Stroke Types. The stick tip starts high and ends high. "A loud note that prepares for another loud note".

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1 Soke ypes A soke ype efes o he moion of he sick o mae. A specific soke ype is used o: 1) pepae he sick o mae fo is nex noe 2) acheive a desied sound (each soke ype has a diffeen sound) egao Moions: Smooh and conneced sick moions. u Soke ap w he sick ip sas high and ends high. "A oud noe ha pepaes fo anohe oud noe". w he sick ip sas ow and ends ow. "A quie noe ha pepaes fo anohe quie noe". Saccao Moions: A sepaaed o deached sick moion. own Soke w he sick ip sas high and ends ow. "A oud noe ha pepaes fo a quie noe". p Soke w he sick ip sas ow and ends high. "A quie noe ha pepaes fo a oud noe". * Noe: a sowe empi, any moion may be deached as hee is moe ime beween each noe. ikewise, a fase empi, any sick moion may be conneced as hee is ess ime beween each noe. So, depending on empi, he sick may be in coninuous moion o may sop in moion. he goa being o sudy and pacice sick moions in a udimen o musica passage as if he sicks wee video ecoded and o have he sicks ook he same as if sped up o sowed down.

2 2 Compound Soke Sypes he foowing soke ypes ae cassified as "egao soke" ypes. he sick shoud eun o is saing posiion fo he sicks nex se of noes. oube Soke œ œ he sick sas and ends in he same pace. A fas empi he fis noe may be iniiaed wih a combinaion of am and wis. he second noe esus fom a bounce in he sick and conoed wih he finges. Whie i's good pacice o ge each noe he same sick heigh, in eaiy he second noe wi nauay have a sighy owe sick heigh a fase empi. ipe Soke œ œ œ he sick sas and ends in he same pace. A fas empi he fis noe may be iniiaed wih a combinaion of am and wis. he second and hid noes esus fom a bounce in he sick and conoed wih he finges. Whie i's good pacice o ge each noe he same sick heigh, in eaiy a fase empi, he second noe wi nauay have a sighy owe sick heigh han he fis, and he hid noe wi nauay have a sighy owe sick heigh han he second noe. Some peope efe o his moion and acion in he sick as a "decay". Buzz Soke œ z Ÿ œæ œ he buzz soke is used fo "buzz" os someimes efeed o as cosed os. he buzz soke does no have a specific numbe of noes fo each sick. his wi vay depending on empo. he buzz is ceaed wih muipe apid succession of bounces in he sick wih he sick being ighy pessed ino he head. he buzz shoud sound ike i is named...ike a buzz. he buzz may be sho o ong in duaion in each sick

3 #1: u /ebound/egao 4. w œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. #2: aps Soke ypes Execises # 1-4 shoud be paciced wih boh hands ogehe, igh hand ony, and ef ony. Sick(s) sa high and end high in same spo.. w œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. Sick(s) sa ow and end ow in same spo. #3: ps - owns. w w w w Sicks sa down. Sicks shoud eun o he same ow and high spos eveyime. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. #4: u-own-ap-p. w w w w Sick(s) sas high. Sicks shoud end in same high and ow spos evey ime..

4 2 Soke ypes #5: --- Aenaing A B... œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. Sick(s) sas high. Sicks shoud end in same high and ow spos evey ime. Sick(s) sas high. Sicks shoud end in same high and ow spos evey ime. Buzz os A buzz is aso a ype of soke. Wih each execise beow, y o ge as many bounces fom he sick as possibe. In each execise, boh sicks sa high. Afe sick is done buzzing if sick back o oigina posiion. Wih each execise beow, y o ge as many bounces fom he sick as possibe.. w z w z. ż.. ż. œ z œ z œ z œ z.. œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z.. œz œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z œ z.

5 OS oube Soke os can be wien in sevea ways: 1) a quae noe wih 3 sashes; 2) 8h noes wih wo sashes 3) 16h noes wih one sash 4) 32nd noes wih no sash. A sash is ike a beam, i doubes he speed of a noe. A sash is paced in he midde of he sem and i doesn' go a he way accoss. Noice ha each noaion esseniay has hee beams. os can be pefomed in wo ways 1) wih a noes same sick heigh (no accen) 2) wih he as noe accened 5 Soke o A egion udimen. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.. œ! œ! œ œ! œ! œ.. œ@ œ œ@ œ. 7 Soke o A egion udimen. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.. œ! œ! œ! œ œ! œ! œ! œ.. œ@. œ œ@. œ. 9 Soke os. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.. œ! œ! œ! œ! œ œ! œ! œ! œ! œ.. œæ œ œæ œ. 13 Soke os A egion udimen. œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ.. œ! œ! œ! œ! œ! œ! œœ! œ! œ! œ! œ! œ! œ.. œæ. œ œæ. œ. 17 Soke os. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.. œ! œ! œ! œ! œ! œ! œ! œ! œ.. æ œ. os esnos Band Saff

6 Singe Paadidde A egion udimen Paadiddes Paadidde udimens have a combinaion of down sokes, up sokes, and aps. Each soke ype is indicaed above each noe. = own Soke = p Soke = ap Sick heighs: Accened noes 6-9" aps 3" 4 2. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. oube Paadde A egion udimen 6 8. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ.. Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. ipe Paadidde 4. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ Ó Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. Paadidde-didde A egion udimen 8 6. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ.. Saing Posiion: ead sick high, ohe sick ow.

7 Same Hand ams 4 2. œ œ œ œ. Singe am u u. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ ams am udimens have a combinaion of down sokes, up sokes, and aps. he fam is a simuaneous combinaion of wo moions (one moion in each sick). Soke ypes ae indicaed above noes. = own Soke = p Soke = ap Soke = u Soke Sick heighs: gace noes 1" aps 3" accens 6-9" Saing Posiion: ead sick high, ohe sick ow. Ending Posiion: ead sick high ohe sick ow. Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. am ap A egion udimen u. œ œ œ u œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. am Accen A egion udimen 8 6. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ.. Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. am a cue A egion udimen u u 4. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. am Paadidde 4 2. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ Ó œ œ Saing & Ending Posiion: Boh sicks ow, bu ead sick highe han ohe sick. Noe: he fam in his udimen is no accened. ead sick shoud be highe han ohe sick on each fam. Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow Ending Posiion: sick ow, sick ow

8 ags ag udimens have a combinaion of down sokes, up sokes, and aps. he dag is a simuaneous combinaion of wo sokes; a dag/didde in one sick and anohe in he ohe sick.. Each soke ype is indicaed above each noe. = own Soke = p Soke = ap Sick heighs: gace noes = 1" / aps = 3" / accens = 6-9" Singe ag u 2 4. œ œœ u œ œ œ. u œ œœ Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. Singe ag ap A egion udimen u. œ œœ u œ œ œ œ œ. u œ œœ Saing & Ending Posiion: Boh sicks ow, bu ead sick highe han ohe sick. Singe ag Paadidde 8 6. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ.. Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. Ending Posiion: Boh sicks down oube ag Paadidde 4. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ Ó Saing Posiion: sick high, sick ow. Ending Posiion: Boh sicks down

9 4 2.. œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ esson 25 A egion udimen œ œœ.. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Inveed esson 25 œ.. œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 3 3 Singe aamacue œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 3 3 oube aamacue A egion udimen œ œ. œ œ œœœ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ 3 3 ipe aamacue œ œœ Ó 2 Saing Posiion: sick up, sick down Ending Posiion: Boh sicks down Saing Posiion: Boh sicks ow, bu ead sick highe. Ending Posiion: Boh ow (same heigh) Saing Posiion: Boh sicks ow, bu ead sick highe. Ending Posiion: Boh ow (same heigh) Saing Posiion: Boh sicks ow, bu ead sick highe. Ending Posiion: Boh ow (same heigh) Saing Posiion: Boh sicks ow, bu ead sick highe. Ending Posiion: boh ow (same heigh) ags


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