A Course in Miracles Complete and Annotated Edition (CE) Text Reading Schedule. CourseCompanions.com

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1 A Course in Miracles Complete and Annotated Edition (CE) Text Reading Schedule CourseCompanions.com 1

2 DAY 25 Cameo 11: The Notes on Sex CHAPTER 1 Principles of Miracles DAY 26 T DAY 27 T DAY 1 Cameo 1: This Is Not a Selfish Gift DAY 28 T DAY 2 T (read the three principles frequently throughout the day) DAY 29 Review: Chapter 1, second half (miracle principles 42-50) DAY 3 Cameo 2: My Strength Will Support You DAY 4 T DAY 5 DAY 6 Cameo 3: You Must Love the Children and Help Them T CHAPTER 2 Right Defense and Release from Fear DAY 7 Cameo 4: An Example of the Shock Effect DAY 30 I. The Real Meaning of Possession (paragraphs 1-12) DAY 8 T DAY 31 I. The Real Meaning of Possession (paragraphs 13-26) DAY 9 Cameo 5: The Shield Report DAY 32 II. The Cause of the Separation DAY 10 T-1.24 DAY 33 III. The Proper Use of Denial DAY 11 Cameo 6: Letting Him Take Charge of Minutiae DAY 34 IV. The Reinterpretation of Defenses DAY 12 T DAY 35 V. The Atonement as Defense DAY 13 Cameo 7: An Experience of Revelation DAY 36 Cameo 12: Defenses Are Now Being Used Much Better DAY 14 T DAY 37 VI. The Restoration of the Altar DAY 15 T-1.35 DAY 38 Cameo 13: God Created Time? DAY 16 Cameo 8: The Mother of the Children DAY 39 VII. The Miracle as the Means of Healing DAY 17 T DAY 40 VIII. The Sole Responsibility of the Miracle Worker DAY 18 Review: Chapter 1, first half (miracle principles 1-41) DAY 41 IX. The Correction of Fear DAY 19 Cameo 9: Mrs. Albert, Miracle Worker DAY 42 X. The Real Power of the Mind DAY 20 T-1.42 DAY 43 XI. The Basic Conflict (paragraphs 1-9) DAY 21 T-1.43 DAY 44 XI. The Basic Conflict (paragraphs 10-22) DAY 22 Cameo 10: Under Instruction DAY 45 XII. The Mastery of Love DAY 23 T DAY 46 XIII. The Real Meaning of the Last Judgment DAY 24 T-1.46 DAY 47 Review: Chapter 2 2

3 DAY 67 II. The Devoted Teacher (paragraphs 14-25) CHAPTER 3 Sane Perception DAY 68 III. The Making of the Ego DAY 69 IV. The Ego s Need to Confirm Itself DAY 48 I. The Need to Study DAY 70 V. The Calm Being of God s Kingdom DAY 49 Cameo 14: The Chain of Miscreation DAY 71 VI. This Need Not Be DAY 50 II. Special Principles for Miracle Workers DAY 72 VII. The Real Question (paragraphs 1-9) DAY 51 III. Atonement Without Sacrifice DAY 73 VII. The Real Question (paragraphs 10-19) DAY 52 Cameo 15: Edgar Cayce DAY 74 VIII. The Rewards of God (paragraphs 1-11) DAY 53 IV. Innocent Perception DAY 75 VIII. The Rewards of God (paragraphs 12-23) DAY 54 V. Perception versus Knowledge DAY 76 Cameo 18: Meditation and Guidance DAY 55 VI. The Divided Mind (paragraphs 1-9) DAY 77 IX. Asking and Following DAY 56 VI. The Divided Mind (paragraphs 10-18) DAY 78 X. Complete and Direct Communication DAY 57 VII. Beyond Perception DAY 79 XI. Being Truly Helpful DAY 58 VIII. The Essential Goal of Therapy DAY 80 Review: Chapter 4 DAY 59 IX. The Fear of Teaching DAY 60 X. Judgment and the Authority Problem DAY 61 XI. The Unshakable Foundation CHAPTER 5 The Holy Spirit DAY 62 Review: Chapter 3 DAY 81 I. Being Wholly Joyous DAY 82 II. The Spirit of Joy CHAPTER 4 The Ego s Struggle to Preserve Itself DAY 83 DAY 84 III. The Voice for God IV. Sharing the Holy Spirit DAY 63 Cameo 16: Helen s Extra Mile DAY 85 V. The Foundation for Real Sharing DAY 64 I. The Last Foolish Journey DAY 86 VI. The Ego s Use of Guilt (paragraphs 1-9) DAY 65 Cameo 17: Bill s Class DAY 87 VI. The Ego s Use of Guilt (paragraphs 10-19) DAY 66 II. The Devoted Teacher (paragraphs 1-13) DAY 88 Cameo 19: The Editing of the Notes 3

4 DAY 89 VII. The Question of Karma DAY 107 II. The Unification of Abilities DAY 90 VIII. God s Higher Court DAY 108 III. Healing as a Way of Remembering DAY 91 IX. The Eternal Fixation DAY 109 IV. Healing and the Changelessness of Mind DAY 92 X. The Decision for God DAY 110 V. The Denial of Power DAY 93 Review: Chapter 5 DAY 111 VI. Extending the Gift of Life DAY 112 VII. The Ego s Use of Projection CHAPTER 6 DAY 113 VIII. Your Boundless Self-fullness The Lessons of Love DAY 114 IX. The Confusion of Pain and Joy DAY 115 X. The State of Grace DAY 94 I. The Message of the Crucifixion (paragraphs 1-12) DAY 116 Review: Chapter 7 DAY 95 I. The Message of the Crucifixion (paragraphs 13-25) DAY 96 II. Projection and Separation DAY 97 III. Everything Meets in God CHAPTER 8 The Undivided Will to Heal DAY 98 IV. Teach Only Love DAY 99 V. The Answer to All Questions DAY 117 I. The Unconflicted Curriculum DAY 100 VI. The Call to Awake DAY 118 II. The Holy Encounter DAY 101 VII. The Lessons of the Holy Spirit + A: To Have, Give All to All DAY 119 III. Freedom of Will DAY 102 B: To Have Peace, Teach Peace and Therefore Learn It DAY 120 IV. The Undivided Will of the Sonship DAY 103 C: Be Vigilant Only for God and His Kingdom DAY 121 V. The Treasure of God DAY 104 VIII. The Last Step DAY 122 VI. Using the Body Solely for Communication DAY 105 Review: Chapter 6 DAY 123 VII. Sickness as a False Witness DAY 124 VIII. Healing as the Will to Awaken DAY 125 Cameo 20: The Undivided Mind CHAPTER 7 The Extension of the Kingdom DAY 126 Review: Chapter 8 DAY 106 I. The Law of the Kingdom 4

5 DAY 143 II. Healing as the Recognition of Your Will CHAPTER 9 The Plan of Forgiveness DAY 144 III. The Dark Companions DAY 145 IV. God s Blameless Son DAY 127 I. Asking for What You Want DAY 146 V. The Dynamics of the Ego DAY 128 II. Hearing God s Answer in Everyone DAY 147 VI. Selecting Perception s Witnesses DAY 129 III. The Correction of Error DAY 148 VII. Believing in the Resurrection DAY 130 IV. Looking Beyond Error DAY 149 VIII. The Real World DAY 131 V. The Unhealed Healer DAY 150 IX. Asking for God s Answer DAY 132 VI. The Witnesses to Your Reality DAY 151 Review: Chapter 11 DAY 133 VII. The Two Evaluations DAY 134 VIII. Grandeur versus Grandiosity CHAPTER 12 DAY 135 Review: Chapter 9 The Sanity of Love DAY 152 I. Interpreting the Motives of Others CHAPTER 10 The Religion of the Ego DAY 153 II. Fear as a Call for Love DAY 154 Cameo 21: You Do Not Realize How Much You Hate Each Other DAY 136 I. Waking to the Eternal DAY 155 III. Looking at the Cause of Fear DAY 137 II. The Will to Remember God DAY 156 Cameo 22: The Return of His Will DAY 138 III. The God of Sickness DAY 157 IV. Answering Outrageous Requests DAY 139 IV. No Other Laws but God s DAY 158 V. The Outside World DAY 140 V. The Denial of God DAY 159 VI. Seeking and Finding DAY 141 Review: Chapter 10 DAY 160 VII. A Special Curriculum DAY 161 VIII. The Investment in the Real World DAY 162 IX. The Manifestations of the Holy Spirit CHAPTER 11 God or the Ego DAY 163 X. The Visible and the Invisible DAY 164 Review: Chapter 12 DAY 142 I. Your Place in God s Mind 5

6 DAY 184 VII. The Circle of Atonement CHAPTER 13 Release from Guilt DAY 185 Cameo 23: The Savage Problem of Personal Rejection DAY 186 VIII. The Sentinels of Darkness DAY 165 I. The World of Guilt DAY 187 IX. Bringing Your Darkness to Him DAY 166 II. Looking Upon the Guilty Secret DAY 188 X. The Reflection of Holiness DAY 167 III. The Fear of Redemption DAY 189 XI. The Equal Blessing of the Miracle DAY 168 IV. Your Function in Time DAY 190 XII. The Test of Perfect Peace DAY 169 V. The Two Emotions DAY 191 Review: Chapter 14 DAY 170 VI. The Continuous Present DAY 171 VII. The World that Shines with Love DAY 172 DAY 173 VIII. Leaving Your Needs to Him IX. Golden Aspects of Reality CHAPTER 15 The Holy Instant and Special Relationships DAY 174 X. Laying Guilt upon Your Brother DAY 192 I. The Two Uses of Time DAY 175 XI. Guilt and Real Relationships DAY 193 II. Giving the Instant of Release DAY 176 XII. The Certainty of Heaven DAY 194 III. Littleness versus Magnitude DAY 177 Review: Chapter 13 DAY 195 IV. Practicing the Holy Instant DAY 196 V. The Meaning of Love DAY 197 VI. In the Holy Instant CHAPTER 14 The Light of Guiltlessness DAY 198 Cameo 24: Mike DAY 199 VII. The Basis of the Special Relationship DAY 178 I. The Logic of Blessedness DAY 200 VIII. The Escape from Loneliness DAY 179 II. The Happy Learner DAY 201 IX. Relationships Without Limits DAY 180 III. Guiltlessness and Invulnerability DAY 202 X. The Demand for Sacrifice DAY 181 IV. Guiltless Decision Making DAY 203 XI. Release from Sacrifice DAY 182 V. Loving in a Loveless Place DAY 204 Review: Chapter 15 DAY 183 VI. The Condition for Knowing God 6

7 CHAPTER 16 Looking at the Special Relationship CHAPTER 18 The Blessing of the Holy Relationship DAY 205 I. True Empathy DAY 225 I. The Original Error DAY 206 II. The Power of Holiness DAY 226 II. Dreams as Protest Against Reality DAY 207 III. The Joy of Teaching DAY 227 III. The Advance to Truth DAY 208 IV. Abandoning the Illusion of Love DAY 228 IV. The Little Willingness DAY 209 V. The Ritual of the Death of God DAY 229 V. The Ladder to Heaven DAY 210 VI. Across the Bridge DAY 230 VI. Beyond the Body DAY 211 VII. The Escape from Vengeance DAY 231 VII. The Little Garden DAY 212 Cameo 25: The Course s Version of the Lord s Prayer DAY 232 VIII. The Clouds of Guilt DAY 213 Review: Chapter 16 DAY 233 Review: Chapter 18 CHAPTER 17 CHAPTER 19 The Holy Relationship From Sin to Peace DAY 214 I. Bringing Fantasy to Truth DAY 234 I.. Healing through Faith DAY 215 II. The Beauty of the Real World DAY 235 II. Sin versus Error DAY 216 III. Shadow Figures DAY 236 III. The Unreality of Sin DAY 217 IV. The Two Pictures DAY 237 DAY 218 Cameo 26: Helen and Bill s Holy Relationship DAY 238 IV. The Obstacles to Peace + A. The First Obstacle: The Desire to Get Rid of It (Paragraphs 1-10) A. The First Obstacle: The Desire to Get Rid of It (Paragraphs 11-18) DAY 219 V. The Beginning of the Holy Relationship DAY 239 B. The Second Obstacle: The Belief the Body Is Valuable for What It Offers (Paragraphs 1-11) DAY 220 VI. Setting the Goal DAY 240 B. The Second Obstacle: The Belief the Body Is Valuable for What It Offers (Paragraphs 12-21) DAY 221 VII. All-Inclusive Faith DAY 241 DAY 222 VIII. The Strain of Refusing Faith DAY 242 C. The Third Obstacle: The Attraction of Death D. The Fourth Obstacle: The Fear of God (Paragraphs 1-9) DAY 223 IX. The Branch in the Road DAY 243 D. The Fourth Obstacle: The Fear of God (Paragraphs 10-21) DAY 224 Review: Chapter 17 DAY 244 Review: Chapter 19 7

8 CHAPTER 20 The Vision of Your Brother CHAPTER 22 The Function of the Holy Relationship DAY 245 I. Holy Week DAY 262 I. The Undoing of Differences DAY 246 II. The Gift of Lilies DAY 263 II. Christ Reborn into His Ancient Home DAY 247 III. The Insanity of Adjustment DAY 264 III. The Escape from Misery DAY 248 IV. Entering the Ark DAY 265 IV. Seeing Past the Form of Error DAY 249 V. Heralds of Eternity DAY 266 V. Beyond the Veil DAY 250 VI. The Temple of the Holy Spirit DAY 267 VI. The Need to Defend DAY 251 VII. Aligning Means and End DAY 268 Cameo 27: I Need Do Nothing DAY 252 VIII. The Vision of Sinlessness DAY 269 VII. I Need Do Nothing DAY 253 Review: Chapter 20 DAY 270 VIII. Becoming the Means to His End DAY 271 IX. Only the Different Can Attack CHAPTER 21 Desiring a Sinless World DAY 272 Review: Chapter 22 DAY 254 DAY 255 I. The Forgotten Song II. The Power of Decision CHAPTER 23 The Escape from Conflict DAY 256 III. Faith, Belief, and Vision DAY 273 I. Walk You in Glory DAY 257 IV. The Fear to Look Within DAY 274 II. The War Against Yourself DAY 258 V. Reason as the Undoing of Insanity DAY 275 III. The Laws of Chaos (Paragraphs 1-10) DAY 259 VI. What Reason Tells You DAY 276 III. The Laws of Chaos (Paragraphs 11-23) DAY 260 VII. The Last Unanswered Question DAY 277 IV. Above the Battleground DAY 261 Review: Chapter 21 DAY 278 Cameo 28: The Blue-Gray Bird DAY 279 Review: Chapter 23 8

9 CHAPTER 24 CHAPTER 26 The Dream of Specialness Holy Ground DAY 280 I. The Hidden Belief in Specialness DAY 300 I. The Sacrifice of Oneness DAY 281 II. The Treachery of Specialness DAY 301 II. Release from Every Problem DAY 282 III. Forgiveness as the End of Specialness DAY 302 III. The Borderland DAY 283 IV. The Shift in Purpose DAY 303 IV. Where Sin Once Was DAY 284 Cameo 29: Iambic Pentameter DAY 304 V. The Little Hindrance DAY 285 V. The Christ in You DAY 305 VI. Your Only Friend DAY 286 VI. Your Brother s Holiness DAY 306 VII. Review of the Laws of Healing (Paragraphs 1-9) DAY 287 VII. Your Own Beloved Son DAY 307 VII. Review of the Laws of Healing (Paragraphs 10-18) DAY 288 Review: Chapter 24 DAY 308 VIII. The Immediacy of Salvation DAY 309 IX. For They Have Come DAY 310 X. Realizing Their Presence CHAPTER 25 The Holy Spirit s Justice DAY 311 Review: Chapter 26 DAY 289 I. Framed in Holiness CHAPTER 27 DAY 290 II. God s Masterpiece Healing the Ancient Dream DAY 291 III. The Two Makers of the World DAY 292 IV. The Light You Bring DAY 312 I. The Picture of Crucifixion DAY 293 V. Christ Stands Before You DAY 313 II. Proof of Innocence DAY 294 VI. The Special Function DAY 314 III. Leaving Correction to Him DAY 295 VII. God Is Not Insane DAY 315 IV. Power Unopposed DAY 296 VIII. Justice Returned to Love DAY 316 V. The Quiet Answer DAY 297 IX. A Witness to Sinlessness DAY 317 VI. The Transfer of Your Healing DAY 298 X. The Justice of Miracles DAY 318 VII. Sin s Witnesses DAY 299 Review: Chapter 25 DAY 319 VIII. The Cause of Suffering 9

10 DAY 320 IX. The Dreamer of the Dream DAY 339 VIII. Seek Not Outside Yourself DAY 321 X. Laughing Away the Tiny, Mad Idea DAY 340 IX. What Is an Idol? DAY 322 XI. The Secret of Salvation DAY 341 X. The Dream of Judgment DAY 323 Review: Chapter 27 DAY 342 Review: Chapter 29 CHAPTER 28 The Little Gap CHAPTER 30 The New Beginning DAY 324 I. Remembering the Present DAY 343 I. Rules for Decision (Paragraphs 1-9) DAY 325 II. Reversing Effect and Cause DAY 344 I. Rules for Decision (Paragraphs 10-18) DAY 326 III. The Feast of Plenty DAY 345 II. Your Boundless Will DAY 327 IV. Separating the Dreamer from the Dream DAY 346 III. The Search for Completion DAY 328 V. Share Not Evil Dreams DAY 347 IV. The Thought God Holds of You DAY 329 VI. The Secret Vow DAY 348 V. The Toys of Fear DAY 330 VII. The Ark of Safety DAY 349 VI. The Cost of Idols DAY 331 Review: Chapter 28 DAY 350 VII. Forgiveness Is Always Justified DAY 351 VIII. One Changeless Meaning DAY 352 IX. Changeless Reality CHAPTER 29 The Worship of Idols DAY 353 Cameo 30: As You See Him You Will See Yourself DAY 354 Review: Chapter 30 DAY 332 I. The Cautious Friendship DAY 333 II. The Coming of the Guest DAY 334 III. The Body s Nothingness DAY 335 IV. The Spark that Shines Within the Dream DAY 336 V. Dream Roles DAY 337 VI. The Changeless Dwelling Place DAY 338 VII. Swear Not to Die 10

11 CHAPTER 31 The Final Vision DAY 355 I. The Simplicity of Salvation DAY 356 II. The Passing of an Ancient Learning DAY 357 III. The Sleeping Prisoner DAY 358 IV. The Real Alternative DAY 359 V. The Concept of the Self (paragraphs 1-8) DAY 360 V. The Concept of the Self (paragraphs 9-17) DAY 361 VII. Recognizing the Spirit DAY 362 VII. Focusing on the Good DAY 363 VIII. The Savior s Vision DAY 364 IX. Choose Once Again DAY 365 Review: Chapter 31 11

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