story saying Malloy next ND president By MARK PANKOWSKI

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1 Business news - page 6 VOL. XX, NO aested, 36 cited as police aid student paty By MRAM HLL Senio Staff Repote Police aided a Halloween paty late Fiday night, aesting fou students and issuing citations to 36 othes, as cackdowns on undeage dinking in South Bend continued. Unde the glae of WSBT television lights and cameas, police fom thee aea lawenfocement agencies aided a paty at 67 St. Pete St. at about :30 p.m. Fou students wee aested and taken to jail, one on chages of selling alcohol without a pemit, anothe fo giving false infomation to a police office, and two othes on chages of disodely conduct and public intoxication, said State Excise. Police Sgt. Gegoy Deitchley. The names of those aested wee not available as of Sunday night. Thity-six tickets also wee issued fo consumption of alcohol by a mino, Deitchley said. Fiday's aid bings the numbe of Note Dame and Saint May's students aested o issued citations on alcoholelated chages this yea to moe than 200. As the numbe of aests mounts, aids of student paties hee have begun to attact national and local attention. This week's edition of Newsweek magazine included the aests at Note Dame as pat of a stoy on undeage dinking on college campuses. "Note Dame, in South Bend, nd., has gone fa beyond cajoley and wanings," the Newsweek stoy said. "Rathe than meely beaking up paties, local police now mach in see RADS, page 3 the independent student newspape seving Note Dame and Saint May's Ceatues of the night A lot of stange things happened on Halloween night last Fiday duing the gand opening of Theodoe's, one of which was the statling tansfomation of John Tadgett into a dog. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 986 Officials discount stoy saying Malloy next ND pesident By MARK PANKOWSK News Edito Associate Povost Fathe Edwad "Monk" Malloy contacted Sunday discounted a Chicago Tibune stoy epotin~ that he will be chosen as the next Note Dame pesident. "t seems foolish fo them to ventue such a stong assetion when (the tustees) haven't voted on it," said Malloy. "But no one can stop them fom publishing anything they want,'' he said. Assistant Vice Pesident fo Univesity Relations Richad Conklin also challenged Sunday's Tibune stoy, which quoted unidentified souces as saying the Boad of Tustees will nominate and confim Malloy Nov. 4. "The people who know don't talk, and the people who talk don't know," said Conklin. "t's a speculative piece." Tibune Assistant Metopolitan Edito Ed McManus, howeve, said the Tibune stands by Sunday's stoy, which caied the headline "Note Dame pesident chosen; 'Unflappable' associate povost to succeed Hesbugh.'' "We've got souces that we feel ae eliable," said McManus, who declined to name the souces o povide any futhe infomation about them. Malloy, 45, who also seves as as~ociate pofesso of theology, is one of five Holy Coss piests identified as potential successos to Univesity Pesident Fathe Theodoe Resbugh, who will etie at the end of this academic yea., Conklin said the ninemembe nominating committee, which meets in Chicago Ameican hostage feed by Shiite kidnappes Associated Pess BERUT, Lebanon- Shiite Moslem kidnappes feed Amei- can hospital administato David Jacobsen on Sunday afte holding him fo 7 months, saying ecent U.S. moves might lead to the elease of othe Ameican captives in Lebanon as well. Jacobsen, 55, of Huntington Beach, Calif., was tuned ove to U.S. officials on a steet in Moslem west Beiut. A U.S. embassy official, who insisted on anonymity, said Jacobsen was in good health and was at the embassy compound in Chistian east Beiut. Anglican Chuch envoy Tey Waite flew in fom Cypus, met with Jacobsen, and then told The Associated. Pess in a telephone inteview, "David is well. He and had a convesation togethe fo some hous. He is looking fowad to seeing his family and fiends." Waite, an emissay of Achbishop of Cantebuy Robet Runcie, epotedly has been shuttling among Lebanon, Syia and Cypus since Thusday in an effot to fee foeign hostages in Lebanon. t was not clea what ole, if any, he had in Jacobsen's elease. Waite was seen Sunday boading a U.S. militay helicopte in Lanaca, Cypus, in his fist public appeaance since Fiday. slamic Jihad, the undegound extemist goup that held Jacobsen, still holds two othe Ameicans, jounalist Tey A. Andeson and educato Thomas Sutheland. t said last yea that it killed U.S. diplomat William Buckley, but no body was found. Thee othe Ameicans wee kidnapped ~ Fank Hebet Reed, Joseph James Cicippio and Edwad Austin Tacy- and othe goups claimed to be holding them. Chistian adio stations and television epoted ove the pevious two days that six kidnapped Ameicans and two of eight Fench hostages would be let go. But in Washington, a State Depatment souce said U.S. officials expected only one hostage to be eleased. slamic Jihad said in a statement issued afte Jacobsen's elease, "We hold the Ameican govenment fully esponsible fo the consequences of any failue to take advantage of this oppotunity and poceed with cuent appoaches that could lead, if continued, to a solution of the hostages." The typed statement, witten in Aabic and deliveed to a Westen news agency in Beiut, did not say what appoaches the United States had made. t said if they wee not continued, "we shall take a totally diffeent attitude.". n Santa Babaa, Cali!., Pesident Reagan said he could not divulge details of what led to the elease, but that "we have been woking th~>ugh a numbe of sensitive channels fo a long time." today, has not decided on who it will popose to the full boad. He said the committee won't each a final decision until it votes at a Nov. 3 meeting at Note Dame. The full 49-membe boad will choose the new pesident the next day, in all likelihood electing the nominating committee's choice. The Tibune quoted unidentified souces on the campus and in Chicago as saying the tustees gadually have eached a consensus in suppot of Malloy, whom they say is paticulaly well suited to take contol of the Univesity afte Hesbugh. "Monk is unflappable and fighteningly even-tempeed," the Tibune quoted an unnamed campus souce as saying. "He has enomous pesonal integity and he's vey bland. He's a pefect pesident po ten." The Tibune also quoted unnamed souces in Chicago as saying Malloy is thought to be the pefeed candidate of his eligious supeios in the Holy Coss ode; the congegation that once opeated Note Dame. "The ceam simply ose to the top duing the seach pocess," the Tibune quoted an unidentified souce as saying. "Malloy became the obvious choice." Howeve, Note Dame Magazine Edito Walton Collins, who wote a stoy about the selection pocess in the magazine's Autumn edition, said he hadn't head umos that Malloy would be chosen. ''(The stoy) was a supise to me," said Collins, who like Conklin, descibed the epot see SEARCH, page 3 Obseve celebates 20 yeas Today's issue maks the 20th annivesay of The Obseve's publication. The fist issue of the newspape was published Novembe 3, 966 with Robet Sam Anson and Stephen M. Feldhaus seving as its fist editos-in-chief. n commemoation of this annivesay, Fiday's issue will featue a special section highlighting the changes in the Note Dam&Saint May's community which the newspape has ecoded duing its 20 yeas of opeation.

2 The Obseve n Bief 6,000 Peace Cads inviting Pesident Reagan and Soviet leade Mikhail Gobachev to attend a peac~ summit wee deliveed to Washington, D.C. by membes of a Univesity of Kansas student goup. The KU Coalition fo Peace and Justice, which extended the invitation fo the Lawence summit, wee allowed inside the Soviet embassy and the White House. -The Obseve Two businessmen want to sell squae-inch pacels of land fom the site of the Chicken Ranch, the bodello immotalized in "The Best Little Whoehouse in Texas," and use the poceeds to build a museum. The bodello, officially called Edna's Fashionable Ranch Boading House, opeated at fo moe than a centuy. t got its nickname in the Depession, when chickens wee accepted as payment fo sevices. "t's eally a piece of histoy. t will be like a national monument," said Todd Hoffman, pesident of The Oiginal Chicken Ranch nc. "t will be fist class, a place to bing the wife and kids." The bawdiness will be downplayed at the museum and no liquo will be sold, he said. -Associated Pess The setting was a funeal home, but the guests of hono wee still alive- in fact, they wee beginning a life togethe. Loie Heold, 30, and Rod Caig, 3, chose the Ritte Lasen Bos. Chapel to exchange thei wedding vows Satuday, Both ae funeal diectos fo Ritte-Lasen. Caig said he didn't find it mobid to get maied in a place usually moe suited fo mouning. "We thought it-would. be kind of appopiate, fitting and eflecting of ou pesonal lives and the individuals we ae," he said. Decoations that could identify it as a funeal home wee coveed up, he said. No funeals o wakes wee scheduled at the chapel Satuday. -Associated Pess Of nteest~- ~ "Pesonal Reflections on the Ciminal Justice System," will be discussed today at 4:5p.m. in Stapleton Lounge of Saint May's Le Mans Hall. Speaking will be Fathe Andew Skotnicki, chaplain at Cook County jail and paish piest at Santa Claa's Chuch, Chicago. The fee lectue, sponsoed by the depatment of Justice Education at the College, is one of a seies on issues implicit in ciminal justice. -The Obseve The law pofession and business-elated oppotunities of lawyes will be focused on today at 5:30p.m. in Room 4 of O'Shaughnessy. An alumnus of Note Dame and Nothwesten Law School, Gene Koste, will speak at the lectue which is sponsoed by the Note Dame-Saint May's Pe-Law Society. Eveyone inteested is welcome to attend. -The Obseve Weathe As eveyone has told you, South Bend is a eally cool place to be, and today you will discove just how cool it can get. Today's tempeatue will not exceed 50 degees, and thee will be a 30 pecent chance of aftenoon showes. Needless to say, tonight will be vey cool with fost possible, a low in the middle to uppe 30s, continued cloudiness and a futhe 30 pecent chance of showes. South Bend in fact is neve an uncool place to b.e, as demonstated by Tuesday which will bing continued cloudiness, an additional 30 pecent chance of showes and a high in the middle 40s. -The Obseve Design Edito.... Kathy Huston Design Assistant... Tom Schiesse Layout Staff.... Caolyn Rey Typesettes... Chis Readon News Edito... May Heilmann Copy ChisJulka Spots Copy Edito... Maty Buns Viewpoint Copy Edito.. Eic Begamo Accent Copy Edito.... Lisa Young Accent Layout.... Melinda Muphy Typists... Colleen Foy ND Day Edito.... La uine Megna Ad Design.... Fed Nelson Photogaphe.... James Caoll The Obseve (USPS ) is published Monday though Fiday except duing exam and vacation peiods. Tbe Obseve is published by the students of the Univesity of Note Dame and Saint May's College. Subsciptions may be puchased fo $40 pe yea ($25 pe semeste) by witing Tbe Obseve, P.0. Box Q, Note Dame, ndiana Tbe Obseve is a membe of Tbe Associated Pess. All epoduction ights ae eseved. Monday, Novembe 3, 986- page 2 Foundation of a good- newspape lies in tuthful epoting to eades hopped out of the van. Slid open the side doo. Gabbed the bundle. Moved towad the dining hall and hustled inside. A small cowd of students waited in ambush. dopped the bundle in the dop box and jumped back. Hands wee eveywhee. As edito-in-chief, do many things -- some well; some not so well. On that paticula day, was delieveing issues of The Obseve to the dining hall. They wee heavy. baely can cay my bookbag, but didn't. mind hoisting the bundles of The Obseve ove my shoulde. People ead The Obseve. Caying it seves a pupose. aely ead my books. Fom eveything do, ty to lean a lesson o gain some insight. The message the silent cowd spoke to me was that students want what we poduce. Oh, it may not be The New Yok Times, but we don't claim that it is. nstead, The Obseve is Note Dame's student newspape, poduced fo students, by students. t is a student poduct fom stat to finish. We believe that's why it's geneally cedible and faily well-eceived by the students. Last week, the managing edito of anothe daily student newspape dove five hous to visit ou offices. His school's newspape has twice the budget that we do and five paid adults to supevise it. The only poblem is that he can't find enough students to poduce the newspape and those that do ae about the only ones who ead it. On the day he visited ou office, his school's newspape pinted the same stoy on the font page twice. He was too embaassed to bing me a copy. assued him that we have ou poblems and that the only papes without poblems ae those out of poduction. As an edito though, can think of nothing wose than to poduce a newspape no one eads. told this visito! don't have any magical fomulas fo making the poblems which so distessed him go away. He wanted his community's espect fo the poduct he poduces. told him espect is something which cannot be demanded, but must be eaned. We ty to ean ou eades' espect evey day. Sometimes we do; sometimes we don't, but always we ty. The student was a senio; theefoe, time is shot. Geneally, a newspape does not fall apat in a day, and, without exception would suspect, it cannot be built in one eithe. The foundation of a newspape is epoting the tuth. To the eade, said to him, the tuth alone has an instinctive ing. f the newspape is not fai to the people it coves, to the community it seves and to the people it employs, then it may be ead, it may be believed, but it will not be tue to its pupose. Joe -Muphy Edito-in-Chief All of which is a fancy way of saying, don't lie to you eades. They ae too intelligent fo that. tell ou staff to be fai. The jounalist, some say by natue, is a skeptical ceatue. Newsmakes deseve to be given a chance to pove themselves, and the pess has an obligation to potect the newsmakes, its eades and itself fom that which is false. Being cautious, though, is diffeent fom being skeptical. A good jounalist should always be cautious. f someone does not have the couage to put his name behind his wods, then his anonymous quote should be ead with.geat caution. Feedom of the pess does not mean the pess has to pint all that it eceives. Questions have to be asked. Answes fom all paties involved have to be sought and detemined accuate. And even if something is tue, that does not mean it's newswothy. Above all, a newspape can neve be satisfied with what it does because its coveage could always be bette than it is. All of this means you build a newspape with people, inside and out. Each day, ty to emind ou staff, the people ou staff coves and the eades who digest the infomation we compile how impotant they ae. As a newspape, we ty to be esponsive to thei unique positions and needs. Fom ou staff, call fo pofessionalism and patience even when time becomes an enemy. We may neve be pefect, but think we have the coect foundation, a newspape tue to its pupose. And that is, think, why am willing to delive newspapes and why students ae waiting to gab them. ~Goclfathe s Pizza~ Find one. ts woth it. ~M Y & MONDAY SPECALS MEDUM THN CRUST PZZA WTH ONE TOPPNG PLUS EXTRA CHEESE PLUS A TWO LTER BO'TLE OF COKE $5.25 plus tax & delivey... ~ One coupon pe piau at patkipatin( locationo. ~Pizza. Not valid in cotabu..tioa with any othe offe. --~ ' Find ~. Offe expies /30/86 h s woth. ~ ~ Goclfatba' s ~~~~Pizza~ We Delive to a Limited Aea US 3 Noth South Bend, N

3 The Obseve Monday, Novembe 3, page 3 Nobel winne discusses eseach on black holes The Big Apple Apple Compute accounts manage Claudia Wintegest pesents Obseve Managing Edito Kevin Becke with a new Macintosh Plus The best sales people make an impact on thei pofession. They set high goals and achieve them. Not because of luck, but because of motivation, desie and intensity. f you have the desie and self-motivation to be a winning sales peson, conside Banes-Hind nc. As a Sales Repesentative fo Banes-Hind nc., you can be pat of the fastest gowing, most dynamic segment of the health cae maket. And you ' be woking with the nation 's innovative leade in the manufactue of contact lenses, solutions and elated vision cae poducts. The Obseve Jim Caoll Compute. The Obseve eceived the compute though a special advetising ageement with the company. An Affimative Action, Equal Oppotunity Employe By DAVD T. LEE News Staff Nobel laueate Subahmanyan Chandasekha said, in a Fiday visit to Note Dame, thee is still "a lot to study" about black holes in the univese. "Thee is a lot of cicumstantial evidence to indicate... that one of the elements of a binay sta system is a black hole," said the co-winne of the Nobel Peace Pize in physics in 98. Black holes, he said, ae "objects with which the gavitational pull is so stong that even light cannot escape fom." Descibing how objects equie an "escape velocity" to beak away fom the foce of gavity, the native of ndia said the escape velocity in a black hole exceeds the velocity of light, theeby nullifying any possibility of escape, even fo light. Chandasekha, a pofesso at the Univesity of Chicago fo 50 yeas, would not disclose his specific contibution to ou You oppotunity to make an impact on the vision cae maket is now. Put you skills to wok fo an industy.leade. Ou epesentatives will be on you campus Monday, Novembe 7, in the Student Placement Cente. Contact you Placement Cente immediately fo consideation and inteview appointment. f you can't make it, please send a lette of inteest to: Pesonnel Depatment Banes-Hind nc. 895 Kife Road B ARNES..UND Sunnyvale, Ca ~~ "T N<. knowledge of black holes, saying it would equie him to elate his entie 55-yea caee in science. Ou knowledge of black holes ae "thought expeiments" at the pesent time, he said, adding that the "evidence gatheed by scientists is most easily intepeted by saying it is a massive black hole." He said expeiments to duplicate a black hole hee on Eath have been unsuccessful. "t is the kind of situation... that cannot take place at the pesent time." Chandasekha said he became a scientist simply because he enjoyed it. "Why not? 'm no diffeent than anyone else." Asked what he thought the futue had in stoe, he gave an anecdote of a fiend who had woked at the Mt. Paloma Obsevatoy, one of the lagest telescopes in the wold. When his fiend was asked the same question, he said, "f knew that, would not have helped build it (the telescope)." Seach continued fom page as "speculative." "To the best of my knowledge the committee has not settled on a name," Collins said. The selection pocess became necessay when He~bugh told the Boad of Tustees in 982 that he would etie afte five moe yeas. Since then, five Holy Coss piests ae believed to have emeged as the likely candidates. One of them, Malloy, has been associate povost since 982. He holds undegaduate and maste's degees fom Note Dame, as well as a vasity basketball monogam. The othe potential successos ae Fathe Enest Batell, executive diecto of the Helen Kellogg nsitute fo ntenational Studies; Fathe William Beauchamp, executive assistant to the pesident; Fathe David Tyson, vice pesident fo student affais; and Fathe Michael McCaffety, associate pofesso of law. McManus said the Tibune an the stoy two weeks befoe the official announcement because it had eliable infomation. "We get infomation on all kinds of things... (that) we don't sit on," McManus said. "f we've got eliable infomation we usually go with it. "That's the way the newspape business woks." Raids continued fom page with beathalizes, ticketing any undeage students with alcohol in thei systems." Fiday's aid was the subject of a two-minute epot on the p.m. edition of the Channel 22, WSBT, news Satuday. Anti-Volence Activist lante fof Teechlng Non-Volence & NCTV full tlme otalf. Lodging & S325/mo. Reeeach on aggeeoion, publishing & lobbying agalnolviolence in TV, film, wa loyo, epoto, eouca, etc. Non violenllilma. Nexllo U UNnois. Student loam deleallla P.O. Box 257, Champaign L , '

4 The Obseve Democats confident in Senate ace as campaigning comes to a close Associated Pess WASHNGTON- Democats sounded confident while Republicans seemed less than cetain Sunday about the outcome of thei battle fo contol of the Senate, the main pize in Tuesday's elections to choose the 00th Congess and thee dozen govenos. The candidates themselves wee still scouing fo suppot on the final weekend of the nation's costliest midtem campaign. Votes tuned to football games got a heavy dose of political commecials along with the customay ones selling bee. Republicans olled out thei biggest campaign weapon one moe time, spending $500,000 fo a five-minute late night commecial taped by Pesi- Tossup aces in 4 states as gubenatoial election neas Associated Pess WASHNGTON- Republicans ae almost cetain to scoe gains in goveno's aces Tuesday, but it would take a sweep of 0 tossup contests fo them to come out of the 986 elections with thei goal: a majoity of the nation's govenoships. A suvey of the aces by Associated Pess epotes in the 36 states electing govenos this yea found that Democatic candidates appea safe in states and ae ahead in two moe. n five states the Republicans ae safe, and fou moe states ae leaning GOP. The emaining 4 states, a supisingly lage numbe, emain tossups going into Election Day. But Republicans must win 0 of those 4 neckand-neck aces if they ae to captue a gubenatoial majoity fo the fist time since 969. "Thee's just too many close ones to call," said Chuck Dolan, diecto of the Democatic Govenos' Association. n an election-yea aithmetic that favos the GOP, democats find themselves defending 27 of the 34 govenoships they now hold. The GOP, with but 6 govenos, defends only nine. The aces that could go eithe way on Tuesday ae lagely in states now held by Democats Floida, South Caolina, Texas, Nebaska, Kansas, Hawaii, Aizona, Alaska, Wyoming, Alabama and Wisconsin. Thee of the too-close-to-call aces ae in states now held by the GOP: Oegon, Tennessee and Pennsylvania. Most of the endangeed Democatic govenoships ae being vacated by popula incumbents. But two Democatic incumbents ae tying to withstand fiece GOP opposition - in Texas, whee Gov. Mak White still slightly tails the man he defeated fou yeas ago, fome Gov. Bill Clements; and Wisconsin, whee Gov. Anthony Eal has been pessed by Republican legislative leade Tommy Thompson. dent Reagan fo aiing on all thee netwoks. Leades of both paties said they, doubted the elease of Ameican hostage David Jacob sen in Lebanon afte 7 months in captivity would have an impact on the campaign. Jacobsen, 55, was eleased in Beiut. At stake on Tuesday ae 34 seats on the Senate, all 435in the House, 36 govenoships and thousands of offices fom state legislatos to local judges. Both sides p:edicted Democats would mpove thei cuent majoity in the House by as many as 0 seats. Thee was simila ageement all aound that Republicans, who now hold only 6 of 50 statehouses, would gain as many as nine moe. But the only ageement about the stuggle fo the Senate was that the battle was hanging in the balance afte expenditues of tens of millions of dollas ove two yeas. "We'e going to be in the majoity when the polls close on Tuesday, Senate Republican Leade Bob Dole said on CBS TV's "Face the Nation." But, he quickly added, "Thee ae a lot of dicey aces out thee." Democatic chaiman Paul Kik said he would be geatly supised if his paty doesn't win a Senate majoity. Republicans hold a majoity in the cuent Senate, but ae defending 22 of the 34 seats on Tuesday's ballot. PART TME SALES HELP WANTED AT GOODWLL PLAZA STORE on Howad & Eddy at five points. FLEXBLE HOURS, WEEKLYPAY, AND STORE DSCOUNT. Call Ms. Daughty A PLAYSHOP WTH MATTHEW FOX, O.P.l l SP RA'ER: y A N'' ere A '~ED A 0 A R AS Satuday, Nov. a- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Beech Gove Benedictine Cente sprtt,, u~a..'~ crea ~p~tsson CO Lectue - Fiday, Nov. 7-7 p.m. Notheast United Chuch of Chist 3820 N. Fanklin Road. ndianapolis.-l--s-'--p-.osor THE nalicscan HETjE AUTHOR OF: ORGNAL BLESSNG, A SPRTUALTY NAKED COMPASSON, & LLUMNATONS OF HLDEGARDE OF BNGEN {37) Note Dame and Saint May's Family: Re-elect Robet A. Loeffle machine no. 6A Re-Elect Quality Leadeship Robet A. Loeffle... Has given you the National Cente fo Senio Living, which will bing 5,000 new jobs to St. Joe County Loweed the County Tax Rate Opposed the Local Option Tax Paved ove 300 miles of County oads in fou yeas s the fist eiected official to question the enewed annexation effot Suppots Youth Hockey County Councilman Robet A. Loeffle is.. Distict B ncumbent county Councilman, Distict 8-4 yeas Democat Political advetisement paid by Committee to Re-elect Robet A. Loeffle A 958 gaduate of the Univesity of Note Dame Manage of Opeations, Note Dame Athletic & Convocation Cente, and a2s y. Note Dame employee Council Repesentative-CountY Job Taining Pogam Chaiman, Engineeing and Tanspotation Committee Chaiman, Maintenance committee, 987lntemationaJ Summe Special Olympics SUNSH f~~ Monday, Novembe 3, 986- page 4 f m~~f~. ~ Novembe 22 8: is Civic Auditoium All seats eseved $3.00 Tickets available at the Centuy Cente Box Office Nlghtwlnds, Just Fo The Recod (Mishawaka), Supe' Sounds (Eikat). Chage by phone Whee the need is... thee we will be. As individuals and as a community, we will wok towad the alleviation of hunge, misey and the lack of knowledge. HOLY CROSS BROTHERS B. Don Gibbs, C.S.C. Diecto of Vocations Box 460 Note Dame, N The Gay Puckett HERMAN'S G~n~ &TheUnionGap HERMRS NOVEMBER, 7:30 P.. NOTRE DAME ACC Reseved Tickets: $4.00 Ticket sole fo Note Dame & St. May's Students will toke place this monday 9:00AM at the ticket windows located at gate 3 of the A C. C. [Fieldhouse Dome). Limit of fou[ 4) tickets pe student VALD STUDENT.D. REQURED. No lin$ may fom befoe 6:0L) AM. [Ticket sole fo the public will toke place at te 0 of the A. C. C. -Aena Dome l

5 \Tie\Y~_O_i_n_t M-onda~y,Nov-embe~3,~oos-p~ages,.. Student senato peviews some mpotant aces n the past two months have held a vote's egistation dive, egisteing ove 250 new votes. Note Dame has ove 500 egisteed votes, pesenting a substantial vote-bloc. The poblem see with the egistation is that we ae so shielded fom outside infoma- John Gadine guest column Paent is gateful fo etun of lost wallet Dea Edito: When attended the gaduation of my son fom the Note Dame Law School, had the misfotune of losing my wallet which contained my dive's license, a few cedit cads and a few hunded dollas in cash. We epoted ou loss to the police and wee infomed that someone tied to use my cedit cads at a local clothing stoe and an out when the clek took too long checking the cad. The end of a sad stoy, but not the end of the wold. Howeve, this tale has a most unusual twist. A month ago eceived an unsigned lette plus my wallet and in the side pocket a vey weathe beaten fifty Doone P.0.8oxQ tion that it is difficult to even.keep up with local news (if one should eve want to). The esult is that most Note Dame votes pobably vote staight ticket. eally think that that is senseless. f you ae going to vote, you should vote fo the peson most qualified. Even if you do vote a staight ticket then you should at least know fo whom you ae voting. The following is a bief, unbiased biogaphy of each candidate. Pamphlets fom the candidates and aticles in the South Bend Tibune ae the souces of my infomation. United States Senato. Democatic Candidate: Jill Long. Cuently a Pofesso of Business Administation at Valpaaiso Univesity, D. Long claims a knowledge of business and financial tends lacking in Washington today. She eceived he bachelo of science in business administation at Valpaaiso and eceived a maste of business administation and a doctoate degee in business fom ndiana Univesity. D. Long has seved oles as a management consultant, teache, and fame, and feels that she is expeienced enough to be a senato. Republican Candidate: Dan Quayle. When elected in 980, Quayle became the youngest Hoosie eve chosen to epesent ndiana in the U.S. Senate. He is a membe of the Senate Budget Committee, chaiing the defense pocuement subcommittee and suppots a constitutional amerdment mandating a balanced fedeal budget. He has tied to cut fedeal spending and has consistently voted fo a stong defense. United States Repesentative - Thid Distict. Democatic Ticket: Tom Wad. A 970 Note Dame gaduate, Wad is a pacticing attoney. He has many ideas on issues anging fom agicultue to veteans. His positions on issues ae specific. n ode to confont the faming cisis, he plans to seve on the House Agicultue Committee if sele~ted, giving fames a diect influence though him. He claims that although unemployment is down, the new jobs being filled ae low paying "jobs at hambuge stands" that do not equate with a highe paying secue job. He suppots a stong defense and wants to eliminate govenmental waste. He feels the cuent U.S. policy towad Nicaagua is pushing that county and one hunded dolla bill. The peson who etuned a few cedit cads, dive's license and a mildewed wallet knew of the money and cads and only hoped that could salvage something fom this ain soaked mess. A month late eceived fom the Teasuy depatment a check fo $50 fo my etuned money. The peson who fowaded my wallet spent time to wite a lette plus paying fo an envelope and postage and made no attempt to obtain a ewad o even thanks because the lette was unsigned. Concen fo othes and honesty wee cetainly shown by this kind peson and hope you may be able, somewhee in you fine pape, to let him o he know deeply appeciate this kindness. Robet Hoas St. Louis, Mo. A 84CHMAN'S A!W33R HAS 8WJ 5P077W ()(JT AT YoseMTE! THWW ON A WRAP! 'VE GOT TH& 57l/PE8AK < M?Mf3P UP MPRCAPY70GO!""' ::e:::;;~~ UM... 'M AFRAJ{) CAN'T GO OUT /JR?-A/ATG/N6 A/TH Yal 70PY, {)/CK. c6afjs! fa/hynot? towad the Soviet UniQn and is against conta-aid. Republican Candidate: John Hile. Hile is a thid-tem Congessman who, as a membe of the House Banking Committee, has moved up to become the anking minoity membe of the Subcommittee on Consume Affais, Coinage and Cuency. As a membe of the Small Business Committee, Hile is the anking minoity membe of the Subcommittee on Taxes, Access to Equity Capital and Business Oppotunities. He feels his ecod stands fo itself, claiming that unemployment is down and economic gowth is good - something to be poud of. He suppoted Gamm-Rudman to lowe the fedeal deficit ove the next five yeas and although a:t advocate of a stong defense, voted to cut Pesident Reagan's defense budget equest by $32 billion. He voted fo conta-aid and does not tust the Soviets. State Elections. Secetay of State. Democatic Candidate: Evan Bayh. Bayh intends to stand up fo odinay Hoosies. He hopes to eliminate wasteful spending and mismanagement of state govenment. He stongly opposes the abuses of the licens e banch system, which, though a numbe of channels, patially subsidizes the paty in powe, the Republicans. Republican Candiate: Rob Bowen. A fome inten fo Senato Dick ~uga, Bowen pomises "to potect ~-... ~' 'M RJJN N!NGFOR ({)NGR/Z6, {}taf.. \ Tudeau Hoosie investos fom faud, pomote the integity of ndiana's electoal pocess and administe the copoate laws vital to the state's economic gowth." Posecuting Attoney. Democatic Candidate: Michael P. Banes. The cuent County Posecute, Banes in a 973 Note Dame Law School gaduate who has instituted numeous new pogams. He boasts an 85% conviction ate against ciminals and stands stongly against dugs. Republican Candidate: Chis Wate. A South Bend attoney, he is unning because he is disenchanted with Banes. He advocates bette suppot fo law enfocement officials and bette potection of citizens. County Sheiff. Democatic Candidate: Joseph Nagy. He has seved as Sheiff fo the past ten months, initiating a numbe of pogams including inceased oad patol and a dug awaeness pogam. Republican Candidate: Bob Radde. A etied FB agent, Radde is pesently the Secuity Administato of the National Bank at South Bend. He sets a numbe of specific goals includng eliminating waste and insuing qualified pesonnel. John Gadine is a senio govenment majo and a student senato. Quote of the day ~ '''.. ~ ~t i ' ( -.: "Neve give up and neve give in.",., ~ j -, Hubet H. Humphey he Obseve P.O. Box Q, Note Dame, N (29) The Obseve is the independent newspape published by the students of the Unive sity of Note Dame du Lac and Saint May's College. t does not necessaily eflect the policies of the administation of eithe institution. The news is epoted as accuately and objectively as possible. Unsigned editoials epesent the opinion of the majoity of the Editoial Boad. Commentaies, lettes and the nside Column pesent the views of thei authos. Column space is available to all membes of the community and the fee expession of vaying opinions on campus, though lettes, is encouaged. Geneal Boad Edito-in-Chief.... Joe Muphy _Managing Edito.... Kevin Becke Viewpoint Edito... Scott Beaby Spots Edito.... Dennis Coigan Accent Edito.... May Jacoby Saint May's Edito.... Magie Kesten News Edito... Tipp Baltz News Edito.... Mak Pankowski Business Manage... Eic Scheuemann Contolle.... Alex VondeHaa Poduction Manage.... Chis Bowle Photogaphy Manage... James Caoll Advetifing Manage.... Anne M. Culligan Systems Manage... Shawn Sexton Gaphic Ats Mange... Mak Weimholt OCN Manage.... Fancis X. Malone Ad Design Manage... May Caol Ceadon Founded Novembe 3, 966

6 - ' Business Fom vegemite to ecod albums Alex VondeHaa Business Comment Vegemite sandwiches ae business as usual fo the men at wok Down Unde. Accoding to TheW all Steet Jounal, Austalians eat about 4,500 tons of vegemite annually, vitually making it thei national dish. Vegemite stats off fom a base of yeast sluy, a waste poduct of bee-bewing. Wokes then swil it with wate, salt, onion and celey flavoing to make a dak spead pefect fo smeaing on a piece of toast. Folks give Fed Walke cedit fo ceating this concoction back aound 908. He had to make food that could stand Austalia's hot inteio in the days befoe efigeation. Most foeignes, howeve, still can't stand the stuff. n fact, many Ameicans had neve even head of vegemite befoe Austalian musicians made it big hee in the ealy 980's. Reebok shoes have continued to sell well. Sales and pofits fo Reebok ntenational Ltd. have tipled this y-ea ove 985. n the thid quate alone, fo example, sales wee $289 million compaed to $94 million in last yea's peiod.. The ecod industy may be a misnome someday. Consume puchases of ecod albums have declined in ecent yeas because of a gowing pefee_nce fo cassette~ and, in paticula, the unaway populanty of compact disks. LP sales, in fact, ae unning at less than half thei peak ate of 344 million in 977. n dolla tems, cassette sales passed ecod sales in 983, and compact disks ae expected to supass LP's this yea. The past yea has seen albums dop fom 30 pecent to 20 pecent of the $4.5 billion U.S. ecoded-music maket. The thee million CD playes bought in the last thee yeas ae a majo facto in this tend. The fact that new CD ownes will buy as many as 25 disks in the fist yea encouages many shopkeepes to keep them on thei shelves at the expense of conventional ecods. Motown fo example, has dopped some olde titles fom thei' ecod catalogs but plans to continue caying them on tape and intoduce CD's fo some of the old albums. Music companies, howeve, have stopped shot of eliminating LP's fom thei new eleas~s. Recods ae st~l the easiest and cheapest way fo the mdusty to sell music to the masses. Still, declining populaity will ushe a phaseout of the LP. " don't think it will eally get going fo at least a yea. Whethe it comes gadually o suddenly then is a toss-up," claims Paul Capo of Capital Cities 'ABC. Although the death of vinyl may be upon us, ecod buyes can still take advantage of some oppotu~ities. Fist this may be the last chance to buy a 45-pm smgle. Moe' impotantly, discount "cut-out" albums ae in geat supply, so you can buy slow-selles fo as little as $3 ~ollas, vesus the $4 it costs to buy the new geneation compact disks. Entepeneu Society bings new options to Note Dame campus By BUD LUEPKE Copy Edito Big things have minute beginnings. No one undestands that moe than Ray Powes and Chis McLean, co-foundes of the Note Dame Entepeneu Society. Like any ventue, the Society began with an idea. "We wee sitting aound ou dom oom and saw an aticle in Campus Voice Magazine on the Association of Collegiate Entepeneus (ACE)," said McLean. "We said thee's nothing like that hee:" They wote to ACE fo moe infomation and ideas. ACE contacted the Univesity of Michigan, a long-standing membe of the association, and fom Michigan, Powes and McLean got a establishing thei own fellowship of entepeneus at Note Dame. That was back in the fall of 984. The following Mach, they took thei idea to a national confeence of ACE in Dallas whee they leaned what students wee doing at othe schools and what they could do at Note Dame. "We saw that some clubs had some ideas we liked and othes we didn't like," said Powes of the confeence. Powes said some schools offeed bakey o shit sales fo a business ventue. But the Note Dame entepeneus wee thinking bigge. "What we'e inteested in is lage, moe oiginal ventues," said Powes. McLean said the confeence was a thee-day event involving wokshops given by students and pofessos, lectues by big-name entepeneus, and a tade show which featued an aay of poducts and businesses to be fanchised by aspiing capitalists on campus. Powes and McLean did not bite on any of 'the sales options, but they did get hooked on thei own idea. They came back to Note Dame with a bette conception of what they wee afte and looked to Associate Dean of Business Vince Raymond fo guidance. "Dean Raymond has been phenomenal in helpihg," said Powes. Powes said Raymond, now the club's adviso, put them in touch with Jay Jodan, a membe of the Business Advisoy Council (BAC). The BAC is a goup of 42 businessmen who 'have gaduated fom Note Dame and who ae committed to the Business School. of its membes, including Jodan, ae on the Entepeneu Committee, and the club has woked closely with these. Powes said these membes have made themselves available and "ae willing to take time out fom thei business" to answe specific questions membes might have about the club o thei own business ventues. " We'e flexible to new ideas. The club is a " vehicle fo new idea~. Entepeneus in thei own ight, McLean and Powes have invested in thei idea and have watched it gow. The Note Dame Entepeneu Society is now a Univesityecognized club. McLean, who lives off-camous with Powes, is its pesident. Membeship is gowing gadually. 20 people signed up at activities night in Septembe, compaed to 40 membes who paid dues last yea. But getting active membes has been difficult. As Powes points out, "Entepeneus, by natue, don't join clubs." The club has theefoe stayed away fom too many club meetings. McLean said meetings will be held pimaily to let membes know what the club offes, such as luncheons with local entepeneus. Powes said the best appoach fo beginning entepeneus is to closely inteact with pofessional entepeneus. The Society is also willing to act on the new ideas of its own membes. "Ou entepeneuship is in building this club," said vice pesident Bian Muay. "We'e flexible to new ideas. The club is a vehicle fo new ideas," said Muay. One idea that they have impovised fom the Dallas confeence is the Business Plan Contest, which offes $6000 in pize money. The contest, which began last May, equies paticipants to submit a plan fo a business and pesent it in such a way that will encouage investment. Plans must examine what amount of capital is needed, what etun can be ex pected, maketing stategy, anticipated poblems and isks fo the poposed business. The club has been concentating on the contest, said Powes, but the idea does not stop thee. The Society is also planning luncheon-lectues with local entepeneus. "f a student wants to find out about a cetain business, we'll set up a lunch with someone who knows about that business... to get them knowledge, get ideas flowing," said McLean. Anothe aim of the Society is to get some kind of cuiculum fo entepeneuship. "All couses hee at Note Dame ae geaed to getting a job with a majo copoation," said McLean. McLean and Powe said they would like to see the Business school fill a chai fo entepenueial studies. The Society also plans to establish a capital fund to which business-minded students can appeal fo investment in thei business plans. f the Society likes the plan, it will povide funding fo the student's business. "Fo anyone who did do well, the money would come back; fo anyone who didn't, we'd take the loss," said McLean. Howeve, he said, "That's a ways down the oad." But they and thei ideas have come a long way aleady. "t's a lot moe wok than we thought it would be," said Powes. "t hasn't taken off, but we have achieved things that we neve thought we could do," he said. Half-jokingly, they envision the McLean-Powes Cente fo Entepeneuship at Note Dame in thei futue. That may be fathe down the oad than they can see, but it is an idea. And ideas ae what the Entepeneu Society is all about. BOnOM-LNE AUTO LOAN NEW TRUCKS & VANS 7.9% APR 2 Mos. w /0% DOWN 9.9.,o APR 24 Mos. w/0% DOWN 0.9 -Je APR 36 mos. w/0% DOWN Z.S Ve APR 48 mos. w/0% DOWN 3.9 OJe APR 60 mos. w/0% DOWN USED CARS TRUCKS & VANS 9.9 "lo APR 24 mos 's 0.9 "lo APR 36 mos 's 5.9 "lo APR 48 mos 's 0.9 "lo APR 24 mos 's 9 "lo APR 36 mos 's 4.9.,o APR 36 mos. 8 & OlDER Loan ates ae subject to change without notice. Once the loan is made howeve, the loan is a.fixed ate. ~ N~!.~~~:=~:.~~:~N

7 Accent THEODORE'S: CARLA BARROS featues wite The hottest spot on campus last Fiday night was at the gand opening of Theodoe's, the new undegaduate club located n LaFotune Student Cente. n the wods of Geneal Manage, Vnce Willis, the debut was "Awesome!" Geeted by a banniste lined with blue balloons beaing the Theodoe's logo, one couldn't help but get nto the festive spiit of the evening. Music blaed out of the sophisticated sound systen, making the place pulse with enegy. Refeshments, doo pizes and a affle wee povided coutesy of Theodoe's and thei sponsos, Coca Cola and Muslcland. "We eally put a lot of effot nto attacting students," said Jenny Dubucq, a membe of the Pomotional Staff. Thei had wok payed off. By 0 p.m., Theodoe's was packed to capacity with students dancing on the enomous chey and oakwood dance floo and socializing aound sleek black tables topped The Obseveo'Jim Caoll These bumblebees buzzed ove to Theodoe's Fiday night. A smashing success with fesh baskets of popcon. "We want Theodoe's to be a classy place with an atmosphee whee people will feel just as fee to wea tennis shoes and jeans as they would dessed n coat and tie," said Willis. Many of the students aived n Halloween costumes which added even moe to the evely. Dessed as a Q-tlp swab, Junio Bad Dawe said, "t's cool to have somewhee to go and hang out f you'e unde 2." The stong tunout of both Note Dame and Saint May's students mpessed SMC Sophomoe Stephanie Buke who said, "Theodoe's s something new that will definitely add to the social life on campus." Vince Willis and his enegetic staff, dessed in official Theodoe's ugby shits, wee highly visible thoughout the evening to answe questions, take suggestions and make sue eveyone was enjoying themselves. Willis stessed the impotance of student feedback n detemining whee Theodoe's will be headed n the futue. "We ae so glad that people ae having a good time tonight, and we hope that they will come back and continue to give us input," said Willis. Fo those who have yet to expeience the "divesion unde the dome" povided by Theodoe's, go check t out. As evidenced by the smashing success of the gand opening, Theodoe's is a fesh new addition to social life at Note Dame, and as Willis said, "t s only going to get bette." MORE DREAMN' n my last column asked anybody who happened to be eading to send me thei deams.,j meant deams as n aspiations, but got a bunch of night deams Kis Muphy Alteed nstead. This tuned out to be moe fun than thought. Read on as we examine the minds of Note Dame as they sleep, nap and pass out. Names have been changed, shotened and othewise mutilated to potect those neuotics, mean students, who wee kind enough to shae thei innemost sick and twisted thoughts with me. Mike's Deam--" was boxing, baeflsted, with this big, fat Hawaiian guy. He was weaing bight yellow jams, and we wee cicling each othe tying to get a good punch. hit him with a left uppecut and knocked him out. Suddenly my high school basketball coach was thee next to me. He said, 'Geat job Mikel' Then swea ended up n a swimming pool. t was weid." To analyze this deam we must tlst notice the violent magey pesent. Mike's deam opens n the boxing ing. He s fighting a lage Hawaiian peson, and this s mpotant. Maybe Mike has something against Hawaiian people. O maybe he has something against fat people. Which could t be? 'd be willing to bet that Mike was beat up by a fat kid n Hawaii as a child. He has not esolved this expeience yet, and s destined to deam about fat Hawaiian people foeve. spots also nteesting. would say that Mike was always good n spots and this was the only way he could scoe big with the chicks. He should do well at Note Dame whee gils play football. Mike says, "t was weid" at the end of his deam account, because he was hammeed when he told me about t and couldn't think of anything ntelligent to say. Theesa's deam--" had a nightmae. n t, went to get a gumball, and they wee fou cents. The pice had gone upl was so mad didn't know what to do... " This deam has a lot of complicated symbolism in it. Feud tells us that when women deam about gumballs they ae eally deaming about ca pats. So Theesa sn't eally deaming about gumballs; she's eally deaming about fan belts. tlnd t vey stange that a gil should be deaming about fan belts, but guess 'm just an old-fashioned guy. So anyway, Theesa s woied about ca pats when she should be woying about he gades. You figue t out. May's deam--" was sitting n the middle of Noth Quad n my new bikini. No one else was aound. Suddenly t stated to to snow. and got eally cold. Fathe Ted came out of Gace and told me to put on a coat, o would get fined fo beaking some law n dulac. Then was n McDonald's." May's a fiend of mine, but don't think 'm going to talk to he anymoe because she's obviously eally weid. This deam has a lot of sexual magey n t, but you'll pobably make up you own sick ntepetations of it, so 'll leave that pat up to you. The pat about Fathe Ted s vey nteesting. t shows that Note Dame's mind contol poject has woked, and that thee s liteally nothing the Univesity cannot egulate. This s actually good though, because anytime you ty Befoe and afte in this week's soaps ALL MY CHLDReN: Amy died ing: Bobble and Jake decide afte the opeation. Cliff boke about maiage. down and blamed himself fo GUDNG LGHT: Reva was constating to opeate too late. Pal- fused about he feelings fo Kyle. me told Rose he knew Natalie Alan's plans fo the San Rlos was up to something, but t was mineal ights wee foced nto fun fo him to see how fa she'd an unexpected tun. Philip was go. Jeemy found a bloodied unable to "snap out" of his Eica n he wedding dess, lying feelings as thooughly as Alan unconscious on the floo. Com- had hoped. Coming: _ Reva ing: Palme gets wod about supises Kyle. Adam's plans. KNOTS LANDNO: Phil hid out ANOTHf:.R WORLD: Tensions n a phone booth waiting fo ose between Rachael and Mac Geg to get him out of town. ove he attention to Mitch. MJ Pete had a victoy paty fo his was assigned to the vice squad election. Abby celebated the whee she met Letty, a hooke eopening of Lotus Point, Comwho emembeed he fom the ing: Pete. has to face paying off past. The piest counseled May to Abby and Sylvia. who decided to walk out on LOVNG: Cabot offeed to pay Reginald. Coming: Bittany Nick to stop seeing Tlsha. Nick mounts a counte-campaign stated giving Tlsha pills. Steve against Pete. leaned Hay was gambling AS TH:. WORLD TURNS: Siea again. Tests on Jack wee still was uncetain about Caig's ncomplete. Jim and Shana feelings about he because of the ealized Jane was behind Kelly's time he spent with an Jued va. behavio. Coming: Lotty s afaid Mago and Tom ealized thei of he mystey calle. poblems ween't ove yet. Meg ON:. Llf:. TO LV:.: Judith was oveplayed he hand. Coming: shocked to lean Jamie was on Siea fets about Tanio and dugs. Mala pesuaded Allison Caig. to put on the Nlki dess and wig CAPTOL: OJ attempted to na- while she figued out a way to nlpulate Meidith again. Tey get the baby back to Clint and emained confused by Kelly's at- Vicki. Coming: Doian suspects tltudes about Scotty. Kelly she's being set up by coke seemed unable to ealize how deales. he body was eacting to he ad- RYAN'S HOP:.: Slobhan told dictions. Coming: Mak is ton Max she felt uneasy about Eik. by his feelings fo Claissa. Halan made t look as f John-0 DALLAS: Clayton Falow had abandoned Lizzie. Maggie waned Pamalee he'll fight to suspected Bess was caying on keep him off Southfok and away with the butle. Della's gift pefom Miss Ellie. Sue Ellen's cam- fume tuned out to be essence palgn to get even with JR and of skunk. Coming: Fank gets a put an end to his affai with lead on Halan's backgound. Mandy took a supising tun. SANTA BARBARA: Bick hied Coming: Apil has supises fo actos to help him expose evan Jack. gellst Lily as a faud. Keith DAYS OF OUR LVES:' Kayla theatened Gina with a dental fetted ove not heaing fom dill f she didn't tun ove the Patch. Mike and Robin fantasized videotapes. Lionel was upset what thei lives would be like, when Augusta didn't appea at and then went to bed togethe. Mlnz's blthqay paty. Coming: Melissa told Las to stay away Gina plans a spedal evenge fom he. Coming: Robin must against Keith. decide about maying Mike. SMRCH FOR TOMORROW: FALCON CREST: Wainight's Quinn found a skeleton n the pesence n the valley caused a basement and decided to go to futhe ift between Chase and eland to find the tuth behind Maggie. Chase was unawae that the mystey. He had a bike acci Vckie, too, was n dange. Lance dent and woke to find Kat close and Melissa etuned fom thei to him. Kate suffeed a stoke. wedding. Coming: Angela eacts Coming: Quinn s puzzled about to Richad's newest poposition. Kat's ntentions. Of:.NERAL HOSPTAL: Scopio TH:. YOUNG AND THE Rf:STfound the thugs who bombed An- LESS: Jack was undaunted by na's house. Bobble and Jake dis- setbacks n his plans fo Bad. cussed maiage and adoption Lauen and Paul faced a new aftewads. Bobble consideed cisis n thei lives. Ashley had to using a suogate paenting make the decision she deaded. method nstead. Monica and Ed- Coming: Kay takes anothe step wad vied fo contol of Alan's to gain contol ove Philip. shae of the family fotune. Com- 986, McNaught Syndicate to deam about fun you'll get censoed and you won't be tied o hung ove when you wake up. uanel's deam--"! had a deam, had an awesome deam." This s not a good deam because somebody else, namely Matin Luthe King, deamt t fist, and Lionel is a big copy cat. Lionel also had a deam n which he was dancing on the ceiling and he had a geat feeling, but won't even go nto that. Matt's deam--" got dafted by the Celtics, but got lost on the way to Boston and neve epoted fo camp. went to Floida instead and met this used ca salesman on a beach. He sold me a '74 Nova. t boke down when got back to Note Dame, so walked to class evey day. Walt a minute. walk to class anyway." Matt wants despeately to play po basketball, but he knows how slim his chances ae. Feud says that '74 Novas epesent the deame's mothe. n this light we ealize that Matt went to Floida with his mom and taded he n fo a case of Budweise thee. He feels bad now, but t's a little bit late, huh Matt? He goes to class evey day to make himself feel bette, but t's not doing any good. Nice job Matt. Well, thee you have it. You fiends and classmates ae epessing a lot of weid stuff. My advice? Get a single befoe one of these psychos stats sleepwalking.

8 The Obseve Monday, Novembe 3, 986- page 8 Spots Biefs ntehall football fist-ound playoffs saw Flanne down Moissey, 6-0, and Howad beat Zahm by the same scoe. Flanne will now face Soin, and Howad will meet Stanfod in the semifinals. Details appea in tomoow's Obseve. -The Obseve Tickets fo Sunday's men's and women's Blue-Gold basketball game ae on sale now at the ACC. Pices ae $2 fo adults and $ fo students. Poceeds fom the games will go to Logan Cente and the Neighbohood Study Help Pogam. The women's game begins at 6:30, followed by the men's game at 7:30. -The Obseve l Obseve Spots Wites will have a meeting at The Obseve offices in LaFotune tomoow at 8 p.m. The subject of this attendance-equied meeting will be winte spots assaignments. -The Obseve Quateback Steve Beuelein, shown hee in action fom last season, is now Note Dame's.The ObseveiYFHe Photo all-time leade in six categoies. ntehall football equiptmentshould be etuned to Gate 9 of the Stadium accoding to the following schedule. ND sets new ecods in Navy win Today: 5:30- Off Campus; 6- Gace; 6:30- Dillon; 7- Keenan; 7:30- Alumni; 8- Cavanaugh, 8:30- Holy Coss. By DENNS CORRGAN Spots Edito Tomoow: 5:30- Pangbon; 6- Fishe; 6:30- St. Ed's; 7- Caoll; 7 : 30- lose ofl : 00 game on Sunday; 8: 00- lose of 2:00 game on Sunday. Thee is a late chage fo a team pe individual. -The -obseve The ND-SMC ski team will have a mandatoy meeting tonight at 7 fo anyone inteested in ty-outs o the Chistmas tip to Jackson Hole. A $00 tip deposit will be collected at the meeting, which will be held in the LaFotune Little Theate. Fo moe infomation contact Kathy (4029) o Lisa ( ). -The Obseve Body fat testing will take place tonight fom 7 : 5 to 8: 30 in the NV A office. The test is fee, and paticipants should wea shots and will be tested on a fist-come, fist-seve basis. -The Obseve Spots Biefs ae accepted Sunday though Fiday in The Obseve offices on the tid floo of LaFotune Student Cente befoe 3 p.m. on the day pio to publication. -The Obseve Note Dame's 33-4 victoy ove Navy Satuday night pobably won't go down in the annals of eithe school as anything moe than just anothe scoe, but the game did figue pominently in ewiting the ecod books. Fou playes set new school ecods in the contest, thee of whom wee membes of the ish. Quateback Steve Beuelein's 244 yads of total offense (248 passing, -4 ushing) moved him past fome ish standout Joe Theismann in that categoy. :Seuelein now has 5,553 yads of total offense, compaed to Thiesmann's 5,432. e Beuelein's 6 pass attempts made him Note Dame's caee leade in offensive attempts with 895, thee ahead of fome ecod-holde Allen Pinkett. Beuelein is also Note Dame's caee leade in pass attempts (746), completions (44), passing yads (5,63) and inteceptions (42). e Outside linebacke Cedic Figao's fumble ecovey in the second quate established a season-ecod six ecoveies. The ecod was peviously shaed among six playes, including cuent ish safety Steve Lawence. e John Caney's 22-yad field goal in the thid quate was the 40th of his caee, beaking Dave Reeve's ecod of 39. Navy quateback Tom Byne put in a bief appeaance but made the most of it by setting two new Navy caee maks. Byne's seven completions gave him 357 in his caee, while his 2-yad touchdown pass to Mike Ray was the senio signal-calles' 27th scoing pass of his caee. Both of those poduced new Middie ecods. Seveal steaks wee also boken duing Satuday's game. e Note Dame's win was its fist oad win afte eight pevious losses. The ish last won on the oad when they beat USC, 9-7, in 984. Navy's thid-quate scoe was the fist Note Dame had allowed in seven quates, and Byne's touchdown pass was the fist the ish had allowed in 2 quates. Classifieds The Ob&eYe Note Dame office, located on the thid floo of LaFotune Stu dent Cente, accepts classified advetising fom 0 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday though Fiday. The Obseve Saint May's office, located on the thid floo of Hagga Coilge Cente, accepts classifieds fom 2:30 p.m. until3 p.m., Monday though Fiday. Deadline fo next-day classifieds is 3 p.m. Ail classifleds must be pepaid, eithe in peson o by mail. The chage is 0 cents pe five chaactes pe day. NOTCES TYPNG AVALABLE TYPNQWOFDPROCESSNG CALL DOLORES EXPERT TYPNG SERVCE. CALL MRS. COKER, JAZZ, NEW WAVE, CLASSCAL, THE BEST STAFF N THE WORLD, WSND RULES. ( nd by the way - e h8vtng lund dive.) Nov 2-. NOW doing typing n my home fo atudenla. Cell HEY CAPP MAJORS THE FOURTH CAPP DPMA MEETNG WLL BE HELD TUE. NOV 4 AT 7:00pm N 20 OSHAG THE SPEAKER WLL BE JUDTH RADCLFF OF DATA PROCESSNG CONSULTANTS NC. SUBJECT PREPARNG A RESUME ALL CAPP STUDENTS ARE WELCOME Wodpoceulng Cell LaVonne AF FORCE S RETURNNG TCKET BOOKS ON WED 5 NOV. BASEMENT OF LAFORTUNE 5-7 PM. QUESTONS CALL TOM 588 \ LOST/FOUND FOUND. H.P. BEFORE BREAK, CALL TO DENTFY. 42 FOUND: CALCULATOR N 224 CUB HNO. CALL DAN AT 54. FOUND: umbella n 208 Cuahlng. C.U 208 to claim. FOUND: Guy SWatch n D2 peklng lot on Cell Mek at 43 to cllllm. LOST-cLASS FNG J.A.B 87 BLUE STONE WTH GOLD N.D. S00.00 REWARD CALL JOE 307N0 FOR RENT Two oom luml hed apt. ptvm entence utllltlu peld mon ng. GUNta coming fo u m need pgce to ey? Sllvebook Bed- BMktut n Nllee. Clelln, quiet, M80n8ble evenlnge. 2 oom efficiency pivate ent8nce utllltlea peld momlnga WANTED HOUSESTTNG POSmON WANTED. Mluloney MD homily needa houalng Jan-Mey. Expeienced hou-lttea. Fief wall. 28N683 want ide, buate? The belgemoblle a on the oad gain, looking fo FDEFS o RDE to PURDUE the dey of NOVEMBER 8, 888. Fo moe nfomation, o cine nfomation call Gee, FULL AND PART TME WATRESS' NEEDED. MUST BE 2. APPLY AT SMmY'S CONEY SLAND TAP, 25 NO MOHGAN, SOUTH BEND, N 4880 COMPUTER STORE SEEKS FEU ABLE PART-TME HELP. NEAR CAMPUS FOR SALE Fo ule: Apple, monochome C., and dive. Good condition. $50. Cell Slave FOF SALE: 2 Round tip UNTED LMO tlckela to O'HARA $45-value fo $25. Call TCKETS need any PENN STATE tlx. C ll Filch at ld. ALUMN NEED 4 PENN ST. TX AFTER 5. YES, KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THNK NG... ANOTHEF HAPLESS PLEA FOF TCKETS Well... you'e ight my al la nd 4 (count 'em fou) of he homele llenda e coming!om VLLANOVA to - what NO a like They would like to - NO lake on Penn State you can help me help them heve a good time plellea call Bill ~487 NEED 5 SMU GA'S AND ONE STUD TK CALL MKE 32 OF 3208 NEED 2 SMU TX CAROL YN ND-SMU GA'a 4 SALE; CALL NEED SMU PENN ST GA DESPERATELY ueklng Penn State tlcketa. need GA' notl atudent tlcketa. Help me out "you c:anl O.vld at NEED 2 SMU TX CALL JAY AT 274 NEED 8 SMU TX CALL JAY 274 NEED ONE SMU TCKET -BTUDENT OR GA -CALL 2985 NEED SMU GA'S AND STUDENT TX PAUL 2384 MEGA $BUCKS$ ae walling the peeon who will Ull me 4 PENN ST GA'a lo my homily 80 can come home lo Chl tma l Cell Andy at 243. NEED 8 PENN STATE GA'a CALL CHRS AT 73 NEED 4 PENN ST GA'S CALL PAT 2034 You wantem,lgot em. atudent tlckat fo SMU 8nd PENN STATEBHt offe. Jell 378 HELP HELP need PENN STATE TXS. Help me ahow Me nd Pe thet my bo gon to the wong Chool. PENN ST. TXS fo TODD at 30 o 308 'm 88klng you nlcely Pinae ull me PSU tlx (atud. o GA) Cell Michelle B. et 4570 BAREFOOT KENTUCKANS need atud. o GA tlx fo SMUll Lat my backwooda buddlee - gllll8 Cell at 3283 MOONSHNE to 8 who helpll Mickey Gobachev' boy Rickey coming down lo the SMU geme nd neede atudent ticket. n the neme of Detenla, Cllll JCk at 758. BUBBLE BUS S COMNG BUBBLE BUS S COMNG THS S ONE BUBBLE DON'T WANT TO BURST... PLEASE HELP ME... NEED 28 '2 TX STUD OF GA WLL DO... PLEASE CALL BONEHEAD AT 245 0'352. BG BUCKS FOF 3 PENN STATE TX -call TJ NEED PENN ST GA. WLL PAY BG S$$ CALL TM 334. SMU PENN ST. GA' FOR SALE NEED 2 SMU STUD. TX. CALL JANCE CASH lo 2-3 GA o Stud Tlx fo PennSt 255 DESPERATELY need SMU tlx-c ll Kevln-802 need 2 Penn S- GA'a Kelly Need 4 SMU tlx. Will P Y top $ Call 3487 ARLNE TCKET FOR SALE Bing fiend n fo SMU ganeill 50% off anywhee on Jat Amelc:a by 4 -C8thy leave meauge HAVE 4 SMU GAS NEED 4 PENN ST GAS CALL CHEF 838 NEED 2 SMU OA'S CALL 2288 NEED 2 SMU GA'S. CALL CHRS AT 2742 My bothe and llenda want to - NOva. Penn Slate. need 4 GA'S Cell Pat x3858 NEED PENN ST. TX CALL JM DESPERATELY NEED 4-8 USC TCK ETSF CAN'T GET THEM, 'M DEAD PLEASE HELP CALL CHRS X2542 NEED PENN G.A.'S-CHFS 738 NEED SMU STUDENT TX CALL JOE X888 Pai of SMU GAa fo a. BMt offe by PM mon. night PERSONALS JA, NOVEMBER "E tuechtm lch und -nn e zu femandem ugte, 'Eal t keeltegewo den,' ewetete e Toat. 'Je, Novembe,' ugte de ndee.. -vlele achoene Gunu, eue ebe Sylvl Ja, Novembe.. LOST: TWO SHRUNKEN HEADS Hallo-n night, 80newhee on Flape Road. Flat-alzecl blond Swede nd bunette of lncan dncent tied togethe by lllundy atlng. Rellca!om the Amezon Rive Beeln, of lllatlng value to thei owne. F FOUND, call TCO x2287 OAR HOUSE: COLD BEER UQUOF, CAFFY OUT TO 3 A.M. U.S. 3 N., ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF HOLDAY NN. Thenk You St. Jude DESPERATE TEXAN WLL DO AL MOST ANYTHNG FOF 2 SMU TCK ETS. -STU OF GA- CALL CAROLYN 383 ATTENTON ALL OFF-CAMPUS STU DENTS O.C. FORMAL TX ON SALE WED., 5 THURS., A N LaFORTUNE (at FLOOR) FROM 3:30 TO 5pm $CK:OUPLE ANY QUESTONS? CALL RACE The delandee of the backan ( nd the van aclbe) peunt: VANQUOTES (BY THE VAN MLON SNGERS) " don't went a hug, fu t w ntto dive float" "Ghoet atolea, not nlghtm u" " m not afnlld to Nl" "Actu lly, Bill, heve no ecollection of the event AT ALL" "So by thl time lwaa hevtng phy lc:al poblema 88ylng PANDORA BOOKS HAS MOVED TO 808 HOWARD BY NOTRE DAME AVE. SELL YOUR CLASS BOOKS FOF SS OPEN 7 DAYS FROM 0.5: Ja, Novembe.. BEAUXBEAUXBEAUXBEAUXAFTS BEAUX BEAUXAFTSBEAUXAFTSARTS AFTSAFTSAFETSBALLARTSBALL BALL BALL BALL Looking lo ul Bleclc Celebation? TEDDY'S PALACE OF PLEASURE S PROUD TO PRESENT: THE PALL-BEARERS LVE -OF DEAD? -Laet Fiday "Dancing cop-aplng fom the coffin n the mldat of the d nce floo" An encoe pefom nce will be given only by popula demend. ATTN. OFF-CAMPUS STUDENTS! O.C. NEWSLETTER NOW AVALABLE N LaFOFTUNE(OBUD DESK) R.E.M FANS We've got ae tunea and they'e youa fo the pice of one 8bum. Hea "Femme Fmle" "Bendwegon" "White Tomedo" "Volca of Heold" and moe. Plua many favoite LVE. Moat atudlo quality on TDK u-80 tape. Only 57 ahopplng daya till Chlatm al Cell the Hindu Love OOda at 2485 o 2550 nd get them befoe we un out. JUNOFSJUNORSJUNOFS JUNOFSJUNORSJUNOFS JUNOR NTE AT MACR'S WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5, -lpm -BE THEFE $2.88 SANDWCH SOUP SPECAL -coupons AT DOOR JUNOFSJUNOFSJUNOFS JUNORSJUNORSJUNOFS ***"*****"LAURA CHAVEZ.. "**** Thl wild chocolate neaa a FNALLY 2 and on the powl! Come out tonight and buy he ahol at he home: the Commonal H ve a geat and meuy 2at, Lauall Hey Magaet Devlnel Hee'a to the age of conaant... H PPY 2atlll Fom you tavott aophomoe, Mailyn Ae you unning a DD camp lgn 8nd need the help of poweful and expeienced Meglc UH? " ao call 4278 lle 5 pm. HEY CAPP MAJORS NOTE THE DATE OF THE CAPPOPMA MEETNG S THE 4th NOT THE 7th Glla, Glla, Glla: the men, the myth, the legend -Joe "Rambo" Engle -membe of the Note D me welghtllftlng club nd m of the Stanfod Halllootbell tum (not to mention hi 3.4 GPA). He'a now AVALABLE 80 give him call at 208. n cau you fogot, my bithday w.. yeateday. 'll be accepting late c:ad, c:a h,,.,...,., cllecke till midnight tonight. You blothiuddy, BG PAT. KAREN LESE: LOVED YOU BUT YOU USED ME. 'M LEAVNG. SOFFY BABE. MCHAEL STPE SAFG SAFG SAFG SAFG SAFG SAFG SAFG SAFG SAFG SAFG SARG SAFG?

9 ------~ The Obseve Note Dame goaltende Hugh Beslin tuned away seven shots to ecod his sixth shutout of the season in this weekend's scoeless tie with ish continued/om page 2 as the ish defeated the Waios, 5-9, 5-4, 5-. "We played eally well against Maquette," said junio sette Kathy Moin. "We didn't play down to thei level, but played ou game. t didn't seem to come togethe until the second game but we played Miacle Whip Velveeta PAR KAY The Obsevell'David Fische Floida ntenational. The tie gave Note Dame the. championship of the FlU Tounament. Details appea at ight. eal well in the thid." The thee-game sweep of Maquette, Note Dame's 3th sweep of the season, allowed Lambet to substitute feely and impove his bench stength as the team heads into the final month of play. Lambet noted the stong play of junio Kathy Bake, sophomoe May Kay Walle and feshman Kathy Cunningham in the the weekend victoies. Walle and Cunningham, ish standouts thoughout the season, lead the team in kill pecentage with.49 and.348 maks espectively. The ish next take to the ACC Pit cout Wednesday night in a 7 p.m. match against Loyola. The. match will be the fist of fou fo Note Dame in the week. The ish also will face Dayton, Nothwesten and Pittsbugh ove the weekend. Cacke Bael TRY OUR BRAND OF BUSNESS FOR THE GREAT TASTE OF SUCCESS Kaft a company like no othe company n the wold. On evey goce's shelves, n evey home and kitchen, you'll find Kaft's quality n Kaft's poducts. We'e a competito like no othe competito n business. We've taken maketing to a science. And that means we've taken management nfomation systems to heat. t you'e looking lo a caee envionment whee management nfomation systems s a pefect blend of ceativity and technology, look no futhe than Kaft. Monday, Novembe 3, 986- page 9 Socce team clinches FlU Touney cown Special to The Obseve The Note Dame socce team won the Floida ntenational Univesity tounament in Miami, Fla., ove the weekend. The ish beat Navy, 2-, Satuday and tied FlU Sunday, 0-0. The ish wee declaed champions of the thee-team tounament by vitue of Navy's -0 victoy ove FlU Fiday. Note Dame eceived a little help fom Navy in ecoding the victoy. Midshipmen defenseman Tony Fenandez headed the ball into his own goal with 3: 0 emaining in the fist half to give the ish a 2-llead. Navy took the lead at 8:47 on a 25-yad blast, but stoppe John Guignon evened the scoe 9 seconds late on a penalty kick. The ish only needed a win o a tie against FlU to take the tounament. The Sunblazes outshot the ish, 9-9, but keepe Hugh Bes- lin's seven saves gave him Faley continued fom page 2 Faley took the ball ove on its own -yad line and pomptly went 89 yads fo a touchdown. Faley quateback sensation Mailu Almeida hit Tammy Goodwin fo the seven-yad touchdown pass. The convesion failed, howeve, and Faley led 6-0. Been-Phillips came ight back and mached down to the Faley -yad line whee quateback Amy Tede connected with Buke in the end zone to tie it. A succesful twopoint convesion then put B.P. ahead 8-6. At this point, howeve, the poweful Faley offense took ove. Almeida dopped b!ick to pass at he own 48-yad line and hit Colleen Donovan on the ight side who pomptly latealled to Suzanne Schwatz. Schwatz took off down the ight sideline and cossed the end line unscathed his sixth shutout of the season. The ish, howeve, wee held scoeless fo the thid time this season. Befoe this weekend, Note Dame's Tige McCout had scoed in evey ish win o tie this season. That steak was boken, though, as McCout was shut out in the scoing depatment. The Sunblazes, a Division powe who had defeated Seattle Pacific (defending Division Champions) ealie in the season, saw thei ecod fall to The FlU title was the second tounament won by Note Dame this season. n late Septembe the ish claimed the Wight State nvitational title, the team's fist title in its histoy. Note Dame, now -6-2, faces Westen Michigan in a home contest this Wednesday, then will host topanked Evansville this Sunday in the team's final week of action. to complete a 52-yad touchdown pass and put Faley ahead 2-8. On the fist play of the second half, then, Almeida teamed up with Schwatz again fo a 67- yad touchdown pass. The convesiol) f~hled again, but it didn't matte as the game ended with the 8-8 Faley magin. The B.P. coaches had wods of paise fo thei team despite the loss. "They eally played thei heats out, " said coach Dan Deboe. "They have nothing to be ashamed of." Yet while B.P. cetainly had nothing to be ashamed of, Faley had plenty to celebate about. On his way to a postgame paty, one Faley coach evealed that the Faley team had allied this yea aound the slogan, " Eat me 'm a danish." The elevance of this line may be elusive, but one can't ague with the esults. PHLADJLPHA This s an envionment n which you can gow and advance accoding to you achievements. We have a commlliientto taining which will-keep you skills cuent thou(jhout you caee; an outstanding compensation package; and- can olfei a futue with a company at the vey top of the food'lndusty. CAREERS N APPLCATONS DEVELOPMENT We will be on campus to talk with gaduates who ae nteested n enty level applications pogamming positions within a state-of-the-at BM envionment. You should have an above aveage gadepolnt, emphasis n management nfomation systems and stong communication skills. Business expeience o couses n accounting, finance poduction, sales, maketing, etc. ae valued. Cousewok o expeience with COBOL s a plus. lnfqmatiqn exchange will be held n the Alumni RQQm Qf the MQls nn NQvembe 5, 7 9 p.m. All MS and CAPP students welcqme. Katt s an $8 billion copoation numbeed among the Fotune 50. Check with the Univesity Placement Office fo futhe nfomation. Equol Oppotunity Employe MARRAGE PREPARATON RETREATS will be offeed in the Sping Semeste: JANUARY 30-3 MARCH 6-7 APRL 3-4 'l(esevations fo tfiese 'R._eteats must 6e made no fate t/ 'Jecem6e 0 - Januay 'l(eteat!febuay 6 - :Madi ~eat :Madi 3 - ~ ~eat Each Reteat is limited to 8 couples Fo moe infomation call Univesity Ministy

10 The Obseve Middies continuedfompage 2 Up 28-0, Holtz did what most coaches outside of Miami do, substitute feely. And although Holtz did place the blame fo the poo second half on his own shouldes, he did have a few wods fo the second team as well. " didn't do a vey good job fo ou squad in the second half, and that's indeed unfotunate. That's as poo as we have looked. "Yet ou second team's got to come in and play well. Ou second team has got to come in and play, and we didn't get an awful lot of poductivity out of ou second unit. t was a win and don't eve want to get to the point whee a win isn't a good thing. We just have to have eveybody step up and take thei shae of the load and go fom thee." f the ish hadn't stated so well, the second half might not have been an issue at all. Afte halting the Midshipmen on thei opening possession, the ish took ove on thei own 39- yad line and mached to a fist-and-goal on the Navy 0 Sign Up! The Obseve s now accepting applications fo positions n the Poduction Depatment. No expeience necessay We will tain you in layout and design techniques Chance to advance Get involved Sign up now n The Obseve's Lafotune office. befoe fizzling at the eight on fouth down. Kicke John Caney then lined up fo a 25-yad field goal ty but feshman Tim Gunhad's snap sailed ove holde Steve Beuelein, who ecoveed fo a 25-yad loss. An incomplete Navy pass attempt, howeve, and a Wally Kleine sack foced anothe Navy punt. The ish took ove at thei own 43 and mached to a fist-and-goal at the seven. Runs by Tim Bown and Mak Geen then bought the ish to thid-and-goal at the two, whee Navy's Robet Platz stopped Anthony Johnson fo no gain. This time, Holtz wouldn't settle fo the field goal. On fouth-and-goal, Beuelein dopped back and fied towad Joel Williams in the back of the end zone. Navy's Enoch Blazis got a hand on the pass, but deflected it ight into the hands of a wide-open Williams. Afte a thid punt fom the Midshipmen, the ish moved fom thei own six to the 23, when Beuelein hit Bown at midfield. Afte shaking one tackle, Bown was on a oneway, 77-yad tip to the end zone. Caney's point-afte made it 4-0. "They didn't play too much double coveage on me tonight," said Bown. "That was a little supising. That's one thing about the academies --they've got those big egos and stuff -- and they think they can play with you so they'e going to line up and ty to do u: The ish would scoe twice moe in the half on Penell Taylo uns of one and yads. The ish stated the second half whee they left off in the fist by maching 53 yads to the Navy fou. But the ish stalled, and called on John Caney who esponded with a 9- yad field goal. Fom thee both teams fizzled on a pai of possessions befoe Navy got the ball on Note Dame's 46 with 5:22 left in the thid quate. Afte six plays, including thee passes fom Robet Misch fo fist downs, the Midshipmen had fist-and-goal at Note Dame's nine. The Middies, though, couldn't move fom thee, and the ish took ove when Misch ovethew Toy Saundes on fouth down. Thee plays and a punt late, Navy had the ball again at the ish 40. Misch hit tailback Robet Hollinge fo a 39-yad pick up. Hollinge ended the dive on the next play by plunging though the middle to put Navy on the boad with 56 seconds left in the quate. The ish continued thei lackluste play and afte six plays, Dan Soenson punted fom his own 47 to Navy's 7- yad line. The ish defense picked up some of the scoing slack when on thid down, Cedic Figao chased Misch into the end zone whee Misch thew the ball away fo intentional gounding and a safety fo the ish. When Navy finally did get the ball back again, Head Coach Gay Tanquill inseted fome stating quateback Bill Byne who esponded by Monday, Novembe 3, 986- page 0 diecting an eight-play, 77-yad dive, capped off with a 27 -yad touchdown toss to flanke Michael Ray with 7 :59 left to play. s.tudey'a Gem Note Dame Navy Scoing NO Williams 2 pass fom Beueteln (Caney kick) NO Bown 77 pass fom Beuetein (Caney kick) ND Taylo ush (Caney kick) ND -Taylo ush (Camsy kick) ND -FG Caney 9 Navy -Hollinge ush (Fundoukos kick) ND -Safety (Misch ntentions gounding n end zone) Navy Ray 2 pass fom Byne (Fundoukos kick) ND Nevy Fist downs 22 4 Rushing attempts Net Yads Rushing Net Yads Passing Passes camp-attempted Had ntecepted 0 0 Total Net Yads Fumbles-lost - 2 Penalties-yads Punts-aveage lndlvlduel L.udea RUSHNG Note Dame: Johnson 4-50; Wad 2-40; Jeffeson 7-39; Geen 6-30; Navy: Hollinge 3 7; Kll< 4-8; Wallace 2; Misch 4 ( 34); PASSNG -Note Dame: Beueteln , 248; Navy: Misch , 30; Byns 7 2 0, 88; RECEVNG Note Dame: Bown 7-84; Jackson 3 37; Navy: Ray 7-63; Saundes 4-6; Hollinge 3-45; Attendance -6,335(c) Do you desie to live and to exploe futhe in you life the ideals of Chistian sevice and community as a lay peson? f so, we invite you to conside Holy Coss Associates Pogam in Chile. Application Deadline: Nov. 7, 986 Moe nto Contact: May Ann Roeme Jane Pitz ~ ~ l i!! ~ com\ng\n NOVEMBER.... Wednesday Thusday Fiday Satuday Casablanca 7:00, 9:00, :00 Abams & Andeson William Minte Lectue Washington Hall 8:00p.m The Shining Theodoe's 8 p.m. The Wallets 7:00,9:5,:30 Theodoe's 9: The Natual Rocky V 7:00, 9:30, 2:00 7:00, 9:00, :00 - ' All events sponsoed by SAB

11 To day M-onda-..y, No-vembe-3.._, pag--.e Bloom County Beke Beathed Fa Side Gay Lason Bee Nuts THS S NCR P6LE. LAST WW< JA5 WOHR )OVfR~ A STUPD fiiy5/cs TE5T. 0 NOJ N A JAL N Til HWL OF NCARAGUA ON PHONY SPY CARGES. \\' EH, 6RNGO! WE AVEA N WC LL MATC FOR '~ Mak Williams \Nood shop apathy Classoom afflictions Campus 4:5p.m. CRMNAL JUSTCE SERES LECTURE "Pesonal Reflections on the Ciminal System," by Rev. Andew Skotnicki, Chaplain, Cook County Jail, Chicago, and paish piest at Santa Claa's Chuch, Chicago. Stapleton Lounge 4:30p.m. PHYSCS LECTURE "A Poof and Discussion of Hegefeldt's Theoem," by Joseph Godfey, Note Dame Depatment of Physics. Room 327 Nieuwland Hall 4:30 p.m. MATHEMATCAL COLLO QUUM "Minimal Sufaces and the Topology of Positively Cuved Manifolds," by Pof. Maio Micalles, Univesity of Oklahoma. Room 226 CCMB 4:30 p.m. RELLY LECTURE N CHEMSTRY "A Molecula Appoach to Suface Science,'' by Richad E. Smalley, Hackeman Pof. of Chen., Rice Univ., Room 23 Nieuwland Science Hall 7:00p.m. MONDAY NGHT FLM SE RES "Alice in the Cities," 973, BW, 0 minutes, Wim Wendes, West Gemany, Annen beg Auditoium 7:30 p.m. LADES OF NOTRE DAME AND ST. MARY'S LECTURE "The Scoe Afte the Scoe: Foeign Study Pogams Ove Moe Than Twenty Yeas," by Chales Panell, Pofesso Emeitus. Note Dame Memoial Libay Lounge 9:00 p.m. DEBATE SERES "Gun Contol," by two thee-membe teams, sponsoed by Gace Hall Social Concens Goup, Gace Hall Pit 9:00p.m. MONDAY NGHT FLM SE RES "The Fuy," 978, colo, 5 minutes, Bian de Palma, USA, Annenbeg Auditoium Dinne Menus Note Dame Oven Fied Chicken Linguille with talian Meat Sauce Cheese Cutlet with Mainaa Sauce Gilled Bologna Sandwich Saint May's Cajun Chicken Stify Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Spaghetti with Mainaa Sauce Spinich Lasagna The Obseve s always QQklng fq talent. f yqu have any, cqme tq qu qfflces and stat wqklng qn yqu newspape. ACROSS Gen. Badley 5 Religious female epesentation 0 Soil: pef. 4 Rake 5 Office woke 6 Light caiage 7 Menu 9 Fictional plantation 20 Aabian gazelles 2 Showing no change 23 Ten-yea peiods 25 Gape 26 Oganization 28 Castle and Dunne 3 High-tech beam =-: Blockheads 36 Relative of huah 37 Bible book 38 Stoe events 39 Tommy's gun 40 Wath 4 Alcohol bunes 42 Chage 43 Woship 45 Pollste Elmo 47 Febe and Millay 49 As._ a ock 53 Tembled 56 Polluted 57 Melville wok 58 Neck featue 60 Thow down the gauntlet 6 Membanes 62 Kind of sch. 63 Change fo a five 64 ndians 65 Scout units DOWN "... nothing eithe good -" ("Hamlet") 2 Wavy fabic design <>986 Tibune Media Sevices, nc. All Rights Reseved 3 Of a oyal cout 4 Libeates 5 Compensate fo; 6 Dischage fom sevice 7 Oh, woe! 8 Phooey! 9 Compacts 0 Appael Musical embellishment 2- avis 3 Ring stone 8 Moe ancient 22 Gobs 24 Af. egion 27- bea 29 Robt.- 30 Tansmit 3 Resting place 32 Field measue 33 Ship loade 35 Mex. coins 38 Type of este 39 Removed 4 Coastal flye 42 Ala. city 44 Tao oots 46 Balances 48 Ceemonial dinne 50 Two-fold 5 Haold o Richad /3/86 52 Appeas 53 Knucklehead 54 Mid-East gulf 55 Suealist painte 59 Muay of old films Student Activities Boad pesents... William Minte specialist on South Afica With an intoduction by D. Pete Walshe. Wednesday, Nov. 5th 8:00pm Wash in ton Hall ''With All Delibeate Delay: The West and South Afica Sanctions'' j

12 SRots ish use stong st half to swamp Navy, 33-4 The Note Dame defense, led by coneback Toy Wilson (2) and linebacke Cedic Figao (48), made it a long night fo the Naval The Obseve))" Jim Caoll Academy as it held the Middies to only 2 yads. fo the game. That effot popelled the 3-4 ish to an easy 33-4 victoy. Volleyball team notches 20th win By BRAN O'GARA Spots Wite The Note Dame volleyball team extended its winning steak to five consecutive games this weekend with onthe-oad victoies ove Nothen llinois and Maquette. With the victoies the ish eached the 20-win plateau fo only the second time in thei seven-yea histoy and fo the fist time eve unde thid-yea head coach At Lambet. The ish lost the fist game of the weekend in thei match at Nothen llinois, losing the game 5-5. This was the only -defeat Note Dame would suffe fo fo the est of the weekend, howeve, as it allied back to win the next thee games 5-6, 5-9, 5-9. Lambet expessed pleasue with his team's comeback victoy and with the play of sophomoe Whitney Shewman and senio Kaen Sapp. "'m eally pleased with those two," he said. "They did a geat job fo us defensively." Maquette, Note Dame's opponent on Satuday, had peviously fallen victim to the ish at the ACC on Octobe 3, in a 5-2, 5-6, 5-2 out. Satuday's game poved to be no diffeent see RSH, page 9 ND aises mak to 3-4 despite sloppy 2nd half By DENNS CORRGAN Spots Edito BALTMORE- This wasn't meant to be Navy's night. t was foetold befoe the game even stated. The Midshipman Bigade, numbeing 3,000 and iding 70 busses, got lost in the taffic suounding Baltimoe's Memoial Stadium. t eally neve got bette fo the Midshipmen. Note Dame put togethe a potent attack in the fist half and a lackluste pefomance in the second to dump Navy, 33-4, extending its winning steak against the academy to 23 staight games. But the dispaity between the play of the ish in the fist half and thei play in the second was, well, amazing. Conside this, the ish wee ahead, 28-0, at halftime. They had 6 fist downs, 34 yads of total offense and had not had to punt once. At the same time, the Midshipmen had a gand total of one fist down and 23 yads of offense. On its seven possessions, Navy punted six times and fumbled a seventh. But by the end of the game, Navy had accumulated 3 moe fist downs to Note Dame's six and had olled up 88 yads to Note Dame's 66. f you wee keeping scoe by halves, Navy won the second one, 4-5. All of this left ish head coach Lou Holtz less happy oveall with the win. " was quite supised how well we played the fist half on all sides of the ball," Holtz said aftewad. " was equally supised by how pooly we played in the second half. t was two diffeent halves. give Navy an awful lot of cedit. "Maybe we leaned anothe thing today in that as we went though we just did not keep the intensity and the concentation in the second half. That's my fault moe than anything else. We just didn't eally take it to them in the second half as well as we did in the fist. "(We) got down thee on the thee-yad line (at the opening of the second half) and didn't get any points out of it," continued Holtz. "The next thing you know we'e backed up inside ou 0 and things like that. Then you'e just tying to finish the football game. You just want to get it ove. "'m poud of ou football team, don't get me wong, but just know that ou playes didn't feel vey good about the way we played the second half." see MDDES, page 0 lntehall champions Faley Hall does it again By JOHN MONYAK Spots Wite The Faley Hall women's intehall football team has gotten into a nasty habit ove the last few yeas. They have gotten into the habit of winning the women's intehall football cown evey yea and leaving thei opponents to scamble fo second place. Faley showed no signs of beaking this habit last night as it downed Been-Phillips 8-8 in the women's intehall football championship game at Catie Field. t was Faley's thid consecutive intehall championship and its fouth in five yeas. Faley's latest championship didn't come without a stuggle, howeve. Been-Phillips came out stong in the fist seies and dove down to the Faley fiveyad line, much of the yadage coming on a 2-yad beakaway un by Caoline Buke which put B.P. within stiking distance. A costly penalty, howeve,, put B.P. back on the 3-yad line and allowed Faley's defense to egoup and stop B.P. on fouth down. see FARLEY, page 9 B-ball ticket distibution Today maks the fist day students may pick up thei season ticket booklets fo the 986 Note Dame basketball season. This aftenoon Note Dame senios only may puchase tickets. The schedule fo ticket distibution is as follows: Senios Junios Soph./Law/Gad students Feshmen Today Tuesday Wednesday Thusday Students who wish to puchase tickets must bing thei application, emittance and D cad to Gate 0 of the ACC between :30 p.m. and 6 p.m. on the day specified fo you class. Ticket pices ae $60 fo lowe aena and $45 fo uppe aena seating. Student basketball ticket applications have been sent out to al students with a campus o local addess. Any student who has not yet eceived his o he application, o whose pepinted application contains an eo in class status, should go to the Ticket Office on the second floo of the ACC on a day pio to the one designated fo his o he class. Students should note that th~ season ticket package does not include the opening game of the Coca-Cola NT against Westen Kentucky on Nov. 2. Tickets fo that game will go on sale at a late date. Been-Phillips quateback Amy Tede gets eady to lead the offense into the Faley defense in last night's intehall championship game at The ObseveliMichael Uy Catie Field. Faley captued its thid consecutive title, beating B.P. by a 8-8 scoe. John Monyak has details above.

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