Peo ple & Places. Board of Trustees Positions. Press

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2 Peo ple & Places WEATHER WEATHER Up com ing Events The WEISBROD HOSPITAL AUXILIARY la dies are in vited to the small din ing room in the Ex tended Care Center on Friday, January 30 at 3:00 p.m. We will be col - or ing quilt blocks with cray - ons for Pam Hockett. Come join the fun. The goal is for Pam to make lap robes for residents. The Ki owa County His - toric Preservation Commis - LAMAR THEATRE 219 S. Main - Lamar $7.50 Adults - $5.50 Children & Seniors - $5.50 Thursdays Starts Friday, Jan. 30 AMERICAN SNIPER Stars: Bradley Cooper Fri. & Sat. 6:45 & 9:15 p.m. Sun. thru Thurs. 6:45 p.m. Only Sun. Matinee at 4:00 p.m. COMING SOON THE BOY NEXT DOOR TAKEN 3 PADDINGTON WEDDING RINGER Regular Pricing Thursday Press Kiowa County P.O. Box Maine Street, Eads, CO 2007 All Rights Reserved. Jan Jan. 27 Date High Low Precip T Last year High/Low:...68/-6 Jan. Precip. ( 14/ 15): 0.29/0.17 Year to Date Precip As recorded in Eads by USDA. (USPS ) Legal newspaper of Kiowa County Periodical Postage paid at Eads, Colorado Published Friday of each week. sion will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Mon day, Feb ru ary 2 at the NPS Of fice. All are in vited to attend. The Crow-Lu ther Cul - ture Events Cen ter Board will meet on Wednes day, Feb ru - ary 5, in the Plains Thea tre at 5:00 p.m. Vol un teers may come to ob serve. Kiowa County Republican Cen tral Com mit tee will hold their or ga ni za tional meet ing on Mon day, Feb ru - ary 9, be gin ning at 7:00 pm at the Eads High School li - brary. The prin ci pal pur poses 2 January 30, 2015 R Friday Saturday Sunday An ni ver sa ries February 2 Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Engstrom. February 3 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Kip Peck. February 6 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mari. February 7 Mr. and Mrs. Rex Barlow. Weekend Forecast 48/30 30% chance of rain/snow, mostly cloudy, breezy, S mph. Cloudy 30 % evening with S wind 5-10 mph. 41/21 40 % 34/13 40% chance of rain/snow, cloudy, N wind at 5 mph. Mostly cloudy evening, blustery, N wind mph. Mostly sunny with N wind mph. Partly cloudy evening with E NE wind at 5 mph becoming S SW. Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Friday Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Tues. NO EXCEPTIONS But the earlier the better for set up and getting proof copies back to you! of this meet ing will be: - To elect a Chair man, Vice-Chair - man, and Sec re tary, Trea - surer; - To se lect or des ig nate appropriate vacancy committees for the County Re pub li - can Cen tral Com mit tee; - To con sider amend ments to the by laws and rules to gov ern the organization and conduct of the County; and - To con - duct all other busi ness that may prop erly come be fore the County Republican Cen - tral Com mit tee. For fur ther information, contact Dawn James, Sec.-Treas, Kiowa County Republicans. Change of Meet ing Place - The Weisbrod Hos pi - tal Aux il iary will meet in the new north meet ing room to the left of the up stairs el e va - tor on the usual date, Tues - day, Feb ru ary 10th at 11:00 a.m. for their busi ness meet - ing and elec tion of officers. The Ki owa County Com mis sion ers will meet in reg u lar ses sion on Thurs day, February 12; Thursday, Feb - ru ary 26; Mon day, March 16; Tues day, March 31.Meet ings are held in the Com mis sioner s Of fice at 1305 Goff Street, Eads court house start ing at 9:00 a.m. On meet ing days the com mis sion ers will be eat ing lunch at 12 noon at K&M Ranch House Restaurant. CLCEC Book & Movie Club is read ing book one of the Mortdecai Tril ogy by Kyril Bonfiglioli called DON T POINT THAT THING AT ME for the Feb ru ary 2015 book se lec tion. The group meets every second Saturday of the month at 11 a.m. at the Plains The ater. The Feb ru ary meet ing will be on Feb ru ary 14th at 11:00. We would love to see all book lov ers at these fun meet ings. Re mem - ber, you get free movie tick ets to the up com ing movie and we al ways have a draw ing for the next month s book! PRAIRIE PINES POOL will be open reg u larly from Mon day-fri day - 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sat ur days - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. POOL PARTIES - 2 hours only - $50.00 plus a re fund able $ dam age de posit. Pool Par ties must be sched - Board of Trustees Positions The Town of Eads currently has three vacant Board of Trustees positions. Anyone who is interested may submit a letter of interest. Please submit this letter to Town Hall or mail a letter to the Town of Eads, P.O. Box 8 Eads, CO Letters of Interest will be accepted until the vacancies are filled, letters will be reviewed by the board at the meeting on the second Tuesday of each month. uled. PRICING - Chil dren up to 18 yrs -$ 4.00 per swim; Adults - $5.00 per swim; Se - niors - 65 and over - $3.50 per swim; 12 Swims - $45.00; 20 Swims - $70.00; *All other pro grams or ac tiv i ties will have in di vid - ual pricing. List ings in Up com ing Events are free to non-profit groups or or ga ni za tions, or for gen eral, non-busi ness community announcements. List ing in for ma tion must be sub mit ted by 4:00 p.m. each Tuesday for publication in the next Fri day edi tion. Avail able space may be lim ited. Call (719) for more in - for ma tion or to place your listing. Birth days February 2 Bob Troutman, Grace Forberg, Chevaun Ham - mer. February 3 John Weirich, Pam Crow, Al ice Glover. February 4 Kate Murray, Hans Igou, Al ex - an der Myskiw. February 5 Di ane Schultz, Avery Blanton, Lin coln Hopkins, Lacey Ledet, Jor dan Lee, Vi o let Lane, Chance Fowler, Su - san Simpson, Brady Baxter. February 6 Takota Barnes, Ross Meder, Tysen Barton, Dutch Eikenberg, Shane Bryant, Al Klukowski, Am ber Friar, Korey Morgans, Colbie Bennett, Hous ton Gourley. February 7 Briana Medford, Cauy Stum, Kadence Kern, John Kaufman, Jaselynn Maggart, Monica Uhland. February 8 Erin Schnei der, Alyssa Split ter, Rustin Jensen, Jodi Stolzenberger, Pais ley Weeks, Lois Weisdorfer, Linda Hopkins.

3 Top News Wres tlers Com pete at the Strasburg Tony Tresch Memorial Wrestling Duals By Rhonda Uhland Eads vs. Strasburg Seth Split ter won by de - ci sion over Keenan Mc - Car thy, 11-10; Rhett Uhland lost by fall to Lo - gan Heusser in 0:24; Chance Fowler won by fall over Damon Hounshell in 3:59; Rea gan Lane won by de ci sion over Nathaniel Disher, 7-6; Bryce Batterton lost by fall to Jon a than Still in 1:12; Trent Mitchek lost by fall to Skile Ames in 1:15. Eads vs. Byers Seth Split ter won by fall over Chase McAnlis in 0:54; Rhett Uhland won by fall over Evan States in 2:33; Chance Fowler won by fall over Ty ler Fritzler in 0:36; Rea gan Lane won by fall over Gar ret Solymossy in 2:54; Bryce Batterton won by fall over Char lie Johnsrud in 2:27; and Trent Mitchek won by fall over Wryle Swim in 0:36. Rea gan Lane in ac tion against Nathaniel Disher from Strasburg. Lane wins the match, 7-6. (Rhonda Uhland Photo) Eads vs. Platte Can yon Seth Split ter won by fall over Chris tian Zimmerman in 1:13; Rhett Uhland lost by fall to Ryley McMahen in 2:54; Chance Fowler lost by fall to Gary Rhoads in 1:33; Rea gan Lane won by fall over Josh McKeon in 1:43; Bryce Batterton won by fall over John Middle ton in 5:29; Trent Mitchek won by fall over Connor Pe ter son in 1:21. Eads vs. Erie Seth Split ter lost by fall to Ernie Quintana in 3:57; Rhett Uhland lost by fall to Toby Camp bell in 0:48; Chance Fowler lost by fall to Chris tian Vanlandingham in 2:28; Rea gan Lane won by fall over Jake Schadler in 1:12; Bryce Batterton lost by de ci sion to Trevor Da - vid, 7-5; Trent Mitchek re - ceived a for feit. Ex tra matches for Eads Seth Split ter lost by ma - jor de ci sion to Braden Kappel from Limon, 1-13; Rhett Uhland won by ma - jor de ci sion over Levi Bal anc ing the Needs of All Farm ers: No-Till Con fer ence By Becky Ravenkamp Bal anc ing the needs of a large mem ber ship is the goal of the 27th An nual High Plains No-Till Con - fer ence Feb ru ary 3-4, 2015 in Burlington, CO. With mem bers that are considering no-till to mem bers who have been implementing no-till for 20 or more years of fer ing them all rel e vant in for - ma tion is a chal lenge. This year s con fer ence seeks to do that with speak ers cov er ing a wide range of information. Gen eral farm ing in for - ma tion can be found in sev eral break out ses sions and the key note ad - dresses. Steve Siemens, The Peo ple Builder, will talk about how im por tant it is to change and how we can put fun back into our life style. With ad - vance ments in ev ery part of ag ri cul ture from seed tech nol ogy to equip ment we must have some de - gree of change just to op - er ate. He will put change into per spec tive and leave you feel ing renewed and empowered. Commodity markets have be come a ma jor vari able in farm in come. Betty Corbin has been working in commodity mar kets for over 35 years. Her ses sion will fo cus on how to use op tions to mar - ket your com mod i ties. Haley Harms of Pro-Till will help pro duc ers un - der stand how to use all the data they are col lect - ing on their farms to make de ci sions. Min eral de vel op ment in the High Plains can add to farm in - come or farm head aches. Jenna Keller, Keller Law, will ad dress ten cru cial items to ask for in your sur face use agree ments. These will in clude spe - cific strat e gies and terms for no-till farm ers. BASF will hold an On Tar get Spray ing Acad emy dur - ing the con fer ence that will pro vide hands-on-ed - Trevor Randel push ing for near fall points against Damon Hounshell from Strasburg. Randel wins the match, (Rhonda Uhland Photo) Aguilar from Limon, 15-7; Rea gan Lane won by de - ci sion over Jon a than Still from Strasburg, 9-6; Bryce Batterton won by fall over Cody Beston from Platte Val ley in 4:53; Trent Mitchek lost by fall to Kaleb Gaede from Limon in 1:14. Trevor Randel wres - tling un at tached won by major decision over Damon Hounshell, 14-0; lost by fall to Ty ler Fritzler from Byers in u ca tion for grow ers, re - tail ers and com mer cial ap pli ca tors on her bi cide ap pli ca tion best prac tices and new equip ment tech - nol o gies. From this ses - sion par tic i pants can take away in for ma tion on proper ap pli ca tion tim - ing, noz zle selection, wind speed, droplet size, boon calibration and down-wind buffers. Along with gen eral farm in for ma tion, at ten dees will get a healthy dose of no-till farm information rang ing from nat u ral nu - tri ent cy cling to farmer pan els. Speak ers in clude na tional and in ter na - tional speak ers such as 0:20; lost by ma jor de ci - sion to Gary Rhoads from Platte Can yon, 19-7; lost by de fen sive fall to Chris - tian Vanlandingham from Erie in 3:09. Eads will be wres tling this week in Chey enne Wells on Fri day night start ing at 5:00 p.m. and then on Sat ur day host ing area teams for their an - nual tour na ment start ing at 9:00 a.m. Dr. Kris Nichols, Dr. Elaine Ingham, Jim Gerrish, Wendy Taheri and Brendon Rockey. There is still time to pre-reg is ter or reg is ter at the door the first morn - ing. Com plete de tails can be found on Weather you are a sea - soned no-till farmer, no-till corn only, min i - mum till, or just want to find out more about con - ser va tion prac tices, this year s con fer ence will be worth your time. January 30, 2015 3

4 Agriculture & Outdoor Life USDA Up date By Eads USDA Ser vice Cen ter Dead lines and An nounce ments FEBRUARY 9, 2015 ARCPLC fol low-up meet ing Ki owa Co. Com mu nity Bldg. 5:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 16, 2015 SERVICE CENTER CLOSED for President s Day. FEBRUARY 27, 2015 Base reallocation/ yield up - date ARCPLC cur rent own ers must sign the ap pli - ca ble form. Power of at tor - ney s that have the all cur - rent and all fu ture pro grams box marked on the FSA-211 will be al lowed. MARCH 31, 2015 ARCPLC pro gram elec tion - unan i mous de ci sion be - tween cur rent own ers/op er - a tors. MARCH 15, 2015 NAP dead line to pur chase ba sic or pur chase buy-up cov er - age for spring seeded crops. NAP Cov er age and Buy-Up The 2014 Farm Bill pro - duc ers can pur chase buy-up cov er age on NAP crops. Non-In sured As sis - tance Pro gram crops are those crops that are not in - sur able with RMA (Risk Man age ment As sis tance). NATIVE GRASS IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BUY-UP COVERAGE. Be low is a de - scrip tion of the step by step pro cess for NAP buy up. Step 1 Ser vice Fee Pro duc ers must pay the ser vice fee for the ap pli ca - ble crop(s) by the sales clos - ing date. In Ki owa County for feed crops that date is March 16th, The ser vice fee re mains un - changed for each pro ducer as it is $ per crop, max i mum fee per county of $ and the multi county max i mum of $ The 2014 Farm Bill does al low a waiver of ser vice fees for el i gi ble Lim - ited Re source, Be gin ning Farm ers and So cially Dis ad - van taged Pro duc ers (gen der in cluded). Step 2 -Elect ing Coverage Af ter the ser vice fee is sat - is fied or waived; pro duc ers 4 January 30, 2015 need to elect their cov er age for the crop(s). The elected and price cov er age are as follows. Yield / Price 50 / 55 orig i nal cov er - age prior to / / / / 100 Step 3 - Re port of Acre age and No tice of Loss Requirements Pro duc ers will need to com plete an acre age re port on an FSA-578 by the re - port ing dead line. Pro duc ers are re quired to re port NAP crop planted acres by the acre age re port ing dead line. Pre vent Plant acres must be re ported with 15 days af ter the crop acre age re port ing date. If the crop suf fers any dam age from an el i gi ble weather event, the pro ducer must file a No tice of Loss to the FSA of fice within 15 days from the time the loss occurs. Step 4 - Pro duc tion Re port ing Pro duc ers must re port any har vested pro duc tion by the re port ing dead line. Step 5 -Pay Pre mium Pre mi ums are billed 60 days prior to the sub se - quent year application clos - ing date for the crop. Ex am - ple the 2015 pre mium for for age sor ghum would be billed be fore Jan u ary 15th, The pre mium would be due by Feb ru ary 15th, Pre mi ums are cal cu lated by share of crop x num ber of acres x pro ducer s ap proved yield x cov er age level x ap - pli ca ble price x 5.25% pre - mium fac tor. So cially dis ad - van taged farm ers (gen der in cluded) and be gin ning farm ers are qual i fied for a 50% re duc tion in pre mi - ums. Ex am ple of pre mium cal - cu la tion for a sor ghum for - age crop. 100% share x 100 acres x 1.0 t yield x.65% x $ x 5.25% = $ NAP Buy-Up Cal cu lat ing Tool USDA has a tool avail able to as sist pro duc ers who wish to calculate coverage and pre mium. The website for the tool is bapp?area=home&subject=dia p&topic=nap. Click on the ac cess on line tool link on the page and fol low the in - struc tions. County USDA Con tact Info Tele phone FSA (Ext 2), NRCS (Ext 3). Fax num ber: in di vid u als firstname.lastname@ (Ex am ple, charla.ferris, dawna.weirich, hallie.barlow, mor rell.koch, marvin.watson, mar - lin.miller Ki owa County Farm Loan Contact Info Telephone (ext2) Natalie Bond;; Mary Rhoades, $18 Mil lion Avail able to Sup port Train ing for Be gin ning Farm ers and Ranch ers By Traci Bruckner The US De part ment of Ag ri cul ture an nounced more than $18 mil lion in fund ing avail able to sup - port train ing, mentoring, and de vel op ment of be - gin ning farm ers and ranch ers through the Be - gin ning Farmer and Rancher De vel op ment Program. We helped cre ate and ad vo cate for this pro gram in the 2002 Farm Bill. It was fi nally funded in the 2008 Farm Bill. The need was clear then and re mains so to day. A num ber of be gin ning farm ers and ranch ers don t have di rect roots to ag ri cul ture. While they yearn for the hon est, hard work you find in farm ing or ranch ing, they need help learn ing the ropes. The Be gin ning Farmer and Rancher De vel op - ment Pro gram awards grants to or ga ni za tions im ple ment ing pro grams to train be gin ning farm - ers and ranch ers. Fund - ing in cludes sup port for work shops, farmer-to-farmer mentoring, and tech ni cal assistance. Since the pro gram was first funded and put on the ground in 2009, 145 awards have been made. That s more than $71 mil - lion ded i cated to giv ing the next gen er a tion of farm ers and ranch ers the know-how to succeed. A fo cus on pro jects for vet eran be gin ning farm - ers and ranch ers has been added this time. It joins pre vi ous set-asides for socially-disadvantaged, lim ited-re source, or farmworkers who want a start in agriculture. Or ga ni za tions ex pe ri - enced in serv ing be gin - ning farm ers and ranch - ers must sub mit their ap pli ca tions by March 13, If you are a be gin - ning farmer or rancher look ing to find train ing and mentoring op por tu ni - ties, call us at or send an to We ll point you in the right direction.

5 With ev ery thing that has hap pened to you, you can ei ther feel sorry for your self or treat what hap pened to you as a Gift. Ev ery thing is either an opportunity to grow or an ob sta cle to keep you from grow ing. You get a Choice. Wayne W. Dyer Thanks to Wally Mosher s friend, Ed Sin gle ton of Col o - rado Springs gave his De - cem ber 2014 is sue of the Smith so nian Mag a zine to send down to Eads friends to read the re ally fine seven page ar ti cle about Eads and the Na tional Sand Creek Mas sa cre story by Tony Horwitz. The pho tos by Joanna B. Pinneo are out - stand ing and es pe cially a large photo of our Town of Eads Judge and a sea sonal Ranger at the NHP site, Jeff Camp bell. The au thor stated that Jeff Camp bell worked for 20 years as a criminal investigator for the state of New Mex ico. He spe cial ized in cold cases but these days Camp bell is us ing his sleuth ing skills on a case so cold it s bur ied be - neath a cen tury and a half of windblown prai rie. The ar ti cle men tions the names of lo cal ranch woman, Joyce Mayo, Dr. Alexa Rob - erts and Ka ren Wilde of the Sand Creek Mas sa cre Na - tional Park staff. Mr. Horwitz re counts the his - tory be fore and af ter the mass mur der of mem bers of the Chey enne and Arap aho tribes with pho tos, maps, and re search. Sin cere sym pa thy and prayers have been lifted up in many south east ern com - mu ni ties for the par ents of 16 year old Carley Yokum of Kim, Col o rado, who lost her life last week. She has been bat tling leu ke mia can cer since Au gust. Af ter hav ing che mo ther apy, she suc - cumbed to an in fec tion that About Town By Do ris Lessenden Com mu nity Life at tacked her young body. TyLin Wil liams of Brandon shared these quotes that were on Carly s Facebook page. I think they re flect a brave, be liev ing young woman: Just be your self. Let peo ple see the real, im - per fect, flawed quirky, weird, beau ti ful and mag i - cal per son that you are. I m not beau ti ful like you, I am beau ti ful like me. Do more of what makes you happy. Stand up for what you be lieve in, even if it means stand ing alone. And lastly, I can do all things through Christ who strength ens me from Philippians 4:13. I first heard about Carly at the Eads FCA meet ing, (Fel low - ship of Chris tian Ath letes) last fall when our stu dents were con cerned and pray ing for Carly Yokum. These life ex pe ri ences hurt so much. Eads and Haswell Se nior Cit i zens met at their re spec - tive Cen ters last Wednes day de spite a wet snow that kept some cit i zens at home. How ever dur ing the af ter - noon the snow be gan to melt. Pam Crow is fa cil i tat - ing var i ous games on Wednes day af ter noon in Eads at the Cen ter. In Haswell the folk visit, play cards, and some days the traveling beautician comes to of fer her bar ber ing skills. Bobbi Uhland, Terry Laird, Brenda Stoker, Roger Bentley and Bonnie Lessenden are Art ists of the Plains mem bers who keep the Art ist of the Plains Gal - lery open on Thurs day, Fri - day, and Sat ur days at l0:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We hope shop pers will check out our out stand ing gift shop and three rooms of works of art plus a stu dent art space. An other gift shop in Eads is within Jeanne Sorensen s Com puter and Elec tronic shop, the Plains Net work on Maine. She has many nice economical gifts and some beau ti ful west ern art pieces. As we were go ing into Weisbrod Hos pi tal for the Cha pel ser vice Sunday, Denis Weber was go ing out re joic ing in the sun to be out side af ter be ing a pa tient for four days. He was ac - com pa nied by his wife, Theresa, and grand daugh - ter and friend from Den ver and also his son, Jerry and his son, Quinton Weber from Sheridan Lake. Pas tor Delbert Beard was glad to have his wife back to play the pi ano for cha pel. Margie was gone to De cem - ber to be with her Mother who has since passed. Our sym pa thy goes out to Margie and fam ily af ter the loss of her Mother. Glaida Cra ven of Kit Car - son is a lit tle better as long as she stays qui etly at home un til she has back sur gery. We were glad she wel - comed our Bi ble Study group to her din ing ta ble last week in her newly re - mod eled home. Her daugh - ter, Jaryl, is keep ing the Sage Brush Art Gal lery open. Ed u ca tors, Sue Fox and Dawn James, hosted the Eads Invitational Knowledge Bowl last Fri day where 18 schools brought 39 teams. It was such a big Bowl that they had to put teams in the Band room and the Ag Shop. When I went up to visit mid morn - ing, the Eads A team was ahead, how ever the Spring - field A and B Teams won the tro phies and Eads came in fourth of thirty nine. This Knowl edge Bowl takes a lot of plan ning by Mrs. Fox and Mrs. James. We do ap pre ci - ate them. Some area Vol un teer Fire De part ments have been re - or ga nized with new lead er - ship this month. In Eads the new Fire Chief is Jeff Myer, and As sis tant Fire Chief is Kyle Crow. We had such a pro duc tive Crow Lu ther Cul tural Events Cen ter meet ing Wednes day. Some lo cal peo ple have made gen er ous do na tions. CLCEC is now plan ning their April Board Meet ing, din ner, and en ter tain ment. Their next pro ject will be to be gin build ing a small kitchen for the con ces sion stand. Due to the clos ing of the K & M Ranch House, Cin na - mon Joe s place on Wanstead and High way 287 may be open more hours, how ever I could n t con firm that on Mon day. The Cham ber of Com - merce is inviting individuals to join the group with dues of $ Small busi - nesses pay $75.00 and Large Busi nesses (those who have 20 or more em - ploy ees) pay $ I can tell you from ex pe ri ence this is a grat i fy ing group to be long to. We need more mem bers, more ideas, and more work ers for the pro - jects of the Cham ber. This is a vol un teer group for the good of our Town of Eads. They nor mally meet on the first Wednes day of the month at noon. At the Thurs day Cof fee Hour at Weisbrod last week, when we heard the café had closed, we knew we needed a new meet ing place. La - dies and gen tle man, our Feb ru ary 10th Hos pi tal Aux il iary meet ing will be in the Hos pi tal meet ing room at 11:00 a.m. The Thurs day, Fri day, Sat - ur day bas ket ball games went well. It was good to see the Eads Wres tlers come into the gym from Strasburg Sat ur day night to watch the games. I want to re mind Wres tling fans that the Eads In vi ta tional meet will be right here in town this Sat ur day. I en cour age you to come out to sup port our guys and to watch the wres tlers from other schools. The Un bro ken movie was about the re al ity of his - tory, that it left many of my friends and me with a deep sad ness bit a heart of huge grate ful ness for all the men and women who gave their lives and served dur ing not only in WWII but the Ko rean War, Viet Nam War, the Gulf Wars, and any other times. Thank you. Pastor s Pearls By Pas tor Rich ard Zabriskie Sling shots Like ty ing a stone in a sling is the giv ing of honor to a fool. Prov erbs 26:8 NEAL MANN Cell: (785) FARM & RANCH REALTY, INC W. 4th - Colby, Kansas (785) Fax: (785) TOLL FREE: January 30, 2015 5

6 Home Coun try Doc was just get ting up to leave the philosophy counter as Herb walked in. Herb was grin ning and flex ing mus cles and had the look of ea gles in his eyes. We stared. Herb, said Doc. You know, you can overdo a good thing. Card of Thanks The fam ily of Dor o thy Crockett would like to thank ev ery one for your prayers, cards, and sup port. A spe cial thank you to the Towner Meth - od ist Church and com mu nity for the ser vice and din ner which hon ored Dot and our families. May the grace of the Lord Je sus Christ, and the love of God, and the fel low ship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14 Thank You! Mi chael Zimmerman Paul & Renee Zimmerman By Slim Randles Why Doc what ever do you mean? I re al ize that get ting more exercise is your resolution for the new year, but a man your age you need to pace your self a lit tle, that s all. Don t try to get in shape all at once. Why Doc, I ve never felt better in my life. Hey, you were so right to get me on this ex er cise kick. I ve been mean ing to thank you. It s just what I ve been need ing. What would you think about my play ing some foot ball in the spring? I mean, it s just touch foot - ball, but I miss the ol razz-matazz, you know? Doc shook his head sadly and walked out. Herb started laugh ing and sat down with us and flipped his cup over for his morn ing eye opener. What was that all about, Herb? Dud asked. 6 January 30, 2015 A lit tle joke I m play ing on Doc, that s all, Herb said. You re mem ber how Doc has been on my case to get more ex er cise and slim down some? Well, there was only one way to shut him up, so I started run - ning. I bought a sweat suit and started run ning. I run past his house each morn - ing. Then, about an hour later, I run past his house the other di rec tion, huff ing and puff ing and look ing at my watch. An hour? You run for an hour each morn ing? Of course not, Herb said, laugh ing. I run past Doc s house then walk the block to the li brary. An hour later, I run past Doc s house and then walk two blocks home. We stared at him. What? he said. You know Doc s go ing to worry about me one way or the other. I just thought I d change it up a bit. Brought to you by Strange Tales of Alaska, by Slim Randles. Now avail able on Death No tice Larry Kelly, 80 A Cel e bra tion of Life for current Scottsdale, Arizona res i dent, for merly of Lamar and Towner, Larry Kelly was held at 10:00 a.m. on Mon - day, De cem ber 29, 2014 at the Lamar Chris tian Church with Ian Blacker of fi ci at ing. In ter ment fol lowed at Fairmount Cem e tery. Larry was born on July 26, 1934 at Bea ver, Oklahoma to Clyde M. and Eula Dean Kelly and passed away on De cem ber 18, 2014 at the age of 80. Larry farmed and ranched in eastern Colorado for many years and he also earned his de gree in ac - count ing at CU Boul der in the mid 1960 s. He also worked as an au di tor and CPA in many com mu ni ties on the Front Range. Larry and his wife re tired to Ar i - zona due to health con cerns in the 1980 s. He is pre ceded in death by his wife; Lois Ann Kelly, his par ents, sis ter; Aud rey Charlene Atkinson and his Aunt Ila June and Un cle E.I. Jack Spaulding. Larry is sur vived by his daugh ter; Car o lyn Sue Thomp son of Scottsdale, AZ, grandchildren; Ben Thomp son of Phoe nix, AZ, Erin Rinaldo and her hus - band of Ster ling, CO and Robin Thomp son of Breckenridge, CO. He is also sur vived by his great-grand daugh ters; Ada Su san Thomp son, Ma rie Kelly Thomp son and Madalynn Claire Rinaldo, sis ters; Betty Kelly McCaskill of Gen try, AR and Lela June Bailey of Wheeler, TX as well as nu mer ous friends and rel a tives. Ser vices are un der the di - rec tion of the Pea cock Fam - ily. For current information and on line con do lences please visit our website at Card of Thanks The Eads High School knowl - edge bowl team mem bers and coaches would like to ex tend a huge thank you to ev ery one who helped at our con test. We could n t have had such a suc - cess ful meet with out the help of the ded i cated school staff mem bers. Com mu nity vol un - teers in cluded Laura Negley, Kayla Murdock, Brenda Stoker, Laurie Musgrave, Terri Salis - bury, Larry Gifford, Donna Owens, Valorie Briggs, Tim Weeks, Raina Lynch, and Dustin Nel son. We would also like to thank Daryll Ad am son and Nancy Walker for their help.thank you, Eads High School Knowl - edge Bowl Team Dawn James and Sue Fox Kiowa County Hospital District Weisbrod Memorial Hospital P.O. Box Eads, CO Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Open during lunch Saturdays - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Our Medical Staff: Dr. Jeffrey Waggoner Dawn Back, PA Dr. Megan Silva Dr. David Lenderts For appointments call Eads

7 Charles Eder, 91 Charles LaVerne Eder was born Jan u ary 6, 1924 to Char ley and Eunice Eder. LaVerne, as he was known by his mid dle rather than first, was born at the home - stead five miles south east of Eads as was his sis ter Lois. LaVerne died sud denly on Jan u ary 6, 2015 at his win - ter home in Yuma, Ar i zona. His wife of 69 years, Mary Ilene Eder is left to mourn his pass ing along with his chil dren, Terence LaVerne Eder (Linda) of Eads, CO, Roger Walker Eder (Bonnie) of Riverton, WY and Mar i lyn Popejoy of Raytown, MO. Grandchildren surviving are Kimberly Eder, Ja son Strother, Heather Camp bell (Jim), Eric Eder, Zachary Popejoy, Bethany Popejoy, Ty ler Popejoy (Severina) and Cody Popejoy. There are seven great-grand chil - dren and three great-great-grand chil dren sur viv ing.laverne was pre - ceded in death by his fa ther, Char ley Eder, his mother, Eunice Bow ers, his sis ter, Lois Wag ner and grand - Obit u ary daugh ter, Leah Michelle Popejoy. LaVerne grad u ated from Eads High School, mar ried Mary Ilene Walker Feb ru ary 11, 1945 in Eads, CO. The US Army called him up just a few short months af ter be - ing mar ried and he served in the Cal vary in New York. Upon his re turn from duty, like his fa ther Char ley, LaVerne chose farm ing and ranch ing to pro vide for his fam ily. In 1968, LaVerne be gan work ing for the State of Colorado Highway De - part ment but con tin ued to farm and raise cat tle. Af ter 30 years on the State High - way, LaVerne re tired. It was at that time that he and Ilene be gan their ad ven ture in a mo tor home to travel and visit warmer cli mates. They set tled on Yuma, AZ as a regular winter destina - tion and pur chased prop erty there. LaVerne con tin ued to farm in Yuma as he raised or anges and grape fruit. He spent a con sid er able amount of time pick ing and juic ing the fruit and trans - port ing the fruit of his la bor back to Eads. A fa vor ite past-time the cou ple en - joyed while in Yuma was that of danc ing. Many last - ing friend ships were forged through the con tacts made with dance part ners in Yuma and south east Col o - rado. I think some of the things many folks will re mem ber LaVerne for was his cheer ful at ti tude, can did and some - times blunt man ner of speak ing and of course his quick wit and sense of hu - mor. That man could re - mem ber a joke and tell it at just the right time and al - ways re mem ber the punch line. LaVerne made great ef fort to make his fam ily know they were im por tant. He and Ilene trav eled great dis - tances to at tend grad u a - tions, wed dings and other mo men tous oc ca sions in the lives of his chil dren and grand chil dren as well as other rel a tives and friends. Most deeply, he will be missed by his wife of al most 70 years. His chil dren, grandchildren, great grand - children, other relatives and friends will feel a loss and emp ti ness that can only be filled by rich and cher ished mem o ries for which we can be for ever grate ful. Fu neral ser vices were held on Jan u ary 17, 2015 at the United Meth od ist Church in Eads with Pas tor Nancy Peacock officiating. Char lotte Woelk, Love Liebl, Syl via Weeks and Mary Eikner pro vided the mu sic for the ser vice. Com mit tal ser vices fol lowed in the Eads Cemetery. Serving as cas ket bear ers were: Cody Popejoy, Ty ler Popejoy, Eric Eder, Nich o las Eder, Zachary Popejoy and Ja son Strother. Honorary casket bear ers were: Chuck Hackett, Wil liam Woelk, Mar lin Eder, Paul Simmons and Harvey Hollis. Memorial contributions can be made to the Eads Se nior Cit i zens Cen ter or the Eads United Meth od ist Church. Friends and fam ily can register online condolences and sign the guest book at Vis i ta tion and fu neral ser - vices were en trusted to the care of the Brown Fu neral Home. Ki owa County Sher iff s Report January 2015 Agency As sist 4; Alarm 1; Am bu lance 1; An i mal Prob lem 1; Civil Prob lem 1; Civil Pro cess 1; Con trolled Sub stance 1; Do mes tic Prob lem 1; DUI 5; Fin ger print 2; Fraud 1;Health/safety 2; Ju ve nile Prob lem 1; Informational 3; Public Eads C-Store Peace 1; Pub lic Ser vice 4; Se cu rity Check 1; Sus pi cious Per son 1; Sus pi cious Ac tiv ity 1; Traffic (criminal viola - tion) 1; Traf fic Ac ci dent 4; Traf fic Crime 2; Traf - fic Prob lem 4; Traf fic Vi - o la tion 1; U.A. 5; Vin 3; Warrant 1. Eads Consumers Supply We have: Propane - Batteries (Marine/Car) - Tires & Tubes - Oil - Feed - Bulk Fuel We can: Fix truck tires Service jobs - Brakes - On-the-road tire repair Country C-Store Hot Dogs - Sandwiches - Pizza Oven - Ice Cream - Chips & Snacks - Candy - Dining Area Pop 6-12 oz. cans - $ oz. bottles - $3.49 Craig Kerfoot Associate Broker Mobile: Please contact me for your real estate needs January 30, 2015 7

8 LCC Re new able En ergy and Ki owa County Team Up for Energy Efficient Project By Kristin M. Lub bers This sum mer, the LCC Re new able En ergy Pro - gram was given an ex cel - lent op por tu nity to show - case their ac quired skills. They were ap proached by the county com mis sion - ers of Ki owa County to NATIONAL FARMERS UNION INSURANCE COMPANIES Your National Farmers Union Insurance Agent In Kiowa County Melinda J. Kelley P.O. Box South Main Street Lamar, Colorado (719) or help de velop a so lar light ing sys tem for the Vet eran s Me mo rial at the roadside park in Eads. LCC s pro gram was asked to as sist in de vel op - ing a so lar light ing sys - tem to be used in place of traditional electric grid power. Specifically, the so - lar ar ray and sys tem would con tain equip ment to light the flag on a 40 foot flag pole and two lights to illuminate the front and back of the me - mo rial on an elevated cement pad. Af ter sev eral phone calls and site vis its, the two or ga ni za tions were able to de velop a plan that the commissioners ap - proved. LCC staff and stu - dents de vel oped and in - stalled the sys tem, while the county was re spon si - ble for pur chas ing equip - ment and sup plies along with com plet ing ce ment and un der ground work. This phase of the pro ject was completed in late Fall LCC s en ergy stu dents trav eled to Eads Oc to ber 6th and 8th to do the ac - tual in stal la tion as part of their on go ing ed u ca tion. Part of this group was made up of new stu dents from the Fort Lyon cam - pus in Bent County. These stu dents not only did much of the work, but were also able to uti lize their past work ex pe ri ences in do ing a professional installation of the light ing sys tem. The Fort Lyon stu dents are part of an on go ing co - op er a tive ef fort be tween the State of Col o rado and LCC. This part ner ship of - fers Fort Lyon res i dents ways to im prove on new and ex ist ing skills to be better pre pared to meet the challenges of today s workforce. The stu dents es ti mated that by us ing so lar pow - ered lights and not in stall - ing a tra di tional elec tri - cally pow ered grid that, be tween in stal la tion costs and power us age, Ki owa County will save an av er age of $ a year over the next 10 years. Stu dents of the Re new - able En ergy pro gram will re turn to Eads twice in the Spring 2015 se mes ter to per form ad di tional test ing and see how well the light ing and pan els are per form ing. These trips of fer new stu dents and re turn ing stu dents to re visit the pro ject to make ob ser va tions and ad just ments as nec es - sary. This kind of long term pro ject of fers stu - dents hands-on ex pe ri - ence and ac cess to con - tinue to mon i tor the re sults of their ef forts in a lasting and meaningful way. For more information re gard ing LCC s Re new - able En ergy pro grams, please con tact Kelli Gaines at (719) or by at Moving? Don t forget to tell us! Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital and Extended Care Unit "Providing Twenty-Four Hour Care with a Personal Touch" *Post Hospital (Swing Bed) Care *Nursing Home Care *Skilled Therapies For more information please contact Social Service Director 1208 Luther Street Eads, Colorado (719) Ext January 30, 2015

9 School & Youth Prai rie Queen 4H Meets By Lakota Roberson Prai rie Queen 4-H club had their first meet ing of Meet ing was called to or der by Pres. Lakota at 3:05 p.m. Sunday, Jan u - ary 18, 2015 at Court House meet ing room. Pledges were led by Alexa -American, Molly-4-H. Roll Call was: What is your fa vor ite H in 4-H. Mem bers Pres ent: Pres. Lakota Roberson, Vice Pres. Cameryn Mar tin, Sec. Kaycee Ellenberger, Tres. Molly Stolzenberger, Brook lyn Jones, Layla McPherson, Em ily and Alexa Nel son, Hatch Nel son, Taygen Fer ris, Samatha Rose, Chase Stolzenberger, Ty Wil son, Lauren and Ross Brown, Kath er ine Eads School Cal en dar Thurs day, Jan. 29 Time change: 5:00 p.m. HS BB (H) Wiley 2 var sity games. Mon day, Feb. 2 - FBLA Meet ing. Tues day, Feb. 3 - FBLA Dist. Lead er ship at La Junta. Thurs day, Feb. 5-1:00 p.m. MS W at C.W. lv 11:15 Coach H. Uhland Tak ing MS Wres tlers. 2:15 to 8:00 This Week Fri., Sat., Jan. 30 & 31-7 p.m Sun., Feb. 1-6 p.m. INTO THE WOODS Anna Kendrick, Meryl Streep, Chris Pine A witch tasks a childless baker and his wife with procuring magical items from classic fairy tales to reverse the curse put on their family tree. (PG) Trosper, Koree Ellenberger, Bradley and Aaron Musgrave, Alex Hishinuma, Will Crow, Cade and Mad i son McDowell, Gar ret and Brinden Williams. Min utes were read by Kaycee there was no ad - di tions or changes to min - utes from Oct. meet ing. It was moved and sec onded to ap prove min utes mo - tion passed. A thank you card was read for good ies bags from Lougene Jacobs. Trea sur ers Re port was gave by Molly, she re - ported on cut lery sales also. No bills at this time. Old Busi ness: En roll - ment was dis cussed it is on line this year and ev - ery one try to get en rolled Plains Theater Par ent/teacher Con fer - ences. 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. Summer Baseball Chili Sup per. Fri day, Feb. 6-8:30 a.m. HS KB at McClave lv 7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. HS BB (H) KC. Sat ur day, Feb. 7-9:00 a.m. HS W at CC lv 5:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. HS BB (H) Holly. Next Week Fri., Sat., Feb. 6 & 7-7 p.m Sun., Feb. 8-6 p.m. TAKEN 3 Ex-government operative Bryan Mills is accused of a ruthless murder he never committed or witnessed. As he is tracked and pursued, Mills brings out his particular set of skills to find the true killer and clear his name. (PG 13) COMING SOON: February AMERICAN SNIPER this month dead line is how ever Mar. 2nd. Also need com ple tion pa pers signed. RADA Cut lery sales went well, Taygen, Alex, Brandon and Brently Lening was top sell ers. Year end meet ing was dis cussed had good turn out.peo ple en joyed get ting good ies bags. Also dis cussed was chang ing meet ing days and times as of now will stay same. New Busi ness: T-Shirts ideas were dis cussed, Alexa had a few ideas, get ideas to Shawn or Glo ria. Com ple tions were dis - cussed, what all you need to have done to show for Ex hibit Day and Fair. Other Busi ness: Fair Grounds Improvements Stock Show, mem bers that went Lakota, Brook - lyn, Molly, Alexa and Em - ily talked about what they did. Dem on stra tion: Lakota gave an ex am ple what to do and how to pres ent a dem on stra tion or talk to the club. Fifteen Years Ago January 28, 1999 Eads Jr. High Basketball team won their 3rd consecutive league championship in Cheyenne Wells with a win over Kit Carson Twenty-Five Years Ago January 25, 1989 The worst storm in 2 years dumped up to a foot of snow on Kiowa County and made driving hazardous. The much needed moisture was Eads CO-OP C-Store Im por tant Dates: Lead er ship De vel op ment Con fer ence Jan Youth Fest Feb Coun - cil Meet ing Feb. 2nd, Beef Weigh In Feb. 21th. It was moved and sec - onded to ad journ meet - ing, mo tion passed, ad - journed 3:35 meet ing Feb. 15th 3:00 p.m. court house. Host fam i lies for next meet ing Brown and Ellenberger. We then en joyed snacks, fresh baked cook ies the Cloverbuds made. Cloverbud mem bers pres ent: Hailee Trosper, Clay ton Nel son, Kara Wil - son, Peyton Eder, Gaige Ar nold, Gabe Hadley, Zoie Kraft, As pen Nel son, Mia Crow, Braya Fer ris, Shaine Winder and Carmen McPherson with help from Cloverbud Leader Glo ria Trosper and some as sis tance from Missy Jones and Ashlynn Miner. Their craft pro ject was treats with thumb prints to make hearts EHS Track & Field Sched ule Date, Lo ca tion, Time Sub ject to change. Sat. March 21 Lamar - 9:00. Fri. March 27 - La Junta TBA. Sat. March 28 Elbert - 9:00. Sat. April 4 Limon - 8:30. Sat. April 11 Spring - field - 10:00. Sat. April 18 Holly - Pages from the Past (719) Forty Years Ago January 24, 1974 Two new faces in the sheriff s office is newly elected Sheriff Larry Watts and Deputy Sheriff Larry Rehm. Benjamin Vick was arrested and charged with impersonation. He was in Eads and pretending to be a doctor looking to set up a practice. The Eads Eagles remain undefeated in 9:00. Sat. April 25 Spring - field - 10:00. Thurs. April 30 - Chey - enne Wells - 9:00. Sat. May 2 - Limon (1A In vi ta tional) - 9:00. Fri. May 8 - South east League Meet (Holly) - 10:00. May 14, 15, 16 - State Den ver (Jeffco Sta dium) TBA. basketball as they defeated Plainview Fifty Years Ago frozen over wheat fields. January 22, 1964 Members of the board Eads, Colorado (719) Member FDIC of directors of Smokey Hill Air Services agreed to deed the current airport facilities west of Eads to the county or the town. The reisgnation of Mayor G. Erle Moore was accepted by the Eads Town Board and Mayor Pro-Tem Bernard Koch was elected to serve as Mayor. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bell purchased Bill s Market Basket here in Eads. Press Kiowa County (719) January 30, 2015 9

10 Government & Commentary Town of Eads Meet ing Min utes The Reg u lar Meet ing of the Town of Eads Board of Trust ees was called to or - der by Mayor Baxter, Tues day, De cem ber 9, 2014, at 7:12 p.m. in the City Hall. Chris tina Ad - am son took roll: Mayor Mar i lyn K. Baxter; Trust - ees Den nis Pearson, Justin McLoud, and Larry Gifford were pres - ent. Town Clerk Chris - tina Ad am son; Di rec tor of Pub lic Works Van Brown Jr. Justin McLoud as the li - ai son to the Fire De part - ment stated that the flow test ing that was to be done in 2014 would not be done un til For bud - get pur poses it was agreed to pay in ad vance for this so that the test ing for 2015 would still be within the budget. Law En force ment Re - port - No re port was given but Justin McLoud stated that he was get ting com - plaints about dan ger ous driv ing be hav ior on the dirt roads in town and would pass this along to the Sher iff s De part ment. The min utes were read pre vi ously by the Board. Den nis Pearson moved to Your Local Source For Business Cards Full Color or Black & White Printing Flexible Quantities to Meet Your Needs From as little as 50 cards to 1,000 s Most card orders are printed in 5 days or less! Kiowa County Press Plains Printing, Inc Maine Street, Eads ap prove the min utes. Justin McLoud sec onded, motion carried. The fi nance com mit tee re viewed the bills. Den nis Pearson moved to ap - prove pay ment of the bills in the packet and the bring up bills, Larry Gifford sec onded, mo tion car ried. Town Bud get At 7:35 p.m. Mayor Baxter opened the bud get hear - ing. There were no con - stit u ents pres ent and no questions, objections or amend ments to the pro - posed bud get. Larry Gifford moved to ap prove Or di nance 394, to adopt the bud get for the Town of Eads 2015 cal en dar year. Den nis Pearson sec - onded, mo tion car ried. Den nis Pearson moved to ap prove Or di nance 395, to set mill lev ies for the 2015 cal en dar year. Justin McLoud sec onded, mo - tion car ried. Larry Gifford moved to ap pro - pri ate sums of money to the var i ous funds for the 2015 cal en dar year. Justin McLoud sec onded, mo - tion car ried. At 8:30 Den - nis Pearson moved to close the bud get hear ing, Larry Gifford seconded, motion carried. Old Busi ness It was agreed that, as stated in the em ployee hand book, all full time em ploy ees will be paid at 10 January 30, 2015 an hourly rate with ex cep tion of the ex empt em ploy ees, Van Brown and Chris tina Ad am son, who are paid sal ary. Justin McLoud moved to ap prove a 3% sal ary in - crease for all full time em - ploy ees for Larry Gifford sec onded, motion carried Ac cord ing to Or di nance 368 as to whether cit i zens of Eads are re quired to ob tain a tran sient sales per mit to sell items from remote locations within the town, it was de ter - mined that any one sell ing in Eads should have a sales per mit and fees will not be re quired for res i - dents of Eads. The 2015 Po lice Agree - ment was ap proved by the Board and will be pre - sented for ap proval at the De cem ber 11th Ki owa Commissioners Meeting. Larry Gifford moved to ap prove Or di nance 397 as pre sented with the ap - proval of the Town At tor - ney. Justin McLoud sec - onded, motion carried. Res o lu tion 225, the main te nance agree ment with Util ity Ser vice for the west wa ter tank was pre sented for ap proval. Larry Gifford moved to ap prove the agree ment pend ing ap proval from the Town At tor ney. Den - nis Pearson sec onded, motion carried. Kent Electric, LLC. For all of your Electrical needs, Agricultural, Residential, and Commercial Honest, Hardworking, and Reliable! Please call: or V&S Rail way Up date vid ers. A de ci sion will be Chris tina con tacted made at a later date af ter Pamela Fischhaber of the PUC and she stated that the PUC has been in ef fec - they have had a chance to re view all insurances. Larry Gifford moved to tive in get ting a re sponse ap prove Res o lu tion 224 from V&S. She ex plained au tho riz ing the re newal that while the owner of of par tic i pa tion in the the railway is responsible self-in sur ance pool for the la bor of the main - te nance the road au thor - ity is re spon si ble for cost of ma te ri als for the main - te nance or sur face re - through CIRSA. Justin McLoud sec onded, mo - tion carried. Den nis Pearson moved to ap prove Or di nance 393 place ment. We were ad - es tab lish ing rates and vised to file a re quest with the PUC to pave over the cross ing. We would be re - charges for wa ter, san i ta - tion, and sewer in the Town of Eads ef fec tive spon si ble for the cost of Jan u ary 1, Justin this but it will prob a bly be the only vi a ble op tion for us other than to wait and see if they aban don the line and pull up the rails, at which time we would McLoud sec onded, mo - tion carried. Equip ment Pur chase / Lease This was ta bled un til the Jan u ary meet - ing. prob a bly have to bear the Christ mas Tur keys cost for re pair ing the The Board ap proved the cross ings. No decision pur chase of tur keys to was made at this time. New Busi ness The Court Clerk has con tacted Prowers and Bent County Jails and has re ceived a ver bal M.O.U. with them. We will work on get ting them in writ - ing. We will also have the no tice to absconders pub - lished in the pa per, posted around town and hand de - liv ered to each absconder. In thirty days from the pub lish date the Judge will is sue bench war rants for any one who has n t give to all Town em ploy - ees. Larry Gifford moved to give each full time em - ployee $ in Eads Bucks for their 2014 bo - nus. Justin McLoud sec - onded, mo tion car ried. The pool in come and ex - pense re port was pro - vided for re view. Justin McLoud will dis - cuss the sched ul ing of ran dom drug test ing for the Fire De part ment vol - un teers with the Fire Chief in an at tempt to paid or made ar range - better accommodate ments with the Court to pay their past due fines. Larry Gifford moved to their schedules. Justin noted that he may have to be gone for ap prove Res o lu tion 223 the Jan u ary meet ing. We au tho riz ing the mu nic i pal court to is sue bench war - rants and a pub lic no tice will check to see if we will have a quo rum if he is n t there or if we will have to of am nesty of thirty days re sched ule to a time to absconders, Justin when ev ery one can McLoud seconded, attend. motion carried. With noth ing else to The Board was pro - come be fore the Board vided a com par i son of the the meet ing was ad - bids for health in sur ance journed at 9:40 p.m. cov er age from four pro -

11 Pub lic No tice TOWN OF EADS At the Reg u lar Meet ing of the Town of Eads Board of Trust ees to be held Thurs day, Jan u ary 8th, 2014, the fol low ing bills were ap - proved for pay ment: General, Salaries.... $5, Water, Salaries..... $3, Utility, Salaries..... $2, Fire Department, Salaries $2, Management Agreement Reimbursed by Unity Village $1, Ki owa County, Po lice Con tract Services $4, Amanda L. Brown, CPA, Ac count ing $1, Waddell & Reed, Re tire ment & Addl. Re tire ment.... $ CDOR, Pay roll Taxes.. $ CIRSA, In sur ance... $6, RMHP, In sur ance... $2, Pinnacol, Work ers Comp In sur ance $ CNA Surety, Bond.... $ SECPA, Utilities.... $6, Viaero, Utilities $ Atmos Energy, Utilities... $ Eastern Slope, Utilities. $ Fair Point, Util i ties..... $36.42 Town of Eads, Util i ties.. $ U.S.P.S., Of fice Ex pense $ Eads Auto Sup ply, Sup plies & Re pairs $ Kiowa Press, Advertising $ Pueblo City County, Testing $20.00 UniFirst, Cloth ing Allowance $ UNCC, Locate Notifications$13.77 Front Range, FD Equip ment Testing $1, LAWMA, Shares.... $2, Sam s Club, Mem ber ship. $45.00 Colorado Analytical, Testing $ CO Municipal Judges Assn., Dues $40.00 Colorado Rural Water Assn, Education $ My Whole sale Prod ucts, Supplies $ Plains Net work Ser vices Inc., Office Supplies $87.50 Mer chant One, Bank Fees $65.28 Hach Co., Chem i cals... $ DPC Industries, Chemicals $12.00 Eads Con sumer Sup ply, Fuel and Sup plies $1, Ki owa Healthmart, Test ing and Sup plies $ Crow s Stop & Shop, Supplies $ Christina Adamson Town Clerk Pub lished Jan u ary 30, 2015 In the Ki owa County Press Subscription Delivery at the Convert your existing print subscription, or start a new subscription online now! Only $18.00 per year! Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS The Press can be re spon si ble for only one incorrect insertion. Rates: $0.20 per word, $3.00 min i mum. A $1.00 ser vice fee will be ap plied to all charged ads. Clas si fied dead line is 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays. FOR SALE - HOMES House for sale lo cated at Hwy 287, near Eads, Col o rado. The home is within one mile of the town of Eads. The prop erty in cludes forty acres and a nice, two story home with 3,382 square feet. There is also a two-car de tached ga rage and some corrals. Interested parties should con tact McClave State Bank at The home is avail able for view ing by appointment only. Large 2 bed room home on six lots in Sheridan Lake with six ad - join ing lots avail able. Home and ga rage have steel roof ing, hard - wood floors in liv ing area and full base ment. Con tact Etha Martinson at Home for sale in Sheridan Lake, 6 bed rooms, 3 full bath rooms, fin - ished base ment at tached 2 car garage, sprinkler system, fully land scaped yard, must see to ap - pre ci ate. Call to day to sched ule a show ing. Zelpha Woelk HELP WANTED Kiowa County Hospital District in Eads, Colorado is accepting applications for an Admissions Clerk/Re cep tion ist. Full time with great ben e fits. For fur ther in for - ma tion, please call Hu man Re - sources at Kiowa County Hospital District, Eads, Colorado is accepting appli ca tions for a full-time cook/aide in the Di etary de part - ment. For more in for ma tion, please con tact Gin ger McPherson or Hu man Re sources at HELP WANTED Cer ti fied Nurse Aide - Chey enne Manor has two full time CNA po - si tions open. Can di date must be flex i ble and able to work 12-hour shifts (6 AM to 6PM or 6PM - 6AM). Scheduling includes rota - tion of week ends and hol i days. Wages start at $11.00 per hour plus $0.25 ad di tional hourly rate for each year of ver i fi able ex pe ri - ence up to 20 years, and shift dif - ferential, full benefits package and a great work ing en vi ron - ment! We pay the best be cause we hire the best! Ap ply in per son at Chey enne Manor, 561 W 1st Street N, Hwy 385, Cheyenne Wells EOE MISC I have CRP Buy ers and need list - ings. Rich ard Grant ham Re alty, Ordway, CO EADS LANDFILL Both landfills will be Closed if wind is 20 mph January 30, 2015 11

12 Knowl edge Bowl Team Com pete at Manzanola and Eads By Sue Fox The sec ond se mes ter of the High School Knowl - edge Bowl sea son did not be gin as ex pected when the first com pe ti tion was cancelled due to icy roads. How ever, the weather co op er ated the fol low ing two weeks, and the Eads teams were able to compete. The teams trav eled to Manzanola and ended up com pet ing head-to-head Feeling Blue try Marples Country Market Health Food Store 101 N. 4th Street Lamar, Colorado (719) in the first oral round. The var sity team mem bers were Sa vanna Gyurman, Rustin Jensen, Fredrick Turner, and Cameron Crow, while Derek Epper, Eboni Nash, Hailey Ray, Mad i son Kelley, and Zach Haase com peted on the B team. The var sity team just missed out on win - Fresh Valentine's Day Flowers at Kiowa Healthmart! Roses (wrapped / bow) 6 - $ $ Rose $ Rose / 2 carnations $ Carnation $ Carnations $8.99 Prices include baby's breath/ greenery/ vase 1 Rose $ Carnation $2.00 Price does not include vase or greenery 12 January 30, 2015 ning a tro phy when they took fourth. The other team fin ished in sixth place among the B teams. The 35th an nual Eads High School Knowl edge Bowl may have been the larg est the school has ever hosted with 39 teams from 18 schools com pet - ing. The Eads var sity team made a strong show ing and had the high est score in an oral round when they earned 21 points in the first round. Team mem bers were Rustin Jensen, Fredrick Turner, Cameron Crow, and Zach Haase. They fin ished fifth de spite the very tough com pe ti tion. Eboni Nash, Hailey Ray, Sa vanna Gyurman, and Mad i son Kelley com peted in the B di vi sion. They held their own against 20 other B teams and fin - ished in the mid dle of the pack. The Eads High School Knowl edge Bowl team kicked off the sec ond half of the sea son at a com pe ti tion in Manzanola. Team mem bers from left to right are Rustin Jensen, Fredrick Turner, Cameron Crow, Sa vanna Gyurman, Eboni Nash, Zach Haase, Derek Epper, Hailey Ray, and Mad i son Kelley. (Sue Fox Photo) Balloon Bouquets available with Valentine Balloon Weights! Great selection of Russell Stover's Candy, Stuffed Animals, and Valentine's Day Gifts! Place orders by end of day Tues., Feb. 10 for FREE in town delivery on Thurs., Feb. 12, Fri., Feb. 13 and Sat., Feb. 14! Call Ju nior High Wres tling Sched ule Date, Op po nent, Lo ca - tion, Time Sub ject to change. Tues day, Feb. 3 - Quad: CW, Stratton, Burlington at Stratton, 3:00 p.m., 2:30 coaches, 1:00. Thursday, Feb. 5 - Chey. Wells Tour na ment at Chey. Wells, 1:00 p.m., 12:15 coaches, 11:30. Thurs day, Feb 12 - Burlington Tour na ment at Burlington, 1:00 p.m., 12:00 coaches, 10:30. Thurs day, Feb Holly Tour na ment at Holly, 1:00 p.m., 12:00 coaches, 10:30. Sat ur day, Feb Fowler Tour na ment at Fowler, 9:00 a.m., 8:00 coaches, 6:30. Tues day, March. 3 - Eads Tour na ment at Eads, 1:00 p.m., 12:00 coaches. Fri day, March 6 - Holly/Chey. Wells/Spring - field at Holly, 9:00 a.m., 8:00 coaches, 6:30. Fri day, March 13 - Val - ley Tour na ment at Lamar, 8:00 a.m., 7:15. Why sell on *No transportation cost *Auction competition sets highest selling price *Big Iron collects & pays seller *Each item sells to the highest online bidder *Reasonable selling fees *Turn your iron into cash designed by auctioneers

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