Peo ple & Places. Birth days

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2 Peo ple & Places WEATHER WEATHER Up com ing Events The EHS se nior class is sell ing break fast burritos ev - ery Fri day. If you would like some de liv ered to your home call Dawna Weirich at (719) or Lori Morlan at (719) Pack the Gym Night 2010: The Eads Ea gles will host the Chey enne Wells Ti - gers in 4 games start ing at 4:00 p.m. Fri day, Feb ru ary 19. Come join us for a night packed full of fun with prize draw ings, halftime en ter tain - ment, games dur ing the ju - nior var sity halftimes, and much more! Cham ber of Com merce will host Busi ness Af ter Hours on Mon day, Feb ru ary An ni ver sa ries February 23 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wat son, Mr. and Mrs. Liann Kruger. February 28 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wade Watts. Press Kiowa County P.O. Box Maine Street, Eads, CO Connie McPherson, Editor Chris Sorensen, Publisher Pegi Hueller, Web Site Manager Betsy Barnett, School Sports, Community Interest Rodney Johnson, USDA/Ag News Volunteer Contributors: Melissa Peterson, Doris Lessenden, Curtis Schrimp, 2007 All Rights Reserved. Feb Feb. 16 Date High Low Precip Last year High/Low:...68/23 Feb. Precip. ( 09/ 10): 0.74/0.38 Year to Date Precip As recorded in Eads by Ben Fisher. Friday Saturday Sunday (USPS ) Legal newspaper of Kiowa County Periodical Postage paid at Eads, Colorado Published Friday of each week. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: P.O. Box 248, Eads, CO at the Prai rie Pines. Fin - ger foods at 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. the speaker will be Pat Palmer on de tails of the Snow Goose Fes ti val and Tour ism in South east Col o - rado. Community is welcome. Eads Driver Li cense Sched ule - Feb ru ary - 23rd & 24th. WEED MANAGEMENT CLASS - Dis cover how to con trol those nui sance weeds in your yard and gar - den by at tend ing the Weed Man age ment class on Tues - day, March 23, 2010 from 6-9 p.m. of fered by CSU Ex - ten sion/pueblo County. Me - chan i cal, bi o log i cal and chem i cal con trol op tions will be cov ered. Cost is $15 and pre-reg is tra tion with pay - ment must be re ceived no later than Tues day, March 16th. For more in for ma tion con tact the CSU Ex ten sion office at (719) Weekend Forecast 44/21 20% chance of snow, mostly cloudy, N NE wind mph. Mostly cloudy with 20 % E SE wind 5-10 mph. 47/19 30 % 41/21 30 % 30% chance of /snow, mostly cloudy, E SE wind around 10 mph. Mostly cloudy evening with E wind around 10 mph. 30% chance of snow, mostly cloudy, NE wind around 10 mph. Mostly cloudy evening with E wind at 5 becoming S. Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Friday Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Tues. NO EXCEPTIONS Rates: In Kiowa County $22; all other $ subscription (PDF Format) $18 world-wide Subscriptions are non-refundable. To ensure uninterrupted service, renew your subscription before the expiration date shown on your mailing label. 2 February 19, 2010 Ki owa County Wife Chap ter 124, will be hav ing a meet ing on Feb ru ary 25, at K & M Res tau rant in Eads. Our guest will be Mark Hill - man, for mer State Sen a tor and for mer State Trea surer. Our meet ing will be opened to the pub lic at 1:00 p.m. You are in vited to come and lis ten to Mark and bring any ques tions you may have. Re - fresh ments will be served. The Ki owa County Com mis sion ers will meet in reg u lar ses sion on Thurs day, February 25; Tuesday, March 16 and Wednes day, March 31. Meet ings are held in the Com mis sioner s Of fice in the court house (1305 Goff Birth days February 22 Tony Kahler. February 23 Chad Lyon, Kayla Miller, Scott Elarton, Masyn Hager, Opal Yule, Delene DeGroot, Thane Sam uel Fink. February 24 Valerie Lyon, Si erra Howland. February 25 Jim Gar - ner. February 26 Tommy It s In Our Hands! That s the slo gan for the 2010 Cen sus na tion wide, ac cord ing to lo cal Cen sus Re cruiter, Joyce Sur - prise. The U.S. Cen sus is con - tin u ing to ac cept ap pli ca - tions for work ers for the 2010 Cen sus, with the goal of mak ing it the most ac - cu rate count ever taken of peo ple who live in the United States. Be re - minded that much fund - ing for ed u ca tion, hos pi - tals, se nior cen ters, roads, bridges and var i - ous other needed ar eas, is tied di rectly to the num - Street), Eads, Col o rado, start ing at 9:00 a.m. Lamar Pub lic Li brary s Book Club will be hold ing their first meet ing Thurs day, Feb ru ary 25th at 7:00 p.m. Any one is wel come to at tend and join the book club. For more In for ma tion con tact Deb bie Reynolds (719) deb - REMINDER: 4-H and FFA kids who plan on show - ing steers, weigh-in is Feb ru - ary 26 from 9-11 a.m. at the fair grounds in Eads, north end of new barn. High Plains Snow Goose Craft and Art Show Chase, Ryan Phillips, Amy Simpkins, Adam Simpkins, Shasta Hope, Jayden Kiniston. February 27 Ronda Weirich, Darla Hansen, Nick John son, Emma Mae Stoker. February 28 Mariya Krueger, Adrienne Specht, Paul Specht, Jim Gibson. ber of peo ple who reside in a community. Southeast Colorado Needs You! If you live in Eads, Holly, Granada, Lamar and all sur round - ing ar eas, serv ing as a U.S. Cen sus worker will benefit your community fi nan cially, as well as earn you some ex tra in come dur ing these eco nom i - cally tough times. Can we count on YOU? Call Toll Free to sched - ule a time for your ap pli - ca tion/test ing for all of the above communities. Saturday, February 27, at the Lamar High School gym from 8:00 till 4:00. Come out and see all the ven dors and the birds of prey. Booth spaces are still avail able for more in - for ma tion call (719) En roll now in Prowers County 4-H and ac cess a world of ac tiv i ties, hands-on learn ing and fun in your com - mu nity. Dead line to en roll is March 1 at the Prowers County Extension office. Call (719) for more in - formation. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Next year, 2010 Ki - owa County Fair will be cel e - brat ing their 100th an ni ver sary. We would like to make a photo col lage of past fairs to dis play dur ing the 2010 fair. If you have any pho to graphs you would like to share we would like you to send them to Glenda Stoker, PO Box 33, Haswell, CO Or you could drop them off at Haswell Pro pane or to Shan non Dixon at Weisbrod Hos pi tal. For more in for ma tion call (719) or (719) We will make cop ies and then send the orig i nals back to you will be a big year for our county, cel e brat ing 100 years for the fair. The Fair Board would like to rec - og nize the vet er ans from this area. Please call Areta Laird (719) and leave a mes sage or Roland Sorensen (719) Give us your name, branch of ser vice and when you served. List ings in Up com ing Events are free to non-profit groups or or ga ni za tions, or for gen eral, non-busi ness community announcements. List ing in for ma tion must be sub mit ted by 4:00 p.m. each Tuesday for publication in the next Fri day edi tion. Avail able space may be lim ited. Call (719) , or visit m, for more in for ma tion or to place your listing.

3 Top News Sher iff s Of fice Makes Changes By Mike Har ris Deputy Sheriff Many res i dents of Ki - owa County have prob a - bly no ticed that some changes have been made at the Ki owa County Sher iff s Of fice. The Sher - iff s Of fice would like to take this op por tu nity to share with the com mu - nity and let ev ery one know about the changes and what Ki owa County res i dents can ex pect in the future. In 2009 the Sher iff s Of - fice ap plied for a Jus tice As sis tance Grant, and re - ceived a grant award of $140,000 as part of the Fed eral Gov ern ment s re cov ery ef forts. The grant does not re quire match ing funds mean ing that Ki owa County does not have to match or re - pay the funds in the grant. The grant will be in ef fect over a two year pe riod which started in October of This grant is what has al lowed the Sher iff s Of - fice to make the changes it has in or der to better serve the com mu nity. The grant has al lowed the Sher iff s Of fice to hire back one dep uty, and is pay ing for that dep uty s sal ary for the two year pe - riod of the grant. In ad di - tion the grant has al lowed the pur chase of used State Pa trol ve hi cles which the Sher iff s Of fice was able to ob tain, pre-equipped with cer tain equip ment, for a frac tion of what it would cost to equip new equiv a lent ve - hi cles. As part of up dat ing the Sher iff s Of fice ve hi - cle fleet it was de cided that the truck in best re-sale condition would be sold and funds gen er - ated would go back into the County Gen eral Fund. Ris ing fuel costs were also a fac tor in the de ci - sion to make changes to the vehicle fleet. In ad di tion the grant has al lowed for the pur - chase of other equip ment that the Sher iff s Of fice Eighth An nual High Plains Snow Goose Fes ti val By Mi chael Seraphin The city of Lamar and the Col o rado Di vi sion of Wild life will co-host the eight an nual High Plains Snow Goose Fes ti val, the week end of Feb ru ary The pop u lar event is a chance to see flocks of thou sands of snow geese dur ing their mi gra tion through south east Colorado. This festival continues to get big ger and better ev ery year, said John Koshak, a watchable wild - life coordinator with the DOW. The word is out that the mi gra tion of snow geese through southeast Colorado is one of the grand spec ta cles of bird mi gra tion in the west ern United States. Snow geese are con sid - ered the most abun dant goose in the world. Tens of thou sands of the birds move through east ern Col o rado dur ing their spring migration. In pre vi ous years, bird en thu si asts have been able to watch thou sands of snow geese, Can ada geese, and other wa ter - fowl, take off and land as they come and go be - tween feed ing grounds and roost ing sites on lo cal res er voirs. The sight of thou sands of geese lift ing off the wa ter or cir cling for a land ing is an un for - get ta ble ex pe ri ence, said Koshak. The week end fea tures a wide va ri ety of both in - door and out door ac tiv i - ties be gin ning with sev - eral spe cial tours on Fri day. Be sides the at - trac tion of see ing the geese, other high lights in - clude guided na ture view - ing tours, a craft fair, birds of prey dem on stra - tions, lec tures, a pho tog - ra phy work shop, hunt ing sem i nars, op por tu ni ties to ex plore the re gion s mu se ums and historic sites, and a banquet. Fes ti val par tic i pants who plan to at tend the out door tours are urged to dress ap pro pri ately and bring lay ered cloth - ing to stay warm and dry. The weather in south - eastern Colorado is diffi - cult to pre dict at this time of year, so it s best to be pre pared for all kinds of conditions, said Linda Groat, a wild life ed u ca - tion spe cial ist. We can have sunny days in the mid-60 s or wet weather with some snow. It s best to be pre pared for ev ery - thing. The tem per a tures can change dra mat i cally on the sunrise tours. Or ga niz ers also sug gest bring ing a cam era, bin oc - u lars, and a bird iden ti fi - ca tion book. Groat also said the event has a va ri - ety of in door ses sions for those who might not want to brave the weather on the out door wild life viewing tours. Par tic i pants pre-reg is ter m. To in quire about fes ti - val activities, call (719) was in need of, such as com puter equip ment, com puter up grades, and tac ti cal equip ment. Un - der the con di tions of the grant, the Sher iff s Of fice will also be up dat ing the com mu nity through the cre ation of a new de part - men tal web site and blog, which will al low the com - mu nity to keep up to date with what is hap pen ing in the com mu nity from a law en force ment per spec tive, and also to leave tips, and com ments for Sher iff Frazee and his staff. In ad di tion the Sher iff s Of - fice will be in creas ing traf fic pa trols on High way 287, will be con tin u ing its Fraud Ed u ca tion pro - gram, and work ing to ad - dress youth and senior citizen issues in the community. An other grant pro gram used to in crease law en - force ment and traf fic safety ac tiv ity in 2009/2010 is through the State of Col o rado s Heat Is On pro gram. This pro - gram pays over time hours for of fi cers to per - form DUI pa trols through out the county. The Ki owa County Sher - iff s Of fice is one of many law en force ment agen - cies in the state that is help ing keep Col o rado roads a lit tle safer. This grant pro gram is also non-match ing, and is only in ef fect cur rently dur ing cer tain pe ri ods through - out the year when traf fic safety has been con sid - ered to be an is sue be - cause of past ac tiv i ties. Be tween No vem ber 23rd and De cem ber 11th, 2009, 1,181 peo ple were ar - can rested for DUI in Col o - at rado by more than 50 law en force ment agen cies and the Col o rado State Pa trol. Dur ing that same time pe riod, six peo ple were killed in al co hol-re - lated crashes, ac cord ing to preliminary reports to the Colorado Department of Transportation. As far as traf fic pa trol - ling is con cerned in the county, in 2009 Ki owa County adopted the Model Traf fic Code, which also keeps more funds within Ki owa County and helps aug ment the County Gen eral Fund. The Model Traf fic Code is the same traf fic code that the state uses, the vi o la - tions are the same, the fines and fees are the same, it sim ply al lows the fines from vi o la tions to go to the county in stead of the state. The Town of Eads has also im ple - mented the Model Traf fic Code al low ing fines to go di rectly to the town for vi - o la tions that occur in Eads town limits. To wards the end of 2009 the Town of Eads con - tracted with the Ki owa County Sher iff s Of fice in or der to hire an other dep - uty to pro vide law en - force ment ser vices for Eads. As a re sult of the con tract and the grant, the Sher iff s Of fice now has six sworn of fi cers avail able to as sist the cit i - zens of Ki owa County in their law en force ment needs. And two of those of fi cers and much of the de part ment s equip ment are pro vided through grants which pro vide nec - es sary law en force ment ser vices at a net savings to Kiowa County tax payers. We hope that county res i dents will take ad van - tage of the changes that the Sher iff s Of fice is im - plementing, especially the new web site and blog, in or der to de velop closer com mu nity re la tions and better ser vice to the community. February 19, 2010 3

4 Agriculture & Outdoor Life USDA Up date We still have no in for ma - tion con cern ing CRP (Con - ser va tion Re serve Pro gram) and the pos si bil ity of a gen - eral sign-up in If you in tend to break out CRP in 2010, you need to work Yellow Corn/bu Grain Sorghum/cwt Sunflowers/cwt*(oil) Wheat/bu Oats By Rod John son with NRCS (Nat u ral Re source Con ser va tion Ser - vice) to de velop a plan. You should also check with your Federal Crop Insurance agent to see if the crops you in tend to plant will be el i gi Kiowa County Posted County Price Corn, Sorghum, Sunflowers, Wheat & Oats Loan Rate Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 15 $2.07 $3.42 $3.44 $3.44 $3.38 $4.86 $4.92 $4.92 $9.98 $14.90 $14.96 $14.96 $2.51 $3.99 $4.03 $4.03 $1.37 $2.07 $2.08 $2.08 Feb 16 $3.48 $5.11 $14.88 $4.06 $ February 19, 2010 Feb 17 $3.48 $5.14 $14.86 $4.09 $2.12 The Kiowa County loan rate is shown for each crop and the Posted County Price (PCP) for each day. The LDP rate for any day is determined by subtracting the PCP (or 30 day average PCP) from the Kiowa County loan rate. If the daily and 30 day average PCP are both above the loan rate, no LDP is in effect. LDP's are also applicable to other crops including barley, soybeans, and oilseeds (*including non-oil sunflowers). Contact the FSA Office for rates. Telephone FSA (Ext 2), NRCS (Ext 3). individuals firstname.last name@ (Example, walt.immer, nadene.gaynor, dawna.weirich, charla.ferris, marvin.watson, marlin.miller, brett.jones) "The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, and marital or familial status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA, Office of Communications at (voice) or (TDD). To file a complaint, write the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, 20250, or call (voice) or (TDD). USDA is an equal employment opportunity employer and provider." ble for in sur ance. We are waiting on clarification of the eligibility of non-insur - able crops for the NAP (Noninsured Crop Di sas ter As sis tance Pro gram). SURE De lays The snow storm in Wash - ing ton DC de layed re ceipt of re vised pro ce dure we need be fore we move for ward with com plet ing your 2008 SURE (Sup ple men tal Rev e - nue As sis tance Pro gram) applications. We will be con tact ing you as soon as we get your ap pli ca tions pre pared with the in for ma - tion we have. You may need to bring ad di tional 2008 production records on some crops NAP Pro duc tion Be fore you get into the busy farm ing sea son, you should take time to get your 2009 production records to gether for NAP crops (Noninsured Crop Di sas ter As sis tance Pro gram). The South east Area Ex ten sion Says How Can You Tell Where You Are Go ing, If You Don t Know Where You Are Or Where You Have Been? By Bruce Fickenscher A sim ple ques tion! One we should prob a bly all ask our selves once in a while; es pe cially range - land man ag ers! Is the pri - mary crop grass or live - stock? Many would ar gue that they are cat tle men first and fore most! But, do your live stock per form if you do not have the REMINDER: 4-H and FFA kids who plan on showing steers - Weigh-in is February 26 from 9-11 a.m. at the fairgrounds north end of new barn. grass to feed them? A lot of ques tions; let s con - sider some responses. First let s con sider the have been. Na tive range land, tra di tion ally, was a very di verse en vi - ron ment. There was a va - ri ety of cool and warm sea son grasses to sus tain graz ing an i mals. Prob - lems de vel oped be cause many of the most nu tri - tious of the plant spe cies do not with stand re - peated graz ing, de fo li a - tion if you will. There fore, be cause of con tin u ous graz ing, year af ter year, many of these nu tri tious, high ton nage spe cies are slim to none on the ma jor - ity of mod ern range lands. Yes we have buf falo grass and blue grama; very nu - tri tious spe cies in their own right. But how many NAP pro gram re quires an - nual reporting of production re cords even if you do not have a loss. The pro duc tion re cords be come part of your Actual Production History. Fail ure to turn in re cords can re sult in lower yields which will af fect pay ments in a di sas ter year. Also, don t for get the dead line for ob tain ing NAP cov er age on spring crops in Ki owa County is March 15. have seen vi a ble stands of na tive sideoats grama, big bluestem, lit tle bluestem, green nee dle grass, and oth ers, that ac - tu ally pro duce more pounds of for age i.e. more feed? Good back - ground information can be found in the Col o rado State Uni ver sity fact sheet Grass Growth and Re sponse to Graz ing which can be ac cessed on the internet at: atres/06108.html. Now, where are we? The only way we have to know where we are with range land is through monitoring our production. A grain pro ducer can mea sure the amount of grain yield; range pro duc - ers should mea sure tons of for age pro duced and spe cies of grasses avail - able. Mon i tor ing does not have to be com pli cated, just con sis tent! Again, there are sev eral good pub li ca tions on the CSU Beef Team website ( and the Cattleman s Library to help you get started. We need to keep in mind that we must know what we are look ing at be fore we can un der stand what we are see ing! Your lo cal CSU Ex ten sion of fice has more information to help you get started as well.

5 School & Youth Five EHS Wres tlers Headed to State Tour na ment By Dawna Weirich The EHS wres tlers pre - sented them selves at La Junta with great pride and de ter mi na tion this past week end at the Re - gion 4 Re gional Wres tling Tour na ment. The top four plac ers in each weight di vi sion move on to the State Tour na ment at the Pepsi Cen ter in Den ver. Eads will be send ing five wres - tlers, Cody Fry, se nior 103#; Lucas Darr, ju nior 125#; Garrett Smith, se - nior 189#; Justin Lenox, fresh man 215#, and Dan - iel Weirich, fresh men Heavy weight. To reach this goal is no easy task. Since No vem ber these young men have been put through gru el ing prac - tices and each one would have their ups and their downs through out the year, but each one has grown both men tally and phys i cally and that is what will def i nitely make them fine men in the future. Regionals would start on Fri day at Ti ger Gym in La Junta. Teams from Baca County, Burlington, Calhan, Chey enne Wells, Col o rado D & B, Crowley County, Fowler, Holly, Ki - owa, Las Animas, Manzanola, Rocky Ford, Simla, and Swink would each have wres tlers vying for a place on the State Tour na ment bracket. Each wres tler would wres tle once that eve ning and some even twice. On Sat ur day the tour na ment got un der way at 11:00 a.m. and by the end of the af ter noon the brack ets were com plete for cham - pi on ship round, third, fourth, fifth and sixth plac ing. The fi nal round would be gin at 5:00 with the pa rade of cham pi ons and wres tling be gan at 5:30 p.m. The end of the eve ning would see Eads bring home three fourth places, one third and one regional champion. Cody Fry 103# Fry would start the tour na ment off on the right foot by de feat ing Cody Breedin from Las Animas in a first pe riod pin of 56 sec onds. He would meet with Miquel Torres from Burlington first thing Sat ur day morn ing and would lose to Torres 1-7. This would drop Cody down the con - so la tion side of the bracket. He would de feat Brandon Grasmick of Fowler 2-0 and would be wres tling Da vid Torres from Manzanola for third and fourth place. Fry and Torres have met twice this year and both wins in Fry s fa vor. How ever, Torres would end up the win ner of this meet ing de - feat ing Fry 4-8. Cody will start the State Tour na - ment by wres tling Wyatt Wade, fresh men from Do - lores. Cody is one of our se niors and I wish him lots of luck this week at the tour na ment. Bring home some hardware Cody! Tyron Moore 119# Tyron would wres tle well this past week end how ever it just was n t quite enough to get him to the State Tour na ment. He be gan the tour na ment by wres tling the num ber one seed, Ricky Long from Rocky Ford. I was re ally proud of Tyron in this match, he fought off his back a num ber of times through out this match, he would even tu ally get decisioned 0-17, but he showed a lot of heart and de ter mi na tion. Tyron needed to beat Dylan Parker from Fowler to qual ify for the state tour - na ment how ever; he would come up short with a de ci sion of 2-10 in fa vor of Parker. Tyron s sea son may be over, but if he works on strength and con di tion ing in the off-sea son his fu ture looks bright. I look for ward to see ing you next year Tyron, work hard, it will pay off. Lucas Darr 125# Wild man Lucas, that just about sums up Lucas! He is just one of those wres tlers that are fun to watch. Some times he is like a ma gi cian you just never know what he s go ing to pull out of his head gear and throw on the mat. Lucas would meet up with Aaron Hernandez from Rocky Ford on Fri day night and would pin him in 3:49 in the sec ond pe riod. Sat ur - day would match Lucas with Bon Kinder a se nior from Burlington with a 30-2 re cord. Kinder is a good wres tler and would have all he could han dle with Lucas. Kinder would get Lucas with a de ci sion of Lucas would then go against Justin Westphal from Baca County and would pin Westphal in the sec ond pe riod. This win would automatically qualify Lucas for the State Tour - na ment. Darr would be wres tling An drew Scherer from Simla for third and fourth place and would end up with fourth place af ter fall ing in a de - ci sion match of Lucas will face RD Braz from Wray in the first round at State and I wish Lucas lots of luck this weekend. Go get em Lucas! Tay lor Weirich 140# Tay lor ended up be ing one match away from qual i fy ing for the State tour na ment. He would have been able to wres tle back and pos si bly qual i - fied how ever, the cards would not fall right for Tay lor, as the wres tler that Tay lor wres tled ear - lier in the day would end up in fourth place and Tay lor was un able to wres tle back. Tay lor would start the tour na - ment out like a ball of fire, first round he would pin Edwyn Holqin from Chey - enne Wells in 4:38 this would then face Hayden Nordyke from Holly. Tay - lor would fall to Nordyke in 2:51, and would then face Pat rick Mun ster from Calhan and would pin Mun ster in a short 43 sec onds. Weirich faced Chris Cornelius from Las Animas and if he could win this one he would be one-step closer, he would decision Cornelius 5-3. The next match would be the de cid ing fac tor and it would be against T.J. Hernandez from Crowley County. Tay lor would bat - tle this match, but would come out on the short end and get pinned in the third pe riod. Not a doubt in my mind, Tay lor will def i nitely be in the mix next year. I for one look for ward to next year with Tay lor, he has some good things in his future. See ya next year Taylor! T.J. Mitch ell - 145# Mitch ell would start Fri - day night with Brandon Dickinson from Rocky Ford. Dickinson would come out on top with a pin in 2:32. T.J. would then go to the consolation round and would face Aidan Osborn from Ki owa. Osborn would come out with the win and this would knock T.J. out of the tour na ment. It s my hope that T.J. co mes on out his ju nior year and shows us what he is ca pa - ble of. T.J. may not have had a suc cess ful sea son, ac cord ing to the num - bers, how ever; us ing what he learned through - out the sea son will carry through to next sea son. See ya next year T.J.! Garrett Smith 189# Garrett would be our re - gional cham pion in this weight division. Garrett would wres tle twice on Fri day night. He would start off with Jesse Ev ans from Ki owa and would pin Ev ans in 1:22, this would The EHS wres tlers and their coaches, Glenn Smith and Lance Jagers are lined up for in tro duc tion of teams at the re gion 4 Re gional Tour na ment held last week end in La Junta. Five wres tlers have qual i fied for the State Tour na ment in Den ver this week end at the Pepsi Cen ter. Good luck wres tlers! (Dawna Weirich Photo) Con tin ued on page 16 February 19, 2010 5

6 Mid dle School wres tler Dylan Dixon, coached by Brian Bohlander, won third place at the Burlington In vi ta tional Tour na ment Feb ru ary 11 and won fourth place at the Chey enne Wells Tour na ment Feb ru ary 2. Well done, Dylan. (Honey Belle Dixon Photo) Mid dle School wres tler Blaine Winder won Cham pi on - ship at the Burlington In vi ta tional Tour na ment Feb ru ary 11 and also won Cham pi on ship at the Chey enne Wells Tour na ment on Feb ru ary 2. (Honey Belle Dixon Photo) Eads School Lunch Menu February 22 Break - fast: Eng lish muf fin, ham, grape juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: chicken pot pie, bis cuits, veg e ta ble sticks, peaches, milk. February 23 Break - fast: bis cuits & gravy, fruit, ap ple juice, milk. Lunch: mac a roni & cheese, hot dog, or ange, milk. February 24 Break - fast: toast, sau sage patty, or ange juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: ta cos, let tuce, to - Eads School Cal en dar Mon day, 2/22-4:00 p.m. PreK 8th Grade Pee Wee Wres tling Prac tice Be gins. 5:30 p.m. Ac - count abil ity Meet ing. 7:00 p.m. Board Meet ing. Tues day, 2/23-3rd Read ing CSAP. HS BB Lamar or La Junta. Wednes day, 2/24-7:00 a.m. FFA Staff Ap pre ci - ated Break fast Vo-Ag Shop. Thurs day, 2/25 - HS BB Lamar. 1:00 p.m. MS Holly 10:45 a.m. MS Wres tlers need to please pack a lunch. Fri day, 2/26-6:00 p.m. FFA Din ner & Auc tion. Sat ur day, 2/27 - HS BB Dist. 8:45 a.m. MS Fowler 6:00 a.m. mato, pine ap ple, muf fin, milk. February 25 Break - fast: muf fins, yo gurt, fruit, grape juice, milk. Lunch: chicken sand wich on bun, pickle, let tuce, to mato, pasta salad, pears, milk. Mid dle School Wres tler Gid eon Hallman, coached by Brian Bohlander, won third place at the Burlington In vi - ta tional Tour na ment Feb ru ary 11. He won fourth place at the Chey enne Wells Tour na ment Feb ru ary 2. Way to go, Gid eon. (Honey Belle Dixon Photo) Pepsi 6 pak - 24 oz Bottles $3.50 each or 2 for $6.50 Kiowa Drug Eads, Colorado 12 pak Cans $3.80 each or 2 for $ February 19, 2010 Wes Rich ard son, from Eads and a mem ber of the Otero Ju nior Col lege Ro deo Team, shares a laugh with a stu dent en tered in the rop ing event at the Ex cep tional Ro deo held at Cheraw School in Jan u ary. (OJC Photo)

7 The three es sen tials of hap pi ness are some thing to do, some one to love and some thing to hope for. Vivian Schnei der Kevin and Mar sha Siefkas of Eads are happy to re port that their daugh ter, Tara, and hus band, Dan Simmons, of Gar den City, Kan sas, has re turned from Ethiopia, Africa, with their nine month old son. His name is Ma son Mamush Lee Simmons. His great grand fa ther is Alvin Siefkas. Weisbrod Hos pi tal was a busy place last Tues day when many peo ple came for appointments with Dr. Barry Smith, a cardiologist. He flies his plane to the Eads Air port where some - one on staff brings him to the hos pi tal. Mae Hiller for merly of Eads died in Guymon, Oklahoma, at the age of 94. Mae and her hus band, Loren, lived west of Eads for a num ber of years where they did ex ten sive farm ing. The Hillers were a cou ple who do nated gen er ously to the La Junta Boys Ranch, Col lege of the Ozarks, and other charities. We are glad to see Al ice Glover about town. She went to Lake Havasau, Ar i - zona, last fall. Her daugh ter, Peggy and Glenn, brought her back to Col o rado re - cently so Al ice can have sur - gery on her shoul der in Col - orado. Bill and Char lotte Woelk were among the many vis i - tors who toured the new Chey enne Wells Med i cal Clinic Sunday af ter noon. The Clinic is con structed on the north side of Keefe Me - morial Hospital. Their daugh ter, Charlene Korrell, is the CEO of the Chey enne County Hospital. Charlotte said that the of fices were spa cious and beau ti ful. About Town By Do ris Lessenden Com mu nity Life Arlene Rehm was hosted with a 93rd Birth day party Sunday af ter noon where she lives at Prai rie Pines. Arlene s daugh ter, Cheryl brought scrump tious ice cream from Gar den City and her sons and wives, Larry and Bev Rehm of Strasburg, and Gary and Chris Rehm of Eads served the cake and con di ments. Wednes day the Classy Lassie Red Hat ter la dies of Eads had a great time in Pueblo. They went out for lunch and af ter wards to a movie of their choice. The next Red Hat ter brunch will be at l0:00 a.m. this Sat ur - day at the K & M Ranch House meet ing room. If you want to have a good time just vis it ing with oth ers, here is your chance! We are sad to hear of Fan - nie Murdock s death of Sheridan Lake. She was a dear friend to many folk around Eads since she pre - vi ously worked in the Weisbrod Hospital Offices. She was such a gen er ous and kindly lady with her do - na tions to peo ple and groups. The Cir cus did come to town for fam ily fun. Al - though there were no an i - mals, I heard that the chil - dren and adults were en ter tained by such acts as an amaz ing 11 year old ac - ro batic girl, jug gling, a clown and bal anc ing acts. Sharon Frazee hosted an Ital ian din ner for 30 Se nior Cit i zens at the Cen ter, Sat - ur day eve ning. They en - joyed the eve ning vis it ing by can dle light over en trees of an ti pasto salad, spin ach and cheese stuffed manicotti, rus tic Ital ian bread, and choc o late-ha zel - nut stuffed rav i oli with strawberries. A num ber of fam ily and fans went to the Dis trict Wres tling Tour na ment in La Junta Fri day and Sat ur day. Con grat u la tions to the young men who won berths in the State Wres tling Tour - na ment. They are Garrett Smith 1st, Cody Fry 4th. Lucas Darr 4th, Justin Lennox 4th, and Dan iel Weirich 3rd. Tay lor Weirich placed 5th and Tyron Moore placed 6th. The fu ture pros - pects of wres tling looks bright since three of these young men are fresh men at EHS. Irma Krehbiel of Stillwater, Oklahoma, has been hav ing a good time traveling and visiting with her daugh ter, Carla Gifford, the last two weeks. She has en joyed go ing to meet ings and din ing out with friends from Eads and Kit Car son. Res i dents of Weisbrod had a five course steak and shrimp candlelight Valen - tine din ner. The Di etary staff, Mona Walker, Chelsea Kraft, Candy Batterton and Chelsea Batterton who worked the eve ning shift re - ally did a great job of serv - ing the foods. Teresa Witte and Anita Brown served mar i nated steaks that smelled di vine from their grills. Betty Crow, An nie Cole, Barb Diel, Evelyn Gar - ner, Dora Pearcey, Do ris Lessenden and teen ag ers, Eboni and Stormi Nash also came to as sist. Nurs ing staff, Gail Voss and Ciara Lyon were in valu able is mak ing this eve ning a re ally super and spe cial time. Jeana Schroeder, Howard Vortruba, and Kevin and Mar sha Siefkas spon sored youth in the 3rd to 5th grade from the Sheridan Lake Bi ble Church to Westcliff, Col o rado at Her - mit Ba sin. The kids had a super time tub ing and play - ing in the snow. Dar win Nel son was the Dee Jay for the Haswell Val - en tine s Dance Sat ur day. It was fun to see peo ple of all ages en joy ing good foods, the cake walks and games as well as vis it ing, and watch ing the danc ers. Thanks to the West End Recreation District Board for this event. When I vis ited around the school last Wednes day eve - ning be fore the CLCEC meet ing, the halls and some rooms were still buzz - ing with activities preparing for Val en tine s gifts sales, and lock ers and hall dec o ra - tions. Some se niors and several mothers, Lori, Dawna, and Kellie, were preparing breakfast burritos for peo ple to buy on Fri days and the Cheer lead ers were ty ing rib bons on candy bars and Or ange Crush bot tles for gifts. Soph o more moms, Shel ley and Ca thy, were tuck ing heart cook ies in the 10th grade lock ers and both boys and girl s bas ket ball teams were at prac tice. We are sorry to hear that Gene Krueger of Eads had a fall last week. He is in Pueblo for care and ther apy the next sev eral weeks. Our thoughts are with him and his wife, Ha zel, who is here at home. The Art ist of the Plains mem bers thank Sharon Frazee for bak ing and dec o - rat ing over 120 dozen heart shaped cook ies for our Val - entine promotion. These cook ies surely made many peo ple happy. Thanks, Sharon. We ex tend our sym pa thy to the Da vis, Dunlap, and Richardson families in the sud den loss of their 56 year old nephew, Pas tor Eddie Da vis, of Fort Col lins. This dy namic man is the son of Herb and Wanda (Dunlap) Da vis for merly of Ki owa County who live pres ently at 1940 East Cliff Swal low Trl. in Green Val ley, Ar i zona, Eddie has sev eral aunts, un cles, and cous ins in the county. A lot of trav el ers and lo cal peo ple en joyed hav ing a nice place like the K & M Ranch House to dine out on Sat ur day and Sunday for their Valentine special meals. I am happy to re port that Melissa Peterson, is doing good following surgery last fall and a lot of ther apy. She plans to have hip sur gery in the fu ture, but is able to get around in her home more eas ily. Sunday eve ning she pre pared sup per for Terry and Areta Laird who came also to watch the Olym pics with Me lissa. Card of Thanks Wow, what a bless ing I ve re ceived at the age of 90. God is so good. At the pres ent time, I ve re ceived over 400 Birth day wishes and get well cards. They helped me, with God s love, to re gain and en joy life to its full est. Thanks again. Love is in the air. Bless all. Irma Krehbiel (Carla Gifford s mother). Town of Eads Municipal Election will be held Tuesday, April 6, 2010 There will be three (3) four year trustee positions and one (1) two year trustee position. Nomination petitions can be picked up at City Hall beginning on Monday, February 15th and have to be returned by 4:30 p.m. on Friday March 5th. For more information contact Dawna Peck, Town Clerk (719) or 110 W. 13th St. February 19, 2010 7

8 Wild Horse Roundup Sat ur day was a happy day here. Lee Ann brought Marty down in her Blazer. They are keep ing it up there so they have some thing to drive. Marty s dog, Rusty, was so happy as it s been a long time. We went to the ranch and Marty saw her cows. She showed us which ones to take to the sale Thurs day. Allen Naugle will be tak ing them. Lee Ann got on the roof and cleaned the chim ney for me. Sunday, af ter feed ing the cows, Lee Ann cleaned all the Christ mas stuff Marty had out. Penny Klein, a niece of mine by mar riage, came down from Den ver and got Marty and took her to Steve s. Lee Ann gets to spend a lit tle time with me. Our thoughts and prayers are with the fam ily of Gene Ward, who passed away KIT CARSON STATE BANK PO BOX # MAIN STREET KIT CARSON, CO (719) BANK-BY-PHONE By Curtis Schrimp this week. He was an old friend of many years. Marty had a phone call while she was here from Sat ur day night, Feb ru ary 13th, was a night for ro - mance in the West End, as more than 50 peo ple from the West End and sur round - ing area at tended the Val en - tine dance at the Com mu - nity Build ing to cel e brate the oc ca sion. The dance was spon sored by the West End Rec re ation Board, and they did a won der ful job of plan ning, or ga niz ing and ex e cut ing the event. Dar win Nel son was there to DJ as peo ple from 9 to 90 danced the night away to his mu sic. Ev ery one brought food, so 8 February 19, 2010 Ruth Sinnes of Se cu rity. She is fam ily as she is my niece. I had a card from her brother and he listed their whole fam ily. There were twelve of them. Ruth is num ber three. I got the big gest Val en tine I ever saw. It s about two feet by a foot and a half. It is full of names of my kids, grandkids, great grandkids and friends. How nice, and thanks. We just got home from the card party and it was a good one. There were six ta bles with five at each one. I had a pretty score but not quite good enough. I don t know As The West End Turns KIT CARSON STATE BANK BURLINGTON BRANCH PO BOX # ROSE AVE. BURLINGTON, CO (719) KIT CARSON STATE BANK CHEYENNE WELLS BRANCH PO BOX # st EAST STREET CHEYENNE WELLS, CO (719) By Michelle Wyckoff there was a ver i ta ble smor - gas bord of good things to eat when they took an oc ca - sional break from twirl ing and swirl ing their part ners around the dance floor. There were nine gor geous cakes that ev ery one walked for, and the adults got a run for their money from the kids that cov eted the prized des serts. It was a night to live, laugh and love, all for just a do na tion to the cause of the West End Rec Dis - trict, which is pro vid ing main te nance for our trea - sured meet ing place and other pro jects around the area. Thank You Glenda Stoker, Deborah Da vis, Polly Guirman, Carole Spady and PJ Lessenden, for such a won der ful eve - Home Coun try I can t stand win ter, said Herb Col lins, who had dropped in at the Mule Barn s philosophy counter for a quick cup. There s noth ing to do. Get out and en joy it, sug gested Doc. Go ski ing. Go ice fish ing. Build a snow man. Do some thing. Then you ll feel better. I don t think your ad vice will take, said Dud. Herb seems to be in tran si gent on this one. We all looked at Dud. You see, he said he could n t stand win ter, Dud con tin ued, which shows he has a pro cliv ity for in - tran si gence on that par tic u - lar sub ject. We looked at him some more. If he were to take up a win ter hobby, he con tin - ued, he could stop be ing in tran si gent and en joy things more. Even Herb was star ing at him now. I usu ally, said Herb, en joy a pro cliv ity in that di - By Slim Randles rec tion, but win ter is pretty bor ing, so maybe I re ally should be in tran si gent on this point. Well Herb, said Dud, even though you might have a pro cliv ity this sea son for being intransigent on your at ti tude about win ter, you could kinda ease up and con sider a hobby. That way you d be show ing a proclivity for transigence. Transigence? said Doc. I thought those were peo - ple who lived un der bridges. You might want to look that one up, Dud. Dud blushed as we laughed. Say Dud? said Steve, the cow boy. Was n t pro - cliv ity last month s word? Yes, said Dud, and I be lieve I ve used it a cou ple of dozen times al ready. And now this month s word is intransigence, right? Dud nod ded. Well then, said Doc, it looks like you are go ing to have a pro cliv ity for say ing who the win ners were. It was lots of fun and lots of good snacks. Bob Paintin s wife sent home a sack of real good cook ies with me. Lee Ann really enjoyed visiting with old friends. ning, all for more than one good cause! Re cently mem bers of the West End Golden Age Se - niors were for tu nate to have Erin Mor gan come and give a Power Point pre sen ta tion on various medical procedures, along with Di ane Randall to ex plain the ben e - fits of Medicare, and Con nie Richardson to explain the ben e fits of Home Health. Thank You, girls, for keep - ing our se niors well in - formed on these im por tant is sues. in tran si gence this month. That s a ver i ta ble pleth ora of pro cliv ity my friend. Dud pulled out a pen cil and grabbed a nap kin. How do you spell it, Doc? Spell what? Pleth ora. We just groaned. Some - times ed u ca tion can be ugly. Brought to you by the soon-to-be-announced syndicated ra dio pro gram, Home Coun try. We thought you should be warned. Card of Thanks We would like to thank ev - ery one for the many acts of kind ness shown our fam ily af - ter the loss of our Mother. We appreciate the visits, the cards, the flow ers and the food you brought to our homes. We are grate ful for the me mo ri als made in her mem ory to Hos - pice and the East End Se nior Center. A spe cial thanks to those who were able to at tend her Memorial Service. Sharing mem o ries of Mom with us and your kind words have helped make a dif fi cult time eas ier. The Fam ily of Donna McMichael

9 East End Events Su san Green field and Cora Coffman went to La Junta shop ping on Sunday. Cora Coffman s great-grand son Wes ley spent last Thurs day and Fri - day with her. Bernice Tuttle s sis ter, Donna Camp bell is here vis - it ing for a few days. Larry and Barb Gitchel came Fri day to spend the week end vis it ing friends and to at tend Fan nie Murdock s fu neral. They stayed with Judy and Larry Tuttle. Fri day eve ning, Bernice Tuttle, Donna Camp bell, Mary Huddleston and I joined them for sup per and an eve - By Sharon Scott ning of mar bles at Judy and Larry s home. On Sat ur day eve ning, Mary Huddleston and I joined Bernice and Donna for an eve ning of mar bles at Bernice s home. Edith Koeller is home af ter un der go ing sur gery last week. We wish you a speedy re cov ery Edith. A large crowd at tended the soup sup per and Sci - ence Fair last Thurs day at Plainview. There were some very interesting projects on dis play and Paige Specht en ter tained the crowd with sev eral dif fer ent sci ence ex - per i ments. The 4-12 youth group will meet ev ery Sunday eve ning at 6 p.m. They are start ing a new se ries called True You. Ev ery other Sunday it will be held at the church and the other Sun days it will be held in dif fer ent homes. If you have any ques tions, you can call Dennill Split ter. The Sheridan Lake Bi ble Church will host the Val en - tine s Ban quet this com ing Saturday. Everyone is in - vited and asked to RSVP to June Beaman. Linda Nolder came this past week to be with her mom, Jettie Tallman. They at tended the fu neral of Kenny Bux ton Wednes day in Lamar and Fan nie Murdock s fu neral on Sat ur - day. She also helped her mom cel e brate her birth day on Sat ur day. Happy Birth - day Jettie! A large crowd at tended the fu neral of Fan nie Murdock on Sat ur day. Larry Gitchel, for mer pas tor of the Sheridan Lake Bi ble Church con ducted the ser vices. Week be fore last, Jamie Berggren was home from col lege to at tend Tri bune s home com ing ball game and dance. Linly Stum s sis ter, Jenean Schuler is in the hospital in Colorado Springs un der go ing some tests. We hope you are feel ing better soon. Lori Shalberg is back home af ter hav ing sur gery last week. We wish you a speedy re cov ery Lori! Kim and Marcie Harkness; Marcie s brother Steve and fam ily; Monte, Linda and Kirbi Stum and Shaneise Crow en joyed Val - en tine s din ner out on Sunday. On Feb ru ary 26, at 1:00 p.m. at the Sheridan Lake OJC Ro deo Team Helps With Ex cep tional Ro deo for Young Stu dents By Almabeth Kaess The ten sion was high as 8-year old Becky calmed her Pal o mino stick horse at the start ing line of the flag race in the Cheraw High School gym. With a sud den burst of power she lunged across the line and rounded the first bar - rel; grace fully plac ing her red flag in the bucket. Fo - cus ing her eyes ahead, she rounded the sec ond bar rel where she snatched a red flag out of the bucket, and then headed for the fin ish line with blaz ing speed. Sud - denly the cheers rang out in the gym, as the crowd cel e brated Becky s 3.7 sec ond per for mance that cap tured the Ex cep tional Ro deo s Flag Race Championship. Becky and about 20 other spe cial needs stu - dents from Cheraw, La Junta and Swink el e men - tary schools were com - pet i tors in an Ex cep tional Ro deo held at Cheraw School on Jan u ary 26. The event found stu dents, ages 6 to 11, par tic i pat ing in spe cially adapted ro deo events. Astride stick horses they com peted in the bar rel race, pole bend ing and flag race. Par tic i pants also had the Pic tured are Hayden Uhland and Coach Lin sey Sump ter, who helped with the flag race at the Ex cep tional Ro deo in Cheraw in Jan u ary. (OJC Photo) op por tu nity to learn to rope, pet a pony and watch a bull fight, fought be tween a re - mote con trolled bull and two rodeo clowns. The Ex cep - tional Ro deo was or ga nized by Shay Carroll, a se nior at Cheraw High School and vet eran ro deo com pet i tor. As - sist ing him were mem bers of the Otero Ju nior Col - lege Rat tler Ro - deo Team, South - east Colorado All Stars School NOTICE Persons desiring to pay their First Half Tax must have their tax in my office or postmarked by February 26, 2010 First Published February 19, 2010 Last Published February 26, 2010 In the Kiowa County Press High Ro deo Steve K. Baxter Kiowa County Treasurer Team and Cheraw FBLA Chapter. Lin sey Sump ter, coach of the Otero Ju nior Col - lege Ro deo Team, said the ex pe ri ence for the col - lege team was re ward ing. We feel very blessed to have been asked to par tic - i pate in the Ex cep tional Post Of fice, there will be a re tire ment party for Rob ert Hopkins. Ev ery one is in - vited to come and help Rob - ert celebrate his retirement. Floyd and Wynona Barnes are home af ter spend ing the past five weeks in Phoe nix. While there, they vis ited with for mer Towner res i - dents, Larry and Lois Ann Kelly. They sure en joyed the nice warm weather down there. Basketball activity at Plainview is wind ing down. This is the last week of games and Dis tricts start next week. Thurs days games are in Granada and Fri days is in Karval. Dis - tricts will start next Tues day at Lamar. You can call the school on Mon day to get times for the games. I would like to wish Ca thy Coffey, for mer teacher at Ro deo. Not only did it im - pact the spe cial needs chil dren, the OJC ro deo team was changed. To share the west ern way of life with the chil dren brought the team closer and their smiles were heart warm ing, said Sumpter. Kiowa County Hospital District Weisbrod Memorial Hospital P.O. Box Eads, CO Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our Medical Staff: Erin Hieb-Morgan, F.N.P.C. Our full time provider at the Eads Medical Clinic Mike Manley, P. A. Our full time provider at the Wiley Medical Clinic Dr. Jeffrey R. Waggoner, M.D. Eads Medical Clinic - Mon., & Fri. Wiley Medical Clinic - Tues., Wed., & Thurs. Dr Book D.O. Will be at the Eads Medical Clinic Every Wednesday For appointments call Eads - (719) Wiley - (719) February 19, 2010 9

10 Obit u ary Mae Hiller, 94 Mae Hiller was born on May 20th, 1915 at home on the fam ily farm in Bea ver County, Oklahoma near a lit tle town named Floris, which is lo cated 9 miles west of Forgan, Oklahoma. Mae s par ents were S.M. and Al ice (Bridges) Calhoun. They gave her the name of Rubie Mae. From the very be gin ning, Mae showed her in de pend ence by say ing that she did not like the name Rubie and just wanted to be called Mae. Mae had a brother, Wallace, who was 3 years older than her and a sis ter, Zelma, who was 3 years youn ger. Mae s fa ther was a wid ower when he mar ried Mae s mother. There fore, Mae had 4 half broth ers, James, Edwin, Hor ace, and Claude, who had moved away from home by the time she was born. Mae al - ways kept in con tact with these 4 men as well as hav - ing a close re la tion ship with her brother and sis ter. The first school that Mae at tended was a one-room school house about 1 mile from the farm where she would walk to school.. On bad days, there was no school. A few years later, she be gan at tend ing Green - ough Consolidated School, which was a big ger and better school where she fin - ished the 8th grade. In or - der to get to this new school, she rode a bus, built by the lo cal men, made out of a Model T. Mae grad u - ated from high school in this dis trict in 1933 with high hon ors. She was ac tive in sports and was an ac - complished pianist who played for all school ac tiv i - ties. So cial events in the com - mu nity and be ing with oth - ers was al ways very im por - tant to Mae. Be cause her mother could not drive, Mae learned to drive the fam ily car that had to be crank started. Life was hard for ev ery one in this area dur ing these times. Mae s fam ily ex pe ri - enced the dust bowl and the de pres sion. Mae and her fam ily learned to use it up, wear it out, make it do or do with out. To make ex tra money, she and her mu si cal sib lings formed a dance band. Mae played the pi - ano, Wally played the gui - tar, and Zelma sang. They played for the very first March of Dimes char ity dance, which was founded by Franklin Roosevelt. Every one who at tended one of their dances en joyed them - selves and they were even asked to play on the ra dio. Mae worked wher ever there was work for her in the Floris/Forgan area un til she left home in She left for Den ver to work for the war ef fort, but found in - stead that she had a God given tal ent for nurs ing when she took a job tak ing care of the el derly. Valley Memorial Funeral Chapel and Monument Company John Sykes Gene Millbrand REPUTATION... is built upon the words of others and merited on our Performance. All Pre-need Policies Accepted. Toll Free Serving Families in Southeast Colorado & Western Kansas over 25 years. (719) February 19, 2010 Be cause she wanted to be closer to home, Mae ap - plied for and eas ily got a job in the Lib eral hos pi tal in 1944 as a nurs ing as sis - tant. She was ef fi cient and knew how to make a great pot of cof fee, so the doc tors loved her! Al though she worked long and hard hours dur ing the day, she still had enough en ergy to work in the cab of fice at night and to occasionally play for dance bands to earn ex tra money. She wanted to save money to pur sue her dreams of go ing to nurs ing school some day. And if that did n t work out, then at - tending cosmetology school was her sec ond choice. Lit tle did she know that she was about to take an - other path in life. A friend from the hos pi tal in tro - duced her to a young man from Guymon, Oklahoma who was just home from the Air Force, serv ing in Ger - many dur ing WWII. His name was Lauren Hiller. As the two of them of ten told their story when our eyes met, it was love at first sight. Mae and Lauren started dat ing in Feb ru ary and mar ried just 4 months later on June 21, 1948 in Clay ton, New Mex ico. Mae al ways had a ter rific sense of hu mor. The preacher who mar ried them said Miller in stead of Hiller dur ing the vows. They both got so tick led that they gig gled through out the cer e mony! As they left, the preacher told Mae to be have her self. The wed ding must have set the tone for the rest of their mar riage. Mae and Lauren al ways had fun to gether and Mae con tin ued to be or - nery! Shortly af ter they mar ried, the two of them made their home in Ki owa County near Eads, Col o rado on a large farm. They grew bar ley and wheat crops and had live - stock as well. Their first house was the ex ist ing shack on the place. Mae got right to work fix ing the place up to make it a home. Pat - terned tarpaper was placed on the out side, the walls were patched with gro cery bags, they painted the in te - rior with col or ful paint, put li no leum on the floor and Mae sewed pretty cur tains. They pur chased a gas re - frig er a tor and range for the kitchen. In 1961, they built a new house on the place and made it a beau ti ful and wel com ing home as well. Both of them of ten re flected how much that they loved liv ing on the farm to gether and how happy they were there. Strong in body, no one could out work Mae dur ing her years on the farm. Her hands and feet were never idle. She not only helped Lauren with what ever farm - ing that she could, she also planted and tended to a huge garden of vegetables and flow ers, raised chick - ens for eggs and fry ers, and canned most of the food that was put on their ta ble. Mae was very well known for be ing the best cook ever! Lauren al ways had 3 de li - cious meals ready and hot for him each day. Fam ily members especially remember her delicious hot rolls and out stand ing pie - crusts along with all the other dishes she made. Lauren con sid ered him self a spoiled hus band be cause of Mae. She al ways kept a clean house for him as well as crisply washed and ironed clothes. Mae also made her house a spe cial home with lovely things that she cro cheted and sewed. The Hiller s worked the land and made their home in Col o rado for 26 years. Mae was al ways ex tremely close to her sis ter so in 1974 they moved to Roswell, New Mex ico where they could spend more time with Zelma and her hus - band. There were never 2 sis ters that were closer and better friends than big sis ter Mae and lit tle sis ter Zelma (Finney). Mae cher ished ev - ery mo ment that they lived in Roswell, al ways sew ing, laugh ing, and trav el ing to - gether, of ten to see their brother Wally. In 1986, Mae and Lauren moved to Pueblo West, Col - o rado to be closer to the farm that they still owned and man aged. There they made many friends, be - came close with their neigh - bors and where Mae so loved the bi ble study group that she at tended weekly. Mae was a woman of strong faith and prayer. A house was just not con - sid ered a home to Mae with out her pets. Her dogs and cats were con sid ered mem bers of the fam ily and she al ways ad mit ted that she spoiled them! Even her calves and chick ens on the farm re ceived ex tra spe cial care be cause of her nurs ing skills. Be cause Lauren so very much wanted to be back in his home town, he and Mae moved back to Guymon, Oklahoma in the sum mer of At that time they sold most of their land and farm equip ment so that they could re tire and take it easy. They built a beau ti ful home on 4 acres east of town. In Feb ru ary of 2006, Mae had to have a hip sur - gery. She be came a res i dent of Dunaway Manor to re cu - per ate. Lauren came to visit her ev ery day un til sadly, on April 17th, 2007 Lauren passed away at home. Mae and Lauren were mar ried for al most 59 years. Through it all, with God s help and strength, they had a happy and pro - duc tive life. To gether they be gan their world wide trav - els with a fifth wheel camper in 1972, even tu ally vis it ing all 50 states, as well as Can ada and Mex ico. In 1978, they took a month long tour of Eu rope, vis it ing Ger many, Aus tria, Swit zer - land, It aly, Yu go sla via, France and Eng land. In 1982, they went on a 17-day tour of the United Kingdom. Even though Mae and Lauren did not have chil - dren of their own, Mae was a mother to many. Through their gen er ous sup port to chil dren and youth, they have blessed many lives world wide, namely the Col - o rado Boys Ranch, Col lege of the Ozarks, Christ for the Na tions and Amer i can Cen - ter for Law and Jus tice. Mae was al ways there for any child, no mat ter what their age, with her com fort, en - Con tin ued on page 11

11 Snow Goose Fes ti val at Cham ber Af ter Hours By Den nis Pearson Pat Palmer, of the Lamar Cham ber of Com - merce, will be pres ent at the Cham ber Af ter hours gath er ing Mon day night, Obit u ary - Con tin ued from page 10 cour age ment, a hug, and some good ad vice. For over four de cades, Mae and Lauren gave sup - port to the Col o rado Boys Ranch in LaJunta, Col o rado near their farm in Eads. Mae was one of the first vol - un teers to help out at the Ranch by bak ing cook ies and sup ply ing bed ding for the boys. In 2004, they were pre sented with a Dis - tinguished Ser vice Award and in 2008 the ad min is - tra tion build ing was named The Lauren and Mae Hiller Wel come Cen ter. Now called the CBR Youth Con - nect, the place is much like a trade school with a lov ing home en vi ron ment where boys receive spiritual and psychiatric help. In the 1970 s a visit was made to Col lege of the Ozarks in Look out Point, Mis souri, near Branson. They spent some time there visiting and learning about the phi los o phy of the col - lege. Stu dents must work on cam pus in a va ri ety of jobs to keep the cam pus run ning, along with tak ing their ac a demic classes. In exchange, their tuition is paid for and they leave col - lege debt free. Be cause Mae al ways wanted to be a nurse, she was in stru men - tal in the de vel op ment of a state of the art nurs ing pro - gram on cam pus. In May the col lege will grad u ate Feb ru ary 22nd be gin ning at 6:00 p.m. at the Prai rie Pines As sisted Liv ing Com mu nity to talk about the up com ing High Plains Snow Goose Festival. their first nurs ing stu dents, some thing that would make Mae ex tremely proud. A con fer ence room in one of the new build ings on cam - pus was re cently ded i cated to Mae and Lauren. There are 100 na tive churches all over the world through Christ for the Na - tions that were built with the do na tions given by Mae and Lauren. Mae was pre ceded in death by her par ents, her sib lings, and by her be loved hus band, Lauren. Left to cher ish her mem - ory are her neph ews and their families: Gene Calhoun of McAllen, Texas; Everett Finney of Sebring, Florida; Val Finney of Ot - tawa, Kan sas; Ken neth Hiller of Guymon, Oklahoma; Aaron Hiller of Paris, Texas; and Larry An - derson of Colorado. The neph ews all have fond mem o ries of good times with Mae, es pe cially as kids vis it ing her on the farm, and the un con di tional love she al ways gave them. Nu mer - ous Calhoun nieces and neph ews who are de scen - dants of her 4 half broth ers also sur vive her. Mae never met a stranger and made ev ery one she talked to feel loved. She was al ways happy and was quick to laugh and tell a funny joke or story. All who knew her will miss Mae Calhoun Hiller. Mae passed away Fri day eve ning, Feb ru ary 5, 2010 at the Dunaway Manor. Fu - The fes ti val is in its eighth year and en joins the Lamar Cham ber, the Eads Cham ber and the Ki owa County Eco nomic De vel op ment Foun da tion neral ser vices were con - ducted on Thurs day af ter noon, Feb ru ary 11, 2010, 2:00 p.m. at the Henson-Novak Fu neral Cha pel in Guymon, Oklahoma with Rev. Pat Hoban of fi ci at ing. In ter - ment fol lowed in Elmhurst Cem e tery. Me mo ri als may be given to those char i ties dear to Mae: Col o rado Boys Ranch or Col lege of the Ozarks, c/o Henson Novak Fu neral Di - rec tors, P.O. Box 1306, Guymon, OK Friends may sign the on - line guest book and send con do lences at (KCEDF) to put on a three day event that draws at ten dees from all over the state to South - east Col o rado. Eads has bene fited di rectly from the fes ti val as ef forts con - tinue to expand the event. Fin ger foods will be served be gin ning at 5:30 p.m. for a fee per per son. For more information call (719) or (719) Pastor s Pearls By Pas tor Rich ard Zabriskie Eads As sem bly of God Revenge It has been said that ven geance is best served cold. The Bi ble says, Don t say, I will get even for this wrong. Wait for the LORD to han dle the mat ter. Prov erbs 20:22 NLT February 19, 2010 11

12 Com plete On-Line Hunter Ed Course in Limon By Mi chael Seraphin Hunt ers who want to complete a Colorado Division of Wild life on-line hunter ed u ca tion course can do so March at the Limon Com mu nity Center. This is the in-per son por tion of the Internet course. Pre-reg is tra tion is re quired. Per sons who at tend the class in Limon must first com plete all of the sec - tions of the Internet ver - sion of hunter ed u ca tion train ing prior to at tend - ing. At ten dees can then fin ish the course by pass - ing the writ ten exam and com plet ing the fire arms shooting test. The class room por tion, fol lowed by the writ ten exam, will be 5-9 p.m., March 25. The shoot ing test is 5 p.m., March 26 at the Limon Shoot ing Range. Home-study stu dents must turn in all 41 printed quiz zes and score sheets; and pass the writ ten exam. In ad di tion, each stu dent must com plete the live fire arms ex er - cises re quired of tra di - tional hunter ed u ca tion students. In ter ested in di vid u als should con tact DOW Dis - trict Wild life Man ager War ren Cummings at (719) to pre-reg - ister. The Limon Com mu nity Cen ter is lo cated at 477 D. Ave. HEALTH CARE WITH We can help you obtain Medical Equipment! Kiowa Home Health (719) (719) Home Makers - Home Health Aides We Provide: Skilled Nursing Service Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapy A PERSONAL TOUCH 12 February 19, 2010 A Division of Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital All hunt ers born on or af ter Jan u ary 1, 1949, must com plete a hunter ed u ca tion course to be el i - gi ble to pur chase a hunt - ing li cense in Colorado. The Internet Home-Study Hunter Ed course is an al ter na tive de signed to meet un usual sched ules and dif fer ent learn ing styles. The pro - gram cov ers the same in - for ma tion stu dents would re ceive in a class room set ting. It does not, how - ever, elim i nate the need to at tend the fi nal in-per - son portion of Hunter Ed. In ad di tion to com plet - ing the Internet Home-Study ma te ri als, stu dents must reg is ter for and at tend a des ig - nated home-study/internet course taught by a cer ti - fied in struc tor. This Teach ing Chil dren To Save By Kaye Kasza If you would be wealthy, think of sav ing as well as get ting. This quote by Benjamin Frank lin points out the im por tance of sav ing money. Money man age - ment, in clud ing sav ing, is a cru cial life skill to teach your chil dren. Chil dren who learn good money hab its are more likely to be come adults who suc - cess fully weather an eco - nomic down turn like our current one. Sav ing re fers to set ting aside money for some fu - ture use. Teach ing chil - dren to save part of their saw Bob Smith of Plateau Natural Gas elected president; John Hines, local dentist, vice president and Eldon Gulley of First National Bank as secretary. Ten Years Ago Omnibank Kiowa County March 3, 2000 when it purchased the K i o w a C o u n t y assets of the First National Economic Development Bank in Eads. Fifty Years Ago Foundation moved into it February 12, 1960 new office and hired Janet Forty Years Ago It was reported that Frederick as the director. February 20, 1970 Eads Propane Company, Eads boys beat According to Kiowa operated by Edgar Van Cheraw in a thrilling double County Sheriff Eugene Schooten sold out to Eads overtime to win and Kelley, two suspects who Consumers Supply advance to the Regional robbed the Home Oil and Company. tourney. Kozy Korner Café are being The Eads High School held in jail in Oklahoma wrestling team won their Twenty-Five Years Ago after they were caught in a first meet of season as they February 22, 1985 drug raid at a hotel. eked out a win over Omnibankcorp Eads Chamber of Kit Carson on the Eads mat. announced it newly formed Commerce recent elections Eads CO-OP C-Store Pages from the Past (719) Eads, Colorado (719) Member FDIC Press Kiowa County (719) money at an early age sets the stage for fu ture money hab its. Pre school - ers need to ac tu ally be able to see their money to un der stand sav ing; to them, money at the bank has just dis ap peared. For young chil dren, the three jar method helps them see where their money is go ing. Gather three jars, then la bel one jar for sav ing, one for shar ing and the third for spend ing. All money the child earns or re ceives as a gift is split among the jars. Help your child de - cide what they will save for. Pre school ers need to have a short-term goal for a spe cific want; sav ing for col lege is too far off at this age. As a pre schooler, my son saved dil i gently for a fish ing pole dec o rated with the Dis ney char ac ter Taz. All those weeks of sav ing just made it more trea sured when he was fi - nally able to buy it. Help your child make a plan for their sav ings, and let them know how long it will take to save the needed amount. For ex - am ple: If you save $1 each week for 10 weeks, you will have enough money to buy what ever they are sav ing for. This helps chil dren learn to plan and wait for things that are im por tant to them. Oc ca sion ally, you ll find that af ter your child saves enough money for a de sired item, they are no longer interested in course pro vides additional skills training cov er ing fire arms han - dling, hunter responsibil - ity, game laws, and other hands-on learning activities. For more information about on-line hunter ed u - ca tion courses go to: ing/huntereducation/internet Courses/ purchasing it. El e men tary kids should open a sav ings ac count in a bank or fi nan cial in sti tu - tion. This helps them learn about earn ing in ter - est, and how banks work. Many banks have spe cial ac counts for chil dren that can be opened with a small amount of money. Bring your chil dren to the bank to set up an ac count in their own name and de - posit their money. This age group can be gin to save for lon ger-term goals. Have them write down their sav ings goal, then post the goal where the child can see it. See - ing the goal fre quently helps mo ti vate the child to con tinue to save. If your bud get al lows, en - cour age sav ing by match - ing part or all of the amount saved. Talk to your chil dren about things you are sav - ing for. It s good for chil - dren to know that adults have to pri or i tize and of - ten wait for some of our pur chases. Any time you earn, move, spend, do - nate, bor row or save money, you have an op - por tu nity to teach your chil dren how the money world works. When you are teach ing chil dren about money, use the same parenting tech niques as for other life skills: Guide and ad vise rather than di rect and dic tate. Let chil dren have Con tin ued on page 13

13 Com mis sioner s Cor ner By Dick Scott The next cou ple of these ar ti cles will be in an swer to Michelle Wyckoff s ques tions and con cerns in her Let ter to the Ed i - tor Michelle s Ques tion- when did you ask our opinion before committing our county to this? re fer ring to the CDOT (Col o rado De part - ment of Trans por ta tion) pro posed rail road re lo ca - tion through west ern Kiowa County. First off, the Com mis - sion ers did not com mit our county to this agree - ment! The com mis sion ers are in sup port of CARR (Cit i - zens Against Rail road Re - lo ca tion). I first learned of the CDOT study and pro - posal in the sum mer of 2008 at pub lic meet ings in Haswell, Hugo and Las Animas. The pro posal was to re lo cate and bring a rail road through sev - eral Colorado Counties including Kiowa County. The pro posed rail was pur ported to be pri mar ily a freight line north and Teach ing Chil dren - Con tin ued from page 12 re spon si bil ity for their de - cisions. En cour age and praise rather than crit i cize and re buke. Al low chil dren to make and learn from suc cesses and mis takes. Ex plain up front what chil dren can and can not do, and any lim its and con se quences. Chil dren learn les sons when they are al lowed to make mis takes. When they impulsively spend their sav ings on some - thing other than their goal, don t res cue them. Al low them to learn that sav ings take time to build. When chil dren spend all their money on candy and have to miss out on some - thing else, they learn to south through Ki owa County in the Haswell area. It would run through farms, ranches and even home sites. My primary objection is the tak ing of per sonal prop - erty with out agree ment of the owner or sat is fac tory compensation to the owner. In my opin ion the dam age and im po si tion on the county and prop - erty own ers far out weighs any eco nomic ben e fit. The County com mis sion - ers adopted a res o lu tion on July 15, 2008 op pos ing the rail re lo ca tion. We are still op er at ing un der that resolution. On February 25 Don Oswald will rep re - sent the Commissioners at a meeting in Hugo regarding this proposal and will support CARR. Michelle s Ques tion: What do the high volt age trans mis sion lines re fer to, where are they go ing through Ki owa County, ex actly how high, pow er - ful and dan ger ous are they? Why did those of us it will cross (ap par ently they are cross ing her land..) have to find this spend their money dif fer - ently in the future. Teach ing your chil dren how to save, along with other money man age - ment skills, is a very im - por tant parenting task. You ll be glad you took time to teach your chil - dren! out from sources other than our com mis sion - ers? Michelle ap par ently knows some thing we don t. We know of NO new trans mis sion line cross - ing her land - or any other land in Ki owa County. She found this out from other sources be cause the Commissioners are un - aware of any big, new trans mis sion lines slated for us! The high volt age trans - mis sion lines men tioned in our min utes per tain to our need for trans mis sion lines in or der to make prog ress in es tab lish ing Wind Farm(s) in the east end of Ki owa County. We are en cour ag ing and hop - ing for the es tab lish ment of trans mis sion but have been un suc cess ful to date. With out trans mis - sion to mar ket gen er ated elec tric ity, the Wind Farms will not be built. How big, tall, pow er ful and dan ger ous they are and where they go would de pend on who builds them and where the mar - ket would be. The Com - mis sion ers feel the Wind Farms will be of great eco nomic value to Ki owa County. The Wind Farms will not come in free. Our Plan ning and Zon ing com mis sion - Linly Stum, Floyd Barnes, Jimmy Brown, Shane Lessenden and Tuck Liebl along with county at tor ney, Windy Shinn - are well in pro cess Kiowa County Wife invites you to come and listen to Mark Hillman former State Senator and former State Treasurer February 25, :00 p.m. K & M Ranch House Restaurant Eads, Colorado Bring your questions. Mark will have information on upcoming legislation, and issues that affect our district. Refreshments will be served of establishing permit fees and de vel op men tal agree ments for wind en - ergy de vel op ment. We want the Wind Farms but we also must make the best deal we can for the economic benefit of Ki - owa County. Tax rev e nue will de pend on kind, size, num ber of tow ers and mega watts of power pro - duced but if and when it could very well be a huge economic boost to the county. Michelle s Ques tion:..we ve had a county ad - min is tra tor for over five years, why are we just now cre at ing the po si - tion and what is CTSI? The rea son to adopt a res o lu tion to cre ate the po si tion of County Ad min - is tra tor came from rec - ommendation of CTSI (County Technical Ser - vices Inc.). State stat ute re quires the cre ation of this po si tion through res - o lu tion and not just through the re or ga ni za - tion meet ing. Al though the po si tion has been in place for sev eral years, no res o lu tion had been made. CTSI made us aware of the stat ute. We need to fol low the stat ute because of liability and other in sur ance. Col o - rado coun ties rely on CTSI for high qual ity in - sur ance prod ucts, cut ting edge loss pre ven tion, su - perior communications and valu able tech ni cal and con sult ing ser vices. CTSI is the ser vice arm for county gov ern ment in Col o rado. It is a non-profit founded in 1992 and is owned by the member counties. CTSI is of great benefit to Kiowa County. Next week: Ports to Plains, LAVAA (Lower Ar kan sas Val ley Agency on Ag ing) as well as seek - ing pub lic/per sonal in put. Kiowa County Hospital District Other services available Dr. Sean Oquist Oquist Family Chiropractic at hospital every Wednesday Dr. Dormish Podiatrist First Wednesday of each month Dr. Barry Smith Cardiologist Second Tuesday of each month Ultrasound Services Second Thursday of each month For above services appointments Call (719) Dexa Scan (Bone density test) One day per month For appointments Call (719) February 19, 2010 13

14 Government & Commentary Let ters to the Ed i tor The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is beat ing a dead horse with tax payer dol lars. Last year a group at CDOT con ducted a 1.5 million dollar feasibility study to de ter mine if freight and coal rail traf fic should be moved from the Front Range out onto the East ern Plains. On No vem ber 2, 2007, during the Executive Over sight Team meet ing for R2C2, Tammy Lang (CDOT Pro ject Man ager) said, CDOT s pri mary goal is to re lo cate through freight rail traf fic off the Front Range to the East ern Plains, to ob tain the re quired ca pac ity along the Front Range for fu ture com mu ter rail ser vice. This is the sell for the CDOT plan which they named R2C2. 14 February 19, 2010 The group s pri mary goal of Freight Rail Relocation to the East ern Plains is to es - tablish commuter rail service that will lose eighty one cents for ev ery tax dol lar in - vested. No find ing in the R2C2 or on go ing Rocky Mountain Rail Authority (RMRA) study shows that Front Range freight right of way will ben e fit high speed passenger rail service. High speed pas sen ger rail on the Front Range freight tracks is a dead horse. It is time for our State Lead ers to tell CDOT to stop beat ing it! The R2C2 Study pro jects that only fifty per cent of the freight and rail traf fic will be moved onto the east ern by - pass. The Front Range will need freight for busi ness and coal for their power plants. High speed pas sen - ger and slow speed freight trains can not share tracks! The RMRA Study re cently shows that the freight right of way along the Front Range is not suit able for high speed pas sen ger rail. Can you imag ine rid ing along on the train watch ing the cars on I-25 as they speed ahead? A Board Mem ber for RMRA states, our best case for tech ni cal, fi nan cial and eco nomic fea - si bil ity is to stay clear of all freight rail road rights of way. CDOT s Next Steps in the Rail Re lo ca tion study requires, further Eastern Plains Stud ies con tinue only if RMRA de ter mined a need for us ing Front Range Freight Rail roads right of LAMAR THEATRE 219 S. Main - Lamar $6.75 Adults - $4.75 Children & Seniors - $4.75 Thursdays Starts Friday, Feb. 19 Tooth Fairy Stars: Dwayne The Rock Johnson Held Over Stars: Robert Downey Jr. 6:45 p.m. Daily Sherlock Holmes 8:450 p.m. Daily COMING SOON PG PG 13 When in Rome Lovely Bones Edge of Darkness Dear John Book of Eli way for high speed pas sen - ger ser vice. These find ings alone should have ended fur ther East ern Plains study. Is CDOT go ing to fol low their study guide lines? CDOT stacked the deck in the pre vi ous study by in - cluding in the Executive Over sight Team (EOT) only the Rail roads, RTD and the Con sul tant Team hired by CDOT. At the EOT meet ing on No vem ber 12, 2008, Col leen Deines (di rec tor of Public Private Partnerships for BNSF) asked, How we could have open dis cus - sions with out them ap pear - ing in the press? Russ George (CDOT Ex ec u tive Di - rec tor) re plied, When ne - gotiations related to imple - men ta tion of a pro ject be gin, those meet ings can be closed! These ac tions im ply that CDOT has formed an al li ance with the BNSF rail road. This al li ance is an at tack against the com pet i tive bal ance be - tween the BNSF and UP railroads. CDOT will build this 1.2 billion dollar eastern bypass with our tax dol lars. The only ben e fi ciary will be the BNSF rail road, a for-profit company. Pete Rickenhouser of BNSF told CDOT, Pub lic sup port is critical both politically and fi nan cially. They need fund - ing. The freight rail roads don t want to pay for the rail roads they have. Why would Col o rado tax pay ers build an other rail road for BNSF? Col o rado needs to let these highly prof it able rail roads take care of their own Den ver Rail Yard and Mon u ment Hill prob lems! CDOT is plan ning to be gin a third R2C2 study, the East ern Plains Study. The new study will un doubt edly use CDOT s ar ro gant one-sided, get-the-re - sults-you-want meth ods? If the east ern by pass is al - lowed to con tinue, tax pay - ers will build a rail road. The only ben e fi ciary will be a for-profit com pany. The Front Range will have to deal with fifty per cent of the prob lems they have now which will change noth ing. The east ern plains will get the prob lems that CDOT so desperately is trying to move. And, the Front Range will get slow pas sen ger rail that will not pay for it self be cause no one will ride it. We need to stop CDOT and their con tin ued waste of tax dol lars on this east ern freight by pass plan. If Col o - rado needs high speed pas - sen ger rail, it should look into the fu ture and use the money there to build a true high speed sys tem that is aligned on a right of way ded i cated to where they want to go and goes fast enough peo ple will ride it. Any thing less will be an - other dead horse sub si dized by our tax dol lars. Paul Zimmerman Haswell, Colorado **** Editor, Are our schools fol low ing Pub lic Law , Sec - tion 111? Ac cord ing to my information, this law was passed in This law re quires: Each ed u ca tional institution that receives Fed eral funds for a fis cal year shall hold an ed u ca - tional pro gram on the United States Constitution on Sep tem ber 17th of such year for the stu dents served by the educational institution....each Fed eral agency or de part ment shall pro vide ed u ca tional and training materials concern - ing the Un tied States Con - sti tu tion to each em - ployee...on Sep tem ber 17th of each year. Con gress has des ig nated Sep tem ber 17th of each year as Con sti tu tion Day and Sep tem ber 17th-23rd of each year as Con sti tu tion Week. Also, are our chil dren learning patriotic songs in school? Deb bie Shiv ers Sheridan Lake, Col o rado

15 Pub lic No tice COMBINED NOTICE OF SALE AND RIGHT TO CURE OR REDEEM To whom it may con cern: This No - tice is given with re gard to the fol - low ing de scribed Deed of Trust: Public Trustee s Foreclosure Sale No was com menced on 11/06/2009 in the of fice of the un - dersigned Public Trustee relating to the Deed of Trust de scribed be - low: Paul W. Kelley and Shawn L. Kelley - Original Grantor(s) Long Beach Mort gage Com pany - Original Beneficiary Deut sche Bank Na tional Trust Com pany, as Trustee for Long Beach Mort gage Loan Trust Cur rent Holder of Ev i dence of Debt Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS The Press can be re spon si ble for only one incorrect insertion. Rates: $0.20 per word, $3.00 min i mum. A $1.00 ser vice fee will be ap plied to all charged ads. Clas si fied dead line is 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays. ACCEPTING BIDS Plainview school is now ac cept - ing sealed bids on: Ford B700; 36 pas sen ger; 6.0 Cummins; Allison AT545 trans - mis sion; 189,300 miles. Also for sealed bid is 1 - four bed room, two bath house lo cated at Main Street in Towner; wa ter well not in cluded. Bids close at 9:00 a.m. on March 1, Send sealed bids to Plainview School, County Rd 71, Sheridan Lake, CO We re - tain the right to ac cept or re ject any or all bids. For more in for ma - tion call HELP WANTED Keefe Memorial Hospital in Chey - enne Wells, CO is seek ing a Full Time Hu man Re source Di rec tor. Ben e fits are great and in clude medical/dental/vision insurance. Good communication and typing skills. Payroll experience pre - ferred. Ap pli ca tions due in by February 22. Contact Megan Wendt, Hu man Re sources, ext Ap pli ca - tions can be picked up at the hos - pi tal or down load from EOE. MISC I have CRP Buy ers and need list - ings. Rich ard Grant ham Re alty, Ordway, CO March 7, Date of Deed of Trust Ki owa County - County of Re cord - ing March 16, Re cord ing Date of Deed of Trust: BOOK 440, PAGE Re - cording Information Receipt No. and/or Book No. and Page No. $76, Orig i nal Prin ci pal Bal - ance $74, Out stand ing Prin ci pal Balance Pur su ant to C.R.S (4)(i), you are hereby no - ti fied that the covenants of the Deed of Trust have been vi o lated as fol lows: Fail ure to pay principal and in ter est when due to gether with all other pay ments pro vided for in the Ev i dence of Debt se - cured by the Deed of Trust and other vi o la tions thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT A BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION TWO (2), IN TOWNSHIP SEVENTEEN (17) SOUTH, RANGE FIFTY (50) WEST OF THE SIXTH (6 th ) PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BEING THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD TWENTY-NINE (29), THENCE EAST ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF SECTION TWO (2), TOWNSHIP SEVENTEEN (17) SOUTH, RANGE FIFTY (50) A DISTANCE OF 2087 FEET BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTH 1090 FEET, THENCE EAST 200 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 1090 FEET, THENCE WEST 200 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHICH HAS THE ADDRESS OF County Road AA, Eads CO NOTICE OF SALE The cur rent Holder of the Ev i dence of Debt se cured by the Deed of Trust de scribed herein, has filed writ ten elec tion and de mand for sale as pro vided by law and in said Deed of Trust. Eads C-Store THEREFORE, No tice Is Hereby Given that I will at pub lic auc tion at 10:00 a.m. on 3/10/2010, at 1305 Goff Street. West Front Door of Court house sell to the high est and best bid der for cash, the said real prop erty and all in ter est of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s) heirs and as signs therein, for the pur pose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Ev i dence of Debt se cured by the Deed of Trust, plus at tor - neys fees, the ex penses of sale, and other items al lowed by law, and will de liver to the pur chaser a Cer tif i cate of Pur chase, all as pro - vided by law. First Publication: 1/22/2010 Last Publication: 2/19/2010 Name of Publication: Kiowa County Press NOTICE OF RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY BEING FORECLOSED, OR HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS OR SUFFER CERTAIN LIABILITIES PURSUANT TO COLORADO STATUTES AS A RESULT OF SAID FORECLOSURE. YOU MAY HAVE THF RIGHT TO REDEEM SAID REAL PROPERTY OR YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CURE A DEFAULT UNDER THE DEED OF TRUST BEING FORECLOSED. A COPY OF SAID STATUTES, AS SUCH STATUTES ARE PRESENTLY CONSTITUTED, WHICH MAY AFFFCT YOUR RIGHTS, IS ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. HOWEVER, YOUR RIGHTS MAY BE DETERMINED BY PREVIOUS STATUTES. A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE FILED PURSUANT TO C.R.S SHALL BE FILED WITH THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE AT LEAST FIFTEEN (15) CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST SCHEDULED SALE DATE OR ANY DATE TO WHICH THE SALE IS CONTINUED. A NOTICE OF INTENT TO REDEEM FILED PURSUANT TO C.R.S SHALL BE FILED WITH THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE NO LATER THAN EIGHT (8) BUSINESS DAYS AFTER THE SALE. DATE: No vem ber 9, 2009 Pub lic Trustee of Ki owa County, State of Col o rado /s/ste ven K. Baxter By: Ste ven K. Baxter The name, ad dress and tele phone number of the attorneys represent - ing the le gal holder of the in debt - edness is: Rob ert J. Hopp & As so ci ates, LLC Rob ert J. Hopp #26818 Eads Consumers Supply We have: Propane - Batteries (Marine/Car) - Tires & Tubes - Oil - Feed - Bulk Fuel We can: Fix truck tires Service jobs - Brakes - On-the-road tire repair Country C-Store Hot Dogs - Sandwiches - Pizza Oven - Ice Cream - Chips & Snacks - Candy - Dining Area Pop 6-12 oz. cans - $ oz. bottles - $3.49 Boyd A. Rolfson, #40035 Jennifer H. Trachte, #40391 P.0. Box 8689, Den ver. CO 80201, (303) THE ATTORNEY ABOVE IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT, ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. VA Case # RH Pub lic No tice FORECLOSURE DEED # NOTICE TO REDEEM Lots 5 thru 12 in clu sive and the East 50 feet of Lots 13 to 20 in clu - sive in Block 13 in Town of Sheridan Lake, Col o rado, Ki owa County and all im prove ments sit u - ated there upon. Deed # Sharleen Swisher 413 Chadwick Way Lamar, CO First Pub lished Feb ru ary 19, 2010 Last Pub lished March 5, 2010 NATIONAL FARMERS UNION INSURANCE COMPANIES Your National Farmers Union Insurance Agent In Kiowa County Lonie J. Hoffman P.O. Box South Main Street Lamar, Colorado (719) or Press Kiowa County HOW TO SUBSCRIBE In Kiowa County 1 year = $22.00 Out of Kiowa County 1 year = $ Sub 1 year = $18.00 Marples Country Market 101 N. 4th Street Lamar, Colorado (719) Superior Quality Digital Printing and Copy Services Color & Black & White Kiowa County Press 1208 Maine Street, Eads (719) Mail checks to Kiowa County Press PO Box 248 Eads, CO Subscriptions are CASH-IN-ADVANCE basis No Credit Cards CHECK YOUR ADDRESS LABEL FOR YOUR EXPIRATION DATE! This will be your only notice as to when your newspaper needs to be renewed. February 19, 2010 15

16 FBLA Com petes at Dis trict Con fer ence By Holly Weir Eads FBLA Re porter Twenty of the 22 Eads FBLA Chap ter Mem bers trav eled out to La Junta last week to at tend the Dis trict 7 Con fer ence, give their speak ing pre - sen ta tions and re ceive re - sults of who would all be head ing out to State this year in beau ti ful Vail, Col - o rado. Though we had less state plac ers then we did last year, we did have more peo ple who were only one to two spots away from plac ing and mak ing it to State and so we are all very ex cited and pleased to pres ent you with re sults of the conference. 5 EHS Wres tlers - Con tin ued from page 5 then put Garrett fac ing Alex Long a fresh man from Burlington. Long is a tough wres tler and you do not want to un der es ti - mate him. Garrett would pin Long in 3:10, this would put Smith one match closer to the cham - pi on ship. Next on the list for Smith would be Aaron Ames from Swink and First, Levi Hallman, a se nior, placed sec ond in Tech nol ogy Con cepts, fol - lowed by the group of Shealynn McCracken, Bekah Hallman and Dena Hallman, who placed sec - ond in Dig i tal Video Pro - duc tion, where they had to cre ate a video show ing a busi ness how to pre vent theft. Lastly in Intro to Technology Concepts, Dena Hallman placed sec ond and Jo seph Blodgett placed third. Other top ten plac ers who were rec og nized on stage at the event were Bailey King in Busi ness Cal cu la tions, Shayla Fagan in Mar ket ing, Jer e - miah Ardilla and Smith would take care of him in 2:57. This win would bring Garrett up against the only wres tler that has handed Garrett a loss on the sea son. That loss was one week ago at the Crowley County tour - na ment against Adam Montoya from Fowler. Montoya truly did n t see what hit him in the cham - pi on ship match. Garrett would def i nitely come out to wres tle and get him Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital Services Swing Bed Care Weisbrod Hospital's beds are licensed for either acute care or for extended care after receiving acute care. Thus, the use of its beds can "swing" either way. Swing bed care is for patients needing extended nursing care or rehabilitation, after receiving acute care either from Weisbrod Hospital or from another hospital. Swing bed care can be paid for by Medicare or by private insurance. For more information please contact Teresa Witte, Social Service Director 1208 Luther Street Eads, Colorado (719) February 19, 2010 Remington Brandt in Tech - nology Concepts, Addie Siefried in Com puter Ap pli - ca tions, Makenzy Kaleck in Sports Man age ment, Holly Weir and Weston Crow in Impromptu Speak ing, the groups of Meghan Buck, Addie Siefriend, Dusty Eikenberg and Makenzy Kaleck and Jerica Sicklebower in Busi ness Pre sen ta tion, and fi nally the group of Cory Miller and Kyle Crow in Dig i tal some re venge and would de ci sion Montoya 9-2. I have seen nearly ev ery match this year of Garrett s and that was truly one of his best. Garrett would stand at the top of the po dium as a se nior at his last re gional tour na ment. It s my hope Garrett stands at the top of the po dium two weeks in a row! Smith starts the tour na ment with Bo Armstrong, a junior from Rangley. Go get em Garrett! Justin Lenox 215# Wow! Did Justin come out and wres tle. He was one de ter mined young man dur ing this tour na - ment. It would not be an easy ride for Justin as he would face Mike Satterly the num ber one seed in 2A in the state. Satterly would pin Justin in 1:25 how ever Justin re fused to let the loss be fol lowed by an other. Justin would wres tle Colby Sires from Baca County and would take care of him with an 8-5 de ci sion. Justin would then face Ben Smithey from Rocky Ford and would pin him in a short 59 sec onds. That win qual i fied Justin for the Big Show in Den ver. Lenox would be wres tling for third and fourth place and would be wres tling Video Pro duc tion. The en tire chap ter gives their con grat u la tions on the ef - forts and suc cess of all the peo ple who par tic i - Mark Schroeder from Swink. Schroeder would come out with the win in 1:39, how ever with no wres tle back pos si ble Lenox would be as sured a trip to Den ver. Justin has drawn Chance Wyatt, se - nior from Ignacio first round. Good luck Justin! Dan iel Weirich 285# Dan iel came into the tour na ment ranked num - ber three. The two wres - tlers ranked ahead of him were Isa iah Churchwell from Burlington, a se nior with a re cord of 27-2 and Ty ler Dell from Swink a 30-2 se nior. Dan iel would be the last match on Fri - day night when he would face Eli Frausto from Las Animas. This would be an up and down match and need less to say a ner vous one for his mother. Dan iel would fi nally take care of Frausto in 5:27 and would end the night on a good note for the EHS wres - tlers. Sat ur day, Dan iel would match up with the num ber two seed, Ty ler Dell from Swink. Dell would pin Dan iel quickly, but Dan iel would re bound and take care of James Fanatia from Calhan in 45 sec onds. Dan iel was now qual i fied for the State tour na ment and would face Frank Fehr from Baca County for third and pated in this years events, and wish those who made it, good luck in state in April! fourth place. These two wres tlers met last week at the Crowley County tour na ment and would split the wins for that day. Dan iel knew if he was to cap ture third place he would have to wres tle Fehr better than he had the week be fore. Dan iel would cap ture a take down in the first pe riod, Fehr would gain one point for an es cape, and that would be the score for the match, 2-1. Weirich would come home with third place and be one of two fresh men rep re sent ing Eads at the state tour na - ment. Dan iel has Zach Solaas from Paonia first round on Thursday afternoon. Good luck Daniel! As the wres tlers head out of town to start wres - tling Thurs day, I wish them all the best of luck. The at mo sphere and the ex cite ment of wres tling in the Pepsi Cen ter is some - thing that ev ery wres tler should get to ex pe ri ence in their high school ca - reer. These young men are the for tu nate ones for this year; how ever, I can see that next year we will be send ing even more wres tlers. Good luck wres tlers and bring home some hardware!

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