Cuts. (4 and 6 Gate)

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1 Cuts (4 and 6 Gate)

2 Plyometric/reactive cut combo drills are an excellent way to practice rapid changes in direction and landing stability. Variations include hurdles, ladders, medicine ball throws and various jumps. The player sprints maximally from the start gate, and must hop on one leg over each of the hurdles placed in the lead in zone. The last hop should take place through the trigger gate, stimulating the player to land and immediately react to the cutting gate.

3 This drill is an example of a sport specific passing drill for sports such as rugby. A variety of similar drills can be designed for various sports by varying rules and gate positions. The first attacking player starts with the ball and sprints through the start and trigger gates. Upon passing through the trigger gate, the player must pass to one of two defenders, as signalled by the reactive gate. Defenders can be added for extra pressure.

4 The 2 on 2 reactive pass and cut drill is designed to train passing skills and speed under pressure. : Two attacking players start behind the start gate, the first player of which starts with the ball. The defensive players start behind the reactive gates, and move in as the attackers commence the drill. As the attacking players break the trigger gate, the second player must break off to receive the pass and go through the gate. Defensive level can be set (i.e. tackle, tag belt, etc)

5 This drill is used to simulate one-on-one confrontations where the defender must turn and chase the attacker. The defensive player starts behind the start gate. As they begin to sprint, the attacking player may also commence their approach. As the defender breaks the trigger gate, both players must react. The level of defence is optional (i.e. tackle, tag belt, race to gate).

6 Double cuts are a progression from signle cuts involving 2 changes in direction. The addition of a defender increases pressure and also trains defensive reactions to attacking players. The attacking player commences the drill by sprinting through the lead-in channel. The defending player must try to intercept the attacker as they react and cut to the outside of the appropriate cone. Usually the defender is not allowed to move outside the cones.

7 4 Gate Rapid Deceleration and Back Cut Introduction A basic reactivity drill incorporating rapid deceleration and repositioning, using a 4 gate cutting drill configuration. The attacking layer sprints up and around the trigger gate, decelerates and backs through it. Upon passing through the trigger gate the player must turn and react to the appropriate gate.

8 Back cuts are an excellent way to train peripheral vision, and deceleration/reacceleration. The player sprints either forwards or backwards through the lead in segment, and after passing through the trigger gate, must react and change direction. The drill can be further varied by having the player perform a skill (e.g. pass, header, pick up ball) as they pass through the trigger gate.

9 This drill requires a rugby backline to complete a passing sequence according to open channels as signified by the reactive gates. The players start in a staggered backline formation with the scrum half 5 metres back from the first gate. As the traffic light starts the drill, the half back runs forward and picks up the ball which is placed just after the first gate. Upon breaking this gate one the first row of reactive gates will signify the open channel. The player whose channel is open must receive the ball and run through to trigger the gate. The person whose gate does not flash must not run through their gate. Once the player breaks the reactive gate, one of the outside gates will flash to signify the open channel for the outside players. Defenders may be added for extra pressure.

10 This drill uses a 6 gate cutting formation to create a specific reactive passing sequence for sports such as soccer, netball, basketball and hockey. The attacker at the top of the drill starts with the ball and sprints through the green trigger gate when commanded. At the same time, the attacker from the right also begins to sprint toward the first row of reactive gates, cutting to the appropriate gate as the first player breaks the trigger. The first player then passes to the second player. At the same time the first reactive light illuminates, the second attacker (bottom right sprints towards the second row of reactive gates. As the second player breaks the reactive gate, the final player must swerve to the appropriate gate and receive the pass to complete the sequence. Defenders may be added for extra pressure.

11 6 gate cutting drills increase complexity by adding a second reactive level. In this example, the first reaction requires a slight swerve at high speed, while the second reaction requires a more steep cut. The athlete starts on the green light (traffic light start). In this example, they must complete a short stepping ladder before passing through the first trigger gate. The first set of gates are close together, and require a slight swerve at maximum speed. Upon crossing the first reactive line, the second reaction is required, which may involve a more angled cut.

12 6 Gate Repositioning Drill (All ball sports) Introduction A medium level drill for training rapid direction changes and repositioning in offence or defence, using a 6 gate cutting drill configuration. The player starts at the cone (traffic light start). Upon breaking gate 1, the player must cut sharply through gate 2 or 3. After breaking gate 2 or 3, the player must turn and react to gate 4, 5 or 6.

13 6 Gate Repositioning Drill (single pass/skill variation) (Football/Hockey/Basketball/Netball) Introduction More complex variation of the 6 Gate Repositioning Drill involving the addition of a single skill to be performed under decision making pressure. The player starts at the cone (traffic light start). Upon breaking gate 1, the player must complete the skill (e.g. football header or receive and pass) before cutting sharply through gate 2 or 3. After breaking gate 2 or 3, the player must turn and react to gate 4, 5 or 6.

14 Offensive Repositioning Drill (shooting variation) (Football/Aust. Rules/Hockey/Basketball/Netball) Introduction More complex variation of the 6 Gate Repositioning Drill involving the addition of a single skill to be performed under decision making pressure. The player starts at the cone (traffic light start). Upon breaking gate 1, the player must make a shot before cutting sharply through gate 2 or 3. After breaking gate 2 or 3, the player must turn and react to gate 4, 5 or 6. The balls at gates 2 and 3 may be static, or may be passed in by an assisting player standing next to the yellow marker.

15 6 gate Double Cut to Shoot Drill (Soccer, Aust. Rules/Basketball, Hockey, Netball) Introduction A variation of the 6 gate swerve to cut drill which involves finishing with a shot under pressure Player starts behind cone (note traffic light start) and must follow the reactive course as usual. As they pass through the final gate, they must make a shot appropriate to the sport. The drill can be further progressed by addition of a goal-keeper or other defender and/or by having the attacker dribble the ball through the entire course. The balls may be placed as static objects in the final gates, or may be passed in to the attacker from players situated on the yellow markers.

16 2 Player React and Pass Drill (6 Gate) (All ball sports) Introduction This is an intermediate two player drill to test passing skills and communication under pressure. The first attacker starts off with the ball (traffic light start). At the first reactive gate this player must react and take the ball around the mannequin, to the opposite side to the flashing light. As the first reactive light flashes, the second attacker begins to sprint and must receive a pass from the first attacker after swerving around the mannequin. Once the second attacker receives the ball and passes through the first flashing gate, they must then pass back to the 1 st attacker, who is now in support. The 1 st attacker takes the ball through the final gate as quickly as possible. The drill can be made more advanced by the addition of defenders. Note players must not run through non-flashing gates as this will give multiple signals.

17 Serpentine

18 By adding various plyometrics and foot skill exercises into serpentine drills, performance of skills while reacting to a visual stimulus can be challenged. In this particular example, the athlete must follow normal serpentine rules (e.g. red = right of mannequin, green = left) while also performing the required skill at each gate. For example: 1st gate - short ladder, 2nd and 3rd gates single legged plyo hops.

19 Serpentine angles and rules can be varied to create a wide variety of sports specific patterns of movement. This example is especially good for racquet sports, though also good for general agility training. The athlete starts at the first gate, and as they cross each gate, must react to the following rule: Red light = cut across court for forehand/backhand shot; Green Light: sprint forward for drop shot. The athlete must then recover and sprint through the next gate to continue. The red and green dotted lines in the diagram depict the theoretical paths should al lights turn red or green, respectively.

20 The 3 man weave is used to develop team passing skills and repositioning. Start with one player either side of the attacking player, who begins with the ball. As the bal carrier breaks the first gate, they must pass to the appropriate supporting player (e.g. red = right, green = left). The player receiving the ball must replace the player in the middle and run the ball through the gate.

21 The 3 man weave is used to develop team passing skills and repositioning. Start with one player either side of the attacking player, who begins with the ball. As the bal carrier breaks the first gate, they must pass to the appropriate supporting player (e.g. red = right, green = left). The player receiving the ball must replace the player in the middle and run the ball through the gate.

22 The 3 man react and pass serpentine is designed to test evasion and team passing skills under pressure. The three attacking players start behind their respective markers. The first player sprints with ball in possession, and must evade the mannequin according to the light rule (e.g. red = right, green = left). As the first player's light appears, the second player begins to sprint. As the first player breaks their gate, the light cue for the second player will appear. The second player must evade the mannequin according to the light, and then receive a pass from the first player after passing through the gate. This process is then repeated for the 3rd player.

23 6 Player Decision Making Circuits D A D A D A Introduction This is a good basic decision making drill that is particularly useful for competitive racing and working with larger groups. This drill uses a standard serpentine configuration. Align the gates perpendicular to the usual Serpentine arrangement. Players stand in pairs facing the reactive gate in front. Both players face the gate from opposite sides, and must react to the light and follow the set rule (e.g. red = go right, green = go left). The players then race out around a cone or pole and back through the gate. As the first pair of players pass through their gate, the stimulus for the next pair of players will appear. Arrange the players such that each pair moves to the next set of gates after each repetition. For variety, set a different challenge at each station. Note: The drill can be started by either having the coach pass a hand through the start gate, or by having the initial defensive player run through the start gate. Caution: If you are going to use contact in this drill it is best to use poles to identify an area between the gates where players may go.

24 Serpentine Tagging Drill with Agility Belt (Soccer, Aust. Rules/Basketball, Hockey, Netball) Introduction An intermediate drill designed to train both attackers and defenders in sports where defensive tagging is required. Note this drill requires an agility belt (also known as evasive belts or break-away belts). The goal of the drill for the attacker is to complete the required course while trying to lose the defensive follower. The attacking player must abide by the set rule for passing the 1 st mannequin (e.g. red = right, green = left), but may then chose at will which way to cut past the second mannequin (inside or straight around). For added skill development the offensive player may be required to complete passed throughout the course.

25 Rebound Pass and Weave Serpentine (Soccer, Aust. Rules/Basketball, Hockey, Netball) Introduction An advanced skill drill for developing passing skills and evasion. Note in some sports such as soccer and hockey rebound boards may be used to reflect passes. In other sports players may be used instead of boards to accept and return passes along the course. The attacking player must follow the set rule as per a normal serpentine drill (e.g. red = right, green = left). At each stimulus however, the attacker must give and receive a pass around the mannequin or defensive player (i.e. in the opposite direction). If live players are used to assist the attacker, either one player following the 1 st attacker may be used, or two players may run in support to either side of the attacker.

26 Grids

27 Agility grids are a competitive and challenging way to develop agility and rapid direction changes. All players must react to their lights and break as many gates as possible in the allocated time. By placing obstacles in the grid space, the level of evasion and agility required is increased.

28 The 6 gate team grid is designed ot test speed, teamwork and skill under pressure in a challenging environment. For large groups use 3 colours on a large grid. For small groups use one colour and possibly a 4 gate grid. Place cones 5-10m outside the grid behind each gate. Start with one player from each colour inside the grid with a ball, and the remaining players outside the grid behind each marker. As a light comes on on in front of a particular player, they are required to run into the grid and receive the pass from the central player. This central player returns to the marker towards which they passed. Up to 3 teams can be working simultaneously on a 6 point grid, and defenders can be added for extra pressure.

29 Grid relays are an excellent way to develop speed, agility and endurance. The first player in each team sprints into the grid, and must break a certain number of gates, as indicated by the coach. Upon breaking the appropriate number of gates, the player sprints out of the grid, and tags in their next team member. The drill can be varied by performing certain tasks as each gate is broken (e.g. tackle bags, passes). A 6 gate version is good for larger groups.

30 Shotgun drills are a fun way to run reactive drills for larger groups, as they have a high throughput and dynamic nature. Note - as gates are placed in a straight line, distances calculated will not be accurate, yet still useful for comparison between teams. The first player from each teams begins to sprint when the warning lights flash to start the drill (after pressing "GO"). This player must react and run to the gate for their designated colour. As the first player passes the cone line, the next player in the team goes. The drill continues for a set time, or until the team has crossed from one side to the other and back.

31 This drill is designed to challenge team passing and communication skills. Start with a group of players on either side of the gates, with 2 balls on one side, and one on the other at a designated point. As the drill commences, a player from the bottom group runs past and reacts to the appropriate gate. The central person passes the ball to them, and then runs to the other side, and delivers a pass to a person coming in the opposite direction. The person receiving the ball places the ball at the opposite marker. The person in the middle shuttles back and forth making passes until the coach calls change passer.

32 4 Gate Reactive Rebound Passing Grid (Football/Hockey/Basketball/Netball) Introduction An excellent way to practice passing skills under reactive pressure. For sports involving hand passing, rebound boards can be replaced by players. Note for ground passing remove top segment of tripod and sink into ground at ball height or mount on blocks. Place a pole in front of units to protect from being knocked. The player remains in the centre square throughout the drill. The player must pass the ball off the rebound board and receive it back in the square. The pass direction is determined by the flashing unit corresponding to each board. For added complexity use two players at the same time, or three players with a 6 gate hexagonal configuration.

33 Reactive Grid Skill Races Introduction A reactive team grid incorporating ladders or other skill components. When the grid starts, a player from each colour must run in through the appropriate flashing gate. As they pass through the gate, they must complete a skill such as a short ladder, hurdles or jumps. They must then exit the grid through the next gate that corresponds to their colour, again performing the required skill. The grid continues for the set time and the winning team is the one covering the greatest distance.

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