Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 1

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1 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 1 This sermon (khutbah) is delivered by the imam (leader) of the Congregational `Eid Prayer. In his book of man-la-yah uruhul-faqih, Shaykh al-saduq has reported the following sermon from Imam `Ali Amir al- Mu'minin, peace be upon him: All praise is due to Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light; yet, those who disbelieve set up equals with their Lord. We set up n0 partner with Allah nor do we betake ourselves any guardian save Him. All praise is due to Allah Whose is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. To Him is due all praise in the hereafter; and He is the Wise, the Aware. He knows that which goes down into the earth and that which comes out of it, and that which comes down from the heaven and that which goes up to it; and He is the Merciful, the Forgiving. Thus is Allah; there is no god save Him. To Him is the eventual coming. All praise is due to Allah Who withholds the heaven from falling on the earth except with His permission. Most surely, Allah is Compassionate, Merciful to men. O Allah, (please) have mercy upon us through Your mercy and cover us totally with Your forgiveness. Most surely, You are the All-high, the All-great. ا لح م د ل له ٱ لذ ي خ لق ٱل سم او ات و ٱلار ض و ج ع ل ٱل ظ لم ات و ٱل نور ث م ٱ لذ ين ك فر وٱ بر ب هم ي ع د لون لا ن ش رك بٱل له شي ي ا و لا ن تخ ذ م ن د و نه و ل ي ا و ٱ لح م د ل له ٱ لذ ي له م ا ف ي ٱل سم او ات و م ا ف ي ٱلار ض و له ٱ لح م د ف ي ٱلا خ ر ة و ه و ٱ لح ك يم ٱ ل خ بير ي ع لم م ا ي ل ج ف ي ٱلار ض و م ا ي خر ج م نه ا و م ا ي ن ز ل م ن ٱل سم اء و م ا ي ع ر ج ف يه ا و ه و ٱل رح يم ٱ ل غ فو ر ٱل ل ه كذ ل ك ا لي ه ٱ لم ص ير لا ا ل ه ا لا ه و و ٱ لح م د ل له ٱ لذ ي ي م س ك ٱل سم ا ء ن ت قع ع لى ٱلا ر ض ا لا ب ا ذ نه ا ن ال له بٱل نا س لر و وف ر ح يم ال له م ٱر ح م نا بر ح تم ك و ا ع م م نا بم غف ر ت ك ا نك ا ن ت ٱ لع ل ي ٱ ل ك بير

2 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 2 All praise be to Allah; there is no despair of His mercy, there is no existence without His bounties, there is no despondency from His endowment with rest, and there is none to disdain serving Him. By His Word, the Seven Skies rose, the plain lands settled, the firm mountains became steady, the fertilizing winds blew, the clouds moved in the atmosphere of the heavens, and the oceans were established on their boundaries. He is the god of all these and He is Allprevalent. Those claiming mightiness humiliate themselves before Him. Those claiming pride diminish themselves before Him. All the worlds are subservient to him willingly and unwillingly. We praise Him just as He has praised Himself and in the quantity of praise that He deserves. We seek His help, forgiveness, and guidance; and we bear witness that there is no god save Allah; One and Only and having no partner. He knows whatever is hidden by inner selves and whatever is concealed under oceans. No darkness can screen against Him. و ٱ لح م د ل له ٱ لذ ي لا م ق نو ط م ن ر ح م ت ه و لا م خ ل و م ن نع م ت ه و لا م و يس م ن ر و ح ه و لا م س ت ن كف ع ن ع ب اد ت ه ب كل م ت ه قام ت ٱل سم او ا ت ٱل سب ع و ٱس ت ق رت ٱلا ر ض ٱ لم ه اد و ثب تت ٱ ل جب ا ل ٱل رو اس ي و ج ر ت ٱل ري اح ٱل لو اق ح و س ار ف ي ج و ٱل سم اء ٱل سح اب و قام ت ع لى ح د ود ه ا ٱ ل بح ار و ه و ا ل ه له ا و قاه ر ي ذ ل له ٱ لم تع ز زون و ي ت ضاء ل له ٱ لم ت ك بر ون و ي د ين له طو ع ا و كر ه ا ٱ لع ا لم ون نح م د ه كم ا ح م د ن فس ه و كم ا ه و ا ه له و نس تع ي نه و نس ت غف ر ه و نس ته د يه و ن شه د ان لا ا ل ه ا لا ٱل له و ح د ه لا ش ريك ل ه ي ع لم م ا ت خف ي ٱل ن فوس و م ا ت ج ن ٱل بح ار و م ا تو ا ري م نه ظ لم ة

3 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 3 No unseen thing can hide itself against Him. There falls not a leaf nor a grain in the darkness but He knows it; there is no god save Him, nor anything green nor dry but it is all in a clear book. He knows what the doers do, which course they are taking, and to which direction they are turning. We seek from Allah the true guidance. We also bear witness that Muhammad is His servant, prophet, messenger to His creatures, and trustee on His revelations; and that he has conveyed perfectly the messages of his Lord, striven for the sake of Allah against those who swerved from Him and those who set up equals with him; and that he served Allah until death came upon him. May Allah send peace and blessings upon him and upon his Household. I advise you (all) to be pious to Allah Whose bounties never cease, Whose mercy never runs out, و لا تغ يب ع نه غاي ب ة و م ا تس ق ط م ن و ر قة م ن شج ر ة و لا ح بة ف ي ظ لم ة ا لا ي ع لم ه ا لا ا ل ه ا لا ه و و لا ر ط ب و لا ي ا ب س ا لا ف ي ك تا ب م بي ن و ي ع لم م ا ي ع م ل ٱ لع ام لون و ا ي م ج ر ى ي ج ر ون و ا لى ا ي م ن ق ل ب ي ن قل ب ون و نس ته د ي ٱل له بٱ له د ى و ن شه د ا و ر س و له ا لى خ لق ه و ام ي نه ع لى و ح يه ن م ح مد ا ع ب د ه و ن ب يه و ا نه قد ب ل غ رس ا لات ر به و ج اه د ف ي ٱل له ٱ لح اي د ين ع ن ه ٱ لع اد ل ين به و ع ب د ٱل له ح تى ا تاه ٱ لي ق ين ص لى ٱل له ع لي ه و ا ل ه و س ل م وص ي كم ب ت قو ى ٱل ل ه ٱ لذ ي لا تب ر ح م نه نع م ة و لا ت ن فد م نه ر ح م ة

4 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 4 with Whom the servants can never dispense, and Whose favors can never be recompensed by any deed. It is He Who has prompted piety, egged on abstinence from worldly pleasures, warned against acts of disobedience (to Him), brought almightiness to Himself through eternal existence, and humiliated His creatures by death and extinction. Death is thus the end of all created beings, the course taken by all the worlds, and it is marked on the foreheads of all the living ones. It cannot be defeated by the running away of the fugitive. When it befalls, it captures the people of lustful desires, demolishes all pleasures, moves away all bounties, and cuts off all delights. This world is an abode upon which Allah has decided extinction and upon whose inhabitants He has decided banishment. Nevertheless, most of them intend to survive forever and to consolidate its construction. It is yet sweet and fresh. It has been speeded up for that who desires for it and it has confused the heart of him who looks on it. و لا ي س ت غ ني ٱ لع ب اد ع نه و لا ي ج زي ا نع م ه ٱلا ع م ا ل ٱ لذ ي ر غب ف ي ٱل ت قو ى و ز هد ف ي ٱل د ني ا و ح ذر ٱ لم ع اص ي و تع ز ز بٱ لب قاء و ذ ل ل خ ل قه بٱ لم و ت و ٱ ل ف نا ء و ٱ لم و ت غاي ة ٱ لم خ لوق ين و س بي ل ٱ لع ا لم ين و م ع قود ب نو اص ي ٱ لب اق ي ن لا ي ع ج زه ا ب اق ٱ له ا ر بين و ع ند ح لول ه ي ا س ر اه ل ٱ له و ى ي ه د م ك ل ل ذة و ي زي ل ك ل نع م ة و ي ق طع ك ل ب ه ج ة و ٱل د ني ا د ار ك تب ٱل له له ا ٱ ل ف نا ء و لا ه ل ه ا م نه ا ٱ لج لاء فا ك ثر ه م ي ن وي ب قاء ه ا و ي ع ظم ب ناء ه ا و ه ي ح لو ة خض ر ة قد ع ج ل ت ل ل طال ب و ٱ ل تب س ت ب ق ل ب ٱل ناظ ر

5 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 5 In it, the wealthy are tiring up the weak and the afraid and fearful are trying to include it wholly. So, try to leave it may Allah have mercy upon you carrying the best of what is with you. Do not seek more than the little of it. Do not ask it for more than sufficiency. Satisfy yourself with the little amount of it. Do not strain your eyes after that through which the luxurious have been given enjoyment. Rather, belittle it, do not stick to it, and be vigilant against it. Beware of throwing yourselves into enjoyment, diversion, and joking, because these things lead to inattention and deception. Verily, the world has been confusing, has turned away, expired, and bid farewell. While the Hereafter has been imminent, has approached, overlooked, and declared arrival. Verily, the racetrack is this day و ي ض ني ذو ٱل ثر و ة ٱل ضع ي ف و ي ح ت ويه ا ٱ ل خاي ف ٱ لو ج ل فٱر تح لوٱ م نه ا ي ر ح م كم ٱل له باح س ن م ا بح ضر ت كم و لا ت ط لب وٱ م نه ا ا ك ثر م ن ٱ ل قل ي ل و لا تس ا لوٱ م نه ا فو ق ٱ ل ك فاف و ٱر ضو ٱ م نه ا بٱ لي س ي ر و لا تم د ن ا ع ي ن كم م نه ا ا لى م ا م تع ٱ لم تر فون به و ٱس ت هي نوٱ به ا و لا تو ط نوه ا و اض روٱ با ن فس كم ف يه ا و ا يا كم و ٱل ت ن عم و ٱل ت ل هي و ٱ ل فاك ه ا ت ف ا ن ف ي ذ ل ك غ ف ل ة و ٱ غت ر ار ا لا ا ن ٱل د ني ا قد ت ن كر ت و اد ب ر ت و ٱح لو ل ت و ا ذ ن ت بو د ا ع لا و ا ن ٱلا خ ر ة ق د ر ح ل ت فا قب ل ت و ا شر ف ت و ا ذ ن ت بٱ ط لا ع لا و ا ن ٱ لم ضم ار ٱ لي و م

6 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 6 and the race will be tomorrow. Verily, the prize of the winner will be Paradise while the losers will be Hellfire. Is there now any one to repent from his sins before the day of his death? Is there now any one to work for himself before the day of misery and neediness? May Allah include you and us with those who fear Him and hope for His reward. Behold! This day has been made feast for you by Allah Who has also made you celebrate it. So, remember Allah, He will remember you; and pray Him, He will respond to you. Defray your fast breaking poor-rate, for this is the tradition of Your Prophet and it is a duty made obligatory by your Lord. Each and every individual must thus defray it on behalf of himself and all of his dependants; male and female, little and old, and free and slave. For each individual, a a` (a measure) of wheat, a a` of dates, or a a` of barley should be defrayed. Obey Allah in what He has deemed obligatory upon you و ٱل سب اق غد ا لا و ا ن ٱل سب ق ة ٱ لج ن ة و ٱ ل غاي ة ٱل نار لا ا ف لا تاي ب م ن خط ي ي ت ه قب ل ي و م م ن يت ه لا ع ام ل ل ن فس ه قب ل ي و م ب و س ه و ف ق ره ج ع ل نا ٱل له و ا يا كم م من ي خا فه و ي ر ج و ثو اب ه لا ا ن ه ذا ٱ لي و م ي و م ج ع له ٱل له ل كم ع يد ا و ج ع ل كم له ا ه لا فٱ ذ ك ر وٱ ٱل له ي ذ كر كم و ٱد ع وه ي س ت جب ل كم و ا دوٱ ف طر ت كم ف ا نه ا س ن ة ن ب ي ك م و ف ري ض ة و ا جب ة م ن ر ب ك م ف لي و ده ا ك ل ٱم ر ي م ن كم ع نه و ع ن ع ي ال ه ك ل هم ذ ك ره م و ا ن ثاه م و صغ ي ره م و ك بي ره م و ح ره م و م م لوك هم ع ن ك ل ا نس ان م ن ه م صاع ا م ن ب ر و صاع ا م ن تم ر و صاع ا م ن شع ي ر و ا ط يع وا ٱل له ف ي م ا فر ض ع لي كم

7 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 7 and ordered you to do, such as performing of the prayers, defrayment of the poor-rate, going on pilgrimage to the (Holy) House, observance of fasting in the month of Rama an, enjoining the right, forbidding the wrong, and acting nicely towards your women and those possessed by your right hands (i.e. servants). Obey Allah with regard to what He has prohibited you to do, such as accusing a free woman falsely, committing acts of indecency, drinking intoxicants, diminishing the measures, giving short weights in scales, swearing falsely, and absconding from battles. May Allah safeguard you and us through piety and may He decide the Hereafter to be better for you and us than the worldly life. Certainly, the most excellent discourse and the most eloquent preachment for the pious is the Book of Allah the Almighty and All-wise. I seek protection of Allah against Satan the accursed. و ام ر كم به م ن ا قا م ٱل ص لاة و ا ي تاء ٱل ز كا ة و ح ج ٱ لب ي ت و صو م شه ر ر م ضان و ٱلام ر بٱ لم ع ر وف و ٱل نه ي ع ن ٱ لم ن ك ر و ٱلا ح س ان ا لى نس اي كم و م ا م ل ك ت ا ي م ا ن كم و ا ط يع وا ٱل له ف ي م ا نه ا كم ع نه م ن ق ذف ٱ لم ح ص نة و ا تي ان ٱ ل فاح ش ة و شر ب ٱ ل خم ر و ب خ س ٱ لم كي ا ل و ن ق ص ٱ لم ي زان و شه اد ة ٱل زو ر و ٱ ل فر ا ر م ن ٱل زح ف ع صم نا ٱل له و ا يا كم بٱل ت ق و ى و ج ع ل ٱلا خ ر ة خي ر ا ل نا و ل كم م ن ٱلا و لى ا ن اح س ن ٱ لح د يث و اب ل غ م و ع ظة ٱ لم تق ين ك تاب ٱل له ٱ لع زي ز ٱ لح ك ي م ع و ذ بٱل له م ن ٱل شي طان ٱل ر جي م

8 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 8 In the Name of Allah; the Allbeneficent, the All-merciful. Say: He, Allah, is One. Allah is He on Whom all depend. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And none is like Him. «بس م ٱل ل ه ٱل رح م ن ٱل رح ي م ق ل ه و ٱل له ا ح د. ٱل له ال صم د. لم ي ل د و لم ي و لد. و لم ي كن له ك فو ا اح د.» Upon accomplishment, the deliverer of the sermon may sit down for a while and then stand up for delivering the second sermon, which Imam `Ali Amir al-mu'minin (`a) used to deliver on Fridays immediately after the position of sitting that he made after delivering the first sermon. This sermon is as follows: All praise be to Allah. We praise Him, seek His help, believe in Him, and put our trust in Him. We also bear witness that there is no god save Allah; One and Only and having no partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. Allah s blessings and benedictions be upon him and his Household. So be His forgiveness and pleasure. O Allah, (please) bless Muhammad Your servant, messenger, and prophet, with blessings that are perfect, everincreasing, and ever-growing, due to which You raise his rank and make known His excellence. And (please) send blessings to Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad and send benedictions to Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad ا لح م د ل له نح م د ه و نس تع ي نه و نو م ن به و ن تو ك ل ع لي ه و ن شه د ان لا ا ل ه ا لا ال له و ح د ه لا ش ريك ل ه و ا ن م ح مد ا ع ب د ه و ر س و له ص لو ا ت ٱل له و س لام ه ع لي ه و ا ل ه و م غف ر ته و ر ضو ا ن ه ال له م ص ل ع لى م ح مد ع ب د ك و ر س ول ك و ن ب يك ص لا ة تا م ة نام ي ة زاك ي ة تر فع به ا د ر ج ته و تب ين به ا فض ي ل ت ه و ص ل ع لى م ح مد و ا ل م ح مد و ب ا رك ع لى م ح مد و ا ل م ح مد

9 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 9 just as You sent blessings, benedictions, and mercy to Abraham and the household of Abraham. You are verily worthy of all praise and full of all glory. O Allah, chastise the infidels from among the Scripturists who hinder people from Your way, deny Your signs, and belie Your Messengers. O Allah, bring into discord their words, cast horror in their hearts, and send down upon them Your pestilence, punishment, and wrath that is not averted from the guilty people. O Allah, give victory to the armies, brigades, and troops of Muslims in the east and west sides of the earth. Verily, You have power over all things. O Allah, (please) forgive the believing men and women and the Muslim men and women. O Allah, (please) cause piety to be their provisions, fix faith and wisdom in their hearts, and arouse them to be thankful for Your bliss كم ا ص لي ت و ب ار ك ت و تر حم ت ع لى ا ب ر اه يم و ا ل ا ب ر اه ي م ا نك ح م يد م جيد ال له م ع ذب ك فر ة ا ه ل ٱ لك تا ب ٱ لذ ين ي ص دون ع ن س بيل ك و ي ج ح د ون ا ي ات ك و ي ك ذب ون ر س لك ال له م خال ف ب ي ن كل م ت هم و ا ل ق ٱل رع ب ف ي ق لو ب ه م و ا ن ز ل ع لي هم رج زك و نق م تك و ب ا س ك ٱ لذ ي لا تر ده ع ن ٱ ل قو م ٱ لم ج رم ين ال له م ٱ ن صر ج ي و ش ٱ لم س ل م ين و س ر اي اه م و م ر ا بط ي هم ف ي م شا ر ق ٱلا ر ض و م غا ر به ا ا نك ع لى ك ل شي ء قد ي ر ال له م ٱ غف ر ل لم و م نين و ٱ لم و م نات و ٱ لم س ل م ين و ٱ لم س ل م ات ال له م ٱج ع ل ٱل ت قو ى زاد ه م و ٱلا يم ان و ٱ لح كم ة ف ي ق لو ب هم و ا و زع ه م ا ن ي ش كر وٱ نع م تك

10 Imam Ali(as) Sermon on Idd Al Fitr Day Pg 10 that You have bestowed upon them and to fulfill their covenant that they have made with You. O God of the truth and Creator of all creatures! O Allah, (please) forgive all those who were taken (by You) from the believing men and women and Muslim men and women as well as every one who shall join them (in faith) after them. Verily, You are the Almighty and Allwise. Surely, Allah enjoins the doing of justice, the doing of good (to others), and the giving to the kindred; and He forbids indecency, evil, and rebellion. He admonishes you that you may be mindful. Remember Allah, He will remember you. Verily, He always remembers those who remember him. Ask Allah of His mercy and grace, for any prayer that is said to Him shall never be disappointed. Our Lord, grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the chastisement of the fire. ٱ لت ي ا نع م ت ع لي ه م و ا ن ي و فوٱ بع ه د ك ٱ لذ ي ع اه د ته م ع لي ه ا ل ه ٱ لح ق و خال ق ٱ ل خ ل ق ال له م ٱ غف ر ل م ن تو في م ن ٱ لم و م نين و ٱ لم و م نات و ٱ لم س ل م ين و ٱ لم س ل م ات و ل م ن ه و لاح ق ب هم م ن ب ع د ه م م نه م ا نك ا ن ت ٱ لع زي ز ٱ لح ك يم» ا ن ٱل له ي ا م ر بٱ ل ع د ل و ٱلا ح س ان و ا ي تاء ذ ي ٱ ل قر ب ى و ي نه ى ع ن ٱ ل فح شاء و ٱ لم ن ك ر و ٱ لب غ ي ي ع ظ كم لع ل كم ت ذ كر ون.» ا ذ كر وا ٱل له ي ذ كر كم ف ا نه ذاك ر ل م ن ذ كر ه و ٱس ا لوٱ ٱل له م ن ر ح م ت ه و ف ضل ه ف ا نه لا ي خ يب ع لي ه د ا ع د ع اه ر ب نا ا ت نا ف ي ٱل د ني ا ح س ن ة و ف ي ٱلا خ ر ة ح س ن ة و ق نا ع ذاب ٱل نا ر

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