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1 United States Foreign Mail Advertising/Illustrated Covers th Century Issues Issues Issues Issues Locals Postal Stationery Airmail through Booklets Revenues: Proprietary Revenues: Match and Medicine British Commonwealth Great Britain Canada St. Vincent General Foreign Chile Cuba Haiti Israel Macao TABLE OF CONTENTS: SALE 4072 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 1

2 United States Foreign Mail , cover to France, 48 dou ble closed mail rate paid by 3 (94 x9) and 2 (93) on 10 postal en tire (U41 faulty), all cancelled by red handstamps, Bal ti more c.d.s., New York Paid, on re verse four cop ies of 94 with Paris re - ceiver, there are three stamps miss ing on ob verse, prob a - bly 3 which would make the post age 48, rough con di tion aside, a rare usage, F-VF $ , cover to Eng land, 1895, 5 choc o late (270) tied by 1896 Mel bourne PA du plex on cover ad dressed to Lon don Eng land, pur ple oval hand stamp United States Postal Agent, F-VF $ , cover to Eng land, red New York c.d.s., ad - dressed to the Con gress in Lon don Eng land, Lon don re - ceiver and United States Dis patch Agent hand stamp, F-VF $ , cover to Eng land, for warded to France, 1898, 5 dark blue (281) tied by 1902 Salis bury MD du plex on cover ad dressed to Lon don Eng land, bin oc u lar style NY post age due, pur ple Charge Not Paid/E.G. No3, debit 5d/F.B.C., for warded to Paris, 50 cen times France post - age due, with Lon don & Paris re ceiv ers on reverse, F-VF. $100 2 Danbury Stamp Sales

3 Advertising/Illustrated Covers 8005 [Home Prod ucts] Phil a del phia PA, White Moun - tain Re frig er a tors, 2 (319) tied by 1908 Phil a del phia PA ma chine can cel on allover mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, with ad di tional mul ti col ored allover il lus trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to Fredricksburg PA, with orig i nal con - tents, a choice ex am ple of this beau ti ful ad cover; barely re duced at right, light toning along bottom edge, VF... $ [Tents] St Louis MO, Chas Rippe Tents, Flags, 2 (213) tied by St Louis MO du plex to green il lus trated ad cover of tents, with ad di tional gor geous allover il lus trated ad of ham mocks on re verse, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT; re duced at right, edge flaws, F-VF $ [Of fice] Al bany NY, A.P.W. Pa per Co, 1 (206) cancelled by cork can cel on green & white allover il lus - trated ad of rail road bridge and steamer wharves, ad - dressed to Sandusky OH, a spec tac u lar Al bany scene; light ton ing, min ute tear bot tom edge, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] Cleve land OH, Schwenger Klein & Co Butch ers, 2 (295) tied by 1901 Cleve land OH ma - chine can cel, on pink ad en ve lope, with ad di tional red & black allover il lus trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to New York City, a true gem, VF $ [Book seller] Phil a del phia, Garey Bros & Grevemeyer Sta tio ners, 2 (220) tied by 1891 Phil a del - phia PA ma chine can cel on brown il lus trated allover ad cover, ad dressed to Frederica DE; re duced at right, VF. $ [Food & Drink] Ottumwa IA, Mor rell s Iowa s Pride Meats, 2 Wash ing ton with Schermack Type III per - fo ra tions tied by 1916 Ottumwa IA ma chine can cel to red and black il lus trated ad with ad di tional black & white il lus - trated ads on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA, F-VF. $150 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 3

4 8011 [Fur ni ture] Grand Rap ids MI, Grand Rap ids Chair Co, 3 tied by Grand Rap ids MI c.d.s. on brown and white allover il lus trated ad with ad di tional il lus trated ads on re verse, ad dressed to Lan sing MI; re duced at right af fect - ing il lus tra tions, F-VF $ [Flag] New ark NJ, The White head & Hoag Co, 2 (267) tied by 1898 New York ma chine can cel to il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to NYC; re duced at left af fect ing il lus - tra tion, F-VF $ [Man u fac turer] Phil a del phia PA, En ter prise Mfg Co Meat Grinder, 1 (219) tied by Phil a del phia dumb oval to green and red il lus trated ad with ad di tional il lus trated allover ad on re verse, ad dressed to Fredrica DE; re duced at right, F-VF $ [Fur ni ture] Grand Rap ids MI, Grand Rap ids Chair Co, 3 (207) tied by Grand Rap ids MI c.d.s. on gray allover il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional il lus tra tions on re verse, ad dressed to Lan sing MI; re duced at right, F-VF. $ [Food & Drink] Chi cago IL, Scudder s Can ada Ma ple Syrup, 2 (301) tied by 1903 Chi cago IL ma chine can cel on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad with ad di tional mul ti - col ored il lus trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to Mt. Car mel IL; re duced at right, F-VF $ [Soap] New York City, Gold Dust Wash ing Pow - der, 1 (264) tied by 1896 New York City flag can cel to il - lus trated iconic ad cover of black twins in a wash tub, ad dressed to Honeoye NY; light ton ing, F-VF $150 4 Danbury Stamp Sales

5 8017 [Whis key] Cincinnati OH, James Levy & Bro., 2 (210) tied by 1888 Cincinnati OH du plex on ad cover, with ad di tional gold and black il lus trated allover ad on re verse, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT; opened roughly at top, small piece of backflap at left miss ing, F-VF $ [Whis key] Chi cago IL, Goodhart Hartman Co, 2 (279B) tied by 1902 Chi cago IL ma chine can cel on mul ti - col ored il lus trated ad cover, with ad di tional ad for Her ald Rye on re verse, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT, pat ent envelope, VF $ [Nurs ery] Sac ra mento CA, W.R. Strong Com - pany, 2 (220) tied by 1892 Sac ra mento CA du plex to allover il lus trated ad cover, show ing a train trav el ing through or chards, ad dressed to Hel ena MT, for warded to Vir ginia City; re duced at right, F-VF $ [Locks] Lan cas ter PA, D.F. Buchmiller Safe Pad Lock Works, 2 (220) tied by 1894 Lan cas ter PA du plex on il lus trated ad cover ad dressed to Beverly MA; re duced at left, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] Bozeman MT, Ceretana Flour, 2 (319) tied by 1908 Bozeman MT flag can cel on gold, blue and red ad cover, with ad di tional tri-col ored il lus trated ads on re verse, ad dressed to Vir ginia City, MT, F-VF..... $ [Po lit i cal] New York City, Bill Taft Our Next Pres - ident, 1 (300) tied by 1908 New York City ma chine can cel on over sized il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional allover ad on re verse, ad dressed to Mattawankeag ME; tiny stain lower left, VF $150 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 5

6 8023 [Man u fac turer] Cleve land OH, The Cy clone Wo - ven Wire Fence Co, 2 imperf (384) tied by 1912 Cleve - land OH ma chine can cel on allover il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA, an ex cep tional cover, VF.. $ [State Fair] Cincinnati OH, 11th In dus trial Ex hi - bition, 2 (210) tied by 1884 Ur bana OH c.d.s. on ad cover for Fa vor ite Stoves, with ad di tional ads on re verse for the ex hi bi tion, ad dressed to Buf falo NY; stained up per left on front, light ton ing up per right on reverse, F-VF $ [Manufacturer] Providence RI, George M. Cruickshank, 2 (210) tied by 1885 Prov i dence RI du plex on allover il lus trated ad cover of en gines, ad dressed to Pal myra NY; re duced at left, F-VF $ [In sur ance] Boston MA, Mass Mu tual Au to mo - bile In sur ance, precancelled 1 Wash ing ton seal ing six panel il lus trated ad folder, still un opened, ad dressed to Wil ton CT, with ad for 1916 Boston Auto Show and an other for fire extinguishers, VF $ [To bacco] St. Louis MO, Weinheimer & Opp. Im - port ers of To bacco, 2 (267) tied by 1896 St Louis MO ma chine can cel on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover ad - dressed to In di a nap o lis IN; re duced at left, F-VF..... $ [Food & Drink] Bozeman MT, Ceretana Flour, 2 (319) tied by 1904 Bozeman MT du plex on gold, blue and red ad cover, with ad di tional tri-col ored il lus trated ads on re verse, ad dressed to Vir ginia City, MT, F-VF $120 6 Danbury Stamp Sales

7 8029 [State Fair] Berlin CT, State Fair, 2 (332) tied by 1910 Berlin CT c.d.s. on red, yel low and brown il lus trated ad cover with trio of cows, horses and pigs and a bal loon in the back ground, ad dressed to Wil ton CT; sunned strip on re verse at top, F-VF $ [Man u fac turer] Chi cago IL, Chi cago Scale Co, 1 (206) tied by Chi cago dumb oval, on allover il lus trated ad cover for tool man u fac turer, ad dressed to Proctorville VT; ton ing bot tom edge, F-VF $ [Man u fac turer] De troit MI, Berry Bros Var - nishes, 1 (331) tied by 1911 De troit MI flag can cel, stamp with perfin, on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Al bany NY; light stain bot tom left, slight ton ing bot tom edge, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] Mil wau kee WI, A. Booth & Co Oys ters, 2 (267) tied by 1899 Mil wau kee WI ma chine can cel, on il lus trated ad cover ad dressed to City; ink dock - et ing left and cen ter, F-VF $ [State Fair] Read ing PA, Read ing s Sesqui-Cen - ten nial, 2 (267) tied by 1898 Read ing PA flag can cel on allover il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Binghamton NY; ink spots lower right, VF $ [State Fair] Galesburg IL, Semi Cen ten nial & Home Com ing, 2 (319) tied by 1907 Galesburg IL flag can cel, on yel low and black il lus trated ad cover, ad - dressed to Bloomfield IA, F-VF $120 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 7

8 8035 [Ma chin ery] Greensburg IN, W.P. Skeen & Co, 2 (319) tied by ma chine can cel to mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional ad on backflap, ad dressed to Greensburg IN, for warded to Clarksburg IN; light ton ing, F-VF $ [Book seller] Rutl and VT, The Tuttle Com pany, 1 (212) tied by cork killer to green allover ad cover with ad di tional ad on re verse, ad dressed to Proctorville VT, VF. $ [Tools] Phil a del phia PA, Planet JR Goods, 1 postal card (UX8) with il lus tra tion of plow on re verse, ad - dressed to Haverford Col lege PA; writ ing on re verse, no postal mark ings, F-VF $ [Farm] Havard IL, The Croso Cross Draft Hay Car rier, 2 (393) tied by 1911 Har vard IL du plex on ad cover, with ad di tional mul ti col ored allover ad on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sides, pin holes, F-VF $ [To bacco] Utica NY, Louuis W Killeen Honey Cured To bacco, 1 postal card (UX18) cancelled by 1902 Utica NY ma chine can cel with il lus trated ad fea tur ing an in dian on re verse, ad dressed to Schenectady NY; light di - ag o nal crease, F-VF $ [Mu sic] Elkhart IN, C.G. Conn Inc Mu si cal In - struments, 2 (Q2) tied by 1913 Elkhart IN ma chine can - cel on il lus trated ad cover, with ad di tional il lus trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; stamp has spin dle hole, cover opened top and sides, F-VF $100 8 Danbury Stamp Sales

9 8041 [Cloth ing] Chi cago IL, E.B. Pres ton & Co Rub - ber & Oiled Cloth ing, 2 (267) tied by 1895 Chi cago IL du plex on ad cover, with ad di tional map of Chi cago and ad on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; cover opened top and sides, pin holes, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] Hammondsport NY, Gran ite Flour, 2 (295) tied by 1901 Hammondsport NY du plex on mul ti col ored il lus trated re bus ad cover, ad dressed to Boston MA; tear re verse right side, pin holes, F-VF.... $ [Cloth ing] Mishawaka IN, Mishawaka Woolen Manf g Co, 2 (267) tied by 1898 Mishawaka IN du plex on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; cover opened top and sides, pin holes in stamp, F-VF..... $ [Cloth ing] Chi cago IL, E.B. Pres ton & Co Rub - ber & Oiled Cloth ing, 2 (267) tied by 1897 Chi cago IL flag can cel on ad cover, with ad di tional il lus trated ad of fly - ing ma chine on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; cover opened top and sides, pin holes, F-VF $ [Sad dles] St Louis MO, Henry Hotze & Sons Sad dlery, 2 (267) tied by 1898 St Louis MO ma chine can cel on il lus trated ad cover ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sides, pin holes in stamp, F-VF.... $ [Man u fac turer] Waukegan IL, Cy clone San i tary Fence Co, 3 coil (394) tied by 1918 Waukegan IL ma - chine can cel on ad cover, with mul ti col ored allover il lus - trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; stamp has faded, F-VF $100 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 9

10 8047 [Beer] Ottumwa IA, Schlitz, 2 (267) tied by 1898 Ottumwa IA du plex, on ad cover with ad di tional il lus trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; ton ing at top, pin holes, opened at top and left, F-VF $ [Stove & Fur nace] Manistee MI, Pen in su lar Stoves, 2 (319) tied by Manistee MI flag can cel on mul ti - col ored il lus trated allover ad cover with ad di tional il lus - trated ad on back flap, ad dressed to Spo kane WA, F-VF.. $ [Tents] St Louis MO, Mis souri Tent & Awn ing Co, 2 (301) tied by 1903 St Louis MO World s Fair ma - chine can cel on il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional il lus - trated ads on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened top and sides, pin hole in stamp, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] Prov i dence RI, Chid low Bread, 2 (319) tied by 1905 Prov i dence RI ma chine can cel on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional ad on re - verse, ad dressed to Mansfield MA; opened roughly at top, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] Lan cas ter PA, Colburn s Mus - tard, 2 (406) tied by 1915 Lan cas ter PA du plex on mul ti - col ored il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional mul ti col ored il lus trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to Mt. Joy PA; opened roughly at right, F-VF $ [Carriage] Columbus OH, Columbus Buggy Co, 2 (332) tied by 1909 Co lum bus OH ma chine can cel on il - lus trated ad cover with ad di tional il lus trated ads on re - verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened top and sides, pin holes, F-VF $60 10 Danbury Stamp Sales

11 8053 [Sew ing Ma chine] Lou is ville KY, The Howe Ma - chine Com pany, 3 (158) tied by blue cross roads with Lou is ville KY c.d.s. on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Co lum bia KY; ton ing and edge faults, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] New York NY, Amer i can Bis cuit & Manufacturing Co, 2 (220) tied by 1894 New York du - plex on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional ad on re verse, ad dressed to Fairfield County CT, with il lus - trated billhead; edge toning, F-VF $ [Home Prod ucts] Chi cago IL, Heath & Milligan Pre pared Paint, 2 (319) tied by 1905 Keosauqua IA du - plex on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomington IA; edge ton ing, F-VF $ [Ho tel] Neenah WI, Rob ert s Sum mer Re sort, 3 (184) tied by Neenah WI du plex on il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional allover ad on re verse, ad dressed to Chi cago IL, F-VF $60 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 11

12 8057 [Tour ism] Dayton OH, The Na tional Ex change, 2 (220) tied by 1894 Dayton OH ma chine can cel on il lus - trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA, VERY EARLY DEPICTION OF PIXIES; pa per loss in il lus tra tion, F-VF. $ [Ma chin ery] New York City, Geo B Eddy Ma chin - ery, pair 1 (206) tied by 1887 New York du plex on allover il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Chelsea MA, with billhead; over all ton ing, F-VF $ [Man u fac turer] Omaha NE, Bemis Bag Co, 2 (319) tied by 1907 Omaha NE ma chine can cel on il lus - trated in dian ad cover, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT, VF. $ [Fur ni ture] Leb a non NH, Mead, Ma son & Co, 1 postal card (UX5) cancelled by tar get, with Leb a non NH c.d.s., with il lus trated ad on re verse of Larg est Fac to ries In New Eng land, ad dressed to Bethel VT; creased hor i - zon tally, Fine $50 12 Danbury Stamp Sales

13 8061 [Food & Drink] Ottumwa IA, Mor rell s Meats, 2 (319) tied by 1906 Ottumwa IA flag can cel, on il lus trated red and black ad cover with ad di tional il lus trated ad on re - verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; pin holes, opened at top and sides, pen cil dock et ing, F-VF $ [Tents] St Jo seph MO, G.M. Seick Mfg Co, 2 (267) tied by du plex on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened top and sides, pin holes, F-VF... $ [Pho tog ra phy] St. Louis MO, Somerville Photo Sup plies, 2 (220) tied by 1894 St Louis MO ma chine can - cel, on il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional ad on back flap, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sides, pen - cil dock et ing, F-VF $ [Rail road] Phil a del phia PA, Freight Sta tion Pen - na Rail Road, 3 (65) tied by 1864 Phil a del phia c.d.s. on blue shield cameo ad cover, ad dressed to Co lum bia PA; edge tears and ton ing, F-VF $ [Candy] Burlington IA, James W Smither Crack - ers & Can dies, 2 (267) tied by 1897 Burlington IA ma - chine can cel on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened top and sides, pin - holes, F-VF $ [Pho tog ra phy] St. Louis MO, Somerville Photo Sup plies, 2 (250) tied by 1895 St Louis MO ma chine can - cel, on il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional ad on back flap, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sides, F-VF $50 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 13

14 8067 [Pub li ca tion] Rock Is land IL, The Hus tler, 2 (267) tied by 1898 Rockville flag can cel, on il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional il lus trated ad for chew ing gum on re - verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sides, pin holes in stamp, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] New Ibe ria LA, Ex tract of Tabasco, 2 (332) tied by 1910 New Ibe ria LA flag can cel on ad cover with green sticker, ad dressed to Mount Car - mel IL; re duced at right, light ton ing at bot tom, F-VF... $ [Pub li ca tion] Rock Is land IL, The Hus tler, 2 (267) tied by 1898 Rockville flag can cel, on il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional il lus trated ad for chew ing gum on re - verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sides, pin holes in stamp, F-VF $ [An i mal] Chi cago IL, Lufkin Stock Yards & Feed - ing Co, 2 (279B) tied by 1902 Chi cago IL ma chine can cel on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT; edge flaws, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] New York NY, Durkee& Co Spices, 2 postal en tire (U362) cancelled by 1900 New York flag can cel on il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional ad on back flap, ad dressed to City; nick at left edge and right bot tom cor ner, soil ing bot tom cor ners, F-VF $ [Med i cal] Chi cago IL, Charles Truax & Co Med i - cal Sup plies, 3 (213) tied by Chi cago IL du plex on ad cover, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT; re duced at right, F-VF $50 14 Danbury Stamp Sales

15 8073 [Man u fac turer] Chi cago IL, Chi cago Spe cialty Box Co, 2 (319) tied by 1904 Chi cago IL ma chine can cel on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Mon treal Can ada, F-VF $ [Publication] Norfolk VA, Southern Argus, Nor- folk VA 3 Paid/Sep/3 on ad cover, ad dressed to Jeffersonton VA, the Argus was pub lished from , F-VF $ [Man u fac turer] New Ha ven CT, Good year & Ives Car riage Ax les, 2 (183) tied by New Ha ven du plex on il - lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Middleville NY; re duced at right, F-VF $ [Tem per ance] In tem per ance Is The Bane of So ci ety, allover il lus trated cover pub lished by Geo Jewett Hart ford CT, ad dressed to Glastonbury CT; no postal mark ings, stain ing and wear, F-VF $ [Manufacturer] Boston MA, Noyes Cabinet Oil Tanks, 3 (184) tied by Boston MA du plex on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Haverhill NY; re duced at right, small tear at right, F-VF $ [Med i cal] Phil a del phia PA, Wil liam R Warner & Co, 2 (286) tied by 1899 il lus trated ad cover ad dressed to Hart ford CT, Wil liam R Warner & Co was a med i cine bot - tler started in 1866 and even tu ally moved to New York City; re duced at left, light toning, F-VF $50 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 15

16 8079 [Rail road] Cristobal C.Z., Pan ama Rail road Co, pair 1 (16) tied by Cristobal C.Z. du plexes on ad cover ad - dressed to An con CZ; re duced at left, over all ton ing, F-VF. $ [Home Prod ucts] Hud son CO, Acme Qual ity Stains & Var nishes, 2 (332) tied by 1910 Hud son CO du plex on mul ti col ored ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomington IA; opened top and sides, pin holes, F-VF.. $ [Stove & Fur nace] Mil ton IA, The Great Ma jes tic Range, 2 (319) tied by 1904 Mil ton IA du plex on mul ti col - ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sides, pin holes, F-VF $ [Home Prod ucts] Chi cago IL, Coit & Co Mixed Paints, 2 (267) tied by 1896 Chi cago IL flag can cel on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomington IA; opened top and sides, F-VF $ [Stove & Fur nace] Mil ton IA, The Great Ma jes tic Range, 2 (250) tied by RPO on il lus trated ad cover, ad - dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sides, pin - holes, F-VF $ [Ma chin ery] Phil a del phia PA, The Geo A Smith Ma chin ery Co, 2 (279B) tied by 1900 Phil a del phia PA ma chine can cel on ad cover, ad dressed to Phil a del phia PA; re duced at left, over all toning, F-VF $40 16 Danbury Stamp Sales

17 8085 [Man u fac turer] Boston MA, Elliot Pa per Box Co, 1 postal en tire (U116) cancelled by 1890 Boston MA ma - chine can cel, with il lus trated ad, ad dressed to Wausau NY; light edge wear, F-VF $ [Home Prod ucts] St. Louis MO, F.A. Drew Glass Co, 2 (250) tied by 1895 St Louis du plex on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; light ton ing, F-VF... $ [Home Prod ucts] Jer sey City NJ, C.A. Woolsey White Lead, 3 (213) tied by 1888 Jer sey City NJ du plex on allover il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Manasquam NJ; opened roughly at top, F-VF $ [Stove & Fur nace] Erie PA, Germer Stove Co, 2 (463) tied by 1917 Erie PA ma chine can cel on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Findley Lake NY; tear up per right edge, F-VF $ [Food & Drink] Chi cago IL, Ervin A Rice Co Mince Meat, 2 (319) tied by 1906 Chi cago IL ma chine can cel on ad cover, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT, VF.. $ [Mu sic] Min ne ap o lis MN, The Brooks Pi ano Co, 2 (499) tied by 1920 Min ne ap o lis MN ma chine can cel on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Mt Pleas - ant IA; opened top and sides, light soil ing at left, F-VF.. $40 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 17

18 8091 [An i mal] Mil wau kee WI, Wilbur s Stock Food, 2 (319) tied by 1904 Mil wau kee WI ma chine can cel on il lus - trated ad cover with ad di tional il lus trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to Lan sing MI; re duced at right, toned, F-VF. $ [Tour ism] Iola KS, Allen County In vest ment Co, 2 (279B) tied by Iola KS du plex on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; light over all ton ing, F-VF.. $ [Ma chin ery] Des Moines IA, Des Moines Mfg & Supply Co, 2 (250) tied by 1895 Des Moines IA ma chine can cel on il lus trated ad cover with ad di tional il lus trated ad on re verse, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened top and sides, F-VF $ [Soap] Phil a del phia PA, Barker s Big Soap, 1 (212) tied by Phil a del phia PA dumb oval on il lus trated train ad cover, ad dressed to Proctorsville VT; tear bot tom left, F-VF $ [Man u fac turer] Rock Is land IL, Rock Is land Plow Co, 2 (279B) tied by Rock Is land IL flag can cel on red & blue allover ad cover, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT, VF $ [Exposition] Buffalo NY, Pan Am Exposition, 2 (279B) tied by 1902 Buf falo NY ma chine can cel on mul ti - col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to McGraw NY; light wear and toning, F-VF $40 18 Danbury Stamp Sales

19 8097 [Cloth ing] Keokuk IA, The Huiskamp Bros Whole sale Shoes, 10 (338) and 2 (332) tied by in dis - tinct c.d.s., on il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA, with 1910 reg is tered hans stamp; opened at top and sides, pin holes in 10 stamp, F-VF $ [Government] Coatesville PA, Constitutional Convention of PA, 3 (184) cancelled by cork killer with Coates ville PA c.d.s. on allover il lus trated ad cover, ad - dressed to Doylestown PA; opened roughly at top with two tears, F-VF $ [Ma chin ery] Ra cine WI, J. I. Case Treshing Ma - chines, 3 (494) tied by 1918 Ra cine WI ma chine can cel on mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Bloomfield IA; opened at top and sodes, pin holes in stamp, F-VF $ [Home Prod ucts] Dickerman s House Fur nish - ing Store, unposted 1 postal en tire (U294) with il lus - trated ad, VF $ [To bacco] Phil a del phia PA, United Ci gar Mak - ers Co, 2 (210) tied by 1886 Phil a del phia PA du plex on ad cover, ad dressed to Vir ginia City MT; stained at left, F-VF $ [Ho tel] Chey enne WY, The Plains Ho tel, pair 3 (842) tied by 1942 Chey enne WY ma chine can cel, on mul - ti col ored il lus trated in dian ad cover ad dressed to Co lum - bus OH, a very late us age of an ad cover; edge wear, F-VF. $20 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 19

20 19th Century Issues , 1 blue, type II (7), blue town can cel, large mar gins at left and bot tom, into at top; cor ner crease at top left and light ened ver ti cal pen stroke, VG-Fine. Scott $157. $ , 3 green (158), neat grid can cel; short perfs, VG-Fine $ NYFM can cel on 1873, 6 dull pink, bold strike; cor ner crease up per left, F-VF. Scott 159. Weiss ST-8P11. $ , 10 green, type II (14), tied by N. York Steam ship c.d.s. on well worn cover ad dressed to Amesbury MA, F-VF $ NYFM can cel on 1873, 6 dull pink, strong strike, F-VF. Scott 159. Weiss ST-8P $ NYFM can cel on 1873, 6 dull pink, bold clear strike, F-VF. Scott 159. Weiss ST-MP $ , 10 green, type V (35), tied by N. York Steam ship c.d.s. on well worn cover ad dressed to Amesbury MA, F-VF $ NYFM can cel on 1873, 6 dull pink; small faults, F-VF ap pear ance. Scott 159. Weiss ST-8P $ E 1861, 5 Jef fer son es say, by Toppan, Car pen ter & Co., in ul tra ma rine (67-E1b), vi gnette only, die II on proof pa per, VF. Scott $ $ NYFM can cel on 1873, 6 dull pink; tear at bot - tom, oth er wise F-VF. Scott $15 20 Danbury Stamp Sales

21 , 2 James town (329), o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ NYFM or NYFM Style can cels on 1873, 6 dull pink, group of thir teen, in cludes socked-on-the-nose large solid six pointed star, sev eral cir cu lar geometrics in clud ing one red, cross roads, socked-on-the-nose ra dial geo met ric with four tri an gles at cen ter and cir cle of wedges, won der - ful lot for the spe cial ist; few small faults, gen er ally F-VF. Scott 159. Weiss ST-8P $ a 1916, 1 green, imperf (481), right plate #10279 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ , 3 green (184), bold can cel; nat u ral s.e. at right, thin, VG $ , 1 Trans-Miss. (285), top plate num ber and im print pair, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ Issues 8119 a 1916, 1 green, imperf (481), left plate #13356 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ , 4 Pan-Amer i can (296), dis turbed o.g., sharp color, VF-XF. Scott $ $34 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 21

22 8120 a 1916, 2 car mine, type I, imperf (482), right plate #13207 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $45... $ a 1917, 3 vi o let, type I, imperf (483), left plate #8357 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ , 2 car mine, type III, coil (492), hor i zon tal pair, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ , 2 deep rose, type Ia (500), o.g., never hinged, fresh, VG-Fine. Scott $ $ a 1917, 3 vi o let, type I, imperf (483), right plate #8356 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1918, 1 gray green, Off set (525), bot tom plate #10011 block of six, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $50.. $40 22 Danbury Stamp Sales

23 8126 a 1918, 1 gray green, Off set (525), wide top plate #10059 block of six, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $50. $ a 1918, 2 car mine Off set, type V (527), wide top plate #11099 block of six, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1920, 2 car mine Off set, type IV (526), bot tom plate block of 6, o.g., never hinged; re duced selvedge, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1918, 2 car mine Off set, type V (527), bot tom plate #11170 block of six, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $200 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 23

24 8132 a 1918, 2 car mine Off set, type Va (528), bot tom plate block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1918, 2 car mine Off set, type V (527), left plate #11186 block of six, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $350. $ a 1919, 3 Vic tory (537), left plate #9429 block of six, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1918, 2 car mine Off set, type V (527), right plate #11204 block of six, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $350.. $ a 1920, 1 Pil grim (548), bot tom plate #12436 block of six, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $40 24 Danbury Stamp Sales

25 , 5 Pil grim (550), o.g., hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ Issues 8135 a 1920, 1 Pil grim (548), top plate #12438 block of six, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1923, 1 deep green (552), right plate #15285 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1920, 2 Pil grim (549), right plate #12435 block of six, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1923, 1 deep green (552), top right plate #F15314 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1920, 2 Pil grim (549), left plate #12442 block of six, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $50 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 25

26 8141 a 1923, 2 car mine (554), top plate #14390 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1923, 2 car mine, imperf (577), right plate #17710 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ , 1 green, ro tary (578), bot tom mar gin sin - gle, o.g., hinged, VG-Fine. Scott $ $ a 1925, 1½ yel low brown, imperf (576), left plate #16867 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $45... $ , 2 car mine coil, type II (599A), hor i zon tal pair, o.g., never hinged, VG-Fine. Scott $ $ a 1925, 1½ yel low brown, imperf (576), right plate #16867 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $45... $36 26 Danbury Stamp Sales

27 8147 a 1923, 2 Har ding, flat plate (610), left plate #15109 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $47... $ a 1923, 2 Har ding, imperf (611), left plate #15025 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1923, 2 Har ding, flat plate (610), right plate #15118 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $47... $ a 1923, 2 Har ding, imperf (611), right plate #15027 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $80 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 27

28 8151 a 1923, 2 Har ding, imperf (611), bot tom plate #15027 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $100.. $ a 1924, 1 Hu gue not-wal loon (614), right plate #15758 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $70.. $ a 1923, 2 Har ding, imperf (611), top right plate #F15028 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $100. $ a 1924, 1 Hu gue not-wal loon (614), top plate #15779 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $70. $ a 1924, 1 Hu gue not-wal loon (614), bot tom plate #15782 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $70. $ a 1924, 1 Hu gue not-wal loon (614), left plate #15758 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $70. $40 28 Danbury Stamp Sales

29 8157 a 1924, 2 Hu gue not-wal loon (615), right plate #15746 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $90. $ a 1924, 5 Hu gue not-wal loon (616), left plate #15755 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $375. $ a 1925, 1 Lexington-Con cord (617), top plate #16799 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $65.. $ a 1924, 2 Hu gue not-wal loon (615), left plate #15767 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $90.. $ a 1925, 1 Lexington-Con cord (617), bot tom plate #16800 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $65... $50 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 29

30 8162 a 1925, 2 Lexington-Con cord (618), bot tom plate #16813 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $90. $ a 1925, 2 Norse-Amer i can (620), top plate # 17379/F16959 block of 8, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ , 5 Lexington-Con cord (619), o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1926, 13 green (622), bot tom plate #19122 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1925, 5 Lexington-Con cord (619), bot tom plate #16808 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $310.. $ a 1925, 17 black (623), top right plate #F18028 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1925, 5 Lexington-Con cord (619), top plate #16808 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $310. $ Danbury Stamp Sales

31 8172 a 1926, 2 Ses qui cen ten nial Ex po si tion (627), bot - tom plate #18557 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1926, 2 Ses qui cen ten nial Ex po si tion (627), left plate #18544 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $50. $ a 1926, 2 Ses qui cen ten nial Ex po si tion (627), right plate #18545 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1926, 5 Ericsson (628), left plate #18601 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1926, 2 Ses qui cen ten nial Ex po si tion (627), top right plate #F18556 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $20 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 31

32 8174 a 1926, 5 Ericsson (628), top plate #18606 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1926, 5 Ericsson (628), bot tom plate #18608 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1926, 2 White Plains (629), top plate #18767 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1926, 5 Ericsson (628), right plate #18608 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $50 32 Danbury Stamp Sales

33 8178 a 1926, 2 White Plains (629), bot tom plate #18767 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1927, 2 Ver mont (643), top plate #19036 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1926, 2 White Plains (629), left plate #18767 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1927, 2 Ver mont (643), bot tom plate #19036 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1926, 2 White Plains (629), right plate #18769 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1927, 2 Ver mont (643), left plate #19037 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $32 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 33

34 8184 a 1927, 2 Ver mont (643), right plate #19038 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1927, 2 Burgoyne (644), right plate #19062 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1927, 2 Burgoyne (644), right plate #19062 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1927, 2 Burgoyne (644), right plate #19063 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $36 34 Danbury Stamp Sales

35 8188 a 1927, 2 Burgoyne (644), left plate #19064 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1928, 2 Val ley Forge (645), left plate #19495 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1927, 2 Burgoyne (644), top plate #19064 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1928, 2 Val ley Forge (645), top plate #19495 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1927, 2 Burgoyne (644), bot tom plate #19064 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $26 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 35

36 8196 a 1928, 5 Civil Aero nau tics (650), bot tom plate #19659 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $70. $ a 1928, 2 Val ley Forge (645), right plate #19495 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1928, 5 Civil Aero nau tics (650), top plate #19660 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1928, 2 Val ley Forge (645), bot tom plate #19497 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Ed i son, flat plate (654), bot tom plate #19777 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $45... $ a 1928, 2 Ha waii (647), bot tom left plate #19055 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ Danbury Stamp Sales

37 8202 a 1929, 2 Ed i son, ro tary (655), bot tom right plate #19780 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $55.. $ a 1929, 2 Ed i son, flat plate (654), top plate #19778 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ , 2 Ed i son coil (656), pair, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Ed i son, ro tary (655), bot tom left plate #19779 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $55.. $ a 1929, 2 Sullivan Ex pe di tion (657), right plate #19785 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $35. $ a 1929, 2 Ed i son, ro tary (655), top right plate #19780 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $55... $40 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 37

38 8208 a 1929, 2 Kans. (660), bot tom left #19384 plate block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Sullivan Ex pe di tion (657), left plate #19785 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $35. $ a 1929, 2 Nebr. (671), top left plate #19204 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1929, 1 Kans. (658), top left plate #19339 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Nebr. (671), bot tom right plate #19204 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Kans. (660), bot tom right #19379 plate block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $50 38 Danbury Stamp Sales

39 8211 a 1929, 2 Nebr. (671), top right plate #19205 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Fallen Tim bers (680), right plate #19827 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Nebr. (671), bot tom left plate #19205 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Fallen Tim bers (680), bot tom plate #19829 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $33... $ a 1929, 2 Fallen Tim bers (680), top plate #19826 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1929, 2 Fallen Tim bers (680), left plate #19829 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $ $12 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 39

40 8220 a 1930, 2 Braddock s Field (688), bot tom plate #21170 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $45. $ Issues 8217 a 1930, 2 Mas sa chu setts Bay Col ony (682), top plate #20056 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $30. $ a 1931, 12 brown vi o let, ro tary (693), bot tom right plate #20709 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1930, 2 Mas sa chu setts Bay Col ony (682), bot - tom plate #20058 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ a 1931, 15 gray, ro tary (696), bot tom left plate #20722 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $53. $ a 1930, 2 Charleston (683), bot tom plate #20064 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $30 40 Danbury Stamp Sales

41 8223 a 1931, 17 black, ro tary (697), bot tom left plate #20536 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $53. $ a 1931, 20 car mine rose, ro tary (698), bot tom right plate #20688 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1931, 20 car mine rose, ro tary (698), top left plate #20538 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $60. $ a 1931, 25 blue green, ro tary (699), bot tom left plate #20729 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $75. $ a 1931, 20 car mine rose, ro tary (698), bot tom left plate #20538 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1931, 25 blue green, ro tary (699), bot tom right plate #20729 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $45 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 41

42 8229 a 1931, 25 blue green, ro tary (699), top left plate #20729 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $75.. $ a 1931, 30 brown, ro tary (700), bot tom right plate #20743 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, scarce plate num - ber, VF. Scott $ $ a 1931, 25 blue green, ro tary (699), top right plate #20730 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $75. $ a 1933, 5 Kosciuszko (734), bot tom plate #21174 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ a 1931, 30 brown, ro tary (700), top left plate #20552 block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $110. $ a 1933, 5 Kosciuszko (734), top plate #21175 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $15 42 Danbury Stamp Sales

43 8235 ( )a 1935, 10 air mail spe cial de liv ery, imperf (771), bot tom plate #21314 block of 6, with out gum as is sued; wrin kling along bot tom edge, oth er wise VF. Scott $55.. $ a 1973, 10 Crossed Flags, imperf be tween (1509a), block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $80. $ , 22 Flag Over Capitol Dome (2116a var), print ing on both book let pane and cover com pletely miss - ing cre at ing a stun ning al bino item, com plete un ex ploded book let, o.g., never hinged, VF $ a 1938, $5 Pres i den tial (834), plate block of 4, plate #F22167, F22168, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $375.. $ Air mail, 1918, 6 or ange (C1), o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ , $5 Ham il ton (1053), o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ Air mail, 1933, 50 Chi cago Zep pe lin (C18), o.g., hinged, F-VF. Scott $ $ Reg is try, 1911, 10 ul tra ma rine (F1), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine. Scott $ $36 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 43

44 8243 Reg is try, 1911, 10 ul tra ma rine (F1), neat can cel, VF. Scott $ $ Book let, 1986, $1.76, Ameripex, black color miss ing on 2198 and 2201 (BK153a), two com plete er ror panes in com plete book let, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $70 Locals 8244 Post age Due, 1917, 5 car mine (J64), o.g., never hinged, fresh, VF. Scott $ $ a Of fi cial Mail, 1985 (14 ) red, blue & black (O138), bot tom right plate block of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $ $ Blood & Co., 1854 (1 ) bronze on li lac (15L14), 3 (26) tied by Phil a del phia PA c.d.s. on cover with lo cal at left acid tied, Blood s Dis patch hand stamp at lower left, ad dressed to Absecon NJ, F-VF $ Par cel Post, 1913, 20 car mine rose (Q8), dark can cel, VF. Scott $ $ Boyd s City Ex press, 1848, 2 black on green (20L7), with red New York c.d.s. on cover ad dressed to Pokeepsie Col le giate School NY; mi nor edge ton ing, F-VF $ Par cel Post Post age Due, 1913, 2 dark green (JQ2), o.g., never hinged; mi nor perf in den ta tion, F-VF. Scott $ $50 44 Danbury Stamp Sales

45 Airmail through Booklets 8251 Boyd s City Ex press, 1857, 2 black on green (20L14), red New York c.d.s. with lo cal cancelled by small grid, cut to shape, on folded let ter sheet, pen cil no ta tion Paid 2 cts up per left, ad dressed to Hempstead Branch NY, with con tents, F-VF. Scott $ $60 Postal Stationery 8254 War Dept., 1875, 2 red on or ange (UO49), en tire, F-VF. Scott $ $40 Revenues: Proprietary 8255 Pro pri etary, 1871, 1 green & black, vi o let pa per (RB1a), T.G. & Co. (Thomas Gorman) printed can cel; short perfs, oth er wise VF $ War Dept., 1873, 3 dark red (UO20), en tire, F-VF. Scott $ $ Pro pri etary, 1871, 3 green & black, vi o let pa per (RB3a), light handstamped can cel, VF. Scott $ $ Pro pri etary, 1871, 4 green & black, vi o let pa per (RB4a), manu script can cel, dark color, Fine. Scott $16. $ War Dept., 1875, 2 red on am ber (UO48), en tire, F-VF. Scott $ $ Pro pri etary, 1898, 1 8-1¼, rouletted (RB20//RB25), set of 10 dif fer ent printed can cels; mixed con di tion, VG-Fine $ Pro pri etary, 1914, ¼ black (RB45), L P printed can cel; faults, VG $10 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 45

46 8260 Pro pri etary, 1914, 3 8 black (RB46), A P B CO blue printed can cel, Fine $ Ar nold & Co., 1 black, silk pa per (RO14b), ex - tremely light can cel, rich color and im pres sion; clipped top right cor ner, Fine ap pear ance. Scott $60 with faults... $ Pro pri etary, 1914, 5 8 black (RB48), K.D. CO. red printed can cel, Type 3, Fine $ Pro pri etary, 1914, 1¼ black (RB50), A.D.S. in - verted red printed can cel, VG, rare $ Bar ber, Geo. & O.C., 1 blue, old pa per (RO16a), ex tremely light trace can cel, rich fresh color, sharp im pres - sion; thin, VF for this. Scott $73 with faults $ Pro pri etary, 1914, 10 black (RB63), B.J.J.S. CO. red printed can cel, VG $ ( ) Bar ber Match Co., 3 black, silk pa per (RO19b), un used with out gum, deep rich color, proof-like im pres - sion; mi nor faults, VF ap pear ance. Scott $140 with faults. $ Pro pri etary, 1919, 1 dark blue (RB65), B & R red printed can cel, Type 1, VF $ Pro pri etary, 1919, 2 dark blue (RB66), group of 4 dif fer ent dates, R.H.M. & Co. red printed can cels, type 1; faults, Fine ap pear ance $ Pro pri etary, 1919, 3 dark blue (RB67), DR. P.F. & S. Co. red printed can cel, VF $ Byam, Carlton & Co., 1 black wrap per (RO52a), no can cel, com plete wrap per, fresh color and im pres sion; light in con se quen tial creas ing from wrap per us age, triv ial scat tered stain ing and small hole from hinge re moval all well away from im pres sion, XF and at trac tive. Scott $70 with faults $100 Revenues: Match and Medicine 8272 Cramer & Kemp, 1 ul tra ma rine, old pa per (RO66u), light can cel, dis tinct color; typ i cal faults, Fine ap - pear ance. Scott $500 with faults $ ( ) Allen, Thos., 1 green, old pa per (RO5a), un used with out gum, fresh color; in con se quen tial light stain lower right cor ner perfs, about Fine. Scott $175 with faults... $ Danbury Stamp Sales

47 8273 Eddy, E.B., 1 car mine, dies I & II, wa ter marked USIR (RO75d & RO75Ad), light trace can cel, com plete set of E.B. Eddy, fresh col ors, sharp im pres sions; usual faults, F-VF set. Scott $65 with faults $ Na tional Match Co., 1 blue, wa ter marked USIR (RO134d), no can cel, bright fresh color; typ i cal faults, oth - er wise F-VF. Scott $ $ ( ) Eisenhart s Matches, 1 blue, silk pa per (RO80b), un used with out gum, bright and vi brant, sound, nearly VF. Scott $55 with faults $ ( ) N.Y. Match Co., 1 ver mil ion, old pa per (RO137a), un used with out gum, deep rich color and im - pres sion; tiny triv ial in con se quen tial faults, about Fine ap - pear ance. Scott $100 with faults $ Green leaf & Co., 1 green, old pa per (RO100a), no can cel, deep color and im pres sion; typ i cal faults, about Fine ap pear ance. Scott $100 with faults $ Hunt, L.G., 1 black, old pa per (RO113a), light can cel, deep rich color, sharp im pres sion; usual faults, cen tered to right. Scott $400 with faults $ New York Match Co., 1 green, old pa per (RO138a), no can cel, fresh color and im pres sion; mi nor typ i cal faults, clipped at bot tom, Fine ap pear ance. Scott $60 with faults $ Ives, P.T., 8 blue, old pa per (RO118a), no can - cel, vi brant color, sharp im pres sion; perfs trimmed off, al - most VF ap pear ance. Scott $240 with faults $ ( ) Penn Match Co., 1 blue, wa ter marked USIR (RO144d), un used with out gum, bright and fresh, sharp im pres sion; triv ial tiny thins, al most VF ap pear ance. Scott $50 with faults $ ( ) Kirby & Sons, 1 green, silk pa per (RO121b), un - used with out gum, rich and vi brant, sound, VF. Scott $78 with faults $100 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 47

48 8283 Penn Match Co., 1 blue, wa ter marked USIR (RO144d), no can cel, deep rich color and fine im pres sion; typ i cal faults, VF for this. Scott $50 with faults $ Un ion Match Co., 1 black, wa ter marked USIR (RO179d), small trace can cel in top bor der, deep freshcolor and im pres sion; in con se quen tial thins, F-VF. Scott $55 with faults $ ( ) Wash ing ton Match Co., 1 black, silk pa per (RO181b), un used with out gum, fresh and sound, about Fine. Scott $50 with faults $ Ayer s Pre serve Book, 24 page pa per bound book, copy righted and pub lished by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., cover de picts as sorted pre serves on front and woman cook ing at stove on the re verse, de scribes pre serves and other me dic i nal cures and there uses. An in ter est ing piece of his tory that would en hance any Match and Med i cine stamp col lec tion; bind ing and pages very del i cate, mixed condition $75 48 Danbury Stamp Sales

49 8287 Ayer s Cherry Pec to ral, three ad ver tis ing trade cards, J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., each color litho - graph ad card with im age on face and with ad ver tis ing text on re verse. 1. Two cards ap prox i mately " x 2.5" each with same im age on face: A young girl with flow ers watch ing two birds eat ing cher ries from a tree. Each card with dif fer ent ad ver tis ing text on re verse. 2. The third card ap prox i mately " x 4.75" with im age of a young woman with a bas ket of cher ries; two cards af fected slightly on re verse from prior mount ing removal, VF and attractive $ Ayer s Sar sa pa rilla, three ad ver tis ing trade cards, J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., each color litho - graph ad card with dif fer ent im age on face and with ad ver - tis ing text on re verse. 1. AYER S SARSAPARILLA Pu ri fies the blood,, ap prox i mately " x 2.625", de - pict ing two women, one seated the other stand ing in a gar - den scene with two chil dren on the ground with a dog. 2. AYER S SARSAPARILLA Gives HEALTH and SUNNY HOURS, ap prox i mately. 2.75" x 5.25", de pict ing a woman out doors with a young child on her shoul der. 3. Ayer s Sar sa pa rilla. Grandma, See What I ve Brought You., ap - prox i mately " x 4.75", de pict ing grand mother sit ting in a chair with a young girl wispering to her and hold ing a box of Ayer s Sar sa pa rilla in her left hand; two cards with owner stamps on reverse, VF and attractive $60 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 49

50 8289 Ayer s Hair Vigor, two ad ver tis ing trade cards, J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., each color litho graph ad card with dif fer ent im age and with ad ver tis ing text. 1. Ayer s Hair Vigor Pre serves the Hair, ap prox i mately. 4.25" x 2.65", de pict ing flow ers and with ad ver tis ing text on the face of the card, the re verse be ing blank. 2. Ayer s Hair Vigor For the Toi let, ap prox i mately " x 5.125", de pict ing two por traits of a woman with flow ing tresses and with ad ver tis ing text on the re verse, gen er ally sound cards; cards with ton ing on reverse, VF and attractive.. $ Scott s Emul sion - The Twins, sin gle color litho graph ad ver tis ing trade card, Scott s Emul sion, Scott & Bowne, New York, ap prox i mately " x 5.25", de pict - ing two young girls in long dresses and coats stand ing on boxes of Scott s Emul sion, with ad ver tis ing text on re - verse., al most like new, VF $ Ayer s Cure, two ad ver tis ing trade cards, J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., each color litho graph ad card with dif fer ent im age and with ad ver tis ing text on re verse. 1. AYER S AGUE CURE, ap prox i mately. 4.5" x 2.33", de - pict ing a fam ily out side lakeside cabin and the lower right cor ner with a crockodile and two toads. 2. AYER S PILLS, ap prox i mately " x 5.125", de pict ing a por - trait of a woman tak ing a pill; text sides in com plete re sult - ing from prior mount ing removal, F-VF overall $ Ayer & Co., 4 ul tra ma rine, die cut (RS9u), no can cel, dis tinct color; typ i cal faults, oth er wise F-VF. Scott $775 with faults $ Danbury Stamp Sales

51 8293 Barham Pile Cure Co., 4 green, wa ter marked loz enges (RS14d), im mac u late P.O. fresh o.g., never hinged, sound right sheet mar gin sin gle, bright and vi brant with crisp im pres sion, XF for this. Scott $90 with faults.. $ P Barnes & Co., 1 black, large die proof (RS24P1), mounted on 93 x 51mm card, with out gum as is sued; light bands of ton ing, VF. Scott $ $ Brown, Fred, 2 black, die I, old pa per (RS37a), no can cel, rich color and sharp im pres sion; in con se quen - tial mi nor faults, over all VF. Scott $140 with faults.... $ Brandreth, B., 1 black, imperf, silk pa per (RS34b), light can cel, rich color, sharp im pres sion; lower left cor ner re placed, usual faults, oth er wise gen er ally Fine. Scott $275 with faults $ Brown, Fred, 2 black, die II, silk pa per (RS38b), no can cel, rich color and sharp im pres sion; small in con se - quen tial faults, oth er wise fresh and VF. Scott $83 with faults $75 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 51

52 8298 Bur nett & Co., 4 black, old pa per (RS46a), no can cel, rich and vi brant, sharp im pres sion; triv ial typ i cal faults, al most VF ap pear ance. Scott $110 with faults... $ Crook & Co., 4 black, old pa per (RS65a), no can cel, fresh im pres sion; typ i cal faults, oth er wise al most VF. Scott $140 with faults $ Cam pion & Co., 4 black, die cut, wa ter marked USIR (RS48d), light traces of can cel, sharp color and im - pres sion; usual faults, Fine for the is sue. Scott $125 with faults $ Curtis & Son, 1 black, die II, wa ter marked USIR (RS67d), no can cel, crisp color and sharp im pres sion; small in con se quen tial thins, al most VF. Scott $125 with faults $ Cen taur Co., 1 ver mil ion, pink pa per (RS50c), very light can cel, nice pas tel color, crisp im pres sion; mi nor in con se quen tial faults, Fine ap pear ance. Scott $73 with faults $ Curtis & Son, 2 black, pink pa per (RS68c), ex - tremely light trace can cel, fresh and vi brant, full perfs all around; triv ial thin, VF. Scott $175 with faults $ Clarke, Wm. E., 6 black, wa ter marked USIR (RS57d), no can cel, bright and fresh; usual faults, al most VF ap pear ance. Scott $100 with faults $ Dalley s Gal vanic Horse Salve, 2 green, old pa - per (RS73a), no can cel, deep color, fine im pres sion; usual faults, VG-Fine ap pear ance. Scott $200 with faults.... $ ( ) Cook & Bernheimer, 4 blue, wa ter marked USIR (RS61d), un used with out gum, bright and vi brant, crisp im - pres sion; scat tered light krinkling vis i ble from back only oth er wise sound, F-VF. Scott $110 with faults $ Da vis & Son, 1 blue, ex per i men tal silk pa per (RS75e), no can cel, deep rich color and im pres sion; pulled perfs, F-VF ap pear ance. Scott $210 with faults $50 52 Danbury Stamp Sales

53 8308 Da vis & Son, 1 ul tra ma rine (RS75u), trace can - cel up per right cor ner, dis tinc tive color, deep sharp im - pres sion, sound, al most VF. Scott $500 with faults.... $ Helmbold s, 2-6, old pa per (RS106a-9a), no can cels, com plete set of old pa per va ri ety, fresh col ors and crisp im pres sions; triv ial mi nor faults, a Fine set. Scott $64 with faults $ Da vis & Son, 2 black, old pa per (RS77a), no can cel, de tailed im pres sion; usual faults, VG-Fine ap pear - ance. Scott $90 with faults $ Drake & Co., 4 black, old pa per (RS83a), no can - cel, deep color, sharp im pres sion; typ i cal faults, al most Fine ap pear ance. Scott $68 with faults $ Henry, John F., 1 black, old pa per (RS114a), no can cel, sharp color and im pres sion; typ i cal faults, VF ap - pear ance. Scott $ $ Fahnestock, B.A., 1 lake, old pa per (RS84a), very light can cel, sharp color and im pres sion; usual faults, al most VF ap pear ance. Scott $175 with faults $ Flan ders, Dr. A.H., 1 green, part perf, old pa per (RS87a), hor i zon tal pair, no can cel, rich vi brant color, sharp im pres sion; usual faults, VF ap pear ance. Scott $55 as faulty singles $ Heaton, Ed ward, 3 black, wa ter marked USIR (RS104d), light trace can cel, sharp color and im pres sion; usual faults, cen tered to left. Scott $55 with faults.... $15 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 53

54 8316 Her rick s Pills, 1 black, wa ter marked USIR (RS117d), no can cel, rich color and fine im pres sion; cou - ple triv ial in con se quen tial faults, F-VF for the is sue. Scott $50 with faults $ Her rick s Pills, 1 black, wa ter marked USIR (RS117d), light trace can cel, deep rich color and im pres - sion; typ i cal mi nor faults, VF for this. Scott $50 with faults. $ Hostetter & Smith, 6 black, old pa per (RS133a), no can cel, sharp color and im pres sion; typ i cal faults, VF for the is sue. Scott $100 with faults $ Hull & Co., 1 black, old pa per (RS138a), light can cel, rich color and sharp im pres sion; usual faults, oth - er wise F-VF. Scott $300 with faults $ Ingham & Co., 1 black, wa ter marked USIR (RS142d), very light trace can cel, fresh color and im pres - sion; triv ial in con se quen tial faults, at trac tive VF ap pear - ance. Scott $60 with faults $40 54 Danbury Stamp Sales

55 8321 ( ) Jayne & Son, 2 black, die cut, pink pa per (RS148c), un used with out gum, fresh and vi brant; cou ple small in con se quen tial tone spots oth er wise sound, VF. Scott $110 with faults $ Smith & Co., 4 black, wa ter marked USIR (RS225d), no can cel, sharp color and im pres sion; usual faults, F-VF for this. Scott $55 with faults $ Law rence & Mar tin, 4 black, wa ter marked USIR (RS161d), no can cel, rich vi brant color and de tailed im pres sion, full perfs all arouond; triv ial in con se quen tial faults, VF for this. Scott $50 with faults $ Mer chant s Gar gling Oil, 1-2 silk pa per (RS178b,79b), com plete set of silk pa per va ri ety, deep rich col ors, sharp im pres sions; small typ i cal faults, F-VF set. Scott $ $ Soule & Co., New York, 1 blue, old pa per (RS226a), no can cel, fresh color and im pres sion; re duced wrap per, usual faults, F-VF for the is sue. Scott $83 with faults $ Schwartz & Co., 1 lake, wa ter marked USIR (RS215d), very light trace can cel, hand some with light pas tel color; triv ial light krinkling vis i ble from re verse, pen - cil no ta tion, oth er wise sound, VF for this. Scott $125 with faults $ U.S. Pro pri etary Med i cine Co., 4 black, old pa - per (RS243a), very light can cel, crisp color and im pres - sion; typ i cal faults, F-VF. Scott $50 with faults $ Seabury & John son, 1 black, wa ter marked USIR (RS216d), no can cel, rich fresh color and im pres - sion; triv ial in con se quen tial faults, VF for this. Scott $83 with faults $ U.S. Pro pri etary Med i cine Co., 1 black, wa ter - marked USIR (RS245d), no can cel, fresh and vi brant, clear dis tinct wa ter mark; wrap per re duced at left, VF, va ri - ety not listed by Scott $ Simmons, Dr. M.A., Iuka, Miss., 1 black, silk pa - per (RS223b), ex tremely light can cel, rich and fresh; mi nor typ i cal faults, al most VF. Scott $125 with faults $40 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 55

56 8333 Wilder, Ed ward, 1 green, die cut, silk pa per (RS266b), very light can cel, deep color, sharp im pres sion; usual faults, VF for this. Scott $50 with faults $ U.S. Pro pri etary Med i cine Co., 1 black, old pa - per (RS245a), no can cel, rich color and im pres sion; wrap - per re duced at left, in con se quen tial light creas ing and ton ing from wrap per us age, oth er wise sound, VF for this. Scott $50 with faults $ Zeilin & Co., 2 green, imperf, old pa per (RS277a), no can cel, deep rich color, sharp im pres sion; typ i cal faults, VF. Scott $200 with faults $ Hoyt & Co., 1 black, imperf, wa ter marked USIR (RT6d), no can cel, deep rich color and sharp im pres sion; typ i cal faults, F-VF for the is sue. Scott $160 with faults. $ U.S. Pro pri etary Med i cine Co., 1 black, silk pa - per (RS245b), no can cel, deep color and sharp im pres - sion; wrap per re duced at left, in con se quen tial light creas ing and ton ing from wrap per us age, oth er wise sound, F-VF for this. Scott $50 with faults $30 56 Danbury Stamp Sales

57 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH British Commonwealth GREAT BRITAIN 8340 Great Brit ain, 1865, Queen Vic to ria, 4d ver mil - ion (43), Large Gar ter wa ter mark, plate 11, used, VG-Fine. SG 94. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1865, Queen Vic to ria, 6d li lac (45), Em blems wa ter mark, plate 5, used, VG. SG 97. Scott $85. $ ( ) Laird, George W., 3 black, die cut, silk pa per (RT15b), un used with out gum, fresh and vi brant; triv ial light creas ing vis i ble from re verse only, VF. Scott $110 with faults $ Great Brit ain, 1867, Queen Vic to ria, 3d rose (49), Spray of Rose wa ter mark, plate 8, used, VG. SG 103. Scott $ $ Dougherty, A., 2 or ange, old pa per (RU2a), very light trace can cel, hand some; lightly toned, over all VF. Scott $80 with faults $ Great Brit ain, 1873, Queen Vic to ria, 3d rose (61), Spray of Rose wa ter mark, plate 11, used, wing mar gin, VG. SG 143. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1874, Queen Vic to ria, 6d gray (62), Spray of Rose wa ter mark, plate 15, used, VG. SG 147. Scott $ $ Dougherty, A., 5 ul tra ma rine (RU4u), no can cel, pas tel color, fine im pres sion; hor i zon tal crease, nearly Fine. Scott $300 with faults $ Great Brit ain, 1876, Queen Vic to ria, 2½d rosy mauve (67), Orb wa ter mark, plate 14, used, VG. SG 141. Scott $ $ ( ) Law rence & Co hen, 2 blue, old pa per (RU10a), un used with out gum, deep vi brant color and im pres sion; clipped perfs, about Fine ap pear ance. Scott $110 with faults $ Great Brit ain, 1881, Queen Vic to ria, 2½d blue (82), Im pe rial Crown wa ter mark, plate 22, used, VF. SG 157. Scott $ $15 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 57

58 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 8347 Great Brit ain, 1881, Queen Vic to ria, 5d in digo (85), Im pe rial Crown wa ter mark, used; faults, F-VF ap - pear ance. SG 169. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1887, Queen Vic to ria Ju bi lee, 2d gray green & car mine (113), 15 dif fer ent, used; small faults, F-VF ap pear ance. SG 200. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1883, Queen Vic to ria, 2s6d li lac (96), An chor wa ter mark, used; small faults, XF ap pear - ance. SG 178. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1887, Queen Vic to ria Ju bi lee, 4d green & pur ple brown (116), 5 dif fer ent can cels, VG-Fine. SG 205. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1884, Queen Vic to ria, 1½d li lac (99), used, perfin, Fine. SG 188. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1884, Queen Vic to ria, 2d li lac (100), used, VG. SG 189. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1892, Queen Vic to ria Ju bi lee, 4½d green & car mine (117), 5 dif fer ent, used, F-VF. SG 206. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1884, Queen Vic to ria, 2½d li lac (101), used, XF. SG 190. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1887, Queen Vic to ria Ju bi lee, 9d dull pur ple & blue (120), lightly cancelled, XF. SG 209. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1884, Queen Vic to ria, 3d li lac (102), used; faults, F-VF ap pear ance. SG 191. Scott $100. $ Great Brit ain, 1890, Queen Vic to ria Ju bi lee, 10d dull pur ple & car mine (121), used, 9 dif fer ent can cels, F-VF. SG 210. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1884, Queen Vic to ria, 5d dull green (104), used, F-VF. SG 193. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1890, Queen Vic to ria Ju bi lee, 10d dull pur ple & scar let (121b), used, XF. SG 210b. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, , Queen Vic to ria Ju bi lee, ½d-1s ( ), used, VG. SG 197/211. Scott $274.. $45 58 Danbury Stamp Sales

59 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 8361 Great Brit ain, 1890, Queen Vic to ria Ju bi lee, 1s dull green (122), neat cds, VF. SG 211. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1911, King Ed ward VII, Somerset House print ing, 2d deep dull green & red (130b), used, XF. SG 290. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1900, Queen Vic to ria, 1s green & car mine (126), used, Fine. SG 214. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue printing, 2½d ultramarine (131), 22 var i ous perfins; small faults, VG-Fine. SG 230. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 1½d dull pur ple & green (129), 7 dif fer ent can - cels, F-VF. SG 221. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1911, King Ed ward VII, Har ri son & Sons print ing, 2½d bright blue, perf 14 (131b), used, VF. SG 276. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1911, King Ed ward VII, Somerset House print ing, 1½d red dish pur ple & bright green (129b), used, F-VF. SG 287. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1911, King Ed ward VII, Somerset House print ing, 1½d dull pur ple & green (129c), used, Fine. SG 288. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 4d green & gray brown (133), 4 var i ous perfins, F-VF. SG 235. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 5d dull pur ple & ul tra ma rine (134), used, VF. SG 242. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 2d yel low ish green & car mine red (130), 11 var i ous perfins, F-VF. SG 225. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 6d slate pur ple (135a), used, Fine. SG 246. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1904, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 2d gray green & car mine red (130a), used, VF. SG 226. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1911, King Ed ward VII, Somerset House print ing, 6d red dish pur ple (135b), used, XF. SG 298. Scott $ $10 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 59

60 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 8375 Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 9d dull pur ple & ul tra ma rine (136), used, VF. SG 250. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1911, King Ed ward VII, Somerset House print ing, 2s6d dark pur ple (139a), used, perfin, VF. SG 317. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 9d slate pur ple & ul tra ma rine (136a), used, F-VF. SG 251. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1911, King Ed ward VII, Somerset House print ing, 2s6d dull red dish pur ple (139c), used; small faults, F-VF. SG 316. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 10d dull pur ple & car mine (137), used, VF. SG 254. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 1s dull green & car mine (138), 7 var i ous perfins, VG-Fine. SG 257. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1918, King George V Sea horse, Bradbury, Wilkinson print ing, 2s6d ol ive brown (179), 9 var i ous perfins; small faults, F-VF ap pear ance. SG 413a. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1911, King Ed ward VII, Somerset House print ing, 1s dark green & scar let (138a), used, VF. SG 312. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1919, King George V Sea horse, Bradbury, Wilkinson print ing, 5s rose red (180), used, XF. SG 416. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1912, King Ed ward VII, Somerset House print ing, 1s green & car mine (138c), 6 dif fer ent can cels, F-VF. SG 314. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1929, P.U.C., ½d-2½d ( ), used, VF. SG 434/7. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1902, King Ed ward VII, De La Rue print ing, 2s6d li lac (139), used; faults, F-VF ap pear ance. SG 260. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1934, King George V re-en graved Sea horse, 2s6d choc o late brown (222), used, XF. SG 450. Scott $ $15 60 Danbury Stamp Sales

61 GENERAL FOREIGN ST. VINCENT 8388 Great Brit ain, 1934, King George V re-en graved Sea horse, 5s bright rose red (223), 4 var i ous can cels; small faults, VF or better ap pear ance. SG 451. Scott $400. $ Great Brit ain, , King George VI Square high val ues, 2s6d-10s ( A), used, XF. SG 476/8a. Scott $ $ Great Brit ain, 1948, King George VI, 1 brown (275), lightly cancelled, XF. SG 478b. Scott $ $ St. Vin cent, 1987, Queen Vic to ria s Ac ces sion and Royal Wed ding An ni ver sa ries com plete, in verted cen ters ( var), o.g., never hinged, VF $150 General Foreign CHILE 8391 Great Brit ain, 1951, King George VI Fes ti val high val ues, 2s6d- 1 com plete ( ), used, XF. SG 509/12. Scott $ $15 CANADA 8394 Chile, 1864, do mes tic us age cover to Coquimbo Chile, 5c (9) and 10c (10) tied by grids with red c.d.s. on folded let ter sheet to Coquimbo; ver ti cal file fold, F-VF.. $ Can ada, [Food & Drink] To ronto ON, True Fruit Soda Fountain Requisites, 2 (77) tied by ma chine can - cel to mul ti col ored il lus trated ad cover, ad dressed to Man - ches ter NH; ton ing along left edge, F-VF $70 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale Closing Jan. 19, 2014 at 11:59PM EST 61

62 CUBA GENERAL FOREIGN ISRAEL 8397 a Is rael, 1959, 100th An ni ver sary Herzl Birth day (Jewish National Fund) (183 var.), yel low green, white & black, im per fo rate block of four with out em boss ing, and black print shifted to right and down, o.g., never hinged; mi nor gum dis tur bances, VF $70 MACAO 8395 ( ) Cuba, Air mail, 1955, Ha vana Phil a telic Ex hi bi - tion souvenir sheet (C126a), with out gum as is sued, VF. Scott $ $34 HAITI 8398 ( ) Macao, 1885, Lo cal Sur charge, 20r on 50r green, perf 13½ (20c), with out gum as is sued, VF. SG 39. Yang 14f. Scott $ $ Macao, 1898, King Carlos, ½a gray, perf 12½ (75a), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 130. Yang 78b. Scott $ $ Haiti, 1828, let ter from Port au Prince to Ha vana, folded let ter sheet with red Puerto/Prin cipe straight line and manu script 2 rate ad dressed to Ha vana, con tents in Span ish, VF $ Macao, 1911, King Carlos, 2a on half of 4a car - mine, 5a on half of 10a slate blue (159, 161), neat cds s, VF. SG 205, 207. Yang Scott $ $60 End of Sale - Thank You 62 Danbury Stamp Sales

Session 1. Tuesday, December 8, Beginning at 10:00 A.M. At our offices in Danbury, CT. Lots British Commonwealth. Europe and Colonies

Session 1. Tuesday, December 8, Beginning at 10:00 A.M. At our offices in Danbury, CT. Lots British Commonwealth. Europe and Colonies Session 1 Tuesday, December 8, 2015 Beginning at 10:00 A.M. At our offices in Danbury, CT Lots 1-615 British Commonwealth Europe and Colonies Asia, Middle East and Africa Latin America World Aerophilately

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