Class Information. Ultimate Frisbee. Backhand throw Pancake catch Forehand throw C catch Pivoting. Grade 9, Students

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1 1 ClassInformation UltimateFrisbee Backhandthrow Pancakecatch Forehandthrow C catch Pivoting Grade9,10 24Students 8LessonUnit 75 MinuteLessonLength PrestonIngram

2 2 NeedsAssessment Psychomotor Studentsintheninth/tenthgrademayhavealreadybeenintroducedtothebackhandthrow,pancakecatch,forehand throw, C catchandpivotingintheirpreviousmiddleorelementaryschool sfrisbeeunit.theyneedtocontinuetopractice theseskillsusingthecriticalelementsandapplytheminmodifiedgameplay.theymaybeintroducedtothebackhandthrow, pancakecatch,forehandthrow, C catchorpivotinginthisninth/tenthgradeultimatefrisbeeunit.althoughsomestudents mayhavehadexperiencewiththebackhandthrow,pancakecatch,forehandthrow, C catchorpivotinginformalorinformal physicalactivitysettingsoutsideschool.theyneedtopracticethisskillusingthecriticalelementsandapplyingitinmodified gameplay. Studentsintheninth/tenthgradeareinalldifferentgrowthphasesbasedontheonsetofpuberty.Theyneedactivities thatallowtheirheartratetoriseandstayattheirindividualtargetheartrate.attentiontocardiovascularendurancewillhelp toraiseandsustaintheheartrateofthestudents,developingtheirheartandpromotinghealth relatedfitness.also,students needactivitiesthatwillstretchtheirmaturingmusclesandincorporatefullrangeofmotion.attentiontoflexibilitywillhelpin thedevelopmentofthestudentsmaturingmusclesandpromotehealth relatedfitness.studentsalsoneedactivitiesthat encouragetheuseoflargemusclegroups.attentiontomuscularendurancewillhelpinthedevelopmentofthesemuscle groupsandpromotehealth relatedfitness. Cognitive Studentsintheninth/tenthgrademayhavealreadybeenintroducedtothecriticalelementsforthebackhandthrow, pancakecatch,forehandthrow, C catchandpivotingintheirpreviousmiddleorelementaryschool sfrisbeeunit.theywill needtoreviewthesecriticalelementstomakesuretheycandescribehowtoperformeachskill.thecriticalelementsforthe backhandthrow,pancakecatch,forehandthrow, C catchandpivotingwillbeintroduced/reviewedasthisskillistaughtand practiced.whenstudentsareapplyingtheseskillsinmodifiedgames,theywillreviewpreviouslylearnedrulesorlearnnew rules. Studentsintheninth/tenthgradeshouldbethinkingaboutthebenefitsoflearningUltimateFrisbeeskillsand activities.theyneedtobeabletodiscusswhyitisimportanttolearntheseultimatefrisbeeskillsandactivities. Affective Studentsintheninth/tenthgradehavealreadyhadsomeexperienceworkingwithpartners,smallgroups,andthe entireclassintheirpreviousmiddleand/orelementaryschool sphysicaleducationprogram.theyneedtocontinuetowork withthesegroupingstohelpdeveloptheirabilitytocooperate.theyalsoneedtoshareequipmentandspace,abidebyclass

3 3 rulesandplayfairlytocontinuetodeveloppositivesportingbehavior.also,studentsneedtoparticipateinactivitiesthat involvekeepingtheirbodiesandequipmentundercontroltocontinuetodevelopself discipline. Therefore,thefocusofthisunitisforstudentstobeginorcontinueinthedevelopmentofthebackhandthrow,pancake catch,forehandthrow, C catchandpivoting,astheskillsareintroduced.theywillbeabletoperformtheseskillsusingthe criticalelements.studentsshouldbeabletodescribehowtoperformeachskill.theyshouldalsobeabletodiscussbasic gamerules.finally,studentswillcontinuetodevelopself discipline,cooperationandpositivesportingbehaviorandby participatingintheunit sactivities. InstructionalGoals/UnitObjectives A.Psychomotor:Motorskilldevelopment AddressesNASPEStandard1:Demonstratescompetencyinmotorskillsandmovementpatternsneededtoperforma varietyofphysicalactivities. AddressesNASPEStandard3:Participatesregularlyinphysicalactivity. Goal:Studentswillbeabletoperformthebackhandthrow,pancakecatch,forehandthrow, C catchandthepivot usingthecriticalelementsandapplytheseskillsinmodifiedgameplay. Objectives: 1. Studentswillbeabletoperformthebackhandthrowusingthecriticalelements: Thumbontop,indexfingeronrimandallotherfingerstuckedunderneath Coilwristandarmacrossbody Stepforward Extendarmreleasingdiscwithsnapofwrist 2. Studentswillbeabletoperformthepancakecatchusingthecriticalelements: EyesfollowFrisbee

4 4 Handsoutparalleltoeachother,1tophandand1bottomhand TrackFrisbeein betweenhands Claphandstogether,1ontop,1onbottomofFrisbee 3. Studentswillbeabletoperformtheforehandthrowusingthecriticalelements: Peacesigngrip Palmup Non throwinglegfacingtarget Elbowtuckedinagainstside Flickofthewrist 4. Studentswillbeabletoperformthe C catchusingthecriticalelements: EyesfollowFrisbee Forma C withthumbandfingers TrackFrisbeeinto C ClosefingersontoFrisbee 5. Studentswillbeabletoperformthepivotusingthecriticalelements: Balancedstance Weightonballofpivotfoot Stepforwardandbackwardonnon pivotfoot Pivotonballoffoot B.Psychomotor:Health relatedfitness AddressesNASPEStandard4:Achievesandmaintainsahealth relatedenhancinglevelofphysicalfitness. AddressesNASPEStandard3:Participatesregularlyinphysicalactivity.

5 5 Goal:Studentswillcontinuetodevelopcardiovascularendurance,flexibilityandmuscularendurancebyparticipating inwarm upactivities. Objectives: 1. Studentswillcontinuetodevelopcardiovascularendurancebyparticipatinginactivitiesthatraisetheheartrate towardsitstarget. 2. Studentswillcontinuetodevelopflexibilitybyparticipationinactivitiesthatinvolvestretchingthroughthefull rangeofmotion. 3. Studentswillcontinuetodevelopmuscularendurancebyparticipatinginactivitiesthatinvolverepetitive movement. C.Cognitive:Movementconceptsandprinciples,rules,strategies,andterminology AddressesNASPEStandard2:Demonstratesunderstandingofmovementconcepts,principles,strategies,andtacticsas theyapplytothelearningandperformanceofphysicalactivities. Goal:Studentswillbeabletodescribethecriticalelementsofthebackhandthrow;pancakecatch,forehandthrowand C catchanddiscussthebasicrulesofultimatefrisbee. Objectives: 1. Studentswillbeabletodescribethecriticalelementsofthebackhandthrowas: Thumbontop,indexfingeronrimandallotherfingerstuckedunderneath Coilwristandarmacrossbody Stepforward Extendarmreleasingdiscwithsnapofwrist 2. Studentswillbeabletodescribethecriticalelementsofthepancakecatchas: EyesfollowFrisbee Handsoutparalleltoeachother,1tophandand1bottomhand

6 6 TrackFrisbeein betweenhands Claphandstogether,1ontop,1onbottomofFrisbee 3. Studentswillbeabletodescribethecriticalelementsoftheforehandthrowcatchas: Peacesigngrip Palmup Non throwinglegfacingtarget Elbowtuckedinagainstside Flickofthewrist 4. Studentswillbeabletodescribethecriticalelementsofthe C catchas: EyesfollowFrisbee Forma C withthumbandfingers TrackFrisbeeinto C ClosefingersontoFrisbee 5. Studentswillbeabletodescribethecriticalelementsofthepivotas: Balancedstance Weightonballofpivotfoot Stepforwardandbackwardonnon pivotfoot Pivotonballoffoot 6.StudentswillbeabletodiscussthefollowingbasicrulesofUltimateFrisbee: InitiatePlay Scoring MovementoftheDisc ChangeofPossession Non contact Fouls

7 7 Self Officiating D.Cognitive:Contributionstophysicalandsocial/emotionalwell being AddressesNASPEStandard6:Valuesphysicalactivityforhealth,enjoyment,challenge,self expression,and/orsocial interaction. Goal:StudentswillbeabletodiscusswhylearningtheseUltimateFrisbeeskillsandactivitiesisimportant. Objectives: 1. StudentswillbeabletodiscussthatplayingUltimateFrisbeecanhelpthembeapositiveandhelpfulmemberofa group. E.Affective:Personaldevelopment AddressesNASPEStandard5:Exhibitsresponsible,personalandsocialbehaviorthatrespectsselfandothersin physicalactivitysettings. AddressesNASPEStandard6:Valuesphysicalactivityforhealth,enjoyment,challenge,self expression,and/orsocial interaction. Goal:Studentswillcontinuetodevelopself disciplinebyparticipatinginwarm up,practice,andapplicationactivities. Objective: 1. Studentswillcontinuetodevelopself disciplinebybeingincontroloftheirbodiesandequipment. F.Affective:SocialDevelopment AddressesNASPEStandard5:Exhibitsresponsible,personalandsocialbehaviorthatrespectsselfandothersin physicalactivitysettings.

8 8 AddressesNASPEStandard6:Valuesphysicalactivityforhealth,enjoyment,challenge,self expression,and/orsocial interaction. Goal:Studentswillcontinuetodevelopcooperationandpositivesportingbehaviorbyparticipatinginwarm up, practice,andapplicationactivities. Objectives: 1. Studentswillcontinuetodevelopcooperationbyworkingwithpartners,smallsgroupsandtheentireclass. 2. Studentswillcontinuetodeveloppositivesportingbehaviorbysharingequipmentandspace,abidingbyclassrules andplayingfairlywhileparticipatinginpracticeactivitiesandmodifiedgameplay.

9 9 TASK 1. ANALYSIS: MOTOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT A. Skills: The task analysis answers the question: What would the learner need to perform to meet the instructional goal? List each skill to be taught below. Backhand throw Points to Emphasize/Critical Elements/Instructional Cues For each skill identified in the task analysis, list the points to emphasize, critical elements, and/or instructional cues to be used when teaching. 1a. Thumb on top, index finger on rim and all other fingers tucked underneath 2b. Coil wrist and arm across body 3c. Step forward 4d. Extend arm releasing disc with snap of wrist CORE Practice Activities For each skill identified in the task analysis, list practice activities specific to learning this skill. Stationary partner passing Throw for accuracy Give and go passing CLOSING ACTIVITY Application Activities For each skill identified in the task analysis, list application activities such as modified or lead-up games, low organization games, or other activities that apply the skill. Frisbee golf 3v3 keep away Frisbee botchy 2. Pancake catch 2a. Eyes follow Frisbee 2b. Hands out parallel to each other, 1 top hand and 1 bottom hand 3c. Track Frisbee in-between hands 4d. Clap hands together, 1 on top, 1 on bottom of Frisbee Partner passing Pass and follow Star passing One-Step Twenty-One 3. Forehand throw 3a. Peace sign grip 3b. Palm up 3c. Non-throwing leg facing target 3d. Elbow tucked in against side 3e. Flick of the wrist Partner passing Twenty-One Pass and follow Frisbee tennis Space softball 6v6 must make 4 passes 4. C catch 5. Pivoting 4a. Eyes follow Frisbee 4b. Form a C with thumb and fingers 4c. Track Frisbee into C 4d. Close fingers onto Frisbee 5a. Balanced stance 5b. Weight on ball of pivot foot 5c. Step forward and backward on nonpivot foot 5d. Pivot on ball of foot Stationary partner passing Give and go passing 3 person passing Shadow defending Monkey in the middle Frisbee shuffleboard Three-person weave Full sided game 3v3 game

10 10 Modifications for differences in skill level: Adjust practice distances Safety considerations: proper use of equipment. Pad any hazards within gymnasium if inside and used middle of gym. TASK ANALYSIS: HEALTH- RELATED FITNESS B. Health-Related Fitness: The task analysis answers the question: What health-related fitness components would the learner need to continue to develop to meet the instructional goal? List each health-related fitness component addressed in your Health- Related Fitness goal below. Points to Emphasize For each health-related fitness component identified in the task analysis, list the fitness concept(s) to emphasize in teaching. Warm-up (conditioning) Activities For each health-related fitness component identified in the task analysis, list specific exercises or activities that will be used to develop this component. Cardiovascular Endurance Flexibility Pace yourself Reach and sustain target heart rate Hold the stretch for 12 seconds Use proper form Repeat stretch twice Partner Pass and Move Circuits Agilities Game play 5 min run Static Group circle stretch Trunk twist Calves Hamstrings Quads Arms Ankles

11 11 Dynamic Stretches (10 yards) Arm circles Cocky walk Inverted toe touch Worlds greatest stretch Heel to butt Side lunge Lunge with twist Muscular Endurance Be active Repeat movements Circuits Agilities Push-up Jumping jacks Mountain climbers Crab walk Planks Jump rope Modifications for differences in fitness levels: adjust length of activity or size of field. Safety considerations: adequate spacing. Pad any hazards. TASK ANALYSIS: MOVEMENT CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES, RULES, STRATEGIES, AND CORE CLOSING ACTIVITY CLOSING DISCUSSION TERMINOLOGY Points to Emphasize/Critical Practice Activities Application Activities/Closing

12 12 C. Concepts/Principles: The task analysis answers the question: What would the learner need to know to meet the instructional goal? List each concept, principle, rule, strategy, and/or term to be taught below. 1. Backhand Throw 2. Pancake Catch 3. Forehand Throw Elements/Instructional Cues For each concept, principle, rule, strategy, and/or term identified in the task analysis, list the points to emphasize, critical elements, and/or instructional cues to be used when teaching. 1a. Thumb on top, index finger on rim and all other fingers tucked underneath 2b. Coil wrist and arm across body 3c. Step forward 4d. Extend arm releasing disc with snap of wrist 2a. Eyes follow Frisbee 2b. Hands out parallel to each other, 1 top hand and 1 bottom hand 3c. Track Frisbee in-between hands 4d. Clap hands together, 1 on top, 1 on bottom of Frisbee 3a. Peace sign grip 3b. Palm up For each concept, principle, rule, strategy, and/or term identified in the task analysis, list practice activities specific to learning it. See Skills A Practice See Skills A Practice See Skills A Practice Discussion For each concept, principle, rule, strategy, and/or term identified in the task analysis, list application activities such as modified or lead-up games, low organization games, or other activities that apply it. Also indicate whether the concept, principle, rule, strategy, and/or term will be focused on in the closing discussion See Skills A Application Closing Discussion See Skills A Application Closing Discussion See Skills A Application Closing Discussion

13 13 4. C Catch 3c. Non-throwing leg facing target 3d. Elbow tucked in against side 3e. Flick of the wrist See Skills A Practice See Skills A Application Closing Discussion 5. Pivoting 6. Rules 4a. Eyes follow Frisbee 4b. Form a C with thumb and fingers 4c. Track Frisbee into C 4d. Close fingers onto Frisbee 5a. Balanced stance 5b. Weight on ball of pivot foot 5c. Step forward and backward on non-pivot foot 5d. Pivot on ball of foot 6a. Initiate Play - Each point begins with both teams lining up on the front of their respective end zone line. The defense throws ("pulls") the disc to the offense. A regulation game has seven players per team. See Skills A Practice Not Applicable See Skills A Application Closing Discussion See Skills A Application Closing Discussion 6b. Scoring - Each time the offense completes a pass in the defense's end zone, the offense scores a point. Play is initiated after each score.

14 14 6c. Movement of the Disc - The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc. The person with the disc ("thrower") has ten seconds to throw the disc. The defender guarding the thrower ("marker") counts out the stall count. 6d. Change of Possession - When a pass is not completed (e.g. out of bounds, drop, block, interception), the defense immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense. 6e. Non-contact - No physical contact is allowed between players. Picks and screens are also prohibited. A foul occurs when contact is made. 6f. Fouls - When a player initiates contact on another player a foul occurs. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes. The team that was fouled maintains possession of the Frisbee. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone. 6g. Self-Officiating - Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls. Players resolve their own

15 15 disputes. Modifications for differences in cognitive developmental level: Ask leading questions to facilitate discussion of rules and critical elements during closing discussion. TASK ANALYSIS: CONTRIBUTIONS TO PHYSICAL AND SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING D. Contributions to Physical and Social/Emotional Well-being: The task analysis answers the question: What would the learner need to know to meet the instructional goal? List each objective written for the Contributions to Physical and Social/Emotional Well-being goal below. Points to Emphasize For each objective listed in the task analysis, describe the major points to emphasize when teaching about the benefits of participating in the activity. Help them be a positive and helpful member of a group Ultimate Frisbee is a sport that relies on teamwork and a positive atmosphere to be successful. Every teammate is important and contributes to the overall goal of the group. Being involved in Ultimate Frisbee provides the opportunity for players positively reinforce each other. Also during play, athletes strive to help one another either by, passing, making an extra run or by communicating with each other.

16 16 Modifications for differences in cognitive developmental level: use visuals to demonstrate what this looks like, and point out specific plays during games plat that demonstrated positive and helpful behavior. TASK ANALYSIS: WARMUP/CORE CLOSING ACTIVITY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Points to Emphasize Warm-up and/or Practice Application Activities Activities E. Personal Development: The task analysis answers the question: What would the learner need to know/do to meet the instructional goal? List each component of personal development from your Personal Development goal below. For each component identified in the task analysis, list major points to emphasize in teaching. (This is the by statement from the objective.) For each component identified in the task analysis, list warmup and/or practice activities that incorporate this component. For each component identified in the task analysis, list application activities such as modified or lead-up games, low organization games, or other activities that incorporate this component. Self-Discipline By being in control of both their bodies and equipment. See Fitness B See Skills A Practice See Skills A Application Modifications for social/emotional comfort: Provide positive reinforcement and positive feedback. Establish a respective group environment.

17 17 TASK ANALYSIS: WARM-UP/CORE CLOSING ACTIVITY SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Points to Emphasize Warm-up and/or Practice Application Activities Activities F. Social Development: The task analysis answers the question: What would the learner need to know/do to meet the instructional goal? List each component of social development from your Social Development goal below. For each component identified under task analysis, list major points to emphasize in teaching. (This is the by statement from the objective.) For each component identified under task analysis, list practice activities specific to learning this component. For each component identified under task analysis, list application activities such as modified or lead-up games, low organization games, or other activities that incorporate this component. Cooperation By working with partners, small groups and the entire class. Practice Activity Partner passing Pass and follow Three-person weave Give and go passing See Skills A Application Positive Sporting Behavior By sharing equipment and space, abiding by class rules and playing fairly while participating in warm-up, practice activities and modified game play See Fitness B See Skills A Practice See Skills A Application

18 18 Modifications for social/emotional comfort: Provide positive reinforcement and positive feedback. Establish a respective group environment. StudentEvaluation Unit:UltimateFrisbee GradeLevel:9,10 InstructionalGoal Motorskilldevelopment: Goal:Studentswillbeabletoperformthebackhand throw,pancakecatch,forehandthrow, C catchand thepivotusingthecriticalelementsandapplythese skillsinmodifiedgameplay. Health relatedfitness: Goal:Studentswillcontinuetodevelop cardiovascularendurance,flexibilityandmuscular endurancebyparticipatinginwarm upactivities. Movementconcepts,principles,rules,strategies, terminology: Method/sofformative evaluation TeacherFeedback(from observation) TeacherFeedback(from observation) Questionsand Answers/Discussion Method/sofsummative evaluation SkillChecklist(completedby teacher) Participationinwarm up Rubric EndofUnitQuiz

19 19 Goal:Studentswillbeabletodescribethecritical elementsofthebackhandthrow,pancakecatch, forehandthrow, C catchandthepivotanddiscuss thebasicrulesofultimatefrisbee. Contributionstophysicalandsocial/emotionalwell being: Goal:Studentswillbeabletodiscusswhylearning theseultimatefrisbeeskillsandactivitiesis important. PersonalDevelopment: Goal:Studentswillcontinuetodevelopselfdisciplinebyparticipatinginwarm up,practice,and applicationactivities. SocialDevelopment: Goal:Studentswillcontinuetodevelopcooperation andpositivesportingbehaviorbyparticipatingin warm up,practice,andapplicationactivities. Questionsand Answers/Discussion TeacherFeedback TeacherFeedback QuestiononEndofUnitQuiz PersonalandSocial DevelopmentRubric PersonalandSocial DevelopmentRubric

20 20 UnitEvaluation I. Iknowmymotorskilldevelopmentgoalandobjectiveshavebeenmetifstudentsarebeabletoperformthebackhand throw,pancakecatch,forehandthrow, C catchandthepivotusingthecriticalelementsandapplytheseskillsin modifiedgameplay.thiswillbeassessedbyteacherfeedback(fromobservation)andaskillchecklist(completedby teacher). II. Iknowmyhealth relatedfitnessgoalandobjectiveshavebeenmetifstudentscontinuetodevelopcardiovascular endurance,flexibilityandmuscularendurancebyparticipatinginwarm upactivities.thiswillbeassessedbyteacher feedback(fromobservation)andparticipationinwarm uprubric. III. Iknowmymovementconcepts,principles,rules,strategiesandterminologygoalandobjectiveshavebeenmetif studentsareabletodescribethecriticalelementsofthebackhandthrow,pancakecatch,forehandthrow, C catchand pivotinganddiscussthebasicrulesofultimatefrisbee.thiswillbeassessedbyquestionsandanswers/discussion andtheendoftheunitquiz. IV. Iknowmycontributionstophysicalandsocial/emotionalwell beinggoalandobjectivehasbeenmetifstudentsare abletodiscusswhylearningtheseultimatefrisbeeskillsandactivitiesisimportant.thiswillbeassessedbyquestions andanswers/discussionandaquestionontheendoftheunitquiz. V. Iknowmypersonaldevelopmentgoalandobjectivehavebeenmetifstudentscontinuetodevelopself disciplineby participatinginwarm up,practice,andapplicationactivities.thiswillbeassessedbyteacherfeedbackandpersonal andsocialdevelopmentrubric. VI. Iknowmysocialdevelopmentgoalandobjectiveshavebeenmetifstudentscontinuetodevelopcooperationand positivesportingbehaviorbyparticipatinginwarm up,practice,andapplicationactivities.thiswillbeassessedby teacherfeedbackpersonalandsocialdevelopmentrubric.

21 21 BLOCK PLAN KEY I = Introduction CA = Closing Activity Discussion Unit: Ultimate Frisbee Number of Lessons: 8 WU = Warm-up C = Core CD = Closing Unit Selection Backhand Throw/Pancake Catch Backhand Throw/ C Catch Forehand Throw Date: 4/8/2013 Date: 4/10/2013 Date: 4/12/2013 Date: 4/16/2013 Behavior Expectations Respect people and equipment On task Safety Effort Introduce Unit Field Game objectives Basic starter rules Outline Lessons 3 skill intro lessons 1 review/game situation play 3 game play days I. Behavior Expectations Outline Lesson Movement of the Disc Rule C. D/E Backhand throw D/E Pancake catch Stationary partner passing I. Behavior Expectations Outline Lesson Scoring and Initiate Play Rule WU. Partner Passing Attendance C. D/E C catch Partner passing CA. Partner passing (increase distance with success) set goal for number of consecutive passes CA. Give and go passing partners with 1 frisbee start with 1 partner running forward and catching Frisbee partner who threw run past partner who caught and receive pass Move to partner throwing back and forth, both I. Behavior Expectations Outline Lesson Change of Possession Rule Attendance WU/C. Give and go passing partners with 1 frisbee start with 1 partner runnin forward and catching Frisbee partner who threw run pas partner who caught and receive pass Move to partner throwing back and forth, both moving CA. Partner passing (increase distance with success) set goal for number of consecutive passes

22 22 moving CD. Questions: What is the finger placement on the backhand throw grip? Which direction are you hands pointed when pancake catching the Frisbee? Can a player run with the Frisbee during game play? Rules: Movement of the Disc CD. Questions: How is play started after a score? Why is it better to be able to C catch with both hands? Rules: Scoring and Initiate Play CD. Questions: What is the cue to remember when gripping the Frisbee? What happens during the game if th Frisbee is dropped, blocked, goes ou of bounds of is intercepted? Rules: Change of Possession Pivoting/Game Play Game Play Game Play Game Play Date: 4/18/2013 Date: 4/29/2013 Date: 5/1/2013 Date: 5/3/2013 I. Behavior Expectations Outline Lesson Non-contact and Fouls Rule I. Behavior Expectations Outline Lesson Review Rules I. Behavior Expectations Outline Lesson Review Rules I. Behavior Expectations Outline Lesson Review Rules WU. Partner Passing Attendance WU. Partner Passing to open space Attendance WU. Partner Passing to open space Attendance WU. Partner Passing to open spa Attendance C. D/E Pivoting and Defense 3 person passing (mock defense) Use both throws and catches CA. 3v3 keep away Self-Officiating Rule CA. Full Sided Games (must complete 4 passes) Positive Member of a Group CA. Full Sided Games (No pass backs) or Frisbee botchy 1 target Frisbee, groups each throw own fisbee toward target. See how many throws it take to get within 5 feet of target CA. Full Sided Game Competitive and non competitive

23 23 Frisbee. Self-Discipline CD. Questions: Why is it important to be able to pivot during the game? CD. Questions: What strategies did you use to get open? CD. Questions: What rule was implemented the most? CD. Close Unit Student Resource Card Who officiate an Ultimate Frisbee game? How did you know if a teammate was open? How did you feel about selfofficiating the game? Equipment Needed Lesson 1: None Lesson 2: 15 Frisbees 10 Cones Lesson 3: 15 Frisbees 20 Cones Lesson 4: 15 Frisbees 15 Pinnies 30 Cones Lesson 5: 15 Frisbees 15 Pinnies 20 Cones

24 24 Lesson 6: 15 Frisbees 15 Pinnies 20 Cones Lesson 7: 15 Frisbees 15 Pinnies 30 Cones Lesson 8: 15 Frisbees 15 Pinnies 30 Cones ResourceMaterial/ReferencesUsed TeacherResources I. Darst,P.,&Pangrazi,R.(2009).Dynamicphysicaleducationforsecondaryschoolstudents(6thed.,pp ).San Francisco,CA:PearsonBenjaminCummings. II. III. IV. Parinella,J.,&Zaslow,E.(n.d.).Ultimatetechniquesandtactics. V. Baccarini,M.,&Booth,T.(n.d.).Essentialultimate:teaching,coaching,playing. VI. Gregory,M.S.(n.d.).Discgolf:allyouneedtoknowaboutthegameyouwanttoplay.

25 25 1. KeeneDiscGolfClub, 2. NewHampshireDiscGolfCourses Barnstead BrettonWoods CenterOssipee Dover Newport Pelham PinkhamNotch Wolfeboro Where to get a Frisbee?(cost 5 20dollars) Wal mart DicksSportingGoods OlympiaSports DISC GOLF RESOURCES

26 26 Where to play Ultimate Frisbee? K.H.SIntramurals JoyceFields,KSCcampus Anyopenareawithfriends IntegrationwithSchool WideGoalsand/orOtherCurriculumAreas KHSStudentHandbook,PrincipalsMessage:#2 Berespectful respectyourself,othersandproperty. SocialDevelopment Objectives: 2. Studentswillcontinuetodevelopcooperationbyworkingwithpartners,smallsgroupsandtheentireclass. 3. Studentswillcontinuetodeveloppositivesportingbehaviorbysharingequipmentandspace,abidingbyclassrules andplayingfairlywhileparticipatinginpracticeactivitiesandmodifiedgameplay. CurriculumArea:LanguageArts Thisunitsupportsthiscurriculumareabecausestudentswillbeintroducedtonewwordsandterminologywithin lessons.theywillalsobedevelopingtheirspeakingskillsbyansweringquestionsduringdiscussions. Cognitive Objectives: 5.StudentswillbeabletodiscussthefollowingbasicrulesofUltimateFrisbee: InitiatePlay

27 27 Scoring MovementoftheDisc ChangeofPossession Non contact Fouls Self Officiating

28 28

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