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2 Peo ple & Places Up com ing Events Mar tial Art classes now be ing of fered in Eads. Cobos Jiu Jitsu is a proud af fil i ate of Koncepts Mar tial Arts. Classes are held ev ery Wednes day night at the Courthouse Meeting Room, 1305 Goff Street. Kids classes start at 6 p.m. and adult classes at 7 p.m. Cost per class is $5.00 and the first class is free. Come and check it out. Free Developmental Screen ing Ages Birth-5, March 2, 2012, Ea gle s Nest Pre school. For more in for ma - tion or to make an ap point - An ni ver sa ries March 7 Mr. and Mrs. V. Engelhardt, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rich ard son. March 8 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen. March 11 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Byrne. Press Kiowa County P.O. Box Maine Street, Eads, CO Connie McPherson, Editor Chris Sorensen, Publisher Volunteer Contributors: Dawna Weirich, USDA/Ag News Melissa Peterson, Doris Lessenden, Curtis Schrimp, Sharon Scott, Marilyn White, Sue Fox, Rhonda Uhland, Honey Bell Dixon, Monica Uhland Slim Randles, KCSO All Rights Reserved. Feb Feb. 28 Last year High/Low:...67/11 Feb. Precip. ( 11/ 12): 1.07/0.49 Year to Date Precip As recorded in Eads by USDA. Friday (USPS ) Legal newspaper of Kiowa County Periodical Postage paid at Eads, Colorado Published Friday of each week. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: P.O. Box 248, Eads, CO ment call Carole at Now tak ing early en roll ment for Preschool. Par ent s Time Out Sat - ur day, March 3 at Eads United Methodist Church from 12 noon to 4 p.m. There will be mu sic, games, a story and snacks. Annual Membership Meet ing for the Eads Golf As - so ci a tion and Eads Golf Club will be held at 7:00 p.m. Mon day, March 5 at the Club House. The Ki owa County Dem o crat Party will be hold - ing a com bined county wide cau cus & as sem bly on Tues - day, March 6, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at K & M Ranch House Restaurant located at 505 East 15th in Eads. If you are a registered Democrat, please mark your cal en dars and plan to at tend this VERY im por tant event, as it will Weekend Forecast 41/18 20% chance of rain or snow, mostly sunny, breezy, N NW mph. Mostly 20 % clear evening, W NW around 10 mph. Saturday Sunday 47/25 57/29 Sunny, with W NW wind between mph. Mostly clear with W NW wind between 5 to 10 mph. Sunny with W NW wind 5-10 mph becoming south. Mostly clear evening, S SW wind around 5 mph. Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Friday Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Tues. NO EXCEPTIONS Rates: In Kiowa County $22; all other $ subscription (PDF Format) $18 world-wide Subscriptions are non-refundable. To ensure uninterrupted service, renew your subscription before the expiration date shown on your mailing label. 2 March 2, 2012 have a great im pact on the fu ture of the Ki owa County Democrat Party. The Weisbrod Hos pi tal Dis trict Aux il iary will meet at noon on Tues day, March 13th, 2012 at the K & M Ranch House meet ing room. New mem bers are wel come to at tend the lunch meeting. The Ki owa County Com mis sion ers will meet in reg u lar ses sion on Thurs day, March 15; and Thurs day, March 29, Meet ings are held in the Com mis - sioner s Of fice (1305 Goff Street) at the court house start ing at 9:00 a.m. Dani s Foundation will be host ing the 2nd an nual Mad Hat ter s Ball: A Night of Magic & May hem which will take place on Sat ur day, March 24 at Den ver s Mile High Sta tion. Ev ery one is in - vited to par tic i pate in the fes - tiv i ties and lend sup port to this Den ver-based foun da - tion that is work ing to put an end to pediatric sarcoma; those rare forms of can cer that are af fect ing and tak ing the lives of chil dren and young adults. Tick ets to the Mad Hat ter s Ball are $75 per per son or $100/cou ple. Reservations may be made by con tact ing Dani s Foun da - tion (303) or by ing martha@danisfoundation.or g. to Four New Homes in Kit Car son Avail able for Rent or Sale Kit Car son Ru ral De vel - op ment, KCRD, in or der to best serve po ten tial ten ants or own ers, wants to know how many peo ple are in ter - ested in liv ing in these homes. Please call or visit the Kit Car son State Bank in Kit Car son to reg is ter your in - ter est with Joel Maxcy, Ka ren Wolff or Mar i lyn Ward. This will not be a sign up sheet or a pref er ence list. It is merely a list of po ten tial in ter ested Stu dents to be In ducted to Na tional Honor So ci ety By Bruce Hallman The Eads High School chap ter of the Na tional Honor So ci ety will be hold ing their an nual In - duction Ceremony on Tues day, March 6, Ev ery year the teach ers eval u ate the ap pli cants, and score them on the core val ues of the NHS: schol ar ship, lead er ship, char ac ter and ser vice. In order to avoid favoritism or other bias, stu dents are scored on these cri te - ria, with each be ing given equal importance. All scores are tal lied and the com pos ite, av er age rat - ing is cal cu lated. Stu - dents re ceiv ing at least an 80% score in this way have qual i fied for mem - ber ship for that year. Stu - dents need to apply each year in order to be considered. We will soon be say ing good bye in May due to grad u a tion to four cur - rent NHS mem bers: Keagan Gon za les, Bekah Hallman, McCracken, and Jayce Negley. Re newed mem - ber ship has been ex - tended to ju niors Marisa Dixon, Dena Hallman, Alicia James, and Lo gan Smith. New in duct ees for this year are soph o mores Chelsea Crosby, Melanie Mar tin, and Dorian Ray. We in vite you to join us in cel e brat ing the ac com - plish ments of these fine Eads High School stu - dents. Con grat u la tions to these won der ful young men and women! res i dents, to help us un der - stand the po ten tial de mand for these homes. All po ten tial ten ants or own ers must meet HUD s income requirement found at If you have any ques tions or for more info on the re quire - ments please con tact Amy John son at (719) or at List ings in Up com ing Events are free to non-profit groups or or ga ni za tions, or for gen eral, non-busi ness community announcements. List ing in for ma tion must be sub mit ted by 4:00 p.m. each Tuesday for publication in the next Fri day edi tion. Avail able space may be lim ited. Call (719) for more in - for ma tion or to place your listing. Birth days March 5 Mark Weirich, Mat thew Rittgers, Kevin Lindholm, Addie Seifried. March 6 Chris Janes, Mike Reystead, Des tiny Leach, Larla Buck, Shan - non Gibbs, Eric Ellenberger, Jo nah Schofield. March 7 Candi Frey, Nya Mor gan, Giana Gibbs. March 8 Brian Shea Beaman, Tim Free man, George Mc Don ald, Dran Mozisek, Aud rey John - son, Sa vanna Gyurman. March 9 Deb Lening, Matt Miller, Craig Wil - liams, Kelli Kern, Pete Koch, Craig Wil liams, Ka - ren Tshimbalanga, Phyl - lis Lane. March 10 Kayla An - der son, Mat thew Harkness, Jace Rich ards, Kim Rich ards. March 11 Joshua Votruba, Jon Mohrmann, Ashleigh Brigs, Gay Uhland, Gail Voss, Megan Briggs.

3 Top News Ju nior High Wres tlers Hold ing Strong By Monica Uhland The Eads Ju nior High wres tlers com peted in two tour na ments this past week. On Thurs day, Feb ru ary 23rd, the wres - tlers made the trip to Holly to com pete against six other teams. The Ea - gles came away with two cham pi ons Rea gan Lane and Kaine Farmer, three 2nd place med als Chance Fowler, Justin Moore, and Tel Parmely, and one 3rd places Trevor Randel. The ju nior high boys and Coach Brian Bohlander loaded up early Sat ur day morn ing and trav eled to the Fowler Ju nior High Wres - tling Tour na ment. Eight Eads wres tlers com peted and six came away with med als. Rea gan Lane was the lone cham pion for the day. Tel Parmely came home with a 2nd place fin ish. Kaine Farmer and Justin Moore fin ished the day with bronze med als. And 4th place went to Trevor Randel and Rhett Uhland. The ju nior high wres - tlers will com pete Tues - day, Feb ru ary 28th at their own tour na ment in Eads and fin ish out the week with a meet in Holly on Friday. Rhett Uhland work ing on a take down. (Monica Uhland Photo) Trevor Randel try ing to get a re ver sal. (Monica Uhland Photo) Will Hornung ty ing up with his op po nent. (Monica Uhland Photo) Justin Moore get ting the pin. (Monica Uhland Photo) Ste phen Wil son look ing for the take down. (Monica Uhland Photo) Food Safety Works By Chris tine Pauletich A com mit ment to train - ing food ser vice em ploy - ees in sound food safety prin ci ples is just good busi ness! Food Safety Works- Safe Food Han dler Train ing is a two-hour course of fered by CSU Ex ten sion for food ser - vice work ers that cov ers the ba sic re quire ments for safe food handling. Food Safety Works is of - fered March 15, 1:30-3:30 p.m. at CSU Ex ten - sion-pueblo County, 701 Court Street, Suite C. The cost to par tic i pants is $5.00 (pay able to Ex ten - sion Pro gram Fund). At - ten dees re ceive a Food Safety Works Man ual and Food Safety Works Wallet Card. The two-hour course cov ers top ics in clud ing pre vent ing foodborne ill - ness; food tem per a ture con trol; and clean ing and sanitizing. Pre-reg is tra tion is re - quired. Space is lim ited, en roll now. Please con tact CSU Ex ten sion at (719) for more in for - mation. March 2, 2012 3

4 Agriculture & Outdoor Life USDA Up date By Eads USDA Ser vice Cen ter Wind, Wind Go Away What a wild cou ple of weeks with the wind. In con sult ing with an area in - sur ance agent, your crop in - sur ance will most likely not re lease the dam aged wheat un til af ter April 1st. Crop in - surance will allow chiseling of 25% of the unit with out con sult ing your agent. CRP Signup 43 Mail ing The of fice re ceived no ti fi - ca tion last week that the State FSA Of fice re ceived a min i mal amount of post age money for fis cal year There fore, the de ter mi na - tion has been made that the only notification producers will re ceive in re gards to CRP signup 43 will be their notification letter of expiring con tract(s). Other pro duc - ers interested in enrolling land that is cur rently be ing farmed will NOT be no ti fied by FSA of the signup. Those producers will receive their no ti fi ca tion from the me dia in form of news pa pers and ra dio sta tions. This low al lo - ca tion of post age funds for FSA will also af fect cur rent CRP participants. The office will be very lim ited on mail - ing the CRP in for ma tion out to you. Those peo ple will need to sup ply the of fice with their ad dresses, find ac cess to a fax ma - chine, or find an FSA of fice close to you that you can visit to com plete the re - quired pa per work. Options for CRP Enrollment CRP pro duc ers have been call ing or mail ing the of fice ask ing for their CRP in for - ma tion to be mailed to them. We wish it that was that easy to sign up for CRP, how ever there are de ci sions that need to be made. All con tracts ac cepted will have to com plete a mid-con tract man age ment in the 5th or 6th year of the con tract. The of fice staff has been field ing ques tions in re gards to the ne ces sity of having a local operator on your CRP. The mid-con tract main te nance is a valid rea - son to re tain an op er a tor for the CRP. If an owner is liv ing out of state it can be very dif fi cult for the owner to se - cure a farmer to com plete the en hance ments and com plete the mid-con tract main te nance. The County Com mit tee urges all own ers Annual Membership Meeting Eads Golf Association 7:00 p.m. Monday, March 5 at the Club House! 4 March 2, 2012 to re tain an op er a tor on the CRP con tract. The per cent shares can be ne go ti ated be tween the op er a tor and the owner. The EBI (Environmental Ben e fit In dex) num ber is the num ber that Wash ing - ton will use to rank the of - fers af ter the end of signup. The higher the EBI num ber the better chances of the of - fer be ing ac cepted. There - fore, it is im per a tive that owners and operators alike de ter mine the op tion that best fits their sit u a tion. EBI (Environmental Ben - efit Index) The rank ing sys tem FSA uses to rank the of fers. The fac tors that are as sessed are; *Wild life hab i tat ben e fits resulting from covers on con tract acre age (N1), there are three sub fac tors to the N1 fac tor; on1a, - Wild life hab i tat cover ben e fits on1b, - Wild life en hance - ment monocultures or pollinators only on1c, - Wild life Pri or ity Zone Wa ter qual ity ben e fits from reducing erosion (N2) On- farm ben e fits from re - duced ero sion (N3) Ben e fits that will likely en - dure be yond the con tract pe riod (N4) Air quality benefits from re duced wind ero sion (N5) * Cost (N6) * - Pro duc ers only have control of increasing points on these fac tors. All other fac tors are com puter gen er - ated and re main vir tu ally un changed. THIS IS THE DECISION THAT NEEDS TO BE MADE FIRST. How many points do I want for the N1 fac tor? 1) Do I want to cer tify to a 20 point stand? This means that you are cer ti fy ing to the pres ent cover of the grass es tab lished. 2) Or, do I want a 50 point stand? This means you will have to com plete en hance ments that NRCS will de ter mine at a later date. For the N1 - wild life hab i - tat. Ex am ple, if a pro ducer se lects a 50 point stand of wild life grass and if the bid is suc cess ful and is ac - cepted. NRCS will make a field visit to the prop erty and will de ter mine what needs to be done to the ex - ist ing cover to ob tain the 50 point cover. All 50 point stands con tain forbs, which for Ki owa County has been a dry land al falfa. NRCS could re quire the par tic i - pant to disk 50% of the land twice and plant a forb and pos si bly an other grass mix or two. OPTION 1 Let the con - tract ex pire. Your fi nal pay - ment will be is sued in Oc to - ber of If you plan on farm ing the land you may do so be gin ning May 1, 2012, with a pay ment re - duc tion equal to two months. Af ter July 1, 2012, the pay ment re duc tion is no lon ger a fac tor. To be gin farm ing the land there is pa - perwork that producers need to com plete at both NRCS and FSA. OPTION 2 Pro duc ers can elect to of fer max i mum rental rate and not com plete any en hance ments to the land. You will be re quired to com plete a mid-con tract main te nance, which NRCS will dis cuss with the par tic i - pants. OPTION 3 Pro duc ers can elect to re duce the of - fered rental rate to gain ex - tra EBI points. For ex am ple a 15% re duc tion of rental rate will earn par tic i pants an ex tra 25 points on the N6 fac tor, which are the max i mum points that can be earned for this op tion. For ev ery per cent a pro - ducer re duces the rental rate, the of fer gen er ates an ex tra 2 points. This op tion re quires no en hance ments of the prop erty, just a mid-con tract main te nance. OPTION 4 Pro duc ers can elect to en hance the property. By enhancing the property, participants will gain ex tra EBI points on the N1 sub-fac tors. The rental rate that is of fered can be max i mum rental rate or re - duced; which will also gain ex tra EBI points for the N6 fac tor as ex plained in op tion 3. NASS Mails Ini tial Sur vey for 2012 Ag Census Producers and rural resi - dents across the na tion are re ceiv ing sur veys in their mail boxes as the first step toward conducting the 2012 Cen sus of Ag ri cul - ture. What it the Cen sus of Agriculture? Every five years, the USDA Na tional Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) takes a count of all ac tive farms and ranches. The information pro vided helps the gov ern - ment plan and cre ate pol i - cies that sup port ag ri cul ture and ru ral Amer ica. This ini - tial sur vey asks land own ers whether they are cur rently farm ing and other ba sic in - for ma tion. The of fice urges you to com plete your sur vey of Ag ri cul ture and to also as sist the nu mer a tors when they call upon you for in for - mation. The information that USDA com piles from this cen sus is in valu able to USDA. If farm ers and ranchers do not cooperate, then only the farmer and rancher suf fer when the pro grams that they need in times of drought or other nat u ral di sas ters aren t avail able due to the fact the USDA does n t have the num bers to sup port fund ing from Con gress. DCP Signup DCP operators whom have NOT com pleted their 2012 signup; once CRP signup be gins the DCP signup will be put on hold. The of fice cur rently does not have that staff to com plete the DCP signup along with the CRP signup. We urge you to get your signup com - pleted be fore March 12th. The of fice will not be gin DCP signup again un til af ter April 6th. The last day to Con tin ued on page 14

5 About Town By Do ris Lessenden and Me lissa Pe ter son LaKota Roberson, Eads 7th grader, is a 4-H ju nior leader in the Prai rie Queen 4-H Club. She and her four Clo ver Bud mem bers, un der eight years old, made very pretty sheet foam heart de - signs for door tags for all the Weisbrod Nurs ing Home res i dent doors. Those en er - getic chil dren are Khyler Frazee, Alexia Nel son, Case Nel son, and Kath er ine Trosper. Lena Whaley was hon - ored with her 97th Birth day party at Weisbrod last week. Darci John son dec o - rated such a de li cious cake with two John Deere trac - tors on it. Jeff Uhland was there and as al ways she was de lighted to see him. The lit tle guy who sat by Lena was Anita Brown s grand son, Jayson Bletzacher. When Anita brought in her in fant grand - daugh ter, Brystal, Lena smiled even more. Roberta Tolby was pleased to show oth ers her formal invitation to her youn gest daugh ter, Lois (Wissel) and Roeland Ellis - ton s 50th Wed ding an ni - ver sary which was Sat ur day Card of Thanks Sev eral times this win ter, my 95 year old friend, Faye Bar ber, has come to my home, up my steps us ing her cane and car ry ing a bag. This amaz - ing woman did n t even use my fine in-door ramp. When I looked in the bags, here she had given me con tain ers of her home-made soups or cas se - roles and le gumes. I feel that I should be tak ing care of her Faye is so lov ing to me and to oth ers. I do feel blest and I do thank her for my self and on be - half of other peo ple that she is so good to in the com mu nity, in her church, and fam ily. We feel the love of Je sus in our friend, Faye. Do ris Lessenden Com mu nity Life at the Danforth Cha pel and Ram s Horn din ing room on the Col o rado State Uni ver - sity, Fort Col lins cam pus. Roberta is grate ful to have lived these 91 years to see her three daugh ters, Ma - donna (Phil) Pollreis, Phyl - lis (Floyd) Griswould, and Lois (Roeland) to cel e brate their 50th Wed ding An ni - versaries. Lois McCracken had guests, Tom and Laurie Simmons from Den ver last Fri day. They are con duct ing a re search for the Ki owa County Historical Preserva - tion Commission. They came to in ter view Lois about the Towner Bus Trag - edy? Some stu dents were brought to Lois s fam ily s home south of Towner, Col - o rado, when they were fi - nally found in the snow. My Mother, Ida, said that on that same day the bliz zard started about noon at their coun try school about three miles from their home stead home. Her brother, Henry, be came lost in that bliz zard. His fa ther had told him that if he ever was lost let the reins loose of the horse and the horse would come home. So Un cle Henry ar - rived safely home. Ashlynn Miner and her mother, Patty, were here from Texas over the week - end to visit Lamar Com mu - nity Col lege in her col lege search. Ashlynn vis ited her grandmothers, Opal Miner and Al ice Glover in Eads. We ex tend our sin cere sympathy to Harold (Heather) McKinnis and Ches ter (Irene) McKinnis and fam i lies of Eads and their sis ter, Phyl lis Gallimore of Pueblo in the death of their fa ther, Frank McKinnis, last week. Frank s burial was sched - uled to be at the Fort Lyon Na tional Cem e tery near Las Animas on Thurs day. The Eads Fu ture Farm ers of Amer ica hosted a large im pres sive meal by do na - tion for their fam i lies and potential auction buyers Friday eve ning in the school gym. Rob Morlan and Brad Mor gan, were out stand ing as auc tion eers. They rap idly helped the FFA chap ter gain siz able funds from sell ing of in di vid ual stu dents as hired hands to do eight hours of work on farms, in homes, or in places of busi ness. Peo - ple were so gen er ous to pay amaz ing amounts of money for chap ter and stu dent ex - penses. The stu dents all looked so hand some and at - trac tive in their FFA dress attire. Dawn James, mu sic ed u - ca tor, took four young la dies to try-outs for Honor band and Honor choir in Limon, Sat ur day. They were Nicole Smith, Alicia James, Brianna Sage, and Melanie Mar tin. It was just amaz ing to see that by 3:15 p.m. Nicole and Alicia were ready to get on the Lamar Com mu nity Build ing court to cheer pow er fully in their cheer lead ing role when Eads fans ar rived for the boys and girls bas ket ball games. They along with Shealynn McCracken were an out stand ing trio all three days. Leisha Peck who is usu ally with them had to sit out be cause she had throat sur gery last week. The other girls on the squad could n t cheer last week be cause they were also on the bas - ket ball team that played im - mediately following the boy s games. Those girls who have made up this great cheer leader squad also are Kailyn Lane, Eboni Nash, Dorian Ray, and Hailey Ray who were dressed out in their Var sity Team at tire. Jeni Weber was in the crowd of fans to help lead cheers. Since an anon y mous very gen er ous bene fac tor do - nated money to have the car pets cleaned at the Prai - rie Pines, the As sisted Liv ing floor ing looks just mar vel ous! Thank you! This was such a nice thing to do for the res i dents and for all the im por tant events that are hosted at this fa cil ity. We don t know who it is but there is an other hum ble generous benefactor in this community who believes so much in fam ily and spir i tual val ues that he or she do - nated the ad mis sion fee for ev ery per son who went to the Cou ra geous movie on Fri day, Sat ur day, and Sunday at the Plains Thea - tre. I am ea ger to tell you that this movie was in deed a heart touch ing in spi ra - tional film. One man told me, that it should be re - quired view ing for all men. I agree. Per son ally, I am so happy that one of my neph - ews who could n t go as - sured me that he would ar - range to watch this movie. Now I want to en cour age my other eleven neph ews to see this incredible film. Thank you, to the Har ris Fam ily of Sheridan Lake who were the vol un teer con ces sion aires on Sunday. Many Eads Ea gle fans and Plainview fans, for Natalya Weber, trav eled to Lamar for three days to watch our girls and boy s teams win berths in the Re gional Bas ket ball Tour na ments in Pueblo this week. We are thrilled that our girls won the Cham pion tro phy and our boys won Third Place to com pete at CSU-Pueblo also. Larry McNeeley for merly of Kit Car son now of Lakin, Kan sas, can be seen at most all Kit Car son, Eads, Chey enne Wells, and other games. He told me that this is his main hobby since he re tied from CIG. Terri Salis bury, Peggy Dunlap, and Al ice Glover re - turned from a week in Ar i - zona where they trav eled by train to visit friends and take tours. Terri was so happy to visit with her mother who lives there. Bruce Hallman, Eads High Sci ence ed u ca tor, sent eight pages of pho tos and dialogue telling about se - nior, Jayce Negley, and fresh man, Gid eon Hallman, who are in the Eads Gifted and Tal ented Pro gram. He took them to the Den ver Fed eral Cen ter where they com peted in the State Bridge Build ing con test. Gid eon was awarded Fifth Place and Jayce Eighth Place in their Sci ence com - pe ti tions. Their team won Third over the South ern Col - o rado coun ties in the top ten of scores. It was neat to see pho tos of for mer EHS grads, Levi Hallman and Bailey King, who came to the con test. They are stu - dents at The Col o rado Mines in Golden, CO. There were five ta bles of Red Hat ter la dies who had a good time vis it ing dur ing break fast Sat ur day. Al ice Glover, who had a birth day in Feb ru ary, read us a hu - mor ous writ ing about And Then The Fight Started. Kiowa Home Health Health Care with a Personal Touch (719) (719) We can help you obtain Medical Equipment! We Provide: Physical Therapy, Skilled Nursing Service, Home Health Aides, Home Makers. A Division of Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital March 2, 2012 5

6 Wild Horse Roundup Wednes day a fel low from Hugo named La Borda stopped by for a few min - utes. He told me his name but my poor hear ing I did n t catch it. He said Shorty was his un cle who I trucked a lot of cat tle with. He told me there was to be a meet ing about the C.C.C camp that was in Hugo many years ago. I spent a term there in Two other fel lows from here went to Chey enne Wells to join up. We were there two weeks and got shots and some clothes. NATIONAL FARMERS UNION INSURANCE COMPANIES Your National Farmers Union Insurance Agent In Kiowa County Melinda J. Kelley P.O. Box South Main Street Lamar, Colorado (719) or By Curtis Schrimp One Day they loaded a lot of us up in an army truck and headed west and we thought we were headed for the moun tains. When we got to Hugo they pulled into the camp and they gave us a long han dle shovel and said you are home. It was a job with a place to stay, clothes to wear and food to eat. Thirty dol lars a month, five dol lars for us at the camp; and twenty five dol lars sent home. When ever I got home on a week end my mom gave me enough to go to a dance. Good old days. Marty is home now so to - gether we feed her cows and take care of her cat, it sure is nice to have a cook. The wind sure makes it easy for the tum ble weeds to roll. Bill Fetty of Kit Car son called and asked Marty if he could get some dead trees at her ranch for fire wood and she told him to help him self. Marty had a nice visit to - day (Sunday) with LeeAnn, She said John had been down at the Fjord fish ing and caught a few, she said they had cod fish tongue for lunch, I never heard of such thing but Marty said its long and goes down its throat. Jess was home as she co - mes home ev ery week end and cleans the apart ment above the store where LeeAnn works. Pastor s Pearls By Pas tor Rich ard Zabriskie Sex ual En tice ment One thing that gives por nog ra phy power is a wrong re la tion ship to the LORD. The mouth of an im moral woman is a dan - ger ous trap; those who make the LORD an gry will fall into it. Prov erbs 22:14 NLT And such were some of you: but you are washed, but you are sanc - ti fied, but you are jus ti fied in the name of the Lord Je sus... 1Cor. 6:11 Kit Car son Clips Last Week s For out of the abun dance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Mat thew 12:34 Your words are win dows to your heart. It sure stinks to get old. I have a catch in my get-a-long that makes me walk in pain. I had a mas - sage last week that sure hurt good. I m go ing back. Eva Kregel vis ited Ida Mae Da vis Wednes day and they ex changed puz zles. Mar i lyn Longwell was a vis i tor to Ida Mae and Angie Da vis Fri - day. Jennie Schreivogel was pleased to have her chil dren visit her Sat ur day and bring an ice cream cake for her 91st birth day. Herman O Schreivogel, Bob and Ca thy Bledsoe, Steve and Toni Schreivogel and Anna Gunderson were there to wish her Happy Birth day. Jennie said the cake was delicious. Tuesday Shirley White, Alissa, and I took Teresa By Mar i lyn White Sher iff s Re port By Cor po ral Jon Renteria February 20-26, 2012 The Ki owa County Sher iff s Of fice had nine calls for ser vice in clud - ing, one ve hi cle as sist, two ve hi cle lock outs, two am bu lance as sist, two as - sist other agen cies, one DUI ar rest, and one ha - rass ment call. Seven traf - fic con tacts were also made for the week. Gen eral Info We would like to thank John Rouse, A.J. Bolin, Cloud to the res tau rant at noon to cel e brate her birth - day din ner. These birth days just keep roll ing around. Happy Birth day Teresa. Rob ert and Mar i lyn Hopkins from Towner vis - ited Ron and Shir ley White Friday. Mary El len Da vis is cel e - brat ing her 84th birth day. Cards and notes will get to Mary El len by way of her daugh ter Dianna Salley, 3495 Chief Mate DR. Pensacola, FL I m sure she would en joy hear - ing from you. A group of young peo ple got on a bus Sunday to go to Col o rado Springs to at tend a Chris tian Rock Con cert. The meet ing place was at The Church of the Re - deemed. From what I hear the kids re ally en joyed it. Our sym pa thy goes out to Janet Gibbs who lost her sis ter last week. Never smack a man, who s chewin to bacco. Lance Jagers, Darrell Stolzenberger, Brandon Dunlap, Keagon Gon za - les, Dony McPherson, Sher iff For rest Frazee, Un der sher iff Casey Sheridan, Ser geant Mike Schnei der, and Cor po ral Jon Renteria for their equip ment and time in the cleanup ef fort at the gun range this past week - end. We also would en - cour age ev ery body who uses the range to please pick up af ter themselves. KIT CARSON STATE BANK BURLINGTON BRANCH PO BOX # ROSE AVE. BURLINGTON, CO (719) KIT CARSON STATE BANK PO BOX # MAIN STREET KIT CARSON, CO (719) KIT CARSON STATE BANK CHEYENNE WELLS BRANCH BANK-BY-PHONE PO BOX # st EAST STREET CHEYENNE WELLS, CO (719) Don t Monkey Around! Sell Your Stuff Fast in the Classifieds! The Press Classifieds reach hundreds of eager buyers every week, and cost as little as $3.00. Classifieds: the affordable way to get results! Call March 2, 2012

7 East End Events It was a busy week end of bas ket ball games. The Dis - trict tour na ment was held in Lamar with Eads, Kit Car - son, and McClave s girls and McClave, Chey enne Wells and Eads boys teams com ing out the win ners. They will move on to the Re - gional play offs in Pueblo this com ing week end. Con - tact your school to see when your team plays. I do know that the Eads girls play at 6 p.m. on Sat ur day. Con grat - u la tions to all the win ners and the best of luck in your bid to com pete at the State level. Su san Green field s dad, Norm, came Thurs day and at tended the Eads/Chey - By Sharon Scott enne Wells game with her. He re turned to Ster ling on Friday. Cora Coffman and Jan Jones trav eled to Trin i dad on Tues day and to La Junta on Thurs day and Fri day to watch their grand daugh ter Jor dan play bas ket ball. Her team will ad vance on to the Regionals this com ing week end. Cora, Su san Green field, and Ruth Fees went to Lamar on Sat ur day to the Dis trict bas ket ball games. Eigh teen la dies at tended the Bunko party at the Towner Hall Thurs day eve - ning. Lots of fun! Wilma Eitel had sev eral sur prises on her birth day Home Coun try It was on the fourth date er, we mean in ter view, of course that Dewey brought Em ily home to meet the folks. Home, nat u rally, was the Mule Barn truck stop home of the world di - lemma think tank - and the folks - it goes with out say ing - are us. When they came in, Dewey had his hand in the small of her back to steer her to ward us, and we no ticed right off that Miz Em ily Stickles, county watch dog of ev - ery thing that should be pe rused, did n t seem to By Slim Randles mind a bit. Em ily, Dewey said, with an arm flour ish that knocked Dud s cap off, these are the guys. And she shook hands as he in tro duced each of us on philo soph i cal duty that morn ing: Doc, Steve, Dud, Herb and me. She was gra cious and I saw right off how Dewey could get fas ci nated by her cheek bones. Olym pic class. If her face was on Mount Rushmore, you could rappel off them. Dewey s told me so much about each of you, Em ily said, smil ing. It s so com fort ing to know he has an emo tional sup port Sat ur day. Her niece, Reloa Steele, of Holly came and took her out to lunch in Tri - bune, KS. Shortly af ter re - turn ing home, her grand son Rick and wife Kim Har ris and great grand daugh ter Cassie Frey came bear ing gifts and vis ited for a while. Next, an other great grand - daugh ter Trista ar rived with a beau ti ful bou quet of yel - low roses and stayed and vis ited for some time. Later, her daugh ter JoAnn and hus band Vernie Har ris came and got her and took her to their home for a birth - day sup per. She also re - ceived some red roses from them. Af ter she went home, an other grand son Tim came for a short visit and brought more gifts. Happy Birth day Wilma!! Con nie Weber spent the week end with her par ents, Denis and Theresa. A group while he works things out. Doo slipped us a wink and quick head shake to let us know he had n t ex - plained, as yet, that cow ma nure was his busi ness and not a neu rotic ob ses - sion. We smiled back. We don t mind a bit, Doc said. Ev ery one can use an emo tional sup port group from time to time. Ol Doo is here for us, too, you know. They re tired to a booth, or dered break fast, and we stole oc ca sional glances to see how things were pro gress ing. They got cof fee and Em ily whipped out the old tape re corder. Now Dewey, she said, push ing the but tons, I no ticed Doc re ferred to you as Doo. Would that be in ref er ence to your Moving? Don t forget to tell us! Make sure the Press follows you to your new home. Just send your new address to: Kiowa County Press, P.O. Box 248, Eads, CO , or nephew of Denis s joined them Sat ur day for lunch and visiting. Saturday eve - ning, Denis, Theresa and Con nie vis ited Mary Huddleston. On Sat ur day, around 110 peo ple gath ered at the Towner Hall to help Mary Lou ise Huddleston cel e - brate her 90th birth day. A de li cious lunch was served with cake and punch fol low - ing. Mary was sur prised by her grand daugh ter Jamie and her son Josiah, who came from Maine to be with her on this spe cial oc ca sion. Mary Lou ise would like to thank ev ery one who helped to make her day spe cial. Happy 90th Mom!! Jim and MaryAnn Rich - ard son went to Lamar on Sunday and had lunch with their son Randy and wife Mar ga ret. fas ci na tion? I mean like dog doo you know? From small acorns like these do the tall oak trees of doc toral the ses grow. Brought to you by Cash Firearms, helping responsi - ble Amer i cans be come happy gun own ers. See them at or (505) Judy and Larry Tuttle took Ha zel Woelk, Bernice Tuttle and Ca thy and Burl Scherler to lunch in Granada on Sunday af ter church. Con grat u la tions to Mi - chael and Dana Berggren on their wed ding this past Sat ur day. Those from our area attending the festivities were: Bryan, Dorcas, Amanda and Abby Berggren; Freda Schmidt; Jamie and Megan Berggren; Amy, Kel vin, Mikayla and Alex Schmidt; Megan Linder; and Da vid and Dennill Split ter and fam ily. I think Spring must be just around the cor ner with all the wind we ve been hav - ing. Hope it gets done in Feb ru ary and we have a nice March. It is try ing to rain this morn ing we could use some mois ture. That s it for this time. Have a good week!! LAMAR THEATRE 219 S. Main - Lamar $7.00 Adults - $5.00 Children & Seniors - $5.00 Thursdays Starts Friday, March 2 Stars: Channing Tatum, Rachel McAdams 6:45 p.m. Daily PG 13 PG 13 The Vow Chronicle Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital and Nursing Home "Providing Twenty-Four Hour Care with a Personal Touch" *Post Hospital (Swing Bed) Care *Nursing Home Care *Skilled Therapies *Home Health Care For more information please contact Social Service Director 1208 Luther Street Eads, Colorado (719) Ext :45 p.m. Daily COMING SOON Act of Valor Safe House Journey 2 Ghost Rider 2 This Means War March 2, 2012 7

8 Re lay for Life Com mit tee Ask ing for Do na tions By RLC The 2012 Re lay for Life Com mit tee of Lamar is ask ing busi nesses and in - di vid u als for do na tions of canned goods for the Death No tice Frank McKinnis, 82 Graveside ser vices for Frank W. McKinnis of Eads, Col o rado were held at 1 p.m. Thurs day, March 1, 2012 at the Ft. Lyon Na - tional Cem e tery in Ft. Lyon, Col o rado. Frank was born Eads C-Store July 28, 1929 in Ri fle, Col - o rado and passed away Feb ru ary 24, 2012 at the Weisbrod Hos pi tal in Eads, Colorado. Frank was pre ceded in death by his par ents, wife Vir ginia McKinnis, 1 son Eads Consumers Supply We have: Propane - Batteries (Marine/Car) - Tires & Tubes - Oil - Feed - Bulk Fuel We can: Fix truck tires Service jobs - Brakes - On-the-road tire repair Country C-Store Hot Dogs - Sandwiches - Pizza Oven - Ice Cream - Chips & Snacks - Candy - Dining Area 8 March 2, 2012 Pop 6-12 oz. cans - $ oz. bottles - $3.49 Luminaria bags that line the track dur ing Re lay. Af - ter Re lay the canned Doyle McKinnis, 1 great grand son, 1 sis ter and 3 broth ers. Surviving Family Mem - bers: chil dren: Frank McKinnis Jr. of El Paso, TX, Phyl lis Gallimore of Pueblo, CO, Ches ter (Irene) McKinnis of Eads, CO and Har old (Heather) McKinnis of Eads, CO 5 grand chil - dren, 9 great grand chil dren, sister-in-laws: Winifred Olbert of Eads, CO and Gladys McKinnis of Clifton, CO, sis ters: Ber tha Fritz of Bayfield, CO and Vi ola (Bill) Kimbro of Al bu quer que, NM brother: Jerry McKinnis of New York and many other fam ily and friends. Memorial contributions may be made to the Kit Car - son VFW Post #3411 in c/o the Brown Fu neral Home Box 432; Eads, CO who was in charge of ar - range ments. Friends and fam ily can sign the guest book and reg - is ter on line con do lences at goods will be do nated to food banks in Prowers, Baca and Ki owa coun ties. The canned good will go in side the Luminaria bags to weigh them down dur ing the Re lay event so they do not blow over. Luminaria Bags can be pur chased from any Re - lay for Life par tic i pant or you may con tact the Luminaria Chair, Sherri Kerr at Luminaria bags are pur - chased in mem ory of a loved one that has lost their bat tle to can cer and in cel e bra tion of sur vi - vors who con tinue to fight cancer every day. The Relay committee is also ask ing for do na tions of items to be en tered into their Si lent Auc tion. All pro ceeds from the items will go to the Re lay for Life of Lamar. Any items will be ac cepted. For more information you may con tact any Re lay for Life Committee member or Event Chair Heather Burkhart at The 2012 Re lay for Life of Lamar will be June 2nd and June 3rd at Merrill Brush Field at Sav age Sta dium. To sign up your time log onto to day, the next Re lay meet ing will be held on March 5th at 6:30 p.m. at the Lamar United Meth od ist Church. For more in for - ma tion or for any ques - tions please con tact Event Chair Heather Burkhart at or Register For Annual Courage Classic By Ryan Ar nold The Chil dren s Hos pi tal Col o rado Foun da tion has an nounced the dates for one of its sig na ture fund - rais ing events, the 2012 Cour age Clas sic pre - sented by ProLogis: July at Cop per Mountain. A re nowned cy cling event in Col o rado since 1989, the Cour age Clas sic is a three-day jour ney fu - eled by individual and team fund rais ing ef forts that ben e fit Chil dren s Hospital Colorado. More than 2,000 cy clists, hun - dreds of vol un teers, and sev eral spon sors and friends par tic i pate each year to sup port the great - est needs of Chil dren s Col o rado. Be gin ning and end ing in Lead ville, this 157-mile course through Sum mit County dur ing the sum mer time makes it one of the most picturesque cycling tours in the state. In ter ested par tic i pants are en cour aged to reg is - ter early. Par tic i pa tion fees for the event are as fol lows: $95 for adults (ages 16 and older) and $50 for chil - dren (ages 15 and youn - ger). In ad di tion to the reg is tra tion fee, adult rid - ers must raise a min i - mum of $300 in do na tions and child rid ers must raise a min i mum of $125. The funds raised by all Cour age Clas sic rid ers ben e fit the Chil dren s Fund to help Chil dren s Col o rado sus tain and im - prove care for every patient. Pur chas ing es sen tial new med i cal equip ment, cov er ing the cost of care for pa tients un able to af - ford treat ment, or sup - port ing new child health re search are just some of the ways that valu able do - na tions from the 2012 Cour age Clas sic can im - pact lo cal chil dren now and in the future. For more information about the ride, in clud ing reg is tra tion in for ma tion, visit or call (720)

9 School & Youth Eads Girls Grab Dis trict Cham pi on ship By Betsy Barnett The Eads Girls Bas ket - ball team be came the Dis - trict 2 cham pi ons with a cham pi on ship win over ri vals Kit Car son on Sat ur day night at the Lamar Community Build - ing when fresh man cen - ter Tanaia Hansen grabbed an of fen sive re - bound and put the ball through the hoop with just a sec ond re main ing in the tied con test. The Dis trict crown has not come home to Eads since With the vic tory Eads not only wrapped up the dis trict cham pi on ship Eads School Cal en dar Mon day, March 5 - FBLA Meet ing. 4:00 p.m. Junior Olympic Wrestling Prac tice Elem. Gym. FFA Can Drive Be gins (Ends March 29th). 3:00 p.m. UCCS Visit Room 101. Tues day, March 6-4:00 p.m. Ju nior Olym pic Wres tling Prac tice Elem. Gym. 7:00 p.m. NHS In - duc tion MP Room. Wednes day, March 7-5:30 p.m. FFA Par ley Pro Dist. (H). Thurs day, March 8 - End of the 3rd Quar ter. 4:00 p.m. Ju nior Olym pic Wres tling Prac tice Elem. Gym. 9th Grade But ter Braid Sales Be gin (End on the 22nd). State BB at Loveland at the Budweiser Events Cen - ter. Fri day, March 9th - State BB at Loveland at the Budweiser Events Cen ter. Sat ur day, March 10th - State BB at Loveland at the Budweiser Events Cen ter. 8:00 a.m. MS W at Lamar lv 7:15 a.m. March 12th through March 15th - Spring Break. but also nailed down the #1 seed in this week s Re - gion 3 bas ket ball tour na - ment where nine teams will en ter vying for a shot at ad vanc ing to the cov - eted 1A Girls State Bas - ket ball Tour na ment to be held March 8, 9, & 10 at the Budweiser Events Cen ter in Loveland. With the high seed the Eads (#1; 19-1) girls will get a bye in the first round on Fri day night and play the win ner of the Kim (#6; 14-5) and Si erra Grande (#7; 15-5) on Sat ur day night at 6:20 PM. If they win that game they ad - vance to the 1A state contest for the first time since In or der to get a shot at the dis trict crown Eads first had to get past a feisty Chey enne Wells team who has a num ber of ath letic play ers in the quarterfinals. Eads took care of busi ness over all in this con test as se nior Emilee Weirich came out Eads School Lunch Menu 32 March 5 Break fast: egg patty, cheese, sau - sage, ba gel, grape juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: ham chef salad, green beans, pud ding cup, breadstick, milk. March 6 Break fast: hash browns, sau sage patty, toast, ap ple juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: chicken poprikas, salad, bis cuits, peaches, milk. March 7 Break fast: oat meal, cin na mon toast, yo gurt, or ange juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: chili fi esta, let tuce, pears, cin na mon bread, milk. March 8 Break fast: pan cakes, sau sage links, grape juice, milk, fruit. Lunch: pizza day, salad, mixed fruit, cookie, milk. immediately with a hot hand and was joined with Hansen to score eight of Eads first 12 points. Eads led by six af ter one but then ex tended their lead to 10 by halftime af ter the Lady Ti gers failed to hit a sin gle bucket in the sec - ond pe riod. To their credit the Ti gers did n t quit; but in stead came out fir ing on all cyl in ders into the third pe riod where they man - aged to tie the pro duc tion with Eads at 14. Point guard Nat Weber car ried Eads in the third hit ting for 9 points and ex tend ing the lead to four teen, Eads con tin ued to pro - duce into the fi nal pe riod with Kailyn Lane hit ting some back side shots and Eads again hold ing the Tigers down to a single bucket. Weber and Hansen led all scor ers with12 apiece while Lane added nine points and Weirich chipped in seven more. All of south east ern Col - o rado knew the Eads vs Kit Car son game was go - ing to be a ri valry show - down and they were not dis ap pointed. Eads came out hot be hind Weirich who immediately hit back-to-back three balls and then added two more jump ers into the first quar ter. At one point Eads led 10-1; but with Kit Car son on the court that lead is noth ing as the Wild cats came roar ing back into the con test be - hind a cou ple of post points from Chelsea Dickey and Alaria Isenbart. Eads main - tained the lead af ter one, The sec ond quar ter was a ballgame as Eads barely held the ad van tage be hind more pro duc tion from Weirich and a three ball by Lane. But on the Wild cat side Brooke Thank You Supporters Crawford was warm ing up and hit a deuce and trey af ter her de fender, Marisa Dixon, was forced to take a seat early in foul trou ble. By halftime, Eads had a slight ad van - tage, But as they do, the Lady Wild cats came roar ing back and out scored Eads in the third pe riod as the Lady Ea gles strug gled to find any kind of rhythm turn - Con tin ued on page 11 Plains Theater Sat., Mar. 3-7:00 p.m. Sun., Mar. 4-3:00 p.m. Sherlock Holmes Robert Downey, Jr., and Jude Law Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fierest adversary, Professor Moriarty. The Eads FFA Chapter would like to take this opportunity to thank the following supporters for their continued support of the chapter and its members. Jeff & Terry Salisbury Darwin Nelson Brase Insurance Travel Lodge Eads Auto Supply South Wind Crop Insurance Saffer Spray Service Brad & Erin Morgan Rod Cole John Rouse SECPA Keith & Bobbie Uhland Nancy Walker Mike and Martha Johnson Don & Charlotte Phillips Marty Miller Rob & Lori Morlan Engelhardt Construction Laura Negley Eads Consumer Supply Roger & Loraine Saffer Justin Crow Kip Peck M & M Auction Company Charles Crow David Marble Stitch It Chad & Tiffany Rouse Kiowa County National Bank Honey Bell Dixon Rod Johnson Darla Hansen Tim and Gale Hishinuma Larry and Margo Baier HB Trucking J & L Farms C & K Oil Jeff and Gay Uhland D.L. & Judy Weeks Dawn Rae Watts Rodney Hopkins Louis James Dwight & Bonnie Lessenden Casey Sheridan June Weeks Dan & Jan Richards Richard's Well Calibrations Tri County Farms Liebl Farms Lindholm Farms Terry Laird Rittgers Farms Butch & Brenda Robertson Colorado Mill Brent Batterton Dustin Batterton Bart Michael Larry Michael Kiowa County Press The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. PG 13 March 2, 2012 9

10 Eads Boys Qual ify For Re gion 3 Tour na ment Next Week By Betsy Barnett It is hard to imag ine that a 4-18 bas ket ball team could qual ify for the Sweet Six teen in the Boys 1A state bas ket ball tour - na ment but the Eads Ea - gles took care of the games they needed to over the past week and did just that; qual i fy ing for the Re gion 3 Tour na - ment to be held in Pueblo at the CSU-P Massari Arena on March 2nd and 3rd. Eads (#7, 4-18) will have to get by Cotopaxi (#6, 16-5) on Fri day night at 7:40 PM to get a chance to pull off their big gest hat trick of the sea son - de - feat ing the #1 ranked team in the state, the Walsh Ea gles in or der to get to the Big Dance at the Budweiser Events Cen ter in Loveland next week. To ad vance to this most unlikely scenario Eads took care of #3 Dis - trict-ranked Granada in a Tues day night quarterfinal shocker, This was a pretty big deal be cause Eads was ex pected to go qui - etly into the night like they had all sea son long. That win gave them a shot to ad vance to the Re - gion 3 tour na ment. In the semifinals Eads played with out ur gency and lost to the top-seeded Chey - enne Wells Ti gers, 59-38, to put them into the third place game against neigh bor ri vals Kit Car - son. One of these teams would be done for the sea - son and the other would earn a trip to Pueblo. Eads man aged to hang with the Wild cats and shocked the dis trict crowd by de feat ing KC, 59-38, and ad vanced to live another day. Eads came out flat against Granada early get ting be hind 9-3 by mid - way through the first pe - riod. How ever, as Granada con tin ued to al - low the Ea gles to hang around Eads gained more con fi dence and had one good min ute of play at the end of the first. They trailed 9-12 at that point, but Kyle Crow had just hit a three-ball and Eads walked back onto the court for the sec ond stanza with an air of con fi - dence. And con fi dent they were as they blew Granada out of the gym by halftime scor ing 18 points be hind a cou ple of jump ers by Crow and a three-ball and a deuce by Lo gan Smith. Eads would be in con trol at the in ter mis sion. The third quar ter was slow for both teams as nei ther team showed they wanted to go ahead and win the con - test. Eads had gained an - other point ad van tage by the end of three, 34-29, be - hind some work horse ef - fort un der the boards by Lo gan Crawford. How - ever, it was a crazy fi nal quar ter as Eads held the lead but Granada threat - ened late in the game and fi nally did take a two point ad van tage. The de cid ing point came when Granada stole the ball with just un der two min - utes and could have kept the lead for good but missed a wide open layup and then fouled on the re - bound. Eads Crow, Jose Ramos, and Crawford com bined to go 5-for-6 from the free throw line to seal the deal. Lo gan Smith added 11 points for Eads while Ramos fin ished with eight points. Lo gan Crawford had six points, and Ty ler Rouse and Cory Miller had four points apiece. It was rain ing on semi fi - nal night in the Lamar Com mu nity Build ing as Eads and Chey enne Wells com bined for 19 long balls that fell through the hoops. The Ti gers were on fire hit ting four long balls in the first pe riod and tak ing a strong 14-4 lead. Eads came roar ing back in the sec ond and elim i nated the big lead CW had by throw ing in five treys in clud ing one from Crow, two from Smith, and two more from Crawford. By halftime Eads was knock ing on the door, How ever, that was all the am mu ni tion Eads brought to the semi - fi nals as the sec ond half was all Chey enne Wells de spite fourth-quar ter threes from Ramos and Smith. Smith led in the scor ing for Eads with 11 points while Rouse added nine more. Both Miller and Crawford chipped in six more apiece. Eads came to play against Kit Car son and for the first pe riod it was a close con test de spite the fact that Eads jumped out early on the Wild cats. By the end of one pe riod Eads had a slight ad van - tage, But the sec ond quar ter has proved to be magic for Eads as they Con tin ued on page 11 Stu dents putt ing the fin ish ing touches on the FFA din - ner on Feb ru ary 24, (Honey Belle Dixon Photo) At the FFA din ner there were many sup port ers to bid at the la bor auc tion. (Honey Belle Dixon Photo) 10 March 2, 2012

11 Bon Appetit Class Com ing to Lamar By CoopExt The highly suc cess ful Bon Appetit class is com ing to Lamar over spring-break. CSU Ex ten - Eads Boys - Con tin ued from page 10 turned up the heat as Crow went off scor ing nine points and Smith added an other trey while Kit Car son went ab so - lutely stone cold hit ting for one lone free throw. By halftime Eads was up and the Wild cats were frus trated. Fans would won der at halftime if the Eads bunch would be con fi dent enough and play with enough pas sion to fin ish off Kit Car son and ad vance to the Re - gional Tour na ment. As it sion Agents Lacey Mann and Kaye Kasza have been teach ing the class in Bent County and are ex - pand ing to Prowers turned out they had no need to worry as the Eads boys just con tin ued to play good ball mak ing 10-of-14 free throws in the sec ond half and get ting good pro duc tion across their per son nel. Kit Car - son con tin ued to strug gle and it just was not their night as not much would fire for them offensively. Crow led all scor ers with 16 points in clud ing two three balls; while Smith and miller each added nine points apiece and Crawford chipped in eight more. County this year. Bon Appetit fo cuses on wellness, nu tri tion and physical activity while teach ing ba sic food prep - Colorado Master Farm Homemaker Guild Scholarship The Colorado Master Farm Home maker Guild is of fer ing a $ schol - ar ship this year to a Col o - rado woman with an ag ri - cul ture back ground. Known by the guild as the Sec ond Chance Schol ar - ship, it will be given to some one who has had her college education interrupted or post poned and is hop ing to at tend a col - lege, trade school or a sec ond ary education Eads Girls - Con tin ued from page 9 ing the ball over a num ber of times. Dixon did help Eads stay in the game in the third af ter com ing off the bench hit ting for five of Eads six points. Mid - way through the last pe - riod Kit Car son had slowly worked their way into the game and tied the score a num ber of times. Isenbart would foul out and this gave a mis match to Eads Hansen who, com bine with Dixon be - came a prob lem for Kit Car son down the stretch. institution. Home mak ers are en - cour aged to ap ply; Re - quire ments are: three names of ref er ence, bio - graph i cal state ment of work history, community in volve ment, fu ture goals, and a state ment why she feels the schol ar ship should be awarded to her. All applications must be com plete when re turned to CMFHG and must be re turned by May 15, With less than 30 sec onds re main ing in the con test KC took the lead when Eads failed to find Courtney John son un der the hoop. Eads came back and tied the game with a Dixon bucket. Kit Car son had Eads where they wanted them but a forced turn over ended their pos - ses sion and Eads took it with 18 sec onds left look - ing for a fi nal shot. Coach Eder called time out with 8 sec onds re main ing to set up a play and Eads got an open look at the free throw line for se nior Bekah Hallman. Her shot looked like it would go but The award must be used in the year it is re ceived. The Guild re serves the right not to award the scholarship. Applications are avail - able from County CSU Ex ten sion of fices and Col - o rado Mas ter Farm Home maker Guild Schol - ar ship Chair man, Elsa Mae Reynolds, WCR 66, Greeley, CO (970) it slowly rolled off the rim where Hansen was playing heads up getting the inside position for the put back. The Weirich and Dixon fin ished with 13 points apiece to lead all scor ers while Hansen added an - other seven in the low-scoring champion - ship game. Pages from the Past Fifty Years Ago February 23, 1962 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fifteen Years Ago Chivington Post Office. Williams of Lander, WY February 28, 1997 arrived in Eads to take over Undefeated Kerry Forty Years Ago management of the Wagon Kemper brought home the February 25, 1972 Wheel Café. gold from the State The Eads Study Club On Thursday, March 1, Wrestling Tourney. presented a checl to taxpayers in School Dist. Hospital Administrator John RE-1 will vote again on a Twenty-Five Years Ago Crow for the purchase of bond issue for construction February 20, 1987 needed items. of new buildings for Eads Four Eads Wrestlers A prairie fire roared out and Haswell. avanced to State; Stacy of control during the high Two Eads Wrestlers Uhland, Kelly Hebberd, wind on the property of took 2nd place in districts, Gary Weisdorfer and Wylon Ervin Mitchek near Kit Bill Barlow in the 95 pound King. Carson. division and Duane Stoker Pearson Drilling was For the first time the in the 103 pound class. drilling a new water well for Eads Eagles ended their the soon to be constructed season undefeated Eads CO-OP C-Store (719) a ra tion skills to thirdthrough sixth-grade students. Bon Appetit will be held March 14, 15 and 16, giv - ing youth a fun spring break activity. Partici - pants can join the fun at Ex ten sion the McClave United Meth od ist Church from 9-11 a.m., or come to the Home Economics Build - ing at the Prowers County Fair grounds from 12:30-2:30 p.m. each day. Pre-reg is tra tion is re - quired by March 7, along Eads, Colorado (719) Member FDIC with a sup ply fee of $10. Registration forms are avail able at the Lamar Pub lic Li brary, the Com - mu nity Build ing, the CSU Ex ten sion Of fice in the County An nex, and on the website For more information about the class, con tact the CSU Ex ten sion Of fice in Prowers County at (719) or in Bent County at (719) LEAP Assistance Did you know there is a program that could pay for a portion of your heating costs if you qualify? The LEAP (Low-Income Energy Assistance Program) runs from November 1, 2011 through April 30, Contact Charlotte or Audrey at Social Services ( ) for more information or to see if you may qualify. Household Income Limits Household Size Monthly Income 1 $1,361 2 $1,839 3 $2,316 4 $2,794 5 $3,271 6 $3,749 7 $4,226 8 $4,704 Each Additional Person Add $478 Press Kiowa County (719) March 2, 2012 11

12 Daniel Kasza Scholarships Available By DKMS Applications are now avail able for three schol - ar ships be ing of fered to pro spec tive col lege stu - dents in South east Col o - rado. All schol ar ships are given in mem ory of Daniel Kasza. Grad u at ing se niors and alum nus of McClave High Wednesday 8:00-4:30 Thursday 8:00-4:30 Saturday 8:00-4:30 Sunday 1:00-4:30 p.m. Closed if wind is 20 mph or more! CLOSED: Noon to 12:30 School are urged to ap ply for the Dan iel Kasza Me - mo rial Schol ar ship. One $500 schol ar ship will be awarded to a grad u at ing se nior, and one $500 scholarship will be awarded to an alum nus of McClave High School. Both will be based on lead er ship, schol ar ship and com mu nity in volve - ment. Ap pli ca tions are due April 1, and may be ob tained by ing, call ing or writ ing:, (719) , Rd. LL, McClave CO McClave School Coun - selor Jean Sykes also has applications. A sec ond schol ar ship is avail able to grad u at ing se niors who are 4-H 12 March 2, 2012 mem bers in Baca, Bent, Crowley, Chey enne, Ki - owa, Otero and Prowers coun ties, with ad di tional cri te ria based on 4-H in - volve ment. This $500 schol ar ship award will be cho sen based on 4-H in - volve ment, lead er ship, schol ar ship and com mu - nity involvement. Applica - tions for the 4-H schol ar - ship are due April 1. In for - ma tion and ap pli ca tions are avail able at the Ex - ten sion Of fice in each el i - gi ble county, or by ing, call ing or writ - ing:, (719) , Rd. LL, McClave CO A McClave High School grad u ate and an 11 year 4-H mem ber, Kasza was a stu dent at Ft Lewis Col - lege at the time of his death in June He was noted for his gen er - os ity and his en thu si asm for life. These schol ar - ships are be ing given to the 4-H and McClave communities because of their im por tance to Daniel. StressBall Tour na ment Set fo r April 21st By Jeannie Larsen Af ter a one-year hi a tus, the Ar kan sas Val ley StressBall Tour na ment is back by pop u lar de mand! South east Men tal Health Ser vices, Otero Ju nior Col lege, and the Otero County Health De part - ment are team ing up again to host the event, with founder, Barry Shioshita, as Tour na ment Di rec tor. The sev enth an - nual StressBall tour na - ment is set for Sat ur day, April 21st, at the OJC McDivitt Gym. We want to sched ule the event so that OJC stu - dents and com mu nity can both par tic i pate, said Shioshita. One of the main rea sons for the tour - na ment was to de velop SEMHS com mu nity out - reach ef forts on cam pus; not only for the type of ser vices the agency can pro vide, but to also show - case the Otero Ju nior Col - lege facilities. The one-day tour na - ment will run four di vi - sions: Fireball (competitive), Out-to-Pas ture (semi-competitive), and two Youth di vi sions: 16 & Un der and 12 & Un der. Teams con sist of six play - ers. Out-to-Pas ture is coed only, with a two fe - male minimum. There are no sep a rate male/fe - male di vi sions for Fire ball or Youth. Play ers may par tic i pate on a max i - mum of two teams (from different divisions). The ball we use for this tour na ment is a rub - ber-coated foam ball, much softer than the ones they used to use in school, said SEMHS em - ployee, Jeannie Larsen, but the rules are the same. Games last only a few min utes each, end ing when all the mem bers of the op pos ing team have been elim i nated. Best two out of three games wins the match. All teams will be guar an teed two matches. The first game is at 9 a.m.; reg is tra tion is at 8 a.m. The pro ceeds from the event ben e fit men tal health, sub stance abuse and wellness ser vices right here in south east - ern Colorado. Youth teams will not be charged a fee. No t-shirt will be pro vided, but youth play ers will have the op por tu nity to pur - chase one at the reg is tra - tion desk. The en try fee for Fire ball or Out-to-Pas - ture teams is $60, which in cludes six t-shirts. Spec ta tors are en cour - aged to at tend; ad mit - tance is free. Win ning teams in each di vi sion will earn a trophy. To reg is ter, call Jeannie Larsen at (719) with the fol low ing in for - ma tion: 1) Con tact per son name and phone num ber; 2) Di vi sion; and 3) Team Name. You will re ceive a re turn call, con firm ing your spot on the bracket. Pay ment is made the morn ing of the tour na - ment. In ter ested play ers with out a team are en - cour aged to con tact the an nouncer s booth dur ing reg is tra tion, as a team may need an ad di tional player or there may be room in the bracket for an additional team.

13 Government & Commentary Town of Eads Meet ing Min utes The Reg u lar Meet ing of the Town of Eads Board of Trust ees was held Tues - day, Jan u ary 10, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The fol low ing were pres ent: Mayor Cardon Berry; Trust ees Alvin Siefkas, Den nis Pearson, Wil liam E. Koehler, Larry D. Gifford, Mar i lyn Baxter, Sharon Frazee; Youth Ad - vi sors Keagan Gon za - les, Leisha Peck, Jayce Negley, Jeni Weber; Di - rec tor of Pub lic Works Van H. Brown, Jr.; Town Clerk Dawna Peck. Also Kevin Siefkas, Lance Jagers. Mayor Berry called the meet ing to or der with ev - ery one pres ent. Lance Jagers was pres ent to ad - dress the board as the new Fire Chief. The new fire truck needs some re - pair and he was in - structed to see if Terry s Body Shop could fix it. If not he can take it to Ark Val ley Die sel but it needs to be fixed. He would like to do some ad di tional train ing other than the 24 hours of struc ture train - ing that is re quired a year. At the last Fire meet ing, Lance was ap pointed as Chief, Tim Hishinuma was ap pointed as as sis - tant chief and Benny Frey was ap pointed as sec re - tary. Gifford moved to ap - prove these ap point - ments. Siefkas sec onded and all voted aye. Baxter moved to ap - prove the 2012 Law En - force ment Agree ment with Ki owa County for $54,000. Pearson sec - onded and all voted aye ex cept Siefkas who voted no and Frazee who ab - stained. Con sent Items Baxter moved to ap prove the con sent items. Siefkas sec onded and all voted aye. Ap proval of Bills The monthly bill to Ki owa County for po lice cov er - age for $4, was pre - sented for ap proval. Baxter moved to ap prove this bill. Gifford sec onded and all voted aye ex cept Frazee who ab stained. Koehler moved to ap - prove the pay ment of all bills. Frazee sec onded and all voted aye. New Busi ness Mayor Berry brought up the $7500 that was bud - geted for Ki owa County Economic Development (KCEDF) for Frazee moved to ap prove this pay ment. Pearson sec - onded and all voted aye ex cept Siefkas who voted no. Mayor Berry also brought up the is sues with the rail road. They are re quest ing let ters from dif fer ent en ti ties pro test ing the tear ing out of the line. The board ap - proved to send a let ter of pro test when needed. Frazee moved to ap - prove Or di nance No. 381 An Or di nance Es tab lish - ing Rates and Charges for Wa ter, San i ta tion and Sewer in the Town of Eads, Col o rado, and Re - pealing All Inconsistent Or di nances. Baxter sec - onded and roll call vote was taken with all voting aye. Van had been asked by some one who lives in Otero County about us ing the Me mo rial Trailer. It turned out that they did not need it but there are no rules as to how the trailer is to be used and how far out of the town and county it can be taken. The board de cided to leave it open un less it be comes an is sue. They also sug gested we dis - cuss it with our in sur ance agent how it would work if some one else picked it up and pulled it with their own vehicle. Vi tal Re cords Dawna had met with the Ki owa County Commissioners and they had de cided to get the death re cords turned over to Dawna as soon as pos si ble so she could start do ing certifieds and burial per - mits and then the birth re - cords could be done as soon as the state has time to come down and do the training. Koehler moved to put meet ing no tices at City Hall, the post of fice, Stop & Shop, and the C-Store. Gifford sec onded and all voted aye. Van would like to take Elise to the Col o rado Ru - ral Wa ter An nual Con fer - ence in Feb ru ary this year. Elise is work ing out well and will ben e fit a lot from the train ing at this con fer ence. This was ok with the board. Mayor Berry brought up that the Town At tor ney Stan Kimble is re ally busy with other communities and is hard to get in touch with some times and he has been in touch with Gary Da vis and he said that he would be will ing to come back and help out with some day to day stuff, but no court or lit i - ga tion. Stan would still be the main at tor ney. Gary charges $185/hour and Stan charges $120/hour but Gary would pro-rate his out de pend ing on how much time is spent on what. Of course this would need to be dis - cussed with Stan to see if he would be ok with this. This was ok with the board if Stan was ok with it. There were four pup - pies that the town was called to pick up. When the guys picked them up they looked re ally sick so they were taken to the vet to see what was wrong with them. The next day we found out who they be - longed to and they were writ ten a let ter stat ing that we were pretty sure we had their dogs and they needed to con tact us. They did not. We kept the dogs for a month un til we adopted them out but nor - mally we would keep them for 5 days. The town has in curred ex penses to - tal ing $ in clud ing dog at large, the vet bill, dog board for the 5 days, trans port to and from the vet. The dog or di nance does not ad dress dog aban don ment. Siefkas moved to send the owner a bill for the $ Frazee sec onded and all voted aye. Van had re ceived a phone call on the week - end about the ice on the street in front of the hos - pi tal af ter the re cent snow storm. He went up and sanded it that day and they worked on it the next sev eral days try ing to get it off the street. He wanted the board to know that they do try to do ex - tra around the hos pi tal and the post of fice and the senior citizens building. The board was very pleased with how they had han dled the snow re - moval from the recent storm. Mayor Berry brought up an nex ing the com mer - cial prop erty east of the as sisted liv ing and if the town was in ter ested KCEDF said that the town would have to pay all the ex penses. The board de cided to get a cost es ti - mate to see what the at - tor ney s fees and such would be be fore they went any further. With noth ing else to come be fore the board, Mayor Berry ad journed the meet ing at 8:32 p.m. Kiowa County Hospital District Weisbrod Memorial Hospital P.O. Box Eads, CO Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our Medical Staff: Dr. Jeffery Waggoner Eads Clinic - Mon., Wed., & Fridays Wiley Clinic - Tuesdays & Thursdays Eads Medical Clinic Erin Hieb-Morgan, FNPC Wiley Medical Clinic Mike Manley, PA-C For appointments call Eads - (719) Wiley - (719) March 2, 2012 13

14 Gardner Town Hall Sched ule and Farm Bill Feed back Web Site By Ra chel Boxer Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) an nounced the fol low ing town hall sched - ule for the month of March. March 3, :00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. - Ki owa County Town Meet ing K & M Res tau - rant at 505 W. 15 St., Eads 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - Lin coln County Town Meet ing - Limon Town Hall 100 Civic Cen ter, Limon. Farm Bill Feedback Web Site Af ter trav el ing the 4th Congressional District for a se ries of Ag ri cul tural Fo rums, Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) is launch ing a spe cial fea - ture on his Web site ded i - cated to gath er ing ad di - tional feed back about the Farm Bill. We re al ize that not ev - ery one was able to make it to our ag fo rums, and some folks who did show up did n t al ways have an op por tu nity to tes tify. That is why we have setup a spe cial form on our con - gres sio nal Web site that is ded i cated to Farm Bill spe cific feed back. I hope that peo ple will visit our site and tell us what they would like to see in this year s Farm Bill, Gardner said. To ac cess the form, go to Farm-Bill. Round Up for Be hav ioral Health Set for March 30th By Nancy Har ris King The Round Up for Be - hav ioral Health has be - come an an nual event sup port ing men tal health, sub stance abuse and wellness ser vices in south east ern Col o rado. This year s event will be held on Fri day eve ning, March 30, 2012, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the Otero Junior College banquet room in La Junta. The eve ning will in clude a Chili Cook-Off with cash prizes, din ner, live mu sic, si lent auc tion, and a mo ti - va tional ad dress by D. J. Ea gle Bear Vanas of Col o - rado Springs. Barry Shioshita, CFO of South - east Men tal Health Ser - vices, will also entertain as emcee. D.J. Ea gle Bear Vanas is a hus band, fa ther, in ter - na tion ally ac claimed mo - tivational storyteller and lead er ship ex pert. He is also the au thor of the cel - e brated book The Tiny War rior: A Path to Per - sonal Discovery & Achievement. D.J. is a trib ally-en - rolled mem ber of the Odawa Na tion and a for - mer U.S. Air Force of fi cer. He un der stands the power of the war rior spirit and shows in di vid u - als how to prac ti cally ap - ply the power of the war - rior spirit to per form at their best, stay re sil ient and thrive in tough, chang ing en vi ron ments. He s also been in vited to the White House to speak twice. In di vid ual tick ets for the event are $30, and ta - ble spon sor ships, in clud - ing eight tick ets and event pro mo tion are $250. Chili Teams may en ter as many types of chili as they wish, for $10 per rec ipe. Teams are asked to bring a 5 quart crock pot of each home made rec ipe for judg ing and tast ing. Judg - ing will take place in two cat e go ries: Red and Green Chili. Prizes will be awarded for judge s fa vor - ite, pop u lar fa vor ite, best team cos tume, and most money raised by vot ing with dol lars. Please call Crys tal Stew art at (719) to pur chase tick - ets or register your chili team. 14 March 2, 2012 USDA - Con tin ued from page 4 en roll into the 2012 DCP (Di rect and Coun ter Cy cli cal Pro gram) is June 1, NAP Deadline Thurs day, March 15 is the dead line for pro duc ers to pur chase NAP (Non-in - sured Crop Di sas ter As sis - tance Pro gram) cov er age for most 2012 spring crops. The ser vice fee is $ per crop with a max i mum of $ per county and $ in all coun ties. NAP cov er age is not only im por tant for the crop losses; the pol icy has also been an im por tant fac tor in the in sur ance link age re - quire ment for SURE (Sup - ple men tal Rev e nue As sur - ance Pro gram) which re quires that all crops are in sured ei ther through RMA and/or NAP cov er age. For 2012 many of the Di sas ter Pro grams, in clud ing SURE ex pired with the 2008 Farm Bill, how ever as the lead ers in Wash ing ton write a new Farm Bill, we be lieve it is in your best in ter est to pur - chase the NAP pol icy for any feed crops or dual pur - pose sor ghum or mil let that is not in sur able through Fed eral Crop In sur ance. Kiowa County USDA Contact Info Tele phone FSA (Ext 2), NRCS (Ext 3). individual s firstname.lastname@ (Example nadene.gaynor, charla.fer ris, dawna.weirich, marvin.wat son, mar - lin.miller, brett.jones).

15 Pub lic No tices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Es tate of FRANK E. OSBORN, also known as FRANK ED WARD OSBORN, De ceased Case Num ber 12PR07 All per sons hav ing claims against the above-named es tate are re - quired to pres ent them to the per - sonal representative or to District Court of Ki owa County, Col o rado on or be fore July 2, 2012, or the claims may be for ever barred. Larry E. Baier Personal Representative P.O. Box 222 Eads, CO First Pub lished March 2, 2012 Last Pub lished March 16, 2012 In the Ki owa County Press **** NOTICE TO CREDITORS Es tate of Phyl lis R. Koch, De ceased Case Num ber 2000PR3 All per sons hav ing claims against the above-named es tate are re - quired to pres ent them to the Per - sonal Representative or to District Court of Ki owa County, Col o rado or on or be fore June 17, 2012, or the claims may be for ever barred. Pub lic No tice DISTRICT COURT KIOWA COUNTY, COLORADO Plain tiff: DIANN M. DAVISSON, v. De fen dants: BRIAN M. DAVISSON, CARRIE K. DAVISSON, AMANDA M. BRISSON, DOR O THY W. DAVISSON, DELORES A. CONARD f/k/a DELORES A. ELLYETT, JOHN H. DAVISSON, DEAN C. DAVISSON, GLADYS R. AN DER - SON, B. LEE DAVISSON, BEVERLY A. DAVISSON, SHIR LEY W. DAVISSON, EDNA FLOR ENCE DAVISSON and ALL UN KNOWN PER SONS WHO CLAIM ANY IN - TER EST IN THE SUB JECT MAT - TER OF THIS ACTION. Case No.: 12 CV 1 SUM MONS BY PUB LI CA TION THE PEO PLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE FEN - DANTS: You are hereby sum moned and re - quired to ap pear and de fend against the claims of the Com plaint filed with the Court in this ac tion, by fil ing with the Clerk of this Court an An swer or other re sponse. You are re quired to file your An swer or other re sponse within thirty (30) days af ter the ser vice of this Sum - mons upon you. Ser vice of this Sum mons shall be com plete on the day of the last pub li ca tion. A copy of the Com plaint may be ob - tained from the Clerk of the Court. If you fail to file your An swer or other re sponse to the Com plaint in writ ing within thirty (30) days af ter the date of the last pub li ca tion, judg ment by de fault may be ren - dered against you by the Court for the re lief de manded in the Com - plaint with out fur ther no tice. This is an ac tion brought to quiet ti - tle to the fol low ing de scribed real prop erty in the County of Ki owa and State of Col o rado, to-wit: TOWN SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 47 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. Sec tion 21: S½SE¼ and for fur ther re lief as more fully set out in the Com plaint on file. Dated Feb ru ary 17, LEFFERDINK LAW OF FICE, LLC By /s/ John S. Lefferdink John S. Lefferdink #7272 Attorneys for Plaintiff 409 South Main Street, P.O. Box 110 Lamar, Colorado Phone: (719) Fax:(719) This doc u ment was E-Filed Pur su - ant to CRCP Rule 121. Duly signed orig i nal on file at the Of fices of Lefferdink Law Of fice, LLC. First Pub lished Feb ru ary 24, 2012 Last Pub lished March 23, 2012 In the Ki owa County Press Darrell L. Koch P.O. Box 436 Eads. CO Personal Respresentative First Pub lished Feb ru ary 17, 2012 Last Pub lished March 2, 2012 In the Ki owa County Press **** DISTRICT COURT, KIOWA COUNTY, COLORADO Case No.: 2012 PR 4 In the Mat ter of the Es tate of: Lynn Tay lor and Betty Tay lor, De ceased. No tice of Hear ing by Publication Interested Persons and Owners by Inheritance Pur su ant To , C.R.S. To All In ter ested Per sons and Own ers by In her i tance (List all names of in ter ested per sons and owners by inheritance): Everett Tay lor and Debia Feldman A Pe ti tion has been filed al leg ing that the above De ce dent died leav - ing the fol low ing prop erty: Min eral rights in the W/2 of the E/2 of and the NW/4 of all in Ki owa County, Col o rado, and 5.52 acres in the S/2 of , Ki owa County, Colorado The hear ing on the Pe ti tion will be held at the fol low ing time and lo ca - tion or at a later date to which the hear ing may be con tin ued: Date: April 5, 2012 Time: 10:00 A.M. Court room or Di vi sion: 1 Ad dress: 1305 Goff Street. Eads. Colorado The hear ing will take ap prox i - mately 10 min utes. Note: You must an swer the Pe ti tion within 30 days af ter the last pub li - ca tion of this No tice. Within the time re quired for an - swering the Petition, all objections to the Pe ti tion must be in writ ing and filed with the Court. The hear ing shall be lim ited to the Petition, the objections timely filed and the par ties an swer ing the Pe ti tion in a timely man ner. Date: 2/8/12 Todd Davidson 119 W. Iron Ave., 10th Floor Salina. Kansas First Pub lished Feb ru ary 17, 2012 Last Pub lished March 2, 2012 In the Ki owa County Press Music to Your Ears: Quick Sales with Press Classified Ads! For as little as $3.00 per week, you can reach hundreds of people across southeast Colorado Call CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS The Press can be re spon si ble for only one incorrect insertion. Rates: $0.20 per word, $3.00 min i mum. A $1.00 ser vice fee will be ap plied to all charged ads. Clas si fied dead line is 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays. ACCEPTING BIDS The Town of Eads is ac cept ing sealed bids for the fol low ing equip ment: 1969 Aus tin West - ern Super 300 Mo tor Grader, 6 wheel with a 471 De troit Die sel. In run ning con di tion Ford F ,047 orig i nal miles with a 4.9 li ter, 300 cu bic inch 6 cyl in - der en gine. Man ual 4-speed transmission. In running condition Ford F-750 fire en gine pumper truck, 5,537 orig i nal miles. 391 cu bic inch en gine. Manual 4-speed transmission. 750 gal lon wa ter tank with 750 gal lon per min ute waterous pump. In run ning con di tion. Bids must be sub mit ted in a sealed en ve lope to the Town of Eads Clerk s Of fice at 110 W. 13th Street P.O. Box 8 Eads, CO by 5:00 p.m. March 13, The Town of Eads re serves the right to re ject any and all bids. For more information call Van at FOR SALE 1175 Case Trac tor, 1977 yr, duals, tires good. Sad dle, Lee Roper. Call or Classifieds HELP WANTED The Ki owa County Fair Board has the fol low ing po si tion up for ap - plication - Kiowa Community Building custodian. Require - ments in clude the fol low ing: clean comm. bldg. af ter any events, re stock clean ing sup plies and appropriate kitchen supplies, main te nance du ties for comm. bldg. and re port any prob lems or costly re pairs to fair board. $50 is paid per event- var ies by the month. To re quest an ap pli ca tion and full de tails con tact Brenda Fickenscher at by March 3, The Ki owa County Fair Board has the fol low ing po si tion up for ap - pli ca tion - Ki owa County Fair Ground Maintenance. Require - ments in clude the fol low ing: April-September contract ($800 per month for this pe riod). Main - te nance of equip ment, weed control spraying, painting, building/fence/grounds up keep, win - ter iz ing of wa ter lines and bath - rooms, mow ing, track/arena groom ing, etc. To re quest an ap - pli ca tion and full de tails con tact Brenda Fickenscher at by March 3, The Ki owa County Pub lic Li brary Dis trict is now ac cept ing ap pli - ca tions and re sumes for an ad di - tional Li brary Staff po si tion. Ap - plications and job descriptions are avail able in the li brary. The deadline for applications is March 9. If you have any ques - tions, please call the library at MISC I have CRP Buy ers and need list - ings. Rich ard Grant ham Re alty, Ordway, CO NEAL MANN Cell: (785) FARM & RANCH REALTY, INC. Colby, Kansas TOLL FREE: March 2, 2012 15

16 Birth Birth J.C. and Meredith Cordova would like to an - nounce the birth of their son, Chael Julian Cordova, born De cem ber 21, 2011 at 10:13 p.m., at Feeling Blue try Marples Country Market Health Food Store 101 N. 4th Street Lamar, Colorado (719) Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Chael weighed 4 pounds 1 ounce and was 17 1/2 inches long. Grand par ents are Barry and Su zette Koch of Eads and Billie Cordova of Haswell. Great-grand par ents are Bill and Lucy Barnett and Pete Koch all of Eads and Reba Rimbert of Ea gle, Colorado. J.C. and Meredith would also like to thank ev ery one for the thoughts, prayers, and gifts while Chael was in the NICU. KNOW HOW FARM DAYS SALE Join us for the 2012 Filter & Tool Sales Event and SAVE! Accepting pre-book orders through March 31, 2012 Friday, March 23 The TOOL TRAILER will be here all day! Join us for lunch 11:00 am until 2:00 p.m. Open House! All Week March EADS Auto Supply & Hardware LLC 404 East 15th Street or Your local source for auto, farm, ranch, hardware, plumbing and building supplies 16 March 2, 2012 Brian and Col leen Buss of Altus, Oklahoma would like to an nounce the birth of their daugh ter, Mor gan Col leen, born Jan u ary 4, 2012 at 7:58 a.m. at the Jack son County Me mo - rial Hos pi tal in Altus, Oklahoma. Her big sis ter Mac ken - zie wel comed her home. Grand par ents are Gary and Chris Rehm of Eads, Bill and Joan Buss of San An to nio, Texas and Pam Wil liams of Ardmore, Oklahoma. Great grand par ents are Arlene Rehm of Eads, Da - vid and Shir ley Buss of Con grat u la tions to Brigden Parker for fin ish ing 3rd place in the 8-9 year old boys di vi sion of the Col o rado State Elks Hoop Shoot Com pe ti tion held Feb ru ary 25 in Salida. Brigden also won the Lamar Hoop Shoot in De - cem ber and the South ern Dis trict Hoop Shoot in La Junta in Jan u ary en abling him to qual ify for the state com pe ti tion. Brigden is a third grader at Eads El e men - tary and is the son of Rus sell and Heather Parker. (Caden Parker Photo) San An to nio, Texas and Flo Harren of New Braunfels, Texas. CSU Ex ten sion and NRCS Host Free For estry Webinar Se ries By John Rizza If you re a land owner with for ested land, you may be hard pressed to keep up with Col o rado s rap idly chang ing for est conditions. Colorado State Uni ver sity Ex ten - sion, in part ner ship with the USDA Nat u ral Re - sources Con ser va tion Ser vice, is host ing a For - estry Webinar Se ries. In this free on line Webinar, par tic i pants will un derstand how to: pro tect the health of your forestlands in crease spe cies di ver - sity re duce the im pacts caused by bee tles and other for est pests be come more aware of tree care in clud ing wa ter, prun ing, and fer til iz ing tech niques plan and plant a proper wind break sensitively manage and im prove wild life hab i - tat implement best man - age ment prac tices to con - serve the re source For more information and to sign up for any and all of these webinars please visit our website: am/

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