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1 STATE ROUTE 85 CORRIDOR POLICY ADVISORY BOARD Monday, January 25, :00 AM VTA - Auditorium 3331 North First Street San Jose, California ADDENDUM TO AGENDA 10.X. INFORMATION ITEM Receive an update on the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. (Verbal Report) (R. Diridon) 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

2 STATE ROUTE 85 CORRIDOR POLICY ADVISORY BOARD Monday, January 25, :00 a.m. VTA Auditorium 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA CALL TO ORDER AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS: This portion of the agenda is reserved for persons desiring to address the Committee on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to 2 minutes. The law does not permit Committee action or extended discussion on any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Committee action is requested, the matter can be placed on a subsequent agenda. All statements that require a response will be referred to staff for reply in writing. 3. ORDERS OF THE DAY CONSENT AGENDA 4. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of December 14, ACTION ITEM - Approve the 2016 State Route (SR) 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB) Meeting Schedule. 6. ACTION ITEM - Adopt the revised objectives for the State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board. 7. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive a progress update on the State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board's work program. REGULAR AGENDA 8. INFORMATION ITEM - Receive a presentation on the study area's existing transportation conditions North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

3 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board Monday, January 25, ACTION ITEM - Discuss and adopt a set of criteria for screening of the transportation projects. 10. INFORMATION ITEM - Discuss potential transportation options for screening. 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. ADJOURN In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, VTA will make reasonable arrangements to ensure meaningful access to its meetings for persons who have disabilities and for persons with limited English proficiency who need translation and interpretation services. Individuals requiring ADA accommodations should notify the Board Secretary s Office at least 48-hours prior to the meeting. Individuals requiring language assistance should notify the Board Secretary s Office at least 72-hours prior to the meeting. The Board Secretary may be contacted at (408) or or (408) (TTY only). VTA s home page is on the web at: or visit us on Facebook at: (408) : 中文 / Español / 日本語 / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / Tagalog. All reports for items on the open meeting agenda are available for review in the Board Secretary s Office, 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California, (408) , the Thursday, Friday, and Monday prior to the meeting. This information is available on VTA s website at and also at the meeting. Page 2 of 2

4 STATE ROUTE 85 CORRIDOR POLICY ADVISORY BOARD CALL TO ORDER Monday, December 14, 2015 MINUTES The Regular Meeting of the State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (SR 85) was called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Vice Chairperson McAlister in the Auditorium, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), 3331 North First Street, San José, California. Chairperson Sinks attended the meeting via teleconference/skype from Hamburg, Germany. 1. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Glenn Hendricks Member Present Tara Martin-Milius Alternate Member Present Walter Huff Member Absent Burton Craig Alternate Member Absent Marcia Jensen Member Present Rob Rennie Alternate Member N/A John McAlister Member Present Lenny Siegel Alternate Member N/A Howard Miller Member Present Mary-Lynne Bernald Alternate Member N/A Paul Resnikoff Member Present Liz Gibbons Alternate Member N/A Megan Satterlee Member Absent Jeannie Bruins Alternate Member Present Rod Sinks Member Present Barry Chang Alternate Member N/A Chappie Jones Member Present Vacant, San José Alternate Member N/A Vacant, County Member N/A Vacant, County Alternate Member N/A Bijan Sartipi Ex-Officio, Caltrans Absent Dan McElhinney Alt. Ex-Officio, Caltrans Absent A quorum was present. 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS Roland Lebrun, Interested Citizen, made the following comments: 1) Highway 237 has the same congestion problem as State Route 85 (SR 85); and 2) suggested extending the 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

5 scope of the State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (SR 85 Corridor PAB) to include Highway 237 or establishing another PAB to focus on Highway ORDERS OF THE DAY Vice Chairperson McAlister noted that Chairperson Sinks was joining via Skype and a roll call vote will be conducted on all action items. Vice Chairperson McAlister requested that Agenda Item #7, Summary of the SR 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board s Objectives, Study Area, and Schedule, be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda. M/S/C (Bruins/Miller) on a vote of 7 ayes and 0 noes and 0 abstentions and 0 recusals to accept the Orders of the Day. CONSENT AGENDA 4. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of November 16, 2015 Member Hendricks asked for clarification on the objectives excluding policy. M/S/C (Bruins/Miller) on a vote of 7 ayes and 0 noes and 0 abstentions and 0 recusals to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of November 16, Summary of Ongoing VTA and Regional projects and Studies On order of Vice Chairperson McAlister and there being no objection, the Committee received a summary of ongoing VTA and other regional projects and studies affecting Santa Clara County. 6. Long-Range Plan Projects in the West Valley/North County Area On order of Vice Chairperson McAlister and there being no objection, the Committee received a list of Envision Silicon Valley projects in the West Valley/North County area. 7. (Removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda.) Summary of the SR 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board s Objectives, Study Area, and Schedule. REGULAR AGENDA 7. Summary of the SR 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board s Objectives, Study Area, and Schedule Members of the Committee discussed the following: 1) reducing transit time; 2) formulating solutions through policy not projects; and 3) creating a policy that VTA staff can use to solve the problems on SR 85. Member Jones took his seat at 10:19 a.m. NOTE: M/S/C MEANS MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. State Route 85 Policy Advisory Board Page 2 of 4 December 14, 2015

6 M/S/C Miller/Jensen on a vote of 8 ayes and 0 noes and 0 abstentions and 0 recusals to make the following changes: 1) add a statement about policy leading to the objectives to the Objectives preamble on the memo; 2) expand transportation alternatives to reduce travel time, 3) include a statement to the end of the Objectives section of the memo that the SR 85 Corridor PAB will recommend policies to support the objectives, and 4) have staff bring the item back to the SR 85 Corridor PAB as an action item to ratify the changes. Public Comment Mr. Lebrun commented on the following: 1) suggested adding freeways to the study area map; 2) a solution is needed to have Gilroy access SR 85 via rail and use rail up SR 85; and 3) encouraged Chairperson Sinks to ride light train while in Germany noting it is the future of transit in Silicon Valley. On order of Vice Chairperson McAlister and there being no objection, the Committee confirmed the State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board s Objectives, Study Area, and Schedule. 8. Discuss Potential Transportation Options Members of the Committee brainstormed transportation options with Eileen Goodwin, Apex Strategies. Public Comment Ruth Callahan, Interested Citizen, expressed concern about: 1) neighborhood traffic; 2) lane width; and 3) air pollution. Mr. Lebrun commented that more than two lanes are needed to reduce congestion on SR 85 with the possibility of adding light rail or light train in the center divide. Rishi Kumar, Interested Citizen, commented on the following; 1) air pollution; 2) a transportation model with real solutions; and 3) VTA providing transit options and project criteria. Vice Chairperson McAlister noted that committee members can direct questions regarding the agenda packet to John Ristow, Director of Planning & Program Development, before the meeting. Members of the Committee would like to see VTA s data on who is riding which transit mode and how they are getting there, the agreements between some cities along the State Route 85 Corridor and VTA, and the lawsuit against VTA. On order of Vice Chairperson McAlister and there being no objection, the Committee conducted a brainstorming session to identify a list of potential transportation options for the study area. 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS Vice Chairperson McAlister wished everyone a happy holidays. State Route 85 Policy Advisory Board Page 3 of 4 December 14, 2015

7 10. ADJOURNMENT On order of Vice Chairperson McAlister and there being no objection, the Committee meeting was adjourned at 11:47 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Thalia Young, Board Assistant VTA Office of the Board Secretary State Route 85 Policy Advisory Board Page 4 of 4 December 14, 2015

8 5 Date: January 19, 2016 Current Meeting: January 25, 2016 Board Meeting: N/A BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez Board Secretary, Elaine Baltao 2016 State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Policy-Related Action: No Government Code Section Applies: No ACTION ITEM RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2016 State Route (SR) 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB) Meeting Schedule. BACKGROUND: The VTA SR 85 Corridor PAB will generally meet the fourth Monday of every month, except for the months of March, June, November, and December, which will be held on the third Monday. The following meeting dates are proposed for The SR 85 Corridor PAB generally meets at VTA River Oaks Campus, 3331 North First Street, Auditorium, at 10:00 a.m., or as otherwise posted. Monday, January 25, 2016 Monday, February 22, 2016 Monday, March 21, 2016 (third Monday) Monday, April 25, 2016 Monday, May 23, 2016 Monday, June 20, 2016 (third Monday) 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. July 2016 (No Meeting Scheduled) Monday, August 22, 2016 Monday, September 26, :00 a.m. 10:00 a.m North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

9 5 Monday, October 24, 2016 Monday, November 21, 2016 (third Monday) Monday, December 19, 2016 (third Monday) 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact as a result of this action. Prepared by: Thalia Young Memo No Page 2 of 2

10 6 Date: January 8, 2016 Current Meeting: January 25, 2016 Board Meeting: N/A BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez Director of Planning and Program Development, John Ristow Adopt the SR 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board's Revised Objectives Policy-Related Action: No Government Code Section Applies: No ACTION ITEM RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the revised objectives for the State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board. BACKGROUND: At its November meeting, the State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB) discussed a variety of potential objectives and/or issues to address to guide the PAB's work program. VTA staff compiled a list of potential objectives and consolidated them into three broad objectives. At its December meeting, the PAB discussed these three objectives and directed staff to make several revisions. VTA staff has revised the objectives and recommends the PAB consider and adopt the revised objectives. DISCUSSION: The objectives for the PAB's work program have been revised by staff and are presented for consideration by the PAB. The PAB's work program will evaluate existing conditions, identify and analyze service alternatives, evaluate them, and develop policy recommendations for the VTA Board of Directors that address the following three objectives: 1. Increase throughput and efficiency in the SR 85 corridor. Specific objectives include shifting traffic from local streets to the freeway and reducing congestion on SR Improve quality of life. Specific objectives include reducing noise, reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, and expanding transportation alternatives to reduce travel time North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

11 6 3. Develop a highly-effective public transit system. Specific objectives include getting people out of their cars and developing effective "last-mile" connections. These objectives will serve as a guide as the PAB directs staff to conduct further studies and analysis on select transportation options. ALTERNATIVES: The PAB could adopt a revised set of objectives and/or adopt other objectives. The PAB may also choose not to adopt objectives at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Prepared by: Jason Tyree Memo No Page 2 of 2

12 7 Date: January 8, 2016 Current Meeting: January 25, 2016 Board Meeting: N/A BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez Director of Planning and Program Development, John Ristow State Route 85 Corridor PAB Work Plan Schedule Update FOR INFORMATION ONLY BACKGROUND: The State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB) is conducting a Phase 1 Transit Options Study to evaluate existing conditions, identify transportation options, evaluate them, and develop policy recommendations for the VTA Board of Directors. The work program for the Phase 1 study is structured to allow sufficient time to further develop transportation options that could be presented to the VTA Board of Directors in time for possible inclusion in the November 2016 Envision Silicon Valley ballot measure. Due to the extensive level of effort required to conduct the work program and the extremely short timeframe within which to do it, VTA staff will present a work program progress update at each PAB meeting. DISCUSSION: The original schedule of tasks for the Phase 1 Transit Options Study as presented to the PAB at its November 2015 meeting is shown below, as well as additional tasks added per the PAB s direction, with annotations indicating the current status of each task. For reference, a diagram of the original work program is shown in Attachment A. Months 1-2 (November-December) 1. Establish objectives and desired outcomes for the PAB. Revised objectives scheduled for adoption at the January meeting. 2. Establish scope and schedule for Phase 1 Transit Options Study. Complete. 3. Receive a summary of ongoing VTA and regional projects and studies. (Added at PAB s request.) Complete. 4. Identify and refine transit options for consideration. Deferred to January meeting North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

13 7 Months 3-4 (January-February) 5. Discuss existing conditions. (Added at PAB s request.) 6. Conduct initial screening. 7. Analyze transit options. Months 5-6 (March-April) 8. Prioritize transit option list and select options for recommendation to VTA Board. Prepared By: Jason Tyree Memo No Page 2 of 2

14 7.a State Route 85 Policy Advisory Board Draft Work Plan Election (Nov 2016) Nov-Dec 2015 Jan-Feb 2016 Mar-Apr 2016 Aug 2016 Months 1-2 Months 3-4 Months 5-6 SR-85 PAB Establish Objectives Establish Scope and Schedule Identify Transit Options Guide Transit Options Analysis Prioritize Transit Option List Select Options for Board Consideration VTA Board Selects Envision Silicon Valley Projects Phase 2 Alternatives Analysis VTA Staff & Consultant Assist PAB in Establishing Objectives and Identifying Transit Options Initial Screening Analyze Transit Options Prepare Matrix for PAB Evaluation Assist PAB in Selection of Transit Options

15 8 Date: January 7, 2016 Current Meeting: January 25, 2016 Board Meeting: N/A BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez Director of Planning and Program Development, John Ristow Study Area Existing Conditions FOR INFORMATION ONLY BACKGROUND: At its December 2015 meeting, the State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB) requested additional information on the study area's existing conditions. The PAB requested information on predominant travel flows, freeway and local road congestion levels, land use patterns, and other relevant information to aid the PAB in conducting its work program. VTA staff has developed an overview of existing conditions for the PAB. DISCUSSION: VTA staff has prepared an existing conditions presentation for the PAB study area. Due to the broad scope of the existing conditions information requested, VTA staff will provide a high-level overview of each topic. At the PAB s direction, VTA staff can present more detailed information at future meetings. The presentation will provide the PAB with information on the following relevant topics: 1. Roadway congestion 2. Pavement conditions 3. The VTA transit network 4. The bicycle network 5. Development trends 6. Distribution of jobs and housing Prepared By: Jason Tyree Memo No North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

16 9 Date: January 15, 2016 Current Meeting: January 25, 2016 Board Meeting: N/A BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez Director of Planning and Program Development, John Ristow Adopt Criteria for Screening of Transportation Projects Policy-Related Action: No Government Code Section Applies: No ACTION ITEM RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and adopt a set of criteria for screening of the transportation projects. BACKGROUND: The State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB) is conducting a work plan that includes a multi-step process to identify, screen, and prioritize potential transportation projects that would advance an adopted set of objectives (these objectives are scheduled for consideration at the PAB s January 2016 meeting). At its December 2015 meeting, the PAB acknowledged the need to first establish the project screening criteria before developing the projects to be screened. VTA staff has developed an initial list of screening criteria for consideration by the PAB. DISCUSSION: At the PAB's request, VTA staff has developed an initial list of screening criteria for consideration by the PAB. The criteria are intended to further define each objective and support screening of the projects against the objectives in a transparent and understandable manner. The criteria consist of a wide variety of qualitative measures to be examined during the screening process. Once the criteria are adopted and the project list is finalized, a planning-level technical screening of each project will be conducted. Each project will be screened against each individual criterion and the conclusions presented as ratings of LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH in a summary matrix for each criterion. This approach is designed to gauge each project's merit based on its overall ability to meet the entire spectrum of criteria, recognizing that some projects may support some objectives more strongly than others. This approach is also designed to be consistent with Federal Transit Administration regulations for project evaluation North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

17 9 The following ten objectives are presented for consideration, organized by the PAB's three broad objectives. Objective: Increase throughput and efficiency in the SR 85 corridor. Screening criteria: 1. Potential to Increase Throughput on SR Potential to Reduce Traffic on Local Streets Objective: Improve quality of life. Screening criteria: 3. Potential to Reduce Transportation-Related Noise 4. Potential to Reduce Transportation-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions 5. Potential to Reduce Travel Times Objective: Develop a highly-effective public transit system. Screening criteria: 6. Cost 7. Feasibility and Complexity 8. Potential to Reduce Single-Occupant Vehicle Trips 9. Ability to Provide Last-Mile Connectivity 10. Compatibility with Local Plans ALTERNATIVES: The State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB) can modify the criteria and/or adopt other criteria. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Prepared by: Jason Tyree Memo No Page 2 of 2

18 10 Date: January 15, 2016 Current Meeting: January 25, 2016 Board Meeting: N/A BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez Director of Planning and Program Development, John Ristow Discuss Potential Transportation Options for Screening FOR INFORMATION ONLY BACKGROUND: The State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB) is conducting a Phase 1 Transit Options Study to evaluate existing conditions, identify potential transportation options, evaluate them, and develop policy recommendations for the VTA Board of Directors. Given the compressed timeline of the Phase 1 study, VTA staff recommends the PAB begin discussing potential transportation options for screening. DISCUSSION: At its December 2015 meeting, the PAB began the discussion to identify potential transportation options for subsequent screening. A number of comments were made during the PAB s December 2015 meeting that may be relevant as the PAB considers potential transportation options: 1. A focus should be on getting commuters to jobs 2. Focus should be on commute hours 3. Chosen solution(s) should connect to other transit modes (not just point-to-point within the corridor) 4. Projects of all types should be considered, not just transit 5. Congestion reduction is too vague and suggest aiming for something more measurable 6. New technologies should be considered along with fixed rail 7. Would like to consider some low hanging fruit short-term projects 8. Technology may be a component of the solution 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA Administration Customer Service

19 10 To facilitate the discussion, VTA staff has compiled a list of potentially relevant projects submitted as part of the long-range plan's call-for-projects. The compiled list is presented in Attachment A, organized by project sponsor. The discussion will be facilitated by Eileen Goodwin from Apex Strategies. The desirable outcome of the discussion would be a list of conceptual transportation options that would meet the previously-discussed transportation objectives. Prepared By: Jason Tyree Memo No Page 2 of 2

20 TRANSIT PROJECTS Attachment A - Long-Range Plan Project List Agency # Project Title Desctiption COST (M) in 2017 T1 Implementation of Future Mass Transit Needs for Santa Clara County* Develop, finance, and construct a mass transit system to serve job centers along and near the Highway 85 Corridor, based on recommendations of a comprehensive study Campbell T2 Future Mass Transit Project Improvements* T3 Vasona Light Rail Project T4 Comprehensive Systems Study for Future Mass Transit in Santa Clara County* Comprehensive study to develop a system-wide plan that integrates future mass transit investments in Santa Clara County with connections to other counties, as well as communitylevel systems and first/last mile strategies. 1.0 T5 Future Mass Transit Needs for Santa Clara County* Develop, finance, and construct a mass transit system to serve job centers along the Highway 85 corridor, focusing on mass transit improvements to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips, develop plans for effective last-mile connections to major employment areas, identify transit center locations for last-mile services, and improve connections to other intercounty mass transit systems Cupertino T6 Transit Stop Enhancements* Enhance VTA bus stops citywide. Enhancements may include benches, shelters, landscaping, and real-time route information systems. 9.0 T7 Tri-School Area Shuttle Service* Provide a public shuttle to supplement existing VTA bus service in the neighborhoods served by McClellan Rd, Bubb Rd, and Rainbow Drive 1.1 T8 Cupertino Bus/Shuttle Service Expansion* This project would expand the existing VTA bus service, or provide new City-operated public shuttles, along Homestead Road, Foothill Blvd, Stevens Creek Blvd, and Wolfe Road. 2.2 Los Altos T11 Future Mass Transit Needs for Santa Clara County Study* Comprehensive Study with an Alternatives Analysis which would serve the mass transit needs of the region, with an initial phase on Highway 85 corridor from Highway 87 to Highway 101, subsequent phases will look at 280, 101 corridor. 2.5 T13 Study of Mass Transit Needs for Santa Clara County* Comprehensive study to develop a long-term plan for future mass transit and last-mile investments for Santa Clara County Mountain View T14 T15 Implementation Funding for Future Mass Transit Investments in Santa Clara County* Reversible Transit Lane on Shoreline Boulevard Funding to begin implementation of recommended projects and initiatives identified in the comprehensive system-wide study to develop a plan for future mass transit and last-mile investments in Santa Clara County and connections to other counties. Construction of the initial phase of a reversible median transit lane on Shoreline Boulevard between Middlefield Road and Pear Avenue to serve Caltrain shuttles, private company commuter buses and other transit vehicles traveling into and out of the North Bayshore Area during commute times. Includes protected intersection at Middlefield Road T16 Downtown Transit Center Improvements Improvements to accommodate the increased number of Caltrain and light rail riders, provide facilities for better connections to other transportation modes at/near the Transit Center site, and address increased demand for housing, employment and services at/near the Transit Center T17 Future Mass Transit Needs for Santa Clara County Study* Comprehensive study to develop a long-term plan for future mass transit and last-mile investments for Santa Clara County 25.0 T18 Palo Alto Shuttle Project* Acquire (or lease) shuttle vehicles to operate expanded service and improve shuttle stops 22.0 T19 Caltrain Quiet Zones* Construct crossing improvements to facilitate implementation of quiet zone - quad gates and other improvements at all four at-grade crossings 5.0 Palo Alto T20 Caltrain Grade Crossings - Safety Improvements (Fencing) Installation of 8 welded wire fencing along the entire 4-mile west-side of the Caltrain corridor in Palo Alto 1.3 T21 Caltrain Grade Crossings - Safety Improvements (Camera Intrusion Detection System)* Installation of a camera intrusion detection system at Palo Alto s four at-grade crossings 0.7 T22 Palo Alto Inter-model Transportation Center (PAITC) Modification of University Ave. and Caltrain Station to facilitate better access and connections 50.0

21 TRANSIT PROJECTS Attachment A - Long-Range Plan Project List Agency # Project Title Desctiption COST (M) in 2017 T23 Implement North San Jose Transit Improvements* Miscellaneous Transit Improvements in the North San Jose area San Jose T24 West San Carlos Light Rail Station In the City of San Jose construct a new light rail station to support new development on West San Carlos Street 12.1 T25 Implement Mineta San Jose International Airport APM connector The proposed project will provide transit link to San Jose International Airport from VTA s Guadalupe Light Rail Transit (LRT) Line, and from Caltrain and future BART in Santa Clara, using automated People Mover (APM) technology Saratoga T26 City of Saratoga Senior Transportation Program* This program would provide a means of transportation for seniors to assist in obtaining their daily needs. The transportation will focus on access to shopping centers and grocery stores, which is different from the door to door services that VTA s Outreach service provides. This project will require a Planning Study, Pilot and Final implementation of Services. 0.5 T28 VTA Transportation Demand Management Development Grant Program* A Santa Clara County TDM investment program designed to reduce drive-alone commuting, vehicle miles traveled, and greenhouse gas emissions, while facilitating efficient transportation. The investment program would assist jurisdictions with activities leading to the development of transportation management associations (TMA) and similar geographically focused mode shift programs T31 Caltrain Railroad Maintenance (Santa Clara County Share) Funding for SCC s share of the cost to maintain the railroad in a state of good repair T32 Caltrain Santa Clara County Station Area Enhancements* Station improvements / access needs i.e parking improvements, bike facilities, transit connectivity, ticket vending machines, and station enhancements in Santa Clara County T33 Caltrain System Performance and Reliability (Santa Clara County Share)* Reduce delays, improve operational flexibility, reliability and speed movement through congested area (track reconfigurations) including the following improvements: Guadalupe River Bridge Project, Terminal Projects, Cross-overs, and College Park Station T34 Caltrain Modernization (CalMod 2.0) Improve performance, reduce pollutants, improve operations, capacity, service and reduce dwell time through electrified/modernized trains and station improvements including: Santa Clara County's share of EMU conversion with longer EMUs, level boardings, and longer platforms T38 Express Bus Countywide Expansion* Implement a countywide expansion of express services across the complete freeway network T39 Tasman West Reconstruction Project would construct a light rail line along the 237 corridor and would bypass select stations along the Tasman West line T40 North Bayshore Light Rail Project would construct a light rail line from the vicinity of the NASA/Bayshore station to the North Bayshore area T44 De Anza to East San Jose Light Rail Project would construct a new light rail line from De Anza college to East San Jose VTA T46 Winchester Line Double Tracking and Platform Double track the two single tracked segments on the Vasona line and expand all platforms to accommodate 3 car trains 90.2 T49 Park & Ride Improvements* Acquire land for and construct 6 Express Bus park & ride lots T52 Fast and Reliable Bus Network* Provide capital improvements to improve travel times and on-time performance for high ridership bus corridors not currently planned for rapid transit improvements T55 Reconstruct Mountain View Transit Center Mountain View Transit Center and Caltrain Station Reconstruction T57 De Anza College Transit Center Improve De Anza College Transit Center to allow all lines serving the college to be in the same location and meet anticipated ridership increases from future BRT. The project will include more bus bays, improved lighting, and an enhanced pedestrian waiting environment T59 Extend ligh-rail transit from Winchester Station to Route 85 (Vasona Junction) Light rail from downtown San Jose to Winchester Station in Campbell was completed in Phase II of project is to extend from Winchester Station to Route 85 (Vasona Junction) T61 Implement El Camino Rapid Transit Project Implement Rapid line 522 improvements in the El Camino Real/The Alameda corridor including: dedicated guideways, signal prioritization, low-floor boarding, ticket vending machines, premium stations, real-time information, and specialized vehicles T62 Implement Stevens Creek Rapid Transit Project Implement Rapid Transit improvements in the Stevens Creek corridor including: dedicated guideways, signal prioritization, low-floor boarding, ticket vending machines, premium BRT stations, real-time information, and specialized vehicles T65 Express Bus Highway Stations* Create efficient transit connections between express buses operating on highways and transit service operating on local roads at over/underpasses in Santa Clara County by constructing multi-level transit stations along freeway medians

22 LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS PROJECTS Attachment A - Long-Range Plan Project List Agency # Project Title Desctiption COST (M) in 2017 R1 Dell Avenue Area Improvements Add lanes and install or modify traffic signals at Hacienda/Dell, Dell/Sunnyoaks, Winchester/Sunnyoaks, and Winchester/Hacienda 4.0 Campbell R2 Campisi Way Improvements Reconstruct Campisi Way from PruneYard Shopping Center entrance to end of existing bridge approximately 260 feet to the north 2.0 R3 Citywide Sidewalk Gap Closure* Install sidewalks to infill gaps in the existing sidewalk network citywide. 7.0 R4 McClellan Road Bridge Replacement The McClellan Road bridge over Stevens Creek is again and will require increasing maintenance. This project replaces the existing bridge with a new bridge, including sidewalks. 6.0 Cupertino R5 Citywide ADA curb ramp improvements* Upgrade and provide new curb ramps citywide to current ADA standards. 4.0 R6 Stevens Creek Blvd Bridge Replacement over Stevens Creek The existing Stevens Creek Blvd bridge over Stevens Creek is aging and will be increasingly expensive to maintain. This project replaces the structure with a new bridge of equal capacity. 8.0 Los Altos R14 El Monte Avenue Street Resurfacing Project Provide 2-inch mill and overlay for the entire 2 miles of El Monte Road within Los Altos City Limits. Work includes traffic control, mill and overlay, striping and adjusting utility boxes and manholes to grade. 2.1 R15 Fremont Avenue Street Resurfacing Provide 2-inch mill and overlay on Fremont Avenue between Stevens Creek and Miramonte Avenue. Work includes traffic control, mill and overlay, striping, and adjusting manholes/utility boxes to grade. 1.3 R16 Blossom Hill Road South Side (Union Avenue to Regent Drive) The project includes Widening of the south side of Blossom Hill Road to conform with the roadway width at Regent drive and provide for bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements including Class II bicycle lane. The widening will also include addition of retaining walls/curbs, new roadway section, striping, signage and traffic control. 2.0 R17 HWY North Santa Cruz Avenue The project provides a double left turn from eastbound Hwy 9 to northbound Santa Cruz Ave. as well as a new gateway entry feature. The project will require additional right of way and will build new roadway section, remove pork-chop islands, median island modifications, signal modifications, striping and traffic control. 2.0 R18 Lark Avenue Improvements from HWY 17 to Los Gatos Blvd The project will improve the intersection level of service for Lark/Los Gatos Blvd, which is a CMP intersection. Roadway will be widened from 4 lanes to 6 lanes with new bicycle lanes and changes to the median islands. This work will include new street section, new curb and gutter, striping, signage and traffic control. 4.0 Los Gatos R19 Blossom Hill Road HWY 17 This project will widen the Caltrans bridge over HWY 17 on Blossom Hill Road. The bridge is narrow with inadequate width for vehicle lanes, bicycle lanes, and pedestrian sidewalk. The project section is a heavily used route for students who walk/bike to Jack Fisher Middle and Louise Van Meter Elementary School. The project will improve school route safety and encourage more non-motorized traffic R20 Lark Avenue Widening from Winchester Blvd. to HWY 17 This project will enhance roadway capacity and install Class II bicycle lanes for Lark Ave. Roadway will be widened from four lanes to six lanes with new bicycle lanes and changes to the median islands. This work will include new street section, new curb and gutter, signal modifications, striping, signage and traffic control. 3.0 R23 Los Gatos Boulevard and Lark Avenue Intersection improvements This project will improve intersection level of service for Lark/LGB, a CMP intersection, and provide improved pedestrian and bicycle access. The project will include, new curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway section, median islands, signal modification, striping, signage and traffic control. 1.2 R25 Pollard Road Improvements from York to Knowles Drive The project will provide continuous pedestrian sidewalk and Class II bike lanes along Pollard for increased pedestrian and bicyclist safety in the area. The project will widen the road to four lanes and provide Class II bike lanes and continuous pedestrian sidewalks. 2.0

23 LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS PROJECTS Attachment A - Long-Range Plan Project List Agency # Project Title Desctiption COST (M) in 2017 R36 Castro Street/Moffett Boulevard/Central Expressway Intersection Improvements This plan recommends design and construction of the intersection improvements as proposed in the Shoreline Boulevard transportation Corridor Study, including travel lane modifications, signal modifications and bicycle and pedestrian striping improvements. These recommendations will improve pedestrian and bicycle travel through the intersections. 2.0 R37 San Antonio Road Interchange / Charleston Road Connection Widen existing San Antonio Road/U.S. Route 101 overcrossing to four lanes and create a new southbound on-ramp to U.S. route 101. Close existing Charleston Road on-ramp to southbound U.S. Route R38 San Antonio Ramp to Southbound Central Expressway (Tier 2 Expressway Study) Reconfigure San Antonio ramp to touch down past the Mayfield intersection and enhance bike/pedestrian access to Caltrain station and along Central Expressway Mountain View R39 Castro Street/Moffett Boulevard Closure/Grade Separation Grade separation or closure of Castro Street/Moffett Boulevard at Caltrain tracks R40 Mountain View Rengstorff Avenue Railroad Grade Separation (VTP Project Number R12) Project constructs a grade separation, depressing Rengstorff Avenue under the Caltrain tracks and reconnecting the roadway to a new at-grade Rengstorff Avenue and Central Expressway intersection R41 Shoreline Boulevard Transportation Corridor Improvements Full Build Out* This project would design and construct the full build out of improvements identified in the 2014 Shoreline Boulevard Transportation Corridor Study including reversible transit lane stations, cycle tracks, landscaping and other improvements R84 Intersections and improve sidewalks throughout the city of Sunnyvale* Intersection widening and sidewalk improvements at various locations Citywide 18.0 R85 Sunnyvale Downtown Specific Plan Transportation Improvements* Intersection and streetscape enhancements, bikeways, signal improvements, and roadway reconfiguration 17.0 Sunnyvale R86 Extend Mary Avenue north across Route 237 Extending Mary Ave. north across SR-237, reconfiguring the Mathilda Ave./US-101 interchange, re-routing Moffett Park Dr. and modifying the eastbound SR 237/Northbound Mathilda Ave. flyover to create an alternative north/south route R88 Mary Avenue Rail Road Grade Separation The project will provide a grade crossing of Mary Avenue over the Caltrains RR tracks adjacent to the intersection of Mary and Evelyn Avenues. Grade crossings will mitigate existing congestion and safety issues along both Mary Ave and Evelyn Ave Corridors R99 Lawrence Expressway Multimodal Grade Separated Toll Corridor* Creation of a grade separated toll corridor with multimodal features. 1,000.0

24 EXPRESSWAY PROJECTS Attachment A - Long-Range Plan Project List Agency # Project Title Desctiption COST (M) in 2017 Campbell X1 Widen San Tomas Expressway to 8 Lanes from Stevens Creek Blvd to Campbell Ave Widen San Tomas Expressway to 8 Lanes from Stevens Creek Blvd to Campbell Ave; including potential creek trail expansion along the west side through Campbell and sidewalks consistent with pedestrian route plan 40.0 San Jose X6 San Tomas Expwy: Widen from Moorpark to Homestead Widen San Tomas Expressway to eight lanes from Moorpark to Homestead 51.1 X7 Foothill Expressway at Magdelena/Springer Intersection Improvements (Tier 2 Exp Plan 2040) Foothill Expressway at Magdelena/Springer Intersection improvements: Convert to 8 phase signal, make operational/safety improvements at adjacent Country Club intersection, and consider adding signal at adjacent Berry intersection in Los Altos. 2.0 X10 Foothill Expressway widening between El Monte and San Antonio (Tier 1 Exp Plan 2040) Widen from 4 to 6 lanes by extending right turn lanes (auxiliary lanes) and make intersection improvements at El Monte and San Antonio in Los Altos 2.3 X13 Grade Separation at Central Expressway & Moffett/Castro & Caltrain Tracks (Tier 1 Exp Plan 2040) Grade separate Caltrain tracks from Moffett/Castro with corresponding grade changes for Central Expressway in Mountain View X14 Central Expressway at Bowers Ave Intersection Interim Improvement (Tier 2 Exp Plan 2040) Central Expressway at Bowers Avenue Intersection Interim Improvement: add 3rd eastbound left turn lane in Santa Clara 2.0 X15 Central Expressway Auxiliary Lanes between Lawrence and Mary (Tier 2 Exp Plan 2040) Central Expressway between Lawrence Expressway to Mary Avenue in Sunnyvale: Add eastbound and westbound auxiliary lanes, including sidewalks per pedestrian route plan 20.3 X17 Widen Lawrence Expressway between Moorpark and I-280 (Tier 2 Exp Plan 2040) Widen Lawrence Expressway from 6 to 8 lanes between Moorpark and I-280 in San Jose 7.8 X18 Lawrence Expressway at Moorpark/Bollinger Intersection Improvements (Tier 2 Exp Plan 2040) Lawrence Expressway at Moorpark/Bollinger Intersection improvements in San Jose: add 3rd eastbound left and 3rd westbound through lane 1.8 Santa Clara County X19 Almaden Expressway at SR-85 - Interim Improvements (Tier 1 Exp Plan 2040) Interim improvement: add left turn lane from southbound Almaden Expressway to SR 85 in San Jose 0.5 X20 Lawrence Expressway at Saratoga Avenue Intersection Improvements (Tier 2 Exp Plan 2040) Lawrence Expressway at Saratoga Avenue Intersection improvements in San Jose and Saratoga: add 2nd left turn lane from northbound Saratoga to northbound Lawrence Expressway 2.0 X30 San Tomas Expressway Widening between Homestead and Stevens Creek (Tier 1 Exp Plan 2040) Widen San Tomas Expressway from 6 to 8 lanes, including extending San Tomas Aquino Spur Trail along west side of Expressway, from Homestead to Stevens Creek Blvd and add sidewalks along east side consistent with pedestrian route plan 42.0 X33 Oregon-Page Mill widening between I-280 and Foothill Expressway (Tier 1 Exp Plan 2040) Widen Oregon-Page Mill Expressway from 4 to 6 lanes between I-280 and Foothill Expressway with intersection improvements at Junipero Serra Blvd-Foothill intersection, including a bike/pedestrian trail extension from Deer Creek Road to I-280 and enhanced bicycle connection from easterly Old Page Mill Road access to Junipero Serra Blvd 23.5 X34 Oregon-Page Mill intersection improvements (Tier 1 Exp Plan 2040) Intersection improvements include - extend/add left turn lanes at various intersections between Porter Drive and north of Hansen, and convert Hanover intersection to 8-phase signal operations 2.7 X35 Oregon-Page Mill/El Camino Real (Tier 1 Exp Plan 2040) Intersection improvements: extend double left turn from westbound Page Mill to southbound El Camino and modify southwest and southeast corners for improved pedestrian crossings 2.4 X42 Grade separate Caltrain tracks from Rengstorff Ave at Central Expressway (Tier 1 Exp Plan 2040) Grade separate Caltrain tracks from Rengstorff and enhance Central Expressway / Rengstorff Avenue intersection in Mountain View 120.0

25 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PROJECTS Attachment A - Long-Range Plan Project List Agency # Project Title Description COST (M) in 2017 B1 Hamilton Avenue/Highway 17 Bicycle Overcrossing Hamilton Avenue/Highway 17 bicycle overcrossing to Hamilton Light Rail Station 4.0 B2 Latimer Avenue Pedestrian Overcrossing Latimer Avenue pedestrian overcrossing spanning San Tomas Expressway 5.1 B3 Ped/Bike Bridge over SR 17 from Railway/Sunnyside to Campbell Technology Pkwy Ped/Bike Overcrossing spanning Los Gatos Creek and Highway 17 from Railway Avenue/Sunnyside Avenue to west end of Campbell Technology Parkway 5.0 B4 Bike Share Program* 0.1 B5 Los Gatos Creek Trail expansion on west side (Hamilton to Campbell) 2.5 B6 San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail 1.8 Campbell B7 San Tomas Expressway Bike/Ped Path Bike/ped path on top of west bank of San Tomas Aquino Creek between Campbell Ave and Payne Ave 0.5 B8 Bascom Avenue Great Streets Project Construct street improvements resulting from Bascom Avenue Great Streets Plan 1.0 B9 Citywide School Sidewalks* Install sidewalks on Leigh Avenue, Eden Avenue, Chapman Drive, West Parr Avenue near schools 1.0 B10 Downtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Enhancements* 1.7 B11 Harriet Avenue Sidewalks 0.8 B12 B13 Widen Los Gatos Creek Trail on east side (Camden to Campbell) Hamilton Ave. Medians, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Enhancements Replace existing median on Hamilton Avenue easterly of the Bascom Avenue intersection; install bike lanes; widen sidewalks along the south side of Hamilton Avenue between Bascom and Leigh Avenues B14 Citywide Sidewalk Gap Closure* Install sidewalks to infill gaps in the existing sidewalk network citywide. 7.0 B15 Stevens Creek Trail grade separation at Stevens Creek Blvd This project provides a grade-separated crossing of Stevens Creek Blvd for the Stevens Creek Trail. This crossing may be either below grade along the creek, or above Stevens Creek Blvd. 3.0 B16 Foothill Blvd Bike Lane and Sidewalk Improvements This project constructs sidewalk and improves the bike lanes along Foothill Blvd between Stevens Creek Blvd and Rancho Ventura Street. 0.5 Cupertino B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 Stevens Canyon Road Widening, Bike and Ped Improvements Stevens Creek Trail Completion Saratoga Creek Trail Extension: Lawrence Expressway to Mitty Way Union Pacific Rail Trail Bike/Ped Bridge Over UPRR Tracks Snyder-Hammond House Widen Stevens Canyon Road between Miramonte Road and the south city limits to include bike lanes and sidewalks. Project includes design and construction. Complete the Stevens Creek trail between Heatherstone Ave in Mountain View, and the south Cupertino city limits. The segment between Stevens Creek Blvd and McClellan Road has been completed; this project would complete the missing segments to the north and south. Trail alignments and costs are largely undetermined at this time. Obtain by purchase or trade of land, a 7.1 acre property adjacent to Saratoga Creek, at the corner of Lawrence Expressway and Mitty Way. Construct a multi-use trail parallel to Saratoga Creek connecting the existing San Tomas Aquino/Saratoga Creek Trail to the south and extend the trail towards Stevens Creek Blvd. Construct a bike/ped trail along the UPRR corridor connecting the cities of Cupertino, Saratoga, Campbell, and the town of Los Gatos. The trail would be located adjacent to the UPRR's Vasona Branch right-of-way, a spur line that runs on a northwest alignment between San Jose and the Permanente Cement facility in Cupertino. Construct a bike/ped bridge over the UPRR tracks at the Snyder-Hammond house, to connect Stevens Creek Blvd with Rancho San Antonio Park. Bridge will provide bike/ped connectivity between the Oak Valley neighborhoods and neighborhoods/schools south and east of Stevens Creek Blvd and Foothill Blvd B22 Citywide ADA Pedestrian Signal Upgrades Upgrade pedestrian signal indications at signalized intersections citywide. Project includes installing real-time pedestrian detectors to adjust pedestrian clearance times based on pedestrian presence in crosswalks. 1.0 B23 Bicycle Transportation Plan Implementation* Cupertino will be updating its Bicycle Transportation Plan in This project will fund bikeway improvement elements to be identified in the Plan B24 Mary Avenue Complete Street Converstion Convert Mary Avenue between Stevens Creek Blvd and the Don Burnett Bridge to a more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly "Complete Street". Improvements may include enhanced bike lanes, median islands, narrower travel lanes, widened sidewalks, and landscaping. Project includes all 0.5 phases including design through construction. B25 Citywide Class 1 Bikeway Network Implementation* Design and install a network of Class 1 bikeways throughout the city, providing connectivity to schools and other popular destinations B26 Stelling Road Complete Street Project Convert Stelling Road between McClellan Road and Prospect Road into a more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly corridor. Improvements may include bike lane enhancements, intersection improvements, landscaping, median island construction, and sidewalk enhancements. Project includes feasibility study, design and construction. 0.5

26 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PROJECTS Attachment A - Long-Range Plan Project List Agency # Project Title Description Los Altos B35 B36 Miramonte Avenue Bikeway Improvements Stevens Creek Trail Link This project will construct a bicycle path (Class I) between Mountain View at the north end to Foothill Expressway at the south end. This project also includes drainage improvements along the street since it will have to be widened. Curb and gutter work is not included. The bicycle path project would have a regional impact on improving pedestrian and bicycle access This project will construct a Class I multi-use path on Fremont Avenue at the Sunnyvale Border, west to Grant Road, then the path will continue south, then east on Grant Road and connect to Foothill Expressway. B37 Completing Bikeway Network-Other than Miramonte* 1.6 B38 Implementation of Los Altos Pedestrian Plan* 13.1 B39 Fremont Road Pathway Phase 2: Concepcion Road to Arastradero Road 0.9 COST (M) in Los Altos Hills B40 Hale Creek Path Connecting to El Monte Road 0.5 Los Gatos B41 El Monte Road: Stonebrook to Voorhees (Segment 4) New landscaping and intersection improvements to existing pathway. 0.6 B42 B43 B44 B45 Blossom Hill Road Widening North Side (Union Ave. to Westhill Drive) HWY 9 Los Gatos Creek Connector Highway 9 (HWY 17 to Los Gatos Blvd) Complete Streets Knowles from Pollard to Winchester Complete Streets Los Gatos (cont.) B46 Los Gatos Blvd. bike lane project from Camino Del Sol to Blossom Hill Road B58 B59 B60 B61 Stevens Creek Trail Reach 4 Segment 2: Dale/Heatherstone to Mountain View High School Stevens Creek Trail: New Trailhead at Landels School Permanente Creek Trail Extension Feasibility Study (Part II) Shoreline Boulevard Pathway over Central Expressway and Railroad The project includes Widening the north side of the roadway between Union Avenue and Westhill Drive to provide addition of a Class II bicycle lane and pedestrian improvements. The widening will also include addition of retaining walls/curbs, new roadway section, striping, signage and traffic control. The Los Gatos Creek Trail Multi-Use Path Connection project will design and construct a bridge and pathway across Los Gatos Creek south of State Route 9, connecting eastbound pedestrians and bicyclists on SR 9 to the Los Gatos Creek Trail on the east side of the creek. This project includes widening the HWY bridge over HWY 17 to include expanded bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The project will provide a widened bridge structure, new barrier railing, Class II bike lane, widening pedestrian walkways, new sidewalk and new pavement section, new retaining walls and retaining curbs. The project will install bicycle lanes along the Knowles/Pollard corridor, which is part of a cross-county bicycle corridor. Project will include narrowing of existing traffic lanes and widening of portions of roadway to provide bicycle lanes and provide sidewalk infill in locations currently lacking sidewalk. additionally new striping and signage will be added. This project will install Class II bike lanes connecting from Los Gatos Saratoga Road to Lark Avenue. Roadway lanes will be narrowed, parking removed in various locations, changes made to the median island and curb line modified to allow for the addition of new Class II bicycle lanes along the corridor. (VTP Project Number B92) Extend the Stevens Creek Trail from Dale/ Heatherstone to Mountain View High School, completing Stevens Creek Trail in Mountain View. (VTP Project Number B93) Improvements include new ADA curb ramps, signs, striping, bollard and other trail amenities at a new trailhead at Dana Street to access downtown. The Permanente Creek Trail Feasibility Study will seek to determine the feasibility of extending the multi-use trail along the Permanente Creek corridor from West Middlefield Road to Central Expressway, including connections across Central Expressway to Crisanto Avenue and Escuela Avenue, plus on-street alternative routes, access opportunities, and intersection improvements. The existing pathway along the east side of Shoreline Boulevard that runs from Villa Street to Wright Avenue is in poor condition with tree roots, aging asphalt and steep inclines. A new Class I pathway will improve the bicycle and pedestrian connection over Central Expressway and the Caltrain tracks. B62 Shoreline Boulevard Cycle Track -- Stierlin Road to Terra Bella Addition of one-way protected bicycle lanes on both sides of Shoreline Boulevard. 9.6 B63 Shoreline Boulevard/US Route 101 Pedestrian/Bicycle Overcrossing New bridge west of the current Shoreline Boulevard overcrossing to provide a fully separated path for pedestrian and bicyclists around the Shoreline/101 interchange. B64 Permanente Creek Trail: Modification to Under-crossing at Amphitheatre Parkway (VTP Project Number B89) Modify the existing under-crossing at Amphitheatre Parkway for the Permanente Creek Trail. 0.8 B65 Mayfield Tunnel Ped/Bike under Central Expressway connecting to San Antonio Caltrain station A new ped/bike tunnel under Central Expressway at Mayfield Avenue to provide connection to residential and commercial/office uses to San Antonio Caltrain station B66 Old Middlefield Way Bike Lanes This plan recommends constructing on-street buffering bike lanes or Class IV protected bike lanes (if sufficient width permits) to separate bicyclists from fast, high volume traffic, and to provide a connection between the City of Palo Alto and Permanente Creek Trail and North Bayshore 0.7 Mountain View B67 Moffett Boulevard Bike Lanes This plan recommends the design and construction of on-street buffered bike lanes or Class IV protected bike lanes (if width permits) to separate bicyclists from fast, high volume traffic to provide a diagonal connection to Moffett Field and Stevens Creek Trail. 0.9 B68 California Street Ped/Bike complete street implementation (including potential road diet) (Showers to Bryant_ Implement preferred complete street improvements on California Street per the 2016 California/Escuela/Shoreline Complete Street Study B69 Shoreline Blvd. Ped/Bike Complete Street Implementation (including potential road diet) (El Camino Real to Montecito) Implement preferred complete street improvements on Shoreline Blvd. per the 2016 California/Escuela/Shoreline Complete Street Study B70 Escuela Ave. Ped/Bike complete street implementation (Latham to Crisanto) Implement preferred complete street improvements on Escuela Ave. per the 2016 California/Escuela/Shoreline Complete Street Study B71 Bernardo Bike/Ped Tunnel Construction of a bicycle and pedestrian undercrossing of the Caltrain Railroad tracks and provision of pedestrian and bicycle crossing improvements to access the undercrossing in order to connect disconnected segments of Bernardo Avenue. B72 Bay Area Bike Share 20 Stations in Mountain View* Expand existing bike share system. 3.1 B73 Permanente Creek Trail: Grade Separation at Charleston Road Construct a new grade-separated undercrossing at Charleston Road for the Permanente Creek Trail B74 Mountain View Stevens Creek Trail: Middlefield Road North Side Access (VTP Project Number B94) Construct a new access point for the Stevens Creek Trail in Mountain View along the north side of Middlefield Road between Hwy 85 and Easy Street. Project improvements will include new ADA curb, ramp, signs, striping, bollards and other trail amenities. 1.0 B75 B76 Palo Alto-Sunnyvale Bicycle Regional Connections El Camino Real Bike Lanes This project proposes the design and construction of full-time on-street buffered bike lanes on Middlefield Road and Bernardo Avenue, creating a continuous, regional bicycle connection between Palo Alto and Sunnyvale. 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