PROGRAM TO OPEN Bob Stone, Ornsteen M. enwcara Are Campus Agents Mr arding T enwcara

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1 M OLUME 76, NUMBER 4 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER OCTOBER 18, 1951 PRICE 15 CENTS pschool '5 EVNNSTD debegat 5 VNN ~_D Exonians PROGRAM TO OPEN Bob Stone, Ornsteen M. enwcara Are Campus Agents Mr arding T enwcara not du For New Publication 5hYa.2Sat nadvertisement in the PHIL- S a t 5h Y a n O t 5h ANlast week announced for first time the EXETER The Andover Evening Study Program for Adults will begin ETO PREP SCHOOLS. e guide is being published ~~~~~~~~~its fifteenth year on October 15th under the chairmanship of norrganization up at Exeter Mr. William B. Harding and the program will run through DeedtheExeter Publications. V grup is entirely independ- cember 6. M.Aa lcmri 95 n aleiter The ExOnian, the The curriculum to be taught he acted as chairman until his ol newspaper, or The Pean, this year can be conveniently di- resignation this year because of school yearbook. This or- vided into three groups. The prac- additional responsibilities. The zion has been set up on a tical, such as Correct English, program is non- rot, maintained anent basis, its main lu-public Speaking, Studio Art, and solely by the P. A.! faculty. The being to brin into closer NO - Math, constitutes one glrou!p. The only way the school itself enters an he oys andglsith cultural, such as Current Events, into it is that school buildings os eastern preparatory Rlgoadtesuy fen- reused for the teaching tor ols and to stimulate a eat- F ibl oe ilnt lish novels, makes up the second5 which the program pays $100 a inteestin iterschoof so- e osuas Brac, P rvgroup. The third group is a re- yeafr. Since the programn is nonalitfirs joeeerpbreed, and Mr. Stott at reunion in Alumni House creational one which, because of Proft the teachers offer their s its first job, Exeter Pub- ~~~~~~~~~the condition of the P.A. gym, services on a voluntary basis rea'gie to the leading boys' il *~U~ET this year. The teaching staff is over from the small registration tions i s oc in stu- U.N do ffic a1 1Sosstpfonysuaedncnkeiign pay. Any one eft gilprpshosith.7b..u ii I t - '' made up almost entirely of mhem- fee, which isusdtcoeex t. Aproxmatey thrty-ive b5 ers of the P.A. faculty. penses, is donated to some charioolswil be nclded n tis A T The curriculum in the past ty or worthwhile cause. To date kranging in geographica lo- L bd T I U I J X DI ishas given many opportunities for over 85,000 has been given. The onfrom C hatham, Virgini to A b o.- u t U.N. Ex.# ft study in the cultural field, In the enrollment generally comes to cord, New Hampishire. The future Mr. Harding, as chairman, about 500 people, with the are, designed as it is to aid Lat S ~] ~is going to try to incorporate geat number ever accepted being ent viitig fiends at vani- Ls Saturday, te Philips SJociety sponsored its first more courses of practical value 790, In its 15 years of operation schol over dance week- speaker, Mr. Hardy Wickwar of the U.N. Secretariat. Mr. Wick- without, however, taking any- more than 4000 people have ata and at other times, will thing from the cultural suijects. tended. About 40% of the attendude a report on recommended war, who used to be a professor of Political Science at Hamil- Mechanical Drawing, Navigation, ance comes from Andover, the tea and methods by which to ton College, discussed the part ance. The World Health Organi- Pogrpy RaindWod- the remainder Coming from adjato the schools, a list of the the United' Nations is playing in zation has done a miraculous job wri aebe ae as cent communities. From 1939 ious restaurants and hotels in the world affairs of today, and in combatting diseases in Greece. oibesbetsfruueyas. through 1945 the Evening Study school towns, and a list of how this organization has suc- This branch of the U.N. has also hiesoefteecurshae Program was adapted to meet the ists, taxis, etc. Also included ceeded to a far reater extent fought tuberculosis in India, and been offered before, relativel needs of Civil Defense. Be- Ibe a map of each school than moat of us rearize in, solving baa succeeded to a great extent few of them have been given n cause of this, the enrollment gwith its dance regulations, many, pressing world problems. in cutting down the cases of this any one year. eand the years 1939 throu h edle, traditions, and a brief Fu'St, Mr. Wickwar pointed disease hiere.~ The Food and A This program was started by f942' saw it at its highest pea, tr.a vacation section will out that although the United States culture Organization of tire u.. between 575 and 790. bhye added to round out is a comparatively young country, has helped many countries to use gud.te ook is being its ideas have had a profound ef- their lands to their best advantage ttenentielyobjectively and, fect on the events that are tking to greaten the food production of repossibe, in a humorous place in the world today. He said many impoverished nations. An- C A S O 5 I ~ I N thtthe nationalistic and ide- other branch of the U.N., the In- CU S O 5 RE RN Tis book is being modeled pendent form of government prac- ternational Labor Association has r a very ide which ticed in our country, along with settled many labor disputes in publise sevryears ago our ideas of a democracy, have nations where they might other- TO H IFARE N N the Record, Yale spread to all parts of the earth, wise have had serious conse- The.gide will proal not be In f act, they have actually caused uences. The final branch of the lihe and Soldtl the be- many problems which the U.N. has WI.N. that Mr. Wickwar mentioned Phillips Society Is Host At Tea, nng of next term. But to comn- had to settlej~ for countries that was UNESCO. This organization safor this inconvenience, have caught -on to our national- is pushing a new type of practi- Stne and Bob Ornsteen, the itic and independent way of th ink- cal education to countries which agents, have ust received ing have sought, and are now need it most, especially in South D nner F or Returning Graduates dfrom Exeter tat the oce seeking, the envied independence America. been reduced from $1.Oo to which we of the United States Concernino the conflict be- The weekend of October was marked by many familiar enjoy. Such countries as Pales- tween Russia and the United tine and India have already auc- States Mr. Wickwar said that this faces as the class of 1951 came back for their first reunion, ceeded in obtainin their inde- is not the first time that great pnoe ytepilp oit.teruincmite pendence and the!.n. has been power disagreements have occur- spnoe bytepllssciy.teruoncm te, 14/ 1IVIU ~M AY of immeasurable helpt to these red. The reason frdsueis headed by Bob Larsen, was made Mrs. Stott. The present senior W GYM contries n freeng hem rom tha whilethe grvet wnol prob- up of Don Falvey, Howie Payne, class was also invited to this their mother countries, to settle tegatwrdpo-mike Filides, R.D Andero ar atof the affair. After the tea Indonesia is another example lems such as p vrty by a re-,. ro a- pr BY SEFT O* ofhwteun ecal re olution, the U..opeetera to meet ren Harshman, Dick Shepherd, and there was a dinner for the alumni af conty from theaie blofraoterd eahpolma taieadi John Hosch. Reminders of the af- at the Commons. Mr. Leete came If No Steel Is Found Thanks to help from the United its own way. On the other hand, fair t toyateed and George tog whih ae elloftetfdinner Wood e May Used Ntions, Liya and Smaliland since neither country is yet read: ye-tyltt Anderson atwihm besotefcuy Nations, Sarrialiland Libya and and Nick Thorndike at Harvard, and administration spoke. Most Wood May Be Used also will in the near future gain y for total war, both will try to and Win Adkins and Tom Pettus of the alumni returned to their their freedom. keep any disputes that arise lo- at Princeton. Doug Melville at colleges after the dinner, but Mr. Peck of the Athletics De- Aside from aiding countries to calized. The U.N. feels that the Drmuth, Frank Yatsu at Brown, some took advanta of thebeds tinent announced that the pos- obtain their idpnecthe best way to tackle these prob- adtm o oeawilmsaso taunih se tydutl ility of getting enough steel to U.N. also helps these newly-form- lems is through collective secur-reivdntcssuay ish the new Gmisvr good. ed states to organize themselves ity and also by thejneeting of al The alumni enjoyed seeing the Everybody seemed satisfied he stee could erti y into ountries whc wilb2be fm~ ofits as they arise, be- team crush Tilton 40-7, and then with their colleges, each mainnuary, the Gym would be camn- to govern themselves properly and lieving that small disputes can went to Alumni House to a tea tamning his to be the best. The ted and ready for use by Sep- thus be able to take advantage of easily become greater ones if not given for them and their dates by only criticism was the lack of her of Since the shower their new independence. In other attended to. Since the past has college spirit at some of the larma, lavatories, and drying words, the United Nations offers shown that arms and power offer ger universities. Zeke Grossman Ms are practically finished, these countries technical assist- no real solution to problems, the ThsTusaOtbr1, combined business with pleasure'- would take a comparatively U.N. has decided to meet these Tis hudaotbr1 shecckd ponhe't art time to put up the rest of disputes by economic and social Air. Ellis Bradford of Hamilton a s ceduupon the ndpot Gym. The lumbing and wir- This Saturday from 4:30 to approaches. The U.N. feels that College, a liberal arts callege Pursdrng ath weeke. Bobrps are still ein worked on. 7:00 o'clock the Social Functions this "Dollar Diplomacy" can in Clinton, N.Y., will be in And- topteeerton t ofu rommiss r I tat i he Jb i pu- Cmmiteeof the Phllp hihoriesee ove-sovete any students interest- topteerouofcmisn er thatrth on g jb isliput- Committeetheproblems wihaseby th ekbfrxecahwt gnthe roof. n the event that ety is sponsoring an informal din- aeil *i aid to countries e inattending Hamilton. As them weelbo, we crnlans witel o t vial, n stdetsad i oruatetan m our own. tei coasi which thmplsdxarnliysral used instead. The only disad- faculty here at P.X Mr. Wickwar finished his talk te ore thuaddlasaaiibc lowsbbdrn nage is that wood is not fire- The dinner will be buffet with by advising us to pay less at- able for award in 1952 to a stu- Bill Flanders, Nat Reed, Bob of. same eitertainment afterwards. tention to the daily newspapers dent in the New England area, K a n oigrolfo Orders for the equipment to The Phillips Society extends a the college is try ing to examine YK 1i imal used in the Gymn have been cordial invitation to all foreign anaomnttransoet man ew a e;simopates rchasd an t~eequipent tudets an faclty.the Io~range events in relation posil fo iely rcpet. and Dick Ullman from Harvard; rchased equipmen and students ad faculty.ohcng we cnhptodamre osil frii eiins. and Pete Baldwin from Middleould be here by May.~~~t wic an todoa or uld be here by May. ~~~~creative and constructive job. --- bury.

2 Fee* Two ~~~~~~~~~~THE PHILLIPIAN Two ~Th PHILLIPIAN Germany Topi Editor-in-Chief Warren B. HarshnmanOF Assistant Managing Editor Evan R. BerlackM.LonsEp Executive Editor Sur ru r onsep Aaaignment Editor " Charles Flather Sports Editor James L. Downey On German View -A h eua ensa Copy Editor Henry S.F. Cooper Features Editor Stephen Charnas Atn aseblr h onoctobe 10 the Philomathean Society sented Mr. Lohnes, of the P L ~~~~~~~~German department, who spoke PHOTOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATES resent situation in Germa P~~lOTOCRAPIIIC ASSOCIATES pan~~~~~~~~~~~g Purnell, chairman Philo, jave a brief resume of C.R. Schulze, L. Brace, D. ag.bifs activities in Germ Managing Editor William J. PoorvuS e e Business Manager. Buvrsin Manager Thmpon H.~ode Circulation Managers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the RI'SINESS BOARD ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L Thompson K. Vodre ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tates. Mr. Lohnes attended Myron J. Bromberg_ Luis F. Dubon ASSOCIATES 4 ~~the University of Frankfort bef'ore co amyin 192a n 1948e i he cam U.S. and went to the univ sity in Kansas City. In the P.A. facultv. Evan Geilich, Gordon Rugbee ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. Lohnes talked about '51erg admire Bob ldoran and date as Mr. Maynard beams today. In his talk, h~e first poi The PHILLIPIAN is published enesdaysouring te school ed out that the attitude of yea PILLPIN b th or Enerds d cls hlte a people in the United States yabythe t HfiLLat Anvr boad. nere a t od class matter7at STUDEN~1% T 1 CONCRESS MINUJTES ward Germany has changed si the under post the office act of at March Andover. 3, 1879; Mass., ~ the end of the war. Even tho Address all correspondence concerning subscriotions to M.J. Brain- Germany is still e ally at berg or L. flubon and advertisements to T.lK. Vodrey, or John Hosch, The meetinig was called to order at 6:30 by President Jay with the U.S., the ermans care of PHILLIPIAN. George Washington Hall. School subscriptions,logrcniedeem Mail subscriptions Talcott. It was announced that it would be impossible for the noioercnirdeem The PHILLIPIAN is distributed to subscribers at the Commons hodatadneotbr2 sshdldb- althougg during the war and f and is for sale at the Andover Inn. The PHILLIPIAN does not Congress to hlatedncotor27sshdudb_ while after it, all Germans w necessarily endorse the Communications that appear in its Editorial cause a dance held by the Abbot day students was already Mrais.Lonsfestath column. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~scheduled for this date. The Phillips Society will definitely man people do not want war, Office of publication: Offset Printing Co., Lowell, Mass. have a Tea Dance on November 17, though. are afraid of it, since, dur The new JVA football letter will be worn on a white swea- verely crippled. Many towns The P11IIL1LI1IAN takes great pleasure in announcing the e- ter, not a blue like all football letters. people, civilianslashwellna sn lect nd on Jon ofp00 Hebard Burne o theeditoial Bard.The administration has decided that no laundry boxes will diers, were killed or disabi be sent through Benner Hlouse this year because Doc had a lot But, since Germany is strate of toube lst wih ear.als, tem th baemen wil no be cally positioned in the heart of truble lst ith yer. tem Alo, th basment ill nt be Europe, it is likely that in Dishpaii Hands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~opened. wlbeptibohtejnayndhearlpi of a future war' Germa nywl gain be used as a battlefie A noiewl epti ohtejnayadtearlpi- Accordingt Mr. Lohnes, Nit 6:59 one morning last week, after we had staggered in lips Bulletins to inform the alumni about the new summer jobs would have een difficult to for the nodded Dishpan "Good Detail, morning" we absently ~~~~~~~void Hitler's dictatorship. for thedishpa we asently Detai, odded Good mrning" for students plan, and to ask them if they have any jobs to of- ler's regime at first created to the time clock and punched Mr. Leete. It has been well and fer. sense or security; for examp often ork for said Everybody that the program new Commons is A ~ ~~immediately after he tolok o~ oftensaid newcommos hat te ~ok foreveryody pogramis - A poll will be taken to see how many would be able to go the number of Germany's un an agravting institution. True, the early breakfast hour is poed dropped sharply. La~ an aggravag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~home over a long Thanksgiving week-end and to see how many whnte aoit fth e somethig nighmarishto mos of us the dshwashng Ž.~ would be ask other boys home with them. people decilded that they did bite into our leisure time; and the work itself is neither fas- Th diitainhsapproved of the idea of having a want to Sup ot Nazism, t cinating ethenaministraionnhasfound nor particidarly that could not cinating entertaining, nor particularly bus to go the Amherst football game this Saturday. The cost rid of the dictator, since he ldespite the, inconveniences this program causes, the Admi- would be $2.75, but the Congress is willing to pay half the control of the police and nistration has it scheduled to expand next year so as to in- teshlripbyinheadifaufcetnmer courts. Althou~h many pee er were connected in some way rate of teshlrhpbyintebnifasfiinnu dlude other maintenance tasks along with Commons duty. of others are going. Nazism, Mr. Lohnes feelst The work program offers no concrete advantages to the SuetDaoshvdcidtaterwllbalogn othe Glerman ope Naioe Studnt avedecdedthat eacns thre illbe ll rga otiae byrthe people of the students. The Commons food will not improve; no new men will services this year like last ye. tmtdb h epeo h join in th hort, te mainteance econoy meksits stff; br-nited States. join in the short, maintenancestaff; theeconomy measures be-respectfully submitted, After the Nazis took o0 ing taken non% are for the express purpose of preventing further everyone between the ages rises i the Andovr tution. and herefor, ost othr preped Ansin ten and eighteen was forced r si thae tuiion ThrfrAdvradms te rpsecretary jon the Hitler youth movem.schools hae en forced to inaugurate compulsory work pro- TewrwaendNzs because many N grams. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The current cost-cutting scheme is just another sign of thewhntecaeiocnat ties andonohig l bot tbu bukle dow ad wait for otother nationalities, -~~people times.nean din inothein ot intet auce on ane hih ot A c e(z were awakened to the fact ~eneral decline in th cost of maintenance 1~0~' V~' '~~jt~v~,tnazism might not be theb po icy A ater enaol telar of living. I/fl young people couldn't fet until they were denazi ied, Movie Review ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Germany needed them d perately. The situation slowly ThsSatuda night, "Showboat" replete with Techniproved as the people started colored 'settings and costumes, will sail into G.VA.11. with the Jeue, 1948 wasenc thefrstm areold cargo of cr it has been carrying around for years. mark of the German comeba Kathryn Grayson is cast as Magnolia, while the' part of (;ayanoevwr, thecae of thea lord llavenal, river gambler extraordinary, is taken by HowardtinbwenheFsadW The German people don't the present situation, for keel. many is divided into two se TIhe plot is an ol time meora, strig wihtehppy. dlarkies singing in the cotton fields, moving through heartbroken raled conries ah wnaufstr farewells, whirlwind romances and the sharp descent from7 area, while the eastern, or Rl riclie', to poverty, and moving finally down to the final series 1 s't. In, th e iio moftl Mr.Lohes In uneoin of eatr Germany of reun ions etc. D~espite the incompetence of Grayson and Keel in the lead thney wre udeatrsth i~ rols te ad utdtedplo, he ictrehas fou strong points: M. Lohnes stressed that ii roles and as the our outdated srg plot, P~~~~~ the picture very importantrythatoweatrytto e ofy teo I) The dlancing of \large and Gower Chmindrtadtepo 2) The rendition of "01' %Ian River'' by William Warfieldmasndteiutonhy 3) The unbroken string of immortal songs ("\lake lielieve", the prsnt asawe of waff as is vitally important world politics, the pcopl' oft 1)Te... ofav arne shiould help their common (ca etc.) ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3 THE PHILLIPIAN Pog. Thin. ndover Routs Tilton, 47, For Third Wine, 00ters0 Beat Gov. Dummer, Harvard Frosh Foote, Wennik Lead Squad To Rout AfterTilton Tally A powerful Andover team swamped Tilton Academy last Saturday by the score of 40-7 for its third consecutive win of the se ason. The spectacular running of Ray Foote, along with Wennik's successful piloting, led for his first unsuccessful atthe team to a one-sided victory tempt of the year. before a large crowd at Brothers' Andover kicked off and 'Ti]- Fil.Excellent blocking o ton, after reaching Andover's the 44, part was paved the way for penalized 15 yards. Tilton then several long ains which were found the weak spot in Andover's ~~~, major fac tors in Andover's high defense when they opened 14 oteblue's co-ordin- serious threats failed to materiated offense went on to pile up alize from Tilton's several cmtouchdown after touchdown. pletions, they gained consider- After returning Andover's able yardag fro pasng. Tilkickoff to the 38 yard line, Til- ton was ten orced to kick and ton began a steam-roller drive Andover steadily plowed downdown the field. The Blue, unac- field to gain her second touchcustomed to Tilton's ha of down in the opening minutes of -~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tricks, was at first unable to the second quarter on Seli&'s stop them. In ten plays Tilton 4th down plunge from the six. ::m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~marched the full distance, Rich- Wennik converted for !/ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ar crngfo tetre.te Following the kickoff Tilton N,~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w#1" kick was good, giving them a threatened again with two long 7-0 edge. ases to Montagn o and Strekas. The Blue retaliated quickly 9Iut then a third down pass from -~~~~ - ~~~~~when George Stoddart took the P.A.'s 12 was intercepted by ~~~38 -. kick on the 10 and sped to the Hart Smith in the end zone and where an unnecessary roughness penalty against Tiltanmoved brought back to the 2. A enalty kept the Blue from danger by putthen slashed off tackle 45 yards fumbled after driving to Tilton's Ed Selig skirts end in Tilton game into the Tilton end zone, but Joe 38 but on Tilton's third down, Wennik missed the conversion they passed to the 50 where the receiver delivered the ball into JJ waiting arms of Mike Tyson isis High Scorer As n' oetopa amrers * ~~the after a hard tackle. Two line A's Lose P. A. ~~~~~~~~plunges, and three spectacular Fast Lowell Defeated runs by Ray Foote netted 45 by ~~~~~~~ads, putting the ball on the 2. C 'i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~score and converted for the ex- occermen' Triumph, 4-1, 5-0 FatLwl Dfae yennik then went over for the Larry Higgins led the Blue soccer team to victory on Satur- S~quad, 217Northeastern tra point, making, it ayby scoring four goals, Andover's only points, against a P. A. Lacks Tackling, Course Record Set uto drove, onl severa suc t e ikpteam of Harvard Freshmen, Higgins scgred two in the Blocking; J. Watson Johnstone, Flather f Bue pssxeal te ay tonh st~eriod aid two in the last downfield most of this quarter. Purnell Outstanding Place High In Rce them ending the half. as liching iharard's Higgins pushed two more in dur- The third quarter saw the taly wichcam inthe third in this period; one score coming Last Wednesday a hard-fight- The Andover cross-count ball cha in hands a great i deal d. after ten and a half minutes a n JVA football team was down- squad was defeated last Satur- on consitle'ra'lle fumbling and in- The scheduled game with R plyanthlstwhfiense- edy asirited Lowell JV, 21-7, day in its second meet of the terception. Ben Gittes recovered e HighSchoo was called off conds left. The Andover suad lacked the year, 23-39, by a strong North- a Tilton fumble and Selig set up ing he wekand this prac- bokn n tackignesar eastern team. However, P.A. Andover's fourth score to the e gamewith arvard was put to match Lowell's hard-driving showed up very well against a Tilton 28. A penalty and lack of its lace Becuse of the short- offense, team that has overwhelmed both downs almost stopped P.A., but ticeand noficial status of Karl Purnell, exhibiting some Massachusetts University and in the beginning of the fourth gme, Harvard brought only'- Andover scored every period fine broken field running, stood Nichols College by large scores, quarter Jn Golden snared a ynmen along. The game was last Wednesday to hammer out a out on offense, and J. D. Watson, The runners gt ofr to a fast pass from Joe Wennik and carried ydwith eighteen minute quar- decisive 5-0 victory over Ger- repeatedly filling up holes in the start with Northeastern setting it into the end zne. Wennik a- a, ~~~~~~~~~nor Dummer at the loser's home P.A. line to make numerous tack- the pace. Passing the mile mark, gain converted for Anover won the toss for the -field in South Byfield. les, was outstanding on defense. Northeastern bunched runners Wennik later intercepted a koff, but Harvard stole the ball The starting' lineup for the Pete Duvoison, repracing the in- in front of Andover, but on the sass and carried to the Tilton the kick and took it downfield Blecnitdo Pt olr ued Snyder, played wel at end, longhill Johnstone and Flather Bd. On a 3rd down, Leo Daley doverfinaly scceedd inget- "Leak " Dyke, Lar Hginad wsisrmns1i h cr came up fast, passing all but crashed through from the 15 g and h alback and taking it G.F. ligelis, and Larry Guthrie ing of P.A.'s one touchdown. two runners. th e oal. Higgins along with scored enksfut intefradln;jh x ne, Lowell, displaying a tricky Gamin gthrough the gate on tra point the score totaled fis olon a pass by Dke Penlteau frad Stneve Jon onar "T" formation, marched immedi- the last hundred yards of the e6mnues 15 seconds ad atltherhalves;dgeorge Scragoland ately to the Blue 30 yard line, race, Johnstone put on a burst of psed in the game. Harvard held Dusty Rhodes at the fu aback Luckily, P.A. recovered a fum-cotonpg ball downfield after their kick sos n eebrlt edn ble, but after a fine run by Hlowie (Ctto ae4 Cont. on page 5) il they had a golden opportuni- the goal..this game was of parti- Schaaff, were unable to gain. to draw blood on a penalty- The ball see-sawed back and ~ '' k.-galiepet Barlet mad a- cular interest to mst of the play'- frhutllt ntescn egtaclr ae oete all bet era because Tim Brown, And over ot ni at ntescn ughad theble hel the ball ex-goalie, was tending the nets period when the Lowell left end th arvd halfe of the l for o vernor Dummer. caught a long pass and dashed at ofrvthe rest of the ed ig- Andover got control of the ball 60 yards to scare. They tallied 5scoe iscn of the the af-t on openngihist adm- the extra point on an end sweep; n ouased witheon te mm- naged to keep it in the home the half ended a few plays a- too plaited weitod in team's territory for most of the ter with the Blue at midfield. uig the scn period An- first eriod. Early in this period A determined P.A. team ader's ood sodriad Amd Angelis scored from ten feet to vanced aswrkad the ball to em thethe Lowell right of the cage n a pass b 40 on runs by Purnell, Goodspeed, y ed thball in Harvard ter- Higgins. Excellent defensive war and Schaaff. However, Lowell'. ory most of the time, but the b rnketh-bufrmsa- ook over when the Blue failed to ~ P 0'. ue failed to score. Harvard, ing again in the first period. On make a first down. On third dwn, &.- wever, had one good chance tefrtpa ftescn ur Pete Duvoison charged iad '' ''' '- score wen her forward line trkhetraee osaeo deflected a ps - ke past the Blue fullbacks and a on kikb Scagrlyd Warren Clein, ito thce6 ars ~ bed downfield. Goalie Eulen- by Ralph Stewart; however, his ps natnse oelta "~~ MP made a nice save though, kick was a fraction higeh of the to pay dirt. Purnell made the con- f''el '' "''.- d thwarted the scoring threat, crossbar. Nt long a rter this, version to knot the score. e half ended with Andover a- Kohler scored, ut h is oal was The ball exchanged hands, ad two to nothing. not counted because o an off- several times during te remain- ~ In the early, minutes of the side. It seemed that -.D. who was der f the quarter, which ended...'' ird Havard perod, mde its fightingvrhadwolkepu with the Blue at midfield. St ad taly ony ftera peal- scoreless this period, but Larry Lowell took ver as the A's kick Geore gains An lis. Higgins in the final seconds of were unable to gain; and by a in perid, thi th ballsee- lay dribbled in alone and put a series of pitch-outs and end-runs, we endof rm on he feld o a c khigh int th esmaking the advanced ther to the lustl 20. Two avadskcplunges half-time score 2-0. TherBu. tl aradsk took the ball to the 3, where the John Foote and unidentified Harvard player reach for ball

4 Pe". Four THE PHILLIPIAN Soccer Fletcher, who was all club last ear. Bill Poorvu, all club last St. John's Optimism Is With The Clubs year,gisealso a threatoto the lopr ( Cont. from page 3) -Hold J.V. B's Kleynote Of ed with the Ga' s clashing the attack and defense and could deep into Blue territory to The club football season open- have shown aggression in their Governor Dummer drove Saxons, and the Rmans battling easily go on to win the champion- the third period but were nota ( ~~~the Greeks. ship to keep it there' for long. V '7'7 1dh~~~~~~~~~~~~') Tic 1952 M~~irro The Saxons went ahead in the Tihe second place Romansy early in this period, Kohler sco: T 7-7 first quarter on a long broken- coached- by Mr. W.eld and cap- a second time; and or the ec Last Wednesday 1 the jvn Editor Robert Stone field run by Bullen who then kick tained by fullback Mike Brom- time, the o was called back football team was eld to a 77 Pas Nwed his own extra point. He repeat- beg aernig a close second. offside. - owever, Angelis reta ' tie bythe S. Joh's JV in their Pas N w Change ed this performance ai inte Their record is twowisonte, tdby crng nafeeh first game of the season. Des- To Lightness, Humor second quarter. Inth east half and one loss. Scotty Miller, and There seemed to have beenc pita B's inexperience, showed the L~~~~~~eoy made a touchdown after Mike Bromberg are aided by Dean siderable confusion between Bro pe inein the fis enconer Te MIRROR Board has al- firt setting It up with a long pass. Groel, who has proved in the last and his fullback as to who was against an larer ands strdwok nth The final outcome of the game was few games to be a rugged defense- ing to take the ball on this p1 Lads by threr qu evirta. edsarterbakinoormiroroa the to 0 in favor of the Saxons. n man, while Jim Baker and Fred Brown kept the Blue score] Is~~onthe quarterbackingenan oeeting the meantime the Romans scored Anderson in the forward line have for the rest of this eod Jay Wilsn team Captain Woody several weeks ago ditor-in- three times on the under-manned done more than their share when aan thratnedatt bein. Harris and the ruinge ofqlas chief Bob Stone announced se- Greeks. The Romans first tally the oals are needed, f h last quarter, but their foght John'sto S. a stadstill. ercuanofies as ella thex cama on a long touchdown march, Ar. Dunbar and Mr. Sanborn are tack was short-lived. Higgins t te JB's o all ctamestinl facutyv advisers fe ela theo their second came on a p ass from the coaches for the third place the ball down for Andover's the econd perio wanlcm A ndovar axde lt sed ineman ofa the recen Kobier to Lipton, and thair third Gal.Tehveoywnoe ga.cos tohe nd f the whn ecod Adovr prio exessd i may o th reentcame on a sensational run-back of GusThy av onywnne gal., Clogset theled ofs was o frced kik. Wih th ball Nil R a been too dpes ama, tied one, and lost two,. ae ign ale i wa!frcto kcwtheirontet ballrd 5hsepe an intercepted pass by Dnn~ H owie Phipps from last years JV's goal of the day making the sc restin'o terontnyyad ing.-this year's olicy is going natcher. The game ended 19 to an are uranspr h -0. line, John's attempted a dan- to be one of igntness. humor, lor theroasan GereLhmnspkte TeGD.ei ev gerous pass to the flat where Jay and optimism. OnRmn.forward line while Henry Cooper ThGD.ta nerltd Wilsoninterepted n thetwenty Art ditor ongerfawcet is Oa Tuesdaj the Romans romp- and Stu Machonald, both Irom last thi rv vn thouhad five, carryng the bal to the ont ldokr fogr acrtoons te over the auls 31 to 0 while ersall club team, lead the de- -controlled the ball for most of two, the narrowly score. missng thesaxons beat the Graeks 40 to yea stime. Tim Brawn excelled in two, mising narowly th score, from the students, since there 6. tense.golrbinhsextame On the next play, Wilson scored will be many more cartoons in On Friday the Gauls, powered tewith one win and three losses, gol, robnglhis ax-teammaat on a quarterback sneak. Ls this year's issues than before, by Rose, Cotton, and Clark, beat are Greeks, coached by Mr. Hyde, scores coiles s timesan Capt Blanc then carried around end for Photos having school interest the Greeks 20 to 7, while the Ho- aein fourth place. Their captain, Jh ilwsottnigi the extra point, putting Andover will replace th poorer art x- Tony Fisher aids in the defen-se G.D. line, and half-back Law in the lead by 7-0. hibited in previous years. How- mans humbled the Saxons 27 to 0. along with Bill Bride. Win Herb and fullback Fred Smith spar At the opening of the second ever, serious prose and fine art Ton datarepit lsas ifathe Ho- Farber, from last years alf club, thein losers deepnse half Harris kic kad off to St. will not be shunned, for it is the mas ayrptlster'un leads the forward line,.omn ik epit h John's, who, rejuvenated by the policy of the MIRROR to print the defeated season. Starred by Koh- territory. half time rest, proceeded to drive besat in Andover talent, whethe ler, Moreland, Leete, and Spear, all the way for their score. After it be light or serious in nature,. hyhv oiu eevs n considerable short gains result- Many chana have been made are as yet unscored upon. ing in several first downs, they in the MIRRO since last spring. were almost halted by Andover. Mr. Lionel Peterkin, the head oflo F R On the 4th down with two, to go, the Andover Latin Department, Club S c the JVB line was drawn in sus- has succeeded Mr. LachlIan Reed, oc e pecting a line buck over center, late of the English Deprtment, The Saxons, coached by Mr. -LEATHER SOL ES hut was deceived by a handoff as the faculty adviser. Mr. Peter- Rolland, are leading 'the race for around end which resulted in a kin's name was submitted by the first place. They have won three *RBE EL 30 yard run for the score. St. MIRROR Board to the faculty games, tied one, and lost none. RBE EL John's then tied it up with the ax- Committee on Publications last Their lineup includes Luis Dubon, tra point. sping, when it became known that a member of last year's all club Throughout the remainder of Mr Reed had accepted the Head- team, as center forward. Bob Rosethe game, both teams tried vainly mastershi of the Northrop Col- baum, down from last year's JV, 89 to put across the John's legiate chool in Minneapolis. gives punch to the -line as an intook to the air a great deal, but The 1952 MIRROR is headed sad e. he Saxon's forward line is bad passes and inability on the by Bob Stone, Editor-in-chief, ably supported by Fullback Bob part of the ends netted them lit- with Stan Shuman as td Busite yardage. The B's, in tr ing ness Manager for the secone ar. mostly to go throughst Jon's Harris Wilson, Stephen Charnas, stronger line, were not able to and Aubrey Goodman are Execu- T e get very far. The clock ran out tive Editors and Uper Mike Sebefore either team was able to gal is Circulation MVnager. break the tie. As in the past, there will be H i a one in the spring. The Winter Issue is scheduled for February i ar mu Now you'rerested,15, tha and the first deadline has Now you'rerestedbeen tha set for December 1. P ha rm acy And in the Groove; Cross Country PRESCRIPTIONS To come and see us, It should you behoove. (Cont. from page 3 )- speed and finished a close se- No matter what your nieeds, cond, and Flather crossed the We'll fulfill your wants line 5 seconds later. Booras, -Socratesr preached: finishing first, completed the With pleasure and good deeds. course in 12:26, a new record."t B ST S A O Johnstone's time was 12:27 and " H 'E T S A O Flather's 12:32. Northeastern took the next L R 5places, as Frazier, Tillinghart,FO F OD I HU G R Morois, Alney, and Hoffman tallied for the visitors. Dave Norris IIF RT au~~~~m ~~~~finished A in 9th place for AndoverFO DR N,T I S. U K ti ~~ncov r in 12:55, Ha was followed by ICicero U ~~~~~~~~~~~Kalbines, Crowley, 'and Nelson ofi E U ~ ~~~~~~~~~Nrtheastern. Neimand in 13:20, E U ~ ~~~~if.smith in 13:31, E. Smith in Score one for Soc. He's absolutely rig I-louse ~~Ed, running his first race, fi-.. tis nw osao.ta' H ouse, ni13:43, foure in1:4b adptlhisunwsneesn.ta. Mr. allowell remarked on the anytime is the right time for Cok fine showing of the team, and Ope Frdayuntl 9o'clock pstoinherace after Northeasernhadjumped to its early wthe th undydne123 to 2:30 BUFFET SUPPER Sunday Ni ahts at 6.h, BOTTLED UNDER AUTF-ORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY By wedn ECPIN BRIOG LUNCHEONS *IANQUETO Salem Coca-C~ola B~ottling Co., Inc. Tel D903 * Edward"Romneo, Mranager * Andover. Mams. "Coke" is a r.gistered trade-mark. 1 I951, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY

5 lo~~~~~~o~~~~et THE PHILLIPIAN ~~~~Football. 0 o etcon t. from page 3) d-14v Night ~ ~~~~~~~~~~The Blue came across with its WV. R. H ILL co final score when Logan recovered a fumble on the Blue's 43 yard The combined efforts of Ray ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~line. HARDWARE ~c Debate Foote, Johnny~ Scranton and Eret il icss Tpc nie Perry calke d up yardage et Will Discuss Topic, m~~~~~~~~~novin~ the ball to the 1. Perry0 b tc.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cre from off tackle and a pass ba "Russia Will Be Ruler for thd xr ontfie.ce Ir ove WorldBy 190 ment kicked off and two des- SPORTS GOODS pi eas finefrneo peration passes netted Tilton el activities with its Wed- good yardage, but time ran out C a night sessions, Philo with Andover victorious, nr hod its meetings on Fri- The well-coordinated P.A. ir night, beginning this week. c. team was able to break the 100 F IELDST01I4 ES san onbte folowed h. mark in points scored in Satur- By ally Bodwelt 3 ssion, e- On the to ic, ~~~~~~~~day's game against their op- R.2 f :That by 198, Russia S Peg. Flu.. 2 oetsa 7. uisfo noer It.2 AndvrTl 9 bued Mastr th World," iset ', us eealivenieso aanve 11½ Miles South of PA. to be held in the Debating /ton Vi4 sowed up a considerablenc d 6:4 of Bulfinch Hall at ~~~~~amount of rough play in the game. LUNC EONS ~o ast Wednesda~' debate, '-i ~ Markert was taken out in the first,f aue ste amamo play, Georle Stoddart's leg wasd N ER 11 resulted in a victo for Sinjured an Hort' Smith was hurt es affirmative team of Hwomer ' P- after his end zone interception. Buffet Lunch Daily :P gton and Karl Purnell des- U Buffet Suppers Sda n a disadvantage in prepara- OeDalxcpuesay Wv time. Due to a isnder/ BIG ASSORTMENT OF ALBUMS Oe alecp usa ar in nwih both previous 12 t2:30-5:30 t8 theeted teams had prepared Ful in o 3' 5,7 B he negative side, t win-fulinof3,4,7 DINNERS SERVED affirmative team was not en until the last minute. PO GR HRE RD Sundays and Holidays ral members of the other TEMPLE'S 12 Noonto P. M. teams, John Oettinrer, Dan 85MiS.Te.17 on, and Donald Oasis, form- 8 ans' e.17 hengtive team, and Mr. jugdthe debate. ~A - ~ -. hneaive team aued that c~es aetemain aims of life, apiness, and achieve-c A D E L ~lstated that pleasure, less C L w L~ anent than happiness, rein decay of caracter and JOHN LEE CONSTRUCTION SCOTT Mrs. Schneider ustea for JonSevier asothers look onno orookt Hanad Laundry rk St. Aridover, Mass.porJon aonnwyr BOWL AT AN DOVER RECREATION CENTER NEW YORK FLORIPA CARIBBEAN ST. SOUTH NORTH AMERICA 34 PARK 'A ~~~~~~~~~(Foot of Bartlet Street) U.,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E NE H Tl,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1h B LTMO0RE ha won the unique Jistinc'son of ~-vag t largest collese V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pstronnge n New York beas of the ~~~~~ K - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~so.stu attention to college nejs. g if SPECIAL RATES 'V ~~~Alumni, seniors, and faculty con-gregate at Alumni ouseex NDDTFAUY AND STUDENTS JANDOVER NATIONAL BANKh5~ ~~~Iw~~~~ TI 1,~~~~'l Department of College relations i. maintainej for your assistance. Andover, Mom~achusotts FOOTW EAR TH E * ~BILTMORE HECKING ACCOUNTS REGISTER CHECKS M.J... A-n- at 43~.l Street, New York 7 IVNGS ACCOUNTS THRIFTI-CHECKS RE N O DSDl-, Ele Con~n..-- hg_.. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHECKS' F...I W R, Ph. 49 MAIN STREET

6 Pe". Si THE PHILLIPIAN ~~~ a~d Goodman scored on a free balli JAY~VEE SOCCERK making the scare The over- MORRISSEY TAXIAR nors never threatened Kaplan in went all the way to score. Lowell ANDOVER ATSTUJD this period. The losers came thei'r again passed to the left end for PORTRAITS AND GROUjP Andover's JV soccermen tra- closest to threatening in the fi- the point. The game ended se- SNAPSHOT FINISHING velled to South Blyield last Wed- nal perd buteven then there was veral plays. nesday to win their oening ganie little c ance to tell how effective- Tel ct*frmn adrpi 123 MAIN ST - TEL. ot 2-0 from a scrappy bt less-ex- Iy Kaplan could tendute goal. perienced Governor Duminer team., Andover couldn't scor again Andover's starting lineup fea- making the final 2-0. tured Dave Kaplan in the goal; mbrockleman was the outstand- Brockleman and Snyder in the igpaebtwlim n rb fulbckpoiton; iliasgln-tree alsp deserve credit for their John H ; Grecoe Anucn dining and Patrick at the halfback slots; Goodman, Schaaf, Bragg, Nlaal and Crabtree in the contributions to the victory. forward wall. Andover took aos- WI O L Watchmaker Jeweler session of the ball at the first TyertrSrieFODSLNHOET whistle and never really relin- (Cont. from page 3)TpwteSrvcFODSLNHO quisned it till the game was over. opeeotia evc Inthe firs period, the Blue kept Lowell fullback drove through Com let Opical oef ic the ball in D. territory but were center far the s;core. A pas toeefull lineiof unable to score. The second peni- the left end scared the point, and Quality School Jewelry Sede evc TeOeigo h.el eeoae TeOeigo h~e~ eeoae ad featured Andover's first oal Lowell led, Doubled Seating Capacity e with Schaaf taking ap ass from Andover belatedly opened its 48 Main Street Andover Sundaes & Other Fountain Treats o Bloom. Andover retaine a the ball passing attack deep in its own TlpoeAdvr80Rh for the rest of the period, territory. However, a Lowell half- TeponAdvr83- Mlidway through the third peri- back intercepted on the 30 and e TE c d C SIGNED PROPRIETOR C ~NO 4PT A D 9ONI CETRIELD HAS I1T I IOETSAlVE AND~~~l CHESTELF /LI'I ~ IGE~4y,,S TOAC CO snow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Call To Action. & bb b b b. w w. œ œ œ J. &b b b b b. œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ. ? b b b b b 4. j œ. j œ Ó n. œ j. œ j œ œ Ó Œ. œ j Ó Œ j œœ œ Ó.

Call To Action. & bb b b b. w w. œ œ œ J. &b b b b b. œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ. ? b b b b b 4. j œ. j œ Ó n. œ j. œ j œ œ Ó Œ. œ j Ó Œ j œœ œ Ó. Voice Piao q=132 Comissioed by the Australia Museum of Democracy (MoAD) Call To Actio 4 By Tim Bevitt 2017 q=132 & bb b b b4 w w J 4 6 &b b b b b &b b b b b 10 µ J E F w w b We Our live here i Aus-tral

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