All About Me! by Dorling Kindersley. Developing the story. Rhymes. Talking and exploring. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

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1 All About Me! by Dorling Kindersley Developing the story Talking and exploring Look, listen, copy. Ask everyone to gather in a circle and mimic your actions. Keep movements simple, for example, yawning, stretching, touching your toes or rubbing your tummy. Shake your hands. Ask children to show you how they can move their hands. Suggest pointing, clapping, wiggling fingers, opening and closing hands or giving high-fives. Close the activity by singing Wind the Bobbin Up or Un Bys, Dau Fys, Tri Bys yn Dawnsio, and giving a thumbs-up. Get the ball rolling. Have fun playing ball games, just like the baby in the book. You can sit in a circle and roll a ball back and forth to everyone, saying the name of the child as you roll the ball to them. Human mirrors! Ask parents/carers to sit facing their child and encourage their child to copy simple actions such as touching their nose or patting their head. This is a great bonding activity to develop communication and motor skills. Simple speech such as touch mummy s nose is fine. You can also introduce pronouns like your and my. Craft ideas Hands and feet. Draw around everyone s hands and feet. Hang the drawings on a clothes line with pegs to make a display or stick them up by the children s coat-pegs with names on. If you re feeling adventurous, use paint to make the hand or footprints! Rhymes Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn around! Touch the ground! Jump up high! Touch the sky! Bend down low! Touch your toes! Turn out the light! Say good night! Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. And eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Useful Welsh words Pen Ysgwyddau Pengliniau Bysedd traed Head Shoulders Knees Toes Picture perfect. Look though old magazines and make a collage using cut-outs from different pages. Hand drums. Make simple drums using plastic tubs, covering the top with packing or masking tape. Add rice or other items to explore different sounds. Paper plate faces. Make silly faces by sticking shapes on paper plates. Any scraps will do but you could try string for hair, cotton wool for beards, felt for eyebrows and bottle tops for noses. Turn them into masks by sticking a lolly stick on the back and playing peek-a-boo.

2 All About Me! Gan Dorling Kindersley Datblygu r Stori Siarad ac Archwlio Edrych gwrando, copïo. Gofynnwch i bawb ddod ynghyd mewn cylch i gopïo eich symudiadau. Cadwch y symudiadau n syml, er enghraifft, dylyfu gên, ymestyn, cyffwrdd â ch traed neu rwbio eich bol. Ysgwyd dwylo. Gofynnwch i r plant ddangos i chi sut y gallan nhw symud eu dwylo. Awgrymwch y gallan nhw bwyntio, clapio, symud bysedd, agor a chau r dwrn neu roi high-five. Dewch â r gweithgaredd i ben drwy ganu Wind the Bobbin Up neu Un Bys, Dau Fys, Tri Bys yn Dawnsio, a chodi eich bawd. Rholio r bêl. Mae llawer o sbort i w gael wrth chwarae gyda phêl, fel y babi yn y llyfr. Gallwch eistedd mewn cylch a rholio pêl yn ôl ac ymlaen rhwng pawb, gan ddweud enw r plentyn wrth rolio r bêl tuag ato. Drychau dynol! Gofynnwch i rieni/gofalwyr eistedd gyferbyn â u plentyn ac annog y plentyn i gopïo gweithgareddau syml fel cyffwrdd â blaen eu trwyn neu roi llaw ar y pen. Dyma weithgaredd bondio ardderchog er mwyn datblygu sgiliau cyfathrebu ac echddygol. Syniadau crefft Y llun perffaith. Edrychwch drwy hen gylchgronau i wneud collage gan ddefnyddio darnau wedi u torri allan o wahanol dudalennau. Drymiau dwylo. Gwnewch ddrymiau syml gan ddefnyddio tybiau plastig, gan orchuddio r top â thâp lapio parseli neu dâp masgio. Ychwanegwch reis neu bethau eraill er mwyn archwilio synau gwahanol. Rhigymau Un Bys, Dau Fys, Tri Bys yn Dawnsio Un bys, dau fys, tri bys yn dawnsio, Pedwar bys, pum bys, chwe bys yn dawnsio, Saith bys, wyth bys, naw bys yn dawnsio, Deg bys yn dawnsio n llon. (Argraffwyd gyda chaniatâd gan Yr Asiantaeth Sgiliau Sylfaenol allan o Rhifau, Caneuon a Rhigymau) Pen, Ysgwyddau, Coesau, Traed Pen, ysgwyddau, coesau, traed, Coesau, traed. Pen, ysgwyddau, coesau, traed, Coesau, traed. A llygaid, clustiau, trwyn a cheg, Pen, ysgwyddau, coesau, traed, Coesau, traed. (Testun gan Falyri Jenkins yn Caneuon bys a bawd. Cyhoeddwr: Y Lolfa) Clap, Clap, Un, Dau, Tri Clap, clap, un, dau, tri, Clap, clap, un, dau, tri, Clap, clap, un, dau, tri, Troi a throi ein dwylo. Tap, tap, un, dau, tri, Tap, tap, un, dau, tri, Tap, tap, un, dau, tri, Troi a throi ein dwylo. (Testun gan Falyri Jenkins yn Caneuon bys a bawd. Cyhoeddwr: Y Lolfa) Vocabulary/Geirfa Pen Ysgwyddau Pengliniau Bysedd traed Head Shoulders Knees Toes Wynebau platiau papur. Gwnewch wynebau dwl drwy ludo siapau ar blatiau papur. Gall unrhyw hen dameidiau wneud y tro, ond gallech roi cynnig ar ddefnyddio cortyn yn lle gwallt, gwlân cotwm ar gyfer barf, ffelt ar gyfer aeliau, a thopiau poteli yn lle trwynau. Trowch nhw n fasgiau drwy ludo pren lolipop ar y cefn a chwarae mig.

3 Dawns yr Anifeiliaid/ Doing the Animal Bop By Jan Omerod and Delyth George Developing the story Talking and exploring Animal parade. Put on some jungle themed music and dance! Ask children to stomp like elephants, flutter like butterflies, raise their knees high like ostriches and waddle like penguins. Can you move like a lizard? Ask children to lie on their fronts. Challenge them to raise one arm. Ask if they can raise another arm. Next move on to legs and see if they can raise three limbs together, or even four! If your group enjoy this, you could consider finding out about yoga for children. Same and different. Ask children to name animals which all have two legs or four legs. Discuss other ways to group animals such as those that fly or those that swim. Which animal would the children like to be and why? Craft ideas Touchy-feely animals. Make a display to let children explore textures. Print outlines of animal silhouettes and stick on different fabrics. Try a rough leather for a lizard, or a furry dog it s always worth having a box of scraps and charity shops are great for cheap finds. Ask children to close their eyes as they feel the animals. Animal orchestra. Make simple instruments to mimic animal sounds experiment with loud and quiet sounds using cotton wool balls for quiet noises, and dried pulses in plastic boxes for noisy animals. Rhymes Animal Fair We went to the animal fair, The birds and the beasts were there, The big baboon by the light of the moon, Was combing his golden hair. The monkey fell out of his bunk, And slid down the elephant s trunk, The elephant sneezed Achoo! And fell on her knees, And what became of the monkey, Monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey? Five little ducks Five little ducks went swimming one day, Over the hill and far away. Mother duck said quack quack quack quack, And only four little ducks came back! Four little ducks went swimming one day, Over the hill and far away. Mother duck said quack quack quack quack, And only three little ducks came back! (Repeat the verse and count down to ) One little duck went swimming one day, Over the hill and far away. Mother duck said quack quack quack quack, And all her five little ducks came back! Useful Welsh words Llygoden Pengwin Mwnci Eliffant Mouse Penguin Monkey Elephant Spiders in the jungle. Make spiders using egg boxes and pipe cleaners, then hide them around your setting for children to find. If spiders are too scary, choose another animal from the book. Rhyme permissions All English rhymes have been sourced as traditional rhymes. BookTrust has acted in good faith with every effort to trace copyright holders, obtain permission from them and to ensure that all credits are correct. We apologise for any inadvertent omissions, which will be corrected as soon as possible if notification is given to us in writing.

4 Dawns yr Anifeiliaid/ Doing the Animal Bop Gan Jan Omerod a Delyth George Datblygu r Stori Siarad ac Archwilio Gorymdaith yr anifeiliaid. Chwaraewch gerddoriaeth ar thema r jyngl, a dawnsiwch! Gofynnwch i r plant stompio u traed fel eliffant, cyhwfan fel pili-pala, codi u pengliniau n uchel fel estrys a cherdded yn ddoniol fel pengwin. Alli di symud fel madfall? Gofynnwch i r plant orwedd ar eu boliau. Heriwch nhw i godi un fraich. Gofynnwch a allan nhw godi r fraich arall. Yna symudwch ymlaen at y coesau i weld a allan nhw godi tri aelod ar yr un pryd, neu hyd yn oed bedwar! Os yw r grŵp yn mwynhau hyn, gallech ystyried holi am yoga i blant. Yr un peth a gwahanol. Gofynnwch i r plant enwi anifeiliaid â dwy goes a phedair coes. Trafodwch ffyrdd eraill o osod anifeiliaid mewn grwpiau, fel rhai sy n hedfan neu rai sy n nofio. Pa anifail hoffai r plant fod, a pham? Syniadau Crefft Cyffwrdd anifeiliaid. Gwnewch arddangosfa er mwyn gadael i r plant archwilio a chyffwrdd arwynebau gwahanol. Argraffwch amlinell anifeiliaid a glynu deunyddiau gwahanol ar bob un. Rhowch gynnig ar ledr garw ar y fadfall, neu gi blewog mae hi n werth cael bocs o ddarnau sbâr o ddeunydd bob amser, ac mae siopau elusen yn wych ar gyfer dod o hyd i bethau rhad i w defnyddio. Gofynnwch i r plant gau u llygaid wrth iddyn nhw deimlo r anifeiliaid Cerddorfa anifeiliaid. Gwnewch offerynnau symi sy n dynwared synau anifeiliaid arbrofwch gyda synau swnllyd a thawel gan ddefnyddio peli gwlân cotwm ar gyfer synau tawel a phys a ffa sych mewn bocsys plastig ar gyfer anifeiliaid swnllyd. Corynnod yn y jyngl. Gwnewch gorynnod gan ddefnyddio bocsys wyau a ffyn glanhau pibell, yna cuddiwch nhw o gwmpas eich lleoliad er mwyn i r plant ddod o hyd iddyn nhw. Os yw corynnod yn codi gormod o ofn, dewiswch anifail arall o r llyfr. Rhigwm Gallwch newid y cymeriadau yn Pum Hwyaden i unrhyw anifail o ch dewis chi. Pum Hwyaden Pum hwyaden aeth i r llyn, Pedair sydd ar ôl cwac, cwac! Pedair hwyaden aeth i r llyn, Tair sydd ar ôl, cwac, cwac! Tair hwyaden aeth i r llyn, Dwy sydd ar ôl, cwac, cwac! Dwy hwyaden aeth i r llyn, Un sydd ar ôl, wel cwac, cwac, cwac! Un hwyaden aeth i r llyn, Does yr un ar ôl! O! cwac, cwac, cwac! Mami aeth am dro i r llyn, traed bach du a phlu bach gwyn. Gwaeddodd Mam, Dewch, cwac,cwac,cwac! Daeth pawb yn ôl, pob un wan jac! (Cyfieithiad Haf Llewelyn a Mali Williams) Vocabulary/Geirfa Llygoden Pengwin Mwnci Eliffant Mouse Penguin Monkey Elephant

5 Hooray for Fish by Lucy Cousins Developing the story Talking and exploring Something fishy. Set the scene of a deep sea or river for children. Ask them to imagine they are fish moving around the water, glugging or swishing. Then start to challenge them more by adding adjectives. Try flying fish, scary fish, fast fish or floppy fish. Undersea adventure. This is a great pre-nap activity. Ask children to lie down and close their eyes. Talk them through being under the sea by exploring the sounds, the plants, the strange animals. Speak quietly and slowly. Fishy feelings. Talk about each of the different characters. Why was one fish grumpy? When do we feel shy like the shy fish? Shadow creatures. Print silhouettes of the fish in the book. Ask children to guess whose is whose. Match me! Photocopy the characters from the book and make simple jigsaws out of them. You can hide the pieces in different parts of your room. Fish Bingo! Find twelve images of fish and print them out. Give each child a sheet with three fish images on. Hold out a card and say the name of the fish. Children can shout out bingo! when all of their fish have been called out and crossed on their sheet. Craft ideas Design-a-fish. Print out fish templates with a variety of stripy, spotty or plain templates. As well as colouring, they could create textured fish using bubble wrap or paint mixed with PVA glue. Mini aquarium. Ask all the children to bring in a clear bottle. Fill them with rocks and water coloured with blue food colouring. You could make fish using foam. Children can add sand, shells and plastic seaweed too. Rhymes Three Little Speckled Frogs Three little speckled frogs, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious grubs yum, yum. One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Now there are two green speckled frogs glub, glub. Two little speckled frogs, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious grubs yum, yum. One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Now there is one green speckled frog glub, glub. One little speckled frog, Sat on a speckled log, Eating some most delicious grubs yum, yum. One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Now there are no green speckled frogs glub, glub. One, Two, Three, Four, Five One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right. Useful Welsh words Bach Mawr Pysgodyn Môr Little Big Fish Sea Go fish. Make a fishing game using Velcro or paperclips and magnets to hook fish. Keep rods short and blunt. You could play in water or on the floor.

6 Hooray for Fish Gan Lucy Cousins Datblygu r Stori Siarad ac archwilio Pysgodyn ydw i. Gosodwch olygfa yn nyfnder y môr neu afon i r plant. Gofynnwch iddyn nhw ddychmygu eu bod nhw n bysgod sy n symud yn y dŵr, yn llyncu dŵr neu n symud eu cynffonau i nofio Yna dechreuwch eu herio fwyfwy drwy ychwanegu ansoddeiriau. Antur o dan y môr. Dyma weithgaredd ardderchog i w wneud cyn cael cwsg bach. Gofynnwch i r plant orwedd i lawr a chau u llygaid. Disgrifiwch fod o dan y môr iddyn nhw drwy archwilio synau, planhigion, anifeiliaid rhyfedd y lleoliad. Siaradwch yn dawel ac araf. Teimladau r pysgod. Siaradwch am bob un o r cymeriadau gwahanol. Pam oedd un pysgodyn yn bwdlyd? Beth sy n ein gwneud ni n drist fel y pysgodyn trist? Creaduriaid cysgod. argraffwch gysgodion y cymeriad yn y llyfr er mwyn i blant allu paru r cysgod wrth i chi ei ddal yn erbyn y cymeriad. Para fi! Llungopïwch gymeriadau r llyfr a gwneud jig-so syml ohonynt. Gallwch guddio r darnau o gwmpas yr ystafell. Bingo Pysgod! Dewch o hyd i ddeuddeg darlun o bysgod a u hargraffu. Rhowch daflen i bob plentyn â llun tri physgodyn arno fe. Dangoswch gerdyn ag enw r pysgodyn arno fe. Gall plant weiddi bingo! pan fydd pob un o u pysgod wedi cael ei enwi a i groesi oddi ar eu taflen. Syniadau crefft Dylunio pysgodyn. Argraffwch dempledi pysgod gydag amrywiaeth o dempledi streipiog, smotiog neu blaen. Yn ogystal â lliwio, gallai r plant greu pysgod ag ansawdd gwahanol gan ddefnyddio bubble-wrap neu baent wedi i gymysgu â glud PVA. Acwariwm bach. Defnyddiwch boteli plastig a u llenwi â cherrig a dŵr wedi i gymysgu â lliw bwyd glas. Gallech wneud pysgod gan ddefnyddio sbwng. Gall y plant ychwanegu cregyn a gwymon plastig hefyd. Rhigymau Tri Broga Boliog Braf Tri broga boliog braf, Ar foncyff ar bnawn o haf, Yn llenwi eu boliau, iym, iym, iym. Plymiodd un mewn i r dŵr, A sblash enfawr,do, yn siŵr! Dim ond dau froga sydd ar ôl! Grawc, grawc! Dau froga boliog braf, Ar foncyff ar bnawn o haf, Yn llenwi eu boliau, iym, iym, iym. Plymiodd un mewn i r dŵr, A sblash enfawr,do, yn siŵr! Dim ond un broga sydd ar ôl! Grawc, grawc! Un broga boliog braf, Ar foncyff ar bnawn o haf, Yn llenwi eu boliau, iym, iym, iym. Plymiodd un mewn i r dŵr, A sblash enfawr,do, yn siŵr! Does dim un broga nawr ar ôl! Grawc, grawc! Pum Crocodeil Pum crocodeil yn nofio yn yr afon, Pum crocodeil yn nofio yn yr afon, Nofiodd un o dan y dŵr, Dim ond pedwar sydd ar ôl. (Aildroddwwch bob pennill nes...) Dau grocodeil yn nofio yn yr afon, Dau grocodeil yn nofio yn yr afon, Nofiodd um o dan y dŵr, Dim ond un sydd ar ôl. (Argraffwyd gyda chaniatâd gan Yr Asiantaeth Sgiliau Sylfaenol allan o Rhifau, Caneuon a Rhigymau) Vocabulary/Geirfa Bach Mawr Pysgodyn Môr Small Big Fish Sea Pysgota. Gwnewch gêm bysgota gan ddefnyddio Velcro neu glipiau papur a magnetau i fachu pysgod.

7 Mae Llygoden yn Fach/ Mouse is Small by Mary Murphy Developing the story Talking and exploring Little and large. Look around the room and begin to discuss what is small and what is large. You can also collect a group of objects, like balls or toys, and ask children to place them in order of size. Size yourself. Stand in a big circle and make yourself as big as you can, as small as you can, as tall as you can and as wide as you can. Animal chat. Talk about where the different animals in the book live. Which animal would the children like to be friends with and why? What other words can we think of to describe the animals? Think about colour, texture and speed. Craft ideas Pair your square. Print pictures of animals featured in the book and stick them on squares. Give each child one square and get them walking, talking and sharing their animal with others. Ask them to find children with the same animal as them, and then build up to more challenging asks based on the size or colour of the animals. I m so big. Draw outlines of bodies and write children s names on so they can see how big they are. Buying lining paper from a DIY store can be cost effective for such activities. I m growing! Begin a height chart in your setting if you don t have one already. Rhymes Old MacDonald had a Farm Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, And on that farm he had some sheep, E-I-E-I-O, With a baa baa here and a baa baa there, Here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa baa, Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, And on that farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O, With an oink oink here and an oink oink there, Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink, Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, And on that farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O, With a moo moo here and a moo moo there, Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo, Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. Incy Wincy Spider Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout, Down came the rain and washed poor Incy out, Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain, So Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again. Useful Welsh words Mochyn Dafad Llygoden Corryn/Pry cop Pig Sheep Mouse Spider Small world of stories. Re-enact the story using puppets, cuddly toys or plastic animals charity shops are great places to find items.

8 Mae Llygoden yn Fach/ Mouse is Small Gan Mary Murphy Datblygu r Stori Siarad ac archwilio Bach a mawr. Edrychwch o gwmpas yr ystafell a dechreuwch drafod beth sy n fach a beth sy n fawr. Gallwch hefyd gasglu grŵp o wrthrychau, fel peli neu deganau, a gofyn i r plant eu rhoi yn nhrefn eu maint. Beth yw dy faint. Sefwch mewn cylch mawr a gwneud eich unan mor fawr ag y gallwch, mor fach ag y gallwch, mor dal ag y gallwch ac mor llydan ag y gallwch. Sgwrs anifeiliaid. Siaradwch am gartrefi r gwahanol anifeiliaid yn y llyfr ble maen nhw n byw? Pa anifail hoffai r plant fod yn ffrind iddo a phaham? Pa eiriau eraill allwn ni feddwl amdanynt i ddisgrifio r anifeiliaid? Meddyliwch am liw, teimlad a chyflymder. Syniadau crefft Paru r sgwâr. Argraffwch luniau o anifeiliaid sy n ymddangos yn y llyfr, a u gludo ar sgwariau. Rhwch un sgwâr i bob plentyn a dywedwch wrthyn nhw am gerdded, siarad a rhannu u hanifail gydag eraill, Gofynnwch iddyn nhw ddod o hyd i r plentyn sydd â r un anifail â nhw, ac yna cynyddwch her y tasgau, yn seiliedig ar liw neu faint yr anifeiliaid. Rydw i mor fawr. Tynnwch amlinell cyrff ac ysgrifennwch enwau r plant arnyn nhw er mwyn iddyn nhw weld pa mor fawr ydyn nhw. Gall prynu papur leinio o siop DIY fod yn fodd o arbed arian ar gyfer gweithgareddau o r fath. Rydw i n tyfu! Dechreuwch gadw siart taldra yn eich lleoliad, os nad oes gennych chi un yn barod. Byd bach storïau. Ail-grëwch y stori gan ddefnyddio pypedau, teganau meddal neu anifeiliaid plastig mae siopau elusen yn lleoliadau da i ddod o hyd i eitemau. Rhigymau Adeiladu Tŷ Bach, Un, Dau, Tri Adeiladu tŷ bach, un, dau, tri, To ar ei ben o, a dyna ni. Edrych mewn trwy r ffenest, Be welwn ni? Llygoden fach yn cysgu shhh, da chi! Llygoden fach yn cysgu yn y tŷ, Llygoden fach yn deffro! Ffrwrdd â hi! Fferm Tad-cu Dewch am dro i fferm Tad-cu, Ac ar y fferm mae dafad wen, Gyda mê fan hyn a mê fan draw, a mê, mê, mê, mê, ar bob llaw. Dewch am dro i fferm Tad-cu, Dewch am dro i fferm Tad-cu, Ac ar y fferm mae mochyn pinc, Gyda soch fan hyn a soch fan draw, a soch, soch, soch, soch, ar bob llaw. Dewch am dro i fferm Tad-cu, Canwch eto gydag unrhyw anifail o ch dewis chi (Cyfieithiad Haf Llewelyn a Mali Williams) Vocabulary/Geirfa Mochyn Dafad Llygoden Corryn/Pry cop Pig Sheep Mouse Spider Caniatâd y rhigymau Cafwyd yr holl rigymau o ffynonellau traddodiadol. Mae BookTrust wedi gweithredu n ffyddiog wrth wneud pob ymdrech i geisio dod o hyd i ddeiliaid hawlfraint, cael caniatâd ganddynt a sicrhau fod pob cydnabyddiaeth yn gywir. Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw gamgymeriadau anfwriadol, a gywirir ar y cyfle cyntaf os cawn wybod yn ysgrifenedig amdanynt.


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