Prague 2010 was a high-quality Congress

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1 2010/2 2011/1 irp la ye THE OF FI CI AL PUB LI CA TI ON OF THE EU RO PE AN FA IR PLAY MO VE MENT We wish all our friends a Happy New Year! May you all enjoy good health and happiness. EFPM Newsletter EFPM's joining to the sport and educational European communities Ioannis PSILOPOULOS EFPM Gen. Secretary Sin ce its fo un da ti on in 1994 the EFPM has set up as one of its ma in go als the es tab lish ment of clo se re la ti ons hips with va rio us Eu ro pe an and World sport and edu ca tio nal ins ti tu ti ons and or ga ni - za ti ons, eit her go vern men tal or non-go - vern men tal. This stra tegy, has be en adop ted in or der to streng then on one hand, the po si ti on of EFPM in the world of sport and edu ca ti on, and on the ot - her hand, to crea te chan nels for the pro pa ga ti on of its va lu es, prin cip les, sco pes and mes sa ges. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 12 United Nations meeting on Sport as a Means to Promote Education, Health, Development and Peace The sub ject of sport was on the agen da at the 65th Ses si on of the Uni ted Na ti ons Ge ne ral As sembly, which be gan on 20th Sep tem ber Yo u will find a full re port on this mee ting in this is su e of Play Fa ir. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 15 The Czech Republic, home of so many champions, shows it leads the way in Fair Play too. In the last we ek of Oc to ber 2010, the Czech Olympic Committee hos ted the 16th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Congress at the In ter con ti nen tal Ho tel in the co untry s his to ric ca pi tal, Pra gu e. For us, hol ding our Con gress in the Czech Re pub lic had a spe ci al sig ni fi can ce as it was he re that the first steps to wards the for ma ti on of Petr HRUBEC Kveta PECKOVA Richard MRAZEK the EFPM we re ta ken with the or ga - ni sa ti on of a se mi nar in the early 1990s. At the 2010 Con gress, which was jo intly or ga ni sed by the Czech Oly mpic Com mit te e and the Czech Fa ir Play Club, spe ec hes we re gi ven by dis tin gu is hed ex perts, as well as by spor ting stars of the past. Our the me for the Pra gu e Con gress was Fa ir Play Edu ca ti on at Scho ol: A Sha red Res pon si bi lity. A num ber of use ful ide as re la ting to the edu ca ti on of chil dren, who are the fu tu re in ha bi - tants of the co un tri es we all li ve in, we re put for ward, and the re sults of va rio us pie ces of re se arch we re presented. A press con fe ren ce be fo re the Con - gress was at ten ded by Ve ra Cáslavská (a ma jor fi gu re in world gymnas tics his tory), Dr. Jo - sef Do va lil (Vi ce Pre si dent of the Czech Oly mpic Com mit te e), two-ti me Oly mpic ca no e sprint cham pi - on Mar tin Dok tor, thre e-ti me Oly mpic cross-co untry ski ing cham pi on Kve ta Pec ková, EFPM Pre si dent Car los Gon çal ves and EFPM Vi ce Pre si dents Prof. Man fred Lämmer and Er doğan Arıpınar. Our 16th European Fair Play Con gress re cei ved full marks from all par ti ci pants: our Czech col le - agu es had or ga ni sed a high-qua lity event for us and we re ex cel lent hosts. DELEGATES AND GUESTS AT THE 16 th CONGRESS Prague 2010 was a high-quality Congress EFPM flag to fly in Croatia in 2011 Ever sin ce our first Con gress was held in Is tan bul in 1995, a ce re mony has be en held at which the EFPM flag is han ded over by rep re sen ta ti ves of the co untry whe re our Con gress has just be en held to tho se of the co untry which is to host the event in the co ming Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19 Walther Tröger has got World Fair Play Award Walther Tröger won the Willi Daume Fair Play Trophy LAU SAN NE- The In ter na tio nal Com mit te e for Fa ir Play (CIFP) and the Uni on of World Sports Wri ters (AIPS) or ga ni sed the 2010 Fa ir Play Award ce re mony to get her. The gre at Wil li Dau me Trophy Ger man IOC Ho no rary Mem ber Walt her Trö ger had be en choo - sen va lu ed. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19 The ar tic le which tells abo ut Trans pa rency In ter na tio nal the Or - ga ni sa ti on which is figh - ting cor rup ti on all aro und the world is on pa ge 4. FROM THE CHAMPION: Walther Tröger receiving his Fair Play Award from the swimming champion in the 1960 Olympics and the member of the CIFP Council Ms Donna Elizabeth De Varona. The article by the well known sports authority Sylvia Schenk named Fair play is good, Compliance is better is on page 4. See you in Porec in 2011 The Great Alliance of EFPM The EOC-EFPM Awards We pay our respects to Piotr Nurowski The EFPM is to hold its 17th Con - gress in Po rec, a city on the be au ti ful Is - tri an co ast of Cro ati - a, from september 28 to 30, Pre pa ra ti ons for the event ha ve al re - ady be en star ted by the Cro ati an Na - tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e and the Cro - ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 7 EFPM pro vi des its de ve lop ment in Eu ro pe by do ing co ope ra ti ons with the ot her or ga ni za ti on which are parl lel in the pur po se. Af ter the 16th con gress, the Ge - ne ral As sembly, sig ned mu tu al ag ree ments for co ope - ra ti on with IS CA and CSIT who did af fec ti ve things all aro und the world. Car los Gonçal ves rep re sen ted EFPM, Ha rald Bau er rep re sen ted CIST and Mo gens Kir keby rep re sen ted IS KA for the sig na tu res. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 5 The EFPM Jury for the jo int EOC-EFPM Fa ir Play Awards (con sis ting of Mi ros lav Ce rar, Io - an nis Psi lo pou los, Prof. Dr. Zo fi a Zu kows ka and Dr.Lie ke Vlo et) met in Pra gu e to de ci de on the re ci pi ents of the se awards for the ye ar Af ter a go od de al of ca re ful tho ught, the lucky win - ners we re even tu ally cho sen, and the awards will be presented at national ce - re monies to be held in Lieke VLOET Con ti nu ed on pa ge 2 Piotr NUROWSKI ( ), the President of the Polish National Olympic Committee, was killed in the terrible plane crash in Smolensk, Russia, in April last year. A man who had devoted his whole life to the twin causes of sport and Fair Play was thus lost to us at an age when he might have rendered yet more services to world sport. On behalf of everyone at the EFPM, we salute the memory of this friendly, always-smiling person who was much loved by all who knew him, and extend our condolences to his family, to the Polish nation and to the sporting community. THE EFPM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PLAY FAIR ACADEMIC SUPPLEMENT The eighth in our se ri es of Aca de mic Supp le ments to the Play Fa ir ma ga zi ne, which con ta ins in for ma ti ve ar tic les by aca de mic specialists, is included in this issue.

2 2 The work of the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e The re we re two mee tings of the Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e of the EFPM in Both the se mee tings to ok pla ce at the In ter con ti - nen tal Ho tel in Pra gu e, whe re the 16th Con - gress was held. The first one to ok pla ce on 13th and 14th May, and was at ten ded by the Czech te am in char ge of or ga ni sing the Con gress. The fort hco ming Con gress and the gu ests who we re to at tend it we re dis - cus sed in de ta il, and the key no te spea kers we re cho sen. It was an no un ced that our Con gress for the co ming ye ar was to be held in Po rec, Cro ati a. Pre si dent Gon çal ves brie - fed the Com mit te e on the mee tings he had held on be half of the EFPM with va rio us bo - di es, whi le Com mit te e Mem ber Chris ti an Hin ter ber ger ga ve in for ma ti on on his mee tings with CSIT, TUL (Fin land) and SA - TUS (Swit zer land). Thanks we re ex pres sed on ce mo re to the Azer bai jan Mi nistry of Sport for the ir con tri bu ti on of twenty thou - sand dol lars for EFPM pro jects. The Com mit - te e ex pres sed the opi ni on that a de ci si on on Clau se no. 3 in the sta tu tes of the EFPM, which is to be chan ged, sho uld be ma de at the 17th Con gress in Po rec. It was al so de ci - ded that Italy s application to host our 18th Con gress sho uld be exa mi ned, and that con tact sho - uld be ma de with CO NI in this re - gard. Fi nally, the Exe cu ti ve Com - mit te e ag re ed that Vi ce Pre si - AT THE SECOND MEETING IN PRAGUE: Members of the EFPM Executive Committee before the 16th General Assembly in Prague. In 2010 the Executive Committee held two meetings in Prague dent Er do an Ar p nar s pro po sals re gar ding the fu tu re of the EFPM and its struc tu re wo - uld be dis cus sed du ring our 2011 Con gress. The Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e me ets on ce mo re in Pra gu e The se cond mee ting of the EFPM Exe cu - ti ve Com mit te e for 2010 was al so held at the In ter con ti nen tal Ho tel in Pra gu e. This mee ting to ok pla ce on 27th Oc to ber, be - fo re the opening of the 16th Con gress. The Com mit te e ins pec ted the Czech or ga - ni sing com mit te e s pre pa ra ti ons for the Con gress on ce mo re, and fo und that they we re comp le te. Dis cus si ons we re held on the bud get and on the mee tings that had ta ken pla ce bet we en the EFPM and EOC. Pre pa ra ti ons for the 17th Congress in Po - rec, and tho se for the 18th Con gress to be held in Italy in 2012, we re exa mi ned. The Com mit te e ga ve the go-ahe ad for the EFPM s pro jects to be star ted, and it was decided that the next mee ting of the Exe - cu ti ve Com mit te e wo uld be held in Po rec from 14th to 17th Ap ril CZECH HOS PI TA LITY: The Czech Oly mpic Com mit te e and the Czech Fa ir Play Club, our hosts for the 16th Con gress, ex - ten ded a warm wel co me to the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e at both mee tings. (Left) A din ner on the In ter con ti nen tal Ro of gi ven by the Czech Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e in ho no ur of the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e at the ti me of the mee ting in May. International Fair Play Cartoons grace the EFPM s 2011 Wall Calendar WELL DONE, KATARINA! Katarina Raczova holds up her EFPM 2011 calendar. In re cent ye ars, se ve ral Na tio nal and In ter na tio nal Fa ir Play Car to on Com pe ti ti ons ha ve be en or ga ni sed by the Fa ir Play Com mit te e of the Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e of Tur - key. The Cha ir man of this Com mit te e is Er doğan Arıpınar. Ar tists from all over the world ha ve ta ken part, and the win - ners ha ve be en gi ven awards. In 2010, hard-wor king EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e mem ber Ka ta ri na Rac zo va be gan a pro ject which even tu ally led to the pro duc ti on of the first ever EFPM wall ca len dar. The ca len dar fe atu res Fa ir Play car to ons which ha ve be en en te red for the com pe ti ti ons in Tur key by ar tists from a num ber of co un tri es, and each pa - ge al so car ri es a tho ught-pro vo king pie ce of wri ting on Fa - ir Play. Co pi es of the ca len dar ha ve be en sent out to sports or ga ni sa ti ons all over the world. App lau se for Ka ta ri na The EFPM ca len dar was presented to the de le ga tes at the 16th Con gress in Pra gu e. All those who had wor ked on it, and es pe ci ally Ka ta ri na, we re gi ven a stan ding ova ti on. Europe s most meaningful award Winners of EOC-EFPM Fair Play Awards for 2010 chosen In 1996, two ye ars af ter the fo un da ti on of the EFPM, a jury was for med to de ter mi ne the win ners of the jo int awards gi ven an nu ally by the EFPM and the EOC (Eu ro pe an Oly mpic Com mit te es). In May 2010, this jury met at the In ter con ti nen tal Ho tel in Pra gu e to de ci de on the win ners of the se awards for the ye ar The Grand Jury The Awards Jury, which this ye ar con sists of Io an - nis Psi lo pou los (Gree ce - EFPM Ge ne ral Sec re tary), Prof. Dr. Zo fi a Zu kows ka (Po land) and Lie ke Vlo et (The Netherlands), met un der the cha ir mans hip of Mi ros lav Ce rar (Slo ve ni a-efpm Exe cu ti ve Com mit - te e mem ber). Af ter ne arly thre e ho urs of de li be ra - ti on, the win ners of the EOC-EFPM Fa ir Play Awards for 2010 we re de ci ded on. The EOC-EFPM Awards for 2010 Pla qu e of Me rit and Dip lo ma (in me mo ri am) To PI OTR NU ROWS KI ( ) for mer Pre si - dent of the Po lish Oly mpic Com mit te e for his li feti me de di ca ti on to Sports and Fa ir Play. Pre si dent Nu rows ki lost his li fe last Ap ril 10, 2010 in the tra gic pla ne crash clo se to Smo lens ko Air port on the way to Katyn, joi ning a Po lish of fi ci al de le - ga ti on for pa ying tri bu te and res pect to the Po lish ci ti zens (inc lu ding 8 Po lish Oly mpi ans) kil led the re on March 1940 (pro po sal from EFPM Pre si dent Car - los Gon çal ves). Pla qu e of Me rit and Dip lo ma (Or ga ni sa ti on) To the KRO NEN ZEI TUNG for its re mar kab le con - tri bu ti on ma de to the spreading of the Fa ir Play va - lu es and prin cip les. KRO NEN Zei tung star ted a cam - pa ign for fa ir ness in sport and suc cee ded to mo ti - va te al most the who le country. Its ma ni fes to has be en sig ned and sup por ted by many po pu lar Aus - tri an ath le tes as well as Sports As so ci ati ons, or ga ni - sers of big events and thou sands of or di nary pe op - le (pro po sal from AS KO E, Aus tri a) Dip lo mas (In di vi du als) To RO MAS BER NO TAS, Pre si dent of the Lit hu ani - an As so ci ati on of Ama te ur Run ning, pro fes sor of Physi cal Edu ca ti on and trai ner of Ath le tics and Bas - ket ball, for his con tri bu ti on to the imp le men ta ti on of the et hi cal va lu es in Sports and the edu ca ti on of yo uth in the spi rit of Fa ir Play and To le ran ce (pro - po sal from the Lit hu ani an Oly mpic Com mit te e). Award Ce re mo ni es In ac cor dan ce with the re gu la ti ons, the EOC- EFPM Awards for 2010 will be presented at ce re - mo ni es held in the win ners res pec ti ve co un tri es. Prof. Rodichenko breaks the record for publications on Fair Play Prof. Dr. Vladimir Rodichenko, who has been involved in our work for many years both as an administrator and in other capacities, is a well-known figure at Fair Play events not just in his home country, Russia, but also in the rest of Europe and internationally. Recently, Prof. Rodichenko has published yet another book, bringing the number of his publications on Fair Play to ten. The work of Prof. Rodichenko, who is an Honorary Member of the EFPM, is much appreciated both by us and by the CIFP, and his efforts were applauded at our Congress in Prague. MEETING OF THE JURY: The jury for the EOC-EFPM Awards at work EFPM Awards for Services Rendered At the closing ceremony on the final evening of the 16th Congress in Prague, special awards (consisting of medals and plaques) were given to people who had rendered important services to Fair Play both in their own countries and in Europe as a whole. A Medal for Khazar Isayev The EFPM Medal of Honour and certificate were presented to Khazar Isayev, the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Fair Play Committee, in recognition of his work in promoting the Fair Play movement in Azerbaijan. Khazar Isayev played an important role in the selection of Baku as the venue for our 15th Congress, and in the organisation and successful hosting of this event; he was also involved in the decision by the Azerbaijan Ministry of Sport to donate twenty thousand dollars to the EFPM as a contribution to our projects. A Medal for Prof. Jirí Pelikán Jirí Pelikán, a professor at the world-famous Charles University, was the person who in 1991 organised the seminar in what was then Czechoslovakia that led to the formation of the European Fair Play Movement. In Prague, the EFPM presented him with its Medal of Honour in recognition of this initiative. An Award for Alena Dlabacova Dr. Alena Dlabacova, who carried out important work in the cause of Fair Play both in Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech Republic (and who was also one of the organisers of the Seminar in 1991), received the EFPM s Shield of Honour.

3 3 Prof. Roland NAUL Value education in school from cross-curricular Perspective Prof. Jirí PELIKÁN Fair Play - An integral part of human life and Education THE PANEL DISCUSSION ON THE LAST DAY OF THE 16th CONGRESS They evaluated the most important problem of the world sports The 16th European Fair Play Congress in Prague: A Success! Delegates and experts dealt with the Central Topic Fair play education in schools: A shared Responsibilty. Kveta PECKOVA Fair Play Principle perception by Czech youth The 16th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress and the EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly to ok pla ce in Pra gu e on Oc to ber 2010 in the IN TER CON TI NEN TAL Ho tel, un der the pat ro na ge of the Eu ro pe an Oly mpic Com mit te es, the In ter na tio nal Co un cil of Sport Sci en ce and Physi cal Edu ca ti on and the Ma yor of Pra gu e Mr. Pa vel Bern. The to pic which was dis cus sed was Fa ir Play Edu ca ti on in Scho ols: A Sha red Res pon si - bi lity and fo cus sed on to pics such as: Fa - ir Play - Part of in di vi du al s li fe and edu - Problems of value education were discussed from different perspectives. Dr. Josef DOVALIL Fair Play Education as a part of Olympic Education at the Sports Universities Dr. Jenö KAMUTI Fair Play from a different perspective, Fair Play Society a just society Con ti nu ed on pa ge 16 EOC President Patrick Hickey s Message to the 16th EFPM Congress The text of the mes sa ge sent to the 16th Con gress of the EFPM by Pat rick Hic key, Pre si dent of the Eu ro pe an Oly mpic Com mit te es, was as fol - lows: De ar Fri ends of the Eu - Patrick HICKEY EOC President ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve - ment, It is with reg ret that I Con ti nu ed on pa ge 13 The EFPM delegates and the Czech sports community watched the presentations with full attention. 16th CONGRESS, PRAGUE 2010 DECLARATION Rep re sen ta ti ves from 25 mem bers of the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment (EFPM) and 120 par ti ci pants at ten ded the 16th European Fair Play Con gress held in Pra gu e from 27 to 29 Oc to ber 2010 on the to pic of Fa ir Play Edu ca - ti on in Scho ols: A Sha red Res pon si bi lity. Bea ring in mind EFPM s par ti cu lar res pon si bi li ti es for pro - mo ting the va lu es and prin cip les of Fa ir Play in all sports ac ti vi ti es and in every day li fe, thro ug ho ut Eu ro pe, the Dec la ra ti ons adop ted at the 15 pre - vio us European Fair Play Con gres ses, and ta king in to ac co unt the edu ca tio nal va lu es in scho ols the Fa ir Play ap pre hen si on by scho lars the po si ti ve ini ti ati ves aga inst ra cism and eth nic dis cri mi na ti on and the inf lu en ce of the cur rent sports ne ga - ti ve symptoms on the Fa ir Play edu ca tio nal pro cess the EFPM calls on the Na tio nal Go vern men tal Edu ca tio nal Or ga ni za ti ons to in tro du ce Oly mpic Edu ca ti on as a sub ject of the Scho - ol cur ri cu la or in a cross-cur ri cu la pers pec ti ve. the Uni ver si ti es and the Fa cul ti es of Sports Sci en ce and Physi cal Edu ca ti on to con - si der - the Cha ir of "Et hics in Sport" as of the ut - most im por tan ce in the Physi cal Edu ca ti on and Sports Sci en ce fi eld. - that a mo du le of va lu e edu ca ti on in PE and scho ol sports sho uld be co me com pul sory in the PE te ac hers edu ca ti on. - fo cus ing a part of the ir re se arch and edu - ca tio nal ca pa ci ti es on cur rent is su es con cer - ning Oly mpism and Fa ir Play, in co ope ra ti on with the Na tio nal Oly mpic Stu di es Cen tres. - that the re sults of re se arch ac ti vi ti es in Oly mpism and Fa ir Play sho uld be sub se qu - ently a pre di ca te of edu ca ti on prog ram mes and syste ma ti cally de ve lo ped in Uni ver sity con cepts of Oly mpic and Fa ir Play edu ca ti on prog rammes. the Eu ro pe an and Na tio nal Oly mpic Com - mit te es to - crea te and de ve lop spe ci fic prog rammes, ai ming to disseminate the Fa ir Play va lu es and prin cip les, es pe ci ally among yo ung sports par - ti ci pants - pub lish spe ci fic bib li og raphy ad dres sed to yo ung sports par ti ci pants, yo uth sports co ac hes, pa rents and sports of fi ci als, ma na gers, spon sors, mass me di a and sports jo ur na lists. - sup port syste ma ti cally the uni ver sity re se - arch prog rammes fo cus ed on Oly mpism and Fa ir Play prin cip les. - crea te Cen tres of Oly mpic Edu ca ti on whe - re gro ups of stu dents from scho ols, edu ca tio - nal ins ti tu ti ons and sport clubs are to be in vi - ted to at tend re le vant co ur ses and lec tu res. - in vi te Fa ir Play Clubs to or ga ni se work - shops for yo uth, pa rents and te ac hers, co a- c hes fo cu sed on FP va lu es and edu ca ti on, using the ava ilab le pub li ca ti ons on these. the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment to pro - po se and co or di na te re se arch pro jects or ex - pert stu di es which will de al with how the Fa ir Play prin cip les and at ti tu des are per cei ved and edu ca ted in the re al be ha vi or in sport and out si de sport en vi ron ment, in gen der and age pers pec ti ves. the Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te es to - fi nan ce and pub lish Oly mpic text bo oks for chil dren and yo uth, in co ope ra ti on with the Na tio nal Go vern men tal Edu ca tio nal Or ga ni sa - ti ons and - sup port systems of Oly mpic Edu ca ti on with a spe ci al sub-c hap ter fo cu sing on Fa ir Play. the Na tio nal Sports Fe de ra ti ons to inc lu - de in the co ac hes edu ca tio nal prog rammes a spe ci al sub ject dea ling with "Et hics in Sport", in the scope of the are a of Sport Edu ca tio n". the Mu ni ci pa li ti es to sup port and de ve - lop ini ti ati ves and prog rammes ma inly ad dres - sed to the pri mary scho ols and to com mu nity sports clubs, ai ming to crea te a cli ma te of co - ope ra ti on and mu tu al un ders tan ding among all par ti ci pants. the Na tio nal Sports and Tou rism Mu se - ums to or ga ni se ex po si ti ons, films pro jec ti ons and mee tings with yo ung pe op le on Fair Play and Oly mpic to pics. the Sport Me di a to crea te spe ci al Oly mpic edi ti ons fo cu sing on va rio us to pics such as Fair Play in sports, ce leb ra ti ons of Oly mpic an ni - ver sa ri es, etc. Pra gu e, 30 Oc to ber 2010

4 4 Sylvia SCHENK The EFPM General Assembly took important decisions Partnership contracts were signed with two active social Organisations: CSIT and ISCA The16th Ge ne ral As sembly of the Eu - ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment, was held at the IN TER CON TI NEN TAL Ho tel in Pra gu - e, Czech Re pub lic, on Oc to ber 30th, Prof. Carlos GONÇALVES EFPM President Harald BAUER CSIT President Mogens KIRKEBY ISCA President Wel co me and ap pro val of the Agen da The quo rum was con fir med with 24 EFPM Mem bers pre - sent (equ al to 60% at - ten dan ce) and the Ge - ne ral As sembly was ope ned, in ac cor dan ce with the re qu ire ments of the Sta tu tes. The Pre si dent of the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment Car los Gon çal ves, wel co med the mem bers and the spe ci al gu ests in vi ted by the or ga ni sers, and pre sen ted the pro po - sed Agen da to the Ge - ne ral As sembly. The EFPM Mem bers ap pro ved the Agen da. Gree tings from Eu ro pe an Sports Or ga ni sa ti ons and Ins ti tu ti ons The EFPM General Sec re tary Io an nis Psi lo - pou los re ad the mes - sa ge from EOC Pre si dent Pat rick Hic key, who un der li ned the pro mi sing fu tu re of the co ope ra ti on bet we en EOC and EFPM. Prof. Ro ma na Ca put-jo gu ni ca, on be - half of ENG SO, sent warm gree tings to the Ge ne ral As sembly and con fir med the con ti nu ati on of the fru it ful co ope - ra ti on bet we en ENG SO and the EFPM. CIFP Pre si dent Je nö Ka mu ti com mu ni - ca ted the gree tings of the or ga ni sa ti on he pre si des over to all the mem bers of the EFPM fa mily and in for med them abo ut the suc cess of the first World Yo - uth Oly mpic Fes ti val in Sin ga po re and the CIFP pre sen ce the re. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 13 A VIEW OF THE 16th EFPM GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN PRAGUE The Executive Committee at the 16th EFPM General Assembly TURKEY IS TAN BUL- The individuals and institutions that went to the Fa ir Play Ho nor Po di um of the Na tio - nal Oly mpic Commit - te e of Tur key with Murat F. ÖZBAY The Winners of NOCT Fair Play Awards for the Season exemp lary be ha vi or were as fol lows: Be ha vi or Branch Grand Pri ze El van ABEY LE GES SE (Na tio nal Ath le te): She ga ve her spa re sho es to the Et hi opi an ath le te who for - got her sho es at the ho tel du ring the World Track & Fi eld Cham pi ons hips held in Ber lin to en su re that her ri val was ab - le to com pe te. Ho no rab le Men ti on: Ay han TUZ LA LI (Swim mer-stu dent/si vas Cum hu ri yet Uni ver sity, Physi cal Edu ca ti on and Sports Col le ge): He re ali zed that his ri val was suf fe ring from fo ot cramp and was at risk of drow ning du ring the In ter-uni - ver si ti es swim ming con test held in Si vas, qu it the ra ce to help him and car ri ed him to the po ol si de. Se zer KA RA PI NAR (Go ali e/kah ra man ma raşs por U17 te - am): Du ring the match that his te am pla yed with Fa tih Genç lik, he war ned the re fe re e who did not se e the ball pas - sing the go al li ne du ring the mix-up that to ok pla ce in front of the go al, whi le his te am was ahe ad by 1-0 and as sis ted the de ci si on be ing ta ken for a go al aga inst his te am. Yu suf Bah ri KES KI NA LEM DAR (Fo ot bal ler/çor lu Genç ler bir li ği Sports Club): He went to the re fe re e and dec la - red that he sco red the go al by hand du - ring the match his te am was pla ying in Te kir dağ aga inst Ve li köys por and he The Winners of the Turkey Fair Play Awards 2009 / Con ti nu ed on pa ge 12 Olympic Athlete 1972, Lawyer Senior Advisor for Sport, Transparency International Member of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Fair Play is good Compliance is better Whi le the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve - ment held its 16th Con gress in Pra - gu e in Oc to ber 2010, in ter na tio nal sport was - on ce aga in - struck by se ve re cor - rup ti on al le ga ti ons: On 17th Oc to ber, re - por ters of the Bri tish news pa per "Sun day Ti mes" pre sen ted a vi de o sho wing two mem bers of FI FA s (Fédéra ti on In ter na ti - ona le de Fo ot ball As so ci ati on) exe cu ti ve com mit te e al le gedly tal king abo ut ta - king mo ney for the ir vo tes re gar ding the award of the FI FA World Cups in 2018 and 2022, res pec ti vely. The FI FA et hics com mit te e sus pen ded both sus pects pro vi sio nally on 20th Oc to - ber and even tu ally ban ned them for one, res pec ti vely, thre e ye ars from all func ti - ons in fo ot ball on 18th No vem ber Fo ur for mer mem bers of the FI FA exe cu - ti ve com mit te e we re ban ned as well for one to fo ur ye ars, all of them for the rea - son of bre ac hing the FI FA et hics co de and/or cor rup ti on. At the sa me ti me, the Uni on Eu ropéen ne de Fo ot ball As so ci ati - on (UE FA) had to de al with si mi lar ac cu - sa ti ons re gar ding the award of the EU RO 2012 to Po land and Uk rai ne. In au tumn 2010, a co urt ca se star ted in Ger many aga inst al le ged mem bers of a gang of match-fi xers ac cu sed of ha ving ma ni pu la ted mo re than 200 fo ot ball matc hes in se ve ral Eu ro pe an co un tri es. And it is not just abo ut fo ot ball: The Com mon we alth Ga mes in New Del hi in Oc to ber 2010 we re sha ded by se ve re cor - Con ti nu ed on pa ge 14 Transparency International Transparency International, the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption, brings people together in a powerful worldwide coalition to end the devastating impact of corruption on men, women and children around the world. TI s mission is to create change towards a world free of corruption. Transparency International challenges the inevitability of corruption, and offers hope to its victims. Since its founding in 1993, TI has played a lead role in improving the lives of millions around the world by building momentum for the anti-corruption movement. TI raises awareness and diminishes apathy and tolerance of corruption, and devises and implements practical actions to address it. Transparency International is a global network including more than 90 locally established national chapters. These bodies fight corruption in the national arena in a number of ways. They bring together relevant players from government, civil society, business and the media to promote transparency in elections, in public administration, in procurement and in business. TI s global network of chapters and contacts also use advocacy campaigns to lobby governments to implement anti-corruption reforms.

5 5 WELCOME TO OUR NEW PARTNERS Confédération Sportive Internationale du Travail (CSIT) The in ter na tio nal mul ti-sport or ga ni sa - ti on CSIT is ba sed on the ide as and prin cip les of the in ter na tio nal la bo ur sports mo ve ment: equa lity and so li da rity in sport. The CSIT was fo un ded in 1913 in Ghent/Bel gi um and was re-es tab lis hed af ter the Se cond World War in Sin ce 2008, when the Aus tri an Ha rald Bau er was elec ted Pre - si dent of the CSIT, the ir he ad qu ar ters ha ve be - en lo ca ted in Vi en na. To day, the CSIT con sists of 44 full mem ber or ga - ni sa ti ons and 3 con ti - nen tal con fe de ra ti ons. Sin ce 2010, when the Harald BAUER CSIT President Chi na s Wor kers Cen - tre for In ter na tio nal Exc han ge be ca me a mem ber, CSIT has ro ughly had 230 Mil li - on mem bers. In ad di ti on, the re are on go - ing ne go ti ati ons with po ten ti al new Con ti nu ed on pa ge 17 EFPM cooperation with two prominent partners: CSIT and ISCA The EFPM re cently sig ned two Me mo ran da of Un - ders tan ding with two pro mi - nent in ter na tio nal sports or ga - ni sa ti ons: the CSIT and the IS CA. The CSIT (In ter na tio nal Wor - kers Sports Con fe de ra ti on) is the um brel la or ga ni sa ti on of Na tio nal Wor kers and Ama te ur Sports Fe de ra ti ons and of Na - tio nal/re gio nal Sports for All Or ga ni sa ti ons. The CSIT was fo un ded in Brus sels, in May It is ba sed on the ac ti vity of the Sports In ter na tio nal of Wor kers, crea ted in Ghent/Bel gi um in May 1913, and re cons ti tu ted in Lu cer ne / Swit zer - Carlos GONÇALVES EFPM President land, in Sep tem ber Amongst its aims, the CSIT in - tends to use sport as a way to pro mo te pea ce and mu tu al un - ders tan ding among pe op le and, con se qu ently, pro mo ting Fa ir Play is con si de red an im por tant con tri bu ti on to the ac hi eve - ment of this aim. The first for mal con tact es tab - lis hed bet we en the EFPM and the CSIT to ok pla ce in Vi en - na/aus tri a, in Ja nu ary 2009, du ring the 39th EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e mee - ting. Ta king in to ac co unt com mon are as Con ti nu ed on pa ge 17 A Partner Towards New Prospects: The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) The sig ning of the Me mo ran dum of Un - ders tan ding in Pra gu e on 30 Oc to ber 2010 by the Pre si dents of the EFPM and IS - CA on the oc ca si on of the 16th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress rep re sents a sig ni fi cant ex ten si on to the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve - ment and opens up new fi elds and forms of col la bo ra ti on. In fi ve sta te ments, the IS CA Pre si dent, Mor gens Kir keby, cle arly com mu ni ca tes the po si ti on which his or - ga ni sa ti on ta kes re gar ding the la test im - por tant de ve lop ments. What are our vi si ons for Sport in Eu ro pe? The Eu ro pe an sports sec tor is di ver se and so are our vi si ons and pri - ori ti es. Eu ro pe has de ve lo ped over the last two de ca - des and so ha ve the Eu - ro pe an ci ti zens pre fe - ren ces, de mands and at - Mogens KIRKEBY ISCA President ti tu des to wards sport and physi cal ac ti - vity. As an um brel la or ga ni za ti on for gras - Con ti nu ed on pa ge 18 STEPS TO THE FUTURE: EFPM President Prof. Carlos Gonçalves and the CSIT President Harald Bauer signing the agreement. ISCA AND EFPM WORK HAND IN HAND: EFPM President Prof. Carlos Gonçalves and CSIT President Mogens Kirkeby signing the agreement. SERBIA Miroslav CERAR EFPM EC Member EFPM also watched the EOC General Assembly in Belgrade BEL GRA DE- The mem ber of the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e Mi - ros lav Ce rar watc hed the 39th EOC Ge ne ral As sembly which was held in No vem ber 2010 in Bel gra de. He re are Ce rar s no tes: I wo uld li ke to in form yo u that I par ti ci pa ted in the 39th EOC Ge ne ral As sembly held in Bel gra de from 26th to 27th No - vem ber I used the op por tu - nity to streng then con tacts with a num ber of rep re sen ta ti ves from NOCs to whom I pre sen ted our ma in ac ti vi ti es, ob jec ti ves and the ro le EFPM plays in the in ter na tio - nal com mu nity and that we de - Con ti nu ed on pa ge 16 ARMENIA Armenia promotes teaching fair play to youngsters YE RE VAN- The Fa ir Play Co un cil of the Ar - me ni an Oly mpic Com mit te e, promotes teaching fa ir play to the yo ung sters thro - ugh various ac ti vi ti es. Broc hu re In the broc hu re, the re is a fri end who helps an in ju red stork. The re are the words of the Vi ce Pre si dent of the co un cil Prof. Lyo va Sam vel yan sa ying the fol lo wing: FA IR PLAY Yo u're a gre at me te ori te Of fri end ship, hu ma nity. Yo u're a gol den key of Ho nesty and fa ir play, Yo u're am eter nal do ve of pea ce and so li - da rity. Few pe op le know yo u to day, Use and re ali se yo ur laws and ru les of li fe, They simply, hu manly prompt the pe op le Ne ver to bre ak the pre cepts of Hu ma nity, and Fa ir ness, co ming back from cen tu ri es, Kee ping the spi rit of the Oly mpics. 100th ANNIVERSARY: During the 39th EOC General Assembly, centennial of the Olympic Committee of Serbia was celebrated too. The Presidents of the IOC and the EOC joined the national celebration. ARMENIAN TEAM: The Armenian team joined the EFPM General Assembly in Prague with famous chess players Smbat Lputian and Aram Hajian. FAIR PLAY: The cover of the brochure prepared by the Armenian Fair Play Council. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 15

6 6 A New Institution introduces itself: The International Centre Ethics in Sport (ICES) Kristine de Martelaer ICES is a plat form for every body in te res - ted in or wan ting to be in vol ved in the do - ma in of et hics in sport and physi cal edu ca - ti on. ICES is an in de pen dent as so ci ati on which brings to get her ex perts from the world of et hics in sport and physi cal edu ca - ti on, which col lects the ir know led ge and ex pe ri en ce and spre ads it to a broa der au - di en ce. ICES al so pas ses on prac ti cal app li - ca ti ons which can be used as an examp le and/or can sup port da ily prac ti ces. ICES wants to sti mu la te the sports world to be co me awa re of et hics, by es tab lis hing a know led ge cen tre whe re in for ma ti on can be gat he red and dis se mi na ted, in for - ma ti on ba sed on go od prac ti ces and on sci en ti fic re se arch on sports et hics, and whe re gui dan ce and trai ning is or ga ni sed for all ac tors and sta ke hol ders in the sports world. Our mot to: Sport and physi cal edu ca ti on are per fect do ma ins to work with va lu es and norms, the et hi cal awa re ness. We only ne ed to be awa re of the pre sen ce of the se et hics and to cons cio usly work on them. In sport and physi cal ac ti vi ti es we can es tab lish such po si ti ve re sults, if only we ha ve an eye for it and are re ady to work on it. When we he ar abo ut et hics, it of ten con cerns do ping or com mer ci ali sa ti on, abu se or ag gres si on. ICES wants to emp - ha si se the po si ti ve re sults, wit ho ut, of co - ur se, ig no ring the ne ga ti ve ele ments. The cen tre wants to pass on tips and go od prac ti ces to the sports world. In for ma ti on & ad vi ce, co-ope ra ti on, awa re ness & sti mu la ti on are key words when com mu ni ca ting with the tar get gro - ups. Our ob jec ti ves: 1. We gat her in for ma ti on, know led ge Con ti nu ed on pa ge 17 GER MANY Prize for Tolerance and Fair Play in Sport Pla cing Fa ir ness be fo re Per so nal Suc cess MANN HE IM- The "Pri ze for To le ran ce and Fa ir Play in Sport" of the Ger man Fe de ral Mi - nis ter of In te ri or was pre sen ted to the di sab - led bi ath le te Jo sef Gie sen and the fo ot ball co - ach André Wre de du ring the "Fest der Be geg - nung" at the Mann he im Con gress Cen tre "Ro - sen gar ten" on Oc to ber 15, "Jo sef Gie sen and André Wre de pro ved that they pla ce fa ir ness be fo re per so nal suc - cess. Be ha vio ur li ke this is an exemp lary ro le mo del and de ser ves par ti cu lar re cog ni ti on and ack now led ge ment", un der li ned Sec re tary of Sta te of the In te ri or, Cor ne li a Ro gall-grot - he, when she pre sen ted the pri zes. Di sab led thro ugh Tha li do mi de, Jo sef Gi es - sen from Herz la ke comp le ted his fi nal com pe - ti ti on at the Pa raly mpics in Van cou ver and ex - pe ri en ced one of the gre at mo ments. Be cau - se the spec ta tors had dri ven him to a bron ze me dal with the ir in ten se sup port and app lau - se. Every body wan ted him to suc ce ed, be cau - se he was the only ath le te to run wit ho ut ski po les and be cau se he had to pull the trig ger with his mo uth. On his lap of ho no ur, he knee led down se ve ral ti mes or bo wed be fo re the spec ta tors - a cle ar de mons tra ti on of hu - mi lity and gra ti tu de. "Bron ze is as bright as CEREMONY: German Secretary of State Cornelia Rogall-Grothe handing over the Prize for Tolerance and Fair Play to disabled athlete Josef Giesen gold for me," sa id Gie sen, whom the sta tis ti - ci ans will al so ha ve re cor ded as the Pa raly mpics win ner of 2002 over the 7.5 ki lo - met re track. Ho we ver, he had al so pas sed this gold me - dal to his te am ma te, Tho mas Els ner, who had pas sed the win ning li ne in first pla ce ahe ad of Gie sen, but was dis qu ali fi ed af ter tes ting po si - ti ve for do ping. "Tho mas de ser ved gold, he had cer ta inly do ne not hing wrong," emp ha si sed Gie sen. La - ter, he was ne ver to win a gold me dal at the Pa raly mpics. Jo sef Gie sen al so sho wed how top-class com pe ti ti ve ath le tes can com mit them sel ves to so ci ety. For examp le, he clim bed Ki li man ja - ro in Spon sors do na ted mo ney for every hun dred met res of al ti tu de, which was gi ven to a Child Pro tec ti on Or ga ni sa ti on and di sa bi - lity ski ing. In a dis trict cup match, soc cer co ach André Wre de had in sis ted on the re fe re e dec la ring a go al sco red by his te am as null and vo id, be - cau se the ball had pre vio usly cros sed the si de - li ne. His te am lost the match, 1:2, and the cup. "In his po si ti on, he had shown exemp lary fa ir play in sport, so met hing which do es not hap - pen every day. It is not only exemp lary be ha - vio ur to wards his pla yers, but al so to wards all Fit in Fair Play 2010/2011 the co ac hes and trai ners in sport and is worthy of re cog ni ti on and ack now led ge ment," sa id Sec re tary of Sta te of the In te ri or, Cor ne li a Ro - gall-grot he. The co ach emp ha si sed that he wo uld act the sa me at any ti me, even if not every body aro und him co uld ini ti ally un ders - tand or com mend his de ci si on to act to the det ri ment of his own te am. "But we didn't want to win li ke that," sa id André Wre de with gre at app lau se from the spec ta tors. Un der the mot to of "Fa ir is Mo re" (Fa ir ist Mehr), the Ger man Fo ot ball Fe de ra ti on (De uts cher Fuß ball-bund) had al re ady ce leb ra - ted the trai ner for "ex tra or di na rily fa ir be ha - vio ur". In exp lai ning the rea sons for the award, the Sec re tary of Sta te of the In te ri or sa id: "André Wre de pro vi ded an examp le of how a co ach or trai ner sho uld act. In his first le agu e match as a trai ner he had shown that win ning is not the most im por tant as pect." The "Pri ze for To le ran ce and Fa ir Play in Sport" ad di tio nally aims to shar pen an awa re - ness for the fun da men tal im por tan ce of to le - ran ce and fa ir play in sport and be yond. The pri ze-win ners we re no mi na ted by the Ger man Oly mpic Sports Con fe de ra ti on, by the Ger man Di sa bi lity Sports Fe de ra ti on, and by the Fa ir-play Com mis sio ner for Ger man Sport, Prof. Dr. Man fred Lämmer. ISRAEL AK KO- A mul ti Cul tu ral Fris be e camp was held in Ak ko in the North of Is ra el in co ope ra ti on bet we en the Sport Aut ho - rity in the Mi nistry of Cul - tu re and Sport and Ul ti - ma te Pea ce, an organisation, pro mo ting pea ce thro ugh sport. Ul ti ma te Pea ce prog - Ghazi NUJIDAT Sport Supervisor Ministry of Culture & Sport, Israel The Aim: Friendship through ultimate frisbee rams pro mo te lea ders hip, sport smans hip, and cha - rac ter bu il ding thro ugh te ac hing the uni qu e sport of Ul ti ma te, which is one of the fas test gro wing sports in the world. We use the ga me to uni te yo uth from dif fe - rent com mu ni ti es. Com pe ti ti on is al ways ba - lan ced with an emp ha sis on our co re va lu es: mu tu al res pect, fri end ship, non-vio len ce, in - teg rity, and fun. Mo re than 140 boys and girls aged 13-15, Is rae li Je ws and Arabs, 40 Pa les ti ni ans from the West Bank gat he red in a re si den ti al camp for 5 days of Ul ti ma te Pea ce trai ning full of ac ti vity and edu ca tio nal work shops. A Mag ni fi cent experience and a lo ok of ho pe for a bet ter fu tu re. German Schools Get Fit in Fair Play Sadly, bullying and violence are no longer uncommon in German schoolyards. This involves shoving, punching, and ostracizing; it also involves the extortion of valuable items or money, frequently accompanied by threats of violence. In most cases, the perpetrators feel safe in their group and the victims are alone - because others look the other way. That is why German Malteser Hilfsdienst (MHD) and the German Ice Hockey League (DEL) launched the Fit in Fair Play - FiFP campaign in October so that people would stop looking away. Conceived as an annual school contest, it saw more than 10,000 pupils from 16 schools around Germany take part in 2009/10. Small groups of pupils, classes and entire schools, with the support of the players of their local ice hockey club, their teachers, parents and friends, their local Malteser organisation, and many celebrities have tackled the issues of violence and bullying in various activities and projects. They took part in protests, worked their own experiences into music, drama or film, or carried out amazing projects for people in need or with elderly people. The Maltesers showed the pupils how great it is Con ti nu ed on pa ge 14

7 7 Welcome to Croatia! Welcome to Porec! Porec, partner of the Croatian Olympic Team, hosts the 17th European Fair Play Congress ZAG REB- Po rec is si tua ted on the wes tern co ast of the Is tri an pe nin su la, along the Ad - ria tic co ast, and has abo ut 20,000 in ha bi - tants. The town is al most 2,000 ye ars old and its his tory has be en mar ked by the Ro - mans, Ve ni tians and the Byzan ti nes. Owing to its ex tra or di nary ge og rap hi cal po si ti on, bea uty spots and cul tu ral mo nu - ments, Po rec is no wa days one of the stron - gest tou rist cen tres in Cro ati a. A mild cli ma - te, lush Me di ter ra ne an ve ge ta ti on, warm and pu re se a, cul tu ral mo nu ments, a well-de - ve lo ped sports in fras truc tu re and hos pi tab - le pe op le at tract every gu est. The Town of Po - rec has be en a part ner of the Cro ati an Oly mpic Te am Mem bers sin ce 2003 and its ro le in Biserka VRBEK sport con tri bu tes gre - atly to hos ting the 2011 Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress. Fa ir Play in Cro ati a- The Cro ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e Be si des the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e, which pro mo tes fa ir play in its prog ram mes and ac ti vi ti es and se lects can di da tes for the an nu al Fa ir Play Award, the Cro ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e al so imp le ments ide as and fa ir play ac ti vi ti es in sport. The Cro ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e is ma de up of ele ven Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e rep re sen ta ti ves (ath le tes, co ac hes, Com mit - te e mem bers and ot her sports of fi ci als) plus fo ur rep re sen ta ti ves of the Cro ati an Sports Jo ur na lists As so ci ati on. It acts in con for mity with the Cro ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e re gu - la ti ons, sig ned by the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e and the Cro ati an Sports Jo ur na - lists As so ci ati on in mu tu al ag ree ment. The Cro ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e inf lu en ces the de ve lop ment of fa ir play ini ti ati ves and the prac ti ce of fa ir play bet we en com pe ti tors, co ac hes and of fi ci als, re fe re es and spec ta - Cont d from pa ge 19 The EFPM attended the Conference of the Council of Europe in Baku GREECE CROATIA TEAM: Croatia participated in EFPM the General Assembly in Prague with a large team. International Forum for New Media and Sports Journalism THE EPAS EXECUTIVE BOARD AT THE CONFERENCE IN BAKU 18th Council of Europe Informal Conference of Ministers Responsible for Sport Vice-President Arıpınar and General Secretary Psilopoulos represented the EFPM at the Conference Council of Europe in Baku. BA KU- Fol lo wing the ap pro ved prog ramme of EPAS ac ti vi ti es, the 2010 In for mal Con fe ren ce of the Eu ro pe an Mi nis ters res pon sib le for Sport to ok pla - ce in Ba ku, Azer bai jan on Sep tem ber 22, The EFPM was in vi ted to par ti ci pa - te in this event, be ing mem ber of the EFPM IN BAKU: Erdoğan Arıpınar and Ioannis Psilopoulos. Con sul ta ti ve Com mit te e of EPAS. The rep re sen ta ti ves of the EFPM we re Vi ce- Pre si dent Er doğan Arıpınar and Ge ne ral Sec re tary Io an nis Psi lo pou los. The Con fe ren ce was hos ted in the Gu - lus tan Pa la ce, a very im pres si ve and func tio nal Con fe ren ce Cen ter on a hill, just a few mi nu tes far from the cen ter of Ba ku but qui te from the of fi ci al Ho tels Park Inn and Hyatt Re gency. This ga ve par ti ci pants the op por tu nity to get a ni - ce sight-see ing of Ba ku whi le be ing car - RHODES- EFPM was once again present at the 2010 International Forum for New Media and Sports Journalism organized by UEPS and the Foundation of Studies and Research of New Technologies (Strent) which took place on Rhodes Island, Greece, from Wednesday 29 September till Sunday 3 October 2010, CYPRUS under the auspices of the City of Rhodes. This high level Forum was attended by many representatives of the top Media from all over the world as well as significant representatives of the Greek Authorities, such as Deputy Minister of Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19 EFPM Honorary Diploma to the Cyprus Basketball Federation (From left to right) General Charalambos Lottas (Sec. Gen., Cyprus NOC and member, EC of the EFPM), Takis Clerides (Former President of the Cyprus Basketball Fed., and former Minister of Finance), George Chrysostomou (President, Cyprus Basketball Fed., member, EC Cyprus NOC), Agis Iacovides (Board of Directors Cyprus Sport Organisation), George Vassilakopoulos (Former President, FIBA Europe), Glavkos Mavros (Gen. Dir., Bank of Cyprus), Ioannis Psilopoulos (Sec. Gen., EFPM) Con ti nu ed on pa ge 18 Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19

8 8 TURKEY Turkey is ready to host the Winter Olympic Games The 25th World Inter Universities Winter Games were held in Erzurum with success athletes from 52 countries competed in modern facilities. ER ZU RUM Tur key hos ted international Win ter Ga mes for the first ti me in its his - tory. The city of Er zu rum in the eas tern part of Tur key which lies 2000 me ters high has organised the 25th Inter- Er do ğan Ar p nar EFPM Vi ce-pre si dent Universities Winter Games bet we en 28 Ja nu ary and 5 Feb ru - ary The Pre si - dent of the Re pub lic of Tur key Ab dul lah Gül, opened the event officially. The ope ning and clo sing ce re mo ni es of the ga - mes we re as go od as the Oly mpics. The expen di tu re of the sta te re ac hed 735 Mil li on Tur kish Li ras (370 Mil li on Eu ros), for tho se mo dern sports fa ci li ti es to ma ke Tur key a can di - da te for the Win ter Oly mpics. The re was par ti ci pa ti on by 2400 VIP gu ests, 286 me di a representatives, 696 re fe re es, athletes from 52 co un tri es. 168 com pe ti ti ons were held in the Win ter Uni ver sia de. Record number of spectators All the stands were full of spectators in all the disciplines friends of snow and ice watched the 168 events in 11 different branches. The largest delegation came from Russia with 260 athletes that will host the next Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 17 THE SILVER MEDAL JOY: Turkey s silver medal winners in figure skating Alper Uçar- Alisa Agafonova together with the General Manager of Turkey Youth and Sports, Yunus Akgül. MODERN FACILITIES: The ski jumping towers of the Erzurum 2011 Winter University Games. PRAGUE MEMORIES A HAPPY TABLE: The Closing Dinner of the Congress was magnificent. Sitting together at the same table: Dr. Georges Diderich and Alena Dlabacova with our friends from Azerbaijan. THANK YOU: Vice-President Prof. Dr. Manfred Lämmer and General Secretary Ioannis Psilopoulos express their gratitude to Czech Olympic Secretary Petr Hrubec. A scene from the opening ceremony of the 25th Winter Universiade Medals by country Russia South Korea Ukraine Slovakia France Japan USA China Germany Czech Rep Slovenia Switzerland Austria Canada Italy Finland Kazakhstan Great Britain Poland Sweden Bulgaria Belarus Turkey Spain Hungary A BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: EFPM President Prof. Carlos Gonçalves and Dr. Kveta Peckova wish Miroslav Cerar Many happy returns on the occasion of his birthday presenting a special plaque. CHEERS TO THE EFPM AND PRAGUE: Raising the glasses (from left to right): CIFP President Dr. Jenö Kamuti, Mrs. Blareau, EFPM Treasurer Christian Blareau and Dr. Kveta Peckova, the architect of the Congress. FINLAND The Finnish Workers Sports Federation (TUL) The TUL s aim is to fos ter the ha bit of ma in tai ning go od he alth thro ugh physi cal ac ti vity. TUL s go al is to en su re that all ci - ti zens re gard less of age, gen der, eth ni - city or fi nan ci al me ans - will be ab le to engage in sports in go od com pany and in the ir own li ving en vi ron ment. TUL is a part of the Fin nish la bo ur mo ve ment. The Fin nish Wor kers Sports Fe de ra ti on TUL TUL was fo un ded in The cen tral of fi ce of the fe de ra ti on is lo ca - ted in Hel sin ki. TUL has 26 staff, over half of them wor - king in 15 dif fe rent re gio nal or ga ni sa ti ons. TUL con sists of over 1000 lo cal sport clubs and con nects pe op le to sport ac - ti vi ti es. TUL is a mem ber of the In ter na - tio nal La bo ur Sports Fe de ra ti on CSIT. Ac ti vi ti es TUL is one of the lar gest and stron gest vo lun tary so ci al or ga ni sa ti ons in Fin land. The sport clubs of TUL ha ve ap pro xi - ma tely chil dren and adults exer ci - sing every we ek. TUL con cen tra tes on yo uth sport and sport for all, but the re are al so many top ath le tes and te ams in TUL clubs. Al to get her 60 dif fe rent branc hes of sports are ava ilab le for the mem bers. Yo uth Ac ti vi ti es The Yo uth and Sports Com mit te e of TUL is in char ge of yo uth ac ti vi ti es, such as: TUL Joy Ga mes sports scho ols TUL Joy Ga mes events: two each ye ar Anu RAJAJARVI PRESS CONFERENCE WITH A CHAMPION: Vera Caslavska, legendary gymnast, World Champion and multiple Gold Medalist, joins the EFPM team at the Press Conference. A RELAXING CRUISE: On a ship cruising along the panorama of the Golden City, the Czech organisers displayed once again their warm hospitality. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 16

9 9 POLAND EYOF 2011 THE WINNERS OF THE POLISH FAIR PLAY AWARDS 2010 President Gonçalves represents the EFPM at the great ceremony Fair Play Awards are 43 years old in Poland WARSAW- On March 24, 2010 the annual Fair Play Awards presentation took place at the Headquarters of the Polish Olympic Zofia ZUKOWSKA POC FP Club Chairperson Committee in Warsaw. This year s Ceremony was graced with the presence of many distinguished guests, including; The President of the European Fair Play Movement Prof. Carlos Gonçalves, the President of the Polish Academy of Science Professor Michal Kleiber, Sport and Tourism Minister Adam Giersz, POC Vice-president Irena Szewinska, Deputy Marshal of the Polish Parliament Jerzy Szmajdzinski, as well as leading figures from the world of sports and politics, Olympians, families of the awarded, and of course, members of the POC Board, with its President Piotr Nurowski. Before the main event Prof. Carlos Gonçalves, Piotr Nurowski and POC Secretary General Adam Krzesinski met the members of the Fair Play Club. After the presentation of Club members, recent activities and achievements, the EFPM President in his address thanked everyone for their efforts and work in the field of promoting fair play. During the Award ceremony, Professor Jozef Lipiec received the EFPM Diploma for his contribution to the fair play course. Professor Gonçalves presenting Professor Lipiec with this award personally thanked him for the devotion and hard work in promoting fair play. Dr. Jochen Wagner from Germany received a Special Award of the 43rd edition of POC Fair Play Contest. It was his selfless attitude and care, which helped Polish luge slider Ewelina Staszulonek to recover from her tragic accident and not only returned to full health but also to the sport. She took part in the Olympic Games in Vancouver achieving 8th place. The main Fair Play Trophy for outstanding fair play attitude was awarded to the pair of table tennis players Patryk Jendrzejewski and Mateusz Golebiowski. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 15 Liberec is ready for the Winter festival PRA GU E- This ye ar, The Czech Re pub lic city of Li be rec will host the 10th European Youth Olympic Winter Festival under the responsibility of the Eu ro pean Oly mpic Com mit te es. The Win ter Fes ti val will take place bet we en 12 and 19 Feb ru ary and 1600 com pe ti tors from 49 co un tri es aged bet we en 14 and 18 will jo in the ga mes. All the pre pa ra ti ons are al re ady comp le ted. The ra cers will com pe te in Cross Co untry Ski ing, Alp i ne Ski ing, Ski Jum ping, Fi gu re Ska ting, Ice Hoc key, Bi at hlon, Snow bo ar - ding and Nor dic Com bi ned. A NEW BOOK TO THE FAIR PLAY LIBRARY: The Polish Fair Play Club s new book prepared by Zofia and Ryszard Zukowski FRAN CE PARIS- The well-known Fair Play Award of France ceremony was organised at the Olympic House this year too. Famous personalities from France participated in this event headed by the President of the French Fair Play Committee Albert Begards who was also President of the jury. THE LAST PHO TO WITH GRE AT PRE SI DENT: Po lish Oly mpic Com mit te e s Pre si dent Pi otr Nu rows ki who di ed in a tragic pla ne crash tal king with EFPM Pre si dent Prof. Gon çal ves, Po lish Fa ir Play Club Pre si dent Prof. Zo fi a Zu kows ka The grande Award Ceremony of France: Famous athletes took the 2010 IRIS awards DENIS MASSEGLIA: President of the CNOSF RACHID MEKHLOUFI: He won the Raymond Kopa Award. Awards IRIS IRIS awards The win ners of the IRIS Awards are as fol lows: Awards for ac ti ons car ri ed out in the spi rit of Fa ir Play Mic he li ne Os ter me yer Award: Chris ti an RO US SEL (Han dis port) Co let te Bes son Award: French Ath le tics Na tio nal Te am Awards for ca re ers con duc ted in the spi rit of Fa ir Play Ray mond Ko pa Award: Rac hid MEKH LOU FI (Fo ot ball) Awards for trai ners and co ac hes Da ni el Cos tan ti ni Award: Lu ci en LEG RAND (Bas ket ball) Emi le Jar rot Award: Je an-mic hel BRUN (Wrest ling) Pub li city Awards Nel son Pa il lo u Award: Uni on Spor ti ve of the pri mary edu ca ti on Spi rit of Sport Awards AN AWARD TO PROF. LIPIEC: The EFPM President presenting the Fair Play diploma to Prof. Josef Lipiec. THE WINNERS OF THE IRIS AWARDS Jac qu es Marc hand Award: Lu ci en THO MAS (Mul tis ports) THE FRENCH ATHLETICS NATIONAL TEAM: Won the Colette Besson Award. COUNTRY Germany Norway Sweden Finland Italy Russia Czech 2 Austria Switzerland Slovenia 1 2 Poland 1 France 2 2 Belgium 1 Slovakia 1 Turkey s City of Trabzon is ready for Summer Festival TRABZON - The historical city of Trabzon situated in the northeast of Turkey will be the host for the European Youth Olympic Feztival (EYOF) under the responsibility of the European Olympic Committees. The festival will take place between 23 and 29th of July and according to the rules only young athletes between can join this festival. From 49 European countries about 4000 athletes will participate in athletics, basketball, cycling, gymnastics, handball, judo, tennis, volleyball and swimming. Trabzon has completed all the preparations.

10 10 CZECH REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CAMP "WE ARE ALL ONE TEAM" Czech Fair Play Club Award Ceremony PRA GU E- At its ga la mee ting held in Pra gu e in March, the Czech Fa ir Play Club presented its thre e ma in awards for The ma in award was re cei ved by the ori - en te er Mr. Mic hal Smo la, whi le the ice hoc key pla yer Mr. Jo sef Cerny and ro wer Mr. Vac lav Cha lu pa we re gi ven awards for the ir li fe long sen se of fa ir play. The mo un - ta ine ers Mr. Ra dek Ja ros and Mr. Zde nek Hruby re cei ved dip lo mas from the Eu ro - pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment (EPFM). The dip - lo mas we re pre sen ted to the re ci pi ents by EPFM Vi ce-pre si dent Prof. Dr. Man fred Lämmer and Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e Mem - ber Mrs. Ka ta ri na Rac zo va. Olympic Youth Camp in Slovakia SLO VA KI A We Are All One Team Mrs. Kveta Peckova (Czech Fair Play Club President), Mr. Michal Smola, Mr. Milan Jirasek (Czech Olympic Committee President). Mrs. Katarina Raczova, Mr. Radek Jaros, Mr. Zdenek Hruby, Mr. Manfred Lämmer. Mr. Jaros and Mr. Hruby were awarded EFPM Diplomas. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19 BRA TIS LA VA- The well-known Spa Piestany hos ted the In ter na tio nal Oly mpic Yo uth Camp en - tit led We Are All One Te am or ga ni sed jo intly by the Slo vak NOC, its Fa - ir Play Club and the Slo - vak Oly mpic Aca demy. Katarina RACZOVA The agen da of the yo - uth camp was cle arly ins pi red by the Au - gust pre mie re of the Yo uth Oly mpic Ga - mes in Sin ga po re, as we tri ed to link sports with cul tu ral and edu ca tio nal ac ti - vi ti es, very much in the spi rit of the Oly - mpics. The par ti ci pants aged 15 and 16 from Po land, Hun gary, Czech Re pub lic and the host co untry Slo va ki a for med mi - xed te ams and each of them rep re sen ted one co lo ur of the Oly mpic rings. The yo - ung ath le tes ac ti vely par ti ci pa ted in va - rio us work shops, en co ura ging the ir cre - ati vity and know led ge. As an examp le, right in the be gin ning they had a dif fi - cult task: how to exp la in the Oly mpic va - lu es to so me body who had ne ver he ard abo ut this no ti on be fo re. Then, un der the lea ders hip of the ma na ger of me di a com mu ni ca ti on of the Slo vak NOC. Sou - cek, the par ti ci pants dis cus sed the inf lu - en ce of mass me di a on our va lu es, be ca - me cu rio us jo ur na lists and le ar ned the ba sic ru les of ani ma ting a dis cus si on and ex pres sing them sel ves in the right man - ner. Un der the gui dan ce of Ka ta ri na Rac - zo va, Na tio nal Am bas sa dor for Sport, To - le ran ce & Fa ir Play, dif fe rent ga mes we re the right way to te ach them abo ut to le - ran ce and mu tu al res pect and con vin ce them that fa ir play is not only a po pu list slo gan. As an examp le, the te ams had to per form a play that rep re sen ted the right be ha vio ur in the spi rit of fa ir play and the ot hers had to gu ess what de fi ni ti on Con ti nu ed on pa ge 12 Olympic education applied Participants of the youth camp visiting the spa of Piestany EFPM - EOC Great Award goes to the Dutch Hockey Federation AMSTERDAM- The Dutch Hockey Federation (KNHB) received the European Fair Play Plaque of Merit and Diploma In her role as chairman of the NOC*NSF (Dutch Olympic Committee*Dutch Sports Confederation), Erica Terpstra awarded the KNHB during the NOC*NSF General Assembly of in front of representatives of almost all other Dutch sports federations. The KNHB was awarded because of its extensive and intensive policy in promoting sportsmanship and respect. Marijke Fleuren (KNHB) was asked to come to the stage and Erica Terpstra held a short, enthusiastic speech. Marijke Fleuren also took the opportunity to tell the audience about the importance of sportsmanship and respect and stimulated the sports federations to take action. The KNHB is very content and thankful towards the EFPM for this award. Lieke VLOET (NOC*NSF) hands over the Award and the Diploma to Marijke FLEUREN (KNHB) EOC-EFPM AWARDS Fair Play Award for the U-20 Serbia Handball Team BRATISLAVA- Fair play ideas represented by the European Fair Play Movement and the Club Fair Play SOC were presented at the European Handball Championships up to 20 years taking place at the beginning of August in Bratislava. Young teams from 16 countries met at this important event in order to fight for the first place successfully and honestly. A part of the closing ceremony was also the Fair Play award devoted by the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) in cooperation with the Club Fair Play SOC. The award went to the team of Serbia that had collected the least warnings and suspensions. Representing the Serbian team, the Fair Play award was taken over by Serbian Olympic winner in handball Svetlana Obucina from the hands of Katarína Ráczová, EFPM Executive Committee member. It is delightful that the European Handball Federation and the Slovak Handball Association help to disseminate the ideals of honesty and tolerance among the youth also in this form and try to bring the importance of sport - which does not only mean to break records and to win, but should also comprise an educational element and effect - closer to the youth thanks to their approach. Fair Play Award for the fencer Florina Plachta ATHENS- Florina Plachta from Germany was honoured for her honest attitude during the European Fencing Cadet Championships, taking place in Athens from March 1-7, The young fencer received the Fair Play Award of the European Fair Play Movement which was announced under the auspices of the European Fencing Confederation. The award followed Plachta s exemplary behaviour in an important match: It was in the team competition against Italy in the quarter-final when the referee awarded me a point, although I didn't hit the opponent but the ground. I admitted the referee's mistake, who corrected his judgement. In the end we lost 44:45, Florina Plachta explained. It is always a pleasure and honour to decorate young athletes for their behaviour supporting and following the essence of Fair Play, in particular concerning a sport as rich in history as fencing, a sport that challenges both the body and the mind.

11 11 SLOVENIA ITALY Ruggero works had for Fair Play Miroslav Cerar has his Place in History LJUBL JA NA- Mi ros lav Ce rar, he ro of Slo - ve ni a sport, ma kes his tory. Mi ros lav Ce - rar s fel low fri ends and sport his tory aut - hors ha ve pro ven to be fa ith ful to him who won 2 Gol den Oly mpic me dals in ad - di ti on to nu me ro us suc ces ses. They co aut ho red the bo ok that was abun dantly il lus tra ted and do cu men ted re fe ren ces to Mi ros lav s li fe. With e suc - cess ful ap pe aran ce in Slo ve ni a, the bo ok has ma de Ce rar im mor tal. Mi ros lav Ce rar is an at tor ney and in ad di - ti on to nu me ro us lea ding po si ti ons, he has se at on EFPM s Bo ard, CIFP Co un cil mem ber and Oly mpic Am bas sa dor of Slo ve ni a. Pre pa ring for Fa ir Play in Me di ci ne, Fa ir Play in Eu ro - pe an Uni on, Fa ir Play for Chil dren, Fa ir Play in Car to on and now tre men do us sympo si um in VE RO NA IN TER - NA TIO NAL SYMPO SI UM LI VING AS A CHAM PI ON UN - TIL THE END IN THE NA ME OF GIO VAN NI PAO LO II UN PA PA SPOR TI VO and Italy 2012 EFPM Con gress. RO ME - Rug ge ro Al can te ri ni, re now ned jo ur na list and his to ri an, president of Italian Fa ir Play Com mit te e, al most em bel - lis hed 2010 with Fa ir Play ac ti vi ti es. Doc - tors and Fa ir Play that was or ga ni zed in Ro me by the par ti ci pa ti on of ce leb rity doc tors crea ted a tre men do us im pres si on. Eu ro pe an Co un cil al so to ok part in the or - ga ni za ti on. In ad di ti on to the se per for - man ces, he ob ser ved du e di li gen ce to dis - se mi na te ide a of Fa ir Play. His ef forts we - re cul mi na ted with mag ni fi cent sympo si - um or ga ni zed in Ve ro na. Italy has al most re ady for EFPM Con gress in The Ve ro na Sympo si um The Mu ni ci pa lity of Ve ro na, to get her with ot her ci vic and re li gio us As so ci ati ons and Ins ti tu ti ons - both pub lic and pri va te - has be en en ga ged sin ce May 2010 in the pro mo ti on of an ide a of li fe and sport ba - The Fair Play Sun was born in Slovenia Miroslov Cerar with legendary basketball players of ex-yugoslavia from 1970 in the company of the Minister of Education and Sport of Slovenia, Dr. Igor Luksic. CROATIA FINAL EXPANDED MEETING: General view from Fair Play reunion in Verona, dedicated to the Pope. sed on et hics, thro ugh the ex tra or di nary fi gu re of Po pe Gio van ni Pao lo II, who se be ati fi ca ti on has be en set for May 1st, The In ter na tio nal Sympo si um Li ving as a Cham pi on un til the end which to ok pla ce in Ve ro na on Feb ru ary 11th, 2011 was or ga ni sed by the Mu ni ci pa lity of Ve ro - na in col la bo ra ti on with the Na tio nal Ita li - an Fa ir Play Com mit te e (CNIFP), on one hand, in or der to ho nor the na me of Po pe Gio van ni Pao lo II and on the ot her as the first event in a se ri es to be held in pre pa ra - ti on for the 2012 European Fair Play Con - gress, which is sche du led to be held next ye ar in Ro me. The event, be ing an aut ho ri ta ti ve tes ti - mony of the key ro le that Po pe Gio van ni Pao lo II pla yed, the pre-emi nent examp le that he set and the length he went for the pro mo ti on of et hi cal va lu es in li fe and sport, to ok pla ce in the mag ni fi cent Pa - laz zo del la Gran Gu ar di a. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 16 A CHAMPION PRIMARY SCHOOL: The pupils of the second class in the Montello Bari primary School who won the caricature award I want to be a baby Fair Play. The hero sailmakers won the Croatia Fair Play Award Slovenia - Sports Association SONCEK (Sunny) from Nova Gorica is a symbol of diversified sports activity and the heart of action for the youngest generations. NO VA GO RI CA- The Sports As so ci ati on SON CEK from No va Go ri ca which has al re - ady be en in ope ra ti on sin ce 1998 un der the lea ders hip of Pro fes sor Mi ran Fran ko, is ac ting ba si cally in sports rec re atio nal ac - ti vi ti es of a gro up of sports ent hu si asts in dif fe rent ac ti vi ti es for the yo un gest ge ne - ra ti ons. The num ber of par ti ci pants is al - ways hu ge and most of the prog ram mes are fre e of char ge; and each ye ar, the an - nu al clo sing event Sonc kov dan (Day of Sun or Sunny Day) is a re al phe no me non, whe re mo re than 120 bas ket ball te ams par ti ci pa te, i.e., mo re than 1500 players; the sports hall is pac ked and the re is a num ber of well-known per sons, dis tin gu - is hed gu ests, both ath le tes and sports of - fi ci als of all ge ne ra ti ons. Se ve ral prog ram - mes are per for med, such as for examp le Po let je ob So ci (Sum mer by So ca ri ver), So la pod Sol kans kim mos tom (Scho ol un der the Sol kan Brid ge), Jan ko Prin cic Me mo ri al, Ko sar kars ki kamp (bas ket ball camp), Med na rod ni ce lod nev ni ko sar - Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19 HUNGARY The new President of the Hungarian Olympic Committee: Zsolt Borkai BUDAPEST- The famous Olympic Fencer Champion Pal Schmitt had left the presidency of Hungarian Olympic Committee because he was elected as President of Hungary. In the following elections Olympic gymnastics champion Zsolt Borkai was elected as President of the National Olympic Committee. Attila Czene bronze medalist in swimming in Barcelona and Gabor Balogho who wom the silver medal in modern pentathlon in Sydney were also elected in to the new board. The Hungarian President Pal Schmitt congratulating the new president of the National Olympic Committee Zsolt Borkai. ZAG REB- Every ye ar, at the ce re mony of the Gre at Day for Cro ati an Sport,to get her with the proc la ma ti on of the best Cro ati an ath le tes and co ac hes of the ye ar, the Cro ati - an Oly mpic Com mit te e al so pre sents a Fa ir Play Award. The Award is gi ven to a per son who has de mons tra ted fa ir and sport sman - li ke be ha vio ur du ring her/his per for man ce or com pe ti ti on. The 2010 Fa ir Play Award was pre sen ted to the mem bers of the La bud Sai ling Club from Split: Ton ci An tu no vic and Ved ran Ma nic (co ac hes), Ni ko la Ba ric and Do mi nik Per ko vic (ath le tes). Du ring the 66th Vis Re gat ta, on 17 Oc to - ber 2010, as mem bers of the Re gat ta Com - mit te e in two ding hi es, they sa ved the Mon - te neg rin crew and the yacht Black Mystery, skip per Sa sa Ke ko vic, from stran ding on the cliff, that is, sin king. At one mo ment, the Cro ati an sai lers we re al so in dan ger whi le sa ving the crew of the Mon te neg rin yacht. High se a, storms with ga le-for ce winds in front of Split har bo ur and brea king of the stern stay drif ted the crew that was only 200 meters from the fi nish to less than half a me ter from the rocks un der Sus ti pan (a big and ste ep cliff as ho re). And when ever yo ne had fo re se en the ine vi tab le di sas ter, Ton ci, Ved ran, Ni ko la and Do mi nik, jum ped in to the ding hi es to help the Mon te neg rin sai - lers aga inst the storm. Ig no ring the cir cums - tan ces, bra vely and wit ho ut he si ta ti on, using the ir sai ling skills and ma king su per - na tu ral ef fort, they pre ven ted the di sas ter of the yacht Black Mystery. At one mo ment, Ni ko la fell in to the fu rio us se a, luc kily wit - ho ut any con se qu en ces. The news, vi de o and the en ti re story of this he ro ic exp lo it fil - led the sai lers and many pe op le from dif fe - rent co un tri es with ad mi ra ti on. Al most all sai ling but al so ot her web pa ges sho wed a vi de o re cor ding of sa ving the bo at and sai - lers at the Vis Re gat ta. Ni ko la, Do mi nik, Ton ci and Ved ran not only re joi ced over a happy out co me of the un sel fish sac ri fi ce for the ir fel low sport smen but we re al so pre - sen ted with the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit - te e Fa ir Play Award for The se fo ur yo - ung men are mo dest and they sel dom talk abo ut the ir go od de eds and do not bo ast be cau se it is na tu ral to them to help wit ho - ut gre at pomp and self-prai se. The pro po sal to gi ve this award was ma - de by the skip per of the yacht Black Mystery, Sa sa Ke ko vic and the Mon te neg rin Oly mpic Com mit te e. THEY DESERVED THE AWARD: The winners of the Fair Play Award Tonci Antunovic (coach) and Nikolai Baric at the ceremony.

12 12 EFPM Newsletter Cont d from pa ge 1 To day we are pro ud and ho no red to in - tro du ce the cur rently exis ting co-ope ra ti - ons. The re la ti ons hip with the Eu ro pe an Oly mpic Com mit te es (EOC), was es tab lis hed so me eight ye ars ago and wor ked smo othly sin ce then. Un for tu na tely, du - ring the last two ye ars so me un happy oc - cur ren ces and mi sun ders tan dings tur ned this re la ti ons hip to be co me so me how fra - gi le. Ho we ver, thanks to the ef forts and the go od will of both par ti es, the sce nery was clea ned up and the new EOC Exe cu ti - ve Bo ard de ci ded du ring its mee ting in Mal ta on Ju ne 1st, 2010 to grant its re cog - ni ti on to EFPM, ope ning a new pa ge in the co ope ra ti on bet we en the two or ga ni - za ti ons. The mes sa ge that EOC Pre si dent Pat rick Hic key ad dres sed to the par ti ci - pants of the 16th EFP Con gress and EFPM General As sembly in Pra gu e on Oc to ber 30th, 2010 was the con fir ma ti on that a new era be gan. The EFPM was ad mit ted by the Go ver - ning Bo ard of the En lar ged Par ti al Ag ree - ment on Sport (EPAS) of the Co un cil of Eu ro pe as a mem ber of the as so cia ted Con sul ta ti ve Com mit te e. This was the re - sult of a two ye ars ef fort, du ring which the EFPM in tro du ced to EPAS its vi ews and its will and wish to play a mo re ac ti ve ro le in the es tab lish ment of the pri ori ti es to be con si de red in re la ti on to the va rio us func ti ons of sport in Eu ro pe. Un der this ca pa city, the EFPM rep re sen ta ti ves par ti ci - pa ted in the EPAS Con sul ta ti ve Com mit te e mee ting in Pa ris in Feb ru ary 2010 and in the 18th Co un cil of Eu ro pe In for mal Con - fe ren ce of Mi nis ters res pon sib le for Sport held in Ba ku in Sep tem ber For the first ti me the EFPM was in vi ted by the Eu ro pe an Com mis si on - vi a the Ge - ne ral Di rec to ra te of Edu ca ti on and Cul tu - re - to par ti ci pa te in the EU Sport Fo rum- 2010, held in Mad rid on Ap ril The EFPM was rep re sen ted at the event by its Pre si dent Prof. Dr. Car los Gon çal ves who pla yed an ac ti ve ro le in the dis cus si ons re - la ted to the work shop de di ca ted to the Sport s so cie tal func ti on. The EFPM Pre si dent had al so the op por - tu nity to ha ve a short mee ting with the new EU Com mis sio ner for Sport, Cul tu re, Mul ti lin gu ism and Yo uth, Mrs. An dro ul la Vas si lio u, in for ming her abo ut the EFPM aims and ini ti ati ves and in vi ting her to be pre sent at the Ope ning Ce re mony of the 16th European Fair Play Con gress in Pra - gu e, Oc to ber Un for tu na tely, Com - mis sio ner Vas si lio u was not ab le to attend the Con gress but she sent a mes sa ge to the par ti ci pants un der li ning her will to sup port the EFPM s work and ini ti ati ves. The EU re cog ni ti on of the work de ve lo - ped by the EFPM in sprea ding the Fa ir Play va lu es and prin cip les all over Eu ro pe is a pro mi sing sign of the EFPM ac cep tan - ce by the most im por tant Eu ro pe an ins ti - tu ti ons. The clo se re la ti ons hip bet we en EFPM and the In ter na tio nal Council of Sport Sci - en ce and Physi cal Edu ca ti on (ICS SPE) was on ce aga in con fir med by the new elec ted Pre si dent of ICS SPE Prof. Dr. Mar ga ret Tal - bot, who par ti ci pa ted in the 15th EFP Con gress in Ba ku in Oc to ber Pre si - dent Tal bot was not ab le to be pre sent at the 16th EFP Con gress in Pra gu e, but she ad dres sed a writ ten mes sa ge to the par ti - ci pants un der li ning the strong bonds bet - we en the two or ga ni za ti ons and the ir con ti nuo us co ope ra ti on in sprea ding the Fa ir Play va lu es and prin cip les thro ugh sport ac ti vi ti es at the for mal and non-for - mal edu ca ti on. The last ye ar the re la ti ons hip bet we en EFPM and the Eu ro pe an Non Go vern men - tal Sport Or ga ni za ti ons (ENG SO) to ok the way of con so li da ti on and the ir rep re sen - ta ti ves con ti nu e to ta ke part in a re gu lar way at the cor res pon ding Ge ne ral As - semb li es and/or Con gres ses. Ad di tio nally, the EFPM was in vi ted to par ti ci pa te in the 12th ENG SO Fo rum, the to pic be ing Cur rent Eu ro pe an Sports Po - licy and EU Sport: Fu tu re Con fe ren ce and held in Oei ras (Por tu gal) in Oc to ber The EFPM Pre si dent had the op por tu nity to ta ke part in the dis cus si ons re la ted to the Ro und tab le on Sport for All and in the work shop de di ca ted to the to pic EU- Sport-Edu ca ti on. The EFPM stres sed the ne ed to inc lu de the to pic Edu ca ti on for va lu es in and thro ugh sport ac ti vi ti es in scho ol cur ri cu la and the EU to pro mo te and to sup port spe ci fic prog ram mes ai - ming at integrating yo ung pe op le al so in and thro ugh sport. Two very im por tant agreement on coope ra ti on we re ra ti fi ed du ring the 16th EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly in Pra gu e, co ve - ring is su es of Fa ir Play and Sport for All, to le ran ce, sport and so ci al inc lu si on, edu - ca ti on for va lu es and prin cip les etc. Mo re spe ci fi cally, a Jo int Ven tu re was sig ned bet we en the EFPM and the In ter - na tio nal Wor kers Sports Con fe de ra ti on (CSIT) rep re sen ted by its Pre si dent Ha rald Bau er and a gro up of CSIT Of fi ci als, who con fir med the ir strong con fi den ce that this co ope ra ti on will pro ve to be most fru - it ful. Furt hermo re a Me mo ran dum of Un - ders tan ding was sig ned bet we en EFPM and the In ter na tio nal Sport and Cul tu re As so ci ati on (IS CA) rep re sen ted by its Pre - si dent Mo gens Kir keby. The go als of IS CA are to pro mo te un ders tan ding bet we en pe op le ac ross bor ders thro ugh sports and cul tu ral ac ti vi ti es and to pla ce sport in the cen tre of the in ter na tio nal exc han ge of ide as, vi ews and so ci al and cul tu ral ex - pres si ons. Both par ti es ex pres sed the ir strong be li ef that this co ope ra ti on will le - ad to the ope ning of new and sig ni fi cant op por tu ni ti es for sprea ding the Fa ir Play va lu es and prin cip les, be ing en ric hed with the as so cia ted cul tu ral cha rac te ris tics. Strong bonds ha ve be en es tab lis hed in the last two ye ars with the Eu ro pe an Sport Press Uni on (UEPS), with EFPM be - ing in vi ted as key-no te spea ker in the UEPS last two events, na mely the 2009 Scho ol for Yo ung Sport Jo ur na lists in Cre te Is land and the 2010 In ter na tio nal Fo rum for New Me di a and Sport Jo ur na - lism on Rho des Is land. Res pec ti vely, UEPS Pre si dent Yan nis Dar ras was in vi ted to spe ak a the 16th EFP Con gress in Pra gu e, but un pre dic tab le prob lems pre ven ted him from tra vel ling to the Czech capital. The EFPM regards this re la ti ons hip as a most sig ni fi cant one, du e to the im por - tan ce of the Sport Press as a to ol of com - mu ni ca ti on. Fi nally, the EFPM con so li da ted the re - la ti ons hip with se ve ral Eu ro pe an Sport Fe de ra ti ons and Con fe de ra ti ons (Fen cing, Tab le Ten nis, Hand ball, Ju do etc.) by par - ti ci pa ting of fi ci ally in nu me ro us U-18 Eu - ro pe an Sport Cham pi ons hips, gran ting Fa ir Play Awards and dis se mi na ting in for - ma ti on abo ut Fa ir Play in Sport and every day li fe. This fi eld of co ope ra ti on is very pro mi - sing and holds a first prio rity po si ti on wit - hin the EFPM stra te gi es for the fu tu re. As it is cle arly se en from the abo ve, the work do ne by EFPM is hard and con ti nuo - us but al so fru it ful and pro mi sing. To day that we ex pe ri en ce a se ve re cri sis of va lu - es, the wel co me of such co-ope ra ti ons and re la ti ons hips gi ves ho pe. Ho pe for the de ve lop ment of et hic va lu es and prin - cip les in sport and in everyday li fe and ho - pe for the hu man be ings them sel ves. The EFPM calls on all tho se who de al with sport, edu ca ti on and so ci al is su es to sup port this ef fort and work with us. To - get her we shall be stron ger and mo re ca - pab le to wi des pre ad the im por tan ce of sport in the cre ati on of a mo re pe ace ful and bet ter world. This is our cons tant mis - si on and it de ser ves the stron gest com mit - ment from all the EFPM com mu nity. was show ca sed in the plays. We al so as - ked the qu es ti on of how fa ir play is app - li ed to da ily li fe, every day si tu ati ons and de ci si ons. What is it abo ut fa ir ness at scho ol, in our fa mi li es or even when simply do ing yo ur shop ping and getting back mo re chan ge be cau se the shop as - sis tant made a mis ta ke? At the end, each gro up s task was to de ve lop an et hi cal co de for dif fe rent li fe si tu ati ons. The yo - ung par ti ci pants al so ent hu si as ti cally tes - ted a new PC ga me, provided by the In - ter na tio nal Fa ir Play Com mit te e. Of co ur se the camp al so of fe red various prog rams for physi cal ac ti vi ti es, for examp le an ori en ta ti on run inc lu ding a qu iz. Anot her ex - ci ting sur pri se awaited the chil dren at the shoo ting ran - ge in Trna va, whe re they had fun prac ti cing pi ge on clay shoo ting un der the gui dan ce of Bei jing 2008 shoo ting me - da lists D. Kos te lecky (CZE), and T. Bro vold (NOR) as well as the twins Len ka and Dan - ka Bar te ko va, mul tip le Eu ro - pe an Cham pi ons hips me dal win ners from Slo va ki a. They al so en jo yed li vely dis cus si - had the go al can cel led. Let ter of Con gra tu la ti ons: Rüştü REÇ BER (Na tio nal Go al Kee per / Beşik taş Gymnas tics Club): Du ring the le agu e match they pla yed aga inst De - niz lis por. An at tack by the ri val te am, resulted in the ball crossing the end line. The re fe re e had de ci ded that the ball was out, but the go al kee per war ned the re fe re e that the ball went out after stri - king him first and that De niz lis por sho - uld get a cor ner kick. Ca re er Branch Grand Pri ze: Ami ne AY DIN (Physi cal Edu ca ti on Te ac her/sil van, Di yar bakır): She is a wo man te ac her wor king in the So ut he ast of Tur key and fo un ded a boys fo ot ball te am. She with sto od all the chal len ges and over ca me obs - tac les to ma ke the te am that she trai - ned the cham pi on in Di yar bakır. Ho no rab le Men ti on: Is tan bul Swim - ming Club (Ama te ur Sports Club/Or ta - köy, Is tan bul): Des pi te the fact that the po ol they had be en using sin ce 1943 has be en ta ken away from them, they are ac comp lis hing the im pos sib le to ha ve thou sands of swim mers tra in in ot her po ols and pre pa ring them for cham pi ons hips. Un der the se cir cums - tan ces, they won the Grand Na tio nal As sembly Cup to be co me cham pi ons. In ad di ti on, they pro vi de swim ming and wa ter po lo trai ning to au tis tic chil dren. Let ter of Con gra tu la ti ons: Prof. Dr. Sa mi MEN GÜ TAY (Ca no e Fe de ra ti on Pre si dent - Ha liç Uni ver sity Mem ber of Ins truc tors Staff): In ad di ti on to a suc - cess ful aca de mic and sports ca re er, the Na tio nal Ca noe ing Te am of Tur key won the ir first gold, sil ver and bron ze me dals in ter na tio nally du ring Prof. Men gü tay s fe de ra ti on pre si dency. We Are All One Team Cont d from pa ge 10 The Winners of NOCT Fair Play Awards for the Season Cont d from pa ge 4 ons with the pro fes sio nals abo ut be ing a win ner not just on the sports fi elds but in li fe, to o. The last day was aga in de vo ted to ga mes un der the fi ve Oly mpic rings: The camp was vi si ted by yo ung ath le tes who we re no mi na ted for ta king part in the Oly mpic Yo uth Ga mes in Sin ga po re. They to ok the Oly mpic Oath in the pre - sen ce of the Pre si dent of the Slo vak NOC, Fran ti sek Chme lar. For the par ti ci pants of the camp this ce re mony was cer ta inly anot her mo ti va ti on to fol low the ir sport dre ams. I truly ho pe that our con vic ti on and energy sho wed that fa ir play is not only a way of be ha ving but al so a way of thin king, of li ving yo ur li fe, re ac hed open minds and ears. INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CAMP "WE ARE ALL ONE TEAM" Pro mo ti on Branch Grand Pri ze: Kazım Di rik Ele men tary Scho ol (Karşıya ka, Iz mir): Par ti ci pa ting in the Eu ro pe an Uni on Co me ni us pro ject, the scho ol is run ning a Fa ir Play pro ject to - get her with scho ols of eight Eu ro pe an co un tri es. Wit hin this sco pe, they are pro vi ding edu ca tio nal in for ma ti on to stu dents in the ir own scho ol and to fans of the Karşıya ka Sports Club abo ut Fa ir- Play prin cip les and go od be ha vi or to - wards fans of ri val te ams. Ho no rab le Men ti on: Fa ruk SÜ KAN (For mer Edir ne Di rec tor of Na tio nal Edu ca ti on, Re ti red Physi cal Edu ca ti on Te ac her/to kat). He has be en tou ring Tur key by bicy cle for the past fo ur ye ars to pro test against en vi ron - men tal pol lu ti on and has be en gi ving spe ec hes in ele men tary scho ols in or der to de ve lop en vi ron men tal awa re ness amoung the yo uth. He al so pro vi des vo - lun te er ori en tee ring and co ac hing ser vi - ces for trai ning young people in ski ing. Let ter of Con gra tu la ti on: Prof. Dr. Ya vuz TAŞKI RAN (Ko cae li Uni ver sity Physi cal Edu ca ti on Col le ge Di - rec tor). In ad di ti on to be ing a pla yer, re - fe re e, in ter na tio nal ob ser ver, Cha ir man of the Na tio nal Bo ard of Re fe re es in hand ball, he has be en con tri bu ti ons to the sport for ye ars with sci en ti fic ar tic - les, TV and Ra di o shows, news pa per ar - tic les, con fe ren ces and bo oks. Vol ley ball Wo men s Ju ni or Na tio nal Te am: They suc cess fully rep re sen ted Tur key in 2009 at in ter na tio nal matc hes. They ca me first pla ce du ring the se cond ro und eli mi na ti on com pe ti ti on in the Eu ro pe an Cham pi ons hip held in Alan ya, they we re fo urth in the Eu ro pe an Cham - pi ons hip in Hol land and the World Cham pi ons hip in Thai land, and first in the Eu ro pe an Oly mpic Yo uth Fes ti val in Fin land.

13 EOC President Patrick Hickey s Message to the 16th EFPM Congress Cont d from pa ge 3 am unab le to jo in yo u in Pra gu e for yo ur 16th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con - gress; the many com mit ments im po - sed upon me by the Eu ro pe an Oly - mpic Mo ve ment de ta in me el sew he - re. On be half of the EOC, I wo uld ne - vert he less li ke to ex press sup port for the is su es of com mon in te rest that yo u will be dis cus sing in Pra gu e. The to pic yo u ha ve cho sen this ye - ar is in de ed one of gre at im por tan ce to us to o. The ide a that fa ir play sho - uld be part of an in di vi du al s edu ca ti - on and li fe, and the con se qu ent ne ed to edu ca te chil dren in the mea ning of fa ir play at scho ol, is one we who le - he ar tedly sup port. It was in de ed De Cou ber tin s in ten ti on that the Oly - mpic Mo ve ment s un derl ying mis si on be to te ach, te ach the prin cip les of Oly mpism. This is the ful crum upon which the Oly mpic Mo ve ment rests and is what has ma de it so strong and las ting. And fa ir play is a con cept that is at the very ro ots of the Oly mpic ide al, as it te ac hes to be ha ve fa irly to - wards an yo ne and ever yo ne. That its pe op le sho uld be en do - wed with a sen se of fa ir play is thus in dis pen sab le to Eu ro pe if it is to con - ti nu e to grow and de ve lop in to a so - ci ety whe re the re are no bar ri ers of co lo ur, cre ed, gen der or po li ti cal dis - cri mi na ti on. And it is go od to know that the Eu ro pe an ins ti tu ti ons ha ve al so re cog ni sed and un ders to od this, ac cep ting that sport has a fun da men - tal ro le in edu ca ti on when they re - cog ni se that sport is the only scho ol sub ject which se eks to pre pa re chil - dren for a he althy li fest yle and fo cu - ses on the ir ove rall physi cal and men - tal de ve lop ment, as well as im par ting im por tant so ci al va lu es such as fa ir - ness, self-dis cip li ne, so li da rity, te am spi rit, and to le ran ce. We trust, as I am su re yo u do to o, that this may le ad to clo ser and mo re cons truc ti ve co ope - ra ti on bet we en the Oly mpic and Sports Mo ve ment and the EU, al be it with res pect for our in di vi du al ro les. This le ads me to anot her sig ni fi - cant po int: fa ir play is a con cept that is at the he art of go od go ver nan ce. And go od go ver nan ce is a po licy that, as yo u know, the IOC is now pro mo - ting with all its strength and which the EOC has adop ted as its ove rall stra tegy, al so in the know led ge that it is a pre re qu isi te for dea lings with any in ter na tio nal body. But what I wo uld he re li ke to draw yo ur at ten ti - on to is how in so me sen se go od go - ver nan ce is a mo dern term for fa ir play. If we lo ok at the 8 ma jor cha rac - te ris tics of go od go ver nan ce this be - co mes ob vio us: it is par ti ci pa tory, con sen sus ori en ted, ac co un tab le, trans pa rent, res pon si ve, ef fec ti ve and ef fi ci ent, equ itab le and inc lu si ve, and fol lows the ru le of law. It furt her as - su res that the vi ews of mi no ri ti es are ta ken in to ac co unt and that the voi - ces of the most vul ne rab le in so ci ety are he ard in de ci si on-ma king. What is all this if not fa ir play. Yes, de ar fri ends, yet aga in we find our sel ves on com mon gro und. Yo u, li ke us, stri ve to wards the se go - als that are so fun da men tal, so im - por tant for fu tu re ge ne ra ti ons and for a bet ter, pe ace ful to mor row for our chil dren. Thus, aga in on be half of the EOC, al low me to wish yo u every suc cess: every suc cess for yo ur Con gress and every suc cess for yo ur mis si on. Cont d from pa ge 4 Ap pro val of the Mi nu tes of the 15th EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly (Ba ku, Azer bai jan, Oc to ber 17th 2009). The Mi nu tes we re ap pro ved una - ni mo usly. Fol low - up of the 15th EFP Con gress in Ba ku Pre si dent Gon çal ves in for med the Ge - ne ral As sembly abo ut the de ci si on of the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e to es tab - lish a li mi ted Com mit te e made up of Prof. Dr. Man fred La em mer, Kkha zar Isa yev and Konul Nu rul la ye va, who will pro ce ed with the comp le ti on of the trans la ti on work of the Con gress Pro cee - dings and the ir re le vant prin ting. The Ge ne ral As sembly una ni mo usly ac cep ted the de ci si on by acc la ma ti on. Pre si dent s re port The Pre si dent re por ted to the G.A. abo ut how the work wit hin the EFPM and the mem ber or ga ni sa ti ons had prog res sed in the ye ars 2009/2010. The re port is inc lu ded as an ap pen dix to the Mi nu tes of the Ge ne ral As sembly. Ge ne ral Sec re tary s re port The Gen. Sec re tary Io an nis Psi lo pou - los, than ked the EFPM Mem bers for the - ir trust and sup port, as well as the Hel le - nic Oly mpic Com mit te e for the con ti - nuo us sup port for smo othly ful fil ling the General Sec re tary s du ti es. Af ter that, he pre sen ted the re le vant Re port, which is inc lu ded as an ap pen dix to the Mi nu tes of the Ge ne ral As sembly. Fi nan ci al Re port as per The Tre asu rer Chris ti an Bla rea u was wel co med by the Pre si dent af ter his long ab sen ce du e to he alth prob lems. The Tre asu rer pre sen ted the cur rent fi - nan ci al si tu ati on of the EFPM and the 2011 Bud get which amo unts to a to tal of ,8 Eu ros. The Ge ne ral As sembly ap pro ved the Tre asu rer s re port and the pro po sed bud get. Re port of the Bo ard of Au di tors EC Mem ber Mr. Chris ti an Hin ter ber ger exp lai ned the pro ce du re for the in tro - duc ti on of the Re port and cal led on Kve - ta Pec ko va, Cha ir wo man of the Bo ard of Au di tors, to pre sent the Re port. Mrs. Pec ko va pre sen ted the Re port, pro po sing the ap pro val of the fi nan ci al tran sac ti ons by the EFPM in Ap pro val of the EFPM EC ad mi nis trati ve and fi nan ci al tran sac ti ons The Ge ne ral As sembly ha ving he ard the Re ports of the Pre si dent, the Gen. Sec re tary and the Tre asu rer as well as the Re port of the Bo ard of the Au di tors ap pro ved una ni mo usly the EFPM Exe cu - ti ve Com mit te e ad mi nis tra ti ve and fi - nan ci al tran sac ti ons. Af fi li ati on of new Mem bers Pre si dent Gon çal ves in tro du ced two Na tio nal Or ga ni za ti ons, na mely SA TUS from Swit zer land and TUL from Fin land, which ha ve ex pres sed the ir in te rest to be ca me af fi lia ted mem bers. The rep re - sen ta ti ves of the two Or ga ni za ti ons ad - dres sed short mes sa ges to the Ge ne ral As sembly and ma de an in tro duc ti on of the ir sta tus. Furt her mo re, Pre si dent Gon çal ves in - tro du ced the De le ga ti on from Ar me ni a. Ar me ni a has al re ady be en a cor po ra te mem ber, but for va rio us rea sons they co uld not be pre sent in the past. The Ar - me ni an rep re sen ta ti ve Mr. Lpu ti an ad - dres sed a short mes sa ge to the Ge ne ral As sembly and com mu ni ca ted so me of his ide as re gar ding Fa ir Play in Ar me ni a. Pre si dent Gon çal ves than ked the spea - kers on behalf of EFPM and ex pres sed his wish to ha ve the af fi li ati on app li ca ti - ons from SA TUS and TUL as so on as pos - sib le. Pre sen ta ti on of CSIT and sig ning of the Jo int Ven tu re bet we en CSIT and EFPM Mr. Ha rald Bau er, Pre si dent of CSIT (the In ter na tio nal Wor kers Sports Con fe - de ra ti on) ma de an in tro duc ti on abo ut his Or ga ni sa ti on and at the end Pre si - dent Bau er and Pre si dent Gon çal ves sig - ned the Agreement bet we en the two or ga ni sa ti ons. Pre sen ta ti on of IS CA and sig ning of the Me mo ran dum of Un ders tan ding bet we en IS CA and EFPM Mr. Mo gens Kir keby, Pre si dent of IS CA (the In ter na tio nal Sport and Cul tu re As - so ci ati on) gave an in tro duc ti on abo ut the Or ga ni sa ti on he pre si des over and at the end Pre si dent Kir keby and Pre si dent Gon çal ves sig ned the Me mo ran dum of Un ders tan ding bet we en the two Or ga - ni sa ti ons. Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Awards Mr. Mi ros lav Ce rar, Pre si dent of the EFP Awards Jury, pre sen ted the Re port of the Jury for the ye ar The Awards pro po sed by the Jury and ac cep - ted by the Ge ne ral As sembly are: Pla qu e of Me rit and Dip lo ma (in me mo ri am) Pi otr NU ROWS KI ( ) for mer Pre si dent of the Po lish Oly mpic Com mit - tee Pla qu e of Me rit and Dip lo ma (Or ga ni za ti on) KRO NEN ZEI TUNG (Aus tri an News pa - per) Dip lo mas (In di vi du als) Ro mas BER NO TAS (Pre si dent of the Lit hu ani an As so ci ati on of Ama te ur Run - ning, pro fes sor of Physi cal Edu ca ti on) EFPM Com mu ni ca ti on The Ma ga zi ne: PLAY FA IR! The re port was pre sen ted by the Vi ce Pre si dent Er doğan Arıpınar, who as ked on ce mo re for the con tri bu ti on by all EFPM mem bers in res pect of re ports, pa - pers, news, pho tos etc. for the ma ga zi ne PLAY FA IR! Furt her mo re, Mr. Arıpınar exp lai ned that the cost of the Ma ga zi ne co vers mostly its dis tri bu ti on (pos ting etc.) as well so me edi ting ex pen ses. The Vi ce-pre si dent Man fred Lämmer un der li ned the never-en ding prob lem of the texts that are sub mit ted as re gards the ir lin gu is tic cor rect ness. He as ked on - ce mo re for the mem bers to ta ke ca re of this is su e and send texts in cor rect Eng - lish. EFPM web si te Er doğan Arıpınar un der li ned the ne - ces sity of the EFPM web si te and the im - por tan ce of ha ving it cons tantly and duly up da ted. EFPM Flash News Ka ta ri na Rac zo va in for med the Gen. As sembly abo ut this ini ti ati ve and the im por tan ce of ha ving the Flash News al - 13 The General Assembly took important decisions ways up-to-da te with news on all the Fa - ir Play ac ti vi ti es and re gu larly dis tri bu ted in Eu ro pe. EFPM Ca len dar Ka ta ri na Rac zo va pre sen ted this new edi ti on of the EFPM for 2011 and furt her on. The Ge ne ral As sembly wel co med with an app lau se the work do ne by Mrs Rac zo va and her as so cia tes and the ca - len dar was dis tri bu ted to the mem bers. 17th EFPM Con gress and Ge ne ral As sembly 2011 Pre si dent Gon çal ves as ked the rep re - sen ta ti ve of the 17th European Fair Play Con gress Or ga nisers Mrs. Bi ser ka Vrbek and her ac com pan ying gro up of mem - bers of the or ga ni sing com mit te e, to gi - ve de ta ils of sa id event to be hos ted in Po rec, Is tri a un der the tit le Sports as a part of Cul tu re; Fa ir Play as a part of Sport Cul tu re. Mrs. Vrbek pro cee ded with the pre sen ta ti on of the re le vant in - for ma ti on and a vi de o of the host city. At the end of the pre sen ta ti on, Pre si - dent Gon çal ves and Mrs Bi ser ka Vrbek sig ned the as so cia ted Con tract for the or ga ni sa ti on of the event. 18th European Fair Play Con gress in 2012 The Gen. Sec re tary I. Psi lo pou los in for - med the Ge ne ral As sembly that the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e, ha ving exa - mi ned the app li ca ti ons sub mit ted in du e ti me, de ci ded to award the 2012 event to the Na tio nal Fa ir Play Com mit te e of Italy (CNIFP), who will pro ce ed with the or ga ni sa ti on of the event un der the aus - pi ces and with the sup port of CO NI, the Ita li an Oly mpic Com mit te e. CNIFP Pre si - dent Rug ge ro Al can te ri ni than ked the Gen. As sembly, pre sen ted a vi de o of Ro - me, which will be the hos ting city and ga ve so me pre li mi nary in for ma ti on abo - ut the event and the ir plans. Mr. Psi lo pou los un der li ned the im por - tan ce of sa id event and the as so cia ted dif fi cul ti es, re sul ting from the fact that 2012 is an Oly mpic Ye ar and the Gen. As - sembly will be an elec ti ve one. Can di da tu res for hosting the 19th European Fair Play Con gress in 2013 The General Sec re tary I. Psi lo pou los in - for med the General As sembly that the de ad li ne for app li ca ti ons by can di da tes or ga ni za ti ons is 31 March 2011 and he as ked the in te res ted mem bers to res pect sa id de ad li ne. EFPM Pra gu e Dec la ra ti on General Sec re tary I. Psi lo pou los than - ked the Czech ex perts for the ir de ci si ve as sis tan ce in for mu la ting the 2010 EFPM Dec la ra ti on. He in for med the General As sembly that the dis tri bu ted Dec la ra ti - on is a Draft Do cu ment to be re vie wed and/or com men ted on by the Mem bers by the end of No vem ber. Han ding over of the EFPM flag to the de le ga ti on of the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e Mrs. Kve ta Pec ko va, Pre si dent of the Czech Fa ir Play Com mit te e, ac com pa ni ed by the EFPM Pre si dent, han ded over the EFPM flag to Mrs. Bi ser ka Vrbek, he ad of the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e De le - ga ti on, res pon sib le for the or ga ni za ti on of the 2011 European Fair Play Con gress and EFPM Gen. As sembly. Ha ving de alt with all the po ints of the Agen da, the Pre si dent dec la red the Ge - ne ral As sembly clo sed.

14 14Fair Play is good Compliance is better Cont d from pa ge 4 rup ti on al le ga ti ons re gar ding the cons - truc ti on of the in fras truc tu re and news - pa pers all over the world pla ced a spot - light on to the lack of trans pa rency of the In di an aut ho ri ti es. On 3rd No vem ber 2010, The In ter na tio - nal Oly mpic Com mit te e (IOC) ga ve a war - ning to Pye onc hang, the Ko re an can di da - te for the Win ter Oly mpics 2018, as a con - se qu en ce of two hea vily cri ti ci zed spon - sor con tracts of Ko re an com pa ni es with in ter na tio nal fe de ra ti ons hea ded by IOCmem bers. Are all the se oc cur ren ces just an un for - tu na te co in ci den ce or are they an in di ca - ti on of the mas si ve prob lems that sport is fa cing all aro und the world? Cor rup ti on has en te red the in ter na tio nal agen da and it is not at all as to nis hing to find it on the sports agen da as well. We ha ve to ask whet her the re are spe ci fic risks and whet her or why not the sports or ga ni - sa ti ons are pre pa red to de al with the se chal len ges. So in the fol lo wing, the Oly - mpic spi rit will be con fron ted with cur - rent de ve lop ments in po li tics and in the pri va te sec tor, the lack of trans pa rency and ac co un ta bi lity wit hin the sports struc tu res and the ne ed for comp li an ce as back bo ne of a re al cul tu re of Fa ir Play in in ter na tio nal sport. The Oly mpic Char ter and Fa ir Play Fri end ship, so li da rity and fa ir play - which the Oly mpic Char ter (Fun da men tal Prin cip les of Oly mpism no. 4) sti pu la tes as es sen ti al for the Oly mpic spi rit is not just me ant for the ath le tes on the pla ying gro und. It sho uld al so be a va lu e in the go ver nan ce of sport. But as the examp les lis ted abo ve show, the re is qui te of ten a gap bet we en the Oly mpic spi rit and rea lity. So how can we en su re trans pa rency, in teg rity and ac co - un ta bi lity in in ter na tio nal sport? Just cal - ling for Fa ir Play, a va lu e with its ori gins in sport and sin ce long suc cess fully trans - fer red to ot her are as of so ci al li fe as well, to po li tics and bu si ness, will not do in an en vi ron ment of com mer ci ali zed com pe ti - ti on, hu ge amo unts of mo ney be ing pa id for me di a rights and spon so ring, yo ung he ro es ear ning mil li ons of dol lars and a da ily batt le for glory, po wer and inf lu en - ce clo sely con nec ted with bu si ness, po li - tics and the me di a. De ve lop ments in Po li tics and the Pri va te Sec tor Sin ce the 1990s, the world has re cog ni - zed that cor rup ti on is one of the grea test evils and at the so ur ce of many glo bal prob lems. Whet her it is in ter na tio nal ter ro - rism, or ga ni zed cri me, vio len ce or po verty - in many ca ses cor rup ti on helps the cri mi - nals and war lords hi de the ir bad in ten ti ons and wrong do ings. Even rich co un tri es with hu ge amo unts of na tu ral re so ur ces so me ti - mes ha ve the poo rest po pu la ti on, be cau se cor rupt mem bers of the eli te ke ep the pro - fit for them sel ves ins te ad of sha ring it with the ir own pe op le. Col lec ting mo ney for the po or, the Eu - ro pe an way of cha rity, do es not re ally help it just dec rea ses ac tu al hun ger but can not pre vent long-term suf fe ring as long as the cir cums tan ces do not chan ge. And so me ti mes de ve lop ment re so ur ces do not even re ach the ir aim but are di ver - ted thro ugh cor rup ti on. So the fight aga - inst cor rup ti on has be co me a pri mary to - pic in the pri va te sec tor and in po li tics. The OECD (1997) and the UN (2003) ha ve la unc hed con ven ti ons aga inst cor rup ti on; cri mi nal laws in qui te a few co un tri es ha - ve be en chan ged with bri bery in fo re - ign co un tri es and in the pri va te sec tor be - co ming il le gal. Fi nal dec la ra ti ons of the G8 or no wa days G20 sum mits inc lu de the is su e of streng the ning the an ti-cor rup ti - on batt le. In the pri va te sec tor, glo bal pla yers ha - ve la unc hed comp li an ce prog rams with a ze ro-to le ran ce ap pro ach aga inst cor rup ti - on re no un cing them sel ves of dirty tricks in com pe ti ti on and thus trying to di mi - nish the im pact of hid den net works of cor rup ti on and fi nally to over co me cor - rup ti on. Wit ho ut do ubt, the re is still a long way to go, but wit hin a few ye ars the ap pro ach to this long known prob lem will al re ady ha ve chan ged dra ma ti cally. Sport, stic king to its Oly mpic prin cip - les, sho uld be an ac ti ve part of this de ve - lop ment, but in fact it has not be en so up to now. On the con trary, still strugg ling se ve - rely-and partly fai ling-with the fight aga - inst do ping, anot her thre at to in ter na tio - nal sport and its in teg rity, the in ter na tio - nal fe de ra ti ons are even lag ging be hind. Thus, they risk lo sing the ir ma in as set, sport as a po si ti ve ima ge fac tor and a ro - le mo del for fa ir play. Lack of Trans pa rency and Ac co un ta bi lity in Sport Tra di tio nally the na tio nal and in ter na - tio nal sports or ga ni za ti ons are led by a mix tu re of vo lun te ers and pro fes sio nals, with a lack of trans pa rency re gar ding elec ti ons, com pe ten ces, the de ci si on ma - king pro cess and abo ve all the fi nan cing. Ac co un ta bi lity is avoi ded by the com mon re qu est for una ni mo us de ci si ons and the des pi te of dis sen ting vo tes. Ha ving known each ot her for many ye ars, no one wants to con trol or to ut ter any mis trust. To ha ve a sports fa mily is ni ce, but when bil li ons are at sta ke, yo u ne ed pro - fes sio nal struc tu res and at ti tu des. A so - me how stran ge un ders tan ding of sport - smans hip in the past-and so me ti mes still no wa days-ma de sport fe de ra ti ons ke ep qui et abo ut de via ting be ha vi or of so me of the ir mem bers not stic king to the ru - les, mi su sing the ir po wer for per so nal pur po ses. The way in ter na tio nal sport, and es pe ci ally so me co un tri es, are still dea ling (or bet ter: not dea ling) with the prob lem of do ping is just anot her examp - le of this kind of hus hing up non-comp li - ant or even cri mi nal con duct. Ad di tio - nally, sport is al ways at risk of be ing mi - su sed for se cu ring a po si ti ve ima ge. With all the ent hu si asm of the pe op le, sport is an ide al me ans of get ting in to - uch with high so ci ety and the eli te of a city or a co untry, on the one hand, and of inf lu en cing the mas ses, on the ot her. Po - li ti ci ans, CE Os and ma na gers ming le with the rep re sen ta ti ves of clubs and fe de ra ti - ons in the lo un ges and VIP are as of sports are nas every whe re. They are uni ted by one big in te rest: To watch the ir ath le tes win and by the way im pro ve the ir own bu si nes ses, whet her it s po li tics, tra de or both. The me di a backs this in te rest as the in co me of news pa pers and TV-sta ti ons, to o, is lin ked to sport. So, be si de, the po - ten ti al conf licts of in te rest lying in all the - se cir cums tan ces-usu ally not ad dres sed pro perly-this si tu ati on can re sult in an even mo re ne ga ti ve im pact. Tho se who ear ned the ir mo ney in ways bet ter not known to the pub lic ha ve the op por tu nity not only to la un der this mo - ney, but al so rai se the ir own ima ge by in - ves ting in sport, thus be co ming im por - tant and get ting in to to uch with lo cal and/or na tio nal aut ho ri ti es. Even the fans will lo ve a cor rupt bu si ness man, if he ma - kes the ir te am win the na tio nal cup or the Cham pi ons-le agu e. So sport not just suf fers from a lack of trans pa rency and the exis ten ce of clan des ti ne net works wit hin its own struc tu res, but al so works as a hi dea way of bad be ha vi or in ot her are as and qui te of ten em po wers the wrong pe op le, whi le lul ling the po pu la ti - on. So this has an im pact not only on sport it self, but on who le co un tri es and the li ves of many pe op le. Match-fi xing as a spe ci al thre at to mo dern Sport In the past 20 ye ars, the in ter net has not only spre ad as a new and glo bal com - mu ni ca ti on net work but has al so al lo wed new ways of bet ting on sport events to de ve lop. No wa days, a Chi ne se gamb ler can bet on the se cond or third fo ot ball le - agu e of any Eu ro pe an co untry and he will do so as his own le agu e, the Chi ne se fo ot ball is known for match-fi xing and all kinds of cor rupt prac ti ces, suf fe ring from a dra ma tic dec rea se in cre di bi lity, po wer, strength, com pe ti ti ve ness and suc cess. With the gamb lers drif ting to Eu ro pe or ot her re gi ons, or ga ni zed cri me, ea ger to earn (and/or la un der) mo ney by inf lu en - cing spor ting re sults to gua ran te e bet ting wins, ca me to Eu ro pe, to o. In re cent ye - ars, FI FA, UE FA, the In ter na tio nal Cric ket Co un cil (ICC), the Ten nis aut ho ri ti es and even the IOC had to ta ke hu ge ef forts to try to pro tect the ir events by scree ning bil li ons of da ta - da ta of gamb lers, bets pla ced, sports re sults - col la bo ra ti on with bo ok ma kers, bet ting com pa ni es (at le ast the se rio us ones) and in ter na tio nal po li ce for ces. This only co vers one part of the prob lem and not even comp le tely. To pre vent the ath le tes, re fe re es and ot hers - all tho se be lon ging to sport it self from be ing temp ted and at last in vol ved in this sort of cri me, sports clubs and fe de ra ti ons ne ed comp li an ce prog rams in pla ce li ke any ot her bu si ness unit. But only very few pre ven ti on prog rams ha ve be en imp le - men ted or ha ve just star ted, in ter na tio - nal sport is not yet pre pa red to re ally chan ge its own at ti tu des and struc tu res in or der to inf lu en ce its mem bers and in - crea se trans pa rency and in teg rity in ter - nally and ex ter nally. Comp li an ce in Sport As a bu si ness with spe ci fic risks, sport is even mo re than any branch ob li ged to ta ke all me asu res pos sib le to se cu re comp li ant be ha vi or. To ha ve a co de of et hics in pla ce and even an et hics com - mit te e, such as the IOC, FI FA and UE FA, for examp le is fi ne, but do es not suf fi ce at all. The fun da men tal prin cip les and the ru les of the ga me ha ve to be imp - le men ted and bro ught in to li fe by me ans of edu ca ti on prog rams for all rep re sen - ta ti ves, not only for the ath le tes. A ze roto le ran ce ap pro ach is ne ces sary with an in de pen dent om buds man to re cei ve in - for ma ti on con fi den ti ally, in ves ti ga ti ons ha ve to be con duc ted with pur po se and each kind of non-comp li an ce has to be pu nis hed wit ho ut res pect of per sons, whi le whist leb lo wers ha ve to be en co - ura ged and pro tec ted. All this will only work if the sports fe de - ra ti ons adapt trans pa rent pro fes sio nal struc tu res. May be to do this they ne ed to get jet ti son so me of the ir for mer lea ders not ca pab le or wil ling to se e that the ti - mes ha ve chan ged and sport is no lon ger abo ve the law. With glo bal pla yers li ke Adi das or Co ca- Co la sup port sus ta ina bi lity in bu si ness in a com pre hen si ve way and, at the sa me ti - me be ing sport spon sors, the re will so on be pres su re on the sports or ga ni za ti ons, to o, to ta ke comp li an ce se rio usly and to be sus ta inab le in this res pect, to o. For the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment, this simply emp ha si zes the im por tan ce of its work do ne so far and stres ses the ne ces sity to com bi ne it with mo dern ins - tru ments to ob ta in trans pa rency and in - teg rity. Fit in Fair Play 2010/2011 Cont d from pa ge 6 to be able to help other people. And from their ice hockey teams, the kids learnt that fairness is part of the game in victory as in defeat. In short - all FiFP participants learned a lot about team spirit, moral courage and social competence. While all participants in the school contest came away feeling like winners, an independent jury awarded the Fit in Fair Play Trophy to three schools with the most creative and sustainable projects, as an added incentive and in recognition of the creativity, dedication and earnestness with which the children approached the subject. The winning schools in turn have directly invested the prize money of 10,000 euros in total in the continuation and extension of their projects against violence and bullying. In addition to the many celebrity supporters from the previous season, and the even more numerous new celebrity supporters, the campaign s sponsors in the current, recently launched second season also include the pupils social networking platforms SchülerVZ and Spickmich. These platforms, together with the campaign s own home page ( which provides daily updates and interactive information on all schools and their projects, will enable Fit in Fair Play to reach even more pupils, providing information and creating awareness for this pressing issue on an even broader scope. Accordingly, in the spirit of FiFP 2.0, the interested public is invited to vote for the project they find most convincing. The winning project will then receive a Public s Choice Award, sponsored by the network partners and awarded as an additional prize alongside the trophy awarded by the jury. Today, bullying is no longer confined to the school grounds. Studies conducted in Europe (see Jäger et al. 2007, Katzer & Fetchenhauer, 2005, 2007; Smith et al., 2008), the US (see Hinduja & Patchin, 2009) and Canada (see Li, 2007) show that forms of verbal and psychological bullying-threatening others, extorting, taunting, spreading rumours, ostracizing-are increasingly being transferred to the virtual space of the Internet. So-called cyberbullying uses chat rooms, social networking services such as SchülerVZ and Facebook, instant messaging or video portals to target others and harm or hurt them. In Germany, 5 to 25 percent of young people aged years are subjected to bullying at a rate between several times a month and daily. The figures are similar for cyberbullying: 5 to 25 percent of young people in this age group say they have been a victim of cyberbullying between several times a month and daily. Over 40 percent of year olds have experienced cyberbullying on the Internet (Katzer, 2009; Pieschl, 2010). The impact of being bullied, be it at school or on the Internet, can be traumatic, in particular because only a small fraction of the victims turn to an adult for help. There is often no significant adult available who will respond to these issues and give the young person the feeling he or she is being taken seriously. The need for action is clear. This is where the Fit in Fair Play campaign comes in. The aim is to present new preventive measures against violence and bullying. One step is to have an integrated prevention scheme that addresses both conventional school bullying and cyberbullying. The pro-active stances of the schools will promote a dynamic development of comprehensive prevention schemes, and the Fit in Fair Play campaign will be accompanied by a continuous evaluation to monitor the evolution of the campaign s initial approach and assess the outcome. For further information contact: Malteser Emergency Service Victor M. Lietz Director, Social Marketing

15 United Nations meeting on Sport as a Means to Promote Education, Health, Development and Peace Cont d from pa ge 1 United Nations A/65/L.4 General Assembly Distr.: Limited 14 October 2010 Original: English Sixty-fifth session Agenda item 11 Sport for peace and development Aus tra li a, Aus tri a, Bo li vi a (Plu ri na tio nal Sta te of), Bra zil, Chi le, Chi na, Do mi ni can Re pub lic, Egypt, Ger many, Gree ce, In di a, Italy, Ja pan, Jor dan, Lu xem bo urg, Mal ta, Mo na co, Mon go li a, Ro ma ni a, Rus si an Fe - de ra ti on, Slo ve ni a, Swit zer land, Tu ni si a and Uni ted King dom of Gre at Bri ta in and Nort hern Ire land: draft re so lu ti on Sport as a me ans to pro mo te edu ca ti on, he alth, de ve lop ment and pea ce The Ge ne ral As sembly, Ta king no te with ap pre ci ati on of the re port of the Sec re tary-ge ne ral en tit led Sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce: streng the ning the part ners hips, which re vi ews the prog ram mes and ini ti ati ves imp le men ted by Sta tes Mem bers of the Uni ted Na ti ons, Uni ted Na ti ons funds, prog ram mes and spe ci ali zed agen ci es and ot her part ners, using sport as a to ol for de ve lop ment and pea ce, Ack now led ging the ma jor ro le of Mem - ber Sta tes and the Uni ted Na ti ons system in pro mo ting hu man de ve lop - ment thro ugh sport and physi cal edu ca ti - on, thro ugh its co untry prog ram mes, Re cog ni zing the po ten ti al of sport to con tri bu te to the ac hi eve ment of the Mil - len ni um De ve lop ment Go als, no ting that sport has the po ten ti al, as dec la red in the 2005 World Sum mit Out co me, to fos ter pea ce and de ve lop ment and to con tri bu te to an at mosp he re of to le ran ce and un - ders tan ding, and re af fir ming that sport is a to ol for edu ca ti on that can pro mo te co - ope ra ti on, so li da rity, so ci al inc lu si on and he alth at the lo cal, na tio nal and in ter na - tio nal le vels, as dec la red in the out co me do cu ment of the High-le vel Ple nary Mee - ting of the sixty-fifth ses si on of the Ge ne - ral As sembly on the Mil len ni um De ve lop - ment Go als, Re cog ni zing al so the ne ed to streng - then and furt her co or di na te ef forts, inc lu - ding mul ti-sta ke hol der part ners hips, at all le vels to ma xi mi ze the po ten ti al of sport for con tri bu ting to the ac hi eve ment of in - ter na tio nally ag re ed de ve lop ment go als and na tio nal pe ace bu il ding pri ori ti es, Re cal ling its re so lu ti on 64/3 of 19 Oc to - ber 2009, in which the In ter na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e was in vi ted to par - ti ci pa te in the ses si ons and work of the Ge ne ral As sembly in the ca pa city of ob ser - ver, Ack now led ging the op por tu ni ti es pro - vi ded by the XXI Oly mpic Win ter Ga mes and the X Pa raly mpic Win ter Ga mes, held in Van cou ver, Ca na da, for edu ca ti on, un - ders tan ding, pea ce, har mony and to le ran - ce among and bet we en pe op les and ci vi li - za ti ons, and the op por tu ni ti es pro vi ded by the ina ugu ral 2010 Yo uth Oly mpic Ga - mes, held in Sin ga po re, to ins pi re the yo - uth of the world to em bra ce, em body and ex press the Oly mpic va lu es, as ref lec ted in re so lu ti on 64/4 of 19 Oc to ber 2009 re la - ting to the Oly mpic Tru ce, Ack now led ging al so the op por tu ni ti es for de ve lop ment and so ci al co he si on pro vi ded by the 2010 In ter na tio nal Fe - de ra ti on of As so ci ati on Fo ot ball World Cup in So uth Af ri ca, as ref lec ted in re so lu - ti on 64/5 of 19 Oc to ber 2009, Re cal ling ar tic le 31 of the Con ven ti on on the Rights of the Child, out li ning a child s right to play and le isu re, and the out co me do cu ment of the twenty-se venth spe ci al ses si on of the Ge ne ral As sembly on chil dren, en tit led A world fit for chil - dren, stres sing the pro mo ti on of physi - cal, men tal and emo tio nal he alth thro ugh play and sports, Re cal ling al so ar tic le 30 of the Con ven - ti on on the Rights of Per sons with Di sa bi li ti es, out li ning the right of per - sons with di sa bi li ti es to ta ke part on an equ al ba sis with ot hers in cul tu ral li fe, rec - re ati on, le isu re and sport, Re cog ni zing the im por tant ro le pla yed by the In ter na tio nal Con ven ti on aga inst Do ping in Sport in har mo ni zing the ac ti - ons ta ken by Go vern ments in the fight aga inst do ping in sport, which are comp - le men tary to tho se un der ta ken by the spor ting mo ve ment un der the World An - ti-do ping Co de, Ack now led ging the re com men da ti ons con tai ned in the fi nal re port of the Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce In ter na tio nal Wor king Gro up en tit led Har nes sing the po wer of sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce: re com men da ti ons to Go vern ments, and en co ura ging Mem ber Sta tes to imp le ment the re com men da ti ons, Re cog ni zing the ne ed for in di ca tors and benc hmarks ba sed on com monly ag re ed stan dards to as sist Go vern ments to enab le the con so li da ti on of sport in cross cut ting de ve lop ment stra te gi es and the in cor po ra ti on of sport and physi cal edu ca - ti on in in ter na tio nal, re gio nal and na tio - nal de ve lop ment po li ci es and prog ram - mes, as la id out in the fi nal re port of the Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce In ter na - tio nal Wor king Gro up, Wel co ming re so lu ti on 64/289 of 2 July 2010, by which the As sembly es tab lis hed the Uni ted Na ti ons En tity for Gen der Equa lity and the Em po wer ment of Wo - men, to be known as UN Wo men, and the op por tu ni ti es it pro vi des for the re ali za ti - on of gen der equa lity and the em po wer - ment of wo men, inc lu ding in and thro ugh sport, Ap pre cia tes the lea ders hip of the Spe ci al Ad vi ser to the Sec re tary-ge ne ral on Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce, sup - por ted by the Uni ted Na ti ons Of fi ce of Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce, on is su - es re la ting to sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce wit hin the Uni ted Na ti ons system and be yond; Wel co mes the on go ing ef forts un der - ta ken by the newly man da ted Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce In ter na tio nal Wor king Gro up, which gat he red for its ina ugu ral ple nary ses si on and the com - men ce ment of the subs tan ti ve work of the first the ma tic wor king gro up on sport and child and yo uth de ve lop ment; In vi tes Mem ber Sta tes, the or ga ni za - ti ons of the Uni ted Na ti ons system, inc lu - ding its pe ace kee ping mis si ons and in teg - ra ted pe ace bu il ding mis si ons, sport-re la - ted or ga ni za ti ons, fe de ra ti ons and as so ci - ati ons, ath le tes, the me di a, ci vil so ci ety and the pri va te sec tor to col la bo ra te with the Uni ted Na ti ons Of fi ce of Sport for De - ve lop ment and Pea ce to pro mo te grea ter awa re ness and ac ti on to fos ter pea ce and ac ce le ra te the at ta in ment of the Mil len - ni um De ve lop ment Go als thro ugh sportba sed ini ti ati ves and pro mo te the in teg - ra ti on of sport for de ve lop ment and pea - ce in the de ve lop ment agen da, by wor - king along the fol lo wing prin cip les, adap ted from the Uni ted Na ti ons Ac ti on Plan on Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea - ce, con tai ned in the re port of the Sec re - tary-ge ne ral to the Ge ne ral As sembly at its sixty-first ses si on, and re af fir med in the re port of the Sec re tary-ge ne ral to the Ge ne ral As sembly at its sixty-fifth ses - si on: (a) Glo bal fra me work for sport for de - ve lop ment and pea ce: furt her de ve lop a fra me work to streng then a com mon vi si - on, de fi ne pri ori ti es and furt her rai se awa re ness to pro mo te and ma ins tre am po li ci es on sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce that are ea sily rep li cab le; (b) Po licy de ve lop ment: pro mo te and sup port the in teg ra ti on and ma ins trea - ming of sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce in de ve lop ment prog ram mes and po li ci es; (c) Re so ur ce mo bi li za ti on: pro mo te in - no va ti ve fun ding mec ha nisms and mul tista ke hol der ar ran ge ments at all le vels, inc lu ding the en ga ge ment of sport or ga - ni za ti ons, ci vil so ci ety, ath le tes and the pri va te sec tor; (d) Evi den ce of im pact: pro mo te and fa - ci li ta te com mon eva lu ati on and mo ni to - ring to ols, in di ca tors and benc hmarks ba - sed on com monly ag re ed stan dards; En co ura ges Mem ber Sta tes that ha ve not yet do ne so to de sig na te a fo cal po int for sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce wit - hin the ir Go vern ments; Al so en co ura ges Mem ber Sta tes to pro vi de ins ti tu tio nal struc tu res, ap prop - ria te qua lity stan dards, po li ci es and com - pe ten ci es and pro mo te aca de mic re se arch and ex per ti se in the fi eld to enab le on go - ing trai ning, ca pa city-bu il ding and edu ca - ti on of physi cal edu ca ti on te ac hers, co ac - hes and com mu nity lea ders in sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce prog ram mes; Emp ha si zes and en co ura ges the use of sport as a ve hic le to fos ter de ve lop - ment and streng then edu ca ti on for chil - dren and yo ung per sons; pre vent di sea se and pro mo te he alth, inc lu ding the pre - ven ti on of drug abu se; em po wer girls and wo men; fos ter the inc lu si on and well-be - ing of per sons with di sa bi li ti es; and fa ci li - ta te so ci al inc lu si on, conf lict pre ven ti on and pe ace bu il ding; En co ura ges the sta ke hol ders men tio - ned in pa rag raph 3, and in par ti cu lar the or ga ni zers of mass sport events, to use and le ve ra ge such events to pro mo te and sup port sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce ini ti ati ves and to streng then exis ting and bu ild new part ners hips, co or di na te com - mon stra te gi es, po li ci es and prog ram mes and in crea se co he ren ce and syner gi es, whi le rai sing awa re ness at the lo cal, na tio - nal, re gio nal and glo bal le vels; In vi tes Mem ber Sta tes and in ter na tio - nal sport or ga ni za ti ons to as sist de ve lo - ping co un tri es, in par ti cu lar the le ast de - ve lo ped co un tri es, in the ir ca pa city-bu il - ding ef forts in sport and physi cal edu ca ti - on, by pro vi ding na tio nal ex pe ri en ces and best prac ti ces, as well as fi nan ci al, tech ni - cal and lo gis tic re so ur ces for the de ve lop - ment of sport prog ram mes; Ur ges Mem ber Sta tes that ha ve not yet do ne so to con si der sig ning, ra tif ying and ac ce ding to the Con ven ti on on the Rights of the Child, the Con ven ti on on the Rights of Per sons with Di sa bi li ti es6 and the In ter na tio nal Con ven ti on aga inst Do - ping in Sport; In vi tes the in ter na tio nal com mu nity to pro vi de vo lun tary con tri bu ti ons to and to en ter in to in no va ti ve part ners hips with the Uni ted Na ti ons Of fi ce of Sport for De - ve lop ment and Pea ce and the Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce In ter na tio nal Wor king Gro up; In vi tes Mem ber Sta tes to jo in and sup port the Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce In ter na tio nal Wor king Gro up, so as to enab le it to con ti nu e its work on all en - vi sa ged the mes, inc lu ding sport and gen - der, sport and per sons with di sa bi li ti es, sport and he alth, and sport and pea ce; Re qu ests the Sec re tary-ge ne ral to re port to the Ge ne ral As sembly at its sixty-se venth ses si on on the imp le men ta - ti on of the pre sent re so lu ti on, inc lu ding prog ress ma de by Mem ber Sta tes to - wards imp le men ta ti on of the Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce In ter na tio nal Wor king Gro up po licy re com men da ti ons and on the func tio ning of the Uni ted Na - ti ons Of fi ce of Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce and the Trust Fund for Sport for De ve lop ment and Pea ce, and to pre - sent an up da ted ac ti on plan on sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce. 15 Fair Play Awards are 43 years old in Poland Cont d from pa ge 9 Individual awards for life time achievements were received by Teresa Sukniewicz-Kleiber, Helena Halina Oszast and Jozef Zylinski. The Laureates of Honorary Mention for fair play promotion were; Jolanta Kowalska, Jan Sagan, Andrzej Wrobel, and Parafiada -St. Jozef Kalasantiusz Association. Jan Dreczka, Maciej Gawlowski, Ewelina Staszulonek, Piotr Szafranek, Jochen Wagner and Pawel Zagumny received Letters of Recognition. Trophies and Awards were presented by POC President Piotr Nurowski, Zofia Zukowska, Head of the Club Fair Play and Kajetan Hadzelek, Member of the International Committee for Fair Play. The ceremony was arranged and directed by Magdalena Rejf, the Secretary of the Club Fair Play. The whole event had excellent media coverage, which allowed for broader information about fair play values, fair play awards Laureates, and their outstanding fair play deeds and attitudes. The main ceremony was followed by a gala dinner at the Olympic Centre restaurant. The Tra gic events of the the 10th Ap ril 2010 bro ught a dark sha dow over our ce - re mony. In the pla ne crash in Smo lensk, 96 pe op le pe ris hed inc lu ding the Pre si - dent of Po land Lech Kaczy nski and his wi - fe Ma ri a. Among the vic tims of this tra - gedy we re POC Pre si dent Pi otr Nu rows ki, De puty Mars hal of the Po lish Par lia ment- Jerzy Szmajd zins ki and one of the la urea - tes of the Fa ir Play Con test, Fat her Jo zef Jo ni ec SP-Cha ir man of the Pa ra fia da As so ci ati on. They we re all pre sent at our fa ir play ce re mony - that was whe re we ha ve se en Them for the last ti me. We will al ways re mem ber Them. Armenia promotes teaching fair play to youngsters Cont d from pa ge 5 Yo ur pre cepts be ing simp le and cle ver, Prompt the pe op le to be fa ir, kind and just, And res pect yo ur ri val. Yo u must also ac cept The vic to ri es of yo ur strong ri val wort hily. In ca se of de fe at, Ac cept all ver dicts of play and re fe re e With res tra int and si lently. Such words were on ce sa id by the gre at Pla to... The re isn't a grea ter vic tory Than the vic tory over yo ur self When it's hard to help yo ur ri val And yo u se e he's in a bad, ho pe less si tu ati - on Tre at him kindly as a go od fri end will do, And know a thing, that only a fa ir com pe - ti tor Can be a re al kee per of fri end ship and so li - da rity Among the na ti ons all over the world. Yo u al so must know, be ing the cham pi on of Fa ir Play Yo u' II be co me a figh ter of firm ma in te - nan ce and exis ten ce Of yo ur ho me land and na ti on. Pro fes sor Lyo va Sam vel yan Vi ce Pre si dent of the Fair Play of Ar me ni a

16 16 The 16th European Fair Play Congress in Prague: A Success! Cont d from pa ge 3 ca ti on, edu ca tio nal va lu es in scho ols, fa ir play ap pre hen si on by scho lars, po si ti ve ini ti ati ves strugg ling aga inst ra cism and eth nic dis cri mi na ti on, fa ir play as part of the Oly mpic va lu es, and inf lu en ce of cur - rent ne ga ti ve tendencies in sport on Fa ir Play Edu ca tio n. The In ter na tio nal key no te spea kers of the Con gress we re: Prof. Dr. Ro land NA UL from Ger - many, who spo ke abo ut Va lu e Edu ca ti - on in scho ols from a cross-cur ri cu lar pers pec ti ve, Ja na KUT KO VA from the Slo vak Re - pub lic, who ga ve ans wers to the qu es ti - on Do sport, play and che er ho nestly? Dr. Ale xan der POL LAK from Aus tri a, who spo ke abo ut Ra cism, Eth nic Dis cri - mi na ti on and Exc lu si on of Mig rants and Mi no ri ti es in Sport in the EU. The Czech key no te spea kers we re: Dr. Ji ri PE LI KAN, who gave the ope - ning spe ech and de alt with the to pic Fa - ir Play - an in teg ral part of hu man li fe and edu ca ti on. Prof. Dr. An to nin RYCHTECKY and Dr. Jo sef DO VA LIL, who spo ke abo ut Fa ir Play edu ca ti on as a part of the Oly - mpic edu ca ti on at the Uni ver si ti es of Sports. Dr. Mar tin DOK TOR, Kve ta PECKO- VA, J. HEGYES and J. KRAUSKOPF who spo ke abo ut Fa ir Play prin cip le per cep - ti on by the Czech yo uth. Dr. Ales SE KOT who spo ke abo ut Fa ir Play in the light of prob lems of pre - sent sport - from a so ci olo gi cal vi ew. Short Pa pers we re pre sen ted by: J. KAMUTI: Fa ir Play from a dif fe rent pers pec ti ve, Fa ir Play So ci ety: a just so ci - ety K. RACZOVA-LOKSOVA: We all are one te am J. BOHAC: Fa ir Play in sport and insociety V. SÜSS: Fa ir Play and yo ung ath le tes edu ca ti on M. BEDNAR: Edu ca ti on of cons ci en ce "Cons ci en ti a mil le tes tes" M. PEKNY: Va lu e fo cus of the yo ung ge ne ra ti on as a ba sis of Fa ir Play edu ca - ti on G. DIDERICH: Edu ca ti on in Sport Scho - ols for pu pils aged ye ars N. RIEGERTOVA: Fa ir Play ru les in ele - men tary scho ol prog ram mes R. JASEK: Edu ca ti on to wards Fa ir Play - mo re than just to play by the ru les P. HLADIK: Scho ol "Oly mpic Ga mes" and Fa ir Play in Ho li ce vil la ge A. RAJAJARVI In tro duc ti on of TUL (Fin - nish Sport Or ga ni za ti on for Wor kers) K. De MARTELAER: In ter na tio nal Cen - tre Et hics in Sport V. NOVOTNA, J. CERNA: Fa ir Play as - pects in gymnas tic prog ram mes M. NEMEC: Axi olo gi cal struc tu re of the eth ni cal prin cip le of Fa ir Play in the sport en vi ron ment P. JANSA, K. KOVAR: Fa ir Play in sport pe da gogy V. HOSEK, M. FRABSA: Fa ir Play in our sport trai ning and cli ents si tu ati ons P. HARSA: Im pact of a co ach's per so na - lity and mo ti va tio nal fac tors in the edu - ca ti on of athletes in li ne with Fa ir Play prin cip les J. VOTIK: Fo ot ball and Fa ir Play P. BELSAN: New forms of mo ti va ti on for the ac cep tan ce of Fa ir Play prin cip les in pre sent sport Z. ZUKOWSKA: Fa ir Play as an edu ca - tio nal va lu e in sport and men tor's mo ral ap ti tu de A. DLABACOVA: Pi er re de Cou ber tin and Fa ir Play. Fi nally, a Pa nel dis cus si on was or ga ni - zed at the end of the Con gress, whe re the pa nel lists and the Con gress par ti ci - pants analy sed the pre vio usly ex ten ded vi ews and tri ed to re ach so me con cre te conc lu si ons. The Con gress was a great suc cess thanks to the ef forts of the Or ga ni zing Com mit te e (Kve ta PEC KO VA, Ric hard MRA ZEK, Petr HRU BEC, Iva na TO MI SO VA and Io an nis PSI LO POU LOS) and the gro - up of vo lun te ers as well as of the as so cia - ted Sci en ti fic Com mit te e (Prof. Dr. Man - fred LÄMMER, Dr. Jo sef DO VA LIL, Prof. Dr. An to nin RYCHTECKY, Dr. Ji ri PE LI - KAN, Dr. Ales SE KOT and Prof. Dr. An na HO GE NO VA). Of co ur se, a spe ci al men - tio ning must be ma de for the con tri bu ti - on of the Czech Oly mpic Com mit te e and the Mu ni ci pa lity of Pra gu e. Wit ho ut thei r sup port the Con gress co uld not ha - ve be en or ga ni zed in the high qua lity that was fi nally ac hie ved. The IN TER CON TI NEN TAL Ho tel co ve red the ac com mo da ti on ne eds in the best pos - sib le way, whi le the Con gress ve nu e was per fectly or ga ni zed and the tech no lo gi cal sup port was of the most suf fi ci ent le vel. But the Con gress was not only a strict edu ca tio nal pro ce du re. The Or ga ni zers had al so fo re se en a very well sche du led so ci al prog ram me for the par ti ci pants and a very in te res ting prog ram me for the ac com pan ying per sons. The Ope ning Re cep ti on to ok pla ce at the Ma yor of Pra gu e's Re si den ce, whi le the en ter ta in ment inc lu ded sigh tsee ing and a gui ded to ur of the Karl stejn Cast le and the Ko nep rusy ca ves, a Pra gu e by Night Ri ver Crui se, a gui ded to ur of Pra - gu e his to ri cal cen tre and a vi sit to a Pra - gu e shop ping mall and fi nally a Ga la Din - ner at Zla ta Pra ha res tau rant. We all left Pra gu e with a comp le te fee - ling of sa tis fac ti on and gra ti tu de for our Czech fri ends, who did the ir best to or ga - ni ze a re ally suc cess ful Con gress. We thank them all! Ruggero is working in Fair Play like a bee Cont d from pa ge 11 On the mor ning of Fri day the 11th in the Bib li ote ca Ca pi to la re, Eu ro pe s ol - dest lib rary, a se mi nar was held, whe re ma na gers, aca de mics, jo ur na lists and rep - re sen ta ti ves of Ve ro na s aut ho ri ti es de ba - ted on the to pic Sport, Fa ir Play and Et - hics in the 21st cen tury so ci ety. Fi nally, on Sa tur day the 12th the or ga ni - sers ar ran ged an of fi ci al vi sit to the ant ho - lo gi cal ex hi bi ti on on the li fe of Po pe Gio - van ni Pao lo II un der the tit le The Rea son of the He art, with exc lu si ve evi den ce of his per so nal re la ti ons hip with physi cal ac ti vity. The EFPM was of fi ci ally in vi ted to this in de ed im por tant event and was rep re - sen ted by the Sec re tary Ge ne ral Mr. Io an - nis Psi lo pou los, who in for med the par ti ci - pants abo ut EFPM and its go als and ac ti vi - ti es. Furt her mo re, he spo ke abo ut Sport and its inf lu en ce in the pe op les li fe, exp lai ning its ro le as a chan nel of po si ti ve energy as well as its ro le as a co ve ted eco - Cont d from pa ge 8 Edu ca ti on Camp ac ti vi ti es Cul tu ral events Dif fe rent pro jects Ha lis ko is the mas cot of yo uth ac ti vi ti es. TUL Joy Ga mes Two ye arly events Win ter event in Feb ru ary - cross co untry ski ing - show dan ce - fo ot ball (fut sal) - bo xing - camp (with dif fe rent the mes) Au tumn event in Oc to ber - Art event - show dan ce and dis co dan ce - wrest ling - vol ley ball - swim ming - cross co untry run ning - camp (with various the mes) TUL Joy Ga mes The ide a be hind the se events is that yo uths get to me et new pe op le and le arn abo ut dif fe rent kinds of sports whi le com - pe ting in fri endly at mosp he re. All par ti ci pants re cei ve a me dal. Fit ness ac ti vi ti es - Sports For all The au tumn fit ness cam pa ign - 10 ye - ars of physi cal ac ti vi ti es all aro und Fin land Cont d from pa ge 5 ser ve a lar ger, not only mo ral, but al so fi - nan ci al sup port. Among the con tacts I had I wo uld li ke to un der li ne the most outs tan - ding ones as fol lows: EOC Tre asu rer, Mr. Ki - kis La za ri des, Mr. To gay Ba yat li, ENG SO Sec re tary Ge ne ral, Mr. Pred rag Ma noj lo vic, Cro ati a NOC Pre si dent, Mr. Zlat ko Ma te sa, Slo ve ni an NOC Pre si dent, Mr. Ja nez Ko ci - jan cic, Ser bi a NOC Pre si dent, Mr. Vla de Di - vac, Ge or gi a NOC Vi ce-pre si dent, Mr. Ra - maz Gog lid ze (who will host the Sum mer EYOF 2015, and Tbi li si be ing a Twin City to Ljubl ja na) and last but not le ast, I had a kind con ver sa ti on with the EOC Pre si dent, Mr. Pat rick Hic key. They all en dor sed the no mic va lu e with all the dan gers this in - vol ves. Fi nally, he conc lu ded by analy sing the prin cip les of the Co de of Et hics, na - mely fa ir ness and sport as an are na for in - di vi du al self-ful fill ment, in which ever y- o ne is gi ven the chan ce of self-de ve lop - ment and self-con trol ac cor ding to the ir own po ten ti al and in te rests. The Sympo si um was a gre at suc cess and was ho no red by the pre sen ce of Fla vi o To si, the Ma yor of Ve ro na, Rug ge ro Al - can te ri ni, Pre si dent of CNIFP, En ri co Pran - di, Pre si dent of Pa nath lon In ter na tio nal, Mrs An na ma ri a Ma ra si, the spo kes per son of the CO NI Ath le tes Com mis si on, many rep re sen ta ti ves of Ve ro na aut ho ri ti es and a gro up of sig ni fi cant ath le tes, such as Eros Po li, Oly mpic win ner in cyclism, Ro - ber to Di Don na, Oly mpic win ner in shoo - ting, Mar co Al ba rel lo, Oly mpic win ner in ski ing, Mrs. Ma ra Zi ni, Oly mpic me dal list in ski ing and ot hers. The event was be au - ti fi ed by the pre sen ce of Fran ces ca Tes ta - sec ca, Miss Ita li a The Finnish Workers Sports Federation (TUL) The fit ness cam pa ign is an annual event that gat hers thou sands of pe op le all aro und Fin land to dif fe rent sports events. The cam pa ign month is Sep tem ber. TUL al so or ga ni zes fit ness and he alth edu ca ti on The Prog ram me for Exer ci se in Work Com mu ni ti es 2010 A jo int prog ram me for thre e mi nis tri - es, all the tra de uni ons, emp lo yer or ga ni - sa ti ons and sport as so ci ati ons The go al is to pro mo te exer ci se among emp lo ye es who do very litt le or no exer ci - se at all TUL co or di na tes the prog ram me In ter na tio nal Com pe ti ti ons TUL or ga ni zes two in ter na tio nal to ur - na ments every ye ar: The Ge ebe e To ur na ment for bo xing in Ap ril The Van ta a Wrest ling Cup in No vem ber The con tes tants come from dif - fe rent co un tri es In ter na tio nal sports fe de ra ti ons ack - now led ge the se to ur na ments Cam ping Are a Kont tai nen TUL owns a cam ping are a Kont tai nen which is lo ca ted ne ar Ru ka, Ku usa mo. TUL has ren ted the are a for a com pany cal led Ret ki-kont tai nen Ltd. The com pany was fo un ded by TUL s 14 re gio nal or ga ni - za ti ons. tai The EFPM also watched the EOC General Assembly in Belgrade mis si on of our mo ve ment and ex pres sed the ir full sup port and as sis tan ce. In terms of the pre sen ta ti on of our ac ti vi ti es I sho - uld al so men ti on that our col le agu e, Mr. Cha ra lam bos Lot tas, pla yed an ac ti ve ro le and sup por ted our ide as du ring the GA. Du ring the Ge ne ral As sembly the Serbian Oly mpic Com mit te e ce leb ra ted its lo Oth An ni ver sary and or ga ni sed a spe ci al ce leb ra ti on on the oc ca si on of that im por - tant mo ment in the country s spor t his tory. Both events we re attended by the hig - hest rep re sen ta ti ves of Ser bi an po li ti cal and so ci al li fe, among them the President of Sta te, the Prime Minister of the Go vern - ment and the Mi nis ter of Yo uth and Sport.

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