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1 CLARKSON UNIVERSITY G OLDEN KNIGHTS Hockey Newsletter SCHEDULE OCTOBER 11 UNIV. of TORONTO (exh.) H W Bemidji State... A W Bemidji State... A T 1-1 ot 24 COLORADO COLLEGE... H L COLORADO COLLEGE... H T 4-4 ot 31 UNIVERSITY of FINDLAY... H W 4-1 November 1 SACRED HEART UNIVERSITY H W * RENSSELAER... H L 4-3 ot 8 * UNION COLLEGE... H W * CORNELL UNIVERSITY... H T 2-2 ot 15 * COLGATE UNIVERSITY... H L * ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY H W * Brown University... A L * Harvard University... A W 3-0 December 5 UNIV. of NEW HAMPSHIRE H L UNIV. of MASS LOWELL... H L 4-2 Dunkin Donuts Coffee Pot at Dunkin Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island CLARKSON vs Providence... L CLARKSON vs Harvard... T 3-3 ot January 2 MERCYHURST COLLEGE... H W 4-3 ot 3 MERCYHURST COLLEGE... H W * Yale University... A L * Princeton University... A W 5-4 ot 16 * Dartmouth College... A T 2-2 ot 17 * University of Vermont... W 3-2 ot 24 * St. Lawrence University... A L * PRINCETON UNIVERSITY... H W * YALE UNIVERSITY... H L 4-3 ot February 6 * Union College... A L * Rensselaer... A L * UNIVERSITY of VERMONT... H L * DARTMOUTH COLLEGE... H L * HARVARD UNIVERSITY... H 7:00 21 * BROWN UNIVERSITY... H 7:00 27 * Colgate University... A 7:00 28 * Cornell University... A 7:00 March 5-7 ECAC Playoffs First Round - Best of Three Game Series (Teams 5-12 at campus sites of highest four seeds) ECAC Quarterfinals - Best of Three Game Series (Winners of First Round at campus sites of top four seed) rd ECAC Championship Tournament at Pepsi Center, Albany, New York NCAA Northeast Regional at Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, New Hampshire NCAA West Regional at World Arena, Colorado Springs, Colorado NCAA East Regional at Pepsi Arena, Albany, New York NCAA Midwest Regional at Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, Michigan April 8 &10 57th Annual NCAA Championship Tournament at FleetCenter, Boston, Massachusetts * Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) February 16, 2004 KNIGHTS LOOK to GET BACK on WINNING TRACK Wi t h a c o u p l e o f f a v o r a b l e b o u n c e s o f t h e p u c k t h e Clarkson University Hockey t e a m c o u l d b e c h a l l e n g i n g f o r a f i r s t r o u n d b y e i n t h e u p c o m i n g Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) p l a y o f f s. I n s t e a d t h e Golden Knights a r e m i r e d i n t h e i r l o n g e s t l o s i n g s t r e a k i n f i v e y e a r s a n d s t r u g g l i n g t o s e c u r e a h o m e - i c e b e r t h i n t h e f i r s t r o u n d o f t h e l e a g u e s p o s t s e a s o n t o u r n a m e n t. W i t h f o u r g a m e s r e m a i n i n g i n t h e r e g u l a r s e a s o n, C l a r k s o n, g u i d e d b y f i r s t - y e a r h e a d c o a c h George Roll, a s s o c i a t e c o a c h Greg Drechsel a n d a s s i s t a n t c o a c h Jean-Francois Houle, i s t i e d w i t h N o r t h C o u n t r y f o e S t. L a w r e n c e f o r e i g h t h p l a c e i n t h e E C A C s t a n d i n g s w i t h a c o n f e r e n c e m a r k a n d o w n s a n o v e r a l l r e c o r d. T h e Green and Gold, w i t h n i n e f r e s h m e n m a k i n g a r e g u l a r c o n t r i b u t i o n, h a v e p l a y e d i n 1 6 g a m e s t h a t h a v e b e e n d e c i d e d b y o n e g o a l a n d f o u r o t h e r s t h a t h a v e i n c l u d e d a n e m p t y - n e t t a l l y t h a t r e s u l t e d i n a t w o - g o a l d i f f e r e n c e. I n t h o s e t i g h t g a m e s, C l a r k s o n i s T h i s p a s t w e e k e n d a s t h e K n i g h t s o p e n e d a f o u r - g a m e h o m e s t a n d, C l a r k s o n s o n e - g o a l w o e s c o n t i n u e d. O n F r i d a y, t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f V e r m o n t g a i n e d i t s t h i r d s t r a i g h t v i c t o r y a t Cheel Arena b y t a k i n g a 1-0 f i r s t - p e r i o d l e a d a n d t h e n s e a l i n g i t s f i r s t r o a d w i n o f t h e y e a r w i t h a n e m p t y - n e t m a r k e r w i t h 1 5 s e c o n d s r e m a i n i n g t o e a r n t h e 2-0 s h u t o u t. O n S a t u r d a y, D a r t m o u t h t o o k a 3-0 l e a d t h r o u g h 4 0 m i n u t e s a n d t h e n h e l d o f f a l a t e C l a r k s o n r a l l y t o r e c o r d i t s f i r s t w i n e v e r a t C h e e l w i t h a 3-2 v i c t o r y. C l a r k s o n w i l l s t r i v e t o s n a p a f i v e - g a m e l o s i n g s k i d a s i t c l o s e s o u t t h e h o m e p o r t i o n o f t h e c a m p a i g n t h i s w e e k e n d. T h e K n i g h t s h o s t p r e s e a s o n f a v o r i t e H a r v a r d o n F r i d a y a n d t h e E C A C s f i r s t - p l a c e t e a m B r o w n o n S a t u r d a y. I n e a c h o f t h e p a s t f i v e g a m e s, t h e K n i g h t s l o s s e s h a v e b e e n b y o n e g o a l o r t w o, i n c l u d i n g a n e m p t y - n e t s c o r e. Harvard University e n t e r s t h e N o r t h C o u n t r y l o o k i n g t o b u i l d s o m e m o m e n t u m f o r t h e u p c o m i n g p l a y o f f s. T h e p r e s e a s o n c o n s e n s u s t o w i n t h e E C A C r e g u l a r s e a s o n t i t l e, t h e Crimson h a v e s t r u g g l e d t o l i v e u p t o t h e i r l o f t y e x p e c t a t i o n s t h i s s e a s o n d e s p i t e p o s - s e s s i n g a n a b u n d a n c e o f t a l e n t, i n c l u d i n g 1 2 N H L D r a f t S e l e c t i o n s, a n d a r e n o l o n g e r t h e o v e r w h e l m i n g f a v o r i t e t o s k a t e a w a y w i t h t h e W h i t e l a w C u p a s E C A C T o u r n a m e n t c h a m - p i o n i n A l b a n y c o m e m i d - M a r c h. G u i d e d b y f i f t h - y e a r h e a d c o a c h Mark Mazzoleni, H a r v a r d i s t h r e e p o i n t s a h e a d o f C l a r k s o n i n t h e s t a n d i n g s w i t h a s e v e n t h - p l a c e E C A C m a r k. O v e r a l l, t h e C r i m s o n s t a n d a t H a r v a r d s p l i t a s e r i e s a t B r i g h t H o c k e y C e n t e r i n C a m b r i d g e, M A o v e r t h e w e e k e n d. O n F r i d a y, t h e C r i m s o n s u r r e n d e r e d t w o l a t e g o a l s a g a i n s t R e n s s e l a e r t o f a l l t o t h e E n g i n e e r s 3-2. A g a i n s t U n i o n o n S a t u r d a y, H a r v a r d c a m e o u t s t r o n g a n d p l a y e d a s o l i d 6 0 m i n u t e s t o s n a p t h e s t r e a k i n g D u t c h m e n s f o u r - g a m e u n b e a t e n s t r i n g w i t h a 3-2 v i c t o r y. B a c k b o n e d i n g o a l b y H o b e y B a k e r A w a r d c a n d i d a t e Yann Danis a n d w i t h t i m e l y s c o r i n g f r o m a n o p p o r t u n i s t i c o f f e n s e, t h e Brown University Bears s i t a t o p t h e E C A C w i t h a c o n f e r e n c e r e c o r d. G u i d e d b y s e v e n t h - y e a r h e a d c o a c h Roger Grillo, B r o w n h o l d s a o v e r a l l m a r k h e a d i n g i n t o F r i d a y s g a m e a t S t. L a w r e n c e. T h e B e a r s b o a s t t h e t o p - r a n k e d d e f e n s e i n t h e l e a g u e ( G P G ), t h e E C A C s m o s t p o t e n t p o w e r p l a y ( % ) a n d t h e n a t i o n s s t i n g i e s t p e n a l t y - k i l l i n g u n i t ( % ). T h i s p a s t w e e k e n d, h o w e v e r, a t M e e h a n A u d i t o r i u m i n P r o v i d e n c e, R I, t h e B e a r s w e r e k n o c k e d o f f c o u r s e. A g a i n s t U n i o n o n F r i d a y, B r o w n b l e w a t w o - g o a l l e a d a s t h e D u t c h m e n s c o r e d t w i c e i n t h e f i n a l t h r e e m i n u t e s t o g a i n a 2-2 t i e o n t h e B e a r s h o m e i c e. O n S a t u r d a y, R e n s s e l a e r d o m i n a t e d B r o w n b y h a n d i n g t h e B e a r s t h e i r f i r s t s h u t o u t o f t h e s e a s o n i n a 4-0 d e f e a t.

2 2003 CLARKSON HOCKEY 2004 THE SERIES: Harvard is challenging to become the only ECAC team to gain an edge over the Golden Knights in an all-time series. Clarkson holds a slim advantage over the Crimson in the series, w h i c h s t a r t e d w i t h a 2-1 C l a r k s o n w i n i n L a k e P l a c i d o n D e - c e m b e r 2 8, T h e K n i g h t s a n d C r i m s o n h a v e m e t t w i c e t h i s s e a s o n w i t h t h e G r e e n a n d G o l d e a r n i n g a w i n a n d a t i e. Clarkson gained its first shutout ever over the Crimson behind a 31-save effort from Dustin Traylen in a 3-0 victory at Bright Hockey Center on November 29, which snapped a threegame winless stretch (0-2-1) against Harvard. In the consolat i o n g a m e o f t h e D u n k i n D o n u t s C o f f e e P o t, h e l d i n P r o v i - dence, RI on December 28, John Sullivan s c o r e d w i t h u n d e r seven minutes to play in the third to lift the Knights to a 3-3 t i e. T r a y l e n f i n i s h e d w i t h 3 7 s a v e s. H a r v a r d s l a s t w i n i n t h e series was a 2-1 victory in Potsdam on November 16, C l a r k s o n i s a g a i n s t H a r v a r d a t C h e e l A r e n a. Jay Latulippe l e a d s t h e c u r r e n t K n i g h t s i n s c o r i n g a g a i n s t t h e Crimson with six points (4-2). A l t h o u g h C l a r k s o n h o l d s a c o m m a n d i n g l e a d i n i t s o v e r a l l s e r i e s a g a i n s t B r o w n, w h i c h b e g a n i n , t h e B e a r s have played the Knights extremely tough in recent years. Over the past five games Brown has a edge over the Green and G o l d. I n t h e i r f i r s t m e e t i n g t h i s s e a s o n, B r o w n d o m i n a t e d t h e Knights, gaining a 4-1 victory at Meehan Auditorium. Clarkson o v e r w h e l m e d t h e B e a r s a t C h e e l A r e n a l a s t s e a s o n c r u i s i n g t o a 5-1 v i c t o r y o n N o v e m b e r 1 5, T h e t e a m s a l s o b a t t l e d t o a 3-3 t i e i n P r o v i d e n c e l a s t M a r c h 1. C l a r k s o n o w n s a m a r k a g a i n s t B r o w n a t C h e e l. T h e B e a r s l a s t w i n i n P o t s d a m w a s o n F e b r u a r y 1 6, w h e n t h e y g a i n e d t h e i r f i r s t e v e r s h u t o u t o v e r t h e K n i g h t s w i t h a 2-0 w h i t e w a s h. T r i s t a n L u s h l e a d s t h e c u r r e n t K n i g h t s i n s c o r i n g a g a i n s t B r o w n w i t h t h r e e g o a l s a n d t h r e e a s s i s t s. VERMONT/DARTMOUTH WEEKEND RECAP: T r a v i s R u s s e l l p o s t e d 2 4 s a v e s a n d B r a d y L e i s e n r i n g p r o v i d e d a l l t h e s c o r i n g a s t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f V e r m o n t g a i n e d o n l y i t s s e c o n d s h u t o u t e v e r o v e r C l a r k s o n, b l a n k i n g t h e G o l d e n K n i g h t s 2-0 b e f o r e 1, f a n s a t C h e e l A r e n a F r i d a y n i g h t. V e r m o n t ( , E C A C ) c o n t i n u e d i t s s u c c e s s i n P o t s d a m a n d i n t h e p r o c e s s p i c k e d u p i t s f i r s t w i n o n t h e r o a d t h i s s e a s o n. T h e C a t a m o u n t s, w h o h a v e w o n m o r e g a m e s a t C h e e l A r e n a t h a n a n y o t h e r v i s i t i n g t e a m w i t h e i g h t v i c t o r i e s i n t h e y e a r - o l d a r e n a, h a v e d e f e a t e d C l a r k s o n t h r e e s t r a i g h t t i m e s o n t h e K n i g h t s h o m e i c e. T h e C a t a m o u n t s l e a d i n g s c o r e r, L e i s e n r i n g t a l l i e d t h e o n l y g o a l V e r m o n t w o u l d n e e d, s c o r i n g j u s t e i g h t s e c o n d s i n t o V e r m o n t s s e c o n d p o w e r p l a y o f t h e n i g h t o f f a q u i c k w r i s t s h o t f r o m t h e b o t t o m o f t h e l e f t c i r c l e a t 1 8 : 1 7. T h e t w o t e a m s b a t t l e d i n a t i g h t d e f e n s i v e g a m e f o r t h e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e c o n t e s t b e f o r e L e i s e n r i n g s e a l e d t h e v i c t o r y k n o c k i n g i n a r e b o u n d o f f t h e p o s t b y J e f f M i l e s i n t o a n e m p t y n e t w i t h 1 5 s e c o n d s r e m a i n i n g i n t h e t h i r d. R u s s e l l, w h o r e c o r d e d h i s f i r s t c a r e e r s h u t o u t, a l s o a s s i s t e d o n t h e g o a l. T h e K n i g h t s s o p h o m o r e g o a l t e n d e r Dustin Traylen ( K i r k l a n d, Q U E ), w h o w a s p u l l e d f o r t h e e x t r a s k a t e r w i t h j u s t u n d e r o n e m i n u t e t o p l a y, f i n i s h e d w i t h 2 2 s a v e s. C l a r k s o n, c o n t i n u e s t o s t r u g g l e o n t h e p o w e r p l a y, g o i n g s c o r e l e s s i n f i v e a t - t e m p t s a g a i n s t V e r m o n t, w h i l e t h e C a t a m o u n t s w e r e 1 - o f - 6 w i t h t h e m a n - a d v a n t a g e. C l a r k s o n s h a r d w o r k o n S a t u r d a y p a i d l i t t l e d i v i d e n d s a s D a r t m o u t h w o n i t s f i r s t g a m e e v e r a t C h e e l A r e n a b y d e f e a t i n g t h e G r e e n a n d G o l d 3-2 b e f o r e 2, T h e B i g G r e e n j u m p e d o u t t o a t h r e e - g o a l l e a d t h r o u g h t h e f i r s t t w o p e r i o d s a n d t h e n h e l d o f f a l a t e C l a r k s o n c h a r g e t o s n a p a g a m e w i n l e s s s t r e t c h ( ) i n P o t s d a m. D a r t m o u t h o p e n e d t h e s c o r i n g a t 1 6 : 2 7 w i t h a n u n a s s i s t e d s h o r t h a n d e d g o a l a n d a d d e d t w o m o r e s c o r e s i n t h e m i d d l e f r a m e t o h o l d a 3-0 l e a d a f t e r 4 0 m i n u t e s. C l a r k s o n m o u n t e d a c o m e b a c k a t t e m p t w i t h t w o g o a l s i n t h e t h i r d. J u s t Game #29 (February 13, 2004) - Att: 1,896 Cheel Arena, Potsdam, NY Final Score: Vermont 2 - Clarkson 0 Score by Periods Vermont x 2 CLARKSON x 0 1st: VER-Leisenring-10 (Miles, Sifers), ppg; 18:17 2nd: no scoring 3rd: VER-Leisenring-11 (Miles, Russell), eng; 19:45 P e n a l t i e s : C l a r k s o n 6 / 1 2, V e r m o n t 5 / 1 0 P o w e r P l a y s : C l a r k s o n 0-5, V e r m o n t 1-6 Svs: C U ( T r a y l e n : 2 4 ) = 2 2 V E R ( R u s s e l l : 0 0 ) = 2 4 Game #30 (February 14, 2004) - Att: 2,071 Cheel Arena, Potsdam, NY Final Score: Dartmouth 3 - Clarkson 2 Score by Periods Dartmouth x 3 CLARKSON x 2 1 s t : D A R - O u e l l e t t e - 1 1, s h g ; 1 6 : n d : D A R - S n i z e k - 2 ( O f f e r s, G l a s s ) ; 8 : 5 6 D A R - S z y m a n s k i - 8 ; 1 7 : r d : C U - M. S u l l i v a n - 7 ( L a t u l i p p e, M c F e e t e r s ) ; 1 : 1 1 C U - G r e n z y - 1 ( K o l u, G e n o v y ) ; 9 : 0 8 P e n a l t i e s : C l a r k s o n 8 / 1 6, D a r t m o u t h 1 1 / 2 2 P o w e r P l a y s : C l a r k s o n 0-9, D a r t m o u t h 0-6 Svs: C U ( T r a y l e n : 0 2 ) = 2 6 D A R ( Y a c e y : 0 0 ) = s e c o n d s i n t o t h e f i n a l s t a n z a, f r e s h m a n Mike Sullivan ( S t o u f f v i l l e, O N T ) k n o c k e d i n a l o o s e p u c k i n t h e c r e a s e f o r h i s s e v e n t h g o a l o f t h e s e a s o n t o g e t t h e K n i g h t s r o l l i n g a f t e r s e n i o r Rob McFeeters ( W o o d v i l l e, O N T ) s h o t w a s s t o p p e d f r o m i n c l o s e. J u n i o r Jay Latulippe ( S a r a t o g a S p r i n g s, N Y ) a l s o a s s i s t e d. A t 9 : 0 8, d u r i n g a f o u r - o n - f o u r s i t u a t i o n, C l a r k s o n g o t t o w i t h i n o n e w h e n r o o k i e d e f e n s e m a n Michael Grenzy ( L o c k p o r t, N Y ) f i r e d a b l a s t f r o m t h e p o i n t f o r h i s f i r s t c o l l e g i a t e g o a l t o m a k e i t 3-2. F r e s h m a n Max Kolu ( T u k u, F i n l a n d ) a n d s o p h o m o r e Jeff Genovy ( K a l a m a z o o, M I ) a s s i s t e d. T h e K n i g h t s p u l l e d T r a y l e n f o r t h e e x t r a a t t a c k e r w i t h 1 : 2 5 t o p l a y, b u t c o u l d n o t c o m e u p w i t h t h e e q u a l i z e r. C l a r k s o n o u t s h o t D a r t m o u t h , b u t s t r u g g l e d o n t h e p o w e r p l a y b y g o i n g 0-9. T h e B i g G r e e n w a s 0-6 w i t h t h e m a n - a d v a n t a g e. T r a y l e n f i n i s h e d w i t h 2 6 s a v e s.

3 2003 CLARKSON HOCKEY 2004 QUOTES FROM THE COACHES: I t h i n k t h e b i g g e s t k e y i s t h e s p e c i a l t y t e a m s, s t a t e d George Roll a b o u t t h e K n i g h t s h o p e s o f s n a p p i n g o u t o f t h e i r l o s i n g s t r e a k. W e a r e n o t s c o r i n g o n t h e p o w e r p l a y a n d t h a t i s h u r t i n g u s r i g h t n o w. W e a r e c r e a t i n g c h a n c e s, n o t o n l y o n t h e p o w e r p l a y, b u t a l s o o n 5 - o n - 5 s i t u a t i o n s. W e j u s t c a n t f i n d t h e b a c k o f t h e n e t. I d o n t k n o w i f t h e r e i s a n y t h i n g m o r e t h a t w e c a n d o o t h e r t h a n c o n c e n t r a t i n g m o r e o n f i n i s h i n g. F r i d a y n i g h t, w e w e r e c e r t a i n l y d i s a p p o i n t e d i n o u r e f f o r t a g a i n s t V e r m o n t, b u t a g a i n s t D a r t m o u t h w e p l a y e d v e r y g o o d f o r 6 0 m i n u t e s. W e o u t c h a n c e d t h e m a l m o s t 2 - t o - 1, b u t l o s t t h e g a m e. I t i s h a r d t o g e t d o w n o n t h e g u y s w h e n t h e e f f o r t i s t h e r e. H o p e f u l l y a t s o m e p o i n t t h o s e b o u n c e s w i l l s t a r t g o i n g i n a n d g u y s w i l l s t a r t g a i n i n g s o m e c o n f i d e n c e a n d w i l l b e a b l e t o s c o r e m o r e t h a n o n e o r t w o g o a l s a g a m e. KNIGHT NOTES Time Warner Cable w i l l t e l e v i s e l i v e t h i s F r i d a y s g a m e a g a i n s t H a r v a r d f o r i t s t h i r d b r o a d c a s t o f C l a r k s o n H o c k e y t h i s s e a s o n. T h e g a m e w i l l a i r o n t h e T i m e W a r n e r S p o r t s N e t w o r k t h r o u g h o u t t h e N o r t h C o u n t r y a n d t h e G r e a t e r S y r a c u s e r e g i o n... T h r o u g h t h e m i d s a n d i n t o t h e e a r l y s, C l a r k s o n d o m i n a t e d i n t h e m o n t h o f F e b r u a r y. T h e p a s t t h r e e s e a s o n s h a v e b e e n a d i f f e r e n t s t o r y. S i n c e t h e c a m p a i g n, t h e K n i g h t s h a v e a m a r k i n F e b r u a r y, i n c l u d i n g a n 0-4 s l a t e t h i s s e a s o n. I n t h e p r e v i o u s s i x s e a s o n s, t h e G r e e n a n d G o l d c o m p i l e d a m a r k i n F e b r u a r y A b i g f a c t o r i n t h e K n i g h t s r e c e n t m i s f o r t u n e s c a n b e a t - t r i b u t e d t o t h e l a c k o f p r o d u c t i o n o n t h e p o w e r p l a y. C l a r k s o n i s s t r u g g l i n g i n a n 0 - f o r s l u m p w i t h t h e m a n - a d v a n t a g e a n d r a n k s 1 1 t h o v e r a l l i n t h e E C A C o n t h e p o w e r p l a y a t % ( ) C l a r k s o n s C l a s s o f h a s a c c o u n t e d f o r 2 3 % o f t h e K n i g h t s s c o r i n g t h i s s e a - s o n w i t h 1 9 g o a l s a n d 3 4 a s s i s t s t h r o u g h t h e f i r s t 3 0 g a m e s Mike Sullivan, a N H L D r a f t c h o i c e o f t h e L A K i n g s, i s t h e l e a d i n g f r e s h m a n s c o r e r f o r t h e K n i g h t s a n d i s t i e d f o r f i f t h a m o n g E C A C r o o k i e s w i t h 1 5 p o i n t s ( 7-8 ). H e t a l l i e d t h e K n i g h t s f i r s t g o a l a g a i n s t D a r t m o u t h. R o o k i e d e f e n s e m a n Michael Grenzy r e - c o r d e d h i s f i r s t c o l l e g i a t e p o i n t w i t h C l a r k s o n s o t h e r g o a l a g a i n s t t h e B i g G r e e n o n S a t u r d a y Jay Latulippe h a s r e c o r d e d a t l e a s t o n e p o i n t i n s i x o f h i s l a s t s e v e n g a m e s a n d i s t h i r d o v e r a l l f o r t h e K n i g h t s i n s c o r i n g w i t h 2 2 p o i n t s o n n i n e g o a l s a n d 1 3 a s s i s t s A f t e r l e a d i n g t h e E C A C i n o v e r a l l s c o r i n g t h r o u g h m o s t o f t h e s e a s o n, Mac Faulkner ( K i n g C i t y, O N T ) h a s b e e n h e l d w i t h o u t a p o i n t o v e r t h e l a s t f o u r g a m e s. H e i s n o w t i e d f o r s e c o n d o v e r a l l i n E C A C s c o r i n g w i t h 3 2 p o i n t s a n d s h a r e s t h e a s s i s t s l e a d w i t h B y s k a t i n g i n c o n s e c u t i v e g a m e s, s e n i o r c o - c a p t a i n Tristan Lush i s c l o s i n g i n o n t h e s c h o o l r e c o r d f o r m o s t g a m e s p l a y e d a t C l a r k s o n w i l l h o l d a d e d i c a t i o n c e r e m o n y o f t h e R o b e r t Va n L a m m e r s 5 9 m e m o r i a l H o c k e y L o u n g e o n S a t u r d a y a f t e r n o o n. T h e p l a y e r s l o u n g e i n t h e d o w n - s t a i r s a r e a o f C h e e l A r e n a i s n a m e d i n h o n o r o f f o r m e r G o l d e n K n i g h t s t a n d o u t w h o r a n k s a m o n g t h e m o s t p r o - l i f i c s c o r e r s i n C l a r k s o n h i s t o r y. T h r o u g h 6 0 c a r e e r g a m e s f r o m , V a n L a m m e r s a v e r a g e d o v e r t w o p o i n t s p e r g a m e w i t h 6 8 g o a l s a n d 6 7 a s s i s t s f o r p o i n t s... S a t u r d a y s g a m e a t C h e e l A r e n a m a r k s t h e f i - n a l r e g u l a r s e a s o n h o m e a p p e a r a n c e f o r C l a r k s o n s C l a s s o f S e n i o r s, c o - c a p t a i n s Tristan Lush a n d Rob McFeeters, Jean Desrochers, Trevor Edwards a n d Mike Nagai h a v e p l a y e d a n i m p o r t a n t p a r t i n t h e s t o - r i e d C l a r k s o n H o c k e y t r a d i t i o n. E n t e r i n g t h i s w e e k e n d, t h e C l a s s o f h a s h e l p e d t h e G r e e n a n d G o l d a m a s s 6 1 w i n s d u r i n g t h e i r f o u r - y e a r c a r e e r s a n d a n E C A C R e g u l a r S e a s o n c h a m p i o n s h i p. CLARKSON UNIVERSITY GOLDEN KNIGHTS HOCKEY SHOW T h e Clarkson University Golden Knights Hockey Show w i l l r e t u r n t h i s W e d n e s d a y w i t h a l i v e b r o a d - c a s t s o n WSNN-FM Radio , P o t s d a m, N Y. F r o m 1 2 : : 0 0 p. m., h e a d c o a c h George Roll a l o n g w i t h C l a r k s o n H o c k e y p l a y - b y - p l a y b r o a d c a s t e r Bob Ahlfeld w i l l a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s c o n c e r n i n g G o l d e n K n i g h t s H o c k e y. P r e s e n t a q u e s t i o n f o r C o a c h R o l l e i t h e r b y c a l l - i n g , f a x i n g o r e m a i l i n g h i t s l i c. c o m. Listen to the Clarkson Golden Knights H o c k e y S h o w o n W S N N - F M R a d i o i n t h e P o t s d a m - C a n t o n a r e a o r o v e r t h e I n t e r n e t a t h t t p : / / w w w. c l a r k s o n. e d u / b u s i n e s s / s h i p l e y / c o n s u l t i n g / All Clarkson hockey games can be heard live on WSNN-99.3 FM (Potsdam) with Bob Ahlfeld calling the action. For those located outside the WSNN listening area, the broadcasts are available via the internet: or TEAMLINE. Dial (ext. 1150) and bill all charges to your MasterCard or Visa. UPCOMING GAMES: Friday, February 27 vs Colgate at Starr Rink (2,246), Hamilton, NY - 7:00 p.m. Saturday, February 28 vs Cornell at Lynah Rink (3,836), Ithaca, NY - 7:00 p.m.

4 2003 CLARKSON HOCKEY CLARKSON HOCKEY ROSTER Golden Knights No Name Cl. Pos. S/C.Ht. Wt. Birthdate Hometown/Last Team 1 Ryan VINZ Fr. Goal L /30/85 Lancaster, NY/Lancaster 3 Michael GRENZY Fr. DEF L 6-3 1/ /6/84 Lockport, NY/Chicago Steel 4 Nathan BEAUSOLEIL Fr. DEF R /13/84 Moose Creek, ONT/Hawkesbury Hawks 5 * Ken SCUDERI Jr. DEF L 6-2 1/ /21/80 Bethpage, NY/Lincoln Stars 7 Matt CURLEY Fr. DEF L /17/83 Madrid, NY/Hawkesbury Hawks 8 * Chris BREKELMANS So. DEF R /28/83 London, ONT/Strathroy Rockets 9 * Jean DESROCHERS Sr. LW L /19/80 Dalhousie, QUE/Cornwall Colts 10 Mike SULLIVAN Fr. C L /14/84 Stouffville, ONT/Stouffville 11 * Mac FAULKNER Jr. RW L 6-0 1/ /20/83 King City, ONT/Wexford Raiders 12 * Chris BLIGHT Jr. LW R /14/82 Cambridge, ONT/Guelph Dominators 13 * John SULLIVAN So. C R /9/81 Bedford, NH/Billings Bulls 14 Jamie McKINVEN Fr. DEF L / /3/81 Kingston, ONT/Ottawa Jr. Senators 16 * Trevor EDWARDS Sr. LW L /19/82 Carleton Place, ONT/Smiths Falls Bears 18 Max KOLU Fr. RW R 6-0 1/ /14/83 Tuku, Finland/TPS 19 $* Tristan LUSH Sr. C R /2/81 North Andover, MA/Green Bay Gamblers 20 Brodie RUTHERGLEN Fr. RW R /23/82 Trail, BC/Merritt Centennials 26 * Mike NAGAI Sr. DEF L /1/82 Mississauga, ONT/Oakville Blades 27 * Jeff GENOVY So. RW L /4/82 Kalamazoo, MI/Des Moines Buccaneers 28 Lyon PORTER Jr. RW R /20/80 Shaker Heights, OH/Fairfield University 29 $* Rob McFEETERS Sr. LW R /8/79 Woodville, ONT/Strathroy Rockets 30 Kyle McNULTY Fr. GOAL L / /9/82 Wakefield, RI/Boston Jr. Bruins 37 * Dustin TRAYLEN So. GOAL L /5/81 Kirkland, QUE/Nepean Raiders 39 * Jay LATULIPPE Jr. C L / /12/82 Saratoga Springs, NY/Northwood Prep 42 Matt NICKERSON Fr. DEF R /11/85 Old Lyme, CT/Texas Tornado $ Co-Captains * Letterwinners (13) Head Coach: George ROLL (Bowling Green ' 86) Associate Coach: Greg DRECHSEL (Colgate '88) Assistant Coach: Jean-Francois HOULE (Clarkson '97) Volunteer Coach: David EVANS (Clarkson 02) Hockey Trainer: Mike PITTS (Cortland '00) Team Doctor: Jan CLOSE Team Doctor: Lesly GERMAIN Equipment Manager: Jerry DEON Student Manager: Mitch BRAGG Geographical Breakdown: Ontario... 9 New York... 5 Quebec... 2 New Hampshire... 1 British Columbia... 1 Connecticut... 1 Finland... 1 Massachusetts... 1 Michigan... 1 Ohio... 1 Rhode Island... 1 Class Breakdown: Seniors... 5 Class Juniors Breakdown:... 5 Sophomores e n i o r s JFreshmen u n i o r s S o p h o m o r e s Freshmen Positional.... Breakdown: Goal... 3 Defense... 8 Left Wing... 4 Center... 4 Right Wing... 5

5 CLARKSON vs HARVARD - February 20, 2004 CLARKSON (.450%) /Tied 8th (14 pts) ( 1 4 % ) ( 8 5 % ) 5 / / / / Mac Faulkner - 29 gp ( ) Chris Blight - 30 gp ( ) Mac Faulkner - 29 gp ( ) M a t t N i c k e r s o n g p ( ) Dustin Traylen - 25 gp (.916 SV%, 2.69 GAA, , 1 sho) Kyle McNulty - 5 gp (.893SV%, 2.63 GAA, 2-3-0, sho) Comparisons Overall Record ECAC Record/Place Home Record Road Record Neutral Site Record Power Play Penalty Kill Shorthanded Goals For/Against Goals Scored/Avg. Per Game Goals Against/Avg. Per Game Penalty Minutes/Avg. Per Game Top Point Leader Top Goal Scorer Top Playmaker Top Scoring Defenseman Top Goaltenders HARVARD ( % ) / 7 t h ( 1 7 p t s ) ( 1 5 % ) ( 8 0 % ) 3 / / / / Tom Cavanagh - 25 gp ( ) Tom Cavanagh - 25 gp ( ) Tyler Kolarik - 25 gp ( ) N o a h Welch - 24 gp (4-7-11) Dov Grumet-Morris - 22 gp (.907 SV%, 2.47 GAA, , 1 Sho) John Daigneau - 5 gp (.862 SV%, 3.30 GAA, 2-1-0, 0 Sho) All-Time Series Record ~ Clarkson leads Last Meeting December 28, 2003 (T 3-3 in Providence) F i r s t M e e t i n g December 28, 1935 (CU W 2-1 in Lake Placid) Last Clarkson Win November 29, 2003 (3-0 in Cambridge) Last Harvard Win November 16, 2002 ( 2-1 in Potsdam) First Clarkson Win December 28, 1935 (2-1 in Lake Placid) First Harvard Win December 20, 1953 (6-5 in Potsdam) Last Clarkson Win at Home February 15, 2002 ( 4-1) Last Clarkson Win at Harvard November 29, 2003 (3-0 ) Last Harvard Win at Home December 7, 1996 (5-4) Last Harvard Win at CU November 16, 2002 (2-1) Last Tie December 28, 2003 (3-3 in Providence) Shutouts for Clarkson Last Clarkson Shutout.... November 29, 2003 (CU W 3-0 in Cambridge) Shutouts for Harvard Last Harvard Shutout February 27, 1987 (5-0 in Cambridge) Most Clarkson Goals in 11-5 W in Boston, 12/28/55 Most Harvard Goals in 10-5 W in Cambridge, 3/8/75 Total Goals for Clarkson Total Goals for Harvard Overtime Record Harvard leads Last Overtime Game December 28, 2003 (3-3 in Providence) First Overtime Game March 16, 1957 (CU W 2-1 in Colorado Spr.) Longest Clarkson Win Streak Longest Harvard Win Streak Coach Roll vs Harvard Coach Mazzoleni vs Clarkson Current Streak Last Five Meetings Harvard leads Last 10 Meetings Clarkson leads During the 1990s Clarkson leads During the 2000s Clarkson leads Record at Cheel Arena Clarkson leads All-Time Winning Percentage vs Harvard Clarkson gained its first ever shutout over Harvard with a 3-0 victory in Cambridge on November 29, 2003 behind a 31-save effort from Dustin Traylen.

6 Clarkson Individual Career Stats vs Harvard Overall vs HARVARD , 1-5, 4-4 W,L,T , 3-6, 1-3 L,L,L, W W , 5-1 L,W OT T L W W , 4-6 W,L OT, 6-4 W,W W W L L , 4-2, 6-8 L,W,L L , 5-4 OT, 4-7 L,W,L , 5-6 OT L,L W L L W W W , 1-7 W,L OT L , 3-1, 2-2 W,W,T , 1-6, 1-2 L,L,L , 5-4 OT, 4-2 L,W,W , 0-5 L,L , 2-3, 6-4 L,L,W , 5-7 L,L , 6-2 L,W , 3-5, 3-2 W,L,W , 4-2 W, T , 4-4 ot L, T , 2-2 ot L, T ot, 5-4 L, W , 2-1 W, W , 4-2 L, W , 5-1, 6-2 W, W, W , 5-1 W, W , 5-4 W, W , 5-4 L, W ot, 4-1, 3-2 ot T, W, L , 3-3 ot L, T , 3-3 W, T Won 41, Lost 39, Tied 9 Gms Gls Asst Pts. #3 Michael Grenzy, Fr., D #4 Nathan Beausoleil, Fr., D #5 Kent Scuderi, Jr., D #7 Matt Curley, Fr., D #8 Chris Brekelmans, So., D #9 Jean Desrochers, Sr., F #10 Mike Sullivan, Fr., F #11 Mac Faulkner, Jr., F #12 Chris Blight, Jr., F #13 John Sullivan, So., F #14 Jamie McKinven, Fr., D #16 Trevor Edwards, Sr., F #18 Max Kolu, Fr., F #19 Tristan Lush, Sr., F #20 Brodie Rutherglen, Fr., F #26 Mike Nagai, Sr., D/F #27 Jeff Genovy, So., F #28 Lyon Porter, Jr., F #29 Rob McFeeters, Sr., F #39 Jay Latulippe, Jr., F #42 Matt Nickerson, Fr., D Goaltenders Gms Mins Svs Gls SV% GAA W-L-T Sho #37 Dustin Traylen, So #1 Dan Weinrieb, Sr. has not played #30 Kyle McNulty, Fr. has not played

7 CLARKSON vs BROWN - February 21, 2004 CLARKSON (.450%) /Tied 8th (14 pts) ( 1 4 % ) ( 8 5 % ) 5 / / / / Mac Faulkner - 29 gp ( ) Chris Blight - 30 gp ( ) Mac Faulkner - 29 gp ( ) M a t t N i c k e r s o n g p ( ) Dustin Traylen - 25 gp (.916 SV%, 2.69 GAA, , 1 sho) Kyle McNulty - 5 gp (.893SV%, 2.63 GAA, 2-3-0, sho) Comparisons Overall Record ECAC Record/Place Home Record Road Record Neutral Site Record Power Play Penalty Kill Shorthanded Goals For/Against Goals Scored/Avg. Per Game Goals Against/Avg. Per Game Penalty Minutes/Avg. Per Game Top Point Leader Top Goal Scorer Top Playmaker Top Scoring Defenseman Top Goaltenders BROWN ( % ) / 1 s t ( 2 6 p t s ) ( 2 2 % ) (92%) 2 / / / / Brian Ihnacak - 25 gp ( ) Ihnacak, Robinson - 25 gp - 10 each Les Haggett - 22 gp ( ) Vince Macri - 25 gp (5-7-12) Yann Danis - 24 gp (.948 SV%, 1.65 GAA, , 4 Sho) Scott Rowan - 2 gp (.963 SV%, 0.80 GAA, 0-0-1, 0 Sho) All-Time Series Record ~ Clarkson leads Last Meeting November 28, 2003 (BR W 4-1 in Providence) F i r s t M e e t i n g December 20, 1953 (BR W 6-5 in Potsdam) Last Clarkson Win November (5-1 in Potsdam) Last Brown Win November 28, 2003 (4-1 in Providence) First Clarkson Win March 5, 1963 (3-1 in Potsdam) First Brown Win December 20, 1953 (6-5 in Potsdam) Last Clarkson Win at Home November (5-1) Last Clarkson Win at Brown February 17, 2001 (4-0) Last Brown Win at Home November 28, 2003 (4-1) Last Brown Win at CU February 16, 2002 (2-0) Last Tie March 1, 2003 (Tied 3-3 ot in Providence) Shutouts for Clarkson Last Clarkson Shutout February 17, 2001 (4-0 in Providence) Shutouts for Brown Last Brown Shutout February 16, 2002 (2-0 in Potsdam) Most Clarkson Goals in 11-3 W in Potsdam, 2/10/89 Most Brown Goals (three times) Total Goals for Clarkson Total Goals for Brown Overtime Record Clarkson leads Last Overtime Game March 1, 2003 (T 3-3 ot in Providence) First Overtime Game December 22, 1964 (BR W 3-2 in NYC) Longest Clarkson Win Streak Longest Brown Win Streak Coach Roll vs Brown Coach Grillo vs Clarkson Current Streak by Brown (11/28/2003) Last Five Meetings Brown leads Last 10 Meetings Clarkson leads During the 1990s Clarkson leads During the 2000s Clarkson leads Record at Cheel Arena Clarkson leads All-Time Winning Percentage vs Brown Brown gained its 10th all-time win against Clarkson with a 4-1 victory over the Knights in Providence on November 28, 2003

8 Overall vs BROWN UNIVERSITY L W W OT L W W , 6-5 OT W,W W l L L W , 2-0 W,W W , 7-1 W,W , 7-2 W,W , 5-3 W,W , 7-3 W,W , 2-5 W,L , 11-3 W,W , 3-2 W,W , 7-5 L,W , 3-4, 8-3 L,L,W ot, 8-6, 3-1 T, W, W ot, 4-2, 6-2 T, W, W , 10-2 W, W ot, 6-4, 5-2, 5-3 T, W, W, W , 7-4 W,W , 3-2 W, W , 9-3, 3-2 ot, 3-1 W, W, W, W , 6-5, W, W ot, 4-0 T, W ot, 0-2 T, L , 3-3 ot W, T L Won 46, Lost 10, Tie 6 Clarkson Individual Career Stats vs Brown Gms Gls Asst Pts. #3 Michael Grenzy, Fr., D has not played #4 Nathan Beausoleil, Fr., D #5 Ken Scuderi, Jr., D #7 Matt Curley, Fr., D #8 Chris Brekelmans, So., D #9 Jean Desrochers, Sr., F #10 Mike Sullivan, Fr., F #11 Mac Faulkner, Jr., F #12 Chris Blight, Jr., F #13 John Sullivan, So., F #14 Jamie McKinven, Fr., D #16 Trevor Edwards, Sr., F #18 Max Kolu, Fr., F #19 Tristan Lush, Sr., F #20 Brodie Rutherglen, Fr., F #26 Mike Nagai, Sr., D/F #27 Jeff Genovy, So., F #28 Lyon Porter, Jr. F #29 Rob McFeeters, Sr. F #39 Jay Latulippe, Jr., F #42 Matt Nickerson, Fr. D Goaltenders Gms Mins Svs Gls SV% GAA W-L-T Sho #37 Dustin Traylen, So #30 Kyle McNulty, Fr. has not played

9 The Automated ScoreBook Clarkson Overall Team Statistics (as of Feb 15, 2004) All games Overall: Conf: Home: Away: Neut: TEAM STATISTICS CUMEN OPP SHOT STATISTICS... Goals-Shot attempts Shot pct Goals/Game Shots/Game Assists POWER PLAYS... Goals-Power Plays Conversion Percent Shot Attempts Shot Percent GOAL BREAKDOWN... Total Goals Power Play Short-handed Empty net Penalty Unassisted Overtime Shootout Delayed Penalty PENALTIES... Number Minutes Penalties/Game Pen minutes/game Minor Major minute Misconduct Game Misconduct Gross Misconduct Match FACEOFFS (W-L) Faceoff W-L Pct SHOOTOUTS (Made-Att) ATTENDANCE... Total Dates/Avg Per Date... 17/ /2632 Neutral Site #/Avg... 2/4356 GOALS BY PERIOD OT Total Clarkson Opponents SAVES BY PERIOD OT Total Clarkson Opponents

10 The Automated ScoreBook Clarkson Overall Individual Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2004) All games Overall: Conf: Home: Away: Neut: SHOTS PENALTIES GOALS ## Name GP G A Pts Shots Pct +/- No-Min Min Maj Oth PP SH FG GW GTG OT HT PN UA Faulkner, Mac Blight, Chris Latulippe, Jay McFeeters, Rob Sullivan, John Edwards, Trevor Sullivan, Mike Nickerson, Matt Lush, Tristan Desrochers, Jean Kolu, Max Brekelmans, Chris Rutherglen, Brodie Genovy, Jeff Scuderi, Ken McKinven, Jamie Beausoleil, Nathan Nagai, Mike Porter, Lyon Curley, Matt Grenzy, Michael Good, Dale McNulty, Kyle Traylen, Dustin TM TEAM Total Opponents GOAL AVERAGE--- --SAVES RECORD GOALS ## Name GP-GS Minutes GA Avg Saves Pct W L T Sho PP SH EN PEN SOG Traylen, Dustin : McNulty, Kyle : Weinrieb, Dan : TM EMPTY NET : Total : Opponents :

11 The Automated ScoreBook Clarkson Overall Individual Statistics (as of Feb 16, 2004) All games ## FACEOFFS GP W L Pct Scuderi, Ken McNulty, Kyle Curley, Matt Desrochers, Jean Faulkner, Mac Blight, Chris Latulippe, Jay Lush, Tristan Edwards, Trevor McFeeters, Rob Sullivan, John Genovy, Jeff Porter, Lyon Brekelmans, Chris Sullivan, Mike Kolu, Max Nagai, Mike ## POWER PLAYS GP G A Pts Sh Pct Faulkner, Mac Blight, Chris Latulippe, Jay Nickerson, Matt Sullivan, Mike Desrochers, Jean McFeeters, Rob Kolu, Max Brekelmans, Chris McKinven, Jamie Beausoleil, Nathan Lush, Tristan Sullivan, John Nagai, Mike Genovy, Jeff Edwards, Trevor Rutherglen, Brodie Scuderi, Ken Curley, Matt

12 SCORING by CLASS Games GLS ASST PTS % of overall Scoring Seniors (5) Juniors (5) Sophomores (4) Freshman (8) Wins Losses Ties Pct. Overall Record ECAC Record Non-League Exhibition vs AH vs HEA vs CHA vs WCHA vs ECAC (non-leag) Home Away Neutral Overtime CLARKSON SCHEDULE ATT CU OPP Clarkson Saves Clarkson Goal Scorers - Gamewinner in CAPS October 11 W(H) 2,630 4 #TORONTO (exh.) 1 McNULTY 15 Desrochers (2), LUSH, Latulippe October 17 W(A) 1,281 4 Bemidji State 2 TRAYLEN 40 Faulkner, Desrochers (2), McFEETERS October 18 T(A) 1,115 1 Bemidji State 1 ot TRAYLEN 38 Faulkner October 24 L(H) 2,475 2 COLORADO COLL. 3 TRAYLEN 29 Nickerson, Blight October 25 T(H) 2,914 4 COLORADO COLL. 4 ot TRAYLEN 37 Blight, Faulkner, Nickerson, M. Sullivan October 31 W(H) 1,987 4 FINDLAY 1 TRAYLEN 31 Brekelmans, LUSH, M. Sullivan, Blight November 1 W(H) 2,288 4 SACRED HEART 1 WEINRIEB 25 Blight, LUSH, Faulkner (2) November 7 L(H) 2,503 3 *RENSSELAER 4ot TRAYLEN 32 Desrochers, Blight, Nickerson November 8 W(H) 2,432 4 *UNION 1 TRAYLEN 19 Faulkner, EDWARDS, BLIGHT (2) November 14 T(H) 2,677 2 *CORNELL 2 ot TRAYLEN 28 Lush, J. Sullivan November 15 L(H) 2,609 1 *COLGATE 6 TRAYLEN 16, Weinrieb 11 McFeeters November 22 W(H) 3,817 3 *ST. LAWRENCE 1 TRAYLEN 36 Kolu, FAULKNER, Desrochers November 28 L(A) 1,117 1 *Brown 4 TRAYLEN 23 Brekelmans November 29 W(A) 1,930 3 *Harvard 0 TRAYLEN 31 BLIGHT, Latulippe (2) December 5 L(H) 2,497 3 UNH 4 TRAYLEN 37 Genovy, J. Sullivan, Blight December 6 L(H) 2,125 2 UMASS-LOWELL 4 McNULTY 31 Nagai, M. Sullivan December 27 L(N) 4,305 3 %Providence 4 TRAYLEN 28 Blight, J. Sullivan, Latulippe December 28 T(N) 4,077 3 %Harvard 3 ot TRAYLEN 37 Blight, Latulippe, J. Sullivan January 2 W(H) 2,609 4 MERCYHURST 3 ot TRAYLEN 19 Faulkner, Latulippe, Desrochers, BREKELMANS January 3 W(H) 2,046 8 MERCYHURST 2 McNULTY 23 McFEETERS (2), Latulippe (2), Edwards (3), McKinven January 9 L(A) 3,486 3 *Yale 6 TRAYLEN 26 Edwards, M. Sullivan, Kolu Janaury 10 W(A) 1,615 5 *Princeton 4 ot TRAYLEN 22 Faulkner, Blight, Rutherglen, Edwards, J. SULLIVAN Janaury 16 T(A) 4,360 2 *Dartmouth 2 ot TRAYLEN 43 J. Sullivan, Brekelmans January 17 W(A) 3,780 3 *Vermont 2 ot TRAYLEN 35 Faulkner, M. Sullivan, RUTHERGLEN Janaury 24 L(A) 3,200 4 *St. Lawrence 5 Traylen 18/McNULTY 12 Blight, McFeeters, M. Sullivan, Rutherglen Janaury 30 W(H) 2,343 3 *PRINCETON 2 McNULTY 21 Faulkner, Edwards, BLIGHT January 31 L(H) 3,018 3 *YALE 4 ot McNULTY 13 Nickerson (2), Latulippe February 6 L(A) 1,895 1 *Union 3 TRAYLEN 27 J. Sullivan February 7 L(A) 5,169 2 *Rensselaer 4 TRAYLEN 32 Edwards, Nickerson February 13 L(H) 1,896 0 *VERMONT 2 TRAYLEN 22 February 14 L(H) 2,071 2 *DARTMOUTH 3 TRAYLEN 26 M. Sullivan, Grenzy February 20 (H) *HARVARD February 21 (H) *BROWN February 27 (A) *Colgate February 28 (A) *Cornell March 5-7 March March March ECAC Playoffs - First Round ECAC Quarterfinals ECAC 43rd Annual Championship NCAA Regionals April 8&10 NCAA 57th Annual Championship Attendance Total 82,267 #Exhibtition Game, *ECAC %Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Pot at Providence, RI

13 CLARKSON UNIVERSITY HOCKEY Game-by-Game Statistics CU Power Play CU Penalty Kill CU OPP CU OPP Date Opponent Score PPG Att % Kills Att % Pen Min Pen Min Shots 10/17 Bemidji State W of of /18 Bemidji State T 1-1 ot 1 of of /24 COLORADO COLL. L of of /25 COLORADO COLL. T 4-4 ot 1 of of /31 FINDLAY W of of /1 SACRED HEART W of of /7 *RENSSELAER L 4-3 ot 2 of of /8 *UNION W of of /14 *CORNELL T 2-2 ot 0 of of /15 *COLGATE L of of /22 *ST. LAWRENCE W of of /28 *Brown L of of /29 *Harvard W of of /5 UNH L of of /6 UMASS-LOWELL L of of /27 Providence L of of /28 Harvard T 3-3 ot 1 of of /2 MERCYHURST W 4-3 ot 1 of of /3 MERCYHURST W of of /9 *Yale L of of /10 *Princeton W 5-4 ot 0 of of /16 *Dartmouth T 2-2 ot 1 of of /17 *Vermont W 3-2 ot 0 of of /24 *St. Lawrence L of of /30 *PRINCETON W of of /31 *YALE L 4-3 ot 1 of of /6 *Union L of of /7 *Rensselaer L of of /13 *VERMONT L of of /14 *DARTMOUTH L of of /20 *HARVARD 2/21 *BROWN 2/27 *Colgate 2/28 *Cornell TOTALS 25 of of /11 TORONTO (EXH.) W of of When Clarkson Scores First: When Opponent Scores First: When Leading After the First: When Trailing After the First: When Tied After the First: When Leading After the Second: When Trailing After the Second: When Tied After the Second: When Outshooting Opponents: When Outshot by Opponents: When Shots are Equal: October Games: November Games: December Games: January Games: Longest Winning Streak: 2 (twice) February Games: Longest UnBeaten Streak: 3 (three times) March Games: Longest Losing Streak: 5 (1/31-2/14) April Games: Longest Winless Streak: 5 (1/31-2/14) Most Goals Scored: 8 in 8-2 W(H) vs Mercyhurst, 1/3 Most Goals in Period: 4 (2nd) 8-2 W(H) vs Mercyhurst, 1/3 Most Goals Allowed: 6 (twice) in 6-3 L(A) at Yale, 1/9 Most Goals Allowed in Pd: 4 (2nd) in 5-4 L(A) at SLU, 1/24 Most Assists: 16 in 8-2 W(H) vs Mercyhurst, 1/3 Most Points: Most PP Goals: 24 (8-16) in 8-2 W(H) vs Mercyhurst, 1/3 2(4 times) in 5-4 L(A) at SLU, 1/24 Most Pen/Min: 12/43 in 4-3 ot L(H) vs RPI, 11/7 Most Opp Pen/Min: 12/35 in 8-2 W(H) vs Mercyhurst, 1/3 Fewest Pen/Min: 3/6 in 3-1 L(A) at Union, 2/6 Fewest Opp Pen/Min Most Shots: Most Opp Shots: Fewest Shots: 5/10 in 4-1 W(H) vs Union, 11/8 48 in 6-3 L(A) at Yale, 1/9 45 in 2-2 ot tie at Dartmouth, 1/16 22 (twice) in 3-2 ot W(A) at Vermont, 1/16 Most PP Attempts: 10 (0-10) in 4-2 L(A) at RPI, 2/7 Fewest Opp Shots: 17 in 4-3 ot L(H) vs Yale, 1/31 Most Opp PPGs: 3 (3-9) in 4-2 L(A) at RPI, 2/7 Most Opp PP Atts: 9 (6 times) 3-9 in 4-2 L(A) at RPI, 2/7 Most Saves: 43 (Traylen) in 2-2 ot tie at Dartmouth, 1/16 Most Saves in Period: 20 (Traylen) -3rd in 2-2 T(A) Dartmouth,1/16

14 Team Game-by-Game Clarkson Goaltending Statistics Date Opponent Score CU Goaltender MINS Saves Sv% GA GAA W L T PPG SHG PEN/MIN PTS Oct. 17 at Bemidji State W 4-2 TRAYLEN /0 0 Oct. 18 at Bemidji State T 1-1 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Oct. 24 COLORADO COLL. L 3-2 TRAYLEN /0 0 Oct. 25 COLORADO COLL. T 4-4 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Oct. 31 FINDLAY W 4-1 TRAYLEN /0 1 Nov. 1 SACRED HEART W 4-1 WEINRIEB /0 0 Nov. 7 *RENSSELAER L 4-3 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Nov. 8 *UNION W 4-1 TRAYLEN /0 0 Nov. 14 *CORNELL T 2-2 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Nov. 15 *COLGATE L 6-1 TRAYLEN /0 0 WEINRIEB /0 0 Nov. 22 *ST. LAWRENCE W 3-1 TRAYLEN /0 0 Nov. 28 *Brown L 4-1 TRAYLEN /0 0 Nov. 29 *Harvard W 3-0 TRAYLEN /0 0 Dec. 5 UNH L 4-3 ot TRAYLEN /2 0 Dec. 6 UMASS-LOWELL L 4-2 McNULTY /0 0 Dec. 27 %Providence L 4-3 TRAYLEN /0 0 Dec. 28 %Harvard T 3-3 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Jan. 2 MERCYHURST W 4-3 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Jan. 3 MERCYHURST W 8-2 McNULTY /0 0 Jan. 9 *Yale L 6-3 TRAYLEN /0 0 Jan. 10 *Princeton W 5-4 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Jan. 16 *Dartmouth T 2-2 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Jan. 17 *Vermont W 3-2 ot TRAYLEN /0 0 Jan. 24 *St. Lawrence L 5-4 TRAYLEN /0 0 McNULTY /0 0 Jan. 30 *PRINCETON W 3-2 ot McNULTY /0 0 Jan. 31 *YALE L 4-3 ot McNULTY /0 0 Feb. 6 *Union L 3-1 TRAYLEN /0 0 Feb. 7 *Rensselaer L 4-2 TRAYLEN /0 0 Feb. 13 *VERMONT L 2-0 TRAYLEN /0 0 Feb. 14 *DARTMOUTH L 3-2 TRAYLEN /0 0 Feb. 20 *HARVARD Feb. 21 *BROWN Feb. 27 *Colgate Feb. 28 *Cornell

15 CLARKSON HOCKEY Game-by-Game Statistics with Individual Goal and Assists %Gamewinner 3-Grenzy 8-Brekelmans 12-Blight 18-Kolu 26-Nagai 39-Latulippe *Powerplay 4-Beausoleil 9-Desrochers 13-J. Sullivan 19-Lush 27-Genovy 42-Nickerson &Shorthanded 5-Scuderi 10-M. Sullivan 14-McKinven 20-Rutherglen 28-Porter ^Empty net 7-Curley 11-Faulkner 16-Edwards 23-Good Shot Date Opponent Score /17 Bemidji State W * dnp dnp inj 0-2 dnp % /18 Bemidji State T 1-1 ot dnp * inj 0-1 dnp dnp /24 COLORADO COLL. L inj dnp dnp dnp *1-0 10/25 COLORADO COLL. T 4-4ot 0-0 dnp 0-1 inj & dnp dnp *1-0 10/31 FINDLAY W 4-1 inj inj ^1-1 dnp % inj /1 SACRED HEART W 4-1 inj inj **2-0 &1-1 dnp %&1-0 dnp /7 *RENSSELAER L 4-3 ot inj inj 0-0 * &1-0 dnp dnp *1-0 11/8 *UNION W 4-1 inj dnp 0-1 inj ^ % dnp /14 *CORNELL T 2-2 ot 0-0 dnp dnp dnp dnp /15 *COLGATE L dnp dnp dnp dnp * /22 *ST. LAWRENCE W 3-1 dnp dnp *^ % dnp dnp /28 *Brown L 4-1 dnp 0-0 inj inj /29 *Harvard W dnp %* dnp dnp ^ /5 UNH L dnp &1-0 dnp dnp /6 UMASS-LOWELL L dnp dnp dnp * /27 Providence L 4-3 dnp dnp dnp * /28 Harvard T 3-3 ot * dnp dnp dnp 1/2 MERCYHURST W 4-3 ot inj % inj inj * /3 MERCYHURST W 8-2 inj * inj 0-1 dnp %2-0 * /9 *Yale L 6-3 inj * inj dnp 1/10 *Princeton W 5-4 ot inj % inj dnp /16 *Dartmouth T2-2 ot inj dnp * inj /17 *Vermont W 3-2 ot inj 0-0 inj % inj /24 *St. Lawrence L 5-4 inj * * inj 0-0 dnp /30 *PRINCETON W 3-2 inj *1-1 %* dnp dnp 1/31 *YALE L 4-3 ot inj inj inj * /6 *Union L 3-1 inj 0-0 dnp * dnp /7 *Rensselaer L dnp dnp dnp /13 *VERMONT L 2-0 dnp inj dnp /14 *DARTMOUTH L dnp dnp inj /20 *HARVARD 2/21 *BROWN 2/27 *Colgate 2/28 *Cornell 10/11 TORONTO (exh.) W ** inj inj inj %1-1 inj *

16 Men s Media Release February 16, 2004 Eastern College Athletic Conference Phil Buttafuoco, Commissioner Kristy McNeil, Asa S. Bushnell Intern for Hockey Communications phone: (508) ext. 236 P. O. Box 3 Centerville, Massachusetts Phone: 508/ Fax: 508/ VERMONT, RENSSELAER AND CORNELL SWEEP WEEKEND OPPONENTS LEAGUE RACE HEATS UP AS FOUR POINTS SEPARATE TOP FIVE Brown Colgate Dartmouth Princeton Clarkson Cornell Harvard Rensselaer CAPE COD, Mass. - With four games remaining, the race for No. 1 is heating up. Brown, Colgate, Cornell, Rensselear and Dartmouth are within four THIS WEEK IN THE ECAC Friday, February 20: Cornell at Rensselaer Colgate at Union Brown at St. Lawrence Harvard at Clarkson Yale at Vermont Princeton at Dartmouth Saturday, February 21: Colgate at Rensselare Cornell at Union Harvard at St. Lawrence Brown at Clarkson Princeton at Vermont Yale at Dartmouth 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. points of each other in the standings. These five teams will be hosting a playoff series, although none have garnered a bye yet. Clarkson, St. Lawrence, Union, Princeton and Vermont are battling for home ice in the first round of the tournament. That leaves Yale and Harvard in the middle of the pack. Vermont swept its weekend opponents, Clarkson and St. Lawrence this weekend at the Gutterson Field House. On Friday, Travis Russell went the distance, holding opponents scoreless and making 24 saves in a 2-0 victory. Brady Leisenring scored both goals for the Cats, one on the power play and the other an empty-net goal. Dustin Traylen made 22 stops for Clarkson. On Saturday, St. Lawrence took the early lead with a powerplay goal from T.J. Trevelyan at 7:55 in the first. Vermont's Evan Stoflet evened the game at 15:47. Teammate Ryan Gunderson gave the Cats the lead early in the third with a power-play tally and Jeff Miles added the insurance goal on the empty-net with just seven seconds remaining. Russell made 40 saves in the victory, while Mike McKenna stopped 14 shots for St. Lawrence. Cornell swept for the second consecutive weekend, with a 6-1 win over Princeton and 2-1 victory over Yale. Leading the Big Red on Friday was Shane Hynes with two goals and two assists. Matt Moulson, who finished the night with three points, opened the scoring at 1:59 in the first. Ryan Vesce added the second Cornell goal at 7:26 in the first. Hynes tallied both of his scores in the second period, as the Big Red took the 4-0 lead. Grant Goeckner-Zoeller tallied the lone goal for Princeton in the third period to cut the lead. Evan Salmela and Moulson added the final goals for Cornell. David McKee made 14 saves in the win, while Eric Leroux and B.J. Sklapsky made a continued on page 2 St. Lawrence Vermont Union Yale S TANDINGS ECAC Overall Pts GP Record Win % GF-GA GP Record Win % GF-GA 1 Brown Colgate Cornell Rensselaer Dartmouth Yale Harvard Clarkson St. Lawrence Union Princeton Vermont B R O W N C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

17 February 16, Page 2 combined 28 for the Tigers. On Saturday, Cornell took the early lead again when Vesce scored his second of the weekend. Christian Jensen knotted the game for Yale in the second. Mitch Carefoot scored the game-winner at 16:21 in the third for the win. McKee made 13 saves while Josh Gartner stopped 28 saves for Yale. Rensselaer won both games on the road with a 3-2 win over Harvard and a 4-0 victory over Brown. Scott Basiuk got things started for the Engineers at 1:20 in the second. Brendan Bernakevitch knotted the game at 11:29 to close the second period. Tyler Kolarik gave the Crimson the lead with a power-play tally at 9:27 in the third. Basiuk got his second tally of the game with a slap shot that bounced past Dov Grumet-Morris to tie the game. With just under a minute remaining, Ryan Shields beat Grumet-Morris for the game-winner on a breakaway. Grumet-Morris finished the night with 15 saves, while RPI's Nathan Masters held the Crimson off, making 34 saves. On Saturday, Masters stopped 30 shots en route to a 4-0 shutout over Brown. Basiuk, Shields, Kirk MacDonald and Ben Barr each scored on Yann Danis, who finished with 30 saves. No. 14/15 Colgate split with Yale and Princeton, as the Raiders defeated the Tigers on Saturday after a loss to the Bulldogs on Friday. Dave Thomas opened the scoring for Colgate with a powerplay marker at 11:34 in the first. Christian Jensen retaliated with a short-handed point at 5:29 in the second. Joe Zappala notched is ninth game-winner of the season midway through the third period, and Jeff Hristovski closed out the scoring with Yale's second short-handed maker of the game. Josh Gartner made 31 saves in the win, while Steve Silverthorn stopped 12 shots on net. On Saturday, the Mark Masters gave the Tigers the lead with a marker at 19:30 of the first. Darryl McKinnon knotted the game just over a minute into the second. Kyle Doyle scored two back-to-back goals to give the Raiders the 3-1 advantage. Adam Mitchell closed out the scoring with a marker after a scramble in front of the Eric Leroux. Kevin Westgarth gave one last effort for Princeton with a power-play goal with 29 seconds remaining. Silverthorn stopped 15 shots, while Leroux made 28 saves for the Tigers. LASTWEEK S RESULTS Monday, February 9: *Northeastern 3, Harvard 1 *Beanpot at the FleetCenter Friday, February 13: Rensselaer 3, Harvard 2 Union 2, Brown 2 (ot) Dartmouth 2, St.Lawrence 2 (ot) Vermont 2, Clarkson 0 Cornell 6, Princeton 1 Yale 3, Colgate 1 Saturday, February 14: Rensselaer 4, Brown 0 Harvard 3, Union 2 Vermont 3, St. Lawrence 1 Dartmouth 3, Clarkson 2 Cornell 2, Yale 1 Colgate 4, Princeton 2 Union shocked No. 10/11 Brown on Friday, as the Dutchmen rallied in the third to tie the game. Brown had a 2-0 lead as Scott Ford and Chris Swon added markers for the Bears. Union mounted a comeback as they scored two goals with three minutes remaining after pulling Kris Mayotte twice for the extra attacker. The scoreless overtime resulted in a 2-2 draw. Yann Danis made a seasonhigh 42 saves for Brown, while Mayotte stopped 33 shots. Jonathan Poirier connected just 21 seconds into the game against Harvard on Saturday to give Union the lead. However, Kevin Du ignited a three-goal first period run that sealed the victory for the Crimson. Kenny Smith and Dennis Packard each scored within five minutes of each other to take the 3-1 lead. Union's Joel Beal added a goal on the second period. The Dutchmen repeated its Friday night play as they pulled Mayotte with just under a minute to play, but the offense couldn't sneak one past Dov Grumet-Morris. Mayotte finished the night with 31 saves, while Grumet-Morris put the stick down on 17. Dartmouth came to a 2-2 draw with St. Lawrence on Friday and went on to defeat Clarkson 3-2 on Saturday. Dartmouth took the early lead on Friday when Chris Snizek scored his first goal of the season on a rebound. The Saints got on the board after Ryan Glenn tipped in his own rebound shot at 9:36 in the first. Glenn added his second marker as he went high on Mike McKenna to give the Saints the 2-1 lead. Hugh Jessiman tied the game at 14:23 in the second. McKenna made 43 saves, including five in the extra session, while Dan Yacey turned away 22 for the Big Green. Dartmouth ended its 12-game winless streak at Cheel Arena with a 3-2 victory on Saturday. Mike Ouellette scored a short-handed goal on a breakaway to give the Big Green the lead. Snizek added his second of the weekend after a scramble in front of the net at 8:56 in the second, and Nathan Szymanski intercepted the puck on the blue line and wristed the Big Green's third goal past Dustin Traylen. Clarkson ignited a mild comeback in the third as Mike Sullivan tipped in a goal just over a minute into the stanza. Michael Grenzey scored his first collegiate goal with a slap shot from the point to end the game, 3-2. Yacey made 30 saves for the Big Green, while Traylen stopped 26 for the Knights. ECAC RECORDS VS. OTHER CONFERENCES Overall: ( home; away; neutral) By conference: Hockey East: overall (6-7-2 home; away; neutral) CCHA: overall (1-4-3 home; away; neutral) College Hockey America: overall (2-0-2 home; away; neutral) WCHA: overall (3-2-2 home; away; neutral) Atlantic Hockey: overall ( home; neutral) B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

18 February 16, Page 3 PLAYERS OF THE WEEK CO-PLAYER OF THE WEEK Shane Hynes - Cornell Sophomore, Forward, Calgary, Alta. Shane had a career-high four points in the win over Princeton with two goals and two assists and then assisted on the opening goal vs. Yale. All of his points on the weekend came at even strength and he was +4 for the weekend. His first assist was on the opening goal vs. the Tigers and he assisted on the sixth goal. His two goals were back-to-back markers scored at 9:54 and 17:20 in the second period. He had the most points for the team over the weekend and he also picked up the most points among all players in the ECAC. He is now fourth in scoring for the team with nine goals and eight assists for 17 points, while his nine goals is tied for second overall on the team. Overall Conf. Name GP G-A-P GP G-A-P Hynes CO-PLAYER OF THE WEEK Scott Basiuk - Rensselaer Senior, Defenseman, Prince Albert, Sask. Scott tallied three goals, including a game-winner, was a plus-2 and helped Rensselaer post a 1.00 goals against average in a two-game road sweep. In a 3-2 win at Harvard on Friday, he scored the game's first goal, a power play marker, and the game-tying goal late in the third period. He was also a plus-1. The next night at league-leading Brown, RPI's co-captain scored the first goal of the game, the eventual game-winner, was a plus-1 and helped hold the Bears off the scoreboard in a 4-0 shutout victory. Overall Conf. Name GP G-A-P GP G-A-P Basiuk ROOKIE OF THE WEEK Byron Bitz- Cornell Freshman, Forward, Corman Park, Sask. Byron had four assists in the win vs. Princeton and was +4 for the weekend. He was part of a line that racked up 13 points on the weekend. He is now ranked third among all ecac rookies in scoring with 19 points on five goals and 14 assists. In conference only stats, he is fourth with 13 points on two goals and 11 assists. The Princeton game was his fifth multiple-point game of the year tied for first on the team. It was also the most points he s scored in a game so far this season. He is the Big Red s leading rookie scorer for the year and is third overall for the team. Overall Conf. Name GP G-A-P GP G-A-P Bitz GOALIE OF THE WEEK Travis Russell - Vermont Sophomore, Goalie, Essex Junction, Vt. Travis recorded his first career shutout at Clarkson, making 24 saves in a 2-0 win Friday night. He then made 40 saves Saturday night in the 3-1 win at St. Lawrence, including 18 in the third period. In all, he saved 64 of 65 shots he faced on the weekend, and has given up two goals in the last three games. Overall Name GP W-L-T GAA Sv % Russell Conf Nathan Marsters - Rensselaer, Sr., G, Grimsby, Ont. Oren Eizenman - Rensselaer, Fr., F, Toronto, Ont. David McKee - Cornell, Fr., G, Irving, Texas Brady Leisenring - Vermont, Jr., F, Stowe, Vt. Christian Jensen - Yale, So., F, New Canaan, Conn. Josh Gartner - Yale, So., G, Richmond Hill, Ont. Darryl McKinnon - Colgate, Jr., C, Port Elgin, Ont. HONOR ROLL Kyle Doyle - Colgate, Sr., C, Sarnia, Ont. Ryan Glenn - St. Lawrence, Sr., D, Port Coquitlam, B.C. Jason Visser - Union, So., F, Mississauga, Ont. Yann Danis - Brown, Sr., G, Saint Jerome, Que. Tyler Kolair - Harvard, Sr., F, Abington, Pa. Chris Snizek - Dartmouth, Jr., F, Harrisville, R.I. Dan Yacey - Dartmouth, Jr., G, Fort Sasketchenwan, Alta. B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

19 February 16, Page 4 VERMONT GOALIE MATT HANSON S CONDITION STABILIZES COLGATE COACHING STAFF NAMED AHCA COACHING STAFF OF THE MONTH February 16, 2004 HAMILTON, N.Y.--The Colgate University men's ice hockey coaching staff has been recognized by the American Hockey Coaches Association as the Men's Division I Coaching Staff of the Month for the month of January. Under the direction of interim head coach Stan Moore and assistant coaches Andrew Dickson and Shep Harder, Colgate went in the month of January. The Raiders recorded three straight weekend sweeps against Rensselaer, Union, Dartmouth, Vermont and Cornell. Colgate recorded its first series sweep over the Big Red since the season. The Raiders entered the national polls following the Cornell series for the first time since the season. The Raiders also defeated Brown on the road and opened the month with a tie at Niagara. Colgate's only loss came at Harvard on January 10. Three players received ECAC honors during the month as junior goaltender Steve Silverthorn (Owen Sound, Ont.) was named the Goaltender of the Week, sophomore forward Jon Smyth (Markham, Ont.) earned Player of the Week honors, and freshman defenseman Mike Campaner (Thunder Bay, Ont.) received Rookie of the Week honors. Campaner was also named the CSTV/Hockey Commissioner's Association Honorable Mention National Rookie of the Month. Currently in second place in the ECAC with four games left in the regular season, Colgate travels to Union and Rensselaer this weekend for its final road trip of the regular season. February 15, 2004 BURLINGTON, Vt. - The following is a statement from Dr. Jon Porter, team physician for the University of Vermont Athletic Department, regarding Matt Hanson, a sophomore goaltender on the UVM men's hockey team who was injured in practice Thursday afternoon. "Matt Hanson sustained a fractured cervical vertebrae, and had surgery Friday night to stabilize the vertebrae. He is currently in stable condition, and he has normal neurological function." Hanson remains in Fletcher Allen Health Care, where his parents and family are with him. His father and mother, Bob and Diane Hanson, asked that this statement be released. "We would like to thank everyone for their prayers, their phone calls, their visits and their support. As you know, our son Matt broke the fourth vertebrae in his neck. He has received wonderful care here at Fletcher Allen, and we expect he will be up and moving on Monday. We plan to bring him home with us to Peabody, Massachusetts on Tuesday, where he will spend a couple of weeks with us resting and recovering before returning to the University of Vermont. "We can't say enough good things about how wonderful everyone has been at UVM. Dr. Porter has been so kind and supportive and patient and caring, and the athletic trainers - John Stawinski, Gregg Brueck and Becca Lindsey - have been absolutely terrific. Matt was in a potentially dangerous situation after the incident, and the athletic trainers who treated him on the ice did everything perfectly, and we are most grateful. Everyone from UVM has been so caring and supportive, from Dr. Porter to the athletic trainers to the coaching staff to the players to the administrators and staff. And we have received so many calls from people we know in the hockey community. Joe Marsh (St. Lawrence coach) not only spoke to the UVM team after the game Saturday night, he called Matt this morning and spoke with him for a half-hour. Other ECAC coaches have called. Coaches from Hockey East have called. Former teammates and coaches have called. Travis Roy called Matt today and spoke with him. We just want to thank everyone for their support and good wishes, and we want to let people know that Matt is going to be OK." 43RD ANNUAL ECAC HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP MARCH AT THE PEPSI ARENA - ALBANY, N.Y. CHAMPIONSHIP SCHEDULE Friday, March 19 No. 4 vs. No. 1 at 3:30 p.m. No. 3 vs. No. 2 at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 20 Third Place Game 3:30 p.m. Championship Game 7 p.m. Ticket Information: Adult All-Sessions (Four Games): $52 Adult Single-Session (Two Games): $30 Student All-Sessions (Four Games): $45 Student Single-Session (Two Games): $25 Prices includes commemorative championship program. All Session passes are onsale now at the Arena Box Office and Web site: Ticketmaster Charge by Phone and B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

20 February 16, Page 5 TEAM NOTES The Bears went on the BROWN weekend, failing to get at least two points for just the second time all season. Against Union on Friday, Brown was leading 2-0 with less than three minutes left in the game. However, the Dutchmen added two 6x5 goals to knot the contest and force overtime, ending the game in a 2-2 tie. The next night against RPI, the Bears dominated the first period, outshooting the Engineers 12-4, however RPI took a 1-0 lead mid-way through the second and scored three more in the third to put the game away and hand Brown its most lopsided home loss of the season. Against Union, Brown's goals were scored by Scott Ford and Chris Swon, while Cory Caouette posted an assist. Danis made a season-high 42 saves, including 20 in the final 25 minutes. The next night against RPI, Danis stopped 30 shots, including 17 in the third period. When Brown scores first, its record is now and when holding the opposition to two or fewer goals, Brown is However, if the opposition scores first, Brown is 2-5-0, and when Brown allows more than three goals to the opposition, it is With 42 career wins, senior Yann Danis is one win shy of tying the Brown record for wins in a career. With 93 career points, Brent Robinson needs just seven more to become Brown's first 100-point scorer since Ryan Mulhern (118) and Brian Jardine (105) finished their careers with more than 100 points in Senior Vince Macri played in his 100th career game against RPI. The next member of the class to reach 100 career games should be Yann Danis, who currently has 94 career games. Freshman Brian Ihnacak leads the team with 28 points (10g, 18a) in 23 games. Junior Les Haggett is second with 26 points, while senior Brent Robinson is third on the team with 25 points. Senior Vince Macri is tied for fourth with 12 points, and leads all defensemen, while junior Chris Swon also ranks fourth on the team with 12 points. Ihnacak ranks 12th in the league in scoring, 7th in assists, 1st in power-play points (22), 4th in power-play goals (7), and first in rookie scoring. Haggett ranks 1st in the league in assists, and 2nd in powerplay points (19), while Robinson ranks 14th in assists, 4th in power-play points (17), and 9th in power-play goals. Senior Hobey Baker candidate Yann Danis leads the league goalies with a 1.65 GAA, and a.948 save percentage. In Brown's 14 wins this season, a different player has scored each goal of the game, with the exception of the first Yale, Princeton, and St. Lawrence games, and the second Princeton game. No player on the team has more than 28 points or more than 10 goals. In addition, 18 different players have tallied at least one point with 17 with at least two points. The senior class leads the way in offensive production with 64 (36.4%)points, while the junior class is next with 53 (30.1%) points. The freshman class has 42 (23.9%) points, and the sophomore class adds 17 (9.6%) points. Brown's special teams have been strong this season, going (21.9) on the power-play, 6th in the country, and (92.2) on the penalty kill, 1st in the country. Over the weekend, Brown was 0-10 on the power-play, and on the penalty-kill. With four games left in the regular season, Brown continues the final stretch this weekend with road trip to St. Lawrence and Clarkson. Earlier this year, Brown swept the series, winning 4-1 against Clarkson and 8-0 against St. Lawrence. Brown will face St. Lawrence on Friday evening, in a series which St. Lawrence leads The series began in , a 6-3 St. Lawrence win. Brown head coach Roger Grillo is against the Saints (with a record at Appleton Arena), while St. Lawrence head coach Joe Marsh is against the Bears. Senior Brent Robinson is Brown's statistical leader against the Saints with 13 points (7g, 6a) in six games, including three points in the 8-0 win earlier this year, while senior goalie Yann Danis has a 1.22 GAA with a.961 save percentage and a record. The next evening, Brown will face Clarkson, which leads the all-time series, The series began in , a 6-5 Brown win. Clarkson head coach George Roll is against the Bears, while Brown head coach Roger Grillo is against the Golden Knights (with a record at Cheel Arena). Junior Les Haggett is Brown's statistical leader against the Golden Knights with five points (1g, 4a) in four games, including two assists in the 4-1 win earlier this year, while senior Yann Danis has a 2.32 GAA with a.926 save percentage and a record. Brown Among the National Stat Leaders Points Per Game: Les Haggett - 15th (1.18 ppg) Assists Per Game: Les Haggett - 2nd (0.95 apg) Power-Play Goals: Brian Ihnacak - tie 12th (7) Points Per Game (rookies): Brian Ihnacak - 3rd (1.12 ppg) Goals Against Average: Yann Danis - 2nd (1.65) Save Percentage: Yann Danis - 2nd (.948) Winning Percentage: Yann Danis - 12th (.667) Shutouts: Yann Danis - tie 4th (4) Team Scoring Defense: 2nd (1.72) Team Scoring Margin: 7th (1.00) Power-Play: 6th (21.9) Penalty-Kill: 1st (92.2) Combined Special Teams: 1st (57.0) CLARKSON With a couple of favorable bounces of the puck the Clarkson University Hockey team could be challenging for a first round bye in the upcoming Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) playoffs. Instead the Golden Knights are mired in their longest losing streak in five years and struggling to secure a home ice berth in the first round of the league's postseason tournament. With four games remaining in the regular season, Clarkson, guided by first-year head coach George Roll, associate coach Greg Drechsel and assistant coach Jean-Francois Houle, is tied with North Country foe St. Lawrence for eight place in the ECAC standings with a conference mark. The Green and Gold, who have played in 16 games that have been decided by one goal, and four others that have included an empty-net tally that resulted in a two-goal difference, own an overall record. In the tight games, Clarkson is This past weekend as the Knights opened a four-game home stand, Clarkson's one-goal woes continued. On Friday, the University of Vermont gained its third straight victory at Cheel Arena by taking a 1-0 first-period lead and then sealing its first road win of the year with an empty-net marker with 15 seconds remaining to earn the 2-0 shutout. On Saturday, Dartmouth took B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

21 February 16, Page 6 TEAM NOTES a 3-0 lead through 40 minutes and then held off a late Clarkson rally to record its first win ever at Cheel with a 3-2 victory. Clarkson will strive to snap a five-game losing skid as it closes out the home portion of the campaign this weekend. The Knights host preseason favorite Harvard University on Friday and the ECAC's first-place team Brown University on Saturday. In each of the past five games, the Knights' losses have been by one goal or two, including an empty-net score. Harvard is challenging to become the only ECAC team to gain an edge over the Golden Knights in an all-time series. Clarkson holds a slim advantage over the Crimson in the series, which started with a 2-1 Clarkson win in Lake Placid on December 28, The Knights and Crimson have met twice this season with the Green and Gold earning a win and a tie. Clarkson gained its first shutout ever over the Crimson behind a 31-save effort from Dustin Traylen in a 3-0 victory at Bright Hockey Center on November 29, which snapped a three-game winless stretch (0-2-1) against Harvard. In the consolation game of the Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Pot, held in Providence, RI on December 28, John Sullivan scored with under seven minutes to play in the third to lift the Knights to a 3-3 tie. Traylen finished with 37 saves. Harvard's last win in the series was a 2-1 victory in Potsdam on November 16, Clarkson is against Harvard at Cheel Arena. Jay Latulippe leads the current Knights in scoring against the Crimson with six points (4-2). Although Clarkson holds a commanding lead in its overall series against Brown, which began in 1953, the Bears have played the Knights extremely tough in recent years. Over the past five games Brown has a edge over the Green and Gold. In their first meeting this season, Brown dominated the Knights gaining a 4-1 victory at Meehan Auditorium. Clarkson overwhelmed the Bears at Cheel Arena last season cruising to a 5-1 victory on November 15, The teams also battled to a 3-3 tie in Providence last March 1. Clarkson owns a mark against Brown at Cheel. The Bears' last win in Potsdam was on February 16, 2002 when they gained their first ever shutout over the Knights with a 2-0 whitewash. Tristan Lush leads the current Knights in scoring against Brown with three goals and three assists. Through the mid-1990s and into the early 2000s, Clarkson dominated in the month of February. The past three seasons have been a different story. Since the campaign, the Knights have mark in February, including an 0-4 slate this season. In the previous six seasons, the Green and Gold compiled a mark in February A big factor in the Knights' recent misfortunes can be attributed to the lack of production on the power play. Clarkson is struggling in an 0-for-24 slump with the man-advantage and ranks 11th overall in the ECAC on the power play at 13.9% (25-180) Clarkson's Class of 2007 has accounted for 23% of the Knights scoring this season with 19 goals and 34 assists through the first 30 games Mike Sullivan, a 2003 NHL Draft choice of the LA Kings, is the leading freshman scorer for the Knights and is tied for fifth among ECAC rookies with 15 points (7-8). He tallied the Knights' first goal against Dartmouth. Rookie defenseman Michael Grenzy recorded his first collegiate point with Clarkson's other goal against the Big Green on Saturday Jay Latulippe has recorded at least one point in six of his last seven games and is third overall for the Knights in scoring with 22 points on nine goals and 13 assists After leading the ECAC in overall scoring through most of the season, Mac Faulkner has been held without a point over the last four games. He is now tied for second overall in ECAC scoring with 32 points and shares the assists lead with 21. COLGATE Colgate has now won 11 ECAC games for the first time since the season when the Raiders were Colgate travels to Union and Rensselaer this weekend for its final road trip of the regular season. Colgate leads the overall series with Union but the Dutchmen lead the series in Schenectady Union has won the last four meetings at Achilles Rink dating back to the season. Colgate's last win at Union was on February 26, 1999 by a 4-3 score. Rensselaer leads the overall series with the Raiders by a margin and also leads the series at Houston Field House The Raiders are coming off a split with Yale and Princeton last weekend. Yale defeated the Raiders 3-1 Friday night to end Colgate's eight-game unbeaten streak., the second longest unbeaten streak in school history. It was Colgate's first loss since January 10 at Harvard and also its first loss at home since December 5, also against Harvard. The weekend split marked Colgate's seventh weekend split of the season and its first weekend split since January 9-10 at Harvard and Brown. Colgate swept the series with Princeton for the first time since the season. It was also Colgate's third series sweep of the season with the other two coming against Brown and Cornell. Senior assistant captain Paul Kelley (Grand Forks, B.C.) appeared in his 100th career game Friday night against the Bulldogs. With the weekend split, Colgate is now in its last 10 games and improved its record at home to overall and 7-2 in the league. The Raiders scored a power play goal in each game over the weekend and have now scored a power play goal in four straight games and seven of the last eight. In three of the last four games, Colgate has held its opponents to 18 shots or less. Two weeks ago at Vermont, the Catamounts registered 15 shots in the first period, one shot in the second period and two shots in the third period. In the loss to Yale, the Bulldogs recorded 15 shots including two shots in the first, six in the second and seven in the third. Against the Tigers Saturday night, Princeton did not register a shot on goal in the third period until the final minute of play. Junior assistant captain Adam Mitchell (Port Elgin, Ont.) was on the ice for all four of Colgate's goals against Princeton Saturday night and scored the game's fourth goal. He has now tied his career-high for points in a season (27) and set a new career-high for assists in a season (15). Senior center Kyle Doyle (Sarnia, Ont.) scored two goals against the Tigers Saturday night and has also tied his careerhigh for points in a season (27). It was Doyle's first goals since January 31 against Cornell. Junior Darryl McKinnon (Port Elgin, Ont.) is riding a fourgame point scoring streak and has tallied six points and two multiple point games during that time. McKinnon recorded a goal and two assists over the weekend. Sophomore left wing Jon Smyth (Markham, Ont.) picked up three assists over the weekend and continues to lead the team in B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

22 February 16, Page 7 TEAM NOTES scoring with 34 points on 18 goals and 16 assists. He is 17th in the country in points per game and 12th in the country in goals per game. Junior goaltender Steve Silverthorn (Owen Sound, Ont.) stopped 27 of 31 shots over the weekend and picked up his 13th win of the season, which equals the amount of wins he amassed last season. He is seventh in the country in goals against average (2.02). Silverthorn is also unbeaten against Princeton (3-0-1) with two wins this year and a win and a tie last season. Sophomore Kyle Wilson (London, Ont.) assisted on Kyle Doyle's game-winning goal and now lead the team in assists with 17 on the season. Four different players recorded multiple point games against the Tigers and eight different players entered the scoring column over the weekend. CORNELL Cornell earned its first home sweep of the year, defeating Princeton 6-1 and Yale 2-1 over the weekend at Lynah Rink. The Big Red heads into this weekend s games tied for third place in the ECAC standings. Cornell will face Rensselaer this coming Friday in Troy, N.Y. The Big Red and Engineers are tied for third place in the conference standings, which gives this game even more significance. RPI won the earlier season matchup at Lynah Rink with a 2-0 shutout on Jan. 17. Overall, Cornell leads the all-time series The Big Red has won four of the last five games between the two schools and eight of the last 10. This Saturday s game vs. Union will be in Schenectady, N.Y. Cornell holds an all-time series record of , which includes a 1-1 tie earlier this year at Lynah Rink. The Big Red is in the last five meetings and is in the last 10 games vs. the Dutchmen. In the two wins last weekend vs. the Tigers and Bulldogs, Cornell had 11 players pick up points, including five different players with goals. Of the 11 with points, five also earned more than one for the weekend. The win over Princeton on Friday the 13th gives the Big Red an record in games played on that superstitious, bad-luck day. Sophomore winger Shane Hynes had the largest output of all Big Red players in the two wins. He had a career-high four points in the win over Princeton with two goals and two assists and then had an assist vs. Yale. His five points over the weekend was the most by any player in the ECAC. Freshman goaltender David McKee also had good results over the weekend, earning two more wins and improving his goals against average to 1.78, which ranks fifth in the nation. He made 13 stops vs. Princeton and 14 vs. Yale. Freshman winger Byron Bitz had a career-high four points in the win over Princeton, as he assisted on four of the team s six goals. Senior Ryan Vesce returned to the lineup over the weekend after missing three games with an injury. He didn t disappoint with his return, as he had a goal both nights. His goal on Friday vs. Princeton was the game winner, while he opened the scoring vs. Yale on Saturday. For his career, he now has 126 points in 126 games. His 126 points ranks him 23rd in all-time scoring at Cornell. Sophomore forward Matt Moulson also had points in both games over the weekend. He had two goals and an assist on Friday and added a helper on Saturday. He leads the team and is tied for sixth overall in the ECAC with his 30 points on 15 goals and 15 assists this season. His 15 goals are two more than he had as a freshman and his 30 points also bests his freshman total of 23. Freshman winger Mitch Carefoot picked up his third goal of the year in the victory over Yale when he netted the game winner at 16:21 in the third. It was his second game-winning goal of the year. Freshman blue liner Evan Salmela had his first collegiate goal in the win over Princeton. He scored it on the power play at 13:18 in the third period. Senior forward Greg Hornby hit the century mark over the weekend, playing in his 100th and 101st career games. The right wing has 31 points over his four years with 13 goals and 18 assists. Matt Moulson, Mike Knoepfli, Ryan Vesce and Shane Hynes will all be looking to extend their current point streaks to three games in the Rensselaer game, as all four had points in the Princeton and Yale games. The longest streak of the season was earned by Moulson, who put together a nine-game string from Nov. 15 through Jan. 9. The Big Red had just one penalty in the Yale game, which is the fewest it s had called all year. Prior to that game the least penalties called on the team in a game had been four, which happened just twice. Cornell is when leading after one period and when leading after two. Overall, 18 players have at least one point on the year with eight netting at least 10. Of those eight, two have also tallied more than 20 points. Cornell has the nation s No. 3 defense, allowing just 1.80 goals per game and has the No. 6 penalty kill, clicking at 87.9 percent. DARTMOUTH Chris Snizek scored his first goals of the year, recording one in both games over the weekend. Against St. Lawrence he put Dartmouth on the board first with the first goal of the game and then against Clarkson he helped cement the Big Green's win with the second goal of the game. Prior to the weekend, Snizek had seen action in only seven games. Dan Yacey helped backstop Dartmouth to three points over the weekend including a 30-save effort in a win over Clarkson, Dartmouth's first in Potsdam since For the two games he recorded 52 saves. Lee Stempniak creeps closer to scoring 100 points for Dartmouth. With an assist over St. Lawrence he moved one closer and now has 99. With one more Stempniak should become the first player since Ross Brownridge in 1979 to capture that 100th point in his junior year and he would be the 30th player at Dartmouth to 100. Three Big Green players now have over 20 points on the year. Lee Stempniak leads the team in points with 29 (14g, 15a), Hugh Jessiman has 28 (13g, 15a) and Grant Lewis has 21 (3g, 18a). Dartmouth now has eight ties on the year, putting them in a tie with Brown for the most ties overall in a year. B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

23 February 16, Page 8 Brian Van Abel, one of four seniors for Dartmouth has skated in 118 games over four years. Currently he is in 10th place at Dartmouth for career games played. The four seniors have played in a total of 343 games for the Big Green. Against Clarkson the Big Green did not allow a Golden Knight power-play goal. It was one of four games this year that Dartmouth has not allowed an extra-man strike. Dartmouth is a very young team this year and the underclassmen can account for 66% of the scoring (126-of-192 points). If the season ended today, goalie Dan Yacey would be the overall leader in career save percentage at Dartmouth. Currently he has a career percentage of.908. In goals against average he would be in sixth place with Dartmouth takes on Princeton and Yale this coming weekend in their final homestand of the season. In November Dartmouth scored 15 goals to defeat both teams. Against Yale Dartmouth scored nine goals, the most so far this season for the Big Green. Yale leads the overall series against Dartmouth and Dartmouth leads the series against Princeton In the games against Yale and Princeton earlier this season Dartmouth had 14 different players score. Some of the scoring came from Grant Lewis with three points, Nathan Szymanski with four points, Eric Przepiorka with 5 points and Hugh Jessiman with six total points including a natural second period hat trick against the Bulldogs. HARVARD Harvard split its home weekend series, losing a heartbreaker to Rensselaer (3-2) on Friday, allowing a goal with less than a minute remaining in the game. The Crimson rebounded with a victory over Union by the same score the next evening, spoiling Dutchmen coach Nate Leaman's return to the Bright Center. The Crimson saw the Engineers rally from a goal down with 3:30 to play to knot the game and ice victory with a goal with :54 on the clock. RPI swept the season series from the Crimson for the first time since the season. A pair of twin 3-2 victories over Union sealed the season series for the third consecutive year over the Dutchmen. Harvard rallied from a two-goal deficit at Union earlier in the season for the win, and rallied back after allowing a Dutchmen goal just :21 into the game to record the latest victory. Harvard hadn't scored a first-period tally in four games, but put three on the board in the opening frame on Saturday against Union. In the last four games, the Crimson has been whistled for just three penalties in each contest - dropping Harvard's average to 12.6 PIM per game, and making the Crimson the least-penalized team in the ECAC. Harvard heads north for games against Clarkson and St. Lawrence this weekend. Friday's faceoff will be the third meeting of the season against the Golden Knights, as the two teams skated to a 3-3 deadlock in the third-place game of the Dunkin Donuts Coffee Pot in December. Clarkson scored a 3-0 victory in the first meeting of the teams this season, back in November at the Bright Center. Clarkson holds a slim lead in the all-time series, with a tie in one of the meetings between the two schools in each of the last three seasons. November's victory for the Knights snapped a three-game unbeaten streak for the Crimson in the series, dating back to the 2002 ECAC semifinals. Harvard has taken wins TEAM NOTES in two of its last three trips to Cheel, which ended a five-game winless stretch in Potsdam. Mark Mazzoleni is in his head coaching career against Clarkson. The Crimson holds a all-time mark against the Saints, including shutouts in the last two meetings (3-0 earlier this season, and 5-0 last spring). Harvard is unbeaten in the last five meetings (4-0-1), but only one of those wins came at Appleton. Mazzoleni is in his head coaching career against SLU. The line of seniors Dennis Pacakrd and Rob Freid centered by junior Brendan Bernakevitch has been consistent and productive since its formation at the Dunkin Donuts Coffee Pot in December. The line had eight points in the Yale game a week ago, and had a hand in key scores this weekend. Bernakevitch particularly has had a breakout, as his 18 points this season has bettered his career numbers - he had eight goals and 17 points in his first two injury-riddled campaigns, but has posted 18 points (5g, 13a) this season already. Harvard has had key players shelved with injury all season, and Mark Mazzoleni has had his entire roster from which to choose a lineup for only one game this season. Just as the Crimson was getting back blueliners Dylan Reese and Dave McCulloch and winger Kenny Turano (the trio has dressed in just 26 games combined this season), centerman Charlie Johnson suffered an injury has his status on a day-to-day basis. A Tim Pettit appearance in the Clarkson game would push his total career appearances to 125, putting him in a tie for ninth place on the all-time list. With at least six games left in the Crimson season, Pettit can challenge the school record of 131, held by Steve Armstrong '88 Dov Grumet-Morris is on the cusp of moving into the top five in the career goaltending annals - he needs 69 saves, and 238 more minutes between the pipes. He already has played in the two longest games in school history, and his career GAA (if he hung up his skates after the most recent Union game) would rank second in the career annals, while his save percentage (.912) would rank third. RENSSELAER Rensselaer has won four of its last five games (4-1-0). Head coach Dan Fridgen moved past Ned Harkness for second place on the school's alltime wins list on Friday night with 177 career victories. Mike Addesa is Rensselaer's all-time leader with 186 career wins. The Engineers shutout on Saturday night was their fourth of the season. The victory improved RPI's record to on Saturdays. Rensselaer has allowed two-or-fewer goals 17 times this season (14-2-1). The Engineers are when scoring the first goal of the game and when outshooting their opponent. Thirty-nine of RPI's 91 goals have come on the power play and five have been shorthanded. Sophomore Kevin Croxton (Calgary, ALB) has at least one point (4 goals, 6 assists) in each of his last eight games. He currently second the nation in power play goals with ten. Sophomore Kirk MacDonald (Victoria, BC) has at least one point in eight of his last nine games (3 goals, 8 assists). He is currently 12th in the nation in power play goals with seven. Senior co-captain Scott Basiuk (Prince Albert, SASK), who had three goals last weekend, is tenth in Division I in points per game B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

24 February 16, Page 9 TEAM NOTES by a defenseman with 0.72 and 12th in power play goals with seven. Senior goaltender Nathan Marsters (Grimsby, ONT) is tenth in the nation in goals against average (2.15) and 16th in save percentage (.918). He continues to climb up the list in the Rensselaer record book. He is currently second in games played by a goaltender with 106 (Neil Little; 110) and minutes played with 6108:49 (Little; 6302:01). Marsters is third in saves with 2866 (Little; 2935 & Joel Laing; 2881) and shutouts with nine (Laing; 13 & Bobby Fox; 12) and tied for third in wins with 52 (Little; 58, Daren Puppa; 54 & Laing; 52). Sophomore defenseman Brad Farynuk (Enderby, BC) has nine points (1 goal, 8 assists) in his last eight games. Junior forward Nick Economakos (Lockport, IL) has at least one point in four of his last five games (1 goal, 4 assists). Freshman forward Oren Eizenman (Toronto, ONT) has a threegame point-scoring streak (1 goal, 3 assists). The Engineers have at least one power play goal in each of their last 12 games and 20 of its last 21 contests. The Engineers are scoring on 20.6% (39 of 189) of its opportunities. RPI has allowed 19 power play goals in 151 chances (12.6%) this season. They have had seven multiple power play goals in that span. Rensselaer is currently ninth in the nation on the power play. RPI is seventh in Division I on the penalty kill (87.4%) and sixth in scoring defense (2.30 goals against per game). The Engineers will host Cornell, with whom they are tied for third place in the ECAC standings, on Friday night. RPI is all-time against the Big Red, including a 2-0 win in Ithaca on Jan. 17. That win, which featured 22 saves from senior Nathan Marsters (Grimsby, ONT), snapped a seven-game losing streak to Cornell and improved Dan Fridgen's all-time record against the Big Red to Rensselaer will host Colgate, which is one point ahead of them in the standings, on Saturday in Senior Appreciation Night. The Engineers are all-time against the Raiders, including two losses this season (2-1 on Dec. 29 in Troy & 3-1 on Jan. 16 in Hamilton). RPI head coach Dan Fridgen is against his alma mater. Princeton dropped a pair PRINCETON of games on the road in central New York. In the opener on Friday night at Cornell, the Big Red scored two goals in each period to come away with a 6-1 win. On Saturday night, Princeton scored first and last, but Colgate came away with a 4-2 victory. The Tigers play their final two road games of the regular season this weekend at Dartmouth and Vermont. After that they return home for the regular season finales against Rensselaer and Union. Princeton is all-time against Dartmouth and is versus the Big Green in Hanover. The Tigers have dropped three straight in the series and are winless in the last six games against Dartmouth (0-4-2). Princeton's last win in the series was a 6-0 triumph at Dartmouth on Nov. 18, The Big Green won the first meeting of the season 6-3. The Tigers are in their all-time series against Vermont. The Catamounts lead the series in games played in Burlington by a 21-6 margin. Princeton enters the game off a 2-1 win in the teams' meeting earlier this season in Princeton. The Tigers enter the weekend winless in their last 11 games dating back to a 2-1 win over Harvard on Dec. 16. Princeton scored the first goal in Saturday night's game at Colgate. It was the first time Princeton opened the scoring in a game since the Clarkson game on Jan. 10. It was the sixth time this season Princeton has opened the scoring in a game. Freshman Grant Goeckner-Zoeller added to his team-lead in points with a goal on Friday night and an assist on Saturday. He now has five goals and 11 assists for 16 points. Sophomore Mark Masters and freshman Kevin Westgarth scored Princeton's goals at Colgate. It was Masters' third of the season and Westgarth's second. In the Saturday night game at Colgate, sophomore Brett Westgarth posted his first point of the season on an assist of Masters' goal. Later, his younger brother Kevin, scored Princeton's second goal. It was the first time this season the pair has tallied points in the same game. ST. LAWRENCE The Games: St. L a w r e n c e University s men s hockey team will be out to remain in the thick of the battle for first-round home ice in the upcoming ECAC playoffs when it hosts league-leader Brown and seventh place Harvard in the final regular season home games of the season. The Saints will conclude the regular season with games at Cornell and Colgate Feb The Saints are currently tied for the eighth and final home ice spot in the first round with arch-rival Clarkson, each at and 14 points. The two split in regular season games and at this point in the season the Saints have the edge in tiebreakers based on points gained against teams in the top four. The Saints will also be looking for a measure of revenge against both Brown and Harvard after a lost weekend in New England earlier this year in which both teams pinned shutouts on the Saints. Glittering Goalies: The Saints weekend series against Dartmouth and Vermont at Appleton Arena was a showcase for outstanding goaltending performances. Saint netminder Mike McKenna swiped a point from Dartmouth on Friday night as he came up with 43 saves including one on a breakaway with five minutes to go in the third period as the Saints and Big Green tied at 2-2. Senior defenseman Ryan Glenn, whose father was in Canton to see him play for the first time in his career, scored both Saint goals for his second two-goal game of the season and third of his career. Vermont goaltender Travis Russell was the story on Saturday as he made 40 saves, several of them spectacular, in helping the Catamounts to an emotional sweep of the North Country series with a 3-1 upset of the Saints. The tie and loss mark the first time since the Maine series in October that the Saints have failed to earn at least two points in a home series at Appleton. Tough Tasks: The Saints will be out to snap winless streaks against both Brown and Harvard when the Bears and Crimson visit Canton. The Saints have not won in the last five tries against Brown including an 8-0 shutout in Providence earlier this season. That game was a strange one in that the Saints outshot Brown 38-18, but Yann Danis put up the shutout and Brown had a hot night in the offensive zone when it got the shots off. The Saints are now in the last five meetings with the last win over the Bears a 4-2 decision in Providence in February of The Saints are against Brown in the last six meetings in Canton. SLU does lead the overall series between the teams with coach B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

25 February 16, Page 10 TEAM NOTES Joe Marsh holding a career mark against the Bears. Harvard has a mark against the Saints in the last six meetings after snapping a six-game losing skid to SLU with a 4-1 win in Cambridge in February of The Crimson shut the Saints out 3-0 in Cambridge earlier this year and the Saints have not a goal in their last two games against Harvard, both of which were played at the Bright Hockey Center. Harvard beat the Saints 6-1 in its last Appleton appearance and is in its last six Canton appearances. Harvard leads the overall series and coach Marsh is against Harvard for his career. Magic Numbers: The Saints lost for only the fourth time this season after scoring the first goal of the game when Travis Russell stoned them the rest of the way Saturday night. The Saints are now when they score the game s first goal and are when leading after one and when leading after two. Numerology nuts and figure filberts will also be interested to know that the Saints are when scoring four or more goals in a game and when scoring three or more. They are, however, when scoring two or less, but when surrendering two or less. Home Sweet Home: The Saints are now on their home sheet after failing to win at least one of a two game set for the first time since the Maine series in October. SLU has outscored the opposition in 16 home games and is averaging 3.22 goals per game while allowing The Saint power play, scoring at a 14 percent clip overall, is scoring at a 17.2 percent rate at home. Of T.J. Trevelyan s team-leading 20 goals, 12 have come in the 16 games played at Appleton. The line of Trevelyan, Rich Peverley and John Zeiler has combined for 25 goals and 34 assists for 59 points in home games, accounting for almost half of the total Saint goals scored in Appleton this season (52). Of defenseman Ryan Glenn s 21 total points, 17 have come in games at Appleton. Goaltender Mike McKenna has a 1.97 goals against average and a.930 save percentage at home to go with a record. Overall he is with a 2.71 goals against average and a.906 saves percentage. Leading the Nation: T.J. Trevelyan scored his 11th power play goal of the season against Vermont on Saturday which is the best among Division I players nationally. Trevelyan s 20 goals rank in the top ten in the country as he joins a select group of sophomores who have netted 20 for the Saints. Andy Pritchard and Ron O Brien share the record for sophomore goals with 27. He is leading the Saint scoring by a point with senior captain Rich Peverley, who is bidding to become the fifth player in Saint hockey history to lead the team in scoring for three straight years, second on the scoring chart. Burke Murphy led the Saints in scoring from the season through his senior year in and was the last three-year scoring leader. On a Roll: Junior goaltender Mike McKenna has made five consecutive starts and has a 1.81 goals against average and a.942 save percentage in those five games. He is, however, just as the Saints have scored just 2.60 goals per game in the same span. McKenna s 43 saves against Dartmouth are the season high for a Saint goaltender. McKenna s collegiate career high was 50 at Miami to open the season. McKenna is in games in which he has made 30 or more saves this season, the lone loss a 2-0 shutout of the Saints at Denver. Odds and Ends: The Saints have scored at least one power play goal in eight of their last nine games, which comes on the heels of a stretch in which they did not score a power play in 23 consecutive opportunities. The Saints are in games in which they have outshot the opposition this season. They are ingames in which they have been outshot and in games in which the shots were even. John Zeiler has the longest current Saint scoring streak with assists in three straight games. Zeiler has been playing well, but has not scored a goal since December. He has 10 assists in the New Year. Ryan Glenn s 21 points are a career high and the most points for a Saint defenseman since Matt Desrosiers scored 32 in the season. UNION Weekend Results: Union 2, Brown 2 - The Dutchmen knew the numbers of Brown goalie Yann Danis. Down 2-0 with just 2:22 left to play in the game, the Dutchmen found a way. Union net minder Kris Mayotte was pulled, and just 13 seconds later, sophomore Jason Visser put one past Danis. Just 1:09 remained when junior Matt Vagvolgyi would score from the blue line, and Danis never saw it coming. A stunned crowd watched as the Dutchmen came back against the top ECAC team, and the nation s number one goalie. Overtime would favor the Dutchmen, as they continued their late game dominance, and out shot Brown 6-3. Junior Joel Beal had daylight on the net and would have scored, as he was pulled down Brown s Gerry Burke. The Dutchmen had several great chances with the overtime man advantage; however Danis would not give up three goals this night. Union sent their unbeaten streak to four games, one shy of the season record. Harvard 3, Union 2 Head Coach Nate Leaman was greeted warmly at the Bright Hockey Center Saturday evening, where he was an assistant the last four seasons. Just 21 seconds into the game sophomore Jonathan Poirier kept things warm as he put the Dutchmen up 1-0 with his fifth goal of the year. Things cooled of quickly as Harvard answered back with three goals to take a 3-1 1st period lead. Junior Joel Beal made it 3-2 with his seventh goal of the season early in the 2nd period, but that would be all as Harvard played a smart, physical game. Harvard out shot Union The Dutchmen lost their first game since January 30th. Union has yet to win at Harvard since 1/10/97, a 4-2 victory. Senior Night against Cornell: Union will honor the careers of Senior s Glenn Sanders (Saugus, MA) and Brent Booth (Calgary, AB) on Saturday night when the Dutchmen host Cornell in the last regular season game at Messa Rink. Booth has served as assistant captain the last two seasons, and had filled the captains roll this season when Sanders was out of the lineup for 16 games due to a ruptured spleen. Sanders had considered an NCAA medical red shirt, but chose to come back once cleared to play to help Union in the team s final eight games. Are U Ready for a Road Trip!?! The Union College Athletic Department will be hosting a bus trip to Princeton, New Jersey for the final regular season game as the Dutchmen take on the Tigers February 28th. Brown Coach will depart Achilles Center on the Union campus at 10:00 am that day and arrive in Princeton around 2:00 pm. Entertainment and Subway box lunches will be provided on the bus. Get out with your fellow fans for some pre-game shopping and a bite to eat before the game in Princeton. Brown Coach will depart for Baker Arena at 5:45 pm for a 7:00 drop of the puck. Departure for Schenectady will be immediately following the game. The cost is $40 for season ticket holders and $45 for the general public, which includes your game ticket and lunch. To get on board for this great road B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

26 February 16, Page 11 trip to see your Dutchmen in action, call (518) , or stop by the Achilles Center box office to reserve your seat by Saturday, February 21st. Sophomore Jason Visser (Mississauga, Ont.) has continued to shine for the Dutchmen. Visser, (9-5-14) has recorded points in five of his last eight eight games played, and is well ahead of last years point total for this time last year, (1-3-4). Freshman Dan Tatar (Queensbury, NY) traveled with Union for the first time away from the capital region. Tatar, the team s third goalie was the back up to Kris Mayotte, as Tim Roth did not make the road trip due to a coach s decision. VERMONT The University of Vermont Catamounts swept Clarkson and St. Lawrence on the road for the first time since 1997 and recorded their first two road wins of last weekend, topping Clarkson, 2-0, Friday and St. Lawrence, 3-1, Saturday. Coach Kevin Sneddon's Catamounts, overall and in ECAC play, returns home this weekend to host Yale Friday and Princeton Saturday in the final home series of the regular season. Vermont finishes out the ECAC campaign on Feb. 27 and 28 at Harvard and league-leading Brown. NOTES AND QUOTES: Travis Russell stopped 64 of 65 shots he faced last weekend, recording his first career shutout at Clarkson. He was named ECAC Goaltender of the Week Monday for his fine play. Russell collected the puck from the Clarkson game and the St. Lawrence game, and the team presented both mementos to injured goalie Matt Hanson at Fletcher Allen Health Care on Sunday.. In his last six games, Russell has allowed nine goals and recorded 171 saves. In that span, he has a 1.47 goals-against average and a.950 save percentage.. Vermont's three senior student-athletes, captain Oriel McHugh and classmates Tom Child and Jeff Miles, along with senior manager Krys Hettrick, will be honored following the Princeton game with an on-ice ceremony.. Senior Jeff Miles had a goal and three assists last weekend and now has 119 career points.. Miles, in his last seven games, is now tied for 23rd on Vermont's all-time scoring list with Hall of Famer Will MacKinnon. He needs six points to finish in the top 20.. Brady Leisenring is tied for sixth in the ECAC in scoring with 30 points in 29 games.. Miles is tied for ninth in the league in scoring with 29 points in 27 games, and is tied for 10th in power-play points with 14 ( ).. Sophomore captain Jaime Sifers is tied for sixth in the ECAC among defensemen in scoring with two goals and 13 assists for 15 points.. Vermont is fifth in the ECAC in power-play efficiency, scoring 29 goals in 155 attempts (18.7 percent).. The Catamounts are at home this season.. Three of Vermont's last five games at Gutterson Fieldhouse have gone into overtime.. Yale leads the all-time series with Vermont, The Bulldogs have won four straight and three of the last four at Gutterson.. Vermont leads the all-time series with Princeton, Cats have won two of the last three, and are in the last eight games at Gutterson.. The Catamounts are in games when the shots on goal are even. One of those wins was against Clarkson Friday night, when each team recorded 24 shots.. Vermont has won more games at Clarkson's Cheel Arena - eight - than any other ECAC team.. The last Vermont shutout came on Jan. 19, 2002 when Shawn Conschafter blanked the Golden Knights.. Conschafter also had the last point recorded by a Catamount goalie, an assist against Harvard on Feb. 22, Russell assisted on Leisenring's empty-net goal Friday night at Clarkson.. Some great promotions coming up this weekend as Director of Marketing and Promotions Krista Balogh continues her outstanding work. For the Yale game on Friday, Feb. 20, all fans will receive a special coupon from Dick's Sporting Goods, good for $10 off any order of $50 or more. And on Saturday, it will be Burlington Free Press Cheer Card Giveaway Night, with all fans getting nice cards that can be autographed by the players following the game, when all the Catamounts will gather in the lobby for an autograph session.. Philadelphia's John LeClair very much enjoys playing with new linemate Michael Handzus, and it shows. LeClair is clicking with the creative forward and had a goal and an assist Saturday in Philadelphia's win over the New York Rangers. In that same game, Patrick Sharp had a pair of goals, giving him four on the season. The 22-year-old former Catamount is now wearing #9 for the Flyers, the same number he wore with the AHL's Philadelphia Phantoms. Following injuries to Jeremy Roenick and Keith Primeau, Sharp's ice time has gone up. "This is an opportunity for Patrick Sharp to play on a regular basis on a good line," Philadelphia coach Ken Hitchcock said. "We've had him up there in flashes, but he'll get a regular shift and get significant time." That new plan began Saturday, with Sharp seeing plenty of time, including some shifts on the power play. He was a plus-three in nearly 15 minutes of action.. Join the Vermont Men's Hockey E-news! If you know someone who might like to receive these weekly notes, along with game stories and special releases, send their address to and we will add them to the growing list of parents, friends, former teammates and fans.. Join the popular Coaches Circle for some great benefits at home games. Among the advantages of the Coaches Circle are entry into the newly renovated Bostwick Room before games and between periods, where you can enjoy light hors d'ouerves and listen to a pre-game scouting report by a member of the Catamount coaching staff. Check it out at the next home game and join the many supporters of Vermont men's hockey in the Coaches Circle. MATT HANSON RECOVERING WELL: The following is a statement from Dr. Jon Porter, team physician for the University of Vermont Athletic Department, regarding Matt Hanson, a sophomore goaltender on the UVM men's hockey team who was injured in practice Thursday afternoon. "Matt Hanson sustained a fractured cervical vertebrae, and had surgery Friday night to stabilize the vertebrae. He is currently in stable condition, and he has normal neurological function."hanson remains in Fletcher Allen Health Care, where his parents and family are with him. His father and mother, Robert and Diane Hanson, asked that this statement be released."we would like to thank everyone for their prayers, their phone calls, their visits and their support. As you know, our son Matt broke the fourth vertebrae in his neck. He has received wonderful care here at Fletcher Allen, and we expect he will be up and moving on Monday. We plan to bring him home with us to Peabody, Massachusetts on Tuesday, where he will spend a couple of weeks with us resting and recovering before returning to the University of Vermont. We can't say enough good things about how wonderful everyone has been at UVM. Dr. Porter has been so kind and supportive and patient and caring, and the athletic trainers - John Stawinski, Gregg Brueck and Becca Lindsey - have been absolutely terrific. Matt was in a potentially dangerous situation after the incident, and the athletic trainers who treated him on the ice did everything B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

27 February 16, Page 12 perfectly, and we are most grateful. Everyone from UVM has been so caring and supportive, from Dr. Porter to the athletic trainers to the coaching staff to the players to the administrators and staff. And we have received so many calls from people we know in the hockey community. Joe Marsh (St. Lawrence coach) not only spoke to the UVM team after the game Saturday night, he called Matt this morning and spoke with him for a half-hour. Other ECAC coaches have called. Coaches from Hockey East have called. Former teammates and coaches have called. Travis Roy called Matt today and spoke with him. We just want to thank everyone for their support and good wishes, and we want to let people know that Matt is going to be OK." YALE The Bulldogs (12-13, 10-8 ECAC) embark on their final road trip of the regular season, visiting Vermont and Dartmouth. Yale, coming off a split at Colgate (W, 3-1) and Cornell (L, 2-1) last weekend, is alone in sixth place in the ECAC standings, just two points shy of fifth-place Dartmouth. The Series Yale leads the all time series with Vermont, , including a 6-4 win in New Haven on Nov. 22. The Bulldogs have been skating against Dartmouth since the campaign, with the Big Green holding a advantage. Yale's last win against Dartmouth came on February 23, 2002, a 4-2 victory in Hanover. Zappala Named Finalist for Walter Brown Award Sophomore Joe Zappala was one of three ECAC players named as a semi-finalist for the Walter Brown Award, presented annually to the best American-born college hockey player in New England. The award will be presented at the New England Hockey Writers' dinner in April. Zappala leads Yale in scoring ( ). He netted his nation-leading and school single-season record ninth game-winner of the year with just 5:35 remaining in the third period to lift Yale past Colgate on Feb. 13. Eight of Zappala's nine game-winners have come in the third period (five) or overtime (three). Hristovski Hot Sophomore Jeff Hristovski had recorded goals in five consecutive games, including a shorthander in Yale's 3-1 win at Colgate, before being kept off the scoreboard by Cornell on Feb. 14. Hristovski has points in 14 of Yale's last 16 contests, and is second on the team in scoring ( ). Hristovski now has three shorthanded goals on the season, tying him with Ryan Steeves for the team lead. Steeves, who assisted on Hristovski's goal against the Raiders, leads the conference in shorthanded points (3-3-6), while Hristovski is second in the ECAC (3-1-4). Statistically, he is Yale's top combined special teams scorer, with five power play goals to go along with his three shorthanders. Steeves Is Special Teams Force Senior Ryan Steeves assisted on Jeff Hristovski's shorthanded goal in Yale's 3-1 win at Colgate, which marked his sixth shorthanded point of the year (3-3-6), which is tops in the conference and tied for second in the nation. He is second on the Bulldogs in assists, with 15, and leads all Bulldogs with 89 career points ( ). Dwyer Ascending Through Record Books Yale senior Jeff Dwyer has the fifth highest career point total among Yale defensemen. After notching three assists on Feb. 6-7 against Harvard and Brown, he has 67 points ( ), which ties Bill Nichols for fifth. Dave Baseggio '89 holds the top spot, with 108 points ( ). Dwyer has suited up for all of Yale's 119 games during his tenure. The school record for total games played is 125, set by Jeff Hamilton Consecutive Home Sellouts at 38 and Counting The Bulldogs have sold out their last 38 regular season games at Ingalls Rink, including all 14 contests during the regular season. Yale has averaged over 3,100 fans per game (capacity is 3,486) for each of the last six seasons, and is well on its way to its second consecutive season with every game being sold out. Though the games sell out, tickets are often available until game time. For information on availability, call the Yale ticket office at (203) B ROWN C L A R K S O N C O L G A T E C O R N E L L D A R T M O U T H H A R V A R D

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