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2 Sa ving ener gy by chan ging be ha viour This bro chu re is ai med at re si dents, ser vi ce pro vi ders and hou sing or ga ni za tions who want to im ple ment ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces to en cou ra ge re si dents to sa ve both ener gy and mo ney. Im ple men ting the se ser vi ces will re sult in mo re su stai na ble ener gy con su ming be ha viour. Hou se hold ener gy con sump tion re pre sents 25% of the to tal fi nal ener gy con sump tion in Eu - ro pe (Eu ro stat, 2009). Most re si den ti al bu il dings use fos sil fuels to ge ne ra te he at and warm wa ter, re sul ting in hu ge amounts of CO2 emis sions. The se CO2 emis sions are le a ding to cli mate chan ge on a glo bal sca le. In or der to fight cli ma te chan ge all po ten ti als for re du cing ener gy con sump tion should be ex plo i ted, in clu ding both, tech ni cal and hu man be ha viour po ten ti als. Ener gy ser vi ce pro vi ders can im pro ve their cor po ra te so ci al ly re spon si ble by pro vi ding su stai na ble ser vi ces. And, by lo we ring the ener gy costs of their clients they al so im pro ve their re la tions hips with re si dents. The Be wa ree pro ject, co-fun ded by the Exe cu ti ve Agen cy for Com pe ti ti ve ness and In no vation (EA CI), has ga the red exam ples of ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces throug hout Eu ro pe in the Be wa ree Da ta ba se ( wa ree). In this da ta ba se you ll find exam ples of ser vi ces that can chan ge da i ly rou ti nes and pur cha sing be ha viour. This bro chu re draws on the se exam - ples to help you de ve lop and im ple ment ef fec ti ve ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces. On ly well-or ga ni zed awa re ness-rai sing ser vi ces can bring ab out ener gy sa vings from 5% 10% and in so me ca ses up to 20% a ye ar. This goes along with hou se hold cost sa vings of up to 300 eu ro a ye ar. 2

3 Best Prac ti ce 1: French Ener gy Am bas sa dors of fer per so nal ad vi ce Sta ke hol ders in fo cus: Pro po sed by NGO Prio ri ter re (Fran ce), the Ener gy Am bas sa dors in i ti a ti ve in vol ves in ter - me di a ries such as so ci al wor kers and ot her tru sted vo lun teers with clo se con tacts with re si dents. The Ener gy Am bas sa dors gi ve prac ti cal ad vi ce and sup port low-in co me hou seholds to ma na ge and lo wer their ener gy bills. Spe ci al aspects: The Ener gy Am bas sa dors pro ject helps fa mi lies in sa ving mo ney and ener gy. It was im ple men ted in four steps and used va rious tools. The Ex pe rien ce: First, so ci al wor kers we re gi ven spe ci al trai ning on ener gy use in hou sing. Se cond, a te le pho ne ser vi ce was set up for so ci al wor kers and vo lun teers who are in touch with hou se holds in hards hip. The aim of this ser vi ce is to re spond to any ques tions on ener gy or wa ter. Third, a spe ci al ma nu al (Le Gui de de la Four mi, The Ant s Gui de ) was pre pa red for Ener gy Am bas sa dors. It pro vi des in for ma tion on how to help fa mi lies in dif fi cul ties ma - na ge their ener gy con sump tion. Fourth, ho me vi sits are avai la ble to fa mi lies. The se vi sits, ho we ver, can on ly ha ve a po si ti ve im pact if fa mi lies feel a re al need for the ser vi ce and ma ke an ap po int ment. Af ter the vi sits, fa mi lies can draw on per so na li zed ad vi ce. Mo re in for ma tion: ri ter, Scharp et al

4 Ener gy con sump tion in Eu ro pe an hou se holds Re si den ti al bu il dings cons um ed ab out a quar ter of the to tal ener gy con sump tion in Eu ro pe in 2007 (Eu ro stat 2009). Spa ce he a ting is the most im por tant use of hou se hold ener gy, ac counting for mo re than half of the to tal re si den ti al ener gy con sump tion. Fi gu re 1 shows that the sha re of ener gy con sump tion for spa ce he a ting de cre a sed slow ly in the pe ri od from 1990 to 2004, due to the mo der ni za tion of bu il dings. Fi gu re 1: Ener gy con sump tion in Eu ro pe an re si den ti al bu il dings In the sa me pe ri od the sha re of ap pli an ces ro se from 15% to al most 20%. Sta ti stics re ve al strong dif fe ren ces wit hin EU27 in hou se holds ener gy con sump tion. Lu xem - bourg di splays the hig hest con sump tion with 16,142 kwh/a whi le Mal ta ac counts for on ly 2,303 kwh/a (Eu ro stat, 2009). The aim of the Eu ro pe an Com mis sion is to re du ce ener gy con sump tion by 20% un til 2020 (Ener gy Ef fi cien cy Ac tion Plan 2006). You can con tri bu te to the achie ve ment of this go al by de ve lo ping ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces. The EC Di rec ti ve on Ener gy End Use Ef fi cien cy and Ener gy Ser vi ces (2006/32) re la tes ener gy sa vings to ener gy ser vi ces. The main po ints of this Di rec ti ve in clu de: Mem ber sta tes shall achie ve a na tio nal ener gy sa vings tar get of 9% by The pu blic sec tor has to act as a good exam ple in mee ting the tar get. Mem ber sta tes ha ve to put in pla ce obli ga tions on ener gy sup pliers and di stri bu tors to pro mo te ener gy ef fi cien cy. Go vern ments shall adopt re gu la tion on me te ring and bil ling to al low cons um ers to ma ke bet ter in for med de ci sions ab out their ener gy use. 4

5 Best Prac ti ce 2: Dord recht is hel ping low-in co me hou se holds Sta ke hol ders in fo cus: The Mu ni ci pa li ty of Dord recht is gi ving low-in co me hou se holds tai lorma de ad vi ce on ener gy sa ving. The main in te rest of the hou se holds is to re du ce their ener gy bills. Spe ci al aspects: The pro ject Ener gie op Maat ( Ener gy, Ma de to Me a su re ) is a fa ce to-fa ce ener gy ad vi so ry ser vi ce. Ave ra ge ener gy sa vings amount to 11% 12% for gas and elec tri ci ty. The Ex pe rien ce: The aim was to rai se re si dents avai la ble in co me by sa ving ener gy costs. Ener gy con sul tants vi si ted the par ti ci pa ting hou se holds and ana ly zed ener gy use to get her with the re si dents. The con sul tants then pro po sed sim ple me a su res and me ans of sa ving ener gy, in clu ding draught strips, ener gy-sa ving light bulbs, re flec ti ve fo il be hind ra di a - tors, etc. The pro ject star ted in the Oud- Kri spijn di strict of Dord recht and be - cau se of its suc cess it has been rol led out to ot her di stricts of the ci ty as well. Mo re in for ma tion: cms.dord, gie op, Scharp et al

6 How to chan ge be ha viour In ge ne ral, re si dents ha bits are not ea sy to chan ge. Pe o ple are bu sy with their da i ly li ves, and en joy be ing com for ta ble at home. Fur ther mo re, usu al ly they ha ve no cle ar in sight in to their ener gy con sump tion and how that re la tes to their ener gy bills. Fi gu re 2: Con di tions for chan ging be ha viour The fol lo wing fi gu re sum ma ri - zes im por tant aspects in fluen - cing the ener gy-con su ming be - ha viours of hou se holds. Ba sed on scien ti fic re se arch on hu man be ha viour we re com mend kee ping the fol lo wing facts in mind when you are im ple men ting ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces: Em pi ri cal stu dies in di ca te that ge ne ral in for ma tion alo ne (e.g. flyers, bro chu res) is usu al ly not enough to mo di fy con su mer ha bits. But they do help to im pro ve the know led ge ab - out ener gy pro blems and op tions for ener gy sa ving. Feed back me a su res com bi ned with in di vi du al con sul ta tions ap pe ars to be the most pro - mi sing ap pro ach. Ma ny stu dies sug gest that up to 20% of the da i ly ener gy con sump tion may be sa ved if hou se holds get con ti nu ous, per so na li zed and com pa ra ti ve feed back. Stay ing clo se to the da i ly si tu a tion of re si dents and gi ving them per so nal at ten tion are key fac tors. Wha te ver you do, in vol ve your hou se holds from the very be gin ning in de ve loping your ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces. Par ti ci pa tion is one of the key suc cess fac tors. When pe o ple are ac tors and not just pas si ve re ci pients of in for ma tion you will con si der ab ly in - cre a se the chan ces for suc cess. If you want to im ple ment a suc cess ful ener gy awa re ness ser vi ce, le arn from the ex pe rien ces of others! Ha ve a look at the Be wa ree da ta ba se. 6

7 Best Prac ti ce 3: Karls ru he is kee ping an eye on ener gy ef fi cien cy Sta ke hol ders in fo cus: The hou sing com pa ny Volks woh nung GmbH Karls ru he is hel ping te nants to keep an eye on their own ener gyre la ted be ha viour. This al so streng thens the com pa ny s cor po ra te ima ge in terms of so ci al re spon si bi li ty and at - tracts new te nants. Spe ci al aspects: Con ti nu ous mo ni to ring of ener gy con sump tion helps te nants li ving in mo der ni zed flats to adapt their be ha viour to their new ener gy-ef fi cient ho mes. The Ex pe rien ce: So me re cent ly mo der ni zed dwel lings we re equip ped with sen sors that ana ly ze he at con sump tion and ven ti la tion pat terns. In ad di tion, in half of the flats, mo ni tors di s - play ing ener gy con sump tion we re in stal led. The re si dents da i ly ener gy con sump tion is il lu stra ted with three ty pes of smi leys that in form users ab out their per for man ce. The hou sing com pa ny ai med to iden ti fy the im pact of mo ni to ring and feed back on hou se hold ener gy con sump tion and ai med to as sess if the cal cu la ted ener gy-sa ving po ten ti al could be ful ly achie ved with the se me a su res. The re sults we re im pres si ve. Com pa red to the con - trol group in the sa me bu il ding, the test group used around 7% less ener - gy. This em pi ri cal evi den ce en cou ra ges the use of mo ni to ring sy stems that, for so me hou se holds, might be an ex cel lent way of re du cing ener gy con sump tion. Mo re in for ma tion: woh nung-karls ru, Scharp et al

8 Le arn from the ex pe rien ces of others In the Be wa ree pro ject we ana ly zed ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces in 27 Eu ro pe an coun tries. The re sults ha ve been ga the red in a da ta ba se of rough ly 100 ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces. From this bro ad sam ple we ha ve se lec ted 38 best prac ti ces ac cor ding to the fol lo wing cri te ria: They are con si de red to ha ve a lar ge mar ket po ten ti al They ha ve a con sid er a ble ener gy-sa ving po ten ti al They are ea sy to adapt in most Eu ro pe an coun tries Ser vi ce costs They are in no va ti ve Ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces may re du ce con sump tion by 5% 10% and in so me ca ses even by 20%. The Be wa ree ser vi ces are grou ped in to 13 ser vi ce ca te go ries along cen tral cha rac te ri stics (see Fi gu re 3). We ad vi se you to use the Be wa ree Da ta ba se in your pro cess of de ve lo ping ener - gy ser vi ces for hou se holds. Ta ke a clo se look at all the best prac ti ces, se lect ide as for your tar get group and adapt the ser vi ce ac cor ding to your own re qui re ments. Fi gu re 3: Ener gy ser vi ce ca te go ries in the Be wa ree pro ject 8

9 How to im ple ment suc cess ful ser vi ces The Be wa ree Da ta ba se des cri bes a wi de va rie ty of ser vi ces for en cou ra ging be ha viou ral chan ges. So me es sen ti al ele ments of an ef fec ti ve ap pro ach should be to: Le arn mo re ab out your tar get group Ex plo re with te nants how to chan ge be ha viour Le arn from ot her best prac ti ces Coo pe ra te with ot her com pe tent or ga ni sa tions The Be wa ree ex pe rien ce shows that a sy ste ma tic ap pro ach and hou se hold par ti ci pa tion are key suc cess fac tors for de ve lo ping ser vi ces. The Be wa ree pro ject part ners de ve lo ped a six step ap pro ach for cre a ting and im ple men ting ser vi ces tar ge ting ener gy-re la ted be ha viours. This me thod can be con si de red as a mo di fied form of the Ser vi ce En gi nee ring (SE) ap pro ach fo cus sing espe ci al ly on rai sing ener gy awa re ness and re si dents par ti ci pa tion. The six-step ap pro ach to im ple men ting suc cess ful ser vi ces Step 1: Ana ly ze the con cerns of hou se holds as well as your own con cerns First of all ask the tar get group ab out its needs with re - spect to ener gy use (e.g. re du cing ener gy bills, in cre a - sing com fort etc). Not on ly the per so nal in ter ests of re si dents must be ana ly zed but their ent i re si tu a - tion, in clu ding their eco no mic con di tions, their be - liefs and, if pos si ble, their cur rent ways of con su - ming ener gy. Get this in for ma tion e.g. by opi nion polls, que stion nai res and re si dent mee tings. Fur - ther mo re, it is al so ne ces sa ry to ana ly ze your own si tu a tion and in ter ests as a ser vi ce pro vi der. Step 2: Cre a te ser vi ces to get her with tar get groups The spe ci fic si tu a tion of your tar get group must be the star ting po int when you cre a te your ener gy awa reness ser vi ce. Va rious ty pes of ser vi ces are avail a ble in the Be wa ree Da ta ba se. Se lect ap pro pri a te ac ti vi ties to get her with your tar get group. Fi gu re 4: Six-step ap pro ach 9

10 Step 3: Adapt the ser vi ce to spe ci fic needs Adapt the ser vi ce to the spe ci fic needs of your tar get group, de pen ding on the ty pe of hou sehold, hou sing cha rac te ri stics, hou sing mar kets, ow ners hip etc. Se lect the best ide as for ac tion by com bi ning new ide as from brains tor ming ses sions with best prac ti ces from the Be wa ree Da ta ba se. In vol ve ot her sta ke hol ders such as con su mer or re si dent or ga ni za tions, if pos si ble. De ve lop an im ple men ta tion plan. Step 4: Test ser vi ce, train staff and pre pa re re sour ces Pre pa re the im ple men ta tion of the ser vi ce tho rough ly. Test it with a small group and fi na li ze the de ve lop ment ta king their com ments in to ac count. Start the com mu ni ca tion on ti me and train the staff in vol ved in the im ple men ta tion of the ser vi ce. If you need pro ducts such as me ters test them be fo re di stri bu ting them to hou se holds. Step 5: Im ple ment the ser vi ce pro fes sio nal ly, pa tient ly and pas sio na te ly In tro du cing an ener gy awa re ness ser vi ce is a com plex pro cess that needs ti me and en thu si asm. You can not for ce pe o ple to chan ge their be ha viours in the sa me way that you in stall ef fi cient tech no lo gy. The re fo re the im ple men ta tion of an ener gy awa re ness ser vi ce must be con duc ted pro fes sio nal ly, pa tient ly and pas sio na te ly. Step 6: Eva lu a te and op ti mi ze ser vi ce En su re the con ti nu i ty, eva lu a te the re sults and, if ne ces sa ry, im - pro ve the ener gy awa re ness ser vi ce. Best Prac ti ce 4: Union Fe no sa s Vir tu al Fo rest Sta ke hol ders in fo cus: The Ener gy Ef fi cien cy Cen tre of the Spa nish ener gy com pa ny Unión Fe no sa laun ched Vir tu al Fo rest. Spe ci al aspects: Unión Fe no sa do na ted 1 to a re fo re sta tion pro ject in Bra zil for each par ti ci pant in the Vir tu al Fo rest pro ject. The Ex pe rien ce: The Vir tu al Fo rest gui ded hou se holds to wards a mo re ef fi cient use of ener gy by in vi ting them to fill out an on-li ne que stion nai re on their con sump tion ha bits. This was fol lo wed by ad vi ce on pos si ble ac tions for re du cing ener gy con sump tion. By 2009, around 55,000 pe o ple had be co me in vol ved in the pro ject. Unión Fe no sa esti ma tes that the re fo re sta tion pro ject re sul ted in the pre ven tion of 2,600 t of CO2 emis sions in ad di tion to the po ten ti al ab a te ment ef fect of the 27,400 trees that ha ve been plan ted. If a par ti ci pant in the on-li ne en qui ry sub mit ted his or her ad dress, he or she re cei ved a com pa ra ti ve eva lu a tion of the pre sent ener gy use in the hou se hold as well as prac ti cal re com men da tions for im pro ve ments. Mo re in for ma tion: sque vir tu dex_en.aspx, Scharp et al

11 Ma ke it hap pen! If we want to fight glo bal cli ma te chan ge then the re is an ur gent need to chan ge be ha viours. Ob vious ly we need mo re know led ge ab out cli ma te chan ge but know led ge is not the co re pro blem. On ly if hou se holds suc cess ful ly chan ge their be ha viour and adopt an ener gy-sa ving way of li fe will we win the batt le. Ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces help to chan ge re si dents ha bits and sa ve ener gy. Im ple ment them! Ener gy awa re ness ser vi ces are ge ne ral ly mo re cost-ef fec ti ve than tech ni cal me a su res. The ta ble be low pre sents the costs of three tech ni cal me a su res com pa red to one be ha viour re la ted me - a su re. The be ha viou ral ac tion is cle ar ly the most cost-ef fec ti ve (Uit zin ger, IVAM, 2009). Wind tur bi ne: 44 / ton CO2 Was hing ma chi ne: 570 / ton CO EUR 200 EUR ex tra for the A la bel Li fe ex pect an cy 30 ye ars Li fe ex pect an cy 7 ye ars Sa ves 980 ton CO2/ye ar Sa ves 0.05 ton CO2/ye ar PV so lar col lec tor: 600 / ton CO2 Be ha viou ral cam paign: 30 / ton CO EUR EUR Li fe ex pect an cy 25 ye ars Li fe ex pect an cy 1 3 ye ars Sa ves 0.4 ton CO2/ye ar Sa ves 360 ton CO2/ye ar Choo se the right mo ment to im ple ment ser vi ces, for exam ple in the cour se of re fur bish ments or when new re si dents mo ve in to a hou se. Try to cre a te po si ti ve si de ef fects of ener gy awa re ness servi ces such as im pro ving so ci al co he sion by in vol ving groups of re si dents or im pro ving the fi nan ci al si tu a tion of low-in co me hou seholds. 11

12 More information References Huber, Andreas; Kortman, Jaap; Martin, Ana; Scharp, Michael (2010): BewareE Manual Developing and Implementing EnergyAwareness Services Scharp, M.; Huber, A.; Kortman, J.; Martin, A. (2008): Energy Services in Europe BewareE database website: National case studies summary: European Parliament(2006): Directive 2006/32/ECofthe EuropeanParliament and of the Council on energyend-use efficiency and energy services and repealing. Council Directive 93/76/EEC Lautsten, Jens (2008): EnergyEfficiency Requirements in Building Codes,EnergyEfficiency Policies for New Buildings. International Energy Agency and OECD Eurostat (2009):Energy, transportand environment indicators: Contributors to this brochure Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment Schopenhauerstraße 26, Berlin, Germany Dr. Michael Scharp, (co-ordinator) IVAM, Research and consultancy on sustainability Plantage Muidergracht 14, 1001ZB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jaap Kortman: European Institute for Energy Research Emmy-Noether Straße 11, Karlsruhe, Germany Andreas Huber, Inasmet-Tecnalia, Paseo Mikeletegi 2, Parque Tecnológico, Donostia San Sebastián, Spain Ana Martin, Disclaimer: This brochure is composed within the framework of the BewareE project, which is co-funded by the Intelligent EnergyEuropeProgramme 2006 (EIE/07/242SI BewareE). Thepan-European BewareE project partners consist of IZT in Germany (co-ordinator), EIFER in France, IVAM in the Netherlands and INASMET-Tecnalia in Spain. The sole responsibility for the content of this brochure lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. This brochure was printed on 100% recycled paper and without the use of additional bleaching and optical brightening. photo sources: Volkswohnung Karlsruhe / Fraunhofer-Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung / KEA Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur / / / / BMU / Xdream /Prioriterre /Union Fenosa /Municipality of Dordrecht


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