#5 Regulate the magnitude of pressure created through ski/snow contact. Pressure Control Movements (PCM)

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1 Task Level WTLF (What to Look For) Skill Falling Leaf 2 A series of forward and backward shaped #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct diagonal sideslips 1 cat track wide the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) Open hips in the direction of travel (downhill) #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation look for small movements of the ankles enabling separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body the skier to release and direct the skis forward separation (RCM) and backwards, showing the ability to balance on, and use the full stroke of the foot, similar to the action taking place ina turn Basic Leapers 2 Medium radius turns that begin with a hop #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct edge change takes place in the air, speed is the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) controlled with turn shape. Groomed Blues #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) #3 Edge angles develop through angulationa dn inclination (Edge control Movements (ECM) #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body separation (RCM) Skate down 2 Green terrain. Forward oriented diverging skating #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct fall line Diagonal movemnet, not side to side, or vertical the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) Skier has stable edged ski to move from when #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) skating steps take place. Skis are divergent, COM #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control moves over and ahead of skis. Tips level or Movements (ECM) slightly down Page 1 Skiing Tasks

2 Stem Christie 2 The skier finishes turn in parallel. To enter new #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct turn, skier steps off of, or brushes new outside ski the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) onto an edge, in a wedge relationship with other #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) ski. As turn continues, inside ski is realigned by #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation stepping/brushing to a parallel relationship separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body separation (RCM) Open Parallel 2 The skier is able to ski open parallel, 2 relatively #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct No Poles defined arcs from above the fall line and through the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) the turn. Skills are applied progressivley and #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) evenly through the turn. Without poles, the skier #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control is able to engage and release edges in 1 motion Movements (ECM) keeping skis parallel through turn connection & #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation transition separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body separation (RCM) Railroad Track 2 & 3 Skis equidistant parallel arced tracks through a #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct Turns series of turns. the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) Level 2 2 equadistinct arcs, no schmearing #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) Level 3 Able to bend the ski, not just ride the side #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control cut. 2 visable arcs. Skier's body moves inside the Movements (ECM) turn then into the next, maintaining balance and #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation correct alignment of body segments separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body separation (RCM) Additon at Level 3 to tighten the turns Page 2 Skiing Tasks

3 Lane Changes 2 A series of short or medium radius turns inter #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct spersed with a long sweeping turn across a the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) predetermined with of the trail. Skier should #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) enter and leave the sweeps without losing #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control momentum and ski performance. The last turn Movements (ECM) in the lane is crisp and energetic enough to carry #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation the skier across the hill. The first turn in the lane separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body has grip and shape above the fall line. Shorts separation (RCM) are smoothly executed and of consistent shape and radius Lane Changes 3 A series of short radius turns interspersed with #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct a medium radius turn. Skier should enter and the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) leave the sweeps without losing momentum and #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) ski performance. The last turn in the lane is #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control crisp and energetic enough to carry the skier Movements (ECM) across the hill. The first turn in the lane has grip #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation and shape above the fall line. Shorts are separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body smoothly executed, of of consistent shape and separation (RCM) radius. There are no breaking or skidding move ments for speed control, it is achieved through active shaping of the turns. Shorts line up down the hill. Bumps 2 On easy blue terrain the ability to ski smoothly #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct making short, medium and long radius turns the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) through the moguls. Active extension and #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) flexion movements, flattening of the skis for #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation speed control. Round turn shaping. Active pole separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body swing and touch allowing for movement smoothly separation (RCM) down the hill. Page 3 skiing Tasks

4 Bumps 3 Any bump slope, blue, black, double black, per #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct form small, medium and long radius turns. Speed the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) control through turn shape. Active flexion and #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) extension for smooth, seamless turns through #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation the bumps separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body separation (RCM) Pain in the "S" 3 Short radius turns on a long radius turn path. #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct Turns work to keep the same level of ski design involve the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) ment no matter where the turns are in relation to #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) the fall line. The top of the turns should be #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control round and gradually brought to the fall line, Movements (ECM) rather than shoved or pushed, the bottom of the #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation turns should not be edge sets or jammed. It takes separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body several turns to get in and out of the fall line. separation (RCM) The turn that drives the skis up hill is a combination of edge pressure skill blend the down hill turn uses rotary. Feel the pinching of the hip toward the rib cage, signifying the wind up, with your up hill turn, now using rotary to complete the down hill turn. Leapers 3 Forward oriented leg extension, originating from #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct the ankles, smoothly lifts both skis off the snow, the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) and lands on new set of edges. Edge change #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) occurs in the air. Medium to long radius turns. #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control When the skis are in the air, they are generally Movements (ECM) level with the surface, or tip slightly down. Both #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation skis leave the snow and land at the same time. separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body Skis travel a similar path in the air as they would separation (RCM) on the snow. Page 4 Skiing Tasks

5 Skate to Shape 3 Forward oriented diverging skating blends over #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct to Short distance to short radius turns. Tips of the skis the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) are farther apart than the tails when skating. Skiis #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) should ahow divergence, lifted ski should be level #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control with the surface, or slightly tip down. Skis should Movements (ECM) move primarily forward leaving a clean arc at the #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation end of the skating step. Skier should be balanced separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body and in control wh9ile moving foot to foot separation (RCM) through the entire task. Skier should show skating, blending to shaping and then to short radius turns using about 1/3 of the run for each identifiable segment of the task. Simultaneous 3 Short airborne guided fall line oriented turns. #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct Parallel Hop The pivot point of the turning skis is under the the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) Turns feet vs the tip or tail. The skis leave and land on #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control snow at the same time. Pivot point is under the Movements (ECM) center of the skis, you should see equal turning #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation of the tips and tails, vs the tails moving farther or separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body quicker. Skis are generally level with the snow separation (RCM) surface. Skis leave the surface because of leg extension rather than retraction. The skier can land on and jump off the outside ski in continuous motion rather than stalling or double pumping. The motion shows appropriate amount of elasticity and resistance of the joints. Skis are pivoted across the fall line enough to maintain speed control. Steeper the pitch, the more need to turn. Page 5 Skiing Tasks

6 Sequential 3 The skier hops from outside ski to outside ski. #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct Converging These are speed controlling, fall line oriented, the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) Hop Turns short turns. #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) The skier should maintain timing, coordination & #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control balance through a series of turns. Skier displays Movements (ECM) a controlled landing that is in balance and on the #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation inside edge of the outside ski. The skier can separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body land on and jump off the outside ski in continuous separation (RCM) motion rather than stalling or double pumping. The skis are turned across the fall line enough to maintain speed control. Pole use and timing supports continuous motion and balance. Pivot Slips 3 Skier stays in the fall line in a corridor, skis are #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct pivoted/turned from right to left and left to the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) right using leg rotation primarily from the hip #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) socket. The skier releases edges in 1 movement #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control There is some space between the feet so the Movements (ECM) inside ski can be steered. The skier uses leg ro #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation tation to turn the skis smoothly and continuously separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body vs, the abruptness of couter rotation. Legs turn separation (RCM) before the hips start to turn. Path of the feet is down the fall line even though the skis turn 180 degrees left and right. Skis remain parallel at all times Page 6 Skiing Tasks

7 #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct 1000 Steps 3 Diverging forward oriented stepping off an edged the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) and holding ski during turns. Skier maintains #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) proper alignment of body segments without #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control tipping in or over rotating. The skis move primar Movements (ECM) ily forward rather than sideways. The skier #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation maintains speed control by using diverging steps separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body to get to, through, and out of the fall line. separation (RCM) #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct Tuck Turns 3 Short or medium radius turns done from a the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) medium or high tuck. Legs should significantly #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) lengthen and shorten as the 'hooked up' skis run #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control away from and back under the skier. The skier Movements (ECM) is able to strtch and bend the legs in these turns #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation without vertical movement of the torso. Skis separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body run out from underneath the body and then run separation (RCM) back under the torso during edge change. Page 7 Skiing Tasks Skiing on 1 ski 3 Either through a series of turns or a portion of a #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct turn, one ski is lifted off the snow. The skier can the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) lift one ski off the snow through a series of turns #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) or repeatedly lift the ski at the same place in a #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control turn. The lifted ski is level or slightly tip down, andmovements (ECM) the turn shape is round. These are indicators of #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation accurate fore aft and lateral balancing skills. The separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body skier should have a positive selective effect on separation (RCM) any skill on either ski at any point in the turn. Page 7 Skiing Tasks

8 Performance 3 Round short turns turns with a coordinated effort #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct Short Radius of the legs to stretch out and back while the torso the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) Turns remains stable and disciplined. Skier's body #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) moves down a corridor vs a straight line. The #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control stretching of the legs and the forward movement Movements (ECM) of the COM enables the skier to maintain pres #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation sure on the turning edges. This allows the skis separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body to be steered back under the body after the apex separation (RCM) of the turn. Ski performance is carved as possible in the shaping phase given terrain, conditions & ski design. The line taken by the skis sends the COM across the hill at least 1 meter, consistent tempo (1 turn/sec) is maintained through the run. the skis are tipped before they are turned, skis are parallel with similar edge angles. Both skis are engaged and bent in the shaping phase of the turn. Speed is controlled through turn shape. Fore/aft prressure is managed through proportional flex/extending of all joints. Both legs rotate in hip socket at the same rate and time. Tipping movements come from a combination of inclination and angulation. Active flexion/extension movements absorb/manage pressure and support release. rotate in hip socket at the same rate and time. Tipping movements come from a combination of inclination and angulation. Active flexion/extension movements absorb/manage pressure and support release. Page 8 Skiing Tasks

9 SKIING AT THE SKILL LEVEL: Wedge Turns, Wedge Christie, Open Parallel Wedge Turns 1,2,3 Ski tips are turned toward each other on opposing #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct edges to create a wedge relationship, tails are the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) further apart than the tips, Wedge is created #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) using a pivoting movement from under mid foot #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control such that the feet remain relatively under the hips Movements (ECM) Skis bend from the center. Edges are released at #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation turn initiation using a diagonal movement in the separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body direction of the upcoming turn. Size of the wedge separation (RCM) remains consistent through the turn, speed control is achieved through shaping of the turn, not increasing wedge size. Joints are flexing harmoniously to maintain the COM over the base of support. Rotary movements come from the legs, tipping of the skis comes from the ankles and legs. Release of the edges results from the leg movements directing the COM. the legs, tipping of the skis comes from the ankles and legs. Release of the edges results from the leg movements directing the COM. Wedge Christie 1,2,3 Skis bend from the center, both edges release and #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct tips move downhill at turn initiation. Wedge is the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) formed above the fall line, realigned, matched #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) skis are guided through relatively defined arcs. #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control Turn shape controls speed. Fore/aft and Movements (ECM) vertical adjustments keep the COM over the #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation base of support. Rotary movements come from separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body legs under a stable pelvis. Tipping comes from separation (RCM) leg movements directing the COM over the skis. From a parallel turn completion, on corresponding edges, the COM is moved diagonally in the the direction of the upcoming turn. This Page 9 Skiing Tasks

10 Wedge Christie 1,2,3 movement allows both ski edges to release, the Cont'd new inside ski flattens and both skis are opened to a slight wedge above the fall line. The ski tips seek the fall line, the skis are guided through an arc. Realigning of the skis occurs on or after the fall line. Inside ski is not stepped or pulled to realignment, but pivoted under mid foot back to a parallel configuration. At initiation the new outside ski does not gain altitude. Open Parallel 1,2,3 Skis leave relatively defined arcs, skis remain the #1 Control the relationship of the COM to the base of support to direct same distance apart, corresponding edges the pressure along the length of the skis. Stance>>>Balance (S>>>B) release and engage at the same time, pole usage #2 Control pressure from ski to ski, direct pressure to outside ski (PCM) is functional, turn shape controls speed. Legs turn #3 Edge angles develop through angulation and inclination (Edge control consistently under a stable upper body/pelvis. Movements (ECM) Tipping movements come from the legs and are #4 Control the skis rotation (turning, pivoting, steering) with leg rotation at the same rate/time. Subtle fore/aft adjust separate from the upper body. Rotary Control Movements, ^ v body ments keep the COM over the base of support. separation (RCM) Alternately lengthening and shortening of the legs cause(s) the COM to move inside the turn while directing balance to the outside ski. Edge angles are created by the legs, however the degree of angle is developed by the pitch of the hill. Skis bend from the center, tails to not open to a wedge at initiation. Page 10 skiing Tasks

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