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3 H. H. llvtter &. M., HardWare, 43 VpPe'rlVatcr Streel.-8ee page 11. BELCHER'S 4UUt'U t ~~ lmatt.ttt\ FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1868: PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. DOMINION OF CANADA. Being Bissextile or Leap Year, and the latter part of the THIRTY.FIRST, and beginning of the THIRTY SECOND Year of the Reign of HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA.. Calculated for HALIFAX, Lat ' 20" N., Long,,3 $6' 4~" W., and for ordinary purposes will serve, wi~h sufficient "ccuracy, for all parts of the Province, including the Island of Cape Breton. [ESTABLISHED IN 1824.] rcj "" o c!:i rcj 0) ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 l>-. ~ t ~ rli Q) ~ 0/1.~.~ ~ I=Q HALIFAX, NOV A SCOTIA:,. w. p ti B LIS H E 0 Bye. H. B E Le~t.I E R ~.. JAMES BOWES & SONS, PRINTERS. ~f. A. F. VUIJRCH & vo., IllIp Publishers, OS GI'lInvllle Street.

4 It. 'r. MUIR, Dooksellel" and StatiQner, 12~ C!J:ranville Street. UNTRY MERIJHANTS WILL FIND THE GOODS AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT, I LONDON HOUSE, FOJrnerly in Granville Street, but now in HOLLIS STREET, OPPOSITE LOWER SIDE PROVINCE BUILDING. Is al-w-ays -w-ell prepared -w-i-th LARGE.LOTS OF GOODS, UNDER REGULAR PRICES. Being in the ~ritjsh Market personally twicll- a year, anil having an agent constantly on the lookout for bargains at other times. OHEAP LOTS OONSTANTLY ARRIVING. The General Stock is ahyays well assorted in Grey, 'Vhite, Striped ~ :L!1C\ J,?rillJe(LCottom, Flannels, Tickings, Drills, Cloths, Ready-Mad~ g: 'Clothing; Coburgs, Delaines and Fancy Dress Goods, ::;ha~ls, Mandes, Hats an'd Straw Goods, Thread and Small Wares.,-j <.l. : ~Notethe(l;ddress, EDWARD BILLaNC, ~ I LONDON HOUSE" ~;.-. ~ee Ad,:eri:iJ'~ment to Retail Depart~e~t, ~~n~\~~ I~d~:EET. ~~OWN BROTloIERS i<; CO., DruilPsts, Ordnance Squaro, Ha~.

5 Bank Book. and Pas" Books at R. 1'. MUIR'S. ALMANACK. 49 LICHT HOUSES. On the Coast of Nova Scotia; The Coast of New Brunswick' Strait; Cape Race; Gulf and River St. Law: rence, a1ld Strait of Belle-Isle. MEAGHER's BEACH-East side Halifax harbour..r. fixed white light, elevated 58 ft. above sealevel, and visible 10 miles. DEVIL'S ISLAND LIGHT-On the S. W. point of Devil's Island entrance of the Eastern Pa~sage to Halifax Harbour..JJ. fixed red light, on th~8eaward sides to distinguish it from Sambro and Meagher's Beach lights, elevated 45 ft. and visible g miles. Octagonal dark brown Tower, with a white belt between the Balcony and Lantern, to distinguish it in day time. SAMBRO ISLAND LIGHT-On the S. W. side of the ertrance to Halifax Narhcrnr..JJ. fixed white light, elevated 115 ft. above the sea, visible in clear well,ther from 20 to 25 miles. White Octagonal Building, Lat ' N. Long ' W. A fog trumpet.has been placed on Sambro Islll,nd, in operation dtlring thick. or foggy weather. Each blast of the trumpet will be of five seconds duration, with intervals of 2@ seconds, audible from 6 to 10 miles in c!lolm weather. In OIl-se 1IIny a~cident should occur to interrupt.the operation of the fog trumpet, sigdal guns from 'ships will be answered by the discharg-e of two 24 pounders in sllccession. West from Ha:lifag;. PEGGY'S POINT LIGHT-Entrance to St. Margaret's Bay (in course of I ri.i ere<)tion). ril CHESTER LIGHT, ON rnon BOUND ISLAND-Entranoe to Mahone Bay. ;;;joq) Two fixea white lights, apart from each other 25, feet horizontally, alid visible from sea from W. S. W. to N. E., elevated 50 feet above highwatei'. ~ Lat ' 15" N. Long. 64 4' 10" W.... CROSS ISLAND LlGliIT--UpOn the S. E. point of the Island. Two lights 0 placed vertically, 44 feet apart, Ute lower Ught is fixed; the upper one a; flashing at intervals of a minute, visible 14 miles. Building red, Lan- +" tern painted 'black. Lat ' N. Long. 64 9' W. ~ BATTERY POINT LIGHT-At the entrance to Lunenburgh harbour..11 p.., re Q) g fix ebd wh~te 'light, visible 12 milbes. Whhitell<lb uarelbuidl~ingth' Lbunenbdurgh I ~, h ar our lb ea.&y of access, spar uoys ave een p ace m e ay an ~n- ft' trance t9 the harbour on the sculpin rock, haddock shoal, Battery pomt: r.q. shoal, and head shoa'l. In approaching the harbour from seaw;al'd the' ~: buoy on sculpin rock painted rea and black in horizontal stripes may be et left on either hand, giving it a berth of two cable's length. ~he. otber ~ buoys are painted black and must be left on the port ban.d gomg lu. IRON-BOUND ISLAND LIGHT-Entrance to LaHave R;lver..JJ. bright 0 Eo! flash light, of 20 seconds duration, fo~lowed by eclipses of 30 se~on~~.,1'1;j;. The lantern is placed en a squ!1re white tower, on the southern SIde.,?!. ri.i the Island., 70 ft.!1bove sea level, and visible from ll,ll points of apprllscu; b MOSER'S 'ISLANB LlGHT-Entranceto LaHaveRiver. (In course of po erection}. "Il:i PORT MEDWAY HARBOUR LIGHT-On Admiralty Head, W. side.!)f~ the entra'llce te the port. Square white buildij1g'~ with a black square inthe centre anile seaward sides..a fixed white light, 44 ft. above sea 'l~"iel, and vi>lible 10 miles. Spar buoys bye been placed i~ the chann~j:'~o Par,t Medway harbour :-On the bre!1king ledges, Naut.llus rock, co~tie.l Trusses, Supporters a~1i Bandages at BROWN BROTHERS & CO. 8 "" --

6 It. T. MUiR, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Granvl11e Street. 50 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868'. ground and edge of flats off Bangs',point. In passing in from seaward the relbuoys must be left on the starboard hand, and black buoys on ~.5 the port hand.. LIVERPOOL LIGHT-S. end of Coffin's Island revolinng hgh~, ~p. '" pearibg full at intervals of two minutes,.80 ft. ~b?ve sea le.vel. BUlldmg ~ octagon, in red aud white horizont~l stripes, vlslble 16 mll~s., '0 FORT POINT LIGHT-Entrance to the inner harbour of LIVerpOOl..Il.r:l white fixed light, visible from all points of approach, and must be left ] ""' on the larboard hand when entering the harbour. LITTLE HOPE ISLAND LIGHT-Off Liverpool..11 revolving red light, ~ 40 ft. above high wl),ter attaining its greatest brillianoy every minute. ~ Situated nearly in the ~entre of the Island. Lat ' 3~" N. L?ng ' 16" W. The lantern is placed on the top of the Keeper s dwelling; ~ ri: which is painted white. GULL ROCK LIGHT-Off the entrance to Ragged Island harbour. J1 ft white fixed light, 61, ft. above sea level. Square white building. Lat ~ 43 39' N. Long ' W. ~ SHELBURNE LIGHT-On the S. E. point of McNutt's Island, at the entrance of the harbour. Two white lights vertical-the upper light 100 j ft. above sea level and visible 18 miles; the lower light 38 ft. below the... lantern at the top of the building and visible 10 miles. Building paintt:: ed black and white in vertical stripes., 15 BARRINGTON LIGHT.-On Baccaro Point, E. side of the entrance to the ~ harbour..i1 revolving light, bright 15 seconds and dark 26 seconds, ele ~ vated 49 ft., visible 12 miles. Square white building, with a black ball., on the seaward side.!s CAI'E SABLE ISLAND LIGHT-.I1 red fixed light. Octagonal white ~ building. Lat ' N. Long ' W. High Water at Cape 1l Sable, full and ohange, at 7~ o'clock. Spring tides rise 12 ft., nea,ps 6 ft. ~ SEAL IsLAND LIGHT-The first light on approaching the Bay of Fundy <.> is on the S. point of Seal Island..f1 fixed white light, 80 ft. above high -; water, and may be seen, when approaching, from any point of the com $ p~s~, at the dist.ance of 18 or 20 miles. Octagonal white building. The Blonde Rock, lies about 3~ miles S. by W~ from. the Light House: ~ ~etween this rock and the Island, there are som~ dangers; the ground 18 rocky throughout, and large vessels ought not to attempt passing i between them - PUBNIOO HARBOUR LIGHT-On the S. E. side of the entrance to the :s harbour, about 13 miles northerly of Cape Sable..f1 fixed white light. "g. 28 ft. above high water, (rise and fall 12 feet.) Square white buildinjt o!' standing 50 fathoms from low water mark. ~ 'FISH ISLAND LIGHT-On Big Fish Island, E. side of the entrance to '" Tusket River. ' Two fixed horizo.ntal white lights, visible 12 miles. ~, YARMOUTH LIGHT-On the Island of Cape Forchu, West side of the S': '~~ance to the harbour..11 bright revolving light, 145 ft. above sea level :El, ~i8illle quarter minute and invisible half a minute.. Seen in clear weathe~ o 18 or 20 miles. Building red and white in vertical stripes. Lat ~ 48' N. Long, 66 09' W. CoU'l)) ST. MARY'S LIGRT-(In course of erection.) ~. B~E:a IsLAND LIGHT-Situated un the western side..11 whlte jited l~gh.~ 92 ft. above sea level, visible 15 miles. Octagonal white building. ::yiestport LIGHTS-On Peter's Island, at the S. entrance of the E. side Lor the Bay of Fundy. Two white jixed lights, placedhorizontaliy:, to BROWN BROTHERS ~ CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

7 Church Services and Prayer Books at R. T. MUIR'S ] ALMANACK. 51 d!s~inguish ~t from B.ri~r Island Light, 40 feet above high water mark, visible 10 miles, and 18 mtended to lead vessels into Westport or through Gmnd Passage. Square whitll building. '" BOAR'S HEAD LIGHT--N. entrance Petite Passage, Bay of Fundy..Ill~ernat~ f!ashes red and white, at intervals of 60 seconds. square white bulldldg., ' DIGBY. Gu: LIGHT-On Point Prim, at the entrance of the Gut. A fixed wh~te hght, 76 ft. above high water, and visible 13 miles. Building square, painted red and white vertically. PORT WU:L!AMS LIGHT-~WO fixed white lights, 20 ft. apart perpendlcula.r~y,. visi~le f!om all pomt~ of approach. Square white building. 'Port Wllhams IS distant from DIgby Gut Light E. 25 miles; and frolil Black Rock W. 28 miles. ~IABGARETVILLE LIGH~-A red fixed light, visible 10 miles from all POllits of I!opproach. BUilding square, painted in white and black hori. zontal stripes. Margaretville is distant E. 37 miles from Digby Gut Light, and W. 15 miles from Black Rock Light. ~ BLAO" ROCK LIGHT-A white fixed light, 55 ft. above the level of high water, and.visible 12 miles. Square white buildi)'lg.. ' SPENCER'S POINT-A white fixed light is placed on the top of a building at this point, on the northern shore of Cobequid Bay, near the head of Minas Ba,sin. ', P ARRSBORO' LIGHT-On the W. side of the entrance to Parrsboro' River..J1. wllite fixed light, 30 ft. above h'igh water, visible 9 miles. Octagona.l white tower, standing close to high' water mark on,the beach. HORTON BLUFF LIGHT-A white fixed light, 95 ft. above high water level (rise and fall 40 to 45 ft.), visible in clear weather over the greater part of the Basin of Minas (after passing Cape BlOllledon),and above the Five Islands and up Windsor River, until intercepted by thei continuation of the Bluff to the southward of it. Square white building, standing 66 feet from the Bluff. ' BURNT COAT HEAD LIGHT-The lantern is erected on a square tower attached to the main building. A white fired light, 7i> ft. abovel high water level, and visible from all points of approach. GANNET :ROCK LIGHT-The Gannet rock is 66 ft. above high water, and h.asa light house upon it, painted black and whi.te, in vertic,al stripe,s. A flashinfj lifjht, which fias4es 3 times each minute, (visible 12 miles,) lies S. W. by S., distant 3k miles from the Southern point of Three lalands, and S. S. E. k E., 7 miles from the S. W.head of the Grand Manan. A gun is fired to answer signals during a fog. There are a number of small ledges and sunken rocks about it; which ate always breaking. The light stands conspicuously in the immediate vicinity of t:.: all the sunken rocks and dangers, extending from the old Proprietor to the po S'eaUslands,.offMachias, a distance of about 20 miles. Between the northern-most and southern-most of the Murr Ledges, there is a r~e of dangerousrooks and shoa~s, many of them above water, a~d wbil:h extend westward from. the lighthouse about 4 mill!.,from this range, farth~r westerly, abput 6 miles, lies a dangerou,s breaker, oalled the Bull. T hls may be avoided by keeping three remarkable headlands, near th.e S, W. end of G~and' Manan, open. MACHIAS SEAL ISLAND LIGH'I,'S-S. W. by W. il W. from ~,randmanan, lie the Machias Islands. On the east,ern island two hghthouses are erected; showing fixed lights, distant from eacli other about 165 feet in I Bao:WN BBQmERS ~ Co. Pure Chemicals, Drugs alld Toil\lt Articles-. I

8 "'" o Z.~ R. T. MUIR, Bookseller nnd Statloner. 125 GranvllIe Street. 52 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. the direction of E. S. E. and W. N. W., by which they are distinguished from all other lights on the coast. Elevated about 54 and 58 ft. ab?ve high water mark, visible 15 mi~es. A gun is fired every 4 hours dunng a fg~.and MANAN ISLAND LIGHT-On Swallow Tail Point, N. :F! side of the Island. A white fixed light, 130 ft. above high w,at~r, visible, 1.7 miles. Building white, Lat " N. Long W. ThIS IS a conspicuouli mark in the S. Channel between Brier Island and Grand Manan.. LITTLE RIVElt LIGHT-On an Island at the entrance to the RIver..9 white fixed light, varied by flashes every 90 seconds, 40 feet above high water, visible 11 miles. -!1 fixed I QUODDY HEAD LIGHT.-On.the S. E. sidl! of Quoddy head. white li[1ht, 133 ft. above sea level, visible in clear weather 17 ~Iles. It bears from the Southern point of Grand Manan N.! E:, 13 miles, and from the Northern point of said Island W. N. W. 7;t miles. Has a fog trumpet. CAn!PO BELLO LIGHT-On the N. E. extremity of the Island. Awhile fixed light. 64 ft. above the sea. Visible 15 miles. Building white with a red crosb. This light enables vessels to enter Head Harbor a.t all times, It is also a guide to vessels entering the main channel, to West Isles, Moose Island, and the inner Bay to Passamaquoddy. POINT LE PREAU LIGHT-UpOn this projecting headland, two fixed white lights, one above the other, distant 28 feet. The lower lantern is fixed to the outside of the building, and throws its light quite inshore, both to the eastward and westward into Mace's Bay. The highes~ light is 81 feet, visible 15 miles. Building red and white in stripes of 5 feet broad each, horizontally, and bears from the easternmost Wolves E.bYN., 11 miles. ST. JOHN, N.B. HARBOUR LIGHT-On Partridge Isla,nd, at the entrance of the River and Harbour..11 white fixed light, 120 ft. above high water, and visible 20 miles. Building red (Lnd white in vertical strip~. A Fog Horn or Steam Whistle is sounded at intervals of 10 seconds. in a minute during. the prevalence of fogs and snow storms-, and can he heard at II di~tance of 4 to 6 miles. There is also a Bell Buoy anchored at the extremity of the ledge at the eastern end of the Island which is very useful to vessels in thick or rough weather. The sound ~f the bell can be heard 3 miles. QUA?O HE~D ~IGRT-On a small rock. lying off Quaco Head..!1 re~olvtng w,hlte h![ht, 58 ~e~t above high water, showing twice full. and twice dark III a millute, VISIblE' 15 miles. Building red and.white in horizontal stripes.,. CAPE ~NBAGE LIGHT-On the Jmint of that name in Westmorland n~arly 0.l!P!>site Apple River light in Cumberland: A plrrin whit; light, IGUft; above the sea, visible 15 miles. Square white building, GRINDSTONE ISLAND LIGHT-On Grindstone Island Chigneil'to Bay. LR.t ' 1.3" N. Long ' 25'/ W., 60 feet ab~ve high.\vater. Octagonal white tower. '.ApPLE RIVER LIGHT-;-On HettyPoint, N. side of the entrance to the Rlv~r. and thr~ leagues to. the eastward of Cape Chignecto. Two fixed horizontal. hgh!s,. 40 feet above high wat~r, visible 10 miles. Square white building. BROWN BROTHERS ~ CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

9 GIFT BOOKS AT R. T. MUIR'S ] ALMANACK. 53 East from Halifax. EGG ISLAND ~1?HT~Ojf Jeddore revolving light, 85 feet above high water, attammg.lts greatest b~il~jancy every minute, showing alternately red and white. faces. BUlldmg octagonal painted blaok and white in vertical stripes. Lat " N. Long. '620 51' 32" W. OUTER BEAVER OR WILLIAMS'S ISLAND LIGHT-.I1 revolvingwhitej!ash light. 70 feet above sea level, visible 12 miles. Square white building with two black balls on its seaward side. A reef extends eastward f,rom Beaver Island some distance. Lat ' N. Long ' W. WHITE HEAD IsLAND LIGHT-On the S. W. point of the Island..11 bright flash light of 10 seconds duration followed by eclipses of 10 seconds, displaying alternately 3 flashes and 3 eclipses in a minute. Square white tower, standing 75 f'1thoms from the water's edge, with an octagonal Iron lantern, 60 feet above the sea level. CRANBERRY ISLAND LIGHT-CCape Canso.) Two white fixed lights, pla{led vertic all:) 12 yards apart; the upper 75 ft., the lower 45 ft., above. hij!;h water, visible 15 and 9 miles respectively. Tower striped white and red horizontally. Lat ' 49/1 N. Long ' 29" W. A fog trumpet has been placed on Cranberry Island, in operation during thick or foggy weather. Each blast of the trumpet will be offive sec'onds duration, with intervals of 20 seconds, audible from 6 to 10 miles; GUYSBOROUGH HARBOUR LIGH'l'-On the W. side of the entrance to the harbour, head of Chebucto Bay..11 fixed white lighi, 30 feet above high water,visible 8 miles. Lat ' 47" N. Long ' 11/1 W. EDDY, or SAND POINT LIGHT-( Gut of Canso.) On the W. sid9>of the S. Entrance to the Strait of Canso. Two horizontal fixed white lights, 24 ft. apart, elevated 25 ft, each, visible 8 miles. Square white building, with a black diamond on the seaward side... WEST SIDE GUT OF CANSO, NORTHERN EN'lRANCE-.I1 white fixed light, 110 ft. above high water, visible 18 'miles, or between Cape George and Port Hood. White tower standing 120 yards from the shore Lat '42" N. POMK,ElT"ISLAND LIGJ;lT-In course at erection. CAPE ST. GEORGE LIGIIT-On the N. side of the Cape..Il. revolving white light every half minute, visible 25 miles. 860 ft. above high water. Square white tower. Lat ' 35" N. Long ' 0" W. PICTOU ISLAND LIGHT-On the S. E. point of the Islan~..11. w~ite fixed light, 52 ft.. above sea level, visible 12 miles. Square white buildmg. BIG CARIBOU ISLAND LIGHT-In C(lurse of erection. AMET ISLAND LIGHT-'OffTatamagouche ha~bour. -!1 fixed. wh~teli!!ht. The lantern is placed on the top of the Keeper s dwellmg, whloh Ispamtedwhite. Lat ' 39/1 N. Long. 63 9' W. PICTOU HARBOUR LIGHT-On the S. point of the entrance to!he hat" bour..11 white fixed light, 66 feet above sea leve~,,:isible 12 mll~s..11 small red tight is shown below the lantern. Bulldmg ootagon,!d red and white stripes vertically. ARICHA!I' LIGHT~On Marache point, S. side of the ent.r~nce to. the harbour..a white fixed light, 34 feet above high water, VISlble 8 miles. Square white building. BROWN BBOTFJ:J!";R!! & Co:, Importers of F1ower. Field and Garden Seeds.

10 R. T. MUIR, BOokseller and Stationer,12() GrlUlvllle Street. '54.. ' BELCIJER'S FARMER'S [1868. GREEN IsLAND LWHT-,-Near t.he S.,E. end of Madan;te Islat;d, off the town of Arichat..8. fixed rea light, elevated 70 feet a~ove high water. Lat ' 51" N. Long : 40:' W.. The la~tp.rn IS placed on the -top of the Keeper's dwelling which IS pamted white., L~UISiluit(i,H LIGHT-On lighthouse point, N. side. of the ent~a.nce, to the harbdur..11 white {i:xed -hum, 85 ft. above high water; visible 16 miles. Bquare white building, with vertical black stripes. SOATTARI ISLAND LWHT--On the N. E. point of the Island..11 re'l;olv III 'ing light, visible 60, seconds, and invisible 30 setjotids, elevated 9~'ft" ~ visible 15 niiles. Building white, Lat. 40 2' 13"N., Long '18'-W.' t'!thelight should never be brought to bear to the eastward of N. N. E., or..s to the southward ofs.s.w., nor approached nearer than 11\ miles. Gun fired as signal, and a boat for assistance. ~' FLINT ISLAND LWHT~On Flint Island, E. coast of Cape Breton, be?- tween Cape Granby and Point Gage, entrance to Cow Bay. Lat ' 6" N., Long ' W..11 revolving light, attaining 'its ~reat~st.brillianoy. ~~ every 15 sec., 65 feet above high water. Ootagon white bulldmg. Low POINT LIGHT-On the eastern side of the entrance to Sydney, C. B. harbour..8. white fixed light, elevated 70 feet, visible 14 miles. ~ Building red and white vertically. ] OUTER BIRD ISLAND LI,GHT-Between the entrance of the Great Bras ~ d'or, and st. Ann's, (E. coast of Cape Breton)..I1lternaie flashes of -:::: red and white alintervals of 60 seconds, elevated 77 ft., visible 14 miles. ~Octagonal white building. Lat ' N., Long ' 30'1 W. BLACK ROCK POINT'LIGHT~In course of ereotion. ST. PAUL;S ISLAND iights-oi).the S. point of the Island; Lat. '1;7 11 "e '2,0", Long. 60 9'36" is an ()ctagonal,lighth(juse ~xhibiting a revolving white light every minute, elevated 140 ft., visible 20 miles on all bearings, cxcept bet~een S.S.E. southward to W. On a rock, 26 ft. from the end of the Island" in Lat '50", Long. 60 8'20" is another simbar bliilding of'the same height showing a white fixed light, visible 20 miles, between N. by E.! E. northward to E.N.E. Abell is sounded during a: fog; and a gun fired every 4 hours. l'i'llrgarie, OR ~EA. VI OLF ISLAND LIGHT!...:..:On the N. W. side of Oape B.reton, nea:ly.midway between Mabou and Chetica;mp harbours, and distant 2~ 1)1Iles from the mainland.,.11 white fixed light, near the centre an? summit of the Island, elevated 298 ft., visible 21 miles from all pomts of approach. Square white building. 1;'0RT HOOD LIGHT-A fixed light, shows red on the N. side; ani!' wh~te to the southward, elevated 5,4 ft., ana visible 10 miles. Square white tower. Lat. 46 N., Long ' 40" W. Pall\[ POINT LIQHT.-.8. fixed light, S. E. point of Hillsborough Bay, 68 fee~ above sea level, visible 12 to 15 miles. Stands 100 yards withi~, thepomt.. CILUtL?TTE TO"!'N LIGlIT.-.I1 small fixed harbour light, at Block hause POlllt, W. BIde of entrance to the harbour. B~DBQUE BAYLIGHT.-On Sea COli' ttxed white light.. S. E. Side of entrance, 80 feet above high water, visible 14 miles. N0;RTH POINT LIGlir.-.I1jixedlight, 80 ft. above high water visible 14 miles., BROWN BROTHERS 4' CO., Drnggists; Ordnance Square, Halifax.

11 ,1868.J Photograph Albums at R. T. MUIR'S. ALMANACK. SHEDllC BAY LIGHT.-Jl fixed light, from a lantern on a pole, on Chene wharf, white square tower. 30" W. Lat ' 40" Long ' RICHIBUCTO HEAD LIGHT.-Jl fixed white light, elevated 70 ft., visible 14 miles. White square tower. Lat ' 40" N. Long ' 30" W.. ~SCUMENA.C POINT LIGHT.-Jl fixed light, 70 feet above high water, vl8~ble 14 miles, an~ serves to warn vessels of their approach to the ree}'.,; which runs off 2 miles N. E. from tho point. ~ BUWH POINT LIGHT.-On Miscou Island. A fixed red light, 79 feet... above high water, visible 12 miles. Wooden octagon towel'. ~ ~APE. RoZIER LIGHT-At the extreme point of the Cape. Jl fixed 00,whde light, elevated 136 ft., visible 16 miles. Circular white stone ~ tower, 6 miles to the Southward fs 'Cape Gaspe. Lighted from April 1 to Dec FATHER POINT LlGHT.-On the extremity of the point. Jl fixed light elevated 43 ft., vi~ible when bearing W. by S; ~ S., and E. ~ N., 10 miles. White octagonal tower. Lighted from April 10 to Dec. 10. nic ISLAND LIGHT.-Jl re~olving Ught, at regular intervals of 2 minutes, 112 ft. above sea level. A gun is fired every hour during foggy weather or snow storms. POINT DE MONTS LlGHT:-Jl bright fixed light, 100 ft.'above sea level, visible 15 to 20 miles Building white and low down close to the sea. A ledge of rocks lies off the point S. W. from the light, and S. E. from the extremity of the point, half a mile from the shore. ANTICOSTI-There are thre@ excellent lights on this ISland: HEATH POIN1' LlGHT.-E. Cape. Jl bright fiud light from W. N. W. to N. E. by N., lantern elevated 110 ft. above the sea, visible 15 to 18 miles in clear weather. The lighthouse must always be kept open.southward of Cormorant point, Conical tower 75 ft. high;-s. W. POINT LIGIIT.-On the extremity of the point. Jl bright revolving light, every minute, lantern elevated 100 ft. above high water, visible 15 miles from N. N. W. to about S. S. E. Conical shaped tower 75 ft. high;-west POINT LIGHT.-Jl fixed light, elevated 112 ft., visible 15 miles, Tower oircular, faced with white brick, Lat '5" Long '. Four conspicuous 'Beacons are placed on the S. coast, each 40 ft. high, viz: At S. point; at Pavillion R,ver; at East of Salt Lake Bay, 6 miles; and at Cape St. Mary. CAPE RACE LIGHT.-(S. E. point of Newfoundland,)-Jl revolving white light, attaining its greatest brilliancy every half minute, elevated 189 ft., visible 17 miles. The S. E. face of the building is striped red and white vertically. Lat ' 44" N., Long. 53 7' 00" W. BELLE-IsLE LIGHT-On an Island at E. entrance of the Strait of Belle Isle, separating Labrador from Newfoundland, situated at th.e ~xtrei?e S. point of the Island. Jl fixed light, elevated 470 ft. Bmldmg circular, faced withwhlte brick, visible 28 miles. Lat, 51 53' N., Long ! W. POINT AMOUR LIGHT-Labrador coastr Strait of Belle-Isle, at the S.E. side of Forteau Bay. A fixed light, visible 18 miles. Building circular, faced with white brick. L~t, 51 27~' N., Long.,56 51' W. A fog whistle, or 9-pound Gun are used during a fog at the above two light houses. Prescriptions carefully dispensed by BROWN BROTHERS ~ CO,." ~ o." ~ o a:> ~ o." egj o

12 ~ o 56 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller llnd Stlltioner, 126 Granville St. BELCHER'S FARMER'S SIGNS OF THE PLANETS, ETC. CD The Sun o or ffi The Earth New Moon [1868. C;1 Mercury!j! Venus i! Mars o Full Moon 11- Jupiter J) First Quarter l? Saturn «Last Quarter W Herschel or Uranus SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. S. I.'. utumn S t ~ 1 ovo~aries head A ~ 7,a, Libra, reigns. ' prmg 2!j Taurus, neck si ns 8 1TJ cor:plo, ~ecre B. SIgnS. 3 0 Gemini, arms g 9 1: Sagg;ttarms, thl. ~ 4 2:0 Cancer breast W t ~ 10 capric.ornus, kn. Summer 5 0 Leo h~art!n er 11 ~ Acquarius, legs. o~, SIgns 6 SIgns P'" 11)( Virgo bowels 12 * Isces, 1eet. The letters M. A., m. a., denote morrving and afternoon. N. north E. east 0 Degrees S. South W. west I Minutes of arc.. " Seconds of arc. Jlphelion-that part of a planet's orbit farthest from the Sun. Perihelion-That part of a planet's orbit nearest the Sun~ Elongation-angular distance of a planet from. the Sun, as Been from the Earth. «Apogee-greatest distance from the earth, J) Perigee-least distance from the earth. o Quadrature. g Opposition. 6 Conjunction. ~ Ascending node. ~ Descending node. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES FOR THE YEAR. Golden Number I Dominical Letters. ;... ED Epact Roman Indiction Solar Cycle JUlian Period March 4, 6 and 7.. June 3,5 and 6. EMBER DAYS.. I September 16, 18 and 19. December 16, 18 and 19. ROGATION DAYS. May 18, 19 and 20. MORNING AND EVENING PLANETS. MERCURY will be the Morning Star until Jan. 22--thenoe Evening Star to March 7 -then Morning Star until May 14 ; after which it will be Evening Star until July 13-thence Morning Sta?' to Aug. 27 ; then Evening Star to Nov. 4, then Morning Star.. VENUS will be Evening Star until July 15 ; then Morning Star throughout the year... MARS, until about the end of August, will be too near the sun to be visible; it w~1l then be ~h.e MQrning Star thr~ugh.~ut the year.. JUPITER WIll not bevlslble befo,e May 28 ; It WIll then be Morning Star until October 2, thence Evening Star.. SATURN will be the.morning Star until May 23; then Evening Star until Sept. 18 ; after that date it will not be visible.. I BROWN BROTHERS ~ CO., D,uggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

13 Church Services nnd Prayer BookH at R. T. MUIR'S J ALMANACK. 57 BEGINNING AND LENGTH OF THE SEASONS. S t. H.1\f. un en ers b:> (Wmter begins) Dec. 22, 1867, Itt,., M. Sun enters or (Spring begins) Mltrch 20,1868, Itt M. Sun ent.ers sco (Summer begins) June 20, 1868, llt A. Sun enters!: (Autumn begins) Sept. 22, 1868, Itt A. Sun enters b:>. (Winter begins) Dec. 21, 1868, Itt M.. Winter of HO 56 Length of the S Spring of l Summer ofl868...'" Autumn ofl Length of the tropical year...,., ECLIPSES IN There will only be two eclipses this year; both of the SUN. But there will be a transit of MERCURY over the Sun's IHsc.. rn Q) I.~Sunday, Feb. 23. An Annular Eclipse of the SUN, invisible at E HalIfax, but visible between the following limits,viz:-. 8. Long. Lat... H. M. Begins on the Earth in ' W ' S M..S Central begins in... 94" 40' W ' S.; 8 10M ~ Central at noon in ' W ' S M Central ends in ' E 'N. 0 4 A Ends' on the Earth in ' E 'N.. III A Mean time at Halifax. H.-Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 17 and 18. A Total Eclipse of the 'lj SUN, invisible at Halifax, but visible between the following limits, viz: ~.. Long. Lat. H. M. ~ BeginsontheEarth,Aug.17,in 49 25'E 'N A. ~ Central begins, Aug. 17,in 'E 'N A. Mean time 0) ~ Central at noon, Aug. 18, in 'E 'N M.. at PI Central ends in 'E ' S M. Hali- ~ Ends on the earth in 'E ' S M. fax. Ill.-Thursday, Nov. 5. A transit of MERCURY over the Sun's Diso. 1'4' invisible at Halifax. On the morning of Nov. 5, between the hours of ~ one and five o'clock, Halifax mean time. A Citizen of the Dominion of 1-1 Canada might possibly see the phenomenon, if he should happen to be H trading down to the Island of Madagascar. ~ THE NEW STYLE in Catholic countries, by ordelr of Pope Gregory XIII., was adopted in 1582, commanding to reckon the 5th of October as the 15th, thus omitting 10 days.. Protestant cohn tries adopted this rule in 1752, calling the 3rd of September the 14th, omitting 11 nominal days. Russia still adheres to th\l old style, the difference from the new beingnow 12 days. Up to 1752, the year was held to begin in England with 'the 25th of March; 175 L did so, but 1752 began January 1, by Agt of Parliament, agreeably to the Gregorian or Roman Catholic Calendar, which is the true time, with, only an error of one day in about 3,000 years. Elastic Stocking, Knee Caps and Anklets, at BROWN BROTnER~ ~ CO, rn 0)' o ~ b po

14 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 120 Granv iue St. 58 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868' FIXEDJlAND MOVEABLE FEASTS, ANNIVERSARIES, &0. Circumcision... Jan. 1 Epiphany... 6 Pl'. Albert Victor ofwales,b. 8 Princess Royal, m.., ' Septuagesima Sunday.... Feb. 9 Queen Victoria m Sexagesima Sunday....,. 16 Quinq. or Shrove Sun I1sh W"ednesdayor first ~ day of Lent ST. DAVID... ~ Mar 1 First Sunday in Lent.. 5. ST. PATRICK Princess Louisa b Annunciation-Lady Day. 25 Duke Cambridge, b Palm Sunday.... April 5 Pl'ince Leopold, b Good Friday EASTER SUNDAy Princess Beatrice, b Low Sunda.y : Napoleon III. b ST. GEORGE Princess Alice b Prince Arthur b. 18[i0.. ~ M y 1 St. Philip and St. James. 5 a Rogation Sunday I1scension Day...., ~ 21 Hnly-Thursday Q. Victoria b May 24 PrIDcess Helena, b Whit Sunday-Pentecost. 31 Prince Geo. of Wales, b. '65. June & Trinity Sunday... 7 Corpus Christi Access. Q. Victeria, St. John Baptist. '".,. ~ 24 Midsummer Day Coronation Q. Victoria, ' St. Peter and St. Paul Princess Alice, m J sly 1 Princess Helena, m Lammas Day.... Aug. 1 Prince Alfred b St. Michael ~ Scp. 29 Michaelmas Day..., 5 All Saints... NOT. 1 Prinea ofwalesb Princess Royal b I1dvent Sunday ST. ANDREW PI's. Alexandra, b Dec. 1 Pl'. Consort died, let ' 14 St, Thomas CHRISTMAS DAy St. Stephen St. John, Evangelist Innocents THE SEAsoNs.-The annual revolution of the earth is accomplished in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 midutes, and 51 seconds. In. the course of tbi6 revolution the inhabitants of every clime experience, thougb at different times, a variety ofsoosona. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter~ follow each othel'in constant sucoession. In those countdes which lie in the southern hemisphere November, December and January are the summer months, while in the northern hemisphere, where we reside, these are our months of winter, when the weather is coldest; and the days shortest. In the northern and southern hemispheres the seasons are opposite to each other. During six months, from March 21 to Sept. 23, the sun shines without intermission on the north pole, so that there is no night there during all that interval, wbile the south pole is all thistime enveloped in dl1rkness. From Sept. to March the south pole enjoys the solar light, while the north, in its turn, is deprived of the sun and left in darkness. The sun is at different distances from the earth at different periods of the year, owing to the earth',s moving in an elliptical orbit; but it is not upon this circumstance that the seasons depend: For on the 1st January we are more than three millions of miles nearer the sun than on the 1st July, when the heat of our summer' is generally greatest. BROWN BROTHERS & CO, DrUggists, Ordnance Square, llalifa-x.

15 Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, at R. 'r. MUIR'S ] ALMANACK. 59 EXPLANATION OF THE CALENDAR PACES. Column. LEFT HAND PAGE. I and 2-Days of the Month and of the Week. 8 " 4-The ri~ing and setting in mean time of the highest point, or u.'']ju ltm.b of the Snn, corrected for refraction. 5-The Sun's declination adapted to apparent noon, or the instant when the Sun's centre is on the meridian of Greenwich. II-Equation of time, or quantity by whioh the Sun is slow or fast of the olock at noon, apparent (not mean) time at Greenwich, or a quarter before 8 o'olock in the: morning at Halifax. 7-Length of days in hours and minutes. 8-The rising of the Moon. 9-The setting of the Moon. 10-The time of the Moon's southing, or meridian passage. This column contains the Greenwich mean astronomical tilne at which the Moon's centre 18 on the upper meridia 1 of Greenwich. This column also gives the time of high water at Parrsboro', Horton, Cornwallis, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. ll-the Moon's place in the Signs or Constellations of the Zodiac. The Phases of the Moon are given at the top of the columns of each month. The FARMER'S CALENDAR is placed at the foot of the columns of each month. RIGHT HAND PAGE. I-The days of the Month. 2-Sundays, Weather, Phenomena, Anniversaries. &c. 3-The time of High Water at Halifax N. S. 4-" " Pictou, N. S. 4- C. Tormentine N. n. 5- "Annapolis, N. S., St. John N. B., 4- Portland, Maine. 6- St. Johns, Newfoundland, of that tide which immediately precedes the meridian passage of the Moon These four columns are computed on the supposition that the time of High Water-on the days of the new and Full Moon-L'establissment duport-is at Halifax, 7h. 80m.; at Annapolis, St.,John, N. B., and Portland, 11h. Um.; at Pictou and Cape Tormentme, 10h.; and at St. Johns, Newfoundland, 6h. 30m.. This mark * opposite every alternate Thursday, commencmg January 2, denotes the days on which the mail is closed at Ha.lifax per Steamer for Great Britain. ",," All the calculations are made to mean solar time, which has superceded the old mode of reckoning by apparent time. The top of the column of each month contain notioes of the magnitude, &c., of the planets Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas.. 'LEAP YEAR.-Every year is leap y~ar,.the nui?~er of which can be divided by 4, and not by 100; or which can be divided by 400. 'BROWN BROTHEltS& Co., IlDporters offr.esh Medicinal Herbs.

16 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller add Stationer, 125 Granville street, Halifax. 60 JANUARY begins on WEDNESDAY. [1868. J> First Quarter, 2nd d. 11h. 48m. aft.ernoon, ~earing North. o Full Moon, 9th d. 6h. 381P. afternoon, bearmg West.. «Last Quarter, 16th d. Oh. 49m. afternoon, ~elow the horizon. New Moon, "-4th d. 3h. 4m. afternoon, bearmg South. '1.\ {;n's upper 'sl I Length I Moon. I «I «'s ::. ~~ Ii=J limb. I declin. slow of of South.. place. A ~ ~ Rises. I Sets.! South. clock. days. Rises. I Sets. - 1 W * 2 Th' , or 3 F' A. 20 morn or 4 S~ ' !1. 5 SUo ~ !1 6 M :l II 7 Tu' II 8 W: !1:D 9 Th A. 8!1:D 10 F Q 11 Sa Q 12 SUo l)! 13 M l)! 14 Tu !b 15 W !b 113 Th morn !b 17 F A llj 18 Sa llj 19 SUo : 20 M : 21 Tu ~ 22 W ~ 23 Th _ ~ 24 F , morn. ~ 25 Sa ~ 26 SUo M Tn ' } * 29W or 30 Th or 31 F or, a::r The coll::lmn of the moon's southing gives the time of high water at Parrsboro,' Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. EVERY farmer has a theory. Every sane man performs all his business in accordance with some rules which sati.fy his mind. A man. may strike his horse, or break his plongh, without following, and indeed in opposition to theory; but all that he does deliberately, and of his free will, he does because he is convinced of its practicability and lawfulness-because he has a good reason fo~ it; or he i,s no honest man: The farmer may alfect to despise theory, and claim that he IS a purely practical man; but he is mistaken. For to suppose that a man can carry out th~ manifold alfairs of a farm, through al w~ole y:ear and through many,years, wlthou~ s'.lme mental basis for his,oper-, ations, I. sheer nonsense. ThiS mental Lasls IS theory, and to take pride "in freedom f!om theory" is to boast of inability to think. Practice is like theorl' good or bad. Good practice may be in part accidental and independent 0 good theory; but good theory, if it become acuve, must work itselr I out in good practice, Bad practice is the resuit of erroneous or imperfect want of theory. Bad theory can hardly fall to produce disadvantageous practice. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., DruggiSts, Ordnance Square, Halifax.



19 r=~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Winter.] JANUARY 31 Days ~ Magnitude, Motions, &0. of the Planets Ceres, and Pallas. THE immense interval which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupit<;r, led ~stronomers to surmise that a planet of considerable magmtude might possibly exist somewhere within this limit. Betw:e~n the or?its of Mercury and Venus there is an interval of 31 millions of nules; between those of Venus and the Earth 27 millions; between those of the Earth and Mars 50 millions: but between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter there intervenes the immense space of 349 millions of miles. No planetary body, however, was detected within this interval till the beginning of the present SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANNI- 29 VERY 30 7E.!j! 6 If.. 31 HEAVY. VERSARIES, ETC. High Water, mean time, at I1i Z ~.rj ~ ~ morn. o A ~~ oll "'". iz~ "'d~ ~cl'5 "" " " I=l- ~ 0".s-~ -<i/1 Po< " 8 "..,,,, ~ Ii) ' A ~ morn. 0 6 o 36 morn. 1 5 o Dye Stuffs and Confectionery, at BROWN BROTHERS 0/ Co. Ji, Z.o -~ ~~..d'"..," 0".oS ill morn A

20 62 k "II 'd S-tatldner 125 Granvl!:le "street. ' R. T. MUIR, Boo Be er an ' FEBRUARY begins on SATURDAY. o Full Moon, 8th d. 5h. 21m. mornmg, bearm~ East. J) First Quarter, 1st d. 2h. 1m. afte:noon, b~ring West. «Last Quarter, 15th d. vh. 2m. mor?ing, bea:rmg East. New Moon, 23rd d. 10h. 6m. morllli\g, bearmg South. [1868. \.\,'7> 's uppor I til's I til I Length I Moon. I «I «'8 )l:i!!', '\1 \d limb, declin'l slow Of /If I South. place A" ~ ~ Rises. I Sets, South. clock. days. Rises. I Sets Sa (} 6 SUo M Tu W Th F Sa SUo M Tu W Th.\ F Sa SU.' M I) 30 Tu W Th F Sa SUo M Tu W Th F Sa ' morn A ] ' () Ii morn A u < '4 (\ 11;' ii 'Q , \ ~ 6 51 ~ 746 n 845 n 946 Ii Ii ~ A. 48 Ol 1 44!Z ',!!, 5 6 1T! T! 6 42 J: 7 30 J:.8.17 J: ~ 5!:» 91~!:» = ~ morn. ~ o 9 * 054 * 1 38 'Y' 2 23 "f, 3 9 'Y' 3 56!t 4 46 ~ llj The column of the moon's squthing gives the tiffie,qf high water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, N ewp6r.~, Truro, &c. ' Country residents may be divided into two cjrsses-:-the neat and the slovenly. 'rhe former may be known on approaching their'dwellings, by the air of finish and comfort which pervade the premises-the whole indicating that the man who has mastered one art, does not find it hard to master anotheror, in other words, as he does not allow the intrusion of mullins and pig weed amon&, his crops, neither will he allow the defacement of his door-yard by old rubbish in its countless forms. Of the latter class the'indications are various-so,metimes they consist in a broken fence bordered with an uhbroken hedge of bricrs, elders and thistles-at others, the yard, which nas beep a neat lawn with shady trees, mostly occupied with burdocks and nettles, bordering old decaying heaps of chips and pools of kitchen slops, and the droppings of cattle, and cut np by the wheels of carts 'into mud-holes of unknown depth, until sounded in a dark evening by the unwary foot of a n<,ighbor'8 wife or daughter. There is again an intermediate class-belonging partly to both the preceding-perhaps the largest class of all. Over these neatness and di~order seelll: to hold each, a sort, of do~btful jurisdiction_perhaps a neat-picket fence m front, has Its counterpart m a decayed rail fence in reara flower bed by the froit door and a puddle of soap-suds at the kitchen door,.. DROWN BROTHERS & c(ff;4ibruggists OrdD.8.D.ce Square, Halifax,



23 Blank Books and Pass Books, at R. T. MUIR'S. Winter.] FEBRUARY 29 Days. 63 century; and instead of one large body, as was surmised, four very small ones have been discovered. Of these four bodies the first discovered was Oeres at Palermo on the 1st January 180l. Vesta was discovered in 1807, by Dr. Olbers, who had previously discovered Pallas, and re-discovered Oeres. Mean distance of Vesta from the sun is about 225 millions of miles, its annual revolution is completed in about three years, 7~ months; the circumference of its orbit is 1414 millions of miles, moving with a velocity of more than 44,000 miles an hour. Its diameter is only about 270 miles, and if this be correct, it will contain only 229,000 square miles, or a surface somewhat less than Great Britain, France and Ireland, and would contain a population of 64 millions of inhabitants, or about five times the number of the inhabitants of the United States of America, or nearly the twelfth part of the earth. High Water, mean time, at SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANNI VERSARIES, ETC. VERY.,, hail and sleet morn ii , A o A o A morn o morn o nonges. Brushes Combs and Perfum{lfY. at BROWN BROTHERS & Co.

24 64 R. 'I'. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Granville Street. ~, MARCH begins on SUNDAY. [1868. J) First Quarter, 2nd d. Oh. 34m. morning, bearing N?rth. o Full Moon, 8th d. 4h. 8m. afternoon, below the horizon.. <r: Last Quarter, 15th d. lib. 14m. afternoon, below the.horizon. New Moon, 24th d. 2h. 45m. morning, below the hol'1z?n. J) First Quarter, 31st d. 8h. 11m. morning, bel<)w the horizon.. 1 ~.\,'>\'s upper I 's I I Length I Moon.,I <r: I <r: '8 ~ V:.J limb. declin. slow of I of South. IPlace A I ~ ~ Rises. I Sets. South. r clock. days.. Rises. I Sets. I 1 SUo morn D 2 I M D 3 Tu A i 4 W i 5 Th ~ 6 F at 7 Sa IR 8 Suo A. 21 lij1 9 M ,!!: 10 Tu ,!!: 11 W TIl 12 Th TIl 13 F TIl 14 Sa morn t 15 Suo t 16 M l!p 17 Tu l!p, 18 W A. 3' l!p 19 Th S I<X: 20 F. 6 4 I 6 12 N I<X: 21 Sa Suo * 23 M morn. 'Y' 24 Tu ' 3~ 'Y' 25 W 'Y' 26 Th F _: H 28 Sa D 29 Suo D 30 M , morn i 31. Tu ' i o::r The column of the moon's southinggives the time of high water'at Parrsboro', yornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, rrruro, &e., WHEN Spring comes every farmer will have a piece of ground, gardlln or orchard where he canprojitably apply all the mannre he can save,or:make during- winter. Every shovelful of manure judiciously applied whl increase the amount of his harvest. Now is the time to make arrangements and preparations for carrying it out. Let all mannr~s be kept under cover or 811elte~ed as much as possible. Save carefnllyall droppings from th" roosts! as this makes a near approach to gunno. Let those ncar the sea shore col eet sen weed-and those who JIve near saw mills draw home and pnt nnder cover sawdu8t. This may b,~ u8.e~,. to good advantage, in absorbing the llrine of horses and cattle, and retaining the f~rtilizing ammonia which they contain. Sawdust and dry meadow muck, well saturated. with nrine, will be a fertilizer almost equal to,guano. Save all the bones, you can and' make your own superphosphate-your next harvest will PIlY y,ou for -all your troubte. Remember your manure IS gold and yonr farm YOllr mint!." :BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square,Halifax.



27 Room Paper at 4d. 8 Roll and upwards at R. T. MUIR'S. Winter-Spring.] MARCH 31 Days. 65 Its light is more intense and white than that of either Ceres, Juno, or Pallas. The distance of JUNO from the sun "is estimated at 254 millions of miles. The circumference of its orbit 1596 millions of miles..,; Through.this circ:uit it moves in 4 years and 128 days, at t.he rate of ~ 41,850 miles every hour. Its diameter is 1425 English miles. Its ;.::i surface will therefore contain 6, 380,000 square miles and a popu- ] lalion of 1786 millions, which is more than double the ~umber of the ~ earth's inhabitants. Its greatest distance from the sun is ?O0 miles, ~hile its least di~tance is only 189,792,000. This pianet IS of a reddish colour, and IS free from any nebulosity. The planet CERES is about 263 millions of miles from the sun, High Water, mean time, at SUNDAYS, WEATIIER, ANNI VERSARIES, &c. Low tides. morn' o A but cloudy morn. and overcast A morn. o 10 o A morn. o 15 o morn. o Al morn, - BROWN BROTHERS J" Co.-Gold Leaf, Dry Paints and Varnishes,

28 R. T. liuir, Bookseller and Staitioner, 125 'Gra.nviUeSt. 66 APRIL begins on WEDNESDAY. [1868. A's upper I Q I Length I Moon. I \ I «I ::;l ~~,' '-=' limb..declin. slow of d.o f, South. place «('8 i 'w A ~ 2 Th' cq. 3 F' IX 4 S~ , ,10 8 1IX 5 SU ~ 6 M: ~ 7 Tu A. 43 ~ 8 W TIl,. ~'~,,"e:. I.S~t.. North. clock. ays. Rises. I Sets..;; 9 Th ' TIl ~ 10 F t. ~ 11 Sa t. rf: 12 SUo morn ~ g '13 M ~ :os 14 Tu S, ~ ;a 15 W F m 16 Th A m on 17 F ~ 18 Sa * SUo * ~ 20 M " 4 +.1', 4 3 \l:q\5\1 Of ~ 21 Tu. 5 5' '2 '.p Of :::. 22 W morij. "8 23 Th !:l 24 F II 20 Sa :J II 26 Suo ~:"'54 'B'13 10'li9, :0 27 M ]~56.~ '8 -,4 19 2:0 28 Tu '9' 12' morn :0 29 W ~ 2 11 '18 0' ~ 30Th A ~ 1 tr:::r The column of the moon's souttiing gives the time of high water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport,!l'uro, &q. ~~. EV~RY farmer ohould have now decidel!.onhvnat liild'tto sow this or that particular crop. He now only awaitb'fiiie"'watl'ter lmd i'd'ry B.oil to commence operations In the mean time there Is work enough to do. Plough., harrows, whippletrees, oleviceb, harness, &c.. should be,examined, and If repairs are needed, they should be, made before th~ busy season,eommences. See,d wheat, barley, oats, timothy, clovef, &c., should be procured now; and if it is intended to use guano, or other artillclal fertilizers, the SOoner It 18 in the barn and crushed ready for sowing the better. Too many neglect au preparations for their spring work, Rnd when the fine weather 'comes, having everything to do in a few wee'ks, they are in too great a'hurr; to do'anything well. 'J'hey must liop over" furrow 16 Inches wid'e, scratch It a little with a harrow. sow the seed, and tru.! to "good luck" and a virgin soil for" harvest. It is undoubtedly desirable to plough a8 much as possible in a day, yet we are far from b~ing convinced ihat it would not be better to plough all acre narrow and well, than to turll over two acres in wide fnrrows. :arown BROTIlERS & CO., Druggists, Ortlnunce Square, Ha:lifax,



31 Portmonaie.s, Purses, Jewelry, &Ie., at R. T. MUIR'S. Spting.] APRIL 30 Days. 67 and completes its annual revolution in 4 years, 7 months, and 10 days; The circumference of its orbit is 1653 millions ofn'liles, and it moves at the rate of about miles an hour. Its greatest distance from the sun is 283,500,000 miles, and its least distance, 242,800,000. Its real diameter is 1624 English miles; but including its atmosphere, is 2974 miles. Its surface, therefore, cont:tins 8,285,580 square miles, or about the one sixth part of the habitable portions of our globe; and would afford accommodation for 2,319,962, 400 of inhabitants, according to the rate of population in England, which is nearly triple the present population of the earth. This planet is of a slight ruddy colour, and appears about the size of a star of the eighth magnitude, and is consequently invisible to the naked eye. High Water, mean time, at SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANNI VERSARIES, ETC A ~--j...q.~qo o ; A A '* '" ] A. 13 h> I) po " ~ !:! ~ ,6 27 ~ V2 ~~~~~~~~~1~1~5~2~0~2~3t-8~2~ ~ morn ~ <1 44 morn. BROWN BROTHERS ~ Co., Importers of Genuine Patent Medicines,

32 R. T. liiuir., Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Granville Street. 68 MAY begins on FRIDAY. [1868. o Full Moon, 6th d. 2h. 23m. afternoon, below the horiz0.n. «Last Quarter, 14th d. 1h. 1m. afternoon, below the h?rizon New Moon, 22nd d. 2h. 22m. morning, below th~ horizon. "I :. r:~;:~';~; r;:i:;[n"n~ :"T:~ I~ A ~ ~ Rises. I S~ts. North. clock. days. Rises. I Sets. 1 F ~ 2 Sa ~ 3 Suo ,Q, 4 M ,Q, 5 Tu 'T IJ 6 W A. 13 1IJ 7 Th I 8 F I 9 Sa I 10 Suo ~ 11 M ~ 12 Tu morn I:&r 13 W I:&r 14 Th F * 16 Sa A * 17 Su "{' 18 M , 3.1Q "{' 19 Tu ~3 44 1~'50t-3 ' l:l 20 W l:l 21 Th morn. l:l 22 F II 23 Sa II 24 Suo \1.5 0 ' i! D 25 M ,3 17 -d5'- 2,8 2 1'lN1'S 3 10 D 26 Tu C13 '3 h ~ 27 W ] morn. 5 5 ol 28 Th :nx 29 F A IX 30 Sq, _ ~ 143, 1 27" 'Po2J..1,[!: 31 Suo : 15,~1fi , -1 59" 8 ~.,[!: [J:J The column of the moon's southing gives the time of high watei'.at J;»ardbol'o', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Truro, &c. "How does deep ploughing improve the soil?" asks an Inquiring farmer. The simple answer is, by increas ida' its depth. "But," says the inqul', " if I plough deep I Shall turn up tl,e clay '.and. inert earth that contain. no nourishment for plants." "Well, if clay and inert earth, contain in"" 110 nourishment, lie so near the snn's face RS to be within reach of you[ deowest working plough, they onght to be turned up and'(.xposed to the Inll~en;oo of Bun, afr, frost, rain!.s!'q.,w,.and.manure, t~at hefmay be~ome ri~li:""- '-'"But;'.' saye the mquirer, (It IS strange how many'" lfuts "such ped.ple can find for use on such occasions,) "it would require too much hard work-and too long a tiuie to; do this, would It not I"~ That depends upon whether you would preferfivedouajos profit per aere now, and forever hereafter, to two or three dollars now, this year and the next, Rnd ten Or twenty doliars per acre hereafter. Alld sowith seeding-fanners, ~s well as other people, like,to make "'ood bargains. 80me of the worst bargalds they make 1s with themselves-for example-to save five dollars of seed they lose twenty dollars of bay or pasture. BROWN BlWTHERS & CO., Druggis~, Ordnance Square, Halifax.



35 High Water, mean time, at SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANNI- -VERSARll:S, ETC ea 3 47 <J) 'S ~~~/z~~~~~~~~~ ~ '9 "P I} 25 ] -4,1 7 ll7' "L-,I--.,;,~~O morn; o morn Works on H@meopa.thy, Preparations, g-c., a.t BROWN BROTHERS ~ Co,

36 ,-JUNE?egins on MO~DAY [ Full Moon, 5th.d: 2h. 44m. morning: be~ring.east.. ~.5:C('~as~ Quarter, 13t~ d. 5h~5911). mor~l1ng..~'~ripg Ea~t. --. New Moon, 20th d. 10h. 31,m. mormn,e;, op,/trlj!.g S9uth,... ' J> First Quarter, 27th d. 1h. 36m. mornmg, below tile horizon..'. (.']I'supyer 's Length Moon. \. "C( I C('B I " I I I I 1 I I ~ ~ ~. \,,:I~. 1 declin. fast of of.. ".south. I place "A ~ ~ I RIl~~ Set~ North:.. clock. d~ys. Rises. I Seq,.", ' M ' 8' ~15 '~3."~ TIl 2 Tu TIl 3 W TIl 4 Th , t 5 F A. 36.t 6 S~ ' ~ 7 Su ~ ~ 8 M It:: 9 Tu It:: 10 W It:: 12 F G 0 * 11 Th morn * 13 Sa F. 12 Hi or 14 Suo S or 15 M '70 'I or 16 Tu H 17 W ' 9 58 H IS Th II 19 F II 20 Sa morn.,!!d 21 SUo , ,!!D 22 M 'Hi ~20 "'-l. 57 ~ 23 Tu "1'57' Hi 35 ' <. 24 W X 25 Th 'II)! 26 F I 34 Inor~n. 5 39,{\, 27 Sa A ~8 =:= 28 Suo , 1 4,, "7~' M ,34 ',,2.If3-~1 3 8' 5 TIl 30 Tu '1'"15"31-'3 56 \ ~58 TIl!)::T The column of the moon's SOu thing gives the time of hilw,h water 'at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, rruro, &c. KEEPING. roads in good repair is generally- Ciceded an object of much importance so long as men merely talk.. bout th atter; Il'qt itt!wems to be otherwise when they are called upon to wqt;jc, if reluctanc:, i.pljltference, shirking and dislike to.tb.,'at duty llpon..t\'ql,~bli!l "bways, may Be taken as indications of the real srateof senmm~ntll\xrsting'o'b.the subject. 'Nie indiffereuce which many display in regard to keeping T4;"\'ds in good repail, and their unwillingness to do their proportion' of work upon thepublichighwnys, have often been matters of surprise. For months and munths farmers have been seen plun\)"iug tbrough rough, r"eking and. muddy places, with injury to waggons ana harness, when a very' little work would, have removed the whole difficulty and the cause of it. But then others would hail''' been benefited by their ~vork as well as"l!nd th!,re!,ore the do-!y. obstruction stands unrepalred, for months to the, dls!,\,: r,ace and lllconvefil~iiee"'lif a whole neighbourhood, and especially o~im'w,r.. O lives ciqse by it, but it is 'supmitted to for month,s just-because sonie olhers wd'uld have received a little benefit, even though they would have secured to themselves ma'1l,y times more. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordna.nee Square;. Halifax-.



39 Ledgers Journals, Day and Cash Books, at R. T. MUIR'S. Spring-Summer.] JUNE 30 Days. 71 be very variable, sometimes moving several thousands of miles an hour swifter at one time than at another, which is likewise the case in a remarkable degree, with the planet Juno. Its mean motion is about 4~,000 miles an hour. The diameter of Pallas is 2099 miles which will be about the size of our moon, and will comprehend on its surface nearly 14 millions of square miles, which would accommodate a population of nearly four thousand million, or fi ve times that of our world. Such is a brief view of the principal facts which have been ascerta.ined respecting these planets. All situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, a.nd all invisible to the naked eye, except, perhaps, the planet Vesta, when in certain favourable posit~ons. These bodies present to our view various singularities and anomalies,which at first sight appear incompatible with the proportion ~ 0 ::a., ~ '0 ~ ~ 1=\ High Water, mean time, at., 8a5 SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANNIa3 "" 'C.9 Ii VERSARIES, ETC. ;5 ",8 B~,;:E-I Po< A. 9 o 44 ~~~~dc~~~~~1~2~ ~~~~~~~ morn. o ~..; iz~ o _~ ""'Po< "'''0,:;'" ~t;5; J< z-d oo~ 0", "''' "'" :ca w {) A {) r_'; morn. o Photographic Chemicals, Cards and Cases-BROWN BROTHERS & Co.

40 U~ ;f. MUlU, Bookseller and 8tottioncr, 126 Granville St. 72 JULY begins on WEDNESDAY. [1868. o Full NIMn, 4th d. 4h. 25m. afternoon, below the horizon: «Last Quarter, 12th d. 8h. 26m. afternoon, b~low the horizon New Moon, 19th d. 5h. 42m. afternoon, bearmg North.. I ~. ~i;~ ~::~r ::: r : 'F:r'::~~ thr:i :s < " "'~I -limb declin. slow of of South. P.lace, A ~~ RiSeB:-, S~~ North. I clock. days. Rises. I Sets. ~ 1 W t 2 Th t 3 F ~ 4 Sa A. 9 ~ 6 SU ~ 6 M ~ 7 Tu :. 8 W " 9 Th * 10 F * 11 Sa Ii 'Y' 12 SUo morn 'Y' 13 M A ~ 14 Tu ~ 15 W ~ 113 Th II 17 F II 18 Sa :!CD 19 SUo \m~n.!cd 20 M '42 7' Q. 21 Tu '; ' ~ 846 : 1 40'.Q. 22 W ' 'II}! 23.Th 'II}! 24 F !, 25 Sa II !, 26 SUo A l 27 M '_ ~ morn l 28 Tu t 29 W I 30 Th t 31 F ~ ([]'" The column of the moon's" southing gives the tir;ue of high water at Parrsboro't Oornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, N ewport, Wind~or, Truro, ~c. ~.. THE greatest enemy of l!'ruit culture is the caterpillar-the'clmkei:wormthe borer-the grub-the bark louse-the black knot-the fire blight-the yel~ows-the curculio. 'fhe caterpillar sometimes strips whole 'orchards of then' leaves, and for that year puts an end to the crop. But "there i. another enemy, greater by far than anyone of t.hese, if not than the whole list put toget!,er. This is a certain ani.mal w~ich the ancient philosopher singularly described as "a two-legge.d animal wltho_ut feathcfb," the great epioure, Dr. Johnspn,!LB." the on IV anima.i that cooks it~ victuall;1," and ~ooloo'ist~ under the ~Clenhfic n!,me Hom~ap,"ns~IAN~(uI,Ule~, wj:t.jch'general~be",d. ~P1Is also are Included), IS the greatest enemy thll~rnit ti<e'lls bave to contena with. The fi~st thing he usua~ly does, wh.en he. procnres young trees, 'is to c1'.q~d them Into a small bole In a bard SOil, which mixed with Bods is thrown'.ln among the ro?ts and stamped hard with the foot. They are not unf.requentl.y cho!,ed and killed t~e first year by sowing grain crops about them. He next "trims" them up WIthout regard to form but a misshapen one. i)', BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax...



43 Room Paper at 1d. a Holl and upwards at R. '1'. MUIR'S., Summer.] JULY 31 Days ;ana harmony, which we might suppose originally to have characterized,he atrrangement of the solar system.-in the first place, their pjftjit~h~ a much greater degree of inclination to the ecliptic than,thole ol'tne old planets; the orbits are ill general more eccentric. and several of them cross each other. Another peculiarity is that they revolve nearly at the same mean distances from the sun, and perform their revolutions in nearly the same periods, and arc all much smaller than the other planets. The anamolies and peculiarities of thes'e bodies-so very different from the order and arrangement of the older planets-open a wide field for reflection and speculation. i SU:NDAYS, WEATHER, ANNI- High Water, mean time, at ~ VERSARIES, ETC. '0 m ~ A : ~--~~~~~8-4~2~~3-5~ A warm; fine l;1 (, C(. weather 6 35 ED 6th Sunday after Trinity. High tides. ~ i~ 20 C( perigee. 21 s~p. rt..!. j[alifax rms ~ ~.L.. 9 morn. 23' A r-.~~~~1~0~2~ ~ ~ ( OM 25 St. Jame in aphelion ED 7th Sund y after Trinity. morn ~ (, C(. Low tides WAKE Very warm and Pro of Wales landed in Halifax UP. thunder and lightning *. close, with probably t> A.8723 ~ o r;::: ~ Ji '4 l ~ A.I morn o morn ,21 S Sponges, B;ushes,Co~bs and Perfulll\lry. at :B~o'Y!! B,~o~nElis l% Co, 4

44 It. T 11IIIR, BooMclIer IlDd!Jtationcl', 125 Granville stroot, HaIitlU:. AUGUST begid~ on SATURDAY. [1868. o Full Moon, 3rd d. 7h. 37m. morning, helow t~e ho;izon. «Last Quarter, 11th d. 8h. 14m. morning, bearmg I,a~t. New Moon, 18th d. Oh. 57m. morning, below th? horlzo)l. J) First Quarter, 24th d. 8h. 32m. afternoon, hearmp: Weot. ~ ~ I ~il 's upper I d?ci;~.1 SltP of I Le~f~h I.' Moon. I so~th.lpcf.;: g ~ ~j;:,rises, Set.. North. I clock. I days. Rises., Sets. ~ 1 Sa ] i ~ ~ SUo ~ ~ ~ M' A. 27 ~* ~ 4 Tu s 5 W * il 6 Th * ~ 7 F Hi "l".<:i 8 Sa \) "l" ~ 9 SU ] "l" ~ 10 M: ~ :ll 11 Tu A ~ '" 12 W morn II Jl 13 Th [ II F j) cs 15 Sa j) 0; 16 SUo ~ ""'" 17 M I morn. Ol Tu , IJ! 19 W IJ! '-g 20 Th J ? l, f:! 21 F ,n, ;.0, ' 22 Sa } ; ~"'2;3' SUo }... 4 M lu 56,2',4 13,41 A t "=!II '5 Tu. 5' :1"48' '-t.~ 26 W. 5]f, 6 47 I i morn t 27 Th \) 53! _ ~ ~ 28 F. 5 1\ ' ~ [ S' 29 Sa. 5 2U I l' ~ g 30 Suo I fi ~!l 31 M ! 8 27' If) ~ ID I : U.o nc column-of the moon's southing gives the time of hig6i water at Parrsboro" f.3 Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Ne\vport, Truro, &c. As a general ihing farmers do not provide themselves with good gar.acds. ffhe excuse for thi~ neglect, is generaljy t.hey have.not time to attend to su('.h smhll matt,crs. 'l'he interebts of,the farni<l,!', the c'amfort of. his family, the good ('.ondjtlon tlnd health of hui who e liousebol«;l~. requirer a garden on ev~ry farm in this country, After a w!nt\r s.~jet on",s'b!id and genefl,lly salt animal food, the ~um.nn cunstltution requjresthe dcterglngopcratiods o!fl'~e vegetablp anfl fruit ~let ; and as a gencra~ rule no one can dispense with It safely. BeSides this, the natural appetite calls for it, and there are rew pleasures that may be so safely nnd even beneficially indulged in. In the latter part of wldter and early sprmg. measures should be taken to secure early vegetables of all kinds capable of early oultivation. When early peas, ~eans, tabbh15es, cucumljcr~. pota!o(,fi. g-rced corn, lettucp., radirher, &c., nre In ~ehson ana none of these lux 11TH'S then to be 10und on the table, nothing but blue beef, salt pork, nnd Leans or putatoes of winter the life of the farmer Is not-to be envied, nor his family their enjoyments. ' BROWN BROTtlERS & CO., DruggIsts, Ordnance Square, Halifax



47 Ledgers Journals, Day Ilnd Cash Books, at R. T. MUIR'I. I Summer.] AUGUST 31 Days. 75 ",- In the year 160S, seycn bodies only w('rc known to belong to our system, yiz. the Sun andl\ioon, Mercury, Venus, Jlhrs, Jupiter, a:1d Saturn. In 1700 there had been discovered, in IL,ldition to thesc, 11 moving bodies, yiz. 4 satellites of Jupiter, 5 of S'tturn, the Earth itself, now fully recognized as a planet, and Hall('y's comet, though the prediction had not been yerifled. In IS0fl niul! more were added yiz.-uranus and its satellites. with two satellites of Saturn. Since the begmning of the year IS00, there have been added 13.-Vesta Juno, Ceres, Pallas, Astrea, Hebe, Iris, Flora, the new planet Nep- tune, the satellite of Neptune, Enek's comet, & Biela's comet. The. planet ASTREA was discoyered in It appeltred like a star of ~ the. 9th ~lagnitude, in a place where before there was none. _ Astrea.. ~ t ri.l.d High Water, meau t.ime,.it & 'E '",,~--, g. ~ SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANNI- 00 ~.,;.~"ti ~. -P Z ~: E:i] ~ ~ VERSAlUES, ETC. ~ 8.,,;:: ~:a ~ o ~ E ~- ~ ~ :2~ <:-g:~ A ~~ ~ 5;/10"'.: ;;.~ 19.~ 7 2 f) ;e ,) 6 11 III 6 36 I ~ C':) 8 3, A ~ ~ \) 32 A ~ 3, d:i te A. 27 g cl:l G qpa,l_~~~--;8<-f mori! morn t:.: o () 38 p I ~ morn f\ ~, i ' 9 :L

48 It T nlulr, JJookseUer and Stationer, 120 Gran'viIlo Sf. 76 SE,PTEMBER begins on TUESDAY. [1868. o Full Moon. 1st d. llh. 43m. afternoon, bearing North....,. <l: Last Quarter, 9th d. 5b. 50m. afternoon. below tbe bonzen. e New Moon, 16th d.!l11. 5m. morning, bearing East..» irst Quarter" 23rd d. llh. 7m. morning, below the horizon, i' '10,su pp er /0'S I I Length I Moon. f <l: I <l:'s ~ ~~ :. limb. deepn. fast of d~f s. South. place A I=> ~ Rises. I :tets. North. I ~lock. Y luses, I Sets. 1 Tu W A.37 3 Th o *'Y' 4 F 'Y' 5 Sa :! 48 'Y' 6 SUo M H 8 Tu IT 9 W A D 10 Th ji 11 F morn li 12 Sa o cq 13 SUo g~ 6 15 'w cq ]0 59 1IX 15 :1: IX Iii W morn.!, 17 Th o 49,n. 18 F !, 19 Sa : IJ 20 SUo , S IJ 21 M _ 'ti8 n33 9'19' 4:n ".t 22 Tu N. 6"1 28, Ii- 54 A t 23 W S ~ 24 Th o ~ 25 F morn Ia:i 26i Sa "I o Ia:i 127' SUo Ia:i 28 M Tu \26' W \ ' '1 *!):7 The column of the moon's son tiling gives the time of hio-h water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, Ifruro, &e., " -, \ ',' ", 'robacco, for destroying_insects o,n \trees and Plants, is applied in two ways. 'l'he most common is to form a strong d"ecocu'on in a tub or barrel, enough hot water to cover it, and let it stand SOme daye-. If strong enough, it will destroy plant lice, and other small insects whiell infest fruit trees. It often fails for ~ant,!f suffieie~t strength. ~ mixture of a small quantity of starch m solution, Will add to It~ effieae:\, w!tllout increasing in' tile dano-er to the treos. A mixture WIth It of a solution of soap also adds to its effect, but if tile soap be strong, it proves in SOme c.ases injurious ~o.the young foliage. ~'obacco, being a veget~l?]e poison, will not do any Injury, however strong It may be. Small trees may be bent over and dipped into the solution; it may be applied to larger trees by a showcrino- syringe. Sm,!ke from burning tobacco may be applied to plants by m~ans of a fumigator. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists. Ordnance Square, Halifax. " "



51 Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, at R T. l\i:,u~ SEPTEMBER 30 Days. 77 revdlves rdund the sun at the distance Df 247,000,000 miles. In its distance al'l:d pe~d Df revdlutidn, Astrea agrees mdst nearly with JU.~.",j,j~n inclinati&l., with Vesta. The planet HEBE was discdvered tn~ This body is cdnsidered as belonging-to. the smaller planets 1;$ bet en Mars, an'o. Jupiter. This planet CDmes between Vesta and ~ Astr The planet IRIS was discdyercd in 1847, abdut six weeks... after that Df Hebe. The planet :FLORA was discdvered SDDn after that ~ of Ixis. Since the epdch Df discdvery, the brightness of this planet r... ha,<; cbnsiderably increased, and now ('quais that Df a star Df the ~ eighth magnitude. FrDm the abdve it appears that three new primary 6 planets have been hrdught to. light uuring the year 1847, and in the space Df less than fdur mdnths. It is remarkable, tdd, that they all 'tl beldng to. that drss of cdmparatively small bodies-sdmetimes called ~ Hig'h Water, mean time, at Gl SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANN I- cij 8.~,i~] ~. Z..,+' ~~.~ VEESAEIES, ETC. ~ ~.. <:I'" '0 ~ ~1:i ".do ~ 5.8;; ~~; ~ ~ ~8 ~~ ~ High tides. Sess. Halifax, Yarmouth I i!ij, Lonilim burnt ;Wornings and ~. EN evenin!l: cooler t.. ' A. 17 g days end. og y~-1--cr--h ED 13th Siinda fter Trinity. \) 33 A TROUl\LESmIE weather N:,.tivity B. V. l\il1ry. 9 Low fdes WD A {\ \) morn morn mdrn [) Q 9 11 ~ l::l Cl) Al17 ~ S morn. o

52 78. R. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Sta~oner, 125 Granville Street. OCTOBER begins on THURSDAY. [1868. o Full Moon, 1st d. 3h. 44m. afternoon, below.the horizon. «Last Quarter, 9th d. 1h. 59m. morning, bearmg NOl't~. New }Ioon, 15th d. 6h. 47m. afternoon, below the horlz?n./» First Quartel', 23rd d. 5h. 28m. morning, below the ~orlzon.. o Full Moon, 31st d. 6h. 51m. morning, below the horlzon:--,j... \... \ 's upper \ 's \ \ Length \ Moon. \ ~ \ «'s ~ ;:... :t - limb. deepn. fast of D of South. place C ~ 1:= I~ises. I Sets. South. clock..ys. Rises. I Sets. 1 Th. 5 5') A. 2 '>(' 2 F' '>(' 3 S!I H 4 SUo ~ H 5 M Tu H) W Th. I A :5 9 F. 16 \) :5 10 Sa morn Q 11 SUo Q 12 M ~ 13 Tu ' ~ 14 W ~ 15 Th morn. ~ 16 F TIl 17 Sa TIl 18 SUo tel f: 19 M.: , 1 iq -l f: 20 Tu ~ 21 W /21 10 \J A ~ 22 Th.!\ ~ 23 F ~ 24 Sa ( morn. 7 2 ~ 25 SUo ] M ] ' Tu '9 14 ' * 28 W Hi '>(' 29 Tb ]3' \) '>(' 30 F H 81 Sa Ii. 21.A;a.15 ~ 0. As rar as possible have the plan of each day's work laid before hand. Treat hired help kindly, ond thus secure tbeir good will. If tjhings do,not ~'l'he column of the moon's soufhing gives the<i-time of b'i!t"ater at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, \Vindsor, Newport, 1'rui a,~&~> moye as expected, clon't fret. It will not mend matter. Be carefnl ofy'oqur h;ealth. Do n.ot overwork your"ell: Never be 80 busy that you cannot take time to eat lel.. urely. Keep your f'ept well Clad, and avoid bitters and all qurek medldnes. Be social with your friends. but. waste no time in loafing. ~ieep a careful account ~f all expenditures, a.ndj.1o'te-flo\yn the tim!, and mode JD which all tarm work 18 done. When work season com~r, work 'jif'oearncstj and when the play lime come. enjoy it. Have a- time fop. everything and ev.erything jn its t.ime. "He who waits. to do a O'rent deal of odod at oncl', WIll n~ver do any." 'rills is t~le kind of mistake ':hich s?me fq;mers com,mit, In their zeal to do a gre"t uusmer., they run in debt for large farms, and debts keep them uuder water. a~d they are always working to a disadvantage. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. Druggists, Ordnallce Square, Halifax.



55 S~hOOl ttequisl10s of every description 'at MUIR'S. Autumn.] OCTOBER 31 Days. 79 I Asteriods, which move between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and are all invisible to the naked eye. These bodies revolve nearly at the same distance from the sun, and the times of their revolution round the Sun are not much different f"om each other. A considerderable degree of mystery hangs over the facts and circumstances connected with these bodies, which prevents the forming of any definite ideas respecting their nature and destmation. It is generally supposed that they once formed the component parts of a large planet, which formerly moved near the regions they now occupy; but by some internal force had been disrupted into a number of smaller parts, which form the bodies that have been lately discovored. If ~ these small planets once formed the component parts of a large High Water, mean time, at SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANNI VERSARIES &c. 7 1 I ~~~~~2L~Jfl~JJll '<1 A il A o j~7--r:.~2!U ~., A morn. 8 3 morn o () ~~~~~~~~ IDO n [

56 Iii. T. niuir, Bookseller and Stationer, 1~ (lrali'\1le St. 80 NOVEMBER begins on SUNDAY. [ «Last Quarter 7th d. 9h. 32m. morning, bearing East: New Moon, i4th d. 6h morning, below the horlzo~.» First Quarter, 22nd d. 2h. 32m morning, below the horizon. " I : I:'~;:: 2r~:,;r;;':1 ::;;1""' b:~:g Wi:~ili I~~ I:::i ~ ~ Rises. I Sets. Soutl>. clock. days. Rise. I Set. 1 i SUo 6 40 \ (\ i 1 6 e 2' M \) II B I Tu :~ I 2 ~4 II! 4[ W f.i ': 3 Dl 91i 5 Th , i 4 48 ~ I' 6\' F. 6 48\ lo 41 A. 19! 5 44 Ol 7, Sft. 6 4H H !0 ell I' 8' SUo morn "s 1lJ! 9 1 M \) lJ! 10 'I'u I 9 17.,n, 11 W S I 10 8.,n, 12 Th l'ij 13 F l'ij 14[ Sa m,orn, l'ij 15 SUo ] t 16 M ' (j e.t 171 Tu , Jp 18' W ]4 '3:1 ' Jp 19 Th ~ 20 F A ~ 211 Sa ' ' SU, * 2311\ B (j morn. 7 8 * 241 Tu (j 7 51 "f' 25 W "f' 26 I Th , fl "f' 271 F H 28) Sa !) H 29 SUo \ II 31) III , A:c45 n -. ~,'\. ~ l):'r The column of the moon's sonthing gives the time of high water at Parrsboro', Cornwallis, Horton o Hantsport, Windsor, Newport, 'l'ruro, &c. lilver has boen written on t.he subject of preparing meat, in the best pas. sible manner for domestic purposes, previou. to placing' it in tbe smoke house; but little or nothing of the manner of smoking it. The best, most effectual, cheapest and neatest manner of smoking meat, is to place a shovel of live coals in nn old pan, or Borne low dish. and lay on them a rew Bug.r maple chips_dry ones are the best, for it pequires too much fire to use green ones. No other wood will produce so sweet smoke as suo'ar maple; aud tbe coals of it will keep alive as long, or IOllger, than the coals of ot:her wood, In the absence of chips, corn cobs are nearly as good-three or four laid on a few coa,l" will produce smoke snfficient to fill an ordinary smoke house. As a substitllte for a smoke house, use a molasses hogshead, covered with boards on the top, and a hole cut in the side near the bottom. large enouo'h to admit a pan of coals! with a coh or two, or a few small chips, Thus.:'voiding a!l danger of settmg fire to the smoke l}oubl", and aonsnmino" meat and all. It 18 not necessary that the smoke be driven in, by heating, the smoke 'house like Nebuchadnezzar's furnace, Beven tlmcs hotter th'w- it ought to be heated. BROWN BROTHERS ~ CO., Druggists, Ordnllnoe Squ~re, Halifax.



59 Gll".I' BOOKS A'l' R. T. MUIR'S. \ Autumn.] NOVEMBER 30 Days. 81 planet, was that planet inhabited? At what period did the disruption take place? And, if inhabited, what was the fate of its inhabitants? Were they entirely destroyed by the catastrophe? or did the inhahit[wts of the different fragments fly off along with tim t portion of the original planet which they oecupied? are these bodies still inhabited? or, are they flying like shattered masses through the voids of space? And if so" are they ever again 00 be re-peopled? answers to such enquiries cannot be expected while we remain in the present state. If we do not admit the hypotheses of a large planet having been disrupted, it is, on the other hand, very difficult to account for the present position, motions, and other phenomena of these bodies, so 00 ~ bll... - o :Ii High Water, mean time, at ~ 0 SUNDAYS, WEATHER, ANNI- ~ '" ~rt:i ::;: ~. ; -z~ Z.; a:i o:!j '" '" "d~ ~ VERSARIES, ETC. i ' I=f 2: ~~ -" '<I ""'" = I=J' P-!.g"g,,8 m =,..", 0'",.." ~O <:.".os ~.SE-I ~" ~ A i>< A A A morn morn. o o morn bll... ~ Prescrivtions carefully dispensed by BROWN BROTHERS ~ Co.

60 82 ~ 1\ R T MUIR, Bookseller nnd Stationer 125 Gra'nvilfe Street. DECEMBER begins on TUESDAY. [1~8 1 «Last Quarter, 6th d. 5h. 20m. afternoon, below the ho:izon. New Moon, 13th u. 9h. 19m. afternoon, bel9w the horlz0;:t.» First Quftrter, 22nd d. Oh. 13m. morning, below the.horlzon. o Full Moon, 29th d. 9h. 33m. morning, below the horizon. g;,.;j 10 '~i::s,:er \ d~;,~.1 f of I Le~rh \ Moon! so~h.i!:: A,!l ~ Rises. I Sets. South I clock. I DayS. Rises. I S~ts., IT~ Eli 2 W Eli 3 Th ~ 4 F ~ 5 S~ TIX 6 SU ' A~ )( 7 M morn ,!!, 8 Tn" ] ,!!, 9 W ,!!, 10 Th: TIl 11 F ;J TIl 12 Sa : 13 SUo morn. 4: 14 M ry 15 Tu ry Hj W ~ 17 Th ~ 18 F ~ Hl Sa * 20 SUo * 21 M A 'Y' 22 Tu morn ~3 W F 'Y' 21 Th S H 25 F ' il 8 44 H :'::6 Sa rj ~7 SUo ;, 10,29 Il 28 M '27 rj 29 Tu W A. 27 Eli 8 [ ' Eli 3 31 Th ~~TIl_ 1 o:r The column of the moon's solithing gives the time of high water at Parrsboro", Oornwallis, Horton, Hantsport, 'Vindsor, Newport, Truro, &c A moderu writer well remarks that" a deep soil is better than a'.hallow one, beca'llse it furnielhcs a morf'. extensive feeding. ground for the roots of ~u tiva~ed crops," The 8o~1 may be deepened ~y thoroughly under~lrniirjn~ It, \Vlth no iurther working, save the operation of continued dr:uning, It will in time become deep and mellow. ltdoesthis from tll,1'ee causes: First, the draiu" allo~ the "urplu~ wa~er to filter rnpidly awlty thr"ugh the snu! instead ofrem~tinmg a long hme Just below the surrace h.'lrdcnino'. and 10 a manner, puddling the soil. Second, ifthe,sofl jsc-,iayey' dryin~it by drainage tn~!earl. of evaporat~on"cau8e8 ~t to shrink.or ~ra('k, th'ulttellding, to its pulver~zatlon. And thu'd, mto the'crncks thus fqrm~d. Rurfa,ce rriould,is w:ti~lled. whleh not only keeps the c ay from again "'unitiog-, but the roottl of plauts to f~llow the vegetable foor! ~hu8 8upplied, thus increasing the pulver ~zation untll~ 1n the. course oft.nne, It becumes equa.l to that of the drainng,e, Itself. A more rapid method of deepening the soil is by t.he use of the SUbSOIl plough, or by deep culture with any implement adapted to the purpose. BROWN BROTHERS ~. CO., DruggISts, Ordnam:e Square, Halifax. 1 'Y'



63 Room l'lipcr at 4d. a Roll and upwa!",l. at H. T. MUIR'S. \ Antumn--Wiuter.] DECEMBER 31 Days very different from the harmony, proportion, and order which characterize all the other arrangements of the sol ar system. As already. stated, they are nearly at the same distances from the sun, and perform their revolutions nearly in the same periods; their orbits arc more eccentric, and h:we a much greater degree of inclination than those of the other planets; and,,;hat is very singular and unaccountable, their orbits C1'OSS each othe?'. 'Whatever view we may.; take of these anomalous orbs, there appears to us something inex- fr.d:! plicable, mysterious, and incomprehensible. We may, however, rest I :-::1 assured that their present state, whatever it tnay be, is in full accord- "0 ance with the wisdom, rectitude, and benevolence of the Supreme l Governor of the universe. 1 Prs. Alexandrab. '44, Sup, Ct. Halifax'i 7 59/ Boys [Te sm; tless.h hfttx, St. Mary's l~2 A ' r a t 6.. cr ,. mar esan o ~ndsund;l,y Q.~ent Low tides !i! greatest He'. Lat. N. A.l 'I 4 4\) 8 C B V ' \) F~~~,"' ary i 10 ~ '11'0" CQ 8\)923 12! 6 <I: \) EDi3rd Sunday Advent. High tides. \) 36 i~ ~~ 141 Prince Consort d..let i ~IISCHIEF. Becoming m orn 16 Ember Day O 7, 17 GIR~ J '!. a.-- orn E er Days. ogee ED 4th Sunday i Advent St. Thomas. Q enters~. Winter com., morn ~ 5~ ~{2 Very low tides. clear ~! ~~ i~ ap!~i~/ion. a{!ne. ~ ~~ ~ ~~ UI MAs~AY Stephen ~ ~~ ED 1st Sun. aft Istmas. St. John Evang. g ~~ ~ ~~ 110 ~2 28 Innocents. PLUMP. Continues lij. 6 «. High tides. cold, with ~ ~~ [ Q in perigee. perhaps A <I: perigee. farewell! some snow A IJ morn. o T9:ilet Soaps, Pomades ancl-perfumery at BROWN BaOTIllmS, & Co. OJ ~ o '" ~ o ~ o '" ~ o '" ~ o

64 84 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Established ::: "ARMY AND NAVY DEPOT," & 118 Granville St. Opposite H. M. Ordnance, -1l-flA\IUI?~~~ MJ. $). PATRONIZED BY H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, during his visit to the city, the various Governors of the Province, the Military and ;Naval Authorities, the Regimentll.l Messes, the Ward Room I1nd other Messes of H. M. Ships~' I1nd the principal inhabitants of the Province. _ "oitj Constantly on sale, a large I1nd varied stock of "WINES-Champl1gne, Moselle, Hock, Burgundy, Sauterne. Claret, Madeira, Port and Sherry-celebrated brands. LIQUORS-Very old,nrandies, Scotch, Irish a~db_ourbon Whiskeys, HolhLnd and" Old Tom" Gin, old Jamaica and other Spirits. LIQUEURS-Curacao, Noyau, Maraschino, Creme de Cacao, Cherry Brandy, Chartrense, &c. Ale and Porter-Bass's, Allsopp's, Jeffery's and other Pale, Bitter and Strong ALES. Gui.nness's and Blood's Dublin, and Barclay and Perkins' London Stout. A complete and extensive assortment of Crosse and Blackwell's, and Lazenby's LONDON PICKLES, SAUCES, JAMS, JELLIES, PRESERVED FRUITS, and everything required for Breakfast, Dinner and Dessert. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Cocoa, Chocolate, English and Nova Scotia Hams, Bacon and Cheese; Pastry Flour, Biscuits Raisins and Currants, and a large stock of :..'. GENERAL F AMtt V CROCEa.t S. IlGif" Orders from the country accompanied by the cash, promptly attended to. JAMES SCOTT. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

65 Portmonales, Purses,.Jewelry, &c., at R. T. MUIR'S J ALMANACK. 85 THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE Established OOMPANY, WITH WHICH I~ NOW UNITED THE COLONtAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMP ANV; The Annual Revenue of the Standard Company is now upwards of $ 675,000, and the Accumulated Funds amount to upwards of 3,700,000 'i7l sterling. Not much fewer than 28,000 persons hold Policies from the s.. Institution. g. MODERATE RATES charged for residence in the Colonies, India and -i other places abroad. ~ LOCAL BOARDS and AGENCIES in all the British Colonies, where en every facility will be afforded in the transaction of business, and where <=1 premiums may be received and Claims paid. -tn PROFITS divided every five years..s The New Colonial and Foreign Prospectus may be had. on application I:: at the Chief Offices of the Company, or to the Agents at home or.a abroad. WILL. THOS. THOMSON, Manager and Actuary. D. CLUNIE GREGOR, Colonial and F01'eign Secretary. DAt,!~Al ~!if. s. Office Hollis Street. :SOARD OF MANAGEMENT. HON. M. B. ALi)!ON, M. L. C. CHARLES TWINING, Esq., 13arrister. HON. A. KEITH, M. L. C. J. J. SAWYER, Esq., High Sheriff. Secretary and General Agent for Nova Scotia and p. E. Island, M. H. RICHEY. Medical Adviser, D. McNEIL PARKER, ESQ., M. D.,-,:;i BROWN BROTHERS 0' Co.-Gold Leaf, Dry Paints and Varnishes.

66 it. 1'. ~ruir, BookBell~r and ctntlcme ~. r ) 125 OJ'llIlvllle Street. 86 BELCHER'S l!'armer's [1868'1 ROADS AND~D1STANCES FRO'::H~A~~~~~N~~. THE PR1N-. CiPAL TOWNS. IN b R R ToYarrnouthvia W:indsor To Pwto" ~. To Cumberland and JrIoucton, N.B. and Annapohs. WindsorJunotlOn. 13 Truro by railroad.. 61 WlDdsor by R.B,.. 45 Elmsdale.. : Folly Village.... IS Lower Horton Shubenacadle... 9 Chisholm s... 3 Wolfd."e... 4 Brookfield Purdy's, Westches.16 Kentl"ll.le (68)... ~ Truro (61)... 8 River Philip Wate~vIlIe...,... West R~ver Spruce Grove Inn.. 5 BerwIck... 3 Coal MIDes Amherst (125) A1Iesfor~... 6 New Glasgow (104) 3 Sackville. N.B... 9 GI.bbonvllle... 1~.Fisher's Gra.nt..., 7 Dorchester... 9 l\hddleton... 7 P!ctou Landmg..., 1 Memramcook... 8 BrIdgetown La~rencetown " 7 PIctOU Moncton Annapolis (128) Clementsport... 8 To Port ffiulgrave, via To Amherst via Windsor. Victoria Bridge.. 5 Sh"benllcaclie. Windsor by R R...45 Smith scove... 2~ Shub~nacadieStat'n Parrsboro by 8tmr.30 Digby (148)... 4~. by Railroad Maccan Bridge... 18~ St. :Vlary's Bay... 7 Kerr's Amherst... 1(j~ WeymuuthRoad... 5 RedBridge,Lit.R.I0~ 113 Jones's,Sissibo... 6 Brown's Bridp:e... 6 Annftpoli., tnlh'erpool. BelIeroE Cove... 5 Kllulback's, :VIiddle Munro's, Milford.. 14 Comeau's, Clare... 7 Musquodoboit... 1 McBride'S, Maitl'd.13 Montengan Cov~... 9 Henry's, Up. :\1 us.. 11~ Smith's, Brookfield. 14 Philip s, Bear Rtv.. 15 Nelson's Morton's,12milerl.13 Perry's, Yar. Lakes 7 Wallace Bridge, St. yarmouth... ~ l\ili<ry's LiverpooL I FOI'ks, St. Mary s To Y"rm'th shore route. Country Harbour.. 11 Plaister Cove tn 11Iargarie HeadSt.M~rg.Bay.21,Guysboro' (14\)) Forks. McLean's Port Mulgr<Lve Port Hood... 28~ I Chester (45) Mabou... 9 Mahone Bay (65).. 20 l\1argl1rie Forks.. ~ Bridgewater... \) To J:.~:;o :~;fq;;~r;;.. via 73~ Mtll Village... ' Liverpool (101)... 9 Port Mouton., Port Jolly... 5 Sable l~irer N. GhlSgOW by R.R.104 Merig6mish Antigonish (140).. 24 Port Mulgrave Plais. Cv. to Sydney,C.B. St. Peter's Sydney Jordan River... 8 lis Port Hood to Bacldeck. Sh e Ib ur ne (141)... 7 ~ ~. '" Sh t rr b Whycocomagh B '" 20,0, angler OJ' ee nar. Baddeck.... arrlll<>ton... 4 Innis', Porter's Lk.16~ Yarmouth 'Ch k l'mon s, ezetcoo \ Road r,lmste>' Cove to Ar,c~at. To Shubenacadie. Musquodoboit Har.10 Gr~ndance Newport,Sta.byRR39 Webber's, Lakeville. l1 l ArIChat... ~ Cochran s Ship Harbour.,,'. 8 I. 30 Rawdon Church... 8~' Tangier (56) Syclne1!, C.B., to, Douglas Sheet Harbour L:ngan Mmes.: Kennetcook BrIdge. -4 Beaver Harbour Ltt. G.'ace!3.l\hnes.18 Mouth of Shubpna- Gowne Mmes I cadie River(82).15~ 84 Louisburg BROWN BROTHERS ~ CO., Dru~gists, Ordnance Square, Halif~x.

67 Blank Books and Pass Books, at R. T. liiuil~'s ] ALl\IANACK. 87 RAIl-WAY, STACE COACHES, AND STEAMERS. The Railwl1Y at pre~ent connects Pictou l1nd Windsor with Hl1Ufl1x. Ohi~f Commissioner, AVl1r~ Longley; Secretary and Ohief Accountant, Thos. F~~t; ChIef Engweer, Alex. McN'lb; Division Engineer, W. H.. Tremam; Traffil.. Superintendent, Geo. Ta,ylor; Locomotive Sup~nntendent, Wm. Johnston; Road inspector, Wm. Marshall; Agents -R1Chmo~d, Arthur Busby; Truro, Hugh McCallum; fvindsor, Jno. F!eldmg; Mount Uniacke, R. McLearn; Shubenacadie Daniel Sinclair. ' SUlIL\lER ARRANGE~lENT Leave Halifl1x (for Pi.ctou and Truro l1t 6.15 A. M., and 3.15 P. M. 5 for Wmdsor l1t 7.00 A. M., and 4.10 P. M. ~ Pictou for Halifl1x l1t A. NI. Leave Truro for Ha,\ifa,x at 6.30 A. :\1. and 3.35 P. M. Windsor for Ha,lifl1x l1t 6.45 A. M. and 4.50 P. M. The morning trains fromh auf,n connect at Truro with PURDY & ARCH! BALD'SS.t'1ges f,jl' Amherst. S'lckville, Dorchester and Moncton, and thence by Rail for SheJia" and St. John, N. B.; and at Pictou with Ste,lmers for P. E. Island, Shedi,}c, l\ilramichi, B'lY Chaleur l1nj Qllehec; and with LINDSAY'S Stages at "New Glasgow daily, for Antigonish, Guysbo"OU2;h, Strait of C'lnso, St. Peters, Sydney and Cow Bay; a,t Pictou for River John, Walhlce, Pugwash and Amherst; at Windsor, with the Steamer Empress on Wednesday and Saturd'lY for St. John, N. B., and thence by R,tilway to Shediac, flnd by Steamers to Portland and Boston, and by the River Ste,lrners for Fredel'icton, Woodstock an,l the Upper St. John. KING'S Stagp.s connect at Windsor daily for Kentville, Port Williams atili Canning; and on Tues lay, Thursday and Saturday for Wilmot, Bridgetown, Annapolis, Digby anrl Yarmouth. FARES. First Second Class. Children. Halif,Lx to Windsor, and vice vena.. $ Il>1lif,Lx to T"uro, and vice 1'ersa... '" H'llifax to Pictou, and vice velsa....,.... Chilrlren under 4 years free. First Class Return Tickets, a f'lre and a half for the same day, or for liionday when issued on a Saturday. KING'S Coaches, (carrying H. M. Mails,) leave Windsor for H?rton, Wolfville, Kpntville and Canning daily Uld for Aylesford, Wilmot, Bridgetown and Annapolis on Tuesday, 'l~hursday a~lci S.lturday, a~tel' the arrival of the morning train from I-hhfax. Al'l'lve fr~m K~nt~llle daily; and from Annapolis on Mond,1Y, Wednesdf1Y and ~l'lday. 1D time I to meet the l1fternoon tmin for Halif,lx. Agents-Wwdsor, Andw. King; KentdUe, Jas. Lvons; Annapolis, Law. Hall. I SALTER'S Express lef1ves Windsor for Hantsport after the arrivl11 of the morning tmin from Halif,lx. The Steamer Empress le[l.'ie8 Windsor' for St. John, N. B., (C[l.lling at P,ul'sboro' going anrl returning) every We?nesday and S'tturday) during the Summer,) connecting l1t St. John With the Ste'lmer~ for J3oston ani Portland, "nd from thence with the Grand Trul!1!:Jallway, for all Dye Stuffs and Confectionery,!lot BROWN BR01'HERS ~ Co.

68 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Gra~vi1le St. 88 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868'1 pints of Canada, and by Steamers semi-daily for.freder,icton, W?odstock and the Upper St. John River. Leaves AnmpolIs, callmg at DIgby, for St. John, N. B., every Monday and Thursday, at 3 P. M.; leaves St. John for Digby and Annapolis every Monday ~nd Thursday at 8 A. M. Through tickets can be had from ~..r Ii: CreIghton, Ag.ents, Ordnance Square, Halifax,.01' from Andw. Kmg, Chfton House, Wmdsor. KINO'S Coaches (carrying H. M. Mails) leave Windsor on.mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 o'clock, A. M., for Chester, BrIdgewater, Liverpool and Shelburne. A Coach leaves Mahone Bay for Lunenburgh on the arrival of tbe liail from Halifax, returning the following mornings to Mahone Bay to meet the Stage for Halifax../lgents-A. ~ H. Creighton, Ort.lnance Square, Halifax. TAY'S Stage (carrying H. M. Mails) leaves Shubenacadie Station after the arrival of the morning train from Iialifax, for,\jiddle and Upper Musquodoboit and Melrose, every Monday and Thursday. FRANCHVILLE'S Stage (carrying H. M. Mails) leaves Melrose for Guysborough and Port Mulgrave;on the arrival of Tay's Stage at Melrose. ARCHIBALD'S Stage (carrying H. M. Mails) leave Halifax for Musquodoboit Harbour, Jeddore, Ship Harbour, Tangier, Sheet Harbour, Bea~er Harbour and S,tlmon River, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 6 o'clock; returuing the intervening days. PURDY & ARCHIBALD's Stage (carrying H. M. Mails) leaves Truro for Amherst daily, (connecting there with Stages for Moncton, ~c.) after the arrival of the morning train, andlarrjyes at Truro daily to meet the II.fternoon train for Halifax. _ LINDSAY ~ Co.'s Stage (carrying H. M. Mails) leaves New Glasgow daily, for Antigonish, Guysborough, Strait of Canso, St. Peter'e, Sydney and Cow Bay, on the al'l'ival of the morning train Halifax, P. M. Through tickets can be had at Richmond, Halifax. BLAII:'S Express leaves Truro for Pugwash, Wallace, Tatamagouche, and Pomt Brule, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday returning to Truro on the intervening days. ' An Ex~ress runs?aily betw~en the Waverley Gold Fields and Rocky Lake StatIOn, (11 miles from RIchmond Depot) meeting the trains to and from Halifax. An Express (carrying H. M. Mails) leaves Kentville for New Ross and. Chester every Tuesday, at 6 A. M., returning from Chester the fol- 10wIDg day. II1?AThIIS & GEDDES: Stage (carrying H. M, Mails) leaves Antigonish for She.rbrooke a~d Wme Harbour Gold Fields on Monday, Wednesday and Fl'lday mormngs, returning the same d"ys. W ATEmlAN's.Express ~ carrying H. M. Mails) runs t~ice a week between AnnapolIs and LIverpool from April 1 to Dec. l' and once a week the.other months. Leaves Annapolis immediately aft~r the arrival of th~ mail fro.m St. John, N. B. Leaves Liverpool Friday and T~esday evemngs at 6 m Summer; and Thursday afternoons in Winter During the Summer Season Steamers run between Pictou a~d Char ~otte To~n ; and between Pictou and Quebec, calling at Shediac and mtermedmte ports along the coast. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

69 Church Services and Prayer Boohl fit R 'r MUIR'S 1868.J ALMANACIL 89 I.IST OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES. RESIDENT IN NOV A SCOTIA. MES. I Admitted Dar_ \ Admitte(l Attor- NAJ.U I rlstel"s. nies. Residence, ttl I ~ James S. Morg~... [11 Oct Oct. ]810 Amherst. ~ James W. Nu~tmg... : 23 Oct Oct Halifax. :::l Han. Jno. Crelghton,Q.c. 18 April, 1816' 18 April ]815 Lunenburgh. 0 Will. Q. Sawers Oct Oct. '1817 Halifax. ~ S.P.Fairbanks, Q.c April, April, Do. ell Geo T. Solomon... III April, April, 1820 Lunenburgh. B. Murdoch. q.c" D.C.L.. 14 July, July Halifax. ts: Charles ~illlng Q. c... 5 April, ]823 5 April, 1823 Do. ~ Alex. Primrose July, July, 1822 Do. Charles D. Roach Oct \) Oct Amherst. ~ John J. Sawyer...,28 Jan Jan Halifax. ~ GeorgeR Grassie... : 13 April, April, 1824 Annapolis. ~ Charles B. Owen Jan Jan Yarmouth.,~ Hugh HartBhor?c, D.C.L.?± July July, 1827 Halif'1x. g. James A. D~nlllson... ~3 Oct Oct Digby. '" Robert n. Dlcksou Oct Oct. 182B Truro. S Martin 1. Wilkins, Q.O.. 22 Jan Jan Pictou..g Edward H. Harrington. 28 Oct Oct Halif,u. """ SilasL. Morse Jan April, 1827 Amherst. ~ Stephen H. Moore Jan Ja.n Kentville j JohnC. Halliburton July, July, 1828 Halifax. ~ William H. Keating... ' 3 Nov Oct Do.... William Sutherland, Q.C. 3 Nov: Oct. 18:28 1 Do. or Edward Roach... 4 May, May, 1829 Pictou. :i'5 Henry Pryor, D. c. L Jun, Jan Halifax. e3 'I'homas n. Akins, D.C.L. 3 May, May, 1830 Do. Han.. John W.Ritchie, Q.C 24 J:ln. 183:2 25.Ji1n Do. ii Silas L. Morse, Q.C May, ]\I111y, lel31 Bridgetown. ~ Nepean Clarke... '" 30 Oct Nov Halifax. P:1 James R. Smith, Q.o July, July, 1833 Do. - Archibald McQueen July, July, 1882 Port Hood. t> A. 1\1. Uniacke, D. c. L. 29 Oct Oct IIalifax. ~ Han.RobtB.Dickey,Q.c 21 Jan Jan Amherst P=l Donald N. McQueen Jun J:Lil Sydney C. B. r.1 Cha,rles E. W. Schmidt. 29 April :2 Jan Halifax. 5 Daniel Owen April, April, 1833 Lunenburgh. ~ Henry H. GranthQ.m... 4 Nov Oct Yarmouth. Henry B. Webster... 5 May, April, 1834 Kentville. 'i Stewart Campbell, Q.C.. 25 July July Guysborough John D. Kinnear July, July, 1835 Amherst...., John McGregor Nov. 183B 3 Nov lbllfax. ~ Hon.Jon.'McCully,Q.o.. 16 Jan Jan. 183B Do. Ebenezer F. Munro Jan Jan Truro. William C. Whidden Oct, Nov Shelburne. David l\i.1theson Oct Nov. 183B Pictou. Peter Lynch Oct Nov. 183B HalifaJ(. I Henry P. Hill... 1().Jan I 18 Ju,n Antigonish. Works on Homwpathy, Preparations,!$'c., at BJlDWN BllOTlIll!.tS ~. Co. a

70 . R T MUIR nookseller and 3~tlol1er, 12., Granville St l:jo BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. James Fogo... 1 May, May, 1837 Pictou. Frederick W. Grantham 1 May, May, 1837 Yarmouth. Daniel Dickson July, July, 1837 Pictou. James McKeagney Oct Oct Sydney,C.B. Han A. G.Archibald,Q.c. 15 Jan Jan Truro. S L. Shannon, Q. C Jan Jan Halifax. Henry C. D. Twining April May, 1838 Do. James Robert Prescott.. 30 April, April, 1839 Kentville. Edward A. Pyke July, July, 1838 Co rn wallis. William Howe July, July, 1831) Halifiu. George A. Blanchard.. 29 Oct Oct Kentville. Charles Morse... '" 3 Nov Oct Liverpool. John C. Wade, Q.C... '" 24 July, July, 1840 Digby. Wm. A. Henry, Q.O Nov. ]841 3 Nov Halifax. William H. Troop April, Jan Bridgetown., J'lmes Murray, Jr July, April, 1841 Yarmouth. Han. H. Bl:mchard,A.G. 18 April, ] Nov Halifax. Peter S. Archibald April, April, 1842 Truro. Robert McCully., April, ] April, 1842 Amherst. Alfrell F. Haliburton April, ] April, 1842 Baddeck. John D. McNutt.. "... 7 May, April, 1842 Truro. Timothy D. Ruggles... 7 May, April, 1843 Bridgetown. Han.Philip C. Hill, D.C.,!.. 7 May, May, 1844 Halifux. ThomasWm. Harris, QC. 23 July, July, 1843 Kentville. 'James Hall Thorne July, July, 1844 Halifax. Alexander McFarlane.. 3 Dec Dec Wallace. Alexander James... 6 May, May, ]844 Halifax. Charles James Stewart. 6 May, May, 1844 Amherst. Edward P. Nutting... 6 May, May, 1844 Halifax. Wm. R. Cutler July, July, 1844 Ariohat. John McKinlay July, July, 1844 Pictou. Simeon C. Irish April, April, 1845 Antigonish. James W.. Johnston, Jr. 18 July, July, 1846 Halifax. Peter H. LeNoir April, April, 1846 Do. Richard SiLnds, Jr April, April, 1847 Granville. Alex. C. McDonald,Q.c.. 26 July, July, 1846 Pictou. Francis S. Beamish July, July, 1846 Halifax. NormiLn F. Uniacke July, July, ]847 Mt. Uniacke, J ames Thomson July, July, 1847 Halifax. Edward C. Cowling... 4 Dec Nov Annapolis. Daniel J. Janvrin... 4 Dec Nov Arichat. Henry Wm. Smith July, July, 1848 Liverpool. William Twining. "... 3 Dec Dec Halifa:l(. [saac J. Wylde... '" 22 July, July Do. William H. Blanchard.. 2 Dec Dec Windsor. )Iatthew H. Richey... 2 D~c Dec Halifax. Mather B. Desbrisay April, May, 1850 Bridgewater. William B. ChiLndler July, July, 1836 Arichat. James McDon:tld Dec Dec Halifax. Benjamin G. Gmy Dec Dec. ]851 Do. Daniel McDolltlld April, April, 1851 Antigonish J. N. S. Marshall July, July, 1851 Liverpool. I! John Burnyeat Nov July, 1851 Truro. I, BROWN BROTHERS & CO, DruggISts, Ordnanoo Square, Haltf.u:. I

71 Foolscap, Lettor and Note Paper, nt, R. 'r MUIR'S = 1868.J ALlI1ANACK. 91 : I John Stubs Nov Dec Amherst. Peter S. Hamilton Nov Dec Halifax. Lewis W. DesBn.rres April, April, 1852 Do. George A. McKenzie, April, Dec Pictou. Robert G. Haliburton July, July, 1R53 Halifax. Samuel W. DeBlois. '" 17 April, April, 1852 Do. James G. Tobin... 4 Dec Nov Do. Otto Weeks... 4 Dec Nov Windsor. Wm. M.,Fullerton April, July, 1853 Amherst. Clifford K. Morse... 3 Dec Dec Do. Hugh McDonald... 3 Dec Dec Antigonish, John,L. Tremnin. '".. 28 April, Dec Port Hood. I John E. Whidden... 1 Dec Dec Bridgewater. Jared C. Troop... 1 Dec Dec Bridgetown. Henry A. N. Kaulback. 1 Dec Dec Lunenburgh. Brenton H. Collins... 1 Dec Dec Halifax. Fitzgemld C. Cochran.. 1 Dec Dec Do. Georg~ Campbell... 1 Dec Dec Truro. JamesJ. Kerr... 1 Dec Dec Amherst. Henry Oldright... ' Nov Dec Halifax. Joseph Norman Ritchie. 30 Nov Nov Do. I James Dennison May, Dec Digby. Alonzo J. White May, May, 1857 Sydney, C.B. Thomas W. Chesley May, May, 1857 Bridgetown. W. Myers Gmy May, May, 1857 Halifax.' John T. Smith May, May, 1857 Amherst. Robie Uniaoke.'... 2 Aug Aug Halifax. Joseph Creighton... 4 Jan Nov Lunenburgh. William Fitz Uniacke.. 4 Jan Nov Mt. Uniacke. James W. K. Johnston.. 29 Dec Jan. 185\1 Halifax. N. W. White Dec Jan Shelburne. Willia,m A. D. Morse Dec. 185\) 4.Jan. 185\! Halifax. Newton LeG. McKay Dec Jan Sydney, C. B. Charles i\1n.ccolla Dec Dec. 185}) Truro. Ron. William i\'liller May, May, 1860 Hnlifax. Stephen L. Purvis Aug July, 185D Pictou. Henry W. Johnston Nov Nov., 1860 Halifax. Robert D. Chandler... 7.June, July, 185}) Pugwash. Edward D. ' remain July, May, 1860 Port Hood John W. Ouseley July, May, 1860 Halifax. Tp.omas C. Hill July, July, 1860 Syuney. C. E. A. W. Savary July, 18'61 30 July, 1861 Digcy.,Joseph H. Weeks Dec Nov Halifax. I Samuel MacDonnell April April, 1861 Antigonish. George B. Kenny... 5 Aug Aug Halifax. Barclay E. Tremain... 1 Sept May, 1861 Port Hood. Israel Longworth Dec Dec Truro. William H. Hill Aug May, 1862 Halifax. Robert L. Weatherbe ctr Octr Do. George Dennison... 1 Dec De,] Digby. Samuel H. Gray Deo Dec Halifax. Lewis R. Kirby Dec Deo Do. W m. Fred. McCoy April April, 1863 Shelburne. BROWN BROTHERS & Co., Importers of Flower, Field and Garden Seeds., I I I I

72 R T MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 121, Granville Street. 92 BELCHER'S FARllfER'S [1868. ~ o Z Joseph Coombes May IBM 11 May, 1863 Halifax. Malachy B. Daly May, May, 1864 Do. Frederick W. Bent July, July Amherst. Brenton H. Eaton Oct Octr Halifall:. Samuel G. Rigby Oct Octr Pictou. William D. Sutherland.. 7 Dec Dec Halifax. John Y. Payzant.., Dec Dec Do. Robert Motton. Jr Dec. William H. Owen.., Mar Dec Do Mar Bridgewa.ter. James G. Foster... 7 Apr May, 1864 Halifax. Simon H. Holmes... " 10 April, Aug Picto~. John M. Viets April, May, 1864 Liverpool. James H. Hearn... 2 May, May, 1865 Ariehat Murray Dodd May, May Sydney, C. n. Robert N. Henry, J1'... 2 May, May, 1865 Antigonish. Robie S. ;\101' May, May, 1865 Amherst. George Robertson... 6 May, May, 1864 Middleton. James A. Fraser July, Aug New Glasgow Jno. S. D. Thompson. 25 July July, 1865 Halifall:. Albert Morse Aug May Bridgetown. Douglas B. Woodworth.. 240et Oct Canning. Wm. Jos. Croke Nov Nov Halifax. William Wttlsh Dec Dec Do. Chas. J. Townshend... 8 May May 1866 Amherst. Thomas Ritchie May 1866,8 May 1866 Halifall:. John D. McLeod... 6 Dec Dec Pictou. RolJert McG. Moffat... La,wrence G. Power... 7 Dec. 7 Dec [ 7 Dec 18!36 7 Dec. ]8661 Windsor 1866 H.. lifax. 1 Daniel McH. McKay Jan Jan Do., W The Barrigters and Attornies also hold commissions as Notaries.1 1 Public. NOVA SCOTIA BARRISTERS' SOCIETY. Honora,ry.Members, the Judges of the Supreme Court a.nd Conrt of VJCe Admll alty. i?ouncil, Hon. John W. Ritohie (Prest.), C. Twining ( V. Prest.), BeamIsh Murdoch, S. L. Shannon, Han. Hiram Blanchard, Matthew H. Richey, Alell:. Ja,mes. Treasurer, S. L. Shannon. Sec'v, Sam!. H. Gray, P~OBATE OATH. Form of ajjidavit t~ be annexed to any aceonnt Dr claim rendered by a Credttor to an Executor Dr.Ildministrator., ~'. B., of ---.' maketh oa,th and saitb, that the foregoing paper wrltmg doth eontam a true and correct account of his demand against the estate of -, deceased, and tha,t all the credit~ to whicb the decease<l WttS hvnestlya,nd justly entitled so far as deponent believes ~ave been given o~ said account; and that the balanee of _ i~ Jus~ly and truly owmg to the deponent.. Sworn before me, at ---, this --- day.of BROWN BROTHERS & CO., ~ruggists. Ordnance Squa,re, Halifal.

73 Church Services and Prayer Books nt R. '1'. IvIUIR'S J ALMANACK. 93 COURTS. SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE, HAVING LAW AND EQUITY JURISDICTION THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE. CHIEF JUSTICE, Ron. William Young. EQUITY JUDGE, and Judge of ci the Sup. Court, Han James W. Johuston. '1ssistant Judges, Han William o'(j Blowers Bliss, D. c. L., Han. Edmund Murray Dodd, Hon. William l!'rederick DesBarres, and Han. Lewis Morris Wilkius. JJ.ttorney General, lion. Hiram Blauchard. Queen's Council, Han. John Creighton, SamI. P. Fairbanks, 'Vm. A. Heury, Han. Adams G. Archibald, M. I. Wilkins, lion. Juo. W. Ritchie, Juo. C. Wade, Stewart Campbell, Ron. Jon. McCully, Beamish Murdoch, Hon. Hiram Blanchard, Alex. C. McDon'l.ld, Chas. Twining, Wm. Sutherland, Jas. R. Smith, Hon. H. B. Dickey, S. L. Shannon, Thos. Wm. Harris. Clerk of the Crown and Prothonotary, J. W. Nutting..1ccount. General, Chas. Twining. MASTERs-Halifax, Chas. Twining, Hugh Hartshorne, Alex. James, Wm. Howe; Pictou, Edw. Roach, Martiu I. Wilkins, Daniel Dickson; Yarmouth, Thomas D. Chipman, C. B. Owen, Jas. Murray; Dis. of Shelburne, Thomas Johnston; Dis. of Barrington, Gabriel Robertson; Hants, David Freize, Wm. H. Blanchard; Kings, Geo. A. Blanchard, Stephen H. Moore, Jas. R. Prescott, Henry B. Webster; Lunenburgh, Jas. Dowling;.I1nnapolis, Thomas W. Chesley, Silas H. Morse, T. D. Ruggles, Jas. Gray, Edw. C. Cowling; Queens, Charles Morse, Robt. Roberts, J. N. S. Marshall; Antigonish, Henry P. Hill, J. T. Robinson; Colchester, Jas. F. BlanchaId; Cape Breton, Don. N. McQueen; Guysborough, Sam!. R. Russell; Inverness, SamI. McDonnell. Reporter, Henry Oldright. Crier of the Court, J. Monteith. The Equity Court is held every Monda.y, when business requires (except iu vacation), in the Chancery Room, off the Prothonotary's office, at 11 o'clock A. M. COURT OF ERROR. The Lieutenant-Governor ami the Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council. COURT OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. The Lieutenant-Governor (Preside'nt), Ho'n. Judge Johnston (Vice President), and the Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council. Registrar, James H. Thorne..I1dvocates and Proctors, the.barristers and Attorniesofthe Supreme Court. rd C]) o... ~ UJ~ C]) ~ o fij ~ Po S H VICE-ADMIRALTY AND PRIZE JURISDICTION COURT, 0 HALIFAX, N. S. Eo! Vice-.I1dmiral, the Governor-General. Judge, tho Han. the Chief P Justice. SURROGATES: HriJifax, Chas. Twining, John C. Halliburton, ell Alex. Primrose, Han. John W. Ritchie, Samuel P. Fairbanks, Nepeau ~ Clarke, W. A. D. Morse, Brenton H. Eaton; Wallace,Alex.McFarlane; P' Truro, Ebenezer ~lunro; Sydney, C. B., Jas. McKeagney;.I1ntigonish, Wm. A. Henry. Rec.-Gen. of Droits, C. B. Hamilton. Registrar, Jas. R. Smith. Marshal, Wm. A. D. Morse Jldvocate and Procurator General, Hen. Hiram Blanchard. Advocates and Proctors, the Barristers and Attarnies of the Supreme Court. Interpreter and Translator of German and French, Rabt. G. Haliburton. The Sheriffs, Mayors and C~nstables throughout the Province. are also offi~~is Court. I BROWN BBOTHER~ & CO., Importers of Fresh Medicinal Herb& ~ ~ ~ ~

74 R. '1'. MUH~, Bookseller nnd Stationer, 125 Granville Street. 94 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. I 1 Usher and Messenger, James Venables.!lank of A..1miralty.Deposits, the B,mk of British North America at HaM,Lx. Pnnter, Alpm Grant,. Q. P. Short-hand writer, Jno. Geo. Bourinot. N. B.-By the provisions of the Vice-Aumiralty Courts' Ac! of 18~3, the Governo,' of a Colony is ex q[ficio Vice-Admiral, and the Chief J ustlce ex officio Judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court. MASONIC. THE MOST ANCIENT AND IIONORAllLE FRATERNITY OF FREE ~lasonry. GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Grand okfaster, l>i. W. Wm. H. Davies, M. D. Dep. Grand Master, R. w. S. H. Sir~om. Sub. Grand Master, R. w. Robt Brechin. G. S. Wa.rden, R. w. Wm. Williams. J. G. rfrurden, R. w. Arthur Busby. G. Treasurer, R. w. Andrew K. Ma'okinlay. G. Secretary, R. w. Chits. J. McDonald. G. Clerk, R. w. 1SI1I1C J. Wylde. Grand Lecturer, R.W. Newell Snow. S. G. Deacon, R. w. W. 8. McDonald. J. G. Del/con, v. w. Geo. W. Clarke. G. Jeweller, v w. E L. Spike. G. Architect, v. w. Jas King. G, Bible Bearer, v. w. James Fortune. / G. Director Ceremonies, v. w. W. M. Allen, jr. G. Sword Bearer, v. w. Jas Mac.'i' cuish. Organist, v. w. Geo Andersen. V. W. Grand M.l' shlds, Alex i C'Lmpbell, A. G. Hesslein. Pursuivant, v. w. J no M. H,ty. Tyler, J. I E. M. T'Lylor. Grand Stewards, Alex Waddell, J. Cahill, Geo W. H:llla, I A. Stitherland, W. F. Woollberr.Y,.Jno MJLean, Theodo,'e Cossnmn, A. Smith, Levi H,ut, W. H. McDaniel, J. D. VanBuskirk, D. W. Archibald, Jos. Cove, Leander Crowe, Jno. J. Logan. SUllORDINATE LODGES. BURNS LODGE, No.1, meets at Halifax first Wednesday of each month. W. M,uter, {s:tac Melvin. S. Warden,.Jno Overy. J. Warden, David Pottinger. Treasnrer. Jas Fo, tune. S.'c'y, Wm Taylor. S. Deacon, R'1lph Patrick. J. Deacon, Alex Waddle. Stewxrd;, Jas 1\>1;tecoush, Edw Carr. Tyler, J. 'E. 1\>1. T'Lylor. ATHOL LODGE, No.2, meets at Halifa.x second Monrlay of each month. W. M,tster, W. S. Macdonl1ld. S. Warden, R. Patrick. J. Warden, A. Rocklvell. Treasurer, H. A. Taylor. Dwcon, Chas. J. McDonald, P. M. Sec'y, Louis Petitmaitre. S. KEITH LOnGE, No.3, meets at Halifax second Wednesday of each month. ~r. JJ lster, A. Busby. S. Warden, Jas. K. Munnies. J. Wurdel!, Geo. W. HilUS. TI easurer, E. L. Coleman. See'y, {sitae J. Wylde. S, Deacon.. C. F. Hopkins. J. Deacon, W. L. Lowell. Stewards, 'I Jno. M. Hay, E. R. Harrington. SCOTIA LODGE, No.4, meets at Halifax third Wednesuay of each I month. W. Master, S. R. Sircom. S. Warden, A. R. Payne. J. Warden, C. L. Vose. Treasurer, J. L. ~bckay. Sec'y, A. H. Woodill, M. D. S. Deacon, T. H. Pryor, M. D. Stewards, F. C. M'Lhon, T. E. Cook. J. Deacon, A, M. Payne. DAVIES LODGE, No.5, meets at fyi/mot. W. Master, Jas. W. Dar. ragh. S. Warden, Alfred GMes. J. Warden, 'I'. R. Fullerton, M. D. Trwsurer, Nelson Pierce. Secretary, W. F. Woodberl'Y. ALBERT LODGE, No.6, meets at Shelburne. W. Master, W. B. BROWN BROTHERS fj CO., Dr~ggists, Ordnance Square. Halifax.

75 School Requisites ot every description at R 'r. MUIR'S J ALlIIANACK. 95 Stephenson. S. JVarden, Jno. Bower. J. Warden, Abr. McLean Treasurer, Jno. Boyd. Secretar'y, Jno. A. Purney, M. D. CONCORD LODGE, No.8, meets at Barrington. W..!rfaster, J. J. Clarke, M. D. S. -Warden, F. Nickerson. J. Warden, Thos. Newell. Treasurer, Asa l\icgl'ey. Secretury, Bartlett Covell ST. MARK's LODGE, No. 9, meets at Baddeck. W. Afasler, Wm. Kidston, senr. S. Warden, H. A. Foile. J. TfTarden, C. N. Campbell, l'cm. TreasureI', Robt. Elmsly. Secretary, Levi Hart. QUEEN'S LODGE, No. 10, meets at Sherbrooke. 1'17. Master, A. K. White. S. Warden, Chas. McIntosh. J. Warden, Jno. McNab. Treasurer, Zeliah Hewett. Secretary, W. H. McDaniel!. LODGE OF ST. l\larc, No. 11, meets at Bul{fax first Tuesday of each mouth. TV. Ma.ster, Geo. J. Payne. S. JVarden, Geo. 1'. Smithers. J. WaTden, Geo. Sanford. S. McDonald. Treasurer. B. F. Staples. Secretary, W. OPHIR LODGE, No. 12, meets at Ta.ngier. rv. Master, A. P. Penery. S. Wolrden, D. J. Estey. J. JVarden, SamI. Johnston. S. Frowd. Secretary, J. D. VanBuskirk. Treasurer, EUREKA LODGE, No. 13, meets at Sheet liarbour. W. Master, A. Fraser. S. Warden, Jno. Balcom J. Warden, D. Fraser. M. McFarlane. Sec'y, D. W. Archibald. Treas., ACADIA LODGE, No 14, meets at.iimherst. W. Ma.ster, Jos. Cove.. I S. Warde,!!, C. K. Morse. J. Warden, W. J. Gibson. Tr eas., Jas. King. Sec'y, Jno. Power. TRURO LODGE, No. 15, meets at Truro. W..!rfaster, H. McCallnm. S. Warden, R. Duncan. J. rvarden, A. C. Page, M. D. J. Crowe. Sec'y, Geo. Campbell. Treas., L. EL\JORADO LODGE, No, 16, meets at Wine Harbour. W. Alaster, Peter GUUD. S. Warden, A. C. CameroD. J. Warden, Geo. W. Clark. Treas., J. ~l\iclean. Sec'y, J. Logan HARMONY LODGE, (under dispensation,) meets at North East Harbour, Barrington. W..!rlaster, SainI. Perry. S. Warden, Th08. Gregory. J. Wa.rden, Nathan Swaine. Treas., Thos. Perry. Sec y, Sam I. H. Greenwood. W. H. DAVIES LODGE, (under dispensation,) meets at Wood's Ha'rbOUI', Barrington. W. Master, Anuw. Malone. S. Warden, Thos. Nickerson. J. Warden, W. Nickerson. Treas., S. K. Morel. See'y, SamI. Brannon. ENGLISH. DISTRICT GRAND LODGE 'UNDER ENGLISH JURISDICTION. Grand Master of England-The Earl of ZethlDd. District Grand Master for Nuva Scotia, Newfoundland and P. E. Island, R. w. Bon. Alexander Keith. Dep. Dist. Grand.Master, R. w. James }<'orman. S. G. Warde", R. w. Benj Curren, D. C. L. J. G. Wa.rden, R. w. Wm. Holloway. Grand Ohaplain, v. w. Rev. Daniel C. Moore. G. Treasurer, v. w. Wm. Twining. G. Secretary, v. w. H. C. D. Twining. S, G. Deacon, w. Jas. S. Cochran. J. G. Deacon, w. Jas. Gos~ip. G. Direct. Oeremonies, w. Wm. Hillier. G. Supt Works, w. David Stirling. G. Organist, w. R. R. :\lo1'1'is. G. Swol'd Bearer, w. Robt. ~IcLellan. G. Standard Beal'er, w. Jno. Mitchell. G. PursY.ivant, w. Henry Hainsworth. G. Tyler, w. Jno, M. Taylor. Grand Stewards, Bros: W. H. Gaines, Freel. Brown. Geo. Taylor, W. Colcutt, (])! o (]) ~ o Unadulterated Ground Spices at BROWN BROTIDlRS & Co.

76 It. T. 'nruir, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Granv11le Street. 96 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Geo. Mumford, Wm. Thomas. Com. of Charity, Bros. ThoB. Annand, H. C. D. Twining, Wm. A. Hesson, ThoB. Micklewright, Wm. Holloway, Wm. T. Davis. LODGES UNDER ENGLISH AUTHORITY. ST. ANDRIIW'S LODGE, No. 118, Halifax..:...Regular meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. W. Master, Allen H. Crowe. Treasurer,' ~ I John McDonald. Secretary, N. L. Herbert. ' "I ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 161, Halifax-Regular meeting on the {irst_ ~ Monday of every month. W..'Ilaster, Samuel Blair. Treasurer, H. C.... D. Twining. Secretary, Joseph Stamper. VIRGIN LODOE, No. 3g6, Halifax. -Regulo,r meeting on the fourth or..0 S o Monday of every month. W. Master, William A. Hesson. Treasurer, Wm. Twining. Secretary, F. W. Mowbray. ROYAL STANDARD LODGE, No. 398, HaliT"ax.--Regular meeting on the second Tuesday of every month. W. Jl-'Iaster, Jas. Martin. Treasurer, Thomas Micklewdght. Secretary, Geo. Porter.. UNITY LODGE, No. 399, Lunenburgh.--Regular meeting first Tuesday of every month. W. M., Henry S. Jost. Sec'y, Wm. B. Lawson. ALBION LODGE, No. 470, New Glasgow.- W. Master, Stewart Fraser. Treasurer, John F. McDonald. Secretary, W m. F. McKenzie. ROYAL SUSSEX LODGE, No. 479, Hal'!fax.-Regular meeting on the first Thursday of every month. W. Master, Chas. A. McFaden. Treasurer, Thos E. Everett. Secretary, George Gordon. ST. ANDREW's LODGE, No. 4\)9, Sydney, C. B. -Regular meeting' on the third Tuesday of every month. W. Master, C. Crewe Read. Treasurer, C. E. Leonard, jr. Secretary, Tho!llaB LeCras. ZETLAND LODGE, No. 562, Liverpool.-Regular meeting on the fourth Thursday of every month. W. Jl-'Iaster, John Edgar. Treasurer, Charles E. D. Snow. Secretary, S. J. M. Allen. NEW CALEDONIA LODGE, No. 565, Pictou.-Regular meeting on the second Tuesday of every month. W. Master, Samuel G. Rigby: Treasurer, Wm McLaren. Secretary, Chas. E. Davies.. HIRAM LODGE, No. 596, Ya,rmouth.-Regular meeting on the first Monday of every month. W. Master, W m. B. Townsend. Treasurer, F. V. B. Binga;. Sec'y, A. W. Homer. S. rv., Wm. Law. J. W., Geo. E. Gray. S. D., Jas. W. Lovitt. J. D., R. L. Brown. Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Prince. Marshal, Cluts. White. Stewards, R. S. Brown, A. R. Cook. Organist, A. J. Hood. Tyler, R. Williamson. ACADIA LODGE, No. (;12, Puywash. W. Mastel', Geo. Bergman. Treasurer, Jas. Seaman. Sec'y, Daniel D. Scott. KEITH LODGE, No. 628, Hillsburgh. W. Master, Benjm. J. Short Treasul'er, Thos. H. Harris. Sec'y, Stephen Hennigar. UNION LODGE, No. 693, Halifax.--Regular meeting on the third Monday of each month. W. Master, Robert R. Morris. Treasurer, Robt. Roach. Sec'y, John R. Thomas. Sr. GEORGE'S LODGE, No. 849, Wolfville. W. Masier, Wm. H. G~uld. S. w., W. 1. Fuller. J. FV., Jas. A. Cutten. S.'D., Jas. Wilson. J. D., L. Sangster. Treasur~r, Jno. Rounsefell. Sec'y, John Strong. Tyler, T. H. Colwell. KEITH LODGE, No:870, Albion Mines. M. D. Secretary, James Mitchell. W: Master, Lewis Johnston, \ WESTPORT LODGE,' No. 923, Westport. Secretary, Charles F. Ruggles. W. Master, B.. Morrell. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

77 Ul68~] ALl\fANACK. 97. I ~~~~~~~ ~~~=---~I W~\ORD LODG!>, No. 9:44, Windsor. W. JJ(a~ter, C. E. Ha.t'ding,' Se.C;retary" W. F. Parker. '.. WIDOWS' FRIEND LODI1E, No. 953, Weymouth. W..Master, Jos. W. Roberts. Treasurer, Jas. L. Jones. Secretary, Colin Campbell s~nr. ~. SCOTIA LODGE,,",-No. 961, Oanning. W. Jlfaster, D: H. dillrkll. ~ Secretary, Chas. 1'. EiLton. Treasurer, David M.Dickie. S. rj.r:,jno. S' Struthers, M. D. J. w., Geo. Fred Newcomb. S. D., McNeiI~ ::/ J. D"J()S. C; Starr. Ohaplain, Rev. D. ~.l\loore. Tyler, Sharp, '" PRINOE ().F WALES LODGE-, No. 96!, Ltverpool. W. Master, Joshua (I) N. Freem3n. Sec'>y, L. S Ford. Treasurer,Zopeth Freeman.' :g ANNA POLIS ROYAL LODGEr, No. 1047,.!lnnapolis. W..Ma,ster, Geo. () T. Hingay. Sec'retary, George Whitm3n. 1l TIIISTLELoll.GE, No ; Blpck House,Mines, O. B. W. Master, ril~ Alexander Lorimer. Treas., Juo. Walker, Sec'y., T hos. Johnston.,Q. E!>REI\A,lunder,dispensation,) Waverley. W. Master"Jos. Thom.p- IZI son.. ~. C08EQUID, (under.dispen~tion,). Truro., Ale~ McK~y. gp.. Secretary, Edward F. Barnaby. ACACIA, (under dispensation,) Bridgewater.,Andrew I " flow.. ~. POYNTZ, (nnder dispensation,).hantsport: W..Master, J; B. Black ~ ROTHSAY, (under dispensation,) Bridgetown. W: Master, Rev. I.S Henry P. Almon. l> TYRU,N YOUTH, (under dispensa tion,)..little. G.lace.IJo.y. TV..Ma$/-e.r, Q) Daniel George McKay. '..S ROYAL UNION CHAPTER, No. 118, Registry of England. Gr'and Su- ~. p!lr,~ntendent, I!0n,. Alex;. Keith. N. E. OQwpanip!is~nep.i!D, Cur"~n", (I) D. C. L., 1st Prmctpal Z; R. T, Roome,H,; 'VIII. A. HeB/ion, J. Ex- p' Compa~ions, JaB. Gossip (Scribe), E ; Wm, H, Tully, N ; J. Cornelius, :a R; A~ C.; 'rhos. Jost, C. H. First Vail, Geo. John,son; Se~on Vail" ~ A. J. Rickards; Third Vail, J. R. Chaniterlain, Treas., Wm. Esson., 4r,chitept,aud Janitor, Jno. :vi. Ta.ylor, SCOTTISH. PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE UNDER SCOTTISH JURrIIDItlTION.. Grand.Master or Scotland~The.,Duke of Athol; Provincial Grand Master, R. w. Son. Alex. Keith, Honorary. Mem" bel' of the Grand Lodge of France, q-c. Dep. P. Grand Master, W m..,esson. Sub. Grand okiaster, J. N. Ritchie. S. G. w., Wm. Murray. J. G. W.o Ritz. Cochran. G. Ohaplain, Rev. R. Aldel'.Temple. Treus., Thos; p. Studd. Sec'y, Geo. Fraser. 8; D., W. Wilson. J. D., T, '!V.,Tapper..!lrchitect, W. H. Slayter, M. D. Direc:.Music, F. G. Walllwright. Direc. Oeremonies, J. Wallace. Jeweller, W. H.. Newmap. Sword Bearer, Geo. A. Lloyd. Slewards,J. T. McAlpine, Thos. Wa son, ):t. T. Muir, J. H. Philp, J. B. Garvie, M. D., J. W K. Johnston, Gran,d Pursui~'ant, Thos. Almon, M. D. G. TYZer, Angus McLeod. QQa.r.terly communications the third Tlle~d&y ill February: May, August and November. Annual communication, on St. Andrew s Day. KEITH LODGJi), No. 365, Halifax., meets' at Free Mason's Hall, on the sec9nd Wtdnesday in each month. W.Master, G-eo. R. Anderson. Sec.'y, Don. Keith.,., t1lj9tia., LOQGE, No. 411, Hlllifax.~Regular F'ree Mason Ii Hall on the third W.ednesday in, each month. W; Master, J. Norman EJastic Stookings, Knee,Caps,a.~. Ankle~s. at BR-oWN. BaOTH.EB! 4' CQ, 5 li=l

78 R. 'f. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Granville Street. 98 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Ritchie. S. w., Wm. Wilson. J. w., J. ~V. K. Johnston. Sec'yalld Treas., Fitz Cochran. S. D., Jno. Garvie. J. D., Thea. W. Tapper. J. G., G. A. Lloyd. ROYAL ALBERT, No. 379, North Sydney.-Regular meeting last Monday in every month Master, Albert Corbett. Secretary, C. A. Robertson. Treasurer, John B. Moore. SCOTIA LODGE, No. 430, Yarmouth.- W. Master, Geo. W. JohnBon. S. W., J. R. Corning. J. W., S. F. Raymond. Treasurer, G. B. Do~ne. Sec'y, Geo. W. Tooker. S. D., Thos. Barrowman. J. D., F. A. BaJley. Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Roy Campbell. Tyler, H. Phipps. Inner Guard, Jacob V. B Bin gay. Stewards, R. Hunter, Ralph Moody. A1HOL LODGE (under dispensation,).i1m.herst.- W. Master, Robt. Stubs. Treasur~r, A. McLeod. Secretary, Miles Hoar. HARMONY LODGE, (under dispensation,).i1ylesford.-w. Master, Elk. B. Bolser. S. W., Chas. Barteaux. J. W., Jas. Burgess. ST. ANDREW'S LODGE, No. 364, F-redericton, No B.-W. Master, Robt. Gowan. Treasurer, A. Cumming. Secretary, A. Burchill. ST. ANDREW's'LoDGE, No. 376, Kingston, Richibucto, No B.-W. Master, Jas. McDougall. Secretary, John Wheten. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 412, Bathurst, No B.-W. Master, JaB. G. Dick. Treasurer, Jno S, Dawson. 5Jecretary, Gideon Dnncan. VICTORIA LODGE, No. 383, Charlottetown, P. E. I.-W. Ma.ster, ROYAL ARCH CHAFTERS HOLDING UNDER THE REGISTRY OF THE SUFREME GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAFTER OF SCOTLAND. Wm H. Davies, M. D., Grand Superintendent of Scotch Royal Arch Masonry for the Province of Nova Scotia. ST. ANDREW'S ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. 55.-Chas J. Macdonald, 1st Principal Z. Wm Taylor, 2nd Princip. J. W. E. Heifern'lln, 3rd Princip. H. Robert Brechin, Royal.I1rch Captain. M. J!'. Eagar, Scribe Ii'. Geo J. Payne, Scribe No S. R. Sircom, Treas. T. H. Pryor, M. D., 1st Sojourner. J. D. H. Browne, 2nd Sojourner. H. J. Marshall, 3rd Sojourner. J. Ms.ccoush,.I1rchitect. J. E. M. Taylor, Janitor. Qu~rterly meeting ~t Halifax third Tuesday of March, June, September and December.. UNION ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. -Yarmouth, N. 8. F. A. Pitcher, 1st Princip. Z. George Johnston, 2nd Princip. J. Thos R. Jolly, Scribe E. SCOTIA MARK LODGE, No. 20.-Halifax. S. R. Sircom,R. W.Mast~r, ~hos H. Pryor, M. D., Senior Warden. Geo J. Payne, Junior Warcten, A. R. Payne, Secreta /y. NOVA SCOTIA EN(JAMP~ENT OF MASONIC KNIGHT TEMFLARS.~SiT , E. C. Bu Jno D. Nash, P. Sir L. Petitmaitre, lsi Capt. S~r: J. D. H. Browne, 2nd Captain. Sir T. Short, Regr and Tr ea3. S~r C. F. Br~wne. Capt Lines. fijir Geo T. Smithers, Expert. f1~~ J. M. Taylor, S~r. J. E. M. Taylor, Equerie~. Sir J. M. Taylor, Guard: Standard Bearers, A. G, Hesslein, F. W. Fishwiok. 1l'eralds' Robt GIlbert, Jas Harton..almoner, Wm. A. Arney.,.,.,'''! DROWN B~OTa:Ji;J.tS & CO., Dr~ggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

79 School Requislt:s of every description at MUIR'S ] ALMANACK. 99 COLLEOES, ACADEMIES, CLEROY, ETC. COU~CIL OF P';BLIC lnstruction.-the members of the Executive ~,ux~!l Supenntendent of Education and Sec'y, Theodore H. Rand,!RSPECTORS OF SCH~oLS.-HalifaT, J. R. Miller; Kings, Wm. Eaton; Dtgby, Rev, P. J. Fllleul; Annapolis, Rev. Geo. Armstrong; Lunenburgh., W. M. B. Lawson; Queens, Rev. D. O. Parker' Shelburne Rev G. M. Clarke; Yarmouth., G. J. Farish, M. D.; Hants'; Rev. D. "Ai. WeI: ton; Colchest~r, H. C. Upham;.Cum,berland, Rev. Jas. Christie; G1tYsbor?ugh, Sam I R.Russell;.dnttgomsh, Rod'k McDonald; Pictou, M.T. SmIth; Cape Breton, Edward Outram; Victoria,,C. R. McDonald; Inverne~s, James. McDonell; Richmond, Wm R. Cutter. I3V" For Boards of School Commissioners see lists in the several counties. PROVINCIAL NORMAL SCHOOL, TRURo.-Principal, Rev. A. Forester, D. D. Teacher of Classic.~ and English, J. B. Calkin. Teacher of.lfifathematics, Wm. R. Mulholland; Drawing, Miss"Crowe;.Music, Mr. Chesley. MODEL SCHOOL, TRuRo.-Head.Master, Edw. Blanchard; Intermediate Department, Jas. Little; Senior Primary Dep't Miss Logan. Junior Primary Dep't., Miss Annie Leake. Terms-Summer term commences second Wednesday of May, and ends last Thursday of September. Winter term commences second Wednesday of Nov. and ends last Thursday of March. KING'S COLLEGE WINDSOR. FOUNDED A. D CHARTERED BY KING GEORGE IU A. D Patron-His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. BOARD OF GOVERNORs-The Right Rev Hibbert Binney, D. D., Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Visitor and President of the Board, Rev George McCawley, D. D., Hon Lewis M. Wilkins. B. A. Hon. Mather B. Almon, M. L. c., Rev. George W. Hill. A. M., Sam'l P.,Fairbanks. Q. C., Rev. Canon Gilpin, D. D., Hugh Hartshorne D. C. L., Benjm. Curren, D. C. L., ehas. B. Bowman, Rev. Ca,non Gray, D. D. Rev ThosMaynard A. M., Henry Pryor, D. C. L.. Treas., John C. Halliburton Sec., Rev J. C. Coohra,n, lij. A. President and Profe.~80r of Clas,ics, Logic, Hebrew, Rev. George McCawley, D. D.; Professor of Divinity, including Pastoral Th.eology, Rev. Jno'M. Hensley, B.D.; Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and" Astronomy, Jno McLeod; Professor of Nat. History and Ch.emistry Henry How, D. C. L.; PI'<ifessor of Modern Languages, Henry Stiefelhagen, PH. D. ; Librarian and Bursar, Professvr Hensley B. D. ; Steward, Mr Wier. TERMS.-.Michaelma3 Term ex!jlnds from thejirst Monday.;'in September to the 15th December; Lent Term from the first Mnn<lay after the 15th January to the Saturday before Palm Sunday; Easter Term, from the Monday after Easter Monday to the 1st July. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, WINDSOR. Undel' the control of the Governors. of King's Col~t!l~, Principal, '. Professor :qf",modern Language~, Henry Stiefel hagen, PH. D..,. 0, " Vacations-From July 1 to August 16; from Dea 15 to ja.~~ Works on Homeopa.thy, Prepa.rations, ~c., at BBOW~ BROTHERS ~ 00:. '

80 1100 BELCHER'S,FARMER'S [1868. INCORPORATED ALUMNI OF KING 'SCOLLEGE. Pa(ron-His Excellency, thelieutenant G.o~erno.r., " Presiil en t,'13enjrn Curren;D.c.L.; V. p." C~a8. TWlnlDg, M. A... CO?,!," mittee 'Rev. 'Canon Cochran, A. nl., 'T. B. Akins, D. C. L" Chas GOS/lIP, M. D., Rev.,Jas. RUl},iacke, A. B., Rev. Ferdinand pryor, B.,~A.,Wru. 'J. Alinon, M D. M. 'A., Fred. Allison, M. A., Treo.s. 'Brenton 1I~ Collins. 'Sec'y,Fitzgerald Cochran..",", '.' '.' " COGSWELL SCHOLABSHIP.'-l'rli.!ite'es, ltc-v. R. F. UDlaeke (Cho.lrmatn)., Rev'pl'OfHellBll1y.Rev'Henty'L. 9well, R~v GeoW.Hill, Henty'Pl'),or, lion 'J. ow. Ritchie. 'Sec'y, 'Ron 'P.. C. 'HIlI. ACA,DIAOOLLEGE, WOLFVILLE. GovERNoRs.-:rl'hePresiderit ex offieio, itev ',m ()tgearmstron'g, A:M;, Rev I.'E. Bill,~. 'Rilpert Eaton,',RilV'S. 'W. :DeBlois, A. nr. (Sec'lI),.1~ev J. Davis, Rev D. M. Welton, A. M., Rev A. S. Hunt, A. MoO Rev'Geo-F. ~1iles,,-R~v.JilSP'ltl'k. /~r~_,'a.;f.. -Ran'd~lph, Re.viI,A. :Smith,. Rev. C~3,1' Spurden,D, D., Rev i\."d. Thomson-, R,ev E.C. Cady, la._ \II., 'Hon J. W. J-ohnst6n. 'Hem OW. B.Kini'leal','D.:MoN. Parker,nl. 'D. 'Ma;y'hew Beckwith. 1', eas A. D. Barss, M. D., P1'esident find Professor of MiYral PhilosDphy~ff!d IUltrililicin!Evidenoes, Fe-v J. -1\1. Orlbmp, 'D. D. ProfeSfto'/' 61 'M~1ltttl Philf>sdJ1h'!l, History, Rhetoric, Logic q.nd'political Ec'ononi1Jltev1!:. ~/CrBwley. D.'D. Professor.ol MatheJnatics, Chemistry 'dindgeoloflll,dif.higgi'flb, A.-'nl. Proji!SSorof~atfn :and '-Greek Lite'raj'tire, R'Obt V. 'Jooes, 'A.'M. FACULTY OF THEoLoGY;-Profes8or 'of BibliCal InterpretaUon'a'litl the Hebrew Language,,Rev ~. A."Orawley,D."D. ~Pnolessor of Theology an,d,fjcclesiastical History, 'Rev 'J. M.'Cra~p, D. D.. "First Term c.omi!l'~ndes J'l);llUar'y 6, and'ends'june'6. Seconrl Term MmfflencesSeptember-l, and ends i>eoonipe1'20. HORTON,{,OLLEGIATE ACADEM,Y., 'PI'i'tlcipal, 'Rev,''l'honitlS A. -'Riggins, 'A. M.,.!/lssistantantl :rreaclu'l'''uj i French, AlbertJ. Hill, 'A.'Il.Teacher.Jl.Iathematic,sci?Rd-Nitt...philirs'dplty,'lsraeIA. 'B1aiF, A.'M. Mwlron, Mrs Hall. ~.(Jotnmittee 'of Ma'1U1.gement, the T'rustees, Goverriol's. and :Fellowliof : Acaaia College resident in Nova Scotia. '.Ji'irst, 1'e-1'm,begins Janila'Fy,a, and :ends' Ju,ne '6. -'Second Term liegins Augmt 3,andends-DOOilmber<20. ':FEM'AJJE,:J)ePARTlIIENT;"'-Principal, Miss Oli've J. -Enrer.l!On. :Tenc!Mr Matftematic$ amd Nat. PhiZ(j.~&ph.y; 'J. 'A. Blair,,A.'M. Musk, Miss er~ley,,:drawing, Miss A'Dna"F6wler. M.atron,Mrs Allen. issociated alu}intof :ACADIA COLLEGE. President, Theodore H. ~and, A. M. V. P., RevD. M. Wel,hm.,',!.';)!' Sec'tl>'lf.o,hn-Y.,Pay~nt. TMa$, 13rentonH. 'Eaton,,,,,. 'M. Directots, Rjlvl:k W. DeBlois, A. )1. W.N. Wickwire,M. D., 'Stephen -Selden, Roht. V:Jones,A. M.,AndwD. -Barss, M,'D M. BAPTIST CONVENTION OF' NOVA ''SCOTIA, N'EW BRUNs'W10KANI> P.,'E, ISLAND-Pr'.!,t, Rev-(:has-Spurden, p;d. V.,P~4, Rev-E, A. Crawley, D.D. Rev W. S. 1IIc/'{,enzie, Jlon 'Win B. 'Kinnear, Rev C. Rundall, J.tev J. M. C~~IllP, D:-~~, Htm :A. MeL Seely. Rev.David Crandall. 'Sec)s Rev 1sa18h 'WI11!ace,A. M;, for N. S. and Jno F.' Marsters for N. 'R T;t!aB Rev 'r. H:Porter. Directors, Revds~. D. Thomps6n;W. A.Coleman, (~"-ml!trong, A.S.IIunt, A.'M., Henry Angell, 'I. E.BilI, -Tbos,. "-]~ROW'N!BROTHERS ~ CO., Druggists, OrdnancoSquare,Haltfax.

81 GIFT BOOKS AT R. T. MUIR'S. ALMANACK. 10,1 Todd. R.. D. POl)tel', A, M. D.. M. Welton, A. M. W. G. Parker, J. E. Balcom,.G. F. Mlle~! Jas. Parker, G. W. M. Carey, A. M. and Jas. W,,Nuttlllg, Jfo Flsh!l!=, JOB. Sh!l-:W; Jno, :/ting, a. s.. Blinkhorn. ABa a0j:_ Goo DJl.:VlS:. A~ard Long,ley', John H, Harding. A. W. Marsters. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, HALIFAX. Pre~ident, R~v Thos. J. Daly. Protjssors, Rev Ed'" F. Mnrphy. Brother Geojfrey, Brother GraciaD, Brother Mumfrey.. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS AT HALIFAX. CoNVENT OE" THE SACREI} HEAR'J'., G(Lrd6ns.~&t.pe1i()re8lt }Iadame Major 80 Pupils-gO in ~'ree School..' CaRISTU.N, BltOTHERS! 8eHOQL, Barrington St-4! TeMhers;-300 i Boys..... ~: SISTEJlS OF CHAB,lTY' ScHOOL" Barrington, St.-SOO girls. in daily '"'" attendapce... 8T, l'a~ck;'sschool-stster$ of CharitYT"200 Girls Boys School 250 Boys.. Teac1}ers, Messrs O'Connor 4' Pendal;"gast.. FBEE ScHOOL IN NEW MARKET,.!lr!JYle st:-18!} Child):'eil in attenance, Teachers, Messrs.Kelliher & McDonald...' 87. FRANCIS XiAVIEa'S COLLEGE, ANTIGONISH. BO:,"RD OF T'\tusTI'!Es-R~ght Thlv. C. F. McKinnon, D. D., ~rdb!shop of Arlc~ati ex officw PreSIdent of th!l Board and P1ttron of the: College, Revds Ronald McGil~ivra;y, senr, Hugh Gillis, A. McGillivray, Ronald ~ M'CGillivray, jr, and Hugh McMonald. Richard Forristall. ' ;. Director of Studies, Rev Daniel McGregor, D. D. PH. D.... : pp.ofess9rs.-theology, SacredHistory.and Rhet~ric; Rev Dr Me; :g' 'Gregor..M~ntal Philosophy and Superior Greekand_LatinCM~sic~" -, Rev. Dl' Chisholm, Greek Gvammar, &c., Colin Chishoim. Latin 'rg massies, jab Fraser. Natural PJtilosophy, Ohemistry a~d Matlie~ i ~ matics, Rodk M~Donald, English IJept. AleJ!:. McKimion and Miss is Eunice McKinnon. ~' AalCHAT ACADEMY.-Head Mast~r, Angus MctslliRC. P'I'eparatory, ~' Depal.tment. Rernie Benoit.. Primary Department, Angus McDonald. ~ i The two Female Aeadem:iescestaNiBhe~h o,l1<;l in; Arichat and the other at Acadillivill,e. each with its efficient stajf,of Teachers, are un~er. the ~, patr6nage of the BUjhqp ofa.richjl.t, and respectively under, the Superin-!'lit tendance of the. Ve~'y.Rev Dr Cameron and Rev H., Gerroir. ' ~ TRAPPIST OR CISTER(iIAN MONASTERY.-The pre~ent flourishing house 8' ofthe above order established in the District, of Tracadie, in the County ci 0):, A-ntigonish. consists 0[, a PriOl:, Sub-Prim', and abo.ut. 28, b.oth>lrs, ~: lll!'incipally IllLtives. of Belgium..... CONVENT OFTRAPJ.ST NUNS AT TRACADIE.-Supenoress, MadameAnn6 CIl Cole. ~ COLLEGE OE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURQH QF THE LOWER d,'. PB:OVINCES OF BlUTISH NOR'lHI AMERICA...., Theological Department at Halifax.-Professor of Theology ~nd! Ch~t/ch History Rev... P'rofessol' of Exeg~tlcal \ l Thei!l.,ogy, Rev Ja.m.e,s, D. D,.. Professor of Heb/ ew,. and onenta~.. ~ Languag~. ~ev Alex.MgKmg,ht....: : Co!ftTflit(ee of Superilltelldence of TheologJc, a~ Ha 1,1.,, The. Re'V.., the I ' i Professors, with Rev Mes~rs McGregor, Will Murray" J, McL~an, I P,r~cripfiQJl~"Clj.fefu)J.ydi~pen~1i by BBQWN BP;OTJIEJIB,d' Cp..

82 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Granville St. 102 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [ Maxwell, Forrest, and Alex'r Ja~es, J. H. Liddell, J. S. Maclean,.Dr. Forest. Educational Board.-Rev Professors King, Smith, Ross, Lyall, and McKnight, Rev. Messrs McLeod, D. D.. Murdoch, J. Stewa~t, J. Campbell Steele McGregor Bayne, D.D. A. Ross, and Andw McKmlay, Robt. Ro~ans, C: D. Hunte;, Jas H. Liddell, Geo.Buist, and Alex'r James, Halifax; Rod'k McGregor, Antbo.y McLellan, R. P. Gllant, and Howard Primrose Pictou' Adam Dickie, Maitland; Isaac Logan, Sbubenaclldie; J. F. Bla~chard, Truro; Wm Gammell, Bras d'or; Jas Bearisto, Princetown, and Hon Kenneth Henderson, Charlottetown P. E. I., and Hon A. Patterson, Tatamagouche. EDUCATION CoMMITTEE NEW llrunswick.-rev Messrs Bennet (Convener), McKay, Alves, Salmon, and J. G. Stevens. DALHOUSIE COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY, HALIFAX. GOVElINORs.-Hon Chief Justice Young, Hon Jos Howe, Jas F. Avery M.D., Andw McKinlay, Chas Tupper, C.B., MD., Hon John W. Uitchie, S. Leonard Shannon, Rev Geo M. Grant, A.M., Chas Robson. Sec'y and Treas, Jas Thomson. Principal and Professor of Ethics, and Political Economy, Very Rev Jas Ross, D. D., Professor of Metaphysics and Psychology, Rev Wm Lyall, L. L. D. Professor cif Mathematics.and Sec'y to Senate, Rev Chas McDonald, M. A. Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, George Lawson, PH. D., L. L. D. Professor cif Rhetoric and History, Jas. De Mill, A. M. Professor of Classics, John Johnson, M. A. Teacher of Modern Languages, Jas Liechti. Keeper College Buildings, Errol Boyd. Terms.-The Winter Session for 1867-'68 will commence Wednesuay, October 23, 1867, and end Wednesday, April 22, The Summer Session will commence Monday, April 27, 1868, and end Wednesday; June 24,1868. GOREHAM COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL. TRusTEEs.-Hon Freeman Tupper, Geo Payzant, Thos P. Calkin, Treasurer, Hiram Freeman. HALIFAX GRAMMAR SCHOOL. TRUSTEES.-Hon Wm B. Bliss, Henry Pryor, Wm B. Fairbanks, Hugh Harts~or~e, J. Tremain Tw!ni~g, Wm J. Stairs, H. C. D. Twining. Pnnclpal, Rev Canon GIlpin, D.D.;./lssistant, R. J. Wilson. NATIONAL SCHOOL, HALIFAX. TRUSTEEs.-The Lord Bishop of Nova Seotia and the Rector of St. Paul's. Committee, Dr. Cogswell (Chairman), E. Dodson, B. H. Collins, Capt Lyttleton.. ROYAL ACADIAN SCHOOL, HALIFAX. President, Charles Twining. V. P., John Naylor. Treasure,', Jas Thomson. Committee, John Metzler, Robt Noble, J. T. Twining, J. B. Oxley, Jos. Bell. PICTOU ACADEMY, PICTOU. Board cif Trustees, Rodk McKenzie (chairman) Daniel Dickson (Sec'y), Jas Crichton (,freas.), Wm Gordon, James I;es, John Crerar, Ada!ll Gord~n, Alex Fraser M. R., Jas Fraser N. 0., Peter Ross W. H. DaVIes, DaVId Matheson.., BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifl\x,

83 Church Services and Prayer Books at R. T. MUIR'S J ALMANACK. 103 Teacher of Olassical and Mathematical Department, Herbert Bayne. Teacher English Department, Wm Jack. MOUNT ALLISON WESLEY AN COLLEGE, SACKVILLE, N. B. Board of Trustees, Hev Jno McMurray, Rev H. Pickard, D. D., Rev Chas DeWolf, D. D., Rev J. Snowball, Rev. J. R. Narraway, A. M.,-Rev. C~as Stewart, John Starr, Mariner Wood, Henry B. Allison, Bartlett I LlDgley, Hon A. R. Mc(Jlelan, Rev J. Snowball, Ricb'd Heartz, Jas Dixon. c.i, Oollege Board, Rev H. Pickurd, D. D. (President), D. Allison, A.M. '3 (Sec'y), Rev C. DeWolf, D. D., Rev J. McMurray, Rev 111. Richey, D. D., "'~ Rev J. R. Narraway, A.l\1, Rev J. Snowball, Rev C. Stewart, Hev R. A.. oj Temple, Mariner Wood, H. B. Allison, Stephen Fulton, B. Lingley,Jno 1 Stwr, Hon c. Young, LL.D., Hon A. R. McClelun, Thos Picbrd, A. M.,,~ Jas R. Incb, A. B. President and Professor of Mental and :Moral Philosophy and Logic, Rev H. Pickard, D. D. pj'ofess07' Of Theology and Hebrew, Rev Chas DeWolf, D. D. Professor of Mathematic.,.!lstronomy, and Natural Science, Thos Pickard, A. M. Professor of Latin, Greek and, Literature, Duvid Allison, A. M. Professor of Rhetoric, French, and German, James R. Inch, A. B. MOUNT ALLISON ACADEMY. Executive Oommittee, Mariner Wood (Chairman), Rev ehas Stewart (Seo'y), Rev H. Pickard, D.D., Rev Chas DeWolf, D.D., Rev J. Snowball, Henry B. Allison. Principal, Rev H. Pickard, D. D. Teacher flf Mathematics, ~c., Professor Thomas Pickurd. Teacher Of Latin and Greek, Professor DQ.vid Allison. Teacher if French, Professor J. R. Inoh. Teacher Primary Depal tmenl, Alfred D. Smith. Intermediate Dept., JnoW. Webb. Music, Lyman F. Brown. Steward, John Towse. FEMALE BRANCH.- Vice-Principal and Teacher Of Languages, JaB R. Inch, A. B Ohief Preceptress and Teacher of Bella Leitres, g-c., Miss Jennie M. Burr. Teacher of Mathema,tics, Oalisthenics, ~c., :l-liss Mury E. Pickard, M. L. A. Teacher Primary Dept, and.!lsst. Teacher Music, Miss Clara Fowler..flsst. Teachers Primary Dept., Miss Harriet Smith, Miss C. Maria Treadwell. Teache1'of Oil Painting, Orayoning, ~c., Miss Annie Fowler. Teacher of Music, Professor L. F. Brown. Matron, Mrs J. R. Inch. ALUMNI SOCIETY MOUNT ALLISON COLLEGE AND AOADEMY.-Prest., Hon A. R. McClelan. V. P's, T. C. Crane, lli.d" A. A. Stockton, A.B., RevH. Sprague, A.M. Sec. and Treas., Duvid Allison, A. M. YARMOUTH SEMINARy.-Got'ernors, Jas Murray, jr. (Prest.), G. J. Farish, M. D. (Sec'y), Thos Killam, Geo S. Brown, Nathan Moses, Jno W. Lovitt, Dennis Horton, Jno Young, Bowman Corning,Jno K. Hyerson Geo Killam, N. K. Clements. Scho)l Committe~, Thos Killam, W. H. Townsend, W. H. Moody, Nathan Moses (Ohairman), Geo Killam, N. K. Clements, T. M. Lewis, Chus E. Brown, L. E. Baker, Benjm Killam, jr., Jon Horton, J. W. Moody. Treas., N. K. Clements. Sec'y, J. A. Durkee. Principal, J. A. McLellan, A. M. Teacher Mode;n Languages, W. O. Falconbridge, B. A. Preceptress Fema?e Dept., l'ihss A. Robinson. Painting and Drawing, Miss L. D. DaVIes. Teacher Grammar Depf, A. Sinclair..!lutumn term commences Sept. 10, ends Dec. 18; Winter term commences Jan. 2, ends April 10; Summer term commences April 17, ends July 22. ANN,APOLIS Co. ACADEMY.-Head Master, Alex Ross, B.A. BROWN BBOTHJi;RS & Co., Importers of Fresh Medicinal Herba. Ul~ III ~ o o.s

84 u. T: lliuiu, Boo!i.seIloll,:md, Stationer, 125 G~$n:rilJed!;t. 104 BELCHER'S: FARMER'S DrOBY Co. ACAD'EMY.~HeadMaster, D. W. Eldel". " SHELBURNE Co. ACADEMY.--Head Master;~' WainwrIght, B, A,. QUEEN'S Co. ACADE)IY.~Head Master, N. Smith. LUNENBURGH Co. ACADEMY.-Head.Master, F. W. G'eorge, ~I. A. OUMBERLAND Co. ACADEMY.-Head.M,aster, J. T. Mellish. GinSBOROUGH Co. ACADE'!IlY.~Head 'Master, Thos McLean., B. A. VleT'lRIA Co. ACADEM.Y.~Head Master-, J. J., Cameron, B'A. CAPE' HRETON Co. ACADEMY.~Head Master; H. C. Creed, B. A. RICHMOND Co. ACADEMY.~Head Master, Ang~s'McIsaa.C). OLERGY OF; THE UNITED CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND, IRE. LAND, IN NOVA SCOTIA. The Right Rev. Hibbert Binney, D. D., Lord Bishop: of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The Ven. Canon McCawley, D. D., Archdeacon of Nova. Scotia. The Ven. J. H. Read, D. D., Archdeacon of Prince Edward Isla.nd., Efalifax, St. Panl's, Rev Geo W;Hill; A. M., Rev W. B. Armstl'ong~ i I A. B.; St. George's, Rev RobtFitzgerald Uniacke, A.M." Rev Foster, H. AI;; g mon, A.B., Rev Jas B. Uniacke, A.B.; St. Luke's, Very RevWm Bullock, ;3 D. D Dean of Halifax, Rev John Abbott; Trinity Church, Rev Canon..., Cochran, A. M.; Garrison Chaplain" RevJ. C. Ed,gbiIl, A.M.; Rev Canon ~, Gilpin, D.D.,,Rev'Geo W. Morris, A,.M..!J,nnapolis, I:\.evJas,J,. Ritchie, ~, A,M."Re:v W. S: Gray, A.B;.!lylesford;,Rev Ricliard,Avery".!lmher:d. : Rev Geo Townshend,A.M..!llbion Mines, I:\.ev L.}t. Wilkin;&, A.B'.!lnt,~,.. gonisk, Rey Wm Thos Morris, A. M., Rev Lewis,M. W. Hill" A. B, ~.ti.'l'ichat, Rev R. F. Btine, A. B,. Bridgewater, Rev WIn H. Bullock) e- A. B. Barrington, Rev: Abraham Jordan.. Bridgetow,n,. Rev Henry: A P. Almon,. A.M. Blandford, Rev RjchardPayne, A. B. Beaver Hal" Ii b,our, Itev Edw, Ansell, A. B; Cornll~anis., and Horton" Rev, Jno Storrs, i A.B, Clement-'port, Rev Wm' M. Godfrey', A. B. Chestpr, Rev Chas J. 'c Shreve"A, B. Dartmouth, Rev W. F. Pryor, A.B., Re --Richa,rd$on, ID A.B. Digby, Rev Harry L. Yewens. Digby Neck, Rev C. Croll~her. ""e A.M. Falkla!ld, Rev J-a/Iles,Breading. Granville, Rev Henry neblois.i ~..1,. nl.,.rev a. M. Burrows, Rev. A. Smith. GJaee Bay, Rey, Alfred t: Brown, A.B, Guysboro', Rev: W. E. Gelling. Hubbard's COW!, Rev H. II; Stamer. Kentville, Rev J. O. Ruggles, A.~(. Liverpool, Hev Eall'! E. R Nichols" A. 1\1. Lunenourgh, Rev Henry L. Owen, A. B., Rev G. W. Hod~sqn" A. B. Maitland, ~ev J.A,. Richey. Ma.inadieu, Rev W. H. Jamieson, A. B. Mel(01'd, Rev E. H. Bali. Mahone Bay, Rev W. H. Snyder, A.M li'ianchester: R.e:vH. H. Hamilton,A.B.. Nelliport,RevT. Blackman, LL.D. New Dublin" Rev. Henry M. Spike, A.B. New Ross, Rev, D. C. Moore, Rev W. Shannon..New. Germ.any,Rev, Philip Brow.n, A. B. Pa.1 rsbol o', Eev, Wm B. King, A, ~I., Pictou" I:\.ev A. C. F. Wood, A. B. Pug,wash, Rev W. G. JarViS\A.}fo. Port.7Itedway. Rev H.. Genever, R(J;wdon, Rev C. Bowman, A.~I. River John),Rev 1.. A. Kl!;lllback,. ~.B. SMp Harbour, Rev. Robt J arnieson. Stewiacke, Rev R?bt HlUre, A.B. S~. Margaret's Bay, Rev Jno AmbJ:o~e, A.Mt Saekv~llei Rev, J. S. Snl,lth, A. B. Sydne,y, Mines, ReN' W. l\iee& Sy4ne. C. B., Rev Richar~ J. '!nia<::ke, D.D. Shelburne, Rev Thomas H. White, D.D., Rev H. "'alllwright, A.B. St. Mary'S, iuver"rey.j.,\lexander. Truro,. Rev, J 08 Forsythe, Rev II ugh, WillialUs;, A.lIL Tan!f!er, Rev A. D. Ja~leson, A.B. Tusket, Rev J. P; Sargent, A.B.. 7ltrn~s, Bay, Rev W. J.Anclent.. Three. Fathom;, Iiarbou.r, Rev O. lh. GriIldpn, BROWN BROTHEltS &. CO., Druggists, OrdnllJloe., Halifax.

85 '-Portmollalcs,'rUtl!es, JeWelry, &o.,-at 'R. ''1'. HUlIt'S ] ALMANAC'K. 105 A;B. 'Walton, 'Rev J. C. Cox, A. D. fvinrl'sor, Yen Archdea-con M'C Cawley, D.D.,.Rev Canon Hensley, '1;. D. : Rev ThosMnyn-al'd, 'A.t.!.; Rev W.,T.Boone.'We;yllwuth, Rev Philip FiUuel,A;B. Wilmot,'ReY Jas Robertson, LIf.D. 'Yanlloll,th"Rev Jno T. T. :Mootly,,A.'M., Rev,J.,Roy Campbell. 'J)RI~CEEriWARD lsland.~charlottetown,,rev D. B. ipal1nther, Rev D.,Fitzgerald, ~Rev L. C. Jenkins, D.'C. L. CherryValiey,,R1iv W. Stewart, A. B. Cascumpeque, Rev H. Dyer. Port,Hill, 'Rev 'H. 'n. Swa:bey, A. B. -GeoT'gewwn, Rev Th-ecrphilus,Richey. Crapeau, Rev Hllnl'y Sterml, A.B. 'St. Eleanor's, Rev,J. W. Forsythe. DIOCESAN CHURCH-SOCIETY OF NOVA Se01llA. PATRONS.. His Excellency Sir F. W. Williams,,Bt. K. C.,n. :The'Sooiety.for the PrQ}J!).gationofthe Gospel in Foreign!Patts. The Socie~y for Promoting Christian Knowleqge. President, the Lord,Bisliop, 'ex-officio. Vice-P'I'tsts, The ;Very Be". the:~n"'8x-oui6io; th'e Ven Al'chdeauonMcOawle>y, D.D., 'ex-iofficio, Hon ~L.B.AlmonTJno;S.,Morl1j8, HonW. B.BJiss;D.c,L. A.-M.:Uniacke;'D.c.L., Ne~ean Clarke. Sec'y, Rev Canon Gilpin, D. D..!I!ssistant Bec'y, B. G.,Gray. JI'reasrurer, --_. ~ E-ltcvutive C01/limit/ce,.rall Clergymen licensed by the Bishop of the'digcese, E. 'D..'M~YE.elJ, Wm C. Silver, -T. B. Akins, DCC,L.,' Com Gen,'l'am,Zohn W. li)larvin,'samuel P. f.fairbalike, 'Wm M.Brown,E. M. Hanington,. Edw 'illinney, Wm Gossip, T. A. Brown, Chas Cogswell, M.D.,Jas R. Smith, Geo Smithers,Jas HThorne, -Wm Ha-re,Thos:Boggs, ij_mb. Young,:saml,A.,Whlte,Jno T. Wylde,J.Albro.Lije..Me:mfHJ1:s, :Sir W. if. WillialB's,!Bt., :K. C.iB., -The Lord Bishop, Hon E. Collins, Rev Canon Gilpin, D.D., Jas C. Farish, Lt Col E.' K. S. 'Butler, -:E.ewis 'Bliss, Hemy -Pryor, Han 'M. n. Almon, Hon W. n."bliss, :Edw Binney,Re'V E. W. Milner, 'W:mcOuuard,rRev:E. E.,B. Nichols, A:M., J. cb. :Snow, WmiHilre, 'Rev-iC.,Elliott. P.,W':rhe l1j.nnualmeeting of :the :Sooiety,is' MId oat;llollfax,:at such time'.as the.committee!shall appoint. '/l'he' Cammittee'meet on cthe 3t.d.:Fti\lsy- in 'eooh month, with'the,exeeption of,the'niollthsof- July, August:and,Septemb'er. 'Cm1ROH 'Jil!.-'DOWMENT 'FUNl)J~11on. M. B.<Almon;(Bh:airma'W), A. M. UniaelreJ V. :.c. ),E<iw Binn.ey,,Horn W.B.. BlIss,-:A. 'M. \Coohmn 1. Wm C.;Silver, J. in. :Snow,JJ'-:W.:K.:RoWley,:Hugh :Hartshome, :C.:B. J3oli' umn, WmJIare. THE HALIFAXBRAS'CH OF THECOnONIAL.AND,CONTI NENTALCHURCHSOCIETY. ;PATBON.-Her Most Gracious Majesty the Qu~n. VreE-'P AlTB;(}NS;-His' Gtace the 'Amhmsbopof-Canterbury, i ~ His Grace the Archbishop of York., Committl!e!' the. Right Rev' the Lord 'Bishop6f'No~a 'S<lo~ia (~o:fficio I 'Pdt ran 'artdcha~rman), Rev Geo w. -mn, R~ R. F. Umacke, Rev F., Pryor, Hon M. n. Almon, -Brenton H.Collins, T. A. Brown! H?n P.'C., Hill"Peter Lynch, Wm Pryor, W. Lyttleton, Hon Jno W.Rttchle,S~ A. White (Treas), J. C. Halliburton. 'Life Members~'Wm qumtrd,chas Cogswell. M. D., Miss CogRwell,Edw 'Binney, J.G. A. Crerghtdn, Hon Enos Collins, Thos.l\.:Brown,Capt Webber'Smith, Wm Hare, Hon Jno W. Ritchie,J. C. Allison, HonBenjm iwier. 'BROWN :BaOTH\IlB8~~' Co..-.Gold:Leafj Dry Paints 'and Varnishes.

86 R. '1'. MUIR, Bookseller Ilnd Stationer, 125 Granvllle Street. 106 BELCHE~'S FARMER'S [1868. MINISTERS OF THE SYNOD OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH OF SCOTLAND IN NOVA SCOTIA AND P. E. I:;;LA~D. Moderator Rev Robt McCunn, A.~l. Clerk, Rev Alex McWilliam, A.M. Treasurers, Wm Gordon, Pictou; J. J. Bremner, Halifax.' PRESBYTERY OF HALIFAX.-Halifax, Rev Geo M. Grant, A.M., Rev Chas M. Grant, B. D. Truro, Rev D. M. Gordon, B. D. Musquodoboit, Rev Jno McMillan, B D. St. John's, No F. L., Rev D. McRea. Rev Chas McDonald, A.M. Olerk, PRESBYTERY OF PWTou.-Pictou, Rev A. W. Herdman, A. M. New Glasgow, Rev Allan Pollock. Gai1loch and Salt Springs, Rev Alex McKay, A. M. Wallace and Pugwash, Rev J as Anderson. W. and E. Branches East River, Rev Simon MacGregor, A. M. Earl Town and W. Branch River John, Rev W. McMillan. Wallace River and Folly Mountain, Rev Daniel McCurdy. Rogers Htll and Oape John, Rev John Goodwill. Broad Oove, O. B., Rev John Gunn. McLennan '8 MOltntain, Rev W m Stewart. Rive? John, Rev R. McCunn, A.M., (Moderator)..I1lbion Mines, Rev W. M. Philip. Barney's River and Lochaber, Rev Jas McDonald, A. M. Missionaries, Rev Neil Brodie, Rev Jas W. Fraser, A. M. Rev Wm McMillan. Without Oharge, Rev Jas Christie. Olerk, PRESBYTERY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND.-Ohar[ottetown, Rev Thos Duncan (Moderator). Belfast, Rev Alex McLean. Georgetown, Rev Alex McWilliam, A. M. St. Pete1"s and Brackley Point Roads I Rev Geo W. Stewart. Lean. M~s8ionary, Rev Jas McColl. Olerk, Rev A. Mc Minister without Oharge, Rev Professor C. MacDonald, A. M. The Synod meet this year at Pictou, on the last Tuesday of June. CLERGY OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. DIOCESE OF HALIFAX.-His Grace the Most Reverend TJ\:OMAS L. CON NOLLY, Archbishop of Halifax. Vicar General, Very Rev. M. Hannan, D.D. Halifax, Rev Patk Power, Rev Alex McIsaac, Rev Thos J. Daly (Sec'y to the Archbishop), Rev Thos W. Allen, Rev Edw F. Murphy, Very Rev Canon Shepherd, Chaplain to the Forces. Ohezetcook, Rev P. L. Madden. Dart1nouth, Rev. Jno. B. Woods. Prospect, Rev W. J. Smith. Herring Oove, Rev JRO Carmody. Kentville, Rev P. M. Holden. Eastern Harbours, Rev J. Maas. Olare, Rev Jas Daly, Rev Thos.Butler. Yarmouth, Rev MichlA. O'Brien. Pubnico, RevWm McLeod. Shubenacadie, Rev 1 eter Danaher. Metagltan, Rev.F. Blanchette.. Tusket, Rev J. M. Gay. Liverpool, Rev E. Kennedy..I1mherst and Parrsboro', Rev Thos A. Maher. Lunenbu?'gh, Rev J.R. Lovejoy. Windsor. Rev Philip Walsh. Minudie, Rev. Daniel C. O'Connor..I1nnapolis, ~ev Jas Bresnan..I1rgyle, Rev Jno Quinan. Bermuda, Rev JaB Hamilton, Chaplain to the Forces and Rev Wm J. Donohoe. ' SOOlETY OF ST.,VINCENT OF PAUL.-Spiritual Director, Very Rev M. Hannan, D.D. Prest., John Barron. Vice-Prests., Peter Grant and Wm Compton. Sec'y, Edw. K-elly..I1sst. Sec'y, Francis O'Connor. Trea$., Thos. Durney.. DIOCESE OF ARICHAT--Right Rev. Colin Francis McKimion D.D., Lord Bishop of Arichat, residing at Antigonish. ' ~OV,A SCOTIA PROPER.-.I1ntigonish, St. Ninian's, Rev. Hugh Gillis..I1nsatg, St. Margaret's, Rev W. B. McLeod. Georgeville, St. George's, BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Squ~re, Haljf~x.

87 Room Paper at 4d. a Holl and upwards at R. T. MUIR'B ] ALMANACK. 107 Rev. Andw. McGillivray. Pictou. St. Patrick's, Rev. Ronald McDonald, Rev!~) V. Macdonnell..St. Andrew's, St. Andrew's, Rev. Rono,ld!dcGIlhvray, senr. WestRtver, Ohio, St. Bean's, Rev Ron McGillivray, Jr. Pomquette, HolyCross. Rev Wm Chisholm. Tracadie, St. Peter's, Rev Chas P. Martell. Eavre au Bouch. St. Paul's, Rev Peter Fiset. Por~ Mulgrav~, St. Law!ence, Rev. Thos. Sears. Guysborough, St. ann s, Rev. Michl. Tomkills. Blerk. Tor Bay, St. Joseph's, Rev. Felix Von CAPEBREToN.-Arichat, St. Mary's, Rev Jno Cameron, D.D.,V.G. Acadia'iJille, St. Hubert's, Rev Hubert Gerroir, D' Escousse, St. Hyacinth, Rev Hubert Deslauriers. Port Hood and Mabou, St. Mary's, Rev K. J. McDonald. Judique, St. Andrew's, Rev Allan McLean. Broad Cove, S~. Margaret's, Rev Margarie, St. MarglLret's, Rev Jno Chisholm. Cheticamp, St. Appolinaris, Rev Arch McKenzie. Creignish, St. Margaret's, Rev. Arch. McKenzie. North Sydney, St. Paul's, Very Rev. Jno. Laughlin. Cape North, St. Lawrence's, ReT. Wm Le Blanc. Sydney, St.Patrick's, Rev. Jas. Quinan. Main-a-Dieu, St. Mary's, Rev. Jno. Quinan. East Bay, St. Andrew's, Rev. Neil McLeod. Red Islands, St. Margaret's, Rev Jno McDougall. Boisdale, St. James', Rev Alex McSween. Grand Narrows, St. Barra's, Rev. Don. McIsaac. L' Ardoise, Holy Guardian Angels, Rev Julien Courteau. Chisholm. Glace Bay, Rev Jno Shaw. Little Bras d'or, Rev. Jos. INDIAN MrssIONs.-On the Bras d'or LlLke, C. B.-Chapel Island, St. Ann's, attended by Rev. J. Courteau. Escasoni, St. Ann's, attended by Rev. Neil McLeod. In Nova Scotia proper-indian Island, Merrigomish, St. Ann's, attended by the Rev. Ronald McDonald. Pomquette, St. Ann's, attended by Rev. Wm. Chisholm. WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONARIES. President of the Conference oj Eastern British North America, Rev Matthew Richey, D.D. Co-Delegate, Rev Ingham Su~cliffe. Sec'y, Rev R. Alder Temple. HALIFAX DISTRICT.-Halifax, Rev Geo S. Milligan, Rev Alfred W. Turner Rev Jno McMurray (Book-Steward), Rev Edm. Botterell, Rev Henry' Pope. Dartmouth, Rev Jabez Rogers, Rev Thos Angwin. Musquodobod Harbour, Rev Alfred E.LePage. Middle Musquodoboit, Rev Leonard Gaetz., Windsor, Rev Elias Brettle, Rev Fred Smallwood. Falmouth, Rev Chas B. Pitblado. Newport, Rev Jas Taylor (Fin. Stc'y). Ji'vondale, Rev. H. McKeown. Kempf, Rev Jno A. Mosher. lrlaitland, Rev D. B. Scott. Bermuda, Rev R. Alder Temple, Rev Wm Ryan, Rev Jotham McC. Fulton, A.B. Shubenacadi~, Rev Jos Gaetz. Horton Rev Christ. Lockhart, Hev H. P. Cowperthwa.lte, A.B. ST.. J~HN, N. B. DISTRlCT.-St. John, Rev Jas England (Chairman), Rev Chas Stewart (Fin. Sec'y), Wm H. Heartz, Rev Jas R. Narraway, A.M. Rev Wm W. Perkins, Rev Wm Temple, Rev Jno B. Strong, Rev Midhl Pickles Rev Wm T. Cardy. Fairville, Rev Jos G. Angwin. St. Andrew's, Rev Robt Wilson. St. Stephen's, Rev Alex B. Black. Milltown, Rev Howard Sprague, A.M. St. L!avid's, Rev. Jno L. Sponagle. Sussex Vale, Rev. G. B. Payson. Ktngston, Rev Jno J. C~lter. Upham, Rev Douglas Chapman. Grand Lake, Rev Geo Harrison. Havelock, Rev Isaac N. Parker. Greenwich, Rev Jno S, Allen, Rev Jos Sutcliffe. Sponges, Brushes, Combs and Perfumery, at B~OWN Blt0TIJE~ & Co,

88 R. T. MUIR, Bookl!eUe).' Ilnd!!tatloner, 125 GrlUlville. St~eet. 1.oS BELCHE~'S ll'armer's [1:868. TRURO DISTRICT.-Xruro, :Sey Roland Mortpn. River Philip, Rev Wtn Wilson. Wallace, andpugwash, Rev Geo Johnson (Chairmar;), Rev Ch8~ H'. Paisley, A.M. Ril'er John, Rev Geo W. Tuttle. 41hwn Mines, Rev Jer V. J.ost(Ffn Sec'y). Guysboro!l,{Jh,and Canso,l\ev Ja8 Burns, Rev W. W. Lodge, Rev Jas. Buckley. Mancheste.r,.Itev Jno G, I>i. Bigney. Sydney, O. B:, Rev Paul P:restwood. Ship H,iL:r-bAur" ~v ~. Elias Slackford. Blockho.use Mines, Rev Isaa.c E. Thurlow. G'abaru~, Rev Jno W. H'owie. u:r "I PRINOE EDWARD ISLANDmISTRICT.-Charlotte,Town,Rev Henr~ F'ope l:l (Chairman),. Cornwall:RevJno Pownal,Rev F: W. ~ Mopre (Fina.n Sec'y), Rev. Richard.Iohnson, M.D. BedeJjue,.Re'J RlChd t Weddall. Margate, Rev Wesley Colpitts. Murray, Harbour, Rllv Will 15 W. Percival. Summerside, Rev Albert S. DeibrJsay. West CIl1;le,ReY ~ Chas W. Dockrill. FRED);lRICTO,N DISTRICTr-Fr.edericton, Rev J ohll Lathern{Chnir,1n411c),. Sheffield,. Rev, Job Shenton. Kinfl.sclear, Rllv John. A. Cllllrkll;,A",Mf Jacksonville, Rev Fred W. Hl1l'rison. Florenceville, Rev Ja~R. Ha.rt~ J1 ndo.ver, Rev J no Johnson. Nashwaak., Rev B. Martin. Gag~. town"rev Jno Cassidy.iI1ir:amichi, Re.v.Edwin Evans,.Rev 4. D, Morton, A,B. Woodstock, Rev Alex W.NicoJ,son (Finan. Sec'y), Rev, WIll: H. ]3urns. ljathunt, Rev, Wm Alcorn. LlalhOUisie, Rev RoPt H. 'I;"ylol'l. SA!J:&VILLE' DIsT:RwT.-Saclcville;.Rev. H. Picka r.d. D. D., Rev, Chas,DIl'o wolf, D. D., Rev Cranwick Jost, A. N., Rev Saml W. Sprague, Rev J. Snowhall,. Point d.e.' Bute, Rev Rabt, Duncan (Finane Sec'y). Bay Ver.te;, Rev Alex;,S. Tuttle, Moncton and Coverdale; Rev WmMcCarty; Hopewell. Rev Jas. Tweedy. Richih1lCtO, Rev Wm Tweedy..f1mh;usti Rev InghamSu,tclifi'e ( Chairman), Rev R. Barry Mack. Parrsb(jr:o'; Rev Robt Tweedy, Rev Robt O. B. Johnson. Dorohester" Rev Wm C. BrowD.. Hillsborough, Rev Stephen Humphrey, A.B. Salisbury and Elgin, Rev Jas B. Hemmeon..f1-d voc ate Harbour ; R~v David W. LeLacheur. ANNAPOIJIS DISTRIOT', Rev Jos, Hart, Rev Thos.Rogers. B1'idgetown., Rev Juo S. Addy (Chairm(J; )', Rev, Geo Mlller, Rev' Ph'08 H. Davies. Wilmot, Rev Geo M. Barratt, Rev Jos F. E'ent,..!lylesford, Rev R. E. Crane. Cornwallis, Rev,Richu:Smith, Rev Jna Read. Hillsb'u,rgh" Rev Jos S. oflin. Digby, Rev Stephen F. Huestis \ Flinan SU'y),.Rev Ezr:J;B. Morse. Digby Neck, Rev Thos,J, Deinstadt. L~VERPOOL D1S:aWT.-Liverpool;!'tev Duncan ~J:) Currie (F:ina:n Sec y), Caled?ma, Rev Chas W. T. Dutcher. Yarmout/t, Re.v J'ag R H. enmgar (Chatrn,wn), Rev Henry Daniel. Barrinpton,Rev Wm Sar.- \ gent, Rev Thos SmIth. Shelbu.rne, Rev T. Watson Snuth. Pm t Mouton, Rev Robt Wasson. Mill Village, Rev F. H. W. Pickles. Petite.Riviere, Rev Jno J. Teasdal:..N. E; Harbour,Rev Thes D. Hart.. Lv.nenburfl/i" Rev Geo O. Huestis; New Germany, Rev Benjm J. Johnston. NEWl10UNDLAND DISTRICT.-SL Johns, Rev Jno Erince, Rev.ChattCIlIB. ben, Rev Saml, Ackmll.n. Harbo,!r (J.TfJJ.ct, Rev, Jno S. Phinney. Ca~. boneat', Rev John S. (C'hatrman),Jtev.Thos Allen. Btig14S,Rev Wm E. Shenstolle. 1!lackhead, Rev Jno Waterhouae. lfi14nd, 6:0!l1", Re,: Thoa. ~ox. Pe:l~can, Rev: J a$. A. Duke. Bonavista, Rev,.Ias.Do.H (!!tn. Sec y). Twilhngate, Rev Jno Gpodison; Bur-i.n, Rev Thos Harris. Gr-and: Bank, I1,ev Stl'lphell T. 'reed. Petites, Rev. JOB. Pascoe. Chu-nnel and Greenspond" Rev Isaac Hpwie. Ea;ploits, Rev Henryc' L. Crauford. Fogo, Rev Cbas Forsey. Hants Harbour, Rev.Jno M, Pike. BEWWN BROTHERS & CQ,. Drugii,sti Orqnall(lft, Square, Il~x....

89 Ledgef8 JourJl~18, Day and 0&81:\ BooKS, at, R. T. MUllt'S ALMANACK. j Q~f(ll:il!a, Rev, Chas Ladner. L.abrador. Rev, 1'hOB Allen. 109 Grave, Rev jno Reay. ***. 'l'iie,dl\liles in itlllics. nfec.up. 'n.u~r",rle!. ilf'the Conference will be h,eld~tllis'yellir I:,t Fredllricton, N. B., on the fo.urth Wednesday in June. ', WES!,EYAN MISiUONARY CO\lt~IITTEE.-T)ie, President and Co-I!el\lgate of C?nfer,ence, Il,nd, Chirmen: of distri~s,!l,lld Rev R. Alder Templ~ (Sec Y,),Itev ChaS,.Stewllrt, Geo H. Starr CXl'easurer')"Itllv C. Lockhart, Rev G.~. Barrlltt, Hon.J. If. Anderson,Richard Slllith, Geo P. Sanoton, S. R;ethe, II.. Brecken" Hon, Chas You,ng, LL. II, Hon Judg:e. Wilmot, Marm\lr Wood, W. K. Dudml1n, A. Henders.op"Zl1c.Q.lIeriah Chip.mall., J. J. Rog~rB,Qlh If.on. E. W4ite,. Thos. S. Tuzo, S. Leonard Sba'n llon. JOR PrjQhard.. ".' H' " ~ MINISTERS OF THE ASSOCIATED BAPTIST CHURGHES. Antigonish, Rev. M'. A. Bigelow. Amhdst, Rev. Geo F. MUes, Aylesjord, Rev. Chas., Tupper, D. D.,. Rev. A. Stronach, Rev. Obed Parker, Rev J. E. Read..Ilrgyle,. Rev W. 1;<. Parker. Beaver River, ~v A. Cog~well. Bridg~water, Rev S, March" ljrookfield, Eev D. 0, Parker. ljedeque" P; E. L, Rev M: P; Freeman. Baddec/c,.C.B-., Rev W. McPhee. Bass!liver, Rev Jas Reid. B1idf1#own,Rev 11~0 Arm. strong,a.m. Barnngton,Rev, W. If: Richan. (Jorn.wf1<Uis, Rev David Freewan,A.-M., Rev A. S. Hunt, A.M."RevJas Parker. Charlottetown, P. E. I:, Rllv. John Davis. Chester, Rev: I. J: Skinner, A.B. Clementsport, Rev G; D. Cox. C,anso, Rev D.A:Steehi. Chut.e's Cove, Rev. II.. F. Murray. IJeeljield, yczrmouth, Rey J, A" Stubbert. Digby Neck, Rev J. G; ~forse. EastPoint, P. E. I;, Rev Jno Shaw. economy, Rev S. Thompeon. Falmputh, ~ev D. G.,Sh,l.:\v. Gaspereaux, Rev E, O. Rood. Great Village, Rev.1'. E. BalcQm. Gran-, vtlte, Rev Isaiah Wallace, A.M. Guysborough, Rev JOB Mu;rrn,y. Bali" fax, Rev E. M. Saunders, Rev John Pryor, D. D., Rev' A. F'; Porter. Rev. Jno E. Goucher. Hantsport,. Re,v S. T; Rl1nd, liillsburg/l, Rev A. Martell. H~bron, Rev W: G. Gaueher. Kempt, Hants' Co, Rev 13. Vaug\lall. Liverpool" Rev A:.H. Munro. Lon[/, Rev J. A, Muore., Long Point, Rev D. Pineo: Lunenburg", Rev Aug Shields.!;.oclce's 1s". land;' Rev R D. Porter. Little River. Rev Wm George. Margarie, C. B., Rev J. F. Kempton, Rev. II.. McDonald. Maccan, Rev D. McKeen. New Germany,.Rev W; E: Hall, Rev 13. Tll(YlQr', Eev T. C. Delong. New- 1Iort, Rev J. Bancroft, Rev Goo Weathel's. New Minas"Rev S. B. k,e,lupton.,j'fic.lau;x" Rev, R..B. MQrton,. Nort/l River, e. E. I., :&v, lil. N, Archibald. Ohio, YarmOilth, Eev,J. H, Sll<und~rs. Orn;low, Rev Be,njm Scott., Pugwash, Rll-V T. A.. Blackadar. Parker's.Cove, Rev H. 4.chilles. PO,rt '. edw,ay, Rev.:l:. F. Tooll;er. Pictou, Itllv, JnoMille~. p: Rawdon, Rev J. Stevens. St.l)1f1<ry's" Rev If Eag~es. St..l)1ary's< Bay, Rev L. B. Gates. Sydney, C. B., Rev Geo Richardson, Rev Wm ~ 13. Boggs. North Sydney., Rev Hugb, Ross, Rev T. H. Porter, jr. ~able Rivf,r" Rev J. McKenne, Shelburne, Re,v A. W. Baras" StewWck,e, ~v A. Chipm~l1, Rev O~ed Qhllte. A. ~!. Sackville, Rev R. :(t.,.philp; Tr:uro; IW,vD. W. C. Dlmopk. 1'~ket,Rev M. ]S',orIJ:!,Onq!LY (bgg.,r, E. J,l, Rev'Sa~l Mol;eod. Wey,mputh, ~v C. Ra;nd~lli Wilmot.,RE\v N. Vidit,o, IteY T.JI. Porter, Rev W. H. Pm'ter. Win,d:sp'1', Rev, D. U. Welton" A. M. Westpoct, Rev S. Richardl!on. WolfVille, Rev.:1:. M. Cramp, D.D., Rev E. A. Crawley, D.D., Eey, S; w.., D~lo18" 4 )\1,,R~v T"os', Phmgrll,phic Chemicals. Cards,lI.lld' Cases-BRow~ BROTBEl\8' & Co.

90 .11. '1'. MUlR, Book8<iller and Sbtl~n~r, 12.'; Granville st. 110 BELCHER'S. FARMER'S [1868. '.A. Higgins; A..M., Rev John Chase. West Rtver P. E. 1., Rev Malcom Ross..Y(trmouth, Rev H. Angell.. NOVA SOOTIA BAPTIST HOME MISSIONARY SOOIETy.-Prestdent, Jas W. Nutting. Vice-Prests, J. W. Barss and Jno. King. Treasurer, D. MeN. Parker, M.D. Sec'y, R. N. Beckwith..i1.uditor, Geo. Robins. Board of Managers-Revds. J. E. Balcom, J. M. Cramp, D.D., D. W. C. Dimock,S. W. DeBlois, A. M., David Freeman, A. M., J. E. Goucher, A. S. Hunt, A.M.. G. F. Miles, E. M. Saunders, Jas Parker, D. M. Welton, A. M., A. F. Porter, I. J. Skinner, R. R. Philp, and S. Selden, Fras Webber, H. N. Paint, H. R. Cunningham, Alex Robinson, D. Thomp Bon, J. Steele, Louis Estano, E. G. W. Greenwood, T. H. Rand. BOARD OF FOREIGN' MISSIONB.-Rev. Geo. Armstrong, A. M. (Chairman), Rev Chas Tupper, D.D. (Sec'y), Rev W. G. Parker, Rev I. E. Bill, Rev W. H. Porter, Rev Abraham Stronach, Rev G. W. M. Carey, Rev Nat Vidito, Rev J. L. Read, Rev JasAParker, Rev I. Wallace, A.M., and S. Wheelock, Ambrose Dodge, Ansel T. Baker (Treali), John Wheelock. PROVINCIAL SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION.-Genera-l Board, S. Selden (Prest), (Sec'y). Rev J. Pryor, D.D. (Treas). Western Board, Rev H. Angell, Rev J. H. Saunders, S. Brown. Central Board, Jno W. Barss, Rev D. Freeman, D. Rupert Eaton. Eastern Board, ReT J. E. Balcom, David Page, T. B. Layton. NOVA SOOTIA MINISTERIAL EDUCATION BOARD-S. Selden (Chairman), B. H. Eaton, A.M. (Sec'y), D. MeN. Parker, M.D. (Treas.), R. N. Beckwith, David Thompson, Hev J. E. Goucher. The Western Association, comprising the countie! of Yarmouth, Digby, Shelburne and Annapolis, meet this year at Long Island, on the third Saturday in June. The Central A8sociation, comprising the counties of Kings, Hants, Lunenburgh and Halifax, meet this year at Gnspereaux, Horton, on the second Saturday in June. The Eastern Association, comprising the counties of Colchester, Cumberland, Guysborough, Pictou, Sydney and P. E. Island, meet thili year at.rugwash, on the first Saturday in July, at 10 A.!!. The Baptist Convention of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, meet this year at, on the first Satur-. day, after the 18th August. FREE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST MINISTERS. ~ Cornwallis, Elders J. B. Norton, S. K. West. Yarmouth Elder Thoa :s. Brady. Kemptville, Lower Argyle and Brooklyn, Elder Ch'as Knowles. p.. Tusket, Upper Argyle and Plymouth, Elder Edw Sullivan. Bear Point, Elder Albert Swim. Cape Sable, Shag Harbour and Pubnico, Elder W. C. Weston. Wood's Harbour, Elder Henry Stokes. Barri'tgton Passage, Elder Jacob J. Porter, (Sec'y). FREE WILL BAPTIST MINISTERS..ll.rgyle, Rev. Chas J. Oram. Cape Sable Island, Rey E. G. Eaton. Yarmouth, R~v David Oram. Licentiates, Jas F. Smith, Theodore H. Crowell, Barrmgton Proper. The Barrington Quarterly meeting is held on the F,riday before the first Saturda:r a~d Sabbath in May, Aug, Nov, and Feb y, at 10, P'?l' The M.ay session IS termed the yearly meeting. The Quarterly meetmg comprises 8 churches with 589 communicantl. Clerk, James C.Smith, Barrington. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance SquarQ, Halifax.

91 Blank Books and Pass Books, at R. T. MUIR't';! J ALMANACK. 111 CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS OF N. S. AND N. B. Nova Scot-ia.-Yarmouth, Rev. Arch. Burpee. Chebogue, Rev. John Gray. Liverpool, Rev. JIloS. Melvin, Rev. Jas. Howell. Milton,.Rev R. K. Black. Pleasant ltiver, Re.,. Simeon Sykes. Cornwallts, Rev J. R. Kean..:tIanchester, Rev J. Davis. Margarie, Rev J. Hart. New Brnnswick.-St John, Rev Oliver Brown, Rev J. G. Baylis. Sheffield, Re.,. Robt Wilson (Secretary). KeswickRidge and Cardigan, Rev Geo Stirling. St Stephens, Rev C. G. McCully. Treasurer, H. P. Bridges, Sheffield. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE LOWER PROVINCES OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA., [Sy:n.od first constituted on the 4th of October, 1860.].Moderator, Rev W m McCulloch, D.D. Synod Clerk, Rev Peter G. McGregor. PRESBYTERY OF HALIFAX.- Windsor, Rev Jno L. Murdoch, A.M., Rev Edw Annand. Halifax, Rev Peter G. McGregor, Rev Wm Maxwell, Rev Jno Forrest..:tIusquodoboit, Rev Robt Sedgewick. Musquodoboit Harboul', Rev Edw McCurdy. Yarmouth, Rev Geo Christie, Rev Eben E McNab. Lunenburgh, Rev Wm Duff. Bermuda, Rev Walter Thorburn. Nine Mile River, Rev Jno Cameron. Shelburne, Rev Geo M. Clarke. Cornwallis, Rev Wm Forlong, Rev Wm Murray. Newport, Rev Juo MeL. McLeod. Shubenacadie and Gay's River, Rev Jas Mc Lean. Lawrence Town, ~c., Rev Alex Stuart. Dartmouth, Rev Alex' ~ McKnight. LaHavlJ', Rev Don McMillan. Bridgewater, Rev J no Mor- E-! ton..b.nnapolis, ~c., Rev Don S. Gordon. Sheet Harbour, ~c., Rev Jas Waddell. Clyde and Barrington, Rev Matt G. Henry. St John's, Nfl, Rev Moses Harvey. Harbour Grace, Nfl, Rev Alex Ross. Kennetcook, Gore, ~c., Rev Allan Simpson..B.neiteum, N. H., Rev J. Geddie, D.D. PRESBYTERY OF TRURO.-Muitland and Noel, Rev Thos S. Crowe, Rev Jno Currie, Rev Jacob McLennan. Upper Stewiacke, Rev Jas Smith, D.D. Onslow, Rev John I. Baxter. Truro, Rev Wm McCulloch, D.D. Upper Londonderry, Rev Ebenezer E. Ross. Lower Londonderry, Rev Alex L. Wyllie. Economy and Five Islands, Rev James MeG. McKay. Harvey, No B., Rev Samuel Johnston. Clirion, Rev Ja8 Byers. Parrsboro' Rev Dun McKinnon. M. Stewiacke awl. Brookfield, Rev John D. McGillivray..B.cadia, Rev Don Stewart. PRESBYTERY OF PICTou.-New Glasgow, Rev Geo Walker, Rev John Stewart, Rev J. B. Watt. Chathartl" N. B., Rev John McCurdy. Pictou, Rev James Bayne, D.D., Rev Alex Ross. R. Hill and W. B. R. John, Rev Alex Sutherland. Barney's River and Blue - ountl!'ins, Rev Duncan B. Blair. Green Hill, Rev Geo Patterson. West Rtver, Rev Ja8 Thomson, Rev Geo Roddick. East River, Rev David Roy. Hopewell, Jl.ev John McKinnon. Sherbrooke, Rev John Campbell. French River, Rev Andw P. Miller. Little Harbour, Rev Jno A. F. Sutherl&nd. Merigomish, Rev Ken J. Grant. Glenelg and Caledonia, Rev Chas B. Pitblado..B.lbion Mines, Rev A. J. Mowatt. Earl Town and, W. Branch", Rev Lauchlan McDonald. Springville, Rev Alex MeL. Sincla,ir. Lochaber and Goshen, Rev J. F. Forbes. PRESBYTERY OF TATAMAGOUCHE.-New.B.nnan, Rev Ja8 Watson. Wallace, Rev John Munro. River John, Rev Hector B. McKay. Tatamagoltche, Rev Thos Sedgwick. Goose Ritler, Rev Wm S. Darragh. Dye Stuffs and Confectionery, at BROWN BROTHERS 4' CQ.

92 ... " o r... 1<: o " ~', R. T. MUIR, ibook.eller,and:'statloner, 125 'Gran,vllle:Street. 112 BELCHER'S F:ARMER'S [1868. ~ ~~~~ PRESBYTERY OF 'CAPE BltETO'N;~'Sydn:ey, :Rev Hugh.McLeed, D.D. BO'lilarderie, Rev Jas'Fraser. B:y'dney Mines, Rev l\ W1IsOD..,Gl"dnd River and 1:.tJch Eomond, Rev Jas Ross.,St,Ann's,Rev, Abrahaln Mc- Intosh. Little Glms 'Bay, Rev Alex Farquharson...,P:RESBYTERY,OF VICTOBIA AND RIOHMOND.~Plmster,Cove, :Rev Wm G.,Forbes..Banlieck,:RevKen McKenzie..Middle Ril!~T, B.evDon MoKenzi~..;Mabou, Rev WID 'Sinclair PRESBYTERY OF P. :E. I'SLAND.-Bedeque,Rev Robt S. Paterson, Covehead, Rev Jas Allan. Cavendish and,new Glasgow, Rev Isaac Murray.,Brown',s Creek, Rev.Alex Munroe. East Sl Peters and: Ba:y Fortune, Rev 'Henry Crawford. Chai'?ottetcJv>n, 'Rev~lex -Fa.ICO~\'. Cascumpeque and Tignilih, 'Rev Allan 'Fraser,' 'Woodvtlle and Ltttle Sands Rev 'Don 1VlcNeill. PrineetolVn,Rev;RObtLaird. ow. River and Btooltfield,Rev'Wm Ross. DUnli'as"Rl!v Alhm,McLean. Richmond Bay and Summerside, Rev Wm R. Frame. No London lind 'Summe9;field, Rev AluCameron. 'StrathI11b.yn,Rev Alex Galll:pbell. 'West StPeters,IRev Daniel W. Cameron. J-V. Cumpbelto'nand Brae, Rev Wm,Stuart. Tryon,'and Bonshaw,.Rev,J, 'G. -Cameron. "PRESBYTEJ!iY :OF -ST.,JoHN,N.J3.-,(Jampbell 'Settlemltnt, irev. And'" Don111d. rsptin,g1i~ld"rcv Lewis Jaok.,Carleton, -,Rev In,s Baird. Norton, Rev,Jas Gl'a.y. St Jokll,RevJasBennet, ;Re:v"Wm:AlVes"Rev Neil McKay.,PRESBYTERY OF ST. STEPHEN.~'St James, 'Rev Jno Turnbull. Bocabee, ;Rev WmMillen. St Stephen, Rev P. Morris(}n. l'ltesby,tery OF :'i{)bk...;prino-e 'William, Rev AI&x:Smith. :Salmotl River.,,,Rev, Jas Salmon. Frederdaton, Rev AIel!: StirliQg. F1DTen,ee-, ville-~i'ld :Glassville,,Rev Saml 'Bernrurd.,l'ltESBYTERY 'OF,MlRA'~llcHI.-New Mills, Rev Angus 'McMaster., Richibllcio, Rev.Jas Law. Blackville,Rev Thus G."Johnmon.,Baas River, Rev Jas Fowler. Rive)' Charles, Rev Thos G. 'Nicholson. Ministers without,charges, Rev Profess@r,An<lwKil!g, AJII., Rev Alex Fm'rester,D.D., Rev Wm Lyall, LL.D., Rev,D.'Honeyman,D.c.L.;Rev,John Sprott.. {}eneral Treasurer, Rev'P.,G:Mc'Gi-egor.. Lic~nsures, Oliphant Christie, Jno 'w. 'Nelson, 'JnoK. 'Beatisto, Jas Slnclal!', J., D.,Murray.!the,Synod meets this, year atpqplsr.grove'church, Hali'falt, on thb last Wednes~ay of, June, at '7 p. m., ' " ~Board oj Forejgn.Missions;"Rev,Messrs'Roy, 'J. Stewart.(,VhairmiUi), Bayne, G. Pattel'S0p, Blair, W.alker,J. A. F. 'Suthel'land,,A1vea, N.'Mc Kay"and Messrs, :J. S.,McLean, Rodk 'McGregor and 'Dr.'Forreat,with power to add to their number; with'rev J{)hn',I."Baxterof Onslow',Rev r-< J ohn 'McCurdy,,of Chatham;N.. B. j 'Rev:I. 'M urrn,y,of C~ vendish;p: E. I. Secl'etary_, ltev,p. G.McGregor. Board of Home Missions, : Rev 'Messrs :M urdoch, 'Mo'lrnight.(, McGregor, Cameron Maxwell,,Bennet,Alves LS;w Morrison, Salmon, and Messrs Chas Robsen, 'Jame8'Barn~B, J. Ailen, F'-Morrison, Jno Fraser. LUTHERANl\lINlBTERs.-Lunenbul'gh, RevChasE. Cossman; Rev'W. M. Bowers, Rev D. F. Hutehi,us<}u. ' UNIVERSALIST CHUBCH.-Halifax-Rev. A. McArthur. AF~lOANEPI8COPAL :METHODIST,CHURcH.-Halijax, Rev,R. cr. M QrrIS. BROWN BROTHERS it CO.,Druggist8,OrdnaBoo~~6;e,'Hulifax.

93 Sebool ltequl..!te$ of every.deseription at R. T. M UIR'S ALMANACIL 113 AfRICA!! BAPTI~T AssocIATION.-Halifax, Rev Jas Thomas, Bear. R:i~er,.~v Henry Jackson. Prest.on, Rev Geo Neal. Iiecretary, John R. Thomas. NOVA SCOTIA BIBLE SOCIETY. President, Rev R.. F. Uniacke. Vice-Presidents, Han Judge Johnston, J; W; Nutting, Wm Pryor. Committee, Rev'ds Canon Coohra.n G. W. Hill, Prof McKnight H. Pope, Geo M; Grant, W m Maxw.ell, Prof. King, Jas Ross, D. D., Jno McMurray, W. B. Armstrong, Foster H. Almon, J. E. Goucher, Jno Forrest, Chas Grant, Geo S. Milligan, Alfred W. Tllrner:-Han 1\1. B. Almon, Judgn Marshall, Han Chief Juetice,Young, Hon J. H. Anderson, S. Selden, T. A. Brown, W. n: Silver, T. 'A. S. DeWolt, J. F. Aveuy, M.n., J. G.A. Creighton, Chas Robson., Peter Lynch, Jas Thomson, Hon J. W. lutchie,hon.p. C. Hill, Nepel),J) Clarke, Gao H. Starr, Dan! McEwen, Jno Starr, W. 8awers Stirling Chas D. Hunler, Capt Lyttleton., M. H. RiChey; Wm Cunard,.Ja8Mor~\')w, Eilw : BinneYI Treasurer, Sam'l H. Black. Sec, S. L. Shannon. Cor See'y, J!I~ Farquhar. J1gent, Alex Ruseell. Life Members, Sam'l Creelman, Henry. B. Webster, Sam'l H. Black.; D,epQsitory, 113. Barrington, Street, opposite St Paul's ChurCh. HALJ.,i'AX LADIES'. BIBLE ASSOCIATION.-Prest Mrs David Allison.. Tteru. Mrs S; N. Binney. Sec'y, Mrs Edwd Binney. Committee, Messdames R. F. UniaQke, LiMell, Elias Marshall, D. MeN. Parker, M. Wallace, Wtn. Creighton, Chas Hosterman, Edw Smith, MoLean, Nepean Clarke, Alfred Cogswell, John Pryor,.T. C. Cogswell, R. Romans, jr; Mdlles Tremain, Isabel Hosterman, M. Strachan,M. Murison, Forrester; Hosterman, J. Brown, K Wells, Fairmmks, Fanny Pryor, M. Starr, Annie Crichton, J. Stairs; Braine, Norheck. Bible. Women, :\1rs RlUtherford, Mrs Pfitterson. BRITISII AlllERICAN BOOK AND TRACT. SOCIETY,-Org~nized in Halifitx, B.oard of Directurs: President, Hon M. B. Almon. V. Presis, Rev P. G. McGregor, Rev Goo M. Grant, Rev J. E; Goucher, Rev G. S. Milligan. Treasurer, Geo H. Starr. Jluriitors, R. N. Beckwith, Jos. Bell. Directors, Thos A. Brown, Rev Jno i\1c:murray, Jno S. McLean, A. F. Porter, Jno Grierson, Rev F. H. Almon, Rev.J, Forrest, Rev Robt Murray, D'r Parker, Thos F. Knight; Geo Robins. H. N. Paint, A. K. D'oull, D. Blackwood, P. Thompson, D. Henry Starr, Peter Lynch, Will Roche, jr., W. Montgomery, Wm B. McNutt, HALIFAX CITY i\llssion.-committee, Rev Messrs Geo W: Hill; P. G. MeG'regor, G. M.. Grant, W. Ma xwell, Jno Forrest, J. E. Gouc\1er,.F., a. Almon, R. Murray ;-W. S. Stirling, Judge Marshall, Sitm'l H. Black, A. K. Donll, Jas Farquhar, H. N. Paint, Wm C. Silver, Geo Robins, Capt Lyttleton, D. McEwen, D. Henry Starr; Jas F, Avery, M.D., Dr Hattie, S, L. Shannon ( Trea.'j. Sec'y, Henry.Theakston. Missionaries, John Grierson, R. MagareH, Jas Patterson. HALIFAX VOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIQN. President, John S MacLean. Vice-P's, Peter Lynch, Wm Roche,.jr. J.08.BeLl, Han.P. C. Hill, A. K. Doull, Dr Hattie. See'y, Henry Theakston.. Trea~11-re r., Samuel H. Black, Committee,. Qep R.. Anderson, R. N. B!lckWlith" i\1.'m. Lindsay, Wm B. McNutt, W. H. Woodell, Geo, Mitchell, A.. Robinson, H. N. Paint, A, G. Bremner, D. Bhekwood, Jno W. Watt, Jno S. Smith, Jas C. McIntosh, E. D. Miller, D. Henry StlI.rr, I Walter B. Reynolds, G. Cunningham, Jas Farquahar, Jag C. Hills. U/ladulterated. GroundcSpic.ea at B.Ro,WN BB.O'rUEB.S' &: Co, Q) ~ o

94 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller nnd Stationer, 125 Granville Street. 114 BELCHER'S FAUMER'S [1868. Life Members (Associate a.nd Active), Han Enos Collins, Han John H. Anderson, 'George H. Starr, J. C. Allison! Wm Hare, Wm Cunard, Henry Boggs, Wm B. Fairbanks, '~m MII~er, Han M. B. Almon, Jas Forman, J. Stirling, ~r.d., Han ChIef JustIce Young, Edw Binney. R d' Ro Connected with the Association is a Library and ea mg om, open every day from 10, a. m., to 10, p. m., 183 Hollis Street. MIC-MAC MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President, Jas F. Avery, 1I!. D. Committee, D. McN. Parker, l!.d., H. N. Paint, Han J. W. Ritchie, Chas. Robson. Treas, Geo H. Sta.rr 1 Sec'y, Jas Farquhar.. lssionary, Rev S. T. Rand. DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION, Gottingen Street. -Patron, His Excellency, the Lieut Governor. Directors, Andw McKinlay (Cbairman), Jno Duffus (Treasurer), Han J. H. Anderson, Chas Cogswell, M.D., Chas Murdoch, Jno Naylor, Rev J. C. Cochran (S~c'Y) Principa~, J. S. I Hutton; Assist, Wm Gray. Matron, Mrs Vmecove. PhyslCtan, Dr Parker. Dentist, Dr Alfred Cogswell. HOME FOR THE AGED.-Trustees, Chas Murdoch, D. MeN. Parker, M.D., Edw Binney Cfreas). Committee, Messdames R. F. Uniacke (Chairman), Chas Murdoch, Crisp, T. A. Anderson, G. H. Starr, Edw Binney, Sweet, Hamilton, Seldon, Pope, J. Hart, Liddell, Bissett, Wm Cunard. MdlesC' Lawson, Hierlihy, Coyle, Clarke, Cogswell, Starr, Yozzard, Forrester (Sec'y), Nordbeck (Treas). PROTESTANT ORPHAN'S HO~lE.-Governor., Wm Cunard (Prest), Han. M. B. Almon (V. P.), Edw Biuney (Treas and Sec'y), Han Chief Justice ' Young, Jno Doul!, Robt Boak, jr, Geo H. Starr, Andw McKinlay, Alfred G. Jones, Rev R. F. Uniacke, D. MeN. Parker, M.D. Ladies' Committee, Messdames Wm CunlLrd, Geo H. Starr, Hunter, Bissett, R. F. Uniacke, Edw Binney, Skimmings, Esson, Bell, Lyttleton; Mdlles Cogswel!, Purvis, Wells, C. Lawson (Sec'y), Mrs Liddell (Treas). Matron, Mrs McKie.. PROTESTANT INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL.-Commiitee, Hon P. C. Hill (Cbair- 1)1an), J. S. McLean, W. S. Stirling~ Geo R. Anderson, Rev Geo W. Hill, Rev Jno Pryor,D.D., Rev E. Botterell, W. H. Waddell, Capt LyttIetlln, W.. H. Neal, A. K. DouB, Rev Geo M. Grant, Rev W. Maxwell, E. D. Meynell. Ladies' Committee, Miss Cogswell, Mrs R. Tremain, Mrs W. Howe. Treas, Ricbd Tremain. See'y, Jos S. Belcher. Surg, Dr Hattie. Superintendent,Jno Grierson. Matl'on, MrB Grierson. Manager Shoe Dept, Joel Lyons. - ST. PAUL'S AUls HOUSE OF lnpustry FORGIRL~.-No.14 TowerRolld. Committee, ~ctor ofst. Paul's (Chairman), S A. White, Jno C. Hlllliburton~ Jno SIlver, Wm Pryor, Brenton H. Collins (Treas). Ladies' Comm~ttee, Mrs Geo W. Hill (Prest), Miss Cogswell, Mrs.Azor Stevens, Mrs Robt Morrow, Mrs Jno Silver, Mrs Edw Binney Mrs P. C. Hill (Sec'y). ' HALIF~X ASSOCIATION FOR IMPROVING THE CO.NDITION OF THE POOR. Prest, HIS Worship the Mayor. V. Prest, Capt Lyttleton. Directors, Jas F. Avery, M, D., Jno Doul!, Jno Naylor Andw MackinlllY. Tre IS, W. S Stirling. Sec'y, E. D. Meynell. Assist See'y Henry I Theakston. '! j BROWN BROTHERS 4' CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square. Halifax.

95 Room Paper at 4d. a Roll and upwards at R. T. li1uir's ALMANACK. 1.] 115 COUNTY OF HALIFAX. High Sheriff, John James Sawyer. Ooroners, Edw Jennings, 111. D., Wm. Penrson, M. D., Wm. H. Weeks, M. D., Alfred Croucher, 111. D., Andrew Cowie, 111. D., Robert A. Logan. Supreme Court, Halifax: Easter Term commences on the third Tues(ill-Yr of July, and Michaelmas Term commences on the first TuesCia,o'6f December. Sittings for the trial of causes, after Easter Term, commences on thefowrthtuesday of April, and after Michaelmas Term, commences on the fourth Tuesday of October. Orie?' Sup. Oourt, J. Monteith. Prothonotary and Olerk of the O?'own, Jas W. Nutting. Deput'I, Chas M Nutting.. General Sessions of the Peace held at Halifax, on the fi?'st Tuesday of March, June, September and December. Ori~r oj the Oourt of Sessions, Jas B. Sentell. Notaries Public, the Attornies of the Sup. Court, and Philip Dodd (Sable Island). Oomm'rs for giving relief to Insolvent Ilebtm's, and for taking Affidavits to hold to Bail, Jas Tremain, Andw MacKinlay,,las R. Smith, Henry C. D. Twining, Andw Shiels, Jno Naylor, Jos Jennings, Jos Kaye, Chas M. Nutting, Benjm G. Gray, Chas Twining, Nepean Clarke.. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.-Andw MacKinlay (Oustos), JOB Jennings, Han Jno H. Anderson; Andw Shiels, Philip Letson, Patrick Power, Jas Kent, Alex Farquharson, Daniel O'Gorman, Robt A..Logan. Jno Thomas, Fras Munro, Thos Potts, David Annand, Chas Hamilton, Jas Croucher, Henry A. Gladwin, Matt Burris, Alex Stephen, Matt Guild, Alex Fraser, Thos Wallace, Chas D. Hunter, Jeremiah Northup, Jas Cochran, Wm H. Tidmarsh, Westcote LyttIeton, Philip J.Dodd (Sable Island ), Arch McPhee, Jas L. Griffin, Robt Fox, Jno Geddes, Jno Martin, David Archibald, Adam Dean, Ephraim Burgess, Judah Borden, Wm E. Brine, Jos Browner, Don Murray, Sam"l R. Caldwell, Geo L. C. Chipman, Edm Ryan, '1'hos A. Gaetz, Geo Garrison, David Thomson, Don McLaren, Wm Hay, Fras Layton, Wm Evtns,Jos Kaye, Jno Naylor, Robt Romans, Isaac McCurdy, Geo Munro Peter Cruikshanks, Wm Landels, Jno Crooks, Jno Carmichael, Henry Shellnut, Jas Ward, Jas C. Mason,.Jno, Nauffis. Jno A. Bell, Nat Russell, Patk Fuller, Jno Stairs, Henry Balcom, Wm Parker, Jno D. Nash, Wm J. Coleman, Wm Ackhurst, Jno Lingley, Jos Thompson, Wm Rennels, Robt D. Clarke, Jno McCulloch, Edw Leahy, Wm Compton, Jno E. Shatford, Geo Shiels, Geo Dauphiney, Jas E. Shatford, Fras Webber, Geo J. Richardson, Wesley Hays, Hon P. Carteret Hill, Wm F. Knight, Ezekiel Sibley, Isaac Hopkins, Jno Woodill, Jno Purcell, Edw Johnson, JOB Murphy, Chambers Blakeney, D. F. Curry, Jeremiah Conway, Benj C. Wilson, Chas Twining, Nicholas Power, Jno Hays, David A. Nicholson, ThoB Humphrey, Andw Gray, Geo P. Mitchell, Danl Cronan, Jas Cullen, Thos E. Kenny, Wm Hare, Thos Walsh. Jno Doull, Matt H. Richey, Benjm W. Salter, Patk Walsh, Geo J. Longard, Geo G. Dustan, A. P. Christian, Jas Fraser, Don McDonald, Wm Dunbar, Saml Croucher, jr, Jas Croucher, jr, and the Mayor and Aldermen of Hali- I fax for the: city only. A 'foilet Soa,ps, foll\ades a,nd ferfumery at B~OWN BROTIl~~ & Co. to C':l as C'I g to ~ :=f I.S.. or p ~ a ~... cs 0:1 Q) E-I... o ~ ~ ~ o ~ u.l

96 R. T. MUiR; B'Ook~GlJer and Stntlanllr, 1.25 Granvme.Str~t. 116 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Stipendiary.jlfagistl ates.~for the Oounty, Andrew Shiels; for the Oity of Halifax, Henry Pryor. OLerk. of tm Peac~, Nepean CI)l,rjre. Oo~ty Treasurer. Jphn Nayl(}F. COURT OF PROBATE.-Judge, vvm Sutherland; Reg'r W.m. Howe. Regis~1"ar of Dee~s, WIn H. Keating. 4g~n:t Lcn;don Mt""tng. Association, W m Cunard, United StatesOonstt1, li;lortl~er l\'):. JJ!.ckj;o~i Brazilian Vice-Consul, Michl Tobin; Spants4. Vtce"Comul, Don.. Manual Coutreras y. Crooke; Consul ofth~ Free Hall~~eatic. Oity:.of! I Hamburg, W m Pryor; Consul of the Free Hansea.tic Ct. ties Of.. Brem,~. Ii!; and Lubec, W m Hare; Vice Consul of Franc~ and Cons1tl jar Austr111,. ~ Will Cunard; Prussian Con~ul, C. A. Creighton j Consul for Den..s ma.rk, Stephen Tobin; Vice- Consul for Sweden and Norway, andfar. ~o Italy, Jag B.. Oxley; Camul for B~lgium, Chas R,onn,e; Conm~ for Portugal, ThosAbbott. Ii; Agents far LLoyd's, S. Cunard & Co. D:4P, Pastmasters-:-"St.M!LTgaret'f;. Bay, Jno S. Brine, ljf:iitd.lemusquodobait; H. Kaulback; Upper lji usquadabait, Saml L. Henry; Tangier, J os Brow.ner. Dep. Land Surveyors, Chas. W. Fairbanks,. Ja,s D. VanB.uskj~k, Edw H. Keating. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT.-Callectqr, Edw.ard BiJilUey. Contraller,. Henry B. Paulin.. WarehQus.e Keeper, Wm: G.Fife. LILnding Wajlers, and Searchers, JnoU. Ross, Jas M. Tidmarsh, Jno W. Clagg. Gurk'! gel's, JOg- Auste)1; Saml, U. Caldwell. Clerks,. Peter Don\Liaso.Jl.,.Jas F:itzgerald,Jas S. Morris, Jno StrachaI),..Rdw.Ducket, Jas S. Rjch~ ardson, Wm.H, Hm, Andw D. Merk;el,. Ch;lIs.. M, Alrnou,,'JlIs G. Mor, ris, JasR. D. Snyd<;lr. Tide.S.un eyar, A. Kelly.Shippi~U,O~r:~~ Edw Kelly, JasHiIls, Errol Boyd, Robt Boak. W~relwuse,L.ocke'(8j; Win Foster, Don Fraser,. ~obt B. Currie, vvm McLe~n, Jo,o.1;.,. Compton, Robt McDonald, Wel1wo.od Reynolds, E<;lw. LeGui.rre. Geo Ryder, Jno Steele, Jon Crowe; Go;o G. Gray, 'Geo P. LawsoJl~. W m. Maloney, NorIllil.n McDonald, Jas F. Burnham. Weig?ters, Jno, Hatch, Geo. W. Hawkins,. Law Verik;er, Boatm~n, Da.n Gal\agPe;t>. Alex Mellom. Tid~-wat~ers, Erlw KaVllonagh, J no Drummond, Miller, Thos Clark, Chas Grant, Thos t>hea, Ro.b.t W. Hodgo;rs, Tho.s. H",tch, JaB. Whalep; Anrlw' Doyle, Ge.e Card, Steph~ Wlli.te.; M"'~t Nangle. Messeng~rs, Wm Blackn~an; Jas Venal:iI~s. T'I:'Uckmf1411 Jas, Potter. Brok.e~, Wm Hill. Co.ntroller of Customs an,d Navigaf,ir,m Law$,. Coll~ctor of Do loni air nut~es and Seizing.~ificerr-Tangi~r, JOg arowner. HeaU1!- Ojfice:r $;; Hah{ax. Chas GOSSIp. ~[. D., W.m N. WIckwire, M. D. ; Portzigu~sl Cove, Thos.Pryor, 1II.D. Board of Health-Jv'averley"B. C. Wilsoq., Jno Lingley, Jos.Salter, W. B. Buckley, l-i.d., JOg Thpinp~o.n, Cha~. Thom:;t~, Laldlaw; Portugue~8CaiJeall~ Ketch Harbour, ~khd, Fiemmmg, Jno Wh.elan,. Jno Pu.rcel\, Edw Bo;aur;. St.. Margaret'B, Bay, Jas Croucher, WmE. Brine. Tho.& M-eagher, Ja s, F;J'all.e:r,Jnp, E. Shatford, Fredk 1iI;ubly, Geo. Dauphiney, Geo G~rrison-. CQMM'RS TO. EXAUINEAim. SELECT P1Lo'rs FOR, TilE PORT. OF. HALl. FAlC.-Jno U. Ross, Jno Taylo.r, WlJI. Cunard, Wm Roche;.Uan\ Cronan. L.0caIBo~rd of Examtners.(j)J ShipmQ4tt;rs a,( Mates,Pe.tef; Coffin, BenJrn Davlfl~on, Qeo A. McKenzie. Ce~UI'Rs COUNTYCQURT HousE.-And\v: Macldnlay, eha. s TWin-I ing, Nat Russell. '.... BROWN IUWTHERS.~. CO., pru,,,ist.&. O.r4J:lanc.e,SIiU!lol=O, H~ifa.x.

97 'Fool.eap,Lett r and Note ':~per, 'nt'r. T. li1uir's J AIillIANACK. 117, VISITING JUSTICES NEW 'COUNTY J:AIL.-J, Naylor,'S,R. CnldweJ1, Robt D. Clarke, Chas Twining, "{m Dunbar. COmt'RS OF.scHooLs.-lIalifa-x G1:ty, Andw M. Uniaeke, Very Rev M., D.D." 'Very Rev?ean Bullock, D,D.,MattH.lUcl:ey, Stephen. 'Fobm, Pat.k Power,,PhlhpThompson, Wn) P. West, Wm HJKeatn~g, Jas Flll1n, 'i{e.v Jno Pryor, D. 'D., Sec'y, Jno R.,'Willis. Rural Dtst.:-H.,A. Gladwm,D.avid Archibald, 'Rev 'Robt Sedgwick, :R.ev'L.eonard Gaetz,,Matt Burns, Jno Gedde's, Ro\)t A. Logan, 'Ezekiel SIbley, 'Chas' N. Sprott, Wm LantleIls, Chas 'H. Fulle'r.Shore Dist.~Rev crobt Jamieson, 'Rev -Jas Waddell, Rev :Edw Ansell, ->las Leary, Neal Boullong, HentyLcslie, WlhHall, Jas D. VanBuskirk, Jos Browner, Hev Edw A., McCurdy. lveste1"?~ :Dist.-Rev Jno AYubrose, :Rev-Jn~CarmoQY, 'Rev Thos Cumming, Rev RobtR.Philp, ~v Jas'Breadmg, Rev Alex :Stuat't, Rev 'Jno 'B.W-oods, Rev- Smith,Jas Thompson, Dominick,F-arFell, Jno E. 8hatford, Geo J. Longard, Jas-W trurner, :,Rev,Jno 1\1cl\iillan. (Jomm'rs Oity Hospital and Poors' Asylum,Chas Twining (Ohairman), Henry Pryor (V.O.),Hon Edw'l\'enny,:Geo P. Mitchell, Hon F. C.,Hill, Patk Power, Dr. Parker, Dr. 'Sla:c'k, 'the 'Mnyor, Aldernien:~FlinllinaD, 'Duribar,'and Conway.Sec'y, Jas H.Reynolds, :::I i $lilptriri~~nderit, Edw S11iels. S,1J/iJspitallle'dical Boa?--d,nrs'B1aek (Chairnmn) -Ttipper;C;B., Jen- ;00 i nings, Slaytj')r, Trena~an, Cowie, Davies, Hattie. Oonsulting Physician and Su1'fjerm, Dr PaI'ker. Bouse 'Surgeon and Ap'!Jtheca?'y, lli :JRmes Venables, SOCIETIES. ROYAL HALIFAX YACHT CLUB.~Patron, H. R. H.,the 'Prillceo{Wales, ViCe-FatTons,-His EX1reilimcy-the LieuteJ;lant Governor; 'Vice Admiral : Sir ROdney Mundy,'K. C.B.,-Sir JaniesHope, G. -C,.B. ; the Marquis 6CNorinanby ; Sir Ale:s:arider 'Mirne,K. C.'B.; 'His Worship the Mayor : d(llallfax ; Sir Houston'Stewart;K,' C. B. ;Major~Genertil :C. Hastings DqyJe. Commodore, Hon 13enjmWler.Vice-Oommodore, W:H.nll;vi~s, '.D.Cpptain, Jas A. Moren, junr. -Sec',y and-treasurer, :1lex, W. 'Sco,tt.Jlu'-rlitors, F. W. :BullOCK, W.M, Gr!!'y. Sailing Oom1l!~ttee,Jno JiloPugh, Jos8tarr, JrioN. Grant"H.'W.Albro, J!!,s Pryor.,Stewar.ds, Jno T.-C0lI!pton, cwo S~S'ymonds, Henry 'Peters. Measurells ojyachts, Jill! Fryar ;n. W. Salter..'.-., RihW."i.X CALEDONIA CLUB, 1nstttuted 1860-Patrons, Slr,J1!,mes Hope, G.C:n.; Sir Alexl\liIne, K.C.B.; Sir'Houston Stewart, X, C.B.: lion'wm YOUIl&, Chief J~8ti1le. Ohief, J,no Taylol'.Pres'f; Adam McK.ay. Vice P., Geo McLe~d. Treas, Hugh Murray. s.c.-y, Jas MaecUish.I1sSt. Sedy'-Douglas McLeod. Marshal,Geo Anderson. Surgeon, H. B:Forniim, M. D. 'Ohaplains,Rev Hugh'McLeod, D. Do,.Rev Geo M. Grant" Rev Wm l\iaxwell. 'Pipers, Jnol\'IcKenZcie, Jno Patterson, D. Milliuii!.... ';ST. GEolwE~a SOClETY.-Pafron, 'The Lord 'BiShop of Nova Scotia. President Qeo :8. Yates. 'Vitie-Prest;,Q.Dodson. :l1.ssf. Viae-Prests, Wm :Hufuphrey,E. W.Sutcliffe. Trea.surer,Roht 'W?odil1.,ASSist. Tl'ea~, Geo T. Smithers. Sec'y, F. Della, T~rre.,./lss'lst. Sec y, Geo ('rosskill. Marihal, Wm 1\furray. ChaplainS, Very Rev Dean Bullock,D.'D., Rev:Jno Abbott. Oom. of Oharity,Jno OSiDan, Geo Payne,.&a ilindfti.nilly Medicine Ohests saiki by BROWN. BROTllEltS'~ Co,

98 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller lind Btll~loner, 125 Granville I'ltreet. 118 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Geo Smithers, Eo' W. Sutcliffe, Jno Hatch, Geo Halliday, Jno.Filwards. Physicians, Wm J. Almon; M. D., J. B. Gilpin, M.D. Oom. of Manage-, ment, Jno. Shean, Chas. Downie, Chas. Major, E Allen. Standard Bearer, Woo Morley. Messenger, Thos A. James. CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. ",Pres't, Jas Cochran. V. P., M. B. Daly. Asst. V. Ps., Law G. Power, Barth Walsh. Treas, Woo Compton. Sec'y, Woo Monaghan. Asst. Sec'y, Thos Connolly. ' Marshal, Thos Spelman. Oommittee of Oharity, Jo~n Ead, James M~ckey, Jas. Payne, Law Vereker, Tim Mullane, Thos 0 M,alley. Oommtttee OJ Investigation, Jos. Mulcahy, Jno Mackasey, Jno Hannan, Jas Mulloney. Oommittee Finance, Jno Meagher, Jas Mulroney, Jno Purcell. Messenger, Thos. Connors. NORTH BRITISH SOCIETy.-Prest., Alex Stephen. Vice-Prest.. Jas Hunter. Asst. Vice-Pres/s, E. M. McDonald, Capt Robt. Brechin. Treas, Jas J. Bremner. Sec'y, Hugh Murray. Asst. Sec'y, J!I.,~Steinson. Marshal, Sergeant Porter. Ohaplain, RevW. Maxwell. Piper., Jno McKenzie, Jno Patterson. Oommittee of Oharity, J. S. Maclean, Geo McKenzie, Rev G. M. Grant, Jno M. Campbell. HIGHLAND SOCIETY.-Prest., Jno. Strachan. Vice-Prest., Jno. Doull. Asst. Vice-Prests., Woo. Finlay, Jno. McKay. Treas., Alex. Primrose. Sec'y, Alex. McKay. Directors, Don. Murrl\Y, Jas. Williams, Robt. Noble, Hon. Alex. Keith, Jno. Richardson, Hon. Chief Justice Youn!!', Adam Reid. CARPENTERS' PROVIDENT SOCIETY.-Established Prest., Matt. Lownds. V. P., Edw Cashman. Sec'y, Thos H. Peters. Treas, Jno L. Barry. Vis Oommittee, R. Doherty, R. Richardson, Thos Spruhan, R. Shephard,J. West, Edw Warner. Oom. in Oharge oj Property, Robt Richardson (Ohairman), Matt Lownds, Geo Butler, Thos H. Peters, Jno L. Barry., FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION AND INTERNATIONAL SHOW SOCIETY..., Patron, His Excellency the Lieut Governor. Prest, e. C. Hamilton, M.D. Vice P's-Kings 00, Richard Starr j Annapolis 00, Thos W. Chesley; Halifax 00, Geo A. S. Cricb,tonj Hants 00, Jno Brown j' Oolchester, Rev A. Forrester, D.D. Oouncil, D. R. Eaton, Jno G. Byrne, Robt W. Starr, Isaac Shaw, Andrew H., Johnson, A. J. Rickards, DeLancy Harris, Oliver Foster, Jas E. Fellows, Herbert Harris, Professor La.wson, Leander Rand. Sec'y and Treas, Jos R. Hea, D.O.L. Oorres Sec'y, D. Henry Starr. Auditor, Geo V. Rand, WESTERN HALIFAX AGRICULTURAL SOCIETy.-Prest, Hon Chief J ustiee Ydung. V. P., Chas Hamilton. Treas W. C. Silver. Sec'y, Professor Lawson. Directors, Henry1'. Wright, Jos Kaye, S. Tupper, Chas Hellier, Fras Webber. Auditor, J. H. Duvar. HALIFAX MECHANICS' INsTITUTE.-Prest., A. McKinlay; Vice Prest., Jas Thomson. Treas., Jas Forman. Sec'y, Jas Barnes. Ourator, Errol Boyd. Oommittee, R. H. Wetmore, Jno S. Thompson, J. B. Gilpin, M.D., Robt Noble, F. M. Passow, J. L. Why tal. SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF GA~IE AND THE FISHERIES. -Prest, Lt. Col. Woo Chear~ley. Treas,. Woo C. Silver. Sec'y, Capt L'Estra~ge. R. A. Oounctl, W M Harrml!:ton, Goo Piers, J H Duvar, F. W. BlalCklock. Col Burnaby, T. F. Knight, Lt. Williams, 4th Regt, F. H. D. Vieth, W. A. Johnston, Chas Allan, J. Costley. NOVA SCOTIA INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SOIENOE.-Patron His Excellency the Lieut Governor. Prest, J. Matthew Jones, F.L'.S.' V.Ps., J. BROWN BROTHERS & CO Drnggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

99 School Requisites ot' every description at It. '1'. litl1 tr'!! ] ALMANACK. 119 Bernard ~ilpin, M.D., ~apt Hardy. R.A. Treas, Capt Lyttleton. Sec'y, Wm GOSSIp. Oounctl, J. R. DeWolf, M. D., P. S. Hamilton J. Hunter Duvar, W. C. Silver, Jos Bell, Professor Lawson. ' CH~BER OF COMMERCE, HALIFAx.-Executive Oommittee Jno S. Maclean (Sec'y). RQbt Boak, jr, Wm Pryor (Prest), A. G. Jo~es, Wm J. Stairs, Geo H. Starr, Han E. Kenny, Han M. B. Almon Jno DoulI, Geo P. Mit~hell, Jer Northup, B. W. Salter, R. I. Hart, J~o T. Wylde, JnoH. Harvey..I1rbitration Oommittee, Han Edw Kenuy Han Benjm Wier, Jno Tobin, Geo P. Mitchell, Robt Boak ; Sec'y, Jno 'H. Harvey. SONS OF TEMPERANCE READING RooM-Halifax-In the basement of Temperance Hall, Poplar Grove. Open every evening (Sunday excepted) from 6 to 10. Pust, Wm Murray. V. P., J. P. Muir. Sec'y and Treas, Patk Monaghan. Strangers are permitted the privilege of visiting the room, without charge, during their stay in the city. HALIFAX VISITING DISPENSARy.-Prest, Rev Jas C. Cochran. V. P., S. P. Fairbanks. Oommittee, Dr Avery, B. O'Neil, G. E. Morton, Han B. Wier. (.dct). Sec'y, Dan! Gallagher. Resident Physician, Dr. Slayter, Open daily (Sundays excepted)from 12 to 2 O'clock, to the sick poor or the city. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF NOVA-SCOTIA.-Prest, R. S. Black. JTice- Prest's, B. G. Page, P. W. Smith. Treas, W. N. Wickwire. Sec'y, A. H. Woodill. Cor.Sec'y, C. S. D. Rigby. Council, D MeN. Parker, W. H. Weeks, A. G. Hattie, J. R. Dewolf, and the Secretary ex officio. Honorary Members, Jas. F. Avery, M. D., Chas. Cogswell, M. D. Almon, W. J., M.n.... Halifax. Muir, Saml., M.D., L.R.O.8.R:... Truro. Bissett, Henry E., M.D.Cape Breton. Buckley, Wm. B., M.D... Waverly. Morrison, J. B. G., M. D., F. M. U. P., Meteghan. Black, It. S., M.D., L.R.C.S.E. Halifax:. Cowie, Andw. J., lild.. Halifax. Moore, Jos., ~I.D... Amherst. Mc~'atridge, Hobt., ~I.D... Halifax. Creamer, Jos., M.D... '"... Arir.hat. McUoberts, W.E., L. N.s.Londond'y. Dcsbrisay, T. B., M.D '" Dartmou~h. Outhet, George, M.D... Wilmot. Dennison, Wm.,I.. N.S... Newport. Page, B. G., M.R.C.S.L... Hali~ax. De[Jnison, James H., M.D... Newport. Parker, D. MeN., H.D., L.R.C.S.E.. HalIfax.' Dewolf, J. R., M.D., L.R.C.S.E. Dal'tm'th. DaVies, William H., M.D... Halifax. Pearson, Wm., L.N.S.. Musquodoboit. Payzant. E. N., M.D.West Cornwallis. DeBlOis, L. G., M.D... L. Granville. Farrell, Edw., M.D... Halifax. Philips, JrlO" L.N.S... River Philip. Pryor, 'rhos. H., l\i.d... Halifax. Farish, Greggs JOS.,M.R.C.S.L. Yarmouth. Reid. Alex. P., MD. L.R.C.S.E.llalifax. Fixott, H. C., M.D., M.R.C.S.L oariehat. Read, H. H. t M.D..... Windsor. Forest, A.. L.R.C.S.E.... Halifax. Ruggles, H. D., M.D... Weymouth. Fraser,B. DeW., M.D., L.R.C.S.E. Wind90r. RiO'by, Chas. S. D., M.D... Halifax. GOSSip, Charles J., M.D... Halifax RO"lCh, Elisha D.M.D. 'l'atamagouche. Greer, Robt., :M.D.. Mahone Bay. Shaw, Henrie, M.D. Kentville. Gilpin, J. Bernard, M.D. o Halifax. Snyder Geo. L.R.C.S.E... Shelburne. Geddes, T. 0., L.N.s... yarmouth. Stephe~,Robt., M.D..,... Digby., GarVie, J. B., M.D Halifax. Steverman, Jos., M.D. Lunenb?rgh. Hattie, Alex. G., ~1.D... Halifax. Smith, P. W., M.D... Dlghy. Jeans, J. E., L.N.S 0 Sydney Mines. Tupper, Chas, CD., MD., LBO.S.E. Halifax. Jennings, Edw., :u.d... Halifax. Tupper, Nathan, M.D.... Am~erBt. Johnston, Lewis, M.D. Sydney, C. B. TUrllan, J., M.D... Hahfllx. 'Jamieson, Robt., M.D... Tang;er. VanBuskirk, L. E., M.D.. Dartmouth. Jamieson, J. H., M.D.... Chester. Wilson, Israel Kelly, M.D Barrington. i t~~:~:xa~;,;;;~~ ~:~.~ ~.~~~na~~~: ;r~:!'i~: ~e'n:,' :..g... ~~.rli~~~:;: ; Laughlin, Jas ~'., lii.d.musquodoboit. Woodill, A. H., M.D... Halifax. :Moren, Arthur, M. D... Halifax., METROPOLITAN CLUB.-Presf, v. P's., W. J. Croke, Tho8 Connolly. Treas, Tho! Isles. Sec'y, Jno. B. Gray..I1ssistant Sec'y, J. J. Donahoe. TruSlles, Supporters and Bandages at BROWN BROTIIElU! &; CO.

100 it. T. MUm. Bookseller. apl!. stationer ra1lVUl~ street. Hall~ ~20 BELCHNR'S F-ARJI.ER'S [1:8.68./ UNION FIRE PROTECTION. COltlPANY, May 186L-,-Re~forl/7l d, from, ti,.. la.te "Unio~, ]jjng,ine ComPruny" of 17~8,-Meets, ~kird. ~e,mi1~:.of every month at 8 p. m., (Japt, Jajj ~. Snnthl\rs. &c y., J)~o~. Willl'l, If.I,~FA~ THJSTl.!!l Cuw.u",G,CWll.,...,Batroll-, Hon..A:lex: Kel~h. ~rest, Jno Taylor. V; R., ReteI'.' Ross. Rep, MembllJ'~, Wm FmllLJ'. Jno Str8.j}han. Sec'-y, and: 7Juas"J. D;.Nash. Counctl. Acll1m Burns, W. Richardson, G:eo McKenzie., HALIFAX CURIiIN.G CtuB.-Ptdroness, Mrs..Janet,Richar~SGn; Presti R()bt l)aivjs. V. Po, Jno, Richardson. Rep,MemiJers" W. R. Cogs,well'; Arch: HllrJ>haw.. 7JreaF:, H, M. Creighton. Sec'!/', Jno Richardson, jr. Co,mmit/ee, H. M. Cr.eighton, Jno, Nor.thup, jlj" Jas.King, H; C., D, Twining. C&EBUC:rO, QUOIT, CLUB..,-Prest, Saml W.,Debloi!. Sec,'y and. Treal~, Wm Twining. Committee. GlloA. MoKenzle, Wm B"Symonds; Jas H, Thorne.. &T!lDLE~ QUOITCWB..-PI est; Wm,H: Or-eighton. Sec'yand'Trea,~ W. Myers:Gray. COmmittee, A,G. Jones, Jho T. Wylde, L. J.1\1orton'. Cathcart Thomson. HALIFAX C:aIO&E'I" CWIh-Prest;, C. B; Bullock. v; P., A.,sutljerland. Sec'y and Treas, Geo. Ritchie Committee, C. Bawyer, M; B; Daly, W.Walsh, JnoB. oung ; J! Foley. GRAND DIVISfON SONS of TEl\1PERAI'CE OF NOVA. BCOTIA.=G. W. P., Thos Iv!. King.G. W: As~ociate, R. M. Barrllitt. G. Oh,aplain.. Rllr J;, A. Balcom. G. SC1'ibe, Patk Monaghan. G. Tl'eas, W. C. Bill.' Q.. Conductor; Da.vid Marshall. G. Sentinel, Wm Williams. Annual Se~ sion held at H31.ifa,;L HALIFAX: CATHOLIC To'l'M. ABSTINENCE AND BENEVO:LENT,' SOCI&tm.... Prest, Rev, Thos W. Allen. Vice,Ps, Thos:Walsh',Jno Mooney, Tre~" Ro1:lt:Conroy. Sec'y" Michl Austin. Asst,. Sec'y, Jas Coughl~~." Ma~,.: shal, Wm R<;>berts. Board,ojManagement, Wm Delalloy., Jno D!llllilley,l' Edw. Fabie, Walter Dunn, Jno Frail, 'J1im. Calligan, Wm,. FitzPllit~idi, Wm Tierny" Juo Barry:, p:ierce Grace, Cornelius' O'Brien. H'AlolFAX TEMPERANCE SoclE'l'y-Instituted 1831._Prest, W, C. Siiver.;, J:;'ice ~rest., Geo G. Grey,. Treas, Robt Noble. Sec'y"Ja1;!Farq\llja,f. Commttt~e, J. S. Thompson, M. Herbert. E. Jos~, A. K. D01+11,A. Mprtol\" J. L. Whyt\lJ, G. Ma.thison, Judge.Marsho.ll.. GRAND LODGE BRITISH. T~lrLARs.-M~ W; Chief, J. N. Freelll!l.lI., L.ioverI\?ol,N. B.. ; M. ~. Vice, P. H. BtewII,rt, Toronto ;. Mi. W; 1y, E. N, Sharpe. ApohaqUl, N. B.;.Tv!. w,. Trtlas, --Wetmore,Clift~i. N. B.;.M. W. Lect,. R~v, Jas Scott, Ontario'; M. W. Conn., MissJ, FIl\mmmg"Trur,o;M. W. Fin., J. W. Falconer,Ch!J.l'lottetown;.-n. W. R,ecor., C. E. Church, Bridgewater.; Chaplain, Rev Will,Batterson" Ontal'lo; M. W. Mal'., W. B. Huestis, Wallace; M. W; D. Mar., liiiss ~harp,apohaqui, N. B.;.M:W. I. G., A. 1\1:. PhillipE\; Smithfiel~. Qntl\r.19 ~M. W. O. J.,JasGld!ey, Charlottetown; M. W; Pi Chief, H. R MItchell. Chester. '. COMPANIES. N.OVA SCOTIA. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY,-Directo'l' Halif*3!, I' "'E.? M~ynell (Pre$t), R. J. Hart, Jno-Naylol', C. H. 111'; Blaok, Him BellJ!II. Wier. Sec'yand Treas., Chas. Twining. Local. Directors Amherst, Han. "'R. B. Dickey; Antigonish, "'W. A. Hellry; Arichat, BROWN BE,OTIl,ERS. & CO., Prug~stl>,_ Qr4,n,a.nce Sqiiare,H~fai

101 ]''oo\seap, "Letter IUld Note rapt'f, at n T. ~{UIR'S. 186R.] ALlI{AN ACK. 121 Thos Bosdet; Barrintf0n, I. K. Wilson, M.D.: Bridgewwn;S.L. Morse; Co,pe Cc:nso, J. W. Bigelow; Chester, D. Evans; Canning, J. W. Borden; Dt!?by, Chas Budd; Guysborougll, T. J. Cunningham; Liverpool, Thos Patillo, J. O. Dewolf; Lunenburgh~ Han John Creighton' New Glasgow, Ja.s W. Cl!.rmichael; Ragged_islands, Jno Locke; She/burne, Geo Snyder, M. D.; Wallace. A: McFarfane; Kentville, W. Chipman; WeJ~outh, C. D. Jones; WolfvIlle, John W. n.~rss; Windsor, T.S. HardIng; Sydney, Han T. D. Archibald. THE WRSTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Proprietors and Lessees of fil all the Telegraph lines in the United States ami the Ma.r,ltime Provinces :g from Port Hood to San Francisco, and connectino' via Atlantic Cable and 0,, Northern line with all the Telegraphs in theworll Capital $50,000,000. '0 Head Office, 145 Broadway, New York. Prest, J. H. Wade. Vice P's N. Green, W. Orton, H. Sibley. Sec'yand Treas, O. H, Palmer,.asst.Q Sec'y, W. H. Abel. General Engineer, Marshall Lefferts. SJ.tpt'd, til I Eastern DivtSion, T. F. Eckhert. ' ' I ~ Honorary Directors.atlantic Telegraph Company at Halifax, Wm ~ Cunard, Thos. C. ltinne:1l'. P'I The N. S. lines connect with those of N. B. at Sackville, and those of f Newfoundland at Plaister, Cove. JV"ova Scotia District, C.lief Office, 174 Hollis Street, Halifax. Su- ~ perintendent, Jesse Hoyt..asst. Supt., A.' E. Hoyt, Cashier and,!:j Auditor, Win. H. Wiswell. Halifax Office, A. G. McDonald (Chief!> Operator), Henry S. Hoyt (Operator), C. E. Harris (Recv. Clerk,. (t\ LAKE AND RIVER NAVIGATION CO~IPANY.-Prest. Jas F. Avery 1\l. D..E Rirectors, M. P. Black, Jno. Stairs. Sec'yand Manager, G. A. S. i== Crichton. NOVA SCOTIA PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY AND SAVINGS', FUND.-Trustees, A. M. Uniacke. Wm. J. Almon, M. D., and S. Selden. Directors, John P. Mott (Prest), W. M. Harrington (V. Prest), J. J. Sawyer, Jas A. Moren, Hon Benjm Wier. Auditors, J. T. Wylde, Chas Robson. Bankers, The Union Hank of Halifax. Solicitor, J. W. Johnston jr. Surveyor, Duncan Grant. Sec'y and Treas, John W. Burton. Office, No. 42 Bedford Row. PROVINCIAL PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY.-Trustees, Jas Forman, Jer' Northup, Wm J. Coleman. Directors, Wm Roche (Prest), Chas D. Hunter (V. P.), R. Cunninl!:ham, W. H. Pallister, E. J. Lordly, Jas Woodill, Hon Alex'r Keith" S. L. Shannon, Chas E Wiswell, G. A. S. Crichton, W. Myers Gray, Fred G. Wainwright-the first six form the Executive Committee. Solicitor, W. Myers Gray. Sec, J. Hunter Duval'. Surveyor, Jas McNutt. Office, Union Marine Buildings, Bedford Row. HALIFAX TEMPERANCE HALL CO~IPANy.-Directors, (Prest) Edward Jost John Metzler, Jas. Farquhar, G. G. Gray, Robt. Noble, Tllos Wesley. 'Sec'y and Treas, H. G. Laurilliard. Keeper, Saml Caldwell. THE HALIFAX CLuB.-Committee, Henry Pryor (CI1I1irman), Han M. B. Almon, HonE. Kenny, and Wm Cunard, ex-officio, and E~wBinney, I Robie Uniacke, M. B. Almon, jr., W. Myers Gray, W. J. LeWIS, M,D., L. J. Morton, W. H. Creighton, Geo C. Harvey, Jno T. Wylde, Geo B. I *Executlve Committee. Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps and Anklets, at BROWN BROTHER~ ~ Co. 6

102 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Graoflllcstreet, Hallflll. 122 BELCHER'S FAR~IER'S [1868. Kenny, B. W. Su;1te'r, Ja5 TbQmsQ~, P. C. Hill, Wm. Twining, JOG Duffus; jr (Treas). Sec'y, Fred AllIsQn. HALIFAX CLUB BulIilliNG COMMITTEE.-Wm Cunard, A. G. Jones, James B. Duffus... INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING ASSOCIATION,OF NOVA, SCOTIA.- Prest, Andw MacKinlay. V. P's, JnQ Starr, W. S.. Symo!1d~. Sec'y, F. L. Hoge..cor Sec'y, W. A. JQhnstQn.,TI'eal, W.I'. MQlr. Committee, A. Pilsbury, Wm Fraser. Col. B. H. HQrnsby, Alex Stevens, Jno. S.Maclean, C. H. MBlack..' '.,.,',' HALIFAX AND DA1I'l'Mo.u'hr STEAMBo.AT, Co.MPANY.-Prest., Hon. 1\1. B. AlmQn. ijtrectors DQminick Farrell,,Jas W. Merkel, Dr. Parker, M. G. Black (Sec'y). '.fluditors" Henry Yeomans, S. W. DeBlQis..flgent 'and Manager, GeQ A. McKeniie..,', ' CmiBucTO MAruNE RAILWAY, )hrtmouth7"'direi:tor,. Hon BenjiD. Wier (Prest.), GeQ EssQn, G. A~ McKenzie Sec'y and Trea.t., John T. Wylde. Superintendent, E. Weston..,, ' ", STRAIT OF CANSO., MARINE RAILWAY COM.PANY.~Director's, Win J. Stairs (Prest.), Wm. B. HamiltQn, Peter RQss, John S.McLean. He'c'y and Treas." Henry N. Paint.,,' " No.RTH SYDNEY MARINE RAILWAY CciMPANY.-Direi:to~i, Jas B. Duffus (Prest), Hon T. D. Archibald, WIJI J. Lewis,, Hon Edw Kenny, Wm Cunard. Sec'y imd Treas, H. N. Paint.,, THE ACAD4" C:E{ARCo.AL IRON COMPANY, LONDONDERRY. Manager" E. A. JQnes. Head Office, New Church Street. Sheffield. Director's, JQhn LiVesey (MaI!aging DirectQr), T. JessQP, W. A. M,ttthewe, Wm. 'Owen, C. Hall" C. Tylden Wrigbt, Alex. Bea;ttie, M. D., H. W. Black 'burn, J. Hedley, C. HQrseley,.col. JQhn Bazalgette.See.'y,G. Wilkin-. son. Bankers, Sheffield and RQtherham Bank; LQndQn and Westminster Bank; Bank of Nova Sootia. HALIFA.'!: GAS COMPANY (Capital, 60;000).-Prest., AndW. Mackin.lay. Directors, JQhn NaylQr, Hon. J. H. AndersQn, John J. Sawyer, Jas. Tremain, ~as, DQnaldsQn, Geo EssQn. Sec'y, W.L. Bell. Manager, GeQrgeBmst..clerks, G. W. JQnes, Fletcher E. Hennigar. NOVA-SCOTIA ICE COMPANY.-Directors, Cathcart ThQmsQn (Prest.), J. 11. WatSQn, D. BlackwQod. : ACADIA POWDER COMPANY.-Directors, ThQs. AbbQtt (Prest.), L. J. MQrtQn, GeQ EssQn, NOVA $COTIA HORT~CULTUltAL SOCIETY.-Directors, J as f. AverY;M.D. (Prest), Stephen Tpbm (V. P.), QeQ C. Whidden, Andw Mitchell,W. B. HamiltQn, Chas S. Silver, Peter Ross. Treas and Sec'y, J. R. WilliS. Superintendent, J(tmes HllttQn.. IlALIFAX CITY RUL ROA-D.-Manager, Wm D. O'Brien. Office, RlchmQnd DepQt. Cars run Daily (Sunday excepted) between Richmond DepQt and FreshWater Bridge, everyqu,arter Qf an hqur, frojd 6 A.M. to. 10 P. M.;!IoIid betweeq. Richmond DepQt and Spring GlIorden Road every half hqur from 9 A.M. to. 10 P.M. HALIFAX.LIBRARY COMMITTEE.-H. D. D. Twining (Ckaiiina~)," ~. W. DeblQls (V C.), Edw Bin~ey> ~Qhn NayIQr,W, C. $ilver, J. W., K.,JQh';!ston. Jas~. Oxley, Chas TWlIimg. Treaii, A. HarShaw. 8ic~y a11d Ltorm'fai1, Chas Creed., ~ferciiants' EXCHAlj"GE AND l'leaningroom-nq. 158 Hollis Street Chas. M. Creed, P~oprletQr and Superintendent. BLOCK HOUSE COAL MINING COMPANY-(COW Bay,.cape Breton).- iirown BROTHERs & CO., Drug~sts. OranaBce Square, Ha.lifax

103 ' LedgeI'll Journals, Day and Cash Books, at R. T. MUIR'S. i Oapital, 1(}?000 ~hares. of $1?0 ~a9h. ALMANACK. 1:23 Prest., Ho,! D. P. ltlgr/1ha,m. I V.-P., Loms J. Bellom. Sec y and Tr~as, D. B. Rieler, jr..age'!t a.t : lialifax for Nova Scotia,J. C. Allison.., LI'l;'llLE GL..~CE Bu C?A;L MININ.G CO~IUNY-Littl~ Glace ljay, Cape,.llreton~Capltal 6000 Shares of $100 each.,---directors, JaB A. Moren! (frest.), Estes Howe, Edw. P. Archbold, Henry B. Paulin, Jas R. L\tbgow, Peter Lynch, Preas and Clerk, E. P. Archl:lold~ '//'uditors',(i.,a.' S. Oricb.ton, J no Stairs..' -CLYDE COAL AND MINING COMP.AJily.-Big Glace Bay, Cape Breton. -CapitIJ-I10,000 shares of $100 each...,...prest.,.jervis L!!ngd<ln. V. P., Alex. Camp?ell. Trea~., S.. W. Barnard. Sec'y, TJ:tos. I:{. CIl.~ti,!M,./J,gent, Haltfax, W. M. I!arrmgton. : CALEDONIA COAL MINING COMPANy-Big Glace Bay, Cape Breton. :,"",Ca.pital, 10,000 shares of $100 e.acb.. : GOW~I)i1 COAL J\~I)~ING COMPANY-(;OUl "ay, Cape Breton. -Prest., : Hon. T. D. Archibald. Sec'y at Halifax, M. B. Almon, jr. ' Vtcl'Ol~~A COAL. MUIIlIG COMPANy..,...,LQ7p. PQint, f$.yd1/-ey, C. B.- Propr~et:ors, Fraser, Paint & Co. and I:{ug!J. E. ll)oss.., NOVA SCOTIA SALT WORKS AND EXPLO~ATION.COM:pA,NY.-:-.D:ireat!ll's, Htin Benjm Wier (Chair.wa.n), l'l\t~ Power, W. J. Era,Ber, C. a:.m. Bl~.k, Jno Silvel'. Manager, Jo~iah Deacon. Sec'y a,nd: 'I'r.ea,s, E. D.- Meynell.. D.op; l'lgeon ANDl'OVLTlI,'i' CLUno'-Patron, Sir W. F. William~, ~t. Oommittee, Oapt L'Estrange, R. A. (P1'est), J'. M. Jones (V. P.), ~t. Col Tlqq, Geo Ddllio., J. lj. Duvl\r (S~~'y), ll. 4. ~tehm, J. IJ. GJllett, 47th li:egt, M.. E. Crofton; 4th Regt, He,I;lry Piers, Ale~Mc,Fl\:r~a,Ij.e, Professor Lawson, C. E. Stewart, Jno IJostel'man, JI).O To' Oomptop. ~l;'eg Blaildoo1i:, ~l. G. Black (T'reas),. MARINE, F~flE ANI;) LIF~ IN.SUitANOE OOIVlPA~JES AN.D Aqr;NCI~ll' AT HA~I,FAX. NoVA SCOTIA M4RINj;; 1I1'SUJtAl'(jE CO f~y..-capital, ~40,000, Prest, W IIl Pryor. Directors,;r. T. T~ini!)g, Alffe<J. Q. J9n~s, Jno S. Maclean, Wm B. Fairba,nks, AIldw l\iitcheh, <1e.o P. Mitchell, Auditors, J. W. Merkel, J. C. W. Wilkie, Braker, HeJ1ry Yeomans, Bedford Row. Ii4" UNION N;ARINE IN8UR.ANOE CO PANY Oil' NOVA SCoTlA.-,-Capital, p.; 4();QQO.:pr~'; WIl1 Roche, Director. Ja,s A.. Moren, J?O!J. Ross, ~ J'J 9 1. Wa,inwright, rhoso. K,innear, Nat L. West, Han BellJ WIer, J<)hn 0 GIbson, J as W. Merkel, W. B. Hamilton, C. H. M. Black, B.,Wi. :?lhte~, E-I '..Tq1!-n li', Mott. '//'wjitors, Jol).!! \f,a,tt, ]f4w Pry91i, Sec'y, G, ~ble ~, Dimock-Office, Bedford Row.. l\fe~{)ha.~'r~' MA,RIN~J~~JJJ.4.I1!Jl'l4-sS0CIAP:ON.-Dil ectar~, R9Pt ~9ak (Prest),.ra\J;u~ Hart tv..p.), WmJ. Sta,ir~, Geolt.~tarr, WmP. W,est, Daniel Cronan, John T. Wylde. Sec'y, Chas W. Wl'lght. Offipc PrJI~~e ~rl\elt. ' PnOVINCIAL MARINE INSURANCE COMl1ANY OF C.A,N~A.~Capital, S500,OOO~ Agent, George. C. Whidden, Prince Street. HARMONY FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW york.:... Capi~l $500,000..Agent, J. W. Johnst@n, jr;18 Bedford Row. 'I4Ll1/g 'Frll,E lnsumnce COMPANy.-Q!1pita\, 60,000. I)ireet9rs, A. 1\1. Uhiacke (Prest), Cbs Twining (V. Prest), Jno W. Young, John Phatog~aphi9 Chemicals, Car~ li.ud,.-bbown DROTllEllS & Co.

104 R. T. MUIR, BookH.II.". and Stationer, 120 Grnnvllle Street. r 124 BELCHER'S FARl'oIER'S [1868! J! Gibson, Wm Mackay, Jno P. Mott, Robt Noble. See'y and Treas, I Richard Tremain, 64 Bedford Row. ACADIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANy.-Capital, 100,000. pireetors, Jno Tobin (Prest) Root Bonk, jr., Jas A. Moren, Wm Fmlay, Jno i! Duffus, A. G. Jone;, Will J. Coleman. Sec'y, Jno H. Harvey, Prince ".. I SECURlTY;!IRE ASStmANCE COMPANY (Capital, $1,600,000); LA~IAR I ~ 'Street.'. Ji 'FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY (Capital, $300,000), of New York..lIgent" ~ (leo C. Whidden, Prince Street. 0: IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE.CO~IPA:'Y OF LI?NllON.-:-C~pit~1 1,600,000 /1 A sterling...ligent, Wm A. Henry, office Provmce BUlldmg. ~ PHEBNIX.FIRE INSURANCE COMPkNY OF LmmoN.-Agent, Wm Hare, o Lower Wate!" Stroet. I., NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. :S -Capital, 2,000,000 sterling..ligent, Henry Pryor, Office, City Court, ~ House. I QUEEN.fIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL', G. B.- " ~ Capital, 2,000,000 sterling..ligent, Stephen Tobin. Office, head of 'I.,j Tobin's Wharf, Upper Water Street. '. J ~ R(}YAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL, G. B.- Capit'l!, 2,000,000 sterling. Agent, Hugh Hartshorne, Bedford Row..,j LIVERP(}OL AND LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMj PANy. -Capital, 3,000,000 sterling. Agent, J. C. Allison, Central o Wharf. i s 8 I LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE AND LIFE INS{TRANCFl CO~IPANY. Capital-Fire, 1,000,000; Life Company, 100,000..lIgent, Alex W. ScoU, 27 Bedford Row. LANCASHIRE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANy.-Capital, 2,000- OOO-of London..lIgent, Jas W. Johnston, jr, 18 Bedford Row. CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY.-Hamilton, Ontario.-Capital, $],700,001)..lIgent, M. B. Almon, jr. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK.-Cash assets, $15,000,000..lIgent, George C. Whidden, Prince Street. STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE CO~IPANY.-Annual Revenue, 650,000. Secretary and.ligent jar Nova Scotia, M. H. Richey, Hollis Street., STAR LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. - Capital, 100,000, sterling..ligent, liartin G. Black, Halifax Bank.'. INTERNATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY oflondon.-c~t>ital 500, Manager and.ligent, Aylwin Creighton, Upper Water Street. I);I\ICAN LIFE ASSURA:NCE COMPANY OF LONDON.-.lIgent, Wm. Hare, Lower Water Street. ' LIFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND.-Annual Income stg. Secretary, Jno. H. Harvey, Prince Street. " CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO~IPANY OF HARTFORD' and 'EAGLE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON..lIgent, Alex W. Scott, 27 Bedford Row.. UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSUR.ANCE COMPANY OF I\JAINE.-Capital $100, Agents, Huse & Lowel!. " I EDINBURGH AND MON~REAL.-Capital, 1,000,006 sterling..ligent, W. EUROPEAN LIFE A~D GUARANTBE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON, I Myers Gray, 139 Hollis Street. ' I THE TRAVELLERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY OF HART- FORD, CONN.-General.lIgent {Ol: Nova Scotia Joseph Stan jloiiis Street. '., ' BROWN BRO!fHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

105 Foolscap, I.ettcr and Note l'aper, at R. T. JIlUIR'S ] ALJIlANACK. 125 i, ~ HALIFAX BANKING COMPANY. [Established 1825.].Wm Pry~r (Prest), N. T. Hill, Brenton H. Collins, P. Carteret HIll. Cashler, and.!lccountant, Jas C. W. Wilkie. Tellers, M. G. B!ack, Sam'l H. Black. Clerk, Jas C. Wilkie..Mess'gr. H. He.miltoB. DlI!count days-monday and Thursday.. I Th?s W. Johns. Messenger, Geo Anderson..!lgents.-Pictou, JaB I... P~'lmrose; Yarmouth,Jasl\lurray.jr; New Glasuow, Jas W. Carmichael. ~ DIScount days-every week day except Saturday..2. BANK 6F BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. '.$ (ESTABLISHED CAPITAL 1,000,000 Sterling.). ~. Head office, London. 8ee'y, Chas McNab. Head office in the Colo-, ~ nies, Great St. James Street, Montreal, C. E. General Malla,9'er,Thos 9 Paton:. Inspector, A. McKinlay.' ~ HAhFAX BRANcH.-Manayer, Jas Goldie. Local Directors, Hon S BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. [E~tll;blished 1832.] 0)-. Capital $500,000, up. "!'Il D1rec/ors: Hon M. B. Almon (Prest), Hon J. H., Anderson, Daniel ::I Cronan, JILmes Donaldson, William Hare lton Alex Keith Andw 1\1ac- 1>0 kinlay, Ja!' Tremain,Andw M. Uniacke. 'Cashier, James Forman.!lc-I r::1 couniallt,.jas C. Mackintosh. Tellers, T. P. Studd, Thos Clay. Clerk, ~ Jas McNab, J. B. Bland, S. N. Binney..!lccountant. Alex S. Finnie. rij Teller, J. B. Bland, jr, Clerics, David Skil'ving, John Smith. Mesienger, John Roxby. Discount days-wednellday and Saturday. UNION BANK OF HALIFAX. (Established 1856.],., C,tpital ' 250,000. $400,OUO paid up.. 'S Directors, Jas A. Moren (Prest), Robt Boa.k, jr., Martin P. Black, lghli GibBon, R. 1. Hart, WIR J. Btairs, Wll) P. West. Cashier, W. S:lwers Stirling..!lccount mt, H. Y. Clarke. Teller, E. H. Reeves. Clerk, J. B. Ditmars..JJ-fessenger. Thos Skinner. Discount daysevery weel. day except Saturday. MERCHANTS' BANK. [Establ1shed 1864.] Jas W. Merkel (Prest). Hon Edw Kenny, Thos C. Kinnear; John Duffus, Wm Cunard, John Tobin, Goo P. Mitchell, Jeremiah Northup. Cashier, GeDrge McLean. Tellers. Henry Romans. Cyril Francklyn. Messenger, Dl),vid Ilood. Discount dl/.ys-llvery week day except Saturday. PEOPLE'S BANK OF HALIFAX. [Established 1864.], Capital $400,000, paid up.. l)irectors, Gep lj. S~rr (Prest), Jas Cochmn, Wm J. Colem.a n, N. L. West, Joh~ W. Young, Han Benjm Wier, R. W. Fraser.. Cashier, 13= Peter Jac.k. Teller, R. T. Braine..Aceountant. Jag S. Macdonald. Olerk, Syd Howe. M~s. en!jer, G. H. Wiswe~l. Discouutdays-:every I'ii week day e~cept S!J.turday. Agents-Wolfvllle, Jno W. Bl1rss ; New GlasflolL', Jas, ~ ra.ser. jr. W The hours of business at the above Banks are rrom 10 1\., M., to 3,P. M., e,xcept on Saturdays, when they close I>,t 12, noon. PROVINCIAL SAVINGS BANK. 'This Ba:ak is kept at the Receiver General's Office, in the Province Building. -Hours of attendance, from 10 ~o 3 o'clock..; Director, th<l E,eeeiver Genern.l. Cashter, John R. Wn.llace. i!ell- Il-Ild Fltn;lilyMedioine Chests ilold by BROWN, BROTUlIBS 4' Co,

106 R. ~. MUIR4 Bookseller and Stationer, 125 'GraDvlUe Street..'.~ 126, BELCBlm'S FARMER'S [1868. EXPLANATION OF SICNALS. Made on the Ship Staff (It Citadel Hill, when,vessels are seen/rom the' ", Oitadelar repqrted from an.outpost,, ' '.. " " :For 1 square rigged, vessel, 2 balls. close up, one on tlie outer halhard i and one on the inner halhard.,.,.. " 2 Do. 1 ball hoisted on the outer halliard, and one close up on the innerhalltara. " 3 Do. 2 balls close up, one out and one iii. '.,., 4 Do. 2 b~us separated, and 1 close tlp on the mn.~r halbard. " 5 Do. it pendant of any colour oil the outer lialliard, and oile ball close ilpinside.,. t Do. Ii p'end&iit ulider 8. ball close up on the outer haliiai-d; alid a!iall at the inner hallism close up. " " 7 Do. ll. pendimt. over a ball close ilp on the outer halliard, and a ball close up oil the inner halliard. 8 Do. a pendant under. two balls closeqn the outerhalliard, with n, ball ciobe up on the innet haitiiu d., 9 Do. a pendant Qetwoon two balls close up on the outer hailinrd, with a ball close up on the inner halliard. " 10 Do. a flag of any colour close up on the outer hal1ia.i'd, with ii ball '. close up on the inner balliard.,,,, '..,', The above balls, &c., are hoisted at ihe east or west yard arm, llecording,to the quarter the vessel first appears in..,,',,,, When sailing vessels are reported froin,an outpost, the following signals are made on the lower yard, now used exclusively for sailing vessels, as repeats :-,. For a square rigged -vessel; two balls of a liiie, olie at the outer, the other at the inner halliard, close up. A Ship, illarge ball at the end of the yard, with a small one at the lliner halliard. ' A Barque, a large do. at the ehd, with a small one,dropped ilt the inner halliard. A Brig, a small ball at the end of the yard, and a large one at the inner, halliard. A Brigantine, a cross close up at the outer hauiard. Two 01' more db." a dross half hoisted..a, topsail Schooner, a cross close up at the inlier halliard. The upper yard of the Ship Sta1f is used solely to designafe Steam Vessels, thus :-, Two large bails close up, ol1e at the outer and the other at the inlier haliiard, E.or W.,a Steamer reported in that quarter., A small bal~ at the outer, imd a large,one at t!je iiiner halliard, a second class PacItet or Merchant Steamer., 1\. llli'ge ball at the outer, aild a small one at the inner hillliard, a Man-or-War Steamer, or Royal Mail Steamer or large Merchant Staamei'. '.' Two hmtews, one red and the other white, are hoisted at iligbt to denot.e a Steamer reported. ~he red lantern. is iljways.shown at the end of thl! yal'darm, ltiid the whtte one at the lnner halhard,e. or W,. aocording to the quarter the Steamep,is reported in. Numoors are iildicilted the same as oli the lower yard. When the descr!ption of vessel is ascertained, the following descriptive COlOlll'S wi)l bll hoisted at the mast head: '

107 1Sgs.] ALMANACK. 127 A Uniop.. Jadlt-a Flag Ship. Man-of-war Screw Steamer, a white pendant with Ii blue ball in the 'centre, over the Union Jack. ~n-of-war Paddle Steamer, a white pendant with a blue ball in the centre, under the Union Jack. A i'~d Flag pierced white, Royall\1ail Steam Packet froid Eligland. A blue and red Flag crossed white, do. from Boston. A white and blue Pendant, do. from St. Johns, Nfld. A white and red Pendant, do. from Bermuda. A blue PE'ndant-a Ship: A blue and white Pendant-a9Jarque. A red Pendant-a Brig. A red and white Pendant-a Brigantine. A white Pendant-a Sloop or Schooner. A blue and white Flag horizontally divldcd-a Foreign or Neutral Fleet. A ~ite and blue Flag vertically divided-a Foreign or Neutral Manof-war. A blue Flag-a Foreign or Neutril.l Merchantman. A red Flag-an Enemy's Merchantman., A red, white and blue Flag, red next tire mast-enemy's Fleet. A blue, red and white Flag, red next the mast, under SteaIililr's signal, a French Man-of-war. American Flag (Stars and Stripes) under Steainer's signal, American Man-of-war. ~ When an English Packet arrives between evening and morning gun- o~ fire, a red triangular flng will be kept flying at the mast head from seven, ~ till eigh~ o'clock. i Cil bil... o m MERCHANTS' PRIVATE SIGNALS-PORT OF HALIFAX. Rim-Jas G. A. Creighton J Son, a red Flag, crossed white diagonally. Robert Noble & Sons, do. centre a white N.. Thomas S. Tobin, do. crossed white. Tbomas Bolton, a red and white do, red uppermost. G. C. Harvey, a red and blue do., crossed white. Maclean, Campbell & Co., a red, white and red do., red uppermost. Duflus q Co., a red blue and white do., meeting at a point in th!). centre, blue next the mast, white at the end, red top ::lud bottom. T. T. Wainwright <$- Co., a red, white lind blue do., red and white next the mast, red upliermoet, blue at the end, T. A. S. DeWolf & Son,a red and white do., red uppermost, with a red and wnite ball in the centre, the red half on the white and the white half on the red. Young, Hartq Co., a red and white db,'striped horizontally, with a blue star in the centre. J. M. Watson q Co., a rea, white [IUd blue Flag, divm.~d diago c nan;, red uppermost, with a red star, oil the wh~te..' LaWSon, Harrington & Co., II red and yellow flag stl'lpm horic zontally. '..' Daniel Cronan, II red and white Burgee, white next the mast. 'Simon F. BarBS, a red do., with a white St. George's cross. Prescriptions carefully dispensed by BROWN BnOTlIli:ltS it Co,

108 n. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Stntloller, 125 Gra,,'. nie 'St BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1&68. WHITE-Wm Stairs,Son & Morrow, a white Flag, centre a blue square. James A. Moren, do. bordered red.. John B. Fay, do. centre a blue star with a small blue star in eaoh corner. Salter & Twining, do. crossed red diagonally. R.. J. ~ W. Hart, do.. centre a red diamond. Edwd C. Twining, do. centre a red ball. Albro, Son & Co., do. bordered blue. T. C. Kinnear & Co., do. centre a red star, bor-i dered red top and bottom. E. Lawson q Sons, do blue centre, borel'.dred. Black, Bros. & Co., a white and blue do., white next tpe mast. Bauld, Gibson &. Co., a white and red do., checkered. GeorO'e H. Starr & Co., a white Burgee. BLUE-S. Cunard & Co., a blue Flag, centre 0. white star. Wm Pryor & Sons, 0. blue and white do., blue uppermost. Wm B. Hamilton & Co., 0. blue, white and blue do., blue uppermost. Wm Hare', 0. blue and re,1 do., crossed white, blue next the mast. Benjm Wier & Co., It blue, red and white checkered Flag. Henry Yeomans, a blue and white do., blue next the mast. C. D. Hunter & Co., a blue, white and red do., blue ned the i mast. N. L. & J. T. West, a blue Burgee, centre 0. white star. Geo P. Mitchell & Son, a blue and white do., blue uppermost. Oxley.s- Co., a blue anel red d"., red uppermost. Wm H. Creighton, a blue and white do., white next the mast. J. J. Bremner, a blue do., crossed white. J. Norman Harvey, a blue do., with a white H. J. F. Phelan, a blue, white, 'blue and white do., blue next the mast.. Custom House, It blue Flag, Union Jack in the Uppel' corner, II Crown in the centre" with {J. white C and H below it. RoyaJ. Hlllifax Yacht Club :-, Ensign-Bille. Commodore-Blue Burgee, centre a gold crown.. I Vice Commodore-Blue Burgee, centre a gold crown, with a white ball in the upper corner.. Captain-Blue Burgee, centre a"gold crown, with two white balli! in the upper comer.'. I Club Burgee-Blue, with the Provincial Flag in the upper corner. I DARTMOUTH. ME?HANICS' INSTITuTE.-Tn~stees, Henry Elliott, David Fa.lconer, MlI:urlce Downey, T. 'E. Desbnsay, 111. D. PI est. J. W. Johnston, jr. Vue Pres/s, Alex James, Henry Elliott. Committee, Patk Fuller, Nllth Russell. JOB Austen. Sec'y,:p. :McLean. AGRICULTURAL SOCIE:n.-Prest., Michael Tobin. Vice Prests., Alex Kuhn, Peter McNab. Sec'y, Thos Short. Treasurer Andw Tulloch. Directors, Peter McMab, jr, Alex Farquharson, Cha;le~ Bis~ett, Wm Lawlor, Robt Settle. TRUSTEES DARTMOUTH COMMoN.-Pa.ul Farrell. Ja~ W. Turner. 13ROWN BROTHERS it c(f., Dru~giBts, OrcillallC~ Square, H~lifa.x.

109 Portmonl\les, Purses, Jewelry, &e., Ilt R. '1'. MUIR'B J ALMANACK. 129 HEALTH WARDENs.-Geo Connors, Alex James Geo Wilson. Health Inspector, Rich'd Bishop. Board of Health, P;tk Fuller, Geo Shiels, W. H. Weeks, M. D., Paul Farrell, Jas Lawlor, Thos A. Hyde, Nath Rus~ell. OVERSEERS OF PO'OR.-Nath Russell, D. Farrell, Jas E. Lawlor, Patk Fuller, Edwd Hoyne. Sec'y, D. G. Farrell. CLERKS OF MARKETs.-D. G. Farrell, E. M. Walker. FIRE WARDENs.-Dominick Farrell (Chairman) G~o A. McKenzie, W m Elliott. ' FIRE ENGINE COMrANY.--~I. Downey (Captain), Geo Connors, Jno R. Graham, W. Glendinning, W. T. Murray, Jno W. Bishop, Jno Graham, Ed wd Young, Henry Horne, Ja.s Settle, Wm Whebby, Richd Edgecomb, H. Walker, Jno Walker, Jno Ormon, Robt Robb, Benjm Graham, Thos Gentles, jr., D. G. Farrell (Sec'y). AXE COMPANy.-Henry Watt (Capt), Thos Elliot, Parker Moulin, Luke Manniug.. POLICE MAGISTRATEs.-Nath Russell, Patrick Fuller and Geo Shiels. Police Constable, Richard Bishop. Town Clerk, D. McLean. WAY OFFICE KEEPER.-Luther Sterns Weigher of Hay and Straw, D. G. Fanell. Constables, Jno Donovan, Jno Preeper, David Vaughan, jr., David Conrod.. COMMISSIONERS OF STREETS AND TRUSTEES OF WATER LOTS.-P. Fuller, Oeo Connors, Henry Elliott. TRUSTEES OF DARTMOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOLS.-N. Russell, D. Farrell (Sec'y), Geo Wilson. DART~IOUTH CURLING CLUB.-Prest., G. Nichols. Vice Prest., D. Waddle. Rep. members, G. Nichols, Jas Greig. Chaplain, Rev Geo E. W. :VIorris. Treas. and Sec'y, Jno Brander. Committee, RWaddle, W. Robertson. WESTERN CIRCUIT. COUNTY OF KINGS. High Shertff, John M. Caldwell; Coroners,Jon Borden, M.D., Holmes Marsters, ~I. D., C. C. Hamilton, M. D., Stephen Dodge, ~I. D., Geo Best, JaB S. Miller, M. D., Geo Hamilton, Harris O. McLatchey, M. D., Gilbert Fowler, Henry Lovett, Gideon Cogswell, Wm H. West, Henrie Shaw, M.D., Ma.on Sheffield, M.D., Thos Wm Harris. Notaries Public, the Barristers of the Supreme Court, nud Joh.n W. Barss, Thos L. DeWolf, Jos R. Hea, D.C.L. Supreme Court held at Kentville on the first Tuesday of June, and second Tuesday' of October. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, Henry Lovett... Comm'rs (01'!Jiving Relief to Insolvent Debtors, and. for taktng Affidavits to hold to Bail Jno F. Hutchinson, Hugh L. DICkey, Seth Burgess, Mayhew Bec~ith, Thos B. Campbell, Han Cale~ R. Bill, R~ch Starr, Wm Crane, Wm H. Chipman, Caleb H. Rand, BenJm H.. CalklD. Winkworth Chipman, Wm Eaton, Thos L. Dewolf, Jas P. Cunmngham, Geo Hamilton, Geo F. Robinson, Geo Dodge. General Sessions of the Peace held,at Kentville onthe 1 ast TueB1ay of April, and last Tuesday of October. Justices o[the Peace.-Hugh L. Dickey (Custos), Jas N. Crane, Caleb BilOwN BR.OTHER8~d' Co.-Gold Leaf, Dry Paints and Varnitbes.

110 R. '1', ~UIR, Book"'llier and SilLtlpner, l~, Granvllle ~treet. -~-, 130 BELCI:I;ER'S F4RMER'S [1868. H. Ru,I1d, Hun SaIll'IChipmap, S~th Burgess, Hun Cale~ R. Bill, Edm Pu,lmer Geo Loqkwood Richard Starr, Jno F. Hutchmson, Mayhew BeQkwItl), Ai~:; ra,tterso~, Wm Miller, Fairfielfl Smith, Ed,w P. Borden, jab W. Harris, Jos Crane, Ward Eaton, Patk D. Scanlan,. Arch Walker, Will WOQd,w9rth,,'fnQ O. Pineo, Gideon C9gswelk DaVid Ells, Peter Wickwire, David Davidson, Ja!! Eatoll Amos Sheffield, G. D. Woodworth, Ebenezer Bigelow, Richd W, Kid~ton, Jas Griffin, ~no H. pox,.jno JII<lqUl% Ira!! Benjal!1in, Russell Coldw~ll, Thos.Bergln,.Davld Skmner,Jas L. AI'mstrong, Levi W. Eaton, Jno FIsher, Elias Calkm, Jacob Lockh'!'l't, CI,a,~fiI ElLtoll, Winckworth ChipJDan, Abraham Newcomb, Zebulon Nmly, Sld,~ey WeItol;l, Wm A. Tupp<w, David Huntley, Jno 'Y. Rusco, Juo W, Bo~den, llellj!d H. Ca,lkin, JIlO R. Bole~, Jno KIrkpatrick, Wm, W. Patt~I.'Soll, WIll a. Lyons, Wm Rjlodes, Edw J. Ross, Jnd. P. Sandel'S, Thos A. Wilson, Levi C. Woodworth, J.os Chl!sjl, Jas Bligh, 18~q H. Newcomb, JllO Vllol.Ig4a,n, Hira.m Borden, Cyru,s J<)bnston, Thos Quigley, Wm Davidson, Wm J. Wallace, Augustin A. Pineo, Geo F. RobinsQiI, Edw J:Ia!nilton, Geo McGrigol', Wm, oralle, Jas Le&cd, jr., Jno Porter, Josbull Reid, Jno l\f. Fq,rk,er,Chas. C. H(!.milt.ou, M. D., Edwin Pa,rker, C. 'H. J}elgher, lirathl!.!l \y'. Fis!tllr, Geo KinsUlan, Chas. Hall, H~nry Lovett, Ja,s E. Rockwell, Enoch A. Forsyth, Rollt W. Beckwith, Geo Ar,mstrong, j'r., Isaac Hamilton, Geo W. Fisher, R.obt J. Ly.ons, Jno. H.,Jlarke, Jacpb M. ~Ul!.~(), In!l A. C!J.jpmllon, W l!1 B. Ward, Leon(!.rd F~itch, Jno H. Miner, Benjm B. Woodworth, Jno P. Lyons, Enoch West, BenjmP. We&ver, lj:,dw C, Fost,cr, GeQ DO!, Gil!> M~lrstel's, Wm L Fuller, Jno W. Barss, Chss Dickie, Geo Harvey, Geo N. Fuller, Wm J. Mag~e. Obed Benjllmin, 1/~vi,q B. Newcomb, Henly WhitE\, JU9 Belcher, In.o E; Ella, Geo Hllmilt9n, CI).il<S Best, TIIQ~ Farn~sworth, Edw, Andw Dwight Dewolf; Jnll Gravell. lticm D. We~t, Thos L. Dewolf, Wm Bowles, Amos Black; Thos Hancock, Henry Pineo, Jos D. Davidson, Ansel T. Baker, Garlllnd, ~ Cox, David R Huntley, Jos B. Davidson, Elisha Schofield, Leonard Por- ~. -:; ter, Leonard J. Ilsley Jno Lamont,jr., Wm C. Bill, Handley C. Shaffner, "'o~ Abrah. G. Marsters, Eliakhn Tupper, JJilO S. Newcomb, Henry L. Baker, Elisha Schofield, Wm N. Newcomb, Amos Baxter, Jos R. Hoo, D.C.L.,Msr &:l tin L. Cleaveland, Geo C. Pineo, J 1I0 A. Beckwith, Edw M. Margeson, Moses l!~oyll1' Ja~ Mart~n, ~aml M. Wsrnllr, J;>n,viJi H. Cla:r1i;e, Jas Dqyle, Joo T()bI~h JRO O. Morse" Edw R~dmpnd, Jas E. Lyons, Jas. P. Cunni~gbl!!ll', F;dwm Rand, Sam]1el S. Rob'llson, Wm A,. Porter, Geo L. Jess, Wn;l Ij:. Wooq.lf ard, Wm S. Wes~, Jas E. R'1Ild, Th(js Craig, Leander Rand, Egw R. BIshop, Jas P. Johnston, Gi<;leon Po,,!,er, Oliver Woodworth, T4o~ H{IIndijly C~ute! Jas. Tupper. Jer Bli!1\ Leande,r 1j:n,ton, D. Harris New C'omb, Jno L. WIckw.lre, Thos Tuzo, J os Starratt, D3.J:!1 M. Illsley, Dllvid E. ~o_s_s, Thos B. HarrIS, Chas D. Randall, Robt Ells W m H. Skinner Chas B. Northup, E,iwin Harris', will it. Minnis,Jas S: Witter JasT. Ham~ ilton, Jno N. Coleman, Gilbert Fowler, David R. Eaton, ino CII,S~y,Jiio W. M:ar~eson, Edw Moren, Henry G. ~ill, Lev\lret DeY. Chipm'IIt!1, D. D. pav.ldspn: WI)l S: Sharpe, Obarlill<h Newcqmb, W. Wa,nier, J*~ ~. Belchel.',}~"Ial D. PmeQ. Clerk of the Peace and License, Leveret DeV. ChIpman. ~ " _-..,..~, COURT OF.I'1l;OBA:rE.-:-Ju~ge, Geo A. ~la.110hu,rd; Reglstrar, IJellry. Lovett) Regutrar Of Deeds, T~os B. Campbell Dep. FostmastFs":",entmlle, Goo Ca,lkm; Cflnnmf/, :a. A. Borden' Lower Hort(Jn J. W. H~nnigar; Wolfville, Geo. V. Ralld;.R.ylel!for,d, TJ:i()jl R. H:arli~; llepp.l c k, J. M. Park~r. Coll rs oj Colonial' anri LigM' Duties ajlll BRO. BROTHERS 4'CO.,Druggists, Ordllance Squa.l!e, Halifax.

111 School Requisites <tf every desoription at R. T. MUIR'S., ',.,, ~.' J ALMANACK. 1~1 Controllers of C1Ls~oms and Navigatidn Laws-Canning, Ebenezer Rand; Horton, Edwm DeWolf; Canady Creek, Cornelius V. Ra,wtiing' 1.i'rIJnch Cross, Robt Farnsworth; Harbourville, Heilry Morris Se1Z~ ing Officers, Abraham Ogilvy, Geo LockwoOd, Elijah Rockwell Simon N. Porter. Surveyors of Shipping, Edwd Loc'kwbod Corn~liilll V IW~,. l!0~m'rs of Schools, Hugh L. Dickey, Edw L. Brown, M.D., W. Henry.Chlpman, Thos Farnsworth, Holmes E. Marsters, Jno N. Bowles Jos ~ Hea~ D.C.L., Winckworth Chipman, Benjm H. Calkin, l'hoswm Har I nb, Jno Foster, Amos Black, Ansel T. Baker, Geo W. FiBber, Jas E.. Rabd, Wm Eaton, E. A. Moran, D. Rupert Eaton, 'rhos R. Hartis Silasl Tupper, Benjm Kinsman.' Jon Borden, ~I.D., Arnold S. Burbidge; Russell Caldwell, Adolphus Bishop, Aug A. Pineo, Jas Lyons, M. L. ;Newcbmb, Leonard N. I1sley, Thos R. llsley, Chas Eaton, Jas A. Cahill, Henry L: Baker, Abr Ells. Jno S. Newcomb, Wm C. nin. Dep. Ldnd I Burvey?rs, E. E. Armstrong, Leard, Geo Neily 3d. Health OjJiclirs,.J. S. Miller, M. D., C. C. HamIlton, ni. D., Holmes Marsters, M.D., Andw i DeW. Batss, M. D., M.E. llalcom, M.D., Harris D. McLatchy, M. D. IllJoard of Health, Henrie Shaw, ni.d., Chas C. Hafuilton, M.D., W. (J. Bill, '1 Goo W. Fisher, Gilbert Fowler, Wm Crane. Trustees School Lands, I 1'!or.t01!'.' T.Ms Wm Harris, Wm Steifa~t, Ja.s S. Morse..Trustees Pubhc ljulldln:gs and La.n'/s, T. W. HarrIS, Wmckworth ChIpman, Win H.. Chipman. Co. Treasurer, Danl Moore. Town Clerk-Cornwallis, Ward Eaton; H01 ton, Jas P. Johnson;.!Iylesford, Parker Spurr. Jlgent People's Bank.-Jno. W. Barss, Wolfville. Minas Marine 1nsuntnceCompany.-Prest., J. W. Barss. Directors, Juo. L. Brown, D. Rupiirt Eo.ton, Geo E. Forsyth, Geo Harvey. Sec'y and Treas, J. R. Hea, D.C.L. COUNTY DF DIGBY.. High Shi;iijJ, John K. Viets. Co(oners, Jno Ward, E. J. Budd, RobtStephens, ~I. D., Edif H. Oakes, Lemuel ~~orehouse, Anselm ~I. COme:J.u,jr.., elias Everett, Chas E. Payson, -- McLellan, M.D., Henry C.Seabins csupreme Court beld at Digby on the second Tuesday of June, and at Chiie on tbe last Tuesday of September. Prothonotary and Clerk oj the Crown, Win B. Stewart. Comm'rs for 'giving Relief to 1n$olvent Debtors, and for taking Af!idavlts to hold to Bail, Jno Robinson, Chas Budd, E.dw Hegan, Edw R. Timpany. Jno Donnegan, Edw M. :Mal'shn.ll, LoUIS.J. Bourque, Basil A. Robichau,.,Charlton Sabean, Jos Bancroft, Holland E. P~yson, Jno Hogan, Colin Campbell, senr, General Sessions of the Peace held at Clare on the last Tuesday of Ap,ril, and at Digby on the first Tuesday of1'ov~mber.. ". Justices of the Peace.-Chal! Budd (Cus/os, Digby DIS'), J no ~blnstld, jjolincampbell, Jno Ward, Ron Anselm F. Comeau (C1f~tos~ DIB.Clare~, Stephen Payson, Edwd A. Jones, Robt Journey, Charlton. Sabean, ThoB O'Brien, Jos 'Bancroft, Holland.!:. Payson, Edw M. MarShall, Wm B. Beil! Edw Hardwick Jdhn Eldricige, Beilj H. Ruggles, Ross C. C. Fantiing; Sabine Savary,'Jno Hogan,Fra~ Bou,rueuf, W;n Saunders,. Lauch. Ian McKay, Alex Hardwick, Jno Dakm, Ewd K. TIwpany:. BaSil RobIchan, Reuben 'Perry, Ira Raymond, Bonaventure RoblChau, Sterns I,Jone~,JnoDonn~gan, Mendal Crocker, Wm McKay, Edw H, Oakes, Unadulterated Ground 'Spices at BROWN BltoTilERS & Co;,

112 00 g o o ~... R. T."JIlUIR, Bookseller and Stlltioner, 125 Granl'1l1.e St. 132 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Gao lienderson David Rice, Wm F. Marshall, Geo Cassllboon, Geo B: Potter, Pat Ndwlan, Jas Stewart, Lewis L. Bourque, Jno B. Melanson, Maturin Robichau Jno V. Purdy, Wm Aymar,:Wm. F. Potter, Edw Haines Pat Macgi; Felix Deveau,jr, Jesse Harris, Wm Coggins, Isaiah Thurb~r Benjm V~n Blarleon, Thos B.Tooker, Jno W. Wright, Geo Denton, 'Jno W. Powell, Saml '1'. Bacon, Avit Amerault, David Morehouse Edw Potter, Wm Lent, Alex D. Hoyt, Jno S. McNeil, Abner II'Jors~, Israel Dunn, Hubbard Davis, Quintenus Robichau, AngiJ Blinn, Wm. Denton, Chas Denton, Wm Hankinson, Byron P.".Ladd, Thos O. ~inger, Jas Morehouse, Richd Sanderson, Jas H. Roop, NIcholas Deveau, Jones H. Morehouse, Robt K. Timpany, W. H. Taylor, Jno Walsh, Chas R. Everett, Robt Reed, Anselm M. Comeau.. COURT OF. PRoBATE.-Judge, Jas A. Dennison; Registrar, Chas Budd. Registrar of Deeds, Colin Campbell, senr. Bep Postmasters-Digby, Edwin Bent; Weymouth, Cerino P. Jones; Westport, Jos Bancroft; Sandy Cove, Jno C. Morse. Coll'rs of Colonial and Light Duties, and Controllers of Customs and Navigation Laws.-Digby, Botsford Viets; Weymouth, Sterns Jones; Port.I1cadia, Amhrose Bourneuf; Freeport, Isaiah Thurbur; Westport, Benjm H. Ruggles. Bellivous Cove, Jas V. Stuart; Sandy Cove, Calvin Gidney; Port Gilbert, Richard. Sanderson. Surveyors of Shipping-Botsford Viets, H. D. Ruggles, B. H. Ruggles, Richard Sanderson, Basil Robichau, Reuben Perry. Seizing Officers and Landing Waiters, L. McKay, Jno Smith, Jas l\1orehous~, Edw W. Potter, Wm Reiorden, Basil Robichau, Mark Terrio. Reg'r of Shipping, Botsford Viets.. Comm'rs of.,schools-digby dist.-rev H. L. Yewens, Rev Chus.Randall, RevJ. C. Morse, RevS. F. Huestis, Rev JnoTooker, B. H. Ruggles, Jas A. Dennison, Geo Hendt'rson, Stephen ~farshall, WmF. Potter, Wm H. Taylor, J. S. McNeil, Jno Milberry; Clare Dis.-Rev J., Daly, Rev E. F. Blanchet, Jno P. Knowlan, C. :\1. Raymond, Tim Sullivan, Reuben Perry, Anselm Comeau, Mandi Melanson, Jno P. Thibedeau, Peter J. Belliveau, Augustine COIDeau, Celestine A. Robichau, Jer. Mc Laughlan, Jas Stuart, Angel Blin-. Clerks of License, G. A. Viets, Israel Rice, Alfred Peters. Co. Treasul'er, Jno K. Viets. Supervisors Public Lands, Edw K. Timpany, E. R. Oaks, Jno Bennett. Dep. Land Surveyors, Alpheus Jones, Anselm M. Comeau. Health Officer, Robt Stephen, M.D. Board of Health~Digby, WID N. Bent, John V. Purdy, He~ry Blakslee; Weymouth, Cerino P. Jones, Edw Jone1', Edw Everett; BTter and Long Islands, Jesse Harris, T. W. Ruggles, W. C. Payson, Wm Coggins, Geo Munro. Trustees of Public Properly and Supervisors of Common, J. H. Jones, T. S. EIawkesworth Jacob Dakin. U. S. Consular.I1gent, Jno C. Wade. ' COUNTY OF ANNAPOLIS. High Sheriff, Peter Bonnett. Coroners, Gilbert F. Ditmars, Jno Ross, Steph Cro.sscup, Isaac B. Bonnet.t, Law Phinney, Jon Woodberry, M. D., Robt Lesbe, M. D, Geo T. Bingay, M.D., Zebediah Crosscup, Saml McCormack, Robt J. Ellison, M.D., Jno Bohaker, Isaac Dunn. Supreme Court held at Annapolis on the third Tuesday of June and first Tuesday of October. Prothonotary, Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace, Geo R. Grassie. o.omm 'rs for givi"}g relief to In.~olvent Debtors, and for taking.i1./fidavits to hold to Ball, Geo R. Grassie, Major Chipman, 1. W. Ruggles,, flrown BROTHERS & CO., Druggist!!. Ordnance, Halifax.

113 School Itequlsites of evet y description at n. T. liiuir's J ALlIIANACK. 133 'II JOB Wheelock, Jas Gray, Jas Poyntz, Wm Y. Foster, Andw Henderson, Chas \1. Forbes, G. F. Pyke, Jno Mills, JI:O Fleet. Gpneral Sessions of the Peace held at Annapolis on the third Tuesday of April, and last Tuesday of October. Justices of the Peace, ~ilas L. Morse, Q. o. (Cnstos), Major Chipman, Wm ~ndall, Zebulon Phmney, Israel W. Ruggles, Peter Delancey, Wm I ' HarriS, Henry Gesner, David C. Landers, Edw Eaton, Weston Hall, 'funis I Bogart, Jas Gray, Dl1n'l Nicholls, Jno Ross, Jno Mills, Moses Sbaw, Reee I i Stronach, Thos C. Wheelock, Eri Welton, Wm H. Troop, Edw Fitz Han- j ~ dolph, Walter R~ckerson, MifferTupper, Jos Wheelock, Jno F. ~ath, Robt I Po! Parker, Robt l\'hlls 2d, Andreas Bohaker, Jas Balcom Jno Wilson Peter I :a-iiddlemas, Arthur Dodge, Joel Banks, Sam'l Balco~, Jordan Messen-..; ger, Andw Henderson, Benaiah Spinney, Jas Poyntz, Ambrose Bent, 0> Han Wm C. Whitman, Martin Gates, Chas Spurr, Elias Bent. Felix."';:: AlcNeil, Ava.rd Longley, Granville Reid, Jas \Vheelock, Jno H. Ditmars i ~ ~.e~!r~~,v;.~c~~;1s~~ ~a~~~:~~t;:t~~:ri7;il!~t: tr~r~~~~o~~~~', ~~~! ~ Morse, Saml L. Chipmau, Jas Johnston, Wm Crosscup 1st, Wm Weatberspoon, Leonard Wade, Wm Y. Foster, Geo Runciman, JM A. Whitman, Warren Chute, A&Lph Whitman, Ezekiel Foster, Jacob Chute, Jas Foster, Dimock Gates, Jas W. Spurr,~Israel McNair, Henry Parsons,' Wm ~o~:~,s~:~; l\i~~o~~zs~~~~~is ~~~~~n:~~~~a~eti. :r~~~: D,:!~\e'w~~;A~ ~ ner, Wm Dargie,jr, Reuben B. Durling, Steph B. Hennigar, Thos Holland, II Jas Roy, Handley E. Fitch, Israel Longley, Elias Grimes, Andw Brown, Jno G'ttes, Jno Anderson, Asaph Ml1rshall, Murray Elliott, ::;.1 Jos Elliott, Robt Fitz Randolph, Benjm D. Leonard, Benjm,Fellows, Wm B. Troop, Wm Shaffner, Benjm Shaffner, Harris Foster, Geo Troop, Jno :f!! Buckler, John L. Potter, Geo Murdoch, Sl1muel Daniels, Abraham Young, Ii= Wm Reiorden, Jacob Neily, ~Iajor Stronach, jas A. Gibbon, Walter.. Welton, Jno Stoddart, Saml Neily, Bernard Calnek, SJ1ml McCormick,.e< Jno Ryder, Chas Whitman,.ino Rice, Wm Wright, Wm Carlton, Geo ~ Ditmars, Dowe D. Potter, Geo Ince. rij \ COURT OF PROBATE.-Judge, Edw C. Cowling;.Registrar, Edwin G..~ RunCiman. Registrar of Deeds, J no McCormick. Dep Post'l'aasters- ~ Annapolis, W m Ruggles; Bridgetown, Enoch Dodge; CleT('entsport, Regi- - n8,ld M. Shaw; Lawrencetown, Jno W. James;'Wilmot,Jas A. Gibbon. r:i2 Col/"rs of Colonial and Light Dnties and Controllers of Cnstoms and fi'i.<» Navigation Laws-,Annapolis, Timothy C: Tobias. Bridgetown, S. S. ~ Thorne; Margaretville, D. W. L8,n<1ers; Bear River, Jno Barr; Cle-.s mentsport, Gilbert F. Ditmar.; Wilmot. Robt Stone; Port Williams, Walter Graves; Thorne's Cove, Abmham B. Thorne. Seizing Officers, I. Hanson Chesley, Jno Clarke, Wm Durland, Tim Brooks, Jno L. Rice~\ \ I:=: Reid Hall Phinl>as Phinney, Jno Bent, Wm Tupper, Jas Longley, Chas Spurr, Ja's Gates, Aaron M-, Chute, Wm ~eiorden.. S~rvey~rs of S~ip, ~ ping T. C. Tobias, Robt Stone. Reg rof Slnppwg, :r. C. TobIas. i Com'm'rs of Schools- Western Dist, Rev Jas J. Ritchie, Rev Isaiah I W!l.llace Rev Henry P. Deblois, Rev Jos Hart, Rev!Jon Gordon, Wm Weather?apoon Thos W. Chesley, Whitman Armstrong, Dimock Whitman. I Geo Runcima~, Wm Wright, Goo C. Ha.rris, Alfred Troop, Elias Messen- i ger, Wm Dargie, Rev Walter Gray; Eastern Dist.-Rev JasRobertson, I LL.D., Rev ~at Vidito, Rev Willard G. Parker, Rev Henry P. Almon. Rev Perez F. Murray, J. E. Forsythe, M.D., Jon Woodberry, Jno Eagar" \ Trusses, Supporters and Band~gesat BROWN BROTHERS & Co. I l af tl t.l c,.., J.i

114 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller and 5tatloner~ 125 GrlUlv~lIe St~~et. 134 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868; Handley E Fitcb, Jno Elmsley, Cbas Whitman, Bo!d.Mc~lle, Harding M:ors~, Jesse Oakes, Wm Miller, 2nd. Trustees ~tntsters Lanils, Wm A. Morse, Law Phinney, Geo Starratt~,~obt E. FItz-Ra nd 9 1 pb, J~9A. Morse. Comm'rs School Lands, Granvtlle-RcbtPn:rker, "\VmWe~t.herspoon. pep Land Sur~e?fors, Will A. C~lnek, Hugh Kerr:,.ii~anh Officers, Geo T. Bingay, M. D., L. G. J)ebIOls,M: D., R. J. ~1~I9?n).1o!:D., Robt Leslie, M.D. Board of Health, Peter Bonnett~ Andw 1!en<!er~n; Jno Mills, Law Hall, Alfred Troop, and county members. Co. Treas,; A very B. Piper. SHORE CIRCUIT. COUNTY OF LUNENBURGH. High Sheriff, Jno H. Kaulback. 'Coroners, Geo Turner, Nelson Chesley,Danl Dimock, Chas Gray, M.D., Wm A. C. Ran~an, M.D., Wm Ross, Wm V. Anderson, M. B. Desbrisay, Edw N.. Pope, Jr., Geo Ross, Chas Lordly, JOB Steverman, M. D., Chas Aitkins, M. D., Henry S. Jost;Henry Alders, W m H. Owen.,.' _., Supreme Court held at LunEmburgh on the last Tuesday of AprIl',and on the second Thursday after the first Tuesday of October. Prothonotary and Cterk of the Crown, Jas Dowling.. Comm'rs for giving Relief to Insolvent Debtors, andfor taking.iljfi~ davits to hold to Bail, Wm Ross, Jno Heckman,Daniel 'Dimock;,Jdhll Harley, Matt Ernst, Jas Dowling, Adolphus Gaetz, Robert Scott., Jame'a Dechman, Geo Anderson, Jos Kaulback, J as D. Selig. Notaries Publil, the Barri~ters of the Supreme Court and Robt S, Eakins. General Sessions of the Peaoe held at Lunenbnrgh, on the second Tuesday of January, and at Chester on the third Tuesday of January. Justices of the Peace-Henry S, Jost (Custos), Jno Heckman, Daniel Dimock, Martin Henneberry, Wlil Ross, Daniel Dimock (Custos Di~. Chester), Henry Bailey, Geo Kaulback, W. V. AndreWS, Morton Whee: lock, Jno Kedy, Lemuel W. Drew, Benjnf'Reinhart, Nicholas Wolf, Wlil Robinson, Benjm Zwicker, Geo Ross, Jos P. Millei', Geo W. Rich:iird'sou, Benjin ~. C. Manning, Thos K, Crl1gg, Jas D. Selig, Lewis Killlut, EtlW Morgan, Geo Mills, Wlil Drew, Nelson, Chesley, RobtScott,J~ Rudolf, Geo Anderson, Fredk Publlcover, Geo Barss, Chas Lordly, Robt A. Smith. -Edw Teal, Jos 'Whitford, Joshua Kaulback, Milledge Hoyt, Obadiah Parker, Matt Ernst, Simon Risser, Wm Turner, Jno K!1ulb!1Ck, Jos Baker, Geo Wile, Jacob Fancy, Jas Starratt, jr" Roht 'Lindsay, Daniel Waterman, Jas Zwicker, Robt Dawson, Elias Dolliver, JnoSinifh, Lewis Anderson, Jos Lockhart, Henry D. Cleaveland,JohnFretlieW3Y, Geo Turner, Casper Public over, Jno McKeen, Richard Jenkms. JdhD. Langille, Edw Heckman, ehas T. Evaus, Jas Bond, JasLantz, Jas Dechman, Hen Alders, Jas Kocb, Adam Feindal, Leonard Hebb Reubell McFarlane, J as Keizer, J as Faulkner, Henry Redy, Robt West, Ertos Teal, ' Casper Publicover, J. Wm Dauphiney, Win Cleveland Jas Grinton Jno Neville, Jas Publicover, Wm Shatford, senr, Henry Porter Jos ititcey, Jno Tobi~, Jas H. ":entzel, W~ Rembey, Jas Fayle, Edw Lnngille, Nat S~rum, Casp,:r P~bhcover, JOSIah Rudolf, Jeremiah l\f~dei',ciileb. Lan-..gIlle, Geo ZWIcker, Jaa M. Metzler, Thos H Mosher Wm Hiinmelm:an JOShUa Zwicker, Jaa Wei~acht, Louis ~a. ngille, Jno'D. Publicover, Jo~ \ Barss, Avard F,oster, BeDJm Hangenwalt, Casper Oxner. Clerks of the. Peace-LunenDurgh, 'Daniel Owen; Chester, Albert L. Mltchell,M.D. BROWN BROTHERS q C{)., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

115 Bcbool Requisites of cvfdy description' ~t MUIR'B ] AL~IANACK. 135 COURt OF.PRPBA,'J;E.-Judge, Geo T. Solomon; Registrar, Adolphus G,aetz..Regt,strar of Deeds, Jno Heclj:man. Dep. Postmastel's-Lunenbur!{k, Mr~ Rudolf; Chester, Miss Ada Smith; Mahone Bay, Geo D~ncan;!lrtdgewa!er, Rufus Newcomb. Collr'3 of Colonial and, Lwht DILtles, and Controllers of Cusioms and Navigation Laws--Lun~nburgh,. H. M. Moyle; CMster, Danl E. Dimock; La Have, Jno Harley;.lIIahone Bay, CMsD. Mader. Seizing Officers, joshua Oxner, D~n~ Owen, D,avld J~ ~antz, Jno Zwicker, Jno Dane:r, Benjm Rhinard, WIlham ~eldert, Josmh Rudolf, Jno Wilkie, Geo Mills. Surveyor an~ Reg~strar of Shipping, H. M. Moyle. Comm'rs of Schools -Ll~lIenbuTgh Dist, Matt Ernst, Jas Zwicker, Danl Heckman Henry ~hnare, BenJm Barry, He,nry Hutt, Nat Str~m, Saml Ramey: Nelson Cli\lsley, Saml ~isser, Geo Askir, Gicleon Langille; New Dublin Dist. Rev H. ~~. SpIke, Rev J. Morton, Rev D. F.Hntcbinson, Rev Stephen Marsh, Rev J. McMillan, Rev C. Lockha,rt, Rev W. H. Bullock, L. W. Dre,\,\, T. K, Crr.gge, Martin Sperry, Thos Smith, Jno Teel, Jas McKean, Geo B;J,ker; Chester Dist.-Rev Chl}s J. Shreve, Rev C. D. Moore, Rev I J. J. Skinner, Rev:!.. Payne, Roht Smith, Wm Robinson, D. HUlne, Geo! Turner, ChaS Evans, Davili Whitford, SamlBrowQ, Ja~ Cleveli1-nd, W'!l I Sliatfurd. D~p. La,nd Surveyor, E. H. Solomon. Co. Treasurer, Edw. DOW,ling, Clerks of License-Lunenb1frgh, Jno 'Myra; Chester, Jno C. S~,\,&rt; Bridgewriter, Angus McDonald; senr; MahqT!e Bay, Jno Mc Lean. Trustees Common Lands, HOT! JQo Creighton, Henry S. Jost, JIIO Young, Benjm Berenger, Jas Eisenhaur, W\U Zwick'lr. Trustees La Have Common, JnQ Himmelman, Marti)1 Sperry, Jno Publicover. Tj'1fstees of P1\b!ic Lands, Aqolphu~ G,aet~, Jas D. Slllig, Ca!\p~r f$ilver. 'frustees of School Lands, Robt Lindslty, Jno Dauphiney, Geo Ander- ~,.= ~ COUNTY 0]' QUEENS.. ~ HiQh Sher:i,ff, Joshua, N. Frj1el)1a;n. CoroneTS, Jas Forbes,!j:,D.,.:ras 119llie,,'[o~ B. Hll-flow, SUprflll~ C\)\~rt held at Liverp!)ol Oil the first Tuesda.y of May, and first Tuesday of October. Prothonotary and. Clerk of the Crown, Jno Edgar Comm'rs for giving relief to Insolpent Debtors, and for taking.i1ffidavits to hold to BfLil, Robt Roberts, J. F. More, Jno Edgar, Jas Collie, Wm Fard, Jno Shirreff, Gll)1eral Sllssio)1s of the Peace held at Liverpool on ~he second Tuesday of January. Justicts of the Peace, Han Freeman Tupper (Custos), Jno Campbell, Whitman ],reeman, Caleb Seely, Andw Cowie, Jno F. More, Richd Carder Wm McGill Ed", Vanhorn, Zoheth,Freeman, Jos Dexter, Geo Me L~;d, Elqred C9hoon, R.obt Dolliver, Stephen Mjl.Ck, Lewis Smith, Zenas Wa.~ermlj.!1, Davill ],reeman, f$ylvanus ~Iorton, Cha,s.W. Foster, Jas. Mulhall,' Roht. Roberts, Israel Hendry, 1ij'at. Freeman, Jas. DeWolf, Jno 'Shirreff, Geo S. Parker, Chas Alliso!!, jr., Jno Douglas, Lu\her Ledbetter, Enoch Stedmlln, JI)O Mulhall, }ldw McLeod', Geo P. Christopher Allan T, Freeman, Saml T. N. S,ellol)c, ThoB Flynn, SaIl)I Freeman, Steph c. Tupper, Jno Hall, Geo Mack, Edw:. Freeman, Jas 'H. Cook J)10 Minard Chas H. Whitl!, Simeon Freeman, Elk Morton, Ja1;le z T.' Pa.~~; BulltE\eeman', Jos Chandler, Phi)1eas Arl!lstrong~ ABa, Morine, Edw Seely, Nathan Tupper, Arch J. Cl;Impbell, LeWIS A. Sponagie, Stewart Gardner. Thos Patillo,.Jr., Simon F. Hnnt, Geo A. Feher, Wm Hendry, EldredH. B,uonaby,RlChd Knowles, Don Campbell, Works on Homeopathy, PrepllratioDS, 4'c., at BROWN BRO![RERS ~ Co.

116 R. T. Mum, Bookseller and Stationer, 126 Granville st. 136 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Hucrh Houston Thos Rees Benjm O. Dewolf, Jos Innes, Wm Cowie, Jos"Freeman, Geo W. Barss', Patk Flyn, Jno W. Cobb, Jno ~ood, M. F. Agnew, Joshua Freeman, Drew Block~t, Lathrop Doggett, Rich;! II. T~lfer, Robt Middlemas, Jno Lucey, lvljlton Douglas, Jno McGmty, Jr. Clerk of/he Peace, Wm Ford. -,.. COURT OF YROBATE},-judge, Chas Morse; Regzstrar, Henry W. Smith, Registrar of Deeds, Nathaniel Freeman. IJep Postmasters-Liverpool, Thos P. Calkin' Mil' Village, Milton, Edw Kempton; Port Medway, Eldred' CohQon. COU'IS of Colonial and Light Duties, and Controllers of Customs and Navigation Law.~-LiveTpool, Jno H. Freeman' Port Medway, JOB J. Letson. SltrveyoT qf Shipping, Tide Waiter. 'Searcher, and Seizing Officer, Wm Bryden. Reg'r of Shipping, Jno H. Freeman. Comln'rs of Schools-South Dis., Rev E. B. Nichols, Rev Jos Melvin, Rev Edw Kennedy, Rev D. D. Curry, Rev Thos Smith Rev Amos Weaver, Geo W.Barss, Hugh Houston, Jas Forbes,JaB Collie: Don Campbell, Jno R Hall, Stephen Mack, Whitman Freeman, Saml Kempton, Rev H. Genever, Rev J.,E. Tooks, Rev T. H. W. Pickles, Enoch Steadman, Eldred Cahoon, Geo S. Parker i. North Dist., Rev D. O. Parker, Rev Simeon Sykes, Zebulon Murray, Edwin Christopher, Stephen Smith, Jno Middlemass, Benjm L. Telfer, Wm EI Freeman, Wm T. Freeman, Ro::'t Bryden Thos Flynn, Edw P. Freeman, Jno Lacey, A. J. Ledbetter, Uriah Johnston, Fras Kempton, '['hos H. Grady. Dep. Land Surveyor, Whitman Freeman..ligentfoT Lloyds', Jno Campbell. U. S. Consular.ligent, Calvin Appleton. Trustee of Public Property, Jno Campbell. Town Cl"rk" Nathan Payzant. Health Officer, Jno Barnaby, ~I.D, Boards of Health.-Liverpool, Han Freeman Tupper, Wm McGill, Edw Vanhorn, Geo McLepd, Henry G. Farish, M.D., Joshua. N. Freeman, ThQil R Patillo, Eras W. Collins, Alex Cowie, Thos, F. Campbell, Henry Gardner, Stephen C. Tupper, Thos Day, JOB Eaton, Arch J. Campbell, Jno Edgar, Jno D. McCIearn; Port Medway, Geo M. Mack, Wm Masterson, Eldred Cahoon, Geo Marthene, JOB Pa.rk, Jno McVicker, Chus Atkins, C. V. Smith. Comm'rs Liverpool Bridge, Thos Rees, Geo T. Parker, J,ewis N. Sponagle, Stephen C. Tupper. COUNTY OF SHELBURNE. High Sherijf, Jas P. Johnston. Coroners, Israel K. Wilson, M.D., Wm J. Bell, Jno J. Schrage, M.D., Jus J. Clarke, M.D. Supreme Court held at Barrington on the' second Tuesday of May, I and at Shelburne on the last Tuesqny of September. Prothonotary and I Clerk of the Crown, Peter G. Fraser., Notaries Public, the Barristers of the Supreme Court and Xerxes Z. Chipman. ', C?mm'rs for givi:, 7 Relief, to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking.!ljfi-, davz~ to h?ld to Bazl, CornellUs White, Josiah Coffin, Gilbert McKenna, I Geo 'fr.. Demsttl;!t, Robt Curry, Alex McNaughton, Jas Muir, Josiah Snow, Jr., Gabl?el Robertson, O. W. Homer, J. C. Smith, Peter G. Fras!'r. General SesslOns of the Pel,ce held at Burrington on the first Tuesda.y of February; and at Shelburne on the second Tuesday of January, and on thefirst Monday of June. Justices of the Peace-Geo-H. Deinstadt (Custos.Dis. Shelburne), Robt Curry, Gilbert McKenna, Han Jno Locke, Wm J. Bell, Alex Me Nau~hto?, Hugh Rousten, Jno Bower, Wm T. Kelly, Jno Purney, David Eisenhaur, Jas Holden, Robt McIntosh, Jas Hogg, Wm Crews; BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists,Ordnance Square, Halifax.

117 Blank Books and Pass Books, 'at R. T:.i\l\';llt ~ ] ALMANACK. 137 Jas Muir, Jno 1\1. Dall, Peter Stalker, Wm McKay, JOB Walter, Jesse D~xter. Jno G. W. Dall, WmBlIerkin~, Josiah Coffin.( Custos Dis. of Bar Tlngton), Saml O. Doane, Jas C. Smith, Wm Cunnmgham, Josiah Snow (3d~, Jno W;.Homer, Thos Crowell, Thos W. Wilson, Sam I Smith, Bartlett COVill, J as Nickerson, Asa Magray, David Smith, J as Smith, Thos Banks, Henry Chllte, Theodore Nickerson, Wm Patterson, David Swain, Obed W. H?mer, H~ihan Kenn:y, Wm Patterson, Jas C. Clarke, G. A. Crowell, Vmcent Nickerson, 1\lI?h Wra.gton. Clerks of the Peace-Shelburne, R. R. Thomson; Barnngton, Rufus H. Crowell. ~ COURTS OF PROBATE.-Shelburne-Judge, Alex; Regis- P trar, Cornelius White; Barrington-Judge Josiah Coffin', Registrar', Thos Crowell. Registrars of Deeds-Shelb;rne, Cornelius White; Bar~ s ringt~n, Thos Crowell. Dep Postmasters-Shelburne, R. R. Thomson; ~ Barnngton, R. A. Crowell; Locke's Island, X. Z. Chipman. Coll'rs... of Colonial a.nd Light Duties, and Controllen of Customs and.n"avi-.s gation Laws-Shelburne, Jas Muir, jr; Barrington, Ban'ington Passage, Thos L. Crowell; Ragged Island, Wm Stalk-er ; Port La Tour, Josiah Swain. Seizing Officers, Nathan Snow,jr; Jos Banks, Danl Sargent, Seth Smith, Wm Nickerson. CoU'r Light Duty and Seizing Officer-Shelburne, Jas F. Demings. Surveyors of Shipping-Shelburne, Wm C. Whidden; Barrington, Danl Sargent. Reg'r of Shipping,Jas Muir,jr. Comm'rs of Schools-Barrington Dist, J. J. Clarke, M.D., Rev W. H. Richan, Thos W. Wilson, Henry Chute, Arthur Doane, Wm Patterson, Thos Crowell, Wm McKay, I. K. Wilson, M.D..,,Gabriel Robertson, W. Lawrence, F, Homer; Shelburne Dist,Rev T. H. White, Rev T. W. Smith, Rev M. G, Henry, Hon.Jno Locke, Alex Mc Naughton, Jos Walter~, Robt Currie, Robt Freeman, G. Snyder, M,D., Robt G. Irwin, Wm T, Kelly, Peter G. Fraser, W. White, R. P. Wood ill, Jas G. Allan. Clerk of License, P. G. Fraser. Health Officers, 1. K. Wilson, M, D., Geo Snyder, M, D., Henry L, Wilson. BOa1'd of Health-Barrington. 1. K. Wilson, ~l,d" H. L. Kelly, 'M.D" Jno Schnge, M.D" Wm Snow, jr, Jos A. Smith, Isaac Nickerson, SolomOR Kendrick, Geo Wilson, Warren Doane, Dep Land Surveyor, Jno I Firth. U. S. Consular Agent-Barrington, Gabriel Robertson. Dis I trict Treasurer, Wm Hogg. I COUNTY O'F YARMOUTH, I High SMrijf, Wm B. Townsend, Coroners, Jas c,. Farish, ~LD., Jno I Tooker, Matt. Jeffrey, Foreman Hatfield, Nathan HIlton, Wm Barton, )I.D" Harvey Catm, Supreme Court held at Yarmouth, on the Tuesday next before the last Tuesday of September; and at Tusket on the tldrd Tuesday of May. ~ Prothonotary and Cltrk of the Urown, Jno. W. H, Rowley., ~ Comm'rs for giving Relief to Insolvent Debtors, and for taktng.i1ffidavit. to hold to Bail Reubelll Clements, Jno. Bourque, Enos Gardner, Wm. Rogers, J. W.' H. Rowley, Jno, Tooker, Th08. Willet, Jas. M. Lent. General Sessions of the Peace for Argyle District held at Tusket on the third Tuesday of April, alld third Tuesday of Ootober; and at Yarmouth on the first Tuesday of March,!l.nd first Tuesday of Septem- ~ Justices of the Peace-Dis. of Yarmouth, Wm H. Moody (Custos, I Reuben Clements, Thos Killam, Caleb Cook, Jno Murray, Leona~i Pye Stqlfs and Confectionery, at BfOWN BMTB);:RS ~ Co, )

118 R. T. MUIR, BOokseller ana l5rationer, iig c>tanv:1fle O1:r,e~_t. ri38 BELCHER's FARMER'S [1868'-1 I Weston, Behjm Rogers, Thos J? Chipinan, Jesse Shaw, Wm H. Ton_ i send Robt Guest' Nathan HlIton, Wm Rogers, Amasa Durkee, Wm 'Bur;m John W: Lovett, Robt Brown, Jno Crawltly, Ansel RabiDs, Nelson 'Corning, Nathan Crosby, ~osiah Raymond, Benjm p,cro8~y, Geo W. Crosby, Harvey Cann, BenJm Moses, Jos Dur~ee, Nat;Churc,hlll. Jno R\tynard, Clias Tooker, Geo S. Brown. Saml Fhnt; Be~Jm Cleaveland, Jno Moulton, Jno K. Ryerson, Jno McIvor, Ne~emUJ:h K. Clements Xndw Lovett Jacob Hatfield, 11Ms Allan; D1st. of.jirfl'y1e, Abrah~m Lent (Custos), Israel HardiIig, Robt A. Eakins, Jas1\1. Lent, Isaac S Hatfield, Jno McKinnon, Matt Jeffery; Jno Ryder, Rueben Abbott Simon D'Entremout, Walter Larkin, Peter S. D'Enti:emont, Jno B6u~ue, Dominick D. Boudreau, Mich Suretttl, Leon P~rter, Win D'Entremont, Wm Hatfield, Jr"Jas H. Hamilton. Jos White, Obed W. Slocomb, Peter Surette, Cyril Babine, Jeremiah Timms, L0l1:is B. D'Entretil mont Thos Willet, Stillman Larkin, Natt Hogg, Jno B. WhIte; Jno Gavel, ~ Saml'Hamilton, Enos Gardner, Jno I. Brand, Gee Williams, Cyril Portlir,.t: Clias 'I.'elford, Wm Hatfield, Nathan Moses. 'Chas Steele, FredHilton, I Jas A. Hatfield, Robt K. Lonnergan, 'Jno C. Anderson, WIII J. Hlttield, ~ jr, Urban Babine, Jas Doucett, Philip Hilton, Stephe,n M~ D'Eritremoiit, I I Albert Gayton, Richd T. Crosby, Stephen Patten, Saml Crosby, Jon Ran.S I dall,.tno A. Hatfield, Tho!! B. Dane. Clerks of the Peace-YarmlYilth, 1 Jno Tooker;.!Jj gyle, Jas M. Lent..0 COURT OF PIlOB..lTE~Juilge Jali Murrlty Jr. Registrar, Henry A. Ji Grantham. Registrar of Deedt, Jno Murray. Dep Post'mtrsten Yarmouth,A. J. Hood; Tusket, l'hos, B.,Crosby. CaWra af Colanililand Light Duties, and Controllers of Customs and.7v'dvi!latiim Laws-Yarmouth, Thos,E. Iliobllrly; Tusket, Abram Lent ; Pubnico, Peter S. D' Entren\ont; Beaver Riv~r, RuebenPerry. Coll'rs Light Duty and Seizlng 0fficers-Pubhico, Robt Wilson; T"18ket, J08 White. Seizing Officers, Wm D'Entremont, Wm Townsend. Wlirehouie, Ke~per aiid ~eizing Officer and Surveyor!if Shipping, B.enry A. Hood., Land Waiters, Lyman Durkee, J. Porter. Regr. of Shipping, Tho! E. Moberly. Comm.'rs of Schools-Yarmouth Dist., Jos B. Bond, Chas E. Brown, Robt Hunter, Wm Rogers, Robt K. Lonnergan, Fr0lik H. Hilton, Nathan Hilton, Benjm B. Moses, Jas Murray, jt, Jno W. Moody, CMs W. Clements, Stephen N. Allen;.Jirgyle DisE, Rev Jno Quinan, Rev Chas Knowles, Rev Wm McLeod, Rev Jno M. Gay. Enos Gardner, David D'Entremont, Wm J. Hatfield, Nat Travis, Jas N. Hatfield, 'Jas Nickerson, MichISurette. Health Officers-Dr. G. J. Farish, Dr. Thbs Kirby. Board of Health-Dr. J. B. Bond, Dr. B. V. Varley, Dr F. A. Webster, Wm H., Townsend, Chas B. Owen, Jas!\Iurray, jr. Trustees of Public Property-'-.9.rgyle, Jas Nickerson, Amb Bourque, Foreman I H~tfield; Yarmouth, Samuel Brown, Andw L()vett, Dennis Horton. Wardens-Yarmoutk, W. Burril, jr, Chas E. Brown Robt Hunter~ W. H. ~oody,jr,lyl)1an Cann,jr, Geo Ryerson,Jno Y~ung, Geo 13.. SmIth, BenJm Murphy, W. B. Tqwusend, Jae B. Moody, Geo B. Doane, J. W. Moody. Fire Engine Company-No.1, CaptWm H. Moody, ji', 1st Lt, Chas.E. Horton, 2d Lt A. F. Stoneman; No.2, Capt G. W. Riddle, 1st Lt, Wm A,. C~nn, 2d Lt, Jacob ~waney; No.3, Capt Jno P. FaIt, 1st Lt, Thoa RItchie, 2Lt. J. C. Moulton; Hook and Ladder Company...;. Capt, 'w. S. Brown. Trustees Public' Cemetery; Saml Brown, Robt Hunter, Andw Lovett. Harbour.Master8~YarmiJuth, Clias Tooker; Ohebogue, Sami Crosby; Green Cove, Walter Sollows. Town Clerks- BROWN' BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ql'd~!I,nce Square, Hillifillt.

119 1toom Paper at 4d. a Roll t.nd upwards at R. '.r. MUIR'S ] ALMANACK. 139 Yar1l1o'ltth" Jno Tooker;.J1rgyle, Hllr"ey Spinney. Dep. Land Sur- 1I1yor, 1;'eter L. Hatfield. Examinen of Merchant Captains, Capt Saml Flint, Nlithan Moses, Jno McIvor. Vice-Consul for Sweden aijd Norway; Lloyd's JJgent; and.i1gent for Underwriters.I1ssociation ::"el;' York J. W. Moody..I1gent Bank of Nova Scotia, Jas Murray: Jr., ~ANK 0]' Y~RlI10UTH.-Directors, Jno W. Lovitt (Prest), A. C. R?bb}ms, Thos KIllam, L. E. Baker, C. E. Brown. Cashier, J. W. H. nowey. 1,,A'l'tA,' Nn? INSURANCE COMPAN!.-Directors, Saml Btown, JnoYoung, J. K. Ryerson, Bowman Cornmg, Geo B. Doane, Hugh Cann, N. K. \ Clements. Sec'y, Jno Killam.. I ACADIA. INSUlU.NCE COUPAlIIY.-Directors, Geo S. Brown, Wm Rogers, i A. F. Stoneman, Aaron Goudey, Benjm Murphy, Chas Tooker, Nathan i Moses.. See'y., Thos V. B. Bingay.. I C?l\llllERCUL INIiURA.Jlcl: COMPA.Ny.-Direetors. J. W. Lovitt, Andw LOVItt, A. C. ~obbins, W,. K. Dudman, BeDjm, Killam, jr, Robt Guest, Lyman Cann, F. ", ~Aiu:NE, ~NS~R.ANCE Broker, ASSOCIA.TloN.-Directo\s~ W. Patch. Nathah Utley, Wm H. \ Moody, BenJamlD Rogers, Jno W. Moody, DenDi! Horton, L. E. Baker, IS. M.:,Ryerson. See'y, James Murray, jr. to rl! MOUNTAIN CEMETERY CO!ip'Y.~Directors, Jos. B. Bond (Prest.), i Nathan Moses ( V.P.), Jno K. Ryerson, Hon Staley Brown, Geo Killam, ~ 1 ~as C. Farish. Jas MUrray,jr",Jno W. Lovitt, Saml Brown, Edw Huestis. I'! See'y and Treas. &. J. Farish.'.S I MIDLAND OIRCUIT. ' COUNTY OF HANTS. i I lfigh Sheriff, James M. Geldert. Coroners,Jno A. Jenkinll, Bam I :Q..t! I, Brown, M:D., Wm Dennison, M.D" W. F. Parker, F. N. Burgess, M.D. J Supreme Court held at Windsor, on the first Tuesday of June, and o:! last Tuesday of September.. ih ']lrothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, Henry Mundell. Comm'rsfor giving relief to Insolvent Debtors, andfor taking.l1jjillavits to hold to Bail, Jacob Withrow, Elkanah Young, Jas SlIngster, Jno Otis King, David Frielf:e, Henry Mundell.,,Notaries Public, the Barristers of the Supreme Court and Jehu M. I. MMombp.r. General Sessions of the Peace held at Windsor, on the jlrm Tuesday of October; and at Gore on the second Tuesday of October., Justices of the peace.-hon Riohard A. McHeJfey (Custos Western litst), Benjrh Curry, Fras Parker, Wm Mumford,,J. M. Smi~h. Geo MeK.ay, JOB J. Blackburn, A. McPhee, Geo Armstrung, Jacob Withro.w, Da.vid Freize, John McDougall, Alex Thompson,Jaa J." O'BrIen (C1IlItos Eastern Dis), Jos, Madill, Jos Keating, Jno S. Brennan, Abel Tomlinson, Jno Lockhart, Geo Harvey, Arch Sinith,.it, Jos Rickards,,ConstantChurcb, Wm R. Wallaoe, Stephen C. Card, Will Cllambers,Jas OOllhran, Jno Burgess, J88 Withrow, JasPutnam, Jas Crowe, Wm Mc Dougall,Isaao Douglas, Geo Smith, Geo Densmore,.Dahl T~rhuue, Geo Pafker, Isaac Lake, Jas Greeno, Robt Allisou" Allls?n SmIth, Benn.eH Smith, Wm Dimook, Danl Coohran, Israel Sanford, l\'hch B. Salte~, ~\Oh Moser, Isaiah Dimock, Shubael B. Pi\rker, Thos Sanford; Jas M. Hlggms, Toilet Soaps, polilades Qind Perfumery I\t BROWN BR01'lfEl'S & Co. f

120 140 BELCHER'S l<'armer's [1868. Jebu M. Macomber, Benjm Marsters, Jno Dimock, BenJm Blois, Wm,C. Casey, Jus Reynolds, Isaiab Smith, Woo La~rence,. BenJrn W. Mumford, Matt Allison, Evan Urquhart, Jas McKenzIe, BenJm J?eW. Fraser, M.D., Jus W. King Wm Bennett, Shubael Dimock, DenD1scn Harvey, Jas Ross, Geo J~hnston, N. T. Harris, Harris Martin, Wm Etter, JaB F. CochraJ,t, Robt Hunter, Wm Church, jr, Robt Fuulkner,.Ja;' Denniso;,!, l[.d., Thos A. Smith, Steph Harvie, Danl Read; ChasT. WIlk~nB, JasMIIler, Hugh McLean, Andw Kirkpatrick, Jas Ellis, Jacob Withrow, Woo Wardrop, Geo Ainslie, Edw Dim?ck, ~Ionson H; G.oudge, Walter Hunter, John Jenkins Geo Dewolf LewIs HIll, John SmIth, J. P. Pellow, John Smith John 'McLearn, H~rry B. Murphy, S,lmucl S. Barbrick, Wm Blake; Alfred B. Smith, Don McKay, Daniel Blois, Jas Thomson, Sam I Blois, Hen H. Blois, Jno Sim, Jno,J. Scott, Chas Boggs, Geo Urquhart, Wm H. Withrow,.Jno B: Wallace, Geo P. Thomson, Jno Graham, Jacob Hennigar, J. B. North, Wm Davison, Geo Cochran, Nelson Mur- I phy, Phares Constantine, Jas Simpson, Geo Armstrong, Anthy Shaw,', Wm Murphy, Woo Fish, Handley Starrett, Robt Putnam, Woo Hamilton, S'1.miMumford, Andw Shaw, Thos Akins, Edwru Mumford, W. B. Shaw, W. Cannavan, W. Dennison, Hugh McNeil, Jno Browne, Alex Hill, Michl Terhune, Will Stephens, Robt Parker, Nathan Wilcox, Jno Carmichael, Woo lieckml1n, Juo Sterling. Clerks of the Peace.- Western Dis Henry Mundell; Eastern Dis-Jas A. Scott. COURT OF PRoBATE,-Judge, Chas. Bowman; Regi&trar, Chas. Payzant. Registrar of Deeds, W. Foster Parker. Dep. Postmasters Wlndsor, Peter Burnham: Shubenacadie, Danl Sinclair; 'Newport, J no F. Cochran; Hantsport" N. T. Harris;.lYlaitland, Adam Roy; Walton, Coos. R. Allison. Coll'rs Colonial and Light Duties, and Controllers of Customs and.n'avigationlaws- T indsor, Edward O'Brien; Hantsport, N. T. Ha.rris; Cheverie, Thos. H. Malcom; Maitland, Adam Roy; Walton, Chis R. AlUsuri. Tide waiters and Seizing Officers Jno Stirling, Rupert G. O'Brien, Jas H. liiclean. Surveyors of Shipping, C. R. Allison, Adam Dickey, Edw O'Brien, Thos H. Malcom, N. T. Harris. Reg. of Shipping, Edw. O'Briin. Comm'n of Schools- Western Diet., Rev. Thos. Maynard, Rev. Jno. McLeod, Rev Woo Burton, Rev Jas England, Rev Jer Bancroft, Hon Richd McHeffey, Chas Mumford, M. H. Goudge, Jas Brown,Geo Dewolf, Shuba.el Dimock, Thcs Aikins, Rev. H. McKeown; Eastern Dist" Rev Chas Bowman, Rev Jno Ru,nd~ll. Rev Juo Cameron, Rev Jas Stevens, Rev Jacob McJ.enuan, Rev G. 1II. Barrett, Juo McLearn Saml Blois, Wm Casey, Ju,cob Withrow, D. McLean, Isaac O'Brien, J~B'Mc Kenzie, Wm Hamilton. l'lealth Officer, B. DeW. Fraser, l[.d. Board I of Health.-r,own of Windsor,. Hon R. A. McHeff~y, B. DeW. Fraser,,M.D., H. H. ReId, M.D., Chas Smith, E. W. Dimock, G. P. Payzant, Edw O'l!ri~n, Jlis M. Geldert, J. P. Pellow, W. H. Blanchard, E. McLatchey, Jos Rlckl1rds, Jno. Stirling, Thos B. Smith Ja2 Shand Jno Collins Gasper ~rillio, T. S. Harding, J. S. Shaw, M. II.' Goudge. 'C~. T,e.asurer: C. W. Dimock. Dep. Land Sur'veyor, Benjm Smith. U. S. Consular.IIgent, P. Ii Burnha.m, Windsor Gas,Oompany.-Direclor8, G.,P. Pay~allt (J>~est,). M. H. Goudgc, E. W: Dimock, D. P. Allison. Secretary., Wm Dimock. '.f1vd.n Man;te Insurance Comp y.-directors, Wm Dimock (Prest), B. Smith, DaVid, C.II. Bowman, Elk Young. Sec'y, D. P. Allison. Treas., Thos B. Smith..f1uditors, E. W. Dimock, G. P. Payza.nt. BROWN IHWTJiEBS fi, CO" Druggists, Ordnullce Square, H~liflu:,

121 Church Services Rnd Prayer Books at n. T. MUIR'S. ~868.J ALMANACK. 141 Windsor Marine Ins. Comp'y.-Directors, G. P. Payzant (Prest.), E. W. Dimock, Jno Smith, Jno Stirling, Ed\\,' O'Brien. Sec'y and Trea., W. H. Blanchard. Avon Bridge Comp'y.-Direclors, B. DeW. Fraser (Prest), Thoa Curren, Sam 1 G. Black, E. W. Dimock, W. H. Blanchard. Sec'y and Treas., G. P. Payzant. COMMERCIAL BANK OF WINDSOR.-:-Est Directors, Godfrey P. Pllyzant (Prest.), Wm Dimock-; Benjm D. Fraser, M.D., FrasEllerhausen, Jas P. Pellow. Cashier, C. E. Harding. Solicitor, W. H. Blanchard. fftindsor Fair-Held at Windsor on the Fair Ground, annually, on the first,!,uesday and WednesdllY of October, for the exhibition and sale of Horses, Horned Cattle, Swine and Sheep, Farming Utensils Seeds and Agricultural prorluce. ', COUNTY OF COLCHESTER. High Sheriff, Chas Blanchard. C01 one,.s, Saml Muir, nt.d., David I' V. Crowe, Juo B. Dickie, W. E. McRoberts, nt.d., Elisha Roach, "d M.D., Chas Bent, ni.d. ~ Supreme Court held at Truro on the second Tuesday of June, and 113=~ on the jf1'st Tuesday of October. Prothonota,.y and Gle,.k oj the ~ Grown, Jas F. Blanchard. 001nm'1's jar giving,.eliej to Insolvent Debtors, and jor taking ljfido/ljits to hold to Bail, David B. Lynds, Wm Campbell, Silas H...r;j Crane, Jas F. Blanchard, Jas K. Blair, "Vm MeInm, Wm A. Fulmore. ~ Natades Public, The Barristers of Sup. Court, and S. G. Archibald. I ~. General Sessions of the Peace held at Truro on the second Tues- ~ day of January. "d Justices oj the Peace, David V. Crowe (Custos), Silas H. :a Crane, Alex Kent, David B. Lynds, Fras R. Parker, Wm Campbell, "d Robt Fletcher, Eliakim Tupper (4th), Samuel Creelman, Isaac Mc- $ Curdy, Jno King, Jas D. Blair, Jno Fulmore, Robt Hamilton, Don ~ Ross, Danl Morrison, Jas Munro, Saml Waugh, Benjm Tupper, I ~ Matt McCurdy, Wm McKim, Wm Faulkner, Wm C. Eaton, Jno." Smith, A\ex Conkey, Geo :Reading, Geo Lombard, Jno Irvine, Jno e;g McKay, Jas 11. Putnam, Hugh Dunlap, Han Arch Patterson, Saml 1:3 Rettie, Fras Layton, Jas N. Crowe, Jno Yuill, Richd Slade, Geo S. : Rutherford, jr., Alex Ellis, Stephen Upham, Jas Flemming, Thos S. os Delaney, Jno M. Campbell, Jos :Fulton, Silas Clark, Jas'Crowe (7th), ;:tl Jas McKay, Hugh Gunn, Robert Logan, Jas A. Stevens, Daniel C. 0 Archibald, Saml Boyd, Robt Chambers, Robt Nelson, Ezra Layton, t; Jas K. Blair, Robt J. Pollock, Wm Grigor, Hugh Dickson, R. Purves, 00 Daniel McLaughlin, David Murray, Jno McGeorge, Robt L. Byers, ~ Thos Chisholm, Jno B. Dickie, 'Vm J. McKay, Wm Ross, Robert Lewis, David Moore, Jas Crowe, Alex McLeod, Geo Johnston, Danl ~ Eaton, Jas J. Hamilton, David Ramsay, Robt G. Rutherford, Robert Murray, Isaac Fulton, E. A. Jones, Jos Spencer, Jno Ryan, J. D. McCart, Robert Fulton, Isaac Flemming, Jas R. Henderson, John Archibald Wm Fulton, Geo M. Taylor, Jas M. Creelman, Jas Graham, Jas Berrdl Ken McLean, Jno Dickson, Saml S. Morrison, Harris Fulmore, Danl Hill, Danl McKenzie, F. Blanchard, E. Tupper, jr., Sam!. G. W. A.rchibald. Olt1'k oj the Peace, Leander J. Crowe. COURT OF PROBATJ~.-Judge, Ebenezer F. Munro; Registrar, Geo Ca~pbell. Registmi' oj Deeds, Jas K. Blair. I 8,011";68, Brushes, Combs and Perfumery, at BROWN BROTHERS & Co. co ~

122 B. 'f. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Grauvnle Street. 142 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. DEP. P08TMASTERs.-Truro, Edw l;iamiltou; Londonderry, M. CalDPbell; Talamagouche, Isaac Blair; Lower Stewiacke, Wm Holeswot:t4; Upper Slew.iackt, Fras Cox; Economy, W. A. Fulmore. Colt'rs Colonial and Light Duties, and Co trollers of Customs and Navtga~ i tion 'Laws-Truro Thos M~ Crowe; Five Islands, 4. Y. Corbett;, ' Tata'magouche, W~ Campbell; Londonderry, David Arch Davidson. I' Seizing Officers, Harris Fulmore, J. McCurdy, G. Creelman. Sur-, veyors of Flhippil!g, T. F. Morrison, Will Campbell, J~s M. Creelman. Comm'r8 of Pilots-Tatamagouche and Brule,Jno Miller, Wm Frailer, Robt Logan, Henry Roberts, Geo Mat~ital Comm'rs of Sc~ools Colckesler Dis, Geo Reading, Rev. JaB SmIth, D.D., Rev D. W. C. DlmQ()k, Rev. J. Forsyth~, Rev Jno I. Baxter, Rev Wm :l\1cculloch, D.D., Rev JaB McLean, Rev JOB Alexander, Obed Chute, Rev. E. E. Ross, Rev Robert Grant, Fras R. Parker, Jno King, S.IDI Rettie, W. E. Mcl{oberts, M.D., Robt G. Rutherford, Thos S. Delaney, Jno B. Dickey, Israel Longworth, W. A. Fulmer, Eliakim Tupper; Stirling Dis., Hon A. Patterson, Rev Jas Watson, Rev Wm McMillan, Rev Thos Sedgwick, Robt Purves, Jno Currie, Robert L. Byers, Elisha Roach, M.D., Robt Logan, John Irvine, -- Williamson, M.Il" Wm J. MoKay, Rev Alex McArthur. Trustees School Lands-Onslow, Jno King, Isaac M:Curdy; Truro, Alex KeJlt, David Page. Co. Treasurer, Thos M. Crowe. Clerk of L cense, C. H. Blair. Dep. Land Surveyors, Isaac N. ArchibaJd, 'Robt L. Byers. Health Officers, Chas Bent, nt. D., W:. E. McRoberts, M. D. Board of Health~Truro, Saml Muir, ~I.D., Wm Grigor, Robt Chambers, Jas K. Blair, Saml Rettie, Saml Nelson;, Tatamagouche, Robt Logan, Saml Waugh, Jno Millar, Geo Lombard, Wm :plaekwood. ' Cobequid Marine Insurance Company.-Directors, Ch!J.Jj Blanchard, (Prest), Jas Crow, Robt Smith"A. W. McLellan, Capt Jas Clltmpbtill, Nelsoll Murphy" Capt Chas Co)!:..9;uditon, A. M. Cochrlltn, J. F;.BJancho.r-d. Sec'y and. Treo,s., Jas,K BI!\oir. COUNTY OE CUMBERLAND. High Sheriff, Roderick McLean. Coroners, Thom~ Page, Chas Ward', 108 Clark, Jno T. Salter, H. A. Davison (Parrsboro'),,Thos W. Jackson, R. J. Scott, Henry A. Davison (River Philip),"Robt Mitchell, M.D., Chandler Crane, M.D. ~, Supreme Court held at Amherst on tae third Tuesday of June, and on the second Tuesday of October. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, Amos S. Blenkhorn. - Notaries Public, the Barristers of the Supreme Court and Robt Stubbs, ChBs S. Townsend, Alex A. Black. C.Qmm'rs for givinfl. rel~efto buolvent Debtors, andfort'lking.ilffidavtls 10 hold to Batl, Chas D. Roach, Jas Page, C. G. Donkin, Fras Carrol, Joshua Huestis, Wm H. Rogers, Chas B. Dewolf, Don'McKay, C. E. Ratchford, Jas W. Delaney, Amos S. Blenkhorn, A. A. Bla:ck, Cyrus Bent, Robt Stubbs. General Sessions of the Peace held at Amherst on the first Tuesday of January. Justices of Peace, Stephen Fulton (Custos) Gaius Lewis J8.8 McNab Hon Henry G. Pineo, Jacob G. PUl'dy, Joshu~ Huestis, Jo; N. B. Kerr; I Jas R?tchfor~, Eben Ker,r, Jesse Lewis, Amos S. Blenkhorn, Jos Oxley, Ja8 KIrkpatrICk, J.landolph Morris, Jas Page,,ThDS Logan, Jno menkj hocn, Henry HarrIson, Jas W. Delaney, Robt K. Smith, Dennis Maena- BROWN BROTHERS & CO" D~gists, Ordnanoe Square, Halifa~.

123 Itoom Paper at "d. a Roll and upwards at it. '1'. MU1R'~., 1868.] ALMANACK. 143 man,!to C. Read,,T.Johnston, Wm Pipes, Horatio N. Davison, J. K. ElderklD, George Knowlton, David Purdy David Pugsley Fras Carroll!J.has O. Donkin. Jas Fullerton, Moses 'Lowe, Hance Hunter, Di),vid Lawrence, JnO H. Peers, SainI Webb, N1)rmall McLeod Wm Baker Willi~m P., Chisholm, Rolit Donkin, Robt MoElinan, RObt W. Salter:,~artlD Chapm~~, Goo. Glendenning, Jno T. Smith, Cyrus Bent, Peter liio!~dane, Wilham F. Cutten, Cyrus Black, Chas E. Ratchford, John 'r!'iivisb, JOB Coates, Doug Phgsley, Wm Stewart, Alfred Black, Wm D. 'Brundage, Thos T: Thomson, John Bragg, Robt Ward, Fras F. Hatfield, Nat P. Hughes, A. P. Bradley, David Fullerton, Jrio Davison, Mich K..Pug~ley. Aaron. ~ockwell, Levi Borden, Thos C. Dewolf, Wm. Waugh, DaVid ROSB, Wllha~ B. Oxley. Lemuel Bigney,,Enoch Embree, Edwin J?hnston, ~obert Ripley, Charles Ward, Don McKenzie, Gilbert Purdy, Tillot Harrison, Thos l\olckay, Jno Bigelow, Ephraim Howard, Abraham P. Bett~, Jas Z. Bliss, David McElman, Thos Lusby, Wm B. Handley, Arch Dlckpy, Chas Creed, M.D., Alex Leslie, Jno Trueman, Netis Chap,pel, Chas Lawrence, Chas B. DeWolf, Thos R. Black, Alex A. Black, Thos Roach, J. Hira.m Black, Rufus Black, Patk Ba.ird, Wm Moffatt, Mlirtm C. Hallid'lY, JaB Higgins, Robt Stubbs, Sam I Baird, Jas ;\Iitchell, Jno Atkinson, Jno Hewson, Wm McNab, Jno H. Gilroy, Wm Scott, Fredk A. Donkin, Luther Baker, W. D. Main, Benjm Douglas, Don Mo Kay, Jas S. Hickman, Chas McCabe, J. N. B. Elderkin, Alex M. Mills, Chas Oulton, Richd B. Huestis, Bedford Read, Wm Smith, Robt Kerr, Embree Wood, Robt Christie, Thos Kirkpatrick, Geo Bergmail, Richd Black. jr., Amos Thompson, Zebud Mackay, Chas Bent. Clerk of the Peace, Richd B. Huestis. COURT Of PROBATE.~Jud'ge, Jno D. Kiilnear; Registrar. Wm M. Fullerton. Registrars of Deeds,-Pa"rsboro', A. P. Bradley;.!lmherst, Jas E. Purdy. Dep Postmasters-Amherst, Mrs J. A. Chipman; Pug 'Wash, Levi Borden;' Wallace, Joshua HueStis; Parrsbo,o', A. P. Bradley:; River Philip, Mrs J. C. Philips. Coll'rs Colonial and Light Duties, and Controllers of Customs a,nd Navigatim Laws-Amherst, Jas J. Kerr; Pugwash, Jas McNab; Wallace, Nicol Nicholson; Peirrsbora', J as Ratchford; Advocate Harboltr, Chall Ward; Joggins Mines, Jno Moffatt; Port Gteville, F. Hti.tfi:eId. SeiZi"g Officers, A. D. Chapman,'Wm Brundage; Jno Moffatt,Jef Gordon, Gel) W. Forrest. Surveyors of Shipping, 'I'hos D. Dickson, L. Borden, Jas J. Kerr, Jas Mc Nab. Registrars of Shipping, Jas RatchfOrd,Jas McNab. Commissione,'s of Schools-Cumberland Dis-Rpv Geo Townshend, Rev Jno MilDro, RevJ. L. Jarvis, Rev G. F. Miles, Rev Thos Alleh"Rev Arch Thomson, Rev Jno Sponagle, Rev David McKeen" Gilbert Seaman, Stephen. Fulton, Rodk McLean, Cyrus Beht, Chall Law;ence, Wm-F. Cutten, Roht Donkin; Parrsboro' Dis-Rev Wm B. Kmg, Rev Dun McKinnon, Jas Kirkpatrick, T. D. Iiickson"Fras Carroll, EdwVickerj,.JosElderkin Jae A. l>iatfield, Nathah B. Morris,.Jas Ward~ Je~Be O. Lewis, Rev U~bt Tweedy. Trustees of Puhlic Prope1'ty, Jas J. K~rr, Amos S. Blenkhorn, Benjm Douglas. Co. Treasurer, Jno W. Smith. Dep. Land ~urve'!r0rs, CMs D. Roach, Jesse O. Lewis, Saml O:Ddnnell,.David Steele..oomm','$ of Pilots-Pugwash, Hon H. G. Pmeo, Jas Bent 'Chas B. DeWolf Alex A. Black, Danl Rogers; fvallace, Joshua Huestis, Ja813. DaviSo~, Jos N. B. Kerr, Richd Scott,jr. Health Officers, Benjm G. Purdy, Nathan Tupper, M.D., Edwin Clay, M.D., ChasCreed.M.D., Robt Mitchell, M.D., A. S. Townshend, M.D., C. E. Dewolf, M.D. Boards BlOWN BMTIDlll!l i5' ljo., Pure Chemro:als, Drugs and Toilet Artiolell.

124 It. 1'. MUm, fioollsoller and ShtlJller, 121) Granville st BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. of Health-PaTrsboro, lt~v Wm B. King, Jas Ratchford, Danl York, Fras Carroll, J. Olney Lewis, Jesse Fullerton, E. DeW. Ratchford; Ports 0/ Curnberla.nd alld Joggins Dis, C. E. Ratch~ord, A. S. Blenk. horn, R. K. Smith, J. W. Delaney, Douglas pugsley, HIram Black, W. F. Cutten, R. B. Boggs, Gilbert Seaman, Michl Pugsley; Wallace, Stephen Fulton, Don :HcKay, Jas B. Davidson, Nicol Nicholson; Pugwash, Cyrus Bent, Henry G. Pineo,jr., Henry G. Bennett Wm H. Seaman, Chas E. Mc Nutt. Swedish and Norwegian V. Consuf. and U. S. Consular Agel/t, Henry G. Pineo, jr., Pug wash, EASTERN CIRCUIT. COUNTY OF GUYSBOROUGH. High Sheriff, Edm H. Franchville. Coroners, Edw I. Cunningham, Spinney Whitml1l1, J. B. Hadley, Edm H. Franchville, Jno Cumminger, Alex F. FalGpner, MD. Notaries Public, the Barristers of the Sup. Court, and JaB B. Hadley, Jesse Andprson, J. W. Bigelow, jr., E. H. Franchville, l:dw Mundell, A. 1 P. McKenzie, Edw I. Cunningham, Thos C. Cook, Alex W. McL. Hart, '" Geo B. Hadley. on Supreme Court held at Guyshorough on the last Tuesday o( May, lind.8 on the first Tue~day of October. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown, 71 o I Edw Carritt, M.D Comm'rs for giving Relief to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking AfJiil davits to hold to Bail, W. G. Scott, Jno Mahoney, Edm H. Franchville, ~ Jas B. Hadley, Wm Hart, Christopher Jost; St. Mary's Dist., Hugh ~ McDonald, W m A. McKeen, Alex N. McDonald, Jno W. McKeen. General Sessions of the Peace held at Guysborough on the third Tues. day of January and the first Tuesday of May; and at St. Mary's on the first Tuesday of December. Justices of the Peace-EdwI. Cunningham (Custos), Hon Robt M. Cutler, W. O. Heffernan, Jas B. Hadley, Wm. J. Bigelow, Jno J. Marshall, "Tm Hart, JohI' Mahaney, Wm G. Scott, John Ehler, 'I.'hos Keating, Jesse Anderson, Jno A. Steele, Jno Jamieson, Jno MoMillan, Jas Wallace, Don Gunn, JOB David, Jas Fitzgerald, Andw Sang~ter, Jas A. Tory, Wm Hartshorne, Jno A. Tory, Colin Chisholm, Jas W. Hadley, Jno Hartley, Thos C. Peart, Styles Hart, Jno B. Simpson, Saml Aitken, Christoph~r Jost, Chas Taylor, Wm H. Wylde, Simon Gitlin, Geo Scott, Jas Purcell, Herbert R. Cunningham, Ahlahlj,.DJ. W. Hart, Saml R. Russell, Thos O'Neill; St. Mary's Dist, Hugh McDonald (Custos), Alex N. }Ic Donald, Jno, Hattie, Angus Kirk,Jno W. }IcKeen, Abner P. McKenzie, Tb?s O. Flavi:" J~o Sinclair, Jno Rude, Robt Kennedy, Thos Smith, Wm Prldt', Alex Smclalr, Wm Hemlow, Jno Cumminger, David K. McKeen, Jesse Cummingcr, Saml Archibald, Alex Fisher, An!pus Cameron, Geo M. Elliott, Lachlan McQuarrie, Alex Mitchell DanietHattie senr. Wm H. Chisholm, Valentine McDonald, Thos C. C~ok, Alex M. Hart, Alfred W. Har.t, Jas S. Nickerson, David Scranton, Wm P. Ca.rritt Jno Thos Sinclair, Wm Tory, Jag H. I<'eltmate, Wm Webber, Jno McDo~ald Richd O'Gorman, Walter Daniels, Alex Cum minger, Saml S. ~IcKee~, Don McDonald, Jas MoDonald, Geo B. Hadley, Jno Mathers, Jas Ferguson, senr. Clerks of the Peace-Guysborough, Saml R. Russell; St. Mary'S, A. P. McKenzie..,. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance-Square! Halifax.

125 Soooel ltequlsike M o.-ery dceoriptln at It. T. KUIR'S 1868.J ALMANACK 145. ' COU~T OF PROBArE.-Judges-Guysborough, Edw Carritt, M. D.; St.,lI!a'!l8, Hugh McDonald. Registrars-St. Jl'Iary's, Jno W. McKeen;.(}uysbor.oug/t, Sl1ml R;. Russell. Registrars of Deeds-Guysborough, Wm MOlr; St. Mal'Y s, Hugh ~fcnolll11d. Del'. Postmasters-Guys_,borough, E. I. Cunnmgbam; Sherbroolce, St. lilary's HucrhMcDonald' Canso, l'rliss Sl1mh Norris; Port lieulgrave, Geo Hadley:" Glenelg l\i: Arohibl1ld;.iU'elrose. Jag Stewllrt. Coll'rs Colonia1 and 'Light Duti~s,,and Con/rallers of Crlstoms and Navigation Lltws-Guysborough, Jas M~rshal1; Cape Canso, W. J. Bigelow; Port Mlllgrave, Yin J. W'1lIace;,Sherbrooke, St. Mary's, Abner P. McKengic; Isallc. llarbour, Steph McMullen. Seizing Officers, Tbos P., E. P. Dillon, Jesse Anderson. Srtrveyors of Shipping, Alex McDonald, Jus Mlll shrtll. Coll'rs of Light Duties-Whitehaven, Jas Feltml1te; Strait of Canso, Jas Purcell. Reg" of Shipping, Jas Marshall. Comm'rs of Schools Guysborouglt Dis.-Rev W. E. Gelling, Rev H. H. HI1IIJiltOlll, Rev Thos Se~rs, Wm Uartshorne, Jno Mahaney, Christopher Jost, Edw 1. Cuaningham, Wm Moil', H. R. C'unningh&m, Thtls Condon, Abraham N. Wllitman, Don Gunn, Jno H. Tory, Rev M. Tompkins, Rev J. B. S!l.rgent, Rev F. Von Blerk; Jas V. Purcell, Rev E. Gelling; St. Mary" Dist., Rev Jno Campbell, Rev Theophilus Richey, Rev C. B. Pitblado, Rev.!fenry Eagles, AlhwMcQuarrip., Jno O. McDonald, Philip S. Perrier, A. P. AlcKenzie, Jno W. I.\>IcKeen, R. Kennedy, A. Cunimingcr, N. Gilun, A. Sincl~ir, W. Hemlow. Board of Health, W. H&rt, E. I. Cunningluttn, i, H. FranchviUe, J. Mab.aney. Health Officers, V. LeDantic, ~I. D. E. Carritt, M.D. Dep. Land Survel/aI's, Wm Hartshorne, J. A. Taylor. J)ep. Agent for Lloyd's, and U.... S., Edm H. FranchviUe. Town Clerkt-GuysbQrough, ';$. Marshall Jost; liianckester, Jno B. Simpson; Melford, Villi cent Wltl- ~ lace; Wilmot, Wm Bigelow. Co. Treasurer, Wm. G.8cott. Clerk of.~.,license, Themas C. Pel1rt. Trustees Public Property, Thomas Cook, Hecoor Gordon, Andw Meaghel.. COUNTY OF ANTIGONISH. Higlt Sheriff, Henry P. Hill. Coron'rs, Joseph Symonds, Wm H. McDonald M.D., Arch McGillivray, Edm Corbett. Notaries Public, th" Barristers of the SlIp. Conrt, Rnd D",vid Condon, Hugh McDonald, Rubt I.\>IcDou!l.ld, Saml McDonald, E. Corbett. Supreme Court held at Antigohish on the first Tuesday of June, and on the second Tuesday of 'Octo her. Prothonotary and Cierka! the Crown, Richard J. Forristall. Com,m'rs for giving Rel'ief 10 Insolvent Debtors, and fen'.taking Affidavits to Itold to BaU, Alex l'ricdouald, M.D., Wm C. Hlerhhy, Wm A. Cllnningham, Wm J. Beck, Jno J. Robinson, Richel J: Forristall. General Sessions 'Of the Peace Ileld at Dorchester on the second TilliSday of Janll ary. J1tstice~. of tm Peace-,-J no McDonald (Custos), J OS SYJlonds, W m C. Hierlihy, Aug A. Ogden, Robt McDonald, Dougald Cameron, Don Mc Millan, Robt Trotter, Alex McDonald, Arch ~lcgillivray, Jno McKenzie, HoD. Jno }IcKinnon, N. l\icdon'1ld, Lachlan Cameron, DOll MCDonal~' Allnn Smith, Jno l\icmillan, Don Chisholm, Jno McDonald, Christopher McDonald, Wm Chisholm, Wm Gerroir, Chas Cameron, Wm R. Cun_ ningham, Don J\lcDonell, Edw Corbett, Elisha M. Randall,,Ilugh Mo-, Gimvray, Robt N. Henry, Alex McNaughton, Aaron D, Il~r1'1I1gton, WIll Un!l.dulterated Gronnd Spic~~ ~~ 13lfo~1j' B~O'fHjj)~& pp, 7.~ '" rjl o P P4 o

126 B. T. MUIR! l:lo~r and Stationer, 125 Ekanvi/1ll Str~. 146 BELCHER'S FARMER'S J. Beck, Alex M. Chisholm, Jno McDonald; Jno Sears; Alex Mcrnto~b, I!\I.D., Don McKenzie, Rodk McDonald, Angus McDougall, ~. 'J. Forns-. tall Michl Crispe Peter Gerroir, Lucien Doiron, Alex ChIsholm, Don Chi~holm, David Condon, Jno Chisholm, Colin Ross,.Angus McDonald,. ~ Colin 'Chishohn Jno Fraser, Don McDonald, Wm ChIsholm, Wm Boyle, las M. Hall, 'W~ Chisholm, Alex Cameron, Alex McLean, Jno T. Robiil-. i son Angus McInnis Arch Chisholm, Jno McMillan, Jno B. Bonin, Elisha: W. Randall, Angus'Mcisaac, Allan. ~ameron, Alex McGillivray, Arch Fraser, Hugh McLellan, Jno McGillIvray, Andw l\fc~a~l!1ne, Jno Mc Kinnon, Jno McIntyre, jr., Wm McDo~al~. Arch M.cGIlhvray, Jno Mc- Gillivray. Olerk oj the Peace, Jas Wllk~e...'. COURT OF P:aOBATE.-'-Judge, J. J. RoblDson; Regtstril;r, RIchard J. Forristal!. Registrilr cf Deeds, Aaron D. Harrington. D~p. Postmasters-.lintigonuih, Heary P. Hill; Oape George, Robt McDonald; St..lindrews, Jno McMillan; Tra.cadie, W. H. Harringt?n. Ooll'rs of Oolonial and Light Duties, and Oontrollers of Oustoms and Navigation Laws-.lintigonish, Hugh McPhee; Port Bayfield, Edw Randall ; Harbour au Bouche, Edm Corbett. Surveyors of Shipping; Hugh Mc Phee, Edm Corbett. Oomm'rs of SChools-Hugh McDouald, Rev R. McGillivray, Rev David Honeyman, D. D., Angus Smith, Arch. McGilli_ vray, Rev Ken J. McDunald, Ron McGillivray, Rev T. W. Morris, Wm Chisholm, Norman McDonald, Rev Thos Downie, Rev And:w McGillivray,' Rev Hugh Gillis, Rev Chas Martell, Rev Jos ChishQlm, W. C. Hierlihy, Rev Dr i\icgregor, Ricbd J. Forristall, Rev Wm B. McLeod, Rev Wm Chisholm, Rev Peter Fiset, Robt Trotter, W m McDonald" Thos M. King, Neil McKenna. Olerk of License, ArchMcGmivray.Dep L md Surveyor&, Danl C. Robertson, HU'gh McDonald. Health Officer, Alex Mc Intosh, M.D, Board of Health, Alex McDonald; M.D., Wm R. Cunningham, Wm Beck..ligent for Lloyds, Jos Smith.. ANTIGONISH CURLING CLUB.-Prest., Wm A. IIenry; V. P., R. Mc Donald. Rep. Members, Robt Davis, Wm A. Henry. Treas., H.Mc Donald. Sec'y, S. McDonnell. Oommittee, D. McDonald, Robt N. Henry, A. M. Cunningham. Extraordinary Member, Robt Davis. COUNTY OF PICTOU. i High Sheriff, William H. Harris. Coroners, David Matheson, Edw Roach, Wm H. Harris, Lewis Johnston, M.D., John Mitchell, M.D., John McKay, Jno B. Fraser, M.D., Wm Fraser, M.D. Suprem~ Court held at Pictou on the Thursday next after.the second TueSday of June, and on the Thursday next after the third Tuesday of Oct~ber.. Prothonotary, Olerk of the Orown, and Olerk of the Peace, DaVId Matheson. o.0mm'rs for givinil, Reliiif to Insolvent Debtors, and for taking.liffida~tts to hold to Batl,.James Fraser, Robert Murray, D. HOCkin, JIJ-B CrIChton, Rodk McKenZIe, Jas. Primrose, William Gordon, Robt DnuU, Henry R. Narraway, Don Robertson. nodk McKenzie David Matheson. General Sessions of the Peace beld at Pictou on the first' Tuesday of' February. and on the first Tuesda;r of July. JVotanes Public--'-The Barristers of the Supreme Court, and Jno R.,N.oon8n, Geo Hattie, Jas A. Fraser. Justices of the Peace-Daniel Hockin (Ousios), Hon Jno Holmes, James Fraser, Robert Mu~a'y, Peter Ross, John McKay, George f;!cleod, Dun McDonald, WIlham Fraser, Ad~m McKenzie, William ~OOWN BJWT~RS & CO,,, Dnggists, Or.dnaMe ~nal'e?h"li~;

127 Gn"!' BOOKS AT Ii. T. JliUlR'S. 186il.] ALMANACK. 147!Gordon,.Tames D. B. :Fra.ser, J a?ies Primrose, Angus S~thedand,,Alex Fraser, M. R.,Anthony Smlt~, Johu Grant, Neil Gunn, Hugh.McLeod, James McGregor, W. H. ~avles, John Logan, William Langill, J~s Grant, Robt Cope[;1nd, Wm Smlth, Robt Lowden, Samuel Cameron, ;Mather ~prouh, Alex.MoKay, C.R., John McLeod, Geo McDonald, Wm,DllDba~, Geo.McK.enzle, Alex P. Ross, Alex Cameron, Rodk McKenzie, Jas Crichton, Mex McKay, W.R., Chas McLenan, John Crerar, Robert 00 I Doutt, [{enry R. Narraway, Don McDonald, C.J., Geo McKay, George, Denoon, John Holmes, C. J., Adam Gordon, Andrew Hunter, John F. }fcdonald, Basil. Bell! J no H. Lane, J no Gray, Peter G. Campbell, W m... ~ o Ross, Jo?n Ross, DaVId A. Ross, Don McDonald, N.G., Jas Fitzpatrick, Alex ChIsholm, Don Fra~er, Jas Wentworth, Jno McKenzie, M.R., Dun Robertsen, ThomiLs Horn, Jas Holmes, Stewart Burns Jno A. Dawson JIlS Kitchen Jas W. Carmichael, Malcolm G. McLeod, Aleu McHardy: Jno pawson, Jno Mitchell, Jno Hogg, Law Millar, David Marshall, Jno,Mofhee, Geo W. Underwood, Robert Fraser, A~drew Campbell, David ;?atterson, Alex Grant, Alexr Thompson, James.Ives, George Bruce, Hector McLean, Dun McKay, James McRae,. Richard Tanner, Don eron, Daniel McDonald, John R. Noonan, Matthew T. Smith, Don ay, Alex McKay, Alex McDonald, M.R., Thos Fraser, Jas Hudson, John McDonald (Angus' son), John McDonald (Johns' son,) Don MciLe~n, Wm McGiIlverj,Chas McKinnon, Chas l\fcdougah, Wm Cameron Chas McLellan, Jas Hislop, R. P. Grant, Wm N. Rudolf, Ken Ross, Jas McIntosh, Alex Fraser, William Berril, Geo Campbell, Jesse Hoyt, Don McPonald, F. G.,.Jas R. Fraser, Danl Grant, Maurice Power, William Brownrigp:, Danl McLean, Alex McL,eod, Don Ross, Wm McDougall, Jno Cumming, Jameg Cumming,. Stipendiary Magistrates-Pictou, Danl Hockin; New Glasgow, Jno McKay. COUlI. T OF PRoBATE.-Judge, Danl Dickson; Registrar Jas Crichton,,,Registrar of Deeds, John Ferguson. Dep Postmasters-Picto,J1, :McKay: New Glasgow, Wm Fraser; Durham, John; ALMon Mi'nes, H. McKenzie; River' John, Jno Cameron; Wilst River, William Munro. Collectors of Colonial and Light Duties, and Controllers at.. Customs and Navigation Laws-Pictou., D. McCulloch; Merigo1tJ,ish, R. M.nrray. Clerk and Warehouse Keeper, ---. Surveyor of Shipping, G. Hattie. Tide Waiters and SeizingO./ficers; Clarke Murdooh,.. G. J. Campbell, Benjm McLeod, Jno Crichton Harbour Master- re. Pictou', James McKinnon.. Commissioners of Pilots, Rodk Mo- w. Kenzie Alex P. Ross, Don McDonald,John R. Noonan, Capt James j..i.mckiu~on. Co. Treasurer, Robt Doull. Clerks of License-Pietou, OH~. Anderson Hendersoa; Egerton, Thos Graham; Ma.;cwelton, Allen MoPhie. Cornmissioners of Schools-North ]Jist., Rev James Bayne, Rev A. W. Herdman, Rev Alex Suthllrland, Rev Ron.MoDollald. Daniel : Hockin, Wm GordoQ, Jag CrichttlD; Soul/!, Dist", ltev Da,vid Roy, Rev!::! D. B. Blair, Rev Simon McGregor, Rev Allan Pollock, Rev W. Stewart,? J as McGregor, ;JI).O McKay, Jno Mitchell, D. MoDonald, Rev J.. Stewart.. Trustees Public Property... Pict.ou, Jag Crichton, C4as T. Irvmg, Wm I1.:i McLaren; Egerton, J as. Fraser, jr.,,j as W. Carmichael, Don McDonald. Comm'rs Streets-Picto'a, Wm H. Harris, W. McLarell, Robt P. Grant, H. R. Narraway, Adam Gordon; Egerton, Don. McDoug~ll, Dav Marshall; I Don Grant.. Fire Wa,rdens_Pictou, Dam.el Hockm, Robert Doull, : Robt P: G.ran:t, Clarence Primrose, Jas Crichto. n,.alex P. Ross~ J. D. B. Fraser, Rodk McKenzie, Jno T. hes, W. H. HarriS, W. H. DaVIes, W. N. \ Pl'eseriptiOlllf oa.oofully dispensed by BOOWN BB.oTI.JEl.IB If" 00,

128 . ~ R. T. MUIR, Bookscller nnd StationeT, 126 GraDvi1le Str""t. 148 BELCHEl~'S FARMER'S [1868. Itudolf; New Glasgow, J!1S W. Carmichael, Thos Fraser, Dr. Murray, Geo W. Underwood Thos Fmser, David Marshall, D. lhcdonald, Jas H. I"raser, Don Grant.' Fire Engine Company-Pictou, Captain Gordon Kerr; New Glasgow, Capt Thos Fraser. Hoak and Ladder Company -Pictou, Capt Jas Simon Fraser. Health O.tficers, G M.Johnston, ~I. D., W. E. Cooke, ~I. D., Geo A.Christie, ni. D., Lewis John.~ton, ni. D.,, James Wentworth J. E. Jones, ~I.D. Bom'dB, of Healtk-Plctou, H. R. Narraway,S. H. Holmes, Robt Donll, Jno A. Dawson, Corneli~B Dwyer, C. T. Irving, David }lathesori; New Glasgow, Dr. Murray, Dr Fraser, Basil Bell, J. W. ]itckson, D. McDonald;.IIlbion Mines, Jas Huction, Lewis JohnstoB, ni. D., J. E. Jones, M.D. Dep. Land, Surveyor, J,~meB Holmes. 'u. S. Consul, BQnjm Norton..flgents Bank of Nova Scotia Pictou, James Primrose; New Glasgow, J. W; Carmichael; Peoples' Bank-New Glasgow, Jas Fraser, jr. Agents British Lloyd's, PrimrOiile & Rudolf; French Lloyd's, Capt Wm Forbes; American Lloyd's, Jas Kitchen. Town Clerics-Pictou, David Matheson; Egerton, Wtn Fraser; Maxwelton, Jnll Thompson; Merigomish; Jas Murray. PlOTOU MAltINE RAILWAY CO~IPAN,Y.-Prest.> Jas Primrose; Dil'eCtors, Wm Gordon, Juo T. Ives, Jno Crerar, Jno A. D!l.wsoll; :agent and Su'y, Howard Primrose.. PlOTOU CE~lETERY CO)[PANy.-Prest., Jno Crerar. Treas., Alex J. Patterson. PICTOU NEW CE~IETERY CmIP Y-Prest., J. Primrose; Sec'y.D.Diekson PICTOU GAB LIGHT COMPANy.-Directors, J. D. B. Fraser (Prest.), Alex P. Ross., J~s Ives, Wm Gordon; Jno Yors.ton, Danl HOckin, WIri H. Davies; Sec'y. and Treas., Wm Jack. PICT,f)U HOME MABINE. INSURANCE. ASSOCTATlON.-Direclors,. Roderick McKenzie, Jno T. Ives, Jas D. B. Fraser, Wm Forbes, Howard Primrose. Broker Robt P. Grant. NEW GLASGOW UNDERWRITER"" ASSOCIATION.-Direciors, J. W. Carmichael, Don McDonald, G. W. Underwood, Jno Miller. Jas Fraser_ Braker, Jeffery McColl. PICrou MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE ASSOClATION.-Direciors, Danl Hoeliin,Jas Ives, Wm lves, A!exJ. Patterson, Chas T.lrving. Broker, Geo Glennie.,PICTOU AGRICULTURAL SOOIETy.-Prest., David Matheson; V. P;, Don Fl'3ser; Sec'y Jno McKenzie; Treas., James Ives; Directcws, Robt McLean, Jas Hogg, Jno Brown, Jno Hogg, Adam McKea.n. PICTOU CURLING CLUB-Pres., J. R. Noonan. Rep. Members, Babt B,oak,.A. J. Pattersoll Tre~s, Peter Crerar. Sec'y, S. H. H.elmes., Geo Doull, Wm Mills, H. J. Fraier, and Office Bearers; Ex~ Iraordm;f1ry Members, RH. Norton, A. P. BoSll; Hon. Member8, Geo McKen2le, A. G. Kidston. ' NEW GLASGOW CURLING CLUB.-Patron Geo McKenzie' Prest Don McDonald; Vice Prest, J. C. 'McKay; Rep. Members, R.' F~aser, a. W. U,nder~ood, Geo Mc,Kenzie; Treas., Angus Chisbolm j Sec'y, D. Murray; Commzttu, T. Graham, T. Fraser, J. R. "'i'aser. ' NEW CALEDONIA CURLING CLUR.-Pres/., Jas Primrose. Vice-Prist, Geo ~. Jo'mston. Rep Members, Jas Ives and Geo Buist. Tteas,, C. PrImrose. Sec'y W. Norman Rudolf. Cflmmittee, C. Primroie, D. I MUDl'O. lion. Mem,ber, W. H. Davies. ' EROWN BROTHE~S d" CO., Druggists, Ordnance SqUtll"lt, Halifax.

129 l'qrtmonajcs, Purses, Jew",lry,.100" at R. T. liiullt's J :ALMANACK. 149 CAPE BRETON CIRCUIT.

130 150 BELCHER'S FARJlmR'S [1868. Chas Rigby; Louisburg; Law Kavanagh:.Main-Q-Dieu, Geo. Righy. Seizing Officers, Jos Townshend, Thos Phor0!l' Alfred E. Bow~, Jp.o Landers. Reg'r of Shipping,C. E. Leonard, Jr, Surveyors of ~htp-, ping, W. J. Hill, C. W. Hill. Comm'rs of Schools~Rev R. J.. UmaC?ke, D.D., Rev Neil McLeod, Rev Hugh McLeod, D.J;)... Rev Jno QUIllan, Rev Alex McSween, Rev 'James Quinan, Rev David McIaaac, llev I~l\ac McKay, Rev Alfred Brown, James McKeagney, Clement H. Harrington, Don N. McQueen, Lauchlin Robertson, ~v Alex Farquharson, Rev Paul Prestwood, Rev J08 Chisholm, J;tev Jno Shaw, Rev Murdoch'Stewart, RevW. H. Jamieson, Rev'W, Boggs. Comm'rs Sydney Common, Jas McKeagney, Clement H. Harringto~, Jas Andel'~on, Henry LeCras, Geo E. Burchell. Comm 'rs'. Public Property, Jno 'D. Clarke, Jag AMerson, Edw Morgan. Harbour Masters, Syd7l,ey, 1\. H. Bourinot; Bridgeport, Walter Handrickan; Cow Bay Alfred, E. Bown; Littln Bras d'or,. Patk Collins; L01tisburg, Wm Townsh~nd. Co Treasurer, EdwC. Bown. Comm'rs of Pilots, Chas E. Leonard, Thos S: Bown;'llon:Thos. D. A:r:chibald, Jno Mug~ah, Hrnry Dave~port, Wm Routledge. Fire Wards-Sydney, H,enryLeCra,8, Alonzo J. White. Fire Bngade-Capt, W. F. Michan; Lieut, Matthew Bradley. Trustees qfeublic Property, Wm Buchannan, Rob J.lngraham, 'Jne Eo Burchell. Health Officers, Lewis Johnston M.D., A. D. McGillivray, M.D., Marcus Dodd, ni.d., Thos Jacobs, M.D. Board qf Health, ChIls E. Leon,Rrd, jr, Henry W.. Crawley, Thos Archibald, J;.lwchlan Robertson, Alex McInnis, Thos Butler,JnoFerguson, C. H. Harringt4}n. Dep Land Surveyors, David.,McKeen, Hugh R. McKen2;ie. Consul, of J<'rance and 4gent jor Lloyd's, Han Jno Bourinot. U,,So Consular.I1gents-North Sydney, Han T. D. Archibald; Lingan, Fredk Leaver; Sydney, J. P. Ward; Cow Ba~, Chas. Archibald. COUNTY OF VICTORIA. High Sheriff; Jacob S. Ingraham. CoroneTS, Jno RobertSon, Jno McLellan, J. G. A. McK~n, M. D. Supreme Court held at Baddeck on the second Tuesday' of June, and on the first Thursday the fourth Tuesday of October. Prothonotary (11td Clerlcof the Crown, Alex Taylor, jr. Notaries Public" the B/trristers. of the Sup Court, and,dougal~ B. MoNab, Alex, McKaY,llupert G. Zwicker, Sam I C. Campbell, Alex Munro, Thos Bown jr,,d. G. l\oickenzie., C?mmr's for giving relief to Insolven{ Debton, and for taking.i1fjidavtfs to hold to Bail, Alex Taylor, J08 Hart, Don Morrison, Wm Jones, General Ses~ions of the Peace held at Baddeckon the third Tuesday of Mar~h and third Tuesday of September..',litshees of the Peace -Wm Kidston (Custos), Dougald B. McNab" Duncan McRae, Wm Jones, Chas McKenzie, Chas J. Campbell, Alex Taylor, Jno Robertson, Alex Munro, Jos Hart, Alex McRae; Angus Buohannan, Jno W; Burke, Alex McKay, Lewis Bown, Dun' Ferguson, Alex McKay Alex C;tmeron. Angus McLeod, Jno McLeOd, Jno Mo Donald, Jno S, McNeil, Jno G. McKinnon Angus McDonald' DOl!- Mc Lean, Jno McLeni;laIi, Chas Campbell, Ale~ McDOnald, M,alco~ McLeaj], Lauohlan McDonald, Don Morrison, Rupert G. Zwicker, Daniel McLeod, 'Hect~r Campbell, Jesse Roper, Wm McLean, Don McRae, Kenneth Mc KenZIe, Edw 'MoLeod, 'Mur McI~eniie. Mur McDonald; Ken McDonald. Thos A. McKeen, Angus McAulay, Neil McAskill, Jno McLeod, (Bay BFiiWNBROTIIERS & CO., Druggists, OrctnanQe Square, HaWlu;,

131 FQolllliap, Lotter and Note Paper, at R T. 14mB'S. ;11868.] ALJlIANACK. 151 :1'81. Lawrence), Jno Mcr,eod (Fanning's Point), Neil Morrison, Keni neth,;buchannan, L~ther McLeod, Thos S. Bown jr., Jno Mcl}innon,, Jno I,I. McLeod, DavId Corbet, Ingra~am Carey, Don McDonald', Dj!n :! MOrrison, EdwCarr, Dalll J.l\JcKenz!e, A.,B.Morrison, Angus Came- ~ I r4n, Wm Heffernan, A. M'l.C I,:e~, Peter McLean, Jas Crowdis, jr., Levi ~ il Hart, C. N. Campbell, Nell GIllIs, Geo Ingraham, Jno McRae. Clerk.S pfthe Peace, S. G. A. McKeen, M.D. I> COUltT OFPROBATE.-Judge, Wm Jones; Registrar, A. F. Haliburton. Registrar of D.eeds, Alex T'lylor,jr.,Dep Postmasters~Baddeck, Robt ~ Elmsly; English Town, Dun McDonald; Boularderie, Alex Mum:o;... Neu;.c.amp:!elltown, D. J. McKenzie. Coll'rs Colonial and Light 0 DutIes! o.nd 90ntrollers of Customs, and Navigation Laws-Bad4eck, 'g Wm Kldston, Jr.; Gre,at Bras d' Or, Jno McNeill; St.I1nn's, Jno Mc- ci! I Aulay. Seizing Officers, Angus B. Morrison, Jno, Bain, Geo Burton, I Do~ ~Jc~nt?sh, Peter Campbell, Neil McPherson, Colin Black. Survey- ~,?r9r~h\ppmg, Jacob S. Ingraham. Reg'!' of ShiPP,ing, Wm Kidstop, bo I Jr. 'Har,bour Master-English Town, Henry Suthel'land. Comm'rs of I=l 'SchOOIS' Alex l\lunro, Rev Neil Brodie, J no Robertson, W m Kidston, Ii!'I 8,c,u,r., Jos H,wt, Jno McLellan, Alex TaylQr. Co 7'reasurer, R"obt A.!:i,Jones. Comm'rs of Pilots, Port of Bras d' Or, Alex M unro, A~ex bd I Mc~eod, Don Fraser. Dep La,nd Surveyors, Don Ross, Gibbs Gesner, Q),A~l!'usS. McKay, D. B. McNab. Health Officer J. G. A. McKeen, M,D..S I Bo~rd of Health, Chas J. Campbell, Wm Kidston, jr., Jos Hart, Dr. I> Cameron, A. B. Morrison. Q).S II. COUNTY OF INVERNESS. ~ I High,Sherilf, George C. Lawrence. Coroners, DunsieI' Tremain, Jno ~ Munro, Jas G. McKeen. ;a,supreme Court held at Port Hood on the thi1 d Tuesday of June, and ~ :on,the, thir:d Tuesday of October. P'f'olhonatary and Cler:k of the Crown, Jas McDonnell. '5 Nota.ries Public. the Barristers of the Sup. Court, and Isaac McLeod, I=l Lawrence,.1as G. McKeen', Isaac McLeod, Philip LeMontais, Geo ~ C. Lawrence, Edw S. BlaBchard, Alex Campbell, Geo C. Lawrence, Jr. ""' id~~ftr:r:'~~{;~:~~~f, r~~~s~:rr.;:~:::t::, ~~~~o;j'. ~~~{~;dt,at:~c:~~.s 'McDougall, Jas McDonnell, Angus McDonnell. {j:;, General Sessions of the J.>eace 4eld at Port Hood on the first Tnesday ~ of October. ~, JUBtices of the Peace-Hon Ptr Smyth (Custos), Jno L. Tremain, Jno Campbell, Don Cameron, Jno McLeod, Dunsier Tremain, Jno M~Lella~,, JasG. McKeen, Don McDonald, Hugh 'Campbell, Alex McLean, Martm ;!:j McPherson, Malcom McDonald, Lauchlin McDougall" Dohga,llSmith, () Jas Purcell, Allan Cameron, IS,aac MoLeod,N,eit.McLellan, Saml.Camp- 1j bell, Angus McLellan, Malcolm McKay, J no H. McKeen, AleX Ghlsholln, rill Philip J. LeRiche, Jno Ohisholm, Jno Murray, ~no McDonald, Don t::.: I McDonald, Jas McDonald, Saml Lawrence, Malcolm McDonald, Saml? Beaton, Don MoLellan, Matt McDaniel, Jno Ro~s, Angus Molnnes, Hugh I'"i I Cameron Rodk McNeil Jno McLean,Angns McEachern,.fno G. Crow- <li~, Ang~ Murphy, W'fDChish01m,,AlI;tn McQuarry, Jno Chisholm, I Jpo WrIght, EQ.w McMillan, Hllgli MC~Illan, Jno McD. Tulloch, Ale;x: Gillies, Rich Dar/lY,.J.Dunoan Cameron,Dun McLean, D.on McIn1:?sh, Alex luatheson, Nioholas Murphy, WID MeQuarry, PatrICk Dowling, I Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps and Anklets, at BROWN BltOTllE~ 4' Co.

132 ... o It. ':t. MUIU,'Boo,kseU!)r Rnd Stalloner, = :G.ranvl1te ~ 152 BELCHER'S l!'armlm's [1868. I Arch McPhail Jno Deaton jr. Malcolm McLeod, Hugh Cameron, M.D., Hugh McDon~ld, Wm Gront, Alex Campbell, Peter Paint, jr.; Don McDonald, Henry Y. Taylor, Peter Coady, Don McDonald (N. E. Margarie) Jno McDonald Jno McEachran Don McDonald, Lauchlin Kennedy, Jacob S. Hart, A. McDonald, Jno MoIntosh, Philip Blampied, Peter Smyth, jr., Hugh Gillies, Wm Dunbar, Jno McLennan, Jno Me Isaac, Jas Ferguson, Malcolm McNeil, Peter Paint, senr., George C. Lawrence, jr., Dun McDonnell, Don Chisholm, Jno McFarlane, Allan McDonnell, Don McMillan, Alex McEachran, Robt McDougall. Arch Skinner,. McFadgen, Alex McEachen, Angus McPhee, Arch Calll- ; ~ eron. Clerk of the Peace, Jno Lewis Tremain. o COURT OF PROBATE.-Judge, Jno L. Tremain; Reg'istl'ar, Robt Me A.Dougall. Registrar of Deeds, Jno L. Tremain.? Dep Postmasiers Port Hood, Jno D. Tremain; Margarie forks, Don Campbell; Mabou" Wm Grant; Plaister Cove, J. G. McKeen; Whykokomagh, La~gpl~p. ~ I McDougall; Ship Harbour, Matilda Brouard; Head of UTest Bw~, ~ Alex V. Hcughins. Coll'rs Colonial and Light Duties and Control.~ ers of Customs a.nd Navigation Laws-P01'l Hood, E. D. Tremllill-, Mlrgarie,Jas Ross; Port of Hawkesbury, Malcolm MoDooa14. Seizing Officers, D0n McFarlane, Henry Forbes. Surveyori fif 'Shipping, J. P. Brouard, E. D. Tremain, Malcolm McDonald. Reg'r: of I Port Shipning, Malcolm McDonald. Comm'rs of Schools-South DM:, Jno L. Tremain, Rev J. K. McDonald, Rev W. G. Forbes, Rev. Allan McLean, Rev Arch McKenzie, Han. PeterSymth, Jno Muncey, G. C. Lawrence, senr, H.,cameron M.D., Rev--Sinclair; North Dist., Angus McLellan, Rev Jno Chisholm, Rev Jno Gunn, Rev M. F.Durnier, Jno Munroe, Sam I Campbell, Don McLeod, Lauchlan McDougald, Mal. Mc Kay,.J. G. Crowdis. Dep Land Surveyors Jas McKenzie, Jas A. Austin, Jno Murphy. Health Officers, Dr Buckley, Dr Wilmot. Board of Health Geo C. Lawrence, Jas McDonnell, Nioholas Murphy Angus Murphy. Agents for Lloyd's-Plaister Cove, J. G. MoKeen; Hood, Geo C. Lawrence. U. S. Consular.flgent, Jas G. McKeen. ~ I COUNTY OF RIC~i\lOND..gj Hi!(h Sheriff, Joo F. Fuller. Coroners, Geo E. Jean, Edm P. Flynn, al Maurice Kavanagh, Wm Brymer, Henry C. Fixott, M. D., David ;S Grouchy. '" Supreme Court held at Arichat ou the first Thursday after the fourt/l g Tuesday of June, and on the second Tue8day of October. Prothonota,ry ~ and Clerk of the Crown, Wm G. Ballam. ~. Notaries Public the Barristers of the Sup Court, and Simon Donavan, -:: Geo E. Jean. g C?-mm 'n for giving relief to Insolvent Debton and for taking.fljfidavtts to hold to Bail, Wm Crichton, Simon Dona.van J110 R. Smith, ~ I Danl O'C. Mad. den,.thos LeNoir, Geo T. HalJdley, Jno Fuller, IsaacLe... Ves~onte, Jno Frehlll, Jno Matheson, E. P. Flynn, Jno H. Rindress, 5 I David Grouchy. ~ i General Sessions of the Peace held at Arichat on the second Tuesday I I -<1 of January. ' Justices of the ~eace-wm C:i()hton (Custos), Jno Smith, Henry Martell, Thos LeNOIr,Jno R. Smith, Jno Morrison, Matt Helleur, Joo I! Matheson, Alex }Iurclilson, Anthony Oliver, Simon Donavan, Jno )1e- BllOWN BROTHERS ~ CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, HuUfBl.

133 Ledgers Journals, Day aud Cash Books, at R. 1), UUIS'g. Hi6S.] ALMANACK. 153 Jnnis, Simon Babin, Simon LeBlanc, Geo 1'. Handley, Norman McNeil, Jos Martell, Patk C. Brennan, Patk McCarthy, Jno Strachan, Josiah Hooper, Ken McLeod, Jno Fuller, Chas Boudrot, Edw Gagnon, Edm P. Flyn~, Robt, Robt Hill, Wm Brymer, Patk Mabourgette, Maurice J. Kavanagh, Ken Morrison, Don Boyd, Simon Landry Jeffrey Boudrot, John Frehill, Daniel O'C. Madden Peter Bosdet' John H. Rindresil, Aime Martell, Isaac LeVesconte' Jame~ Smith' David Gronchy,Wm LeVesconte, AnguR McLeod, Henry' C. Fixott, ~I.D : JaB Smith, Don.N. Shaw, Hen Carre, Jas Johnston, Isadore Martell, Andw, Stephen McPherson, Jno McDonald, Louis Boudrot, D?n Matheson! Simon Boudrot, Walter Murray, Wm Urquhart, Geo H. Bissett, Hyacmth Martell, J. T. DeCarteret, Simon Donavan, ir., Wm G. Ba.llam, Thos LeNoir, jr., Hector Murchison, Don McKay, Isidore, L~Blanc, Henry Richard, Arch Johnston, Wm Leahy, Jno R.. Smith jr., Gilbert Paon, Andw McDonald, Jno Anderson, Angus ~icneill, Jas,.Hearn, Chas King, Fras Marmaud, jr., Dun Cameron, Max Forrest, David McNamara, jr., Peter Grouchy, Jno Keefe, Clerk of the Peace Geo E. Jean. COURT OF PRoBATE.-Judge, William R. Cutler; Registrar, Wm G. BaHam. Registrar of Deeds, and Agent for Lloyd's and Underwriters' Association, Liverpool, G. B., George E. Jean. Dep. Postmasters-Arichat D. O'C Madden; St. Peter's R., G. Morris9n.\ Voll'rs Colonial and Light,Duty, and Controllers of Customs and Navigation Laws-Arichat, Simon Donavan; Port Richmond, Angus McDonald; St Peter's, Maurice J. Kavanagh. Seizing, Jas Hearn, Jno Dunn, Peter LeLacheur, Reg'r of, Shipping, Simon Donavan. Surveyor of Shipping, Geo E. Jean. Comm'rs orschools-rev N. Corteau, Rev Juo McDougall, Rev Jas Ross, Henry Martell, Jno Frehill, Peter Bosdet, E. P. FlyI'm, David Grouchy, Geo T. Handley,Very Rev Dr Cameron, Rev Hubert Gerroir, Rev H. Deslaurier, W. Crichton, Wm LeVesconte. Health Officer, Henry C. Fixott, JII. D. Board of Health, Peter Bosdet, E. P. Flynn, Simon LeBlanc, J. R. Smith, jr., David Grouchy, Elias Boudrot, Geo T. Hltndley,Wm Brymer. Dep Land Surveyors, Jas G. McKenzie, Jno Jas Robertson. NOTlil.-~The usual order of the arrangement of the Almanack has been somewhat departed from in the present issue, in order that the Executive and Legislative Councils and 'Legislative Assemblies of the Provinces of Ontario, Quebeo, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, might be given, as well as the Privy Council, Senate and House of Commons of the Dominion. The Tariff of Duties has been. omitted as it will most probably be mateiially altered at the ~ first meeting of Parliament at Ottawa for ltssimhating.the.laws of the several provinces relating to the Tariff and Post Office mto one ~ general law applicable. to all, and other necessary' changes and measures consequent upon the Union. T~le Post O~ce mat~er is given as usual with the necessary corrections, and,will remam as given until.altered by the general law to be passed above alluded to. Photographic Ohemicals, Co.rds ltud Cases-BROWN BBOTHERi & 00.

134 R. 1.'. MUIR, BookBeller and Statlone.., 120 Groovlile Street. 154 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. STAFF OF THE ARMY IN NOVA SCOTIA. Commander H. M.,Forces. His Excellency Major-General en'arle.s HASTINGS :POYLE, Lie'uteullnt-Govemot of Nova Scotia.Aid-de-(Jamp, Captain Holt Waring Ciroxke, 62 F..!~~~~~ia~~P~i:,,'lY.~Co~.BJ~~.' g!ncb1 h. p., late 8 F. Town MaJ:or, Colonel Augustus F. Ansell, VnaU. (Jqmmd.nding RoYfJ,l4rtiUef1/,. Colonel J. H. l"rancklyn, C. B. Cqm'/rnllnding BPyal Engineer-81 Colonel R. Burnaby. rn~pecting ~ qljwer a/militia and Vowmee7'8, Lt.-C<;!lr J. W. Laurie, 'h.p., Cc:,l.'N.SrM. ajia-plijin8,1wv. Rob. Shepherd, R. 0., R:ev. J. C. Edghil1, ~~~~Q~~~~iro~:1a~~: ~~:k:, ~d~hi. Ward, Walter T. McKInst.ry/FredS. Monk. Dep. A.sBt.. Com. Geruhlala, 'JDO. F. Manning, Alex :gwing. Dep. I~ector General 0/.lffJs;pital8., J. W. ChamberB, H. D. Staff Surgeon, Jai'! Crosse Johnston. $COJ! A.,se. S~vrg(J01f,8! Hqnty &.~ itju~, M. D:, Robt--Oollins, M. B. Ba1'1"ack Master, D~ R. Ross, lale Capt 66 F~ Dep. Purveyor, 0'. F. Benle. Asst. PWr-veYO'r8, J. J. Monis, 'V. R. Knye. Ohie/: Warder Mf,luary Prisons,.T. Lepine, MILiTARY S'fORE DEPARTlI1ENT. 'Dep. Sup. o/stc("u, J. st. George. Dep. AsS.. do, T. S~arkes. rjlerb, G.. Carter,T:m~ldewtig)jt. Foretnan, if.:. Hi:ltoll. StOreman, J ~ conn:ora. Chw! A!rmouTer, J. Collins. A1'm01tTUO, U. Foley. t'"'"'"' penter, J.lnglefte~d..Messengeri J. wmitl..;; ROYAL ENGINEER DE PARTMENT... Commanding Offieer, Col. R. ButrJaby. AcUnl/ SU'1'Veiwi', J. Mncgr.egoJ' Grant. f.llerhl 01 Works ~. : Henry J. Studd, Geo. Robins, S. J. Medlen. OTtief Olerk, J. H. Peck. Olerk, E.. bloyd. Mil'Uuf'll',...,.... O~rks, Seligt 4-1gar, R. E.., Sergt Thoa Malcom. AlasUJ-r of Eng':.neer Steamer" Unicorn," J. Jones. Jl888enger, Robt "McKenzie-.. o. BARRACK DEpARTMENT, e: Bfe~Z:::!n~W::rwIft~o!, ::es;'j~;:f.t e:e~tm:;:a~~:rrl;~~~~s Sage (Sup. Bk. Serge.), A. Royal.I1rUllerY.IF.. E:Co:ajlW'.. :~~~~~~,\1V~k~. Mttjiws. - FC]>reRd',c M, v"];]]eurets,.l.:c., Th,e noya1 Apms and. Of!.pts. Wm A~airls!i8sh K. S'u:pporters;with a Can- J. H. Smlt~ Osw;aJd R. Mlddletpn. (JdptB. rc:u~', ~~~Qov;.~th;~:~. ~:~~~y.tas ~ r.r~~, Ad), y::i~~~~%%~d.nav.e GWrtaducunt" below it.if. 4. Howes' Wm,Paul,Bl'idson. Erlle&tP. Nc:twJp.t\!li!i W~ ~~G~ gell:it~r [Head Qrs.lst'J3rigade.]i Li6utS. ~ lol~o s~:~an' _ aqzo-nez H. t Gun. J:1;l~, W. G. Telfer, I, OlAf..lIN) ~tal}jey J. H. Fra,nckl~, C. K. t~: F~~t:t6neh'aUgh Ulch A. Knox Fred-Geo Berkeley ILt....;(folQ~~~ H. n:bbker Ht>r6ert J. M. Wi1liams~ HeDr~ Gem. Lambert F. Graville. A.. C, Ward MQrtpn Tl;ltIlPP Wm 'I'homp80D- Oaptilins. V. F. Rowe Ch~8 G. Leggett Philip A.~ niley c. f.-young, m. F. H.. Fa:wkes Epw R. neb. Barnett DltdleyiN tu~t1t, J. A. Pr:ib~ W. J. Galwey Hen,B. Laurence Wm Seton Dent &. -T. Shak.er1y ehas Albert Torriano. Lie'f.tli C I 'E t t W S Ed\f Wm I3tok,ea.W.Ci..deBitUillidrtf,lto/M.' J:i. Ki~~nge,... dth (King's Own) Philip C. Y~~ke Geo.W.Davem r:tu"nvo~~l:a;~. lnst.' Regt. RusseH g:'f.;:;1and.g:~.~: R:~gon: w. R. CamerGn. 2ND" B*TT..Thos.BlackjV.9:Qd. _ Jae Birney Lieuta. The Lion of England, TMhelmEoth C HG!'han Chas.Atty A. ;1,. Cl,l)1en os S. Ickman Wm R. Jer'Vl8 g: :'~R!:lc : ~1~fu ~h~d~ter ~YJl~~~' ~~~fi~;i~~~er1)~rt" 'fi~~':1;iflr'1n J. R. Slade runna,' ~'J;sadajoz,' "Sal- Cht\B Edw WDight L,ewi~'De T.'Pl'4)V.olt R. I>. Hare :~St~s1b~stia~.;'~~ ~:!:::: ~~~b~l! :~ M.: ~:::~. I:"!: ~:~~~n '.'Peninsula;')" BJ&dene- Paym.,Loftus-CBssidy,m Jno A. Smith ~::t: :::~l':;~ifmot ~~?1:',~:rk:~:~::I' ::~~: i:fl~j.jii~~~e;::;~~ ~:I'la~;'~~Y,. ~t?-jf.. Vll~~OPOI~ozonel. I ~;:'~B~~j~o~::l. EdW M:1ra~r:g -:.,. G. EE~anle, (Jpt. StTJnoBell G.C.B gen " Wm 9r.oy~,Jt. B. VinceJ,1t~.'D~coe, ~.d6;~;~~:j(r:e:!.~~.:u.-dolonel. ',Facin~s" blue. ::~r; E.~~!le' I r Qr...;Mr.,oJ. Vig.nauxi. Tho!!. Martin 47th(L h ) JOB J. Burnett ----_--,,~.. M,aj()T's. ancas Ire- Jno H. Gillett Royal Engineers Fr. Fisher H;amIl'on Regt. Hany Coope.,. --:-- _ IJas_.paton.. u "TlI.rifa,.". II ':!t,t,orlo;' Xfl~);;eHc~:~rd The Royal AnBS an,d,. Oapell. Sf:. S~,~~stlar:-l,~ Pen,- Jno G D~ekson. I 8'Qpporter-,!, with a Can-i SE~cle8!~i:a~rmfnv~'''se.A:l~a' Paym:, Jno Dunlop, Cpt; ~~~. ':~Q:oov~~th~o H~~. ~~w~r es pol." ' vas 0.. I.lfo/litW. c. de BJllin~ Gloria duettnt" below t i J. R. Carr. Colonel. Adjt 8 i U (5th & 34th Comp's) I 'I Chas P. 3tokes 81,r Cbaa. T. Van Strau_ Qr M;, Edngb' e Colonel, S~: C~~r~~!~o cs ben~ee, K. a. B., m. g. 81;;" A:: R. Huds~W::J.B. Richar4 Bu maby Chns 'rhos WHsl"n Robt ~~-f~~;! c. A. SF:c~!~:~b1:.' M.D.

135 Blank Books and PassBooks, at R. T. MUIRlS J ALlIIANACK. 155 THE NAVY. ClWlmandu-in-C4isJ 0/ t7l..e Narth Ameri(:an and West India Station - 'Htl!"~ Excellency, Vice Admiral Sir GEORGE R{)DNEY MUNDY I K. C. B. Flafl L1:eutenant, Secretary. Jas W. M. Ashby. Clkrk to Secntary, H. Edwards. OFFICERS OF H NAVAL YARD, HALIFAX. Naval and VWtvatlfng Storekeepe'l' and ACCo'll1uant, Bel;ljnmin.stokes. Ole7"k8, :Edw J. Da.~s, ' Wm A. Stone, F. N. C. Macgregor. OFFICERS OF H. M. VICTUALLING YARD. HALIFAX. Victu4Uing Storekeeper ilnd Accountam, Benjm Stokes. Clerk, Chas Stubbing. H. M., NAVAL HOSPITAL, HALIFAX. Duties of Hospftal conducted by Naval Storekeeper. S. denotes Screw-Po Paddle Wheel. ABOUKIR,86. S.Skip, CADMUS,21. S.CorVf)ite. DORIS, Frigate tons. 400:II. P tons. 400 H. P tons. 800 H. P. Bee. Sit ip, Jam ai ca. Captain. Alex C. Gordon Oaptain. Charles Vesey CGplai'A, Sir F. Leopold McCliu- Lieut8 ~.:::~f~~dncrohan f:i:::~.~~.~in~~~rr:r(l%~~~x to~k, Rt,(Crmtm@d~e 2d class). 'J'hos P.'V. NeghaJIl ehas GIffard Js!it~~rt Nav. Lt ~t~~~tl!g~~~man ~d:~: ~~~:n Li~... Em cst T. Bnckdalo n.jlr. Ar... 'V. M. Lambert Nav. Lt... Wm L; Dodds \ 8141/ Com... Jno Parsons 1 Bcw. Lts... Robt Coen. Chapl'n and ~ Bev. Edw A. Wil- Capt. Mar Rodney V. Allen Nav. JM S Iiams Lt. Mar Edwin Poole Henry H. HarrIs Surgeon... Jas Johnstone C'ltaplain 'Rev C. J. Corie T BA. I ~tain Geo Stanley ~~~c;~;":;:':~~:~?b~bi~tch ~~~~~';;:::l~~~bm~~~~:~~ Surg~... ~John Coogan Sub-.Lt8... H. A. K. Murray Naval/nat Jas Pnyton,B.A. ;Paymruter Henry U. Shaow It. P. Humpage Chiel Eng'r. Frns C. Alton Bngin'r.Patk Lambert Nav. Sub. Lt.H. C. Tremayne Sub. Us... Jns J. 'L. Sisson Nav Sub Lts.Jno M. Ross A88t.. Surg. Jas B. Drew Edw H. M. Davis Aut. -Surg... A. Robertson, M. D. H. T. G. TippiJ;lK A.sst. Surg8. Cha~rJ. FenneU AURORA,35. S. Frigate. CONSTANCE, 35. S.Fri-...,. Pay",. 1~~~~'ll tons. ~OO H. P. gate tons Cap!ain... A. H.P. F. R. DeHorsey j' =~~::!t~o~~~:~er g:~~~d~; FAVORITE, 10. S.. Cor- F.W.B.H.M. Heron Lieut. Edw Pilk;ngton vet/..9.rmaur-plated. ~~:;J.D;tti~A~8 iid~i'~~}ro~~l~m 2094 tons. 400 H. P. r!~~~\~il~i~~n ~~~~:: ~~~don f~r::::":::::::~~ll~~w~~ft~~ton NafJ, u... Jno E. Knight Nav. Lt....J1l0 Ibchnrds Wm P. Barrow OlJtlpl'nana~RevGco.w.R.ln- Capt. Mar..-.. GcoNaylor HoratioN. Hood 114'0. inst'r 5 cledon, B.A. Lt. MaJ1'. Ferguson N. Forth Nav. Lt.. Jno P-hilips Capt. Mwr... Harry L. Evans Cllaplai'lt... 2d (lpt.mar A.Jno F.. t.1.'eltse Lt. 'Har W.F. McIlwaine Surgcon R. W. Beaumont Chaplaint-. Hev AlfEarle,:M.A. SlJd'gecm. Ahmuty Irwin Payf1l(l8ur. Jlls C. Pinhom Paymaster Edm A. Ho~ve Naval Instr.. Mark Mor:ns Surgeon-. Jas R Anderson THS Ray Ohief Engn'r.Chas Tucker Ohief Engn'r... Jos H. Elhs OM,ef Eng'rooThos W. Tandy Sub LietUs.. Chas E. Gillaing Sub. Lt... A. D. Fanshawe S1tb. Ltg. Geo. M. Loeh Edm I". Jeffreys Asst. S'Ilrgs... Matt Trevan S. lfi. E. Wilm-ot A88t.Surgs Pat:k.Keelan JilS St.ewart, B.A. Asst. 8-urg... AlexScott, MA.MB. 1:O U ~~:::~d,!1d. ABBe. pa;yms. iiy~~. fo~fs~1ield A8st. paym Walter D. Spence B:.utltACOUTA, 6 P.Slp tons. 300 H. P. CORDELIA,l1. S.Sloop. FAWN, 17. S. Sloop. 579 tons. 150 H p. 751 tons. 100 H. P. Oommander Geo D. Bevan lmlas. Alfred,Jephson.'. Rich W. Hope N"v. Lt.... Jno Q. Mongnn Surgeon Chua It. Godfrey PayUi.(Ulter... Chua S.Hills Okwl Eng'r Geo A. Wens Sub. Lt CQas P. Foot A'at.. Stwg... Thos Hamilton A.d Pf!l!JmrooG.eo. D: Daunt Dye Stuffs and Confectionery, at BROWN BR01'UERS ~ Co.

136 !15U R. T. Jll11Ut, Booluleller and Stationer, 125 (}ranvlue Street, BELCHER'S J<'ARlIIER'S [1868. Pnymnste?' Edw J. Bennett GANNET, 8. S. Sloop 579 tons. 150 H. P. g~~e: ~~'~:~~~/o.w~~~; Capt. Mrtr Geo O. Evans. Lts. AfaTs ~!ll! J.\(ROr~h Philip Francis Surgeon Fred A. Bnce, H.D, Commander Wm Chimmo Claud Harding' Payma.ster Robt Done LieUl8. ::~:~: ~~i:~~~x A«st.Swrgs. Dj.~~~gl~~~:!~~::' f:::!.fu~~:.: :1~~ ~J:loore ::;;,;;~::: ::~~~.t:~~~~gh, XD Asst. Payfn H. B. Edwards f:8~: ~:~"m.r:::c~ Ju~'r:er ~:t~;~~.tit:~~a~~~~l:mi~thy HOYAL ALFRED, 18. S.. Ship..IJ. r mour-plated. WOLVERINE,21. S.Oor- JASON, 17. S.Oorvette t.ons. 800 H. P. vette tons tons. 400 H.P. Ft Sh' H. P. Captain... Qhas; li..aynealey,a g 'tp. Luu&a... Capel WvdehoU8'-' (Japtain... Hon W. c. Talbot Oaptain... Thos Cocbran }I'red J. Easther Oommander Henry F.NicboIson Lieut.! Chll8 L. Oxley Fred W. E. Kuper Lieuts. Rich Sheepshanks A.J. Errington Geo O. Moore Noel A. F. Digby Wm If. C. Selby Nav. Lt Jas Uobertson Hon A.. U. Hewitt,.Jno H. HodA'80n Lt. Mars...,Vm Menzies Leonard Uncres Nail. Lta o.a. DeG. Sutton Ohaplain RevWRMcIlwaine,DA Dudley C. Stewart. Chas Love SUf'geon Wm H.Lloyd,.uo. J. W. Brackenbury Lt. Mar. A P. W. O'Connor Paymaster... Henry Callaway.Ntt-v(d IASt... Fred Gaskell Chris. '1'. Francis mtapl'n am! ~ Rev.. Douglas J. Nav. Inat. S Boutfiow:er, M;A.,. Chic! En-g'r. Geo H. ~eatoll Fred A. ],-loy8ey Surgeon. David Wilson - Sub. Lt... ~Henry T. Wright Staff Ct1ms Jas H. Kerr PaymaHter...!lobt Da'veson Asd. Surg,.. J~s L. Whitney Wm L. Bearnell Chief En'gr..'rhos F. Ha.1l Asst. Paym G. A. F. C. Sceales Na,v. Us. Will W.'Kiddle Sub. Lt Edw G. F. Law Geo Robinson Aa3t.Surg Septimns Terry NIGER,13 S.Corvette. amp. and JUevWnlter B.Ar- A6st.Paymtl WmW.Murly 1072 tons. 350 H. P. ~:;~t1:::ta"o.e~ir'.rb;ilwall ThOll E. S"emmeq, Captain Jas~. ~ruee ~: ~:;:~:::::.~~~.~p!~~ill::: LioutB ~~~~vb~~:rard Staff SlM'geon D. :{.. Morgan, )[0. Screw Steam GunblJats4 Na1>. Lt. ~.~~~r~ ~~~~~~ns ~:fei~,;;'~: :!it$f~~:~all Ol'aplain... Sub LeB... Jas a. Corfe ALBACORE. 60 H. P. Surg60n ClarkADucketMD ned' Ww' 'Va,!kBe' ~~r~!;';:.::~hr:s~: f:!~s Le~s i. 'Vel~xer Nav. Lt.ln Com.C.H. C.Langdon Sub. Lts... Fras d. Brown R. F. H. Henderson G. Stopford Nov. Su. L'"W'!l'P' Thomp'un BRITOMART. 60 H. P. ~!:: ~:;~:::g:~~. ~~~h~m. Asst. surg8''~~o()~~di:r,:~en8011 (Lakes of Canada.) A83~. Paym. Arundel Smlth lit. ~ Com Arthur H. Alington NIMBLE, 5. S.Gun Ves- ~~:~~~~~~11 Nav. Sub. IA. Wm R. Stevens set. 428 tons. 80 H.P. Co'nma~der. Alfred J. Clmtfleld SPHINX, 6. P. Sloop. CHERUB. 60 H.P. -Li''''... Jno G. Jone' Rap). Sub. Lt.H. W. Campion A3St. Su,rg Fr.d P. o!lo~lynn.as8t. Paym. Wm n. Uaml:ley loth tons. 500 H P. (Lakes of Canada.) CalJtain... R. V. Ha.milton Liel.ttsoo... A. J. 'v. Musgrave Lt. and Com.. S. R. Huntley V.E.J.D.VonDonop NilV. Sub. Lt Wm Geo COX NIOBE, 4. S~ fjloop. ~!~g~:::::f~~1.~s~!:~ n.d tons. 300 H. P. Payma,'"... Fred C. Henley DELIGHT. 60 H. fp. n<!mlrander ThOll K. Mackenzie g:te~ t8~~~ :;:b~j.~~d~~~~8a.n L~eut8 HenryV. Jenklngs Fred P~pillon Lt. and Com ThosH.. La.rcom Nav. Lt ~~~:.JC.~':!i~~s Nav. Sub. Lt.~~ l: l~t~~v Surg. W. F. C. Bartlett Asst. Surg \VUi.J. Rankiu,~ID. HERON. 60 H. P. ~r:;e=;~;.:g~~v ~~;s<;,~~s As6t. Paym Jno Ash~o~ (Lalces of canada.) Sub. Lt Jos A.Fraser SPITFIRE. P. TlI.g-ves- Lt. d: Com... Lewi8 B. Sally PH<EBE,35. S. Frigate. sel. 432 tons. 140 H.P. Nav. Sub. Lt D. M. Browne 2896 tons. 500 H. P. Captain.Jno Bythesea Commande.,. Jas Grant Lisut3... Frits S. Clnyton JnoH. Vidal EdwD. Lnw Law.J. Roberts Nllv. n... ~~~ta~ l~ p~~~:e Gapt. Mar... P. M. C. 'Croker Lt. Mar...,Jas H. Price Chaplain Itev Andw C. Rillk. Burg... Juo Ward (Bermuda.) MINSTREL. 60 H. P. TERROR 16 Iran S Lt. ~ Oom... M. B. Medlycott Floati~gB~t..lJ.rmou; Nav. Sub' Lt Tho' Po,ter Plated. 1\J71 tons. NETTLE 20 H P 200 H. P..,.' Captain. J. F.. B.Wainwrigbi Lt..1; Com. Licuta... Alfred J. Cheek A. T. Denh'lm Jttav. Lt... Jno T. C. Webb ONYX. 20H. P. BROWN BROTHERS <tco:~ ~rul?~sts, Ord~a~ce Square, Halifax.

137 Sehool Reqllisites of every d~serljltlon at MUIR'~ 1868.] ALMANACK. STAFF OF THE NOVA SCOTIA MILITIA. - O~mandw-in-Chiel\ His Excellen~ovetnor_G(!llero.l. AdJutan.t Gen.eral and Quart~r Maste,. Genel3!-~! Colonel n. Bligh Sinclail', N.S.itt.. { Col. Jno Winburn Laurie, J.. t. Col. H. M. Army rnsp"c?l-.lng Field Officers 0/ Lt. Col. Tllos. Mileoffi, N.S.M., ' Mlhtta and YoluntecN, Lt. Col. C. Crewe Reade, N.S.M., Dep. A~8istant Qr.Ma8t~r GeM~!i'~~~:~~~~~~'~~:I~~!R~b~~BreChiI11 N. S. M. r:.,rt~:::::::;:~~~~~.l.~ ~~~:':::. :::::::::::::::15.\I~~;yn~ltuH; Hartshorne, N Sttrgcrn? General Uufus S. BIllek! }I. D. mag Surgeons.,Vl11 J. L'e"'is, Jl.I.D. Judge Advocate General ~ n~~!!:~.l~~ia~k~; D. C. L..8.M. PROVINCIAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF NOVA SCOTIA. Patrotl., H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. (~Hi8 Excellency MGjor-General Charles Hastings Doyle, Lieutena.nt-Governor, Vice-Patrons, this &:;Zc~l~ncy s~r Richard Graves 1tlacdonnell, Xl., C. B., GOVe~Of and _ Commander-in-Chief at Hong Kong'. Lleut.-Generu.l Sir W. Fenwick William.'!, Pt., KCB, &c. President, Lt Col Henry Pryor, 2nd Queen's Halifax Regt. Vice;::rb:~~' ex officio, 'rhe Senior Officers (~ot unattached) of Countiol!l, who are 8ub- Council, Lt. Col..T.T. Bremner-1st Hfx. Regt. j Major A. K. Macklnlay, Hfx. Volunteer Sat_ talion; Lt Col H. S. Jast, 3rd Lunenburgh Regt; Lt Col A. G. Jones, 1st Brigade Hfx. ~~:i~u!r~~~~~p~!l~o~:~ ty~l~~~:!~~l~~'n~t~ ~i(fn;~ W.~. g~~;"ij ~~~~:l~f~"~':~t: Col. It. Bligb Sinclair, Adjutant General N. s. ;U:j Lt Col C. J. Ste,\vart, lst Cu!llJ?erland Regtj Lt Col P. S. Hamilton,11th Hf". Uegtj Lt Col d. W. King,8rd Hanb:! u,egtj Lt CoID.;H. Clarke,1st KingsRegt; Lt C01. Hon. J. Bourinot, 18t Cape Breton }tegtj Lt-Col W. H. Creighton. 2d Brigade Hxf Militia Artilleryj Lt Col W. J. ~tair8, 9th Hfx Regt; Major J. T. Wylde, Naval lirig!iode j Lt. Col lv. H. -Vail, 2nd Digby Regt: Co). C. H. Bel_ cher, N. S. M., a.nd Presidents of County Ride Associations, ex o.dicio. See'yand Treas., Capt George 'rhomsoll, 1st Brigade nfx Militia Artillery. COLCHESTER COUNTY RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Patf"on, Sir W. Fenwick Williams, Barj. K. C. n., &c.,, Vice Patrrm, Col J. W. Laurie, 1. F. O. M.... President, I.t. Col. Cbas. BlanehnJ:d. Vice-Prest., Surgeon A. C. Page. Counct'l, Lt. Cols. P. S. Archibald, Geo. Campbell, Jno McKay, Jno Millar, E. Tupp.erj Majors E. A. Jones,Jas K. Blair, W. S. Hamilttm; Capt. Wm. E. Logan, P. R. Parker, Esq. Scc'y, Major E. W. Hamilton.. KINGS COUNTY RIFLE ASSOCIATION. PICTOU COUNTY RIFL!~ ASSOCIATION. Patrtm, Sir W. Fenwick WUIiaws, Bart., K. C. n., &0. ]:~~~:,'f:.\;~i~: ~~~r:~~~. ~ic~:~~st.) Lt. Col. Jas. W. Carmichael. Oouncil, Lt. COI8. Jno~ McKinlay, Ja9. Kitchen, David Matheson, Jas. W. Copeland. Jesse Hoyt, Surgeon Geo. M. Johuston, Majors James Ivcs, Chas E. Henry, Capt. Jas. W. Juckson, Capt: and Adjt. Lewis Johnston. Sec'1/, Capt. and Adjt. Saml O. Rigby. Treasurer, Oapt. SImon H. Holmes. HALIFAX COUNTY RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Patt'Cln, SirW. Fenwick WIlliams, Bart., K. C. D., &e. j:;.:;:z~~"lt Col Wm Chearnley 1': hebt., Lt. Col. J. J. Bremner. Council, Capt W. narro'n, L t. Coi, W. ii. Creighto~, Lt. W. D. Harrington, CllptGeo Pie~s, U. J. R. Gra.ham. Lt. Col. Ja8. B. Oxley, Juo. B. COIDpbell,'Lt. J. N. Uitcbie. Sec!I and Treas., Capt, Edw Mottison. CUMBERLAND COUNTY RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Patron Lieut _Gcm:ral Sir W. Fenwick WilliaMS, Bt., K. O. B. &c., &c. pi V..Pat;om, C~I.T. W. Laurie, I. F. 0., Hon Robt Ba.r1'Y Dickey:, Hon Henry O. ~neo. President, Lt. Col. H. G. Pinc0 1 Jr. Vice. Pres's.,. ez~o.ql~ot the CommandIng Otlieeh! (nn\ u~attached) of Regiftlcnt!r, who nre members. Cott1Un~,. Capts Jno Coop?r\J. Al ;/ A ac, lilo II Gilroy Capt and Adjt ~I B. HarriBon; MHJors Robt A. Chl'18tle, Jno. ugus f, ebns E', Kert, J. R. S. Purdy, Alex.A. Hinck, Jos Moore, Capt Thos H. Patton. Secyand " Trca8U1'er, Capt J, Albert Black. Works on Homeopathy, Preparations, j'c" at BROWN B1LOTIIlmS ot Co.

138 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 125 Granville Street. 158 BELCH l:\~'s ~'.ARMER'S [isg8. (Japts. Majora..!1nnapolis 00. 3rd REGT. DonaM McDonald H. W. crawleyj LI.. Col. Stephen Mcbane John Lewis Hill George V. Ince GRANVILLE A Donnld MeNne Captalo8. R- Majors.A:ngus McIsaac, adj. E~m Outram TILLERY BRIG. Henry B. Magee Dfn'id Sinclair. J(1.8 P. Ward Lt. Col., llen"i II. rarker John McDonald John Burchell George Kennedy (1l:tptai1i8. Stephen GUlis DoUlinot, adjt. Major Geo E. Chesley Angus McGillivray MarCUi Do~d H E Decie I Chns Jacquc~, adj 1st Li(mts. J oho Fergllson Henry M. Phinney I Donald Gillis Thomas Lecras Captains Edw C. Phinney Angus I\Icltl(\.fic 1st 'Lleut!. F. W. Chesley Wm J. Parker Neil MeN eil Charles Reynolds W. Dohaker Jacob M'illar 2d Ltems. ObBS H. Carter H. B. Shufner Wm A. Mors~ Walter Mills, acljl. S. P. Spurt Alexander McIsaac Wm H. Cogswell Jns B. Farnsworth Pblldin~ M.,TlJ-yIor Doug Dlc:Donald,,2d;, J. M. Troop. Fras A. "RobbHo Ale-x McAdam Chns Townshend Alex McDonald Robt m:ihlcke 1st Us. lbt Us, Ad:it., A. McIsaac, cpt. Adjt, A, H. Bouriuot, cpt Ino H. Cro88cup.los N. North D. Wade.los A.lUorse j;:;;. ~.s~~~~t~~~~~.d. ~~~g, 'i~~~c~~:~:t~ D. 2nd Us..Jno 8. Parker Jas Fellows Ueis Baker 3rd REGT. 2nd REGT. ~~~p~ii:swillett ~~;!~t~e:t~~ William ~ti~}~~lm. Lt. ao~l Phineas Chesley 2nd Us. I) MadO'l's. James llekoo.gney Jno Webb Inglis H. Brown Edw Delorey 'Mruors. Tho~ B~rke S. Beales Irish Lawre~lce.Kavanagh 2~Jj;.~~JI.ISt~i.:g. ~:~ ~~~::~od Cl!pts.. Wm Q. Ouseley 'SUrg, 6. T. Bn'lguy,MD. Arthur U. Phinney H. H. Harrmgton, ad,. Ca ptain. Ad;'., C. Jacques, cpt. Jno Gorman Charles W.DIU, Bdjt. Q. M., F. M. Chipman' John.McKeough Alijt., p. W. ieiili,cpt Q.M., T. (J. BilIj.surg., L. de BIQis, M. D.I :J~itG::::n Surg"1A.M. Paddoek,lfD., 1st HEGIMENT. Lt. Col. William H. Ray,Ma;'ors.Jno W. Harris Cha! SPUlT Oaptains Geo Gormerly Rcg H. Shaw Wa.llace Hanis, adjt Ist lis. Geo Wells W. J. E. Ritchie Wm E. Thomas JasA. Wright 2ndU. Edw J effcrson Adj.,W. Harris, cpt Q. M., JIl8 F. LeCum Burg, Pras Roli»inson,MD 2nd REGT. Lt. Col. W. E. Starratt Majors Juo Saunders 'rhos Crosskill J no H. ~dr!~~~~ R. B. Shafner Juo E. Morse Wm Miller Jno Charlton W. H. Bishop Geo Charlton Edw Itf. Morso, ~t.los Frletz JU8 E.Oakes Ist Lts..Jas R. Murray Bnoch Grnnt W. C. Shafner Ephr Bnuckman 2nd Lts, 4th REGT. Major. DeLancy Harris Capes. WmBustin Thos H. Chipman W. R. Troop. 2nd Lis., Malcolm C. Bent David P. Bent Albert Moree Elias H. Tupper Calvin Corbett Saml Pratt Burpee Balcom Lt-Col. Adjt, E. JrI. l\forse, cpt Hugh McAdrun Q. M., Lesl\e M. Stone Majors. Burg., J... V. Parker, MD. John Gillis A.S., T. R.Fullerton,:UD. Colin McKenzie Jas L.IJt.;'t::~t. 2nd Lieuts..J~~~~~~U~n 3rd REGT. Willinm ~'B~;ell MlJ.i?ra. Wm Symonds. John B. chnstie Adj,H.H.Hamngton, cpe S. L. purves q.m. John Randall.Os.ptains. -Surg. A. Molntoss, M.-D.'.~: :::~~~on, adjt. 4th REGT. John B. Moore.JosH. Varrish Lt. (Jol. Robt Howetson Peter Me-Kinnon Murdoch ~athe8on.!1ntigonish GO. W. A. J.taggr:~ola 1st Lieu4. (Jhas~ro~ Alex Chisholm P.anlel_~a.wl'Or 1st REGIMENT. Capta. W. J. Peppett Lt, (Jot. Allnn McDonneU, ad} William A. Henry Laughlin Cameron Majors John Chisholm Wm.J. Deck j oho McDonnell 'I'hos M. King Allan McDonald (Japts..DuncR)). McGregor R. N. Henry, 1st John D. Cluhcron 4th REGT Chas B. Wliidden Chaoes Camei'on Lt.j,(Jol. F. 8. Cunningham CoHn McintOfJh Robert Bridge C. N. Harrington John 1tIcGregor Major. J-ohn Bishop 1st LietUs. (J. W. W. Moffatt Adjt. K. Math~son, cpt. ~:':d.~jt.~~!~~;, M.D.. Richard H. Brown Angus Mc"lBanc John McIsaac (Japtalns. Wm. C'rockett Alex McDonald York BamngtoD t~~u~\~t~q~son Jo1m ;;~;:~. ii~~~l::irt3d John O'Btien An.gull Cameron Richllrd Pflrtridge 1st Lieuts. J-ahn McIntosh 1st LJeuts. Hugh McDonald John D. Cameron Edward Robson Joseph Crockett S. McDollald John G. Morrill Daniel Hurlburt AdJe, A. McDonald,. cpt. ~obt S. Bridge Q.M. A. M. Cunningham Qoitf., Angus McDonnell Robt Waugh, Surg,Wli McDonald,MD Eiurg. A. Mclnto8h,M.D. Jno Melvin ~-====--~ Itobt Hamilton Gape Brelon Go. Jno w:'lients. r~,!il~~~l>onald 1st REGBIENT. :Lt. Col. Adjt, A. cotbett, cpe Hem John Bourinot SU1'9,.1'.. E. Jelln~, M. D. DROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

139 r1868.j Room Paper at -!d. It RoU!lind upwards 'at R. 'l'. MUIR'S. 5th REGT. "Lt. O'ol. ~ William Murray Captains. John McKinnon, ad} : Stephen McNeil Alex McI.ean Daniel McGilvruy Allan McAdam ; Angus McDonald. Ad;"., J, McKinnon, cpt. 6th REGT., Captains Honry Balster lst".lel T. Slattery Robt Armstrong Wm G. Nicholl -Newton L. Mckay Caleb Harrington,Angus Gillis t lst : 2dlLieut. Cha.s Grant 7th REGT. Lt. Oo!. Edw P. Archbold;a.ins..Albert earina.n aha! H. Rigby,Jer. Halleran Jas E. Hitchins 8thREGT. Captains. WmW. BawD Chaa Archibald Cornelius ~ckey Chas Carmichael ATthurHm Alex "Mc.askiU Philip Smith John Walker lht Lieuts. Alft!ed PolJ.ock. Dun?rtetnni~ ~ ABgus licaulily. Joo McKenzie Don McBeth I' David Mcintosh" \. Danl McAuley : Jas P. Archibald. ; Joo S. ~~;;:~'. Geo Edwards Robt Gelish,olme Carts. Chas H., WmMcCuUy luehd Cl'l1ig U.obt Barnhill WmE. Logan B. H. Blanchard, adjt Geo Nelson S. J. Wa.lker ALMANACK. 159 Ad}., G. E. Dickson, cpt. Captain8. Q. M., Barnhill Arch Campbell Surg., A. C. Pago,lII.D. Henderson Gass A. S., Jas Ross, 1'>[.D. Edw Kent 4th REGT. Lt.Ool. George Cl\mpbeU lo\'t Lieut/!. Majors; R. F. Stltherland E. A. Jones J. K. Eaton Rout Forman J. Y. Johnson Captains. G. D. Dickson Silas Corbett Jno Henllessey Thos R. McK im, adj.. D. G. Dickson Jos Spencer Geo A. Layton'. Chas. Cummings Peter S. At:chibald, jr. Jno R. Fletcher 'rhos Smith Jag Spencer Samuel Sanderson D. F. Layton Leander J. Crowe.Tas Simpson 2d Lieuts. Geo Romans J~o Dart,It Lts ~U:e~ ~t ~~~'~~s Jf)tham ~'Bn~~ Sedley Blanchard'.T. B. W. Mornson IIerhcl't Johnston JI;:~. ~~~~~:~t A. J."Wlllkel' _ Tho w'n' m Adj.,D.~I.Blanchard,cpt. T~ut~er Spl:nc!r ~~~:;C~f~~e~~~~~~1.1' Chas co;b~tf8 2ND REGT. I ±~e~.cbp~~rc~1' Majora.j W. S. HalUllton Henry Sibley, Capts. John Cook ~::~:kr.;~~~jyadjt. William Hogge ;l)o.xter Hamilton 8aml Moore, 2nd; 1st Lieuts. Thos J. Ellis Thos Boggs Jas Hamilton Jas Sutherland Wm.Ra.msay David Moore]>', 2nd Lst. Jas Fisher Ghas Moore.J(., Sam} Frame, r ~dj't Saml Moore, r:pt. Q 3rd REGT. 9th RElGT. Lt.Ool. Peter S. ArcbiQald'! William t:~u~f!dge Edw w.1ff~:tlton Major. Wm Blair Thos Scott Oaptains. (Ja,ptll.',Goo E. Dick.son, adj. Danl Graham Jno J. Dickson : Walter Young Wm N. Dickson : Wm :Uourke Geo F. Crowe Law Lafiin Albert Crowe ht Lieuts. T. Per!ey Ptltnam Thoml1s Scott Geo Lmton ; Den Link. Allen Itobertson Ron McDonald Geo Rayne Burg., Marous D~d,MD. Peter Hal~ l/.8. I Cbas Dickson Colchester Co. Alex Cb.,holm H;crbert Higgins Edw C. MUnro Alfred Nelson J. S. Nelson O. T. Johnson, 2nd Lts" R.G.Dfi~ter Angus McDonald 1sT REGIMElNT. Lt. Col. Cbarles Blanchllr,d Major. i JaR K. Blair I JlloYuill Wm Fisher Alex Flemming' Martin Lc'e Chas Mordeo)) DLl.vid Nelson Geo Waugh.Tno Urquhal t I w::r;!a~:::!~l~ajt I Robt Purves 'llvclwood Currie Washington Irvine 1st Lts. E. L. Cutte", IM.Fraser 1 Will Irvine 1 f:~~r:la~~ll Isaac Ueid WmMeCully Jas. Kennedy A. H. Patterson 2nd Lts. Jas Nelson Jno Wilson RodkDarc1IlY J. T. Henderson' Geo Nelson Jns J. Johnston Joshua Sled Jno D. McIntosh Hugh HarrIs J. Porteous Adj., B. Blair, cpt Q. M., Arch PattBl'son Su.rg., E. D.Roach, lid Adj., T. R. McKim. ~pt. 7th REfiT. Q. M., A. W. McLellan Lt. Col. Swr,W.E.:~'IcRpberts,nD,John McKay Madors. 5th REGT. Augus :M:cLt;lod Lt. Col. JoimM-oKay' William A. }'ulmer (Japtftins. Majo-Ts. Hugh Munrb Mun-ay IIarris Fulmer J_s Graham, adj. Geo V. McLellan Don Sutherland, Oaptains. WmMcKoy 'JnoD. McCart Angus Gunn 'Jas L,Moore 1st Lts. Mark Fulmer Danl McKiy Ceo Lewis Geo McIntosh WmBoyd Hugh McKay 'fohos p. McKenzie, adj. M~lI'doch McKay [.iashill Angus Payne WmFulton J. McKim lst.lts.,alex Taylor Andw Thompson A. J. Davison H-enryFrederiok 2nd Ll.s, 'Rodk McK~nzie Alex Fulton Ezra Fulton t ~'. ~~~~:: Geo Durney t B.~~~I~urw1?~~~ Marshal Davisqn Adj.,.Jas Graham, cpt. Q. M., W. J. McKay,surg.,n. G. MoKnY,,:".m 8th REfiT. Lf,. CoT.. EUakim Tup~ MaJOfiI. D McG. Johnflon Geo H. Batcs Captains. ~f~~ JwhadSd~1 Arch Gammell, adj.,jas A. Cox Adj., T.F. McKenzie, cpt Geo Fulton Q. M. J. 'V'. Cutt.en Roht Ga.mmell S~ult. L. de St. Croix,Chns cox lst Us... Joo Dickey, 6th REGT. U.Ool. John Millar MaioTs., 'David A. Campbel, RobtA. Logan Robt S. C. Hamilton JasGrahflm 2n'd Lt..Jas Scott Wm Dyar1'llond Jas Hamilton EUakim B.entley.Toilet Soaps, POm;J.des and Perfllm!Jry at BROWN BROTHERS &00.

140 R. T. MUIR, llookseller IIlId Sbtl~T1e-r, 1:J;, Grllnvlllu St. 160 llelcher's FARlIIER'S [1868. Adj.. A. Gammell. cpo IDaV;d Conn 16th REGT. 9th REGT. Q. tl., Andw.TohnllOn Peter Murray Lt. (J~l. Lt. Col.. 1~~~ '~~~ll;~~;!~'i~~.: S~~I.Jr~~I;~~ A. P. Bradley E. J. pur:. pt8 '- Uobt McKtnnon A. 8. TO!~!sh:~d Tholl A. Stewart Cumberland Co. Jas ROb!~~o~l8. B. DeW. King i~~t:::~~~i::d - David McKenzie CaptB. Robt Giles 1st REGU IENT. Cbns Vewolf Tholl W. McKay Geo L. Purdy Lt. Col. I'Tho!! U. Brook t~~'i~iv~1r~flerton RuJph W. }~mmore Charles J. Stewart,~vd!n~u~~~~el V. B, Fulle~t0!l' adj J. E. Webb Majors I David Ste'!!1 Anguli McGlll.lvrny i 1st LI8. J. H. Chu}Jman Jno,\-Varner Johnson LeWIS 'j Clifford A. Purdy JOI! MOGre Don McLeod B. N. Fullerton ~::ie;i~~::::n Capts. Adj., David Steel, cpt. Edw Beatty I Jno Jns Stewart C. J. Tow.shend. adj. I Q M. Cyrus Bent 1st L's. Wm mack S~rg' Chns Creed, M.D. Sampson Moore ) 2nd Lt. J. Albert Black '1 A. E. Smith J C. Stonehouso Woo D.!tIain Jno W. Jenks I G,o W. Fon.,' 14th REGT. H. C.ThomplOon. 10th REGT. Aaron Churoh 'Jos 3. Jeffers. Ll C l ~l~~t.i~';i~~rch Lt. Ool. Adj., V. B. F,plertoll,cpt Josepb C. B~}dnge Rupert }t'. Lusby Henry Ol~ght ~: ::; :~d y ~~~~ry I MajOr-8. ht Us. I -f,!ljf'"" Surg' l CIUT Dewolf, MD. Jno M. Angus Abel Church C. J.?tIc ar ane Thos L. Baxter c. E. Uatchford.jT. Chal'l E. Ken: 7th REGT. I~' Captll. 30s D. Quigly Captll~ L/. C l Woo Chnpman 21:J.d J. Hiram Blaek J. A. Robertson Joseph N. B. o Elderkili JaB B. Davidson' ~~: : ~:;: ~~~O~vi.e- Majors. 1;~B.nI'bsb~~8~ Wm II. Trueman W. B. Hucstls Chas Smith M 'V Angus Jno Church Edw D,?tts Geo Hill N: T. LPW.O," adj. 2nd L/.. ~ E. D. King, adj. Capts. JDO B Fiulny Jn~ G., Trenholm ~: ~: ::t~ar!~~l!~~~~j,. ht JA,. AdJ., C. J. Townshcnd,c Jacob Chisholm B. Hatfield i G. McKny j~:;:.', %'. ~~~ec~~~~~'1 Us. Jno Graham. J. J. Jnckson A. N. C. J. Morse M.D. WeI wood McNab J: E. Fowler I ~~f~'n~~bb~~!ith' ' 'I J. E. Evans E Cole 1st Les. Adj., N. '1'. Lowe, cpt. 2nd R~GT. i ~~so;!~ts ' Jno Kelly Lt. Cot Kenneth Teed Henry K<,rr Rufu!! Seaman I Solomon.Peers Eben Ken' Majors. Albert Bigney 2nd Lts. Geo Hibbard.las Ogilvie Chas Collins R. Christie 2nd Lts. Aaron lintficld Capes. Arthur Miers Geo Livingstone ~~~s~~~~~~c:dj. ~~J.~E~tD. King, cpt. t~:il.,x;a~~~~qn Jno Moffatt Q. M., Wm McNab Abraham Latta Surg., JOB Clarke, M. D. Jll0 Canhnm Dtl\id Hunter Wmllaird A. Channan lst L/.. Anth'y Busway 2nd Lt. Robt Christyi!~g~ C~~r~~~ ~r.~. 3rd REGT. Lt. Col. Henry G. Pineo, jr. MajW8. Jos Joncs AlexA. Black Capta. Elias King Peter l\fcflirlane G. F. L. Piers David Steel, adj L. C. McNutt A.M.WiIls n. n. Warner )Vm Gould Jno Cooper 1st Lts. Murdoch Munroe H. C.lllaek 5th REGT. Lt. Col. Rufus F. Black 8th REGT. Lt. Col. Chl1rl~8 Lawrence Majo;'s. John Roach Jeptba Harrison Capu. Jno Pugliley Digby County, ARTILLERy.BRI- OADE. Lt. Col. Botsford Viets I Captai7U ljno Harlow G. Aug Viet. A. B. Holdsworth.JaS Keen 2d Capts. JDO Troop Edw Bumh~ Lieuts. G. J. A. U.obiD~n Joo. W. Turnbull' Geo P. Burton JasD. Nicoll Q.M.,w.H.Taylor Sll,rg., P. W. Smit~"Jf D; Majors. Thos R. Thompson E. W. DeaD A. D. Boss Capts. M. B. l:inrrison, adj Thos H. Patten H. C. luii1s Robt Baird R. W. Uiplcy J. P. 'fhompson JC'pthn HoeS' R. L. Black Wm Laurence 1st REGIMENT. Lewis Donkin 1st L/.&. 'fhompron Smith Jno Adnmll Lt 001. Jno H. Gilroy G. C. Harrison Jno K. Viets O. B. Davison, adj. C. E. Lewi.s Capt. Geo Thompson Uufus Ulpley WmNlcholl lst Lieut. 1st U&. J. A. Pugsley E. C. Dodge Benjm Oxley Thos Harrisou 2nd U. J. E. Taylor Henry RiplC'y bane H. Bogart Joo_GiI\'l'ay Uufu.!! Harrison T. A. Davison 2nd Us. Wm Phillips RllfuB I-Inrtison 2ND REGT. 2nd Lt..Alfred Hamson Lt. Col. Alfred Davidson Henry Harrison Willinm B. Vail. Adj., O. B. Davi.son, cpt. Adj.,M. D. H~rrlson,cpt Majors ~;,~.',~: ~:p~~?iil~simd.i ~~~:,~~f:s ~~~~" MD. ~~;V~G~~~~in. RROWN BRO'.I:HERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance, Haliftu..

141 Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper a t R T JllUIR'S 1868.J ALMANACK. 161 Caplains Jas D. Raymond ITbOS O'Neill R. W. McDonald CoUn Campbell Wm. H. Tedford 'V lu S. I'cart John McLane Gt-o 1'aylor adj. Albert DUl'kec Adjt, A. Hllrt, cpt. W. H. Dnhlgreen Abel J. Raymond 2dLic1ttli. ~."lf'l Thomas Condon JQsper Jou1"Oeay Nell J,elllje htlu, 'urv, E. CO-niU, ll. D. Gilbert Lent Jno Hewitt ---~---- < ClIa8 Everitr Theo Robiehau Joseph Mjlll, Rlchd Sanderson Wm. DeITY George W. Smith 2NP REGT. Jail P. Specht J. J. URymoml Alexander Rudolf Joo S. M. Janea 2nd Us, Lt. Cot. Corneliml ("'ropley l$t Lts. F. 'V. Kelly Hoit Wm O. lleffernan Jctrrc\"vTumer, Walter J. Jones DOll ROils MajoTs. Adjt,. E. IrI."h, ci" WmHognn Stfl"pbco P. Raymond jo.m(ls Marshall ",.M.,.tas MeDona.l C. R. Jr(cDonald Elk POl'teT Sltrq, J. MclUlhm, X.P., Lothl'OP L. Myers C. C. Lorenson Thoa W. Spencer J. 'V. Kerliley. C~pts. E. P. Specht Adj.,H.N.Robichau,cpt. Ulch C40ntng'ham, lliijt. 5th REGT. HCllI ymo.l'l' Q. M K. Devereux Ge~rge D, Hodley JuuW. Elison Lt. Col. ~ urg.,augrobinson,bid' ~::I~~8C;{r:"g::;1 JohnA-. Kirk 2nd LIM, I Wm Moore Duneull McUae MfljorS W. W. McAJpin;- 5th REGT. JlI.mes A. Steele.Albert E. Elliott J. N. Mprro.r Wm N. Simpson Lt. Col. Iwm Paint" Oeo.~. Uaker Wm 1,,, P. Scranton C. H. Payson (JOpt9. Aug N. Perry 1st Lieuts. Jam~fI F. Emott Thol McBride Captain. James W nllace Robel't S. Gunn Alfred MeN eil C. F. Ruggles, adj't Rlcharu Greetham I David A. McDonald J. A. llll.rshnll Gco A. Joue:; Cutler Jus Ma.rshall,D. H. McKlmzle.Ad) Geo Taylor, cp'. WmLolit h'lt. Q. M., W. W. PaYlion Benj Van Blarco", 2d Lieuts. John T. Sinclnir SurU, H. D. Ruggles.lID Jos Gidney Jon Hadley 2d Us J onem H. )forehoubl!i Abraham W. Hart Hugh K. Sinclair C. H. Danton Levi Garier Juo Sutherland 3rd REGT. Jamcil Wilkinson 1st Lt" 9. M., 'rhos McKeen John A. CUlT Lt. CoZ. ebns Hicks Willill.m A Carr John McAlpine W.H. Prime James Hull Captainll JnoSmith Albert Simpson HALIFAX CO..1. V. Stewart, adj. WmCal ty James Hall ebns J. lielanson Jacob E. Morebou.e Jno G. Nowlan Wm A. JO)1080n ~~j!l~~~~~~i:~hjlm,c'p~.1 ~I ILITIAA R;' RY,I GeoM McAlpine 2nd Lt Q.M., Burton Jo', lib I Jno M. LeBlanc Henry Gltlven Burg, C. R. Metzlt'r,:){.D. st RIGADIil. Jno Lovitt Zach Doty Ra.ymond Uclanllou Lt. Col. G, E. liosely Philip Boumeuf 3RD REGT. Alfred G. Jancli I Thos TI'u4. Louill A. Melanson WmBurnB MajO'!'. ' I,J, Col. DanI Breen Jos C. Titus Edw J. Kenny Tb.omas C, Peart btlts. Frank Payson Oaptains. Frail Bourneuf G. 'Walsh Maj01'. Y. D. Almon, Jr. WmMulHns G. F. U.uggles James W. Bi gelow Juo E. Albl'o S. P. Salline J. ColJini Captll, WlI.inwl'lght, a«} P. D'J.~ntrClmont Adj., C. p~ Ruggles, cpt.: (J. l'tt. Franchville, adjt. Geo. Thomson Ju.o B. Be1Uveau Q. M., J. E. Ba.ncroft 'Josoph S. Peartll \ Fredk J. Tremain Bllytnond J. Comeau Burg.,J. G. MeLellau,IID. Clenumt Whltman Oeo Mitchell Edw Sheeban I Alit!. Onhpon Gco ljubt Man. DOtlafaunt G b h C Jame; l~. Dillon A. S. Suthcrhmd Chll5 Lovitt -,uys oroug O. MeL. McKenzie 2nd Oapts. _ Ha.nnon Feltmllte 2nd U" B. C. Nash- Jus P. N0wlall 1ST REGIMENT. 1st L,ieu(s, l"red G. ~Vainwl'lgbt Gco Prim ].,t. Col. James H. p"itmt\to Thoa :U:l1som AI'ex Weaver John J. Marshall James Tate Fred P. Fllb bank.l Amb Thcrrlend J. C. Jamieson l.'rank Uonulllfi Am b Doucette Major. Henry PI icc.. Li":U.ts, Aug LeBlllna 'Vm Hartshorne 1 Adj (J,M.1''ranch\ tiit!i, cpt W. Melt. n~anchard Jno C. Comen\1.' Capts. Q.M., Wm. Sutherland IF. D. Wooddl Jas.8. Stewart Jlt8 A Tory I : Goo mtchlc Adj., J. V. Stewa.rt, cpt. Abner Hart, ttdjt Q. AI., W. II. Sabme I Mafllhnll Jo~t 4th HEGT. ' j.';;' R~;~~~' itb Surg;, C. H. Morsu,'MD. Moses L. Scott Lt. CnZ. F, ~. Wh~dd~)l, ~--~ \ Charles Peddle Stewurt CampbeIJ "tdjt, W. R. S., Wnlu- 4th REGT. Joseph Hattie I. wright, Captain Alexander'l'ory MaJo1's. P. M" Edw Binney, capt Lt. CoZ, EdwQ.rd 4, John 4. ],ledqnam , Cathcnrt 'fhomll--.n J. C. Dexter Jus E. Hadley Alfred R. White u1'g.-majdr,oho.s Tup- Majors 1st Lieuts. (Jupu. per, c.n.., M.D. D. B. Porter Gordon Hart Iwm. E. I';'., ad)t_ IA_s.,w.N.W\Ckw\,e,"D WmRaymond Wilberforco HArt Ohllrl~ij S. l[clntolill ---~ ~ ramuil C. Mllrshall IlJU.vld J. Nickel'lIon SEOOND BRIGADE Oapt alns 'VIU H, Galla.gher John Power Thos Titus,James IIemJow Lt. (/OlOfld. I ~i,pn.~foe~~~::~ ad) 2n.dLicutM. I lo'li,,,". I WIlUam H. C"'ghtou ft, Cutler, Norman Raymond John G&t1ngb~l' I Jamell Tuttle Majors. Calvin Raymond Hobert McKay 'John A. Stewart Jno A. Sillclnh: Enos P. Raymond Tbos l\fcdonnid James L. HllttiO M. B. Dilly Sea ~lld f~m.ily Medicine Che~ts ~old by B~OWN, BlWTJl~l\S $' Co. \ I

142 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller :md stationer, 126 Gran'.me St. 162 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Gaptaim. JaB G. Angr\"in '.1" L". ThC!>s. E. Kenny Ad;'t, H J: Parker, c/lpt JIIO B. Young Q.A1r, C F De Wolf E. L. Coleman, ad;'t I I I 9TH REOT. D. B. Woodworth G eo W Jones Le. C(J~. Sll-rg. CD Rigby, M.p. T. O. G. Hopkins Wil1iam J StBin Jas Shllnd,jr P.N, Edw buekett. 'rhos Barrett. I MaJ'urB Alex S. Finnie Silas McV-one IWbt GnlY Jno C. More AdJ't, J. R. l\-iurray, Cpt.J TTwining WmH. Hill ~18t REGI~lENT. Franklyn KinnellI' ~~ 1::': E.~~~~i~~~~;I.D.I papu. 2.:1: Oapt,aiw.;. Lt. Col. A,S., R: MeFohidge,ltlD.' i ~ <;.r::;er J. P. Tremain John J.Drc)Uner lh H Fuller 'rhos W. MiUs MajO'l" 4th"Queen's"Rgt rn~ ~u~~~and, ~djt Thos Mowbray'.Jno. Dutrus, jr. E. G. Smith Lt. Col. Captains. Thomas A. Bauer lat Lieuts. 'Lieuts. J. Henry Tobin Frank F. Garvie Geo McLean Ma.iors, ~iws~i~hb~n' Jas Creighton Jil:S B. Morrow F. B. LeCnin.Jas Sage David Skirving ehas J. Wylde J. H. Symons ~~fil'f~lyn ~~bt~~~w:tt A J Cref3i~!n8. ems'rnylor Juo W.'Watt H J N LcCain Adjt, G.C'Sutherland, cpt j:u~;,~: ~~t'rte, ljd. Chu S. Curre,n E. H. lleevc8 DOll A. Fraser1 adje ~~1i.', ~:~.g~~f~l:;'~:;;! 1st, Lta. l~t Meut. 1 OT~ RE~T. Surg., J:ll.. Garvie, M.D. Alfred BrOW?6 no~t StAthe~ Lt.. CoZ. A.S., A. H.Wood~I~, M.D. JG',BI;.BF'.~tnh""J.J r AdJt, D. A. Fraser, oapt., A S Gladwin ~ Q.M., J C CTCligen I THIRD BRIGA DE. ~~~i ~~'j~~'j:rnn sltrg, A.,J. Cowie, M.D. Geo 14cr!:~IJ1" Lt. Ool. W. J, Coleman jr 7TH REaT. Chalil N SP!oti.J. Hunter Duvo.r Lewis W. De.sllar:reJil Capta'~' MajorB. 2d Lieltt. Lt. ao~~ez. 8 Hutchinson E. C. Fnlrba.nks John Ca'mpb~ll Don DiJun-.n Jns.C.!-Iackintosh Chus E. Brown Qr.-Mr., Wm,Esson MajfYl'8. iam~tqgad' adjl Gap/ains. 1~1.: r,. fd.,,~1:~,1e~:-~~j ~e~~a~!; Wm Layton M. F. Ea.gql', ad;'t WmGulld It. T. Braine -----,c-'-- (Japu. Malcom LO~$ll, :In.o M. Hoyt I l<:dw Boak 2nd H Queen's"Rg,t ~n': :U~:~:~d SamI Bunht Edw MOl'l'ison I.,t. Gol. Patk Moupgl1!1:n Is'I.u. Wm Camp ball Milos Mclnnu 2d Oaptain6. Hen~ Pryo.l' H P Burton Robe Higg-inj Alex G. Hessleln.,.lffJ.ioN. G D Martin Jno Reid Wm Garvie S. L. Shannon Alex Anderson Jas BnUekshanka Li,e;mll. Geo E. Morton T L Studd, adjt Jno H Taylor Jna Starr. Captalnll Geo Rawlings Geo DIckey Uobt H. Cogsw",Jl F. W. Bulloek JOB II Weeks Alex Llndsq.y A. W. Brockley A. D. Merkol Jno H Ander90~ 2d Lieu's. It. B. Boo.~.J. F. Greenwood lit Li.eUt6. Jno Dean T. C. Garvie noble Dlliacke J8JiI A Ander60D Geo Parker 'fltos G. 8~rcve w. 1tfYItTS Gray., ~dje. H Gaetz.A A Br4den A. J. llaitington F. D. Corbett, Isaac Gaetz Hugh G Reid'.J. Outram, jr H. W. Albro Gilbel1; Sutherla.nd Wm McCurdy Robt Snook F. N. Kenney Dun Campbell Frns Bllrnott Louis Clarke E. G. Stayner lienry. I~ntz Angus Brow.n ~~~ o~~::;? 1st LN. Jas Hiltz Jas D. Boyers Myers Hume A. E. Stayner Wm Stevens, Jr. C. B. Bull0cl;t 1~~ ~~~X:uad, cap# ~;;ti,~s::i:gnnt.capt Adjt, M. F. Eagar, capt Scott T~emalU q.j'tfr, Jno V Wright. Q.M, Wm H Gla4wJn Q.M, w.nodaldsod,captla. SUrg, 'V'H Weeks, H.D. Surg, W Pearson, M,P. COWIe, Surg., A. ::tjibren, M.D. J. C. RobcrtlilQn A.S, Ja.s F Laugbll~,M.P A.S, EdwFarrell,!olD ~red An~; Lt. 8TH REGT. FOURTH BRIGADE. ~d~; ~~'),i'''~... y, cpt. Jame, B f;~~~' 11TH REOl'. Joseph S~~~~ber r.s~':;.:: ~~W:;o~~~~..J F RICh!':l~~' P,eter 8.t:~n~~lioD M1t,ors G R Dimock - Major i~~ ~Il~ge 3rd"Queen's"Rgt.J W K f:c!~!:: Isaac J W%~~:. Goo n A~«fe;::::' David W ~~:II.?~~sD;t7z~~~Tlee If~:l'~ ~~~~.e Geo Jobnson. Thoe. Clay D A Ni«boIsf)ll J.~ C Mah9P" arlit Wm B McNutt Captaim.8. Amos HaveflttQck Edwin D King ~a:n~ F;~:;ker, ~jt ~~:~J:il~~eighton W K ~f:zeuts. g;:e~~ugr!:~'. Wm N Stiver E. R. HlllTlilgton IEdW Davey h~ Llcutll. J A Tnom;i :US ~.d; ~~~:;, adjt. P::: ~! Wfl~~n i~~ ~: ~I~~~end Wm R. FOllter E. W. Chipman ~urg, Hon'D.. bfcn. Par_ Adj't, F C Mallon, c~ ~~~:~~l;u!~irbanks ~~E,J!~~i?Qn A.~~' J!~~80mmerll,3ID.1 ~;:~g~l~ t~~~::ue,llp BROWN BROTHERS J' CO., Druggists, Ordnanoe Square, Halifax.

143 I 1868.J I Church Servloo.s and Prayer Boob at R. T. MUIR'S. ALMANACK. 12TH REGT. I Majors L. N. Jenkins Russel H. Vieth P. S. Blll'nham Lt. Col. Juo Kelly M. D. Grant George Fraser Ca]ll,s. A. c. Thomas Major8. JIlB Dowling Edw Curry J W Johnston, jr1 Juo Milsonl Wm Cuny Cbas M Nutting. 1st Lt.. 1st U.s. Capts. Martin lsener Roble h{clatchy J R Chamberlain Ad)",,E. 1\;1. H. Vieth, cpt Lewis WHit!ns AMcGBarlon Q. M., Wm H. ClaTke Fro.ser~J? Jas D VanBuskirk Burg, A. P. Iteid, M. D. Thos KIng 163 J 2nd Us. Matt McLenrn' Lewis B. Cochran Wm Burton Jas Tnlboret Nathall Smith AdJ., A. Putnam, capt Q. M., S. S. :8arunck 8 u'1'g., S. D. Brown, MD. A.S., G. J. McKenzie,lID D.vid Fraser I 2nd Lt,. 5th REGT. J T McAlpine, adjt "16th REGT Chas Wmdns I Afajors. ~~fln;~~i~:l~~~ Lt: Col. ~~: ~~~~nan ii~~~i:~ltlus lst Lieuts. IGeorge ~. rr~qp ]~lowcrs Ki.lcup_ Ca tains Robt Mitchell J/aJors Constant Dimock Jos BlackGurn ~~;lr:ae:; :ObthTa)~Ohl Q~~it~ J~n~~I~~:~:,CPt ~~:s :l~~~~ R. M. Emmett I tap en CO pi, n Surg, D. U. FI'a!;er, MD. E. U. P~ol~, Adj. Albert ~o~~:s. ~~11.HM~D:n:~d 2nd REGT. i~~~~~g~~1::>n JOlilPrice I Alex SteplttH\8 Maj"OTIJ Wm ~atti6 Jas GJeQcl'Oss IAlfred Hutchms, adj Lewis W. Hill" Jus Canty Jno G. ljollong 1st Les. Heury S. Curry Oswald HorIlllby Adjt, J. T. McAlpine, ~a-p Nich Power (Japts. lbt LeB. ~;:g'.~ii. ~'~~~~~n, ~D.I ~ci! ii~~!tian ~~o Ss~ng~ftt a~lj l.jno Booth G. Lyol1s Wm Ward~'op 13TH REG'i'. W A Ryan Adjt, A Hutchins, capt Wm Borden N. 'r. Harris 2nd I.,U. Jno Etter Lt. Col. Q. M., Wm H. Neo.! 1st LIs. Terence Canty Lemuel J. Morlan NAVAL BRIGADE. ~~~~~ch ~~8~~O~\~'~~111 E. J. Lo~j!tn:"8 Lt. Ool. Adj J San"'ster cpl Alex Dunbar J A j H(Y{L Benjamin Wier Q. M., Gibb~ 11.a;ming David Wickwire as. MO~~~~:. MajQrs Surg, n. H. Heade, MD. ~df.~~~~i~lroole, Opt. ~~~~ ti:~t~~~~ald, adjt ~~J\ ~~~ide 3rd REOT. ~~,', ~ii~~!~~~md. P. C. Elliott C"pt8. Lt. Oot. D. W. Archibald 4..lno K. ltyeraoll James W. King Saml B. Horton 6. Saml Locke MaJor3 1st Lieut. o. Colin Oampbell Jus E. Withrow Jno Tupper 1. 'V. H. Hart Juo W. Bond 2d Li6uis. g. L. A. Sponagle Oapt.8. Jas Balcom 1. A. W. }fart Jno Simm 6th REGT. Lt.Oot John W. Harvie Mttjor 'Vm H. Knowlw. Joo Murphy. 1: rb~c:o~~r; ~: ~: riy~r:ro~ JO& eha~g!~!ns k~~'~a~~i~kb. or<, C.'J. Ma.~donaId, cpt t t~~dfm1;;h'erson 4~~ ~~~:;::~dj. I 14'rH REGT. 2. Ambrose Al1t\n' Jali Dl'cuna.n G. J. :M~oshcr Lt. OoZ & J. Tucker Jno. A. Thompson Jne W. Smith Benjamin W. Saltel' 1. Wm E. Wier Don McKay W. H. AlUaon Majors l~: ~!~E~ ~~gglelj Matt Thompson BcnJm J~~!!s, C. H. M. Black L~6uU. lo/lt TAs. Edw Chambel's Henry Y. Clarke 4. Geo B. Do~ne Jno J. Withrow H(mI'Y Chambers Capts. 1. Gao H. D~vis H. A. Blois S. Cachran Wm Munro 2. T. F. Campbell G. T. Thompson Albert Moshcr 'David ThomsoQ i: ~~e:w?i~~~ ~Vdj,,~.llClarke, cpt ~,~1It!~~!ln {!~;Cr~~~'::'c:r adjt. 4. Hugh Crum Q. lfl'. Jetl'rcy Burgess 2nd Lts. Jno Webber 1. n. Goreham Su,rg.,Wm l1 en J;llSQn,MD Artl;lUr McOfl,Y 1s, LitltUs. If: ~~~~~ :::!es 4th REGT~ ~~~i::~~~' ~:nc~~~i~d 1. W. }1cFal'Iilne Lt Col Wrn.Dawsou Jus Croueher ~~iey;n~~'x.~mcdonald Nelson Mn~~y?f~' M!~el' ~: ~:~~:on ~~<::: ~: 1: ~~:l~~n I Robt B. E~:g:r8 ;a :'~~~~ochran WestlyCrooks S. McO. Smith s-rg., J. U. Dennlson,:M:D. W!:s G~~:~O I Hants County. Jno pu7::: ins h R Geo Grono _ L.I,awrence 7t EGT. W~ ~:lt~~inqy 1st REGIru:ENTo ii~~~~c~~t~~~~adjt. \Chrlstop{;!~'S~~nlson.j1dit., J. Croucher, cap Lt. Ool. Dan1 Singer Major8 Q.M., E. C. Twilling, John A.,Jenkins Geo Smltb. Wm Glenn Burg., Alp CrOucher,MD. Majors lst L~~. IJno G. ntll;>ij'cr~,., \M. H. GoudQ'O Alfred Durgess Ot;lPtR~fi9 15TH REGT O(Jl()ts, Danl rorbes Wm A. MllIar Lt. Col. W. H. Blanchard, adj Wnl Curry T. A. Malcom Charles S. Silver Geo R. McHeffey Benjm Smith 1 1..!. Stephen!'!,' A~j. BROWN B~OTUERII & Co., Importers of Fresh Medioinal Herbs.

144 It. T. Mum, Bookseller and Stationer, 126 Granville St. 164 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. I I G.D. VIlUlZ'hl1l& ~ 2nu REGT. \ Capts. 7th REGT. c; H. H. GrlLnt ('has McLean 1st I..tB. Lt. Col. Jas Doyle Lt. eel. t Hira.m PtLrkcr Donald McDonald Tholl (.'rowdia Philtp LeMon tal.. -<I G. JV'. Armstrong 1'h08 Etheridgo Alajo,', )/ajor Wm Chudltllgh LouIs McKeen I t> Farquhar MeU Philip Dlllmpled A.IIl'aden J. T. Lawrence Juo D. cnmeron Alonzo linn-ie Huctor McLean Capt._ ~ C. A. Tomlinson COpt6. J Oil Ingraham Ie. w. Rom.til.;:: n. J. Steplienll H,obt McDougnU Joo Duval htlt. 2nd Ltl, L. S. McKeen J no Van Kcrvb Edw Tbomson Cbll9 H. Burgess fvm Murray Jno Binet.e- 2nd Les, FrasGlenn 1" Lt. rs~t:~ ~~k~~nl adj Den McDonald ~ l.ewis Smith Wm PhilJpa Adj., J. W. Stel)hens, ep t David LawJ'cnce Alex :WcDonald g..t. 8., F. N. Durgcp,!IJ) Chris Smytb La-uebUn McKinnon 2nd 1~., Findlav.Beaton Jll0 A. ROIiI Jnt) Phllllpa' Wll,l.~'; McDonald Be-nbcn Pulltps Walter Lawrence 8th REGr. Hczeklab liurray Uobt no.ll1l petcr 1IoieDonald bo I.t.Ool. Jno l-icke0n Jag PhUl»s Q. M., C&r.lix BOumDt C Ollrnond 0 'Brien Albert Hart lstljr. N ortuan McLeon ~ AnguR McDonald... GcoHen~:' Dun McDunald 8th RIOOT. WmJ. Murphy ~ DaDI Hoes Q. N. Jno Campbell Re.ymou4 Smyth li.. Col. 0 A. G. O'nrlen,.Adj. Angu8 Murphy Edward D. Tr.cmtdn Dellnh O'D.rien or Pntk 1r!tfrphy Majo,.J... Joel DenRmore Herbert Fraser 5th REGT RobtMcDougal1 ].at LtBI Isaac U. McKeen "" '" I.-t. Col. David Lawrence ~ r~:o8b O~~~:~gar r~aughhn!rr(>douga~l Capt.. 0 '1' Ueid ~J. ~~~~~~:i NaJo,. ChrlsSmyth ~ 2nd Ltll. R. A. Trelm~hJ. = Ww O'Brien P-atlt Doyle Jacob S.: Hurt,Vm Murphy l(aymond Smyth.8 Noel HtHlni"ttl Oeo 1. Smith C"pu. Patk Murphy :<::: Silall O'lkl:n ],,(urdocb McLean Don ~!cleal1 Adj.. A. G. O'Brian, ~pt. JIlO Doyle ~I~ MI!Rae, adj 181 LtIl. "" <l Findlay CameroJl.Ioo ~IcKlnnon I AngU8 McDonald Ron McNcU Alex McDonald AngusM1I1')Jhy 8 9th ltegt. Philip Doyle Xiel Gi1lijil Wm J. Mcvonnell Lt. Col. ChS8 McKay.Jno H. Murphy Adj., I. McKclen, cpt J-i hrae! S. SandfOrd Neil Campbell 2nd Lt_, C Majors Q. J/., D01~ Gil1ill... GeD Horvie BurU, II. C}lmeron, MD~ ],tlu. Geo Murphy flo l!cleoll Neil McLeod I:JJ C Ill'~JmlllOI' Capt,. WmMcKay Jno MU'l)by I.Jno Pm,yer Anth'y~. Silufurd,.idj. 3"d REGT. ~I.,.McJnnis ~ Ju Smith Wm Bi8hop.Adj, Rufus A. Tremain,.. 1 SainI.Me.ek Lt. Col. Wr.t McDonalll Burg, W. n. Buckloy lanae UcLcod peter UcDoullld Q..If., Wm L, Tremain "'" "" "01 F. Meek Froa K, KOor»tera Major Dan Campbell Geo Balter Alex Campb~n 2d Lieuts. i JaR Sandford Capt,. II. McKinnon Kinfl'8~ODunty, Joo Withrow "" ~ Juo McLe"ll Uon"h!llthesOIl 0 hllts, DllnllI.cLelln.JI~ lrckinoon ~ WOl B. D~mock. Joo 8. Gunn Alt"X McDonald 1ST TROOP CA- Hllgh McKenzie Jiect.or McKenzie W01BmJtb ~O Jus l;enton V ALRY GUIDES. 11> Murdoch U.cLec4, adl Adj, 11. McRae, ~l Peter Caley :;;; DOll McLellan Q. JIr8 E. Campbell Captain. Bennet.. 8~p-ljf.o,d.Alcx McLeod Edward A. l"yke Ezra Salter Aiex MeDonald ~ I Ed". W. Sandford Jno McDougald 6th Regt. 2nd T.u {Jeter CampbcU i JOG Wclwood fa.. Cel. 1st REGIMENT.!Z> JOIl Dimock 1st ls. Arehtbald 1IcIutyJ'.e l< Jas HiclJarcl80n Don UcLcan Lt. Col. 'V~&IDy Mason Angu.a Kennedy J/ajl»'lf David ll. Clark' '" Mj.,.4. S. Sandford, cpt JDoKe1)~)' Don M. McPhnit " 0 MaJor- ~ 1(.....:I Cb.o.,s Cochrllll JDD McF&'l"lo'llit Hugb McIntyre L.cnnder Rl'lnd u,.g~ A S:J.ndford, M. D. J110 McDonald (Japta. WlU H. Bclcher :.l' C. H. )[ci~cod.arch McPb,all, I1dj AnguBMcLellnn Captal~1J ~ Jfl8 D~\vling Invernes8 00. Arch Dougil.11 DDwling Jos T. Jncka.o"Jl,.NJ.J. Jno ""cj)onald A. A. B. B. Newcomb )f~phan ~ 1st Ri:GUIENT. 2d L(eut!J Dun?tlcl.. ennall Jal' A. Dhipmap, ti.i \ Lt. Colonel, Angu8 Kcnnc47 ALex Smith Jas B. ThomJ.. ~ G. McKeen Hector McLean Colin HcPhaU WmE. H&l-na 4Qgua Cameron. S. E. Harris..:l Ad/t, M. McLeo(1, ept l-4 I Allen llcdonald. Capt Don McDonald,Tos. C Stnrr' fl,dj Q. M t Wm DLJnbar.Jno n. Chipman A Jas N. Paint ulltri Henry Cb.ipmau 0 NcliMcIuj;li" HughlJl!Kay 0 Geo Cru\V 4th RE<lT. Jno.Mc3Iaste.. htu., a:: I Dun McDonnQIl Alex McArthur' Amos Baxter Chns McInni8 Lt. Col. Doug )1l:Lenn.1ln vtm ljardwjc,," r Joo 1t cea.cbmn 8amuol Lawrence Chns E. Rand 2dLieut. Jno Powcr I ~dj, A. I'IIcDonald,.!.ilt Neil?licIntosh Q. H., Danl Clough.J. J.. C~o:~:r C. n. H. Starr Adj, A. McPhail, cpt E. 1rI. BeckwIth BROWN BROTHERS & CO., D ruggists, Ol'unllnce Square, Halifax,

145 J Roo~ Paper at 4d. a Roll and upwards at R. T. MUIR'S. ALlIIANACIL O. N. Bishop H. P. Borden 4th REGT. N.. J. Lyons Snml Moore 2nd Lts, Lieut. Cot Brennan Jacques Ellja.h Borden Wi11iam J. Fullor Henry E. Jefferson Juo W. Fullerton Major }launlng Chute JOI E. Ells' Juo Strong Juo L. George 165 Henry Duff Henrv Jo~t Adj., C. E. Kau~"hacklt'pt Q. N., Christian BUnl! Burg., Chas Aitkin,)-1 D. ~~:;:e:~~th~qle8 ' Captlfin$ 2nd Lts. 2nd REGT. Geo F. Newcomb Jas T. Mnnn!ng ~~~ ~~~'rr,.: Majoy-. Adj., J. T. Jackson, Cpt. ~~':-i'i!~njllm:ln Si18/; R. Tupper Wm N. ZWIcker, ; Qr8,M1", D. l't~. Dickie I Ja8 S. McDonald, adjt Jno Skinner I Captains,1~;'~ln~;~Hn~~f:~M:D 18t Lta. Adj, L. V. Bowlcs,lI4't '\Vm Townshend :. I ~~~~ ~~::;'Cland Burg,II.C. Mnr8tQfll'}ID'11::~I~~~~n 2nd REGT. Wm Uounsefell 7TH REGT. ~~~ ~~:hej~ :: J. W.. Elderkin.lo~i8hW.Rudolf I' ;robr L. ~i~~~;h'e Geo E. ~:~}~::. Charlef' ftt~~~~ ~~~lt~l~~d~~fhlin adj. Majors Thos Wallnlle Capt8. Jonos liulloc.k Jno S. Belcher J08 Weston 'V. C. }Ioore 1st Lt8. Robt W. StalT Albert W. FOTt!lyth Henry W. Lydiard,JBmcsMullock I Captain_ George Reddin.= Jno Hedding D. J. Rudolf I Geo. Q.pinee Ad;'. J. S. McDonald,opt Edw M. Jorulln Stephen Leary E. C. Dickie Q. M., J~s Cutten he Liintt8. 2nd Lt. Jon Rnnd Surg., E. L. Brown,MD. 1Ym Rey F}'"('Id Burlnl88 Wm H. 'Jo'cllowli ChaJ!l Blanch~rd Adj, J.J. McE"nughlincpt Robt M. Hnnd, Adj. 5th REGT. Br4fnton H. Dodge Q. M.,Alcx I-raser ~~~~;ns1:~~dm Lt. Col.. rn~ J: ~e~~~~:n Burg., S.Jacobs, 1tI.D.' Benj1)l ~::~8. Joh~ S. ::;::1 Edw ~~;;i;::~' ~~ Albert Hamill Geo Kiely Jno Caldwell Lt. Col. I Chaa E. Borden Wm. S. Magee Surg, Steph Doillge, MD. Henry S. JOllt Danl H. Coffin Captainll Ma,jor ~iba;8 ~~~igelow j::~~~!'~tch STU REGT, Joshua Zwicker David R. Hun1.lcy Jas Pieree Lt. Col. Captain. Geo WoodwQrth Isnac Honch Thontns Tuzo Gideon Langille Geo S. ~~lt:~~j. ~~i.i~~!i:a, adj. ~~~~ ~~~!~,' ~:;~~:~~~~~::: ~~:~~V110Ien A. K. l'atterl5on JOJ!l A. Cnldwvll Jno P. liam d ~ ~~p.e'v~~:eo s!~e~o~l~i~ney l!l~ Lieut. Ht:ubcn ~; ~~::lan Adj., R. M. Rand, cpt. ht L,tB' W. J 2~f\~~~t~djt ~~~bs{'~t~wick{'r.' Q. AI., J. E. Lockwood Thos ft. Harns Fredk Currv Ingraham Lllllgille ISlfrD.,JDoStruthcrs,MDlwm Avery "J t1 A.S,Jos H.'oenniSOD MD Waiter Walkcr Adjt, W. J. Harris, It. Elk Kc Y, A. D. Munroe' Surg.A. DeW Bares,lID. Edward James, Enoch Chute I 2d Lieut., 8rd REGT. Geo F. Smith Casper Eisenhauer Lt. Cal. I~: ~:::!n Lunenbu1'gh CO. $;: ~;~: L. DeV. Chipmnn Jno C. Wellt Alfred Zwlckel' P. M. Bt~~~S I Harris T:~O~t". 1st REGIMENT ~~j~ ~:!rs Knnut J. n. Rockwell JOB Niely Lt. Col. Q. M., Adolpb Gaetz (~ Captaina Hl'lnnigarNiely II. A.. N. Knulbllck 1:t1.;'c1::s\~~~;:';~:' Fredk Chipman Adj., A. B. Jacques, cpt Major Jno P. Lyons Q. M., Gilbert Fowler Jno Dnuphiuey Jno E. Starr, ad}, surg.!.~.~. OU.thet, MD. Capt.aiH3 'Edw Steadman..d. S.,.M.E.ll~lcom, MD. l C. E. KllulbacK, ad;'. 'Thl)s. R. Illsley Jno MUb{'rry, Gideon.E. n.,id 6th REGT. Joo Trcthcway I 'Enoch Griffin Honry King Benjamin ~mith Lt. Col, }~dw DO''''ling 1st Lts. William U. Winaby J. r... D.HaJI Ward Eaton Major Lewis Anderson,Geo E. We'lt.los Buckley ThoflCul'l1 J. H. Marchant C U 1 J tains Jeflson Rudolf.W! {<:~~~n ~;tf;~il ~~~ ~~~~: Lt. ' 2nd Lta. Z. H. Pineo Alex Cumming " Xbe.nezer Who:aton Burgess N. Bowles Simon Finck,Aubrey Blanchard Henry Silver Henry Bolomon E. W. noseo Albert J. Best Jos Rudolf David K. 1:.088 L. V. Bowles, adje Henry Heisler I Adj., J. E. Starr. cpt. Wm Lyons 2nd Lts. I (j. M.,,Vm C. Bill lst Lts. Jncob M. Owen Burg., Jon. Borden, MD. Stophen J. Nichols Edw Owen 4th REGT. Lt. Col. John HIlrI~y Najor. W. A. Morse Robt Dawson Captain..Jas Starratt Albert Bakcr A. G. 'fupper G. E. Stnrr! J. A. WntennnB Simeon Hcbb.1. Levi Oxner W. n. Wentzell E. C. Stnn-ntt, adj w. J. Gntes he Lt,. Anthony Rhulnnd Zer.n.b Wile BROWN BROTHERS 4" CO., Pure Chemieals, Drugs and T0ilet Article.s.

146 R; T. MIHK, BMk.,Uer ILDd St"tlolWr, 125 GrlLJ)vllle!oil. 166 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Ma.tthew Rhuland I MaiM Adj, J. D. Gauld, cpt 1s~ Lts. 2'nrl Us. J. N. Tretheway Q. ~lf., Jn l ) 'McKenzie Jas McKay Bo-W. C. Munning Oaptains. Slwg, A. Anderson,~[D. Stewnrt.Fra8cr Arlhur Hood Juo Milberry ~~t!~ :~~gor J. B. Harley Jl10 Trethewo.y, 1st S. P. Beniamin Obadiah P. Young 3rd REGT. Rcib~dJ~:::la.p.d; ~: ~'. ir~f;~~nn ~~b;[~~~:elong Lt. Col. 2nd.LtB. C. H. DavhJOn Juo Tretheway, 2d David Matheson Juo Fraser Adj, E. c. Sblrratt, opt Alex 'fretheway, ad} Major W. r. McNeil Q. Mo, M. D. Desbrisay lst Ll John Hogg 1:). P. McNeil Surg.W.A.C.RandIlUMD LindleYDUrln~d (Japes. Don FrtlSer ihcnry Milberry Juo D. McDonald, Adj, G. F. McKay, cp,t 5th REGT. Lt. (Jol. J 8seph P. Mater (Japtai7t8 Wm Owen, adj. Wm T. Drew Ist LtB. Solomon Drew Andw Gow 2nd Lts, W. S. Vogler 1\01. C. Smith'" F. S. Vogler. Juo H.-Grant A. W. Smith ct. M., J. R. P. Fraser Fonnau MortOR A. D. McKenzie Burg, J. E. Jont!8, M.D. :tnoeh ~~a~8. fr~;~~am!~:~~ John L Delon'" Abraham Clarke 6th REGT. Adi, A: Trotbe~ay, cpt. t If's Mt~Le:land Lt. Oot. Q. M., Jacob Delong I" \;~~~: John Grant Dun McMillan Maj01'B Pictou County. i.~~xtb!!:~~f:~~ ~~~:~:::::r 1st REGIMENT. (ARTILLERY.) T. S. McKean Lt.Ool. Ad;'., W. Owen, cpt. John!lIcKinlu.y Q. M., In:o Miller MajOr" Surg.,E.W.l"ope,M.D. JamcsIves 6th REGT. TA. Col. Daniel Dimock Majors H. B. Mitchell Will Uobinson Capta.i7t 8 Geo H. Mills Chas E. Church J as Bc;tanson Wm Corbin Jno A. Ckurch, a4jt Edw EVans- Chas Smith 1st Us. Sinclair Eldridge Edwiu I:.ordly Chas Shreve Mark Noonan JllsWilliarias 2nd Lt. Oap&s. S G Rigby. adj Geo R Davics JosA Gordon 'Vm W Glennie Ohas E Davi"es Murdoch McPherson Simon H Holmes Thos M Porteous It.TGriffith Dav[d Ferguson Oapta. 2nd Lts. Alex Grant Peter Mcconnell D A F Holmes, adj Angus Sutherland J P McDonald Adj. J. D. McDonald,cpt Wm Grant? Q. Mo. Al-e-x F. Matheson Peter Grant; Burg, W. E. Cooke, MD. i:~x C;::!~n J G Grant 4th REGT. IJ.. Gol: John McKenzie Maj07' Alex McPherson Oapts. Jno.T. Fraser Geo H. Suthorland, adj Lieuu. Rodk McKenzie Don Fras&" Colin Fraser Mal Campbell. Dun Archibald Geo II Elliott Alex: Sutherland Danl McKay Angus McLeod Robt Hockin Danl Sutherland ~:.~ ~ ~1~1:~d 1st Lt3. Adj S G m... by cpt Danl W. Ross Burg, G M joh~ston,lld.:~:~~;:!t~~d 2nd RElGT. Peter Boutilier Xt. Ool. Adj., J. ~. Churcn, cpt James Kitchen Q. M.. E. J. Robinson Jlaj07' Surg,J.H.J~nlieson,~D. Chas E. Henry 7thREGT. Lt. flol. George Ross Jos Skerry Majw Oaptains ~:Snllil:inJdrow, adj Thos Hatcher 1st Lt. Thos Driscoll ~~:;;. HGe':~~\tr~;;, cpt 8th REGT. Lieu.t.-Col. H elson Chcsley Oapts. Stewart B'urns Simeon Chisholm Oliver Langille 'rhos D. GOl1ld D. B. 'rhomson Wm Gammon Chs..'! McQu.arria.T. D. GnuM. adj Chas e. Perrin Danford Langille JasGllmmon 1st Lis. WmMatb.cson Jas B. Rodgers WmBurns JasDwyer llabt Sutherland 2nd Lts. Ephraim Langille Laban Patriquin Wm Maxwell Murdoch McPhenou Jas Fraser 2nd Ds. Isaac McG-\lvrs'y, Thoa McDonald Don Fraser Robt A. ~Iclntosh b'y", Alex McPhio Thos Fraser 2ndILU. Dun McDonald Hugh Mclnto8h Jno I> Mcintosh Adj, D A F Holmes, cpt. Q; M., Jno McPhie Surg, Wm Fraser 7th REGT.. It. Col. James W;Oopelnpd Majors R S Oopeland Ja.s Mitchell ltodk McKenzie OapU_ Adj. G II Snth"rland, cpt Dun McIntoslL. Q. M., Alex Sutherla.nd Jno Cumrnin.g~ BUrg, Chas.Munro, ~I.D. ~ai!~~~~cbell. ----"--"-" - A P Millar 5th R~GT. ~~:~ ~~~n Lt. Co~. Juo B Copeland, Jame!! W. CalID}ichaeI Major Don l\lcdonnld Oapls. T. W. Underwood G. J.<~. McKay. ndj J. H. Fraser Albert Fraser D. E. Uose Jas W. Jackson J. D. McGregor Alex McLeod J. 'V. Fraser. 1st Danl Falconer J. W. Fraser, 2nd H. J. Camcron htlts. Jas Cnmerpn' JRQ E Smith Alex McOrego,:' JasC Dnnri. 2nd Lt. A Copeland Adj, J S Cope1f\nd, cpt j~~: Yn~~~~~~l, MD. 8th REGT; Lt~ aoi. Allan McPhie BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Drnggists, Ordnance Squar~, H;a.lifax,

147 Churoh &rvlooe and Pm'yer Book'i at R. T!\lUlU'S J ALMANACK. 167 Maiors Octa,,;us Pnyzant ist Lieuts. DDMcDonald Jus Hemmeon Ambrose Burke Brd REGT. JnoDMurray Uobt Kempton l Chtls M. Ford Lt. Col. Oapts, J. N. S. Marshall Edw I-I. Freeman Geo T Handley ; Wm F McKenzie Rufus Ford Josiah Smith Capts. a.i D RMcKenzie J DO M.. Yetta Zenas,"V. Freeman Dun Cnmeron,,.:;is J WMcKenz.le 1st Lieuts. Stewart Hunt Ja,!; RL McLean i g:~ ~~t:~~ Jidj Wm McO. Scott Jobn MeGenty Peter MeL MorHson :MattDrew W. A. Cllrder Wm Morrison r'~ D N Robertson Jas Robertson Geo Doehllf Jas Hunt Martin Sampson... 2nd Us. Dun MeRne lst Lts. J. H. Minard Geo Campbell Jno Geldert Stephen Waterman Wm Urquhnrt 'd WmDew,ar Thos Tupper Y:so ~~g'~;uyer Don UTquhnrt ~ E A McPhie Saml K. iuclcod Jno,MeV. Munro 1st Lts. r-i Jno D McKemiie Aug Murray 'Elk Freeman Allnn McLean,:::t Jus McDonald 2nd LtiJ. Adj, It. 1I. Telfer, cpt. ~~~i~ ~Ic;K:~zie '0 Geo McDonald Hugh McLeanl Jas McGregor Jno Cole ~1"~ s~;~f~~~~~bne8lrd. Adj, D CamcrRn, cpt. 51 '2nd Lt. Tha d Kempton I A.S. J. A. W. Mors~ Surg, By C.l'txott, MD. w WMcDouald A..T. McLeod Adj, G Murray, cpt <to ~1l., Andw Gould Q. M., Jno Copeland Surg, Jas Forbes, M.D. Richmond Co. Shelburne Co. 9th REGT. 2nd REGT. 1st 1st REGUIENT. REGIMENT. Lt. Col. Lt-Cot IJ.. Cot I..t. Col. Uobert James Hudsoll R. Thomson Samuel Freeman baae Le Vesconte Majors. Majurs. Capts. David A Dickson. Major8 Robt H. Bolman, a(lj.lils Wentworth Jno Edgar Jno F Fuller Roht G. Irwin Joshua. N.. Freema.n \Vm Le Vesconte (Japts. Aug Swainsburg Capts. Thoa Dlenkinsopp Capt8. JOB Collie Natt; Fl'eCIDaU Lewis JohnstoD, adj 'W ROutler Jno Dexter S. P. Freema.n C W Dickson WGBnllam WmMartin.J. V. Dexter Chll~ Partridge Simon Donovan, jr Edw A. ~OWeT J. A. Cook Jos H S Donovan Adam Bower Partriug~ L. S. Ford WID McKinl,ay ffe:m'y Cti~hton ht Lieuts. Alex Grant WmHalI Henry CnmpbeU Thos Johnson.Jas. E. Spurr Edw Ol"1l11g'C David Dunlap 1st Its. Jos. B. Freeman Jas Clish Jas B Hearn, adj 2nd Lieut. Ferguson F.oeter Obadiah Turn'bull 1st Lts. Wm McKay Henry Mack Andw Patrick EdwBalIam Adj, R. H. Bolman, CRt. Newton Muck Jno Greener Jno «Smith Q. M., J as. P. Johnston 1st Lieut8. 2nd i Chas '1' Fuller surg, Geo Snyder, M. D. Jno Grant Daniel Ross 2nd Lla. A.B., Jno A. Purney,MD. Zocth Frcem~n Edw Partridge Jus Campbell Edw Freeman Chlls Le Nair Aili, L Johnston, cpt Bellj Wells Q. ill., Geo C-Oarritt Adj, J H Hen~1 ~Pt Thos Burna.bY Edw Mack 10th REGT. Sylv Munroe 2nd REGT. Lt. Col. D N Shaw Majors MJ Kav/;\uagh Don ~I Shaw Lt. Col. Lewis Foster - Jesse Hoyt Thos M. Bowers Capt. bra.el C. Foster Tho9 Doran, 2ldj 2nd Lieut 1st Lts. A. A. Ford Wm Blacker N. n. }<'rceman Jas McDanald T. N. Burnaby Capts. Wrn MeC Urquhart Edward Davison R G Morrisun D. Oulh:n Jas M. Frecmnn H G Hooper 1st Lf,s. ' Edwin McLeod Don Mathewson Alex. Cummings Elk Frceman Juo.Murchison Ale.x D Fraser Frank Davjson Don J J0hnstone Jno D. Ross Wm Calder Wm Fisher J. D. liofckay, Jno B. Dolliver Wm Brymer JDO J. Culten Q. M., Robie Sterns Albert Hooper Adj, T Doran, ept Burg, H. G. Farish,!!.]). Wr: gbr.~~f~ Q.M., Stcph~n McDonald ord" REGT. Ken Mcl:~f8. Queen's (jo.unty. Oharles 1.tlif~!!~t~~~~ ~i;~er 1st REGIMENT. Israel Hc:f:t;s ~~~IJin~a~i~flin Ll. Col. J08 D. Harlow Alldw McDonald AUen Tupper OapM. Alex Mathewson Major'S. Rich'd Hunt Don McNeil H. W. Smith Jos Freeman Simeon Hunt A. J. Ledbetter 2nd Us. Wml\Iorrison 1Japt6. David Delong. ThOR Onnn Don "Campbell Bcnjm L. Telfer Michl Power M. F..Agnew It. H. TelfiJ', adj Don M-cKay TJws K. PatillO, jr Edw ~etcjton Jno Johnstone Jail Tupper David Middlamnss Allen )IcDonald Jno McLean 1.'11os H. Grady Neil McLean JaB VanBuskirk Henry G. Freeman Don McAskiII I 2nd REG'!' u,. Col. Howard Locke Majors. - X Z Chipman AusWt Locke Capts. J.M.Dall Lathrop "Freemall \Vm McLearn Andw C. Condon.TosBill B Hammond Jno Strickland Geo J Locke Jas L. Chip1l\an Q. M., Geo Stalker surg., S. W. BUJ?1S,"MD. Brd REGT. Lf.-Ool. James C. Smith Ma1'&fS I Frank H. White Henty DO~~;,.. Prince D. Me:Qcnrn, adj WmH. Coffin Alex eroweh Jno K. Knowle,s I Jas C. C~nningh~. M. D. Mcgray 1st Lieuts. Thus L. Crowell.las D. Pinkham Edwin S. Goudy FrasHomer Geo Wilson Sponges, Brushes,(JQwbs tmd Perfumery, at BR0WN BROTHERS & CO.

148 It. T. lluir, J3ook.~lIer and Stationer, 120 (,lralltvll1e Street. I 168 I J J R. ~n~i.ut. 1 4th REGT. r Adj, P. D. L/,-Col. Q. M' I A. W. Doane I Jam~s Ohaloner Surg, 1. K. WiltJon, lid,! CaplB. 4. S., Henry Kelly, MD. Wm L. Bo"'u -----, Thl)\!I J. Bctwu Rodk )tokenzl. = Major. ~ Josiah S~:;tI. 4th REGT. ~ I ~~n A~i'a~~c';son ~ i Saml M. Bnow A ~~18~~~ds 1st Li61t.U. Gco A. Crow~ll David K. Smith Nat Snow Victoria Co. Lt-Col. BELCHER'S FARMER'S Lt. Col.. 2nd RIi(a'. Jacob Haley Oeo Hiltotl I JOM N. Cro8b,y LOflln J,' Ken, Lyman D. Kelly t1868. htlieut. CarUon-Sanders "2d Lu;Uh~ Fr.cdJ. K.elly Norman Crosby Wm II. ltobett. Prince H. Ilorton I su,iah Pitman Edwin Crosby }'red W. Porter Hervey G. Tedford Thos H. Woods 5th REur.,u. Col. Jilmes M. Lent Najar. Forman Hatfield lsaa(:; S. Hatfield BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Orduauce Square, Halifax.

149 J I Blank Book. and 1'08< Ilooks, I\t R. '1'. M UI it's. ALlIIANACK. # NOVA SCOTIA VOL.UNTEERS. 160 I HALIFAX VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY. Capt... John B. CampbelL I SUt'll'" Chns. Gossip, M. D. 2~ Oapt. John Shnifer, Jr. A. S...'fho9.1t. Almon, M.D. Lieut,... i:l~;l('~~~~\~.{'.. Q, M Geo. H. Crosskill. u. CoZ Wm. ChearnlcT" MaiOl'&.wAndw K. Mackiulay Will. H.Pallister Adj~. 04 Geo. It.. Anderson, c. Qr. M,. Patk. Hllyden,cpt. pur.-talaj..wm. 11. Oa'liclJ,!liD. A. S... 'rhos. Walsh,!l.D. Company A. SCOTTISH RIFLES, Capt... Jno. S. Maclean. Iu Ll3 _. Wm. Murrav J. N. Ritchie 2nd Lt W. D. Harrington A. K. DonU HALIFAX VOLUNTEER BATTALION. C0l1!pa71Y B. CHEBdcro GREYS. (Japt Geo. Piers 1st Lt... F. D. Allison 2M Lt... Gregory J. Tobin Company C. MAYFLOWER RIFLES. 1st Lt.. JLL:!!. Alaloncy UXIl.'ORl( GREEN. Company D. HALIFAX RU'LEB. Capt... Wm. Barron 2nd Capt. J. D. Cummings lst Ltll Jas. M. BrOWN?lUchl. Conroy 2nd Lt... Jno. Mackesey P.O r,[ullin Thol.lsl'Cs Company E. D.~UTMOUTn ENGlNE~RS, Capt. Wm. S. 8ymon.dll 16~ Lt,5 S. n. Sir-eom. Jno. 1\[. Hay 2~ Lt... Jno. s. Cnmpbell BRUBEN ACADIE R[FLES. 1st.u... ;\lex. N('lson 2nd Lt.T\IS. E. Cole Surg... DUll. McLea.u) M. D. BELLONA RANGERS. Somerset. K'n.q.'i County.. Capt... C. lv. Bartellux 18f l.t. Henry Shaw 2nd Lla U. U. Pllrker Matt. Fisher Q. M U. W. Sanford S1f,T'...\!ason Shefficld,MD. SIIELBURN E RfFLES. Capt.' N. II. White Ite n... 1Labt. Freeman 2nd Lt. _ J09. Devine Ad}... Petl!r G. Fm~er Surg... Geo. Snyder, M.:O. Srml-ING RIFLES. Ta.,tamagDuche..d.Uached to Ga, Cumbt:rland Rgt. Capt D. A. Campbell 1st Lt... W.}.I. Blllckwood 2nd Us... W. A. McDonald Arch. CumpQell Surg... D. Roseh, hr. D. TANGIER RVLES. Attached to 12th Halifax Rcgt. Capt... A. MeG. D:1rton lst Lls Jas. Leary Roht. Mitchell Stillman Forrest LUNENBURGH ARTIL'y. Ar.ta.cJard la 1st Lunenburglt Regt. Capt. J. Dowling ht l.j,6 G. Godley B. Bering0r J,tOTHSA Y BLUES. Attached to ht Co7clleste-r Heyt. Capt. Wm. E. Logan 1stLt,... H. F. S.therillud G. D. Dickson 21ld Lt Geo. J..uyton~ Q. M.. A. L. ArehlbuId Colonels... Han. John Creightou J05eph Crane Han.. Samuel"Chipman John Bi~leher Jam63 Ratchford H~~A.. Q.lad\Vin J Cha.mherll1hl Rlchu,\ Trelnlliu Michael 'r";biu Uichal'(1 Starr C. H. Belcher Hem'Y Mignowitz. Lt.'"'Co!oneZ8. RObert Romalli! J'ojm He~1tmfln Hon. It. ~1. Cutler John McKinnon Jacob Withrow D.. Davidson UNA T T A C II},) D. G. McDonald Nat C1OLlg'h J. D. CUlluillgha.m C. Whito J. P. Doane Hobert Stone J. DuWolf George H. W. ~lckeeli l~dwar.l Pryor O. Shufner C. g. Leonard A. Har8hl\w C. Y. N. Blanvelt W. C. l<;atoo Thomt\s C. Kinnear A. Conkey W. n. ' hmllton Donald Murray R. G. lj.lubul"ton A. Dent.r. U. Dane vt. Niekerson Han. R. A. McHeffay George Solomon.1oseph Gerroir Mllurice Ka\'nnngh William Holden Sttmuel "ulmer r. J?il~~~tf Itichnrd Winsby Willill.," Sta,lker John M!'Kay N. H. M:ITtin J. W. McKeen G. 1;'. A. LeCllin} Mafo7"lI. Elijah Phinney. ' nobl~rt l\:li!h:ilfl!j" 1". Parker. Han. Alexondor Keith David Page- 'r: ~~~kpben S. Burge3B W.l\lcKeeu J. McKeen L. L~wi!:J. S. Plaut D. 13. Fraser W. G. Anderson 'rho,'!. Bayne E. F. Munro B. D. Lcouartl Otis King W. B.. Brine,1a.mes "'~l)j:o.tohn Full(ll' Jacob SellmaQ JWj'lh Clevel:pl t liugi, ljcljo~~j;i BlloWN BROTHE~9 & CO., Importers of 1i're~Ill\Jeqi~iHnJ lferi:j~.' ~I

150 It. T.!IUIR, IIookseller and Stat/oner, 125 Granville Street. 170 BELCHER'g FARMER'g.. [1868. MILIT[A STAF~'. SeTge~n~-Jvlljor-.Frnnci8 Ilnddos. Chief OZerlc-George Grzy. Reuben Shaw Jnm~s Guy Sergca)lts. Georgo Bickell Pntnclt ShOR William Devey Wm. Bingham Ja~~?~ Dtt~fOrd Ptltk. Cunningbam JAnlt"S Moore Pntnck LowreT Robert Smithwick. Alex. Cnmphpll, (clerk) Ib J ""B1L:l"n~ Edward Ketmedy Arch. Mulvcna R. MeLena-n. Vaniel Coleman.Joseph Hunt William Hamilton J. Dunkley 'l'homas Barber Wm. Wil11ams Armoury J(cn-Sergts. M. Mengher, J. Patterson, 'V. Winterton. HANTS COUNTY RIFLE ASSOCIA'!'ION. Patron Lieut.-General Sir W. Fenwick Williams,.ht.! K. C. n., &c.,.... rice-p~(ron8, Col-Juo. WInburn Laurie, 1. 1<'. O. :n-l.y Lt.-Ce-l. HOOt, n. A. MeHaffey, N. S. Mil Lt.- CO~T~s1~!~;t~!r~~~l:a;;njm. DeW. Frnser. Vice-P~e8idenis-ei officio-cojj)jmindi'ng Qfficers of Regiments being SUbscribers. Council, Majors Hcnry S. Curry, Jno. 'V. Bond, S. McC: Smith, I' Henry L. Yeomans, "'m. H. Knowles, Wm. Glenn, Geo',Harvey, M. H. Gou.d~c; Coptams Jno. Smith, Jno. Simm, Stephen Putnam, Jas. E. Cole, J: L. it!liler, Geo,. Vaulfbn11, C~Pt. and AdJt. ~'I S. Sandford; Lieut. Jacob Hennigar. Jrfcmbu8 of CounC'll-cx-,officw-Vlce-PresJdentB nnd Secy and Trell3-. B~C'Y1 Qr.-Hrr. J. B. Flowers. T7'ea8., Capt. and Ad)t. W. H. IHan~h.. rd. =============================' CORPORATION-CITY OF HALIFAX. lrlayor, Stephen Tobin. Reco? de?, William Sutherlanu, Q.C. City Gle? k,.tohn L. Cragg. Assistant Olwks, Thomas Rhinu, vvm. J. Craigen. llfarshal, or High Constable, Garret Cotter.. Deputy lrla? shal, Donaldli'raser. Treaslti e?, Edward G. 'V. Greenwood. Auditors; vvm.. P. West, Jos. Northup. City Assesso?, ;fohn L. Barry. City llledical Ojficer, J. B. Garvie, M.D. &l1"geon City Prison, J. Bernard Gilpin, M.D. ALDERMEN AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR THE,CIT"". Ward, No. I-Jno. A. Sinclair, Thomas Graham, James Pryor; No. 2.-I'atrick Mahoney, Robt. Richardson, W. Dunbar; No. 3. William Gossip, John D.Nash, James Butler; No. 4-Thos Walsh, Jno l<1urphy, Sam I Trenaman; No. 5.-Jeremiah Conway, :Edw. ~. Leahy, 'Wm Barron; No. 6.-George Drillio, Joseph Jennings, 'Vm Hawley.. Stipendiary Magistrate, Henry Pryor. The City Cit 1 Z Cllurt, presided over by the Stipendiary Magistrat~ (having jurisdiction of sums up to $80), is held in the City Conrt House, Market Square on the second andfollrth Tuesday in. every month.. The City Grim,inal Conrt meets on the ji? st and thinl Wednesday of each month, and is also presided over bv the Stipendiary Magistrate, having jurisdiction on all statutable 'offences, except treason, homicide, burglary, and arson. Gle1 k of the above Gourts, The City Clerk, -or Asst. Clerk. The Police Officc is open every we"k day, from 10 to 3 o'clock, (exc I?t on Saturday when it closes at 1 P.M.) l'he administration of Pollee and all executive powers of the corporation is vested in the Stipendiary Magistrate. BROWN BROTHERS & ~O.~ ~ru gists. Ordnance Squar~. Halif0:'i'

151 1 186R.] Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, at R T. MUIR'S. ALMANACK. 171 I COMMITTEES.. Public Accounts,-Aldm. Pryor Dunbar Gossip, '['renaman, Ban'on, DrilJio. "... Ce,n.etel'y-Aldm.. Richardson, Nash, Trenaman Jennings PrY'or SinclaIr. I,,. City, p, ison-aldm. Dunbar, Nash, Walsh, Conway Jennings ~~,,. Uit'!, P, ope,ty.,-aldm. Mahoney, Nash, Murphy, Leahy H'lwley Sinclair.,., T,:ucks and Jfaclcs-Alum. Graham; Murphy, Butler~ Drillio. Ctty Hospltal-Aldm. Pryor, Mahoney, Gossip, Trenaman Barron, Drillio. ' Internal Health:-:Aldm. Barron, Gossip, Jennings. Laws and Pnvtleges-Aldm. Graham, Dunbar Nash Barron, Drillio. ', ivalsh, Co~mon-Aldm. Jenmng. Graham, Mahoney, Nash K ivalsh, Conway,. Ten~ers-Aldm. Richardson, Butler, 'Walsh, Conway, Hawley, S~nclaIr. City,oates and Road Taxes-Aldm. Dunbar, Gossip, Trenaman Conway, Drillio, Sinclair. _ ' 8treets~Aldm. Pryor, Trenaman, Leahy. Licenses-Aldm. RIchardson, Butler, Trenaman, Barron, Drillio, Sinclair. Library-Aldm. Richardson, Gossip, Walsh, Barron, Haw)AY. Police-Aldm. Graham, Mahoney, Butler, Murphy, Barron, Hawley. General Sanitary'-Thc Internal Health Committee, and Aldm. Sinclair, Dunbar, Butler, Trenaman, Conway, Hawley. BOARD of' HEALTH-Mayor and Aldermen. Clerk, Thomas Rhind. Health Wardens.-No. 1. Jno B. Young, Geo Henderson, Jos Hagarty; No.2. D. Cronan, H. N. Paint; Michl. Cochran ; No.3. Geo. E. Morton, Alex. Forsyth, Jas. Wallace; No.4. J. R. Lithgmv, J.F. Crowe, W. ~mith: No. o. G. W. Dupe, Aug. W. LeCain, R. W. Fraser. R. J. Jennett; No 6. C. C. Valix, D. Story, Jos. Northup, Wm. Jordan. City Architect, B. DeG. Marshall. Cle"';; of License, W. J. Morris. InspectoTs of Weights and JJIeasu, cs, Robert Motton, Peter Meagher. Keeper and Sup. Oity JJfarkets, James Duggan. Health Inspector, Jas. Spike. Dep. Health Inspector; Jno. Shean. Sup. of Streets,. Robt. Austin Clerk of SI1-eets, Henry Trenaman. /nspeci01-s Pickled Beef and Pork, W. T. W oodill, Edgar Dodsou. f/teighers of Flour,. Sam!. Carten, Jno. Parker, David Evans, Geo. Irwin Wm. R. Cogswell, Jno. Arthur. Governor of Ci.ty Prison, Matt. Campbell: Matron, Mrs. C,ampbell. Unde,-keepers, Jno Kennedy, Jno Maher, Jag. Doyle, David Griffiin. Weighe,-s of Hay, Jno Forrest, N.; Wm : Caldwell, S. Keeper of Cemetery, Jos.Keefier. Gas IiZGP~ctor, Arch Miller. KReper of the Court HOllse, Mrs Glazebrook.. Citizens' Free Library.-(The gift of Hon. Wm, Young, Cr.If. Justice of Nova Sct/tia.) City CourtHouse, Market Square. Opl.d from 4 to 7 p.m. POLICE SERGEANTs.-Jas Burke, Lewis Hl)tt, Maurice Power, Jas McDonald, Mich McGrath, John Keefe.,,- BROWN BaoTHERsd''.Co., Importers of Genuine Patent MedicineJl.

152 ,R. T. nl;(r, Dou... dler 8n.1 Stationer, 12i1 (IrllDTnte lsi. 172 BEl.CIlER'S FARlIIER'S I [lr68. I POJ.ICEMEN.-Jno Mulvena, Jas TyreJl, Bart Dillon, David ~{edmond, David Power, Jas Meagher, Jno J. Hamilton, Matt SullIvan, I Matt Morrisay, Jas Murphy, Jno :Foley, Jos Kearns, Jno Hearns, Martin Quinn, Nich Power, William Fluke, Geo~ge M?r!;8n, Robt li1c}<'arlane. Jos Tatam, Nicholas Meagher, LewIs Chnsfmn, Dennis McIUnlay Don McDonald, Jno O. Sullivan, Dun McLean, Jacob Gowen, Sa~l H. Ditchfield, Sylvanus :Bro>lghtvn, Arch Cox. vy ATER DEPARTMENT.-Commissioners Waie7' &Ipply, John A. Bell (Chairman), John L. Barry, Edw J. I~ongard. Superintendent, J. P. Muir. Sec'y S. Borel1am. Hard Assessors. No I. Chas Fletcher, A. H. Crowe; No 2. Chas. Barmstead, vym Kandick ; No 3. Owen Donohoe, J. H. Murphy; No 4. ehas R0f.Jans, Michl. Neville; No 5, G. W. Dupe, John O'Malley; No 6. HiclJd T. Roome, Jas. Hanson. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chair";"'o,n, Jas Reeves; Sec'y. Jas Duggan_ }'IRE WARDS-No.!' J. B. Smithers, John McCulloch, Duncan Grant; No.2. Jas Reeves (Chairman), Wm Kandick, Rich'd Curril'; No_ 3. Jas Du,ggan (Sec'y), Wm. McDonald; No.4. MichKcarney, jr., Hllgh W. Blackadar, Mich J. Power; No.5. Petl'r Hogan, Jvhn FU1Il, Jas Hennessey; No.6. John Blundell, Doug Story, Wm Nisbet. Committee &j Management at Fires-Jno McCulloch, M. Kearney jr., H. W. Blaekadar, l'otor Hogan. Committee in charge oj Engine Houses 0 c.-the Chairl!LlaD, Capt. Enginl! Company, Capt. Axe Company. Committee 1n charge oj Fire Plugs, 0'c.--No. 1. J. B. Smithers; No.2. Wm Kandick; No.3. James Duggan; No.4. H. 'V. Blackadar; No.5. Peter Hogan; No.6. n. Story; Auditing Commlttee,D. Story, W. Kandick, Jno Blundell. (Jemmitteejor Purchasmg supplies-the Chairman, the Secretary, and the Captains of Engine and Axe Companies. VOLUNTEER ~NGINE COMPANY. l'aptai;.;,pl;tlrick Lyons. Sec'y, James W. Flinn. Fina'n. Sec'Y.,M. J. O'Brien. Treas M Neville. Keeper Engine House, Jos Murphy" No.1, "Victoria," ::-iteam Engine, Spring Garden Road. litre Wards, R. Currie, D. Glrant. 1st Lieut. }~dw Doran; 2nd Li"ut. Wm Meagher. No,2 a Albert," Steam Engine, Gottingen Street. Fire Wards, Jno Finn, Douglas Story. John O'Malley, 1st Lt.; John Ead, 2d Lt. No.1, Hand Engine,---. Fire Ward, M. J. Power, Mich Nevi!le, 1st Lt. and TrMs.; Jer Murphy, 2nd Lt..- No.2, Hand Engine, " Chebucto," Parade. Fire Ward, VY. Mc Donald. John }'linn, 1st Lt.; Patrick King, 2nd Lt No.4, Hand Engine, "I{esolute," l\'faitland St. FiFe Wards. Jas Hennessey, H. W. Blackadar,.John Bradley lst L~.; Jas B-urns 2d Lt. No 5, Hand Engine "Etml," Ilesville. Fire Ward, Wm Nisbet.j Jas Brophy, 1st Lt.; Tim Meagher, 2nd Lt. No. 6, ~a\ld Engine!,. Alma," Spring Garden Road. Fiu Wards I Wm KandlCk, J.B. SmIthers. VY. Burke 1st Lt.; Mich Murphy 2d Lt. 'I UNION AXE COMPANY. \ Captain, Patrick Howard. 1st Lt. Jno Jackson. Sec'y Jno Hunston jr. Treas., Thus Edwards.. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, lialifax. I

153 l'hotograph AlbulDs at R,.T, MUIR'S, 1868.] ALMANACK. DOMINION OF CANADA. THEParliamen't of the Dominion cousists of the Queen, a Ii Senate of 72 members appointed by the Queen for life, lind a. ci Honse of Commons of 181 members chosen by the people.. ci8 The number of Senators is fixed (except that six additional l w~ SeUlttors may be appointed), tlui!. of members of the House of I ~ Commons is to vary according to the population ascertained r.~ at each decennial census, Quebec retaining the present nnmber. 0 'l'he Privy Council consist,; of 13 members., i The.Local Legislature of th~ P.. rovince of O.ntario con~i8ts ~ of It LIeutenant-Governor appointed by the Pl"lvy Counct! of. the Dominion, and one house only, of 82 members, called the gi; Legislative Assembly. Term 4 years, unlesssoonerdisllo~yed, ~ session annual.. The Local Legjsla~ure of the Province of Quebec consists ~~ of a Lieutenant-Governor, appointed by the Privy Council, a Legislative Council of 24 Il)embers, and a Legislative Assem- ~ bly of 65 members. Tenn" &c., same as-ontario. The Local Legislature of the Province of Nova Scotia 00 0,) consists of a Lieulennnt-Governor, appoiuted by the Privy ~ Council, a Legislative Council of 21 members, and a Legisla- ::.. th'e Assembly of 38 members. Term, &c., same as Ontario 0 and Quebec. 'E The Local Le17islature of the Province of New Brunswick ~ o ~ consists of It Lieutenant.Governor, appointed by the Privy i; Council, a Legislative Coundl of 12 members, and a Legis~a- 0 live Assembly of 37 members. Term, &c., same as Ontano, ~ Quebec and Nova Scotia. The area of the Dominion now is~- Ontario '2601 Quebec ,020 Square New Bruuswick... '... 27,105 J miles.. Nova Scotia... 18, ,045 Square miler. ~ If to this is added the area of Prince Edward Island, 2,100 square miles j Newfoundland 40,2'00 square miles; British Columbia, including Vancouver's Island, 240,1)00 square miles; and Labrador, the Hudson's Bay Rnd North West Territories, Iilay 2,71)0,000 square miles, there will be fo.nnd a totlll for British North America 0 3,389,345 square miles. i a IO'i

154 R T. MUIR, BooklWlIer and Stationer, 1211 Granville Streei. Bfi;I.CHER'S FARMER'S [1868. And the populntion in January, 1861, wns- MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL., Ontario , ,516 1,'396,091 Quebec , ,702 1,1 ~1,566 NewBrun5'vick.129, , ,047 :Nova ScQtia , , ,857,n' e -6 Total ,.')88,971 1,501,590 3,090,561, By the A9t of Union there is to be paid yearly by Canada I to- - Ontario... $80,000 Quebec... "','" 70,900 Nova Scotia..."... 60,000 New Brunswick... 50,000 And an nunual grant to each Provir;lCe.equal to 80 cents pel' head of the' popnlation as' ascertained by th'e ceusus of 1861, and in the case of Nova Scotia and New Bruuswick, by each sllbse'qnent decennial census until the population of each amounts to 400,000 souls, at which rate such grants shall thereafter remaiu'. '. Cauada becomes liable for the debts and liabilities of each Province existing at the Union-and the aunual interest on such pnhlic debts to forlll the second charge on the consolida. ted revenne fund of Canada. By the Act of the Union of the Provinces it is declared that the exclu. sive Legislative Authority of the Parliament of the Dominion extends to all matters ooming within the classes of subjects hereinafter enumerated: 1. The Pub1ic Debt and Property. 2. T,pe Regulation of Tra~e and commerce. 3. The raising of money by any mode or system of taxation. 4, The borrowing of money On the PublIC credit. 5. Postal Service. 6, The Census and. Statistics. 7. Militia, Military and Naval Service, and Defence. 8. The fixing of and providing for the sal:lr\es and allowances of Civil and other Officers of the Government of the Dominion. 9. Beacons, Buoys, Lighthouses and Sable Island. 10. Navigation and S,hipping. 11. Quarantine, and the establishment ana maintenance of Marine Hospitals. 12, Sea Coast and Inland Fislleries. 13. Ferries between a Province- and a British or Foreign country, or between two Provinces. 14. Currency and Coinage. 15. Banking, Incorpora~i9n of 'Bank~, and the issue of Papet Money. 16. Savings Banks. 17. Weights Itt:d Measur,es. 18. Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. 19. Interest. 20. Legal Tender. 21. Bankruptoy and Insolvenoy. 22. Patents of Invention and discovery. 28. Copyrights. 24. Indiahll p and lands reserved for Indians. 25., Naturalization and Aliens. 26. Marriase and Divorce. 27. The Criminal Law, except the Constitution of Courts of Criminal jurisdiction, but including the procedure in Cri. I BROWN BROTHERS J' CO., Drug;gists, Ordnance Square, Halifl'x,

155 School RequliJitllS Of every Mscription nt R. T. Mut'R'S ' 1868.J ALMANACK. 175 minal ~at~rs. 28. The establishment, maintenance and management of ~ed1tentlaries. ~(). Such classes of subjects as are expressly excepted In the enumeration of.classes of subjects by the Act assigned exclusively to the Legislntllres of the Provinces. The exclusive power of the Provincial Legislatures,is to make Laws in relation to matters coming within the following olasses :, 1. The amendmep.t from time to time, notwithstanding ally thing in the 't:i~; Aot, of the Constitution of the, Province, exoept as regards the pffioe of ~ Lieuten,.nt Governor. 2. ljirect taxation within the Provinoe in order to the raising of Ii Revenue for Provincial purposes. 3. The borrowing of money on the sole credit of the Province. 4. The establishment and tenure ofprovinoial Offices, and the appointments, and payment,0f'provlncial Officers.' 5. The, management and sale of the public,lands '" o.e belonging to the Province, and ofth,e timber and wood thereon. 6. The g: establishment, maintenance and management of public and Reformatory.., Prisons in and for the Province. 7. The estalllishment, maintenance and management of' Hospitals, Asylums, Charities, and EleemosynarY'Insti. tntions in and for the Province, other thfln Marine Hospitals. 8. li'lunioipal Institutions in the Province..9. S40p,Saloon, Tavern, Auctioneer. and other Lioenses in order to the ~alsing of a Revenue fot:, Pr(jvincial, Local or Municipll:l purposes. 10. Local works and under~ to;kings other than lines of Steam or other Ships', Railways, C!tnals,, Telegraphs and o,ther works.and undertakings extendin;g beyond the limits of the Province. 11. The Incorporation of Companies with Pro~ vineial objects. 12. The solemnization of marriage in. the Province. 13. Property and Civil Rights in the Province. 14. The administration of Justice in the Province, including the COllstilution, maintenanoe and Gl'ganization of Provincial C<mrts, both of Civil and of Crimiqal J urisdicti~n,!tnri including procedure, in Civil matters in those Courts. 15. The impositi@n of punishment by fine, penalty, or imprisonment for enforcing any law of the Province made in relation!o any matter coming within any of the classes of subjects enumenti;d In tbissec.tion. 16. Generallyall ma.tters of a merely loca} or private nature in the Province.. In, each Province the Legislature mayexolusively malte laws in relation to Education and Agrioultui'e, subjeot provisions., ~ The Governor Gimeral appoints the Judges of the'superior, Distt-iot, ~ I lind County Courts in each Provinoe, except those of the Coarts of Pro. CI2 bate in Nova Sootia. and New Brunswiok. t:.: The following Provincial Public Works and Property beoome the pro-. P' perty 9fthe Dominion :- ~ 1. {Janals with lands and water power connected therewith. 2. Publio Ha.rbours. 3. Light houses and,piers ani Sable ISland. 4. Steamboats, Dredges and public Vessels. 5. River and Lake improvements., I 6., Railways and Railway stocks, mertgages and other debts due by 1'1 nailwa,y Companins. 7. Military Roa.ds: Sp~ll'8'es,Brnshes. Gombsand Perfumery, n.t BltOWN BllIl'fHElla & Co. 1

156 R. T. MUIR, Bo"kseller and St'l'tJoner. 12~ Grallville Sk(!Ct , 176 BELCHER'S }'ARlIIEl~'S [1868./, 8. Custom Houses Post Offices, and all other public buildings, except such as the Governm'ent of the Dominion appropriate for the use of the Provincial Legislat.ures and Governments. I 9. Property transferred by the Irnperin.l Government, and known as Ordnance property..' Armouries, Drill Sheds, Military CIQtillng and liiunltions of wa.r, and lands set apart for gelleral public purposes. The wisdom of Her Majesty Queen Victor,ia's selection of OTTAWA as the capital of the Dominion of Canada having been fully recognised, the snm of 7 5,0~~ w~s. voted for the erect-on of II Parliament House, competitioil InvIted, and a pr~millm of $1,000 offered for [he best design not to exceed that amount and altholjo"h tho desio'nofthe successful urchitects by' many w;s considered as too co";;tly, respousible contractors were found who tendered within the government vote. Upon examining the spot selected tor the erection, formerly known as Barrack Hill. it was found from the ine~llality of the ground, immense excavations were necessary, which made in solid rock, added enormously to the 6rig.inal cost., ana could not have been foreseen by architects or builders. The government finding no provision for this work in the ~rant, and fearing it would cost a large portion of the original sum voted, stopped the works, and for some considerable time there was no progress.' A commission of inquiry was Hppointea, fresh contracts were signed, and the whole of the works placed under the superintendence of Mr. Fuller, under whose management the present highly creditable structures have been reared. The corner stone was laid with great ceremooy by His Royal Highness the Prince of W" ales, in September, 1860, on which occasion the rejoicings partook of the nature of the place, the lumber arches and men being tt novelty to most o.its visitors, bullocks and sheep were roasted whole upon the government grounds and all comers were feasted. The site of these buildingr has been very happily selerted in t!1e most elevated part of the city, they consist of the Parhament and two Departmental Buildings, forming three sides of a lar~e square, facing the city, and from their position overlooklog most of the houses. In the rear of the Parliament ~3uilding the rock deicendh almost perpendicularly to ~~~ ~:~:~o?~~a:;;:;~i;d h~~e tl~: :!~~~!n:r~z. l~~g~~;:;!: I I he broad,river IS 10 ltself :: beautiful obje~t, but the vast exte.llt of distant forest and hln completely absorbs every attention. From this point the Chaudiere Fulls are distinotly I - I UROWN BROTfJERS & CO., Druggj~ts. Ol'dnance Square, Halifa.l.

157 Church Services and Prayer Book!! at R. T.. MUIR'S. I' 1868.] ALMANACK. 177 seen, and hy some considered more romantic than those of Niagara; beyond cau be traced the island dotted rapids of the Upper Ottawa. This river must alw[lys be hlteresting on account of its slides, booms, and distinctive race of lum- I bermen, it is only seen, however, to its full advantage in the spring of the year, with high water, crowded with rafls. The group of buildings form a most picturesque object from every approach to the city, and can be seen at a great distance. The Parliament Building forms the head of the squal:e, and has more architectural pretensions than tbe Departmental Buildings; they are all in the Italian GOlbic style, acknow- ~ ledged at the present time as that best adapted to the require- ~ ments q a northern climate, and are of stone fotmd in the. vicinity, which is of very fine'quality, twd colours [,re used, "". the principal part being a warm tint, set off with lighter Jl dressings, there is no unnecessary ornamentation, but from the nature of the materials used, tire building has a rich and ornate appearance due to the knowledge of the contractor in leaving the stories undressed, and, thereby reflecting the light and giving a sparkling effect in the sun. The Parliament Building is about 475 feet in length, and irregular height; the body of the building is about 40 feet higb, with slanting, roofs; it contains the halls for the Senate and House of ~ Commons, \vith numerous offices, behind \vhich is the Jji- 8 brary, built in a circular form, capable of containing 300,000 <1> i volumes. The floors of this, as well as of the Departmental ~, Buildings, are made of concrete, thus perfectly fire proof; an 8 : invention lately adopted in Europe. In the internal arran%e- I -, ment nothing appears to have been spared to make the bulld- ~ ing as perfect as possible. The wants of the government and I 8 its officials have been most oarefully studied. Great care has been given to heating, lighting a~d :entilation; and although ~ there are immense boilers for warmillg thoroughly the whole 8 buildings, grates have been pr.ov~ded in ev~ry roo.m. When -~ the grounds in front of the blllldlllgs are laid, o]1t III terraces, \ ~ with fountains &c" and all is completed, the beauty oj the 0 situation, combined with the elegance of the buildings, will 0 I enable the capital oli the Dominion of Canada to compare with any in the world. CD BROWN BROTHERS J'. CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifa.L

158 R. 'I.'. MUIR, Bo(}kscllel' and Stationer, 125 Granville Street. 178 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868..DOMINION OF CANADA. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT-OTTAWA. Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief-His Excel~ncy the Right Hon. CHARLES SlIANLEY, Viscount Monck, Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the Peerage of Irelan{l j!lind in the Peerage of the, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland., Dep. Governors for signing Money Wa;rrants, and Oommissianers. per dedimus potestatem-wilham H. Lee aad William A. Himsworth. Secretary, Denis, Godley. Monck, Coldstream Guards. Military Sec'y, Lt.-Col. Hon. Richard.lrd d G ' 5 Lt.-Col. Hon R. Monck, Cold/!. Guards.,t es- e- amp, ( Capt. W. Leigh Pemberton, 60th F. Provincial.!l'ides-de-Camp, r Lt.-Col. Irvine. J, Lt.-Col. Duchesnay... Lt.-Cot Bo nard. ' L Lt.-Col. Cumberland. PRIVY COUNCIL. Htm. Sir'J. A. McDonald, K.C.B., Minister of Justice and.!ltty.-gen. Ron. George E. Cartier, C.B., Minister, of Militia. Hon. Samuel L. Tilley, C. B., Minister of Customs. Han. John Ro~e, Minister of Finance. Hon. William MacDougall, C. B., Minister of Public Works. Hon. William P. Howland, C. B., Minister if Inland Revenue. Hon Secretary of State foj' the Provinces. Han. Adam.J. Ferguson Blair, President of the Privy Council. Ron. Peter Mitchell, Mtnister of Marine and Fisheries. Hon. Alexander Campbell, Postmaster-General.,Hon. Jean C. Chapais, Minister of.!lgriculture. Hon. Hector Louis Langevin, Secretary of Slate for Canada. Hon. Elw.ard Kenny, Receiver-Geroerol. Clerks-William H. Lee, William A. Himsworth. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. Druggists, OrdnanceSqua-te, Halifax.

159 nank Books and Pa Book. at R. T. MUIR'S. \ 1868.J ALMANACK. 179 I I PROVINCE Han. John Hamilton. Han. Roderick Matheson. SENATE OF CANADA. Speaker-Hon. JOSEPH CAUCHON. i Han. John Ross. Hon. Samuel Mills. Han. Benjamin Seymour. Han.,'Yalter Hamilton Dickson. Han. James Shaw. Han. Adam J. F. Blair. Hrm. Alexander Campbell. Hon. David Christie. Han. JamesCoK Aikins. Hon. David Reesor. OF ONTARI\). Ron. Elijah Leonard. Han. William McMaster. Han. Asa Allworth Burnham. Han. John Simpson.., Han. James Skead.. Hon. David Lewis McPherson. Ron. George Crawford. Han. Donald McDonald. Ron. Oliver Blake.. Han. Billa Flint. Han. Walter MeCrea. Ho". George William Allan. PROVINCE Han. James Leslie. Han. Asa Belknap Foster. Han. 'Joseph Noel Bosse. Han. Louis A. Ollivier. Hon..:faeques Ollivier Bureau. Han. Charles Malhiot. Hon. Louis Renaud. Han. Luc Letellier Just. Han. Ulric Joseph Tessier. Han. John Hamilton. Han. Charles Cormier. Han. Antoine J. Duchesnay. OF QUEBEC. Han. David Euward Price. Han. Elzear H. J. Duchesn{lY. Han. Leandre Dumouchel. Han. Louis Lacoste. Ron. Joseph If. Armaud. Ho"A. Charles Wilson. Han. William Henry Chaffers. Han. Jean Baptiste Guevre!lOnt. Han. James Iforricr. Ron. Thomas Ryan. Ron. John Sowell Sanborn. Ron. Joseph Cauchon. PROVINCE OF NOVA :SCOTIA. Ron. Edward Kenny. Han. Jonathan McCully, Q. c. Han. Thomas D. Archi~aJd. Han. Robert Barry Dickey, Q.C. Han. John H. Anderson. Hon. John Holmes. Han. John W.Ritchie, Q. C. Hon. Benjamin Wier. Hon.. John Locke. Han. Cal"b R. Bill. Hon. John Bourinot. Han. William MiHer. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. -Han. Amos Euwin Botsford. Hon. Edward Barron ChanGler.! Hon. John Robertson. Hon'. Robert Leonard ;Hazen. I Hon. William Hunter Odell. Han. David Wark. Olerk, Jno.Fennings Taylor. Rene Kimber. llon. William Henry Steeves. Hon. WHlialt1 Todd. Hon. J(l)hn Ferguson. Han. Robert Duncan Wilmot. Hon. Abner Reid McClelan. Ron. Peter Mitchell. Gentleman Usher of the Black.Rod, n.qwn BROTHERS & Co., Importers of Flower, li'iewanil Gu,rden Seeds; ; ",'; -.. (l) ~ o (l) ~ o

160 R. T. MIJIIt, Bookseller Ilnd stationer, l~d Orlll!.Ule St. 180 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868. Ir HOUSE OF COMMOrllS. [Elect.ed 1867.] Addington.... J::::k;~::~ J::I:n~o::.r~:.John H. Munroe,. talbert.... John Wallace Essex...,.. John O:Conno~ AIgoma... W. M. Simpson Frontenac... T~os K Irk~atrICk. 5 Han. Jno Jos C. *Gaspe... Pierre Fortm "'Arp;enteUll... ~ Abbott Glellgnrry... D. A. Macdonald :j:annapolis... William H. Ray Grellville, S.R.. Walter Sh?nly :j:antigonish... Hugh McDonald Grey, N.lL... George SnIder.. Eagot.... Pierre S. Gendron Grey, S.R... George Jac~son *Eeauce... Chris H. Pozer tgloucester... T. W. Anglm "'Beauhal'nois ". Michael Cayley :j:guysborough.. Stewart Campbell *Bellechasse... Napoleon Casault Haldimand... David Thompson "Berthier... Ans H. Paquet Halton... John White "'Bonaventure... Theo Robitaille Hamilton(city). Charles Map;ill Bothwell... David Mills Hastings, E.R.. Han. Robt Read Brnnt, N.R... Jno Young Bown l.lastings, N.R.. Mackenzie Bowell Brant, S.H.... Han. E. B. Wood Hastings, W.R.. James Brown Brockville... James Crawford *Hochelaga.... Han.A. A.»orion "Brome:... Hon. C. Dun1l:in "'Huntingdon Bruce, N.R... Alexander Sproat Huron, N.R... Joseph Whitehead Br1'llle, S.R... Franci,s Hurdon Huron, S.R... Mal C. Cameron' Cardwell.... Thos R. Ferguson :j:h I'D 5 Alfred G. Joues, *Chambly Basile Benoit a I ax... I. Patrick Power *Champlain.,.. Jno Jones Ross :j:hants... Han. Jos Howe *Charlevoix... Simon X. Cimon "'IberviJIe... Francois Bechard *Chateauguay... Han. L. H. Holton :j:lnvernesb... Hugh Cameron!1.l *Chicontimi ~ 5 P t\ T bl' *JacquesCartier.Guil. G. Gaucher ~ Saguenay... ~... rem ily *Joliette... Fmncois B. Godin ~ Cornwall ~ Han. Jno Sandfld *Kl1mouraska... (disfranchised.) ::;... /. Macdonald Kent(Ontal'io).. Rulus Stephenson o I Carleton (Ont). John Holmes tkent (N.B.)... Auguste Renaud ~ tcarleton(n.b.).han. C. Connel! K' t S HonSirJ.A.l\faetCharlotte... John Bolton mgs on '" ~ donaltl, K.C.B. *Compton... Jno Henry Pope tkings,(n.b.).. George Ryan *Cape Breton... J,lS McKeagney :j:kings (N.S.)... Wm H. Chipman :j:colchester... A. W. McLellan Lambton...,.. Alex Mackenzie :j:cumberland... C. Tupper, C B. L k N R ~ Han. Wm Mc- "'Drummond J. ~ anal', " D II C B Arthabaska, '",' LalULl'k, S.R... Alexander Morris Dundas... John S. Ross "'Laprairie... A. Pinsonneault '" Louis;\ Senecal.. ouga,.. Dllrham,E.R.. FrancisH.Burton "'L'A. 5 Han.L. Archam- Durhum, W.R.. Edw,wd make ssomptlon ( beault i *Dorchester.. 5 Han. He~tor L. *Laval.... Jos H. Bellerose [ ' (Langevm Leeds &- Gl'en- ~. I :j:~ig?y... Alfred TW, Sava;y ville, N. Roo. 5 FranCIS Jones i Elgm, E.R.... Thos "m Dobbie Leeds, S.R... ".John Crawford ~ROWN. BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax

161 Room l."per at ~d." Roll and upwards t>t R. 'I'. MUiR'S.,! 1868.J ALMANACK. 181 I i, Lennox..... R J. Cartwright, *QuebecCity (C)GeorgeH. Simard ~Levis... Jos G. Blanchet "Quebec City (E)Pierre G. Huot Lincoln... Han. J. Il. Benson *Quebec City( W)Thos McGreevey "L Islet... Barth. Pouliot "Quebec Co. 5 Han. Pierre J. 0.. London (city).. Han. J. Carling '( Chauv~au' tlotbiniere... Henry G. Joly :j:queens (N.S.).. James F. Forbes ~Lunenburgh.. E. M. McDonald tqueens (N.B.).John Ferris "Maskinonge... '3eorge C,won Renfrew, N.R.. John Ra,nkin ~Iegantic... Han. Geo Irvine Renfrew, S,R... Daniel McLachlin Middlesex, E.R.. Crowell Willson '*Richelieu... Thos McCarthy '1:l Middlesex, N.R.. Tl'Ios Scatcherd *Rimouski.... George Syhain I Middlbsex,w.R.. A. P. McDonald "'Rouville... ~ Guil.laume Cheval ~ "Missisquoi... B. Chamberlin ( altas St. Jacques ~~Iionck'l'"... Lach. McCullum Russell... Ja~ Alex Grant g- Il ontca m... Joseph Dtlfresne *Richmond and W ' H t W bb "Mo~tma"'n.. 5 Han. J?seph 0. Wolfe (Quebec). m os e e "y {Beaubien :j:richmond\.n.s.)wm'jos Croke "Montmorency t Restigouche.... Hon. J. McMillan "Montreal City ~ Th W k "'St H". th SHon. A. E. Kierz- (Centre) ( omas or man. yacm e ( kowsld "Montreal City 5 Han. Thos D' Arcy "'St M. 5 Louis L.L. Desaul- ('Yest) '( McGee. aurice.. ( niers "Montreal City 5 Han. George E. "'Sh j}; d 5 Han. Lucius S.,(East) (Cartier, C.B. e or... ( Huntingtou on' 'n 5 Sixte Coupal. dit "'SherbrookeT'wnHon. A. T. Galt apiervi e.. '( LaReine Simcoe, N. R... T. D. McConkey Niagara (Town)Angus Morrison Simcoe, S. R.... Wm C.LittJe "Nicolet... Joseph Gaudet "Soulanges... Luc H. Masson Norfolk, N.R... Aquila Walsh "Stanstead... Charles C. Colby Norfolk, S.R... Peter Lawson Stormont... Samuel Ault Northu~berl'd"Joseph Keeler (OntsrH'), E.R.. tsunbury... Charles Burpee "St.,John's (Que)F. Bourassa Northumberl'd.. Hon.J.Cockburn, tst. John (N.B.)Hon. Samuel L. (Onwrio)W.R.. Speaker City... Tilley, C.B. tnorthumberl'd. Hon. John (N. B.) Johnson M. tst. John (N.B.) H< J H G ay City ~ County. on... r Ontario, N.R... Jno A. Thompson :j:shelburne... Thomas Coffin Ontario, S.R... Thos N. Gibbs "Temiscouata... C. 1<'. A. Bertritnd ()ttawa l City).. Jos M. Currier "'Terrebonne... L. F. R. Masson Ottawa tco.)... Alonzo Wright "Three luverss Charles B. DeNi- Oxford, N.R... Thomas Oliver (City) (verville Oxford, S.R... E. V. Bodwell TorontoCity(E)James Beaty S Hon.JnoHillyard TorontoCity, WRobt A. Harrison Peel.... ~ Cameron *Two Mountains. Jean B. Daoust Perth, N. R... James ReJford *Vaudreuil... Donald McMillan Perth, S. R... Ro bt MacFarlane *Vercheres..... Felix Geoffrion Peterboro', E.R.. P. M.. Grover Peterboro', w.r.. Cbarles Perry VNic.tRor. i.a. C.O.. nt.a..).john Morrison "Pontiac... Edmund Heath *Portneuf... J. D. Brousseau Victol'ia (Onta')George Kempt S.R.... Prescott...,. Albert H'1gar tvictoria (N. B. )John Costigan Prince Edward.. Walter Ross :j:victoria (N. S.)William Ross tpictou...,... J. W. Carmichael Waterlog, N.R.. Isaac E. Bowm!l.U Prescriptions ca' efullyaispensed by,brown BROTHERS 15' Co. '..0 r-i 6 r-i.!=j... o

162 n. 'r. MUlR, Bookse:ler and Stationer, 125 Granvl11e street. BELCHER'S Waterloo, S.R.. James Young Welhtnd... Thomas C. Street Wellington, c.r.. Tbomns S. Parker Wellington, N.R.Geo Alex Drew WeUington, s.r.. David Stirton Wentworth, N.R. James McMonies Wentworth,s.R.Joseph Rymal t Westmoreland.. Hon. A. J. Smith F:RMER,g. [ Yamaska... MOIse Fortier York (Ont.)E.R.. Jnmes Metcnlfe York (Ont)N.R.. JILmes P. Wells York (OntarlO) Hon. William.P. W.R...,... Howland, C.B. tyork (N;B.) Hon. Chas :FiBber i :j:yarmouth... Thomas :Killam Clerk-William Burns Lindsay. Sergeant-at-Arms, DonILld W. McDonell.. There arc 181 members in the House of Commons :- Provinc~ of Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Kamouraska is temporarily disfrnnchised. 181 In the Senate there are 72 members:- Province of Ontario Quebec New Brunswick " Nova Scotia ;;J ~ A DDRESS.-To the Honorable the Senate (or House of Commons) of ~ the Dominion of Canada in Parliament assembled. f! The Petition of --- ~ Humbly sheweth, That, &e. (Place and date.) Places marked are in the Province of Ontario " ".. are in the Province of Quebec: " " t are ~n the Province of New Urunswick. :j: are III the PrQvince of Nova :;lcotia. BROWN BROTHEDC & CO D....~., rug~ists. Ordnan~ Square, HalIfax.

163 GU"l' BooriS AT R. T. liiuir's ] ALMANACK. 183 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. SEAT OF GOVERN~rENT-TORONTO. ~IEUTENANT GOVERNOR, His E~cel.lency M~jor-General Henry William ~t18ted, C.13. Dep.-GoverflOr fo,' S'gmng }Jlarr,age JAcenses, 'I'homns ll088. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Jno~ San field liiacdonald, Att01 ney-general. Han. Mattllew Crooks Cameron, 1)ec1'etary and Registt ar. lion. John Carling, Minister of Agriculture. Han. Stephen Richards, C01nm'is,ione,' of Crown Lands. Hoi,. E. B. Wood, Treamrer. Clerk, Robert Gladstone Dalton. LEGISLATIVE ASf'EMBLY. addington..... E. J. Hooper Middlesex, E.R... James Evans Algoma... F. W. Cumberland Middlesex, N.R... J. S. Smith Bothwell... A. McKellar Brant, N.R... H. Finlayson Middlesex, W.R.. N. Currie Niag,ua...,.. D. Robertson Brant, S.R... E. B. Wood Norfolk, N.R... James Wilson Brookville.. '". W. Fitzsimmons Norfolk, s.r... S. McCall Bruce, N.R... Donald' Sinclair Northumberland, I John Eyre. Bruce, s. R... Edward Blake Cardwell.... T. Swinarton E.R... ~ Northumb'd,w;R:Alexander FraBer Carlton..... R. Lyon Ontario, N. R...'I'homas Paxton Cornwall.... Jno S. McDonald Ontario, s. R Dr. McGill Dundl1s... Simon Cook Ottawa... R. W. Scott Durham, E.R... A. T. H. Williams Oxford, N. R... George Perry Durham, W.R... J, McLeod Oxford,s. R... A. Oliver Elgin, E.R... D. Luton Peel... John Coyne Elgin, W.R... Nicol McColl Perth, N. R.... A; Monteith Essex... S. Wigle. Perth, s. R... James Trow Frontenac... Sir Henry Smith Peterboro', w. R.J. Carn~gie Glengarry.,... JameS. Craig Peterboro', E. R.. G. Reid Grenville, s R.. M. Clark Prescott... J. Boyd Grey, N.R... T. SCQt.t Prince Edw,ard,.A. Greeley Grey, S.R... A. W. Lan.der. Renfrew, N. R.. J. Sl.lpple Haldimand... J. Buxter Renfrew, s J. L. McDougall Halton W. Barber.. Russell... William Craig Hamilton... J. M. WHli.amsSimcoe, s. R... T. R. Ferguson,Hastings, N.R.. G. H..6oulter Simcoe, N.lI... W. Hastings, E.R..., H. Corby Stormont..... W. Colquhon HllStings, W.R...!Cetchan Graham Toronto, East... M. C. Cameron Huron, S.lI... R. GiboQIjs Huron, N.R... W. T. Hays Toronto, West... J. Wallis Victoria, N. R.. A. P. Cockburn Kent... John Smith Victoria, s. R... T. Matchett. Kingston, M. W. Strange Wat.erloo, N. R.. Moses Springer Lambton..., T. B. Pardee waterloo, s. R Clemens Lanark, N.R... D. Wclland... W. Beatty Lanark, S.R... W. M. Shaw Wellington, N.R.. R. McKim~ Leeds, S.R... B. Tett Welli.ngton, D.R.. A. D. Ferrier Leeds,.N.R., & S H. D. Smith Wellington, s.r.. Peter Gow Grenville, N.R. { Wtlntworth; N.R.. R. Christie Lennox... J. Stevenson Wentworth, -so R.. W. Sexton Lincoln... J. C. Rykert York, E. 11 H. P. Crosby London J. Carling York, N. R... J. McMur!ich Monck..... George Secord York, W. 11 T. Grahame Toilet Soaps, pomades and Perfumery at BROWN BROTHERS & Co.

164 1,184 \ R. T. MUIR, nookseller ""(\ Shtl~ner, 12" (Jrll"vllle St. BELCHER'S FARMER'S PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. I, [1868. I!' SEAT OF GOVERN~lENT-QUEBEC CITY. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, His Excellency the Honorable Sir Narcisse Fortunat Belleau, KL Dep.-Gaverno/, for Signing Man'iage Licenses, Thomas ROBS. Private Secretary, Geo. Van Felson.ilid-de-Camp, Ensign E. A. Taschereau.. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Pierre Joseph Olivier Chauveau, Provincia.l Secretary and Registrar, ar-d Jlfinlster Public Instruction, Premier. Hun. Gedeon Ouimet, Attorney-General. Hon. Chri~topher Duukin, Treasurer. Hon. Joseph Octave Beaubien, Commisswner of Crown Lands. Hon. Louis Archambeault, Commissioner of.ilgriculture and Public Works. Hon. C. B. de Boucherville, President Legislative Council. Hon. George Irvine, Solicitor-General. Clerk, F. 1<'ortier. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Hon. TeanLouis Beaudry Alma. ' James Ferrier Victoria.. Jos. E. Prudhomme... Rigaud. Peter E. :Dostaler,..... '... De Lanaudiere. Henry Starnes... ',..... De Salaberry. Edward Hale...,... Wellington. John Fraser... Rougemont. Daniel M. Armstrong..... Saure!. Thomas Wood Bedford. Charles S. Rodier... ;"... De Lorimier. Thomas McGrepvy '... Stadacona. John Le Boutillier... Gulf Division. Elizae Dionne... Grandville. Joseph O. Beaubien... " La Durantaye. Alexander C. de Lery... Lauzon. Isidore Thibaudeau... Kennebec. Johu Elie Gingras... '" The Laurentides. Louis Panet... '... La Salle. J. J. Ross, Shawinigan. J. B. Geo. Prouix De La Valliere. "... Louis Archambeault Repentigny. " Felix H. Lemaire...,... Milles-Isles. George Bryson Inkerman. C. B. De Boucherville Montarville. Clerk and.ilccountant, G. B. de Boucherville. Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, S. S. Watt. Sergeant-ai-Arms, T. E. Roy. BROWN BROTHER.~ 4' CO. Pure Chemicals, Drugs and Toilet Articles. ' I I

165 FC?olscap, Lotter lind 1\ote Paper. at. R. T. MUlR'S. i 1868.J ALMkNACK. 185 I LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Elected 1867., Speaker , Argenteuil.... S. Bellingham I ~Jontcalm.... F. Dugas Bagot P. S. Gendron JMontmagny.. L. H. Blais Beauce... :... '.C. H. Pozer. IMontmorency BeauharnOis... Celestin Bergevm I Montreal (centre) Edw. Carter, Q. C. Bellee.hasse... Dr. O. Peltier '\Montre,l (East).. Hon. E.G. Cartier Berthler... Dr. L. J. Moll Montreal (West).A. W. Ogilvie.' Bonllventure... C. Hamilton Napierville... P. Benoit Brame... Ron. C. DunkinN ioolet..... J. Gaudet I Chawbly J. n. Bodouin Ottawa Co... :... Dr. Churoh Champlain... Dr. J. J. Ross Pontiac... J. Poupore Charlevoix..,... t. C. Clement Portneuf... Dr. LaRue I. Cbatea.uguay... Dr. E. Laberge,Qucbeo (centre).. G H. Simard Chicontimi and ~ iquebec (East).,.P. G. Huot Saguenay.., 5 P. A. Tremblny IQuebee (West) John Henrn I Compton..... James Ross IQI:l'ilbee Co..,. "P. J. O. Chauveau Dorchester... HonLHLa.ngevin Ri<;lhmond fl,nd ~ I, Drummond and l ; Wolf (Qullbee) ~ J'lCqUes Picard Artha.baska 5 E. J. Hemming I Riehelieu,... J. Beaudreim Gaspe P. Fortin,Rimouski.... J. Garon Hochelaga.... L. J. B. BeaUbienIRoUville... :... V. Robert Huntingdon... Julius Scriver St. Hyacinthe. B. A. BMhand Iberville..., Dr. Molleur St. Johns...,F. G. Marchand Jacques Cartier.. N. M. Le cavalieri St. Ma.urice... L., A. Desaalniers Joliette... V. P. Lavallee Shefford..... M. A. Bessette Karmoura.ska.... (Diifranchised) Sherbrooke... J. G. Robertson.$, Lapra.irie.... Cesaire Therien Soulanges... D. A. Coutlee ill I L'Assomption. Et. Math,ieu, Ist,anstead..... Thos. Locke,2.l I Laval..... J. H. Bellerose Ter miscouata... E. Mailloux ~ Levis Dr. Blanchet Terreboune.... J. A. Chapleau 13= L'lslet P. Q. Verl'ault IThree R!ver~... C. B. de Niv~l'ville Lotbiniere..., JI. G. Joly. Two Mountams.. Ron. G. OUimet Maskinonge.... A. L. Desaulniers I VaudreuiL.... A. C. D L Harwood llegcntic.... lion. G. Irvine I Vercheres... Dr. Craig i\1issisl).uoi.,j. S. Bri~hfl,m,ska.... L. A. Senecal Belltlond Family ~ledicille Che~ Ilold by B~OWNI B~OTIlli<~jI ~ Co.

166 186 R. T. Mum, Dookileller and Stationer, 125 Granville Street. =-- BELCHER'; FARMER'S [1868. PRO"'NOE OF NEW BRUNSWIOK. SEAT OF GovERN~IENT-FRED~RICTON. LlIi:UTENANT~GO\,ERNOR (and Dep. Governor for signing Mar.riage Licenses,) His ExoelhlDoy Colonel FRANCIS PYM HARDI'NG, B.B., 22nd Foot.. d' S Lt. Col. CharlllsDrury. Provo.I1tdes- e-camp. ~ Lt. Col. B. Lester Peters. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, Hon. A. R. Wetmore, M.P.P.,.I1ttorney General. C. N. Skinner, ~r.p.p., Solicitor General. " Richard P. Sutton, M.P.P., Surveyor General. " Alex. C. Desbrisay, M.P.P... John A. Beokwith, M.P.P.,Pr01iincial Secretary. " John McAdam, M.P.P., Chef Com'r Board oj Work. " B. Beveridge, ;\I.P.P. " W. P.. Flewwelling, M.P.P. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Presi dent, John Simcoe Saunders.. Hon. W. B. Kinnear, Q. C. Hon. JohnJ. Robinson. " Geol'ge Minchin. Charles Perley.. Charles Harrison. Daniel Hanington.. " James Davidson. " John Lewl~. " William Hamilton. " Robert Young. " Alex. MeL. Seely. Clerk, Geo. Botsford. Chaplain, Rev. Jno. M. Brooke, D.D. BROWN BROTHERS 4' CO., Druggists, Ordnllnee Square, Rlllifa.,.

167 [$Ii)loo! Requisites of evory deseriptlo_n fit MUIR'S,, 1868.] ALMANACK LEG ISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.,:, Speake r, ; IAL i BERT ' C A Peck, and A. A. Bliss.,CHARLOTTE...,. Hon. Jno, McAdam, (Chief Comm'rof Works,)! M.E.C., F. Hibbard, and B, R. Stevenson. CABLETON Wm. Lindsay, and J. R. Hartley. GLOUCESTER,..... John i\>lehan, and--' KENT.... W. S. ', and Owen,:vlc~nnery. KING'S Han. W. Flewwelling, M.E.C. and Gideon McLeod. 'NORTHUl'4 B ERLAND.. Hon. Richard P. Sutton, (SU1'V~Y6't General,) M. E.C., George Kerr, and J. C. Gough. QUEEN'S R. T. Babbitt, and W. S. Butler., RESTIGOUCBE....,.Hon. Alex. C. Desbris~y, M. E. C., tlnd W. Montgomery. ST. JORN (COUNTY). Hon. C. N. Skinner, (Solicitor General,) M.E.C., J. Quinton, J. Coram, and Geo. E. King. ST. JOIL... (CITY)... Hon. A. R. Wetmore, (.f1ttorney Gen'era~) M.E C., and W. H. A. Keans. : -SUNBURy.... Wm.E. Perley, and John Gbzier. ; ViCTORIA Hon. B. Beveridge, M.E.C" and'----,--. WESTMORLAND...,Bliss Botsford, Amand Ltlndry, A. McQueen, and, J. L. Moore. ' york.... Han. Jno. A. Beckwith, (Provincial Secretary,) -- M.E.C., A. Thompson, and ThQs. Pickard. Olerk, Chas. P. Wetmore. Chaplain, Rev. C. G. Coster, A.M..IJdvocate General, Wm. Jack, Q.O. Postmaster General, Han. J. McMillan. Provincial T1'easurer; Beverley Robinson. Receiver General, Han. David Warkj Deputy, Thos. H. Robertson..fluditor General, Jas. Beck. ~, - Photographic Chemical~, Cards and BROTUEUS, & Co

168 R. T.. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 126 Granville Street [1868. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, (and Dep. Governor for signing Marriage,) His Excellency Major General ClfARLES' HAS1'INGS DOYLE. Private Secretary, Harry Moody,, S Lt.-Col. H. W. ClE:rke, ~. S. lii. Provo.Il.ides-de Camp, {Major M. B. Daly, 1st Brig, Mil. Artillery. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Han. William Annand;M. L.C., Treasurer, President. Han. Martin I. Wilkins, M. P. P.,.Il.ttorney General. Han. William B. Vail, M. P. P. Provincial Secretary. Han. Robt. Robertson, M.P.P. Com'r of Public Works and MineB. Han. Richard A. MeHeffey, M. L. Q. Bon. Edwllrd P, Flynn, M. P. P. Han. Jared C. Troop, M, P. P. lion. John Fel'guson, M. P. P. Retired Members of Counail retaining their rank and precedence, by. medal permission of Ber MuJest)J. Han. Enos Collins. Han. Joseph Howe. Hon. Ja\lles W. Johnston. Ron. Willil~m Young. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. President, Hon Alexander Keith... Halifax. Hlut. Robert Mollison Cutler (luysborougli. Han. Staley Brown Yarmouth. Hon. Mather Byles Almon... ' Halifax. PIon. Henry Gesner Pineo WaIJ'Joce. Han. James McNab..., HlllifaJi:. Han. Richard A.. McHeffey M. E. Coo... Wind~or, Han. Auselm F. Comeau......' Clare. Hon. John Creighton... ' " Lunenburgh. Hon. Willhtm C. Whitman... ' ,.... Annapolis. Han. Freeman Tupper.....,..... Liverpool. Han. Archibald Patterson ,.... Tatarnagollche. Bon. Samuel Chipman Cornwallis. Bon. John McKinnon ".... Antil!onish. Bon. Peter Smyth..., Port Hood. Bon. Si1muel Creelman..... " Colchesrer. Han. Willi>J.m O. Heffernan...,... Guysborough. Hon. Ihniel l\i~n_ Parker. M. D..., H>J.lifax. Han. Ji1mes Frailer..., Pictou.,I Han. William AnDi1nd (T'I'easurer,) M. E. C.... Halifax. Clerk, John C. Halliburton. Chaplain, Rev. Geo. W. Hill, A. M. Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Jno JaB. Sawyer. *.. "The ;\Iembers of the Executive anfl Legislative Councilsllre J uitioes ; of the Pea~e throughout the Province so long as they belona to either branch. " BUOWN BROTI!ERS ~ Cu., Druggists, Ordnance S'I~al'e, U~ljfl~,

169 Ledgers Journals, Day and Caob Books, at R. T. 3[UIR'I:! ] ALIUANACK. 189 LEGISLATIYE ASSEMBLY. [EI~cted Sept. 18, Speaker ANNAPOLIS COUNTY. '" Hon. Jared C. Tl'Oop, M.E.C., David C. Landers. : ANTIGONISH COUNTY.. Daniel McDonald, Joseph McDonald. COLCHESTER COUNTY... Robert Chambers, Tbomas F. Morrison. CUMBERLAND COUNTY... Amos Purdy, Henry G. Pineo, Jr. I CAPE BRETON COUNTY. Hon. John Ferguson, M. E. C., Alonzo J. White. DIGBY COUNTY..... Hon. W m. B. Vail (Provincial Secrei.ary,) M. E. C., Urbine Doucett. GUYSBOROUGH COUNTY.. Jno. J. Marshall, Jno. A. Kirk. R.!.UF.A.X COUNTY... "'Henry Balcam, James Cochran, Jeremiah Northup. RANTs COUNTY... "'William Lawrence, Elkanah Young. INVERNESS COUNTY..'... '" Hiram Blanchard, Alexander Campbell. KINGS COUNTY..."'Edward L. Brown,!VI.D., David M. Dickie. LUNENBURGH COUNTY.. James Eisenhauer, Mather B. Desbrisay. PreTOU COUNTy.... Hon. Martin 1. Wilkins (Attorney General,) M. E. C., R. S. Copeland, Geo. Murray, M. D. QUEENS COUNTY... William H. Smith, S'tmuel Freeman. RICHMOND COUNTY...,. Hon. Edward P. Flynn, M.E C., Josiah Hooper. 1 SHELBURNE COUNTY...*Hon. Robert Robertson (Com.missjone! Public Works and Mines,) M.E.C., Thos. Johnson. VICToalA COUNTY... William Kidston, John Ross.. YAl!)lOUl'H COUNTY... "'William H. Townsend, Jno. K. Ryerson. LEGISLATIVH LIBRARY COMMITTEE.-Hon. J. McCully (, Hon. M. B. Almon, Han. Edw. Kenny, S. Leonard Shannon, Adams G. Archibald. ~ibiarian, Jas. Venables... Member. of la.t House. l Work8 on Homeopathy, Preparations.l! c., at BROWN BROTHEBS 4' Co.

170 R. 1'. MUIR, Bookseller and 8tatloner, 125 Granvlll. 8treet. 190 BELCHER'S FARMER'S [ :!l COVERNMENT OFFICES AND OFFICERS. PROVINCIAL. PROVINCIAL SECRETARY.-Hon. William B. Vail, M. P. P.~. Cler/f, Frederick Le Blanc.. TREASURER.-Hon. William Annand, i\1. L. C. Clerk -Sydenham Howe. ATTORNEY GENERAL.-Hon. M'lrtin I. Wilkins, M. P. P. CO~IMISSIONER OF MINES AND PUBLIC WORKs.-Hon. Robert Rgbertson, 111. P. P. Clerks, C. H. Carman, T.l W. DeWolf, Jno A. Cattley,. Michl MonaO'han. INSPECTOR OF MINES.,-Jno Rutherford. Chte( Clerk of Works, Jas B. MeNab. 'Chie( Clerk o( Mines and Minerals, Jno Kelly. DEPUTY GOLD CO~IM'Rs.-Montague, Lawrencetown, and fvaveriy, Jno Kelly; Stor'mont, Jno F. Taylor; Tangier, Jas. D. Van BJlskirk; Sherbrooke, Wm. L. Pye; fvagalltatcook~ Jno McLennan;. Oldham and Relifreio, Jas McKenzie ; Wine Harbour, D. M. Crockett;."'Iount Uniacke, --- Blois.. SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION AND SECRETARY TO COUNCIL OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Theodore H. Rand, M. A. Clerk, Silas Macvane, B. A. PROVINOIAL H;OSPITAL FOR THE INSANK.- Visitors, the Governor, th,e Chief Justice, the Prllvincial Secretary, the President of the Legislative Council, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, and the heads or authorized representatives of all Chri.tian Churches in the Provinc.e. Comm'rs: Chas. Twining, Geo. p. Dustan, Jno. Starr. Medical $uperintwdent, Jas. R. DeWolf, M. D. Asst. Physician, Dr. McKeagney. Storekeeper, George Downie: HO'ksekeeper, Mrs. R. D. DicKsoIi. Supervisor, Miss Sandifer. Engineer, R.. D. Dickson. COMMISSIOlI'ER OF CROWN LANDs.-Samuel P. Fairb.anks. Deputy, Wm A. Hendry. Clerks, Edw Morris, Matthias Cnpbaidge, Geo Lloyd. Comm.issioner for examining, preserving and arranging. ancient. records. and documents, illustrative of the History and progress of Society in the Province.-Thos B. Akins, D. C. L. COMMITTEE (or Agricultura,l Exhi:Jitio'ls and the. Improvement. oj' Slock.-Dis. No.3, Annapolis, L'unenburgh, and Kings Coun/ies: A vard Longley, Abrm. Hebb, Geo. Hamilton, Hon. J no Creighton, S. L. Shannon. Dis. No.4, Pictou, Antigonish and GugsboroughCounties: W. 'H. Harris, Robt. Trotter, Jno. J. Marshall, A. McFarlane, Hon. Jno McKinnon. CENTRAL BOARD OF AGRICULTURE.-District No.1, Wm. Cunard, Henry, Yeomans, J08. Northup, Henry, Pryor; No.2, C. C. Hamilton, M. D., Avard Longley; No.3. G. S. Brown, H. A. N. Kaulback; No.4, Alex. McFarlane, Hon. R. A. McHeffey; No.5. Wm. H. Harris, Hon. Jno }[ckinnon ; No.6, Henry Davenport. BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR PROVINCIAL MEDICAL LICENSES.-Wm. J. Almon, M. D., P.:'I1. 0.., Han D. MeN. Parker, M. D.; andr. S. Black, M.D. CEN1RAL BOARD OF EXA)UNERS OF SHIPJ\IASTE~S AND MATES.-Capt John Taylor, Wm Pryor, Thos Bolton. ' Comm'rs (or Issuing Province Notes.-Chus. Twining, Jeremiah Northup, Ch!l.s H. M. Black. Comm'rs without the Province.- Abram Jackson of Boston, and Andw. B. Almon of Salem. Queen's Printer.-Edward M. :'IlcDonald. BROWN BR:>THERS.& CO., Dr!lggi~ts."Ordnance Square, Halifu;

171 ltoom,' rtt 4d. a Roll and upwards ttt R. 1'.!lUtR'g. I: 1868.J ALMANACK. 191 I DOMlNION. BOARD OF WORKS.-.Commissionel s Fredk Brown (Cha,irman). W~, B. Fairbanks, John Pugh. Clerk, Thos. R. DeWolf. Sup, of L!fJhthouses and other Public property, Thos. p, Jost. Commander Stear,ner "Druid," J no H. Kendrick. Commander" Daring," Jas O'Brien. PENITI>NTIARY.-.iI'Iedical Jittendant, Rufus S. Black, M: D. Chaplain, Rev Henry Pope. Governor, Geo McGregor. SABLE IflLAND.-Resident Sup. Philip S. Dodd. Resident Superintendents-St. Paul's, Don J. McNeil. Scatteri, Jno McLean. '.RAILWAY DEPARTilIENT.-Chief Comm'r, Avard Longley. Chief Engineer, Alex McNab. Secreta.ry and Chief.Accountant, Thomas Foot. Division Engineer, W. H. Tremain. Engineer Windsor and Annapolis Railway, Jno B. Yonng. Traffic Superintendent, Geo Taylor. Locom()tive Supt., Wm Johnston. Road Inspector, Wm Marshall. BOARD OF REVENUE.-Col/>missioneu, Hon. John W. Ritchie, Robt BOIik, Geo P. Mitchell. Sec'y, B. B. Oxley. ISSUERS OF LICEN&ES TO AMERI9AN FISHERMEN.-Halifax, Edward Binney; Yarmouth, T. E. Moberly; N. Sydney, Thomas M. Bown;,Pictou, D. McCulloch; Port Mulgrave, Vincent J. Wallace; Port I Hood, Edw D. Trem"in; Plaister Cove, Jas G. McKeen; Port Hawkesbury, Malcom McDonald; and the Officer commanding the Government sehr. "Daring." IMMIGRANT OFnCE.-.Agent, Han. H. G. Pineo j Deputy.Agent, Jos Outram (46 Bedforu Row), Halifax; Capt. F. A. Liebman, Germany; Henry Boggs, London; J. R. DeWolf, Liverpool; Alex Campbell, Glasgow. " BOARD OF STATISTICS OF l\iarriages, BIRTHS, AND DllATHs.-Sec'y, Jao Costley, Halifax. Issuers of Marriage Licenses and Dep'y Reg'rs of Marriages, Births and Deaths, the Dep. PostmlLsters in the different ~unties, and Stephen Selden, Halifax. Dep'y Reg'rs of Marriages, ljirths and Deaths, the Way Office.keepers in the differentconnties, and Rev'Henry Stamer, Rev R. Jamiesou, Rev JasWaddell, Rev Edw Ansell, Jas J. Clarke, M. D. Ohief Co;m'r Indian.Affairs, SamI P. Fairbanks. Inspector of Steame1'S carrying Passengers, Alex Moir. PUBJ.,lSHER'S NOTICE. ~ Owing to the inereased price of all materials co'lnected with the publication of this Almanack, and its increased size, from additional matter furnished from ye~r to year-the Publisher will, after the present year (1868), be compelled to raise tbe pdce to FOURTEEN DOLLARS pe1' gross. Unlldulteratqd Ground Spices Ilt BROWN BlIO'l'ltIiRS & Co.

172 192 It. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Sta.tioner, 125 Gra.n;ille st BELCHER'S FAr:.MER-'S [1868. GENERAL POST OFFICE, HALIFAX. N S. POST.IASTER GENERAL, ARTHUR WOODGATE. Examtner Account Branch. Frederick M. PassoW. Clerics, Wm. Small. Benjm. Cochran, John Campbell, M. C. Richardson, Arthur Burnham. Dead Letter Cleric, Thoma~ Southall. Leiter Carr:iers--South Du., Geo Deunaford; C~ntre Dls.! Church Smith and JM. Wilson; North Dis, Matthew Collms. Jas. Fitzgerald. Messenger, Ronald McMillan. '. When the Mail arrives before 9 P.~I. it will be delivered the same Dlght; when after that hour at 7 the following morning Office Hours from 4.:)0 A. 1\1. to 9 30 P. M., except on the Thursday ni~ht on which the English mail is made up, when it is clo~ed at 6, and re-opened at 9 for the delivery of the Boston ani inland malls. Mails for the UNITED KINGDO~I' are closed finally, every alternate Thursday at 6 P.M. (commencing Jan. 2, 1868.) Letters, &c., received after that hou r will not be forwarded until next mail. Letters and Telegrams are received on board the Steamer by the Mail Officer. Letters 12~ cents. Newspapers free. Unpaid Letters are taxed double postage. Letters to the Imperial Public Departments are exempt from pre-payment. 1\1ails for the United Kingdom via the United States are made up to meet the Steamers leaving New York for Liverpool. Letters to be specially addressed" via.t\ew York," Letters :lo cents; Newspapers 2 cenis. Must be prepaid. Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND made up once a month in December, January, February and March: and fortnightly in the otber months, (including Cape Breton,) closingfinally on the Thursday evening of the week the Steamer is due from Boston. Lt'tters 10 cents; if posted in the interior, 13~ cents. Newspapers:2 cents. Must be prepaid. Mails for ST. PIERRE ami l\!iquelon are forwarded via Newfoundland. Letters 8~ cents; if posted in the interior, 13& cents. Newspapers:2 cents. Must be prepaid... Mails for BER~IUDA and the BRITlsn WEST INDIA ISLANDS made up once a month every aitp.rnate Thursday evening (commencing J,\lluary :2 1868,) at 6,P.~I. Letters 10 cents; if posted in the interior, 13& cents; Newspapers 2 cents-must be prepaid. Mails made up at t-he same time for Cuba, South America, and the Foreign West India IshinUs, Chagres and Panama, and for the Western Canst of America. M:l.ils for the UNITED STATES by Steamers,lee made up every alternate Tuesdag evening (commencing Decr. 31, 1867.) Supplemellt<.t1 y Mails made up until arrival of Steamer from EnO'land. Should the Steamer arrive previous to Tuesday eveoling, the M~lils close then immediately. Letters 10 cents; if posted in the interior, 13~ ~ents. Letters weighing more than one oz., but under] k oz., will be chacied three mles' exceeding :2 oj., but under 2~ oz., five rates; anu so on addino' one'rate for every IIdditional ~oz. Newspapers 2 cents. Must be prepauf. A Mail for Quetec qnd Ontario, is made up and- f... rwarded at the same time. ' Letters to be addressed, "Closed mail for Canada." Postage 12& eta.! Prepayment optional. i A mail for QUEBEC an' I ONTARIO, via PORTLAND by Steamer "carlotta"l s made up every Tuesday at 3 P.M. Letters 1:2~ cents-must be prepaid. A Mail is also maue up every Wednesday and forwarded by - --_ BROWN BROTHERS &. CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

173 l'ktnk l'l(}{)lcs :md Pass!look. ot ft. '1\ ~tu!lt's. AL!\L\.NACK. l'helan's Steamers" Commerce" and" Alhambrct" on ctrri ral from P E I Island.... LA~YD MAILS.. Letters posted in. N O,"A SCOTIA, for any plnco within the Province if p~ep;i1,l, [) cents; tj. not prep,aid, 7 cents. Lette,, " maile.j for dfliv~ry Wlth,n th.e County.2 cent~; if not preplli.l 7 cei~t.s. Letter, p"e-paid may bescnt flom on~ W~y office to another, If nnpald they will be s"ut to the ne,west Pust Othce, flnd t,xed 7 cents. ~.Lettersto QUEBEC, UNTARIO and NE.w Bum/swICK, 5 cen<a-prep(jy-... ment optional. Letters to PRINCE EDWARD ISLANI), 5 cents mus t be '0 prepcwl;.if wholly or in pmt unpiticl, tlley will be f"rwardej &~d ta,ed' 1:l 5 cents ll1 I1ddition to the post>tge. Letters fur the UNITED Sl'AT"S (12, (e~cept OregDn and Califurnia) 10 cents; to Oregon n,nd Califorr;ia,15 ; 'El ceuts~m"sf beprepaid......' 1\ ffiel1l.!. l.ette.l's ctl1cl. res.s~d. t. 0 the. Provincial and Mil.ital'Y D. epartments,!j <D are e:,,~mpt fl'om prepayment....' '. i ~.~e~lstered lett~i's. to~' the P,'ovlllcml Public Depart\nents rrnd the' P-4 l\l!llta~y Departments, l1ddt'essed to Halifax, can be sent without prepayment of post,'ge or registry fee..... ' R~GISTRATION.-.~ettel s for registry mnst be posted half an 1lO1tr ~revlousto the closmg of the Mail by which they be sent. The ~ostage as }veu as the Registmtion fe~ m'ast be, prepaid. The reg.istl~ltlon of tl letter to any pltce in Nova Scotia, British North America, 01' the pnitel] St'1tes is 10 cents; to the United Kingdom, 8~ cents, to Austraha;tnu all other phces, when passing through the Unitel! Kingdom, 25 cents. }. Registration is I1pplicable to all descriptions of letters I1nd parcels, whether they cont>tin articles of valae or not. Registration is not an absolute gnal'nntee ltgp~inst the miscnrriage or loss of a letter; bllt a 'tl.,registered letter el1n be tmced when one unregistered cannot, and the.posting and delil'cry oi non-delivery can be proven. A registered letter 'to! is'thus secured against many ot the c>tsualties which, from incorrect Q) I. address, forgetfulnes of the receiver, 01' other error, lllilyaffect an nn- tl.registered lettel' ag>tinst I1ctn'1l dishonesty on the pltrt of the Pust Office ~ employees,a registerecl letter is incomp:trably lllore secure than an un- ~ ~egiste ed one-l1n. unregistered letter leaves no trace behiull it, whilst, passing in the great stream of Ol'dinary col:respondencc, though its pre- " Q) sence as a money letter, ami the natul'e of Its contents,.are to any person I It,ecustomed to handle letters, as ma.nifest, as though the letter had been I 0 single,] ont, and marked by the ref!;isterec1 stamp. If the consequences! 0 were limited to the mere risk of the lo~s of the money so sent, the senders i of money in unregistered letters might reasonably urge, thl1t if they I ~ choose to encounter the risk, they are free to do so; but higher consid- <l...j erations areinvolved,,1nd the chance ofloss to the careless remitter is I 0 teally but the sm[lllest part of the evill1ssociatec1 with the practice, The I 0 depltrtment has gon~. to a great def11 of trouble. a~d expense to ensnr:, as 1 far as it.fs pos.~ible, the sure floel silfc tr>tnsmisslon of money by mml- \ the safest mode of by money orders,-where there are no money order offices, the Registration system is available.'".. '" Atterition to the above remnrlcs by those who "rc in the hault or scnd-l inc" money bv mail is strongly recommended,!uld it is furt~}('r sug-gqsted that I~tters Qontninin!)" modf'y should invariauly be secured wlt.ll the best wax, ~~~~_~~~~~~~_~!_~-=-~ali_ng ~~el~~~. BROWN BROTHERS & Co., Importers of Flower, Field and Garden Seeds. 9 :..Ji

174 '".S p., rj.l, "" rj.l '" U. T. MUll', Bookseller &n(1 stat/oner, J~6 (/r,w.ille I';t. 194 BELCHER'S FAUMEU'S [1868. I Letters posted in any city or town in!he Pro:vince for delivery in the same city or town,are charged 2 cents; If unpaid they ~re taxed.4 cents. Letters'prepaid by stamp dropptd into the box during the Dlght and up to 4.30 A. M. will be forwarded by the mails despatched the sume morning. Semi-daily Mail to and from Dartmouth, postage 2 cents. If unpaid 4 cents. All letters are charged by weight irrespective of distance, and a uniform rate.of postage of 5 cents per ~ ounce has been est~blished throughout British North America. The rates of postage mentioned all refer to a single letter. If it exceeds the ~ oz. it is charged double and so on according to weight. Ship letters 5 cents. Letters for Consignees, free. Stamps to be affixed to letters or pamphlds on the upper right hand corner. Postmasters to stamp the name of the office and date disti7! tly on every letter.. PRINTED BOOKS transmitted through the Province are charged one cent per oz. up to 48 ozs. Printed Books, Magazines, Reviews or Pamphlets, binding rollers for prints or maps not exceeding two feet in length, markers and every thing appertaining to snch publications, are sent between Nova Scotia and the United Kingdom, and also between Nova Scotia, Bermuda, Newfoundland, a.nd the British West Indies, at the following rates :-for a single volume not exceeding 4 OZ8., 3d. sterling; above 4 ozs. and not exceeding 8 ozs. 6d. sterling; above 8 OZ8. and not exceeding 1 pound Is. sterling; and so on, adding Is. for every additional pound or fraction of a pound. Must be prepaid. PERIODICALS, BRITISH or FOREIGN, posted within the Province for. delivery within or without the Province, two cents each 71umber, must I be pre-paid.-those published in the Province, and all Agricultural. reports, whether published. in the Province, or elsewhere, pass free,- I except Belcher's Farmer's Almanack. BRITISH and COLONIAL NEWSPAPERS, and small religions periodicals, British or Foreign, posted within or wtihout the Province, pass free. All other Newspapers are charged one cent each, if mailed within the Province, if mailed without, for delivery within the Province, the postage is collected on delivery. An exchange copy, of any Newspaper, addressed to a Publisher in Nova Scotia, passes free o British reo prints of copywright works from the United States by '" Steam er, are taxed leuer postage.. ~ Handbills, Lithographed Letters, Circulars and other printed matter o 8< description, pusted within the Province for any place within or wtthout the same, one cent per oz. Must be prepaid..... All papers printed by order of thfl Imperial Parliament, or by Her 111 Majesty's command, or by the Legislative Councilor House of Asserubly ~ are transmitted by post, within the Province free. I=Q.No printed paper, whether newspaper, book, pamphlet, or other paper..:l WIll be sent, either free or at a reduced rate of postage unless it is sent ::\ 1, Witho!'t ll; cove:. or in a cover open at the ends. '2, No words 0; communl.catlon pr!~ted on the paper after its publication, or upon the o cover, nor ally Wf1tlDg or marks upon it, or upon the cover, except the ~ name and ~ddress of tile sender and the party to whom sent. 3. No paper or thldg to be enclosed with j~. Where these conditions are not fulfilled the whole will be charged letter postj1[',e. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance~q'u!r~, naliti!o~ I, : i

175 Church Servie<>s and Prayer Book" at R. T. MUIR'S J ALMANACK. 195,TABLE showing the Time of Olosin~ -d Arrival of Mails at the General Post Office, Halifax. POST TOWNS. I POSTMASTERS. CLOSE ARRIVE Albion Mines... /H. McKenz!e... ida!ly Daily... ~. Amherst:.... Mrs. A. Chlpman:Dally... Daily.... An~apol.IS..... /Wm. R. Ru~gles.IMon. Wed. & Fri. Mon. Wed. & Fri. An.tlgolllSh.....,Henry P. Hill.. 'IDailY Daily Arlchat D. O'C. Madden. Daily... Daily Aylesford... IThos. Harris... imon. Wed. & Fri. Mon. Wed. & Fri. B~1~eck 'IRobt. Elmsly..,Mon. We. Th.& Sat. Tues. Thu. FrLSat. Barrl~gton.... 'ir. A. Crowell... Tues. Th. Fri. Sa~. Mon. Tues. Th~at BerwICk.... 'IJ. M. Parker... Mon. Wed. & Fn. Mon. Wed. FrI..,Boularderie... Alex. Munro... Mon. and Fri.... Thur. and Sat.. Bridgetown... ;Euoch DoLige... Mon. Wed. & Fri. Mon. Wed Fri. Brid~ewater... 'IRufus :N'ewcomb. Tu~s. Thur. & Sat. Tu~s. Thur. Sat. Cannmg..... H. A. Borden... Daily... Dally.,... Canso..... 'YIiss S. Norris.. Mon. Wed. & Fri. Tues. Thur. & Sat. Chester... Miss Ada Smith.. Tues. Thur. & Sat. Tues. Thur. Sat.. Clementsport... Regld. M. Shaw.. Mon. Wed. & Fri. Mon. Wed. Fri. Cape George... 'Robt. McDonald. Wed. and Fri.... Tues. and Sat... Cow Bay, C.B.. ianthony lvhrtel\. Mon. Wed. Fri. Tues. Thur. & Sat. Digby......'Edwin Bent... Mon. Wed. & Fri. Mon. Wed. Fri.. Durham...'John McCoul.... Mon. Wed. & Fri. Tues. Thur. Sat. Economy.....'w. A. Fulmore. Tues. Thur. & Sat. Tues, Thur. c} Sat. English 'fown '" Dun. McDonald. Sat. Wed. & Fri.. Tues. Thurs. Sat. Gla~e Bay, Little Wm. ~lcdonald.. [Mon. Wed. & Fri. Tues. Thurs Sat.. Glenelg... IM. Archibald... Wed. and Sat... Tues. and Fri.. Guysboro'.... E. J. Cunningham Mo.Wed. Fr. & Sa. Tues. Thur. Sat. Hantsport... N. T. Harris... Daily Daily Jeddore...,. '... Thurs. 8 p. M: Sat. 7 p. 11'( Kentville..... Geo Calkin.... Daily..... '. Daily..... Kestch Harbor & ( Sat. 7 A.M. Mon. 10 p. ~I ambro... 5 ' La.wrencetown... J. W. James... Mon. Wed. & Fri. Mon. Wed. Fri. Liverpool..... Thos. P. Calkin. Tues. Thur. & Rat. Tues. Thur. Sat.. Looke's Island... X. Z. Chipman.. Tues. Thur. & Sa. Tues. Thur. Sat. Londonderry... M. Campbell... D'1ily Daily.,. '..... Lower Horton... '.J. W. Hennigar.. Da,ily... Daily L, ower Stewiacke 'Iwm. Holesworth. Daily... Daily... Lunenburgh.... 1\1rs. Rudolph,... Tues. Thur. & Sat. Tues. Thur. Sat. Lingan Walter Young... Mon. Wed. & Fri. Tues. Thurs. Sat.. Melrose Jas. Stewart.. Wed. and Sat.. Tues. and Fri....!'IIabou. '"... IWm. Grant... Daily...,Daily..... Mahone Bay... IGeo. Duncan... Tu~s. Thur. & Sat. Tu~s. Thur, Sat. Maitland... IAdam Roy... Dally. '.... 'IDallY..... Margarie Forks.!Don. Campbell..!iYIon. Wed. & Fri. 'fu. Thur. an~ Sat Mid. Musquod'bt.H. Kaulback... Wed. and Sltt... "Tues. and FrI.... Musquod'bt. Up..'S. L. Henry... Wed. and Sat.. : 'I,Tues. and Fri.. Musqd'bt. Porter's Lake. Hal'. ~ I Tue- ". Thurs. " Sat..,\Tues. 7 Thul'. P. M. Sat. flhip llarbour., d} J 1'; 'l, B rushes. Combs and Perfumery, at BROWN BRO'llHERS & Co,

176 1 R. T. Mum, Boo!;."""r Rud Stationer, lei) IIr:tuVill& St. '1196. BSI.ClIER'S FARlUElt'S [1868') I POST TOWNS. I POSTMASll~RS. I CLOSE ARRIVE I Mill Village... j. : '.. 1'ues. Thur. Sat.. Tues:l'hur..&Sa1' Milton,Queen'sco.:Edw. Kempto~..\.Tue8. Thur; S'lt.. ;rues. Thul. Sat. N. Campbeltown.IID. J. McKenzIe.. Mon. Wd. 'Lh. Sat. Tues TI. Fr. Sat. Newport... 'J. F. Cochpn.. Qaily... Da~ly New Glasgow... iwiiliam FfaSer.. Da~ly...,. Da~ly.... North Sydney.,.John Forbes... DaIly... I Dm1y...,'... p'l1rrsborq' "'... IA. P.. Bradley.., Tu~. Thur. SaL. Tu~. Thur. Sat.. Pictou IJno.. Mcl{\tY... Di111y D,uly.. "'.... [ ' Plai.. ster Cove.. :. f.g"mcke~n... Da~ly... ln1!ly.... u.i Port Hoofl..... J. D. Tremam. DaIly..... DaIly , j Port Meclwa,y... E. C:thoon. ". Tues. Thur. Sat.. Tues. Thur. Sat.. S P.;r:t 'Mui';'l'ave.. Geo. Hadley... Mon. Tue.Wd. Fri Tues.. Th. Fr. Sat. o Prospect.~... '. :... Mon. Thur. Ip. ~1.iMon. Th. 11 A.. M.' o Pugwash... Levi Borden.... Mo..w eel Th. & Fr;'Mon. Wed. Fri. j;: River John.... 'Jno. Cameron.. Mon. Wed. & Fri,Mon. Wed. &'Fri. i:l : Ri~er Philip... IMrs. J. C. Philips Tues. Thur. & Sat. Mon. Wed. & FI~. i Sandy Cove...'.' 'j.rohn C. Morse. ~.IMon. Wed.:& Fri.,Mon. Wed. & Fn. ",. Sh,ip IhrboirrQ.B.,B,rOUll.rd.!DaiIY... IDaily... "... ~. Sh.elbul'n~... R. n. Thomson.,' Tues. Thur. &. Sat'iTue8. Thur& Sat; ~ Sherbrooke... 'H. McDonald... ~j»1on. Wed. Fri... :~lon. Wed.. & Fri.»j Shubel)aeadie... idalll:sinciair... Daily..... ;Daily... ;.... ~ St.,MILrgaret's Ih yl l.l 11.o. S. Uri!le.,. ;TU~8. Tllllr. & Sat}u: Th. and Silt.. $' St. ;peter 8 C. B.. R.. G. lhorr~s0n. Da~ly.... ID:l~ly:... "..,,.S ~ydn~y... :... [R.Obt. 1\I:1rtm..., Da~ly... ;.... "'I'Da~lY"".... ~ SY.dn... ey :\.~mes " 'ID. G. R, 19by,... D:tlly... Dally..., t>. Sheet I-larbour... '... ITues. Thur. Sat...,Tu. Th.. and Sat. A St. Aiuire>ys... 'I,Jno. lv~cmillan... 1M on. Wed. & Fri.Tu.. Thu~s. & Sat; I[ Trl1cadie... W. H. HarririgtonDaily...!Daily... '.... s:r,'rusk~t... jj'16. M. Lent:.. ', 'I'l:ues. Thlll'. Sat...!Tu. Th. & Sat.... ~,TangIer... 'jj08., Browner... 'lues. Thul'. & Sat.jTu. Th..&.Sat.. ~ Tatamagouche... Isaac Bl~i~,:..,... liilon: W~d. & Fl'i.',Tu. ~h.. & Sat... " Trul'<): :.:.. '.'. 'IEdw. I-l;amll,ton...,Seml.dally.....,SemI dally... '0'IFl'a.s, CO"..,.. ;.,Wed. Ponll Sat..., }lon. and Thur. ~ W\lll?-c~... "'IJOShUa flue.:btis. 'I'MO. wed,th.&fri.',mon..\;.l!'ri. '.. Waf ton...,... C. R. Allison... Tues. Thur. Sat... Mon. Wed. & Fri. :" Webtpo:'t... Jos: Baucroft...,Mon. Wed: & Pri. Mon. Wed. & Fri. 0_1,1 West RIver...!WI)J. Mull,ro... livl9n. Wed. & Fri. Tues, Th. &Lt.... ~J I Weymouth... Cerino P. J01j.e:;... Mon. Wed. &.Fri.'l\Ion. Wed;' Whykokamagh.},- }IcDougalJ... IMo. Til \Vd Fr Sa. Tues. and Silt.... rl.l :11 W~st Bay....'.,. ;Alex. V. He~ghins \I,'n.. il1j.d Frid,ly.IThurs. and Sat.. ~,I w:llmot... I' A.. ' Glbbon.!Mon. Wed. & FI'i"Mon. Wed. Fri... A ii' wi.nds.o.r..,'... {'.etet' Burnham.. ;Semi-daily.. "... semi.jaily.... WolfvIlle... 'IGeo. V. Rand... id"ily... IDaily... ;. 'yayerley... [Daily... 'D'lily.... I l'lrmouth... IA. JJ Hood... ID,.i!y... id,lily... :. *Canada, by l!mdl""""... ITues. Thur. & Sat inion Wed Fn' '.' v. in. B."S~Oil."... :St~amer to Boston,Stl'amer f'~ B~~t: "New BI'llIlSWICk.l.:., '"..., id,1ily... _... ;.ID.v,ly...'.. I, P. :E,.LhnL... :\VInter... 1'11."8.. Tbur. & S:\t. Mon. Wed,' & Fri. II *.~ltto I;"llnmrr... 1:1-1'>11. Til. S:lt.. "IMon. Tues. Fri.:. I', U. ~tatts...,... ',L"ml Route... 'D"ily... Da:ly.... ;! i 1.>.lt[O,,n.)1. St~"l\1el".. li<,'ol t~ightly: :. :.. ~'ortnij:!:htly:~ 11 lub Ill! IULlI,te up for un I n:e~i\ "u lrljlll places marked * br l"5t. John, X.n. )Otf'UJl)('r,,""ill Windsor.

177 I 186R.} =- ALMANACK ~hi:18 for all places named. in. the foregoing tabl.eare ulade np at 8 P.M., except the second seml-dally ml1ils for Windsor and Truro which, are made up at 2 p.m. Mails from all those pbces are due ilt Halifax by the Rl1i1wa,Y trains from Picton and Windsor. 'i'he iriails from Lunenbnrgh, Llverpool, Sheet Harbour, &c, lire due at 7 p.m. ; ]7.The woru.," Ne\vspapcr" means :Lny publication isiluerl not less ~ fl'eq;uently thl1n once ~ ~ee~~ and containing.noti.ces of p[lssing events ro -l1ncl the word" PerlOdlcal means any pubhcatlon issued at regular b intervals,but lesd frequently than ouce a week; po I Masters of vessers are entitled to receive for each letter they rhay IA tdeliver., when inwards bound, 2~ cents., PARCEL POST.-'l'he cha,rge on Parcels, limitecl to places within -the ~ I P.I'ovince i.8 if under 8 ozs. U~ cents; above 8 _OZ8. and nmler a pound, ~ 25 cents; above 1 and not 2 ponnus, 50 cents; above 2 bnt not:3 pounds, '43.,75,cents; beyond this. weight. no parcel C3,n be sent, and mnst not exceed foot in length or breadth, and six inches in thickness..wust be pre- &i i pltid. The cbarge on parcels to New Bl'Uuswick, or Canada is, for a I ~ iparcel under 8 oz. 25 cents; if more than 1 and not exceeding 2 pounds. I 0 ~O cts.; if more Ulan 2 and not.exceeding 3 lbs., 75 cents, beyond this' I2l I weight no parcel can be sent.-size same as above.-.must be prepcdd.!.-o I,,,,PATTERN POST.-Po1ttern8 of Merchanwze can be sent by post betwe~n t;l q.t.ova ~cotia and Great Britaiu&t the fo.llowing 1'o1Ies :-f~r a packet nr,t ~ i exceedmg 4 oz. 7 cents; unde,'l;lb. 1:2/, cents; not exceedmg 1 pound 25. ~, cents; ab.ove 1 and not l~ lbs. 3n cents; above 1~ and not :2 pounds, GO I '\4 cents; every additional ~ p0\l.nd 1:2~ cents; no parcel to exceed 2 feet in. S I length; breadth or depth. Must be ptepu,td. I ""!. I MONEY ORDER OFFICE. i ijj I : Superintendent, Jas. H. Thorne. Clerics, John Bland Gray, Fred W. i ~ I CI'eighton. MesscngeT, Thos. Conran.... I ~ 1 The fonowing Post Omeea are authorizerlto jgsucl l\ioney Orders :- ;.; Amhe".t, :,ntigonish, An;>apolis, Arichat, Al?i~nMin}s.Bllrldeck, Ilridg~- I -c / water, 3rldgeto\Vll, B'lrrmgton, C,wso. Cannmg,Cow Bl1Y, C.B., ehestel, 1l Digby, Gnysbnro', H'11if'lx, Kentville, Lnnenhn~gh, Livel'pool, Little ~..,Glace B;t.y; Lingan Mi.nes, M'.lbOU' P'lrrsboro', PICtou, Po.rt, Mulgrave, oa 'Newport, Phlist~l' CO,ve, Port Hood, Shelbul'lle, SYLlney, NOI,th Sydney, <0-0. J I Sherbrooke, St. Petel's, TI'UI'O, Tnsket, Wmdsor, WolfVille, Wrtlhwe, 0,Weymouth. Whyooc'lmagh, Wilmot, Westport., ami Y,trmonth. A.ll the ~ '.Money Order l'ost.ollices in Nova Sootia, are :,utl~?rtz.,e'l to drl1w Mo~ey jl j Orders on-each other for any snm not exceedmg :;;1QO, at the fu1l0wlllg,... ~ "rl1tes:- 0::> jon orclersup to... $ ct~. Ovor$50notexcd'g.. $60.'.3~ cis..p O"er \il0 not excd'g " "60 " " ~ I,'" 20- " " " '" sa " " 80.,' ;5 " i " 40 ".. 50'.. ~5 " "90 ",' l N[ONEV OROERS can ul~o heha.d from. ~~e of th.e ;M~t;~,Y Order., I' offic('s in Novl1 Scotia, Oll Quebec, Ont,lrlO, New 13rul)swlCk, P,I;. 1"lo1nd j l anu NeWfOUl). dlo1ud, at the followiug, r,ate s :-, Up to G Stg... b. Above 5 and up to 10 Slg. 2s Stg. I Awl ull the UNITED KINGDOM, at the following,rates:- I j

178 Photograph Albrms nt R. T. MUIR'S. ]98 BELCHER'S }'ARMER'S [1868. Up to 2 Sterling... 1a. Stg. I Above 2 and upto 5 Stg.2sstg. 1 Above 5 and up to s. " "7 and up to s " No bingle order glontfd for mole tlan 10 Stnling cn tbe United Kingdcm, Qutbrc, Ontal'io, New Brumwi?k, P. E. or ~~w~oundland. Tbe No,a tlcotia Meney Order OfficEs are f~ldlfb(d 'nt~ lists of all tbe M{1nfY Ordn Offic(s in QUEbec, Onta1io, New BI umwl(k, P. E. Island Newfoundland, and the United Kingd(m; and the Pestmasters are in;hucted to aflord e,e1y infolmation in.their power, i~ I Epect. of the placrs upon wbich th(y ~law, t~getber.wlth any (;th~r mfollilatlcn relating to such iewrs ns the mtendmg nml!ters rosy desire.. Places of drl'osit for the receptien ot prepaid If ttns and m" sparers m I the city of Halifax, hu,'e b en rstoblifhrd:- 1. At G. W. Delano'S, corner ofplr8sant St. and GIlS Lane. 1 P.M. and 7 P.M. 2. At Lonergsn & McDonald's, No. 89, (head of Lawwn's Wlarf,) Lower Water Et P.M. snd 7.15 P.M. 8. At Robert Urquhal t's, coiner of Birmingh m stnet Ilnd Spling Garden Road P.M. and 7.30 P.M. 4. At Hrnry Tully's, No. JeO, (head of Starr's wharf,) Upper Water St P.M. and 7.30 P.M. 5. At James C. Cruwfold'a, No.3\)4 Upper Water stleet P.M. and 7.15 P.M. 6. At Dr. McFatridge's, No. 52 COIl1wallis St. J P.M. & 7 P.M. 7. At Douglas Story's, COIner of Brumwick Str<et and Artz's Lane, North end, 1 P.M. and 7 P.M. Letters &c. to be forwarded by the mid-day and enning mails must be posted prior to the heurs, above fpecifild. had at the above named places.. Pestage stamps can be ~ OO Appointments made, &0., LATE FOR INSERTION IN THEIR PROPER PLACES. HALIFAX Co.-Jas K<nt to be a Dlp. Land Suru1or; D ClCc:k-\ ett to be Dep Gold Ccmm'rjor Wine Em'Lour dist.; 1<red Lockhart, Wellington Kent, Wm Land~rs, MlIlccID Mclnnif,!Jen Archibald, Jas Kent, Rvbt Logan, GEO DickEY, Wm Eowling, to te Justices oj the Peace COLCHESTER Co;-Pbilip Fillmore, Robt L. D(whng; to be Justices Of the Peace; Jno Kmg, to be Comm'r (or taking.affidavits, ~c. CU~IBEBLAND Co.-Law. Hann~n, Angus McGillivray JOB Rarritt Wm Greenfield, Nathan BOES. Cbss W. Baker, Ames GG~rlay, Cbas / Oulton, (in place of (has Oult{1'!1, resigned), Alex DEwar, to be Justices of tke Peace. Ql'EEN'S Co.-J. N. S. Mal<,hall, to be Reg'r COU1 t of Probate in place of R. W. Smith, resigned; Chas W. Fester, Jas Mulhall luther Ledbetter, Allan T. Freeman, Thos Flynn, SimEcn Fl"e msn Jno':Minard Arch J. Campbell, 1h08 Patillo, jr., G{O W. Ban;s. Jno Heed, to b~.omitted fnm the ]j"t (f JUotices ; ar:d JudEcll ledbrtlcr to be added to It. HANTS Co.-J<Js J. Blackburn, Wm Mumfcrd, A. McPbee, GlO Almstrong, Jcs Keating, Daniel Terhune, Danl Cochran,GEo Cechran, Robt lhwwn llr01hl RS <.t CO., DI Uggifts, Ore'nfil:ce Equare, Balifv~.

179 lhank Books and Pass Books, nt R. T. MUIR'S J ALMANACK. 199 Hunter, Jas Crowe, "Vm Chu;ch, jr., Ja.cob Withrow, Jas Thompson, ehas Boggs, ~no B. W~llace, Jacob Hennigar, Hugh McNeil. to be omited from the hst of Jushces:-and Josiah Custance (after Wm C. Casey), Henry L. Yeomans, Jas Moxam and Jas Poyntz, to be added to it;-jas Poyntz, to be a Comm'r for taking.ilffidavits ~c. GUYSBOROUGH Co.-Jas W. Hadley, J1)O Huntley, Jno A. Tory, Chas Taylor, Robt Kennedy. Wm. Hemlow, Danl Hattie Senr. Alex M. Hart.0 Jno 'I.'hos Sinclair, Jno McDonald, 'to be omitted from th~ list of Justices; FH.-'" and Joseph W. Hadley, Jonathan Hartley, Jno H. Tory, Wm Moil', David :::l Bearse, David Kirby, Alex Boudrol, Thos A. Taylor, Alex W. McL. Hart, c:! ~~!~~~~~Z~~d~~c~:i~ruce, Jas Hemlow, Danl Hattie and Jas McCut- a DIGBY Co.-Jos Bancroft, Ira Raymond, Jones H. Morehouse to be ~ omitted from the list of Justices; and C. M. Raymond from the Comm'rs ~ of Schools, Clare dist. i-add after Justices-ClerkS of the Peace, Digby, ; Clare, Louis Q. Bourque. In the list of Justices and of... o CO,mm'rs for giving relief 1'c. the name Louis J. Bourke and Lewis L. Bourque, should in bolh places be Louis Q. Bourque. LUNENBURGH Co.-Eli Ramey, Danl Himmelman, Jacob Pickles, Wm Faulkner, to be Justices of the Pea.ce, YARMOUTH Co.-Thos Dane Jno Tooker, to be Justices of the Peace. To be Queen's Counsel.-Alex McFarlane, Jas McDonald, Wm M. Fullerton, Jas McKeagney, Don N. McQueen, T. D. Ruggles, Saml Mc Donnell, Peter Lynch. To be.ilttornies and Barristers.-tOct ) Fred J. Tremain, Sandford H. Pelton, Howard McLean, W. Inglis Moffat, Jos J. Moore, L. L. B. J. ALLAN & CO. IRON t CHANTS AND GAS ENGINEERS, 123 UPPER WATER STREET, HEAD OF VIRGINIA WHARF, Respectfully invite Wholesale and Retf1i1 purchasers to inspect their stock of Bar, Hoop, Strip, Sheet aml Ange Iron. PORTABLE FORGES, BElLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, PLOUGH MOUNTINGS. CAST IRON PIl?ES, MALLEABLE IRON PIPES. GAS FITTINGS. Machinery of all classes imported to order and selected b;v one of the Firm. BOILER AND SHIP PLArES. BOILER TUBES ALL SIZES. PRICES LOW AND MATERnAL COOD. Dye Stuffs and COllfectiol1ery, I),t BROWN BltOTBEltS ~ Co. _/_1." ~ o." ~ Q o

180 R.-T.MUnt BOokseller and Statloner, 1~ Granville Street. ~=~~~:;;;~:;:;;';:;';;::';;~~=====""""'=Ii: 200 BELCHER'S FARlIIER'S [1868._ ~ ~ ~ DRY GOODS.'I,i (WHOLESALE BUYERS SEE PAGE '2;): ~ EDWARD BILLING, ~ Has constantly in stock for his Retail Trade, ;';! i I:l.~ OOTTON WARP - VERY BEST QUALI-ry. ALSO SUPERIOR FACTORY COTTONS, WHITE AND STRIPED $HI~TINCS. FAst-OOLOUR PRINTS, BEDTICKS, &C., Which will always be found Oheap. Form a large department of the business-all the latest styles can be seen, and the prices are most moderate. I. I Shawls, Mantles, lyiillinery, Bonnets and Hats, :r I C1'inOlil.WS, Co. rsets, l!0siery, &c. g A LARGE STOOK OF ~ I READY.MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BROAD CLOTHS, TWEEDS & DOESKINS. I.. Ii Form~~i~ G~~I~Str,~~~ ;:n~:d to i 195 HOLLiS STREET, I Opposite Lower side of the Prorince.. Building. i I EDWARD BILLING. BROWN BROTHERS &. CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifu.

181 ~o!\m Paper at ~d. a ltoll r.nd upwl\rds at B. 1'. M.UUt'S J ALnfANACK. 201 INDEX. Page. I PaO"e Advertisements. 2~48, ,200,20~ :!1G County of Antigonish Armiversaries. Feasts. &e... _ I ' p' t ~.tto~neys and 'I IC ou AcademIes, Colleg-c., &c V eape Breton Ad' C I Ictoria I,ca '" 0 lege, Wolfville... l00 i Inverness I. Alumnl Uichmond Acadenlle : Chamber of Commerce, Halifax ' Aca.dlan ~chool, Halifax Companies I, AfrIcan Ie. Com City Hospital & Poor Asy'm.1l7,, BaptISt ASBoCl:ltJOn :~ CoaJ.lIlining Companies I,Agents Milling AssoCIatIOn Cape Breton Circnit :. for Lluyd's...: l'l6 Corporation City of Halifax ~App?wtment(ol, CorrectIOns, &c... 19:-; Dalhousie College & Unive.rsity BarrIsters and Atturneys nl Diocesan Church Society SOcIety Deaf and Dumb Institution Baptist COllvt'ntion oin.s. & N.B.100 Dartmouth HtellmbOat Comp;;tny l\lllll~tcrs : '.rown Officers ': Home Miss. Society.... 1l0 I 1I1echanics'Institute Board ll~oreign l\ii8sions Fire Engine Company. 128 S"bbath School ConventionllO Cul'lin~ Club Ministerial 1<;d. Board... 1 JO 'Domin';on o.f{janad. a :.-G.overnor ~ Diinlsters, ~rt'e Ch.!'istian I Genl., Pri;y Oonncil, Sen~te & ') _ ~ree ''1'' , House of(,ommons Book and '1'roc1 Society, Halifax.. ll~ E.mber days ne~evolen,t Instituti'tns I~clipses,.18G8... "" BUlldmg ~OClCtJeS Ex,planatIOn Calendar pages... 5!} Banks--Hn.!ifax Bank : Signalij at Ha:ifax..,I:.!(j Bank of N OVJl Scotia Eastern Circuit Hi British North Alnerica Feasts. fixed and moveabl~ Union J?u.rmer's Calendar H ~ l\ierehantr' Fruit GroWPI'A! Association ' Peoples' Fire Department, Hnlifax Provineial Savings.... 1~5 Goreham Co~lrg~! Liverpool Yaymouth...,. Vs9 Govern~et:t Offices and Officers ~ WlIldsor CommercIal.. 14\ DominIOn and Local...! 180 Chron.oloO"ical cycles Halifax Grammar School Calendar pages to sa City Mission Courts-Supreme :1 Visiting Dispens~ry I of Error... : Volunteer llattarion... 16U Mardao-e and Divorce II~jrc Engine Company Vice Admiralty g:) Home for the Aged Colle"'es, Academies, &c... 1)9 Horticultural Society... '" COllegiato 'Soll.o,.oI, Win,ds\l~... 0V llls!?ectors 0.1" sc. hools " Acadcmr, ''VoltvllIe Steamers Council of Public Instl"UcUon li'liues : Catholic Schools, Halifax IndustrJaJ School, Halifax..., I CJergy Church of' gngland... 1fI411J;1suranrc.Compamcs& AgenClp.B} I It. U. Church, Halifax... lou at HalIfax Arichat King's College, Wind~or Oblonial Church Society AluffiUl Church Sc.otiand Mini.terB Light HOllS?B:... "... 49,Congregational l\1inisters Lutt.ler~n ;Mullsters.."..: ,county of Bali/ax ?R Ladles. nlble ASS?CUltlOn.: King-s... 12\! MasonIC Loq.gcs t ~ovn. ScotIa... 9! Di<rby EnglIsh... gil All~napolis.. : :)2 Scotch l,unenburgh M?del Schopl, '1'ruro:..: Queens ~8 :M1C'!'UC li!'8slonal'y SOClCty... 11;\ SHelburne Medical isoclct,y yarmouth.... 1:~7-19g Merchants' Signals, Halifax.. _... t.a Hanls :10-1~8 ]\'Iidland Circuit ColchestC'J'... HI-198 l\lhitia of Nova. Scotia Cumberland... H2- HJt) Normal School, Truro Guysborough National Sch()ol, Halifl\x ';TOiLet Soaps, POIIladea and PedlUI,lery at BROWN BROTHE!J.8 &; Co.

182 '".~ o Ii=: 202 R. T. MUIR, Bookseller and Stationer, 12r, Grnnvllle Street....' BELCHER'S FARMER'S [1868.'... Page.!.. t-. Page. Nova Scoti.. Bible Society i Presbytermn Home M1SSglllS 112 Navy, Tbe Pictou Aca~emy......:. 102 New Brunswick, Province of:-l Post Office, General..Hallfa~, Lt. Governor, Executive and Quebec, Pr?VIDCe of:-lt: Goy-r,} LEos-islative Councils & Le"is' Executl"e and I,eglslatl"e' lative Assembly... ~... 4 Conncils' and Legislative Nova Scotia, Province of:-lieut 1 Assembly Governor, l~xecutive & Legis- Queen's Printer......, ls0 lative Councils, & Legislative H,ogation Days ~ 56 Assembly J 186 UoadsandDistance Orphans Home Itailway, Stage coaches, Steamers. 87 Officer.-Staff of the Army Rifle Associations:-Provincial 157 Military Store Dept... 1M.. Connty IO En"ineer Dept Seasons, begmnmg & length of 07 Bai'rack Dept 'l'he., Uoyal Artillery Stage Coacl,es and Steat,ners 87 Uoyal Engineers St. Mary'" College, Halifax th Re"iment St. I"raneis Xavier'S College; } 47th Re"iment Antigonish ,10.1 Royal N.wy Societies Naval Yard, Halifax ISig nals at Citadel Hill Vict!. Yard Shore Circuit HosPitnl rstalfofthe Army Provo & Co. IWle As Mllitia Nova Scotia Militia ITelegraph Company Volunteers Universalist Church, Halifax Unattached, N.S.M Union I'rotection Company Ontario, Province ot':,-lt. Govr. ~ Volunteers, Nova Scotia, Ex.ecutive Council and Legis Wesleyan College, Sackville 10.3 Int:ve A~semblr""""... '.. ' 1~8 AcadeIhy Planets, ~ns 01 the College Alnmm., morning and Evening 5G Methodist AIis8ionariesl07 Motions of &c ~ Missionary Committee 109 Probate Oath Western circuit Presbyterian College ,Vater Department, Halifax. l71 Educational Board Young Men's Chris. Association. li3 lilinisters of the I Yacht Clnb, Halifax I.,ower Provinces. 111 Zodiac, Signs of the Board For. Miss CONNOLLY & KELLY, WHOLESALE AND RE'lAIL Booksellers and Stationers, No. 36 GEORGE STREET, OOA~~W~~l!Ml. ~. Dealers in every description of English and American STATIONERY, Engli~h Room Paper, Plain and Figured Window Blinds. I. A ~arge assortm~nt of Catholic Prayer Books in Plain and Handsome I Bmdmgs. CatechIsms, &c., &c. Also Bibles, Testaments Church Ser- I vices; School Books, Song Books, Novels, &c., at lowest rates. Orders answered with promptness, and goods forwarded to any part of the Province. THOMASP. CONNOLLY. EDWARD KELLY. Presswork at the" EXPRESS" Steam Printing Room. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., Druggists, Ordnance Square, Halifax.

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