The Fantastic Food Chain and Food Web Extravaganza

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1 Page 1 of 22 «Science Lesson Plans The Fantastic Food Chain and Food Web Extravaganza Published on July 30, 2009 by Savannah Hazelrigg Description GPS Scavenger Hunt Grade Level 3rd grade - 5th grade Lesson Objective Students will understand the interrelatedness of organisms in a food chain, then forming a food web. GLEs Identify sunlight as the primary source of energy plants use to produce their own food b. Classify populations of organisms as producers or consumers by the role they serve in the ecosystem c. Sequence the flow of energy through a food chain beginning with the Sun Depth of Knowledge Level 2 Instructional Strategies Scavenger Hunt, Evaluation Portion of a lesson Time Needed 60 minutes Materials cardstock

2 Page 2 of 22 GPS Unit Academic Vocabulary Science Lesson Plan The Fantastic Food Chain and Food Web Extravaganza The GPS Scavenger Hunt By: Savannah Hazelrigg Students will be engaged in a scavenger hunt to follow-up their discovery of the What s Eating You? unit. St covered all subject matter in order to complete this scavenger hunt. Grade: 5 th beginning of the year: introduction to the GPS Subject: Life Science- Food Chains and Food Webs Teacher Overview: This will be a scavenger hunt around the playground of Sunny Pointe Elementary in the Blue Springs Schoo Students should be put into 6 groups of 3 or 4 students and each group will be given a TEAM NAME. *Lioness Lions *Tall Trees *Ziggy Zebras *Beastly Bears *Fantastic Foxes *Handy Hawks Students will be given a clue in order to start the scavenger hunt. This will help them find their first waypoint Once the students have figured out their first waypoint they will then need to click on find, then waypoint a letter that indicates the correct answer of the question. The GPS will then direct the students to the correct location to where they may find their next waypoint clue. At each station there will be an envelope inside a plastic bag tied to the location. Inside the envelope the stu correct team name on a small sheet. This will have their next clue. Each time the students will answer questions on the clue sheet in order to find their next waypoint letter. The final waypoint for all students will be at the doors in order to return to the classroom.

3 Page 3 of 22 Timeline and Relationship to larger unit: This activity should be done after the What eating you? unit. It w for students to think about vocabulary from the unit. Location of proposed activity identification of unique situations:: This will take place on the playgrou area of sunny Pointe Elementary. Troubleshooting problems: All places chosen have been looked at carefully. They are all part of the playgr Need for assistance from other instructors/parents: I would plan to have an A+ tutor to help me out becau gated. The Fantastic Food Chain and Food Web Extravaganza The GPS Scavenger Hunt By: Savannah Hazelrigg Today you will be a part of a Scavenger Hunt lab that will review what we have learned in the What s Eating Y We will be using a SPECIAL science tool that will help you navigate around our special place to find your nex SPECIAL science tool is called a GPS. This system was created for people like you and I to navigate around more exact locations. You will be put in a group of 2 or 3 friends that will be given a team name. Once you have your team name yo first clue. You must ANSWER the question correctly in order to find your Once you have answ you will then have to search for the waypoint on the GPS 1. Click the highest button on the right of your GPS 3 times. This will take you to the main menu. 2. At the main menu, us the button on the front to scroll down to find, push the front button straight down to 3. This will take you to a new screen, you then need to use the same button to click on waypoints. 4. Once you have found all the waypoints, you will then need to scroll down to find the correct letter that ans There will be an SP in front of every letter. (This stands for Sunny Pointe!) 5. You will repeat these steps until you have completed all 6 stops! While you move from station to station, you need to fill out the GPS chart with the following

4 Page 4 of Current Waypoint 2. Elevation 3. Latitude 4. Longitude You will be able to find these answers once you have arrived at each waypoint. You will hit the upper right ha two times to get you to the information. Group Name: Current Waypoint: Answer to Question Letter of the Correct Answer N Elevation: Latitude: Longitude: Current Waypoint: Elevation: Latitude: Longitude: Current Waypoint: Elevation: Latitude:

5 Page 5 of 22 Longitude: Current Waypoint: Elevation: Latitude: Longitude: Current Waypoint: Elevation: Latitude: Longitude: Current Waypoint: Elevation: Latitude: Longitude: Current Waypoint: Elevation: Latitude: Longitude: Definitions:

6 Page 6 of 22 Omnivore: An animal that eats both plants and animals. Prey: An animal that is hunted by other animals. Carnivore: An animal that eats other animals for meat. The Sun: Plants need this to produce their own food and energy. Food Web: Many food chains linked together. Heterotroph: An organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms. Food Web: The sequence of who eats whom in a biological community. Energy: Flows through the food chain partaking in the giving of life. Arrows: Specify the flow of energy through a food chain. Consumers: Consume the food produced by producers. Producers: They produce their own food. Extinct: A species that has died out. Decomposers: An important part of the food chain that returns materials to the chain. Ecology: The study of how living and nonliving things affect each other. Endangered:A species that may disappear because there are so few. Questions: 1. An animal that eats both plants and animals. a. Omnivore 2. An animal that is hunted by other animals. a. Prey 3. An animal that eats other animals/meat. a. Carnivore 4. Plants need this to produce their own food and energy. a. The Sun 5. Many food chains linked together. a. Food Web

7 Page 7 of An organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms. a. Heterotroph 7. The network of all the inter-related food chains in a biological community. a. Food Web 8. The sequence of who eats whom in a biological community. a. Food Chain 9. What travels through a food chain or web? a. Energy 10. What is the ultimate energy for all life on Earth? a. The Sun 11. What is used to indicate the flow to energy in a food chain or web? a. Arrows 12. What happens to energy as we move from step to step in a chain or web? a. Energy is transferred to the next organism 13. Animals that consume to eat are a. Consumers 14. Plants are known as because they produce their own food using photosynthesis. a. Producers 15. A species that has died out is a. Extinct 16. An important part of the food chain that returns materials to the chain. a. Decomposers 17. The study of how living and nonliving things affect each other. a. Ecology 18. A species that might disappear because there are so few left are a. Endangered Team: Lioness Lions Current Waypoint: First Sto 1. An animal that eats both plants and animals. a. Omnivore b. Herbivore

8 Page 8 of 22 c. Predator d. Prey e. Heterotrophy f. Extinct Team: Lioness Lions Current Waypoint: A 2. The network of all the inter-related food chains in a biological community. a. Omnivore b. Food Chain c. Community d. Ecosystem e. Producers f. Food Webs Team: Lioness Lions Current Waypoint: F 3. An animal that eats other animals/meat. a. Herbivore b. Producer c. Omnivore d. Carnivore e. Prey f. Consumers Team: Lioness Lions Current Waypoint: D 4. An important part of the food chain that returns materials to the chain. a. Ecology b. Decomposers c. Producers

9 Page 9 of 22 d. Consumers e. Food Chain f. Food Web Team: Lioness Lions Current Waypoint: B 5. What is used to indicate the flow to energy in a food chain or web? a. The Sun b. Energy c. Arrows d. Cats e. Animals f. Heterotroph Team: Lioness Lions Current Waypoint: C 6. A species that might disappear because there are so few left are a. Extinct b. Herbivores c. Carnivores d. Omnivores e. Endangered f. Prey Team: Lioness Lions Current Waypoint: E 7. What is the ultimate energy for all life on Earth? a. Carnivore b. Omnivore c. Prey

10 Page 10 of 22 d. Herbivore e. Producers f. Consumers g. The Sun Team: Beastly Bears Current Waypoint: First Sto 1. An organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms. a. Omnivore b. Heterotroph c. Herbivore d. Carnivore e. Prey f. Predator Team: Beastly Bears Current Waypoint: B 2. What happens to energy as we move from step to step in a chain or web? a. It stops b. Its dead c. It moves down d. It smells bad e. It moves up with the next organism f. It comes to me Team: Beastly Bears Current Waypoint: E 3. An animal that eats both plants and animals. a. Omnivore

11 Page 11 of 22 b. Carnivore c. Herbivore d. Prey e. Predator f. Producer Team: Beastly Bears Current Waypoint: A 4. An animal that is hunted by other animals. a. Predator b. Producer c. Consumer d. Prey e. Omnivore f. herbivore Team: Beastly Bears Current Waypoint: D 5. Many food chains linked together. a. Food Chain b. Extinct c. Food Tree d. Plants e. Food Web f. Endangered Team: Beastly Bears Current Waypoint: F 6. Plants are known as because they produce their own food using photosynthesis. a. Prey

12 Page 12 of 22 b. Consumers c. Predators d. Producers e. Omnivores f. Carnivores Team: Beastly Bears Current Waypoint: C 7. The study of how living and nonliving things affect each other. a. Scientology b. Physiology c. Biology d. Chemistry e. Psychology f. Physics g. Ecology Team: Ziggy Zebras Current Waypoint: First Sto 1. An animal that is hunted by other animals. a. Predator b. Producer c. Prey d. Omnivore e. Extinct f. Arrows Team: Ziggy Zebras Current Waypoint: C 2. A species that might disappear because there are so few left are

13 Page 13 of 22 a. Predators b. Producers c. Prey d. Endangered e. Prey f. Small Team: Ziggy Zebras Current Waypoint: D 3. Plants need this to produce their own food and energy. a. Predators b. Sunlight c. Animals d. Candy e. Prey f. Omnivores Team: Ziggy Zebras Current Waypoint: B 4. The sequence of who eats whom in a biological community. a. Food Chain b. Food Chain c. Predators d. Prey e. Omnivores f. Carnivores Team: Ziggy Zebras Current Waypoint: A 5. Animals that consume to eat are

14 Page 14 of 22 a. Prey b. Predators c. Producers d. Carnivores e. Consumers f. Omnivores Team: Ziggy Zebras Current Waypoint: E 6. What travels through a food chain or web? a. Candy b. Apples c. Class d. Notes e. Fun f. Energy Team: Ziggy Zebras Current Waypoint: F 7. A species that has died out is a. Sad b. Predator c. Herbivore d. Omnivore e. Carnivore f. Endangered g. Extinct Team: Tall Trees Current Waypoint: First Sto 1. An animal that eats both plants and animals.

15 Page 15 of 22 a. Carnivore b. Prey c. Herbivore d. Omnivore e. Predator f. Producer Team: Tall Trees Current Waypoint: D 2. Plants need this to produce their own food and energy. a. Water b. Candy c. Sunlight d. Producers e. Prey f. Carnivores Team: Tall Trees Current Waypoint: C 3. An organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms. a. Autotroph b. Producer c. Consumer d. Omnivore e. Heterotroph f. Endangered Team: Tall Trees Current Waypoint: E 4. An important part of the food chain that returns materials to the chain.

16 Page 16 of 22 a. Producer b. Consumer c. Omnivore d. Herbivore e. Carnivore f. Decomposer Team: Tall Trees Current Waypoint: F 5. The study of how living and nonliving things affect each other. a. Ecology b. Physiology c. Biology d. Life e. Chemistry f. Physics Team: Tall Trees Current Waypoint: A 6. A species that might disappear because there are so few left are a. Extinct b. Endangered c. Omnivores d. Producers e. Consumers f. Herbivores Team: Tall Trees Current Waypoint: B 7. What is the ultimate energy for all life on Earth?

17 Page 17 of 22 a. Humans b. Candy c. Food d. Energy e. Animals f. Water g. The Sun Team: Fantastic Foxes Current Waypoint: First Sto 1. An animal that eats other animals/meat is a. Omnivore b. Herbivore c. Prey d. Predator e. Carnivore f. Endangered Team: Fantastic Foxes Current Waypoint: E 2. The sequence of who eats whom in a biological community. a. Food web b. Food chain c. Food community d. Population e. Group Team: Fantastic Foxes Current Waypoint: B 3. Plants are known as because they produce their own food using photosynthesis.

18 Page 18 of 22 a. Consumers b. Predators c. Prey d. Omnivores e. Extinct f. Producers Team: Fantastic Foxes Current Waypoint: F 4. An animal that is hunted by other animals. a. Predator b. Producers c. Prey d. Consumer e. Extinct f. Endangered Team: Fantastic Foxes Current Waypoint: C 5. What travels through a food chain or web? a. Candy b. Stores c. Water d. Energy e. Fun f. Rocks Team: Fantastic Foxes Current Waypoint: D 6. An organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms. a. Heterotroph

19 Page 19 of 22 b. Omnivore c. Carnivore d. Autotroph e. Herbivore f. Predator Team: Fantastic Foxes Current Waypoint: A 7. A species that has died out is a. Endangered b. Alive c. Omnivores d. Carnivores e. Predators f. Prey g. Extinct Team: Handy Hawks Current Waypoint: First Sto 1. What is used to indicate the flow to energy in a food chain or web? a. Rocks b. Animals c. Families d. Friends e. Omnivores f. Arrows Team: Handy Hawks Current Waypoint: F 2. Plants need this to produce their own food and energy.

20 Page 20 of 22 a. Sunlight b. Candy c. Animals d. Predators e. Bumble bees f. Rocks Team: Handy Hawks Current Waypoint: A 3. Many food chains linked together a. Omnivores b. Animals c. Food web d. Food chains e. Herbivores f. Producers Team: Handy Hawks Current Waypoint: C 4. A species that has died out is a. Alive b. Endangered c. Decomposers d. Omnivores e. Extinct f. Carnivores Team: Handy Hawks Current Waypoint: E 5. An animal that is hunted by other animals...

21 Page 21 of 22 a. Predators b. Prey c. Omnivores d. Carnivores e. Producers f. Consumers Team: Handy Hawks Current Waypoint: B 6. An animal that eats both plants and animals. a. Carnivores b. Producers c. Herbivores d. Omnivores e. Plants f. Extinct Team: Handy Hawks Current Waypoint: D 7. The study of how living and nonliving things affect each other. a. Physiology b. Psychology c. Biology d. Life e. Fun

22 Page 22 of 22 f. Chemistry g. Ecology Sunny Pointe Elementary GPS Routes for the Playground By Savannah Hazelrigg Stop #1 Stop #2 Stop #3 Stop #4 Stop #5 Stop #6 Group #1 A F D B C E Group #2 B E A D F C Group #3 C D B A E F Group #4 D C E F A B Group #5 E B F C D A Group #6 F A C E B D Resources None Literature links 1 Text book link(s) 1 Key concepts: Food Chain Food Web carnivore omnivore herbivore Decomposer ICE 5 Science Institute 2010

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