Report of the Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH)

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1 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 SCICOM STEERING GROUP ON ECOSYSTEM PROCESSES AND DYNAMICS ICES CM 2014/SSGEF:02 REF. SCICOM & ACOM Report of the Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH) June 2014 Lisbon, Portugal

2 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Conseil International pour l Exploration de la Mer H. C. Andersens Boulevard DK 1553 Copenhagen V Denmark Telephone (+45) Telefax (+45) Recommended format for purposes of citation: ICES Report of the Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH), June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. ICES CM 2014/SSGEF: pp. For permission to reproduce material from this publication, please apply to the General Secretary. The document is a report of an Expert Group under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and does not necessarily represent the views of the Council International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

3 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 i Contents Executive summary Introduction and Terms of Reference ToR a) Update, quality check and report relevant data prior to the working group meeting, including relevant fishery statistics (landings, directed effort, discards, survey catches, etc.) across the ICES area Update of landing statistics Cephalopod direct effort Cephalopod Discards Survey information on cephalopods Spain Portugal France Germany Ireland United Kingdom General comparison of commercial species CPUEs and Indices of biomass from surveys Section 3: Sepiidae in Subarea II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIabd, VIIIc & IXa Fisheries in ICES Subareas III, IV & VI Fisheries in ICES Subareas VII Catches in Commercial landing series Commercial discards Commercial catch effort data Fishery independent information and recruitment Exploratory Assessment Data requirement Management Considerations Fisheries in ICES Division VIII Catches in Commercial landing series Commercial discards Commercial catch effort data Fishery independent information and recruitment Analysis of species trends/assessment of Sepiidae or Stock trends Exploratory Assessment Data requirement Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIc & IXa Catches in

4 ii ICES WGCEPH REPORT Commercial landing series Commercial discards Species abundance trends: Commercial LPUE and survey data Analysis of species trends/assessment of Sepiidae or Stock trends Exploratory Assessment Data requirement References Section 4: Loliginidae in Subarea II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIabd, VIIIc & IXa Loligo spp. and Alloteuthis spp Fishery in ICES Subarea VII Catches in Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIabd The Fishery Fisheries in ICES Divisions VIIIc & IXa References Section 5: Ommastrephidae in Subarea II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and Divisions VIIIabd, VIIIc & IXa Introduction Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIabd Catches in Commercial catch effort data Fishery independent survey information and recruitment Analysis of species trends Data requirement Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIc & IXa Catches in Commercial catch effort data Fishery independent survey information and recruitment Analysis of species trends/assessment of Ommastrephidae or Stock trends Data requirement Section6: Octopodidae in Subarea II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIabd, VIIIc&IXa Introduction Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIabd Catches in Commercial landing series Commercial discards Commercial catch effort data Fishery independent information and recruitment Analysis of species trends... 65

5 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 iii Exploratory Assessment Data requirement Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIc&IXa Catches in Commercial landing series Commercial discards Commercial catch effort data Fishery independent information and recruitment Analysis of species trends/assessment of Octopodidaeor Stock trends Exploratory Assessment References Research highlights (ToR c, d, e and f) Review future options for stock assessment and their resource implications (e.g. for expertise required within WGCEPH ToR c: Implications of the application of some Policies and Directives on cephalopods: e.g. Implication of PPC (no discards) on cephalopods exploitation, how it has been applied in other places and how it has affected them ToR d: Review data availability for the main commercial exploited cephalopod species in relation to the main population parameters: length distribution, sex ratio, first maturity at age, first maturity at length, growth, spawning season Octopus vulgaris Eledone cirrhosa Loligo vulgaris Illex coindetii Todaropsis eblanae Sepia hierredda Sepia officinalis ToR e: Review and report on cephalopod research results in the ICES area: abundances and distributions and their relationships with environmental variables, role of cephalopods in the ecosystem; cephalopods as indicators (MSFD) and assessment methods used in commercial cephalopod fisheries CephsInAction meets ICES WGCEPH Section 8: Marine Strategy Framework Directive indicators and Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for Cephalopods Background MSFD Relevance of MSFD criteria for cephalopods species Applicability of MSFD indicators for cephalopods species Progress per Member State in the initial MSFD assessment report Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast sub region Greater North Sea Celtic Seas... 99

6 iv ICES WGCEPH REPORT Baltic Sea Mediterranean Sea Final considerations References Appendix A: Cephalopods coverage in MSFD 2010 assessment report for the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast region Other business Result of the Data Call launched in February References References in Sepiidae References in Loliginids References in Octopodidae References in Ommastrephidae References from Policies (ToR C) References from Biological parameters (ToR d) References from knowledge update (ToR e) References from MSFD (ToR f) WGCEPH meeting in Annex 1: List of participants Annex 2: Data provided by countries in relation to Data Call 2014 (shaded cells have been included this year) Annex 3: WGCEPH multi annual terms of reference Annex 4: Recommendations Annex 5: Tables and Figures from sections 2 & Annex 6: Recent papers & Journal special issues; Not Published/ grey literature and PhD thesis Annex 7: Working Documents presented at the meeting

7 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Executive summary Cephalopod resources in the ICES area have apparently fluctuated with no clear trend in the last 4 years ( ) in Europe. From 2000 to 2013, reported landings have varied from a minimum of t in 2009 to a maximum of t in In 2013 landings were slightly above the average ( t). Landings per nation also fluctuate, but in general each nation maintains a consistent proportion of the total share of annual landings. In 2014, a new data call was launched through ICES to all European countries fishing in ICES areas (see Annex 2). Data were delivered for the countries with the most important cephalopod fisheries. Information on data availability is presented in Annex 2. Here we focus on landings and survey data up to 2012; 2013 data are considered as preliminary and they will be revised at the 2015 WGCEPH meeting. Data quality problems are evident for some countries, in relation to inconsistencies between species/species groups allocated to metiers year by year. In addition, some data were not delivered on time and/or were in the wrong format (France) Data for the last 3 years have been delivered through data calls, but there is a need to recompile historical data as some inconsistences and possible errors are apparent in landings data from before Nevertheless, reported cephalopod landings do not show unusually large year to year fluctuations. The aim of the ToR dedicated to CPUEs for individual metiers and surveys is to check whether catch trends in the commercial fishery can be considered as a good index of abundance. In case of some species and surveys (ARSA in Div. IXa), survey CPUEs appear to closely follow the LPUEs catch trends from the commercial fleet. Some analytical assessments were attempted this year in relation to Loligo spp. in the Bay of Biscay and Sepia officinalis in the English Channel. The group has looked for the support of fisheries experts from each of the countries with significant cephalopod fisheries. In addition, other possibilities for analytical assessment have been identified and work on this will continue during 2014/2015. Recent European Policies and Directives which mention cephalopods (or indirectly, affect them) have been reviewed for possible implications for fisheries, ecosystem effects and research. Of particular interest is the EU Directive 2010/63/EU in which, for the first time, invertebrates (including cephalopods) have been incorporated. The Directive brings in a range of new mandatory requirements for research involving cephalopods, some of which are already familiar to cephalopod researchers, for instance requirements for good practice in housing and care, and minimizing potential suffering throughout the animalsʹ lives; but some requirements are new to most researchers within the EU, for instance requirements for prior authorization and reporting of regulated procedures. During this year especial attention has been paid to the role of cephalopods in ecosystems and the possibility of the use of cephalopods as indicators and descriptors of GES (Good Environmental Status) under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In the long term, the aim would be to integrate the scientific and advisory work undertaken in the context of the MSFD with that needed for implementing an integrated ecosystem approach to fishery management, based on qualitative descriptors (including healthy stocks and sustainable exploitation). Thus, this year, a whole section of the report is devoted to try to identify relevant MSFD descriptors

8 6 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 and indicators as a means of assessing good environmental status for cephalopod stocks, check the applicability of each descriptor and indicator to cephalopod species and provide an updated list of cephalopod species covered in the initial 2010 MSFD assessment report for each of the member states. This expert group is synthesising new knowledge based on recent publications on cephalopods biology, fisheries, and ecology. This research is of great interest for understanding the effect of the environment on cephalopod biology and population dynamics in the context of the global interest in integrated research studies on the marine ecosystem. There is still a need for assessment models suitable for estimating cephalopod population levels and exploitation rate to be integrated into the forthcoming ecosystem based fisheries assessment and management. In the long term, these species could be incorporated as fundamental ecosystem components, then being incorporated in the Integrated Ecosystem Assessment. The current low level of fishery data collection on European cephalopods in relation to the high data demands (for assessment) imposed by their short life cycles is still a recurrent issue identified by WGCEPH as impeding further analytical assessment. There is also a need to obtain biological data related to cephalopods, which are already being collected by some countries. Data analysis on biological parameters appears not to be done or at least is not communicated in regular reports or peer reviewed articles. Through the data call, the group was able to acquire cephalopod data previous to the meeting. However, additional effort I needed ahead of the next WGCEPH meeting to review, clarify and check that data received are of sufficient quality to be used to assess cephalopod fisheries and stock status. WGCEPH has presented a complete plan for the next 3 years. ToRs have been redefined and a clear direction of the group towards science and advice, based on two basic pillars: fisheries: stock status and updating of statistics and ecosystem: knowledge revision and integrated assessment.

9 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Introduction and Terms of Reference The Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH) 2013/2/SSGEF13, chaired by Marina Santurtún (Spain) and Jean Paul Robin (France), met at IPMA in Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014, in addition to working by correspondence. The meeting opened at on the 16t h and the Agenda was adopted. The meeting was attended by 15 of the currently 33 appointed WGCEPH members. These participants represented three ICES member states (France, Spain and UK). Six experts were invited to the meeting to strength linkages with CephsInAction (COST Action FA1301), to collaborate in the input in MSFD related issues and in the knowledge developed on the environmental and spatial issues affecting cephalopod. Two members worked in the distance by correspondence giving their support to the group. Full details of the participants and contributors to the WGCEPH report can be found in Annex 1. Terms of Reference a. Report on status and trends in cephalopod stocks: Update, quality check and report relevant data on: European fishery statistics (landings, directed effort, discards and survey catches) across the ICES area and if feasible in waters other than Europe. Produce and update CPUEs and survey data series for the main cephalopod métiers and species and assess the possibility of their use as abundance indices. Examine the above trends in relative exploitation rates (i.e., catch/survey biomass) to evaluate stock status. Start exploring economic data collected under Data Call. b. Conduct preliminary assessments of the main cephalopod species in the ICES area. Assess production and/or depletion methods utility, if feasible (YEAR 1). Explore other possible assessment methods if needed (e.g. early season assessment) (YEAR 2). Carry out assessment of species with the methods chosen (YEAR 3). c. Implications of the application of some Policies and Directives on cephalopods: e.g. Implication of the CFP (no discards) on cephalopods exploitation, how this regulation has been applied in other places and how it has affected them; New regulation of Manipulation of Animals for research; Natura 2000, Blue growth (wind farms). d. Review data availability for the main cephalopod species in relation to the main population parameters: length distribution, sex ratio, first maturity at age, first maturity at length, growth, spawning season (YEAR 2). e. Review and report on cephalopod research results in the ICES area, and if feasible in waters other than Europe, including all relevant aspects of: biology, ecology, physiology and behaviour, in field and laboratory studies (YEAR 1, YEAR 2 and YEAR 3) for stock. f. MSFD and Integrated Ecosystem Assessment: Relevant MSFD indicators (biodiversity, community role, exploitation and contaminants) applied to cephalopods. WGCEPH will report by 1 August 2014 (via SSGEPD) for the attention of SCICOM.

10 8 ICES WGCEPH REPORT ToR a) Update, quality check and report relevant data prior to the working group meeting, including relevant fishery statistics (landings, directed effort, discards, survey catches, etc.) across the ICES area N.B. Tables and Figures from this section can be found in Annex Update of landing statistics The present report provides new landing statistics for 2013 for cephalopod groups caught in the ICES area (Tables to 2.1.5). Data come from ICES STATLANT database, from additional national information supplied by Working Group members and from the data call on cephalopods launched by ICES in February The information supplied in this data call came from Germany, United Kingdom and Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, The Netherlands and Sweden. Latvia, Poland, Lithuania and Estonia, provided info about the lack of cephalopod data collected by their fisheries programs due to the lack of cephalopod in their catches. The experts rely on data compiled in this report as the most precise information on cephalopod landings within the ICES area that can be obtained to date. Tables to give information on annual catch statistics ( ) per cephalopod group of species in each ICES division or subarea, separately for each nation, being the 2013 date provisional. This format has been used by the working group for more than two decades. The working group has pleaded for more accurate identification of commercial landings and nowadays the WGCEPH data call takes it into account. However it is still difficult to be certain of the degree of comparability of current vs. older data, because the identification of species is not precise within national landing statistics. No assurance can be obtained that the classification used in one year is exactly the same as that used in another. Different squid species and families are frequently lumped with each other in landing statistics. Besides, there is no harmonisation in the implementation of more detailed landings records. This is needed at the scale of management units and the main countries exploiting shared stocks should combine their efforts for better identification. Table presents landings of the groups species of cuttlefish and bobtail squid (families Sepiidae and Sepiolidae). The main landings summarized in this table are catches of Sepia officinalis, the common cuttlefish, plus smaller amounts of S. elegans and S. orbignyana and various species of bobtail squid (Sepiolidae) in southernmost regions. S. elegans has a high commercial value in Sub Division IXa south, and for this reason it appears separated in the landing data. The most significant landings of these two families are in the southern and central areas, sub areas VII, VIII and IX. In the last five years from 2009 to 2013 landings increased until 2012 (although not reaching the peak of year 2004) and dropped in In Table landings of groups species of common squid (including the longfinned squids Loligo forbesi, L. vulgaris, Alloteuthis subulata, and A. media) are shown. The main common squid landings are L. forbesi, which is more important in the north, and L. vulgaris, more important in central and southern regions. Overall, long finned squid landings concentrate in sub area VII and VIII and particularly divisions VIId,e. and VIIIa,b,c,d which 37% and 20% of the landings ( average). It is possible that some short finned squid are currently grouped in this category. Alloteuthis spp is

11 ICES WGCEPH REPORT only separated in the landing of Sub Division IXa south due to the high commercial value, as it occurs with S. elegans in the same area. Table contains landings of species group of short finned squid (Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae), European Flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus), Neon Flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) and occasionally a variety of species belonging to different decapod cephalopod families. This is commercially the least important group of the four defined, and its landings are more important in sub areas VIII and IX, particularly as result of Spanish catches. Finally, Table compiles octopod species group (including Eledone cirrhosa, E. moschata only in Sub Division IXa south and Octopus vulgaris, mostly, and some locally and temporally shallow water species). The most significant proportion of landings in this group is the common octopus Octopus vulgaris, which is caught mainly in divisions VIII and IX, as a result of Portuguese and Spanish catches. The proportion of landings from trawl and artisanal fleets change considerably within the area along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Table summarizes total annual cephalopod landings in all ICES areas for main cephalopod groups. During the period of analysis (2000 to 2013), landings have been variable with a minimum of t in 2009 and a maximum of t in In 2013 landings were slightly above the average ( t). The last four years show alternating peaks and lows ( t in 2012 and t in 2011). Cuttlefish, traditionally providing the most significant landings, returned to values in the order of t, after an exceptional year The mean percentage of cuttlefish from total cephalopod landings was around 45% until After 2009 the proportion sags to 37% and this is not due to the lack of French Fishery Statistics for 2009 as it was 33% in In all the time series from 2000 to 2013, the landing proportions by species groups are: 42% cuttlefish, 32% octopods, 20% common squids and 6% shortfinned squids. Figure provides information of total annual cephalopod landings in the whole ICES area for main cephalopod groups, per fishing nation. There are some annual fluctuations of landings per nation, but in general each nation maintains the similar proportion of the total share of annual landings. Such constant proportions of the landings by each country in stocks that are still not quota species suggests that a rather stable situation was reached in the way countries share the market of Cephalopod products. In the case of cuttlefish, France has always landed the largest proportion of the total in the ICES area. From 2000 to 2013 France landings represent 50% 69% of the of cuttlefish production followed by the UK (13% 24%). They are followed by Spain and Portugal with on average 88% of landings. The landings of these four nations have always accounted for over 95% of total cuttlefish landings in ICES area. In the case of squid, landings have also been shared mostly among France, Scotland, Spain and Portugal, being France the one with highest share (52 % on average in the period ).The most striking change about this resource in this period concerns a shift between Scotland and England landings: prior to 2011 Scotland landings represented more than 20% and England less than 10% when in 2013 England landings reach 25% and Scotland 8%.. Short finned Squid landings have suffered an important decrease with t in 2000 to 970 t in 2007, and regained to t in Landings are mainly from Spain with the 75% of share, followed by France with about 15% of total landings. However,

12 10 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 these averages are influenced by the last year of the series (2013) when the proportions changed dramatically (Spain 40% and France 43%). In the group of octopus landings, more than 95% are shared by two nations, Portugal and Spain. In the last fourteen years from 2000 to 2013 Portuguese catches remain being the most important ones, in average around the 60% of total landings of the time series and Spain is second with 37%. It is important to note that despite of continuous fishing pressure, cephalopod resources in the ICES areas remain stable in trend catches, with some fluctuations, throughout the 32 years of recorded data. (See ICES WGCEPH Report 2007; ICES WGCEPH Report 2009, ICES WGCEPH Report 2012). In addition, it is important to emphasize the different fishing gear used in the capture of cephalopods in the ICES area, highlighting the fishery of octopus in the Iberian waters exploited by mostly all gears used in the area. In addition to the previous information, more disaggregated and detailed statistics of landings for different fisheries are presented as working documents. These are those presenting detailed statistics attached in Annex 7: WD 2.1: An update of cephalopod landings data of the Spanish fishing fleet operating in Ices area for period. Authors: Luis Silva, Juan José Acosta and Ana Juárez. WD 2.2: Update of the Basque cephalopod fishery in the northeastern Atlantic waters during the period Authors: Ane Iriondo, Marina Santurtún, Estanis Mugerza, Jon Ruiz. WD 2.3: Portuguese cephalopod fishery statistics and population parameters) updating status and trends in ICES division IXa. Authors: Sílvia Lourenço, Ana Moreno, and João Pereira. WD 2.4: Discards of cephalopods by the Portuguese bottom otter trawl fleet in ICES Division IXa ( ). Authors: Nuno Prista, Ana Cláudia Fernandes, Ana Moreno. 2.2 Cephalopod direct effort Information regarding the effort directed at the cephalopod fisheries is still scarce, although is important to collect this information in order to conduct assessment exercises regarding the targeting cephalopods fisheries. In Portugal, Spain and France, some information already exists although it is necessary standardize the data requirements between countries. Effort data required in the 2014 Data call was that exhorted by métiers landing cephalopods. However data obtained for year 2013 and previous years comes from both, metiers targeting cephalopods and also metiers in which cephalopods are just a small part of the catch. Directed effort to cephalopods have been required jointly with the % of cephalopods in the catch. For detailed analysis of the effort a complete detail of the noncephalopod catches would be also needed. The standardisation of the effort units between countries delivering data would be also desirable.

13 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Cephalopod Discards Cephalopod fisheries discard data in the ICES area has been collected since 2004 in the UK, France, Spain and Portugal under the Data Collection Regulation and Framework (DCF). Sampling is performed in order to evaluate the quarterly volume of discards and data are collected by métier. The observers on board program is based on stratified random sampling, considering the métier as the stratum and the trip as the sampling unit. France French discard data was provided from 2009 to Quarterly disacard data were provided for 4 species and species groups: llex spp; Loliginids spp., Octopus vul garis, Sepiidae and Sepiolidade. Data quality provided has not been deeply analysed but some quality check should be deployed in relation to quantities as, for instance in Subarea VII, it is reported that t of octopus were discarded in For the same species groups, and same area, discards in the following years are 66 kg, 80 and 30 t. respectively. Outlying quantities should be checked. Discard data in Illex spp. appear also to present huge variability within the same year, taking as an example discard estimates in 2012 ranged from 0 t in the first quarter of the year to 875 t in the last quarter. Considering, the reports of previous years (WGCEPH 2013), the discard sampling programs in the English Channel, carried out both by CEFAS and IFREMER (since 2002 and 2009 respectively), suggest that the cuttlefish discarding rate can be significant (ranging from 6% to 23% of the catch of the UK fishing fleet and representing about 6% of French average catches). This is considerably higher than previous observations carried out on board of offshore trawlers (Denis et al. 2002). IFREMER coordinates an observer program called OBSMER (coordinator: Christian Dintheer) collecting discards data in France. Observers are deployed along the entire French coast to go onboard French fishing vessels. Data are available between 2013 and Concerning cephalopods, during this period, observers sampled 1442 fishing trips, fishing operations. Under OBSMER, are sampled 22 ICES divisions and 31 métiers. However, it should be noted that the number of sampled métiers in which discards were observed is much smaller (only 3 OTB categories in 3013). Spain Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO) is responsible for monitoring discards, monthly by sea area and gear, of the entire Spanish fleet except for the Basque fleet which is covered by AZTI Tecnalia. Since 2002, under the National Sampling program of the Data Collection framework, the discard sampling programme has been conducted in different métiers for all species covered by the Regulation, including cephalopod species. At present the information has been compiled and processed. AZTI Tecnalia is responsible for monitoring cephalopod discards, monthly by ICES area and gear, for the Basque Country. Since 2001, a discard sampling program has been carried out and has continued since 2003 under the National Sampling program. Only data for the trawl fleet is reported here, since the other segments of the Basque fleet in the North East Atlantic have negligible levels of discards. The discard sampling does not include information on length distributions. The sampling covers the four metiers of the basque trawl fleet: otter trawlers in Sub area VI targeting hake, otter trawlers in Sub area VII

14 12 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 targeting anglerfish and megrim, otter trawlers in Div. VIIIa,b,d targeting a great variety of species (mixed fisheries) (OTB) and Pair trawls operating with VHVO nets in Div. VIIIa,b,d targeting hake (PTB). In Table yearly cephalopods discard estimations for Spanish trawl fleets operating in Northeast Atlantic area (ICES VI, VII, VIII and IXa) over the period are presented. Estimations are aggregated from metier to fishing ground level. The discard rate was estimated based on landing estimation per species, or groups of species and the total fleet discard rate raised to total fleet effort Only information for the most important species in terms of discarded biomass and those included in the Data Collection Framework directive are presented. In general, in the Western Irish waters & Rockall bank fisheries Ommastrephidae is the most discarded cephalopods family. In 2013, it must be noted a marked decrease in terms of biomass discarded, half of that from previous year, for this species. Eledone cirrhosa and Octopus vulgaris discards are estimated to be around 10% while Sepia officinalis dicards largely decreased from 95% to 22 % from 2012 to In north Iberian waters (VIIIc) precisely in the northern waters discards have raised largely for mostly all species discard estima (except for Sepia officinalis). Interannual discard estimate for the most discarded species in the area, Eledone cirrhosa, represents 105 tons per years, while Ommastrephidae discard estimates is found to be 71 tons per year. In the Gulf of Cadiz (IXa south) only four species discards estimations are presented. In terms of biomass, Octopus vulgaris was the most discarded species, ranging between 25.8 and tons in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Sepia elegans discards raised to a 21% in This species have not appear to be traditionally discarded. Discards of Eledone moschata, the second most discarded species in terms of biomass, are reported since 2007 with a maximum value of 44.2 t in In Table the percentage of cephalopods discarded by Basque fleets, in relation to catches during series is presented by metier. Until 2011 the results on percentages of cephalopod species discarded show that short finned squids and curled octopus (Eledone cirrhosa) species were the most discarded cephalopod species. For area VI, all short finned squids captured are discarded and no cephalopod discards are reported for area VII as no effort has been deployed. In 2012 no discard has been observed in Subarea VI due to the low number of samples (3 trips), and for Divisions VIIIa,b,d discard are almost neglectable as cephalopods have become a target species for the metier OTB_MCF targeting cephalopods. In 2013, short finned squid discard reaching 31 %, this is one third of the catch is being discarded. Portugal IPIMAR is responsible for discard sampling from ICES Division IXa under the DCF. The sampling covers the two Otter Bottom trawl commercial fleets: Otter Bottom Trawl for Crustaceans (OTB_CRU) (>=55 mm mesh size for shrimps and above 70 mm for Norway lobster) and the Otter Bottom Trawl for Demersal fish (OTB_DEF) (65 mm mesh size). The trawl fleet targeting crustaceans operates mainly in the South west and South in deeper waters, from 100 to 750 m, while the trawl demersal fleet targeting fish and cephalopods (hake, horse mackerel, auxiliary sea breams, pouting, octopus, squids, blue whiting) operates off the entire Portuguese coast mainly at depths between 100 and 250 m. In 2013, the most important cephalopod discards are, as in previous years, Eledone species, under sized Octopus vulgaris, and Alloteuthis sp (Table 2.3.3). Cephalopod discards are generally higher in the OTB CRU fleet than in the OTB DEF fleet. In the

15 ICES WGCEPH REPORT OTB CRU fleet, which operates in deeper waters, 90 to 100% of cephalopod catches are discarded. The only exception is for Octopus vulgaris, with only around 60% of catches discarded. The OTB DEF shows a different discarding behaviour for cephalopods: species with a market value show a much lower discard percentage, namely Eledone cirrhosa, Sepia officinalis, Octopus vulgaris, Todaropsis eblanae and Loligo vulgaris (ICES, 2010). The complete information on Portuguese discards is presented in WD 2.4. The procedure generally used to raise discards from haul to fleet level in the Portuguese trawl fisheries is adapted from Fernandes et al. (2010) This procedure is sensitive to the large number of zeros in the dataset (Jardim et al., 2011) and species with low frequency of occurrence or abundance in discards (i.e., a large number of zeros in the dataset) are not reliably estimated. The frequency of occurrence and abundance of Cephalopod species (and species groups) in the discards of the Portuguese bottom trawl fleet was below the 30%. Consequently, annual discard volumes at fleet level were only estimated for some species and species groups. The annual percentages of discards in weight displayed in table were calculated based on the equation: where spp is the species, i is the haul, n is the number of hauls sampled, Wdi,spp is the weight discarded of species spp in the catch sample taken from haul i, Wci, spp is the weight of species spp in the catch sample taken from haul i. Therefore these percentages are merely indicative and do not represent % of discards at fleet level. Germany Germany provided discard data on cephalopods coming from its routinely sampling program. Disacrd data presented in this report correspond to data between 2004 and In 2012, discards wer null. In 2013, just two trips were sampled in which cephalopods were caught, at that time no discards were observed. Based on the qualitative information delivered by Germany, there are no German fisheries targeting cephalopod. Cephalopod landings reported are usually by catches mainly from bottom trawl fisheries in area IVb. German discard data provided is based on a small number of trips conducted with an observer on board. Data in Table represent single trips deployed on a yearly basis. Information reflects the sporadic nature of cephalopod catches by the trawl fleet and the limited opportunities to sample the trawl vessels. The amount of cephalopods discarded ranged between 0 and 100% of the catch, discarded by the bottom trawl fleet, especially short finned squids. The Netherlands In the Dutch discard program, only one cephalopod species (Loligo spp.) was reported by family name in the ICES areas VI and VII. In few cases full species name is listed. Thus, to avoid misidentification all discards as reported by family name (Table 2.3.5).

16 14 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Discards records only apply to the metier combinations which have been sampled. This means that a 0 in the table means that there was discard sampling but no catches were recorded. Discard rates were highly variable for the same trawling fleets in Subarea VI, no discards were reported in Subarea VII for United Kingdom (England and Wales) As the discard data used to be raised to the total fleet is based on fleet effort, and there are some concerns about the UK effort, no updated of discard information in year 2012 has been presented in the report. Discard information from United Kingdom is only available by species since the beginning of Data here presented is thus grouped under species groups. In case of Loginidae and Ommastrephidae also identification problems are detected and thus both families are pooled together. Thus, grouping of species is as follows: Loliginidae & Ommastrephidae; Sepiidae; Octopodidae (Table 2.3.6). Other countries (Ireland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Sweden & Denmark) As informed by Ireland, discard data of cephalopods are currently not monitored by Ireland and therefore no discard data was submitted. A revision of the 2012 Irish discard data was carried out, resulting in an incorrect labelling of landingsa as discards. Consequently, no 2012 cephalopod discards are presented for neither 2012 nor Estonia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia reported to the group that as no cephalopod fisheries are deployed by the country no data on cephalopod discards are reported in ICES area. Sweden has almost no effort data on cephalopods in the ICES areas included in the data call. Most of the fishing effort is deployed in Subarea III. Most discarded species are Loliginids accounting for 13% and 22% of discards in 2012 and 103, respectively. Octopodidade are also discarded. In 2011, 37% of Octopod species were discarded. Discards in 2012 and 2013, were neglectable. Despites the relatively large percentages of discards, absolute biomasess discarded of. f.i. are just 190 kg. From 2011 to 2013, Sweden landed approximately 2497 kg, 1727 kg and 5189 kg respectively of not identified species from Subarea III and IV. Discard rates for those years varied between 35%, 53% and 18%, respectively. No Danish fisheries target cephalopods. Information provided from the Danish sea observer program, showed very few occurrences on discarded cephalopods and in very small amounts. In 2013, Danish estimate of total cephalopods discards for the whole Danish fleet was around 1 ton. 2.4 Survey information on cephalopods The surveys carried out in the North eastern Atlantic IBTS area involved all countries of the European Atlantic coast. The IBTSWG has focused on improving the quality of the data collected during the surveys (including trawl, vessel, environmental, and catch parameters), as well as their availability by storing them in a common database at ICES headquarters, i.e. DATRAS (Database for TRAwl Surveys). The IBTSWG aims to make all data collected during IBT Surveys publicly available through this database.

17 ICES WGCEPH REPORT In 2013 data call, The Netherlands pointed out the need of delivering data collected in other European surveys already existing as the Beam Survey. As for the IBTS surveys, a standard protocol for sampling, data to be collected and data bases is established. Data is routinely included in the DATRAS data base, both for coastal and offshore waters. Table presents the different surveys conducted in the western and southern area as well as the country involved and the acronym used. The North Sea IBTS Q1 and Q3 surveys are carried out by several countries with their own research vessels, such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Scotland, England, France, Netherlands and Germany. In all surveys, abundance indices in weight or number are obtained for all cephalopod species during the time series. Besides, the survey manual requires recording of several cephalopod species during surveys, including three species of sepia (S. officinalis, S. elegans and S. orbignyana) teuthoidea (Illex coindeti and Todaropsis eblanae), Eledone cirrhosa and Octopus vulgaris. In the case of bobtail squid, they are analysed together.

18 16 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table Summary of IBTS surveys in western and southern area (Northeastern Atlantic waters) At present, Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands and United Kingdom have contributed with survey data regarding yields and abundances. Main information of the surveys presented by country is described below. In the past five years, the information of cephalopod species has increased due to the requirements imposed by the DCF. In 2012, Spain presents information for Loligo vulgaris, S. officinalis, Octopus vulgaris, Eledone cirrhosa and E. moschata from SPNGFS and SPSGCGFS surveys. E. moschata is only caught in SPGCGFS survey carried out in IXa south (Gulf of Cadiz). Denmark and The Netherlands informed this expert group about the availability of surveys data at the DATRAS Data Base. In this case, cephalopod abundance appear to be anecdotic.

19 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Spain Spain carried out three survey in the fourth quarter: the Spanish Ground Fish Survey on the Porcupine bank (SPPGFS: PORCUPINE ), the bottom trawl survey on the Northern Spanish Shelf (SPNGFS: DEMERSALES ) and the bottom trawl survey on the Gulf of Cádiz (SPGCGFS: ARSA ). Information presented in each survey is compiled main commercial species. Abundances are presented as yield in biomass (kg/haul) and yield in number (indv./haul).) SPPGFS PORCUPINE survey The Porcupine Bank bottom trawl survey has been carried out annually since The objective is to provide data and information for the assessment of the commercial fish species in the area (ICES divisions VIIc and VIIk); (ICES, 2010). During these 13 years of surveys, the cephalopods have occurred frequently but they have been little reported and assessed. The most common species in the survey time series are analysed in the present working document, namely Eledone cirrhosa and Bathypolypus sponsalis (fam. Octopodidae), Haliphron atlanticus (fam. Alloposidae), Todarodes sagittatus, Todaropsis eblanae and Illex coindetii (fam. Ommastrephidae), Loligo forbesi (fam. Loliginidae) and Rossia macrosoma (fam. Sepiolidae) SPNGFS: DEMERSALES survey The bottom trawl survey on the Northern Spanish Shelf (SPNGFS: DEMERSALES ) aim to provide data and information for the assessment of the commercial species and the ecosystems on the Galician and Cantabrian Shelf (ICES Div. VIIIc and IXa North). The DEMERSALES Spanish survey has been carried out annually in autumn from 1983, although data on invertebrate species were collected mainly from 1990, and therefore results are presented from this year up to Abundance indices on the most common cephalopod species sampled in these surveys, namely curled octopus (Eledone cirrhosa), broadtail shortfin squid (Illex coindetii), lesser flying squid (Todaropsis eblanae), common octopus (Octopus vulgaris), long finned squid (Loligo forbesi), common squid (Loligo vulgaris), European flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus), pink cuttlefish (Sepia orbignyana), common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and elegant cuttlefish (Sepia elegans) from the DEMERSALES bottom trawl survey s series, are presented SPGCGFS: ARSA survey Since 1997 the Spanish bottom trawl survey ARSA has been carried out annually in autumn, during November, in the Gulf of Cádiz (ICES Sub division IXa south) to study the distribution and relative abundance (in number and weight) of all demersal species in the area, as well to estimate biological parameters of main commercial species. Other similar survey is carried out in the same area since 1993( Spanish bottom trawl survey spring ARSA ) in March. The yield of this survey has been used to obtain the average yield of both survey in order to compare it with the LPUE series of commercial trawl fleets presented in the next section. Most abundant species present in the survey are the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and Sepia elegans, octopus: Octopus vulgaris, Eledone moschata and Eledone cirrhosa, the longfinned squids: Loligo vulgaris, Loligo forbesii and Alloteuthis spp., and the short finned squids Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae.

20 18 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Portugal In 2012, no Portuguese survey were deployed. PGFS surveys were carried out on the Portuguese continental coast on board R/V Noruega and occasionally on R/V Capricórnio in autumn. The sampling area covers latitudes 36.7º to 41.8º N and longitudes 7.47º to 10.0º W in the NE Atlantic. The main objective of these research surveys is to estimate indices of abundance and biomass of the most commercially important fish and crustacean species. The autumn cruises done with R/V Noruega employ a Norwegian Campbell Trawl type with bobbins and the cruises done with R/V Capricórnio used an FGAV019 bottom trawling net, with a cod end of 20 mm mesh size, a mean vertical opening of 2.5 m and a mean horizontal opening between wings of 25 m. These cruises follow a depth stratified sampling design, with ca hauls distributed along the Portuguese continental shelf and slope. The tow duration vary between 20 and 60 min. In Table Abundance indices of the important commercial cephalopod species are presented. By species groups, the trends in abundance observed in the data series are described below. The only real case of concern relates to Loligo vulgaris. The causes for the severe decreasing in abundance since 1993 remain unresolved. Long finned squid abundance time series from research surveys Loligo vulgaris This is the most abundant long finned squid in Portugal. The abundance shows a declining tendency since 1987 to the very end of the series, more rapidly up to 1995 and slower from there on. This is in accordance with similar length landings time series and we believe it represents the true situation of the stock. Loligo forbesi Our research has shown that Loligo forbesi is a relatively uncommon presence in Portuguese waters, with occasional strong migrations at times of greater than average abundance northwards of Portuguese continental waters. The research survey series reflects this situation, showing only occasional appearances other than the large influx in the late eighties. Octopus abundance time series from research surveys Octopus vulgaris Our research time series groups different types of gear, most of which are inadequate to sample this species. However the yields obtained appears to show the difference in abundance between the latest plateau and the lower abundance that preceded it. Eledone cirrhosa The time series shows no abundance peak from the late nineties which appear to be real, but has decreased slightly in the latter decade. Remaining species For the most part, cephalopods collected in surveys in Portuguese waters appear to be in a relatively healthy status, without marked fluctuation in abundance, other than those resulting from migratory behaviours.

21 ICES WGCEPH REPORT France France provided CGFS survey indices in Sepiidae (Sepia officinalis) and the trends described in this time series are commented in the part of section 3 about Sepiidae and in the working document related to the assessment of the English Channel cuttlefish stock. Abundance indices derived from the EVHOE survey are presented for the period in tables a and b. Sepiidae appear dominated by Sepia officinalis. In Loliginids, Loligo vulgaris is the most abundant in this area and among Ommastraephidae the species Illex coindetii is the most abundant Table a Abundance indices derived from the EVHOE survey for the period (average CPUEs computed for the Subarea VIII, in kg per tow with 30 minutes tows (swept area 0.02 square miles) Germany In 2013, Germany has contributed with survey data regarding yields and abundance indices from 2009 to In Table yields of the Germany North Sea IBTS is presented. Just yields of Loligo spp, Loligo forbesi, Loligo vulgaris and Loliginidae are presented. German Survey delivered yields obtained in the same survey from 2009 to 2013 for a list of several species: Eledone cirrhosa; Sepiola atlantica; Sepietta oweniana; Eledone spp.; Others; Alloteuthis subulata; Rossia macrosoma; Loligo spp; Todarodes sagittatus; Loligo forbesi; Illex coindetii; L. vulgaris; Loliginidae; Todaropsis eblanae. There are some concerns about the identification of Loliginid and Ommastrephid species as data provided appear to be anecdotical, no routinsrily appearing in the surveys and abundance are very low. Table Biomass Indices (kr/h) of the Germany North Sea IBTS from 2009 to Species here presented are that most common in the landings and species belonging to the same Family group. Quarter 1 Quarter 3 Year Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Loligo spp Loligo forbesi Loligo vulgaris Loliginidae

22 20 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Ireland Ireland provided yield and abundance Indices for the following species and/or species groups: Sepia officinalis; S. elegans; Eledone cirrhosa; Octopus vulgaris; Alloteuthis subulata; Todarodes sagittatus; Loligo forbesi; Illex coindetii; L. vulgaris and Todaropsis eblanae. A slope stratum was added to the Irish Ground Fish Survey (IGFS) in VIa, VIIb and VIIj from 2005 deployed in Quarter 4. From 2005, survey coverage was extended into deeper waters. Some concerns remain in the survey data. Octopus vulgaris records are, in the Irish platform, very unusual, so some individuals are identified as belonging to this species but this fact could be a misidentification of species. It appears that those individuals might be deep water species of Benthoctopus. Furthermore, Eledone cirrhosa records only begin in 2008 that species is pretty much ubiquitous on Irish shelf so catches before 2008 are also expected to have occurred. In 2014, 2013 data was included and data from 2012 was updated. There are concerns about 2012 data revion as values appear to have drastically change compare to those of previous years values are more in accordance with This fact lead the group to think about some data extraction problem. Further revision of the data will be carry out in the next future. Table Biomass Indices (kg/h) of the Irish Ground Fish Survey (IGFS) from 2003 is presented. Species in table are the more common ones also in the landings. Eledone cirrhosa Alloteuthis subulata Loligo forbesi Illex coindetii Year Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. 1,42 0,43 1,22 0,43 4,56 1,31 2,70 1,80 7,60 6,03 7,38 3,12 5,48 1,95 0,91 0, ,10 1,02 0,75 0,31 6,17 2,00 7,60 3, ,30 0,41 0,69 0,42 7,74 2,47 1,25 0, ,69 1,40 1,60 0,76 4,32 1,62 13,47 6, ,27 0,91 0,87 0,48 6,48 2,40 9,38 3, ,86 1,24 0,35 0,19 8,10 2,40 6,46 2, ,88 2,01 0,94 0,53 8,03 2,42 4,10 2, ,06 1,02 0,31 0,15 10,71 4,22 0,09 0, ,8 272,00 29, ,00 41, ,00 30, ,1 20 9, , , United Kingdom United Kingdom provided data on abundance indices for the Scottish Western Coast VIa Groundfish Survey Quarter 1 and Quarter 4 (SWCGF6a); for the Rockall Survey ICES deployed every second year during Quarter 3 (SWCGF6b); and for the English Western IBTS Survey (Q4SWIBTS) deployed during Quarter 4. For this last survey, also biomass indices (kg/h) were provided since In case of SWCGFS surveys, no CPUE (biomass indices) equivalent of the survey abundance index is available. United Kingdom also provided abundance and biomass indices for other species and/or species groups: Sepia officinalis, S. elegans, Eledone cirrhosa, S. orbignyana, Alloteuthis subulata, Loligo forbesi, Illex coindetii, Loligo vulgaris, Todaropsis eblanae. In the Table below just yields for the species and species groups more abundant in the landings are presented.

23 ICES WGCEPH REPORT In 2010, no SWCGFS6a in Quarter 4 or SWCGF6b in Quarter 3 were deployed due to vessel breakdown. For the SWCGFS surveys, short finned squid are recorded as Ommastrephidae, so although listed in the table as Illex coindetii, it may also include Todaropsis eblanae and other species. For English Q4WIBTS, any species not measured for length, the number of individuals caught is recorded. No data is provided from Northern Ireland Goundfish Survey in the Irish Sea in Quarter 1 & 4 (NIGFS Q1, Q4). Information required in DCF for species and countries has been updated and provided as much as possible. Table Biomass Indices (kg/h) of the English Western IBTS Survey Quarter 4 (Q4SWIBTS) from 2005 is presented. Species in table are the more common ones also in the landings. Year Yield (kg/h) S.E. Sepia officinalis NA NA Sepia elegans NA NA Alloteuthis subulata NA NA Loligo forbesi Loligo vulgaris

24 22 ICES WGCEPH REPORT General comparison of commercial species CPUEs and Indices of biomass from surveys Data concerning to survey and commercial catches of groundfish resource assessment carried out in various area (ICES divisions IVa and IVb. Subarea VIIb, k; Divisions VII a,e h. Divisions VIIIc; IXa North and IXa South) have been presented. Data available are the values of average yields (kg/hour or kg/0.5 hour) for main commercial species or species groups of cephalopods in surveys and kg of cephalopods by fishing day or hours for the commercial indices used. Complete survey data series have been plotted jointly with annual data series coming from the commercial fleet. Information is presented by ICES sea areas and main fleets. The analysis of surveys and CPUEs is presented in each of the cephalopod species sections of the report (Section 3 Sepiidae; Section 4 Loliginids; Section 5 Ommastrephidae and Section 6 Octopodidae). For some areas and metiers the use of survey and commercial catches offers as indices of abundances appears to be promising. 3 Section 3: Sepiidae in Subarea II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIabd, VIIIc & IXa Introduction Sepiidae are exploited in the Northeast Atlantic from ICES Subarea III to Div. IXa. Abundances in Subarea III are comparatively much lower than in the rest of the areas based on the data provided by countries deploying fisheries. The main countries exploiting this species are France, Spain, Portugal and United Kingdom, with lower catches recorded by Ireland. It is usually exploited in targeted fisheries (i.e. traps in English Channel inshore areas of both England and France) and also in multi specific and mix fisheries like otter bottom trawl and twin trawl in France and offshore beam trawl in the UK. Catches of Sepiidae can be composed by Sepia officinalis and Sepia elegans. Both species are distributed in the Atlantic from the Northern North Sea to West African coast and are also common in Mediterranean waters. However, S. elegans is a deeper species than S.officinalis (In the Mediterranean it is more abundant around 150 m). No species identification has been provided for all countries and areas for commercial catches. Although Sepia elegans can be observed in the Western part of the Channel it should be indicated that the bulk of French landings is S. officinalis (according to fish market sampling carried out by the University of Caen). 3.1 Fisheries in ICES Subareas III, IV & VI In the Northern part of cuttlefish geographic distribution, small landings are reported from time to time as by catch of multispecies trawlers (like for instance 38 kg by Sweden in 2012). Total landings from subareas III, IV and VI represented 390 t ( average) but have dropped to much lower levels (86 t average). The bulk of these cuttlefish comes from the North Sea (subarea IV: 117 t in 2013) and is caught mainly by France (114 t in 2013).

25 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Fisheries in ICES Subareas VII Catches in 2013 Cuttlefish catches in Subarea VII are mostly concentrated in the English Channel (81% to 99% of area VII landings in ) landings are low in comparison to previous years (8550 t versus t). Significant catches of these species reported in 2012 from Celtic Sea and SW of Ireland (530 t) are not reported any more (22 t in 2013). In the Bristol Channel (ICES Subarea VIIf) Sepiidae catches were 21 t Commercial landing series Time series of landings from subarea VII for the period are displayed in Figure 3.1. The overall pattern is an increasing trend until 2004 and a decreasing trend since then. This is by and large due to the French fishing fleet which takes the bulk of the landings in this area. However, England landings are also quite significant and do not seem to be decreasing Sepiidae landings from subarea VII Landings in tonnes Belgium France Netherlands Spain England, Wales & Northern Ireland Ireland Scotland TOTAL Figure 3.1. Time series of commercial landings from subarea VII. As described in ToR A tables, France comprises 59% of the Sepia spp. landings in the English Channel (Divisions VIId,e). Landings have decreased from 7310 t in 2012 to 5012 t in England, Wales and Northern Ireland account for 39% of the catch in that same area with a decrease in Sepia spp. landings from 5222 t in 2012 to 3337 t in Scotland accounts for a very small quantity of the catches in that area (155 t). The Netherlands have not provided catches of Sepia in this area in 2013 as since year Belgium has not provided landings of these species in these sea areas since 2009.

26 24 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 In the Bristol Channel (Division VIIf) France comprises 60% of catches of these species, the rest of the catches are made by England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Belgium do not provide landings for these species in the Bristol Channel since Commercial discards Several countries have provided information about cuttlefish discard although sometimes in a heterogeneous way. United Kingdom did not provide kilograms of Sepia spp. discarded but numbers. No percentage is available for these species and no total numbers of individuals caught are provided for such a calculation. In 2011 the percentage of Sepia spp. discarded by dredges ranged from 5% in Division VIIe to 100% in VIIa. In 2013, discard percentages in UK trawls were at maximum 6 % in Division VIIh. United Kingdom recorded discards for Twin Otter trawls, Pair Otter trawls and Beam trawls are less than 3 % in all Subarea VII. Ireland, The Netherlands, Germany and the Basque Trawl component of the Spanish Fishery did not reported discards in Subarea VII. Ninety five percept of the sepia caught in Subarea VI and VII by Spanish ʺnot Basqueʺ trawlers were discarded in In 2011 just 1% of these species were discarded by that country in that area. In % of Sepia spp. were discarded. France at sea observers programme considered 9 métiers with cuttlefish landings in Subarea VII in 2013 among which 2 OTB ʺDemersal Fishʺ métiers were sampled and revealed discards. In these two métiers the proportion of the catch that was discarded is highly variable (from 1% in OTB_DEF_ to 74% in OTB_DEF_70 99). It is worth noting that these two métiers represent 14% of French landings in this area Commercial catch-effort data Landing data for Sepiidae was provided for otter trawlers, pair trawlers and Scottish Seiners from 2009 to 2011 for United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain. In the case of 2012 and in United Kingdom and Ireland, landings by fleet/métier were provided, however no effort data was provided for the same métiers. And in 2013 effort data was provided in a different unit than others years, consequently, no CPUE data for 2012 and 2013 could be updated. Spain provided CPUEs data series since As described in the WGCEPH 2013 report a remarkable peak was detected in 2010 for all gears deployed in Subarea VII. Followed by a decrease, that in the case of Spanish and for otter trawlers, reached almost 0 values in French bottom trawl LPUE per ICES division are plotted in Figure 3.2 for the period LPUE trends in the English Channel (ICES divisions VIIe and VIId) are similar to total landings trends (see ʺTotalʺ curve in Figure 3.1) and increasing until Meanwhile, a decreasing trend is observed in the Celtic Sea (VIIh).

27 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 3.2. Cuttlefish LPUEs (kg/h) for French Otter Bottom Trawl in Subarea VII (VIIe, VIId, and VIIh) in At a monthly scale OTB LPUE underline that cuttlefish look more abundant in autumn winter and in spring (Figure 3.3). These two periods correspond to concentrations on inshore spring spawning grounds and offshore wintering grounds. Autumn abundance peaks earlier in division VIId than in VIIe which is not surprising because VIIe is the deepest part of the Channel (reached during the coldest winter months).

28 26 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 3.3. Monthly Cuttlefish LPUEs (kg/h) for French Otter Bottom Trawl in Subarea VII Fishery independent information and recruitment United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain provided data of abundances of cephalopods in Subarea VII. However no Sepia spp. was found in the survey areas and in the surveys time for Spain and Ireland. United Kingdom provided abundance indices in kg per hour from the IBTS Survey carried out in Division VIIe in July. France provided abundance indices for the CGFS survey carried out in October each year. Both surveys indices are displayed in Figure. 3.4 which underline that since 2008 they describe a different trend (stable in the case of the French survey and decreasing in the case of the British survey). Hypothesis about these differences have not been tested yet Sepiidae in ICES division VIId CGFS CPUE BTS CPUE 10 CPUE CGFS Kg/Hours CPUE BTS Kg/Hours Figure 3.4. Sepiidae abundance indices in VIId division. CPUEs (kg/h) for BTS survey carried out by Cefas in July and CGFS survey carried out by Ifremer in October. In the English Channel, differences between commercial LPUE and survey CPUE are also displayed in the annexed working document about cuttlefish assessment (WD

29 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Duhem et al.). Such differences are both related to the timing of surveys and the location of commercial fishing grounds: the largest discrepancies are observed between the Cefas survey carried out in July in division VIId and the UK beam trawl LPUE which concerns winter fishing in division VIIe Exploratory Assessment In The English Channel (Divisions VIIe and VIId) an exploratory assessment of the cuttlefish stock is available using the two stage biomass model (Gras et al., 2014). The model is fitted to a time series of indices for the period The last update of the English Channel cuttlefish stock is provided for this report and is presented with more details in the annexed working document (WD 3.1 Duhem et al.). The updated assessment indicates that exploitation rate peaked again above 40% in the fishing season 2011/2012. Just like in 2001 this appears clearly related to the low 2011 recruitment. However, this variability seems to have little consequences and in 2012 exploitation rate is at its lowest value (20%) and close to values. Biomass estimates enable also to follow stock and recruitment trends and the lack of relationship between these variables. Recruitment was above the average in 2010 and 2012 and below in 2011whereas in the corresponding period spawning stock was lowest for the first one of these cohorts Data requirement The analysis of English Channel population trends is hampered by the lack of survey covering both divisions VIId and VIIe. WGCEPH supports the Ifremer proposal of an ecosystem survey of the whole English Channel (CAMANOC survey). However, because of the timing of the survey (end of September end of October) and the draught of the research vessel this survey is not likely to provide much information about Sepia officinalis (which are still inshore in shallow waters at that time). In the Celtic Sea and in the North Sea, abundance indices that can be derived from survey or commercial data (from France, Spain, UK or Ireland) should take into account seasonal migrations and comparisons should be made on a month to month basis. Further work should be devoted to the identification of species and correct possible wrong assignations of some species to Families Management Considerations Sepia officinalis is managed only in inshore areas in Divisions VIIe and VIId. Along the coast of Normandy a license system is supposed to limit the effort to be deployed on the population and the accessibility to the fishery. Concerns have been raised about the actual effect of these management measures on the population status. In France inshore trawling is banned within the 3 miles limit but exemptions are given in some French coastal zones in spring (boats fishing targeting cuttlefish spawners) and in late summer (boats fishing for juveniles). The protection of juveniles could be improved with a minimum landing size. However, preliminary observations of discards survival rates suggest that the percentage of juvenile cuttlefish that survive when caught by trawlers could be no more than 20% (Cefas, unpublished report).

30 28 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 It is worth to keep in mind that inshore catches depend on the proportion of cohorts that escape offshore exploitation on wintering grounds (Royer et al. 2006). There is no specific regulation of offshore trawling related to the cuttlefish stock but regulations defined for ground fish apply. 3.3 Fisheries in ICES Division VIII Catches in 2013 Countries contributing to Sepia spp. catches in Division VIII are France and Spain. France generally comprises about 90% of these total catches (average ). In 2013 the amount landed by France from this area was t (90%) Commercial landing series For Spain, landings in Division VIII show a fluctuating constant level around 430 t in average, with a decrease in 2009 and 2010, and showing an increase to the average with the highest values of the time series in 2012 with 735 t and 423 t in Commercial fishery in Division VIII (Bay of Biscay) is mostly composed by vessels with base port in the Basque country. France takes the bulk of Bay of Biscay landings (Divisions VIIIa,b,c,d) which were in 2011/2012 above 5000t : a level that had not been observed since Increasing landings seem to be related to increasing abundance on the wintering grounds but also to higher fishing in periods of peak abundance. In 2013 French landings decreased to 4147t Sepiidae landings from subarea VIII Landings in tonnes England, Wales & Northern Ireland Portugal TOTAL France Spain Figure 3.5. Cuttlefish landings (Sepiidae) from the Bay of Biscay (subarea VIII) in the period Commercial discards AZTI Tecnalia is responsible for monitoring cephalopod discards, monthly in Div. VIIIabd by gear, for the Basque Country (around 95 % of the Spanish fleet operating in the Bay of Biscay).

31 ICES WGCEPH REPORT The discard rate was estimated based on landing estimation per species, or groups of species and the total fleet discard rate raised to total fleet effort. Sepia spp. is discarded in very low percentages ranging from a maximum of 8% in 2009 to no discards in Discards from 2013 in Spain was not collected for this rapport observations in the France discards observer programme ʺObsmerʺ considered 25 métiers landing cuttlefish. Among these métiers the only one that was sampled and revealed discarded cuttlefish is ʺOTB DEF >=70ʺ which represents 12% of French landings from the Bay of Biscay (amount studied landings: 90 tonnes). Sampled fishing trips of this métier revealed a 56% discards rate in 2013 which is higher than in previous years (24% in ). Discarding rate seems to be higher in autumn than in other seasons which suggest the hypothesis that juvenile might be discarded more than adults Commercial catch-effort data Basque fishing fleet Basque LPUEs were calculated for Sepia spp., aggregated by gear. This is, Bottom Otter trawl and Bottom pair trawl LPUEs were pooled together. LPUEs were available as kg/days of fishing. Abundance indices are presented at Family level for Div. VIIIabd. It has to be pointed out that in Div. VIIIabd, the percentage of effort for each of the gears (Bottom Otter trawl and Bottom Pair trawl) changes along the data series (WD 2.2). In the next future would be possible to discern between CPUEs of both gears and also it is expected that a more detailed analysis based on metiers and species could be deployed. Nowadays, the most important Basque fleet targeting cephalopods are Baka bottom otter trawlers in the Division VIIIa,b,d. Within this fleet three different metiers have been defined following the criteria defined in the European Data Collection Framework: OTB_DEF_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting demersal fish). OTB_MCF_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting mixed cephalopod and demersal fish). OTB_MPD_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting mixed pelagic and demersal). Landings of the different species have been included in one or other metier following the segmentation above. In the last four years from 2009 to 2012, the metier targeting cephalopods OTB_MCF has increased its number of trips and its cephalopods catches (WD 3. Figure 7). The increase in the OTB_MCF metier seems to be related to the decrease in OTB_DEF metier targeting demersal species like hake, megrim or anglerfish. However 2013 is marked by an increase in OTB_DEF in relation with a decrease in OTB_MCF. French fishing fleet France OTB LPUE in the Bay of Biscay show an increase in the Northern part of the Bay in the most recent years (Figure 3.6)

32 30 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 3.6. Sepiidae LPUEs (kg/h) for French Otter Bottom Trawl in Subarea VIII in At a monthly scale (Figure 3.7) several outliers are observed but the general picture confirms a slow increase in abundance indices rather than a high interannual variability. Seasonal patterns are less visible than in the case of the English Channel but this seems clearly due to the spatial resolution of the analysis (LPUE indices computed by ICES division) and in particular to the fact that divisions VIIIa and VIIIb include both inshore and offshore rectangles. Figure 3.7. Cuttlefish monthly LPUEs (kg/h) for French Otter Bottom Trawl in Subarea VIII in

33 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Fishery independent information and recruitment Figure 3.8. Sepiidae CPUEs (kg/ 30 min) according to the Ifremer ʺEVHOEʺ survey carried out in Subarea VIIIa,b from 1992 to In the Bay of Biscay, the annual survey EVHOE carried out by IFREMER in November provide CPUEs of Sepiidae. The last update was collected for this rapport (Figure 3.8). Sepia officinalis appears clearly as the dominant species in the genus Sepia and apart from the 2008 peak the abundance seems rather stable with an increase observed in the last year (2013). It is worth noting that the index is low in 2012 (when commercial LPUE suggested a very high peak: see Figure 3.9). One should keep in mind that the EVHOE survey is carried out in autumn (November) and that according to water temperature Sepia officinalis migrate to offshore wintering grounds. Differences in the onset of this migration might explain offshore abundance variability Analysis of species trends/assessment of Sepiidae or Stock trends Spanish OTB LPUE (Figure 3.9) The time series of LPUE (in kg per day) for Spanish trawlers runs over two decades ( ). The overall trend is a slight increase, with peaks alternating with low years. The peak was higher than those of 2004 and The 2012 peak is much higher than the rest of the series (225 kg/day) and could be an artefact. In 2013 the index is also high but in line with the series of increasing peaks (105 kg/day). French OTB (Figures 3.6 and 3.7) The time series of French LPUE is much shorter ( ) because of changes in effort records before and after It suggests that the increase in cuttlefish abundance would concern mainly the Northern part of the Bay of Biscay (division VIIIa).

34 32 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 3.9. Commercial LPUEs (kg/days) trends for Spanish trawl fishery in Division VIIIabd Exploratory Assessment No population assessment was carried out in Bay of Biscay Sepiidae. Although a series of useful data sources have been identified discrepancies within LPUE time series need to be fixed before using them Data requirement The lack of compatibility between data sets drive comparison difficulties. In particular about effort data, new data provided should have the same units than historical time series for future update. 3.4 Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIc & IXa Catches in 2013 Catches in these ICES Divisions are comprised mostly by Spain and Portugal, reaching a total amount of 3001 t of Sepia spp (144 t in division VIIIc and 2857 t in IXa). Contribution of each of the countries is close to 50% to the total catches (55% for Spain and 45% for Portugal). The French fishing fleet has caught only 567 kg of cuttlefish along the Cantabrian coast (division VIIIc) in Data on the proportion of each species are only available for Spanish landings. However Sepia officinalis makes up about 94% of Sepiidae landing (2013). In the VIIIc Division Sepia elegans appear mixed in another species landings. The commercial value of Sepia elegans is high, and for this reason is separated in the catch. Portuguese landings of cuttlefish, here presented, include only landings of Sepia officinalis.

35 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Commercial landing series Division IXa contributed with 78% of total cuttlefish landed by Spanish fleet, with the 70% of landings in this division corresponding to the Subdivision IXa South (Gulf of Cadiz). Spanish landings in this Division reach a maximum of 1555 t in 2013 and fluctuating around 1000 t in the decade ( ). In 2013, Spanish landings reached the amount of 91 t. in Division VIIIc. In Division IXa, Average Portuguese landings between 2000 and 2013 amounted for 1475 tons (ranging from 1165 t to 2000 t). Annual landings of cuttlefish look quite stable in spite of the low in 2012 (Figure 3.10) Sepiidae landings from subarea IXa Landings in tonnes Portugal Spain TOTAL Figure Cuttlefish landings (Sepiidae) from subarea IXa in the period Commercial discards Percentage of Sepia spp. discarded by Spanish otter trawlers in Div. VIIIc & IXa highly fluctuates along the years of the series here presented. Thus from a 60% discarded of Sepia spp. in 2006, ratio was decreased in subsequent year to almost nil. In 2011 and 2012, Sepiidae discard rate accounted for 34 and 11 % respectively. In WD 2.4 (Prista et al.), Table 3 and 4 display the frequency of occurrence of cephalopods in the discards of Portuguese OTB vessels. The frequencies of occurrence of most species are low, e.g., in comparison to other commercial species such as hake (42 89% in OTB, Prista and Fernandes, 2013) or blue whiting (56 91% in OTB_CRU, Prista et al., 2012), Sepia officinalis occurrences in 2013 was 7 %. For the time being and until a more sophisticated estimation method is implemented (see Fernandes and Prista, 2013), the discards of the remaining species are better assumed as low or negligible for assessment purposes. The main reasons for cephalopod discarding in the Portuguese OTB fishery are mainly related to the low commercial value of some species or their low abundance which rends their commercialization marginal Species abundance trends: Commercial LPUE and survey data Time series of abundance indices could be updates in the Southern part of division IXa. Spanish OTB LPUE in kg per fishing trip and ground fish surveys both show a high interannual variability in cuttlefish abundance (Figure 3.11). Over the whole period an increasing trend can be observed in commercial LPUE (solid line blue)

36 34 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 which is not so clear in survey indices and which did not result in higher landings (Figure 3.10). Both data sets reveal a similar proportion of Sepia elegans Sepiidae in Subarea IXa south SP GFS southern component S. elegans IXa south SP GFS southern component S. officinalis IXa south SP Sep. elegans (kg/trip) Ixa south SP Sep. officinalis (kg/trip) Ixa south kg/h I (kg/trip) Figure Comparison of Sepia officinalis and Sepia elegans abundance indices in division IXa South: Spanish OTB LPUE in kg/day and Spanish Ground Fish South (SP GFS) survey averages (in kg/hour). As commented before, Sepia elegans and S.officinalis are separated in the landings due to the commercial different prices that these two species attain in the market S.officinalis comprises more than 90% of the landings in average Analysis of species trends/assessment of Sepiidae or Stock trends There are not similar trends between both commercial and survey series. Spanish otter trawl commercial fleet show higher abundances where surveys indicate low ones. At the present time Portuguese commercial fleet indices are only available for the last 3 years and although they might follow a trend more similar to that of surveys the series is too limited Exploratory Assessment No assessment of Sepiidae was carried out in this subarea Data requirement Catches of both Sepia species are of relatively very low ratio compared to other species in the catch (approx. 1%). Thus, although the fleet catching the highest abundance of Sepia has been chosen for the analysis, CPUEs appears to be of no value. Coincidences of peaks of abundances are remarkable in some of the data series and years but some concerns about the appropriateness of data series arises due to low abundances of both species. In case of surveys, usual problems in relation to the coverage of the distribution area of the stock, seasonality and no dedicated survey to Sepia limits the capacity of extracting any useful abundance indices for Sepia spp. in the area.

37 ICES WGCEPH REPORT References Reference in relation to the biology and dynamics of these species can be found in Reference of Section of this section 7.3: Review data availability for the main commercial exploited cephalopod species in relation to the main population parameters: length distribution, sex ratio, first maturity at age, first maturity at length, growth, spawning season, of this report. Gras M., Roel B. A., Coppin F., Foucher E. and Robin J P. (2014). A two stage biomass model to assess the English Channel cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis L.) stock. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 74 (4) 12 doi: /icesjms/fsu081 Royer J., Pierce G.J., Foucher E., Robin J.P., The English Channel Stock of Sepia officinalis: variability in abundance and impact of the fishery. Fisheries Research, 78: Section 4: Loliginidae in Subarea II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIabd, VIIIc & IXa 4.1 Loligo spp. and Alloteuthis spp. Introduction Loligo vulgaris, L. forbesii, Alloteuthis subulata and A. media are distributed from ICES Subarea III to Div. IXa, Mediterranean waters and the North African coast, although L. vulgaris is rare north of the English Channel and L. forbesii correspondingly rare south of the Bay of Biscay. Abundances in Subarea III are lower than in the rest of the areas based on the fishery data provided to WGCEPH. The main countries exploiting these species are France, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom and catches are mostly concentrated in more northern areas. Loliginidae are usually exploited as a bycatch in multispecific and mixed fisheries trawlers but are also targeted by small scale directed fisheries. Catches of Loliginidae may be composed of L. vulgaris, L. forbesii, A. subulata and A. media. Since 2009, with DCF implementation, an effort has been made to discriminate cephalopod species in fisheries official statistics enabling the analysis of landings by species for some countries. In the cases where no species identification of commercial catches was provided, most catches are expected to be Loligo spp. Germany provided data in relation to discards, landings and effort in Subareas III and IV, for 2012 and 2013, and Sweden provided equivalent data for United Kingdom and The Netherlands provided data on LPUE of Loligo spp. in Subarea VI for trawlers and Scottish Seiners. Also for both areas survey data were provided. These data are not included in the main body of the report but compiled in an annex due to the small amount of this cephalopod group detected in commercial vessels and surveys. Loliginid landings generally show seasonality and an apparently cyclic year to year trend. The highest landings in 2003 and 2004 were mainly due to catches in the English Channel (VIId,e), but the high landings between 2010 and 2012 were mainly due to an increase in catches in the Bay of Biscay (Figure. 4.1.). In 2013 landings decrease as a whole but this decrease was only verified in the southern areas because landings increased in the English Channel and the North Sea.

38 36 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Landings (tons) X IX VIII VIIg k VIIf VIId,e VIIb,c VIIa VIb VIa Figure 4.1. Landings of Loliginids by ICES areas and sub areas between 2000 and Important geographic shifts in landings occurred between 2011 and 2013 (Figure 4.2): namely shifts between the English Channel (VIId,e) and the Bay of Biscay (VIII), and a shift between the West of Ireland and Porcupine Bank (VIIb,c), the NW coast of Scotland and North Ireland (VIa) and Rockall (VIb) to the North Sea (IVa,b and c) since Catches at Rockall are notoriously variable and probably reflect variable abundance but in the Bay of Biscay it is likely that part of the change is due to increased targeting of squid IIIa IVa IVb IVc Vb VIa VIb VIIa VIIb,c VIId,e VIIf VIIg k VIII IX Figure 4.2. Distribution of loliginid landings in the ICES area in 2011, 2012 and Fishery in ICES Subarea VII Catches in 2013 In subarea VII, 2013 catches reached a total of t which is 80% of the average observed in and 33% higher than the previous year. Catches were mostly concentrated in divisions VIId and VIIe (English Channel 71 %). Divisions VIIg k (Celtic sea and SW of Ireland, 15% of catches) followed by VIIf (Bristol Channel 10%) were also important fishing areas Commercial landing series France contributes 81% of the common squid landings in ICES Divisions VIId, e (English Channel). Landings increased from 1411t in 2012 to 2037t in England, Wales

39 ICES WGCEPH REPORT and Northern Ireland account for 20% of the catch in that same area with a slight increase in common squid landings from 407t in 2012 to 486t in Commercial discards Several countries have provided discard data in relation to common squids in Subarea VII. Ireland and the Basque country reported percentages of discards from 0 1% reflecting the anecdotal catches of these species in their fisheries in Subarea VII. The Netherlands reported more than 50% of discards in the area. Spanish Fisheries in Subarea VII reported an increase of common squid discards from 4% in 2011 to 35 % in No update of Loliginids discards has been carried out due to several issues. An error was found at German data base, United Kingdom provided data on discards at sampling level but inconsistencies with the previous years data were identified. Ireland informed WGCEPH that discards of cephalopods are currently not monitored. Therefore no discard data were submitted. In fact, 2012 estimates of discards were based on a small number of samples that were incorrectly labelled as discards, so there have been deleted from the Tables in this report Commercial catch per unit effort data Landing per unit effort data for common squid were provided for otter trawlers, pair trawlers and Scottish Seiners from 2009 to 2013 for the United Kingdom, the Netherlands ( ) and Spain ( ); (Figure. 4.3.). A remarkable peak in CPUE in 2010 and 2011 is detected for Spanish otter trawlers in Subarea VII. However, CPUE returned to very low levels in Figure 4.3. Commercial LPUEs (kg/day) for the English, Dutch and Spanish (kg/trip) fleets operating in Subarea VII. French LPUEs are plotted in a separate graph to check for possible differences between areas composing Subarea VII. According to French Otter Bottom Trawl LPUE indices in the period , loliginid squid abundance decreased in division VIId but increased in VIIe and VIIf (Figure. 4.4.). The decreasing trend in the Eastern Channel is also observed in fishery landings (ToR a table 2.1.2) and seems to be related to low recruitment in Loligo vulgaris.

40 38 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 At the monthly scale, seasonal variations permit estimation of the contribution of the two Loligo species in this area. The timing of life cycles and the depth preferences are well known (Royer, 2002) and as described by Holme (1974) early summer abundance is mainly due to the recruitment of L. forbesii in the Western part of the Channel (ICES division VIIe) whereas L. vulgaris recruits appear only in autumn and dominate in the Eastern Channel (ICES division VIId). Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5. reveal shifts in the peaks that are quite consistent with this scheme. It suggests between 2009/2010 and 2012/2013 fishing seasons L. vulgaris decreased whereas in the last fishing season L. forbesii recruitment would be quite high (as suggested by VIIe and VIIf abundance in summer). Figure 4.4. Commercial loliginid LPUEs (kg/hours) of French Otter Bottom Trawl operating in Divisions VIId, VIIe, VIIf and VIIh (annual averages in ). 3.50E+01 France OTB Loliginid squid LPUE in subarea VII 3.00E+01 Kg/Hour 2.50E E E E E+00 VIId VIIe VIIf VIIh 0.00E+00 juin 08 déc. 08 juil. 09 janv. 10 août 10 févr. 11 sept. 11 avr. 12 oct. 12 mai 13 nov. 13 juin 14 Figure 4.5. Commercial LPUEs (kg/hours) of French Otter Bottom Trawl operating in Division VIId, VIIe and VIIh (monthly averages in ). For the English Channel (Divisions VIId and VIIe) French otter bottom trawl data is used to derive an abundance index per fishing season (i.e. from June N to May N+1). The computation method is based on delta glm (see annexed working document by Duhem et al.) It is possible to split this index according to the proportion of Loliginid species landed in Port en Bessin (fish market landings are sampled monthly in this harbour). The three time series are shown in Figure. 4.6 which suggests that the increase in 2013 is due to a peak in Loligo forbesii abundance.

41 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 4.6 Abundance indices of English Channel Loliginid squids (Divisions VIId and VIIe) computed per fishing season (June N, May N+1) Fishery independent information and recruitment United Kingdom and Spain provided data on abundances of common squids in Subarea VII (Figure. 4.7.). Spanish indices in the Porcupine area are negligible. Abundances of common squid estimated by the English Scientific Surveys remain quite stable at low levels around 5 kg/h after a large peak in Figure 4.7. Abundance indices (kg/h) of the Spanish and English Scientific Surveys in Subarea VII. IFREMER has provided average indices per strata for the time series of EVHOE survey data. Abundance trends in the 3 subdivisions of the Celtic Sea (Cc = VIIj, Cn = VIIg, Cs = VIIh (Figure. 4.8.) underline the high proportion of Loligo forbesii squid that are in the Cn sector in autumn. The absence of Loligo vulgaris in the Celtic

42 40 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Sea during these 3 subdivisions is likely related to the depth of the strata explored suggesting that in October Loligo vulgaris is found in waters shallower than 80 m. EVHOE indices show a stable or increasing trend decrease in Loligo forbesii abundance in the period Over the whole period the VIIg subdivision (Celtic Sea North) shows a high variability with peaks in 1994, 2001and 2004 observed in the northern part of the Celtic Sea (VIIg). Figure 4.8. Abundance indices derived from EVHOE stations carried out in Colours correspond to the 3 subdivisions; solid line is for Loligo forbesii and dotted line for Loligo vulgaris. Abundance indices were obtained from the CGFS survey (carried out in ICES subdivision VIId).). A comparison with Figure. 4.6 suggests that the peak observed in 2009 is due to Loligo vulgaris. CGFS surveys are carried out in October which corresponds to the recruitment of L. vulgaris in the commercial fishery. I the VIId subdivision is the shallowest part of the English Channel so it is not surprising to see Loliginid abundance in this area dominated by the species with the shallowest habitat. The commercial LPUE series shows a sharp increase in abundance in 2013 most likely due to L. forbesii. In the Eastern part of the Channel CGFS data also indicate a rise in L. forbesii abundance in However this rise is less pronounced than with LPUE indices, which is consistent with the more western and deeper distribution of this species.

43 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 4.9. Abundance indices derived from CGFS surveys carried out in the period and in ICES subdivision VIId Analysis of Loliginidae trends Commercial CPUEs for the main fleets exploiting common squid were made available discontinuously for the last 3 years (2011, 2012 and 2013) and for Spanish Otter trawlers from 2005 to Yields (kg/d) were plotted jointly with the Abundance indices of the English Western IBTS Survey (Q4SWIBTS) deployed during the 4 th quarter every year from 2005 to 2011 and covering ICES Divisions VIIfgh and the Spanish GFS in Subarea VII covering Porcupine Bank. Abundance Indices for surveys were calculated as kg per hour. Series of abundances were plotted by grouping families and areas coincident between commercial LPUEs and Surveys. For the commercial LPUEs, fleets with the highest abundance of cephalopods were used. In case of United Kingdom these were: OTB: Otter trawls, PTB: Bottom Pair trawl and SSC: Fly shooting (Scottish) seine. In case of Spain just OTB (Otter trawl) LPUEs are estimated (Figure 4.10.). Due to the shortness of the commercial LPUEs series, just three years of data, no analysis of trends was possible. For longer time series, as for Spanish Survey and commercial Otter fishery, no comparison was deployed as surveys and Spanish fleets do not overlap. Thus, the Spanish Otter trawl fishery in Subarea VII distribution in the most southern part of the current Spanish Porcupine Survey.

44 42 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure Abundance indices (kg/h) of the Spanish and English Scientific Surveys and the commercial Spanish (kg/trip) and English fleets (kg/day) in Subarea VII Exploratory Assessment No preliminary analyses could be conducted during this working group to check whether abundance indices obtained in the Groundfish Surveys could be indicative of the abundances of Loliginid squids Data requirement The limited time series of data from UK Commercial fleets precluded comparison between indices. Commercial data should be provided at metier level. Also it would be interesting to compare those series with those surveys covering the whole current sea area of fishing operation of the Spanish, Irish and UK fleets at species level. Further work should be devoted to the identification of species and correct possible wrong assignations of some species to Families. Between EVHOE surveys carried out in the Celtic Sea and the CGFS survey carried out in the Eastern Channel there is a lack of data about the Western part of the Channel (subdivision VIIe). This is especially a problem in Loligo forbesii which is more abundant in this deeper part of the Channel. The project of a new CAMANOC survey in this area may help to fill this gap. 4.3 Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIabd The Fishery Catches in 2013 Countries contributing to common squid catches in Division VIIIabd are the UK, France and Spain. France generally contributes between 45 and 90% of the total landings (68% in 2013) and Spain around 26% (31% in 2013), while landings by the United Kingdom are generally less than 1%.

45 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Commercial landing series Landings of Loliginids from Division VIIIabd peaked in 2012 reaching 4673 t. In 2013 landings decreased to 1551t. This pattern was observed both from the French and Spanish landings. French landings of common squid from Div. VIIIabd followed an increasing trend from values of 913 t in 2005 to the maximum landings recorded in 2012 reaching 3660t landed. A subsequent drop is observed in 2013 (1256 t). Spanish landings from Division VIIIabd between 2000 and 2011 varied slightly around 400 t. In 2012 a sharp increase was recorded with 1273 t of common squid landed by Spain, but in 2013 landings decreased to 309 t Commercial discards France has only provided to the group overall estimates of discards which concern mainly one metier (Otter bottom trawl fishing for demersal fish). The amount of common squid discarded seems similar in 2012 and 2013 (126 t and 106 t respectively). However, taking into account lower landings in 2013, the discarding rate would be increasing (from 3% to 8%). AZTI Tecnalia is responsible for monitoring cephalopod discards, monthly in Div. VIIIabd by gear, for the Basque Country (around 95 % of the Spanish fleet operating in the Bay of Biscay). Common squid appear not to be discarded in the trawls operating in the Bay of Biscay in all data series provided starting in Commercial catch per unit effort data Loligo sp. LPUEs were calculated for the Spanish and French trawl fleets in kg/fishing trip and kh/h respectively. For the years analysed Loligo sp. annual LPUEs of French and Spanish trawlers show opposite trends (Figure. 4.11). Loliginids in Subarea VIIIabd ) g / trip (k 250 a in 200 S p Spanish trawlers French trawlers ) g / h (k ce n F ra Figure LPUE trends of the Spanish (kg/trip) and French fleets (kg/h) operating in Division VIIIabd. The most important Basque fleet targeting cephalopods in the Division VIIIabd are Baka bottom otter trawlers. Within this fleet three different metiers have been defined following the criteria defined in the European Data Collection Framework:

46 44 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 OTB_DEF_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting demersal fish). OTB_MCF_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting mixed cephalopod and demersal fish). OTB_MPD_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting mixed pelagic and demersal). From 2009 to 2012, the metier targeting cephalopods OTB_MCF increased its number of trips and its cephalopods catches (WD 3. Figure 7). However, in 2013, number of trips targeting cephalopods drastically decreased. The increase in the OTB_MCF metier seemed to be related to the decrease in OTB_DEF metier targeting demersal species like hake, megrim or anglerfish. In 2013, abundance of traditional target species was high enough to maintain the number of trips targeting these species all around the year, and thus almost doubling number of fishing operations compared to French LPUEs are available for 2009 to Otter bottom trawl LPUE indicate that a peak of high abundance is observed in 2012 (Figure. 4.12). In this year abundance was higher in the southern part of the Bay of Biscay (division VIIIb) than in other areas. The last available year (2013) shows more similar indices in the three divisions with a rather low abundance. 6.0 France OTB Loliginid squid LPUE in subarea VIII 5.0 Kg/Hour VIIIa VIIIb VIIId Figure Commercial LPUEs (kg/hour) of French Otter Bottom Trawl operating in Division VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIIc and VIIId (annual averages in ). At the monthly scale (Figure. 4.13) one can see that low abundances in 2009 are likely related to an ʺearly peakʺ in the fishing season 2008/2009 and a ʺlate peakʺ in 2009/2010. The series of cohorts follow a rather regular seasonal pattern although some peaks in spring should be considered with caution since they do not match Loliginids life cycle.

47 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure Commercial LPUEs (kg/hour) of French Otter Bottom Trawl operating in Division VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIIc and VIIId (monthly averages in ) Fishery independent information and recruitment For the period L. vulgaris and L. forbesii abundance indices show opposite trends estimated by the French (EVHOE) and Spanish (ARSA) surveys in the Bay of Biscay (Figure. 4.14). VIII abd Survey trends EVHOE (number/h) ARSA (kg/h) EVHOE L. vulgaris EVHOE L. forbesii ARSA L. vulgaris ARSA L. forbesii Figure Abundance indices for L. vulgaris and L. forbesii estimated from the ARSA Spanish survey and the EVHOE French survey. Data from survey taking place in Div. VIIIabd, FR EVHOE was delivered for discussion some months after the group finished. In recent years ( ) a peak in Loligo vulgaris abundance was observed with a maximum in 2011 and in the northern part of the Bay of Biscay (Figure. 4.15). In comparison fishery landings peaked one year later (2012). Abundance in 2013 seems to be close to that of the period prior to this peak.

48 46 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 It is striking that in the same EVHOE surveys L. forbesii is the main species observed in the Celtic Sea (where L. vulgaris seems almost absent) and that the situation is reversed in the Bay of Biscay (with very low abundance for L. forbesii). Figure Abundance indices derived from EVHOE stations carried out in for Loliginid species Exploratory Assessment A preliminary assessment was undertaken for Loligo vulgaris with the objective of going a step forward in the assessment of this species in the Bay of Biscay. The complete analysis is detailed in WD 4.1. The available data for this study are: a fishery independent abundance index, available from the French groundfish survey EVHOE. The index is available either in numbers or in mass from 1992 to 2012, except 1993 and 1996, and it is obtained following the North Eastern Atlantic IBTS surveys protocols. This index is a combined abundance index for both Loligo species (L. vulgaris and L. forbesii). To disaggregate the indices by species, catches information by species in the individual hauls were used assuming that the percentages are the same as in the survey Two alternative methods for providing management advice are tested: a surplus production model and the ICES approach for data limited stocks (ICES 2012a & b). The Bayesian state space version of the Schaeffer model that incorporated both observation and process error was applied with two sets of prior distributions ( See WD 4.1. Table 2). The first one was constructed without any information and the second one incorporated prior knowledge based on the maximum likelihood analysis. Results showed that the resulting modelled index was within the range of values of the observed index but was not able to reproduce the large fluctuations observed in the last three years (WD 4.1 Figure 6). When analysing the ICES data limited approach the biomass index has been used instead of the abundance one and the advice is based on the index adjusted statusquo catch (i.e. comparison of the two most recent index values with the three preceding ones, combined with recent catch or landings data). After this an uncertainty cap and also a precautionary cap are applied based on the knowledge available for the stock (see Method 3.2 in ICES, 2012a); (see Figure 7. in WD 4.1).

49 ICES WGCEPH REPORT The initially advised catches by the method (survey adjusted status quo catch) are t, but after applying the 20% uncertainty cap the advised catches should be 4600 t. In that case the precautionary buffer has not been applied, because there is evidence that the stock size is increasing (the ratio between the mean of two most recent index values with the mean of the three preceding ones is 3.3). By the moment, within ICES no fishing opportunities have been calculated for shortlived data limited stocks, where biomass and recruitment estimates for the current year are unknown. It was defined as future work by ICES in 2012 (ICES, 2012a) and in case of future development of the framework considering those cases would be taken into account. In conclusion, preliminary trial resulted in a need of additional biological information that could be incorporated through the prior distribution in the surplus production model to avoid convergence problems. In relation to the ICES data limited approach appears to be limited in its use for short living species as it would advise an increase in the catches due to the sharp population increase suggested by the survey, but high fluctuations of short lived species might require development of data limited approaches that are less sensible to drastic inter annual changes. In the last years WGCEPH have made efforts to improve the knowledge on cephalopod biology and fisheries. Thus, if additional information on the stock, like a recruitment index could be made available, alternative models, more suitable for short lived stocks, could be considered. On the other hand, there also data issues that are not fully resolved yet like species identification Data requirement It has to be pointed out that in Div. VIIIabd, the percentage of effort for each of the gears (Bottom Otter trawl and Bottom Pair trawl) changes along the data series (WD 3). In the next future would be possible to discern between CPUEs of both gears and also it is expected that a more detailed analysis based on metiers and species could be deployed. The change shift in metiers in the Basque trawl fleet is analysed as a tactical situation in response to a likely high abundance of the cephalopod resource instead of a real change in trawlers fishing strategy targeting, in the last years, species without TAC and Quota Fisheries in ICES Divisions VIIIc & IXa Catches in 2013 In ICES Division VIIIc Loliginids are caught mostly by Spain (99%) with a small percentage by Portugal and France. Catches in this division reached a maximum of 436 t in Spanish and Portuguese catches in sub area IXa are distributed in similar percentages (50/50). Landings from this sub area decreased to 427 t in 2013, after a 809 t peak in Commercial landing series Spanish landings of Loligo spp. have been fluctuating around 423 t. In 2012, common squid landings duplicated the amount of the previous year, reaching a historical maximum of 1188 t for both areas VIIc and IXa. Portuguese landings of common squids in Div. VIIIc are scatter along the data series. In any case, in 2012 more than 3 times (17 t) the landings of 2011 were landed from these species.

50 48 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 The 2012 Loligo spp. landings peak was followed by a 50% decrease in 2013 in area XIa both for the Spanish and Portuguese fleets. Spanish landings in area VIIIc maintained above the 300 t close to the 2012 peak (378 t landed in 2012 and 321 t landed in 2013). Data on the proportion of each species are only available for sub area IXa, where Loligo vulgaris comprises most of the percentage landed. In the Portuguese waters of ICES sub area IXa, the Loliginids landings are discriminate by species since Along this time there have been observed an increasing tendency of landings of Alloteuthis sp., with the later comprising 27% of the total Loliginids landings. As Loligo sp., Alloteuthis sp is mostly landed by the trawl fleet with marked seasonality along the year with the most important landings occurring in spring and summer (WD 2.3) Commercial discards Percentage of Loligo sp. discarded in Div. VIIIc and subarea IXa north by Spanish fishing vessels may vary considerable each year (0 to 61%). Discards of Loliginids by trawlers in VIIIc were high in 2013 (43.3%). L. vulgaris and Alloteuthis sp. are occasionally discarded by the Spanish fleet in sub area IXa south (0 7%). The vast majority of cephalopod taxa were rare in the Portuguese OTB discards and when present they were generally discarded in low number, e.g., on average <5 individuals discarded per haul (see Tables 3 and 4 in WD 2.4). However, some taxa of less commercial value such as Alloteuthis sp. may be discarded in higher numbers (>100 individuals). Total annual discards of Alloteuthis sp. of 155 and 61 tons were estimated for 2004 and 2005, respectively. The slight decrease in Portuguese OTB discards of Alloteuthis squids followed by the increase in landings from sub area IXa in recent years may be reflecting a new market interest for these species (Moreno et al., 2013; Lourenço et al., 2014). On the other hand, Loligo sp. discards by Portuguese trawlers have a low frequency of occurrence, and when occur they are related with catches of small specimens below the minimum landing size. In any case, Loligo sp. discards are considered negligible for ecosystem management and assessment purposes Commercial catch-effort data Spain and Portugal provided LPUE (kg/trip) data for Otter trawls operating in VIIIc and IXa, kilograms per trip were at low levels since 2000 but have been increasing since 2010 (Figure. 4.16). Maximum LPUE occurred in 2012 estimated from both Spanish and Portuguese fleets. Estimations from both fleets show a decrease in LPUE in 2013 and equivalent decrease in landings. LPUEs from Spanish Otter trawls operating in the IXa south (Gulf of Cadiz) are presented (Figure. 4.17). From the beginning of the LPUE series a decrease in yield is achieved, being maintained at low levels of yield from 2002 to From 2010, a slight increasing trend in yield is shown.

51 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Loligo sp in Subarea VIIIc & IXa ) 25 g / trip (k 20 E U L P15 10 PT OTB VIIIc & IXa (kg/trip) SP OTB VIIIc & IXa (kg/trip) 5 0 Figure LPUEs of the Spanish trawl fleets operating in Division VIIIc and subarea IXa north (Spanish waters) and the Portuguese trawl fleet operation in sub area VIIc and IXa (Portuguese waters). 40 Loligo sp in sub area IXa south ) 25 g /trip (k 20 E U P C SP OTB IXa south (kg/trip) PT OTB IXa (kg/trip) 5 0 Figure LPUEs of the Spanish trawl fleet operating in subarea IXa south (Spanish waters) and the Portuguese trawl fleet operation in sub area IXa (Portuguese waters) Data available and quality It has to bear in mind that Spanish commercial indices represent fleets operating mostly in the Gulf of Cadiz (Div. IXa south). On the contrary, Portuguese fleets operate along waters comprised under the whole Div. IXa area Fishery independent information and recruitment The northern Spanish groundfish survey (SPGFN) covered ICES Division VIIIc and the northern part of IXa corresponding to the Cantabrian Sea and off Galicia waters. Loligo sp. biomass in this area was low reaching a maximum of 1.1 kg/h in Portuguese survey presented as the northern component of the SPGFS showed also low biomass indices in the period analysed with a maximum of 1.9 kg/h in 2004 (Figure. 4.18).

52 50 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Loligo sp in sub area VIIIc & IXa k g /h SP Demersal Q4 VIIIc & Ixa (kg/h) PT Q4 GFS Ixa (kg/h) 0.0 Figure Biomass indices for the Spanish and Portuguese scientific surveys in divisions VIIIc and IXa. The Spanish Ground Fish South (ARSA/SPGFS) is conducted in the southern part of ICES Division IXa, the Gulf of Cadiz in quarters 1 and 4. SPGFS aims to collect data on the distribution and relative abundance, and biological information of commercial fish in the Gulf of Cadiz area (ICES Division IXa). The biomass indices of Loligo sp. estimated by this survey were low with a minimum of 0.5 kg/h in 2011 and a maximum of 3.5 kg/h in The Portuguese IBTS survey series, covering the Portuguese waters of the sub area IXa during the 4 th quarter, indicates also low biomass indices of Loligo sp. between 2000 and 2013 (Figure. 4.19). 4.0 Loligo sp in sub area IXa south /h k h SP Demersal Q1 & Q4 Ixa (kg/h) PT Q4 GFS Ixa (kg/h) 0.0 Figure Biomass indices the Spanish and Portuguese scientific surveys in Division IXa (south of 42ºN).

53 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Analysis of species trends/assessment of Stock trends It appears to be a similar fluctuating trend between Spanish and Portuguese commercial and Spanish and Portuguese survey series for common squids. (Figure. 4.20). The indices obtained in the Spanish and Portuguese survey and trawl fleet appear to closely follow increasing trends until 2012 and a decrease in This has to be taken with cautious as survey and commercial indices may not be representative of the abundances, either by not covering the whole area of distribution of the species or because the dates of surveys may not be the most appropriate for these species. Loligo sp in Subarea VIIIc & IXa k g / trip PT OTB VIIIc & IXa (kg/trip) SP OTB VIIIc & IXa (kg/trip) SP Demersal Q4 VIIIc & Ixa (kg/h) PT Q4 GFS Ixa (kg/h) Figure Comparison between LPUE and Abundance Indices trends of the Spanish and Portuguese commercial fleets and the Spanish and Portuguese Scientific Surveys in Divisions VIIIc & IXa. In sub area IXa south, it appears to be a similar fluctuating trend of abundances estimated either by the Spanish commercial fishery and the scientific survey and the Portuguese commercial and scientific survey. Peaks of abundances are detected by both data series (Figure. 4.21) Loligo sp in sub area IXa south ) 25 g /trip (k 20 E U P C k g /h SP OTB IXa south (kg/trip) PT OTB IXa (kg/trip) SP Demersal Q1 & Q4 Ixa (kg/h) PT Q4 GFS Ixa (kg/h) Figure Comparison between LPUE and Abundance Indices trends of the Spanish and Portuguese commercial fleets and the Spanish and Portuguese Scientific Surveys just in sub area IXa.

54 52 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Mantle Length (ML) frequency data is collected for Loligo vulgaris landed by the Portuguese fleet in sub area IXa. The five year series indicates a decreasing in the mean mantle length of the landed individuals from cm ML in 2010 to cm ML in 2014, clearly bellow the overall mean mantle length for the entire series, 17.3 cm ML (see Figure 10 in WD 2.3). The decreasing tendency of mantle length observed in association with the decreasing landings and abundance pattern can indicate overexploitation of the Loligo sp stock at least for the area IXa Exploratory Assessment Commercial and Survey data series provided by Spain and Portugal in sub area IXa appear to coincide in trends and in peaks of abundance detection. These promising results enhance the possibility of using these data series as abundance indices for Loligo spp Data requirement These data series showed a promising result for exploring more in depth, species disaggregation, metiers further segmentation and area coverage of commercial fishery and survey. 4.4 References ICES 2012a. ICES Implementation of Advice for Data limited Stocks in 2012 in its 2012 Advice. ICES CM 2012/ACOM pp. ICES 2012b. ICESʹ Implementation of RGLIFE advice on Data Limited Stocks (DLS) Draft 19 June 2012, Draft 19 June ICES, ICES CM 2012/ACOM: pp. Challier L., Pierce G.J., Robin J.P., 2006 a. Spatial and temporal variation in age and growth in juvenile Loligo forbesi and relationships with recruitment in the English Channel and Scottish waters. J. Sea Res., 55, Challier L., Orr P., Robin J.P., 2006 b. Introducing inter individual growth variability in the assessment of cephalopod population: application to the English, Channel squid Loligo forbesi. Oecologia 150 : Lourenço, S., Moreno, A., Pereira, J Portuguese Cephalopod fishery statistics and population parameters updating status and trends in ICES division IXa. Working document for the ICES WGCEPH Working group on cephalopod fisheries and life history (Annex 2.3 of this report) Moreno, A., Lourenço, S., Fernandes, A.C., Prista, N., Pereira, J Portuguese cephalopod fishery statistics (tor a) and population parameters (tor b) updating status and trends in ICES division IXa. Working Document 4 for the ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. Caen, France, June 2013 Royer J., Modélisation des stocks de Céphalopodes de Manche. PhD Thesis Université de Caen Basse Normandie. 242 pp. Thomas M., Challier L., Santos M.B., Pierce G.J., Moreno A., Pereira J., Cunha M.M., Porteiro F., Gonçalves J., Robin J.P Spatial differences in biological characteristics of Loligo forbesii (Cephalopoda Loliginidae) in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES CM 2004 / CC : 23 (poster).

55 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Section 5: Ommastrephidae in Subarea II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and Divisions VIIIabd, VIIIc & IXa 5.1 Introduction Short finned Squid (Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae), European Flying Squid (Todarodes sagittatus), Neon Flying Squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) and other less frequent families and species of decapod cephalopods are included in this section. All these species are distributed from ICES Subarea III to Div. IXa, Mediterranean waters and North African coast. Abundances in Subarea III, IV, V and VI are comparatively lower than in the rest of the areas, based on the data provided by countries deploying fisheries. Figure 5.1. Ommastrephidae landings from year 2000 to 2013 for all contries and ICES divisions. In Figure 5.1 all countries landings of Ommastrephidae are presented by ICES divisions. Catches in Div. VIIb,c are mainly deployed by Spain. France comprises all catches of Ommastrephidae in Div. VIId,e. Traditionally catches of this species groups reached in average 1700 t along data series, however in 2012 a marked decreased is presented mostly due to the sharp decrease in Spanish catches in Div. VIIb,c but in year 2013 an increase is observed again. Also French catches in Division VIId,e presented a marked decrease in 2011 and in 2012 from 384 t to 114 t but an increase again in year For more southern areas (Div. VIIIabd, VIIIc and IXa), main countries exploiting these species are France, Spain and Portugal, with null catches recorded by England, Scotland and Ireland. Ommastrephidae are usually exploited by multispecific and mix fisheries trawlers. Catches of Ommastrephidae are usually composed by Illex coindetii, Todaropsis eblanae and Todarodes sagittatus. No species identification has been provided for all countries and areas for commercial catches. Sweden and Ireland provided data in relation to discards, landings and effort in Subarea III, VI and VII respectively for years 2011 and Also for both areas survey data are provided. This data is not included in the main body of the report due to the small amount of this cephalopod group detected in commercial vessels and surveys.

56 54 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIabd Catches in 2013 Countries contributing to Ommastrephids catches in Division VIIIabd are France and Spain. In 2013, France contributes around 98% of catches. Spain comprised in around 2% of these total catches. France landed 963 t of Ommastrephids from Div. VIIIabd, while Spain landings amounted for 20 t Commercial landing French landings of Ommastrephids in Div. VIIIabd has followed an stable trend from an average of 170 t for most of the years of the data series to an increasing trend from values of 303 t in 2011, 586 t landed in 2012 and the maximum landings recorded in 2013 reaching 972 t landed. Spanish commercial fishery in Division VIIIabd (Bay of Biscay) is mostly composed by vessels with base port in the Basque Country. For Spain, landings in Division VIIIabd show a fluctuating trend since the beginning of the data series with a minimum of 20 t this last year 2013, a maximum of 351 t in 2002 to and an average of 171 t in the whole landings data series Commercial discards No discard estimation of Ommastrephidae has been delivered to the group by France. AZTI Tecnalia is responsible for monitoring cephalopod discards, monthly in Div. VIIIabd by gear, for the Basque Country ports (around 95 % of the Spanish fleet operating in the Bay of Biscay). Ommastrephids discards appear to be highly variable along data series available. With a minimum of 12 % of the Ommastrephids discarded in 2008 to a maximum of 87% of discards in The average percentage of discards of Ommastrephids in the discard data series is 39% Commercial catch-effort data Basque Bottom Otter trawl and Bottom Pair trawl landing per unit of effort (LPUEs) were calculated for short finned squid, aggregated by gear. Abundance indices are presented at Ommastrephidae family level for ICES Div. VIIIabd. LPUEs show fluctuating trend of high and low abundance of landings in alternative years. Year with high discards coincide with years of high landings of Ommastrephids. In any case, yields vary from 2 kg/day to maximum of 60 kg/day. Minimum yields are averaged to at around 1 kg/day while peaks in landings per unit effort reached at average at around 50 kg/day.

57 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 5.2. LPUE trends of the Spanish commercial trawls (kg/d) in Division VIIIabd. As for the rest of cephalopods species, the most important Basque fleet targeting cephalopods are Baka bottom otter trawlers in Div. VIIIabd. Within this fleet three different metiers have been defined following the criteria defined in the European Data Collection Framework: OTB_DEF_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting demersal fish). OTB_MCF_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting mixed cephalopod and demersal fish). OTB_MPD_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting mixed pelagic and demersal). From year 2009 to 2012, the metier targeting cephalopods OTB_MCF has shown an increasing trend in its number of trips and annual fishing days with a decrease in the last year 2013 (Figure 5.3). The increase in the OTB_MCF metier seems to be related to the decrease in OTB_DEF metier targeting demersal species like hake, megrim or anglerfish but in year 2013 an important decrease in OTB_MCF metier effort has been observed. This is due to the absence of cephalopods in the fishing areas where in previous years were present, what made skippers to change the target species in many trips.

58 56 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 5.3. Annual fishing days by otter trawlers in Division VIIIabd. French LPUEs were not provided to the group Fishery independent survey information and recruitment Data from survey taking place in Div. VIIIabd, FR EVHOE, was delivered to the group for discussion Analysis of species trends Overall, a remarkable increasing and decreasing fluctuating trend is observed for Ommastrephids LPUEs from 1994 to the end of the data series in 2013 in the Basque trawling fleets. In needs to be remark that Ommastrephidae are not a target species for this fleet so the LPUE obtained could not be considered as abundance indices for this group of species Exploratory Assessment Data requirement It has to be pointed out that in Div. VIIIabd, the percentage of effort for each of the gears (Bottom Otter trawl and Bottom Pair trawl) changes along the data series (WD 2.2). In the next future would be possible to discern between CPUEs of both gears and also it is expected that a more detailed analysis based on metiers and species could be deployed. The shift in metiers in the Basque trawling fleet deserves to be considered and analysed in the next future. It should be checked whether in the last years there is a real change in trawlers fishing strategy targeting species without TAC and Quota or it is just a tactical situation in response to a likely high abundance of cephalopod resources in specific years.

59 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIc & IXa Catches in 2013 Overall, landings of Ommastrephids amounted 1751 t mostly caught by Spain. The 60% in ICES divisions VIIIc and around 40% in ICES division IXa. Catches in ICES Divisions VIIIc are comprised mostly by Spain and Portugal, reaching a total amount of 1030 t of Ommastrephids. Contribution of each of the countries varies depending on the ICES Division. Spain comprises 75 % of the catches of these species in Div. VIIIc. For Div. IXa, catches reached 721 t. Spanish catches comprises again 60% of total landings accounted in this area Commercial landing Spanish landings of Ommastrephids in Div. VIIIc have followed a decreasing trend since 2000 with 1200 t landed towards a minimum of 180 t in In years 2010, 2011 and 2012 a sharp increase is shown in the landings reaching 3650 t landed in In 2013 landings decrease again to levels of t. Portuguese landings of commons squids in Div. VIIIc are anecdotal but the show a peak of 251 t in year Spanish landings of Ommastrephids in Div. IXa follow the same pattern described for Div. VIIIc. Relatively high landings in 2000, a steady decrease until a minimum of landings was reached in 2007 and afterwards a sharp increase reaching a total of 840 t in 2012 but a decrease in the last year with 433 t. Data on the proportion of each species are not available for either Division VIIIc or IXa Commercial discards Percentage of Ommastrephids discarded in Div. VIIIc by Spanish trawlers is around 20% with a maximum of 73% in year The frequencies of discards of cephalopods in the Portuguese OTB fisheries are displayed in Table 3 and Table 4 in WD 2.4. The frequencies of occurrence of most species are low, e.g., in comparison with other commercial species. Ommastrephids occurrences in discards data series provided appears to follow landings trends in Div. IXa already commented before. This is, high occurrences at the beginning of the data series, decreasing to lower occurrences in the mid years and an increase of occurrences in the most recent years. For the time being and until a more sophisticated estimation method is implemented, the discards of Ommastrephids are assumed as mediumlow for assessment purposes Commercial catch-effort data Spain provided LPUE data for Otter trawls operating in Div. VIIIc and IXa, kilograms per trip are at high levels for both commercial fleets at the beginning and last years of the data series. Maximum is reached in 2012 for the fleets operating in Div. VIIIc and IXa North reaching around 145 kg per trip. In case of trawl fleets operating in Div. IXa South, maximum is reached in 2011 at 5 kg per trip. For the rest of the mid years of the LPUE data series, yields are at maintained at medium (40 kg/trip) to lower levels (20 kg/trip). In year 2013 and important decrease in LPUE has been observed in both data series.

60 58 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 5.4. LPUE trends of the Spanish commercial trawls (kg/trip) in Div. VIIIc & IXa. Although trends for both commercial data series in both areas coincide, it has to bear in mind that Spanish commercial indices represent fleets operating from the Basque Country to the Gulf of Cadiz covering the whole waters of the Iberian Peninsula. So a better metier disaggregation it could facilitate any LPUEs analysis. Also species identification is crucial for this kind of trend examination. LPUEs were not provided for this group of species for Portugal Fishery independent survey information and recruitment The Northern Spanish Groundfish Survey (SPGFN) covered ICES Div. VIIIc and the Northern part of IXa corresponding to the Cantabrian Sea and off Galicia waters. Abundances of Ommastrephids in this survey are very low reaching a maximum at around 5.3 kg per hour in A decreasing trend in abundance is detected in the last years of the data series. The South Spanish Groundfish Survey (ARSA/SPGFS) is conducted in the southern part of ICES Div. IXa, the Gulf of Cadiz. SPGFS aims to collect data on the distribution and relative abundance, and biological information of commercial fish. Abundances estimated by this survey are comparatively lower than from the more northern Spanish survey for most of the data series. Despite this, yields reached a maximum of 8.7 kg per hour in A decreasing trend in abundance is also detected in the last years of the data series.

61 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 5.5. Abundance Indices (kg/h) of the Spanish Scientific Surveys in Div. IXa south and Divisions VIIIc & IXa. Portugal provide data on Ommastrephids abundance by main species calculated in Portuguese Groundfish Survey for Div. IXa in Portuguese continental waters. Illex coindetii, Todaropsis eblanae and Todarodes sagittatus abundance indices are presented in Figure 5.6. Illex coindetti presents a peak in year 1986 but in the following years present a stable abundance index. Todarodes sagittatus and Todaropsis eblanae show also isolated peaks but they do not show any abundance trends. Figure 5.6. Biomass Indices of Ommastrephidae main species of Portuguese Ground Fish Survey from 1981 to Analysis of species trends/assessment of Ommastrephidae or Stock trends It appears to be a similar fluctuating trend between Spanish Commercial and Survey series for Ommastrephids. Surveys again, appear to follow the trends described in the commercial landings data series. This is high abundances at the beginning of the data series, low abundance for intermediate years and increasing abundance in years 2011 and 2012 and decreasing at the end of the data series. The coincidence in trends of the indices obtained in the Spanish surveys has to be taken with cautious. The survey will represent the abundances, either by covering the

62 60 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 whole area of distribution of the species and gear and timing of survey being adequate to the dynamics of the species. However, it has to be notices that at least 2 to 3 species are represented in these indexes Exploratory Assessment Commercial and Survey data series provided by Spain for Div. VIIIc & IXa appear to coincide in trends and in peaks of abundance detection. These promising results enhance the possibility of using these data series as abundance indices for Ommastrephids. As commented above high abundances are shown at the first years of the data series (2000) and years (2011 & 2012) and then a decreasing trend in Figure 5.7. Comparison between LPUEs (kg/trip) and Abundance Indices (kg/h) trips of the Spanish commercial fleet and Scientific Surveys in Divisions VIIIc & IXa. For Div. IXa south, commercial and survey data series provided by Spain appear to coincide also in trends and in peaks of abundance detection. For these data series comparison, survey indices do not show the marked high abundances shown by the commercial LPUEs series in Discards are negletable for these species. As commented above, for Div. VIIIc and IXa, high abundances are shown at the first years of the data series (2000) and at the end (2001 & 2012). These promising results enhance the possibility of using these data series as abundance indices for Ommastrephids.

63 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 5.8. Comparison between LPUEs (kg/trip) and Abundance Indices (kg/h) trips of the Spanish commercial fleet and Scientific Surveys in Divisions IXa south Data requirement These data series showed a promising result for exploring more in depth, species disaggregation, metiers further segmentation and area coverage of commercial fishery and survey. 6 Section6: Octopodidae in Subarea II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIIIabd, VIIIc&IXa Octopus vulgaris, Eledone cirrhosa and Eledone moschata 6.1 Introduction Octopus (Octopus vulgaris), Horned Octopus (Eledone cirrhosa) and Musky octopus (Eledone moschata) are included in this section. The first two species are distributed from ICES Subarea III to Div. IXa, Mediterranean waters and North African coast. E. moschata inhabits southern waters from Div. IXa towards south. Abundances of octopus and horny octopus in Subarea III, IV, V and VI are almost anecdotic compared to abundances in the rest of the ICES areas, based on the data provided by countries deploying fisheries (Figure 6.1.)

64 62 ICES WGCEPH REPORT ICES Sub area X (Azores Grounds) ICES Sub area IX ICES Sub area VIII (Bay of Biscay) landing (Tonnes) ICES Divisions VIIg k (Celtic Sea and SW of Ireland) ICES Division VIIf (Bristol Channel) ICES Divisions VIId, e (English Channel) ICES Divisions VIIb, c (West of Ireland and Porcupine Bank) ICES Division VIIa (Irish Sea) ICES Division VIa, b (NW coast of Scotland and North Ireland, Rockall) ICES Division IVc (Southern North Sea) ICES Division IVb (Central North Sea) 2500 ICES Division IVa (Northern North Sea) ICES Division IIIa (Skagerrak and Kattegat) Figure 6.1. Octopodidae landings by ICES Division during period. Catches in Div. VIId,e almost completely (99%) deployed by England Wales and Northern Ireland. France catches in these Divisions are anecdotic. Traditionally English catches of this species groups in average were around 19 t from 200 to Since then catches has largely increased with a maximum of 248 t in 2012 with a similar valour in Catches in ICES Divisions VIIg k (Celtic Sea and SW of Ireland) are comprised in 2013, by 63 % of English catches and 25 % coming from Scotland. Irish catches comprises 22 % of the whole catches in France contributes with very small amount to the catches, except in 2013 with 85% (181 tn). Spain presented important catches of Octopodidae in the first years of the data series, but since 2008 catches decreased and no data is provided for 2011 and Level of catches for the most important contributor (England) was at around 88 t in average, decreasing in the last years of the series to at 13 t. Octopodidae catches here described usually comprise 2 species: Octopus vulgaris and E. cirrhosa. In case of the above, most of the catches were recorded in trawlers and so the most abundance species here is E. cirrhosa. For more southern areas (Div. VIIIabd, VIIIc and IXa), main countries exploiting these species are Spain, Portugal and France, with neglectable catches recorded by The Netherlands. No species identification has been provided for all countries and areas for commercial catches except for Spain and Portugal in Div. VIIIc and IXa. Sweden, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Germany and Ireland provided data in relation to discards, landings and effort in Subarea III, VI and VII respectively for at least 2011 and Also for both areas survey data are provided. The Netherlands and Germany did not record any Octopodidae records in its waters. This data is not included in the main body of the report due to the small amount of this cephalopod group detected in commercial vessels and surveys.

65 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIabd Catches in 2013 In this ICES Division, the catches of Octopodidae species are scarce. Mainly, E. cirrhosa account for more than 95% of the total catches, and it appear in the logbooks as percentage grouped by Octopodidae, which are not identified. Fishery is deployed by otter trawlers. The catches in Division VIIIabd are reduced. Spain contributes in 42% of the catches while France in 58 %. Spain landed 130 t while France landed 182 tonnes in Spain reported landings as O. vulgaris of less than one ton. In both cases were caught by trawler Commercial landing series Countries contributing to Octopodidae catches in Division VIIIabd are France and Spain. French landings of Octopodidae in Div. VIIIabd has followed an stable trend from an average of 124 t for most of the years of the data series with a peak of 205 t in 2008.with a other peak in 2013 (184 tn). Spanish commercial fishery in Division VIIIabd (Bay of Biscay) is mostly composed by vessels with base port in the Basque country. For Spain, landings in Division VIIIabd show variable values from 2 tn in 2009 and a peak of 300 t in 2007 fluctuating since then and reaching 130 t in Catches in the area are supposed to be mostly E. cirrhosa caught in trawlers Commercial discards No discard estimation of Octopodidae has been delivered to the group by France. AZTI Tecnalia is responsible for monitoring cephalopod discards, monthly in Div. VIIIabd by gear, for the Basque Country (around 95 % of the Spanish fleet operating in the Bay of Biscay). Octopodidae discards appear to be highly variable along data series available. With a minimum of 2% in 2008, to a maximum of 74% of discards in Commercial catch-effort data Basque LPUEs were calculated for O. vulgaris and E. cirrhosa separately, aggregated by gear. This is, Bottom Otter trawl and Bottom Pair trawl LPUEs were pooled together. CPUEs were available as kg per fishing trip. Abundance indices are presented at species level for Div. VIIIabd. Octopus LPUEs show fluctuating abundances of relatively higher and lower values of landings in alternative years (Figure 6.2.). Year with the minimum discard coincide with the year in which no record of landings are presented (2008). In any case, yields vary form 1,5 to 2 kg per trip as a maximum to no octopus or 0,5 kg per trip as a minimum with an increase in the last year. In any case, catches are irrelevant.

66 64 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Octopus vulgaris LPUE Spanish OTB VIIIabd 25 (kg/trips) Figure 6.2. Commercial LPUE trends of the Spanish (kg/trip) OTB fleet in Div. VIIIabd for O. vulgaris. Horny octopus LPUEs show less fluctuating abundances of much higher abundances than octopus (Figure 6.3.). It is to point out the increasing yield from 0 kg per trip in 2008 to more than 230 kg per trip in Eledone cirrhosa LPUE Spanish OTB VIIIabd 200 (kg/trips) Figure 6.3. Commercial LPUE trends of the Spanish (kg/trip) OTB fleet in Div. VIIIabd for Eledone cirrhora The increasing yields in Octopodidae, as for the rest of cephalopods in Div. VIIIabd could be due to the shift of some tradition demersal and pelagic metiers ( Baka trawlers), towards metiers targeting a mixture of cephalopods and demersal species. In the last four years from 2009 to 2012, the metier targeting cephalopods OTB_MCF has increased its number of trips and its cephalopods catches (WD 2.2. Figure 7). The increase in the OTB_MCF metier seems to be related to the decrease in OTB_DEF metier targeting demersal species like hake, megrim or anglerfish Fishery independent information and recruitment No survey data is presented in this section. Data from survey taking place in Div. VIIIabd, FR EVHOE, was not delivered from Octopodidae to the group for discussion. Thus, in this section just, commercial CPUEs are presented.

67 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Analysis of species trends Overall, remarkable increasing and decrease fluctuating trend is observed for both Octopodidae species LPUEs along the whole data series with a remarkable increased trend for the most recent years Exploratory Assessment No exploratory analysis was deployed due to the lack of French Survey data in Div. VIIIabd Data requirement The lack of French data both commercial and survey indices limit the capacity of the group to carry out any assessment of trends. It has to be pointed out that in Div. VIIIabd, the percentage of effort for each of the gears (Bottom Otter trawl and Bottom Pair trawl) changes along the data series (WD 2.2). In the next future would be possible to discern between CPUEs of both gears and also it is expected that a more detailed analysis based on metiers and species could be deployed. The change shift in metiers in the Basque trawl fleet deserves to be considered and analysed in the next future as to check whether there is a real change in trawlers fishing strategy targeting, in the last years, species without TAC and Quota or it is just a tactical situation in response to a likely high abundance of the cephalopod resource. 6.3 Fisheries in ICES Division VIIIc&IXa In Spain, O. vulgaris is caught by artisanal and trawler fleet. In Cantabrian Sea, Division VIIIc and Galicia waters, Subdivision IXa north, the artisanal fleet account for most of the O. vulgaris by traps, comprising more than 98% of octopus landings. In Portuguese waters, Subdivision IXa center, a large percentage of O. vulgaris come from the polyvalent fleet (91 97%), using a collection of gears which includes gillnets, trammel nets, traps, pots and hooks (lines), classified under the polyvalent gear type group (which roughly equates to artisanal fisheries). However, in Sub division IXa south located in the Spanish waters of the Gulf of Cadiz, this species is caught by the bottom trawl fleet, accounting for around 60% of total catch on average, and the remaining 40% by the artisanal fleet using mainly clay pots and hand jigs. In the last two years this tendency is changing with a 62% of total catch corresponding to artisanal fleet. E. cirrhosa is caught by trawler in both Divisions, mainly as a by catch due its low commercial values. In Portuguese waters, Subdivision IXacenter, a percentage lesser than 12% is caught by vessels using a collection of gears which includes gillnets, trammel nets, traps, pots and hooks (lines), classified under the polyvalent gear type group (which roughly equates to artisanal fisheries). Monthly landings in IXa center of E. cirrhosa show a marked seasonality, with much higher landings during spring months. In Subdivision IXa south, the landing are considered as Eledone spp because in this area inhabit E. cirrhosa with E. moschata, and they appear together in the fishing notes. In the rest of area only inhabit E.cirrhosa. Therefore, both species are considered together, although E. moschata only appear in the Subdivision IXa south.

68 66 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Catches in 2013 For the whole are here considered, Div. VIIIc and IXa, in 2013 Portugal comprises around 65 %. Landings are mostly concentrated in Division IXa from which Portugal participates in 69 % and Spain 31 %. Total catches of O. vulgaris in Division VIIIc and IXa were tonnes, being lesser than 0,5% the catches belonging to discard. Subdivision IXa centre (Portuguese waters) and IXa south provide the highest values with and 3785 tonnes, respectively, followed by the landing in Subdivision IXa north and Division VIIIc, with 1434 and 715 tonnes. The most of landing was provide by artisanal fleet in all area. Total catches of Eledone spp in Division VIIIc and IXa were 1453 tonnes, with 412 tonnes of estimated discard from OTB metier in VIIIc and IXa north and 12 tn in IXa south. PTB metier accounted for 28 tonnes in VIIIc, with no significant discard. Subdivision IXa north and VIIIc provide the highest values with 1145 tonnes, follow by IXa south with 308. tn and 177 in IXa center. In this last Subdivision is not available the discard in tonnes Commercial landing series The series of landing data for O. vulgaris in Spain cover a range of thirteen years, from 2000 to In Portuguese waters (Subdivision IXa center) the series start in The total landing ranged from t in 2006 to t in The main landings are provided by Portugal with high landing in Subdivision IXacenter, followed by IXa south Subdivision. It can be observed strong fluctuations in the octopus landing trend along the time series (WD 2.3 and WD 2.1). Possibly, such oscillations may be related with environmental changes such as rainfall and discharges of rivers, as it was demonstrated in waters of the Gulf of Cádiz (Sobrino et al., 2002). The series of landing data for Eledone spp in Spain cover a range of thirteen years, from 2000 to The total landing ranged from 1432 t in 2003 to 578 t in Landings follow a decrease trend from 2003 to 2008 in all areas, with a slight increase at the end of the time series with 1148 tn in Commercial discards Commercial discards of octopus in Iberian waters are only available in different bottom otter trawl metiers that operates in this area. The data was collected by the Spanish and Portuguese on board sampling programme (EU DCR) during last eight years. In VIIIc and IXa north is also sampled the metier pair bottom trawler (PTB), although the discard of octopus is nil. The employed methodologies are showed in the WDa.3 (Spain) and WDa.4 (Portugal) of the report WGCEPH In 2013 the percentage of occurrence of discard of O. vulgaris in metier sampled in Portuguese waters was similar to the previous year in the two sampled metier, being higher in OTB_DEF that in OTB_CRU (see WD 2.4). In Spanish waters, no discard was obtained in PTB and OTB metier sampled in VIIIc and IXa north Division. In Subdivision IXa south, the percentage of discard was zero. Possibly, the reason of this low discard was related with the high commercial valour of this species. In 2013, the percentage of occurrence of discard of horny octopus in metier sampled in Portuguese waters was similar to the previous year in the two sampled metier. In general, they are low values being higher in OTB_DEF that in OTB_CRU (see WD

69 ICES WGCEPH REPORT ). The volumes of total discard in tonnes have not been estimated due the low frequency of occurrence. In any case, these volumes are not significant. In Div. VIIIc&IXa for 2013, the Spanish estimated discard of horny octopus in PTB metier was 0,0% of the total catch. However, it was obtained the high level of discard in OTB metier in these areas of 36% of total catch, corresponding of 412 tonnes, which fluctuates along de time series. In Subdivision IXa south, the percentage of discard in 2013 was 4% (12 tn), with values around the 19%.for whole data series. Data available and quality Commercial catch-effort data Data effort is available for Spanish OTB metier, in terms of fishing trip, in all areas of the Iberian waters. Trend of CPUE series (Octopus catches/nº fishing trp) of the OTB metier in Division VIIIc and IXa and Div.IXa south, show conflicting signals in year 2011 and 2012, with a similar trend in 2013 (Figure 6.4.). Thus, in Div.IXa south the trend is opposite to the north of Spain, with a decreasing trend from 2005 to 2011 where is reached the minimum values of the time series. In 2013, it is detected a significant increase. However, Portuguese LPUEs compared to those of Spanish otter trawlers in Div. VIIIc (mainly) show same pattern of high peaks of yield in 2010 (75 kg/d) with a decrease yield in 2011 and increasing again in 2012 and This maximum in 2010 is at the same level than the other historical yield in 2000 reached by the Spanish trawlers. 80 O.vulgaris in Div. VIIIc & IXa and IXa south SP O. vulgaris (kg/trip) OTB VIIIc& IXa SP O.vulgaris (kg/trip) OTB Ixa (south) PT Trawl (kg/d) in VIIIc & Ixa PT Polyvalent (kg/d) in VIIIc & Ixa kg/d Figure 6.4. Commercial LPUE trends of the Spanish (kg/trip) and Portuguese (kg/d) fleets in Div. VIIIc&IXa. Data effort for Eledone spp is available in OTB metier, in terms of fishing trip, in all areas of the Iberian waters. In Figure 6.5. shows show the trend of CPUE series (Eledone spp./nº fishing trp) of the OTB metier in Division VIIIc, Subdivision IXa south and IXa north. The CPUE series in all areas show different trends. In VIIIc and IXa north, the series present fluctuations along the whole series, with a decrease in and a strong increase in However, the series in IXa south show low values to remain stable through 2007 with an increasing trend from 2008 to 2013.

70 68 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Eledone spp in Div. VIIIc & IXa and IXa south 70 SP E.cirrhosa (kg/trip) OTB VIIIc& IXa 60 SP E.cirrhosa (kg/trip) OTB Ixa (south) 50 kg/trip Figure 6.5. Commercial LPUE trends of the Spanish (kg/trip) fleets in Div. VIIIc&IXa. Data available and quality Fishery independent information and recruitment Fishery independent information is supplied by different survey carried out annually in the four quarter in the Iberian waters by Portugal and Spain: SPNGPS DEMER SALES survey carried out in VIIIc and IXa north, PGFS survey in IXa center by Portugal and SPGCGFS ARSA survey. The information of biomass indices estimated in this survey along the time series are showed in the table & in Section 2. The estimated yields (kg/hour) in Demersal survey (Figure 6.6.) showed an increase in the last four years. In ARSA survey, it also was observed a sharp increase, reaching the highest values of the time series (7 kg/h). Portuguese survey presents an increasing abundance since Probably the results obtained in this survey is not representative of abundance index. No survey was conducted in 2012 due to technical problems. 8 O.vulgaris in Div. VIIIc & IXa and IXa south 7 6 SP O.vulgaris GFS Southern component IXa (south) SP O.vulgaris GFS VIIIc + IX a (north) PT Survey 5 4 kg/d Figure 6.6. Abundance Indices (Kg/h) of the Spanish and Portuguese Scientific Survey in Div. VIIIc&IXa.

71 ICES WGCEPH REPORT The estimated yields (kg/hour) of E. Cirrhosa in Demersal survey showed an increase in relation to de previous years like for O. vulgaris, showing fluctuating values along the time series. In ARSA survey, it also was observed a sharp increase, reaching an estimated values of 4.4 kg/h. In all years of the ARSA survey time series, the yields of E. moschata was higher than the yields of E. cirrhosa. (Figure 6.7); (Table Section 2). 4,5 Eledone spp in Div. VIIIc & IXa and IXa south 4 SP E.cirrhosa GFS Southern component IXa (south) 3,5 SPE.cirrhosa GFS VIIIc + IX a (north) 3 2,5 kg/h 2 1,5 1 0, Figure 6.7. Abundance Indices (Kg/h) of the Spanish Scientific Survey in Div. VIIIc&IXa Analysis of species trends/assessment of Octopodidaeor Stock trends The biomass indices obtained in the different survey could be used as an abundance index of this species in each area, except for O. vulgaris in Portuguese waters. In order to test their quality as abundance index, these have been plot with the corresponding fishing CPUE series deployed in the same area. For the commercial CPUE indices just data from Baca Otter trawlers are used in the analysis. In all series, it should be taken into account that the efforts used in the different CPUE series are not directed effort to O. vulgaris. Furthermore, the CPUE series in the north of Spain has been obtained for the total area, VIIIc and IXa together, due to the Demersal survey cover these two Divisions. In division IXa south, Gulf of Cádiz, the survey index used is the average value of the two survey carried out along de year in this area (Spring Autumn). Figure 6.8 shows the Spanish Demersal survey biomass index and Portuguese one plotted jointly with annual data series coming from Spanish commercial bottom trawl fleet Baca (OTB) in VIIIc and IXa north and Portuguese trawl and polyvalent gears. In this species can be observer some similarities in the trend in the final years of the data series though the last year of the commercial Baka trawl, the trends is the opposite.

72 70 ICES WGCEPH REPORT O.vulgaris in Div. VIIIc & IXa 160 2, SP O.vulgaris GFS VIIIc + IX a (north) PT Survey SP O. vulgaris (kg/trip) OTB VIIIc& IXa PT Trawl (kg/d) in VIIIc & Ixa PT Polyvalent (kg/d) in VIIIc & Ixa kg/h 1, , Figure 6.8. Comparison of Commercial LPUE trends of the Spanish and Portuguese (kg/trip) fleets and Spanish Scientific Survey (kg/h) in Div. VIIIc&IXa. The series of commercial fleet (OTB) and ARSA survey biomass index in Div.IXa south are showed (Figure 6.9). In this case, the trend of both sets of data show high similarities along the all time series O.vulgaris in Div. IXa south 8 7 SP O.vulgaris (kg/trip) OTB Ixa (south) SP O.vulgaris GFS Southern component IXa (south) kg/h Figure 6.9. Comparison of Commercial LPUE trends of the Spanish (kg/trip) fleets and Spanish Scientific Survey (kg/h) in Div. IXasouth. The demersal survey biomass index for E.cirrhosa is plotted jointly with annual data CPUE series coming from commercial bottom trawl fleet Baca (OTB) in VIIIc and IXa north (Figure 6.10). In this species can be observer some similarities in the trend of the series in same periods, although from 2010 to 2012 the trends are opposite. In 2013 increase in both case.

73 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Eledone spp in Div. VIIIc & IXa 4, SP E.cirrhosa (kg/trip) OTB VIIIc& IXa ,5 3 SPE.cirrhosa GFS VIIIc + IX a (north) kg/trip ,5 2 1, , Figure Comparison of Commercial LPUE trends of the Spanish (kg/trip) fleets and Spanish Scientific Survey (kg/h) in Div. VIIIc&IXa north for Eledone spp. In Figure 6.11 the ARSA survey biomass for E.cirrhosa and CPUE series of the otter bottom trawl fleet Baca (OTB metier) are plotted together. As in other species of cephalopods, such as O. vulgaris, the trend of both sets of data show high similarities along the whole time series. 18 Eledone spp in Div. IXa south ,5 SP E.cirrhosa (kg/trip) OTB Ixa (south) SP E.cirrhosa GFS Southern component IXa (south) 12 2 kg/trip , , Figure Comparison of Commercial LPUE trends of the Spanish (kg/trip) fleets and Spanish Scientific Survey (kg/h) in Div. IXa south for Eledone spp Exploratory Assessment When looking to the Figures and in a no analytical approach, just based in the behaviour of both data series, the close similarities between trends and shapes would reflect that CPUEs commercial are able to catch up the changes in abundances detected by the surveys series. This fact is more evident in IXa south that in other areas. Thus, it could be concluded that changes in CPUEs appear to be real reflection of changes in the abundances. The idea would be to use these CPUEs as a proxy of abundances For Div. IXa south, commercial and survey data series provided by Spain appear to coincide also in trends and in peaks of abundance detection from both species. For

74 72 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 these data series comparison, survey indices showed the marked high and low abundances shown by the commercial LPUEs series. Discards are negletable for these species. As commented above, for Div. VIIIc and IXa, high abundances are shown at the last of the data series (2001 & 2012). These promising results enhance the possibility of using these data series as abundance indices for octopods Assessment of Octopus in the Gulf of Cadiz: a combined approach with biomass models and an environmental factor In this section we present the results of a first approach of assessment of O. vulgaris in Spanish part of Gulf of Cadiz (IXa south). We used the models Catch MSY method (Martell and Froese, 2013) and Biomass Dynamic Models (Punt and Hilborn, 1996). Catch MSY method. The data used was landing data for 1982 to 2013 and we considered the resilience as high. The results are included in table and Figure Biomass Dynamic Models (without environmental effect). The landing data series corresponded to the period 1993 to We used as an abundance index the LPUE of trawl fleet and abundance index of surveys carried out in the area (November survey; March survey and the survey average). The results are included in table 6.1 and Figure Table 6.1. Result of assessment with both methods. Catch MSY Biomass Dynamic Model LPUE Trawls Survey March Survey Nov. r K q BI/K R pearson MSY BMSY Cur_Stock Survey Mean

75 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure Biomass production curve with different approach used. The results are very similar in all cases. Only when the survey of November (the moment of the recruitment) was used as abundance index the current biomass calculated was highest than the other approach. The best adjustment is obtained when we used LPUE of trawlers as an abundance index (R pearson = 0.68) Biomass Dynamic Models (with environmental effect). The abundance of octopus in the Gulf of Cadiz is highly correlated with environmental parameters like the raining in the previous years (Sobrino et al. 2002). For this reason we considered the effect of raining in the model of biomass dynamic. We defined the effect of raining as Rain Factor (Rf) = 1/(Rain periods/mean of rain periods) for each year and we multiply carrying capacity (K) and growth rate (r) or only carrying capacity (K) with the value of Rf in each year. The results are showed in table 6.2 and Figure Table 6.2.Result of assessment with effect of rain factor. LPUE Data Survey data K & r K K & r K Valour Range Valour Range Valour Range Valour Range r K q BI/K R pearson MSY BMSY Cur_Stock

76 74 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 In this new model we can observe how the value of K and r are affected in the last 20 years. In dry years we obtained valour of tn but in rainy years these value is only of 5664 tn. Whit this new model it would be possible forecast the new scenery for the next year because we have the raining data of the year in September and we can estimate the rain factor, as well as K and r values for the next year (and also MSY) In future studies the model should be improved studying different aspect like the relationship between rain period and Rain factor; how Rf affects to K and r, and what other environmental factors affect to the recruitment. Figure Biomass production curves with different values of Rf Data requirement These data series showed a promising result for exploring more in depth, species disaggregation, metiers further segmentation and area coverage of commercial fishery and survey. 6.4 References Reference in relation to the biology and dynamics of these species can be found in Reference in section 7.3: Review data availability for the main commercial exploited cephalopod species in relation to the main population parameters: length distribution, sex ratio, first maturity at age, first maturity at length, growth, spawning season, of this report.

77 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Research highlights (ToR c, d, e and f) N.B. Tables and Figures from this section can be found in Annex Review future options for stock assessment and their resource implications (e.g. for expertise required within WGCEPH The group agreed on the need for vigilance and active searching in relation to the possibilities of obtaining funding to carry out new cephalopod research. Two possibilities were identified: i) additional funding to improve the current sampling level included in DCF through Pilot Studies presented directly to Regional Coordination meetings and ii) proposing topics to be covered by the traditional European Calls for Tender directly to the DG Mare. The other possibility for funding is to get support from multidisciplinary marine research teams in Europe. The group is aware of the lack of specific topic research on cephalopods but the group is also aware about the research potential of working together with food technologist and biotechnologist. Occasions to work within multidisciplinary teams of researches should not be wasted. 7.2 ToR c: Implications of the application of some Policies and Directives on cephalopods: e.g. Implication of PPC (no discards) on cephalopods exploitation, how it has been applied in other places and how it has affected them Many marine activity sectors (fishing, shipping, oil and gas development, renewable energy development, tourism) are likely to have some impact on cephalopod populations. Of these the most obviously relevant is fishing. Fishing on cephalopods remains unregulated under the European Union Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Regulation is carried out by individual EU Member States and consist mostly of minimum landing sizes and local scale management arrangements (e.g. for small scale octopus fisheries). In principle, all marine organisms affected directly or indirectly by fisheries should fall within the scope of the revised CFP and the adoption of an ecosystem based approach to fisheries management. Although cephalopods are impacted by other human activities in the oceans, they are generally mentioned only indirectly, if at all, in environmental legislation, although many species are included in the IUCN Red List. Finally the EU has introduced new regulations on cephalopod research. Fishing Nowadays discards have reached a top position in the CFP Reform Agenda. There is a broad public consensus on the fact that unwanted catches should be reduced to almost negligible levels. Discarding of unwanted fish catches is an unacceptable waste of natural resources and a clearly inefficient practice from an economic management perspective. While awareness of accidental fishing has significantly increased during the last years, there is still unreported mortality and a lack of knowledge on the real dimension of the problem, its consequences and the means to solve it effectively. Indeed unwanted catches and discards, besides constituting a substantial waste themselves, negatively affect the sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources and marine ecosystems, as well as the financial viability of fisheries (Santurtun et al., 2014).

78 76 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 The new Common fisheries policy (CFP) is assembled under the Regulation (EU) No 1380 / 2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of December 11, This regulation establishes the basis of a policy to reduce unwanted catches and eliminate discards in Europe. This objective is implemented through what has been known as the ʺlanding obligationʺ. The main objective is to generate incentives for fishermen to reduce the level of current discards. In addition, the obligation of landing should permit full accounting of fishing mortality on stocks with TACs and quotas (Report from the workshop about fishing discards organized by the European Fisheries Technology Platform, held in Vigo on the 22nd of June 2012). Currently discarding occurs for many reasons. Firstly, it is technically almost impossible to be completely selective given that the catch that cannot be observed before it enters the net (at least not completely) and that nets are deployed in complex ecosystems with highly variable local abundances of different species and sizes. On the other hand there are incentives to discard coming from markets, since fishers prefer to bring to port those species and sizes that have higher prices. There is a third reason: regardless of whether a catch is desired or not, up to now, fleets are been obliged by law to discard those regulated species for which they do not have quota share either or the quota of which has been exhausted. The regulatory landscape has changed since the entry of the new regulation based on the CFP. From January 2015, fleets will be obliged to land everything that is caught. However this obligation does not affect all fisheries or all fished stocks and also establishes a different implementation calendar depending on the type of fishery. Thus, all catches of stocks subject to catch limits, and, for the Mediterranean, also catches of stocks that have a minimum size of capture, are subject to the landing obligation. This is applicable to fishing activities carried out in EU waters, or by EU ships fishing outside European waters in areas not subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries. Thus, catches of listed species must be stored and retained on board fishing vessels, as well as registered, landed and attributed to the corresponding quotas, where applicable, except when they are used as live bait. In EU waters, the landing obligation will be implemented progressively between 2015 and 2019 in combination with some complementary measures. Fishermen will be obliged to land all the commercial species with catch and quota limits that they catch. These fish will be counted against the quotas. Thus from 1 st January 2015, the landing obligation is applicable in the fisheries of small and large pelagic fish. By January 1 st 2016, the landing obligation will be implemented in demersal and mixed fisheries (fisheries with bottom gear that capture both pelagic demersal species) subject to TAC. The progressive implementation of the landing obligation involves big changes for European fleets and time will be needed to develop innovative solutions to avoid undesired catches or trade these fish or to find processed products that use the previously discarded fish as raw material. Adaptation should be first based on reducing the undesirable catches, either through improvement in the selectivity of fishing gears or through fishing tactics that avoid these undesirable catches. The regulation includes a number of exemptions that mitigate the effects of this adaptation. In particular, landing obligation shall not apply to species subject to prohibition of fishing, based on their vulnerability. Among these we find marine mammals, sharks, and sea turtles. Nor shall it apply to those species showing high rates of survival which can be released alive back into the sea. Inclusion of any species in this category must be based on scientific evidence. Finally there are de minimis exemptions

79 ICES WGCEPH REPORT which apply to a maximum of 5% of the allowable annual catch (expandable by 2 percentage points the two first years and 1 point the following two) of a particular species subject to the landing obligation. This type exemption can be requested if it can be shown that improvements in selectivity are impossible and/or that the cost of fishing would be greatly increased if unwanted catches have to be stored and landed. Note that it is not presently clear whether the 5% limit applies at the level of a single boat or the fleet. A landing obligation for commercial species has already been introduced to a certain extent in some fisheries in developed nations such as Norway (Johnsen and Eliasen, 2011), Iceland, Canada and New Zealand (MRAG, 2007). These examples, however, are related to single species fisheries, which are less prone to by catch problems. The landing obligation for EU fisheries will be the first experience in the world where a large scale multispecific landing obligation is implemented. In the absence of many current restrictions on landings (no quotas, some minimum size regulations), cephalopods are mainly discarded for economic reasons. However, the extent to which cephalopods are currently discarded is not well documented. Where studies have taken place they confirm expected findings, namely that in the absence of many restrictions on landings, cephalopods are mainly discarded for economic reasons. Thus valuable species such as Loligo spp. are rarely discarded, even when relatively small amounts are taken as a bycatch, due to their high value. However, if they are damaged, or if the boat is likely to remain at sea for several days, it is more likely that they will be discarded. Less valuable and non commercial species are probably routinely discarded although this can vary regionally; thus Alloteuthis spp. are landed in some regions but discarded in others (Sartor et al., 1998; Borges et al., 2001; Machias et al., 2001; Denis et al., 2002; Sendao et al., 2002; Santurtun et al., 2004; Young et al., 2004; see Pierce et al., 2010, for a review). Because cephalopods in ICES area are not regulated under the current TAC and Quota system, these species groups are not currently considered under the landing obligation and discards can still occur. In the Mediterranean, a few cephalopod species are regulated under minimum landing length or weight (e.g. Loligo vulgaris and Octopus vulgaris in Spain). It is understood that, as for other species, limit lengths or weights will be adapted to the new regulation and renamed as minimum conservation sizes. In these cases, all specimens under these limits will have to be landed but not marketed for direct human consumption (as for the other species under the landing obligation). For some cephalopod species, such as octopus, survival rates are known to be high and this fact could be used to justify releasing (at sea) of specimens below marketable sizes. Apart from these cases in which length and weight minima exist, no direct effect on cephalopod fisheries is identified. However, indirect effects could occur. Since all catches from quota limited species will be counted against country quotas, even if TACs and quotas will be slightly raised to accommodate new amounts of ex discards, countries will still be limited in their fishing opportunities, especially for their more important commercial species, while fishing capacity is still high. Under this scenario, cephalopods appear as attractive species to focus on as they are not managed under TAC and quotas, they are already well known commercial species regularly exploited by European fleets and they can provide high quality marine proteins or other derived products. However, the risk of shifting fishing effort to species not previously exploited at such levels of fishing mortality is high and the impacts are unknown. The fact is that fish

80 78 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 ing effort could be shifted to other ecosystem components (e.g. cephalopods) and the resulting consequences are, at this moment, unknown. In general very little is known about the effects of the landing obligation on individual species and in the ecosystem. For an ecosystem that) has reached equilibrium under certain sustainable exploitation rates (and even if it is not at equilibrium and exploitation rates are not sustainable), it is difficult to predict the effects on that ecosystem of a substantial change in exploitation rates and patterns. At this moment, scientist are not able to predict whether the situation to be reached will be better than the previously existing one or whether the new ecosystem be able to provide equal or better fishing opportunities than were available before. Other anthropogenic impacts Marine activities and developments usually require some sort of environmental impact assessment. Normally, cephalopods would not be a specific focus although they were specifically included in the Strategic Environmental Assessments associated with oil and gas developments in UK waters in the 2000s (e.g. Young, 2001; Pierce et al., 2002, 2003; Stowasser et al., 2004; Sacau et al., 2005; Hastie et al., 2006). A particular issue that has attracted some recent attention is the effect of underwater noise on cephalopods. As in the case of many marine animals, squid may show startle responses to marine noise, potentially resulting in displacement from preferred areas (Fewtrell & McCauley, 2012). However, more serious effects are also documented. In NW Spain, strandings of giant squid have been associated with seismic surveys and the tissue damage described is consistent with the likely effect of exposure to loud noises (Guerra et al., 2011). Experimental studies on several cephalopod species show that such damage (e.g. to the hearing and balance system, i.e. the statocysts) is not only plausible but is likely to be fatal to exposed animals (Andre et al. 2011; Sole et al., 2013a,b). Although specific legislation to control underwater noise was lacking, Scott (2004) argued that both United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MAR POL) implicitly required action on harmful effects of underwater noise (in particular in relation to effects on marine mammals). Cephalopods in environmental legislation Cephalopods are usually not directly mentioned in environmental/conservation legislation in Europe, although several international conventions, EU directives and Member State laws are arguably relevant. However, many cephalopod species, including non commercial species, have already been assessed for the IUCN Red List. European cephalopods of commercial interest or potential commercial interest are variously listed as of least concern or data deficient, although some are not yet assessed. Sepia officinalis, Todarodes sagittatus, Todaropsis eblanae, Illex coindetii, Ommastrephes bartramii, Gonatus fabricii and G. steenstrupi are all listed as being of least concern (albeit with unknown population trends), while Sepietta oweniana, Sepiola atlantica, Sepia elegans and S. orbignyana are listed as data deficient. Seven other species (Octopus vulgaris, Eledone cirrhosa, E. moschata, Loligo vulgaris, L. forbesii, Alloteuthis subulata and A. media) have not yet been assessed. Among the non commercial species listed by Hastie et al. (2009), eleven (Architeuthis dux, Galiteuthis armata, Histioteuthis bonnellii, H. reversa, H. corona, H. meleagroteuthis, Stigmatoteuthis hoylei, Teuthowenia megalops, Neorossia caroli, Sepiola aurantiaca and Abralia veranyi) are listed as of least concern under the IUCN Red List and a further

81 ICES WGCEPH REPORT seven (Brachioteuthis riisei, Onychoteuthis banksii, Rondeletiola minor, Rossia glaucopis, R. macrosoma, Sepietta neglecta, Sepiola ligulata) are listed as data deficient. At least 15 species (Bathypolypus arcticus, B. sponsalis Benthoctopus piscatorum, B. ergasticus, Graneledone verrucosa, Opisthoteuthis grimaldii, O. massyae, Stauroteuthis syrtensis, Cirroteuthis muelleri, Cirrothauma murrayi, Sepietta obscura, Pteroctopus tetracirrhus, Scaeurgus unicirrhus, Octopus salutii, O. defilippi) have not been assessed while few (Haliphron atlanticus, Grimpoteuthis wulkeri and Sepiola rondeletii) are not listed. In its World review of highly migratory species and straddling stocks, the FAO Fisheries Department (1994) acknowledges that both oceanic and neritic squids are migratory, although there is no mention of cephalopods within the section of the report about the northeast Atlantic. Squid are also briefly mentioned among the migratory species discussed by Robinson et al. (2009) and Newson et al. (2009). Nevertheless the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), makes no direct mention of cephalopods. The principles of this convention are set out in Article II, which states: The Parties acknowledge the need to take action to avoid any migratory species becoming endangered In particular, the Parties: a) should promote, co operate in and support research relating to migratory species; b) shall endeavour to provide immediate protection for migratory species included in Appendix I; and c) shall endeavour to conclude Agreements covering the conservation and management of migratory species included in Appendix II. In practice, only one invertebrate species (the monarch butterfly) is listed in the CMS Appendices, although various marine vertebrates are listed. However, a number of teuthophagous or partly teuthophagous marine mammals which occur in the northeast Atlantic are listed in the Appendices, including sperm whale, bottlenose whale, Risso s dolphin, and long finned pilot whale. In the Mediterranean, the list includes the Mediterranean monk seal. Conservation of some of these species is addressed by the Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas (ASCOBANS), which derives from the CMS. It states that The Parties undertake to cooperate closely in order to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for small cetaceans. Human activities potentially impacting on cetaceans which are specifically highlighted include activities which seriously affect their food resources. Natura 2000 is the centrepiece of Europe s nature and biodiversity conservation and consists of a comprehensive network of protection for natural habitats, flora and fauna in Europe, established under the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive (Council Directive 79/409/EEC, amended by Directive 2009/147/EC). The EU Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) mandates the establishment of a coherent network of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) designed by Member States, for certain species and habitats. Annex II, IV and V of the Directive list the species which require protection or management measures. As of 2013, the directive protected over 1000 animal and plant species and 233 European natural ʺhabitat typesʺ (of which 9 are marine habitat types, e.g. wetland, posidonia beds, sandbanks) which are of European importance. The Birds Directive allows Member States to select suitable sites and design them as Special Protected Areas (SPAs) for the protection of birds. In 2013, almost 5,500 sites have the SPAs designation. Although cephalopods are not afforded any specific protection under the Habitats or Birds Directives, some of the marine habitat types of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of a SAC (listed in Annex I of the Habitat Directive), such as seagrass beds, reefs and lagoons, are important for cephalopods, for example as nursery areas. In addition, all species of cetaceans are protected under Annex IV of the Habitats Directive and, as noted above, cephalopods are the main food source for several cetacean spe

82 80 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 cies and an important food resource for other protected species including monk seals, cetaceans and seabirds. Cephalopod research All cephalopods now fall under the scope of EU Directive, 2010/63/EU, an amendment which entered into force in 2013 and was based on recognition of the capacity of cephalopods to feel pain, and evidence of higher brain function, among other things. While detailed guidelines for researchers are still being developed, legal obligations on researchers and research institutions are now in line with those relating to research on vertebrates and concern all procedures that may cause the animal pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm equivalent to or higher than that caused by the introduction of a needle in accordance with good veterinary practice. This implies, among other things, the introduction of training and monitoring procedures, a presumption against the use of wild caught animals in experiments (unless it can be shown that captive bred animals are unsuitable or unavailable) and, notably, the requirement that authorised capture of wild animals be carried out by appropriately trained and competent persons, using methods which do not cause the animals avoidable pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm (see Working document 7.1) which arguably rules out the possibility of using fishermen to collect animals. While most fisheries research will be unaffected by the legislation, procedures such as tagging of wild animals and laboratory studies of life cycles are likely to be affected, and there is concern that the additional costs associated with sourcing wild specimens in accordance with regulations could spell the end of most laboratory based cephalopod research in Europe. 7.3 ToR d: Review data availability for the main commercial exploited cephalopod species in relation to the main population parameters: length distribution, sex ratio, first maturity at age, first maturity at length, growth, spawning season An update of last year section has been included for the species updated (Octopus vulgaris, Eledone cirrhose, Illex coindetti and Todaropsis eblanae) as reported by Portuguese and Spanish cephalopod experts during data collection and other research projects ongoing from several years. The complete section can be easily consulted at the WGCEPH 2013 Report Section 7. New biological parameters from cephalopod fishery outside from the ICES area, in Central East Atlantic (North west African coast, Mauritania) are available for the period January 2010 April From middle 2012 no data are available as the Spanish cephalopod fleet has not been fishing in Mauritania (not fishery agreement Mauritania EU) Octopus vulgaris Maximum size: Adults reach 40 cm ML and 140 cm total length. Data collected in the Northeast Atlantic (Portuguese coast) for years 2008 and 2009 show that the weight of females ranged between 625 g (135 mm ML, maturity stage II, northwest coast) and 6189 g (247 mm ML, maturity stage IV, south coast). The weight of males ranged between 635 g (100 mm ML, maturity stage II, south coast) and 5612 g (248 mm ML, maturity stage III, south coast). The differences in weight between the two areas are

83 ICES WGCEPH REPORT statistically significant. In Mauritanian waters, males reach 25.7 cm of dorsal mantle length. Females reach 24 cm of dorsal mantle length. Sex ratio: Approximately 1:1 in the Atlantic and Mediterranean although results from South Africa suggest a seasonal cycle with fewest males in November. In the northwestern coast of the Portuguese waters (Div. IXa), In the northwest coast the sex ratio is unbalanced toward males (F:M = 0.88:1) while in the south Portuguese coast the overall sex ratio is balanced with monthly variations that reflects the unavailability of females to fisheries due to the breeding behaviour. In Mauritanian waters, males outnumbered females in the overall sex ratio (1.71:1). Size at maturity: Males mature at smaller sizes than females; smaller sizes at maturity reported in Mediterranean compared to Atlantic. In Mauritanian waters, maturity of males and females was assessed using a five stages maturity scale (Dia, 1988, Guerra, 1975 and Perales Raya, 2001). ML50 has been estimated by considering as matures the maturing states 4 and 5 in both males and females. Table Octopus vulgaris: Size at maturity. Area Parameter Females Males Reference Gulf of Cádiz Length at first 12 cm 9.4, 10 cm Silva et al., 2002 maturity Gulf of Cádiz Length at 50% maturity Gulf of Cádiz Weight at first maturity Gulf of Cádiz Weight at 50% maturity Portuguese coast (Div IXa) Weight at 50% maturity Mediterranean Weight at 50% maturity Mauritanian waters Weight at 50% maturity 17.6 cm 10.4 cm Silva et al., , 580g 250, 323 g Silva et al., , 2023g 671, 903 g Silva et al., ,01g g Lourenço et al g 320 g Cuccu et al., g 141 g Histological maturity index (HMI) and first maturity in Portuguese waters (Div. IXa): First maturity was estimated based on the microscopic analyses in a total of 124 females of O. vulgaris sampled at the port of Vigo (NW Spain) from March to July 2006.This histological approach resulted in a size at first maturation of 1.5 kg Afterwards, a stereological method was used to develop a new histological maturity index (HMI). This index was related to the gonadosomatic index (GSI) giving the possibility to estimate the histological stage of individual octopus without sampling the gonads. This macroscale approach is useful to separate immature from fully mature individuals. According to these criteria, histological maturation was established at 1.5 kg and macroscopic at 2.3 kg. (Sieiro et al. 2014). Parameter Females Males Weight at 50% maturity g g No differences were found in the weight at maturity between areas.

84 82 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Length weight relationships: The table below gives length weight relationships in different geographic areas for females (F), males (M) and the sexes combined (All). Original equations converted to W=a.ML b, where W is body mass (g) and ML is dorsal mantle length (cm). Growth rate: Growth rates in captivity vary with temperature and diet as well as between individuals. They seem to be typically 1 2% of body weight per day, but up to 5% has been recorded over short periods. Lifespan: Generally thought to be months although life spans up to 20 months suggested off Senegal. Spawning season: The spawning season extends throughout the year with two peaks in spring and autumn in northeast Atlantic populations. In the Gulf of Cádiz the spawning season is shorter with generally peak in the end of summer (August/ September). Occasionally a spawning peak occur in spring in this area (Lourenço et al., 2012). Mature males are found all year around (Lourenço et al., 2012; Cuccu et al., 2013). In Mauritanian waters, two spawning peaks were identified in winter spring and autumn among females, overlapping the shutdown periods, when the recruitment seasons occur (Jurado Ruzafa et al., in press). Fecundity: The potential fecundity of mature females ranges from 70,000 to 634,445 oocytes (Mangold Wirz, 1963; Otero et al., 2007; Silva et al., 2002). Lifespan: A recent study (Perales Raya et al., 2014) obtained in spent individuals maximum ages from 194 days (584.9 g) to 322 days ( g) in north Mauritania. Migrations: This species undertakes limited seasonal migrations. According to Rees and Lumby (1954), octopuses appear to move away from inshore waters in late summer and spend the winter in deeper offshore waters. Habitat selection: The preference habitat for spawning has been identified in the Cíes Islands within the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (NW Spain). Females selected for spawn hard bottom substrate between 5 and 30 m depth. Months of preferential spawning agrees with previous studies in the area (spring summer season); (Guerra et al., p.c.) Eledone cirrhosa Maximum size: Eledone cirrhosa is a medium sized species with a maximum body mass less than 1 kg in the Mediterranean and up to 2 kg in the northern parts of its distribution. Most specimens caught are less than 160 mm mantle length (ML), although, occasionally, individuals of larger size, up to 175 mm ML, are captured, both in the Mediterranean (Belcari and Sartor, 1999; Cuccu et al., 2003) and in the Atlantic off Portugal (A. Moreno, pers. comm.). Sex ratio: In samples collected by Boyle and Knobloch (1982) in Scottish waters, females were always more numerous than males, the ratio of females to males being 7:1 overall during September 1976 December This could be at least partly related to difference in catchability due to different body sizes: in 1978 the average female size was 594 g compared with 290 g for males. Regueira et al. (2013) also found that the overall sex ratio (around 3:1) in their sample from the Northwest Iberian Peninsula was biased towards females. Boyle (1997) suggested that a predominance of females in shallow waters of the Mediterranean in spring could represent migration to breeding grounds.

85 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Size at maturity: In the Atlantic, off Portugal, 50% of females are mature at 105 mm ML while 50% of males are mature at 80 mm ML (A. Moreno, pers. comm.). Along the Iberian Atlantic coast, animals mature at larger sizes at higher latitudes. Size at 50% maturity (MLm50%) for males was mm on the north coast of Galicia, mm on the west coast of Galicia (i.e., further south) and 91.4 mm in Portugal. The corresponding values for females were mm, mm and mm, respectively (Regueira et al., 2013). Length weight relationships: The table gives length weight relationships in different geographic areas for females (F), males (M) and the sexes combined (All). Original equations converted to W=aML b, where W is body mass (g) and ML is dorsal mantle length (cm). Growth rate: Forsythe and Van Heukelem (1987) reported instantaneous relative growth rates of between 2.8% BW.d 1 in the smallest individiauls and 0.7% BW.d 1 in the largest. Boyle and Knobloch (1982) observed that, at 10 oc, this species can grow from 10 g to 1 kg in 270 days. In captivity they recorded growth rates of up to 3.5% BW.d 1 in individuals of 100 g BW, falling to around 1.5% BW.d 1 at body sizes above 500 g. Lifespan: Eledone cirrhosa probably typically lives for two years. A combination of a one and two year cycle was proposed for the North Sea, depending, respectively, on fast growing early maturing animals and slower growing individuals (Boyle and Knobloch, 1982; Boyle, 1983; Boyle et al., 1988). Spawning season: Breeding is seasonal with the peak of spawning varying according to region. Fecundity: Regueira et al. (2013) estimated potential fecundity in the northwest Iberian Peninsula as oocytes per ovary, based on a sample of almost 700 females. They found that potential fecundity was positively correlated with both mantle length and body weight. Migrations: While the deep water population ( m) normally has equal numbers of males and females, trawls in shallower water (60 90 m) in spring catch an increased number of maturing females. This seasonal sex segregation is interpreted as a shoreward (shallower) migration of females for breeding (Boyle, 1997). Based on data collected in Div. IXa, in Galician waters, during 1974, 1975, , 2007 and , E. cirrhosa population showed size segregation in NW Spain waters, with the new recruits mainly selecting intermediate strata ( m): abundances and biomasses were different in the different strata, increasing the average size and weight of the individuals at greater depths. Higher average individual sizes were registered in summer in comparison with autumn, because the new cohort is still not recruited. (Less abundant adults would compose almost all the summer catches). Late summer distribution models showed that the higher abundances were concentrated in deep waters ( m), which suggest a migration to deeper waters throughout the summer. This matched with the decrease of captures registered in commercial landings during summer time. On the other hand, higher biomasses were registered in the surveys carried out in autumn (October November), which correspond to new and abundant recruits. (Regueira et al. 2014)

86 84 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Loligo vulgaris Information presented here correspond to data collected at Mauritanian waters. In 2014, no update of Loligo vulgaris parameters has been deployed in ICES area in Maximum size: Considering that the sample ML range does not cover the smallest and the largest sizes. Adults reach 28.5 cm ML (males), females reach 26.3 cm ML. Sex ratio: Females outnumbered males in the overall sex ratio (1.04:1) Size at maturity: Maturity of males and females was assessed using a six stages maturity scale (Lipinski, 1979). ML50 has been estimated by considering as matures the maturing states 4, 5 and 6 for both males and females. Parameter Females Males All Length at 50% maturity cm cm Length weight relationships: The table below gives length weight relationships for females (F), males (M) and the sexes combined (All). Original equations converted to W=a.ML b, where W is body mass (g) and ML is dorsal mantle length (cm). Region a b sex Reference Mauritania M Duque (pers. com.) F Duque (pers. com.) All Duque (pers. com.) Spawning season: Temporal coverage of data was not available for a reliable estimation of the spawning season in the period Previous work on L. vulgaris from the area (Raya et al., 1999) proposed a spawning season of November January, with a maximum recruitment in summer months. Lifespan: Maximum ages of around 10 months were obtained by Perales Raya (2001) in mature individuals by using statolith age readings. The author obtained a maximum age of 308 d (534 mm ML) for males and 294 d (285 mm ML) for females, therefore a lifespan of around one year was proposed for the Saharan coast, closed to northern Mauritania Illex coindetii Maximum size: Illex coindetii is a medium sized squid, commonly reaching 200 to 250 mm ML throughout its distributional range (Roper et al., 2010). The maximum mantle lengths recorded for females and males are 379 and 279 mm respectively (e.g., Gonzalez et al., 1994b, 1996a). Females are larger than males, and maximum sizes vary depending on the population examined. Sex ratio: Sex ratio values close to 1:1 have been recorded in most of the studied populations (e.g., Jereb and Ragonese, 1995; Arvanitidis et al., 2002; Ceriola et al., 2006); significant deviations have been recorded only in Galician waters (González and Guerra, 1996) and in the Ionian Sea (Tursi and D Onghia, 1992). Size at maturity: Size at 50% maturity (MLm50%) in populations from different geographical areas of the east Atlantic Ocean.

87 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Table Illex coindetii: Maximum size. Region MLm50% (mm) Reference Females Males south Celtic Sea Bay of Biscay Arvanitidis et al., 2002 Galician waters González and Guerra, 1996 Northeast Atlantic Waters Portuguese waters Arvanitidis et al., 2002 Lourenço et al East Atlantic Hernández García, 2002 Length weight relationships: The table gives length weight relationships in different geographic areas for females (F), males (M) and the sexes combined (All). Original equations converted to W=a.ML b, where W is body mass (g) and ML is dorsal mantle length (cm). Table Illex coindetii: Length weight relationship. Region a b Sex Reference south Celtic Sea Bay of Biscay F Arvanitidis et al., M northwest Spanish waters F González et al., 1996a M F Sánchez et al., M Portuguese waters F Arvanitidis et al., M All Growth rate: González et al. (1996a) measured instantaneous relative growth rate as well as absolute growth rate. Although there was considerable variation, the fastest relative growth rate was recorded in 6 month old individuals of both sexes (1.33% ML.d 1 and 4.49 %BW.d 1 in males, 1.73 % ML.d 1 and 5.06% BW.d 1 in females) and the slowest growth in 13 month old males (0.10% ML.d 1 and 0.03% BW.d 1 ) and 14 month old females (0.18% ML.d 1 and 0.81% BW.d 1 ). Lifespan: The life cycle of Illex coindetii is probably annual, although though shorter (6 8 months) and longer (18 months) lifespans have been estimated by using different techniques, in different areas. Spawning season: Spawning occurs all year long, but seasonal peaks exist and vary with area throughout the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean (e.g., González and Guerra, 1996; Sánchez et al., 1998; Belcari, 1999b; Ceriola et al., 2006; Lefkaditou et al., 2007). This variability is thought to be related to differences in water temperature (e.g., Arvanitidis et al., 2002; Hernandez Garcia, 2002). Fecundity: Potential fecundity in males and females varies with body size. Approximately oocytes were recorded in a 250 mm ML female (Laptikovsky and Nigmatullin, 1993).

88 86 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Migrations: Adults, at least, undergo vertical migrations from the bottom to the upper layers at night, even though they remain below the thermocline (Sánchez et al., 1998). Seasonal migrations have been observed in the French Mediterranean and the Catalan Sea (Mangold Wirz, 1963a; Sánchez et al., 1998), with the bulk of the population seeking shallow waters ( m) in spring, where they remain all summer. In autumn and winter the population spreads over a wide bathymetric range. In the portuguese northeast coast, at least a part of the population is migrant. Georeferenced data linked with market sampling show that recruitment pulses appear to show the entrance of juveniles from the north. Towards summer bigger individuals aggregate in the south area between St. Vicent cape (37 o N) and the Espichel Cape (38 о N). Nevertheless a small resident population appears to exist as indicated by the continuous appearance of small individuals throughout the coast (Lourenço et al., 2013) Todaropsis eblanae Maximum size: Maximum mantle lengths have been registered in north Atlantic waters: 290 mm and 220 mm for females and males, respectively (Robin et al., 2002). There is morphometric sexual dimorphism, with females attaining larger sizes than males due to (Mangold Wirtz, 1963b). The table below gives maximum mantle length (mm) for females (F) and males (M) in different geographic areas of the east Atlantic Ocean. Table Todaropsis eblanae. Maximum size. Region ML (mm) Reference F M Scottish waters Hastie et al., 1994 North Sea Zumholz and Piatkowski, 2005 Bay of Biscay Celtic Sea Robin et al., 2001 Northeast Atlantic waters (Portuguese waters) Lourenço et al Sex ratio: The sex ratio of Todaropsis eblanae is not substantially different from 1:1. Size at maturity: Sexual maturity starts at a larger size in females than in males. Estimates of the size at maturity in different areas range from 120 to 150 mm ML for males and from 140 to 200 mm ML for females. (Mangold Wirz, 1963a; Gonzalez et al., 1994; Hastie et al., 1994; Joy, 1989, Arkhipkin and Lapthikhovsky, 2000; Robin et al., 2002; Zumholz and Piatkowski, 2005). The table indicates minimum size at maturity and MLm50% (in parentheses) for females and males of populations from different geographical areas. Table Todaropsis eblanae size at maturity. Region ML (mm) Reference Females Males Scottish waters 110 (157.3) 92 (120.8) Hastie et al., 1994 North Sea 120 (164?) 85 (123?) Zumholz and Piatkowski, 2005

89 ICES WGCEPH REPORT South Celtic Sea Bay of Biscay (165) (135) Portuguese northeast coast Robin et al., 2001 Lourenço et al., 2013 Length weight relationships: Significant between sex differences have been found in length weight relationships in most of the studied regions. In general, the values of the regression coefficient b are lower than 3 in both sexes. The table below shows length weight relationships in different geographic areas for females (F), males (M) and the sexes combined (All). Original equations were converted to W=a.ML b, where W is body mass (g) and ML is dorsal mantle length (cm). Table Todaropsis eblanae. Length weight relationships. Region a b Sex Reference Scottish waters F Hastie et al., M North Sea F Zumholz and Piatkowski, M Bay of Biscay Celtic Sea F Robin et al., M Northwest Spain F González et al., M Portuguese waters F IPMA M All Growth rate: Daily growth rate is higher in females and decreases in both sexes upon maturity (Belcari et al., 1999; Arkhipkin and Laptikhovsky, 2000). The table gives daily growth rate (DGR, mm day 1 ) and life span (months) of females (F) and males (M) in populations from the east Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. (DA = direct ageing, MPA = modal progression analysis) Table Todaropsis eblanae. Life span. Method DGR Life span Region Reference F M F M DA MPA South Celtic Sea Bay of Biscay Robin et al., 2002 South Celtic Sea Bay of Biscay Robin et al., 2002 Lifespan: The life cycle of Todaropsis eblanae is probably annual, as estimated values for the lifespan range from 7 8 months to 1 year. Spawning season: The spawning season probably extends throughout the year, with peaks varying according to geographical location (Belcari, 1999c). Todaropsis eblanae spawns mainly during summer and early autumn in northern Atlantic waters (Hastie et al., 1994; Robin et al., 2002; Zumholz and Piatkowski, 2005; Oesterwind et

90 88 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 al., 2010), whereas it spawns in early spring and early autumn in Atlantic waters south of 44 N (González et al., 1994; Arkhipkin and Laptikhovsky, 2000). Fecundity: Potential fecundity (PF) varies from 4,500 to 28,000 for mature females in Scottish waters (Hastie et al., 1994). Rasero et al. (1995) estimates PF to vary from 99, ,792 for females of mm ML caught off northwest Spain. The number of ripe oocytes in the oviducts is up to off northwest Spain and from 355 to (mature eggs) in Scottish waters (Hastie et al., 1994), indicating as for potential fecundity, a decreasing trend of reproductive output with increase of latitude. Migrations: This species is probably the least mobile of the ommastrephid squids in terms of migratory habits. Nevertheless, in the Portuguese northeast coast, georeferenced data indicates that the resident population perform seasonal migrations, in summer the species is more abundant in deeper waters moving to shallow waters during autumn and winter (Lourenço et al., 2013) Sepia hierredda In Mauritanian waters, Sepia hierredda outnumbered Sepia officinalis in the biological samples analyzed, with a mean ratio for the whole period of 1.16:1. By year, the maximum ratio was obtained in 2010 (1.36:1), and the minimum ratio in 2011 (1.04:1) (Carrasco, pers. com.) Maximum size: Adults reach 22.5 cm of dorsal mantle length (males), females reach 20.2 cm DML in the sample (it should be taken into account that the size range did not cover the smallest and largest sizes of the species). Sex ratio: Males outnumbered females in the overall sex ratio (1.08:1) Size at maturity: Maturity was assessed using a four stages maturity scale for males and five stages maturity scale for females (Bakhayokho, 1980 and Perales Raya, 2001). ML50 has been estimated by considering as matures the maturing states 3 4 for males and 4 5 for females. Parameter Females Males All Length at 50% maturity 19.6 cm cm Length weight relationships: The table below gives length weight relationships for females (F), males (M) and the sexes combined (All). Original equations converted to W=a.ML b, where W is body mass (g) and ML is dorsal mantle length (cm). Region a b sex Reference Mauritania M Duque (pers. com.) F Duque (pers. com.) All Duque (pers. com.) Spawning season: Spawning peak identified in March April for males and females, but not data from the autumn winter period were available in Lifespan: Maximum ages of around 8 months were obtained in mature individuals by using statolith age readings, and the lifespan proposed by Perales Raya (2001) was around one year for the Saharan coast, northern Mauritania

91 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Sepia officinalis Information contained here is for Sepia officinalis in Mauritanian waters. In 2014, no update of Sepia officinalis data is available for ICES area. Maximum size: Adults reach 24 cm of dorsal mantle length (males), females reach 19.9 cm of dorsal mantle length (size range of the sample did not cover the smallest and the largest sizes). Sex ratio: Females outnumbered males in the overall sex ratio (1.6:1) Size at maturity: Maturity was assessed using a four stages maturity scale for males and five stages maturity scale for females (Bakhayokho, 1980 and Perales Raya, 2001). ML50 has been estimated by considering as matures the maturing states 3 4 for males and 4 5 for females. Parameter Females Males All Length at 50% maturity 17.3 cm cm Length weight relationships: The table below gives length weight relationships for females (F), males (M) and the sexes combined (All). Original equations converted to W=a.ML b, where W is body mass (g) and ML is dorsal mantle length (cm). Region a b sex Reference Mauritania M Duque (pers. com.) F Duque (pers. com.) All Duque (pers. com.) Spawning season: Spawning peak identified in March April for males and females. Not data from the autumn winter period were available in ToR e: Review and report on cephalopod research results in the ICES area: abundances and distributions and their relationships with environmental variables, role of cephalopods in the ecosystem; cephalopods as indicators (MSFD) and assessment methods used in commercial cephalopod fisheries CephsInAction meets ICES-WGCEPH During the WG meeting a subgroup meeting took placed with the aim of introducing the COST Action CephsInAction to ICES Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH) in order to: i. explore and facilitate close future interaction and collaboration between ICES WGCEPH and CephsInAction, ii. identify contact points and bridges of collaboration. The increased attention towards cephalopod research in the ICES area, and in waters other than Europe, that includes all relevant aspects of biology, ecology, physiology and behavior, in field and laboratory studies, promoted the interaction between ICES WGCEPH and CephsInAction. The two groups are clearly sharing common goals in several aspects and for many activities. Subgroup participants from both groups were Sílvia Lourenço, Rodrigo Ozório, Catalina Perales Raya, João Pereira & Graziano Fiorito. Conclusion of this encounter are reported below.

92 90 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Cephalopod molluscs are the sole invertebrate taxon included in the European Directive 2010/63/UE on animal use for scientific or educational purposes. At the same time, the species of cephalopods mostly utilized over the last 50 years in experimental studies (Huffard 2013; Ponte et al. 2013; Smith et al. 2013; Fiorito et al. 2014) are the ones with high commercial value and those also affected by increasing exploitation pressure (ICES 2013; see also for example: ttp:// june 2014.html). Despite the fact that cephalopod science is a ʺsmall worldʺ, during the last years several initiatives at international level provided the ground to facilitate cooperation among scientists. In this framework Drs Marina Santurtun and Jean Paul Robin cochairs of ICES WGCEPH extended to CephsInAction the invitation to attend to the ICES Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History meeting in Lisbon (Portugal). The main objective of the meeting is to advance the three years plan of operation established on different Terms of References (see Annex I) mostly concerning biology, stock status and exploitation trends in Northeast Atlantic fisheries. However, the increased attention towards cephalopod research in the ICES area, and in waters other than Europe, that includes all relevant aspects of biology, ecology, physiology and behavior, in field and laboratory studies, promoted the interaction between ICES WGCEPH and CephsInAction. The meeting counted 21 participants (see Annexes) from seven countries (France, Spain, Portugal, UK, Italy, Greece and Germany) and included several oral presentations (see Annex II) and group work for discussion about the ToRs and individual work for preparing the draft of the expected reports. The two groups are clearly sharing common goals in several aspects and for many activities. At the Lisbon meeting, Graziano Fiorito (Italy) and Rodrigo Ozorio (Portugal), members of the CephsInAction (FA1301) Management Committee (MC) were invited to attend the annual meeting of WGCEPH. G. Fiorito and R. Ozorio have been joined by Sílvia Lourenço, Catalina Perales Raya, and João Pereira that apart being active in CephsInAction (see Table 1) are also members of WGCEPH experts group, which justify the networking between the two experts groups. At the meeting Graziano Fiorito (joined by Rodrigo Ozorio, and other mentioned FA1301 colleagues) introduced to the ICES WGCEPH members the history, aims and current operation of the COST Action FA1301. During this presentation GF, also provided the background and challenges for the scientific community at large given by the inclusion of cephalopods in the Directive 2010/63/EU. A simplified version of the original presentation is given as Annex II. Extensive discussions provided the general view of the opportunity of strengthening possible interaction between the WGCEPH group and CephsInAction. It has been highlighted that there is space for both groups to work together to fulfill the knowledge gaps that exists regarding several biological and physiological aspects of the cephalopods species that are key to understanding of the variability in abundance, distribution and growth observed, and that constitute the main bottleneck factor for the application of assessment models to the cephalopod stocks.

93 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Clear overlapping and mutual interaction are advised in contribution to several ToRs to be fulfilled during the next three years ( ), and in particular: ToR C Implications of the application of some Policies and Directives on cephalopods: Implication of CFP (landing obligation) on cephalopod exploitation, how it has been applied in other places and how it has affected them; new regulation of manipulation of animals for research; Nature 2000, network of Marine Protected Areas; Blue growth. ToR D Review data availability for the main cephalopod species in relation to the main population parameters (e.g.: length distribution, sex ratio, first maturity at age, first maturity at length, growth, spawning season). ToR E Knowledge base: review and report on cephalopod research results in the ICES area, and if feasible in waters other than Europe, including all relevant aspects of biology, ecology, physiology and behaviour, in field and laboratory studies. ToR F MSFD and Integrated Ecosystem Assessment: Relevant MSFD indicators (biodiversity, community role, exploitation and contaminants) applied to cephalopods. In this case, for example, the reccomendation by MSFD for noise disturbance is considered relevant to both groups considering also the forthcoming publication of Guidelines for the Care and Welfare of Cephalopods in Research a consensus document based on an initiative by CephRes, FELASA and the Boyd Group 1 that will represent a landmark for CephsInAction and for the entire scientific community. Relevant Outputs Presenting the CephsInAction, objectives and contact points between the two experts groups; Participation of WGCEPH expert group in the future historical bibliographic (CephRes) and current research (CephsInAction) databases that is going to be available for both groups; CephsInAction experts will contribute next years with recommendations/inputs for WGCEPH ToRs, especially ToR C (European Regulation), ToR D (biological information update) and ToR E (New Knowledge). CephsInAction associated labs can contribute with specialized training and sharing of specialized facilities and promote the interaction among researchers with expertise on welfare in different taxa to advance animal welfare and the application of the 3Rs principle, i.e. the ethical framework for conducting scientific experiments using animals humanely (Replacement, use of non animal methods; Reduction, methods which reduce the number of animals utilized; Refinement, methods which improve animal welfare). Facilitate interaction between the two groups also considering that CephsInAction aims to facilitate and support a network for improvement of cephalopod welfare and

94 92 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 husbandry in research, aquaculture and fisheries ( See Annex 6 for a summary of Recent Papers & Journal special issues; Not Published/ grey literature and PhD thesis. 8 Section 8: Marine Strategy Framework Directive indicators and Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for Cephalopods 8.1 Background MSFD On June 2008 the EU signed up the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) for establishing a framework for community action in the field of environmental policy. The aim of the Directive is to protect more effectively the marine environment across Europe. It aims to achieve good environmental status (GES) of the EU s marine waters by 2020 to protect the resource base upon which marine related economic and social activities depend and that the different uses made of the marine resources are conducted at a sustainable level, ensuring their continuity for future generations (EU COM, 2008). The Directive constitutes the vital environmental component of the Union s Maritime Policy, designed to achieve the full economic potential of oceans and seas in harmony with the protection of the marine environment. In order to achieve GES in a coherent and strategic manner, the MSFD established European Marine Regions, based on geographical and environmental criteria (Figure 8.1). Figure 8.1. MSFD European Marine Regions on the basis of geographical and environmental criteria. Each Member State, in cooperation with other Member States and non EU countries within a marine region, is required to develop a marine strategy or strategies for its marine waters. These strategies are to contain a detailed assessment of the state of the environment, a definition of GES at regional level and the establishment of clear envi

95 ICES WGCEPH REPORT ronmental targets and monitoring programs. To ensure consistency and to allow comparison between and within marine regions the Directive established a set of high level Descriptors: Descriptor 1: Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditions. Descriptor 2: Non indigenous species introduced by human activities are at levels that do not adversely alter the ecosystems. Descriptor 3: Populations of commercially exploited fish and shellfish are within safe biological limits, exhibiting a population age and size distribution that is indicative of a healthy stock. Descriptor 4: Marine food webs elements, to the extent that they are known, occur at normal abundance and diversity and levels capable of ensuring the long term abundance of the species and the retention of their full reproductive capacity. Descriptor 5: Eutrophication by human activities is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algal blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters. Descriptor 6: Sea floor integrity is at a level that ensures that the structure and functions of the ecosystems are safeguarded and benthic ecosystems, in particular, are not adversely affected. Descriptor 7: Hydrographical conditions alteration does not adversely affect marine ecosystems. Descriptor 8: Contaminants concentrations are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Descriptor 9: Contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards. Descriptor 10: Marine litter properties and quantities of do not cause harm to the coastal and marine environment. Descriptor 11: Introduction of energy, including underwater noise, is at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment As these descriptors cover broad topics, the EU produced in 2010 a set of methodological standards with detailed criteria and indicators to help Member States determine what each descriptor means in practice and measure progress (EU COM, 2010). In the present report, this term of reference will try to identify relevant MSFD descriptors and indicators as a means of assessing the good environmental status of cephalopod stocks and provide an update of cephalopod species coverage in the initial 2010 MSFD assessment report for each of the member countries. The issues addressed are: Relevance of MSFD descriptors for cephalopods species; Applicability of each descriptor indicator for cephalopod species; Progress per Member State in the initial MSFD assessment report.

96 94 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Relevance of MSFD criteria for cephalopods species Of the eleven descriptors, D1 (biodiversity), D3 (commercial fish) and D4 (foodwebs) were considered especially relevant for cephalopods. Cephalopods also have the potential to provide indicators under descriptors 7 (hydrographical conditions), 9 (contaminants in seafood) and 11 (underwater noise), although most of the existing monitoring programs across Member States provide suitable information only for descriptors 1 and 3. Any proposed biodiversity indicators will need to take into account environmental influences on distribution and abundance, to separate their effects on natural variability from those of any anthropogenic pressures that we need to monitor. While this can, to some extent, be achieved through statistical modelling, the mechanisms by which environmental change affects cephalopods are not always obvious (Hastie et al., unpublished). As fast turnover and opportunistic species, many cephalopods are capable of taking over vacant niches or underutilized resources, thereby potentially moulding biodiversity (D1). They can therefore be indicators of biodiversity change, and simultaneously be used as a tool to assess the presence of other species overtime feeding species richness indices. Some of the most important cephalopod fishery resources (D3) are also some of fastest turnover and most able opportunistic species and therefore the status of their stocks might provide a signal that is not directly proportional to ecosystem health but is nonetheless a useful indicator. The exploitation of cephalopod resources may also contribute to a decrease in pressure on other species at times or in geographic areas where markets value cephalopod species proportionately highly. Cephalopods have an important ecological role as both predators and prey and, in some ecosystems, squids are considered keystone species (D4). Although cephalopods tend to be both important prey and important predator species, different cephalopod species occupy different positions in that binomium and have different roles in different species assemblages. Some of the smallest species may be considered forage species for exploited fish stocks while they have important predatory roles over the forage species of other fish stocks. The largest species tend to have a greater impact as predators than as prey for exploited stocks, but may have important roles as forage species for some of the predators of other exploited stocks. Overall they may be considered important foodweb structuring components and sometimes hinges between ecosystem components, providing leverage on one side and pressure on the other. The use of cephalopods as indicators for D4 or D9 would depend on instigation of new monitoring/sampling programs to collect relevant data. Cephalopod mortality due to underwater noise (D11) has been demonstrated and the sensitivity of cephalopods to oceanographic conditions suggests that they could provide evidence in relation to D7. However, in both cases, definition of objectives would require further work and it is not obvious what should be monitored (Hastie et al., unpublished). 8.3 Applicability of MSFD indicators for cephalopods species The Commission Decision (EU COM, 2010) lists the indicators which can be quantified to assess GES based, in particular, on the scientific and technical assessment prepared by each descriptor Task Group set by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the International Council on the Exploration of the Seas (ICES). The Task Group reports are available online in

97 ICES WGCEPH REPORT The applicability to cephalopods species of the established indicators within the most relevant criteria was discussed by the WG. The next following Tables (Table 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.) show the MSFD indicators for descriptors D1, D3 and D4, listed together with applicability and relevant considerations. Table 8.1. D1 biodiversity indicators overview and cephalopods species relevance. LEVEL CRITERION INDICATOR APPLICABILIT Y COMMENTS Species 1.1 Species distribution Distributional range Distributional pattern within the latter, where appropriate area covered by the species (for sessile/benthic species) Yes Yes No Cephalopods may be benthic (octopuses), demersal (cuttlefish and loliginid squids) or pelagic (ommastrephid squids). They occur from the deep sea to coastal waters. Marked year to year fluctuations in distribution and seasonal patterns reflecting the short lifespan. 1.2 Population size Population abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate Yes Pronounced year to year fluctuations in abundance. Existing fishery and survey data across Member States can provide suitable information. 1.3 Population condition Population demographic characteristics population genetic structure, where appropriate Yes Yes Short lived species characterised by high metabolic rates, rapid growth and terminal spawning without generation overlap. Habitat 1.4 Habitat distribution Distributional range Distributional pattern No No 1.5 Habitat extent 1.6 Habitat condition Habitat area Habitat volume, where relevant Condition of the typical species and communities Relative abundance and/or biomass, as appropriate Physical, hydrological and chemical conditions Yes No No No No Some habitats are important for cephalopods, e.g. reproduction, but these indicators are for habitats per se. Some knowledge of associations between species or life stages and habitats has been demonstrated and may be used as an indicator of habitat quality, but as opportunistic species their high abundance may more often signal disturbance. Ecosyste m Composition and relative proportions of ecosystem components Yes Cephalopods are an important component of marine assemblages, sensi

98 96 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 LEVEL CRITERION INDICATOR APPLICABILIT Y COMMENTS (habitats and species) tive to anthropogenic stressors and charismatic. Table 8.2. D3 biodiversity indicators overview and cephalopods species relevance. CRITERION INDICATOR APPLICABILITY COMMENTS 3.1. Level of pressure of the fishing activity 3.2. Reproductive capacity of the stock Fishing mortality (F) Ratio between catch and biomass index Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) Biomass indices Yes Yes Yes Yes Existing fishery and survey data across Member States can provide suitable information for some of the most commercial important species. Others species are poorly sampled by the existing monitoring programmes and indicators proxies, e.g. landings were used Population age and size distribution Proportion of fish larger than the mean size at sexual maturation Mean maximum length across all species found in research vessel surveys No No Cephalopods are terminal spawners, dying soon after breed (at least females) with generally anual lifespans. In the absence of generation overlap, the parental generation population size (or other characteristics) have little impact in the recruitment success percentile of the fish length distribution found in research vessel survey No Size of first sexual maturation which may reflect the extent of undesirable effects of genetic effects of exploitation No

99 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Table 8.3. D4 biodiversity indicators overview and cephalopods species relevance. CRITERION INDICATOR APPLICABILITY COMMENTS 4.1. Productivity (production per unit biomass) of key species or trophic groups Performance of key predator species using their production per unit biomass (productivity) No 4.2. Proportion of selected species at the top of foodwebs Large fish (by weight) No 4.3. Abundance/distribution of key trophic groups/species Abundance trends of functionally important selected groups/species Yes Cephalopods have important ecological roles as both predators and prey and, in some ecosystems, squid are keystone species. 8.4 Progress per Member State in the initial MSFD assessment report In order to achieve GES in a coherent and strategic manner, the MSFD establishes four marine regions, which are themselves divided into sub regions (see Figure 8.1.1). Each member state is required to produce a marine strategy for the waters under its jurisdiction, ideally in cooperation with other countries that share the same subregion. While many marine monitoring programs at national, regional or global scale are underway since a long time (e.g. DCF program), MSFD requires data across many thematic areas relevant to the marine environment that are not easily covered by the traditional monitoring technologies and tools. The implementation of the Directive can contribute for further development towards a common transnational monitoring. The WG participants involved in the initial assessment report provided information on the status of the implementation of MSFD indicators for cephalopods. The country information provided has been summarised in Table for the assessed criteria in the MSFD initial assessment report. By means of cataloguing the indicators used for cephalopods across countries hopefully this WG will contribute to the process of data specification and monitoring harmonization taking place. Not all countries were able to provide information for the WGCEPH meeting. This section represents a work in progress that will be further developed within this ToR in following WG meetings Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast sub-region Portugal The work developed by IPMA under the MSFD to assess the status of Descriptor 1 was based on scientific trawl survey data. Biomass indices for Loligo vulgaris and Alloteuthis spp. (coastal/shelf pelagic cephalopods functional group) and Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae (deep sea pelagic cephalopods) were used in the Conservation Status of Fish Species (Dulvey et al. 2006) and the Marine Biological Value (Derous et al., 2007), as proxy for indicators and 1.6.2, respectively. For Descriptor 3, indicators based on data from research vessel surveys were computed for Loligo vulgaris and catch based indicators were used for Octopus vulgaris

100 98 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 and Sepia officinalis since these species are not properly sampled by the existing IPMA surveys. In Descriptor 4, cephalopod species were not included in the Large Fish Indicator (D4.2.1) for the Portuguese waters (ICES, 2013). The trophic level of surveyed community indicator was used as a proxy for Criteria 4.1 and Loligo vulgaris, Alloteuthis spp., Illex coindetii, and Todaropsis eblanae abundance data as sampled by the PT IBTS was included in the indicator. Overall the evaluation of the status in D1, D3 and D4 was carried out by comparing the estimate of each indicator in recent years with the historical mean. Under Descriptor 8 and 9, the concentration of contaminants in the most important commercial cephalopod species Loligo vulgaris, Octopus vulgaris and Sepia officinalis was estimated and compared against maximum regulatory levels. Spain The following cephalopod species, Octopus vulgaris, Eledone cirrhosa, Eledone moschata, Sepia officinalis and Loligo spp. (2 spp) were used in the development of indicators under D1, D3 and D4. Overall the evaluation of the status in D1, D3 and D4 was carried out by comparing the estimate of each indicator to a historical reference point. For more details see Table A.1 to A.4. in Annex A. France The preparation of MSFD implementation by France was split into a series of working groups in relation to each descriptor with differences in the way Cephalopods are taken into account. In Descriptor 1 (biodiversity) commercial species of Cephalopods were included in the list of species of interest which was originally a list of fin fishes and which became a list of nektonic species. D3 (exploited stocks) is mainly focused on assessed species and since there is no routine assessment of Cephalopods fished in French waters at the present time they have not been included. D4 (food web) did not take into account Cephalopods in the initial report. The study group has analysed a series of indicators and underlined that the advantage of MTI over LFI was that MTI was not limited to fin fish but could include Cephalopod species (among which Illex coindeti, Loligo vulgaris or Eledone cirrhosa show trophic levels above 3.25). The group mentioned the problem of trophic level estimates (often lacking or poorly reliable in Cephalopods) and also the sensitivity of MTI to fishing effort. In D4 the monitoring programme proposed to include Cephalopod species in spite of the fact that scientific surveys carried of once a year are not always scheduled ideally as regards Cephalopods migration cycle and offshore occurrence. Besides, the efficiency of survey sampling gears appears questionable as a wider range of Cephalopod preys is found in the stomach contents of toothed whales. The report underlines the need to improve the knowledge about Cephalopods prey consumption and about the consumption of Cephalopods by their predators (which could also contribute to better estimates of natural mortality and which would be useful to D3 population modelling.

101 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Greater North Sea United Kingdom The UK did not initially consider cephalopods but it has now (2013) commissioned a report on their possible inclusion (see Hastie et al., unpublished). Germany Germany did not take cephalopods into account in the initial assessment. Monitoring takes place within the DCF program and during surveys like IBTS, for example. France Comments made in the section about ʺBay of Biscay and Iberian Coast sub regionʺ also apply to other eco regions exploited by France fishing fleets Celtic Seas United Kingdom The UK did not initially consider cephalopods but it has now (2013) commissioned a report on their possible inclusion (see Hastie et al., unpublished). France Comments made in the section about ʺBay of Biscay and Iberian Coast sub regionʺ also apply to other eco regions exploited by France fishing fleets Baltic Sea Germany Due to the brackish water in the Baltic Sea, cephalopods occur in the German EEZ very infrequent and depend on inflow of salty North Sea waters; therefore, Germany did not take cephalopods into account in the initial assessment Mediterranean Sea France Comments made in the section about ʺBay of Biscay and Iberian Coast sub regionʺ also apply to other eco regions exploited by France fishing fleets. However, the abundance of squid eating cetaceans in the Mediterranean underlines the need to better take into account the part of Cephalopods in Mediterranean food webs.

102 100 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table 8.4. Overview by country of cephalopod coverage in the MSFD initial assessment report. Not all countries were able to provide information for the WGCEPH meeting. Detailed information presented in Annex A. This table represents work in progress (*cephalopod as species or functional group results in stand alone indicators). COUNTRY DESCRIPTOR INDICATORS USED SPECIES INCLUDED GES EVALUATION RESULTS FOR CEPHALOPODS* Portugal 1,3,4,8, , , 3.2.2, , , Loligo vulgaris Alloteuthis spp. Illex coindetii Todaropsis eblanae Octopus vulgaris Sepia officinalis i) historical reference point ii)regulatory levels D3 landings Spain 1,3, , 1.1.2, 1.2.1, , 3.1.2, , 3.3.3, landings Octopus vulgaris Eledone cirrhosa Eledone moschata Sepia officinalis Loligo vulgaris Loligo spp. historical reference point D1, D3, D4 France 1, 3, , Octopus vulgaris Eledone cirrhosa D1, D3, D4 Eledone moschata Sepia officinalis Loligo vulgaris Loligo forbesii. UK Germany Monitoring programme in development Not considered 8.5 Final considerations Cephalopods have a relatively high trophic importance and are significant fishery resources, especially in southern Europe but also in UK waters. In some respects they can be considered charismatic megafauna of the invertebrates. For cephalopods, a key consideration is their environmental sensitivity, linked to their rapid growth and short life cycles: abundance and distribution of many if not most species are expected to fluctuate widely from year to year. They have the potential to provide indicators under descriptors D1, D3, D4, D7, D9 and D11. As short lived species they can act as sentinels of environmental change, including a range of anthropogenic stressors. Thus, specific GES reference points may not be fixed values, rather a description of the natural range of variability and its relationship with climatic variability. This then

103 ICES WGCEPH REPORT leads us to consider whether it is feasible to separate signals of impacts of anthropogenic stressors from the natural responses to climatic and other variability. For example, is it possible to disentangle fishery and environmental effects; can we distinguish signal from noise? Based on such analysis, the feasibility of defining GES objectives, reference points and indicators can be evaluated (Hastie et al., unpublished). The identification and characterization of essential habitats to cephalopod species is also a key component to address concerning the D1 descriptor. Some species as the Loliginids and sepiids aggregate in specific grounds to breed (e.g. Cutlefish often prefer seagrass beds to lay their eggs, Bloor et al., 2013) and octopods aggregate consistently in specific regions to grow and feed during the post setlement phase (Garofalo et al., 2010; Moreno et al., 2010). Spatial conflicts with fishing activities or activities revolving the seafloor can potentially increase the pressure to these species and additionally creating imbalances in local/regional ecosystems. The ethology of some cephalopod species, most notably octopuses should also be further researched and monitored in relation to a variety of human stressors, particularly in coastal ecosystems. Octopuses appear to be able to change their interactions with human activities over time, which should be incorporated in models to allow GES reference points to be tuned. The development of D4 foodweb indicators has been a key research area for ICES and the scientific community in recent years. Young et al. (2013) presents a range of new findings for understanding of the role of squid in pelagic ecosystems, particularly the important role of ommastrephid species in the food webs leading to top predators in the world s oceans and improved understanding of their physiology including a novel study of flight in squid. Ecosystem models show squid are commonly at the centre of food webs, underlining the importance of squid in marine ecosystems. These results are promising for future development of foodweb status indicators but demand further research work and most probably specific monitoring programmes. 8.6 References Bloor, I.S.M., Attrill, M.J., Jackson E.L., A review of the factors influencing spawning, early life stage survival and recruitment variability in the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Advances in Marine Biology, 65: Derous, S., Agardy, T., Hillewaert, H., Hostens, K., Jamieson, G., Lieberknecht, L., Mees, J., Moulaert, I., Olenin, S., Paelinckx, D., Rabaut, M., Rachor, E., Roff, J., Stienen, E.W.M., van der Wal, J.T., Van Lancker, V., Verfaillie, E., Vincx, M., Weslawski, J.M., Degraer, S., A concept for biological valuation in the marine environment. Oceanologia 49 (1): Dulvy, N. K., Jennings, S., Rogers, S. I., and Maxwell, D. L., Threat and decline in fishes: an indicator of marine biodiversity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 63: EU COM, Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). 22 pp. EU COM, Commission decision of 1 September 2010 on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters (notified under document C(2010) 5956) (2010/477/EU). 11 pp. Garofalo, G., Ceriola, L., Gristina, M., Fiorentino, F., Pace, R., Nurseries, spawning grounds and recruitment of Octopus vulgaris in the Strait of Sicily, central Mediterranean Sea. ICES Journal Marine Science 67,

104 102 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Hastie, L.C., Pierce, G.J., Begoña Santos, M. (n.d.). Cephalopod Indicators for the MSFD: Interim Report. Unpublished. ICES Report of the Workshop on DCF Indicators. ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES CM 2013/ACOM:38. 81pp. Young, J, W., Olson, R. J., Rodhouse, P. G.K., Role of squids in pelagic ecosystems: An overview. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 95: 3 6.

105 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Appendix A: Cephalopods coverage in MSFD 2010 assessment report for the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast region Table A.1 D1 biodiversity indicators. Detailed cephalopod coverage in the initial MSFD assessment report. DESCRIPTOR 1 (BIODIVERSITY) Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Portugal Spain France MSFD Indicators Loligo vulgaris Alloteuthis spp. Illex coindetii Todaropsis eblanae Octopus vulgaris Eledone cirrhosa Eledone moschata Sepia officinalis Loligo vulgaris In developm ent Distributional range X X X X X Distributional pattern withi n the latter, where appropriate X X X X X Area covered by the species (for sessile/benthic species) Population abundance and/ or biomass, as appropriate Population demographic ch aracteristics (e.g. body size or age class str ucture, sex ratio, fecundity rates,survi X X X X X X X X X X

106 104 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 val/mortality rates) Population genetic structure, where appropriate Distributional range Distributional pattern Habitat area Habitat volume, where relev ant Condition of the typical spec ies and communities (CSFb) Relative abundance and/or b iomass, as appropriate ( marine biological value) X X X X X X X X Physical, hydrological and c hemical conditions Composition and relative pr oportions of ecosystem components (h abitats and species)

107 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Table A.2 D3 commercial fish indicators. Detailed cephalopod coverage in the initial MSFD assessment report. DESCRIPTOR 3 (COMMERCIAL FISH) Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Portugal Spain France MSFD Indicators Loligo vulgaris Octopus vulgaris Sepia officinalis Octopus vulgaris Sepia officinalis Loligo spp. (2 spp) Eledone spp. (2 spp) In developm ent Fishing mortality (F) X X X Ratio between catch and biom ass index (hereinafter catch/biomass ratio) X X X X Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) X X X Biomass indices X Proportion of fish larger than the mean size of first sexual maturation Mean maximum length across all species found in research vessel surveys % percentile of the fish lengt h distribution observed in research surveys X X X X X X X Size at first sexual matura

108 106 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 tion Other indicators Landings (3.1) X X X X X X 95% percentile of the fish weight di stribution observed in landings (3.3) X 95% percentile of the fish length dis tribution observed in landings (3.3) X Table A.3 D4 foodweb indicators. Detailed cephalopod coverage in the initial MSFD assessment report. DESCRIPTOR 4 (FOODWEBS) Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Portugal Spain France MSFD indicators Functional group* Octopus vulgaris Benthic Cephalopods Benthopelagic Cephalopods In development Performance of key predator species using their production per unit biomass Large fish (by weight) non applicable non applicable non applicable non applicable Abundance trends of functionally important selected groups/species X X X

109 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Other indicators Trophic level of surveyed community (4.1) X Table A.4 D8 and D9 contaminants indicators. Detailed cephalopod coverage in the initial MSFD assessment report. DESCRIPTOR 8 (CONTAMINANTS AND POLLUTIOIN EFFECTS) Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Portugal Spain France MSFD indicators Loligo vulgaris Octopus vulgaris Sepia oficinallis Not Considered In development Concentration of the contaminants mentioned above,measured in the relevant matrix (such as biota, sediment andwater) in a way that ensures comparability with theassessments under Directive 2000/60/EC X X X Levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components concerned, having regard to the selected biological processes and taxonomic groups where a cause/effect relationship has been established and needs to be monitored Occurrence, origin (where possible), extent of significant acute pollution events (e.g. slicks from oil and oil products) and their impact on biota physically affected by this pollution

110 108 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 DESCRIPTOR 9 (CONTAMINANTS IN FISH) MSFD indicators Loligo vulgaris Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Portugal Spain France Octopus vulgaris Sepia oficinallis Not Considered In development Actual levels of contaminants that have been detectedand number of contaminants which have exceeded maximum regulatory levels X X X Frequency of regulatory levels being exceeded X X

111 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Other business 9.1 Result of the Data Call launched in February The group is generally pleased with the answers obtained from most of the European countries in relation to the data call. All countries required answered to the data call and so no data was supplied to the group. However it is to point out that one country, France, does not follow the data format designed by the group to data exchange and analysis. Data call format has been designed 3 years ago to facilitate compilation and data analysis during the meeting. It is highly recommendable that all countries follow the data format in which year by year is required. As the lack of accomplishment with the data call format, most of the variables about the fishery are not delivered by France (see Table in Annex 2 about Justification). The amount of information received previous to the group was large and of enough quality to try preliminary trend analysis. The group was able to review and update some preliminary LPUE trends and survey indices based on submitted data. This is the third year of the data call and basis for future work in relation to assessment are being already established. There is still a data clarification request process to be deployed in relation to: a ) Species identification in the catches. b ) Discards: sampled level for discard would be advisable for submission. It is important to point out that all data should be raised. c ) Submission of data in the Data Call format agreed: France has not delivered data in the Data Call format. This is important because the format chosen for the Data Call was a compromise between the COST file format used by the countries and the Excel format which can be easily use by the group members. An important issue of a Data Call is the standardization of the formats in the way that all countries send data in the same way to be able to be worked out together. The lack of the Data Call format complicates analysis, visibility and workability of the data. So, it is highly recommended that countries sent data in the agreed Data Call format. For WGCEPH 2015, the group agree on a simplified way to proceed in relation to Data Call: a ) Simplify the Excel files. Check whether other alternative common format of submitting data could be more feasible for countries (e.g. ICES INTER CATCH format). Also a revision of variable required, up to know, will be done. b ) in the case of countries with just minor catches of cephalopods, the group will require data just for updating the general statistics of tables in the General Section. (Section 2). c ) in the case of United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal: i. dedicate time to review data already available to identify surveys, fleets and periods of time. ii. from this review, a series of historical data will be required to countries. iii. It is expected that a cross check will be done with countries to agree on the most feasible way of delivering data to the group

112 110 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 and the capability of the group to manage this large amount of information There is a need of developing methods for the analysis of the data already compiled as inconsistencies have been already detected References References in Sepiidae Coelho, M. L. and Martins, M. C. (1991). Preliminary observations on the biology ofsepia officinalis in Ria Formosa, Portugal. In Boucaud Camou, E., editor, La seiche /The Cuttlesh, pages 131{140. Centre de Publications de lʹuniversite de Caen, Caen,France. Guerra, A. and Castro, B. G. (1988). On the life cycle of Sepia officinalis in the Ria devigo. Cahiers de biologie marine, 29: Gras M. (2013). Contributions des frayères côtuères au recrutement du stock de seiche Sepia officinalis de Manche : lien entre le success de la phase pré recritée et lʹabondance de la resource. PhD Thesis Université de Caen Basse Normandie Mangold (1966). Sepia officinalis de la mer Catalane. Vie Et Milieu Life and Environment, 17: Royer J., Pierce G.J., Foucher E., Robin J.P., The English Channel Stock of Sepia officinalis: variability in abundance and impact of the fishery. Fisheries Research, 78: Zatylny C. (2000) Etude du contrôle de la ponte chez la seiche Sepia officinalis L. : applications à la conservation des stocks et au repeuplement dans lʹouest Cotentin. PhD Thesis Université de Caen, 119 pp References in Loliginids Cabanellas Reboredo M., Calvo Manazza M., Palmer M., Hernández Urcera J., Garci M.E., González, A.F., Guerra A., Morales Nin, B Using artificial devices for identifying spawning preferences of the European squid: Usefulness and limitations. Fisheries Research, 157: Cabanellas Reboredo, M., Calvo Manazza, M., Palmer, M., Hernández Urcera, J., Garcia, M. E., González, A. F., Guerra, A., and Morales Nin, B New insights for cephalopod management: Identification of preferential spawning areas for the European squid. Fisheries Resarch (in press) Challier L., Pierce G.J., Robin J.P., 2006 a. Spatial and temporal variation in age and growth in juvenile Loligo forbesi and relationships with recruitment in the English Channel and Scottish waters. J. Sea Res., 55, Challier L., Orr P., Robin J.P., 2006 b. Introducing inter individual growth variability in the assessment of cephalopod population: application to the English, Channel squid Loligo forbesi. Oecologia 150 : Perales Raya, C Determinación de la edad y estudio del crecimiento del choco (Sepia hierredda Rang, 1837), el calamar (Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798) y el pulpo (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) de la costa noroccidental africana. PhD thesis Universidad La Laguna, 192 pp. Raya, C.P., Balguerías, E., Fernández Nuñez, M.M. and Pierce, G.J On reproduction and age of the squid Loligo vulgaris from the Saharan Bank (north west African coast). Journal of Marine Biological Association of the U.K. 79: Royer J., Modélisation des stocks de Céphalopodes de Manche. PhD Thesis Université de Caen Basse Normandie. 242 pp.

113 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Thomas M., Challier L., Santos M.B., Pierce G.J., Moreno A., Pereira J., Cunha M.M., Porteiro F., Gonçalves J., Robin J.P Spatial differences in biological characteristics of Loligo forbesii (Cephalopoda Loliginidae) in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES CM 2004 / CC : 23 (poster) References in Octopodidae Guerra, A., Sieiro, M.P., Roura, A., Portela J.M., and Río, J.L del On gonadic maturation and reproductive strategy in deep sea benthic octopus Graneledone macrotyla. Helgoland Marine Research, 67: Guerra, A., Hernández Urcera, J, Garci, M. E., Sestelo, M., Regueira, M., González, A.F., Cabanellas Reboredo, M., Calvo Manazza, M., and Morales Nin, B Dwellers in dens on sandy bottoms: Ecological and behavioural traits of Octopus vulgaris. Scientia Marina (en prensa). Hernández Urcera, J., Garci M. E., Roura, A., González, A.F., Cabanellas Reboredo, M., Morales Nin, B., and Guerra, A Cannibalistic Behavior of Octopus vulgaris in the Wild. Journal of Comparative Psicology (en prensa). Jurado Ruzafa, A., Duque, V. Carrasco M. N. and González Lorenzo, G. Reproductive aspects of Octopus vulgaris, Cuvier 1797, caught by the industrial Spanish fleet off Mauritania (NW Africa). Congreso Internacional de Ciencias del Mar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, June Unpublished results (in preparation, submitted). Perales Raya, C., Jurado Ruzafa, A. Bartolomé, A, Duque, V., Carrasco, N. and Fraile Nuez, E Age of spent Octopus vulgaris and stress mark analysis using beaks of wild individuals. Hydrobiologia 725: Perales Raya, C Determinación de la edad y estudio del crecimiento del choco (Sepia hierredda Rang, 1837), el calamar (Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798) y el pulpo (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) de la costa noroccidental africana. PhD thesis Universidad La Laguna, 192 pp. Regueira,M., González A.F., Guerra A Habitat selection and population spreading of the horned octopus Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798) in Galician waters (NW Atlantic). Fisheries Research, 152: Regueira, M., González, A.F., Guerra, A., Seoares, A Reproductive traits of horned octopus Eledone cirrhosa in Atlantic Iberian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(6), Sieiro, M.P., Otero, J. and Guerra, A Contrasting macroscopic maturity staging with histological characteristics of the gonads in female Octopus vulgaris. Hidrobiologia, 730: References in Ommastrephidae Arkhipkin, A. I., V. V. Laptikhovsky, Age and growth of the squid Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) on the north west African shelf. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80. González, A. F., M. Rasero, A. Guerra, Preliminary study of Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in northern Spanish Atlantic waters. Fisheries Research, 21. González, A. F., B. G. Castro, A. Guerra, Age and growth of the short finned squid Illex coindetii in Glacian waters(nw Spain) based on statolith analysis. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 53. Piatkowski, U., M. R. Clarke, V. Hernández García, On the biology of the Euro pean flying squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798) (Cephalopoda, ommas trephidae) in the central eastern Atlantic. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci., 20.

114 112 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Sánchez, P., A. F. González, P. Jereb, V. V. Laptikhovsky, K. M. Mangold, C. M. Nig matullin, S. Ragonese, Illex coindetii. Squid Recruitment Dynamics: The genus Illex as a model, the commercial Illex species and influences on variability, 376. Wiborg, K. F., I. M. Beck, The squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck) distribution and biology in northern waters August 1982 June References from Policies (ToR C) André, M., Solé, M., Lenoir, M., Dufort, M., Quero, C., Mas, A., Lombarte, A., van der Schaar, M., López Bejar, M., Morell, M., Zaugg, S. & Houégnigan, L., Low frequency sounds induce acoustic trauma in cephalopods. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9, Anon, Report from the workshop about fishing discards organized by the European Fisheries Technology Platform, held in Vigo on the 22nd of June 2012). Borges, T.C., Erzini, K., Bentes, L., Costa, M.E., Gonçalves, J.M.S., Lino, P.G., Pais C. & Ribeiro, J By catch and discarding practices in five Algarve (southern Portugal) metiers. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 17, FAO Fisheries Department, World review of highly migratory species and straddling stocks. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No Rome, FAO. 70 p. Fewtrell, J. & McCauley, R.D., Impact of air gun noise on the behaviour of marine fish and squid. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64, Guerra, A., González, A.F., Pascual, S. & Dawe, E.G., The giant squid Architeuthis: An emblematic invertebrate that can represent concern for the conservation of marine biodiversity. Biological Conservation 144, Hastie, L.C., Pierce, G.J. & Wang, J., An Overview of Cephalopods Relevant to the SEA 7 Area. A review on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry, University of Aberdeen. Johnsen J.P & Eliasen S., 2011., Solving complex fisheries management problems: What the EU can learn from the Nordic experiences of reduction of discards, Marine Policy 35, MRAG and IEEP, Impact assessment of discard policy for specific fisheries. Studies and Pilot Projects for Carrying Out the Common Fisheries Policy No FISH/2006/17. Newson, S.E., Mendes, S., Crick, H.Q.P., Dulvy, N.K., Houghton, J.D.R., Hays, G.C., Hutson, A.M., Macleod, C.D., Pierce, G.J. & Robinson, R.A., Indicators of the impact of climate change on migratory species. Endangered Species Research 7, Robinson et al. (2009) Pierce, G.J., Santos, M.B., Mente, E., Wang, J., Stowasser, G. & Boyle, P.R., An Overview of Cephalopods Relevant to the SEA 4 Area. A review on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry, University of Aberdeen. Pierce, G.J., Young, I.A.G. & Wang, J., An overview of cephalopods relevant to the SEA 2 and SEA 3 areas. Report No TR_009_Rev1. Department of Trade and Industry. Robinson, R.A., Crick, H.Q.P., Learmonth, J.A., Maclean, I.M.D., Thomas, C.D., Bairlein, F., Forchhammer, M.C., Francis, C.M., Gill, J.A., Godley, B.J., Harwood, J., Hays, G.C., Huntley, B., Hutson, A.M., Pierce, G.J., Rehfisch, M.M., Sims, D.W., Santos, M.B., Sparks, T.H., Stroud, D.A. & Visser, M.E., Travelling through a warming world: climate change and migratory species. Endangered Species Research 7, Sacau, M., Pierce, G.J., Stowasser, G., Wang, J. & Santos, M.B., An overview of cephalopods relevant to the SEA6 area. A review on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry, University of Aberdeen. Santurtún, M., Prellezo R., Arregi, L., Iriondo, A., Aranda, M., Korta, M., Onaindia, I., Garcia, D., Merino, G., Ruiz, J. & Andonegi, E Characteristics of multispecific fisheries in the

115 ICES WGCEPH REPORT European Union. [STUDY: IP/B/PECH/IC/2013_088]. European Union, This document is available on the Internet at: Scott, K.N., International regulation of undersea noise. ICLQ 53, Solé, M., Lenoir, M., Durfort, M., López Bejar, M., Lombarte, A. & André, M., 2013a. Ultrastructural damage of Loligo vulgaris and Illex coindetii statocysts after low frequency sound exposure. PLoS ONE 8(10): e doi: /journal.pone Solé, M., Lenoir, M., Durfort, M., López Bejar, M., Lombarte, A., van der Schaar, M. & André, M., 2013b. Does exposure to noise from human activities compromise sensory information from cephalopod statocysts? Deep Sea Research II 95, Stowasser, G., Pierce, G.J., Wang, J. & Santos, M.B., An overview of cephalopods relevant to the SEA 5 Area. A review on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry, University of Aberdeen. Young, I.A.G., An overview of cephalopods relevant to the SEA 2 Area. Technical Report TR_009. Technical report produced for Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA2, University of Aberdeen References from Biological parameters (ToR d) Adam, W Expédition océanographique Belge dans les eaux cotiéres africaines de lʹatlantique Sud ( ). Résultats scientifiques. Céphalopodes. Institut royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 3(3): Alidromiti, C., Lefkaditou, E., Katsanevakis, S., and Verriopoulos, G Age and growth of Alloteuthis media (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in Thermaikos Gulf. 9th Hellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Patras, Greece, May Proceedings volume: (In Hellenic, Abstract in English). Arkhipkin, A. I Age, growth and maturation of the European squid Loligo vulgaris (Myopsidae, Loliginidae) on the west Saharan Shelf. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 75: Arkhipkin, A. I., and Laptikhovsky, V. V Age and growth of the squid Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) on the North west African shelf. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80: Arkhipkin, A., and Nekludova, N Age, growth and maturation of the loliginid squids Alloteuthis africana and A. subulata on the West African shelf. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 73: Arvanitidis, C., Koutsoubas, D, Robin, J P., Pereira, J., Moreno, A., Cunha, M., Valavanis, V., and Eleftheriou, A A comparation of the fishery biology of three Illex coindetii Vérany, 1839 (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) populations from the European Atlantic and Mediterranean Waters. Bulletin of Marine Science, 71 (1): Auteri, R., Mannini, P., and Volpi, C Biological parameters estimation of Alloteuthis media (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cephalopoda, Loliginidae) sampled off Tuscany coast. Quaderni del Museo di Storia Naturale di Livorno, 8: Baddyr, M The biology of the squid Loligo vulgaris in relation to the artisanal fishing site of Tifnit, Morocco. PhD Thesis, Institut Agronomique et Vètèrinaire Hassan II. Rabat, Morocco, 93 pp. Belcari, P. 1999a. Alloteuthis media. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 6 (Suppl. 1): Belcari, P. 1999b. Illex coindetii. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 6 (Suppl 1): Belcari, P. 1999c. Todaropsis eblanae. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 6 (Suppl. 1):

116 114 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Belcari, P., and Sartor, P Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798). Sintesi delle conoscenze sulle risorse da pesca dei fondi del Mediterraneo centrale (Italia e Corsica), pp Ed. by Relini G., Bertrand, J., and Zamboni A. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 6 (suppl. 1): Belcari, P., Sartor, P., Nannini N., and De Ranieri, S Length weight relationship of Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) of the northern Tyrrhenian Sea in relation to sexual maturation. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 6: Bettencourt, V., Estudo da estrutura da população de Loligo vulgaris (Lamarck, 1799) da costa sul de Portugal através da leitura dos anéis de crescimento nas estruturas duras, os estatólitos. MSc thesis, Universidade do Algarve (UCTRA), 70pp. Bettencourt, V., Coelho, M. L., Andrade, J. P., and Guerra, A Age and growth of Loligo vulgaris of south of Portugal by statolith analysis. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 62: Bjørke, H., and Gjøsæter, H Cephalopods in the Norwegian Sea. In The Norwegian Sea Ecosystem, pp Ed by H. R. Skjoldal. Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. 559 pp. Boucaud Camou, E., and Boismery, J The migrations of the cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis L.) in the English Channel. In Acta 1st International Symposiun the Cuttlefish, Sepia. Caen, June 1 3, 1989, pp Ed. By Boucoud Camou, E., Centre de Publications de lʹuniversité de Caen. Boucaud Camou, E., Koueta, N., Boismery, J., and Medhioub, A The sexual cycle of Sepia officinalis L. from the Bay of Seine. In Acta 1st International Symposium on the Cuttlefish, Sepia. Caen, June 1 3, 1989, pp Ed. By Boucoud Camoud, E., Centre de Publications de lʹuniversité de Caen. Boletzky, S. v Le développement d Eledone moschata (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) élevée au laboratoire. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 100: Boletzky, S. v Observations on early post embryonic development of Loligo vulgaris (Mollusca, Cephalopoda). Rapports et procès verbaux des réunions de la Commission Internationale pour l Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 25/26, 10 pp. Borges, T. C., and Wallace, J. C Some aspects of the fishery biology of the ommastrephid squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798) from the northeast Atlantic. In Recent Advances in Cephalopod Fisheries Biology, pp Ed. By T. Okutani, R. K. O Dor, and T. Kubodera. Tokai University Press, Tokyo. 752 pp. Boyle, P. R Eledone cirrhosa. In Cephalopod Life Cycles. Volume I. Species Accounts, pp Ed. by P. R. Boyle. Academic Press, London, 475 pp. Boyle, P. R Eledone cirrhosa: biology and fisheries in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. In: Proceedings of the workshop on the fishery and market potential of Octopus in California, pp Ed. by M. A., and F. G. Hochberg, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C. 192 pp. Boyle, P. R,. Collins, M. A., and Williamson, G. R The cephalopod by catch of deep water trawling on the Hebrides slope. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 78: Boyle, P. R., and Knobloch, D On growth of the octopus Cuccu, D., Damele, F., Follesa, M. C., Murenu, M., and Cau, A Aspetti biologici di Eledone cirrhosa (Cephalopoda Octopoda) nei mari circostanti la Sardegna. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 10(2): Boyle, P. R., Mangold, K., and Ngoile, M Biological variation in Eledone cirrhosa (Cephalopoda: Octopoda): simultaneous comparison of North Sea and Mediterranean populations. Malacologia, 29: Boyle, P. R., and Ngoile, M. A. K. 1993a. Population variation and growth in Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) from Scottish waters. In Recent Advances in Cephalopod Fish

117 ICES WGCEPH REPORT eries Biology, pp Ed., P. R., Pierce, G. J., and Hastie, L. C Flexible reproductive strategies in the squid Loligo forbesi. Marine Biology, 121: Boyle, P. R., and Ngoile, M. A. K. 1993b. Assessment of maturity state and seasonality of reproduction in Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) from Scottish waters. In Recent Advances in Cephalopod Fisheries Biology, pp Ed. by T. Okutani, R. K. OʹDor, and T. Kubodera.. Tokai University Press, Tokyo. Ceriola, L., Ungaro, N., and Toteda, F Some information on the biology of Illex coindetii Verany, 1839 (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) in the South Western Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean). Fisheries Research, 82 (1 3): Ciavaglia, E., and Manfredi, C Distribution and some biological aspects of cephalopods in the North and Central Adriatic. Bollettino Malacologico, 45(Suppl. 8): Coelho, M. L., Quintela, J., Bettencourt, V., Olavo, G., and Villa, H Population structure, maturation patterns and fecundity of the squid Loligo vulgaris from southern Portugal. Fisheries Research, 21: Collins, M. A., Boyle, P. R., Pierce, G. J., Key, L. N., Hughes, S. E., and Murphy, J Resolution of multiple cohorts in the Loligo forbesi population from the west of Scotland. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56: Collins, M. A., Burnell, G. M., and Rodhouse, P. G. 1995a. Reproductive strategies of male and female Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 75: Collins, M. A., Burnell, G. M., and Rodhouse, P. G. 1995b. Age and growth of the squid Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda, Loliginidae) in Irish waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 75: Cunha, M. M Estudo comparativo da biologia de Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, 1856 e Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798 (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) da costa continental portuguesa. Provas para Assistente de Investigação, IPIMAR, Lisboa. De Heij, A., and Baayen, R. P Seasonal distribution of the cephalopod Alloteuthis subulata in the central and southern North Sea. Basteria, 63: De Heij, A., and Baayen, R. P Seasonal distribution of cephalopod species living in the central and southern North Sea. Basteria, 69: Dunn, M. R Aspects of the stock dynamics and exploitation of cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the English Channel. Fisheries Research, 40: Forsythe, J. W., and Hanlon, R. T Growth of the Eastern Atlantic squid, Loligo forbesi Steenstrup (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 20: Forsythe, J. W., and van Heukelem, W. F Growth. In Cephalopod Life Cycles. Vol. II: Comparative Reviews, pp Ed. by P. R. Boyle. Academic Press, London. 441 pp. Gaard, E An investigation of the squid Loligo forbesi Steenstrup on Faroe Bank. ICES Document CM 1987/ K: pp. González, A. F., Castro, B. G. and Guerra, A Age and growth of the short finned squid Illex coindetii in Galician waters (NW Spain) based on statolith analysis. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 53: González, A. F., and Guerra, A Reproductive Biology of the shot finned squid Illex coindetii (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) of the Northeastern Atlantic. Sarsia, 81: González, A. F., Rasero, M., and Guerra, A Preliminary study of Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in northern Spanish Atlantic waters. Fisheries Research, 21: Guerra, A The fishery of Octopus vulgaris off Finisterre (NW Spain). ICES Document CM 1981/K: 4.

118 116 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Guerra, A Cephalopods of the Ria de Vigo (NW of Spain). Preliminary results. Cuadernos da Area de Ciencias Marinas, Seminario de Estudos Galegos, 1: Guerra, A Mollusca, Cephalopoda. In Fauna Ibérica, 1, pp Ed. by M. A. Ramos, J. Alba, X. Bellés, J. Gosálvez, A. Guerra, E. Macpherson, F. Piera, et al. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, Madrid. 327 pp. Guerra, A., and Castro, B. G On the life cycle of Sepia officinalis (Cephalopoda, Sepioidea) in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 29: Guerra, A., and Castro, B. G Some aspects of the biology of Sepia elegans (Cephalopoda, Sepioidea) from the ria de Vigo, northwest Spain. Vie et Milieu, 39 (3/4): Guerra, A., and Rocha, F The life history of Loligo vulgaris and Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in Galician waters (NW Spain). Fisheries Research, 21: Guerra, A., Sieiro, M.P., Roura, A., Portela J.M., and Río, J.L del On gonadic maturation and reproductive strategy in deep sea benthic octopus Graneledone macrotyla. Helgoland Marine Research, 67: Hastie, L. C., Joy, J. B., and Pierce, G. J Reproductive biology of Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in Scottish coastal waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 74: Hastie, L. C., Nyegaard, M., Collins, M. A., Moreno, A., Pereira, J. M. F., Piatkowski, U., and Pierce, G. J. 2009b. Reproductive biology of the loliginid squid, Alloteuthis subulata, in the north east Atlantic and adjacent waters. Aquatic Living Resources, 22: Hastie, L. C., Pierce, G. J., Wang, J., Bruno, I., Moreno, A., Piatkowski, U., and Robin, J P. 2009a. Cephalopods in the north east Atlantic: species, biogeography, ecology, exploitation and conservation. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 47: Hernández García, V Reproductive Biology of Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) off Northwest Africa (4 N, 35 N). Bulletin of Marine Science, 71 (1): Holme, N. A The biology of Loligo forbesi Steenstrup (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Plymouth area. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 54: Howard, F. G Recent trends in the Scottish fishery for Loligo forbesi, together with some notes on the biology of the species. ICES Document CM 1979/K:36. 4 pp. Jereb, P., Allcock, A.L., Lefkaditou, E., Piatkowski, U., Hastie, L.C., Pierce, G.J. (Eds.), In Press. Cephalopod biology and fisheries in European waters: species accounts. Cooperative Research Report, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen. Jereb, P., and Ragonese, S An outline of the biology of the squid Illex coindetii in the Sicilian Channel (Central Mediterranean). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 75: Jereb, P., Vecchione, M. and Roper, C. F. E Family Loliginidae. In Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids, pp Ed. by P. Jereb, and C.F.E. Roper, FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4/2, FAO, Rome. Jonsson, E Study of European flying squid, Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck) occurring in deep waters south of Iceland. ICES Document CM 1998/M: 48, 13 pp. Jorge, I., and Sobral, M. P Alguns aspectos da biología e ecología da população de choco, Sepia officinalis da região de Averio. Relatórios Técnicos e Científicos, IPIMAR, série digital ( ipimar, 15: 29 pp. Joy, J. B The fishery biology of ommastrephid squids in Shetland waters. MSc thesis, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen.

119 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Joy, J. B The fishery biology of Todarodes sagittatus in Shetland waters. Journal of Cephalopod Biology, 1 (2): Katsanevakis, S., Lefkaditou, E., Galinou Mitsoudi, S., Koutsoubas, D., and Zenetos, A Molluscan species of minor commercial interest in Hellenic seas: Distribution, exploitation and conservation status. Mediterranean Marine Science, 9 (1): Laptikhovski, V Fecundity of the squid Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798 (Myopsida, Loliginidae) off northwest Africa. Scientia Marina, 64: Laptikhovsky, V., and Nigmatullin, C. M Egg size, fecundity and spawning in females of the genus Illex (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 50: Laptikhovsky, V. V., and Nigmatullin, C. M Egg size and fecundity in females of the subfamilies Todaropsinae and Todarodinae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 79: Laptikhovsky V., Salman, A., Önsoy, B., and Katagan, T Systematic position and reproduction of squid of the genus Alloteuthis (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in the eastern Mediterranean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 82: Lefkaditou, E., Verriopoulos, G., and Valavanis, V VII.9. Research on Cephalopod Resources in Le Goff, R., and Daguzan, J Growth and life cycles of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis L. (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in South Brittany (France). Bulletin of Marine Science, 49: Lopes, S. S., Coelho, M. L., Andrade, J. P Analysis of oocyte development and potential fecundity of the squid Loligo vulgaris from the waters of southern Portugal. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 77: Lordan, C., Collins, M. A., Key, L. N., and Browne, E. D a. The biology of the ommastrephid squid, Todarodes sagittatus, in the north east Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 81, Lordan, C., Warners, S., Cross, T., and Burnell, G b. The distribution and abundance of cephalopod species caught during demersal trawl surveys west of Ireland and in the Celtic Sea. Irish Fisheries Investigation (New Series), 8: 26 pp. Lourenço, S., Moreno, A., and Pereira, J Distribution and Biological revision of Eledone moschata (Lamarck, 1978) in south and southwestern Portuguese waters. III Congresso da Ordem dos Biólogos, Lisboa 25 a 27 Fevereiro 2008, Poster P 13. Lum Kong, A., Pierce, G. J., and Yau, C Timing of spawning and recruitment in Loligo forbesi Steenstrup (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in Scottish waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 72: Mandić, S., and Stjepcević, J Mouvements migratoires de quelques espèces de Céphalopodes économiquement importantes dans l Adriatique méridionale. Rapports et Procès Verbaux des Réunions de la Commission Internationale pour l Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 27: Mangold, K Eledone moschata. In Cephalopod life cycles Vol I. Species Accounts, pp Ed. by P.R. Boyle. Academic Press, London, 475 pp Mangold Wirz, K. 1963a. Biologie des Céphalopodes benthiques et nectoniques de la Mer Catalane. Vie et Milieu, Supplément 13: 285 pp Mangold Wirz, K. 1963b. Dimensions et croissance relatives de quelques ommastréphidés méditerranéens. Rapports et Procès Verbaux des Réunions de la Commission Internationale pour l Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 17(2): Martins, H. R Biological studies of the exploited stock of Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda) in the Azores. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 62:

120 118 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Moreno, A Alloteuthis spp. (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae), um recurso natural subexplorado. Aspectos da sua biologia. Diplom thesis. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. 110 pp. Moreno, A Aspectos da biologia de Alloteuthis subulata e distribução de Alloteuthis spp. Relatorios Cientificos e Tecnicos do Instituto Português de Investigação Marítima, 8: 16 pp. Moreno, A., Azevedo, M., Pereira, J., and Pierce, G. J Growth strategies in the squid Loligo vulgaris from Portuguese waters. Marine Biology Research, 3: Moreno, A., Cunha, M. M., and Pereira, J. M. F Population biology of the veined squid (Loligo forbesi) and European squid (Loligo vulgaris) from the Portuguese coast. Fisheries Research, 21(1 2): Moreno, A., Pereira, J., Arvanitidis, C., Robin, J. P., Koutsoubas, D., Perales Raya, C., et al Biological variation of Loligo vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. Bulletin of Marine Science, 71: Moreno, A., Pereira, J., and Cunha, M.M Environmental influences on age and size at maturity of Loligo vulgaris. Aquatic Living Resources, 18: Moustahfid, H Age and growth of arrow squid Todarodes sagittatus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) sampled in summer in Atlantic Moroccan waters. Bulletin of Marine Science, 71: Natsukari, Y. and Komine, N Age and growth estimation of the European squid Loligo vulgaris, based on statolith microstructure. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 72: Neves, A., Sequeira1, V., Farias, I., Vieira, A. R., Paiva, R., and Gordo, L. S., Discriminating bluemouth, Helicolenus dactylopterus (Pisces: Sebastidae), stocks in Portuguese waters by means of otolith shape analysis. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91: Ngoile, M. A. K Fishery biology of the squid Loligo forbesi Steenstrup (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in Scottish waters. Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen. Nyegaard, M An analysis of reproductive behaviour, demography, diet, and spatial distribution of the European common squid (Alloteuthis subulata) in the Irish Sea. Masters thesis, University Tromsø. Oesterwind, D Untersuchungen zur Populationsbiologie und Nahrungsökologie von Cephalopoden der Nordsee und ihr Einfluss auf die (Fisch ) Fauna. PhD Thesis, University of Kiel, 245 pp. Oesterwind, D., Hofstede, R. T., Harley, B., Brendelberg, H., and Piatkowski, U Biology and meso scale distribution patterns of North Sea cephalopods. Fisheries Research, 106: Otero, J., González, A. F., Sieiro, M. P., and Guerra, A Reproductive cycle and energy allocation of Octopus vulgaris in Galician waters, NE Atlantic. Fisheries Research, 85: Piatkowski, U., Hernández García, V., and Clarke, M. R On the biology of the European flying squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798) (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) in the central eastern Atlantic. South African Journal of Marine Science, 20: Pierce, G. J., Bailey, N., Stradoudakis, Y., and Newton, A Distribution and abundance of the fished population of Loligo forbesi in Scottish waters: analysis of research cruise data. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 55: Pierce, G. J., Boyle, P. R., Hastie, L. C., and Key, L The life history of Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in Scottish waters. Fisheries Research, 21:

121 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Porteiro, F. M., and Martins, H Biology of Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, 1856 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Azores: sample composition and maturation of squid caught by jigging. Fisheries Research, 21: Ragonese, S., and Jereb, P Length width relationship and growth of the pink and elegant cuttlefish Sepia orbignyana and Sepia elegans in the Sicilian Channel. In La Seiche, 1st International Symposium on the Cuttlefish Sepia, pp Ed. by E. Boucaud Camou. Centre de Publications de l Universite de Caen, Caen. 358 pp. Ramos, F., Sobrino, I., and Silva, L Distribution pattern, reproductive biology and fishery of the elegant cuttlefish Sepia elegans (Blainville, 1827) in the Gulf of Cádiz. Cephalopod International Advisory Council Symposium (CIAC 09), p 83. Rasero, M., González, A. F., and Guerra, A Spawning pattern and fecundity of the ommastrephid squid Todaropsis eblanae in Northeastern Atlantic Waters. ICES Document CM 1995/K: pp. + 7 figure. Raya, C. P., Balguerias, E., Fernández Núñez M. M., and Pierce, G. J On the reproduction and age of the squid Loligo vulgaris from the Saharan Bank (north west African coast). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 79: Rees, W. J., and Lumby, J. R The abundance of Octopus in the English Channel. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 33: Regueira, M., González, A.F., Guerra, A., and Soares, A Reproductive traits of horned octopus Eledone cirrhosa in Atlantic Iberian waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. doi: /s Robin, J. P., Denis, V., Royer, J., and Challier, L Recruitment, growth and reproduction in Todaropsis eblanae (Ball, 1841), in the area fished by French Atlantic trawlers. Bulletin of Marine Science, 71 (2): Rocha, F., and Guerra, A Age and growth of two sympatric squid Loligo vulgaris and Loligo forbesi, in Galician waters (north west Spain). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 79: Rodhouse, P. G., Swinfen, R. C., and Murray, A. W. A Life cycle, demography and reproductive investment in the myopsid squid Alloteuthis subulata. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 45: Roper, C. F. E., Nigmatullin C., and Jereb, P Family Ommastrephidae. In Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids, pp Ed. by P. Jereb, and C. F. E. Roper. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes, 4/2. FAO, Rome. 605 pp. Roper, C. F. E., Sweeney, M. J., and Nauen, C. E FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 3. Cephalopods of the World. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fisheries Synopsis, 125(3): 277 pp. Rosenberg, A. A., Wiborg, K. F., and Beck, I. M Growth of Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck) (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) from the Northeast Atlantic, based on counts of statolith growth rings. Sarsia, 66: Royer, J Modélisation des stocks de Céphalopodes de Manche. Thèse Doct, University of Caen (France). 242 pp. Royer, J., Pierce, G. J., Foucher, E., and Robin, J. P The English Channel stock of Sepia officinalis: Modelling variability in abundance and impact of the fishery. Fisheries Research, 78: Sánchez, P., González, F., Jereb, P., Laptikhovski, V., Mangold, K., Nigmatullin, Ch., and Ragonese, S Squid recruitment dynamics: the genus Illex as a model, the commercial Illex species and influences on variability: Illex coindetii. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 376.

122 120 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Santurtún M., Lucio P., and Quincoces I Preliminary results on cephalopod landings per unit effort and discards of the Basque fleets operating in sub areas VI, VII and divisions VIIIa,b,d in the period Working Document for the ICES Working Group on Cephalopod biology and Life History Lisbon, 5 6 December, 2002, 14pp. Serrano, M. D Contribuição para o conhecimento da biologia e da pescaria do choco Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758) no estuário do Sado e zona costeira adjacente. Relatórios Técnicos e Cientificos de Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Pescas 52: 26pp. Sieiro, M.P., Otero, J. and Guerra, A Contrasting macroscopic maturity staging with histological characteristics of the gonads in female Octopus vulgaris. Hidrobiologia, 730: Silva, L., Ramos, F., and Sobrino, I Reproductive biology of Eledone moschata (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in the gulf of Cádiz (south western Spain, ICES Division IXa). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 84: Silva, L., Sobrino, I., and Ramos, F Reproductive Biology of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris, Cuvier 1797, Cephalopoda, Octopodidae) in the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Spain). Bulletin of Marine Science, 71: Sims, D. W., Genner, M. J., Southward, A. J., and Hawkins, S. J Timing of squid migration reflects North Atlantic climate variability. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 268: Soro, S., and Piccinetti Manfrin, G Biologia e pesca di cefalopodi in Adriatico. Nova Thalassia, 10 (Suppl. 1): Stephen, A. C Recent invasion of the squid, Todarodes sagittatus (Lam.), on the East coast of Scotland. Scottish Naturalist 25: Stowasser, G., Bustamante, P., MacLeod, C. D., Wang, J., and Pierce, G. J Spawning areas and selected metal concentrations in squid (Loligo forbesi) in UK waters, with notes on metal concentrations in other squid species. Project Report Department of Trade and Industry, UK. Sundet, J A short review on the biology and fishery of the squid Todarodes sagittatus. ICES Document CM 1985/K: 44. Tinbergen, L., and Verwey, J The biology of Loligo vulgaris Lam. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Translation Series, vol. 2733, 35 pp. Tirado, C., Rodríguez de la Rúa, A., Bruzón, M. A., López, J. I., Salas, C., and Márquez, I La reproducción del pulpo (Octopus vulgaris) y el choco (Sepia officinalis) en la costa andaluza. Junta de Andalucía, Cons Agricult Pesca, 159 pp. Tursi, A., and DʹOnghia, G Cephalopods of the Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea). Oebalia, 18 (NS): Viana, M., Pierce, G. J., Illian, J., MacLeod, C. D., Bailey, N., Wang, J., and Hastie, L. C Seasonal movements of veined squid Loligo forbesii in Scottish (UK) waters. Aquatic Living Resources, 22: Villa, H Estudo de alguns aspectos da biologia reproductive de la espécie Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1998). MSc Thesis, Universidade do Algarve. Villanueva, R Effect of temperature on statolith growth of the European squid Loligo vulgaris during early life. Marine Biology, 136: Volpi, C., Auteri, R., Borri, M., and Mannini, P Distribution and reproduction of Sepia elegans in the North Tyrrhenian Sea. Rapports et procès verbaux des réunions de la Commission Internationale pour l Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 32(1): 244. Waluda, C. M., and Pierce, G. J Temporal and spatial patterns in the distribution of squid Loligo spp. in United Kingdom waters. South African Journal of Marine Science, 20:

123 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Wangvoralak, S., Life history and ecological importance of the veined squid Loligo forbesii in Scottish waters. Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen. Wiborg, K. F The squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck). Norwegian investigations in the Norwegian Sea and North Atlantic waters ICES Document CM 1972/K: 25. Wiborg, K. F Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck). Investigation in Norwegian coastal waters, in the northern North Sea and south of the Faroes during October Fisken og Havet 3:9 19. Wiborg, K. F Investigation on the squid, Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck), in Norwegian coastal and bank waters in September December 1984, April and August September 1985, at Shetland in July 1984, and at the Faroes in August Fisken og Havet, 2: 1 8. Wiborg, K. F., Gjøsæter, J., Beck, I. M., and Fossum, P Squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck) distribution and biology in northern waters, April 1981 April ICES Document CM 1982/K: 30. Worms, J. 1983a. Loligo vulgaris. In Cephalopod Life Cycles. Volume I. Species Accounts, pp Ed. by P. R. Boyle. Academic Press, London (United Kingdom). 475 pp. Worms, J. 1983b. Migratory pattern of a population of Loligo vulgaris Lam. (Cephalopoda, Teuthoidea) from the Gulf of Lion (France). Rapports et procès verbaux des réunions de la Commission Internationale pour l Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 28: Yau, C The ecology and ontogeny of cephalopod juveniles in Scottish waters. Ph.D. University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen. Young, I. A. G., Pierce, G. J., Daly, H. I., Santos, M. B., Key, L. N., Bailey, N., Robin, J. P., et al Application of depletion methods to estimate stock size in the squid Loligo forbesi in Scottish waters (UK). Fisheries Research, 69: Zuev G. V., and Nesis, K. N Biology of the main species of squid. In English Translations of selected Publications on Cephalopods by Kir N. Nesis, Volume 3, Chapter VI, pp Comp. by M. Sweeney, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, 2003, Washington, D.C. 291 pp. Zumholz, K., and Piatkowski, U Research cruise data on the biology of the lesser flying squid, Todaropsis eblanae in the North Sea. Aquatic Living Resources, 18 (4): References from knowledge update (ToR e) André, M., Solé, M., Lenoir, M., Durfort, M., Quero, C., Mas, A., Lombarte, A., van der Schaar, M., Lopez Bejar, M., Morell, M., Zaugg, S. and Houegnigan, L., Low frequency sounds induce acoustic trauma in cephalopods. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (9): Arkhipkin, A.I., In Press. Squid as nutrient vectors linking Southwest Atlantic marine ecosystems. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Bloor, I.S.M., The ecology, distribution and spawning behaviour of the commercially important common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) in the inshore waters of the English Channel. PhD thesis, University of Plymouth. Bloor, I.S.M., Jackson, E.L. and Attrill, M. J., A review of the factors influencing spawning, early life stage survival and recruitment variability in the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Advances in Marine Biology 65: Bloor, I.S.M., Wearmouth, V.J., Cotterell, S.P., McHugh, M.J., Humphries, N.E., Jackson, E.L., Attrill, M.J., and Sims, D.W. In Press. Movements and behaviour of European common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis in English Channel inshore waters: first results from acoustic telemetry. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology

124 122 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Cabanellas Reboredo M., Calvo Manazza M., Palmer M., Hernández Urcera J., Garci M.E., González, A.F., Guerra A., Morales Nin, B Using artificial devices for identifying spawning preferences of the European squid: Usefulness and limitations. Fisheries Research, 157: Cabanellas Reboredo, M., Calvo Manazza, M., Palmer, M., Hernández Urcera, J., Garcia, M. E., González, A. F., Guerra, A., and Morales Nin, B New insights for cephalopod management: Identification of preferential spawning areas for the European squid. Fisheries Resarch (in press) Coll, M., Navarro, J., Olson, R.J., and Christensen, V., In Press. Assessing the trophic position and ecological role of squids in marine ecosystems by means of food web models. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Field, J.C., Elliger, C., Baltz, K., Gillespie, G.E., Gilly, W.F., Ruiz Cooley, R.I., Pearse, D., Stewart, J.S., Matsubu, W., and Walker, W.A., In Press. Foraging ecology and movement patterns of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the California Current System. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Galvan Magana, F., Polo Silva, C., Hernández Aguilar, S.B., Sandoval Londoño, A., Ochoa Díaz, M.R., Aguilar Castro, N., Castañeda Suárez, D., Chavez Costa, A.C., Baigorrí Santacruz, A., Torres Rojas, Y.E., Abitia Cárdenas, L.A., In Press. Shark predation on cephalopods in the Mexican and Ecuadorian Pacific Ocean Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Gutowska, M.A., Pörtner H.O. and Melzner, F., Growth and calcification in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis under elevated seawater pco2. Marine Ecology Progress Series 373: Guerra, A., González, A.F. and Rocha, F., A review of records of giant squid in the northeastern Atlantic and severe injuries in Architeuthis dux stranded after acoustic exploration. ICES C.M.CC: 29, 17 pp. Guerra, A Studying problems: Interdisciplinary approaches to Cephalopod Biology. Hidrobiología, 725: 3 6. Guerra, A., Hernández Urcera, J, Garci, M. E., Sestelo, M., Regueira, M., González, A.F., Cabanellas Reboredo, M., Calvo Manazza, M., and Morales Nin, B Dwellers in dens on sandy bottoms: Ecological and behavioural traits of Octopus vulgaris. Scientia Marina (en prensa). Hernández Urcera, J., Garci M. E., Roura, A., González, A.F., Cabanellas Reboredo, M., Morales Nin, B., and Guerra, A Cannibalistic Behavior of Octopus vulgaris in the Wild. Journal of Comparative Psicology (en prensa). Iglesias, J., Fuentes, L. & Villanueva, R. (Editors), In Press. Cephalopod Culture. Springer. Jean Paul Robin, Michael Roberts.Lou Zeidberg, Isobel Bloor, Almendra Rodriguez, Felipe Briceño, Nicola Downey, Maite Mascaró, Mike Navarro, Angel Guerra, Jennifer Hofmeister, Diogo D. Barcellos, Silvia A.P. Lourenço, Clyde F.E. Roper, Natalie A. Moltschaniwskyj, Corey P. Green and Jennifer Mather Transitions during Cephalopod Life History: The Role of Habitat, Environment, Functional Morphology and Behaviour. Erica A.G. Vidal (ed.). Advances in Marine Biology, Oxford: United Kingdom, 2014, Vol. 67, pp Logan, J.M. and Lutcavage, M.E., In Press. Assessment of trophic dynamics of cephalopods and large pelagic fishes in the central North Atlantic Ocean using stable isotope analysis. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Logan, J.M., Toppin, R., Smith, S., Galuardi, B., Porter, J., and Lutcavage, M., In Press. Contribution of cephalopod prey to the diet of large pelagic fish predators in the central North Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.

125 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Lyons, G.N., The Behavioural and Physiological Ecology of the Common Cuttlefish Sepia officinalis in Relation to Present and Future Oceans. PhD thesis, Queen s University Belfast). Lyons, G.N., Pope, E.C., Kostka, B., Wilson, R.P., Dobrajc, Z. and Houghton, J.D.R., Triaxial accelerometers tease apart discrete behaviours in the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93: Ménard, F., Potier, M., Jaquemet, S., Romanov, E., Sabatié, R., and Cherel, Y., In Press. Pelagic cephalopods in the western Indian Ocean: New information from diets of top predators. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Navarro, J., Coll, M., Somes, C., and Olson, R.J., In Press. Trophic niche of squids: Insights from isotopic data in marine systems worldwide. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Neira, S. and Arancibia, H., In Press. Food web and fish stock changes in Central Chile: comparing the roles of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) as predator, the environment and fishing. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. OʹDor, R., Stewart, J., Gilly, W., Payne, J., Borges, T.C., and Thys, T., In Press. Squid rocket science: How squid launch into air. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Payne, N.L., Gillanders, B.M., Seymour, R.S., Webber, D.M., Snelling, E.P. and Semmens, J.M., Accelerometry estimates field metabolic rate in giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama during breeding. Journal of Animal Ecology 80(2): Pethybridge, H.R., Nichols, P.D., Virtue, P., and Jackson, G.D., In Press. The foraging ecology of an oceanic squid, Todarodes filippovae: The use of signature lipid profiling to monitor ecosystem change. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Regueira, M., Belcari, P. and Guerra, A What does the giant squid Architeuthis dux eat? Hidrobiologia, 725: Rodhouse, P.G.K., In Press. Role of squid in the Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem and the possible consequences of climate change. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Rosa, R., O Dor, R. and Pierce, G.J. (Editors), In Press a. Advances in squid biology, ecology and fisheries. Volume 1. Loliginids. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York. Rosa, R., O Dor, R. and Pierce, G.J. (Editors), In Press b. Advances in squid biology, ecology and fisheries. Volume 2. Oegopsids. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York. Seibel, B.A., In Press. The jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas (Ommastrephidae), living in oxygen minimum zones II: Blood oxygen binding. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Smith, J.M., MacLeod, C.D., Valavanis, V., Hastie, L.C., Valinassab, T., Bailey, N. and Pierce, G.J., In Press. Habitat and distribution of post recruit life stages of the squid Loligo forbesii. Deep sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Solé, M., Lenoir, M., Durfort, M. López Bejar, M., Lombarte, A., van der Schaar, M. and André, M., In Press. Does exposure to noise from human activities compromise sensory information from cephalopod statocysts? Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Staudinger, M.D., Juanes, F., Salmon, B. and Teffer, A.K., In Press. The distribution, diversity, and importance of cephalopods in top predator diets from offshore habitats of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.

126 124 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Stewart, J.S., Field, J.C., Markaida, U. and Gilly, W.F., In Press a. Behavioral ecology of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in relation to oxygen minimum zones. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Stewart, J.S., Gilly, W.F., Field, J.C. and Payne, J.C., In Press b. Onshore offshore movement of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) on the continental shelf. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Trübenbach, K., Teixeira, T., Diniz, M. and Rosa, R., In Press. Hypoxia tolerance and antioxidant defense system of juvenile jumbo squids in oxygen minimum zones. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Trueblood, L.A. and Seibel, B.A., In Press. The jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas (Ommastrephidae), living in oxygen minimum zones I: Oxygen consumption rates and critical oxygen partial pressures. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Young, J.W., Olson, R.J. and Rodhouse, P.G. (Editors), In Press. The role of squid in pelagic ecosystems: an overview. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Winkelmann, I., Campos, P.F., Strugnell, J., Cherel, Y., Smith, P.J., Kubodera, T., Allcock, L., Kampmann, M L., Schroeder, H., Guerra, A., Norman, M., Finn, J., Ingrao, D., Clarke, M,, Gilbert, M.T.P Mitochondrial genome diversity and population structure of the giant squid Architeuthis: genetics sheds new light on one of the most enigmatic marine species. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B. Mar 20; 280 (1759): doi: /rspb References from MSFD (ToR f) EU COM, Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). 22 pp. EU COM, Commission decision of 1 September 2010 on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters (notified under document C(2010) 5956) (2010/477/EU). 11 pp. Derous S., Agardy T., Hillewaert H., Hostens K., Jamieson G., Lieberknecht L., Mees J., Moulaert I., Olenin S., Paelinckx D., Rabaut M., Rachor E., Roff J., Stienen E.W.M., van der Wal J.T., Van Lancker V., Verfaillie E., Vincx M., Weslawski J.M., Degraer S., A concept for biological valuation in the marine environment. Oceanologia 49 (1): Dulvy, N. K., Jennings, S., Rogers, S. I., and Maxwell, D. L., Threat and decline in fishes: an indicator of marine biodiversity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 63: WGCEPH meeting in 2015 One venue proposed for the next meeting, namely Tenerife, Spain. WGCEPH meeting dates were proposed to be, as for 2014, preferably during 8 10 June, meeting for 4 full days. Venue and dates have been already confirmed.

127 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Annex 1: List of participants Name Address Phone/Fax Skype Marina Santurtun (Co Chair) Jean Paul Robin (Co chair) Edouard Duhem Graziano Fiorito AZTI Tecnalia, Txatxarramendi ugartea z/g, Sukarrieta (Spain) UMR BOREA Biologie des ORganismes et Ecosystèmes Aquatiquesʺ MNHN, UPMC, UCBN, CNRS 7208, IRD 207 Université de Caen Basse Normandie Esplanade de la Paix CS CAEN cedex 5 UMR BOREA Biologie des ORganismes et Ecosystèmes Aquatiquesʺ MNHN, UPMC, UCBN, CNRS 7208, IRD 207 Université de Caen Basse Normandie Esplanade de la Paix CS CAEN cedex 5 Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, Napoli, Italy Tel: Fax: msanturtun phone: 33 (0) mobile: 33 (0) Fax: 33 (0) Tél : (33) Tel: Fax: jean jeanpaul_robin gfontravelling Ane Iriondo AZTI Tecnalia, Txatxarramendi ugartea z/g, Sukarrieta (Spain) Tel: Fax: airiondo

128 126 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Noussithe Koueta UMR BOREA Biologie des ORganismes et Ecosystèmes Aquatiquesʺ MNHN, UPMC, UCBN, CNRS 7208, IRD 207 Université de Caen Basse Normandie Esplanade de la Paix CS CAEN cedex 5 Tel: 33 (0) Noussithe Koueta Evgenia Lefkaditou Institute of Marine Biological Resources &Inland Waters, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Ag. Kosmas, Helliniko ATHENS, Greece Tel Fax: eugenia.lefkaditou Sílvia Lourenço Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos, L IPIMAR, Av. Brasilia, Lisboa, Portugal Tel Fax Silvial30 Catalina Perales Raya Instituto Español de Oceanografía Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias. Via Espaldón, Dársena Pesquera, PCL Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) Tel: Catalina.Perales.Raya João Pereira Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), Av. Brasilia, Lisboa, Portugal Tel Fax joao.squid Graham Pierce Oceanlab, University of Aberdeen, Main Street, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6AA, UK Tel: g.j.pierce CESAM & Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro Aveiro, Portugal

129 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Cristina Pita Julio Portela (by correspondence) Sonia Seixas (partly) Luis Silva Ignacio Sobrino Roi Martinez Hugo Mendes (partly) Ana Moreno Lorena Olmos Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) & Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitario de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal Instituto Español de Oceanografía Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo PO Box 1552, 36200, Vigo. Spain Universidade Aberta, Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologia Rua Escola Politecnica, Lisboa, Portugal Instituto Español de Oceanografía Puerto pesquero, Muelle de Levante s/n, Apdo Cádiz, Spain Instituto Español de Oceanografía Puerto pesquero, Muelle de Levante s/n, Apdo Cádiz, Spain Alfred Wegener Institute Am Handelshafen 12 D Bremerhaven / Germany Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos, L IPIMAR, Av. Brasilia, Lisboa, Portugal Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), Av. Brasilia, Lisboa, Portugal Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas IIM CSIC c/eduardo Cabello Vigo Spain Tel Tef: Fax: Tef: Ext: Fax: Tef: Fax: Tel Fax Tel Fax c_pita julieo51 sonia.seixas3 luisete.silva Ignacio.sobrino roi.mar hcvmendes ana_m_marques Lorena.olmos25

130 128 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Rodrigo Ozorio CIIMAR Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research Address: Rua dos Bragas, 289, Porto rodrigo.ozorio.ciimar Jennifer M. Smith (by correspondence) University of Aberdeen, Department of Zoology, Tillydrone Ave, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 2TZ Kasetsart University, Coastal Development Center, 50 Phaholyothin Road, Bangkok, Thailand Tel jennifer.m.smith

131 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Annex 2: Data provided by countries in relation to Data Call 2014 (shaded cells have been included this year) GE R GBR IRL FRA ESP PRT DNK NLD LTU Year X X X X X X X X ** X Quarter X X X X X X X X X Month X X X X X X Area X X X X X X X X Statist. Rectangle X X X Subpolygon Species X X X X X X X X X Landing category X X X X X X X Commercial size X X X LV A PO L ES T SW E Landings Fishing activity category National * X X X Fishing activity category European lvl 5 * X X X Fishing activity category European lvl 6 * X X X X X X X Harbour X X X X X X Vessel length category X X X X X X X X Unallocated catch weigth X X X X X X X Area misreported catch weigth X X X X X X X Official Landings weigth X X X X X X X X X Landing multiplier X X Official landing value X X X X X X % cephalopods over total catch X X X Year X X X X X X X X X Quarter X X X X X X X X X Month X X X X X Area X X X X X X X X Statist. Rectangle X X X X Subpolygon Effort Fishing activity category National * X X X Fishing activity category European lvl 5 * X X X X Fishing activity category European lvl 6 * X X X X X X Harbour * X X X X X Vessel length category * X X X X X X X X X Total number of trips (for lv5 or lv6) X X X X X X X X Number of trips directed or catching cephalopods (for lv5 or lv6) X X X X X Number of sets/hauls X X X Fishing time/soaking time X X X* X X kw days X X X* X X X GT days X X X X

132 130 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Total Days at sea (for lv5 or lv6) Days at sea catching cephalopods (for lv5 or lv6) X X X X X X X X X Year X X X X X See below X ** X Quarter * X X X X X X Month * X X X Area * X X X X X X Statistical rectangle * X X Subpolygon * X X Species * X X X* X X X Vessel length category * X X X X Fishing activity category National * Fishing activity category European lvl 5 * Fishing activity category European lvl 6 * X X X X X X X X Discards Harbour * X X Total discard weigth Total number of trips by metier (lv5) Number of simple trips by metier (lv5) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Total number of sets/hauls X X X X Number of sample sets/hauls X X X Total Fishing time/soaking time X X Sampled Fishing time/soaking time kw days GT days Total Days at sea Total Days at sea (for the lv5) X X X X Year X X X X X X X X Quarter * X X X X X X X Month * X X X X X X X Area * X X X X X X X X Surveys Statistical rectangle * X X X X X X Subpolygon * X Latitude (degrees) X X X X Latitude (minutes) X X X X Longitude (degrees) X X X X Longitude (minutes) X X X X Species * X X X* X X X X X

133 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Abundance indice * X X X X X X X X Units for abundance (please specify: e.g. numbers per tow/per hour/ per swept km²) X X X X X X S.E. X X X X Year X X X X X X X X Quarter * X X X X X X X Month * X X X X X X X Area * X X X X X X X X Statistical rectangle * X X X X X X Subpolygon * X Latitude (degrees) X X X X Latitude (minutes) X X X X Longitude (degrees) X X X X Longitude (minutes) X X X X Species * X X X* X X X X X CPUE X X X X X X X X S.E. X X X X * Danish data: There is no direct Danish fishery targeting cephalopods, so all the effort columns regarding directed fishery are filled up with 0. Danish sea observer program just detect very few observation of discarded cephalopods and in very small amounts. In 2013, there was around 1 ton (raised to the total) for the whole Danish fleet. Being such a small Figures, these have not been provided but available under requirement. *United Kingdom additional information: The following data is not available: 2013 survey data for the Annex2_ WGCEPH14_Data requirements for England and Wales Discard data for Wales. *France: France delivered data of efforts and landings from 2009 to 2013: Data was delivered in a different format than that required by the WG. Data on efforts do not provide of units for power of the vessels and effort Figures. There are problems with data delivered on the effort file as some columns seem to be shifted. It is highly recommended that data should be delivered again correcting inconsistencies and format.

134 132 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Discard data: Discard data was provided from 2009 to 2013: Data was provided for 4 species and species groups: llex spp; Loliginids spp., Octopus vulgaris, Sepiidae and Sepiolidade Data was provided quarterly There is no indication about what is the meaning of INF, in the colum discard_weigth Data on Illex spp. and Octopus vulgaris seem to be suspicious as quantities discarded are highly variable within and between years. Survey data: Survey data has been provided since 1990 to Data was provided for species and species groups. Codes for these species are not FAO codes but a particular coding used in IFREMER. Some of them are easy to see that correspond to some species in particular however other are unscriptable (eg. SEPO, LOLI ) At the time of the end of the group data had to be required again, as problems with the one delivered were found. This fact lead the group to delay considerably the Report submission. *The Netherlands: The Netherlands raised 2 questions in relation to the data call: 2. Why there were no coordinated under WGBEAM taken into account and whether that info should be added. 3. Beam trawl survey information will be delivered for offshore and coastal waters and/or estuarine waters. *Latvia and Poland (also from previous years Lithuania and Estonia) Latvia does not catch Cephalopods. Poland: cephalopods are not fished by Polish fleet. From previous years: Estonia and Lithuania: there were no catches of Cephalopods in ICES area and therefore we have no data to submit.

135 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Annex 3: WGCEPH multi-annual terms of reference 2013/MA2/SSGEF03 The Working Group on Cephalopod Biology and Life History (WGCEPH), chaired by Marina Santurtún, Spain and Jean Paul Robin, France, will work on ToRs and generate deliverables as listed in the Table below. Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 MEETING DATES VENUE REPORTING DETAILS June Lisbon, Portugal 8 11 June Tenerife, Spain Interim report by 1 August 2014 to SSGEF Interim report by 1 August to SSGEPD Final report by DATE to COMMENTS (CHANGE IN CHAIR, ETC.) ToR descriptors ToR Description Background Science Plan topics addressed Duration Expected Deliverables a b Report on status and Data call is part of the trends in cephalopod justification of this stocks: Update, quality check and report ed should be reviewed ToR. The data collect relevant data on: European fishery statis The results of the ToR by an expert group. tics (landings, are an output of this directed effort, discards and survey puts will include the discussion. Other out catches) across the identification of cephalopod stocks to be ICES area and if feasible in waters other assessed or even managed, the evaluation of than Europe. Produce and update CPUEs needs for further data and survey data series (spatial, temporal) and for the main cephalopod métiers and spe information required. the level of species cies and assess the Thus, the baseline possibility of their use work of the ToR is the as abundance indices. result of the data call. Examine the above trends in relative exploitation rates (i.e., catch/survey biomass) to evaluate stock status. Start exploring economic data collected under Data Call. Conduct preliminary assessments of the main cephalopod species in the ICES area, including evaluation of trends in survey and commer Data are being collected with the purpose of assessing the status of the cephalopods stocks for Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA). Year 2014, 2015 & 2016 Year 2014, 2015 & 2016 Peer review paper in relation to status and trends (year 2016). Report on the cephalopods assessed year 2014, year 2015 and year 2016)

136 134 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 cial fishery CPUE where available. Assess production and/or depletion methods utility, if feasible (year 2014). Explore other possible assessment methods if needed (e.g. early season assessment) (year 2015). Carry out assessment of species with the methods chosen (year 2016). c Implications of the application of some Policies and Directives on cephalopods: e.g. Implication of CFP (landing obligation) on cephalopod exploitation, how it has been applied in other places and how it has affected them; New regulation of Manipulation of Animals for research; Nature 2000, network of Marine Protected Areas, Blue growth (wind farms). There are no policies or management measures specifically directed to fisheries for cephalopods but many other pressures and activities would affect them. There are, on the other hand, new regulations that will impact cephalopod research. These directives and policies are essential to assess the ecosystem as a whole (IEA). Year 2014, 2015 & 2016 Report on effects of directives and policies on cephalopod fisheries, assessment, and management (year 2015 & year 2016). Peer review paper about the cephalopods management and governance: the management (or lack of management) of the main cephalopod stocks focused on important species/métiers and proposed alternatives for improving it (year 2016). d Review data availability for the main cephalopod species in relation to the main population parameters: length distribution, sex ratio, first maturity at age, first maturity at length, growth, spawning season. There is a need for updating main population parameters to be able to relate them to the most recent fisheries data collected through Data calls and to assess stock status. Also, there are particular issues in relation to cephalopod maturity stages, already the subject of an ICES workshop. Recent work on octopus has shown that estimates of size at maturity are highly sensitive to the maturity scale used. Year 2015 Peer review paper in relation to population dynamics, biology (year 2015). Report (and/or first draft) of a methodological paper about sampling resolution for best data collection for each stock/species (year 2015). e Knowledge base: Experts should be able Year 2014, Report on scien

137 ICES WGCEPH REPORT f g review and report on cephalopod research results in the ICES area, and if feasible in waters other than Europe, including all relevant aspects of: biodiversity, biology, ecology, physiology and behaviour, in field and laboratory studies. to assess population status, and give management advice, if needed, for stocks/populations. Also there is a need for understanding response to stress, factors causing changes in cephalopod abundances and distribution. In this way the expert group will have to be able to inform ICES about population status; dynamics and their relationship with environmental variables; the role of cephalopods in the ecosystem; possible indicators for cephalopods under the MSFD and assessment methods used in commercial cephalopod fisheries. MSFD and Integrated There is a need of Ecosystem Assessment: Relevant MSFD and pressure of cepha describing the state indicators (biodiversity, community role, descriptors and indilopods under MSFD exploitation and contaminants) applied to topics in relation to cators. ToR a address cephalopods. fisheries (exploitation) and ToR e addresses MSFD from the literature review (knowledge base). In this case, ToR f will cover MSFD focused on the applicability of descriptors on cephalopod populations (status) and level of exploitation (pressures). Thus, ToR a, e and f are complementary in this respect. Produce four short Each paragraph paragraphs for the should be maximum ICES Ecosystem 150 words in length Overviews on the and can be support by state of cephalopod one Figure. Paragraphs for each ecore diversity/populations, one paragraph for gion should be similar each of the following in style and address 2015 & 2016 tific articles in relation to the topic worked out every year (Year 2014). Protocol for setting the database on scientific articles in relation to the topic worked out every year. This data base will make use of the already existing tools (Mendelei, Research Gate ) Year Database on scientific articles in relation to the topic worked out every year. This data base will make use of the already existing tools (Mendelei, Research Gate ) Year Year 2014, 2015 & 2016 Report on MSFD descriptors applicable to cephalopods Year 2014 and Year Peer review paper on cephalopod application of MSFD descriptors Year 2016.

138 136 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 ICES ecoregions: the overall state and Greater North Sea, comment on the pressures accounting for Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay & the Iberian changes in state. These coast and Baltic Sea. will go in section four of the ecosystem overviews and not supposed to be long descriptions, but a short synopsis of important points for managers and policy developers. (Template and Guidelines for Ecosystem Overviews) Summary of the Work Plan Year 1 (2014) Year 2 (2015) Year 3 (2016) Report on the cephalopods assessed (b) Report on effects of directives and policies on cephalopod assessment (c) Report on scientific articles in relation to the topic worked out every year (e) Report on MSFD descriptors applicable to cephalopods (f) Report on the cephalopods assessed (b) Report on effects of directives and policies on cephalopod assessment (c) Peer review paper in relation to population dynamics, biology (d) Report (and/or first draft) of a methodological paper about sampling resolution for best data collection for each stock/species (d) Protocol for setting the database format needed on scientific articles in relation to the topic worked out every year (e) Report on cephalopod application of MSFD descriptors (f) Peer review paper in relation to status and trends (a) Report on the cephalopods assessed (b) Report on effects of directives and policies on cephalopod assessment (c) Peer review paper on cephalopod management and alternative proposals to improve it (c) Database on scientific articles in relation to the topic worked out every year (e) Peer review paper on cephalopod application of MSFD descriptors (f) Supporting information Priority Resource requirements The current activities of this Group will lead ICES into issues related to Cephalopods role in the ecosystem and importance as part of directed and indirected fisheries. Cephalopods are important components of marine ecosystemsthus, for promoting the sustainable use of the seas and conserving marine ecosystems, cephalopod biology and life history has to be understood. As an example, directed cephalopod fisheries, especially small scale fisheries, are increasingly important and it is necessary to have in place a useful system of data collection and stock evaluation that would be adequate to support managementthese activities are considered. These activities are believed to have a very high priority. As noted in the 2012 report and previously, participation in WGCEPH is limited by availability of funding, especially as many members and potential members are university staff with no access to national funds for attendance at ICES meetings. Effords to attend to the group are

139 ICES WGCEPH REPORT ackowledged. The future direction of the group focusing more into assessment would hopefully lead to group to be applicable for DCF funding. The group is willing that effort started in 2010 could be recognised in that way. The additional resource required to undertake additional activities in the framework of this group is negligible. Participants The Group was reduced in number of attendees form around 15 members and guests to 9 members. In 2013, number of attendes was even reduced to 6 full time attendes. With a strong bias towards participants from the Iberian peninsula. It is desirable that more researcher working on National Fisheries Institution would have the chance to know the group work and participate in it. Secretariat facilities Financial Linkages to ACOM and groups under ACOM Linkages to other committees or groups Linkages to other organizations None. No financial implications. There are obvious direct linkages with assessment groups WGHMM, WGCS as cephalopods are caugth in stocks/fisheries considered in thos groups. Also WGNEW has a linkage to this group. PGCCDBS IBTSWG Provision of information to SciCom and its satellite committees as required to respond to requests for advice/information from NEAFC and EC DG Fish. There is a starting working relationship with WGCRAGON as a common workshop on the nned of assessment and management on cephalopods and cragon will be deployed in October It is also a relevant linkage with groups under SCICOM.

140 138 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Annex 4: Recommendations Recommendation 1. WGCEPH will review the actual format and requiring design of the Data Call. The, group will get in contact with National correspondants to inform them about WGCEPH work procedure for 2015 in relation to data required. 2. Routine collection of cephalopod length frequency data, by species, during research bottom trawl surveys (e.g. IBTS) is suggested, in addition to provision of these data to the WGCEPH prior to the next meeting 3. In relation to sampling and monitoring for achieving Integrated Ecosystem Assessment, WGCEPH recommends that for major cephalopod stocks in which assessment and management are likely to be necessary in the near future, data collection under the DCMAP should be modified to reflect the additional data requirements imposed by the short life cycles. We recommend: (a) Increases in the level of cephalopod sampling in metiers where these are highly valuable, based on the short life cycle of cephalopods. Thus, sampling of cephalopod species on a quarterly basis is not adequate. (b) Focus of the more intensive sampling (i.e. weekly or monthly) during periods of higher catches in order to ensure adequate characterizations of the length compositions of the multiple microcohorts that are often present, while avoiding unproductive sampling effort at times of low abundance. (c) Collection of maturity data for the most important cephalopod fisheries, to facilitate comparison of trends in maturity and length composition data by cohort, from research surveys versus the fishery, in order to assess trends in recruitment and length at 50% maturity (L50). For follow up by: PGDATA Chair, WGRFS and National correspondants. ICES IBTS Chair, PGDATAChair, WGISDAA Chair and National correspondant. National Correspondents

141 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Annex 5: Tables and Figures from sections 2 & 7 Table Landings (in tonnes) of Cuttlefish (Sepiidae) and Bobtail Squid (Sepiolidae). Country ICES Division IIIa (Skagerrak and Kattegat) Denmark Sweden 0 Germany Netherlands 0 ICES Division IVa (Northern North Sea) Denmark England, Wales & Northern Ireland 0 Scotland France Germany ICES Division IVb (Central North Sea) Belgium France Denmark England, Wales & Northern Ireland 0 0 Netherlands Scotland Germany ICES Division IVc (Southern North Sea) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Netherlands Scotland ICES Division Vb (Faroe Grounds) France 5 2 ICES Division VIa,b (NW coast of Scotland and North Ireland, Rockall) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Scotland Spain ICES Division VIIa (Irish Sea) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Netherlands 0 ICES Divisions VIIb, c (West of Ireland and Porcupine Bank) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Spain Ireland ICES Divisions VIId, e (English Channel) Belgium Channel Islands England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Netherlands Scotland Ireland 4 ICES Division VIIf (Bristol Channel) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland Ireland 0 France ICES Divisions VIIg-k (Celtic Sea and SW of Ireland) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Ireland Netherlands Spain Germany ICES Subarea VIII (Bay of Biscay) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Netherlands Portugal Spain ICES Subarea IX Portugal Spain Total

142 140 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table Landings (in tonnes) of Common Squid (includes Loligo forbesi, L. vulgaris and Alloteuthis subulata). Country ICES Division IIIa (Skagerrak and Kattegat) Denmark 7 Sweden* Germany* Netherlands* ICES Division IVa (Northern North Sea) Denmark 3 England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Germany* Netherlands* 0 0 Scotland* Sweden* 0 ICES Division IVb (Central North Sea) Belgium Denmark 10 England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Germany* Netherlands* Scotland* Sweden* 0 ICES Division IVc (Southern North Sea) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Germany* Netherlands* Scotland* ICES Division Vb (Faroe Grounds) England, Wales & Northern Ireland Faroe Islands 0 Scotland* France ICES Division VIa (NW coast of Scotland and North Ireland) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Germany 0 4 Ireland* Netherlands* Scotland* Spain ICES Division VIb (Rockall) England, Wales & Northern Ireland Ireland* Scotland* Spain France ICES Division VIIa (Irish Sea) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Ireland* Isle of Man Netherlands* 1 Scotland* ICES Divisions VIIb, c (West of Ireland and Porcupine Bank) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Ireland* Netherlands* Scotland* Spain ICES Divisions VIId, e (English Channel) Belgium Channel Islands England, Wales & Northern Ireland* France Netherlands* Scotland* ICES Division VIIf (Bristol Channel) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Scotland 0 29 ICES Divisions VIIg-k (Celtic Sea and SW of Ireland) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Germany* 1 Ireland* Netherlands* Scotland* Spain ICES Sub-area VIII (Bay of Biscay) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Netherlands* Portugal Scotland* Spain ICES Sub-area IX France Portugal Spain ICES Sub-area X (Azores Grounds) Portugal Total Country* - These countries report undifferentiated landings of Loliginids and Ommastrephids that were grouped here. If 2 or more figures listed, the last one is the compound Loliginidae + Ommastrephidae.

143 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Table Landings (in tonnes) of Short finned Squid (Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae), European Flying Squid (Todarodes sagittatus), Neon Flying Squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) and other less frequent families and species of Decapod cephalopods. Country ICES Sub-area I + II (Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea) Norway * 0 1 France 0 0 ICES Division IIIa (Skagerrak and Kattegat) Denmark * Norway 0 1 Sweden* ICES Division IVa (Northern North Sea) Germany* Norway Scotland* 0 0 ICES Division IVb (Central North Sea) Germany* Netherlands* France ICES Division IVc (Southern North Sea) Germany* Netherlands* Scotland* 0 0 France ICES Division Va (Iceland Grounds) Iceland ICES Division Vb (Faroe Grounds) Faroe Islands Scotland* ICES Division VIa, b (NW coast of Scotland and North Ireland, Rockall) England, Wales & Northern Ireland Faroe Islands France Ireland* Scotland* 0 0 Spain ICES Division VIIa (Irish Sea) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Ireland* Scotland* ICES Divisions VIIb, c (West of Ireland and Porcupine Bank) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Ireland* Scotland* 0 0 Spain ICES Divisions VIId, e (English Channel) England, Wales & Northern Ireland* France Netherlands* ICES Divisions VIIg-k (Celtic Sea and SW of Ireland) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Germany* 13 Ireland* Scotland* 0 0 Spain ICES Sub-area VIII (Bay of Biscay) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Portugal Scotland* 0 0 Spain ICES Sub-area IX Portugal Spain ICES Subarea IXa Portugal 288 Spain ICES Subarea IXb Portugal Spain Total Country* - These countries report undifferentiated landings of Loliginids and Ommastrephids that were grouped in Table 2.2. Here they are listed as +.

144 142 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table Landings (in tonnes) of Octopods (Eledone spp. and Octopus vulgaris mainly). Country ICES Division IIIa (Skagerrak and Kattegat) Sweden* 1 1 ICES Division IVa (Northern North Sea) Scotland ICES Division IVb (Central North Sea) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France 0 Netherlands Scotland ICES Division IVc (Southern North Sea) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland Netherlands ICES Division VIa, b (NW coast of Scotland and North Ireland, Rockall) Belgium 0 0 England, Wales & Northern Ireland Ireland Scotland Spain ICES Division VIIa (Irish Sea) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland Ireland ,1 ICES Divisions VIIb, c (West of Ireland and Porcupine Bank) England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Ireland Scotland Spain ICES Divisions VIId, e (English Channel) Belgium Channel Islands 3 England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Netherlands Scotland 2 5 ICES Division VIIf (Bristol Channel) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Spain 2 ICES Divisions VIIg-k (Celtic Sea and SW of Ireland) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Ireland Scotland Spain ICES Sub-area VIII (Bay of Biscay) Belgium England, Wales & Northern Ireland France Netherlands 6 Portugal Spain ICES Sub-area IX Portugal Spain ICES Sub-area X (Azores Grounds) Portugal ,2 11,3 24,2 Total * Data revised in WGCEPH 2014 Table Total annual cephalopod landings (in tonnes) in the whole ICES area separated into major cephalopod species groups. Cephalopod group Cuttlefish Long-finned squid Short-finned squid Octopods Total

145 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Landings of Cuttlefish by country Spain Landings (ton) Scotland Portugal Netherlands Ireland France England, Wales & Northern Ireland Denmark Channel Islands year Belgium Landings of Common Squid by country Sweden Spain Landings (ton) year Scotland Portugal Netherlands Isle of Man Ireland Germany France Faroe Islands England, Wales & Northern Ireland Denmark Landings (ton) Landings of Short finned Squid by country Sweden Spain Scotland Portugal Norway Netherlands Ireland Iceland Germany year France Faroe Islands England, Wales & Northern Ireland Denmark Landings of Octopods by country Spain Landings (ton) Scotland Portugal Netherlands Ireland France year England, Wales & Northern Ireland Channel Islands Belgium Figure Total annual cephalopod landings (in tonnes) in whole ICES area by country and separated into major cephalopod.

146 144 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table Percentage of discards of cephalopod species in the trawl Spanish fleet in areas VI, VII, VIII and IX during % discards from total landings Gear Area Species OTB VI VII Eledone cirrhosa ,7 Loligo spp ,7 Octopus vulgaris ,3 Ommastrephidae ,7 Sepia officinalis ,8 VIIIc + IXa north Eledone cirrhosa ,7 OTB_MIX Loligo spp ,3 OTB_HOM Octopus vulgaris ,0 OTB_MAC Ommastrephidae ,0 Sepia officinalis ,0 PTB VIIIc + IXa north Eledone cirrhosa ,0 Loligo spp ,4 Octopus vulgaris ,0 Ommastrephidae ,0 Sepia officinalis ,0 OTB IXa south Alloteuthis spp ,6 Eledone spp ,3 Loligo vulgaris ,0 Octopus vulgaris ,0 Ommastrephidae ,2 Sepia elegans ,1 Sepia officinalis ,7 Table Estimated cephalopod discard (% from total cephalopod catches) during series in the Basque Country. Gear Area Species Short finned squid 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% VI Curled octopus Cuttlefish Short finned squid 61% 77% 19% 4% 52% 87% OTB VII Curled octopus 33% 1% 38% 12% 56% Cuttlefish 12% Short finned squid 59% 57% 17% 35% 38% 12% 15% 31% 87% 16% 31% VIIIabd Curled octopus 28% 5% 7% 0% 19% 2% 14% 5% 74% 1% 1% Cuttlefish 0% 1% 2% 1% 8% 3% 0% 3% Table Frequency of occurrence (%) of cephalopods species in the discards of hauls sampled in the Portuguese OTB_CRU fishery and OTB_DEF fishery ( ). CTC EDT EJE EOI OCC OCT OMZ OUW SQC OTB CRU OTB DEF Species codes: CTC Sepia officinalis; EDT Eledone moschata; EJE Sepia elegans; EOI Eledone cirrhosa; OCC Octopus vulgaris; OCT Octopodidae nei; OMZ Ommastrephidae; OUW Alloteuthis spp.; SQC Loligo spp.

147 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Table Percentage of discards of cephalopod species, in the total hauls sampled in the trawl German fleet in areas between 2004 and % Discards from total landings Gear Area Species IV a cephalopods 100% 100% long finned squids 100% 100% 90% IV b cephalopods OTB long finned squids 100% 100% XIV b cephalopods 0% long finned squids IV b cephalopods 0% 100% long finned squids 29% TBB IV c cephalopods 100% long finned squids IV b Other cephalopods 0% PTB long finned squids 0% Other cephalopods 100% SSC IV a long finned squids Other cephalopods OTM VII j long finned squids 100% Table Percentage of ocurrence of discards of cephalopod species in The Netherlands. Gear Area Species OTM VI Loliginidae 100% 8% 73% 53% VIIbjck Loliginidae 0% 45% 100% 0% PTM VIIe Loliginidae 100%

148 146 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table Percentage of discards of cephalopod species in The United Kingdom (England and Wales). Gear Area Species HMD VIIe Sepiidae 0% 0% 98% VIIa Sepiidae 100% Loliginidae 2% 0% 0% VIIe Loliginidae 1% 3% 0% Sepiidae 7% 3% 5% Octopodidae 0% 1% 47% OTB VIIfgh Loliginidae 2% 0% 0% Sepiidae 3% 0% 0% VIIe Loliginidae 0% 0% 0% Sepiidae 0% 0% 0% Octopodidae 0% 0% 74% VIIfgh Loliginidae 0% 0% 0% VIIe Loliginidae 0% 0% 1% Sepiidae 2% 1% 3% Octopodidae 0% 1% 8% OTT VIIfgh Loliginidae 0% 1% VIIe Loliginidae 0% 0% 0% Sepiidae 0% 1% 0% PTB VIIe Sepiidae 0% 1% 0% Octopodidae 0% 82% 0% VIIe Loliginidae 2% 4% 1% Sepiidae 3% 1% 2% TBB Octopodidae 0% 16% 8% VIIfgh Loliginidae 22% 7% 12% Sepiidae 9% 2% 2% Octopodidae 55% 36% 41% Table Biomass Indices (kg/30 ) of the Spanish Porcupine Survey in VII from 2001 is presented. Species in table are commercial species also landed by the commercial fleets. Eledone cirrhosa Loligo forbesii Todaropsis eblanae Illex coindetii Year Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E ,23 0,03 0,00 0,00 0,13 0,03 0,01 0, ,02 0,09 0,03 0,02 0,07 0,02 0,02 0, ,40 0,05 0,00 0,00 0,07 0,01 0,01 0, ,57 0,05 0,01 0,01 0,20 0,04 0,02 0, ,64 0,32 0,02 0,01 0,22 0,04 0,00 0, ,01 0,11 0,02 0,02 0,16 0,03 0,00 0, ,19 0,30 0,03 0,01 0,01 0,00 0,14 0, ,74 0,10 0,18 0,08 0,01 0,00 0,00 0, ,20 0,03 0,60 0,23 0,06 0,02 0,50 0, ,15 0,07 0,27 0,08 0,02 0,01 0,01 0, ,26 0,04 0,22 0,12 0,00 0,00 0,01 0, ,26 0,27 0,52 0,13 1,00 0,20 0,00 0, ,55 0,61 0,32 0,17 0,03 0,01 0,02 0,01

149 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Table Biomass Indices (kg/30 ) of the Spanish Demersal Survey in VIIIc from 1990 is presented. Species in table are commercial species also landed by the commercial fleets. Octopus vulgaris Eledone cirrhosa Loligo vulgaris Loligo forbesii Sepia officinalis Todaropsis eblanae Illex coindetii Year Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E ,12 0,39 0,82 0,12 0,02 0,01 0,07 0,03 0,07 0,05 0,84 0,15 1,47 0, ,12 NA 0,68 NA 0,10 NA 0,11 NA 0,11 NA 0,33 NA 1,18 NA ,49 0,95 1,52 0,27 0,14 0,12 0,12 0,05 0,07 0,04 0,45 0,04 2,67 0, ,21 0,05 1,59 0,13 0,08 0,07 0,18 0,09 0,04 0,03 0,86 0,10 0,24 0, ,30 0,09 1,07 0,10 0,04 0,02 0,19 0,05 0,03 0,03 0,10 0,02 2,09 0, ,49 NA 1,70 NA 0,20 NA 0,08 NA 0,07 NA 0,68 NA 0,30 NA ,14 NA 1,75 NA 0,36 NA 0,32 NA 0,20 NA 3,75 NA 0,75 NA ,80 0,29 2,46 0,19 0,30 0,21 0,17 0,04 0,01 0,01 3,10 0,49 1,45 0, ,43 0,13 0,78 0,09 0,16 0,05 0,11 0,03 0,00 0,00 0,37 0,04 0,89 0, ,48 0,12 1,12 0,11 0,11 0,04 0,31 0,13 0,04 0,02 1,90 0,36 1,63 0, ,39 0,13 1,06 0,12 0,09 0,02 0,09 0,06 0,00 0,00 0,60 0,05 2,26 0, ,73 0,21 1,57 0,16 0,13 0,04 0,08 0,02 0,00 0,00 0,48 0,10 0,30 0, ,40 0,10 1,28 0,14 0,10 0,04 0,22 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,13 0,03 0,47 0, ,19 0,07 0,80 0,09 0,09 0,04 0,39 0,12 0,02 0,02 0,34 0,09 0,95 0, ,77 0,15 1,53 0,14 0,24 0,11 0,50 0,15 0,04 0,03 0,47 0,05 0,98 0, ,12 0,04 1,47 0,11 0,05 0,02 0,40 0,11 0,00 0,00 1,30 0,12 0,61 0, ,61 0,26 1,49 0,15 0,49 0,39 0,45 0,17 0,13 0,11 0,32 0,05 0,16 0, ,84 0,23 1,20 0,10 0,32 0,08 0,04 0,03 0,01 0,01 0,43 0,04 0,20 0, ,60 0,13 0,38 0,04 0,47 0,08 0,00 0,00 0,01 0,01 0,57 0,06 0,60 0, ,16 0,06 0,81 0,08 0,28 0,12 0,19 0,06 0,02 0,02 0,62 0,06 0,46 0,10

150 148 ICES WGCEPH REPORT ,18 0,25 0,84 0,09 0,01 0,00 0,77 0,19 0,00 0,00 0,60 0,09 0,20 0, ,36 0,10 0,42 0,05 0,09 0,02 0,76 0,22 0,01 0,01 1,35 0,44 1,32 0, ,25 0,44 1,51 0,20 0,29 0,11 0,78 0,26 0,01 0,01 1,19 0,26 2,40 0, ,09 0,23 4,03 0,45 0,07 0,04 0,53 0,17 0,00 0,00 1,31 0,15 0,82 0,13 Table Biomass Indices (kg/h) of the Spanish Demersal Survey in IXa south (Gulf of Cádiz) from 1997 is presented. Species in table are commercial species also landed by the commercial fleets. Alloteuthis spp L. vulgaris L. forbesii O. vulgaris E. cirrhosa E. moschata S officinalis S. elegans Todaropsis eblanae Illex coindetii Year Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E. Yield (kg/h) S.E ,84 0,03 0,00 0,00 0,32 0,02 0,76 0,08 0,47 0,03 2,69 0,15 0,24 0,01 4,75 0,22 0,47 0,04 9,93 1, ,17 0,04 0,00 0,00 0,11 0,00 0,45 0,02 0,03 0,00 1,22 0,04 0,06 0,00 0,85 0,04 0,08 0,01 43,72 5, ,62 0,02 0,40 0,06 0,92 0,04 2,59 0,11 0,18 0,01 1,84 0,03 0,08 0,00 1,25 0,05 0,12 0,01 0,79 0, ,60 0,03 0,73 0,07 0,58 0,03 0,95 0,06 0,39 0,02 0,54 0,01 0,24 0,01 1,19 0,07 0,88 0,07 2,58 0, ,35 0,05 0,19 0,01 1,72 0,05 1,10 0,06 0,42 0,02 0,69 0,02 0,03 0,00 1,43 0,07 1,00 0,03 6,03 0, ,14 0,03 0,03 0,00 1,21 0,04 0,75 0,04 0,15 0,01 1,06 0,03 0,09 0,00 0,96 0,04 0,36 0,01 0,72 0, ,20 0,04 0,15 0,02 0,78 0,03 0,91 0,06 1,20 0,05 1,24 0,03 0,04 0,00 2,60 0,10 0,19 0,01 0,10 0, ,84 0,15 1,14 0,13 0,60 0,02 2,20 0,13 0,35 0,01 1,77 0,03 0,11 0,00 0,90 0,05 0,45 0,02 0,07 0, ,66 0,02 0,66 0,07 1,77 0,09 7,56 0,23 0,81 0,02 1,02 0,02 0,32 0,01 2,46 0,09 0,67 0,03 0,25 0, ,28 0,01 1,08 0,11 1,89 0,05 1,57 0,10 0,04 0,00 1,37 0,04 0,20 0,01 2,11 0,11 0,28 0,01 0,24 0, ,51 0,05 0,12 0,02 1,30 0,05 4,03 0,29 0,14 0,01 1,00 0,03 0,15 0,01 1,03 0,05 0,07 0,00 0,64 0, ,23 0,04 0,73 0,06 2,13 0,06 1,64 0,17 0,00 0,00 1,42 0,04 0,17 0,01 1,08 0,04 0,14 0,01 0,13 0, ,74 0,07 1,40 0,10 0,87 0,04 3,82 0,27 0,04 0,00 1,97 0,04 0,21 0,01 0,76 0,04 0,06 0,00 0,08 0,00

151 ICES WGCEPH REPORT ,33 0,01 0,09 0,01 1,10 0,05 0,97 0,05 0,03 0,00 0,54 0,01 0,14 0,00 1,39 0,04 0,82 0,04 1,22 0, ,54 0,02 0,04 0,00 0,50 0,03 1,39 0,08 0,44 0,02 1,13 0,03 0,09 0,00 1,61 0,05 0,24 0,01 2,18 0, ,49 0,02 3,78 0,21 1,50 0,14 6,67 0,49 0,36 0,01 2,97 0,06 1,48 0,06 0,21 0,01 0,10 0,01 0,04 0, ,38 0,05 0,98 0,06 1,90 0,19 4,81 0,28 0,35 0,02 1,66 0,04 2,71 0,08 0,00 0,00 0,42 0,03 0,23 0,01 Table Biomass Indices (Yield (kg/h)) of the Portuguese Ground Fish Survey (4thQ PGFS) since 1981 for the species more common in the landings. Sepia Sepia Sepia Alloteuthis Loligo Loligo Illex Todaropsis Todarodes Octopus Eledone Eledone officinalis elegans orbygniana spp. vulgaris forbesi coindetii eblanae sagittatus vulgaris cirrhosa moschata Year Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E. Y S.E


153 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Table a Abundance indices derived from the EVHOE survey for the period (average CPUEs computed for the Subarea VIII, in kg per tow with 30 minutes tows (swept area 0.02 square miles). Year Alloteuthis sp Illex coindetti Loligo forbesii Loligo vulgaris Rossia macrosoma Sepia elegans Sepia officinalis Sepia orbinyana Todaropsis eblanae Todarodes sagittatus

154 152 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table b Abundance indices derived from the EVHOE survey for the period (average CPUEs computed for the Subarea VIII, in numbers per tow with 30 minutes tows (swept area 0.02 square miles). Alloteuthis Year sp Illex coindetti Loligo forbesii Loligo vulgaris Rossia macrosoma Sepia elegans Sepia officinalis Sepia orbinyana Todaropsis eblanae Todarodes sagittatus

155 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Table Octopus vulgaris: length weigth relationship. Region a b Sex Reference Galicia F Guerra, M All Galicia All Otero et al., 2007 Gulf of Cadiz F Silva et al., M All Portuguese Northwest coast F Lourenço et al., 2012 (Div. IXa) M all Portuguese South coast (Div F Lourenço et al., 2012 Ixa) M all Northwestern Portuguese M Lourenço et al Coast (Div IXa) F South Portuguese Coast (Div IXa) all M F F + M Mauritanian waters M Duque (pers. com.) F Duque (pers. com.) All Duque (pers. com.) Table Eledone cirrhosa: Length weigth relationship. Region a b Sex Reference North Galicia M Regueira et al F West Galicia M F West Portugal M F

156 154 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Annex 6: Recent papers & Journal special issues; Not Published/ grey literature and PhD thesis Recent papers & Journal special issues Perales Raya et al. (2014) analyze the beaks in spent wild octopuses to estimate maximum age environmental stress marks in nature. Maximum age and longevity in the wild have not been confirmed due to the low availability of senescent postspawning wild octopuses. In this study, a beak analysis of lateral wall surfaces (LWS) from 20 spent specimens confirmed the 1 year lifecycle of the species in Central East Atlantic waters. The ages ranged from 194 days (584.9 g) to 322 days ( g). Photos with the aspect of the spent gonads for both sexes are provided. Moreover stress marks, or checks, were clearly located in the daily increment sequence of rostrum sagittal sections (RSS). Daily high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) timeseries were used to obtain daily variations in SST ( T) for each catch location of all spent octopuses. The highest T occurred during the last months of their lifetimes coincided with the locations of stress marks on the beak, enabling confirmation of beaks as environmental recorders in the wild for the first time. The stress marks coincidence with highest T also supports the daily deposition of RSS beak increments in the wild. Individuals were grouped into two main zones, at 20ºN and 18ºN, respectively. Both groups showed different thermal check patterns, in accordance with the oceanographic differences. Two other checks (not coinciding with high values of T) were observed in RSS at averages of 15 and 28 days before death, respectively, which were interpreted as responding to senescent related events x Winkelmann et al. (2013) Mitochondrial genome diversity and population structure of the giant squid Architeuthis: genetics sheds new light on one of the most enigmatic marine species. Despite its charismatic appeal to both scientists and the general public, remarkably little is known about the giant squid Architeuthis, one of the largest of the invertebrates. Although specimens of Architeuthis are becoming more readily available owing to the advancement of deep sea fishing techniques, considerable controversy exists with regard to topics as varied as their taxonomy, biology and even behaviour. In this study, we have characterized the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) diversity of 43 Architeuthis samples collected from across the range of the species, in order to use genetic information to provide new and otherwise difficult to obtain insights into the life of this animal. The results show no detectable phylogenetic structure at the mitochondrial level and, furthermore, that the level of nucleotide diversity is exceptionally low. These observations are consistent with the hypotheses that there is only one global species of giant squid, Architeuthis dux (Steenstrup, 1857), and that it is highly vagile, possibly dispersing through both a drifting paralarval stage and migration of larger individuals. Demographic history analyses of the genetic data suggest that there has been a recent population expansion or selective sweep, which may explain the low level of genetic diversity. Guerra, A. (2014) Studying problems: Interdisciplinary approaches to Cephalopod Biology. Interdisciplinarity would allow science to advance more rapidly and the transfer of knowledge to be more effective and direct. The culture of science funding

157 ICES WGCEPH REPORT around the world is increasingly aligned with IDR approaches. IRPs allow easier demonstration of research impact. Different outcomes satisfy different interested parties. High levels of individual/institutional commitment are essential. The biology of cephalopods provides many interesting problems for IRP. And finally, it is a good time to establish solid bridges between the CIAC members and other research groups in order to design and develop IRP /s z Regueira, M., Belcari, P. and Guerra, A. (2014). What does the giant squid Architeuthis dux eat?. Architeuthis dux diet has been analysed according to information available from literature and from the analysis of gut contents of five females and two males from Mediterranean and Atlantic Iberian waters (20 specimens in total). This is the first time that A. dux diet from Atlantic and Mediterranean waters is described. Body weight of specimens ranged from 22.5 to 200 kg. In order to infer common patterns in giant squid diet according to its geographic distribution range, size and sex, available data on their diet composition structure were joined and examined with multivariate techniques. No significant differences in the trophic level on which A. dux prey on were found, considering size, sex and location. Thus, A. dux seems to play the same role in the trophic webs throughout the distribution range examined in this paper, which takes up a very wide geographic area. The trophic level estimated from the diet composition is 4.7. Obtained results show that this species preys mainly on pelagic fast swimmers and shoaling fishes and cephalopods as an opportunistic ambushing hunter y Cabanellas Reboredo M. et al. (2014). Using artificial devices for identifying spawning preferences of the European squid: Usefulness and limitations. Fisheries Research, 157: Sustainable management of exploited stocks demands, among others issues, to identify the spawning spatio temporal patterns and eventually to protect the spawning grounds of the target species. Squid seems to aggregate at this crucial period of the life history, which implies increasing vulnerability to fishing. Unlike those of other loliginid species, the spawning preferences of the European squid are largely unknown because finding egg clutches of this species in the wild is challenging. Validated records from research programs are virtually inexistent but unsystematic records from, for example fisherman, suggest that squid spawns regularly on artificial structures. Here, we report for first time a description of the spatio temporal pattern of squid spawning on artificial devices (ADs). Thirty ADs were deployed over one year at a marine reserve (Cabrera National Park). ADs were distributed covering the three main types of benthic habitat, and ranging from 5 to 50 m depth. ADs were sampled monthly. Three main patters have been evidenced: (i) squid would prefer sandy bottoms for spawning, (ii) spawning would peak in spring, and (iii) squid would expand their spawning areas to shallower waters during the coldest months. It is debatable to extrapolate these patterns to those actually takes place in natural conditions. However, given the heavy fishing effort exerted on squid and data scarcity, the precautionary approach supports to take data from ADs as a starting point for advising sustainable management. Assuming that spawning at ADs and at the wild are correlated, the first pattern may be related to the faster marine currents that prevail on sandy bottoms or the smaller abundance of potential predators in these habitats. The second pattern may be related with the typical phytoplankton zooplankton cascade that, in the Western Mediterranean, takes place just preceding spring. While

158 156 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 the third pattern is in accordance with the hypothesis that squid may undergo a spawning migration /j.fishres Jimenez Prada et al. (2014) analyze deformed hatchlings from a very small female of 150 g wet weight. She spawned almost 77,000 paralarvae. Age estimation of the female was 300 days old from beak microstructure. Most increments in the beak had similar contrast and width along the surface of lateral wall surface. The dark band observed around 45days before death, when spawning started, could be related to the stress of this event, and the thinner increments laid down after this date might be related to senescence, lack of food ingestion and lower growth after reproduction. Malformations of paralarvae were noticed in the first spawning days, namely the absence of arms. The importance of lipid composition in O. vulgaris paralarvae has been suggested by several authors, highlighting the importance of cholesterol, phospholipids, EPA (20:5n 3) and DHA (22:6n 3) fatty acids in paralarval development. In the present study, the lipid composition (including EPA and DHA con tents) of the paralarvae showed some differences between hatching paralarvae, but these could not be related to the presence of deformities. Despite not being lethal, the abnormalities observed in paralarvae during the first days of spawning might be derived from the physiological condition of the breeding specimen (the female s lower weight to the estimated amount of living days), which might be eventually related to nutritional unbalances or genetic parameters that were transferred to the eggs. Perales Raya et al. (2014) validate the daily deposition of beak increments in the whole ontogenetic range of Octopus vulgaris. Both the lateral wall surfaces (LWS) and the rostrum sagittal sections (RSS) have been validated. Forty nine marked wild animals kept in the aquaria (weight range of 158 6,000 g) and 24 captive reared known age individuals (paralarvae of 0 98 days old and adults of days old) were studied, encompassing for the first time the full age range of the species including known age individuals older than one month. Daily deposition of beak increments was validated in the LWS by injection of Calcofluor and by stress of confinement. In the RSS, daily deposition was validated by environmental marking (thermal, confinement) and also by the stress mark registered the day of capture and the day of chemical markings. Preliminary comparison of growth rates after treatments suggests that capture is the most stressful event in terms of body weight growth. A total of 111 successful validations (where beak increments precisely corresponded to days elapsed) were achieved for a size range of 158 3,521g of body weight, and the maximum validated periods were 57 days (LWS) and 112 days (RSS). In the pelagic and transition to the settlement stages, a new pattern of microincrements that record age has been demonstrated in the lateral hood surfaces (LHS) of upper jaws, where stress checks were also observed. For the known age individuals, a strong linear relationship between true age and number of increments was obtained. It was highly significant (r 2 =0.999; P < 0.001, n = 24), with a slope of 0.96 increments/day and an intercept of 0.25 increments at hatching. In the benthic stage, tip erosion in beak RSS results in some underestimation of absolute age; however the demonstration that RSS can record environmental stress renders it a potentially useful tool for documenting life events. DOI

159 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Not published/grey literature Hernández Urcera, et al. (2014). Cannibalistic Behavior of Octopus vulgaris in the Wild. Journal of Comparative Psicology (in press). The first description of cannibalism in wild adult Octopus vulgaris is presented from three observations made in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain), which were filmed by scuba divers. These records document common traits in cannibalistic behavior: i) it was intercohort cannibalism; ii) attacks were made by both males and females; iii) in two of the records, the prey were transported to the den, which was covered with stones of different sizes; iv) the predator started to eat the tip of the arms of its prey; v) predation on conspecifics occurred even if there were other abundant prey available (i.e. mussels); and vi) the prey/predator weight ratio in the three cases ranged from 20 to 25 % body weight. The relationships between this behavior and sex, defense of territory, energy balance, food shortage, competition and predation, as well as how the attacker kills its victim are discussed Guerra, A. et al. (2014). Dwellers in dens on sandy bottoms: Ecological and behavioural traits of Octopus vulgaris. Scientia Marina (in press). Four visual censuses targeting Octopus vulgaris living in dens on sandy bottoms were carried out from June to October 2013 in the National Park of the Atlantic Galician Islands (NW Spain). Censuses were undertaken by scuba diving between 5 and 21 m depth at daytime. The total area swept was ha. There were not significant differences between octopus presence in dens during open and closed fishing seasons. Depth had significant negative relationship to occupancy. The average number of dens per 1000 m2 was 3.84 ± 0.84 in June and 3.89 in October. The area per den was 260 m2. Den number estimations varied between 1,586 and 2,057. The largest number of dens (76.5%) was found between 5 and 10 m depth. Den distribution was clumped. No significant differences were found between octopus size classes (small, medium and large) and den diameter. Associate dens were observed. There were not significant differences in den diameter and shell types found around the middens. Many dens could be permanent. Drilling bivalve shells behaviour is discussed. The surveyed area had around 1,100 individuals, mainly small specimens. No significant differences were found between octopus size and depth. Substrate, den type and food abundance and availability (especially razors Ensis arcuatus) seems to be the main factors influencing dens and octopus density and distribution. Den availability does not appear to be a limiting factor in this case. Temperature, den availability, predators and fishing pressure influencing density and distribution are discussed. Rodas inlet may be a preferential habitat for O. vulgaris individuals ranging from 200 to 2,000 g, but especially small specimens ( 1,000 g). Cabanellas Reboredo, et al. (2014). New insights for cephalopod management: Identification of preferential spawning areas for the European squid. Fisheries Resarch (in press). The spawning habitat selection of a population of Octopus vulgaris subject to fishery pressure was studied in the Cíes Islands within the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (NW Spain). The technique used was visual censuses by scuba diving. We conducted 48 visual censuses from April 2012 to April The total swept area was ha (2.85 % of the total marine area of the Cíes Islands). The spawning habitat of preference for O. vulgaris includes the categorical variables of

160 158 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 type of substrata and season. The estimated occurrence of egg clusters was focused in a specific area within a zone of 158 ha (5.98% of the total marine area of the Cíes Islands) located between 5 and 30 m depth, covered by hard bottom substrate and during the spring summer season. The strengths and weaknesses of a management strategy based on the protection of the spawning habitats of the species are discussed. Jurado Ruzafa, A., V. Duque, M.N. Carrasco, J.F. González and M. GonzáleZ Porto Inventory of trapped organisms under Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797) mantle, Caught off Mauritania by Spanish freezer trawlers. III Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar, Cádiz (Spain), January Unpublished results (in preparation, submitted) Jurado Ruzafa, A., Duque, V. Carrasco M. N. and González Lorenzo, G. Reproductive aspects of Octopus vulgaris, Cuvier 1797, caught by the industrial Spanish fleet off Mauritania (NW Africa). Congreso Internacional de Ciencias del Mar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, June Viaerea (in press)

161 ICES WGCEPH REPORT PhD thesis Coccidiosis and molecular basis of the immune response of common Octopus vulgaris, Sheila Castellanos Martinez. University of Vigo The common octopus, Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797, is one of the most important species in worldwide fisheries and aquaculture. Galicia is the pioneer Autonomic Community in octopus culture, which is considered one of the most important alternative resources to diversify the aquaculture. One of the main constraints in this activity is the diseases caused by several pathogens. Therefore, in order to control and eradicate the main diseases, such as coccidiosis caused by Aggregata octopiana, it is highly important to develop studies focused on knowing the octopus immune response against pathogens. Those studies will allow us to establish the basis to develop strategies towards an appropriate sanitary practice in octopus aquaculture. Furthermore, supplementary studies of genes involved in immune response will contribute to establishing the molecular basis to identify and select octopuses resistant against the coccidia infection. Hence, the first study of the common octopus immune response and their interaction with the infection by the coccidia A. octopiana is herein presented. The molecular characterization of A. octopiana from NE Atlantic (Ria of Vigo) using 18S rrna gene has allowed the complementation and confirmation of the pre existing morphological description. Likewise, the molecular characterization of A. eberthi that infects Sepia officinalis was also performed. The new sequences obtained were compared with the only sequences of A. octopiana and A. eberthi available in GenBak from the Adriatic Sea (Croatia). The low genetic divergence between A. eberthi species indicates that these coccidia infect two different populations of S. officinalis. In contrast, the high genetic divergence between A. octopiana from NE Atlantic and Adriatic Sea indicates that they correspond to different coccidia species. Therefore, according to previous morphological descriptions, host specificity and the molecular data herein obtained, A. octopiana from NE Atlantic (Ria of Vigo) is considered as the valid species. The studies conducted through microscopy and flow cytometry allowed to characterize the hemocytes present in the octopus hemolymph. Two sub populations or types of hemocytes were characterized, namely large granulocytes and small granulocytes. Using functional analysis it was demonstrated that both types of cells showed the ability to develop defensive activities in the organism. However, phagocytic ability and respiratory burst were higher in large granulocytes than in small ones. Nitric oxide (NO) production was measured in the total hemocytic population following challenge with zymosan, LPS and PMA in a time course. The highest NO production was reached after 3 h of incubation. There was confirmed that cellular immune defense is affected by the level of A. octopiana infection. The phagocytic activity increased according to the increase of the infection, mainly in autumn; whereas, respiratory burst (ROS) and NO decreased when the coccidia infection increase. The NO production decline was particularly notorious in low infected octopuses, but also in the heaviest individuals. In addition, a similar pattern in the cellular immune defense was observed in wild octopuses and in those reared in floating cages. In both cases, the phagocytic ability increase with the level of infection, but respiratory burst and NO decreased. Furthermore, NO production was significantly lower in wild octopuses than in those reared in floated cages, suggesting that the stressful culture conditions and coccidia infection acts synergistically, and triggers a high cytotoxic response in those octopuses reared in floating cages. The transcriptomic study of the hemocytes from O. vulgaris by construction of cdna library using a highthroughput sequencing method, allowed for the identification of important immune pathways such as NFkB, complement, Toll Like Receptors (TLR) and apoptosis. From

162 160 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 the present study, most of the immune genes identified are reported for the first time in cephalopods. The transcriptome of hemocytes from octopuses harboring high and low infection by A. octopiana were compared. A total of 539 genes were found differentially expressed between both levels of infection. Q PCR analysis of genes selected according to their importance in the host pathogen interaction confirmed the previous expression pattern and corroborated the results obtained by the high throughput sequencing. In the proteomic study of the octopus hemolymph, 42 significant spots were found in hemocytes from octopuses harboring high and low infection by A. octopiana. These spots were statistically analyzed by principal component analysis, from which 7 proteins are herein suggested as candidates of putative resistance biomarkers against the coccidia infection. Particularly, the proteins filamin, fascin and peroxiredoxin are highlighted because of their implication in the octopus immune defense. Considering the information obtained in this study, there is evidenced that coccidiosis by A. octopiana affects the proper functioning of the octopus cellular immune response. Phagocytosis is stimulated by the infection, however respiratory burst is suppressed. The molecular evidence agreed with functional assays. The respiratory burst reduction results in a down regulation of antioxidant genes at both trancriptomic and proteomic level. Likewise, the increase in phagocytic ability of the hemocytes is consistent with the significant up regulation of proteins like filamin and fascin (both related to phagocytosis) in highly infected octopuses. Therefore, the results exposed in the present work provide the first molecular insights into the molecular basis of host pathogen relationship between O. vulgaris and A. octopiana.ʺ Socio ecological approach of the recreational squid fishery. Miguel Cabanellas Reboredo Universitat de les Illes Balears The social relevance of recreational sheries and their impact on the exploited resources and on the ecosystems have been widely recognized. However, the impact of recreations shing is still rarely accounted for when assessing the population dynamics of targeted species. The European squid Loligo vulgaris is a paradigmatic case study. In the Balearic Islands (NW Mediterranean), this species is targeted by both the commercial and the recreational shing sectors. The commercial squid shery is relatively well known but the e ect of the recreational sector on the population dynamics of L. vulgaris is currently unknown although potentially relevant. The assessment and management of recreational sheries is particularly challenging due to the di culties in estimating both, catches and shing e ort. Accordingly, the main objective of this Ph.D. Thesis is to estimate the recreational squid harvest. To face this challenge requires a socioecological approach, by which the ecological characteristics of the squid, the social characteristics of the angler and the interactions between them have been tackled. The rst section of the Ph.D. Thesis provides new insights linking some features of the squid life history with the recreational shing e ort patterns. First, it is demonstrated that during the cold season (winter spring) squid expand their spawning area to inshore waters, probably searching for the environmental conditions that maximize spawning success (e.g., sea temperature). This pattern is in accordance with the hypothesis that squid undergoes inshore spawning migrations. Accordingly, recreational shers (anglers) exploit squid when they approach to the coast for spawning. Second, squid moves more actively at nighttime than during the day. This pattern was revealed using acoustic tracking telemetry and it is in accordance with the hypothesis of \feeding at night and spawning during the dayʺ. Accordingly, anglers exploit squid at sunset (using line jigging), when squid has already shift to the feeding state and lures are still visible. Once solved the life history patterns of L. vulgaris, the next step involved the understanding of the shery dynamics. All boats shing squid were recorded (on boat censuses) in order to disentangle the drivers of anglerʹs site (and day)

163 ICES WGCEPH REPORT choices. Both, catch related (expected harvest) and non catch related variables (e.g., sea condition and distance to the nearest homeport) play a relevant role. This Ph.D. Thesis provides ne scale (1 km2 day 1) estimates of the recreational shing e ort. It is well known that harvest not only depends on e ort but on catch. For that reason, to assess the e ect of the environment on squid catchability, a set of experimental shing sessions were performed. The combination of variables such as low windspeed, low atmospheric pressure and days close to the new moon maximized catch rates, although the main variable involved in catch uctuations was sea temperature. Catches are higher during the cold season, which is again in accordance with the hypothesis that squid undergoes inshore spawning migrations. Moreover, the 30 minutes period around sunset is the more e cient than any other 30 minutes period before or after sunset for capturing squid. This second pattern is again in accordance with the \feeding at night and spawning during the dayʺ hypothesis. During the abovementioned experimental shing sessions, a potential indirect e ect of jigging was detected: some squid escape by losing one or both tentacles. The possible indirect e ect of tentacle loss was tested through tank experiments. The results showed that loosing tentacles signi cantly decreased the predation e ciency, which in turn may a ect longterm survival and tness. We suggest that such a (possible) ghost shing should be considered. Finally, this Ph.D. Thesis proposes a new framework for estimating harvest by integrating the above mentioned information. This framework combines modelbased estimates of e ort (varying in space and time) with model based estimates of catches per unit e ort (varying in time and on the angler type). In order to account for the angler heterogeneity, anglers were classi ed into three types according with the answers to a short interview. The questionnaire was designed for revealing anglerʹs skill and experience. By including heterogeneity of anglers, the estimated harvest gained in precision. The recreational squid harvest in Palma Bay was estimated in 20.5 tonnes during This means that recreational harvest represents 34% of the total squid landings by the entire commercial eet of Mallorca Island during the same year (59.5 tonnes). Although to explicitly model the population dynamics of squid is outside the scope of this Ph.D. Thesis, this is the rst empirical data quantifying the importance of the recreational shing of L. vulgaris. The knowledge provided certainly should constitute a baseline for a long term monitoring program, and it demonstrates that stock assessment should incorporate the role of the recreational sherry. Ecology of planktonic cephalopods paralarvae in coastal upwelling system. Álvaro Roura Labiaga. University of Vigo ʺThis work encompasses three years of nocturnal zooplankton samplings in the mesozooplankton communities had to be described during the upwelling season of 2008 in the Ría de Vigo, as well as the influence of the ecosystem in the community structure (Chapter 3). Afterwards, the distribution of cephalopod paralarvae on these communities was studied under the prevailing oceanographic conditions lived during the samplings: a relaxationdownwelling period in summer and an upwelling in autumn (Chapter 4). This study revealed that the abundances of sepiolid and loliginid paralarvae were positively related with downwelling conditions and its distribution confined to the coastal and frontal communities. Besides, the wide range of paralaval sizes found, suggested a coastal life strategy determined by their distribution in the water column. On the other hand, O. vulgaris paralarval abundances were positively related with the upwelling and mainly distributed on the surface outgoing waters, which washed away the paralarvae from the coastal to the frontal and oceanic communities. This evidence, together with the absence of more than three sucker paralarvae in the Ría

164 162 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 de Vigo, suggests that O. vulgaris was following an oceanic life strategy during its planktonic stage, despite its coastal distribution as adults. Therafore mentioned results could be contrasted carrying lagrangian samplingsduring CAIBEX I and III surveys, where drifting buoys were deployed to follow the fate of different water masses in upwelling areas affected by filaments that export coastal waters oceanwardly (Chapter 5). The results obtained in these drifting experiments bring some light to the contrasting life strategies followed by the different cepaholpod paralarvae. In fact, the only cephalopod paralarvae found in all areas sampled (coast, upwelling area, filament and adjacent ocean) were the O. vulgaris paralarvae, which were larger towards the ocean. These facts confirmed the oceanic life cycle of octopus and allowed to determine the natural mortality of this species during its planktonic stage. On the other hand, all the sepiolids and Loliginids were found over the shelf close to the coast, despite the strong filament that could export them to the ocean, as found in the Ría de Vigo. In fact, we were lucky enough to sample a school of young Alloteuthis media that were congregated close to the bottom benefiting from the onshore currents that did occur along the Moroccan shelf. While in CAIBEX I 8 cephalopod species belonging to 4 neritic families were found, in CAIBEX III up to 20 species were discovered. These included, apart from the 4 neritic families found in CAIBEX I, 12 species belonging to 8 families of mesopelagic cephalopods found in the samplings carried in the filament and adjacent ocean. These species displayed diel vertical migrations, avoiding superficial waters during the day and ascending at night. Cephalopod paralarvae were identified genetically, because visual identification was impossible in those paralarvae smaller than 4 mm. Indeed, barcoding of paralarvae allowed increasing the distribution range of three sepiolid species: Sepiola tridens and S. atlantica extended their distribution to the south, and S. ligulata was found in the Atlantic for the first time. The macrozooplankton assemblage found in CAIBEX III was far more diverse than that found in CAIBEX I, due to the subtropial location of the samplings. The importance of the macrozooplankton is greater towards the ocean and especially under the filament. The macrozooplankton composition and abundance was strongly modified at night by those species that displayed diel vertical migrations (DVMs), from the deep scattering layer (DSL), located around m depth, to the surface. An extense bibliographic search through the diet of the macrozooplankton revealed that the main predators of cephalopod paralarvae in the pelagic domain, were shrimps of the families Oplophoridae and Penaeidae, as well as some families of mid water fishes. Ría de Vigo ( ), as well as two oceanographic surveys over the shelf and continental slope off NW Iberian Peninsula (CAIBEX I) and NW Africa (CAIBEX III). Its aim was to understand basic aspects of the the planktonic paralarvae of Octopus vulgaris like their diet in the wild, their vertical and horizontal distributions in upwelling areas, its interactions with the zooplankton and their mortality. Secondary aims were: to study the ecology of other cephalopod species found together with O. vulgaris in the Ría de Vigo, as well as to compare the assemblage of cephalopod paralarvae and macrozooplankton found in two contrasting coastal areas, one with a seasonal upwelling like Cape Silleiro (CAIBEX I) and the other with a quasi permanent upwelling like Cape Guir (CAIBEX III). Finally, we aimed to identify the potential predators of cephalopod paralarvae among the macrozooplankton of the pelagic realm. Octopus culture has been trialled for more than 50 years and is currently stopped at the experimental level due to the limitations rearing octopus paralarvae, given that the diet of this species during its planktonic stage is a mistery. The difficulty resides in the mode of ingestion of the paralarvae, because they first inject an enzymatic cocktail to predigest the prey and then absorb the internal contents leaving an empty exoskeleton. In order to tackle this problem a

165 ICES WGCEPH REPORT PCR method was developed to detect Artemia in a single octopus paralarva (Chapter 1). It was necessary to carry a nested PCR with Artemia specific primers to detect it, due to the overwhelming abundance of predator DNA. The next step was to identify the natural prey of octopus paralarvae collected among the zooplankton of the Ría de Vigo (Chapter 2). Group specific primers were designed to amplify a wide range of crustaceans and fishes, but avoiding the amplification of octopus DNA. Again, a nested PCR was needed to amplify prey DNA, that was posteriorly cloned. Overall, 20 different preys were detected: 16 decapod species belonging to 12 different families, 3 fish species and krill. We found that octopus paralarvae were extremely selective predators during their first days in the pelagic domain. After that, the aim was to determine to what extent the meteorology, hydrography and zooplankton community affect the vertical and horizontal distributions of cephalopod paralarvae in the Ría de Vigo. For this purpose, first of all, the mesozooplankton communities had to be described during the upwelling season of 2008 in the Ría de Vigo, as well as the influence of the ecosystem in the community structure (Chapter 3). Afterwards, the distribution of cephalopod paralarvae on these communities was studied under the prevailing oceanographic conditions lived during the samplings: a relaxationdownwelling period in summer and an upwelling in autumn (Chapter 4). This study revealed that the abundances of sepiolid and loliginid paralarvae were positively related with downwelling conditions and its distribution confined to the coastal and frontal communities. Besides, the wide range of paralaval sizes found, suggested a coastal life strategy determined by their distribution in the water column. On the other hand, O. vulgaris paralarval abundances were positively related with the upwelling and mainly distributed on the surface outgoing waters, which washed away the paralarvae from the coastal to the frontal and oceanic communities. This evidence, together with the absence of more than three sucker paralarvae in the Ría de Vigo, suggests that O. vulgaris was following an oceanic life strategy during its planktonic stage, despite its coastal distribution as adults. The aforementioned results could be contrasted carrying lagrangian samplings during CAIBEX I and III surveys, where drifting buoys were deployed to follow the fate of different water masses in upwelling areas affected by filaments that export coastal waters oceanwardly (Chapter 5). The results obtained in these drifting experiments bring some light to the contrasting life strategies followed by the different cepaholpod paralarvae. In fact, the only cephalopod paralarvae found in all areas sampled (coast, upwelling area, filament and adjacent ocean) were the O. vulgaris paralarvae, which were larger towards the ocean. These facts confirmed the oceanic life cycle of octopus and allowed to determine the natural mortality of this species during its planktonic stage. On the other hand, all the sepiolids and Loliginids were found over the shelf close to the coast, despite the strong filament that could export them to the ocean, as found in the Ría de Vigo. In fact, we were lucky enough to sample a school of young Alloteuthis media that were congregated close to the bottom benefiting from the onshore currents that did occur along the Moroccan shelf. While in CAIBEX I 8 cephalopod species belonging to 4 neritic families were found, in CAIBEX III up to 20 species were discovered. These included, apart from the 4 neritic families found in CAIBEX I, 12 species belonging to 8 families of mesopelagic cephalopods found in the samplings carried in the filament and adjacent ocean. These species displayed diel vertical migrations, avoiding superficial waters during the day and ascending at night. Cephalopod paralarvae were identified genetically, because visual identification was impossible in those paralarvae smaller than 4 mm. Indeed, barcoding of paralarvae allowed increasing the distribution range of three sepiolid species: Sepiola tridens and S. atlantica extended their distribution to the south, and S. ligulata was found in the Atlantic

166 164 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 for the first time. The macrozooplankton assemblage found in CAIBEX III was far more diverse than that found in CAIBEX I, due to the subtropial location of the samplings. The importance of the macrozooplankton is greater towards the ocean and especially under the filament. The macrozooplankton composition and abundance was strongly modified at night by those species that displayed diel vertical migrations (DVMs), from the deep scattering layer (DSL), located around m depth, to the surface. An extense bibliographic search through the diet of the macrozooplankton revealed that the main predators of cephalopod paralarvae in the pelagic domain, were shrimps of the families Oplophoridae and Penaeidae, as well as some families of mid water fishes.

167 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Annex 7: Working Documents presented at the meeting Working Document 2.1. presented to the ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014 AN UPDATE OF CEPHALOPOD LANDINGS DATA OF THE SPANISH FISH- ING FLEET OPERATING IN ICES AREA FOR PERIOD. Luis Silva, Juan José Acosta and Ana Juárez Instituto Español de Oceanografía Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz Puerto Pesquero, Muelle de Levante s/n Cádiz, SPAIN Telf.(34) e.mail: Data of Spanish landings of cephalopods on an annual basis were collected both by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía s (IEO) Sampling and Information Network, for catches from the ICES sub-areas VII, VIIIabd, VIIIc and IXa, and by the AZTI Fundation, for catches from sub-areas VIab, VIIb-k and those ones from the VIIIc-East landed in the Euzkadi ports. Table 1 shows the Spanish annual landings (in tons) by species group (Octopodidae, Loliginidae, Ommastrephidae and Sepiidae) and for the total annual for the period. The 2011 landings have been updated in relation to the information reported last year. Landings data in 2013 should be considered as provisional because of gaps of information still present in some subdivisions. However, the 2013 landings will be considered in further analysis of trends henceforth presented. Table 1. Spanish cephalopod annual landings (in tons) caught in the ICES Area by species group and total annual during the period. Year Loliginidae Octopodidae Ommastrephidae Sepioidea Total (*2013 year): Provisional data

168 166 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 1 shows the trend of total annual landings through the analyzed time period ( ). Average annual landings along the time-series were around 9714 tons, with a minimum of 7019 t in 2009 and a maximum of tons in The highest landings correspond to the Octopodidae group which accounted for 55.7% of the averaged landings for the analyzed period, followed by Ommastrephidae (20%), Sepioidea (15.1%) and Loliginidae (9.3%). The trend present a drop of landings from 2000 to 2001, followed by a slight increase until to reach a peak in 2005 of t. Afterwards, a new decrease appear until 2009, with a great increase in 2010 of about 63% with regard to In 2011, the landings showed similar values to previous year, with a new increase in 2012 reaching the highest value of the time-series. In 2013, the landings decrease a 16% with regard to previous year due to the reduction of Ommastrephidae. Landing (t) Loliginidae Octopodidae Ommastrephidae Sepioidea Figure 1. Spanish cephalopod annual landings (in tons) caught in the ICES area by species group during the period. (2013: provisional data) Octopodidae Commercial landings of octopods (Fam. Octopodidae) comprise common octopus Octopus vulgaris and horned octopus Eledone cirrhosa, plus musky octopus Eledone moschata in Sub-Division IXa-South. Figure 2 shows the trend of total octopods landings and by Subarea/Division in the last fourteen years. Total annual catch ranged between and 3895 t in 2001 and 7798 t in 2013, which represents a very important increase along the time-series. A slight increase until reaching a peak in 2005 of 6039 t can be observed. Afterwards, a new decreasing trend appear until 2009 with 3935 t, followed by a great increase in 2010 of about 46% with regard to 2009, remaining with similar value in In the last two years, a sharp increase can be observed until to reach the highest values of the times series in 2013 with 7798 t. More than 87% of Octopodidae were caught along the Spanish coast (Divisions IXa and VIIIc), where common octopus O. vulgaris is the main species caught. In Division VIIIc and Subdivision IXa-north most of the O. vulgaris were caught by the artisanal fleet using traps, comprising more than 98% of octopus landings (Figure 3). The rest of landings is reported by the trawl fleet. However, this

169 ICES WGCEPH REPORT species is caught by the bottom-trawl fleet in the Subdivision IXa-South (Gulf of Cadiz), accounting for around 60% of total catch on average, and the remaining 40% by the artisanal fleet using mainly clay pots and hand-jigs (Figure 3). In the last two years, the artisanal landings have exceeded significantly the trawl landings. Subdivision IXa-South contributes to the total landings from the Division IXa with variable percentages that ranged between 16 % (285 t) in 2011 and 80% (2871 t) in 2005, with a 54% on average through the time-series. In Figure 3, it can be observed these strong fluctuations in the octopus landing along the time-series in Subdivision IXa -South, with the minimum values in 2011 (285 t) and maximum values in 2013 (3785 t). However, this interannual fluctuations are less pornunced in Subdivision IXa-North. In this last tow year, the artisanal fleet accounted for the 70% of total octopus landings. Possibly, such oscillations may be related with environmental changes such as rainfall and discharges of rivers (Sobrino et al., 2002). Most of the horned octopus E. cirrhosa is caught by the bottom-trawl fleet, with their landings accounting for the bulk of the octopod landings in Subarea VII (457t of average) and Subdivisions VIIIabd (199 t) (Figure 2). Horned octopus landings in Division VIIIc account for 20%, on average, of total octopods landings along the time-series. In Sub-division VIIIc-east the fishery statistics for the Octopodidae mixed species group correspond to E. cirrhosa landings in the case of the trawl fleet and to O. vulgaris for the artisanal fleet. The contribution of Eledone spp in the total cephalopod landings from Division IXa is higher in Subdivision IXa north, with 22.3% (364 t) of total landings, than in Subdivision IXa south, with only 8.9% (145 t) (Figure 4). In this last Subdivision, the main landed species is the musky octopus Eledone moschata instead of E. cirrhosa, that is caught in the Gulf of Cadiz by the trawl fleet as a by-catch due its scarce commercial value (Silva et al., 2004). Landing by Division (t) F. Octopodidae Total VI VII VIIIabd VIIIc IXa Total landing (t) Figure 2. Spanish landings (in tons) of octopus species (Fam. Octopodidae) by ICES Subarea/Division during the period.

170 168 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Octopus vulgaris 3000 Subdivision IXa- South Landing (t) Trawler fleet Artisanal fleet Subdivision IXa- North 2000 Landing (t) Trawler fleet Artisanal fleet Division VIIIc 2000 Landing (t) Trawler fleet Artisanal fleet Figure 3. O. vulgaris landings (in tons) by fleet in Sub-division IXa south, Subdivision IXa-north and Division VIIIc during the period.

171 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Landing (t) Subdivision IXa south Eledone spp O. vulgaris Subdivision IXa north 2500 Landing (t) Eledone spp O. vulgaris Division VIIIc 2500 Landing (t) Eledone spp O. vulgaris Figure 4. Octopodidae landings by species in Division VIIIc and IXa (north and south) during period. Sepiidae The trend of cuttlefish annual landings by Subarea/Division is shown in Figure 5. Total landings ranged between 1985 t in 2013 and 1129 t in Since 2001, landings increased to 2005 and 2007, when they reached two new maxima values similar to Afterwards, landings decreased slightly up to 1224 t in 2010, reaching the highest values of the time-series in Division IXa

172 170 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 contributed with 70% of total cuttlefish landed by Spanish fleet, with the 71% of landings in this Division corresponding to the Subdivision IXa-South (Gulf of Cadiz). Landings in Division VIIIc increased at the end of the analysed period, reaching 194 t in 2013, whereas in Division VIIIabd they showed a value of 170 t in average, with marked fluctuations in the last four years of the timeseries. Landings in Subarea VII were below 20 t, except in 2000 and 2010 with 110 t and 73 t, respectively, and they were almost absent in the Subarea VI. O. Sepioidea Landing by Subarea and Division (t) Total VI VII VIIIabd VIIIc IXa Total landing (t) Figure 5. Spanish landings (in tons) of cuttlefish species (O. Sepioidea) by ICES Subarea/Division during the period. Cuttlefish (O. Sepioidea) landings from Subarea VII and Divisions VIIIabd mainly comprise common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and, in a lesser amount, also elegant cuttlefish Sepia elegans and pink cuttlefish Sepia orbignyana. Bobtail squid Sepiola spp. is not identified in the most of landings. Only Sepia officinalis and Sepia elegans are present in landings from Divisions IXa and VIIIc-West. Data on the proportion of each species are only available for Subdivision IXa-South, where Sepia officinalis makes up about 94% of cuttlefish landed (Figure 5). In this Subdivision, Sepia elegans and Sepia orbignyana appear mixed in landings, although the last species is quite scarce. The commercial value of Sepia elegans is high, and for this reason is separated in the catch.

173 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Subdivision IXa south Landing (t) S.elegans S.officinalis Figure 6. Sepiidae landings by species in Subdivision IXa south during the period. Ommastrephidae Short-finned squid landings (Fam. Ommastrephidae) comprise mainly broadtail short-finned squid Illex coindetii and lesser flying squid Todaropsis eblanae. European flying squid Todarodes sagitattus also appears in catches, but it is very scarce. Figure 7 illustrates the trends of both total landings of short-finned squids and by Subarea/Division. Total landings presented two maxima values in 2000 and 2005 with 2000 t, in the first half of the timeseries. Afterwards, landings quickly dropped reaching a minimum in 2007 with 834 t. In 2008, this value doubled in relation to the previous year, with a new decrease in In the three last years of the time-series occurs a strong increase, reaching then the maximum values in 2012 with 4718 tonnes, as in the rest of cephalopod groups. However, a sharp decrease is observed in 2013, with a decline of 3000 t in relation to the previous year. Possibly, this decrease was related with the change of the origin of the fisheries information and the correct assignation of the name to the landed species. The analysis by area shows scarce landings in Subarea VI throughout the timeseries. From 2000 to 2004, the Division IXa contributed with the highest landings, ranging between 700 and 430 t. Since 2004, landings from Subarea VII increased, reaching two maxima in 2005 and 2008 with 1000 and 730 tons, respectively. The rest of Divisions showed decreased landings, sharing similar levels below 200 t, with only the División IXa experiencing a significant recovery in In 2010, all the Subareas and Divisions reached the maxima values, except Division VIIIabd which presented a slightly decrease in relation to the previous years. At the end of the time-series, both Division IXa and VIIIc showed considerable increases, mainly in Division VIII c, reaching a value in 2012 of about 300% with regard to 2011 (3651 tonnes). Subdivision IXa South accounts for the lower values of the time-series with landings below of 1% of the total of short-finned squid species landings. In 2013, the landing decrease in all Divisions, except in Division VII, which showed a significant recovery. The decrease was most important in Division VIIIc, with a deduction of 80% in The reason has been described in the first paragraph.

174 172 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Landing by Subarea and Division (t) F. Ommastrephidae Total VI VII VIIIabd VIIIc IXa Total landing (t) Figure 7. Spanish landings (in tons) of short-finned squid species (Fam. Ommastrephidae) by ICES Subarea/Division during the period. Loliginidae Long-finned squid landings (F. Loliginidae) consist mainly of common European squid Loligo vulgaris. Three other species are present in unknown proportions. Of these, veined squid Loligo forbesi is currently thought to be very scarce, with variable presence in landings. Squids of the genus Alloteuthis (Alloteuthis media and Alloteuthis subulata) are mainly present in squid landings from Sub-Division IXa-South, showing low catch levels in Sub-Division IXa north during the same years. Figure 8 shows the trend of total long-finned squid landings and by Subarea/Division. Total landings presented a maximum value in 2001 with 1052 t, and then they remain more o less stable at around 900 t until 2006, when they showed a drop, reaching the minimum value in the time-series with 441 t. An increasing trend is observed from this year to 2012, reaching the maximum values in this year with 1683 tonnes, indicating a considerable recovery of landings. However, the landings decrease in all Divisions in 2013, with only a slight recovery in Division VII (Figure 8). The reason could be the same that in the case of Ommastrephidae. The analysis by Subarea/Division shows that the Division IXa recorded the highest landings from 2001 to 2005, with values ranging between 753 and 552 t, respectively. The 2007 landings fell to 200 t and remained stable during three years with an increasing trend up to 2012 where is reached the maximum values (401 t). In 2013, the landing decreased a 50% in relation to the previous year. Landings in Division VIIIabd and VIIIc were lower than in IXa, excep at the end of the time-series, oscillating between 128 t in 2000 and 895 t in 2012, and between 76 t in 2005 and 378 t in 2012, respectively. Landings in Subarea VII were also very low as compared with other areas, with average annual

175 ICES WGCEPH REPORT landings of only 30 t, but they showed a significant increase in 2010 and 2011, as also happened in Division VIIIc and VIIIabd. The Subarea VI showed very scarce landings, below 10 t, as it was also above mentioned described for the other analysed groups of cephalopod species, without landing in the last years. Landing by Subarea and Division (t) F. Loliginidae Total VI VII VIIIabd VIIIc IXa Total landing (t) Figure 8. Spanish landings (in tons) of long-finned squid species (Fam. Loliginidae) by ICES Subarea/Division during the period. Both in Sub-divisions IXa south and north, Loligo spp and Alloteuthis spp landings appear separated due to their high commercial importance. Figure 9 shows the proportion of each species group by Sub-Division. Both groups yielded higher landings in IXa south than in IXa north. Alloteuthis spp landings in IXa south ranged between 286 t in 2004 (i.e. higher landings than Loligo spp ones in this year) and 38 t in 2006, whereas in IXa north the highest record was 6.5 t in In both Subdivisions, the first half of the time-series in both Subdivisions recorded the highest landings, although Loligo spp. showed an importat increase in in Subdivision IXa-north, with landing around 45 tonnes. In 2013, the landings of these species decreased significantly in both Subdivisons. Finally, comment that in the last years Alloteuthis africana is also occasionally present in the Gulf of Cadiz (IXa-South) landings, mixed with the other Alloteuthis species (Silva et al., 2011).

176 174 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Subdivision IXa south Landing (t) Alloteuthis spp Loligo spp Subdivision IXa north Landing (t) Alloteuthis spp Loligo spp Figure 9. Long finned squid landings by species in Sub-Division IXa south and north during period. References Silva, L., Sobrino, I., Ramos, F., Reproductive biology of Eledone moschata (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in the Gulf of Cadiz (south-western Spain, ICES Division IXa). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK., 84, Silva, L., Vila, Y., Torres, M., Sobrino, I., Acosta, JJ., 2011.Cephalopod assemblages, abundance and species distribution in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain) Aquat. Living Resour. 24, Sobrino, I., Silva, L., Bellido, J.M., Ramos, F., Rainfall, river discharges and sea temperature as factors affecting abundance of two coastal benthic cephalopod species in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain). Bull. Mar. Sci., 71 (2),

177 ICES WGCEPH REPORT WORKING DOCUMENT 2.2 ICES Working Group on the Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History Lisbon (Portugal), June 2014 UPDATE OF THE BASQUE CEPHALOPOD FISHERY IN THE NORTHEASTERN ATLANTIC WATERS DURING THE PERIOD by Ane Iriondo 2, Marina Santurtún, Estanis Mugerza, Jon Ruiz 1. INTRODUCTION Up to 2013 AZTI Tecnalia is monitoring monthly cephalopod landings, catch, and discards, and fishing effort by gear and sea area of the Basque Country ports. Compilation and updating of the cephalopods catches made by the Spanish and Basque fleets landed at the Basque Country ports is updated every year. Cephalopod catches were considered as by catches of other directed demersal fisheries operated by the Basque fleet, targeting hake, anglerfish and megrim and more than other 30 species until some years ago. These demersal fisheries operate in different sea areas ICES Sub areas VI, VII and Divisions VIIIa,b,d (Bay of Biscay) and VIIIc (eastern Cantabrian Sea) and different gears: bottom trawl, pair trawlers, longliners, purse seiners, nets, artisanal hook and lines and traps or pots. However, in the last years cephalopods obtained in mixed fisheries (mainly Baka Otter trawls) are becoming more important in relation to the species composition of the catch and for some trips nowadays they are target species. In this document, data of the Basque Country cephalopod landings from 1994 to 2013 are presented. Catch data correspond to groups of similar species comprising more than two or three species, with similar appreciation in the markets. Data available were compiled in the following commercial species groups according to local names: Squid: mainly Loligo vulgaris and also, L.forbesi, Alloteuthis media and A.subulata. Cuttlefish: mainly Sepia officinalis and also S.elegans and S.orbignyana. Short finned squid: mainly Illex coindetii and also Todaropsis eblanae, and European flying squid: Todarodes sagitattus, Octopus: mainly Eledone cirrhosa and also Octopus vulgaris. 2 AZTI Tecnalia.

178 176 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Most of the large trawlers of the Basque Country catch cephalopods mainly in the Bay of Biscay (Div. VIIIa,b,d), but also in Sub area VII (Celtic Sea and Porcupine Bank) and in Sub area VI (both in the western part of Scotland and around Rockall Bank). Local trawls, artisanal gillneters and some pots or trap vessels working usually in the eastern Cantabrian Sea (Div. VIIIc) also catch some cephalopods. The target species are usually mixed demersal fish, mainly hake, megrim or anglerfish, but together with those, variable quantities of cephalopods are caught. The proportion of these catches varies in relation to the sea area, the gear used and the distinct seasonality of these species. In the last years an important increase of cephalopod landings is observed in Basque trawling fleet. 2. RESULTS 2.1. Landings of cephalopods in Sub-areas VI, VII and Div. (VIIIa,b,d) During 2013 and in Div. VIIIa,b,d, the largest landings of squids and cuttlefish were recorded during November and December. Squid landings reached 103 t in November while cuttlefish landings reached a peak of around 69 t also in November. Short finned squid maximum landings occurred in April being around 14 t. Landings of octopus were higher in Div. VIIIa,b,d during January reaching around 32 t (Figure 10). In Figure 9 percentage of landings by species groups and sea area in 2013 are presented. Landings from Div. VIIIa,b,d for squids comprise 84% and for cuttlefish 96%. In the case of short finned squid 66% and for octopus the 88% of landings came from Div. VIIIa,b,d. For 2013, each of the cephalopod groups contributed evenly to the total cephalopod catches, 35% squids, 32% cuttlefish, 14% short finned squid and 19% octopus. 86% of total cephalopod landings came from Div. VIIIa,b,d (Figure 13). Looking at the catch evolution of squid and cuttlefish during the period , the most remarkable feature is the continuous seasonality of the landings in all areas (Figure 11). The largest landings occur from October to February for all cephalopod species, and also a marked alternation of years of rather high and low landings is observed mainly in squids. For all data series, no cuttlefish, short finned squid and octopus landings were registered in Sub area VI. The great fishery reservoir for all species groups appears to be the sea area comprises within Div. VIIIa,b,d. Catches evolution of short finned squid does not present the marked seasonality described for the other species groups, however maxima landings are registered from March and April almost till June. Octopus higher landings are registered during autumn and winter months. Cephalopod historical landings deployed by Basque vessels show an important decreasing trend from 1994 to 2001 (Figure 14Error! Reference source not found.). From 2002 onwards, the total landings of cephalopods remain quite stable but with inter annual fluctuations. From 2009 and increasing trend is ob

179 ICES WGCEPH REPORT served and in year 2012 landings are close to the maximum level of the timeseries with the peak in During 2013, an important decrease of cephalopod landings, mainly of squids, has been observed. Focusing on fishing effort (Figure 15Error! Reference source not found.) it shows a decreasing trend from 1996 to 2013 which is caused by the disappearance of some Basque vessels in the last years due to regulation implementation and other different factors. In 2010 and 2011 an increasing trend in effort is observed in the number of days of the pair trawlers and some trips deployed in Subarea VII by the Baka otter trawler but in year 2013 pair trawlers effort has been reduced and no Baka otter trawler effort was observed in Subarea VII. Nowadays, the most important Basque fleet targeting cephalopods are Baka bottom otter trawlers in the Division VIIIa,b,d. Within this fleet three different metiers have been defined following the criteria defined in the European Data Collection Framework: OTB_DEF_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting demersal fish). OTB_MCF_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting mixed cephalopod and demersal fish). OTB_MPD_>=70 (otter trawlers targeting mixed pelagic and demersal). Landings of the different species have been included in one or other metier following the segmentation above. From 2009 to 2012, the metier targeting cephalopods OTB_MCF has increased its number of trips and its cephalopods catches but in the last year 2013 it has decrease significantly (Figure 16Error! Reference source not found.). The decrease in the OTB_MCF metier seems to be related to the increase in OTB_DEF metier targeting demersal species like hake, megrim or anglerfish LPUE of cephalopods in Sub-areas VI, VII and Div. (VIIIa,b,d) In the last years, fleet composition has changed in the Basque ports and nowadays there are mainly four fleets targeting cephalopods (highlighted in black below). 1.. Baka trawl Ondarroa in Div. VIIIa,b,d 2.. Baka trawl Ondarroa in Sub area VII 3.. Baka trawl Ondarroa in Sub area VI 4.. VHVO Pair Trawl Ondarroa in Div. VIIIa,b,d 5.. VHVO Pair Trawl Pasajes in Div. VIIIa,b,d 6.. VHVO Pair Trawl Pasajes in Sub area VII

180 178 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 All of them, together considered, represented close to 97% total cephalopod landings in the Basque Country ports in It has to be mentioned that from 2005 onwards the VHVO Pair Trawl Pasajes in Sub area VII fleet disappears and from 2008 onwards VHVO Pair Trawl Pasajes in Div. VIIIa,b,d fleet also disappears. In 2009 the Baka trawl Ondarroa in Subarea VII did no effort and change its fishing area to Division VIIIa,b,d. In spite of that, the 6 fleets selected above will be used to show time series trends in LPUE data but it must be considered that for the last years only 3 of them will be active and will provide effort information. Effort for each fleet was obtained from the information provided yearly by the log books filled out by the skippers of most of vessels landing in Ondarroa and Pasajes, and processed by AZTI Tecnalia. The effort unit used has been the fishing days. When summing up all cephalopod landings and divided them by main fleets fishing efforts, the landing per unit of effort are obtained (LPUE) (Figure 17). This Figure shows a stable situation in LPUE from 1995 till 2002 but important fluctuations with high and low abundances are observed in short fined squids data series. During the last period of the series, and in relation to Div. VIIIabd, LPUEs for squid and cuttlefish have markedly increasing whilst, octopus and shortfinned squid have, in general, decreased. In Subarea VII, Octopus LPUEs have markedly decreased since 2007, mainly driven by the decrease in the effort deployed by the Basque fleet in that area. Octopus caught in this area is mainly Eledone cirrhosa catches of this species in the last year are nil. Short finned squids LPUEs are maintained at low levels along data series despite a sharp increase in 2010 due to a high catch in a unique trip deployed by Baka otter trawlers in Subarea VII. In year 2013 an important decrease in LPUE of squids and cuttlefish is observed in Div. VIIIabd Discard estimation of cephalopods Since 2001, a discard sampling program has been carried out by the AZTI Tecnalia on the Basque fleet (North Spain). Sampling developed during 2001 and 2002 correspond to the Study Contract (98/039). From 2003 onwards, AZTI Tecnalia has continued sampling discards onboard commercial fleet under the National Sampling program. Only the trawl fleet is considered in this study, since the rest of the segments of the Basque fleet in the North East Atlantic like purse seine, etc. (Ruiz, et al. 2009) have negligible levels of discard. The sampling strategy and the estimation methodology used in the Discard Sampling Programme have been established following the Workshop on Discard Sampling Methodology and Raising Procedures guidelines (Anon., 2003). The observers on board programme is based on a stratified random sampling, considering the Fishery Unit as stratum and the trip as sampling unit. Landings and effort are used in the raising procedure; nevertheless, only discard estimates using effort as raising procedure are presented in this document.

181 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Although the sampling tried to cover all species retained and discarded in the different fleets, no length sampling was carried out for any of them. Thus, no length distribution and numbers of all discarded and retained cephalopod species were estimated whilst weights retained and discarded were obtained. In Table 1 the amount of estimated cephalopods discarded (in percentage) during series is presented. In general terms, it can be said that: - Short finned squid mainly and curled octopus (Eledone cirrhosa) in a lesser extent are the most discarded species because of their low price in market. - In Subarea VII, there is no effort deployed by the fleet during 2012 and 2013, so no discard information is available. - A revision of discard from year 2012 has been presented. An important change in the exploitation pattern of cephalopods was observed as discards in all fleets of the Basque fleets have reduced their discards significantly. - Data presented in this document has to be considered as very preliminary. Thus, discard data here presented has to be taken just as reflect of the discard practices carried out by these fleets and never as absolute numbers Prices of cephalopods in Basque ports Cephalopod prices in Basque ports from 2001 to 2013 are presented in Figure 18. The price given is the mean value of both landing ports Ondarroa and Pasajes. It can be observed that the mean value has remained quite stable in the last eleven years. Squids have the best price of landed cephalopod that goes from 6 euro in 2001 to 9.37 euro in Cuttlefish is the second better paid which goes from 2.50 euro in 2001 to 3.53 euro in Octopus had the peak in price in 2003 but after that it has decrease some years and in 2009 it was around 3.10 euro. Finally, the short finned squid, which is the cephalopod with lower prices in the time series, shows a price of 1.71 euro in In general terms, prices of cephalopods hardly have increased in the last eleven years. Only in squids is observed a slight increase in the last three years. 3. CONCLUSIONS Cephalopod historical landings trend from 1994 to 2013 should be more in detail analyzed. A study should be desirable to define if changes in landings are due to changes in fisheries/metiers (fishing strategies due to market reasons), differences in fishing capacity or a real change in the abundance of these species. The comparison of the historical landings of cephalopods and LPUE data shows that LPUE data present in the last three years of the time series the same increasing trend as landing data. Therefore, one conclusion could be that landings

182 180 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 increase and the abundance indices (LPUE data) of the fleets analyzed do show this increasing trend in the abundance of some cephalopods mainly squids and cuttlefish. Studies on discards practices could support evidences to some of the possible scenarios described above. First discard studies deployed in AZTI Tecnalia started in 2000 under Study Contract (98/039) partly financed by the EU and the Basque Government. AZTI Tecnalia continues sampling discards on board commercial fleets under the National Sampling Programs since A more detail study on discard practices deployed by fisheries targeting cephalopod is still to be accomplished. The contribution of the different cephalopods species groups to the total landing composition has been updated from 2005 to From previous studies, cephalopod proportion in the landings markedly increased from around 8 % in 1997 to almost twice in 2001 in Baka otter trawls operating in Div. VIIIa,b,d (Santurtun et al., 2005, WD), coinciding with the bad shape of the hake stock. In the last studied five years, the cephalopod proportion in landings is around 15% with a peak of 28% in year Cephalopods appears to be an important accessory species for the baka trawlers in division VIIIa,b,d due to, specially, reduction of quotas of some traditional demersal species during the period , with apparent constant availability and relatively good market prices. In the period effort of the mixed cephalopod metier (OTB_MCF) has yearly increased and landings of the metier have also increased. This shows a change in the fishing exploitation pattern if the Basque trawlers having cephalopods as target species in some periods of the year due to the good price of these species and the lack of quota for them. The analysis of prices shows that in the last twelve years there has been hardly increase in prices of cephalopods, as it has also occurred for the rest of the main demersal commercial species. The squids remain being the cephalopod with highest price with an increasing trend in the last two years and the short finned squid and octopus are the ones with lowest price.

183 ICES WGCEPH REPORT REFERENCES Anon. (2003). Report of ICES Workshop on Discard Sampling Methodology and Raising Procedures. Charlottenlund, Denmark, 2 4 September Final Report. Contract Ref. 98/095 (2002). Monitoring of discarding and retention by trawl fisheries in Western Waters and the Irish Sea in relation to stock assessment and technical measures. Ruiz, J., Arregi, L. (2009). Spanish purse seines discard rates targeting small pelagic species in ICES Divisions VIIIb and VIIIc. Working Document presented Regional Co ordination Meeting for the North Atlantic 2009 (RCM NA). Cadiz, Spain 29 September 2 October Santurtún, M.; Prellezo, R.; Lucio P.; Iriondo A. and Quincoces I. (2004). A first Multivariate approach for the dynamics of the Basque trawl fleet in Working Document presented to SGDFF. Ostende (Belgium)

184 182 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 10. Monthly distribution of the Basque Country Catches (landings in kg) of Squid, Cuttlefish, Short-finned squid and Octopus by sea area, in 2013.

185 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 12. Percentage of the Basque Country landings of Squid, Cuttlefish, Short-finned squid and Octopus by sea area, in 2013.

186 184 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 13. Total composition in percentage of the Basque Country landings. Above: By species group. Below: By sea area for 2013.

187 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 4. Cephalopods landing (in kg) evolution of the Basque Country by species group considering all areas together (VI, VII, VIIIabd and VIIIc) for the total period

188 186 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 14. Cephalopods landing evolution of the Basque Country by species group for the total period Figure 15. Total fishing effort of the Basque fleets from 1993 to 2013.

189 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Figure 16. Annual fishing days by metier for Basque bottom otter trawlers operating in Division VIIIa,b,d during 2009 to Figure 17. Cephalopod landings per unit of effort (kg/day) of the Basque fleet from 1994 to 2013.

190 188 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 18. Cephalopod prices in Basque ports from 2001 to Table 1. Estimated cephalopod discard (kg) in percentage during series is presented. Gear Area Species * 2013 VI Short finned squid Curled octopus Cuttlefish Short finned squid OTB VII Curled octopus Cuttlefish 12 Short finned squid VIIIa bd Curled octopus Cuttlefish *Updated in year % discard from total catches.

191 Working Document 2.3 presented to the ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History.Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014 Portuguese cephalopod fishery statistics and population parameters) updating status and trends in ICES division IXa Sílvia Lourenço, Ana Moreno, and João Pereira Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, IPMA, Departamento do Mar e dos Recursos Marinhos, Av. Brasília, Lisbon, Portugal Cephalopods are an important fishery resource in Portugal. The main commercial species are the common octopus Octopus vulgaris, the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and the common squid Loligo vulgaris. Other species, such as Eledone cirrhosa, Loligo forbesi, Illex coindetii, Todaropsis eblanae and Todarodes sagittattus are also marketable species but have a low amount of landings. On this document cephalopod fisheries data for the Portuguese fleets operating in ICES division IXa are updated with final 2012 data and 2013 provisional data. 1. Cephalopod landings from ICES division IXa The relative importance of cephalopod species in landings from Portuguese waters (ICES IXa) is constant along the years with significantly higher landings of octopus, followed by cuttlefish, long-finned squid and short-finned squid (1%) (Table 1). Since 1996, an average of tons of cephalopods were landed by the Portuguese fleets from ICES sub-area IXa. Most cephalopod catches are made by vessels using a collection of gears which includes gillnets, trammel nets, traps, pots and hooks (lines), classified under the polyvalent gear type group (which roughly equates to artisanal fisheries). Octopus landings represent ca. 82% of the total cephalopod Portuguese landings, with average landings of 9082 ± 1972 tons ( ). Annual landings of octopus show a significant fluctuation, and the trend since 1996 is slightly positive (Figure 1). Cuttlefish landings represent ca. 13% of the total cephalopod landings, with stable average landings of 1436 ± 239 tons showing a stable landings trend(figure 1). Long-finned squids represent 3% (average 351 ± 294 tons) of cephalopod landings and short-finned squids only 1% (average 146 ± 121 tons) of the total cephalopod landings. Annual landings of both long-finned and short-finned squid decreased significantly since 1996, recording rather low amounts since Long-finned squid landings show a slow but consistent increase since then until 2012, but landings decreased again in 2013.

192 190 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table 1 Landings in ton by Portuguese fleets from ICES sub area IXa between 1996 and Year Cephalopods Cuttlefish (Sepiidae) Long-finned Squid (Loliginidae) Octopus (Octopodidae) Short-finned squid (Ommastrephidae) * * * * * 323.8* * * * 408.1* * 142.2* ** ** 203.6** ** 145.5** * WGCEPH2013 report update, **provisional data octopus Since 2009, with DCF implementation, an effort has been made to discriminate cephalopod species in fisheries official statistics enabling the analysis of landings by species in some cases.

193 1.1. Octopus by species Presently, nearly all octopus landed in the Portuguese ports are reported to the species level. The annual landings from ICES sub area IXa (only Portuguese waters) of Octopus vulgaris and Eledone cirrhosa (plus the fraction of octopus landings which is not split by species) are presented in Table 2 for the period 2003 to O. vulgaris correspond to 98% of all octopus landings. The trend in landings is highly swinging, which is probably related to the availability of this resource. Table 2 Landings in tons of Octopus vulgaris and Eledone cirrhosa from ICES sub area IXa (only Portuguese waters) between 2003 and Year Octopus nei Octopus vulgaris Eledone cirrhosa % non identified octopus Estimated O. vulgaris * * 93* 0* ** 2** 12797** 170* 0* * WGCEPH2013 report update, **provisional data. Monthly landings of O. vulgaris show little seasonality (Figure 2). Nevertheless, landings generally peak in March and November each year. After the sharp decrease in 2009, landings have been increasing and between October 2012 and April 2013 those are were notably high, in fact March 2013 was the month with higher landings of the all time-series. Most landings of the Octopus vulgaris, are made by the smallest vessels (< 10 m, local fleet) and the vessels of the length class (12 18 m) that comprises vessels with traps, gillnets and trammel nets fishing permission (Figure 3). The industrial trawl fleet, roughly the vessels of the length categories (18-24m and m) are responsible by 12 % of landings. The landings of E. cirrhosa show strong sea-

194 192 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 sonality being higher between March and June every year with the m fleet being responsible for 82% of 2012 and 2013 landings. Considering the low landings level (0.10% of total octopus landings), E. cirrhosa must be mostly a by-catch and landings seasonality most certainly displays the species availability during spring. Figure 2 - Octopus vulgaris and Eledone cirrhosa monthly landings from ICES sub area IXa (only Portuguese waters), between 2005 and 2013 (mean ± SD) on the left and by year on the right). landings (ton) Eledone cirrhosa <10 10-<12 12-<18 18-<24 24-< jan-12 mar-12 mai-12 jul-12 set-12 nov-12 jan-13 mar-13 mai-13 jul-13 set-13 nov-13 jan-12 mar-12 mai-12 jul-12 set-12 nov-12 jan-13 mar-13 mai-13 jul-13 set-13 landings (ton) nov-13 Octopus vulgaris <10 10-<12 12-<18 18-<24 24-<40 Figure 3 Eledone cirrhosa and Octopus vulgaris monthly landings by fleet from ICES sub area IXa (Portuguese waters only), between January 2012 and December Long-finned squid by species The effort to report long-finned squid landings by species is noticeable since 2005 (Table 3). However, due to the recent reappearance of Loligo forbesi in Portuguese waters, and the difficulty in the distinction between the

195 two species, it is expected that the recent official landing statistics reported as L. vulgaris may contain some L. forbesi. Nonetheless, Alloteuthis sp. and A. subulata landings started to be recorded since July 2008, separated from Loligo species. In spite of this, both Alloteuthis sp. and A. subulata landings should be joined and regarded as Alloteuthis sp., because of the co-occurring A. media. In the last 5 years ( ), L. vulgaris plus Loligo sp. landings represented ca. 73% of the total long-finned landings and Alloteuthis species ca. 27%. L. vulgaris plus Loligo sp. landings averaged 304 ± 256 tons between 2003 and 2013, 58% of it taken by the fleet segment 24 to 40 m (roughly the bottom trawl fleet), followed by the local fleet (< 10m) with 24 % of Loligo sp landings (Figure 4). Alloteuthis sp. and A. subulata landings averaged 63 ± 22 tons between 2009 and 2013, mostly taken by the trawl fleet (92%). Table 3 Loligo sp. and Alloteuthis sp. landings (in tons) from ICES sub area IXa (only Portuguese waters) between 2003 and Year Loligo nei Loligo vulgaris Alloteuthis nei % identified species * 4* 214* 107* 66* 2012* 27* 268* 114* 66 * 2013** 7 ** 118** 78** 58** * WGCEPH2013 report update, **provisional data.

196 194 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Alloteuthis spp < 10 m 10-<12 12-<18 24-< jan-12 mar-12 mai-12 jul-12 set-12 nov-12 jan-13 mar-13 mai-13 jul-13 set-13 nov-13 landings (ton) Figure 4 Loligo vulgaris and Alloteuthis sp. monthly landings by fleet from ICES sub area IXa (Portuguese waters only), between January 2012 and December Figure 5 presents L. vulgaris and Alloteuthis sp. monthly landings. In both cases the landings pattern reflect a marked seasonality. In the case of L. vulgaris higher landings occur generally during autumn each year. However, in some years important landings also occur in September or in January. In the case of Alloteuthis sp., only 3 years were analysed and the seasonality was not constant, higher landings occurred in April and July/August 2011 and However is noticeable the landing peak in December 2013.

197 Loligo vulgaris Loligo vulgaris month month 25 Alloteuthis sp month Figure 5 Loligo vulgaris and Alloteuthis sp. monthly landings from ICES sub area IXa (only Portuguese waters) (mean ± SD on the left and by year on the right). 1.3 Cuttlefish The annual landings of cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, from the Portuguese waters of ICES sub-area IXa, averaged 1407 tons between 2003 and The cuttlefish fishery is mostly a small-scale fishery. Most landings are made by the local fleet of vessels under 10m size, which landed 77% of the total in the period between January 2012 and December The second most important fleet segment landing cuttlefish (17% of total landings) is the fleet comprising vessels with length m. The two fleet segments are responsible by 93% of the cuttlefish total landings (Figure 6). Trammel nets and traps are the main fishing gears utilized to catch cuttlefish. However, most

198 196 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 landings are reported in mix metiers of the polyvalent fleet (collection of fishing gears permissions). Figure 6 Sepia officinalis landings by fleet from ICES sub area IXa (Portuguese waters only), between January 2012 and December The cuttlefish landings are markedly seasonal, with most of the landings conducted in the first semester of the year. A constant peak in April was verified until 2007, but this peak have been varying between March, April and May since 2008 (Figure 7). Figure 7 Sepia officinalis monthly landings from ICES sub area IXa (only Portuguese waters), between 2003 and 2012 (mean±sd on the left and by year on the right). 2. Population parameters The achieved sampling of population parameters in 2013 for the main commercial exploited cephalopod species is reported in Table 6. Figure 8 depicts the mean number of specimens measured (mantle length) by month from

199 the start of concurrent sampling in 2009 to 2013 (market sampling). The monthly variation in the numbers of specimens measured is related to the seasonality of landings. Ommastrephids sampled monthly are frequently less than 200 individuals as well as the number of cuttlefishes sampled between July and October directly related with the seasonality of landings. No age sampling is underway for any species. Information available on growth and age-atmaturity for the Portuguese waters (ICES sub-area IXa) concerns only Loligo vulgaris. This information may be found in published literature (Bettencourt et al., 1996; Moreno et al. 2005; Moreno et al., 2007). Table 6 Market sampling and on-board sampling of population parameters in 2012 for the main commercial exploited cephalopod species under DFC. Achieved length sampling weight maturity Sex ratio Species Time stratification Retained catches or landings discards total N N N N Octopus vulgaris Q Loligo vulgaris Q Sepia officinalis Q numbers measured month Loligo sp sepia officinalis Octopus vulgaris ommastrephids

200 198 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 8 Market sampling for length frequencies from ICES sub area IXa (only Portuguese waters): mean number of specimens measured between 2009 and Length frequencies The O. vulgaris mean length in landings between 2004 and 2013 was 14.9 ± 1.5 cm ML. The mean length was higher in the gillnets (including trammel nets) and trawl fleets, respectively 15.5 ± 1.62 cm and ± 1.24 cm. The fleet targeting the O. vulgaris, the local traps fleet, landed individuals significantly smaller (14.1 ± 1.2 cm) (Figure 9), nevertheless in the last two years (2012 and 2013) the traps fleet landed bigger animals than the mean length, probably benefiting of the increasing abundance of the stock that was observed since the last octopus crisis in 2009 and Fot the three fleets it is observed a seasonal tendency to capture bigger individuals in the first semester and early summer of all years, in synchrony with the reproduction season. Figure 9 Octopus vulgaris mean mantle length by month obtained from length sampling of landings of gillnets (gillnets and trammel nets), traps and bottom trawl (trawl), between January 2009 and December Legend: dashed line indicates the mean length in each fleet segment and values displayed in each fleet segment panel indicates the mean mantle length obtained in each year indicated in x-axis. Figure 10 shows the mean mantle length of the long-finned squids landed by the trawling fleet between January 2009 and December The Portuguese coastal waters are inhabited by two species of long-finned squids with commercial value, Loligo forbesi and L. vulgaris, nevertheless the former is con-

201 sidered an occasional visiting of Portuguese waters and less abundant. Considering this, the samples identified as Loligo nei (SQC) and L. vulgaris (SQR) were aggregated. The mean mantle length of the individuals sampled is 17.3 (± 2.9) cm, with a decreasing tendency in the last three years, with the mean mantle length for 2013 being 15.3 (± 2.3) cm. Is noteworthy that the sampling effort have been increasing since 2009 and the long-finned squids are the second best sampled cephalopod species in the Portuguese program. Figure 10 Long-finned squids mean mantle length by month obtained from length sampling of landings of bottom trawl (trawl), between January 2009 and December Legend: dashed line indicates the mean length in each fleet segment and values displayed in the fleet segment panel indicates the mean mantle length obtained in each year indicated in x-axis. The cuttlefish Sepia officinalis is mostly landed by vessels operating with gillnets and trammel nets (gnets) and by the trawling fleet. Between January 2009 and December 2013, the mean mantle length of the cuttlefishes landed by these two fleets was 16.4 (± 3.3) cm. In average, the gillnet fleet landed bigger cuttlefishes (mean mantle length: 17.1 ± 3.0 cm) in relation to the trawling fleet (mean mantle length: 15.5 ± 3.5 cm). While the cuttlefish landings have a strong seasonality, this seasonality is not observed in the mean mantle length of the landed individuals in neither fleet.

202 200 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 11 Sepia officinalis mean mantle length by month obtained from length sampling of landings of gillnets (gillnets and trammel nets, gnets) and bottom trawl (trawl), between January 2009 and December Legend: dashed line indicates the mean length in each fleet segment and values displayed in each fleet segment panel indicates the mean mantle length obtained in each year indicated in x-axis Biological Information Since 2002, biologic information, such as mantle length, individual weight, sex and maturity stage (but also other information) is collected in a monthly basis from market samples from the Peniche port (in the northwest coast) and Olhão port (only for common octopus, in the south coast). The species sampled are the O. vulgaris, L. vulgaris, Illex coindetti, Todaropsis eblanae, and S. officinalis. Table 7 presents the number of individuals and sex ratio of the species sampled during Although, preferential sampling should be conducted in a monthly basis, the collection of those samples in the port of Peniche depends of species availability, market opportunity and sampling effort required under DCF. These conditions have being resulting in information gaps that are difficult to overcome if the aim of sampling is to follow the species spawning season or effects of fishing over the population. Table 7 - Monthly biological sampling conducted during 2013 with species and sexes proportions determined. Sepia officinalis Octopus vulgaris Illex coindetti Loligo vulgaris Todaropsis eblanae Total month F M N F M N F M N F M N F M N Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

203 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Octopus vulgaris spawning season The O. vulgaris is the cephalopod species best sampled for the biological information. Actually, IPMA has a time-series of 18 years of biological information for O. vulgaris collected from the small-scale fisheries in the northwest coast (Peniche) and since 2007 for the south coast. This information allowed identifying differences in the spawning season between the two regions (Lourenço et al., 2012). In the northwest coast, the spawning season is extended in time following the spring/summer upwelling season peaking in generally between July and August. And in the south coast, in the absence of a seasonal upwelling season, the spawning season is shorter lasting during August and September. It s noteworthy that in some years, in the south coast, a spawning peak occurs in early spring, which may explain the occasional juvenile abundance peaks in early summer in this area. Figure 12 shows the evolution of the Octopus vulgaris gonad-somatic index (GSI) as an indicator of the spawning season of the two populations.

204 202 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 12 - Evolution of the Gonad-somatic index (monthly gsi) in the northwest coast (nw) and south coast (south) as indicator o the Octopus vulgaris spawning season Distribution Patterns of short-finned squids in the Portuguese Northwest Coast In the Portuguese Northwest coast we can find three sympatric species of short-finned squids: the Illex coindetti, Todaropsis eblanae and Todarodes sagittatus. As by-catch exploited species, they are sampled under the DCF program. At IPMA, information of landings length distribution, biological data from landings and from bottom-trawling survey are collected since January 2002 for those three species. Initially considered as sympatric species, differences in the distribution and abundance arise when we look in detail to the landings by species. We analyzed the length landings data collected between January 2002 and December 2008 in two ports of the northwest coast (Matosinhos and Peniche) to assess the proportion of each species landed. And complemented this preliminarly analysis with geo-referenced fisheryindependent data and biological information to identify geographical and seasonal abundance and distribution patterns of each species. Additionally, a recruitment index RI=RM/R with R<=ML modal was determined to identify the existence of recruitment peaks (Moreno et al., 2002). In the Portuguese coast the three species present differences in the length distribution and maximum length attained (Figure 13). While Todaropsis eblanae shows a bimodal length distribution ranging between 5 and 27 cm with two modes at 7 and 13 cm of mantle length, the Illex coindetii presents a wider mantle length distribution between 5 cm and 37 cm. The Todarodes sagittatus is the ommastrephid species that attains larger mantle length with a unimodal distribution between the 24 cm of mantle length and the 49 cm of mantle length.

205 Figure 13- Species composition by mantle length class in the two ports of the Portuguese coast that land short-finned squids. Length samples include samples from gillnets and bottom trawling fleet. The species distribution by market sample shows that the Todaropsis eblanae and the Illex coindetii are the most common species. Nevertheless differences arise in the frequency of each species. The Todaropsis eblanae is common all year around with a constant recruitment in the time interval studied (except for 2007 and 2008) (Figure 14). In this case, the recruitment "failures" appear to be related with the decrease in the species frequency in samples. Figure 14 - Todaropsis eblanae frequency in the landings monthly length samples and evolution of the recruitment index (red line) between January 2002 and December The Illex coindetii frequency in the length samples collected between January 2002 and December 2008 show that the species presents cycles of higher frequency that coincide with winter and early spring months. The recruitment index trend shows that recruitment pulses occur frequently in a yearly basis during summer, with exception of 2008 where a constant

206 204 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 recruitment originated an increase in species frequency in the market samples collected (Figure 15). These results show that the Illex coindetii as a migratory behaviour in the Portuguese coast but also that a part of the population is resident. Figure 15 - Illex coindetii frequency in the landings monthly length samples and evolution of the recruitment index (red line) between January 2002 and December The geo-referenced data obtained for the three short-finned squid species show a seasonal variation of the species distribution in summer, autumn and winter. Those differences are both latitudinal as well as in depth. While in summer the ommastrephid species are concentrated in the region between the St. Vicent Cape (37.1 o N) and Setúbal Canyon (38.3 o N), during autumn and winter the populations distribution expands toward northern areas along the continental shelf (Figure 16). The geo-referenced data also show that during autumn and winter the Illex coindetii and Todaropsis eblanae migrate for shallow waters probably to spawn (Table 8). For Todarodes sagittatus although sightly difference in the depth of occurrence appear, those seem to be related with the position of the edge of the continental shelf along the Portuguese coast as species appear preferentially in the steep between shelf and slope.

207 Figure 16 - Illex coindetii, Todaropsis eblanae and Todarodes sagittatus distribution obtained from geo-referenced data collected during bottom trawl survey targeting demersal and crustacean species. Table 8 - Depth distribution (m) of the short-finned squids by season along the Portuguese northwest coast. Summer Autumn Winter Illex coindetii 292 m Todaropsis eblanae 385 m Todarodes eblanae 547 m Closing Remarks Cephalopods species are captured by all fleet segments of Portuguese fisheries. The increasing tendency of landings increase in the last two years is related with the recent increasing landings of common octopus O. vulgaris. With a strong targeting fishery, the common octopus is also a revenue guaranty species for non-targeting octopus fleets as reflection of high landings associated with above the average first sale market value. It is noteworthy, the stable trend of cuttlefish landings during the last 17 years, and the increasing importance of Alloteuthis sp in the long-finned squid fishery. While the cuttlefish is targeted by a small-scale directed fleet of local dimension with a probably fixed number of licensed gear, the Alloteuthis sp is mostly a by-catch resource of the trawl fishery that probably look to these species as a novelty resource with a recent market.

208 206 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 The cephalopods are not frequently discarded (Prista et al., 2013). With exception to the E. cirrhosa (in ), the bobtail squid (2006 and 2009) and the Alloteuthis sp (in ), the cephalopods discards for the Portuguese fleet are less then 30% of sampled hauls. In 2013, the estimated discards of cephalopods were around 100 ton/year (Prista et al., 2014). With the implementation of DCF in 2009, the sampling program cephalopod species with targeting fleets as the O. vulgaris, the L. vulgaris and the S. officinalis have improved. Market sampling of those species is now more complete and is virtually possible to access recruitment timing and fishing pressure by size for those species. The biological sampling of O. vulgaris is conducted since 2008 in two different areas allowing following the reproductive cycle in those areas. Since 2002, an effort have been made to separate short-finned squid species in landings, by sampling the landings by length in at least two ports of the Portuguese Northwest coast (Peniche and Matosinhos). Associating the data collected with geo-referenced data allowed to identify the species proportion in monthly landings and identify significant variations of the species composition mostly due to the migratory behaviour of Illex coindetii and Todarodes sagittatus. 4. References Lourenço, S., Moreno, A., Narciso, L., Gonzalez, Á. & J. Pereira, Seasonal trends of the reproductive cycle of Octopus vulgaris in two environmentally distinct coastal areas. Fisheries Research : Moreno, A., Pereira, J., Arvanitidis, C., Robin, J.-P., Koutsoubas, D., Perales-Raya, C., Cunha, M. M., Balguerias, E., Denis, V Biological Variation of Loligo vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in the eastern Atlantic And Mediterranean. Bulletin of Marine Science 71: Prista N., Fernandes A. C., Moreno A., Discards of cephalopods by the Portuguese bottom otter trawl operating in ICES Division XIa ( ). Working Document for the ICES Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH 2014),Lisboa, Portugal June 2014.

209 Working Document 2.4 ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014 Discards of cephalopods by the Portuguese bottom otter trawl fleet in ICES Division IXa ( ) Nuno Prista Ana Cláudia Fernandes Ana Moreno Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, IPMA I.P.,Avenida de Brasília, Lisboa, Portugal Abstract We review and update the information available on the discards of all cephalopod species produced by Portuguese vessels operating with bottom otter trawl (OTB) in Portuguese ICES Division IXa. The discard data presented was collected by the Portuguese on board sampling programme (EU DCR/NP) between 2004 and The on board sampling programme, estimation algorithms and data quality assurance procedures are described and results provided for two fisheries: the bottom otter trawl fishery on crustaceans and blue whiting (OTB_CRU) and the bottom otter trawl fish fishery on demersal fish (OTB_DEF). The frequency of occurrence of discards from most cephalopod taxa was low and varied little through time with most species being discarded in low numbers and in less than 30% of sampled hauls. Exception to the latter were Horned octopus in the OTB_CRU fishery in ( metric tons), Stout bobtail squid in the OTB_CRU fishery in 2006 and 2009 (26 and 16 metric tons, respectively) and Alloteuthis squids in the OTB_DEF fishery in ( metric tons). Overall, cephalopod discards from Portuguese OTB fisheries in this geographical area were estimated to be <200 tonnes/year in most years. In 2013, the low frequency of occurrence of all WGCEPH taxa prevented discard estimation of individual species but fleet level total discards of cephalopods were estimated to be ~100 tonnes/year. This value is relatively low compared to total landings of cephalopods from ICES Division IXa and should have negligible impacts on the overall trends of WGCEPH species. Length data indicates that discarding of the main commercial species takes place mostly due to catches of individuals below the minimum legal landing size.

210 208 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Introduction This working document compiles the information available on the discards of cephalopod species produced by the Portuguese fleet that operated bottom otter trawl fleet (OTB) in Portuguese ICES Division IXa. The data were collected by the Portuguese on board sampling programme (EU DCR/NP) between 2004 and The document starts with a description of the on board sampling programme and details of the estimation algorithms and quality assurance procedures (Section 2). Then, results are presented on the frequency of cephalopod discards alongside estimates of total discards and discard length composition at fleet and/or haul level (Section 3). 2 Onboard sampling and data analysis The Portuguese on board sampling program, included in the EU DCR/NP, is based on a quasi random sampling of cooperative commercial vessels between 12 and 40 meters long. The programme started in late 2003 and involves on board sampling of several fishing métiers. These include, amongst other, the bottom otter trawl (OTB) métiers that target crustaceans and demersal fish in ICES Division IXa. The OTB métiers are the most comprehensively sampled fishing métiers in Portuguese waters and two components are considered for sampling purposes: a crustacean fishery that operates cod end mesh sizes 55 59mm and >70mm and targets deep water rose shrimp, Norway lobster and blue whiting(otb_cru), and a demersal fish fishery that operates cod end mesh size 65 69mm and >70mm and targets horse mackerel, cephalopods and other finfish (OTB_DEF). A detailed account of the characteristics of these two OTB fisheries is given in Castro et al. (2007). 2.1 Trip selection The EU DCR/NP (CR (EC) 199/2008; CD 2010/93/EU) establishes fishing trip as the sampling unit to be used by at sea discard sampling programmes. The Portuguese onboard sampling programme targeting the bottom otter trawl fleet (OTB_CRU and OTB_DEF) is based on a quasi random sampling of trips from a set of cooperative vessels that operate in each fishery. Annual sampling targets are fixed for each fishery, namely 12 trips in the OTB_CRU fishery and 27 trips in the OTB_DEF fishery. The sampling levels attained in the period are displayed in Table [tab:discard sampling levels OTB]. Table 1: Sampling levels achieved by the onboard sampling programme of Portuguese OTB fisheries in ICES Division IXa ( ). OTB_CRU = crustacean fishery, OTB_DEF = demersal fish fishery.

211 2.2 Catch sampling The sampling protocols used in on board sampling of the Portuguese OTB fisheries are detailed in Jardim et al. (2012). A brief account follows. In both fisheries, two observers are deployed per fishing trip. The observers take a sample from the catch of each haul, sort the specimens into a retained fraction and a discarded fraction following instructions given by the fishers, and register the weight and length composition of species in each fraction. Additionally, observers collect auxiliary fishery related information such as effort (hours fished, etc.) and geographic and environmental data (GPS coordinates, depth, bottom type, etc.). From 2004 to 2010 the onboard sampling protocols suffered only minor changes and adaptations. From 2011 onwards the size of catch samples was doubled (from 1 to 2 boxes of catch) and the within trip selection of hauls was standardized to at least, every other haul/segment. 2.3 Estimates of discards (haul level) The total volume discarded (in kg) in each OTB haul is estimated by multiplying the ratio of weights between discard and retained sample (all species combined) by the total weight retained in the haul (all species combined). The volume of discards of individual species in each haul is calculated a posteriori by multiplying the proportion (in weight) of species discards in the catch sample by the total catch volume estimated for each haul (total volume discarded + total volume retained). 2.4 Estimates of discards (fleet level) Haul estimates are raised to fleet level using a raising algorithm adapted from Fernandes et al. (2010) (see also Jardim and Fernandes, 2013). Broadly, the raising algorithm combines haul level discard data (discards per hour) with total effort data derived from logbooks and sales slips to obtain annual fleet level discard estimates for different vessel length strata. The procedure was developed for hake, which is a very frequent catch of the Portuguese OTB fisheries (Jardim and Fernandes, 2013); however, it has the drawback that it cannot reliably estimate discards from species with low frequency of occurrence in discard samples, namely those discarded in <30% of the hauls sampled (Jardim et al., 2011). To circunvent this issue and provide some indicative data on the overall range of discards of cephalopods by the Portu

212 210 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 guese OTB fisheries we re grouped discard data of individual species into supraspecific groups and obtained discard estimates for the years where their discards were observed in >30% of sampled hauls. 2.5 Quality assurance procedures Data involved in the calculation of discard estimates from Portuguese waters comes from an IPMA database (onboard sampling data) and a DGRM database (logbook and sales data). The IPMA onboard database is programmed in Oracle and contains internal routines for the detection of very basic errors (e.g., in dates). Quality checks involving the manual checking of (at least) 10% of annual trawl records have been carried out since the beginning of the on board sampling programme and in a semi automated R quality assurance procedure was designed and the entire OTB data checked for (so far) undetected errors. Since that time, routine quality assurance procedures include: quarterly checks using the semi automated R routine and an annual check of 10% of the trawl records that detects observer related biases, with only minor updates and data reviews being performed in previous data. DGRM effort and commercial data (sales records) are supplied to IPMA on an annual basis. The logbook data supplied by DGRM are based on paper logbooks and display increasing fleet coverage across the period. From 2012 onwards, logbook data consist of both paper and electronic logbook records. IPMA and DGRM have been working on methods that improve the way paper and electronic records are combined and generate raising factors for discard estimation that are consistent through time. At present, these efforts are still ongoing so discard estimates should be considered provisional until a final review is made. The data used in the current estimates were extracted from the IPMA database in 12/06/2014. The DGRM data were supplied in 18/03/2014 and 23/04/ Note on species identification The Portuguese on board observers are trained to use the FAO 3 alpha code list (ASFIS List of Species for Fishery Statistics Purposes: available at date: February 2014) in the field and laboratory identification of species and species groups. General training in species identification is provided to observers during demersal surveys and/or market sampling. When onboard a commercial fishing trip observers are requested to record fish data at the most appropriate taxonomic level based on the specimenʹs conservation status, on field logistics, and their own identification expertise. Practice shows that Portuguese on board observers are quite accurate in the identification of the most frequent WGCEPH species but may still wrongly assign species from less frequent taxa. The FAO 3 alpha codes (IPMA codes for FAO database absent species), scientific and common names of species covered by this working document are shown in Table [tab:spp_names_aggregation].

213 Table 2: Species codes and common names used in this working document. nei = not elsewhere included 3 Species discards 3.1 Frequency of occurrence The frequencies of discards of cephalopods in the Portuguese OTB fisheries are displayed in Table [tab:percocurr_otb_cru] and Table [tab:percocurr_otb_def]. Overall, the discards of most taxa were rare or null in both fisheries. However, in some years the Horned octopus (EOI) and the Stout bobtail squid (ROA) were frequently discarded in OTB_CRU and Alloteuthis spp. squids were frequently discarded in OTB_DEF. Supra specific grouping of cephalopod taxa indicated that cuttlefish and sepiolids and octopuses are the most frequently discarded cephalopods in both fisheries (Table [tab:percocurr_otb_cru 1] and Table [tab:percocurr_otb_def 1]). Table 3: Frequency of discarding (%) of cephalopods in the hauls sampled from the OTB_CRU fishery ( ). See Table [tab:spp_names_aggregation] for species codes; indicates no occurrence; bold numbers indicates frequency of occurrence >30%

214 212 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table 4:Frequency of discarding (%) of cephalopods in the hauls sampled from the OTB_DEF fishery ( ). See Table for species codes; indicates no occurrence; bold numbers indicates frequency of occurrence >30%

215 Table 5: Frequency of discarding (%) of supra specific cephalopod taxa in the hauls sampled from the OTB_CRU fishery ( ). See Table for species groupings; indicates no occurrence; bold numbers indicates frequency of occurrence >30%. Table 6: Frequency of discarding (%) of supra specific cephalopod taxa in the hauls sampled from the OTB_DEF fishery ( ). See Table for species groupings; indicates no occurrence; bold numbers indicates frequency of occurrence >30%. 3.2 Total discards The vast majority of cephalopod taxa were rare in the OTB discards and when present they were generally discarded in low number, e.g., on average <5 individuals discarded per haul (Table [tab:discards_haul_otb_cru] and Table [tab:discards_haul_otb_def]). However, some taxa were discarded in higher numbers and/or registered sporadic discarding events estimated to be >100 individuals. That is the case of ROA, EOI and OUW (and to a lesser extent CTL, EDT and EJE) in the OTB_CRU fishery and the case of OUW (and to a lesser extent also EJE, EOI, IAR and OCC) in the OTB_DEF fishery. Total annual discards for individual OTB fisheries were obtained for some years in the case of Horned octopus and Stout bobtail squid (in OTB_CRU) and Alloteuthis

216 214 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 squids (in OTB_DEF) (Table [tab:discards_fleet_otb_cru] and Table [tab:discards_fleet_otb_cru]). Overall, total cephalopod discards by the OTB fisheries appear to be <200 tonnes/year in recent years although larger discards have taken place previously (e.g., , Table [tab:discards_fleet_otb_cru]). This value is a rough approximation but indicates cephalopod discards by the OTB fishery are relatively low comparatively to the total landings of cephalopods from portuguese waters (~ tonnes, OTB and other fleets included, ). (Lourenço et al., 2014)

217 Table 7: Discards (in number per haul) of cephalopods in the OTB_CRU fishery ( ). See Table for species codes; indicates no occurrence.

218 216 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table 8: Discards (in number per haul) of cephalopods in the OTB_DEF fishery ( ). See Table for species codes; indicates no occurrence.

219 3.3 Length frequency of discards Table 9 displays the number of discards measured in OTB hauls alongside mean and standard deviation of discard measurement data. The range of lengths registered in some taxa evidenced that their data may not have been obtained in standartized / error free way throughout the entire period. Possible causes for such errors may have been a) lack of familiarity of observers with procedures used to determine the length of rare species, b) observers recording different types of lengths (e.g., mantle length, total length), c) observers recording data in different measuring units (cm, mm) or d) general field or data logging errors. IP MA standardized its onboard sampling protocols for cephalopod and other species in late Data quality is thus expected to gradually improve with current measurements being taken to the lowest 0.5 cm in all species, and lengths defined as maximum longitudinal mantle length in all species but octopuses where mantle length is taken to the mid point of eyes (Jardim et al., 2012). At the present moment, length data indicates that in the case of commercial species which have a minimum landing size or weight discards take place mostly due to the low size of the specimens (e.g. common cuttlefish, CTC). In the case of the remaining species, discards take place mostly due to low commercial value (e.g. Horned octopus (EOI), Broadtail shortfin squid (SQM), etc.). Table 9: Volume (in metric tons) and CVs (%, in brackets) of annual cephalopod discards by the Portuguese OTB_CRU fishery in ICES Division IXa ( ). See Table for species codes; (a) = not estimated due to low frequency of occurrence (explained in Section 2.4) Table 10:Volume (in metric tons) and CVs (%, in brackets) of annual cephalopod discards by the Portuguese OTB_DEF fishery in ICES Division IXa ( ). See Table for species codes; (a) = not estimated due to low frequency of occurrence (explained in Section 2.4).

220 218 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table 11: Length frequency of discards (in cm) of cephalopod taxa sampled from the OTB fisheries ( ). See Table for species codes. ] 4 Final remarks

221 Discards of most cephalopod species carried out by Portuguese vessels operating bottom otter trawl within the Portuguese ICES Division IXa were not quantified at fleet level. The reason for this is related to limitations of the current estimation algorithm to more frequently discarded species (Jardim et al., 2011). Even so, the low frequency of occurrence and the low number of specimens registered in most species indicates that their discards are null or negligible for most ecossystem management and assessment purposes with exception of Horned octopus, Stout bobtail squid and Alloteuthis squids in some years and fisheries. The latter discards are mainly due to market reasons (low or no commercial value) but the slight decrease in discards of Alloteuthis squids in recent years may be reflecting a new market interest for these species (Moreno et al., 2013). IPMA is currently researching estimators of discards that allow the extension of estimation to all discarded species, including the less frequent ones, and developing procedures that extend discard estimation to the multi gear fleet components, including some fisheries that may cause yet unregistered discard mortality to some WGCEPH species (e.g., gill and trammel nets fisheries). References Castro, J., Abad, E., Artetxe, I., Cardador, F., Duarte, R., Garcia, D., Hernandez, C., Marin, M., Murta, A., Punzon, A., Quincoces, I., Santurtun, M., Silva, C., Silva, L., Identification and segmentation of mixed species fisheries operating in the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula waters (IBERMIX project). Final report. Contract ref.: FISH/2004/ pp. Fernandes, A. C., Jardim, E., Pestana, G., Discards raising procedures for Portuguese trawl fleet revision of methodologies applied in previous years. Working document presented at Benchmark Workshop on Roundfish (WKROUND), 9 16 February 2010, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark. Jardim, E., Alpoim, R., Silva, C., Fernandes, A. C., Chaves, C., Dias, M., Prista, N., Costa, A. M., Portuguese data provided to WGHMM for stock assessment in Working Document presented at the ICES Working Group on the Assessment of Southern Shelf Stocks of Hake, Monk and Megrim (WGHMM), 5 11 May 2011, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark. Jardim, E., Fernandes, A. C., Estimators of discards using fishing effort as auxiliary information with an application to Iberian hake (Merluccius merluccius) exploited by the Portuguese trawl fleets. Fisheries Research 140: Jardim, E., Prista. N., Fernandes, A.C., Silva, D., Ferreira, A.L., Abreu, P., Fernandes, P., Manual of Onboard Sampling Procedures: Bottom Otter Trawl. Relatórios Científicos e Técnicos do Instituto Investigação das Pescas e do Mar, 55, pp Annexes.

222 220 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 [{}digital/relno55_{}final.pdf] Lourenço, S., Moreno, A., Pereira, J., Portuguese cephalopod fishery statistics and population parameters updating status and trends in ICES division IXa. Working Document for the ICES Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH) June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. Moreno, A., Lourenço, S., Fernandes, A.C., Prista, N., Pereira, J., Portuguese cephalopod fishery statistics (tor a) and population parameters (tor b) updating status and trends in ICES division IXa. Working Document for the ICES Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH) June 2013, Caen, France.

223 Working Document 3.1 presented to the ICES Working Group on the Cephalopod Fisheries and Life HistoryLisbon (Portugal), June 2014 English Channel cuttlefish stock assessment using R application of the two stage biomass model Edouard Duhem*, Michaël Gras* et Jean-Paul ROBIN* *Biologie des ORganismes et Ecosystèmes Aquatiques" MNHN, UPMC, UCBN, CNRS-7208, IRD-207 Institut de Biologie Fondamentale et Appliquée Université de Caen Basse-Normandie Esplanade de la Paix CAEN. Mail : INTRODUCTION Since 1980s the interest of fishers from the English Channel (all nationalities) in cephalopod has considerably increased. Three Cephalopods species are targeted by bottom trawlers: Sepia officinalis, Loligo forbesii and Loligo vulgaris. The English Channel cuttlefish-stock is one of the highest productive cephalopods resource and the most commercially important stock exploited in the Norteast Atlantic (Dunn, 1999a). At the English Channel scale, the cuttlefish stock (Sepia officinalis) is the highest resource in weight and the second one in value for bottom trawlers (CHARM III, 2012). With annual landings averaging t from 2000 to 2010, this stock represents an important economic source for Channel fishers, but recruitment show wide variations. At the present time, fisheries management of the whole English Channel cuttlefish stock does not exist yet. Only local management is applied using limited licensing system for trapping effort and inshore trawling. Fisheries management about English Channel cuttlefish stock is a challenge because of Sepia officinalis life traits (short life, variable growth, recruitment, migrations...). Several stock assessment exercises have already been carried out in English Channel cephalopod populations. The most common model used in cephalopods is the depletion model. This method was developed in the English Channel by Dunn (Dunn, 1999b) using UK landings only. However landings from UK fleet represent around 30% of cuttlefish landings in the English Channel. The second method applied to English Channel Loginid squids stock is virtual population analysis adapted on a monthly time scale (Royer et al., 2002). This powerful model requires a wide range of data including catch at age. However age determination in cuttlefish is difficult and was until now considered as impossible in animals >8 months old.

224 222 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 The two stage biomass model (Roel and Butterworth, 2000; Mesnil, 2003; Trenkel, 2008; Roel et al., 2009) is an alternative method that was applied to cuttlefish during the Interreg IVA project: Cephalopod Recruitment from English Channel Habitats (CRESH) (Gras et al., 2014). Application of the two stage biomass model for the English Channel cuttlefish stock requires less data set than VPA. Besides this model distinguishes pre-recruit and recruit phases using biomass data and can be fitted using several time-series (Roel and Butterworth, 2000). This model was developed with the objective of routine assessment of this stock. In a first stage it was fitted to a 17 year time-series ( ) (Gras et al, 2014). Then it has been updated and the aim of this paper is to present the last update (including the fishing season). MATERIAL AND METHODS The two stage biomass model developed by Gras et al. (2014) was converted into a software application using the programming language R (R Core Team 2014) (Gras and Robin, 2014). This R application is consisted into three items: a user script, a working directory and an R package. The R package: cuttlefish.model is available to download on CRAN servers ( ). A reference manual attached is also available ( ). Four time-series are using in this R application to fit the two stage biomass model: Bottom Trawl Survey (BTS) carried out by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) in July. Channel Ground Fish Survey (CGFS) carried out by Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (Ifremer) every October. Commercial landing and effort from French fleet. Commercial landing and effort from UK fleet. Survey data were converted in Catch Per Unit of Effort (CPUE) using trawling time as effort. Commercial landing and effort data were also used to compute Landing Per Unit of Effort (LPUE) using landing and effort form all trawler in the English Channel. UK and FR data sets of LPUE were standardized into abundance index according to the Delta-GLM method(stefansson, 1996). The four abundance index described were used as input data for fitting the two stages biomass model. Model fitting was carried according to simplification of the cuttlefish life cycle described in Gras et al. (2014).Two parameters were fitted in the model: The Recruitment biomass and the Catchability. The software application computes the following outputs:

225 Abundance index Recruitment Biomass Spawning Stock Biomass Catchability coefficient Exploitation rate Stock/Recruitment relation ship The confidence intervals at 95% were estimated using bootstrap methodology according to the procedure described in Gras et al. (2014). The two stages biomass model was developed for the English Channel using data set from 1992 to This year, in the framework of the data call for Working Group CEPHalopod 2014 (WGCEPH 2014), The English Channel cuttlefish stock assessment was updated using the R application and complementary data from 2009 to 2013 as illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1 : Diagram of the updating process for the English Channel cuttlefish stock assessment using the R application of the two stage biomass model. Commercial and survey data from 2009 to 2013 were extracted from Cefas and Ifremer databases and respectively sent 06/17/2014 and 04/11/ Then the two stages biomass model was fitted within data set from 1992 to For French data the query was made to Direction de la Pêche Maritime et de l Aquaculture (DPMA) and treated by Ifremer after validation.

226 224 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 RESULTS Results of the English Channel cuttlefish stock assessment below were obtained in July 2014 using the software application R of the two stages biomass model (Gras and Robin, 2014). 1- Landings Figure 2: Annual total, French and UK cuttlefish landings in the English Channel from fishing season: July June 1993 to fishing season: July June Since 1992 to 2004, total cuttlefish landings in English Channel (circles, Figure 2) show trend rising until the maximum total landings reached: After this year, Trend can be split into two sub-periods. Since 2004 to 2009 trend is falling until minimum landing of the time-series. Then landings seem to be rising from 2009 to However the sub-period is too short to confirm this observation. Further, the French landings trend (X, Figure 2) is particularly close to the total landing one contrary to UK landings (+, Figure 2) which show a smooth rising trend over the whole time-series.

227 2- Abundance Index Figure 3 : Times series of the observed and predicted abundance indices with 95% confidence interval from fishing season: July June 1993 to fishing season: July June Abundance indices predicted by the two stage biomass model (solid line, Figure 3) show a high inter-annual variability. However for each observed abundance index (triangles, Figure 3), the two stage biomass model fits relatively well (according the number of observed points in the confidence interval). From the beginning of the time-series in 1992 to 2001, abundance index do not show any trend before dropping in From 2002 to the end of the timeseries, abundance index follow a smooth decreasing trend. In the updating period ( ) the model fit seems good (particularly for the French LPUE time-series) and follow the general trend.

228 226 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Biomass Figure 4 : temporal trends in biomass recruited (B1, solid line with circles) and SSB (B2, solid line with crosses) with their 95% confidence intervals (dashed lines) from fishing season: July June 1993 to fishing season: July June The recruited biomass (B1, Figure 4) and the SSB (B2, Figure 4) trend are similar to the trends in predicted abundance index computed by the two stage biomass model.

229 4- Exploitation rate Figure 5 : Temporal trends in exploitation rate of the cuttlefish resource from fishing season: July June 1993 to fishing season: July June The time-series of the exploitation rate computed (Figure 5) is characterized by a decreasing trend not significant on all the studied period. However two exceptional higher exploitation rates reached in 2001 and 2011 are observed.

230 228 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Stock-Recruitment relationship Figure 6 : stock-recruitment plot with the average annual recruitment (solid line) and its 95% confidence interval (dashed lines). Stock-Recruitment relationship did not show any structure in data point distribution and we did not observe data points in the density-independent part of the graph (Figure 6). The rationale for plotting the straight line of the average recruitment is that of the Hockey stick model although in this case there is no data point in the left hand side of the graph when recruitment and SSB are supposed to be in a linear relationship. DISCUSSION This year, the database used for the two stage biomass model development was updated with commercials and survey data from Ifremer (French data) and Cefas (UK data).the updating since 2009 to 2013 has allowed extending the English Channel cuttlefish stock assessment with four additional fishing seasons. The update was carried out using the R application (Script and package) in June This exercise is the first assessment update since the R application development (2013).

231 According to observed data which are inside the confidence interval, the two stage biomass model fits relatively well the additional points and follow the general trends,. Despite the process changes by the Direction de la pêche maritime et de l aquaculture (DPMA) about collecting French effort data since 2009 However this fact does not affect model fitting for the moment but could influence French time-series in the future. The two stage biomass model and its R application seem to be enough strong to carries out routinely assessment. From beginning of 2000s Abundance index seems slowly decreasing despite the wide variability which still observed in time scale. The same trend is observed in the biomass (recruit and SSB) and exploitation rate timeseries. The peak in exploitation rate reached in 2001 is followed (taking into account time lag) by an above average recruitment. It is worth to noting that the year 2009 is marked by a bad French commercial data quality because of modifications data treatment in the national database. This fact could explain lower exploitation rate and total of French landing observed for each timeseries in fishing seasons: and However the French landings in the next fishing seasons does not seem getting back to landing average before fishing season REFERENCES Dunn, M. R. (1999a). Aspects of the stock dynamics and exploitation of cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758), in the English Channel. Fisheries Research, 40(3), Dunn, M. R. (1999b). The Exploitation of Selected Non-Quota Species in the English Channel. University of Portsmouth. Gras, M. and Robin, J-P. (2014) Cuttlefish.model: An R package to perform LPUE standardization and stock assessment of the English Channel cuttlefish stock using a two-stage biomass model. Version 1.0. URL: Gras, M., Roel, B. A., Coppin, F., Foucher, E., & Robin, J.-P. (2014). A twostage biomass model to assess the English Channel cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis L.) stock. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal Du Conseil. Mesnil, B. (2003). The Catch-Survey Analysis (CSA) method of fish stock assessment: an evaluation using simulated data. Fisheries research, 63(2):

232 230 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 R Core Team (2014). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL : Roel, B. A., & Butterworth, D. S. (2000). Assessment of the South African chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii Is disturbance of aggregations by the recent jig fishery having a negative impact on recruitment? Fisheries Research, 48, Roel, B. a., De Oliveira, J. a. a., & Beggs, S. (2009). A two-stage biomass model for Irish Sea herring allowing for additional variance in the recruitment index caused by mixing of stocks. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66(8), Royer, J., Periès, P., & Robin, J. P. (2002). Stock assessments of English Channel loliginid squids : updated depletion methods and new analytical methods. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59, Stefansson, G. (1996). Analysis of groundfish survey abundance data: combining the GLM and delta approaches. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 53: Trenkel, V. M. (2008). A two-stage biomass random model for stock assessment without catches: What can be estimated using only biomass survey indices? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 65(6):

233 Working document 4.1 presented to the ICES WGCEPH, June 2014, Lisbon (Portugal). Not to be cited without prior reference to the authors Estimating the abundance of squid (Loligo vulgaris) in the Bay of Biscay by Leire Ibaibarriaga 1, Sonia Sanchez 2, Marina Santurtun 1 1 : AZTI-Tecnalia, Marine Research Unit, Txatxarramendi Ugartea z/g, E Sukarrieta, Bizkaia (Spain) 2 : AZTI-Tecnalia, Marine Research Unit, Herrera Kaia Portualdea z/g, E Pasaia, Gipuzkoa (Spain) 1. Introduction Nowadays the majority of the commercially exploited stocks lack a scientific assessment and therefore they are exploited while their abundance, productivity and sustainability are undetermined or highly uncertain. Such is the case of the cephalopods in the ICES area, which support large- and small-scale fisheries. However, they remain essentially outside the scope of the European Community's Common Fisheries Policy and understanding of their stock dynamics, particularly in European coastal waters, remains variable (ICES, 2013b). ICES provides advice on policies and management issues related to the sustainable use of living resources and the impact of human activities on marine living resources to the competent authorities (ICES, 2013a). Regarding the sustainable use of living resources, ICES advices on the most suitable level of exploitation for a given stock for it long term yield of the stock and the preservation of healthy ecosystems, in agreement with the international guidelines. The advice is based on the ICES approach to fisheries advice, which integrates a precautionary approach, maximum sustainable yield, and an ecosystem approach into one advisory framework. Aiming at being able to give advice on all the exploited stocks, independently to their data availability, ICES is currently working on the development of guidelines for providing advice for data limited stocks. 231

234 232 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 In the last years there has been an increasing effort to compile all the information available (regarding biology, landings ) on cephalopods in the North East Atlantic that would allow ICES to provide management advice. ICES launched in February 2013 a data call on cephalopods, getting positive responses from Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, The Netherland, Ireland, Sweden, UK and Scotland. In addition, an ICES Cooperative Research Report summarizing the biology and fisheries of 17 cephalopod species in European waters is currently in press. All these data and progress have been revised in the annual cephalopod working group in ICES (WGCEPH). Besides this meeting a specific workshop on the necessity for crangon (brown shrimp) and cephalopod management (WKCCM) took place in October All these efforts will be continued in 2014 and will be culminated in a theme session of the ICES Annual Science Conference (ASC) devoted to the cephalopod fisheries under the title Operational solutions for cephalopod fisheries and culture. Squid (Loligo vulgaris) in the Bay of Biscay (ICES areas VIIIabd) has become in the last years a species of increased interest for the Basque fleet. Cephalopod catches were in the past by-catches of other demersal fisheries that target hake, anglerfish or megrim among others. However, in the last years cephalopods in general and squid in particular obtained in mixed fisheries (mainly Baka otter trawls) are becoming more important in relation to the species composition of the catch and are even the target species for some trips. The fact that this stock has no TAC (total allowable catch) and the good price they get make it an appealing alternative for the Basque fleet. The objective of this work is to go a step forward in the assessment of squid in the Bay of Biscay. First, the case study is presented and available data are summarised. Then, two alternative methods for providing management advice are tested: a surplus production model and the ICES approach for data limited stocks. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are discussed. 2. Case study: squid in the Bay of Biscay The squid (Loligo vulgaris) is a short lived species (living a maximum of 15 months), characterized by its high natural mortality. It is distributed from ICES Subarea III to Division IXa, Mediterranean waters and North African coast. Currently there is no study that could help on the definition of the stock, but ICES considers all the information in VIIIabd as a unit (

235 Figure 7). Other available biological information like growth rate, spawning or fecundity is summarized by ICES (2013b). For this stock a fishery-independent abundance index is available from the French groundfish survey called EVHOE (ICES, 2013b). The index is available either in numbers or in mass from 1992 to 2012, except 1993 and 1996, and it is obtained following the North-Eastern Atlantic IBTS surveys protocols. This index, however, is not exclusive of common squid in the Bay of Biscay. It is a combined abundance index (value, standard deviation and coefficient of variation) for all Loligo species (L. vulgaris and L. forbesi). The information on catches by species in the individual hauls permit to disaggregate the indices by species assuming that the percentages are the same as in the survey hauls (in numbers or in mass). Such percentage is calculated as the fraction between the total yearly abundances of L. vulgaris and the total yearly abundance of Loligo spp in the hauls. The final index for common squid (index value and standard deviation) corresponds to the combined index value, multiplied by the previously estimated percentage. The coefficient of variation is maintained the same as the one for the combined index. Currently Bay of Biscay common squid is not assessed and there is not a TAC constraint for the stock. Loliginidae are usually exploited in a multi-specific and mixfisheries trawlers (ICES, 2013b). Catches are usually composed by Loligo vulgaris, Loligo forbesii, Alloteuthis subulata and Alloteuthis media. Information on landings by country and ICES area is available yearly (ICES, 2013b; AZTI-Tecnalia database). No species identification has been provided for all countries and areas for commercial catches. Although most of the species in the catch are expected to be Loligo spp. in order to make available a value for the catches of L. vulgaris, the same percentages by species as in the survey fishing hauls has been assumed. 3. Methods The available information (an abundance index and total landings) and the population biology (short lived species with high and variable natural mortality) restrict the variety of methods that can be applied to assess the state of squid in the Bay of Biscay (Pierce and Boyle, 2003). For example, depletion methods of stock assessment, as DCAC (MacCall, 2009), based solely on catches information, are considered inadequate for this population due to its high natural mortality. Similarly, two-stage biomass dynamic models applied to similar species (Roel and Butterworth, 2000; Gras et 233

236 234 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 al., 2013) cannot be applied due to the lack of data disaggregated by age. In this section two alternative methods are presented. On the one hand, a first attempt to fit a surplus production model is presented. On the other hand, the ICES approach to data limited stock is applied Surplus production models Production or biomass dynamic models are the simplest models used for stock assessment (Hilborn and Walters, 1992). They describe the population dynamics in terms of biomass and combine the main biological processes (recruitment, growth and natural mortality) in a single biomass function called surplus production function. It only requires an abundance index (fishery independent index or catch per unit effort from commercial fisheries) and total harvest. The deterministic state equation of a production model is given by where is the biomass at the start of the year, is the catch during year and g( ) is the surplus production function that determines the overall change in biomass due to growth, recruitment and natural mortality. A particular case is the Pella-Tomlinson model (Pella and Tomlinson, 1969) in which the surplus production function is given by being the intrinsic growth rate parameter, the carrying capacity and the asymmetry parameter. In biological terms the intrinsic growth rate (r) is determined by combining the effect of pre-maturation survival, adult fecundity, and age (or size) at maturity (Myers and Mertz, 1998). Carrying capacity (k) is related to environmental conditions, such as habitat and food resources. The parameter p allows the surplus production function being asymmetric with respect to the biomass and determines the maximum level of productivity. When the asymmetry parameter (p) is equal to 1 the model reduces to the Schaeffer model (Schaeffer, 1954).

237 In both models if fishing begins in the first year, it is common to assume that the virgin biomass is equal to the carrying capacity ( ). The deterministic observation equation is where is the relative biomass index in year and is the catchability coefficient. This index can be either a CPUE (catch per unit effort) index calculated from commercial fishing data or an abundance index from a research survey. The model defined by these two equations can be fitted allowing random errors only in one or in both equations (see for instance Polacheck et al., 1993). In this document, first random errors are introduced in the observation equation and the corresponding likelihood function is analysed. Then, these results are used to construct the prior distributions of a Bayesian state-space version of the model including both observation and process errors (Millar and Meyer, 2000) Maximum likelihood version Multiplicative log-normal errors are assumed in the observation equation as follows: where is the observed relative biomass index in year and is the variance (in log-scale) of the observation equation for the abundance index. This means that the coefficient of variation (in natural scale) of the abundance index is. The corresponding likelihood function of the observations is 235

238 236 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 and the logarithm of the likelihood is By maximum likelihood it is necessary to find the values of the parameters,,,, and that maximise the likelihood function. By looking at the partial derivatives of the likelihood the following closed-form estimates of and are obtained: and So that the problem reduces to find the values of,,, and that maximise the likelihood function. This was implemented in R ( and applied to the squid in the Bay of Biscay Bayesian state-space version If both observation and process errors are included a Bayesian state-space model version of the production model can be constructed (Millar and Meyer, 2000). The Bayesian paradigm allows including preliminary knowledge on the stock via the prior distributions. In addition, uncertainty can be fully represented and the results provide full statistical distributions that help decision making (Punt and Hilborn 1997). If including log-normal errors in both the observation and the state equation and reparameterizing the population states in terms of instead of, the model can be fully described by the following equations:

239 The unknowns are,,,,,, and all the states. From Bayes' theorem, the joint posterior probability density function (pdf) of the unknowns (parameters and states) in a state-space model is proportional to the product of the pdf's of observations, states and priors: In particular,,,,,,, Assuming that all parameters are independent a priori, the joint prior distribution is the product of the individual prior distributions, which are chosen to be: 237

240 238 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 The model was implemented in WinBUGS which uses a MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) algorithm to sample from the posterior distribution ICES advice for data limited stocks The characteristics of the stocks and the availability of data from them are different, therefore ICES differentiates six categories, previously defined in RGLIFE (ICES, 2012b), based on the biological characteristics and the information available. Category 1 Stocks with quantitative assessments; Category 2 Stocks with analytical assessments and forecasts that are only treated qualitatively; Category 3 Stocks for which survey-based assessments indicate trends; Category 4 Stocks for which only reliable catch data are available; Category 5 Landings only stocks; Category 6 Negligible landings stocks and stocks caught in minor amounts as bycatch. A specific framework for advice is defined to each of the categories. Additionally, as categories 2 6 do not include the precautionary approach, following considerations has to be applied sequentially: Maximum ±20% change in the advice (known as uncertainty cap), because the used methodologies are expected to be more susceptible to noise than the methods used for data-rich stocks. An increasing precautionary margin with decreasing knowledge about the stock status. Selecting more precautionary reference points or including an additional precautionary margin of -20% (known as precautionary buffer) when the stock status relative to reference points is unknown. However, exceptions to this rule has been made when expert judgement determines that the stock is not reproductively impaired and where there is evidence that the stock size is increasing or the exploitation has reduced considerably. Currently ICES does not provide advice for squid in the Bay of Biscay. However, taking into account the information available for this stock, it could be classified as category 3, because one survey index is available (abundance index in numbers or

241 mass from EVHOE scientific survey). Following ICES guidelines (ICES, 2012a), the methodology used corresponds to the one defined for stocks with survey data on abundance, but there is no survey-based proxy for MSY B trigger and F values or proxies are not known (see Figure 2). Firstly, the initial catch advice depends on the last years catches multiplied by a correction factor depending on the ratio between the index trend in the most recent years and in the previous ones. Secondly, we check that the change catch advice in less or equal to 20%. And finally a precautionary buffer (20% on catch advice reduction) is applied if necessary. 4. Results The data call launched by ICES in 2013 has allowed compiling the total landings for Loliginidae in the Bay of Biscay (ICES division VIIIabd) by different countries (Table 2). The total landings for these species have increased in the last three years reaching to a maximum of t in The main countries fishing this stock are France (between 45 and 90% of the total catches) and Spain (around 21%). French landings follow an increasing trend reaching a maximum of 3 400t in Spanish catches are mostly fluctuating and reached to 1 273t in The squid landings in the Bay of Biscay show fluctuations in the time-series with a sharp increase since 2010 ( Figure 8). Similar inter-annual changes and the last three years rise is also observed in the biomass index from the EVHOE surveys ( Figure 8) Surplus production models The Schaeffer production model (p=1) was considered for squid in the Bay of Biscay using data from 1997 to Given that there was exploitation before 1997 the initial biomass was considered different from the carrying capacity (i.e. ). First, assuming only observation errors the logarithm of the likelihood function was evaluated depending on the value of the intrinsic growth rate r, the carrying capacity k and the initial state ( ). As a result of the restrictions imposed by the catches (the biomass has to be large enough to support the level of observed catches), not all the combinations of parameters are suitable (Figure 9). The zones close to that border are 239

242 240 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 numerically unstable and in some cases there seem to be local optimums, making difficult the optimization of this function. However, this grid search method allows defining areas of suitable values where approximately the maximum will be located. The largest likelihood values are obtained when the initial state is at 0.3. For that value, the intrinsic growth rate r can be small (below 0.5) or high (between 2 and 3) with a corresponding wide set of plausible values for the carrying capacity k. However short-lived species like squid with high fecundity are expected to have large intrinsic growth rates (r>1) favouring the later area. The Bayesian state-space version of the Schaeffer model that incorporated both observation and process error was applied to squid in the Bay of Biscay. Two sets of prior distributions were used (Table 3). The first one was constructed without any information and the second one incorporated prior knowledge based on the maximum likelihood analysis. In both cases the prior distribution of the process error was very tight in order to ensure that the process error had a low coefficient of variation (around 0.01). Various chains with random starting values sampled from the prior distributions were run for each set of prior distributions. Chain behaviour was examined by visually inspecting traces, cumulative plots, and autocorrelation functions. Mixing of the chains was slow because of high correlation between the parameters. For both set of priors (but especially with the less informative first set of priors) the MCMC draws showed convergence problems. As observed in the maximum likelihood analysis there seemed to be different plausible regions (Figure 10). Therefore chain length (50,000,000 iterations), burn-in period (first 100,000 iterations discarded), and thinning interval (1 out of 1000 iterations kept) were very high to estimate the posterior median and 90% probability intervals with the reported accuracy. When the second set of priors was used, the chain convergence improved (not shown here). The comparison between the prior and posterior distribution for the second set of priors is shown in Figure 11. The posterior median and corresponding 90% probability intervals are given in Table 4. The modelled index was within the range of values of the observed index but was not able to reproduce the large fluctuations observed in the last three years (Figure 12) ICES advice for data limited stocks In order to give advice for the Bay of Biscay squid, based on the ICES advice for data limited stocks, the methodology described in Figure 13 has been applied.

243 As recommended by ICES, the biomass index has been used instead of the abundance one and the advice is based on the index-adjusted status-quo catch (i.e. comparison of the two most recent index values with the three preceding ones, combined with recent catch or landings data): where is the survey index and the last three years mean catches. The initially advised catches by the method (survey adjusted status quo catch) are t, but after applying the 20% uncertainty cap the advised catches should be t. In that case the precautionary buffer has not been applied, because there is evidence that the stock size is increasing (the ratio between the mean of two most recent index values with the mean of the three preceding ones is 3.3). By the moment, within ICES no fishing opportunities have been calculated for shortlived data-limited stocks, where biomass and recruitment estimates for the current year are unknown. It was defined as future work by ICES in 2012 (ICES, 2012a) and in case of future development of the framework considering those cases would be taken into account. 5. Discussion and conclusions In the last years there have been efforts to improve the knowledge on cephalopod biology and fisheries. However, there are many data issues not fully resolved yet like species identification. The surplus production model fit has convergence problems. Having additional biological information incorporated through the prior distribution could help to identify the solution. Additional information on the stock, like a recruitment index would allow considering alternative models, more suitable for short-lived stocks. The ICES data limited approach would advise an increase in the catches due to the sharp population increase suggested by the survey. High fluctuations of short- 241

244 242 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 lived species might require development of data limited approaches that are less sensible to drastic inter-annual changes. 6. Acknowledgements Thanks are due to Jean-Paul Robin (IFREMER) for providing the EVHOE survey data. This work was funded by the European Fisheries Fund and by the Basque Government. 7. References Gras, M., B. Roel, F. Coppin, E. Foucher and J.P. Robin, A two stage biomass model to assess the English Channel cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) stock. WD 1 in the Report of the Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH). See ICES, 2013b (p ). Hilborn, R., and C. J. Walters, Quantitative Fisheries Stock Assessment: Choice, Dynamics and Uncertainty. ICES 2012a. ICES Implementation of Advice for Data-limited Stocks in 2012 in its 2012 Advice. ICES CM 2012/ACOM pp. ICES 2012b. ICES' Implementation of RGLIFE advice on Data Limited Stocks (DLS) - Draft 19 June 2012, Draft - 19 June ICES, ICES CM 2012/ACOM: pp. ICES 2013a. ICES Advice Book I. ICES, 2013b. Report of the Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH), June 2013, Caen, France. ICES CM 2013/SSGEF: pp. MacCall, A. D, Depletion-corrected average catch: a simple formula for estimating sustainable yields in data-poor situations. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 66: Millar, R. B. and R. Meyer, Non-linear state space modelling of fisheries biomass dynamics by using Metropolis-Hastings within Gibbs sampling. Applied Statistics 49 (3):

245 Myers, R. A., and G. Mertz, Reducing uncertainty in the biological basis of fisheries management by meta-analysis of data from many populations: a synthesis. Fisheries Research, 37: Pierce, G. J., and P. R. Boyle, Empirical modelling of interannual trends in abundance of squid (Loligo forbesi) in Scottish waters. Fisheries Research, 59: Pella, J. J., and P. K. Tomlinson, A generalized stock production model. Bulletin of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commision, 13: Polacheck, T., R. Hilborn and A. E. Punt, Fitting surplus production models: comparing methods and measuring uncertainty. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 50: Punt, A.E., and R. Hilborn, Fisheries stock assessment and decision analysis: the Bayesian approach. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 7: Roel, B. and D.S. Butterworth, Assessment of the South African chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii. Is disturbance of aggregations by the recent jig fishery having a negative impact on recruitment? Fisheries Research 48: Schaefer, M. B., Some aspects of the dynamics of populations important to the management of commercial marine fisheries. IATTC Bulletin, 1:

246 244 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table 2: Historical landings in tons of Loliginidae (Loligo vulgaris, Loligo forbesii and Alloteuthis subulata) in the Bay of Biscay. Source: data provided by WGCEPH members. Belgium France Netherlands Spain TOTAL , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,300 * , , , , , , , , ,305 * Estimated value (mean ).

247 Table 3: Hyper-parameters of the two sets of prior distributions. Priors 1 Priors 2 r 0 1 log(2.5) 50 log( r ) log( r ) log( r) log( r ) k log(5000) 1 log(5000) 5 log( k ) log( k ) log( k ) log( k ) q log(0.5) 1 log(0.5) 5 log( q) log( q) log( q) log( q) P 0 1 log(0.5) 1 0 log( P 0 ) log( P 0 ) log( P 0 ) log( P 0 ) a 1 b a surv si I si b I a b 1 a surv P P P b P Table 4: Posterior 5, 50 and 95 th percentiles of the parameters of the Schaeffer production model for squid in the Bay of Biscay when the second set of priors is used. INITIAL STATE ESTIMATED r k q P psi.logi psi.logp

248 246 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 7: Location map of the Bay of Biscay. In blue. distribution area of the squid stock assessed (ICES Div VIIIabd). Figure 8: Squid data from 1997 to 2012 used for the Schaeffer surplus production model. Total catch of squid (in tonnes) in the top and biomass index from the EVHOE survey in the bottom. The error bars in the bottom represent +/- the standard error of the survey index.

249 P0 = P0 = P0 = P0 = P0 = P0 = P0 = P0 = P0 = P0 = Figure 9: Log-likelihood values (blue being lowest and red highest) depending on the parameters r in the x-axis and k in the y-axis. The white colour represent combinations of values that do not fulfilled the restrictions imposed by the catches (i.e biomass is smaller than the reported catches). Each panel corresponds to a value of the P0 parameter. r k q log I log P P Figure 10: Prior (dashed line) and posterior (solid line) distribution of the parameters estimated in the Schaeffer production model when the first set of prior distributions are used. 247

250 248 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 r k q log I log P P Figure 11: Prior (dashed line) and posterior (solid line) distribution of the parameters estimated in the Schaeffer production model when the second set of prior distributions is used. Index Year Figure 12: Observed (in red) and estimated (in black) time-series of the EVHOE biomass index for squid in the Bay of Biscay. The solid line is the median and the dashed lines are the 95% probability intervals obtained in the Schaeffer model when the second set of prior distributions is used.

251 Determine catch advice from the survey adjusted status quo catch I: survey index x: number of years in the survey average z: z > x Apply the 20% Uncertainty Cap to the catch advice Apply the Precautionary Buffer to the catch advice Figure 13: Flowchart of the methodology to be applied to give advice in the case of the Bay of Biscay squid, based on the ICES methodology (see Method 3.2 in ICES, 2012a). 249

252 250 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Working Document 7.1. presented to the ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014 Regulation of cephalopod research under EU Directive 2010/63/EU Graziano Fiorito For the first time, European Union legislation on animal research and testing has extended its scope to include invertebrate species: namely the Class Cephalopoda. EU Directive 2010/63/EU, which was due to be implemented in Member States 1st January 2013, covers all live cephalopods used in scientific procedures that are likely to cause the animals adverse effects such as pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. The Directive comprehensively revises and extends previous European Union law on the use of animals in research and testing, bringing this whole Class of invertebrates under its scope which, until now, has included only vertebrates. Rationale for the inclusion of cephalopods in the directive Cephalopod molluscs are the sole invertebrate taxon included in the European Directive 2010/63/UE on animal use for scientific or educational purposes. These species (e.g. nautilus, cuttlefish, squid and octopus) have been utilized for diverse scientific purposes across Europe for over 100 years (for reviews, see Hochner et al., 2006; Borrelli & Fiorito, 2008; Hochner, 2012; Huffard, 2013; Ponte et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2013; Fiorito et al., 2014). Many have a high commercial value, and also affected by increasing exploitation pressure (ICES, 2013; see also for example: june 2014.html). Cephalopods have been included within the scope of the new Directive on the grounds that, as for vertebrates, there is scientific evidence of their ability to experience pain, suffering, distress and lasting harm (Directive 2010/63/EU: Recital 8). The inclusion of live cephalopods (Article 1, 3b) in EU Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals for scientific purposes represents a landmark. It is the first time that an entire class of invertebrates, covering approximately 700 known species, has been included in laboratory animal legislation throughout the EU. The decision was largely

253 based upon a review of the evidence for sentience and capacity to experience pain, suffering, distress and lasting harm (PSDLH) in cephalopods. In particular, and following EF SA opinion (EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare, 2005): 1. Presence of receptors sensitive to noxious stimuli, located in functionally useful positions on (or) in the body, and connected by nervous pathways to the lower parts of the nervous system 2. Possession of higher brain centres [in the sense of integration of brain processing], especially a structure analogous to the human cerebral cortex 3. Possession of nervous pathways connecting the nociceptive system to the higher brain centres 4. Receptors for opioid substances found in the central nervous system especially the brain 5. Analgesics modify the animal s response to stimuli that would be painful for a human 6. An animal s response to stimuli that would be painful for a human is functionally similar to the human response (that is, the animal responds so as to avoid or minimise damage to its body) 7. An animal s behavioural response persists and it shows an unwillingness to resubmit to a painful procedure; the animal can learn to associate apparently non painful with apparently painful events. The above considerations are supported by more recent circumstantial and objective evidences for the existence of nociceptors in cephalopods (Crook & Walters, 2011; Crook et al., 2011, 2013; Andrews et al., 2013; Alupay et al., 2013; Alupay & Caldwell, 2013). Implications for studies on cephalopods For the purpose of the Directive, cephalopods are defined as all living species that are members of the molluscan class Cephalopoda. The term live cephalopod is not defined in the Directive, but guidance indicates that these animals are covered by the Directive from when they hatch. 251

254 252 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Cephalopods are in the Directive, with the same legal status as vertebrates hence, like vertebrates, they should always be treated as sentient creatures, and the animalsʹ welfare should be given the highest priority, in the context of keeping, breeding and use and across their life time experience (Recitals 12 and 31, European Parliament & Council of the European Union 2010). The Directive brings a range of new mandatory requirements for research and testing involving cephalopods. Some of these are likely to be familiar to cephalopod researchers currently working within voluntary codes of practice (e.g. requirements for good practice in housing and care, and minimizing potential suffering throughout the animalsʹ lives); but others will be new to most, if not all, researchers within the EU (e.g. requirements for prior authorization and reporting of regulated procedures). Key requirements of the application of Directive 2010/63/EU include the following: I. Before they can begin, all projects involving cephalopods must be authorized by a competent authority appointed by the Member State in which the research is to take place. A project is a programme of work with a defined scientific objective involving one or more procedures (see below), which can run for a term of up to five years, after which authorisation must be renewed. A procedure is any use of an animal covered by the Directive for experimental or other scientific or educational purposes, which may cause the animal pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm equivalent to or higher than that caused by the introduction of a needle in accordance with good veterinary practice. This can include procedures that do not involve any invasive technical acts such as administration of substances or surgery, but which cause psychological distress (such as anxiety) above the threshold level of suffering defined above. Unless specifically justified as part of the authorization process, procedures may only be carried out at authorized user establishments. Authorization is limited to the procedures and purposes described in the application. If, during the life of the project, there is need for any amendments to the project plans that

255 may have a negative impact on animal welfare, these must also be authorized. The authorisation process will involve an evaluation of the proposed project. II. Personnel who a. design procedures and projects, b. carry out procedures, c. take care for, and/or d. kill animals must be adequately educated and trained, and those in the last three categories must be supervised until they have demonstrated their competence. The Directive sets out a list of required elements of education and training ; and, on this basis, Member States must publish minimum requirements for education and training and for obtaining, maintaining and demonstrating competence. EU wide guidance on these matters is currently available (EC 2014 document National Competent Authorities for the implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. A working document on the development of a common education and training framework to fulfil the requirements under the Directive (Brussels, February 2014), available at: T.pdf). III. Unless scientifically justified, procedures may only be carried out at an authorized user establishment. To be authorised, the establishment must: 1. Comply with the requirements of Annex III of the Directive, on the care and accommodation of animals. 2. Have sufficient staff on site, who must be adequately educated and trained, and supervised until they demonstrate their competence. 3. Have a designated veterinarian with expertise in laboratory animal medicine, or a suitably qualified expert where more appropriate to advise on the well being and treatment of animals; and 4. nominate one or more persons to take responsibility for: (a) overseeing the welfare and care of the animals; (b) ensuring that the staff dealing with the animals have access to information specific to the species involved; (c) ensuring that the staff are adequately educated, competent and continuously trained, and supervised where necessary. IV. Animals taken from the wild may not be used in procedures, unless there is scientific and/or animal welfare justification that this is the only way to achieve the objective, 253

256 254 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 and specially bred animals are not suitable. Captive breeding of cephalopods is not always straightforward and purpose bred animals may not be readily available. However, the above provision is worded so as to enable researchers using wild species that are not normally bred for research to make a scientific and/or animal welfare justification for capture from the wild. Any use of wild caught animals must be specifically authorised, and the animals must be captured by appropriately trained and competent persons, using methods which do not cause the animals avoidable pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. V. Researchers will need to keep careful records of their use of animals and provide statistical information to their national competent authority including information on the actual severity of procedures (see further discussion below). Member States must publish their national statistical information annually, and must also send data to the European Commission, which will establish a common framework for submitting the information. Member States should carry out regular inspections of establishments that breed, supply and use animals, including cephalopods, covered by the Directive. A proportion of these inspections will be without prior warning; and there should be effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties for infringements of the regulations. Guidance for studies on cephalopod following Directive 2010/63/EU Annexes III and IV to the EU Directive provide general guidance on care and accommodation requirements and methods of humane killing for all species covered by the Directive 2010/63, but specific guidance is restricted to vertebrates, and there are no specific details for cephalopods. Over the last few years, consensus among the scientific community emerged to find common strategies to approach and deal with the application for the first time to invertebrates of regulations consolidated for studies carried out on higher vertebrates.

257 First of all, prompted by the need for Guidelines on matters covered by the Directive, members of the international cephalopod research community have met on several occasions over the past three years and have produced publications aimed at cephalopod researchers, on: 1. requirements of the EU Directive, implementation, ethics and project review (Smith et al. 2013); 2. PSDLH, anaesthesia and humane killing (Andrews et al. 2013); and 3. implications for neuroscience research and the Three Rs, i.e. Replacement, Reduction, Refinement (Fiorito et al. 2014). This work has led to the development of a set of consensus Guidelines for the Care and Welfare of Cephalopods in Research which aim to assist researchers in complying with the Directive, and are the subject of a paper that is currently submitted for publication. The Guidelines represents a project coordinated by CephRes, in cooperation with The Boyd Group and FELASA ( collaboration oncephalopods). These Guidelines, which should be regarded as a starting point for future developments, have been produced following active collaboration between 18 authors and 23 contributors, belonging to institutions from 8 countries (France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK, USA) and two international organizations (i.e. FELASA and CephRes). They includes 11 sections for more than 30,000 words, and 10 tables and several text boxes, and three appendices including minimal requirements for the most common cephalopod species utilized in research. The work is based on the current best practice and a huge amount of scientific work represented by more than 500 cited references. As mentioned, this paper is the result of an international initiative as a first attempt to develop guidelines for the care and welfare of cephalopods (e.g. nautilus, cuttlefish, squid and octopus) following the inclusion of this Class of ~ 700 known living invertebrate species in Directive 2010/63/EU. It aims to provide information for investigators, animal care committees, facility managers and animal care staff that will assist in improving both the care given to cephalopods, and the manner in which experimental procedures are carried out. Topics covered include: implications of the Directive for 255

258 256 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 cephalopod research; project application requirements and authorisation process; the application of the 3Rs principles; the need for harm benefit assessment and severity classification. Guidelines and species specific requirements are provided on: i. supply, capture and transport; ii. environmental characteristics and design of facilities (e.g. water quality control, lighting requirements, vibration/noise sensitivity); iii. accommodation and care (including tank design), animal handling, feeding and environmental enrichment; iv. assessment of health and welfare (e.g. monitoring biomarkers, physical and behavioural signs); v. approaches to severity assessment of procedures; vi. disease (causes, prevention and treatment); vii. scientific procedures, general anaesthesia and analgesia, methods of humane killing, confirmation of death. Sections covering risk assessment for operators and education and training requirements for carers, researchers and veterinarians are also included. Detailed aspects of care and welfare requirements for the main laboratory species currently used are summarised in Appendices. Knowledge gaps are highlighted to prompt research to enhance the evidence base for future revision of these guidelines. It is expected that the Guidelines will appear online at the beginning of 2015, at the latest. Evaluating possible impact of Directive 2010/63/EU on cephalopod studies In thinking about the impacts of the Directive on the use of cephalopods in research, and needs for support and guidance for researchers, an idea of the scale of cephalopod research in the EU has been included in the work by Smith et al. (2013).

259 The EU has for the past 20 years collected statistical data on the use of vertebrates in research and testing (Laboratory Animals: Statistical Reports; see However, there is no equivalent information for cephalopods, because there has been no previous regulation of scientific research involving these animals, and therefore no requirement for reporting. To attempt to fill this gap we have carried out a short survey of published research involving cephalopods linked to the Member States of the European Union, as part of a wider more in depth analysis (under development through the COST Action FA1301, CephsInAction). The survey based on full original papers (not reviews or abstracts) indexed by Web of Science, published between January 2005 and September 2011, returned 1231 papers. Each recordwas carefully examined, in order to select only papers reporting work likely to be regulated under the new EU Directive (i.e. involving procedures that could cause the animals pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm, at or above the threshold for regulation). This analysis led to the discarding of nearly two thirds of the initial sample, mostly publications concerning palaeontology or fisheries, leaving 432 papers. In 370 of the papers involving cephalopod research that would likely be regulated under the new Directive, the corresponding author was from an EU country. The original sample of 432 papers in which European authors were involved (regardless of whether they were first author or not) has been further examined in order to gain an overview of the fields of research and cephalopod species used in scientific studies with European involvement. Although some of these studies will not have been carried out in an EU country, there is an argument that, on ethical grounds, such studies should comply with the spirit of the new EU Directive. The most studied species were Sepia officinalis and Octopus vulgaris (23% and 16% of the sample respectively). An examination of species used by location of corresponding author reveals that S. officinalis appears to be the preferred species for studies in France, Germany and UK, whereas O. vulgaris is the preferred species in Spain and Greece; and that in Portugal and Italy the two species (S. officinalis and O. vulgaris) appear to be roughly equally studied. Overall, a very wide range of species of cephalopod was involved in the publications considered in this survey, including some which do not inhabit EU waters (e.g. genera: Nautilus, Idiosepius). 257

260 258 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 The Directive impacts on students, investigators, animal care committees, facility managers and animal care staff including those of public displays and those involved in training and education that will require approaching living cephalopods. The entry into force of the Directive 2010/63/EU means that, from 1st January 2013, scientific research and testing involving live cephalopods is regulated by a legal framework at both EU and Member State levels, and as a consequence all scientific projects that cross the threshold set for regulation (i.e. involve procedures that may cause PSDLH equivalent to, or higher than that caused by the insertion of a hypodermic needle in line with good veterinary practice) will require authorisation by the national competent authority (see the list available at: Conclusion It is clear that, considering the role of cephalopods as food item for human beings and their position in the food chain, and the relative commercial importance for fishery and aquaculture, the introduction to specific requirements following the Directive in a small but representative field of study represents a challenging, but relevant task for the scientific community. In this framework Marina SANTURTUN and Jean Paul ROBIN co chairs of ICES WGCEPH extended to CephsInAction (COST Action FA1301) the invitation to contribute to the ICES Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. The main objective of this collaboration is to advance the three year plan of operation established through the Terms of References of ICES WGCEPH, mostly concerning biology, stock status and exploitation trends in Northeast Atlantic fisheries. However, the increased attention towards cephalopod research in the ICES area, and in waters other than Europe, that includes all relevant aspects of biology, ecology, physiology and behavior, in field and laboratory studies, promoted the interaction between ICES WGCEPH and CephsInAction. The two groups clearly share common goals in several aspects and for many activities. Reference list

261 Alupay, J.S., Caldwell, R.L. (2013). The costs and benefits of losing an arm: autotomy in the octopus Abdopus aculeatus. Integ. Comp. Biol., 53, E4. Alupay, J.S., Hadjisolomou, S.P., Crook, R.J. (2013). Arm injury produces long term behavioral and neural hypersensitivity in octopus. Neurosci. Lett., 558, Andrews, P.L.R., Darmaillacq, A.S., Dennison, N., Gleadall, I.G., Hawkins, P., Messenger, J.B., Osorio, D., Smith, V.J., Smith, J.A. (2013). The identification and management of pain, suffering and distress in cephalopods, including anesthesia, analgesia and humane killing. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 447, Borrelli, L., Fiorito, G. (2008). Behavioral Analysis of Learning and Memory in Cephalopods. In: Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference (ed. J.J. Byrne), pp Oxford, Academic Press. Crook, R.J., Hanlon, R.T., Walters, E.T. (2013). Squid have nociceptors that display widespread Long Term Sensitization and spontaneous activity after bodily injury. J. Neurosci., 33, Crook, R.J., Lewis, T., Hanlon, R.T., Walters, E.T. (2011). Peripheral injury induces longterm sensitization of defensive responses to visual and tactile stimuli in the squid Loligo pealeii, Lesueur J. Exp. Biol., 214, Crook, R.J., Walters, E.T. (2011). Nociceptive behavior and physiology of molluscs: animal welfare implications. ILAR J., 52, EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare,(2005). Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) on a request from the Commission related to the ʺAspects of the biology and welfare of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposesʺ. EFSA J., 292, European Parliament, Council of the European Union,(2010). Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes. Strasbourg: Concil of Europe. Fiorito, G., Affuso, A., Anderson, D.B., Basil, J., Bonnaud, L., Botta, G., Cole, A., DʹAngelo, L., De Girolamo, P., Dennison, N., Dickel, L., Di Cosmo, A., Di Cristo, C., Gestal, C., Fonseca, R., Grasso, F., Kristiansen, T., Kuba, M., Maffucci, F., Manciocco, A., Mark, F.K., Melillo, D., Osorio, D., Palumbo, A., Perkins, K., Ponte, G., Raspa, M., Shashar, N., Smith, J., Smith, D., Sykes, A., Villanueva, R., Tublitz, N., Zullo, L., Andrews, P.L.R. (2014). Cephalopods in neuroscience: Regulations, Research and the 3Rs. Invert. Neurosci., 14, Hochner, B. (2012). An embodied view of octopus neurobiology. Curr Biol, 22, R887 R892. Hochner, B., Shomrat, T., Fiorito, G. (2006). The octopus: a model for a comparative analysis of the evolution of learning and memory mechanisms. Biol. Bull., 210,

262 260 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Huffard, C.L. (2013). Cephalopod neurobiology: an introduction for biologists working in other model systems. Invert. Neurosci., 13, ICES (2013). Report of the Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH) June 2013, Caen, France: ICES CM 2013/SSGEF. Ponte, G., Dröscher, A., Fiorito, G. (2013). Fostering cephalopod biology research: past and current trends and topics. Invert Neurosci, 13, 1 9. Smith, J.A., Andrews, P.L.R., Hawkins, P., Louhimies, S., Ponte, G., Dickel, L. (2013). Cephalopod research and EU Directive 2010/63/EU: Requirements, impacts and ethical review. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 447,

263 Working Document 7.2. presented to the ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014 MARKED AND KNOWN-AGE Octopus vulgaris BEAKS: AGE VALIDATION AND LIFE-EVENT RECORDING Catalina Perales-Raya 1, Eduardo Almansa 1, Aurora Bartolomé 1, Beatriz C. Felipe 1, José Iglesias 2, Francisco Javier Sánchez 2, José Francisco Carrasco 3 and Carmen Rodríguez 3. 1 Instituto Español de Oceanografía (Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias). Vía Espaldón, Dársena Pesquera PCL 8, 38180, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. 2 Instituto Español de Oceanografía (Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo). Subida a Radio Faro nº 50, Vigo, Spain. 3 Centro de Experimentación Pesquera. Consejería de Agroganadería y Recursos Autóctonos. Avda. Príncipe de Asturias, s/n, 33213, Gijón, Spain. 1. INTRODUCTION As with other harvested species, sustainable management of the common octopus rests on an understanding of life history and modelling of the dynamics of wild populations, which in turn rest on age determination and knowledge of growth patterns. This study aims to validate the daily deposition of increments in Octopus vulgaris beaks across full ontogenetic range for both, the lateral wall surfaces (LWS) and the rostrum sagittal sections (RSS). The exploited size range was validated by chemical (injections) and environmental markings induced in wild adults kept in captivity. Moreover, despite the high mortality rates observed in O. vulgaris paralarval culture some techniques have been successful in rearing paralarvae. They provided us with known-age paralarvae, juveniles and adults hatched under laboratory conditions, for a study aimed at confirming, for the first time, absolute ages in hard structures of O. vulgaris. Forty-nine marked wild animals kept in the aquaria (weight range of g) and 24 reared individuals of known-age (paralarvae of 0 98 days old and adults of days old) were studied, encompassing for the first time the full age range of the species including known-age individuals older than one month. 2. RESULTS The daily deposition of beak increments was validated in the LWS mainly by injection of Calcofluor, and in the RSS by environmental marking (thermal, confinement, capture and stress of the chemical marking process). A total of 111 successful validations, where beak increments precisely corresponded to days elapsed, were achieved. The maximum validated periods were 57 days in LWS and 112 days in RSS. 261

264 262 ICES WGCEPH REPORT Main results in LWS Calcofluor markings (Figure 1) showed in LWS 14 positive marks in 12 individuals of g BW, with a mean validated period of 14 days (max. 57 days). Confinement experiments also showed 7 positive marks in LWS of 6 individuals ( g BW), with a mean validated period of 13 days (max. 30 days) Figure 1. Lateral wall surface of a beak. Calcofluor marks (red arrows) and 21 increments laid down (white marks) between both chemical markings (21 days elapsed). Ultraviolet light. 80X 2.2. Main results in RSS Thermal markings were registered in the beaks as 11 positive marks in 9 individuals of g BW, with a mean validated period of 21 days (max. 61 days). Confinements were also recorded in beak sections as 17 positive marks in 9 individuals ( g BW) with a mean validated period of 17 days (max. 67 days). Interesting results were obtained from the registration of capture stress. 27 individuals registered the day of capture (Figure 2) as a stress mark in the RSS ( g BW) with a mean validated period of 32 days (max. 107 days). Preliminary comparison of growth rates after treatments suggests that capture is the most stressful event, therefore it can be a potential tool to compare the stress produced by different fishing gears in order to avoid those more stressful for the animals. The event of chemical marking process was also marked in RSS as 29 positive marks in 19 individuals of g BW, with a mean validated period of 33 days (max. 75 days)

265 Figure 2. Rostrum sagital section of an adult Octopus vulgaris beak. White arrow shows the stress mark corresponding to the day of capture. 150X 2.3. Main results from known-age individuals In the pelagic and transition to the settlement stages, a new pattern of micro-increments that record age has been demonstrated in the lateral hood surfaces (LHS) of upper jaws, where stress checks were also observed (Figure 3). For the known age individuals, a strong linear relationship between true age and the number of increments was obtained. It was highly significant (r 2 =0.999; P< 0.001; n=24), with a slope of 0.96 increments/day and an intercept of 0.25 increments at hatching. Further investigations to confirm stress checks in paralarval stage could be crucial to understanding the causes of the low survival rate of the common octopus in captivity and the reasons preventing the settlement stage. In the benthic stage, known-age beaks showed that tip erosion in beak RSS results in some underestimation of age, however RSS has been shown to produce quality checks as a response to stressful conditions. It may find utility in future research to ascertain the effects of environmental and other potentially stressful factors during the life cycle of both wild and reared octopuses. Furthermore, as beaks are present in all living cephalopods, they are potentially suitable for any cephalopod species. A B 263

266 264 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 3. Coloured region of paralarvae beaks (upper jaw) showing microincrements and some darker checks in the area of lateral hood surface. A) Paralarva of 60 days old. B) Paralarva of 70 days old with increments marked in white. 400X 3. CONCLUSIONS Lateral Wall Surfaces Validated daily periodicity for the whole exploited size of O. vulgaris Number of increments aligned with true ages in adults First and last increments are usually difficult to count Rostrum Sagittal Sections Validated daily periodicity for the whole exploited size of O. vulgaris Quality stress marks, life-event recorders Some underestimation of absolute age in old adults (beak erosion-feeding) Lateral Hood Surfaces (pelagic stage) Validated daily periodicity from hatchling to 98 days old Number of increments aligned with true age Potential recording of stress in paralarvae

267 Working Document 7.3.presented to the ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014 Analysis of the relationships between Patagonian squid (Doryteuthis gahi) abundance and environmental parameters in the SW Atlantic using GIS tools Portela J. 1 and Martinez, R. 2 and Fernandes, W. 2,3 1 Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo Cabo Estay Canido Vigo, Spain 2 Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Bremerhaven, Germany 3 University of Aberdeen, Main Street, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6AA, UK e mail: ABSTRACT Doryteuthis (Loligo) gahi is the second most important cephalopod species in the SW Atlantic from a fisheries point of view. This species and hence, the fisheries profitability and sustainability, are subject to large inter annual variability in recruitment strength, mainly due to interannual and seasonal variations of the Falkland/Malvinas Current. In this working document we analyse the environmental, geographical, temporal and physical factors affecting the distribution (abundance) of D. gahi in two areas where its abundance is highest, using geographic information systems tools. We found a slight positive correlation between CPUE and longitude, as well as between CPUE and depth in the northern area, but no correlations could be found between SST and the other explanatory variables. Regarding the southern area in summer autumn, we found that CPUE increases with longitude as we go to the east, and with latitude. We also found positive correla 265

268 266 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 tions between SST and CPUE, as well as with depth. In winter spring our study revealed a slight relationship between CPUE and location, and with depth. Keywords: cephalopods, Doryteuthis gahi fisheries, Southwest Atlantic, environmental parameters, GIS INTRODUCTION The Patagonian squid Doryteuthis (former Loligo) gahi is a near bottom distributed neritic species distributed in the South East Pacific Ocean from Peru (6ºS) to Tierra del Fuego (55ºS), and in the South West Atlantic Ocean from Tierra del Fuego to coastal (36ºS) and slope (38ºS) waters off Argentina (Castellanos and Cazzaniga, 1979; Roper et al., 1984; Cardoso et al., 1998). Spawning occurs in coastal and inner shelf waters off the Argentine Patagonia, Falkland/Malvinas Islands and Chile (Hatfield and Rodhouse, 1994; Arkhipkin et al., 2000; Barón, 2001; Arkhipkin, 2013). After hatching, paralarvae and juveniles move from its nursery grounds located in shallow inshore waters around the southeastern cost of the Falkland Islands to offshore feeding grounds on the shelf edge at depths of m (Hatfield and Rodhouse, 1994; Arkhipkin et al., 2003), while mature individuals return to the coast to mate and spawn (Hatfield and Rodhouse, 1994; Arkhipkin et al., 2000; Arkhipkin and Middleton, 2002) (Figure 14). These ontogenetic migrations may be influenced by the Falkland/Malvinas Current, a branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current which moves northwards along the edge of the Patagonian Shelf (Peterson and Whitworth III, 1989; Arkhipkin at el., 2006). Figure 14. Scheme of ontogenetic migration of D. gahi (by courtesy of Dr. A. Arkhipkin, FIFD)

269 The Patagonian longfin squid is fished in the eastern and southern parts of the Falkland Shelf in the region called the Loligo box, this area being restricted to licenced Loligo vessels (Figure 15). Figure 15. Loligo box Higher concentrations are found around the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, where it is the second major fishery resource after Illex argentinus.two main cohorts of D. gahi are exploited; the autumn spawning cohort in February April and spring spawning cohort in May and August October (Falkland Islands Government, 2005; 2011). Only in the Falkland/Malvinas waters, total annual catches of D. gahi ranged 23,700 64,500 t, over the period of (Falkland Islands Government, 2011; Arkhipkin, 2013). MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area Two main geographical areas were defined for the study according to the location of commercial hauls reported by skippers of Spanish trawlers operating in the SWAO: 1. The high seas of the Patagonian Shelf roughly between 44º50 S and 47º10 S (the northern area) 2. The waters around the Falkland/Malvinas Islands (the southern area) 267

270 268 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Data Data analysis took into account the season of the year and included: - Commercial fishery data on catches from logbooks filled in by skippers of Spanish bottom trawlers operating in the study areas ( ). These data were provided to us by the Spanish General Secretariat for Fisheries - Environmental and physical data: Sea Surface Temperature (SST), bathymetry, latitude, and longitude ( ) Seasonality The analysis included time comparisons of CPUE by quarter, roughly coinciding with the seasons of the year in the southern hemisphere: - First quarter: summer - Second quarter: autumn - Third quarter: winter - Fourth quarter: spring The environmental and physical data used in the analyses originated from the following sources: Atlantic SST: large scale monthly SST data between January 2010 and December 2012 was made available from the Physical Sciences Division, Earth System Research Laboratory, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA ( Previous research has shown SST data to be comparable with near surface data derived from in situ expendable bathy thermograph (XBT) profiles in the southern Patagonian shelf. Bathymetry data: high resolution bathymetry data in high seas collected via several research cruises conducted by the Spanish R/V Miguel Oliver between 2007 and 2010, and low resolution bathymetry data (GEBCO) around the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. The main objective of these cruises was the study of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) on the high seas of the Patagonian shelf and possible interactions of bottom trawl activities in this area. Geographical data: daily positions (latitude, longitude) recorded at noon by skippers were extracted from logbooks and integrated into a 5 *10 grid. RESULTS

271 Logbooks positions were located between 40ºS 53ºS and 42ºW 64ºW within the UTM20S and UTM21S zones, and were split in two geographical areas: the northern area, north of parallel 48ºS (contained by FAO Division ) and the southern area, south of parallel 48ºS (contained by FAO Division ), both divisions (Figure 16, left) within the FAO Major Fishing Area 41. From the total 4514 hauls in the database, 2384 were found in the northern area (53%), and 2130 were found in the southern area. The northern area corresponds to high seas of the SW Atlantic Ocean (international waters in the external Patagonian shelf and slope) where no fishing regulatory measures are currently in force. The southern area matches with the Falkland/Malvinas waters which are divided in terms of fishery management in two separate zones: FICZ (Falkland Islands Conservation Zone) and FOCZ (Falkland Outer Conservation Zone) (Figure 16, right). Figure 16. Location of the hauls in relation with FAO Divisions and (left), and with the Argentine EEZ (green), the Falkland Conservation Zones (red) and with the high seas (colourless) (right). Hauls in yellow are located on the high seas, whereas hauls in red are within Falkland/Malvinas waters. It can be seen the presence of outliers located far east of the commercial fishing grounds, at impossible depths for trawling In both areas respective polygons containing all the hauls selected for the study were delineated after debugging of outliers (hauls within Argentine waters, or at inadequate depths). Herewith, a 5 *10 grid was defined and superimposed over the two polygons (Figure 17). 269

272 270 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 17. Grid defined for the analysis (5 *10 ) The shape of the grid is based on a minimum boundaries algorithm that encompasses all locations in both the northern and southern areas/polygons. Each cell of the grid has an area of ~ 50 nm² and statistical analyses were performed based on the number of hauls per cell, thus allowing the addition of other parameter values (e.g. SST) to the corresponding cell. 3D model bathymetry Location of the hauls in the study area: in the northern area hauls are located just within the outer shelf and upper slope of the Patagonian shelf (the high seas), beyond the 200 nm limit of the Argentine EEZ (Figure 18). Analysis was carried out using a high resolution bathymetry (as discussed above in the methodology).

273 Figure 18. 3D Bathymetry model For the southern area, we used the low resolution bathymetry obtained from the GEBCO dataset. Opposite to the northern area, the hauls are spread all around the Falkland/Malvinas shelf where the maximum depth of the hauls is ~ 400 m. A detailed view of the location of the hauls in northern area can be found in Figure % of the positions fell above 400 m isobath. This result from the analysis is consistent with the findings of the study carried out by the IEO in on board the R/V Miguel Oliver. The Argentine EEZ is represented in green, whereas the northern part of the Falklands Outer Conservation Zone (FOCZ) is depicted in pink. 271

274 272 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Argentine EEZ FOCZ Figure 19. A detailed view of the hauls reported from northern area. The hauls to the north of this area fall within the shelf, however those that fall to the south (close to the FOCZ) are located in the slope of the Patagonian shelf CPUE and SST Spatial Analysis In this section we describe the relationship between the abundance of Doryteuthis gahi and the SST in northern and southern areas by season of the year. We used the CPUE from logbooks filled in by captains of Spanish fishing vessels between January 2010 and December 2012 as an index of abundance. To differentiate vessels targeting Patagonian squid from those targeting other species such as hake, or Argentine squid, we established a threshold of 500 kg/h. North area The values of mean CPUE and mean SST for each cell of the grid in summer and autumn in the northern area are shown in Figure 20, which illustrates that the presence of Patagonian squid in this area in summer autumn when the Falkland/Malvinas Current has lesser influence is practically negligible, with only two cells in the southern most part of this region presenting significant abundances (CPUE between kg/h) at depths > 200 m.

275 Figure 20. Mean CPUE and mean SST in summer (left) and autumn (right) However, maximum concentrations of the species were reported in winter, also in the south of the study area and at depths around 200 m. In spring, the abundance of D. gahi decreases in this area. It seems that Patagonian squid inhabit cold waters, probably migrating to the south when the presence of the Brazil Current is stronger. Figure 21. Mean CPUE and mean SST in winter (left) and spring (right) 273

276 274 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 South area Values of mean CPUE and mean SST for each cell of the grid in the southern area in summer and autumn are presented in Figure 22. Figure 22. Mean CPUE and mean SST in summer (left) and autumn (right) Higher abundances are reported in summer, within the Loligo box, at depths around 200 m depth. It appears that squid were searching for colder waters to the south and escaping from warmer waters (Brazil Current) located to the north. In autumn, densities of Patagonian squid fall in relation to densities in summer, as cold waters spread into the region allowing a wider distribution of the species. Figure 23. Mean CPUE and mean SST in winter (left) and spring (right) The wider spatial distribution of D. gahi is more apparent in winter, whereas its abundance decreases in spring as an effect of warmer waters entering into the area (Figure 23).

277 Data exploration Box plots were created to compare Patagonian squid abundances (CPUE) against several oceanographic, geographical and physical parameters (SST, latitude, longitude and depth). To differentiate the vessels targeting D. gahi from the vessels fishing for other species, a threshold of 100 Kg/h was defined in both study areas (north and south areas). The northern and the southern areas were analysed separately. Owing to the existence of two fishing seasons within Falkland/Malvinas waters, we categorised the data by seasons in this area: summer autumn (first fishing season) was analysed separately from winterspring (second fishing season). North area Figure 24. Monthly CPUE values (kg/h) 275

278 276 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table 5. CPUE statistical values Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Max April May June July August September October November Figure 24 shows an erratic pattern of the CPUE throughout the analysed period. Mean CPUE shows an irregular trend during the first half of the year, followed by an increase in the mean and maximum CPUE values between July and September. At the end of the year, there is a marked decrease (maximum reported CPUE more than 4100 kg in September; Table 5).

279 Figure 25. Relationships between CPUE and explanatory variables A slight positive correlation between CPUE and longitude, as well as between CPUE and depth can be seen in Figure 25, the majority of the catches being located in the vicinity of the 150 m isobath. 277

280 278 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 26. Monthly depth values (m) Table 6. Depth statistical values Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Max April May June July August September October November Fishing depth remains almost constant during the whole period, with mean values close to the 150 m isobath. In September, when the maximum

281 CPUE values were recorded, mean depth rises to almost 190 m. Maximum depth values are close to 400 m. Figure 27. Relationships between depth and explanatory variables Figure 27 it shows that fishing depth is steady regarding longitude, but increases gradually with latitude until 46.80ºS, where a sharp increase is observed, until it reaches almost 400 m. 279

282 280 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 28. Monthly SST values (ºC) Table 7. SST statistical values Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Max April May June July August September October November Mean SST (Table 7) is relatively high during the autumn months (April June) with values between 8.2ºC and 7.9ºC. SST then decreases until 5.8ºC in winter (August), and finally recovering to reach 9.7ºC in spring (October).

283 Figure 29. Relationships between SST and explanatory variables No SST correlations can be made concerning latitude, longitude and depth, probably owing to mix of several seasons. Nevertheless, there is a clear negative correlation between CPUE and SST (Figure 29). This can be explained by the water temperature preferred of D. gahi. Figure 30. Monthly latitude values 281

284 282 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 The fishing strategy of the Spanish fleet can be described from Figure 30 and Figure 31. Figure 30 shows that the fleet operates preferentially in northern latitudes during winter spring, and moving to southern most latitudes in autumn. Figure 31 shows the fleet fishing towards western (and shallower) waters throughout April August, probably fishing for hake, since Illex has left these fishing grounds, and shift to eastern (and deeper) waters in September October. No data were available for summer months. Figure 31. Monthly longitude values South area We were able to obtain a larger data set for the southern area (hauls reporting significant Patagonian squid catches), than for the high seas. This could be explained by a wider meridional distribution of this species within the Loligo box (see Figure 15). Summer Autumn (first fishing season)

285 Figure 32. Monthly CPUE values (kg/h) Table 8. CPUE statistical values Min 1 st Qu. Median Mean 3 rd Qu. Max February March April May Figure 32 shows a marked drop in CPUEs during the first fishing season (February May) within Falkland/Malvinas waters. The analysis of the relationship between CPUE and the explanatory variables is shown in Figure 33. CPUE increases with longitude towards the east, and with latitude from 52.5ºS to 50.5ºS (the northern limit of the Loligo box), but falls between latitudes 53ºS and 52.5ºS. With regards to depth, CPUE rises between 100m-200m, but drops slightly from this last isobath onwards and a weak positive correlation is evident with SST. 283

286 284 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 33. Relationships between CPUE and explanatory variables Figure 34. Monthly depth values (m)

287 Table 9. Depth statistical values Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Max February March April May D. gahi inhabit deeper waters during the fishing season, going from a mean depth of 138 m in February, to almost 200 m in April May. This may be explained by the feeding migration of this species to deeper feeding/maturing grounds. Figure 35. Relationships between depth and explanatory variables 285

288 286 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 35 it shows that depth is lower in eastern ward locations, where reported CPUEs are higher. Figure 36. Monthly SST values (ºC) Table 10. SST statistical values Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Max February March April May As to be expected, SST diminishes as autumn ends and winter approaches, passing from a mean SST of 8.9ºC in February to 6.7ºC in April. Intriguingly, SST rises in May to a mean value of 7.3ºC (Figure 36, Table 10).

289 Figure 37. Relationships between SST and explanatory variables In Figure 37 we show that there is a weak, but positive correlation between SST and CPUE combined with depth. 287

290 288 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 38. Monthly latitude values In comparison with the north area (the high seas), the mean latitude of the south area show very little variation during the seasons of the year operating mainly between 51.5ºS and 53ºS, despite only a few hauls being located around 50.5ºS in March (Figure 38).

291 Figure 39. Monthly longitude values Figure 39, shows that the fleet moves to western and deeper waters in this area during this season. Winter Spring (second fishing season) Figure 40. Monthly CPUE values (kg/h) 289

292 290 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Table 11. CPUE statistical values Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Max July August September October November A steady decreasing trend is evident regarding mean and maximum CPUE values (Figure 40 and Table 11). Yields in the second season are higher than in the first one. Figure 41. Relationships between CPUE and explanatory variables There is a slight relationship between CPUE and location, with the higher CPUEs found to the east and to the south and between 150 m and 250 m depth and at lower SST (Figure 41).

293 Figure 42. Monthly depth values (m) Table 12. Depth statistical values Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Max July August September October November Mean depth rises from July until September reaching 261 m depth. This then falls until November with a value of 197 m, similar to the value in July (Figure 42, Table 12). 291

294 292 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 43. Relationships between depth and explanatory variables Hauls carried out at higher depths are situated to east of the islands at around 50.5ºS, whereas shallower hauls are located to the north at around 52ºS (Figure 43). Figure 44. Monthly SST values (ºC) Table 13. SST statistical values

295 Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Max July August September October November SST varies from 5ºC in July to 7.75ºC in October (Figure 44, Table 13). Figure 45. Relationships between SST and explanatory variables As expected, SST is higher to the north of the area and lower to the east. CPUE is significantly higher at lower SSTs (Figure 45). 293

296 294 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 46. Monthly latitude values Figure 47. Monthly longitude values Figure 46 and Figure 47 shows the strategy of the fleet, moving to northern locations in winter and to the west in spring.

297 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the anonymous captains and skippers, as well as the Spanish General Secretariat for Fisheries, for providing us with commercial fishery data. REFERENCES Arkhipkin, A.I., Laptikhovsky, V.V., Middleton, D.A.J. (2000). Adaptations for cold water in Loliginid squid Loligo gahi in Falkland waters. J. Molluscan Stud. 66, Arkhipkin, A.I., Middleton, D.A.J. (2002). Sexual segregation in ontogenetic migrations by the squid Loligo gahi around the Falkland Island. Bull. Mar. Sci. 71 (1), Arkhipkin, A., Grzebielec, R., Sirota, A.M., Remeslo, A.V., Polishchuk, I.A., Middleton, D.A.J. (2003). The influence of seasonal environmental changes on ontogenetic migrations of the squid Loligo gahi on the Falkland shelf. Fisheries Oceanography 13, 1 9. Arkhipkin, A.I., Laptikhovsky, V.V., Sirota, A.M. and Grzebielec, R. (2006). The role of the Falkland Current in the dispersal of the squid Loligo gahi along the Patagonian Shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 67(1 2): Barón, P.J. (2001). First description and survey of the egg masses of Loligo gahi D Orbigny, 1835, and Loligo sanpaulensis Brakoniecki, 1984, from coastal waters of Patagonia. J. Shellfish Res. 20 (1), Cardoso, F., Tarazona, J., Paredes, C. (1998). Aspectos biológicos del calamar patagónico Loligo gahi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) en Huarmey, Perú. Rev. Peru. Biol. 5 (1), Castellanos, Z.J., Cazzaniga, N.J. (1979). Aclaraciones acerca de los Loliginidae del Atlántico Sudoccidental (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Neotropica 25 (73), Falkland Islands Government (2005). Fisheries Department Fisheries Statistics, Volume 9, 2004: 70 pp. Stanley, FIGURE Fisheries Department. 295

298 296 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Falkland Islands Government (2011). Fishery statistics. 15. Fisheries Department, Stanley. Hatfield, E.M.C., Rodhouse, P.G. (1994). Distribution and abundance of juvenile Loligo gahi in Falkland Island waters. Mar. Biol. 121 (2), Peterson, R.G., Whitworth III, T. (1989). The Subantarctic and Polar fronts in relation to deepwater masses through the Southwestern Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research 94, Roper, C.F.E., Sweeney, M.J., Nauen, C.E. (1984). FAO species catalogue. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish. Synop. 3 (1254), 277 pp.

299 Working Document 7.4. presented to the ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014 Analysis of the relationship between Argentine short-finned squid (Illex argentinus) abundance and environmental parameters in the SW Atlantic Ocean using GIS tools. Martinez, R. 1, Portela J. 2 and Fernandes, W. 2,3 1 Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Bremerhaven, Germany e mail: 2 Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo Cabo Estay Canido Vigo, Spain e mail: 3 University of Aberdeen, Main Street, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6AA, UK e mail: ABSTRACT The Argentine short finned squid Illex argentinus is the main cephalopod species which occurs in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. It is the most highly fished species in terms of catches and is the major target of large scale directed fishing carried out by jiggers, and to a lesser extent, by trawlers. The variability of main current systems in the region (Brazil and Falkland/Malvinas Currents) has been suggested to influence the abundance and distribution of I. argentinus, thus largely affecting profitability and sustainability of the fisheries. In this working document we analyse the environmental, geographical, temporal and physical factors affecting the distribution (abundance) of I. argentinus in two areas of highest distribution, using geographic information systems tools. Strong correla 297

300 298 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 tion was found between Illex abundance and the season of the year, as well as with latitude, confirming our knowledge of the fishery and the literature on this species. Keywords: cephalopods, Illex argentinus, fisheries, Southwest Atlantic, environmental parameters, GIS INTRODUCTION Squid fisheries in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean (SWAO) are dominated by Illex argentinus (Pierce and Portela, 2014), a neritic oceanic species widely distributed along the Patagonian shelf between 22ºS and 54ºS, undertaking large migrations between their feeding grounds in the south Patagonian shelf (Hatfield and Rodhouse, 1994; Arkhipkin et al., 2003) and spawning/nursery grounds in southern Brazil (Arkhipkin, 1993, Arkhipkin et al., 2003, 2006; Waluda et al., 1999, 2005). Migrations and concentrations of this species may be affected by several oceanographic features, for example the Brazil and the Falkland/Malvinas Currents, the major ones in the SWAO. I. argentinus is associated with the Brazil Falkland confluence front during the early life stages (Hatanaka, 1988; Leta, 1992; Rodhouse et al., 1995; Haimovici et al., 1998; Waluda et al., 1999, 2001a,b), whereas during maturation, growth, and feeding stages, it is mostly associated with the Falkland/Malvinas Current (Rodhouse et al., 1995; Laptikhovsky and Remeslo, 2001). The cold Falkland/Malvinas Current originates from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and moves northwards along the edge of the Patagonian Shelf (Peterson and Whitworth III, 1989; Arkhipkin at el., 2006); the Brazil Current (warm) is a branch of the trans Atlantic South Equatorial Current (SEC) that moves southward along the edge of South America. Migrations of I. argentinus are represented in Figure 48.

301 Hatching Feeding grounds Figure 48. Spatial and vertical migrations of I. argentinus in the Patagonian shelf (by courtesy of Dr. A. Arkhipkin, FIFD) Several previous research studies have suggested links between squid abundance and oceanographic parameters such as sea surface temperature (SST). Waluda et al., (1999) revealed that variation in SST during the early life stages appears to be important factor influencing the recruitment of I. argentinus. SST in the northern Patagonian shelf during the period of hatching was negatively correlated with catches in the fishery in the following season. However, comparisons were made between SST anomaly data from positions in the Pacific and Southwest Atlantic to examine teleconnections between these areas. Predicting cold events via teleconnections between SST anomalies in the Pacific and Atlantic would appear to have the potential to predict the recruitment strength of I. argentinus in the Southwest Atlantic. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area Two main geographical areas were defined for the study accordingly to the location of commercial hauls reported by skippers of Spanish trawlers operating in the SWAO: 1. The high seas of the Patagonian Shelf roughly between 44º50 S and 47º10 S 299

302 300 ICES WGCEPH REPORT The waters around the Falkland/Malvinas Islands Data Data analysis took into account the season of the year and included: - Commercial fishery data on catches from logbooks filled in by skippers of Spanish bottom trawlers operating in the study areas ( ). These data were provided to us by the Spanish General Secretariat for Fisheries - Environmental and physical data: Sea Surface Temperature (SST), bathymetry, latitude, and longitude ( ) Seasonality The analysis included time comparisons of CPUE by quarter, roughly coinciding with the seasons of the year in the southern hemisphere: - First quarter: summer - Second quarter: autumn - Third quarter: winter - Fourth quarter: spring The environmental and physical data used in the analyses originated from the following sources: Atlantic SST: large scale SST data was made available from the website of the Physical Sciences Division, Earth System Research Laboratory, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA ( on a monthly basis for the period January 2010 to December Previous research has shown SST data to be comparable with near surface data derived from in situ expendable bathy thermograph (XBT) profiles in the southern Patagonian shelf. Bathymetry data: high resolution bathymetry data in high seas collected via several research cruises conducted by the Spanish R/V Miguel Oliver between 2007 and 2010, and low resolution bathymetry data (GEBCO) around the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. The main objective of these cruises was the study of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) on the high seas of the Patagonian shelf and possible interactions of bottom trawl activities in this area. Geographical data: daily positions (latitude, longitude) recorded at noon by skippers were extracted from logbooks and integrated into a 5 *10 grid.

303 RESULTS Logbooks positions were located between 40ºS 53ºS and 42ºW 64ºW within the UTM20S and UTM21S zones, and were split in two geographical areas: the northern area, north of parallel 48ºS (contained by FAO Division ) and the southern area, south of parallel 48ºS (contained by FAO Division ), both divisions (Figure 49, left) within the FAO Major Fishing Area 41. A total of 2384 hauls were located in the northern area (53%), whereas 2130 were recorded in the southern area. The northern correspond to high seas of the SW Atlantic Ocean (international waters in the external Patagonian shelf and slope), where no fishing regulatory measures are currently in force. The southern area match with the Falkland/Malvinas waters which are divided in terms of fishery management in two separate zones: FICZ (Falkland Islands Conservation Zone) and FOCZ (Falkland Outer Conservation Zone) (Figure 49, right). Figure 49. Location of the hauls in relation with FAO Divisions and (left), and with the Argentine EEZ (green), the Falkland Conservation Zones (red) and with the high seas (colourless) (right). Hauls in yellow are located on the high seas, whereas the ones in red are within Falkland/Malvinas waters. It can be seen the presence of outliers located far east of the commercial fishing grounds, at impossible depths for trawling In both areas respective polygons containing all the hauls selected for the study were delineated after debugging of outliers (hauls within Argentine waters or at inadequate depths). Herewith, a 5 *10 grid was defined and superimposed over the two polygons (Figure 17). 301

304 302 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 50. Grid defined for the analysis (5 *10 ) The shape of the grid is based on a minimum boundaries algorithm that encompasses all locations in both the northern and southern areas/polygons. Each cell of the grid has an area of ~ 50 nm² and a statistical analysis was made based on the number of hauls per cell, thus allowing the addition of other parameter values (e.g. SST) to the corresponding cell. 3D model bathymetry Location of the hauls in the study area: in the northern area hauls are located just within the outer shelf and upper slope of the Patagonian shelf (the high seas), beyond the 200 nm limit of the Argentine EEZ (Figure 18). Analysis was carried out using a high resolution bathymetry (as discussed above in the methodology).

305 Figure 51. 3D Bathymetry model For the southern area, we used the low resolution bathymetry obtained from the GEBCO dataset. Opposite to the northern area, the hauls are spread all around the Falkland/Malvinas shelf where the maximum depth of the hauls is ~ 400 m. A detailed view of the location of the hauls in northern area can be found in Figure % of the positions fell above 400 m isobath. This result from the analysis is consistent with the findings of the study carried out by the IEO in on board the R/V Miguel Oliver. The Argentine EEZ is represented in green, whereas the northern part of the Falklands Outer Conservation Zone (FOCZ) is depicted in pink colour. 303

306 304 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Argentine EEZ FOCZ Figure 52. A detailed view of the hauls reported from northern area. It can be seen that hauls to the north of this area fall within the shelf, whereas some falls to the south (close to the FOCZ), are located in the slope of the Patagonian shelf CPUE and SST Spatial Analysis In this section we describe the relationship between the abundance of Illex argentinus and the SST in northern and southern areas by season of the year. We used CPUE from logbooks filled in by captains of Spanish fishing vessels between January 2010 and December 2012 as an index of abundance. To differentiate vessels targeting Argentine squid from those targeting other species such as hake, we established a threshold of 500 kg/h. The values of mean CPUE and mean SST for each cell of the grid in summer and autumn in the northern area are shown in Figure 53. In summer we can appreciate that the higher CPUE values are located close to the 150 m isobath in the northern part of this area, whereas in the southern one, they are found between the 150 m and 400 m isobaths. We also show a decrease of the CPUE values in autumn, which is in agreement with previous research. It appears that fishery catches of I. argentinus decrease dramatically beyond mid May, forcing the fleet to target other species.

307 Figure 53. Mean CPUE and mean SST in summer (left) and autumn (right) in the northern area The same type of information is represented in Figure 54 for winter and spring. CPUE continue dropping in the following season: the presence of I. argentinus is negligible in winter, but seems to increase in spring, when we can see two cells with intermediate CPUE values, probably corresponding to late December, when Argentine squid starts to appear in this region as a result of its maturation/growth/ feeding migration to the southern Patagonian shelf. 305

308 306 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 54. Mean CPUE and SST in winter (left) and spring (right) in the northern area In Figure 55 we can see the mean CPUE and mean SST values for each cell of the grid in the southern area during summer autumn. It can be seen that I. argentinus just distributes in northern part of Falkland/Malvinas waters. Illex abundance looks lower than in the high seas, probably due to a lower SST induced by a stronger influence of the Falkland/Malvinas Current in higher latitudes. Figure 55. Mean CPUE and SST in summer (left) and autumn (right) in the southern area In winter spring seasons (Figure 56), we can see that the Argentine squid has left the fishing grounds in Falkland/Malvinas waters, what is confirmed by the fact that no fishing licences are issued by the Falkland Islands Government for this part of the year.

309 Figure 56. Mean CPUE and SST in winter (left) and spring (right) in the southern area Data exploration Data exploration was made by using box plots. Analysis showed that the majority of the catches of Illex reported in the log books corresponded to the austral summer and autumn months (January March; April May); therefore, we carried out the data exploration over the CPUE values matching these periods of the year, comparing them against several oceanographic, geographical and physical parameters (SST, latitude, longitude and depth). To discriminate vessels targeting I. argentinus from vessels fishing for other species, a threshold of 500 Kg/h was defined in the northern area, whereas in the southern area the threshold was 10kg/h. We analyzed separately the northern and the southern areas. Northern Area Table 14. Statistical values of the explanatory variables lat long CPUE SST depth Minimum Quar 1st tile Median

310 308 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Mean rd Quartile Maximum The statistical values of the explanatory variables for I. argentinus in the northern area are presented in Table 14. In Figure 57 we can see the evolution of the data over time. Figure 57. Monthly CPUE values (kg/h) Table 15. CPUE statistical values Min 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum Count January February March April May

311 Figure 57, shows a slight increase of the median CPUE between January and March (austral summer), together with the increase of the maximum CPUE value (over 3600 kg/h in March, Table 15). A marked reduction in both, the maximum CPUE values and the number of hauls/month can be appreciated during April and May austral autumn (Error! Reference source not found.). Figure 58. Relationships between CPUE and selected variables In Figure 58, a moderate correlation can be seen between CPUE and longitude, SST, and depth: most of the hauls are located at longitudes above 60.25W, the most important CPUE values are between 12ºC and 14.5ºC and amid 100 m and 175 m depth. Also a weak correlation with latitude can be observed (higher CPUEs are found at latitudes further south). 309

312 310 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 59. Monthly SST values (ºC) As expected, remotely sensed SST is higher during austral summer (mean SST 13.5ºC), when the Brazil Current has more influence in this area. From Figure 59, we may conclude that SST behaves similarly to CPUE: in March, the month with the uppermost CPUEs, SST decreased until 12ºC, whereas in April and May, SST drops dramatically until mean values around 8ºC (Table 16). Table 16. SST statistical values Min 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum Count January February March April May

313 Figure 60. Monthly depth values (m) Table 17. Depth statistical values Min 1 st Quartile Median Mean 3 rd Quartile Maximum Count January February March April May Figure 60 shows that depth increases from January to March, suggesting that the fleet moves to deeper and meridional waters (see Figure 62) in the outer Patagonian shelf (high seas) close to the upper slope, following Illex in its migration to the Falkland/Malvinas shelf. The wider bathymetric range (~ 40 m 385 m) takes place in January February, indicating a broader spatial distribution of the resource, and the mean depth increases from January (128 m) to May (204 m) (Table 17); this being an additional indicator of its migration to the south (depth is higher in the southern part of the high seas area). 311

314 312 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 61. Relationships between depth and selected variables In Figure 61 we show a weak correlation between depth and CPUE, as well as with latitude, greater CPUEs being recorded at higher depths, which are located at higher latitudes.

315 Figure 62. Monthly latitude values Figure 62 confirms our comment regarding the strategy of the fleet in relation to depth (Figure 60) and shows that the fleet moves to higher latitudes with time, following the resource in its migration to the south, reaching the most meridional mean latitude in March (late summer). 313

316 314 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 63. Monthly longitude values The same pattern is shown regarding longitude (Figure 63): the fleet moves eastwards searching for higher concentrations of Illex at higher depths in the southern part of the study area (see Figure 60 and Figure 62). Southern Area Table 18. Statistical values of the explanatory variables lat long CPUE SST depth Minimum st Quartile Median Mean rd Quartile Maximum

317 In this area, only CPUE data for February April was available. The statistical values of the explanatory variables for I. argentinus in the southern area are presented in Error! Reference source not found.. In Figure 64 we can see the evolution of the data over time. Figure 64. Monthly CPUE values (kg/h) Table 19. CPUE statistical values Min 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum Count February March April CPUE values in the southern area are with difference much lower than in the northern area (see Table 15 and Table 19). Figure 64 shows that the CPUE reached a high peak in March prior to a significant decrease in April and a steady decrease of the median between February and April.. 315

318 316 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 65. Relationships between CPUE and selected variables The only correlation that can be inferred from Figure 65 is between CPUE and longitude: CPUE values increase eastwards of 60.5ºW, suggesting that higher concentrations of the species are found in this region. This conforms with the license system in force in the Falkland Islands Conservation Zones, allowing fishing for Illex to the east of 60º30 W. Most of the values in the data set are located to the west of this point and it can be explained by the fact that Spanish trawlers operating in Falkland/Malvinas waters target other species in this area.

319 Figure 66. Monthly SST values (ºC) Table 20. SST statistical values Min 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum Count February March April

320 318 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 67. Relationships between SST and selected variables As expected, SST diminishes as early autumn approaches, and this similar pattern is found in the northern area. No correlation was found between SST and any of the other selected variables. Figure 68. Monthly depth values (m)

321 Table 21. Depth statistical values Min 1st Quartile Median Mean 3rd Quartile Maximum Count February March April The mean depth of the hauls decrease with time, passing from an average depth of 203 m in February, to 182 m in April. Neither patterns, nor clear correlations were found in the data exploration between depth and the other variables (Figure 69). Figure 69. Relationships between depth and selected variables 319

322 320 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Figure 70. Monthly latitude values Figure 71. Monthly longitude values Both latitude and longitude show no evident variations along the period when Illex is present in Falkland/Malvinas waters. We found no correlation between CPUE and SST, nor between CPUE and depth. Furthermore most of the hauls are located west of 60.5ºW and south of 50ºS (see Figure 65), we may conclude that most of the fishery data we had access to in the southern area cor

323 respond to fishing vessels targeting other species other than Illex, such as hakes, Patagonian squid, southern, blue whiting, etc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the anonymous captains and skippers, as well as the Spanish General Secretariat for Fisheries, for providing us with commercial fishery data. REFERENCES Arkhipkin, A.I. (1993). Age, growth, stock structure and migratory rate of pre spawning short finned squid Illex argentinus based on statolith ageing investigations. Fish. Res. 16, Arkhipkin, A., Grzebielec, R., Sirota, A.M., Remeslo, A.V., Polishchuk, I.A. and Middleton, D.A.J. (2003). The influence of seasonal environmental changes on ontogenetic migrations of the squid Loligo gahi on the Falkland shelf. Fish. Oceanogr: 13, 1 9. Arkhipkin, A.I., V.V. Laptikhovsky, A.M. Sirota and R. Grzebielec (2006). The role of the Falkland Current in the dispersal of the squid Loligo gahi along the Patagonian Shelf. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 67(1 2): Haimovici, M., Brunetti, N.E., Rodhouse, P.G., Csirke, J. and Leta, R.H. (1998). Illex argentinus. In: Rodhouse, P.G., Dawe, E.G., O Dor, R.K. (Eds.), Squid Recruitment Dynamics. The Genus Illex as a Model. The Commercial Illex species. Influences on Variability, vol FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., pp Hatanaka, H. (1988). Feeding migration of short finned squid Illex argentinus in the waters off Argentina. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 54, Hatfield, E.M.C. and Rodhouse, P.G. (1994). Migration as a sort of bias in the measurement of cephalopod growth. Antarct. Sci. 6: Laptikhovsky, V.V. and Remeslo, A.V. (2001). The Falkland Current as a governor of biological patterns in the shortfin squid, Illex argentinus on the high seas (45º 47ºS). ICES C.M. K:16, 8. Leta, H.R. (1992). Abundance and distribution of Illex argentinus rhynchoteuthion larvae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in the Southwestern Atlantic. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 12, Peterson, R.G. and Whitworth III, T. (1989). The Subantarctic and Polar fronts in relation to deepwater masses through the Southwestern Atlantic. J. Geophy. Res: 94,

324 322 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 Pierce, G. and Portela, J. (2014). Fisheries production and market demand. Pag in: Iglesias, J.; Fuentes, L.; Villanueva, R., (editors). Cephalopod Culture (494 pp.). Aquatic Sciences Unit, Springer, Dordrecht (The Netherlands). Rodhouse, P.G., Barton, J., Hatfield, E.M.C. and Symon, C. (1995). Illex argentinus: life cycle, population structure and fishery. ICES Mar. Sci. Symp. 199, Waluda, C.M., Trathan, P.N. and Rodhouse, P.G. (1999). Influence of oceanographic variability on recruitment in the Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) fishery in the South Atlantic. Mar. Ecol Prog. Ser., Waluda, C.M., Rodhouse, P.G., Podestá, G.P., Trathan, P.N. and Pierce, G.J. (2001a). Surface oceanography of the inferred hatching grounds of Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) and influences on recruitment variability. Mar. Biol. 139, Waluda, C.M., Rodhouse, P.G., Trathan, P.N. and Pierce, G.J. (2001b). Remotely sensed mesoscale oceanography and the distribution of Illex argentinus in the South Atlantic. Fish. Oceanogr. Transl. 10 (2), Waluda, C.M., Trathan, P.N. and Rodhouse P.G. (2005). Influence of oceanographic variability on recruitment in the Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) fishery in the South Atlantic. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 183:

325 Working Document 8.1. presented to the ICES WGCEPH Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2014 Cephalopod Indicators for the MSFD: Interim Report Lee C. Hastie 1, Graham J. Pierce 1 and M. Begoña Santos 2 1 University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK 2 Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Vigo, Spain Other members of the project team University of Aberdeen: Nada El Shanawany, Jorge Fernandez, Isidora Katara; Cefas: Jim Ellis, Beatriz Roel; Marine Scotland Science: Finlay, Burns, Simon Greenstreet; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research: Vasilis Valavanis; University of Caen: Jean-Paul Robin; Falkland Islands Fishery Department: Alexander Arkhipkin. Executive Summary Cephalopods are short-lived marine invertebrates, characterized by a high metabolic rate, fast growth, and sensitivity to environmental change, which result in highly variable levels of abundance, and potentially high levels of certain heavy metals. They exhibit complex behaviour patterns and are important food web components (as both predators and prey) as well as significant fishery resources, especially in southern Europe but also in UK waters. In some respects they are the charismatic megafauna of the invertebrates. They have potential to provide indicators under descriptors 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 and 11 although existing monitoring programmes provide suitable information only for descriptors 1 and 3 (i.e. biodiversity and exploited species, respectively). Existing monitoring takes place under fishery-related programmes, specifically trawling surveys (e.g., the IBTS) and landings monitoring (DCF). Although there are generic issues with species identification, good quality data series are available for the veined squid Loligo forbesii in Scottish waters and the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis in the English Channel, allowing characterization of distribution and relative abundance over at least 2 3 decades, at least in certain months of the year. Data are also available for several other species, both from fishery-related data collection and past projects, but are probably insufficient to support indicators. Any proposed biodiversity indicators will need to take into account environmental influences on distribution and abundance, to separate their effects on natural variability from 323

326 324 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 those of any anthropogenic pressures that we need to monitor. While this can, to some extent, be achieved through statistical modelling (as in examples provided), the mechanisms by which environmental change affects cephalopods are not always obvious. New analysis of statolith samples of Loligo forbesii has helped reveal aspects of variability in growth patterns in relation to environmental conditions. Use of cephalopods as indicators for trophic interactions (D4) or contaminants in seafood (D9) would depend on instigation of new monitoring/sampling programmes to collect relevant data. Cephalopod mortality due to underwater noise (D11) has been demonstrated and the sensitivity of cephalopods to oceanographic conditions suggests that they could provide evidence in relation to D7. However, in both cases, definition of objectives would require further work and it is not obvious what should be monitored. Introduction: Cephalopods and the MSFD process Around 30 species of cephalopods occur in UK and adjacent waters, a number of which are landed by fisheries, either as by-catch or target species and at least three, the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and the squids Loligo forbesii and L. vulgaris, have significant economic value. Several other species are landed alongside the commercially important species, at least occasionally, reflecting their co-occurrence and the fact that cephalopod landings are rarely identified to species. Cephalopods are short-lived species characterised by high metabolic rates and rapid growth. As adults they may be benthic (octopus), demersal (cuttlefish and loliginid squids) or pelagic (ommastrephid squids), although most have a pelagic paralarval stage. They occur for the deep sea to coastal waters, although few tolerate low salinity, and many species, including most squid and cuttlefish, undertake ontogenetic migrations. Some species also undertake daily vertical migrations. Cephalopods display complex behaviour patterns and octopuses in particular are believed to be amongst the most intelligent invertebrates. Cephalopod populations have a high production to biomass ratio and display marked year-to-year fluctuations in distribution and abundance, as well as pronounced seasonal patterns reflecting the short (often annual) lifespan. They have important ecological roles as both predators and prey and, in some ecosystems, squid are keystone species. In addition, there is a range of evidence suggesting that cephalopods are sensitive to a range of anthropogenic and natural pressures. They are sensitive to environmental conditions, through effects on metabolism, growth, movements and trophic interactions, they are known to accumulate high levels of certain contaminants, notably cadmium, and there is evidence of mortality caused by intense underwater noise (specifically seismic surveys). The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) sets out a process by which EU Member States will achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in their waters by It involves a series of staged actions: (1) Initial assessment of the current state of the marine environment in MS waters; (2) Definition of the characteristics that constitute Good Environmental Status (GES); (3) Development of objectives and indicators designed to show

327 status in relation to GES; (4) A monitoring program to measure progress towards GES; (5) Design and implementation of a program of measures to achieve / maintain GES. The MSFD defines 11 descriptors of GES (Box 1), henceforth referred to as D1 D11. In relation to these descriptors, cephalopods have potential to provide indicators under descriptors 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 and 11 although existing monitoring programmes provide suitable information only for descriptors 1 and 3 (i.e. biodiversity and exploited species respectively). Box 1: MSFD Descriptors (1) Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditions. (2) Non-indigenous species introduced by human activities are at levels that do not adversely alter the ecosystems. (3) Populations of all commercially exploited fish and shellfish are within safe biological limits, exhibiting a population age and size distribution that is indicative of a healthy stock. (4) All elements of the marine food webs, to the extent that they are known, occur at normal abundance and diversity and levels capable of ensuring the long-term abundance of the species and the retention of their full reproductive capacity. (5) Human-induced eutrophication is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algae blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters. (6) Sea-floor integrity is at a level that ensures that the structure and functions of the ecosystems are safeguarded and benthic ecosystems, in particular, are not adversely affected. (7) Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions does not adversely affect marine ecosystems. (8) Concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. (9) Contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards. (10) Properties and quantities of marine litter do not cause harm to the coastal and marine environment. (11) Introduction of energy, including underwater noise, is at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment. According to the implementation timetable (Figure 1), we are presently at the stage of design and implementation of monitoring programmes. In relation to cephalopods, which have not previously been subject to scrutiny in this context, there is therefore a need to rapidly progress through the previous stages to allow decisions to be made on their inclusion within monitoring programmes. 325

328 326 ICES WGCEPH REPORT 2014 In undertaking this process for any marine taxon, some value judgement about the importance of the taxon is implied, either in relation to the taxon itself or its suitability as an indicator of the general state of the system. Clearly all marine taxa fulfil some role in marine ecosystems, and their ecological importance may be expressed in terms of energy flow, keystoneness, or contribution to ecosystem goods and services. Species may also be viewed as important because they are threatened, sensitive to anthropogenic stressors, typical of a particular habitat or ecotype, or charismatic. Particular taxa may thus be selected as a basis for indicators for a variety of reasons. Good indicators should meet a number of criteria, including sensitivity to the pressure in question, specificity of the response, scientific support for its validity and communicability to managers, stakeholders and the public (see Newson et al. 2009). Figure 1: Implementation timetable for the MSFD Process (MS = Member States, EU + European Union) In relation to cephalopods, here we can point to their relatively high trophic importance, their value as fisheries resource and their relatively high public profile as perhaps the most charismatic marine charismatic invertebrates. In addition, as short-lived species they can act as sentinels of environmental change, including a range of anthropogenic stressors. An essential part of the MSFD process is to identify baselines and reference points. In order to define these, we already need to have in mind what will be monitored and measured; in relation to biodiversity this will typically be abundance, range and the underlying demographic processes (e.g. mortality rate). This in turn implies that we can define the populations or management units which will be monitored and, ultimately managed (while recognising that we can only manage human activities rather than the animals themselves). The baseline is essentially the current status, and examination of the recent or longerterm history of a species may also provide evidence of what constitutes the desired (tar-

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