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Download "BOBBO'S 2018 MONSTER CUP POOL STANDINGS 3/19/2018"


1 BOBBO'S 2018 MONSTER CUP POOL STANDINGS 3/19/2018 POS POINTS POOL NAME Believe in Blue Harvick Hamlin Kahne Logano Byron Buescher DiBenedetto Gaulding Bab's Harvick Hamlin Newman Bowyer Allmendinger Wallace Jr Sorenson Gase Nut Cracker Harvick Hamlin Newman Bowyer Menard McDowell David Ragan Gase Hunter 67 Harvick Hamlin Newman Logano Ty Dillon Buescher David Ragan Gase Mike O'Brien Harvick Kyle Larson McMurray Bowyer Bowman Buescher DiBenedetto Poole Polish Rifle Harvick Hamlin Newman Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan McLeod Buddy D Harvick Hamlin McMurray Logano Ty Dillon Buescher Cassill LaJoie Hog-Tied Hero Harvick Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Wallace Jr Cole Whit LaJoie Mrs Pokerface Harvick Hamlin Newman Bowyer Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan LaJoie CLUBCHAMP2016 Harvick Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Allmendinger Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Go Like Hell 3 Harvick Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gaulding STC19 Harvick Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Byron Buescher DiBenedetto Gase Thunderstruck87 Harvick Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr Sorenson Gase Dickweeds Harvick Hamlin Newman Erik Jones Menard McDowell David Ragan LaJoie Red Dragons Harvick Kyle Larson Newman Logano Menard Wallace Jr David Ragan Poole Ronzo Harvick Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Buescher DiBenedetto Poole manballs Harvick Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie I DRIVE FAST, REALLY FAST Harvick Kyle Larson McMurray Bowyer Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Jack Daniels Harvick Kyle Larson McMurray Suarez Bowman Buescher Cole Whit Gaulding B&B racing Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Bowyer Bowman Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Bobbie G Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher DiBenedetto Gaulding Bonts Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Bowyer Menard Buescher David Ragan Poole BUGGY #17 Harvick A. Dillon McMurray Bowyer Menard Almirola Sorenson Gase dck15 Harvick Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Cassill Gase Dick Flowcheck Harvick A. Dillon McMurray Logano Bowman Buescher Cole Whit McLeod EDGE Harvick Ryan Blaney McMurray Bowyer Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Rich Hendrickson Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto McLeod *POQINDI Harvick Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie Catman Harvick Johnson McMurray Bowyer Bowman Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie Cracker Truex Jr Hamlin McMurray Logano Menard Wallace Jr Sorenson Gaulding Five Harvick A. Dillon Kahne Bayne Menard Wallace Jr Sorenson Gase Mama Deb Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Bayne Bowman Buescher David Ragan Poole MyBack Harvick Johnson Kahne Logano Menard Buescher DiBenedetto Gaulding ODIE Harvick A. Dillon Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher Cassill Gase Jaws Kyle Busch Hamlin McMurray Logano Bowman Buescher David Ragan LaJoie LeeAnnC Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Buescher Cole Whit Poole reclinea racin # 3 Harvick Hamlin Kurt Busch Erik Jones Allmendinger McDowell David Ragan LaJoie smokin joe II Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie ACHESTNUTHILLROADGANG Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher David Ragan LaJoie blue whale Kyle Busch Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Buescher Cole Whit Gaulding Hockey40 Kyle Busch Hamlin Kahne Logano Allmendinger Buescher Cole Whit LaJoie jakerdee13 Harvick Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Ty Dillon Almirola DiBenedetto Gase James49 Kyle Busch Hamlin Newman Bowyer Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Joe69er Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan McLeod Kernal 56 Kyle Busch Hamlin Kahne Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr Cole Whit LaJoie LR-Camp Truex Jr Hamlin McMurray Logano Ty Dillon Buescher DiBenedetto Poole NASKELL III Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gase Quez 5 Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding RealDeal22 Truex Jr Hamlin Newman Erik Jones Byron Buescher David Ragan Gaulding RLF Harvick Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman McDowell DiBenedetto LaJoie Sledneck Harvick Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie #1AARON'S Harvick Johnson Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Menard Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie $$ BATMAN MOTORSPORTS $$ Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan Poole *Tyreesha Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie Big L. Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Bowyer Menard Almirola David Ragan LaJoie BigJoeD2 Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Byron Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie BOUDY Truex Jr Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Bowman McDowell David Ragan Poole ed longhill 96 Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Bowyer Menard Buescher Cassill LaJoie GHOSTRIDER II Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr Cole Whit Gaulding reclinea racin # 2 Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Newman Bowyer Byron Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie The Redneck 11 Truex Jr Hamlin Kahne Erik Jones Byron Buescher DiBenedetto Poole Tradin Paint Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Logano Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan Gaulding BellaRosey Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Bowyer Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Harvick Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Artman Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Bowyer Ty Dillon Buescher Cassill Poole benji 2 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Bowyer Bowman Buescher Cole Whit Poole BLBKK Grand Kid's Harvick Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Buescher DiBenedetto Poole BLUR # 2 Truex Jr Hamlin Kahne Logano Menard Almirola Sorenson Gase Chaps Kyle Busch Hamlin McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Easy-G Harvick Johnson Newman Bowyer Allmendinger Almirola Cassill Gaulding IV Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Bowyer Ty Dillon Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie

2 Morgo Harvick Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Bayne Bowman Black Jr Sorenson Poole Murphysboss Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Bowyer Allmendinger McDowell Sorenson Gaulding The Redneck Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Wallace Jr Sorenson Gaulding ***KLK #1*** Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr David Ragan Poole RR Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kahne Logano Byron Buescher DiBenedetto Gase AJC Harvick Johnson Newman Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie AsphaltCowboy Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kahne Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie BA Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Bowman Buescher David Ragan LaJoie benji 4 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Ty Dillon Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie Budwood Harvick Johnson McMurray Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Buster 5 Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher DiBenedetto Gaulding Colin Sucks Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Buescher David Ragan LaJoie Coolgray Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Bowyer Menard Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie DanicaShouldBeRacing Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney McMurray Bowyer Bowman Wallace Jr Cole Whit LaJoie deuped Kyle Busch Hamlin Newman Logano Byron Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie DOCMILLER Kyle Busch Hamlin Newman Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Done That Harvick Ryan Blaney McMurray Erik Jones Menard Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Double "D1" Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Helga Keselowski Hamlin Kurt Busch Bowyer Menard Buescher DiBenedetto Poole Hey 19 Harvick Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Poole Loser Kyle Busch Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr David Ragan Gase Max 2x Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Bowyer Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto McLeod Mousifur Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Bowyer Bowman Almirola Cole Whit Poole Newmantime2018 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Polish Rifle Harvick Ryan Blaney McMurray Erik Jones Byron Almirola DiBenedetto Poole Sableye Racing Harvick Johnson Newman Logano Byron Wallace Jr David Ragan Poole Sawdoctors Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie Stan & Olly Kyle Busch Hamlin McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola Cassill LaJoie TD4123 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher Cole Whit Gaulding Trumpster Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Buescher David Ragan Gaulding Vosey 44 Harvick Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Suarez Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Walter Case Kyle Busch Hamlin McMurray Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Weaselette 83 Truex Jr Hamlin McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie #3AARONS Truex Jr Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie #MAGA Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie $ Batman Motorsports II $ Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Bowyer Menard Almirola Cassill LaJoie *** HUGH JORGIN *** Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie *Damnit Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kahne Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie /2 PINT Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Byron Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie RR Harvick Johnson Kahne Logano Ty Dillon McDowell DiBenedetto LaJoie ARDVARK 1 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Allmendinger McDowell DiBenedetto Gaulding ARDVARK 2 Harvick Johnson Newman Logano Allmendinger Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding Bandit25 Truex Jr Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Allmendinger Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie BLUR # 1 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Logano Allmendinger McDowell DiBenedetto Gaulding Bobbo Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Newman Logano Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie charger68 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding Doc&TheNakedChef Harvick Johnson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Byron Buescher Cassill Gaulding double J Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher Cassill Poole Easy-G Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Menard McDowell David Ragan Gaulding frogman Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Poole GLobo Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher Cole Whit Gase Hootie Kyle Busch Hamlin Newman Bayne Menard Almirola David Ragan Poole JP3 Motorsports Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Buescher DiBenedetto Gase lisarick151 Truex Jr Hamlin Newman Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Miserable Truex Jr Hamlin Newman Logano Allmendinger McDowell David Ragan LaJoie NY Dave Truex Jr Hamlin McMurray Logano Menard Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Pasco Slim Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Bowyer Menard Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Quez 7 Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding RACEKITTIES Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie SledMass Truex Jr Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Suarez Bowman Buescher David Ragan LaJoie Ya wanna cookie Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Wallace Jr Cole Whit LaJoie Nightmares Harvick Johnson McMurray Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr David Ragan Gase !N1NJ Keselowski Hamlin Kahne Logano Menard Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie LBSINTHEREARMADEHERLOOSE Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Buescher David Ragan LaJoie ALITTLEBITDEEPAH Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher Cassill LaJoie Banditt 04 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie benji 1 Harvick Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Ty Dillon Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding Bgabe Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr David Ragan Gase BlackSheep Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan Poole Box Car Woody Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Buescher Cassill LaJoie Cheeseballs Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Poole Cody-Skyler Dog Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Buescher Cassill Gaulding DBRAZO Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Double T Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Wallace Jr Cassill Poole

3 Fast Lane RV Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard McDowell Cassill Gaulding Feelings Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Buescher David Ragan Poole Finsfursfeathers Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding GeneraLee Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kahne Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Poole Grammad Harvick Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Bayne Allmendinger McDowell David Ragan LaJoie Grumpy Grandpa Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Gase Indian 1901 Truex Jr Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie JAMK Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr Cole Whit LaJoie Jeg Racing II Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie JKJKPL Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Gase JKN Racing Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Allmendinger Buescher DiBenedetto Gase KICKING ASS Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Allmendinger Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie Lobo Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr Cole Whit LaJoie Old Man Racing Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Buescher David Ragan LaJoie Polish Rifle Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Poole Quez 6 Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding SNAP 2 Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding The Brad Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gase Weasel 83 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie *AbbyCadabby Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cole Whit Poole Mag Truex Jr Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Menard Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie Barn Boys T Kyle Busch Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Suarez Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gase Beach Bum Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Bowman Buescher Cassill Poole Big Papi 34 Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney McMurray Bowyer Byron Almirola DiBenedetto Gase Bobscag Truex Jr Hamlin McMurray Erik Jones Menard Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Brenelli's Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Wallace Jr Cassill Gase CJM18 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr David Ragan Poole DSBRAZO Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Five's Lady Kyle Busch Johnson Kahne Bowyer Menard Wallace Jr Sorenson Gase FlatHead Harvick Johnson Kahne Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie GARV Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie Go Like Hell 1 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Hench Truex Jr Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Ty Dillon Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Hootie Kyle Busch Hamlin Newman Bayne Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan LaJoie JBWM Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr Cassill Poole JJMChaps Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan Gaulding Logano Sucks 413 Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman McDowell DiBenedetto LaJoie Makemybankwadgreatagain Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan McLeod MikeSki Harvick Johnson McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Mr ZZ Kyle Busch Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Nicky H Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola Sorenson Poole Poker Face Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie Racenman Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie rikkibobbi21 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie Rudd's on vacation Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola Cole Whit Gaulding Shane-Camp Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Sorenson Gase Skeeter 250 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Bowyer Ty Dillon Almirola Cassill Poole SPUD Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Gase The Redneck 7 Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Black Jr Cassill Gaulding Todd8 Harvick Johnson McMurray Logano Ty Dillon McDowell Cassill Poole manballs Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie A COW PIE 63 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr David Ragan Gase ACE 7777 Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola Cassill McLeod All So Ran Harvick A. Dillon Stenhouse Jr Bayne Allmendinger Black Jr David Ragan Poole automatic win Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Poole Believe in Blue II Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding Biker2018 Truex Jr Ryan Blaney Newman Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gaulding butch Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger McDowell DiBenedetto Gaulding C O B R A S 2 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Ty Dillon Almirola DiBenedetto Poole Capt. Nemo 2 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Gase Charlie7529 Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie down boy 2 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie DupePacman Kyle Busch Johnson Newman Bowyer Byron Buescher Cassill LaJoie Francis Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Gene's 83 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Go Like Hell 2 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding GPOCA Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola Cassill LaJoie hotrodchevy Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie ILoveKyleBusch Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Poole Leeroy Harvick Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Lizzie Jean Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Buescher Cassill LaJoie MABELL Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Bayne Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto McLeod Mad dog 2 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie NAPLES PAT #2 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding

4 Piper Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie Polish Rifle Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto Poole Rayers Edge Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Gase reclinea racin # 1 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Reddog 10/8/13 Truex Jr Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr Cassill Gaulding Seven D Scrubs Keselowski Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Buescher Cole Whit Gaulding Shaunbud Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Gaulding ShavingRyansPrivates Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Skipro66 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Gase Skye Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Gaulding smokin joe I Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Sweet Ava Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola Cole Whit Poole Tanner Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie TB Racing Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola Cassill Gaulding TRUMP 2020 Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie tyco troy Harvick Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan LaJoie VIKING 1 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Walter Case Truex Jr Hamlin Kurt Busch Suarez Bowman McDowell David Ragan Poole Wishful Andy Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Poole Woodman Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie NASCARFAN Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto McLeod nd place pighetti Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie ARDVARK Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger McDowell DiBenedetto Gase Barn Boys J Harvick Johnson Newman Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Barn Boys S Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Bost Drinks Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Menard Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding Brenda2X Kyle Busch A. Dillon Newman Erik Jones Ty Dillon Wallace Jr David Ragan Poole buddy Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Byron Almirola Cole Whit Gaulding Codymon Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie first place pighetti Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie GMAC1 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie JB-1 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola Cole Whit Poole J-DOG Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie louie 83 Truex Jr Ryan Blaney Kahne Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Lucky Mother Truex Jr Ryan Blaney McMurray Erik Jones Menard Buescher David Ragan LaJoie MOLLINATOR RACING 2 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie NASCAR NEIGHBOR/BASS PRO 78 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Nascarroy Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto Gase Quez 1 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Roadrunner Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie smokin joe Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Stan~Lee Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Tank-Camp Truex Jr Ryan Blaney Newman Erik Jones Byron Buescher Cassill Poole W.E.A Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Poole Woody 29 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Allmendinger Buescher David Ragan Poole manballs Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie AHENDY Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie BARE BONES Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Big E Racing Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie BIGHEADEDBBQ Truex Jr A. Dillon Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr Sorenson McLeod bobcat123 Harvick Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gase BuschBrothers413 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Buttman Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie CIRCLE JERK RACING Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie DBART28 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Deacon Blues Keselowski Hamlin McMurray Bayne Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie FL NASCAR GIRL Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Gage-Camp Truex Jr A. Dillon McMurray Bayne Byron Buescher David Ragan McLeod Gen Giap Keselowski Hamlin McMurray Logano Menard Almirola Sorenson LaJoie Gunpher Truex Jr Kyle Larson Newman Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie HeavyHitter Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Hockeymom Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger McDowell Cassill Gase Hodgy Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Poole Houser 78 Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie JB-4 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Poole Jeg Racing III Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie JJRIII Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Junebug Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Wallace Jr David Ragan Poole MOLLINATOR RACING Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Mr EJK Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Gase N3G Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie NAPLES PAT #1 Keselowski Hamlin Kurt Busch Erik Jones Menard Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie NASKELL Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gase Papa Bob Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie

5 Primetime Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Almirola Sorenson LaJoie Quez 2 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Smooth Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan Gaulding stella44 Truex Jr Ryan Blaney McMurray Bowyer Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan McLeod Sully31 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie THE PRO Truex Jr Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Gaulding TRacing 83 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie UR-Camp Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kahne Bayne Menard Almirola Cassill McLeod Whitey-1 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Almirola Cole Whit Gase Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Suarez Bowman McDowell Cole Whit Gase ChevyMan Truex Jr Johnson Kahne Logano Bowman Buescher Cole Whit Poole a and p Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Poole Adam Hendrickson Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Gase amos88 Keselowski Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie BHAT Kyle Busch Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Ty Dillon Almirola David Ragan LaJoie BigJoeD Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gase bobcat12 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gase Clam Plant Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Crumageddon Keselowski Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman McDowell Cassill LaJoie DEEGEE Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger McDowell Cole Whit Gase down boy 1 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Fastlane Truex Jr Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Bowman Almirola Cole Whit Gase Francis2 Truex Jr Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie Harley's Mimi Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Kamb 10/8/13 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Muddy Chicken Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Byron Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Perfesser Truex Jr Johnson Kahne Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Gaulding POOCH Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie R + S Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cassill LaJoie RPG Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Poole Telephone Tom Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Top Gun Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Almirola Sorenson LaJoie Vinman Kyle Busch Johnson Newman Logano Menard Wallace Jr Cassill LaJoie Whitetail Freak Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie !CrashDummy$ Kyle Busch Johnson Newman Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie ***KLK #2*** Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr David Ragan Gaulding A's racing Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher David Ragan Gase a and t Truex Jr Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Poole Al Bino Kyle Busch Johnson McMurray Bowyer Menard Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Beef&Hawk Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Buescher David Ragan LaJoie BEERBOSS Keselowski Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Almirola Cassill LaJoie benji 3 Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Newman Suarez Menard Almirola David Ragan McLeod bobcat1 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gase CJM Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Poole Crazy Girl Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Menard Almirola Cassill Poole DOMINOOCH Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Buescher David Ragan LaJoie Fasoli 10 Kyle Busch Johnson Kahne Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie G.L.O. Keselowski Hamlin Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie HeavyHitter 2 Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Buescher David Ragan LaJoie HISCO LULU44 Keselowski Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Buescher David Ragan LaJoie Ho Chi Minh Truex Jr Johnson Newman Logano Ty Dillon Buescher Cole Whit Gase Jeg Racing I Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie knucklehead Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr Sorenson LaJoie Left turn Charlie Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Allmendinger Almirola DiBenedetto Gase Ntc900 Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Ty Dillon Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie pitstop Kyle Busch Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan Poole Polish Rifle Chase Elliot Hamlin McMurray Bowyer Ty Dillon Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Poole Squidly Keselowski Hamlin Kahne Erik Jones Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding TLC Kyle Busch Johnson Newman Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie ***KLK #3*** Truex Jr Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan Gase Aaaaandybd69 Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Logano Ty Dillon Buescher Cassill LaJoie Boxboy Kyle Busch Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Wallace Jr Cassill Poole Catlady Truex Jr Johnson Newman Erik Jones Menard Buescher Cassill Gase Chainsaw Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr Cole Whit Gaulding Copper Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie Czelus Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Dave Pighetti Kyle Busch Johnson Newman Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie DMAN Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Poole Five Twice Kyle Busch Johnson McMurray Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie Gail 70 Keselowski Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Allmendinger Buescher DiBenedetto Poole Gmoney47 Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie Jaws Jr Keselowski Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie JBG Thunder Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding jd8101 Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie

6 JLC Truex Jr Johnson Newman Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie johnski Keselowski Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Almirola DiBenedetto McLeod Lason-Camp Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Buescher David Ragan LaJoie Mike H 227 Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Logano Allmendinger Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie MRMORGS Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie Oldcrw59 Truex Jr Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Polish Power I Truex Jr Johnson Newman Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Running on empty Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Byron Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie Sawdoctors II Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding Sox 14 Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan McLeod Spdwybob Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie Strawberry Truex Jr A. Dillon McMurray Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie TheTino's Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Bowyer Allmendinger McDowell DiBenedetto McLeod Tillis-Camp Keselowski Hamlin Newman Bayne Allmendinger McDowell Cole Whit LaJoie Top Gunner Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan Poole Ultra Keselowski Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Cassill Gase Chas Keselowski Ryan Blaney McMurray Logano Menard Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie MPH! Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding Andy's Girl Keselowski Johnson Kurt Busch Bowyer Ty Dillon Buescher Sorenson Gaulding Capt. Nemo 1 Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto McLeod Cracker Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr Sorenson Gase DebTino Chase Elliot Hamlin Newman Logano Bowman Wallace Jr Cole Whit Gase Double "D2" Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Buescher DiBenedetto Poole Duplex Chase Elliot Hamlin McMurray Logano Bowman Buescher David Ragan LaJoie Get-R-Done Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Byron Buescher David Ragan LaJoie Jeg Racing IV Kyle Busch Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie J-J Leo Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gaulding JLAV Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Wallace Jr DiBenedetto McLeod JohnyBGood 1 Kyle Busch Johnson Kahne Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gase Minions3 Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola Cassill Gaulding oatman65 Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Menard Buescher David Ragan Gase Polish Power II Keselowski Kyle Larson Newman Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gase Polish Power III Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gaulding punchers chance Keselowski Kyle Larson Kahne Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gase Rich Hendrickson Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan Gase Seven D Garage Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Bowyer Menard Almirola Cassill LaJoie SNAP 1 Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Wayon/Giada Chase Elliot Hamlin Newman Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Zippy*413-2 Kyle Busch Johnson Newman Logano Byron Almirola DiBenedetto McLeod RoadRunner Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Buescher David Ragan Poole AbbyYoYo Keselowski Johnson Kahne Logano Bowman Buescher Cole Whit Gaulding ARTS place Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie BOGEYBUCKEYES Kyle Busch Johnson Newman Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie BRAZO Keselowski Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Checkered Flag RV Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie DupePac Man 2 Keselowski Kyle Larson Newman Logano Byron Almirola Cassill LaJoie Fuji Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie GHOSTRIDER Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie GLobo-2 Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Wallace Jr Cole Whit Gase GMAC2 Kyle Busch Johnson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Jerry G Keselowski Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Poole MAD Kyle Busch Johnson Newman Logano Allmendinger Almirola DiBenedetto McLeod NASKELL II Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Ragu Keselowski Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Red solo cup Keselowski A. Dillon Kahne Logano Menard McDowell David Ragan LaJoie smokin joe III Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie SUPERMAN #1 Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr David Ragan McLeod Wyley Keselowski Kyle Larson Newman Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie #30 Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Speed Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger McDowell Cassill Gaulding BBB Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie C2D2 Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman McDowell David Ragan LaJoie DYH 1208 Truex Jr Johnson Kahne Logano Ty Dillon Almirola David Ragan LaJoie GraveDigger Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Green Machine Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Hawk&Beef Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Kar Bear Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Mrs EJK Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Gaulding NH living in FL Kyle Busch Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Peach Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Poole Quez 3 Keselowski Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Rager Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie ray ray the great Kyle Busch Johnson Stenhouse Jr Bayne Ty Dillon Wallace Jr Cassill McLeod reclinea racin # 4 Keselowski Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Suarez Menard Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie

7 TheJuiceIsLoose Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Menard McDowell Cassill LaJoie wallbrook Kyle Busch Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Young Gun 03 Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kahne Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Wishgirl Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Newman Logano Menard Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie AHAT Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Frie Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kahne Logano Allmendinger Almirola Sorenson Poole HydroPower Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola Sorenson McLeod JB-3 Truex Jr Johnson McMurray Logano Byron Almirola Cole Whit Poole Moose Track Cars Kyle Busch Johnson McMurray Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan McLeod morgan 88 Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie S Monty Kyle Busch Johnson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Poole The Collector Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger McDowell David Ragan LaJoie TOES Truex Jr Johnson Newman Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cole Whit Poole Whitetail Freak 1 Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie #1 Racing Chef Kyle Busch Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cassill McLeod #1Zebra racing Keselowski Ryan Blaney Newman Erik Jones Byron Black Jr Cole Whit Gaulding Anarchy364 Kyle Busch Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie ARBY Kyle Busch Johnson Kahne Erik Jones Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan LaJoie BlackSheep 1 Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Wallace Jr David Ragan Gase Bobby W Kyle Busch Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan LaJoie CFL-1 Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Dad & Junior ``99'' Keselowski Ryan Blaney McMurray Logano Menard Black Jr David Ragan Gase Eddie Chase Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kahne Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Poole Ford Power Keselowski Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie GARPAQ Chase Elliot Hamlin Kahne Erik Jones Ty Dillon Almirola David Ragan Gaulding KEEP AMERICA GREAT Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie kyra Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola David Ragan Gase Little One Kyle Busch Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan McLeod Sawdoctors I Keselowski Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Six Pack Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan LaJoie The Cake Lady Truex Jr Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Cole Whit Gase welderwoman Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Suarez Bowman Almirola Cole Whit Gaulding Barn Boys C Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie Barn-Camp Keselowski A. Dillon Newman Erik Jones Menard Black Jr Cassill LaJoie Fish-hooks Truex Jr Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cole Whit Poole reclinera#5 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie Sully99 Keselowski A. Dillon Kahne Bayne Menard Black Jr Cassill Poole Wedgehead 62 Chase Elliot Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Logano Menard Buescher David Ragan Gaulding chumpchange Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gaulding Godfather II Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Wallace Jr Cassill Poole jswavy Keselowski Johnson Newman Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Poole last place pighetti Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kahne Bayne Ty Dillon Black Jr Cassill Poole Mayday Keselowski Johnson Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie MURPH Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Buescher Cole Whit LaJoie Rolo Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kahne Logano Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto McLeod C O B R A S Chase Elliot Hamlin Stenhouse Jr Suarez Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gase Deep Fried Butter Chase Elliot Hamlin Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Almirola Sorenson Poole irish zorro 5 Keselowski Johnson Kahne Logano Allmendinger McDowell DiBenedetto McLeod OCC #1 Keselowski Johnson Newman Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Rediron Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Poole Walter Case Keselowski Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Buescher Cole Whit Poole Barnboys-D Chase Elliot Ryan Blaney Newman Erik Jones Byron Buescher David Ragan LaJoie BLUR # 3 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Ty Dillon Wallace Jr DiBenedetto McLeod Chomp Rubber Keselowski Ryan Blaney Kurt Busch Erik Jones Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan McLeod Donut034 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie gmac3 Keselowski Johnson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie GRANDKIDS 7 Chase Elliot A. Dillon Stenhouse Jr Bowyer Allmendinger McDowell Sorenson Gase JohnyBGood 2 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Ty Dillon Buescher Cassill LaJoie Little E 88 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Bowman Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Midnight Toker Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie smokin joe IV Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Thirty Pack Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Menard Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Come 11 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola Cole Whit LaJoie Black Sheep Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola DiBenedetto McLeod Pinkrose 26 Keselowski Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Sorenson Gase Powered by Ford Keselowski Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie PumpkinHitter Keselowski Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Bowman Almirola Cassill LaJoie Quez 4 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gaulding Rubbernose Racing Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Newman Erik Jones Bowman Almirola David Ragan Poole Zippy*413-1 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson McMurray Logano Byron Almirola David Ragan Poole $$VGNIP Keselowski Johnson Kurt Busch Bayne Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie ChevyMan Chase Elliot Johnson Newman Logano Byron Buescher DiBenedetto LaJoie Big dog racing Chase Elliot Johnson Kurt Busch Bowyer Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Poole BS Motorsports Chase Elliot A. Dillon Stenhouse Jr Suarez Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto McLeod

8 COACH 2 Chase Elliot Johnson Newman Logano Bowman Wallace Jr DiBenedetto Poole GIpper Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Ty Dillon Almirola Cole Whit Gaulding Handy Andy Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto Gase TD3123 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Cole Whit Gase TK Chase Elliot Kyle Larson McMurray Erik Jones Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Annie 83 Chase Elliot Johnson Newman Logano Byron Buescher David Ragan LaJoie BORN TO LOSE Keselowski Johnson Kahne Suarez Ty Dillon Almirola David Ragan Poole JB-2 Keselowski Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Almirola Cassill Poole lafoutloud123 Chase Elliot Johnson Kahne Logano Ty Dillon Buescher Cole Whit Poole Leebo413 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie Matt31775 Chase Elliot Johnson Kurt Busch Bowyer Byron Wallace Jr Cassill Poole NO Busch for me Keselowski Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Poole Old Dog Chase Elliot Kyle Larson McMurray Suarez Byron Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie The Dickweeds Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Suarez Bowman Almirola DiBenedetto LaJoie manballs Chase Elliot Johnson McMurray Logano Byron Wallace Jr DiBenedetto LaJoie Artman 2 Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Suarez Ty Dillon Almirola DiBenedetto Gase captain jack Chase Elliot Ryan Blaney Stenhouse Jr Suarez Menard McDowell DiBenedetto Gase PEHAT Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Ty Dillon Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Tino Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Erik Jones Byron Almirola David Ragan Poole JB-5 Chase Elliot Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Wallace Jr David Ragan LaJoie S.F.B. Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Stenhouse Jr Suarez Byron Almirola David Ragan McLeod Smiley Chase Elliot Kyle Larson Kurt Busch Erik Jones Allmendinger Almirola David Ragan Gase #2AARONS RACING Chase Elliot Johnson Kahne Suarez Ty Dillon Wallace Jr Cole Whit Poole UR-Camp Chase Elliot Johnson Kahne Logano Ty Dillon Almirola David Ragan Gase LL Chase Elliot Johnson Newman Logano Allmendinger Black Jr Sorenson LaJoie Andiwl Chase Elliot Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Bowman Almirola David Ragan LaJoie Nicole-Camp Chase Elliot Johnson Kurt Busch Bowyer Allmendinger Black Jr David Ragan Poole Ronbon Chase Elliot Johnson Stenhouse Jr Suarez Bowman Wallace Jr Cassill LaJoie Woodman's Wife Chase Elliot Johnson Stenhouse Jr Logano Menard Almirola David Ragan Gase SPRINGER14 Chase Elliot Johnson Kurt Busch Logano Ty Dillon Almirola Cassill Poole


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SWAP SHEET. Texas Muzzle Loading Rifle Association SWAP SHEET Texas Muzzle Loading Rifle Association October 2017 Fall Blanket Shoot Results March 2018 Frost On The Cactus Shoot Swap Sheet President s Column Want to thank the following for their donations

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PEMBREY. Rnk Num Rider Machine Class Town/Sponsor Laps Time Gap Average B.Lap Speed

PEMBREY. Rnk Num Rider Machine Class Town/Sponsor Laps Time Gap Average B.Lap Speed METZELER / DTR STREETSTOCKS 300 & ADAM JEFFERY FLOORING PRE INJECTION 300 & 700 RACE ROUND 3 - QUALIFIER Start : 0: Race Distance: 0.9 miles Weather: Cloudy Track: Dry Rnk Num Rider Machine Class Town/Sponsor

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