Subject Area: Physical Education. Unit: Primary Games and Skills Parachute, Tag, Balance Activities, Tumbling Skills, and Scooters (Aug Nov)

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1 Subject Area: Physical Education Unit: Primary Games and Skills Parachute, Tag, Balance Activities, Tumbling Skills, and Scooters (Aug Nov) Unit Outcomes: Students will gain an understanding of game objectives while acquiring experience following rules and safety guidelines. Essential Outcome and Related Standards: A. Students will demonstrate the ability to interact safely, follow rules during a variety of games and perform the skills associated with each game. B. Students will demonstrate balance, spacial awareness and hand/eye coordination through a variety of movements and gymnastics skills. State Standard (s): 3 rd Grade C. Recognize conflict situations and identify strategies to avoid or resolve. 2 nd Grade D. Identify and use safe practices in physical activity settings A. Identify and engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness and health. Kindergarten & 1 st Grade D. Identify likes and dislikes related to participation in physical activities. All Grades A. Recognize and use basic movement skills and concepts. Content and Instructional Activities: A. Safety / Rules 1. Follow the directions 2. Demonstrate good sportsmanship 3. Play safe 4. Demonstrate behaviors of a good winner/loser 5. Progressivley introduce games with more complex rules and skills a. Basic Exercises b. Tagging and Fleeing 1

2 B. Developmental Activities 1. Gymnastics and Balance a. Body Positions 1) Stretch 2) Tuck 3) Straddle 4) Pike b. Balance Activities: 1) Beam 2) Bear Walk 3) Crab Walk 4) Rockers 5) Balance Cards 6) Balancing on elbows 7) Balancing on knees 8) Balancig on hands 9) Balancing on feet 10)Balancing on bottom 11) Balancing on head C. Rolling & Advanced Skills 1. Rolling Activities: a. Log Roll b. Pencil Roll c. Tuck Forward Roll d. Straddle Forward Roll, e. Pike Forward Roll f. Backward Roll 2. Advanced Skills a. Tripod Headstand b. Headstand c. Handstand d. Cartwheel D. Relay Races E. Scooters 1. Rules and Objectives of basic relays 1. Rules and Objectives of basic scooter activities F. Games and Activities 1. Parachute Games, (Lesson 1 & 2) 2

3 I. Carousel Students hold the parachute with one hand walk in a circle and hold the parachute at various levels: above head, waist, knees. II. Make a Mountain 1,2,3 lift, raise parachute overhead; Knees bring down and kneel on parachute. III. Climb the Mountain Use above directions and call a color. Students holding the color called can then crawl onto chute to knock down the mountain. (stay only on their own color for safety). Repeat once for each color, two times call two colors, last time allow all to climb at the same time. IV. The Cave Raise the chute overhead and everyone moves in towards the center two steps, pull chute down behind your back, and sit on the parachute. Once in the cave the instructor can call a color and have students switch spots with another student on the same color. Repeat making the cave and allowing one color of student to switch until all have had a turn switching spots. V. Jello All the students lean back and forth on the parachute cave wall to watch the ceiling jiggle. VI. Color Switch Game By calling a color on the parachute the students at the selected color will switch spots with another student on the same color by crawling under or over the parachute when their color is called. Color switch on top- students make waves Color switch under the sea students make waves. VII. Exercise Cloud Students raise parachute, individual colors perform 5 jumping jacks under the parachute then run back out to their places before getting trapped under the parachute. VIII. Cat and Mouse One student will crawl under the parachute and one student will crawl on the top of the parachute attempting to find the student who is hiding under the parachute. 3

4 IX. Sharks and Lifeguards Select 2 students to be lifeguards and 2 students to be sharks. All the rest of the students sit with their legs under the parachute. The shark tries to pull the students under the parachute. Lifeguards try to save the people being pulled under. After 90 seconds, select new students for each job. 2. Tag Games, all Section 2 Lessons will also include the rock wall. I. Freeze Tag (Lesson 3) Using blue and yellow tag hands, designated 3 students to be Freezers (blue hands) and 2 students to be melters (yellow hands). Switch taggers every two minutes. Students tagged by the blue tagger must remain frozen until touched by a yellow tagger. II. Tunnel Tag (Lesson 4) 4 taggers at a time use taggers hands or an object to designate the taggers. When a student is tagged they make a tunnel with their legs and remain frozen until someone crawls through their tunnel. Stay inside the designated boundary lines. Use variations of tunnels: legs, push-up, one leg, one arm, back bridge. III. Tuck Tag (Lesson 5) Designate four taggers to begin the game. When a student is tagged they must kneel down with hands on the floor and their chin tucked to chest. To become un-tucked another student must leap frog the tucked student, by placing their hands on the shoulders of the tucked student and performing a straddle jump over their tucked body. Taggers may tag five people. The tagger will give the tagger hand to the fifth student tagged. The fifth student does not kneel or tuck; the new tagger may tag anyone except the student who gave them the tagger (no tag backs). Use the entire gym for the playing space; boundary lines are the inside lines (volleyball court lines). IV. Bump Tag (Lesson 6) Begin the game with four poly spots on the floor. If a student has their foot on a spot they cannot be tagged. Only one student at a time may be on a spot. If a second student places their foot on the spot, the student who was initially on the spot gets bumped off. There are no bump backs; students may not bump a player who has just displaced them from the star. When a student is tagged they must perform 10 jumping jacks, then they assume the role of the tagger. Taggers may only tag one student. Taggers must give the tag hand to the student they tag. 4

5 V. Fishy Fishy Cross My Sea (Lesson 7) Two students will be selected as the sharks (Taggers). The sharks will say Fishy Fishy Cross My Sea. All of the students will run from one side of the gym to the other (length wise). If a student is tagged they must sit down, cross crossed legs, to become seaweed. Seaweed may tag other fish; if a student is tagged by seaweed they also become seaweed and must sit down where they were tagged. The last two fish remaining in the game will become the next two sharks. If they have already been a shark the winning student may choose someone to take their turn as the shark. VI. Hospital Tag (Lesson 8) In this game all of the students are taggers. When the game begins if a student is tagged once they must place on arm behind their back. If a student is tagged twice both arms must be placed behind their back. If a student is tagged three times both arms remain behind their back and they must hop on one foot. On the fourth tag, students must crawl on their knees to the hospital (blue rock wall mats) and perform 10 jumping jacks. Upon completion they may return to the game using all limbs. If students tag each other simultaneously they both loose one body part. VII. Dragon Tag (Lesson 9) Divide the class into teams of five or six. Have the students form a dragon by placing their hands on the student s waist in front of them. The last person in the line of students wears the dragon tail - a pink, yellow or green juggling scarf. The object of the game is for the head of the dragon (first person in line) to catch the tail (last person in line) and pull the tail from that players pants. Once the head catches the tail the head becomes the new tail, all other students stay in the same order in line. Rules: The first person in line will try to steal the Dragon tail from the last person in line. If the dragon line breaks or someone falls down the game stops until the dragon line is put back together. Start the game in a straight line. *Add this rule once the students each have a turn to wear the tail and chase the tail: If the tail lets go of the line, they automatically loose the tail. VIII. Train Tag (Lesson 10) Divide entire class into 3-6 groups depending on class size; each group should have 4 or 5 children. Each group forms a line holding shoulders or waist of person in front of them. The groups should start in corners, spread out, so leaders of the lines, "engines", are facing into play area. The last person in line is the "caboose". On the signal, all trains move trying to accomplish three things: (1) not to derail by letting go in group (or they are out) (2) engine of each group tries to tag caboose of another group. (3) protect their own caboose from getting tagged. When a caboose does get tagged, the whole train joins the rear of the train that tagged them. Object is to have the longest train at the end of game 5

6 IX. Snakes in the Grass (Lesson 11) The game will begin with one student as the tagger. The tagger (the snake) will crawl on their hands and knees. Any student who is tagged by the snake is turned into a snake and must also crawl on their hands and knees and attempt to tag the remaining standing students. The last student who is standing will begin the next game as the snake. For this game, use half of the gym and use the inside lines as the boundaries. Any student who leaves the designated playing space will be automatically turned into a snake. X. Stop Light Tag (Lesson 12) When a student is tagged by a colored tagger, that student must perform the associated movement Red Stop, Freeze; Yellow- Slow Motion; Green Go. Switch taggers every 90 seconds. Use a variety of movement skills such as: Running, Skipping, Hopping, Galloping, Backwards. Use objects to identify the taggers. XI. Noodle Tag (Lesson 13) Five students will be given pool noodles. Taggers will use the noodle to tag one student below the shoulders. When a student is tagged by a noodle, the tagger places the noodle on the floor. Prior to becoming the new tagger - the tagged student must jump over the noodle ten times. Use front to back jumping for half the game then switch to side to side jumping. XII. Blob Tag (Lesson 14) One student begins the game as the tagger. Each student who is tagged will join hands with the tagger to create the Blob or the chain of students who are it. The last student who is it will start the game as the new blob. XIII. Circle Tag (Lesson 15) Keep the three groups of students from the previous activity; holding hands in a circle. Place a batting tee and pole in the middle of the circle. Each student will have a 45-second turn as the tagger. The tagger will identify one student as their target. XIV. Line Tag, Crows and Cranes/ Flies and Spiders (Lesson 16) Divide class in 2 equal groups. Each group stands in a straight line, one behind each other, a few feet away from the other group. Give each group a name. Leader calls a name. The group by that name runs away from other group in their "safe" line. Other group chases them trying to tag as many as possible. Those 6

7 tagged go to other group (changing name). All go back to starting area. Objective is to get as many people on your team as possible by the end of the game. SUGGESTIONS: Use creative names for teams. They should sound similar; start with same letter the line names can also be seasonal- snowman/santa Claus. The instructor can call another word to make teams listen carefully & react quickly. Be sure distance to "safe line" is equal for both teams. 3. Balance Activities I. Balance Cards (Lesson 17) There are small circles for elbows, larger circles for knees, double humps for bottoms, hands and feet. The students will have ten seconds to find a card and balance in the position shown. After ten seconds, stop the music and check to see if the students are correctly positioned. II. Contact Dice Game (Lesson 17) Roll the dice; the number that is rolled is the number of body parts that are allowed to contact the ground. Give the students 30 seconds to find as many positions as possible. Then repeat the sequence by rolling the dice. Use the music to start and stop the 30-second time period. III. Tortoise Wrestling (Lesson 18) With a partner begin by touching palms, bend knees and assume a closed heel stance. The first partner to push the opposition off balance, forcing them to move their feet will be the winner. Commands: palms together, heels together, down and GO! IV. Over the Mountain (Lesson 19) Each student will play the game with a partner standing. Begin the game with an arm wrestling grip standing on opposing sides of the middle black line. After counting to three, the first partner to pull the other across the middle black line will be the winner. Winners go to the exercise mat to complete a cycle of three exercises, five repetitions each. Losers complete one lap around the gym. V. Poke Tag (Lesson 20) Ask the students to find a partner. To begin each game, the students will stand facing their partner and grasp right hands using an arm wrestling grip, standing on opposing sides of the middle black line. Once the grip is established players will point their index finger at their partner. The un-grasped hand should remain behind the student s back, to not interfere with the game. On the signal, each player attempts to touch the other player with their index finger (poke), anywhere on the body below the shoulders. The player who successfully pokes their 7

8 partner goes to the exercise circuit to complete three exercises, five repetitions each; the loser completes one lap. Each student will find a new partner each round of the game. (End of Primary Unit for Grades 1 st -3 rd ) 4. Tumbling Skills I. Gymnastics Skills and Obstacle Courses (Lesson 21) See Suggested Skills in content outline. 5. Relay Races I. Partner Relays (Lesson 22) Holding hands with a partner run across the gym, touch the black line with your hand and run back; repeat galloping & skipping. Holding both hands side shuffle down and back. Standing back to back, side shuffle down and back. Holding hands, hop on one foot down and back repeat with opposite foot. Wheel Barrel Race (push up position partner holding feet), switch jobs at black line Leap Frog, alternating hopping and squatting. II. Circle Races (Lesson 22) Divide the class into three teams. Begin the game by instructing the students to hold hands in a circle. When the signal is given, the students will run as a group holding hands down and around the cone. Variations: switch places in the circle, perform exercises at the cone, hoping, galloping. III. Basket Weave Relay (Lesson 22) In the same groups begin the game by having the students hold hands stretched out at arm s length. Once the students form a well-spaced circle they may let go of each other s hands and sit down. When the signal is given a designated student will run weaving through their teammates and return to their starting position. Once the student sits, the teammate to their right will weave, and the process will be repeated until each player has had a turn. 8

9 IV. Rubber Chicken Relay (Lesson 23) Divide the class into six teams. Each team will begin the game standing with one foot inside of their hula hoop. When the music is turned on each team will have two minutes to collect as many objects as possible and place them into their hula hoop. Students may only take one object at a time and must place the object fully into their hula hoop before leaving to collect another item. Anyone may take an object from another teams hula hoop. There is no defending the hoops in this game. The team that collects items the fastest will win. Equipment: Box of Rubber animals, hula hoops, and colored hoops V. Basic Relay Race (Lesson 24) One student at a time must run down and around the cone, return to their line, tag the hand of the next student and sit at the end of their line. The first team with all members finished and sitting is the winner. If there is time remaining at the end, this relay can also done by skipping, hopping, crab walking, and bear crawling, or use an object to pass to the next teammate in place of hand tag. VI. Ball Pass Relay (..24) The students will stand in two lines. Students will pass the ball through their legs to the student behind them. The last student in each line to receive the ball will take the ball, run around the cone and back to the front of the line to begin the process again. The first line to have all students run around the cone with the ball will be the winner. VII. Overhead ball pass (..24) The students will stand in two lines. Students will pass the ball over their head to the student behind them. The last student in each line to receive the ball will take the ball, run around the cone and back to the front of the line to begin the process again. The first line to have all students run around the cone with the ball will be the winner. VIII. Over Under Ball Pass (..24) The students will stand in their lines. Students will alternate passing the ball over their head or through their legs. The last student in each line to receive the ball will take the ball, run around the cone and back to the front of the line to begin the process again. The first line to have all students run around the cone with the ball will be the winner. 9

10 IX. Hula Hoop Relay (..24) Each team will begin standing in a line holding hands. The first person will hold a hula hoop with their free hand. Each team member must pass through the hula hoop without letting go of their teammate s hands. When the hula hoop reaches the end of the line the last person in the line will run around the cone and begin the process again. The first team to have everyone run around the cone wins. X. Super Mario Relay (Lesson 25) This game uses two hoops and a cone at the end of the course. The students will run to the first hoop, and jump in the hoop, (like super Mario going down a pipe). The students will lift the hoop from the ground over their head and let it drop to the ground. Then the student will run to the next hoop, pick it up off the ground, hold it over their head, and let it drop to the floor. To finish the race the student will run back to their line, tag the hand of the next student in line, and sit at the end of their line. XI. Cone Knock Down Relay (..25) Each team will use four cones for this game. Students will begin by running down to the last cone knocking down three cones on the way. On the way back to the line each student must stand up the three cones on the red tape spots. XII. Zig-zag Relay (..25) Students will again use three cones running through the cones in a zig-zag motion going down and coming back. XIII. Around the World (..25) When the signal to begin is given, the students will run to their right around all of the teams (orange, red, yellow, green, blue, purple) cones making a complete circle around the playing area before returning to their line to tag the next person in line. 6. Scooters I. Scooter Skills (Lesson 26) Sitting on the scooter pushing with feet moving backwards Laying on stomach pulling with arms and pushing with feet Kneeling on the scooter: Knee Slide running start, hands on handles jump to kneeling position. Belly on the scooter: Belly Slide running start, hands on handles, jump to laying position. 10

11 II. Scooter Safety Keep your body in the middle of the scooter. Kneeling Knees next to the hole of the scooter Laying Belly button covering the hole on the deck of the scooter Sitting Bottom covering the hole on the deck of the scooter Hands When sitting on the scooter keep hands on the handles When lying on the scooter keep hands in the front of the scooter, never under the scooter Watch where you are going, and do not crash into other scooters. III. Scootermania (Lesson 27) Using the crate of foam hockey pucks, make a pile in the middle of the gym. The pucks can be spread out or kept close together. Have each student select a partner, take a scooter from the rack, and select a hula hoop. The object of the activity is for the students to collect the pucks (which are in the middle of the play space) and bring them back and place them in their hoop (hoops should be at opposite ends of the basketball court). Students can only take one ball or steal one ball at a time. Students may not crash scooters into each other. Hoops cannot be guarded or moved. Throwing the ball into the hoop is not allowed. IV. Scooter Relay (Lesson 28) The first player in line will ride on their knees down and around the cone, then hand the scooter to the next person in line. The first team to complete the challenge and sit in their line will be the winner. This race can also be completed in three alternate ways: sitting going backwards, sitting going forwards, and laying on the scooter. Remediation: Demonstration, Guided Practice and Activity Stations Enrichment: Scooter Stations, Gymnastics Stations, Balance Activities, Cup Stacking, Rock Climbing, Winter Olympics Competition, obstacle courses. See SPARK Curriculum for additional content. Assessment Criteria: All Grades Gymnastics Checklist Cup Stacking Rubric Skill Observations Third Grade What is Sportsmanship Reflection Second Grade What Makes Me Healthy Reflection First Grade Primary Games Worksheet 11

12 Resources and Materials: Appendix Pages 9, 23, 24, 25 Equipment: Cupstackers, rock wall, climbing rope, scooters, panel mats, balance cards, balance beam, stop watches, tagging hands, noodles, poly spots, hula hoops, and various balls. See SPARK Curriculum for equipment necessary for additional enrichment activities. 12

13 Subject Area: Physical Education Unit: Second Third Grade Cooperative Games and Adventure Ed. (Dec. Jan.) Unit Outcomes: Students will learn to cooperate, communicate, and interact properly with their peers while attempting to complete challenges and various activities. Essential Outcome and Related Standards: A. Students will demonstrate proper cooperation and communication during a variety of games and activities, while performing the skills associated with the games. State Standard (s): 2 nd & 3 rd Grades A. Identify and engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness and health F. Recognize positive and negative interactions of small group activities. Content and Instructional Activities: A. Communication 1. Speaking Skills a. One person speaks at a time b. Everyone may express their opinions without interruption c. Resolve disagreements through conversation d. Make sure everyone understands the plan 2. Decision-Making Skills a. Identify the challenge b. Listen to everyone s ideas c. Choose the best plan d. Consider what is working and what is not e. Communicate thoughts with teammates f. Evaluate the decision B. Cooperation 1. Sportsmanship a. Challenge events and activities are for fun b. Try your best, win or lose 2. Team Building Skills a. Recognize everyone is different b. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses c. Everyone deserves a chance to participate and share their thoughts 13

14 C. Cooperative Activities 1. Rock Wall (Lessons - See Primary Games Unit) Do not use the blue rocks at the top of the wall, these are hangers for the mats. If you are close enough to touch someone else, you are too close to them. No laying or sitting on the mats. No jumping off the wall. Always climb towards section 7. Always keep one foot below the yellow line. 2. Group Juggle (Lesson 21) Break the class into four groups and have each group stand in a circle. Begin the game by tossing a ball to someone else in the circle. If you receive it, toss it to someone else in the circle not immediately on either side of you. That person will toss it to another person who has not yet received the ball. Throwing continues until the last person tosses the ball back to the initial passer. Tell the student to remember who you tossed to because we will try to recreate the pattern in the next phase. Increase the difficulty of the game by adding more objects and repeating the pattern as many times as possible. 3. Pipeline Relay (Lesson 21 3 rd Grade Only) Students will use section of PVC pipe to transport a cork ball to a specified destination. Each student must use a pipe at least one time. If the ball drops off the pipe, or stops rolling, the team must start over from the beginning 4. Mini Parachutes (Lesson 21, 1 st -2nd), Assign 5-7 players to a mini parachute, each payer will hold one color on the parachute. a. Switcharoo: a. Call a color on the parachute. Players holding that color must leave their parachute and travel to another when their color is called. Explain how to travel counterclockwise around the gym. Increase the difficulty by calling two colors at a time, the first players travels counterclockwise, and the second travels clockwise to the next parachute. b. Critter in the Web: a. How many times can your group toss and catch a critter using your parachute. Explain that each group must work together to lift the parachute to launch the critter, and must travel to catch the animal if 14

15 it does not come straight down. Each animal caught in the parachute will earn the team one point, each animal to hit the floor the team loses one point. c. Critter Catcher: a. The students will work with their group to toss the critter in the air, each student will take turns leaving the parachute to stand a few steps away, and take turns catching the critters with your hands. Explain to the students rather than lift the parachute straight up, they must angle their hands toward the teammate who is catching the critter. Each critter that is caught before it hits the ground will earn their team one point. d. Critter Soup a. Place the large bin of critters in the middle of the gym. How many critters can your group accumulate by working together. To accumulate a critter players will take turns one at a time running to the middle basket, tossing an animal onto the parachute, the team will launch the animal into the air and the player who went to get critter from the middle bin, will attempt to catch the critter before it hits the ground. Every animal that is caught will be kept by the team in a hula hoop in their corner of the gym. A critter that is not caught must be returned to the middle bin. The next player cannot go until the critter catcher returns to the parachute. Players keep taking turns until all the critters are gone from the bin, When all the critters are gone see which team accumulated the most. 5. Poison Pond (Lesson 22) Each team will receive three magic lily pads to cross the poison pond without stepping out of the lily pads. If a player accidentally steps out of the lily pad the team must return to the starting point perform five jumping jacks and begin again. 6. Ship to Shore, Command Game (Lesson 22) Scrub the Decks Climb the Rigging Captain's Coming Children crouch down and pretend to clean the floor with their hands. Children pretend to climb a rope ladder. Children salute and shout out "Aye Aye Captain" 15

16 Admiral's Coming Walk the Plank Submarines Shark Attack Cannonball Hit the Deck Port Starboard Bow Stern North / South / East / West Last One in the Dinner Line Three Men in a Lifeboat Children stop and salute (like captain's coming) but must continue to stand to attention until the instruction 'Admiral's gone' - giving opportunities for catching children out! Children have to walk in a perfect straight line one foot exactly in front of the other with arms outstretched to the sides. Children lie on floor with one leg raised like a periscope Crouch with bent arm forming fin of shark Children run in to pairs and pretend to light the cannon, shout "boom!" and jump in the air. Children lie down on their stomachs as quickly as possible. Run to left-hand side of hall Run to right-hand side of hall Run to front of hall Run to back of hall Children all run in appropriate direction Children all line up in a very straight line Children get into groups of three. Stormy Weather Rock from side to side. Peg Leg Jim The children all hop on one leg 7. Trans Atlantic Crossing (Optional Thanksgiving Lesson) The students will be split into 6 groups; each group will have a plywood ship. The students will use tennis balls to roll the plywood ships across the gym floor. Each student will have an opportunity to ride on the ship as well as have the opportunity to collect tennis balls for the journey. 8. Escape from Pompey (Optional Warm-up) The students will all be along the sidelines of the basketball court laying on their stomachs. The last student in line will run across the line hopping over each student s legs. Once the student reaches the end they lie down yell volcano and log roll once to their right. Then the next student in line repeats the process until everyone has had a chance. 16

17 9. Hoop Field (Optional) A line of ten hoops is laid on the floor. Each hoop has a specific move that must be preformed to enter the hoop, a step with either the right or left foot or a hop with both feet. Students will go one at a time to break the code to cross the hoop field safely. Use white board to discuss mapping strategies. 10. Toxic Waste (3 rd Grade Only) After forming a circle around the 5-gallon buckets, each team will use the ropes and tire tubes to lift the bucket. The group will transport the bucket from one location to another. When they reach the location, they will be required to transfer some of the contents of the bucket into another container. If something is spilled (toxic waste) the team must restart the challenge. 11. Tarp Games (Lesson 23) Tarps come in many sizes. You could be creative and cut some tarps into different shapes. Use duct tape to make a new seam along the outer edge. Begin the cooperative challenges with several students standing on the tarp. Usually with a 5' X 7' or 6' X 8' tarp, 4-6 students can fit comfortably on each small tarp. Challenges: Students are not allowed to touch the ground with any body parts. They must stay on the tarp at all times. - Stand on the bottom of the tarp (turn the tarp over without leaving it.) - Fold the tarp in 1/2. Fold it in 1/2 again. One more time!! - Turn the tarp into a diamond shape or triangle, or a house shape, cube, etc. - Magic Carpet -- Move the tarp across the floor. - Cover as much of the tarp with your bodies as possible. - Cover the least amount of the tarp as possible. Challenges: Students are allowed to touch the ground. Encourage the students to cooperate with other groups. - Can your group make a people sandwich? - Can your group make an igloo (no part of the body can be exposed to the freezing cold!)? - Can your group use the tarp as a stretcher to rescue others? What type of activity can we create to rescue others. - Acid Rain is in the forecast. Cover the entire class in a giant umbrella. - We are going to create our own Chinese New Year Dragons. Let s start with small dragons and then create a giant dragon! 17

18 - Musical Tarps. When the music begins, students must skip, jog, bear walk, etc. around the outside of the tarps. When the music stops, students have 5 seconds to get on a tarp. Then take some tarps away, so some tarps will be very crowded. Continue taking tarps away until the entire class is together on 2 or 3 tarps. - All students will stand on the floor holding the edge of the tarp. All will sit down together without letting go of the tarp. Next, try to stand-up together without letting go. If students can do this, join with another group and repeat the challenge. Then try the entire class. - What other activities can we do using the tarp as a tool to learn about cooperation? 12. Team Ski (Optional) The class will be broken into four groups, two groups will climb on the rock wall while two groups attempt to walk in unison using the team skis. After a designated amount of time the team who travelled the furthest will win the challenge and the climbing and skiing teams will switch stations. Remediation: Group Challenge Activites, Divergent, and Convergent Challenge Events Enrichment: See SPARK Curriculum for additional activities Assessment Criteria: All Grades Movement Skills Assessment (Rubric) & Tag Safety Assessment Second Grade Trans Atlantic Crossing Reflection Third Grade Trans Atlantic Adventure Worksheet (Force and Gravity) See SPARK Curriculum for additional assessment tools Resources and Materials: Appendix Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Equipment: Parachute, hula hoops, 50-foot rope, PVC pipes, ping pong balls, team skis, various size balls, sections of carpet, 28 rubber animals, mini parachutes, beanie baby animals, 8 bicycle inners tubes, 4 lengths of rope, 8 buckets, 5 boats, 300 tennis balls See SPARK curriculum for additional resources. 18

19 Subject Area: Physical Education Unit: Soccer Dribbling and Passing Skills K - 3 Unit Outcomes: Students will explore various ways to dribble, trap, and pass a soccer ball. Essential Outcome and Related Standards: A. Students will demonstrate basic soccer skills and an understanding of the rules of the game. State Standard(s): All Grades A. Identify and engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness and health A. Recognize and use basic movement skills and concepts. 3 rd Grade E. Know and describe scientific principles that affect movement and skills using appropriate vocabulary. 2 nd Grade E Recognize and descriobe game strategies using appropriate vocabulary. 1 st Grade D. Identify and use safe practices in physical activity settings. Content and Instructional Activities: A. Soccer Skills 1. Kicking Skills Stationary a. Shoulders square to ball b. Eyes on ball c. Non-kicking foot planted next to ball d. Contact ball with instep, top of foot, or outside of foot e. Follow through and move towards the target 2. Kicking Skills Moving a. Eyes on ball b. Three approach steps c. Plant non-kicking foot next to ball d. Contact ball with instep, top of foot, or outside of foot e. Follow through and move towards the target 3. Using Multiple Body Parts to Strike the Ball a. Foot 19

20 b. Heading: mouth closed, eyes on ball, contact with forehead c. Knee/Thigh d. Chest B. Lead-Up Game Skills & Team Building 1. Dribbling Skills a. Individual b. Partner c. Lead up Games d. Controlling the ball using the instep e. Controlling the ball using the outside of the foot 2. Trapping a. Partner Passing b. Lead up Games c. Using the bottom and inside of the foot to stop and control the ball d. Using the chest and legs to stop and control the ball 3. Goalie Skills a. Catching b. Blocking c. Punting d. Rolling 4. Dribbling Practice Activities for Kindergarten 3 rd Grade a. Tip Taps (1-3 Lesson 24, K Lesson 29) Alternating feet touching the top of the ball. One foot on the ball, one foot on the floor, switching feet as quickly as possible. b. Tic Tocs (1-3 Lesson 24, K Lesson 29) Alternating touching the sides of the ball with the in-step of the foot while maintaining control of the ball. The student should try to remain in one location and not travel forward or backwards. c. Freeze Dance Dribble (1-3 Lesson 24, K Lesson 29) Begin by each student dribbling the ball around the gym. Students must trap the ball when the music stops. Any student whose ball is rolling out of control after the music stops must perform 10 jumping jacks. d. Musical Hoops (1-3 Lesson 24, K Lesson 29) This game requires each student to maintain control of their ball while dribbling. When the music stops every student must dribble to a hula hoop and trap ball inside the hoop. Student who are not able to dribble to a hula hoop before each hoop is occupied must perform 10 jumping jacks. 20

21 e. Obstacle Course Soccer (1-3 Lesson 25) Each student will have a partner and a ball. To begin the game each student may place one bowling pin anywhere inside the volleyball court lines (inside black lines). The first partner begins the game by dribbling the ball from the picture wall to the rock wall, traps the ball before it touches the wall and dribbles back to their partner. The partner without the ball watches to make sure the dribbling partner: 1. Stops the ball before it touches the wall. 2. Keeps the ball inside the black lines. 3. Does not knock down any pins. If the dribbling partner s ball touches the wall, leaves the playing space, or knocks down a pin they must perform 5 jumping jacks for each infraction. Non-dribbling partners will keep track of their partner s penalties. To make the game more difficult have all players start at the same time and give them a time limit, such as 30 seconds. Reduce the time or add cones to the floor to make the activity more difficult. 5. Lead-up Soccer Skill Games a. Sharks and Minnows (1-3 Lesson 26 & 27, K Lesson 30) Each student in the class will find a partner. The player who starts the game with the ball is the minnow. The minnow dribbles the ball around the gym attempting to protect the ball from their partner the shark. The partner without the ball is the shark. The shark s job is to chase their partner and attempt to steal the ball with their feet. If the shark steals the ball the minnow must perform five jumping jacks. Once the minnow has performed five jumping jacks the shark will return the ball to the minnow and the partners will resume play. After approximately 90 seconds, stop the game and allow the players to switch roles; you may play several rounds of the game. b. Soccer Punting Practice Game (gator balls) (1-3 Lesson 28) Three Steps - Cues: Step, Drop, Kick 1. 2 Walking steps- Kicking foot, opposite foot 2. Drop Ball do not throw into air. 3. Kick, strike ball with laces of shoe, point toes toward target. Divide the students into two teams. One team will remain on the picture wall side of the gym and the other team will move to the rock wall side. During the game no students are permitted to cross the middle black line. To begin each game every student will start with a gator ball. The object of the game is to punt as many balls as possible into the opponent s goal (rectangle made of panel mats). Students may not block balls from entering the goal. After three or four minutes 21

22 stop the game and count how many balls are in each goal. Assign one student on each team the duty of emptying the balls from the goals. c. Pin Ball Goalie (1-3 Lesson 29, K Lesson 30) The students will be divided onto two teams. Each team will be assigned one side of the gym. Players will roll balls at the opposing team s pins to attempt to knock them down. The students will use their body to block the rolling balls, like a soccer goalie. The first team to knock all of the other team s pins down is the winner. d. Knockout (1-3 Lesson 30) Each student will have a ball to maintain control of during the game. The object of the game is to kick other player s soccer balls out of the tag lines while keeping your own ball inside the tag line boundaries. If a player s ball exits the playing area they must perform 10 jumping jacks before returning to the game. e. Demonstration and Partner Passing: (1-3 Lesson 30, K Lesson 31) Standing 10 feet apart the students will begin passing the ball using the in-step of their foot. The partner who is receiving the ball will trap (stop) the ball with the bottom of their shoe. Allow the students to practice passing with their partner for five minutes. Students who are kicking the ball out of control intentionally may be removed from the activity. Stress the importance of the accuracy of the pass not the power of the kick. f. Cage Ball Soccer (K Lesson 31) In the game of Cage Ball Soccer there will be two teams. This is a modified soccer game for small children. One team will wear colored practice jerseys. There are no goalies used in this game; no one may touch the ball with their hands. Any student who touches the ball with their hands must perform 25 jumping jacks. The object of the game is to kick the 48 cage ball into the goal as many times as possible. Each time a team scores the players will line-up on the black line and the teacher will restart the game by rolling the ball to one of the teams. g. Crazy Soccer (1-3 Lesson 31 & 32, K Lesson 32) Divide students into four teams, assign each team a color: red, orange, yellow, blue. Have the students wear the practice jersey that corresponds with their team color. Each team will attempt to kick their team colored ball into the opposing side s goal. All players will also attempt to keep the opposing teams balls out of their goal. Each team will have a goalie in the goal they are defending. There will be two goals with two goalies in each net. The red and yellow team will defend a goal together, and the orange and blue teams will defend a goal together. When a save is made or a goal is scored the goalie 22

23 must roll the ball away from their goal. Team s will receive one point for a goal scored with your team s color ball and two points for scoring with another team s ball. Remediation: Partner Passing, Target Passing, Lead-up Games Enrichment: Individual Practice, Partner Practice, Station Circuit, Obstacle Course, Keep Away, Self-Check, Partner Analysis, Soccer Relays, see SPARK Curriculum for additional activities. Assessment Criteria: All Grades Soccer Skills Rubric 3 rd Grade Partner Skills Analysis Worksheet 2 nd Grade Team Checklist Worksheet. 1 st Grade Soccer Safety Observation/Assessment See Spark Curriculum for additional assessment tools. Resources and Materials: Equipment: soccer balls, various size cones, poly spots, soccer goals, folding panel mats, gator balls, bowling pins and music. See SPARK Curriculum for enrichment activity materials. 23

24 Subject Area: Physical Education Unit: First Third Grade Dribbling and Passing Skills (Dec/Jan) Unit Outcomes: Students will explore dribbling and passing with both hands while stationary and while moving. Essential Outcome and Related Standards: A. Students will demonstrate dribbling, passing and catching skills, individually and with partners. B. The students will be able to dribble at various levels and speeds when given a verbal cue. C. The students will be able to demonstrate a chest pass and bounce pass with a partner. State Standard (s): All Grades A. Recognize and use basic movement skills and concepts D. Identify and use safe practices in physical activity settings. 3 rd Grade E. Know and describe scientific principles that affect movement and skills using appropriate vocabulary. 2 nd Grade A. Identify and engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness and health. 1 st Grade C Know the function of practice. Content and Instructional Activities: A. Dribbling Skills 1. Stationary a. Ready position: knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart, ball held in front of body b. Dribble ball at waist level, using fingertips, extend arm downward 2. Moving a. Dribble in front or to the sides of feet. b. Dribble ball at waist level, using fingertips, extend arm downward in the direction of travel 24

25 B. Passing Skills 1. Drills a. Performing a pass, elbow flexion and extension b. Eyes on target, step forward and release c. Bounce Pass and Chest pass stationary d. Bounce Pass and Chest Pass moving 2. Catching a. Eyes on the ball all the way to hands b. Hands open fingers spread C. Dribbling Progression and Lead-Up Games 1. Dribbling Progression (Lesson 33) Dribbling Kneeling 3 dribbles favorite hand and catch Dribbling Kneeling 3 dribbles opposite hand and catch Dribbling Kneeling 2 dribbles favorite hand, 2 dribbles opposite hand and catch Dribbling Kneeling 6 Alternating dribbles favorite hand/opposite and catch Dribbling Standing Favorite hand, two minutes Dribbling Standing Opposite hand, two minutes Dribbling Walking Favorite hand, two minutes Dribbling Walking Opposite hand, two minutes Dribbling Walking Alternating hands two minutes 2. Cone Ball (Lesson 33) Divide the class into two teams and assign one team a colored pinni jersey. Each student will take a cone and a basketball. Assign one team to knock over the cones while dribbling a ball, and the other team will stand up cones while dribbling the ball. The team that has the most cones up or down wins the round. Have the teams switch roles each round. 3. Dribble Tag (Lesson 34) Arrange the class in a scattered formation with each student equipped with a b- ball. Designate a boundary that is large enough to accommodate all the students dribbling simultaneously. Name a color of the taggers; taggers with that color basketball will chase the other students. If you are tagged by a dribble tagger you must perform ten chest passes with the wall. If any player loses control of their ball while dribbling or passing they must perform ten jumping jacks. Switch dribble taggers every 60 seconds. 4. Dribble Lane Game (Lesson 35) The students will each have a 6-inch playground ball. Four students will use noodles to defend the dribble lane. The defense may block people and balls by holding the noodle in the middle and pushing the noodle in a cross checking manner at the ball. Students may not swing the noodles or poke the noodle like a spear at the ball. If a player loses control of their ball or picks up the ball (stops dribbling) they must exit the lane (from the sides) and start from the beginning. 25

26 If players maintain control of their ball through the entire lane they may take one shot at the basket. After shooting the ball the players will reclaim their ball and dribble back to the beginning to start the process over. Every three or four minutes switch the noodles (trade noodle for ball). 5. Bounce Pass and Chest Pass Partner Passing Practice (Kindergarten) & Passing Lane 1 st 3 rd (Lessons 36 & 37) Students may not dribble once in the lane (black lines that run lengthwise down the middle of the gym), the ball must be moved by passing to their partner. The partner with the ball may not move their feet. The same rules apply for the defense as in the dribble lane game. Practice the bounce pass first, then play the passing lane game using only bounce passes. Stop the game with 15 minutes left of class. Practice the chest pass and re-start the game using chest passing only. If the pair of partners maintains control of their ball through the entire lane the partner who catches the ball behind the last noodle may take a shot; the other partner rebounds the ball and dribbles around to the beginning. Students may shoot at the two side baskets closest to the picture wall, one shot only. 6. Slam Ball (Lesson 38) Divide the student into two teams, one team will wear practice jerseys. The object of the game is to shoot the most balls into the opposite teams mini basket goal before the end of the game. During the game students pass the balls to their teammates from their end of the floor to the other team s goal. Players may not move their feet once they possess the ball. Once a player enters the blue tiles (Basketball court lane) they may shoot or slam dunk the ball into the opposing team s goal. Teams may defend students from passing or catching the basketballs balls. Once an offensive player catches the ball inside the blue tiles, their shot may not be blocked. Once a player loses control of a pass they must leave the ball on the floor and cannot attempt to regain possession of the ball. Remind the students they should shadow one player from the opposing team to prevent them from catching the ball. Students who catch the ball inside of the blue tiles (scoring area) may not move their feet. If the student who possesses the ball inside the blue tiles is too far away from the goal to slam dunk the ball, they must shoot the ball into the small orange basket. If the shot misses the basket the team attempting to score must leave the ball for the defending team to claim. Once a team scores the opposing team must recover the ball after it passes through the hoop or the scoring team will be able to score again with the same ball. Remediation: Demonstration, Guided Practice, Individual Practice, Partner Observation Enrichment: Dribble Coach, Dribbling Lane, Dribble Tales, Passing Lane, Pass It 26

27 Assessment Criteria: All Grades Dribbling and Passing Rubrics Lead-Up Basketball Games Safety Assessment Third Grade Partner Analysis Worksheet Second Grade Dribbling Quiz First Grade Practice Reflection Resources and Materials: Appendix Pages 15, 16, 17 Equipment: Small rubber playground balls, hula hoops, cones, panel mats, rope 27

28 Subject Area: Physical Education Unit: First - Third Grade Floor Hockey (Jan/Feb) Unit Outcomes: Students will explore, experiment, and gain experience manipulating a ball with an implement. Essential Outcome and Related Standards: A. Students will demonstrate proficiency while performing skills associated with the sport of floor hockey; including ball control, passing, and shooting. B. During the unit the students will demonstrate safe usage of hockey sticks as characterized by keeping both hands on the hockey stick, thumbs down, one hand at the top of the stick, one hand near the middle of the stick while always keeping the blade of the hockey stick below the belly button. C. Following the unit the students will be able to identify elements of playing good defense such as remaining between an offensive player and the goal, staying close to the offensive player, keeping eyes on the ball. State Standard (s): All Grades D. Identify and use safe practices in physical activity settings A. Identify and engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness and health A. Recognize and use basic movement skills and concepts. 3 rd Grade F Recognize and describe game strategies using appropriate vocabulary. 2 nd Grade E. Know and describe scientific principles that affect movement and skills using appropriate vocabulary. Content and Instructional Activities: A. Equipment and Safety 1. Identify Hockey Equipment: a. Hockey stick, blade and shaft b. Hockey puck or ball c. Hockey nets d. Goalie Equipment 2. Hockey Safety a. Stick remains below the waist b. No body contact with other players 28

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