Stellaluna unit by Janee Lowrance printables by Ami Brainerd

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1 Stellaluna unit by Janee Lowrance printables by Ami Brainerd Optional Resources (for purchase) Evan Moor Theme Pockets (October) Bats Lapbook from Live and Learn Press Language Arts: Vocabulary Clutched- to hold on tightly Downy- soft Clambered- climbed Anxious- worried Peculiar- weird/strange Perched- to sit at a high vantage point Sultry- very hot and moist Limp- lacking strength or firmness Babble- excessive or meaningless talk Graceful- with ease of movement Clumsy- lacking in grace Muse- to ponder or meditate on (to think for a long time) Play the Bingo Game! (contributed by Wende) Simile The baby bat s wings are described as limp and useless as wet paper. When we compare something using the words like or as it is called a simile. Try to think of some similes of your own.

2 Onomatopoeia Point out that when the author adds sounds to his story that it is called onomatopoeia. Listen for these in the story. "FLUMP!" and "PLOP!" are both examples. Grammar I also used this book as an opportunity to discuss capitalization of names and other proper nouns. We learned the difference between a common and proper noun and when to capitalize. We also took a look at the quotation marks throughout the story and discussed what they are used for. We discussed indirect quotations and direct quotations and practiced writing each. Descriptive Language Re-read the first paragraph on page 4 that begins The dark leafy tangle of branches - notice the descriptive words. Ask if they can picture this scene in their mind. Have your students write a descriptive sentence ( or paragraph) describing a specific place - your backyard, a favorite place, or a room in the house. Math: Count all the bats. Count all the birds. Count all the stars on the night time pages. If you want, try estimating the amount of time Stellaluna was with the birds by reading up on how long it takes a baby bat (or birds) to mature to being able to fly. Story Problem (contributed by Denise Gregson): On the page where the mother bird returns to find the birds sleeping by their feet, it says she sees eight tiny feet gripping on the edge of the nest. How many pairs is that? How many feet would she have seen if she only had two baby birds along with Stellaluna? Or, four birds plus Stellaluna? How many feet are there in your family? Lapbook Component: Bird Math 3/4 Book Social Studies:

3 Adapting Stellaluna learned to be like the birds We adapt to our surroundings. Babies born in China learn to speak Chinese and eat Chinese food. They learn the customs and way of life of the people around them. You could use this time to discuss the Pilgrims leaving Holland to come to America for this very reason (or many other instances of this happening to people in the Bible. The Bible says He who walks with the wise shall be wise and those who walk with fools will be fools. We need to choose carefully who we are around- we will learn to be like them. Obeying Rules Reread page 13. Mamma bird will not let Stellaluna back in the nest until she promised to obey all the rules. Stellaluna promised and then she tried very hard to do just that. Why were following mamma birds rules important? What rules does your family have? Why do we have them. Notice how Stellaluna obeyed mother bird even when mamma bird wasn t there watching. Feelings How embarrassing! Have you ever been embarrassed? When? What made you feel better? Have you ever seen a friend get embarrassed? How did you help her to feel better? Also the birds felt out of place with the bats (just as Stellaluna felt out of place with the birds). Have you ever felt out of place somewhere? When? What helped you to feel better? What should you do when you see someone who looks like they feel out of place? Geography/Science Where do bats live? You will find bats all over the world! Stellaluna and her mother are fruit bats. Fruit bats are found in Africa, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Make a story disk (baby fruit bat and baby birds?) and place in the continent of your choice. Lapbook Component: Finding Fruit Bats Book Science: Sense of Smell The story says mother bat was following the scent of fresh fruit. Try blindfolding

4 your student and having them smell different types of fruit to see if they can identify them. Some to try are cantaloupe, mangoes, oranges, lemons, and peaches. You can explain that all bats have a good sense of smell and Old World fruit bats rely upon their sense of smell to find their food. Predators What is a predator (hunter)? What is prey ( the hunted one)? Can you name some of each? Can you make a chain of who eats who? Start with an animal and name some of the things they eat, then what those things eat, and so on. This is called a food chain. The Magic school Bus series has a book on food chains as well called Magic School Bus Gets Eaten. Here are different ways animals protect themselves from predators. Which method would you try if you were an animal? 1. Running away: fast animals (like rabbits and deer) can try to outrun their predators. 2. Scaring predators: some animals try to convince their predators that they are bigger and scarier than they really are. Some butterflies, moths, and frogs have special markings on their bodies that allow them to do this. 3. Hiding: some animals find rocks, leaves, or burrows to hide in; hoping they won t be noticed or found by their predators 4. Warning colors: poisonous animals (like the monarch butterfly and poison dart frogs) usually have special colorings that tell predators to stay away! When a predator eats one of these animals, it gets sick, and it remembers! Next time it sees the bright colors, it will find something else for lunch. 5. Fighting: some animals have sharp teeth, sharp claws, or sharp horns, and they aren t afraid to use them! They will attack predators if they have to. 6. Camouflage: some animals have the ability to blend in with the area around them. Many animals, like the "walking stick" insect and the Indian Leaf butterfly have amazing camouflage. Sloths are covered with a greenish layer of algae which camouflages their fur; they also move very slowly, making them even harder to spot. Lapbook Component: Predator and Prey Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores While talking about food chains you also may want to discuss herbivores,

5 carnivores, and omnivores. Herbivores-- plant eater Carnivores-- meat eater Omnivores-- eat plants and meat Use the prepared minit book to learn more about who's who in the animal kingdom. Have your student cut the large rectangle book out and fold it in half. Have him cut the three slits that serve as three peek-a-boo windows for the book. Have your student cut out each of the animal pictures. Using the information at the bottom of the second page, help your student learn which animals are herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Your older student may want to skip the cutting/pasting and simply write the answers in the minit book; he may also think of some more animals to research (and he can record those in his book as well). Lapbook Component: Who's Who Flip-Flap Minit Book Bats (contributed by Cate Proudfoot) There are around 1,000 different types of bats. -The biggest is the Giant Flying Fox. Its wingspan can be up to six feet long. -The smallest bat is the Kitti's Hog-nosed bat, also called the Bumble Bee bat. Its average wingspan is only four inches. -The big brown bat is the most common bat in North America. It has a wingspan of around fourteen inches. -The most famous bat is the Vampire bat. They are found in South America, Central America and Mexico. Blood is the only food they eat. To do this the bat makes a small cut in an animals skin and licks the blood with its tongue. The animal hardly feels the cut. Lapbook Components: Types of Bats Tab Book Bat Anatomy Minit Book Find more information- p Evan Moor's Giant Science Resource Book (Label the parts of a bat, different kinds of bats, bat book); Ch. 5 (Stellaluna) More Science Through Children's Literature by Butzow Owls If you want to learn more about owls, try this Nocturnal Animals Lapbook.

6 Nocturnal Animals You may want to discuss this idea with your child. Usborne has a good book on this in the Beginners series called Night Animals. Make a list of nocturnal animals. See link in Owls for more information. Lapbook Component: Diurnal and Nocturnal Animals Animal Nurturing On page 1 it says Oh how mother bat loved her soft tiny baby. Do all animals love and nurture their babies? Research and make a list of the animals who take care of their young and of those have to fend for themselves. Echolocation (contributed by Cate Proudfoot) About 70% of all bat species use a navigation system called echolocation (a radar-like sense) to help them find their prey in the dark. Bats, dolphins, most whales and even some species of shrews use echolocation to navigate. By sending out sound waves, created by using their mouth or nose, these mammals can "see" in dark places. The sound goes out and hits an object and an echo is bounced back. Location, shape, size and even texture of an object can be identified by the sound of the echo. Fruit bats, like Stellaluna, rely on vision to see. Microbats (bats who eat animals ~ at least for the most part!) "see" by using a echolocation. Microbats depend on echolocation to help them hunt for food at night. They send out the sound waves (high pitched sounds) and when the echoes bounce back, they are able to judge what objects (such as insects) are close by. Echo Experiment - Gather 2 paper towel tubes and a clock that ticks. Place one end of each tube at a slant (45 degree angle) against a wall. Put the ticking clock at one open end of a tube. Listen at the other open end of the opposite tube. You should be able to hear the ticking clearly through the tube. If the tubes are held correctly, the sound waves should bounce off the wall and shoot out through the second tube - just like an echo. *Variation - use large wrapping paper tubes

7 Lapbook Components: What Kind of Bats use Echolocation? What Mammals use Echolocation? Side by Side Book Art Medium Acrylics and prism color pencils were used. Notice the detail on each of the drawings. Are these illustrations realistic or cartoon-ish? Notice how the author/illustrator chose to leave 1 full page for the illustration and one for the words. Did you notice the small pictures on the text pages? Details (contributed by Denise Gregson) See if your child can determine what parallel story the mini illustrations tell (answer- the mother bat's frantic for Stellaluna); artists can tell stories with pictures just as authors tell stories with words. Your child may want to become the author for these mini illustrations and write words to go along with the parallel story. Just for Fun Since fruit bats eat fruit, make a fruit salad! Read other Janell Cannon books and explore even more science topics. Video Go-along-- The Magic School Bus Going Batty





12 Clutched to hold on tightly Anxious worried Babble a lot of talking without any meaning Limp lacking strength or firmness

13 Sultry very hot and moist Clambered climbed Peculiar weird or strange Graceful with ease of movement

14 Perched to sit at a high vantage point Muse to think about for a long time Downy covered in or resembling soft, furry feathers Clumsy lacking skill or grace in movement

15 Made for Homeschool Share by Jenni (age 10) Glue here :K\GRQWEDWV OLYHDORQH" Glue here :K\GREDWVIO\ DWQLJKW" Glue here :K\GLGWKH KRUVHVKRHEDW EUXVKKLVWHHWK" Print out riddles. Fold paper down the center on line, with bat halves on front. Cut out around bats (not down center). When you open up each one, you should have a full bat. Write answer to riddle inside. Glue back of bat half into lapbook/notebook. Riddle 1 - They prefer to hang out with their friends! Riddle 2 - Because they can't drive!! Riddle 3 - Because he had bat breath!

16 Types of Bats Giant Flying Fox REMOVE THIS AREA (Cut away so you have just a tab left) Bumble Bee Bat REMOVE THIS AREA

17 Big Brown Bat REMOVE THIS AREA Vampire Bat

18 Assembly Directions: Cut the five strips along the solid outer lines. If there is a rectangle piece in the right corner of the strip, cut it off as indicated (remove this area). Stack your strips in order and staple at the left side of the front page where the marks are indicated. Discuss each type of bat (information is found in the unit). Let your student record some information on each page of his minit book (if desired). Your older student may want to learn more about one or more types of bats. Photo Credits Giant Flying Fox Big Brown Bat Vampire Bat Giant Flying Fox Bumble Bee Bat also known as Kitti s Hog-nosed bat Big Brown Bat Vampire Bat

19 Cut out as one piece. Fold back flap up. Fold flaps around the back and glue down. Use to store your vocabulary cards. New Words


21 Cut out book on previous page as one piece (what you see is the IN- SIDE of the book). Fold in half. Cut out title and animals on this page. Paste title on the front of your book. Your student may want to add some animals, too (draw them or cut pictures out of magazines). diurnal Or Nocturnal? Help your student determine which animals are diurnal and which ones are nocturnal. Diurnal: goat, sparrow, cow, butterfly, squirrel Nocturnal: moth, owl, bat, raccoon, mouse

22 Cut out book on solid lines. Fold on dotted. Use the pictures on the next page to paste behind the flaps (or simply write the names of the animals behind the flaps). carnivore herbivore omnivore

23 HERBIVORES Elephant Giraffe Zebra, Horse Cow Deer Llama Rabbit CARNIVORES Frogs, Toads Hyenas Cats, Lions, Tigers Polar Bears Spiders Octopuses, Squid Bird of Prey-- Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Owls Snakes Seals, Sea Lions, Walruses Crocodiles Most Water Fowl-- Penguins, Pelicans, Storks Vultures OMNIVORES Many species of Bears Many species of Birds Many species of Monkeys Dogs Pigs Raccoons Opossum Foxes



26 Animals Who Use Echolocation Cut book out as one piece. Cut and paste the animals (bat, shrew, dolphin, and whale) inside the mini book.


28 Cut L-shape out as ONE piece. Fold the top of the L shape down. Cut dotted lines Fold the left rectangle in over the existing flap. Cut rectangle ( when the mother ) out and paste on the inside cover of the book. Let your student record her answers under the flaps. When the mother bird returns to find the birds sleeping by their feet, she sees eight tiny feet gripping on the edge of the nest. Bird Math

29 Cut out this book as ONE PIECE. Fold in thirds (this is the INSIDE of your book). Unfold and fold bottom flap up over the words. Cut out the rectangle with numbers (on the next page) as one piece. Glue on the front of the bottom fold. Cut on dotted lines to make flaps. Be sure to cut the flap after numbers 4 and 8 as well. When you finish, it will be floppy. You need to staple or *carefully* glue (tiny bits) the edges down. Re-fold book. Cut out cover ( Bat Anatomy ) and paste on. For easier identification, allow your student to color the parts that go with each number (color each part in a different color. For instance, for #1 color the entire right wing yellow. For #2 color the thumb purple. For #3 color the ear red, etc. Wings - covered with leathery skin; powered by large muscles in the body Thumb - very short unlike the other four finger bones Ears - bats have large external ears and good hearing Arm Bones - consist of an upper arm and forearm with an elbow between them. Body - covered with fur. Five-toed Foot - bats sleep hanging upside down, hanging by claws on their toes. Finger Bones - bats have four very long finger bones in each wing outer wing Uropatagium - the flap of skin between the bat's hind legs and tail

30 Once you get the number page glued down, you will cut away the extra part in the middle and then cut on each dotted line to make the flaps. **THE FLAPS SHOULD OPEN FROM THE CENTER (they should not be connected in the center). After you staple the outside edges, go ahead and fold each flap back once (and crease) to make it easier for your student to manipulate. Bat Anatomy

31 Finding Fruit Bats

32 Label the continents. Color the continents you d have to travel to find fruit bats. Cut page out and paste in the book on previous page.



35 Predator Predator Predator Cut matchbooks out (four total) and fold. Cut book ( Predators and Prey ) out as one piece and fold in half. Glue two matchbooks to the top and two to the bottom. It would be best if the main book is printed on cardstock. Help your student learn about each predator (owl, lion, spider, and wolf). Inside each book write PREY and then list the animals that each predator hunts.

36 Predator and Prey Predator

37 Vampire Bats What Kind of Bats Use Echolocation? Fruit Bats Cut book out as one piece. Fold right flap in. Fold left flap in. Fold in half. what kind of bats... should be on the front cover. Let your student write NO behind the fruit bats door. Your older student can write more information (fruit bats eat fruit not insects/ meat, so they don t need echolocation to find their next meal). Let your student write YES behind the vampire bats door. Again, your older student can write more information. If he needs help with his research, tell him to

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