Peo ple & Places. Birth days

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2 Peo ple & Places WEATHER WEATHER Up com ing Events Eads United Meth od ist Church spon sors Par ents Time Out, Sat ur day, No vem - ber 5 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the United Meth od ist Church. Lunch will NOT be served, so please feed your child(ren) be fore at tend ing. For ba bies and tod dlers, please bring sup plies that they will need (di a pers, wipes, bot tles, sippy cups, etc.) Con tact Pas tor Nancy Pea cock with ques tions (719) LAMAR THEATRE 219 S. Main - Lamar $7.00 Adults - $5.00 Children & Seniors - $5.00 Thursdays Starts Friday, Nov. 4 This is our time. PG 13 Held Over PG 13 Press Kiowa County P.O. Box Maine Street, Eads, CO Connie McPherson, Editor Chris Sorensen, Publisher Betsy Barnett, School Sports Rodney Johnson, USDA/Ag News Volunteer Contributors: Melissa Peterson, Doris Lessenden, Curtis Schrimp, Sharon Scott, Michelle Wyckoff, Sue Fox, Rhonda Uhland All Rights Reserved. FOOTLOOSE Honor starts at home. 6:45 p.m. Daily COURAGEOUS 8:55 p.m. Daily COMING SOON PUSS IN BOOTS JACK AND JILL TOWER HEIST PARANORMAL ACTIVITIES 3 Oct Nov. 1 Date High Low Precip Last year High/Low:...80/24 Oct Precip. ( 10/ 11): 0.18/0.15 Year to Date Precip As recorded in Eads by USDA. Friday Saturday Sunday (USPS ) Legal newspaper of Kiowa County Periodical Postage paid at Eads, Colorado Published Friday of each week. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: P.O. Box 248, Eads, CO Ki owa County His toric Preservation Commission will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Mon day, No vem ber 7, at the NPS Of fice at 910 Wansted in Eads. Any one in ter ested is in vited to attend. The Weisbrod Hos pi tal and Nurs ing Aux il iary will meet Tuesday, November 8, at noon at the K & M Ranch House. Mem bers and new mem bers are welcome. Eads Driver s Li cense Sched ule - NOVEMBER - No - vem ber 8th & 9th; No vem ber 15th & 16th. An ni ver sa ries No vem ber 9 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Halde, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Wil son. No vem ber 12 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Col lins, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Da vis. No vem ber 13 Mr. and Mrs. Donny George. Weekend Forecast 61/42 Sunny with S SE wind between 5-15 mph. Partly cloudy evening with South wind around 15 mph. 55/27 20 % 50/28 20% chance of showers, mostly sunny, breezy, W SW wind Partly cloudy with W wind between 5-15 mph. Sunny, W SW wind 5-10 mph becoming S SE. Mostly clear evening with S SE wind 5-10 mph becoming calm. Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Friday Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Tues. NO EXCEPTIONS Rates: In Kiowa County $22; all other $ subscription (PDF Format) $18 world-wide Subscriptions are non-refundable. To ensure uninterrupted service, renew your subscription before the expiration date shown on your mailing label. 2 November 4, 2011 The Eads Town Board of Trust ees will meet in reg u - lar ses sion on No vem ber 8; and De cem ber 13, Meet ings are held at City Hall (110 W 13th Street) at 7:00 p.m. Trin ity Lu theran Church in con junc tion with Match ing Funds from the East ern Plains Chap ter of Thrivent Fi nan cial for Lu ther - ans will host a Soup Sup per to ben e fit the Mitch ell Fam ily on Wednesday, November 9, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Trin ity Lu theran Church, PO Box 306, Main St, Kit Car - son, CO If you would like to con trib ute for the match ing funds but are un - able to at tend the sup per you can send your do na tion to the ad dress above or con tact Betsy Evans (719) Birth days No vem ber 7 Brandi Patterson, Casey Gibbs, Billy Koehler, Eric Weisdorfer, Spencer Uhland, McSherry Weber, V. J. Christophersen, Linda Rich ard son. No vem ber 8 Rob ert Engstrom, Linda Harper, Kendra Medford, Mark Sanders. No vem ber 9 Mindy Uhland, Neil Rich ard son, Kent Wheeler, Paul Stoker, Kevin Koch, Timmy Pitman, Dora Pearcey, Eliz a beth Lopez, Kyler Ibarra, Heather Wright. No vem ber 10 Cardon Berry, Ty Mi chael, Pres - ton Hoffman, Linda Bendorf, Kath er ine Wil - liams, As pen Nel son, Jerry Weirich, Kooper Morgans, Bradyn Legg, Katie Kopasz, Rio Mohrmann, Sophia Huddleston. No vem ber 11 Tay lor Weirich, Gaige Rittgers, Bailey McEwen. No vem ber 12 Chelsea Uhland, Phyl lis Barlow, The Ki owa County Com mis sion ers will meet in reg u lar ses sion Tues day, No - vem ber 14; and Tues day, No - vem ber 22, Meet ings are held in the Com mis - sioner s Of fice (1305 Goff Street) start ing at 9:00 a.m. The Weisbrod Hos pi tal and Nurs ing Home Aux il iary will host their An nual Hol i day Bazaar Saturday, November 19 at the Com mu nity Build - ing in Eads. Ad mis sion is free dur ing 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ven dors will have many hand crafted goods, foods, hob bies, Fuller Brush booth, farm pro duce, nuts, can dies, and other goods. Haswell Town Coun cil will sell food for from the kitchen. Prowers Conservation Dis trict will be hold ing an 8-digit wa ter shed meet ing on Ja son Schierkolk, Renay Crain, Me lissa Jones, Blake Stoker, Deb Howe, Martina LeGrand, Ra chel Mari, Heather Arns, Carrie Medford, Afton Janssen. No vem ber 13 Paul Kelley, Shir ley Nel son, John Roy, Lougene Jacobs, Jack Gardner, Margo Baier, Julie Tate, Wynona Barnes, B.J. Murdock. No vem ber 21, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Di vi sion of Wild life Ar - mory-2500 South Main Street, in Lamar. The goal of this ses sion is to pro vide landowners information about what an 8-digit wa ter - shed is, re source con cerns, provide landowners an op - portunity to identify natural re source con cerns and what the Prowers Conservation District can do to help. The Amer i can Le gion Hall can be rented for events, reunions, family functions and etc. Call Roland (719) or Dan Rich ards (719) Want to ad ver tise your busi ness or or ga ni za tion at the the ater? Eads High School stu dents are cre at ing 15 and 30 sec ond com mer - cials. Call Shan non at (719) if you want to an ad di tional way to advertise! List ings in Up com ing Events are free to non-profit groups or or ga ni za tions, or for gen eral, non-busi ness community announcements. List ing in for ma tion must be sub mit ted by 4:00 p.m. each Tuesday for publication in the next Fri day edi tion. Avail able space may be lim ited. Call (719) , for more in for ma tion or to place your listing. Volleyball Regional Tournament Schedule Lamar Community Building Friday, November 4-9:00 a.m. Match #1 - Wiley vs Kit Carson Match #2 - Eads vs Springfield Match #3 - Wiley vs Springfield Match #4 - Eads vs Kit Carson Match #5 - Kit Carson vs Springfield Match #6 - Eads vs Wiley Match #7-1 game tie-breaker (if necessary)

3 Top News Surface Improvement Project Begins on Highway 96 By Bob Wil son Pav ing op er a tions are un der way on State High - way 96 in the Sheridan Lake area for the next sev eral weeks. In ad di tion to as phalt pav ing, the Col o rado De - part ment of Trans por ta - tion (CDOT) pro ject in - cludes a full-depth (12 inches) rec la ma tion, which con sists of re cy - cling the old as phalt and us ing it as the new road base. Other im prove - ments in clude new seed - ing, mulch ing and erosion control. The pro ject be gins in Sheridan Lake and pro - ceeds east six miles. Flaggers are al ter nat ing east bound and west - bound traf fic through a two-mile work zone from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon day through Sat ur day. De lays up to 15 min utes should be ex pected. The speed limit is re duced to 40 mph and ve hi cles wider than 12 feet are not al lowed to travel through the area dur ing project hours. New as phalt will pro - vide the trav el ing pub lic with a smoother road sur - face that ll last at least ten years, says CDOT Pro - ject En gi neer Terry Wood ward. High way us - ers also are ben e fit ing in other ways since the full-depth rec la ma tion cre ates a new sta bi lized FFA Dis trict Creed Speak ing Con test By Jayce A. Negley The An nual Eads FFA Creed Speak ing Ca reer De vel op ment Event was held on Sep tem ber 22, in the Eads High School multi-pur pose room. All of the chap ter s 14 greenhand FFA mem bers com peted in the event. The top three places were awarded to Teri Nel - son (1st), Gid eon Hallman (2nd), and Tori Uhland (3rd). On Oc to ber 5th, Tori Uhland and Gid eon Hallman rep re sented the Eads FFA chap ter in the Dis trict FFA Creed Speak ing CDE. This year the event, held in con - junc tion with a chili sup - per, was hosted by the Genoa Hugo FFA Chap - ter in Hugo, CO. The competition was base that is stron ger and lower main te nance. And, re cy cling re duces the pro ject cost by about 25 percent. The $2.6 mil lion pro ject, con tracted to Lafarge North Amer ica Inc. of Fort Col lins, CO. is sched - uled for com ple tion in De - cem ber Traf fic in for ma tion about this or other CDOT pro jects is on the website, by call ing 511 or via sub - scrip tion . To sub - scribe, please visit and click on the cell-phone icon in the up per right-hand cor ner. The link takes you to a list of be tween 14 greenhand mem bers, two mem bers from each chap ter in the dis trict. In the end, Eads walked away with a win as Tori took first place. Tori is eligible to participate in the state com pe ti tion held at the Col o rado State FFA Con ven tion in Pueblo dur ing June of Top Row: Tori Uhland, Tanaia Hansen, Danica Ardilla, Eboni Nash, Hailey Ray, Teri Nel son. Bot tom Row: Lucas Crain, Blake Rob ert son, Ty ler Rouse, Gid eon Hallman, Alan Cisneros, Rob ert Miller, Dominic Hernandez. (FFA Photo) items you can sub scribe to, in clud ing South east Colorado (Everything East of I-25 and South of I-70). Cross Walk Group to Min is ter at Friends Churches By Pas tor Galan Bur nett Let us take you back to the good ol days when there was noth ing better than an af ter noon of gos - pel mu sic... the sound of mu sic that in spired the heart and lifted the soul! Re mem ber those old songs that had a mes- sage. The songs that we seemed to find our selves hum ming or sing ing with out even think ing, be - cause they helped us fo - cus on God and seemed to just make our day go better? Those are the songs we grew up on and are the songs we love to sing; mu sic with a mes - sage... mu sic that is sure to bring back the hope that only comes from God! Faith Friends Church in Lamar and Chivington Friends Church are pleased to wel come Cross Walk; CGMA,s 2010 In ter na tional Vo cal Group of the Year to our Churches. Cross Walk will be shar ing their min is try at two ser vices on Sunday No vem ber 27, First they will be at the Faith Friends Church 7th and Chest nut, Lamar, CO at 9:00 a.m. Then they will be at the Chivington Friends Church, Hwy 96, Chivington, CO at 11:00 a.m. Cross Walk does around 80 per for mances each year and has been the open ing act for The Isaacs and the re nowned Blackwood Brothers Quar tet a fam ily gos pel group cel e brat ing their 76th an ni ver sary this year! Pas tors Galan and Mary Bur nett wish to in vite ev - ery one to share in this ministry. Open House at Tone Zone and More Friday By Melissa Peterson Mark your cal en dars Fri day, No vem ber 4, when Deb Kliesen will be host ing the Tone Zone and More open house! Nyce Dunn, hair styl ist, and Erin Specht, mas - sage ther a pist, join Deb in pre sent ing all kinds of spe cial deals and door prizes for the event. There will be one blow out prize pre sented at the end of the day! The fun spreads from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Stop in and check out the ton ing beds, the mas sage ta ble, and hair sa lon with mani-pedi sta tions! Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday at 2:00 a.m. Set your clocks back one hour Saturday night before retiring. November 4, 2011 3

4 Agriculture & Outdoor Life USDA Up date By Eads USDA Ser vice Cen ter Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow! Win ter Wednes day in SE Col o rado! COC Election Pro duc ers in LAA 1, which is the east ern por tion of the county to the state line will be re ceiv ing their bal lots in the mail this next week. Randy Car ney & Garold Deines are nom i - nated for a 3 year term on the County Com mit tee. The County Com mit tee is a grass roots or ga ni za tion dat ing back to the be gin - ning of the Ag ri cul tural Ad - just ment Pro gram in the 1930 s. The bal lots will be counted here at the Ser vice Cen ter on De cem ber 7, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. There are peo ple in ag ri - cul ture that would like to Southeast Extension Says Crop Nu tri ent Man age ment: A way to lower the production cost associated with com mer cial fer til iz ers By Wilma Trujillo Crop nu tri ent man age - ment re fers to man ag ing crop fer til ity in puts and other pro duc tion prac - tices for ef fi cient crop growth while pro tect ing the en vi ron ment. A nu tri - ent man age ment plan (NMP) is a tool that iden - ti fies the nu tri ent needs (in terms of tim ing and amount) of a giv ing crop or crop ro ta tion to min i - mize un de sired en vi ron - men tal ef fects while optimizing farm profits and production. The pri mary rea sons for hav ing a NMP are to: Achieve a bal ance be - tween all nu tri ent sources and crop nu tri ent up take/re moval Main tain an ad e quate sup ply of nu tri ents for plant pro duc tion En sure that ma nure or other or ganic by-prod - ucts ap plied are max i - mized as a plant nu tri ent source Eads United Methodist Church sponsoring Parents Time Out Saturday, November 5 from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Bring diapers, wipes, bottles, sippy cuts etc. if your child need them. Contact Pastor Nancy Peacock November 4, 2011 see the County Com mit tee sys tem come to an end. Don t let this hap pen, VOTE! NAP Production & Dead line Pro duc ers that had a feed crop and also had a NAP pol icy on that crop need to turn their pro duc tion into the of fice. The of fice needs the bale count and pref er a - ble a weight ticket to ver ify the av er age weight of the bales. De cem ber 1, 2011 is the last day to pur chase a 2012 NAP pol icy on na tive grass. If you have pur - Minimize the pollution of sur face and ground wa - ter re sources from ex - cess nu tri ents Man age the phys i cal, chemical and biological con di tion of soils for fu - ture crop pro duc tion. Crop nu tri ent man age - ment ap plies to all fer til ity crop in puts whether or - ganic ma te ri als or in or - ganic commercial fertiliz - ers. The man age ment plans must be site-spe - cific, ap pro pri ate to the soil characteristics (phys- i cal and chem i cal), land - scapes, and man age ment objectives of the farm. Hav ing a NMP in place can be use ful from an eco - nomic stand point by help - ing you man age costs as - so ci ated with nu tri ent input from commercial fertilizer, animal manure and other or ganic by-prod uct ap pli ca tions. It can also be ben e fi cial in in stances where a strat - chased a PRF (Pas ture, Range land, For age) pol icy through a crop in sur ance agent you have met your in - sur ance re quire ments for Livestock Disaster Programs. Farm Bill Com ment Website Congressman Scott Tipton has a farm bill sur vey and would appreciate your partic i pa tion. The website ad - dress is If there is a USDA pro gram that you would like to pro - tect or a com ment that you would like to make on the egy is needed to deal with excess nutrients. The basic components of a NMP are: Soil information for each field or man age - ment unit. Soil test re - sults for ph, ni tro gen, phos pho rus and po tas - sium. Realistic yield expec - ta tions for the crop(s) to be grown, based pri mar ily on the pro ducer s ac tual yield history. List of all nu tri ent sources (e. g ma nure, or - ganic by-prod ucts, ir ri ga - tion wa ter, ni tro gen con - tri bu tion to the soil from le gumes grown in the ro - ta tion, in or ganic fertilizers) Lists of crops and crop rotations by field Nu tri ents re quired to reach yield po ten tial. Nu tri ent up take by the crop and re moval in the har vest Moving? Don t forget to tell us! Make sure the Press follows you to your new home. Just send your new address to: Kiowa County Press, P.O. Box 248, Eads, CO , or up com ing farm bill, log in and let your voice be heard. Kiowa County USDA Contact Info Tele phone (719) FSA (Ext 2), NRCS (Ext 3). in di - vid ual s firstname.lastname@ (Ex am ple, walt.immer, nadene.gaynor, charla.ferris, dawna.weirich, marvin.watson, mar - lin.miller, brett.jones). An en vi ron men tal risk as sess ment to de ter mine the po ten tial for offsite movement of nutrients on a field-by-field ba sis. Soil or ganic mat ter, soil per - me abil ity, field slopes, dis - tance to sur face wa ter are used to de ter mine the prob a bil ity of nu tri ent movement in the landscape Good re cords on the rate, method and tim ing of all nu tri ent ap pli ca - tions An nual re view and up - date If you need tech ni cal as - sis tance to de velop a plan, con tact your lo cal county Ex ten sion Of fice, the lo - cal Con ser va tion Dis trict Of fice and the USDA-Nat - u ral Re source Con ser va - tion Service (NRCS). The fol low ing web sites provide more information on NMP: ps/portal/nrcs/main/national/l anduse/crops/npm ml lorado/co590.pdf

5 Eads Slams Pikes Peak Chris tian By Rhonda Uhland It was a long two weeks for the Ea gles be tween games and it showed as they came out a lit tle slug - gish for their cross di vi - sional play off game on Sat ur day. It was a quite crowd and not much emo - tion on the field but the home town Ea gles did come away with the vic tory. The weather held out for the day which was nice for ev ery one as this was the lon gest game played this sea son by Eads. Eads was the first to show points up on the score board as Blaine Winder ran one in from 6 yards out but Jose Ramos was off to the left on the up rights and Eads was only given the 6 points for the touch down. Eads struck again with 5:55 left on the clock in the 1st quar ter as quar ter - back Justin Lenox went to the air and found his ju - nior team mate Cory Miller with the 10 yard touch down pass and Ramos was per fect with the ex tra 2. Pikes Peak Chris tian was not giv ing up eas ily as they came back less than a min ute later and Na than Har ris was go ing to Chad Doxey for the vis - it ing Ea gles first touch - down pass of the day. The pass for the ex tra point was no good. With Eads next pos ses - sion and work ing from a 4th and very long, they went with a Lenox pitch back to Winder and then a pass to Kyle Crow for a 36 yard touch down. The Ea - gle man ag ers must have been toss ing in the wrong boot for Ramos as he again missed the kick. Nev er the less af ter an ex - tremely long 1st quar ter, Eads was on top, 20 to 6. School & Youth The PPC Ea gles were strik ing again early in the 2nd, with a Har ris to Keith Becker pass from 54 yards out but the ex tra point pass was in com - plete. Eads then com mit ted a costly turn over as their next pos ses sion ended with a Winder fum ble and PPC was again scor ing on a Har ris pass to Chad Doxey from 9 yards out. Wade Crews kicked it in and the vis it ing Ea gles had knot ted up the score at 20. Still not show ing much emo tion but work ing their way to the end of the 1st half Eads man aged 2 rush ing touch downs from Winder from 45 and 44 yards out re spec tively and Ramos went 1 for 2 on the PTA; Lo gan Crawford ran in next from 12 yards out and Ramos nailed in the ex tra 2; Cory Miller in - ter cepted a PPC pass on the 20 and was al most un - touched cross ing the goal line with Ramos add ing the 2; Crawford cap i tal - ized on a loss of downs deep in PPC ter ri tory and gave Eads their last touch down of the half bolt ing in from 3 yards out but Ramos could n t tack on the PTA. The halftime score read; Home 56, Visitor, 20. It was a 3rd quar ter of turn overs by both team as Eads lost pos ses sion first on a Crawford fum ble but PPC could n t take it into the end zone as Kyle Crow in ter cepted a touch down pass and Eads was back on of fense at their own 15 yard line. Com ing off an ex cel lent Flagler game, it was Chris Rigsby who coughed up the ball giv ing their op po nent an other chance at a touch down. Jose Ramos stopped the scor ing this time as he in - ter cepted the next TD pass and again put Eads back on their 15 and this ended the 3rd quarter. Early in the 4th Lenox tossed an other touch - down pass to Miller from 29 yards out and Ramos kicked in the PTA. Thirty sec onds later Miller in ter - cepted a pass and ran it in from 27 yards out and the clock was now left to run. Ramos ended the game with a per fect boot through and Eads was ad - vanc ing on into the 2011 Play offs. The fi nal score was Eads, 72; Pikes Peak Chris tian, 20. Eads fans will be busy trav el ing this next week as the Lady Ea gles will be com pet ing in the vol ley - ball re gional tour na ment be ing held in Lamar on Fri day and the foot ball team will make its way to Otis next Sat ur day to take on the Bull dogs in the State Foot ball quarterfinals. South east Col o rado will be shut down as the com mu ni ties of Plainview, Kit Car son and Eads will be busy watch ing their area teams com pete at the next level. Go Eagles! Both teams share a mo ment to honor their fallen team mates. Very touch ing. (Nicolle Lenox Photo) More pho tos and school news on pages 9, 10, 11 of this is sue Junior High Basketball Schedule Date Opponent Location Time Nov. 3 McClave McClave 4:00 p.m. Nov. 7 Knights of Columbus CW TBA Nov. 8 Knights of Columbus CW TBA Nov. 15 Holly Eads 3:00 p.m. Nov. 17 Wiley Wiley 4:00 p.m. Nov. 29 Granada Granada 3:00 p.m. Dec. 2 Plainview Eads 3:00 p.m. Dec. 6 Cheyenne Wells CW 4:00 p.m. Dec. 12 Tribune Tribune 3:00 p.m. Jan. 7 Holly Tourney Holly TBA Jan. 10 Kit Carson Eads 4:00 p.m. Jan. 17 League Tourney CW TBA Jan. 19 League Tourney CW TBA. Brought to you by: A win for the Eads Ea gles. (Nicolle Lenox Photo) Kiowa County Press November 4, 2011 5

6 About Town By Do ris Lessenden and Me lissa Pe ter son An in ter est ing note from Chi nese - his tory about this year of 2011 is that we have or will ex pe ri ence these dates 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11 and 11/11/11 with Oc to ber hav ing 5 Sun days, 5 Mon - days, and 5 Sat ur days. This only hap pens ev ery 823 years. I have more facts to come in an other is sue. Be cause there was so much in ter est in the Cham ber Af ter Hours pro - gram, both din ing ar eas were filled with a big au di - ence. Pres i dent Den nis Pearson introduced Chris Eisinger from the Col o rado State Geological Survey of - fice in Den ver who had such an interesting program with Card of Thanks The Eads High School Class of 2014 would like to thank ev - ery one who pur chased half-pot tick ets or made a do na tion dur - ing the foot ball game on Sat ur - day. The soph o more class do - nated its half of the pro ceeds to the Mitch ell House. Nikki Lennox, the win ner of the half-pot draw ing, also gen er - ously do nated her half to the Mitchell House. 6 November 4, 2011 Com mu nity Life a ques tion and an swer time that could have gone on for hours. Mr. Eisinger showed nu mer ous graphs, to pog ra - phy draw ings, eco nomic data, and pho tos about the po ten tial of oil or gas de pos - its in the earth un der the 80 miles of Ki owa County. Mostly cit i zens from Ki owa County at tended but I saw Dorothy Mercer who drove up from Texas to hear the pre sen ta tion. In fact she spent the week here look ing at her land and min eral lease of fers. The No vem ber 4th County 4-H Achieve ment pot luck meal will be at the Eads Community Building where the 4-H Coun cil will serve the meat entrée. Other at ten dees are asked to bring sal ads of des serts at 6:00 p.m. I, Do ris, made a num ber of phone calls to Lamar to see how our Vol ley ball Team was do ing in the Sat ur day Dis trict play-offs. It was a long, long day for the girls and their fans, but they left so thrilled be cause the Eads girls cap tured the Dis trict Tro phy. Bus driver, Tim Weeks, who knows a lot of sports stats, says it has LAMAR PRIMARY OUTPATIENT CLINIC SERVING AREA VETERANS Join us for a celebratory OPEN HOUSE! PROWERS MEDICAL GROUP 405 KENDALL DRIVE. LAMAR CO been a long time since we won Volleyball Districts. The Regionals are sched - uled to be in Lamar at the Community Building on Friday, No vem ber 4th. Af ter the Eads Ea gle Co-op Foot ball Team had break fast to gether at the K & M Ranch House Sat ur day morn ing they pre pared for the day with the Cross-Di vi - sional game verses Col o - rado Springs Peak Chris tian School in which the Eads Ea gles had a big win. The quar ter fi nal game on Sat ur - day, No vem ber 5th will be in Otis at 1:00 p.m. The warm sunny day was great for foot ball. Thanks to flau - tist, Melanie Mar tin who played the Na tional An them and our ter rific cheer lead ers it was a super day. We wel come Matt and Tawna Sage and two chil - dren who re cently moved to Eads. He is our area Schwans man (big yel low food truck) and his wife is a nurs ing stu dent at Lamar Community College. Al ice Glover re turned from Min ne sota where she has been vis it ing good friends she made while she lived in Ar i zona and Min ne sota. She had wonderful visits with her friends there. She is grate ful that her son-in-law, Da vid Miner, brought her travel trailer back from Ar i - zona while she was gone. Darrell Stolzenberger re - gret ted that, he had to re - sign his job be cause of com - pli ca tions from a re placed hip. He re ally did like his job with the Town of Eads and we re ally did like him too. Darrell is a good em ployee and does so many help ful deeds for the com mu nity and individuals. Kathy Wat son, Eads El e - mentary Librarian, orga - nized and man aged the fine an nual Book fair for fam i - lies. When I was there it was nice to see high school stu dents come into help kinder gar ten ers write their wish list for par ents. The high school FBLA chap ter hosted a Fright Night movie at 10:00 p.m. Sat ur day night. This fol - lowed the CLCEC Trans - former movie. We have no - ticed that se nior, Shealynn McCracken, is a very re li - able stu dent who changes the Plains Thea tre Mar quee weekly, posts movie fly ers, and cre ates fine ad ver tise - ments for groups. Con grat u la tions to the Can yons and Plains (SECORHT) who have pro - duced the short movie clips that are shown in Rocky Ford, Holly, La Junta, Lamar, and Eads thea tres pre ced ing the reg u lar movie. Board mem ber, Rod John son, of Eads was in Loveland at the Gov er nor s Tour ism Con fer ence where the SECORHT group re - ceived the award for col lab - oration. Please cir cle the date, Sat ur day, No vem ber 19, to shop or rent a ta ble at the Weisbrod Hos pi tal and Nursing Home Auxiliary Ba - zaar. This is a pre-hol i day time to shop or come in to have a super lunch served by the Haswell Com mu nity for their fundraiser. Our Trin ity Lu theran Church at Kit Car son is host ing a Soup Sup per to ben e fit the Mitch ell Fam ily on Wednes day, No vem ber 9th, at our church on south Main Street. The money we earn will be matched up to about $1, by the Thrivent for Lu theran Group, so we are hop ing that many peo ple will come to en joy the fel low ship and help the fund for our friends. This will be at 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. with a do na - tion for the meal. The Red Hat ters had their monthly break fast last Sat - ur day morn ing at the Ranch House with LaVerle Kelley chair ing the meet ing. Some Red Hat ters will take a road trip to Pueblo soon to at tend a movie and dine at the Car - riage House. The Red Hat - ters plan to sing at the Prai - rie Pines be fore Christ mas. Delores Smokey Rec tor s as her part of the pro gram asked us to re count our hap pi est birth day. We re - ally heard a lot of de light ful sto ries. Our guest, Dor o thy Mer cer of Fallette, Texas, had just cel e brated her birth day the day be fore with Rod and Dana Brown, who over see her land. Betty Crow dis trib uted a some - what brain tax ing test on the tur key in Amer ica s his - tory. Loretta Siebel, our Queen Bee, who could n t be with us ar ranged this. We had fun try ing to re mem ber the an swers or just guess - ing. There will not be meet - ings in No vem ber or De - cem ber. Some of the la dies have had let ters from Dor o thy Negley and re port that she is do ing better and is hav ing ther apy af ter her fall. She misses her Eads friends. Two times last week, my three friends, the Ashida brothers, recommended me to bi cy clists who were hav - ing break fast in Ordway. So I had the plea sure to host and get ac quainted with two really wonderful Chris - tian peo ple. The first man Steve, from Annapolis, Mary land, vis ited Eads for parts of three days and was glad to learn about our town and life style. He is an in - ven tor, ma chin ist, and an ad ven turer. Abbie Doyle, called me on Fri day af ter - noon. She is a re cent grad u - ate from the Uni ver sity of Minnesota. Abigail went with me to the Ranch House where she en ter - tained my Red Hat ter lady friends while we waited. Abigail is an accomplished mu si cian in play ing sev eral in stru ments and stud ied op - era sing ing in Amer ica and Prague. She had the op por - tu nity to travel with her high school band to sev eral coun tries in clud ing a con - cert on the Great Wall in China which sounded en - chant ing to me.

7 Home Coun try Dewey Decker, our val - ley s pur veyor of pro - cessed hay, whis tled as he dressed. He d dou ble show ered, washed the pickup, and put on his blue tie again. Em ily Stickles at the Ital ian place for din ner with a crisp eve ning and a par - tial moon. Ro man tic enough to hug a cac tus. He strolled out to the pickup in a jaunty mood, and, as a last thought, re - moved the mag netic signs from the truck s doors ad ver tis ing his fer - til izer busi ness. Hey, if the lovely and gra cious Em ily wanted to think of Dewey as some one with a ma - nure fe tish, far be it from him to wreck her no tions. She s go ing out to din ner with him, right? First things first. Once in side the res tau - rant, and en sconced at a candlelit ta ble with a check ered ta ble cloth, Dewey or dered wine and they both sipped and smiled. By Slim Randles Sher iff s Re port By In ves ti ga tor Mike Har ris October 24 November 1, 2011 The Ki owa County Sher iff s Of fice had 28 calls for ser vice: con sist - ing of one an i mal call, one an i mal com plaint, two Agency As sist calls (CSP), one spe cial de tail, one dis tur bance call, two pa per ser vices, one sus pi - cious per son call, and sev - eral in ves ti ga tory and fol - low-up calls. Dep u ties made 11 traf fic con tacts re sult ing in two DUI ar - rests, one ar rest for pro - hib ited use of fire arms and alcohol, and citations and warnings. Gen eral Info The Ki owa County Sher iff s Of fice held a fraud and iden tity theft Shall we or der be fore the in ter view, Dewey? she asked. It s okay that I call you Dewey? Sure. Good. And I m Em ily. They or dered from Rich ard Con sta ble, who had gone to school with Dewey. Rich ard s at tempt at an Ital ian ac cent was just one of those lit tle plusses, you know? Em ily put her tape re - corder on the ta ble be - tween them and pushed the re cord but ton. I hope you don t mind if I re cord this, Dewey. It s just that this sit u a tion is well, un usual, and I want to make sure I re - mem ber ev ery thing. Dewey smiled and waved a hand in agree - ment. Now Dewey, she said, what makes you be lieve you re in cow ma nure? Dewey thought a min - ute. Em ily, have you ever stopped to con sider how bar ren our lives have be - come? That s why I m so pre ven tion aware ness class for the Haswell Se - nior Cit i zen s cen ter on Oc to ber 19. The class was well re ceived and re - sulted from the fraud pam phlets that the Sher - iff s Of fice sent out in Sep - tem ber. If any other com - mu nity groups are in ter ested in hold ing a fraud and iden tity theft pre ven tion class, con tact the Sher iff s Office to schedule. Subscription Delivery at the Convert our y xisting e print subscription, r o tart s a new ubscription s online now! Only $ per ear! y in ter ested in bring ing, well, fer til ity to our so ci - ety and gardens. But Dewey, you re a well, a rather at trac tive man, if you don t mind my say ing so, and there s no rea son to pic ture your self in cow ma nure. Dewey did n t mind her say ing so. He stud ied her amaz ing cheek bones and won dered how many more re cord ing ses sions he could ar range be fore she had enough to write her doc toral the sis on Ma nure Man. Life is some times aw - fully good. Brought to you by Slim s new book and great stock ing stuffer A Cow boy s Guide to Grow ing Up Right. Learn more at m/slim.html. KIT CARSON STATE BANK BURLINGTON BRANCH PO BOX # ROSE AVE. Wild Horse Roundup By Curtis Schrimp I just watched the Bron - cos game and I think they should have stayed home and played sol i taire. I had two sur prise vis i tors on Thurs day; it was Guy and Esta Miller s daugh ter and grand daugh ter, they live in Montana. Guy and Esta used to work on a ranch north of here. They had the store for awhile, but it did n t work for them and they moved away, their son Archie started a ce ramic busi ness which he was good at, he put up a nice sign by the high way, But it did n t work out so they left, I think these la dies said he had passed away. I did n t get their names or ad dress. Lee Ann called to day and her and Marty had a nice BURLINGTON, CO (719) long visit, she said she would call me next week - end, she said she got to see the sixth game of the World Se ries. She sees a lot of pro - grams from over here. She said her and John went to Trondheim to visit Jenni. She said the job came to an end and John don t know when the ship build ing will start. Marty and I went to Limon Saturday evening after stop - ping in Hugo and rid ing with Bob and Sue Dutro. We went to the South side café where we meet some friends of the girls and had a good sup per and a lot of good vis it ing, there were ten in all. We en joyed look ing at the pic tures they took on their trip to Alaska. NEAL MANN Cell: (785) FARM & RANCH REALTY, INC. Colby, Kansas TOLL FREE: KIT CARSON STATE BANK PO BOX # MAIN STREET KIT CARSON, CO (719) KIT CARSON STATE BANK CHEYENNE WELLS BRANCH BANK-BY-PHONE PO BOX # st EAST STREET CHEYENNE WELLS, CO (719) November 4, 2011 7

8 East End Events On No vem ber 12, 2011 there will be a Come and Go 25th Wed ding An ni ver sary celebration for Randy and Mar ga ret Rich ard son at the Sheridan Lake Bi ble Church from 2-4 p.m. Their chil - dren, Michelle, Mel ody and Derek will be host ing the By Sharon Scott event and re quest No Gifts Please. Ev ery one is in vited to come and help make this a spe cial day for Randy and Mar ga ret. Leonel and Michelle Ibarra and boys of Dodge City, spent the week end with her par ents, Rob ert Pastor s Pearls By Pas tor Rich ard Zabriskie Be Sharp An old ra zor com mer - cial had the fol low ing phrase in it, be sharp. Not only should a ra zor be (719) (719) WE CAN HELP YOU OBTAIN MEDICAL EQUIPMENT! Home Makers - Home Health Aides We Provide: Skilled Nursing Service Physical Therapy HEALTH CARE WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH 8 November 4, 2011 and Mar i lyn Hopkins. On Saturday, Michelle and Leonel at tended a friends wed ding in Chey enne Wells and Grandma Mar i lyn and Grandpa Rob ert took the boys to Tri bune to the Haunted House. Janet Palmer vis ited one day last week. Any one who did n t get to at tend the Ben e fit Sup per for Bill Frey, but would still like to make a con tri bu tion to the med i cal fund may do so by con tact ing Dennill Splitter. Carl and Freda Schmidt s son-in-law Jim Caywood and a friend, Greg Lanker spent sev eral days with them last week. Trunk or Treat at the Sheridan Lake Bi ble Church Sunday eve ning was a huge suc cess. Lots of ve hi cles dec o rated their trunks and a large crowd was in at ten - dance for the eve nings ac - tivities. Larry and Judy Tuttle went to In di ana a week ago Tues day to visit their daugh - ter Kim and fam ily. They re - turned home this past Tues - day. A week ago Sat ur day, Joanna Specht was home from col lege and spent the week end with her par ents, Leo and Kathy and cel e - Student Councils was held at Eads with 9 schools Pages from the Past throughout the area attending. Ten Years Ago The Eads Public November 2, 2001 Forty Years Ago School Student Council Nathan and Ronda November 5, 1971 unanimously opposes any Weirich s daughter Sydney The First National destructive activities on competed in the New Star Bank in Eads was changing Halloween. Discovery Nationals. She hours to Monday thru Mr. and Mrs. G.W. came in in 8th place, 2nd in Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Messick stopped in to tell us swimwear. and would be open till 5 of coming home Tuesday p.m. the last Friday of every and finding a window Twenty-Five Years Ago month. broken in their home and October 24, 1986 lots of damage inside the Lance and Dana Fifty Years Ago house. They found a Priddy was hosting their October 27, 1961 rooster pheasant in the bath grand opening of Hardy s A meeting of the tub that has caused all the Travel Stop a new Southeastern Colorado damage. convenience store in Eads. Association of High School Eads Auto Supply sharp but so should our minds and spirit. As iron sharp ens iron, so a friend sharp ens a friend. Prov - erbs 27:17 Kiowa Drug (719) (719) (719) A Division of Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital brated her birth day. Happy Birthday Joanna. Carol Shalberg went to Walsh Sat ur day to watch the Walsh/Spring field foot - ball game. She also spent time vis it ing with her brother Bill and wife Jerry from Ne braska. On Sunday, Merle and Lori Shalberg joined them to help Carol s mom, Elva cel e brate her 94th birth day. All of Elva s chil dren and all three of her broth ers along with lots of grandkids and other fam ily mem bers were pres ent for the party at the Walsh Nurs - ing Home. Happy 94th Elva. Cora, Mary Huddleston and I at tended the vol ley ball games last Fri day at the Wellness Cen ter in Lamar. The Eads girls came out #1 and Kit Car son was #2. They will be play ing Spring - field and Walsh this Fri day at the Com mu nity Cen ter in Lamar to de ter mine which two teams travel on to State. Other peo ple from our area were: Dennill Split - ter, Don and Betty Kershner, Ruth Fees; Tom Pape and Bob Weber. Natalye Weber and Mikayla Schmidt of Plainview, play with the Eads Ea gles team. Come on out and sup port our ath - letes. Saturday evening, Cora Coffman, Jeff and Sheila Brase, and Bud, Erica and Wes Kern trav eled to Lamar and joined LeRoy Brase and Scott and Shelly Brase and fam ily for sup per and to cel - e brate sev eral birth days. Jeff and Sheila Brase came to Cora s home Sunday morn ing for break - fast and spent the day do ing some chores for her. Re cently, Jim and MaryAnn Rich ard son spent a week vis it ing friends and family in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Mis souri. That s it for this time have a good week!! Plainview Mid dle School Wins Knowl edge Bowl By Sue Fox Twenty-four teams of ex cited mid dle school stu - dents de scended on Eads High School for the first knowledge bowl competi - tion of the year. Plainview won the eighth grade di vi sion with a come-from-be hind fin - ish in the fi nal round of Sat., Nov. 5-7:00 p.m. Sun., Nov. 6-3:00 p.m. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Strange Tides Jack Sparrow and Barbossa enbark on a quest to find the fountain of youth only to discover Blackbeard is after it too. Money Prize Drawing after movie PG-13 Adventure the com pe ti tion. Their to - tal of 76 points was the high est in the meet. Team mem bers were eighth grad ers Seth Split ter and Zach Votruba, sev enth grad ers Ryan Koeller and Ryley Scott, and sixth grader Grant Specht. The Eads eighth grade was rep re sented by Sa - vanna Gyurman, Rea gan Lane, Justin Moore, and Brittney Newman. They com peted well, but did not place in the top three teams. Eads en tered two teams in the sev enth grade di vi - sion. The Gold team of Cameron Crow, Fred Turner, Trent Rittgers, and Chance Fowler was in con ten tion for a plaque through out the meet, but was edged out in the fi nal round and fin ished fourth. Mi cah Crawford, Dustin Nel son, Lakota Epper, and Ty ler Barton com - peted on the Pur ple team and fin ished two points be hind the Gold team.

9 Hos pi tal and Nurs ing Home Aux il iary Lay Plays for Ba zaar By Do ris Lessenden On Oc to ber 11, 2011, mem bers of the Weisbrod Hos pi tal and Nurs ing Home Aux il iary had a noon lunch with a work - ing busi ness meet ing to lay more plans for their An nual Hos pi tal and Nurs ing Home Aux il iary Ba zaar. The Ba zaar will be on Sat ur day, No vem - ber 19th at the Eads Com - mu nity Build ing at 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ad mis - sion is free, just come in to look around and shop. Linda Trosper was on hand to tell about her prog ress. She has sent ven dor let ters out and has made at trac tive post - ers which are posted. Do - ris will call into KLMR Ra dio and send the fact sheets to KLMR and KVAY. La dies who are not work ing in a booth are asked to care for the Aux - il iary Ta ble to sell draw - ing tick ets for the prizes to be picked out of the tum bler be fore the end of Card of Thanks The Eads Mid dle School knowl edge bowl team mem - bers and coaches would like to ex tend a huge thank you to ev - ery one who helped at our con - test. First on our list are Daryll Ad am son and Nancy Walker who went above and be yond the call of duty to make sure the fa cil ity was ready for our competition. Our volunteers included Linda Offill, Polly and Em ily Gyurman, Lance Jagers, Mary Vasquez, Donna Owens, Terri Salis bury, Vin cent Koeller, Linda Trosper, Dorie Musgrave, Laura Negley, Sharon John son and Cindy McLoud. We greatly ap pre ci - ated the help of the mem bers of the high school knowl edge bowl team; Brison Crow, Alicia James, Lo gan Smith, Melanie Mar tin, Gid eon Hallman and Derek Epper. We would also like to thank the ju nior class, spon sor Nikki Lenox, and par - ent Jennifer Crow who pre - pared and served the meal. Thank you, Eads Mid dle School Knowl - edge Bowl Team Dawn James Sue Fox the Ba zaar. We are pleased to have two beau - ti ful Af ghans for the draw - ing as well as two quilts from Al ice Glover and Faye Bar ber. Mem bers may be bringing other prizes. Lola Igou and Jeanne Tomboulian were ap - pointed to buy the big prize. Other needs are to have some peo ple make Eads School Cal en dar Mon day, No vem ber 7 th - MS BB Knights of Co - lum bus Trny at CW. FBLA Meet ing. Tues day, No vem ber 8 th - MS BB Knights of Co - lum bus Trny at CW. Thurs day, No vem ber 10 th - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Flu Shot Clinic for Staff and Stu dents * Elem. Teach - ers Lounge. 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. FFA No Name Game Night MP Room. Fri day, No vem ber 11th - HS State VB. 9:00 a.m. HS KB at Cheraw. Sat ur day, No vem ber 12th - HS State VB. HS FB Sec ond Round Play offs. Eads School Lunch Menu No vem ber 7 Break - fast: break fast burrito, ap ple juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: super nachos, let - tuce, to mato, peaches, muf fins, milk. No vem ber 8 Break - fast: Egg patty, toast, or - ange juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: cheese quesadillas, win ter blend, pears, cookie, milk. No vem ber 9 Break - fast: ce real, muf fin, yo - gurt, grape juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: pigs in a blan ket, cooked car rots, pine ap ple, pud ding cup, milk. No vem ber 10 Break - fast: pan cakes, sau sage patty, ap ple juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: la sa gna, salad, mixed fruit, bread, milk. pop corn balls to sell. We de cided to have a Kids Ta ble which Janet McKnight said she would take care of along with her ta ble. Linda Trosper said she would bring in some boy toys for the ta ble. We are so pleased to be hav ing the Haswell Town Coun cil to pre pare and sell foods from the Con - ces sion Stand. This is to help with the main te - nance of their Com mu nity Building. Do ris asked the Aux il - iary to con sider buy ing some good easy-to-hold hymn books to re place the ones that are fall ing apart for Sunday Cha pels. The Community Pre-Thanksgiving din ner will be Sunday, No vem ber 13th at the Com mu nity Building. (3-1) in the cham pi on ship match. Eads now ad vances to the Re gional Tour na ment at the Lamar Com mu nity Col lege this Fri day, Nov. 4th with the tour na ment start ing at 9:00 AM. Please see the Re gional Tour na ment sched ule in this pa per. The top two teams out of the Re gional Tour na ment will ad vance to the state vol ley ball tour na - ment in Den ver next week end. Team mem bers hold ing their Dis trict 2 cham pi on ship tro phy and bracket in clude: (front) Dorian Ray, Chelsea Crosby, Eboni Nash, and Tori Uhland (back) Bekah Hallman, Marisa Dixon, Hailey Ray, Tanaia Hansen, Natalya Weber, Emilee Weirich, Mikayla Schmidt, and Dena Hallman. The Lady Ea gles are coached by Steph a nie Bohlander and as sisted by Jay Wil son. (Betsy Barnett Photo) November 4, 2011 9

10 Atmos En ergy is Shar ing the Warmth in Col o rado By Brian Mar tens Atmos En ergy s (NYSE: ATO) Shar ing the Warmth en ergy as sis - tance pro gram is ready to aid cus tom ers who need help pay ing their nat u ral gas bills this winter. The Shar ing the ergy s Warmth pro gram helps per sons with low-in come, the el derly, the dis abled and fam i lies with young chil dren. Pro gram funds are do nated by Atmos En - ergy s cus tom ers, the com pany and its em ploy - ees. Lo cal en ergy as sis - tance agen cies qual ify Marples Country Market Your TOTAL Health Food Store 101 N. 4th Street Lamar, Colorado (719) and dis trib ute the funds to customers in need. Shar ing the Warmth is a cat a lyst for im prov ing the qual ity of life in the com mu ni ties we serve, said Gary Schlessman, pres i dent of Atmos En - Col o rado-kan sas Di vi sion. We are ask ing our cus tom ers to con - sider a vol un tary do na - tion to help their neigh - bors who have fallen on hard times to stay warm, healthy and safe this winter. 10 November 4, 2011 Atmos En ergy cus tom - ers can make a do na tion by check ing an amount on the back of their gas bill or they can also con trib ute on line at or by call ing Atmos En ergy s toll-free num ber at Schlessman said that those as sisted by the Shar ing the Warmth pro - gram are peo ple who tend to be more vul ner a ble to illness, disease, malnutri - tion and in suf fi cient med i - cal care. Es pe cially el - derly cus tom ers on lim - ited in comes, who typ i cally have al ways paid their bills on time, may put their health at risk by leav ing their fur naces off to save expenses, he said. We en cour age ev ery - one to check on his or her el derly rel a tives, friends and neigh bors who may be in need dur ing win ter weather, he said. Atmos En ergy will work with them on an in di vid ual ba - Prowers Con ser va tion Dis trict to Hold ing 8-Digit Wa ter shed Meet ing By Carla J. Warman Con ser va tion Dis trict Prowers Con ser va tion (with RSVP by No vem - Dis trict will be hold ing an 8-digit wa ter shed meet - ing on No vem ber 21, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. at the Di vi sion of Wild life Ar mory-2500 South Main Street, in Lamar. Lunch ber 7, we will need a head count for lunch). The goal of this ses sion is to pro vide land own ers in - for ma tion about what an 8-digit wa ter shed is, re - source con cerns, pro vide and drinks will be pro - land own ers an op por tu - vided by the Prowers nity to iden tify nat u ral re - Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary's Annual Fall Bazaar Saturday, November 19th Community Building on the fairgrounds in Eads, Colorado Shopping from - 9:00 a.m. til 2:00 p.m. Haswell Town Council will be serving lunch and concessions. Get an early start on your holiday shopping. For booth space or more information call: Linda Trosper (719) Suzanne Williams (719) source con cerns and what the Prowers Conservation District can do to help. Some of the top ics that we will be cov er ing will be Rapid Wa ter shed As sess - ment; 8-digit wa ter sheds; CIG pond study; wa ter qual ity; Wa ter Aug men ta - tion and pol i cies and water agencies. Ev ery one is wel come to come and join us for a very informational meet - ing, and have lunch with us. We will have hand outs and we will be giv ing away door prizes. sis and can of fer an ex ten - sion on their pay ment due date, pay ment in stall - ments, or re fer them to en ergy assistance agencies. Atmos En ergy s Col o - rado-kan sas Di vi sion, head quar tered in Den ver, serves ap prox i mately 110,000 nat u ral gas util ity customers across Colorado. The di vi sion serves a to tal of 241,000 cus tom - ers in 171 com mu ni ties in Col o rado and Kan sas. #50 Justin Lenox throw ing out a pass. (Nicolle Lenox Photo) Kiowa County Hospital District Weisbrod Memorial Hospital P.O. Box Eads, CO Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our Medical Staff: Eads Medical Clinic David Meadows, MD Erin Hieb-Morgan, FNPC Wiley Medical Clinic Sherryl Tomboulian, MD Mike Manley, PA-C For appointments call Eads - (719) Wiley - (719)

11 Oil and Gas Leases The fol low ing are 5 year leases to Alfson En ergy Land Ser vices, Inc., Green wood Vil lage, CO: Lyail Murdock, Fort Worth, TX, Sec tion 26: NW4, T19S, R47W. Har old Maycumber, Wood burn, OR, Sec tion 18: Lot 1, E2NW4, SE4, T20S, R47W. Sec tion 15: N2; Sec tion 18: Lot 3, 4, E2SW4, SE4, T19S, R52W. Sec tion 12: W2SE4, SE4SW4; Sec tion 21: NW4; Sec tion 34: NW4, T19S, R53W. Mi chael Wyckoff and John Wyckoff, La Junta, CO, Sec tion 20: NE4; Sec - tion 21: NW4, T20S, R53W. Violet Marshall, Rockport, TX, Sec tion 18: #35 Cory Miller scor ing and #11 Kyle Crow cel e brat ing the TD. (Nicolle Lenox Photo) COORDINATED ELECTION RESULTS Unofficial November 1, 2011 KIOWA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-2 SCHOOL BOARD AT LARGE (2) X X MARK SCOTT KATHRYN WEBER SPECHT HOWARD VOTRUBA VOTES KIOWA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-1 SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT C (1) X DIANE CROW SHELLY MYERS LARRY D. GIFFORD SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT F (1) X ROBIN WAYNE MORLAN SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT G (1) X Proposition 103 RALPH BERRY X YES NO Lot 1, 2, E2SW4, T19S, R46W. Mar i lyn Patrowsky, La Place, LA, Sec tion 18: Lots 1, 2, NE4, E2NW4, T20S, R49W. Clif ford Dungan, Rock - dale, TX, Sec tion 22: W2; Sec tion 31: Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, E2W2, E2, T18S, R52W. Darlene Surber, Salida, CO, Sec tion 22: W2; Sec - tion 31: Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, E2W2, E2, T18S, R52W. Buell and Mary Shaffer, Au rora, CO, Sec tion 20: NW4, N2SW4, SE4SE4; Sec tion 29: NE3NW4, T18S, R52W. Sam uel and Ce cile Shaffer, Pueblo West, CO, Sec tion 20: NW4, N2SW4, SE4SW4; Sec tion 29: NE4NW4, T18S, R52W. Donna Parker, Gar den City, KS, 3 year lease to Westphal En ergy, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT, Sec - tion 30: N2, S2, T17S, R47W. Sect9on 34: NE, SW, T17S, R48W. J Cheryl Jack son, Durango, CO, 4 year lease to Westphal En - ergy, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT, Sec tion 24: SWSE, T17S, R46W. The fol low ing are 5 year leases to Westphal En - ergy, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT: Lealon Brumley, Escalon, CA, Sec tion 24: W2, W2NE, T17S, R47W. Brandi Ridgeway, High - lands Ranch, CO, Sec tion 2: W2; Sec tion 3: S2; Sec - tion 4: W2; Sec tion 6: S2; Sec tion 8: S2; Sec tion 9: E2; Sec tion 10: SW, NW; Sec tion 14: W2, E2; Sec - tion 20: S2, T20S, R50W. Sec tion 22: SW, T20S, R51W. La Montagne and Com - pany, Kirsten La Montagne, Den ver, CO, Sec tion 20: W2, E2, T17S, R48W. San dra Ellison, Cindy Clift and Debra Ellison, joint ten ants, Eads, CO, Sec tion 2: NE, SENW, E2SW, SWSW, N2NW, NWSW, SWNW, T17S, R48W. Pa tri cia Da vis, heir of Joe Har ring ton, Tuscon, AZ, Sec tion 18: W2, SE, T17S, R45W. The fol low ing are to Pas chal En ergy Ser vices, Salt Lake City, UT for 5 years: Su san Floyd and John Hills Jr. ten ants in com - mon, Sec tion 18: S2, T17S, R46W. Jeri Dale Hammond Cook, Janeway Garza and M. Lee Grif fin, Albequerque, NM, Sec - tion 22: W2, T14S, R47W. U.S. AgBank, FCB, Wich ita, KS, 3 year lease to Mull Drill ing Com pany, Inc., Wich ita, KS, Sec tion 9: NE, T18S,R45W. Kelly-Thompson, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ, 5 year lease to Penn Terra En - ergy Part ners, LLC, Douglas, WY, Sec tion 28: SE4, NW4, T19S, R44W. Rocky Moun tain Farm ers Un ion Re ceives USDA/RD Fund ing By Bill Stevenson The Rocky Moun tain Farmers Union (RMFU) Co op er a tive De vel op - ment Cen ter learned this Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital Services Swing Bed Care Weisbrod Hospital's beds are licensed for either acute care or for extended care after receiving acute care. Thus, the use of its beds can "swing" either way. Swing bed care is for patients needing extended nursing care or rehabilitation, after receiving acute care either from Weisbrod Hospital or from another hospital. Swing bed care can be paid for by Medicare or by private insurance. For more information please contact Social Service Director 1208 Luther Street Eads, Colorado (719) week that it has been awarded a Ru ral Co op er - a tive De vel op ment Grant of $225,000, which will be used to fos ter and pro - mote cooperative busi - nesses in ru ral Col o rado, New Mexico, and Wyoming. An nounc ing the awards to RMFU and 35 other or - ga ni za tions in 26 states, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said, These grants help co op er a tives sup port lo cal pro jects and ini tia tives that cre ate jobs and im prove ru ral eco - nomic conditions. Rocky Moun tain Farm - ers Un ion, which rep re - sents fam ily farm ing and ranch ing in Col o rado, New Mex ico, and Wy o - ming, has been a leader in co op er a tive de vel op ment for many years. Since the found ing of the Co op er a - tive De vel op ment Cen ter in 1996, RMFU has helped cre ate, man age and sus - tain more than 100 cooperative businesses. November 4, 2011 11

12 Government & Commentary Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting Minutes Un of fi cial The Reg u lar Meet ing of the Ki owa County Com - mis sion ers was called to or der at 9:00 a.m. by Chair man Rich ard Scott on Oc to ber 27, Com - mis sioner Oswald opened the meet ing with prayer and the Pledge of Al le - giance. Those at tend ing were: Rich ard Scott, Commissioner; William E. Koehler, Com mis - sioner; Don ald Oswald, Com mis sioner; Debra C. Lening, County Clerk; Peggy Dunlap, Administrator. The vouch ers were re - viewed. Eight vouch ers were ques tioned. Vouch - ers were ap proved and signed. 12 November 4, 2011 Jeanne Sorensen en - tered the meet ing as a visitor. Shane Lessenden met with the Commissioners re gard ing Road & Bridge is sues and Fair Board is - sues. Min utes from the Oc to - ber 12, 2011 Reg u lar Meet ing was pre sented. Koehler made the mo tion, sec onded by Oswald, to ap prove the min utes as pre sented. All Com mis - sion ers voted affirmative. Koehler made the mo - tion, sec onded by Oswald, to is sue 3 let ters of dis - missal and 1 let ter of rep - ri mand for cer tain em - ployees. All Commissioners voted affirmative. The Prai rie Pines As - sisted Liv ing (PPAL) swim ming pool was dis - cussed. The Com mis sion - ers are still wait ing on a bid from Brase In sur - ance. If Brase does not give a quote, the Com mis - sion ers will con tact the insurance commissioner to move for ward. They feel that this mat ter has gone on long enough. Den nis Pearson, Di rec - tor of the De part ment of Social Services (DSS), met with the Com mis - sion ers. The Com mis - sion ers in formed him that 3 let ters of dis missal were be ing is sued to 3 of his em ploy ees and a let ter of rep ri mand was is sued to Pearson. They asked him to de liver the let ters of dis missal to the em ploy - ees. Due to the dis miss - als, the Day Care will be closed af ter to day un til fur ther no tice. Pearson asked if this could be dis - cussed fur ther be fore mak ing it fi nal. The Com - mis sion ers said it had been dis cussed and no ac - tion was taken. They stated that the Day Care is nec es sary but the way it s be ing op er ated is not work ing. The fee struc - ture will have to change and ag ing of ac counts will have to change. There has to be a dif fer ent sys - tem than what is be ing done now for it to suc ceed as a vi a ble busi ness. Pearson stated that the Day Care was set up to be affordable, but if that needs to change, so be it. Redistricting issues were dis cussed. Oswald made the mo tion, sec - onded by Koehler, to ac - cept Res o lu tion for re dis trict ing of the Com - mis sioner Dis tricts in Ki - owa County. All Com mis - sion ers voted af fir ma tive. There was no change in Commissioner District boundaries. Denise Young from the Li brary pre sented an in - sur ance pro posal for the Li brary prop erty from the Colorado Special Dis - tricts Prop erty and Li a bil - ity Pool. Work man s Com - pensation will become a part of this pro posal as of Jan u ary 1, This pro - posal was ap proved by the Library Board. The Pub lic Health Nurse po si tion was dis - cussed. Kevin Rink with South - east Net works & Sup port LLC met with the Com - mis sion ers re gard ing the TV tower con tract. Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to sign the Ki owa County Commissioners and South east Net works & Sup port LLC Ser vice Agree ment cov er ing 1 month in 2011 and the full year of All Com mis - sion ers voted affirmative. There was dis cus sion re gard ing the CDOT bridge funds. The County s two bridges that they would like to re sur - face do not qual ify for these funds. Both bridges are in good shape and rated too high to re ceive the funds. Clean ing at the Bransgrove build ing was dis cussed. Oswald made the mo tion, sec onded by Koehler, to pay Krissy Ray her hourly rate to clean the up stairs hall - way, bath rooms, win dows and stairs through De - cem ber 31, All Com - mis sion ers voted affirmative. Commissioner Oswald re ported on SEBREA and SECEDD and land fill air pol lu tion mat ters. The Towner Rail road line was dis cussed. It still ap pears that the rail will be re moved but the Com - mis sion ers do not have any thing firm on this mat - ter from any one. Com - mis sioner Scott will try to find out more in for ma - tion. County health in sur - ance for 2012 was re - viewed. There will be a 4% in crease for Oswald made the mo - tion, sec onded by Koehler, to ap point Barbara McCoin to the va cancy on the Li brary Board. All Com mis sion - ers voted af fir ma tive. The next Reg u lar Meet - ing will be No vem ber 14th. With no fur ther busi - ness, Oswald made the motion, seconded by Koehler, to ad journ at 1:30 p.m. All Commissioners voted af fir ma tive.

13 Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS The Press can be re spon si ble for only one incorrect insertion. Clas si fied dead line is 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays. HELP WANTED The Town of Eads is seek ing qualified applicants for an entry level Main te nance Worker 1 po - si tion. Ap pli cant must be selfmo ti vated, have or be able to ob - tain a Class B or higher Col o rado driver s li cense, must hold a Col - o rado Class D Wa ter and Wastewater Li cense or be able to ob tain them within eigh teen months of em ploy ment, must be able to pass a back ground check and health physical. Responsibili ties in clude but are not lim ited to: equipment operation and maintenance, meter reading and wa ter line re pair, sup port of all Pub lic Works func tions as needed, lift ing up to 100 pounds, work ing from lad ders, con fined spaces and in clem ent weather con di tions. This is a full time 40 plus hours per week po si tion with occasional weekend duty. Salary depending on qualifica - tions. Applications may be picked up at Town Hall, 110 W. 13th St., and must be re turned by 5:00 p.m. Fri day, No vem ber 11, For more in for ma tion contact the Town Clerk s office at The Town of Eads is an EOE. Kiowa County Hospital District in Eads, Colorado is accepting applications for a Physical Therapy As sis tant. You will work in con - junc tion with a Phys i cal Ther a - pist in acute care, hos pi tal rehab, long term care and out pa tient rehab. Must have grad u ated from an ac cred ited school. Com - pet i tive pay scale. For fur ther in - formation, please contact Human Resources at Lit tle Sprouts Childcare Cen ter is hir ing full time and part time teachers. Applications can be picked up at 1305 Goff St. (Ki owa County Commissioners Office) and must be re turned no later than 4:00 pm on No vem ber 22nd. Some po si tions will be filled im me di ately as there are staff ing is sues. For more in for - ma tion, Please call Peggy at Ki owa County is an EOE. MISC I have CRP Buy ers and need list - ings. Rich ard Grant ham Re alty, Ordway, CO Pub lic No tice DISTRICT COURT, KIOWA COUNTY, COLORADO Case No.: 11 PR In the Mat ter of the De ter mi na tion of Heirs or Devisees or Both and of In ter ests in Prop erty of: EVERETT MAR BLE and EDNA A. MAR BLE, Deceased NOTICE ALL IN TER ESTED PER SONS AND OWN ERS BY IN HER I TANCE OF THE FOL LOW ING REAL PROP - ERTY, to-wit: An un di vided 3/4 s in ter est in oil, Eads C-Store gas and sim i lar min er als in and un - der the fol low ing lands: NE1/4 of Sec tion 19, Town ship 19 South, Range 45 West of the 6th P.M., N1/2NW1/4 of Sec tion 19 and Sec tion 35, Sl/2 of Sec tion 27 in Town ship 19 South, Range 44 West of the 6th P.M., re served by Everett Mar ble and Edna A. Mar ble in Deed re corded in Book 258 at Page 290 of Ki owa County Re - cords, and an un di vided 3/4 s in ter - est in the oil, gas and other min er - als in and un der the NW1/4 of Sec tion 11, Town ship 20 South, Range 46 West of the 6th P.M. re - served to the heirs of Earl Jay Mar - Pub lic No tice NOTICE AS TO PROPOSED BUDGET No tice is hereby given that the pro - posed bud get has been sub mit ted to Town of Eads for the en su ing year of A copy of such pro - posed bud get has been filed in the of fice of the Town Hall where same is open for pub lic in spec tion. Such pro posed bud get will be con sid - ered at a bud get hear ing of the Town of Eads to be held at the City Hall on No vem ber 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Any in ter ested elec tor within such Town of Eads may in spect the pro - posed bud get and file or reg is ter any ob jec tions thereto at any time prior to the fi nal adop tion of the budget. Dated: Oc to ber 28, 2011 Town of Eads By: /s/ Dawna Peck Published November 4, 2011 In the Ki owa County Press Pub lic No tice NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO C.S.R NOTICE TO CREDITORS Es tate of George Leslie King Jr. a/k/a George King, a/k/a George L. King, De ceased All per sons hav ing claims against the above-named es tate are re - quired to pres ent them to the un - der signed on or be fore Feb ru ary 28, 2012 or the claim may be for - ever barred. Rebecca A. Mor gan Affiant P 0 Box 22 Hasty, Co First Pub lished Oc to ber 28, 2011 Last Pub lished No vem ber 11, 2011 In the Ki owa County Press Eads Consumers Supply We have: Propane - Batteries (Marine/Car) - Tires & Tubes - Oil - Feed - Bulk Fuel We can: Fix truck tires Service jobs - Brakes - On-the-road tire repair Country C-Store Hot Dogs - Sandwiches - Pizza Oven - Ice Cream - Chips & Snacks - Candy - Dining Area Pop 6-12 oz. cans - $ oz. bottles - $3.49 ble in Deed re corded in Book 259 at Pages 292, 293, and 294 of Ki owa County Re cords. shall ap pear and an swer the Pe ti - tion for the De ter mi na tion of Heirs or Devisees or Both, and Of In ter - ests in Prop erty within twenty (20) days af ter ser vice of the no tice if per sonal ser vice oc curs within the State of Col o rado or thirty (30) days af ter ser vice if per sonal ser - vice oc curs out side the State of Col o rado or ser vice is had by mail or by publication. All ob jec tions to the Pe ti tion must be filed in writ ing and with the Court and the fil ing fee paid for within the time re quired for an - swer ing the Pe ti tion, which hear ing is now sched uled for the 1st day of De cem ber, 2011 at the Ki owa County Court house, and that hear - ing shall be lim ited to the ob jec - tions timely filed and the par ties an swer ing the Pe ti tion in a timely man ner. DATED this 27 th day of Sep tem ber, MARK S. DA VIS, No Attorney for Petitioner 123 South Main St., P.O. Box 30 Lamar,C (719) c:wpl2\may.not\kkc\l1-92 First Pub lished Oc to ber 14, 2011 Last Pub lished No vem ber 11, 2011 In the Ki owa County Press EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Little Sprouts Child Care Center is seeking a qualified applicant for Director. Applicant must have a Colorado Director s License, a valid Colorado driver s license, a current resume and be able to pass a thorough background check. Applications and a complete job description may be picked up at the Kiowa County Commissioners Office Monday Friday between 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Applications must be returned to the Commissioners Office no later than 4:30 PM November 18, For more information please call Kiowa County is an EOE NATIONAL FARMERS UNION INSURANCE COMPANIES Your National Farmers Union Insurance Agent In Kiowa County Melinda J. Kelley P.O. Box South Main Street Lamar, Colorado (719) or Winter - Sept.-Mar. Wednesday 8:00-4:30 Thursday 8:00-4:30 Saturday 8:00-4:30 Sunday 1:00-4:30 p.m. CLOSED: Noon to 12:30 for Lunch There s One Way to Get Results! November 4, 2011 13

14 Mar i lyn Baxter, Deby Courkamp, and Den nis Pearson were among the Eads Cham - ber of Com merce mem bers who took a snack bas ket made from Crow s Stop and Shop to show our ap pre ci a tion for the Mc Don ald Land Ser vices busi ness be ing in Eads. Next to Mar i lyn is Crew Chief, Nate Camp bell, then Chriss Paulson, Julie Pantolopoulous, Cynthia Corralea, Roby Douglass, and Angela Ornelas. These are just some of the em ploy ees who were in the for mer Sun flower Great Plains Oil build - ing on High way 287 the day we vis ited. (Cham ber Photo) The Best Place to Bank and Borrow... Cham ber of Com merce mem bers, Deby Courkamp and Jan Rich ards, of fer a hearty wel come to Nyce (pro - nounced Nikki) Dunn for bring ing her hair sa lon to Eads. Nyce, for merly from Wiley, is a grad u ate of Lamar Com - mu nity Col lege. She is cer ti fied to do ped i cures, man i - cures, hair cuts, as well as col ors and perms, wax ing and acrylic nails. Ms Dunn s sa lon is a part of the Tone Zone and More es tab lish ment. Brother and sis ter of Erin Specht who runs the Mas sage Par lor are seated in the sa lon chairs where the Cham ber of fered Nyce Eads Bucks and a year s mem ber ship to Cham ber. (Cham ber Photo)... is from the people who know you your HOMETOWN BANK! As a smaller "community bank", we believe that knowing and serving our customers is our primary advantage over the "larger" banks. In being creative, friendly, and responsive to our customers' needs, we create an atmosphere where our customers enjoy doing business with us, and will recommend us to others. Don t forget we offer Free Online Banking and Free Online Bill Pay Maine P.O. Box 847 Eads, Colorado Member FDIC The children of Randy and Margaret Richardson invite you to help them celebrate their 25th Anniversary November 12 from 2-4 p.m. at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church Melanie, Michelle & Derek No Gifts Please Don t Monkey Around! Sell Your Stuff Fast in the Classifieds! The Press Classifieds reach hundreds of eager buyers every week, and cost as little as $3.00. Classifieds: the affordable way to get results! Call November 4, 2011

This Week s Sur vey Re sults. Bi cy cle and Pe des trian Is sues. Dan iel B. Rathbone, Ph.D., P.E. Ed i tor/pub lisher

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