ALL NOMINATIONS. »r tlw lwr» JIK1U>* <>f the o-urt. at<kt lu«"t that hi> *U1 IV *Uk- t» "uilru«ti»u. the eovrmnr n^ipix^nl (Jtupril Lew I*

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1 ' '... - ' ' '. ' ' '. VOL. XII. NO. 49. CRANFORD. N. J., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3, THREE CENTS Chal mers^detroi t arid HUDSON CARS By far *< test Proposition for let us caflaad Donoislrate A.C.TH0MP50NAUT0C0. No. 413 Park Ave., Tel.991-J Plainfield, N. J ialiiltl»mm» GAS RANGES "7 P rom $12.50 to $30.00^ CONNECTED. No Dirt, Heat, or Ashes to Carry Out. - The Cranford - Gas Light Co m pa n y»ee»e>eee»ee»ee»e»»e»ee»eee»««.teee^ee»eee»e»eee»» " ' " ' -»» $3 AGOLITE SHOES In all Styles and Leathers can be had at T..38L Dealer in Hardware & Housefurnishing Goods GARDEN TOOLS, LAWN MOWERS, TINWABE. ' ' MECHANIC'S TOOLS. It will be worlh your time to try m«before buying elsewhere as tuy prices are low and quality tbe best. CHRONICLE BLOCK, CRAWFORD. DIEDKICH-KREIE, Carpenter and Builder. 'Ate A. BARNETT, ; C~ North Avenue, Cranford, N.J. Carriage/ Automobile and BicycleRe pairs RUBBER TIRES FOR CABRIJfcQES^SPECIALTY for th.' PU LLMAN.nd FORD Xxttert Horseshoeing Concre."Any, Design ALL NOMINATIONS Governor's Illness Keeps Office Seekers on the Anxious S^at VOORHEES A6AIN TREASURER. Senate Faila to Confirm Otorj*» L. Record aa Mambor of Statute Riviiion Commiaiian Bill to FUgt-UU Ccld 8toraga Plant* So at to Pravent Corncra In Articlei of FooJ To In* vwtigau Taltphono Cliargta. ls M< ('iiiirfiiuiiili-ni'* I Trenlon. l'fv 'J l.d.e Iw predeec**- MOW, till* fnllmll JS"*fl» of I III- ITI I'lll Bi**ilmi of tin*, Ireivhuuie' b:i' I'i.'im* uml ijoiie tt'ltii'liariilv ai',vililn«in the way of lawniiikliis iieot>ni dl>died,- The most lin'ihirlshil e.vyiil uf the week MNIS. tu<* leeleii'lun of Uniiiel S. Vooibees uf MnwK more f'aitillliirly known tlitiiiiifliiiiif tin- uliite ax "t? inde Itau," Htnte treiimirer for unotlier term of three -your* at a wilary ot_i*ii,i"m «year! Tin'' election" win l.y tin* joint llifetliik KtiiiULLinei In tin* 'us*i(*iiilily. i-linnitier. AlllioiiKb -Mr. Voiirbee* «ns rliiwimi liy a. sitrief parly vi'»><;i he.wmr liluhly emnpllnieiiliil up'in -tin* inanni'i hi wlileli \iv lind ioiidiielinl tin* olllre during liln, lai*l_4i*r.!ii >y Id* 'l>i"it.>»- trade opponeiithr^lie wa* pi:, ediii Amnutf the Inrtiii lteuih In tlie.*nippleineiitiil tiplij'o i 'i7itlou ektlmaie Hit* III** i*i»ril of Chiifii'ii l i 'r*'i'hiihlerp nomination wlieu «bo joint mei-llni; had orsmnlzed by Senator.Mill? of lil» fnunwlnk:.'ft'js.i-ilt.-tu fol* wlaie tiimpitain. *H*Mr.M,Ui for lilt' Hlatn b'.«iillnl iicn I litmi'liy lend"i' my for lljn 1 eiir of I '.'(111 (bit C'tunty itf l'nlmt,, ' of tepilll'.i.til I'OlltlM afld Htilli' luilitil county, nnd Senator.lolm I 1 :' l.'riih.e of L'liHriiili* Hivonded tin* nomination. at. Trentoii. SIHMHIli trir I'libllr ruuui. nn..' Ilixiiitiei of thin in '.nimum naa fuel of I', invli ftci.aliii for itiiliway reforumlnry, Kit.- ward, to^ talto ritert ItntiKMllutely. 205 East Brand Street, Westlleld, N. J. l-'or the'ueniih nit" ScmiN.r I.eoi'Kt* '!." (! for \lllui;i*of e*illt* itli*ii, stui^itsu'tr. V«*ry ri'itpuctfullv., -uiilkii' repalr-ed with -lniu Silver of Miililleiyx niiined VV. Kdwln Hie Siinituriiiin For Tu'lH-n'-ulnr 1>I»- HKNJA'MIN.KINU. Hlnii)» uml fii-ri'i'iilnt;., KlorenciiJ.ii former, mayor of >%*»» t'iihe«, 1! fin' tbe State, llonji* Kor o iinilon of I' i'l rt l)«rli) u"..'i"i inlliih-of linuerh ilniillfl ltnmswltl;. M*I:OIHIIIIK tin* Midjllilsejt. 'iimli's.jiiniiiiialton AHseinliiy- iilili-il' Soldier*!. at Vlnel MMl'. ' *l7.ot«' I nil Ihi' still Ii I ''I f It IT H1I\M(1 All Idl'.i* ( Irbi, $ltl,si>!l fur 1 lie Iliinie Kor Uln- 1 of Illilili'l t l,ii iild uipliali Mil.1 IIHI (I IM a I1I111I- _ '*i>t*'ii. itn moll.hi Wilbur Until linker of llmnon loniiih'iided the for inihixli'lnl eilni-ation. ^«i'f»r loud, nlrto 1 IIKIII tipplleaiinn of l'li iild iinplnili unit nni'd 011 tbe tvoik i'l*-i'u'd ' niunniir In 'willedsir. Vwrln«. *. inul Ule New.lereey Si'llooj[ I"or tin* Ivtlf. 1! O 1**111 in MOIIIH ineiino In S IIIIIKI I'1II,.il- Conduiti'd Hie ellii-e.,. '.. $!> 1,3U.'t for Inland walerwnjs nnd f.'iii, 'ovholdi r nniillnnled Iten- -o nil the lonnis and.slulu Aid roaili Mr. yoortnvs tvn< burn in Suiin-ryllio (MX) t:iml IHif «:iiiu* an'iuiint In t)ti- an.miln Kintt tin clerk tu till Ibe Mil-Itnx.term of Sll l() 110. ri>hlkii"d. ileoike at in'* and Norlli and Honlb bei'ii itpia>ed wltb oil, ril In ISS'J.-.but luif refilled ln,_\('.irl»liiwi» mull iipprojirlullou ( timulei fur «Kline.IWKI, When 11 MIHIIII lm ;-hlafutud*- Tjijwrd'nd liuike reviiliiiitiiin of rullruini «lil(li on* Kiiondi'il Ii) rri'.'liolili'i a\ 1 pint of Monti'iilti uveiinn bavliik li'id llm it ml iipidlim* lly lived In. KHZIIIMHI). and hit began 11 nd cannl proi» rly In ineorilaik-t* with rimlek life Helling newspaper'' In Hie KlbciK a roeomineiiibitloii In Uw ( ovpnior's It VIIIK <ir<1«-n*d Unit ttn«dlrootor floll of oil nsl a Imllot und 11)1011 hfillot In-lnu LEONARD ATJESR'» belli railrimid station. Me x ien( thirty- ltcs >im IfullV hiilinillleil,.ml iti<* Dlre<lor dm lari'd that Henlumlti Kiiu Han dulv clei tml ili'lk Biiven yearn In the roiinty eierk'h nllleti AlloIlliT nttenipt to null tbe lelij.iamkh W KINK, -' 122 Broad Street, ELIZABETH, N. J. of Mnrrli fcnntv, lieulnnliiif lir'lsto an ency of (lie trilsth to l<ee]i up I he blicti fur tbr balaine <>f tin* lexnl ti'iin limpeolor. On inotlnti nf <"riinh'ili er riinllli lea <lorli, I lien belni; proinoted to <leputj, uml lu IStis wan eleeied lounty M}. There (nix been n itrov% Injf iwntl ttiaubs for tlm liotnn ronfened npnn lt> tltu (Ymimlttno on Cuiuuy eohl nf Iliini* WMH innde In the a*m*!ii" 'tin*. Ifrl, brief!) 1 <-tu 1 n**il liin ( <lved and placed on II111 Ludies will find these HIIOUH uro purfefulittuih. A good i iml- ^ clerk. At the end of his term lie wm mem aiilmik tin* H'iiple Dial till* In him KIIUIM ity of stock ia UHed in the uppors mid SOIUH, unit \vu giinniuteo 1 by an Ineivacid nuijorlt} ereanlntc <><M of f'»ml U due tu llwthn oath of offiie «.ii tluni niluiinto him by thu Director. To thn Hoard of ('lioneii Krt'uholdurs them to do the best of servioti. I There nilv n Ihelj tieniliitf befurt* fait tbat inlllloiih of dollar* ot food nf tlio County of Dillon Itrport* of C>mnnllt«MMi the Innihe i ommlllee on mllltln on OtulTn lue Moled lu eold HtoniKe war*- (liintlomon Your t'nmuilttvu ott To th<* Hoard of Clioien Kreeboldi-rn >»» - - -»- - -» Captain Vredenbur«irK new lueiihiiri* bouat*h for the purpose uf reatlnk a of the County of Union, County Itondd would renpecitnll)' m-. to fori'e Hie retirement of the older acarrlty of niieli arlli-lmi. with the «criiinpanjlint liicreaw In, thrtr coat. 8ki 19Q» I have ln*e«tl*tntrd HHO cases, <)«*ntlen»m* Durlnn Die year nf port that thny havo carefully Inokuil officers ot the natlunnl KU.ird. QliarlernuiMler (ieneral C IMnard Murray ap- Mr..lumen nf llwliioii Intuduced a bill There were 12(1 deatha frum,.rail- after thn repair* on tho comity maiu Ty m BLHtBIB, during tho period from.iftnnnry I, pen red lie fore the uniiinlllee with a for tin* reuulailon of tlnjtold atonati roads. trolley cam. automobile!, i«u», to December 31, IO0U, ami substitute measure ublth piuvldu* plnutm. which provides A t all goods ilectrlc iibocka. falls and drowning, that they hav«kept th«nuinii In as tbat all ofllcera of llm i?nard mm»ifbtorwl In HJU'II wurplx^fcs snail be ind if,<i deaths from natural causw Kood condition an tho funds at th«lr dor nlxry jenr* of u«e (hull at Hlxt.vfour <journ be* examined Tiy a court year Irvfure tin* xauie can be received. tlons allowed, thn «um of $30,- bnimbil with tho date 11OT month and Six cases were referred l<i tho Coroner. dlspoial permitted and have axpnnd.- _ SEEDS. - ' HOREBN WIKE. ad thereon, out of tho appropru- CROCKERY, POULTKY NETTING, niartlnl ait to physical and inenlnl attainments nnd If found deficient Hhall warvhouht* man nhnll not allow them _ County I'liyalclan. K. K. ADAMS, ' UnleHH all BU(h (fixxix are branded Ibe KKANK WK8COTT, GLASSWARE, AGATE WAKE, bo retired. L'nder tuirh u law tin 0110to tie taken from the warehouse. Tbe ~On motinn**tif Krwholdor CIad«1< 8. P. T, WILUDIt, would be retired for tlio next term fond or KOOIIM Include* any artlclu uned for food or drink by man or To the Board or Choaeu Freeboldora 1'. F, MKIflSL, recelred pud placod on file. fl. II, CL.ADBK, ' live years, nnd General Murray teed It would cnuxe no xucb disturbance lu the ituunl as wan rained by tbe No good* shall be kept In storage long- animal nnd every Ingredient thereof. of the County of Union. MB, aebtlomen Your' Corotnitteo on On motion of KrHflholdW Uarliy Soldiers' Uouninents makos tbo fol-rocolveowing as Us report for the year end- liy ConiruUtB** to Settlu with C'mm- jiud placed on D\e. law which the court of crrnra" recently er than»u months unless tbe "tat* r declared unconhtltutlonal. EnnieflUj board of honltb give* parmlastou to ing December It, 1901): ty Clerk: tbe Kenernl denounced the entire retain it for another six months, bat We have spproted, on thn ntcommendatlon of General J. Madison of (ho County of Dnliin, To the Hoard of Chniwui Kreuholdors, scheme' to forre tbe retirement nf milltln,ofllcern. When url.ed by f'olonu 1 which nuy food shall be so stored. Orakn, county aupervlaor, th» imr- Qcnllomen Y( ur COHIIIIIUVH to onu year ahull bo tbe full tenn for AVnlter Edtfe If bin proponed Kill \*,n> After the Dr-tt- alje months. If no extension Is allowed, the goods must or funeral expenses of~(lji^4fairt««n putitfully nrport that ihu rocelptu of ment of 135 In each case for thobetllii with tlio County Clerk re»- not uncoilhtltutloual (lie (.'enerat promptly rutortcd, "VIM. nud no In tht-sold nt publk* auction within sixty soldier* and sailors as >- followx: tho offlco from Xovmnbur 10, 100)1, Vredenburi;h bill." day* unless tbe state board of bealtb Eilxabeth, 5; Rahway. D; PlalnMeld, touueniiibar ill, I901IJ wero , U WeaUcld, \; Jpringflfleld, 1. ahull consider them unfit for sale, Uwn und the c«pnn«;n ut said OIBCB from In blh cnpaclty m nil"»ttl"**r nf tin they shall U* destroyed. Tbe slat* The supervisor, whose duty It IsNoveinbor 15, IDfff, to Decumbar ill, national guard ABHlmant Atlornei to investigate cases of this character, 10X»», w«ro 11,483, board of lieullh 1» given superrisloti General Nelson B. Ciinklll H(H)IH> foi has disapproved five appllcatlona for.itbapottfuliy the VredVnburu bill, wbti h lit* pieplii 1 over all -ttornge warehouses jrtmr this relief, having asoertainod thai fl. I 1. T. Wll foodstuff* may be stored, and shall (be parties named by tho undertaker, AAltON 0. CUANB. ed, "anil innlktcd rt-but Jt^iouhl iiu-ei nave tbe power to'"inspect eacb warehouse. - Warehouse men most report._ Committed. who presented bill*, left, mflldont, WII-WAM II, OARttiOM. tbe objection*! of the court to tin* original Vredenburg ad. Altlwu^b tbeirery three nwntbs all goods In stor- On motion of Freeholder, committee decided to hare a further bearing nut wwk^ Ii In understood tbnt a niajorlty of Its membcr* are fit fa^or of rei*ortlng tbe Vredeiiburn bill fnvoraply. The ex M!Ct«d nouilnatfons which Governor fort announced last week he would send to tb«senate tbu -week were not forthcoming, and those who.hare pluces on the anxkrtw seat'will hare tu occupy th**n^-for another week at leant The K«venror'hns not been to" tbe #ttttebou»e since be left hia of- Bee here last Kriday. lie f* condned to.bin bnine In Eusl^ Orange by a severe cold, althoufdi there Is notblnjr«eriuas*'in bin condition, H will there* fore be next' wirck before tbe sus* peium>1> tbe appllcanu-for the places will be over, Tbe Menace failed to confirm two of the iioininatloiw -wjilclt the executive seat-in 1 last ilonday 'night - * - i^.- i^curd at UUdsoti to be a.,_,-. the connaiiwlon to'revise -tb^p jitatulm.of Jbe state and Jamew dark td- be judge o(the district court ofi North' HwlnoiL -Tbe reasons given tor the; action lit llr, Benttd's ease Is ed.with. tbe BtBiiipn.reformer. Mr Halt. *w«i not hai) lh«*»h«.h I In- nir Art' <<>rnv«**l and that»r tlw lwr» JIK1U>* <>f the o-urt an>*jr»ic«""»!>. ' in- i-.ii.! ut*..* in lhnv jtml Hint.I!IIK>»I I'lwr nun of ttiutthii thi'fx-iirtisr «uy MKIH'^K m >»< ihfvlhtn "t thi» _\J-r Uun.\in*r>*. rut*»> f..m>"ii I" ulmm-rt"*~til» a i X>lnUumt." lte fiirnt»ti *u,\ -. <i at<kt lu«"t that hi> *U1 IV *Uk- t» ]>.i!nmiii»ir\ hullil t'urk'* < v H< tit** "uip Vtrt. uli'ir il <<i tri;i- "uilru«ti»u. A»trunE effort to hriug nuide tu hair \lr KVftr! tj<sinirr«dse ««pi'rint^mifiu i.l -t!i«h(»{ iin*,.,imiu>-,tnd the eovrmnr n^ipix^nl (Jtupril Lew I* T. llrymit u-..muiliwi.iiipt or l*tx>r >*)!<*f '!" "1 -Hi' lii lui-'l wllh llir.\!nr«r itrlt'itntltxi >'f lillxir utra fniia sl.lft^ ln>uil "I itltuattuti il 11n 1 - iinti* Xi'nntk \t<ititl Ihf stuti'lumw nu Moitiluy ttii *»**-»l» llvtu"ll»! It lint itlliv ii }fdr tu» < I lie tirtffiiiir in lh-halt uf (u I^IIW nr IIHI ft*»l«t UI«L»t ite lmt«inl In 1-vt.iuinL'i,; mil!» > I-IIIK tin* *n»ciml Ml Hrtuni, Imt >iwlui: tn-the ipitvvb' or*f Illnnw tin-) W<TV im.imi- to w«htm. Srxi'rnl <>ihi-r >lcl<>kittl»ii!t tmtti-ntliik "f pnnnliifiit.-nuvnt uf vttuu tu* City. C!t*tir-rtrt ltrjant'n liomr. *" iik'ii fuutr>u'<l in ii illiintiir» >i<'»i>rk uml fiii ili>_mt>< iif tutnir in\i* TtHltnr Ti'ciil>*ii»II tin 1 wtiiii- vrrainj. Jt«*puMlriin leader of tin* luthhlutikl a r**]*iliitlitu prt*\idiiis for tbe niipolulinent i'f a i"ininltti>r ti> lu- M'stlKiile the nnitter of telephony ratf"*. It U ehnmnl Unit tile I"H- ehapsml t>y 'mid itnrt then 1 JIV \jtrlniu pbn«**»»f III.' Ker\ln* It tfenderx tin* pn-hlle w!il*!i eornitod If poxxlble. 'rtie ri*wi t,ithiii >VUH referred to tut* e.i.»iniiiitti*e.i»u mil Illrjpilt i-ol'poriltllill**, >Vil l power to ll}*' v^'miimitt* the uintiit and re *or*. res'* iiniun-nilatloiih In llm limiw. In i'oinp Iii iie wlib :> renohitum (ww lit liy tliii last leklsbitiit*." Stat«> Couip tiotler Wiwt Kent in tin* twohnuw* hint iilitlil 11 siiiiieilieni innimiriiliiit tb«* n.«.'vl ftn nud' i*s M'iidltnre«or tli«state for 1 In* i'liiteiit yenr. In wlilfli hi* itslc ed for..a BUppUwieiiial uppri> >rlntli>n-»r JI.'.W.KH.OK In wlilili 10 i-iirry out thn vi'iir in addition to avnilnldt* fund" age to tbe state board of bealtb, all goods on band. euu Liability cannot be emt'apml by storing first In one warehouse and. then In another. Makes It a misdemeanor to violate soy of tbe provisions) of tbe act;.mllls*-* ( >.li.litii-» lu Illi' rll i*«\tr M* rni Vu ttr^i^t».iu 111* 1 in i t«*iintn'*' i *.'tiip iv rale 1 ' am pi 1111 *ir tilmu- fur Hie (» «' ; f -.ltijejtiin: IUII' f"t iiii>ll< titnl f^'riii-i'iiiej Itie'siime In i>1tiel iniuili tpil fh"li»rnlli>'i*. uml m.i\ Nine»uil< ni*l e\isti1tiii xjinmai fi>r I bat Mr White I'rn*!.! - f..i the di-«trni mi "f tit«lii.n J l'minl\ nf,"*» 1 i-ntu» -» h j-.-ri.jii i.-r..e Ii tinttl, Ullliti JfficUl Minutes7of the Hoard of Chosen Freeholder*. Ailjau'rnod" iniflilig of-ilie rnloli 'outily iconrti of 1-VwtinUli'rK tiiild n Kriitiiy, IVfombcr ;> I. l',i«u», ill,i>\ V- I". It.d! tall Kuotttit. Hi- following i!*>nith*ra pr.-8i-.ui.; l)ii'.*i-t<»i' Kini;, 'rwlmlder' Adam». ilvlvi t'lndeli, fratir. Ha**), IIORIII>, lliirrlwiu, layllind, Ji'iinen..IOIJI*H, Miullll, I.'U<**). l'«-rr>.' Itolilmin, SiiTItli,. Htepan and Wilbur is : Absent Krt-eholdei. 1! Kti'itM' and On nuilifin of Freeholder Old)' (lie i>hlmt<> "f tin* inxellns of llecemtier».».-i*' im read. means to par tor burial. > Fourteen granite monuments w»r«erected at Hillside Cemetery, Malhffiid, during th* year, and tbe Board baa ordered the markte* of sixtyseven (97) other grsv&ijto various cemeteries, applications Tag tbe same baring been mad* by nesmpf kin in each case. The new moniraenur, to it K'ep in th«_i>«iii«ittirl<*a of t'iiion nmutr. dualgnajinii «ravi>s t!\.,i. nr«marked mid unmarkwd Ttin tik-mtienla will tx» hlatoiiral as «cll is \aluhbld fur r«*t*renr«. Your rnnimlttpfi rwontly a>l<lre»sid 'aril bos Id «f freeholder* In tlui iruie :t tvi>e»nlleu rtrrulnr rallnik' «Hi-111 Ion to t!t<> law 11m kins It Hi.. Imporatt*..* duly of oil rmuilles In iii-l minitmii'iilit markiiifc Ihn nrum'«f (ttt lun\ointih illin-luirued noldiii.. aallin<< and innrliii'h «lio M*itnl In the urni) oi' uiiw of I tie I'nitnl sute» dit il»< l»i» rebvlllun v, ir!.iiei M.IIS, Ihr t-npi-ntmir bavliiii -1'inirli'd Hint lu ii'llnlll ronntlei' - iol«bl\ K*i*i*v, Middlesex. Sniiini net md Moil Is. tlio uriim-x nf ttie 1'nluii ii ui the l.m (tiuimnndh Wlilltt rnion roniitx li.i^ atu'aih maikid mm i;riii>im of -iohlli'ii fnuu nliroml irmiklit wittiln lt» jnrlmll<.'lb. i i.u nternieiit, nnd will lolillnlln the >iled t.titk until (oliiplnle, other I.'H IIII.MI failed to eompl) wltli pin.illullh of the hiw In pnyllik (lili* [ilbnlo tu our de.ul hero*** I'nilliii luil> l» (III* tin 1 I'HKI' In Ml OIlM'l ['eineteri. near I'.llinbeifi, and tin 1 'ililiolle iemetei\ neitr Millinili, In 'i*x V lonnlt, In lintelunnd 1'eni. ery. HIIIUMIV. Mlildleiox iiimi j; and. 11 rniiii rery in Sin (Ii I'ljin it'll!, S<HUl>r»i't. <-lullil*.i Ill Wtlllll lual lenrh two liii.ndied Inlon.mum iraven.. IteKpiietdillv niiliiuliti.1,.1 UKitviiv no \\i; JOHN,V.I'AI)\, JOHN' If. STKI'H \N. Tn'iiiminei's on Soldi, i-* Mnnu lieiiln; '". On iijiiiloii i>f Kiiilioldei UIII1111 dv'ed und plm-i dmil lib* To lite luuicd.of Clio^en I'I «t. ioid**l 1. of tlm.fonnl y of l! n oii Ui'iitlvmcn I'll" nnil.'i'.kii"d ivoujd rei* iet'lfullv* niilnnlt tu \'JII. lioni'irable tmily the follimliik lepoi'. The Olipnford!} euborm him. ' Haider agra tbat cost $ each, are to be of the Among tbe otber bins Introduced In beat Quincy, grajilw), eight Inches tbe senate were: H. ^_ hick, twenty Inches wide, sjul.-«et Mr. WUson-PerralU tbe sal* pf liquor on Sunday la botels and. eafes exposing stone nine Inches' above the In the ground to a depth- of, two feet, where,raeaj» are nerved, where author* surface at lowest' point, showing a polished beveled* top,-on which will l&a by* tbe local governing body of be plainly Inscribed the, name, rank, National nyviunu'lpflllty iii.tbis statsv oommand.~n.and dates of* birth; and to t A Atlantic, City but oilust year death of the dead soldier. Your,»iv - : ^. : ^ tnd toe Raines law attttute of Newcommittee hopes to awatfd tbe eontract of these, stones at as early day, Mr,, Wllaon-Approjiriales tbe muam lhat they may be erected.before the coming Memorial Day. at ttojoooto be aptwrtloned by tbe CRANTVRO, N, j. Mate bureau of shell fisheries for tbe Yen* coountttce accompanied the purchase of sbells and otber suitable supervisor on bis»l*tts to most of nabttaiki!* for tbe natural oyster Ixtfa the auneterfes Jn.the coairty, in his OFFICERS. search for unmarked. graves, and sftbe'ttato. (datae and fi*b.x were pained to And many, In a sadly TH08. A. SPEBRy, President. Concurrtnt resointion K0.-2, by Mr, neglect**; condition; w»;atso found Leayltt.' Request* tbe senators and numerous stones erte&ml' by the iepremuitauve* ift cougres* to approve county, Incorrectly marked,,and,<ltt, G. M. HENDB1CK3, Cwhiefc tbe bill now^peadftte; ffsiffan* '-U &ione Inatanrs- two, coanty^atone* on. tvrvhrlna' otacea of the civil wax on~i>n» grave, -' and on, several ouiera the rettrea list:-. ', ' '' foura eoantr stone an*a a Oovernboard a? Inios; rsrt, «*»»;'rsik aid, «omnii,. tteiaat^ <rf b r&^ndr!d?aui of at. soldiers and saikirs aleeolng (heir

2 ' '. ; «,'.., , :, -. } ' >*> THE CRASFOBJ) COT^ T^ Wb»t floctrio* BlC'Bt. < ~"i*«e.' cird. '.*» f-,-'-!'> < f EDWARDS.. >< ' * '.11. rain of --t.' QutUing her bold on Costa. Belinda start* to her feet, and ataads upright and determined before AagBstu»; her small child"* face flaming red a* any pomegranie Sower. "Mr. Jones," she exclaim*; "if I aaked you to give Coata two'franca''.worth of macaroons at this moment. 4o yon mean to tell me you would not do It?" "I should prefer giving the money to the Drat worthy object of commiterstibn Who hsppened to pass along the-street." Mr. 'Jonea answers, didactically...' '"Will-you give Costs one franc's*; wsrlh"or fisamroonih- now,- tels -Hf-~ HACKED BONE. Bone backed from the bf ne : U you- ilkk El'lTAl'H. h^-rrimwii] In flood And Mr,!Jt>n«"«d<>*» not b4ar beat you are pretty good at it th«r^fi-wrcauiil&nd lirtimn* :i'.:i In «jn>. "Captain TVmt kii'i* wl.iit ymi rni-an gracvfully. Hy!h«llmo theur reach f -I never heard of feeding a dog WIi will be In acales, lor )oliir bat'rhi-t Our tli«m»/«ro'>n chop Mr. Jones I* In on macaroon*; I.think It a deuced I' lini!.c wrute two eoa^mrsil will cut molt eaally Ise of 1 -' "/ : v'4-v--'-y :!" «ht. "j a *tat«of evaporation rldlciiloiu waste of money," stutters bone. Better to have lt"«j! 11,<.*«:use bid them neatbf'is;-.... >. ' ' 'i^" f i j ^ j,.; ( Hnr. wvi^t.. lit- iti.fam? only and anathf>matlif«th«. f Junes, wlthont offering io pot hi* ( crosswise of. the bone 1!. : -' They tound anrigat^-js'; wi'il, «nil.r<ij'tirlnk with hot in»nt. irenery,.peopled all In the tery hand Into hla pocket. "I ran be a* }~llome Jonrnil, f^pr h* r ( UKII» 1T I rcm-knny vernacular, and with liberal a* most people, Miss Belinda, tbe.'mgllest. rotkney'lgnorance. on the right occa-slon*; bnt If I have -V* lh*' woman, 'heath tmi»;.*'"; t *uti h'«t mild, of IS! -»*l'''» "' i'».!jrk..." '.- " "Hi' Is borrihly, hnrrlbly vulgar!" a predilection, and a very atrong on«, th«- N'-w Y.r. i >u>i 'Mi, nf roiir.m-! *><-lifmt«., thinks flfllnda, a* ahe tdtes her macarnnna and Klaiii'n from beneath her and (till» aecma to be that a no* i»'i too. It's.. agalnat. seeing good money The difference bet»t'ec ^grd FOUI "mate, and I mourn het-r *.»<> mutt 1! Tnrf.t ii davc»i'li tin. ilmi;. hfiwtid drawl that Irwa»ted." '..-."..*. -Lur'1 el.lon. in. the Xew YorkT j; ;;, M, >J*u+»«" Millridii io stub di'#p*'ratl'in crt lathe* at tho d«wy, blistered, Dflllnda looks at- him, from hi* year* old or more Is fully maturrd In "i iluiil fur «nmin'lh HH-»II-that iikih'iulio-kflrn'1 face- of her com-mosquito-bittepanion "If mnrnroonn. wero only tip* of hi* Ilond *tre«t boou: look* farrowing much larger piss than <i SALESMANSHIP. -.-'... :;-lu" Mr«o:nin-a. tiiidir tiii'n." "ir any «th- forehead down to the and eaally k«pt in «w>d fl^nll. usuad. I! utiajiiulili' througb any other means!" at blm with those clear eye* of.<bert, gilt. She l» a much better nurkli-r "I)r'J!uiin( ; r«iiscd to Belt goods by" "i if (ircutiikiaurf*,.wmild a* t Mh4*r- " A C'II.I. I'"' 11 Which thny at* not, " And the mac-noar.rioiia j»tv «up» i r-«i< - *llent, frosh morally through and through. pigs get a better start i-arller In llff is Ktrlcily I;ii«tnes8-ljke these days,*. ^^ only up and down bodily, but and gtvea so much mof nilk that ihu 'telllni; funny stories. But everything,; :.. "' U(EP.jlinn with lln) most ladylike pn>ikht, irii.lj HUH.. w)ii-ii (iih! consider* arl in f<-.f«inadn thlh moriilng, and after the th>\ rhilai imi.k»- It vi'ivililfjc. Mlaa lti-undii.!lit<r«in no "Oh! I undernta'nd, I know now and thua grbwntv rapidly, making "Yes," remarked the traveling*; r : creht «nndf-r in ( : n» rump a vanilla Ire and a hf'ialn TttuuU* bft[i- why Costa hated you from the first; gain* younger Ju lit 1-1 Karm^rj sali'snian, "we listen to 'em now." ';-..;. i( uirir"" to Irani hi thii ami I It Of «rrram and more macaniima' And Jh'-n of m generoua a a predilection, you «ay, 'tin nxnlnut Dog* are not such fool*. If you have I-iMilsvilli! Cuurtor-Journal..'.: _»lth M I'mim-, and in 11>fM j»wtt<iilhr dlntflit iff i in «'nuth ill I'rstiif, J«i»( at tin. ti'inptr In Auicmiuii this afternoon eelng good money wasted. Jt I have. SFXMNO HOGS, i AFTEK-KFFKCTS?--nET IT PAS^pj.t I' M< irrjn < >;' IH 1ri, I'll lin,i- when Mr» O'Klii'H ninl I)t:r malii ihcnthi'v iidjourh from th* shop to a predilection, and a Vi»ry ulrong one, It has been demonstrated thnt sell- i Owns- "I am really bothe lm i i<-u to Iravi 1! i>"n-, ICMJ!" '.' (hi' r.-fri uhluk shade of th«awning too, 'IIn wasting It, Money huh! Ing hogs at eight and ton month's old i iiiore.-hy -tin. aftor-effects of my v lllwas by the disease Jt» 7 '.rptr hl!l! 1. ijj fvr ' i! r *. < r»1* t ill«mllv, hl«lone, (I,»uddcn " and Belinda la told to call what Is money? 80 many d(rty blw and cattle nt one and two years Is \ ni-si* (ban I Illl- lialtim It ill. r V > ft OIlviof ' If 1 '(.fimight - If I could BM.irhtfiR r<'rnim(i irniim» 'if rerlaln for w list ever. <i drink *he of sliver, stamped with. -- thin head <>r....,, the nio»t profltab!o< way to dlapoatf of. ImiiUimup 'Hlluslima In morn- than i Frunklin "Why don't yoii'.settla i "; TwI, it-in!» 'i. 3:,lhR li!.'.,- lif-d cm- of' IliiRf'a ri-'i-nl Irtu-r*. bring ; th» iliirtcir's.l.illl and have dons with,* ' lii.llnda flout Hiiffpli'lofi to riirtaluly.' It?" ljoston Transcript..-.' :''.; believe nf HM,,.: nhotl, liolh miiiliiirni fl>l< HK)>I iliiirliid, her ll m set IOKKIIIIT Ilk*' «And I am no inoro likely to chan^o j»tock from which to' supply the ever.vatb. such a beautiful, black eyel'* x, thp C.'ttristia'i fn.m Itinil f 11 r) >. In my oplnlnna than you aro In youra. 1 Increasing demand of both cattle and aski'd Hrown'ii friend.' '...,.. ;<;';:. lht> i<ut>!ieity.«hl>"h.ti>.'*"» ' unit. "If > l _. COllld tir>lim'<l. (llht two aood-byit, Mr. Jon«8' v '. j hogs? Farmers' Home Journal.."Oh." rppllfd Brown, who had nn»' tirmkii tit> ti («o ilh who lovid' cr»rh oilier Iti.their She turns on her heel and walks lnlentloually been Illustrating the fall borne*. off; Costa, his head well «rert, as nalan'ced HATION WITH S.ILAOB of man on roller skates, "I raised Its.Ihu lotnnmic "Kttiry lif-fiirn llil»?--lf til 111; anil no» drowsy hour glldn* though h«felt hlnih.'lf master of thx Wallace's Farmer says that the from a slip." Everybody's -Magazine- In NVnr York tbn inllk rtralfrt»') yi'u. toylil in'lli'vd Hint tw'i way, Thi'ii the mm slips westward BltUHtlnn. at h«r side. profit In'feedini? corn gllsrin-dependa who wi-rn In lorn with i'kcli noted thrlr ulllnr [>iif* (,i-<- r< lit.» behind thn toppling old scarletroofed, many-xorled hbii»e» that III. i *nd says: Tlin best balance we know much upon the other feed with It,. KIND HEARTED JANB.^;, ' h it'.iiio ilofrii "r IIIOM. y^nrs IIKO, yvtitv quart, nhd tail of diet. In a fniwl In ninii) nnd lii\hnppy at lout, form )hc mmilio»rd iif St, Joan de Lut,, _Si!wld«I. IJght I?f for KHiigu la cloyor or alfalfa hay, linrst of.k*u**roiu!),!t:*y jhi»lint He'll?" u«k» Ailgimtus. "Mr» 11 ml comparative (fnolnitss begins to 'Jir farnirr to t> ( oar-quartf i of» IrMb.ra'ii marrying'.attain would not an <le hut is uwok'unlni; j.lii fact, w«do not know any kind of m'akn Haiilf fell In Ih'i»tf«iot». - c*ot< Hut r«>n «t»l(!i! II-JK. <ll.'«idlirlfrr with your/life nttich, a* far Us afternnon tilesta; by the time, an > balanced ration that can be provided "And I inual b«off," anys llollndn, BB I tan urn 1." /. hour later,-that tho I'nrln trnlri arrives, every nook, every corner of thoi t certain extent feeders' of other cnt- [ IO cheaply for dairy farmers, and to thp I'blladi-ll'tila Ur-nifd,'..thi> tnllk. Jumiiltig up (in the fuiekitrif tho town "If Itomi -iiitf'rles a<tnlii I -».wenr utrlk'i flvi 1. "Wo nr<i nil In fur 11 «orpur«tlonsi }*!(! t«-n»nd li)ti-f n. ji«r quaint little llatquu town Is' full (if f-lle.ln'the corn bolt, ns frotn thlrty-llvo nrver tu speak' to hit or to h«'r hu«- rent tilvltrn'k «n-i ()» Mt:r innirn innli'h ni tu 1'iMini" paum na noon as iho sun *i of I If i! nnd co lot,.., > ;o forty pouhdr. qf sll.isn ami-, about i intul wlilltf I llvt«," (ili'h l!i>h iidn iutn- H off I hi. upp«r uppor 1'iace.".. '".. them >alll irt^jd tllrldrndi on a ri d-. ^<'Bliii>ii«l.v: "I will nm )M'I I'V<«mull I ' ' 'iv 1!'' nnd whji are 'we?" n«v» I'-jr alfalf.-i hay." This In ithij tal thrfp-fovtr-ih*» hit li. irpn. diski/*rt*fiii iit'wa, iiiitll KIIH tmi» fiiu ^r,,loiii'i«,..., wlib wiiij a tondvr smile, Thri I Vfillb ltiv»«r.n j iii. mid 1 hiivi' "tckid will" ftininot Into-cd ca 1 not thn of whl,,. indicative of P«w, nrrivni* 'j provldi) for th«cow'a.falrly well ha -' lirniidy ' i>'*iluer vhnii WWlied him..rlt 1 to b«fleeced Wfore the (he Crand'"Hd H.! 1.11B f«rl u nttlill'. If iiiler_ Jimllea 0 tu l i l.!? ncc(1 ""f - U ' 8 J" B " n - on tho. Mistress "Have you 1«li» duili or f jt 11T (l-(ii)il licun'im, Ipso half tlit>lr pffpet whnn they are ^I-abella, Walters, chambermaid, i I T? ' ^ ^ V l s made' ^.^r t^a any- chicken broth, June?" '"* Prlroluiua a dininfm-tant for Bin xni duiitli, Mr, Julii-n' 1 What M>»octnt('d with ninmiultu bites! M.i««t..t i,"r *# i thing that can bo purchased. Jane "Yes, mtini; ana fed -thii: fhcoklnc th<- cd <if ptaguf U nd-/klinro«llc«l «fn<-«r«in.»li f Capiulu Ti'_ni ili-"" forth st'epa nn elegant fool of tho very of niaii, I n»k you, l» thin iul»'c>r- "Oh, tho usual party Jack Alston mlno bo»t... to hlm»elf, secure nit tholr come prey; out. and,»a- -. " *. J chickens with it, agts ago!"^-comiiri»ocatti1 liy nnd Tom nnd mn ngnlnit the two VEGETAKLKS OS AN ACUE OF jcuts. jbdla It la oiit. obvervi.r 1.".H11R1.T Tniii ili> l» fair, yellow, first wator -Kngllsh, and of thox fbo Washington* nnd Maurlrn la forte. rathi-r, nil tln»«indian frllnwt nrp Whose helplesancs* I* Us charm Tho Kansas City Star says a<nood Scientific American, that during the Whom will you back? You must not alike, RhuU Mir ('}< «nt yuu aa hn upon tho pnvotnent, (aimer can raise on one acre of land THE RAlNY-DAr; SHOPPER^ Jtiilgo!>>' what you saw last night, peatllencc that swept Kurtip«loni: ago»pphk» - deuced tinaly trick for n ' "Mes -. bagage* on vn mes. bngnges-?" Rlgh* n soft voice In that cnrl- of onloiifl, 445 to COO My wife always goes shopping bisf my one of the-following: First Baseball Crank-i-"F,u'u)»y.lack Alston and 1 can Iwat the lot ' t*h«v: till region* of llaku»<tf uu. man to shut lil» eyns at you aa hi' when wo piny our beat," touched, although In tb» surrounding tl'rakn. 1 int't him unco or twice ill 11. out language known.a* French in suuiirbsn boarding.achoola. but unintel- One acre of tomatoes, 300 to 400 before she marts.".-.- '"' ~ :: f'*>-i&[*m bushels. rainy days and asksme for a,'cheeijsiap? "1 should like to bet that you will 111 It at your mamma'* hrfom I li'ft untry fifty i*r WM. ot the population perished, l^rchc. who visited let Mr. Jack: Alston and his friends itowu, and Wo? had not two word* to ligible south of tho Channel. "Dlx. ouahcls. * Second Baseball Crartlt ^H'tntiS*! play their match without you." And! say to each other, 1 don't care fur tor bagages, touts ad reason, and a- piece j Ono acre of sweet potatoes, COO. to Sort of a rainy-day "check, '-ehi'"^0msf Baku In 173&. wrote: "It I* quite yoiir now- Augustus rise*, now the mos-of blue, ribbon on each. Dlt, ten 600 bushel*. -.'..'., Boston Post. '.','. ' -.' ' ;'"n'': ; Sig!ft Duiidrwiy. army that the tact lhat thi. Itlack!'«?" "»»r«augustus: J qullo-bttten face I* affectionately, horfrlbly near llellnda'a. "I should like stand! Dlx." Holding u» ten help- bushels..' IN' TliE CITY OFFICE.':;'^i^^ oh, would anybody make them under- Oho aero of beets, 300 to 400 "Too much ot did wrttouch Baku -a. due to i ^^J'JS! 1^'?, 'w.wlmt,.!- to think that you caro Juat enough less, lavender-gloved flngqm. "Really, Spencer, I thluk you might try to lecture,; The Curse of Whisky?'»:;: '.i's^s One >cre of carrots, 400 " write this report bnmii i I '< «raucnof what foryaur taste? for me, Miss O'Shen, to give all these j Baked Belinda,i;wiu, profound dl»- fellows up for'once, It I ask you." be of;some little use. 1 ' -.'One acre of cabbage, 8000 head*. "Yes, madam," '':"" ''^i: l??0? * ;d«iln. Ahywas not the only human HI* tone Is more earnest than Belinda haa ever heard It yot, and»he bttwmn panics, j bring she over loved 'of:thl»»amo At this appeal another elegent fool. One acre ot potatoes, 100 to 300. "Thun kindly explain what rybtilfefs nrwy g«nus as'captain (but of second water- a cheap copy bushels. mean by saying, 'The lecturer'wasj^w 3 I ; '.- - ^. y :. "? " '. ' of the first), steps languidly forth Hero.ire actual.results, each Item eyldenuy full of her Bubject?t'«iWs London Opinion.,\ -.,-*.& la Qreat nrltalo and Oerman'r **, Grlat.deficits r 4 unwarranted naval arjay Mp*nditBiT» hav<> npct-ml- > fallow* rh(kt*fg, whllo Mr, "Jones (whoholds ih(i flrnif»t Kngllnh lk-l[pf an to Hirolml ill"! a thermometer at a hundred and ton In the ahadn going well li>gnihnr> orders hlrnaplf-*oh. In what (Uprrahlc Kr<-n>:h a brandy and»iiit<i>r, nnd prepares to amoko a 'clgiir'nt her Hide... Mr, Jnni* mikikoi hi*, cigar; llnllnda.-alpa'her Ireil orangeade, ripanlah fanhloii, UiriM.Bli n bnrqiillo, beside that, and good Just for the quantity 'them. At these ages thtfy yield moru of sweet stuff-it will bring you. Toi: 'net'.profit for the feed and labor hospond, to wast*, to scatter money to! ito'wed on them thnn If.kept to older the winds, Ifc'oue of my predllwc'tlnn*: 1 igv. Uut If-thls prsctlrfl In kept up paumn-playlng, bolero.dairiclng. III.- [generally,'tbe quentlon ofthu futnrn erty sweet liberty are the others! j will ho, whert will we get.-breeding '1,D iia'ir tho'rtt [m «I-H and dam WAS HE A TUVCK GARDEN? " J "How on earth did you ever ciiltl* Too' much of tho shop their from the carriage. She, too. lg admirably belplcsn, and she, too, speaks wheru tho grower was a specialist: referring to the product of an acre othur. -llni> doesn't a tongue incbmprehelslble out of Eng. " "Onions, 000 buahels; sevehty*flve :. ^GOOP-EOR-EyiL,- wnuiea, raplalai the Vhtla- t>«in ramrod* a»f p.peclarllkfftheif land; the polyglot smaller ot advertlslngablgnlls who "tnlk three lan- Qnbbago seed, 1000'pounds, forty cviv said the highminded mai»#!p COntS, $450, "'-'- : ',, r~r- -r ^I-trust-you try to return gooiu. ' p h ' a i r i. - i ' * " ' ' ".. - ' -.-'-. ' ''..'... ''-.. -.:. «UlphU lt««ord. Arou.nd thcqiimtlon n Another moment and Belinda will par the ta»c» «he battle. " Antl guages w,lth enno. and nre willing to ' * Moutly. :ents a pound, $400., "I not only try," said:mr. Slrifla^l certainly hav«commlttod herself undertake any. duties, not menial, Potatoes,. 175 bushels, low' estimate, $175,. '...- gave me one ot his cigars yesterdfiwll Barker, "but I succeed; BligglnslS bonven known to what compromlilug S sdldlcr. How whllo on the Continent." renunciation*! Hut oven* as tha «" "»""»»«'» >< yuu mid. 1 axe in everything, 0MUon*.hall get rid of ihp rnuddlrlinad«dldt«that the >«t way to 1mJ We Q'Sheas"?aro a a flehung g g family- amily^ side of pauino-playlng, boloro-dtsnc- Nobody understand* them; they un- mu.f ^ p ^TL?? words rlso to her Up* an uuexpected' They address,,thomselycfl to the CnbbagcyTOOO hends, $500. and I.gave him one 6f ; mine- ; tw»m -~dnf»>r*no* of the l)lt»od, I suppose! ully agalnut Mr, Jones and on the host, HU.>,.u to ihe uio waiters, wnuors, (o to tno the ennchmnn. To. bo a. succeskful".. trucker you th ' tuorulng." Washington Star, B r 1,»W int.rmtion.l p««u fellr de (0 get ««<'««f niiuo ing and all the other sweet,. un,)awful derstand nobody.' "If I had only be^.].^^r, 0^^^!! 1 -«.~ t, v*j the COULDN'T REFUSE.", by ald«across the lillla them, h a.,uatlajo»"h. iol.,^ne Idit ^ ^ b^,. uoa. o( ^ pear* on the BCVDO. ; :- -''. [-plcaaurea of, her vagabond life' ap* spoken Belinda!" algh* the lady plteously: ""If you had had the slightest Continuous succession of crops.-. Job. Among other questions th'#] ""' family to begin. A man applied atafactoryjioslis IP^rnaUoaalwar, *; ; ; consideration, 8pencer. you might ffia'xjxl.r, -.-r-'*'******' ;. >:. l>«*d.tho-d'ls.uiiit.ridge^ nt Spanish "Costa, wliy t Costa, old boy, where Kcso and chvaimess of cultivation^ man. asked htm" why he had "'"" have reminded me to telegraph to Pj^'j^;^t«r..wag<>ft^f* etpected, fyr«nee» "aaji my papa was a sol-havli^llo^huw-lavthe'chlcajce.! 41 * 1 "' ni1 ' th 9»sh It happoriftd he you Men all day?' Down; sir, I Maintain and Increase tha Japd's last place. "" V Miss O'Shoa." j productivity yearaftor year. down.. When will-you learn thavmr, ' :"We.ll," ; i,e. replled.-they ask^iii Jones does not value your attentions'" -,, -. lips when a knot olllttle lad*. En> I r The words have scarcoly left ber nfi!t Qp t. TVn nv;. «0E^T SE^UNQ to.please leava. and-i didn't-liife's" Coata I* a grand looking old Spanish hound, not altogether of purest sk»s H!Sa5 DRAKT T HORSES. vefuso them.--_n ew y O rkjourn Itsh Hih and. French, shoulder their way i,» ha» b «n w f l Bal(1 ">"" «t0 along the»lreot-lad. from about; 'roqu^ntly trte aim to raise bl S dr^ft ;.. -HIGII DIVEis'i'--.. dire thlnga nolj "X»ly joubavo no ronnootton with* brtied. porhaps. but a noble brute' eleven _ to._ fourteen, fourteen; sunburnt,.unb'urnt. devil looking young Arab* enough; dare-' animals»«'«"»'» *l«hout without paying proper atten alien- ' ' ^tend "And, l t h r l * * c w! M ' r J W» " " deepite the blot upon his escutcheon, pa. is tnerea^m Uon1 to quality. Because a horse has the stock market?»^h.;«a possessing much of hi* nation's grave barefooted,' most of them, and with weight tt is not necessarily strong djgnlty of demeanor and a face brimf al of One dog - In tellect and feeling-. pnume racket*, or schlsteras as they : '"» "Yes, my.son." and durable. It Is on record that : '>' ' ; <';'% ; sijrafs a wind to ^::a".«jue'.of/4bun* ] apeak ' th«-''u*th"; :/ 'isbb : I are: called. In hand. -At the word "Be-Justin Morgan, that weighed (ess than '. " to 1 * "But how: db iy^uf i ' S! ** c 'r'i«i's Und»."Sthe ;for*moivi of.;th»'j-'sjan«.'(^ merely trom;a stat*-; lips " mm wavers, or nppoars to waver.- -.','- "You will promise me to play no more at that confounded game, either thin evening or any othor evening!" whispers Auguitu* with growing em- ' -." "Try*^"n.6t' r to^:be;. fritweheoivillr; pounds, could movea larger load Jones," says'belinda, glancinarmaturn*, and nudges the boy who comes than' many pound competitors. come Itdoualy at the exprtulon of her admirer'* face. Perhap* he won't bite «n*-ot:.thenr ; ; : ' rivea-'a'\low^":meaninf muscular development that gave the n«^':'c^t^yi;iulfstop;' i; they r«> I~.»fcs»w»;"- It was well distributed substance and '',- you ^k^p^e^''oul«t';.i:itow';snoi*: whistle acrosa his shoulder, and InMorgan horjo It* reputation as a ^~"~~?: r7?t"v **":-«r»i«".««*! «e mda at the 1 safe so well when people are 1 afraid Of another second or two Belinda app^r^j^i^-t^«f<i^^1 ier':b«t*^^ quantity, unless accompanied by qual- welgtit puller, site considered. Mere K^^^r^^B'd^^t t WT»^«i^i'th»«n;;: ; n6w; them. Have you come fer macaroons, lf :test.i>f.. minmbdrtf ^adilet^sitoak^'^sou^dijterwtcrt my' pld: :!Qps.taf:ii*hTi syo«hat more battered than when we saw ity, dojs not make a high-priced mararo mostly;; fancied: in France,v the iba^c. >i^: isiii^-tt^k^'i^."^-.';^.. 1 '*1> over-.somi-jnacaminiiit-h^-.m- :-.,-k--.,-. ;.*onie;micar<»pb*i.;.-.;.-.v-*...,--;;;..; j-ou? Mr- Jonen, Costa sa)-* he'haa [hl^'ftrt^i^^wa^^^ej^uah/of i im-*?'*i S' Every man, aa}». th«cynic, ha* biscomo for roacart*a»." U may >» ob-,b.«tvm'd tvj^pry,on-'^i.b iiiii'i<»^ni;»i«-«a-.--'-- - 4*^i^Wi»«'V%'nM<^-fca' l a;very'shwt ww**--.-^^. 1^^^»en-ed that Belinda has not a grain 'g^r^ii^iw'klc^^ople^^thiajt/now^ home,1 of :the'; Percherpn draft; bqrse. ot false pride on the score of begging f^;»ab«r ^nr«3s^uw. ^;;,n^^ le pride on the score ot begging The; ponderousi;drift anlmal,*jwith', t.tuff »»», *'' : ' I 1^M;^$*jUto}M J aim* tor tier friend.*./ "Costa Mi aculoua. Belinda, like her aaaociates, qusllty corresponding to Its weight, is - ' =---'--" "- " - b»»*lij to l>«bellnda'a ' - ' price to come far msearooni Mid. Jt have not ;i^!*^ fal^'"hlmd^lt)>; : ' ; C^l^^ho the animal that jvuracts sellers at the ^UtoB l exraanatorj»maggjr, unfledged a «lagle sou left Icr $e world,? > "wholifsale.. markets.'^_. "-.^ /xislii'dciiacjr^o'ittho demand is for the heavier weights She h stoops stops down and with w a more-ditreputab O(l90k than;usual, one e arm arm bent fondly around'the & l dog"* 1 in draft animals of all breeds." Much Ulni, foreetful of Mr, Jones and. their,:4e^^*::ott-'th>;'dami^ii^'lmpar'ting t%i : IOOka;t^*!U^f j^ttlmfcb*:: t quarrel, o' Hose's Utter and threat-.'«ittbii^t6/'-tn'»..''nrtgeib^i!l p ie,'ne*i»)j BritJal, h«nkdot«^ ready to buy «e>^tog^n;ima#h«bte^afc^ttiw r iuil^oaeaiv^but Jones button* up his 2 blood tie dam, the more unl- l «Doe* It require a' very "^'" ; '«^'breed : ttiie'to~a : ft3«d to ^^'-"""".Boir-be' 161 * i t4 J i '8ell»da^tr<?tthltif / ti«t Vt^Wm*\ia^ i :wi(«th.e,i^:^on:^uid;^iihbums: mm 'h«ro*sre ^e^je^^yo^*iumbsri;:<ms;;i^k;s: '^ti.sth*t^rt^f^ nd, v^8^whc^ > '"'^ha^'»ll^d8^'^?!lhii;^^nt? :*H6'^'Sj^teA;M*5;l»K@itallgl>ni ' And then Ihe ;,l*dlm Kiss: ';W!2^SS^s;R>w^»H«^a:iMls»u» mm^mmmmmmm r*b«(li»44 1 lsso8 or U«^tMnJnrn«j^eiw.usmatlngflt.dnUt^ffials^iS,llWt«r # bre«d,,(a, Vjha5;bffsiJrln# will : -g5^s*'.*y»$ l»»y <ommer«la.l ^aifc m^ffflwt des!jr»mezand staluons of j Wt^ele>taot^^rihejght: : ih 0 uid : ^W^«J^::toIpf^seeV{h^be8iti8elK ^f^ifi^^^^m ; i;iysiihliitierai' ^ip^^aadlpulisy^infc :agnisp^e^»;k2aj3i ; B;tg^^S#, ir /T^^lw^ntion*S^ni^n <>id; ^ia s ^Wc^i «j^^ woji^sw^^mi^^^ ^i^^^rse^^ai^iiii^'iijxfi^a'' si^e -v Pa- f oii\ because ^we J^jti^ 'teg^neflll^l^a /.;:>."'; :; - SUPBRFUIOlJBii ^T^<* er --"Now. Tommj r sup, ^ou^ad twoappjes ttd youigay* other,boy,hjs; Chblcer«ft th^l would^tenthfinm :, tike^ffis*^ :»ne;:w6uldn't:you;?"'; %"'' "'' ^ommr^-->no; mums TeaAer^Why; '" :i, Tommy-^1 dosg^wouldn^tifegnj ;«a5ry. ; r-^h^!?athitodes ; j^^ ; 3> ::^?PB^;TO H j^^fc.;e ; Mri:'8wfes ^Yfi^cMaSigliBS she is dying to get a posttloitij «io on.: an o?ean':iweri*s SJS-iSJi^^S : '; H Sft.K Stubjir^^iJ«airprWJ^^3li : 6us!' :: ^Wh.atever3^ut : -!? 'that^ak : there 'Nirere: Jth'rw >ihou»anii *r : >!iwkei7/*brokettfe*ory ' ' ; l New,-'^o;rkS'JO?irnal;K.:-ffi' ihfr ^ " Sf ^^ ilplisi 11 : IS M

3 1 '*< - j. - THE CRAKFORD CITIZEN, TpOBSDAY. FEBRUXRT '" \ ' luck and Adventure A HERO Of THE CAB. Ko aawspaper ever reported the Of Dan Falrbaira. which mad-s. «tl name famous among t)w railroad [ Wen ot the Canadian PacUte sjstvm, 1 stnt keeps w«ii kept the cra*e in. lea ha lie. In the little «met*rr at -;<*sp!eau, Ontario. Like many an- *«tacr hero of the rail Bis Dan escape all this peril* or Us eal)utg only -»_4I»_; - from thejrieknuas following an ordi a«rr cflld. On'the Cbaplean dj»l*lon. -which includes most of the stretch between Sadbary mines and Fort William oh Lake Siperior, there Is perennial danger.:from forest ares. The track runs through, an unrglttrated eoantrr of thick, bash, and Bearjly all the bridges are ot wood. Of them Ions upstanding trestle spanning broad rivers or arm* of lakes. Frequently in late spring and early summer th» whole force of the bridge and building detailed for days at a time to do aoibing but watch these structures while the * fires are raging. '. ". With the fttst of the warm wealhec tn 1SSJ the Ores on this section of the road became e*en more menacing than usual, and the evening when Falrbairn backed his engine to No. 1 awaited him. The division iiuperin- ; yearatho modern ^ tendent bad received by etpreas from ' (the transcontinental mall) at Car-Vancouvetier, a pall of smoke hid "the sky. nuch #ood growth and fruiting'do an emucmfd address suit tlu< army lramituris will not be able Fifty-four miles from Cartler Is BIs-ablcotaslng, and about a mile farther on had reached the end of their journey, j lot begin to boar much'until twelve. framed, from the passengers who \.'to use.lhe canal. lot KO together. Many varieties do The Arclmeoloslcal 'SoclPty- Is the lops Blsco trestle. From the with a request that it be presented to"! wars old. Such troka' can lw forced time of leaving the point jt which engines had been changed, the lire con- of gold that aotimparried U-Ne«: Wal * ^ th "? m "ITTri, M * J««l»»<1..HHlln B dnwn to Grass. Fairbairn, together with., th. ho purse ma.f " V V?.^"i! 1. 'T^ir >' ' «««bij1 ' rln * ')V "topping cul-! Arthur «round t.bta -Bold In Mom- M W ditions had Ix-en getting st«-ndllr York Tribune Sunday Magailn eoiul, ( crtl(1 btutlm., rt j mputbshlr... Kngland. and Uio-searcU- j, wfcrse. and the pillar of cloud on the twp icult, T. t,' n(i.- nni.feeding until th«f foiiinl tho rnnlti - eutrancc... tho'! track ahead of the e-ogine blacker and STRANGE ACT OF PROVIDKXCE. reo nntural(ic^'iics'. roady to bear, sotul whlcli formed ttiti lied of tho denser. The muffled roar, of the consuming flames couldk> heard.occa- ts capacity so much sreatcr that th«vhen It will tu' BO much,larger uhil How remarkable ore somii of the ;.Ur(tna, and a corner stone. From InscrlptloiiK oti tills stotii- they troru the experlencos of those who drive locomotives for any length of tlnio may datfof the (hoat.rc back to 11(1 A. I)., sionally, and from time tn time the ilto of thocrops will mitro than cum; glare of the conflagration could be jenaatc for rhe wait. 8t»:h tre. loo, b«gathered from a story.-of parly ar 1S00 years'. Popular Mechanics. seen for ii minium orcwo l>titn>- paseengers. Evidently the train waa ap- IAVO boon miinlcil iitiii forcod Into»lll bpjoiiger lived than trwswwhich daysln'njo^vesrtoiinry'an enkl'i"<t! ~ not long auo In the'olhcts.1 'organ of -Siimiiles of air nt ii height of honrthe Order of Hallway Conductors. proaching nearer to a danger rone Instead of leaving the fires behind. isriy beurlnit. ' Orclin'rds' sliuutil l>«riy-iilu«miles"hav» been recently ob- ihttllow iniltlvatpd up to tho 'mlildln About twenty-five- years nso, while nml-exniiilhfml for the it Humniiir c'ach "year, and by tlio tlimi The express had cleared Bisrotaslng aridrwas_ heading for Ramsay, P., M. &.,O._ railway, which ran atus, carried by a largo balloon, is n will want all the ground. IlKllnnn working on what wa».known us Iho of'rnre"'bases, The collectliit; apimr- ;hey, are twdivo yearn ol<l tlin trcpn when the fireman. Howard Gougeon. thronfih the eastern part of'missouri, j merles of.vacuum tubes,'-each.drawn thought he discerned a flicker of he left Tncoma about!pii o'clock one ; out to n fino_l)oliit nt, one end. At Sane apparently in the middle ot the morning.w-uhc-traln of twelve lienvi- Iho desired IICIKIH, an elt*ctro-ma({- track about half a mile ahead. ly loaded passenger cars containing! "f' 0 MOCK OIlANdK. device, connected with each tube : "Great Scott, Dan! 1 believe the the members of a Sunday-school and op'er.ated~t>y_ a, barometer,'breaks Tlio 1 "mock oraiige"! or. Pi;..».<!- long trestle Is on fire," he said. bbujid for a picnic- «t a place known ; orf the point of tho-tubtvadmitting jhus l popularly known jis "syilnts," ajld the lattor Is'thu botnnlcnl Falrbairn sea u tied the track from as Picnic Grove, about fifty miles din- ithe nlr. A fowl minutes later, a soconcl contact sends- n current.' thjrpugh jamo for lilac Tim mock oranic«, bis Bide of the cab. ~ but could see tant. It wa%insufferably hot, am] before the train had made more than a platinum wire around tho broken 'amlly' comprises about thirty speclos nothing of tile light/ "Noilsetise!" he replied. "Between the'bridge carpenters and the section men. wegather, and soon tho sky becamo i tube. All the samples obtained show ng In height from flvo to twenty foot, half tho distancereloads began "to ',' end. melting tho Kla»s.;tfnd~snalln f tho~ >f"bafdyv ornaniehliil shrubs, vary- should have heard of it long ago If black oiack as Ink. tu. Evidently fiviaenuy an excoea-, exceed nr B" n a1111 uany 6f them admirably adaptgd (or neon, but no hollum was that was so. That Is the one point Jia decoration of homo grounds. ingly heavy thunder storm might bo toxuui \n air from above, six.mlle»_ they'll both be watching Jnst now,'* Perhaps tho most widely grown vnexpected at any time. ';'. ' At the same time he took' In a At last It came, a regular cloudburst The children In tho train, Wlnthrop Ames, liond' of tho ;NOW {ardonnr'as "syrlngas" Is Phlladel- A-KitHv-I}r«m of I'litlrnMrr those known to tho olil-tlmo notch and continued to keep a sharp lookout. They were within two train thought only of a spoiled outing; but Theatre, said.- nt a..jecen'f dinner In )hus grandlflorus, which grows about lengths of the trestle at the end of a the man In the cab was seriously considering the possibility of a washout "We. shall liavo Homo dny, hero In iwe«t-scantod ltowors wlilch appoar New York: '. lit'feat hlgh and has large, white,. long down grade, when Gougeon "There It is* Look now!" he cried. and spread rails. America, a theulre equal to tho Com-_ n June. Common mock orungo (P. No need to tell the engineer: he As they swung round a curve and edlo Francalie. but n Comodlo Francnlso Is not lmllt up In u day. W»- j eight end..l)loomn in May or Junu ibrbnarlus) reaches ubuut ton foot In had seen, understood and already bore down on a small station at a made up his mind. He bad only a speed of about thirty-five miles nu muxt he patient as riationl as that ind Is very frai(ra»t. Tlio Hiiwors -second In which to act. and that small hour, the engineer, keenly on the long line of llshcrmnn always fishlntt, spurt of fire told him that ho was fishing silently. In the ptrcum tbat within a few yards of a lone wooden bridge that had burned long since and was now a smoldering rain. To Attempt to stop irlthln the short distance was out of the question; it ' would only mean a heavy dead weight creeping on the charred woodwork andjjpath for all. _Tolre_was jnst time to Jump, bat /EfliLWas not considering that. Still i-tha* young fireman tnnst bare' his «en(uice; so the engineer threw a curt "Drop off!" to him over his shoulder. 1 As he shouted the words, he yanked stop; but he knew that be could nbt the throttle wlda open and put onhope to bring up In time; the spead very limit of speed of which his en-wagine was capable. With a roar and "Better stick to it!" he shouted to too great and the switch too near. Tho.Matliematical Mind. PEAR THEE P8VLLA. Tlie late Lowia Carroll,, author oc Tho Pear Troo Paylla 1«tho commonest and most do»triictlvo floa 41 rumble the train took the bridge. Alice in Wondorlnud," used to tell his fireman. Instantly the rush of the wind created by its great speed acted as a gi- help us!" mathematician s contempt for poetry: Drch ar d that the Goldon-oyt-d Lac»-»re»t demand for Mil* Raser. The «mail "I I mean to, "va. VS-OB the'answer tnc answer, "God ooa thls,.,._.,,,,..,. story to ""«»»...., 'he,. avorago..,, louse In tho country. Lucky for the j Tb* small, Sftntlc fan on the smouldering wood; Scarcely had tho words left his "In tho courne of an argument I wfng niea prey upon tho,, jyi i B. nd, profit an «aoh aggrwfatlnt as larf* th* flames leaped nigh and enveloped month when a bolt of lightning more about poetry with an Instructor In kecp h m, 0m9w mt n cbecltr Lot us \'sum as If «* aem fewer at a grestap prim*. ivthe whole train to a mantle ot fire, blinding than any before flashed directly In front of tho engine, followed Tennyson's "Chargo of tho Light tho P)iy)la to vogotatl(in and lh«n trigonometry he gave tho Instructor fo, )ow ol)t tno d agt ructlre coursu of Th* benefit la the consumer's. i Underneath the rails sank as in a Hjuagwlre; but with hair and ere~ TH» Qfjuf* Is of ih«1lrm»4 atoal, sotontiflaally nrndo tuttt tempered toy «ore* by tie terrlflo and peculiar crack of Brigade'to read..) Hew with complacency Ms tragic end. '-"brows scorched and the big blond thunder which Indicated that the bolt 'There read that,, ho said,'and I J rhe Pl vl a CKff, g a mlbutt) oran, 8 ' beafd actually- on fire. Falrbairn had struck something. Englnoorajid don t find It full of beauty, I'll j svai- Hatched lnlo )arvil lt, t)r process.-and the blade, of eouras, Is the lmaar«lield tight to the vide open throttle, fireman were half dazed, and by the '" I yellow with red eyea. Thin In lu dan- tant part of any Razor. The frame Is of aatln finish, i j and after an eternity,, of a tew sec- "The Instructor sneered, looked nt time they bad fully recovered their ) ger stage should a wandering Gludeneye discover It. Aftor several molts quick and olean shaving, Jhe tsugh beare'ea' silver plated, and "anglsd' 1 * eorreotly for safe, endg the train was on the other side. the page, and began to read:- senses were astounded to discover High above the whir of the wheels " 'Halt a league, halt a league, that they had passed the switch and It emerges a poffdet fly resembling a. finds this flasor a boon; the soft fcefrdml man oil the ballasted roadbed sounded were still riding safely on the main j minute plcada, and hibernates thronkh finds it delight. Them blade* oan stropped, «rash after eras'). The long Bls«*- "Then he'threw down the book. line. the winter. With tho first warm tatslng trestle had collapsed from end 'If the fool means a league and a "Buy ono and you will rtoammenrf It to all yov> spring days It commences egg laying friends. That Is th* b«st4cat of any to end! ' i - brought jtlzzvz^'t.irzjz to a stop, and both hurried j B,, ^^s-/s;zxr»j; ; artlole, r^\- on the twigs. The larvae hatch In When, the frightened passengers back to discover what had happened. " Buffalo Commercial. ten to seventeen days and station -climbed oat of cars, from which every The fireman his cap. "If TeiUge of paint had been licked, and v themselves on tho leaves. Now Is the A Gibe, - that Isn't what they speak' ot as the -stumbled over the' ties to the river William Mitchell Lewis, of the National Association of Automobile act of God, I know know what Is:" 'bank-, they- saw only a long black he said. _,- void. Not even a remnant of the su- Toe lightning had struck squarely perstnicture remained to know that there had ever been fc bridge at that TOlbi- For a minute they regarded the^scene In awestruck silence, then, with:, one accord.they made for the eagirin. - Clambering from the, cab -was.-a blor-d bnt of six feet.five Inches,, who wiped with a piece*** oil - waked, cotton waste a face blistered. ' -and seared by fire.,' Dan summoned" a. Terr one-sided 'Prettr close." he said. ;Close! ' DIdnt tlujr 'realize bow *loie" t had been* Coatd they not,*; -picture/what mj^ht have been* had, "" this mitt sought-only his qwn safety, 4i -or, hesitated with-his dnty~for oae *f*m* -afraid joa won't ilnd much,tbex- lifted htm^ giant as he waj. black left there sow," said the clergyman. "It has become almost «-f.tlr«ly '«n"< their shoulders, and carried- him ' to the dining ear,' One of their ncm- white." New Tprl: Tribune Sunday Tm'wua doctor* wjio set about ban- Magazine. - " ' ' fie* of the hero. much, to gis tald the e DR t-»j. at,le(.> Bnd oat wheth- «f^ther*e sent-a brakexoaa back. It's'go-nse,onr_esc»plaa;-4fc>tfie- next r fltol tod»!\iau> Ithe ( -s-- - juwared that the conductor had j ioae his bast' by placing fjana red j lanterns on the bask asd leariag a j trainman In charge. Daa became only! sore impatient ot attention, "Get; "em an aboard, gentlemen." he said j almost harshly. "It tie brakemaa cant swim. It's up to as to host!* to! Ramsey as quick a* we know bow and let the desparcher know what has ' happened. No tint for tomfoolery j Just now. thoagh I'm much obliged jnst to* Mm*." The seventeen miles to Ramsey > made la eighteen slnut»s. and At Chapleantht. happened, since such a message came from the condiclor and eagineer of No.,1,-at -the su tlon next beyond this 1 «ry bride*.. " i In due course the conductor arid I engineer made re jorts. Dan's (which j has bfeen read by the writer of tlesc lines, who knev him well) -was a dry.! terse statement of facts. - That of thej conductor had more of Imagination and color.' Both were, forwarded tc )' Vulcan, an alleged planet, was dlsrovered In 184*. only to be effectively obliterated from the planetary tyst tem Sfty years later. In addressing tbu division of physical and inorganic chemists ot tb«american Association for the Ad. v'encemwlt of 'Science. Dr.. W. U Dud- AGAINST n.\aurra. A lime wash which has been found t good protection for tree* agsiam rabbits U Blmply 10 wet enough an- Uackml Urn* to the point of consistmcy. add a little carbolic add to the mbstance and paint th* trunks of the irehard treea. Farmers' Ham* Joursail'' ' - \ ih* new company a system of a com- J ire not doing so welt ai.they ahould._ plete network of signal Hchls for ;ry 400 pounds of bone-meal snd S00 Kiiltiancq on the night trip*. "Far fogs wunds of muriatejgf potash fht sere. the head office In Montreal, and a lit- ; there will be added signals by bell Farmers* Home Journal.. Me later Daniel Fairbnirn was or-, ind siren; dered to report at the office ot the j LATE IIEARINO APPl.KS, general-manager. There he was pre- < sented with one of the best gold watcheitnioney could buy, r-hlch bore insld! the cas«*- suitable inscription testifying to the graiititdt 1 of the com- j pany for his heroic action. On his re- i turn to Chapleatt another surprise lookout despite the falling shoots of rain, was horrified to discover that the twitch fortlie siding was sot foul. Probably a freight train had used 1t and the brakeman had forgotten to set It properly after backing ont bis train. To run over it meant a terrible disaster, and even the fireman, feeling sure that his pwn doath -ra» near, could only whisper hoarsely, "Ob, tho kids,'the poor kids!" The engineer reversed and did nil In hla power to bring the train to a between the switch and the fail, foreig g over the track, and so allowing hem to pass In safety. While the conductor hurried, back to the station to make a report and call for section men to male* permanent repairs to the switch, the pastor In charge of the excursionists was listening to the story of.the engineer. At -the end he gazed at him curiously for a moment, then said quietly: "Yes. I think we should all glvo thanks to our heavenly Father. Bv the way, your hair was black w&en clared that neon, a newly discovered gas. is the cause vt the au:ora borealia.;. - ' 8O?l. FOR APPLBB. Apples do not grow without some-.hing to grow fruni. Thpj nerd more a the way of fertility than they can lraw from the sky or from the tired ind worn-out soil. Ifthli food is:not. AerialnsTl^ation asacommerclal enterprise Is tirltikltik with H the solulion of various problems by the 0*r- j, u ppl eil, tb«tr*«s resent It by t wlth» man engineers. Ori«U perfecting for j joldlng their harvest. If. your trees navy, the lar K «i-arrlers of freight nnd ^. flows on tho Comcdle Francalso's EOtrth. " 'Havo you flshod long In thinstreahi, monsieur?' I asked a member of, that; pntlent Una ono day. "'Twonty-throo. years, moneleur,' 1 wsa the calm answer. t " 'Do you get many bites, monsieur?' I continued, " 'Eleven years ago, monsieur,' ho answered, without lifting Ills eyes from his cork, 'alevcn years ago, ou this Very spot, I had an excellent bit'.-.' " Washington Star. beside him, put her band to her head, and said.kindly: " Y you "combed-it'this morning, was It "'Would a,hairpin beef any use. not?" *.,, Certainly/ 1 to you, sir?'"" 'Washington Star. answered toe-driver. to the End.'', u The meanest man in, Clanaminsoa has jost passed away, leaving careful testamentary- Instructions that his doorplaxe was to be taken,.down and pot on hi* coffin. Los Auieles Time*,' Manufacturers, was talking In Racine about the improvements In motoi* cars that the last decade baswltnessed, "f remember the time," said 'Mr. Lewis, i "when "h it i was a- common sight, ih a3 you drove along a country road.'to set- a motorist kneeling In the dust beside his car, puzzling over a' great heap of cog-wheels, screws, tiny springs and other'delicate pieces of machinery. "I know a man who knelt beside a icrap-beap composed.of bis car's Innards when a pretty farm girl stopped Ctmnel'oT Suxplcloa. v *JVhe"n a man dei's tryin' to trade horses wif me stahts braggin' 'boat how honest hets in his dekfin'i," said Uncle Bben, "i can't help suspvctia.'~ dat he's RetUnr 1 ready to mose-an ex-, «eptlon In my case." Wiablngton SUr. z 1 -" ^' e ~To etfcpnragb saving imong the'.people.- th«spanish, Goteramnnt ^boat established a postal savings i/aak ontfer guaranty of the State. * ire pure whlto and am bornn In dense Musters, often so uumorouh as to bond Iho liranchoa duwn to tlui Krouiul. Gordon's mjjck orancu C. gordtinrtnus) Is a nattva of tlio Unltod Stales ind In good ground often reaches ton >r twi>lvo r«ut in hvlxbt. It boa leasing grcoii foliaga with gru?l>h brnwn branch^. Ttie flowers are jrhlto and produced in great nbund-< tnce. Thoy bloom-ln-janffor duly lar :entral latitudes. This plant thrives in almost any n-ell drained soil and often doon tvall,n tho shada of trees antl buliilrts". Indianapolis Nuws. time- for the feast of tho Oolden-eyo. Me, too, Is In the larval stage, just having emerged from an egg. He Is searching for a breakfast and right fa his way ba sees a Juicy Psylla., i "In on the unfortunate louse he grasps it/ between Ills long enrvud mandibles and rapidly squeezes out the Juice.' Or shonld he encounter the egg of the PiyUa. hi* action will be the same biting Into2j *tnd ei* tractlng the sort contenv This ts don* wltb great celerity, and the drt shell cast aside,'the whole op»raf<oa taking leu than a minute. The*, thu Golden-eye begins'«f**rcll for another Psyila, or In ffl#;»qxihink In the form of a IiWn$"rasecf which crosses.its pathway. Ho Is. totally fearless and' attacks wltb Insects much larger than Indiana Fartner J I Vontii's Illqtive Dreams. ' - "When I was "s ycnnigster 1 wantad to be a plrate^and sail the «?»'and make n> ttjhr«>mble»*whobvi_ spi»ke/' 'W«U, yon do travel «orae," "Ye*; bat Instead of making anybody trem- ~b\oj'm thankfnlfor a kind a 1 customs officer." - " " There, i* xeco«l,of wheat sr.dtl in r Chia* as far back as 3000 hi C. AN IDEAL RESTING PLACE Until the ii*y Meals and the shadow* Use Rosedale lnd Linden emetenes tarocst IN THE 8TATC ' Beautiful and Accessible LINDEN, NEW JERSEY ' ". M Kt,'IZAt)BTr1.-7-.rV1ll.tilt. PMOM. 14 MILK* I'KOM NEW YORK. On Main Line Pennsylvania Railroad Why Lots in these Cemeteries commend themselves to Heads of fancies and Investors 1)liCAUSI', of the JI.WO.WXI Ttu»t Hund provided for by ihc Tiujie'* iii each Crmettry,' the inromc (ruin which will ktep lliu niupettiri,. per-. P«luslly btauiihiln NO KXPKN3K TO LOT OWNKKS, OKCAU3K such a ^uarsntro, not found in any ctthnr cemeivry, simurrn hit tmnots!h.< ihegroumls Wll.t, UK MAINTAINItl) I'KHMANKNTt.Y AS BEAUTIFUL l'akkh AKTKH T1IK INCOMB KKOM.TIIB -SALE Of LOTS MAS HKKN KXIIAUSTKD. LOTS SHOULD BE PURCHASED HOW itecause MOKK ADVANTAQKS APE OI'KKHKI) TO LOT I1UYKRS in i new Modern I'atk Cciiictcry ibin in thusc rula'iliiiheil ti)>ny yvarn ai*il, in iiumt c«*«s, no pruvialon ninde lor pcrti* 1 * 1 *' cure vvithoiil txu* e<c->»n«t.i lot owner.. TIIEHR ARK A QKKATKK NUMBER OK IDKA1. LOCATIONS TO SKLKCT KHOIVt. CHICKS OK LOTS AKK ALWAYS LOWER AND TKRM8 MOHK ADVANTAGEOUS,. UI'.CAUSK lift la matt unccrla<i1 mul KVKRY ONK SHOULD ANTIC. IPATK THE INKVITAHLK UY MAKINO \ CHOICU NOW OK A FINAL RESTINO I'LACK. j -;. LOTS WILL PROVE A tiood INVESTMENT H1XAUSK iliey are nure >n incrraiie in vitltie and can be purchased NOW t«. the INITIAL or LOWEST I'RICli»ml uj-in the MOST ADVAN-..- TAQKOUS TEKMS...."' BECAUSE ths proneniea are ACCESSIBLE TO -t.000,000 PKOPLB, and considering ihe HAIMD OKOWTH OK ORKATKK Ni W YORK and Us TRIBUTARY CITIES and TOWNS,l U only qutatlon of a SHORT TIMS when LOTS I In ROSKDALE sml LINDEN PARK will EQUAL IN yalue. lici»<! of our MOST N,OTK»icem«ierles, "i LINDEN LODGE < ''<* rahui'^t. MOST MODKHN.I.,1 iiiiiu r Quli : i''kin CnMKTKRjrLOpOH,.inft.«taunlry»nil provuailwilh HVUlt vv.^)iil.h»lnnh. t"om» FOHTlod CONVKNIKNCIC'Jl I.Of OWNKHs «li<l VSITOKB wlia uinie.ln th«>top«ltili. '.. FOR INFORMATION ««'««ii..t^.»miht««u.«milful I'.iW c««..n,l KKKK Irinaportalian.14 {irnn(<«ctlv* lot buyfri, apply Jtl OUic to Any I.KAU1NO UNDeaTAKI'.K Or umu> ulthe A»oci>(lui»l '.., IJiHton, N.-.J,.»7 llnwl Slml, l: l««ht«h. N, J,. l>rud»n'l«l HullUing, N»w«rh,. N. J... /OS Itfritn, J.rt.r Cll/, N. J» Wni 2M»lr..l. Stw VorH Cllj-, SAFETY RAZOR AT LOW PRICE. / SUPERIOR TO BEST AQLD AT ANY PRICE. 5 EXTRA. BLADES In BMtage stamp* ' or oash brings-it prepaid by mall In F^fj_ ' lal be*. ' t. Wrtta urn* ane" full address very novak. ra* i*-n*r<i murmmt. n. v. An Imitation Takes For Its Pattern the Real Article, There was never/an, imitation made of an imitation..imitators always Counterfeit the genuine article. The genuine ia What you ask "for, because genuine articles 1,,' are the advertised ones.. Imitations are not advertised, but-depen'd for their business ori the ability,of the dealer"^' to sellvjrou- something claimed to be "just as good" ' aslc lor tiie genuine, because he makes -morej.-' profit on the imitation.- Why,accept imitations can get the genuine by insuting? Refuse Get WHatJou -i - y% '- *.:y:

4 \. THBCRANFORD CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY^ fltyt Cranforb (Eittjrn thb OBAHrOBD CJT1ZES, CARWOOI) NOTES. * mtwmic "I <>«AWK «<i"ii II l» 1.' 11 Fr.tikr nigt.l»1 Brit. h»'\ Mr* J {\3iitn*Tt n1 Oi>tffr *lr**1 t.f** **) U» Johnson»»>iiU*>,Cratiforil. 1*0 ttcutf pubtirntit'n,. Win T Fruat. Jr.,'ha* ttoiu flliuf bt tiynnl or ur icahlinil *iti. llic QarwiKxl Ikt Kriteri numt ««" ju<u<n.ur f <-j \ faith Thr I'turt, (.-UL.j-'H'!'! /on* bat ikwt»» lh>-tr<-t <>'<-m rnpontofihty for ftpmtunt y-hiih bpttmtt ' Annl MMtinifol V. j, The annual IIHTHMR *>? id" irn» held «t" Ms 1!, "I-«*«*»iI»> Mi awl « uti WirJba«ru.t)i»»t/>t» * 6 Wil M (." I- Unit, ni ilmi ttlj. fi.uil,-»«flll /»it «l 111* Y '... HONOR ROLL. mil»f (Irani School tut lb* itii.dll. of Jinuar/ Mr«Tuniwii), Jnliknii I'Mu V»n y H<trr.> i' prayrt Mi'<ii*ii!'i> i^i Tt»i--nVirVi» IIIIW Imlliiub 111*1 Hi.'Alpibor Iliilmwi. liw w K/«ft>.' Kftti-i. 1, n... j ii imliiiii-«iif.t'.*' iiii't.ili' «r*<k nnil.m*il*i prplntiinnry arrangf Mirvili Day. Mm U, M«l«l«iii». MAth*««, Lucy,Spur!.**; J.ihlan «iii»uultti<t >>,*.V«> NiailV l m**nt* In*Mil» j*iitfuiu* fur Un. iroii Cliariitj*'r!iiii!,--t/iut'U* wis, t.*b»a. O»i!.l I M»li^tW'tit nul It) llilv J'liuiKiii, llt-llj HIKJIM AfiMm KiKcbor, Uru'lo 7 Aliijii Kjplin'iiiW. l'i;iii. M - I J*! Allwrt Afuiiut, LilliK*. llnliw.'k,.mlircia Kvuwn, Kliw Thtif-ri, 1'i.yjiH j«^rtr*.,., Wll<! {nfliii-fiy iwllltltli Kuriimii. Mnf; Millttf. Kli/<il(»tli Tn»l. MkUl Oil, ilfli'ii Mtlimrr M'iry Mi-i The lirt'fll iii«jii'f'llm> IIDJ»(nugjil"i lirti'l* I Ifirliiirr) TiiiiilirtMiii, KcU-'. thiitra, KlaM fv-hhwiijaiiink: ll-.i noii.m,t j liiinm'- n» «f;1ii»n IIIIIK prnpmwd liy tli.i* vh In ('.H.IIHI Kl"in, Hi* nmr' mill Mr> iic'i»>«i. vv ltmiii'!tn»lk. lluwnnl k'll"-! Uffty, K'-iiik'H I'ritri, \l iri-iiti! two chitkiivill'm** <if I'oli tixiu (I'III'J* ft! tlii* Mi'<li<Hllitt pnj&m liviu-llis llolcn Coiililinit, VS'aliar* HMW- Ynljai'h, A«(iu«WFUII, r tt«ri.-r '»' '*' ' nili'iwil by the Kl?4 y ( M.!!' l-r h*» nl«..,un' f..i ow U'KttM* Iliwr In-Ill- Hi Wralllld. 'II Hlmiiiio. lurlli.n i'ri'v, limn HUilk, l>l(j*.mclt*.r,' Krttrtrm fwlluli'ili; liftiii tlif. oid^imuiinlinim nt ll?i»ir wan Ili'lin U'tiiimr, IInmilKni Kny, Willi«Wbmxfto, Pn ol'jpnl liifi«.t-iinl'ii l'i<tkiiii>'.>n( lliivifitmuiiiv, * Ki>, Win I 111- lnl«llt)^ u( «lil»u'-j illrilkilltk Ulin.lH.', Kntlilwii Olillmiii, I,iul«,.Ilifkau. Kj.illnmrk. Klls Hum* NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY..nil fi»n xliiirituriln In iitnlouift it"' IMliillhlx KM ful.» MftlUi'll» ii. U(. «hi «nrk llt«/iililitimi liisr* Ahlrtuli, Mi.rim Wt*l. Ul(> A»HH'llllhj[l t>f OIM'I- fill!i Mlltl'iillli «>flt». Tim- m Hull'.\ iklniif>, Itiilwrl llnl*, AIIUH ; KKKILWOkTH NOTES Every IUII Telephone is the Center of the System 1 (toil HIHI Dully I (miim<n!«hi tin for.liil.irwili, lli'lly 1,111111)111, (il«- )«MntVll. Wuckilihi' Oiiivwii)< >(.< lien Hit tc imti MIMI I', i, i.f 1'liilul.lin.I I'IIIIII. Olml)", Kmliryn nil FcU'll Hlnllilnlil-,wis illih ii»'>ll»l) ii, l\i., H-Mi III n.wri jtutiim tit niloplnl, mid MH'hltlKK'S'SAl.liVfni I of New JerfMy. M'irhll A I >.»..I uf Wr»1ll»l,l; I,Hit -* Wieli II II,I IIMIII.,1 L'-ii"ml,in«p<'ct..n..; M-'tb'(id.«liuw'in. V" fl'tw^ii JllliH Ii. Hr.xui.liT I '«inipltilii- Wht'I»ni«, 'Hi<-M- nllilnlillilh id" i'l Hrt/»J Aliirii» the utnuwt' tni nimnm'«in ililiiiintf ihivpiii» I'.v UHI:,-I i.y Win \,'l>... d Ihllt lt.l)l>w Sl'lfl..1,1 itli.l!,.,n»- llnili.-) riirl >l:int- l''v. ft». l,,r ^IUV i,f iii.,rl«iik'.^l tin'llilit*. wlldl» w Un«M>»I'III MI I lnuh'i'llili.- = -f "ill" (IIITWIIIMI l^!».rllir (!iiin ilnij, ID '" llmtloi:. t l-i'*i«, I'rnl In ll,i! IWmiKii i m-.n,,!,!..!. I'- i'"" 1 " r^'iircd Dili) it ^ H> viri.i.' >,f Hi,- ;il»,v,< hlitlwl writ i,f hf»n of fo(ml III«IUC<M1 "iifl MWII In Aim 11. II.titling hi*. tliitli'k Mil Mululny i'owimbi'p,*' i!iii'h«hi>il tjnii (,,,i,ii, v,-11,in... Kt rl»..^l,,.ritri.. Iliroin it,i.i uurt. oi liu nxl<«f oliiclly tut AfiiPili-HiiK.inn) Iliit-M'i, Unroll IUIIIK, MILiii«lloiihm W. A.Vlillnl m Ih., in.* m'-iil Ml II ii^ IMi i"ir»itioii' put WhlMI'ltK, I'IV*MIH 'I'llfl'" Blflll'llll'lll Hiiilxv loiiilniwin; lloi.illiy SIIIIIIIIUIII, Win.fTWIy nml fuiitlv ni.i.( Hint iii'iill/il H'IIIIM, ohli'li Mil' mufi I'liiiiiincH luuil'-il, Frmik, Mnt) tin 1 HKIiNI.S'ilY. I UK MI.Vn:i:.NTH DAY (IK i..i'd'.'i'lir-i of wnrk lill.1 l llviiitf ri". i.. «tli- W.liiiiin*-.. """""! M.iiiu. uiv. A. l> r.iiii,. clihni'ix f 1 ""! I'lii'inlul.n Iinvi< ilim'liiiiil III.. Irsolnlloli.will 'i'!'i.iliinfl (in linn frnlil lit* 1'iynr turn ( lliifl! Day, Hull. Mur^nii. Hull In Kli/.ul>..'h jt-li.-nlny. Mi lll: ""»i!«,.,.ylm-li in ili(. ilil.,rn.i.iii''.f NiiJ (l»j,llll nti unllki- BiiliKiiinw in H-lii«kr>,mm m...i-iy nili-il...! til!! itil of 'ti j,{-. ti' I lli" f^hi' 1 '- r I'liii'^'i "1 IHIIII mill lim'mi*,** nllttalh imvmjilcfl Hi»hl»kl'V ktlll llin Wlliili.' ll'«a»l WlWlliolll Illltl II p,,ki liiiiilit 7 Mnry HU'lk, lliit*il HBTKI'II, I'li'Hy liti«n,.,«l!iim ultll'rii;.-i :'iiuii IMMIJI I.-I if,,. r,,wiii,iii ifir, iii nfi(lucm.i'!>luri'(kwliii IIUIIII nii^nr <>r inn H Hit" (I'ltMixiit I'.ltslnr Wnilin, I'liiijun'HliHpiiu. Until 1'utier, Itubitrt,S..«iiK Mm-hliK' i' i.-uiy,' iii KM/..I-»,i(iM "' CiHi'ii nml htitl.. of Ni.w Ji>rwy f/ikunci wltliout Hlnlliift Hint fnrt mi <lill f t tin 1 IHIH'I, IngiiliiT willi lil«i Miilh">il 'I'tn- IIOIVMIKII 'OIUIII-II lii>vil II ri'tfiili I'oMiiiin, Will,i,in Huh, (j><rliuil».^lixirk, '' ^i -i 11*1- 'if Illl' i i'hli, llf4ll-4 iji(i>rtl. N. J.. i'tj lil.' m thf ortitv t»f from Ilif IUIH'IK uf Ihn icmriiliiliitf.uiiil II»*IIIIK Tu-"»ilii) ntttlit Killi i 'ie»ldi.i Amiimln (iiiltiuy, WIIIIMIII ili^lni', l,iirnit M r. u n d M i " W o r A. v i v u l e i\" i....i.., -'fi» ( it,- I'ttitiy ('f I'lil<Mi» un l(it Uii'-il lepil'f,»f the. l'.i-ei. il!< Illl'l l wi<iit>' tt>n^ 'i> an laid tiown nu nnil ittp «'otln>4«'oiiu"''«'ii! >oiiiii1" HIHI Hull In ijiu i IIIIII. 'I h«('i.uiii-il,lrn,l( lll'miiiuilii. Ivinn eiinuiniolfi(i..ii> mi I In- a r m»>. j i n., ;,1!<ii+^ f'ir 111*' yehir mi. ii-uil liv "tlnltauure," mul hta in>w >li>tliilllnii *>t Hull II,e> iliil mil win,* nil iivmhi.n liin.lith Mihiiidl l,«*i;i, liillh IIIIH f II VullliK null; Ii.III,,n Moii<,-ty,. i ;,',., wlmt (}i>iihlll.iiit>ii n "IIIIMHI," mt< ilcn u'li t'lfi'k, ritu^ KIIIIIIM.III. ami )iiin<fn'ii «hi' ilonf fci II iwliirii i>f linden Hi (Vntiii Mti*t, it IK-IIIU I li.y, Juliii l.iiillu*, MUKIIII. Hpl'lleiun-* fri'iir K>'iiiiw.iitli j'...i..ri il. i llilwl. AfliuJhe piiytieni...ij [.[ /.t* fruin Hit«rtirnttr forniwl by nlmlic t-vjl~ of IKIIIUKIIIIIMI fooilkltliiliifi, t w uf nil llnl II l.iiiini.l wu««l,«ulu will '>«!!J Hi, i '-U-i HI I n-<-hjconn tlit* i ii!.'t «'jm.i '.f HIM! iifirtliwwtfrl) mile nf llmiidt* nuiii hii'ilu'liif" ilim IIHVI> fur II nwilwl. Thi" * t'lfrk-.'-wantiiiatrlii>lm) It III Kll./!ilii. ji ttiiriim'fc nuiiiit- unit Hn* M.r»t iw(-ht*-rh Miilt* of lumi' IMTII liitlil mi'lii'ik liy On'ii i.'iu f.>f.r,.ji>li--' i;;i-.-uini-i. vinl ninnini; tlinif" iittrtliwnhtiirly Illill <if Ilif> {mw fmtil lawv ti,illiiwiiih ill"' tninl tli»( Vnlinl luilrnml n i^ipv nf II,, iwi [;irn.l witti i.tju-riin-ft cm* inii>tlrwi HIM! Ih- fi/ti.ji'rfij pfi, tlii'ucf H.mthw^'H'ft'i'ly nmt tmriu.-l Htitt HmtiHiii" rtv<'itii>> lwt.iita-tlir<««t uiid «liloluli» Of l*r«niiti>ii( Ik»iisiivi'H Mini r, Hix/ilu. (I.JIII;. Iliiiiihl,.M,'Alii» iv;n «'iliili., i,., tu Irilll.jiy A '! l l l. tlni.". F..1. IT Hint tlm Outworn) *<<«i>r mm Kf.t.»!!«-fuim.rtHlti.o (L-a.^l f,»<t: (inmironortli- ) t*r, N r i_y on il.-mlilv In I'm.. f.. iluii, atul n. Aniri'lmt * :,h>l fill.'!..r iit-.triy «.vwith Kliwj HHIIIII,.urn Frftrtiiir) l«rm of 11 '! ltll> liuiilllgk III I'l-lliTlll.llllt^l'K, iillllli, ttrh'k IIHIIHIIMII, I'NOIIHM^ M^HHli'k.,.ii) ("ur ht-'i, Ml»s ly.i M*vvitry-Mi>v«>ii r>tik:jiiia- II..-wh" i-i ri-i-.-ltf.! ill.tjj I,. UtfiMv MiitlittVHtcrlT i'nl T t i ni'iiinil uiiil II>iin ihi<-v, ui<> tinit IMH hl MII,II.III» I'.HIrI HIHI,r l«'l nn.,l II i Iillinorn,^ Viiiii Alli'ii,,Hli. ilii.n Innu b # u, i tin ln-mii iimin'ill. :*.! l-'ll'ht H, ^ f,j iul-jii.')j> UrNiiiiun of UtM Int i l ll DI.III.IIKII would win Win in iln effort I <Mt;litt^n.:Viittl mivmiftru nuelii f<wi; Uwr'ft «finthfa i»t4*rly inicrly iiir iii-ti iii-".. i-i the Xi'w Vm', -..'s iu lui:ulure>.' liiottil'sl Hi r< Uiilf f.nlitwi.. Tln> I'm Rraolv^U, Thin ««>, V I, Ai <'f l 4 SV,. )r',-l!-i,. i hliwjittr.t>r "i)t ( lumiliwl (mil Cmntoid, N J. jiniu'iii Mmilimi iiilttimeray IH.IUM.II HIP Unlid-n nml Ijoel Honor mil tit impilx.'««.iii il fur Ihn A ^^ i iii)v.,v ii nnvhliht \\ tu ui (ivi-ifitili- U 1.''*.!) ftvi In IIIH In'i'ii i.nkliiit ii» >i».-i'il. *.' Ill I'i'lil;.! <if Huni«ii.t»Hvenn*\ und flu'nct* ctiimvif'uix I'rtKliloni iiml ui^- U.MII wood Milon-Hln ri'itiirdiiiit 11*. Hum in IIKtllllm fr(.llll -lillllllimtloll ; : i* ^ li.ti.,**, lrim H ni'i-*& lii!*.r.'m!i iik htiriim le 'iivcnim forty-*mt» uiu i'iiivt.-i!iity. ;l I (.. [ l,, 8lftt«fwnl UWI'IHIK, in nil MIIIIKM. th» uf JClin, Hjetuiuite, l'mk nud Kll7nl>.. tifuclt' I YxlUt' Wpiutrntili, llimurd imlunliie.hlnry in Hie I'jilirlmi itit r (i> f Ui H.'lll«III-: «.ii.,. l.n,i un,i iir^uiim'h wliicli tirtrmliy uf irdlti i( mill lytiioi'tioil UPtiOUOIl H'l'll IAIi to llvkit 111!' lll'lll waa n i ihri.tilly MtM to th Inliliaon, AIIHTI MIHIIT, A < Ixliml.- Ml/Kii-iluiiok tlnhlnml, i.l.-riv. i il,- Mil.l I^IIIM, llmlh-r (.'nrliii br itirtmtu*!!*!! by I'rwilili'iil 'lnfr» ilrclp- Mtiiifai-liciii of tlm (Viunell Thi> yrd li'iiy, loiimm AiHlcmoii. Kiln in (fi'llill In Ui.r.McK lil--\ -i--lr il II I..ii ' 'Ili.V (,-f his i.xfrinn.iii'm :t«ii,,; Knim H. run.«'iuu wil.. iliiinj rpnl -I I in I i.<< i,', I ii,», k '.,,,f,,,,, for I,,_ OD< DO Ibdt If (MiiimuiM'ra i'«iiiutl IIHU- UHiiiw Imuinlii HIP ulrwls (mined mi II L»w IH lti.rlintt (jowilttml, KHtln>ruii -.1 ill. mm in 11 in K.Mi il i..i i m MI, r**ml..j H.if ' il i \ 'i I I*' hw -I, U' > 1 I in,,,l i. -in,-i rlh. j.-ir!'««( IUIIIl. - I l - ' I U J I I I ' I I I I. I I. I,' \l, lh«'{>rptrh>tl(ili of tliii 1'i'iiinil IHW lliivy llrnt remliiik J I'. Heiry»n«ap K>.iilxi I'llllllU lin nml il.ln r.'ii n <.. \,\ tl,..i.mi'h I.,, I Mi.mill U>i ii,.,,.,1 in *V,r m*y» l l<*"i barfi<imiiiiii ii> M«tt* IIin', 11 law from * rviuiu «r iln< futiui'i i-vll«n HiKiulwr uf thii iwttpr i^iniinimioii (Iruiln III Mnriinri>tln I >> iininll,< ' > Him, t.- i ir^..,n,i!,.«i-ii i I*L* \\i "ii. In ml refill*!,,m,,., '-"III HI I MUM.ANll. Nierlll I.I V.UT A lltt Ml I!,s,,l'r- U'li-nti-tl K'nllo'llnn tif -i i I,.in- in!,.- i>t dukeratliiff noil iul»l>iiini iiin Hie M (liilliiuay waa it nipinbr TiHrlirr, IJIIUIII Mnituo i.. «it nml,i HI,,I ft- ><i Ii I U. iilili/,il i>\.nil,im I HJVi I \,iv. I,,., food*, ururt, UnuorK mid lll (if III" llxnnl i'f llwillli. Tho I'I'IIIMICUU (iriulx U Sltmn llui'ln'i'k, ('urn* (lull Illllllllilllllll HI I p-lllil I'o >.'» t Mini: Vm-'i.,.. In.i ^in^ a i irm'i. thu people. ihittw inii'dwl Hint llii> IIHH rulmi lilu liny, Itii-lmnJ Mulmy, CliurMiK Mi 1 J o h n IVJJII'J 'iinl f'liinlv,. i! "ih I ' P.. \ il rr I'n-ill. 1 tit* I u triliiin i f lv ilk'-." of U«t, l«<llliik<>r lliti nork «ohuul, eut«muinwat, farmirr, slrwi uud motion IKH«- p)u],baolflo«nt«nil pttih ooitiinlttow*. 1! ti l ll wu VOUN! that tho adopt III* pftty M lu dower, nnd "V. I. Asrih»f^-»H.--»H<» motto- Thp t*r tearing UMWCuda, "Oranronl, N. i,for«oo.of Mm, Mt>i «UI, wbo baa U» matter lo charm*. The rmish Ctrv/I* hr>ld lla n>«ula Uf. Abtjr aang charmlu-flj-, Mr*. Shaokford at the piano. Tii* rmirtnf pnwidmt, Mr«. Itletmrdmatt* witty addn?»» and ror- tnontld) niet-llnif vintprilny at Mi* Jou«-.i on Hunttrtl A m-ntial ruutluti of hutluoaa wa "Silver Tt>a»" allll con tlnuo lo bit popular nnd «ro hi>ld wwkly tor thi' botu-nt of tbu weloomed ibo uew r Tb* Miooliuioo noi» numlk>r«omt Km II. Into tinvol fur thw Mai«hala, «li urn now on duly H«tunlaV» from 0 p. in until I a in.; un Hundar from A p, in. I IU 10 p. in. l>r»iit»iil llull appuintwd building chiuiiintt*.!. fur th«jipw Htmiii(] Imll, ThoconilullliHt cxiin irihm Con PIIIIIKU- limkl^ WjoluifL aad-ltahl< U>un«ll mljounuhl to February ; 8 oviut-k Trlnty Uhurob. Uwt Wnntlay Mr«. Kenyun Kavc ttio 1v», nud, tlio otbr mtmbwt M 4 with unity or pur- d«tf» fur ihl» month AID IM! '»«M«nd Dplllt. unity or acttou, much omi b» y, p offlwr* Hall; Feb. Ulli Mra. (I, 11. Jouiw, f-tor th* ootttngywir; I'nwldeut, JJIw CVl g ; hvb, Ulnt-Min K»b $Uk 4 > l d lln rlol. NortUavcuue; KoU.,8(h~Odr» K Mrt H«in W. l^ntlkld, lihiiiptou IUII. Tens.1 it h»ld from 3 lo 6 p. in. -iettws. - iettari to- ^OOlce; 1by, R wo'mnn, ranging "from I* to 2s, to w«lepboao optiratiug. Pkfd wb lng;''''adyimi6fitueut g ; y f hud ppermatieni r OtlT CUrk, A.l<.l««l» T<-j/y, V'irglciaTajluf, Howard Jo'iO*r>n.C»l<WnTorbu*h, Mar; lirnun, Martin* Ixifflaod, Kr»lyo Ta*rlur, I/>uim M»u.nt, Ali*rt M«l»fr»Alw W«nntr*ur>, War.}*:!** {jiazuinn, rinf rarmt", Vctt*,W«intr»u!<, lul^k-k, Hmimiy Hlispifi*. Katii0' (>raii» l- j lj^jtj<»io H*i«l»»f. Arthur Mrt,J-..M»rjfmv.t f.k I)-im,Kn, Julm Drttj (^ >«ur Millwr, _jj«i Kinlmf, (iro AJilrii I,. Hiduuv Hmlil,, 'irram kur/n*n, W'iiii»r Taylor, U«uf')rd l*«i»,, Eo-. f'a-i*. - - William Marmii./, Ofm»- I'li'l', llu li^nl Miitvi-y. JaniHi M'x«i>. L'linilnli«*li K»«irl(, Amw VVorcJa, (tuc- Onfruoj, Hlii»n«liat^fK-Jr. :J lii,rm-n A'lili.inm. (Irinm.'l MIIIIKIIIIIIK AIIHIIH, Al iiin<r lluliniit, IJ»UIIH> JulillHun. Ii ib.<rl Ail (Irai'oi Itulh K\HII», ItiTlhu ll«l«n Wiirnpr, Diitnl IMiuut-, _(}fad MniK'ii, Anna Jcilinmiii, Mnrinii W'tmt, ll«ft-l Murimi, Knlliryn UumWo, Itulli -Kmiioj, (llmt. Alilnrli, lhtlty L>i- Mont llrntl* tt Oanu U»WIH, Mnr«nrpl [Inn. twl, Uuell llajr, Uonuhy fcliiiimituii, Un>- IIICUKI \V>«t. y (Jr».!<- 4 Oafk May Ordw, Ann* '> «. A'>w lyoi. KbxvbG* iit-^r.-t, (jrayv T.J Ttijrgwji. Jtititt H.t. H«rry IX Hmit>>, i, <%ui j lo Si.ilii»'. H I.» l n i. Will HHrfM l 111" ll. llt;i'. Ill llf Mr.1. IrtlnillK'nltll it-vvvrc ml-i Di Vmi. of Crnufurtl. Ii UI(I>IHIU)RIIIIII Mr. Ui-iirwe McK«url<>, if 1'iirk. lin*.» bu«tuo»ii I ili ft this wrrk H it City and the Country are bound together by the ttlephpne line. For thc.sulrarban and country resident, the telephone puts the city's friends ani^ business houses at his" call. ' City people also rind the rural telephone of great advantage. A traveler, from his room in the hotel, talks with the farm folk miles avvay-. Unless they have a telephone he cannot reach them. The farmer himself may travel far and still talk home over the Long Distance Lines of the Hell System. 1.nil* if tin..mriruiiiii nf - I 1'nne.w k'.mi «. imimiii i> n rnh.,1 In ihi-ir» <, m,( in., n IIIIII,,M HV»,.f notn l «item llmt clly L > Bum II il I*I 4 uf Hit. i(r"»i «urk run,u,i» it HI,^ f,,r )i«r fiiruixu, nml J.i«' ili I'. Si.i-hl an.i ion.,'u,- I'.'UHHI UiliiHiu irs-ribn) IJ. HIM lirvnli,*n *. Uhvl i*\)h.ri(lip ]ti4 Milli Inn Mnllil ri'latlvc* In Miiliif. N J, ilu-< '.-til r,ir Th*.r** urn hturi.t. by Aim* lwnti, llelrn (>ri-«n. U-mrtje KiWi.i r>irn«.r, Y. K. WnU-rwurih mid MIIIK.I \V(ml Mnrlln. Ilw IIUIMUH HIKO i uu i VHK aniiili-r n midlim-nt i,f Arnold II.iinHl'n iiiiiumhi.- mitire, "Wlml Ihe I'ulllic WnnlH " Good Vaudeville at Newark Tvrm tiuuiir roll fur th«month of Hortlsoiv, Kdvrard Wilbur. tlrail.«:t~ a»k«tch January : IkaSie Uarrisoo. tirade 1 Jno, lte«le, -Tb» U«d of ib» IIUUHV," which m a Thft UulldlHK Kuud Umdft 1--Kiib<.th (l«hn»rt. Sidney Haymond llowell, Ktxnl Kickcl. als doliiihtful pombiimlioimf nouitnikl bmb, Ouokr., Halt on Monday at p JohnOlNuon,, Mili tr^llon Clni'de (.ithjrg* Tlunea ilj, jith Mr. Wolf mid ins k T K\4lyn K4l L»u«, L Ktlxabaih t 3 p. Ai. \ v - on (.iroaknlt, iu regular me«tlu«of the Borough &s lh«ftsmuif. Tlm fapvattiuff MnKaddeo, Anna Mpftl»hon. The EnterUluutt>nt Onmnilti<«of Council was hold lif Itoroush Hail on Fuur," a big mumcal act, mil nito have Of»d» a-an«*lin» IVodotf, (Jhrlttlan r f? 'JAo(lo«Ui art U>«PAW boaki r*o«lt«l Clrcta 1» hl(jbly «l«t«d over Tuwday evening, the full board being prommeut place on ihe bill, «ud Orenford Public Library for tj<» ib# recslpu of th««ocml iteld prvs.nt with MaA'ol Hr-des in the cnair. aoothtti faaiunt will U» a t«am of the at Mr». Damonja on Friday owning, A letter from Oo. Attorney Coddington asking for a,»«iti«urvnt on tin-,mr<w \Sl»oo niid Otlo. The Uaiuille Ixwt ctini«ll«un*a ID Iht bualoeia, the Sk«r» Lofgiwi, W8 wa* rcaltimi by tlio social. # 9U Hurry Out, Kua* AkUn, Loui»» U«bn»rt, County road bond*, was read by the, rj»r. O. 0., V*u*xs of the Near But, A(rting«mpul8 have boon completed Tno will do»iin» aaiazidc tbickg on ib«kaiily Hat, L«*ter Tool, Fanny Thy. Olerk and tarton, p. JC, Tramoodout Mtli*. for fho (,-oioula,l luuchroq en costume. K»*»ti, 0r» Clark*,' t'lor«oo» Ur»nn«n. iht> ban with a lyl ot «na«ly. Pr^j \\'at- Offiw., H L, ML, rntornitior^l «t the home of Mrs. Mlllard. Clerk «M toktructed to wftr blot to «m and a b«vjt of ^. ty Gd Grade fi-~t»r*«a fit Birfs wm «u,,, El»i* avptiun, for tb> ben«qt of the Mulldlug the Union Ooqnty sfuhortil** for dae a tot of wagio*;, aod dancing,»ua, 8ata Fund.' Lunchoou to b«from 11:90 to tbera olli auo tw otlj-r go««thills oo i. tt, Tb» eaah inwgo*/ a odook, after which faoyy)«. crwims, tta Board or Health «ew wa<v, E. K, lbs pmirau meludion moving picture... Grade «-\Varre» Oarwont, VtoU Wright, U. a.calliukof BanMatb-*«. chocolate oaka, houie-tuade oandy and 8U)\f n» Had F. <>. Hlller for titfif?«ir Ftfmbatih, VleUiria Johuaoo, *oo«th mince pie will be oa Wile until 3 p. m, terse. Ol^wlq* tvluilo, HUtold terms»dd Win. Autrub'us for the one klajror, Charlaa, Oentlo ktlu/bu of old Pilottjjf luuchoou ticket*. 40 cento. ye»r t«rtn. hood or M. F. Hutdeo Metwllb. riuih'.tir wf 'iherektilar luwilng of St. A««e» for *W0 ax constuhli', with & S. Ruth dabbled l lu k SvBh aaoor. Ralph, Th» for«t){ow, Oulld will lake place ou Mouduy afteruoou as surety was bbtuitttd. but the qnes. Has*. St«\-«utu. I tit»ifi., >PUiullnu; at the home of Mr*. IL K. Mer- at fto, O. a^ Truxton King. tion/ag to.the «mu«iat or tha band oeul «nemt*t uf ttt Frvutti -A:T i#ii»iadtn rill' «on Foreat <av«nup. ' ro4. wktt H provl^t that If A bond for AdtUs AWba, lakl u[i uulj ft'\er. s" - 1f 5* n *' H.:«f.vOitb«ilglil*hlpf * Her. Dr.- rjdftvhjumbo bell 300 Ins neeesswy that he quilitj in and j-.' Arttid «; Anthony, P«twr«by. With throat trouble, be will Ulnt nmount.- ChjUrniao Xtttchke of wbthi he teamed that to -pcuupy hupulpll on Sunday". A the Light Oommitioe, reported (hat doant «llh i]nlitinr. Tliv fi-i dent; man from New Vurk has bv«u five npw»lectrlo URht«- had b«u ia- towtag «J4y J a valhsl with a auepp«nl,,w/c., Tii* liatnblff CIUIJ w^ored lioucr roll of Shwmnu Schwil fat the *UUled In Michigan avenu*; «W th*t larjre pot of \rtykd l»utt*r, acvom lonth h o( ( J«nu» J pokaih'kd be«n««t fort ddttl b» Vtt x»a{ttdu to one who qualities, pphhy.omuford tjpatral" Friday, JFcb. 4, at 10 a. m,''"' Xok«, Jliltoa OnwkopC ' " «ght» bet»i>eaf X«nll»oril» - Inn»ajl vdn^jthemcklnle^hwl ButtdinR.tjutHua ;-<Jt0;jonlyjww<>ribeje ifphta masotservice. NVH?**?: «ra,l«i -Olive lx>tr.-^^^^ wm^;.bjk;c*'^ Oommiue*, Xlbchke, u*a, Augriioa ivsloj'csrfeilm'wliflbiintbloh U>eyt^it^MK.«oSabtniUi(Htao( j^aik by» Vtttr ftx<m one uf tb^ em' peiws-iw«vtarii.'s>.i»tli4irlbjt at lujsurt twpnl Tbat b ^ the fur year* aini n»»u Iw f.iu'xl aui. 1 nud prutupur imrkil. M.HA when afwlaice nvoveivd Mpwllk took to hloi«tf the-trvdit ot ber cur«v Contractors & Teamsters Moving Vans for City or County 'I!<[.' ilioii«cull ur I'.isiiil will briuij a U H p r H l t OITICK."ji; MISS RICHMOND'S College Preparatory ANtl Boarding School r.h«ro «as nnvt-r a* Iwtt^'r b«l, nctsl (Irmli. 7 MnrKUorilu York, William half year at llu> MeKluley school, mill i>niui i en n vaudeville stmj,, tluni liuhi tvitxr on Tui-oday uioriilii«th>< nrholnis wlk: tlu> oux wined IIH b*«u for llrndo K -Klalu'e MVmpK Mildred had beoa netther otwivt nor tanly irrwnu(iim at Proctor's Tlwitre in Opens Sept. 28th, «ei» nwardod it nealiy framotl LVrtilil Nk»itli the lauii. Hull) Il»»lcy. cttlo gf Merit UVH mark uf dlstlnetion. matin**on Mondny, Krb 7th Vulrakii l d pupil* Kxsiupt (roui nil by the llimrd of KiluoAtU u. The r?- Surirlt, an Hi-coiuplishfsi) aeirwiii, mi,i «KiMulnatluii -Klizibolb l'miw, Una oipl»iit»wero: GradeS-IIIIKO Nltsthke. SI'El'UL FEATUItKa uah McAUIaU<r, Uhnrlva Ollmnr«mid Oeoruii tliirrlmm, Uuoy Cr«an. Oraile Untuning aketch '" rhu lmle of 7 -Uiyrton Wilbur, Kraaor ijrnwu. Wil ll,)ule*»ru" u-the iii-atiiina num. Fr ""w h ",*" U * ic ' ' rt> Phytle * 1 Culler* heltnut Flokcl. Orailw f. - Chariot! William Wolf, a w*l! known- opera il. *>ur«fl in tin. ttrl r **ttf ^prqfltloirwaicti DIIKHMAN Benle. Qrado 5 AlUv tlow. Kutti '. ami acoiuf«iu> of,m.\e tcrwiiiin rii IB»...!. J.... i ** F *** t *Hi f ii nil cob f sc. Or W. Uhigh Valley Coal Kindling Wood. ll MADAME BARRY 9a Broad St., Elizabeth.,4. j/ H. ti. BUTLERS T "'N«W SURGEON. '»» Specialty. Jorsejr ' ^ y ~. ' > - oul K. i^--- V -v ig.

5 » «iuhfdro POST OFFICE. j TOWX NOTES. Mi~S Allll.t I) IIUlllUC U Ill-ling US sumogmphcr f..r Mi-,* A lire Lakpj ', Tucadny fvenliik licit IH the date nf the Ciaiifi.rd Cub iiiiiiitiii-l performance * - & k.\ - THE CRANFORD 'QITIZBN. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY Sclloul O are wemlu^ ihu --u,, mini 1 " liiitiuu,!' niiiiiiiw eifliie); I «ul»ih w lhill H in.mill n-iili/.,-that tln-> fares fn.iu nf,,., i,, w 1f S io n > itartct hoi, 1 i> IUIIM at (iiiinl f,i( ure juii hi-mnnliik to live Dr^inniiiK the Hi-i t)f Marrh. Thlr- lwti< til i.f Hi,. Mhlolir Tiiefoi.ilHKin of.\rihiir I'lke.hou of I'Kiet-ini-nt h.ia Ix-eu li..«ii jjh Sehiicil im tu" IwskMl lull Mr. ami Mrs.\. o. pit,,,,., K,.,,i j i m Gloves, Etc.. and Waller Meliride *J&I. 'Hie.,.n upmi jel theie It ui.thinu drtiuilc. IIMIII p'ii>ml the,l«r«i-t ("In II S 11 act WHsnwnldi-d '" Uo.\le. pfovt'd toil,iy. Tin. buy h.l.-. been Hilfferlnj? from tlit- unvi-ls of tearlet fev.-i l«nl«>..(tttiiunii in ii.n Tw.i heavy dinft bnrm-i nnlwd on U A'til iim'hili lu the inatttu: uf t-etteiii^n for llml Mondaj fur (Ire depmtmeut. Th,., team i* black mid «e l I he H. Hcctiou of Cranfuid nlmvn F.ll/,brih whluii bun caused iilmi<i' hsl-. 4 to form ou live, ineliidiiik lilooiiilu^dide live, "t III,-,.,111!1. his hend iu-oi*8"lliitiiik au «pi*iiitlnn. ii-atchetl, weltfhiiih about -.'.Mini ]{,* Millet. HI liartlrii wire.i nnd I'ni.'ii n\e 1-lnfill Ih. li'mielll nf IIIK Many [IIIIIIB for new hnum-s lire beinn circulated about timu unions the llie depiiitmi-m making tnn leanih mid iniike le ui f. U will prow a xitluuli'i' adjunct to I'S Ili'lH Kiiu-vr ll.unt uits iii-iiiu'i.' I tn<<\ iiujiu-.f I' ll.hi I'.l lj \ Ki'lilH II.'III. Ht I;." ooutruciuih for (.-stiiimteij lor smiik to now in i.-adine-h tu occupy. unmers mien K I/IIIUII, uf b» glutted thib.sprliik, nbit-h ilii-ludtm in llett lili- IUIIIM>. ll rte\peel<»l, u is^mureniileiu-p f, huwc\c l ell. I llie I'.iliee ('iiilililllt.-..»m. ^i i. «IH in.. \,«inrer i, ihut tine df ill.' team- nlll bn until.uily In H III HII im mil.'. i is nf i-.ii Ci inr.iid THE BERRY & CO lu ISuinili-ie I'mk. c ieiur;ieil tor."iclmn.>,. iaii-ron Spiili jlll Id \ Ve. blldkl' Jllxl del QUALITY County Superintendent J. J An l< T L. Draiieliof ihu W C T and nui'i M IHMII IIOIIM nnd at u-. >[ the Huh Sch.Kil, STORE. UllllOllUCUH tlllll. till- n.-xi I'. «lll he or«uii/.ml in Crtmf.inl t... In ltee i M-hiinl rhildii'ii fiom ink Ij'll. Li '.i llllu-d ll l i..»'f uhk..ii..(. (iur Jt- Teachers' Lxiimiuuiitur Tor L'moi iiiiiii.iw iirieiiionii tu ihe home of Mrs. Itsk.s on the ice in ihe uv.-i (lit.mihi!> I In lliilltfi HI). nl 1. i't ur.. in llm Couniy will be ht-ld m tin-court I' W. M.; \V..H,,,,i riiimi aivniie Di.-eis hei's lei-nmm-'il'iu.iii au.i lit tuml f<i len.-h..ih oooooooooooooooooocx House, at Jiiizubelli, on Friday mid Ml einldieii under 11 y«tus are invited slleel HfilllH wen-! >! -1 - t plu-.d i Saturday, l-vb. lilt and.lib l.inilendeil Mr-t Toniliii"<i i ofplaln llikh.lieit smllli riflhe ilvei Jobti \V. Hanker win.iniwti on iln-heldthird puii:jnr3 at l-jujjitbcdi. on Mun ii'-puniliui; i~cei.-laij. uiiilhe'i ih mil Im pir-hi'iit I'lie next R-KUluke pint eat MIS I» I). Vnn Sniin on iiimniirii-m nf neti>in hy ihe \..,U.II. 'Ihe V I A I'V Jhs Cunllelil, i-m OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXX3»»» «day. From llo llotol jumra nuli-cted this week will be made up» jury which Sniitli aveiiin-mi '1'ue^ilay iiflcrnnoii, tii'ii at Hi auiiinil m^i-mif; IHMKIUK. I. will try Wallet Jack-on, of Mli/ulietJi, I'eb (tlh lh.< i.ntnli!i-< iiiiir of a uaibap-.-nll.-.-i who is Indlcteil for itieir<it*rin^ In-. u ifc. Tilt- I'lhuh Club lii-lil lhiil IIIK -ervue by llie T"KIIS II. Till iiutl iiiiiiiii^eiiieut»if properly pitmnnuy.hiimiiicii to " Estimates given on nil kin IH <>r << amiuiil diinee mi I'l.i'mlm. \.'iillik' at nas uril'-li- I on lile pi'ildiii^; full ir pnlre and alterations lo building 4, etc Arciintiiii Hull, In Cli/.alielli nas it \esii^amon nf the >-iiliji'ct lal.-i un My esllmntcs will ciist Mm mulling Jiijoim iicciihiiui III HIII.-II (ut-niy-llvii UoJHine Imsine-s Include I npplh-it iind limy effect a eiini deriib n "living uupli't iniiticipntcd (ind Ihe Club l i n l l f i l l H C A. - I III ( ' l l l l l f o l l l I V I ' l l. ill for you. I'rli-fs iliilit, mid sailhlactlqn truarnnteed. '!>. II. (.'nine, ifiu col iis,bf((»-ii, ^iild and nhili- pii'ilouiniited l'rof Taylnr. plnulst,turtiitlif.l KminiHi'i liiiint ainlfiiimc i \ cv>- W.1 McKi c,«li t-li was tifitn'il I. penter uud huildvi, C'riiiifoid. Tho mid-winter meeting of the New asking if -itc.-i^ in.smith t'l.nifonl Jersey Edilorial Association, will be wereneim>.l and the femivlles. t'lnseil H.Hllil he nee. pled, alhll ref.'lle.l Ii hold at thu Windsor Hotel, Tn-nton, ou ill time for llie t'rnufuidihim t<i talte the HIIKIIIKII, ) '. A. Ciiiksliniik cali.'i Monday, Fcbiiiuiy 11. l:m), at 11 the 1.10 H. in. train frmii Kli/jiln-ih lltll'lltliill III lilt- bl-'lllt III Ihe xmcnilll o'clock. Aithiir Hiiibune, editor of ou Ithi'islde me (In t Ills Hi-.). ill tho New York Journal, nlll be thu A it-ception was Kivi-u la»l eveiiiiik was dlii-cl»h. K"U8t'of honoi and will sp.-ak. (Jovernor Fort, and meuihcrn of tin-.smi- at the Inline of, Mrs H S.Selnnler, had ICIIIIIVK ll.i^slone A 'i. WHM lielevedieie aye., ill Nelhei wond The in a '-(inimnniciiii.'ii (niiiplinii.-d of KOIt ItK.V'l' -.Mullein ute nnil Assembly will ul-n'be present altair wiii< one (if s H--;II pnniiiiniii'n in t{rnde nf s i..walk mi hpiliif/lii-lil mv and speak. I'liunheld and attended hy ueiuly I.V) Ihls was i.-li'ii.-il tu Hi" l'.n>iiiii'i-r MiileH Inini tun.>ti gue«l.<i, which iui-luded, tinny rmm ''II. (.'. Citizen (Mile.. Joseph PUKII-,1,a four-year-old luilinn Cranfoni..Mrs. Scfiuj [er WIIB assisted W. IV itelnilll, pmil ii>-i ll l.#.i IH died auikli'iilv at Aldene on Hiiturdiiy IHU'.SK Kin:.s\IJ: K' (jriiti, hi.- s i'i In ('liiiifiinl, i.i ilaiiiiii«of black dlphiheiin Undertaker l-'l-fil Millnr, HIM.I, III iji G-rav took clmi^e nf the bnriiil on Sunday. Thin id tbe Ihlrii case ot dipb theria Ihut hits deu'loped in thai section iu I bo past few «celts and tttriurent measures me bring taken by the Hoard of Health to enforce tho qufkrantiun law and pievent fuither spread of tho ilnease The Kichardnon Farm Cotnpiin}', of Craafoiil, fllud artlulesof Incwtporation last week with tin- Clerk of Union County. The company will curry on fuunlug, dalryitir and R teal chtiite. Tlio capital in $20,000. I'ho iiicorporalorn are Stephen J. Cor' of Oranford, Stephen S. Ni-w- " too, of Manhattan, AlntiC. JlcDomn-ll, Bay Ridge, Long iiland I*ot Wins nest Wedaraday. Mr. and Mrs. X. A. BWKU tain at tbeir bom* to-oifrnt. -'_. Mayor Heins left tbla morning for a *hort biwioew trip to Ashvilte,». io J y7 alias ItinkeM*) of Qurwood, has *ti bookkeeper at U Bauer, lo iionniiattii); Mr. Huuer decid«d by ihi* r»-»pp«lutin*-ut of JmM I'lumuit-r Jshu'g paint store, * O>ainull«vpiu*n Urwuclier -mi*,) ih«i Card* received f roln Township tb» Coiumitte«bad Klveu tn«itmtier lapftnr Comraiueeman Smith»uow that he vet) cateful «lj t -ullou nod full i[ivt-»ui* eiijuyiiik lift, ttt Snranac Lake, N. Kation and deemed it to bo, for tha Tola» Auh.-n-tfiiinr m-fiiiiij of Crauford, No (ViJr U C'. A M_tn-I<] Mi Uu»h. full rr-in-lavr of Jo«epb Khrhardt, l,es iiitk-hlly ill from lutlrnimr«uf H Ceutml hotel. 'IhfFrnnk I'nret Itealty pixta tbi-«uli*.if ihi> houw, Nuilb Aii-. v (Sfur^e I. 1 l^ to Mr. Co. re~ So. 209 to Mr. JohU A The dews of tho safe airival uf tho atrwjt, I'liilnlleld, nfttr u lini;erm({ tourist ^steamedilp Olcvelaiul at Sann«f«. Mr Ixenmiinn «H«'.lo years of Francisco, Cal., with muuy Union B((t'. llo renibveu to 1'lninlleld with ' County tourists nbourd, was received his family about two )ears sincn but here off Tuesday. Included in the list returned nctive interent in UniDfu.d of pab-wnfters were, Mrs. E A. Munoz. and la Pliiiiilield h«hud of I ruiforu, and ex-uiayorhod Mis'J. no unusually liirtth circli^of friwndrt who ' I II1 kle. of Plaiulleld. The ak'ntiihr oiuurn bis IOSH HH lenvtw survivluk it left New Y'oik October icth and Hailed dnvy, IIIH niolht-r linn t*'j broilibrx, nroiind the world, liolshing tho trip at Johu il. of Eli/.ftbfih iiud Wi+liuni F. San I ranclsco on Monday. Of I'lniiiil-ld. The funeral services or Mrs. Joseph It Uult werp largely attend*) on Sundnv afieruood, al hec late n-flldcnce lo the Mutating apartmeuts Bl Plalnlield. Bev (leorite A: TVarner, rector of the, Churih of tho Holy Cross, tbnt city, oodhleii, aaslsied by Her. Jno. Edger cumb, of this place. Ihi/ie were many beautiful floral.tributes. 1 1 The bearers were Btaflley Hall, Henry Hart, Chus. Weab ra and" A, W» Burley. The remains were interred ID Hillside Ceiaetery. Plalofleld. Mr J. E. Oockery, the to worm n a at B 1 0 Jancilonj Jiad a narrow^uscapo from» sertous liurningisitcldent on Monday ( afternoon, while attendinit Iti the furnace Inthe tower. He was -in the a-l of opening the Xurcaue.door when A back draft sent out a blaze tbat badly*burned bis (hood, ao'd allrbtly blistered hi; face; As soon ho u.ul<3 be. relieved from,bla work Mr Uocitery went to the'office of I>r. C W MacConnell,-where the burned hand was attended to. He was, abi e tu repumri Ws -duties on Tuesday. Going to Build? "Klllier pn> twenty live- eenla or walk" in tlii. -I.I^HII ol the Cmnford untinieii, who Inn,. (J«ult eil to raise iu n>piiirink l>v h«-r niolhei, Mis t'lma Abry, Mra. V H. Kyan and others from Ill'le nnd I'lHililleld, A< U» nvuiar nw*.tiojr of >h» Township roinmiuep, bom Un night, the matter of appoiotiu^ut i<f. r»wn«hli> Enpl, iiuu over fol «.m»'n<h»t tbr best taterrsu) of Cranfoni that Mr Bauer be re-appoiuttd The «.,"o«nulttee voted unanitnougly., ~~An eteremh bout a't«-iu{4 t<> (.witch iliif appoiutoibtit of Mr UMUIIT WHS' in jd«by 8. J. Cox who appeami wllii tt petition algncd by Itiendu fuvonnii home iu Ihe 'heappulnuneutof 8.K. Jone«of Holfy street, as Township Engineer. Mr Cox auo nddremsed the Committee ai lenfrth oo the name lines. V, W. r.irk prtuenutl more of the pelltkiimhe had been workluk ou duiiuk ih«m»i month, but to the great KtirpiNe of very one did not aililorainiy. All petitions «ere ordered Ulml. Bids for wirinn at the new lue h,n w nevured by the Klro Commitiee nwc opened lout nl {ht. Tbe*<, bids»,-iv L. A. Juasell $345; U. A. l»t>yl,- $['.n '.*>, <i.-.. (ln«.h*i, piilii-.. (I I! Ijfi.ll.ns, rtjinf lionoih wen- divided thf" past ueok \V 1). >I.-. po.l beiivcen ihu rulliiwintf Indu-ii who en-()lertatne.i. On rhur.fd.iy alteriitniii W Wist "Hell, roil.l II II IJIUIIT. IIn. Mrs K W. liieluirilsoii mwe u luueh- II Itxtlrup, lln. eou to the Executive Coimiiiiteti of the I* 1 Sijuire, ri> V. I A, Mrs. F. It. G-JIHK and Mr«A C. I'I lie. \iil-h(ir I'oHl Co. 1) 13. Hay entertained Uici name date, (let. 0 Hull) uud Fildiiy Mrs- U. L, Iiluko win* theh (i lt<m..r». hohtesa al her home 011 Itetkeley Place. IJ.-hnert, police. DIED. HICHAM. O. T-JhNMANN. Micluiel (J. Ueiiiniiiin. HUH of the late Joint treninhiiu, (Jmd IHSI Thurndn} nfternoun nt his homo West Kront All his bubineea life, nearly eighteen year*. Mr. foontaon had been euiployw. 1 in the NntioDiil Park Bai.k of'new York wbera he had risen to b«paying teller. He was a member nod Past Councillor of Oranford-Council, Jr., 0. U. A. M,, very many membera of wbicb atteadvd thejuqeml MrvicMon Saturday with a InrgB rnumber of otbor frieoda from Criintonl. The aerviceavwer* eonductod by R»v. EJni?r E. Poarce. of the First.SUE. Church of thia plac«an<\<luvjbr. P.C. Baecom or Bound Brook Iot«rmeut-Kni) al Fair view Otnetory. The pallbwarera wertf fellow emplo/eaa of th» Park Bank. First H. E. Church., The Ep<H» ta League -of tut? Pirsl M. E. Church will hold a, sale of home' made oak*, candy, e, wl. at tbe ; bomx of "Mr., Mendell, 106 Walflflt t av?nn*', Saturday, Feb. 5. from 3> until Sjn the afternoon, 1 liajf, from 8~until 10 in the, for the benefit of, the; church repair fund,.,.' / The members of the Sunday School rt orranftintf foe, 1 ' a, dellftht/ul ihw nextlchur*iay,eireolog;wbea» Birth Jy Jay Prt Party wql'be wqlbe given gven in the chapel, c h l beffdnidkats tfcloek; jljrijltber-a us WDOJB, >olice L. II illllho), ptlllf'h JJIH. IlHom-bsHy, puhco. J I' l)vtil\, pomlilllu.. J II. Keny' A Heuler 11 Hniusiin J. K. Warner Jno Lii^iiti I*'. H.Swiickliimit-r \j A..IiiBsell,... A. C. Pik«s.1. C ('alveit. County Clerk Cmnford Xiiiioniil Knnk (Muwi, jinutiiik U HI VI I' INIMI I'aano N«ws> Th«<l*H»D»i t«im met wjtn- dervnt >» l'utwlay ekcoins t»u ttw home al- I I'.v* ihp Nf w»rk Buy lhi-( lic-sii* by OipT.xli.wliitf no- Kitnrx ll i fiisrh.ift lle'jll Ih- l«.t IM is.' KI >*«vuk ni\ lll'l ltti Hi ITS ITJ HSi 144».v< TW T«AI ; i:.. 1,W ITU sr» ut n;t I4*i IlO III Ti-1 llie Llll am]»". T\-»7?»' Hll. ' 1 ^ " < I 'I 1 <»' * " - x ^ I-*"-., feljillve In <V.I MM'I HMM-I"' l-etlltton ; Ihe :i,"!h m«l LIII-1't.e MeiHteitMiicnn! n It. ninti.v ami IIKIHIV ' ' All ilil.-llllill il'inee «take pi ieo (.it ihe Ci-rim mi s,i,iriln\..veiling j ") \.'Hleiilii; inn C'liii'lli-muH )II)'_II T"i mi. IU in WIIK iippriipilnliil).ilihcrted lit St. Mi-j iiml'i. i-liiiiol. lik it xpei nil Mnaa,'tlttn. '11 <M Mult) piinhttuitii.rh iittfindud twr- 4'i 'i- ulin Ii «.m tiiiujui led by ItiiVr 75 CKi 70 0(1 ^UIH iiiiitriiii'itiml IIUIIH iiiinounuiiiff 70 IHI 'Xi 00.i iipprnhcliiiik ui'dilinit of I'eler Wolf, 70 DO >f Hiirn'M'lM n\i., tu.miskhuuuiiu Lnuliy,, I (KI if N"«lirniiHuick, worn rend in tli«istiurcli im Hiiniliiy The inurrinkn will ' Ki KI U, 75 ukc ulii.. nt.nvn liruuawick, K«l>. Oth. :M oo. 1 «() i>h,liy uilb MHHUUIHJ. in. H»rmil IIIWJ helihld nt S o'clock on Hi5 IX) thu l'ulicemen Organize. Twenty <iel«k»lei< from th.< vurioui) tonna in Union Gjuuly, incluiblik H reprechhuiilvh of th«cniaford "Uliw,t" wore prwtent on Moml'i) nkerauun. ut Tuthill'pi HHII, Boaclltt jrtrk. nt theori(nnimith>n a" a local brunch of UIH I'OIICO- IVH corartifnced rehaarmla under ao Ihe iittmhuta of Holy Nome Bociaty Benevolent Afieocintion. At thokbit- iimtrudcr, for the. production of a elwuon tfbich followed tho followiok comedy-drama, ''The Country 'cope" wireeltetpd to office: IVeaitft-nt, Kid" which will be prebeatad aomelune Kugent) ijtiwib.of Roselle; Tics-president, u April, for the benefit of tbh Society, Janie* Batehfiird. JUmells Park;* a-ort' t'hore urn nine character* la the play. tary, Fred B. Covey.of Linden: trraaur*t. Wm. JenoiuKB, of Craoford; entertainmnat onmmiuw, J«*. Batchford 'annsintoo Birmingh»ro. nf BO»*JIB (*^rk, uad Joseph (Jitwlur, of Buaalle. Trie object of the organization in tb» mutaal protection of. politiemrn. Another meet- Irjtfof tbo otuanittiiwtt Will l»_ held on MoodHy ocxt, Ht Itotelte Park, Presbyterian Charon. N'ext Supd)ky will 1H> Commtinkin day add preparatory'services will be. btiid to-inorrow-eveaitrg u the cbaprt. A Mistjrtn BandWaw ori^nizcd fast Tburwlay to the Ofaapel with a mewbewlilp df-forty youdg. (rjrl*..- Muwt If., J. Petrte,of, the' Home ^Mission Board was present and gave aa eic«l- : 4 on,iw» subject. 3Ir». >h. id t w3».i>u<*d in charge ombs organlztttioq with a nnmbfcrof assistants. Meetlqgs^ are'io-<t>«.. held ^k monuily, tnenratmeetlog took "place thuafternoon-..-,' > The Lodle*ii4d Society held a»octal yesterday afternoob' at?liu> home of Jim. Bowers^ It was well auendetl ana about $10. Company Opera House BlocR; Cranford, N. J. Headquarters for Dry Goods, Notions. Hosiery, Winter Under* wetpr, Blankets Comfortables, Mittens, AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS. THE QUALITY STORE. XXX wooooooooooooooopoooooo\ pooooo-xwooooooooooooooooo Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged J. C. W. RANKIN AUICNT. Telephone 160-J. II NORTH AVENUE \IMII-HN (...i..iii nine Ii liiipiuivmiriii'i J,,I.",IK'JIIII t(,,vmi. I.I I 1 II I'lisll, l"»l IMKll^llpl *-\l ll l'«m, l.a-t I'llV m«*(tt-(,". me uf I IK-i; ti/>cn st Mu-lim- "s Olmrclt.. I nf thai dny Uurlnii fxnt. 8 7(1 IM-UIIII Hervii-Hfi uill b» held at 8 p. in, (A 00 ver> PrnlHjF of mv b tteok. J3 A prr>-lmit<.rl K'iciiil will Im KI»«II b) he nipuilwra t'.f tlm Holy Nam* Hocioly i Moi)ilny mttbt in thn Pailah,JIall. corduil miiuiliod laextendiwl lh»«<in- 'IIIIPII of tlm elm rc-h tri cotim an partio- «!<«in tlie < vomnk'a fdjoymfiit. St. Paul's M7E. Churoh., The Epwortii League hualiiem roeetgi nail ftoclat befd at the homo of Mr. Ftnfc,s,Kortb ovenue/ last Friday hlhk. Report* Biten by the differnt dpparttnenui show tbat the League In a prosperous condition and it Is xmilqk an ImportanT factor in th» huroh lire Jfauy iotereitiog (tamed e playh, ilrht refreshmentu were served, and all went to their humei feeling tbat tpey had a good time. ' The buslewa Oieetiag and social tea vf ~tha_ LaiW Aid will, be held thin rittoruooo at tbe borne of Mrs. Srend- «ro, Liocolo f*»nue. Th«regular busiowis tneeting'of the Official" Board will be held Friday yeolngyhl 8 o'clock, io tbe'chapel, - JS jtt_j8unday %t ntofnlflff -Ui*^ pastor rill give atpecial sertoonwhich will 0 Illustrated with bann«ni.and a timber 6f war candle*, Altawmten ad,tticotis ot -the coairatfation,ate»r>:ad to be present, Tb» utiw wr* ** ^ Isleib & Miller, PLUMBING Heating dfc Tinning. N'KW WOIIK{.\Mj IIK1«of it'll IIIIHIH \ I Iti'iixoniiblii I'll... >, OFFICE ami MILLER BLOCK i IM-Ii CRANFORD, N. J OUK 1'LACK W Br.SI.VKHHOH.Nl.U J-»(),M 7 A M TO 0 I' M J. RAYMOND LAMBERT, Funeral Director and fembalmer. CHAIVKOHO, FRED H. JAHN, 1 (Hucoitor UiJ'hllipp Jahn) House. Sign, and Fresco Painting, - - Plain anal Dacorat/v* Paper Hanging - -WDUutnt^ ' /., Oil7PaintrVar nihhe'a and Wall Paper. Crmnfotd, T«l»phona28-B. 1.ADV ASSI5TAN1. Jersey Plainfield Theatre PR06T0B Jlc SANDERSON v HanagSra SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 51b Tbe well known Character Cowod- "' Richard Carle, Mary*" TICKETS 25c {^ " Formal* afc Reftj's and 3Iarieu'» Drug Storey. - ' st. A. C. PIKE llarilwiiii Paints, House HKADgPAKTKlW tfoa OH Heaters, «.'.' Cylinder Coal Stoves,. Weatherstrips,Etc. 3 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK: no lft-tt, - S?HafeV Masons and Contractors C»*«6I J \»rjd YURJ Sonh Maple 8t., O l V J Tl«phona i; T 7-r ~' }} Av: fu, I -

6 s h e, '! -. ' ; ' : ; ; -, ' - '. ' -. ' «= = : mi bd I THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING. himniwrtti IIPPD my nplolrin. ll»st, HlWilVK Killtp 1 Stopped rr lit.,. mamtmi form my opinions =»i-f*r«sw"--a.-disi ni-tly 'Mnr viilfi. behind him. turned rns.ually around from **>»" HIP wall,. whi'ro I -riling hit muni trim 'if Kunilny unt RC mtifli liera«a«tlio hotel In lifrmnn lil» own Inm-ly. to EC/. y> ho tin. 'ill rimitn'was filled nil II HIII]» I'*- women, I lie null Uhl.-n drinking nnd ('lint tllic» llh"' Ilir -Wftl. THE CRANFOBD CITIZEN, THORSPAY, FEBBPARY «M;r-< " Id" m*«went on. "Thai U u )»v» i-1r), when sfa* ha* met a man In U.u ta*hlon._ and f«und> him p^rf»nix iwwntabl*, tntroduc* bits to Mr ;i>!,4* u 'Mr. So-*D(J-tto. whom I TOO' at the Itrarh,' or othtrwla* In- Vf-n! a ',!< in r.)y<t op what Mods DO 'o^frinr Even from > worldly point»f vi>» l>1ne i> to b«indulged ID run!) H$L possible,.. Betide* a Kir), i though the ti«4<)n't go out of her way i 'iti Mirk up for h«-r principle, shouldn't!.*rfc down from It when wb«n " 'Ainu nhcj'i raugbt with the coodn," )&ugh«d the girl. "L*t tno help you out with * lay phrase. : No.! >"ii nr'i quite right, I've lioowo stria 1 Ui (In )u«t»hst you say, It'lt touch of thiiif f-mlnltip timidity that causes tlurn i<> do It, Of course, u a matter»f flirt, they don't need to make'any.explanation, one way or tb«other, when thi-y" Introduce a chance ac- eome back, and I will, _tell y a 1IME. E J. MJYSON'S LABORS I whether U Is rnlned or not., Emlllr Jane Lof»on. wife of the former print Charlea Lojrson, died In ' Toher two ltotener. an»>*» "» ng at their feet. To economize. l tbet W.T. th. pension *«*» Kv«n as a girl Mm«quarters, and rebtfurntahed widely known, both In New rt more modest; there they WANTS BER For Benefit of Women who Suiter from Female Ills MlnaeanoUa, Mton. "I wasftgreat nflerer from female troublea which uuii!i3asjj*?!-iij a ] caused a weaknt** and broken down condition of the system. 1 read so muehofwhatlvdu «.looked on daa her Bu. home. Eptnkham'«V E.ptnkham«Vetreuble Componnd - ' "I'm glad to see we agri-e so thoroughly," said th«man. Colton oecupud. the dual 'position of b.omel T»ssaji»i bad docs for other,..... turned, for he did not like the tone, t -w.»,. wmm born for the daughter because of threatened life hopea (hat grown to mean suffering women I to ht-r famllr. although she was kfelt sure It would "Tho flirt!" Colton muttered, and In Sew York CHy.ln 18J3. J lielpme, andlmust dropped a book from the desk with Her first husband was Captain Edwin K, Merlman, After his death ahe the mother because she. bears wonderfully. My her reason for existence, and for aay It did help me l o u d n o i a. «..' child's troubles in addition to he: It bud th* desired effect, for thearhleved a reputation as a platform I /v \ i palm all left me, 1 own, while always present with he man straightened tin..ills cigar wa«speaker and waa traveling abroad In Is'an 1 grew stronger, and within three months unconquerable yearning loneliness tor those she left at borne burned out, and hf. remarked to thei IH1Z when Mona. lx>y«<>n. then known I.waa a perfectly well woman. girl:... widely as i'ere llyaclnthe, was attracting rilcuni. wide W1UB attention >llt hy reason _ ot Then, alt the old lesson routine 1 how the benefit women mar derive "I want tills letter made public to MI'II, in HK «,,, "If you'll eiriise.nie, I'll gn a frcmh from Lydla E. Mnlcham's \>getabla rlgar 1 knowiho kind I want, but;: hujbrej-klni? sway fr'ont'the" Church I languages and the rest begins anew Gompound." Mrs. Jonx 0. MOLDA», 1 v«fcrgotmn the name, ao I cannot i,,,. Ho^ an(, hu ^tabllshwent ot an 211& Second SL, North, HinneapoUs, ordi'r from the waiter. 4 You don't Indftpcndpnt, charge. Sborfly after Minn. mind.-being'alnn«a minute, do you?" leaving tb» church, on 8?pletnb«r 3. Thousandu of unsolicited and getroine testimonials like the above prove "Certainly not,"»n«said, 18T2. he married Mrs. Merlman, I nhoiildn't think she. would," whom be had met during her travels. the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Colton; as bn watched her Mons. Ix>yson attracted.wldo.attenj tlon by establishlng'lilmself tn i'aris trimmed. are large and much Vegetable Compound, which is made go out of th* room. exclusively from roots and herbs. Five, ten nil passed.»nd n»"taa-th* pastor of th«poor In the I-alln Women..._ who suiter suffer from iroui those dls. did not return, Colton»to!e a look I Q, laru. r, Thcr*. hln lnflu(?l>(;» among Sleeves promise rooru fulness iu the treiuing His peculiar to thel r sex should nt Ihn girl, Rhn wss sitting alone at *' yuung men was rnarkwd and Im-neaportant. As l'«r«liynclntht.' bo had Chiffon Is evidently in for a tre- \?(retable Compound to restore thelx future. - " not lose sight of these facts 3r doubt the ability of Lydia K. Hnkliam's Ihe Ulilf, looking about her m-rvmii- : ly, fnr tho r<ioiii was now filled at- jb<"eu prior lo this tltno curatn of thomendous vogue. mom imtlrcly with thirsty men,. Kit- jcongregation ot Liberal Catholics at If you want upoclal ndvlce write New parastila are in brilliant colors and plaids. SbewlHtrcntyourletteraMHtnctly t<«on' minutes phimud. and two large j Omliva, and later ho foundnd a "Clalllcan" congregation tn.'parts. Here-" to Mrs. Plnkbum, at Lynn, Btass* «lm>rlmi>ns'of tho West «nl«r«d, port- i IT mid r«'rt faiiul Ms t i«indirect result fused to permit his marrtage to be Wrist watches on leather straps oontidential. For -O yean she lias Ix-en lielptnft nick women In nf "fortunate mining speculation*.. considered a» thu tireaklug ot hisire again being worn. thu '.ray, Irrc of charge. Don't They npprombfcd her table, the only church tics'. Hum. Ix>ys<in aided him Tim old fashioned jet bracelet. ucsltu',0 write at onco. ntm with '.vacant, chatm. llnr ncr- ly»,»f''ll groomed iiniiliicu of lncr'ras»d. Bhii looked «mniul very lonnly. Should lie wntcr and granulated sugar flvn minutes; then mlr In Hlfted T'onfrrtionrrs* Kn»tlnK< Doll one-fourth a ctii>, each, of.,,. (l > >lng»>m"lli. Tin- taillo a fell from <"ouon'» rlbiiw «««now oc or should ho not? Colton dehatod. Confectioners' sugar to tnak»j-iimt«that will sprbttdjmoothly and remain upon the cake.. Flavor with vanilla or other For Sore Throat plnl in n wholly chnrinlnk Rtrl Wasn't tho gain" worth thu candlf, a y<ui"k miin who Colton Instantly»»» nnwurthy of hur, In Jimt then >hn K'nnfi'il nt hint again. strong coffee tor the water. For pineapple frosting use in so short a time with nny wny -or rnther tho sn'utfer?.' extract. C.*offe«frosting may be made by subntltiultik clear, Nothing will do more good ttn< flr»(. d»<'c In 1 V«RS h loiirh wi The Wostcirnnrs,w«r«. almost, there, grated iiliumiipln (pulp and iiilce) and a Ublcspoouful of to little trouble as Kititd todktiist. (iiid In tl.,. lift decided^ -_ ' lemon juice! For chocolate frosting melt an ounini of chocoia.u' In thu nyriip; let boll ouce, then beat In the uugnr tind, his dfilliin nitwl his. ngii.rit liio woll I "I'nrdim me," ho sitld, "but when a Bale's M. Coluui thuujiht, fur n mmi '-v hitlf a leampoonful of vanilla. ruoaton'cooklni; 'School Mag-' klri l«^orrml to wnit alono In a tilaro ly. In bl» skiilnr ye»r <II_I_>JV^TIHJJ lr-ntit wholly p^cbsniit to bo nti<' i>'tt.i-r»h., turn Coltori tiiriii'd '> lila iml*... and [Mtfhc* Ml noi to wrltn, but tn * lls'tvn. w(thcuit aii l Honpy " " ' ' 'pscort;~" hlunel! f«r hurtng fnrgoui-it bin mu»- ; I'.IB-Blftd tn bear you mty so," Iliti r-."you nitvo good sbo Inter.-,,.. made In links and fastened on either 1 Sold br cot? Kmlncnt %rjfrr*. K*o, msk<? ili* said, iontltiullig Ihn ennvcrruphtd, rtiolly, i In his work, traveled doscrlptlvo of life and conditions In The bracelet is surely In again, deg- wire. Is appearing again... nwt»;>i*»'.mlif ta"i >n» It th'ir luiky I^RIIII liofnro i'iit«rlng til Tbnn you that they I wrote many interring -article. li'avii.; not deceived me," hn repllod, plte the fact that many women eltng- horin l» not tytfcg tin their tam«wh*ii rcxiiii "I've found lulu of glrlitrup'- tb«>f"«re at work; (VVlicn *t< saytri'dato slrls, tt«>..who didn't sitting down, fur the Westerners had Kgypt 0rml7 to the long sleeve. Sized Up. "lying, on thrlr table"'w* : sjwak generally.1 1'ot. oierj nwtlon vl. that will) nif. Hut nhltl-wlll you tiayn to turned away.. ENGLISH IHUDE-EUECT'B WISH; Large pieces of beading are used Visitor "ilow's Senator Bump "They havv'not,*' Ihn Rlrl said, "but "No flowers" has long been a fa-ontlllar phrase In obituary announce- era bags, and own on stocklnga. j Citizen "Rotten! A living dli- ; gowns and wraps, gloves and op-] from this State?" th«conversation you took the liberty amalgam of d<**icaled consumine "Lemonade. * said the girl, which»c call iit* tbt> imrcfsslty tor "Oh, tr> a rnrktail," urgotl lior of ovorbnarlug, like the chair, you aro ments, and now "No presents, by re«btunulng fancy gun mnlal collar ' Kruce to the Conmibnwealth. He follows the leaders down there at Wash- sitting m, was not meant tor you." one Iw have a m»»cot Is' crofting muw qunst," has made its appearance In romi'»nli>n pins are nhowii. Some of these aro I 'True," returned Coltoii, "nor was null twirr abj*rt, and In regard to the the newspaper column In which fash- "No, thank you,"»be imswrrcd, studded with seml-preclousi stont'x, Mm chnlr reserved for thane broad, ington like a little, lamb." tag«> more lh*m <>l*<swhi>rv ibu tr«- with that iwiilur halt "laugli -those lonauiu ' n»blu lruitntih,» engagements.arc announced. Uluu n'ud lavender IIIIRII'S and ' dt<psrt<tng backs from CoUusilo. It 1 ' dt-ncy I* g>artlc«t»rl>. prnrnmtiwd. 1C*~»hu. know.wcuiitn ar<> aware is the The Tho first brlde-eloct publicly to "What do you think of to Hluo ami lavenuvi UII S1. n, vibllor n mlktaku not." ' : T* on ih*- vaudt^iiif»!*«:. a«a «ti iri>mil(>n of finality. Thank II.II.,> you for that." _. snld tbu emancipate herself from the tyrannl- beads are used for ombroldnliig Iniu,[ht, o(lk, r om, g^,^ Lu nlp 7 _ t tb»i!«(!«*«f ihr Encore An OUnn mi-ntslly scored (ino (nr tb girl, stiffening rtiftrnlng a'blt. u bit. "1 "t nhould (tumid thank, cal >oko of tho wedding presents in and not. crepe do chine and liberty puij,.,, _ '""Obsllnaie i»i raule noil :,_, girl, whlli' her cumpanlon, culling fo- now they htivo havogone " j llaiilt. who Is to be married In tho Tho revlial of thu fashion* of tho ' (, %cry measure they are trying to nut..rthm. Hut you have done- jmir I Ml»s Lilian Lull«y. of Oldham Priory, silk. j Thl. raly mu( Ua[j>^ m blockjng tho»e (tefaons." tiinarks writer In waiter, ordmttd it leuionndu nnd adiity that i*riodlra!,. "not Idi-utlflrir with Bci>lfh; "Oh, no, my duty Is not done autumn to Mr. Harrington Morgan. Loul* XVI. period hu» brought back " through Vlnltor "How nbout your Repre- the profcamon/who bavp vntured <ttnlltg rwn>«aud\ >!»! Irrd u horseshoe titwayx toul that It mu unlunl uml ' Citizen I'Most unstable, fellow I "Yen,'" thi\ man continued, "1 tlioy may rnturn!" said Colton. Judge of the cl>ll courts of Justice lu the dainty little fan, often hiiud- Bentatlve,.Oump?" '.-' -*..-- the-sudan. The engaged couple have painted, "Uut so may iby escort," tho girl ' ttspfndttd by avil>tk>u Nttactwd in a»llly in n country no universally re- requested, through tho press, that no c motcor makua gm(lrl g over saw.. Can't tell anything about. nail on th? wall will wonder why this 5 m.wt(ul to wunii'u as ours, to dony a said hurriedly. prcents bo sent tp them batters for aven n wcar e81)cclally whea Blm. Sometimes he's on one side, cvstomary token of good.fortune has Klrl tbeoppurtunlly of ntakltig- chance ""A touch ot fflmlnihe timidity." wpresshe of Koo«l wishes, they add. trlmln0(, arranged with tho' toe down- acquaintances, say during a Imig, tlu 1 wlth bettll9 and embroldorea and sometimes onjcotlyy." Puck. ^-; - Colton smllod. "And you know you will be vcrracjeptable. ^ with heavy silk. ' The answcrjsjjlbat if tho_aonw^railway trip, or something ot two agree'so woll," ho added, mockingly.;- : ;._..,..._-. who hava lived to wish from the but kimono, cut In one, with-tho waist. Inches' in length L has been shot-in t^ "There are e many service aervlce people The newest revival in sleeves Is the A white tigress eight feet eight ;> ho* wa» reversed "the good'luck that *»«, lt:kgirlns'cmlnltaloliti woald 4rop W the *nds," Oh; those ffoiii Clovcland to New York on a The girl acknowledgod. tho touch torn of their hearts that their-friends but it Is by. no means so full and wide Phcnkanai.State, drissa. Tho ground,:'.;; aiu»u: London OIHIH-. ; Vullmnn car, and It thorn Is a yuung by shitting ground. """'.' " '. had abstained from burdening their aa formerly, and at first Blanco does color was pure whlt6"sb(l the stripe*ic;,! man. mar Her, ovldontly"a gonllemnu "Hut I hnvon't time to find out It lives with well lntentloned wedding not suggest Its origin, wero of a deep reddish black. Thegkln has been tho Rajah Fire i* the»»rr<sl number of tho nud ot her social position, why onyou aro proieulalilo,"»h«said. presents, and civil servants who go Smart, Indeed, aro the crochetted ChtlHtt*. who ha^o flr«pluiirtn. flv«ttahhun't It all right for her to accept his otfcm to make her more Mayflower," Colton answered me»kly. satne jtoaluon," said tho..wife ot a worsted as ono's sweater and worn ed and placed in his palace. : - "My ancestors cauie over In the abroad are, I should Imagine, In thoor knitted buttons made ot the same Of Dhenkanal, who has had it mount- c«nitna! polnu. " v «* >trtuc«, ilrn /taat«*. fire tutmlrat U>«P», fl\o ranks cuuiforlable and to pass nway tho "Oh. every body's did that!" aald naval officer who la a member ot A of BvbUiOr and Ova tolonn. 1 dismal time ot the Jouruoy in conversation pleasant lor bath, of tliniut "Your point," laughed Colton. Tresenu In the form of checks variety ot shapes am'. suesr well firiknowhudres'eerylce kmnrh ladles' service, club. «P<> a. ' ^ ' "' ' -* ' ' '- '-''' " the garment.they cotao in a r ~-'-' : ' '':! r :. ; -*'~ A N«w York flruggl*!. mho hati nuikii no harm In It,*.' :. "Dut my name Ms atsndlah. That are, of course, acceptable, and Jewel- A novel millinery ornament ot h "Nor I," *aia the girl. '.VI have al- should pass me,". ry does not deteriorate With keeping, gaute and satin... ribbon is made of but for a young couple to attempt to three pieces of ribbon, about two be«i ta the boalncsa tor forty y«ara, Mrs that ther* in proprlotarjr m*dlcinc«(or «ale in the dly. HABO TO nnor Itat Mas* ways thpaghttbat. as 1 tola you. If 1000 has common sense, such things j can be managed all right, Tho troui bit'u,-girls pttt our theory Into pr»c- Iticb too young, when they"do^t know the wurld, and got scarud Into prim- "1 can hardly bolttve you," the rjlrl retorted. "You would never nood a John Alden;" :.., ; - ' :/, '-. * : Then they both laughed, And trout a mutual laugh there" la no return. 1'rosontly the student came bsdi, and started to: tak pardon lor his carry to distant lands the heterogen- Inches In width, sewn together at,one cous collection ot silver articles, silk end and pleated In a looao braid, cushions, afternoon tea cloths and.among the hew scarfs are those of glass and china with which, their soft white silk, quite elaborately friends have endowed them Is to sad- beaded. The scarf popor has a dedle themselves with a very expensive sign Wr elaborate, wrought out In Sixty-two electric railway lines i ; A TOOM CallFwTteuiaa «l>out cotf d«la.y.. The: girl l.tit»rrupt^4.... TNOW^ It"they'd only wilt till they ^tiwaa tart to 4rop lloch* and are grown up and»ensiblo like you,". *l*t mb Introduce to yon, he and rery usclesa appendage. > -.; gtu bands, whue the border is In sl!- erate Inland about Jha "city of:"i?aj.; "1 kuo»of a;woman who was mar- ^r.' ~.' ' :..:..',. > The; annual average of. passengera"' Jan and gl*e Po«i«n a ttlalrbat y 'aald. the man,**wlth what Oolton dowas undue. eftuslvenessi effuslvenessj "how 'my trlond, Mr. StandUh. whom said, pausing to watch Colton's dee, rled nvo ye«j» ago and the wedding A smart tailored blouse Is mado of carried Is 190,000,^00.^-; ""''" rw»vw«w *o ahaturi* that;l ; wm a lust summ«-ln the WhlW Mo> presenu are still at the repository batiste, with two Inch bands of the JiiiaTVbeaAvjsWBfc?-.** 11 *-..**'' * *' p?*- r -* fc **-»UC>f ">l»or«dellkhttul _^.-. - *5fiiia» : au v W!l»il» : otalla.".,:," ' ^:- ; >;,- >; -'.-X:-:'-^&ujlJ' : liajv''*'^'' l>0^l'' a tlmo Uief Isn't It too bad )ftt~"' ~ hi n '. B *' ; W' t : th c where they w*etlent-atter the.ceremony," added thla lady. -^London standing collar and turnback cufts ot daintiest hand tucks. There Is a TRIALS of ihe NEEDEMS ' 1 * 0. &3«jit v rlgbt away' to nuke «ri*! ^thonght,.mcyde. riding t r a^o«to g»ulngfr^ >lj^poit»t» Mr. Addlngton, Mr. Standla Mali. N._. baby Irish lace and ruffles ot batiste, ^i^'ttiawiuij***^sp***\»»"itr^ ttraagirs a»an'\jijoyr^ r Colton brand to the an edged with lace at the side where the c*bdluou r««iied anchanged. I i {-,%''(<o)tottvit«le. another look at the '.-v :XQSKUNES3. :./. i %a'wmat^r«^o'"'edge.' t said blandly; :,.. waist closes. e<»««*' ';:girt.«-' t«e^^»l»e.'wa4;di*lded^r'charm Loneliness, bigger than ever,-settles down In the mother's heart; If Ill«?^^l#iw':'»<w;te» d,^4 : <»»"'-W* be«;»n beg»ft to *lsh wish h», h»;w«re were a I am delighted to meet you. Mr. i^^gpuat and could make The matt Addfngton. 1 wish you had be«n with the daughter would master French, tik ^ r on «a at day aud traln.ahe us last summer At the Crawford ao all-important, ahe must be with h^»*-^ti wlihnsaweeithewonldpot 1.»,.-..,..,.- - ffij^^i»ff*t«ir^»^- ; ;:,^*1** <1 return, to Cleveland* Just then House," native friends wherever ahe' may and lakr B lis»e^;ai:i»li».--ime.:tur^:hacli;»nwd at him He turned back "The Crawford, House," exclaimed «jgsg j^«j»^eaaefc^'h««eo 5Wff^f^Ss«Kffi:H«)': : them.;.~'\as,chaperon she llv*s an enaless: routine of hnrrying from one wp»m;^i. «^:^4Si^;-vvCoW«-Jt"'--briitolb ; iit-:.';^o; Addlngton. "! thought Mlas Bate* ' ' -..- < :.-i_«wt^-rqriletlft^c»nia-. i K^^^S-'Jwsitoi^t^^-^ f:^jt ; ;to»a^l^aeir;fto''th*.r ; iraln,-per? 'Vaw'' : b«v : wv-^*^' : ''^M'. ;!'!* r^c*'''*r- alwayt went to Bethlshem." < fount pt knowledge to another, or ' Coltou backed oft and gathered up lutenv at home to meanlngleaa splutterl'ngs, ot I which;: she graips only a. «SgflSg^iM^j<wilsqg^ "'" " "*r"jvlt':»fas!hl»:jibli;'hpj!j«his latterr iiinlmehtvintb/^ha^was- _the. ;, "Eerhapt It waa Bethlehem," ho word here and there, ao saya William j '-drfpaus't5'aald, msms&m^^ ' aot^hjert;«v A. y said."looking straight Into, the girl's 'ArmstWB^:;^.;i^«!elsi^a^«inJSK^:i mmm^mmmwmm^mm.. ^^^rwht^i^^it^^sbii*^%$»:. :; face.' "One meets ao many girls in a 'j;':;pr»>e^^;-i^w:'.'il>^jis;'.ft^t^jprt»- «therewjaitteitt; t il^p^wbis^nfcv^^ee^r-1 S^^tilWp^WBis^Nfcv^^ee^r-.uuktit^Marvard u^tit;«;mar»ard;{jrah.;- rk: -^:,:,.,;, -:,,-^i l-^zu,^* hd t kej tntin dtf girl who ^M»ucc«ed PaUl hai beeta ^pss^i^ips^i^-'^?!^*"^;;^?*- i; ;.';?AgaU>.".-hav«ii listened to, by». great stnger to whom &MfS ^i^rmtm^1*^')v^::''mt f^^ss*«i«.^4'mf^ t6wa^ ; ''1^'' 16 wilt alona'ao»he had Irtter*. and told that she U ;h»in^i;^ttgnyv^rtagly^w^s'iaother ^^».4A«.'»i>^ ww had cc^aany. and 1 _ ho i. r pifea^i for» cir SfeS^okMtoM»b««ww had co»pany v «DB j. and daughter tn3a'"newb cornea as a wtohr plwilta»l^^i*ii«i^w*»m««"*^^b^i«^a^ 'hiyings-the^asi^^ora^-new-' Tor* Time*. Si^p isi,aipi^^f;^ His QH«nae>- ^S^^l^S^^li^^ffw^aioa^lj^^^ Jones -"Clreou bought a aecond- hind'^automobis,'; t.hjri«: iw«k» ;!agot.a^hoiharbotkarrobtdd sli;umei:.a ar. spoke to you,» his frundlinea* tn foe) me<jvpiriv «uk«mv«m«and.'tq^halt h with,j4^mi^^a«^«.:^l6^s;vi^ttri ^^S^^rM»:HKt^t»ik... r:^pk*^d^*«*:^f>h«-:hfe :Jiiiia>hl^if^:Wfttv::;5.^;^&:"! ;V;\vvi- S^d;:M;heSdW rt»';#«yblruf;hftt^ ^i^^av^j.o^lr^s^s.ftt?!*!*' 'Sr!^n s'lam^-«!«p1m6a,%ith;, 'Smith > Por"'cxc««dlnB;StBe;Bp«cd : " " - >eim^^m^'hm ^ctr^batructtnj* th* teachers niust be auprtmely exceuent For a yoar atier thla^awakenlnb thine* *ro kaleidoscopic; oneslnglns. - teacher tollowa another until six have [ ib^;u ^ai»^fo^^i^tafc! :!^lw ; ^tiiipkf*: thjsl'ch wge;;'i6f?m«iaej gh tth i*d-f J^wfi^it^l^^a^^'tJa^'sl^hirfj 'tn^iuch; ^chltt in fltteen years America has imported 25,000,000 bushels of. pbtaf toes, or, all told, about one-twelfth of a single, year's crop in this country. The value ot the imports has.been: *12,OOOiO<H> tor' the. fltteetvj years", the duties paid have been $6,OOO,O0O. ;.. -,; ;.,".' ":;. ;:.-vi}-;:$&% Truf. - Q : : -S^«^^6ja^;:h6JdS^ikt:tU^p»i ^^I^H4^;^l r!u;prai^. a^^^i^>^dl»^^p car^ ^dil^jtr^t^king- V.iii^i^-fisiKirfiisitfti.jiRKri'.-

7 t W««aa IarsdJtl. t a tantday jn, ana son w«r» very hun- ^ only things eatable on the» twelve very large apple.. The father had consumed»the boy waa eating one. and h reached for the onv> repleaded the farmer, "yon take the last apple dum- _ from, your poor sick pa, would r. Jon?" Success Magazine. fhe TH1MQ12 "FAMILY. Good liutrn* Ttumblc, neat anil unable I>nTc* Brother -Vcwllt with * m»h ana wheedle. While light hotter Tbrud. with soutlm trax), A dropn behind u the diet»k«d. Then romn FilW Scuaun and gir<m her " - v. o cro o o «,rcted. sod the little been aa bu»7 dosing homes as their molhei grown-up home.. / The** playhouses ate much more than shackr, tor they are carefully, FEBRrAUt IIHInrtkuu of IUrta-lor, 1 Tde m*aa«v*m»&t of th«rani -ftw way for a wsman to Ilkr eat- p.»ade entering Part* It rortsldrrlni: A Ing unythlng U ti> h«*r it Is good for proposition, to electrify all liu.-* for tbe complexion. ' *onia> ronswerabto dihlancr lain U\» A man can always*'lt>arn hi* me-1 nuhurb*. mle* In a short while, but not his friends, in a litttiiuie. Most rut'o can preach t out of breath, without ever thinking about practicing any of It. The more contempt *o think we have> for money thw mere rfsiiwt»t> of 'Utli> knii«;i toirf try In Niwth Anglmry wpr»' oj. >iieil ul» rwi'tilly by the London and \orili., I western Hallway, It In o»hmat«l that In two wirv sth'm to have for thoso who own!t. time then* wttl bo two U'rnianv tor planned_and havn/erandaa, three or j TONGUE ON TOASi. New York Vtfta. avtfry Frenchman In the world.' An Infernal I>lnnrr. And itarta tbrai off on souther tnp, four rooms *nd/wn an upstair*," j chop on* cup of ruld boiled tongue _. ; Over a hem, or down a M*m, - A tin One, fortuaat* little woman who has (or roasted) very fin?, beat yolks of y girl of seven gavq a dinner Nwdle and Thread: a lively team. ' a bouse at thi/end of an old faihlontht two eggs until light; add. to tongue, party tb other day, far which twelve' K*J VDti " Kmirnr, bright'and, true. covers v s uiua - -- >iaj, uu wnicn twelve!' A\ hen a hard puce cututa. will help tkvm garden has arrow the front a covered i Mason with ouw-tourth toaaitoontul j, -----f -w, % u w ^ By «UlS^p ere laid, and that number ot I through.. veranda, f/rnl*lf*d aa out-door living j of mu»tani, a little cay«nni?. 8ttr small n aldens sat down to dine. It And pale Aunty \Vax ia willing enough al little girls' dinner, and the!"" smooth'. the "way when tbty nod it room entrxijice door, ornamenta brass I kuoeker..oflena on Serve immedlatt'ly on mjuaivs or irhoi«over'tire nntil «>gg< a?«> cooked.' hostess -_. herself presided, sluing at the rough.. ed 'trti Thra Grandfather Bodkin, with many a I hallway, from one aide ot rounds of buttered toaat. llouia head of (the table. She had been verj ' whl ascend* a winding staircase. Cooking. nxionk In looking forward to it. to I Syrup p( Figs ami Elixir ot Will dp bi«part, MuHntUh tha wttrk. do everything as It should be done, i Now, whrrria-their boms! \V«U, aim* A j/old time hall Hntern hangs. Senna appeals - to t Jic culm mil you auk it, i-. staircase beat*. To the right ' KIDNEYS MA1TIIK D'HOTEI.. "Mamma.'.she asked, "shall we say i grace?" ~. ' ; Ill irti you they live in a little work- 'opens the living rwm, twenty 1 feet and the wcll-iijfiyijicu ariil.-thchcahhy because its compbnrnt "..., j Plung* the kidneys into Lnlllni long by ten feet»w», with a fireplace "No." said marama: "It-will be a{ Marti)* Burr Uankt, in Youth'a Companion. _ in which logs are»!ways piled ready 3pllt them,- remove tho akin and parts- arc simple ami whole* water, remote a.ud dry with a cloth. Tery Informal dinner, and I think to be lighted. To tae left of the hallway is the kitche-". Here Is a stove until brown, romoye the s'kuwvr*»nd fasten flat with skvwors. Vlroll them sernic ami because it nets without disturbing the natural func- yon need not do that." «r - j CAPTPRINQ WILD BEASTS. That meant one ceremony the les* ' In St. Nicholas, A... W. Rolker of medium size, a9d along one side of place on a hot platter; pour mnlu'il to go through, arid was a relief. Biit S writes interestingly of the capture of tho wall Is a dresser fitted with glass tions, as it is -wholly, free from butter over them, add a drop or two the little lady was anxious Whave all! wild animals In Africa for the menagerie. The easiest victims of the wild Dutch china. Directly opposite ar«a chopped parsley, IUimi> CookltiR iubstanre, In its proihictiun a doors, which permit glimpses ot of lemon juice and sprinkle- -with every objcciipnablc. quality or her guests understand It.'.So, as they! gathered about the table, she ex-i animal trapper are specimens of thetable and a roomy closet, with an array of cooking utensils on hooka. Tho pleasant ami rofrcshiutr syrup plained:.-.. niqst ferocious type the lion, tiger, CIU81* MOLA8SKS COOK IKS. "Mamma savs that this Is such an ipanther, Jaguar and the leopard, for floors are covered with rag of the ftps of. California is united! with the laxativv ami car- Infernal dinner that we need not have TrfaT~ona-half. cupful of moiass«i It is simply a matter'ot stealing the On the second floor Is a single room, to,, grace to-day." New;.York Journal j no boiling point and add ono nrid minative propvities of.certain : cubs: The hunter goes to tha heart which the little lady of the house 'T«P^nF^f-$j im jj lo, IM f U 'i,,, t butter; uiitf of the darkest, most Impenetrable tires to when she Is tired of the world., ull one-half lablospoo'nfuls of inr.l. plants known to net most benethicket, where thn lion mother lieswith her four to six cubs, golden puft equipped with writing matertalo. and on«tatilespoonful of milk. Mil*. u»j. \vhcn its KcntU* cleansing t* 'Ic- There aro a pretty writing desk, well jnofourth of a cupful of sugar and""-'" ficially, on tilt* human system, A witness in a railroad enso, naked I "to teir In his own way 1 how the acci- i balls, scrambling over her great yellow, body, which none on earth, save pillows. Tho walls are hung with; a roomy ( ouch piled high with soft j «lft two vupfulk of Iliuir, pnivhnlf t«a> dent happened, said: '" sired. To Ret its beneficial ef-~ : ipuonful of sodu, one-half tcn«in)onftil "Well.oie and I wns.walking down ' thosft defenseless kittens, may come postors. Tho windows are draped suit; one-halt tmmpoonful of clove,, always., buy the genuine. the track, and I heard a whlstie. and near. Says the Irapper, "nature herself rondvrs these babies defenseless thn floor Is a.pretty rug. one-halt tttaepoonful of niituicg. Add one sire only, price with whlto muslin curtains, and on I ane-half t'«asi>ounrul'of uiunamon nnd for - saic l>v :iu ''"I'Mlablc I got off the track, and the train went by. and I got back on tlie'irack, and 1 < when the mother stirred by tho pangs Another playhouse- Is like an Eng-! lo tlrst mui'uro mid chill thoroughly. fifty cents a bottle. The name didn't see Ole; but I walked along. :.of hunger, ventures forth to hunt and llsh cottage, and tins pretty latticed Toss pnr-fourth of the mixture tin n tad pretty soon I seen Ole's hat, and of the compatvy" Cnliforni.i to'eat." Accompanied by two Kafllrs; windows Whtch, open outward. The lloure'd hoard mid roll as thinly an I walked on, and soon one of OIH'H the hunter steals upon'the unprotected tlttlo cubs, tho hunter, rlfla in with door and window trimmings of first dipped in Hour, pltteo neur to : 1>' printed lip(it) tile.ront of ev- shingled exterior is stained dark red, shape with a cooky cutter Syrup Co. is aiivays plain- ' legs,' ana then I seen' one of Ole's arms, and then another leg. and then i hand, loaded with the heaviest bullet. puro white. The quaint entrance gothcr on a buttered sheet nud Imko ery" package of the genuine. over one,side Ole's head, and I snya.! Quickly the^ Kaffirs work, for should In a 'niodcratu oven. Itidlanupulla *My God! Something muster happen tho lioness return, nothing.but a bul to Ole!'"-T-Toronto Saturday Night. lot,', "accurately aimed, could save- porch opens upon a ulnglo large room, furnished with-tools and other appliances for manual training. ' ' Syrup (p. them from instant death. With the - On the Salem shore Is a little houso SOUTH CAROLINA HICK PIR. Scratched So She Could Xot Sleep. capture of the cubs, which are thrown mndn over from a dlscnrded bathhouse. It stands near tho? water's nim'f or venl allow ou«-fuucth fat,.if "I write to tell you how thankful 1 ; Take ono quart cooked meiit. it Into a bag, hasty flight is made. am for the wonderful Cutlcura Remedies. My little niece, had eczema for child's play compared with capturing covered veranda. Inside Is nfireplace, < tuto two'oiincen of butter. The meat Capturing"these cubs, however, Is edge, and acrosh tho' front In a wide' mutton, trim uwaynll tatintid. tubstl- live years and when her mother died those lumbering, colossal animals of of brick, nnd between two windows IK ' should lie shnvinitn nnd lightly I took care of the rhjld. It was allthe pig- tribe, the rhinoceros and the a plaun. which the small hostess nnd KY. SAN I'HANCISCO, CAL. Nl-AV YORK. N T. nu'linurcd. Chop lino otio medium pver her face and body, also on her ihlnpopotamuu. Thttre is hardly ' a he r friends mny bang 0 n all day if,',,;,., _,',, no Imrui lrlnh ikiliilii, ad, She - scratched so that she could 'wild animal In pxi'sience nioro tlancaptives, Awk^wa^d us the great-,heast nnial, -playhoiisci. ideii'gnud. lor, thoput In tli.e iin/al.uhli ijiilt "lid iu i i<t they uy jil please.v -.!. ;., i--' o»o ou im i.f fat fi salt park, biuiicli, not sleep nights.. I used.cutlcura., geroiis than thin rarest of menagerie At Peach Hhiff la n bcnutlful CoU : drain und uftd fry.gently i!f to a Ilkht yeluiw; Soap. to> wash her with, and- then applied Cutlcura^Oln't'nient! '.I dill not appears when at rest, once urouse'd ci)tii('or( bf Both the WyJanil tiie'glrls and' nwr-et l-iirds-or splctmu' tttstfe.' use quite half the {'uticura Soaji (tnfl the "rhino" dashes through n thicket of tdi 1 family, ii Is pnlnted whlto, Let It hetit thruiikli. HtlrritiK curcfuliy. Ointment, together with Cutlcura nosolvent, when you could scu a change press triiln. The hunters make, their porch Is uupiiortcd by Colonlnl i>l 1 lit. ciihe, add one pint of «tock and Kirn with the Irresistible.speed.of an a-with green blinds, nnd the-entrnncu If the meat wan tough In tlin llrnt, and they cured, her.nicely. Sow she way.into the Interior of unexplored As it 1* Intemled to be u place whi>ro ; nier until Vendor. Meimwlillo cook Is eleven years old nnd has never been ; territory in Africa, searching for a the children can havo n good time, j ono rnu nt,. 1(. p> snnmi t with otiu! bothered with eczema since. My ; rhlnoceroh cow with n calf old enough tho furniture Is oftho -plainest, moht " cup of stewed and utrnlueil toinnlovti, j friends think it li Just tho nay to capture, and which is not so largo Hubntantl»l nnk, and the floors urn ono nuucu of butter n.iid two lutrd j the baby wa3 cured bv Cutlcura. I but that It mil lie trr.insportcd bnclr without cn'rpnts. The wnlls lire nt boiled eggs sliced; turn tint huithod send you a picture taken w"hen she to (lilllzntioti. r/' nueiitly months plain boarding, not eveii painted.. I)eyond tho living room are two smaller placo the rlco'over, hanillo rurefuliy ; meut Into it buttered baking illhh, was about IS months old before the si'iircli Is rewarded "She was takon with the eciemn with biiccush. This how tho capture roonih. ono for the Klrln, whero they TlmMYOLAMr l»»lilirh itruitn lamp w i m it low print. HO us not to iriihli tho rlco ur iiruuk IlifMni-t" l«ni «tli»!ix»t ui"r«imt lb»m In mt laiiur lump when two years old Shu wni covered ( is made niny rook to their heart's content, and up HID egg; cut two morn (>KK«In ut mill prka, 'J*li<t llurui'i-, tli» Wkn, ilin i'lilniiwgr.llulilnr II»r» vital lhlnn m * UIIIII; Una* «n«of I ha RAYO with big pores nnd her mother had all j NoIkPlcghiy and from well to leeward the tr.ippi'r [ii'il IIIH men grad- arc tools and n enrpenter'h bniich. the rice on top; put a beiin uf butter, kmiwn In Ibe «rt utlain i uiaklnu lh»t u nld the other for tho hnys, whore, thuro four slices each and prims them Into, LAMT»r«(wrfoulJT flj i-tniatruvhai i mll H the best doctors and tried ail kinds ot salves and medicines without effect ually steal ni"irer until tile row and on each and nut in a moderate oven j.<ifui»ltatp»ll«ln ll»(ilk», BnlUU.fof One of the most elaborate of those mom In tlut lunio, Krwjr il««ur i>?»rrwb«m. until we used Cutlcura Remedies the calf are Inclosed In a circle. From playhouses, a four-room cottage, fully for one-half hour; fold n nnpkln J olalraun, WIU tut dmoiiiur* flrvul.r hi Ik* imnil Mrs. H. Klcrn^n, 6G3 Qulncy St. equipped for housokocplng. Is at, Co- I around' tho dish if not a. regular Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept,27, 1909 hasset. It has a.latticed cntranco j baker. Oo not let tho mont gut too ahead, out of the maze of enno'nnd creeper, sounds tho uneasy stamping of the cow. With a half snort, half grunt, in an Instant the rhinoceros is porch. With built in seats, with flow ' d ry; f t did not need tlm simmering There Is In use In 'some parts pt orlng shrubs about the sides and ; add cold gravy freed fruin all fat and the West coast of Africa a system of nil attention. Head raised and nostrils sniffing,, she searches the air dovrs. Tho. first iloor Is divided Into thorough Southern dlah and a great front, a\i window boxes In the win- I wator cnougli to moisten well, writing of native invention, which Is said to be sucessfully competing with steadily. At sight of one of the savages the cow dashes with thn speed on, all furnished, with sheathed waits Post. living room, dining room and kltch- j favorite In that rice country.- -Uoston English writing. It Is called the Val 'language; and was Invented by Doalu of a racehorse at the man, charging and codings and hardwood floors. The I Bnkere, assisted by five ot his friends the human decuy, and at that instant living room has low whlto bookcases, the trapper's rlflo 1B heard, and herwith cretonne hangings of pink nnd Many Children Are Sickly. Mother Oray'» Sweet Powders for Children, furious charge 13 over, provided tho white. Muslin curtains drape the n*ed by Mother Uray. a nurse in Children'f! bullet reaches the heart by striking windows, and on the walls are pretty prints. Small rugs of artistic de- Home. New York, cure Summer Complaint Just behind the left foreleg tho only Fercnshneas. Headache. Stomach Troubles, j ' sign partly cover tho floor.. The dining room has a plate rail on which vulnerable.point in the Inch-thick armor with which the beast Is clad\ Now Teething Disorder! and Destroy Worms. AI all Druggist*'. 25c. Sample mailed FIIKE have been placed numerous souvenirs, Addrea/Allen S. Olm.tal. U Roy. N. Y. and then It happens that the hunter Opening from, this room is the kitchen, whero the little maiden may cook, "So passenger m killed on the Knglixh falls to kill In time his gun may To polish cine, rub hard with a flannel dampened In kerosene. Tbon Tailroaaa in the year 1D0S, The number miss fire, intervening trees may Interfere, or the marksman may miss second, floor Is a good sized and serve what. she.pleases. On tho injured was 283. bedroom, Flic/Cured In O to 14 Days. his aim. Then the life of the decoy furnished with two cot'beds, a washtoo Ointment u guaranteed to cure sn> 1 depends on his own agility. To run cawotltcbitig.lilind.iilcedingorl'rotniding to one side before the rhinoceros Is stand and several chairs. Curtains Pile*in 0 to 14 d»ys br money relunded. 50c, ai most on top of him would be fatal, shade the windows, ; and Japanese * 'sgreafc Britain owns more.than one*hall for the swift bruto would overtake tk grass mats cover the Soor., «f the-world's ocean shipping. him within a few bounds. His.only On this same estate In Cohosset Is hope is to wait until tho deadly horn a playhouse for the boys.' This has '*' W«are not to blame because you suffet ' 'ttom Khennffltisoi or Neuralgia, but y<re is almost at his feet, and then, with an exterior finish of shingles left to 1 an if you do notttry Hnmlina Wizard Oil the swiftness of a mongoose dodging stain with the' weather. Across the ' It quickly soothes and allaj* all pain, sore the aim of a cobra, to leap to onefront and.jear extend:broad, uncovered verandas.. The interior consists side while the ponderous creature,. '; -The-wor'd'a pdttaij;iuinwa is increasini unable to turn short In time, drshes of a single room'nttedtuvas a boy's, * ""at the rate of seven per cent, per annum., onward under its own impetus. den, and in the loft above'is, ample - "UnLWiBstow** Soothing Syrup tor Chfldrer.' Twice, three times, a clever native storage room for footballs, lioxlng,te«thing,aoftenattegum«, reduce* inflamma ; hunter will dodge in this way. giving gloves, tennis rackets and the treasures dear to boyish hearts. New tiodi allays pain, cure* wind colic.25cabotu» j (he trapper ample time to bring down * " Ixtdia and Ceylon supply»eren-«ighthi the rhinoceros. York Tribune. **M the world's tea. ; - j After tbe death of the mother cow, <' tt«h «Md in 30 minute, by \Voolford 1. It Is easy to track the frightened calf, \ ^, 8*nitary Lotion. Never tail*. AtdruggnU. j which Is Boon pushed, prodded, and shoved up a bridge of long skids Into the cage of a bullock, cart, after which tbe weary march to a market begins. While the "'rholno" Is moro savage to AI^ _ deal with than the hippopotamus, still ~'Slow,death and awful suflfcring the greatest peril lies with the latter,,f, Jollows neglect of bowels. Con-, "^irikillpepletlian tipirioiikillsmorepeopletlian consumption, It needs a cure \.- W»^ " jk AJI. there ; is one medicine mcoione: in m -««"/ sul" the' world_ that cures It ^CASCARETS. * 1 Children's Coughs B 1 " ^ M " s s " l s s " l s s P for, as says the writer: "The trapper.hunts h the 'rhino* on land and brines it down at a comparatively safe distance, whereas in the cose of the hippopotamus he must' fight in the same primitive fashion that savages have used for ages. H.nd t>f ' to maw, as It were, he must engage {his 'two-ton monster while standing '. in the how of a irall canoe. For the ' hippopotamus, as* Its name, the 'river "21' horse,* means. Is a land-and-wator an- (Imal, and must be itarpooned and History I>ssonJ brought ashoretwfofe it expires, otb-; Diogenes.i-dear children, was the erwlse is wonld sink-at once'to th- j ^ wno u yei in tub>, snd juidwbo- bottom of the river, the co.veted.calf marched fdr an honeetman. 1 ' "I'm' escaping amonjj the other hippopotami instead of following the stricken tion. --"Where's your tub?" asked honest/'"cried a candidate for re-elec- cow to shore.- KJ thaf the youngjter* Dlogones.'-."Look at v my barrel j"' may be«ang"it."".. ; ". cried the candidate. But DI went on. fv PLAYHOUSES. _ v There have been much" bustle and activity among the litue people of trie Massachusetts coast this fall, for durlaaa * b " : JJ Ing t*m summ_er 'many,.playhouses Burglars Are Unknown. Consul Edward J. Worton, of Malaga., cannot encourage American safe makers to attempt the building up ot a trade In that district of Southern Spain. He writes as follows: Not over bait a dozen American-made safe's could be foqnd In this entire consular district, and' tho outlook for the development of the safe trade la not an-encouraging one. The demand for safes generally is extremelylighi Many business men.posses* nothing In the war of a late for the protection of valuables or books. The annual fire lots Is insignificant, and burglars or safe blowers are unknown, so there Is no actual necessity for the purchase ot a fire-proof, burglar-<proof safe.. hunting. " The establishment of a Scandinavian, steam'thlp.service to America I* belnt actively urged In Sweden, So* way aaddemnarkr'" " '. rinse off with boiling water, A little alcohol will wash window panes quickly and satisfactorily) leaving.them bright and clear. A good cement for household use is made by adding a teaspoonful of glycerine to a gill ot glue. Very attractive are tbe collapsible crefinne-coverod work baiketa shown In tho shops at moderate prices. A bit of candle wax will he found more efficacious than soap rubbed on the bureau drawer If it sticks In opening., Experienced housewives say that tin boxes are tie bat receptacle*.for all kinds of tood that would attract mice or weevils. A good black Ink mixed with the white of egg is said-to be excellent for restoring color to black kid, whether shoe* or glove*. - Pour upon the podo a quantity of boiling water and the beans will slip out easily from the pod. By pouring scalding water over applea the skin wilt slip off easily. ^te old; paper* to wipe out the gfeajry dishes, also tbe greasy cooking* utensils, then burn the papers, try.this once and Ton will never have any more greasy dishwater. ' Oatmeal'is certainly Whitening to the skin, and tbe girt who appreciate! 'the value of tbe bath keep* a supply ot oa'tmeal'bagb' on bind always, using them whenever she takes a warm bath and this is of ten., ', It Is a good, plan )p pasting labsli -on a gtsm jar,t used for holding dry crocerie«,-u> put the.slip on tile inside of the jar. Then 'there 1* no danger of, It being* rubt>e# off wbea the Jar ha*, to' be wtped^ '...To freshen-mate cakf, dijj'il for.a "second in cold milk^and Ujtin-rebafce,,_It-tna rather cool oten.' Cake'that! has been treated in,this way will tacte aa {f it bad been -newly baked and may* be eaten by, any oafe. -Stile' bread" may be treated In the same way.,-. ~zr ^ A pouimm Weakness. ' Landlady 'Yes, 1 must confess, S, bare a weakness (or coffee."' Boarder "It must'bo sympathetic The cofffe has tho same quality."- Mefgendorfer-Blaetter. N, Y. 5 Yellow Clob«Onion Seed/ \MVtACXVm*fau Jnlant >*frm"*mm Standard Oil Company ilm»r»«raw4i i "SPOHNS^ At this v«t rmnarkalil* prtpantlon I* now ctllmi, U the «mtmt C<in«tltulion«l Ittmtdr»«r known for llr.wd Mare., Colt*, Stallion*»m» all olhjkt iiunw*;»ikj Ulnumwir»mun* Oog«and Hhwp. TliU cuin «und 1* mtit oi tht purest IfigrsliarnU»n<i not in Atom of H*oa.iM or rnluriuu. nilurs tnim into II* BTOlW'Iffar Ivt Orlpp*. Colds, Cough*. J8* nprti th«i>1»" Hftmt from tht body} «fu dirmly on th«ltloo<t and 8i'0JlN'8 I* now MIM by n «* m «drugglh smf h»r» ntw dnler in th* l«nd, and tint ««n tit- it for you, nr cnil with rmnltunre of prim to the manufacturers, who will ship, to your erdtr, r*f«tmim. FI/tY «nt. umi $lfo a bottle, awl fsa) and 110,00 the down. Itecord of Annual dale*. 1st Y*sr. ijoo llottle* 8ol4 Slid Vesr. 4M*» -. Drd Y«r.»3K -» 4th Y«r,.,..19,190 < HlYW"" 40.2*4 * " T2M0. -, mm *. 1«JK0 m.m»l7l.7«ttf. 37IMM3 2Z-S2 " 37IMM3 SPOHN MEDICAL CO. GOSHEIf. aa4lacttflttogm«, IJ. S. A. SPALDINGSornciAL BASEBALL RECORD ^ PBicc io ctttn. *.i^

8 FREEHOLDER PROCEEDINGS «f ilifr fount > of t'nlon, <>«ntl<*jw>-n -- Tour <*on>mltt««on OonttouMl from «<r» I l^h»»j *l>rawbrldg* would rwipect-, tts*l ed and i>)a< ed <>n r Jiilij' M-port tbm thfr bare Ipokvd nli'i tb" Iirldgf during the period Regtatrar fr.itu J»nnary 1, 1»<1». «o December To the Board of D OCLU.1 i" > '''' "! 4 h h of ttai> Count} <! l i' i l-»lt» in ml" and kept thf name In con Gentlemen lour < nitnlili Mtl"ii ' " public'u^-'- " settle «1th iht> ItivrTu-»n«I n «KOB(JB.«CUMiKK, cperlfullt ti'imn!! nirlj'tf - JACOp MAKT1N. Ot tbo 0tBr<> froir \im n ' I In lui* JOSKPH I Klim. 16 Deopmbrr I l'-nf, «" I" US JO, and D,". i, t<-<^ '"-in ^»> ember 1 r. IH' 1 ii>! iii'«r "l fin niomow (it Krf*hold<-r Wilbur wo*.»<!«ii ; : r Itx^'.-lUuli* I'll (Hi! mi n«xi aii*l (>)*<»><1 on Hi 1'iiniiiiitii'f iin Jal) f To iln» Ittmrd of K/Miliold? of Union County, (3intl«-iiHMi - At a nnfllnt: in Jatl i nrii\i:> i>o\sr I-KTKlt M I.I'M, 1.1 (HII.K n 11 M>I:K 1 m rh ti Ji'11 n IX«c<-ii)lwr 3t, On nioiinn nf I r» Ii J ; ' II i* i»"i. «Bji «jln("!i Dr. I1OT»<-> II. -- l>t'ifr j<4ljr IUM likird the ptiraae, tt» iwhwd a nil I '«" I i i M' xt a> Jail ih)»lrlan fur tin nt-liiira Ii> tlii-»1» A liut wliat ta It? Hi Ih" l IIH IIIII'M *' I ' nai > >!«r HI the ti«nat coro wnim> In M h vt tti.rdx lhi» U tbe Rwaafaig To tbf I5»anl! i I i - i li"l I'M' 'i IHT ><»r, inrh amount to if j'liuiali) >.. lif!»: ' That the aao, of 11' CCMI 'i c ' 1 r tin',l:iiii'l» mid alt iiui n IQ ttteta lift* me!* nf,)h«count)' jail diir! mini i""»i»nli! in, nfiii n niii tillwenii iil.j*4! (In* Hi IIM tbc<m«tl»amj. irii i.. tlinl Ihi ti f'u% h «I >i inji'i <l'ifli i- i'blthy. ' fstijoti. [m«l a.v».»t maim of chaotic, tnrmiil"-!'! i-nl g»* all JiiiiiMril tivtbrr In tlit' li-ai fi I Ml n lii ' ii i f tin.1 HKKVKV DOANK. tiatlcnlt nf 1 I. Hill II n 'i al (I i V i*..joi1.vh. BTKI'IIAN. nn rncruifium beliula, «r loml..,ll t». T ^l ll'l Hi M I ',.lll \l 'J II ttfcfn «ilh. tlw nrat coacrptioo fo> ICl<lli 'Hih lilnl >( I < I 111 I ' (Hi ni'iilfth < ( Ki«*"li'il<!'-r. Ht>*phail tlmt vl<>iiif. lia» tlarwl to make, bowfi'r, "lakf» in out- step furtlwr iatck. I 1 ].< utm tin i uili if 141 tki> "( rifilnil nnrl il»r"'<l on flip. Vnin < nili.hi i r nlil furl l,i fi) ('fifiiiiitkivi fin I'litiMrAUiin. W'lihiitil Mii'iitlmiliiK the orlkln of nut tlmt t»t< \ I 1 Illlll Illl Tu HIM li'ianl of ClHwn.Krijchnli ji'r lui'lf nrliiitc i I'IKTIH'* tbat lu ih«1 uin HI illffi-n-ni V ill. Ill '1 ( mini 1 f flu- (Viuntr nf I'n I mi n l (ill Ili'tctIfnii-ti -' Vdtir CointiilttfM' on ih'iiliitiliik nil niaiiit ««uniformly I'uhlli iiiiirn uiuilil >i-»ji»-i Ifiilly rp Kirt itlflrlliiiliil tlirim^lititit ii >ai'p U Mtat 1'KTIiK II MKIHIIL, T ti fit tbi'y UMK; i'«ii»- ilfcl diirliik. tin thi'ti-»ffi- lid»tnr». tt't planet*. n» CMAltU.S A SMITH. imliiil (rum.imnlinry 1, I!«0&. to lx>niiilur.'il, IH'ili. for ptilillnliln* t!i- ultlv iin' linilli'r-wc iiuw Imv <1ITW^.»nivltiii>». I.ill tluit all pin* wan filial (in iritxttjii of Knt'linIiliT l»«rli)''l<-. jnliiiiit'it uf IhlK l«ianl mill lor»mji il i liitn wry tint" imrtlclf* aormp itb- IIII III* 1 iillirr work n* n.ulhorliefmi hv llii> c-'i'iii'»m* apart. Tlie ri.n»l<li'ixjr «f nirh an. Hiiir»K!it>:'» IIIIIII-I-. ihi- xiini or H,*I,T73: unit llj' ( i Awumt Your Tt-h tf-cl!ujly Till' Hi I Illlll! HtlllilllllM.llrl 1-tVI'tl fill" I lit' \flll HII" f 1 II.. 1.',*> 4 '.',, ll'lih llitjll lillinttnt fx ii'iiwii. Hiiliirii'B iiml r-lct h lilti, J!I>'.II 'it, HIM liriilli, Vi'i* 3 % IIIA It I. KM A HMITII, WII.I.IA.M H. (laltlt'lhiin, (in iiiuilfiii»l t''iei-tiol( i<r Hniltli r^, ft'ued mid I (UIM1 IIII 111*'. lly t'lllillnifilm' nil l.i'c.ll) (Jlli'MilillK To tin' liunnl. tif I'liiiKi'ii I'll-.-In.l.lii»»f Ilii' t'oiini)''(>r*t'nl<iii: tiiti»t i.'iutiii Yintr CmiiiulHrn -an KeKni QufNtliitm «nii il r*-» **M;lfulI> ri'imt'l I hill iiulhliik* of nut Import mire wnit rfllurrt'il lu th" i:iiii?mlt<i>» fin lit. I'OliKliliinlluih ilnriiik 111" juiht >«'iif. nnil what It (I It- bimlnoaa t'atixl»rfor< (. tlu> ruinnllirmi nllrmllon, ' CHAItLKH -J, Commlttno, On motion of I'Vi'dnilifpi--Dar'liy r«v WIVIKI and jilnrcd <m file. Hy ComnHtti-e i»n HIIMIH'UI Drnw, Tti tlm ChMHMr Hoard, of l'*r<>ehol< pr* nf (lie County of Union, Unnllomon - - Your Commit Us- on Rllulwlh Drawhrldsen would n»- apeotfully report that Iho ilr»wli lilg v» In the city «f KIIMMII linvr- reretired duo mid proper at III* hands of your (-ominltleo during thu (KH-lod from Jnnunry , to DpoonitMT 3,1, lfluu, tlmt rt> i«lr» have im'fh uimle witutierrr found DWNMrjf, aupiitlea (iifnlalioil anil the bridge* k«l>t In anfv Mild iru i«r condition for iubllr use and trarel. ClUItLKB J. JKN8KN, K. K. ADAW8. Conimitteo, On motion or Krwliold«r Smith rc- Mtv«d*M placed on fllo. " 'x8r CommltttK' on Statlonory. TO U»«Board of Choacn Kreohuldtira ' Of tho County of Union. - aantleinvn.-your Com in It ten on SUUan«ry would n«p<<rtfully report that tho amount vkihtmtml during tho parlod from January 1. 1S0H. to l)eo«nb«r ». which was for alatlonery, Uooka of rocorda and atrount booki, and for auoh other purpoam aa ware UMi«aaary for the t>roper conduct of ttao dllfi-rt>nt offlcci of th«court and «ouuty ofllcula who am ontltlrnl to leoure tholr atatlonvry rrotn Ihli hoard wai» KL8TON DAUUV. PBTKIl It. MKlHKL, AARON l>. CHANE, Commlttoq. On motion of freeholder Havllnml rrcelted and placed on flle. Dy Committee on rubllc OroumU and BuUdlnpi, TO the Hoard of Chosen Krooholdvra of U>«County of. Union. Q«Uetnen V<mr Conunlttvo on Publln Orounda and Dulldlnci would rwpmttully report tnat th«y have cxpenqad during the year from January l,'l»0», to Uocetnbcr SI. l»0». tbe turn of S&,74K.4O. ThU amount haa town «ap«ndod tor liio inrcbb»f or coal for the totaling or tho Hulllie bulldlngi. the salary ot Iho c»»- tbdlan of tbe Oaurthouxi building and toe holp n*c*«a«ry for tualnlalnlng th«"*am«for tho pra\wr conduct of. the public tiualut«t, for gaa ajid alectrlc lighting and for all such otiwr pnrpow* at wore naeeuary tor the uremtyatlon of the county itonndt and buildings for the public good i, -»- :, JOHN N. CAJDV,,, CUAilLRS A. SMITH,. JOHN UOIIIHON... JACOII MAItTIN. Com mil top (>n iiinllim (if Krwlioldi-r Jon"«n>- «irt«..'. Wi> li.'m'. 1 i:\fitiiini-ii I hi 1 I'uiikM itm! I'rlii-il mill itlftr<<il ciii flltv. Miiniiir«n't tlic Hiii tiiitiilc fin Ilii' 1.1 > <'iiiiiiij l i-i\- to Hi.ltli! wild Coljiimiili nf li/t.-mit'i. lij'itt'..iiml lliiil Ivitur.."- ' ' I In-ill iiiiriu. iiml flu ' IH.I ri-ri'l iiii Tn Ilii' llimiil nf Chom-ti Kri'i>lifi!ili-iii hit* l'.i"4 ft!'. ^ liii Ii iilmiiilhl IntH ti^i'ii uf Ihi' County uf I'nlmi liii?ii\t mi'i i n Iin' I'Minty t'i*j i % i 101'' lii-iitli'ini'ii. Ynur I 'niiinhtli.'i 1 - l.o... >/ Committon., On motion of tho freeholder J«t> MM rnwivad and placed on flic 8* Un CommrU** on OlKhargv of Prlaontr*. - To tha Board or Choiea KrMholdera of U»» County of Union. - QenUemon Your. COMMUUM on Hh of PrtMn«r«beg toate (0 at they held regultr tatoen ng U>«period from January ;, to JJecoml>erJ31. l*0».-for 10 purpm* of erantlttgadodttcupn I u«sentence of prl»onert for good -Jutt^whlle under conflnemeot In. the recommendation'of Kind approved by the pr«- 1 ine Court of Common,hy la* And In al allowance ws> nted. - i,.i amltt*e.~' ' Ider CUdek Hilllii wllll III*, ( nlltitv Cillli'lrl.ur l"i'- iqirrltiilly lf iull Ihfit t)ii<y ttui>- i t iliii-'i hu nrliimh,.lioh 1 nil lunik lnhih nkr l i> miil urn OWIIIK with li iiil ***«tt<inii tniij i 1 Itntl thr dniih* In i'vity purllr- ulnr, - JlN IIJ'JI! i< nltit; at tlh' -M ;ti..niii't, mi, ti'iivlnr. ii' linlftiifii In ImliK 7H1 S11 ' nil <if Ih«il.ii friiin Hip IH'KIII )i'iii to l)*m v (*fnli**r iiii.r, 11 M; t<it«i 'tit.c%iljl.- H. I- T. Wll.lllllt. JOHN CAI>V, mullein til I'Yraholdvr MI wild lillirttl mi Ml". holilpr Bmllh tb«n o< ninmlu<r i of lb«iwnnl iu IH-IIIIII 'hiilrtor C?B<1H1S, ono of (h«r«i-. llli'li!ii'l(i. wllli 11 ImililiMiliii' tmvdllnk l K I i mlili'r Clmlck i'»ori>»im><l hta Iiml ItfH (i-riii ot ofllrp w»«nlioui i'lplrlnic. tlinnkliik tin' mfiu for tin- intirti'ii) with which ht< hail lii-i'ii IrenU'ii, nnil i-iiirmiilnk lll> Unit tlii< liimril havr 11 fill ypnr,. f l THE CRANFORD CITIZEN. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Frwholiler Doitiin tlioii.-on Itvhuir of Iliv indlillnirii, ptujjiciilcil to Kri-eholilur.SlK ilimi. llm other rctlrlnn ineinlmr. a linihlnoiiut acarf pin, which l«the tvonlt. w duly iicknowlnlrml by th«rel l l 'IHIIIK exuiilhislf hot. ami meb Now 1'iti'h of IIH'W whirling ndiula* JiT Darby moved to ad- TIIIMI n hat N known a* u alar ut J»liu< illf, which wa» to orderrd, sun. our ami!m>iiir <UU\ TBV wirtb mnl Ihti Dlroclor pro torn thereupon d c l l tla- board M> adjournud. IIKNJAMIN KINO, 1 Clark. dlauavtrv, and Hardwar*. Oo <K.fu«loii» uf ui ii<titllii( dangm p<hipli> MiiiK'tliiiini iin wbut M«iaa to Uicui niirtt abitunt ill utbnr womeuta. \Vlni«U10 >(«IIUIKII1 I Autnrlrn. which carried oiir «f iliv Zli-nlir «tplurinic **- IHMItlona to Krniii Jdi.ffJ.miil In 1U03. wna lirlng criulml by h-v Hit- followluir winter It liwame imhurjr to NEBULA HYPOTHESIS. One 61 the Most Interest Big Prop- ositioni of Science. almmloi) the alilji In Iwatc, Order* An tlmt) wi'iit on tuv outer part W- > wt>n< Klveu tu unload upon the Icecntue i*uol mill mimovtrhat rl«kl, white i iivcrylbliqr thitl would be or u»» In tbe the Inner pnrt WMIHUMI tu lohir H-lntvr jh ih'furw tbe men. Th» and Mtntravtlng. Thu* tho Iniwriwrt work must IK- iluuw with tllapatcb. <lrt«w awny from tbe outer. Ivavlng a While tlic rrtiw wi^a pntalug tberlnif of matter whirling around on the (tana over tin- nlttu of the»bip tbe cook. OUt»lilt», 'I'bla brvnklng off of Mir ringla -»upt>«iwd to be limtttnto tif tb* tn who was of mi vx«ltabl«nature,»uddouly appvarml at tht> mil with a large ability or Ihv out aide- tn kevp up tb«bav, wbli'h he limrrd over with all bit wift niotlon of ih«ifiitral maw. both. trvtikth. It utruvk tbe lo«below with ou aniiunt tif tlm alight tohmkm an<] a rwwumluig vraih, cauilug one of tbe of the cvutrltuittil t\w*. Hut thu partlouur uart of the tircuiiwut ha* notb. Mllor'n la ciclnliu: "Hc-llo. cook, Wuitt «M thati" Inx to atatid op If the Or»t law "Oh, llum la all right," he «usw«rvd. tlon Ut true. "It w«a Ininit i'lilwm>,v» and UaMrona. lu Iho Httpcvmtve ataitra of the aon> Hut lt'w«a Imnlly all flight, fw during the winter Ibry werv OWIRWI to cut ov»«r and ovvr Hguln, until rominvtlon thin prwiwa was rrpeatird Hit- bultouia out of lik'klvjkilllf* "ami rlugn were whirling around too central UMi thi-tti lit.plave- of cliluinvya tlwt orb, Tbey would ueivaanrlly b«tn bad IH-OU broken. Oeubtltu True. A toacber hi a HlruiluKlmui jiyhool w««cnomitorlng to exiiuilti the term "bookltut*»a H I IIM tit our rail way nynteiii, aaj-i l.onutt«tii-hltit,."now," be wn» wtyliiif, "cun any of uniull boy At the cud vt tt»i> clam'wh wan evidently' ia,vlflk T«ry tlrtle/«tt«u Him tu wh«l KM wlil. / "Wdijutt hear tltau Kpryj"i. he de tuaikt«i; ", I v. "Wot, rirr itnifpd twa youth you ti'h tn«ilic imtm' of the utuce at which railway ticket* are ooiu "1'ho booking vlhcc'" ivpllnl out* uf tbelada. t'ltlkbt," nwiiothtthl iho ti-aclu- At thin tmiiuvut hl«cjit* fell (m a 1 g We/will you u»tjl«t*oj-uar futbi-r ile* y AVbnt WyUkl he U«v» to re hi- eimld ilw-8«in tbe bir :.... Wit limit. «utofueut'n. 'tbou'sht\th«juft}pirr i>u>ctrtk*r Ul» kacbi<r by Ins. tlud«,> J»»thkr t'h«qth«r.', X y»>u' vitaw'laat xupif't v«t the uaiu'p of thk'r AuU he wulstfco lu* -2 '''Aftrr ' hv had tom*d to him goodneti' jou j hid 'tvuietntkwed Vnd tn»* WHAT IT ACTUALLY MEANS, Ttiat the gun, Plarwta m»4 All ttttur W»r«One* a V«at M«H mf Iwandttetnt Oat All Jumsltd Ttfathar la an (Enormouf CHaMic Cl»ua\ uiiili-rfal. «nif H'tfi>rtp very thto In ilwil. n'hit Ii morn rart-ditl tban Uiflil«hi'«l \ m litiiu M'H fan <i itu ii IH»W tiy nlr imiitim. Frmn thin ntntf to tb<nxbuhni* ulale llt«theory hn«a mum-. IIII; link. o u* Hint run only I* aatusml lij»ii i» liii[ illvllli* cnuiliialict, for It moniiiii'ii. In Ilii' Hi.nU uf. l'rof>a»»r Ti-lil, lit it "aranun'tf crtitrni of atliinlliiii fnriitnl Bl»l tticim-r«-iit«r» (mil. I-in- fn.uiinl iln-iuwlthii i.tln-r (Hirti- «'li-n. A»» ri'»ult uf th<" lnw»>i fall lut; nf mutter tmvhril thi^i' centrr*. tbe iiilililnii of Itrpnrtk'leM mid tb«-lr frfc> llnii ti H»i omli nllier Hit' innt»rtal fllilnn-4 Icrt'W In,HIT Illlll Ilililrr >>t«j- IK' M'l'intiiir In IHI HIP. ctillrr bmretiii were fnnneil-' luinliii'iln lire lulat. like Ui" HlMij i,l,) (» in >llli X.-.H In tlif aky. tlimu li \ii!t ur.mitt ti^h^lluicly Milliter' mix" TtitH linn**'** U niipt>*.»tm^l ti* lunf jtiitit- i'ii Tnr i-uliiilli'^h»i;i'«, fuatir in Ki.ttii. ri'kii'iih Ilinn In I'IIIIT*,.Many mlllli'ii ik'liul.ii- ncri- f'tiiinl uii<l Hvt lu ri'tiill.'ti nri'iilnl llnir nun ntri Tlii-i tiftjipti.!' rim IK- c^tiliiiutml Uy nrlt^lh'*': Whi'iu'H-t' *iirtiwi"i nn- titfrurttlf!. ti* nnnl.ii i iit.t HIM I itrv kfpl fn u> full liiij ilimtl) in tiiih <«-iiti-r a * ithtrlpom^ Iv fiir.tiletl, rntiitli>k In jif.'iip.i)irf»'uiiiit' An v»nin]i.',,f thlit, tbnuidi liuiiil.lianil out i-vintlv anali'in'iii, i* tin- ruin lion of wuiir hi a lu«l:i wlivn the»ti»p I*r 4 Mir,i«l mil nf Id.. Imttidii. tintvl I) nllrbi-tn luffoatit lniiii.'ilt.itfjy n!m*f HIM hole, wlilt-b, martk ilnwlut; mil. ilmi lfnifii)r-» «}MC«tn I* tilled, 'lite rnt i.f th<>»nit>r nnlm In fraiu all 'lili'i tu tin thn ami ttm-'wblrlpim) anil oflii-r plntiel* had uot then count Into wimrnte exlutnuv, of niurw, aa II la nuplmwed that ttipy wer«, thrown off latvr from tow auu. Ou'r HQII In Its u«nu oua form and rotnltng (iwlftly on Its axut Krfcihulty flattrtuil nt lltt jkileit oil arniunt of rrntriruical motion. ThU pupnuiiwoun la «ntlr«ly familiar tu tbo»t> «b» bafv aeou a liall of olny on tt Hitter'«whr«l gntduall,r flnttcn. TIM^motion wa* WJ! wlft and Iho miiiu»u_nebulou> that 1 tho nun tu be look the aha H> of «dbk the muiift plane. Now, tb rlnpt. oot bciiik u'nlforin In uiasi or thlcknww, would each gradually sixutnutatc tothn denaeut (Hirtlan until Ihey, would fortn a bail whkh wookl- Batten, und If. tb» «o»v»(tttu* wnlltiut<d ufbulou* ami the bail wa* largv enough they woum aim aloush rlujpi, - Of cuurae th«rlnt cd b*v«b«voino the puiivtav.wblcti. as required by th»'thoory, *r» all wry nwrty la the iame plane.. The ringa that tito pl«n»t» fortnwl bat* bi numna or Mtelllt**. So wt ar» to c«ttcludo lhat our sun at on* time filled all the tpac* rtom hi» vrewnt poaitlon to tbe farthest plautr In tbe KtomthU theory there U auvtber thins that we have to b*»»r«o»nd that la ttutt «t*ry'cur tn the heaven* has Hone' throtigh tab tame process aru baa a family of planets iailtajiaroacd It, Just Uk our tun hajlj It -wouu - UapotuMWe to aee th«*e buneln,' ot eotarsv/ for It \? ImpoasUilv to aee a i the. greatest WeaOcp^ itrept at'«raere point nf lbchu ' AM Mgwd* the prortne of infer iwv uu hyputbfal*, of (HHirw It caqujtt be-. done. 'Sot ererythtni; point* ti\ kt<> *ery.^ Many 'nebulae «n-«ven T«t tmnojc the Mtar* that-te*ra, Uv be] Coin* throu^b the delarwl jntte** of \ «rorld - forming,. ' Around «W of thei»un«l» of «ur-own *lar tirsteln.'tsat-! urn, ar«three H&ita. whjen are ppotw^; dmtln«d In' rtm* to become moons, in tbe opinion of aoin» acholars. A. T. Hod««in New York That Necessary Magazine for the thinking man far the professional man' for the busy business man and hu family;^in short, it's for You 25 cents per copy Tkfe Review of Review^ Ent,b«cau*r it i«a nwfttity t'i a t ii c( men arid affairs by Dr. Albert the rule in magazine g buying yg of A;:,. 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II yrrj.'apptcrijtn tu;mior jrnrjr KTVKC, ind demand «<U»r lor ll,a lcv>ut il.ji.ii, wriic (or it today, ll'i lr» lo YOU. * The Review of Reviews Company. New York FRANK BELL. 4 ATTORNEY aid COUNSELOR AI.LAW «w Jeracy avttf Hem York. a M*My airact, f> afoadwuf caaaroao. j. N(w VORK cm, Master and Eiamlnir In Chanoary Hour* I (ts d Cranfonl (* l*> 1. JOHN MARIEN, 1.. i_ f Canford. N.J,ST JESSE WHEELER, < vj«!!a and Mandolin Instructor I* pit- >nrt-<l to IWMIVO 1'iiplU fur tlotln Inatraotion. For tcrnm, nt> ply to or auldrpm JESSBIWIIKELEH, JT. P. WHEELER. rck Bar 1 Vra» font KARL TEICHMANN, Carpcntcrand Builder Jokklna Wot* tcarvfully Dona. Eatlnaataa FMrnlahad RisUiMi ail Slop, P. O. Hoi Ul BlKWl«8 j»»»»»»»»»» > JOHN T. KANANE. -{Kcal Estate and-.insaranee: J C!IKIU'(I HUH unij Store for Suit,. ' CUMMIHSIUNKK OF DKKUS Cor. Houlevard and 20th St.] I5NILWORTH,. N. j. JAMES C. PARK, General firth Atfnue Contractor Cnofirtl. New Jfrsei "T>>lo ibonu GEORGE Dl.TZEL. 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