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1 PERIODICAL This is the Southeast Colorado Power of Eads helping install the new tornado siren by the Methodist Church. This is one of our sirens that is either being replaced or installed for the first time. Towner, Sheridan Lake, Eads and Haswell will all have new sirens installed this year. These sirens will have multiple uses, the main function will be sound off for a tornado. This will be a steady tone for seven minutes and will automatically shut off. The second function of the siren will be to sound off for a fire alarm. The tone will be 15 second on and 10 seconds off repeating for two minutes, this will notify fire fighting personnel to respond to the fire department. We will be conducting testing through out the next couple months in each of the towns to make sure all are working properly. In addition Eads will have a noon whistle again. For any questions you can contact the Kiowa County Sheriff s Office. (Casey Sheridan Photo)

2 Peo ple & Places WEATHER WEATHER Up com ing Events Nyce Dunn of the Tone Zone has moved her full ser - vice sa lon to her house lo - cated at 710 Lu ther Street. Please call to make an ap - point ment South east Col o rado Power will have tree trim - LAMAR THEATRE 219 S. Main - Lamar $7.50 Adults - $5.00 Children & Seniors - $5.00 Thursdays 2007 All Rights Reserved. Starts Friday, Feb. 22 Silver Linings Playbook Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper 6:45 p.m. Daily R Hansel & Gretel:Witch Hunters Classic Tale - New Twist Feb Feb. 19 9:00 p.m. Daily COMING SOON Warm Bodies Identity Thief Escape from Planet Earth Safe Haven Die Hard Date High Low Precip Last year High/Low:...61/13 Feb Precip. ( 12/ 13): 0.49/0.02 Year to Date Precip As recorded in Eads by USDA. Friday Saturday Sunday Press Kiowa County P.O. Box Maine Street, Eads, CO Connie McPherson, Editor Chris Sorensen, Publisher Volunteer Contributors: Dawna Weirich, USDA/Ag News Melissa Peterson, Doris Lessenden, Curtis Schrimp, Sharon Scott, Marilyn White, Sue Fox, Rhonda Uhland, Honey Bell Dixon, Monica Uhland Slim Randles, KCSO. (USPS ) Legal newspaper of Kiowa County Periodical Postage paid at Eads, Colorado Published Friday of each week. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: P.O. Box 248, Eads, CO mers in the area start ing Feb - ru ary 18 for up to 3 weeks trim ming around the power lines. Please watch for our trucks and take cau tion pass - ing or go ing around them. Melanie Haskell will be clos ing the doors of her Thurs days on Maine Shop on Friday, February 22. She wants to be able to at tend her grand chil dren s ac tiv i - ties. There are good sales in the shop for shoppers. Classy Lassie Red Hat - ter La dies will meet for break fast at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 23 at the Eads K & M Ranch House. Guest speak ers will be Ka ren Wilde of the Sand Creek Na - tional Park Of fice and Rita Mousel, the Rug Hooker. Community Sing-a-long at Prai rie Pines Cen ter - Eads 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Feb ru ary 24. Jimmy Brown at the pi - ano and other in stru ments Weekend Forecast 349/18 20% chance of snow, mostly sunny, W NW wind 5-10 mph. Partly cloudy, W SW 20 % wind 5-10 mph. 38/23 38/20 20 % Mostly sunny, W SW wind mph becoming S. Mostly cloudy evening, S wind 5-15 mph becoming NW. 20% chance of rain/snow, partly sunny, N NW wind mph. Mostly cloudy evening, N NW wind around 25 mph. Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Friday Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Tues. NO EXCEPTIONS Rates: In Kiowa County $22; all other $ subscription (PDF Format) $18 world-wide Subscriptions are non-refundable. To ensure uninterrupted service, renew your subscription before the expiration date shown on your mailing label. 2 February 22, 2013 R for a good old sing-a-long. Bring foods for the pot luck meal. For information call Jimmy Brown It is al most time for our next ship ment for the Box Tops for Education program. Please send any and all Box Tops to the third grade room NO later than Mon day, Feb - ru ary 25th. Thanks for all your help!! Driver s Li cense Sched ule - FEBRUARY - Feb - ru ary 26th & 27th. The Ki owa County Com mis sion ers will meet in reg u lar ses sion on Thurs day, February 28; Thursday, March 14; Tues day, March 26; Tues day, April 9 and Thurs day, April 25. Meet ings are held in the Com mis - sioner s Of fice at 1305 Goff Street, Eads court house start ing at 9 a.m. On meet ing days the com mis sion ers will be eat ing lunch from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at K&M Ranch House Restaurant. Developmental Screen ing For ages 0-5 An ni ver sa ries February 25 Mr. and Mrs. Mi chael Berggren. February 27 Mr. and Mrs. Ty ler McCracken, Mr. and Mrs. Zach Kopasz. February 28 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wade Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kershner. March 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Brown, Dr. and Mrs. John Hadley. March 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Engelhardt. March 1, Ea gle s Nest Pre school is tak ing reg is tra - tion for the school year. To make an ap point - ment call Carole at Ap point ments take ap prox i mately 1 hour to complete. Annual Membership meet ing of Eads Golf As so ci - a tion and Eads Golf Club will be held at 7:00 p.m. Mon - day, March 4 at the Club House. The Ki owa County Pub lic Li brary has sched uled a book sale for March You are in vited to do nate your used books to the Li - brary for sale dur ing that week. Li brary hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon day through Fri day, closed dur ing the noon hour. KCEDF An nual Meet - ing has been re sched uled from March 28 to Mon day, March 25. Busi ness, Cit i zen and Vol un teer of the Year will be awarded along with a din - ner and pro gram. Please join us! VOLUNTEER OMBUDSMAN - Wanted, volunteer ombudsmen to share their time, tal ents and car ing hearts with the el derly residents of nursing home Birth days February 25 Jessica Crockett, Wilma Eitel, Larry Koeller, Jim Gar - ner, Annabelle Stave ly. February 26 John Sutphin, Ma son Purdy, Da vid Koets, Jayden Kemry, Tommy Chase, Amy Simpkins, Adam Simpkins, Harry Lynch. February 27 Peg Weber, Pat rick Huddleston, Nick John - son, Mi lan Rich ard son, Ronda Weirich, Emma Stoker, Darla Mar ble. February 28 Emma Weber, Harley Koeller, Larry Gitchel, Avery Bol - linger, Jim Gib son, and as sisted liv ing fa cil i ties in Eads, Col o rado. This would be a great op por tu nity for re tired nurses, so cial workers, and individuals who love and want to work with some of the most vul ner a ble mem bers of our so ci ety. In this ca pac ity, be sides vis it - ing, you would ad vo cate for these res i dents and when necessary investigate and ob tain proof of de vi a tion from care stan dards. This vol un - teer po si tion is with the Lower Ar kan sas Area Agency on Ag ing Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program. If in - ter ested and for more in for - ma tion please call or if call ing from Baca, Ki owa or Prowers Counties call You will re ceive cer tif i ca tion train ing and you must be able to pass a criminal background check before being accepted. List ings in Up com ing Events are free to non-profit groups or or ga ni za tions, or for gen eral, non-busi ness community announcements. List ing in for ma tion must be sub mit ted by 4:00 p.m. each Tues day. Call (719) for more in for ma - tion or to place your listing. Adrienne Specht, Paul Specht. February 29 Brittni Legg, Vicki Mor gan. March 1 Pau line Split - ter, R.J. Stave ly, Shane Coleman, Hil lary Koehler. March 2 Kirbi Stum, Trevor Medford, Sean Harkness, Jo Har ris, Jalen Frazee, Wyatt Ridgeway, John Negley, Cash Mor gan, Orville Mousel, Joyce Wheeler. March 3 Dylan Shalberg, Bruce Fickenscher, Linnae Gib - son, Landon Zimmerman, Rylan Lonto, Scott Harper.

3 Top News Five Wres tlers Headed to State By Rhonda Uhland All the ex cite ment co - mes down to this week as the Ea gles send five on to the big show at the Pepsi Cen ter in Den ver af ter qualifying during the Re - gional Tour na ment held this past week in Pueblo. With Rustin Jensen and Mar lin Rollins out for the tour na ment, Eads was down to eight wres tlers and work ing to gether man aged to fin ish 4th in a field of 17 teams. Se niors Justin Lenox and Tay lor Weirich topped the awards stand on Sat ur day night giv ing them a 4th place fin isher from an - other re gion for first round ac tion at State on Thurs day start ing at 3:00 p.m. Ju nior Blaine Winder and fresh man Rea gan Lane came away with a 2nd place fin ish get ting their trip se cured with a win in the semi on Sat ur day. Ju nior Rob ert Miller is also see ing his first State Tour na ment by Chamber After Hours Fo cuses On Busi ness De vel op ment By Den nis Pearson The Feb ru ary Busi ness Af ter Hours gath er ing spon sored by the Eads Cham ber of Com merce will fea ture a pre sen ta - tion by Bill Dutro of the Small Business Development Cen ter (SBDC) based out of Otero Junior College. The gath er ing will be held Mon day, Feb ru ary 25, 2013 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Prai rie Pines As - sisted Living. Admission is free. Be gin ning at 5:30 p.m. snack foods will be avail able for a do na tion of $2.00 per person. Dutro s of fice pro vides nu mer ous ser vices to finishing 3rd in the 195 pound bracket. With the thrill of these five young men ad vanc - ing, they also felt the heart break of hav ing three of their team mates elim i nated from the tour - na ment be fore the qual i - fy ing round. Fresh men, Seth Split ter and Bryce Batterton ended their sea son along with ju nior Blake Robertson. Here are in di vid ual re - sults from the tour na - ment. At 120 pounds, Seth Split ter was pinned by Stet son Loader of Baca County in 1:48, and then pinned by Jadon Barella-Valdez from Swink in 1:44. Split ter came into the pro gram with no wres tling back ground but with his hard work and de ter mi na tion he man aged to come away with some ex cit ing wins dur ing the season. At 126 pounds, Blake Rob ert son lost by ma jor both ex ist ing busi nesses and those who wish to open new busi nesses. He of fers free, con fi den tial man age ment con sult ing in such ar eas as busi ness plan ning and fi nan cial sources. The po ten tial for ex panded oil ex plo ra tion in Ki owa County cre ates the po ten tial need for ad - ditional businesses to sup port the ef fort. Any - one who is in ter ested in our eco nomic growth or may be con sid er ing pur - suit of a busi ness opportunity should attend this program. For more information please call (719) decision to J.D. Chenoweth from Baca County, 12-0, and lost by decision to Christian Orozco from Holly, 8-1. Ev ery year Rob ert son im - proves his re cord and al - though he felt short this year of mak ing a state ap - pear ance, he has one more year to put his tal - ent to the test and get into state ac tion next year. At 132 pounds, Rea gan Lane pinned Zane Aylett from Peyton in 5:19; he up set the #2 seed, Blake Denton from Swink with a come from be hind pin in 5:26; and lost by ma jor de - ci sion to Gaston Hornung in the cham pi on ship match Lane will be go ing into the state tour - na ment with a re - cord and will be wres tling Na than White, a se nior from High land with a re cord on Thursday. At 138 pounds, Bryce Batterton lost by pin to Ricky Aragon from Rocky Ford in 3:13; turned things around and won by de ci sion over Mike Kumsher from Peyton, 4-2; but saw his sea son come to an end when he lost by de ci sion to An drew Ban from Ki owa, 7-3. Batterton also is a strong fresh man that wres tled with a lot of heart dur ing the sea son and Eads fans can ex pect good things to come from this young man. At 145 pounds, Blaine Winder was the #2 seed in his bracket and with a pin over Dan iel Bustamante from Rocky Ford in 3:15 and a ma jor decision over Connor Wills from Ki owa, 17-7, dur ing his semi-fi nal match he found him self in the fi nals against long time ri val, Justin Westphal from Baca County. He pushed Westphal to the fi nal buzzer but lost by de ci - sion, 11-4, giv ing him the 2nd place fin ish. Winder ad vances to the state tour na ment for the sec - ond year in a row and this time goes in with a re cord and will start ac - tion up on Thurs day against a ju nior from Paonia, Ty Coats. At 160 pounds, Tay lor Weirich won by pin over Dylan Fisher from Burlington in:37; won by tech ni cal fall over Seth Mills from Swink, 20-4; and kept his re cord spot - less with a ma jor de ci sion over Joshua Forgey from Baca County, With his 1st place fin ish and en - ter ing state with a per fect 36-0 re cord, Weirich will wres tle Tay lor Lewis, a sophomore from Hayden with a 19-9 re cord dur ing first round action. At 195 pounds, Rob ert Miller went up against the #1 seed in semis but lost by major decision to Johnny Loflin from Baca County, 14-4; he then qual - i fied for the state tour na - ment with a de ci sion over Nik Dowdy from Swink, 8-7; then put a lit tle ic ing on the cake with a 3rd place fin ish by get ting a de ci sion over Ty ler Kimble from Limon, 9-8. Miller ad vances with a re cord and will face Blaine Larson from FWL, a soph o more with a 22-9 record. At 220 pounds, Justin Lenox won by pin over Weston Downey from Swink in 2:42 and came away with his 1st place re - gional cham pi on ship with a de ci sion over Truett Box from Chey enne Wells, 3-2. This is the sec - ond year in a row that Lenox has bat tled his #1 seed op po nent dur ing the fi nals match and came away with the win. Lenox is mak ing his third state ap pear ance in his high school ca reer go ing in with a 31-6 re cord and tak - ing on a 14-8 ju nior from Nucla, Anthony Emery. Good Luck to these ath - letes as they travel to their final destination of the year, wres tling the best of the best across the state of Col o rado, with the op por tu nity to bring home a lit tle hardware. West ern Land scape Sym po sium By Eliz a beth Catt The Sev enth An nual West ern Land scape Sym - po sium will be held Sat ur - day, March 16, The Sym po sium will be held at Pueblo Community College in the Fortino Ball - room and is an all day event be gin ning at 9:00 a.m. Key note Da vid Salman, founder and chief hor ti - cul tur ist at High Coun try Gar dens, will speak on Color Through the Sea - sons. View full bro chure on - line at and down load the reg is - tra tion form. Ad vance tick ets are $18.00 each or 2 for $30.00 pur chased at CSU Extension-Pueblo County, 701 Court Street. Pur chase tick ets at the door for $20.00 each. For more information, call (719) The West ern Land - scape Sym po sium is an ed u ca tional fo rum to pro - mote the cre ation of ap - peal ing and sus tain able land scapes in south east - ern Colorado, incorporating wa ter wise gar den prac tices. February 22, 2013 3

4 Agriculture & Outdoor Life USDA Up date By Eads USDA Ser vice Cen ter Weather On this Wednes day morn - ing we are await ing a win ter storm to pass through Ki - owa County. It may be a hor i zon tal snow storm, but at this point any thing is wel - come. New AGI Form for 2013 Un der the 2008 Farm Bill ex ten sion, all pay ment el i gi - bil ity and pay ment lim i ta - tion pro vi sions were ex - tended, in clud ing AGI limitations for the 2013 crop year, pro gram year and fiscal year. All rules and re quire ments ef fec tive for 2012 pro gram pay ments and ben e fits are applicable to eligible recipients of 2013 pro gram pay - ment and ben e fits. This in - cludes the re quire ments of ac tively en gaged in farm ing, cash-rent ten ant, sub stan - tive change, mi nor child, and spousal pro vi sions. Pay ments will con tinue to the lim ited by di rect at tri bu - tion to per son and le gal en - tity. All av er age AGI lim i ta - tions for com mod ity, price sup port, di sas ter as sis - tance, and con ser va tion pro grams are also con tin - ued for 2013 in clud ing the $1 mil lion av er age AGI lim i - ta tion for 2013 di rect pay ments. The av er age AGI for 2013 pay ment el i gi bil ity will be based on the av er age of AGI amounts for the 3-year pe - riod of 2009, 2010, and Pro duc ers will be re - quired to com plete a new AGI compliance certifica - tion and writ ten con sent for dis clo sure for 2013 us ing form CCC-933, which is a new form for 2013 only. The CCC-933 must be com pleted by the per son or legal entity earning USDA benefits either directly or in - di rectly in the 2013 pro - gram. Pro duc ers who fail to provide the certification and con sent must re fund all ap - plicable program payments re ceived from FSA and NRCS. DCP Signup The 2013 Di rect and Counter-Cyclical Payment Pro gram (DCP) signup be - gan Tues day, Feb ru ary 19th. The Ki owa County Of - fice has started the pro cess of print ing the con tracts and getting the eligibility paperwork ready for when op er a - tors come in and com plete the signup. The of fice re - ceived some clarification Developmental Screening For ages 0-5 March 1, 2013 Eagle's Nest Preschool is taking registration for the school year. To make an appointment call Carole at Appointments take approximately 1 hour to complete. 4 February 22, 2013 last week based on the DCP signup and the pos si bil ity of a fu ture farm bill. The fol - lowing statements have been added to the CCC-509 Ap pen dix (which you will re ceive a copy of when you sign up for DCP). Pay ments are sub ject to the avail abil ity of funds, compliance with all applica - ble laws and stat u tory changes and to lim its on pay ments as may be pro - vided for in the pro gram reg - ulations. It is specifically un der stood that any pay - ments un der this Ap pen dix and the pro grams to which it ap plies are sub ject to stat - u tory and reg u la tory changes in clud ing those that oc cur af ter the sign ing of the con tract. Pay ments un der the DCP and ACRE pro grams may be re duced by a cer tain per cent age due to a se ques ter or der re - quired by Con gress and is - sued pur su ant to the Bal - anced Bud get and Emergency Deficit Control Act of Should a pay - ment re duc tion be re quired, FSA will pro vide no tice about the re quired per cent of pay ment re duc tion that ap plies to di rect, countercyclical and ACRE pay ments. All pay ments are sub - ject to the avail abil ity of funds and to other lim its in this Ap pen dix or else where that may ap ply and all pay - ments are sub ject to changes in stat u tory and regulatory provisions (in - clud ing any and all new statutory or regulatory provisions) irrespective of whether those amend ments and pro vi sions or changes oc curred af ter the sign ing of this con tract. De pend ing on the fu ture farm bill, the 2013 DCP pay ments may not be is - sued in Oc to ber. It s a long time be tween now and Oc - to ber, time will tell the story. NAP Dead line The fol low ing crops have a NAP application closing date of March 15, 2013 for crops nor mally grown in Ki - owa County; for age sor - ghum, com mon millets. The noninsured crop di - sas ter as sis tance pro gram (NAP) is a fed er ally funded pro gram that helps pro duc - ers re duce their risk when grow ing food and fi ber Loan Pro gram Trans fers Farm land to Next Gen er a tion of Farm ers By FSA Staff Colorado USDA Farm Ser vice Agency (FSA) Farm Loan Chief Gary Wall, re minds land own ers that the Land Con tract Guar an tee Pro gram is avail able to land own ers who wish to trans fer farm real es tate to the next gen er a tion of farm ers and ranchers. The Land Con tract Guar an tee Pro gram pro - vides a new ap proach for landowners willing to sell their land to be gin ning or so cially dis ad van taged farm ers or ranch ers be - cause it re duces the seller s fi nan cial risk if the buyer de faults on the con tract pay ments. The buyer must pro vide a minimum down payment of five per cent of the pur - chase price, plan to op er - ate the farm, and dem on - strate the abil ity to make the land contract payments. The na tional pro gram of fers two op tions, one that guar an tees up to three an nual in stall ment pay ments on the con tract and one that guar an tees 90% of the un paid prin ci - pal of the con tract. Guar - an tees can be used for fi - nanc ing the pur chase of a farm with a pur chase price up to $500,000 on a new land contract. Land own ers can use any es crow agent that meets the pro gram qual i - fications to service the crops, spe cialty crops and crops for live stock feed. These ben e fits are only avail able for crops for which the cat a strophic level of crop in sur ance is not avail - able. Application for coverage must be filed by the ap - plicable crop s application closing date. Production records for all crops must be re ported to FSA no later than the acre - age re port ing date for the crop for the fol low ing year. FSA re quires that any pro - duc tion re ported in a loss year be ver i fi able ac cord ing to Agency specifications. NAP Losses must be re - ported within 15 days of the date the loss be came apparent. Ki owa County USDA Contact Info Telephone FSA (Ext 2), NRCS (Ext 3). in di vid ual s firstname.lastname@ (Ex am ple, nadene.gaynor, charla.fer - ris, hallie.barlow, dawna.weirich, marvin.watson, mar - lin.miller, brett.jones). land con tract, said Chief Wall. Land own ers in ter - ested in the Land Con - tract Guar an tee Pro gram can con tact their lo cal farm loan of fice to ob tain a list of avail able na tion - wide es crow agents that can be used with this program, he said. FSA credit pro grams are de signed to pro vide credit to el i gi ble pro duc - ers when con ven tional or com mer cial credit is not avail able or does not meet their credit needs. FSA pro grams cre ate op por tu ni ties for farm ers and ranch ers - the back - bone of our ru ral econ - omy, said Chief Wall. For more information con tact Gary Wall at (720) or your lo cal Farm Ser vice Agency.

5 About Town By Do ris Lessenden and Me lissa Pe ter son Those who ex pect to reap the bless ings of free - dom must, like men, un - dergo the fa tigue of sup port - ing it. Thomas Paine Mis placed Mas sa cre is a new book pub lished in January by Harvard Univer - sity Press about the Sand Creek Mas sa cre hap pen ing in Ki owa County in The au thor, Ari Kelman, spent about ten years in ter - view ing lo cal folk to write this piece of our his tory. We sure are sad to have Thurs day s on Maine close. But you still have a cou ple weeks to get in and find some ter rific trea sures and bar gains. Mel Haskell will close at the end of Feb ru ary, so hurry in! Mar sha Siefkas showed me a photo of her daugh ter, Tara (Mitch ell) with her hus band, Dan Simmons and their three lit tle boys, Ma son, Sieber, and Justus who are un der the ages of three. Dan and Tara adopted them from Ethi o - pia. Their fam ily has moved from Gar den City, Kan sas, to La Grange, Wy o ming, where Dan is at tend ing the Fron tier School of the Bi ble. Mar tha and Kevin of ten visit their other daugh ter, Bobbie and hus band, Jeff Baier and their five chil dren in Gar den City. They are both Chi ro - practors. Verna Ebright and Bobbie Uhland were very busy last Com mu nity Life week at the Art ist of the Plains Gal lery Shoppe. They were the cre ators and decorators of pretty Valentine gifts and flo ral ar range - ments as well as de liv er ers of bal loons and Val en tine gifts for two days. They were as sisted by Lill Penn, Bonnie Lessenden, with Terry and Areta Laird and I pop ping in and out. We of the Gal lery do thank peo ple for their or ders and do na - tions for our fundraiser. Mary El len Englehardt was the for tu nate win ner of the lovely lav en der ag ate jewel pen dant that Roger Bentley crafted for the Val - en tine draw ing at the Art ists of the Plains Gal lery. Peo ple are shocked and sad dened this morn ing to hear of the death of Mi chael Manley of Eads who lost his life in an auto crash west of Kit Car son. Our hearts go out to his griev ing wife, Mary Breslin, and his mother-in-law, Betty Breslin. This is a sad time for the staffs of the Weisbrod Hos pi tal and the Wiley Clinic where Mike has been a Phy si cians As sis tant for many years. Since last Tues day was Na tional Pan cake Day, Gin - ger McPherson stirred up soft tasty Cin na mon Swirl Pan cakes for the Tea Time af ter our Bi ble Study. Yonda Leon ard and Marlynn Eikenberg were busy serv - Pastor s Pearls By Pas tor Rich ard Zabriskie Ugly Beauty Have you ever met a beau ti ful young woman with an ugly char ac ter or a hand some young man with and empty head? Con sider the Am pli fied Ver sion of Prov - erbs 32:30. Charm and grace are de cep tive, and beauty is vain (be cause it is not last ing), but a woman (or man) who rev er ently and wor ship fully fears the Lord, she shall be praised! ing these fluffy cakes to the res i dents and staff. Ash Wednes day found several Catholic and Lu - theran la dies go ing to Kit Car son for Lent Ser vices. Some women re turned to help and ob serve the lovely Val en tine steak and shrimp for mal din ner for the res i - dents at Weisbrod. Yonda and Marlynn had made the res i dents cor sages and boutonnières, pretty flo ral cen ter pieces and dec o ra - tions for the oc ca sion. We had the plea sure to meet Pricilla Waggoner who has moved to Eads from the Dal las-fort Worth area. She is the sis ter of our Dr. Jeff Waggoner who is glad to have her move here with her horses. Pricilla is read - ing Ki owa County his tory books and is en joy ing meet - ing peo ple in the com mu - nity. Sharon Frazee sur prised and pleased the se nior cit i - zens who were for tu nate enough to get res er va tions for her Taste of Greece can dle light meal. The ap pe - tizer was Spanikopita a pastry with a cheese and spin ach fill ing. Then the serv ers, Kathy McCracken, Tristen Sheridan, and Jo Shoe maker served the Greek to mato and cu cum - ber salad. The next course was Eleopitta yeast bread with chopped black ol ives. The Main Entrée was Moussaka that had a meat sauce with cheeses, spices baked with egg plant. Des - sert was a nutty sweet Bak - lava cup wand a choc o late kiss. Many of the guests went to the ro man tic movie at the Plains The ater af ter an eve ning of fine din ing with Sharon. Charles and Leanna Col - lins and young Will Elam were glad to have Tom Bustos come from Wy o - ming with their grand son, Kristopher, for a visit over the week end. The young broth ers had a re ally good time play ing to gether. Eliz a beth Lane had a pretty yel low and white cake baked by Darci John - son for her 97th birth day. Her daugh ter, Evelyn and Nick Coo per drove up from Dalhart, Texas, through a lot of dusty wind for the party with Art and Phyl lis Lane and other friends. On the day of the party Eliz a - beth had a phone call from her granddaughter-in-law, Anne, who is a nurse in a fa - cil ity at the Ar tic Cir cle. Anne also sent her two dozen multi-col ored roses. Ser vices for Melva June West of Col o rado Springs for merly of Eads were held at the Eads United Meth od - ist Church. She is sur vived by her hus band, Pete West, and daugh ters, Dana, Vicki, Jaimie, and a son, Dave and brother, Jim Seirers. I had ra dios blar ing at both ends of my house all day Sat ur day and at night to lis ten to the Eads Wres tlers at the Col o rado State Uni - versity-pueblo campus where Blaine Winder, Rea - gan Lane, Tay lor Weirich, Rob ert Miller, and Justin Lenox won berths to the State Tour na ment in Den ver this week. The Eads team earned Fourth Place in the State Tour ney. We wres tling fans at home re ally do ap - preciate the local busi - nesses that spon sor the KLMR-FM sta tion s cov er - age. I heard that Charles Mitch ell is do ing better since his heart at tack. He is ea ger to get back to his farm ing. Char lie is about 94, so his son, Eddie, came down from Wy o ming and other daugh ters have come to help him and his wife, Helen. That is an ex am ple of pioneer spirit. Hav ing the Prai rie Pines Cof fee Hour at 2:00 p.m. on Fri days seems to be a good time be cause more men and women can come to visit with the res i dents and oth ers. Peo ple en joyed the com - edy movie this week end. There are some new and ex - cit ing films listed to be shown at the Plains Thea - tre, so check the mar quee. This week Perks of Be ing a Wall flower will be shown at 7:00 p.m. on Sat ur day and Sunday. Next week, the movie will be Un de feated fol lowed by Argo on March 9th and l0th. Re mem ber to write a nomination for the town Vol un teer of the Year and Cit i zen of the Year and get to the Cham ber of Com - merce by March 1st. One could mail it or give it to Den nis Pearson, John Courkamp, or Mar i lyn Baxter to name a few. February 22, 2013 5

6 Home Coun try In the week be fore Val - en tine s Day, Marvin Pincus had two new cus - tom ers for his (free of charge, of course) love ad vice and fly-ty ing con - sul ta tion ser vices. He tied up a midge for one cli ent, a salmon streamer wrapped in lead for an - other, and wished them well. This was his busy time, of course. He knew By Slim Randles an other would come in mid-may, in des per ate an - ticipation of June weddings. Marge, he said, sip - ping cof fee and look ing out at the snow, I think we need a va ca tion. Marjorie Pincus smiled. They d both been re tired and on per ma nent va ca - tion for years now. East End Events Yes ter day was my birth - day and Dick took me to Gar den City shop ping and then on to Dodge City to gam ble a lit tle and then out to din ner. So, I did n t get home very early and that ex plains my short ar ti cle this week. The Senior Citizens We can help you obtain MEDICAL EQUIPMENT { Sale ends February 28th By Sharon Scott Health Care with a Personal Touch hosted their monthly game night last Sat ur day at the Towner Hall. Around l4 peo - ple en joyed the soup and sand wich sup per and play - ing games. Guests of June and Delmas Beaman Sat ur day, were Barb, Bryan, Katelyn, Kayla, and Jarod Kiowa Home Health (719) (719) Cheyenne Feed & Supply 6 February 22, 2013 { A Division of Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital We Provide: Home Makers Home Health Aides Skilled Nursing Service Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapy I ll go if it means I don t have to make the beds or do the dishes, she said. The only thing is, what if some one needs the fly ty ing love ad vice ser vice while we re gone? This both ered Marvin. A man who spent more than 40 years be ing de - pend able ev ery day can t be ex pected to just turn it off like a fau cet. Honey, Marge said, maybe you could des ig - nate some one to be on call? Like a doc tor does? You know? Wanderlingh and Zack Haase from Eads to help Jarod cel e brate his 14th birth day. Happy Birth day Jarod. Thirty plus peo ple en joyed the de li cious Sweet heart Ban quet at the Sheridan Lake Bi ble Church last Thurs day eve ning. There was a good turn out for the soup sup per and the Sci ence Fair Mon day eve - ning at Plainview. 2 High School; 7 Ju nior High and 13 El e men tary stu dents will ad vance on to Regionals in Lamar. We were sorry to hear about Da vid Crockett s ac ci - dent last Fri day morn ing. We wish you a speedy re - covery David. We will have La dies Night Bunko on March 1st at 6:30 p.m. at the Towner Hall. The theme is any thing Spring. Have a good week! You Choose your *Color *Brand *Sizes *Blank *Numbered Mix & Match to get Free Product! Order 1 bag receive 10% off your order Order 2-3 bags receive a FREE tag remover Order 4 or more receive a FREE marking pen US Hwy 40 Cheyenne Wells, CO Marvin thought about that and but tered some toast. Only one I can think of who could tie flies well enough would be Delbert McLean, our cham ber of com merce. Know ing him, in stead of giv ing love ad vice, he d talk them into start ing a busi ness here. You have a point, Mar - jo rie said, laugh ing. But what would be wrong with just go ing away for a week and let ting peo ple fig ure out their own love lives for a while? Marvin sat qui etly and Mar jo rie looked at him and thought how maybe she should be his cus - tomer. She was un der no il lu sion about her looks. She was old. Old and wrin - kled. She was hop ing Marvin was n t just mar - ried to her be cause he was used to it. She stud - ied his face, and strangely, did n t re ally no - tice his wrinkles. Marvin smiled at Mar jo - rie then. Any va ca tion ideas? She shook her head. He saw in her the years of love and friend ship, and he saw, right in front of him, the same gor geous, sexy young woman he was once ready to kill for. She had n t changed a bit. He took her hand. How about we drive for a hun - dred miles, get a mo tel room, watch old mov ies and eat take-out pizza? You re on! Brought to you by A Cow - boy s Guide to Grow ing Up Right, for young peo ple of all ages. Read a sam ple at Wild Horse Roundup Er nest and Judy Ham mer stopped by Sunday morn ing on their way to church and brought me some din ner. It was chicken and noo dles and two cup cakes. That Judy is a great cook. I have enough for sup per. Ernie Ham mer gave me a mag a zine that said the Bronco Bust ers wore lip - stick. Girl cow boys. It is good. Wednes day, Steve came and took me to Limon to the hear ing aid guy. I had one that fell out and was lost for two week till my grand - daugh ter found it out in the drive way. When the hear ing aid guy got done, he said it would n t fall out again. I hope not. Mon day was Pres i dent s Day so I don t know when this gets in. A few days ago we had a few flakes of snow. I looked out and I saw quite a few tur keys on the high way and they had to get out of the way of the trucks. I went with Allen Naugle to feed the cows at the ranch and just over the hill west it looked like the cab of By Curtis Schrimp a truck that was all tore up from a wreck and was loaded on a flat bed truck. LeeAnn called Sat ur day as she was go ing to be gone Sunday. She was go ing to quite a ways north to watch an ice hockey game that a friend of Kirsti s was play ing in. He was picked the top player awhile back. She said they had been ski ing and she only fell once. That is pretty good for her. She has been work ing pretty steady. I think there is nine work ing there most of the time. Jessi was out of school for a week. The twin s birth day is soon and they will be twenty-four. Time flies. They are plan - ning on com ing over this sum mer. I was look ing at the pa per that was given me a long time ago by one of the Radebaughs of Flager. It is when one of the fam ily got the job of post mas ter at Loco. It was 1914 and Loco was just over the county line north of here. I knew one of the young Radebaughs.

7 Al bert Harwig, 91 He was known as Un cle Al bert, Fred, Papa, Dad, and Grandpa. What a man he was! He was the nic est and most gen tle man you could ever know. You d re - mem ber if he ever shook your hand! Al bert was born March 7, 1921 in Ogallala, NE to Tom and Matilda (Oldenburg) Harwig and passed away on Jan u ary 18, 2013 in Fresno, CA. In 1925 the Harwig fam ily moved to Col o rado set tling on a farm north east of Sheridan Lake. In 1928 the Harwigs moved to Eads to an other farm. Al bert grad u - ated with the class of He al ways en joyed com ing back to those won der ful all-class school re unions. He was a WWII vet eran hav ing served 4 1/2 years as a Cor po ral in the 344th Army Air Force Base Unit. He was awarded a Good Con duct Medal, a Vic tory Medal, the Amer i can De - fense Rib bon, and the Amer i can The ater Rib bon. Following his service, he worked for 35 years as a forklift operator and ware - house man for United Gro - cers in Fresno, re tir ing in Al bert met Ruby Murphy at a sin gle s square dance and they were mar ried in After retirement, they still loved to dance and they toured the US in their RV. He loved all of his rel a - tives dearly and en joyed vis - it ing with them when ever he could. Al bert was pre ceded in death by the love of his life, Ruby, in 2004; his sis ter Obit u ar ies Rosamond Pollreis of Kit Car son at the age of 96; his two broth ers, Paul (90) of Kit Car son and Law rence (94) of Chey enne Wells; and lastly his be loved nephew, Gene Harwig (71) of Colorado Springs. He is sur vived by his sis - ter-in-law, Bea Harwig of Kit Car son; his step daugh - ter, Claudie Parrish and her hus band Phil of Fresno, CA and a daugh ter, Brenda Phillips also of Fresno. He was very fond of his nu mer - ous nieces and neph ews; 11 grand chil dren and many great-grandchildren. Al bert lived a very sim ple life with out a lot of needs and wants. Just a good, kind man! He loved tell ing sto ries about all his days liv - ing through the dust bowl, work ing hard at his fam ily farm, about all of his bud - dies, and to wards the end of his life, he still knew their full names and even their birth dates! He loved read - ing the Na tional Geo graphic mag a zine from front to back, Louis L Amour and Zane Grey books, watch ing the his tory chan nel and keep ing up on the news. He could tell you ev ery day what the price was for a bar rel of oil. He loved watch ing the old cow boy mov ies on TV. Al bert s step daugh ter Claudie saw to his care af ter her mother, Ruby passed away. Claudie serves as one of the all-vol un teers at a bou tique where all pro ceeds go to the Chil dren s Hos pi tal for Cen tral CA and Al bert had re quested that all re - mem brance me mo ri als in lieu of flow ers be sent to their Hol i day Guild c/opink Pig Fund, 1772 W. Bullard Ave, Fresno, CA These funds help pro vide for things like headcoverings for chil dren fight ing can cer, books for ed u ca tion, and other spe - cial needs that are not funded by the hos pi tal. Elim Gar dens and Se ren - ity Liv ing were his home in the last years of his life. De - spite his fail ing health, he loved each place as if it were his home. His fam ily ap pre ci ated the great care that they gave to him. Stephens and Bean Cha - pel were in charge of his graveside ser vice and burial at the Fresno Me mo rial Gar - dens in Fresno, CA on Sat - ur day, Jan u ary 26, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. Chap lain Lou Wil liams con ducted the ser - vice. As the US flag drap ing his cas ket was re moved and folded, the Amer i can Le gion Post, rep re sent ing all branches of the mil i tary, stood at at ten tion while the bu gler played Amaz ing Graze. The flag was pre - sented to his step daugh ter, Claudie. Any cor re spon dence can be sent to Mrs. Claudie Parrish, 5658 W. River Bot - tom Ave., Fresno, CA Melva West, 80 Melva June West was born on Jan u ary 13, 1933 in Owaneco, Il li nois to Burlee and Velma Gallion Lahr. Her ear li est child hood years were spent in the Silven Grove and Hunter Kan sas area be fore mov ing VALLEY MEMORIAL FUNERAL CHAPEL COMPASSION & DIGNITY DEREK & ANGELA RINER 206 S. 5th - Lamar, CO S Main St. - Holly, CO Toll Free to Eads in Melva June grad u ated from Eads High School in It was in Eads, Col o rado that Melva June met the love of her life, Rich ard Pete West. Pete was do ing con - struc tion work in Eads, par - ticularly building the grain el e va tor when they met and they were later on Feb ru ary 10, Pete joined the Army and he and Melva June were off to Ft. Riley, Kan sas. They re turned to Eads in 1954 and Pete con tin ued to work in con struc tion and Melva June worked at the Weisbrod Hos pi tal. In 1969 the fam ily moved to Col o - rado Springs where they re - mained un til Melva June s death on Feb ru ary 15, Melva June West is sur - vived by her hus band Rich - ard Pete West of Col o rado Springs, CO, by her chil - dren: Vickie (Dan) Shine of Dal las, TX, Da vid (Berta) West of Col o rado Springs, CO, Dana (Steve) Carr of Col o rado Springs, CO and Jamie (Rudy) Krause of Col - o rado Springs, CO. She is also sur vived by 10 grand - chil dren and by her brother Jimmie (Bobby) Serier of Col o rado Springs, CO. She was pre ceded in death by her par ents. Fu neral ser vices were held on Mon day, Feb ru ary 18, 2013 at the United Meth od ist Church in Eads with Pas tor Nancy Pea cock officiating. Committal services were held at the Eads Cem e tery. Friends and fam - ily can reg is ter on line con - do lences and sign the guest book at Final arrangements were en trusted to the care of the Brown Fu neral Home in Eads. Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital and Nursing Home "Providing Twenty-Four Hour Care with a Personal Touch" *Post Hospital (Swing Bed) Care *Nursing Home Care *Skilled Therapies *Home Health Care For more information please contact Social Service Director 1208 Luther Street Eads, Colorado (719) Ext. 147 February 22, 2013 7

8 School & Youth Weirich Signs To Be a Fu ture CSU Ram Wednes day, Feb ru ary 6th was a big day for High School ath letes across the na tion as it was Na- tional Sign ing Day for ath letes to sign their Na- tional Let ter of In ten tion to com pete at the col le - giate level. Dan iel Weirich, EHS Se nior 2011 and 2012 de fend ing class 2A shot put and dis cus State Cham pion signed his Na tional Let ter of In - tent for Col o rado State Uni ver sity in Fort Col lins. Weirich vis ited five Di vi - sion 1 schools dur ing the fall; including University of Wy o ming in Laramie, Uni ver sity of Ne braska in Lincoln, University of Missouri in Columbia, Uni ver sity of Washington in Seattle and CSU, Fort Collins. The de ter min ing fac tor for Dan iel is the re la tion - ship he has with Coach Bedard, the friend ships with the Ram throws team. Dan iel Weirich, cen ter signed his Na tional Let ter of In - tent with his coaches, Trey Eder and Steph a nie Bohlander on Wednes day, Feb ru ary 6th at Eads High School. (Dawna Weirich Photo) Come One - Come All Eads High School Gym Friday, March 1st, 2013 Dinner - 6:00 p.m. Rocky mountain oysters, chicken strips, and French fries, and all the fixins will be served Auction - 7:00 p.m. FFA members, burn barrel lids, horse shoe art, plant holders, post drivers, camping woks, and a shop bench will be auctioned off. Eads FFA appreciates your support! 8 February 22, 2013 CSU signed 14 track ath letes on Wednes day. Coach Brian Bedard had these com ments on sign - ing Weirich to CSU. Dan iel will help our team im me di ately next sea son. He has the size and strength lev els to make an easy tran si tion to the heavier col lege im - ple ments. He s al ready done some work with the col lege shot which will give him a big jump com - ing in the fall train ing pe - riod. Daniel s personality is also a great fit for our team. He gets along with his team mates, and is a mod est hard work ing guy raised in Eads, Col o rado. He throws in his fam ily s barn in the win ter! Talk about ded i ca tion and commitment. That s the kind of athlete we want on our team. Com pet ing at the col le - giate level has been a dream of Dan iel s since he en tered High School. He has re ceived lots of sup port from teach ers, coaches, the Eads com - mu nity, his fam ily and for that he thanks each and every one. He will be an Eads Ea - gle for one more year and proud to be one! Pee Wee Wres tling Prac tice to Start We would like to take this op por tu nity to en - cour age all stu dents pre - school through eighth grade to try wres tling. Pee Wee Wres tlers are not re quired to at tend a spe cific num ber of tour - na ments, al though more mat time equals a better wres tler. We do en cour - age par ents and wres - tlers to par tic i pate in the Eads Ju nior Olym pic Tournament. This year, Dustin Uhland, Brad Mor gan, and Lance Jagers will as - sist with the prac tices. Our first prac tice will be Tues day, Feb ru ary 26th at Plains Theater Sat. & Sun. - 7:00 pm February 23 & 24 PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ezra Miller An introvert freshman is taken under the wings of two seniors who welcome him to the real world. PG-13 4:00 p.m. at the Old Gym. Prac tices will be pre-planned and well or - ga nized. We will make ev - ery ef fort to stick with the prac tice sched ule. All prac tices will last ap prox - i mately one hour. Once again, singlets will be pro vided this year. There will be a $50.00 de - posit per sin glet. As long as the sin glet is re turned in a timely fash ion and in the same con di tion as checked out, the de posit will be re turned. The singlets will be handed out dur ing the first week of prac tices. If your child has a sin glet from last year, please bring it to the first prac tice so we can get ev ery one the correct sizes. This year there will be a $10 per wres tler reg is tra - tion fee. This fee will help off set the cost of new singlets, mat tape, and other in ci den tal costs. Fi nally, we would like to have a short par ent meet - ing at the be gin ning of prac tice. If you have any ques tions, feel free to con tact Coach Jagers. ( ). Eads School Cal en dar Mon day, February 25 - FFA Week. 5:30 p.m. Ac - count abil ity Meet ing. 7:00 p.m. Board Meet ing. Tues day, February 26 - MS W at Lamar TBA. 1:00 p.m. HS BB Dist at Otero. Wednes day, February 27 - MS Re gional Sci ence Fair at Lamar. Thurs day, Feb ru ary 28-1:00 p.m. MS W at Holly lv 10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. HS BB Dist. At Lamar Com - mu nity Build ing. Fri day, March 1 - Child Find A.M. El e men tary Build ing. 6:00 p.m. FFA La bor Auc tion in HS Gym. Sat ur day, March 2-9:00 a.m. MS W at Fowler lv 6:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. MS Girls In The Mid dle Conf. at Lamar lv 8:15 a.m. r 2:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m. HS BB Dist. at Lamar. Eads School Lunch Menu February 25 - Break - fast: waf fles, sau sage patty, or ange juice, milk, V-8, fruit. Lunch: bean and cheese burrito, let - tuce, to mato, pine ap ple, cin na mon muf fin, milk, fruit and veggie bar. February 26 - Break - fast: oat meal, rai sins, toast, ap ple juice, V-8, milk, fruit. Lunch: pulled pork sand wich, French fries, peach cup, milk, fruit and veggie bar. February 27 - Break - fast: Eng lish muf fin, hash browns, egg, grape juice, V-8, milk, fruit. Lunch: chicken pot pie, bis cuits, straw ber ries, milk, fruit and veggie bar. February 28 - Break - fast: ba gel sand wich, or - ange juice, milk, V-8, fruit. Lunch: hoagie sand wich, chips, milk, fruit and veggie bar.

9 Eads Boys Con tinue To Strug gle At the Fin ish; Drop Two More Con tests By Betsy Barnett The Eads bas ket ball team con sists mostly of se niors with a smat ter ing of un der class men in the mix. Usu ally, a team that is se nior-dom i nated can use their ex pe ri ence to fin ish the close games. How ever, this year, the boys from Eads have found them selves on the short end of most of their games. The say ing goes, close only counts in horse shoes and hand-gre nades, and that is the prob lem plagu ing Keagan Gonzales on Pres i dent s List Keagan Gon za les a 2012 Eads High grad u ate en - rolled in the Line Tech Pro gram at Trin i dad State Ju nior Col lege made the Pres i dent s List for the fall 2012 se mes ter with a per fect 4.0 GPA. Keagan is the son of Shellie and Da vid Engelhardt. Eads bas ket ball at the mo ment. Over the week - end they would drop a game with South Baca that had them tied at halftime, 65-52; and also lost their fi nal home game on se nior night to Kit Car - son, As the Ea gles head quickly to ward Dis - tricts they hope to fi nally find an an swer to their lackluster finishes. The Ea gles were in the con test at Vilas on Thurs - day night and by halftime things were knot ted at 22 apiece. Eads had got ten some good pro duc tion from most of their play ers in clud ing guards Ty ler Rouse, Jose Ramos, and Kyle Crow. In ad di tion, big men Lo gan Crawford, Cory Miller, and Lo gan Smith added some much needed of fen sive punch. Eads had the lead af ter one be hind a Kyle Crow three ball, 9-6; and con tin - ued to play well through - out the sec ond pe riod. How ever, it was a dev as - tat ing third pe riod that was the un do ing for Eads. Dead line to En roll in 4-H Ap proaches By Amy Kelley CSU 4-H Ex ten sion Agent In or der to be el i gi ble to ex hibit at the 2013 Ki owa County Fair and to be al - lowed to par tic i pate in 4-H events and ac tiv i ties mem bers must be en - rolled in 4-H by March 1st, This is also the dead line for mem bers wish ing to re-en roll in 4-H. Enrollment forms for new mem bers can be picked up at the Ki owa County Ex ten sion Of fice dur ing the week from 8 to 4:30 (closed from 12 to 1). Those wish ing to re-en - roll in the pro gram can pick up their re-en roll - ment form from their club or ga ni za tional leader or if needed from the Ex ten - sion Office. For more information on 4-H please con tact the Ki owa County Ex ten sion Of fice at (719) or you can find us on the web at CSU Ex ten sion of fers up-to-date, un bi - ased, re search based in - formation to families in South east Col o rado. CSU Ex ten sion pro grams are avail able to all without discrimination. Digital COLOR Printing & Copying Services Kiowa County Press 1208 Maine Street, Eads While the Pa tri ots poured in a num ber of field goals on fast breaks, Eads strug gled to re spond on both ends of the court. To add in sult to in jury, Eads was in the bo nus early and al lowed much of South Baca s scor ing to come via the free throw line. The Pa tri ots out - scored Eads in the third and in the fourth pe riod and did not al low Eads to ever come back into the game. They would get bal anced scoring from four players in double figures. Ramos stood out among the Ea gle play ers as he hus tled all night and cre - ated a lot of pos i tive re - sults on both sides of the ball. He would lead all Ea - gle scor ers with 12 points. Rouse added 10 more and Miller chipped in nine. Eads had de feated Kit Car son ear lier in the sea - son at the Hol i day Bas - ket ball Tour na ment in the 7th-8th place game, but on Fri day night Kit Car - son came for re venge and got it in spades. Eads would never be in this con test as a huge first quar ter by the Wild cats net ted them a 19-8 lead and ul ti mately the game would be over as the de - fense on both sides re - sulted in a low-scor ing game. Just as in the girls game, the Kit Car son bunch lived by the three ball hit ting four of their six in the first pe riod alone. Eads de fense stopped the three-ball storm in the sec ond and they would pace Kit Car - son through out the pe - riod; mostly from the free throw line. But Eads was def i nitely in trou ble at the in ter mis sion, The Pages from the Past sec ond half proved to be even for both teams as KC would hold onto their mar gin via the free throw line. Down the stretch they would nail 8-for-12 to seal the deal. Rouse had an other good night for Eads with 12 points while Miller chipped 10 coun ters and Crawford seven. Eads will be on the road for the fi nal week end of the reg u lar sea son where they will take on Genoa-Hugo on Thurs day night and then fin ish up against one of the top teams in the state at McClave on Fri day night. Teen-Ager. Fifty Years Ago February 15, 1963 Lynn Brown, Rex and Bill Barlow and Eldon Stoker represented Eads at the State Wrestling Meet in Denver. Fifteen Years Ago February 16, 1973 February 13, 1998 The Kiowa County Renee Woods was Press crew was introduced hohnored with a retirement as Joy Atkins, production party for her years of manager, Tina Howerton, service to Weisbrod photographer and A group of Prowers Hospital. darkroom technician and County farmers will become Jan Lane, office manger owners of a large track of Twenty-Five Years Ago and IBM operator. Kiowa County land thru the February 12, of the 33 members Prowers Grazing Craig Kerfoot was of the senior class were Association. appointed to the Eads Town enrolled in the work study Mrs. May Krueger Council replacing Danny program. began work as Eads school Christie. Eads Chamber of secretary replacing Maxine Commerce decided to Mays who resigned to move Forty Years Ago sponsor Melodie Laird in to California. her quest for Mrs. Colorado Eads Auto Supply NEAL MANN Cell: (785) FARM & RANCH REALTY, INC. Colby, Kansas TOLL FREE: Kiowa Drug (719) (719) (719) February 22, 2013 9

10 Turn overs Plague Eads Girls in Loss to Kit Car son By Betsy Barnett Kit Car son and Eads are ri vals to say the least and once again the game on Sat ur day night would de ter mine the over all top seed go ing into next week s Dis trict 2 bas ket - ball tour na ment. Eads was fa vored in the game, but the Lady Wild cats brought in hus tle and mus cle that was the dif - fer ence in the loss that Eads suf fered. The Lady Ea gles were com ing off a sound win the night be fore at Vilas against a young and up - com ing South Baca team. Eads had their way with the young play ers from South Baca in the first half as their smoth er ing de fense both ered the one-man show from soph - o more Allyson Grahn as she was forced to bring up the ball and be the playmaker for the girls from the south. Eads jumped out to a 18-7 lead af ter one pe riod be hind bal anced scor ing from the guards and posts with Hailey Ray hit ting for three buck ets from the out side and Marisa Dixon add ing a cou ple more un - der neath. Eads con tin ued to spread the wealth into the sec ond scor ing pe riod scor ing 17 more as many play ers in clud ing Tanaia Hansen, Kailyn Lane, and Brook lyn Lenox started mak ing their pres ence known. By halftime Eads was in con trol, But Grahn turned it up in the sec ond half as Eads coasted through the next two quar ters. Eads would just out score the Lady Pa tri ots in the third but by the fourth the Ea gle bench strug gled to stop Grahn and Baca County would go even with Eads get ting many of their 17 points at the end of the game off a full court press put to the Eagle bench. Ten Lady Ea gles got in the score book with Dixon lead ing the way hit ting for 16 points fol lowed by Lane with 11, Ray with nine, and Dorian Ray with eight. Al though Kit Car son has strug gled this sea son with a num ber of op po - nents they never seem to Kiowa County Hospital District Weisbrod Memorial Hospital P.O. Box Eads, CO Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Our Medical Staff: Eads Medical Clinic Dr. Jeffrey Waggoner - Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri Erin Hieb-Morgan, FNPC Mike Manley, PA-C - Wednesdays Wiley Medical Clinic Mike Manley, PA-C Dr. Jeffrey Waggoner - Tuesdays Closed Wednesdays For appointments call Eads Wiley have a prob lem play ing with Eads-and Sat ur day night was no ex cep tion. The first quar ter was dead even in a low-scor - ing, de fen sive game. Ea - gle scor ing had to come from un likely play ers such as fresh men Sa - vanna Gyruman and Brittanie Newman as the Wild cats were able to con - trol sharp-shooter Lane with a box-and-one de fen - sive set. The sec ond quar - ter was the game giver for Eads as they could not find any of fen sive rhythm against the stra te gic Wild cat de fense and they strug gled to over come full-court, zone pres sure that Kit Car son slapped on them. It was a quar ter of turn overs for Eads while the Kit Car son girls me thod i cally took ad van - tage of Ea gle mis takes and took the lead for good. Se nior Katie Ball hit two of her four long balls on the night and Brooke Crawford would add an - other. For Eads, Lane did get loose for one long ball but then only Newman and Dixon man aged any of fen sive punch. By halftime the Wild cats had the ad van tage, 22-14, and it was a big enough ad - van tage to hold onto al - though Eads did out score KC in the third. Ul ti - mately, it would be the out side shoot ing of Crawford and Ball that would be the of fen sive play Kit Car son needed to hold onto the game. The two would combine for 6 long balls to seal the victory. Dixon put in 13 hard-earned points while Newman kept Eads in the game hit ting for nine points. The road ahead is still rocky for the Ea gles as they are now lit er ally on the road to fin ish the reg - u lar sea son against Genoa-Hugo on Thurs day night start ing at 4:00 p.m. and then at McClave start ing at 4:00 p.m. on Fri day night. The McClave game will de ter - mine the seed ing for 2 and 3 in the dis trict tournament. Prai rie Queen 4-H Club Meet ing By Brooklynn Jones Reporter Pres i dent Lakota Roberson called the Prai - rie Queen 4-H Club Meet - ing to or der at 2:31 p.m. on Feb ru ary 17, The Amer i can pledge was led by Kaycee and the 4-H pledge was led by Duff. Roll call was taken by an - swer ing the ques tion What is your H?. Brooklynn Jones, Kaycee and Koree Ellenberger, Morygan and Reagen John son, Lakota Roberson, Duff Jensen, Cassidy and Corbin Jagers, Kiya Leon ard, Haille Morlan, Camryn Ellenberger Mar tin, Hatch and Case Nel son, Molly and Chase Stolzenberger, Layla McPherson, and Zack Fowler were all present. The min utes were read by Morygn. Cassidy moved to ac cept the min - utes and Reagen sec ond, mo tion passed. There was no trea sures re port. Lakota gave a re port on the coun cil meet ing. In old busi ness, the Nel - son and Stolzenberger fam i lies will be work ing at the the ater on Feb ru ary 23rd and 24th. The en roll - ment forms will be due on March 1st. In new busi ness, the coun cil is do ing the South east Power An nual Meet ing Ban quet and ev - ery one is asked to bring one des sert. The date of the meet ing is March 7th and the host fam i lies are the Brown and the fam i lies. Cassidy moved to ad journ the meet ing and Reagen second motion passed, and the meet ing was ad - journed at 2:58 p.m. Roberson fam ily served refreshments. KEEFE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CHEYENNE WELLS, CO SPECIALTY CLINIC MAR. 6 DR. PETE BAKER GASTROENTEROLOGIST MAR. 11 DR. JOHN WOODWARD ORTHO MAR. 18 OWEN REICHMAN ENT MAR. 20 THEO ALKOUSAKIS DERMATOLOGY MAR. 28 DR. KEVIN HEINZE OB/GYN Call Danetta at (719) for an appointment! 10 February 22, 2013

11 Government & Commentary Ki owa County Com mis sion ers Meet ing Min utes Un of fi cial The Reg u lar Meet ing of the Ki owa County Com mis - sion ers was called to or der at 9:00 a.m. by Chair man Rich ard Scott on Jan u ary 29, Scott opened the meet ing with prayer and the Pledge of Al le giance. Those at tend ing were: Rich ard Scott, Commissioner; Wil - liam E. Koehler, Com mis - sioner; Don ald Oswald, Com mis sioner; Debra C. Lening, County Clerk; Peggy Dunlap, Ad min is tra tor. Jeanne Sorensen en tered the meet ing at 9:20 a.m. as a visitor. All commissioners voted af fir ma tive ex cept where noted. Con nie Brase with South - east Men tal Health Ser vices (SEMHS) met with the Com mis sion ers to share in - for ma tion and see what the needs are for Ki owa County. SEMHS ser vices six coun - ties and want to take care of the men tal health needs in all of them. There are a lot of stig mas re gard ing men tal health and they need to ed - u cate the pub lic about men - tal health. They also help with crisis debriefing and grief coun sel ing and will come when called. Scott made the mo tion, sec onded by Oswald, to hire Nate Dorow for the Road and Bridge Op er a tor va - cancy in Dis trict 1. Koehler made the mo tion, sec onded by Oswald, to hire Rob ert Kern for the Road and Bridge Op er a tor va - cancy in Dis trict 2. Both Road and Bridge new hires will start Feb ru - ary 4th and will be re quired to take the MSHA train ing. Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to pur chase the Ranco belly-dump trailer from Carder, Inc. in Lamar. There was dis cus sion re - gard ing other equip ment. Doug Courley from Volvo will bring equip ment down to dem on strate if re quested. Koehler made the mo tion, sec onded by Oswald, to ask Corley to bring a demo for the Road and Bridge crew. Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to re - cess the Reg u lar Meet ing for a Pub lic Hear ing re gard - ing Or di nance pro - hibiting the operation of marijuana cultivation facili - ties, marijuana product manufacturing facilities, marijuana testing facilities or retail marijuana stores within the unincorporated bound aries of Ki owa County, State of Col o rado at 10:00 a.m. With no pub lic in at ten - dance and no com ments re - ceived re gard ing the Or di - nance, Scott made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to close the Pub lic Hear ing and re sume the Reg u lar Meet ing at 10:05 a.m. Scott made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to adopt, sign and im ple ment Ordinance previously pub lished, read, and in serted in the Min utes. Ex ten sion Agent Bruce Fickenscher met with the Com mis sion ers to pres ent the CSU Ex ten sion Quar - terly Re port. There was also dis cus sion re gard ing the se - vere drought situation. Bridge weight information was dis cussed per tain ing to spe cial per mits. This needs to be fur ther dis cussed in a work ses sion us ing a county map to mark all bridges and their weight lim its. A work ses sion was sched uled for Feb ru ary 6th at 9:00 a.m. for this pur pose. Scrap metal bids were re - viewed. Koehler made the mo tion, sec onded by Oswald, to ac cept the bid from Murdock Haul ing for haul ing scrap metal for A let ter was re ceived from the State of Col o rado re - gard ing No tice of In tent to aban don; V&S Rail way Line Towner Line, from MP near Towner, Col o - rado to MP near Eads, Colorado. Anyone ob - ject ing to this aban don ment may write let ters to: Mr. Mi - chael Van Wagenen, Vice Pres i dent; PO Box 26421; Salt Lake City, UT The Maine Street ho tel was dis cussed. An as bes tos study needs to be done ac - cording to Colorado Department of Pub lic Health and Environment (CDPHE). The Com mis sion ers want to know what the cost is go ing to be for the study and for the re sults of the study. Commissioners Scott feels they should con tact CDPHE and have them come out first and eval u ate the sit u a - tion. Pat Ward met with the Com mis sion ers to dis cuss Fire Protection District infor - ma tion. Ward is a vol un teer for the Kit Car son Fire Dis - trict in Chey enne County. Af ter much dis cus sion, the Com mis sion ers asked what the ad van tage was for a fire dis trict and Ward stated the ad van tage was fi nances. Rick Reed with Col o rado Ma chin ery met with the Commissioners with infor - ma tion for mo tor grad ers. He dis cussed the John Deere leas ing pro gram with them. He will come out to meet with them at a work ses sion to go over fig ures whether buy ing or leas ing equip ment. Terry Koehn with Wag ner Equip ment Com pany met with the Com mis sion ers with information for motor grad ers. He dis cussed the CAT leas ing pro gram with them. He and the me chanic both are based out of Lamar, which helps with mile age costs for re pairs. He will come out to meet with them at a work ses sion to go over fig ures whether buy ing or leas ing equip - ment. There was dis cus sion re - gard ing the TV tower and the Li brary. The Li brary re - ceived 1.5 mills, 1/3 of which goes to the TV tower and 2/3 to the Li brary. Com - mis sioner Koehler will come up with a plan for the next meet ing to see what kind of ideas can be pre sented re - garding this situation. Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Scott, to ap - point Denise Riley to the Li - brary Board, based on the recommendation of the Library Board mem bers. Colorado Development Fi - nance pro gram was dis - cussed for Road and Bridge is sues. More in for ma tion is needed and will be ad - dressed at a later date. Commissioner Scott stated that a plan needs to be put in place re gard ing a fire protection district. The Com mis sion ers need to know who can vote on this Con tin ued on page 12 February 22, 2013 11

12 Town of Eads Meet ing Min utes The Reg u lar Meet ing of the Town of Eads Board of Trust ees was held Tues day, Jan u ary 8, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The fol - low ing were pres ent: Mayor Mar i lyn K. Baxter; Trust - ees Sharon Frazee, Larry D. Gifford, Sharon John son, Wil liam E. Koehler, Den nis Pearson and Darrell Stolzenberger; Youth Ad vi - sors Sheri Weber, Alicia James, Brison Crow and Marisa Dixon; Di rec tor of Pub lic Works Van H. Brown, Jr.; Town Clerk Vicky Wilcox. Mayor Baxter called the meet ing to or der at 7:00 p.m. and Vicky Wilcox took roll. Fire De part ment Vicky re ported that Lance Jagers had called and was not able to be pres ent. The sal a ries should have been in the reg - ular salaries report. The fire meet ing was held the night be fore and Benny Frey was elected Chief and AJ Bolin, As sis tant Chief, he asked the board to ap prove. There will be an up com ing ex pen - di ture of $300 for a pump test on Unit 2 as part of the insurance criteria he has told us about. Wil liam Koehler moved to ap prove the two ap point ments of the Chief, and As sis tant Chief, Larry Gifford sec onded, mo - tion car ried. Law En force ment Sher - iff Frazee re ported that De - cem ber was fairly quiet. What he was con cerned about bring ing up was an or di nance con cern ing the sale of Mar i juana. He re - ported that we have un til July to get an or di nance in place re strict ing the sale and distribution of Mari - juana. The stat ute reads that any municipality may come up with its own re - stric tions. The county has al ready put an or di nance up for read ing. It was de cided that Mar i lyn would con tact Mr. Kimble on the sub ject. Kiowa County Hospital District Dr. Sean Oquist Oquist Family Chiropractic at hospital every Wednesday Dr. Dormish Podiatrist Here every other month beginning in February 2012 Dr. Barry Smith Cardiologist Second Tuesday of each month Ultrasound Services Second Thursday of each month For above services appointments Call (719) Dexa Scan (Bone density test) One day per month For appointments Call (719) February 22, 2013 Con sent Items Sharon John son moved to ap prove the min utes as pre sented. Den nis Pearson sec onded and mo tion passed. Ap proval of Bills Wil liam Koehler moved to ap prove pay ment of the bills in the packet, Larry Gifford sec - onded, mo tion car ried. Darrell Stolzenberger moved to pay the monthly Sher iff s bill for $4,500.00, Sharon John son sec onded all voted eye with Sharon Frazee ab stain ing. Old Busi ness The min i mum charges for wa ter, sewer, and trash were to be in creased by 3.5%. Af ter typ ing it is to be pub lished and the hear ing will be dur ing the next reg u - lar meet ing. Let ter from Kimble - A let - ter was pre sented from Stan Kimble the Town at tor ney, it was de cided to send an im - me di ate let ter to him con - cerning the Marijuana Ordi - nance and Res o lu tion. Li cens ing busi nesses was also dis cussed. Ki owa County - Con tin ued from page 11 is sue and need other ques - tions an swered as they at - tempt to pro ceed. They also need pub lic in put. Am bu lance li cens ing is - sues with six coun ties was ta bled un til a later date. If an am bu lance goes into an - other county or picks up a pa tient in an other county, they must be li censed in that county for li a bil ity pur - poses. More information is needed. Information was received from LAVAA (Lower Ar kan - sas Val ley Area on Ag ing) re gard ing IIIB funds. Ki owa County typically transfers its IIIB funds (ap prox i mately $2,930) to Sage Ser vices. Tri State Gen er a tion and Trans mis sion As so ci a tion, Inc. will be at tend ing the February 28th Regular Meeting. Jeanne Sorensen asked the Com mis sion ers if the Se nior Cit i zens would be al - New Busi ness Air port Grant Van re - ported that the 2010 Ru ral De vel op ment Grant for con - struct ing a helipad and slurry seal ing the taxi ways was still in ef fect but ev ery - thing needed to be done by June of this year. The as - phalt is shrink ing on the run way and he has patched it as much as pos si ble. Van was asked to con tact the grantor and in quire about shift ing funds from the helipad to pave ment main - te nance. Pub lic Works phones are due for an up grade. They are el i gi ble to get the smart phones fairly cheap. Van pro posed a smart phone that lets you re ceive s, ac cess the internet, and re - ceive texts, at a cost of $150 a month. Darrell Stolzenberger moved and Sharon John son sec onded that we ap prove the up - grade to the Verizon phones. Mo tion car ried. Van re ported that he and Elise would be go ing to the Con fer ence Feb ru ary 11-14, it will cost $220 per lowed to sell their ce ram ics if a por tion of the prof its went back to pay what the County puts into it. They can not sell the ce ram ics for pri vate gain, but might be able to for the Se nior Cen ter. The County buys the green ware and the glaze and pays for the elec tric ity for the kilns. Sorensen stated that they make beau ti ful items but have no where to put them. This will be dis - cussed fur ther af ter more information is gathered. The Reg u lar Meet ings in March will be March 14th and March 26th. The Reg u - lar Meet ings in April will be April 9th and April 25th. Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to sign the Im pact As sis tance Grant for Col o rado parks and Wild life for Scott made the mo tion, sec onded by Oswald, to ap - point Peggy Dunlap and al - ter nate Krissy Ray to the Des ig na tion of Rep re sen ta - tion to the County Health per son and he had ac - counted for it in the bud get. Vicky re ported that she would be gone on Jan u ary 11th and was ap proved to at tend a hous ing sem i nar March 25th 27th. Tran sient Sales Per mit Vicky re ported that she had been ap proached by peo ple want ing to bring a mo bile BBQ ser vice to town. Ac - cording to Ordinance #368 the fees to be paid for tran - sient Sales Per mits were to be es tab lished by the board. It was sug gested that Vicky call Linda Grice in Lamar and in quire as to what they charge for their per mits. Valenzuela Build ing Per - mit Mr. Valenzuela wants to cre ate an 18 X 30 foot open en clo sure lo cated on his prop erty South of his house. Sharon Frazee moved to ap prove a build - ing per mit for the pre sented plans, Den nis Pearson sec - onded, mo tion car ried. With noth ing else to come be fore the board Mayor Baxter ad journed the meet - ing at 8:17 p.m. Pool. Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to sign the ACH Pay roll Orig i - na tor Agree ment with Gi - rard Na tional Bank. The bank has changed di rect de posit bank ing pro ce dures and needs new forms signed. The Commissioners will set up time for equip ment ven dors to come out to dis - cuss lease/pur chase of equip ment Feb ru ary 22nd and 25th for a work ses sion be fore the next Reg u lar Meet ing on Feb ru ary 28th. Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to sign the CDOT HUTF An - nual Mile age and Con di tion Certification report. SECOM will come Fri day, Feb ru ary 1st, to get the courtroom connected for the teleconferencing ded i - cated line. With no fur ther busi ness, Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to ad - journ at 4:10 p.m.

13 Pub lic No tice BOARD OF KIOWA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS At the reg u lar sched uled meet ings of the Board Of County Com mis sion - ers held on Jan u ary 8, 2013 and Jan u ary 29, 2013, the fol low ing were pres ent: Rich ard Scott, Chair man; Don ald Oswald, Com mis sioner; Wil - liam E. Koehler, Com mis sioner; Debra C. Lening, County Clerk; Peggy Dunlap, Administrator. The fol low ing vouch ers were paid at the Reg u lar Meet ings held on Jan u - ary 8th, 2013 and Jan u ary 29th, 2013, to wit: The fol low ing vouch ers were paid at the Reg u lar Meet ings held on Jan u - ary 8th, 2013 and Jan u ary 29th, 2013, to be paid out of 2012 Bud get to wit: Cap i tal Ex pen di tures Solutionz Conferencing, Court Se cu rity Grant-Video Conferencing Unit $43, Con ser va tion Trust Eads Auto Sup ply, Horse shoe Park-Re pairs $ As sisted Liv ing Atmos Energy, Natural Gas $ Crow s Stop & Shop, Res i dent Food $1, DeLoach s Wa ter, Wa ter Salt $41.00 Eads Auto Sup ply, Maint Re pairs $ Gobin s Inc., Of fice Sup plies $11.07 Ki owa Healthmart, Of fice Sup plies $5.90, Res i dent Care Ac tiv i ties $4.83, Maint Sup plies $15.95, Food $ $55.11 Kiowa County Press, Advertising $26.00 My Whole sale Prod ucts, Food $ The Range Ledger, Advertising $68.00 South east Col o rado Power Assn, Elec tric $2, State World Head quar ters, Maint Sup plies $ Town of Eads, Wa ter, Sewer & Trash $ Gi rard Na tional Bank-VISA, Res i dent Misc $627.60, Resident Food $ $ UniFirst, Floor Mat Rental $36.10 Prairie Mountain Publishing LLP, Advertising $ Linda Watts, Reimburse-Resident Activities $35.00, Mar ket ing $ $53.19 Weisbrod Memorial Hospital, Resident Training $54.00 Total $7, Pub lic Health Agency Fund Atmos Energy, Natural Gas $ CDPHE, Vital Statistics $26.75 Colorado State Unemployment, 4th Quarter Unemployment.. $13.53 Gobin s Inc., Copier $0.74 Prowers County Pub lic Health & En vi ron ment, Health Ser vices $ ; Pro fes sional Ser vices EPR Grant $ $3, Town of Eads, Wa ter, Sewer & Trash $63.35 Gi rard Na tional Bank-VISA, Post age $20.60 Total $3, County Gen eral Atmos Energy, Natural Gas $ South east Col o rado Power Assn, Elec tric $ Town of Eads, Wa ter, Sewer & Trash $ Atmos Energy, Natural Gas $1, Amanda Brown, Admin-Pro fes sional Ser vices $2, Colorado State Unemployment, 4th Quarter Unemployment. $ Crow s Stop & Shop, Maint-Sup plies $17.96 Eads Auto Sup ply, Maint-Re pairs $484.55, Sup plies $96.25; Land fill-sup plies $71.52, Re pairs $12.29; Sher iff-auto Re pairs/ Sup plies $86.67; Fire-Sup plies $ $ Sharon Frazee, Seniors-Decorations $35.61 High Plains En ergy, Towner Se niors-pro pane $ Ki owa Healthmart, Admin As sist-of fice Sup plies $71.22; Seniors-Hobby Supplies $ $77.19 Kiowa County Press, Admin-Advertising $45.00; Assessor-Printing $ $ MARC, Maint-Sup plies $101.00, Freight $ $ Pit Stop Oil Com pany Inc, Land fill-rental $70.00 Prowers County Sher iff, Jail-Out side Pris oner Keep $ Road & Bridge, Maint-Fuel $72.45 South east Col o rado Power Assn, Elec tric $2, Town of Eads, Wa ter, Sewer & Trash $ UniFirst, Maint-Sup plies $ Viaero, Sher iff-cell Phones $ Gi rard Na tional Bank-VISA, As ses sor-travel $59.98, Of fice Sup plies $62.70; Tran sit-fuel $77.06, Sup plies $13.98; Sher iff-fuel $85.22, Travel $41.09, Of fice Sup plies $92.92, Train ing $20.76; Jail-Pris oner Trans port $ $ Wheatland Electric, Other Protection-Utilities $35.47 Eads Auto Sup ply, Fair-Maint Re pairs $5.47 Colorado Natural Gas Inc, Natural Gas $21.96 Connie Richardson, Coroner-2012 Deputy Coroner Compensation $ Eads Con sumer Sup ply, Sher iff-fuel $73.74; Fire-Fuel $ $ Carla Gifford, Tran sit-fuel $16.10 Gobin s Inc, Admin-Ser vice Agree ment $87.85 ID Edge, DEM-EMGP Grant-Sup plies $2, Wendy McDowell, Coroner-2012 Deputy Coroner Compensation $ Nustar Lo gis tics LP, Trea surer-2010 In ter est on Abated Amount $112.55, 2011 In ter est on Abated Abount $ $ Petty Cash-Tran sit, Tran sit-car wash $20.00 Pre ci sion Pest Con trol, Haswell Se niors-pest Con trol $ Psychological Resources, Jail-Doctor/Medication $ Road & Bridge, Tran sit-fuel $315.68, Re pairs $409.79; Land fill- Re pairs $938.48, Fuel $ $3, Shinn, Steerman & Shinn, County At tor ney-con sult ing... $2, USDA-APHIS-WS, Wild life Con tract $1, VIAERO, Cell Phones-Land fill $23.25, Maint $ $72.56 Weisbrod Memorial Hospital, Jail-Doctor/Medication $87.90 Total $21, Road & Bridge Atmos Energy, Natural Gas $ Colorado Machinery, Repairs $869.16, Freight $ $ Colorado State Unemployment, 4th Quarter Unemployment. $ Eads Auto Sup ply, Sup plies $167.62, Re pairs $ , Fil ters $935.13, Small Tools $17.03, Freight $ $2, Floyd Barnes, Gravel $1, Haswell Pro pane, Pro pane $ John Deere, Re pairs $ Ki owa Healthmart, Admin-Of fice Sup plies $15.16 Phil Vaughn Con struc tion Man age ment Inc., Admin- Office Supplies $3, Southeast Colorado Power, Electric $ Sheridan Lake Wa ter, Wa ter $30.00 T & K Chem i cals, Sup plies $ Thunderbird Petroleum Products, Repairs $531.68, Small Tools $ $ UniFirst, Mats $36.80, Uni forms $ $ Val ley Truck Parts Inc, Re pairs $6.00 Colorado Natural Gas, Natural Gas $ Eads Con sumer Sup ply, Fuel $13, Town of Haswell, Wa ter $35.00 Zee Med i cal Inc, Sup plies $ Total $26, The fol low ing vouch ers were paid at the Reg u lar Meet ings held on Jan u - ary 8th, 2013 and Jan u ary 29th, 2013, to be paid out of 2013 Bud get to wit: Re tire ment Kiowa County Treasurer, Retirement $2, So cial Ser vices American Family Life, Cancer Insurance Withheld $75.04 CHP CTSI, Health In sur ance With held $ Co lo nial In sur ance, Ac ci dent In sur ance With held $60.40 Ki owa County Trea surer, Fed & Fica Tax With held, State With held, Retirement Withheld, Offset for Direct Deposit $12, Total $12, Con tin ued on page 14 Pub lic Health Agency Fund NOTICE Persons desiring to pay their First Half Tax must have their tax in my office or postmarked by February 28, 2013 First Published February 15, 2013 Last Published February 22, 2013 In the Kiowa County Press Steve K. Baxter Kiowa County Treasurer Marples Country Market Your TOTAL Health Food Store 101 N. 4th Street Lamar, Colorado (719) NATIONAL FARMERS UNION INSURANCE COMPANIES Your National Farmers Union Insurance Agent In Kiowa County Melinda J. Kelley P.O. Box South Main Street Lamar, Colorado (719) or LANDFILL WINTER Wednesday Thursday Saturday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Sunday 1:00-4:30 p.m. Closed if wind is 20 mph or muddy conditions CLOSED: Noon to 12:30 February 22, 2013 13

14 Public Notice - CHP CTSI, Health In sur ance With held $1, East ern Slope Ru ral Tele phone, Tele phone-1/3 EPR Grant $20.42, 2/3 PH $ $61.28 Pre ci sion Pest Con trol Inc, Pest Con trol-1/3 EPR Grant $68.34, 2/3 PH $ $ SECOM, Internet-1/3 EPR Grant $17.65, 2/3 PH $ $52.95 Kris Stokke, EPR Grant-Con trac tor SE Re gional $6, Ki owa County Trea surer, Fed & Fica Tax With held, State With held, Retirement Withheld, Offset for Direct Deposit $1, Busi ness So lu tions Leas ing, Copy Ma chine-1/3 EPR Grant $39.00, 2/3 PH $ $ CHP CTSI, Health In sur ance With held $1, Total $10, County Gen eral Con tin ued from page 13 CHP CTSI, Health In sur ance With held $18, Ki owa County Na tional Bank, HSA De posit Clear ing $ E-Force IntelliChoice Inc, Sher iff-train ing $7, ACS, Trea surer & As ses sor-rental Con tract $2, Business Solutions Leasing, Sheriff-Office Supplies $49.99 CCI Col o rado Coun ties Inc, Admin-Dues $5, Col o rado County Clerks Assoc, Clerk-2013 CCCA Dues..... $ Colorado County Clerks Assoc, Clerk-Conference Registration. $ County Sher iffs of Col o rado, Sher iff-dues $1, District Attorney, DA-Salaries & Operating Supplies..... $2, DeLoach s Water Conditioning, Seniors-RO Water System... $19.50 East ern Dis trict County Clerks, Clerk-Re gional Dues for $ East ern Slope Ru ral Tele phone, Tele phone $ Engelhardt Construction, Fire-Repairs $20.00 FairPoint Communications, Towner Seniors-Telephone..... $32.86 Jack Howard, Ambulance-Contract Labor $ Ki owa County Fair Board, Trans fer to Fair Board Part 2013 Bud get $5, MB Po lice Equip ment, Jail-Sup plies $46.80 Saul s Creek En gi neer ing, Clerk-Maint & Sup port Con tract 1/2 yr $2, Mike Schneider, Sheriff-Uniforms $35.00 SECOM, Admin-Internet $82.27 Casey Sheridan, Sher iff-uni forms $35.00 Towner Recreation District, Towner Seniors-Utilities $ West End Golden Se niors, Haswell Se niors-util i ties $ Xerox Capital, Admin-Service Agreement $21.57 DW Waste Man age ment, Trash $5, Western Cartographers, Admin-County Plat Maps $ Verizon, Tran sit-cell Phone $ Stampfulfilment, Treasurer-Postage $2, Ki owa County Trea surer, Fed & Fica Tax With held, State With held, Retirement Withheld, Offset for Direct Deposit $51, American Family Life, Cancer Insurance Withheld $ Bent County Sher iffs, Sher iff-dis patch $1, CCI, Inc, Admin-Dues for 2013 $ , Pub lic Lands Com mit tee 2013 $ $5, CCTA-Eastern Division, Treasurer-Dues $ Colorado County Treasurers Association, Treasurer-Dues... $ Colorado County Veterans Service Officers Association, Veterans-Dues $25.00 CHP CTSI, Health In sur ance With held $20, Co lo nial In sur ance, Ac ci dent In sur ance With held $ Colorado Coroners Association, Coroner-Annual Dues..... $ Colorado Counties Casualty & Property Pool, CAPP In sur ance for $29, Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control, Fire-Dues... $ Col o rado Search & Res cue, Sher iff-dues $50.00 Cougar Mountain, Admin-Office Supplies $1, County Sheriffs of Colorado, Sheriff-Supplies $25.00 County Work ers Com Pool, Work man s Comp for $19, Crow s Stop & Shop, Se niors-hobby/meat $ Derek s LP Ser vice LLC, Towner Fire-Pro pane $ Digitcom Electronics, Fire-Supplies $ Craig Kerfoot Associate Broker Mobile: Please contact me for your real estate needs Find Your Freedom East End Seniors, Towner Seniors-Coordinator $ Family Support Registry, Garnishment $ Forrest Frazee, Sheriff-Conference Mileage $ HD Supply Facilities Maint, Maint-Repairs $1, High Plains En ergy, Towner Rec-Pro pane $ Kay s Ceramics, Seniors-Hobby $87.80 Ki owa County Na tional Bank, HSA De posit Clear ing $ Ki owa County Press, Admin-Le gal No tice $406.77, Advertising $24.40; Clerk-Office Supplies $14.50; Landfill-Advertising $ $ Le gal Shield, Le gal/id Theft With held $12.95 Lone Tree Car Wash, Sher iff-car Wash $ Lower Ar kan sas Val ley Area Agency on Ag ing, Admin LAVAA Mem ber ship $ MARC, Maint-Sup plies $101.00, Freight $ $ Na tional Sher iff s Assn, Sher iff-dues $50.00 Janice Pfingston, Se niors-re im burse Hobby Sup plies $66.95 Plains Net work, Clerk-Sup plies $73.00; Trea surer-sup plies $264.00; Admin-Sup plies $ $ Public Trustee Association of Colorado, Public Trustee-Dues. $ Krissy Ray, Dem-EMPG Grant-Travel $33.28 RESADA, Admin-2013 Dues $ Sage Ser vices Inc, Admin-2013 SAGE Mem ber ship $ Terri Salis bury, Tran sit-fuel $18.01 SEBREA, Admin-2013 SEBREA Mem ber ship $1, SECHORT, Admin-Legacy Sponsorship $ Small Business Development, Admin-2013, Financial Offset Donation $ Southern Colorado Economic Development District, Admin-SCEDD Dues $ Sym bol Arts LLC, Sher iff-sup plies $ VIAERO, Cell Phones-Land fill $23.25, Maint $ $72.55 Penny Weirich, Assessor-Mileage $48.00 X-Treme Graphics, Sher iff-auto Re pairs $25.00 Total $199, Road & Bridge CHP CTSI, Health In sur ance With held $16, Ki owa County Na tional Bank, HSA De posit Clear ing $ East ern Slope Ru ral Tele phone, Tele phone $95.63 FairPoint Tele phone, Tele phone $37.59 Ki owa County Clerk, Of fice Sup plies-plat Book $30.00 Pro Com, Admin-Physicals $39.00 Rob in son & Sons, Re pairs $ Haswell Pro pane, Pro pane $ Ki owa County Trea surer, Fed & Fica Tax With held, State With held, Retirement Withheld, Offset for Direct Deposit $23, American Family Life, Cancer Insurance Withheld $ CHP CTSI, Health In sur ance With held $16, Colorado Counties Casualty & Property Pool, CAPP In sur ance for $36, Co lo nial In sur ance, Ac ci dent In sur ance With held $65.35 County Work ers Com Pool, Work man s Comp for $21, Colorado Association of Road Supervisors & Engineers, 2013 CARSE Mem ber ship Dues $90.00 Di vi sion of Rec la ma tion, Min ing & Safety, Gravel Pit Per mits. $1, Family Support Registry, Garnishments $ Jack Howard, Fuel $20.00 Ki owa County Na tional Bank, HSA De posit Clear ing $ Thunderbird Petroleum Products, Oil $2, Ki owa County Press, Admin-Le gal No tice $56.40 Digitcom Elec tron ics Inc, Out side Re pairs $5, Total $129, So cial Ser vices Dur ing the reg u lar meet ings of the Ki owa County Board of So cial Ser - vices held dur ing Jan u ary, 2013, the fol low ing bills were ap proved for payment: To tal State County Share Share County Administra. $5, $4, $1, General Assistance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Medicaid Trans port. $3, $3, $0.00 Submitted by Dennis Pearson, Director, Kiowa County Department of Social Services. I, the un der signed County Clerk and Re corder of Ki owa County, Col o - rado, hereby cer tify the above and fore go ing to be a true list of the meet - ings of Jan u ary 8, 2013 and Jan u ary 29, 2013 as re lates to al low ance of bills. Wit ness my hand and Seal of said county, Town of Eads, Col o rado, this 4th day of Feb ru ary, Debra C. Lening Ki owa County Clerk Published February 22, 2013 In the Ki owa County Press Wa ter and En ergy Are Es sen tial To the Fu ture of Col o rado By Ca thy Gar cia Man ag ing wa ter and en - ergy re sources will be critical to Colorado s fu - ture. How we man age these valu able as sets over the next 10 to 20 years will have last ing im - pacts well into the 21st cen tury. The first step in wise re source man age - ment is to un der stand tech ni cal, fi nan cial and le gal is sues that gov ern Colorado s policy decisions. The Ac tion 22 Wa ter and En ergy Con fer ence brings to gether 15 knowl - edge able speak ers whose collective information and ex pe ri ence will pro - vide an un prec e dented in - sight into op por tu ni ties and chal lenges. Top ics in - clude eval u at ing the im - pacts of fire on wa ter - sheds, ben e fi cial use of wa ter from coal bed meth ane gas wells, the real story of Hy drau lic fracturing and the Colorado Water plan. The all-day con fer ence takes place at the Pueblo Con ven tion Cen ter on Wednes day, March 13. Cost is $70 per per son ($60 for mem bers of Ac - tion 22). Lunch only reg is - tra tion to hear John Stulp is half priced. A de tailed agenda and reg is tra tion are avail able at or call Ca thy Gar cia at Is This Your Last Issue? If you subscribe by mail, the address label on the front of your paper shows the date your subscription expires. To avoid service interruption, send your renewal check or money order to us before the date your subscription ends. $18.00/year In Kiowa County: $22.00/year, All other subscriptions: $26.00/year Papers are mailed from Eads each Thursday. If the Postal Service has been delaying your paper, contact us at or at the address below. Or call USPS to have customer service research the problem. Your Subscription Expires 99/99/9999 Mail to: Your Subscription Kiowa County Press, Expiration Date is P.O. Box 248, MS-SUB, Shown on Your Eads, CO Mailing Label 14 February 22, 2013

15 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS The Press can be re spon si ble for only one incorrect insertion. Rates: $0.20 per word, $3.00 min i mum. A $1.00 ser vice fee will be ap plied to all charged ads. Clas si fied dead line is 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays. ACCEPTING BIDS Ki owa County is ac cept ing bids for replacing approximately 100 ft of old sewer line with 4" sched - uled 40 PVC pipe and add a clean-out. For fur ther in for ma - tion, con tact Mike Crain at Sealed bids can be sent to the Com mis sioner s Of fice, PO Box 100, Eads, CO Bids must be re ceived on or be fore March 15, Ki owa County re serves the right to re ject and all bids. HELP WANTED Kiowa County Community Build - ing (Eads) - Cus to dial po si tion from March 2013-March Gen eral care & main te nance of community building, kept in working condition, ready for each us age. De scrip tion of Du - ties, pay and an ap pli ca tion can be ob tained by con tact ing Brenda Fickenscher at Ap pli ca tions due by March 5, Ki owa County Road and Bridge De part ment has one full time job open ing for a Loader Op er a tor. Ap pli cant must live in Ki owa County or be will ing to re lo cate. Application and job description can be picked up at the Ki owa County Commissioner s Office. Applications must be returned to the Ki owa County Com mis - sioner s Of fice, Eads Court house, 1305 Goff Street, PO Box 100, Eads, Colorado 81036, no later than 12:00 Noon on March 6, We re serve the right to re ject any and all ap pli ca tions. EOE. Eads C-Store Classifieds HELP WANTED Ki owa County Sher iff s Of fice is accepting applications for a coordi na tor to work in the Di vi sion of Emer gency Man age ment. Pre - ferred can di date will have a back ground in emer gency man - age ment or emer gency re - sponse. Must have or be able to ob tain IS and NIMS certification within one year. FEMA PDS certification help ful. Must be able to co or di - nate with lo cal, re gional and state teams, man age grant re - sources, and de velop and im ple - ment pre pared ness and re - sponse plans for re spond ers and the gen eral pub lic. Must over see and maintain emergency opera - tions cen ter readi ness. Must be able to travel and re spond to lo - cal and state emer gen cies and mu tual aid re quests with lit tle no - tice. Must pos sess the abil ity to le ver age and ob tain other grant fund sources for the ben e fit of the agency and county. Valid Col - o rado driver s li cense and back - ground check re quired. Po si tion is par tially grant funded and con - tingent upon continued receipt of grant funds. Ap pli ca tion and re - sume must be sub mit ted to the Kiowa County Commissioners Of fice, PO Box 100, 1305 Goff Street, Eads, Col o rado 81036, Dead line for ap - pli ca tions to be submitted is March 20, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. We reserve the right to reject any and all applications. EOE. Subscription Delivery at the Convert your exis subscription, or s subscription now! Only $18.00 Eads Consumers Supply We have: Propane - Batteries (Marine/Car) - Tires & Tubes - Oil - Feed - Bulk Fuel We can: Fix truck tires Service jobs - Brakes - On-the-road tire repair Country C-Store Hot Dogs - Sandwiches - Pizza Oven - Ice Cream - Chips & Snacks - Candy - Dining Area Pop 6-12 oz. cans - $ oz. bottles - $3.49 Ki owa County Road & Bridge De - part ment has one full time job open ing for an Equip ment Op er a - tor. The po si tion open will be in Dis trict 1 which is the East End of the County. Ap pli cant must live in Ki owa County or be will ing to relocate. Application and job de - scrip tion can be picked up at the Kiowa County Commissioner s Office. Applications must be re - turned to the Ki owa County Com - mis sioner s Of fice, Eads Court - house, 1305 Goff Street, PO Box 100, Eads, Col o rado 81036, (719) no later than 12:00 Noon on March 6, We re serve the right to re ject any and all ap pli ca tions. EOE. MISC Ki owa County is ad ver tis ing to fill a va cancy on the Plan ning & Zon - ing board. Please con tact the Ki - owa County Com mis sioner s Of - fice at 1305 Goff Street, PO Box 100, Eads, Col o rado Dead line is March 25, I have CRP Buy ers and need list - ings. Rich ard Grant ham Re alty, Ordway, CO Board Opening Superior Quality Digital Printing and Copy Services Color & Black & White Kiowa County Press 1208 Maine Street, Eads Moving? Don t forget to tell us! Make sure the Press follows you to your new home. Just send your new address to: Kiowa County Press, P.O. Box 248, Eads, CO , or February 22, 2013 15

16 Pes ti cide Ap pli ca tor Con tin u ing Ed u ca tion Credit Workshops By Wilma Trujillo SEA Agronomist In the state of Col o rado, pes ti cide ap pli ca tion is reg u lated by a very strict set of laws en forced by the Col o rado De part ment of Agriculture (CDA). Some of the reg u la tions include the licensing of private, commercial, lim - ited-commercial, and pub lic pes ti cide ap pli ca - tors. Pes ti cide Ap pli ca tor li censes are valid for a 3- year pe riod, ex pir ing on the ap pli ca tor s birthdate. Un der the Col - o rado Pes ti cide Ap pli ca - tors Act, ap pli ca tors must re-cer tify ei ther by re-ex - am i na tion or by at tend ing pes ti cide ed u ca tion pro - grams. There fore, dur ing the 3-year pe riod, ap pli ca - tors are re quired to earn con tin u ing ed u ca tion cred its (CEC s) to be el i - gi ble to re new their li - cense with out hav ing to re test. By at tend ing ed u - ca tional pro grams, ap pli - ca tors ac quire CEC s in core sub jects and one or two CEC(s) in each of the categories in which commercial applicators are currently licensed. Colorado State Univer - sity s South east Area Ex - ten sion is of fer ing two Pesticide Applicator Con - tin u ing Ed u ca tion Credit Work shops. The first work shop will take place Purchasing a home? at the Ag ri cul tural Build - ing in Las Animas on March 28. The train ing is aimed to pro vide new in - for ma tion on pest con trol, health and en vi ron men tal safety, pest man age ment tech nol ogy and changes in pes ti cide laws and reg - u la tions. This work shop pro vides all 7 cred its re - quired for both pri vate and com mer cial ap pli ca - tors to be re-cer ti fied and re new their li censes. In addition, commercial ap - pli ca tors will earn con tin - u ing ed u ca tion cred its in the following categories: Ag ri cul tural In sects (Cat e gory 101), Ag ri cul - tural Plant Dis eases (Cat e gory 102) and Agri - Planning a trip? Need a new vehicle? These are all things we can help you with. We can advise you on different ways of obtaining your goals. Whether it be in the form of loans or helping you open a checking account, or a savings account, rent a safety deposit box for those important papers or provide you with a cup of coffee and a friendly chat about your growing needs. Our customers are our most important asset, and helping you reach your financial goals in life means we ve succeeded. Stop by and see how we can help you! cul tural Weeds (Category 103). The sec ond work shop will be of fered at the fair - grounds, Din ing Hall in Pueblo on March 29. This train ing will also pro vide the core re quire ments (all 7 cred its) for both pri - vate and com mer cial ap - plicators. Commercial ap - pli ca tor will earn cred its in Or ganic Lawn Care (Cat e gory 206) and Tree Pests and Dis eases (Category 207). The work shop fees are $35 for pri vate ap pli ca tors (morn ing ses sions) and $75 for com mer cial ap pli - ca tors (all day ses sions). If you are in ter ested in at - tend ing the work shop, please con tact your lo cal County Ex ten sion Of fice (Bent, Baca, Chey enne, Crowley, Ki owa, Otero, and Prowers) for more in - formation and registra - tion forms. You can also con tact Wilma Trujillo, the South east Area Agronomist, at the Prowers Ex ten sion Of - fice,1001 S Main Street, Lamar, CO. Tel: (719) or at Reg is tra tion dead line is March 27, Death No tices Mi chael Manley, 65 A me mo rial cel e bra tion of life for Eads res i dent and Phy si cian As sis tant, Mi - chael P. Manley will be held at 2:00 p.m., Sat ur day, Feb ru ary 23, 2013 at the Pea cock Fam ily Cha pel in Lamar. Mil i tary Hon ors will be un der the aus pices of the Lamar V.F.W. Post # 3621 and the Lamar Amer i can Le gion Post # 71. Cre ma tion has taken place and there will be no public visitation. Mi chael was born on Oc - to ber 20, 1947 in Sac ra - mento, CA to Pierce and Lorraine (Vanderwater) Manley and de parted this life un ex pect edly on Sat ur - day, Feb ru ary 16, 2013 at the age of 65. Mi chael is pre ceded in death by his par ents. Mi chael P. Manley is sur - vived by his wife Mary Breslin of Eads; by three daughters Patricia (Brian) John son of Tuc son, AZ; Cheryl Perry of Taos, NM; and Sa rah (Ray mond) Van Osten also of Tuc son, AZ; by four grandchildren and three great grand chil dren; along with many, many friends. Those de sir ing may make memorial contributions to the Phy si cian As sis tant Pro - gram at King s Col lege in Wilkes-Barre, PA ei ther di - rectly or through the fu neral home of fice. Ser vices for Mi chael P. Manley are un der the di rec - tion of the Pea cock Fu neral Home in Lamar; pro vid ing our neigh bors with four gen - er a tions of trust and ser - vice. For additional informa - tion and on line con do lences please visit our website at Pat Kingston, 66 Pat (Koch) Kingston, 66, of Den ver, is sur vived by hus band Larry Kingston and chil dren Sean Kingston and Shari Kingston Ad ams. Memorial Services will be held at Mile High Church, 9077 W. Alameda in Lakewood, Col o rado on Fri - day, Feb ru ary 22, 2013 at 2:00 p.m Maine P.O. Box 847 Eads, Colorado Member FDIC Music to Your Ears: Quick Sales with Press Classified Ads! For as little as $3.00 per week, you can reach hundreds of people across southeast Colorado Call February 22, 2013

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