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1 CHART SOLUTONS FOR ANALYSS OF EARTH SLOPES John H. Hnter, Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic nstitte and State University; and Robert L. Schster, Department of Civil Engineering, University of daho This paper compiles practical chart soltions for the slope stability problem and is concerned with the se of the soltions rather than with their derivations. Athors introdced are Taylor, Bishop and Morgenstern, Morgenstern, Spencer, Hnter, and Hnter and Schster. Many of the soltions introdced appeared originally in pblications not commonly sed by highway engineers. n addition to the working assmptions and param - eter definitions of each writer, the working charts are introdced, and example problems are inclded. The chart soltions cover a wide variety of conditions. They may be sed to rapidly investigate preliminary de - signs and to obtain reasonable estimates of parameters for more detailed packaged compter soltions; in some cases, they may be sed in the final design process. THE FRST to make a valid slope stability analysis possible throgh se of simple charts and simple eqations was Taylor (9 ). With the advent of high-speed electronic compters, other generalied soltions wilh different basic assmptions have been obtained and pblished. Unfortnately, these chart soltions have been pblished in several different sorces, some of which are not commonly sed by highway engineers in this contry. This paper introdces several of these soltions that may prove sefl and deals with how to se these soltions rather than with their derivations. These chart soltions provide the engineer with a rapid means of determining the factor of safety dring the early stages of a project when several alternative schemes are being investigated. n some cases they can be sed in the final design procedre. Chart soltions sch as these may very well serve as preliminary soltions for more detailed packaged compter software programs that are widely available (12). Those chart soltions that appear to be most applicable to highway engineering problems involving stability of embankment slopes and ct slopes are presented here. n addition to introdcing some soltions that may be nfamiliar, this compilation provides a qick means of locating varios soltions so that rapid comparisons of advantages and disadvantages of each soltion can be made. The presentation of each soltion incldes pertinent references and contains sections on calclation techniqes, working assmptions and definitions, limitations of the approach, and an example problem. n each case only a sfficient nmber of crves have been shown to indicate the scope of the charts and to illstrate the soltions. The reader shold refer to the appropriate references for greater detail. TAYLOR SOLUTON The soltion fond by Taylor (9, 10) is based on the friction circle ( c cle) method of analysis and his reslting charts are based on total stresses. Taylor made the following assmptions for his soltion: 1. A plane slope intersects horiontal planes at top and bottom. This is called a simple slope. Sponsored by Committee on Embankments and Earth Slopes and presented at the 50th Annal Meeting. 77

2 78 2. The charts assme a circlar trace for the failre srface. 3. The soil is an nlayered homogeneos, isotropic material. 4. The shear strength follows Colomb's Law so that s = c + ptan. 5. The cohesion, c, is constant with depth as is shown in Figre l(a). 6. Pore pressres are acconted for in the total stress assmption; therefore, seepage need not be considered. 7. f the cross section investigated holds for a rnning length of roghly two or more times the trace of the potential rptre srface, it is probable that this, a two-dimensional analysis, is valid. 8. The stability nmber in the charts is that sed by Teraghi and Peck (11) in presenting Taylor's soltion. Thestability nmber, N, is yhc/ c. 9. The depth factor, D, as shown in Figre 2, is the depth to a firm stratm divided by the height of the slope. The following limitations shold be observed in sing Taylor's soltion: 1. t is not applicable to cohesionless soils. 2. t may not be applied to the partial sbmergence case. 3. Tension cracks are ignored. 4. According to Taylor, his analysis does not apply to stiff, fissred clays. The charts presented by Teraghi and Peck for Taylor's soltion consist of the following: 1. A chart for soils with = 0 deg with depth factors, D, varying from 1.0 to= and slope angles, {J, varying from 0 to 90 deg (Fig. 3 ), 2. A chart for materials having cohesion and friction with varying from 0 to 25 deg and {J varying from 0 to 90 deg (Fig. 4), and 3. A chart for locating the critical cirde of a i:;lpe ail1 e (l presenled in this paper). Examples of se of Taylor's soltion follow: 1. A ct is to be excavated in soft clay to a depth of 30 ft. The soil has a nit weight of 115 pcf and a cohesion of 550 psf. A hard layer nderlies the soft layer at a depth of 40 ft below the original grond srface. What is the slope angle, if any, at which failre is likely to occr? J.!l :0.:.=" "' > (a) ( b) c c Grond Srface C::: Constant. Grond Srface C* 0 at the grond rfne ind lncrr-o linearly with depth. Figre 1. Comparison of assmptions for cohesion, c, as made by varios investigators. 7 tj *'*'" Figre 2. Elements of a simple slope. 10 l. 85,,V v J wi!., J!1 ii / v V 0 L,/ O-m 60 -n 5.52 rtjo" 3 90' 80' 70' 60' 50 40' JO ' 20 ' 10 Vales of Slope Angle, 8 Figre 3. Relations between slope angla, f3, and stability nmber, N, for different vales of depth factor, D [after Teraghi and Peck (11)].

3 Soltion: Becase the soil is a soft clay, is assmed to be ero and the chart of Figre 3 is applicable: D = 40/30 = 1.33 f failre is to occr, the critical height, He, is 30 ft: N = (yhc)/ c = (115) (30)/550 = 1,).28 From Figre 3, for D = and N = , {3 may be read as 30 deg, which is :: the nknown that was to have been de-.; termined. > 2. A ct is to be excavated in a ma - terial that has a cohesion of 250 psf, a nit weight of 115 pcf, and an angle of shearing resistance of 10 deg. The design calls for a slope angle of 60 deg. What is the maximm depth of ct that can be made and still maintain a factor of safety of 1. 5 with respect to the height of the slope? Soltion: Becase the soil has both cohesion and angle of shearing resistance, the chart of Figre 4 is applicable. The factor of safety (with respect to height) of "! ;.a "' Vales of Slope Angle, /J, Figre 4. Relations between slope angle, /3, and stability nmber, N, for materials having cohesion and friction, for varios vales of [after Teraghi and Peck (11)] is the critical height, He, divided by the actal height, H. The depth factor, D, does not enter into the soltion if the soil is a c, </J type of soil. From Figre 4, for = 10 deg and {3 = 60 deg, N may be read as From the definition of stability nmber, or N = (y) (Hc)/c He = (c) (N)/y = (250) (7.25)/115 H = Hc/l. 5 = /1. 5 = ft ft Ths, it wold be possible to make a 60-deg ct at any depth p to ft and still maintain a factor of safety that is eqal to or greater than BSHOP AND MORGENSTERN SOLUTON Bishop's adaptation of the Swedish slice method (1) was sed by Bishop and Morgenstern (2) for their soltion, Their charts are based-on effective stresses rather than total stresses. Conseqently, it is necessary to take pore pressres into consideration. Bishop and Morgenstern made the following assmptions: 1. The geometry of the slope is simple, as was the case for Taylor's soltion. The potential sliding srface is assmed to be cylindrical; the trace of the sliding srface is assmed to be a portion of a circle. 2. The pore pressre is acconted for by se of the pore pressre ratio, r. This ratio is defined as being eqal to /(yh), where h = depth of point in soil mass below the soil srface, y = nit weight of the soil (blk density), and = pore pressre of water in the soil. The pore pressre ratio is assmed to be constant throghot the cross section; this is called a homogeneos pore pressre distribtion. f there are minor variations in r throghot the cross section, an average vale of r can be sed. 3. For steady-state seepage, se a weighted average of r over the section. 4. The factor of safety, FS, is defined as m - (n) (r), whe r e m and n are determined by sing charts in Figres 5 throgh o

4 80 5. Depth factors, D, of 1.0, 1.25, and 1. 5 are sed in this soltion where the depth factor is defined as Taylor defined it: The depth to a hard stratm is the depth factor mltiplied by the embankment height. 6. The soltion implies that the cohesion is constant with depth as shown in Figre l(a). An interesting featre of this soltion is that pore pressres can be changed to see what effect this will have on the stability of the slope. Bishop and Morgenstern's soltion has the following limitations : 1. There is no provision for intermediate water table levels. 2. The averaging techniqe for pore pressre ratio tends to give an overestimation of the factor of safety. n an extreme case, this overestimation will be on the order of 7 percent. n sing this chart soltion it is convenient to select the critical depth factor by se of the lines of eqal pore pressre n m o :1 4: 1 2: 1 3: 1 4 : 1 Slope cot fl Slope cot fl Figre 5. Stability coefficients, m and n, for c' 'YH = 0.05 and D = 1.00 [after Bishop and Morgenstern (2)]. " 40" ' 40 n m n 3 m 30 2 : 1 3:1 4 : 1 2 : 1 3 : 1 4 : 1 Slope cot 8 Slope cot /J Figre 6. Stability coefficients, m and n, for c' 'YH = 0.05 and D = 1.25 [after Bishop and Morgenstern (2.)]. Figre 7. c' 'YH 2: 1 3: 1 4 : 1 Slope cot fl Slope cot /J Stability coefficients, m and n, for 0.05 and D = 1.50 [after Bishop and Morgenstern (2.)].

5 ratio, re, on the charts of Figres 5 and 6. The ratio, re, is defined as (m2 - m 1 )/ (n2 - n1)where n2 and m2 are vales for a higher depth factor, D2, and n 1 and m 1 correspond to a lower vale of the depth factor, D1. f the design vale of pore pressre ratio is higher than re for the given section and strength parameters, then the factor of safety determined with the higher depth factor, D2, has a lower vale than the factor of safety determined with the lower depth factor, D1. This is sefl to know when no hard stratm exists or when checking to see if a more critical circle exists not in contact with a hard stratm. The example problem will clarify this concept. To determine the minimm factor of safety for sections not located directly on a ha rd stratm, enter the appropriate chart for the given c 1 / (yh) and, initially, for D = Note that c' is the effective stress vale of cohesion and H is the height of the slope while y is the nit weight of the soil. The vales of f3 and </>' define a point on the crves of n with which is associated a vale of re given by the dashed lines. f that vale is less than the design vale of r, the next depth factor, D = 1. 25, will yield a more critical vale of the factor of safety. f, from the chart for D = 1.25, the vales are checked and re is still less than the design vale for r, move to the chart for D = with the same vale of c '/(yh). Bishop and Morgenstern (2) show charts for vales of c'/(yh) of 0.00, 0.025, and with depth factor, D, vaiues of 1. 00, 1. 25, and Only enogh charts are shown here to illstrate the soltion. An example of Bishop and Morgenstern's soltion follows: A slope is ct so that the cotangent of the slope angle, /3, is The ct is 140 ft deep. A hard stratm exists at a depth of 60 ft below the bottom of the ct. The soil has an effective angle of shearing resistance, ', of 30 deg. The effective cohesion, c', is 770 psf. The nit weight is 110 pcf, and it is estimated that the pore pressre ratio, r, is for the slope. From the given conditions, c'/(yh) = 770/(110)(140) = From Figre 5, for D = with c'/(yh) = , ' = 30 deg, and cot f3 = 4. 0, it is seen that re < Therefore, D = 1.25 is the more critical vale for depth factor. Using Figre 6, with the same vale of c'/(yh) and with D = 1. 25, it is fond that re > n this case the maximm v.ale that D cold have is ( )/140 = Therefore, within the limitations of the charts, D = is the critical depth factor. From Figre 6 it is seen that m = and n = for the given vales of c' / (yh ), ', and cot {3. Accordingly, the following factor of safety is obtained: FS = m - (n) (r) = (0.50) = 1.81 The chart for D = for c' / (yh) = (Fig. 7) is not necessary for the soltion to this example problem, bt it is given to indicate the range in this particlar seqence of charts. MORGENSTERN SOLUTON Morgenstern (6) sed Bishop's adaptation of the Swedish slice method of analysis (1) to develop a soltion to the slope stability problem that is somewhat different from the one he developed with Bishop. His soltion is, again, based on effective stresses rather than total stresses. His soltion is primarily for earth dams, bt there are highway cts and fills that nearly flfill his assmptions. Morgenstern made the following assmptions: 1. The slope is a simple slope of homogeneos material resting on a rigid impermeable layer at the toe of the slope. 2. The soil composing the slope has effective stress parameters c' (cohesion) and '(angle of shearing resistance), both of which remain constant with depth. 3. The slope is completely flooded prior to drawdown; a fll sbmergence condition exists. 81

6 82 4. The pore pressre ratio 7f, which is l::ii./ l::i,. ae 11 is assmed to be nity dring drawdown, and no dissipation of pore pressre occrs dring drawdown. 5. The nit weight of the soil (blk density), y, is assmed to be constant at twice the nit weight of water of pcf. 6. The pore pressre can be approximated by the prodct of the height of soil above a given point and the nit weight of water. 7. The drawdown ratio is defined as L/H where L is the amont of drawdown and H is the original height of the slope. 8. To be consistent, all assmed potential sliding circles mst be tangent to the base of the section. This means that the vale of H in the stability nmber, c'/(yh), and in L/H mst be adjsted for intermediate levels of tangency (see the example problem for clarification). Morgenstern's soltion is particlarly good for small dams and conseqently might be particlarly applicable where a highway embankment is sed as an earth dam or for flooding that might occr behind a highway fill. Another irnportant attribte of the method is that it permits partial drawdown conditions. This method is somewhat limited by its strong orientation toward earth dams. f a core exists, it is noted that this violates the assmption of a homogeneos material. Another limitation is the assmption that the nit weight is fixed at pcf. Attention is also called to the assmption of an impermeable base. Morgenstern's charts cover a range of stability nmbers, c'/(yh), from to and slopes of 2 :1 to 5 :1. The maximm vale of J 1 shown on his charts is 40 deg. Following are some example problems sing Morgenstern's method: 1. An embankment has a height, H, of 100 ft. t is composed of a soil with an effective cohesi on, c', of 312 psf and an effective angle of shearing resistance, ', of 30 deg. The nit weight of the soil mst be assmed to be eqal to pcf. The embankment is to have a slope so that the cotangent of the slope angle is What is the minimm factor of safety for the complete drawdown condition? Soltion: The stability nmber, c'/(yh) = 312/[(124.8)(100)] = With this vale and with cot {3 = 3.0, ' = 30 deg, and the drawdown ratio L/H = 1.0, the factor of safety is directly obtainable from Figre 9 as FS = By examining the charts in Figres 8 throgh 10, it can be seen that the critical circle is tangent to the base of the slope; "' 02 : f'- "!'-- "- f'--, -- :---- '-- r-_ r-- '-- -i-- r-- r-- r--- t-- _ Drawdown Ratio L;H cot.8=2 r-- -,,,. 40 JO' "' : 3 "'! 2 : 0 0 "" r--. ""' "" ;-, """ r--_ 1-- r--.'- _ r--. t-. r-- t-- -- r-- r Drawdown Ratio L;H cotb= ' 40' JO' 20 Figre 8. Relationship between factor of safety, FS, and drawdown ratio, L/H, for c' YH = [after Morgenstern (,6,)].

7 83 : ::, 0 if _ "' -_._ -'-. - :--_. r--- i-- t-- <P' 40' 30' o : '". - ""' i'-- r---.,_ -r-- - t--_._ :---- t-- ' "'' 30' o o Draw down Rat o L;H cot ll - 2 Drawdown Ratio L;H cot 11 3 Figre 9. Relationship between factor of safety, FS, and drawdown ratio, L/H, for c' 'YH = [after Morgenstern 19.l]. if any other tangency is assmed, H wold have to be redced. f His redced, then the stability nmber is increased and this will, in all cases, reslt in a higher factor of safety. 2. t is now reqired to find the minimm factor of safety for a drawdown to midheight of the section in the prior example. Soltion a: Considering slip circles tangential to the base of the slope, the effective height of the section, He, is eqal to its actal height and the stability nmber remains 4 :. "- r--- "" "--- _ ['.:- '-- i'-!--- r--.,; _, r r- 40' t--, 30' o : 3 E 2 ""' '- '""' "!'-- "-- i. ""- r--_ t---. t--- "" ''----- "-- r--t p' 40' 30' o o.& 0.8 Drawdown Ratio L;H cot ll= o Drawdown Ratio L;H cot s Figre 10. Relationship between factor of safety, FS, and drawdown ration, L/H, for c' 'YH = [after Morgenstern (fil].

8 nchanged as With this vale of stability nmber and L/ He = 0. 50, and with other conditions remaining the same, the factor of safety may be read from Figre 9 as FS = Soltion b: Considering slip circles tangential to mid-height of the slope, the effective height is eqal to one-half the actal height so that He = H/ 2 = 100/ 2 = 50 ft. Ths c'/ (yhe) is twice that of the previos soltion or 0. 05, and L/ He = The minimm factor of safety, as determined by Morgenstern's soltion, can be read directly from Figre 10 as FS = Soltion c: Considering slip circles tangential to a level H/ 4 above the base of the slope, He becomes 3H/ 4 = 75 ft. Ths lhe slailily nmber c'/(yhe) = 0.033, and L/He= The minimm factor of safety for this family mst be obtained by interpolation. From Figre 9 with c'/(yhe ) = 0.025, the factor of s afety is 1.31, and from Figre 10 with c'/(yhe) = 0. 05, the factor of safety is nterpolating linearly for c'/('yhe) = , the minimm factor of safety for this family is / 3 = These exampies demonstrate that for partial drwdown the critical circle may often lie above the base of the slope, and it is important to investigate several levels of tangency for the maximm drawdown level. n the case of complete drawdown, the minimm factor of safety is always associated with circles tangent to the base of the slope and the factor of safety at intermediate levels of drawdown need not be investigated. This may not be the case if the pore pressre distribtion dring drawdown differs significantly from that assmed by Morgenstern. SPENCER SOLUTON Bishop's adaptation of the Swedish slice method has been sed by Spencer (8) to find a generalied soltion to the slope stability problem. Spencer assmed paraliel interslice forces. His soltion is based on effective stresses. Spencer defines the factor of safety, FS, as the qotient of shear strength available divided by the shear strength mobilied. Spencer made the following additional assmptions and definitions for his soltion: 1. The soils in the ct or embankment and nderneath the slope are niform and have similar properties. 2. The slope is simple and the potential slip srface is circlar in profile. 3. A hard or firm stratm is at a great depth, or the depth factor, D, is very large. 4. The effects of tension cracks, if any, are ignored. 5. A homogeneos pore pressre distribtion is assmed with the pore pressre coefficient, r, eqal to /{yh), where = mean pore water pressre on base of slice, y = nit weight of the soil (blk dens ity), and h = mean height of a slice. 6. The stability nmber N is defined as c'/[(fs)yhj. 7. The mobilied angle of shearing resistance, 'm, is the angle whose tangent is (tan ')/ FS. Spencer's method does not prohibit the slip srface from extending below the toe. His soltion permits the safe slope for an embankment of a given height to be fond rapidly. Althogh the limitations of Spencer's method are few, it is noted that a simple trial and error soltion is reqired to find the factor of safety with the slope and soil properties known. n addition, it is difficlt to se his method for intermediate levels of the water table. Spencer provides charts for a range of stability nmber, N, from O. 00 to 0.12 with mobilied angle of shearing resistance varying from 10 to 40 deg and slope angles p to 34 deg. Charts are provided for pore pressre ratio, r, with vales of 0. 0, , and O. 50. Only one of these charts {Fig. 11) is shown for se in the example problem. Spencer frnishes charts for locating the critical srface. An example of Spencer's soltion follows: An embankment is to be formed with a factor of safety of 1. 5 and a height of 100 ft. The soil has an effective cohesion of 870 psf and an effective angle of shearing resistance of 26 deg. The nit weight of the soil is 120 pcf and the pore pressre ratio is Find the slope that corresponds to this factor of safety.

9 85 3: 1 2 : 1 15: "' Slope : Decrees Figre 11. Relationship between stability nmber [- c-'- ] (FS)?'H and slope angle, 8, for varios vales of fn [after Spencer {ft)]. Soltion: The stability nmber, N = c'/[(fs}yh] 870/ [(1.5)(120)(100)] = tan.:n_ = (tan ')/FS = tan 26 deg/1. 5 = /1. 5 tan {n = or {n = 18 deg Referring to Figre 11 for r = 0. 50, the slope corresponding to a stability nmber of 0.48 and {n = 18 deg is f3 = 18.4 deg. This corresponds approximately to a slope of 3 :1. Linear interpolation between charts for slopes for r vales falling between the chart vales is probably sfficiently accrate. HUNTER SOLUTON n 1968, Hnter (3) approached the slope stability problem with two assmptions that are different from the soltions previosly presented in this paper. He assmed that the trace of the potential slip srface is a logarithmic spiral and the cohesion varies with depth. His charts are based on total stresses. Hnter's working assmptions and definitions follow: 1. The section of a ct is simple with constant slope, and top and bottom srfaces are horiontal. 2. The soil is satrated to the srface throgh capillarity. 3. The soil is normally consolidated, nfissred clay. 4. The problem is two-dimensional. 5. The shear strength can be described as s = c + p tan where c varies linearly with depth, as is shown in Figre l(b ). t is assmed that the ratio c/p' is a constant, where p' is the effective vertical stress. Note that p' increases with depth. 6. f > 0 deg, the potential slip srface is a logarithmic spiral. f = 0 deg, the potential failre srface is a circle becase the logarithmic spiral degenerates into a circle for this case.

10 The effective stresses immediately after excavation are the same as those before excavation. This describes the end-of-constrction case. 8. The water table ratio, M, is defined as (h/h) (yw/y' ); where h = depth from top of slope to the water table dring consolidation, H = height of ct, 'Yw = nit weight of water, and y' = sbmerged or boyant nit weight of soil. 9. While c increases linearly with depth, the angle of shearing resistance,, is constant with depth. 10. A stability nmber, N, is obtained so that the factor of safety, where and = depth below the original grond srface of ct to point where cohesion, c, is determined An eqivalent and perhaps more convenient relationship is becase often (c/p') can be estimated from Skempton's (J_) formla, (;,) = (P) where P = plasticity index of the soil in percent. 11. The depth ratio, D, is defined the same as in the description of Taylor's work. f > 0 deg, the effects of a firm layer at any depth are negligible. f = 0 deg, the depth factor can have a significant bt small inflence on the factor of safety, as is shown in Hnter's (3) work and also by Hnter and Schster (4). Only when the stability nmber, N, is greater than abot 25 and the slope angle, (3, is- less than abot 15 deg is the small redction in N important enogh to be taken into accont. Hnter's soltion permits realistic variation in the vales of cohesion, c, for normally consolidated soils. t can easily handle the sitation for the water table at any of a wide range of elevations. This soltion shold be sed only for normally consolidated materials. Nmeros charts are frnished by Hnter. The charts show the slope angle, (3, varying from 5 to 90 deg, and the angle of shearing resistance varying from 0 to 35 deg in steps of 5 deg. The water table ratio, M, is varied from O. 00 to in steps of n addition, many tables and graphs are shown that are sefl in locating the critical failre srface. n this paper only one chart (Fig. 12) is shown to illstrate Hnter's soltion. An example of Hnter's soltion follows: A 25-ft slope of 30 deg is to be ct in normally consolidated material with a nit weight of 112 pcf and the water table at a depth of 10 ft. The material has been tested (on a total stress basis) and fond to have a of 10 deg with a plasticity index of 25 percent. t is reqired to estimate the factor of safety of this slope. Soltion: Using Skempton's relationship, c/p' = (P) = (25) = ( h) ('Yw) (10) ( 62.4 ) (10) M = H? = ,4 = 25 (l. 26 ) = o. 5 o 2

11 87, Using M = 0.50, f3 = 30 deg, and = lodeg, find the stability nmber from the chart in Figre 12. Read N = Ths, the factor of safety, FS = (0.2025) (i 9 i:) (17.1) = 1.52 HUNTER AND SCHUSTER SOLUTON Based on some of Hnter's original work (3 ), Hnter and Schster (4) pblished a soltion for the special case oc = 0 deg in normally "/ [)V' consolidated clays. This soltion is a total 10 stress soltion. f:::;::- c--- L.-- i.-- The assmptions are the same as those made.- by Hnter in the previos section, except that 0, JO the potential sliding srface is a circlar arc Slope Angle.JJ (Deg.) rather than a logarithmic spiral. f particlar, this soltion permits the cohesion, c, to increase linearly with depth, and the satrated Figre 12. Relationship between slope angle and stability nmber, N, for M = 050 soil may have a water table that can be anywhere within a wide range. The depth factor, and nlimited depth of soil, tor 11ario1.1s vale of. Solid llnes indicate shallow D, is taken into accont. The method ignores srfaces and dashed lines indicate deep tension cracks. srfaces [from Hnter()]. The charts frnished by Hnter and Schster show the water table ratio varying from to 2.00 in steps of 0.25, and the depth ratio, D, varying from 0 to 4. Only those charts (Figs. 13 and 14) necessary to illstrate the example problem are shown. Some example problems sing Hnter and Schster's soltion follow:. E " ) 20 i :;1 1f. v J 7 7 J 77 7 i } J 7 /. [7, 17 J 1/ > v., l/ 1. A ct 15 ft deep is to be made in a normally consolidated clay with a slope angle of 30 deg. The water table is 5 ft below the original grond srface. The soil weighs 104 pcf, and the c/p / r atio is for the soil. What is the factor of safety for this ct? Soltion: The water table ratio Mis M = () (:) = ( ; 5) ( :;::) = 0.50 f Figre 13, with M = 0.50 and f3 = 30 deg, N = 8. 9 (a possible shallow failre). Calclate the factor of safety, FS, s FS = (. ) (y') N = (0 24) ( )(8 9) = < 1.00 P' y 104. t can therefore be conclded that this ct is impossible withot failre occrring. 2. A ct at a slope angle of 10 deg is to be made 15 ft deep in a normally consolidated clay with the water table 15 ft from the srface. Underneath the clay at a depth of 30 ft is a harder, stronger stratm. When tested, the soil showed = 0 deg on a total stress basis. The ratio c/p' for this soil is 0.24, and its nit weight is 104 pcf. Find the factor of safety for this proposed ct.

12 88 3S J O 25.Q E 20 " :a Vi S 10.::.Q E " 20.Q! ' s S,_,_ = 10.B:,;a. 1-S' J s fl) JJ = 25 J S,. = 26. 9"./. ' 7Q J /'- 10 M=.SO JO Slope Angle J <Dec.> Figre 13. Relationship between slope angle, {3, and stability nmber, N, for = 0 and nlimited depth of clay [from Hnter and Schster (1)]. 2 Depth Ratio, D Figre 14. Relationship between depth factor, D, and stability nmber, N, for = 0 for selected vales of slope inclination [from Hnter and Schster (1)]. Soltion: (h) (Yw) ( 15) (62.4) M = H? = = From Figre 13, with f3 = 10 deg and M = 1. 50, the vale of N plots p in the deep failre one with a vale of approximately Becase it is in the deep failre one, D = 30/ 15 = 2.0 may be important. From Figre 14, for M = 1. 50, D = 2. O, and (3 = 10 deg, it is seen that N redces slightly to Ths, the factor of safety is FS = (;,) (f) N = (0.24) ( i4 6 ) (23.2) 2.23 Note that the depth factor, in general, has only a negligible or qite small effect on the factor of safety. One set of generalied soltions that shold be mentioned is that developed by Janb (5). His soltions are extensive and do not lend themselves to simple presentations as has been the case with the other soltions. Janb's soltions are sefl in analying the inflence of drawdown conditions and the effect of water-filled tension cracks and srcharge. Janb implies that both the cohesion, c, and the angle of shearing resistance,, are constant with depth. Althogh not reviewed here, Janb's soltions are recommended to the engineer who freqently deals with stability analyses of slopes.

13 SUMMARY The chart soltions developed by Taylor, Bishop and Morgenstern, Morgenstern, Spencer, Hnter, and Hnter and Schster can be applied to a nmber of types of slope stability analyses. Some of the methods presented were originally developed only for cts; some were developed especially for embankments or fills sch as earth dams. Each soltion presented, however, is applicable to some highway engineering sitation. References have been given indicating more complex chart soltions not illstrated here, and an entry into the literatre on compteried soltions has been given. Of the soltions introdced, those of Taylor, Hnter, and Hnter and Schster are best sited to the short-term (end-of-constrction) cases where pore pressres are not known and total stress parameters apply. The other methods are intended for se in long-term stability (steady seepage) cases with known effective stress parameters. The methods make similar assmptions regarding slope geometry, two-dimensional failre, and the angle of shearing resistance being constant with depth. However, they vary considerably in assmptions regarding variation of cohesion, c, with depth, position of the water table, base conditions, drawdown conditions, and shape of the failre srface. Altogether, a wide range of conditions can be approximated by these available generalied soltions. Each athor has attempted to redce the calclation time reqired to solve stability problems. The chart soltions alone may be sfficient for many highway problems; in other cases, chart soltions may save expensive compter time by providing a reasonable estimate as a starting point for compter programs that solve slope stability problems. REFERENCES 1. Bishop, A. W. The Use of the Slip Circle in the Stability Analysis of Slopes. Geotechniqe, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1955, pp Bishop, A. W., and Morgenstern, N. Stability Coefficients for Earth Slopes. Geotechniqe, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1960, pp Hnter, J. H. Stability of Simple Cts in Normally Consolidated Clays. PhD thesis, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Colorado, Bolder, Hnter, J. H., and Schster, R. L. Stability of Simple Cttings in Normally Consolidated Clays. Geotechniqe, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1968, pp Janb, N. Stability Analysis of Slopes With Dimensionless Parameters. Harvard Soil Mechanics Series, No. 46, 1954, 81 pp. 6. Morgenstern, N. Stability Charts for Earth Slopes Dring Rapid Drawdown. Geotechniqe, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1963, pp Skempton, A. W. Discssion of "The Planning and Design of the New Hong Kong Airport." Proc. nstittion of Civil Engineers, Vol. 7, 1957, pp Spencer, E. A Method of Analysis of the Stability of Embankments Assming Parallel nter-slice Forces. Geotechniqe, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1967, pp Taylor, D. W. Stability of Earth Slopes. Jor. Boston Soc. of Civil Engineers, Vol. 24, 1937, pp Taylor, D. W. Fndamentals of Soil Mechanics. John Wiley and Sons, nc., New York, 1948, pp Teraghi, K., and Peck, R. B. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. John Wiley and Sons, nc., New York, 1967, pp Whitman, R. V., and Bailey, W. A. Use of Compters for Slope Stability Analysis. Jor. Soil Mech. and Fond. Div., ASCE, Vol. 93, No. SM4, Proc. Paper 5327, Jly 1967, pp ; also in ASCE "Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments," 1969, pp

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