Open Source Archive Book 14

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1 Open Source Archive Book 14 Strong Style Charts: Sheila Submission Finish Chart Suicide Chair Swing Match: poparuss Super Barbed Wire Ring of Destruction Death Match: Sammuel T Fain Table Match: Y2Kirk Angel Tables, Ladders & Chains: Brandon Strevel Tables, Ladders & Chairs: Coheed Tag Out of the Ring Chart: Brandon Strevel Tag Team System: Big Bri Tex-Arkana Television Title Matches: zanysteve Texas Bullrope Match: Ty States Texas Death Match: poke30 The COTG Business Model 1 Guaranteed Contract Structure: Graymar The COTG Business Model 2 Paid Per Appearance Structure: Graymar The COTG Career Performance Tracker: Arnaldo Colado The Draw System: Graymar

2 Strong Style Charts Credit Sheila I've always preferred a high impact style of wrestling, one that focuses on creating fast paced action, mixed with an emphasis on quality work rate. With that in mind, I designed these charts to make out of the ring & death-jump situations more "meaningful". These changes have strong "consequences" & ultimately have an impact in the direction & results of the matches. They compliment my booking philosophy of "all clean finishes". You'll notice that disqualification & count out options have been removed from the realm of possibility. This makes the direction of the matches, & the in ring "story", always lead to a conclusive pin fall or submission result. Strong Style Death Jump Chart When a death-jump occurs, it always has a consequence. I decided to stay with the vaunted "flying knee drop" as the generic death-jump move. To me, it still has legitimate impact, & does not exclude even the least agile of wrestlers Result A B C Falling knee drop misses, add 1 to offensive wrestler's pin rating, defensive wrestler takes control & goes for the finisher Falling knee drop misses, add 1 to offensive wrestler's pin rating, defensive wrestler goes for the cover Defensive wrestler barely raises his knee, add one to offensive wrestler's pin rating, defensive wrestler takes control on level 3 offensive Falling knee connects, add 1 to defensive wrestler's pin rating, Offensive wrestler remains on level 3 offense Flying Cross Body Block connects, add 1 to defensive wrestler's pin rating, roll for pin attempt N/A Strong Style Out of the Ring Chart Out of the ring action is brutal & stiff. Chair shots, whips into the posts, moves on the concrete such as power-bombs, piledrivers, power-slams, suplexes, etc. You are only limited by your imagination. I will provide the basics of the roll outcomes, the rest of the content, is up to you! Result A B C Defensive wrestler takes control outside the ring, takes over on level 3 offense, add one to offensive wrestlers pin rating No advantage, back & forth brawl see's no substantial impact either way, offensive wrestler remains at level Offensive wrestler continues a brutal assault, add 1 to pin rating, remains on level Offensive wrestler executes a devastating assault on the outside, defensive wrestler bleeding badly, add 2 to pin rating, roll pin attempt

3 Submission Finish Chart Credit LWPD 1. Create a Submission Finish Chart. This can be as basic or elaborate as you want (from dice roll modalities of 1-6 to 2-18, etc) 2. Insert a 'Roll Submission Finish Chart' rule for: i. any defensive pin roll ii. as a follow up (or preferably substitution) to any Offensive Finisher roll (your call). If a wrestler has a potent submission finisher you may want to limit it's use to being a 'Silver Bullet' that's allowed only once per match (in order to make the chart concept relevant) 3. Any failed submission attempt sees the offensive wrestler re-roll on Level 3 4. All 'regularly stated' non-finisher submission moves also carry a (0) with a 'sub check' by the ref 5. Play all other match aspects normally Sample Submission Finish Chart * Roll four dice * All submissions carry a (0) rating and can only be used if necessary * In this instance perform a single roll to see how many dice to use for the chart...this staggers the probabilities Roll of use 2 dice Roll of use 3 dice Roll of 6 - use 4 dice 2. Indian Death Lock 3. Dragon Sleeper 4. Gator Roll into Anaconda Choke 5. Crooked Figure Four 6. Breaks Special 7. Inverted Surfboard 8. Cattle Mutilation (ag) 9. Head and Arm Choke 10. Straitjacket Choke 11. Octopus Stretch 12. Crossface Chickenwing 13. Spinning Full Nelson (pw) 14. Rolling Kneebar (ag) 15. Texas Cloverleaf 16. Scorpion Deathlock 17. Asiatic Spike 18. Step-over Toehold Crossface 19. Kimura Lock 20. Triangle Choke 21. Cobra Clutch 22. Ankle Lock 23. Lion Tamer 24. Elevated Surfboard * This would allow you to guarantee that the match 'ends in a submission' while creating a sense of variety. It also gives a wrestler with more stated subs an advantage (constantly putting the other wrestler in jeopardy of losing the match). I'd prefer more sub content than less...but YMMV. You could always alter the potency of the moves, add/subtract submission roll elements, etc., whatever fits your needs

4 Suicide Chair Swing Match Credit poparuss 1. This is a hardcore core style challenge match. 2. There is a steel chair posted in each of the four corners of the ring, behind a turnbuckle. 3. The goal is to use the chair to knock your opponent unconscious for a ten count. There are no pinfalls. 4. Use cage ratings for the ten counts. Two rolls below the pin level, and the referee counts to ten and the match is over. 5. When an offensive wrestler rolls his finisher, add the effect & then roll on the Suicide Chair Swing Chart 6. Whenever a wrestler on offense rolls out of ring or death jump, or whenever a defensive wrestler rolls pin, use this chart. Suicide Chair Swing Chart Roll Result 2-3 Offensive wrestler connects with a brutal chairshot to the head, drawing blood. Add 2 to the opponents pin rating. Referee begins his ten count 4-5 The offensive wrestler props the steel chair against the turnbuckle & slingshots the defensive wrestler into the chair. Add one to pin rating as the ref starts his ten count 6 The offensive wrestler places his downed opponent into the corner and baseball slide dropkicks a brutal chair shot into his opponents face. Add 3 to pin rating as the ref starts his count 7 The defensive wrestler ducks a chairshot, and then kicks the chair into the offensive wrestlers face. Add one to the offensive wrestler's pin rating, as the defensive wrestler takes over on level 3 offense 8-9 The offensive wrestler misses a chair shot as it falls out of his hand. The defensive wrestler DDT's him onto the chair & mounts the top rope. Add one to offensive wrestler's pin rating, defensive wrestler now takes over & rolls death jump on level C Offensive wrestler mounts the top rope for a swinging chair shot. Roll two dice. The LOWER combined number between the dice roll and the pin rating determines whether or not he connects. a. If offensive wrestler connects, add 3 to cage rating as ref begins his ten count. b. If offensive wrestler misses, he crashes face first into chair add two to pin rating. Defensive wrestler now re-rolls on this chart 12 Offensive wrestler drills his opponent with ballistic chair shots. Add 3 to pin Referee starts his ten count

5 Credit Sammuel T Fain Super Barbed Wire Ring of Destruction Death Match This match takes place in a normal wrestling ring, the ropes have been removed, in its place is barbed wire. On the outside of the ring, there are 1 of each of the following: a bed of nails, a bed of glass, a bed of fire, and a bed of thumbtacks. Anything goes, no DQ s, no countouts, you may win by pin or submission. Substitute into the barbed wire for into the turnbuckle and into the ropes. Anytime you roll out of the ring roll on the following chart(s). Optional Rule: To settle the REALLY violent feuds, no pins or submissions make it last man standing! When a Pin rating reaches 30, the match is over (you may higher it if you like, but for every 2 add 1 to the injury roll ex: 32, add 1, 34, add 2, etc.). Both men roll on the injury chart afterwards. Out of the Ring(roll 2d6) Roll Result 2-3 Roll on Bed of Fire chart 4-6 Roll on Bed of Glass chart 7-9 Roll on Bed of Nails chart Roll on Bed of Thumbtacks chart Bed of Fire Chart(roll 2d6) Roll Result 2 Your opponent throws you into the fire, you body writhes in pain as your opponent throws gasoline on you, you go up in flames! Opponent Wins! Roll on injury chart 3 Your opponent suplexes you onto the fire, you roll away, badly burnt and your opponent come over to continue the punishment. Add 2 to pin. Opponent Rolls on Level 3 Offense 4-5 Your opponent pounds on you near the bed of fire, you try to mount an offensive but he back body drops you in the fire! He pulls you up and continues to dish it out. Add 1 to pin. Opponent Rolls on Level 2 Offense 6-8 The two of you are brawling near the bed of fire, your opponent Russian leg sweeps you on the bed of fire, taking punishment himself. Both men add 1 to pin. Roll on Level 2 Defense 9-10 You scoop and slam your opponent on the bed of fire, he rolls off quickly. You pull him up and go to work. Opponent adds 1 to pin 11 You powerslam your opponent on the fire and get up quickly, you drag him off the bed and go to work on him! Opponent adds 2 to pin. Roll on Level 3 Offense 12 You douse your opponent in gasoline and do a drop toehold on the fire, he goes up in flames! You win! Opponent rolls on injury chart

6 Bed of Glass Chart(roll 2d6) Roll Result 2 You go straight through the sheet of glass, shards pierce your body. Your opponent grabs a piece of glass and starts carving you like a Christmas turkey! Your a blood-gushing mess! Add 3 to pin. Roll Pin 3 Your opponent body slams you in the glass, he then picks you up to continue his onslaught! Your body has pieces of glass sticking out of it and blood is running down your back! Add 2 to pin. Opponent Rolls on Level 3 Offense 4-5 The opponent rubs your face in the glass and your forehead is sliced right open! He then grabs you and continues the punishment. Add 1 to pin. Opponent Rolls on Level 2 Offense 6-8 Your brawling near the glass and suddenly you both tumble over into it, both of you are hurt and bleeding but your opponent seems to have control. Both men add 1 to pin. Roll on Level 2 Defense 9-10 You quickly body slam your opponent in the glass. You pick him up and keep the pressure on. Opponent adds 1 to pin. Roll on Level 2 Offense 11 You pull a DDT out of nowhere and your opponent goes face first into the glass! You pick his bloodied form up and go in for the kill! Add 2 to opponents pin. Roll on Level 3 Offense 12 Your opponent goes straight from the ring and lands HARD into the glass. You come out with fire in your eyes. You grab a shank of glass and begin stabbing him with it right in the forehead, you then start carving up his arms and chest! Opponent adds 3 to pin. Opponent Rolls Pin

7 Bed of Nails Chart(roll 2d6) Roll Result 2 You land on the nails feeling them go straight into your back! Your opponent grabs a ladder and then splashes you from it!! You scream in pain! Add 3 to pin. Roll Pin 3 Your opponent performs a fall away slam on you into the nails, your body is pierced by them and you become a bloody mess in moments. Add 2 to pin. Opponent Rolls on Level 3 Offense 4-5 Your opponent sets the bed of nails up against the ring apron and Irish whips you into it, your body is badly bloodied! The opponent grabs you to dish out some more punishment. Add 1 to pin. Opponent Rolls on Level 2 Offense 6-8 You and the opponent stumble into the bed of nails, the nails spike your bodies and blood begins to flow freely! Your opponent stumbles to his feet first! Both men add 1 to pin. Roll on Level 2 Defense 9-10 You lift the bed of nails up and ram it into your opponent, he goes down, bloody, and you go to work on him! Opponent adds 1 to pin. Roll on Level 2 Offense 11 You pull a gorilla press out of nowhere and your opponent goes down hard on the nails. Opponent adds 2 to pin. Roll on Level 3 Offense 12 Your opponents hits the nails hard and is stuck to them, you grab the ladder and climb up top, performing a moonsault from it!! You hit your opponent square and he screams loudly in pain! Add 3 to opponents pin. Roll opponents Pin

8 Bed of Thumbtacks Chart(roll 2d6) Roll Result 2-3 You hit the thumbtacks and can feel them going into your head and back and arms and legs! Your body is racked with pain! Your opponent only makes it worse with a splash from the ring apron. Add 2 to pin. Opponent Rolls on Level 3 Offense 4-5 You re suplexed onto the bed of nails and the pierce your body. Your opponent continues to punish you. Add 1 to pin. Opponent Roll Level 2 Offense 6-8 Both men tumble into the thumbtacks and they go into your bodies! Your opponents rolls out of the thumbtacks first. Both men add 1 to pin. Roll Level 2 Defense 9-10 You body slam your opponent into the tacks and he writhes in pain. You pick him up to continue the pressure. Opponent adds 1 to pin. Roll on Level 2 Offense Your opponent hits the tacks HARD, as he sits up you see them stuck to the back of his head, he goes back down and you climb to the apron, delivering an elbow! Add 2 to opponents pin. Roll on Level 3 Offense Injury Chart(2d6) Roll Result 2 Through some sort of miracle you re only out for a week! 3 You recover quickly making it back in 2 weeks 4 Your injuries show and you make it back in 3 weeks 5 Your hurt but come back after 4 weeks 6-8 Everyone expected it, you re out for 7 weeks 9-10 You really took a beating, you ll be gone for 8 weeks 11 Doctors urge you to retire, but you swear you ll wrestle again, they say you need 10 week at the least 12 Its all over, you re forced into retirement! Roll 1d6: 1-5 You live out life with grace, 6 DEATH!

9 Credit Y2Kirk Angel Table Match DESCRIPTION: This match was created in the 20th century on earth. The idea was brutal and violent. To win, you must drive your opponent through a table. It was popular in Extreme federations on earth. RULES: 1. Wrestle one-on-one as you normally would in any other match. 2. There are No DQ and No Countouts in this match. 3. There is only ever one table in the ring. 4. Use the PIN rating as normal. If you have just pinned someone then roll on the below TABLE chart. If you use a Level 1-3 FINSHER before pinning, add 1 to your dice roll. If you used a Level 4+ FINISHER before pinning, add 2 to your dice roll. ==================================================================== TABLE CHART (Roll 2d6) Roll Result 2 You put your opponents head under your legs and lift him up for a powerbomb. You are about to release him when he reverses the move. He hits a DDT and drives you straight through the table! OPPONENT WINS 3-4 You hoist your opponent up in the air and are about to put him through the table. Your opponent maneuvers around though, and DDT s you down to the mat. You are hurt. OPPONENT ROLLS ON LEVEL 3 OFFENSE 5 You are about to put your opponent through the table when he pushes you away. You catch on to his arm though and you both fall through the table! THE MATCH IS DECLARED A DRAW 6-7 You hoist your opponent up in the air and are about to put him through the table. Your opponent maneuvers around though, but you powerbomb him down the other way to the mat. Your opponent is hurt. ROLL ON LEVEL 3 OFFENSE 8-11 You hoist your opponent up into a powerbomb position and slam him straight down through the table! YOU WIN 12 You lay your opponent across the table and climb top the top of the turnbuckle. You opponent crashes through the table as you hit a huge elbow drop onto him. OPPONENT IS INJURED FOR 2 FIGHT CARDS. YOU WIN

10 Credit Brandon Strevel TABLES, LADDERS, AND CHAINS STREET FIGHT DEATH MATCH This match comes from the earth based 20th century promotion, ECW. In this match, both wrestlers are connected at the wrist by a 20 foot heavy steel chain. On two sides of the ring there are two 15 ft. ladders placed at ringside. On the other two sides of the ring tables are set up for the wrestlers to use. Use the Titan Death Match rules and a falls count anywhere chart, ignoring any pin options. On a roll on 2 or 4 roll on this chart. The match can be won by either pinfall or submission. * Ignore any pin options of the falls Count Anywhere chart. Substitute roll on lvl3 off for roll pin of the FCA chart Roll Result 2-3 You relentlessly choke the opponent with the chain. Roll on level 2 offense 4 You lean a table up in the corner and wrap the chain around the opponent s neck before flipping him across the ring through the table in the corner! Roll on level 2 offense 5 You nearly cause a riot by asking all the fans in the audience to toss their chairs into the ring! The fans begin tossing the chairs into the ring to the distress of security at ringside who is doing their best to calm the situation down. After the mayhem if finished, the ring is filled with nearly 100 chairs! It s truly a sight to be seen! Roll on level 2 offense 6 You wrap the chain around the opponent s neck and toss him over the top rope hanging him! The opponent struggles and gasps for breath as the chain chokes the life out of him. Roll on level 2 offense 7 You bring a ladder into the ring and then smash the opponent s head into it, busting him open! You then begin to ascend the ladder looking to do some further damage Roll 1 Die. Even : You hit a devastating elbow drop off the ladder with the chair wrapped around you arm!!! The opponent s nose looks to be broken as he clutches at it, trying to stop the bleeding! Roll on level 3 offense and add 1 to the opponent s pin. Odd : the opponent in an effort to comeback yanks on the chain violently ripping you off the ladder!! You fall to the outside crashing through two tables at ringside to the delight of the crowd!!! You hit the hard concrete head first, splitting your skull WIDE open! Blood comes gushing out as you begin to stir. The Opponent rolls on level 3 offense and add1 to you injury! 8-9 You viscously whip the opponent with the chain! Several off the whips catch the opponent in the head opening up two or three deep gashes which begin to bleed uncontrollably! He crowd loves it! You then lift the opponent to his feet and punch him several time in the face which that chain wrapped fist! You then bridge a ladder between the apron and the guardrail, and then do the same with a folding table right next to the ladder. You lay the opponent out across the ladder, so his head is laying on the table. You then connect with an awesome springboard legdrop onto the opponent through the table!! The legdrop puts tremendous pressure on his ribs nearly breaking them!!! The opponent slumps to the floor clutching his ribs! ADD 2 to opponent. Pin and 2 to opponent injury! 10 You bridge a ladder between two chairs and then haul the opponent to the top rope! The crowd can sense something big about to happen and they quickly begin to stir. You set your opponent up for what appears to be a superplex. But the opponent makes a comeback and hits a head and Arm suplex from the top onto the ladder!!! Your back crashes down against the unforgiving ladder, sending sharp pain all through out your upper and lower body! The opponent then grabs you and pulls you out of the ring onto the entrance ramp where he hauls you up and over with a side suplex sending you crashing down onto the guardrail below!!!! Add 2 to your pin and 2 to your INJURY and the opponent rolls on level 3 offense The fight spills to the outside and the two of you brawl using the chain to bloody each other. Finally you plant the opponent with a DDT onto the floor and climb up one of the ladder! But the opponent is up, and he pushes the ladder over!! You are sent crashing into the 3rd row of the audience! The fans try to scatter, but can t as you violently land on top of them!!! The opponent hops the guardrail, and then into the crowd, and pulls you out from under a pile of hurt fans! Back in you go and the wraps the chain around your head and violently stomps on it! Blood is pouring from a cut on your forehead as you roll around the mat holding your face. The Opponent brings in a table and props it up in the corner. You try to fight back, but it s no use. The opponent hits a nasty neck first power bomb through the corner! You lie in ruin underneath the destroyed fragments of the table as the opponent celebrates. Add 3 to you PIN, 3 to Your Injury and the Opponent Rolls on level 3 offense

11 Credit Coheed Tables, Ladders & Chairs This match can be used in singles, tag or triple threat matches. When you roll on any chart situation roll one die. If you are pinned assume you climbed a ladder and grabbed the gold! You refers to the person on offense. 1 or 4 roll on chair chart. 2 or 5 roll on tables chart. 3 or 6 roll on ladders chart. Chair Chart Roll Result 2 You go outside to grab a table but as you turn around the opponent throws a chair at you wrapping it around your head! You go down hard. The opponent goes for the ladder. Roll on the Ladder chart 3 You grab a chair and smash the opponent over the head bending the chair! The opponent is bleeding and in trouble. Add 1 to pin. Opponent roles on level 3 offense 4 You put the chair on the opponents face in the corner. Getting a full head or steam you baseball slide into the opponents face! Roll again on this chart or level 3 offense 5 You and the opponent both have chairs and start dueling with them. The wrestler with the better power rating kicks the other in the midsection and smashes the chair over the opponents back. Roll again on this chart or level 3 offense 6 You close a chair on the opponents leg and smash it with another chair! Ouch. Roll on level 3 offense 7 You pick up a chair but the opponent is waiting for you! As you turn around you are viciously attacked by the opponent. You are down and in trouble. The opponent sets up a table! Roll on tables chart 8 You set the opponent in the corner. Grabbing a chair you take a running start and dropkick a chair into the opponents face! The opponent is bloody and in trouble. Roll on level 3 offense 9 As you grab a chair the opponent grabs a ladder and rams you in the gut with it. Roll on the ladders chart 10 You work the opponent over with a chair beating him to a bloody pulp! The opponent is lifeless and in trouble. Add 1 to the opponents pin rating and roll on level 3 offense 11 You use one of your signature moves on the opponent using a chair! Add 1 to the opponent s pin and roll again on this chart 12 You wrap the chair around the opponents head and climb to the top rope. You jump off the rope with a vicious leg drop almost decapitating the opponent! Add 2 to the opponents pin rating and roll pin

12 Tables Chart Roll Result 2 You set the opponent on a table outside the ring. You go back in the ring and climb a ladder. When you get to the top you dive off with a huge leg drop. If your agility is the same or better then the opponent you connect and break the table! Add 1 to the opponents pin rating and roll on this chart or level 3 offense. If it s worse the opponent moves and you crash threw the table! Roll on level 3 defense and add 1 to your pin 3 You set up a table in the corner but as you turn around you are speared threw the table by the opponent! Opponent rolls on level 3 offense 4 You suplex a table onto a downed opponent. Roll again on this chart 5 You set up a table in the middle of the ring and go for a power bomb! If your power rating is the same or better you execute a monster power bomb threw the table! Roll on level 3 offense. If it s worse the opponent back body drops you onto the table, picks up a chair and whales you with it! Roll on chair chart 6 You whip the opponent into a table stood up in the corner sending him crashing threw it! Roll on level 3 offense 7 You stand a table in the middle of the ring. You set the opponent on the turnbuckle planning to superplex him threw it! If your power rating is the same or better then it works! Add 1 to the opponents pin rating. If his is better he reverses the move and sends you threw the table! Add 1 to your pin and roll pin! 8 You ram the opponents head repeatedly into a table leaving him a bloody mess. If Opponent was already bleeding add 1 to your pin rating and roll again on this chart or level 3 offense 9 You use one of your specialty moves on the table sending both of you threw it! Roll on level 3 offense 10 You and the opponent are fighting on top of a table. Roll one die to see who wins odd- you. Even-opponent. Whoever wins the brawl DDT s, pile drives, or pedigrees the other threw the table (your pick) Roll on level 3 offense 11 You set the opponent on top of the table and climb the ladder with a chair in hand! You jump off the ladder with a leg drop with the chair (Arabian face buster) driving the opponent threw the table! Add two to the opponents pin rating and roll pin 12 You start to climb the ladder for the belt. As you reach the top the opponent tips the ladder over sending you over the ropes and crashing threw a table! Add 2 to your pin rating Opponent rolls on level 3 offense, chairs, ladders, or table chart! Your pick

13 Ladders Chart Roll Result 2 You climb the ladder for the win but the opponent recovers knocking you off the ladder out of the ring and onto the floor! You are badly hurt. The opponent now tries to climb the ladder for the title! You roll your pin. If no pin you miraculously stop the opponent. Opponent rolls on level 3 3 You use the ladder as a battering ram hitting the opponent in the face and splitting him open. If this is rolled again add 1 to the opponents pin rating. Roll on this chart again or level 3 offense 4 You catapult the opponent into a ladder standing in the corner. Roll on this chart again or level 3 offense 5 You try to suplex the opponent onto a ladder. It works if your power is the same or lower than the opponent. If it s higher the opponent reverses the move. Roll on level 3 offense or this chart 6 As you set up a table in the ring the opponent grabs a ladder and rams you in the stomach. The opponent sets you up on the table. Roll on table chart 7 You place a ladder on top of a downed opponent. You climb the ropes and jump off with a splash, moonsault, or frog splash (your choice). The opponent may move. If your agility is the same or lower you hit the move! Add 1 to the opponents pin rating. If the opponent is better he moves and you crash onto the table. Add one to your pin rating. Roll on level 3 offense 8 You dive off the ladder with a huge elbow to the opponent. Roll on this chart again or level 3 offense 9 You try to climb the ladder for the belt but the opponent grabs another ladder from under the ring and rams it into the ladder you re on knocking you off and leaving you hurt. Opponent rolls on level 3 offense 10 You try to climb the ladder to grab the belt but the opponent dives off the turnbuckle nailing you with a chair to the back! You fall off the ladder and are hurt. Opponent rolls on this chart or level 3 offense 11 Both you and the opponent are climbing opposite sides of the ladders and start fighting at the top! Roll one die. 1 or 4 you suplex the opponent off the ladder threw a table! Add one to the opponents pin rating. Roll opponents pin. 2 or 5 the opponent choke slams you off and you land on top of a chair! Add one to your pin rating Roll your pin. 6 Both of you are trading punches rocking the ladders back and forth till one tips over onto the other! Opponent with the better pin rating rolls on level 3 offense 12 You choke slam the opponent threw a table at ringside. Sensing victory you try to climb the ladder and grab the belt. Opponent rolls pin. If no pin the opponent stops you from climbing the ladder. Roll on level 3 offense

14 Credit Brandon Strevel Tag Out of the Ring Chart Use this chart when Tables R Us wrestles a match, or any team that will resort to Hard-Core Antics inside the ring. When the opponent is tossed out of the ring or the opponent leaves the ring on an (lv) option, roll on the following chart. YOU refers to the wrestler on offense Roll Result 2-3 You partner slides a section of the guardrail into the ring, and you go to work hot shoting the opponent onto it! The opponent gasps for breath as you scoop him up and deliver a piledriver onto the rail busting him open! ROLL ON LEVEL 2 OFFENSE 4 You set up a table at ringside and then slam the opponent onto it. You then mount the ring apron with a steel chair in hand and scale the ropes hitting a devastating chair first elbow drop through the table! ROLL ON LEVEL 3 OFFENSE! 5 You and the opponent fight your way over to the stage area. You finally get the upperhand and plant the opponent with a DDT, laying him out. You then find yourself a folding table and set it up next to the stage. You haul the opponent up onto the stage and go fetch a ladder. You set it up and climb to the top, and take hold of the opponent and try to bring him onto the ladder. But the opponent fights back and pushes the ladder over sending you crashing down through the table to the floor below! The crowd pops big time and begins a Holy Shit chant that rocks the arena. ROLL ON LEVEL 3 OFFENSE 6 You drop the opponent with a clothesline, and your opponent slides you in a steel chair! You take to the steel chair and as the opponent rises to his feet you plant him with a STIFF CHAIRSHOT!!! The opponent slumps to the mat with the chair wrapped around his neck! You pull the chair from around the opponents head and scoop him up and hit your finisher onto the chair! ROLL OPPONENT S PIN PLUS YOUR FINISHER! 7-8 Your partner slides a ladder into the ring, and the crowd pops like mad. You bridge the ladder in the corner on the second rope. You then pull the opponent to the top rope, so as you are directly above the ladder. You then leap off the top rope with a power bomb sending the opponent head first onto the steel ladder!!! The opponent is hurt and busted up, you go for the kill. ROLL ON LEVEL 3 OFFENSE 9 You take the section of guardrail and lean it up in the corner! You then haul the opponent up and hit a running power bomb onto the guardrail! The opponent s head hit s the railing and is busted open! The opponent is juicing as you and your partner hit the ring and lay on a double team. The opponent s partner hits the ring and a wild brawl erupts. Roll for initiative. Winner rolls on Level 2 offense 10 Your opponent gets the crowd worked up and they begin to toss chairs into the ring! Soon there are 7 or 8 chairs scattered in the ring, and you pick one up, as does your opponent! You and the opponent begin to dual with the chairs. The opponent is able to catch you in the gut with the chair and then dropkick your chair into your face! The opponent then piles up the chairs and hauls you to the top rope, where he hits a top rope tombstone piledriver onto the steel chairs! The crowd pops as you then lay one of the chairs over the opponents face and again ascend the ropes and hit a top rope leg drop onto the chair!! OPPONENT ROLLS ON LEVEL 3 OFFENSE! Your partner slides a table into the ring and you set it up. Your partner hits the ring and takes a sac of ten penny nails and dumps them onto the table. You spread them out across the table before then grabbing the opponent and slamming him onto the table! He cringes in pain as the nails pierce his back! His partner rushes into the ring to help, but gets leveled by your Partner! You partner then scoops up the opponent and you and your partner hit a double power bomb onto the opponent onto his partner! The crowd pops as both crash to the floor! The opponent s partner rolls out of the ring as the opponent rolls around on the mat in pain! The Nails have bloodied his back and he is hurting. You then cover the Opponent! Roll Opponent s pin

15 Credit Big Bri Tag Team System I've collected these from various promoters over time, although I didn't keep track of what I got from who so I'm unable to give credit where credit is due. So, if you see something that you came up with, I thank you for improving my playing experience. TAG TEAM RULES First of all, you need to determine what category the team falls in. Look at the following chart: CATEGORY D (0-10 Matches) Defensive Tag: 4 (need to roll a 4 or lower to make a successful defensive tag) Offensive Tag: 9 (need to roll a 9 or lower to make a successful offensive tag. If unsuccessful, roll on same offensive level again) Pin Saves: 0 Double Team: Add 2 to all Double Team Chart rolls CATEGORY C (11-30 Matches) Defensive Tag: 5 Offensive Tag: 10 Pin Saves: 1 Double Team: Add 1 CATEGORY B (31-60 Matches) Defensive Tag: 6 Offensive Tag: 11 Pin Saves: 2 Double Team: No Change CATEGORY A (61 Matches & Up) Defensive Tag: 7 Offensive Tag: Whenever You'd Like Pin Saves: 2 Double Team: -1 from all Double Team Chart rolls This system simulates a teams improvement as they spend more time in the ring together. When a new team is formed, add the total number of (tag) options on both partners cards to get the starting match total. This the official number that will be used to determine the category from this point forward. PIN SAVES, INTERFERNCE, DISTRACTIONS -These only come into play when a wrestler has to roll a PIN rating of 5 or higher (6 for babyfaces) -If a wrestler is appearing in someone s corner, his Distractor Rating is automatically 5. -A team may attempt 1 distraction, 1 interference, and no more than 2 Pin Saves per match/fall (depending on what category the team is in). RECOVERING FATIGUE -Whenever a tag team partner is on the apron waiting to be tagged in, he may recover any added fatigue PIN tokens on him. Each time there's an unsuccessful PIN attempt on his partner (in which one token is added to his PIN, even if a successful Pin Save is made), 1 fatigue token may be subtracted from the outside wrestler's PIN Rating until his original PIN Rating is reached.

16 SPECIAL SINGLES & TAG MOVES -A move on offense followed by tag means the move only works in tag team matches. If the wrestler is in a singles match and you roll a tag move, roll again. If you roll the same move again, assume that your opponent reversed/countered whatever you were trying to do and he takes over on whatever offensive level you were on. This works the same way with sing (singles) moves and tag team matches. TAGGING OUT ON DEFENSE -No matter what category your team is in, if you roll a 12 while trying to tag out on Defense, your partner comes in at Level 2 Offense. -Also, if you roll a 2 while trying to tag out on Defense, your next attempt to tag out on Defense will be at +1 to the dice roll. -If you are DOWN and try to make a defensive tag, subtract 1 from the roll FACE HOT TAG -This allows a face tag team to come in with a vengeance ONCE per match (or fall if it s a multi-fall match). Take the number of fatigue tokens a wrestler has received since the last tag and when he finally gets to tag in his partner, add that number to ALL of his normal rolls on Offense until the heel team regains control. (example: 1 becomes 3, 2 becomes 4, etc.). 6 is still the highest roll possible. HEEL DEVASTATION -Heels are allowed to cheat for a devastating double team ONCE per match (or fall if it s a multi-fall match). For this rule, the heel team makes use of a distracted referee to destroy the face. Under this scenario, the heel team tempts the face partner into the ring. The referee tries to get the face back into his corner. In the meantime, the heel team hits a double team on the face. This double team is at 2 to the double team number above. Also, the face partner, who has just left the ring, doesn t get to use a PIN save or interference afterward. DEAD MAN S TAG RULE -If somehow a wrestler reaches a pin rating of 12 or higher, & finds a way to tag out, he is considered "knocked out" for the remainder of the match. The "dead man" is now unconscious on the floor, unable to either tag back in, interfere, or attempt pin saves. The match, from this point on, is a two on one situation. If a tag finisher is rolled, assume that it is some form of pin attempt (Example: roll-up, backslide (Add 0 & roll pin, Add 1 if unsuccessful)). In other words, the "dead man" is incapable of assisting in any form of double team move. MULTI-FALL MATCHES -When changing falls, the winning team starts on Level 2 Offense. The choice of which member of the winning team starts is optional. The losing teams pinned wrestler must start the next fall. All fatigue tokens are carried forward throughout the course of a multi-fall match, although 1 fatigue token is subtracted between falls to simulate a one-minute "rest period".

17 ELIMINATION MATCHES -After a fall has been scored, roll 1 die: 1: The new wrestler charges at the current wrestler, but the current wrestler surprisingly takes the new wrestler down/blocks the charge/etc. and takes over on Level 2 Offense. 2: The new wrestler enters and locks up with the current wrestler. The current wrestler takes over on Level 1 Offense. 3-5: The new wrestler enters and locks up with the current wrestler. The new wrestler takes over on Level 1 Offense. 6: The new wrestler charges at the current wrestler, knocks him down to the canvas, and takes over on Level 2 Offense. *All fatigue ratings are carried forward throughout the course of an elimination match.

18 Credit zanysteve Tex-Arkana Television Title Matches Larry Sweeney never defends his Tex-Arkana TV title without his Sweet N Sour Inc members at ringside. 1.Larry Sweeney uses CAGE rating! 2.Opponent uses PIN rating (regular pin rating)! 3.Larry is allowed TWO Outside Interference attempts : 1 Wrestler Interference, & 1 Group Interference! 4.If Larry happens to be the challenger, he can win the title on a DQ or Count-Out! 5.Any time Larry is thrown Out Of The Ring or Leaves the ring, roll on the Sweeney Out Of Ring Chart SWEENEY OUT OF RING CHART Roll Result 2 The Opponent grabs a chair and starts hitting the Sweet N Sour Inc members at ringside. THE OPPONENT ROLLS DQ:7! If No DQ, Sweeney adds +1 and opponent rolls on l.3 Offense 3 Sweet N Sour Inc member attacks the opponent! SWEENEY ROLLS DQ:5 If no DQ, the opponent adds +1 and Larry rolls on Level 3 Offense 4 As Sweeney distracts the ref, Sweet N Sour attack the opponent with a double team move. The Opponent adds +1 and Larry rolls on Level 3 Offense 5 Larry hides behind his Sweet N Sour and gets a breather. The referee starts the out of ring count. Larry just slides into the ring in time. The Opponent rolls on Level 1 Offense! 6-7 Larry's' Opponent grabs him by the hair and pulls him back into the ring!! The Opponent rolls on Level 3 Offense!!! 8-9 Sweeney uses his stable mates to get in a breather. The referee makes a fast out of ring count and Sweeney barely makes it inside. The Opponent rolls on Level 2 Offense!! 10 As Larry distracts the ref, Sweet N Sour members attack opponent and then toss the sucker back into the ring. The Opponent adds +1 and a weary Larry rolls on Level 2 Offense!! 11 Sweet N Sour members attack the opponent with objects. Did the ref see it? SWEENEY ROLLS DQ:5 If No DQ, The Opponent adds +2 to rating, and a menacing Larry rolls on Level 3 offense!!! 12 All hell breaks loose as Sweet N Sour members blatantly attack the opponent! AUTO DQ!! SWEET N SOUR INC THE DECIDE TO TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS AND INJURE THE OPPONENT!!! Roll on The TCOB Attack chart TCOB ATTACK CHART Roll Result 2-3 Sweet N Sour Inc decide to teach this punk a lesson. THE OPPONENT ROLLS TWO DICE FOR INJURY (MINIMUM 6 CARDS) ONE SWEET N SOUR MEMBER GETS SUSPENDED 1-6 CARDS! 4-6 Sweet N Sour attack the opponent and the opponent feels the pain of TCOB! THE OPPONENT ROLLS ONE DIE FOR INJURY 7-9 Sweet N Sour are only able to injure the opponent slightly! THE LUCKY OPPONENT IS ONLY INJURED 1-3 CARDS before being saved by security (or stable mates) Sweet N Sour attack the opponent and teach him a lesson in pain! THE OPPONENT ROLLS TWO DICE FOR INJURY (Minimum 6 cards)! SOMEHOW SWEET N SOUR INC. ARE ONLY HEAVILY FINED FOR THE TCOB ATTACH!! 12 Sweet N Sour Inc. TCOB on the hapless opponent!! THE OPPONENT ROLLS TWO DICE AND MULTIPLIES IT BY FOUR FOR LENGTH ON INJURY!! ALL SWEET N SOUR INC MEMBERS INVOLVED ROLL SUSPENSIONS. NO MATTER THE RESULT LARRY SWEENEY GETS AN AUTOMATIC ONE MATCH SUSPENSION (PLUS ANY ADDED CARDS DECIDE BY THE COMMISSIONER)!

19 Texas Bullrope Match Credit Ty States TEXAS BULLROPE MATCH Two wrestlers have one end of an 8-ft. bullrope tied to their wrists. A cowbell is tied to the center of the rope, which either wrestler can use as a legal weapon. Rules: 1. No D.Q. or count-out. 2. In order to win, a wrestler must touch all 4 corners. The defensive wrestler rolls up to 4 pins, using his Cage rating. 3. Ignore (lv) option. 4. Whenever OUT OF THE RING is rolled, substitute HEAD INTO TURNBUCKLE Whenever or (ch) is rolled, use the Bullrope chart below: Roll Result 2-3 You throw your opponent into the ropes, then as he comes off the ropes you choke him with the bullrope. ROLL ON LEVEL 2 OFFENSE 4 You throw your opponent into the ropes, then smash the cowbell into his abdomen as he comes off. OPPONENT ROLLS ON LEVEL 3 DEFENSE 5 You wrap the bullrope around your opponents neck and throw him over the top rope, then yank the rope hard, choking him. Then you pull him back into the ring. ROLL ON LEVEL 3 OFFENSE 6-7 You clothesline your opponent to the mat, then grab the cowbell and deliver a falling fist drop, driving the sharp edge into his forehead. OPPONENT ROLLS UP TO 4 PINS (+4) 8 With one hand you place the cowbell on the top turnbuckle, and with your other hand you slam your opponent s head into the cowbell repeatedly. ROLL ON LEVEL 3 OFFENSE 9 Your opponent shoves you into the referee, knocking him out, then takes the cowbell and shoves the sharp edge of the bell into your groin. YOUR OPPONENT RECEIVES 10 FREE LEVEL 3 MOVES You grab the cowbell and jam the sharp edge of the weapon into your opponent s forehead. OPPONENT ROLLS UP TO 4 PINS (+3)

20 Texas Death Match Credit poke30 TEXAS DEATH MATCH * No DQ, NO Count out * No one is allowed at ringside * This match will continue until one man cannot continue * Done two ways, once opponent gets 10 tokens, he loses * Or, once the opponent gains 10 tokens, you have to pin him Roll Result 2 You grab a bullrope with a hangman s noose on the end. You put the noose over your opponent s head and cinch it closed. You then attempt to toss your opponent over the top rope. Roll 1 die: 1 or 6 - you are unable to get your opponent over the top rope. Add 1 to his pin and continue your attack on L-3-O or again on this chart. 2 5 you hang your opponent mercilessly. Add 3 to his pin and roll pin. If no pin, continue your attack on L-3-O or again on this chart 3 You flapjack your opponent through a table. Add 1 to your opponent s pin rating and roll again on this chart or on L-3-O 4 You grab a bullwhip and begin to mercilessly choke your opponent with it. Add one to your opponent s pin and roll again on this chart or on L-3-O 5 You pick up a 2 X 4 and swing it at your opponent. Roll 1 die: Odd You KO him with the board, breaking it in two pieces. Opponent goes down. You roll on L-3-O or again on this chart. Even Your opponent ducks and lunges with a wicked spear. Opponent rolls on this chart again or on L-3-O 6 You pull off your boot and begin beating your opponent with it. You roll L-3-O 7 The two of you brawl tooth and nail. Roll again on this chart! 8 Your opponent picks up a cowbell and clocks you with it. Your opponent rolls L-3-O 9 The two of you battle over a branding iron. Roll one die: odd- you win the battle and crack your opponent in the ribs with it. Opponent goes down. Roll again on this chart or L-3-O. Even Opponent wins the battle and cracks you in the midsection with the branding iron. You go down in a heap. Opponent rolls again on this chart or on L- 3-O 10 Your opponent reaches into his pocket for a roll of quarters and lands a vicious blow to your jaw. Down in a heap you go. Add 1 to your pin. Opponent rolls on L-3-O or again on this chart 11 Your opponent bulldogs you onto a board covered in barbed wire. Add 1 to your pin. Opponent rolls again on this chart or on L-3-O 12 You are choking your opponent with a piece of rope when he grabs a spur and stabs you in the forehead with it! Blood is gushing! You take 3 fatigue tokens, your opponent goes for the kill, he rolls on L 3- O

21 Credit Graymar Business Model One: Guaranteed Contract Structure COTG Business Model Goals: I have wanted a way to reproduce the business aspect of the COTG game. From my discussions with other promoters, some have wanted that as well. What goals would you have for a business model? First, the model should be simple. I have seen models that had multiple layers of calculations that seem to work. But, one quickly gets bogged down in the detail and the record keeping. So, our first goal SIMPLE IS BETTER! Secondly, I wanted a system that could put restrictions on an organization if it didn t handle itself appropriately. What is the real determination of a federation s success? For this model, we will assume that the quality of matches is the determination. Therefore, match quality determines worth of the organization. Lastly, should a federation do well in its match booking, what are the rewards? The federation should work toward something. That something may be wrestling domination, better wrestlers, a gigantic federation, or other goals. So, any system should allow the federation to work toward its goals. Continuous Costs: In order to simplify record keeping, the costs utilized, contracts for example, will be continuous until stopped. This means that you will not subtract contract costs each week, month, etc. Instead, the costs are subtracted from the MegaCredit balance until the contract is stopped. The opposite is also true in that the revenues that offset these costs are continuous as well, thereby paying the expenses. MegaCredits The standard monetary unit that we will be using is a MegaCredit. A MegaCredit is roughly equal to $10,000 today. If we spend 10 MegaCredits on advertising, it is the same as $100,000 today. (10mc * $10,000 = $100,000) All discussion will be based on a MegaCredit. While Credit denominations less than a MegaCredit exist, we will only deal in MegaCredits for simplicity sake. We will not want to keep up with partial MegaCredits. Contracts You will need to sign wrestlers to contracts. The rate at which each wrestler will sign is dependant on his/her PIN rating. The rate is 10mc PIN. Therefore, a PIN(1) will sign for 9mc while a PIN(5) will sign for 5mc. The standard contract length is based on weeks. For each signed wrestler, the length is 3d6 + PIN. This means that the higher the PIN is, the longer the wrestler will be signed. You can add or subtract 1d6 week for each additional MegaCredit you sign the wrestler for. For example, a PIN(1) will sign for 5d6 + PIN(1) for 11mc. Alternatively, you could sign a PIN(5) for 1d6 +PIN(5) for 3mc. All wrestlers sign at these rates. I have yet to institute any negotiation calculation to the signing.

22 The MegaCredits are applied continuously not additionally. Therefore, when a wrestlers contract is up, you can sign him again WITHOUT SPENDING ADDITIONAL MEGACREDITS. This is already figured into the system. If you choose to not renew a contract, you receive those MegaCredits back. This will keep us from accounting for each dollar and cent. So, you sign a Captain Fear at PIN(1). This costs you 9mc and he signs for 3d6+Pin(1). His initial signing reduces the MegaCredits that you have available by 9. At the end of the contract, he will resign for the same rate. This does not affect your MegaCredit balance. If you choose not to sign him, your balance increases by 9, thereby freeing up funds to sign additional wrestlers, pay off debts, etc. While the wrestlers will sign automatically, you cannot end the contracts early! So, before you tie up wrestlers for an extended period, beware that you may need these funds in the future. (see optional rules contracts) Match Rating The profit/loss and ratings of each show are based upon the quality of matches. The matches will be graded on a standard DUD to ***** system. ½* are available with * and higher. ***** is the highest a match can go. In order to establish a fair system of grading matches, all matches will be based on the Fatigue Tokens that each wrestler sustains, and final Pin or Count out. This total is divided by two to determine rating. For example, Star Warrior and Thantos square off. Star Warrior hits two NOVA BLASTS on Thantos (2), while Thantos throws Star Warrior to the outside where Star Warrior sustains a +1 from a possible count out (1). Thantos also hits a Skullcrusher that Warrior kicks out of (1) before he is locked in the MASTERLOCK for the win (1). Thantos sustains 2 Tokens. Star Warrior sustains 2 Tokens plus the MASTERLOCK finish for an additional point. Match total is 5 points divided by 2 or **1/2. Divide tag matches, triple threats, etc by two as well. The only match that doesn t compute easily is Royal Rumbles and the like. For these, assign ** to the match. In gauntlet type matches, calculate each match individually. Elimination matches are one match. As you can probably guess from this, it is more likely that a PIN(1) will have a ***** match than a PIN(5) will. However, a PIN(1) can produce a DUD on occasion particularly in a squash match. (see optional rules match rating) Profits/Losses Remember that we are looking at the increases or decreases over an expected level, not revenues minus expenses. For each match on the card, add up the rating of each match and calculate the increase or decrease of the MegaCredits.

23 For each match MegaCredits DUD -2mc * -1mc *1/2 or ** 0mc **1/2 or *** +1mc ***1/2 or **** +2mc ****1/2 or ***** +3mc The total of all the MegaCredit changes from a card increase (or decrease) your MegaCredit balance thereby, either allowing you to sign additional wrestlers or possibly letting someone leave. You run a six-match card. There is a DUD, a *, 2 **, a ***, and a ***** match. The DUD match reduces your balance by 2, the * by 1. The 2 ** matches do not change your balance. The *** increases your balance by 1 and the ***** increases your balance by 3. The total effect of the card is +1mc. Hopefully, you can see that the changes will be slow as you build up funds to allow federation expansion. It would take 9 cards like this to sign that PIN(1) superstar you want! Pay Per Views: PPVs are where you can really make, or lose money. All changes to the MegaCredit balance are DOUBLED for a PPV. You have a good match, everyone sees it. You have a bad match, everyone sees it. The doubling of MegaCredits makes for a good reason to build a feud during the month for a PPV blow off. (see optional rules match ratings) House Shows / Dark Matches: Any MegaCredit changes from a house show or dark matches are halved. Remember that we do not account for partial MegaCredits, so drop any 0.5s. You have a good match, not as many people see it. But, if you have a bad match, not as many people see it. Broadcast Ratings: House Shows / Dark Matches: Since neither of these are broadcast, these rules do not apply. Broadcast Shows: These are the most common broadcast shows on free TV, cable, holovision, etc. This is your RAW, Nitro, etc. Like the continuous costs, ratings are based on a standard that you have already obtained. The starting base for these shows are an initial investment that the federation makes. This investment is for the building of a broadcast organization. Buying cameras, securing knowledgeable personnel, broadcast quality, advertising all determine this base investment. Base investment in these services, and to some extent ratings, are purchased. Every 10mc is equal to.1 in broadcast rating. So, to launch a show with a 2.0 base rating costs an investment of 200mc.

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