Thornhill Cemetery Northern Extension, Cardiff. Transport Assessment April 2018

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1 Thornhill Cemetery Northern Extension, Cardiff Design Contract Delivery, City Operations, Cardiff County Council, County Hall CF10 4UW Transport Assessment April 2018 Print name Signed Prepared by: Checked by Approved by P Belcher J Rowlands P Carter 1

2 2

3 Contents APPENDICES & FIGURES (CONTENTS) INTRODUCTION POLICY AND GUIDANCE Planning Policy Wales Technical Advice Note (TAN) 18: Transport Manual for Streets (2007) Manual for Streets 2: Wider Application of the Principles (2010) Access, Circulation and Parking Standards: Supplementary Planning Guidance, Cardiff Council (2010) Draft National Transport Plan SEWTA Regional Transport Plan Unitary Development Plan Local Development Plan 9 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS Site Location Local Facilities Existing access and parking arrangements Pedestrian Access Cycling Access Public Transport Access Existing Traffic Conditions Collision Analysis DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Development Access Site Layout Parking Provision Pedestrian and Cycle Access Construction Access Travel Plan TRIP GENERATION AND IMPACT Trip Generation Impact on Highway Network SUMMARY

4 Appendices: Appendix A Traffic Survey Data Appendix B Road Casualty Data & Plan Figures: 3.1A Site Location 3.1B Site Location and Access 3.4A PRoW and Footways 3.4B Pedestrian Survey (New site) 3.4C Pedestrian Survey (Exising site) 3.4D Pedestrian Crossing Facilities 3.4E Upgraded Facility (Bassett s Field) 3.5A Cycle Network 3.6A Bus Stops 3.8 Collision Plan 4.1 to 4.4 Site Layout 4

5 1. Introduction The Design Contract Delivery team has been commissioned by the City of Cardiff Council (CC) to produce a Transport Assessment (TA) as part of a planning application and public consultation exercise, for a new burial site to be located in north Cardiff. As required by the City of Cardiff Council Supplementary Planning Guidance, this TA will be independently reviewed prior to submission with the planning application. This independent audit will been carried out by an external consultant. The Audit will be considered and if appropriate, actions will be taken following any relevant findings of the independent work. The summary of the findings and the Author s response to the Independent Audit will be contained in the reports Appendices. This report should therefore be considered as DRAFT, whilst the Public Consultation Process is being undertaken. The transport assessment covers the following issues: Chapter 2 - policy requirements associated with the assessment; Chapter 3 existing conditions; Chapter 3 - development details for the proposed site; Chapter 4 - sustainable travel to the proposed site; Chapter 5 - trip generation and impact of the proposed site Chapter 6 - conclusions in respect to Transport and Highway impacts 5

6 2. Policy and Guidance This Assessment has been developed in accordance with the relevant national and local planning policy and guidance, with the following documents forming particular relevance: Planning Policy Wales Technical Advice Note (TAN) 18: Transport 2007; Manual for Streets (2007); Manual for Streets 2 (2010); and Access, Circulation and Parking Standards, Cardiff Council Supplementary Planning Guidance (2010). Draft National Transport Plan SEWTA Regional Transport Plan 2.1 Planning Policy Wales Technical Advice Note (TAN) 18: Transport 2007 This Technical Advice Note provides supplementary technical information to that provided in Planning Policy Wales (2002) and the Wales Transport Strategy (2008), which set out the land use planning policies and strategic transport priorities of the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). Local planning authorities are required to take TAN 18 into account when preparing their development plans, and the guidance may also be material to decisions on individual planning applications. TAN 18 highlights the importance of integrating land use and transport planning as a means of helping to achieve WAG s wider sustainable development objectives. In relation to residential developments the following guidance is relevant: Developers should be able to demonstrate that: the development will facilitate access by new residents to public transport stops, local shops and facilities by walking and cycling; new or existing walking and cycling routes provide direct and safe links to public transport stops, local shops and facilities; any public transport routes through the development are suitably direct, are of a geometry to avoid obstructions and that any features that give buses priority (e.g. bus gates or bus only routes) are shown; where new public transport facilities or services are proposed, there are effective arrangements for maintaining facilities and funding services (e.g. will an initial or ongoing subsidy be required and how this will be secured); the walking, cycling, public transport and car routes through or adjacent to the site are integrated in accordance with expressed principles and in the context of their relationship with parking areas and public recreation spaces. Where larger housing development applications require developments should include appropriate provision for pedestrians (including those with special access and mobility requirements), cycling, public transport, and traffic management and parking/servicing; and walking should be encouraged for local journeys by giving careful consideration to location, access arrangements and design. Measures such as wide pavements, adequate lighting, pedestrian friendly desire lines and road crossings, and traffic calming, can facilitate safe walking and cycling routes to school. 2.2 Manual for Streets (2007) In Wales and England, the Manual for Streets (MfS) provides guidance (but not formal policy) for practitioners involved in the planning, design, provision and approval of new streets, and modifications to existing infrastructure. It aims to demonstrate the quality of life benefits which can arise through good design and with a higher priority being afforded 6

7 to pedestrians and cyclists. The detailed guidance in the document applies mainly to residential streets with a speed limit of 30mph or lower, but the overall design principles apply to all streets within urban areas. MfS defines a Street as being a highway with important public realm functions beyond the movement of motor traffic i.e. by its function rather than by traffic flow volume. Cardiff Council respects the MfS distinction between streets and roads, and uses the following criteria to distinguish between them 1 : A road is a classified highway with a speed limit of more than 30mph. A street is defined as any highway that is not defined as a road. 2.3 Manual for Streets 2: Wider Application of the Principles (2010) MfS 2, a companion document to MfS, explains how the principles of MfS can be applied more widely. In particular, MfS 2 recommends that as a starting point for any scheme affecting non trunk roads (regardless of speed limit), designers should start with MfS 2. This widens the scope of the MfS advice away from residential streets to roads whose function may currently be primarily for traffic movement rather than pedestrian activity. Table 1.1 in MfS 2 makes clear that for roads/streets with a 30mph speed limit or lower, all the key areas of MfS advice should apply, including stopping sight distance. 2.4 Access, Circulation and Parking Standards: Supplementary Planning Guidance, Cardiff Council (2010) Approved in January 2010, this guidance updates the previous Access, Circulation and Parking Requirements Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) published in June 2006, supplementing the Council s development plan policies and setting parking standards. It applies to all categories of development for which planning permission is required. It should be noted that the Car and cycle parking standards are not specified for burial grounds in the SPG; these will be considered on a bespoke site specific basis. Trip Generation has therefore been based on advice and guidance from the Councils Bereavement Services department. The SPG however, confirms that the stopping sight distance requirement is as per MfS definitions. It recommends that kerb radii should be as small as possible to reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety. At all accesses good inter-visibility between accessing/exiting vehicles and likely pedestrian desire-lines should be incorporated into the design. Wherever possible, pedestrian entrances/exits should be separate from those used by vehicles. These principles will be adopted throughout the design of the new development. 2.5 Draft National Transport Plan 2015 The Wales Transport Strategy was published in 2010 and is a statutory strategy required by the Transport (Wales) Act The Wales Transport Strategy sets the policy framework for transport in Wales and the outcomes that transport interventions should contribute to. The National Transport Plan sits within the framework provided by the Strategy and sets out in more details how the policies and objectives in the Strategy will delivered. 7

8 Within the framework of the Wales Transport Strategy, the National Transport Plan focuses on delivering five key priorities: economic Growth access to Employment tackling Poverty sustainable travel and safety access to services The new National Transport Plan 2015 will set out in more detail how the Welsh Government proposes to deliver in those areas of transport for which it is responsible, to achieve the outcomes as set out in the Wales Transport Strategy from 2015 and beyond. 2.6 SEWTA Regional Transport Plan Sewta submitted its first Regional Transport Plan (RTP) to the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) in December The RTP was prepared in accordance with WAG guidance and is the product of extensive consultation, listening to the views and ideas of stakeholders, partners and the public. The RTP is a statutory plan which sets out an integrated and sustainable transport strategy for South East Wales. The plan includes: a strategic framework, setting out the issues, analysis, vision, aims, and policies an implementation programme identifying actions, proposals and a five year programme a monitoring and review mechanism The Sewta RTP was approved by the Minister for Economy and Transport in January 2010 and following submission of a capital programme for 2010/11 implementation began in April Unitary Development Plan The Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994, requires the County Council to prepare a unitary development plan (UDP) for Cardiff. When adopted, the UDP will become the development plan for Cardiff and supersede all existing structure, local and other development plans covering the area (see Table 1.1). The UDP must provide a framework within which: development and conservation needs in Cardiff can be met, having regard to economic, social and environmental considerations; and individual planning decisions can be made in a rational and consistent manner. Section 54A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires that planning decisions be made in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The plan should, therefore, inform the whole community of Cardiff about future planning policies for the county; and its preparation should enable the whole community to be involved in shaping those policies, through consultation. In preparing this UDP for deposit, the County Council has undertaken consultation with a wide range of organisations and others who have an interest in the future development of Cardiff. This has included two formal stages of public consultation on the following documents: Cardiff 2011: Issues for the Unitary Development Plan (June 1997) Cardiff Unitary Development Plan ( ) Outline Proposals for Consultation (May 2001). 8

9 Details of consultations undertaken are provided in a Publicity and Consultation Statement. The statutory procedures for UDP preparation and adoption are set out in the Town and Country Planning (Development Plan) Regulations 1991 (as amended). UDPs are required to comprise two parts; Part 1, which should outline - the purpose and content of the plan; its overall strategy, aims, objectives and targets; and the authority s strategic policies and proposals for the development and use of land in its area; Part 2, which should include - the authority s detailed policies and specific proposals for the development and use of land, conforming with the policies in Part 1; reasoned justification for the policies and proposals of Parts 1 and 2; and a Proposals Map showing these proposals on a geographical base. References are made in the plan to supplementary planning guidance (SPG), which provides more detailed guidance on the way in which policies or proposals will be applied. While SPG does not form part of the plan and, therefore, does not have the special status afforded by Section 54A of the 1990 Act in determining planning applications, it may be taken into account as a material consideration. 2.8 Local Development Plan The Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP) provides the legal framework for the development and use of land within Cardiff for the period up to It also provides the context for determining local planning applications. As the local planning authority we are responsible for preparing the LDP. This process includes several stages of preparation, consultation and engagement with the public and other interested parties Why do we need a Local Development Plan? The population of the city is growing and it's the role of the Council to make sure that the city can accommodate and provide a good quality of life for all its citizens. The LDP will identify where in the city, new developments and communities can be built. Different parts of the city may be affected in different ways and the plan will need to show areas for new development together with areas that will be protected from development. 1 Access, Circulation and Parking Standards: Supplementary Planning Guidance. Cardiff Council, January 2010, para Manual for Streets 2: Wider Application of the Principles. CIHT, September 2010 para

10 3. Existing Conditions 3.1 Site Location The site is known as Thornhill Cemetery Northern Extension and is to be located at the current Cardiff Council owned land, north of M4 where New House Farm is currently operating, as shown below in Figure 3.1A. The site is to be accessed of Thornhill Road (A469) as shown in Figure 3.1B Figure 3.1A: Site location Figure 3.1B: Site Location & Access 10

11 The surrounding area is predominantly characterised by green belt area with a rural nature that sits between the Thornhill residential estate, developed in the 1980 s and Caerphilly Mountain. Some small residential developments have occurred either side of Thornhill Road since the main Thornhill residential development, between the M4 Bridge and Excalibur Drive. Whilst the rise in popularity of cremation has increased over recent years the burial of the dead is still a preferred option for many people due to religious or personal need. The statistics of burial v cremation in Cardiff mirror that of the national figure being around 70/30 in favour of cremation. Thornhill Cemetery was first opened in 1952 covering a total of 40 acres including the crematorium facility. The cemetery grounds were extended in 2010 by a total of 5 acres. This was land adjacent to the site already in council ownership that had previously been earmarked for cemetery space. There are no options for further expansion of the current site due to its borders with residential housing and roads. Having operated since 1953 the site has now approximately 2 years remaining based on current usage before it is full for new burials. It is therefore essential that the Council identify and develop new areas for burial to meet the needs of the City and avoid the embarrassing position of not providing a major burial location in the future. Current estimates are that the existing site at Thornhill will not be able to provide any further new graves after June The LDP sets out the provision of over 40,000 new homes in the City which will subsequently have a longer term effect on the death rate in the area and require the City to provide adequate infrastructure through its Bereavement Service to cope with the current and future demand. An increased population ultimately results in an increased death rate. A number of sites have been considered during investigations by officers to identify suitable ground. This has been a challenging exercise in order to try and meet all of the key criteria such as the size of the area required, ground suitability and an accessible location. Work is continuing to consider options for burial land to cover the east of Cardiff and a report to Cardiff Council s Cabinet will follow with regard to this issue in due course once a suitable area has been identified. This location to continue providing cemetery space in the north of the City has been identified by the Council s Bereavement Services in consultation with the Council s Strategic Estates. 3.2 Local Facilities Thornhill Road is a Classified Distributor Road (A469) connecting Cardiff to Caerphilly. The area north of the M4 is predominantly rural and to the south is residential. Local facilities include farm shops, Sainsbury s Supermarket and various public houses. The access to the existing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery is located approximately 1km to the south of the access to the proposed site. Guidance on suggested acceptable walking distances is provided within the IHT document Providing for Journey on Foot (2009) Table 3.2. This table has been copied from the document and is shown below for reference. 11

12 Table 3.2: Suggested Acceptable Walking Distance IHT Providing for Journeys on Foot (2009) Town Centres (m) Communting / School Sight Seeing (m) Elsewhere (m) Desirable Acceptable Preferred Maximum The local day to day facilities are unlikely to be accessed within the acceptable walking levels, therefore public transport or alternative methods of accessing the site by vehicle are likely to occur. Welsh Government does not provide specific guidance on acceptable cycling distances. Information provided by Sustrans considers that up to around 8 km is acceptable distance for cycling to destinations such as work places. There are a wide range of day to day facilities and potential places of employment located within this cycling distance. 3.3 Existing access and parking arrangements The site is a green-field site, approximately 19,600m 2. The site is not currently officially accessible by vehicles off Thornhill Road. An existing access is available off Thornhill Road, although this is part of a public Right of Way. The site is currently accessed from New House Farm via Capel Gwilym Road, as seen in Photos 1 and 2 respectively. Photo 1 Capel Gwilym Road Access Photo 2 Thornhill Road Access There is no existing formal parking allocated immediately adjacent to the site. There are also no current Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) restricting parking on Thornhill Road near the site. Parking does not typically occur in this area as there is an existing 40 mph speed limit in place and due to the rural nature of the road. There are however double yellow lines present on both sides of Thornhill Road south of the existing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery site, although these terminate just south of the access and do not continue north. A recent speed limit change has been introduced on Thornhill Road from the M4 Bridge south to just north of Heol Llanishen Fach where the original 40 mph limit started. There minor priority junction accesses provided along Thornhill Road, with the closest through route junctions located at Capel Gwilym and Excalibur Drive. 3.4 Pedestrian Access There is an existing Public Right of Way Footpath to the northern boundary of the site that commences on Thornhill Road 182 metres south of Pentre Gwilym and proceeds north east along accommodation road. This continues in a general north easterly direction for approximately 70 metres to the stile where the path crosses the farm access road and grassed area to the stile on the opposite side. The path continues north eastwards across the field for 12

13 approximately 160 metres to the field gate where it terminates on the County Road at Capel Gwilym Road. See Figure 3.4 below. A narrow footway runs parallel to Thornhill Road running on the eastern side of the carriageway that is below carriageway level at various locations and often difficult to negotiate due to overgrown shrubs and grass from the verge area and boundary hedges. See Figure 3.4 below and Photo 3. Figure 3.4A: Public Right of Way and footways Photo 3 (northern side of M4 bridge) Recent surveys in close proximity to the site identified low pedestrian movements during the AM and PM peak hours. Note these occurred on the eastern side of the road, See Figure 3.4B. Surveys were also undertaken at the existing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery site (south of the M4). These also identified low pedestrian movements. It can therefore be assumed that most pedestrian movements to the existing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery site are made off peak. Figure 3.4C shows the surveys undertaken at this site location. Figure 3.4B Pedestrian desire lines near site 13

14 Figure 3.4C: Pedestrian desire lines near the existing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery Site There are no pedestrian crossing facilities within close proximity to the site. This is due to the footway facilities on Thornhill Road being on the eastern side only. The closest crossing facility on Thornhill Road is 430m to the south of the proposed site and is located at the Bassett s Field junction. This has recently been upgraded from an uncontrolled crossing point that included a traffic island, to a tabled zebra crossing without a traffic island/refuge. This was upgraded to satisfy Planning Conditions as part of the development known as 150 Thornhill Road. This location is shown in Figure 3.5D. Photo 4 shows the original facility and Figure 3.4E shows the upgraded facility. Figure 3.4D: Pedestrian Crossing facilities near the site 14 Photo 4 (Bassett s Field crossing facility)

15 Figure 3.4E: Upgraded Pedestrian Crossing facilities at Bassett s Field 3.5 Cycling Access Strategic cycle network routes operate within the area to the south of Excalibur Drive as seen in Figure 3.5A. Figure 3.5A: Map Showing Strategic Cycle Network Route 3 There are some cycle lanes present on Thornhill Road and Excalibur Drive, however it would appear that these have been installed with carriageway space reduction in mind as opposed to their primary function to assist cyclists. These existing cycle lanes do not meet current guidance as they are around 0.75m in width 15

16 The local highway network is primarily residential in character and there are a number of interconnecting routes which can be used for cycle travel. The nature and location of the site is conducive to both leisure and commuter cycle journeys. 3.6 Public Transport Access The Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) Guidance Planning for Public Transport in Developments defines 400m as the recommended maximum distance to walk to a bus stop. There are bus stops located on Thornhill Road near the site, however due to the topography and footway widths is these cannot be considered as being within easy walking distance. Bus stops are located at the Capel Gwilym junction and Bassett s Field junction as shown in Figure 3.6A. Fair facilities are provided at Bassetts Field, which are being upgraded as part of the improvement works referred to in Section 3.4. However, the facilities at Capel Gwilym are very poor in comparison and not suitable for those with access issues. Limited services are available adjacent to the site. More frequent and variety of services operate from the Excalibur Drive stop. Services also operate from the stops near the exsing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery site. Figure 3.6A: Bus Stop Locations The Bassett s Field bus stop has been considered due to it formal facilities and pedestrian facilities. The details of the services available is show in Table 3.6, along with those for the Excalibur Drive stop. The table sets out the bus stop location, services and available journeys together with the walking distance from site access location. The distance from within the site area may vary depending upon many factors. 16

17 Table 3.6: Local public bus services information Bus Stop Number n/a Bus Stop Location Thornhill Road (Bassett s Field) Northbound & southbound Services 25 (Stagecoach ) Places Serving City centre - Heath Nine Giants Caerphilly (Both Directions servies exising site also) n/a Excalibur Drive 27 City Centre North Road Caerphilly Road Templeton Avenue Heol Hir Excalibur Drive (Both Directions) n/a Excalibur Drive X8 City Centre North Road Caerphilly Road Templeton Avenue Heol Hir Excalibur Drive (Both Directions) n/a Excalibur Drive 28,28A,28B City Centre Fidlas Road Llanishen Village Excalibur Drive Thornhill Road (southbound past exising site) Templeton Avenue Fidlas Road City Centre Weekday Daytime Frequency Distance to stop 30 mins 300m 7 mins 680m 15 mins (can vary) 30 mins (Can vary) 680m 680m It can be concluded from the table and location plan that the site is located within a sustainable location. However, due to the topography and condition of the existing bus stops, this may prove to be difficult for many users. A change of service may be necessary to fit in with journey origin. 3.7 Existing Traffic Conditions Traffic conditions were surveyed at two locations in April 2018 on Thornhill Road. These were located near the site between south of Capel Gwilym Road and the M4 Bridge and near the existing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery (South of Excalibur Drive). This traffic study considered traffic speeds and recorded vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist flow. The time periods were identified simply as AM and PM. SDR survey equipment was used to record traffic flow and vehicle speeds, therefore 24hr data is available for vehicles only. A copy of the data is included at Appendix A. Near the proposed site: The study confirms that during the AM survey, 503 vehicles were recorded as travelling Northbound towards Caerphilly, and 369 vehicles were recorded travelling Southbound. Only 1 cyclist was recorded northbound and 1 southbound along with 1 pedestrian. During the PM peak hour, 477 vehicles and 1 cyclist were recorded as travelling Northbound, and 911 vehicles and 1 cyclist were recorded travelling Southbound. The 24h 85 th percentile speed was recorded and reported at 42 mph southbound and 44 mph northbound. The 50 th percentile speed was reported at 37 mph and 39 mph respectively. Near the existing site: The study confirms that during the AM survey, 461 vehicles were recorded as travelling Northbound towards Caerphilly, and 715 vehicles were recorded travelling Southbound. Only 1 cyclist was recorded northbound. During the PM peak hour, 948 vehicles and also 1 cyclist and 1 pedestrian (heading into the Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery) were recorded as travelling Northbound, and 647 vehicles and 1 cyclist were recorded travelling Southbound. 17

18 The 24h 85 th percentile speed was recorded and reported at 34 mph southbound and 36 mph northbound. The 50 th percentile speed was reported at 29 mph and 31 mph respectively. Note all cyclists were travelling within the carriageway. 3.8 Collision Analysis Collision data for the latest five year period, this includes data recorded as occurring between 2012 and 2016 was accessed from the Cardiff Council database (MAAPcloud). Within the chosen study area, 11 incidents occurred at 5 locations. These included 3 serious incidents and 8 slight. Only 1 slight incident is in close proximity to the southern section of the site. North of the site, in close proximity to the Pentre Gwilym PH, 2 serious and 1 slight incidents occurred. The location of these incidents is identified on Figure 3.8 and details are presented in Appendix B. Figure 3.8: Map showing location of Collisions 18

19 The collision data presented and analysed in Figure 3.8 and Appendix B demonstrates that there are no particular collision patterns or trends that could be exacerbated by the proposed development. However, 1 injury related collision did involve a pedestrian refuge/traffic island. There have been recent incidents around the city involving pedestrian islands. 4. Development Proposals 4.1 Development Access The current proposal accesses a site of approximately 19,600m2 in size. As per Section 3, the site is accessed off Thornhill Road (north of the M4 Bridge). The existing 40 mph speed limit will be changed to 30 mph. This will be achieved by extending the proposed 30 mph limit extension, being introduced as part of the development work associated 150 Thornhill Road. The site is proposed to be re-profiled, to allow vehicle usage throughout all periods of the year, and the access roads will be designed in line with guidance Appendix A HS2 Rural Road Design Criteria from The masterplan seeks to establish the principal of a burial site and appropriate form of access. The precise location of the main junction will be determined following a detailed investigation, as part of the detailed design process. This would also include a detailed assessment of the visibility splay. Internal access arrangements and layout are shown below in section 4.2. The proposed access to the site is shown below in figure 4.1A which is extracted from the overall master plan. Figure 4.1 Proposed Site Access 4.2 Site Layout A topographical survey has been undertaken of the site that includes locating existing trees, hedgerows and other relevant features. Where possible, areas of trees have been identified to be retained and protected. The proposed layout can be seen below in Figure

20 Figure 4.2 Proposed Site Layout 4.3 Parking Provision Car Parking In the northern area of the development, a main car parking area will be situated, which has the provision of 30 spaces, along with three separate unisex lavatories facilities, and public waiting area. Unrestricted parking is available around the site to allow for overflow parking during busy funerals and for visitors to access / attend to graves conveniently. Services will still be held at the existing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery site, with only the actual committal/burial being undertaken at this new site. There are no guidelines presented in Cardiff Council s Access Circulation and Parking Standards document in respect of new burial grounds. Disabled parking provision should be made within the site to ensure compliance with the Equalities Act On this basis, the assessment for all vehicular parking provision has been based on liaison with the Council s Bereavement Services department and the operation of the existing Thornhill Cremarorium and Cemetery site. Cycle Parking There are two Sheffield style cycle stands being provided for cycle parking arrangements at this stage. However, cycle parking will be provided in line with Cardiff Council guidelines and liaison with the Council s Bereavement Services department on current observations at the existing site 20

21 4.4 Pedestrian and Cycle Access The internal site layout will be designed to ensure that pedestrians and cyclists facilities are provided to a high standard and in locations which would maximise sustainable travel. These will also be incorporated into a landscaped site in a sympathetic way. Footways will be provided in close proximity to the main site facilities. Access paths will be provided throughout the site for ease of access. Where footways are not provided, a shared surface approach will be provided to ensure access for all with dropped kerb arrangements to provide access to the access footpaths where necessary. The existing Public Right of Way footpath will be upgraded by from its access point to the access point to the Farm. A new access will be provided to the Farm. It is understood that this will not be the main point of access to the Farm, but is likely to be used in the future for visitors of the new site to visit the farm and its facilities. Local pedestrian facilities within the adopted highway on Thornhill Road will be enhanced through the development proposals, with an upgraded footway being provided along the site frontage to the M4 Bridge. There is the ambition to enhance the link between the existing site and the new site. Further investigation will be necessary in terms of pedestrian access over the M4 Bridge and south to the existing site. The proposed improvements to the frontage will provide a wider footway facility that is level with the carriageway. This will enhance access to the site, local facilities as well as to public transport facilities. The proposals for this redevelopment will therefore consider the introduction of two formalised bus stops located near the southern end of the site on Thornhill Road, with the southbound direction benefiting from a shelter. Bus Boarders will be installed to assist vulnerable users and those with assisted access requirements. The exact positions of these facilities will be developed further during the detailed design process. A pedestrian crossing facility, which allows easy transfer for pedestrians to access journeys travelling in either direction, via the bus stops, or for cyclists wishing to exit the carriageway onto the footway and cross the road (avoiding the ghost island arrangement), will be provided. The crossing facility will be designed in conjunction with any further reviews into local traffic speeds and could seek to achieve multiple proposes. To facilitate a zebra crossing, a maximum vehicle approach speed of 35 mph (85 th percentile) should be in place. Whilst it would be necessary to extend the proposed 30 mph to achieve this, a tabled facility would ensure compliance as per the facility currently being introduced as part of the 150 Thornhill Road development. In view of the issues associated with traffic islands, this option will not be explored. An extract of the layout that shoes the bus stop and pedestrian crossing facilities is shown below in Figure 4.4. Feedback and complaints have been received by the Council in respect of difficulty crossing the road to and from the existing site. 21

22 Figure 4.4 Proposed Pedestrian Crossing and Bus Stops 4.5 Construction Access It is not envisaged that there will be any particular traffic or road safety issues during the construction phase of this proposed development. A Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) will be produced by the principal contractor (PC) in advance of the construction activities. This should in detail provide information about traffic and pedestrian management as well as proposed diversion and access routes. The PC, in advance of the construction works, should coordinate with the local authority, emergency services, public and transport organisations to minimise any negative impacts that may rise as a result of the construction activities. In addition to this, the PC should develop a Travel Plan (TP) to ensure a sustainable travel approach to the site is implemented. These measures include how workers travel to/ from site by the use of car sharing/ public transport and how deliveries and removal of materials and equipment to site are managed. The benefits of the TP include a reduction in travel cost, a reduction in traffic/ car parking issues near the site and an improvement in the sustainability and marketability of the scheme for both the PC and Client. 4.6 Travel Plan A Travel Plan could be produced for the proposed development, mainly aimed at the staff working at the site and this could be secured through an appropriate condition. The aims of a Travel Plan are likely to include: Walking: ensuring that safe walking routes are promoted Cycling: promoting cycle ownership and usage as a real alternative to travelling short journeys Public Transport: ensuring that staff and regular users of the site are educated in the high level of local public transport provision. Promoting the regular frequency services and extensive journey choice which can be access within a short walking distance of the site. Reduction in Car Use: promote alternatives to single occupant vehicle journeys Monitoring: ensuring that regular monitoring and updating of the travel plan is undertaken. 22

23 5. Trip Generation and Impact 5.1 Trip Generation The potential trip generation has been established using information gained from Cardiff Council s Bereavement Services department. The proposed site will operate as per the opening times of the current site. These vary throughout the year, due to available light. The longest opening hours have been considered which operate April to September. These are 9am 6.45pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 6.45pm weekends and during bank holidays. Whilst these are the general opening times, funeral services will only operate from between 9.30am to 3.30pm with a maximum frequency of 1 per hour pm to 3.30pm are the busiest periods. In respect of visitors, it is estimated that 62,000 people visit the grounds on an annual basis. During a typical day, around 12 vehicles per hour access the site. Funerals vary in size, with a maximum number attending of around 200 people. Whilst these do not frequently occur, the maximum number of vehicles attending is approximately 50 vehicles, due to relatives and friends sharing transport. Non-vehicle trips are not likely to occur during funerals, however are likely to occur for visiting purposes, or staff attendance. There are approximately 175 funerals per year. 3 members of are normally in attendance. On this basis, the maximum number of trips have been estimated as per the below in Table 5.1 Table 5.1: Potential Vehicle Trips Description Arrivals Departures Total AM Peak ( hrs) Staff PM Peak ( hrs) Visitors Visitors Off Peak worst case Funeral TOTAL Impact on Highway Network Traffic conditions were surveyed in April 2018 on Thornhill Road near the site. Table 5.2 presents the surveyed and proposed additional two-way vehicle movements on Thornhill Road. For the purposes of this assessment it is assumed that all vehicles enter and exit the site on Thornhill Road. Table 5.2: Traffic Impact AM Peak PM Peak 2018 Survey Two-way Vehicle Movements ( ) 872 ( ) 1,388 Two-way Vehicle Movements 3 32 % Increase 0% 2% 23

24 In terms of acceptability, in highway impact terms, taking into consideration the current AM and PM peak scenarios, there will be minimal impact. The off-peak worst case scenario is likely to increase traffic flow between 5-10%, however the opportunity to discharge onto the network during off-peak conditions would be easier for vehicles accessing and existing the site. It should also be noted that these movements likely to be less than those experienced at the existing site, as there are no chapels proposed at the new site, only grave side services. To mitigate impact on the network, focus at the proposed location of the site is in line with policy guidance to promote public transport links and pedestrian footpath and footway links to nearby day to day local amenities. This choice of convenience and nearby would result in lower private car use. The scheme will introduce footways where there are deficiencies along the site frontage and thereby improve local pedestrian conditions. The development design work will be supported further by assessments into traffic calming measures and potential pedestrian crossing points away from the site. The package of mitigation measures currently being proposed could be considered adequate for a development of the scales put forward. 6. Summary An extension of the existing Thornhill Crematorium and Cemetery site has been proposed on land north of the M4 Bridge on Thornhill Road, Cardiff. Access is proposed at a single location off Thornhill Road, adjacent to an existing Public Right of Way Footpath. Access incorporates a new priority junction, similar to that at the existing site, although for 2-way traffic. A separate access to the Public Right of Way is proposed, including the upgrading of the path to the farm. It has been shown that the full development of the site under could lead to up to 3 and 32 vehicle movements in the AM and PM peak hours respectively. This is a maximum of 2% increase in vehicle movements. An increase of vehicle movements during the off-peak period is likely to increase traffic between 5-10%, however this will be during off peak times, therefore the impact will be less detrimental to the network than if these occurred during the peak hours. The site is located within existing farm land area, within walking distance of existing bus stop facilities, but outside of local amenities required on a daily basis. There is an established frequency level of bus service provision with a choice of bus stops and service journeys, although currently not all of these are within short walking distance of the site. The topography of the area also may also contribute to choice of access. The design of the site access will be in accordance with the relevant guidance and will ensure easy access for all modes of travel. The Transport Statement has identified deficiencies in footway provision, good quality bus stop facilities near the site and crossing facilities to access public transport. The proposals will provide key footway links along the site frontage where appropriate to do so. These additional footway links and the intention to connect to the local footpath network will improve the quality of local pedestrian routes. The introduction of a crossing point will help to facilitate pedestrian movements across Thornhill Road to the opposite side bus stop and assist cyclists 24

25 to cross the road, from observations and feedback received from the existing site. The inclusion of a tabled facility will maintain lower vehicle speeds. The provision of a Travel Plan for the site should be considered which would aim to reduce the number of car movements into and out of the site by encouraging sustainable modes of travel and educating staff and regular visitors on the convenience and range or sustainable transport facilities in the local area. An Independent Audit of the Transport Statement will be carried out and included within the final report. 25

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