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2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) Introduction 2) The benefits of yoga breathing 3) A short guide to a successful breathing practice 4) Breathing techniques for enhanced weight loss

3 1. Introduction Breathing is life - it is linked to all aspects of human existence. It is one of the most vital functions of the body, stimulating the activity of each and every cell and influencing the performance of the brain. Breathing is responsible for the burning of oxygen and glucose, producing energy to power the muscles and glands. In sanskrit Breath Control is called Pranayama (it s comprised of two roots: 'prana' - means vital energy and 'yama' - means control). Most people breathe incorrectly, using only a small part of their lung capacity. We tend to shallow-breathe, depriving the body of oxygen essential to its good health and optimal relaxation. In this manual I'll guide you through the special selection of 6 Breathing Techniques that enhance weight loss. I'll teach you how to reestablish proper breathing patterns and what's most important how to use your breath to relax and burn unwanted calories. On the following pages you ll discover: A Short Guide For A Successful Breathing Practice - this guide answers a variety of common questions, such as where and when to practice and how to practice for optimal results Detailed descriptions of 6 Slimming Breathing Techniques Every breathing technique includes step-by-step instructions on how to perform the breathing as well as it s benefits and precautions I ll also explain you the general benefits of Yoga Breathing, to show you how a simple act of conscious inhalation and exhalation can change your life.

4 2. The Benefits Of Yoga Breathing In addition to influencing the quality of our life, Yoga Breathing has several other benefits for our body and general well-being: Better Digestion and Detoxification: special heating breathing techniques stimulate the metabolic rate and tone digestive organs. They produce the heat in the body and flush out wastes and toxins, strengthening the immune system. The body becomes lean, strong and healthy, and all the unwanted fat is burned Increased Lifespan: ancient Yogis noticed a long time ago that animals with a slow x, like elephants, pythons or tortoise live way longer than those with a fast breathing rate. They realized that reduced breathing rate makes your heart stronger and better nourished and contributes to a longer life. You can train yourself to breathe slower and reduce your breathing rate from a standard 15 breaths a minute to 5-6 breaths a minute. In result you'll lower the blood pressure and relax. Improved Blood Circulation: by breathing slowly and deeply your blood circulation improves and more oxygen can be pumped even with less number of breaths. The heart pumps the freshly oxygenated blood via arteries and blood vessels to every part of the body, where in turn it seeps into every tissue and cell. Healthy Heart: the heart beats 100,000 times a day. It is pumping blood day in and day out non-stop all your life. More oxygen in the blood means more oxygen to muscles of the heart, what basically translates into a longer life span. Mental Benefits: Yoga breathing prepares the mind for meditation and you'll also experience the feeling of inner peace, relaxation and better sleep.

5 3. A Short Guide To A Successful Breathing Practice BEFORE YOU START: If you have a medical condition you should consult your medical or health specialist before embarking on any slimming program. It also applies to pregnant women and children below 12 years old. The information provided within this book is believed to be accurate based on the personal experience of the authors but the reader is responsible for consulting with their own health professional before changing the diet or starting an exercise program; it is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner. Nika Karan is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of this book. WHEN TO PRACTICE: The best time to practice Yoga breathing techniques is early in the morning, one to two hours before sunrise when oxygen content is maximum in the air. This is also the time when the body is fresh and the mind is clear from any negative thoughts. If you can't practice in the morning, another good time is in the evening, just after the sunset. Evening practice has an additional tranquilizing effect on your body and will help you sleep better. You can also try to practice breathing anytime during the day, whenever you have a free moment at work, or on the way for lunch. Even 5 minutes of deep breathing will revitalize your body and help you to concentrate better and be more productive.

6 WHERE TO PRACTICE: Find a place where you are least likely to be disturbed. It can be your room, garden or beach - indoors or outdoors, wherever there is an even, flat surface. If you are practicing indoors, make sure that the room is ventilated and with comfortable temperature. Air conditioned rooms are not advisable - when the environment is cold your body is stiff, and muscles stretch slowly. A clean environment and fresh air adds additional benefits to the breathing practice. You can also practice simple breathing techniques during the day in the office, just make sure that you are not interrupting anyone. EATING AND DRINKING: Never practice directly after eating. Breathing should be done on empty stomach. Therefore allow at least 1 hour after a snack and 2-3 hours after a heavy meal before you begin your breathing practice. It is best to drink before or after your breathing session, to avoid becoming dehydrated. Try to avoid drinking water during the practice, to avoid losing your concentration on breathing. BREATHING POSTURE You can sit in any comfortable meditation pose. As an alternative you can sit against the wall with the legs outstretched or in a chair which has a straight back. Make sure that your body is as relaxed as possible through the practice with the spine, neck and head erect.

7 HOW TO PRACTICE: 1) Always breathe through the nose unless instructed otherwise by a particular technique. 2) Clear your nose before the practice to allow the air to flow freely through both nostrils. 3) Concentrate on your breath - Breathing practice should be a refreshing experience. While practicing, forget about your worries and stress. 4) Do not strain the breath. Strain destroys the benefits of the exercise. The lungs are very delicate organs and any misuse can easily cause them injury. 5) If at any time you feel uncomfortable during your breathing practice, stop. Go back to normal breathing and relax. 6) Breathing should be practiced after Yoga postures and before meditation. You may also lie down for few minutes in the corpse pose after your breathing practice. 7) Possible effects: because of the process of purification and the release of toxins you may experience a number of symptoms: sensations of itching, tingling, heat or cold, or a feeling of lightness or heaviness. You may also feel your energy level going up or down. These changes are usually temporary, but if they persist contact a competent Yoga teacher or doctor.

8 4. Breathing Techniques For Enhanced Weight Loss

9 COOLING BREATH COOLING BREATH (in Sanskrit known as Sheetkari) is a breathing technique which involves hissing, leading to a cooling effect upon the whole body and mind. Sheetkari is derived from the root sheet, which means cold. INSTRUCTIONS Sit down in a comfortable meditative posture with your hands resting on the knees.keep the head and spine straight, close the eyes and relax the whole body. Open the lips and keep the teeth together. Lightly press the tip of the tongue against the lower front teeth, inhale slowly and deeply through the teeth with a kind of hissing sound like the sound of the letter 'S'. After filling the lungs completely, close the mouth and exhale slowly through both nostrils. Repeat 5 to 15 times. PRECAUTIONS Do not practice Sheetkari in a polluted atmosphere or during cold weather (inhalation of a dirty or cold air directly into the lungs may cause harm). People with sensitive teeth, missing teeth or dentures should practice Sheetali Breath instead (inhaling through the rolled tongue). People suffering from low blood pressure, flu, chronic constipation or respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis and excessive mucous, should not practice this breathing technique. It should not be practiced in winter or cold climates. BENEFITS Cooling effect on the body affecting important brain centers associated with biological drives and temperature regulation. Improving disposition and digestion, controlling hunger and thirst. Inducing muscular relaxation, mental tranquility and may be used as a tranquilizer before sleep. Refreshing the body, mind and purifying the blood. Clearing complexion. Reducing anger, anxiety and stress.

10 BELLOWS BREATH BELLOWS BREATH (In sanskrit known as Bhastrika) Just as a blacksmith works his bellows, so are the abdominal muscles exercised during this practice in which air is forcefully drawn in and out. The bellows increases the flow of air into the fire, producing more heat. Bhastrika increases the flow of air into the body to produce inner heat at both the physical and subtle levels, stoking the inner fire of mind/body. INSTRUCTIONS Sit down in a comfortable meditative posture with your hands resting on the knees. Keep the head and spine straight, close the eyes and relax the whole body. Breathe in and out forcefully, without straining, through both nostrils. There should be a snuffing sound in the nose, but no sound should come from the throat or chest. The abdomen should expand and contract rhythmically with the breath, the pumping action should be performed by the abdomen alone; the chest, shoulders and face remain relaxed. Practice from 10 to 50 breaths in a medium rate - approximately 1 breath per second. PRECAUTIONS People with high blood pressure, heart disease, hernia, gastric ulcer, stroke epilepsy, retinal problems, glaucoma or vertigo should not practice Bhastrika. The elderly, those suffering from lung diseases or in the first trimester of pregnancy are recommender to practice only after consultation with a doctor. Excess in practice may induce dizziness, drowsiness. BENEFITS Stimulating the metabolic rate, producing the heat and flushing out wastes and toxins. The rapid and rhythmic movement of the diaphragm massages and stimulates the visceral organs, toning the digestive system. Relaxing and revitalizing the body. Stimulating the nervous and the circulatory systems.

11 BREATH OF FIRE BREATH OF FIRE (In Sanskrit known as Kapalbhati) is similar to Bhastrika, but there are few important differences. Bhastrika uses forceful inhalation and exhalation, expanding and contracting the lungs above and below their usual volume. Kapalbhati uses forceful exhalation, while the inhalation remains a passive process. INSTRUCTIONS Sit down in a comfortable meditative posture with your hands resting on the knees. Keep the head and spine straight, close the eyes and relax the whole body. Exhale forcefully through both nostrils. The following inhalation will be passive, involving no effort and allowing the abdominal muscles to relax. The rapid breathing should be from the abdomen; the shoulders and face remain relaxed. The number of respirations may be increased from the initial count of 10 to up to 50, as the abdominal muscles become stronger. Advanced practitioners can increase up to 60 or 100 breaths per round. PRECAUTIONS Pregnant women, people suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, vertigo, hernia, gastric ulcer, stroke, epilepsy should not practice Kapalbhati. It should be performed on an empty stomach, 3 to 4 hours after meals. If practiced late at night, it can prevent sleep. If pain or dizziness are experienced, stop the practice and go back to normal breathing BENEFITS Stimulating the metabolic rate, producing the heat and flushing out wastes and toxins. Toning digestive organs. Cleansing the lungs, curing respiratory disorders. Balancing and strengthening the nervous system. Purifying the energy channels. Energizing the mind for mental work, removing sleepiness.

12 HUMMING BEE BREATH HUMMING BEE BREATH (In Sanskrit known as Bhramari) - a soft "hummingbee" sound is produced during exhalation, hence the name of this breathing technique. Very often Bhramari is practiced together with a Sheetkari breath - inhaling with Sheetkari and exhaling with Bhramari. INSTRUCTIONS Sit down in a comfortable meditative posture with your hands resting on the knees. Keep the head and spine straight, close the eyes and relax the whole body. Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhale slowly through the nose while making a deep, steady humming sound like a bee. The humming should be smooth, even and continuous for the duration of the exhalation. The sound should be soft and mellow, you ll feel a gentle vibration in your throat. This is one round, repeat 10 to 20 times. PRECAUTIONS It shouldn t be performed while lying down, always sit down in the comfortable meditative posture. People with severe ear infections should not practice this breathing technique BENEFITS Relieving stress and tension. Alleviating anger, anxiety and insomnia, increasing the healing capacity of the body. Strengthening and improving the voice. The vibration of the humming sound has a soothing and calming effect on the body and mind. Useful for hypertension and depression

13 RIGHT NOSTRIL BREATH RIGHT NOSTRIL BREATH (In Sanskrit known as Surya Bheda) means to pierce or purify the energy channels in the body in order to increase the vitality. The sanskrit word "surya" means "sun", which refers to the energy of the Sun (vital energy) in the body. Bheda means "to pierce", "pass through", "awaken". INSTRUCTIONS Sit down in a comfortable meditative posture with your hands resting on the knees. Keep the head and spine straight, close the eyes and relax the whole body. Close the left nostril with the left thumb and slowly inhale through the right nostril. Exhale slowly through the right nostril. This is one round. Repeat from 10 to 30 rounds PRECAUTIONS People suffering from heart disease, hypertension, epilepsy, hyperthyroid, peptic ulcer, acidity or anxiety should not practice this breathing technique. Never practice Surya Bheda after eating, as it will interfere with the natural flow of energy associated with digestion. It may cause imbalance in the breathing cycle if performed for prolonged periods. BENEFITS When you inhale solely through the right nostril you generate heat energy which is sent out through your body. Revitalizing the body, increasing vital energy. Making the mind more alert and perceptive. Improving the immune system. Reducing wind and mucus and increasing bile and digestive power.

14 ALTERNATE NOSTRILS BREATH ALTERNATE NOSTRILS BREATH (In Sanskrit known as Anuloma Viloma) is one of the best and easy breathing exercises for complete purification of body and mind. It manipulates the flow of energy through the energy channels in your body. It completely cures most of the internal body diseases without any medicine. It vanishes stress of body and mind. INSTRUCTIONS Sit down in a comfortable meditative posture with your hands resting on the knees. Keep the head and spine straight, close the eyes and relax the whole body. Using your right thumb close your right nostril. Breathe in through the left nostril. Close the left nostril and breathe out through the right nostril. This is one round. Keep inhaling through the left and exhaling through the right nostril for 10 rounds (build up to 30 repetitions once you get more experience) PRECAUTIONS Make the inhalation and exhalation of equal length. Don t strain your breath, breathe softly and gently. Never try over practice to get benefits earlier, as it may cause fatigue or giddiness. Increase practice gradually after the body gains more stamina within few days. There is no side effects of this breathing technique if practiced properly. BENEFITS Restoring the natural balance in your breathing. Removing tension, fear, and worry and making the mind calm, steady, lucid, poised and serene. Cleansing and strengthening the lungs and entire respiratory system. Body becomes light and the eyes shiny.

15 BREATH IS LIFE. If you breathe well you will live long on earth. ~ Sanskrit Proverb

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