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1 MIHTO WEST COHCORREHCY TRAFFIC IMPACT AHALYSIS Preparrd for MIHTO SPW. LLC Preparrd by PIHDER TROOTMAH COHSOL TIHG. IHC. Certifiate of Authorization Homber: VIsta Parkway. Soite 111 West Palm Beah. FL (561) #PTC13-13 September Revised Marh Revised May Revised Aogost Revlsrd Aogost

2 MINTO WEST CONCURRENCY TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Exhibits List of Appendies Introdution Site Data Existing (213) Traffi Conditions i ii Projet Traffi Trip Generation Trip Distribution and Assignment 2 2 Future Traffi Conditions Roadway Improvements Bakground Traffi 2 3 Traffi Performane Standards Analysis Test 1 (Intersetion Analysis) Test 1 (Link Analysis) Test 2 (Five Year Analysis) Driveway Volumes Projet Phasing Conlusion Table of Contents 13-13

3 MINTO WEST CONCURRENCY TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2A Exhibit 28 Exhibit 2C Exhibit 3A Exhibit 38 Exhibit 3C Exhibit 3D Exhibit 4 Exhibit SA Exhibit 58 Exhibit SC Exhibit 6A Exhibit 68 Exhibit 6C Exhibit 6D Exhibit 7A Exhibit 78 Exhibit 7C Exhibit 7D Exhibit 7E Exhibit 7F Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 1 OA Exhibit 1 OB Projet Loation Daily Trip Generation AM Peak Hour Trip Generation PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Projet Distribution Projet Distribution Detail Projet Traffi Assignment- AM Peak Hour Projet Traffi Assignment- PM Peak Hour Historial Growth Test 1 Intersetion Analysis Intersetion Geometry Summary Intersetions- Requested Dual Left Turn Lanes Test 1 Link Analysis -AM Peak Hour Test 1 Link Analysis - PM Peak Hour Roadway Improvements- Bakground Traffi Roadway Improvements -Total Traffi Proportionate Share Analysis- AM Peak Hour Proportionate Share Analysis - PM Peak Hour Proportionate Share Analysis - Total Proportionate Share Analysis- Cost Estimates Intersetion Proportionate Share Analysis Intersetions- Requested Dual Left Turn Lanes - Proportionate Share Okeehobee Boulevard CRALLS Mitigation Trip Generation- Test 2-5 Year Phase Projet Traffi Assignment-Test 2 - AM Peak Hour Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2- PM Peak Hour Exhibit 11 A Test 2 Link Analysis- AM Peak Hour Exhibit 11 B Test 2 Link Analysis- PM Peak Hour Exhibit 12A Exhibit 128 Exhibit 13 Projet Driveway Volumes- Sem. Pratt-Whitney Rd Projet Driveway Volumes- East Side Projet Phasing list of Exhibits 13-73

4 MINTO WEST CONCURRENCY TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Traffi Count Data - Links Trip Generation and Internalization Roadway Improvement Programs Committed Development- Links Intersetion Analysis Capaity Analyses Proportionate Share Analysis Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Diversion Analysis Cost Estimates Phasing Analysis List of Appendies ii

5 MINTO WEST CONCURRENCY TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Introdution Pinder Troutman Consulting, In. (PTC) has been retained to ondut a traffi impat analysis for a proposed mixed use development in uninorporated Palm Beah County. The purpose of this study is to determine if the proposed development meets the requirements of Artile 12, Traffi Performane Standards (TPS), of the Palm Beah County Unified Land Development Code (ULDC). Site Data The site is loated on the east and west sides of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road at 6th Street as shown on Exhibit 1. The following uses are proposed: 3,446 DUs Residential- Single Family Detahed 6 DUs Residential - Multi-Family Condos/Town homes Villas (Fee Simple) 3 DUs Residential- Single Family 55+ Detahed 2 DUs Residential- Single Family 55+ Attahed 15 Rooms Hotel 3, Students Community College 45, SF General Offie 6, SF Researh and Development 45, SF Light Industrial 5, SF Retail 192 Ares Park 7, SF Private Civi - Churhes 7, SF Private Civi- Community Centers 1, SF Private Civi- Day Care Centers Aess to the proposed development will be via onnetions to 6th Street, Persimmon Boulevard, Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road. Issues related to driveway loation, turn lanes and geometries will be addressed during final design. Any referene to intersetion geometries is oneptual in nature and subjet to final design and approval by others. Year 235 onditions were examined. The Property Control Numbers (PCN) for the site are: Report B-18-14

6 Existing (213) Traffi Conditions The 213 peak season peak hour diretional volumes for the surrounding roadway network as ompiled by the Palm Beah County Traffi Division were utilized in this report. Traffi ount data is inluded in Appendix A. Projet T raffle Trip Generation The daily and peak hour trip generation rates were obtained from Palm Beah County and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, gh Edition. Exhibits 2A, 2B and 2C provide the daily, AM and PM peak hour trip generation data for the proposed development. NCHRP Report 684 was used to determine the internalization and balaning of trips. The internalization matries are provided in Appendix B. The pass-by traffi represents less than 25% of the adjaent street traffi. For Traffi Performane Standards purposes, based on the new external peak hour trip generation of 4,932, the radius of development influene is five (5) miles. Trip Distribution and Assignment A diretional distribution, whih was developed based on model runs using the Greater Treasure Coast Regional Planning Model (GTCRPM) and disussions with Palm Beah County, is shown on Exhibit 3A. The 5 mile radius is also shown on Exhibit 3A. Exhibit 3B provides details of the distribution diretly adjaent to the site. Exhibits 3C and 3D show the assignment of AM and PM peak hour projet traffi, respetively, as well as the projet impat perentage (% of peak hour diretional servie volume). Links outside the 5 mile radius have been highlighted on Exhibits 3C and 3. Future Traffi Conditions Roadway Improvements A review was undertaken of the FOOT Transportation Improvement Program and the Palm Beah County Five Year Road Program. Several roadway improvements are either under onstrution or sheduled for onstrution as shown on the following page with exerpts from the road programs inluded in Appendix C. Report

7 Roadway Link Improvement Shedule for Constrution Seminole Pratt-Whitney Rd- Southern Blvd to Syamore Dr 2L to 4L Under Constrution Seminole Pratt-Whitney Rd - M Canal to Orange Blvd 2L to 4L Under Constrution SR 7 Extension - Persimmon Blvd to 6th St OL to 2L Under Constrution 6th Street- Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 2L to 3L Under Constrution Seminole Pratt- Whitney Rd -Orange Blvd to Northlake Blvd 2L to 4L Under Constrution Northlake Blvd - Seminole Pratt-Whitney Rd to Hall 2L to 4L FY 215 SR 7- Okeehobee Blvd to 6th St 2L to 4L FY 216 Northlake Blvd - Hall to Coonut Blvd 2L to 4L FY 217 SR 7-6th St to Northlake Blvd OL to 4L FY 217 & 218 Roebuk Rd - SR 7 to Jog Rd OL to 4L FY 218 Southern Blvd - Lion Country Safari Rd to Forest Hill Blvd 4L to 6L FY 218 Jog Road- Roebuk Rd to S. of 45th St OL to 4L FY 218 Royal Palm Beah Blvd - M Canal to S. of Orange 2L to 3/SL FY 218 Bakground Traffi Histori growth trends and ommitted development traffi must be analyzed in the projetion of future bakground traffi volumes. Histori growth data is provided on Exhibit 4 for the surrounding roadway links. Beause the areawide histori growth is negative, histori growth was not utilized in the projetion of future traffi. Committed development data, ompiled by Palm Beah County, was reviewed and is inluded in Appendix D. Total traffi inludes existing traffi, signifiant ommitted development traffi,.5% bakground growth and Projet traffi. T raffle Performane Standards Analysis Test 1 (Intersetion Analysis) Major intersetions at the termini of the signifiantly impated projet-aessed link and major intersetions for whih a proposed development adds more than 1 O% of the total traffi on any link onneting a major intersetion are required to be analyzed. Thirty (3) intersetions were analyzed as shown on Exhibit SA with the apaity analyses inluded in Appendix E. Beause Southern Boulevard and SR 71 /Beeline Highway are Strategi Report

8 lntermodal System (SIS) failities and Okeehobee Boulevard is a TRIP funded faility, those intersetions were analyzed using the Highway Capaity Software. Nine (9) of the intersetions meet the adopted standards with the existing lane onfigurations. The other intersetions require improvements as desribed on Exhibit SA and shown graphially on Exhibit SB. Some of the improvements would be in onjuntion with either Assured Constrution improvements or proposed road widening improvements as shown on Exhibit SB. Exhibit SC provides a list of intersetions with single left turn lanes with volumes projeted to exeed 25 vehiles per hour. The County is requesting dual left turn lanes at these loations. Test 1 (Link Analysis) The seond part of Test 1 examines if any roadway links required to be analyzed are projeted to operate below adopted level of servie standards. Roadway links are required to be analyzed where the projet impat is greater than 1% of LOS D inside the radius of development influene and greater than 5% of LOS D outside the radius. Diversions due to new roadway onstrution of the SR 7 and Roebuk Road extensions were inluded in the future traffi projetions. The diversion analyses are provided in Appendix F. Exhibits 6A and 6B show future AM and PM peak hour _diretional traffi onditions for the analyzed roadway links. Required improvements are also shown on Exhibits 6A and 6B. Exhibits 6C and 6 show graphially the roadway link improvements required for bakground traffi and total traffi respetively. Artile 12 states that "An appliant may hoose to satisfy the transportation onurreny requirements of Palm Beah County by making a proportionate fair-share ontribution." Florida Statutes, Setion , states, "If any road is determined to be transportation defiient without the projet traffi under review, the osts of orreting that defiieny shall be removed from the projet's proportionate-share alulation." Exhibits 7 A through 7C provide the proportionate share analysis for the roadway links based on the County's methodology. The appliant proposes to onstrut the required improvement for the segment of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road fronting the site. Exhibit 7 Report

9 provides the ost estimate alulations for these improvements with the ost estimate details provided in Appendix G. It should be noted, that per Florida Statutes, any trips assigned to a toll-finaned faility shall be eliminated from the proportionate share analysis whih inludes the Turnpike. There are also six (6) required intersetion improvements that are beyond the sope of the programmed and proposed roadway widening projets. Exhibit 7E provides the proportionate share analysis for these additional intersetion improvements. Exhibit 7F provides the proportionate share analysis for the dual left turn lanes that were not required for intersetion operation at level of servie. With these proportionate share payments, whih are impat fee reditable, the transportation onurreny requirement is satisfied. Beause the link of Okeehobee Boulevard, east of Jog Road, has an adopted CRALL$ standard, the County has determined that a projet that impats this link must meet the adopted point system. The assignment to this CRALL$ Faility, inluding trips assigned to all approahes of the intersetion of Okeehobee Boulevard and Jog Road, is shown below. 69 Peak Hour Trips (4,932 New External PM Peak Trips x 14% Assignment Thru Intersetion) Per the proposed Okeehobee Boulevard CRALL$ point system, the projet needs 69. points to ahieve CRALLS mitigation. The projet utilizes Strategies 5, 6, 9 and 14 to earn the 69. points needed to ahieve CRALLS mitigation. The analysis of these strategies is provided on Exhibit 8. Test 2 (Five Year Analysis) This test examines traffi onditions at the end of the fifth year of the FOOT Five Year Transportation Improvement Program. The first phase of the development in the first 5 years is projeted to be 5 single family units. Exhibit 9 provides the trip generation for this first phase. A Test 2 analysis is required for any roadway link within the radius of development influene where the projet impat is greater than 3% of LOSE, and outside the radius where the projet impat is greater than 5% of LOS E. As shown on Exhibits 1 OA and 1 OB, links of 6th Street North, Persimmon Boulevard and Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road are signifiantly impated. Exhibits 11A and 11 B provide the five year analysis of the signifiantly impated Report

10 links. The link of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road from Persimmon Blvd to 6th Street North is not projeted to meet adopted Test 2 standards through Year 218. As with Test 1, widening of this link will satisfy the transportation onurreny requirements. Therefore, the requirements oft est 2 are met. Driveway Volumes AM and PM peak hour projet driveway volumes are provided on Exhibits 12A and 12B. Based on these volumes and Palm Beah County's "Parking Lot and Street Aess Design Criteria and Standards," the following auxiliary lanes are required for buildout onditions:! Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road I Driveway #1 (6th Street North/Town Center Parkway) Potential Signal Northbound -One left turn lane and one right turn lane Southbound - One left turn lane and one right turn lane Eastbound- One left turn lane and one right turn lane Westbound- One left turn lane and one right turn lane! Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road I Driveway #2 (Town Center South) Potential Signal Northbound -One left turn lane and one right turn lane Southbound- One left turn lane and one right turn lane Eastbound -One left turn lane and one right turn lane Westbound - Dual left turn lanes and one right turn lane! Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road I Driveway #3 (Persimmon Boulevard) Potential Signal Northbound- One left turn lane and one right turn lane Southbound- One left turn lane and one right turn lane Eastbound -One left turn lane and one right turn lane Westbound - Dual left turn lanes and one right turn lane! Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road I Driveway #4 Northbound -One left turn lane Southbound - One left turn lane Eastbound- One right turn lane Westbound -One right turn lane! Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road I Driveway #5 Potential Signal Northbound- One right turn lane Southbound- One left turn lane Westbound -One left turn lane and one right turn lane! Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road I Driveway #6 Southbound- One left turn lane Westbound -One right turn lane Report

11 For the intersetions with two left turn lanes, a traffi signal is required. Therefore, a traffi signal should be installed when warranted. Auxiliary turn lanes should be provided on all approahes to an intersetion that warrants a traffi signal. Projet Phasing Building permits have to be phased to the proportionate share payments detailed on Exhibits 7 A thru 7F. The projet will also be phased to the Assured Constrution and proposed onstrution of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road. See Exhibit 13 for phasing alulations and Appendix H for phased land development senarios. The phasing is summarized below. 1. No building permits for more than 39 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour inbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the widening of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road from Persimmon Boulevard to 6th Street N from a 2-lane faility to a 4-lane divided faility. This improvement will be impat fee reditable. 2. No building permits for more than 83 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour inbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the Assured Constrution improvement to widen Northlake Blvd from Hall Boulevard to Coonut Boulevard from a 2-lane faility to a 4-lane divided faility. 3. No building permits for more than 98 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour inbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the Assured Constrution improvement to widen SR 7 from Okeehobee Boulevard to 6th Street N from a 2-lane faility to a 4-lane divided faility. 4. No building permits for more than 34 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour inbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $718,266 whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Coonut Boulevard from Temple Boulevard to Northlake Boulevard from a 2-lane faility to a 4-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 5. No building permits for more than 34 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour inbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the Assured Constrution improvement to onstrut SR 7 from 6th Street N to Northlake Boulevard as a 4-lane divided faility. Report

12 6. No building permits for more than 447 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the Assured Constrution improvement to widen Northlake Blvd from Seminole Pratt-Whitney Boulevard to Hall Boulevard from a 2-lane faility to a 4-lane divided faility. 7. No building permits for more than 536 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the Assured Constrution improvements at the intersetion of 6 1 h Street Nand Royal Palm Beah Boulevard. 8. No building permits for more than 728 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour inbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $445,583, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the dual left turn lane improvements for the 9 intersetions outlined on Exhibit 7F. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 9. No building permits for more than 872 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $6,821,78, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Northlake Boulevard from Coonut Boulevard to SR 7 from a 4-lane divided faility to an 8- lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 1. No building permits for more than 1,21 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the Assured Constrution improvement to widen Southern Boulevard from Lion Country Safari Road to Forest Hill Boulevard from a 4-lane divided faility to a 6-lane divided faility. 11. No building permits for more than 1,141 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $1,246,486, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of an intersetion improvement at the intersetion of Persimmon Boulevard I Royal Palm Beah Boulevard that inludes a seond southbound left turn lane. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 12. No building permits for more than 1,285 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $273,481, Report

13 whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of an intersetion improvement at the intersetion of Southern Boulevard I Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road that inludes a third southbound left turn lane. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 13. No building permits for more than 1,417 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $1,582,36, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Okeehobee Boulevard from 14 1 h Avenue to Folsom Road from a 2-lane faility to an 4-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 14. No building permits for more than 1,912 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $4,254,579, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Northlake Boulevard from SR 7 to Beeline Highway from a 4-lane divided faility to a 6-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 15. No building permits for more than 2,269 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the Assured Constrution improvement to onstrut Roebuk Road from SR 7 to jog Road as a 4-lane divided faility or until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $2,275,, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the improvement. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 16. No building permits for more than 2,272 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $2,9,284, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Southern Boulevard from Forest Hill Boulevard to Cypress Head Drive from a 6-lane divided faility to an 8-lane plus divided faility and From Cypress Head Drive to Royal Palm Beah Boulevard from 6-lane divided faility to an 8-lane plus divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 17. No building permits for more than 2,38 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of RL'fXHf

14 $1,32,83, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Southern Boulevard from Big Blue Trae to Forest Hill Boulevard from a 6-lane divided faility to an 8-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 18. No building permits for more than 2,43 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $534,783, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Coonut Boulevard from Orange Boulevard to Temple Boulevard from a 2-lane faility to a 4-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 19. No building permits for more than 2,581 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $9,855,72, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the grade separated interhange at Okeehobee Boulevard and SR 7. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 2. No building permits for more than 2,76 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $8,653,561, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the grade separated interhange at Northlake Boulevard and SR 71 (Beeline Highway). This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 21. No building permits for more than 3,1 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour inbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $49,776, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Okeehobee Boulevard from Crestwood Boulevard to Royal Palm Beah Boulevard from a 4-lane divided faility to a 6-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 22. No building permits for more than 3,45 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $4,67,77, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Southern Boulevard from Royal Palm Beah Boulevard to SR 7 from an 8-lane divided faility Report

15 to an 8-lane plus divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 23. No building permits for more than 3,2 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $69,277, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Royal Palm Beah Boulevard from 6 1 h Street to Orange Boulevard from a 2-lane faility to a 4-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 24. No building permits for more than 3,24 single family dwelling units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $1,111,573, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Northlake Boulevard from 14 1 h Avenue to Coonut Boulevard from a 4-lane divided faility to an 6-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 25. No building permits for more than 3,446 single family dwelling units and 67 ondominium units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $937,846, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Southern Boulevard from SR 7 to Sansbury's Way from an 8-lane divided faility to an 8-lane plus divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 26. No building permits for more than 3,446 single family dwelling units and 158 ondominium units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $1,243,66, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Southern Boulevard from Benoist Farms Road to Pike Road/Turnpike from an 8- lane divided faility to an 8-lane plus divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 27. No building permits for more than 3,446 single family dwelling units, 6 ondominium units and detahed units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $1,294, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Okeehobee Boulevard from Royal Palm Beah Boulevard to Wildat Way from a 6-lane divided faility to a 8-lane divided faility. This Report B

16 proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 28. No building permits for more than 3,446 single family dwelling units, 6 ondominium units, detahed units and attahed units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $623,776, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of SR 71 (Beeline Highway) from Northlake Boulevard to Jog Road from a 4-lane divided faility to a 6-lane divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 29. No building permits for more than all of the 4,546 residential units (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $562,585, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of the widening of Southern Boulevard from Sansbury's Way to Benoist Farms Road from an 8-lane divided faility to an 8-lane plus divided faility. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 3. No building permits for more than all of the 4,546 residential units and non-residential uses as outlined in Appendix H (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $2,514,861, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of intersetion improvements at the intersetion of Southern Boulevard I Forest Hill Boulevard I Crestwood Boulevard that inlude a northbound free-flow right turn lane, northbound third through lane and northbound, eastbound and westbound triple left turn lanes. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. 31. No building permits for more than all of the 4,546 residential units and non-residential uses as outlined in Appendix H (or development generating an equivalent number of external PM peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the Property Owner makes a proportionate share payment in the amount of $832,533, whih represents the Property Owner's proportionate share of intersetion improvements at the intersetion of Okeehobee Boulevard I Jog Road that inludes northbound triple left turn lanes. This proportionate share amount may be applied toward onstrution of this improvement or one or more other improvements that will benefit mobility in the area impated by the projet. The Property Owner must also make a CRALLS mitigation payment of $3,363,8 and establish the ridesharing and ompressed work week programs outlined for the Okeehobee Blvd CRALLS. 32. No building permits for more than all of the 4,546 residential units and non-residential uses as outlined in Appendix H (or development generating an equivalent number of external AM Report

17 peak hour outbound trips) shall be issued until the ontrats are let for the widening of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road from Persimmon Boulevard to 6 1 h Street N from a 4-lane divided faility to a 6-lane divided faility. This improvement will be impat fee reditable. Conlusions This analysis shows that the proposed development, with phasing to Assured Constrution, Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road onstrution, Proportionate Share payments for several links and intersetions and provision of Okeehobee Boulevard CRALLS mitigation, meets all of the requirements of the Traffi Performane Standards of Palm Beah County. Report


19 -==::::::J I v) t-: z... :::o.,.. "' ro 1- A. "' z g rt\ '.h! [ '-v \._ VI = I II\ DlldNHOl "-I/ I I v!"---.!7./ llyml A'MV1111W O'M ll!hhjayh < r-\ 2 r1 I OYOH :>OJ L OVOH 31VlS :;: z 2 2 l) "' u < z < /\18 HJVlB WWd WAOH z i I I OHV/\319 lono::>o::> z I - I I l/\v 41Pl :;: <.;: :) Ol\l91WH 2 u z < I 1\19 OOV:JOI\V "' : 1/\VIjJOVL,. ) n( "" '-- OVOH :>Of! i < 2 u "' 8 / --.;::::../' OVOH A3Nl!HM-UV'Hd non!wls ;: ' i 'U ;:; N AVM SAHOQSNVS ::> (UtWO<;IOI OVOHB :;: <.;: :) 2 ;: 9 /\18 ll!h : DVHllnlB 9 MO.:l9 z - T- I- u o - --' I I- >< u UJ UJ a.. 1- CJ) UJ $ 1- z

20 Trip Gen +Internal M+PC 8/13/214 Exhibit 2A Daily Trip Generation West Side Land Use Residential - SF Residential - MF Apts. Residential - MF Condos. Residential- 55+ Detahed Residential- 55+ Attahed General Offie Researh & Devel. Retail Park ITE Code Intensity 21 - DUs 22 - DUs DUs DUs DUs 71 15, SF , SF 82 35, SF Ares Internal Trip Generation Rate (1) Total Trips Trips (2) 1 /DU % 6.65 /DU % 6.65 /DU % 8/DU 2, % 6/DU 1, % Ln (T) =.77Ln (X) , % Ln (T) =.83Ln (X)+3.9 (3) 3, % Ln (T) =.65Ln (X) , % 2.28 /Are % External Interzonal Trips Trips (4) - -.% - -.% % 1, % % 1, % 3, % 14,564 2, % % External Pass-by Trips Trips (1) New Trips - - % - -. % % 653 1,56 - % 1, % 783 1, % 1,384 2, % 2,534 12,342 3, % 8,8J % 2371 TOTALS 25,375 2,56 9.9% 22,869 2, % 19,929 3,978 15,951 I East Side Land Use Residential- SF (N,O,T,U) Residential - SF IF,M,P,Q,R,Si Residential - MF Condos. Residential - MF Apts. Hotel Community College General Offie Researh & Devel. Light Industrial Retail Park Community Center Churh Dayare TOTALS ITE Code Intensity 21 1,1 DUs 21 2,436 DUs DUs 22 - DUs Rooms 54* 3, Students 71 3, SF , SF 11 45, SF 82 15, SF Ares 495 7, SF 56 7, SF 565 1, SF Internal Trip Generation Rate (1) Total Trips Trips (2) 1 /DU 1,1 1, % 1 /DU 24,36 2, % 6.65 /DU 2, % 6.65 /DU % 8.92 /Room 1, % 2.29 /Student 6,87 1, % Ln (T) =.77Ln (X) , % Ln (T) =.83Ln (X)+3.9 (3) 1, % 6.97 /1 SF 3, % Ln (T) =.65Ln (X) ,839 4, % 2.28 /Are % /1 SF 2, % 9.11 /1 SF % 74.6 /1 SF % 66,243 13, % External Interzonal External Trips Trips (2) 8, % 21,486 1, % 2, %. -.% % 5, % 2, % 1, % 2, % 4, % 16 -.% 1, % % % 53,187 2,94 4.4% Pass-by Trips Trips (1) New Trips 8,427 - % 8,427 2,34 - % 2,34 2,495 - % 2, % % 615 4,933 - % 4,933 2, % 2,31 1, % 1,182 2, % 2,331 4,27 1, % 2, % 16 1, % 1, % SO% 254 5,247 2,636 47,611 (COMBINED TOTALS I 91,618 I 15,562 I 17.%1 76,56 I 5,88 I 6.4%1 7,176 I 6,614 I I 63,562 I Rate obtained from Palm Beah State College trip generation study by Kimley-Horn. See Appendix B. 111 Soure: Palm Beah County ULDC Artile 13, unless otherwise noted. 121 Utilized average of individual AM and PM peak hour internalization rates. 131 Soure: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation 9th Edition. 141 Utilized average of individual AM and PM peak hour internalization rates with adjustments to balane with the east side interzonal trips. [ Pernalization: 23:4%]

21 Trip Gen +Internal *7* M... PC 8/13/214 Exhibit 28 AM Peak Hour Trip Generation West Side ITE land Use Code Intensity Residential - SF 21 DUs Residential - MF Apts. 22 DUs Residl'ntial - MF Condos DUs Residential- 55+ Detahed DUs Residential- 55+ Attahed DUs General Offie 71 15, SF Researh & Devel , SF Retail 82 35, SF Park Ares TOTALS Trip Generation Rate (1).75 /DU (25/751 T =.491XI (2/8) Ln(T) =.8Ln(x) /83).22 /DU 135/65).2 /DU 134/661 Ln(T) =.8LnlxH /12) Ln(T) =.87Lnlxl /17).96 /1 SF 162/381 om /Are 161/391 Total Tri Internal External Trips In Out Total Trips (2) In Out Total - 4.% % % % % % % % % % ,112 Interzonal Tri s (2).%.% 7 9.9% 7 1.6% 4 1.% % % % 1.% % External Trips Pass-by New Trips In Out Total Tri s (3) In Out Total % % % % % % % % % East Side ITE land Use Code Intensity Residential- SF (N,O,T,Ui 21 1,1 DUs Residential- SF lf.m,p,q,r,si 21 2,436 DUs Residential - MF Condos DUs Residential - MF Apts DUs Hotel Rooms Community Colle 54* 3, Students General Offie 71 3, SF Researh & Devel , SF Light Industria I 11 45, SF Retail 82 15, SF Park Ares Community Center 495 7, SF Churh 56 7, SF Dave are 565 1, SF TOTALS Trip Generation Rate (1).75 /DU 125/ /DU 125/751 Ln(T) =.8Ln(x)+.26 (17/831 T -.49(XI /8).53 /Room 159/ /Student 187/131 Ln(TI =.8Lnlxl /121 LnlTI =.87Lnlxi+.86 (83/17).92 /1 SF 188/121.% /1 SF 162/381.2 /Are 161/ /1 SF 166/ /1 SF (62/ /1 SF 153/471 Total Tri )5 Internal External Trips In Out Total Trips (2) In Out Total % ,37 1, % 426 1,264 1, % % % % % % % % % % % % ,229 2,474 4, % 1,924 2,169 4,93 Interzonal Tris (2) % % 3 1.7% -.% 3 3.8% % % 9 4.3% % %.% 3 2.1% 1 2.6% 2 1.6% % External Trips Pass-by New Tri )5 In Out Total Tri s (3) In Out Total % ,24 1,659 - % 419 1,24 1, % % % % % % % % % % % % ,866 2,97 3, ,743 2, [COMBINED TOTALS I 3,1 I 2,841 I 5,941 I %1 2,732 I 2,4731 5,25! 26 I 4.4%1 2,62 I 283[ I 2,3841 2,2781 4,662[ Rate obtained from Palm Beah State College trip generation study by Kim ley-horn. See Appendix B. (1 J Soure: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation, 9th Edition, unless othe[\a/ise noted.!2) Internalization matries are inluded in Appendix B. 131 Soure: Palm Beah County ULOC Artile 13. [-Projet lnternalizaion: 16.8%1

22 Trip Gen +Internal M+PC 8/13/214 Exhibit 2C PM Peak Hour Trip Generation West Side ITE Land Use Code Intensity Residential - SF 21 DUs Residential - MF Apts. 22 DUs Residt>ntial - MF Condos DUs Residential Detahed DUs Residential- 55+ Attahed DUs General Offie 71 15, SF Researh & Devel , SF Retail 82 35, SF Park Ares Trip Generation Rate (1) ln(t) =.9ln(x) /37).62 /DU 165/35) Ln(T) =.82Ln(x) /33).27 /DU 161/ /DU 154/ /1 SF 117/831 Ln Ill =.83Ln!Xl /85) Ln Ill=.67ln 1Xl /521.9 /Are 161/391 Total Tri )5 Internal In Out Total Trips (2) % % % % % % % , % % External Trips Interzonal In Out Total Tris (2)...%..% % % % % % , % % External Trips Pass-by New TrillS In Out Total Tri s_i3) In Out Total... %. % % % % % % % % TOTALS % , % I East Side ITE land Use Code Intensity Residential- SF (N,O,T,Ui 21 1,1 DUs Residential SF IF,M,P,Q,R,SI 21 2,436 DUs Residential MF Condos DUs Residential - MF Apts. 22. DUs Hotel Rooms Community College 54* 3, Students General Offie 71 3, SF Researh & Devel , SF Light Industrial 11 45, SF Retail 82 15, SF Park Ares Community Center 495 7, SF Churh 56 7, SF Davare 565 1, SF TOTALS Trip Generation Rate (1) LniTI -.9Ln(x)+.51 (63/37) LniTI =.9Ln(x)+.51 (63/37) Ln(T) =.82Ln(xl+.32 (67/ /DU 165/351.6 /Room (51/49).14 /Student 154/ /1 SF (17/83) Ln iti =.83Ln lxi /85).97 /1 SF 112/88) Ln Ill=.67Ln (X) /521.9 /Are (61/39) 2.74 /1 SF 149/ /1 SF 148/52) /1 SF 147/53) Total TrillS Internal In Out Total Trips (2) % 1, , % %. 16.% % % % % % % % % % % 2,825 2,833 5,658 1, % External Trips Interzonal In Out Total Trips (2) % , % %..% % % % % % % % % % % 2,224 2,232 4, % External Trips Pass-by New Trips In Out Total Tri s (3) In Out Total % ,391 % , % % % % % % % % % % % % ,967 2,71 4,38 3 1,847 1,891 3,738 I COMBINED TOTALS I 3,734 I 4,199 I 7,933 I 1, %1 2,961 I 3,4261 6,387 I. 836j 1.5%1 2,543 I :3;8[.5,551 I 619 I I 2,281 I 2,651 I 4,93f] Rate obtained from Palm Beah State College trip generation study by Kim ley-horn. See Appendix B. (1) Soure: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation, 9th Edition, unless otherwise noted. (2l Internalization matries are inluded in Appendix B. 131 Soure: Palm Beah County UUX: Artile 13. I Projet lnternaii.zaion:- -3.%1

23 % I -1 1% PCA BOULEVARD 3% 1% 5% 3% 3%.5% I 15.5% 16% 16% 2/o 22.5% 9% 5% 1% N.T.S. NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD 16%1 > > 1.5%.5% r 2% 1% TEMPLE BLVD 5 5% 4% 3% 2%1 23%.5%.5% 3% 2% ORANGE BOULEVARD 4.5%1 2.5% I % /o 2 \) Q 1% 3% 2%.5%1; < u u 13%.5% 11%.5% if 8% 6th STREET N 2.5% 6% 2% SYCAMORE DRIVE --:J 12% I 1.5% _PERSIMMON lo 4o/o 4 % 13 _ 5 % '-.5% -Q5o/o 3.5% ORANGE GROVE BLVD 1m 3.5%.5% ROEBUCK I ROAD 1% I I o.5%l.5% Q 3% [ - 5 MILE RADIUS 3% 32%1 22% 19% 13.5% 1% 9.5% 9% I 6% 6% 6.5% ::.;'.5% 8 1% t.5 A 15.5% 11.5% 11.5% - 4%/ 1 5% ROEBUCK ROAD.5% z 1% 1% 1/o 9% 2% 6.5 5% OKEECHOBEE BOULEVARD 1% /o -I BELVEDERE ROAD 5% SOUTHERN BOULEVARD %1:;;,,,. P'' ::: 5 5 ' B/12/14 I I I M_I_N_r_o_w-Es-r-;:, 1 I PROJEiRuTJoN IIPTi

24 om ===-=1:::: N.T.S. 27% 3% 8% 3% " < 4%1 w Vl SITE HIGH SCHOOL 13.5% 2% SYCAMORE DRIVE -' z 32%1 V'l "" 17% I I ATTACHMENT 38 l p-,r-l MINTO WEST PROJECT DISTRIBUTION DETAIL 8/12/

25 Exhibit 3C Projet Traffi Assignment A>Sign 4546 DU> + 2M xlsx 8/13/214 Page 1 of 1 AM Peak Hour 6th Street N 14th Avenue N Avoado Boulevard Coonut Boulevard Crestwood Boulevard

26 Exhibit 3C Projet Traffi Assignment Assign 4546 DU> + 2M R xh R/13/214 Page 2 oi 1 AM Peak Hour Northlake Boulevard Okeehobee Boulevard

27 Exhibit 3C Projet Traffi Assignment 1\ssign 4546 DUs + :'M xlsx 8/13/:'14 Page 3 oi 1 AM Peak Hour Orange Boulevard Orange Grove Boulevard I 44th Plae Persimmon Boulevard Royal Palm Beah Blvd

28 Exhibit 3C Projet Traffi Assignment A>Sign 4546 DUs +2M l:l xlsx 8/13/214 Page 4 oi 1 AM Peak Hour Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd Southern Boulevard SR 7

29 Exhibit JC Projet Traffi Assignment Assign 4546 DUs +em Ll-14.xlsx 8/13/214 Page 5 oi 1 AM Peak Hour (1 I Soure: 29 FOOT Quality I LOS Handbook. (21 Roadway link is not inluded on the Major Throughfare Identifiation Map. Loal Road Level of Servie analysis not reqtmed per PBC ULDC Artile 12. (3) Munipal roadway. Loal Road Level of Servie analysis not required per PBC ULDC Artile 12, Setion A.3.A.2. (41 One lane northbound and two lanes southbound. Servie volume is based on LOS C in "Transitioning Area" for this SIS faility. """ " - -"""-''""""- Shaded roadway links are outside the radius of influene. Signifiane level is 5%.

30 Exhibit 3 Projet Traffi Assignment Assign 4S46 DU5 + 2M 1:\ xl>x 8/13/214 Page 6 oi 1 PM Peak Hour 6th Street N 14th Avenue N Avoado Boulevard Coonut Boulevard Crestwood Boulevard

31 Exhibit 3 Projet Traffi Assignment Ass1gn 4546 DUs + 2M n-on xisx 8/13/214 Page 7 oi 1 PM Peak Hour Northlake Boulevard Okeehobee Boulevard

32 Exhibit 3D Projet Traffi Assignment Assign 4546 DUs +2M n-on xlsx 8/13/214 PagP 8 oi 1 PM Peak Hour Orange Boulevard Orange Grove Boulevard I 44th Plae Persimmon Boulevard Royal Palm Beah Blvd

33 Exhibit 3D Projet Traffi Assignment A>Sign 4546 DU> + 2M B xl>X 8/13/214 PJge 9 of 1 PM Peak Hour Southern Boulevard SR 7

34 Exhibit 3 Projet Traffi Assignment A>Sign 4546 DU> + :>M :1-14 xl>x 8113/214 Page 1 oi 1 PM Peak Hour (1) Soure: 29 FOOT Quality I LOS Handbook. (2) Roadway link is not inluded on the Major Throughfare Identifiation Map. Loal Road Level of Servie analysis not required per PBC ULDC Artile 12. (3) Munipal roadway. Loal Road Level of Servie analysis not required per PBC ULDC Artile 12, Setion A.3.A.2. (4) One lane northbound and two lanes southbound. (5) Servie volume is based on LOS C in "Transitioning Area" for this SIS faility. [::_: 7 : :.:._, =- e ";""'":" = Shaded roadway links are outside the radius of influene. Signifiane level is 5%.

35 9/5/213 Growth xlsx Exhibit 4 Historial Growth Roadway Binks Forest Drive Crestwood Blvd Okeehobee Bvd Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd Southern Blvd Northlake Boulevard SR 7 Royal Palm Beah Blvd Coonut Blvd 14th Avenue N Orange Boulevard Persimmon Blvd Link Greenview Shores Blvd to Southern Blvd Okeehobee Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd to 14th (E Rd) (1) 14th (E Road) to Crestwood Blvd Southern Blvd to Okeehobee Blvd Okeehobee Blvd to Syamore Dr (2) Syamore/Site to 6th Street 6th Street to Orange Blvd Orange Blvd to Northlake Blvd CR 88 to Lion Country Safari Lion Country Safari to Seminole Pratt Seminole Pratt to Binks Forest Dr Binks Forest Dr to Big Blue Tr Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd to 14th St 14th Street to Coonut Blvd Okeehobee Blvd to Orange Grove Blvd Persimmon Blvd to Northlake Blvd Okeehobee Blvd to RPB North City Limits RPB North City Limits to M Canal M Canal to Orange Blvd Persimmon Blvd to Orange Blvd Orange Blvd to Temple Blvd Orange Blvd to Northlake Blvd Seminole Pratt Whitne}'Rd to 14th Ave N 14th Ave N to Coonut Blvd Coonut Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd 13th Ave N to Royal Palm Beah Blvd Areawide Peak Season Daily Traffi Volumes Growth Rate 8,336 9, % /Year 14,955 14, % /Year 1,747 8, % /Year 15,734 14, % /Year 14,351 14,444.22% /Year 18,76 17, % /Year 16,62 16, % /Year 14,772 12, % /Year 11,76 11, % /Year 19,72 15, % /Year 22,49 19, % /Year 28,63 28,4 -.27% /Year 35,35 32, % /Year 1,74 1, % /Year NA 16,68 N/A /Year 13,661 16, % /Year NA NA N/A /Year 22,123 21, % /Year 16,753 14, % /Year 15,825 16,3.99% /Year 2,791 2,859.81% /Year 1, ' % /Year NA NA N/A /Year 7,292 8, % /Year 8,89 8, % /Year 12,613 12,925.82% /Year 5,874 6, % /Year 357, , % /Year (1) Utilized available volumes. (2) Utilized available volumes.

36 Exhibit SA Test 1 Intersetion Analysis (1) b,,..l! lllnl'"' Il f\ 1'>-14 xk fl/lh/ AM Peak Hour 235 PM Psk Hour CritK:aJVol./ Gopadty Low!/ CritkaiVolJ Gopadty L... l/ Proposed Intersetion Delay (Se/Veh) LOS O.lay (Se/Veh) LOS Improvements St>mmo[(' Prall WhllnPy Ro.uJ 6th St N (l own Cen!Pr Pkwyl I SPmmole Pratt-Wh1tm y Rd 941 UNDER ll.'l4 UNDER l<'fl & R1ght Turn L:mp<, All Approah{ 6th S! N I Rovtl P.tlm BPah Blvd 1 JR3 NEAR 166 UNDER St2nalunlt<m Progrotmmf d lmprovpmpnt 6th St N I SR 7.1<1 UNDER.)52 NEAR 4l SR 7 ExtPn1n to North!dkP Blvd (2) NorthlakP Blvd/ Spmmo]( Ptdti-WhttnC'y Rd 186 NEAR 551 UNDER NorthlakP BouiPVdtd (2) NorthlakP Blvd I Comnut Blvd 1164 NEAR 134 UNDER 4l D Northlakt> Bou]pvard {2) SR 7 ExtensiOn to Northlake Blvd (2) Northl<k< Blvd I SR NEAR 1124 UNDER Northlak > Blvd NorthlakP Blvd I SR 71 (BPPhm HwyJ (3) jlnlf't<,ptton.15.9 D 43 4 D /lnter,etjon B 41. D 32 3 Grade Sep.uatf'd tnterrhangt: 8lD SR 71 NPW Connf'dor Ro.td wtth Stgnakrat!On Northlake Blvd I Jog Ro.td 51. D 124 NEAR Ok(>('holH P Blvd I Semmol<> Pratt Whttney Rd 911 UNDER 16 UNDER Ok(>('hobe< Blvd I Cr(>stwood Blvd 1143 UNDER 16 UNDER Ok(>('hobe( Blvd I Royal Palm Beah Blvd 1127 UNDER 1328 NEAR Okeehol)(><> Blvd I SR 7 OJ 47.9 D 54.8 D Ok('f'hob(>( Blvd I Sansbury\ Way Okf'f'hob('{ Blvd I BPnotst Ftrms Rd 15.5 B 17.2 B Okeehobe( Blvd I Skees Rd D Okwhol.Jpp Blvd I Jog Rd ()) 6.b D 58.6 D Orange Blvd I 5Pmm<P Pratt-Whitney Rei 777 UNDER 153 UNDER OrangP Blvd I Coonut Blvd 1284 NEAR 159 UNDER Orange Grow Blvd I Royal Pdlm Beah Blvd 785 UNDER 86 UNDER Orangt: GrovP Blvd I SR 7 S>8 UNDER (,?Q UNDER None Non< Non<> 6LD and Okeehohe( Blvd Grad<> SeparatPCI lnterhangt> None Non<' NonP Northbound Tnplt lefl'> NonP Coonut Blvd Non<' SR 7 Extenston to Northlake Blvd (2) 6LD Semmol< Pratt Whtlney Rotd Perstmmon Blvd I S<>mmoiP Pratt-Whtln(>y Rd 81l\ UNDER 113 UNDER LPft & Rtght Turn lanf's AU Approthe'> St_gntlll"alton, Westbound Dual LPfts SB Dual lpfts Pt rstmmon Blvd I Royal Palm Beth Blvd 114 UNDER 82 UNDER Perstmmon Blvd I SR UNDER 844 UNDER 4LO SR 7 Ext<>nston to NorthltkP Blvd {2) SR 7 Ext<>nston to Northltkt Blvd (2J Roebuk Rei/ SR UNDER 1133 UNDER Roebuk Exl<>nston (2) 6LD Soulh<'rn Blvd {2) SouthNn Blvd I SPmmoll' Prdt! Whttm y Rd Southbound T npip Lef 6LD Southern Blvd (2), EB Du.tllPfts {l) SouthNn Blvd I Btnks ForP'>I Dr.18.6 D 54.2 D SB Rtght Turn Lan<' 6LD SouthPrn Blvd (l) Sou!ht>rn Blvd I Btg Blu( T ra(.<' J(d\ D 42.2 D SouthPrn Blvd Northbound LPf! Turn Ltn(' -+- SouthPrn Blvd. Thml NB Thru ltnf SouthPTn Blvd I FoH''! Htll Blvd 5 7 D ')2.] D Northbounel Frf't:> Flow Rtght Turn Ldnf EB. WB and NB Tn >I( LPft Turn lam + SouthPrn Blvd SouthNn Blvd I Royal P.tlm B( dh Blvd 4.'/.fJ D NA NA T urnptkp/ Jog Northlak< Blvd 1.8 NA NA None (lt 5-Pt> Ap)Wnd!x t lor mtey>fll<>ll (...tpoinl} dlloll>rot'\ Soulht m 81\.-d B"'hnt Hwy,uxl ).!-'i dkjho P Blvd mtpn ftj<>il' Tf"qvm HCS.Uiollll'>t'' ht'f.dln" tllf'} dll' <Ill tho SIS'" dll" TRIP lund!'d (2 1 PnrolmfT"If'l"l tmprowmpnt I 11 R!'l!'r I<> Apptoi>dlx E lot tum ldnt inlpttivt'nwnt 1<>1 C<l!HI!"rh>l R<wd 14< Ari<>plf"Ci CRALLS LOS"!SIMI <llla..tl Vllllllll' IS1 Adoptt'd CRALLS los" ;,4 S '<'<Jwh dt>kn

37 Exhibit 58 Intersetion Geometry Summary b..-,8 \n!pr'-t'rtl m G )mf trv Summ<H) 1 i.()l \ H-11>-14.xlsx H/lf>Fl14 Pnw 1 of 4 Intersetion 6th St N IT own Center Pkwyl I Seminole Pratt-Whitney Rd 6th St N I Royal Palm Beah Blvd Existing Programmed N/A Jr t t - lil Proposed (1) Jlll - SIGNAL t N/A t llll Improvement Notes NO ADDITIONAL COSTS Proposed 6 Ianing of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road through site; therefore, no additional right-of-way or improvement osts. 6th St N I SR 7 N/A N/A Northlake Blvd I Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd Northlake Blvd I Coonut Blvd 1 L L r I [l n LOW - [l II L 1 L i I n LOW [l N/A N/A Northlake Blvd I SR 7 Northlake Blvd I SR 71 (Beeline Hwyl Northlake Blvd I jog Rd N/A lll L llrn -- -lll _t_ - t llhi !Ill N/A N/A llll --.. GRADE SEPARATED INTERCHANGE (See Appendix E) N/A NO ADDITIONAL COSTS Proposed 8 Ianing of Northlake Boulevard would inlude proposed eastbound improvement and additional right-of-way is being required for link that will over intersetion improvement. ADDITIONAL COSTS INCLUDED SEPARATELY AS PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR INTERSECTION SEE EXHIBIT 7E

38 Exhibit 58 Intersetion Geometry Summary b. 'ib lntpr<.t rtl(ln Gl'(lffil'!l) StJmmrtry 1 1-l.l H-lh-14.xl9: U/HJ/114 Prl' 1. of 4 Intersetion Existing JllLL L_ - L j lnr Okeehobee Blvd I Seminole.-- Pratt-Whitney Rd -llll -.-- lnr L_ Okeehobee Blvd I Crestwood.-- Blvd j Okeehobee Blvd I Royal Palm Beah Blvd Okeehobee Blvd I SR 7 Okeehobee Blvd I Sansbury's Way JlLL t= j j -In I u b lllll _T t illh - il t lil - L_ -+-- Jr _t Okeehobee Blvd I Benoist.-- Farms Rd Okeehobee Blvd I Skees Rd lil -+-- J lll.-- 't - l i Pr21'ammed Proposed (1) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A JlLL j j llll GRADE SEPARATED INTERCHANGE (See Appendix E) N/A N/A N/A Improvement Notes NO ADDITIONAL COSTS Proposed 8 Ianing of Okeehobee Boulevard would inlude proposed improvement and additional right-of-way is being required for link that will over intersetion improvement. ADDITIONAL COSTS INCLUDED SEPARATELY IN PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR INTERSECTION SEE EXHIBIT 7E

39 Exhibit 58 Intersetion Geometry Summary E>. 'ib lnt"r"!um Gt'(lnlP\rY Summ<lr) 1"\-{ll lll-11>-14.xl B/1(,/114 Paw 1 of 4 Intersetion Okeehobee Blvd I jog Rd Orange Blvd I Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd : b- JlllLL t llilll ll L r r r Pammed N/A N/A Proposed (1) :!-- JlllLL tt lllrnr N/A Improvement Notes ADDITIONAL COSTS INCLUDED SEPARATELY IN PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR INTERSECTION SEE EXHIBIT 7E Orange Blvd I Coonut Blvd t N/A Jll ADDITIONAL COSTS INCLUDED SEPARATELY IN PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR ROADWAY LINK SEE EXHIBIT 7D Orange Grove Blvd I Royal Palm Beah Blvd 11L N/A N/A Orange Grove Blvd I SR 7 Persimmon Blvd I Seminole Pratt-Whitney Rd -----{ l i ll N/A N/A SIGNAL J llll - - j lrnr NO ADDITIONAL COSTS Proposed 6 Ianing of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road through site, therefore no additional right-of-way or improvement osts. Persimmon Blvd I Royal Palm Beah Blvd ill - j - llr N/A - lrr illl t - j ADDITIONAL COSTS INCLUDED SEPARATELY IN. PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR INTERSECTION SEE EXHIBIT 7E Persimmon Blvd I SR 7 l il lll N/A

40 Exhibit 58 Intersetion Geometry Summary h 'ib lnlt>r 1um G!'nmt'll) 5tlmmary !l-ll>-14.xi"X B/lto/.!14 Pn 4 of 4 Intersetion Roebuk Rd I SR 7 Existing N/A - L_ J LLI L_ Southern Blvd I Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd J J Southern Blvd I Binks Forest Dr Southern Blvd I Big Blue Trae Southern Blvd I Forest Hill Blvd L_ t lil L_ _t Jll1Ll F llhii J tl L_ Southern Blvd I Royal Palm.--- Beah Blvd Turn pike I Jog Road Entrane (south of Northlake Blvd) t t r lr llll L_ n1 Programmed Pro_>_osed ( 1 ) L_ 11 L.--- L_ N/A f- JLLI JLLL j j j j J-- L_ 1l - Jll } lil - lil L_ J il - il - F t t lill N/A N/A N/A JlllLL tt t -- ll L_ Jtl _tt l N/A Improvement Notes ADDITIONAL COSTS INCLUDED SEPARATELY IN PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR INTERSECTION SEE EXHIBIT 7E NO ADDITIONAL COSTS Southbound improvement being ompleted by adjaent developers. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR NB IMP INCLUDED SEPARATELY IN PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR ROADWAY LINK SEE EXHIBIT 7D NO ADDITIONAl COSTS FOR E/W IMP Proposed 8 Ianing of Southern Boulevard would inlude proposed improvement and existing right-of-way is adequate. ADDITIONAL COSTS INCLUDED SEPARATELY IN PROPORTIONATE SHARE FOR INTERSECTION SEE EXHIBIT 7E NO ADDITIONAL COSTS Proposed 8 + Ianing of Southern Boulevard would inlude proposed improvement and additional right-of-way is being required for link that will over intersetion improvement. 11) Inludes imporvements required to meet adopted level of servie. Palm Beah County has requested additional dual left turn lane improvements that are not required tom eet adopted level of servie. See Exhibit SC

41 Ex 5C Intersetion Dual Lefts /15/214 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 5C Intersetions - Requested Dual Left Turn Lanes (1) Left Turn Intersetion Movement 235 Volume 6th Street & SR 7 Westbound 33 Northlake Blvd & Jog Rd Westbound 392 Southbound 278 Okeehobee Blvd & Benoist Farms Rd Westbound 259 Orange Blvd & Seminole Pratt- Whitney Rd Westbound 495 Orange Blvd & Coonut Eastbound 281 Southbound 328 Orange Grove Blvd & SR 7 Northbound 351 Persimmon Blvd & SR 7 Northbound 69 Roebuk Rd & SR 7 Southbound 415 Northbound 398 Southern Blvd & Binks Forest Dr Southbound 263 (1) Improvements not needed for intersetion operation at adopted standards.

42 Exhibit 6A Test 1 Link Analysis -AM Peak Hour Dus + 2M w/o Orange Grove TP<:I 1 4')46 DUo:; + 2M w-o Ornngt Grow 11-1 A-ll-14 )(I<;}( R/11/214 Pr!gf' 1 of R 1,336 2,94 AM PEAK HOUR Existing Committed Dev. Analysis (2) SR 7 Roebuk Total Servie Roadway Link Lanes Dir (213) (1) TPS.5% Growth Total Div. (3) Div.(3) Bkgd. Volume Seminole Pratt-Whitney Rd to 14th Ave (4) 2L EB L WB th Ave to Avoado Blvd (4) 2L EB L WB th Street North Avoado Blvd to Coonut Blvd (4) 2L EB L WB Coonut Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd 141 2L EB L WB Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 (4) 2L EB L WB Orar1ge Grove Blvd to Persimmon Blvd 2L NB L SB Persimmon Blvd to 6th St 2L NB L SB Coonut Blvd 6th St to Orar1ge Blvd 2L NB L SB Orang_e Blvd to Temple Blvd 2L NB (32) L SB (8) Temple Blvd to Northlake Blvd 2L NB 1, (32) 1, L SB (8) Turnpike Entrane to Okeehobee Blvd 6LD NB 1, ,677 2,68 Jog Road 6LD SB 1, ,284 2,68 Turn_r>ike Entrane to Northlake Blvd (5) NB ,77 SB ,76 1,77 Sem. Pratt Whitney Rd to Hall Blvd (6) EB (152) 1,57 1,96 WB (38) 313 1,96 Hall Blvd to 14th Ave (6) EB (152) 1,57 1,96 WB (38) 313 1,96 14th Ave to Coonut Blvd 161 EB 1, (152) 1,753 1,96 WB (38) 448 1,96 Coonut Blvd to Ibis Blvd EB 2, ,93 (472) 2,98 1,96 WB (118) 547 1,96 Northlake Boulevard Ibis Blvd to SR 7 EB 2, ,114 (472) 3,183 1,96 WB (118) 721 1,96 SR 7 to Beeline Hwy EB 2, ,137 3,678 3,32 WB ,32 Beeline Hwy to Ryder Cup Blvd 6LD EB 1, ,592 2,94 6LD WB ,94 Ryder Cup Blvd to Steeplehase Dr. 6LD EB 1, ,141 2,68 6LD WB ,68 Steeplehase Dr. to Military Trail 6LD EB 2, ,666 2,94 6LD -- WB_ - 1,12_2_ - 12Q_ L_ L L_ Pr<>J>. lmf rovements Meets Total Meets Servie Std? Projet (235) Std? Lanes Volume Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes I Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO 196 Yes Yes NO 114 1,25 NO 196 Yes Yes Yes 143 1,82 Yes Yes 137 1,421 Yes Yes Yes Yes 91 1,167 Yes Yes 353 1,41 Yes Yes Yes Yes 364 1,422 Yes Yes Yes Yes 364 2,117 NO 6LD 294 Yes Yes NO 456 3,435 NO 394 Yes 477 1,24 Yes NO 433 3,616 NO 394 Yes 453 1,174 Yes NO 513 4,19 NO 6LD 498 Yes 536 1,355 Yes Yes 342 1,934 Yes Yes 358 1,236 Yes Yes 228 2,369 Yes Yes 238 1,16 Yes Yes 25 2,871 Yes Yes 215 1,551 Yes

43 TPt 1 4:i4fl ou +2M w-o OrrlnR!' GrovP 1J-OU xl;x Exhibit 6A Test 1 Link Analysis- AM Peak Hour Dus +2M w/o Orange Grove R/1 V214 Pnw' lof R Existing Roadway link Lanes Dir (213) (1) Committed Dev. Analysis (2) TPS.5% Growth Total AM PEAK HOUR SR 7 Roebuk Total Servie Div.(3) Div. (3) Bkgd. Volume Prop. Improvements Meets Total Meets Servie Std! Projet (235) Std! Lanes Volume Seminole Pratt Whitnet Rd to B Road (71 2L EB ,14 Yes Yes 2L WB ,14 Yes Yes B Road to 14th Ave (E Road) (71 2L EB ,14 Yes Yes 2L WB th Ave (E Road) to Folsom Rd 2L EB 766 2L WB , Yes Yes NO 25 1,94 NO 196 Yes Yes Folsom Road to Crestwood Blvd EB ,77 Yes 194 1,8 Yes OkePhobee Blvd WB 457 Crestwood Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd EB 1,438 WB 825 Royal Palm Beah Blvd to Wildat Way 6LD EB 2, ,77 1,664 1, ,77 (32) 2,518 2,68 Yes Yes Yes 182 1,846 NO 6LD 268 Yes 191 1,182 Yes Yes 182 2,71 NO BLD 359 6LD WB (8) 1,15 2,68 Yes 191 1,341 Yes SR 7 to Sansbury's Way BLD EB 2,675 BLD WB 1, (829) 2,471 3,94 ( ,94 Yes 38 2,779 Yes Yes 322 1,219 Yes Sansbury's Way to Benoist Farms Rd BLD EB 3,26 BLD WB 1,12 Benoist Farms Rd to Skees Rd BLD EB 2,889 BLD WB 1,32 Skees Rd to Jog Rd BLD EB 2,966 BLD WB 1, (8291 2,922 3,59 (48) 1,26 3,59 (829) 2,785 3,59 (48) 1,35 3,59 (8291 2,747 3,59 (48) 1,351 3,59 Yes 285 3,27 Yes Yes 298 1,324 Yes Yes 273 3,58 Yes Yes 286 1,591 Yes Yes 273 3,2 Yes Yes 286 1,637 Yes Sem. Pratt Whitn Rd to Hall Blvd 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes Hall Blvd to 14th Ave 2L EB Yes Yes Orange Blvd 2L WB th Ave to Avoado Blvd 2L EB Yes Yes Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes Avoado Blvd to Coonut Blvd 2L EB Yes Yes I 2L WB Yes 6 35 Yes 14th Ave to Avoado Blvd (4) 2L EB 172 2L WB 51 Avoado Blvd to Coonut Blvd(4 I 2L EB Yes Yes Yes 12 7 Yes Yes Yes I Orange Crave Blvd I 44th 2L WB Yes 12 7 Yes Plae Coonut Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd (4) 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 (4) 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes

44 Exhibit 6A TP<;I 1 4')46 DUo; + 2M w-n Oronw' GrnvP 1 -fll' 11-1,_ 14 xl"x n/11/2 14 Ptt' \ o(/1 Test 1 Link Analysis- AM Peak Hour Dus + 2M w/o Orange Grove Existing Roadway Link Lanes Dir (213) (1) Committed Dev. Analysis (2) TPS.5% Growth Total AM PEAK HOUR SR 7 Roebuk Total Servie Div.(3) Div. (3) Bkgd. Volume Prop. lmrovements Meets Total Meets Servie Std! Projet (235) Std! Lanes Volume 14Dth Ave to Avoado Blvd 14) 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes Avoado Blvd to Coonut Blvd 14) 2L EB Yes Yes Persimmon Blvd 2L WB 143 Coonut Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd 14) 2L EB Yes Yes Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes RPB North City Limits to Orange Grove Blvd NB ) 237 1,96 Yes Yes SB ) 594 1,96 Yes Yes Orange Grove Blvd to Persimmon Blvd NB ) 237 1,96 Yes Yes Royal Palm Beah Blvd SB 585 Persimmon Blvd to 6th Street N 2L NB ) 594 1,96 132) Yes Yes Yes Yes 2L SB ) Yes Yes 6th Street N to Orange Blvd 2L NB (31) Yes Yes 2L SB 9 Southern Blvd to Okeehobee Blvd NB 37 SB ) 1, ,96 1,91 1,96 NO 12 1,33 NO 196 Yes '142 Yes Yes 51 1,592 Yes Okeehobee Blvd to Syamore/Site 18) NB 624 SB 786 Syamore/Site to Persimmon Blvd NB 878 SB 728 Persimmon Blvd to 6th St N 11 ) 2L NB 878 Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd 2L SB 728 6th St N to Orange Blvd NB 55 SB , ,96 1,1 1, ,96 1, ) 559 1,96 119) 666 1,96 Yes 787 1,513 Yes Yes 752 1,655 Yes Yes 96 1,97 Yes Yes 866 1,697 Yes NO 729 1,741 NO 177 NO 763 1,68 NO 177 Yes '174 Yes Yes 644 1,31 Yes Orange Blvd to Temple Blvd 16) NB 487 SB 56 Temple Blvd to Northlake Blvd 16) NB ) 45 1,96 138) 543 1, ) 45 1,96 Yes Yes Yes 477 1,19 Yes Yes Yes SB 56 Northlake Blvd to North 14) 2L SB 68 CR 88 to Lion Country_ Safari EB 445 WB 889 Lion Country Safari to Seminole Pratt 16) 6LD EB 625 6LD WB 915 Seminole Pratt to Binks Forest Dr 16) 6LD EB 1, ,2 52 1, , ,23 138) 543 1,96 1 1,14 1,499 2,42 1,385 2,42 1,688 2,94 1,41 2,94 2,218 2,94 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 1,558 Yes Yes 57 1,442 Yes Yes 72 1,76 Yes Yes 68 1,478 Yes Yes 433 2,65 Yes Southern Boulevard 6LD WB 1,95 Sinks Forest Dr to Big Blue Tr 16) 6LD EB 1,563 6LD WB 1, ,619 2,94 2,492 2,94 1,789 2,94 Yes 453 2,72 Yes Yes 387 2,88 Yes Yes 45 2,195 Yes Big_ Blue Trae to Palms West P 16) 6LD EB 1,997 6LD WB 1,619 Palms West Pkwy to Forest Hill Blvd 6LD EB 1, ,852 2,68 2,194 2,68 2,841 2,68 NO 353 3,25 NO 8L[) 359 i Yes 37 2,563 Yes NO 353 3,194 NO WB 1, ,171 2,68 Yes 37 2,54 Yes I

45 Exhibit 6A Test 1 Link Analysis- AM Peak Hour Ous + 2M w/o Orange Grove TP'".Il 4S4fJ DUe;+ 2M w-n Orn.':P Crow 1 Hll 11-1 '-14 xl<;x R/1 V214 Pi!gP 4 of R Roadway Link Forest Hill Blvd to Cypress Head Cypress Head to Royal Palm Beah Blvd Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 Southern Boulevard SR 7 to Sansbury's Wil'j_ Sansbury's Way to Benoist Farms Rd Benoist Farms Rd to Pike Rd!TP Belvedere Rd to Okeehobee Blvd Okeehobee Blvd to Roebuk Rd (6) Roebuk Rd to Orange Grove Blvd (6) SR 7 Orange Grove Blvd to Persimmon Blvd (6) Persimmon Blvd to 6th Street N (6) 6th Street N to Northlake Blvd (6) Northlake Blvd to je>g_ Rd SR 71 I Beeline Highway 1 urn pike lake Worth Rd to Southern Blvd (9) Lanes 6LD 6LD 6LD 6LD Dir EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB 6LD NB 6LD 58 NB 58 NB 58 NB 58 NB SB NB 58 EB WB 4LX NB Existing Committed Dev. Analysis (2) (213) (1) TPS o.s')(, Growth Total 2, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , AM PEAK HOUR SR 7 Roebuk Total Div.(3) Div. (3) Bkgd ,727 1,982 3,66 1,938 4,63 2,2 4,364 2,269 3,972 2,389 3,947 2,32 1,166 2,9 1,84 1, , , ,838 1,187 3,62 Servie Volume 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94 3,94 3,94 3,94 3,94 3,94 3,94 3,59 3,59 2,68 2,68 1,96 1,96 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 1,96 1,96 3,72 ProJ1. Improvements Meets Total Meets Servie Std! Projet (235) Std! Lanes Volume NO 262 3,989 NO Yes 274 2,256 Yes NO 262 3,922 NO 394 Yes 274 2,213 Yes NO 262 4,325 NO Yes 274 2,474 Yes NO 228 4,592 NO Yes 238 2,58 Yes NO 25 4,177 NO Yes 215 2,64 Yes NO 25 4,152 NO + 45 Yes 215 2,535 Yes Yes 155 1,321 Yes Yes 148 2,238 Yes Yes 322 1,45 Yes Yes 38 1,927 Yes Yes 45 1,48 Yes Yes 387 1,97 Yes Yes Yes Yes 38 1,89 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO 13 2,94 NO 6LD 294 Yes 13 1,289 Yes Yes 191 3,811 N(11) 111 Count data from Palm Beah County. See Appendix A. 121 Commi«ed development data from County TPS Database. See Appendix D. (3) Diversion analysis inluded in Appendix F. (4) link ount based on mtersedion ount data from See Appendix A. lsi Utilizes 22 traffi volume projetion from Jog Road Extension Intersetion Study by PTC, PTC#9-68, dated 9/23/1. See Appendix A. 161 Inludes programmed improvement to 4 lanes (Northlake Blvd in 217, SR 7 in 216, 217 & 218, Seminole Pran-Whitney Rd in 2141 and 6 lanes Southern Blvd in Utrhzed 211 ount. (8) Utili1ed average of adjaent ounts. 191 Utili1ed f DOT 212 ount. (1) Utiliu d Cli!ss II volume for buildout year. (11) Any lrip5 a55igned to a toll-finaned faility shall be eliminated from the proportionate share analysis.

46 TPt 1 4.')4() DU<i +2M w-o OrrngP Crow 11-1 J 11-1 \-14.xl<.x Exhibit 68 Test 1 link Analysis- PM Peak Hour DUs +2M w/o Orange Grove N1 l/114 Pr.g.' 'i nf II Existing Roadway Link Lanes Dir (213) (1) Committed Dev. Analysis (2) TPS.5% Growth Total PM PEAK HOUR SR 7 Roebuk Total Servie Div. (3) Div.(3) Bkgd. Volume ProJ>, lm_jl rovements Meets Total Meets Servie Std? Projet (235) Std? Lanes Volume Seminole Pratt-Whitney Rd to 14th Ave (41 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB Yes 411 5oo Yes 14th Ave to Avoado Blvd (4 I 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes 6th Street North Avoado Blvd to Coonut Blvd 141 2L EB 6 2L WB Yes Yes Yes Yes Coonut Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd (4) 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 (4) 2L EB Yes Yes 2L WB 1 Orange Grove Blvd to Persimmon Blvd 2L NB 18 2L SB 173 Persimmon Blvd to 6th St 2L NB 18 2L SB Yes Yes Yes 8 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Coonut Blvd 6th St to Orange Blvd 2L NB 18 2L Orange Blvd to Temple Blvd 2L NB 435 2L (12) (28) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO 196 Temple Blvd to Northlake Blvd 2L NB 325 2L (12) (28) 1,15 88 Yes Yes NO '129 NO 196 Turn pike Entrane to Okeehobee Blvd 6LD NB 1, ,493 2,68 Yes 137 1,63 Yes Jog Road 6LD SB 1,154 Tur()_()ike Entrane to Northlake Blvd (5) NB 1, ,51 2,68 1,246 1,77 Yes 159 1,66 Yes Yes 91 1,337 Yes 58 1, ,272 1,77 Yes 16 1,378 Yes Sem. Pratt Whitney Rd to Hall Blvd (6) EB (57) 425 1,96 Yes Yes WB (133) 939 1,96 Yes 354 1,292 Yes Hall Blvd to 14th Ave (6) EB (57) 425 1,96 Yes Yes WB 62 14th Ave to Coonut Blvd (6) EB 378 WB 1,181 Coonut Blvd to Ibis Blvd EB 669 WB 2, ,197 (133) 939 1,96 (57) 62 1,96 (133) 1,727 1,96 (177) 843 1,96 (413) 2,818 1,96 Yes 365 1,34 Yes Yes 424 1,44 Yes Yes 365 2,92 NO 6LD 294 Yes 53 1,373 Yes NO 456 3,274 NO 3q4 Northlake Boulevard ibis Blvd to SR 7 EB 82 WB 2, ,27 (177) 1,11 1,96 (413) 2,911 1,96 Yes 54 1,515 Yes NO 433 3,344 NO RLD 394 SR 7 to Beeline H."')' EB 82 WB 2, ,197 1 '1 51 3,32 3,314 3,32 Yes 596 1,748 Yes Yes 513 3,827 NO 6LD 498 Beeline Hwy to Ryder Cup Blvd 6LD EB 69 6LD WB 1,299 Ryder Cup Blvd to Steeplehase Dr. 6LD EB 1,34 6LD WB 1, '132 2,94 1,545 2,94 1,253 2,68 1,984 2,68 Yes 398 1,53 Yes Yes 342 1,887 Yes Yes 265 1,518 Yes I Yes 228 2,212 Yes Steeplehase Dr. to Military Trail 6LD EB 1,467 6LD WB 2, ,773 2,94 2,579 2,94 Yes 239 2,12 Yes I Yes 25 2,784 Yes I

47 Exhibit 68 Test 1 Link Analysis- PM Peak Hour DUs +2M w/o Orange Grove T""' (, OU<. +1M w-o Or.mw' Crow 1 -OU fl-1-14.xl<>x "11 \/214 PrlgP (,of(\ Existing Roadway Link Lanes Dir (213) (1) Committed Dev. Analysis (2) TPS.5% Growth Total PM PEAK HOUR SR 7 Roebuk Total Servie Div. (3) Div. (3) Bkgd. Volume ProJI. lm_: rovements Meets Total Meets Servie Stdf Projet (235) Stdf Lanes Volume Okeehobee Blvd Orange Boulevard Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd to B Road 181 2L EB 29 2L WB 52 B Road to 14th Ave IE Road) 181 2L EB 29 2L WB 52 14th Ave IE Road) to Folsom Rd 2L EB 52 2L WB 73 Folsom Road to Crestwood Blvd EB 52 WB 73 Crestwood Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd EB 1, WB 1,464 Royal Palm Beah Blvd to Wildat Way 6LD EB 1,379 6LD WB 2,75 Wildat Way to SR 7 EB 1,248 WB 2,131 SR 7 to Sansbury's Way EB 1,264 WB 2,575 Sansbury's Way to Benoist Farms Rd EB 1,437 WB 2,92 Benoist Farms Rd to Skees Rd EB 1,376 WB 2,827 Skees Rd to jog Rd EB 1,454 WB 2,976 jog Rd to Turnpike 171 EB 2,14 Turnpike to Haverhill Rd 171 EB 1,93 Sem. Pratt Whitney Rd to Hall Blvd 2L EB 465 2L WB 472 Hall Blvd to 14th Ave 2L EB 465 2L WB th Ave to Avoado Blvd 2L EB 286 2L WB 469 Avoado Blvd to Coonut Blvd 2L EB 286 2L WB th Ave to Avoado Blvd 141 2L EB 89 2L WB 183 Avoado Blvd to Coonut Blvd 141 2L EB 89 Orange Grove Blvd I 44th 2L WB 183 Plae Coonut Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd 141 2L EB 149 2L WB 275 Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 14 I 2L EB L WB , , , , , ,77 1,262 1,77 1,776 1,77 112) 1,712 2,68 128) 2,371 2,68 112) 1,551 3,59 128) 2,462 3, ,475 3, ) 2,488 3, ,667 3, ) 2,865 3, ,649 3, ,89 3, ) 1,78 3, ,878 3, ,924 5,651 2,618 4, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO 196 NO 25 1,16 NO 196 Yes Yes Yes 194 1,11 Yes Yes 212 1,474 Yes NO 182 1,958 NO 6LD 268 Yes 212 1,924 Yes Yes 182 2,553 Yes Yes 199 1,75 Yes Yes 171 2,633 Yes Yes 358 1,832 Yes Yes 38 2,796 Yes Yes 331 1,998 Yes Yes 285 3,15 Yes Yes 318 1,967 Yes Yes 274 3,83 Yes Yes 318 2,26 Yes Yes 274 3,152 Yes Yes 199 3,122 Yes Yes 199 2,817 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes I Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes I Yes Yes _I

48 Tl''>l 1 4'i4fl OU<. + 2M w-o Orttngt Grow 11-ll H-ll-14 '<l<>x Exhibit 68 11/1 1/214 P<iW' 7 ( H Test 1 Link Analysis PM Peak Hour 4546 DUs + 2M w/o Orange Grove Existing Roadway Link Lanes Dir (213) (1) Committed Dev. Analysis (2) TPS.5% Growth Total PM PEAK HOUR SR 7 Roebuk Total Servie Div. (3) Div.(3) Bkgd. Volume Prop. Improvements Meets Total Meets Servie Stdf Projet (235) Stdf Lanes Volume 14th Ave to Avoado Blvd (4) 2L EB 129 2L WB 261 Avoado Blvd to Coonut Blvd (4) 2L EB Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Persimmon Blvd 2L WB 261 Coonut Blvd to Royal Palm Beah Blvd (4) 2L EB 163 2L WB 356 Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 2L EB Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2L WB Yes Yes RPB North City Limits to Orange Grove Blvd NB (12) 659 1,96 Yes Yes (28) 426 1,96 Yes Yes Orange Grove Blvd to Persimmon Blvd NB (12) 659 1,96 Yes Yes Royel Palm Beah Blvd Persimmon Blvd to 6th Street N 2L NB (28) 426 1,96 (12) Yes Yes Yes Yes 2L th Street N to Orang_e Blvd 2L NB 865 2L Southern Blvd to Okeehobee Blvd NB Okeehobee Blvd to Syamore/Site (9) NB amore/site to Persimmon Blvd NB Persimmon Blvd to 6th St N (11) 2L NB 781 Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd 2L th St N to Orange Blvd NB Orange Blvd to Tem_Eie Blvd (6) NB T em pie Blvd to Northlake Blvd (6) NB Northlake Blvd to North (4) 2L NB 65 CR 88 to Lion Country Safari EB 811 WB 497 L'1on Country Safari to Seminole Pratt (6) 6LD EB 1,66 6LD WB 67 Seminole Pratt to Binks Forest Dr (6) 6LD EB 1,265 Southern Blvd 6LD WB 1,15 Binks Forest Dr to Big BlueT r (6) 6LD EB 1,339 6LD WB 1,349 Big Blue Trae to Palms West Pkwy (6) 6LD EB 1,744 6LD WB 1,893 Palms West Pkwy to Forest Hill Blvd 6LD EB 1,744 6LD WB 1, , (28) (53) (251) ,94 1, ,96 1,6 1, , , , (29) 616 1,96 (67) 67 1,96 (57) 573 1,96 (133) 416 1,96 (57) 573 1,96 (133) 416 1, ,14 1,46 2,42 1,46 2,42 1,744 2,94 1,58 2,94 1,971 2,94 2,79 2,94 2,173 2,94 2,387 2,94 2,519 2,68 2,885 2,68 2,52 2,68 2,853 2,68 Yes Yes NO NO 196 Yes Yes Yes 52 1,596 Yes Yes 583 1,365 Yes Yes 753 1,759 Yes Yes 875 1,577 Yes Yes 867 1,814 Yes Yes 1,7 1,747 Yes NO 848 1,796 NO 61D 268 Yes 73 1,47 NO 6LD 268 Yes 716 1,332 Yes Yes 616 1,286 Yes Yes 53 1,13 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 57 1,463 Yes Yes 66 1,472 Yes Yes 68 1,812 Yes Yes 8 1,66 Yes Yes 54 2,474 Yes Yes 433 2,513 Yes Yes 451 2,624 Yes Yes 388 2,775 Yes Yes 411 2,93 NO 359 NO 354 3,238 NO 359 Yes 411 2,913 NO 81 [) 359 NO 354 3,26 NO 359

49 Exhibit 68 Test 1 Link Analysis- PM Peak Hour DlJs + 2M w/o Orange Grove lp;l 1 4'i4f> DU" + 2M w-o Orrtngl' Crow 1 '-1 \ fl-1 -H.x.l<,x Vl14 Prtgl' f\ nf 11 Roadway Southern Blvd SR 7 SR 71/ Beeline Highway Link Forest Hill Blvd to ess Head Cypress Head to Royal Palm Beah Blvd Royal Palm Beah Blvd to SR 7 SR 7 to Sansbury's Way Sansbury's Way to Benoist Farms Rd Benoist farms Rd to Pike Rd(TP Belvedere Rd to Okeehobee Blvd Okeehobee Blvd to Roebuk Rd (6) Roebuk Rd to Orange Grove Blvd (6) Orange Grove Blvd to Persimmon Blvd (6) Persimmon Blvd to 6th St N (61 6th St N to Northlake Blvd (6) Northlake Blvd to jog Rd Turnpike Lake Worth Rd to Southern Blvd (1 ) lanes 6LD 6LD 6LD 6LD Dir EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB 6LD NB 6LD 58 NB 58 NB SB NB SB NB 58 NB SB EB Existing Committed Dev. Analysis (2} (213} (1} TPS.5% Growth Total 1, , , , , , ,1 2, , , , , , , , , , , WB 1, '129 4LX 58_ - 3,2- - '--- :J_'l_2_ SR 7 Div.(3} PM PEAK HOUR Roebuk Total Div.(3} Bkgd. 12 (72) ,613 3,567 2,663 3,432 3,34 4,375 2,78 3,491 2,557 3,746 2,487 3,758 2,365 2,64 1,341 1,33 1, , ,236 2,55 3,62 Servie Volume 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94 3,94 3,94 3,94 3,94 3,94 3,94 3,59 3,59 2,68 2,68 1,96 1,96 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,32 1,96 1,96 3,72 Prop. Improvements Meets Total Meets Servie Stdl Proj_et (235} Stdl lanes Volume Yes 35 2,918 Yes NO 262 3,829 NO 394 Yes 35 2,968 NO 394 NO 262 3,694 NO 8t f).194 Yes 35 3,339 Yes NO 262 4,638 NO Yes 265 3,45 Yes Yes 228 3,719 Yes Yes 239 2,796 Yes Yes 25 3,951 NO Yes 239 2,726 Yes NO 25 3,963 NO + 45 Yes 148 2,513 Yes Yes 172 2,236 Yes Yes 38 1,649 Yes Yes 358 1,688 Yes Yes 388 1,81 Yes Yes 451 1,3 Yes Yes 38 1,721 Yes Yes 358 1,27 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 119 1,356 Yes NO 13 2,652 NO 6LD 294 Yes 212 3,832 N(12) ( 1) Count data from Palm Beah County. See App 'ndix A. t21 Committed development data from County TPS Database. See Appendix D. (3) [)iver5ion analysis inluded in Appendix F. (4) Link ount based on intersetion ount data from See Appendix A. tsi Utilizes 22 traffi volume projetion from Jog Road Extension Intersetion Study by PTC, PTC#9-68, dated 9/23/1. See Appendix A. t61 Inludes programmed improvement to 4 lanes (Northlake Blvd in 217, SR 7 in 216, 217 & 218, Seminole Pratt-Whitney Rd in 214) and 6 lanes Southern Blvd in 218. (7) Utilizes CRALLS servie volume. 181 Utilized 211 ount. (9) Utili1ed average of adjaent ounts. (11 Ut1l1zed FOOT 212 ount. (111 Utilized Class II volume for buildout year. (121 Any trips ass1gned to a toll-fmaned faility shall be eliminated from the proportionate share analysis.



52 Exhibit 7A Proportionate Share Analysis - AM Peak Hour (1) Prop Share xlsx 8/13/214 AM PEAK HOUR (3) Prog. Servie Roadway Link Lanes Dir Volume Orange Blvd to NB 88 2L Temple Blvd SB 88 Coonut Blvd Temple Blvd to NB 88 2L Northlake Blvd SB 88 14th Ave to EB 196 Coonut Blvd WB 196 Coonut Blvd to EB 196 Ibis WB 196 EB 196 Northlake Blvd Ibis to SR 7 WB 196 OkPehobee Blvd SR 7 to Beeline EB 332 Hwy WB 332 Steeplehase Dr to EB 294 6LD Military Trail WB th Ave (E Rd) to EB 88 2L Folsom Rd WB 88 Crestwood to Royal EB 177 Palm Beah WB 177 Royal Palm Beah EB 268 6LD to Wildat Way WB 268 Royal Palm Beah 6th St to Orange NB 88 2L Blvd Blvd SB 88 Big Blue Tr to EB 268 6LD Palms West Pkwy WB 268 Palms West Pkwy EB 268 6LD to Forest Hill WB 268 Forest Hi II to EB 294 6LD Cypress Head WB 294 Cypress Head to EB 294 6LD Royal Palm Beah WB 294 Southern Blvd Royal Palm Beah EB 394 to SR 7 WB 394 SR 71 /Beeline SR 7 to Sansbury EB 394 WB 394 Sansbury to Benoist EB 394 8LO Farms WB 394 Benoist Farms to EB 359 Pike Rd/Tpike WB 359 Northlake Blvd to EB 196 jog Rd WB 196 New Prop. Servie Capaity Lanes Volume Created 6LD 6LD 6LD LD Soure/ 235 Length Road Cost of Bkgd (miles) Type Improve. (2) Traffi 1. Urban 1.2 Urban 1.5 Urban 2. Urban.5 Urban 2.8 Urban 1.3 Urban 1.2 Urban.7 Urban 1.3 Urban 1. Urban.5 Rural.3 Urban.6 Urban.4 Urban 1.7 Urban 1.1 Urban.6 Urban.7 Urban 1.2 Urban $2,946,76 87 $2,946,76 $3,42, $3,42,312 $3,769, $3,769,35 $11,292, $11,292,56 $3,73, $3,73,14 $6,924, $6,924,12 $4,458,394 $4,458,394 $4,167, $4,167,312 $1,731, $1,731,3 $4,563, $4,563,394 $2,992,76 $2,992, $826, $826,86 $85, $85,14 $3,624, $3,624,588 $2,78, $2,78,352 $7,762, $7,762,92 $4,113, $4,113,36 $2,64, $2,64,56 $2,76, $2,76,32 $2,967, $2,967,48 Bkgd Cost Mitig. Bkgd Share of Bkgd Projet Projet De f. Of Cost Defiieny Traffi Traffi -1 None $ None $ % $ 86, None $ -27 None $ None $ % $ 5,817, None $ % $ 2,287, None $ % $ 1,493, None $ -294 None $ None $ 9.8% $ 34, None $ -16 None $ None $ -162 None $ None $ -88 None $ % $ 39, % $ 156, None $ % $ 15, None $ % $ 1,426, None $ % $ 1,496, None $ % $ 954, None $ % $ 1,744, None $ % $ 83, None $ % $ 1,82, None $ % $ 2,658, None $ Total Traffi Projet Share Prop Share Of Cost Calulation 8.6% $ 253,749.% $ 1.6% $ 359,133.% $ 16.% $ 63,865.% $ 23.% $ 2,6,711.% $ 21.9% $ 89,828.% $ 3.9% $ 2,139,83.% $.% $ I.% $ 19.% $ 791,18.% $ 8.4% $ 144,57.% $ 2.2% $ 1,294.% $.% $ 1.1% $ 33, % $ 32,749.% $ 38.8% $ 329,731.% $ 13.1% $ 474,821.% $ 26.2% $ 544,528.% $ 26.2% $ 2,33,885.% $. 22.8% $ 937,846.% $ - 2.5% $ 533,935.% $ 22.5% $ 621,83.% $ - 1.5% $ 311,888.% $ (1) See Exhibit 6A for traffi volume data. (2) Calulation of improvement ost provided on Exhibit 7. (J) Bakground and Projet Traffi are shown as '' for insignifiant or underapaity links. + is omparable to 5 lanes in one diretion.

53 Exhibit 78 Proportionate Share Analysis - PM Peak Hour (1) Prop Share xlsx 8/13/214 PM PEAK HOUR (3) Prog. Servie Roadway Link Lanes Dir Volume Coonut Blvd Northlake Blvd Okt>ehobee Blvd Orange Blvd to NB 88 2L Temple Blvd SB 88 Temple Blvd to NB 88 2L Northlake Blvd SB 88 14th Ave to EB 196 Coonut Blvd WB 196 Coonut to Ibis Ibis to SR 7 EB 196 WB 196 EB 196 WB 196 SR 7 to Beeline EB 332 Hwy WB th Ave (E Rdi to EB 88 2L Folsom Rd WB 88 Crestwood to Royal EB 177 Palm Beah WB 177 Royal Palm Beah EB 268 6LD to Wildat Way WB 268 Royal Palm Beah 6th St to OrangE' NB 88 2L Blvd Blvd SB 88 Southt>rn Blvd SR 71 /Beeline Big Blue Tr to EB 268 6LD Palms West Pkwy WB 268 Palms West Pkwy EB 268 6LD to Forest Hill WB 268 Forest Hill to EB 294 6LD Cyprt>ss Head WB 294 Cypress Head to EB 294 6LD Royal Palm Beah WB 294 Royal Palm Beah EB 394 to SR 7 WB 394 EB 394 SR 7 to Sansbury WB 394 Sansbury to Benoist EB 394 Farms WB 394 Benoist Farms to EB 359 Pike Rd/Tpike WB 359 Northlake Blvd to EB 196 jog Rd WB 196 New Prop. Servie Capaity Lanes Volume Created 6LD 6LD 6LD LD Soure/ 235 Length Road Cost of Bkgd (miles) Type Improve. (2) Traffi 1. Urban 1.2 Urban 1.5 Urban 2. Urban.5 Urban 2.8 Urban 1.2 Urban.7 Urban 1.3 Urban 1. Urban.5 Rural.3 Urban.6 Urban.4 Urban Urban Urban Urban.7 Urban 1.2 Urban $2,946,76 $2,946, $3,42,312 $3,42, $3,769,35 $3,769, $11,292,56 $11,292, $3,73,14 $3,73, $6,924,12 $6,924, $4,167, $4,167, $1,731,3 $1,731, $4,563,394 $4,563,394 $2,992, $2,992,76 $826, $826, $85, $85, $1,7,28 $1,7, $2,78, $2,78, $7,762,92 $7,762, $4,113,36 $4,113,36 $2,64,56 $2,64, $2,76,32 $2,76, $2,967,48 $2,967, Bkgd Cost Mitig. Bkgd Share of Bkgd Projet Projet De f. Of Cost Defiieny Traffi Traffi -88 None $ 9.8% $ 24, None $ % $ 425, None $ None $ None $ % $ 4,893, None $ % $ 1,778, None $ -6 None $ None $ % $ 81, None $ - 6.7% $ 11, None $ None $ % $ 146, None $ -161 None $ % $ 186, None $ % $ 161, None $ % $ 1,65, None $ % $ 1,22, None $ % $ 3,376, None $ -394 None $ -394 None $ -194 None $ None $ % $ 59, None $ % $ 1,786, Total Traffi Projet Share Prop Share Of Cost Calulation.% $ 9.5% $ 281,34.% $ 1.6% $ 359,133.% $ 13.5% $ 57,78.% $ 23.% $ 2,6,711.% $ 21.9% $ 89,828.% $ 3.5% $ 2,114, % $ 96, % $ 791,18.% $ 2.% $ 346,26.% $.% $ 1.2% $ 36,24.% $ 27.5% $ 227, % $ 321, % $ 217, % $ 33,665.% $ 26.2% $ 445,47 2.8% $ 58, % $ 544,528.% $ 26.2% $ 2,33,885.% $.% $.% $ 1.1% $ 28,65.% $ 22.5% $ 621,83.% $ - 1.5% $ 311,888 (1 I See Exhibit 6B for traffi volume data. (2) Calulation of improvement ost provided on Exhibit 7. (3) Bakground and Projet Traffi are shown as '' for insignifiant or underapaity links. + is omparable to 5 lanes in one diretion.

54 Prop Shore xlsx 8/13/214 Exhibit 7C Proportionate Share Analysis - Total Exist. RoadW<tt link Lanes Dir Coonut Blvd Northlake Blvd Okeehobee Blvd Orange Blvd to Temple Blvd Temple Blvd to Northlake Blvd 14th Ave to Coonut Blvd Coonut Blvd to ibis Ibis to SR 7 SR 7 to Beeline Hwy 14th Ave (E Rd) to Folsom Rd Crestwood to Royal Palm Beah 2L SB 2L SB WB EB EB Ws 2L EB r-ws Royal Palm Beah 6LD to Wildat Way WB Royal Palm Beah 6th St to Orange NB 2L Blvd Blvd r-ss Big Blue Tr to EB 6LD Palms West Pkwy 'WB Palms West Pkwy 6LD to Forest Hill WB Forest Hill to 6LD Cypress Head WB Cypress Head to EB 6LD Royal Palm Beah r-ws Southern Blvd Royal Palm Beah EB to SR 7 SR 71 /Beeline 'WB SR 7 to Sansbury WB Sansbury to Benoist Farms Benoist Farms to Pike Rd(T pike Northlake Blvd to Jog Rd WB EB rws- EB rws- rws- NB r-ss TIM New Prop. Right of Servie Lanes Way(1) Volume 6LD 6LD 6LD LD 8ft 8ft 24ft 24ft 12ft 18ft 12ft 12ft 12ft 8ft 22ft 22ft 22ft 22ft 22ft 22ft 22ft 22ft 2ft AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Cost Projet's Cost Projet's Bkgd's Projet's of Bkgd Prop Share of Bkgd Prop Share Highest Highest Defiieny Calulation Defiieny Calulation Diretional Diretional $ - $ 253,749 $ $ - $ $ 253,749 $ $ $ 24,556 $ 281,34 $ 24,556 $ 281,34 $ 86,474 $ 359,133 $ $ - $ 86,474 $ 359,133 $ - $ $ 425,289 $ 359,133 $ 425,289 $ 359,133 $ $ 63,865 $ $ $ - $ 63,865 $ $ $ $ 57,78 $ $ 57,78 $ 5,817,379 $ 2,6,711 $ $ $ 5,817,379 $ 2,6,711 $ $ $ 4,893,443 $ 2,6,711 $ 4,893,443 $ 2,6,711 $ 2,287,344 $ 89,828 $ $ - $ 2,287,344 $ 89,828 $ - $ $ 1,778,629 $ 89,828 $ 1,778,629 $ 89,828 $ 1,493,274 $ 2,139,83 $ - $ $ 1,493,274 $ 2,139,83 $ - $ $ $ 2,114,776 $ $ 2,114,776 $ 34,728 $ 791,18 $ $ 96,466 $ 34,728 $ 791,18 $ $ $ 81,31 $ 791,18 $ 81,31 $ 791,18 $ $ 144,57 $ - $ - $ $ 144,57 $ $ $ 11,413 $ 346,26 $ 11,413 $ 346,26 $ $ 1,294 $ $ $ - $ 1,294 $ $ - $ $ $ - $ $ - $ $ 146,867 $ 36,24 $ 146,867 $ 36,24 $ 39,721 $ 33,253 $ - $ $ 156,286 $ 32,749 $ - $ 227,159 $ $ $ 186,271 $ 321,658 $ 15,387 $ 329,731 $ - $ 217,641 $ $ $ 161,596 $ 33,665 $ 1,426,275 $ 474,821 $ - $ - $ - $ $ 1,65,918 $ 445,47 $ 1,496,413 $ 544,528 $ $ 58,194 $ $ $ 1,22,549 $ 544,528 $ 954,839 $ 2,33,885 $ $ $ $ $ 3,376,87 $ 2,33,885 $ 1,744,65 $ 937,846 $ - $ $ $ $ - $ $ 83,346 $ 533,935 $ $ $ $ - $ - $ 28,65 $ 1,82,895 $ 621,83 $ $ - $ $ $ 59,598 $ 621,83 $ 2,658,62 $ 311,888 $ $ - $ $ $ 1,786,544 $ 311,888 $ 39,721 $ 33,253 $ 156,286 $ 32,749 $ 186,271 $ 321,658 $ 15,387 $ 329,731 $ 161,596 $ 33,665 $ 1,426,275 $ 474,821 $ 1,65,918 $ 445,47 $ 1,496,413 $ 544,528 $ 1,22,549 $ 544,528 $ 954,839 $ 2,33,885 $ 3,376,87 $ 2,33,885 $ 1,744,65 $ 937,846 $ $ - $ 83,346 $ 533,935 $ $ 28,65 $ 1,82,895 $ 621,83 $ 59,598 $ 621,83 $ 2,658,62 $ 311,888 $ 1,786,544 $ 311,888 TOTAL I $ 36,53,62 I $ 26,43,3861 (1) Soure: Map TE 14.1 Thoroughfare Right of Way Identifiation Map of Palm Beah County Comprehensive Plan. + is omparable to 5 lanes in one diretion.

55 Prnp Shr1n \ t\- 1 \-H.xlo.,x R/1 \'114 Exhibit 7 Proportionate Share Analysis - Cost Estimates Soure/ Cost of Improvement Roadway Link Prog. Lanes Prop. Lanes Length (miles) Road Link Type Constr. (1) Intersetion (2) Des/Perm/CEI 2"/o R/W(2) Total Orange Blvd tot em pie Blvd 2l 1. Urban $4,579,6 $9, $933,92 $29, $5,893,52 Coonut Blvd Temple Blvd to Northlake Blvd 2l 1.2 Urban $5,495,52 $ $1,99,14 $21, $6,84,624 14th Ave to Coonut Blvd 6LD 1.5 Urban $6,182,25 $ $1,236,45 $12, $7,538,7 Coonut to Ibis 2. Urban $17,687,6 $ $3,537,52 $1,36, $22,585,12 Northlake Blvd Ibis to SR 7.5 Urban $4,421,9 $ $884,38 $2,1, $7,46,28 SR 7 to Beeline Hwy 4lD 6lD 2.8 Urban $11,54,2 $ $2,38,4 $ $13,848,24 14th Ave (E Rdl to Folsom Rd 2l 1.2 Urban $5,495,52 $ $1,99,14 $1,74, $8,334,624 Okeehobee Blvd Crestwood to Royal Palm Beah 6LD.7 Urban $2,885,5 $ $577,1 $ $3,462,6 Royal Palm Beah to Wildat Way 6LD 1.3 Urban $6,138,99 $ $1,227,798 $1,76, $9,126,788 Royal Palm Beah Blvd 6th St to Orange Blvd 2l 1. Urban $4,579,6 $ $915,92 $49, $5,985,52 Big BlueT r to Palms West Pkwy 6LD.5 Rural $1,328,1 $5, $275,62 $ $1,653,72 Palms West Pkwy to Forest Hill 6LD.3 Urban $1,416,69 $ $283,338 $ $1,7,28 Forest Hill to Cypress Head 6lD.6 Urban $2,833,38 $ $566,676 $ $3,4,56 Forest Hill to Cypress Head +.6 Urban $3,27,6 $ $641,52 $ $3,849,12 Southern Blvd Cypress Head to Royal Palm Beah 6LD.4 Urban $1,888,92 $ $377,784 $1,89, $4,156,74 Royal Palm Beah to SR Urban $9,88,2 $ $1,817,64 $4,62, $15,525,84 SR 7 to Sansbury Urban $5,88,6 $ $1,176,12 $1 '17, $8,226,72 Sansbury to Benoist Farms +.6 Urban $3,27,6 $ $641,52 $1,36, $5,29,12 Benoist Farms to Pike Rd!T pike +.7 Urban $3,742,2 $ $748,44 $1,3, $5,52,64 SR 71/Beeline Northlake Blvd to Jog Rd 6lD 1.2 Urban $4,945,8 $ $989,16 $ $5,934,96 (11 Road Improvement Constrution Cost Per Mile Urban: 2l to $4,579,6 Urban: to 6LD $4,121,5 Urban: 6LD to $4,722,3 Urban: to + $5,346, Rural: 2l to $2,656,9 Rural: to 6LD $2,38,7 Rural: 6LD to $2,656,2 Rural: to + $3,33,3 ' Based on FOOT Generi Cost Per Mile Models, April 214. (21 See Appendix G for ost estimates from Simmons & White and Palm Beah County.

56 Exhibit 7E Intersetion Proportionate Share Analysis (1) Prop Shtr(' lntf'f'>t'c!!on., 1 l-fll 1 li-ll>-14 Hflt>/2fl14 Northlake Blvd & Beeline H - PM Peak Hour Total Volume w/existing Lanes (2) Total Volume w/proposed Improvements (2) Add'! Capaity of Improvement Projet Trips in Intersetion Projet's% of Add'! Capaity Estimated Cost of Improvement (3) Projet's Prop Share Payment % $34,7, $8,653,561 Okeehobee & SR 7 - PM Peak Hour Total Volume w/existing Lanes (2) Total Volume w/proposed Improvements (2) Add'! Capaity of Improvement Projet Trips in Intersetion Projet's % of Add'! Capaity Estimated Cost of Improvement (4) Projet's Prop Share Payment % $4,, $9,855,72 Okeehobee Blvd & I!?& Rd - PM Peak Hour Total Volume w/existing Lanes (2) Total Volume w/proposed Improvements (2) Add'! Capaity of Improvement Projet Trips in Intersetion Projet's% of Add'! Capaity Estimated Cost of Improvement (5) Projet's Prop Share Payment % $1,828,823 $832,533 Persimmon Blvd & Ro::al Palm Beah Blvd -AM Peak Hour Total Volume w/existing Lanes (2) Total Volume w/proposed Improvements (2) Add'! Capaity of Improvement Projet Trips in Intersetion Projet's% of Add'! Capaity Estimated Cost of Improvement (5) Projet's Prop Share Payment % $1,733,28 $1,246,486 Southern Blvd & Seminole Pratt Whitne:: Rd -AM Peak Hour Total Volume w/existing Lanes (2) Total Volume w/proposed Improvements (2) Add'! Capaity of Improvement Projet Trips in Intersetion Projet's% of Add'! Capaity Estimated Cost of Improvement (5) Projet's Prop Share Payment % $336,92 $273,481 Southern Blvd & Forest Hill Blvd - PM Peak Hour Total Volume w/existing Lanes (2) Total Volume w/proposed Improvements (2) Add'! Capaity of Improvement Projet Trips in Intersetion Projet's % of Add'l Capaity Estimated Cost of Improvement (5) Projet's Prop Share Payment % $6,135,733 $2,514,861 Total Intersetion Prop Share Payment $23,375, See Appendix E for intersetion proportionate share anlayses. (2) Total approah volumes through intersetion at whih point the level of servie of the intersetion goes from D to E. (31 Soure: FDOT PD&E. 141 Soure: Palm Beah MPO. (51 See Appendix C for ost estimates from Simmons & White and Palm Beah County.

57 Exhibit 7F Intersetions- Requested Dual Left Turn Lanes- Proportionate Share lx 7f Dualletl' Prop Share /15/214 Page 1 ot 1 left Turn Highest New Highest 235 Projet Capaity on Intersetion Movement Total Volume Volume Approah (1) Projet Share length Cost Projet of of Share lmjl- (feet) (1) llllj!- (2) of Cost 6th Street & SR 7 Westbound o/o 6 $ 27,828 $ 19,12 Northlake Blvd & Jog Rd (3) Westbound Oo/o 6 $ 27,828 $ - Southbound Oo/o 6 $ 27,828 $ - Okeehobee Blvd & Benoist Farms Rd Westbound Oo/o 6 $ 27,828 $ - Orange Blvd & Seminole Pratt- Whitney Rd Westbound % 6 $ 27,828 $ 56,529 Eastbound o/o 12 $ 415,656 $ 47,385 Orange Blvd & Coonut (4) Southbound Oo/o 6 $ 27,828 $ - Orange Grove Blvd & SR 7 Northbound % 6 $ 27,828 $ 66,55 Persimmon Blvd & SR 7 Northbound % 6 $ 27,828 $ 161,275 Roebuk Rd & SR 7 Southbound % 6 $ 27,828 $ 56,529 Southern Blvd & Binks Forest Northbound % 6 $ 27,828 $ 38,24 Dr Southbound Oo/o 6 $ 27,828 $ - TOTAL $ 445,583 (1) Soure: Briger DRI Intersetion Proportionate Share Methodolgy. (2) FOOT Generi Cost Per Mile Model for New Constrution Extra Cost for Additional Lane on Urban Arterial of $1,828,886 ost per mile. (3) Requires 2 lanes- 1 additional westbound and 1 additional southbound. (4) Requires 3 lanes- 2 eastbound and 1 additional southbound.

58 Exhibit 8 Okeehobee Boulevard CRALLS Mitigation 8/13/214 CRALLS Mitigation xlsx Points Required 69. Strategy 5 - Ride Sharing Programs Qualifying Criteria 465 On-Site Employees Partiipating (15%) 4 Days a Week Partiipation 2,, SF of Non-Residential Building Area Credit Fator= (465*2*4/5)/(5 *Square Root of 2) =.33 (93*.14*.33)/4= 1.7 Points Strategy 9 - Provide Aess to More than One Road Qualifying Criteria Aess to Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road, 6th Street N, Persimmon & Orange Grove Assignment to 6th, Pers, &. Grove- 4,932 x 35% = 1,726 *.86 = 1,484 (1484*.1)/4= 3.71 Points Credit Fator =.1 Strategy 13- Compressed Work Week/ Non-Peak Hour Work Hours Qualifying Criteria 62 On-Site Employees Partiipating (2%) 2 Days a Week Partiipation 7 Hours per Week Partiipants will not drive 2,, SF of Non-Residential Building Area Credit Fator = (62 x (2 + 7/(5-2))/(5 * Square Root of 2) = 1.2 (124*.14*1.2)/4= 5.22 Points Strategy 14 - Additional Mitigation Fee Payment Qualifying Criteria Road Impat Fee Residential Daily Trips- 34,222 * $728.6 = Non-Residential Daily Trips- 29,34 *$ = Credit Fator= (.1 * *1.5) = 3.42 (69*3.42)/4= 59. Points Total Impat Fee = $32,36,194 Additional Impat Fee = $3,363,8 (1.5%) I TOTAL POINTS= 69.( NOTE: Methodology presented by County. Appliant does not agree with methodology, but has utilized to expedite proess.

59 8/13/214 Tripgen Test xlsx Exhibit 9 Trip Generation- Test 2-5 Year Phase DAILY ITE Land Use Code Intensity Single-Family Residential 21 5 DUs TOTAL Trip Generation Rate (1) Total Trips 1 /DU 5, 5, AM PEAK HOUR ITE Land Use Code Intensity Single-Family Residential 21 5 DUs TOTAL Total Trips Trip Generation Rate (1) In Out Total.75 /DU (25/75) PM PEAK HOUR ITE Land Use Code Intensity Single-Family Residential 21 5 DUs TOTAL Total Trips Trip Generation Rate (1) In Out Total Ln (T) =.9Ln (X)+.51 (63/37) (1) Soure: Palm Beah County and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITEirip Generation 9th Edition.

60 Exhibit 1A Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 Assign Tesl2 B xlsx 8/13/214 Page 1 oi 1 AM Peak Hour 6th Street N 14th Avenue N Avoado Boulevard Coonut Boulevard Crestwood Boulevard

61 Exhibit 1A Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 AsSign Test xlsx 8/13/214 Page 2 of 1 AM Peak Hour Northlake Boulevard Okeehobee Boulevard

62 Exhibit 1A Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 Assign Test xlsx /214 Page 3 oi 1 AM Peak Hour Orange Boulevard Orange Grove Boulevard I 44th Plae Persimmon Boulevard Royal Palm Beah Blvd

63 Exhibit 1A Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 Assign lpst xlsx 8/13/214 Page 4 oi 1 AM Peak Hour Southern Boulevard SR 7

64 Exhibit 1A Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 Assign Tst xlsx 8/13/214 Page 5 oi 1 AM Peak Hour (1) Soure: 29 FOOT Quality I LOS Handbook. (2) Roadway link is not inluded on the Major Throughfare Identifiation Map. Loal Road Level of Servie analysis not required per PBC ULDC Artile 12. (3) Munipal roadway. Loal Road Level of Servie analysis not required per PBC ULDC Artile 12, Setion A.3.A.2. (4) One lane northbound and two lanes southbound. (5) Servie volume is based on LOS C in "Transitioning Area" for this SIS faility. r-,..::::::::::::::::;:!itr;":c:' Shaded roadway links are outside the radius of influene. Signifiane level is 5%.

65 Exhibit 18 Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 Assign Test xlsx 8/13/214 Page 6 of 1 PM Peak Hour Total LOSE 6th Street N 14th Avenue N Avoado Boulevard Coonut Boulevard Crestwood Boulevard

66 Exhibit 18 Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 Assignlest xlsx 8'13/214 Pdge7of1 PM Peak Hour Northlake Boulevard Okeehobee Boulevard

67 Exhibit 18 Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 Assign lest" xlsx 8/13/214 Page 8 oi 1 PM Peak Hour Orange Boulevard Orange Grove Boulevard I 44th Plae Persimmon Boulevard Royal Palm Beah Blvd

68 Exhibit 18 Projet Traffi Assignment- Test 2 Assign lpst xlsx 8/13/]14 Page 9 oi 1 PM Peak Hour Southern Boulevard SR 7



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