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1 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase 2 8 SHADOW FLICKER 8.1 INTRODUCTION A shadow flicker assessment has been undertaken for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 only part of the development for Oweninny. The assessment also takes account of the planning refusal for the Cluddaun wind farm located to the north of the Oweninny site and turbines associated with that development have been excluded from the cumulative assessment process. The Corvoderry wind farm, which is located within the Oweninny site, is included in the shadow flicker cumulative assessment. Wind turbines, as with trees or any other tall structure, can cast long shadows when the sun is shining and is low in the sky. A phenomenon, known as shadow flicker, which could be considered a nuisance even though the effect would be very short-lived, could occur under certain conditions. This is where the blades of a wind turbine cast a shadow over a window in a nearby house. The rotation of the blades might cause a shadow to be cast about once per second or two in the room whose window is affected. The shadow flicker effect lasts for just a short period and depends for its occurrence on the following factors: The sun not being obscured and being at a low angle in the sky. The turbine(s) being directly between the sun and the affected property. There being enough wind for the turbine(s) to be in operation. All three of the above factors must coincide for shadow flicker to occur. It is part of the nature of long shadows that they pass any particular point relatively quickly and, due to the movement of the sun across the sky, the effect, if present, lasts for only a short period of time. It is generally only observed in the period after dawn and before sunset as the sun is rising and setting. Potential occurrence of shadow flicker requires that the disc outlined by the rotating turbine blades be located in the path between the sun and a possible receptor. Each latitude on the globe has its own shadow signature. In the northern hemisphere the sun stays in the southern part of the sky and there is no potential shadow flicker occurrence at receptors located due south of a wind turbine because the arc of the sun s movement is such that sunshine from the north does not occur. Concerns about shadow flicker have largely arisen in continental countries where wind turbines are located much closer to dwellings than is the practice in Ireland and where in summer months there is a high frequency of sunshine at dawn and before sunset. 8.2 RECEIVING ENVIRONMENT The Department of Environment, Heritage and local Government (DoEHLG) Wind Farm Planning Guidelines (Section 5.12) note as follows: At distances greater than 10 rotor diameters from a turbine, the potential for shadow flicker is very low. Shadow Flicker 8-1

2 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase 2 In order to ensure consistency, however, the same properties assessed as part of the EIS were assessed again, despite the fact that many are a far greater distance than ten rotor diameters from any turbine. The locations of all receptors included in the assessment are presented in Figure 8-1 and 8.2. It should be noted that the same house numbers used for the noise calculations were used for the shadow flicker calculations for ease of reference. 8.3 IMPACT OF THE DEVELOPMENT Shadow flicker analysis was carried out for all 46 properties shown in Figures 8.1 & 8.2 using the computer software WindPRO (version 3.0). The software calculates times throughout the year when the disc outlined by a rotating turbine blade viewed from the window of a house is in line with the sun and, therefore, when a potential for shadow flicker occurrence exists. A zone of visual influence calculation, using a digital terrain model, is performed before the flicker calculation to ensure that all visible wind turbines contribute to calculated flicker values. Shadow flicker calculations were conducted based on a notional window measuring 2 m wide x 1 m high and facing directly, in turn ( Greenhouse effect), toward any turbine within a distance of ten rotor diameters. The bottom line height of each window was assumed to be 4 m above ground level (approximately equivalent to an upstairs window in a two-storey house). This parameter adds an additional level of conservatism since many of the houses are, in fact, only single storey houses and upstairs windows are more likely to be exposed to a view of the turbines and less likely to be screened by vegetation. Further to the above the following was assumed in the analysis: All residences have windows that are not obscured by curtains or blinds. There is no intervening vegetation or objects between turbines and receptors Predicted Impact The extent of shadow casting is determined principally by (a) the turbine s hub height and (b) the size of the turbine s rotor blade diameter. Two cases have been considered, both of which have a maximum tip height of 176 m, as follows: a) The largest hub height proposed (i.e. 120 m), which would have a maximum rotor diameter of 112 m (and a maximum tip height of 176 m). b) The largest size of rotor blade diameter proposed (i.e. 120 m), which would have a maximum hub height of 116 m (and a maximum tip height of 176 m). The shadow flicker assessment results based on a rotor diameter of 112 m (and hub height of 120 m) are presented for all properties potentially affected by shadow flicker in Table 8.1. The shadow flicker assessment results based on a rotor diameter of 120 m (and hub height of 116 m) are presented for all properties potentially affected by shadow flicker in Table 8.2. Copies of the results sheets from WindPRO showing the results for all 46 properties, for each turbine option, are included in Appendices 8A and 8B. Shadow Flicker 8-2

3 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase 2 It should be noted that for a rotor diameter of 112 m, the majority of the 46 properties assessed are outside the ten rotor diameter distance limit (1,120 m) recommended in the Wind Farm Planning Guidelines and, therefore, would not be expected to be impacted by shadow flicker. Figure 8.1 shows the extent of the 1,120 m distance limit for this turbine option by way of a buffer line. Similarly for the rotor diameter of 120 m, the majority of the 46 properties assessed are outside the ten rotor diameter distance limit (1,200 m) and therefore, would not be expected to be impacted by shadow flicker. Figure 8.2 shows the extent of the 1,200 m distance limit for this turbine option by way of a buffer line. The results presented in Tables 8.1 and 8.2 show the Worst Case Shadow Hours per Year, the Worst Case Shadow Hours per Day and the Expected Shadow Hours per Year. The worst case results per year are a theoretical maximum that will never actually occur since the sun will not be shining all year round from dawn to dusk, the wind will not always be blowing and the windows in the properties do not directly face each and every turbine. The expected results are a far more accurate representation of what will actually occur at the Oweninny site since it takes account of historical sunshine data and wind speed and directional data recorded on the site. In Tables 8.1 and 8.2, the Expected Shadow Flicker Hours per Year have been automatically calculated by applying three factors to the theoretical, worst case, values, namely the rotor plane factor, the sunshine hours factor and the local wind regime factor. Rotor Plane: It would be highly unusual for the wind and, by extension, the plane of the turbine rotor, to track the sun (i.e. to remain continually facing the sun), thereby creating the conditions for a potentially greater level of shadow flicker. It is far more likely that, for the vast majority of the time, the plane of the rotor will not be facing the sun and so there will be a significant decrease in the potential for shadow flicker during these periods. In addition, there will be occasions when the rotor plane is parallel to the sun direction and no flicker will occur. The likely orientation of the rotor for each turbine has been factored into the shadow flicker calculations using wind measurements taken on site. (An alternative assumption of a random rotor position leads to a reduction of approximately 63% of the theoretical results.) Sunshine Hours: The sun will not be shining during all daylight hours. The long-term mean value is typically less than 30% of daylight hours, but evidently this varies from month to month. Records from the nearest meteorological station, for which such records are available (Belmullet), indicate average daily sunshine hours ranging from 0.89 hours in December to 5:79 hours in May. Local Wind Regime: Long-term wind speed records from a meteorological mast within the site boundary were applied to take account of the wind regime on the site, including factors such as the prevailing wind direction and periods when wind speed is below the turbine cut-in wind speed. Further to the above, turbines will be unavailable for operation at certain times due, for instance, to routine and emergency maintenance, substation outages, etc. These factors also reduce potential shadow occurrence, but they are not reflected in the results. Shadow Flicker 8-3

4 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase 2 WindPRO does not calculate the Expected Shadow Flicker Hours per Day because, while you can reduce the annual sunshine hours based on average data collected at meteorological stations, you could, in theory, get the majority of these sunshine hours on the same days which have the worst potential for shadow flicker impacts on a particular property. Hence, Table 8.1 and 8.2 only show the Worst Case results and not the Expected results for the shadow hours per day. It should be noted, however, that the Worst Case Shadow Hours per Day presented in Table 8.1 and 8.2 could only occur on a very small number of days each year (see Assessment Section below for details). Table 8.1: Potential Shadow Flicker Occurrence for turbines with Rotor Diameters of 112 m and Hub Heights of 120 m House Worst Case Shadow Hours per year Worst Case Shadow Hours per Day Expected Shadow Hours per year H03 8:45 0:19 1:25 H07 10:21 0:24 2:12 H08 09:57 0:23 2:04 H09 12:39 0:26 2:36 H16 22:47 0:27 4:02 H18 36:35 0:26 7:05 H19 37:12 0:52 5:29 H20 10:45 0:26 1:49 Table 8.2: Potential Shadow Flicker Occurrence for Turbines with Rotor Diameters of 120 m and Hub Heights of 116 m House Worst Case Shadow Hours per year Worst Case Shadow Hours per Day Expected Shadow Hours per year H01 15:22 0:25 2:29 H02 14:12 0:24 2:17 H03 10:12 0:20 1:37 H06 18:55 0:24 3:20 H07 11:55 0:27 2:27 H08 11:27 0:26 2:18 H09 14:24 0:28 2:52 H16 26:16 0:29 4:33 H17 25:48 0:26 4:55 H18 40:48 0:27 7:41 H19 43:01 0:54 6:05 H20 35:06 0:28 4:14 Shadow Flicker 8-4

5 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase Assessment The DoEHLG Wind Farm Planning Guidelines (Section 5.12) recommend that shadow flicker at neighbouring offices and dwellings within 500 m should not exceed 30 hours per year or 30 minutes per day. At Oweninny, there are no shadow sensitive locations (SSLs) within 500 m of any of the proposed turbines. The closest house (H20) is approximately 1,008 m from the nearest turbine (T45). Option A: 112 m rotor diameters (56m blades) and hub heights of 120 m For a rotor diameter of 112 m the results in Table 8.1 indicate that eight properties have the potential to be affected by shadow flicker, in accordance with the Wind Farm Planning Guidelines. However, the expected shadow flicker hours per year for all potentially affected houses, within ten rotor diameters of any turbine, are significantly below the recommended guideline limit of 30 hours annually. The results in Table 8.1 show that the Worst Case Shadow Flicker Hours per Day exceed the recommended daily limit of 30 minutes at a single property (H19), although it must be noted that this limit of 30 minutes actually applies to properties within 500 m of a turbine; H19 is 1,044 m away from the closest turbine (T45). Detailed results for H19 for this turbine option are presented in Appendix 8E which show that the theoretical maximum of 52 minutes shadow flicker per day would only be possible on a single day of the year. In all, the limit of 30 minutes could potentially be exceeded on 33 days in any given year, although these days are all between 27th January - 11th February and 30th October 15th November, times of the year at which the sun is statistically less likely to be shining. Option B: 120 m rotor diameters (60m blades) and hub heights of 116 m For a rotor diameter of 120 m the results in Table 8.2 indicate that 12 properties have the potential to be affected by shadow flicker, in accordance with the Wind Farm Planning Guidelines. However, the expected shadow flicker hours per year for all potentially affected houses, within ten rotor diameters of any turbine, are again significantly below the recommended guideline limit of 30 hours annually. The results in Table 8.2 show that the Worst Case Shadow Flicker Hours per Day exceed the recommended daily limit of 30 minutes at a single property (H19), although, again, it must be noted that this limit of 30 minutes actually applies to properties within 500 m of a turbine. As stated, H19 is 1,044 m away from the closest turbine (T45). Detailed results for H19 for this turbine option are presented in Appendix 8F which show that the theoretical maximum of 54 minutes shadow flicker per day would only be possible on seven days of the year. In all, the limit of 30 minutes could potentially be exceeded on 36 days in any given year, although these days are all between 26th January - 12th February and 30th October 16th November, times of the year at which the sun is statistically less likely to be shining. The following factors, of which no account has been taken in the analysis, also arise: The rooms whose windows are potentially affected may not be in use at all times that shadow flicker could occur. Shadow Flicker 8-5

6 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Occupants in rooms that are potentially affected may not be awake at all times that shadow flicker could occur. The impact of internal light levels and the presence of blinds or curtains on the potentially affected windows may have a mitigating effect. The presence of natural features such as trees and hedges, which would reduce or eliminate shadow flicker occurrence, has not been taken into account. Shadow flicker analysis is based on the potential for even faint, partial shadows to be cast by the blades of a turbine. However, because of the distance of all houses from the turbines, at most only some of the sun s light can ever be blocked out by the blades. A sharp shadow will never be cast on a residence by a blade. The combined effect of many factors pertaining to the geometry of shadows and the dimensions and geometry of wind turbine blades is to greatly reduce the effect and impact of shadow flicker. It will actually be imperceptible for a significant amount of the time that blades are passing between the clear sun and a window of a residence. The flickering frequency of any shadow occurring depends on the rate of rotation and the number of blades. It has been recommended that the critical flickering frequency should not be above 2.5 Hz, so as to avoid any possible potential to impact upon sufferers of a condition known as photosensitive epilepsy. (The UK National Society for Epilepsy identifies this threshold criterion as being 3 Hz). For a three-bladed wind turbine this is equivalent to a rotational speed of 50 revolutions per minute (rpm). The turbines are likely to operate at a maximum of circa 19 rpm. Therefore, the health impact of flicker frequency is not considered further in this assessment. 8.4 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Owing to the nature of shadow flicker occurrence, only additional wind farm projects have been included in the cumulative impact assessment. There are plans to construct a wind farm at Corvoderry, in close proximity to the proposed Oweninny Phase 1 and Phase 2 development and also a single win turbine at Dooleeg. Therefore, an assessment of the potential cumulative shadow flicker impacts from both wind farms was undertaken. The following wind farms are located within the study area and have been included in the cumulative impact assessment: Dooleeg Wind Farm (1 permitted turbine) - adjacent to south-western site boundary, separated by the N59. Corvoderry Wind Farm (10 turbines) - located to the south-east of the proposed Phase 2 Oweninny turbines. It should be noted that the proposed Tawnanasool Wind Farm (8 Turbines) is located over 10 km from the closest shadow receptor and was not included in the cumulative analysis. Given the large distances between the Corvoderry turbines and all shadow receptors, these turbines do not contribute in any way to a cumulative impact. Shadow Flicker 8-6

7 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase 2 The inclusion of the Dooleeg turbine in the shadow flicker analysis shows a potential impact on a number of shadow receptors within the cluster of houses numbered H21 to H33. It should be noted however that there is no potential for shadow flicker impacts at these houses resulting from the Oweninny turbines since the sun s path takes it south of these houses with no intervening Oweninny wind turbines. Therefore, any shadow flicker experienced by these houses will be exclusively as a result of the single Dooleeg turbine. It can therefore be concluded that cumulative impacts with respect to shadow flicker will not be an issue at this site. Potential future development of Oweninny Phase 3 Should Phase 3 of Oweninny be developed in accordance with the layout indicated in the original EIS then there would be a cumulative increase in the potential for shadow flicker to occur during the operational phase of all three phases working simultaneously. The predicted shadow flicker impact for all three phases of the Oweninny development operating together would be as described in the original EIS Chapter 8, submitted to An Bord Pleanála in The cumulative impacts would not lead to shadow flicker predicted impact levels in excess of the existing Department of the Environment Guidelines of MITIGATION The principal means of reducing the potential for shadow flicker is by turbine siting and maintaining a suitable turbine exclusion zone around sensitive receptors. In the case of Oweninny the nearest dwelling to a wind turbine is located at a distance of 1,008 meters, limiting the potential for any shadow flicker to occur. It is evident that, without operational constraints, the expected occurrence of shadow flicker at Oweninny will be low and will be well below the accepted limits of tolerance. However, out of an abundance of caution, a shadow detection and control system will be installed on turbines within ten rotor diameters of all existing dwellings, which have the potential to be impacted by shadow flicker, in order to prevent shadow flicker exceeding guidance levels at any property. The technology is based on software that computes four risk factors, namely Angle and position of the sun relative to the property. Distance of the wind turbine to any potentially affected properties. Size of the turbine rotor. Height of the turbine hub from the ground. Light levels are assessed using two light sensors placed on the east and west-facing aspects of a wind turbine's support tower. A shadow control unit, which is integrated into the turbine control system, measures the difference in intensity between the two sensor readings and calculates how pronounced a shadow is at any given moment. Once the risk of shadow flicker has been calculated, the control unit determines whether the turbine should be temporarily shut down. Shadow control units are uniquely configured for each turbine and are programmed with the locations of neighbouring properties and timetables indicating when shadow flicker may potentially occur. Shadow Flicker 8-7

8 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase 2 In addition to the installation of a shadow detection and control system, the following additional mitigation measures will be put in place in light of recommendations made by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in response to the planning application: The applicant will contact the owner of property H19 (as shown in Figures 8.1 & 8.2) with a view to establishing the use of the rooms which have the potential to be impacted by shadow flicker. In any event, as stated above, a shadow detection and control system will be installed on the turbines which have the potential to cause shadow flicker at this property to ensure that shadow flicker guideline levels are not exceeded. It is proposed to implement the following procedure for recording, reporting and handling any complaints relating to shadow flicker during the operation of the. o The developer, Oweninny Power Limited (OPL), will implement a procedure for the recording, investigating and reporting of public complaints for which the wind farm site operations manager will be responsible. This procedure will be subject to review by the OPL management. It will be a requirement that all complaints are investigated on receipt of complaint and that such complaints are immediately notified to the OPL management. o In the case of a shadow flicker complaint, an appropriately qualified person will investigate the potential for shadow flicker to have occurred by way of computer modelling and an analysis of meteorological data recorded by Met Eireann. o As set out above, a shadow detection and control system will be installed on all turbines within ten rotor diameters of any existing dwelling which has the potential to experience shadow flicker and will be implemented as required during the operational phase. If it is determined that the annual guidance limits could have been reached at a residence at any point during the lifetime of the wind farm, the developer will take immediate steps to shut down relevant turbines at further times when shadow flicker could potentially occur in the relevant 12 month period. 8.6 CONCLUSIONS The Expected Shadow Flicker Hours per Year, which are the most accurate representation of what will actually occur on site, show that the annual limit of 30 hours, as recommended by the Wind Farm Planning Guidelines, is not exceeded at any of the properties. The Worst Case Shadow Flicker Hours per Day, which are a theoretical maximum and not an accurate representation of what will occur at each property, exceed the daily limit of 30 minutes, recommended by the Wind farm Planning Guidelines, at a single property, H19, for both turbine options (112 m and 120 m rotor diameters). However, it must be noted that the 30 minute limit actually applies to properties within 500 m of the wind farm development. H19 is 1,044 m from the closest turbine, which greatly exceeds the 500 m Shadow Flicker 8-8

9 QS R Assessment Report of Phase 1 and Phase 2 limit but which is still within the ten rotor diameter limit of influence, also referred to in the Wind Farm Planning Guidelines. The detailed results in Appendices 8E and 8F show that daily shadow flicker at H19 could theoretically exceed 30 minutes on 33 days of the year for the 112 m rotor diameter turbine option and 36 days of the year for the 120 m rotor diameter option, although these are at times of the year when the sun is statistically far less likely to be shining. Thus, given the large distances between H19 and all turbines and the fact that the daily limit value of 30 minutes could only be exceeded on days of the year when the sun is statistically less likely to be shining, it is expected that the shadow flicker impacts experienced at this property will be minimal. (This is also excluding the fact that the windows of the residence do not face all of the proposed turbines, as assumed in the calculations, and that there may be intervening vegetation between the turbines and the property.) Cumulative shadow flicker impact arising from Corvoderry will not occur. The shadow flicker from the Dooleeg turbine will potentially impact on a cluster of houses H21 to H33 but no cumulative impact on these locations from Oweninny Phase 1 and Phase 2 is possible..overall, it is considered that significant impacts from shadow flicker will not arise as a result of the wind farm development at Oweninny. However, out of an abundance of caution, a shadow detection and control system will be installed on turbines within ten rotor diameters of all existing dwellings, which have the potential to be impacted by shadow flicker, in order to prevent shadow flicker exceeding guidance levels at any property. Shadow Flicker 8-9



12 03/09/ :57/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_3rd Sept 2015 Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence 1,120 m Minimum sun height over horizon for influence 3 Day step for calculation 1 days Time step for calculation 1 minutes Sunshine probability S (Average daily sunshine hours) [BELMULLET] Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Operational hours are calculated from WTGs in calculation and wind distribution: Mast Position Confirmed - Calibrated Operational time N NNE ENE E ESE SSE S SSW WSW W WNW NNW Sum ,242 1, , ,610 Idle start wind speed: Cut in wind speed from power curve A ZVI (Zones of Visual Influence) calculation is performed before flicker calculation so non visible WTG do not contribute to calculated flicker values. A WTG will be visible if it is visible from any part of the receiver window. The ZVI calculation is based on the following assumptions: Height contours used: Height Contours: Oweninny Contours.wpo (0) Obstacles used in calculation Eye height: 1.5 m Grid resolution: 10.0 m All coordinates are in ITM New WTG Scale 1:150,000 Shadow receptor WTGs WTG type X(East) Y(North) Z Row data/description Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub RPM rated diameter height [m] [kw] [m] [m] [RPM] T01 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T02 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T03 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T04 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T05 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T06 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T07 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T08 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T09 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T10 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T11 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T12 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T13 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T14 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T15 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T18 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T19 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T20 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T21 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T22 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T23 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T24 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T25 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T27 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T28 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T29 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T30 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T31 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T33 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T34 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T35 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T36 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :19 / 1

13 Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_3rd Sept /09/ :57/ continued from previous page WTG type X(East) Y(North) Z Row data/description Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub RPM rated diameter height [m] [kw] [m] [m] [RPM] T37 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T39 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T40 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T41 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T42 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T44 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T45 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T46 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T51 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T52 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T53 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T54 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T55 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T56 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T64 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T65 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T66 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T67 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T68 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T69 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T79 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T80 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T81 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T82 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T87 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T88 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T89 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T90 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T91 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TO... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, Shadow receptor-input No. X(East) Y(North) Z Width Height Height Degrees from Slope of Direction mode a.g.l. south cw window [m] [m] [m] [m] [ ] [ ] H01 493, , "Green house mode" H02 493, , "Green house mode" H03 493, , "Green house mode" H04 493, , "Green house mode" H05 493, , "Green house mode" H06 493, , "Green house mode" H07 493, , "Green house mode" H08 493, , "Green house mode" H09 493, , "Green house mode" H10 494, , "Green house mode" H11 495, , "Green house mode" H12 496, , "Green house mode" H13 496, , "Green house mode" H14 496, , "Green house mode" H15 496, , "Green house mode" H16 497, , "Green house mode" H17 497, , "Green house mode" H18 497, , "Green house mode" H19 497, , "Green house mode" H20 497, , "Green house mode" H21 501, , "Green house mode" H22 501, , "Green house mode" H23 501, , "Green house mode" H24 502, , "Green house mode" H25 502, , "Green house mode" H26 502, , "Green house mode" H27 502, , "Green house mode" H28 502, , "Green house mode" To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :19 / 2

14 Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_3rd Sept continued from previous page No. X(East) Y(North) Z Width Height Height Degrees from Slope of Direction mode a.g.l. south cw window [m] [m] [m] [m] [ ] [ ] H29 502, , "Green house mode" H30 502, , "Green house mode" H31 502, , "Green house mode" H32 502, , "Green house mode" H33 502, , "Green house mode" H34 502, , "Green house mode" H35 502, , "Green house mode" H36 503, , "Green house mode" H37 503, , "Green house mode" H38 503, , "Green house mode" H39 504, , "Green house mode" H40 504, , "Green house mode" H41 504, , "Green house mode" H42 505, , "Green house mode" H43 505, , "Green house mode" H44 505, , "Green house mode" H45 505, , "Green house mode" H46 505, , "Green house mode" 03/09/ :57/ Calculation Results Shadow receptor Shadow, worst case Shadow, expected values No. Shadow hours Shadow days Max shadow Shadow hours per year per year hours per day per year [h/year] [days/year] [h/day] [h/year] H01 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H02 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H03 8: :19 1:25 H04 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H05 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H06 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H07 10: :24 2:12 H08 9: :23 2:04 H09 12: :26 2:36 H10 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H11 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H12 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H13 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H14 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H15 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H16 22: :27 4:02 H17 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H18 36: :26 7:05 H19 37: :52 5:29 H20 10: :26 1:49 H21 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H22 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H23 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H24 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H25 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H26 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H27 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H28 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H29 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H30 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H31 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H32 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H33 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H34 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H35 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H36 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H37 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H38 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :19 / 3

15 Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_3rd Sept continued from previous page Shadow, worst case Shadow, expected values No. Shadow hours Shadow days Max shadow Shadow hours per year per year hours per day per year [h/year] [days/year] [h/day] [h/year] H39 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H40 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H41 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H42 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H43 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H44 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H45 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H46 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 03/09/ :57/ Total amount of flickering on the shadow receptors caused by each WTG No. Name Worst case Expected [h/year] [h/year] T01 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1453) 0:00 0:00 T02 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1454) 0:00 0:00 T03 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1455) 0:00 0:00 T04 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1456) 0:00 0:00 T05 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1457) 0:00 0:00 T06 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1458) 0:00 0:00 T07 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1459) 0:00 0:00 T08 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1460) 0:00 0:00 T09 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1461) 0:00 0:00 T10 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1462) 0:00 0:00 T11 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1483) 0:00 0:00 T12 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1463) 0:00 0:00 T13 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1464) 0:00 0:00 T14 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1465) 0:00 0:00 T15 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1466) 0:00 0:00 T18 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1484) 0:00 0:00 T19 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1485) 0:00 0:00 T20 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1486) 0:00 0:00 T21 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1487) 0:00 0:00 T22 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1488) 0:00 0:00 T23 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1467) 0:00 0:00 T24 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1468) 0:00 0:00 T25 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1469) 0:00 0:00 T27 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1489) 0:00 0:00 T28 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1490) 0:00 0:00 T29 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1470) 0:00 0:00 T30 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1471) 0:00 0:00 T31 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1472) 0:00 0:00 T33 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1491) 0:00 0:00 T34 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1492) 0:00 0:00 T35 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1493) 0:00 0:00 T36 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1494) 0:00 0:00 T37 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1473) 0:00 0:00 T39 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1495) 0:00 0:00 T40 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1496) 0:00 0:00 T41 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1474) 0:00 0:00 T42 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1475) 0:00 0:00 T44 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1476) 0:00 0:00 T45 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1477) 21:09 3:54 T46 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1478) 0:00 0:00 T51 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1497) 8:45 1:25 T52 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1498) 0:00 0:00 T53 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1499) 0:00 0:00 T54 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1500) 0:00 0:00 T55 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1501) 0:00 0:00 T56 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1479) 0:00 0:00 T64 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1502) 0:00 0:00 T65 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1503) 0:00 0:00 T66 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1504) 13:31 1:43 T67 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1480) 13:17 1:42 To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :19 / 4

16 Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_3rd Sept continued from previous page No. Name Worst case Expected [h/year] [h/year] T68 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1481) 26:27 4:59 T69 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1482) 0:00 0:00 T79 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1505) 0:00 0:00 T80 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1506) 0:00 0:00 T81 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1507) 0:00 0:00 T82 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1508) 10:08 2:06 T87 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1509) 26:40 5:35 T88 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1510) 0:00 0:00 T89 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1511) 0:00 0:00 T90 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1512) 0:00 0:00 T91 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1513) 22:47 4:02 03/09/ :57/ by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :19 / 5

17 03/09/ :03/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Siemens SWT3.6_116m Hubs_3rd Sept 2015 Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence 1,200 m Minimum sun height over horizon for influence 3 Day step for calculation 1 days Time step for calculation 1 minutes Sunshine probability S (Average daily sunshine hours) [BELMULLET] Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Operational hours are calculated from WTGs in calculation and wind distribution: Mast Position Confirmed - Calibrated Operational time N NNE ENE E ESE SSE S SSW WSW W WNW NNW Sum ,202 1, , ,328 Idle start wind speed: Cut in wind speed from power curve A ZVI (Zones of Visual Influence) calculation is performed before flicker calculation so non visible WTG do not contribute to calculated flicker values. A WTG will be visible if it is visible from any part of the receiver window. The ZVI calculation is based on the following assumptions: Height contours used: Height Contours: Oweninny Contours.wpo (0) Obstacles used in calculation Eye height: 1.5 m Grid resolution: 10.0 m All coordinates are in ITM New WTG Scale 1:150,000 Shadow receptor WTGs WTG type X(East) Y(North) Z Row data/description Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub RPM rated diameter height [m] [kw] [m] [m] [RPM] T01 500, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T02 501, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T03 500, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T04 501, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T05 502, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T06 501, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T07 499, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T08 500, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T09 501, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T10 502, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T11 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T12 499, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T13 500, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T14 501, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T15 502, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T18 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T19 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T20 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T21 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T22 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T23 499, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T24 500, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T25 501, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T27 494, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T28 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T29 499, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T30 500, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T31 502, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T33 494, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T34 494, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T35 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T36 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :22 / 1

18 03/09/ :03/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Siemens SWT3.6_116m Hubs_3rd Sept continued from previous page WTG type X(East) Y(North) Z Row data/description Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub RPM rated diameter height [m] [kw] [m] [m] [RPM] T37 501, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T39 494, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T40 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T41 498, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T42 500, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T44 502, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T45 498, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T46 499, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T51 494, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T52 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T53 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T54 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T55 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T56 498, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T64 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T65 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T66 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T67 498, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T68 498, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T69 499, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T79 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T80 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T81 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T82 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T87 494, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T88 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T89 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T90 495, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T91 496, , Siemens SWT !O! hub:... Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, Shadow receptor-input No. X(East) Y(North) Z Width Height Height Degrees from Slope of Direction mode a.g.l. south cw window [m] [m] [m] [m] [ ] [ ] H01 493, , "Green house mode" H02 493, , "Green house mode" H03 493, , "Green house mode" H04 493, , "Green house mode" H05 493, , "Green house mode" H06 493, , "Green house mode" H07 493, , "Green house mode" H08 493, , "Green house mode" H09 493, , "Green house mode" H10 494, , "Green house mode" H11 495, , "Green house mode" H12 496, , "Green house mode" H13 496, , "Green house mode" H14 496, , "Green house mode" H15 496, , "Green house mode" H16 497, , "Green house mode" H17 497, , "Green house mode" H18 497, , "Green house mode" H19 497, , "Green house mode" H20 497, , "Green house mode" H21 501, , "Green house mode" H22 501, , "Green house mode" H23 501, , "Green house mode" H24 502, , "Green house mode" H25 502, , "Green house mode" H26 502, , "Green house mode" H27 502, , "Green house mode" H28 502, , "Green house mode" To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :22 / 2

19 03/09/ :03/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Siemens SWT3.6_116m Hubs_3rd Sept continued from previous page No. X(East) Y(North) Z Width Height Height Degrees from Slope of Direction mode a.g.l. south cw window [m] [m] [m] [m] [ ] [ ] H29 502, , "Green house mode" H30 502, , "Green house mode" H31 502, , "Green house mode" H32 502, , "Green house mode" H33 502, , "Green house mode" H34 502, , "Green house mode" H35 502, , "Green house mode" H36 503, , "Green house mode" H37 503, , "Green house mode" H38 503, , "Green house mode" H39 504, , "Green house mode" H40 504, , "Green house mode" H41 504, , "Green house mode" H42 505, , "Green house mode" H43 505, , "Green house mode" H44 505, , "Green house mode" H45 505, , "Green house mode" H46 505, , "Green house mode" Calculation Results Shadow receptor Shadow, worst case Shadow, expected values No. Shadow hours Shadow days Max shadow Shadow hours per year per year hours per day per year [h/year] [days/year] [h/day] [h/year] H01 15: :25 2:29 H02 14: :24 2:17 H03 10: :20 1:37 H04 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H05 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H06 18: :24 3:20 H07 11: :27 2:27 H08 11: :26 2:18 H09 14: :28 2:52 H10 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H11 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H12 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H13 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H14 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H15 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H16 26: :29 4:33 H17 25: :26 4:55 H18 40: :27 7:41 H19 43: :54 6:05 H20 35: :28 4:14 H21 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H22 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H23 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H24 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H25 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H26 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H27 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H28 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H29 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H30 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H31 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H32 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H33 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H34 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H35 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H36 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H37 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H38 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :22 / 3

20 03/09/ :03/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Siemens SWT3.6_116m Hubs_3rd Sept continued from previous page Shadow, worst case Shadow, expected values No. Shadow hours Shadow days Max shadow Shadow hours per year per year hours per day per year [h/year] [days/year] [h/day] [h/year] H39 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H40 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H41 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H42 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H43 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H44 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H45 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H46 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 Total amount of flickering on the shadow receptors caused by each WTG No. Name Worst case Expected [h/year] [h/year] T01 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1552) 0:00 0:00 T02 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1553) 0:00 0:00 T03 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1554) 0:00 0:00 T04 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1555) 0:00 0:00 T05 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1556) 0:00 0:00 T06 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1557) 0:00 0:00 T07 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1558) 0:00 0:00 T08 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1559) 0:00 0:00 T09 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1560) 0:00 0:00 T10 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1561) 0:00 0:00 T11 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1582) 0:00 0:00 T12 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1562) 0:00 0:00 T13 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1563) 0:00 0:00 T14 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1564) 0:00 0:00 T15 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1565) 0:00 0:00 T18 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1583) 0:00 0:00 T19 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1584) 0:00 0:00 T20 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1585) 0:00 0:00 T21 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1586) 0:00 0:00 T22 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1587) 0:00 0:00 T23 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1566) 0:00 0:00 T24 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1567) 0:00 0:00 T25 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1568) 0:00 0:00 T27 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1588) 0:00 0:00 T28 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1589) 0:00 0:00 T29 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1569) 0:00 0:00 T30 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1570) 0:00 0:00 T31 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1571) 0:00 0:00 T33 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1590) 0:00 0:00 T34 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1591) 0:00 0:00 T35 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1592) 0:00 0:00 T36 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1593) 0:00 0:00 T37 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1572) 0:00 0:00 T39 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1594) 0:00 0:00 T40 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1595) 0:00 0:00 T41 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1573) 0:00 0:00 T42 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1574) 0:00 0:00 T44 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1575) 0:00 0:00 T45 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1576) 24:16 4:18 T46 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1577) 0:00 0:00 T51 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1596) 15:23 2:29 T52 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1597) 0:00 0:00 T53 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1598) 0:00 0:00 T54 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1599) 0:00 0:00 T55 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1600) 0:00 0:00 T56 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1578) 0:00 0:00 T64 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1601) 0:00 0:00 T65 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1602) 0:00 0:00 T66 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1603) 15:33 1:54 T67 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1579) 38:18 4:11 To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :22 / 4

21 03/09/ :03/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Phases 1 & 2_61 x Siemens SWT3.6_116m Hubs_3rd Sept continued from previous page No. Name Worst case Expected [h/year] [h/year] T68 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1580) 29:19 5:22 T69 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1581) 0:00 0:00 T79 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1604) 9:42 2:00 T80 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1605) 0:00 0:00 T81 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1606) 0:00 0:00 T82 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1607) 28:08 5:40 T87 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1608) 38:47 7:20 T88 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1609) 0:00 0:00 T89 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1610) 0:00 0:00 T90 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1611) 0:00 0:00 T91 Siemens SWT !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1612) 35:25 6: by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 03/09/ :22 / 5

22 by EMD International A/S, Tel , 15/09/ :06/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Cumulative Impacts_Corvoderry & Dooleeg_Phase 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_15th Sept 2015 Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence 1,120 m Minimum sun height over horizon for influence 3 Day step for calculation 1 days Time step for calculation 1 minutes Sunshine probability S (Average daily sunshine hours) [BELMULLET] Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Operational hours are calculated from WTGs in calculation and wind distribution: Mast Position Confirmed - Calibrated Operational time N NNE ENE E ESE SSE S SSW WSW W WNW NNW Sum ,228 1, , ,513 Idle start wind speed: Cut in wind speed from power curve A ZVI (Zones of Visual Influence) calculation is performed before flicker calculation so non visible WTG do not contribute to calculated flicker values. A WTG will be visible if it is visible from any part of the receiver window. The ZVI calculation is based on the following assumptions: Height contours used: Height Contours: Oweninny Contours.wpo (0) Obstacles used in calculation Eye height: 1.5 m Grid resolution: 10.0 m All coordinates are in Scale 1:150,000 ITM New WTG Existing WTG Shadow receptor WTGs WTG type X(East) Y(North) Z Row data/description Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub RPM rated diameter height [m] [kw] [m] [m] [RPM] , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !O! h... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, Dooleeg Turbine 501, , ENERCON E !O! hub:...no ENERCON E-82-2,000 2, T01 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T02 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T03 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T04 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T05 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T06 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T07 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T08 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T09 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T10 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T11 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T12 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T13 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T14 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T15 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T18 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T19 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T20 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T21 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T22 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T23 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, To be continued on next page... 15/09/ :07 / 1

23 15/09/ :06/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Cumulative Impacts_Corvoderry & Dooleeg_Phase 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_15th Sept continued from previous page WTG type X(East) Y(North) Z Row data/description Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub RPM rated diameter height [m] [kw] [m] [m] [RPM] T24 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T25 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T27 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T28 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T29 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T30 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T31 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T33 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T34 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T35 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T36 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T37 501, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T39 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T40 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T41 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T42 500, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T44 502, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T45 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T46 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T51 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T52 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T53 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T54 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T55 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T56 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T64 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T65 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T66 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T67 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T68 498, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T69 499, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T79 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T80 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T81 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T82 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T87 494, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T88 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T89 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T90 495, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, T91 496, , VESTAS V !O! hub:... No VESTAS V112-3,000 3, Shadow receptor-input No. X(East) Y(North) Z Width Height Height Degrees from Slope of Direction mode a.g.l. south cw window [m] [m] [m] [m] [ ] [ ] H01 493, , "Green house mode" H02 493, , "Green house mode" H03 493, , "Green house mode" H04 493, , "Green house mode" H05 493, , "Green house mode" H06 493, , "Green house mode" H07 493, , "Green house mode" H08 493, , "Green house mode" H09 493, , "Green house mode" H10 494, , "Green house mode" H11 495, , "Green house mode" H12 496, , "Green house mode" H13 496, , "Green house mode" H14 496, , "Green house mode" H15 496, , "Green house mode" H16 497, , "Green house mode" H17 497, , "Green house mode" To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 15/09/ :07 / 2

24 15/09/ :06/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Cumulative Impacts_Corvoderry & Dooleeg_Phase 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_15th Sept continued from previous page No. X(East) Y(North) Z Width Height Height Degrees from Slope of Direction mode a.g.l. south cw window [m] [m] [m] [m] [ ] [ ] H18 497, , "Green house mode" H19 497, , "Green house mode" H20 497, , "Green house mode" H21 501, , "Green house mode" H22 501, , "Green house mode" H23 501, , "Green house mode" H24 502, , "Green house mode" H25 502, , "Green house mode" H26 502, , "Green house mode" H27 502, , "Green house mode" H28 502, , "Green house mode" H29 502, , "Green house mode" H30 502, , "Green house mode" H31 502, , "Green house mode" H32 502, , "Green house mode" H33 502, , "Green house mode" H34 502, , "Green house mode" H35 502, , "Green house mode" H36 503, , "Green house mode" H37 503, , "Green house mode" H38 503, , "Green house mode" H39 504, , "Green house mode" H40 504, , "Green house mode" H41 504, , "Green house mode" H42 505, , "Green house mode" H43 505, , "Green house mode" H44 505, , "Green house mode" H45 505, , "Green house mode" H46 505, , "Green house mode" Calculation Results Shadow receptor Shadow, worst case Shadow, expected values No. Shadow hours Shadow days Max shadow Shadow hours per year per year hours per day per year [h/year] [days/year] [h/day] [h/year] H01 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H02 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H03 8: :19 1:25 H04 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H05 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H06 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H07 10: :24 2:11 H08 9: :23 2:03 H09 12: :26 2:34 H10 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H11 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H12 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H13 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H14 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H15 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H16 22: :27 4:00 H17 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H18 36: :26 7:01 H19 37: :52 5:26 H20 10: :26 1:47 H21 134: :23 25:27 H22 34: :40 6:59 H23 62: :45 11:54 H24 16: :31 3:26 H25 14: :29 3:04 H26 9: :24 2:00 H27 8: :23 1:47 To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 15/09/ :07 / 3

25 15/09/ :06/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Cumulative Impacts_Corvoderry & Dooleeg_Phase 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_15th Sept continued from previous page Shadow, worst case Shadow, expected values No. Shadow hours Shadow days Max shadow Shadow hours per year per year hours per day per year [h/year] [days/year] [h/day] [h/year] H28 8: :22 1:42 H29 7: :21 1:33 H30 7: :21 1:30 H31 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H32 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H33 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H34 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H35 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H36 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H37 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H38 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H39 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H40 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H41 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H42 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H43 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H44 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H45 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 H46 0:00 0 0:00 0:00 Total amount of flickering on the shadow receptors caused by each WTG No. Name Worst case Expected [h/year] [h/year] 63 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (70) 0:00 0:00 64 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (71) 0:00 0:00 65 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (72) 0:00 0:00 66 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (73) 0:00 0:00 67 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (74) 0:00 0:00 68 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (75) 0:00 0:00 69 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (76) 0:00 0:00 70 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (77) 0:00 0:00 71 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (78) 0:00 0:00 72 WINDTEC WT !O! hub: 64.5 m (TOT: 97.8 m) (79) 0:00 0:00 Dooleeg Turbine ENERCON E !O! hub: 82.0 m (TOT: m) (1614) 227:25 43:54 T01 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1453) 0:00 0:00 T02 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1454) 0:00 0:00 T03 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1455) 0:00 0:00 T04 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1456) 0:00 0:00 T05 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1457) 0:00 0:00 T06 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1458) 0:00 0:00 T07 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1459) 0:00 0:00 T08 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1460) 0:00 0:00 T09 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1461) 0:00 0:00 T10 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1462) 0:00 0:00 T11 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1483) 0:00 0:00 T12 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1463) 0:00 0:00 T13 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1464) 0:00 0:00 T14 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1465) 0:00 0:00 T15 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1466) 0:00 0:00 T18 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1484) 0:00 0:00 T19 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1485) 0:00 0:00 T20 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1486) 0:00 0:00 T21 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1487) 0:00 0:00 T22 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1488) 0:00 0:00 T23 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1467) 0:00 0:00 T24 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1468) 0:00 0:00 T25 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1469) 0:00 0:00 T27 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1489) 0:00 0:00 T28 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1490) 0:00 0:00 T29 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1470) 0:00 0:00 T30 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1471) 0:00 0:00 T31 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1472) 0:00 0:00 To be continued on next page by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 15/09/ :07 / 4

26 15/09/ :06/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Cumulative Impacts_Corvoderry & Dooleeg_Phase 1 & 2_61 x Vestas V112_120m Hubs_15th Sept continued from previous page No. Name Worst case Expected [h/year] [h/year] T33 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1491) 0:00 0:00 T34 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1492) 0:00 0:00 T35 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1493) 0:00 0:00 T36 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1494) 0:00 0:00 T37 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1473) 0:00 0:00 T39 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1495) 0:00 0:00 T40 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1496) 0:00 0:00 T41 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1474) 0:00 0:00 T42 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1475) 0:00 0:00 T44 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1476) 0:00 0:00 T45 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1477) 21:09 3:52 T46 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1478) 0:00 0:00 T51 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1497) 8:45 1:25 T52 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1498) 0:00 0:00 T53 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1499) 0:00 0:00 T54 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1500) 0:00 0:00 T55 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1501) 0:00 0:00 T56 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1479) 0:00 0:00 T64 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1502) 0:00 0:00 T65 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1503) 0:00 0:00 T66 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1504) 13:31 1:42 T67 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1480) 13:17 1:41 T68 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1481) 26:27 4:56 T69 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1482) 0:00 0:00 T79 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1505) 0:00 0:00 T80 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1506) 0:00 0:00 T81 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1507) 0:00 0:00 T82 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1508) 10:08 2:04 T87 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1509) 26:40 5:31 T88 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1510) 0:00 0:00 T89 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1511) 0:00 0:00 T90 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1512) 0:00 0:00 T91 VESTAS V !O! hub: m (TOT: m) (1513) 22:47 4: by EMD International A/S, Tel , windpro@emd.dk 15/09/ :07 / 5

27 by EMD International A/S, Tel , 15/09/ :12/ Calculation: Oweninny Shadow Calc_Cumulative Impacts_Corvoderry & Dooleeg_Phase 1 & 2_61 x Siemens SWT3.6_116m Hubs_15th Sept 2015 Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence 1,200 m Minimum sun height over horizon for influence 3 Day step for calculation 1 days Time step for calculation 1 minutes Sunshine probability S (Average daily sunshine hours) [BELMULLET] Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Operational hours are calculated from WTGs in calculation and wind distribution: Mast Position Confirmed - Calibrated Operational time N NNE ENE E ESE SSE S SSW WSW W WNW NNW Sum ,194 1, , ,274 Idle start wind speed: Cut in wind speed from power curve A ZVI (Zones of Visual Influence) calculation is performed before flicker calculation so non visible WTG do not contribute to calculated flicker values. A WTG will be visible if it is visible from any part of the receiver window. The ZVI calculation is based on the following assumptions: Height contours used: Height Contours: Oweninny Contours.wpo (0) Obstacles used in calculation Eye height: 1.5 m Grid resolution: 10.0 m All coordinates are in Scale 1:150,000 ITM New WTG Existing WTG Shadow receptor WTGs WTG type X(East) Y(North) Z Row data/description Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub RPM rated diameter height [m] [kw] [m] [m] [RPM] , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, , , WINDTEC WT !... No WINDTEC WT1500-1,500 1, Dooleeg Turbine 501, , ENERCON E !O! h... No ENERCON E-82-2,000 2, T01 500, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T02 501, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T03 500, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T04 501, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T05 502, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T06 501, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T07 499, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T08 500, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T09 501, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T10 502, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T11 495, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T12 499, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T13 500, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T14 501, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T15 502, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T18 495, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T19 495, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T20 496, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T21 495, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T22 496, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T23 499, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, T24 500, , Siemens SWT Yes Siemens SWT ,600 3, To be continued on next page... 15/09/ :13 / 1


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