POREC: The work done in Porec a beautiful town on the Croatian coast - made an important contribution to the cause of Fair Play.

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1 2011/2 2012/1 irp la ye ur.com THE OF FI CI AL PUB LI CA TI ON OF THE EU RO PE AN FA IR PLAY MO VE MENT Fair Play is another name for happiness and contentment. It is our dearest wish that the New Year should bring these things-and, of course, peace and good health-to all the peoples of the world. EFPM Newsletter EFPM: a promising future Carlos Gonçalves EFPM President Sin ce the fo un da ti on of EFPM and un der the lea ders hip of its first Pre si dent, Frits Wijk, the Mo ve ment has cle arly es tab lis hed its mis si on wit hin the Eu ro pe an spor ting com - mu nity. This mis si on was and is to pro mo te the Fa ir Play va lu es and prin cip les in all sports ac ti vi ti es as well as in every day li fe, on the ba sis of the edu ca tio nal va lu es la id down in the Oly mpic Char ter, con se qu - ently, see king to crea te a bet ter and mo re pe ace ful world. Fol lo wing the ex pec ta ti ons of the fo un ding mem bers, the ful fil ment of this mis si on has be en the ma in go al of all the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com - mit te e mem bers, sup por ted by the re le vant work de ve lo ped by the EFPM mem bers thro ugh the ir prog - ram mes, pro jects and ini ti ati ves. The eigh te en ye ars of the EFPM s sig ni fi ed a pe ri od of growth and re - cog ni ti on: growth in the num ber of na tio nal Fa ir Play or ga ni sa ti ons af fi - lia ted to EFPM (14 in 1994, 29 in 2000 and 40 in 2011); growth in the num ber of or ga ni sa ti ons and ins ti - tu ti ons with which the EFPM es tab - lis hed per ma nent con tacts or, in so - me ca ses, spe ci fic jo int ven tu res ; growth in num ber of events to Con ti nu ed on pa ge 13 POREC: The work done in Porec a beautiful town on the Croatian coast - made an important contribution to the cause of Fair Play. Zlatko MATESA Biserka VRBEK Prof. Romana CAPUT JOGUNICA Biserka PERMAN De le ga tes from 28 Eu - ro pe an Fa ir Play or - ga ni za ti ons to ok part at the 17th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress held in Po - rec (CRO) on 29 Sep tem - ber / 1 Oc to ber. The Con - gress to ok pla ce un der the aus pi ces of the Eu ro - pe an Oly mpic Com mit te - es, the In ter na tio nal Co - un cil of Sport Sci en ce and Physi cal Edu ca ti on (ICS SPE), the Mi nistry of Sci en ce, Edu ca ti on and Sport and Prof. Ivo Jo si - po vic, Ph.D., Pre si dent of the Re pub lic of Cro ati a. The to pic of the event Sport as a Part of Cul tu - re: Fa ir Play as a Part of Sports Cul tu re ai med at the exp lo ra ti on and pro - mo ti on of new pos si bi li ti - es for the de ve lop ment of sports cul tu re. The event, sho wing sport as a part of cul tu re and sport s abi lity to streng then go od re la - ti ons bet we en chil dren and yo uths, as well as the po wer of sport to com bat vio len ce and bad con duct, was suc cess fully or ga ni - zed by the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit - te e and its Fa ir Play Com mit te e. The DELEGATES AND GUESTS AT THE 17th CONGRESS Con ti nu ed on pa ge 15 Our 17th successful Congress and our 40th member EFPM flag to fly in Verona in 2012 Af ter the EFPM s Ge ne ral As sembly on 1st Oc to ber, it was ti me to be gin the pre parations for our Con gress in Thanks to the ef forts of Rug ge ro Al can te ri ni, the Ita li an city of Ve ro na will the event. The ag ree ment re la ting to the hos ting of the Con gress was sig ned by EFPM Pre si dent Prof. Dr. Car los Gon çal ves, and by Rug ge ro Al can te ri ni (as Cha ir man of the CO NI Fa ir Play Co un cil). Fol lo wing this, de le ga tes app lau ded as the Cro ati an te am (Bi ser ka Vrbek and Bi ser ka Per man) han ded over the EFPM flag to Prof. Pat ri zi a Bra vo (on be half of Ve ro na) and Rug ge ro Al can te ri ni in the pre sen ce of Prof. Dr. Car los Gon çal ves. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 6 The EFPM salutes the memory of Christian Blareau For everyone involved in Fair Play in Europe, the bitterest blow of 2011 was the loss of Christian Blareau from France, who served on the EFPM Executive Committee as Accountant, played a highly significant role in the drawing up of our statutes. The premature death of this wellknown former judo fighter after a long struggle with serious illness was a tragedy for us, and his memory will always be revered at the EFPM. See more on pa ge 2 See you in Verona 2012 Finland becomes our 40th member The EOC-EFPM Awards Co-operation between the EFPM and the CIFP As the 17th EFP Con gress is al re ady his - tory, the EFPM is now get ting re ady for the next Con gress which will ta ke pla ce in Ve ro - na, or ga ni zed by the Ita li an Oly mpic Com - mit te e (CO NI) and its Fa ir Play Com mit te e un der the lea ders hip of Ms. Pat ri zi a Bra vo with Rug ge ro Al can te ri ni and sup por ted by the mu - ni ci pa lity of Ve ro na. The da te of this event is Oc to ber, The first an - no un ce ment has be en pub - lis hed by February, inc lu - ding the most im por tant Patrizia BRAVO in for ma ti on. At the EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly held du ring the 17th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress in Po rec, de le ga tes app lau ded as Fin land be ca me our 40th mem ber co untry. The new mem - ber or ga ni sa ti on is cal led the Fin nish Wor kers Sports Fe de ra ti on (TUL), and the Fin nish rep re sen - ta ti ve at the EFPM Con - gress was Ms. Anu Ra ja - Anu RAJAJARVI jar vi. In ac cor dan ce with tra di ti on, this ye ar the EOC-EFPM Awards Jury met on ce aga in un der the cha ir mans hip of the long-ser ving EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e mem ber and for mer Oly mpic Miroslav CERAR cham pi on Mi ros lav Ce rar to de ci de on the win ners of the Fa ir Play Awards for Carlos GONÇALVES Jenö KAMUTI The re are only two Fa - ir Play or ga ni sa ti ons in the world the In ter na - tio nal Fa ir Play Com mit - te e (known as the CIFP) and the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment (the EFPM). The two or ga ni - sa ti ons sha re a com mon pur po se, and in re cent ye ars ha ve be en plan - ning jo int ac ti vi ti es. This is go od news for ever yo - ne in vol ved in pro mo - ting Fa ir Play. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 6 Con ti nu ed on pa ge 2 Con ti nu ed on pa ge 9 Con ti nu ed on pa ge 2

2 2 Work at the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e The members of the EFPM Executive Committee during their first visit to Porec with Zlatko Matesa (President of the Croatian National Olympic Committee), Janez Kocijancic (President of the Slovenian National Olympic Committee) and the Croatian Organising Committee. Two meetings in preparation for the 17th Congress in Porec The Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e of the EFPM held two mee tings in Po - rec, Cro ati a, in pre pa ra ti on for our 17th Con gress. The first one to ok pla - ce in Ap ril, and the ot her in Sep tem - ber - im me dia tely be fo re the Con - gress. The re was a full agen da for both the re mee tings, and the Exe cu ti - ve Com mit te e mem bers we re gi ven every sup port by the ir Cro ati an hosts EFPM Exe cu ti ve mee ting was held on Ap ril in Po rec (CRO), in the host city of the 17th Eu ro pe an Fa - ir Play Con gress and the EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly. It fo cu sed on the pre pa ra ti - on of the se im por tant events. The mem bers of the Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e had the op por tu nity to vi sit the ve nu - es, to en su re the fa ci li ti es ava ila bi lity and we re de eply con vin ced that the ca pa bi lity of the Or ga ni sing Com mit - te e un der the gui dan ce of Mrs Bi ser ka Vrbek, pro ject lea der and Mrs. Bi ser ka Per man, Cha ir wo man of the Cro ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e, should be a gua - ran te e for the suc cess of the Con gress. Du ring the stay in Po rec it was al so a gre at ho no ur to me et with Zlat ko Ma te sa, Pre si dent of the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e, and Ja nez Ko ci - jan cic, Pre si dent of the Oly mpic Com - mit te e of Slo ve ni a. Dr. Ma te sa un der - li ned that Cro ati a is pro ud to or ga ni - se such an ex tra or di nary event, which is very im por tant not only for Cro ati - an sport but for the who le Eu ro pe an sport com mu nity. Both gent le men con ve yed the ir ap pre ci ati on to the EFPM and its work and ex pres sed the - ir full sup port to ful fil its es sen ti al ro - le, be cau se sport can only uti li se its full po ten ti al to en han ce a mo re hu - ma ne so ci ety and a pe ace ful world if Fa ir Play and To le ran ce are an in teg - ral part of it. At the mee ting in Sep tem ber, the re we re se ve ral im por tant items on the agen da apart from the fort hco ming con gress. The most im por tant of the se we re the ag ree ment to be sig ned with the Ita li an te am who are to host our 2012 Con gress; the fort hco ming elec - ti ons for the Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e (which are du e to ta ke pla ce in 2012); and the new items which are to be pla ced on our sta tu tes. All the items on the com mit te e s agen da we re de - alt with in the co ur se of two ses si ons. AFTER THEIR MEETINGS: The members of the EFPM Executive Committee paid a courtesy call on the Porec Municipal Authority. EFPM and CIFP Aiming at Closer Cooperation Sin ce 1995, rep re sen ta ti - ves from the EFPM and the CIFP are re gu larly ta king part in the Ge ne ral As semb li - es and/or Con gres ses of each or ga ni za ti on, be ing in vi ted to ad dress mes sa ges to the res pec ti ve par ti ci pants. Mo - reo ver, the EFPM Ma ga zi ne Play Fa ir fre qu ently pub lis - hes news abo ut the CIFP ini ti - ati ves. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19 THE TWO PRESIDENTS TOGETHER: EFPM President Prof. Dr. Carlos Gonçalves with CIFP President Dr. Jenö Kamuti during a friendly meeting at the Hotel Valamar in Porec. The EFPM s 40th member comes from Scandinavia Thanks to TUL, Finland becomes a full member of the EFPM One of the most plea sing events of the 17th Ge ne ral As sembly in Po rec was the ac cep - tan ce of an app li ca ti on for EFPM mem bers hip by a new and hardwor king or ga ni sa ti on - TUL (the Fin nish Wor kers Sports Fe - de ra ti on), which had pre - vio usly be en at ten ding EFPM Con gres ses for so me ti me as an ob ser ver. Ms. Anu Ra ja jar vi was app lau - ded by de le ga tes as the or - ga ni sa ti on she rep re sents be ca me the 40th full mem - ber of the EFPM. The Re pub lic of Fin land Ca pi tal: Hel sin ki Anu RAJAJARVI Po pu la ti on: 5,359,538 Are a: 337,000 km 2 *TUL The Fin nish Wor kers Sports Fe de ra ti on Pre si dent: Sir pa PA ATE RO Ge ne ral Sec re tary: Jan ne Ol li kai nen Ad res ses: The Fin nish Wor kers Sports Fe de ra ti on TUL Ka up pa kar ta non ka tu 7 A Hel sin ki / FIN LAND Tel: (09) Fax: (09) e-ma il: pa ate ro@csit.tv / e-ma il: tul@tul.fi Web: Christian Blareau a cheerful man always full of life The EFPM Executive Committee witnessed the passing of one of its members - Christian Blareau of France, who served on the Executive Committee as Accountant and was a well-known former judo champion. We will always revere his memory, and will remember him in our prayers. Here, he is seen in happier days at the 16th Congress in Prague: he is raising his glass to the health of World Fair Play. May God rest his soul! We mourn the loss of Christian Blareau The European Fair Play community regrets the loss of one of its long-serving and true members, Mr. Christian Blareau. He passed away at the age of 60 years. Born in 1951, he obtained his Ph.D. in History from the University of Paris in 1975 and also obtained Master degrees in geography and sport law, economics and sports organization management. He was a professor of sports law, economics and management at the National Institute of Sports and Physical Education (INSEP) and at the same time he was the director of their continuing education program. He worked for the Minister of Health as a professor preparing future teachers for the national sports exam in various disciplines from He also taught sports law, economy and management at the University of Evry and Paris. Mr. Blareau was a former Judo National Champion (1982), an international judge for Ju Jitsu and was elected until 2012 as President of the European Union of Ju Jitsu. From 2004, he was the French delegate to EFPM and was elected as Executive Committee member of the European Fair Play Movement, during the 14th EFP Congress, held in Nicosia, 2008, being appointed as Treasurer of our Organisation. He fulfilled this task with great enthusiasm and affection, despite his progressivy illness. Mr. Blareau was also the co-author of several books on sports education and contributed to the symposium collection published by AFSVFP. May the EFPM organisation express its deepest sympathy with Mr. Blareau's family. The EFPM movement will truly miss a valuable member. A minute s silence was observed to honour of the memory of Christian Blareau at the second meeting of the EFPM General Assembly in Porec, and at the subsequent 17th General Assembly he was remembered with respect and affection.

3 3 Spyros KAPRALOS (Greece) (EOC EC Member) Sport as an agent of moral change and transfer Birgitta KERVINEN (Finland) President ENGSO Prof. Dr. Franjo PROT (Croatia) The culture of peace - Fair Play is the only way JAPAN Prof. Romana CAPUT-Jogunica (Croatia) Fair Play in higher education and university sports in Zagreb Doç.Dr. Bilge DONUK (Turkey) Fair Play in culture and education in Turkey Prof.Dr.Patrick DUFFY (U.K.) The ethical responsibilities of the sport coaches Prof. Dr.Gilad WEINGARTEN (Israel) Fair Play and the Spectators behavior Yannis DARAS (Greece) President UEPS Football and Sport as ambassadors of moral values The EFPM s activities in Japan ASA HI KA WA- The EFPM s ac ti vi ti es are rai sing in te rest in Ja - pan. Asst. Prof. Yu taka Miu ra ga ve a talk at the 17th EFPM Con gress in Po rec on Asst. Prof. Te ac hing Met hods Yutaka Miura of Physi cal Edu ca ti on at the Asa hi ka wa Cam - pus, and he al so des cri bed his im - pres si ons of the 16th Con gress in Pra gu e in an ar tic - le in the Jo a Ti - mes. The EFPM s 17th Congress in Porec gets full marks The theme of the Congress, which was attended by experts and academics in the field of sport from all over Europe, was: Sport as a part of culture; Fair Play as a part of sport Culture. The 17th European Fair Play Congress and the EFPM General Assembly took place in Porec, Croatia on 28/09 01/10/2010 in the Istrian Assembly Hall of Porec, with the cooperation of the Slovenian Olympic Committee and Olympic Committee of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and under the patronage of the European Olympic Committees, the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education and the Municipality of Porec. The topic discussed was Sport as a part of Culture: Fair Play as a part of Sport Culture and focused on four sub-topics: 1. Sport as an agent of moral change and transfer; 2. Ethical conduct of the sport coaches; 3. Fair play and the supporters behavior; 4. The media and the Violence in Sport. The Opening Ceremony took place in the wonderful Villa Polessini in the pres- Con ti nu ed on pa ge 17 PO REC- A Fa ir Play car to on and dra - wing ex hi bi ti on by lo cal pri mary scho ol chil dren, ad ded co lo ur and qua lity to the 17th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress. The ex hi bi ti on, that de ser ved na tio - nal and in ter na tio nal vi si tors prai se was or ga ni sed un der the su per vi si on of Prof. Go ran Ju kic, mem ber of the Cro - ati an Fa ir Play Com - mit te e sin ce Ha ving wor ked for 20 ye ars as a sports te - ac her in ele men tary and pri mary scho ols in Zag reb, and ta king in - Goran JUKIC to ac co unt his lar ge ex pe ri en ce on the te - ac hing-le ar ning pro cess and the re cog - ni sed im por tan ce he grants to the sport ac ti vi ti es in the edu ca tio nal pro cess of chil dren and yo uth, Mr. Ju kic is wor - king no wa days as an ad vi sor for the The historic hall where the EFPM s 17th Congress in Porec, Croatia, was held Delegates and guests attending the 17th European Fair Play Congress 2nd SESSION: The media and Violence in sport, Ivana Lukacic (Croatia) and Erdo an Ar p nar (Vice President of EFPM) on the table A Fair Play Cartoon and drawing exhibition by the Porec children The good work of Goran Jukic and his pupils Cro ati an Scho ol Sport Fe de ra ti on. Scho ol Fa ir Play Awards was es tab lis - hed du ring scho ol ye ar by the Cro ati an Scho ol Sport Fe de ra ti on and the scho ol sport clubs com pe ti ti on had the par ti ci pa ti on of abo ut pu pils. The win ner of the ma in Fa ir Play award was a yo ung sport sman, To mis - lav An tu no vic. FIRST PRIZE: Tomislav Antunovic, winner of the first prize at the exhibition, with his award. A VISIT FROM THE PRESIDENT: EFPM President Prof. Gonçalves and EFPM members very much enjoyed their visit to the children s art exhibition. Above, Prof. Gonçalves is seen with Portuguese delegate Mrs. Anabela Reis and Dutch delegate Miss Lieke Vloet.

4 4 NEWS FROM Prof. Dr. Carlos GONÇALVES: We thank him for all his hard work. Dr. Jenö KAMUTI: He has contributed greatly to good relations between the EFPM and the CIFP. New faces at the congress Raymond BERGMAN Latvia Kvetoslava PECKOVA: Well done, Czech Republic! Salhat ABBASOVA: Applause for Azerbaijan Gazi PANAVATI Albania EFPM surprises for 2012! More hard work by Katarina... Katarina RACZOVA Last year Katarina Raczova, member of the EFPM Executive Committee and a wellknown former fencing champion, prepared a calendar for the EFPM. This year, two more pieces of her fine handiwork received applause at the General Assembly. The EFPM Diary for 2012 The first of these to be presented was the EFPM s very first Pocket Diary. This elegant diary for 2012 contains the Fair Play cartoons chosen by Turkey, the addresses of EFPM members and information about the Executive Committee. The EFPM Fan Tubes The second item to be presented was the Fan Tubes bearing the name of the European Fair Play Movement. Fans will be able to bang these Fan Tubes together to give encouragement to their team. The EFPM s gentlemanly Fan Tubes The 17th EFPM General Assembly Finland becomes our 40th member Our 18th Congress is to be held in Verona, Italy The 17th Ge ne ral As sembly of the EFPM was held in Po rec. Du ring the Ge ne ral As sembly, in for ma ti on was pro vi ded abo ut the ac ti vi ti es of the Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e Mem bers, the fi nan ci al si tu ati on, as well as va rio us chal len ges for the fu tu re, such as ma king the work of EFPM mo re vi sib le and im pres si ve. The EFPM fa mily grew by wel - co ming a new mem ber, the Fin nish Wor - kers' Sports Fe de ra ti on (TUL), rep re sen ting Fin land, and ad ding to the high qua lity of mem ber or ga ni sa ti ons. The EFPM now co - unts 40 pro ud and mo ti va ted mem bers. Wel co me and ap pro val of the Agen da 1.1. The quo rum was con fir med with Twenty Fo ur (24) EFPM Mem bers pre sent (equ al to 60% at ten dan ce) and the Ge ne ral As sembly was ope ned, in ac cor dan ce with the re qu ire ments of the Sta tu tes The Pre si dent of the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment Car los Gon çal ves, wel co - med the mem bers and the spe ci al gu ests in - vi ted by the or ga ni zers, and pre sen ted the pro po sed Agen da to the Ge ne ral As sembly The EFPM Mem bers ap pro ved the pro po sed Agen da. Ho ma ge to Chris ti an Bla rea u Pre si dent Gon çal ves in for med the Gen. As sembly of the pas sing away of the EFPM Tre asu rer Chris ti an Bla rea u, des cri bed his ex cel lent work do ne in the va rio us posts he held and es pe ci ally in the EFPM and pre sen - ted the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e pro po - sal to an no un ce Chris ti an Bla rea u as the EFPM Ho no rary Mem ber in Me mo ri am. The Ge ne ral As sembly una ni mo usly ap - pro ved the pro po sal. Gree tings from Eu ro pe an Sport Or ga ni za ti ons and Ins ti tu ti ons ENG SO Pre si dent Ms. Bir git ta Ker vi nen ad dres sed a warm wel co me to the EFPM mem bers ex pres sing her ple asu re and ho - no ur to be pre sent at the Gen. As sembly and des cri bed the pers pec ti ves of the re la - ti ons hip bet we en ENG SO and EFPM. EPAS rep re sen ta ti ve Mr. Il ham Ma ma dov ex pres sed the sin ce re sa tis fac ti on of EPAS for the clo se and fru it ful co ope ra ti on with EFPM, pro mi sing its ste ady con ti nu ati on. CIFP Pre si dent Je nö Ka mu ti com mu ni ca - ted the he arty gree tings of the or ga ni za ti - on he pre si des over to all the mem bers of the EFPM fa mily. Prof. Dr. Fran jo Prot, rep re sen ta ti ve of the Eu ro pe an Ta ek won do Uni on, ex ten ded the gree tings of ETU and wis hed the Ge ne - ral As sembly a fru it ful ses si on. A view of the EFPM s 17th General Assembly in Porec, Croatia Executive Committee at the EFPM General Assembly THE PROTOCOL TABLE: Guests of Honour and representatives from various countries at the EFPM s 17th General Assembly: (from left to right) EFPM Guests of Honour Georges Diderich (Luxembourg), Prof. Dr. Vladimir Rodichenko (Russia), EPAS Representative Ilham Mamadov (Azerbaijan), ENGSO President Birgitta Kervinen (Finland), CIFP - President Dr. Jenö Kamuti. The EFPM Gen. Sec re tary Io an nis Psi lo - pou los re ad the mes sa ges of the Eu ro pe an Uni on Com mis sio ner for Edu ca ti on, Cul tu - re, Mul ti lin gua lism and Yo uth, Mrs. An - drou la Vas si lio u, and the ICS SPE Pre si dent, Mrs. Mar ga ret Tal bot. Ap pro val of the Mi nu tes of the 16th EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly (Pra gu e 2010) The Mi nu tes we re ap pro ved una ni mo - usly. Af fi li ati on of a new mem ber The Gen. Sec re tary I. Psi lo pou los an no - un ced the app li ca ti on from TUL Fin land to be a mem ber of the EFPM and the re le vant po si ti ve de ci si on of the Exe cu ti ve Com mit - te e. The Gen. As sembly una ni mo usly ap pro - ved the af fi li ati on of TUL and Pre si dent Gon çal ves wel co med the TUL rep re sen ta ti - ve to the EFPM fa mily. Ms. Anu Ra ja jar vi than ked the Ge ne ral As sembly and to ok her se at as a full mem ber. Pre si dent s re port The Pre si dent re por ted to the G.A. on that the work wit hin the EFPM and the mem ber or ga ni sa ti ons had prog res sed in the ye ars 2010/2011. The re port is inc lu ded as an ap pen dix to the Mi nu tes of the Ge ne - ral As sembly. Ge ne ral Sec re tary s re port The Gen. Sec re tary Io an nis Psi lo pou los, than ked the EFPM mem bers for the ir trust and sup port, as well as the Hel le nic Oly mpic Com mit te e for the con ti nuo us sup port for smo othly ful fil ling the Gen. Sec re tary s du - ti es. Af ter that, he pre sen ted the re le vant Re port, which is inc lu ded as an ap pen dix to the Mi nu tes of the Ge ne ral As sembly. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 16 A special thank-you to Biserka Perman Bi ser ka Per man, Cha ir wo man of the Cro ati - an Fa ir Play Com mit te e, did not only play an im por - tant ro le in the suc cess ful or ga ni sa ti on of the con gress - she al so to ok so me ex cel lent pho tog - raphs for our. We are gra te ful to her for her pro fes sio nal work. PLAY FAIR ACADEMIC SUPPLEMENT The 9th in our series of Academic Supplements to the Play Fair magazine, which contains informative articles by academic specialists, is included in this issue.

5 NEWS FROM TURKEY IS TAN BUL- At the be gin ning of De - cem ber, a ce re mony was held at Oly mpic Hou se in Is tan bul at which Do an fia hin (mem ber of the EFPM Awards Jury who is al so a well-known bu si ness man and a fa mo us fi gu re in the world of sport in Tur key) was pre sen ted with the EFPM Cha in of Me rit our hig hest ho no ur. Mr. fia hin has gi ven his dedicated sup port to the cau se of Fa ir Play ever sin ce the fo - un da ti on of the EFPM. EFPM Pre si dent Prof. Dr. Car los Gon - çal ves ca me to Tur key espe ci ally for this ce re mony, which was al so at ten ded by Prof. Dr. U ur Er de ner (Pre si dent of the Tur kish Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e), Er do an Ar p nar (Vi ce-pre si dent of the EFPM and the per son res pon sib le for ini - tia ting the Fa ir Play Mo ve ment in Tur - key) and Mu rat Öz bay (Cha ir man of the Tur kish Na tio nal Oly - mpic Com mit te e s Fa ir Play Co un cil). The Cha - in of Me rit award had pre vio usly be en presented to Il ham Ali yev, the Pre si dent of Azer - CHAIN OF MERIT bai jan. BULGARIA SO FI A- The IOC Trophy Sport and So ci al Res pon si bi lity was awar ded to the Ma yor of So fi a, Mrs. Jor dan ka Fan - da ko va for her con tri bu ti on to the de - ve lop ment of sports in the ca pi tal city of So fi a, for sup por ting sports ac ti vi ti - es for di sab led pe op le and chil dren dep ri ved from pa ren tal ca re, for crea ting bet ter con di ti ons for sports ac ti - vi ti es in scho ols and kin - der gar ten. The ce re mony was Zdravka YORDANOVA held on 7 Oc to ber 2011 at the Grand Ho tel So fi a. The award was pre sen ted to the Ma yor of So fi a by the Pre si dent of the Bul ga ri an Oly mpic Com mit te e, Mrs. Stef ka Kos ta di no va. The ce re mony was at ten ded by mem bers of the Exe cu ti ve Bo ard of the Bul ga ri an Oly mpic Com mit te e, among them the Oly mpic cham pi ons Mrs. Zdrav ka Yor da no va (ro wing)-cha ir wo - man of the Fa ir Play Com mis si on to the EFPM Chain of Merit for Do an fiahin Du ring the cock ta il party which fol lo - wed the ce re mony, gu ests received co pi - es of Tur key s first bo ok on Fa ir Play pre pa red by Asst. Prof. Dr. Bil ge Do nuk and Er do an Ar p nar - whi le be ing en - ter tai ned with mu sic. Do ğan Şa hin Do an fia hin is a long-stan ding mem - ber of the Tur kish Na tio nal Oly mpic Com - mit te e who has achieved good placings in a num ber of fa mo us swim ming ma rat - Bul ga ri an Oly mpic Com mit te e and of - fi ci al rep re sen ta ti ve of Bul ga ri a in the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment, Mrs. Van ya Ges he va (ca no e), Mrs. Tan ya Bo - go mi lo va (swim ming), Mr. Hris to Mar - kov (ath le tics). Con gra tu la ti ons to Mrs. Fan da ko va ex pres sed by the Mi nis ter of Physi cal hon ra ces - inc lu ding the Cross-Chan nel Swim (ac ross the Eng lish Chan nel), the Loi re In ter na tio nal Ma rat hon (in Fran ce), the Ni le Ri ver Ma rat hon (in Egypt) and the Cap ri-nap les Ma rat hon Swim (in Italy). A cons truc ti on en gi ne er by pro fes - si on, he is al so a cor po ra te exe cu ti ve of the Hacıbe kir Gro up of Com pa ni es - a pro du cer of the world-fa mo us Tur kish De light. Alt ho ugh now ne arly 80 ye ars of age, he still ta kes part in ac ti ve sport. Do an fiahin receives the EFPM Chain of Merit - the organisation s highest honour - at Turkey s Olympic House in Istanbul. A Fair Play Award for the Mayor of Sofia Edu ca ti on and Sport, Mr. Svi len Ney - kov and the le gen dary Bul ga ri an fo ot - ball pla yer Hris to Sto ich kov, de sig na - ted bea rer of the Bul ga ri an de le ga ti - on to the Oly mpic Ga mes in Lon don The event was at ten ded by many jo ur na lists, sports and mu ni ci pa - lity of fi ci als. THE MAYOR OF SOFIA RECEIVES HER AWARD: Stefka Kostadinova, the President of the Bulgarian National Olympic Committee, presents Jordanka Fandakova, the Mayor of Sofia, with a Fair Play Award in recognition of her excellent work. The ceremony was attended by a number of famous sporting champions. Turkey s first book on Fair Play IS TAN BUL- The Tur - kish Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te - e is a fo un ding mem ber of the EFPM. Sin - ce 1994, Tur key s Fa ir Play Co un cil has be - en ac ti ve in the pro mo ti on of Fa ir Play, and the awards it has dis tri bu ted ha ve at trac ted a go od de al of at ten ti on. In 2011, the co untry s first-ever bo ok on Fa ir Play saw the light of day. This bo ok, en tit led Fa ir Play-Et hi cal Ap pro ac hes in Sports Erdo an ARIPINAR Bilge DONUK Ma na ge ment and Spor - ting Events, was aut ho - red jo intly by Er do an Ar p nar (who for the last 17 ye ars has be en a Vi ce-pre si dent of the EFPM and is al so the per - son in char ge of the Play Fa ir Ma ga zi ne and the EFPM web pa ge) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Bil ge Do - nuk (a lec tu rer at the Is tan bul Uni ver sity Hig her Scho ol of Physi cal Edu ca ti on and Sport), and the bo ok is re com men ded rea ding for stu dents at the va rio us uni - ver sity de part ments of sport in Tur key. Fair Play is Healthy SLOVAKIA Olga 1956 Olga USA Olga Fikotova-Connolly Fair play expresses and validates who we truly are as human beingsconnected, compassionate, fully enough exactly as we are. It expresses the abundance and satisfaction that is our true birthright. It connects rather than separates. It manifests health and is a source of it. Gabor Mate, M.D., pioneering physician in mind- Con ti nu ed on pa ge 18 NEW PUBLICATIONS ARE ADDED TO THE LITERATURE OF FAIR PLAY Fol lo wing the suc cess ful 15th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress in Ba ku, the bo - ok let of the con gress - an im por tant ad di ti on to our lib rary - has now be en pub lis hed. The ef forts by the fol lo wing pe op le in the pub li ca ti on of this bo - ok let are very much ap pre cia ted: Azad Ra - hi mov (Azer bai jan Mi nis ter of Sport), Cin - giz Hü seyn za de (Pre si dent of the Azer bai - jan NOC), Kha zar Isa ev (Cha ir man of the Azer bai jan Fa ir Play Co un cil), Sal hat Ab ba so - va, Ko nül Nu - ra la ye va, and Prof. Man fred Lämmer (Vi ce- Pre si dent of the EFPM and the bo ok let s Ge ne ral Editor). The ve nu e for the 16th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con - gress was Pra gu e, Czech Re pub lic - whe re the first mee ting on Fa ir Play ever held in Eu ro pe to ok pla ce. This con gress was a co lo ur - ful, high-qua lity oc ca si on, and the con gress bo ok let (ac com pa ni ed by a CD) is a va lu ab le ad di ti - on to our Fa ir Play lib rary. Tho se res pon sib le for the pro duc ti on of this bo ok let we re: Asst. Prof. Ph.Dr. Jo sef Do va lil, Jan Feld ste in M.A., Prof. Dr. Man - fred Lämmer, Ric hard Mra zek, Mgr. Kve ta Pec ko va, Prof. Ph.Dr. An to nin Rychtecky Dr. Sc., and Mgr. Ve ro ni ka Ze me no va. The EFPM mem ber co - untry which holds the re - cord for the hig hest num - ber of edu ca tio nal pub li - ca ti ons on Fa ir Play and sport is Po land a gre at ho no ur in de ed! The per - son mostly res pon sib le for all this work is the in de fa - ti gab le Prof. Dr. Zo fi a Zu - kows ka. This ti me, she bro ught to the con gress two bo oks pro vi ding gui - dan ce on the sub ject of Fa ir Play for the yo ung pe - op le of Po land. The se two bo oks (the first aut ho red by Mar cin Czec - hows ki and An na Dab - rows ka, and the se cond by Mar cin Czec hows ki, Zo fi a Zu kows ka and Ryszard Zu - kows ki) we re pub lis hed by the Fa ir Play Club. Khazar ISAEV Kveta PECKOVA Zofia ZUKOWSKA Vladimir Rus si a has be en a mem - ber of the EFPM ever sin - ce the or ga ni sa ti on was fo un ded, and the first na - me that springs to mind when the sub ject of Fa ir Play and sport in Rus si a is men tio ned is that of Prof. RODICHENKO Dr. Vla di mir Ro dic hen ko. Prof. Dr. Ro dic hen ko, who for many ye ars was a mem ber of the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e and is cur - rently an Ho no rary Mem ber of the EFPM, is the wri ter who has con tri bu ted the lar - gest num ber of pub - li ca ti ons to the li te ra - tu re of sport in Rus si - a. He has pre sen ted a copy of Sport and the Oly mpics in Rus si - a, his la test work (in which the sub ject of Fa ir Play is gi ven ex - ten si ve co ve ra ge) to our lib rary.

6 6 Welcome to Italy for the 2012 Congress in Verona! NEWS FROM ITALY The historic Italian city of Gar da. Be cau se of this po si ti on, the are as rectly from the bus dri ver. Verona is fully prepared to saw re gu lar floo ds un til 1956, when the Air li nes al so fly to Ve ni ce's Mar co Po lo Mo ri-tor bo le tun nel was cons truc ted, and bud get air li nes to Tre vi so's Al An ge li. host the EFPM s 18th pro vi ding 500 cu bic me ters of disc har ge By car Congress from the Adi ge ri ver to La ke Gar da when If yo u ha ve a ren tal car the trip to Ve - the re was dan ger of floo ding. The tun nel ro na isn't dif fi cult: ta ke the A4 to wards RO MA- Ve ro na, the se cond ro man re du ced the risk of floo ding of on ce every Pa do va (Pa du a) and fol low all the way to town in Italy with a fan tas tic won der ful se venty ye ars to on ce every two cen tu ri es. Ve ro na (ap prox 150km). amp hit he at re, Are na, fa mo us in the Ve ro na is a city (pop. ~250,000) in By tra in world for lyric ope ra in any sum mer. north-eas tern Italy's Ve ne to re gi on most Yo u can re ach Ve ro na Por ta Nuo va sta - Ve ro na has a long tra di ti on li ke town fa mo us as the set ting for Sha kes pea re's ti on by tra in from Mi lan (1 ho ur and 22 of sport and gre at sen si ti vity for et hics Ro me o and Ju li et. Tho ugh clo se to the mins by Eu ro City tra in (EC), 1 ho ur and 50 and fa ir play: the Ita li an Com mit te e work mo re po pu lar tou rist des ti na ti on of Ve ni - mins by Re gi ona le Ve lo ce (RV), from Ve ni - the re by long ti me with suc cess. ce, many pe op le con si der Ve ro na to be a ce (1 ho ur and 10 mins by Eu ro City (EC), 1 In Ve ro na are all the right ele ments to mo re re la xed and plea sant pla ce to vi sit. ho ur and 22 mins by Re gi ona le Ve lo ce pla n and re ali ze our XVIII Con gress and li - The re are many tou rists, but the num ber (RV), 2 ho urs and 10 mins by Re gi ona le ke Sha kes pea re we will go the re to me et of tou rists per squa re me ter is lo wer. (R)), from Bo log na (49 mins by TAV, 1 ho - Gi uli et ta and Ro me o. By pla ne ur and 28 mins by Re gi ona le Ve lo ce (RV), 22 Oc to ber 2012 will be li ke Spe ci al Ca tul lo Air port Ve ro na's clo sest air - or from Mu nich (5 ho urs and 30 mins by Day of Ka rol Wojt yla, our spe ci al tes ti mo - port, 12 km from the city. Eu ro City). Be awa re that lo cal tra ins (Re gi - ni al and Na tio nal and In ter na tio nal Day des ti na ti ons in north-eas tern Italy, thanks Bud get air li nes fly from Brus sels ona li) al so stop at a mi nor sta ti on, Ve ro na of Fa ir Play. From 24 to 26 of Oc to ber will to its ar tis tic he ri ta ge, se ve ral an nu al fa irs, (Char le ro i), Lon don-gat wick, Lon don- Por ta Ves co vo. be the Con gress and Sa tur day 27 Oc to ber shows and ope ras, such as the lyri cal sea - Stans ted, Pa ris-be au va is, Mad rid, Alg he - Getting aro und will ce leb ra te the EFPM As sembly. son in the Are na, the an ci ent amp hit he at - ro, Pa ler mo, Tra pa ni and Brin di si to Ca tul - City bus sche du les are dif fi cult to ob ta - Ve ro na re bu ilt by the Ro mans. lo Air port of Ve ro na. in on-li ne and al so cur rently not ava ilab le Ve ro na is a city in Ve ne to, nort hern Ve ro na owes its his to ri cal and eco no - Bu ses will ta ke yo u from Ve ro na Air - on maps.go og le.com. The 11, 12 or 13 bus Italy, one of the se ven pro vin ci al ca pi tals mic im por tan ce to its ge og rap hi cal lo ca ti - port di rect to Ve ro na ra il way sta ti on. It will get yo u from the tra in sta ti on (Sta zio - in the re gi on. It is one of the ma in tou rist on, in a lo op of the Adi ge Ri ver ne ar La ke costs 5E, and yo u can buy the tic ket di - ne Por ta Nuo va) to the Are na (Pi az za Bra). THE PALACE OF GRAN GUARDIA: will be headquarters of XVIII Fair Play Congress and EFPM Assembly. OUR HOSTS FOR THE VERONA CONGRESS IN 2012: (from left to right) Flavio Tosi (Mayor of Verona), Prof. Patrizia Bravo (Councillor with Responsibility for the Fair Play Congress), Federico Sboarina (Councillor with Responsibility for Sport). FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT TO: NOC s of Eu ro pe Eu ro pe an Sports Fe de ra ti ons / Con - fe de ra ti ons Na tio nal Fa ir Play Or ga ni sa ti ons RE: In vi ta ti on to par ti ci pa te at the 18th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress Ve ro na, Oc to ber, 2012 De ar Sports Fri ends The Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment (EFPM), the Co mi ta to Na zi ona le Ita lia no Fa ir Play (CNIFP) and the Mu ni ci pa lity of Ve ro na, in vi tes yo u to par ti ci pa te at the 18th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress that will be held in Ve ro na, Italy, next Oc to - ber 24-26, The 18th EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly will be held on Oc to ber 27, The EFPM en trus ted the or ga ni za ti on of the men tio ned events to CNIFP and the Mu ni ci pa lity of Ve ro na will be co-or - ga ni zer of the events. They will be held un der the aus pi ces of the Eu ro pe an Oly - mpic Com mit te es (EOC), the In ter na tio - nal Co un cil of Sport Sci en ce and Physi cal Edu ca ti on (ICS SPE), and the Co mi ta to XVIII CONGRESS 24th - 28th October 2012 Verona, Italy Olim pi co Na zi ona le Ita lia no (CO NI). The to pic of the Con gress will be: Pro fes sio nal sports and Fa ir Play. This to pic will per ta in as well two subto pics: 1. Fa ir Play in Eu ro pe in re la ti on to the sport it self and the sport eco nomy; 2. The va lu es of sports as a ba sic ele - ment of qua lity of li fe in so ci ety. We lo ok for ward for the par ti ci pa ti on of de le ga tes of the EFPM mem bers, rep - re sen ta ti ves of Eu ro pe an Sports go vern - men tal and non-go vern men tal or ga ni za - ti ons and ins ti tu ti ons, rep re sen ta ti ves of Eu ro pe an sports Fe de ra ti ons or Con fe de - ra ti ons, sports of fi ci als, ath le tes, stu - dents and rep re sen ta ti ves of the me di a. The re fo re, we in vi te yo u to jo in us at the 18th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Con gress and to par ti ci pa te ac ti vely at the to pic dis cus si ons and con se qu ently in the pro - mo ti on of Fa ir Play va lu es and prin cip les thro ugh the exc han ge of go od prac ti ces and ex pe ri en ces, the sci en ti fic pre sen ta - ti ons, the ex hi bi ti on of pos ters re la ted to cam pa igns or pro jects be ing de ve lo ped or to be de ve lo ped in a ne ar fu tu re and which are re la ted to the Con gress to pic. For furt her de tai led in for ma ti on abo - ut the Con gress, plea se con tact the Con - gress Sec re tars hip, Mrs Ales san dra Iop pi by e-ma il: ales san dra.iop pi@li be ro.it, fax: , Mo bil Pho ne or to Pat ri zi a Bra vo vi a XX set tem bre 20/A Ve ro na Plea se, find enc lo sed the Con gress An - no un ce ment con tai ning the ne ces sary in - for ma ti on and the res pec ti ve Re gis tra ti - on Form and Re gis tra ti on of Par ti ci pa ti - on Form. We kindly ask yo u to fill out the Re gis tra ti on Form (and, if con ve ni - ent, the Re gis tra ti on of Par ti ci pa ti on form) and send it by Au gust 31st 2012, at the la test, to Mrs. Ales san dra Iop pi. We lo ok for ward to see ing yo u so on! Wel co me to Ve ro na at the 18th Eu ro - pe an Fa ir Play Con gress! Yo urs sin ce rely Patrizia Bravo, Congress Director Carlos Gonçalves, EFPM President Ruggero Alcanterini, CNIFP President For all announcements regarding the 18th Congress, please see the EFPM website: NETHERLANDS Start conference A Safe Sports Environment AMS TER DAM- The mins ter of He alth, Wel fa re and Sports in the Net her lands has de ci ded to in tro du ce a ze ro to le ran ce po - licy in sports. This ga ve NOC*NSF (with all its mem ber sports fe de ra ti ons) the op por - tu nity to de ve lop a com pre hen si ve new po - licy for the pe ri od , cal led A Sa fe Sports En vi ron ment. The kic koff to this prog ram was on Oc to ber 6th du ring a wor - king con fe ren ce for the mem ber sports fe - de ra ti ons. The aim of this con fe ren ce was three - fold: to pre sent the out li ne of the new po - licy, ma ke sports fe de ra ti ons de ve lop the ir own plan of ac ti on and most im por tant, crea te a ba sis for the new po licy. The con - fe ren ce star ted with a ret ros pect on the re - sults of for mer po li ci es To get her for Sport - smans hip and Res pect and Mas ter Plan Con ti nu ed on pa ge 18

7 7 NEWS FROM SLOVENIA CONDUCTING THE CEREMONY: Prof. Zofia Zukowska and Prof. Kajetan Hadzelek An award from Great Britain for Miroslav Cerar A group photograph of the winners of the Fair Play Awards in Poland POLAND Showing that Piotr Nurowski has not been forgotten Poland leads the way in Fair Play activities WAR SAW- The Po lish Oly mpic Com mit - te e Fa ir Play Club was es tab lis hed in 1963 and sin ce then has be en wor king very syste - ma ti cally. It brings to get her 15 mem bers chai red by Prof. Zo fi a Zu kows ka, her de - puty Mr. Ka je tan Had ze lek and sec re tary Ms. Mag da le na Rejf. Its mem bers inc lu de Oly mpi - ans, pro fes sors, aca de mic te ac hers, Po lish Sports Fe - de ra ti ons of fi ci als and spon sors. The Club is su - per vi sed by Mrs. Ire na Sze - Zofia ZUKOWSKA wins ka, IOC mem ber and POC Vi ce Pre si dent. The Club it self and its ac ti vi ti es are spon so red by Snic kers. Among many Club ac ti vi ti es con duc ted in 2011 very spe ci al at ten ti on sho uld be pa - id to the ce re mony of awards pre sen ta ti on won in the 44th Fa ir Play Con test, which was ho no red with the pre sen ce of EFPM Pre si dent, Prof. Car los Gon çal ves. The Club re cei ved 18 app li ca ti ons from among which 8 in - di vi du als and one gro up we re awar ded. Two equ al Fa ir Play Trop hi es ho no ring fa ir play ges tu re in sport com pe ti ti on in 2010 went to ski jum per A. Malysz and swim mer W. Kaz mi erc zak. Adam Malysz - fo ur Oly mpic me dals win - ner, the most tit led ski jum per in the his tory of the World Cham pi ons hips in di vi du al ski jum ping com pe ti ti on. At the event in En - gel berg (Swit zer land, ) he was to jump as the fi nal ath le te in the com pe ti ti - on, di rectly af ter T. Mor gens tern. When the Aus tri an ath le te had prob lems with zip - ping his su it, A. Malysz as ked the re fe re es Cont d from pa ge 10 NUROWSKI AWARD: was received by Piotr Nurowski s daughters. Sport as a Mediator between Cultures GERMANY ISRAEL International Experts Met in Israel to Discuss Sport s Role for Development and Peace by Peter Pinzer WINNERS OF THE GRAND PRIZE: POC President - Mr. A. Krasnicki, Sport and Tourism Minister - Mr. A. Giersz, the winners - M. Wojciech Kazmierczak and Mr. Adam Malysz, Prof. Z. Zukowska, Prof. K. Hadzelek. NETANYA- The in ter na tio nal con fe ren ce on sport for de ve - lop ment and pea ce, Sport as a Me dia tor bet we en Cul tu res to - ok pla ce from Sep tem ber, 2011, at the Win ga te Ins ti tu te for Physi cal Edu ca ti on and Sport, Is ra el. The con fe ren ce was the first jo int event bet we en the Fe de ral Mi nistry of the In te ri or, Ger many; and the Mi nistry of Cul tu re and Sport, Is ra el, af ter sig ning a pro to col of co ope ra ti on in la te Furt her or ga ni sing part ners we re the Mi nistry of Re gio nal Co ope ra ti on, Is ra el; the In ter na tio nal Co un cil of Sport Sci en ce and Physi cal Edu ca ti on; Win ga te Ins ti tu te and Zin man Col le ge of Physi cal Edu ca ti on and Sport Sci en ces, Is ra el; the Fe de ral Ins - ti tu te of Sport Sci en ce, Ger many; and Fo ot ball for Pea ce In ter - na tio nal. Thro ugh this con fe ren ce, the or ga ni sers ai med to analy se what has al re ady be en ac hie ved in sport for de ve lop ment and how pro jects ne ed to be de sig ned to pro mo te cul tu ral un ders - tan ding and ide als of sport such as fa ir play and mu tu al res pect. The final panel discussion at the Wingate-Conference. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 15 CERAR: Well-known sportsperson and sporting personality Miroslav Cerar with his award LJUBL JA NA- The Oly mpi an Mi ros lav Ce rar has re cei ved a pres ti gio us in ter - na tio nal award of the Nik Stu art Gymnas tics Fo un da ti on from Gre at Bri - ta in. The ga la ce re mony that to ok pla ce in Sep tem ber 2011 in Bir ming ham in Gre - at Bri ta in was at ten ded by the most pro mi nent gymnasts and of fi cers of the Bri tish Gymnas tics As so ci ati on and the Nik Stu art Fo un da ti on. Each ye ar, the Fo un da ti on se lects one suc cess ful gymnast in the world who is al so in duc ted into the hou se of fa me. This ye ar, the award went to Mi ros lav Ce rar. The Nik Stu art Fo un da ti on was es - tab lis hed ni ne ye ars ago with the pur - po se of pro mo ting the de ve lop ment of gymnas tics and as su ring fi nan ci al sup - port for Bri tish gymnasts. The fo un da ti - on is de di ca ted to the ir most suc cess ful gymnast from pe ri od, Nic - ho las Wray Nik Stu art. He was born in 1927 and di ed in 1994 at 74 ye ars of age. In 1956, he par ti ci pa ted in the Oly - mpics in Aus tra li a and in 1960 in Ro me in each and every dis cip li ne. He was an ama zingly ver sa ti le ath le te. Af ter fi nis - hing his com pe ti ti ve ca re er, he to ok on the job of co ach with the Bri tish na tio - nal te am. Nik Stu art was not only a per fect ath le te in va rio us sports dis cip li nes and a suc ces ful co ach, but was al so at all ti - mes en ti rely de vo ted to the ide a of fa ir play and to le ran ce. He was al ways re ady to help, not only his co le agu es but al so his op pon ents and com pe ti - tors. He, in de ed, pla yed a ro le mo del for yo ung and se ni or at he tes by ac ti vely prac ti cing and dis se mi na ting the co re ide as of sports et hics. FROM THE EOC PRESIDENT: Patrick Hickey presents the EOC Award to Miroslav Cerar.

8 8Arvydas Juozaitis receives his well-deserved awards LITHUANIA RI GA- In the sit ting of the Bal tic As - sembly held in the Lat vi an ca pi tal of Ri - ga on Oc to ber 14, the pa nel of jud ges awar - ded a pri ze to Arv - ydas Ju ozai tis, the Pre si dent of the Lit - hu ani an Fa ir Play Com mit te e and the rep re sen ta ti ve of the Lit hu ani an Na tio nal Janina BRUNDZIENE Oly mpic Com mit te e in Lat vi a, for his no vel Ryga - ni ekie no ci vi li - za ci ja (Ri ga, No Man s Ci vi li za ti on). The award is expected to presented on No - vem ber 23 in Tal linn, the ca pi tal of Es to - ni a. It is the 19th bo ok by Arv ydas Ju - ozai tis, a Lit hu ani an wri ter, a doc tor of phi lo sophy, a po li ti ci an, a dip lo mat and a pub lic fi gu re; it rep re sents the cul tu re of the Bal tic na ti ons in the Eastern Eu ro - pe an con text. This no vel is mo re po pu - lar than his re cent bo ok on Ko nigs berg Ka ra li u mi es tas be ka ra li u (The Town of Kings wit ho ut Kings), which de li ca tely de picts his to ri cal and cul tu ral chan ges in Eastern Prus si a. Applause for CYPRUS Cyprus s Fair Play Ambassador THE FAIR PLAY AMBASSADOR: Cyprus Fair Play Ambassador Mrs. Kalli Hadjiosif. NI CO SI A- Cyprus Fa ir Play Am bas sa - dor Mrs. Kal li Had - jio sif has be en carr - ying out a num ber of Fa ir Play pro jects in Cyprus in co-or di - na ti on with the Cyprus Oly mpic Com mit te e. Most re - cently, a Fa ir Play te - am (ac com pa ni ed by Prof. Ou ra ni os M. Io - an ni des, the Pre si - dent of the Cyprus Oly mpic Com mit te e) vi si ted the Pancy pri - an Gymna si um, the Oly mpic Or der This ye ar, Arv ydas Ju ozai tis was awar ded a me dal of the Lit hu ani an Cul - tu ral Fund for ci vil co ura ge and re cei - ved the hig hest award of the Lit hu ani - an Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e, viz. the Oly mpic Or der, for ad vo ca ting Oly - mpic va lu es and ac ti vi ti es in the Fa ir Play spi rit. Pre si dent of the Lit hu ani an Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e, Exe cu ti ve Co un cil Mem ber of the As so ci ati on of Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te es, Ad vi ser to the Pre si dent of the Eu ro pe an Oly mpic Com mit te es Ar tu ras Po vi liu nas gi ves out the Oly mpic Or der, the hig hest na - tio nal Oly mpic award, to Arv ydas Ju - ozai tis (left). Arv ydas Ju ozai tis, the Pre si dent of the Lit hu ani an Fa ir Play Com mit te e and the rep re sen ta ti ve of the Lit hu ani an Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e in Lat vi a. to EFPM EC 17th Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment Con gress in Po rec. Arv ydas Ju ozai tis, HIS 19th BOOK: Arvydas Juozaitis 19th book has received much acclaim. THE OLYMPIC ORDER: Arturas Poviliunas, who has performed such important services for sport in Lithuania, pins the Olympic Order on Arvydas Juozaitis. VISITING THE OLDEST SCHOOL: The Pierre de Coubertin Committee, headed by Ouranios Ioannides, visits the Pancyprian Gymnasium the oldest school in Cyprus. ol dest-es tab lis hed scho ol on the is land. Fol lo wing this, a fes ti val was suc cess - fully or ga ni sed wit hin the fra me work of the Cyprus Pi er re de Cou ber tin Com - mit te e s sche du le of ac ti vi ti es. The most im por tant event of the fes ti val was the scho ol be co ming a mem ber of the In - ter na tio nal Net work of Scho ols Pi er re de Cou ber tin. TWO VIEWS OF THE FESTIVAL: Students making pictures and taking part in the chess competition. THE BALTIC SEA STATES COME TOGETHER: The Baltic Assembly at their meeting in Riga. the Pre si dent of the Lit hu ani an Fa ir Play Com mit te e, (cen tre) and Al gi man tas Gu dis kis, the Di rec tor of Oly mpic Edu - ca ti on De part ment of the Lit hu ani an Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e and a mem ber of the Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e of the Lit hu ani an Fa ir Play Com mit te e, (left) pre sent the ack now led ge ment of the Lit hu ani an Na tio nal Oly mpic Com - mit te e to Car los Gon çal ves, the Pre si - dent of the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve - ment, for coope ra ti on to the be ne fit of Fa ir Play. At the fes ti val, stu dents from va rio us parts of the is land (es pe ci ally from Lar - na ca) put on disp lays and per for man ces of va rio us kinds: dan cing, sports events, chess, etc. All the se highly use ful ac ti vi ti es re - cei ves the ent hu si as tic sup port of Cha - ra lam bos Lot tas, mem ber of the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e. NEWS FROM We all have a dream Yo ung stu dents from six co un tri es - Czech Re pub lic, Po land, Hun gary, Slo - ve ni a, Cro ati a and Slo va ki a - aged from 15 to 18 ye ars to ok part in the In ter na tio - nal Yo uth Oly mpic Camp in July. It was or ga ni zed by the Slo vak Oly mpic Com - mit te e with a mot to We all ha ve a dre - am. The par ti ci pants we re many - ac ti ve ath le tes but al so win - ners of know led ge con tests abo ut Oly - mpism, or art con tests with a sports the me. Yo ung pe op le we re awai ted by a very rich and di ver se prog ram Katarina RACZOVA in Lip tov, one of the most be au ti ful re gi ons in Slo va ki a du e to its ex cel lent na tu ral con di ti ons with cul tu ral-his to ri cal mo nu - ments and pre ser ved ver na cu lar arc hi tec - tu re. Sports with cul tu re, edu ca ti on and ca re abo ut the en vi ron ment was com bi - ned with Oly mpic spi rit the re. The rich prog ram of the camp was di vi ded in to dif fe rent chap ters. At the be gin ning, thanks to an at trac ti ve lec tu re pre pa red by the Slo vak Oly mpic Aca demy un der the tit le The An ci ent Oly mpic Ga mes and its mes sa ge for the fu tu re, they we - re ac qu ain ted with the ori gin and his tory of the Oly mpic Ga mes but al so with terms li ke ekec he iri a, ka lo ka gat hi a. Of co ur se, in the prog ram of the camp the re we re al so mo un ta in hi kes to Strbské ple so, the most vi si ted Tat ras la ke, at trac ti ve wa ter - falls of the Cold Cre ek or Demäno va Ice Ca ve which is among the ol dest known ca ves in Eu ro pe. Vi sit to the Oly mpic Con ti nu ed on pa ge 14 Ethical Reflection on a Sports Coach s Professional Attitude Fa ir Play do es not only ha ve its pla ce in ga mes or in com pe ti ti on. It do es not only pres cri be be ha vio ur for ath le tes, but al so con cerns all tho se who are lin ked to sport, such as: trai ners, ad mi nis tra tors, te ac hers, pa rents, spec ta tors, doc tors, spon sors and the sport me di a, sin ce they all can di rectly or in di rectly inf lu en ce the ath le tes. (from the IFPC Fa ir Play Dec la ra ti on) jects of mo ral and pro fes sio nal Sub qu ali fi ca ti ons and at ti tu de are of ten dis pu ted with in any work en vi ron ment, and of co ur se, such sub jects ha ve even mo re mea ning, when dis cus sed by pe op le in vol ved in any form of edu ca tio nal pro cess. As a re sult, every pro fes sio nal gro up has tri ed to ag re e so me sort of et hi cal co de of prac ti ce. Pro fes si on of Zofia ZUKOWSKA Ryszard ZUKOWSKI a sports co ach is no dif fe - rent. The re is a ne ed to crea te sports co ach s co de of et hics. We stress he re the edu ca tio nal and self-edu - ca tio nal func ti on of the co de. The co de sho uld not only be abo ut ru les, re qu ire ments and cer ta in Con ti nu ed on pa ge 16

9 9 NEWS FROM FAIR PLAY AWARDS...FAIR PLAY AWARDS...FAIR PLAY AWARDS...FAIR PLAY AWARDS... The European Fair Play Awards go to 4 countries Sports competitors, athletes and institutions from the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia receive awards POREC- The Awards Jury of the EFPM led by Miroslav Cerar announced the European Fair Play Awards under the auspices of the European Olympic Committees in 2010: European Plaque of Merit and Diploma goes to Jiri Prudil (CZE) - On the final circuit of the MTB cup, May 23, 2010, Leos Balak came second, when he got a puncture in his rear wheel and could not continue racing. He decided to run the remaining 4 km to the finish line with the bike on his shoulder. He had a 10-minute lead on Jiri Prudil, third at that moment, but around 20 metres before the line Jiri Prudil caught up with Leos Balak. Then something unexpected happened: When Jiri Prudil saw Leos Balak s injured shoulder from carrying the bike, he stopped and waited until Balak had passed the finishing line. In doing this he even risked being overtaken by another competitor. The Lithuanian Museum of Sports, for its exemplary educational and charity activities in the spirit of Fair Play. For almost 20 years now, the Lithuanian Museum of Sports has been providing financial support to injured athletes, former athletes suffering from financial difficulties and handicapped athletes to cover their medical costs. In fact, not benefiting from any governmental financial support, the Museum has successfully established a system to raise substantial financial means, mainly thanks to volunteers work, expositions organized for local artists, schools, and public / governmental institutions. This extraordinary spirit and excellent work have been broadly recognised by the Lithuanian public. European Diploma goes to Edward Bugala (POL) - former outstanding Polish track and field athlete, who for many years has been a very well esteemed and highly respected coach in the Polish Athletics Association. He has become famous not simply for his successful career on, but equally off the sporting field. Currently he is working as a coach, contributing this way to the implementation of ethical values in sports and the education of youth in the spirit of Fair Play and Tolerance. Dominik Hrbaty (SVK) - former top tennis player, leader of the finalist Slovak Davis Cup team in 2005 and member of the Slovak team that won the World Cup in Dominik Hrbaty is a team player with an extremely high sense of responsibility and fair play. He respected his rivals and even after being defeated he did not search for excuses but appreciated the good performance of other players. Already during his active sports career he showed interest in leveraging his experience in the Olympic movement, working with youth and devoted to active participation in the development of Olympic ideas. He is the main ambassador of the Slovakia Children and Youth Olympic Festival. AUSTRIA European Fair Play Award goes to The Kronen Zeitung This year the best-selling Austrian Newspaper Kronen Zeitung received the prestigious Fair Play Award of the European Fair Play Movement EISENSTADT- On June 25th representatives of the Kronen Zeitung were honoured by members of the EFPM Executive Committee, Christian Hinterberger (Austria), Katarina Raczova (Slovakia) and Miroslav Cerar (Slovenia). Christoph Wikus, head of the Kronen Zeitung sports department, received the European Fair Play Award for their initiatives. The Awarding Ceremony was held during the ASKÖ-Event in Eisenstadt, where more than 400 representatives of economics, sports, culture and politics took part. With the initiative Fairness im Sport Kronen Zeitung stands for ethical values: the return to the pleasure of doing exercise, the health and APPLAUSE FOR THE WINNER: EFPM Executive Committee members Christian Hinterberger (Austria), Katarina Raczova (Slovakia) and Miroslav Cerar (Slovenia) with Christoph Wikus (Head of the Sports Department at Kronen Zeitung ) at the award ceremony. the well-being of the athletes. When parents enable their children to do sports, they should not experience negative aspects like violence, racism and discrimination. Therefore the sports department of the newspaper created its own goals and aims similar to those of the European Fair Play Movement, promoting Fair-Play- Principles, tolerance and respect in sport, education and everyday life. The first signatures were given by Dr. Christoph Dichand, chief editor of the Kronen Zeitung, and Norbert Darabos, Austrian Minister of Sports. As the Kronen Zeitung is the most popular newspaper in Austria, with more than 3 million readers every Continued on page 14 The CIFP Award goes to Japanese hammer-thrower Koji Murofushi DAEGU- The International Fair Play Hammer Throw champion Koji Murofushi of Japan. The trophy was accepted on his behalf by Susumu Takano, Head Coach of the National Team of Japan in the presence of IAAF President Lamine Diack and Dr. Jenö Kamuti, President of the International Committee for Fair Play. Murofushi visited schools after the horrific earth quakes and tsunami, showing JAPAN solidarity with the victims and giving them hope. Commenting on the award he said: "The people of the Tohoku region of Japan suffered so much after the earthquake and tsunami. So many people lost their homes, lives, and loved ones, but continue to live with a spirit as strong as ever. They inspired me so much during my recent visit. I want to dedicate this award to them. I believe that my mission is to encourage them and keep reaching out to the people. THE CEREMONY IN DAEGU: CIFP President Jenö Kamuti presents Koji Murofushi with the CIFP Award during the 13th World Athletics Championships in Daegu. An EFPM diploma for Romas Bernotas of Lithuania VILNIUS- The European Fair Play Diploma for 2010, under the patronage of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) was awarded to Romas Bernotas, President of the Lithuanian Association of Running Amateurs, and professor of Physical Education. Mr. Bernotas received the distinction during the General assembly of the Lithuanian Olympic Committee for his contribution to the implementation of ethical values in sports and the education of youth in the spirit of Fair Play and Tolerance. He has been a long-standing supporter and benefactor of sports clubs for street children, orphan athletes and young athletes in the rural area. He also organized various historic running competitions, such as Help save the Baltic Sea, and has LITHUANIA proven exemplary behaviour throughout his career as sports coach. The award ceremony was conducted by Arturas Poviliunas, Lithuanian National Olympic Committee President and by Arvydas Juozaitis President of the Lithuanian Fair Play Committee in the presence of numerous guests, Olympic Family members and mass media representatives. Arturas Poviliunas, the President of the Lithuanian Olympic Committee, presents the award to Romas Bernotas.

10 10 NEWS FROM GERMANY Code of Honour of the German Olympic Sports Confederation and the German Sports Youth FRANKFURT- The Ger man Oly mpic Sports Con fe de ra ti on at its Ge ne ral As sembly on De cem ber 4, 2010 pas sed a re so lu ti on en tit led Dec la ra ti on of Ger man Sport for the pre ven ti on of and the pro tec ti on from se xu ali zed vio len ce, in par ti cu lar to wards chil - dren and yo uths. It is ba sed on the co de of ho no ur which is bin ding for ever yo ne in vol ved in sport as pro fes - sio nals or vo lun te ers. Pre ven ti on Aga inst Se xu al Vio len ce in Sport Or ga ni sed sport of fers a bro - ad spec trum of op por tu ni ti es for en co - un ters and jo int ac ti vi ti es not only among pe op le of the sa me age but al - so of dif fe rent ge ne ra ti ons. The emo - tio nal and physi cal as pects of ga mes, sport and mo ve ment are par ti cu larly im por tant for chil dren and yo ung pe - op le, as well as for adult sports pe op - le. Sport un der the aus pi ces of the Ger man Oly mpic Sports Con fe de ra ti on (DOSB) is ba sed on com mu nity, so li da - rity and trust. All mem bers sup port and mo uld li fe in clubs and as so ci ati - Cont d from pa ge 13 French Fair Play Awards presented at glittering ceremony Albert BEGARDS: President of the AFSVFP FRANCE PA RIS- The French Fa ir Play Co un cil AFSVFP ( As so ci ati on Fran cai se Po ur un Sport Sans Vio len ce et Po ur le Fa ir Play ) dis - tri bu ted the Fa ir Play Awards for 2011 at a glit te ring ce re mony held at the Mai son du Sport Fran cai s (Hou se of French Sport) on De cem ber 1st Fa mo us per so na li ti es from Fran ce par ti ci pa ted in this event hea - ded by the Pre si dent of the French Fa - ir Play Com mit te e Al bert Bégards who was al so Pre si dent of the Jury. Poland leads the way in Fair Play activities Cont d from pa ge 7 to chan ge the or der of jum ping and jum - ped be fo re T. Mor gens tern. The Aus tri an jum per won and with his ges tu re the Po lish ath le te dec rea sed his chan ces of suc cess. Woj ci ech Kaz mi erc zak a yo ung swim - mer who at the XXI M. Pet ru se wicz Me mo - ri al, af ter the re sults had be en an no un ced and af ter he had re cei ved his award for be - ing first, no ti ced a mis ta ke in the fi nal sco - re and wit ho ut any do ubt ga ve his cup back to the se cond com pe ti tor. Ho no rab le men ti ons for all sports ca re - er, ac ti ve and pro ud li fe af ter wards went to: E. Bu ga la and J. Skarzy nski. Ho no rab le men ti ons for pro mo ting fa ir play va lu es we re gi ven to: Mal gor za ta Ba - nic ka, Krzysztof Mars za lik and Lodz Uni ver - sity Fa culty of Sci en ce Edu ca ti on. The Po lish Oly mpic Com mit te e Con gra - tu la ti on Let ters went to: Ka rol Bie lec ki, the hand ball pla yer rep re sen ting our co untry for many ye ars, for his bra ve ness in co ming back to sport af ter a very se rio us eye in jury and to Te re sa and Ro bert Sko li mows ki (the pa rents of our de ad ath le te), who es tab lis - hed the Fo un da ti on of Ka mi la Sko li mows - ka, the Oly mpic gold me dal win ner. EFPM Pre si dent Prof. Car los Gon çal ves con gra tu la ted the win ners on the ir ges tu - res and in for med all the pre sent abo ut the post hu mo us Eu ro pe an Pla qu e and Trophy for POC Pre si dent Pi otr Nu rows ki awar ded to him by the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve - ment for fa ir play va lu es pro mo ti on. The Fa ir Play Club pre pa red a pos ter inc - lu ding the Fa ir Play Co de which is wi dely used in the pro mo tio nal ac ti vi ti es. The next Fa ir Play Club ac ti vity was joi - ned with the an no un ced open con test to crea te the Co de of a Yo ung Sport Fan. The re gu la ti ons of the con test, which has be en wi dely pro mo ted, sta te that the Co de sho - uld co ver the prin cip les of chil dren and yo - uth be ha vi or du ring sport events, sho uld de ter mi ne sport fans at ti tu des and the ir re - ac ti ons at the events. The con tent sho uld be for mu la ted in a ma xi mum of 10 ru les be ing de fi ni ti ons of nu me ro us be ha vi ors of sport fans. The ori gi nal works can be pre - pa red by in di vi du als or te ams rep re sen ting scho ols, clas ses, sec ti ons, or ga ni za ti ons or as so ci ati ons, be ing up to 16 ye ars old. The con test gat he red many in te res ting Winners of France s Fair Play Awards for 2011 at the Award Ceremony IRIS AWARDS The win ners of the IRIS Awards are as fol lows: The Mic he li ne Os ter me yer Award: Fran ce Patrol- Air Force Co let te Bes son Award: Isa bel le Wend ling (Hand ball) Jo Ma so Award: Je an-pi er re Ga ru et (Rugby) An dre Dar ri ga de Award: Ber nard Ga ut hi er (Cycling) Ray mond Ko pa Award: Ro ger Pi an to ni (Fo ot ball) Pat ri ce Mar tin Award: André Hen na ert (Han dis port) Da ni el Cons tan ti ni Award: Lou is Bon nery (Rugby) Ge rard Qu intyn Award: Pi er re Phi lip (Shoo ting) Fer nand Sas tre Award: Yvan Ma ini ni (Bas ket ball) Nel son Pa il lo u Award: Gil bert Pérès (Sports doc tor) Jac qu es Marc hand Award: Bru no Der ri en (Football Re fe re e) Eric Ta barly Award: Extreme Pa rac hu tis t pro jects from among which the best thre e ones se lec ted by the Jury will be pub lis hed and wi dely dis tri bu ted. The Club awar ded al so te ac hers who or ga ni zed so me dis cus si - ons at the ir scho ols and at trac ted the ir stu - dents to par ti ci pa te in di vi du ally in the con - test. The Fa ir Play Club par ti ci pa ted ac ti vely in the 12th Sports for All Fes ti val or ga ni zed tra di tio nally by the Po lish Oly mpic Com mit - te e. In the spe ci al Fa ir Play Sec ti on which grou ped the win ners of this ye ar s Fa ir Play Con test, the vi si tors co uld spe ak with the la urea tes and par ti ci pa te in dif fe rent ac ti vi - ti es pre pa red for dif fe rent age gro ups. All the par ti ci pants we re awar ded with Fa ir Play Club pos ters, pub li ca ti ons, so uve nirs and swe ets pro vi ded by the Spon sor. The 2011 Prague Marathon was a magnificent occasion DENIS MASSEGLIA: President of the CNOSF The French Air Force parachute team (the winners of the most important award) at the ceremony PRAGUE- One of the grea test sport events in The Czech Re pub lic is Prague Marathon, which is organized by previous Italian representative runner Dr. Carlo Capalbo already since the year Oly mpic cham pi - on Dana Zatopkova, the wi fe of the fa mo us Czech athlete Emil Za to pek, was the Gu est of Ho no ur at the Prague Marathon. Alena DLABACOVA

11 NEWS FROM 11 CZECH REPUBLIC PRAGUE- As sign of a successful cooperation between the European Handball Federation and the European Fair Play Movement Katarina Ráczová, EC EFPM member, accompanied by Kveta Pecková, President of the Czech Fair Play Club, visited the Women s U17 European Handball Championships in the Czech towns Zlin and Brno in July teams competed under the EFPM flag for the prestigious European Championships title while bringing strong proof that clean and fair competition and good results go very well together. Part of the closing ceremony was the European Fair Play Movement Award, handed over to the Spanish team for being punished with the FROM THE EFPM: Katarina Raczova, a member of the EFPM Executive Committee, awards the Czech handball players. They played fairly and deserved their applause FROM THE CZECH FAIR PLAY CLUB: Kveta Peckova, the President of the Czech Fair Play Club, congratulates the girl handball players. fewest penalty minutes throughout the whole tournament. THE AWARD CEREMONY: Nikola Visnova and Lukas Csölley, who won respect for their friendly attitude during the World Youth Ice-Skating Championships, receive their awards from Dr. Kamuti and Katarina Raczova. In Korea: They gave their opponents a helping hand and won a Fair Play Prize LIP TOVSKY- For an exemp lary act of fa - ir play du ring the Yo uth World Cham pi - ons hips in Gang ne ung, So uth Ko re a, the Slo vak Ice Ska ting pa ir Ni ko la Vis no - va and Lu kas Csöl ley re cei ved a Dip lo ma from the In ter na tio nal Fa ir Play Com - mit te e. The award was pre sen ted by the Pre si dent of the In ter na tio nal Fa ir Play Com mit te e (CIFP) Je nö Ka mu ti from Hun gary, be ing ac com pa ni ed by Ka ta ri - na Rac zo va, Na tio nal Am bas sa dor for Sport, To le ran ce and Fa ir Play at the Co - un cil of Eu ro pe and mem ber of the EC Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment, at the Fa ir Play Award Ce re mony of the Fa ir Play Club of the Slo vak Oly mpic Com - mit te e, held on July 9 in Lip tovsky Mi ku - las (SVK). Ni ko la Vis no va and Lu kas SLOVAKIA Csöl ley of fe red the ir help to the Czech op po nents Ka rolína Prochá zková and Mic hal Ces ko, who se lug ga ge and the - re fo re equ ip ment got lost on the way to the Cham pi ons hips, by sug ges ting them to use Ni ko la Vis no va s and Lu kas Csöl ley s ska tes. Whi le in the end un for - tu na tely the ir go od will didn t pay off, as both pa irs we re la ter drawn in to the sa me star ting gro up and the re fo re Ni - ko la Vis no va and Lu kas Csöl ley had to use the ir equ ip ment them sel ves, the Czech ath le tes gra te fully than ked the ir op po nents for this tru e act of Fa ir Play and fri end ship, as can be se en by the fact that the sug ges ti on to award the Slo vak ath le tes was han ded in by the fat her of Ka ro li na Proc haz ko va. CROATIA GAMES of Friendship HUNGARY ZAG REB- The Pre si dent of the Re pub - lic of Cro ati a, Dr. Ivo JO SI PO VIC, re cei ved in Zag reb the de le ga ti on of the Ga mes of Fri end ship. The Ga mes of Fri end ship in 2010 we re al re ady the 8th in a row sin ce the ir first edi ti on in Tho se ga - mes ha ve al ways ta ken pla ce in dif fe rent pla ces of BiH, Cro ati a, Hun gary, Italy and Slo ve ni a. Yo ung ath le tes at the age of 16 com pe te in bas ket ball, hand ball, tab le ten nis, chess and fo ot ball. The aim of the Ga mes is to streng then go od re la ti ons - hips among ne igh bo urs and pro vi de op - por tu ni ti es of so ci al gat he rings and mee - ting of yo ung pe op le co ming from pla - ces af fec ted by re cent Bal kan Wars. Its con tents be si des sports con sist of fight aga inst drugs, al co hol, and the pro mo ti - on of sport to le ran ce and Fa ir Play as well as Oly mpic Ide als. Mr. Mi ros lav Ce rar has be en par ti ci pa - ting at tho se ga mes as the Am bas sa dor for Sport, To le ran ce and Fa ir Play and spe ci ally un der li ned the mis si on of the Fa ir Play Mo ve ment and cal led the at - ten ti on of par ti ci pants to the fort hco - ming EFPM Con gress, to be held in Po rec, Cro ati a, at the end of Sep tem ber Mr. Mi ros lav Ce rar is al so mem ber of the Or ga ni sing Com mit te e of the EFPM Con - gress in Po rec. The Pre si dent of the Re pub lic of Cro - ati a, Dr. Ivo JO SI PO VIC, re cei ved in his re - si den ce in Zag reb the de le ga ti on of the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e and Cro ati - an Fa ir Play Com mit te e and ac cep ted the pat ro na ge of the 17th EFPM Con gress in Po rec. BU DA PEST- The EFPM, rep re sen ted by its Pre si dent Car los Gon çal ves, has be en ap po in ted by the Eu ro pe an Com - mis si on for Sport as a fun ded par ti ci - pant at the EU Sports Fo rum, ta king pla - ce in Bu da pest, Feb ru ary 21-22, The Fo rum is a key an nu al event in the fra me work of the struc tu red di alo gu e on sport at EU le vel fo re se en in the 2007 Whi te Pa per on Sport and will be held in clo se con nec ti on with the EU Sport Mi nis ters mee - ting un der the Hun ga ri an EU Pre si dency. The to pics inc lu de edu ca ti on and trai ning in sport, sport Prof. Carlos GONÇALVES President Gonçalves represented the EFPM at the EU Sports Forum for pe op le with a di sa bi - lity, gen der equa lity in sport, de ve lo ping the Eu - STRAS BO URG- The Jo int Mee ting of the EPAS Go ver ning Bo ard and the Con sul ta ti ve Com mit te e (CC) to ok pla ce at the Co un cil of Eu ro pe He ad qu ar ters in Stras bo urg, on Ju ne 7-8, EFPM par ti ci pa ted for the first ti me as a full mem ber of the CC, rep re sen ted by its Gen. Sec re tary, Mr. Io an nis Psi lo pou los, who is the EFPM ap po in ted li ai son of fi - cer to the EPAS. Pre sent we re as well ot her mem ber Or ga ni za ti ons such as ENG SO, ICS SPE, SPOR TAC CORD, UE FA, ES CAN-TA FI SA, IS CA, EGL SE and PEA CE & SPORT. UNES - CO was pre sent as a spe ci al gu est to ex - tend the ir vi ews re gar ding the to pic Chil dren in High le vel sports. The Mee ting was pre si ded over by Mr. Je an- Luc Ja nis zews ki, Cha ir of the Go ver ning ro pe an di men si on in sport, amongst ot - hers. Mo reo ver, stu di es con cer ning equ - al tre at ment of non-na tio nals in in di vi - du al sports com pe ti ti ons, ra cism, eth nic dis cri mi na ti on and exc lu si on of mig rants and mi no ri ti es in sport will be pre sen - ted. Many high-ran ked per so na li ti es are ex pec ted to con tri bu te the ir know led ge and ex pe ri en ces as key-no te spea kers, such as An dro ul la Vas si lio u, Eu ro pe an Com mis sio ner for Edu ca ti on, Cul tu re, Mul ti lin gua lism and Yo uth, Jac qu es Rog ge, In ter na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit - te e Pre si dent, At ti la Cze ne, Hun ga ri an Sec re tary of Sta te for Sport, Mic hal Krej - za, He ad of the Sport Unit, Jan Truszcz - ynski, Di rec tor Ge ne ral for Edu ca ti on, Trai ning, Cul tu re and Yo uth, Eu ro pe an Com mis si on. The EFPM takes part in EPAS 2011 in Strasbourg REPRESENTING THE EFPM: General Secretary Ioannis Psilopoulos represented the EFPM at EPAS. Bo ard. The Agen da inc lu ded the fol lo wing to pics: Re ports of the EPAS Go ver ning Bo ard mee tings and the Con sul ta ti ve Com mit te e mee tings. In for ma ti on in ac ces si on of new mem bers to the EPAS. Con ti nu ed on pa ge 19

12 12 NEWS FROM GERMANY "Giving Fair Play a Face to be Seen" DRES DEN- Pro fes sio nal fo ot ball pla - yer Ge rald Asa mo ah, mem ber of the Ger man na tio nal te am, Pa raly mpics gold me da list Kat rin Gre en, Hei ke Schmidt, who is com mit ted to sport in an ho no rary ca pa city, and the Ger man Fris be e Sports As so ci ati on are the win - ners of the new Fa ir Play Pri ze of Ger - man Sport, jo intly con fer red by the Fe - de ral Mi nistry of the In te ri or and the Ger man Oly mpic Sports Con fe de ra ti on (DOSB) on Oc to ber 15, The pri ze was pre sen ted at the Fes ti - ve Mee ting of the fo un da ti on "Stif - tung De uts che Sport hil fe" (Ger man Sports Aid Fo un da ti on) in Dres den. Sec re tary of Sta te Ole Schrö der, DOSB Vi ce Pre si dent Prof. Gud run Doll-Tep - per and the two Fa ir Play Am bas sa dors, Oly mpic Win ner Ro si Mit ter mai er-ne - ure ut her and the for mer Ja ve lin World Cham pi on Stef fi Ne ri us, con fer red the awards on the pri ze win ners. EFPM Vi - ce-pre si dent Prof. Man fred Lämmer was elec ted cha ir man of the Jury. "In sport, in par ti cu lar, it be co mes cle ar how im por tant fa ir ness is, comp - lying with the ru les and sho wing res pect to wards ot hers, are for so ci ety. Tho se who are fa ir and prac ti ce fa ir ness, and es pe ci ally so in dif fi cult com pe ti ti ve si - tu ati ons, and tho se who stand up for ot hers, the se, at the sa me ti me, ren der ser vi ces as a who le to wards sport and so ci ety. The se pe op le, who act ex cel - lently to such an ex tent, de ser ve our thanks, es te em and re cog ni ti on," sa id Ole Schrö der, Par li amen tary Sec re tary of Sta te for Sport, from the res pon sib le Fe de ral Mi nistry of the In te ri or. Gud run Doll-Tep per emp ha si sed: "The se ath le - tes and a spor ting dis cip li ne, that ma kes do wit ho ut a re fe re e at all, pro ve that the Mot to of "Fa ir geht vor" (Fa ir co mes first) li es at the he art of Sport. Con tri bu - ting to sport is just as worth whi le as it is in every-day li fe." Ge rald Asa mo ah re cei ved the pri ze for his com mit ment to fa ir ness and jus - ti ce in the re le ga ti on batt le in the Fuß - ball-bun des li ga. In Feb ru ary 2011, in the fi nal mi nu tes of the match aga inst Han no ver 96, his club was gi ven a cor - ner, ho we ver, un fa irly, as Asa mo ah sta - From left to right: Javelin World Champion Steffi Nerius, Olympic Winner Rosi Mittermaier- Neureuther, professional footballer Gerald Asamoah, German Frisbee Federation President Dr. Volker Schlechter, Paralympics Winner Katrin Green, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Doll-Tepper, activist against violence Heike Schmidt and Parliamentary Secretary of State Ole Schröder. (Photo: Deutsche Sporthilfe / herschelmann) ted af ter the re fe re e had in qui red. As a re sult, the cor ner kick, an op por tu nity to sco re a go al for the re le ga ti on thre - ate ned club of FC St. Pau li, was not gi - ven. Han no ver 96 won the match, St. Pau li was la ter re le ga ted. Still, Asa mo - ah la ter al so saw no al ter na ti ve: "Yo u ha ve to be ho nest," is how the Gha naborn pla yer exp lai ned his be ha vio ur. The 26-ye ar old Kat rin Gre en from Le ver ku sen, who had won gold in Bei - jing in the 200 met re ra ce in the 2008 Pa raly mpics, sto od up in the Track and Fi eld World Cham pi ons hips for the di - sab led in Christ church / New Zea land in an ex tra or di nary man ner for her to ug - hest com pe ti tor, the French ath le te Ma ri e Ame li e Le Fur. The jud ge had comp lai ned abo ut the spi kes that Ma - ri e Ame li e Le Fur had, who then had to co me to the star ting blocks wea ring trai ners and with te ars in her eyes. Kat - rin Gre en re cog ni sed the prob lems that the co-fa vo uri te fa ced and just mi - nu tes be fo re the star ter in sis ted that the French ath le te had her spi kes re - tur ned. Ma ri e Ame li e Le Fur won the ra ce. Kat rin Gre en, who at the age of 5 ye ars, had lost both lo wer legs fol lo - wing an ac ci dent, ca me se cond in the ra ce. Hei ke Schmidt from Cra mons ha gen has be en set ting signs in the batt le aga inst vio len ce and in hu ma nity ne ar Schwe rin in many ac ti on cam pa igns for twenty ye ars now. Fol lo wing the ar son at tack on an asy lum see ker's ho - me in Ros tock in 1992 and furt her xe - nop ho bic ri ots at ot her lo ca ti ons, Hei - ke Schmidt, to day 60 ye ars old, be gan to ta ke an ac ti ve stan ce aga inst xe nop - ho bi a and vio len ce. As an ent hu si as tic ath le te, she uses the po ten ti al that sport, in par ti cu lar, can of fer her he re. On her club's To le ran ce Mi le, that of the Schwe ri ner SC, she has ini tia ted many dif fe rent events, such as the rally trip to Schwe rin, a lar ge kids and yo uth fo ot ball fes ti val. With plenty of dis tin gu is hed sup port, and abo ve all, the 24 pro fes sio nal pla yers from Wer - der Bre men, the fes ti val is a much no - ted cam pa ign aga inst vio len ce and in - hu ma nity. A par ti cu larly plea sing de - ve lop ment for the ini tia tor and the pri ze win ner: The jo ur ney con ti nu es. Next ye ar, the rally will be held in Ros - tock. An ath le tic te am sport that can ma - ke do wit ho ut any re fe re es at all is to be se en in Fris be e Sport Ul ti ma te. The ru les of the sport bu ild on the fact that the fo cus is on fun and mu tu al res pect, that pla yers do not in ten tio nally bre ak the ru les, which is why to ugh pe nal ti es are not nee ded. In Ul ti ma te, it is only na tu ral for the te ams to sol ve any conf licts that ari se them sel ves on the pla ying fi eld and what's mo re, they al so do this in the Bun des li ga and in World Cham pi ons hips. By en ga ging in this uni qu e type of te am sport, the Ger man Fris be e As so ci ati on, ba sed in Co log ne, was dis tin gu is hed, and rep - re sen ted by Dr. Vol ker Schlech ter. The pre sen ta ti on of this pri ze was al so a pre mie re for the Fa ir Play Pri ze which has be en con fer red by the Fe de - ral Mi nistry of the In te ri or sin ce 1998, for it is now pre sen ted to get her with the Ger man Oly mpic Sports Con fe de ra - ti on (DOSB). The pri ze aims to pro mo - te the fun da men tal va lu es of sport, and, in par ti cu lar, pub li ci se Fa ir Play and To le ran ce and so streng then the awa re ness for this among the pub lic at lar ge. The dis tin gu is hed pri ze win ners are ro le mo dels for ot hers and gi ve the term "Fa ir Play" a "Fa ce to be Se en"; Ro le mo dels li ke the se are im por tant, and es pe ci ally for chil dren and yo uth, sta tes the Jury. With the Fa ir Play Pri ze for Ger man Sport, this exp la ins why in - di vi du als, gro ups or ini ti ati ves are ho - nou red, who, thro ugh the ir ac ti ons and cam pa igns or the ir com mit ment pro vi de a par ti cu larly go od examp le of Fa ir Play in Sport. LITHUANIA Congratulations, Dr. Poviliunas! VIL NI US- Highly-dis tin gu is hed aca de mic ho no - urs con fer red on the Pre si dent of the Lit hu ani an Na tio nal Oly mpic Com mit te e. The 20th Ju ne 2011 was a gre at day for Ar tu ras Po vi liu nas. The Pre si dent of the Lit hu ani an Oly - mpic Com mit te e de fen ded his Doc to ral The sis at the Vil ni us Pe da go gi cal Uni ver sity with the tit le "Oly mpic Lit hu ani a : Tur ning Po ints, Sta ges, World Con texts". This marks the very first ti me that a com pre hen si ve pre sen ta ti on has be en gi ven on the ro le that this Bal tic Sta te has pla yed in the Oly mpic Mo ve ment. An il lus trio us circ le of lea ding fi gu res from Sci - en ce, Po li tics, Sport and Pub lic Li fe fol lo wed the dis cus si on, inc lu ding the Pre si dent of the Sta te of Lit hu ani a, Val das Adam kus. The Aca demy of Physi cal Edu ca ti on in War saw was rep re sen ted by Prof. Zo fi a Zu kows ka. Writ - ten sta te ments of ap pro val had be en gi ven by Prof. Kos tas Ge or gia dis, Uni ver sity of the Pe lo - pon ne se; Prof. Re in Hal jand, Ins ti tu te of He alth Sci en ces and Sport, Tal linn Uni ver sity; Prof. Ag ha - jan Abi yev, Rec tor of the Azer bai jan Sta te Aca - demy of Physi cal Cul tu re and Sport; Prof. Vla di - mir Ro dic hen ko, Rus si an Oly mpic Com mit te e and EFPM Ho no rary Mem ber, and ot hers. The who le fa mily of the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment ha s the ple asu re of ta king this op por tu nity to con gra tu la te Ar tu ras Po - vi liu nas on this Aca de mic Ho no ur of Me rit. IT S FINISHED!: Prof. Rimantas Zelvys, Pro-Rector of the Vilnius Pedagogical University and Chairman of the Defence Committee reads out the Diploma for Dr. Arturas Poviliunas. A VOLIMINOUS PIECE OF WORK: Lithuania's Role in the Olympic Movement on 654 Pages!

13 NEWS FROM 13 EFPM Newsletter Cont d from pa ge 1 which the EFPM is in vi ted to play an ac - ti ve ro le. The ado les cent li fe of EFPM can al so be cha rac te ri sed as a pe ri od of gai ning re cog ni ti on from the most pro mi nent Eu ro pe an go vern men tal, non-go vern men tal and in ter-go vern - men tal sport and edu ca tio nal or ga ni sa - ti ons and ins ti tu ti ons (EOC, Co un cil of Eu ro pe, Eu ro pe an Uni on, ICS SPE, ENG - SO, ENS SE E, CIFP, IS CA, UEPS, CSIT etc.). This was ma de pos sib le by : pla ying an ac ti ve ro le wit hin the se or ga ni sa ti ons, when dea ling with is su es re la ted to Et hics in Sport and na mely the is su es con cer ning Fa ir Play wi de ning the con tacts with se ve ral Eu ro pe an Sport Fe de ra ti ons / Con fe de - ra ti ons, in vol ving them in the ful fil - ment of the EFPM s mis si on re ac hing new tar get gro ups (Sport for All, Yo uth Lea ders etc.) as so cia ting Fa ir Play and sport cul tu ral cha rac te ris - tics. Ho we ver, we ne ed to re cog ni se that du ring this pe ri od we ha ve not be en ab le to crea te a sus ta inab le fi nan ci al for our or ga ni sa ti on nor ha ve we suc - cee ded in the at tempts to get the af fi - li ati on of so me co un tri es to EFPM. So, if we must re cog ni se that a sig ni fi cant num ber of im por tant ac hi eve ments ha - ve be en ac comp lis hed du ring the se eigh te en ye ars of the EFPM, we al so ne ed to re cog ni se that the re are so me is su es that did not co me up to our ex - pec ta ti ons. The next EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly to be held in Ve ro na, on Oc to ber 27th, 2012, will se e a new Pre si dent and a new Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e, elec ted for the term of ser vi ce Du ring the 16th EFPM Ge ne ral As - sembly held in Pra gu e, in Sep tem ber 2010, I had the op por tu nity to an no un - ce my de ci si on not to be a can di da te for the post of the Pre si dent of the EFPM for the new term in of fi ce. This de ci si on was ba sed on two ma in rea - sons. First of all and be ing to tally in fa vo - ur of the li mi ta ti on of man da tes in all sport or ga ni sa ti ons and not only and af ter the ful fil ment of a se ven ye ar term of ser vi ce as Vi ce-pre si dent and ele ven ye ars ser vi ce as Pre si dent ( ), and be ing co he rent with my prin cip les, I firmly be lie ve that this is the right mo ment to lea ve the flo or. I ha ve be en very lucky that I had the op - por tu nity to of fer my ser vi ces to the EFPM du ring all the se ye ars. I fe el de - eply ho nou red and gra te ful for be ing gran ted the trust and sup port of all the EFPM mem bers. Mo reo ver, I am ut terly con vin ced that the EFPM ne eds to be run by so - meo ne with new ide as for new pro jects and with sig ni fi cant po li ti cal inf lu en - ce ab le to le ad our or ga ni sa ti on to a hig her le vel of de ve lop ment and inf lu - en ce in the Eu ro pe an are nas. In the ful fil ment of my du ti es as EFPM Pre si dent, I al ways un ders to od the Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e as a col lec ti ve body whe re the te am work sha re of tasks and spea king with one voi ce, we re key ex pres si ons al ways pre sent. To all and every mem ber of the Exe cu - ti ve Com mit te e with whom I had the ple asu re and ho no ur to work over all the se ye ars, I fe el ob li ged to ad dress my he art felt prai se and re cog ni ti on. I am su re that the new Pre si dent and the new Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e to be elec ted in Oc to ber 2012 will ful fil the re le vant tasks ab so lu tely suc cess fully ai - ming to strength the EFPM po si ti on all over Eu ro pe. Ta king in to ac co unt the ac hi eve - ments and the re cog ni sed short co - mings, it se ems that so me is su es of prio rity sho uld be inc lu ded in the fu tu - re EFPM stra te gi es. The im pro ve ment of the fi nan ci al si tu ati on The con so li da ti on of the EFPM po - si ti ons wit hin the ma in Eu ro pe an go - vern men tal, non-go vern men tal or ga ni - sa ti ons and ins ti tu ti ons, ai ming for a prog res si ve re cog ni ti on of the ro le be - ing pla yed by the EFPM all over Eu ro pe Wi de ning EFPM co ope ra ti on with ot her Eu ro pe an Sport Fe de ra ti ons / Con fe de ra ti ons and with so me pro mi - nent sport and cul tu re or ga ni sa ti ons The im pro ving EFPM to ols of com - mu ni ca ti on Up da ting of the EFPM Sta tu tes Pla cing of the EFPM Sec re ta ri at on a pu rely pro fes sio nal ba sis Is it an easy task? Pro bably not, but let us re cog ni se that it de ser ves to be ac comp lis hed suc cess fully. The EFPM will con ti nu e to play an ac ti ve ro le as an im por tant part ner in the wi desprea ding of the Fa ir Play va lu es and prin cip les in va rio us fi elds of the Eu ro - pe an sport. The Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e to be elec - ted will be res pon sib le for lea ding the EFPM in the best pos sib le way for streng the ning the Mo ve ment s pres ti - ge and cre di bi lity. But, the out most gua ran te e for a pro mi sing EFPM fu tu re re li es on the de ter mi ned com mit ment of all its mem bers to ac ti vely sup port the Mo ve ment. The EFPM li es on the hands of its mem bers. A clo se work with the Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e will enab le to bu ild the EFPM fu tu re and to ful fil for su re the dre ams and ex pec ta ti ons of tho se who sin ce 1989 be gan to think over the Fa ir Play is su es in Eu ro pe, and tho se who gat he red in 1994 for the fo un ding As - sembly of the EFPM. Let us ke ep to get her! Long li ve EFPM! Code of Honour of the German Olympic Sports Confederation and the German Sports Youth Cont d from pa ge 10 ons and, in the ma jo rity of ca ses, do so on a vo lun tary ba sis. The physi cal and emo tio nal pro xi - mity and the bonds that can ari se in sport are, on the one hand, vi tal for pro mo ting so ci al co he si on in our so ci - ety. On the ot her hand, they al so har - bo ur the dan ger of se xu al vio len ce. Ne vert he less, sport al so of fers the chan ce to iden tify in frin ge ments that ta ke pla ce wit hin or wit ho ut the fra - me work of spor ting ac ti vi ti es, and the chan ce to pro vi de help. It is the duty of so ci ety as a who le to ta ke pre ven ti ve steps aga inst se xu al vio len ce and the abu se of chil dren and yo ung pe op le to iden tify and to pu nish them. Spor - ting or ga ni sa ti ons must play a de ci si ve and un com pro mi sing ro le in this aga - inst the back gro und of its re sol ve to pro tect the fun da men tal rights of girls, boys, wo men and men. In March 2010, the DOSB Bo ard is su - ed a po licy do cu ment on the pre ven ti - on of se xu al vio len ce and abu se of chil dren and yo ung pe op le in sport, and strongly con dem ned any form of vio len ce and abu se of po wer aga inst chil dren, yo ung pe op le and adults. On 4 De cem ber 2010, the DOSB Ge ne ral As sembly pas sed a re so lu ti on on pro - tec ti on from se xu al vio len ce in sport. The re so lu ti on de fi nes me asu res to pre vent se xu al vio len ce and lays down are as of ac ti on and stan dards, inc lu - ding the no mi na ti on of of fi cers res - pon sib le for pre ven ting and in ter ve - ning in ca ses of se xu al vio len ce in sport, the qu ali fi ca ti on of trai ners, ins - truc tors and func ti ona ri es and cri te ri a for ru les and re gu la ti ons to im pro ve the struc tu ral fra me work for the pre - ven ti on of se xu al vio len ce. Aga inst this back gro und, the DOSB and the Ger man Sports Yo uth (dsj) de - ve lo ped edu ca tio nal aids in the se cond half of 2011, de sig ned to help the nu - me ro us pro ta go nists in Ger man sport imp le ment me asu res in the sports as - so ci ati ons and clubs. Many or ga ni sa ti ons be lon ging to DOSB/dsj ha ve al re ady ta ken steps to pre vent se xu al vio len ce. This is a vi tal sub ject for the de ve lop ment of the ir as so ci ati ons and clubs, which will be of im por tan ce far in to the fu tu re. Gu ide li nes with Re gard to the Co de of Ho no ur of DOSB and dsj The Ger man Oly mpic Sports Con fe - de ra ti on and Ger man Sports Yo uth ha - ve pro du ced the Co de of Ho no ur in co - ope ra ti on with the ir mem ber or ga ni - sa ti ons to crea te an in ter dis cip li nary to ol for the who le na ti on, which not only co vers the va rio us fi elds in the con text of the pro tec ti on of the in di vi - du al but al so, in par ti cu lar, streng - thens the pro tec ti on of chil dren and yo ung pe op le. The Co de of Ho no ur aims to gi ve pro ta go nists in the sports as so ci ati ons cer ta inty in con nec ti on with the ir ac ti vi ti es and an op por tu - nity to un ders co re the ir strengths wit - hin the fra me work of the pro tec ti on of the in di vi du al, es pe ci ally the pro tec - ti on of chil dren and yo ung pe op le. Mo reo ver, the sig ning of the Co de of Ho no ur will trans mit an une qu ivo cal sig nal to po ten ti al of fen ders and emp - ha si se the Sport As so ci ati on/club At - ten ti on System. The Co de of Ho no ur is an ori en ta ti on aid and sho uld be adap ted and/or ex - pan ded to ta ke ac co unt of the in di vi du - al cir cums tan ces of the mem ber as so ci - ati on/club. In this ca se, the lo go of the as so ci ati on/club can be used to sig nify that the co de has be en adap ted. It is par ti cu larly im por tant to no te that simply sig ning the Co de of Ho no - ur is not eno ugh. It must be em bed - ded in a con cept for chil dren and yo - ung pe op le. In this con nec ti on, the Co de of Ho no ur can rep re sent a pur - po se ful ad di ti on both in terms of con - tent and symbo li cally. Co de of Ho no ur For all tho se who are fully emp lo yed or wor king on an ho no rary ba sis in sports clubs and sports as so ci ati ons. I [na me] he reby pled ge that: I will gi ve the per so nal fee lings of the chil dren, yo uths and yo ung adults en trus ted to my ca re prio rity over my own per so nal spor ting and pro fes sio - nal go als. I will res pect the per so na lity of each child, yo uth and yo ung adult and sup port the ir de ve lop ment. I will res pect the in di vi du al fee lings of the chil dren, yo uths and yo ung adults en trus ted to my ca re and the fee lings of ot her club mem bers with res pect to clo se ness and dis tan ce, pri vacy and per so nal spa ce. I will te ach chil dren, yo uths and yo ung adults on the ir way to self-re ali - sa ti on the ap prop ria te so ci al be ha vio - ur to wards ot her pe op le. I in tend to edu ca te them to be ha ve in a fa ir and res pect ful man ner to ot her pe op le and ani mals in si de and out si de the spor - ting sphe re and gui de them to wards trea ting na tu re and the en vi ron ment in a res pon sib le man ner. I will al ways adapt all ac ti vi ti es in - si de and out si de the spor ting sphe re to the de ve lop ment sta ge of the chil dren, yo uths and yo ung adults en trus ted to my ca re and use met hods ap prop ria te to chil dren and yo ung pe op le. I will al ways at tempt to crea te fa - ir fra me work con di ti ons for the chil - dren, yo uths and yo ung adults en trus - ted to my ca re with re gard to spor ting and non-spor ting ac ti vi ti es. I will res pect the right to physi cal in teg rity of any child, yo uth and yo ung adult en trus ted to my ca re and will not exert any form of vio len ce of a physi - cal, psycho lo gi cal or se xu ali sed na tu re. I will en su re that the ru les of the sport in qu es ti on will be ob ser ved. I will set a par ti cu larly po si ti ve and ac ti - ve examp le in the fight aga inst do ping and drug abu se or any kind of per for - man ce ma ni pu la ti on. I will of fer the chil dren, yo uths and yo ung adults en trus ted to my ca re suf fi ci ent pos si bi li ti es for self-de ter mi - na ti on and co-de ter mi na ti on in si de and out si de the spor ting sphe re. I will res pect the dig nity of each child, yo uth and yo ung adult and pro - mi se to tre at all yo ung pe op le equ ally and fa irly, re gard less of the ir so ci al, eth nic and cul tu ral ori gins, worl dvi ew, re li gi on, po li ti cal con vic ti on, se xu al ori - en ta ti on, age or gen der and to ta ke de - ci si ve ac ti on aga inst dis cri mi na ti on of any kind or any an ti-de moc ra tic ide as. I shall stri ve to set an examp le for the chil dren, yo uths and yo ung adults en trus ted to my ca re and al ways to com mu ni ca te to them the im por tan ce of ad he ring to the ru les of sport and tho se of in ter per so nal con duct and act ac cor ding to the ru les of fa ir play. I un der ta ke to in ter ve ne if this Co - de of Ho no ur is vi ola ted in my sphe re of ac ti vity. In the event of a conf lict, I will call in pro fes sio nal help and sup - port and will in form tho se res pon sib le at ma na ge ment le vel. The pro tec ti on of the chil dren and yo ung pe op le will al ways co me first. I pled ge to ba se my con duct to - wards adult ath le tes al so on the va lu es and stan dards of this Co de of Ho no ur.

14 14 We all have a dream Clubs of The High Tat ras and Lip tov was con nec ted with en vi ron men tal edu ca ti - on. Par ti ci pants we re lis te ning not only on the lec tu re abo ut Ye ars of Fo rests but they plan ted yo ung tre es in the Oly mpic Fo rest which was crea ted af ter the de vas - ta ting in Ad re na lin was not mis sing in the prog - ram of the camp in the form of clim bing cen ter Tar za ni a whe re the yo ung pe op le had to use the ir for ce. Al so it was in the are a of wa ter sports whe re the world cham pi ons and Oly mpic win ners in the ca no e sla lom do the ir prac ti ce whe re they co uld ex pe ri en ce the pit falls of raf ting. Fol lo wing physi cal ex ha us ti on mo re sports dis cip li nes li ke sprint, thro wing of me di ci ne ball, stan ding long jumps, ro pe skip ping in ti me li mit the new pro ject of the Slo vak Oly mpic Com mit te e na med Oly mpic bad ge of ver sa ti lity was wai - ting for the par ti ci pants. Wit hin the fra me work of the work - shop on the to pic Com mu ni ca ti on with me di a, led by the ma na ger of me di a com mu ni ca ti on of the Slo vak Oly mpic Com mit te e Lu bo mir Sou cek, they tri ed first-hand a jo ur na list job. The ir bar ra ge of qu es ti ons ai med for one of the most suc cess ful marks wo men, do ub le Eu ro pe - an cham pi on and World cham pi on in ske - et Da nie la Bar te ko va who along si de pre - sen ted a cul tu ral-edu ca tio nal prog ram of the 1st Yo uth Oly mpic Ga mes in Sin ga po - re whe re she wor ked as an am bas sa dor of the event held last ye ar. The last day of the camp was held in the spi rit of fa ir play. Stu dents be ca me tes ting per sons of a new ga me. The ga me con nec ting par ti ci pants know led ge abo - ut Oly mpic Ga mes, sport or do ping prob - lems, with ac ti ve de mons tra ti on of the con cep ti on of the term fa ir play and with sport com pe ti ti ons, pro ved go od and the news at trac ted the yo uth. Fi nal ear nest eva lu ati on of the yo uth camp to ok pla ce at the oc ca si on of a pri ze de co ra ti on by the Fa ir Play Club of the Slo vak Oly mpic Com mit te e. The yo ung par ti ci pants we re ap prai sed for the ir per for man ce in com pe ti ti ons at the camp, but they al so got the op por - tu nity to be co me ac qu ain ted with im - por tant per so na li ti es of sport li fe who did not act aga inst ba sic et hics in cri ti - cal si tu ati ons and thus in every day li fe they obey the ba sic ru les of po li te ness and ho nesty. The participants of the International Youth Olympic Camp, with the motto We have all a dream, organized by the Slovak Olympic Committee. At the International Youth Olympic Camp, the Fa ir Play Trophy was received by Boris Demeter, mem ber of the Sports De - part ment of SOC. Du ring the trip by the camp participants to Cold Creek wa ter falls he sa ved the li fe of a Po lish tou rist who had slip ped in to the cold, dangerous water. By his presence of mind, promp tness and thanks to his physi cal abi lity, Bo ris hel ped him back to the bank to his two crying chil dren. Cont d from pa ge 8 The hig hest trophy of the Slo vak Oly mpic Committee (SOC) for fa ir play for the ye ar Jan Pop lu har's Trophy-was awar ded to Anton Svajlen, the former prominent football keeper and the mem ber of the sil ver medal winning team of CSSR at the Oly mpic Ga mes in Tok yo, for his li fe-long exemplary behaviour. UNITED KINGDOM day, this ma ni fest was wi dely spre ad so on. The on li ne-de part ment crea - ted its own da ta ba se, whe re every - body co uld sign this Fa ir-play-dec la - ra ti on. Many po pu lar ath le tes we re sup - por ting the cam pa ign, such as Ka te Al len (Oly mpic cham pi on tri ath lon 2004 in At hens), Wer ner Schla ger (world cham pi on tab le ten nis 2003 in Pa ris), Mir na Ju kic (se ve ral swim ming - me dals Oly mpic ga mes, world and Eu ro pe an cham pi ons hip), Chris toph Sie ber (Oly mpic cham pi on sur fing 2000 in Sydney), Chris toph Schmöl - zer (fo ur ti mes ro wing world cham - pi on) as well as Chris McCor mack (Aus tra li a) and Luc van Li er de (Bel gi - um). Mo re than 20,000 sport smen and sport swo men sup por ted this ini - ti ati ve and hen ce are figh ting aga - inst do ping, chea ting and ot her ne - ga ti ve de ve lop ments in sport. To ma ke sport and its va lu es ac ces - sib le for yo ung pe op le in Aus tri a, no mat ter whe re they co me from, AS KÖ crea ted a new pro ject na med: Sport fa ir bin det - ge me in sam be we gen, zu sam men le ben. Es pe ci ally yo ung wo men im mig rants, who of ten ha ve less ac cess to sports clubs, sho uld be en co ura ged to get in to the sports NEWS FROM BOA NOC Elects NGB Delegates to BOA Board of Directors; Honours Olympic Great Dr. Elizabeth Ferris LON DON- In ad di ti on, Dr. Eli za beth Liz Fer ris an Oly mpic me da list in di ving who has de di ca ted much of her li fe to the ad van - ce ment of op por tu ni ti es for wo men and girls in sport, both na tio nally and in ter na tio nally was pre sen ted with the ina ugu ral BO A Li fe ti - me Ac hi eve ment Award. Fer ris, 71, sprung to spor ting fa me win - ning a bron ze me dal in 3m spring bo ard di - ving at the Ro me 1960 Oly mpic Ga mes and went on to be co me re now ned for her re se - arch and stu di es to wards ac hie ving gen der equ ity in sport. She is one of only two re mai ning ori gi nal mem bers of the In ter na tio nal Oly mpic Com - mit te e's Wo men in Sport Com mis si on, which was fo un ded in 1995, and pla yed a key ro le in la unc hing the World Oly mpi ans As so ci ati - on be fo re go ing on to fo und the Bri tish Oly - mpi ans Club. Her de di ca ti on to pro mo ting fa ir play and her vi si on for de ve lo ping an ti-do ping met - hods we re al so ce leb ra ted du ring the pre sen - ta ti on ma de by HRH, The Prin cess Ro yal, and the ho no ur of be ing the first fe ma le to re cei - ve the award left her bea ming with pri de. I am very pro ud to be ho nou red and hu - gely sur pri sed to be the first per son to be gi - ven this award," sa id Fer ris. The re we re so many pe op le who co uld ha ve be en gi ven this award, and be cau se of my work on wo men in sport over many ye ars, to know the first award has go ne to a wo man is fan tas tic. Wo men are al most at pa rity at the Oly - mpic Ga mes in terms of the num ber of com - pe ti tors, only just un der half, but we've re ally European Fair Play Award goes to Kronen Zeitung Cont d from pa ge 9 Dr. Elisabeth Ferris flanked by FISU 1st Vice- President Gallien (r) and CIFP President Kamuti ma de hu ge stri des over the last 15 ye ars in get ting fe ma le ath le tes com pe ting on an equ al le vel at the Ga mes. Set ting up the World Oly mpi ans As so ci - ati on was im por tant be cau se it al lo wed Oly - mpi ans to go in to the com mu nity and do all the won der ful ac ti vi ti es ath le tes can do which is be ne fi ci al. Ot her pe op le ha ve ta ken over the re igns now but yo u co uld say that I had the vi si on and de ve lo ped it. I ho pe win ning this award will en co ura - ge girls in sport and show that wo men ha ve an im por tant ro le to play. It is hard work, yo u ne ed a vi si on and a pas si on but if yo u ha ve tho se things yo u can re ally do gre at things and ma ke a dif fe ren - ce." BO A cha ir man Lord Co lin Moy ni han hos - ted the pre sen ta ti on on Wed nes day and prai - sed Fer ris' com mit ment and her im por tan ce to the glo bal de ve lop ment of Oly mpic sport. Dr. Liz Fer ris has ma de a re mar kab le con - tri bu ti on to the Bri tish Oly mpic Fa mily and in de ed to the wi der Oly mpic Mo ve ment," sa - id Lord Moy ni han. Upon re ti re ment from com pe ti ti ve sport Liz fo cu sed her at ten ti on on the ne eds of Oly mpi ans and was key in the cre ati on of the World Oly mpi ans As so ci ati on and fo un der of the Bri tish Oly mpi ans Club. She is well-known for her stu di es on wo - men in sport and as a me di cal doc tor, she is pro li fic in her sports me di ci ne ar tic les and vi - ews on an ti-do ping. Liz has de di ca ted her li fe to sport on and off the fi eld of play. clubs and to re cog ni ze all the po si ti - ve fa cets of be ing ac ti ve in sport. Co ope ra ting with scho ols, mig rant or ga ni sa ti ons and the ir pa rents we gat her gro ups of yo ung girls in te res - ted in trying out dif fe rent sports. The pro ject co-or di na tor links the girls am bi ti ons with the of fers of the re - gio nal sport clubs. In July 2011 the big gest Yo uth Camp of AS KÖ ce leb ra tes a ju bi le e. For 60 ye ars every sum mer mo re than one hun dred yo ung ath le tes co me to get her for one we ek of trai ning in se ve ral sports dis cip li nes. Be si des exer ci sing, the re are a lot of le isu re ac ti vi ti es whe re the yo ung ath le tes ex pe ri en ce the spi rit of sports to get - her. Alt ho ugh the yo uth camp has its ro ots many years ago, the ex tra or di - nary and very po si ti ve at mosp he re ne ver chan ged. For 60 ye ars the yo - ung sters en joy this outs tan ding mee - ting and the uni qu e ex pe ri en ces. This ye ar the 60th an ni ver sary has been ce leb ra ted with many par ti ci pants, trai ners and ath le tes of the past, and of co ur se cur rent par ti ci pants of the camp and AS KÖ ho pe fully lo oks for - ward to si mi lar events. With the se ini ti ati ves AS KÖ ta kes an outs tan ding ro le in pro mo ting ac - ti ve sports and Fa ir Play amongst yo - ung ath le tes in Aus tri a.

15 NEWS FROM Sport as a Mediator between Cultures Cont d from pa ge 7 Ad di tio nally, the event pro vi ded a plat - form to streng then and bu ild up sus ta - inab le part ners hips not only bet we en the two mi nis tri es but al so bet we en furt her go vern men tal and non-go vern men tal or - ga ni sa ti ons from aro und the world. For this pur po se, de le ga tes from over 30 co un tri es inc lu ding po li ti ci ans, aca de - mics, pro fes sio nals in the fi eld as well as stu dents ca me to get her to dis cuss and ex - pe ri en ce how sport can help for the in teg - ra ti on of mig rants, how it may con tri bu te to res pect ful and fri endly in te rac ti on on and off the fi eld, sport s inf lu en ce on po - li ti cal de ve lop ment and so ci ety con si de - ring re gio nal cha rac te ris tics, and which sport res pec ti vely physi cal ac ti vity un der which cir cums tan ces may be used to re ach the se go als. The sci en ti fic prog ram me pro vi ded a di ver sity of spea kers, inc lu ding key no te spe ec hes by Fred Co al ter, who cal led for in crea sed scru tiny in de fi ning `de ve lop - ment and re fi ning ex pec ted out co mes in the fi eld of sport for de ve lop ment and pea ce; Ul ri ke Burr mann, who exp lai ned various di men si ons of in teg ra ti on thro - ugh sport stres sing that in teg ra ti on do es not hap pen au to ma ti cally, but to sup port and pro mo te ef fec ti ve in teg ra ti on work, sport prog ram mes un der fa vo urab le con - di ti ons ac cor ding to fac tors such as eth ni - city, age, gen der and so ci al class, are nee - ded; John Sug den, wor ked out that in tercom mu nity spor ting in ter ven ti ons fol lo - wing the ide als of fa ir play are re la ted to so ci al jus ti ce and the re fo re may help to pro mo te so ci al and po li ti cal chan ge; as well as Co ra Bur nett, who sha red her the - ori es and prac ti cal ex pe ri en ce con cer ning mo ni to ring and eva lu ati on, out of which she was ab le to pro ve by gat he red da ta that sport may inf lu en ce pe op le s thin - king and con tri bu te to so ci al chan ge. A pa nel dis cus si on bet we en Wil fri ed Lem ke, UN; Eli za beth Long worth, UNES - CO; Man fred Lämmer, Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo ve ment; and Gud run Doll-Tep per, Ger - man Oly mpic Sports Con fe de ra ti on, emp - ha si sed the ne ed for the sport for de ve - lop ment and pea ce com mu nity to co me to get her to form stron ger part ners hips from the gras sro ots le vel to po licy ma king or ga ni sa ti ons to ad vo ca te, se cu re fun - ding, and en su re qua lity prog ram ming. Ad di tio nally, du ring the con fe ren ce par ti ci pants had the op por tu nity to ta ke part in work shops pre sen ted by Bu do for Pea ce (Mar ti al Arts), Fo ot ball 4 Pea ce (Fo - ot ball), Mi fa lot (Fo ot ball) and Kick fa ir (Fo - ot ball), all non-go vern ment or ga ni sa ti ons cur rently wor king in the Is rae li, Pa les ti ni - an and Jor da ni an re gi on using sport to bu ild res pect and in teg ra ti on bet we en cul tu res. Co ac hes from all or ga ni sa ti ons sho wed and exp lai ned the te ac hing tech - ni qu es and pe da go gi cal to ols they use in the ir prog ram mes. Spe ci fi cally, the ses si on pre sen ted by Bu do for Pea ce sho wed that even com bat sports may brid ge bet we en dif fe rent cul tu res and bre ak down bar ri - ers by te ac hing res pect, har mony and self con trol. On the fi nal day, par ti ci pants, spea kers, or ga ni sers and Mi nis te ri al rep re sen ta ti ves to ok part in a fi eld trip to two de ve lop - ment and pea ce pro jects. The first stop was Ul ti ma te Pea ce, which uses the sport of Fris be e to bu ild fri end ship and un ders - tan ding bet we en yo uths. The se cond jo ur - ney was to Fo ot ball 4 Pea ce, an or ga ni sa - ti on that of fers a ne ut ral set ting to fos ter un ders tan ding, res pect and fri end ships bet we en cul tu res. Over the co ur se of the con fe ren ce the - re was a con sen sus that sport do es con tri - bu te to is su es inc lu ding so ci al and cul tu ral in te rac ti on; re con ci li ati on and re cons truc - ti on; bu il ding trust and co-ope ra ti on; gen - der em po wer ment; inc lu si on; skills de ve - lop ment and ca pa city bu il ding. Eli za beth Long worth, sum ma ri sed as follows sport "pro vi des us with a plat form which is sha - ped by the in trin sic va lu es of fa ir play, non dis cri mi na ti on, res pect for ot hers and in - teg rity". Ne vert he less, a lot of work still ne eds to be do ne in the aca de mic, prac ti - cal and es pe ci ally po li ti cal fi elds to es tab - lish know led ge and ac cep tan ce of sport as a me ans for de ve lop ment and pea ce. In this con text, the im por tan ce of in crea sing re se arch ini ti ati ves that fo cus on the use of sport in me dia ting ac ross bor ders, sha ring know led ge ac hie ved in or der to im pro ve the prac ti ce and po licy and wi de ning a sus ta inab le net wor king was po in ted out. Re vie wing the con fe ren ce, rep re sen ta - ti ves from Mi fa lot re gar de it as a per fect ve nu e for aca de mics and or ga ni sa ti ons to exc han ge know led ge with one anot her, and many ot her at ten de es ex pres sed the - ir ho pe for in crea sed col la bo ra ti on bet we - en aca de mics, fo un da ti ons, mi nis tri es, lo - cal agen ci es and pe op le from the fi eld in furt he ring of de ve lop ment thro ugh sport. Pre sen ta ti ons that we re held du ring the con fe ren ce may be down loa ded from the ICS SPE web si te spe.org A big delegation from Jordan was also present. 15 Porec: Our 17th successful Congress and our 40th member Cont d from pa ge 1 Con gress was en ric hed by dif fe rent ex - hi bi ti ons of scho ol chil dren and pho - tog raphs of de af ath le tes. The Eu ro pe - an Fa ir Play com mu nity was gree ted by An dro ul la Vas si lio u, Eu ro pe an Com mis sio ner for Edu ca ti on, Cul tu re, Mul ti lin gua lism and Yo uth, EOC Pre si - dent Pat rick Hic key and Mar ga ret Tal - bot, Pre si dent of ICS SPE, sen ding the ir best wis hes vi a a spe ci al let ter. Ha rald Bau er, Pre si dent of the In ter na tio nal Wor kers Sports Con fe de ra ti on, wis hed the par ti ci pants all the best as well. Many high pro fi le or ga ni za ti ons we re pre sent, amongst them the Eu ro pe an Non-go vern men tal Sports Or ga ni za ti - on (ENG SO) rep re sen ted by Ms Bir git - ta Ker vi nen, its Pre si dent, the Eu ro pe - an Uni on of Sport Press, rep re sen ted by its Pre si dent Yan nis Da ras, the En - lar ged Par ti al Ag ree ment on Sport, rep re sen ted by its mem ber Il ham Ma - da tov, as well as the In ter na tio nal Fa ir Play Com mit te e (CIFP) rep re sen ted by its pre si dent Dr. Je nö Ka mu ti. Ro und Tab le One ma jor as pect of this event was the Ro und Tab le Cul tu re, Me di a and Sport with ex cel lent spea kers and com bi ning sti mu la ting ple nary pre - sen ta ti ons and de ba tes, dra wing on the la test re se arch, trends and go od prac ti ces. It was led in an outs tan ding man ner by Ju ra Oz mec, Cha ir man of the Cro ati an Sports Jo ur na lists As so ci - ati on, and joi ned by well known per - so na li ti es, such as Mi ros lav Ce rar (EFPM EC Mem ber), Gi lad We in gar ten, Zin man Col le ge for Physi cal Edu ca ti on and Sport at Win ga te Ins ti tu te in Is ra - el, Fran jo Prot, Pro fes sor at the Fa culty of Ki ne sio logy in Zag reb, Dra zen La lid, Delegates and guests attending the EFPM s 17th Congress Pro fes sor at the Fa culty of Po li ti cal Sci - en ces in Zag reb. Work shop Anot her es sen ti al part of the event was the Work shop for the EFPM de le - ga tes, when the rep re sen ta ti ves of the na tio nal Fa ir Play or ga ni za ti ons sha - red the ir work, ide as, ac ti vi ti es, vi si - ons. Ne ed less to say, com mu ni ca ting suc cess and fa ilu re is an in dis pen sab le part of de ve lo ping new stra te gi es in the fight for Fa ir Play. Both, the sin gu - lar na tio nal Fa ir Play or ga ni za ti ons, as well as the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play com mu - nity as a who le, can pro fit from pro - duc ti ve work shops li ke this one. Fin land 40th mem ber On the sa me oc ca si on, the 17th Ge - ne ral As sembly of the EFPM was held in Po rec. Du ring the Ge ne ral As - sembly, in for ma ti on was pro vi ded abo ut the ac ti vi ti es of the Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e Mem bers, the fi nan ci al si - tu ati on, as well as va rio us chal len ges for the fu tu re, such as ma king the work of the EFPM mo re vi sib le and im - pres si ve. The EFPM fa mily grew by wel co ming a new mem ber, the Fin nish Wor kers' Sports Fe de ra ti on (TUL), rep - re sen ting Fin land, and ad ding to the high qua lity of mem ber or ga ni sa ti ons. The EFPM now co unts 40 mo ti va ted mem bers. A very well-or ga ni sed event Be fo re the EFPM s 17th Con gress, a gre at de al of work was do ne (in mee - tings and in ot her ways) to pre pa re for the event, and to en su re that it was run ef fi ci ently. The cre dit for do ing most of this work is du e to fo ur pe op - le: Zlat ko Ma te sa (Pre si dent of the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e), Bi ser ka Vrbek, Prof. Ro ma na Ca put Jo gu ni ca and Bi ser ka Per man. A founding member of the EFPM Darko Dujmovic Reunion with a very good friend Darko Dujmovic, a founding member of the EFPM POREC- The 17th European Fair Play Congress in Porec provided the opportunity for EFPM members to enjoy a reunion with a very old friend. One of the signatories to our foundation document at the meeting at FIFA House in Zurich on 27th May 1994 was Darko Dujmovic, representing the Croatian National Olympic Committee. Seventeen years later, it gave Darko great pleasure to see the EFPM s 17th Congress being held in his own country. In 1995, Zagreb (where the first Fair Play Symposium was due to be held) was bombed in the civil war, so the event had to be cancelled. Darko took photographs at the congress; EFPM members were very pleased to see him and expressed their thanks for his services to the EFPM.

16 16 NEWS FROM The 17th EFPM General Assembly Cont d from pa ge 4 Fi nan ci al Re port as per The In te rim Tre asu rer Ge or ges Di de rich pre sen ted the cur rent fi nan ci al si tu ati on of the EFPM and the 2012 Bud get. The re le vant Re port is inc lu ded as an ap - pen dix to the Mi nu tes of the Ge neral As - sembly. Re port of the Bo ard of Au di tors EC Mem ber Chris ti an Hin ter ber ger exp - lai ned the pro ce du re for the in tro duc ti on of the Re port and cal led on Kve ta Pec ko va, Cha ir wo man of the Bo ard of Au di tors, to pre sent the re le vant Re port. Mrs. Pec ko va pre sen ted the Re port, pro - mo del of be ha vio ur rep re sen ta ti ve for the pro fes si on, but sho uld pro vi de fra me work and sup port in unu su al and comp lex si tu - ati ons so of ten ta king pla ce in sports. Prin - cip les dis cus sed be low, are not only app li - cab le to the work of a sports co ach or in ot her words, the res pon si bi lity is not en ti - rely his the gui dan ce is for ever yo ne in - vol ved in the trai ning pro cess and the sport com pe ti ti ons. The edu ca tio nal en vi ron ment in sports is crea ted by many pe op le; ath le tes, co ac - hes, ma na gers, of fi ci als, doc tors, re fe re es, jo ur na lists, spon sors and spec ta tors. Ho - we ver, the co ach is in the cen tre of this en vi ron ment. Co ach is clo sest the ath le tes and the rea lity of the con tem po rary sport con test; he knows the sec ret of suc cess and the pa in of de fe at. He is the one plan - ning and exe cu ting trai ning pro cess and is res pon sib le for the re sults but not at any pri ce. Ever yo ne wants to ta ke cre dit for the suc cess but only co ach is to bla me for de fe at. The hig hest com pe ten ce is co ac - hes best de fen ce. Co ach s com pe ten ce is bu ilt on many things. Apart from spe cia list skills as so cia ted with the spe ci fic sport dis - cip li ne, the re are pe da go gi cal stan dards and abi li ti es very im por tant from the po - int of vi ew of et hics; mo ral, pra xe olo gi cal, cre ati ve, com mu ni ca ti on, co-ope ra ti on, etc. All the abo ve is ref lec ted in the pre - sen ted Co de of Et hics and Con duct for Sports Co ac hes. Co de of Et hics and Con duct for Sports Co ac hes 1. Res pect for sport s et hos and pres ti - ge re qui res every co ach to ta ke spe ci al ca - re of the ir per so nal mo ral con duct. The ir every-day de ci si ons sho uld be ba sed on the pro fes sio nal ex pe ri en ce and et hi cal prin cip les and mo ti va ted by the well-be - ing of the in di vi du al ath le te, res pon si bi lity to wards his club and town and pro per rep re sen ta ti on of the co untry. 2. Co ac hes sho uld re gu larly se ek ways of in crea sing the ir per so nal and pro fes sio - nal de ve lop ment, which inc lu des the ac cu - mu la ti on of know led ge and skills, using all re so ur ces, ex pe ri en ce and ex pert ad vi - ce - ava ilab le at ho me and ab ro ad. 3. Co ac hes sho uld al ways aim to ma in - ta in the ba lan ce bet we en in tel lec tu al and emo tio nal mo ti va ti on. Co ac hes are ex pec - ted to de mons tra te pat rio tic but not cha - uvi nis tic at ti tu des. 4. Co ac hes sho uld con fi ne them sel ves to prac ti ce in tho se ele ments of sport for which the ir qu ali fi ca ti ons, trai ning, ex pe - ri en ce and com pe ten ce are ap prop ria te. 5. Co ac hes will be con cer ned pri ma rily with the well-be ing of the ath le tes as the in di vi du als or the pla yers in a squ ad, as well as up hol ding the go od na me of sport as an in teg ral part of so ci al cul tu re. 6. Co ac hes sho uld be awa re that fai ling the ir pro fes sio nal stan dards can harm ath - po sing the ap pro val of the fi nan ci al tran sac - ti ons by the EFPM in Ap pro val of the EFPM EC ad mi nis tra ti ve and fi nan ci al tran sac ti ons The Ge ne ral As sembly ha ving he ard the Re ports of the Pre si dent, the Gen. Sec re tary and the Tre asu rer as well as the Re port of the Bo ard of the Au di tors ap pro ved una ni - mo usly the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e ad - mi nis tra ti ve and fi nan ci al tran sac ti ons. Re vi si on of Ar tic le 3 of the EFPM Sta tu tes The Gen. Sec re tary Mr. Psi lo pou los jus ti - fi ed the pro po sed mo di fi ca ti ons of Ar tic le 3 of the Sta tu tes, which de als with the Mem - le tes in the ir ca re in the physi cal, emo - tio nal, in tel lec tu al or so ci al way. 7. The go od co ach will be cons cio us of his / her wi der edu ca tio nal ro le in the ath - le tes de ve lop ment. Co ac hes must res pect the rights, dig nity and worth of every ath - le te. Per for mer s trust and con fi den ce in the co ach con firm the co ach s right at ti tu - de. 8. By in vol ving ath le tes in plan ning and con duc ting trai ning pro cess, co ac hes will en co ura ge and gui de ath le tes to ac cept res pon si bi lity for the ir be ha vio ur and per - for man ce, in trai ning and in com pe ti ti ons. 9. Co ac hes sho uld ke ep the ba lan ce bet we en the de ve lop ment of per for man - ce and the so ci al, emo tio nal, in tel lec tu al and physi cal ne eds of the in di vi du al ath le - te. Co ac hes sho uld se e ath le tes as the sub - jects of the edu ca tio nal pro cess, ai ming to pre pa re them to par ti ci pa te fully in the so cie tal, pro fes sio nal and cul tu ral li fe of the ir co untry. 10. Co ac hes must con sis tently disp lay high mo ral and so ci al per so nal stan dards as well as to pro ject an ima ge of he alth, cle an li ness and func tio nal ef fi ci ency in day to day li fe. 11. Co ac hes must not at tempt to mis - le ad abo ut the ir pro fes sio nal abi li ti es and pro fi ci ency or to se ek pub li city. The - ir aut ho rity is ba sed on the ge ne ral and pro fes sio nal know led ge, ex pe ri en ce and pe da go gi cal wis dom. Co ac hes must avo - id pre ju di ce in the ir wor king re la ti ons hip with ath le tes and all ot her pe op le and or ga ni sa ti ons in vol ved in the trai ning and com pe ting; the ir opi ni ons, ac ti ons and be ha vio ur must be ob jec ti ve and sup por ted by facts. 12. Sci en ti fic and pro fes sio nal ac cu racy re qui res from co ac hes ut ter ho nesty abo - ut the ir wor king met hods and the way they me asu re and in ter pret re sults. It is unet hi cal to fidd le the facts or re sults du e to out si de pres su re. 13. It is a go od prac ti ce for every co ach to ke ep the pre ci se re cord of his work and be ab le to pre sent it when ne ces sary. 14. In the ir pro fes sio nal and edu ca tio - nal work, co ac hes sho uld only use met ho - do logy, tech ni qu es and di ag nos tic to ols, which are sci en ti fi cally pro ven and tes ted in prac ti ce. Ca re ful as sess ment and analy - sis sho uld be con duc ted be fo re adap ting met hods, tech ni qu es or to ols de sig ned for a dif fe rent en vi ron ment ge og rap hi cal, so ci al or cul tu ral. 15. Co ac hes sho uld not ta ke un du e cre - dit or exag ge ra te the ir in vol ve ment in spor ting ac hi eve ments. They sho uld al - ways disc lo se so ur ces of the met ho do logy and tech ni qu es used in the co ac hing pro - cess. 16. Go od co ach cons tantly se arc hes for ways of im pro ving his/hers pro fes sio nal to ols, met ho do logy and tech ni qu es, but al ways analy ses the ir prac ti cal, pe da go gi - cal and so ci o-psycho lo gi cal va lu es in the bers of the EFPM. The General As sembly ap pro ved una ni - mo usly the chan ges. Pre sen ta ti on of the Pro cee dings from Ba ku and Pra gu e Mrs Sal hat Ab ba so va and Mrs Kve ta Pec - ko va from Ba ku and Pra gu e res pec ti vely, pre sen ted the Pro cee dings of the re le vant Con gress of 2009 and Pre si dent Gon çal ves than ked the two la - di es and an no un ced the comp le ti on of the res pec ti ve Con gres ses pro ce du res. EFPM Com mu ni ca ti on The Ma ga zi ne: PLAY FA IR! The re port was pre sen ted by the Vi ce Ethical Reflection on a Sports Coach s Professional Attitude Cont d from pa ge 8 re la ti on to the in di vi du al ath le te or the te am. 17. Alt ho ugh co ac hes do not ha ve to exp la in all de ta ils and aims du ring the trai ning pro cess, they sho uld do so at the end of the trai ning cycle, to en su re ath le - tes in for med and ac ti ve par ti ci pa ti on in the pre pa ra ti ons and com pe ti ti ons. 18. Co ac hes ha ve a res pon si bi lity to en - su re, as far as pos sib le, that not hing in the trai ning pro cess can physi cally or psycho - lo gi cally harm the ath le te with whom they work. The ath le te (pa rent/gu ar di an in the ca se of a mi nor) sho uld be ma de awa re of any new met ho do logy or tech ni - qu es and must be gi ven the op por tu nity to con sent to or to dec li ne pro po sals for trai ning, per for man ce or com pe ti ti on. 19. Co ac hes must ne ver ad vo ca te or con do ne the use of pro hi bi ted drugs or ot her ban ned, per for man ce-en han cing subs tan ces, as well as to en su re that any phar ma co lo gi cal tre at ment is con duc ted un der strict me di cal su per vi si on. 20. Co ac hes sho uld be in de pen dent with-in the ir fi eld of com pe ten ce, but when ne ces sary they ha ve to com mu ni ca - te and co-ope ra te with re gis te red spe cia - lists in the di ag no sis, tre at ment and ma - na ge ment of the ir ath le tes me di cal, psycho lo gi cal and pe da go gi cal prob lems. 21. Co ac hes are res pon sib le for qua lity of work and con duct of all emp lo ye es or any ot her sports and al li ed pro fes sio nals un der the ir su per vi si on. 22. Co ac hes must ob ser ve pro fes sio nal con fi den tia lity. Con fi den tia lity do es not prec lu de the disc lo su re of in for ma ti on to the per sons who can be jud ged to ha ve a right to know (anot her co ach, physi ot he - ra pist, psycho lo gist, etc.) and in ca ses of le gal or me di cal re qu ire ments. 23. Co ac hes must ta ke ex cep tio nal ca re when they disc lo se to an yo ne, any in for - ma ti on re gar ding the ir ath le tes, so it can - not be mi sin ter pre ted or used un fa vou - rably aga inst the ath le tes. 24. It is ne ces sary to as sess pro fes sio nal and pe da go gi cal pro fi ci ency of co ac hes. It sho uld nor mally be ve ri fi ed by a com pe - tent pro fes sio nal body. Un bia sed ap prai - sals sho uld be used as the ba se for the pro fes sio nal prog res si on and pro mo ti on. 25. Co ac hes are res pon sib le for set ting the bo un da ri es bet we en wor king re la ti - ons hips and per so nal li fe. Conf lict of in te - rests can ea sily af fect the ir pro fes sio nal jud ge ment and in teg rity. 26. Upon dis co very of an unet hi cal con - duct by anot her sports pro fes sio nal, co ach sho uld (if ne ces sary with ot her co ac hes sup port) at tempt to help his or her col le - agu e to cor rect the ir be ha vio ur. 27. Ne ga ti ve as sess ment of work and ac ti vi ti es of the ot her sport pro fes sio nals (co ac hes, of fi ci als, doc tors, re fe re es, etc.) sho uld ne ver be di mi nu ti ve or sanc ti mo - nio us and must not play a part in per so nal di sag ree ments. Pre si dent Er do an Ar p nar, who as ked on - ce mo re for the con tri bu ti on by all EFPM mem bers in res pect of re ports, pa pers, news, pho tos etc. for the ma ga zi ne PLAY FA IR! Furt her mo re, Mr. Ar p nar exp lai ned that the cost of the Ma ga zi ne co vers mostly its dis tri bu ti on (pos ting etc.) as well so - me edi ting ex pen ses. The Vi ce-pre si dent Man fred Lämmer un der li ned the ne ver-en ding prob lem of the texts that are sub mit ted as re gards the - ir lin gu is tic cor rect ness. He as ked on ce mo - re the mem bers to ta ke ca re of this is su e and send texts in cor rect Eng lish. EFPM web si te Er do an Ar p nar un der li ned the ne ces - sity of the EFPM web si te and the im por tan - ce of ha ving it cons tantly and duly up da - ted. EFPM Flash News Ka ta ri na Rac zo va in for med the Gen. As - sembly abo ut this ini ti ati ve and the im por - tan ce of ha ving the Flash News al ways upto-da te with news on all the Fa ir Play ac ti - vi ti es and re gu larly dis tri bu ted in Eu ro pe. 18th EFP Con gress and Ge ne ral As sembly of 2012 Pre si dent Gon çal ves in for med the Ge ne - ral As sembly abo ut the rea son was to trans fer the ve nu e of the 2012 Con gress from Ro me to Ve ro na and why the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e ac cep ted this trans - fer was. The Pre si dent of CNIFP Rug ge ro Al can te ri ni and the mem bers of the Ve ro - na Or ga ni zing Gro up Mrs. Pat ri zi a Bra vo and Mrs. Ales san dra Iop pi pre sen ted the Ve ro na in fras truc tu re and a re le vant vi de - o, which we re wel co med by the Ge ne ral As sembly. At the end of the pre sen ta ti on, Pre si dent Gon çal ves and Mr. Rug ge ro Al - can te ri ni sig ned the as so cia ted Con tract for the or ga ni za ti on of the event. The Ge ne ral Sec re tary I. Psi lo pou los re - min ded the Ge ne ral As sembly mem bers that the Ve ro na Ge ne ral As sembly is an elec ti ve one and that the re le vant can di da - tu res must be sub mit ted to the Ge ne ral Sec re ta ri at in res pect of the de ad li ne pro - vi ded in the Sta tu tes. Pre si dent Car los Gon - çal ves an no un ced his de ci si on not to con ti - nu e his term of ser vi ce as mem ber and Pre - si dent of the EFPM af ter the Ve ro na Ge ne - ral As sembly. 19th EFP Con gress and EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly of 2013 The Gen. Sec re tary I. Psi lo pou los in for - med the Ge ne ral As sembly that the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e, ha ving no con cre te con fir ma ti on from the Is rae li Oly mpic Com mit te e and the Is rae li Mi nistry of Edu - ca ti on and Sport for the ir com mit ment to or ga ni ze the sa id event, de ci ded to open the do or for furt her can di da tu res (inc lu - ding of co ur se the Is rae li Oly mpic Com mit - te e) by the end of EFPM Dec la ra ti on Gen. Sec re tary I. Psi lo pou los than ked Prof. Dr. Ro ma na Ca put-jo gu ni ca and Prof. Dr. Fran jo Prot for the ir de ci si ve as - sis tan ce in for mu la ting the 2011 EFPM Dec la ra ti on. He in for med the Gen. As - sembly that the dis tri bu ted Dec la ra ti on is a Draft Do cu ment to be re vie wed and/or com men ted on by the Mem bers by the end of No vem ber. Han ding over the EFPM flag to the de le ga ti on of the Cro ati an Oly mpic Com mit te e Mrs. Bi ser ka Per man, Pre si dent of the Cro ati an Fa ir Play Com mit te e, ac com pa ni - ed by the EFPM Pre si dent Car los Gon çal ves, han ded over the EFPM flag to Mr. Rug ge ro Al can te ri ni, he ad of the Ita li an Fa ir Play Com mis si on (CNIFP) and the Ve ro na de le - ga tes, res pon sib le for the or ga ni za ti on of the 2012 EFP Con gress and EFPM Ge ne ral As sembly. Ha ving de alt with all the po ints of the Agen da, the Pre si dent dec la red the Ge ne - ral As sembly clo sed.

17 NEWS FROM 17 The EFPM s 17th Congress in Porec gets full marks Cont d from pa ge 3 ence of the representative of the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, the Croatian NOC President Mr. Zlatko Matesa, the Mayor of Porec Mr. Edi Stifanic and many local officials. Their welcome speeches were warmly appreciated by the members of the EFPM community and the guests of the Congress. In addition to the main event, the organizers provided a very interesting exhibition af paintings and caricatures made by the elementary schools of the wider Porec area and from other countries (Slovakia, etc.). The Congress itself started on Thursday morning with a video welcome speech from Prof. Dr. Josipovic, President of the Republic of Croatia. The International keynote speakers at the Congress were: Mr. Spyros Kapralos from Greece, EOC EC Member, who spoke about Sport as an agent of moral change and transfer, Mr. Yannis Daras from Greece, President of UEPS, who presented the topic Football and Sport as ambassadors of moral values, Prof. Dr. Patrick Duffy from U.K., who spoke about The ethical responsibilities of the sport coaches, Prof. Dr. Matej Tusak from Slovenia, who analyzed the Ethical behavior of the coach, and Prof. Dr. Gilad Weingarten from Israel, who spoke about the Fair Play and the Spectators behavior. Guests attending the congress were: ENGSO President Ms. Birgitta Kervinen (Finland) EPAS Representative Mr. Ilham Mehmedov (Azerbaijan). The National keynote speakers were: Prof. Dr. Franjo Prot, who made the opening speech and dealt with the topic The culture of peace - Fair Play is the only way, Mr. Jura Ozmec B.A., who put the question Is sport a part of culture and where do the media stand in relation to the issue? Dr. Renato Matic, who spoke about Fair Play in sports and influence on social values: on intensity, universality and possible reciprocity of relationships, Mr. Zrinko Custonja B.A. who analyzed the question Fair Play and Croatian society: is Fair Play really important in Croatia?, Prof. Dr. Drazen Lalic, who spoke about Fair Play and violent behavior of football supporters in modern Croatia and other countries of South-Eastern Europe. Short Papers were presented by: Katarina Raczova: Sport + Education = Olympic Values Conveying olympic values in a playful way. Morana Gruden-Palikovic: Women in sport are a true challenge for Fair Play Movement Yotaka Miura: Sports as a part of culture in Japan Cultural challenge in the course of study for lower secondary schools Ivana Lukacic: Fair Play in the Croatian media Zeliko Mataja: Sport and violence in sport Biserka Perman: Is the sports system a just one? Lieke Vloet: A safe sports environment Dr. Morana Brkljacic-Zagrovic: Bioethical aspects of modern sport: crossroad of self-destruction and desirable moral harmonisation Mimi Vurdelja: Doping and the equal opportunities principle Natasa Muzdalo and Darko Tot: Using education to counter sports violence Prof. Dr. Romana Caput-Jogunica: Fair Play in higher education and university sports in Zagreb Dr. Bilge Donuk: Fair Play in culture and education in Turkey Prof. Dr. Zofia Zukowska: Ethical reflection on sports coach s professional attitude Alen Jerkunica: Ethics in sports management Ioannis Psilopoulos: Can we have Fair Play in sport in today s society? Andrej Pavlovic: Changing culture: shaping young supporters behavior Prof. Dr. Vladimir Rodichenko: Fair Play and spectators: one way ticket A workshop for the EFPM delegates was organized on Thursday evening in Villa Polessini, where topics relevant to the development of a National Fair Play Organization were discussed with great success. Finally, a Panel discussion was organized at the end of the Congress, where the panelists and the Congress participants analyzed the topic Culture, Media and Sport, extended useful views and tried to reach some concrete conclusions. The Congress was an absolute success thanks to the efforts of the Organizing Committee and mainly President Zlatko Matesa, Biserka Vrbek, Biserka Perman and the group of volunteers as well as of the associated Scientific Committee headed by Prof. Dr. Romana Caput-Jogunica. Of course, a special mentioning must be made for the contribution of the Croatian Olympic Committee and the Municipality of Porec. Without their support the Congress could not be organized in the high quality that it finally achieved. Déclaration du Mouvement Européen pour le Fair Play Porec 2011 Les représentants de 27 membres du Mouvement Européen pour le Fair Play (EFPM) et 140 autres participants ont assisté au 17è Congrès EFPM organisé du septembre 2011 à Porec en Croatie avec pour sujet : «Le Sport une partie de la culture Le Fair Play une partie de la culture du Sport». En rappelant: les responsabilités particulières de l EFPM pour la promotion des valeurs et des principes du Fair Play dans toutes les activités sportives et dans la vie courante en Europe, les déclarations adoptées aux 16 Congrès antérieurs, et en tenant compte : des médias et de la violence dans le sport, du sport comme un agent de changement moral et de transfert, du Fair Play et du comportement des supporters, de la conduite éthique des entraîneurs de sport, l EFPM recommande: 1. aux CNO Européens (Comités Nationaux Olympiques) d inclure le Fair Play dans leurs activités comme une partie de la culture sportive : a) en considérant des voies propres de promotion du Fair Play par l intermédiaire des différents sports et b) en impliquant les athlètes d élite dans les procédures de promotion du Fair Play (à savoir de communiquer leurs expériences personnelles et leur confiance dans les valeurs de base du sport), 2. à l UEPS (Union Européenne de la Presse Sportive) et à d autres organisations des masses médias de renforcer leur coopération avec l EFPM dans le but de bannir les comportements inacceptables d athlètes, d entraîneurs, d officiels du sport et de spectateurs et de combattre la violence et la corruption dans le sport, 3. aux institutions éducatives et aux sociétés académiques de coopérer avec l EFPM dans le but de renforcer et de répandre l enseignement du Fair Play et des valeurs éthiques, en faisant un meilleur usage de leur potentiel éducatif et en publiant des guides nationaux et des publications scientifiques sur le rôle du sport comme agent de changement moral et de transfert, 4. aux organisations gouvernementales et non-gouvernementales de coopérer avec l EFPM pour : a) la reconnaissance du rôle du Fair Play dans le sport et dans la vie courante, b) le renforcement du comportement éthique des entraîneurs de sport, en publiant un Code Ethique pour eux en accord avec les pratiques Européennes, c) des études de méthodes réalistes pour diriger le comportement des spectateurs vers les valeurs du Fair Play, 5. aux membres de l EFPM de développer des plans d action pour les prochaines années, définissant les activités à réaliser en suivant les priorités et les nécessités au niveau national et en accord avec les principes du Fair Play discutés durant ce Congrès. Rep re sen ta ti ves from 27 mem - bers of the Eu ro pe an Fa ir Play Mo - ve ment (EFPM) and 140 par ti ci - pants at ten ded the 17th EFPM con - gress held in Po rec / Cro ati a from Sep tem ber 2011 on the to pic of Sport as a part of cul tu re - Fa ir Play as a part of sport cul tu re. Bea ring in mind: EFPM s par ti cu lar res pon si bi li ti - es for pro mo ting the va lu es and prin cip les of Fi ar Play in all sports ac ti vi ti es and in every day li fe thro - ug ho ut Eu ro pe, The dec la ra ti ons adop ted at the 16 pre vio us EFP Con gres ses, and ta king in to ac co unt: The me di a and vio len ce in sport Sport as an agent of mo ral chan ge and trans fer Fa ir play and the sup por ters be - ha vio ur, and The et hi cal con duct of the sport co ac hes The EFPM calls on 1. The Eu ro pe an Na tio nal Oly - mpic com mit te es to inc lu de fa ir play as a part of sport cul tu re by a) Con si de ring pro per ways of pro mo ting Fa ir Play thro ugh the va rio us sports and b) In vol ving top le vel ath le tes in this pro mo ti on pro du res (e.g. to com mu ni ca te the ir per so nal ex pe - ri en ce and the ir trust in the ba sic va lu es of sport) 2. The UEPS and ot her Eu ro pe an mass me di a or ga ni za ti ons to streng then the ir co ope ra ti on with 17th CONGRESS, POREC 2011 DECLARATION EFPM in or der to pro vo ke unac cep - tab le be ha vio urs of ath le tes, co ac - hes, sport of fi ci als and spec ta tors and to fight aga inst vio len ce and cor rup ti on in sport. 3. The edu ca tio nal ins ti tu ti ons and the aca de mic so ci ety to co ope - ra te with EFPM in or der to re in for - ce and wi des pre ad the te ac hing of fa ir play et hi cal va lu es by ma king a bet ter use of the ir edu ca tio nal.ypo ten ti al and by pub li sing na tio - nal hand bo oks and sci en ti fic pa - pers abo ut the ro le of sport as an agent of mo ral chan ge and trans - fer. 4. the na tio nal go vern men tal and non go ver men tal or ga ni za ti - ons to co ope ra te with EFPM to - wards a) the re cog ni ti on of the ro le of fa ir play in sports and every day li - fe; b) the streng the ning the et hi cal con duct of sport co ac hes by is su ing an et hic co de for co ac hes in ac cor - dan ce with gi ven eu ro pe an prac ti - ces; c) the in ves ti ga ti on of rea lis tic met hods to con duct the spec ta tors be ha vio ur in the fra me work of fa ir play va lu es. 5. the EFPM Mem bers to de ve - lop an ac ti on plan for the ye ars de fi ning the ac ti vi ti es to be car ri ed out fol lo wing the ir pro - ri ti es and ne eds at a na tio nal le vel and in ac cor dan ce with the fa ir play prin cip les as dis cus sed in this Con gress.

18 18 NEWS FROM Start conference A Safe Sports Environment Cont d from pa ge 6 Together for Sportsmanship and Respect be le ad by a qu ali fi ed re fe re e and sti mu la - ce and wel fa re will co ope ra te in this pro - Since 2009, 11 sports federations, te sport smans hip. This is do ne, for ins tan ce, ject to pre vent ex ces ses and im pro ve the NOC*NSF and the ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports work together to promote sportsmanship and respect in sports. One of the results of this program is the increased awareness by in crea sing the know led ge of ru les and adapt new ru les or ad just exis ting ru les. To en lar ge the de fen si bi lity of re fe re es the (edu ca tio nal) mo du le men tal trai ning will hand ling of ex ces ses (de ve lop ment of pro - to cols and pro ce du res). The al re ady de ve - lo ped system for re gis tra ti on of se xu al of - fen ders in sports (black list), will be imp le - of sportsmanship and respect by board be im pro ved and pre sen ted as an e-le ar - men ted so on for all fe de ra ti ons and clubs. members, which is the result of the educational module Manage Sportsmanship Like. spend on co ac hing re fe re es in prac ti ce by with ot her forms of ex ces si ve be ha vi or. ning mo du le. Al so, mo re at ten ti on will be If pos sib le, this system will be ex pan ded Besides this, the theme sportsmanship and ap po in ting re fe re e co ac hes. The 5 le vel Af ter the pre sen ta ti on of the prog ram, respect is integrated in the training of trainers trai ning struc tu re will al so be imp le men ted each sports fe de ra ti on de ve lo ped the ir and coaches. Another result is the introduction in smal ler sports fe de ra ti ons. Furt her mo re own plan of ac ti on du ring thre e bra ins - of positive coaching by a (theater) play. the suc cess ful cam pa ign The Re fe re e in the torm ses si ons. For sports fe de ra ti ons the se Positive coaching stands for emphasizing positive aspects instead of the negative aspects. Cen tre of Sports will be con ti nu ed. plans of ac ti ons are the star ting po int in Re fe re es. Both of the se prog rams we re Furthermore a research has been executed to 5. Dis cip li nary Laws imp le men ting the new po licy in the ir sport. very suc cess ful and are in teg ra ted in to the determine which rules promote or obstruct The ob jec ti ve of this sub prog ram is to This first con fe ren ce is con si de red a suc - new po licy. In the fra mes the re sults of sportsmanship and respect. The results of this im pro ve dis cip li nary laws/dis cip li nary co - cess. The at ten dan ce of al most the half of both prog rams are sum med up. Af ter the research are very useful for sports federations urts to pe na li ze of fen ding sport sman qu ic - all Dutch sports fe de ra ti ons and the ent hu - pre sen ta ti on of the re sults, rep re sen ta ti ves that want to adopt new rules or adapt existing ker and bet ter. To re ali ze this, an in ven tory si asm of the se sports fe de ra ti ons po in ted of thre e sports fe de ra ti ons tal ked abo ut rules. The English summary of this research of all ru les and pro ce du res of all 76 na tio - out that the sub ject -a mo re sa fe sports en - the ir go od prac ti ces con cer ning sport - smans hip and res pect and ar bit ra ti on (re fe - re es). can be found on the website nal sports fe de ra ti ons will be ma de. Ar bit - rary laws will be or ga ni zed col lec ti vely if the re se arch po ints out that this is pos sib le. vi ron ment- has the in te rest of sports fe de - ra ti ons. Sports fe de ra ti ons pro no un ce they se e the ur ge of a mo re sa fe sports en vi ron - Af ter the ret ros pec ti ve sports fe de ra ti - yers, co ac hes, re fe re es and bo ard mem bers 6. Ex ces ses ment and are wil ling to con tri bu te to a sa - ons we re in for med abo ut the out li ne of will act as ro le mo dels. Furt her mo re, the al - In the Net her lands every ye ar 200 fo ot - fer sports en vi ron ment. This, com bi ned the new po licy A Sa fe Sports En vi ron - re ady suc cess ful cam pa ign Gi ve Kids back ball re fe re es are mo les ted (out of with the go od re sults of for mer prog rams, ment. This prog ram is uni qu e be cau se of the ir Ga me will be con ti nu ed. ama te ur fo ot ball matc hes each we ek). This ma kes us be lie ve the new po licy can and the bro ad and in teg ral ap pro ach, var ying 2. Sports clubs and bo ard mem bers is the rea son why mo re at ten ti on will be will be suc cess ful. from sti mu la ting a po si ti ve so ci al en vi ron - The aim of this sub prog ram is to te ach spend on pre ven ting and hand ling ex ces - Ru les that pro mo te and obs truct ment (pre ven ti on) to hand ling ex ces ses bo ard mem bers how to sti mu la te a sa fe ses. Sports, lo cal go vern ments, po li ce, jus ti - sport smans hip and res pect (rep res si on). What al so dis tin gu is hes this sports en vi ron ment. To re ali ze this, the fo - In The Net her lands re se arch has be en prog ram from for mer po li ci es is the co ope - cus is on crea ting awa re ness by bo ard mem - Master Plan Referees exe cu ted to de ter mi ne which ru les pro mo - ra ti on bet we en or ga ni zed sports, lo cal go - bers and te ach them how to act in the va - In 2006, 16 sports fe de ra ti ons, the mi - te or obs truct sport smans hip and res pect. vern ments, po li ce, jus ti ce and wel fa re. rio us ro les bo ard mem bers ful fill. Bo ard nistry of He alth, Wel fa re and Sports and This re se arch has be en exe cu ted by Ken nis - Furt her mo re, exis ting prog rams ( To get her mem bers are sup por ted with a ma nu al, to - NOC*NSF started with Master Plan Referees. At the mo ment 25 sports fe de ra ti ons par - arch in the do ma in of sports, edu ca ti on prak tijk -an ins ti tu te that fo cu ses on re se - for and Res pect and Mas ter Plan Re fe re - ol kit, work shops and edu ca tio nal mo du les es ) are in teg ra ted in the new prog ram. ( Ma na ge Sport smans hip li ke ). ticipate in this program. Master Plan Referees is fo cu sed on 5 am bi ti ons: The re sults of the re se arch are very use - and he alth- in or der of NOC*NSF. The new po licy inc lu des the fol lo wing fo - 3. Trai ners and co ac hes cus are as: 1) awa re ness and com mu ni ca ti - Be si des sports tech ni cal skills, trai ners 1) sport smans hip, al so to the re fe re e, ful for sports fe de ra ti ons. The out co mes gi - on, 2) sports clubs and the ir bo ard mem - and co ac hes al so ne ed to ha ve pe da go gi cal 2) ad di tio nal re fe re es thro ugh rec ru - ve them a cle ar sight of which ru les pro mo - bers, 3) trai ners and co ac hes, 4) ar bit rary skills. The ob jec ti ve of this sub prog ram is to it ment and re ten ti on, 3) every yo uth pla yer te or obs truct sport smans hip. For examp le, exe cu ti ves (re fe re es), 5) dis cip li nary laws ma ke trai ners and co ac hes awa re of the ir ga ins ex pe ri en ce as a re fe re e, 4) a go od start so me ru les that pro mo te sport smans hip and 6) ex ces ses. ro le in crea ting a sa fe sports en vi ron ment for a star ting re fe re e, 5) bet ter re fe re es on are: ru les that con trol dis cus si ons with the An over vi ew of the fo cus are as is pre - and im pro ve the ir skills so they can crea te a every le vel. One of the re sults of Mas ter Plan re fe re e, ru les that spe ed up the ga me, ru - sen ted in the fi gu re on the right. Be low, sa fe sports en vi ron ment. To re ali ze this, Re fe re es is the mo re po si ti ve ima ge of re fe - les that pro mo te self cor rec ti on (di sad van - each fo cus are a is des cri ped in short. trai ners and co ac hes are of fe red work - re es du e to the cam pa ign The Re fe re e in the ta ge for the te am, mo re res pon si bi lity for 1. Awa re ness and com mu ni ca ti on shops, pre sen ta ti ons, ins truc ti on films and Cen tre of Sports. Anot her re sult is the in - the te am cap ta in), gra du al and pre ven ti ve The ob jec ti ve of this part of the prog - an e-le ar ning mo du le. crea se of re fe re es with cir ca 30% ( re - pe na li zing, ins tant and he avi er pe nal ti es ram is to in crea se the awa re ness and op ti - 4. Ar bit rary exe cu ti ves (re fe re es) fe re es). Be si des this, the qua lity of re fe re es for se ve re of fen ders and cle ar ru les (pre- mi ze com mu ni ca ti on abo ut the de si red be - This sub prog ram is ba sed on Mas ter is im pro ved du e to the de ve lop ment of a 5 le - vent mis com mu ni ca ti on, pre-match brie - ha vio ur, the ro les of the in vol ved par ti es Plan Re fe re es. In the fra me the re sults of vel com pe ten ce ba sed trai ning struc tu re for fing). The Eng lish sum mary of this re se arch and sti mu la te res pon si bi lity by sta ke hol - this for mer po licy are des cri bed. The aims re fe re es/of fi ci als of all sports fe de ra ti ons, can be fo und on the web si te ti - ders wit hin this prog ram. To re ali ze this, of the sub prog ram ar bit rary exe cu ti ves (re- com bi ned with a men tal trai ning mo du le. vi te iten res pect.nl (click the but ton Vei lig na tio nal Oly mpic sport sman, fo ot ball pla - fe re es) are to en su re that every ga me will Sport kli ma at ). Cont d from pa ge 5 Fair Play is Healthy body health, author, lecturer. Does Fair Play make people healthy? I asked a young martial artist to whose technical perfection at the black belt exam applauded even by the judges. The young man answered: You must be fair to yourself, not fantasize that you have skills that you don t have. Without truthfulness with yourself you cannot have inner calm. You cannot lie to yourself in training. You must know whether or not your training is diligent and focused or not. Where you are with your conditioning and skills, Where you are strong, where you are healthy, what you need to repair. That helps you to understand others and is healthy for everybody. This young man s martial arts teacher was slow in awarding the color belts used for student motivation. His old-fashioned cultivation of the body-mind-spirit through the mastering of details of forms, moral conduct, courage, benevolence, honor, loyalty, and courtesy towards everyone, including opponents, infused Code of Ethics, the Bushido, into their lives. But these virtues were born not exclusively in the ancient East. Remarkably, they match the Code of Knights in the West and Codes of Honor professed in the North, South - and everywhere in between. Long before worldwide communication these Codes evolved. Interestingly, they are naturally observable also in children s free after-school play. Thus I believe that they are organic pattern of human civilization. When I was training for basketball, team handball and discus throwing, the coaches and physical educators prioritized in training, and over winning, Kalos kai Agathos, inner and outer bodymind-spirit development. I am grateful that in athletics, arts, and academics my schooling in Czechoslovakia followed that educational objective of the Golden Era of Greece. It enabled me to see humans not as shadowy figures on grim fields, but as good and noble ones striving to cultivate the finest values of our species. Baron Pierre de Coubertin advocated Sports For All as beneficial to physical, as well as, intellectual and spiritual health and lowering barriers. Sports, however, also mirror relationships in society. Currently, battles for career advances convinced also sports managers and athletes that winning and money are more important than pure athleticism and character development. The sharp-elbowed struggle to win cups of cash pushed aside sportsmanship and honesty. Loss of safe neighborhood play spaces, parents jobs that leave little time to spend with kids in spontaneous activities, and other factors made it necessary for parents to search for vacation sport camps, for example. But many reach way beyond that. Forgetting that children are not miniature adults they prod their sons or daughters to become sport stars with hours of drilling and evaluating by adults. Major businesses have grown around parental ambitions to make their child into a star be it in sports or other academic or art disciplines. Skill-specific training of children is resulting in handpicking those who have physical attributes predictably suitable for whichever sports it may be. Since athletic maturation takes to age of 25, building on early predictions is a gamble that may curb kids discovering other interests. Emerging from the utilitarian outlook on sports are statistics on sharp increase in teen sports injuries and deaths; youth collapsing under the weight of adults expectations and quitting; drug use; ignorance of rules of sportsmanship and outright cheating. In the words of Dr. Mate about the roots of unfairness: "Unfairness arises from a sense of belief, conscious or unconscious that persons are not adequate in themselves, that they 'need' some achievement or the recognition of others to complete who they are. The more inadequate individuals perceive themselves to be, the more they will seek to gain success and recognition no matter what the cost to themselves or others. Cheating may bring a temporary satisfaction, but only undermines that already shaky sense of self. Dishonesty concretizes the isolation from others that is the original cause of the inadequacy. And isolation brings consequences that harm both physical and mental health. The Fair Play Movement s relentless influence, the Olympic movement, and private enterprise participants promoting both, jointly can create a powerful engine for restoration of body-mind-spirit values and wellness in sports and education. Mrs. Ol ga Fi ko to va-con nolly Ol ga Fi ko to va-con nolly com pe ted for Czec hos lo - va ki a in the 1956 Oly mpic Ga mes held in Mel bo - ur ne (AUS) in dis cus whe re she won the gold me dal. She met the Ame ri can s gold me dal wi - ning ham mer thro wer Ha rold Con nolly.she to ok part in every Oly mpics till 1972 com pe ting for the Uni ted Sta tes. In 2008 she re cei ved a li fe ti me award for Fa ir Play from the Fa ir Play Club of the Czech Olympic Committee. Sha ring EFPM s con cerns of what hu man kind may be mis sing by de va lua ting physi cal edu ca ti - on of yo uth in or der to ma ke ro om for ac qui ring skills tho ught of as the only ne ces si ti es use ful in technologically competitive world...

19 NEWS FROM 19 We have happy memories of Porec Porec is one of the charming, peaceful holiday towns on Croatia s Adriatic coast; it has excellent hotels (such as the Valamar) and good restaurants. There are also bottling factories for the excellent locally-produced wine and olive oil. The town successfully hosted the EFPM s 17th Congress... and now only the pleasant memories of our time there remain. APPLAUSE FOR THE FOLK- DANCERS: Male and female volunteers of all ages gave a demonstration of Croatian national dances for the guests. A SUCCESSFUL PRESIDENT: Dr. Zlatko Matesa, President of the Croatian National Olympic Committee, giving his speech at the opening ceremony for the congress. THE INITIAL BRIEFING: Before the Congress, EFPM representatives and Croatian officials gave a press briefing. From left to right: Prof. Dr. Gilad Weingarten, Milan Markovic, Prof. Dr. Carlos Gonçalves, Dr. Zlatko Matesa, Biserka Perman, Miroslav Cerar. APPRECIATION FROM PROF. LÄMMER: Prof. Dr. Manfred Lämmer, a Vice- President of the EFPM, gives awards to Prof. Romana Caput Jogunica and Biserka Vrbek in appreciation of the successful organisation of the Congress. A BAGPIPE CONCERT: The young bagpipe-player who performed at the opening ceremony received enthusiastic applause. A BIG THANK-YOU TO POREC: Erdoğan Arıpınar, a Vice-President of the EFPM, presents an EFPM Plaque to Nenad Velenik, the Director of the local Tourist Board, in token of our appreciation for the hospitality shown to us in Porec. EFPM and CIFP Aiming a Closer Cooperation Cont d from pa ge 2 Ta king in to ac co unt that the aims of EFPM and the CIFP are si - mi lar, as both con si der the ir ma in mis si on to be the pro mo ti on of the et hi cal va lu es of sports in the - ir broa dest sen se, and mo re spe ci - fi cally the dis se mi na ti on of the Fa ir Play va lu es and prin cip les, not only in all sport ac ti vi ti es but al so in every day li fe, the two or - ga ni za ti ons ag re ed to es tab lish a clo ser co ope ra ti on. EFPM and CIFP, be ing two in de - pen dent and equ al in rank bo di es and pre ser ving the ir own sta tus and cha rac ter, de ci ded to work out a Dec la ra ti on of In tent for a Jo int Ven tu re. Du ring its last mee ting held in Po rec last Sep tem ber 28th, the EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com mit te e ap - pro ved a draft of the sa id do cu - ment. The EFPM Exe cu ti ve Com - mit te e han ded over this draft do - cu ment to CIFP s Pre si dent Prof. Dr. Je nö Ka mu ti, du ring a mee - ting held in Po rec last Oc to ber 1st, in or der to be furt her sub mit - ted to the CIFP s Exe cu ti ve Co un - cil for furt her con si de ra ti on. The text co vers the va rio us terms of co ope ra ti on and the ways to be fol lo wed as re gards its res pec ti ve imp le men ta ti on. Both par ti es re cog ni se that they ha ve the ir own ro le to exer ci se, the ir own ini ti ati ves and pro jects to imp le ment and to de ve lop, but they both re cog ni se as well that the re is plenty of ro om for a clo ser co ope ra ti on which will pro vi de be - ne fits for both or ga ni za ti ons. The EFPM is in de ed com mit ted to play its ro le in this co ope ra ti on. The EFPM takes part in EPAS 2011 in Strasbourg Cont d from pa ge 11 Up da te on cur rent is su es in in ter - na tio nal co-ope ra ti on on sport. Pre sen ta ti ons from both the go vern - men tal and the non-go vern men tal si - des. Dis cus si on on is su es of com mon in te - rest for the EPAS mem bers and the sports mo ve ment. Dis cus si ons on draft re com men da - ti ons. Ma ni pu la ti on of sports re sults (pre - sen ta ti on by Mr. Pi er re Cor nu, Chi ef Co - un sel, In teg rity and Re gu la tory Af fa irs, UE FA). Mig ra ti ons in Sports and the pro - tec ti on of yo ung pe op le (pre sen ta ti on by Ms Ida Hylles ted, UNI CEF) EPAS ac ti vi ti es on pro mo ting di - ver sity and com ba ting dis cri mi na ti on in and thro ugh sport (pre sen ta ti on by the EPAS Sec re ta ri at) Jo int Pro jects for de ci si on by EPAS mem ber sta - tes Go od Go ver nan ce Fri end ship Ga mes Pro jects fun ded by vo lun tary con - tri bu ti ons from Mo na co for in for ma ti on of EPAS mem ber sta tes Me di a aga inst Ra cism in Sport, Co - un cil of Eu ro pe / Eu ro pe an Uni on jo int pro ject Pri ori ti es of the Prog ram of Ac ti vi - ti es for 2012 The mee ting star ted at 09:30 and fi - nis hed at 18:30 and the dis cus si ons and the pre sen ta ti ons we re very in te res ting and cru ci al. The EFPM rep re sen ta ti ve Mr. Psi lo - pou los to ok the op por tu nity to dis cuss the pros pect of a Fo rum in Cyprus in un der the to pic Et hics in Sport. This Fo rum is plan ned to be or ga ni zed by the EPAS and the EFPM, with the co - ope ra ti on of the Eu ro pe an Uni on and is to be ho pe fully - or ga ni zed in Cyprus du ring the Cypri ot Pre si dency of the E.U. in the first half of It was ag - re ed that EPAS and EFPM wo uld start pre li mi nary ne go ti ati ons with the Cypri ot aut ho ri ti es and the Eu ro pe an Uni on Com mis sio ner Mrs. Vas si lio u, in or der to in ves ti ga te the ir po si ti on.

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