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1 DOCUMNTS IN THIS PACKT INCLUD: LTTRS FROM CITIZNS TO TH MAYOR OR CITY COUNCIL RSPONSS FROM STAFF TO LTTRS FROM CITIZNS ITMS FROM MAYOR AND COUNCIL MMBRS ITMS FROM OTHR COMMITTS AND AGNCIS ITMS FROM CITY, COUNTY, STAT, AND RGIONAL AGNCIS Prepared for: 1/23/217 Doument dates: 1/4/217 1/11/217 Set 1 Note: Douments for every ategory may not have been reeived for paket reprodution in a given week

2 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:11 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: C: Subjet: Dr. Peter A Underhill <> Saturday, January 7, 217 2:5 PM Counil, City; 9 N California Ave appeal City Counil members, I reside diretly adjaent to the planned development referred to as 9 N. California Ave. I delare to the best of my knowledge that I did not reeive notie of the 15 Sept 216 ARB publi meeting. While I look forward to the ompletion of the onstrution of 3 two-story houses with basements, approval of the projet is premature. The path to maturity involves the opportunity for the City to more atively deal with the ontentious issue of broad area dewatering, inluding the onsequene of subsidene. While exessive dewatering an redue both groundwater and ground surfae levels, the redution of water level is potentially reoverable but ground surfae height does not rebound to previous grade. Nowhere in the 63-page ID# 7548 report (Meeting Date: 1/9/217) are the words subsidene or sinking mentioned. Given my front line proximity to the simultaneous dewatering of 3 basements, I am onerned about subsidene onsequenes ranging from sloping floors, jammed windows, doors and loks to undermining the strutural integrity of my himney and foundation. To my knowledge neither my homeowner s or earthquake insurane overs subsidene related damage. I attended the Poliy and Servies Committee 14 De 216 meeting about dewatering. During the meeting, arhitet Dan Garber proposed a solution. He stated that using ut-wall boundary tehniques for basement exavation would redue onsiderably the volume of ground water pumped during dewatering. I suggest that the 9 N. California Ave development projet be viewed as a test site opportunity by the City to assess the effiay of this proedure. Coneivably the City ould inentivize the developer to implement the ut-wall approah during the upoming dewatering season. Careful, unbiased monitoring of both ground surfae and water levels would provide systemati, quantitative information to City regulators and itizens. I believe I would be less vulnerable to potential harm if the 3 basements were exavated using the ut-wall tehnique. Respetfully, Peter A. Underhill 92 N. California Ave Palo Alto, CA

3 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:11 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: C: Subjet: Importane: Niholas Kaposhilin Sunday, January 8, 217 1:59 PM DuBois, Tom; Filseth, ri (Internal); Fine, Adrian; Holman, Karen; Kniss, Liz (internal); Sharff, Gregory (internal); Wolbah, Cory; Beatrix Cashmore; Peter A Underhill; Counil, City 9 N. California Avenue Projet [15PLN-155] - Appeal of the ARB approval (PLAS RAD) High Dear Counil Member and Fellow Resident, I am writing to you as a Neighbor of 9 N. California Ave. and as a o author of the Appeal letter for the 9 N. California Ave. projet ARB Approval that was granted in November 216. On Monday evening Jan 9, you will be asked by the City Manager to deny the appeal. This will be a real mistake and here s why: It was a mistake for the ARB to approve a 33, square foot projet in an R1 residential neighborhood without understanding the real sope and impat of suh an extraordinary projet by evaluating it against the standards of more similar sized ommerial projets in the ity. Failure of notifiations to be reeived by any neighbors affeted by the projet with regards to the ARB publi hearing for this projet (that ourred in Sept. 216) resulted in neighbors of this highly impatful R1 projet being inadvertently denied a voie in proess But mistakes an be fixed and this one is simple to fix by granting the appeal. On the ontrary, by denying the appeal the Counil risks ompounding the ations of the City Manager and the ARB and sending a lear message to neighbors and residents that their voies are not appreiated or valued in the due proess for R1 projets. Why are we appealing? This is a Commerial Sized Projet in an R1 neighborhood Throughout the proess for this projet the City and the ARB have looked upon this projet as a simple single parel being split into three separate parels and the development of three separate single family homes. But yet there has been only one ARB review and there will be only one massive development projet effeting 33, square feet of spae in an R1 residential neighborhood. This is not a typial R1 ARB ase and as suh it deserves the fous and srutiny more akin to a ommerial development. As a neighbor, I believe that myself and others ABSOLUTLY have valid onerns about traffi, noise and appropriate levels of notie and ommunity outreah for suh a projet and it is ruial for our onerns to be addressed. Due to the Size and the Loation This Projet has Potentially Signifiant Groundwater Dewatering Impat The question of dewatering a 33, square foot area in an R1 distrit all at one and all that this entails at this loation has not been addressed during the ARB review and is of signifiant onern. 3

4 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:11 PM This projet will absolutely have the dewatering impat of a ommerial sized projet and as suh dewatering of the site during onstrution should be reviewed as a ommerial projet and a dewatering plan adequate for a ommerial projet should be developed before the projet is allowed to go forward. Keith Bennett of agrees stating the following: The Counil speifially inluded a provision in the sub division approval to apply any dewatering rules for multi site dewatering. However, the likely 217 dewatering guidelines do not address the issues speifi to this site, whih requires speifi handling The PSC at the 12/14 meeting learly indiated that the primary motivation for dewatering regulations was to redue water waste. This projet ALON has the potential to waste one half of the total of 14 million gallons of groundwater pumped in 216 (for 8 basements), based upon an estimate of 2 25 million gallons per basement x 3 basements. The high groundwater in the 9 N. California area strongly suggests that the amount of water pumped for this projet will be partiularly large. Use of proper dewatering strategies for this projet ould signifiantly affet groundwater waste in 217, possibly reduing waste by 3 5% for the entire City. At the 12/14 meeting, presentations were made on the feasibility of "loal" dewatering strategies. Suh strategies are easily feasible on this very large site, whih is larger than many ommerial sites. The 3 lots together are as large as the "L shaped' parking lot at Waverly and Hamilton, for example. In summary, I believe the City Manager has made a mistake a is doing a dis servie to the ounil and the ommunity by reommending that this appeal be denied in favor of a private R1 projet of extraordinary sope that has zero urgeny to anyone other than the owner and zero publi benefit. By doing so the ity manager disregards the real impat of suh a large R1 projet and dismisses the onerns of residents and neighbors as well as potentially severe groundwater waste in 217. All this ould likely be avoided through further planning and ommunity engagement that and appeal would require. Thank you for your time and it is my sinere expetation that you will vote to approve the appeal on Monday. Kind Regards, Niholas Kaposhilin Owner and resident of 936 N. California Ave. 4

5 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:11 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: C: Subjet: Rita Vrhel Sunday, January 8, 217 7:5 PM Counil, City; Lydia Kou; sther Nigenda; Keith Bennett; Daniel Garber 9 N. California Dear City Counil members: I am asking that you pull ITM # 9 (9 N. California Ave) from the 1/9 Consent Calendar. Ms. Cashmore filed an Appeal on this projet beause she and her nearby neighbors stated they had not reeived the mandatory noties from the City. They were not able to make their onerns known re this projet, attend meetings or influene the outome. Per douments available for review, this 3, sq ft property urrently has 3 strutures in plae: a 1,672 sq ft home, 1,245 sq ft home and a 7 sq foot unit. The property will be subdivided into 3 lots; the following 3 houses will be built. A 2- story 3,157 sq ft FAR dwelling (all figures inlude garages) with a 1,896 sq. ft basement; a 2-story 3,563 sq ft FAR dwelling with a 2,774 sq ft basement and a 2-story 4,177 sq ft FAR dwelling with a 2,417 basement. This is a onsiderable inrease in the sq. footage of the dwellings. Dewatering will be required for all basement onstrution. My reasons for requesting taking this item off the Consent Calendar and having the full CC review and disuss are as follows: 1. Given the size and magnitude of this projet, I honestly an't believe that 1 neighbor would not have attended at least 1 meeting if they had reeived proper notifiation. 2. In my own personal experiene, I did not reeive mandated notifiation and just was luky in happening to all the City days before it would have been to late to file an Appeal. Yet daily I walked past the posted Notie 5

6 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:11 PM of Change to the shool property. Many of these noties after time ease to be relevant as the drawing fade; i.e. the posting at the orner of mbaradero and Newell. 3. I have heard similar stories from many other residents regarding not reeiving mandated noties. On 1/7, sther Nigenda and I met with an 8 yr old ouple living at 2433 merson regarding a nearby basement projet; they have reeived a letter but no postard noties and do not know what to do. 4. Beause of the above, I believe Ms. Cashmore. 5. It would be so simple to require all noties be sent ertified mail with signature ard required. The Developer would be billed for Staff time and materials. That would end this on going problem. 6. The onus now, as stated in the Staff report, is on residents to keep up to date on projets in their area. They an all the City, go on line and register for notifiations (that assumes everyone is omputer/city regulations literate), or hek the noties in the paper (that assumes everyone is mobile, not visually impaired and has aess to the daily newspapers). Many people do not know the ins and outs of the City proess. 7. Dewatering, as we know, will be a onern here. The loation is lose to the Bay and the groundwater level will be shallow. Changes for 217 and 218 are being reommended to the urrent dewatering regulations. Beause of the size of this property, perolation or distribution of extrated groundwater for use to nearby residents presents a golden opportunity to derease groundwater waste. But only if you require it. 8. Why not set this item aside and disuss after the 2/13 City Counil review and disussion of Publi Works' propose hanges to regulations for 217 and 218? 9. Ms. Cashmore has met with sther Nigenda, Keith Bennett, Dan Garber and me to disus her onerns regarding dewatering. Dan Garber kindly offered to meet with Ms. Cashmore, her neighbors and the Developer to disuss dewatering onerns. 1. We have a new City Counil. Greg Tanaka and Lydia Kou's ity ounil s are not yet listed; thereby limiting potential ontat with them. I am not for or against the projet, but I am onerned about Ms. Cashmore's statements regarding lak of notifiation. It is not easy to file an Appeal, gather one's thought and appear before the City Counil. I am also very onerned about the dewatering required for these homes. Please provide Ms. Cashmore and her neighbors the hane to present their onerns to the entire City Counil. Thank you.. Rita C. Vrhel, RN, BSN, CCM Medial Case Management Phone: Fax:

7 CI TY F 9 PALO ALTO TO: HONORABL CITY COUNCIL FROM: BTH MINOR, CITY CLRK DAT: SUBJCT: JANUARY 9, 217 AGNDA ITM NUMBR 9-9 N. California Avenue [15PLN-155]: Denial of the Appeal of the Planning and Community nvironment Diretor's Arhitetural Review Approval of Three new Single-Family Homes, one With a Seond Unit. nvironmental Review: Categorially xempt per CQA Guidelines Setion 1533(a) (New Constrution or Conversion of Small Strutures), Zoning Distrit: R-1 Find attahed xerpt Ation Minutes from the November 14, 216 Counil meeting pertaining to 9 N. California Avenue [15PLN-155]. Beth Minor City Clerk 1of1

8 CITY OF PALO ALTO CITY COUNCIL XCRPT MINUTS Speial Meeting November 14, 216 The City Counil of the City of Palo Alto met on this date in the Counil Chambers at 5:3 P.M. Present: Absent: Burt, DuBois, Filseth, Holman arrived at 5:33 P.M., Sharff, Shmid arrived at 5:33 P.M., Wolbah Berman, Kniss Ation Items 16. PUBLIC HARING: 9 N. California Ave. [14PLN-233]: Reommendation for Approval of a Preliminary Parel Map, With xeptions, to Subdivide an xisting 3,837 Square Foot Parel Into Three Parels. The Parel Map xeption is to Allow one of the Parels to xeed the Maximum Lot Area. nvironmental Assessment: xemption Pursuant to CQA Guidelines Setion 1561 (b)(3). Zoning Distrit: Single-Family Residential Distrit (R-1) **QUASI JUDICIAL. Publi Hearing opened at 8:24 P.M. Publi Hearing losed at 8:38 P.M. MOTION: Vie Mayor Sharff moved, seonded by Counil Member DuBois to: A. Find the Projet exempt from the California nvironmental Quality At (CQA) pursuant to Setion 1561(b)(3); and B. Approve the Reord of Land Use Ation for the proposed preliminary parel map appliation. INCORPORATD INTO TH MOTION WITH TH CONSNT OF TH MAKR AND SCONDR to add to the Motion, inluding the addition of a requirement that a seond unit be built on Lot 3. (New Part B.i.) INCORPORATD INTO TH MOTION WITH TH CONSNT OF TH MAKR AND SCONDR to add to the Motion, inrease the setbaks to 8 Page 1 of 3

9 ACTION MINUTS feet on all sides of the garage and aessory buildings on Lot 3. (New Part B.ii.) AMNDNT: Mayor Burt moved, seonded by Counil Member XX to add to the Motion, diret Staff to determine and ertify that the aggregate de-watering of the three basements not be deleterious to the surrounding properties or vegetation. AMNDMNT RSTATD: Mayor Burt moved, seonded by Counil Member XX to add to the Motion, diret Staff to review the third party dewatering review statement to assure that the aggregate impat is evaluated and not simply the individual dewatering impat of eah lot. AMNDNT2: Mayor Burt moved, seonded by Counil Member XX to add to the Motion, add the requirement that this development be subjet to whatever new dewatering requirements the Counil adopts before the next dewatering season. AMNDNT2 RSTATD AND INCORPORATD INTO TH MOTION WITH TH CONSNT OF TH MAKR AND SCONDR to add to the Motion, add the requirement that this development be subjet to whatever dewatering requirements are in effet before the next dewatering season. (New Part C) AMNDMNT RSTATD: Mayor Burt moved, seonded by Counil Member XX to add to the Motion, diret Staff to review the third party review statement to assure that any aggregate impat presented by the onstrution shedule is evaluated and not simply the individual dewatering impat of eah lot. AMNDMNT RSTATD AND INCORPORATD INTO TH MOTION WITH TH CONSNT OF TH MAKR AND SCONDR to add to the Motion, diret Staff to review the third party geo-tehnial report to assure that any aggregate impat presented by the onstrution shedule is evaluated and not simply the individual dewatering impat of onstrution on eah lot. (New Part D) MOTION AS AMNDD RSTATD: Vie Mayor Sharff moved, seonded by Counil Member DuBois to: A. Find the Projet exempt from the California nvironmental Quality At (CQA) pursuant to Setion 1561(b)(3); and B. Approve the Reord of Land Use Ation for the proposed preliminary parel map appliation: Page 2 of 3 City Counil Meeting Ation Minutes: 11/14/16

10 ACTION MINUTS i. Inluding the addition of a requirement that a seond unit be built on Lot 3; and ii. Inrease the setbaks to 8 feet on all sides of the garage and aessory buildings on Lot 3; and C. Add the requirement that this development be subjet to whatever dewatering requirements are in effet before the next dewatering season; and D. Diret Staff to review the third party geo-tehnial report to assure that any aggregate impat presented by the onstrution shedule is evaluated and not simply the individual dewatering impat of onstrution on eah lot. MOTION AS AMNDD PASSD: 7- Berman, Kniss absent Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 P.M. Page 3 of 3 City Counil Meeting Ation Minutes: 11/14/16

11 .. CITY OF 1 TO: FROM: HONORABL CITY COUNCIL ROB D GUS, COMMUNITY SRVICS DIRCTOR DAT: SUBJCT: JANUARY 9, 217 AGNDA ITM NUMBR 1- Approve and Authorize the City Manager to xeute an Agreement Between the City of Palo Alto and Team Sheeper LLC, for the Learn to Swim Program for Summer 217 at an Amount Not-to-xeed $143, The Agreement with Team Sheeper LLC (Attahment A), was not yet exeuted by Team Sheeper LLC at the time this Agenda Item was prepared for the Counil Paket. There are also minor hanges between the signed Agreement and the version prepared for the Counil Paket. Those hanges are: the addition of Sope of Servies dates from Marh 1, 217 through Deember 31, 217 (xhibit B), the removal of details desribing lesson levels and daily ativities for swim amps (xhibit B), and an adjusted invoiing shedule to provide for monthly invoies and payments (Setion 5). The Agreement was exeuted by Team Sheeper LLC on January 3, 217. Find the signed Agreement attahed. J / /),.. // I I,J- )/t Lt/ Rob De Geus Diretor Community Servies 1of1

12 JuSJgn nvelope ID: DB5B45F9-34DD-4A B2B19AOD3BD CITY OF PALO AL TO CONTRACT NO: Cl AGRMNT BTWN TH CITY OF PALO AL TO AND TAM SHPR, INC. FOR PROFSSIONAL SRVICS This Agreement is entered into on this 1st day of Marh, 217, ("Agreement") by and between the CITY OF PALO AL TO, a California hartered muniipal orporation ("CITY"), and TAM SHPR, INC. a California orporation, loated at 51 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, CA 9425 ("CONSULT ANT"). RCITALS The following reitals are a substantive portion of this Agreement. A. CITY intends to provi4e its Summer 217 Session Rereation Aquatis Program ("Projet") and desires to engage a onsultant to provide ertified swim instrutors to teah private and group swim lessons to registered partiipants in the Palo Alto Rereation Aquatis Program for the CITY of Palo Alto offered at the Jane Lathrop Stanford (JLS) Pool, 48 ast Meadow Drive, Palo Alto 9436 and Rinonada Pool, 777 mbaradero Road, Palo Alto, CA 9431 in onnetion with the Projet ("Servies"). B. CONSULT ANT has represented that it has the neessary professional expertise, qualifiations, and apability, and all required lienses and/or ertifiations to provide the Servies. C. CITY in reliane on these representations desires to engage CONSULT ANT to provide the Servies as more fully desribed in xhibit "A", attahed to and made a part of this Agreement. NOW, THRFOR, in onsideration of the reitals, ovenants, terms, and onditions, in this Agreement, the parties agree: AGRMNT SCTION 1. SCOP OF SRVICS. CONSULTANT shall perform the Servies desribed at xhibit "A" in aordane with the terms and onditions ontained in this Agreement. The performane of all Servies shall be to the reasonable satisfation of CITY. SCTION 2. TRM. The term of this Agreement shall be from the date of its full exeution through Deember 31, 21 7 unless terminated earlier pursuant to Setion 19 of this Agreement. SCTION 3. SCHDUL OF PRFORMANC. Time is of the essene in the performane of Servies under this Agreement. CONSULT ANT shall omplete the Servies within the term of this Agreement and in aordane with the shedule set forth in xhibit "B", attahed to and

13 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5B45F9-34DD-4A B2B19AOD3BD made a part of this Agreement. Any Servies for whih times for performane are not speified in this Agreement shall be ommened and ompleted by CONSULT ANT in a reasonably prompt and timely manner based upon the irumstanes and diretion ommuniated to the CONSULTANT. CITY's agreement to extend the term or the shedule for performane shall not prelude reovery of damages for delay if the extension is required due to the fault of CONSULTANT. SCTION 4. NOT TO XCD COMPNSATION. The ompensation to be paid to CONSULT ANT for performane of the Servies desribed in xhibit "A" ("Basi Servies"), and reimbursable expenses, shall not exeed One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($113,). CONSULTANT agrees to omplete all Basi Servies, inluding reimbursable expenses, within this amount. In the event Additional Servies are authorized, the total ompensation for Basi Servies, Additional Servies and reimbursable expenses shall not exeed One Hundred Forty Three Thousand Dollars ($143,). The appliable rates and shedule of payment are set out at xhibit "C", whih is attahed to and made a part of this Agreement. Any work performed or expenses inurred for whih payment would result in a total exeeding the maximum amount of ompensation set forth herein shall be at no ost to the CITY. Additional Servies, if any, shall be authorized in aordane with and subjet to the provisions of' xhibit "C". CONSULT ANT shall not reeive any ompensation for Additional Servies performed without the prior written authorization of CITY. Additional Servies shall mean any work that is determined by CITY to be neessary for the proper ompletion of the Projet, but whih is not inluded within the Sope of Servies desribed at xhibit "A". SCTION 5. INVOICS. The CONSULTANT will invoie the CITY for payment at the end of eah month for servies provided. The CONSULT ANT payment vouher will then be submitted to the fisal setion for payment at whih point the CITY has 3 working days from the last date of the payment vouher to render payment to the CONSULT ANT. Invoies must inlude CONSULTANT name, address, ontrat number, date of servies, ompensation amount. SCTION 6. OUALIFICATIONS/STANDARD OF CAR. All of the Servies shall be performed by CONSULTANT or under CONSULTANT's supervision. CONSULTANT represents that it possesses the professional and tehnial personnel neessary to perfo the Servies required by this Agreement and that the personnel have suffiient skill and experiene to perform the Servies assigned to them. CONSULT ANT represents that it, its employees and subonsultants, if permitted, have and shall maintain during the term of this Agreement all lienses, permits, qualifiations, insurane and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Servies. All of the servies to be furnished by CONSULT ANT under this agreement shall meet the professional standard and quality that prevail among professionals in the same disipline and of similar knowledge and skill engaged in related work throughout California under the same or similar irumstanes. SCTION 7. COMPLIANC WITH LAWS. CONSULTANT shall keep itself informed of 2 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

14 and in ompliane with all federal, state and loal laws, ordinanes, regulations, and orders that may affet in any manner the Projet or the performane of the Servies or those engaged to perform Servies under this Agreement. CONSULT ANT shall proure all permits and lienses, pay all harges and fees, and give all noties required by law in the performane of the Servies. SCTION 8. RRORS/OMISSIONS. CONSULT ANT is solely responsible for osts, inluding, but not limited to, inreases in the ost of Servies, arising from or aused by CONSULTANT's errors and omissions, inluding, but not limited to, the osts of orretions suh errors and omissions, any hange order markup osts, or osts arising from delay aused by the errors and omissions or unreasonable delay in orreting the errors and omissions. SCTION 9. COST STIMATS. If this Agreement pertains to the design of a publi works projet, CONSULT ANT shall submit estimates of probable onstrution osts at eah phase of design submittal. If the total estimated onstrution ost at any submittal exeeds ten perent (1%) of CITY's stated onstrution udget, CONSULTANT shall make reommendations to CITY for aligning the PROJCT design with the budget, inorporate CITY approved reommendations, and revise the design to meet the Projet budget, at no additional ost to CITY. SCTION 1. INDPNDNT CONSULTANT. It is understood and agreed. that in performing the Servies under this Agreement CONSULTANT, and any person employed by or ontrated with CONSULT ANT to furnish labor and/or materials under this Agreement, shall at as and be an independent CONSULT ANT and not an agent or employee of CITY. SCTION 11. ASSIGNMNT. The parties agree that the expertise and experiene of CONSULT ANT are material onsiderations for this Agreement. CONSULT ANT shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement nor the performane of any of CONSULTANT's obligations hereunder without the prior written onsent of the CITY manager. Consent to one assignment will not be deemed to be onsent to any subsequent assignment. Any assignment made without the approval of the CITY manager will be void. SCTION 12. SUBCONTRACTING. CONSULT ANT shall not subontrat any portion of the work to be performed under this Agreement without the prior written authorization of the CITY manager or designee. CONSULT ANT shall be responsible for direting the work of any subonsultants and for any ompensation due to subonsultants. CITY assumes no responsibility whatsoever onerning ompensation. CONSULT ANT shall be fully responsible to CITY for all ats and omissions of a subontrator. CONSUL TANT shall hange or add subonsultants only with the prior approval of the CITY manager or his designee. SCTION 13. PROJCT MANAGMNT. CONSULTANT will assign Charlie Boek as the projet manager to have supervisory responsibility for the performane, progress, and exeution of the Servies and as the projet oordinator to represent CONSULT ANT during the day-to-day work on the Projet. If irumstanes ause the substitution of the projet diretor, projet oordinator, or any other key personnel for any reason, the appointment of a substitute 3 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

15 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5B45F9-34DD-4A B2B19AOD3BD projet diretor and the assignment of any key new or replaement personnel will be subjet to the prior written approval of the CITY's projet manager. CONSULTANT, at CITY's request, shall promptly remove personnel who CITY finds do not perform the Servies in an aeptable manner, are unooperative, or present a threat to the adequate or timely ompletion of the Projet or a threat to the safety of persons or property. CITY's projet manager is Sharon va, Community Servies Department, 135 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 9433, Telephone (65) The projet manager will be CONSULTANT's point of ontat with respet to performane, progress and exeution of the Servies. CITY may designate an alternate projet manager from time to time. SCTION 14. OWNRSHIP OF MATRIALS. Upon delivery, all work produt, inluding without limitation, all writings, drawings, plans, reports, speifiations, alulations, douments, other materials and opyright interests developed under this Agreement shall be and remain the exlusive property of CITY without restrition or limitation upon their use. CONSULT ANT agrees that all opyrights whih arise from reation of the work pursuant to this Agreement shall be vested in CITY, and CONSULTANT waives and relinquishes all laims to opyright or other intelletual property rights in favor of the CITY. Neither CONSULTANT nor its CONSULTANTs, if any, shall make any of suh materials available to any individual or organization without the prior written approval of the CITY Manager or designee. CONSULT ANT makes no representation of the suitability of the work produt for se in or appliation to irumstanes not ontemplated by the sope of work. SCTION 15. AUDITS. CONSULT ANT will permit CITY to audit, at any reasonable time during the term of this Agreement and for three (3) years thereafter, CONSULTANT's reords pertaining to matters overed by this Agreement. CONSULT ANT further agrees to maintain and retain suh reords for at least three (3) years after the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. SCTION 16. INDMNITY To the fullest extent permitted by law, CONSULTANT shall protet, indemnify, defend and hold harmless CITY, its Counil members, offiers, employees and agents (eah an "Indemnified Party") from and against any and all demands, laims, or liability of any nature, inluding death or injury to any person, property damage or any other loss, inluding all osts and expenses of whatever nature inluding attorneys fees, experts fees, ourt osts and disbursements ("Claims") resulting from, arising out of or in any manner related to performane or nonperformane by CONSULT ANT, its offiers, employees, agents or CONSULT ANTs under this Agreement, regardless of whether or not it is aused in part by an Indemnified Party Notwithstanding the above, nothing in this Setion 16 shall be onstrued to require CONSULT ANT to indemnify an Indemnified Party from Claims arising from the ative negligene, sole negligene or willful misondut of an Indemnified Party The aeptane of CONSULTANT's servies and duties by CITY shall not operate as a waiver of the right of indemnifiation. The provisions of this Setion 16 shall 4 Professional Servies Rev_ April 27, 216

16 ousign nvelope ID: DB5845F9-34DD-4A B2819AOD3BD survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement. SCTION 17. WAIVRS. The waiver by either party of any breah or violation of any ovenant, term, ondition or provision of this Agreement, or of the provisions of any ordinane or law, will not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, ovenant, ondition, provisions, ordinane or law, or of any subsequent breah or violation of the same or of any other term, ovenant, ondition, provision, ordinane or law. SCTION 18. INSURANC CONSULTANT, at its sole ost and expense, shall obtain and maintain, in full fore and effet during the term of this Agreement, the insurane overage desribed in xhibit "D". CONSULTANT and its Contrators, if any, shall obtain a poliy endorsement naming CITY as an additional insured under any general liability or automobile poliy or poliies All insurane overage required hereunder shall be provided through arriers with AM Best's Key Rating Guide ratings of A-:VII or higher whih are liensed or authorized to transat insurane business in the State of California. Any and all CONSULT ANTs of CONSULT ANT retained to perform Servies under this Agreement will obtain and maintain, in full fore and effet during the term of this Agreement, idential insurane overage, naming CITY as an additional insured under suh poliies as required above Certifiates evidening suh insurane shall be filed with CITY onurrently with the exeution of this Agreement. The ertifiates will be subjet to the approval of CITY' s Risk Manager and will ontain an endorsement stating that the insurane is primary overage and will not be aneled, or materially redued in overage or limits, by the insurer exept after filing with the Purhasing Manager thirty (3) days' prior written notie of the anellation or modifiation. If the insurer anels or modifies the insurane and provides less than thirty (3) days' notie to CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT shall provide the Purhasing Manager written notie of the anellation or modifiation within two (2) business days of the CONSULTANT's reeipt of suh notie. CONSULTANT shall be responsible for ensuring that urrent ertifiates evidening the insurane are provided to CITY' s Chief Prourement Offier during the entire term of this Agreement The prouring of suh required poliy or poliies of insurane will not be onstrued to limit CONSULT ANT's liability hereunder nor to fulfill the indemnifiation provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the poliy or poliies of insurane, CONSULTANT will be obligated for the full and total amount of any damage, injury, or loss aused by or diretly arising as a result of the Servies performed under this Agreement, inluding suh damage, injury, or loss arising after the Agreement is terminated or the term has expired. SCTION 19. TRMINATION OR SUSPNSION OF AGRMNT OR SRVICS The CITY Manager may suspend the performane of the Servies, in 5 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

17 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5845F9-34DD-4A B2819AOD3BD whole or in part, or terminate this Agreement, with or without ause, by giving ten (1) days prior written notie thereof to CONSULT ANT. Upon reeipt of suh notie, CONSULT ANT will immediately disontinue its performane of the Servies CONSULT ANT may terminate this Agreement or suspend its performane of the Servies by giving thirty (3) days prior written notie thereof to CITY, but only in the event of a substantial failure of performane by the CITY Upon suh suspension or termination, CONSULTANT shall deliver to the CITY Manager immediately any and all opies of studies, skethes, drawings, omputations, and other data, whether or not ompleted, prepared by CONSULTANT or its CONSULTANTs, if any, or given to CONSULTANT or its CONSULTANTs, if any, in onnetion with this Agreement. Suh materials will beome the property of CITY Upon suh suspension or termination by CITY, CONSULTANT will be paid for the Servies rendered or materials delivered to CITY in aordane with the sope of servies on or before the effetive date (i.e., 1 days after giving notie) of suspension or termination; provided, however, if this Agreement is suspended or terminated on aount of a default by CONSUL TANT, CITY will be obligated to ompensate CONSULT ANT only for that portion of CONSULT ANT' s servies whih are of diret and immediate benefit to CITY as suh determination may be made by the CITY Manager ating in :the reasonable exerise of his/her disretion. The following Setions will survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement: 14, 15, 16, 19.4, 2, and No payment, partial payment, aeptane, or partial aeptane by CITY will operate as a waiver on the part of CITY of any of its rights under this Agreement. SCTION 2. NOTICS. All noties hereunder will be given in writing and mailed, postage prepaid, by ertified mail, addressed as follows: To CITY: Offie of the CITY Clerk CITY of Palo Alto Post Offie Box 125 Palo Alto, CA 9433 With a opy to the Purhasing Manager To CONSULTANT: Attention of the projet diretor at the address of CONSULT ANT reited above SCTION 21. CONFLICT OF INTRST In aepting this Agreement, CONSULT ANT ovenants that it presently has no interest, and will not aquire any interest, diret or indiret, finanial or otherwise, whih would onflit in any manner or degree with the performane of the Servies. 6 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

18 JCU::SJQO t:nve1ope ID: DB5B45F9-34DD-4A B2B19AOD3BD CONSULT ANT further ovenants that, in the performane of this Agreement, it will not employ subontrators, Contrators or persons having suh an interest. CONSULT ANT ertifies that no person who has or will have any finanial interest under this Agreement is an offier or employee of CITY; this provision will be interpreted in aordane with the appliable provisions of the Palo Alto Muniipal Code and the Governmeqt Code of the State of California If the Projet Manager determines that CONSULTANT is a "Consultant" as that term is defined by the Regulations of the Fair Politial Praties Commission, CONSULT ANT shall be required and agrees to file the appropriate finanial dislosure douments required by the Palo Alto Muniipal Code and the Politial Reform At. SCTION 22. NONDISCRIMINATION. As set forth in Palo Alto Muniipal Code setion , CONSULT ANT ertifies that in the performane of this Agreement, it shall not disriminate in the employment of any person beause of the rae, skin olor, gender, age, religion, disability, national origin, anestry, sexual orientation, housing status, marital status, familial status, weight or height of suh person. CONSULT ANT aknowledges that it has read and understands the provisions of Setion of the Palo Alto Muniipal Code relating to Nondisrimination Requirements and the penalties for violation thereof, and agrees to meet all requirements of Setion pertaining to nondisrimination in employment. SCTION 23. NVIRONMNTALLY PRFRRD PURCHASING AND ZRO WAST RQUIRMNTS. CONSULTANT shall omply with the CITY's nvironmentally Preferred Purhasing poliies whih are available at CITY' s Purhasing Department, inorporated by referene and may be amended from time to time. CONSULT ANT shall omply with waste redution, reuse, reyling and disposal requirements of CITY' s Zero Waste Program. Zero Waste best praties inlude first minimizing and reduing waste; seond, reusing waste and third, reyling or omposting waste. In partiular, CONSULTANT shall omply with the following zero waste requirements: (a) All printed materials provided by CONSULTANT to CITY generated from a personal omputer and printer inluding but not limited to, proposals, quotes, invoies, reports, and publi eduation materials, shall be double-sided and printed on a minimum of 3% or greater post-onsumer ontent paper, unless otherwise approved by CITY's Projet Manager. Any submitted materials printed by a professional printing ompany shall be a minimum of 3% or greater postonsumer material and printed with vegetable based inks. (b) Goods purhased by CONSULT ANT on behalf of CITY shall be purhased in aordane with CITY' s nvironmental Purhasing Poliy inluding but not limited to xtended Produer Responsibility requirements for produts and pakaging. A opy of this poliy is on file at the Purhasing Division's offie. () Reusable/returnable pallets shall be taken bak by CONSULTANT, at no additional ost to CITY, for reuse or reyling. CONSULT ANT shall provide doumentation from the faility aepting the pallets to verify that pallets are not being disposed. 7 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

19 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5B45F9-34DD-4A B2B19AOD3BD SCTION 24. COMPLIANC WITH PALO ALTO MINIMUM WAG ORDINANC. CONSULT ANT shall omply with all requirements of the Palo Alto Muniipal Code Chapter 4.62 (Citywide Minimum Wage), as it may be amended from time to time. In partiular, for any employee otherwise entitled to the State minimum wage, who performs at least two (2) hours of work in a alendar week within the geographi boundaries of the CITY, CONSULTANT shall pay suh employees no less than the minimum wage set forth in Palo Alto Muniipal Code setion for eah hour worked within the geographi boundaries of the City of Palo Alto. In addition, CONSULT ANT shall post noties regarding the Palo Alto Minimum Wage Ordinane in aordane with Palo Alto Muniipal Code setion SCTION 25. NON-APPROPRIATION 25.l. This Agreement is subjet to the fisal provisions of the Charter of the CITY of Palo Alto and the Palo Alto Muniipal Code. This Agreement will terminate without any penalty (a) at the end of any fisal year in the event that funds are not appropriated for the following fisal year, or (b) at any time within a fisal year in the event that funds are only appropriated for a portion of the fisal year and funds for this Agreement are no longer available. This setion shall take preedene in the event of a onflit with any other ovenant, term, ondition, or provision of this Agreement. SCTION 26. PRVAILING WAGS AND DIR RGISTRATION FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS 26.l This Projet is not subjet to prevailing wages. CONSULTANT is not required to pay prevailing wages in the performane and implementation of the Projet in aordane with SB 7 if the ontrat is not a publi works ontrat, if the ontrat does not inlude a publi works onstrution projet of more than $25,, or the ontrat does not inlude a publi works alteration, demolition, repair, or maintenane (olletively, 'improvement') projet of more than $15,. OR D 26.1 CONSULT ANT is required to pay general prevailing wages as defined in Subhapter 3, Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations and Setion 16 et seq. and Setion of the California Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of Setion 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the CITY Counil has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this loality for eah raft, lassifiation, or type of worker needed to exeute the ontrat for this Projet from the Diretor of the Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR"). Copies of these rates may be obtained at the Purhasing Division's offie of the CITY. CONSULTANT shall provide a opy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or subontrator hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. CONSULT ANT shall omply with the provisions of all setions, inluding, but not limited to, Setions 1775, 1776, , 1782, 181, and 1813, of the Labor Code pertaining to prevailing wages CONSULT ANT shall omply with the requirements of xhibit "" for any ontrat for publi works onstrution, alteration, demolition, repair or maintenane. 8 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

20 ousign nvelope ID: DB5845F9-34DD-4A AOD3BD SCTION 27. MISCLLANOUS PROVISIONS This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California In the event that an ation is brought, the parties agree that trial of suh ation will be vested exlusively in the state ourts of California in the County of Santa Clara, State of California The prevailing party in any ation brought to enfore the provisions of this Agreement may reover its reasonable osts and attorneys' fees expended in onnetion with that ation. The prevailing party shall be entitled to reover an amount equal to the fair market value of legal servies provided by attorneys employed by it as well as any attorneys' fees paid to third parties This doument represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and ontrats, either written or oral. This doument may be amended only by a written instrument, whih is signed by the parties The ovenants, terms, onditions and provisions of this Agreement will apply to, and will bind, the heirs, suessors, exeutors, administrators, assignees, and onsultants of the parties If a ourt of ompetent jurisdition finds or rules that any provision of this Agreement or any amendment thereto is void or unenforeable, the unaffeted provisions of this Agreement and any amendments thereto will remain in full fore and effet All exhibits referred to in this Agreement and any addenda, appendies, attahments, and shedules to this Agreement whih, from time to time, may be referred to in any duly exeuted amendment hereto are by suh referene inorporated in this Agreement and will be deemed to be a part of this Agreement In the event of a onflit between the terms of this Agreement and the exhibits hereto or CONSULTANT's proposal (if any), the Agreement shall ontrol. In the ase of any onflit between the exhibits hereto and CONSULTANT's proposal, the exhibits shall ontrol If, pursuant to this ontrat with CONSULTANT, CITY shares with CONSULTANT personal information as defined in California Civil Code setion S(d) about a California resident ("Personal Information"), CONSULT ANT shall maintain reasonable and appropriate seurity proedures to protet that Personal Information, and shall inform CITY immediately upon learning that there has been a breah in the seurity of the system or in the seurity of the Personal Information. CONSULT ANT shall not use Personal Information for diret marketing purposes without CITY's express written onsent All unheked boxes do not apply to this agreement. 9 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

21 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5845F9-34DD-4A B2819AOD3BD The individuals exeuting this Agreement represent and warrant that they have the legal apaity and authority to do so on behalf of their respetive legal entities This Agreement may be signed in multiple ounterparts, whih shall, when exeuted by all the parties, onstitute a single binding agreement 1 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

22 ou&rgn nvelope ID: DB5B45F9-34-4A AOD38D CONTRACT No. C SIGNATUR PAG IN WITNSS WHROF, the parties hereto have by their duly authorized representatives exeuted this Agreement on the date first above written. CITY OF PALO ALTO TAM SHPR, INC. CITY Manager Ofti... 1.'1Do:uSlgntd by: APPROVD AS TO FORM: CITY Attorney By:e- Name: Tim Sheeper Title: CO Offier 2 JrDouSlgnel by: BM:! Name: Carole Hayworth Title: CFO Attahments: XHIBIT "A": XHIBIT "B": XHIBIT "C": XHIBIT "D": SCOP OF SRVICS SCHDUL OF PRFORMANC COMPNSATION INSURANC RQUIRMNTS Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

23 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5845F9-34DD-4A AOD3BD XHIBIT "A" SCOP OF SRVICS CONSULT ANT agrees to provide ertified swim instrutors to teah private and group swim lessons to registered partiipants in the Palo Alto Rereation Aquatis Program for the CITY. It will be offered at the Jane Lathrop Stanford (JLS) Pool, 48 ast Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, CA 9436 and Rinonada Pool, 777 mbaradero Road, Palo Alto, CA CONSULTANT SHALL 1. Provide Quality Program a) Condut the program in a safe manner. b) Provide a Certified Lifeguard on dek whenever program partiipants are in water. ) Not allow partiipants to be in the pool without a Certified Lifeguard present on the pool dek and providing supervision. d) Swim Instrutors and Certified Lifeguards are: i. Knowledgeable and experiened in the subjet and age group being taught based on the speifi training program for lifeguards and swim instrutors followed by CONSULTANT. ii. Reliable and puntual m. Start and end lessons on time iv. xpeted to notify their CONSULT ANT Staff supervisor prior to the work shift if running late or unable to attend. CONSULT ANT is responsible for finding a replaement or providing a make-up lesson. v. Organized and prepared to teah at the start of eah lesson e) If a lesson is missed by the CONSULT ANT, a make-up lesson is required to be provided by CONSULT ANT during a time that is onvenient for the partiipant i. CONSULTANT is responsible for ontating partiipants to reshedule or make-up the lesson(s). f) At the end of eah lesson the CONSULT ANT will: i. Monitor and ensure partiipants are piked up by an authorized adult. 11. Keep faility neat by putting away all equipment from pool dek, empty trash ans, pik up trash from pool dek, remove and replae pool overs on appropriate reels after eah use. g) Program valuations i. CONSULTANT will oordinate with CITY staff to reate a single evaluation to be distributed to partiipants. 11. The last week of lessons, evaluations will be distributed to partiipants. CONSULT ANT will ommuniate with partiipants the importane of ompleting the evaluation. CONSULT ANT will provide responses to CITY staff. h) Proess all registrations for swim lesson program 2. Provide exellent Customer Servie a) Build rapport with ustomers by greeting all partiipants and parents and reate a weloming and professional atmosphere. 2 Professional Seivies Rev. April 27, 216

24 ou rgn t:nve1ope ID: DB5B45F9-34DD-4A B2B19AOD3BD b) Address ustomer and CITY staff questions and onerns within 24 hours and provide follow-up if needed. 3. Maintain Quality Instrutors a) Meet the CITY of Palo Alto bakground requirements for all employees b) Appear for lessons wearing appropriate attire that is lean, presentable and learly identified as Team Sheeper, In. staff. ) Swim instrutors and Certified Lifeguards will not use ell phones during work shifts i.e., while on the pool dek and in front of ustomers, exept in an emergeny. d) Provide onsisteny with quality standards for all instrutors 4. Manage administrative tasks a) Take attendane and onfirm registration numbers with CITY staff b) If a partiipant is not on the roster, ask for reeipt. If partiipant is not registered, ontat CITY ommunity enter front desk staff to onfirm registration. 5. Maintain Proative and Consistent Communiation with CITY staff a) Communiate problems and isslies immediately with the CITY Aquatis Coordinator via phone, or in person. b) Inform CITY staff of partiipant injuries and omplete neessary aident reports within 24 hours. Aident forms an be obtained from enter staff. ) Respond in a timely manner to s and phone alls within 24 hours d) stablish and maintain working relationships with CITY staff and ustomers. CITY staff onsists but is not limited to Community Center front desk staff, Aquatis Coordinator, Supervisors, and the Contrats Administration Team. 6. Submit Invoies for payments. Invoies will inlude: a) CONSULTANT address, b) date, ) invoie number, d) "bill to" information, e) registration numbers, session dates and loation, and f) total amount to be paid 7. Adhere to Department's Aquatis Manual Poliies and Proedures a) Responsible for knowing the CITY's poliies and proedures with regard to private and group lessons (i.e. waiting lists, anellation, refund, satisfation, et.) b) Instrutors are responsible for verifying that only registered partiipants are permitted to partiipate in CITY's swim lessons. ) nsure only swim staff use the pool offie. d) Observe and enfore all pool rules. 3 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

25 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5845F9-34DD-4A AOD3BD CITY SHALL 1. Proess all registrations for Swim Camps 2. Provide lean and safe faility for sheduled lessons at Rinonada Pool and a Palo Alto Unified Shool Distrit Pool to be determined a. Use ofrinonada Lap Pool and Children's Pool will be limited to mutually agreed upon shedules 3. Provide aess to a phone line and internet aess at Rinonada Pool 4. Oversee program delivery whih inludes but is not limited to: a. Work with CONSULANT on private and group lessons offerings, anellations, and ustomer inquiries/onerns b. Provide support to CONSULT ANT Staff to ensure the suess of the lass. Provide essential information to deliver program (rosters, attendane sheets, waiting lists, et.) 5. Develop and maintain proative and' onsistent ommuniation and rapport with CONSULT ANT a. Respond in a timely manner to s and phone alls b. Communiate and resolve fssues and nerns immediately 6. Provide exellent ustomer servie to Team Sheeper, In. Staff and ustomers 4 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

26 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5B45F9-34DD-4A AOD3BD XHIBIT "B" SCHDUL OF PRFORMANC CONSULT ANT shall perform the Servies so as to omplete eah milestone within the number of days/weeks speified below. The time to omplete eah milestone may be inreased or dereased by mutual written agreement of the projet managers for CONSULTANT and the CITY so long as all work is ompleted within the term of the Agreement. CONSULT ANT shall provide a detailed shedule of work onsistent with the shedule below within 2 weeks of reeipt of the notie to proeed. Sope of servies agreement will ommene on Monday, Marh 1, 217 and expire on Sunday, Deember 31, 217. The parties agree that the instrution of swim lessons shall our over the Spring, Summer and Fall of 217. Swim lessons shall inlude: Swim Shool It goes from April through Otober on an ongoing basis. Session Based Swim Lessons June 5, 217 to August 18, It inludes eleven-one week sessions of swim lessons that inlude group and private lessons. Swim Camp It will be one week in April. 6 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

27 ousign nvelope ID: DB5845F9-34DD-4A AOD3BD XIIlBIT "C" COMPNSATION A. NOT TO XCD COMPNSATION. The ompensation to be paid to CONSULTANT for performane of the Servies desribed in xhibit "A", inluding both payment for professional servies and reimbursable expenses Swim Lessons: CITY to ompensate Team Sheeper Six Dollars ($6) per resident partiipant per group lesson for up to 9, ($54,) individual group lessons, and o CITY to ompensate Team Sheeper Twenty ight Dollars ($28) per resident partiipant per private lesson for up to 2,1 ($58,8) private lessons. Team Sheeper to ompensate the CITY of Palo Alto 1% of gross fees paid for swim Lessons and Summer Swim Camps. Not to exeed One Hundred and Thirteen Dollars ($113,) during the period overing 3/1/17 through 12/31/17. In the event Additional Servies are authorized by the CITY, the total ompensation for additional servies will be at a rate of $25 per hour for regular staff lifeguards, if regular staff lifeguards are not available use of lead or head lifeguards may be provided at a rate of $4 per hour and the total ompensation for Additional Servies is Not to xeed Thirty Thousand Dollars($ 3,.) during the period overing 3/1/217 through 12/31/217. B. ADDITIONAL SRVICS. Additional Servies (lifeguards), if any, shall be authorized in aordane with and subjet to the provisions of xhibit "C". CONSULTANT shall not reeive any ompensation for Additional Servies performed without the prior written authorization of CITY. Additional Servies shall mean any work that is determined by CITY to be neessary for the proper ompletion of the Projet, but whih is not inluded within the Sope of Servies desribed in xhibit "A". C. PAYMNT. The CONSULT ANT will invoie the CITY for payment at the end of eah month for servies provided. The CONSULT ANT payment vouher will then be submitted to the fisal setion for payment at whih point the CITY has 3 working days from the last date of the payment vouher to render payment to the CONSULTANT. Invoies must inlude CONSULTANT name, address, ontrat number, date of servies, ompensation amount. D. CANCLLD LSSONS. (xluding weather-related anellations, if appliable) In the event that staff is late or misses a lesson, CONSULT ANT is responsible for ontating partiipants to reshedule or make-up the lesson(s).. FACILITY US. If the CONSULT ANT uses the CITY' s faility for any purpose other than a mutually agreed upon and sheduled lass under this agreement, then the CONSULT ANT pays all fees and harges as speified in the urrent Fees & Charges resolution. 7 Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216

28 DouSign nvelope ID: DB5845F9-34DD-4A B2819AOD3BD BUDGT SCHDUL NOT TO XCD AMOUNT Sub-total Basi Servies $113,. Reimbursable xpenses $. Total Basi Servies and Reimbursable expenses $113,. Additional Servies (Not to xeed) $3,. Maximum Total Compensation $143,. RIMBURSABL XPNSS The administrative, overhead, seretarial time or seretarial overtime, word proessing, photoopying, in-house printing, insurane and other ordinary business expenses are inluded within the sope of payment for servies and are not reimbursable expenses. CITY shall reimburse CONSULT ANT for the following reimbursable expenses at ost. xpenses for whih CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed are: None ADDITIONAL SRVICS The CONSULT ANT shall provide additional servies only by advaned, written authorization from the CITY. The CONSULTANT, at the CITY's projet manager's request, shall submit a detailed written proposal inluding a desription of the sope of servies, shedule, level of effort, and CONSULTANT's proposed maximum ompensation, inluding reimbursable expense, for suh servies. The additional servies sope, shedule and maximum ompensation shall be negotiated and agreed to in writing by the CITY's projet manager and CONSULTANT prior to ommenement of the servies. Payment for additional servies is subjet to all requirements and restritions in this Agreement. 8 Professional Servies Rev April 27, 216



31 Certifiate Of Completion nvelope Id: DB5B45F934DD4A18627B2B19AOD3BD Status: Sent Subjet: Please DouSign: C PSA TAM SHPR -SUMMR 217 AQUATICS PROGRAM FINAL.dox Soure nvelope: Doument Pages: 2 :ertifiate Pages: 5 l\utonav: nabled ::nvelopeld Stamping: nabled nme Zone: (UTC-8:) Paifi Time (US & Canada) eord Traking Signatures: 2 Initials: nvelope Originator: Kenneth Mullen 25 Hamilton Ave Palo Alto, CA 9431 IP Address: !Oou. 6 SICURIO >tatus: Original 12/29/216 3:47:27 PM )igner vents iim Sheeper ieurity Level: mail, Aount Authentiation None) Holder: Kenneth Mullen Signature Using IP Address: Loation: DouSign Timestamp Sent: 12/29/216 3:51 :34 PM Viewed: 12131/216 1:39:7 AM Signed: 1/3/217 9:46:21 AM :1etroni Reord and Signature Dislosure: Not Offered via DouSign ID: :arole Hayworth ieurity Level: mail, Aount Authentiation None) Using IP Address: Sent: 1/3/217 9:46:22 AM Viewed: 1/3/217 4:23:2 PM Signed: 1/3/217 4:23:36 PM :letroni Reord and Signature Dislosure: Not Offered via DouSign ID: nolly Stump :ity Attorney :ity of Palo Alto ieurity Level: mail, Aount Authentiation None) :letroni Reord and Signature Dislosure: Not Offered via DouSign ID: lames Keene )eurity Level: mail, Aount Authentiation None) :letroni Reord and Signature Dislosure: Aepted: 4/14/215 5:4:7 PM ID: 44fe333a-6a81-4b7-b7d a82e3 Sent: 1/3/217 4:23:37 PM In Person Signer vents ditor Delivery vents Agent Delivery vents Signature Status Status Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp

32 Intermediary Delivery vents Status Timestamp Certified Delivery vents Status Timestamp Carbon Copy vents Status Timestamp Robert De Geus Seurity Level: mail, Aount Authentiation (None) letroni Reord and Signature Dislosure: Not Offered via DouSign ID: Kristen O'Kane Seurity Level: mail, Aount Authentiation (None) letroni Reord and Signature Dislosure: Not Offered via DouSign ID: Kenneth Mullen Seurity Level: mail, Aount Authentiation (None) letroni Reord and Signature Dislosure: Not Offered via DouSign ID: Notary vents Timestamp nvelope Summary vents Status Timestamps nvelope Sent Hashed/nrypted 1 /3/217 4:23:37 PM letroni Reord and Signature Dislosure

33 :1e:rorn "eora ana ;,1gnature u1s1osure reatea on: 1/1/<!13!!:33:53 AM Parties agreed to: James Keene CONSUMR DISCLOSUR From time to time, City of Palo Alto (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you ertain written noties or dislosures. Desribed below are the terms and onditions for providing to you suh noties and dislosures eletronially through your DouSign, In. (DouSign) xpress user aount. Please read the information below arefully and thoroughly, and if you an aess this information eletronially to your satisfation and agree to these terms and onditions, please onfirm your agreement by liking the 'I agree' button at the bottom of this doument. Getting paper opies At any time, you may request from us a paper opy of any reord provided or made available eletronially to you by us. For suh opies, as long as you are an authorized user of the DouSign system you will have the ability to download and print any douments we send to you through your DouSign user aount for a limited period of time (usually 3 days) after suh douments are first sent to you. After suh time, if you wish for us to send you paper opies of any suh douments from our offie to you, you will be harged a $. per-page fee. You may request delivery of suh paper opies from us by following the proedure desribed below. Withdrawing your onsent If you deide to reeive noties and dislosures from us eletronially, you may at any time hange your mind and tell us that thereafter you want to reeive required noties and dislosures only in paper format. How you must inform us of your deision to reeive future noties and dislosure in paper format and withdraw your onsent to reeive noties and dislosures eletronially is desribed below. Consequenes of hanging your mind If you elet to reeive required noties and dislosures only in paper format, it will slow the speed at whih we an omplete ertain steps in transations with you and delivering servies to you beause we will need first to send the required noties or dislosures to you in paper format, and then wait until we reeive bak from you your aknowledgment of your reeipt of suh paper noties or dislosures. To indiate to us that you are hanging your mind, you must withdraw your onsent using the DouSign 'Withdraw Consent' form on the signing page of your DouSign aount. This will indiate to us that you have withdrawn your onsent to reeive required noties and dislosures eletronially from us and you will no longer be able to use your DouSign xpress user aount to reeive required noties and onsents eletronially from us or to sign eletronially douments from us. All noties and dislosures will be sent to you eletronially Unless you tell us otherwise in aordane with the proedures desribed herein, we will provide eletronially to you through your DouSign user aount all required noties, dislosures, authorizations, aknowledgements, and other douments that are required to be provided or made available to you during the ourse of our relationship with you. To redue the hane of you inadvertently not reeiving any notie or dislosure, we prefer to provide all of the required noties and dislosures to you by the same method and to the same address that you have given us. Thus, you an reeive all the dislosures and noties eletronially or in paper format through the paper mail delivery system. If you do not agree with this proess, please let us know as desribed below. Please also see the paragraph immediately above that desribes the onsequenes of your eleting not to reeive delivery of the noties and dislosures eletronially from us.

34 How to ontat City of Palo Alto: You may ontat us to let us know of your hanges as to how we may ontat you eletronially, to request paper opies of ertain information from us, and to withdraw your prior onsent to reeive noties and dislosures eletronially as follows: To ontat us by send messages to: To advise City of Palo Alto of your new address To let us know of a hange in your address where we should send noties and dislosures eletronially to you, you must send an message to us at and in the body of suh request you must state: your previous address, your new address. We do not require any other information from you to hange your address.. In addition, you must notify DouSign, In to arrange for your new address to be refleted in your DouSign aount by following the proess for hanging in DouSign. To request paper opies from City of Palo Alto To request delivery from us of paper opies of the noties and dislosures previously provided by us to you eletronially, you must send us an to and in the body of suh request you must state your address, full name, US Postal address, and telephone number. We will bill you for any fees at tha time, if any. To withdraw your onsent with City of Palo Alto To inform us that you no longer want to reeive future noties and dislosures in eletroni format you may: i. deline to sign a doument from within your DouSign aount, and on the subsequent page, selet the hek-box indiating you wish to withdraw your onsent, or you may; ii. send us an to and in the body of suh request you must state your , full name, IS Postal Address, telephone number, and aount number. We do not need any other information from you to withdraw onsent.. The onsequenes of your withdrawing onsent for online douments will be that transations may take a longer time to proess.. R eqm.r "edh ar d ware an d so ftw are OperatinJ?; Systems: Windows2? or WindowsXP? Browsers (for SNDRS): Internet xplorer 6.? or above Browsers (for SIGNRS): Internet xplorer 6.?, Mozilla FireFox 1., Netsape 7.2 (or above) mail: Aess to a valid aount Sreen Resolution: 8 x 6 minimum nabled Seurity Settings: Allow per session ookies Users aessing the internet behind a Proxy Server must enable HTTP I. I settings via proxy onnetion ** These minimum requirements are subjet to hange. If these requirements hange, we will provide you with an message at the address we have on file for you at that time providing you with the revised hardware and software requirements, at whih time you will

35 have the right to withdraw your onsent. Aknowledging your aess and onsent to reeive materials eletronially To onfirm to us that you an aess this information eletronially, whih will be similar to other eletroni noties and dislosures that we will provide to you, please verify that you were able to read this eletroni dislosure and that you also were able to print on paper or eletronially save this page for your future referene and aess or that you were able to this dislosure and onsent to an address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future referene and aess. Further, if you onsent to reeiving noties and dislosures exlusively in eletroni format on the terms and onditions desribed above, please let us know by liking the 'I agree' button below. By heking the 'I Agree' box, I onfirm that: I an aess and read this letroni CONSNT TO LCTRONIC RCIPT OF LCTRONIC CONSUMR DISCLOSURS doument; and I an print on paper the dislosure or save or send the dislosure to a plae where I an print it, for future referene and aess; and Until or unless I notify City of Palo Alto as desribed above, I onsent to reeive from exlusively through eletroni means all noties, dislosures, authorizations, aknowledgements, and other douments that are required to be provided or made available to me by City of Palo Alto during the ourse of my relationship with you.

36 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/4/217 4:25 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Wednesday, January 4, 217 4:24 PM Counil, City Rinonada Pool To Whom It May Conern, I wanted to follow up on a previous e-mali I sent regarding Rinonada Pool. I understand the City Counil will be hearing more information and voting on a plan for lessons and swim amps for the summer. I want to request the City Counil take the item off of the agenda that inludes the swim amps until further information is obtained. I feel the over all experiene for ALL swimmers will be greatly impated if lanes are designated for swim amps during peek swim hours. I feel we all need more information on how this will look and feel this summer. Please onsider holding off voting on this item until further information is available. Thank you, Linda Flether 1

37 -Z: ::JO { d ;2//_;_F-19(Yl_ Sl LL.._4-f/-ltL U3raJ3';J(WY) Vlt# J:({::. ' h' -;r?(:ef fvj 1f.U&5Z7J137'd 1;>z7Bt I ()(9?JJ rbj-'6 5:;!- '4 --zy;;g S34'7o/IV/ JNl!tL r??/d- rl{v--fl -:J(V!(YfV/J2L Q ' 1 3d!-V il'f.7wwl?;j /lw ::::IC? Js179 3Jtl-?ll/1V/K!J.5r>5..641/V 51 S/4/?G'J G) 19:J flv-tf ('l()c}(y,; 2} =1 O (#J<J> 5 a#...l J 'Sf.!Y 3yr /111 CJ AW jj_!7-/jfj/ 2J Pd /Y./ 9Jil <JP=:/ 72 I <f}91 Od-f/ 5' '<7tlf -v (/ 771(iJ fj <2A r;/fyij!}.,..f 't241f nt!d ::Ja (Jt,4-YUJ 5/1 9,1-1/Cl (Vl-'5::::!. -1/ (YP!h:17z3?!fl?') ;f'fptjy!<zkfrtl(t-(j'j.' (f//l/fls 7Jfl/o/IW?M?\t f I rj7 b. fl-vf?j <A/<! fy7j-i{) 2/'«fJ (Vo (J-9r;' W-lqj_, -rll._l(yl.j.1]/12jla' {;7QdG?Jd- : 3(1 I y9,,rw / (11 s d-117' ff<l-f!(yfl{)!v.1cj l(/.?tfll# 'C)-3--'-. (YJ!J 31 ::} 9 _L ('f?<l \.<) <f -1-) I :-!. 3() ('I-if 1, IJ J,.: _::± :::JJ Cl-\41 vs a ll MY IN : U

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41 I _ITYOF PALO ALTO City of Pa lo Alto City Counil Staff Report {ID# 7552) 1 Report Type: Consent Calendar Meeting Date: 1/9/217 Summary Title: Aquatis Swim Leson Contrat with Team Sheeper Title: Approve and Authorize the City Manager to xeute an Agreement Between the City of Palo Alto and Team Sheeper LLC, for the Learn to Swim Program for Summer 217 at an Amount Not to xeed $143, From: City Manager Lead Department: Community Servies Reommendation Staff reommends that Counil authorize the City Manager to approve a ontrat with Team Sheeper In. for operation of the 217 Learn to Swim Program (swim lessons) in an amount not to exeed $143, (inluding a $3, ontingeny for supplemental servies if needed) (Attahment A). xeutive Summary The City of Palo Alto (City) offers a year-round Aquatis Program that inludes adult lap swim, a youth ompetitive swim team and an adult ompetitive Masters Swim team. During the summer months, the City also offers a Learn-to-Swim program as well as family rereation swim. The City has experiened diffiulty hiring and retaining qualified aquatis staff to meet the needs of the ommunity, espeially during summer months when more aquatis programs are offered. In Summer 215, an emergeny third-party agreement was required to avoid potential pool losures and the anellation of swim lasses due to the City's diffiulty in staffing the Aquatis Program. In Deember 215, after reeiving diretion from the Finane Committee and subsequently the full Counil, staff released a Request for Proposal (RFP) to soliit bids for aquatis management servies to improve the City Aquatis Program. In our evaluation of the bids and our in-house aquatis program, we identified opportunities to not just maintain the aquatis program but to better meet ommunity requests to expand and enhane aquatis programming for Palo Alto. The objetive of the RFP and our analysis was to onsider alternatives for how we might best ahieve the following: City of Palo Alto Page 1 Paket Pg. 123

42 I 1 Family rereation swim, Adult lap swim, Learn-to-Swim lessons, Faility rentals for private pool parties, Youth ompetitive swim team (PASA - Palo Alto Stanford Aquatis), and Adult ompetitive swim team (Rinonada Masters). The City has existing ontrats to provide the Rinonada Masters and Palo Alto Stanford Aquatis (PASA) programs, while City staff has historially provided staffing for the remaining programs. The majority of the aquatis programs are held at the City-owned Rinonada pool with some summer swim lessons also taking plae at the JLS Middle Shool pool. Throughout the rest of the year (mid-september through mid-may), the only aquatis ativities that are offered at Rinonada pool are adult lap swim, PASA, and the Rinonada Masters. For the past two summers (215 and 216), the City has struggled to hire and retain adequate pool staff to meet ommunity demand for the Lap Swim, Learn-to-Swim and Family Rereation Swim. In 215, CSD entered into an emergeny ontrat with an outside vendor to mitigate its Learn-to-Swim staffing shortages. Working on a very short timeline, CSD was able to write and approve a ontrat with Team Sheeper In., a professional third party aquatis servie provider who was able to mobilize quikly and provide qualified professional swim instrutors and lifeguards to support the Palo Alto aquatis programs.. M LsteAJJ; u,rq!"e are several reasons the City aquatis program is experiening diffiulty hiring and \ f ) ' llfi.r'&tini sta he biggest hallenge has been that the City urrently only has the ability t emp oyees who an work year round to staff the lap swim program. This issue leads to. rr,a:- I ) \,,L' ' hir part-time staff o work under 1, hours eah per year but Rinonada has a need for -r" staffing shortages outside of the summer season. In addition, pay rates for lifeguards and uj f\; swim instrutors are not as ompetitive ompared to other employment opportunities for fr {(_&, {CB :high shool and ollege students. The majority of the aquatis employees are students and 1 t b after summer they have limited work availability. -(lf6 Following the 215 summer swim season, CSD staff onduted program evaluations of the \f; summer lessons that Team Sheeper In. had provided. Parents of partiipants were pleased ' 7 with the experiene and felt their hildren had made progress and improved their \(... ' tehniques over the ourse of the lessons. Beause the 215 Team Sheeper program was well reeived by the ommunity and beause of ontinuing staffing shortages, CSD entered into anotber short-term limited ontrat with Team Sheeper In. to manage the Learn-to Swim program for the Summer 216 season as well as to provide lifeguarding hours for short-staffed lap swim sessions as needed. rm s City of Polo Alto Page 3 Paket Pg. 125

43 Provision of aquatis servies for ities in the region is delivered in a number of ways. For example, the City of Menlo Park ontrated out their entire aquatis program to Team Sheeper, In. and it now operates in a publi-private partnership as Menlo Swim & Sport. The City of Morgan Hill has a unique partnership with the YMCA to run their rereation programs. As partners, the City of Morgan Hill and YMCA partner to provide high quality health and fitness, youth, teen, family, and senior programs inluding aquatis for residents and the surrounding ommunity to enjoy. Currently, the City of Palo Alto provides a hybrid program where the Aquatis program is predominantly run in house with the exeption of our Master's and PASA programs whih are provided by ontrators. In Deember 215, after reeiving diretion from the Finane Committee and Counil, CSD issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the following servies: 1) Learn-to-Swim lessons; 2) Youth Competitive Swim Team; 3) Adult Master Swim Team; and 4) aquatis failities operation, inluding rereational swim, lap swim, and pool rentals. Firms were invited to submit a proposal for one or all of the above servies and attend a pre-bid meeting. Two proposals were reeived one from the Palo Alto Family YMCA and the other from Team Sheeper In. Of the two proposals Team Sheeper In. offered a lower ost and greater diversity of programs and servies while providing high quality of servie. Staff proeeded to evaluate short and long term alternatives for future Aquatis Program delivery with Team Sheeper In. Team Sheeper has the experiene, staffing levels, and innovative programming to not only maintain the City's aquatis program at its urrent level of servie, but also expand it and add additional new programs if the City so desires. In May 216 Counil approved a new short term ontrat with Team Sheeper In. to provide the 216 Summer Learn-to-Swim program. They again performed very well providing high quality swim lessons for families. Disussion Team Sheeper In. is an aquatis operations and management ompany. Their RFP response proposed full operational and management servies to the City of Palo Alto for a year-round aquatis program at Rinonada Pool. They are ommitted to ollaborating with existing programs at Rinonada pool in the effort to support and strengthen Rinonada's programs inluding Rinonada Masters, PASA, swim lessons, lap Swim and family rereation swim. Staff has disussed the Aquatis RFP responses and analysis as well as our interest in ontrating with Team Sheeper In. to oversee aquatis programs at Rinonada Pool with the Parks and Rereation Commission at their September 27, 216 and November 13, 216 regular meetings. The staff reports and minutes from the September PRC meetings an be seen in Attahment C. As Counil is aware we have heard from a number of resident and non-resident swimmers from the Rinonada Masters Program and Lap Swim Program who are onerned about City of Palo Alto Page4

44 potential shedule hanges from the status quo. Staff is sensitive to this onern, and is taking additional time to listen to all stakeholders. Staffs' goal is to improve programs and f1+& servies for residents, and better meet the needs and interests of residents that results in an S{J(J1ii.f inrease in overall aess to Rinonada Pool and an enhaned experiene for more people. V Staff have onduted several ommunity surveys and are also engaging in in-person f-> I interept surveys at the pool, and we will ontinue to bring the swimming ommunity 1 J...t' together in the months ahead in ollaboration with the Parks and Rereation Commission in J:" r\vf\1)\, order to arrive at a balaned overall reommendation for a year-round Rinonada Pool.a. 'f""1'r) operation. vj ff ( Lf U)n f I /IV.. While the evaluation of Team Sheeper's role in overseeing the City of Palo Alto's overall FO 6'- Lfrf aquatis program is ongoing, staff believes that we have enough information and alignment S W / JVl of ommunity interest to expand the swim lesson program at this time with Team Sheeper..A'"IJ JJ)q 1 This hange will have minimal impat on the pool shedule for Rinonada Masters, Palo Alto f / 'J'(TI Stanford Aquatis and Lap Swim programs and therefore staff feels onfident in making this. W reommendation now. In so doing, staff will be able to inlude the expanded swim lesson fl( program in the 217 Summer Camp and Aquatis njoy! Catalog, whih will be distributed in (i) / )//JAt January allowing families to have signifiantly more options for swim lessons beginning as earlyasapri1217. A?JpJ)(j) /JO/ f u T' J) J--f/f1;Y Swim Lesson Program M) L.. h JV I I C )Jf:t: f)[;'ij Currently, Rinonada's round hildren's pool sits unusedo of fue spring\tnfll. Team / r- {) / D Sheeper proposes opening the round hildren's pool to the publi for swim lessons beginning / /v f b1' G n April and ending in Otober of 217. This would allow the City to more than double the gb- -f'.umber of swim lessons provided in 216. The expanded swim lesson program provides a >/-' f; lj nmj>yef7benefits to families. First and foremost is that hildren will have the opportunity b f- D!po swim in advane of summer and after summer, partiipate in a new summer swim _..q;f).f(.:@ t l ' lmp program, and partiipate in weekly ongoing swim lessons throughout spring, summer ' '(;(2...P promote life-long fitness, healthy habits and safety. Team Sheeper's staff will work with O f'.: L and fall. Team Sheeper's learn to swim program titled "Palo Alto Swim and Sport" will I J v students to develop proper swim tehnique through foused learning and goal oriented 'DI J) /Pir rewards. The spring through fall lesson program will instill the habit of swimming that f {:;1"1 1 'VJ. beomes a way of life for hildren as they grow through adolesene into adulthood. The Qy 7W1 sope of servie for the ontrat before Counil an be seen in Attahment A. $". "() These hanges will also ome with an inrease in swim lesson fees for ustomers. The City D has held pries exeptionally low in the past, whih has meant that lessons are heavily subsidized and has onsequently limited the number of lessons we have offered. This ontrat ontinues to offer subsidies for Palo Alto residents, but ustomer pries are not as low as they have been in previous years. We do not believe that ontinuing to hold pries as Cb low as they have been, and strongly limiting the number of lessons, is in the best interest of ri Tt;A s F City of Palo Alto _.. t<q (J L ltf< L \j f lj; }j e:5 SJ/) /.-tj p I Paket Pg /lril,?,/) R-5 ot-77 A._Jf; /,J.j J) o F o F 1 t-frp uj / M#IGR. UG-.

45 the majority of residents. Below are the urrent swim lesson fees ompared to the reommended fees: Proposed Prie Prie Inrease Team Sheeper's Proposed City Swim Lesson Program 1216 Prie in the to 217 Per Revenue Per Subsidy Per njoy! Catalog Lesson Lesson Lesson 217 Resident Group Lessons $11 $16 $5 $22 $6 Non-Resident Group Lessons $12 $22 $1 $22 $ Private Resident Lessons $24 $35 $11 $63 $28 Private Non-Resident Lessons $26 $63 $37 $63 $ %e'e In order to mitigate prie inreases, this ontrat inludes a $6 City subsidy for group lessons and a $28 subsidy for private lessons for Palo Alto residents in 217. Despite this subsidy, pries would still inrease from $11 to $16 per group lesson and $24 to $35 per private lesson. In staffs' review of other loal publi and private pools we found the average prie per lesson for group lessons was $13 for publi pools and $35 for private pools. The City's urrent priing struture is not sustainable and should inrease regardless of management hanges. (Benhmark priing is detailed in Appendix D.) The 215 and 216 ontrats with Team Sheeper inluded subsidies for swim lessons of $12 for group lessons and $39 for private lessons. By reduing the City subsidy and sharing in the inreased ost with residents in this upoming ontrat year, we will be able to offer substantially more lessons than in the past. The Parks and Rereation Commission (PRC) and staff have made lear (on September 27 and November 16 during staff presentations on aquatis,) that group youth swim lesson priing should not be a barrier to learning to swim. Staff believes that the reommended subsidy should maintain lesson aessibility for Palo Alto's families. In addition, the Fee Redution program urrently available to low inome youth residents will ontinue to be available through the Team Sheeper program. City of Palo Alto Page 6

46 1 Group Lessons xpeted P d City Subsidy Subsidy as ropose F level a%offee nrollment ee ("'9,)* $ 22. $ 1. 5% $9, $ 22. $ 2. 9% $18, $ 22. $ 3. 14% $27, $ 22. $ 4. 18% $36, $ 22. $ 5. 23% $45, $ 22. $ 6. 27% $54, $ 22. $ 7. 32% $63, $ 22. $ 8. 36% $72, $ 22. $ 9. 41% $81, $ 22. $ 1. 45% $9, $ 22. $ 11. 5% $99, *nrollment in group swim lessons in 216 was 4,5 Private Lessons xpeted P d City Subsidy Subsidy as ropose F level a% of fee nrollment ee ("'2,1)* $ 63. $ % $37,8 $ 63. $ 2. 32% $42, $ 63. $ % $46,2 $ 63. $ % $5,4 $ 63. $ % $54,6 $ 63. $ % $58,8 $ 63. $ 3. 48% $63, $ 63. $ % $67,2 $ 63. $ % $71,4 $ 63. $ % $75,6 $ 63. $ 38. 6% $79,8 *nrollment in private swim lessons in 216was 1,3 This year, we are also reommending that the publi use Team Sheeper's registration system for swim lesson enrollment. While the Learn-to-Swim program will still be advertised in the City's njoy! Catalog, families will be direted to register through Team Sheeper in person at Rinonada Pool or using their website. This hange will allow swim staff to quikly adjust hildren's shedules and swim levels without having to involve City staff. City of Palo Alto Page 7 Paket Pg.129

47 City staff and the PRC will ontinue to evaluate Team Sheeper's proposal to manage the overall aquatis program for the City of Palo Alto. As part of the evaluation staff will ompare resoure requirements if the City were to operate the Aquatis program in-house at a similar level of programming as Team Sheeper has proposed. Some of the analysis and ommunity outreah has been done and an be seen in the September and November PRC staff reports in Attahment C. At this time, as the evaluation and analysis ontinue, staff is only reommending Team Sheeper to manage an expanded swim lesson program with minimal impats to the urrent pool shedule while we ontinue ommunity outreah and analysis for any additional aquatis program hanges. Staff have developed a ommuniations plan to reah all pool user groups, inluding lap swimmers, Masters swimmers, rereational swimmers and adults who have previously registered a hild in Palo Alto's learn to swim program. The ommuniations plan inludes: A frequently asked questions flyer will be displayed at the pool entrane and loker rooms, posted on the aquatis web page and ed to lap swimmers, Masters \t \> swimmers and past Learn to Swim partiipants. f & Staff will host "offee at the pool" events at various times to allow informal -,!< µg's 1, f_2f1versations to our between staff and pool users. Staff will be available to answer fjj(_> -tj\ fj\{q{jestions, respond to onerns and provide aurate information on the latest status 111' of the Aquatis program. J Individual meetings with the CSD Diretor or Assistant Diretor will our as :}> ).I fo requested by ommunity members or groups.... I b /I Community meetings will be sheduled to oinide with deision-making points in the 'I / proess. The first ommunity meeting will our in January ,(, Vli 11j; Regular updates will be posted on the Aquatis web page and sent via to all f\ t user groups. tjj\f. j.,--" I\ pi,) C:Speifi outreah to residents urrently not in an existing aquatis program (lap,.. r. dv \vf.-/ Masters, or Learn to Swim), will be ahieved through the Aquatis website, ( Iv' ommunity Servies Department website and fous groups. /. he Parks and Rereation Commission will reeive monthly updates at their regularly! sheduled meetings. Updates may be informal or agendized for disussion or ation. Z Timeline Deember 12, Agreement for alendar year 217 expanded Learn-to-Swim M 1v ontrat with Team Sheeper In.... April 1, 217- Learn-to-Swim group and private lessons begin :oe r L..\ Y.} The ontrat ost to the City to utilize the professional servies of Team Sheeper In. for )\' \he 216 Summer Learn-to-Swim is $113,; the proposed agreement also inludes a \<-- r DH3o,ooo ontingeny for additional supp1ementa1 aquatis servies if needed, bringing the \'1 total not to exeed amount to $143,. The Community Servies Department budget an ;iy of Palo Alto Page 8 \J' l, P_a-k_e_t_P-g.-1-3

48 absorb the ost of the ontrat without impating the General Fund due to realizing ost savings by not staffing the Learn-to-Swim program and by realloating department salary savings in FY 217. By ontrating with Team Sheeper, the City will reeive less revenue than antiipated in lesson registrations. In 216, swim lesson revenues totaled approximately $75,; however, this will be offset by a revenue share with Team Sheeper In. of approximately $36, in this new ontrat. As disussed above, the plan for longer term servie delivery and resoure impats for the _...u...' \. --;$' \Si Aquatis Program will be ontinue to be evaluated during the oming months. Staff will \I \4 1 A..{2L explore the osts, opportunities and hallenges of ontinuing to offer in-house aquatis e/v. programs versus a more omprehensive agreement with Team Sheeper In. to oversee the -A City's aquatirogram. Staff antiipates returning to Counil in Spring 217 with further ""(flaquatimmendations. 1G---rtfJ!:. 'ft::!,,,, L- µ_v,... r'.i: JC,G o(a Poliy Impliations e rz..t f e:jtt?v This proposal is aligned with Comprehensive Plan goal Gl: ffetive and ffiient Delivery S) 1 ' '..._ of Community Servies. '-> nvironmental Review I?;. The reommendation in this report does not onstitute a projet requiring review under \' the California nvironmental Quality At (CQA). '-J Attahments: Attahment A - Contrat 1698 with Team Sheeper (PDF) V. \:_ Attahment B - May 9, 216 Staff Report (PDF) Attahment C - Parks and Rereation Commission Staff Reports and Minutes from September 27, 216 and November 16, 216 Attahment D - Benhmark priing of swim lesson fees Attahments: "" AttahmentlO.a: Attahment A: DRAFT C PSA TAM SHPR SUMMR 217 AQUATICS PROGRAM AttahmentlO.b: Attahment B: ID# 6812 May AttahmentlO.: Attahment C Part 1: PRC Memo - AttahmentlO.d: Attahment C Part 2: PARC transript Approved tj AttahmentlO.e: Attahment C Part 3: PRC memo \ AttahmentlO.f: Attahment D: Be_g - lfj=rl!. \'\,: )!'()/}/JA-66/VlG-IV'r OF,4-LL-;orih?JtJ5 //,//dll//jng- ":>()(Jl'S( lfo U5/JJ (!JJ M.Mf;f)f)!l/f.--"Vffl1?/Y!/N& Rf1t1 ;/2 -{! ;({rlf dtj 11-M () rj op 1) -t'/n,; {JJ A-k /hed t/'p.p 77fr; Yi- (]er d r () Jlf OfC!6 TIJIVJe!;bf),,,, Ci}.:_::falpltp )/.L2.,,A / //J,//.C 12.' JPftP..e9,, }./5'i-N//Vo- /O ;-v-r-:.y1t: J: -rr-,r:v vcca/ µ/n Paket Pg ;t-1 s- IC!AlD 1JFUJRr_6PM7-T1MF1Pdlf4'5 Yt::Ttt

49 1u.a reason, the appointment of a substitute projet diretor and the assignment of any key new or replaement personnel will be subjet to the prior written approval of the CITY's projet manager. CONSULT ANT, at CITY's request, shall promptly remove personnel who CITY finds do not perfonn the Servies in an aeptable manner, are unooperative, or present a threat to the adequate or timely ompletion of the Projet or a threat to the safety of persons or property. "' C.> ::I "' C' < N r.n r.n t:. o """ Q N O> A- CITY's projet manager is Sharon va, Community Servies Department, 135 Middlefield 5 J} Road, Palo Alto, CA 9433, Telephone (65) The projet manager will be /_ $ G C> CONSULT ANT's point of ontat with respet to perfonnane, progress and exeution of the ())I.A:J:b,. Servies. CITY may designate an alternate projet manager from time to time. i/)r". CL SCTION 14. OWNRSHIP OF MATRIALS. Upon delivery, all work produt, inluding f(c/. without limitation, all writings, drawings, plans, reports, speifiations, alulations, douments, I f-. 1 \) p (JV" 1 < other materials and opyright interests developed under this Agreement shall be and remain the --\" \)"\...l/ /"" {!:t!:: 1 a exlusive property of CITY without restrition or limitation upon their use. CONSULT ANT IA- 7 < agrees that all opyrights whih arise from reation of the work pursuant to this Agreement shall.:::; I I '--" be vested in CITY, and CONSULTANT waives and relinquishes all laims to opyright or other lh : intelletual property rights in favor of the CITY. Neither CONSULT ANT nor its ontrators, if D V,, A I g- ::: any, shall make any of suh materials available to any individual or organization without the / (/II prior written approval of the City Manager or designee. CONSULT ANT makes no :I representation of the suitability of the work produt for use in or appliation to irumstanes n () 1 l!t) L; 1 LB,/ ontemplated by the sope of work. /11\ /Vt'!"'. _ ' I I l vv L--;,v w SCTION 15. AUDITS. CONSULTANT will pennit CITY to audit, at any reasonable time / A..- j' / M <. fh during the tenn of this Agreement and for three (3) years thereafter, CONSULTANT's reords i) /Tl I' / pertaining to matters overed by this Agreement. CONSULT ANT further agrees to maintain and. fi.../' (}) en er.::t/:7 retain suh reords for at least three (3) years after the expiration or earlier termination of 17 ]\ B D Agreement. SCTION 16. INDMNITY. \. I'-""' w 3 frv CL To the fullest extent pennitted by law, CONSULT ANT shall prote -;.- 1 f) \ (}) p fla /) fh, J1> indemnify, defend and hold hannless CITY, its Counil members, offiers, employees and {J ( 'f / t.- t;:::7" :: agents (eah an "Indemnified Party") from and against any and all demands, laims, or liability of any nature, inluding death or injury to any person, property damage or any other loss-? _A 'II inluding all osts and expenses of whatever nature inluding attorneys fees, experts fees, ou { t;;tt fv l osts and disbursements ("Claims") resulting from, arising out of or in any manner related to r fl u. perfonnane or nonperformane by CONSULT ANT, its offiers, employees, agents or / ( '/;::: 1 '- ontrators under this Agreement, regardless of whether or not it is aused in part by an g f'f (..)./I C Indemnified Party. < Notwithstanding the above, nothing in this Setion 16 shall be onstrued p ( to require CONSULTANT to indemnify an Indemnified Party from Claims arising from the tf n (". a6ve negligene, sole negligene o' willful m;srondut of an lndenmmed Party. \!)'\ The aeptane of CONSULT ANT's servies and duties by CITY shall {3 a f'--j ' -rl.t- Cl ""''-;.,,""',elfi (n L- 1'. 5 Jlfl (!.A)N/RJfe '!XI. t, fl/16111 _ utf etjvj,}! < (1 {?.; B if uj ftv"'td v O/RS I!< (!J l/ Pl/vo f;,u} /A, PaketPg.135

50 1.a 3. Pro' ide a es to a phone line and internet aes at Rinonada Pool O versee program delivery whih inludes but is not limited to: a. Work with Team Sheeper, In. on private and group lessons offerings, anellations, and ustomer inquiries/onerns b. Provide support to Team Sheeper, In. Staff to ensure the suess of the lass. Provide essential information to deliver program (rosters, attendane sheets, waiting lists, et.) +.'> Develop and maintain proative and onsistent ommuniation and rapport with Team Sheeper, In. a. Respond in a timely manner to s and phone alls b. Communiate and resolve issues and onerns immediately :i!)_provide exellent ustomer servie to Team Sheeper, In. Staff and ustomers wf+d /+tr S VJ I ft.1 ;t/:c/2s : l tf /SA WS7/J /) /J L 'I 7fl1tl/ s lfg5(!712. (!A)<;;TZJ IV1&/2q, 12 PA-uJ Vz) &1 D &J"fs fht1ig /f f 1R1YJ ovgte NiJtJ- ke r Dt9JY&J D//!BlM s fl& Pe!J, / frduj ftl<e e 'i:/ustfw ') y- J:':>S t/ -5 i.11 GlJ f IPrD. 4 Professional Sen ies Rev. April ? Ill CJ a ::I C" <( It)!::. o... Q N en N... ::!: C> a:: D. en :J a... <(... Q N a:: w ::!: ::!: :J en a:: w D. w :: en ::!: 1- <C en D. o 'lif'... - I I». CJ a >... I». CJ Paket Pg. 145

51 XHIBIT "B" SCHDUL OF PRFORMANC CONSULT ANT shall perform the Servies so as to omplete eah milestone within the number of days/weeks speified below. The time to omplete eah milestone may be inreased or dereased by mutual written agreement of the projet managers for CONSULT ANT and CITY so long as all work is ompleted within the term of the Agreement. CONSULT ANT shall provide a detailed shedule of work onsistent with the shedule below within 2 weeks of reeipt of the notie to proeed. The parties agree that the instrution of swim lessons shall our over the Spring, Summer and Fall of217. Below are the sheduled dates and times of eah private and group swim session. Swim Shool Our Teahing Philosophy Palo Alto Swim and Sport promotes life-long fitness, healthy habits and safety. Knowing how to swim properly at a young age builds a foundation for a long and healthy life. Our swim shools work with students to develop proper tehnique through foused learning and goal oriented rewards. Year-round lessons instill the habit of swimming that beomes a way oflife for hildren as they grow through adolesene into adulthood. Our Swim Shool Model Palo Alto Swim and Sport lessons are hands-on lessons foused on giving eah swimmer a strong foundation in the pool. Lessons are foused on breathing, body position and developing proper swim habits. Lessons are taught by our inredible instrutors in a 5 by I -yard area of instrution that promotes a safe and tehnique foused lesson. Our Commitment to Safety Our number one priority at Palo Alto Swim and Sport is safety in and around the pool, inluding safety in lessons, water quality, lifeguarding and emergeny preparedness. ah instrutor is trained in making eah lesson a safe and fun environment. All our lifeguards are ertified, trained and audited to the highest standards set by the Amerian Red Cross and YMCA. Palo Alto Swim and Sport has retained the servies of a leading environmental health and safety firm to guide our ompany to safer praties for our ustomers, staff and ommunity. Shedule and Registration Palo Alto Swim and Sport will offer swim lessons April through Otober. Registration for Perpetual Lessons opens on January 15th. Summer Session Priority Registration for Palo Alto residents will open Marh 23rd, and General Registration will open on April 6th. Session Based Swim Lessons June 5, 217 to August 18, 217 we will be offering eleven-one week sessions of swim lessons. Weekly Perpetual Lessons Perpetual/weekly lessons are the optimum method for maintaining the fous of developing as a swimmer on a year-round basis. To learn a omplex skill, and to master the physial movement patterns, onsistent and ontinual pratie is neessary. Perpetual lessons allow families to understand the aquatis is a year-round sport/ativity and that the joys of aquatis and developing as a swimmer does not only have to be limited to the summer months. We promote keeping aquatis and swim shool in the weekly family shedule muh like a family would a sports team or musi lessons. We also offer the opportunity to have onentrated daily lessons ozg a; ( /l1/yje-1<_ ClrlJ h- Pf+-.v-o 1/-.--"vi> & 1 -o/":;. ;f:16-# (},P FiJ f-< p6f f7{jk lh&s-tjijs? W7J u l-.d -r1ft; etjr; r f;tf- 'i/ I 6?'ete LS"' i::'tn : I Paket Pg. 147 Ill (.) ;l ns :J <( "' N It) It)!::::. o - N O> N -: C> : Cl. "' ::> a <( """ - N : w : : ::> "' : w Cl. w : : "' <( w I <( Cl. "' o "'1:1' --o """ - 1- u.. Ci. GI. CJ! ns :i - GI. CJ!

52 .q; ourse of a week during the summer months. Levels Waterbabies: For ages 6 months to under 3 years. Parent partiipation lass where babies are introdued to the water through songs and games. ah game that we play together as a group an be adjusted to aommodate a parent's omfort level and the swimming ability of the hild. This is a 3-minute group lass with a 6:1 ratio. Water Tots: For ages 2 years old. Water Tot's is a lass without parent partiipation for students who are omfortable in the water are ready to learn the next set of swimming skills. The student to teaher ratio of3:1 allows a small, safe learning environment to introdue fundamental water skills. This lass fouses on building omfort, water safety, and skills suh as: breathing, floating, bobs, jumps and, of ourse, fun. Swimming Priniples: Children learn to be safe, independent swimmers and begin to learn proper head and body position that will lead to suess in the strokes to ome. Skills inlude floating independently on bak and front, and breath ontrol. Level I: Designed to ontinue water safety skills as well as develop body position and kiks. Swimmers must be water safe and able to kik in streamline for 5 yards to pass. Level 2: Designed to ontinue water safety skills as well as develop a strong foundation for Freestyle. Swimmers learn to kik in streamline for I yards, rolling onto their bak for a breath. Level 3: Designed to develop a strong foundation for Freestyle. Swimmers learn to kik in streamline for I yards with a side breath. Freestyle: Swimmers learn freestyle beginning with body position, effiient flutter kiks, freestyle arms, and side breathing. Bakstroke: Swimmers ontinue to review and improve their freestyle while learning bakstroke. They develop body position, rotation, effetive kiks and bakstroke arms. Breaststroke: Swimmers will begin to learn the differene between short axis and long axis strokes, with an emphasis on the importane of a proper kik and glide. ah of the four parts of breaststroke will be isolated to yield a suessful breaststroke. Butterfly: Students learn the importane of a full body dolphin kik and undulation, timing of kiks with pull and reovery. Lessons Advaned: Swimmers ontinue to refine all four strokes as well as develop more advaned tehniques, inluding starts, turns and finishes. Lessons lite: The goals for swimmers in the lass are to beome profiient in all four ompetitive strokes, swim terminology, and reeive oahing in and out of the water. Swim Lesson Pries: Resident Group lessons: $16/lesson Non-Resident Group Lessons: $22/lesson Resident Private: $35/lesson Non-Resident Private: $63/lesson Swim Camp Whether just learning to swim or developing strokes, your hild reeives a daily, 45-minute, level-appropriate lesson from a trained Swim Shool instrutor (ratio 4: I). A hild's swim level is assessed on the first day of amp, and ampers with similar abilities are grouped together. More advaned swimmers also get a workout-style swim session in a 25-yard format to pratie what they have learned. Daily hands-on lessons in small foused groups invariably lead to rapid advanement in a hild's swim skills. Professional Servies Rev. April 27, 216 I.I) t::. o "'"' C) N "'"' :: (!) :: a. "' :::> a <... "'"' C) N :: w :: :: :::> "' :: w a. w : "' :: < w... a. "'"' "'"' o... "'"' "'"' t <i.... Cl). CJ ns... "'"' Cl). CJ Paket Pg. 148

53 1.a XHIBIT "C" COMPNSATION Cl N A. NOT TO XCD COMPNSATION. The ompensation to be paid to CONSULTANT for performane of the Servies desribed in xhibit "A'', inluding both payment for..- professional servies and reimbursable expenses, shall be l 5 OPTION ON [Not tis Assumes Team Sheep er eollerts rewnue and the Cit) of Palo Alto D e_-t;' --rt+ g pa)s Team Sheepe1 a s1:1fisidy for Palo Alto residents. lmpael to the Gf' ''ill bti fl dtierease in j? l /'. a:: Ft!\en1:1e bvx and eost of, l: V { UG 'l"ba'(v l City to ompensate Team Sheeper Six Dollars ($6) per resident partiipant per group I d' /fl i== lesson for up to 9, ($54,) individual group lessons, and -.:;;\-\ r:::::;e:;t t:::y "- City to ompensate Team Sheeper Twenty ight Dollars ($28) per resident partiipant per private lesson for up to 2, 1 ($58,8) private lessons. 1f1 \ A ;::..N-rf [IC Team Sheeper to ompensate the City of Palo Alto 1% of gross fees paid for swim,jr.. N Lessons and Summer Swim Camps. l e (I ; Not to exeed One Hundred and Thirteen Dollars ($113,) during the period overing 3/1117 -rz> '{) { := through 12/ In the event Additional Servies are authorized by the City, the total /) 1 ) r-r-.. }. It r AJ C ompensation for additional servies will be at a rate of $2.9 per hour for regul ar staff LA/./ IV f V L a:: lifl!uards. if regular staff lill!unrds are not :n ailabl use of lead or head lifl!uards mav be ri pro\ idd al a rate of S4 per hour and the total ompensation for Additional Servies is not to V Af W exeed Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($$15,.) during the period overing 3/1/217 through _ \ 12/31/217. /t:::<r714::-fj)j rn B. ADDITIONAL SRVICS. Additional Servies (lifeguards), if any, shall be 1f f f'j _,, IV I V } authorized in aordane with and subjet to the provisions of xhibit "C". CONSULT ANT A.II "'.'\ w shall not reeive any ompensation for Additional Servies performed without the prior written I v l A}lu authorization of CITY. Additional Servies shall mean any work that is determined by CITY to be neessary for the proper ompletion of the Projet, but whih is not inluded within D/L.f> V. D.. the Sope of Servies desribed in xhibit "A". f fl fc- ('../ C. PAYMNT. At the onlusion of the season, Contrator will invoie the City for ::= payment at the end of June, the end of August and end of Deember for any additional servies. The Contrator payment vouher will then be submitted to the fisal setion for payment at whih point the City has 3 working days from the last date of the payment vouher to render M payment to e Contrator. nvoies must inlude Contrator name, address, ontrat number, l {J /( u.. date of servies, ompensation amount.._:$ D. CANCLLD LSSONS. (xluding weather-related anellations, if appliable) In the A. r. 'j - lc Ill CJ ;i :::I "' tr < N!::. "' U)... rn VJ 5 / {./ tvcr:;:;l\. ='i <i. event that staff is late or misses a lesson, ontrator is responsible for ontating partiipants to reshedule or make-up the Iesson(s). C:. FACILITY US. If the Contrator uses the City's faility for any purpose other than a mutually agreed upon and sheduled lass under this agreement, then the Contrator pays all fees. and harges as speified in the urrent Fees & Charges resolution. BUDGT SCHDUL NOT TO XCD AMOUNT Sub-total Basi Servies $113,. 1 Professional Ser\ ies Rev. April 27, 216 t "'... :>... Cl>. CJ Paket Pg. 151 J

54 UUl-Ull:jl I Cl IU. OMUU, l:iml:l""'t, r-<trl:l-.).) 1-orl:l'IOVC I OUM Xo \\\ &,,\).--r. XHIBIT B SCHDULOFPRFORMANC I,h e,arti')s agree that the instrution of swim lessons shall our over the Summer 216,(\ _:ession of the City's Aquatis Program. Below are the sheduled dates and times of eah private.and group swim session. up Lessons at Session 1 Session z Session 3 Session 4 M-Th 6/13-6/23 M-Th 6/27-7/7 M-Th 7/11-7/21 M-Th 7/25 - S/4 1J '- Rinonada Pool $S5R/$95NR si $75R/$S5NR 11 $s5r/$95nr s1 $B5R/$95NR s1 '# ' Ii 9:4-lO:lOam. 1:15-1:45am \,\ j 1:5-11:2am ,SS m 4:25-4:55pm v '-f 'I'"! Qi ii! N Qi ii _, M '1i ii _, o:i' Qi ii _, i.n Qi ii _, ID '1i ii _, 5:-5:3pm 5:35-6:5pm 6:1-6:4pm 9:4-1:1am 1:15-1:45am 1:5-11:2am 11:25-11:55am 5:-5:3pm 5:35-6:5pm 6:1-6:4pm 9:4-1:1am 1:15-1:45am 1:5-11:2am 11:25-11:55am 9:4-1:1am 1:15-1:45am 1:5-11:2am 11:25-11:55am 9:4-1:1am 1:15-1:45am 1:5-11:2am 11:25-11:55am 9:4-1:1am 1:15-1:45am 1:5-11:2am 11:25-11:55am 9:4-lO:lOam 1:15-1:45am 1:5-11:2am 11:25-11:55am S S S S S S SO 72S4 728S G G So Cl So ' t J: (. Cl G Cl ' Cl t :;: t Cl C' It It,..... u T' C' a.. ii :! C' T' ex u a.. 4.r. t. <I.i:.. T' 4.r. t. <I Paket Pg. 174

55 Attahment C Part 1 I 1 O. I Year round lasses allow Team Sheeper to hire full-time instrutors with more experiene than seasonal employees typially have. Team Sheeper's staff inludes many instrutors with extensive bakgrounds in aquatis, advaned degree in athletis, and some were ompetitive swimmers in the past. They provide ongoing training and ontinued investment in all swim instrutors, training ourses inlude: swim linis, new teahing methods, innovation to urriulum, teaher to student relationship building, and team building. Diversity of Programming and Aessibility Team Sheeper's proposal offers more hours of lap and rereation swimming as well as other programs that Palo Alto urrently does not provide inluding summer and holiday swim amps, aqua-fitness lasses and swim pro servies. Weekly Open Hours Status Quo Team Sheeper - LapSwim NIJ. Lap Pool Rereation 27 3? R. fd r;o tfrj (lfs " : an an :a.aa... QI :I z Wading Pool 55 Lap Swim Lap Pool Rereation 4 Wading Pool 46 The biggest potential Aessibility drawbak from using Team Sheeper would be that some ustomers may feel they annot afford the newly inreased pries under a Team Sheeper. Team Sheeper offers a finanial aid program for swim lessons, water polo team membership and lifeguard ertifiation lasses at its Belle Haven pool whih they would explore bringing to Rinonada. Alternative 3 (Full-Servie In-House Management) CSD expands and updates the in-house Aquatis Program in order to provide a similar level and quality of servie as the Team Sheeper proposal. This would entail using more lifeguarding hours than in previous years, dediating a Community Servies Manager position to aquatis (the aquatis program urrently uses 25 perent of a Community Servies Manager,) inreasing lifeguarding hourly rates, and expanding the use of SIU hourly lifeguards t. CJ) a. -'i.s -CJ Ill Cl.I...J 'i en C"... - Cl.I : CD... N... N ) :: ll.... t:: a ll. - Cl.I. CJ CJ... - Cl.I. CJ i Paket Pg. 23

56 Attahment APPROV swim lessons just due to staffing shortages. We did an emergeny request for proposal; to obtain a third party who ould satisfy our need just for that summer. We did that and had a suessful summer. Following that, we ontinued to have shortages, and atually some of our full-time staff, our aquatis rereation oordinator, had to fill in for some lifeguarding, whih resulted in overtime as well as it's not the best use for him to be at the pool lifeguarding. Another thing that we've learned over the past ouple of years is that there's really an inreased demand for our aquatis programs, for our swim lessons, for our family rereation swim. Both in 215 and 216, we've had a lot of lasses that have been full or wait-listed. Half of our youth swim lessons in 215 were either full or there was a waiting list for them. This past summer 3 perent of our lasses were wait-listed or full. We've done some surveys, one very reently, where we asked reent partiipants of the swim lessons program, whih is really the parents of the partiipants of swim lesson, if they would like to have an extended season for swim lessons, have additional lessons in the fall and the spring. 7 perent of the respondents said yes, they would like to see that offered. Half of our respondents also said that they'd like to see more rereational swimming opportunities offered by the City. In response to this feedbak, what staff has identified as our objetives are to expand the rereational swimming season; adjust and add hours for the lap swim and rereational swimming outside of the 9: to 5: hours; and then also expand the swim lesson season and provide evening and weekend lessons as well. In fall of 215, staff went to the Finane Committee with a reommendation that we go out for an RFP to explore the option of a long-term ontrat. We addressed in the one summer of 215, and what we deided to do was will there be interest and what would it look like if we did a long-term ontrat with someone. It was more of an exploratory phase at the time. This then went to Counil in winter of 215 and was subsequently approved. We went out for an RFP, and we got two firms that responded. When we did the RFP, we made it very broad. Respondents ould bid on one or more options. If someone just wanted to do lifeguarding, they ould bid on that. If someone wanted to do lifeguarding and learn to swim lasses, they ould do that as well. We also inluded the youth ompetitive swim team and the masters team in that proposal. I'm going to tum it over to Jazmin now to disuss the results of the RFP. Jazmin LeBlan: Thanks. I'm Jazmin, a new employee with CSD. We reviewed that RFP. We reeived two responses, evaluated both and hose to proeed with Team Sheeper's bid, whih was an extensive bid to over all of the program areas at the pool. Team Sheeper's bid not only met the City's need to provide swim lessons without running into staffing shortages, but it also provides an enhaned level of servie with inreased pool hours and new programs. We also looked at several other options for pool management: Team Sheeper's bid; ontinuing the status quo; expanding our in-house la and re swim hours while ontrating out the swimming lesson portion of the prograu, whih has been the hardest part to fill staffing-wise; and looking at what it would take 'fir us to provide in-house programming that has a more expanded rereational and p swimming program and also has the swim lessons that residents are demanding. Approved Minutes 3 (A j) tc l--1" I I fa r; i:; V-l _/ «pp-\ 'Ax 't; en Cl)..J "i en fj ;l C'CI :i C" ( N It) It) t:. 'tj Q. Q. ( -Q..:::: u en f! - ( a.. o,... -I N I O'>.i t:: C'CI Q. - Cl). u i 'tj i - Cl). u i

57 ""'(' Attahment C Part 21 1.d I APPROVD programs suh as the swim amps that I mentioned. The other thing we wanted to mention here is that Team Sheeper really maximizes, espeially if you look at Burgess pool, the use of the pool, whih leads to more ustomers at the pool, whih is great but also a double-edged sword. On the one hand, there are more people using the pool, and we're getting greater ommunity aess. On the other hand, urrent pool users will have more people to share their swim lanes with. This kind of leads to our final question around the riteria. Do we feel like a higher level of programming at the pool will lead to higher or lower ustomer satisfation? Thank you so muh for listening to this presentation. We'd really appreiate to hear your thoughts around these key poliy impliations and whih alternative will result in the greatest value and highest and best use of Rinonada pool for Palo Alto residents. Your input will inform our analysis and reommendation to Counil. Thanks. Chair Lauing: Do you want feedbak on these two speifi bullet points? Is that a good way to organize the disussion? Mr. de Geus: Yes, I think that would be great to do it that way. I like that piture up there, beause the impat's also going to be on the ustomer base. There's a young swimmer wathing and wondering what we're going to do in the aquatis program. Chair Lauing: How many takes did you have to have to get that shot right? Who would like to start? Commissioner Cribbs: I would be happy to start. Vie Chair Knopper: I was going to say let the swim expert go (rosstalk). Commissioner Cribbs: The swimmer will start. Chair Lauing: I think that's a pretty good plae to start. Commissioner Cribbs: First of all, I'm very happy to see this report and to see some of the things that you're suggesting, just beause the old swimmer in me thinks about going by Rinonada, whih I do very often, and seeing during the winter time empty, not used pools. That really is not a good thing, beause every other pool, I mean broad statement, is over-paked, jammed and should be used 24 hours a day almost, at least from 6: in the morning to 9: at night. It's good that we're looking at this. That's the first thing. The four different alternatives are very interesting. We obviously an't afford to do the status quo. That's probably not aeptable, I would think, to the staff and to the Counil. That leaves three left. Of the three, I an see that Team Sheeper is very attrative and very interesting, beause there are professionals really managing and fousing on the program with the latest swim tehniques and the latest ways of doing things. That's a Approved Minutes '= I'll {!!. = 'i -u I! - en...j.i (fj I'll :I CT <( an... -"CJ.. <( a : u en I! - :: < D.. o... I... en Q N t:= I'll D.. - -'= u "CJ... -'= u,... 1h- r'... _ Paket Pg. 215 J

58 ... ' 'tull' 'llo. - I Wll,. ' good thing. However, I'm very onerned speifially about the ost of the swimming lessons, beause I feel like one of the things that we all need to do is to make sure that we give our kids the opportunity to learn to swim, beause drowning is suh a high ause of death among teenagers, even in Palo Alto. It's really sary and serious. ven though Palo Alto's supposed to have a lot of money, there are families here who will find this very diffiult to afford $22 for one single lesson. As a detail, I would be in favor of raising the private lessons but not the group lessons. The other omment that I have is that I'm onerned about the longstanding relationships that we have all had in Palo Alto with both Palo Alto Swim Club, whih I believe was found in the 195s, if I'm not mistaken, and has been at Rinonada ever sine, and also Rinonada Masters that was found sometime in the '7s. I just want to make sure that if those programs aren't working, then we obviously should look at them. If they're working and we're just going in a different diretion, I'd like to hear more onversation about that. I have some little detail questions as I went through here, but I think those are my big omments for now. Mr. de Geus: Just on that last point, Commissioner Cribbs, we were sort of expeting that we would have the masters and P ASA bid on their part of the pool operation for the ompetitive swim or the masters. What in fat happened is Team Sheeper and P ASA and the masters got together and talked amongst one another about how they might work together. They sort of proposed altogether. I think they're all sort of exited about being able to do that and improve all of the programs, both masters and P ASA, with Team Sheeper. Commissioner Cribbs: That's a good thing, but how would that work atually? How would they manage that? What would be the reporting relationship? Who ollets the money? How does that all happen? Maybe it's details that you don't know yet. Mr. de Geus: In an alternative where we have one ontrat with Team Sheeper, then those two organizations would subontrat to Team Sheeper. Our relationship would be with one organization. One of the alternatives is where Team Sheeper just does the swim lesson program, whih is what we did this last summer and the summer prior. We have a ontrat with them for that, and we have a separate ontrat with Carol MPherson for the masters program and another ontrat with the ompetitive swim program, P ASA, and then we retain the lifeguard program. That's howj t's urrently working. Commissioner Cribbs: I appreiate that. I just wanted to mention this kind of longstanding relationship espeially with Palo Alto. Mr. de Geus: It's a good point. Team Sheeper, I think, wants to maximize the pool and get lots of ativity and diversity of swimming in there. What will that mean for the masters program and PASA? Will they be ab; to retain the same amount of pool time as //. t\ -tl ApprnvedMfilw" if) {,l) ( ;:, 4 # 1 (,._, \) O (/ l.. I Paket Pg. 216 I.C: I -"i n I! - ::...J "i (/) Ill u :J C" ( It)... - "i e >.. ( Q. i: u Ill ]l D:: CD.-... ' ) Q N t= ns D.. - Cl>.: u!,,.- Cl>. u!

59 \; l'. Attahment C Part 21 1 O.d I APPROVD they have today? Probably not. That's true for everyone that goes to the pool under a Team Sheeper model. There's going to be a lot more sharing needed. Commissioner Cribbs: You know if you ask anybody who's a swimmer that they always need more water, more water, more lanes, more this. Mr. de Geus: Right, and that's a tradeoff. Commissioner Cribbs: Is there an opportunity, if you deided to do the Team Sheeper or even the other alternatives, that you ould look at keeping the pool open year round and not losing it in the end of Otober and opening it in the first of April? I would love to see winter swimming. I think the people in this area would ome and go swimming in the winter time. Mr. de Geus: We an look at doing that. Heating the pool during the winter is ostly. There's a ertain number of months where we'd-we'd have to look at that. We would be open to that. We want to see greater aess to the pool that makes sense for the publi. Commissioner Cribbs: I ould go on, beause you ould drop the temperature a little bit and people would be okay with that. You ould have a bubble over the pool. We ould build another 25-yard pool, but that's in the Master Plan so that's for later. I'll stop now. Chair Lauing: Commissioner Knapper. Vie Chair Knapper: Thank you. I just had a ouple of questions. I did like Alternative 2. It just made sense to me to provide more opportunities for people to swim is really great. I onur with everything Commissioner Cribbs just said. She's obviously at a muh higher expert level in this area than I am. My first question is we get approximately, if I remember when I read this, 1,3 resident users and like 44 nonresident users. Corret? Ms. LeBlan: For swimming lessons? Vie Chair Knapper: It was in the report. Was it just users of the pool or was it- here. Approximately 1,33 residents use a ten pak at some point per year and 443 nonresidents use. Is apaity at the pool-this is really a apaity question before I ask the money question. Is it too muh apaity for the pool if we hanged it to just residents only, if we're over apaity? If we're adding all these other programs and you don't want to edge out the Rinonada masters and P ASA is obviously very rih, and they have all their ompetitive stuff. It's a question. Is that something that we should entertain? I don't know. The priing just like a dollar or two based on all of the other ities, I don't think that would be an impat. The private priing is a onern. I think private lessons, Approved Minutes Cl> Cl>. en ftl = l -u "i en Cl) u ;i ftl ::s C" <C N in in t:.. "C Cl> e.. <C a. ;:: u Cl) :: CD... I... en N t:: ftl a.. - Cl>. u "C... - Cl>. u r..r n l hii,., ",_ ' Piiket'Pg I

60 APPROVD espeially when you have a new swimmer, there's tremendous value to having a one-onone lesson. ven though I do like the fat that they offer 66 perent off for finane redution. You've had a lot of positive feedbak from Team Sheeper, so it makes sense to me that they would be a really great vendor to use, whih would support what you're looking for with regard to an alternative. I guess that's all I wanted to say. It's really this resident/nomesident. I think this is sort of what we go through with some of the Foothills Park or whatever. Do we want to kind of go down that path espeially if we have one pool? I do like the idea of winter swimming. I think it's fantasti exerise, espeially with the Master Plan where we're trying to do more senior. A lot of people who are older swim in the winter beause things hurt. After you swim, it feels a little better. We're trying to emih that. I'll shut up, I swear. Also in the Master Plan we're talking about in our later report that private/publi opportunities. Would this be an opportunity for us, beause I think it would, to try to find some sort of private sponsorship, somebody to help us offset? I don't know. Like going to the swimming vendors, like Speedo or TYR, I don't know. Right? Is that how they say it? Commissioner Cribbs: Those are vendors. Vie Chair Knapper: Say would you offset-sometimes they like to do that, beause they want people to wear their gear and they do pop-up shops or whatever. Like, do we have an opportunity to offset our osts if the City has to make a differential payment or something? I don't know. I'm done. Q. ( Q. Ms. LeBlan: Thank you. I'll start with apaity. The apaity is really mostly a : CJ UI problem on warm summer weekends, when we have the pool open roughly from 11 :3 until 4: and 5 people want to use the pool all in a very short time period. I think if we were to expand the hours, we'd atually ease up apaity quite a bit. If you go over It: to-i'm a resident of Palo Alto and a mother. I go to Burgess pool and I go to Rinonada CD pool quite a bit. Burgess pool is open, I think, from 1: a.m. until at least 7 : p.m. """ I On the same day when I get turned away at Rinonada, I an go to Burgess, and they "'" en have the apaity just beause people are spreading themselves out over the day. I think N we would help a lot in that ase. The other thing I'll say is if we are going to go with the ontrated model, Team Sheeper put a lot of thought into how many lanes they dediate ll. "' to swimming lessons versus lap swim versus their masters program versus the youth swimming. They really have tried to make sure that they're getting as many people in as - GI they an without overburdening any partiular group. They do that by offering just suh. CJ a long day. They also are proposing to do a year-round swim program. They wanted to do it in both the round pool and the lap pool. We already heat the lap pool all year round, 't:i so there isn't an added ost for heating the pool if we go with a year-round program there. i We don't heat the round pool all year round now, and we don't have a over. I """ - GI investigated the prie. Publi Works manages the gas and water and hlorine bills there.. CJ It would be a pretty dramati inrease; I think it was about $6, more to heat the Approved Minutes 9 f. I j l pa--ke-t-pg-.-21-a-...j fi 'i t; e - UI 'i en ::::s "' er ( - 't:i GI in "'" 2 Q.

61 If'.. Attahment C Part 21 1 O.d I APPROVD Ms. LeBlan: We're trying to mimi it at least with regard to the lap and re swim hours. What we've ome to understand is that it's been really a struggle to get the instrutors we need for the swim lessons. At least initially we would probably try to just maintain or maybe inrease lesson offerings a bit. The other issue is that the lessons are very heavily subsidized. For eah lesson, it atually kind of is a hit to the General Fund. There's a ost-benefit analysis to adding... Commissioner Rekdahl: Can you give an estimate of how many hours of lap swim eah of these alternatives have and how many hours of swim lessons eah one has? Ms. LeBlan: Yes. Let me pull up my file. I have it in my head that the re swim hours are 56 hours a week in the summer. For anything where we expand our offerings and that's the same as Sheeper's. Commissioner Rekdahl: That's re. Is that just re or is that re and lap? Ms. LeBlan: Re and lap. Commissioner Rekdahl: For all three of those options, we have 56 hours a week for lap and re. How many hours a week do we have for lessons on these three? Ms. LeBlan: Sorry. I printed out a lot of information, and I didn't print this one. Atually I know where I an get it. Mr. de Geus: I an add something while Jazmin's looking at this. In disussions with Team Sheeper for Alternatives 2 and 3, if we were to expand the program in-house, we wouldn't lok into a shedule for multiple years. As we expand the program, we wouldwe would write this into a ontrat with Team Sheeper as well, beause ultimately we must satisfy the ustomer base. We would adapt and adjust as we go. If we have not enough lap swim hours, we might expand the lanes and hours. Their proposal is sort of an initial shedule, but we'll be working with the ommunity and the swimmers to see if it's working. If it's not, make adjustments as we go. They're very open to that. Ms. LeBlan: For the weekly open hours in the summer, the enhaned program reommends 79 hours of lap swim versus 39 right now; 3 hours of lap pool rereation time versus 27 now; 86 hours with the round pool open versus 55 now. Commissioner Rekdahl: You're omparing whih option to now (rosstalk)? Ms. LeBlan: Any of the first three. We're really attempting to inrease hours no matter Cl> whih option we go with. This is just ompared to the status quo.. Approved Minutes & Cl> Cl>. U) a. -.i t) l!! - Ill j 'i U) r! ::I N It) It)... - e Q. Q. <C. ;:: <C a. o ";" g N t: a a. : Cl>. ;; f. I I! "'I "1--Pa--ke-t-Pg-.-22_11_I

62 Attahment C Part 2 I 1.a e I APPROVD Commissioner Rekdahl: Big piture. What I'm trying to get at here for Slide 9 is 1 and 3 have the same amount of rereation and the same amount of open lap swim but muh more lower lessons. Ms. LeBlan: Than 2, yeah. Commissioner Rekdahl: Than 2. The lessons are being offered by Sheeper. Ms. LeBlan: In alternative 1, Team Sheeper has no problem offering as many lessons as we would like. The problem is our ost. ah lesson right now- for group lessons, I think, we have about $8 that we pay to Team Sheeper per individual per lesson. As we add more lessons that Team Sheeper is willing to offer, we have to pay that unless we're going to raise our pries. They're ontrat states that they get $2 per hild per lesson, and we're harging $11. Nine, not $8. Commissioner Rekdahl: Go to Slide 11 please. If we look at these numbers, if we added more lessons to Alternative 1 to try and math the number of lessons in Alternative 3, how muh more is that? Is that another $2, or another $2,? Ms. LeBlan: It's a lot, yeah. If you look at Alternative 1, the line that says ontrat fees is all lesson pries. That's paying for Team Sheeper to provide those lessons. It doesn't aount for the revenue that we get from the lessons. The ost isn't atually $265,. It's net, but it is going to be about $9 per lesson for eah person doing the lesson. I want to say that'd be about $9, for how many people we have enrolled. Commissioner Rekdahl: This is hard to ompare beause we're omparing options and osts, but we get different- you're omparing a Meredes to a Yugo. It's hard to judge what's the best value. I'll move on to my other questions. I still am not happy with the data. Ms. LeBlan: I'm just looking at the modeling that I did. I estimated that we would have about 1, 1 swim lesson enrollments under the in-house options, and Team Sheeper had proposed that they would have about 4,6. It is a big differene between the options and possibly something where we would want to look at what that ost would be, were we to try to add as many lessons as Team Sheeper is proposing. Mr. de Geus: Commissioner Rekdahl, we're not asking the Commission to help make the deision this evening. We'll be oming bak next month. If there's additional information that you just-i have some of the same questions. If we an tease those out, then we an work on those and bring them bak next month. Approved Minutes QI. Cl) Cl) J: Cf) u Cl)... 'i... u... f!... J: Ill Cl) -I 'i Cf) Ill u :;:; u = C'" er:.. N It) It) t:. 'ti QI >..... er:.... : u Ill : u... :: er: D. o I... en t..i t:: u D.... QI J: u! 'ti... Cl) J: u! er: f ' 11.., Paket Pg. 223

63 Attahment C Part i 5 APPROVD Commissioner Rekdahl: That would be useful. The two options I see is to have Hybrid Number 1, where we still do the lap swim, but we just boost up the number of lessons that we hire Sheeper for. It'd be really nie to ompare 1 and 2 with an equal number of lessons. A 2B would be how muh- if we wanted to say all Palo Alto residents get $16 lessons instead of $22, how muh would that balloon Option 2 up to? Thank you. Chair Lauing: Did you have other questions. Commissioner Rekdahl: I have a ouple more questions here. When we talked about Sheeper's onentration on strokes, what are they giving up if they're spending more time on strokes? I don't know how swim lessons work. What is a typial swim lesson, and what are they omitting so they an do more stroke work? MS. LeBlan: I think a big fator is just the kind of aliber of the instrutors. As we mentioned, there's a lot of full-time instrutors. I'll let you weigh in. Chair Lauing: We have a resident expert here. Commissioner Cribbs: I would just say that the Red Cross lessons do teah you how to be safe in the water. I assume that Sheeper's lessons will onentrate on the four basi swimming strokes, the ompetitive strokes, freestyle, bakstroke, butterfly and breast stroke, not neessarily in that order, and prepare kids for not only swimming on a swim team but being able to go into water polo, being able to go into synhronized swimming and all of that kind of thing. It's not that muh different from Red Cross, beause there are wonderful levels in Red Cross. They do do a great job. I think the hanges that the instrutions most likely who are getting kids ready for ompetitive swimming have a lot more knowledge that lifeguards who are oming in for the summer. Having said that, my first swimming lesson was from a lifeguard at Sequoyah High Shool. Does that help? Commissioner Rekdahl: That does help. I'm just wondering if there's a differene in teahing style or teahing material, an we presribe and say, "Can we have some of this style and some of this style," and add variety and let the residents hoose what they think is the best. Commissioner Moss' point about hearing the omment it's less fun, we are doing something maybe some kids don't want to be ompetitive swimmers. They just want to have more fun. That would be an option. Mr. de Geus: I have to mention this one thing, this interesting fat. The last visit we had with Team Sheeper at the Burgess pool, they have an underwater hokey ourt that they installed. Some regular swimmer there loved the sport and donated the ourt. Apparently they do this every ouple of weeks; they have this big underwater hokey I've never heard of it, but it was kind of (rosstalk). Approved Minutes 15 IO i "' lh.. r l. (/) a = 35 -u I! - Ill Cl)...J 35 (/) fl :;:::; IV ::a C" <C in t:.. 'C Q. Q. <C a "C u Ill I! - :: <C D.. o 'I"" I "'"' O> N t= IV D.. - Cl). u! 'C :i 'I"" - Cl). u! i -P-a-ke-t-Pg-. _22_4_1

64 Attahment C Part 2 APPROVD 1 we've opened it up to both residents and nonresidents? I'd just like to get some feedbak 2 on that question. 3 4 Mr. de Geus: It's open to residents and nonresidents now for rereation swim and for lap s swim. I think we would have to see what would happen as we start expanding the hours. 6 There's going to be more hours during the week to be able to lap swim. I think we'd have 7 to just see what would happen there. I don't know that we would want to do anything sort s of dramati with respet to making it a residents only lap swim for a period of time or 9 something like that. I don't think that would be neessary. I'm not sure if I'm getting at.o your question. 1 2 Commissioner Cowie: I guess what I ask, Rob, is that you don't pre-judge it, that you 3 keep an open mind on the question. If you find that Jazmin's theory doesn't really play 4 out that way, you still have multiple hours on the weekends when it's free swim, that s we're sending people home, then maybe we ought to think about maybe it doesn't make 6 sense or maybe we ought to hange the priing and make the priing for nonresidents 7 higher to redue demand a little bit. I just worry, given that we only have really only s pool and we're opening it to nonresidents and we're hearing that it's oversubsribed, does 9 that really make sense? That's all. Mr. de Geus: I think that's a really fair point. If we do go into a ontrat that is more 2 signifiant that what we've done here, we an write those things into the ontrat, the 3 expetations and reopening the disussion about shedule and that type of thing. That's a 4 good suggestion. s 6 Chair Lauing: Was that it, Jim? 7 B Commissioner Cowie: Yes. 9 ) Chair Lauing: Commissioner Hetterly. Commissioner Hetterly: I just had a question about-i agree with most of what's been said tonight. I have a question about JLS and how that fits in the piture under the various senarios. We now in the summer operate both at Rinonada and at JLS. Under Alternative 2, would Team Sheeper run both of those pools in the summer? I just had a omment about the programming. I have a ompetitive swimmer and a non-ompetitive swimmer. There has always been great onflit around pool spae between the two of them and who's more entitled and who's less entitled. Obviously both want more, always. I absolutely understand that P ASA and masters want to be able to have enough lanes to run their praties at pae. At the same time, there are a lot of kids who just want to get wet. We were Greenmeadow members for a lot of years, arid that was always a onflit there. During the swim team season, you had a single lane for re. I don't want to see Approved Minutes 17 I. (/) I'll ;; "i 13 en Cl) -' "i (/) en u :::s C" < It) t::.,, Cl) e Cl. Cl. < a : u en a:: a. < o "';' g 'i t:= I'll a.... Cl).s:: u,,... :i Cl>.s:: u h M -1 -P-a-ke-t-Pg-. _22_6_1 CO '' (h..,1,.

65 I 1o d 1 Attahment C Part 2 - APPROVD that happen. I worry a little bit about the inreased programming. I love the idea of aqua fit lasses, beause I've seen that there's tremendous take-up for that kind of ativity, espeially among seniors. It seems like it fills a great need. My kid's a water polo player, so they'd love more options for water polo. I'm worried that if we add too many new kinds of programming in the pools, then we're just adding another onstritor on the unprogrammed time. I think that's something we are onerned about. Certainly oming out of the Master Plan, we heard it from Counil as well that we want to make sure having opportunities for kids and adults to have unprogrammed time. That would be my biggest onern about the Sheeper proposal, figuring out what that right balane is. Thanks. Chair Lauing: Any other? Did you get your questions addressed to be able to ome bak? Mr. de Geus: I think so. We want to get to a onlusion here with a solid staff reommendation for Counil to onsider. We want to do that over the next month or two. We expet to ome bak here again next month, and we'll follow up on the things we heard this evening. If you have other things, that would be great. We may even bring Tim Sheeper here, so you an meet him and atually ask some questions of his program and some of the differenes between what he does there at Burgess and elsewhere. They also have two pools now they're running in San Jose, that they won bids for. I think that might be helpful if you're interested in that. I would also add just on that point one of the advantages of having someone like Tim Sheeper that manages multiple pools is they an draw on staff from multiple loations, whih is a hallenge for a single operator like us, where we just have one rereation oordinator running the pool. Chair Lauing: Commissioner Cribbs. Commissioner Cribbs: For next time you ome-bak, ould you do like a graph of when the pool is open now, Rinonada, and when it's losed and what uses are during the times, so that we ould just see it on one piee of paper, and then the projetions for when you're open. If you're going to extend the opening through November, what that would look like. Perhaps the kinds of uses that you ould have through the real winter time. That would be really helpful, I think, to see. Thank you. Chair Lauing: Thanks very muh. Very thorough. 3. Parks, Open Spae, Rails and Rereation Failities Master Plan. Chair Lauing: The next item on the agenda looks familiar, the Master Plan. It's still with us. Kristen, are you going to introdue that one? Approved Minutes 18 "'i:" 8. Cl) Cl). UJ a -s " t) Ill Cl)..J.i UJ Ill CJ ;; a :I C" <( N.,,!:::.,, e.. <( -. ;::: CJ Ill ::... o... en Q N t: a a. - Cl). CJ,, Cl). CJ r...., "'. ;:. - :.; :: ::--:::-1

66 Attahment C Part 3 - The following tables highlight the urrent and proposed lap and rereation swim priing hanges: /. l f'j\ <jo fr "(',f<' 1 S I <; 1-t<J )1 ( d; i e,r1; v y 7 V-<( r<_,vf/ff.,. of; <;.». Lap and Rereation Swim P ing Changes for Daily Rate ntrants.f f i Adult i -G "fj a: Sfill!.2r Youth Infant Family Statqs Que liea Sheei:>er $6. $6. -- $4. $4.5 $5. $4.5 $3: $4.5 N/A $15. Status Quo Team Sheeper Adult Senior Youth $6. $4. $ $7. $5.25 $5.25 Infant,. - $3. $5.25 T Family N/A $18. Priing Inreases for Current 1-pak ustomers (residents) Adult Senior Youth $2. $2.5 $1. Team Sheeper also proposes to provide approximately six times more swimming lessons under their operations than Palo Alto has offered in the past. However, in order to provide so many lessons, Team Sheeper would inrease youth swimming lesson pries. Staff is proposing that the City subsidize group swimming lessons by $6 per lesson. Lessons would still be more expensive than in previous years, with pries inreasing from $11 to $16 per lesson; in our review of other publi pools we found the average prie per lesson was $13. Private lessons would see a large inrease from $24 per lesson now to $67 per lesson. Private lessons have historially been heavily subsidized and staff believes that the urrent priing struture is not sustainable and should inrease regardless of the management. (Benhmark priing is detailed in Appendix A.) -.::- 8. CD CD. fl) as.... "i u... (.) UI CD...J "i fl) UI u as :I C" ( N It) It) t:. CD U>... N U> (.) a: CL C") t: as CL (.) i: CD. u Qi :i... CD. u 8 Paket Pg. 272

67 '-4 Attahment C Part 31 1 O.e J The following table highlights the urrent and proposed lesson priing hanges: Palo Alto Resident Non-Resident Sheeper $16 ($22 Non Group Youth Lessons $11 $12 Resident) Semi Private Youth Lessons N/A N/A $37 Private Youth Lessons $24 $26 $67 Group Adult Lessons N/A N/A $3 Private Adult Lessons $64 (6 min) $75 (6 min) $37 (3 min) $75- $75- Masters Swim 8/month 8/month $8 Team Sheeper's full ost per group lesson is $22 but staff proposes that the City subsidize group swim lessons to enourage all Palo Alto youth to learn to swim. A subsidy of $6 per lesson ould ost as muh as about $25, per year if Team Sheeper filled every lesson they offered with a Palo Alto resident. If this happened, it ould bring the City ost slightly above our Status Quo projetion or urrent projeted budget for Aquatis. Staff feel that the $6 per lesson subsidy is a reasonable ompromise between keeping osts down for residents and not adding City osts to the program overall. The table below shows the ost of group lesson subsidies based on subsidy level and potential enrollment of Palo Alto residents. Subsidy level xpeted nrollment ("'3,) Maximum nrollment ("'42,) $1 $3,368 $41,776 $2 $6,736 $83,552 $3 $91,14 $125,328 $4 $121,472 $167,14 $5 $151,84 $28,88 $6 $182,28 $25,656 $7 $212,576 $292,432 $8 $242,944 $334,28 $9 $273,312 $375,984 $1 $33,68 $417,76 $11 $334,48 $459,536. u 2. Less ontrol over day to day operations. If the City ontrats pool operations to Team Sheeper, Team Sheeper has more ontrol over details of daily operations suh as whih partiular parts of the pool are available to various user types throughout the day. Staff Cl) Cl). en CIS j ti Ill Cl)...J 'i en Ill u CIS ::::i CT <( N It) It)... - Cl) <O... N <O a:: Q. M t: CIS Q. - Cl). u a; i... - Cl) P-ag. 2-73

68 Attahment C Part 31 1.e I Status Quo Non-Summer Shedule 6:am 6:3am 7:am 7:3am B:OOam 8:3am 9:am 9:3am lo:ooam 1:3am ll:ooam 11:3am 12:pm U :3pm l :OOpm 1:3pm 2:pm 2:3pm 3:pm 3:3pm 4:pm 4:3pm S:OOpm 5:3pm 6:pm 6:3pm 7:pm 7:3pm B:OOpm 8:3pm Monday Masters (141anes) Maintenane Lap Swim (141anes) -- - PASA (141anes) PASA Lap Swim (7 lanes) (7 lanes) Lap Swim (14 lanes) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Masters Masters Lap Swim (141anes) Lap Swim (141anes) (141anes) (141anes) Maintenane Masters (141anes) Lap Swim (141anes) Maintenane Maintenane Maintenane Masters Lap Swim Lap Swim (141anes) (14 lanes) (141anes) Lap Swim (141anes) (7 lanes) (7 lanes) (7 lanes) (7 lanes) PASA (141anes) PASA (141anes) PASA (141anes) PASA (141anes) PASA Lap Swim PASA Lap Swim (4 lanes) (1 lanes) (7 lanes) (7 lanes) (4 lanes) (1 lanes) (7 lanes) (7 lanes) Masters Lap Swim Masters Lap Swim (141anes) (141anes) (14lanes) (14 lanes) Saturday Lap Swim (141anes) Masters (141anes) PASA (141anes) Lap Swim (141anes) Sunday Lap Swim (14 lanes) Masters (141anes) PASA (141anes) Lap Swim (141anes) l. (/) u {!!..... "i... CJ rn j 'i (/) rn CJ :g ::s.,, N,... - GI o - N o -... a. <") u a.... GI. CJ G! :::. CJ 15 Paket Pg. 279

69 Attahment C Part 3 Team Sheeper Proposed Summer Shedule """'""" '"'"'""- P A L A L T AQUATICS I I Rinonada Pool Shedule Summer 217 Temperature eo Lap length: 25 yards 14 lanes L = Laps, Open Swim, SS Swim Shool, C = Camp, M = Masters, AF = Aqua Fit, PASA Palo Alto Stanford Aquatis Diving board will be open at 2pm every day of the weer during the summer. G) Q. al. (/) ns i 'i t) m...i 'i (/) I/) CJ ;; ns :I tr < N It) It) t::.. G) o.. Cl N o :: ll. M t: ns ll. - G). CJ iii :i.. - G). CJ 16 Paket Pg. 28

70 Attahment C Part 31 1 O.e I Team Sheeper Proposed Non-Summer Shedule '"' PALO ALTO ::=: AQUATICS I I Rinonada Pool Shedule Fall 2t7 Temperature eo Lap length: 25 yards 14 lanes L = Laps, =Open Swim, SSz Swim Shool, C =Camp, M =Masten, AF Aqua Fit, PASA =Palo Alto Stanford Aquatis Diving board will be open at 2pm every day of the weer during the summer. Please visit our website for the latest for updates and announements. "C" Q). Q) Q). en ns. -"i ti u Ill j "i en Ill CJ.. ns ::I er <( N in in t:. Q) o... N... o... u :: ll. M ns ll. u - Q). CJ! Q) :i... - Q). CJ! 17 Paket Pg. 281

71 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 2:41 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: C: Subjet: Jeff Hoel Monday, January 9, 217 2:22 PM Counil, City; UAC Hoel, Jeff; 217 Legislative Priorities Counil members and UAC ommissioners, On Counil's agenda, Item 11 (a Consent Calendar item) is about the City's Legislative Program Manual and 217 Legislative Priorities. Here's the staff report: : "Legislative Program and Priorities" (13 pages) On UAC's agenda, Item IX.1 is also about how the City's Legislative Poliy Guidelines affet Utilities. Here's the staff report: : "Staff Reommendation that the Utilities Advisory Commission Reommend that the City Counil Adopt a Resolution Approving the Updated City of Palo Alto Utilities Legislative Poliy Guidelines" (46 pages) In an ideal world, UAC would have provided a reommendation about this topi before Counil voted on it. Should Counil onsider delaying its vote until it has UAC input? Thanks. Jeff Jeff Hoel 731 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto, CA

72 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:14 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Attahments: LWV of Palo Alto Saturday, January 7, 217 2:26 PM Counil, City Consent Calendar Item 14 - January 9, 217, Regular Meeting LWVPA LTR 217Counil Housing Fees.dox Dear City Counil, Attahed please find a letter from the League of Women Voters of Palo Alto requesting that Item No. 14 be removed from the Consent Calendar for the January 9, 217, City Counil regular meeting. Thank you. Bonnie Paker President -- League of Women Voters of Palo Alto Bayshore Road, Suite 29 Palo Alto, CA 9433 (65)

73 TH LAGU OF WOMN VOTRS OF PALO ALTO January 7, BAYSHOR RD., SUIT 29 PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA Greg Sharff, Mayor, and City Counil Members 25 Hamilton Ave Palo Alto, CA 9431 Re: January 9, 217, Consent Calendar Item No. 14: Housing Impat Fee Ordinane - Seond Reading Dear Mayor Sharff and City Counil Members, The League of Women Voters of Palo Alto (LWVPA) requests that Consent Calendar Item No. 14, Housing Impat Fee Ordinane - Seond Reading, be removed from the Consent Calendar to give the Counil an opportunity to further onsider the reommendations of the Planning and Transportation Commission (P&TC). While the Counil did aept one of the P&TC reommendations regarding the impat fee for new rental housing, LWVPA urges the Counil to onsider the other reommendations of the P&TC for the reasons in LWVPA s Deember 7, 216, letter to the Counil on these ordinanes as set forth below. The League of Women Voters of Palo Alto (LWVPA) applauds the City s ontinuing efforts to provide mehanisms for the provision of housing for those with very low, low and moderate inomes. LWVPA has historially supported both Palo Alto's inlusionary housing program and the assessment of housing impat fees on non-residential development for the Affordable Housing Fund. These programs have provided many below market rate (BMR) rental and for-purhase homes and have been a valuable soure of funding for very low, low and moderate inome housing developments in Palo Alto. For this reason, LWVPA supports the proposed Citywide Affordable Housing Requirements Ordinane and the housing impat fees reommended by the Planning and Transportation Commission (P&TC). In our omments to the P&TC on this ordinane, LWVPA noted the diffiulty in balaning the desire to ensure there is a robust Affordable Housing Fund to support development of multi-unit housing for those with very low, low and moderate inomes versus the desire to have a ertain amount of below market rate housing units sprinkled throughout the City. The Commissioners thoughtful disussions on this and other important poliy issues were the basis for their fee reommendations regarding the ordinane and the assoiated fee shedule. LWVPA supports the P&TC impat fee reommendations that differ from the staff reommendation for the following reasons: An impat fee on new rental housing that is omparable to neighboring ities between $1-2 per square foot would alleviate the negative impat to renters who are already struggling to pay the urrent exeedingly high rental rates. An impat fee of $95 per square foot on new detahed market rate housing would help maintain a robust Affordable Housing Fund. LWVPA realizes that the effet on the City s affordable housing poliies and goals of the fee shedule is unknown; therefore, we support the P&TC proposals that the impat fees for the non-residential developments be phased in over five years and that all the impat fees be reviewed annually by the P&TC.

74 While LWVPA supports the proposed Citywide Affordable Housing Requirements Ordinane, we still have onerns that the thrust of the ordinane is to favor on-site below market rate units as opposed to the payment of fees. We noted in our letter to the P&TC: While LWVPA supports poliies that allow for the provision of units for those with moderate inomes where it is feasible for a developer to do so, LWVPA notes that this ordinane may have the onsequene of produing muh less ash for the Affordable Housing Fund. Today, ash from this Fund an be leveraged to obtain other soures of funding (for example through the federal Tax Credit program) for the development of many more units for those with very low and low inomes, than an otherwise be produed when a developer provides units on or off site rather than housing impat fees. Thank you for onsidering our omments. Very truly yours, Bonnie Paker President League of Women Voters of Palo Alto

75 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:14 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Steve Levy Sunday, January 8, 217 1:4 AM Counil, City Consent item 14 impat fees I support removing the item from the onsent alendar and sheduling a later hearing to review the previous deisions. As Chair of the League of Women Voters Housing and Transportation ommittee, I strongly support the letter(s) sent to you on this issue by Bonnie Paker. I believe two priniples established by ounil in the minimum wage disussion are useful guides for reviewing impat fee deisions: 1 omparability with neighboring jurisditions and 2 phasing These issues have been raised by ounil members, PTC members and the League. I know that the fees are designated for housing assistane for low inome resident and I know also that the past five years have been so strong in job growth that it seemed that any level of fess would not deter the desire to build in Palo Alto. But I also know professionally that job growth is entering a period of dramati slowdown regionally and will beome muh more ompetitive. Finally I know that many ounil members have mentioned fisal stability and sustainability as important goals. As the year proeeds I enourage the ounil to 1) revisit the ity eonomi development poliy statement of January 213 and onsider the eonomi and fisal impliations of deisions on fees and other poliies. Stephen Levy 365 Forest 5A Palo Alto CA

76 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/1/217 5:27 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: C: Subjet: Attahments: Sally Morton Tuesday, January 1, 217 5:24 PM Counil, City; Sharff, Gregory (internal) John Hanna; Alina Hernes 429 University Avenue City of Palo Alto ltr.pdf Dear Mayor and City Counil, Please find attahed letter from John Hanna. Thank you! Sally Morton Paralegal Hanna & Van Atta 525 University Avenue, Suite 6 Palo Alto, CA 9431 Telephone: (65) Fasimile: (65) mail: This message may ontain onfidential, privileged information intended solely for the addressee. Please do not read, opy, or disseminate it unless you are the addressee. If you have reeived this message in error, please all us (ollet) at (65) and ask to speak with the message sender. Also, we would appreiate your forwarding the message bak to us and deleting it from your system. Thank you. 1


78 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/4/217 4:24 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Penny llson Wednesday, January 4, 217 2:29 PM Counil, City An interesting disussion about driverless ars, Uber and Lyft. Here s an artile that may help as we ontemplate the future of ompanies like Uber and Lyft. I think this model is probably still a long way from beoming a viable alternative to transit. We should remember what the automobile industry did (quite deliberately) through politis, marketing, and prie ontrols deades ago to destroy transit as a ompetitor. Driverless ars, Uber, Lyft, and the like are not ready to be a substitute for publi transit, but they are making it harder and harder for transit to o-exist purposefully, I think. Furthermore, these for-profit ompanies may never be an affordable option for people in low inome ategories. If we pay attention to history, I believe it is far too soon to turn our baks on transit. Food for thought. --Penny 1

79 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 4:4 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Fred Balin Monday, January 9, 217 3:58 PM Counil, City; Minor, Beth City Staff Shout Out: "Call Carnahan" Following up on Mayor Sharff's "shout out to ity staff in his omments last Monday. over the past 13 years or so I have had numerous opportunities to interat with the ity lerk s offie, and invariably it has been positive. Conurrently, and well doumented, is the department s steady progress in taking advantage of tehnial advanes to bring agendas, staff reports, attahments, and related ommuniations to "The Pakets" present state of its art. A major milestone near the end of the Grider, Minor administration was its seamless transition, to a greatly extended, 2 weekend, 11 day paket release window between notifiation of paket posting and roll all in hambers, therefore suessfully institutionalizing a major transpareny advane brought forth by the ity manager and a benefit to all of us. But as effetive as Beth Minor had been in supporting Donna Grider for many years, ould the department realistially even ome anywhere near filling the void left by her former s boss s retirement? Certainly not, I thought, but I had not yet had an opportunity to Call Carnahan. I met David Carnahan briefly him last June, on a 7th floor walk in with a handwritten publi reords request. I'll take you request, he said after he greeted me, "and will get bak to you shortly. By the way we do also have an on line system. And, it works really well; submit your request from the omfort of your omputer hair; progress reports and sanned douments, returned to you inbox; and with Carnahan on the bak end, related digging and prompt responses on a number of my subsequent on line requests. Then in July, I took on the role as a first time ampaign treasurer, and although I benefited from basi training as well as on going ad ho support from a veteran Palo Alto treasurer and user of NetFile (City of Palo Alto Campaign Dislosure Filing System), there were several onundrums that all led me to the same on deadline deision, Call Carnahan. And in every ase, David Carnahan handled the issue, whih my veteran guide and I ould not resolve, with the upmost patiene, professionalism, expertise, and/or reommended options and follow up steps. In the final days, after a long struggle (inluding another Call Carnahan) to figure out how to a reonile $48.25, in a Form 46 termination statement that requires a balane of zero, and then, one resolved, losing the ommittee with a Form 41 statement of the same date, then signed, ertified,and sent to the Seretary of State, I reeived several days later from David Carnahan an automatially generated Netfile letter, whih I assumed to be superfluous or in error but then deided to Call Carnahan to let him know. But of ourse, it was valid. Saramento had reeived the printed 41, but the e File version was still sitting self satisfied in the NetFile drafts setion, un submitted. One last bit of expertise: a single lik to move from draft to e file, and I was done. I ould not have suessfully ompleted my work as treasurer without David Carnahan s help. 1

80 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 4:4 PM Many thanks to David Carnahan, and all in the lerk s offie, for ontinuing its high quality of expertise and servie as has been the standard over many years. Fred Balin 2385 Columba Street 2

81 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 4:4 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: C: Subjet: D Martell <> Monday, January 9, 217 4:24 PM; Stump, Molly; Counil, City CPRA request Lytton Gardens of Palo Alto James R. Williams, Santa Clara County Counsel Molly Stump, Palo Alto City Attorney Dear Mr. Williams and Ms. Stump: To failitate this CPRA request, please ollaborate with one another to determine who maintains publi reords on issues related to publi housing at Lytton Gardens. Pursuant to California Publi Reords At (CPRA) (Govt. Code 625 et seq.), I request the most reent statistis for Santa Clara County's HUD-subsidized Setion-8 Housing re Lytton Gardens Senior Independent Living Community of Palo Alto and their senior residents (62 years and older). Please answer eah following question diretly with either a number, dollar amount, or a breakdown of ountry of origin. 1. What is the total number of seniors that live at Lytton Gardens? 2. What is the total number of residents that reeive government-subsidized housing? 3. What is the total number of government dollars spent on housing for residents? 4. What is the total number of seniors that reeive government-subsidized housing who do not have full US itizenship? 5. What is the total number of government dollars spent on housing for residents without full US itizenship? 6. What is the ethniity and ountry breakdown for residents without full US itizenship? 7. What is the average annual inome for a resident with full US itizenship? 8. What is the average annual inome for a resident without full US itizenship? 9. What is the average apartment rental rate? 1. What is the average out-of-poket rent that a resident with full US itizenship pays for an apartment? 1

82 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 4:4 PM 11. What is the average out-of-poket rent that a resident without full US itizenship pays for an apartment? Sinerely. Danielle Martell Palo Alto City Counil Candidate, 216 2

83 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:1 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Jaqueline W Stewart <> Friday, January 6, 217 1:58 PM Counil, City Dear City Counil. Where is Palo Alto on generating eletriity through its water supply flows? Dear City Counil Members: Oregon is putting in a new system that harnesses the energy produed by delivering water. Your attention to how Palo Alto an benefit from this new tehnology is greatly appreiated. Thank you. Jaqueline Widmar Stewart _ Author Champagne Regained Parks and Gardens in Greater Paris Finding Slovenia The Glaiers' Treasure Trove amazon 1

84 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 1:3 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Arlene Goetze Wednesday, January 11, :35 AM Dr Cody: No fluoride under age 16 if water has.6 ppm An eduational from Arlene Goetze, No Toxins for Children, TO: leted offiials in Santa Clara County San Jose was #1 of 1 ities in dental health in a study based on CDC and oral hygiene in 29. San Franiso with fluoridation ranked # of the worst dental ities have fluoridation. 8 were the lowest-inome states where poor hildren do not respond to fluoride. (MSN Health Newsletter and St Lous Post Dispath, 8/25/29) Howard Pollik,MPH on poor hildren in San Franiso never have fewer avities.) Please advertise Dr. Sara Cody's Sept. 22, 216 letter to dental and medial profession about fluoride for hildren: Babies under 6 fluoride ever Up to Age 3 --No fluoride if there is more than.3 ppm put in tap water Age 6 to NO fluoride if there is more than.6 ppm put in tap water. (Amerian Aademy of Pediatri Dentistry) If SCVWD puts.7 ppm as now reommended by government groups in ounty tap water...then no hild up to age 16 should have any fluoride either. Along with San Jose Water Co., Dr Cody does tell dental professionals and dotors to stop fluoride supplements when there is any HFSA in the water. They will overdose hildren. But no one tells the parents. Will you tell the parents? Merury News a month ago has published a very erroneous artile by Paul Rogers about fluoride. Three years ago its editorial belittled the idea that fluoride had anything to do with Manhattan Projet (Abomb.) That type of ignorane should be orreted. Merury has not done so. Rogers further said that it was 'detrators' of fluoride who say it auses fluorosis. It is the supporters of fluoride---ada, CDC, NIH, et. who laim that. Please support Dr. Cody, head of SCC Publi Health. Please have the ethis to inform parents not to give hildren fluoride supplements and or even drink fluoridated water...unless SCVWD an prove tap water has less than 6 ppm. 1

85 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 1:3 PM Arlene Goetze, MA, Health Writer, former Dir. of Communiation for the Dioese of San Jose. N.B. Hydrofluosilii aid. HFSA, has been put in U.S. water sine 196. It is the toxi waste produt of phosphate fertilizers and quite expensive for those ompanies to dispose of. Water Companies buy the waste produt for tap water. HFSA has been delared one of 11 neurotoxins like lead and arseni. 3 studies proves it damages brains. Only 5% of the world puts fluoride in its drinking water. They find other ways to prevent avities. 2

86 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:11 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Penny llson Saturday, January 7, 217 1:35 AM 'Peter Phillips'; Counil, City; FW: Court finds bad street design liable in NYC rash Thanks, Peter. This is an interesting artile on street design and ity liability. From: Peter Phillips Sent: Saturday, January 7, 217 6:18 AM To: Subjet: Court finds bad street design liable in NYC rash Court finds bad street design liable in NYC rash From Design, a Flipboard magazine by Curbed The deision ould hange the way ities deploy safety improvements Transportation experts agree that poor street design and the driver behavior it Read it on Flipboard Read it on Sent from my iphone No virus found in this message. Cheked by AVG - Version: / Virus Database: 4749/ Release Date: 1/7/17 1

87 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:1 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: C: Subjet: Marilyn SL Monday, January 9, 217 8:52 AM Counil, City Fwd: Parking Citations - Without Visible Publi Notie Please review and resolve the issue presented herewith. Your immediate attention and onsideration is appreiated. All the best for 217. Sinerely, Mari Marilyn ( Marie ) Sado Labtis (415) Sent from my iphone Begin forwarded message: From: Marilyn Sado Labtis <> Date: January 3, 217 at 7:26:3 PM ST To: C: Subjet: Fwd: Parking Citations - Without Visible Publi Notie Referred to You by City of Palo Alto Revenue Colletions Original Message----- From: Marilyn Sado Labtis <> To: Patrik.Burt <> C: MarilynSL <> Sent: Tue, Jan 3, 217 7:23 pm Subjet: Parking Citations - Without Visible Publi Notie January 3, 217 Patrik Burt Mayor City of Palo Alto Palo Alto,California Dear Mayor Burt, 1

88 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/9/217 12:1 PM Subjet: Parking Citation & Parking Citation In light of repetitive Parking Citiations that I have reeived from the City of Palo Alto - the same issue for lak of a Visible Notie to the publi to justify the issuane of a itation - I respetfully ask for your onsideration to reverse at least one of these itations in fairness to all with respet to publi servie and implementation. My telephone hearing on both itations will take plae on Jan. 1, 1 am. Mayor Burt, these two itations plus a 3rd itation (registration tab with a visible Authorized doument from DMV whih should have avoided another itation ) within the same month pratially is a bit too muh. I look forward to your immediate attention and onsideration in this matter. Thank You. Sinerely, Marilyn ( Marie) Sado Labtis (415)

89 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 8:12 AM Carnahan, David From: Sent: Subjet: Attahments: LWV of Palo Alto Tuesday, January 1, 217 8:4 PM League of Women Voters of Palo Alto - February VOTR Feb VOTR.pdf The Palo Alto VOTR The February 217 issue is attahed as a PDF. Please save this to your desktop and enjoy! On the front page: Lunh with League Proteting Our Civil Liberties guest speaker: Nayna Gupta Attorney for the ACLU of Northern California Wednesday, February :3pm at the First Congregational Churh 1985 Louis Rd, Palo Alto, CA -- League of Women Voters of Palo Alto Bayshore Road, Suite 29 Palo Alto, CA 9433 (65) 93-6 Be a part of Program Planning Saturday, February 4, 9 am to Noon at the home of Sandra Slater 11 merson, Palo Alto 1

90 The results of the November eletion have generated in many of us a healthy desire for ation. What an our LOCAL League do? To expand on very good advie: Think globally, think nationally, think statewide, think regionally, think ountywide, but at loally. To put this advie into the ontext of the League: support alls to ation and eduate on issues from LWV United States; LWV California; LWVBay Area; Leagues of Santa Clara County; and ACT as the Palo Alto League on important loal issues. There has been onsiderable League ation sine the eletion. National ontinues to work on voter rights and voter suppression issues: National has issued alls to ation to halt the repeal of the Affordable Care At, to ontat Congress about the president-elet s onflits of interest and muh, muh more. National has also given us sound advie on how to reat to the urrent politial situation: Armed with the LWVUS position on Immigration, the Leagues of Santa Clara County submitted a letter in Deember supporting the County Supervisors efforts to provide legal support for undoumented immigrants, whih is moving forward, and LWVPA submitted a letter to the Palo Alto City Counil in support of a Resolution of Inlusion, whih passed unanimously on Deember 12. Our League o-sponsored an mpathy/inlusive Community event in Deember and this month we are publiizing the event: Immigrants and Allies, on January 19 (see page 6) and o-sponsoring a pro-hoie event on January 22 (see page 7). Bay Area League Day in San Jose on January 28 is fousing on the regional housing risis. (See page 3.) You an register at: We kiked off the new year with an inspiring and exiting Ation Brunh on January 7, brilliantly organized by an amazing team led by Megan Swezey Fogarty and Lynne Russell, at Sarah Sands lovely home. Over 8 women and men, inluding those new to the League, disussed ways we an at effetively to make demoray work. We explored potential ation and eduation regarding affordable housing, transportation, sustainability and limate hange, eduation, santuary ities, voter suppression, eletoral ollege, ivil liberties and more. Your ideas and your energy will do muh to inform our Program Planning proess on February 4. (See page 4) You an diret your energies by beoming ative on one of LWVPA s ommittees: Our Housing and Transportation Committee has been and will ontinue to be ative at the ity level on the many housing and transit issues that we expet to be high on our deision makers agendas. We have an duation Committee that plans to fous on the Palo Alto Unified Shool Distrit Board, as well as ontinue its efforts in arly Childhood duation. There are two newly formed ommittees: one is looking into responsible gun ownership regulations for Palo Alto, and the other is exploring the santuary ity movement. This will be the Year of the Rooster. With your ommitment we an beome a vigorously ative League to give the League s virtual rooster something to row about! Bonnie Paker LWV of Palo Alto: Offiers, Diretors, Off-Board Roster (65) 93-6, OFFICRS Bonnie Paker President Mary Alie Thornton 1st Vie Pres., Fundraising llen Forbes 2nd Vie Pres., Communiations, Webmaster Karen Kalinsky Seretary Steve Levy Treasurer Jeannie Lythott Voter Servies Megan Swezey Fogarty & Lynne Russell Membership Lisa Ratner Advoay Message from our President Maureen O Kiki Program/vents Organizer DIRCTORS Liza Taft Voter Registration, VOTR Distribution, Health Care Sue Hermsen VOTR ditor Tory Bers Publiity OFF-BOARD Nany Olson Ation Tree Diane Rolfe Community Relations Sigrid Pinsky & Diane Rolfe PreK-12 duation Karen Pauls LAT support Veronia Tinher New Voies for Youth Steve Levy Housing and Transportation Valerie Stinger Budget Committee Paige Costello Faebook Administrator Mary Jo Levy Speakers Bureau Julie Cardillo Voter s dge Dave Thornton Board Development Committee Nominating Committee Mila Zelkha, Chair Lynn Drake llen Springer Lynne Russell LWVPA!2 February, 217

91 Advoay Report by Lisa Ratner National LWVUS issued a Call to Ation for all members to all our senators and ongressional representatives to investigate Donald Trump s business dealings whih reate unonstitutional onflits of interest, sine he has refused to sell his holdings. The LWVUS also asks members to all Congress and tell our representatives to support lizabeth Warren s bill whih would require the President to sell his holdings. It is not too late for your phone all. We urge all members to sign up to reeive notifiations of alls to ation at this link: Despite valiant efforts by LWVUS and other plaintiffs to head off voter suppression using the federal ourts, thousands of otherwise eligible voters did not get a hane to ast their votes in the November eletion beause of voter ID laws, purges of voter lists, and redued preint resoures. Read the artile: State: LWVC summary of legislative ation for 216 an be reviewed at legislative-advoay-review.pdf Loal Housing Impat Fees. Our Housing and Transportation Committee ontinues to follow the ity s proposed housing impat fee, whih would levy a fee on residential, ommerial and offie development at a level far above surrounding ities. We have sent a letter opposing suh a drasti upward fee, questioning whether it would simply disourage the building of more affordable housing. We also sent a letter on November 3 to the Planning and Transportation Committee supporting Aessory Dwelling Units in Palo Alto, see: VTA Bus Servie. We ontinue to follow the VTA s proposed plan for bus servie in the County. The urrent proposal would ut servie in Palo Alto, with obvious painful impats on residents of senior housing and affordable housing failities whih lie on the existing bus routes. The rationale for the uts is that VTA money is best spent on more heavily used, more frequent routes. Although the VTA laims it might ontinue paratransit servie even if the routes are ut, publi pressure is required to make sure this problem is fairly solved. The VTA will hold a publi hearing on January 19 at 6 pm at the Palo Alto City Counil hambers for omments on the plan. Stormwater Fee Inrease. LWVPA has been asked to support the upoming ity stormwater fee ballot measure oming in April 217. Current fees will expire in June 217, leaving insuffiient money to fund needed storm drain infrastruture and green water onservation measures. We have reviewed the reports doumenting the need for the inrease and will be reporting to the Board soon on this issue. Immigration and Civil Rights. LWVPA supported Counilman Wohlbah s resolution of inlusiveness brought before the Palo Alto City Counsel on Deember 12. We are also working on a potential amendment to the Polie Poliy Manual whih would align ity poliy with the California Trust At. This at forbids ounty and state law enforement from diret ooperation in immigration enforement ations absent probable ause, a warrant, or a serious riminal offense. A ommunity meeting sponsored by the City of Palo Alto and many ivi organizations will disuss Immigrants and Allies at 7 pm on January 19 in the Auditorium at Cubberley Theatre. The topis will inlude immigrants rights and our ommunity response. (See page 6.) BLU HIGHLIGHTS in the VOTR are linked to pertinent websites. To aess the VOTR in PDF format, go to our website at or to start reeiving the VOTR as a PDF via . LWVPA!5 February, 217

92 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/4/217 4:24 PM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Dailey, Karla Wednesday, January 4, :2 PM Counil, City Message from the City Counil Home Page Thank you for passing the resolution stating Palo Alto s ommitment to upholding high standards of human deeny. It made me proud to be an employee of the City. Happy New Year. Karla Dailey, Senior Resoure Planner City of Palo Alto Utilities

93 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 8:11 AM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Tuesday, January 1, 217 8:54 PM Counil, City Park Blvd and Stanford Someone deided to remove the Stop signs for traffi to Yield signs and now I see drivers driving traveling on Park Blvd drive right through those like they aren't even there. ven when I have been at the Yield sign on Stanford, drivers on Park just drive through them like they don't even exist. People on bikes don't obey Stop signs but drivers are supposed to. 1

94 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 8:11 AM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: C: Subjet: Reine Flexer Tuesday, January 1, 217 9:39 PM Alaee, Khashayar Al Mollia Counil, City Re: Update on Palo Alto Animal Servies Hello Cash, My understanding is that the issue of Palo Alto animal servies will be disussed in February by the ounil members. I am very interested in hearing about it. Is there any doument you an share? Thank you, People doing resue work are very worried about the future of the Spay and Neuter Clini at PAAS, a great traesure. Some ounil members thought that Palo Alto was giving away money by having non-residents bring there animals. It was definitely not the ase. Atually PAAS was hoping that the lini would generate more money for PAAS...but when the lini was losed for so long, it ould not happen. Now the lini is ative again and should stay open. We reommend it. Thank you for sharing with the proper ommittee. Regards, Reine Flexer On Mon, Aug 22, 216 at 7:38 PM, Alaee, Khashayar <> wrote: Hi Reine, The staff report for the meeting will be published 11 days before the meeting. When the item is sheduled and report published, I will let you and others know. Sinerely, Khashayar Cash Alaee Sr. Management Analyst 25 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, CA 9431 D: : From: Reine Flexer [] Sent: Thursday, August 18, :41 AM To: Alaee, Khashayar 1

95 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 8:11 AM C: Daniel Beker; Adkins, Margaret; Shikada, d; Mason, Suzanne; Burns, Dennis; Keith, Claudia; Sartor, Mike; Urbanski, Connie; Maartney, Cody; Yoffe, Bonnie; Perez, Lalo; Rossmann, Walter; Gross, Feliia; Rihardson, Harriet; Lee, Frank; Beaom, Bob; Hagerman, Ian; Geoff Ball Miesha Brown; Krug, Lynn; Portillo, Rumi; Silipin, Irene; Brian Oneill; Keene, James; Counil, City; Lutes, Laey; Mouton, Anthony; Duran, Joseph; De Geus, Robert; Al Mollia Alexandra Baggs Subjet: Re: Update on Palo Alto Animal Servies Hello Cash, When an we hear more about the urrent proposal? Will the meeting with the ounil be open to the publi or will there be a speial meeting for the people who had partiipated in the earlier disussion months ago? Any text online? Thank you, Regards, reine On Thu, Aug 18, 216 at 7:32 AM, Alaee, Khashayar <> wrote: Hi Daniel, Thank you for your . Many of the issues you raise relate to the City's labor relations with SIU. Be assured that the City will satisfy any obligations it has under state labor law and we will be in touh with SIU aordingly. The goal of Tuesday's meeting was to provide our olleagues an opportunity to ask questions about the upoming report to City Counil. I informed you of this report on August 2: "we are in preliminary disussions with Pets In Need, a resue shelter in Redwood City, about a possible publi private partnership. We intend to update the City Counil in August regarding possible term of agreement, sope of servies, ost of servies, transition issues, faility improvements, and other related topis." Sinerely, Khashayar "Cash" Alaee Sr. Management Analyst 25 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, CA 9431 D: : 2

96 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 8:11 AM -----Original Message----- From: Daniel Beker Sent: Tuesday, August 16, :57 PM To: Daniel Beker; Alaee, Khashayar; Adkins, Margaret; C: Shikada, d; Mason, Suzanne; Burns, Dennis; Keith, Claudia; Sartor, Mike; Urbanski, Connie; Maartney, Cody; Yoffe, Bonnie; Perez, Lalo; Rossmann, Walter; Gross, Feliia; Rihardson, Harriet; Lee, Frank; Beaom, Bob; Hagerman, Ian; 'Geoff Ball Miesha Brown; Krug, Lynn; Portillo, Rumi; Silipin, Irene; Brian Oneill; Adkins, Margaret; Keene, James; Counil, City; Lutes, Laey; Mouton, Anthony; Duran, Joseph Subjet: Update on Palo Alto Animal Servies Importane: High Hi Cash, I hope you are doing well. In the I sent you last year onerning the animal servies issue, I reminded you of some of the suggestions that were made to you at the stakeholders meeting that was held in February of 215. Let me remind them to you again. The notes that you provided to us learly read: "Loal staffing, keep good quality jobs here, important for emergenies, keep ity staff". Also it learly states "No outsouring". It seemed at the time that the vast majority of stakeholders were in agreement with this. If the City is not interested in the opinions of the stakeholders, please don't ask us for them. If you're going to ompletely ignore the suggestions made to you, please don't invite us to meetings and pretend to want to get them. It was reported to me that you held a meeting with animal shelter staff earlier this morning. I was notified that in that meeting you stated that: 1) The City is in negotiations with a ontrator named Pets In Need, and you are expeting that ontrator to take over animal shelter positions. 2) The City is expeting its urrent animal shelter employees to train the ontrators (sine this ontrator has no experiene onduting the work that urrent City employees are performing). 3) That the animal shelter employees should start looking for other jobs. Assuming this is true, as I've heard this from several employees, I annot begin to express to you how utterly disappointed and appalled I am by the above statements. First of all, the City has an obligation to meet and onfer with SIU Loal 521 if it plans to outsoure our members jobs. This did not happen. Seondly, why is the City negotiating with a ontrator that has no experiene in the performed duties? Is the City so eager to outsoure publi work that it's willing to jeopardize the ommunity and animal needs in order to outsoure publi work? This is outrageous. I am requesting that you immediately ease negotiations with this ontrator and shedule dates to meet with 3

97 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 8:11 AM us, the stakeholders, to address this matter. One this is done, I need you to apologize to the animal shelter workers for the emotional damage the City is ausing them as well as apologize to the stakeholders for ompletely ignoring our suggestions and requests. If you hoose not to ease negotiations, you will need to provide us with dates to meet and onfer as soon as possible. I am looking forward to your immediate response, Daniel Daniel Beker Internal Worksite Organizer (65) (Phone) (65) (Fax) 558 Brewster Ave, Suite 1, Redwood City, CA

98 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/11/217 8:1 AM Carnahan, David From: Sent: Tuesday, January 1, 217 9:41 PM To: Counil, City; Subjet: Re: Women's Marh Opens a Raw Dialogue on Rae ( hek your privilege at the... Aram, Thanks for sending the artile. Dividing women is NOT a good idea; humility shows more strength of harater than arrogane. I do agree with the need to eduate ourselves about Afrian Amerian history, it is something I have endeavored to do ever sine I read the Rebellion of Nate Turner some thirty years ago. For my personal story of "white" (non-privilege): I sometimes "brag" that just like Apple and HP, I grew up in a garage after my parents separated; life was nearly unbearable, so I an't relate. I still do NOT believe that half of "white" women voted for Trump. Too many reporters have noted that over 55, ballots were NOT ounted, primarly in poor inner ity areas, and students votes were similarly disqualified. We had massive disenfranhisement of voters; suppression of votes, and ended up with a flawed eletion due to CIA and Russian influene. The antiquated letoral College, finished out the injustie. Although, I wasn't thrilled that Ms. Clinton was the Demorati andidate; I was exited to have a woman president after over 14 years of rule by men, men of uropean anestry, with one exeption. Barak was the greatest president we ever had, and now we have a arrogant, untruthful, ruthless egoist who will take this ountry in a reationary and dangerous diretion. I pray for my ountry. Cybele P.S. People are NOT olors, i.e., white, blak, red, or yellow. It is immature to simplify and divide humans along these lines, although I do know the genesis of the term blak/white; basially it was a need to unify people of Afrian heritage to have pride in themselves and their history. I'm all for that, ulturally, historially, and soially. In a message dated 1/1/217 6:2:45 P.M. Paifi Standard Time, writes: Shared via the Google app Sent from my iphone -- You reeived this message beause you are subsribed to the Google Groups "Stop the Ban Disussion" group. To unsubsribe from this group and stop reeiving s from it, send an to For more options, visit 1

99 City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/6/217 8:44 AM Carnahan, David From: Sent: To: Subjet: Thursday, January 5, 217 2:44 PM Counil, City [svsefa] SCHOOLS WITH STS WINNRS Dear Mayor and Counilmembers of Palo Alto, Below are the Siene Talent Searh (STS) winners from Santa Clara County. Palo Alto has 2 winners: (1) from Henry M. Gunn High Shool and (1) from Palo Alto High Shool. A word of enouragement to the shools, teahers and winners would be appreiated. Please visit the link provided for additional information. Forrest Williams Board Member Santa Clara Valley Siene and ngineering Assoiation Subjet: [svsefa] SCHOOLS WITH STS WINNRS Data available at: sholars-announed SCHOOL Bellarmine College Preparatory, San Jose, CA STUDNT Chang, Kevin Yaolin, 17 Ravishanker, Pravin, 17 Sridhar, Arvind, 18 vergreen Valley High Shool, San Selvamurugan, Shanmurugan, 17 Jose, CA Henry M. Gunn High Shool, Palo Alto, Wang, Jenia, 16 CA Lynbrook High Shool, San Jose, CA Guo, Niholas, 17 1

100 . Right-lik here to download pitures. To help p ro tet your privay, Outlook prevented automati download of this piture from the Internet. Right-lik here to download pitures. To help p ro tet your privay, Outlook prevented automati download of this piture from the Internet. Yahoo! Groups City of Palo Alto City Clerk's Offie 1/6/217 8:44 AM Monta Vista High Shool, Cupertino, CA Hase Liu, Matthew Manhung Keisuke, 17 Xiao, Katherine Lin Kathy, 18 Zhang, Marilyn Mengyao, 18 Cheerla, Nikhil, 17 Saluja, Sajeev, 17 Talapaneni, Suresh, 17 Palo Alto High Shool, Palo Alto, CA Hong, Jerry, 17 The Harker Shool, San Jose, CA Ang, Kai Siang Matthew, 17 Kim, Angela un Chae, 17 Nirmel, Sandip, 17 Pyda, Srivatsav, 17 Radiya Dixit, vani, 17 Sankar, Venkat, 17 Shah, Manan Ajay, 17 Song, Sott, 17 Subramaniam, Arjun, Ruthie Waters, SCVSFA Admin. FAX/ VMAIL _,_. Posted by: Ruth Waters <> Reply via web post Reply to sender Reply to group Start a New Topi Messages in this topi (1) Have you tried the highest rated app? With 4.5 stars in itunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you an aess all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one plae. Never delete an again with 1GB of free loud storage. VISIT YOUR GROUP Privay Unsubsribe Terms of Use 2

101 Do you live in Mountain View? arn your ollege degree ou CI I. m Wt:tle te no ost u W1"P>AF>J ll [ l. [ Ret:e1ved at Meeung l MOUNTAIN VIW WORK\ NG Free ollege ourses Free ustom degree plan Free suess oahing 9NIJ.:13H 1I:>NOO::> and the Chamber of Commere have teamed up to provide anyone who lives or works in Mountain View an ultra-affordable, aredited bahelor's degree program designed to fit into the busy life of a working adult. Powered by: n HOMAS DISON.W S1AT UNIVRSnY Mountain View Chamber of Commere dutoon

102 / JRH-219: NQ.ofhales 16 jounul of Hydrology: Region! Studll'S xxx (215) xxx-xxx f I!::VIR Contents lists available t SieneDiret journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies journal homepage: jrh Sea-level rise and oastal groundwater inundation and shoaling at selet sites in California, USA [ ] Pl efore Meeting Daniel J. Hoover.a, Kingsley. Odigie" b, Peter W. Swarzenski a, Patrik [ eeived at Meeting Barnardd Ulllttd SIDtes Gft>log1al Survey, 4 Natural Bridges Drlvr, SanlD Cruz. CA 956. USA WIGS Laboratory. Unlwrslty of Call/mla at Santa Cruz, CA LISA ARTICL INFO AldstDry: Reeived 7 August 215 Reeived In revised fonn 7 Deember 215 Aepted 9 Deember 21 s A.vILable onllne xu Keywords: s-\evel rise Groundwater Co.util aquifer lnun!utlon projetions Groundwater shung C.tllfoml.a ABSTRACT Srudy n: The study region spans oastal Gllifomia, USA. and fouses on three primary sites: Arata, Stinson Beah, and Malibu Lagoon. Sllldy fous: t m and 2m su-ievel rise (SLR) projetions were used to assess vulnerability to SLR-driven groundwater emerge and shoaling at selet low-lying. oastal sites in Glllfomla. Separate and ombined inundation senarios for SLR and groundwater emergene were developed using digital elevation models of study site topography and groundwater surfaes onstrue from well data or published groundwater level ontours. New hydrologlail insights for file region: SLR impats are a serious onern In oastal Gill fomia whih has a long (-18km) and populous oastline. Information on the possible importane or SLR-driven groundwater inundation in Glli/omia is limited. In this study, the potential for SLR-driven groundwater inundation at three sires (Arata. Stinson Beah. and Malibu Lagoon) was Investigated under t m and 2 m SLR senarios. These sites provide Insight Into the wlnerablllty of Northern California oastal plains. oastal developments built on beah sand or sand spits, and developed areas around oastal lagoons assoiated with seasonal streams and benns. Northern Gllifomla oastal plains with abundant shallow groundwater likely will see signifiant and widespread groundwater emergene, while impats along the muh drier entral and southern Glllfomia oast may be less severe due to the absene of shallow groundwater in many areas. Vulnerability analysis is hampered by the lak of data on shallow oastal aquifers, whkh ommonly are not studied beause they all! not suitable for domestk or agriultural use. Shallow saline aquifers may be present in many areas along oastal Gllifornla, whih would dramatially inrease vulnerability to SLR-driven groundwater emergene and shoaling. Improved understanding or the extent and response of Gllifomia oastal aquifers to SLR will help in preparing for mitigation and adaptation. Published by lsevier B.V. This Is an open aess attile under the CC BY liense ( 1. Introdution Sea level has varied globally over the past several millennia, Rates of sea-level rise (SLR) have ranged from 1 to loom/entuy over the past 2, years. but have been aelerating over the last entuy (Savia et al., 22; Cayan Corresponding uthor. -mail addrm: (D.j. Hoover). http' / 1. I 16/j.ejrh /Publlshed by lsevier B.V. This Is.ln open ess <lrtlde under the CC BY liense (http: r1 Please ite this artile in press as: Hoover, OJ.. et al. Sea-level nse ind oastal groulldw inundation ant.shoajing at selet sites in California. USA.J. Hydro!.: Reg. Stud. (1 5), r-

103 fjrh-219; Mii.of Paaiis 16 2 DJ. HOfl'llr tt al. /Journal of Hydrology: Rqfontll Stlidirs IOCt (11 s) IOOMOO< et al., 28). For example, global mean sea level rose at a rate of -18 m/entury in the 2th entury, but at a rate of more than 22m/entury during the past few deades (Cayan et al., 28). Reent inreases have been attributed primarily to global limate hange and assoiated melting of polar ieaps (Savia et al., 22; Rahmstorf, 27; Cayan et al.. 28; Mastrandrea and Luers. 212; IPCC, 213). Inreases in sea level at California have generally followed the global trend, exept for the past few deades when the rate of SLR has remained relatively onstant at 17-2 m/entury (Cay an et al.. 28; Mastrandrea and Luers, 212). In addition to global mean sea level, fators suh as oean and atmospheri irulation patterns, gravitational effets, heightened groundwater withdrawals (Konikow, 211 ). and tetonis along the oast affet the rate of SLR along the alifomia oast (National Researh Counil, 212). SLRimpatsalong the California oast are a substantial onern beause the majority of the State's population (-34 million people or 87 of the 214 population) lives In oastal oundes (Crossett et al., 24; Heberger et al., 29; US Census. 21 Sb). California also has a long oastline (-18km. exduding bays, wetlands, and estuaries}, with extensive development in the south, and oastal resoures are a major asset in the State (Crossett et al.. 24; National Researh Counil, 212; Arkema et al., 213). Reent projetions indiate that global sea level ould rise by-.5 to 1.4m by 21 ompared to 199 levels, with similar inreases projeted for California (Rahmstorf. 27; ayan et al.. 28). These inreases are unpreedented in modem human history (Cayan et al., 28). SLR-related impats on oastal systems an our in several ways (Wahl et al., 215). Marine inundation will shift the oastline lward, erode be.ihes, aelerate liff failure, degrade some oastal habitats, and potentially damage oastal infrastruture(dawson et al.,29; Arkema et al.. 213; Rotzoll and Flether. 213).SIRan also ontribute to the degradation of oastal aquifers, whih have ajready been under pressure in muh of California over the last entury due to exessive water extration and persistent and severe drought (Hanson et al., 29; Nishikawa et al., 29; Barlow and Reihard, 21; Gibbs, 212; Kostigen, 214). Saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers in California oastal regions has been attributed predominantly to groundwater overdraft, espeially in southern alifomia (CA DWR. 23; Zektser et al., 25; Hanson et al.. 29; Nishikawa et al.. 29). However, reent studies have demonstrated that SLR also ould ontribute to saltwater intrusion in oastal regions by raising the interfae between intruding saltwater and overlying freshwater (Werner and Simmons. 29; Rotzoll and Flether. 213). SLR is also expeted to impat surfae water via saltwater intrusion to deltas, whih ould have pratial impliations (CA DWR. 215). For example, the amount of Delta water exported to southern California is expeted to derease by 21-25% by 21 due to limate hange impats, inluding SIR (CA DWR. 29). Average annual alifomia snowmelt is predited to derease by-15 to 6% for temperature inreases oft to 4, whih would hange the patterns and timing of surfae runoff and impat reharge to oastal aquifers (CA DWR. 29; CA DWR. 215). In addition, extreme limate-assoiated events are projeted to inrease in frequeny and intensity with limate hange, whih ould exaerbate the risks of transient SIR-driven groundwater emergene and shoaling impats on humans, oastal habitats. and infrastruture (Cayan et al. 28; Miller et al., 28; Heberger et al., 29; Mastrandrea and Luers, 212). Where shallow unonfined aquifers our along the oast, more frequent and extensive wave runup and overwash will inrease reharge from seawater. inreasing groundwater levels over longer timesales. Shallow groundwater an our in a variety of geologi settings, and may our as shallow saline aquifers that either are in diret ontat with the oean or are reharged by intermittent overwash and infiltration during high tides and high wave events, or as brakish to fresh aquifers where there is signifiant freshwater reharge. Where unonfined fresh groundwater is in ontat with underlying seawater, the fresh groundwater Hoats on the higher-density seawater, and the average elevation of the water table will be above mean sea level. The inred groundwater elevation due to Hoating freshwater is very small near the oast, but inreases inland as the thikness of the freshwater lens inreases. For the purposes of this study, the additional elevation due to freshwater is not onsidered beause the very low topographi areas that are vulnerable to groundwater emergene all are very lose to the oast. Near the oast, espeially in relatively permeable substrates, both the seawater and saline or overlying fresh groundwater respond to tidal foring, with the magnitude of the response diminishing inland from the oast (Cooper et al ; Freeze and Cherry, 1979; Rotzoll and Flether, 213). SIR and tidal foring will ause the groundwater to rise in these areas. and in low-lying areas the water table ould approah and ultimately rise above the ground surfae. In undeveloped areas this ould expand existing. or reate new wetlands. but in developed areas this ould present serious problems (Rotzo\I and Flether, 213 ). ven where the water table does not rise above the land surfae, groundwater at shallow and intermediate depths (e.g., <2 m depth). ould present signifiant hallenges to the maintenane of existing infrastruture and to new development. Consequently, groundwater shoaling and emergene in response to SIR is a potentially signifiant onern for low-lying ommunities (Bjerklie et al.. 212; Rotzoll and Flether, 213 ). Several reent studies have investigated limate-hange and SLR-assoiated marine inundation threats to oastal habitats and infrastruture (Dawson et al., 29; Heberger et al.. 29; Arkema et al. 213 ). but the potential impats of SlR-driven groundwater inundation on oastal areas of alifornia have not been systematially addressed. xisting studies in Hawaii and Connetiut have shown that SLR-driven groundwater inundation ould be substantial and ould even exeed SIR-driven marine inundation in low-lying oastal areas-for example, SLR-driven groundwater inundation is expeted to aount for 88% of the total flooded area in Nuuanu, Hawaii under a.66 m SLR senario (Bjerkhe et al.. 212; Rotzoll and Flether, 213 ). However, these studies were perfonned in geologi and hydrologi settings that are very different from the omplex geology and hydrology along California's oast. so results from these studies provide little insight into the potential vulnerability of Please ate this amd in press as: liloover, DJ. Sea..revet rise and oastal pundwater inundation and shoaling at selet sites in Clllfomia, U5AA J. Hydro!.: Reg. Stud. (215 ).

104 DJ. Hoout al./ journal of Hydrology: ona/ Studies lcci (215) lccl-lcxx l ::J Hydrologf Regions Preipitation (m).. < CJ Study Sites Other sites reviewed for study N A ::::1 1C:m --====i Kilometers Fig. 1. M.11p of C.lHComb showing the 4 Cll.lSt.111 hydrologl regions (HRs), study sltes.11nd other IOC.11tlons referened in the text..11nd.iverage.11nnl pm:lpitatlon ( ) ror the State ( td754wr471). San Fr.11ntso is ouutned In blue within Its HR. California's oastal ommunities and natural resoures to SLR-driven groundwater shoaling and emergene. Suh knowledge ould help resoure managers and oastal ommunities prepare for mitigation and adaptation. This study provides a preliminary assessment of the potential for SLR-driven groundwater inundation and shoaling in selet oastal regions of CaJifomia. Beause groundwater monitoring in the State is onentrated in inland aquifers and on aquifers with potable groundwater, systemati groundwater data are sare for potable aquifers along the oast and largely absent for shallow saline aquifers. As a result, we fous on three ase-study sites in Arata, Stinson Beah, and Malibu Lagoon where data are suffiient to haraterize the groundwater surfae and to estimate depths to groundwater under varying SLR senarios (Fig. 1 ). Beause of the Jak of data for shallow saline aquifers, we do not address the potential for SLR-driven groundwater inundation and shoaling in tbese systems, but anedotal data indiates that they are widespread O. lzbiki, pers. omm.) and thus may be a signifiant onern. We also reognize that global limate hange may alter regional hydrology leading to hanges in elevations in fresh groundwater aquifers and assoiated vulnerabilities, but assume for this simplified analysis that there is no hange in regional hydrology. Sine our ase-study sites our in very different hydrologi and geologi settings, we briefly review the four oastal hydrologi regions in California and the seleted study sites (Fig. I ). Please ite this artile In press as: Hoover. DJ et a.i., Sealevel rise and oastaltgroundwater1inundauon and sboahng t Califonua, USA. j. Hydro!.: Reg. Stud. {215),

105 FJRH-219; llluf16 4 DJ. Hoovn- et al I journal of Hydrology: Rqional Studies X1C (215) IOOC-IOOC 2. ornb outal bydrologi regions study sites California's oast is divided into four hydrologi regions (HRs): North Coast, San Franiso Bay, Central Coast, and South Coast (CA DWR. 23; Crossett et al., 24). These HRs differ in substantial ways, inluding limate, geology, hydrology, and population North Coast HR The North Coast HR overs-5.4km 2 and has a oastlineof-55 km. It is the least populated of the oastal HRs, with only -2% of the St.1te's total population (CA DWR. 23; NCRWQCB, 211 ). It has 63 groundwater basins (and sub-basins) overing -414km 2 ; two of these basins are shared with Oregon (CA DWR. 23). It is divided into two major natural drainage basins; the Klamath River Basin {-28,5 km 2 ) and the North Coastal Basin (-22, 17 km 2 )(NCRWQCB, 211 ). The North Coast HR reeives the greatest preipitation and has the most abundant water resoures of the 1 California HRs (Fig. 1) (CA DWR. 23; CA DWR. 213b). Annual rainfall within sub-basins ranges from 25.4 to over 25m (Fig. 1). The oast is generally foggy and sparsely populated due to its rugged terrain (CA DWR. 23). Despite overing only-12% of the total area of California, it aounts for -41% of annual surfae runoff in the state, ontributing to replenishment of surfae reservoirs and groundwater aquifers ( NCRWQCB, 211: CA DWR. 213b ). In the North Coast HR. we examined the potential SLR response of the unonfined groundwater aquifer in the oast.11 plain of Arata (Fig. 2). Arata had an estimated 214 population of 17,73 people (US Census, 215a). The Ar.ata groundwater basin is primarily underlain with alluvium that is omposed of lay, gravel, sand, and silt {venson, 1959: CA DWR. 213 b ). A detailed disussion of the geology of the Arata area an be found in venson ( 1959). Groundwater is used for agriultural and domesti needs (venson. 1959; CA DWR. 23, 213b ); groundwater from the two northern wells in the study area is used for agriulture, while the southern well is for residential use. A oneptual numerial model of the potential impats of SLR on groundwater was developed by Willis(214 ), but is limited to preditions of generaj hanges in maximum groundwater head and potential saltwater intrusion Impats along a single idealized ross-shore transet under a variety of aquifer and SLR onditions Our study area in Arata is limited by the areal extent of the available well data and overs only a small fration of the ureka Coastal Plain groundwater basin; as a result our analysis should be onsidered indiative of the type of behavior expeted in this system but may not be appliable to the full aquifer San Franiso Bay HR The San Franiso Bay HR is the smallest HR in California, overing -11,655 km 2 Despite its small size, it has the seond largest population among the HRs. with several major dti es, inluding San Franiso, San Jose, and Oakland (CA DWR. 23 ). The region imports-7% of its water and gets the remaining 3% from loal soures (CA DWR. 213). lt has 28 reognized groundwater basins overing -3,61an2 {-3% of the HR). Groundwater aounts for -5% of water used in the HR. and less than 1% of the state's total groundwater use (CA DWR. 23). Despite this, land subsidene attributed to groundwater extration has been reported in the Santa Clara Groundwater Basin, whih surrounds the southern lobe of San Franiso Bay (Fig. t ) (CA DWR. 23; CA DWR. 213). In this study, we examine the potential impats of SLR on groundwater in Stinson Beah. SUnson Beah (Figs. 1 and 3) is a small oastal ommunity loated - 3km north of San Franiso. The watershed has an area of-29.3 km 2 and is 95% onservation land. Development is mostly within 1 m of the oastline and is mostly residential (de Sieyes et al., 28 ). It has a Mediterranean limate and reeives annual rainfall of 6-t 2 an, primarily between Otober and April (de Si eyes et al., 28; de Sieyes. 211 ). The unonfined aquifer in Stinson Beah is omposed primarily of beah and dune sands; groundwater in the aquifer is a mixture of native groundwater and inputs from residential wastewater treatment systems. Potential ontamination of groundwater from wastewater treatment systems is a onern in the area (de S1eyes et al 28 ). The area ontains numerous ephemeral streams that disharge into the oean during the wet season, mainly through Solinas Lagoon (de Sieyes, 211 ). As for our Arata study site, our study area in Stinson Beah is limited by the areal extent of the available well data and overs only a fration of the watershed and assoiated groundwater aquifer; as a result our an.llysis should be onsidered indiative only of the type of behavior expeted in the oastal sand and spit portion of this or similar watersheds Central Coast HR The Central Coast HR overs an area of-29,3km 2 in entral California (Fig. t. CA DWR. 23; CA DWR. 213a). It has 5 identified groundwater basins, with an area of-9,687km 2 (-33% of the HR) (CA DWR. 23). The Central Coast HR is home to - 4% of the State's population and uses groundwater to meet - 8% of its domesti, muniipal, and agriultural water demands, making it the most groundwater-reliant HR in the state (CA DWR. 213a). Though it reeives only moderate rainfall {Fig. 1 ), its eonomy is heavily reliant on agriulture and vitiulture (CA DWR. 23; CA DWR, 213a). Potential environmental issues in the region inlude groundwater overdraft. seawater intrusion, water quality degradation, and flood risk{ca DWR. 213a). ite this artide in press as: Hoover. DJ. et al., Se.1-level rise and oasul groundwater inundation and shoaling at selec!t sites in California. USA.j. f:l.ydrol: Reg. Stud (2tsi

106 DJ. Hoovtr t al /journal of Hydrology: Rqlonal Studies /OOC (215) /OOC-:OOC 5 - I C..-Pon1111 9'f - ow MHHW 2Q11 fis.2. Art<iU study.;uu. diret SIR lnund.ltlon.and SLR-drtven groundwater emergene and sho.tlfng. (A) Oveivlew map showing well and bound.ary ontrol point loatlons. rsultjng groundwater ontours,.and extent of lnund.lllon by present d.y MHHW and 1 and 2 m lnr.ases to MHHW. Wells A-C ue sure well numbers 6N<ll 7M1H, 6N1l 71 H, and 6NOI l 9Q.1 H respetively. (B) C.alrul.ated depths to groundwater for present-day onditions. (C) Depth to groundw.atr for I m SLR. (D) Depth to groundwater for 2 m SLR. Note that dlred lnund.ltlon In the study.area Is vi.a SLR Impats on Arata Bay and the Mad River slough, south and west of the study area; high dunes.along the b.lh prevent diret Inundation from the oean. GW groundwater. While no suitable groundwater data were identified for haraterizing groundwater surfaes in low-lying areas of the Central Coast HR. evaluation of oastal topography and available groundwater data, partiularly around streams and river mouths (e.g the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz. Soquel Creek in Capitola, and in the Seaside region in southern Monterey Bay) suggests that the potential for adverse impats due to SLR-driven shoaling of fresh groundwater is relatively low. For example, in the Seaside groundwater basin in southern Monterey Bay, groundwater ontours in Yates et al. (25) were digitized and ompared to ground elevations, but groundwater was more than 5 m below the ground surfae along the seaward edge of the groundwater ontours (Table 1 ). Similar results were found in most of the oastal areas around the San Lorenzo River and Soquel Creek in northern Monterey Bay. These areas are generally representative of onditions along muh of the Central Coast HR. whih has extensive areas or bluffs interrupted oasionally by inised drainages. This analysis does not address the possibility of shallow saline aquifers in these areas that might be subjet to SLR-driven groundwater shoaling Please ate this artile in prc!ss u: Hoover. DJ.. et al.. Sea4evel rise and oastal groundwatef'inundation and shoahng at sel Cifomia. USA.J. Hydrol.: Reg. Stud.(215}.

107 FJRH-219: NII. if hfes 16 6 DJ. Hoov l!t al/ journal of HydrolofY; Rtglonal Studil!s 1< (115) 1<-1< - GW ontours - Lagoon MHHW211 fl&. 1 Stinson h study a diret SLR Inundation, and SLR-driven groundwater emergene ;and shllng. (A) OVe.rvfw m;ap showing groundw.ater ontours in m. and Inundation by present d;ay MHHW ;and I ;and 2 m SLR lnt'l!.ues. (B) Qlul.ated depths to groundw;iter for present-di!y onditions. (C) Depth to groundw;iter for 1 m SLR. (D) Depth to groundw;ater for 2 m SLR CW groundw;iter., Please.ite thihrtide in press as: Hoover, Jl.J.. et al. Sea--level rise and oastal grdw inuridation and shoalmg at,, selet Sites In Galiforma, USA.J. HydroL: Res. stud;.(215,). http.// l 6/j..ejrh DSS

108 DJ. Hoover tt al/ ]aumal of Hydrology; RrgionaJ StJidtts xxx (215) 1t-1oo 7 Tablel Additloi sites nnlewed In this study. xept where noted, vulnerability assessment dos not inlude possibility of undorumented sholllow saline ;iqulrers that ould result in SLR-drinn groundw;iter shdilllng ;ind emergene (t. Oxnard). Site Are.1 at risk Development Depth to CW Vuiner;ibiltry 5.lnta Cruz Floodplain around S;in Urbin, suburban, wetlands Unknown TIID (moder;ite7). River Is Lol'!!nzo River mouth imjor water supply ror ity. little GW pumping. Wet yun ould elevate GW ;idjilnt to river near CDilst Capitola C;ipltola vlll.lge ;idja::ent to Suburban 2 ne.lrby mst:.11 wens with TBD (moder.ate?). Soquel Creek Lagoon sholllow (O.B-3.6 m Groundwater m;ijorwarer NAVD88) CW, but wells supply for region. Heavy are on o; bluffs pumping just lnlmd but (SqCWD and CWD, 27) suson;ii nuau.atlons might ii\iow COOIStal GW to ruh sholllow depths Se.ulde lle;ih e and tal Urmn. suburban, wetlands ProbOlbly >5 m (Y;ites et al. Low. und surf.lee high legoons 25) reliltive to GW exept In oast.i lilgoons Santa Bilrt>m Relit strum dral81!5 Urban, Prob.Jbly >5 m (Frekleton Low. und surf.lee high et ;il, 1998) relillve to GW Oxuard t.l Cbra Rlvl!r CD.iStOll Agrlrultural Potl!ntlillly sholuaw but TIO (moderat1!7). Muh of pl.lln very limited data near fresll COOIS!Oli plilln ;iquirer roast(l!.g.. VCWPD, 215) is onllned, llmlting SLR elfl!cts, but overtylog sallne ;iqulfers m;iy respond to SLR. inluding lnre;ised reholrgl! via overwash and lnllltr.itlon through l!stuaries Martn;i dei Rey Wetlands to S, low-lying Suburban. wetlands Unknown, probly deep TIO (low1). No oastal CW ;ire;is to N (llood d;it;i, but region generally dry with extensive GW pumping SUI/Huntington Beah Relit wetlands? Urmn, suburboln, wetlands Unknown. probolbly deep TBD (low7). No o;istal CW dilt;i, but region generilily dry with extensive GW pumping S.n Diego Margins of San Diego B;iy Urban, wetwlds Unknown. probolbly deep TBD (low7). Very little o;istal CW d;itil, region generillly dry with extensive CW pumping and emergene, and estuaries and developed oastal areas immediately adjaent to drainages ould be subjet to impats similar to those disussed below for Malibu Lagoon, but additional data would be needed to assess atual vulnerabilities South Coast HR The South Coast HR overs km 2 in southern California. It is the most populated of the HRs in California with >5% of the total population of the state, despite only overing -7% of the state's surfae area (CA DWR. 23; CA DWR. 213d}. lt is also the most urbanized and densely populated of the ten HRs (CA DWR. 2 t 3d ). It is home to some of the largest ities in the US, inluding Los Angeles and San Diego (CA DWR. 213d; US Census. 21 Sb). It has 56 identified groundwater basins overing -9.14km 2 or-33% of the HR(CA DWR. 23). Groundwater extration in the South Coast HR dates bak over 1 years and seawater intrusion has been doumented in the region. Consequently, the oastal aquifers are highly managed, with seawater intrusion barriers in several areas (CA DWR. 23; CA DWR. 213d}. This study foused on the oastal ommunity around Malibu Lagoon (fig. 4}. Malibu is a small, predominantly residential ommunity loated northwest of Los Angeles, with a 213 population of -12,861 people (US Census, 215b). The Malibu Creek Watershed (-27km2} drains into Malibu Lagoon, an ephemeral brakish water body roughly.5 f<m2 in area (Ambrose and Meffert, 1999; Ganguli et al., 212). The Malibu Lagoon berm is often breahed during the winter, resulting in a diret surfae onnetion with the oean (Ganguli et al., 212). The Malibu Valley Groundwater Basin is relatively small (-2.48 km 2 ) and predominantly alluvial-omposed of silt, lay, sand, and gravel (MDonald Morrissey Assoiates In ). Average annual preipitation. whih nonnally ours between November and Maril, is -34m (lzbiki et al.. 212). Groundwater is not pumped for publi supply; groundwater issues inlude ontamination, mainly from wastewater treatment (septi systems}, and seawater intrusion (lzbiki et al.. 212: lzbit ki, 214; MDonald Morrissey Assoiates In., 214). Our study area overs 55 of the Malibu groundwater basin and most of the oastal portion-it thus should provide a fairly omplete example of SLR-driven groundwater impats in this type of system. Please ite this ardde in press as: Hoover, DU.. et al.. Sea-level rise and oastal aroundwater inundation and shoaling at selet slb!s in C?alit'omia, USA. J F.lydrol.: Reg..Stud. (215) /j.ejrh

109 FJRH-219; No.afhaa Ui 8 DJ. HoovttaL/ journal of Hydrology: nal Sl!ldles 1C (21S)1C-1C -- GW ontour. -MHHW211 fjs. 4. Malibu n study ill'!! dln:a SLR Inundation (m), and SLR-driven groundw.uer emergene and sh.1llng. (A) Overview map showing lo:a tlons or wells with tidal ponse dall ( Flg. S). groundwater ontours, and went of \;igoon expansion by present MHHW and 1 and 2 m SLR lnre.ises. (BJ C..luL:ited depths to groundwater for present-day onditions. (C) Depth to groundter for 1 m SLR. (D) Depth to groundwater for 2 m SLR. CW groundwater. hltle2 Desription of data soures used ln this srudy, Croundter level Croundwater ontour Observed tide DM Site Arutil Mall bu Stinson Beilh M.;illbu All All Soure tallfomla Dep.trtment of Water res (h!tp:// lzbiki (214) Stinson Be.;ih County W.:iter Distrit ( Stone nvironment.:il In. (24) tlon.;il ouni and Atmospheri Administration (NOM}-Tldes and Currenu ( Levels) NOM's Digital CO.JSt Atthlve ( 3. Materials.and methods 3.1. Data Groundwater level data for study sites were obtained either from published ontour maps (Stinson Beah and Malibu} or from well data (Arata). Topographi data was obtained from high-resolution digital elevation models (DMs) from the National Oeani and Atmospheri Administration (NOM) Digital Coast arhive ( Tide data were obtained from NOAA (215). Data and soures are summarized in Table Analysis We used sea-level rise senarios of Om (present), 1 m. and 2m. with Mean Higher-High Water (MHHW) from nearby NOAA tide gauges as the referene elevation for maximum inundation at eah site. MHHW is the average of the higher of two tidal-day high tides over the most reent 19-year National Tidal Datum poh Please ite this artide in press as: Hoover. DJ. et al.. Sea level rise and oastal groundwaterinundatlon and shoibng at selet sites in Caltfomia. USA. J. Hydro!. Reg. Stud (2!15). o 116/j.ejrh s

110 DJ. Hoo'm'tt al I }aumal of Hydrology: Rrgfonal Studies xxx (215) IOOl.-ICXX 9 Table3 SLR-driven nurln lnurnbtlon at Arata, C;illromla under urrent. 1 m and 2 m SlR senarios. SLR senario Ara lnundatd Dry land km2 : or study area km2 % of study area 211 (present) : % t m SLR : mSLR : 7.8 GO,; Ti\ble4 SLR-driven groundwater Inundation and sho.11lng at Ar;it.l, C:.llfomta under urrent. t m and 2 m SLR senarios. SLR seen.trio ArCil Inundated (emergent groundwater) (km 2 ) Dry land Total area (km2) Areas (km2) with dlfl'rnt dprhs (m) to groundwater O-tm t-2m >2m 2 t 1 (present) mslr 3, mSLR Ara ils s or srudy area 211 (prt) 2.7' 97' 252: 462: 272: 1 mslr 27S 732: 46X 192: 7.4:C 2m 5Ul 732: 27' 192: 6.3% t.2:c ( suh it provides an estimate of high-water levels that are reahed frequently and persistently in a partiular region. SLR senarios of 1 and 2 m represent relatively near-term and longer timeframes for onsidering SLR impats based on urrent preditions of SLR (R.ahmstorf, 27; Cayan et al. 28) and are widely used in the literature for evaluating potential SLR impats. For all analyses topographi and groundwater elevations were referened to the North Amerian Vertial Datum of 1988 (NAVDBS)-unless otherwise noted, all reported elevations in this paper are NA VOSS. MHHW levels along the oast of California typially are on the order of 1.6 to 2. m. so initial assessments reviewed oastal sites with signifiant areas at elevations under 3 mas areas potentially vulnerable to SLR-driven groundwater emergene and shoaling. Of these sites only three (Arata. Stinson Beah, and Malibu Lagoon) had both suffiient groundwater data for detailed analysis and had groundwater at depths shallow enough to result in groundwater emergene at 1-2 m of SIR. Site loations are shown in Fig. 1: sites reviewed but not analyzed for this study are summarized in Table 1. We were interested in the ontribution of SLR-driven groundwater emergene to total inundation by SIR. As a result we akulated both diret marine inundation and SLR-driven groundwater emergene. Diret marine inundation was estimated by extrating the appropriate bathtub-ring" MHHW ontour from the DM and alulating the area of the study area seaward of the ontour. SLR-driven groundwater shoaling and emergene was assessed by generating a raster groundwater surfae from published ontours (Stinson Beah and Malibu Lagoon) or from well data (Arata), subtrating the land-surfae DM from the groundwater surfae, and adding the desired amount of SLR using ArGISCI (f Rotzoll and Flether, 213). Sine data were not available to aurately estimate spatially variable tidal responses In the study areas, we used a simple linear relationship between SLR and water table response. This produes a onservative result beause any additional tidally-driven inreases in groundwater levels would inrease groundwater shoaling and emergene during high tides. This simplified model also does not aount for other fators that an influene the water table. inluding aquifer geology. hanges in rainfall patterns. groundwater withdrawal, and developments that impat perolation ofrain water (CA DWR, 23; Rotzoll and Flether. 213). For all analyses, area hanges are presented as perentages of the study area only: results should not be extrapolated to larger areas (e.g., assoiated aquifers) without appropriate supporting analyses or data. 4. Results md disussion Potential SLR-driven marine and groundwater inundation under 1 and 2 m SLR senarios at Arata, Stinson Beah. and Malibu Lagoon are shown in Figs Inundation estimates for these SLR senarios are summarized in Tables 3-7. Unless indiated otherwise. the baseline date for present-day" senarios is Arata SLR-driven marine and groundwater inundation are presented for Arata in Figs. 2A-D, with areas impated by diret marine inundation and SLR-driven groundwater inundation in Tables 3 and 4, respetively. The groundwater surfae for the site was onstruted using data from wells A-C in Fig. 2A. Level data in these wells are available starting in 1973, 1952, and 1951 respetively, but ontinuous twie-yearly reords are only available starting in 199, so data from 199 to 215 were used for statistial analyses for all wells. with maximum groundwater levels used to estimate the worst-ase (most elevated) Ple.ue ite thfs artile In press as: Hoover. DJ- et al.. Sea-level nse me! oastal graundwater inundation and shoaling at selet si an Callforni.l. USA. J Hydro!.: Reg. Stud. (2815).

111 1 OJ. ffoova-tr al/ Journal of Hydrology: Rqional Studies xxx (215)1llOl-XXX l'bles SLR-driven nwine lnun&tlon at Stinson Be.ah, llfoml.a under urrent, I m and 2 m SLR sen.arlos. SLR StCn.irlO Are.a or Seoidrill: t.igoon Are.a inundated with se.;iw;iter Are.a or dry nd krnl :I: of study Mea km 1 :I: of srudy oirea km 1 s or srudy are (present).17 lbx ox Im SLR %.58 64:1: 2rnSLR.71 78X.2 22X T.tb6 SLR-driven groundw.ater Inundation and sho; Stinson Beih. llfornioi under urrent, I m and 2 m SLR sen.arios. SLR sen.irio Ate.a or Seadrift Ligoon(km 2 ) Inundated are.a (emeq!ent Total land ar.t (kml) Dry (km 2 } with different groundwater) dep1hs (m} to groundwater (km 1 ) O-lm 1-2m >2m 211 (present) lmslr mSLR Ar;is s I ofstudy uea 211 (present)!bx 1:11: 81% :1: 3S Im SLR % 69:1: 3 18:11: 12:1: 2mSLR 7S 3S tn 1o:ii; 3X groundwater surfae. The wells are used far agriultural and residential uses. so some loal pumping-related depression in groundwater elevations is likely, making even the maximum observed levels slightly onservative. Sine the study area only inludes three wells, 12 boundary ontrol paints were reated at surrounding loations where the DM showed major drainage hannels to the Mad River slough, in the Mad River hannel. and at intermediate loations between study wells and boundary ontrol points where additional elevations were needed to produe a reasonable groundwater surfae. Far boundary ontrol points, groundwater elevations were set at 1.5 m NA VOSS in Mad River Slough drainage hannels west of the study area based on the expetation that the average groundwater elevation there would be somewhere between Mean Sea Level (MSL: 1. m} and Mean High Water (MHW: 1.Sl m). Groundwater elevations in the Mad River hannel were set at the hannel depth near the bank and elevations for wells at intermediate loations were linearly interpolated. The resulting groundwater surfae is onsistent with the expeted general shape based on loal topography and drainage to adjaent waterbodies (Fig. 2A}. Although no data were available on tidal response in the Arata aquifer, any additional emergene and/or shoaling due to tidal foring should be limited mostly to the seaward edge of the affeted area based on the relatively large distanes between the MHHW ontours and atual wells (an the order of 1 km for present-day onditions-fig. 2A Sine relatively effiient tidal response at the seaward margin is expeted, the omission of tidal foring from the analysis should make results along the seaward margin partiularly onservative (f., Willis 214}. The present-day MHHW ontour on the DM results in diret inundation of 9% of the study area (Fig. 28, Table 3). Comparing this ontour to the depth to groundwater alulations shows that the ontour does not math the predited groundwater inundation area, lining up more losely with the transition between shallow (-1 m depth) and intermediate (1-2m depth) groundwater regions (Fig. 2B}. This is unrealisti and suggests that while the average (during a tidal yle) elevation of the seaward edge of the groundwater surfae may be dose to 1.5 m, groundwater elevation along the seaward edge probably inreases signifiantly at higher tides ta produe emergent groundwater more losely mathing the MHHW ontour. Thus, this model appears ta be onservative with respet to groundwater emergene and shoaling, partiularly along the seaward margin. Calulated depths to groundwater show that under urrent onditions emergent and shallow ( <1 m) groundwater mostly ours along the seaward and southern margin, but with a small path of emergent groundwater and a substantial area of shallow groundwater around well A (Fig. 28). Intermediate (1-2m) depth groundwater overs 46% of the study area. with 27% of the study area having groundwater at depths greater than 2 m. While this analysis likely underestimates the areal extent of emergent and shallow groundwater as noted above. all of these areas appear to be in agriultural fields that already would be managed for the existing onditions and likely have little infrastruture. Inreasing sea level by 1 m shifts groundwater up by the same amount and results in the present-day shallow (-1 m depth) groundwater regions beoming emergent groundwater areas, while the present-day intermediate (1-2m depth) areas beame shallow -t m regions. In this senario, the extent of emergent groundwater is a muh better math with the MHHW inundation ontour, although it Is still slightly seaward (Fig. 2C). Groundwater inundation and shoaling alulations thus probably still are slightly onservative. indiating that emergent groundwater overs somewhat more than 27 of the study area. with shallow and intermediate groundwater overing on the order of 46 and 19% respetively. In the 1 m SLR senario. only 7% of the study area has groundwater at depths greater than 2 m. For the 2 m SLR ase, emergent groundwater overs 73%of the study area and extends well inland of the MHHW inundation ontour (Fig. 2}. lhe emergent groundwater boundary is almost linear between wells Band C, with a pathwork or shallow and intermediate depths inland of there. While the groundwater sutfae in this area is dependent on the elevations hosen P.letlH ite this artide in p as: Hoover. D:J.. et ll, Sea-level rise and oastal iroundwar lnw1datfon and sho.ilins it selet sites in <=alifornia, USA.J. liiydrol.: Reg. Stud. (215).

112 JRH-219; No.of P4111esl6 DJ. Hooim- tat/ journal of Hydrology. mal Sllldles JOOC (215) JOOC-JOOC 11 Tall7 SLR-driven groundwr lnulllutlon and shoaling it Malibu on. Uforo under urrent. 1 m and 2 m SLR senarios. SLR siurlo Aru of Malibu ugoon (kml ) Inundated area (emergent To! (kml) Dry.uas (kml) w ith different groundw.itr) (kml) depths (m} of groundw.jtr o-tm 1-2m >2m 21 1 (present) , mslr.12, mSLR.22.19,95 CUB,23.34 Areas % of study ;aru 211 (present} 5.9%.1% 94S fi.!n: 17S 7% I mstr 9.2S 3.7S 871: 17X 28S 42S 2mSLR 16S 14S 7S 28S 17X 251 for surfae boundary ontrol at points B and 12 (Fig. 2A), DM topography is onsistent with the general distribution of groundwater depths shown. In this ase only 1% of the study area has depths to groundwater greater than 2 m Stinson Beah Marine and SLR-driven groundwater inundation and shoaling for Stinson Beah are presented in Fig. 3A-D. with diret inundation estimates in Table 5 and areas affeted by SLR-driven groundwater inundation and shoaling in Table 6. Groundwater in most of the study area is heavily impated by inputs from onsite residential wastewater treatment systems-natural reharge is ompletely absent from about May to September and is sporadi in the winter months, with maximum reharge rates typially less than 15 m/month, while onsite wastewater systems ontribute on the order of 7 m/month year-round (de S1eyes et al., 28; de Si eyes, 2 t 1 ). The groundwater surfae for this site was onstruted using ontours from an online report prepared for the Stinson Beah County Water Distrit (http: //, whih shows areas of high groundwater ( 1.89 m NA VOSS) under residential areas on the oean side of Seadrift Lagoon, and to a lesser degree on the Solinas Bay side of the lagoon. Water level data for the report were olleted from 9/3/1997 to 1/28/1997. The published ontours are said to reflet average" onditions-maximum elevations would be more appropriate for assessing potential groundwater emergene, but maximum elevations in the limited data olleted in the study generally do not exeed nearby ontours by more than - o. t 5 m, and most are within.6 m. so no adjustment was made for this analysis. The existing ontours were insuffiient to produe a realisti groundwater surfae along the edges of the peninsula and of the interior lagoon, so additional ontours were onstruted along these boundaries at a level of 1.43 m NAVD88 (between MSL (.97 m) and MHW (1.61 ), and onsistent with the general slope of the groundwater surfae suggested by the plaement of the 1.59 and 1.89 m ontours), and an intermediate ontour was onstruted at m to provide a more realisti groundwater surfae transition between the 1.89 and ontours shown in the report. Well elevations were olleted only intermittently, but the relatively large range in values in wells lose to the oean and Bay. and smaller ranges in wells loated more inland from the margins of the peninsula indiate that there is signifiant tidal response in the aquifer that attenuates notieably with distane inland. Data from de Sieyes et al. (28) show a similar pattern in tidal response in 4 wells distributed along a transet near the west end of the study area. Thus. while we did not attempt to adjust for tidal response in this analysis, it learly is important. partiularly along the edges of the peninsula. so alulations of SLR-driven groundwater emergene and shoaling will be partiularly onservative in these areas. The relatively short and intermittent nature of the data olleted in the field study also suggest that the groundwater surfae used in this study may be even more onservative than already suggested, as the field measurements are unlikely to have aptured the full range of variability in aquifer elevations. The present day shoreline around the peninsula is roughly equivalent to the MHHW ontour on the OM. so there is no diret inundation of the study area. The lagoon overs 18% of the study area, and there is a small region ( 1 % of the study area) at the western end of the study area with groundwater emergene, but this is an interpolation artifat due to the relatively oarse groundwater ontours in this area. The area is small ompared to subsequent inundation areas due to SLR. so it was not orreted for this analysis (Fig. 38, Table 6). Most of the non lagoon area has groundwater at depths greater than 1 m. with intermediate (1-2 m depth) groundwater overing 39% of the study area, and 3% having deeper groundwater. Shallow (-1 m) groundwater overs only 11% of the study area and ours primarily in undeveloped areas along the inland margin at the eastern end where skoot Creek enters the Bay. Inreasing sea level by 1 m shifts groundwater up by the same amount and results in the present-day shallow (-1 m depth) groundwater regions beoming emergent groundwater areas, while the present-day intermediate (1-2m depth) areas beome shallow -1 m regions (f ig. 3C). In this senario, emergent groundwater still is relatively limited in extent. although some small areas of emergent groundwater affet residential properties. While most of the homes along the seaward side of the peninsula are loated in the area of the greatest depth to groundwater (typially at intermediate or greater depths), muh of the developed area along the inland side of the peninsula now has shallow groundwater, with some inundation inursions along the Solinas Bay side. Overall, in the t m SLR ase, the lagoon has expanded slightly from Please ite this artide-in press as: Roover. DJ.. et id.. Sea-level rise.and o.stat groundwater mundationana shoaling at selet sites in alifomia, USA. j. Hydro!.: Rieg. Stud.. (215.)i t 16/j.eJrh

113 12 DJ. Hoovn- tt al / jo11ma/ of Hydro/Oi)': Rqiortal StwfM!s 1tXX (215) 1oo-ioa - C 1 - SMBRP-12 - SMBRP 13 - Tide Rs. 5. Groundw;iter levels In selet M;il!bu wells (SMBRP ll IUSCS 34156tt841141). SMBRP-12 [USCS ), ;ind C- t IUSCS )) O. lzblld, pen. omm.) ;ind obseived tide (5.lnu Monla-NOM 215). Note well ;ind tlde <bt.l ;ire plotted on different sales to r;idlime visllutlon oftld;il response In wells (well sale Is 5>< tide sale). Wells SMBRP-12. SMBRP-13 and C l ;ire 65, 6 ;ind I 15m from the oean. respetively, but well C-1 ;ibo ls ln lose proximity to M;ilibu goon (Ag. 4) whih tid.11 response ;it well C 1. 18% of the study area to 21%. inundated area has inreased from 1% to 11%, and shallow and intermediate groundwater now over 39% and 18% of the study area respetively with only 12% of the study area having deeper groundwater (Table 6), For the 2 m SLR ase, the lagoon is ompletely inundated, and most (7%) of the study area is overed by emergent groundwater (Fig. 3, Table 6). Dry land exists only in a narrow strip along the seaward ridge of the peninsula and in sattered small islands, mostly along the western end of the inland portion of the peninsula. Shallow groundwater ours over 18% of the srudy area, with intermediate overing 1:, and only 3% having groundwater at greater than 2 m depth. Comparison ofinundation areas for diret inundation by SLR and SLR-driven groundwater emergene in Tables 6 and 7 show that diret inundation produes more inundation than SLR-driven groundwater emergene for both 1 and 2 m SLR senarios. This result is ounterintuitive, as the addition of groundwater floating on underlying seawater would be expeted to exaerbate diret inundation results. The mismath in this ase is due to the assumptions used to onstrut the groundwater surfae, with lagoon and peninsula perimeterlevels set at 1.43 m NAVD88, whih is 36m below MHHW. While these ontours are onsistent with the general shape of the groundwater surfae suggested by the published ontours, they learly would be inorret under MHHW onditions. when the margins of the groundwater surfae should rise with the tide, While tidal effets will be less in the interior of the peninsula. this highlights the onservative nature of the groundwater surfae alulations used here and the need for more aurate groundwater surfae models in areas subjet to signifiant tidal variability. The need is partiularly great for narrow peninsular geometries like Stinson Beah, where tidal foring ours along both sides of the land mass. and where the aquifer is made up of highly transmissive material like beah sand However, while a refined groundwater surfae model would result in some additional inundation over diret SLR inundation, diret inundation in this ase already is quite severe. so the additional effets of emergent groundwater may not be as signifiant here as they might be in other settings Malibu Lagoon Marine and SLR-driven groundwater inundation for the developed area around Malibu Lagoon are presented in Fig. 4A-D, with areas affeted tabulated in Table 7. The study area around Malibu Lagoon is delineated by the areal extent of the groundwater ontours used for the analysis (see below). In this analysis diret inundation effets our almost exlusively as expansion of the lagoon area (albeit with a narrow strip of inundation along the exposed beah), so diret inundation results are ombined with SLR-driven groundwater emergene and shoaling results in a single table. The modeled groundwater surfae for this site was obtained by digitizing published ontours from groundwater level measurements made on 9/25/23 under flooded lagoon onditions (Stone nvironmental In., 24). The same study inluded ontours for 3/9/24 and 12/8/29 (both under breahed onditions), both of whih look similar to the flooded ondition ontours, with none of the datasets showing distintively higher groundwater levels near the oast than the others. While the datasets are similar, suggesting that groundwater levels in this area are relatively stable, the dat.a almost ertainly do not reflet worst-ase onditions (i.e.. unusually high groundwater), so they should represent a lower limit for potential groundwater shoaling and emergene. Additional emergene/shoaling due to tidal foring seems unlikely to be a major fator here, as the report inludes some data on well tidal responses that suggest only modest (deimeter sale) response. More reent dat.a show signifiant damping of tidal response with distane from shore, with about 15% of the tidal signal visible in a well 6 m from shore (SMBRP-13), but only about u: in one 115 m from shore (C-1) (Figs. 4A and S ). While the tidal response in well C-1 may be redued by its proximity to Malibu Lagoon, whih shows little ld no tidal response under impounded onditions, well SMBRP-12 also has less than 1 % tidal response, despite being loated only 65 m from shore and being in a very similar setting to SMBRP-13 (Figs. 4A and 5). The differene in tidal response in these wells suggests signifiant heterogeneity in the transmissivity of the surfae aquifer, as suggested by Stone nvironment.ll In. (24), Please dte this rtiale m press as. Hoover. D.J. et ii. Sea-level rise and Co.istal groundwater.inundation and shoaling a t selet site.sin California. USA.J Hydrol.: Reg. Stud. :215),

114 DJ. HoovnttaL/ journal of Hydrology: anal Studlts X1C(215)1C-XXX 13 The present day MHHW ontour on the DM mathes the lagoon perimeter quite losely. onfirming that it is a reasonable proxy for the extent of marine inundation. Mapping depth to groundwater shows that under urrent onditions the lagoon is surrounded by an area of shallow ( <1 m) groundwater near the oean. with a small path of shallow groundwater in the inland/western portion of the study area (a natural wetland). and with a few small pathes in the residential area between the lagoon and the beah (Fig. 4Bi Intermediate depth groundwater (1-2 m depth) is more extensive, overing 17% of the study area. Most of the shallow and intermediate groundwater areas are in undeveloped land, so impats likely are minor, although shallow groundwater in residential areas by the beah potentially ould affet infrastruture or development there. Overall, under present-day onditions the lagoon oupies only 6% of the study area and 94% is dry, with 7% of the study area having groundwater at greater than 2 m depth. Inreasing sea level by 1 m shifts groundwater up by the same amount and results in the present-day shallow (-1 m depth) groundwater regions beoming emergent groundwater areas, while the present-day intermediate (1-2m depth) areas beome shallow -1 m regions (Fig. 4C, Table 7 ). In this senario, 3.7% of the study area is inundated by emergent groundwater, while diret marine inundation in the lagoon has inreased its size by about 5% over present-day onditions. While most of the inundated (diret marine and emergent groundwater) areas are undeveloped, a few homes near the lagoon that urrently have shallow (-1 m groundwater) would see emergent groundwater. In addition, the amount of the study area subjet to shallow (-1 m) groundwater inreases from 6.9% in the present-day senario to 17% with 1 m of SLR. This area inludes most of the residential development adjaent to the lagoon and about half of the homes along the inland edge of the development to the west (Fig. 4C), as well as substantial areas in the mall development west of the lagoon. and a large zone around the wetland. In the 1 m SLR senario, the area with intermediate (1-2 m depth) groundwater also inreases signifiantly. from 17% to 28% of the study area. Overall the lagoon now overs 9% of the study area and 87% of the study area is dry, with 42% of the study area having groundwater at greater than 2 m depth. For the 2 m SLR ase, groundwater emerges over a large area outside of the lagoon, and most of the dry parts of the study area now have shallow groundwater ( <1 m depth) (Fig. 4}. In this ase 3% of the study area is under water, with over half of this the lagoon proper (now overing 16% of the study area}, whih is assoiated with expansion similar to what would be expeted from diret marine inundation. mergent areas outside of the lagoon now over 14% of the study area. partiularly along a band ontiguous with the wetland, and in the residential area along the beah (Fig. 4, Table 7). ShaJlow groundwater also expands dramatially, inreasing to 28% of the study area. Together, emergent and shallow-groundwater onditions now over 42% of the study area, inluding virtually all of the developed areas. The remainder of the study area onsists of an extensive region (17% of study area) of intermediate {1-2 m) depth groundwater and a slightly larger area (25% of study area) with deeper groundwater along the eastern and inland margins of the study area, where there is more topographi relief. The lagoon now overs 16% of the study area, and while 7% of the study area tehnially is dry, almost all of the low-elevation areas have groundwater at shallow or intermediate depths, with only 25% of the study area having groundwater at greater than 2 m depth Impliations Most of the drier areas along California's oast are unlikely to be affeted by SLR-driven emergene or shoaling of fresh groundwater, primarily due to low preipitation and heavy groundwater use that has resulted in lowered groundwater levels, often leading to persistent saltwater intrusion. Shallow saline aquifers may represent a more widespread pathway for SLR-driven groundwater impats, but data are not yet available to address their areal extent and assoiated wlnerability. However, for fresh groundwater the ase studies evaluated here show that SLR-driven groundwater shoaling and emergene may have signifiant impats in ertain settings. The potentially vulnerable settings identified here are Northern California oastal plains, oastal residential ommunities built on beah sand or sand spits, and developed areas around oastal lagoons assoiated with seasonal streams and berms. 1 Northern California oastal plains. Relatively high preipitation and runoff and abundant groundwater in the major drainages along the northern California oast result in extensive oastal plains with groundwater at shallow depths. The Arata ase study shows that in these systems there is potential for signifiant interation between SLR and oastal groundwater, with emergent and shoaling groundwater exaerbating diret SLR inundation. Inreasing inundation would result in a net loss of usable land, and hanges in groundwater depth might require hanges in land use, but while extensive. impats to infrastruture in these areas may be relatively minor ompared to more urban and suburban areas. A mitigation sheme here might involve diret management of groundwater by pumping and redireting or disposing of exess" groundwater. Suh a sheme ould be expensive and would require onsideration of potential negative effets (e.g., exaerbated seawater intrusion), but some of the osts potentially ould be offset by exporting exess" water to areas of high water demand. It is noteworthy that wlnerability may vary even in oastal plain settings; for instane a preliminaiy assessment of the Oxnard oastal plain in southern California showed that fresh groundwater is present at shallow depths in monitoring wells, but the shallow pumped aquifer in this area is overlain by an even shallower, highly saline aquifer that rops out immediately offshore and is reharged by wave oveiwash and infiltration through oastal wetlands during high wave and flood events (Table 1) (lzbiki, t 996). In this type of system, SLR will not result in shoaling or emergene of the onfined fresh groundwater. but will drive shoaling and emergene in hydraulially onneted portions of the saline surfae aquifer, and inreased oveiwash and wetland infiltration due to SLR will inrease reharge Pie ite this artialejn press as: Hoover. DJ.. et al., Sea-level nse and oastal groundwatel\'inundation and sboalfng at, selet sites in Cahfomla. USA. J. Hydro!.: Reg. Stud. (215 ).

115 jrh-219; No.oft6 14 DJ. Hoovr:r rt al.!journal of Hydrology: Rqional Stud JOOC (215) JOOC-JOOC to the saline surfae aquifers, inreasing the potential for saline groundwater shoaling and emergene In those aquifers even where they are not hydraulially onneted to the adjaent oean. 2 Coastal beah developments. Beah homes are a part of California's oastal landsape, and in some areas they are built diretly on beah sand. In isolated areas they typially use onsite wastewater disposal systems, resulting in elevated water levels in the groundwater aquifer beneath the homes, whih disharges to the oean through the sand. While these systems have been subjet to signifiant srutiny due to their potential to ontaminate reeiving waters, the Stinson Beah ase study also shows that they have the potential to exaerbate SLR inundation through emergene and shoaling of the artifiial groundwater. In this ase, groundwater emergene may also have health impliations due to the potential for high nitrate and baterial onentrations assoiated with septi disharge. Options for mitigation in this situation appear to be few-as the primary soure of the groundwater is domesti wastewater, the only option would appear to be diversion of the wastewater to another disposal site. Beause this likely would be very expensive, and beause the degree to whih SLR-driven groundwater shoaling will exaerbate diret SLR effets will depend heavily on the atual groundwater table and on tidal response, detailed groundwater studies would be needed to provide an aurate assessment of vulnerability ompared to the simplified approah used here. 3 Coastal lagoon developments. In Central and Southern California, the relatively dry oastline is interrupted periodially by small lagoon/estuarine systems assoiated with small drainages. In California many of these are proteted as wetlands-in these areas SLR-driven groundwater emergene will simply inrease the inundated area of the lagoon/estuary and the adjaent areas with shallow and deep groundwater. However, in areas with adjaent urban or suburban development like Malibu, developed areas may be at signifiant risk of inundation, there may be impats to existing infrastruture, and future development may be Inreasingly limited by expansion of areas of shallow and intermediate groundwater. Table 1 inludes two sites in entral California that may fall into this ategory (Santa Cruz and Capitola). and there are a number of sites in southern California that were not reviewed for this study but have similar settings, inluding several estuarine lagoon systems between Carlsbad and Del Mar (Fig. t). Response and remediation in these areas might be a ombination of those noted above for managing Mexess" groundwater in northern California oastal plains and onsite wastewater in beah ommunities-groundwater ould be pumped and disposed of or used elsewhere (with appropriate onsideration for potential negative effets and benefiial uses), and onsite wastewater ould be diverted to another disposal site. As for the beah areas, detailed study of groundwater onditions and tidal response likely would be needed to determine atual vulnerability and potential responses. 5. Conlusions The extent and degree of SIR-driven groundwater inundation and shoaling are expeted to vary from one loation to another in California. Differenes will be driven by proximity of the water table to the ground surfae. loal geology, hydrology, and anthropogenifators, e.g., the extent of groundwater extration or additions (Bjerklie et al., 212: Rotzoll and Flether. 213). Areas with shallow saline aquifers will be vulnerable to SIR-driven groundwater shoaling and emergene, but data are not yet available to assess the areal extent and importane of these aquifers. Coastal ommunities in entral and southern California that do not have shallow saline aquifers are not expeted to have major SLR-driven groundwater emergene issues, even in low-lying areas, primarily beause heavy groundwater use will keep groundwater levels low. Saltwater intrusion has been and likely will ontinue to be the major oastal groundwater problem in these ommunities. However, SLR-driven groundwater emergene and shoaling may impat ertain areas of the California oast. as suggested by the three ase studies examined in this paper. The study sites addressed here represent a diverse group of settings. Arata is loated in the North Coast HR oastal plains, whih are assoiated with major drainage basins, have abundant groundwater and relatively flat terrain, and are primarily used for agriulture (CA DWR. 213b). Impats of SLR on urban ommunities and infrastruture in this HR are expeted to be small, but emergene and shoaling of groundwater ould substantially affet the total area available for agriultural use. Mitigation efforts ould inlude groundwater pumping to redue emergene and shoaling, with exess" groundwater exported to areas of high water demand, suh as entral and southern California. or diverted through waterways to the oean. Stinson Beah is a small. predominantly residential ommunity that exemplifies densely developed oastal ommunities built along sand beahes where onsite treatment systems are used for wastewater disposal. resulting in a loal, onentrated Input to groundwater (de Sieyes et al.. 28; de Siyes. 211 ). Given the already severe impats of diret SLR inundation on this site, SLR-driven groundwater inundation impats might appear to be only a minor addition to the existing problem. However, groundwater emergene at this site may have health risks assoiated with it. and any groundwater emergene will aelerate flooding of the study area. Given the severity of overall inundation in the 2 m SLR ase, where most of the present-day dry land in the study area is submerged, and the potential for present-day worst-ase groundwater levels to be signifiantly higher than the average" levels used here, additional groundwater level data would be desirable to better onstrain the ontribution of groundwater to SLR-driven Inundation at Stinson Beah. The area around Malibu Lagoon is representative of oastal lagoon developments in California where groundwater is a ombination of native groundwater and septage from onsite treatment systems (lzbiki. 214). In this area, groundwater emergene is expeted to our both along the oast and in low-lying inland areas, with higher elevation land separating the inundated inland area from the oastal strip. SLR-driven groundwater emergene and shoaling impats on neighborhoods me ite this arttc!e in press.s: llfoover. DJ.. et.i.. Sea-k:Yel nst and oastal groundwater inundation and shoaling at selet.sites in a1tromla.. USA. J.'Hydrol.: Reg. Stud. (215).

116 DJ. Hoovt'r et ol!journal of Hydrology: Rl!gtonol Stlldfes xxx (215) 1oot-1ox 15 and infrastruture ould be substantial, with potential health risks due to septi ontributions. but existing infrastruture also may provide options for diret management of exess' groundwater, as suggested above for Arata. SLR is widely reognized as a onern in California beause it ould degrade oastal habitats and damage oastal infrastruture in a region that already is stressed by inreasing population and expets an inreasing frequeny of extreme storm and wave events (Crossett et al., 24; He berger et al.. 29; National Researh Counil, 212; Arkema et al., 213; Hallegatte I et al., 213 ). Diret marine inundation likely will be the dominant mehanism of inundation in low-lying areas of the Cllifornia Coast, but areas with oastal aquifers less than 4 m from the ground surfae should be onsidered for their potential to ontribute to SLR impats via groundwater emergene and shoaling, and existing underground infrastruture suh as basements, pipes, and tunnels will be inreasingly vulnerable to flooding as sea level rises (Bjerklie et al., 212). This problem will require ontinuing attention beause oastal ommunities have been growing rapidly over the past entury, with -153 million Amerians (-53% of the nation's estimated population) living in oastal ounties in 23 (Crossett et al., 24). Both maintenane of existing Infrastruture and new development will beome inreasingly hallenging and ostly in wlnerable low-lying oastal regions (Hallegatte et al., 213). It also is noteworthy that the above analyses address only the effets of overall inreases in sea level and assoiated tides, and that transient events will produe more severe onditions. For instane, heavy preipitation an ause short-lived inreases in groundwater elevations due both to inreased groundwater flow from upslope areas and diret infiltration (Swarzenski et al.. 216; this issue), and low atmospheri pressures and large waves (both assoiated with storms) m result in unusually high tides. inreasing diret inundation by diret sea-level rise and wave runup (Barnard et al., 214). These types of events ould inrease groundwater levels in shallow, perhed saline aquifers,.and ould ause transient inreases in fresh groundwater elevations. While some of these elevation inreases might be temporary. the impats of assoiated groundwater emergene and shoaling ould persist after groundwater levels deline (Cay an et al. 28 ). Where the ourrene of these types of events is orrelated in time, synergisti impats ould be espeially damaging to low lying oastal ommunities (f Wahl et al.. 215). Current researh efforts are improving our understanding of the vulnerability of California's oastline to diret inundation due to SLR and to storm-related inundation (Barnard et al.. 214). but more detailed study of groundwater onditions in vulnerable areas will be needed to aurately predit the ontribution of groundwater emergene and shoaling to SLR-related Impats In these sites. Aknowledgements This researh was supported by the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) through a postdotoral fellowship granted to KO. We thank our oastal groundwater ollaborators for providing groundwater elevation data and reports, inluding John lzbili and Wes Danskin (USGS). Ted Johnson, (Water Replenishment Distrit of Southern California), Toby Bisson (Stinson Beah County Water Distrit}, Nik de Siyes (UC Davis), Jeff Dorrington (Ventura County Watershed Protetion Distrit), Karen Underhill and Linda Koki (Orange County Water Distrit). as well as Chris Smith and Kevin Kroeger (USGS) for onstrutive omments on earlier versions of this manusript. We also thank john lzbiki and an anonymous reviewer for very thorough and helpful omments on the final manusript. The use of trade names is for desriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Referenes Ambrose. R.F. Metrert. D.J" Fish.assembbge tn M.tllbu!.goon. a small hydroiogiully.tltert?d estuolry in sournm C l!fom Wetldnds 19 (2), Arkl!nu. K.K.. et il, 213. Coast.ti h.lbitats shield people.tnd property from s-level rise.tnd stonm.. N.tL. aim. Cb.tng. 3 (1) l 38/Nll1T1.J!e B,ulow, P.M.. Rdh.lrd,.G. 21. Solltw.tter intrusion in oast.ti regions of North Amerlu. 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