icked N e G KL O TH E TOWN. B y SI M /VG A N DRE W 5, C H IC A G O ; IRISH M O L L IE J O E A N D J E N NIE, & C. & C.

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3 E ntrd accord i n g to act of C on g rss i n th y ar 1877 b y R. H. A N DRE W S In th offic of th L i b rari a n of Con grss at W ashi n gton D. C.

4 K E D N E L L A G A Y G IRL O F T H E T O W N. CHAPTER I. On a warm summr l vning about two yars bfor th fir Captain Hicky sat in front of th don If you ar in willingly. troubl you should mt it bravly not giv way your to flings as you hav don sinc you cam old Armory p ufii n g lisurly at a W hat is th natur of th hr. cigar from apparancs ind ul g ing in a H was probably rvri. calling to mind som of th strang startling advnturs through hich h had passd whil in th W discharg of his dutis as a thif But h i thoughts on that s catchr. occasion ar not to b th txt of complaint you hav to mak? Oh Captain Hicky I havn t th hart to tll But you tll if you must want hlp. Captain my d au g htr! Ah I drst it all now un! You hav a daughtr that has gon this story. Thy wr disturbd astray! Poor woman! God knows by th approach of an ldrly woman whos mannr indicatd that sh was in dp troubl. W ll my good woman what can I do you to-night said for th Captain motioning th woman I pity you! Do you know whr your girl can b found? Indd Captain I do If I not. did I should nvr com hr to bring disgrac on myslf my own child my darling littl N 11! to a sat on a woodn bnch at his Thn I undrst that you want m to hun t i k r up for you. sid. Oh Captain Hicky sobbd Is that it th woman It s a sorry day that That s just what I want Cap brought m hr I Th poor cratur w as suffring tain if you ll do it sir th old widow will call down God A 1 intns mntal a g on y a nd wh n mi g h t y s blssing on your had! th last word was uttrd sh com W ithout apparing to notic th p l tl brok down wpt y moand with an intnsity of grif that was rally painful to witnss. woman s frvnt words said W must hav a dscription of th Captain Th ptain knowing that to your Ca daughtr. xprss s mpathy would only mak Oh sir sh s as tidy a girl y as mattrs wors mad no immdiat vr y o laid ys on u 1 attmpt to a cif th y Fi That is not vry W woman. dfinit. nally howvr whn hr burst of must hav an accurat dscription impassiond sorrow had partially hr ag hight th color of hr subsidd h said hair ys any pculiaritis ; p W ll madam if thr is an y by which sh may b distinguishd thing I can do for you it shall b from oth r girls. In th first plac

5 4 y o u may giv m hr ag how old i s sh? hartd conscinc callousd or - as som offi crs ar said hav to Sh ll b thi rtn y ars old nxt don ; but whn on is constan tly month sir surroundd by th most dpravd Only thirtn! Why you don t wrtchs that walk th strts think sh s gon to th b ad do skulk in th dark allys it is scarc l y to b wondrd at that h should God knows I don t want to los confidnc in humanity th ink so Captain but I can t hlp almost bcom a convrt to th it I know it! Hav you any ida whr sh doctrin of total But dpravity. whil w ar talking tim is bing can b found whthr.in a public If you com hr at ight lost. or a privat plac I hav hous It s a wk now sinc sh lft o clock to - morrow morning no doubt you will find your girl. hom. Sh wnt alon thr wasn t Aftr furnishing as prfct a d a soul with hr sh wor hr scription of th missing girl as sh vryday drss without any hat or could th unhappy old woman wnt towards hr m israb l hom. shawl. H ad sh bn in th habit of W hn th mn answrd to thir kping company with othr girls or wi th young mn? nams at roll call a fw minuts Sh was out with m vry subsqunt to th abov intrviw Captain Hicky said : blssd night oftn till twlv Officr Morgan will b dtaild on o clock an d somtims as lat for spcial duty to - night. H will as two thr in th morning. I am afraid sh is lost byond rport to m in my privat offic. Tramp tramp tramp th boys hop said th Captain but w wnt marching to thir bats will do ' our bst to sav hr you Morgan rpaird to th offic of ma y r ly upon By th way that. what is your daughtr s nam Th ni hbors call hr g W ICK E D his suprior. Jim said th Captain ar prtty wll postd as to You th NE L L but hr right nam is Nlli O Bri n bad luck to th d a that y vr brough t sham upon th fami l that raisd hr y location of th hll-hols about town ar you not? If I ain t I ought to b th blunt rply. was I hav hard of this Wickd W ll I want you to start out Nll bfor said th Captain but I thought sh was on of th old n ow nvr com back until you find this old woman s irl g sttlrs somthing lik th girls this W ick d Nll as sh is calld. on W lls Griswold or Shrman Oh! if it s W ickd Nll you strts. want I 11 soon run hr in I saw Sh s young in yars Captain as old as any of thm in but wickdnss 3 W h you ll blush y hr only ystrday drinking br with a sailor on Jackson I strt. think I can lay my h on hr in whn you har hr talk Sh s th lss than half an hour ; but if I don t vry dvil I don t doubt hr viciousnss I long sinc stoppd blushing at but I ll oby Captain I ll not ordrs com back without hr. V ry I hop you will wll. th words or actions of any of th hav spdy succss for th hart dpravd craturs of this wickd of hr p oor old mothr is almost cit y. I hop I maynvr bcom hard brokn

6 Running hr in won t do any H I am j us t about snding a man g ood Sh s gon had Cap. ls body soul! W h sh s y th wickdst girl in Chicago Thn sh should b takn car of by all Do you bliv mans. out in sarch of your daughtr a man who knows hr wll thinks h can find h r w ith ou t troubl 7 h said addrssing th widow..jim that sh s only thirtn yars Sur I m ob ligd to you old? Hr m othr says that s hr Captain but I cam back to a s k a favor. a g. I don t doubt it to my knowldg sh s bn on th town d Nam it it shall b grant off on for about thr y a rs! It would brak my poor old Popl hav got to look sharp aftr hart ntirly to s my littl chick thir ba bi s in ths days of a child bhind thos bars in It is shocking Jim it s shock thos horrid clls. fl ing W will lock this girl up to If w find hr Mrs. O Brin night if w gt hr to - morrow morning sh shall hav hr choic s h ca n go hom to hr mothr if w must kp hr but sh shall not b lockd up in a W hav a cll. room up stairs whr sh can b s h will promis to b a good girl ; kpt. H if not sh gts ninty days in th But Captain can t I go with Bridwll. th offi cr. whn h finds h r And do you know what sh ll do ' 3 I think sh will go hom won t you lt hr go hom with m}? I coax th child can I know I can. try to bhav hrslf. It shall b as y ou wish. You Thr s whr you r mistakn can accompany Mr. Morgan Captain! As sur as my nam is whn h find s h r you can hav an Jim Morgan sh ll dfy th Court If sh consnts to go intrviw. g o to #23 Sh s a thoroughbrd vry inch of hr! hom promiss to stay thr nothing furthr will b don but if sh rfuss insists upon rmain CHAPTER II. Whn th widow O Brin lft ing with hr dissolut associats thn thr will b but on cours to I Captain Hicky sh did not rturn pursu sh must b arrstd.to hr hom on Franklin strt punishd. Sh had bttr b in th t wo 1 blocks from th Armory. W ild Bridwll Mrs. O Brin than wan wickd as sh knw hr d au g h. 1tr to b th old lady still had a m othr s strong lov in hr brast dring about th strts ing w ith abond mn w o mn. ass ociat sh could not bar to s hr I know it Captain I kno w it ; t on Nlli go to th lock -u vn for p night if such a cours could I thank you for your kindnss God blss you.b avoidd. W ith th rsolution Tars glad tars that thr was to prvnt an arrst if possibl still hop sorro wful ons that.sh lingrd nar th Armory until sh should b forcd to such a aftr th first platoon ha d lft thn hr figur sorrowful bnt fac was again sn in th door way. Th Captain salutd hr rspct full y. dradful xpdint to sav hr daughtr coursd down th bron a d chks of this working woman as sh uttrd ths words. I am mrly doing my duty

7 I hav sn hr a grat many tims ' 6 rspondd th Captain who was sa y that sh is th worst girl that dply touchd by th woman s dis would b a crul act I vr saw. It is hard to say this It trss an. u njust on too if I should not hold out vry inducmnt for th to a mothr of hr daughtr but it would do no good to dciv you. W hn you know th truth y ou rturn of an rring but rpntant prhaps act with mor fct for child to h r hom. I hav bn an good than you could should I at offi cr for many y ars hav wit tmpt to covr up th bad traits th ns sd mor s ufi rin g mor sorrow girl has adoptd. mor misry mor agony mor For a block Mrs. O Brin walkd hart - brakings than I could tll in silnc but th xprincd of you of should w talk from now till God knows w hav daylight. nough outcasts in Chicago to -da y without driving down prs cutin g thos who may b inclind to turn from th rror of thir ways. W ar th of soci p rotctors t y Mrs. O Brin not its p rs cu tors. fi saw tars staling from hr cr ylids rali zd that th burdn that wighd upon hr hart w so havy as to b almost as Hrs was unspakabl unbarabl. W ith an ffort that forcd grif. a sigh th woman rallid said Do you think you will h av any It is our duty to not to s av d I hop your daughtr will stro y. troubl in finding my Nlli? I do n ot was th rply. i? I abon hr vil associations vntually b com a good woman. If by any act of min such an nd hav sn hr many tims nar th cornr of W lls Jackson strts it is my opinion that sh has can b attaind I shall only b too found a stopping plac on th lattr g lad to volu ntr my assistanc. ou can go with th officr strt not from th far cornr. W hil this convrsation was tak tak your daughtr can find hr. whrvr you ing plac thy had bn walking at a brisk pac wr naring th W ith tndr fling ackn owl d g mnt thanks th widow th officr startd on thir painful locality mntiond. A sound of coars rvlry com ing from a 6 saloon rstaurant mission pain ful to both for Jim whos doors wr opn grtd Morgan was a fathr himslf a good man th tars of th bravd mothr had touchd a soft spot i his honst n hart. thir Thr wr at last a ars. dozn mn in th plac as many womn from th unnatural tons of thir voics it was vidnt rly ' all wr mor or lss cc of liquor. Som saloon an d othrs alls on th sid of hr No»I am not acquaintd with th room drinking ating sm ok in g tlling storis nj oying hr at all but sh has bn point thmslvs as fancy dictatd. Havy d out to m as W ickd Nll curtain s ca p abl of ntirly scrn ing th prsons in th stalls from whil I hav b n travling my obsrvation hung in front of thm bat. but thy wr partd in th mid And is sh such a vry vr y dl vidntly no ' co ncalmnt wi ckd girl Mr. Morgan? For on of hr ag I should was dsird by th motly crowd. Som of th womn dpravd

8 though thy wr would b rally CHAPTE R III. hsom wr it not for that brazn From th lips of Wickd Nll look that th harlot lt hr try thos luscious lips that lookd as vr so hard cannot banish. Ths craturs howvr mad no ffort pur as thos of an an l thr cam an oath that g won (1 mak a to hid thir calling. O n th con s cofl r or an infidl shuddr. trar it lookd as though spcial y pains h ad bn takn in arranging thir toiltts to display such charms as thy had to th bst ad Lt s hav a drink sh crid ; say old Baldy sling us a j olly cocktail! I v got th blus to night! Somthing tlls m I m Th drsss of som wr going to hav troubl I want vantag. so low in th nck as to b ab so l utl indcn whil othrs wnt y t somthing to mak m j ra c u p! Thr s nothing lik a good squar to th othr xtrm lt no o p drink th ral old stuff to driv rtunit slip to display to th vry y gist with th most out advantag. ragou immodsty thir lowr s limb Whil this insan rvlry s. was at its hight whil tumblrs wr king mrrily th clin n awa th blu dvil s T bvrag had bn prpard whil sh was spaking sh tossd it off as though it had bn th most dlicious nctar vr pr pard ith which to tickl th w tir company smd to b in a jol 1 y mood thr cam flying rathr palat. Just at that momnt Jim Mor than walking into th room a young gan Mrs. O Brin rachd th girl whos rar bauty mag front of th saloon. Th old lady nifi ci ntl mouldd form dimmd y th lustr of th of charms h r clutchd his arm w ith a start. Thr sh is Thr s my littl frail sistrs as bright diamonds in Nlli! xclaimd th mothr of th sunlight mak d ull unsight th wickd girl th poor wom 1 common Hr ntranc y glass. cratd a profo und sn sation for a brif momnt thr was a hush silnc such as usually prcds a wild dmonstration of dlight or But it was for a momnt applaus. Th girl was attird i th n only. most gay dashing though not an startd for th door with a nr that thratnd v ou sn ss hystria. But th strong arm of Jim Mor gan drw hr back h fairly forcd hr along. So prompt was th intrfrnc of th officr that no on in th sa loon noticd th occurrnc. xpnsiv apparl. Evidntly thr You cam nar spoiling vry had bn an ffort mad to mak thing h said aftr th dangr hr appar stunning without th had bn avoidd. Had you gon xpnd itur of any considrabl s u m of mony. Th silnc that hr ntranc producd was almost into th saloon thr would hav bn a scn your rbllious daughtr would hav did on th instantanously followd by as bois spot rathr than go with you. In wild a hu zza as was vr tro us hard in Thr was a rat Chicago. tling of glasss a clapping of hs such cass as ths jud mnt g prud nc ar W must rquird. us discrtion rsort to -u stratgy. a stamping of ft a chorus of Th girl dos not know m as an voics shoutd officr ; as I am not drssd in uni form it will b asy nough for m to coax hr out of that pl ac. I w ill tak hr to th hous whr

9 8 sh livs whn onc thr you h as though h wr an inti can s hr talk with hr q ui mat acquaintanc. tl y alon. Th girl was accustomd to such Your plan is th bst I can s grtings from thos whos facs now but nothing but forc that could hav prvntd m from oing g to my daughtr whn I saw hr in that awful plac on my knss b ging hr to com away with m g Oh sir only God in havn knows how I that lov child. wr not familiar sh supposd th officr was on of thos who had mt hr in som of hr advntur som frolics in that vicinity. Nll lft th intoxicatd young man at onc j oind Morgan who lookd as though h might b Mrs. O Bri n said Morgan I what sh would call a monid know you lov that w a ward girl but had you gon into t at saloon blok. Can I you privatly Nll s 9 " had falln upon your kns b for th crowd do you know what sh would hav don W h sh y would hav laughd in your fac call d you nams that would hav frozn th blood in you rvins! I hav hard hr swar sh w as bound to b a if you knw what that mant y o u would nvr think of upbraiding or plading with hr in public b for thos who know hr. It is h whisprd. You bt you can! Com on! Lt s go to my room around th cornr. That was xactly what th officr wantd. Arm in arm hurrid to thir thy dstination a on-story woodn building paintd whit on Jackson strt fiv or six doors from th cornr. C om right to my room sh I! p ossibl that in hr own room said ntring th front door whr thr ar non to har you walking towards a room ofi th may with kind ndaring words prsuad hr to go hom with you But you can t d ri hr an v inch. Th good Lord knows I 11 spak as gntly kindly to my Nlli as woman vr spok to on sh parlor. But Jim Morgan di d not Sh go. hard a footstp bhind hr but i t was not th officr Lighting th krosn lamp Wick d Nll turnd to hr (as sh sup s. lovd! But you must go quick or posd ) companion stood fac p rh a p sh ll go away. I will go You rmain on now. to fac with H E R M O T H E R M y daughtr Nlli Darling of sight until I tak hr to th plac gaspd th old lady strtching out sh calls hom follow us in. thn you can hr arms advancing. How cam hr 3 wr hr y ou Th officr rturnd to th saloon ; found W ickd Nll sitting upon th kn of a tipsy young man. first words uttrd with frzin accnts hr dark ys flash fir Sh was r smoki n g a a g a a bad ci Oh darling I hav com to sav gar at thatr hld in hr h you a tumblr half filld with a poison If that s all you want y ou d ous mixtur compoundd from th bttr go back hom I don t nd bottls bhind th bar calld saving just now Whn I want h lp a from I ll call on you cocktail. y ou I H llo N ll old girl how ar y? Th poor old woman claspd hr xclaimd Mor g an holding out h is hs moand :

10 I I Oh Nlli by th mmory of y our dad fathr whos grav is yt frsh un soddd rcall thos crul words com hom with that you was run ning m into a tr a pim lookd at th girl in uttr astonishmnt. m 9 W ll wll! h said aftr sur M y fathr did a drunkard v y i n g hr for a full minut from so will his daughtr! had to foot if you ain t th cu s This was a havy blow th :d st littl dvil I vr laid ys brft wi dow trmbld violntly but on! W h y you r wors than old could not spak. Aftr a momnt s Rox y Brooks who was on th town paus Nlli continud : Mothr I know what you cam hr I know now that my gal for. lant f rind is an officr unlss I go hom with you I shall b ar bfor you wr born! Am I said th girl xcitdly ; Oh ofii you don cr t know h ow proud that maks m fl! Proud Dos mak you t/za t rstd. Now lt m tll you this : proud? Do you tak prid in b I will nv r go hom. I will n v r ing th wickdst girl in Chicago? b what you call a good girl You I had a thous tims rathr may throw m into your rottn Ar mory but you can t kill m! [skall alw a y s l b W i ckd N ll a g a y g i rl of t /z tow n! W ith a shrik of agony that star tld th nighborhood th widow O Bri n fll prostrat upon th floor! b th w i ckd girl than th st b s t girl A n y b od can b good y ; a n y b od can put on a swt fac y go to school to church say thir prayrs work b a drud a slav what ar thy Why offi cr thy r just no body at all But look at m E v CHAPTER IV. r y b o d y is talking about m! Po W hn W ickd Nll saw hr poor pl look at m point m out on old mothr fall to th floor th th strt on says to th oth girl s hart was not touchd r S thr gos that aw ftl thr was a sn r fac as sh said : on hr bautiful W ickd Nll It s j j olly fun u st I lik it! I this wild.if lov Old woman. that s playd! thr is n o powr in Chica g o You infrnal littl hussy x claimd Jim Morgan who rushd that can mak m lav it! W ll s about that my fin into th room W hat hav you lass was Jim s rspons. don to your mothr? Don t you Th widow O Brin g roand s that y ou hav brokn th old lady s hart Mr. Morgan turning from th ugly girl gntly raisd th old lady s Oh pshaw? If you knw th old woman as wll as I do you d undrst hr littl tricks bttr. That s all put You can just on. bt your swt lif on that! W h y sh s faintd mor tims than sh s got hairs in hr had! It usd to scar m onc but I v got usd to had. W ickd Nll laughd. Th offi cr ntirly out of p a ti n c xclaimd : You dvilish brat bring m som watr quick! N i gg rs can bring watr sir! I m no srvant I m a lad y I it I know vry wll that sh T urning upon hr hl with all only maks bliv just as you trid th di gnity of a qun Nll walk to mak bliv that you wantd to b my frind whn th truth was d to th mirror commncd rarranging th wayward curls that

11 1 2 h ad bn displacd by th vnin brzs. This don sh again facd th offi cr. don t want to har to. C wont listn Sh s th wickdst gir l that You n d nt b alarmd about vr struck this town rmarkd th old woman thr s no dangr of hr croaking. Sh ll grunt Spluttr flop sh said for th indignant policman around a littl foam som at th month in about fiv min uts sh 11 b rady to furnish bst thing that w can do is to lt hr try th bugs soup of th th rottn old Bridwll for a month or That ll bring hr to h milk r two. if anything will. nough chi n music to last a month. Thr was a markd a wondrful If you 11 st listn whn sh coms to sh ll talk y ou to dath. chang in th widow s mannr. tars moistnd hr ylids No no sob It s a pity sh has nt flo gg d you to dath you ugly littl slut was hard. Nll i O Bri n H sh said strnly was all th officr said as h again ( c com hr! I ordr you to com. turnd his attntion to th i n snsi bl widow. It was as Nll had Th pro said. css of rcovry was accompanid If you ll ord r th drinks I might tak a bowl with you old woman but you can t put on any lordly airs ovr m! And don t call m by painful spasms but ths soon Nlli O Bri n any mor! That s subsidd Morgan hlpd hr to not my nam! Th only nam I hr ft ld hr to a sofa in anothr room. Nll rmaind in th bd room slammd th door shut. Don t attmpt to go away am going to b known by in this town is W i ckd N ll th gayst girl in Chicago! Th door opnd Nll cam out with hat shawl on. shoutd Morgan who thought sh Nlli n said hr you mothr r might slip out of a window goin g hom with m skip away. I ll s you d d first H was Oh don t you frt was th th profan rply of th littl wrtch. dfiant rply W ickd Nll don t But you ska ll go If you will ru n sh don t sca r ithr! Y ou can th ra tn you can b a rk but you can t bit I v got good frinds in this town who won t s m lockd up if mony gt m can walk along pacably all right if ; not I ll dragyou through th strts by th hair of your had Th old woman s angr was now fully arousd sh startd tow out I guss it can. ards hr daughtr but Nll was Nlli darling won t you com not apparntly in th last alarm to your mothr? Th old lady s d. Sh stood as stiff as a post voic trmbld hr bosom h av bold dfianc fl ashd from hr d wi th a dp sigh. N o I w on t 1 Short sharp biting wr th words. On minut Nlli j ust on minut Oh hush up I know what you want to sa you want to slobbr y ; lak watr out of your ys sli ng in a long rigmarol that I dark lustrous ys ys that could almost talk whn passion inflamd thm. Jim Morgan stppd btwn thm. U O Bri h said it is n Mrs. my duty as an officr to arrst this girl. You hard what th Cap t a in said if th girl consntd to go hom with you sh could do so

12 1 3 it n o t I to bri ng hr wa s in. W ll why in h ll don t you tak m i thn I v got on my n harnss I v snt word to my lov r I m all rady around to waltz sunkn! Ma you bcom a hag y an obj ct of scorn loathing so offnsiv that th dogs of th strt will snarl growl a t your a pp r t tch Ma y you fill a p s aupr to th ston hous on th cor grav bfor th sno w of anothr nr Com now Mr. Plr giv wintr shall whitn th arth! Do us y o ur a rm lt s tak a prom You cam hom with m n ad a nd I thought you mant businss Now I ll go hom with you sing you som of th gayst songs you vr listnd W ll sing to. all night till broad daylight pay our rspcts to old Millikn in th morning. Thy say th old roos you har m Nlli O Bri Do n you har your mothr s curs U Th old w oman had falln on hr kns th words wr fairl y. scramd into th ars of th rring dau htr. Véi ckd Nll laughd. Ha! ha! ha! Why this is as good as a circus! Go it old gal tr s a hard nut r rough on th girls bo s whn thy gt y snatchd! And thus th wild wickd girl you r a trump Can t you do that act ovr It was immns And sh clappd hr hs stampd rattld on rgardlss of th fact hr ft in imitation of th patrons that vry crul word pircd a of a varity thatr. widowd mothr s brokn hart. You s how it is said th offi cr to O Brin thr s ; Mrs. us in coaxing hr for sh n o s as stubborn as a mul ugly as th vry You d bttr go hom dvil. com down t court at o 8 o clock in th Prhaps a night morning. undr lock ky will tak som of that wickdnss out of hr larn hr that it is bttr to b a good girl than a bad on. Com along you unfling wrtch com along T h officr was thoroughly disgustd tak ing th girl s arm h startd with hr tow ards th station. Th old lady ith a sad w lonly hart sought hr dsolatd hom to pass a night of such horror as only thos can rali z who hav xprincd troubl such as was hr Husblss wors s. Oh chs that snrd Nll. than childlss hr s was indd a Ys tak hr along! Lock hr up Put hr in our darkst cll y And you Nlli O whn you Brin lay your had on a hard plank whn th big rats run ovr you pitiful grif. By by Mothr - O 3 Brin shoutd Wickd Nll I ll think of you whn th rats commnc nib bling at my nos my ys fall th damp w alls snd chills to out all thos horrid dradful your vry bons rmmbr that your mothr snt you thr R mmbr too that a m otkr s curs hangs ovr you! May God A l mighty snd dvils to your bd sid whn you slp May you rot with disas! May your ys fstr things happn Oh you r a gay old mothr you ar! You r a swt plum ain t you? Com s m in t h morning I ll b b ack on tk tow n b f or mid ni g kt as sur as th Court Hous bll striks twlv fall out of your had! May W ith ths thratning parting your hair turn gray in a night! May th ross on your chks with r lav thm sallow words btw n mothr daughtr th officr his strang p risonr wndd thir way to th Armory.

13 1 4 CHAPTER V. Captain Hicky was still at th station whn Jim Morgan arrivd obyd without furthr crmony or Sh was si mply b ookd as talk. inmat of a hous of H ill- fam. with h is prisonr. W hn W ickd Nll found that Th c Ca p t ai n gav th girl a sh was to b arrstd sh hastily stady sarching look. pncild a brif not to hr frind So this is th W ickd Nll I a ral stat dalr thn doing busi h av hard so much about? h said nss opposit th Court Hous on in quiringly. Ys sh s th uglist littl cat that vr wor claws said Mor g by way of an rply. W ll thn wll try tam W hat s your nam sissy hr. My nam s Wickd Nll that s good nough for m! W hat you goin to do with m boss? hat am I going to do wi th y ou? Oh nothing to spak I of. a m only going to strip off that L strt informing him of asall th Th shrwd irl had fact. g anticipatd somthing of th kind had rcivd that in asku rancs cas of troubl prompt assistanc would b at h This not was placd in th. of anothr hs i nmat of th hous on Jackson strt with full dirctions it was not long aftr hr arrival at th Armory that th unwl com missiv was placd in th of hs toggry chain you down to th th party for whom it was dsignd. floor in th darkst cll w v got giv you an ic watr showr bath T prson was a rspctabl nis man a m a rri d man too of thn lav you alon with th cours it would not do for him to bugs roachs rats until morn figur prsonally in th mattr. ing tha t s all! Th poor littl craturs hav not had a squar To do so w ould inj ur his rputa tion subjct him to xposurs mal for svral days I fanc y that wo uld b disastrous in mor thy m ust b trribl hungry by this tim. Th Captain nvr lookd mor ways than It would b ruin on. ous in a businss point of viw would also mak it u ncomfortabl srious in his lif Nll could for h is pac ofmind whn th nws kp back a shu ddr as sh sh was a brav as Bu t listnd. n ot should b convyd as it crtainly would b to his wif. But h c ould w ll as a bad girl quickly not afford vn if h flt so i n rallid. Could n t you put in a fw rattlsnaks on or tw o h y nas Sh in q uird with a mock i n g laugh. Captain Hicky s long xprinc i his profssion nabld him to n rad charactr as radily ordinary as m rad an opn book H saw n : that thr was no us in attmpting frightn or i ntimidat that bold to bundl of wickdnss mad no cli n d to nglct th girl with. whom h had for som months bn on trms of criminal intim Sh acy. w young bautiful as a fl owr uncommon swtnss of a nd h no ida of aboning hr in th hour of hr pri And i f h did what thn? W h sh would y crtainly squal H on him thus bring down upon his had a fl ood of disgrac that h could not wll st up undr. l. furthr attm p t in that dirction. Tak hr up stairs Jim Thr ar always hundrds xpdints by which mn of put hr in th witnss room " h cal thir sins at th sam s aid to M i rga n an d th ordr w a s tim accomplish j ust as much as

14 I S th ilty twain did in th distanc. ha t irl h continud ad with C aptain Hicky for th rlas drssing t station kpr 1 will b a wrtchd old bloat at twnty! of Wickd Nll. But b hurridly Sh may kp up apparancs fora sought an intrviw with on of th numrous profssionals who ar always rady to put thir nams to an y prisonr s bond for a con yar or two but aftr that God hlp hr Sh has f ri now nds what hsom girl has not But whn whisky gts in its dradful In this cas th sum of work whn dissipation xcs sidration. $2 5 was paid at about 1 0 o clock th profssional bailor mad his apparanc at th Armory with ordr from a J ustic of th a n siv indulgncs tak th ross from hr chks th Sp arkl hr from whn ys di sas lavs its horrid imprint upon hr fac Pac for th rlas of Nlli form whn h r w hit tth rot O a bond having bn Brin ac c p td for hr apparanc at court hr fair hair bcoms mattd tangld whn all hr bau in th morning. Captain Hicky had no altrna t has fadd as th lavs fad y whn th biting frosts com thn Th law maks no distinctions tiv. an d if Nlli O Bri gav th n whr will ths f ri nds b? Why thy ll b looking for f rsk vi ctims propr scurity it was hr privilg Thy ll b sarching for. ot/zr to do so vn though th act was calculatd to do hr irrparabl inj ury prhaps prvnt a rformation that might hav bn ffctd had sh bn subjctd to such rigorous tratmnt as th mrgncy dmd. Hr gl on bing inform d that sh was at li brty to go was u nb ou n dd. Sh fairly dancd with dlight bcam so xtravagant in hr conduct that th bondsman flt calld upon to warn hr that thr was dangr of anothr arrst for disordrly conduct at th s tation unlss sh bhavd hrslf. Whr ar you going Nlli bautiful childrn to lur to d struction a nd dath! Thn Wickd Nll as sh calls hrslf will b a wrck sot a a bloatd disasd scornd thing! Th guttr th sta tion hous th Bridwll will b hr hom' an d tn cs on chan to th rivr s dark bottom will b hr final bd Th la w is powrful but in cass of this kind it is wak Th thif who als unavailing. s a fw dollars is pouncd upon punishd th murdrr x ; p i his crim on th scaffold or ats in a lif cll but for th ; m an w h o stals a widow s child who poisons hr young mind who drags hr down to th lvl of a bast thr askd th captain. is no punishmnt! His crim is I m going to th dvil! wa s th rply as sh gathrd up hr ampl ski rts tossd hr had back proudly saild up Adams strt in company with th man whos autograph had provd an s s a m to th prison door. wors than that of th assassin ; yt h is scrnd an d honord trustd lovd j ust th sam as though h was not a basr scoundrl than can b found within th walls of th pnitntiary Th ntranc of an officr with a Th littl wrtch has to

15 1 6 CHAPTER V I. Wickd Nll nj oyd th adv n turs of that night as sh had not n j oyd anything for a long tim. strt was thn As thy lind. wr about to drink a flashil drss y d loafr who had bn lou n g i n about th plac j oind thm Excitmnt mad hr happy slapping Nll famili arly on th thr was no such thing as gtting back said much of Sh was in rality too it. a w i ld g i rl whrvr whnvr sh could plung into tur So you gav th plr th slip did you I v bn playd for a suckr bulnt associations participat onc to - night but I guss thr s in ickd dds thr thn sh w was in hr As crtain lmnt. kinds of fish dlight in muddy wa. no mor dangr. Hav a drink strangr? I m not on that lay just now tr so did sh rvl in th moral but I could nt rfus anything from filth that surroundd th locality sh had chosn for a hom. Wll if you r not on th lush Hr arrst brif incarcra thrfor srvd to xhilarat tion rathr than dprss hr Spirits. Hr hart was as light as a snow flak whn sh shook th Armory lay - out what your rackt is? I m just trying to catch a girl that s all swtnss And do you think you could cat ch m dust from hr ft. So buoyant I can try almighty hard dau g h wr hr thoughts that sh h u m md as sh nard Fifth Avnu with hr mony - grabbing com p an o tr Nll lookd at him again. H w as rath r a hsom sort of a fllow i on : w ith black hair an lgant mous O h I fl j ust as ha ppy as a b i g sunflow r T h at nods b nds i n t h b rz s A nd m y hart is as li g ht as th w ind that b lows T h lav s from O Rth trs ss You fl mrry aftr your trou bl said th profssional gn tlman. W h o told you I d had 4 roubl tach a fashionabl lug hat pulld p ll down in front a havy gold W watch chain with a big sal a dia mond pin a whi t vst a n d natly fitting Tak him as h garmnts. stood h was j ust th sort of m to catch N:3 a wickd girl s y was at first inclind to look favor old bow - lgs? I v only bn hav ably on his advancs. Sh had ing a littl f un! Oh you ought hard th othr girls talk about to hav sn th old woman kick! thir mn although sh h ad And thn that boss plr w h y h actually trid to frightn m with hi cock - - bull storis about bn in a public hous but a wk th wild littl thing considrd that sh too must hav a man. But rats bugs dark cll s this fllow was a strangr sh cold sho wr - baths I wish I d just was shrwd nough not to lt him. I w ill slappd his fac for him! nxt tim as sur s my nam s know what hr thoughts might b. You v got a good dal of Wickd Nll But com old to n brass sh said aftr a short paus l t s tak a drink I m dvilish that gos a long way in this dry ain t you old boy town but how ar you off for stam p s? Hr companion smd to mak How ar you fixd for su g ar? H ow no objction to th proposal big is your roll? If you t wan to th two ntrd on of thos dis tal k businss with m you t mus rputabl saloons with whi ch W lls show u th d ust p

16 1 7 This is no good plac to talk ths is my lov r h is a g n tl b usinss h rplid ; lt s tak m a n h is coming hr to - night a walk thn w can hav a if h should catch y ou in this I saw you whn th copprs room h d scattr your brains if talk. had you in tow I said to m y you v got any all ovr th carpts slf says I thr gos a stunnr that gal s a thoroughbrd I v bn waiting watchin for you g now I v found you W hil h had bn saying this Nll bad h formr scort an r ab th walls Hark! I think I har his stp now! Ys h s comin g! CHAPTER V II. W hn N ob b y Tom hard th rupt good - by hrslf th w ords of W ickd Nll a cold shi v gallus youth whos nam vn sh did not know wr walking arm i arm on th n - sidwalk. I m going hom sh said you ; r ran through his H was fram. a big b l ufl but a rank co ward r th ida of bing found by a girl s lovr i hr room at night n can com along if you fl lik it. w ith th prospct of a shooting fs Thir convrsation on th way ti val filld him with al arm. was of a trivial natur bfor fiv minuts had lapsd thy r w at th hous on Jackson strt. Now thn said Nll aftr sh had thrown off hr hat shawl what s your nam? Thy call m Nobby T om th youth rplid as h survyd him slf i th mirror apparntly to n his own satisfaction. W ll Nobby s h said I don t For God s sak Nll h crid w hr can I hid T ll m q uick! Th p fllow oor s voic soundd as though h was suffring from an a chill. Nll gav him on withring look so scornful that it brought a blush of sham to h is chks. Crawl undr th bd! H r words w r uttrd with a con tm curl p tuous of th lip as sh thin k you I can hav any truck pointd hr prtty fingr to th togthr. You look to m lik a foot of th bd. dad bat a bilk a mashr a roostr who travls on his shap! If I want a plaything or a pt I ll Th frightnd fllow ndd no scond At that tim invitation. h could hav crawld through a buy a poodl dog but whn I gt k y hol if no othr avnu of os a m a n I want on who s got s in his giz zard! Can you fight? cap had bn offrd for h i m a g i n d h stood i n imminnt pril. Nobb y Tom did nt lik ths nu But it was only imagination. kind cuts. H turnd rd in th Wickd Nll was nvr so happy fac whn Nll usd th hard nams w half inclind to as gt mad but th fact was h was ; as whn sh could caus troubl. Sh was al w ays as full of th dvil as a bloatd bd bug is full of - not a fightr h w as a bat. blood. It was tru that sh x In th confusion of th momnt not knowing what to say h said p c td a isit from hr ral stat v frind that night but sh knw ; n othing at all. Noticing his cow him to b a timid harmlss man ard ic. dspising him for it who would ru n his lgs off rathr W ickd Nll continud : than ngag i n any disput that Do you s this gold chain could by any possibility com to around my nck this diamond Sh rathr likd him b blows. cross? Th man who gav m caus h was g nrous ; but sh

17 1 8 could not lov him not brav. Now you stay whr you ar bcaus h was In a harsh dp bass voic th prtndd lovr rplid A n d I hav pa rticula r ra sons I ll tr gt y ou aw ay with for coming in now! Com now a whol hid sh said as sh ithr lt m in pacably pla s O pnd th door w alkd out closd th door bhind hr. I d lik to kp th dung hill thr all night w r hr thoughts. I would too if I did nt x ct company that ill w p a y.but. 11 hav som fun with him any way Nll found in th othr room a young loafr w ith whom sh was somwhat ac q uaintd who w as known as Frckld H was Jim. ntly or I ll lt you know that I can com in anothr way I Do you undrst W ll if you w ill b so man I don t suppos I can hlp myslf s com al ong sit down you o j alous old cratur I don t know whthr I want to sit down or not was th ungra cions rply. What s th mattr with you darling W hat hav I don Ar a thick st rd hadd bummr - - who mad 8:living by stri cus n you mad bcaus I snt for y t u gt m out of troubl to tom rs to th low womn of lls No not that but I hav my ad joining strts divid suspicions! ing with thm th spoils. Nll Su spici ons What in th world hatd him on gnral principls but at that tim sh had for us him. Jim sh whisprd I want you to com into my room a fw minuts. Th fllow had bn trying to mak lov ' to hr for a wk supposing sh had at last yildd do you l } s uspct I W hat should I suspct whn I com hr aftr paying twnty fi v dollars for y ou find m y slf barrd out? Nll I bliv you v bn playing dirt on m l Th wickd g irl could not hl p but laugh. to his ntratis his raptur knw That s th funnist thing I no bounds. Sticking out a rough vr hard a man say sh said rathr dirty paw h xclaimd : Shak mrrily W ho maks a li ving by daling in d i rt! Don t b too ' fast sir said Oh don t try to gt out of this Nll drawing back a littl I only by making bad joks That dodg want you to pla y that you r my won t go down Com Nll own lovr so that w can hav a littl u p hav you had a m a n hr sinc furl } Jim s chop fll about thr in chs but h was not th kind of a man to iv way to disappointmnt. I cam W ll suppos I had what ar you going to do about it l This was uttrd with a display W ickdnll thn in a fw words of spunk quit natural for a high xplaind to him th situation strung girl. gav him instructions as to W hat Suppos y o u b a d I Do you sh wantd. Thn th play bgan. kno w what I d do if I should find Opni ng th door j us t a littl sh a man in this room to - night I d said : chaw his ars cd I d bit of his Pl don as t com in darling! I hav particular rasons for want in g to b alon for half an hour. nos! I d scalp him 0 I d tak this knif out of my boot carv him I d cut off his to s fi n


19 2 2 Littl Wondr. Bfor sh was mattr of cussdnss was not a lvn yars of ag sh th titl of Wick d Nll acquird was as Nll was although hr s ta r inclinations wr all in th way of so proud of it that a frown sttld upon hr fair brow whn calld by any othr nam. It is horribl but it is tru that about this tim whn sh was runn ing bar- footd bar - hadd about th strts wickdnss. Jnni was not h som ithr though from bi ng far ugly in looks. Ths two girls on day sat down in th shad of a doorway for a talk. Nlli O Bri n th mr child was Jnni said Nll what s th s ducd! It was a fat asily to b us of our h um mi n g around any accomplishd but so dastardly that longr as w hav? Lt s turn would sm impossibl that a is wrtch could b found black whos nd guilty soul would not shrink out W hat do you s a y W hat do you man by that rplid th rd I should - had. from th dd! Lt thos who think is was a littl too lat now to doubt look at th daily rcord of crim. Lt thm go down to Indianapolis larn th sad talk of doing It sms m to that. that both of us ar alrady on th town! story of sduction brought to light W hat man is said Nll concrning th licntious conduct I that w go liv in a rgular of th Suprintndnt of a daf hous whr w can mak lots of dumb asylum who did not scrupl mony to clasp in unholy mbrac th u n If you will I will was J n n i s fortunat childrn whos lips nvr rady rply but w want nic li spd a syllabl whos ars no sound vr pntratd Lt thm go down to Nw Jrsy look upon th grav of a poor young girl who was pollutd murdrd by an accursd wrtch who dar s st up b for his fllow mn prach th gospl of th thorn crownd Princ of Pac! Lt thm carfully prus th long list of unnatural crims that vry day stars at thm from th printd pags that com damp from th morning prss ; having don drsss jwlry whr can w gt thm Oh that s asy Th r s nough. bn a nic gntlman aftr m for six months I v bn p l a y i n off on H thinks m a wil him. girl but don t know that I m b ad. H s o frd m mony mor than a dozn tims to gt all th cloths I want i f I would lt him b my I ll snd him a not this lovr. aftrnoon mt him to night in a fw days w can b riggd ou t as gay as any two girls in Chicago! this thy can doubt n o mor. N ll xclaimd Jnni n th u si W ickd Nll in th cours o f hr wrings formd th acquaint anc of a girl of about hr own a g whos idas of morality wr about as loos as thy could b. as ticall You r a bully girl y! I m with you! My old dad th old woman too can both go to Ill th dvil! b my own boss now! Oh won t it b gay Thn Th right nam of this girl was w can war silks w can go b ack Jan Smith but sh was known by riding with th boys! W can 0 th gang as Rd - hadd Jnni. to th matins tak in t This girl 3 though vulgar d mashrs W can hav grat rolls basd as wll as dbauchd could not compar with Nll in th of grnbacks an d liv as high as ral ladis

20 2 3 It thus that th compact was Vi w as i ckd Nll not mis w as mad. takn in r Sh mt calculations. th man sh had bn playing off ( You hav com to my hous for 5 board sh said Who arnstly. vr snt you hr could not hav n m or thy would nvr know on wh o gav hr all th mony nc hav rcommndd you to ring my ssary arly th nxt morning door h ll. But you ar hr it th two wickd giddy young craturs mad thir purchass my duty to spak to is y ou as I would wr you my ow n childrn. n g agd th srvics of a drss Girls I was onc a Christian w o In thr days thy wr man I kn ow what it is to b makr. riggd out lik.two buttrflis. good what it is to b bad. I Whn thy had drssd for th hav sn so much of this world occasion th two girls st out in its wickdnss that I shuddr qust of a boarding hous. My frind advisd m to g o to whn I think of N thn I ow it. want to tll you this You two Madam Hrrick said Nll to th notd whit fram hous on Stat strt thy dirctd thir footstps. Th Madam answrd th ring girls ar thoughtl ss hdlss giddy things. You hav no ida what you ar coming to. If you ntr a hous of this kind you will go to w rck ruin within fiv yars! hrslf. What do you want hr chil Nithr on ofyou h as nough sns to bcom a prostitut vn if you' drn? sh said ying thm sharply. W wan t to com hr to liv fl inclind to do so. kind of girls wh ould drink o w. You ar th rplid Nll with bold fac nu smok chw snufi ' fi g ht flinch i n g y. go to th dvil dirct. I am an Com i n! " old woman I can s vicious Nll Jnni ntrd highly nss in both your facs nough of latd at thir succss. Thy fol it to ruin a dozn girls if it could low d Madam Hrrick into th front parlor wr lost in wondr admiration as thy gazd upon th magnificnt surroundi ngs th b distributd among thm. I wouldn t hav you in my hous un dr any circumstancs G od know s I wouldn t b guilty of lad marbl tabls th rich tap stry th ing to ruin any girls of your ag oil paintings th vidncs on I want you to my advic vry h of walth luxury. go right hom to your mothrs. tak T h old lady closd th door You on ht to b in school now i n aftr thm motiond thm to a stad 0 looking for a hom in a sat on th sofa. Sit down childrn sh said hous of ill fam! You can go n ow childrn but rmmbr what I want to talk to you Nll Jnni did not rlish th ida of bing calld childrn but thy obyd th dirctions of th ownr of th hous awaitd hr Taking a sat in hr plasur. asy chair dirctly in front of Madam Hrrick raisd hr thm spctacls from thir natural rsting plac to hr forhad thus addrssd thm : old mothr Hrrick told you! R mmbr that vr lurks in Da t/z th path way of th outcast that all wh travl it go to o in swift sur ' ds tructz v n Bold brazn as thy wr nithr Nll nor Jnni had a w or to say. Thy could not look that xprincd old woman in th fac attmpt any xcuss for thir conduct.

21 2 4 Without a word thrfor th y lor thr small bd rooms a to ok thir dpartur. rar shanty that sr v d as akitchn Wh n onc on th outsid Wick dining room. Thr was a d Nll gav a long sigh of rlif Wll Upon my soul that old common chap wll worn carpt upon th floor a fw lwd picturs woman has mad a big mistak upon th dirty walls othr fur Sh was cut out for a Saint ju st nitur to corrspond. Th fr as crtain as I was for a dvil! And Nll laughd immodratly at what sh con sidrd a fi rst class ok. But what will w do now? Whr shall W go Inquird Jn ni w h o flt somwhat blu ovr th prospct that had lookd so bright but a fw hours bfor. q u n trs of th plac wr sailors laboring mn th class of cra turs commonly dnominatd as pimps. Th girls both kn Pock-markd w A many tims as with bar nn ft tangld hair thy had loitr d about th nighborhood sh had Do I W ll find a boarding invitd thm in for purposs th hous within anothr hour T hs fou l st th human mind can con high-tond hou ss won t tak us in I know whr thr placs whr a r a b a b would b wlcomd I know y Ill whr thy ar go thr! W r on tb o tow Jnni n n ow I for on will stay thr No g ood g i r l for m businss N o w ork for Wickd Nll I m bound to lad a g a y li f I ll do it if I d on t last a month! W hat do you say I n? Ar you with m? I 1! s tick b y y ou to t/zo d b t/z Shak on that! You r a brav gal I From this tim on ar w tw i n sis trs i n w i ckdas s ci v. Thy found Ann satd in a rock ing chair smoking a Th af cigar. was warm th nighbor trnoon hood was dsrtd th ladis of th stablishmnt wr rclining in diffrnt posturs mor or lss ind Th r wr four girls cnt. in th hous asid from th l lad To look at ths craturs that w hav calld girls would p roduc motio n s as antagonistic as fir Th first fli ng as th watr. y rstd upon thir rd wa tr y ys thir bloatd brazn CHAPTER IX. Th tw o bad girl s bliving that thir gnral apparanc of dgra fa cs thir dcayd tth it would b uslss to mak furthr dation would b loathing dis fforts to obtain admittanc to a What man would tak to gust. hou s of ill-fam making any pr to dcncy d trmind to t sn c a p ply to th J ackson strt dn kpt by a dbasd wo man namd Anni Davis but mor familiarly kno wn as Pock markd A T hithr n n. thrfor thy dirctd thir foot stps aftr th unsatisfactory intr viw w i th M adam Hrrick. Th plac kpt by Pock markd - his bosom s uch a wrtch would b th qustion that would forc itslf to th lips as th y pointd out ths rpulsiv faturs. It would sm impossibl that any human bing could look upon thm not shuddr rcoil ys in fright as from th prsnc som rptil w hos sting would crtain dath. A nn was as low as any that could b found in th city. It wa s a on story woodn structur w ith front door opning dirctly into th par

22 2 5 fangs with thir dadly saliva pirc you in a hundrd placs than tak to your arms for on brif bn drivn down th broad road to ruin as cattl ar drivn to th slaughtr R sistanc pn. was vain. minut any on of ths ulcratd Thir arms wr wak th currnt rottn wrtchs Th poison of th on kills quickly but th ; qually vnomous sting of th othr ats slowly into th vitals produc was strong no frindly hlpin g h was hld out on thy wr carrid until thy found thm slvs floundring wa y out upon th ing lingring tortur carris broad sa ruddrlss compasslss i ts victim to a dath-bd whos hor with th trribl knowldg rors no pn can dscrib on papr that thy wr cast off scornd r no brush dpict on canvas! Th vild loathd dspisd shunnd! pags of th history of prostitution ar all blotchd ovr with rcitals of th ravags of th pculiar di This is th condition of thos poor craturs God hlp thm I As th girls ntrd Pock two sass incidnt to th brothl markd Ann blw a cloud of smok thouss upon thouss of robust from hr mouth lookd up at young mn hav bn swpt away hr visitors in surpris. To sav b y th tid of corruption into which hr lif sh could not hav told wh o thy hav rcklssly thought thy wr so prfctly wr thy lssly plungd Thr ar hun Y t sh s aw thy wr disguisd. drds of ths l ow dow n unfortu young an d prtty w ith a smil nats in Chi cago to day! Thy lr at you from th doors win dows of thir w ickd homs ; thy ing fac plasant words sh in vi td thm to com in. W ar looking for a boardin g star at you on th walk ; thy hail hous said Nll. you on th strt ; thy mbrac Hr voic btrayd hr you i th saloons of Clark strt n Pacific avnu Bwar oun y man bw ar Thy sow th sd that sprouts in pain grows in a g ony blossoms in ulcrs ripns Anna Davis sprang from hr sat. As I m a sinnr sh xclaim d I bliv this is Wickd Nll Thr s no d dub t about your bing a sinnr n ob od vr L ooking at th m th n with a full said I was vry 1 g ood said ll in rply ; but don t you know this consciousnss of thir uglinss girl too th ir dangr what man could P r i ck - markd Ann lookd do othr wi s than turn his fac away shook hr had but sh finally pn from thm in disgust an d alarm tratd th dis g is rplid And yt ths out casts ar h u Rd - h a dd fin ni by G man bings. Onc thy wr pur. Wll Mrs. Davis ar y o u g l n g L ik Wickd Nll som of thm may hav rsortd to th bagnio from choic but nin - tnths of thm to tak us poor irls in This woman Davis rally had no vacant room in th hou s having h av bn mad th victims ofman s but two bd rooms i n all ; but sh lust basnss! Thy hav bn could not afl ord to lt this gold n dcivd btrayd abond opportunity pass. Thr was mon y thrown upon th world! S acrd vows hav bn disrgardd solmn hav bn brokn pldgs th crul w orld has turnd its scornful back u on thm thy p hav in thos young girls sh two would hav turnd vry soul out of th hous if ncssary to scur Without hsitating aftr th thm. qustion had bn askd sh said:

23 2 6 Of cours I will tak you in! sion dsrtd hr. For th first Havn t I invitd you to com mor tim in hr lif th girl b lu shd! than a dozn tims Ys tak off Itwas not th blush of sham but your hats mak yourslvs at hom was causd by mortificati on I ll fit up th nicst room in mb arassm nt. Though sh w a s th hous for you Wouldn t you incapabl of lov yt sh thought a li k a glass of win now that you grat dal of Charly Williams ar going to b rgular boardrs? bcaus h was libral affctionat Oh I m dying for a dri nk! kind ; to b caught in Wickd Nll with hr partnr such a prdicamnt was painfully drank off th sparkling fluid as unfortunat. though thy wr old stagrs stad of mr childrn. in Nlli said Charli with a Thy thn took thir hats ofi as Nll thrw hrslf upon a sofa in sobr fac what d os this man What hav you bn doing 1 th parlor sh pulld Jnni down Th girl stammrd immdiat rply. but mad n o also thrw hr arms about hr xclaimd : Jn w hav found a hom! Is ' tb zs th wa y you kp your Hr lovr turn d rd in th fac. W ar on th turf W ar tw o g a y g i And th rls on tko town foolish girl laughd so loudly that th mrry pal could b hard a block away. promis h continud ; is Ib is th wa y you kp a pldg to b faithful tru? I ill xplain vrything if W you will only giv m tim said CHAPTER X. Nll who was n ow upon hr ft had partially rgaind hr W hav alludd to th ral composur. stat dalr on L asall strt but Bfor you mak any furthr hav givn no nam. As this is a xplanation prhaps you had bttr tru story it was our intntion to tll m wh o this fllow is what giv gnuin nam to all th char s but actrs in this instanc ar w complld to dviat from th rul. Wickd Nll s first lovr was thn sowing his wild oats at th tim of this writing h is a far diffrnt h is doing in your room I Th com tm in th man p t s look voic nttld Frckld Jim assuming a blligrnt attitud h said : Say you bab -facd roostr wat y man it would b doing him a yr got to say about it anyway grat wrong to rak up th dad forgottn past narrat th xploits that ar rcalld by n ow him w ith th knst r For g rt. this rason will call him Charls w Williams th first nam only bing I was not talking to you sir Charli rplid stpping back turning a shad palr. But I m talking to sir y ou If yr don t lik th looks of this lay out j ust squar yourslf lik a ral. Wickd Nll snt for him at gam man w ll hav it right \ onc aftr having found a boarding hous h had visitd hr vry day up to th tim h found hr out hr ' 9 B th tim Wickd Nll had y is stppd btwn Th irl thm. in th u stionab l company of was gam from th ground up i f Frckld im. hr lovr was not. ' Nll h ad not anticipatd such a Young man sh said addrss surpris hr usual slf - posss ing Frd I hav got through

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