Tweed Border Hockey Association Inc.

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1 Twee Borer Hokey Assoition In. Competition Poliies: Setion 1: CLUB RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Entry of Tems 2. Fees n Fines in Arrers 3. Tems 4. Registrtion of Plyers 5. Gring of Plyers n Tems Setion 2: COMPETITION 1. Grouns 2. Fixtures 3. Forfeits 4. Formt of Competition 5. Injury Stoppges 6. Competition Points 7. Wshe Out Gmes 8. Deferre Gmes 9. Representtive Plyers n Fixtures 10. Umpires 11. Disputes 12. Suspensions Setion 3: COMPETITION DELEGATES COMMITTEE MEETINGS Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

2 SECTION 1 CLUB RESPONSIBILITIES 1 Entry of Tems: All Clus shll prtiipte in ll ompetitions entere into y TBHA In. Mngement Bor. Clus will ie y ll rules within the ompetition (i) (ii) To enter new Clu into the Assoition, the propose Clu must hve Presient, Seretry n Tresurer. The lu must hve minimum of one (1) junior tem of eleven (11) plyers n one (1) senior tem of eleven (11) plyers. Finl eision must e pprove y the Bor of Mngement. In the event of tem wishing to nominte from potentil growth re, the Bor of Mngement reserves the right to give the nomintion speil onsiertion. Upon the Seretry of Clu eing notifie y the TBHA In. Seretry tht suh Clu hs een ffilite, the Clu shll immeitely e n eome prt of the Assoition n will eome lile for the pyment of ll fees n susriptions n will e sujet to ll TBHA Poliies n Proeures To e registere Hokey Clu with Twee Borer Hokey Assoition In. eh lu must omply with the following: Clus will e require to py tem nomintion fees for ll tems Clus re to notify the Seretry of Twee Borer Hokey Asso. In. of their Clu Exeutives etils immeitely fter their Annul Generl Meeting. It is preferre tht Clus hol their Annul Generl Meetings y lte Otoer to ssist the new Exeutive (iii) Eh Clu shll, prior to or t the Mrh Delegtes Committee Meeting in eh yer, give the Seretry notie in writing of the numer of tems (inluing Nme of Tem, Gre n list of plyers for eh tem) whih the lu proposes to enter for the ompetition (Junior, Senior, Uner 7 s & Uner 9 s). (vi) All Clus must omply with TBHA In. Constitution n ll Poliies n Proeures. 2 Fees n Fines in Arrers Annul Plyer Registrtion Fes shll e pi y ll lus ffilite with the Assoition. The mount will e reviewe nnully n Clu Seretries will e notifie of the etils n mount. The Mngement Bor my ept pyments of suh fees in instlments. Any fees n/or fines ssoite with ny rtifiil surfe will e set y the Mngement Bor. If Clu hs ny fees/fines tht remin unpi y the speifie te, the Clu will e eeme to e un-finnil, n ny mthes won y the lu uring this perio will e eeme to e forfeite. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

3 If Plyer, Tem or Clu is un-finnil with our Assoition, they re not permitte to prtiipte in ny gmes set own until ll fees hve een pi in full. Filure to o so will result in forfeit gme/s. The Bor of Mngement hs the right to stop gme or not permit the gme to ommene or vise the Grouns n Fixtures Committee to elete tht gme from the Competition if n un-finnil plyer is out to ply. 3 Tems When nominting tem for inlusion into the seson rw, the tem must onsist of eleven (11) nominte plyers. In speil irumstnes, the Bor of Mngement n e pprohe To tke the fiel, tems my hve mximum of sixteen (16) plyers, whih inlues five (5) sustitutes, ut no less thn seven (7). Plyers nmes must e on the result r efore plyers n enter the fiel. e f Tem ptins to provie umpires with result r listing tem memers n with the top setion omplete efore ommenement of gmes. Umpires must omplete s soon s prtil their setion of the result r n the plyer sportsperson wrs (if wre) n hn the result rs to the ptins for them to omplete n sign. One soresheets hve een sumitte they nnot e ltere. Both tems must sumit their mth soresheet within seven (7) ys of the gme eing plye to the TBHA In. Registrr. Tems filing to sumit their result sheet within seven (7) ys my lose relevnt points. The home tem is the first tem nme in the rw. All Clus re to hve numers on the k of their plying shirts t minimum of 150mm ut preferly 200mm in size. Clus with two or more tems in the sme gre must hve seprte n istintive tem olours for eh tem when plying eh other. All Clu registere plyers must wer the orret uniform fter three (3) ompetition gmes. Plyers not in orret uniform s registere with the Assoition n e suspene from the ompetition or ske to show use 4 Registrtion of Plyers Registrtion of plyers prior to n uring the ompetition must e notifie in writing giving etils of the plyers nme, ress, telephone numer n te of irth to the Seretry of the Assoition. Any registrtion of plyers uring the ompetition must e forwre in writing y tht plyer s Clu Exeutive to the Seretry of the Assoition n shoul e reeive no lter thn 12:00 minight Thursy prior to the ommenement of the roun in whih they re to ply. Filing notie of suh registrtion, the offening tem shll e onsiere to hve forfeite the gme or gmes. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

4 e f g h i j k l m n All plyers re to e within insurne overge ge requirements (ie: Uner 7 s to Veterns). All new registrtions must e sumitte y Clu Exeutive preferly on Clu letterhe All plyers must e registere prior to the ommenement of the sixth (6 th ) lst ompetition roun Any plyer turning 13 yers ol uring the plying yer will e eligile to ply senior hokey. Juniors not turning 13 uring the plying yer re sujet to Gring Committee onsiertion n pprovl. Any tem in reh of this Poliy will e eeme to e plying n unregistere plyer. Any Clu plying n unregistere or unqulifie plyer/s shll e eeme to hve forfeite suh gmes tht the plyer/s hs/hve plye in. Refer to Gme Forfeits for penlties. Plyers my not register to one lu n ply with nother. If junior plyer is registere to lu n tht lu oes not hve n pproprite junior tem for them, n they lso ply in the senior ompetition for tht lu, then the plyer my pply to register with nother Clu s pproprite junior tem. Permission must e grnte y the Gring Committee. The Registrr is to notify the TBHA In. Seretry immeitely he/she isovers n unregistere, unqulifie or higher gre plyer hs plye in ompetition gme. Clus filing to omply with the Poliies pplying to registrtion shll forfeit ll gmes whih the plyer onerne plys in. All registere plyers must ompete in the Twee Borer Hokey Assoition In. ompetition for minimum of six (6) ompetition gmes to qulify to prtiipte in the finls series Junior plyers re permitte to ply two (2) senior gre gmes ut one thir gme is plye, Senior fees eome pyle. Uner 7 s n Uner 9 s plyers re require to py full Junior fees upon plying their thir gme in the junior gres. One hving plye in six junior gre ompetition gmes they re ineligile to ply gin in the Uner 7 s n Uner 9 s ompetition in tht seson. In speil irumstnes the Gring Committee my grnt permission. Dul Registere plyers must not ply more thn one (1) gre lower thn tht eing plye in their Primry Assoition sujet to Gring Committee s pprovl. A plyer leving Clu/Assoition to join nother Clu/Assoition within five (5) yers of leving tht lu must first otin lerne from the Seretry of the Clu/Assoition he/she is leving n present sme to the Seretry of the Clu/Assoition he/she intens to trnsfer to. A opy of the lerne/s must e forwre to the TBHA In. Seretry or hne to memer of the TBHA Exeutive prior to the plyer plying for his new Clu/Assoition. Filure to o so will eem tht plyer un-registere. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

5 o p q r s t Plyers pplying for lerne n not reeiving reply within seven (7) ys, shll forwr to the Assoition Seretry opy of the pplition. The Assoition Seretry is to enquire if possile the reson for the non-reply n if no stisftory nswer is otine within fortyeight (48) hours the plyer shll e grnte lerne. Any reh of Poliies pertining to registrtion or gring of plyers or tems will result in forfeit eing reore ginst the tem where the reh or rehes hve ourre All ompetitions re gener speifi, ie Junior Boy s or Girl s Competitions n Men s or Women s Competitions with the exeption of Uner 7 n Uner 9 whih re mixe gener. Clus my request permission for opposite gener plyers to fill in for Junior tems to the relevnt Gring Committee s require. FOR EXAMPLE: If it is Junior Boys Competition, Clu my seek permission for up to mximum of four (4) girls to fill in for similr ge oy s tem. No more thn three (3) girls my e on the fiel t ny one time n no girls shll e on the fiel in ple of oy; exept in the se of injury. In Senior Competitions, femles my only seek permission to ply in Men s Competition if the following riteri is met: The plyer must e urrent Austrlin U21 plyer or higher level The plyer s Stte Coh hs sought permission to TBHA In Bor of Mngement The plyer hs een ientifie y their Stte Coh to prepre for higher level / Ntionl / Interntionl level ompetition. The plyers prents/gurins hve given written permission to TBHA In Bor of Mngement n unerstn the risks ssoite with plying in Men s Competition. Mrquee plyers shll e permitte to ply in the TBHA men s n women s ompetition. A plyer shll e Mrquee Plyer if they meet the following riteri: They hve ompete in Ntionl Uner 21 Tournment, Austrlin Hokey Legue ompetition, represente Jillroos, Burrs, Kookurrs or Hokeyroos in the pst 2 yers. A Mrquee plyer n ply in the ompetition for no more thn 3 gmes to e exempt from TBHA registrtion fees. They my ply more thn 3 gmes ut will then e responsile for TBHA registrtion fees nnot ompete in finls unless they re registere n hve plye 60% of the seson. Any other interntionl plyer from nother ountry who hs represente their ountry t Uner 21 or senior level my pply for Mrquee sttus A Clu wishing to fiel Mrquee Plyer in gme of hokey in the TBHA Competition uring the urrent winter hokey seson must pply to TBHA for pprovl. A minimum seven (7) ys prior to the requeste gme, written request on Clu Letterhe must e reeive y TBHA Seretry The Bor of Mngement will review the request for mrquee plyer to prtiipte in the lol omp n reommen the tem in whih the plyer will ply - tking into onsiertion ompetition points n positions of the ler. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

6 5 Gring of Plyers n Tems All Clus shll supply to the Assoition y the first ompetition gme full tem list with nine (9) plyers per senior tem to e lsse s gre plyers n seven (7) plyers per junior tem to e lsse s gre plyers. The gre plyers must e the higher stnr plyers of the nmes supplie for eh tem. A opy is to e given y the Assoition to the Registrr/s n opy to the Gring Committee. The Gring Committee is to hek the gre plyers for suitility fter the thir ompetition gme. This Committee my gre tem n/or plyers up or own if in their opinion the regring mkes for firer ompetition. If they o not gree with the gring then they re to vise the Clu Seretry onerne for regring. Gre plyers nnot trnsfer to lower gre. The Gre Plyer list must e omplete n finlise t the en of the thir (3 r ) ompetition gme. The Gre Plyer lists re not to e hnge unless new plyer hs registere or previously gre plyer hs een e-registere. e f g h i j A previously registere Division 1 plyer ge 35 yers or more my seek permission from the Gring Committee to ply Division 2. If permission is grnte, the plyer MUST NOT ply in ny other ivision in tht plying seson To e eligile to e gre plyer you hve to ply minimum of six (6) gmes for the Clu in the urrent seson Clus with two or more tems in the sme gre shll llow ungre plyers to interhnge etween these tems. For these ungre plyers to e eligile to ply in the semi-finls, finls n grn finls in the interhnge tem they must hve plye six (6) gmes in tht tem in tht urrent seson. No ungre plyer n rop k more thn one (1) gre without permission eing sort from the Gring Committee (eg. Division 1 plyer nnot ply in Division 3). No plyer shll e permitte to trnsfer to lower gre or interhnge within the sme gre uring the lst four (4) Minor Premiership mthes. In speil irumstnes the Gring Committee my grnt permission. For n ungre plyers to e eligile to ply in lower gre in the semi finls, finls n grn finls, plyers must ply t lest six (6) gmes in tht gre n in tht tem in the seson A Junior plyer must ply six (6) gmes in tht junior ge group to qulify to ply in finl series If ny nme ungre Division 2 plyer plys more thn three (3) gmes in Division 1, they nnot ply in Division 3. In speil irumstnes the Gring Committee my grnt permission k Any junior plying seniors must e gre in their junior tems if their lu hs two or more tems in their ge ivision. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

7 l m Any lower gre or ge ivision plyer my ply in higher gre or ge ivision without eing require to ply six (6) gmes to qulify for the finls series. Any tem filing to omply with these Poliies shll e eeme to hve forfeite the gme/s where the non-ompline hs ourre Setion 2 COMPETITION 1 Grouns All Clus shll e responsile for the onition, mrking, gols, flg posts n generl upkeep of ll grouns llote to them. Any Clu with fiel or fiels eeme not up to suitle or sfe hokey stnr shll not e llote home gmes until suh time tht the fiel or fiels hve een rought up to stnr n inspete y Grouns n Fixtures Committee memers. The suitility of ny groun uner the ontrol of the Assoition shll e etermine y the Grouns n Fixtures Committee who will request the TBHA In. Seretry to ontt Clu Seretries s soon s possile of ny ltertions or nelltions to the fixtures prior to the sheule time of the fixtures. Tems must keep their ppointment n proee to the grouns set own for ply. The tem ptins to gree to the fitness of the groun. If the ptins isgree then the umpires my eie. If the gme is not plye owing to the groun eing unplyle then the umpires re to vise the Assoition oringly. Shoul no umpire e in ttenne, then oth ptins re to vise the Assoition. 2 Fixtures All fixtures n gmes shll e stritly here to where possile n no ltertion shll e me to respetive tes n grouns for suh fixtures unless offiilly notifie y the TBHA In. Seretry fter onsulttion with the Grouns n Fixtures ppointment Committee. Groun llotion n umpire ppointments to e me y the Grouns n Fixtures Committee n the Umpires Appointment Committee n vertise on TBHA In. wesite. Any umpire ppointe to mth n is unle to umpire tht mth must rrnge suitle sustitute umpire. Filing to o so will inur his/her Clu fine of fifty ollrs ($50.00) pyle within seven (7) ys of reeipt of notie. In the se of iniviuls, the fine is inurre y tht iniviul. In the event of ny gme/s eing none y the Grouns n Fixtures Committee suh gme/s mye replye, t time n venue s eie y the Grouns n Fixtures Committee. If the Grouns n Fixtures Committee eies tht gme/s is not/re not to e replye, tht gme/s is to e ounte s rw n eh tem shll reeive one (1) point exept in the se of ye where the tem will reeive whtever ompetition points hve een llote for ye. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

8 There will e no Junior hokey plye on the mile weeken of the New south Wles shool holiys 3 Gme Forfeits No tem shll e llowe to ommene to ply gme unless they hve seven (7) or more registere plyers on the fiel within ten (10) minutes of the vertise strting time. A reh of this poliy mens the tem hs forfeite the gme. When tem hs seven (7) or more eligile plyers, the tem must tke the fiel. Eh tem hs either golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges on the fiel or plys only with fiel plyers. Eh tem my ply with: golkeeper wering ifferent olour shirt n full protetive equipment omprising t lest heger, leg gurs n kikers ; this plyer is referre to in the Rules s golkeeper ; or fiel plyer with golkeeping privileges wering ifferent olour shirt n who my wer protetive heger (ut not leg gurs n kikers or other golkeeping protetive equipment) when insie their efening 23 metres re ; they must wer protetive heger when efening penlty orner or penlty stroke ; this plyer is referre to in these Rules s plyer with golkeeping privileges ; or only fiel plyers; no plyer hs golkeeping privileges or wers ifferent olour shirt; no plyer my wer protetive heger exept fe msk when efening penlty orner or penlty stroke; ll tem plyers wer the sme olour shirt. Any hnge etween these options must tke ple s sustitution. Any tem oneing forfeit shll e trete s hving lost tht mth y five (5) gols to nil (0). A tem reeiving forfeit shll e eeme to hve won the gme y five (5) gols to nil (0) n shll reeive three (3) points e f g If in respet of ny mth tem hs een grnte forfeit, oth tems must sumit mth report for the mth. An plyer nme in the non-forfeiting tem s report shll e eeme to hve plye in the mth. Nmes on the forfeiting tem s soresheet will not e eeme to hve plye in the gme. In the se of tem putting in n pperne n the other tem filing to o so, unless other rrngements hve previously een me y Grouns n Fixtures Committee tht the groun is unplyle, the tem putting in n pperne shll reeive forfeit from the opposing tem. In the event of ny tem forfeiting mth, the Clu onerne will notify TBHA Seretry s soon s possile efore the time n te of the gme onerne. The Assoition Seretry will then notify their opposing tem, the Registrr n Grouns n Fixtures Committee. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

9 h i j Any tem whih fils to notify the TBHA Seretry of their intent to forfeit sheule gme on n rtifiil surfe within forty-eight (48) hours, will e hrge the full ost of oth tems turf fee. If senior tem forfeits their gme n it is sheule on ny grss fiel fine of $50 (fifty ollrs) n e impose on tht tem if notie of the forfeit hs not een reeive y the Assoition Seretry t lest forty-eight (48) hours eforehn. Inserte from Forfeiture If tem forfeits three (3) times in the sme seson, tht tem shoul show just use why they shoul not e ejete from the ompetition n if plyer for tht tem requests fee refun, no refun will e issue. Inserte from Forfeiture 4 Formt of Competition Commenement of Competition The Minor Premiership ompetition (for Junior n Senior gres) is to ommene on the losest weeken to the 1st April. In orer to onut ompetitive ompetition, ge ivisions for juniors my e hnge y the Mngement Bor with onsulttion with Clus to suit the ge n skill levels of plyers nominte. The Minor Premiership ompetition (for Junior n Senior gres) is to e omplete y the en of Septemer. The Mngement Bor, if eeme require, my resolve to lter the ommenement/urtion of the ompetition. Complete ompetition rouns re to e etermine y the Grouns & Fixtures Committee in onsulttion with the Competitions Delegtes Committee. Durtion of Gmes: Minor Premiership Gmes Seniors Minor Premiership gmes to e thirty five (35) minutes eh hlf with five (5) minute hlf time. Gmes re to e time y entrl timekeeper when supplie. Time for gmes ommenes on the vertise strting time. Juniors Minor Premiership gmes for Uner 11 n Uner 13 Girls n Boys will e twenty-five (25) minutes eh hlf with five (5) minute hlf time. Minor Premiership gmes for Uner 16 Girls n Boys to e thirty (30) minutes eh hlf with five (5) minute hlf time Gmes to e time y entrl timekeeper when supplie. Time for gmes ommenes on the vertise strting time. Semi-finls, Finls n Grn Finl Gmes Seniors Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

10 Semi-finls, finls n grn finls will e thirty five (35) minutes eh wy with five (5) minute hlf time. Gmes to e time y entrl timekeeper where possile however, umpires my e ske to keep time for ll semi-finls n finls n n inepenent time keeper to ontrol time for grn finls. Refer to Item 6 (f) n (g) for rwn gmes in semifinls, finls n grn finls. Juniors Semi-finls, finls n grn finls for Uner 11 n Uner 13 Girls n Boys will e twentyfive (25) minutes eh wy with five (5) minute hlf time n time out to e llowe for injuries. Uner 16 Girls n Boys will e thirty (30) minutes eh wy with five (5) minutes hlf time n time out to e llowe for injuries. Gmes to e time y entrl timekeeper where possile however, umpires my e ske to keep time for ll semi-finls n finls n n inepenent time keeper to ontrol time for grn finls. Refer to (f) n (g) for rwn gmes in semi-finls, finls n grn finls. 5 Injury Stoppges There will e NO injury time-outs uring the norml ompetition rouns uring the seson (ie: Minor Premiership Gmes). Time-out for injuries n penlty strokes will only e plye in Semi Finls, Finls n Grn Finls for men s, women s n junior ompetitions. If plyer goes own with n injury, the umpire will signl to stop the gme ut time will ontinue. The umpire will inspet the plyer n if the plyer is seriously injure n requires meil ttention (mulne et), time-out will e tken. All other injure plyers must e remove from the fiel for tretment. Tretment of minor injuries on the fiel is limite to one (1) minute. 6 Competition Points Competition points in ll gres shll e wre s follows: Three (3) points - for win or reeipt of forfeit; One (1) point - for rw; Zero (0) points - for loss, ye or forfeit Minor Premiers The tem with the highest numer of points t the en of the Premiership rouns in eh gre shll e the Minor Premiers n lle the Numer one (1) tem. If the points re equl then the tem with the higher gol ifferene shll e the Minor Premiers. If the gol ifferene is equl then the tem with the highest numer of gols for shll e the Minor Premiers. If the tems re still equl then ply-off mth or mthes will e plye to etermine the higher tem. If tems re equl on points for the minor plings (2 to 4) then the sme rules will pply. Semi-Finls First semi-finl - No. 1 tem plys No. 2 tem; Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

11 Seon semi-finl - No. 3 tem plys No. 4 tem; Winner of the first Semi-finl goes to the Grn Finl. e f g h Finls Loser of the first semi-finl plys the winner of the seon semi-finl. Grn Finls Winner of the first semi-finl plys the winner of the finl. The winners of the grn finl re the Mjor Premiers. Drws in Semi Finls in Junior n Senior Gres If the gme is rwn t the en of regulr time the tem ple highest on the points tle will progress. There will e no extr time or shoot-outs. Drws in Finls n Grn Finls in Junior n Senior gres At the en of regulr time if the gme is rwn there will e two minute rinks rek n one-on-one shoot out will our. Shoot Out Conitions: In shoot-out ompetition, five plyers from eh tem tke one-on-one shoot-out lterntely ginst efener from the other tem s set out in this regultion. The shootout ompetition omprises series of shoot-outs require to etermine result. The following sets out oth the plying rules n the proeures to e followe. 1. Respetive tem mngers/ptins nominte five plyers to tke n one plyer to efen the shoot-outs from those eligile to ply in the mth s liste on the tem soresheet. No sustitutions/replements re permitte uring the shoot-out ompetition, other thn s speifie elow. 2. A plyer who is still suspene y the umpire t the time the shoot-out ompetition tkes ple or hs een exlue permnently (re r) uring the mth whih les to the shoot-out ompetition, nnot tke prt in tht shoot-out ompetition. A plyer who hs een wrne (green r) or temporrily suspene (yellow r) my tke prt in the shootout ompetition even if the perio of their suspension hs not een omplete t the en of the mth. 3. A oin is tosse; the tem whih wins the toss hs the hoie to tke or efen the first shoot-out. 4. All plyers on the tem soresheet, other thn ny plyer who hs een exlue permnently (re r) uring the mth whih les to the shoot-out ompetition re permitte to enter the fiel of ply outsie the 23m re use for the shoot-out ut must e t lest 10 metres from the spot where the ll is ple t the strt of the shoot-out, ut only the plyers nominte to tke prt in the Shoot-out Competition my tke their stiks onto the fiel. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

12 5. The golkeeper/efening plyer of the tem tking shoot-out my e on the k-line outsie the irle. 6. A plyer tking or efening shoot-out my enter the 23m re for tht purpose. 7. If plyer tking shoot-out is lso efening the shoot-outs tken y opponents, (s)he is llowe resonle time to tke off his/her protetive equipment to tke his/her shootout n susequently to put his/her protetive equipment on gin. 8. Five plyers from eh tem tke shoot-out lterntely ginst the golkeeper/efening plyer of the other tem in the sequene nominte on Form 9, the Shoot-out Competition form, mking totl of 10 shoot-outs. 9. Tking shoot-out: () The golkeeper/efening plyer strts on or ehin the gol-line etween the gol posts; () The ll is ple on the nerest 23m line opposite the entre of the gol; () An ttker stns outsie the 23m re ner the ll; () The umpire lows the whistle to signl the strt of the shoot-out; the ttker n the golkeeper/efening plyer my then move in ny iretion; (e) The shoot-out is omplete when: (i) 8 seons hs elpse sine the strting signl; (ii) A gol is sore; (iii) The ttker ommits n offene; (iv) the golkeeper/efening plyer ommits n unintentionl offene insie or outsie the irle in whih se the shoot-out is re-tken y the sme plyer ginst the sme golkeeper/efening plyer; (v) The golkeeper/efening plyer ommits n intentionl offene insie or outsie the irle, in whih se penlty stroke is wre n tken; (vi) The ll goes out of ply over the k-line or sie-line; this inlues the golkeeper/efening plyer intentionlly plying the ll over the k-line. 10. If penlty stroke is wre s speifie ove, it is tken y the two plyers involve in the shoot out onerne unless either of them is inpitte or suspene. 11. The tem soring the most gols is the winner n the ompetition eses one n outright winner is etermine. 12. A plyer my e suspene y yellow or re r ut not y green r uring the shoot-out ompetition. 13. If uring shoot-out ompetition (inluing uring ny penlty stroke whih is wre) plyer (either n ttker or golkeeper/efening plyer) is suspene y yellow or re r: () Tht plyer tkes no further prt in tht shoot-out ompetition n, unless golkeeper/efening plyer, nnot e reple; () The replement for suspene golkeeper/efening plyer n only ome from the five plyers of tht tem nominte to tke prt in the shoot-out ompetition: Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

13 (i) The replement golkeeper/efening plyer is llowe resonle time to put on protetive equipment similr to tht whih the golkeeper/efening plyer (s)he is repling ws wering; (ii) For tking his/her own shoot-out, this plyer is llowe resonle time to tke off his/her protetive equipment to tke his/her shoot-out n susequently to put it on gin; () ny shoot-out (or penlty stroke) ue to e tken y suspene plyer ounts s no gol; the shoot-outs tken y this plyer n sore efore eing suspene ount s gol. 14. If uring shoot-out ompetition, efening golkeeper/efening plyer is inpitte; ) tht golkeeper/efening plyer my e reple y nother plyer from mong the plyers liste on the Tem List for tht prtiulr mth, unless suspene y n umpire uring the shoot-out ompetition; ) The replement golkeeper; (i) Is llowe resonle time to put on protetive equipment similr to tht whih the inpitte golkeeper / efening plyer ws wering; (ii) If this replement is lso nominte to tke shoot-out, this plyer is llowe resonle time to tke off his protetive equipment to tke his shoot-out n susequently to put it on gin. 15. If uring shoot-out ompetition, n ttker is inpitte, tht ttker my e reple y nother plyer from mong the plyers liste on the Tem List for tht prtiulr mth, unless suspene y n umpire uring the shoot-out ompetition. 16. If n equl numer of gols re sore fter eh tem hs tken five shoot-outs; () A seon series of five shoot-outs is tken with the sme plyers, sujet to the onitions speifie in this setion; () The sequene in whih the ttkers tke the shoot-outs nee not e the sme s in the first series; () The tem whose plyer took the first shoot-out in series efens the first shoot-out of the next series; () when one tem hs sore or een wre one more gol thn the opposing tem fter eh tem hs tken the sme numer of shoot-outs, not neessrily eing ll five shoot-outs, tht tem is the winner. 17. If n equl numer of gols re sore fter seon series of five shoot-outs, itionl series of shoot-outs re tken with the sme plyers sujet to the onitions speifie 18. The sequene in whih the ttkers tke the shoot-outs nee not e the sme in ny susequent series; 19. The tem whih strts eh shoot-out series lterntes for eh series. 7 Wshe Out Gmes If gme is stoppe efore the forty-fifth (45 th ) minute mrk y the umpires n nnot e ontinue, ue to fiel onitions or mjor injury to plyer, the gme is to e resheule n plye in full t time n ple llote y the Grouns n Fixtures Committee. However, if oth ptins re in greene, they n sign the r n the sore t tht time Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

14 will e eeme to e the finl sore. Semi Finls, Finls n Grn Finls re exempt from this ruling; these gmes only will e replye in full. If gme is stoppe fter the forty-fifth (45 th ) minute mrk y the umpires n nnot e ontinue ue to fiel onitions or mjor injury to plyer, the gme will e eeme finishe n the sore t tht time will e reore s the finl sore 8 Deferre Gmes To efer gme tem must hve minimum of three (3) plyers on TBHA In. or Queensln Representtive Tem uty. These plyers must e on the tem s Tem Nomintion Form. Any request to efer gme must e in written form on Clu Letterhe from the Clu onerne n e reeive y the TBHA In. Seretry t lest fourteen ys (14) ys prior to the gme eing plye. Filure to o so will result in the gme going he s sheule. All requests re to the isretion of the Grouns n Fixtures Committee. Junior gmes will only e eferre in the ge group tht is eing represente. 9 Representtive Plyers n Fixtures e f To e eligile to ply for TBHA In. representtive tems you hve to ply minimum of three (3) lu gmes in the urrent seson efore the stte hmpionships, where possile. In the se of pre-seson representtive fixtures, plyers re to hve plye t lest three ompetition gmes in the prior winter seson. The Mngement Bor hs the right to ssess ny speil ses if they rise. When TBHA In. hire uses for representtive fixtures ll plyers must trvel on the us unless eie on y the Mngement Bor. The us fre will e hrge to plyers who use other trnsport. Trvelling expenses n (e only) ommotion expenses to Stte Chmpionships n Representtive Fixtures for non-plying Mngers, Cohes n non-plying Umpires shll e pi y TBHA In. Representtive plyers re to e ville for seletion in their own ge ivision efore they n e onsiere for seletion in ny other ge ivision. All representtive plyers, ohes n mngers will e require to sign n Agreement stting their reeipt of n their oligtion to here to the Representtive Guielines s set out y the Mngement Bor. These Guielines will e etermine y the Mngement Bor n n e mene t ny Mngement Bor meeting. The Agreements for Representtive Cohes, Mngers n Plyers re to inlue the te n trvel rrngements for hmpionships. The holing of forml ohing qulifitions ie Level One or higher shll e onsiertion in the ppointment of representtive ohes. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

15 g h i j k l m If plyer is plying out of their ge ivision they re still eligile for representtive seletion in their ge group, ie n U/13 ge plyer plying U/15 fixtures is still eligile for U/13 representtive seletion. Cohes, Seletors, Mngers re to vise lus of Representtive Seletion ys for ll plyers eligile for tht ge ivision. TBHA plyers must e ville for TBHA or Hokey Ql representtive tem efore lerne for ny other stte representtive tem will e onsiere. All ohes n Mngers MUST trvel from Murwillumh to representtive venues n return with their tem to Murwillumh on TBHA rrnge trnsport, unless lternte pik up /return rrngements hve een me. Trnsporttion of representtive tems to representtive venues shll e on TBHA rrnge trnsport unless otherwise pprove y the Mngement Bor. Mngers of Representtive tems re responsile for the olletion, lunering n return of ALL TBHA representtive uniforms from the Assoition s supply. A plyers lte withrwl from TBHA representtive tem my result in suspension from regulr ompetition of tht plyer y the Mngement Bor. All TBHA representtive plyers MUST use ommotion s supplie y the Assoition whilst on TBHA representtive uty. Assoition Representtive Colours: Women - Shirt - Purple/Je/White Skirts - Purple Soks - Purple/ Je Jket - Purple/Je/White OR Purple Hooie Alt Soks Mroon/ White Men - Shirt - Je/Mroon/ White Shorts - Mroon Soks - Mroon /White Jket - Mroon Hooie Alt Soks Je/ Purple 10 Umpires Umpires must tik off ll plyers nme on the mth r tht prtiipte in tht gme. If tem offiil or spettor hs ispute with n umpire s eision or hs ny issues or omplints regring rules or interprettion of rules they must iret the omplint or issue to the Umpire s Committee. A tem ptin my seek on fiel interprettions of rule from n umpire in lm mnner n t n pproprite time uring the gme. At the onlusion of mth, tem offiil must ress ny queries regring rulings or interprettions through the Umpire s Committee Plyers must refrin from pprohing n onfronting n umpire for mximum of 30 minutes fter gme hs onlue. If they o onfront n umpire within 30 minutes of the onlusion of the gme, they my still e issue with re r. An Umpire or Gme offiil my report ny rehes of the ovementione onitions in writing to the Umpire s Committee. The person mking the report must e the offiil tht ws onfronte or use. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

16 e f A reporte reh of these onitions will result in n utomti minimum one ompetition week suspension. Any suspension impose will pply to ll gres of hokey the tem offiil or plyer prtiiptes in. Groun llotion n umpire ppointments to e me y the Grouns n Fixtures Committee n the Umpires Appointment Committee n vertise on TBHA In. wesite. If tem or Clu fils to umpire their llote gme they will inur $200 fine. In ition to the fine, tem will lose three (3) ompetition points regrless of their points n position on the ler. A tem or lu n nominte nother umpire of suitle ility, this notie is to e given to the TBHA Umpire Coorintor / TBHA Seretry 24 hours prior to the gme. Any umpire tht fills in for non-ttening tem/lu umpire n where it is oumente on the mth r, shll reeive $50 from the $200 fine. The remining mount is llote to the Umpire pyments uget. In the se of iniviuls, fine of $50 is inurre y tht iniviul. No tem offiil, plyer or spettor my ehve ggressively or onfront n umpire or gme offiil. The Umpire s eision is finl in ny gme sitution. 11 Disputes All Clus referring isputes to the Assoition shll forwr to the TBHA In. Seretry prtiulrs of the mtter/s in ispute in writing together with fee of fifty ollrs ($50.00) within forty eight (48) hours n lso sen opy to the Seretry of the Clu ompline ginst within forty eight (48) hours. The fee will e refune if the protest or ispute is etermine in fvour of the Clu, otherwise the fee will not e refune. The TBHA In. Seretry shll request the Seretry of the Clu ompline ginst to reply to the mtter in ispute, ut in the se of non-reply within seven (7) ys tht Clu shll e lile to fine not exeeing fifty ollrs ($50.00) n the Mngement Bor my proee with the ispute without further notie. The Mngement Bor s eision is finl. 12 Suspensions i) Plyers temporrily suspene with n umultion of twelve (12) points, s reore on result rs shll either show use to the Juiiry why they shoul not reeive suspension or ept two (2) week utomti suspension. ii) Temporry suspension points reeive in either the Junior or the Senior ompetition will e relevnt only to the ompetition in whih they were issue. All temporry or permnent suspensions must e reporte on the k of the result rs y the umpire. With permnent suspension (re r) seprte written report shoul e given y the umpire onerne. This report shoul e in the hns of the TBHA In Seretry within forty-eight (48) hours prior to ompulsory Juiiry hering. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April

17 e f g h Any memer of the Assoition my e ite to pper efore the Mngement Bor for misonut y memer of the Mngement Bor. A plyer ite to pper efore the Juiiry will e exmine y Juiiry omprising of one Exeutive memer, preferly the Presient of eh ffilite Clu. The Juiiry is to meet within seven ys if prtil. The Juiiry my request the plyer or memer to e present n my lso request the umpire or exeutive memer onerne to tten together with the TBHA In. Seretry or Assistnt Seretry. (Refer Juiiry ToR) Any plyer issue permnent (re r) suspension in gme nnot prtiipte in ny other mth on tht y or ny mth prior to ompulsory Juiil hering. A suspene plyer must not prtiipte in ny pity uring the gme with tht tem. Any memer hs the right to ppel Juiiry eision to Hokey Ql (Refer Juiiry ToR) Any memer wishing to ppel eision of the Juiiry Committee must o so within fourteen (14) ys of written notifition of the Juiiry eision eing reeive. Any memer wishing to ppel suspension impose y the Mngement Bor must o so within fourteen (14) ys of written notifition of the suspension reeive. Setion 3 COMPETITION DELEGATES COMMITTEE MEETINGS Competition Delegtes Committee Meetings re to e hel in Murwillumh on the seon Mony, if prtil, or y pproprite tehnology of eh month. One (1) Delegte is require from eh lu preferly Presient or Vie Presient. If the Presient or Vie Presient nnot e in ttenne, then nother memer of the Clu s Exeutive shoul tten. Signe, written notie y Clu s Exeutive, must e forwre to the Assoition Seretry prior to the meeting if proxy will e ttening All Clus woul hve one (1) vote eh t Delegtes Committee Meeting. Clus will e fine one hunre ollrs ($100) for non ttenne of two or more onseutive Competition Delegtes Meetings. Finl oument pprove y TBHA In. Bor of Mngement 26 th April



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