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1 CORSHAM RFC GENERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT 2017 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Safety at Sports Grounds Act 1975 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 Corsham RFC aims to comply with all health and safety legislation by assessing risks and providing and maintaining adequate controls of risks arising from all our work activities. The priority shall be to protect our employees, other people who are affected by our activities and the environment. Through correct delegation of responsibilities, the policy shall: - Maintain a safe and healthy working environment - Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment - Provide risk assessments for activities - Provide information, instruction, training and supervision - Ensure safe handling and use of substances - Consult our employees on matters affecting their health and safety - Provide adequate facilities and arrangements with regard to welfare Corsham RFC offers their full support and commitment on all health and safety issues and will provide sufficient funds and resources to enable correct implementation of the policy. As a result all individuals are actively encouraged to communicate any health and safety matters, which may affect themselves or others. The successful implementation of the policy relies on, all responsibilities being fulfilled and a general aim of continuous improvement through monitoring and an annual review. This club is strongly committed to encouraging our members to train hard and compete, but the health, wellbeing and safety of each individual is always our paramount concern. Signed on behalf of Corsham RFC Ian Bamber Chairman July 2017

2 CORSHAM RFC CHILD PROTECTION POLICY 1. Corsham RFC acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults involved in Corsham Youth Rugby Club from harm. 2. Corsham RFC confirms that it adheres to the Rugby Football Union s Safeguarding Policy and the procedures, practices and guidelines and endorses and adopts the Policy Statement contained in that document. 3. A child is anyone under the age of 18 engaged in any rugby union activity. However, where a 17 year old male player is playing in the adult game it is essential that every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure his safety and wellbeing are protected. A Parental Permission form must be completed for each player. The Coaching staff will retain the form and a copy is to be send to the Club Safeguarding Officer 4. The Key Principles of the RFU Safeguarding & Vulnerable Adults Policy are that: The welfare of the child or vulnerable adult (as appropriate) is, and must always be, paramount to any other considerations. All participants regardless of age, gender, ability or disability, race, faith, culture, size, shape, language or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse or harm. All allegations or suspicions of abuse, neglect, harm and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately. Working in partnership with other organisations, statutory agencies, parents, carers, children and young people is essential for the welfare of children and young people. have a right to expect support, and personal and social development delivered by an appropriately recruited, vetted and managed adult in relation to their participation in rugby union, whether they are playing, volunteering or officiating in the community or professional areas of the sport. 5. Corsham RFC recognises that all children have the right to participate in sport in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment whilst at the same time being protected from abuse, neglect, harm and poor practice. Corsham RFC recognises that this is the responsibility of everyone involved, in whatever capacity, at the club. The club has a zero tolerance on bullying; offenders will be dealt with by the committee. 6. Corsham RFC will implement and comply with the RFU Code of Conduct and the Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Spectators and Officials as appropriate. Corsham RFC will ensure its spectators, parents, members and officials are all aware of and have

3 accepted the club Photographic Policy as set out on the club player registration form and on the Corsham RFC Pitchero website. 7. Corsham RFC will endeavour to comply with the Guidance for Websites as set out on the RFU website. 8. The Club Safeguarding Officer is John Andrews. If you witness or are aware of an incident where the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult has been put at risk you must in the first instance inform the Club Safeguarding Officer. They will then inform the Constituency Body (CB) Safeguarding Manager and the RFU Safeguarding Executive. If an incident involves the Club Safeguarding Officer you should inform the Youth Chairman, Chairman and President and either the CB Safeguarding Manager or the RFU Safeguarding Executive. 9. If anyone within the club, parent, child or visiting officials has a concern about an adult it is their responsibility to inform a club official. It is the club official s responsibility to forward these concerns to the Clubs Safeguarding Officer and/or the Clubs Committee directly. The club will decide the most appropriate course of action in consultation with the RFU, Constituency Body Dorset & Wilts and/or external agencies. 10. All members of Corsham RFC who have a regular supervisory contact with children or a management responsibility for those working with children must undertake an RFU Enhanced Disclosures and Baring Service (e-dbs) checks. 11. Corsham RFC will ensure that all its members, whether they are coaches, parents, players or officials will comply with the Best Practice Guidance as issued by the RFU. In summary, the following are NOT acceptable and will be treated seriously by the club and may result in disciplinary action being taken by the club, the CB or the RFU: Working alone with a child, children, vulnerable adult, or adults. Consuming alcohol whilst responsible for children or vulnerable adults. Providing alcohol to children or allowing its supply. Smoking in the presence of children. Humiliating children or vulnerable adults. Inappropriate or unnecessary physical contact with a child or vulnerable adult. Participating in, or allowing, contact or physical games with children or vulnerable adults. Having an intimate or sexual relationship with any child or vulnerable adult developed as a result of being in a position of trust. Making sexually explicit comments or sharing sexually explicit material. 12. Corsham RFC manages the changing facilities and arranges for them to be supervised by adults (RFU CRB checked) of the appropriate gender for the players using the facilities. Corsham RFC ensures that all its coaches, parents, officials and

4 spectators are aware that adults must not change at the same time, using the same facilities as children or vulnerable adults. 13. Corsham RFC will ensure that its coaches and team administrators will receive the support and training considered appropriate to their position and role. 14. Any events held on Corsham RFC premises must comply with this Policy and if appropriate a Safeguarding Plan should be discussed and circulated to those affected. Any tours, overseas or domestic, undertaken by Corsham RFC must comply with the relevant RFU Regulations and Guidance relating to tours. For more information, contact details and links to relevant RFU policies that have been adopted by Corsham RFC please visit

5 CORSHAM RFC EQUITY POLICY Corsham RFC is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects and every team of the Club. In doing so, the Club acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity: Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society. The Club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status. Corsham RFC is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse. All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity. The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to Club disciplinary procedures. The club s disciplinary officer is Mr Ian Bamber

6 CORSHAM RFC PHOTOGRAHY Corsham RFC appreciates that this is a sensitive area and we do not want any children or parents to have any concerns. Therefore we have set in place a policy that is based on the RFU Guidelines on Video/ Photographic images where children under the age of 18 are involved. - Any adult seeking to take photographs of any player from Corsham RFC must first speak with the head coach of that age group ideally or as an alternative, the coach taking the session. This is a fundamental requirement, not just a courtesy. - If any of the player s parents or people looking after them who are present object, then no photographs may be taken. - All young people must be appropriately dressed for the activity taking place. - Photography or recording should focus on the activity rather than the individual. - Where an individual has achieved success in the game, permission must be gained from a parent / guardian to use the images in any publication. - Wherever possible, photographs / recordings should represent the diverse range of young people participating in rugby. - Head coaches may authorise, head and shoulder photographs for the purpose of identification. These pictures are not for publication. - All concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography should be reported in confidence to the clubs Child Protection Officer. - Any parent or guardian who objects to their child being photographed should notify the head coach or Youth Chairman otherwise it will be presumed that photographs may be taken and that the images can be used in rugby related publications and on the club web site.

7 CORSHAM RFC ORGANISATION The overall and final responsibility for Health and Safety (H&S) is that of the management committee of Corsham RFC. The general committee will appoint one or more competent persons to assist with the undertaking and to comply with its relevant statutory requirements under the management of Health and Safety at work Regulations To ensure H&S standards are maintained and improved, it shall be the duty of designated officers to implement the policy on a day to day basis. All employees whether paid or voluntary also have clear legal responsibilities for their own H&S and welfare and for others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. In addition, all employees are required by law to cooperate with the management of the club and any delegated officers regarding matters of H&S. Members of the management committee are required to:- - Give appropriate priority to H&S matters. - Provide adequate resources and support to any appointed Health and Safety professional. - Ensure that the objectives of the H&S policy are being met. - If applicable, provide necessary H&S training. Designated officers are required to:- - Ensure that all hazards and associated risks are identified and suitable control measures implemented. - Communicate information regarding H&S matters effectively. - Identify and implement safe systems of work. - Promote good house keeping standards. - Provide adequate provisions for the supply of suitable safety equipment. - Ensure that all plant, equipment and tools are used correctly, maintained in a safe working condition and adequately stored. Where necessary, ensure any defective plant, machinery, tools or equipment is taken out of use until effectively repaired or replaced. - Ensure that all hazardous and dangerous substances are identified and stored correctly in accordance with the COSHH assessments and COSHH data. - Ensure all accidents are fully investigated.

8 Employees and volunteers are required to:- - Carry out a pre start visual inspection of area / pitches prior to commencement of their duties. Report any issues immediately to a Management Committee Member or any Designated Club Officer. - Cooperate with members of the Management Committee and any Designated Club Officers on H & S matters. - Take reasonable care of their own H&S. - Comply with control measures that have been identified as part of the club Risk Assessment Programme. - Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their H&S. - Use all personal protective equipment as directed. - Use all Hazardous Substances in compliance with the COSHH assessment and COSHH datasheets. - Understand and comply with the Fire and Emergency evacuation procedures. - Understand and comply with the First Aid arrangements. - Comply with all instructions given to ensure their personal safety and the safety of others. - Dress appropriately for their particular working environment or undertaking. - Conduct themselves in an orderly manner in the workplace. - Ensure that all accidents are reported and liaise with the H&S representive during any investigation. - At all times maintain good house keeping standards.

9 CORSHAM RFC FIRE AND EVACUATION Corsham RFC gives fire safety the greatest priority. In compliance with its statutory duties under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the club is in the process of drawing up a Fire Risk Assessment, which will be reviewed on an annual basis with fire exit and equipment awareness training given to all employees/ volunteers working on club premises. Various fire fighting equipment is provided at strategic locations throughout the premises. It is the ethos of the club that fire fighting equipment is only to be used to aid means of escape during an emergency. All fire exits, fire escape routes and access to fire fighting equipment must be kept clear from any obstructions at all times. Fire doors must never be wedges open. All fire detection and fire fighting equipment will be inspected and maintained on an annual basis by a competent person. The alarm sounders are tested on a weekly basis and fire evacuation drill undertaken annually. In the event of a fire alarm. All club house users and spectators should then proceed to the primary muster point being the adjacent football club car park or the secondary point being the hedge row at the south end of the fields. All Clubhouse users and spectators are asked to remain calm and not panic. Please abide by these instructions as they have been prepared with the Emergency Services and your safety in mind.

10 CORSHAM RFC FIRST AID POLICY Corsham RFC has a responsibility towards the health and safety of those people who use the club facilities. During rugby activities, in common with all sports, players, officials or spectators may suffer injury or sudden illness. While arrangements for spectators and officials are likely to be the same as for any other sport, because rugby is a full contact sport, the arrangements for players will need to reflect this. It is the clubs responsibility to ensure that arrangements are in place so that participants receive appropriate immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill, until the emergency services arrive. While there is a general requirement, it should be recognised that there is variation in the level of care that would be considered appropriate and this will depend on the individual circumstances at the club. It will also depend on what is reasonably practicable for the club to provide. In order to provide a safe environment in which the game can be enjoyed by all, the club should encourage members, coaches and volunteers to attend a first aid training course so that they can respond to basic first aid situations with confidence. During any activity the number and type of first aid personnel and facilities should be based on a Risk Assessment. This process is no different from other Risk Assessments carried out for H&S purposes. In assessing the need the club will consider the following:- - Playing and non playing hazards and risks. - The clubs history of injuries and accidents. - The number of people involved (players and spectators). - The needs of the players at away matches. - The nature (Adult/child) and distribution of the players (size of site or more than one site). - The remoteness of the site from emergency medical services. - Use of shared facilities and first aid resources. - Holiday and other absences for first aid trained personnel. - Additional requirements for special groups ie (children, players, spectators with disabilities). In addition to the Risk Assessment confirming the level of first aid cover required the following risk management measures will also be considered:- - Emergency procedures to be continually developed. - Emergency services contact details must be readily available.

11 - Ambulance access to the pitch/training ground must be maintained at all times. - Appropriate first aid facilities and equipment based on the Risk Assessment and level of training of personnel. - First aid equipment must be appropriately stored, maintained and cleaned. - Training log maintained of all training to ensure first aid certificates remain in date. - Regular training of personnel in assisting first aiders should be carried out.

12 CORSHAM RFC FIRST AID First Aid Equipment The Club will ensure that a minimum level of first aid equipment is suitably stocked in a first aid box for the club house and first aid bags for pitch side trained personnel. First aid equipment will only be provided appropriate to the level of training of the first aider. First Aid Facilities Corsham RFC have identified that it is necessary and reasonably practicable to provide a suitable medical room. The room will be warm, have good lighting and contain medical facilities and equipment deemed reasonable based on the Risk Assessment and level of training provided to personnel. All first aid boxes and rooms will be identified with a white cross on a green background with signage placed where they can be seen easily. Record Keeping First aiders are to record all incidents that required their attendance with a copy forwarded to the H&S representative. This will be used to identify injury and accident trends and possible areas of improvement in the control of H&S risks. Accident Procedure Under the H&S Regulations a statutory accident book is maintained. All accidents which occur on the Club s premises must be reported and recorded. The accident book is located behind the club house bar and the H&S representative must be informed when an entry is made.

13 CORSHAM RFC RISK ASSESSMENT POLICY It is a legal requirement for all employers to carry out a suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment of their activities which could affect the H&S of their employees or others taking reasonable steps to try to be as safe as possible and use a logical method for checking what has been done. A Risk Assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm to people in particular place. It will help weigh up whether enough precautions have been taken or whether more should be done to prevent harm. The aim is to minimise the risk of someone getting hurt.

14 CORSHAM RFC RISK ASSESSMENTS Risk assessments are carried out in five stages:- 1. Identify the hazard Identified risks are as follows:- - Manual Handling - Fumes - Machinery and equipment - Noise - Slipping / tripping hazards - Working at height - Young persons - Vehicles - Crowds - Personal injury - Display screen equipment - Low temperature - Electricity - Lone working - Fire - Hazardous substances - Food hygiene 2. Decide who might be harmed and how Will include employees, members of the public and visitors. 3. Evaluate the risks to decide whether existing precautions are adequate or whether more should be done. To ensure adequate training, instruction, information is provided. To ensure that there are adequate systems / procedures to follow. To reduce risk as low a reasonable practicable. To comply with industry standards. 4. Record your findings All risk assessments to be carried out on the club template provided in addition to the generic club risk assessments already completed. 5. Review the assessment regularly and review when necessary. This is not an exhausted list of hazards but provides a general overview and are intended to be used as a guide. It is the responsibility of each department whether additional specific risk assessments are needed.

15 CORSHAM RFC ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT POLICY The Club aims to comply with the Electricity At Work Regulations Electrical hazards arise form poor design, construction and installation, inadequate standards of maintenance, or misuse and incorrect operation. The Club will reduce these hazards to a minimum by the use of competent persons, using safe systems of work, approved material and equipment and through regular testing and inspection. Employees who use electrical equipment must report any fault or defect immediately to a committee member. Employees must not attempt to carry out any repairs or interfere with any equipment unless they are designated competent to do so. As soon as an employee is aware of any defect they should stop using it, isolate the equipment by removing the power source and report the defect.

16 CORSHAM RFC ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Portable Appliance Testing Routine inspection and preventative maintenance are essential if accidents are to be avoided. All Club owned portable apparatus, including extension leads will be recalled for routine inspection and recorded accordingly. No personal electrical equipment may be used until it has been PAT tested. The following points are to be considered to further reduce risk of injury:- - Plugs must be removed properly and not pulled out using the lead. - Equipment, plugs and leads must be examined before use for signs of damage. - Electrical equipment must not come into contact with water. - Do not use electrical equipment with wet hands. - Do not leave electrical equipment unattended and switched on. - Do not attempt to remove replaceable parts while the machine is switched on. - Do not overload electrical plugs by use of adapters. - Ensure fully trained before using electrical equipment. Any electrical injury or shocks must be entered into the accident book and reported to the H&S representative.

17 CORSHAM RFC SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH POLICY Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). These could cause harm to employees and other people. Substances can take many forms and include:- - Chemicals - Products containing chemicals - Fumes - Dusts - Vapours - Mists - Gases - Germs that cause diseases Before procuring any substance that could potentially be hazardous to health the club will ensure that the following has been considered:- - Eliminate the use of harmful products and use a safer one. - Use a safer form of the product. - Enclose the process so that the product does not escape. - Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves or coveralls. The club will ensure that a suitable COSHH assessment has been carried out for any hazardous substance to be used by employees and will address all associated hazards. The club will also expect to see evidence that any contractors working on site have made their own staff aware of COSHH assessments and information.

18 CORSHAM RFC MANUAL HANDLING POLICY The Club accepts there is a risk of injury from manual handling operations. To prevent and reduce these risks it will comply with the requirements of Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and H&S guidance. No employee will be expected to and therefore must not move any loads that they think is liable to cause injury. The Club will identify all manual-handling operations by the means of Risk Assessments and this includes pushing, pulling, lifting and carrying and supporting a load. All manual handling operations that involve a risk of injury and cannot be avoid or mechanised will be assessed to reduce the risks to the lowest level reasonable practicable.

19 CORSHAM RFC MANUAL HANDLING Good lifting and handling practice Stop and think assess the load and think about how you are going to lift it and what you need to do once you have lifted it. Assess the load What is the weight of the load, is the weight evenly distributed, does its shape make it hard to handle, are there any other hazards. Assess the task Are there any mechanical aids to assist, do you need help to lift it, is the working area clear of obstacles. Adopt a good posture Lift with your feet slightly apart, bend your knees and keep a straight back. Get a firm grip and do not snatch or jerk when lifting.

20 CORSHAM RFC GENERAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICIES Events Before each event the Club considers; - Crowd management (including communication in the event of an emergency and any public disorder control issues). - If there are clear directions as to where spectators may stand (distance from the touchline or any identified hazards such as machinery on site) where appropriate? - What first aid provision and insurance there is in place? - Is there adequate Ambulance access? - Will the event incur a charge for police services, i.e. traffic control outside the venue or signage costs from local highways department? - How cash taken at the gate or over the bar is safely stored or transferred from the ground? - Are necessary procedures in place to deal with sanitation and waste management. - When the premises are to be used for events other than the playing of rugby the Club considers the following: a. Are the premises suitable for the event or function? b. Are likely attendees suitable for the premises? c. Is the staff competent to provide and service the function? d. Does the event need a separate license or insurance? e. Does the event or function need a separate risk assessment? f. If an external company is coming onto our premises can they produce their method statement, risk assessments, copies of their insurance cover and is it adequate? g. Will the event or function enhance or damage the club s standing in the community (e.g. could there be late night noise issues or disturbance to residents)? h. Are there special circumstances relating to the event to which necessitate informing the emergency services or local authority? i. If security staff is needed, they are suitably trained and experienced?

21 CORSHAM RFC GENERAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICIES Housekeeping The general tidiness and cleanliness of the premises is a key factor in the promotion of H&S and can contribute greatly to reducing risks of accidents. Everyone is responsible for the general state of the premises in respect to rubbish and must dispose of any waste material in the containers provided. Work areas need to be kept clean and tidy. Corridors need to be kept free from obstacles and any fluids or liquids. Spillages must be cleaned up immediately with appropriate warning signed during and after the operation. No combustible material must be allowed to accumulate and all entrances and exits must be kept free from obstacles that is likely to affect safe movement. Lone Working Where possible lone working should be avoided. A lone worker has no immediate recourse in the event of attack, illness or accident. All lone working situations will be Risk Assessed before work commences. Machinery and Equipment The Club aim is to provide for employees use equipment, which is so far as reasonable practicable safe, and without risk to health. The Club will endeavour to ensure that the right equipment is purchased. Prior to use equipment will be checked and any manufacture guidance considered. Information and training will be provided to include the risks, the preventative measures, systems of work and any PPE that is required. Employees must not use any equipment unless they are competent to do so and report any damage or malfunction to the management committee. Particular requirements and Risk Assessments apply to certain machinery and will be complied with appropriately.

22 CORSHAM RFC GENERAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICIES Noise The Club recognises the risk from exposure to excessive noise to employees at work. The Club will therefore comply with the Noise at Work Regulations 2006 and guidance produced by HSE. Where necessary the Club will make a noise assessment where employees are likely to be exposed to: - 805dB(A) - lower action value - 85dB(A) - upper exposure action value - 87dB(A) - exposure limit value The Club will in all cases try to reduce noise to the lowest level by precautions and methods other than by the use of personal hearing protection. Where employees are exposed or may be exposed to noise levels of 80dB(A) or above, the Club will provide appropriate personal ear protection. Where employees are exposed to noise levels at 85dB(A) employees will be provided with and must wear personal ear protection and its use is mandatory. Personal Protective Clothing (PPE) The use of PPE will be specified by the relevant Risk Assessment where the Club recognises that PPE is a last resort in reducing or preventing risk. Employees must co-operate with the Club in the use of PPE and must wear PPE if instructed to do so for which training will be provided.

23 CORSHAM RFC GENERAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICIES Playing Rugby The Club recognizes the need to ensure that players are playing and training in a safe environment. As such, the Club takes the following measures to ensure the maximum safety of all players and coaches; - All coaches are supported and encouraged to undertake a relevant RFU award; - All coaches and other adults are supported and encouraged to undertake a First Aid Award; - The Club supports referees and potential referees to attend relevant courses; - The Club runs internal in service sessions for all coaches to ensure they are up to date with current practice; - The Club has a Child Protection Policy and a designated Child Protection Officer; - All relevant people undertake an Enhanced CRB Disclosure. Security In considering the issue of security, the Club has taken into account the day to day usage of the Club and the degree of security required for our premises. In putting into place our security measures, we have taken into account the fact that, by the very nature of a rugby club, it is very difficult to account for every person on the premises at any one time. The club operates the following security measures; - Having business callers attend by prearranged appointment only. - Providing secure changing facilities for players with valuables. - An alarm system linked to a central alarm control - Secure system for storing cash. - Adequate lighting, which can be actuated on detection of movement.

24 CORSHAM RFC GENERAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICIES Slips, Trips and Falls The most common cause of injuries, the Club therefore requires all floors to be suitably surfaced, in good condition and free from obstruction. Members and others are encouraged to report to a management committee member any obvious hazards to safe movement, including:- - Spillage or wet or dry substances - Trailing cables - Miscellaneous rubbish - Loose mats - Slippery surfaces - Poor lighting - Unmarked changes in levels or slopes Notices are to be clearly displayed when floors are being cleaned. Pedestrian routes and emergency exits are to be kept free of obstructions at all times. Tours Before undertaking any tour, the Club will:- - Complete relevant RFU forms. - Ensure comprehensive insurance is in place. Consult the RFU procedures on Organizing a Tour. Vehicle seat belts The Club is aware of the Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat Belts) Regulations 2006 and have made all relevant adults in the Club aware of:- - travelling in cars are required to use an appropriate child restraint or adult seat belt. - Drivers are responsible for ensuring that children under 14 years of age are restrained in the correct manner. - Passengers aged over 14 are legally responsible for ensuring that they are wearing a seat belt.

25 CORSHAM RFC GENERAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICIES Visitors The Club recognizes its duty of care to all who visit the club. The Club is regularly hired out to external uses and for festivals and as such, through a safety audit, the Club has ensured the following; - There is adequate information signage. - The condition and repair of any roads, car parks or access paths and the management of traffic to and from the site is suitable. - The facilities to be used are safe and free from defect; d. The facilities are suitable for use for all persons likely to need to use them, children, disabled persons etc. - The fire escape area is a potential hazard for young people and steps are taken to reduce the risk. - When the premises are used in hours of darkness, the Club will ensure there the lighting is adequate and well maintained and there is standby provision for power through emergency lighting and a basic hand held light.

26 General COSHH Safety information and risk assessment Product: I Miscellaneous domestic products including Air fresheners, floor waxes/polishes, foam cleaners, kitchen cleaners lavatory cleaners, polishes, washing up liquids Location: Corsham RFC Club House. Job/process/activity: Normal club house operations including basic cleaning and maintenance. Who is exposed to hazard? Corsham RFC members and visitors. Frequency and for how long? Low frequency for short duration. Substance: As stated on product container. Assessment: Shop bought products are used by competent personnel in accordance with instructions provided. Where further information is needed Club H&S officer should be contacted before purchase or use. Control measures: Use Strictly in accordance with instructions provided. Follow COSHH policy and procedures, including guidance on safe handling. Storage As stated on label, otherwise in a cool dry safe place. Avoid excessive storage purchase sufficient only for immediate needs. Emergencies: Fire: Unlikely if measures for use and storage are followed. First aid: Eyes, skin, inhalation, ingestion: See information on product container In any case of doubt, seek medical advice Disposal: In accordance with information on product container. Personal protection: As stated on product container. Additional comments: Risk: Low, provided that conditions on product container are followed. For any other use/large quantities/extended use, refer to Club H&S Officer.

27 RISK ASSESSMENT FORM MANUAL HANDLING Activity: Name/s of person/s handling Tick through the most appropriate word/s on each line - More than one tick may be appropriate - Position of tick indicates degree of risk. If risk perceived as low place tick to left. If high place tick to right. GREEN AMBER RED 1. TYPE OF HANDLING LOWER LIFT OVER-REACH PUSH PULL TWIST STOOP 2. DURATION AND FREQUENCY OF MANUAL HANDLING TASK 30 SECS 5 MINS 10 MINS 30 MINS ONCE 10 PER DAY 50 PER DAY HALF DAY ALL DAY 3. DISTANCE OF TRAVEL/VERTICAL MOVEMENT WHILST HANDLING 1 TO 2 METERS SURFACE TO SAME HEIGHT 2 5 METERS FLOOR TO FLOOR LOWER 5 METERS + TO HIGHER SURFACE 4. WEIGHT AND SIZE 1 kg+ 3 kg+ 5 Kg+ 10 kg+ 15 kg+ 20 kg+ SMALL COMPACT SOLID LARGE LIQUID UNWIELDY COMPLEX 5. ENVIRONMENT AND SPACE LEVEL FLOOR SPACIOUS TIDY 6. OPERATOR TRAINED INSTUCTED CHANGES IN LEVEL UNTIDY TRIPPING HAZARDS UNTRAINED POOR LIGHTING UNTIDY CRAMPED COLD NOT TRAINED EXPERIENCED IN MANUAL HANDLING VIEWED 7. ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE MACHINARY REQUIRED PERSONNEL REQUIRED NOT EXPERIENCED NOT VIEWED NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE FACTORS SCORING RED requires immediate review and remedies AMBER requires review and remedies where possible GREEN continue to follow good practice Further comments where appropriate: Remedial action taken: Factor No:... Factor No... Factor No... Remedial action taken by employee Factor No:...

28 Factor No... Factor No.. RISK ASSESSMENT AND CHECKLIST FOR YOUNG PERSON Date of Assessment Location Name of Young Person Date of Birth The work requires the young person (YP) to - (delete statements that do not apply) - Use computer for more than 1 hour per day. - Use substances and chemicals which could be hazardous to health - Lift weights in excess of 7.5kg on a regular basis. - Push and pull trolleys or similar equipment. - Work with dangerous machinery. - Work in areas where extremes of temperature may be experienced or - Undertake general tasks which do not involve any of the above (specify). Age Years YES/NO COMMENTS / ACTION Has YP received information about any local hazards. Has YP received information about Health, Safety & Fire Policy. Is YP aware of first aid arrangements. Does YP understand fire alarm procedures Is YP aware of emergency procedures. Is YP expected to work with - Hazardous Machinery/Work Equipment - Chemicals/Substances - Hazardous Environments - Visual Display Screens - Loads lifting and carrying Is there machinery/work equipment in area - If Yes, is there - Adequate supervision. - Adequate information. - Any item which the YP should not be allowed to operate. - Is machinery adequately guarded Are risk assessments available for - - Manual Handling Operations - Machinery/Other Equipment - Hazardous Substances/COSHH Has training been given for - - local operating procedures

29 - safety awareness - safe use of machinery/equipment - safe use of hazardous substances If Personal Protective Equipment is needed - - Has it been provided to YP - Has YP been trained in its use - Is it suitable and sufficient for the task NOTES: All aspects of the work must be considered when making the assessment. Where machinery/work equipment is provided, young persons must NOT be allowed to operate dangerous machines without full supervision, instruction and training. Where all existing risk assessments show low risk and no other risks are identified, the overall risk assessment is low risk. Where any element of the work has been identified as presenting medium or high risk, the young person can be allowed to carry out the other tasks that are low risk. Where a task is assessed medium or high risk, or there is no assessment. The YP is not to do the work until it has been assessed or action has been taken to reduce the risk to low risk. Where any activity other than undertaking general tasks has been noted above, a risk assessment for the task is attached to this assessment. The YP has been advised of any risks identified in the assessment, has received, or will receive suitable training and understands the precautions to be observed. Suitable training will be provided before the YP is allowed to do any task unsupervised. In addition the following precautions/work practices should be followed:- This general assessment has been fully discussed and agreed with this YP and it will be reviewed if the work changes. A copy of this assessment has been given to him/her for retention and to their parent/guardian for signature where they are under 16. Signature..... Date. (Young Person) Signature..... Date. (Parent/Guardian) Signature..... Date.. H&S Officer

30 H&S / WORKPLACE INSPECTION CHECKLIST To be completed every 6 months. WORKPLACE INSPECTION HEALTH, SAFETY & FIRE Yes / No 1 Procedures are in place to evacuate all members / visitors, including disabled people, in the event of an emergency. 2 All fire extinguishers have labels showing test and inspection results and have been inspected in the last 12 months. 3 Boiler room and areas close to electrical panels free of waste and combustible materials. 4 Fire Action Notices are filled in, permanently displayed on noticeboard and adjacent to all fire alarm call points. 5 Floor surfaces are undamaged and free from all slip or trip hazards including sufficient barrier matting at entrance. 6 The building is clean and tidy with no build up of waste materials that may start or spread fire, or cause obstructions etc. 7 Lighting is adequate and not defective in all areas where people work or pass through. 8 Internal fire doors have Fire Door Keep Closed or Fire Door Keep Locked notices displayed as appropriate, with fully operating self-closing mechanisms fitted which close the door fully. 9 Emergency information list and details of First Aiders displayed in prominent area. 10 Fire exits fitted with panic bars or glass emergency locks are secured by no other device during normal working hours. COMMENT / ACTION

31 11 Toilets clean, ventilated and maintained with adjacent washing facilities with hot and cold water, soap and means for drying hands. 12 Fire exits are clearly marked and means of escape routes clear and unobstructed. 13 External fire escape routes are both illuminated and safe. 14 External areas including car parks are free of any notable defects requiring action. 15 General storage is tidy with shelving not overloaded and no risk of falling objects. 16 All plugs, cables and portable electrical equipment in good order, PAT tested and tidy to prevent tripping hazards. 17 Ladders, step ladders and kick stools are in good condition and stored safely. 18 All work related equipment is in a safe and suitable working order and maintained as appropriate. 19 Where protective clothing and equipment is necessary, it is readily available, used and maintained. 20 Box-type multi-socket adapters not used for electrical equipment. 21 Risk assessments have been reviewed and updated where appropriate. 22 All employees are instructed and aware of the correct lifting and carrying methods 23 Employees have received instruction in fire matters. 24 All chemical substances used, assessed and stored safely. Safety Information and Risk assessment sheets retained. 25 Fire Log Book is up-to-date Person carrying out check : Name Signature : Date :

32 CORSHAM RFC FIRE LOG ALARM TESTING All fire alarms must be tested weekly to ensure the alarm is audible throughout the premises. The test should be carried out by operating a different call point each successive test to ensure that all the points are functioning correctly. Date Actuation Point (state number) Result (pass / fail) Defect and Action Taken Signature

33 CORSHAM RFC FIRE LOG All new members of staff (including temporary or agency staff) must be given fire instructions within 7 days of startin to include the following: Action to be taken upon discovering a fire Action to be taken upon hearing the fire alarm and location of call points and indicator panel Method of calling the Fire Service Location and use of fire fighting equipment Fire escape routes The importance of fire doors and other basic fire prevention measures Evacuation procedures involving members of the public, including disabled customers / visitors Location of assembly points THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS OF STAFF HAVE RECEIVED FIRE TRAINING Date Name Signature of employee Signature of instructor

34 CORSHAM RFC FIRE LOG FIRE DRILLS Fire drills involving a full evacuation of the premises to a place of safety must be carried out every 6-months and recorded below. Following the drill, the Senior Marshal should undertake a debrief with the Marshals to identify any issues or concerns encountered which should then be communicated to staff. 1 st Half Year 2 nd Half Year Year Date Signature Date Signature

35 CORSHAM RFC FIRE LOG EMERGENCY LIGHTING TEST Emergency lighting must be tested each month for a period sufficient only to ensure the batteries are satisfactory and that each lamp is illuminated Date Duration of test Result (pass / fail) Defect and Action Taken Signature

36 Risk Assessments Activity Assessed: External areas of Club Assessment Date: 18/02/17 Reference: RA01 Name of Assessor: Neil Bridgeman Review Date: 18/02/18 Ref No. Hazard Slips Trips and Falls Persons at Risk and How They Might be Harmed Employees, Players and visitors Injury from slips trips and falls from uneven or damaged surfaces, holes etc. Controls Currently in Place Further Controls Recommended Risk Rating Ground surfaces, paths, steps, drainage covers etc., around the premises are even with no obvious tripping hazards. The external areas are regularly monitored/inspected. Parking for disabled is provided as close to the club entrance as possible or suitable pathway. The car park is very uneven and is poorly illuminated. Patch repairs should be considered and illumination to the car park area. Old lighting columns are currently being used to assist with the outlay of the car park. These should be removed and Chapter 8 barriers or DDA approved markers utilised to prevent tripping. Medium Action by Whom Action by Date Completed Date Falling items and External Fixtures. Employees, Players and visitors The fabric of the building appears to be satisfactory with no obvious signs of unstable or loose brickwork, boarding, TV aerials, satellite dishes etc. External seating/tables are maintained in good condition. Wooden fences are in good order with no sharp edges/nails protruding) Low Injury from being stuck by falling items. Cuts from sharp objects. External building or store facility is secured to prevent unauthorised access. Grounds maintenance equipment is kept secured.

37 Poor Lighting Employees, Players and visitors External lighting is installed sparingly. Improved external lighting around the perimeter of the Clubhouse. Medium Broken Glass Injury from slips, trips and falls. Employees, Players and visitors All broken glass is immediately removed and disposed of safely in designated broken glass bins. Only plastic drinks glasses allowed in external areas. Consider installing signage to remind of the no glass outside policy. Low Fire Injury from cuts and infection Employees, Players and visitors Injuries from burns and inhalation of smoke and fumes. A specific fire risk assessment has been carried out. Bins are to be kept a minimum of one meter from the Clubhouse at all times. Gas cylinders are secured. Where the BBQ is used, it is well away from the club main building and gas store. A suitable fire extinguisher is provided when the BBQ is being used. The BBQ is supervised when in use and children kept away from the area when it s cooling off. Improved No Smoking signs around the Clubhouse. Designated smoking area sign posted off site. Gas storage area to have warning signs installed. Fire evacuation plan to be drawn up and implemented. Fire alarm to be installed. Fire Risk Assessment to be drawn up Emergency lighting to be brought up to Standard. High A check of the external area is carried out before closing up the club to ensure no risk of fire from the BBQ remains. Ingestion of harmful substances. Fire exits are not obstructed. No harmful substances stored externally. Staff monitor the external areas Specific lockable COSHH cupboard to be installed. Medium

38 Hazardous Substances Delivery Vehicles Animal waste (such as rat urine or dog waste) Employees, Players and visitors People being hit by moving vehicles. periodically when club is open and children present. Signage is provided to warn people to keep dogs off the pitches. When delivery vehicles are on site and the club is open, the area by the vehicle is closed off to the public and children. The loading or unloading of delivery vehicles is supervised. A speed limit is displayed at the site entrance enforced on site COSHH assessments to be carried out and kept in the Club. Low Grounds maintenance equipment Car Parking Employees, Players and visitors Being struck by moving plant equipment Cuts, amputation Burns Employees, Players and visitors Ground maintenance equipment is kept secured and locked away when not in use (keys removed) Suitable risk assessments have been undertaken for the use of the equipment. Use of equipment is restricted to authorised and trained personnel only Equipment is not used when club is open and children may be present. Where grounds maintenance is carried out by a contractor the contractor has been vetted and has provided proof of competence. Petrol is stored in small amounts and in suitable containers and signage provided. Car park attendants to wear highvisibility vests at all times. Once car park is full attendants to send vehicles to public car park. Gate to be closed once car park full. Consider purchasing Car Park Full sign to prevent cars backing up onto Lacock Road. Low Low Being struck by moving vehicles. Causing an obstruction onto the main road leading to possible accident/collision. No parking cones to be put out 10M either side of Club entrance. All attendants to receive Car Park Duties Guide

39 RISK ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE FOR RFU CLUBS Activity Assessed: Bar and Cellar Areas Assessment Date: 04/03/17 Reference: RA02 Name of Assessor: Neil Bridgeman Review Date: 04/03/17 Ref No. Hazard Access to Cellar Persons at Risk and How They Might be Harmed Employees Injury from slips, trips and falls. Controls Currently in Place All staff involved in cellar work have received training in cellar management, safe systems of work, CO 2 detection and leakage procedures and manual handling. Prevent access to the cellar by members of public e.g. keep door locked, signage. Trap door is not left up or unattended. Further Controls Recommended Install ventilation fan Risk Rating Low Action by Whom Action by Date Completed Date Damage of CO 2 or N 2 Cylinders Employees Asphyxiation, injury to eyes and air in blood stream. A CO 2 cellar warning notice is prominently displayed. All CO 2 or N 2 cylinders are suitably secured/chained to prevent toppling or damage. Staff involved in bar and cellar work are aware of how to identify leaking CO 2 cylinders and the action to take, should a leaking cylinder be identified. Staff are trained in the actions to take should it be activated. Staff wear eye protection when connecting or disconnecting pressured gas lines. Staff aware of hazard of injection of compressed gas into body blood supply. Install CO 2 alarm Medium Broken Glass Employees Injury from cuts and infection Adequate ventilation is provided. Suitable rigid plastic bins/containers are provided for the safe collection and disposal of broken glass within the premises. A dustpan and brush are provided to clean up broken glass, suitable safety signage is used to mark the area until glass can be picked up. Suitable glass handling gloves provided. Plastic glasses are provided on match days for use outside. Install no glass outside signs. Low


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