Excerpts From Hunt's Testimony Before

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1 THE NEW YORK TIMES, WED.N. 24 Following ar xcrpts from a transcript of th tstimony in Washington ystrday of E. Howard Hunt Jr. bfor th Snat Slct Committ on Prsidntial Campaign Activitis: MORNING SESSION Tiilagtn ADGE: Did you participa Nlr Liddy in drawing up th Gmston Plan? HUNT: I did. Q. Did you participat in th prsntation of plan to Mr. Mitchll, Mr. Dan and Mr. Magrudr? A. No Q. Now thy first turnd plan down, as I rcall, bcaus it was too xpnsiv. Is what was rportd to you by Mr. Liddy? A. Ys, Snator. Q. Thy did not stat thy - turnd it down bcaus of th natur of th plan? Is a corrct statmnt? A. That is a corrct statmnt. Q. Now who authorizd braking and ntring into th Watrgat complx? A. Mr. Liddy told m his supriors had ordrd it. Q. You didn't think Mr. Liddy organizd it on his own? A. Undr no circum=-, stancs. Q. You wouldn't hav par' ticipatd in it had you thought it was a solo flight on th part of Liddy and no on ls, would you? A. No Q. Now you hav mntiond you opratd in a numbr of aras and projcts with Mr. Colson. Would you rlat xactly what thy wr. I bliv on was th Filding trak-in his offic is a corrct statmnt? A. May I consult with counsl? Q. Crtainly. A. Snator Talmadg, can I solicit your indulgnc in th rptition of qustion. Q. You statd you participatd and wr dirctd with Mr. Colson, counsl for th Prsidnt in th Whit Hous in a numbr of clandstin oprations. I wantd to find out xactly what thos wr and I hop to numrat thm som of thm to gt your assnt or whthr or not 's an accurat statmnt. Was on of thm th braking and ntring of Dr. Filding's offic? Assignmnts Listd A. At th tim of th brak-in of Dr. Filding's offic, Snator, I was not awar of th xtnt of Mr. Colson's participation as I hav subsquntly com to undrstand it. Crtainly my compilation of Mr. Lonard_ Boudin's lgal history, lt m -put it, and providing to Mr. Colson for th us by a mmbr of th local prss was on of th activitis in which I ngagd. I intrviwd Mr. Clifton DMott of Providnc, R. I., at Mr. Colson's bhst. I also intrviwd formr rtird Gn. Paul Harkins at Mr. Colson's rqust. Q. Th Dim cabls? A. Th Dim cabls, ys Dita Bard? A. Ys, sir, visitd and licitd information from Mrs. Dita Bard at his rqust. Q. Did h suggst to you you go brak in- Brm r's apartmnt aftr Gorg Wallac was shot down in Maryland? A. H suggstd I rviw th contnts of Mr. Brmr's apartmnt. Q. And you dclind to do? A. I argud against it. I subsquntly rcivd word from him or from his scrtary I can't rcall which this was no longr rquird. Q, And did h participat in your visit to California to s th scurity officr for th Hughs Tool Company? A. No Q. H did not. And did h participat in your visit to survy th nwspaprman in Las Vgas with a viw of braking and ntring thr? A. No Q. H did not. Did h participat in organizing th fforts of spying and avsdropping and lctronic survillanc of th Dmocratic National' Convntion in Miami? A. Not to my knowldg. Q. H did not to your knowldg. About photographing th paprs of th Muski hadquartrs? I hav no knowldg h was awar of. A. I hav no knowldg h was awar of. Origin of 'Plumbrs' Q. Why did thy call you gntlmn th "plumbrs?" A. This was an appllation was drivd in a jocular way, I bliv. I'v undrstood I'v askd Mr. Liddy about cognomn and h said Mr. David Young had had th nam "plumbrs" put on th door this was th gnral maintnanc ara of th Whit Hous in an ffort to divrt undu attntion from th activitis of th occupants of room. Q. On thing I havn't bn -abl to undrstand about this xtra-lgal opration was st up at th Whit Hous. I always thought Mr. Hoovr was on of th most ddicatd public srvants in th history of our country and always thought th F.B.I. was on of th most fficint organizations in th history of our rpublic. Why was it ncssary to st up xtra lgal oprations of this typ rathr than rly on th F.B.I.? A. I can answr qustion, I bliv, Snator, in two ways. First I would not want to accpt th prmis th opration w had st up at th Prsidnt's ordr was xtralgal. Passing byond, howvr, I had arly-on in my Whit Hous incumbncy raisd th qustion I think as arly as th svnth of July with Mr. Charls Colson as to why crtain itms of physical disguis could not b providd m by th Burau, and at th sam tim by th Scrt Srvic. And I was givn to undrstana was bcaus nithr organization was sufficintly in th confidnc of th Administration to b ntrustd with so snsitiv a mattr. Scondly, as to th ntry opration, for xampl into th prmiss of Dr. Filding, I was givn to undrstand during th yars th latr yars of Mr. J. Edgar Hoovr's incumbncy th ntry units had bn so much a part of F.B.I. oprations for lt's say dcads had bn allowd to withr on th vin and di and prsonnl traind skilld prsonnl wr no longr availabl for typ opration. A Doubl Agnt G Thank you, Mr. CMman. Mr. Hunt, lt's go back to th Watrgat brak-in. Thr's bn a good dal of spculation in many quartrs as to whthr or not this was a doubl-agnt action in th taps wr on th door and thy smd to b rathr unncssary and mayb vn unwis. And you, yourslf, tstifid th scond brak-in didn't mak a grat dal of sns, and thn aftr th taps wr discovrd to hav bn rmovd you thought it was crtainly foolhardy to go ahad. Do you hav thoris on whthr thr was a doublagnt hr or not? A. Th sris of vnts of night takn in thir totalitis, Snator Gurny, hav suggstd to m for many months w might hav bn, as it wr, ntrappd by information having bn providd bforhand to local law nforcmnt authoritis by a mmbr of our unit. Q. Who do you think was? A. I would hav to indicat th most likly subjct would b Mr. Alfrd Baldwin. Q. And-why is? A. First of all h had bn I only rcntly hird by Mr. McCord on th basis of a want ad placd in a magazin "hlp wantd" ad. Nothing was known about... Q. Do you man to say actually, was th mthod of his hiring for this vry snsitiv opration? A. I bliv Mr. McCord. has tstifid, Snator, h rad in a magazin publishd by th x-f.b.i. Burau Association a particular individual's srvics wr availabl. H. got in touch with gntlman, rad his rsum and hird him, not for Watrgat itslf but rathr for th prsonal protction of th Attorny Gnral and/or Mrs. Martha Mitchll. Q. Do you know whthr h did any background chcks on him or not? A. I do not know. I suspct h did not. Tis in Conncticut Q. Go on with you rasoning why h might b th doubl-agnt. Or may b a doubl-agnt? A. It furthr dvlopd subsquntly CB p P-TJ p rr 1-L Ciq r /gt `AZNgFITA177,T,r1rW Rvas'ra Excrpts From Hunt's Tstimony Bfor

2 Iva. Baldwin had rathr intimat tis with th Dmocratic party in Conncticut. Q. What wr thos tis? A. Without nots I would hav to suggst h was th nphw of a judg; h, at last at on point in tim, rprsntd himslf as bing a nphw of John Baily who had bn prvious or at on tim was chairman of th Dmocratic, party of Concticut. I undrstood Mr. Baldwin and this was subsqunt to th actual vnts Mr. Baldwin had a girl frind who workd at Dmocratic national hadquartrs. Thr was th qustion which has nvr bn rsolvd, at last to my satisfaction of th lingring prsnc in th gnral Watrgat ara of th D.C. Polic Dpartmnt's so-calld Mod Squad somthing lik two hours aftr thir normal cours of duty would hav xpird; thir immdiat rspons to th scn of ; th Watrgat, and th failur of Mr. Baldwin to alrt th not only four command post in Room 14 in th hotl, but also th fiv mn who wr actually on th Dmocratic national hadquartrs prmiss on th sixth floor. W knw th Mod Squad wr conducting a downward sarch bginning at th top floor and working down. This mant a grat many lights wr going on; thr was visibl activity could and should hav bn sn from across th strt whr Mr. Baldwin was positiond. Bfor th Arrsts Q. You man activity long bfor at last somtim bfor your actual discovry. A. Ys, That hr w hav a darknd building, lt us say, at around 2 o'clock in th morning. Abruptly lights bgan going on on th ighth floor. Mn must b abl to b sn running through th ighth ' floor. Thos lights go out. Thr's a rptition on th svnth floor. And on th sixth floor th sam procdur bgins. At this point a rathr casual inquiry coms ovr th walki-talki from Mr. Baldwin to th ffct: Ar any of your mn waring hippi cloths? Th answr which Mr. Liddy gav him was, no, thy ar all in businss suits. And approximatly at this tim th arrsts bgan taking plac on th sixth floor, which was th prmiss of th Dmocratic national hadquartrs. I would lik to mov now to th instructions which I gav Mr. Baldwin within a half an hour of th apparanc on th sixth floor of th Mod Squad, at which tim I was I rushd into th or at last movd with alacrity into th listning post on th sixth floor on th svnth floor of th Howard Johnson Motl and told him to pack up and gt moving, to load th van, tak it anywhr but Mr. McCord's hom. Subsquntly I was to larn Mr. Baldwin had don quit th opposit. That h in fact had drivn th loadd van, th van loadd with all of Mr. McCord's lctronic quipmnt and paraphrnalia, dirctly to th McCord hom in Rockvill, Md., lft it thr, abandond it and takn off for Conncticut whr h had at onc mad contact with on or mor - prominnt lawyrs known to b -- known for thir affiliation to th Dmocratic party. Othr Evidnc Rqustd Q. Do you hav any othr concrt vidnc h might hav, bn a doubl agnt? A. In conclusion I would offr this for whatvr it might b worth. That at th tim I first got in tlphonic contact with Mr. McCord, which was in July and aftr Mr. McCord's rlas from jail, whn I challngd Mr. McCord concrning Mr. Baldwin's conduct, Mr. McCord was vry quick to dfnd his, conduct. H indicatd to m Mr. Baldwin had bhavd with prfct proprity. That, in fact, Mr. McCord had com to Washington following a trip to Conncticut in which h had rtaind counsl, and gon to th offics of th Committ for th R-lction of th Prsidnt, at.which tim h sought aid, comfort and assistanc and was rbuffd. Thrfor, according to Mr. McCord, Mr. Baldwin was ntirly justifid in xposing th affair and daling with Th Los Angls Tims as h did. Excus m, I may hav misspokn. (Consults with Sidny S. Sachs, his attorny.) Snator, if I mad th statmnt McCord wnt to th hadquartrs of th Committ for th R-lction of th Prsidnt, I misspok. I mant Mr. Baldwin had gon to th hadquartrs of th Committ for th R-lction of th Prsidnt and was thr rbuffd. Q. I s my tim is up, but lt m ask you just on final qustion on this lin of qustioning. Wr you vr promisd xcutiv clmncy by anyon? And did influnc your pla of guilty? A. No, Th Nw York Tims/Mik Lin E. Howard Hunt Jr. and his lgal advisrs sharing a laugh during a rcss th lft ar Sidny S. Sachs, Thomas Hyldn, a clrk, rqustd by his lawyrs ystrday. From and Robrt M. Scott.

3 INOUYE: Assuming Mrta Min was in fact a doubl agnt, and furthr assuming Mr. Baldwin did in fact advis th local polic officials in advanc of th brak-in, did you considr his actions wr wrong or illgal in notifying th polic of th burglary? A Lgal Hypothsis A. I bliv you'r posing a lgal hypothsis, Snator, which I'd lik to consult counsl on, if I might. 'My assumption, of cours, Snator Inouy, was th projct itslf was lgal. Now, Mr. Baldwin's actions in disclosing th projct or stting up an ntrapmnt rally is anothr mattr. That's a subjctiv mattr. Crtainly it was a mattr of th gratst disloyalty to his mployr and to thos of us who compromisd th ntry group. Th courts hav yt to dcid th lgality or nonlgality of th opration itslf. Q. It is your contntion th brak-in -was a lgal brak-in, bcaus of national scurity? A. I blivd, Snator thn, and I bliv now it was a lawful activity. Q. And this was part of th so-calld Liddy plan? A. Th Gmston plan, ys Q. Which includd rnting a yacht and :lousing th yacht with call girls, is this lgal also? A. W'r gtting a littl far afild, I bliv, Snator. Q. Wasn't part of th plan, sir? A. It was not a partof th initial Gmston plan, no Snator. Q. W wr told this was part of th plan prsntd to Mr. Mitchll. A. I was not prsnt at any such prsntation. Hanoi Also Citd Q. Now, you'v indicatd th scond brak-in was ncssary to locat vidnc in th trasurr's ldgr would indicat monis from Mr. Castro wr bing convyd to th Dmocratic party. Is corrct, sir? A. Ys, Q. And furthrmor, you suggstd thr was a possibility mony from Hanoi was coming in. A. That was my spculation, and I bliv Q. Bcaus Mr. McGovrn had said h would crawl to Hanoi if ncssary? A. Ys, Q. Didn't Mr. McGovrn mak statmnt long aftr th brak-in? A. I don't know, Snator. Q. Aftr h bcam a candidat? A. No, sir, I think, to th bst of my rcollction, h mad it wll bfor th brak-in. Q. It might b wll if you rfrshd your mmory, But, what sort of instructions did you giv your photographr? A. To photograph anything, in ffct, with a figur on it. Q. Did you xpct th photographr to find somwhr in a ldgr: Rcivd from Fidl Castro, X numbr of dollars? A. By no mans, Snator, I did not. I xpctd a chronological list of contributions with thir rspctiv contributors would b listd. Th oprational procdur, Figurs in Snat Inquiry Spcial lo Th Nw York Tims WASHINGTON, Spt. 25= Following ar th nams of individuals who figurd in today's harings by th Snat committ on th Watrgat cas: 'COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sam J. Ervin Jr., North Carolina Dmocrat, chairman. Hrman E. Talmadg, Dmocrat of Gorgia. Danil K. Inouy, Dmocrat of Hawaii. Josph M. Montoya, Dmocrat of Nw Mxico.. Howard H. Bakr Jr., Rpublican of Tnnss. Edward J. Gurny, Rpublican of Florida. Lowll P. Wickr Jr., Rpublican of Conncticut. COMMIrthE COUNSEL Samul Dash, chif counsl and staff dirctor. Frd D. Thompson, chif minority counsl. Rufus L. Edmistn, dputy counsl. Trry F. Lnznr, assistant chif counsl. Jams Hamilton, assistant chif counsl. David M. Dorsn, assistant chif counsl. H. William Shur, assistant minority counsl. WITNESS AND COUNSEL E. Howard Hunt Jr., formr Whit Hous aid who pladd guilty in th Watrgat brak-in. Sidny S. Sachs, counsl for Mr. Ht PERSONS NAMED IN TES ONY John Baily, formr Dmocratic National Chairman. Alfrd Baldwin, x-f.b.i. agnt who monitord Watrgat wirtaps. Brnard L. Barkr, pladd guilty in Watrgat brakin. Dita Bard, formr public rlations aid with I.T.T. William 0. Bittman, formr attorny for Mr. Hunt. Lonard Boudin, Dr. Danil J. Ellsbrg's lawyr. Arthur H. Brmr, assassin who attackd Govrnor Wallac. Charls W. Colson, formr spcial counsl to th Prsidnt. John W. Dan 3d, formr counsl to th Prsidnt. Clifton Drnott, formr motl public rlations dirctor in Hyannis Port, Mass. Robrt. Dol, formr Rpublican National Chairman. Dr. Danil J. Ellsbrg, ky figur in Pntagon paprs cas. Dr. Lwis Filding, Dr. Ellsbrg's psychiatrist. J. Edgar Hoovr, formr dirctor of th F.B.I. Egil Krogh Jr., formr assistant to Mr. Ehrlichman. G. Gordon Liddy, formr Whit Hous aid convictd in Watrgat brak-in. Clark MacGrgor, formr had of Committ for th R-lction of th Prsidnt. Mr. Rivrs, psudonymn of Anthony T. Ulaswicz, formr aid to John J. Caulfild. Jb Stuart Magrudr, formr dputy dirctor of Committ for th R-lction of th Prsidnt. John N. Mitchll, formr Attorny Gnral and formr dirctor of r-lction committ. Gov. Gorg C. Wallac, of Alabama. David R. Young Jr., co-dirctor of th Whit Hous intllignc unit. onc w had ths listings, would b to hav invstigatd ach contributor to dtrmin if th contributor is bona fid. Q. What is th national scurity involvd in dtrmining whr th mony did com from... Cuba? A. I think for two rasons, Snator. First of all, any such intrvntion would hav bn a violation of Unitd Stats law and scondly it would hav rprsntd an ara of mit concrn to national scurity authoritis. Q. What did you intnd to do with information if 'you, did find it? A. I bg your pardon? Q. What did you intnd to do with information if you wr succssful in finding? A. Th information would hav bn turnd ovr to Mr. Liddy who, I assum, if you would lik my furthr spculation on th subjct, would hav passd it through channls which Vntually would hav brought th rsourcs of I.R.S. and th F.B.I. into play. Dtail of Gmston Q. My final qustion, sir, sinc w hav rcivd tstimony on th so-calld Gmston, which as I thought includd th hiring of call girls and you indicatd it was not so. A. I hav indicatd I bliv Snator, if I might intrrupt, I was not awar it formd a part of th original Gmston concpt. This was brought to my attntion much latr, at a tim whn Mr. Liddy and I wr looking for a lin of sight listning post for Mr. McCord in front of th Fontainblu Hotl. W had rportd back w had found a housboat moord dirctly in front of th Fontainblu Hotl. Subsqunt to, Mr. Liddy told m on of his supriors had suggstd th housboat could b usd as a rndzvous point and prhaps a plac in which compromising photographs or tap rcordings could b mad. Q. Did you considr this to b part of national scurity? A. No sir, I hav not charactrizd it as such. NM _Qat' : I'd just lik to toilthipon h-7 for a minut, Mr. Hunt, your commnts on th doubl agnt thory rlativ to Mr. Baldwin. You indicatd on of th bass for your thory would b Mr. Baldwin having an uncl who is a Dmocratic judg. Is corrct? A. That was my undrstanding, ys, Q. Right. Is th judg Raymond Baldwin? A. I don't know his nam. To Clar th Rcord Q. Wll, lt m put it this way so th rcord is vry clar, th only rlativ Mr. Baldwin has who is or has bn a judg is th formr Chif Justic of th Suprm, Stat Suprm Court in Conncticut, who would b Raymond Baldwin, who was also th Rpublican Snator from Conncticut, who was also th Rpublican Govrnor of Conncticut and who is gnrally lookd upon as. Mr. Rpublican in th stat of Conncticut. You indicatd also, rlativ to Mr. Baldwin, h had indicatd, h and Mr. Baldwin had indicatd a rlationship with John Baily. Now of cours, did you know how h mployd rfrnc to John Baily? Saying h was his nphw? A. I know h qualifid. I was givn to undrstand by Mr. McCord at th tim a floor plan of th Dmocratic national hadquartrs was bing compild Mr. Baldwin prsntd himslf to th rcptionist of th Dmocratic National Committ and said h was a nphw of John Baldwin and was givn th rd carpt tratmnt. Q. John Baily., A. Ys, John Baily. Q. So if in fact, you wr going to cas th Dmocratic National Committ hadquartrs, it would crtainly b far mor appropriat to idntify yourslf with John Baily than ithr Robrt Dol or Clark MacGrgor, wouldn't it? A. Ys, Snator. Q. So rally dosn't form a valid basis, for any sort of doubl agn hr, t dos it? It was usd, in othr words, spcifically, to gain ntry into th Dmocratic

4 National Committ hadquartrs to cas th plac, is corrct? A. Ys Q. And thn just on last thing, you indicat in th cas of Th Los Angls Tims and Mr. Baldwin talking about in th Tims, is it a fact Mr. Baldwin had alrady told his story to th Fdral Burau of Invstigation via Th Los Angls Tims. A. That is my undrstanding. Q. Do you rcall tlphoning Mr. Barkr th day bfor th Prsidnt's spch on th mining of Haiphong Harbor? A. I rcall crtainly tlphoning him in connction. I don't know if it would b th day bfor or th actual day, Snator. I don't hav tlphonic rcords availabl to m. In connction with vnt, howvr, ys. Q. Would you disput lt m rphras it in convrsations I'v had with Mr. Barkr h's indicatd h rcivd such a tlphon call from you th day bfor th Prsidnt's spch. Would you disput? A. I would simply answr I would hav no basis for accding to it or disputing it. I think th point w'r intrstd in hr, if I may b so prsumptuous is whthr in fact I did communicat with Mr. Barkr rlativ to spch, and I did. Q. And did you know th contnts of th Prsidnt's spch prior to th spch? A. Did I know... Q. Th contnts of th Prsidnt's spch prior to his spch? A. No, Q. What did you rqust of Mr. Barkr? A. To th bst of my rcollction I rqustd h attmpt to hav as many tlgrams as possibl snt to th Whit. Hous immdiatly following th Prsidnt's spch manifsting approval of th Prsidnt's mov. Q. So ar you saying you askd this aftr th Prsidnt's spch, thn? Is it your rcollction you mad this tlphon call aftr th Prsidnt spok? A. No, sir, not at all. Q. Wll thn, what would b th basis for your asking for th support of th Prsidnt? If in fact you said you didn't know in advanc of what statmnt was going to b? `I'm Missing a Point' A. I bliv I'm missing a point somwhr, Snator. May I consult with counsl? Q. Surly. ERVIN: Without objction w'll hav a fivminut rcss. A. Mr. Chairman, Snator Wickr, I bliv I ow you airgngy. I apprciat th rcss you hav grantd m. Thr is a vry asy and a vry rady answr to our qustion. I, howvr, for som rason, I'v bn informd I sm to b running down a littl. I want to b vry cautious about. Howvr, I prcivd within your qustion prhaps som dpr maning or dpr implication than I was abl to infr': Lt m rspond to your qustion in ths trms. Having bn askd to ngndr support for th Prs- idnt's forthcoming Haipnong spch bombing th Haiphong spch, and bing in vry gnral trms awar of it although not having rad it, I was prpard to sk support from all sourcs availabl to m, including, and in 'particular, Mr. Barkr, vn though I did not know th vrbatim txt of th spch, nor did Mr. Barkr. Is rsponsiv to your qustion, Snator? Q. Ar you saying you knw about th contnt of th spch in a gnral Way but not a spcific way? A. Ys, Q. And this was transmittd, thn, to Mr. Barkr prior to th spch,, ar you also saying? A. I hav no rcollction of so-doing. I may hav don it as a mattr of courtsy to Mr. Barkr. On th othr hand I xpctd his coopration rgardlss of th actual contnt of th spch. Instructions From Liddy Q. Wll who gav you th instructions to rally support for th Prsidnt? A. Mr. G. Gordon Liddy. Q. And who gav you th information as to th gnral natur of th spch? A. Mr. Liddy. Q. And is it fair to assum such occurrncs as this on th part of Mr. Barkr, this typ of information, which I might add, th Unitd Stats Snat was not privy to, is it not clar to go ahad and assum this again would add to th official imag which you had in th ys of Mr. Barkr? A. I would crtainly so assum. itipp: Mr. Hunt can you s xactly how much mony was paid your lawyr, Mr. Bittman, as counsl fs? A. $156,000. Q. And in addition to how much mony did you or Mrs. aunt rciv for your support or your bail? A. I don't know how much mony Mrs. Hunt rcivd. Q. Wll, you rcivd $50,000 in Fruary, didn't you? A. Ys ' Q. And you rcivd $75,on th 21st of March? A. Ys Q. And Mrs. Hunt, according to rcords w hav hr rcivd a total of $141,500 on' S t. 19 and Oct. 2, of whic -$1,000 wasiriga" for your bail and $30,000 was usd as incom rplacmnt for you. A. I bg your pardon, Mr. Chairman, ar you asking m a qustion? Q. Is corrct? Ar ths figurs st out in th accounting which Mrs. Hunt mad on Spt. 19, 1972 for $53,500 allgdly givn hr by Mr. Rivrs and for on Oct. 2, 1972, for $88,000, rcivd and $91,000 disbursd, corrct? A. Snator I hav no way of knowing whthr th figurs ar corrct or not. Q. Wll thy show $1,000 out of th monis covrd by th Spt. 19, 1972 accounting was usd for bail for you. Do you know whthr th thousand dollars was usd to scur bail for you? A. It was and it is still in th possssion of th govrnmnt. Incom Rplacmnt Q. And th Oct. 2 rport says $30,000 was usd as incom rplacmnt for, Mr. Hunt and Mrs. Hunt. Do you know whthr itm is corrct? A. I don't know, no Q. Wll did you rciv, $30,000 about tim? A. Not to my knowldg. Q. Whn Mr. Colson askd you to go to Dnvr to consult Dita Bard, what did h say h wantd you to tll Dita Bard or ask Dita Bard? A. This was a vry complicatd mission, Mr. Chairman. I might say I know th spcial proscutor has in his possssion an ight-pag mmorandum which I drw up immdiatly following my rtunp.trom Washington. According to th bst vidnc rul, I would hop would soon b in th possssion of th committ, if it is not, bcaus it dos contain my rconstruction of th vnts immdiatly following thir occurrnc. Howvr, my two basic instructions whn I st out to licit information from Mrs. Bard wr to dtrmin (a) why sh had lft Washington, and (b) in ffct hiddn hrslf out hiddn hrslf away, and (b) whthr or not th famous or infamous mmorandum concrning I.T.T. was according to th bst of hr knowldg fraudulnt. Now- thr wr many othr itms ' I was chargd with. Som of ths wr rducd to th form of an aid mmoir which I took out to Dnvr with m and intrrogatd hr from. Q. Did you disguis yourslf in any way whn you visitd Mrs. Bard? A. Ys, Q. What nam did you giv hr? A. I bliv it was on consistnt with th documntation I was carrying at tim. Q. Did you tll Mrs. Bard Who you wr rprsnting whn you saw hr? A. I th qustion cam op during 'th cours of on of our numrous dialogus night. I simply confirmd what sh had bn givn to undrstand by hr daughtr, I rprsntd high lvls of th Administration who wr intrstd in hr wlfar. Q. You did actually rpro. snt th spcial counsl to th Prsidnt, Charls W. -Colson? You prformd th mission at his instanc, didn't you? A. At his Initial rqust,' sir, but I was rfrrd by himto Mr. Wallac Johnson, who was th gntlman who actually dispatchd m on th mission and prpard th aid mmoir from which I talkd subsquntly to Mrs., Bard. Q. And who was Mr. John.. son? A. Mr. Johnson was at tim, I bliv, in th offic of Congrssional rlations at th Whit Hous. I bliv h is today, an assistant attorny U. S.-L-an Assistant U.. S. Attorny Gnral. Q. Now I undrstood you tstifid ystrday you rcntly larnd Mr. Krogh Egil Krogh had rcivd mony to covr th xpns of th brak-in of th Filding offic from Mr. Colson. A. Ys, Mr. Chairman.

5 Q. Now whn did you larn this and how did you larn it? A. I larnd it in connction with on of my intrviws with th Offic of th Spcial Proscutor or in connction with tstimony I was giving bfor th Watrgat Grand Jury. Sourc of Funds Q. Do you know whr Mr. Colson rcivd th mony h gav to Mr. Krogh? A. Not spcifically. Snator LAICER: Did Mr. how h Bittman to usd $156,000, how h disprsd it? A. How h disprsd it? I'm sorry, I pr haps misundrstood. Q. Mr. Bittman, your attorny, did h disclos to you whthr h kpt th $156,000, or whthr h was a cutout, as I undrstand an additional phras for it to b, to pass it on othr popl? A. My undrstanding thn and now, Snator, is all th funds wnt to his law firm and wr thr rtaind. AFTERNOON SESSION E: I am imprss your background. You hav srvd in th Unitd Stats Navy honorably. You ar a groduat of on of th bttr collgs in th Unitd Stats of Amrica. You srvd your country honorably in th Offic of Stratgic Srvics during World. War H. You, had an outstanding carr in th C.I.A. in which you wr commndd twic. Why on Cont'd on Following Pag Cont'd From Prcding Pag apgyj: May I Q. IMd you mak any simiarth aftr a rcord of now ask you a fw qustions lar suggstion to, Mr. Sg typ, would you gt involvd on your mting with Mrs. rtil? in clandstin!activitis and Dita Bard? A. W drw Mr. Sgrtti's A. I arrivd out in Dnvr attnti commit a sris of flonis? on to a Nwswk arwll aftr dark, probab ly 9 or A. I_wonld hav to answr, ticl which was, in ffct, a 10 o'clock at night, mad tlsnator Talmadg, in two phonic contac rprint of a formr articl, I t with hr phy- bliv, which parts: First, I bcam nsician, took som tim to gt in th Woma had appard gagd- bcaus I blivd in n's War Daily, from th activitis wr pro- ably gotth airport. I prob- which consistd of an intrto hr bdsid no viw with Mrs. Edmund Musposd to m had th sanction arlir than 11- o'clock, ki, and it was of th highst authoritis in night. my suggstion I introd ucd mysl f h, Mr. Sgrtti, mak our country. undr th psudonym sur th Nwswk rscondly, my 26-yar rc- had bn agrd upon and print rcivd substantial disord of -srvic to this country undr which sh had prdisposd m to accpt to s m, having hadagrd tribution in th Miami ara. May I xplain th Liddyordrs and instructions with- rfrnc to hr daughprior tr's Sgrtti rlationship? out qustion and without guaranting of my bona Q. Plas do, dbat. fids. Sh was initially vry A. Thr cam a tim, I Q. Lt m s if I undr- suspicious. I also bliv stand your rply. First, you sh was undr sdation and bliv, in lat January of th mans and, scond, if was not grasping thoroughly 1972 whn Mr. Liddy informd m thr smd highr authority ordrd th situation. you thought it was your I had a numbr of qus- to b a problm of pntraduty to oby; dos an- tions to put to hr. Sh was tion by a suspctd Dmocrat swr it? rluctant to answr thm at infiltration in th hadquartrs of svral Rpublican MR. SACHS: Snaor Tal- first. Thr cam a tim madg, may I intrvn and shortly aftr, prhaps within stat hadquartrs. In ach suggst th first part th first 20 or 30 minuts, instanc th would-b pnof your qustion, in my hum- whn hr physician who trator answrd th sam bl opinion, was not an x- was thn in attndanc upon physcial dscription: h was short, h wor rimlss xact paraphras of what h hr suggstd I stp insaid. to th corridor, which I did. glasss, h introducd himq. I crtainly don't want H indicatd h wantd slf to Rpublicans as coming or manating from th to put words in his mouth to administr oxygn or som but I undrstood th answr sort of othr aid, chmical highst lvls of Washington to b similar thrto. I want aid, to hr. I chos tim and h proposd to thm to th witnss o answr in his to absnt myslf to go to a show thm how thy could win lctions in thir aras. own words. pay tlphon and rpor A. As a gnral rul, Sn- back to Mr. Charls Colsont Mr. Liddy was alrtd and ator Talmadg, I do not b- at his hom tlphon num- in turn alrtd m. H said liv th nd justifis br, which I did. bcaus [Sgrtti] had bn th mans. I just want to stablish dtctd or at last his acq. You had bn traind this is a pattrn tivitis had smd suspito instantly oby ordrs of occurrd throughout th night cious to a numbr of lgitihighr authority and for prhaps, until prhaps 3, mat Rpublican groups was th rason you did what or 3:30 or so in th morn- around th 'country h, Lidyou did. A. Ys, ing. I would intrviw hr for dy, and I wr askd spcia tim, ask hr qustions. fically to rndzvous with First Prsntation Sgrti in Miami and valuth physician was 1 1 : And would intrvn aftr athr, at him (A) as a prson and spac thn aftr you-"fid-375ur first of tim, (B) in trms of what his I would absnt mymting with Mr. Colson in slf, call to Mr. Colson's profssional crdntials conjanuary, Liddy mad his first hom to back mak a rport and civably could b to th prsntation to Mitchll, Ma- sk furth r instructions, campaign. grudr, and Dan, and all of which I would thy act (upon W did during th th tstimony w hav in my succding sssion mting at th Frolics Motl had bfor this committ is with hr. in Miami Bach. Each of us and I am paraphrasing I formd a similar imprssion Th I.T.T. Mmo don't rcall xact words of Mr. ti: That th ac Mitchll and company Q. Did you suggst to Mrs. tivitis Sgrt h ldgd wr appalld and shockd Bard sh should an- bing involvdacknow wr sophoat this plan, which involvd nounc to th prss th moric in naturin and b chas plans, kidnapping po- mmo thy had was a for- a littl mor than ancould irritant pl, sxual abrrations, and gry? A. I rcall no such sug- on th sid of th Dmo crats a whol lot of things. Isn't, gstion, and a possibl mbarrassmnt Q. Did sh tll you it to th Rpublicans. In short, a fact? A. I don't know it's a fact, was a forgry? A. To th bst w rturnd to Washington Snator, No. I don't know of my rcollction, sh lft it with a joint rcommndation th popl wr shockd up in th air. Sh indicatd whovr was mploying to m and again, my mmo- Mr. Sgrtti, as I now know and horrifid. ' Q. Thy did rjct th plan, randum would b th bst his nam to b, cas and didn't thy, at th Jan. 27 vidnc on this. Th im- dsist. prssion I now hav of Mrs. mting? Mr. Liddy, howvr, ina. Thy did, sir, but if I Bard's rcollctions, and I formd m subsquntly want to strss sh smd h had bn ovrriddn, and may b prmittd to amplify vry brifly, it was my undr- to b undr havy sdation w wr bing askd to whil w wr confrring, monitor his activit standing from Mr. Liddy and to sh was quit sur hlp him if possibis, it was th pric tag was l and s sh had not writtn it. h stayd out of troubl. shockd and horrifid thm. Q. You also suggstd W had no montary, Q. your undrstanding was Mr. Sgrt finanti should distribut cial rsponsibility for him it was only th pric tag? A. fals invitat nor ions to a Muski did w hav any oprational That was my undrstanding. picnic? A. Ys, dirction of Mr. Sgrtti.

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