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1 (Name of Project) by (Name of First Writer) (Based on, If Any) Revisions by (Names of Subsequent Writers, in Order of Work Performed) Current Revisions by (Current Writer, date) Name (of company, if applicable) Address Phone Number

2 EXT CARE-A-LOT - MORNING THE CARE BEARS "Share and Share Alike" Episode #110b FADE IN: CLOUDS as the sun pokes its first rays starting the new day-- PAN DOWN to Care-a-Lot as the day beings. EXT. SHARE GARDEN - MORNING CUT TO: SHARE - stands in the middle of her garden as OOPSY enters the gate. 1 OOPSY Morning Share! 2 SHARE Morning Oopsy! 3 OOPSY I'm all ready to help you with your garden. See? I'm garden bear! Oopsy draws a FLOWER symbol on his blank belly. 4 SHARE <giggle!> Well, today's going to be a great day! I've got a surprise! Oopsy steps forward, but Share reacts big, stopping him from taking another step. 5 SHARE (CONT.) (CONT'D) OOPSY STOP! Oopsy freezes, looking around guiltily. 6 OOPSY Did I, um- ruin the surprise? REVEAL a tiny, itty-bitty, almost unnoticeable plant with a small yellow blossom on it under Oopsy's hovering foot. 7 SHARE (PARTIAL O.S.) Almost! You nearly stepped on my prized rootbear plant.

3 2. Oopsy scratches head, not understanding. 8 OOPSY Root bear plant? An excited Share gathers up a small rake and shovel. 9 SHARE (excited) Uh huh! And I've been waiting all year for it to blossom! 10 OOPSY But it's so little? What's special about it? Share starts digging around the outside of the plant. 11 SHARE The roots. They make a wonderful rootbear float! 12 OOPSY I love floats! 13 SHARE But it's not a normal float- When you drink a rootbear float it'll actually make you float in the air! 14 OOPSY <gasp!> Really? 15 SHARE Yep! But it only happens once a year, and today's the day! She sets her shovel aside and clears away some of the dirt from the base of the plant and looks it over. 16 SHARE (CONT.) (CONT'D) Mmmmm, since it's such a tiny rootbear plant, I'm not sure how many floats I can make. Oopsy's face looks sad, he wipes away the flower from his belly and draws a sad face. 17 OOPSY (disappointed "oh") 18 SHARE But don't worry, I should have enough to share with you.

4 3. Oopsy's face brightens, he wipes the sad face off his belly. 19 OOPSY That'd be wonderful! Share grabs the tiny plant with her hands and starts pulling SHARE <straining efforts!>...but it doesn't budge. She turns to Oopsy. 21 SHARE (CONT.) (CONT D) <whew!> It's stuck. Maybe a little help? She grabs the plant again, Oopsy grabs her by the waist, together they struggle, pulling at the tiny plant. 22 SHARE & OOPSY <straining efforts> And the POP! a HUGE ROOT (about one and a half times the size of a Care Bear) comes out of the ground from under the plant, causing Share and Oopsy to go tumbling backwards! 23 SHARE & OOPSY (CONT.) (CONT D) <reaction cries and impacts!> Share and Oopsy sit up, looking in amazement at the huge root. 24 OOPSY Did I do that?... sorry. 25 SHARE <giggle!> That's not an oopsie Oopsy, that's the biggest rootbear root I've ever seen! She turns to Oopsy and smiles proudly. 26 SHARE (CONT.) (CONT D) Now I can make a big batch of rootbear floats to share! 27 OOPSY I can't wait! WIPE TO:

5 4. EXT. CARE-A-LOT - FUNSHINE'S HOUSE - DAY FUNSHINE is outside tossing a GLOWING BELLY-BADGE BALL into a floating hoop. After dunking the ball he reacts to: 28 SHARE (O.S.) Hi Funshine! REVEAL Share and Oopsy work together, pushing a (CART or WHEELBARROW) with the huge root in it. 29 FUNSHINE Hi guys! What have you got there? 30 SHARE I'm making my special rootbear floats today. 31 Oh boy! FUNSHINE 32 SHARE So come by the Sweetheart Shop this afternoon and have one! 33 FUNSHINE Thanks Share! I wouldn't miss that for the world! Funshine goes back to playing his game while Share and Oopsy move out of shot. EXT. GRUMPY'S GARAGE - A LITTLE BIT LATER The garage door is open. GRUMPY is just inside, using a mallet to (tap-tap-tap) reattach one of WINGNUT's robot arms. 34 GRUMPY There you go Wingnut, good as new! Wingnut's other arm falls off. 35 <uh oh> WINGNUT Grumpy quickly taps that arm back on. 36 There! GRUMPY Wingnut smiles, but then his head SPROINGS off his body, bouncing around on a spring. Grumpy tries to catch it.

6 5. 37 WINGNUT <frantic beeping!> 38 GRUMPY Grumbling biddlesnorts, hold still! WIDER - Share and Oopsy push the root by in the f.g. while Grumpy continues running back n' forth in his garage chasing after Wingnut's runaway head. 39 SHARE Hey Grumpy! Are you free to join us for rootbear floats today? Grumpy continues chasing after Wingnut's springing head. 40 GRUMPY Sure-- once I get ahead on my work! EXT. CARE-A-LOT - CARE SQUARE - DAY As Share and Oopsy turn the corner into the Square, they run into HARMONY, who is walking along with CHEER. Share calls to them: 41 SHARE Hi guys! Won't you come share my rootbear floats this afternoon? 42 CHEER Will you have enough for both of us? Share looks over the root, considering how much she can make. 43 SHARE I think so... just enough for you two and the others that I've invited. We all can share! Share and Oopsy gain out of shot. LOVE-A-LOT approaches Harmony and Cheer. 44 LOVE-A-LOT What are Share and Oopsy doing with that big root? 45 HARMONY Share's making her yummy floaty, rootbear floats! 46 CHEER And she said she'd share with me and Harmony!

7 6. Love-A-Lot hangs her head sadly. 47 LOVE-A-LOT Oh, so I can't have a float? That's disappointing. Harmony thinks a moment, then gets and idea. 48 HARMONY Well, one more can't make that big a difference-- you should come too, I'm sure Share won't mind! INT. SWEETHEART CANDY SHOP - LATER WIPE TO: The Sweetheart Shop is decorated with COLORFUL BALLOONS. 49 SHARE Now that we've got all the decorations up, we can get started making the floats! Share puts on an apron and chef's hat and scientist's protective goggles before carefully placing the big root in a big Willy Wonka like contraption as Oopsy looks on curiously. 50 OOPSY Hurry Share! 51 SHARE I've got to take my time with the recipe so there are no mistakes. The root goes through a series of preparations, it's DICED, then thrown into a POT and boiled. <DING> 52 OOPSY (excited) Is it ready? 53 Not yet. SHARE When that's done a series of METAL FEET come down and STOMP it. 54 OOPSY How 'bout now?! 55 Not yet. SHARE

8 7. Then it's poured into a big vat, a BUBBLE BLOWER adds bubbles. 56 Now?! OOPSY 57 SHARE Nope, I still need to add my secret ingredient. Cover your eyes. Why? 58 OOPSY 59 SHARE <giggles> 'Cause it's a secret, silly! Oopsy covers his eyes. Share rubs her belly badge, sending up a swirl of sparkles that twist down into the vat. A <TIMER DINGS> 60 OOPSY It's ready! 61 SHARE No yet. Oopsy, you have to be patient. Share uses her belly badge to create a BIG LOLLIPOP paddle and uses it to stir the concoction. The liquid is then sucked up into a big swirly vacuum pipe before finally ending up in a FANCIFUL, COLORFUL, SODA FOUNTAIN. 62 SHARE (CONT.) Ta Da! It's ready! 63 OOPSY Finally! I couldn't take the waiting any longer! Share places a GLASS into the fountain and prepares to take the first sip. Then she sees Oopsy licking his lips in anticipation. 64 SHARE Oopsy, why don't you have the first glass! 65 OOPSY Really? Thanks! Oopsy drinks down the glass. He licks the foamy mustache off his upper lip.

9 8. 66 OOPSY (CONT.) (CONT D) Mmmmm, yummy! <BURP!> <giggle> S'cuse me. Oopsy begins to FLOAT UP into the air. 67 OOPSY (CONT.) (CONT D) Huh? Oh... <gasp!> I'm floating! <laughing!> Oopsy careens out of control and bumps on the ceiling. 68 OOPSY (CONT.) (CONT D) Ow! <giggling> Is it okay to go outside? Share smiles up at Oopsy as she prepares a float for herself. 69 SHARE You bet! Go on, I'm right behind you! Oopsy rights himself and heads out the heart-shaped SKYLIGHT in the shop. Share pours herself a glass, but before she can get a sip Wingnut rolls up next to her. 70 WINGNUT <happy beeping!> REVEAL Grumpy in the doorway. 71 GRUMPY I finally got Wingnut back together! Are we too late for floats? WIDEN to show through the window FUNSHINE, CHEER and HARMONY waiting for the Floats. Share smiles and hands Grumpy her float. 72 SHARE Not at all! Have mine, I'll make more for everyone! WIPE TO: EXT. SWEETHEART CANDY SHOP/CARE BEAR SQUARE - DAY Funshine tumbles through shot, floating over the square.

10 9. 73 FUNSHINE Wheeeee! Floating is so much fun! Cheer spirals through from the other direction, floating. 74 CHEER <giggling!> Floating is the best! REVEAL Oopsy stuck in the branches of a tree. 75 OOPSY Floating's the best at get me caught in the trees! Grumpy swoops down and helps pull Oopsy free. 76 GRUMPY Just watch where you're going, like me! Grumpy floats off with confidence, but bumps into chimney on tap of the LIBRARY - thud! 77 GRUMPY (CONT.) (CONT D) <Oof!> Bumpin' bubblebricks who put this chimney here! Oopsy, Funshine, and Cheer look on as they float, giggling. 78 OOPSY, FUNSHINE, CHEER <giggling> Meanwhile, on the ground. Share and Wingnut are having fun watching her friends float. Share hefts a glass for herself, ready to drink when- 79 LOVE-A-LOT Hi Share, I'd love a float too! Share is caught off guard. She smiles then asides to Wingnut. 80 SHARE I don't remember inviting Love-A- Lot. Oh well, I can make one more. She smiles to Love-a-Lot. 81 SHARE (CONT.) (CONT D) Take mine! There's plenty to share. She hands her the last glass. She watches Love-a-Lot drink it down then float away to join the others.

11 LOVE-A-LOT <giggling> I love the bubbles! They tickle! <giggle> Thanks Share! Share smiles as she watches Love-a-Lot join the others ACT BREAK INSIDE THE SWEETHEART SHOP FADE OUT: FADE IN: SHARE fills up more rootbear float glasses with Wingnut's assistance. But as quickly as they're filled, to her surprise MORE CARE BEARS ARRIVE and take glasses from the tray. 83 SHARE Where did all these Care Bears come from, Wingnut? 84 WINGNUT <beeps, 'got me?'> EXT. SKIES OVER CARE-A-LOT - SAME TIME As the skies start to fill with floating Care Bears (however easiest to board and stage). Oopsy flaps his arms like a bird. 85 OOPSY I'm a bird! Funshine, arms out, does a diver-bomber style DIVE. 86 FUNSHINE I'm a plane! Even Grumpy's having fun. He puts his arms out in front. 87 GRUMPY I'm Supergrumpy! Funshine swoops in and grabs Grumpy by the hand, pulling him away. 88 GRUMPY (CONT.) (CONT D) Hey-hey! I'm floatin' here! With Grumpy in tow, Funshine grabs Cheer with his other hand.

12 FUNSHINE C'mon, let's have some fun! With Funshine leading, Cheer, Grumpy, Oopsy, and Love-a-Lot. Float in several different formations, forming patterns in the sky - (artists' discretion as to what will be the simplest way to do this. Can involve other Care Bears if desirable: Busby Berkley style patterns perhaps- individual Care Bears may not need to be animated, they can be held cells over moving background or color cards: they might form a circle, then into a star, then break into a triangle pattern... all building to a finale where they rotate and spin like a big wheel, eventually breaking apart when Oopsy slips free and is flung o.s. and into-- --a tree! Funshine floats over to help him. 90 FUNSHINE (CONT.) (CONT D) You'll get the hang of floating, practice makes perfect! 91 OOPSY I am perfect-- at hitting trees! INT. SWEETHEART SHOP - DAY SHARE fills up more glasses and looks anxiously at Wingnut, who is helping take trays out to more bears. 92 SHARE Wingnut, I'm starting to run out of rootbear. And I haven't had any yet. 93 WINGNUT <sympathetic beeps> 94 SHARE I know, if anyone else comes I should politely tell them no. But just then, SURPRISE and TENDERHEART arrive. Share hesitates, then smiles broadly and hands them each a float. She turns back to Wingnut. 95 SHARE (CONT.) (CONT D) But I want everyone to have fun floating. And I'll join them as soon as... She looks down an realizes that all the glasses are gone and the fountain is TAPPED DRY. An upset realization comes over her face.

13 SHARE (CONT.) (CONT D) Oh no! All the rootbear is gone! 97 WINGNUT <beeps sympathetically, 'it's okay'> 98 SHARE No, it's not okay! I didn't even get a sip! And I waited a whole year! Upset, Share heads outside into the square. As they flip and float around in the sky, her joyful friends call to her. Harmony singsongs to her. 99 HARMONY Your floats are the best. You should be flying up here with the rest! Share answers her angrily. 100 I can't. SHARE 101 HARMONY <huh?> Why not? Share's anger builds. 102 SHARE There's no rootbear left! Everybody got some but me! Now I have to wait a whole year before I can float! Share angrily storms off. The other Care Bears watch confused. 103 GRUMPY What made Share so grumpy? 104 HARMONY I think I did. <sigh> She's upset. She ran out of rootbear before she could have some. I feel guilty because none of this would have happened if I hadn't invited everyone else to join in. Harmony turns to float after Share.

14 FUNSHINE Where are you going? 106 HARMONY I'm going to find Share and see if she's okay. She must feel sad not being able to join in with us. Harmony floats off while the others look to each other concerned. 107 OOPSY Share's the one who made us the rootbear floats, she should be having fun up here too! 108 FUNSHINE It makes me feel sad that Share didn't get to enjoy her own floats. What can we do? They all think a moment, then Cheer gets an idea. 109 CHEER I've got an idea that might Cheer her up. EXT. THINKING CLOUD - A LITTLE BIT LATER WIPE TO: Share sits on the "thinking cloud", a place you can go and think when your mind is in trouble. In the distance several Care Bears continue to float, she can still hear the LAUGHTER echo across the valley. 110 CARE BEARS <walla> <laughter!> 111 SHARE <harumps angrily> Everybody's having fun but me! Just then HARMONY floats above her. 112 HARMONY Whatcha doin' on the 'thinking cloud'? 113 Thinking. SHARE 114 HARMONY About what?

15 SHARE That Floaty rootbear floats are MY thing. I should be floating too! 116 HARMONY You're right. You should be. Harmony touches down for a landing next to Share and consoles her. 117 HARMONY (CONT.) (CONT D) I'm sorry, we shouldn't have drank all of your floats. Share thinks a moment. 118 SHARE No, I wanted to share my floats, it's just- She feels bad even saying it for fear of being selfish. Harmony finishes her sentence: 119 HARMONY -you also wanted to have some yourself. 120 SHARE Maybe I'm just being selfish. 121 HARMONY No, it's okay to feel upset, it's not your fault. Share nods her head. 122 HARMONY (CONT.) (CONT D) I'm the one who invited Love-a-Lot and the others. I'm sorry. 123 SHARE You were right to WANT to share, but you should have asked me first so I'd be sure to have enough floats to go around. 124 HARMONY You're right. Next time I'll make sure to ask first. Funshine, Cheer, Oopsy and the rest float over and join them. They are all holding something behind their backs.

16 SHARE And maybe I should have said something when I realized I didn't have enough. Funshine swoops down and gently pats Share on the shoulder. 126 FUNSHINE It's okay to speak up for yourself. Part of sharing is sharing with yourself sometimes. Share's mood begins to lighten. 127 SHARE I'll know that next time. But now I have to wait a whole year! Cheer excitedly turns to her friend. 128 CHEER Maybe not. 129 HARMONY She's all out of floaty rootbear, remember? 130 CHEER She doesn't need rootbear to float. 131 I don't? SHARE Oopsy excitedly whips out a balloon from behind his back. 132 OOPSY We brought these from the Sweetheart Shop so you can float, too! Oopsy ties the first balloon around Share's waist. 133 OOPSY (CONT.) We appreciate that you shared your floats with us. Funshine ties a second balloon. 134 FUNSHINE We don't want you to miss out on the fun! Share's tippy toes begin to come off the ground.

17 <whoa...> SHARE Grumpy adds the next balloon. 136 GRUMPY We want to say thanks. Cheer also adds a balloon. 137 CHEER And lift your spirits. Share's feet begin to rise up in the air. She starts to giggle. 138 <giggle> SHARE Share begins to take flight as the balloons lift her higher. She passes by Love-a-Lot who waves to her. 139 LOVE-A-LOT We love that you shared your rootbear floats with us. And we hope you love floating as much as we do. Share floats higher, joining the her friends as they float together. 140 HARMONY We're so glad you could join us! 141 SHARE Me, too. Cheer you had a great idea to use the balloons! 142 CHEER Yeah, but next year we all want you to make sure and have the first rootbear float! 143 SHARE It's a deal. As long as I can share the rest with all of you! And as the setting sun turns the sky a beautiful shade of pinks and purples, Share and her friends float happily in the air, we... THE END FADE OUT:

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