Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord Eph 5:19 FOR PIANO & GUITAR. Volume 2 - Songs from Matthew Chapters 9 thru 28

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1 SHT MUSIC Singing mking melody in r hert Lord ph 5:19 OR PINO UITR or 32 Ne Songs on Mt Volume 2 C! So od s Word Cn ro in Me! MTTHW Volume 2 - Songs from Mt Chpters 9 thru 2006 BibleSrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

2 rrngements by: Pul King MTTHW, Vol. 2 - I WNT TO B OO ROUN! TBL O CONTNTS 1. Mt Theme Song 2. In Mt's House 3. To Blind Men 4. Jesus Clled 12 ciples 5. very Ltle Hir 6. Confess Me Before Men. or My Yoke Is sy 8. He's The Lord! 9. Behold, Behold My Servnt 10. or Out Of The bundnce 11. Seed, Seed, Seed, Seed 12. I Wnn Be ood round 13. Jesus Told ll H ciples 14. You re The Chrt The Son od 15. Jesus Took Up 3 ciples 16. Truly I Sy, When You Pry 1. Then Peter Cme Sid Him 18. ive Thous olks Were olloin Jesus 19. nd They Brought To Him 20. The ret Comm 21. Like Lightening rom st West 22. Lern Ho To Be hful Tody 23. My Shoes, They Hve Specil Plce 24. I Ws Hungry 25. The Insmuch Song 26. Our Mster ives Us 2. Mke Your Bed 28. Then Speks The King 29. Womn Cme To Jesus 30. s They Were ting 31. Oh, Wht ml Night 32. Jesus Cme nd Spoke To Them 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

3 Mt, ospel 1 P. K. C. W. P. King C. Wlker # c 1. Mt-, gos- pel 2. Bi - ble S - ry - C Je- sus, Chrt, ho Songs! We love cme s King es - Bi - ble S - ry - 4 #. Œ m # tb-lh Songs! H king - dom. Re- com-men-ded -noin-ted, Wht y tes- ted, tried, still re - ec-ted, lern od's Word, h # Œ # Je - sus, Bi - ble S - ry - king - ly S - vior! H Songs! We love those min - - try, pr - b - les, Bi - ble S - ry 10 # C Œ. hel-ing, u - thor - i - Songs! We cn ty, Cru - ci - fi - xion, n sing m ll dy ri - sing in vic - t'ry: long; 13 # m Œ... Œ Soed He forth king-dom seed, He's Word od ill com-ing bck some dy rep! fill our herts h Je-sus, King Bi - ble S - ry Kings! Songs! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

4 In Mt's House 2 P. King C. Wlker Trdionl Spirul c 4 11 CHORUS 12. In.. Mtt - he's house 3. Je - sus sid. #. et h ll sin - ners. ork - ers re so fe! m. cme send for out those ho ork - ers, tech prech re yes,. hel.. ill. do! t H h di -. t - ble, ci - ples: The... Strong Pry To ones ine Then don't Lord need 1. Je - sus ent shep - herd ll Je - sus hr - vest phy -. s re gret but si - hr - cin, vest He vi - s, lost ones, com - 15 m pss - ion He did feel.c. l ine 2... J Je - sus ent J vi - s, tech prech hel. To shep- herd ll 23 lost ones, com - m pss - ion He did feel..c. l ine.. pry or give or go! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

5 To Blind Men Cried, Mercy 3 P. King C. Wlker b b 5 b 1. To 2. They 3. Je - 4. Oh, sus ir blind sid reched eyes Mer - - Yes! uched op - - cy, Lord, m, ened, sid, - sid, cord - do vid, s ing cried, oh, He ere oh, r men out n cried, Him, ere B b Mer - Yes, uched op - cy, Lord! m, ened, cried, oh, He ere Mer - Yes, uched op - B b cy! Lord! m, ened, Je - Son think Yes, fh ir I Lord,, fh m e be m. olk Song sus He c - s b C b - think - - done done le You un cn those hel? hel!. to! Π2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

6 Jesus Clled H 12 ciples 4 P. King C. Wlker L. V. Beethoven # 11 # c Je - sus clled H 12 di - ci - ples, gve m u - thor - i - ty ine o'er un - clen, ev - 'ry sick - ness, sent m forth hel d- ese. 9. # # Si - 2. Then mon cme Pe - Jmes ter, n - son dre, h bro - l - phe - r, us, to sons Th - de - us Ze - be - dee, Si - mon, 12 B m Jmes zel - ous John; one. Phil - Ju - ip Br - ds, Is - cr - i - ot, re tho - plced le - me, by Mt - thi - n s, 15 # #.. Thom - 12 s, - Mt - pos -, tles' cho - - ork sen be - ones. gun..c. l ine 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

7 very Ltle Hir 5 P. K. C. W. P. King C. Wlker c v-'ry 2. If hir, fll, our od od knos, tho' tk - ing cre; smll, He's l - tle spr-ro v - 'ry num-bered l - tle ll our flo'r, hirs, He 4. clos l - m tens by H our po'r; pryers, Wor - There - ry fore do not fer fer, re 're 6 m. gone - more y from vl - ue, here, more thn e be - mn - y lieve, spr - ros, He r sees, - He r cres. cres Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

8 Confess Me Before Men 6 P. King C. Wlker B 1. Con - 2. Oh, fess Lord, B Me I be - be - fore lieve men tht Old nglh Round 5 I'll cme con - don fess erth; In You hev - died ens for be my fore sins My n B rose up r, o; gin. but I'm 9. if gld de con ny fess me tht n 11 B. ΠI'll Je - de - sus ny. Lord! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

9 He's The Lord P. King C. Wlker B 1.He's 2.He's Sb - Sb - bth, bth, B Sb - h bth B Lord, Lord, B # hun - don gry in - B ld 'd res - cue red more sho h ht thn gre - s Lord ter re - Je - h - ered sus did B Lord.. sheep bred n" B Je - Je - sus sus B Sb - Sb - B et. p. vid in bth, bth, ent He's He's # thru like did? p. hen he C thn sred Sb - bth, s s he Lord! Lord! Lord. Lord. C # m grin - sheep field, tht B Then nd B You He hun stretched Ph - ould - mn B tem - ple hel - thy Sb - bth, no s He's ri n't H hs B Of Of B B On mn hose friends fl - ere len sees s, "Hve orth B be - He "Stretch here." fore! Lord! eorge M. Cohn te out r gry,, cod: some- nd thing He's B Π2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

10 Come Me, ll Who Lbor 8 P. King C. Wlker b 8 6 C J nglh ir 1. Come me ll ho l - bor I'll give rest. Come me ll ho l - bor 4 b C Prt 2. C I'll give rest. or my yoke e - sy, my bur - den light. or b. Prt 3 C J J my yoke e - sy, my bur - den light. Tke my yoke up - on, find 10 b C J J C rest for r souls. Tke my yoke up - on, find rest for r souls Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

11 Behold, Behold! 9 P. King C. Wlker b B b Trdionl Lullby 1.Be 2. I'll hold! put Be - I'll hold! put My Th Spi - r My on Ser Him vnt hom b I He hve n - ill C cho - sen. nounce.. My Be - Jus loved, tice m. My Ju Be - loved, tice, in in H 13 C b.. Whom Nme My soul en-tiles hs found ill de - light. hope. 1.Be 2. I'll hold! put Be - I'll 19 b B b C. hold! put My Th Spi - My r on Ser Him vnt hom He I hve cho - ill n -nounce. sen. My Be - Jus - 25 b m C. loved, tice My Ju Be - loved, tice, in in H Whom Nme My soul en - hs tiles found ill de - light. hope Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

12 or Out bundnce 10 P. King C. Wlker or 2. or 3. Let 3 our C out speech hert Jus se - soned by be our h mouth ti h C b - m bun - ords grce, dnce e n, ill speks; fied; slt. or or My Trdionl Lullby ech 's our be be 5 m cre - n - less our sers ord ords be spo spo - - kind - - ken ken ly, e e ill could Œ. give be not n found find - - c t ing C count. fult. fult Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

13 Seed, Seed, Seed, Seed 11 P. King C. Wlker # c Seed, 3. ood seed, erth, seed, good seed, erth.. so - for ing King - King dom dom mericn olk Song seed. seed. 3 # ine Come Hve her hert tht's pr - st - ble pure, so - gro ing king - king - dom dom seed. seed. 5 # Some 2. Some fll fll on in y - thorns side, tht re choke seed gro - does ing ly. seed. # Wh Rich - no es un - der-stnn - xi - et - - ing, ty Word cn't be sntched ht - y. needs. 9 #..... Some Some on fll ground on so rock - good y erth, ho Word her ust cn't Word tke root. kno, 11 #......C. l ine Sn - Thir y, ty, sn - Six y ty, hert hun - pre dred-fold vents look gro - ho ing ill fru! gro! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

14 I Wnn Be ood round 12 P. King C. Wlker mericn Spirul c.. J I n - n be good ground! I n - n be good ground! 5 m. I n - n be good ground, so 6. od's Word cn gro in me! I'm gon - n brek up tht hrd ground, I'm gon - n dig up those 12.. m rocks, Lord, I'm gon - n pull out those thorns - so od's Word cn gro in me! one time thru, n repet intro, n four "1 nns", n song gin 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

15 5,000 olks Were olloing Jesus 13 P. King C. Wlker C 3 5 C 1. ive 2. Send 3. Yes, 4. ive 5. ive 6. Set. Brek 8. Telve thou - m br - peo - full s - ley ple folks y cn loves Lord don bred bs - ive send Yes, five give set brek telve C thou - m br - peo - full s - ley ple folks y cn loves, Lord don bred bs - ere in kets ive send yes, five give set brek telve thou - m br - peo - full s - ley ple folks y cn loves, Lord don bred bs - ere in kets It We bring tht It's let pss more s cn't me e - m thn e - din - feed ht ll nough ll food nough ere in kets ner m 've e for re - - for fol - lo - in' cn to He ill groups thnk ere left Je - sus, vil - l - ges, feed m, fh - es, use fif -, ty, - r, o - ver, fol - He groups thnk ere lo - in' cn to ill left Je - vil - l - feed fh - use fif - - o - sus, ges, m es,, ty, r, ver, fol - He groups thnk ere C lo - in' cn to ill left time! ll! got. hve! Him. cline. round. ev - 'ry - one! Je - sus, vil - l - ges, feed m, fh - es, use fif -, ty, - r, o - ver, Trdionl 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

16 Jesus Told ll H ciples 14 nn Buntin b b 9 b 13 b 1 b 21 b 25 b 29 b C. one come C 1.Je - 2.Pe - sus ter Wves Je -. ent cme bt - sus tered, sid, 4th s tch ld sid, He strong cried sink, B b Je - ok those n.. be did Son n sid, he # sus Pe - in sid, ter's m ll "Lord, m. smll m H if inds "Come." m. m ble Pe - cme ind, he d - 's ter m, got m "It cried, / # "Lord, "Tke h, bot C.. sve cour - ge. sy - ing, or - shipped m cip - You C. bot. You.". C les n night lked pry. Him. o C fell on com - on b lk - scred m. ghost!" me!" ing It "Your sy -. frid!" doubt?" od!" fh ing, Ó step m in - me Œ m m - hile ter In When He on he str - ter, ted "It's Œ m Je CO: he y But sus nd I. so true,. Chrles B. Wrd o smll, You're not hy 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

17 You re Chrt 15 P. King C. Wlker bc 1. You 2. Your m m re nme no Chrt, Pe - ter, m Son on th Trdionl Hebre od, rock I'll 3 b. m m. 5 b liv build ing My m od! Church. I Bless'd ill re build, My Si - Church, mon, mn keys hs not m shon King - dom b m th, I My ill - r m. hs.. Π2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

18 Jesus Took Up Three ciples 16 P. King C. Wlker Trdionl Welsh Lullby c. C m m m C. m. m m C Je - sus ok up three d - ci - ples, brought m mount - in high. 5. m m. C. m m C There He s trns formed be fore m, fce gr - ments shi - ning bright m C.. m m Mo - Her ses Him, her - Him, li - My h oined m, Be - lov - ed, rom her Him, cloud her Him, voice My did sy: de - light. 13 C m m.... Th Je - sus My Son, on - ly, m C Je - Be-losus on - - ed, ly, m in Whom Je - sus m I hve on - ly, m C found her My de-lightly on - Him Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

19 Yes, Truly I Sy 1 P. King C. Wlker Trdionl 4 3 C. 1. Yes, tru - ly I sy, hen come, to or three, re 2. On erth pry - ge - r in hr - mo - ny; to or 6 C 6 h I ill be; Just pry in My three on mt - ter - gree; My - r in 10. nme, ht - ev - er sy, Yes, I ill hev - en ill do for e; Mt - eigh - 14 C. Πher r pryer right - y! teen, nine - teen through ten - ty Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

20 Then Peter Cme Sid Him 18 P. King C. Wlker # c Then B Pe - ter cme sid Him, Lord, ilbert Sullivn. ho t shll my bro - r sin - 3 # # B 6 # ginst me, Lord, I for-give him, #, ust up se - ven times, se-ven times, tht mn - y n? # up sev-en - ty times se-ven, Je- sus sid, I do not sy C # # # se - ven-ty times se -ven times! 9 # # n se-ven, B m n n 'til four hun dred nine ty count, n Tht's gret big num ber, Lord, for 12 # 15 # n n give ness in B m. ful! n lrge mount! s # n Since tht's que im pos si ble, It od hd mer - cy much me, I'll n n n B m # mkes for giv ness on - der - #. tret my bro - r sim - i - lr - ly! or- 18 # B # # give my bro - r from my hert, or - B # give my bro - r from my hert, 20 # B # od hd mer - cy much me, I'll B # B tret my bro - r si - mi-lr - ly! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

21 nd They Brought Him 19 P. King C. Wlker Trdionl C c C nd y brought Him mn - y l - tle ones, be pryed for be 4 C C C C uched by Him. H di - ci - ples on see-ing th re-buked m, but Je - sus clled m 8 C C Prt II C bck Him. Sy - ing, let l - tle chil-dren come, or - bid m not 12 C C come Me. Sy - ing, let l - tle child - ren come, for 15 C King - dom C C such, sid He Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

22 The ret Comm 20 P. King C. Wlker C bc Πm Spirul 1. The 2. The gret sec - com - ond m: 1. You 2. You shll shll love love r Lord h neigh - bor 3 b B b Πm ll s r hert! r - self! gret com - sec - ond m You You shll shll love love r Lord h neigh - bor 5 b C B b #o n. ll s r hert. r - self. oh, ll r thoushlt soul oh, love ll thou r shlt soul love tht ll r neigh - bor mind! tht thine, ll r neigh - bor mind! thine, The The sys sys 8 b C gret gret Mtt - Mtt - he he first first com - com - ten - ty ten - ty m - ment: m - ment: to, verse to, verse Love Love thir - thir - ty ty Lord! Lord! nine! nine! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

23 Like Lightening rom st 21 P. King C. Wlker # # c Like light - 'ning from rench-cndin olk Song est est, 3 so ill com - ing Son Mn be. 5 Wtch, for kno not ht dy He my come; Come t n hour hen do not ex - spect. 9 Wtch be red - y, Son Mn comes! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

24 Lern Ho be hful Tody 22 P. King C. Wlker J. P. Sous c #. # # Lern ho be fh - ful - dy, be fh - ful in ll tht 're 4 #. giv - en. In smll things, l - tle, lest, r. #. # me- sure ill be in - cresed! Tke cre things in r room, look 11 # # n B m m B b n see ht must be put - y. Pick up, st stright, mke 14 net! You'll feel so good r room clen, 'll feel so seet! Π2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

25 My Shoes, They Hve Specil Plce 23 P. King C. Wlker. J. Ricketts b b b b b c. My shoes, y hve My shoes, my shoes, my shoes spe - cil plce! 3 bb b b. b I choose put m I choose, I choose, I choose in ir plce. 5 b b b b. I nt be found I nt, I nt, I nt b b. fh - ful in ll fh - ful, fh - ful, fh - ful bb b b b 6 b b b. smll things, es - pec - 'lly my shoes! (I'll be fh -ful, fh-ful) 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

26 Our Mster ve Us, veryone 24 P. King C. Wlker m. olk Song c 1. Our 2. In - Ms - ter vest right gve no, us go ev - out 'ry one trde, Tl - use ents, r to gift, don't or. five be or - one. frid! He's Be 5 com - ing fh - ful bck in check thing. some - dy, or to; if e've Lord cn pro - n f give. mde more or ny.. In - 9 vest To r mkes tl - four, ent,. don't five ust mkes s, ten, 's es - rep - y ing no time. dou - com - ble ing. n: Your if 13. fh - ful - one mkes ness to, ill 'll sure - ly her Him py, "Well SY, "Well done," done, r good Ms - slve, ter hve n oy ill sy. - dy." repet lst hlf second verse h fermt on SY 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

27 Mke Bed 25 P. King C. Wlker # c Trdionl 1. Mke 2. Let's 3. tke 4. et pick out home ork bed, up, trsh, done, mke let's tke get pick out home ork bed, up, trsh, done, if if get ill e e 3 # on see see ly tht tke on min ground, full, ute, let's tke mke pick out fin hed, get o, ver, get bed. up. trsh. done.. (Oh, (Oh, (Oh, (Oh, be fh be fh be fh be fh ful, ful, ful, ful, fh fh fh fh ful) ful) ful) ful) 5 # Mke Let's Tke et pick out home ork bed, up, trsh, done, mke let's tke get pick out home ork bed, up, trsh, done, if if get ill e e # on see see fin ly tht hed, tke on get min ground, full, o ute, let's tke ver, mke pick out get bed! up! trsh! done! done! done! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

28 Then Speks King 26 P. King C. Wlker C Then speks King, en - throned in H glo - ry, Lou C. Singer those on H right 4 h: # Come in, ho re blessed, C # Blessed My o r! In - her - king - dom 10 for pre - pred from foun - d - tion orld; 13 o # Bless'd My 9 - r, King - dom's rs! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

29 I Ws Hungry, You ve Me 2 P. King C. Wlker nglh ir I 2. Lord, s hun - hen gry did e gve feed Me, You or gve give # Me food You 4 # et. drink? I When s thirs - ere ty, You gve strn - Me, ger, in gve pri - son Me e did 8 drink. I see? In - s - s much s hve strn - done ger, n one ok se, me in; lest my 13 Πclod bro - me rs, vi - si - ted, l - so in hve pri - done son cme un - Me. Me! 2006 Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

30 Insmuch s You Hve one 28 P. King C. Wlker c In s much s hve done... one se, lest se, Trdionl repet mny times, modulting ccelerting! lest se My bro - rs, 've.. done un - Me Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

31 P. King C. Wlker Melody # # c 1.. Womn Cme Jesus o - 2. poured mn her cme pre - cious Je oint - sus h n - ment, dry -ing l - - bs - H feet h ter her 1.. flsk Root She. escnt c l c M 5 2. hir Some n 4. You'll not sid hy s th ste? He sid, leve l -ys hve me here; she hs done ht - her e'er - lone. she could n. n M She loves me much more here-e'er gos - thn pel's, preched, for ht she she's knos done I ill for-give be her ld,. sins. o.. ΠΠΠBible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

32 s They Were ting 30 P. King C. Wlker C.. ounod bc. C6 C B b C. 1. s y 2. He ok ere et cup ing Je - n sus gve ok thnks, bred He 4 b C6 C B b C C C #o. m # blessed gve, broke m gve sy - ing, rink d - ci - ll, ples, n 's He My b B b #o m m B b m6 C.. sid, blood, tke, et, th blood My ne bo - cov - dy. 'nnt. Melody LOWR prt. 3. Th 4. I shll My not 10 b C blood drink th be - vine ing -. poured gin out from for no C mn - on y, un - be - ing til tht 13 b.. b b. n. poured dy out hen for e B b mn - y, for drink ne in Melody sches HIHR prt C for - give - ness My - r's King - sins. dom Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

33 P. King C. Wlker # # Oh, 2. You 3. They ht could put.. Oh, Wht ml Night.. 've d clled sign ml on. 4. They thought y'd Œ.. night, n Your fin hed You, n #. Lord! gels, cross:. In Je not sus,. gr den hve m olk Song. gone King. be thru 31 tryed. tril; Jes; thought You ere ded gone; 4... or They You thir put lked ty thru piec scr deth. es let... Œ.. sil robe You #. on ver,, left!. But n You rose gin, m. M. price mde Oh, tht You th. tri cron oy J. r got ful pid. thorns. nes! no You're liv ing on! Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

34 P. King C. Wlker # # # # # # #. Je - sus cme o re - fore d - Bp - ti-sing m in - Tech - ing Jesus Cme Spoke spoke. m sy-ing ci - ple m, d - ci - ple ll nme m ll u - thor - - -r Son ob - serve. ty n - tions; Ho - ly Spi - r; ll things 32 P. P. Bls hs been I m h ll dys, un til end ge. 1. # 2. # giv'n Me in he - ven on erth, u - thor - i - ty! 3. # o re- fore, d - ci- ple ll. n - tions o d - ci - ple m # # Bp - t - ing tht I I'm h, m in nme, hve com - ll dys, nme Tri - une. m ded Til end od.. ge Bible SrySongs, Inc. ll Rights Reserved.

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