2015 SENIOR TRAINING & CONDITIONING (easy) HIH1240-3/TH665/ADV320-2L Q: What type of reinforcement is reward training?

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1 2015 SENIOR TRAINING & CONDITIONING EASY 6514 (easy) HIH851-4 Q: Name 2 things to do when warming up your horse. A: Walking, trotting, lateral flexion, vertical flexion 6515 (easy) HIH1240-3/TH665/ADV320-2L Q: What type of reinforcement is reward training? A: Positive 6516 (easy) HH39/TH672 Q: When training a young foal to halter, why should you have short lessons repeated often? A: Young foals have a limited capacity to absorb new things OR they have a short attention span 6517 (easy) HH41/H5-31 Q: When first teaching a horse to neck rein, why would you need to use 2 hands? A: One to pull with & one to bear (push) on his neck 6518 (easy) HH39 Q: How much time should a young foal be worked with each day? A: Half hour (30 minutes) 6519 (easy) HIH851-9/FCH376 Q: How should you end each training session? A: On a positive note OR cool-down period 6520 (easy) H4-23/FCH395 Q: What is the procedure in which the horse travels around the handler in a large circle on a longe line? A: Longeing 6521 (easy) H4-25 Q: When longeing, where should you stand to keep the horse moving forward? A: Out from the hip 6522 (easy) HS7 Q: How must you start any training procedure involving quick motions? A: Slowly 6523 (easy) H5-34 Q: What is a finished horse? A: One that's completely trained 6524 (easy) HH40/FCH391 Q: What is a green horse? A: One with little training

2 6525 (easy) H4-25 Q: What is the difference between longeing & round pen work? A: Round pen work doesn't require a longe line (you have controlled area for horse to work in) 6526 (easy) HIH950-1 Using a rump rope can help teach a foal to do what? A: Leading 6527 (easy) HIH950-4 Q: How do you teach a young foal to lead? A: Have someone lead mare so foal can follow apply light pressure on foal s halter so he knows he s being led OR use rump rope OR pull gently forward or to the side, if he takes a step forward, praise him (accept any reasonable answer) 6528 (easy) HH35 Q: Name 2 parts of a fitness program. A: Diet/nutrition & exercise 6529 (easy) H4-25 Q: When longeing, where do you step to signal a horse to stop? A: Step forward (towards shoulder -- to get ahead of horse) 6530 (easy) HS7 Q: Why is the horse s power of association useful in training? A: They will try to do as asked to earn a reward or to avoid a punishment 6531 (easy) H5-34 Q: The process of building up the horse's cardiovascular system, tendons & ligaments is called what? A: Conditioning 6532 (easy) HIH851-9 Q: How should a workout conclude? A: With a cool-down period OR light work that will gradually bring horse back to resting status (also accept on a positive note) 6533 (easy) HIH851-1 Q: What provides a good monitor of how horses respond to exercise? A: Heart rate 6534 (easy) TH672/HH39 Q: In training, how does a foal learn? A: By repetition 6535 (easy) HIH950-4 Q: What is a tail rope? A: Cotton rope that's wrapped around foal's rear quarters to aid in teaching it to lead/rump rope OR rope tied to tail to get animal to its feet or to restrain the tail

3 6536 (easy). HH41 Q: What is the purpose of a warm-up? A: Gives horse a chance to loosen up muscles 6537 (easy) HIHvarious Q: Name 3 things that you should teach a foal. A: To lead, to be groomed, to be clipped, to have feet worked with, to load in trailer (accept any reasonable answer) 6538 (easy) HIH851-9 Q: Once a horse becomes conditioned or fit, what is one of the biggest challenges for the trainer? A: Maintaining the fitness 6539 (easy) HIH851-9 Q: Approximately how long will a horse maintain cardiovascular fitness after beginning a layoff? A: 6-8 weeks (accept any number within range) 6540 (easy) HIH851-1 Q: What is the result of overtraining for a specific event? A: Horse gets sour or doesn't want to perform 6541 (easy) DET125/H4-23 Q: What is ground training? A: Working horse from ground 6542 (easy) HH47 Q: Using a sack, saddle blanket or tarp as part of gentling & training a colt is called what? A: Sacking out MEDIUM 6543 (medium) HIH525-2 Q: What term is used to describe the process of desensitization of the foal to the farrier & the routine handling & examination of the feet? A: Imprint training 6544 (medium) TH665 Q: What is the term used when a horse moves away from pressure to avoid a more severe punishment? A: Avoidance 6545 (medium) TH664/HIH1240/ADV320-2L Q. Give the common term for positive reinforcement. A. Reward Training

4 6546 (medium) TH665 Q: What is the term used when a horse runs or bolts from an aversive stimulus? A: Escape 6547 (medium) HH21 Q: Explain the general steps you d use when teaching your horse to respond cues. A: Give horse a cue, if he responds to the cue praise him & release the pressure; if he doesn t respond, give a stronger cue; end training sessions on positive notes; repeat process so the horse learns by repetition (accept any reasonable wording) 6548 (medium) TH663 Q: In training, communication with the horse seems to be through what 2 senses of the animal? A: Touch & hearing 6549 (medium) DET273 Q: Teaching the horse what actions are expected in response to the handler's cues is called what? A: Training 6550 (medium) TH668 Q: What is the acquisition period of training? A: When the horse is learning a task 6551 (medium) HS7 Define power of association The ability to link an action & a reaction OR link stimulus & a response (accept either accept any reasonable wording) 6552 (medium) HIH Q: Why is a hackamore used to start young horses in training? A: Provides control, but doesn t injure mouth 6553 (medium) HIH181D-1 Q: What system of training horses has its roots in classical Greek horsemanship & became recognized during the Renaissance when the great European riding masters developed it? A: Dressage 6554 (medium) HIH1220 Q: All of the horse's physiological senses are important in training. What is considered to be the most important of these senses for responding to training cues? A: Touch 6555 (medium) HIH250-2 Q: When training horses, why should your cues be consistent? A: So you don t confuse the horse so he ll understand what is being asked 6556 (medium) TH661 Q: What do you call a stimulus that naturally causes a response? A: Unconditioned stimulus

5 6557 (medium) TH53/DET198 Q: What is the name given to a horse that can't be broken? A: Outlaw 6558 (medium) TH661/HIH Q: What do you call a response that's learned through practice? A: Conditioned response 6559 (medium) HIH850-4 Q: The study of movement is called what? A: Biomechanics (also accept kinesiology) HARD 6560 (hard) HIH850-1 Q: In the horse's muscles, the anaerobic breakdown of glucose during hard exercise is performed in the absence of adequate levels of what specific element? A: Oxygen 6561 (hard) HIH755-1 Q: What frequently determines how a horse performs in extended competitions? A: How quickly it fatigues 6562 (hard) TH413 Q: What term classifies the following devices -- knee strap, side sling, casting harness, nose twitch, hobbles, breeding chute? A: Restraints 6563 (hard) HIH Q: In training terms, what does the term "trial" mean? A: Practice 6564 (hard) HIH Q: In some facets of the horse industry, exercise is used for purposes other than improving a horse s endurance, speed, or athletic potential. The main goal in fitting halter horses is what? A: Maximize muscular development OR improve all over body tone 6565 (hard) HIH851-7 Q: Proper use of what in the horse's diet actually increases the time before fatigue sets in during exercise or conditioning? A: Fat

6 6566 (hard) FCH203 Q: When referring to training, what does LSD mean? A: Long, slow distance (conditioning program of increasing distance over an extended time) 6567 (hard) FCH389 Q: What does the term "fartlek" mean? A: Alternating periods of slow & fast work (a type of training method that comes from the Swedish word meaning "speed play") 6568 (hard) HIH851-6 Q: Overexertion of a muscle without adequate conditioning can lead to the depletion of what in the muscles? A: Glycogen 6569 (hard) HIH Q: What is the difference between conditioned & unconditioned stimuli in horses? A: Conditioned -- stimulus that causes a response after it's been learned through practice Unconditioned -- stimulus that naturally causes a response with no practice 6570 (hard) TH103 Q: How will training for short, intense performances change a horse s muscle physiology? A: Increases muscle mass & strength 6571 (hard) HIH851-9 Q: After performing strenuous exercise, a cool down period is suggested to remove what by-product of metabolism from the muscles? A: Lactic acid 6572 (hard) HIH851-9, Q: A cool down period is essential after vigorous exercise to allow your horse to eliminate any accumulated lactic acid. What will be the consequence for the next hours if you do not do this? A: Sore muscles 6573 (hard) HIH895-1 Q: Define aerobic. A: Breakdown of energy sources in presence of oxygen 6574 (hard) HIH895-1 Q: Define anaerobic. A: Breakdown of energy sources in absence of oxygen 6575 (hard) ADV320-1L Q: The correct term for the acts or movements a horse makes when given a cue is what? A: Responses 6576 (hard) HIH895-1 Q: What is anaerobic threshold? A: Point where the body starts breaking down energy in the absence of oxygen

7 6577 (hard) INT220 HIH Q: In reference to training, punishment, escape, & avoidance are similar in what way? A: They all involve aversive stimuli 6578 (hard) HIH1240-3/DET189, 218 Q: What is the difference between positive & negative reinforcement? A: Positive is when the animal gets a reward for a correct behavior. Negative is when an animal does the right thing to avoid a negative stimulus (hard) TH669 Q: A schedule of reinforcement where not every response is reinforced is called what? A: Intermittent 6580 (hard) TH669 Q: When cues are presented without reinforcement, a learned response will gradually diminish to the pretraining level. What is this called? A: Extinction 6581 (hard) TH665 Q: What is the aim of punishment? A: To weaken or eliminate an undesirable behavior 6582 (hard) DET154 Q: What type of activity is being described? This type of conditioning increases both speed &endurance. The program improves respiration, circulation, & removal of waste products. The horse is alternately subjected to periods of exercise & periods of rest. A: Interval training BONUS 6583 (bonus) HIH851-6 Q: Recovery heart rate can be helpful in determining fitness. What are the 2 things you should be looking at? A: Speed of recovery, how low heart rate falls in a specific recovery time 6584 (bonus) HIH851-3 Q: Name 3 causes of an elevated resting heart rate. A: Fear, stress, pain, illness 6585 (bonus) HIH851-1 Q: Successful conditioning of the equine athlete is dependent on several factors. Name 3. A: Genetics, training, age, soundness, feeding, etc. (accept any reasonable answer)

8 6586 (bonus) HIH Q: Name 3 factors that are fundamental to the psychology of horse training. A: Stimuli/cue, response, reinforcement 6587 (bonus) TH/HH/HIHvarious Q: Name 3 methods of restraining a horse. A: Tying, blindfolding, twitch, lifting foot, holding ear or tail (accept any reasonable answer) 6588 (bonus) H4-25 Q: What 3 things can the handler do to lessen fear & excitement in nervous horses? A: Have a calm attitude, use a soft voice, use slow/easy movements 6589 (bonus) H4-25 Q: What are the 4 voice commands you use when longeing? A: Walk, trot, canter, whoa 6590 (bonus) H4-25 Q: Name 3 pieces of equipment you need to longe a horse. A: Halter or longeing cavesson, whip, longe line 6591 (bonus) H4-25 Q: What are 2 purposes of longeing? A: Letting your horse work off steam, training young horse, teaching horse to respect you 6592 (bonus) H4-23 Q: What are 3 things you can teach a horse by ground driving? A: To teach horses to give to the bit/get used to bit, control speed direction, get him to respond to verbal cues, get him responsive to trainer (accept any reasonable answer) 6593 (bonus) H4-23 Q: Name 3 things that can be included in ground training. A: Manners, longeing, line driving, in-hand work (trail, showmanship, etc) (accept any reasonable answer) 6594 (bonus) HIH851-3 Q: Prior to a work or exercise period, name 3 ways you can evaluate the fitness & soundness of your horse for training A: Heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate, CRT/capillary refill time, visual observation at walk or trot, soreness or sensitivity of back or loin noted while grooming, soreness or lameness when flexion testing, soreness or lameness during warm-up ride 6595 (bonus) TH664 Q: Name 3 types of rewards that can be used in training horses. A: Food, praise, stroking/petting, removal of pressure, pain or discomfort, discontinuing work, letting horse relax

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