. GREAT BRITAL.~ ENGLAND BIRMINGHAIU, W A.RWICIC ~~~~~, lfr~~~~~;~j (:~~~ trl~~~iwia~j;llangltd., l?lover St. Handsworth,.u,d JOT maii; l,to"in:t~n jf~h. ear Grmding Co., Ltd., Anne Rd., BOURNEMOUTH, ~IPSHIRE VICXESS, Saml (01), Coils. Engl., dlar~wood, Ohessel Ave. DROIIIBORO, Nr. Bhkenhead MILLS, Erl,e.t A. (20), ofo Gresnbank, Allport Lape., CATERHAlII VALLEY SURREY ROBSON, Jobn (20), Co~ Engr., Olareville. COVENTRY,,\VARWICIC. VERNON, Peroy V. (06) Dir Head E.. D. and for,nail, Xeresley M,;oor. ngrg... eslgn Dept., Alfred Herbert, Ltd., FALMOUTH,CORNWALL POOL, John F. (14), Retlied, Pollair. GATELY, CHESHIRE LISTER, Robt. R, (94) Life Memb. P and 10- nlc1il~ U Bu:nside," Cbe:ale. lopr" Greenbank Steam LaundrJ, Gately, HYDE, OHESHIRE ADAMSON, Daniel (01), Propr J Ad., as.. adison & Co., P. O. Box 4. L"EYTON, ESSEX HALER, P. J. (20), Prinoipal, Tech. Inat., E. 10. LINCOLN, LINOOLN WANHS, orns oslwaildtd(20~, y LmcCh. I Internatl. d f Combuation Ellg.. Dep., t Messrs. Ruston &:, 0, 0 n, an Or mail.. Manor Hou6e, \Vaddington, LIVERPOOL WON.!1. Jas. C. L. C,J 25), Engrg. Dept., Ali d H 1 :;t., and for mad, 2 PIlnoea Ave. re at&: Co., India Bldg., Water LONDON ABEROllOMBIE, Jaa. H. (01), London R. Abbey House, 2 Victoria St. London e P S ~ F i Cral& fll 00. Ltd" RID. 534 Vest St., Rejgate, Surrey.,..., and or mail, II Rutland J ALBIN, Leland D (A 15) V P I II E. C. 4..,.., ngerso -Rand Co., Ltd., IG5 Queen VictoriaSt., 706, I I i LONDON (continncd) ALLINGHAM, Henry Wm. (16), Joint Managing Dlr., Itoyal Body Corp. Ltd., PoUell Bouse, Cork St., W. I.. BALDWIN, Oacar H. (89), Spec. Rep., Metropolitan Viokers Elec. Co., Ltd., 145 Che,llng CraBS Rd., London, W. C BANKS, Sam!. J. E. (20), GenI. Mgr., Bd. Dir., Bean Cars, Ltd., London, and for mail, Leyceater Houso, The Tenllce, Richmond, Surrey.. BARBOUR, John F. (23), Wks. Mgr., Staud. 1el. <II Cables, Ltd., Aerodrome Rd., Hendon N. Vf. BRADLEY Alex (A 21), Dir., Power Spec. Co., Ltd., Aldwyoh HOllae, Aldwyoh. BROWNLIE, David (21). Oons. Teoh. Chemist, 46 Grange Rd., Ealing, W. 5. BRUCE, Alohibald K. (27), Cons, Engr., Robt. Bruce &: SOliS, Ilnd fur mail, 870 Gresham House, Old Bond St. CAMERON, Mohibald P. (19), Mgr. Water Wk. Dept., Worthington Simpson, Ltd., Queens House, Klngsway. CARROLL, LafQJette D. (8S), Life Member; M. E., Humphreys.10 GlBoSgOW, 38 Victoria St., S. W, CHORLTON, Alan E. L. (13), Ch. Engr., Wm. Beardmore <II Co., Ltd., 36 Viotoria St., S. W. 1.. OLOUD, John W. (SO), Ohmn. Bd., lv~stinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., 82 York Rd., Kinga Cross.. CURR, Thoa. (27), Engrg.. & Joint Mgr., S. Metropolitan Oaa Co., 709 Old Kent. Rd., London, and for,nail, DU110Ily, Morden Ru., Blnckheath... CUSHING, Saml. D. (18), Managing Dir., John B. Semple Co., Ltd., 47 Victoria St., Londou, S. W. Eng., and for ",ail, Stamford, Conn. DODGE,,\lbert Cole (08), V. P., Charge Mfg., Internatl. Weat. Eleo. Co., Oon naught Hou.., Aldwycb, W, O. 2. DUNGLINSON, Burton (A-~l 23), Prea., Eleotro Flow Metera Co., Abbey Rd., Pnrk Royal. ElHlONi.HI, Ch... H. S. (25), POlver Spec. Co., Ltd., Aldwyoh House. FIFER, A. J. J. (14). V. P., Foundation 00., Adlwych Houae, Aldyob, W. O. 2. FOTHERGILL, Hany (22), Pres., Oontrallo Engrg. 00., Ltd., Pres., H. Fothergill &: Co., 3 Central B1dgs., Westminater, S. W.. GARRAI"I, Ernest A., O. B. E. (07), Dir. Marine &. GenI. Eng.g, Jacob., Bar ringer!l Garratt, Ltd., 78 Gracecburoh St., E. C. 3, and for mail, 23 Le"e.ton PI., Stnmfold Hill.. GILLE:n, Fredk S. (13; 23), Asat. GenI. Supt., Interne,tl. West. EJeo. Co., Connaught Houae, Aldwyoh, and fat, 45 G1enlyon Rd., Eltham Park, London, S. E. 9. GLASGOW, Arthur G. (92), Life MeJ!lber; Chmn., Humphre.".I: Glasgow, Ltd., 38 Victalia St., S. W. ta, GOODRICH, Walter F. (26), Oh.., Sentinel House, Southamptop Row, Lon don W. O. I, and Lor mail, IG dale Rd., W. Hampstead. GREEN, Wm. A. (A 17), Managing Dir., Wm. A. Green, Ltd., 200 Westminster Bridge Rd., S. E. 1. HllIMAR, Olaf G. (A-M,27), EDgr., Rendel Palmer &; Tritton, 12 Dartmouth St., \YestmiustelJ London, England, and for mail, Lerum, Sweden. HEAP, Douglas T. (00), Oona. Engr., 37 Norfolk st., Strnnd, W. C. 2. HEENAN, J. N. D. (19; 25), Dir. Engr., Po"er Spec. 00., Ltd., Aldwyoh HOUlle, Aldw)oH, W. O. 2. HOPrlNI:lON, Allen H. (11), Sussex House, Parkside, Wimbledon Common, S. W., KNIGHT, Chas. A. (84), Dir., Baboock &: Wiloox, Ltd., Farrington St., and for mail, 18 St. Swithina Lne, London, E. O. 4. MARSHALL, Wm. Jo!matona (18), Dir. Teoh. Sales, Richard GDrrett &; Etons, Ltd., Aldwych Houae, Aldwyoh, aud for, 12 Blakesle.\!: Ave. Ealing. London ~L.. MAW, Arthur E. (J 11), Governing Dir., Engineering, 35 Bedford St., Strand W. O. 2. McGREGOR, A. Grant (05; 12), Engr., Seleotion Trust Bldg. Masona Ave II Ooleman St.. London E. O. 2. METTLER, Maj. Chao. G. (19), Asst. Wlilary Attaohe. MORRISON, John D. (A M 22), M. E. W. & O. Pantin, 147 Upper Thame. et., London, a.nd for 1!ail, 13 Xendel Rd., Pendleton, Manoheater.. MURRAY, J. OHara (25), GO Hatton Garden, E. 0.,

290 ll"r-"" I 1 l j I II j. i I ~ I. I!~I ~.., EXGL-o\.ND MEMBERS IN EUBOlE LONDON (continued) PARliER, Tilos. R. (16), Managing Dir.,.Agwi Petroleun. COIl",, 16 Chad.. St. PA.RBONS, Sir Chas. A. (H 20), Chmn., C. A. Pa,SOns &: 00., Ltd., 1 Upper Brook St., W. I.. PUL~UN, Til08. C. (08), Managing Dir., Wo,-thingtoll Simpaon Ltd., Quee.s House, KiugSWBY. -. UAPLEY, Fredk A. (J Z5), Oh. Asst. Buyer, Sir Jackson, Ltd., 58 Vlewria St., Westminster, London, S. W. 1, and lot ",ail, U High St., Maidstone, Kent. ROBESON, A. M. (95), Stand. Bank of S. Africa, 10 Clements Lane. ROI:lIN,\,lON, Isaoo V. (21), Dept. Mgr., British Electrical.I: Allied ~lfrs.assn., 36 ROG~Ms~%hdVi>.C (~o; 19; 21), Mgr., Baldwin Loco Wks., 3~ Victoria St., ~. W. 1. ROSENCRAloo--rS, Fay Et. (13; 18; Z5), Oil. Eogr., Dh., Intelllat!. Combustion Engrg. Ltd., Africa Houae, Klngowa), W. C. 2. SPARKS, All!ernon C. (20), Partne,, Sparks &: Partne,., O-ons. Engrs.,,Blaokfr!ars House, New Bridge St. London, E. C. 4. SPARKS, Col. Hubert C. (13), Blackfriars House, :lsw Bridge St., E. G. ~. STENNING, Harry A. (22), Managing Dlr., Maorlne &: Loco. Superbeater, Ltd., 195 etrand, W. O. Z. STUBBLEBINE, W. A. (11); Bacock &: Wiloox, Ltd., Babcook House, Farrlngtoll St. TAYLOR, A. J. T. (14; 19), Managing Dir., Underfeed Stoker Co., Africa!iouBe, Kingsway, W. O. 2..., THORPE, Robt. H. (97)\ V. P., Otis Elev. Co., 4 Qoeen Victoria St., E. O. THO:r.E, W. A..Chas. (20), Indian State Rys., % Grindlay & Co., Parliament TUNNADlNE. John (21~, Engr" Perrlns, Ltd., Astoi House, AldwYob, London W. O. 2, and /0 "au, 15u Bromley Rd., Beckenllam, Kent., UNWIN, Wm. Cawthorne (H 98), O. &: M. E., 29 Palace Gate. USHER. Goo. O. (A ZZ), Gelll. Mgr., Dir., Internat!. Combustion Eogrg. Ltd., Africa Hoose, Kingsway. WARD, Edw. Oyril (27), Oons. Engr. Mer. I< MoLellan, London &: Newoastle on-tyne, and 10,""il. 20 Brookland Hill. London, N.. W. 11. WIDTEFORD, Jas. F. (08), Indus. Oounsellor, 87 Regent St.. WILDlKG, JaB. A. (Z2), Dir., Swift &: Coventry, Mgrg. Dir., J. A. Wilding.I; Co., n Southampton Row, W. C. 1- WOLlON, J. D. (03; 21), Cons. tngr., 74 Vineyard Hlll Rd., Wllmbledon Pk.,. S. W., 19. liia.nchester, LANCASmRE BROWN, Arthur G. (84), Life Member; Engr., Brown3 Dryero, Ltd., 16 Dea"s gate, Manchester, and /0...iI, Ellerslie, Oswald Rd., Chorlton oum H..rdY; HERBERT, Edw. G. (Z6), llanaging Dir. Ed\\. G. Herbert, Ltd., Levenshulme, and /0 fiulil, 149 Barlow Mo.n. Rd., W. Didsbury.. PILLING, Henry (28), Geel, 14r., Knott Mill Iron Wks. Galloways, Ltd. RILEY, John (J 23), Ch. Designer, Antomatlc Gas Produoel1l, Ltd., Altrincham, and for mau, 96 Minor St., Fal1swortb.. NANPANTAN,LOUGHBOROUGH MELDRUM. Maolcolm R. (17), Yin Lum. NEW ltialden, SURREY TOPLEY. John W. M. (23), 8~ Co?mbe Rd. NORTHWICH, CHESmRE THORNTON, Brian M. (J Z5), Asst. Mgr., Boller Repair Dept., Dronner Mond ok Co. Ltd., Winnington. PETERSFIELD, HAlIIPSIDRE STANTON, A. Lennox (2Z), Life Member, Vernham, The Heath. ROTHERBAlII, SOUTHERN, Gilbert W. (A-M21), Engr., Steel Pe<!cb I< Tozer, Ltd., Rotberbam, and 10 "ii, Hlgb Mead, Broom Crescent, Rotherbam. 708 ),[EMBERB IN EUROPE ENGLAND RUGBY, WARWICK El 0 B iti.h OAMPBELL. Gordon M. (06), Mfg. Engr., Internatl. Genl. ec. 0.. r Thomson Houston Co.. and lor mail, Winwick House. SHEFFIELD, YORIC.. G P W <>ott Ltd., SOUTHERN. Herbert (19; A M 23), ~,r. & Oh. DesIgner,.cl ll,n, Atterollffe Rd., Sheflleld. and lor mail, 76 Knowle Lane. Ee el4. SlIIETHWICIC, BIRlIIINGH...lII C ill Rd Smethwlok F.\LLON, J. (J 10)/. Inoa!ldesBoen\J;"a; J >B~~~;da Rd w Olton warwlokshire: Birmmgham, and or ma; # ryd J ", SOl)THWICIC, BRIGHTON WEAVER, W. G. (16; 20), c/o H. A. Smart. Sandown Ave. raunton. SOlUERSET BRYANT, Wilfred R. (J Z3). Bitton House, Holway Rd. TETTENHALL.STAFFORD HARRIS, J. W. (05), Woodtborne. TIPTON THOMAS, Hugh Kerr (16), Bean CarB Ltd..rROWBRIDGE, WILTSHffiE. PENRUDDOc:KE, J. H. (89), Retired. % C. E. Brogas Esq., Semlngton. WEALDSTONE, l\uddlesex.!lent, Walter G., (20), Dir. Charge Euroll"an. Faotorles, Kodak Ltd. WOKING, SURREY C II St West ASPINALL Sir John A. F. (H n), Cons. M. E., 10 Great 0 ege., min8te~, LondoD, and for" mail, J?eersteacl House, St. Johns. ~~~:JlJE~~~~~T~~ (25), ~., k-tbompson w:aterllube Boller Ltd. WI hampton and fat mail 48 c::tiroft Rd., Flnoh6e II. THOMP~~, Stepb;n J. (25), Go~erniog Div., Jobn Thompson Water Tnbe Bo cr Ltd.. Ettinl/;shall. YORK, YORK b " ~ C Wk Rowntre; & Co. Ltd. FRYER, Fredk G. (17), Dir. & C. ~.",., 0000 s., ISLE OF liian O.-\.RWICK SU b te Loco Co WOOD, Robt. (15), Cons. EnJ\l., per ea r. SCOTLAND ~~~~:no. (A-M 26), Head E. E. Dept., Robt. Gordon. Tech. Oollege., Obas. M. (Z6), Res. Engr., Patons I< Baldwins Ltd., AlIOll, and for m"a, 98 Mayfield Rd., Edinburgh.. CLYDEBANK td SI RIOKEY, Walter J. (03); Managing Dlr., Slnger Mfg. Co., L. oger. FAIRLIE, AYRSHIRE.. ELDER. Hugh M. (lz). The Tofts. Fa>rhe.. 709

291 SCOTLAND MEMBERS IN EUROPE GLASGOW MELLANBY, Alex. L. (26), Prof. :Mechanics & 1>1. E., Royal Tech. College. SEMPLE, D. M. (A-M 19), Mlrrl... Watson Co WEIR. Rt. J!:on, Lord Wm. (H 20), :Mgrg. Dlr.: G. & J. Well, Ltd., Cathcart. YARROW, SIr A., F. (H 14), Cbmn. Yarra,. & Co., Ltd" Scotstown. YARROW, Harold E. (li9), Managing Dlr., Yarrow & Co., scotstown. JOHNSTONE LANG, John B. (16; 26), Dir., John Lang &: Sons. Thorndean. PIJIUPHERSTON PORTEOUS, Roht. (A-M 26), Pinewood, Mid Calder. WALES SKEWEN, GLAIlIORGAN MULLEN, John P. (A.M 25), Research Engr., Anglo Per.ian Oil Co., NaU Oil Ref. GREEOE ATHENS CHRYSSOPOULO, Geo. (J, 26), M. E., Supt. Socletes Hell 8 Karaghlergbl St. DA:MALAS, C. H. (A-I>[ 28), Damala Bro." Rue Proastioll 3. HOLLAND HELIlIOND RAVENSWAAY, Herhert A. (J 26), Hotel Kustel~Rademaker, Telefoon,Intercolnmunaal 36. ITALY BRESCIA AND~~va~~illo(11; 26). Plant Mgt., SocleU. N.:zionale dei Radiatorl, Bargo S. NORWAY OSLO KAHRS, Otto (19), EIlII"., Kronprinsensgate Ii [,OBBEN, Peder (96), Rm. No.2, Keysera Gade deaux d Athens, AIlISTERDAIll BLICKMAN. J. A. (H), Mem. of Firm Koopman Co 370 H eerengracht. van DIJK, Dr. Jan Willem (21), Cons. E~gr. 26 Koning~iaan. MARZ/OOLl,. Lulgl (J 08), Gen\. Mgr., Supt., Flatelll Marzoli " Ole PaJII2Z010 B gj 10. or FLORENOE FOSTER, Ernest H. (86: 94), VllIn la CoJombai., Via Marlgnollc 2. IVREA OLIVETTI, Adriano (J 26). ~IILAN ~~~~~;~: ~i~j~e~rln: Ital~re \~. In., VI!,.S. ProspeLo 1. for mail, Vlale Mewsa 13, Sesto S. Giov:n~. ROllIE PERRONE, Plo (H 20), Grande Ufficial Via Plllclana 36. acc me UtenSlh, C. P. 426, and 1.,) MEMBERS IN EUROPE POLAND IlIOSCOW PEEFF, Peter Jr. (J 23), Supt. Ragaz. PIA.TIGORSI(: BELFORT, Leo A, POLAND I;;:ATOWICE BLAKE, Harold Niles (17), Ch. Engr., Glesche Spolka Akcyjna ul podgorno. 4. LWO,\V AULICH, Wltold M. (A-M 23), Asst. Prof. state Indus. Sch., also Lecturer, MechO., pohtechnlc, ul, Ujejsltiego 6, Laboro.torJunl lllabzynowe, and for ",,,iz, ljuni,, Borkowsklcb 2... W.o\.RSAW APPEN Hans V, (J 24), IDen & Co., 37 AI Ujadowsl,o.. ZOWSK _ZWJ:ERZOHOWSKI, S. J. (10), Prot. Ryd. Mchy., WlUZtlwsko. politechnlks., i and for mail; Kolonja Slaszica, Topolowa 8. BUCHAREST ORGHIDAN, Constantin (27), 22 bls Boule,ard Carol. ROMAN, Harvey (18; A-1>f 18), Oo Proprietor, Cb. Engr., Ing. H. Roman" A. Sinigallis Brick Factory, Plulllhuita, Venerei 10 St, and for mail, Buk Elisa-, heta 42. BORAS ENGBLOM, Alex (A.I>{ 14), Wks. Mgr., BOlas Wo.[veri AI,tiebolag, and 101 ",ail, Varbergsvo.gen 26.. SPAIN G ~ CELONA SPlE, Fontaine M. (A-M 22), Oper. Engr., Ebro Irrigation & Power Co., HOBBLE,,..partado Arthur 401. C. (14), Ch. Engr., Ebro Illigatlon & power 00.,.Aparlado 401. IlIA.DRID DURANT, Aldrich (06; 13), Dlr., Bldg. Constr., Companla Telefonicn Nacionalde Espana, 6 Penalver. MONTAl>ES, Oho.s, E. (20), Cons. Engr-,,\rgensola 2. li[atillas BRENNER W. H. (07), Dir. Gerente de la Fabtico.,. Campania Auglo Espnnola de Portland. Mati!las, Guado.lajO:n, Spalu, and for "ii, 2005 Peachtree ceme~te Rd., AUanta, Ga. IIDNAS.Ie RIOTINTO ADAMS, Wm. BarTY (23), Ch. E., E., Rio Tinto Co., and for 1l1"il, Ben. "isla 19. SAN SEBASTIAN de VERASTEGUl. Alberto (89), Bo.rco.lztegin Y Mo.estle. SEVILLA WARWICK, Geo. W. Apartado 61, (A }l 22). ROUl\1ANIA RUSSIA (20; A-M 23), Genl. Snpt., Arlllstrong Oork Co. of Spain, SWEDEN FINSPONG NORDIN, Jobn A. (21), Wits. Mgr., S. T. A. L. Turbine Co. 711

292 SWEDElI UEMBEIlS IN EUROPE.: f~.. II I.. ~ i t.! I t! I. l r f,., r 1 1 NORRI;;:OPING FLATER, Harold (22), Wks. Ygl.; Internat\. Harvester Co. OSBY AHLEN, Wm. (12), Djursholllls. STOOI(;HOLllI ANGSTROM Carl (88), Cons. Engr., Skepparegatan 5. CARLSON, John A. (.! M 16), Kgr., Ch. Engr., AktleboJaget Industribyran, Malmtorsgatan 10, Stockholm, 15, and for mail, Agnegatan 8. HOLMBERG, Einar O. (A M 27), 4 st. Eriksplan., JACOBSSON. Carl A. (A-M 26)" Mgr. Air Preheater Dept., Ljungstrom Steam Tur-. bine Co., Stockholm 16 and for moil, 27 Stora BaItgatan, KAERNEltULL Olaf (A-M 21), O. E., Management Counselor, Aktiebolaget Tndustribyran, Malllltorgsgatan 10, and for mail. S,..avagen. 88. PETERSON, Eric H. A. (16). Skargardsgatan 1u. SUNSTROM, Karl J. (84), Retired, Odengatan 92. SWITZERLAND GENEVA. GISIGER, Edw. R. (J 26), 13 Ruede la Corlaterle, Geneva, Switzerland. and for mail, 2601 L) n.dhurst Ave., BaIt1m.ore, Md. WINTERTHUR KJELSBERG, Harald A. (28), M. E., Swiss Loco. & Mch. Wks., and for mail; 42 Pllanzschnl Strasse.. KRAUT, Chas. R. (A-M 26), M. E., Oharge Devel. Wk., Swlss Loco. & Mcb. Wks., and for mail, 20 Salstrasse. OEDERLIN. Fredk (16), Dlr., Sulzer Bros., Ltd. SOMMER, Wm. (J 24). M. E., Htg. Dept.. Sulzer Bros., Ltd. SULZE~, J. Carl (91), Pres., Sulzer Bros., Ltd. ZURIOH KELLER, Herman R. (A.Y 22), Tecll. Agencies, 103 Freistrasse, Zurich VII. TEELE, Fred W. <,04), Spec. Commr. for Europe, Rotary InternatI. 2 Pelikanstrasse. TURKEY CONSTANTINOPLE SCIPIO, L. A. (12), Dean Sch. Engrg., Robert College. WOLSDORF, Henry A. (19; A M 25), Asst. Prof. M. E., Robert College. PRESENT ADDRESS UNICNO\VN EWEN. John M. (87). GREENE. Isaao C. (82; 86), Life Member. LATTIN, Judson (91). MOORE, W. J. P. (85; 88). i ~, I } AlaQanla. Alaska. Alizona. Arkansas.. California. Canal Zone ;.. Colorado. Connecticut, Delawale. Dish!ct 01 Columbia.... FlorIda. Georgia.. Hawaiian Islands... Idaho ~. IlIillois. Indiana. Iowa. Kansas,. Kentucky. SUMMARY OF MEM~ERSHIP BY RESIDENCE. UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS Louisiana Maine.. Maryland Mas~chllsetts Michigan. Minnesota.. MississippI Missouri,. Montana S S13 17 NORTH AMERICA. ClLuada 236 Newfowtdland Mexico CElITIUL AMERICA. Costa Rica.. Honduras.. Salvadol Nebraska Nevada.., 4 New Hamps1lI1e New Jersey New Mexico 3 New York North Carolina., North Dakota, 01lio , 1096 Oklahoma, Oregon 62 Pennsylvania 1992 Philippine Islands Porto Rica...., Rhode Islalld 156 South Carolina 38 South Dakota ;... 6 Tennessee 105 Texas 190 Utah." 36 Vermo!)t 81 ViIginilL, Washington 118 West VirginilL Wisconsin 368 Wyomlng.,, 8 OTliER COUNTlUES. Total, WI~ST INDIES Cuba.. Dominican Repuhllc.. Jantnicu...! SoUrtl AIEnIOA.A1gentilllL Ilolhill.: Illazll 15 <:hlle (Continued 011 p4!6 71.1> 718,

293 SUMMARY OF MEMBERSHIP BY RESIDENCE SOUTH AMERICA. (continued) Colombia... 4 Ecuador... 1 Peru... 4 Uruguay 0 8 Venezuel.a Ar-RICA. Egypt...,... 8 Union of S. Africa... : ASIA Ceylon...,. 1 China Dutch East Indies... 1 India Japan Manchuria... 1 Persia... 1 Stralls Settlements 1 AUSTRALJ.SL\. American Samoa... 1 Austrnlia New Zealand BB 27 EUROPB Austrl~... Belgium...,,.. Czechoslo,skla,.,, Denmark... Finland......,. France,. Germany.. Great Britain... Greece. Holland.. Italy...,..,. Noma)...,....., Poland... " Rownanla.. Russia. SpaIn " Sweden. );llvitzerland,. Turkey.. Total... ".. ".,.". 796 Membership In United. States " " ioob9 Membership In Other Countries Present Add.e.. Unknown, ",... 4 Total Men.bershlp SUMMARY OF MEMBERSHIP BY GRADES Honorn.y Memhers,, Members,... B264 Associates,,,,, 018 Assoclnte Membe18,,." Junio....,,,..,,",, 4509 Total..,...,.,. ".,.....,,...,.. " ",..,., i 714 \ I. ~,,I. I i"

Division I Sears Directors' Cup Final Standings

Division I Sears Directors' Cup Final Standings 1 Stanford (Calif.) 747.5 112.5 4 61.0 4 61.0 34 29.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 64.0 1 64.0 12 52.5 11 53.5 1 64.0 1084.5 2 North Carolina 631.5 0 0.0 21 43.5 10 55.0 3 61.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 41

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